Newspaper Page Text
? . Vi-i.. XXVI.. -V- 7.K?9. m:\v-vork. friday, may ii, waa PRICK FOI R CENTS? FROM WASHINGTON. OBI SPECIAL DISPATCHES. tOVi-ilVllltN OP THE Birt. Bill I. ii?l-B. Em |?.:!! M.niN-hiijiiuiit M?.M(.v t?- lu.' itlillil?:'"!. I him KKDLN??S 01 C0.1i(.RESS. T?.i ?'i>l-i?ttti' A)ti?rii)i)'iiiii?jn W11 Deiafe tlw Nen.'tt. BRU IE8B1 H?ATORS nu: AMH.?ioi.iTT..i: The KH'iisiii'.rtini Mm it Uu* ('(?tiiniitlec o? Fift-wi. fy-urln*. ?ii il.c lae? lij Ltan. ?.ai'diiil nuil Mn-iivr if I'fi!iis\iv_nii. Banks and ht\it* o'. Tja.xorliiiiflls Binrliam af Onii. ui?] Mton, 1IIAI?. KTKVKNi. < - 8 ?UK DEBATE. The I'lijiie Pn.jH^iiioii oilbelummitlcc Ptf-ie? lie io >?. Htm liEM\SIRA110\s AT TUL RESII.T. Hit House iitki-s i Item Till Next hiodiiv. ** WiMaaann 1-Malay, Me? UK I'UNNl.' Till T >ENAT(?K.SHIld 'lln Nd'ni'v' State ? ?i ??kt :. ??! r? vi-rt-d'il.? t?ingl... All p. ??:.-??- ??? gi ali? fal tn h?r fee the gift af r. Wadi tal Fnrtrd fltetra Waaelar HI ii. et-ejaaat- tad oil tul? lilt ib..I ? 111 in-v.-r -c.j,iii,. Muli hil,!.' ni iiui-i: ir. ( ?-L IMM ti? ii | - n .:?? iib all tapp?*, _BB_?Toa NVr.'s ?*?*_?__ Mi. N- i N-..i.i.i ti:.??hod Li? ]?>b el* aaa-nkiBg ike i ?,,Igeafi pot'tej, and af _*a__ag tiaaaea otboaa Bb i, mu.n -, j .i??i>?.Boa ? tatton aai ?peeekn befon l,i? ?;.. . i - Mt '!?.!!?. Hbaipooaw -f 11 e )h Ik-t Io ??,- "t -!,i (.iiYcniiiiO-t "l'tlircouiitry ml'? ?Im ti.iinl. l-l Ita cn. inn.-ni !_e co:il?tiy we.? i;n.ii.mweriil?le. and jiroilm d ?i deep iuipre*.?iou. The delivery "!' 'hi I i? ii- I -id.'h-iil ?peart ?t tkbjBB-Man an BMlUl -bal I i : be tata m grateful r?-c>?n?*?!?->'i.'.Kl? it naan ?n'l ?'itleii- th?* Kadicai Hat of battle. i.\'TlR>AL R??'EIIT>>. Rec??i|.ts i.i ii?, were only t"""-'.- '"? I IH? M ti -TUKK (XiJJ4XI_miiH*?CIS K.VlIdt. Al vu-Uti paled jmtetikj, Ita Beaate Coniinittee r?u I'??lunn ree :...?l,iv ?tgrci-d to report Ide liiiine ..' M finythe n> Coll?' t.?: ht X? w-York (.'?ty. When Ita S?-n.?t? went into Kiec it vu laaatea _al amlaattn ai Inn ? 1, a ithoul a divbioa, witb lut one or ino <li"?entin>r t:i- Ti:?-t.?,mm.ti,,-n ni (len. Knipe lo be Poota .?!?-. it _bmibnip waa alto continued, be beta*, ?ndornd by li.? li-inlidi; 1{. ?iii'-li? ?iii-,,t tliiit plai i-, alni int: it |.I ii .i.iiiry aaaatel NEW Atiitt. tiri. H.i:..... k - ii >,?i.!. ?hu are loaUBg breeeb-kwdiBg taa_e_M a*an liMtai la__f _j Gea Quat and fc-totarj MaDt(?B, win? are much i;.i> r?*?tetl M UM ??v'friiricntrt. The i.ew lirect li Kiale!. me al tested Wlti. irradoalty -i? aeeani akaegn ap longntaaotfi-ta ftrwim, ead tam l ailie. Hu! a ?m.ill portion of the new model? li I? >t. lit (ini ling gun, h?llt like a email (i.n lirtNl 1< ?!ay !n'f?i:e Gen. (lliiLt wilh great .-;.. EX-OOV. JOHNSTON 'Ihe ('..ultu,??>.:. Vi: o'.. ?? '*?,??'..,%? rcj.'.r'i-1 ?viv. nely tij.iii th?* aoniaatiea ->i' Wto. ?? Jo-aokn, reeoatly n??:ii:? -Btetl foi CoUeetet ,-i latona] hu.*venue tm ti.? Al ? O-nnty Dbtllet. Tkb ha? ana reported adv.-r.-ly ii|.i?ii, ? ?ii tl.t- yuin:, .? that lie ?lues not r?anle ID Ihe dum? I t?i wtin h he VII IBfJansai, and wa? not a?kctl for by Ita I?.?pie of tim! ilirttlit.. That report iBBBiei bil reject! ii EMPLOYED IN THB HEPAKTMENTB. 1__ M ttttt i-- '!.-? Baan naalatln cBiimir for laaMan t:on Buta the preced-nt? of tin* vurioti.? eui plot ni? kaiki iii laiiuiie!.!?, will .im? n BBB-BM Bl a|.|i??iiitiiicii!-'aV'-i. from the Bbtal army. CIBCl'IiAB To NATIONAL BANKS. The fi?Hewiugcircular, ?iddreued to Ita enkien "full .*s ; Bbakt vbieb hive bean detignated m publie da* jn.Miane?, w.i? to-lot issued l-y (.cn. ?Spinner, and ap l?i??vid by the serr?-t??ry o) the Treatury: SiK: Yu?, ar?- rt(._-!te.l to render to tbe Trea?'irer of the I mt.??! nutate?, timaltaneooaly ?iib trar.ti*r?iiti of ?ccounti torrent ? itatemeut thowmg ibe amount you bo.d to the credit ?f the dubnrtiag ollieer of the I'r.ited Statei arranged oud-. tbe beadl of war navy and mlicelUrnon?, gi? mg t'.e aggre? gate uf cacb clamflcaliun. and of eil the clu.-ilU-utiun. lu figure? Tbe blank ?uti used foi tbe return of Intiius! Bert nae vi ul an?wer for the r.port?. 'iheie ini-truction? ire in tended to ?upertede tb ne >f tbe Becretarvon lb?* ?atne tab.iecl, lancil under di_e?i! Jaiy II, 19?S, nu r??tnrn.? of Mat deicri;'iou bring now r?- I'Jjrcl dor tb I offi?- :. A ?tilet oonpllaBn be rapectetl. t. K, M'Innku. C18? OB lit T"? PlTMA-iThB?. Id order to r.'-rulttt? the gtBtaaafantlanaf OtlfoeiBBt? :?i ?liaburi-idg ollie.:?, aiii i?> aix-ertaiii accurately their ??bl Um l'iy:i:.i.?!-r ilenerul, at the re?|iit*?ii ol the Treamir.-r. tod.t*. is.ued a circullf ?lir-'Otiug each ??ay neater at the alan a? eraty veek k1 rejiort (o the Treaiiimr ?..f the B-?tad Stjat-r? ?iire-tt, tbe deposit balance of pul'lie ao-'-ey to Li? i redit, denigfuatinn tueh pliu;? Bf ilejxiait. IHK I'l'B-i?: Ii 'MAIf Al ?ti e?il?uct? of the e\?raor?liiiary aelivlty ?li?l?tj**l "i public ?!?>:iiatn, the Coiammioner of the tlt-aerril l_?r?t (?if - ? Malee, Mi;.?, || 'he mO?tt of April l??t, patetr- -.?r ( !:i ?-.. i . '...:ii- wen leaned lauMtatiag to f>7,0_y ut-ri- I? ? b?? ?Hme period Oregoa taaatioi latent- cov. r I .- 37 BJ ii ????? vaia ???tied. tMOBB inOY.ti.rv. J'he R?l,n .i,! I iv'-n ?di? mit m m?> r i ef ti ? .?i?h of .Nt.iuew nil Jaii>?o;i. - . . ,- i - ?! -. - |{. !,.!, dead ??iii u urn?, tbonnadi M peta ? ? ? i.s:tki? \: kTTi OB! it akka:8- AT laMMBU. A ? - - ? \ ? | m? ? ". ti f it i ! ' n ed f? r ; fudge ?-d ?;? m,.ei, !.. ,ir h (j Dinln ?t ?.tbaaaayi \\ ,.-..- .??. -, ?,. ?-. dlclUi. .I a/?,' !.. - - ? ,. | |_*_j . wbit'h h? wo.'ld | : ?I . I,.?r Daviit liol Baea la K rrf ?li to get groe? ?. J- -,, tg _aep at tL?i P"?K?. ad til ?;.??;'?? ht?l ?'.?iw?e - ??.,-, piaaaiM ?? al. hinli, 1.1 ? ? ? et ?? Mt ta , ? r . in i ? n |~nifeiriiwM w?r? |t_??od l y ti??* ? ;-?<?,!(?-a- -, ? I dbaei-Bg |e Tt'.iilitHii ?.. te. k.iy'i.Jii ! a ".ly". ' wat'-'bad for with ia i<r. ?f, na? r- -? ? I ed ? I ' gj%'.??-*_....l of lui? vole, ... M tay. were be Mu?? I l?. . i. I, s-, -,| T ',? Ui i'ii-i !?'l J. .jv ?t. The gee ' ???' ? t ? f ?' * ?'' ????'?-n -f * oint ? ? i?. ? * ? , ? ii lain ly,lal ?Of the oj.;. ?? Loi ?I ?? (. 'iiiiie?t, vaa verv hr B-dbe?.'- I 1/taalkU.XXXIXl I gr*?a !<?< taral asi> lim (raBAVmif min' lut *y . ?;.?et of ?li. s. } >.? I ?.. I.I.I?. g11..-g f^gn_-_! mu?-,?.? u.?ki ?i. Nta _-,ik, n.'.d |-U'? ? " eil ? thrmiitii ai act of C : ' v c dingly .ililli., i? m the Beaati mtriaj (TiiVKRNMKNT PRlNTIN?l. ii- triatenof Tht Olaat JaBiiilug ?pill i the le] - tl.iv I;,, ,,ml fat tl.i: I Of tin ] ' I : l I . ? >] the dobatee. hare ratted the (.ii. 11" 90 i ? ati.? i tay la the poblle. The G-srernaaenl ni I iBcsr aal-nat? ? ti ?it it ?-nii ha (? n nii'iii oti.i!? tot hStfiB? ja.? aiiiiniii. a .1 ? iinif. A? ti. ?? ? ii?., of Um im1"? l" ? 01 Ii.n I - BO? In Til' ll.til it, h.? AaeataM Pssb \v*?i? N..J.IV Then in? Ms? I PABBOn i?sri.i>. Wan loa were etaatai bj the 1 t to be i?.nil tn-.l,it- to tno dttaeaa nf Texas, t--??? o? Alabama, ,i!i?i ?'in- .-i \ i r ?_-111 -, m . node! iii?* 13th ,'X, ept? ? . An ? 'i. r im?, lui'.; -?..-..,..i i,v ?i;,. presideni directing ptidoni le be li...le .'1.1 I 1 || N(,:l|, ( nilli ni,ni?.. KI. ITItN OP THE HP \TSRS. i a United Stein ahna-nni Btratara bai retam?d from , her eira I nii ?tal1 riii-cit foal BlOBthl ill ti e Wet! lmln ?, , baring been urdeeed thither by the Kar? _?*p_rtment, fot ? du- pt-ciical in?ttroctloii ?,f i"-.' midshipinen of thi ? ?ii g, POBI ?'1 tlilill Well' |l! I ' i ? ? ? ,r:'?' tit tie ii- n_\ the ?cc?."(1 squad b .1 c1 art? of ti ?? i ? gil ?' ?uri its depend? m iea, tad ihe third iqnad bad . of The !? Hen, Bree, and -ou-bniiki rs, < '.?11,111,11.?li r Jeff? r? soi , ni his report, Mya lhet soo? a? quirted such proflcic kal dling .1 the ei pine and km wledge .,t the mnseV lifficultii s lui t -.' it', in the lum.ii?1 - , 1.1 tit ni' n i|uK-?-norlin.)? engine, m.d the remetties tu im applied, (bal it i?.i- rere i ibey oreasioa lo aend foi i hi i aginen la noi : !!,( in. It is _ut, lu- says, possible oi d< - : ht h narai ofieei to beeotna ta enrinee. wit boni . 'ii-gletrtn i m partant Balta of hit profaning i ? I ' i? .ir id; within his t .i-i i is. with hil general adentiflc , i education, t. run. ,t ci*rt.i,ii ii'in'iiiit ?.! p-iii , in". II.- lim.k? ii highly ne-taasary thal nil nidahi].? ? Madwingeagi.ring should be attacked lo Ii?l-P-Wert rs, where some diflitniltiei petsnliaritiei , : tn lies-loped bondi-. Hi-?iiss, tin so.iii?.'-.?i-inli'iiii'ii bare | shenra e owaaiilalile ittaji.? ol d?termination, seal and ? I ntl*reel in can. na oui tha rtens of the Da*per_Benl ' i.i.'l.r tbe aomewkal 11 >' i ??r ?rciiiii-t.i: ? i - ,,f s cr,,inlet ' ,1 llti? alii j? li"ii it al.?i i'.'-tuiitiv ntiil-r in a hot climate, rbe ittBtroctiixn initialed by the ?? -i.iiy of the Ntvj i h- beeome aeeessety, o? agio the inbstitutiou of stenaenfora . rtnols. MsI'lNslON di ?niSi \ . 'I in-Si-cri'trtiv ol'the lnieriot hal ?iir.c-'d the aanpen. . ertaio wagon roads in Un .en I di- ii, ib? ihe ret itmmendation of E. H. Taylor. Samuel B. Cartis?,A. H. RiWey, and Henry X. ,' Reed, Commit ?- ?pointed lo treal with the boatile : Indians of ibe Upper Mi-kini lan Antamn In their ? ? would be highly impolitic and dangero-s to j anneen? turf !.<i itarreya of nnitn through the roantrr . .ti.. '?ii.-j l?y t_t* Fil.'ii '? i-.f?. ?j] iSiooi 1 d li '?? '?:?.? :_?. T.i i.-.i'i.,Ho" .-?>?? t.-snj.l ne. 1 is idi l!,i- banda Slid til' w di .?- d ii-" iilr-iuls .u,i,in.'?.ii I,?',- lu'i'ii iT.llv ,- .h . pitted, and the enanities nnder Ihe Utter fully ptM ia it??. ilntci. There is r? serious doubt on the pan a ihe sarape* hereti rbr? hi Mile u? lo the s-r? .?t faith of the ??"S'?:i'-:_?. i;t toward then, ead ii ia. ti 1. de? ' diable that the treitticaalready made he ratified, ana -, imnesties pr..vid?'?i peid to the nren] L'tiit-o ?iib Un lea-t pinetknble delay. dis. ont?xi'ani e cr srnsiKiE?. Aiitlii-ii! h information im? been peesirsa] i hat Ihe 1,1-ri men! hi*? iiiitilicd the Canard i ?mpanyol the ter I i r mail i baidy when tha i eaenl ? expire, ti _tyeer, T_epoH??y of dieron! g -' ly grants for Ihe trtne-Atltntic mtil aerricc, ' ander which t system ol monopolies wu granted to certain , ?!. ,iin?h;?i unis, and of establishing a self-tast ? ?i ' ,n, service on th?hai sol pirtlngetaraiagt. inangnreted by the l'?-t-ntlii(i I?. t'iirtiiicTit oi i! iseonatry, and ? ly defended ana mniatfdned bj ftwtmaeter?Gea< - -Ti in lu? tdminittiition of the Departnent, is ibu? rontmrred i-i by the British Goren-Beat. Tbisinb li? geaee trill be gratifying to roirts-pondenta i?n beth side? ? ?i ni' Allai ? ?'. i nat mot li ia tha hean snbeidTpaid by the Qorernmenl t" the Cuaaid ime of pnehetehei ii?'"i' Um chin o!i?tiic!c i?, the intabli-banai reiiuiiil ralea of potlege betnyeea Tins euaatry uti lbs i": ted k .,! ,:i, ,i.,i ;.m,tims beyond -Bing the Brit ib meant ol emveyanee. I? will alto Mreugtl,i I'..?iii sa i 'ii t" tin? varmii? ?]?? c Lit vc lobbring srhemes i'-r i ? - .<. 1 lahaidlea, which ?re being preaaad apos ibe r??uti?-mti<n nf Cemigram bj ?uir lies de-.riiii.1 DioBopoh granta to eattbUafa Meamabip I:.?'? to ??arepe. The p ib] i sy i on li ok I'rward t?? ?ii early ??i international poetegn to Karopetn State?, : ??Totattd m the ian ?unual npotl >,i iii. r<'.?tui?-u. ? ?? itali i'Ri.i KRD1N?.8 tit IHK TIOt'SF.. I ie gtlleriet of the Bornea o? Htpieeeantitni vera am ?o w. n - I to-d | ,i- !,, i'tT'it'.rc ..i, iijiirisi.ii|t eecaatons, '.ot uior?' iiisii two-thirdt of tht nata Beingonapted. Bane tf iht Otnnett etna Jaka tan bun daring tin- ero "--"! Ibe d?bete ?hieb stn? of a mirited db-metn. A Bunborof the Kepab4i?-?B Bnnkin, it tha tr?pportni iltj ; scented, would hate rated to strias ?>i.t Um ; -e, tu?-, of iii" ( onstitntional anBiadnent wu, li Ha -.?until .tills- I, l-t.ll, nil [i.-rsmi? (the vn/int inly adln-n-d t ? th?' lil- Ki I.? Hi.?ii, i?iviii?.' it ?ni end (V-inl-'Tt bnt this pritilegc wat an enorded. tht ntin (|i?>?ti.,ii hating !ii-"ii ordered bj a iiiiij?.nty of Arc ?vi-! the aid of Deato-tatic r?ti I ireau?ted in cutt ina off an efforts to aasend and Ihea the Ht-nn ??? broagbl io u ? .li.ii* rote ..h tht entire ConstitntioDal aaaeDdmeal re? ' utxted ?min the l(.-i on ?ti in don Cominiltoe, w lea ali lha Republicans, ibc1im__g Mi. Uayntnd,Mosolidated, tener? m.-to tin* Htiit-t.iiiiK-Lt lu?.:?1 "ttiiiTi tlircn-toiirdis ??t tim un mu? ra fating. MR. SKWARD. 1 The t-iiiium fron llarriabnrg the! Reeretary Bewi i passed through that i itj yesterdty ? a root? for Kew.Terk, . :? i ?. The Bn latan vis- ie W/tthiagl ti yeett'iday, ut the Hiato l>?-j>..r.m.-ur n usual. INIHSX TR?ATY. I,., President has atntleined Iht Unaly ncenUj Dago vutl. the Boto Vooi bead .?t Chippewa Inditna, by whii ti ib'-y eade to the United Btatn an the landa !n i?-'?' !.i!i ('i.iiini-ii by ttii'in, and ni"!?' )'s|?i'i-i.iliy iliHt pert len "t their territory el ead near -eke Veniil-on, aaaiaeartn. don. I im iliiinaneiit, la eoaaideratioa oi impori n*?-i"ii will gita d,lin lead elsewhere, .lud ptotida t'"r tlicn il'illiestii't??l_l'?iit. _ XXXLViH CONGRESS. I'lJtST SKSSIO.N. sI.N'A'JK_WAtaaaahTOm, May l'J. I-".. i.RADK Ol' VICK-SDMI KAL. (?II Illili mil (?t Mr. liKlkllS, till- llnllsii li,li to llllllsilll UM tot aetabUahing the grade ??f Vu- Adunnl La tht- Katy vi?? tiik'Ti up und peaaed. I- iiutliori/?? the Vii c-Adruiritl io employ t? Bi-r-ta*. ' witb tli?1 )?iy an?! muk ?d Lieutenant. (?OVK?NXKVI trOBU ST HARPKR'.?t PBB-T. Mi. W'ili.ey offered i reeolatioa celling opoa the Sec rotary nf War inr iutbrantloa aa to tha iatentioaa of iii? Oorerantnt in itanud t" tht pnblie works at Harper s K?rr.'i wbetbei it is tin- kstcatl-n to maaka the moan?ta? ture of ?rii!? lhere; if _ot,wheth r ihe buildings and | gltMs-daOOfbl lint lo In1 ?"Id. nkvs OO-BA0B. sir. shikma.n c.ili-d op the MU toaa-hetin theeeiaafi i ..i tr.c ? eal pieeea, ? _k h was |>ttp.?ci. IMPORTtD iaTTI.K. p|f. B__aa_rnnn enued np the Henea bill to tannaan na udtuli reui duty ol'-.i) p*r Cuiit on _11 caiik- iui?.'jrlt-tl fron lori'i.ti (ouiitri' 4. Mi -D-xratM (iiT?T??ii mi aaaaadnnnl a-e_ipt?a| inmi ihe ppot-?oaa nf the bill cattle ann onaed by rltlaaaa of j ihe I'mted i*j?iti(*? m th?1 Bn!i?t. l'r.vTii. ?,, protided Uwy be iui|por!?(l nrithia lea day?. Tha amendment mi? ? ,idt?ptpii, hik! iii? lull rnpaated. it tmu gam bael t" i tie __N_e t"r?. ?. iiT'eDsc lu tin1 ii_it'ij.?i_i'i.t. CIIOLhKA. Mr. C__jtacaa aalled up the jeiat i-sptlnttea la appvraal li. mtrodtK ti.?:i nf ? h'.'.'-rj Mr. Obisiem'ooV ib?* ili'T m oiliio-itiou. 11" dtnied tint ibe Medie?! A??o -tattioa reeentfy a?s?_il)k*d in linl'i nore ?leaired the penna?) of thia neaaiitt, and red h i i t.*r from one ol lh I lu'-uibitrs ol' UM As???? latioB to ?u?t.i,n M itloll. *i I'nLAsn?ffered in itneadmeal inthoriaiog,insteed 1 of directing, ti ?? li?eci-tarin of the Ktry, ??( War, and ef 1 the Treaturj, to use iht meant .it ilu-ir disp nal foi Ibe >?? tabl ihmentol s quatrantine. Mr. llAiTii? ?i','-"! tha i.i"'-.,". li- ??'nil in; s.-. ' vr'i.rc d.?1 "I'-'.v me from to oaas it. He had tried te ; in,o anlbority in the Constitution lor ii bat eonld net. It ?v.i? irne thal ??: ? M-w-Yorb phyaieisnt _?dr-com? , tii'-i, l'sl i? i im: du? "??'? I?*-' Mise ii" preeenl quarantine \ mi it ii.i-, ? nuld ii ' "!i ",'i employment to all tha : ti' eton T.i >v a ? ?re I-f onl vtatod i Mr. Kout ana ip nail I???? ? "d the propositirji iiifai POBT-OtTI?-! A-t*_OI_-ATlOa IULI,. I ? ;i."r;i,.i_ ?,,i'i. bat lu expirad, tha l* trli.-.? Bp? pr ii'iutioii bill warn taken np the pending qnenttna bel g .-: .Mr Traml Mi Ny rat imed tv"' S ?oi ?ne- atinusti ?n of hil ?pee, h eui .'?I i-stei'iiv. II - said t.. it ?? that tim Presiden) : HiTnti' ??? I'litt'irm. or bia posit i ,u ?sa i ? " ' I ?'>' *,r- Doolittlo yeatertUy. B of Mr. Johnsou ?n uceptinii the iintu'iiiiii m. irait ' -r?--1 ?.. tht nar. why I? t Mr. I*?., ? ill? ?? Hiern forward ifter tht i om? ' mu di - it! :i- '"?>?> ' ,:| '?:i -??i bad bean departed tram. Mr, .1 ?:? son bivi th? , led ihst trail ?? 1 I "-.? i to -1 ? ' - - tod ' ? ? ?. ...?\ li .1 it be . i tia it tio-v btdtioee ? .'..irfi iT'iiteiTidi'T? iti.'tit i ? ' ? mp Bed, I greetoi miraele diiiii P ? ;?, formed. Mr. Johi vu ! - ? a - i tint Hi,-,? atttti ??" ' igi. i ?????!" "id. ni ss . ii ..-iVmi bad ? ? I. ? I l' i ?? ? ? .: f Alai vi i i Keb I : ?* ' * ? ??i '?.lh pfBtt ::'??'d I.T ?hw. <?' ' lim." bad ooma or?r ' tny ?..luv''' Ho 'Nye; btriped I thal neen?. Dooliltlt aw Cowan nenld be able to eaplaia i I :t. Tin-s.i-1 .ii,.r tumi KeatBaky .iinvi?, kad ?uni tiwi d ' ?i? were Ptsvtidenl i.n wo? | ,,. ii ,. ii i:.? u cam t ( aagrtn* Bl i ?( ? i It?' lin (s )??! I. : ? I- ..- ibe , [ | lr, li Nr i ? .ha not ? :. ?- lentiinenlt Mr. Ii ' ? ;? ka bad -.-i i. th?m la e*tetj aewapap? and ia aevapapen ii tbierity. li ita! in - --ine. let it ? onie, :>i .I the purple wul lettie ibe an? it?n ? .-it it. Then tnlton tanti ntl r. nid the ?Preudi ol in that?peech,aad lae ?irk .- iBoapkaaaa. Ulta ?ort I: ul beea aoae II bad Bal attnwted mueh notice? The ? .ti vu M li .n our bandi?, and ibe PRtideai 'to-.di not d< r. ( oOBTen Would. t nu t.r? IiikI be? :? J? ii.i.l.i-'l Of ti ?m*. 11 ?-li. ii. a? M.-, JobBBoe ml. -?-?I ,11 bia ?aakville rp?.i h. Why bad kb prom to art boee kept! i I ?? v .-. ? ? t nu eaie-, end l I bim abo mide It gaurw-r. It ?m? due t ? trie kryal ? ?'?.i?'? ?.i Ita s ?ti ti...t .t I..- f:.lulled. Mr. Nye next rrviewed lb preeaienof ita Fini?oat te tbe eolored people ??! Tcnnenee, Row bad they hei-n l ?.I' Hy th.. vit,.?.!'I!:.- ! ?! .!. d'? II reta W11. That ceto had awaked the admI - of the D li? party, a d joined ita leaatoi firtaa I? i.i a .:<? with tin* s m it? r ti'itu \\ -?.?:- -i the 8en< ' I'. ::.?;. I'.im'i ( ona! id ?wee: ( i-ntii'ii.ioii. T'.i- ?,i- Ita tit-t iii.irkiil (I?m,ii :??n ! t h? Preaident'i promitee. It we? followed m ?.i iflet by ita reto of the Ciril Righto bin. Then ni tit had lu cn ?inh rejoicing ::i Ih Bee the monking ?tur- nue to?ethei ..*? ti.? re wot --??-r the penageoftta ('?ni iiight- bllL li veaM Maad a? I liiatiug monnnenl io ti.?- glory ?>f Coagwnv? I ? bailed it ii?, mi iii.:.?i li? - ::.?-i.t of the I lud piirpti?,i??.f the Aiiiiric.iii Congre?? The 8e*diii?.r li'iiii Kci.tdiky , ll.ivi? h.ul adv.?ed t!;t? !*'??? .?t- t.* to pnf i Coagren not It woaM aerer go oal latil b Coi e'l1 l?.f:ii ( \|.ire.l, ttilil win Ii it Ui'd* nut :li eV-'lT i.i-?-. t,.!>??? who were trae andfi thfhl would mein the iiidor-i uii't.i of toitiit',:! ronititaencln "f "Well dime, /??'??1.1-ni faithful si'itiidt. ' Speaking ol the lYeeident'i -i ?. ' h d' ti?brnaiy 'J'.'. Mr. ?tye ?.ml, la tin? birthdei 'I BM Ita Wttb ol -??III? !l ::l* ttnngl I 1- J"1 t ?? e Preaideat *'I am for the I'?., a." li.*- gi ?I. ?I...'?'. t? nye."forprenrvlng?illtb? 81 In **?> am | I. " I am for admitting loto lb? eouncibul Ita aation .t',1 ' 11.?- I t-pi? -? din! 'te- u ho arc ? it. iii: ?tilka ly lad iiii'|:u ?ti??:: a ly kirai s?i,mi i. ?? it,?- maa, aayi Uria afweeh, ?? who .k kimtiieilpii nil?.-.'linn c t?. tin* (?ovi ruinent, uki -?.??- to support Ita ( Mugil .?ii'iii ?.iisit iii-?'efu?arii.t bl I? yal.' linn bItaIwafcle. There i Ibembekief. A? ' a priijMisii on I dea* it. ?baekii ri?dge ?tool Ibe oath wkib | I'.-i: in- black bbkefl an amohleriag in bb heart. Ita Prit ,]??? l ?.I ike late ('out'? iler.i? v lui? I t.iki-ii Hu? a.m.e ??...'h ???cr ?uni o ??r agaia Wigi.iii aad takea it. oVrc tkey |. ; al ' si,-, 1 deny the propogitioa that ?weariaa Balk? ? ? a .m ?o.iai '1 hen I?!?-!??-:?- ure t ommittod doul w ? Tnbey have n"i oah ?worn le npporl t ?? Government t?itt another, end they han- broken F : . Mi Nvi trad ferttai ir.'iu Ibe Prei lent1? ipeeekto ?boa tmtt bi like I'n-ul- ? an i t ii ? i ??? lb r-, the teal oath. Ben the rolf i.ima imputable ben be ; ?art part with ita I'r?-?-i ?? i.t tare be N ? i..-!?top. [AppboM in the ?nJleriea.j II? aenr *Jtndd ?real to .ullin! a Mugil* one at then Rebel?; hew? . ! PI I ?' ' iwet ?..r ni t',, ?u '.?-..,-. ; day, ii? ,;i,i _ol v the example o? th? buibai aman who t.? k a taman ( '? parki ml to In? lu.-??iii and arai bittea todeetb foi bia kind mea. ?Apttaan ia the mllcrle??.] in .: te .-- da- Mat? night?, Mp, V.. wat laten ipted bj Mp. (??WAV afee ???.ii. "What Miiie righi un ratio] peal-tar Ur. Ntb- Sei -? Ml. CoWaS?I lucan ?-????pt S"(?-si? li. Mi. N .K--I .nu .,p|?i?? ,11,,. ii Mato richie ti li barmonyof ?he Oaaenl?QlarernmenL [Appbnae lathe ?jullurin | Wh ti Rute righb an : on a. turn ? i ' Mr. ? hw in?All ol thrm. Mr Uti I thought io; karlading Beeenioi Mr. Cow in? Bec -.?ion _ n-,| a Mot?, right. Mi. N \ y., in io;i?-lii-i":i. appealed lo Ihe Meante lo atarnl i, aad - -? t-? it thal t,',? ;?? eoaM M bo reearrea? i ??! ita llch,-?hoi, that what an deae an well doae lu the n nu?, ot ita uniii'.riai ii? ?ni ,m,i th?- mended ?mug, be *t? l thi?. BeyoBd Ihe avare aa ?hel. anet an arm] --i ?|??<i.(Kui dead that will t.ei.-i igain ana? til on 'i.iii.. I? it Mr...n tin ti.ivot ,iiiii?i,.,iit.tkey ?-iii beihniid lu their name, b] theil uiemnr, bj Ita imauM??I -l-.rh iIh-iI .n;.I lim Ihn livra, I demand thal C di aay dapartmeat of the Got? ti ill tread eta pim tkki ?rrt-Hi ?or* ?,! re? onitroctiou. Apgtaan ?t the gauerin.] Mr. lti.ii in 11 mid the!be tool of loyal :..? n vho b I ii ear. li.- bee -t.-od o.i r tin- gran of ! , ,-,??,. r girt oret Ibb it rugate nntil the i?'? ' ? I - , oin! tin* I'i.iiiti nMond, He I I madi .,' -p.-i-( taa id Ita ?attie vein n? Mr. S .. whib ita I oiri!n Was || a ?tate of nar, ami Wk*B it wa? iierenarr t.. ?! ? . ??nutr? for ita atan "fi.niiii-. Bat did Dot ita Sea Btorftan ???vada Sye raengab* the dig?.roan betwtne i'i< ninl faurr ' waeian aavai peace ?. i ribnMen Mill gootimith aneetaa to ?rage air! N rim pie of -t. t.--liialisl::p o; i !.. -Lodi:-. WOtild iis'.fy it. Then WW !i"ti.i:.glak^aarnmaaWp? chnetbaiiy to Jeal ryaeptril ??1 unrelentini rengence lowan! ita B? l?.?po TI.i y had all? ad.? !? cn punish?--! eooeak t" ?oti-fy ti.?- <l? - uiiiiid? "I t> a? la ?lieu. I'liHt tin-!?' kit?- lue' in. u lum. ??t'.ra.-rtli: . it pall -'-no i.t st:? Bid ? ? ?? ? ?'< d ml !?:?!. ? -I-- ihl H >? ina' > ni'-n '!:?1 ti a S?? from Kevan and Ikon eta acted nth bim vbh to hang I A ???:??? per?c( uti?.n hail id ti r han attente-, i ?r? iba?pen - i uti?.t,- would ?it rfi ????:, ih. -?? ?!.o w? re lo ,,'l?--t in (tail ? '.??ii.ui..'-i, r,r?-!ril.i,tion. ?Thal Lad tbe Pr??ai?antduaal M Hat he i Hi iii?? pii-.iin-i? mill? (?iwi-r ?l-l." * ' L'ommander-in-rbief of the \ r-i. \ I Wm lhere a maa? . -ii.-il-.-ii :--.iii.i t , :,,!-,, ate the ttaotinfof Jaffanou Dan? mu,?mt in.i ( Theakoa were tkey to be tried Tke8e pn BM Co ,t! iii-d ?l"? lead 'hit Ikei ? - nid ii"t i?e tttad hy milltery commiiaioa --r c?mrt.m>anial. Tkey anta ka ka* ?iii ted, eitaiaaed. aad tried m otkn ana waliiod. li?* would aal Mi N?>? boa? maa] be veald My, aad bwtal aay, wtatk? r i?v a talitaiy eonminton "r by a eoart f Mr Ntb?Do poa aw I u aaewei to thal ?_n?--1??a ' Mr. I>. (ii.iitl'i I la. Mr. N, i li the ?jaB-lOP will | v.- u.o ,, d,.y or two to maha irai uii?t?i ti.c u.c. I woild ban haag*, I aiB ae Mp. Deo-iii-B Bal ?i???ut how maay would jrae hat g1 Mr. Mai Weil m itratan I win aaawa* Uni I ??.ill M-geooagh loamke It-anBOB-on 'lo mata goad that aaaertijon by the fnaidaal Mr. lii.ii.mi.? ?Ho? naay, li Ita eplBiei -t Ita ^ciia loi, w o ??.ut lo lo ?hal ,' Mi. Ml K? Kim ??r MX. Mr. DOOUTTtB?Ia vthal Be? wm ?I JW? try t!n*ni?t?y renrt martial or hy Mi U couti ' Mr. Mia-?' will ijuwartkai laeetiai ?n tw?? wa?*. Mr. IliaililTllR I ** ant u diret-l anea ??r. ?Ir. MTB?I woulil not have kept Davit ?o l-.l.g I ???Ulli hm?, haag til?n ta I taOae tfaan af tin? grand ru,on aiii.ii-, van Itay wen talia _a_Betad ratant Koa I npajen, I woald tri kim by lu?. Mr. ?DrauTTU ?"?'I tim l*i*ai-*ei wn- .-?.?t neponaibb the del?* in ih? tri ii of lia? i?. It w ia admitted th?1 n ('?.uri Mort al n.i? ii"t Ita proper, nu.I tin* Jadgeoi th- propei eaarl hal rafuaad n far to by him. He (Doolittb), ana tirc?l ??f Ikii Mann arataM tin- PreM dent for not bringing DavU tojuetiee. lae Preeidaat, to , Ita aier? In ->i the pardeniag |Mi?-cr, had daaa vkel ?t w.i? mi-...-?iiiio for linn t-? bara iratded. Then a ?a u-> Iriknaal befcn wiiicii the I ?? --I .?-Ia* of th.- .V.iilh to..l,l it tri-'il. A- lor Ita tiuil of ?en. I.e.?, it tva? ?ill known that Ho:., (?rant hid -purtii-d Ita bWB ?.f mu h.? thmg m bag le ta Let otayed ita term elf H'HT''iider. Mr? Mye hat taked waen wa? clement C. ('lav. b* war ol' eaatnig a ?'urina uti iii the 1 ?r.-ni?l.-nr. H.?'.l)o'oiitili-i would point him totee lettap M aapeel for kb pileeea writtra hy Mr. Wii-on. Mr. Doolittle eaU there ????re two wing? ?.f oppoaitioB I? Iii" Kipllhllcatl patty?oin? the .iiffragc parly, led hy Mr. Suui uer; another the eOBBBcaUoa parly, led hy Mr. sii'iei.? ??f l'ciniai han, i. Thara wnilao, ta mUm ?av, Ita baagini patty, led by Mr. Bye, ami lae mu renal* imanty In ratnm frr aniTtraal laiTagi party, led hy Mr. Si??-?aft. ' Mlligl?. ii..Iigl.- Bl til.? ii, i y lil M n|,,;,t. aid gray ' Mr. S? MNiB- White ??uri1? aud _r.?y. You ire wrong m tour S!iake?|i??ar". Sir. ( <>wAN? There it no trluto ?pint? in it. Mi. lioiiiniiTi.E?Watt, Ita l*eaattn mil g< t ii rurlit. Mr. DaatPrna next took uji the naanaa if Ktate right?, alleged that lu? wa.? foi di-fcinling tin? right? of Stat.?- fr?i:n luaiduoua aggrcAriioaa Of Congre??. It vin? not a right ol'the Ktate to ?ecedo. hut it na? one of their | riL'lit? to ilefen-1 nd control their ?lomcatic attain The party oiipoteii la than righb weald meet ita into of the I ol?| Keileral pally. Magnnuiunty to ii tallen Ma wa? ?li ructeil !iv ?????rv i o: Hiiter.ition of Cliri-iiauity alni every teaching ?it histor.). 1 lu? stmtbern [Mmple. ?mc?- the el?->ae af the wer, had ketaead peeonaty aamaraB. The eomli tmiis oi th.? p.inlon grani-d !?y the PteeideBt merl mpli ami mil. I'd- ekerge waa aot ttao that ike Prerideal or bia MiTmorten were In favor ol idmittini H.-hi-N lo the eoum ile ni lu? .Nation. I1 ?'as all iiif.imou? I'ti.-cli"?? I. The l'r?si?lcit uni I??? Ineu-I? m Coiiirre-H only inain lained that each Hoon for itoelf wn Ih? |udgeof tbe qualification of Ita owl tamben. He (Doolittle) main Laiaed i ?al Deleitar the l*reaidaal nor ita tapanna Court b? ?I an] righi t?? nj who -'??? ? ? ei itaaM nor ta admitted lo the &? Mr. Mii.sB1 at la ?h the tan a- id.? etmeluioi f-r Mr. I? - ttle'i ?:.???-ti. It wee Me Intention, ne eeM, te reply lo toma oi um i ?i,.ni.? -t Mi. Nye? Thal g-ntleiu-i wa- , i...': bb aeat bo?.r. Ha wee not a ?jairt- o- ??. bat ? iib be ba I heir I of m? ? ikoettag t?ird? ?-i? Ih ring, h ? had nei-r; !... r | ,| them ihootiBg at a b?: ! '!:. ' fa? --U' ' of right. Ila, itanfera, wall taff io it.? Carion. a:i I aal ul.lrei? td" .v-iiBte now Mr l! .'.v ian ??!?? lined ita ti *?>r, b l field ? ! lo ? moiloa l-i go ill' ? I..'I, ive -???-.'?!!. aftor ii i lit-- Min Di'-s.??:). Ita iraaM aaji ? HOUfth, OF BEPIESRXTATIVR8. -.1. /. |j ii : Uu ?- adii ; -' i_t Jo iraal, ita li ? reaamed ita eeeeUerailoa .?i i!IK C .SsTITfTloNAI, IMBIPMUf nported by the R ?? ni lion Committee. Mr KiNDiM. (Pb.1 .i.I|i.??...?1 li, II?.ii?- in opporitififl i,, o- .:" II wine l tim: ita ? ?red ice ti Ita a wer allowed to i, -, :pi !.. ime po.itiou ,i* | bar tttd la hie own Itote; tal, ulta wa? not wIUIbi thal me Oaaenl Otaarnmenl ?li--.;..I Intel ? ' matter in Penntylvtma, seither waa I ' -' " ?lioiiUl id'eiii-r.? with it in ii.?- South. Th ? i bj ?' -- and mimili of ih" third -""?":? h-nl I -.?ii -? r *.? ?r . -.-I I? et pond I?.?' geatlemen oa the R<*nib>llean tide, Ibu he ? |. eiii'-il it unnecenarr t-i ni a:;.:i.,.,j about it lur'hcr lhaa to eipran hi* baliel thal the iatcatiou wa? lo praraal ih?- ;. -??id .rv oi ant > Hiern State voting fir the n. ';. Al i ?-...!?. i - ? : tina ? and .!?;..' . liMikn ?-? . - . .. ?* 1" ! ll.C 1? d. li..- I*.? ' i.l ni an ' ?? ? ? ': r. waa atain aud i n?, e* I ? ' ??i-ct-.iiti. and, as be believed? keeeptahh to the vast ' <<nty <.f the people, North an?I Roath. Tli?- leane beirvten the Pi-r?aeni ami Congre?* was nada i p aad Un ' must be mad? t?? the p?1? pi" Be believed thal notfcing could .iscrt the ?peedy j??>ses?ion of the legisln 1 ihn brt'.ch ?>f the Ootarnannt hy the Oaneerratire 1MB ol th.- (??murry timlcr Um had ? f Andrew Ji L:,?,,ii. "??r. 81B1.C8E d'?. followed oa the aaaMatna. Hean ii red that th?- Constitution w.n uerer Intended tobe pleattred and patched, and thal Congnrn should be e_ ( eedlngly cantioas tbonl tampering t ita it. .VIhdv RepabUena ataanban i?-ii % pAharei na*ne*an : 1.r? ii^.K.m ihe hu!! tod pnying no attention to the re? marks of the geattente (Mr. Btiunnl who had Uti H. mr, Mr. LsBuoxni (?hi.' nade a point of order thal ii m r.. 111, ,,id?T ?'or the n.? Bbna "i '? this baranniona party ' ; bateeenent meetings dering the Benton of the Bonn lh- mt luigi gcnd humoredly ta-tateed the point of order. 1 .? graape then se| anted ar retired te the e?ta-h*inot_l m ii Mr. MKDt-sn pro, reded witt and finished hit n marka. Mr. h.vk I - 1 ?tin nextapeexher? *fr regarded this aa tin moil .tnportant qneetion that could l?. ppe? ???: -ni',1 I ,,!i.ieM-,,r tile ooiintry. He believed tha? t'ie ofganlaalMn ti the goternani t? la the insurgent s- it.? .? di '?? In--uf'ly in.'.di by e_beling a change in tha beata ef political soeh?ty. Da did uot entere m tin oretiau, constitutional or stat iit'ory provisions, or anything that Itfi tlio !ii?i? 1 f [lo'itiiil s. 1 lily in the Boothera S! des .111 ?1 BO ! Tli.Tt left l!.c 1 ?u li,les uf tin- ('?'Ui.trs ifl ,1 ( 0 . dilles lo reaen the vi ,r. Thaanfon bo pr?position met bis sjiprt Tul whii li did iot niloc t a r.nlii li? baue in the Usis (ifrs.,?ni, ni s,? i,ty m'i, I. ,t li- did no1 (Xpetit Hil- li" .?i tn ,,, ,,? l ?ii? o) liions, Imr Vi?) lid lie III ? ? . tht riet of bis own. Be bed an doabt that the (toremneai ?>f tm* tinted stn?e? hu,I full anthority tn ex? | teni th? ? b'ctisc friiiic*iis<- to the col? ?reI people of the bm ! 1 did :.. t think H bad Un penen. Tha pub] opinion of Um rarintiy we? tneh at thi? moment .1? ,) m.i-i it*.' ile, thaw fore, thought , It ? Bl on tht part if li e I'onriiif.i' on Kctoh- , ?ii to waive that maller in iii ?.nure to public . ?. ? ia. While li* deeuie?l tlie prori?ioii in regard t" ' rtr-j. . -ta-ntHtifiti ?'|Ui'hUi*. Iii- :i.I not ihiiilt it Important In ? jndgment H ?vu? .,? ?..?> const i i? :.< whether ite Bene] had SO oi 58 representatj ? m ti ? lien?.*. Tht si'titl.erii |aup!,' siiiciiiod by totea theil pililo?' 1 Li sm.? t'rec?tht ir prectienaraa i iice theil '1 ?.??.- :'. re, Whcth.r tin or nany, they nonld bart ponai whererer tkeywen rtnond. while, Uiere* j 'o re ie . eerfnUj lo the pwpoeitlon wit- no aer? ? ?I |,iini-i-i!ot" it did not nan to neel the question ; .it -? e. Be ;p|ii"V. I thi pt '-' "ii to df-rrtneniae (hi - ? f the ? ?.ii' in Ile ino igfai n righi m principie ind .,?, e-irv ,1 tbit time. Be did not can mm h - . if ihe iiTintlii-i ??. thi ii' aro wat r ? : v i? h 1 ' although he waa in fororol it. He bad Doaifl 1 _liy in regard io ibe in ?, ?? ; di? fiun' hieing dlsli val men, who baa come withio the temi ?I th" An.11? -ti P. ' . . lion, !' r be held thal m .dl the nations ?nd military ? ?mti r me? tha i?l?-a of igbta vs.? c.,1.!,,:?. ,_ ; ..r 1? I ii-.iiti?t. II?- ?'?d not egret viit'i the* gi itlemtn from Ohio [Mr. I) uto the impr .ck ability oi tnf-reiaa dmraa .-..i, ni r ili.l be apprt ben I d ?? p i? ellon tn the pro? pneed emend meut. There wen twenty-Bra Btetn repre? ledi lb1 Roan, ind two atore w?inld gire the umber ?? lu *,ln?,' tin- COB?tl'lllioiial Allli'lullllcllt. Ile ? bal i' '-???? todAtktnenntraldretlfyit,ead ? ? : I girt Um nenistte atnhn ?>f vote?, if tin* _t_aada at wee to i"- entelad al all li woaM li ? detrBted by !<?? lui in .m or Depaoeratie State?] H aroald nat bade Iratedby eny of the laaurgenl .s'a!..?, li w.h tot true *( alae loatha at tay laek langi arapartkn .?f tha ?ottthera people wera ?nenin t.. tke flare rnnent tht coitim. 11?.??pie .?f th. Kouth would iiliitu.iti'ir be fonad ?m ?.; '.. ti,!? st ind beal f..? iiii-t ol die Qoternnnil ile iii.'ii.iit linn Bwitaartend. Un nient Oesyetnaaenlef -urep**, had giren ? good itaana oa this sabyect. Thal ?i' ?i,..-.,. :,t ! : lonco intend le Ids illirie titles limita- t.? (!,"??? vihiiti tbi? liovenmient hail just enrtonnten-d ms ItB riand ti ppnea ?! Un r.-tx Stan mni orgs i n I Hov? er im m tie n beUtoot c in.? .ti ? j >t ia Mr. Lincoln bad 1 .en to otganiaa gorrnimtnts in tht KtMthet_ S-.iie?. It maintained pon? In the bead "i Ita iii* tut-* aad ?li?; mu In-, ?1 ?i- ? ..'iiiiis ii.itil jflii Borne tiuie it nmg* init'i-,1 in reen ipi tent tn re? im?- theil riants Ki,in thal jMiiuv Switzerland was t<.-dil as sound ami ?aft a (inve . me:,1 ee then waa aa *''? Benttnenl atMaaaaa Hie descent ol ihe Speaker ? ravel here announced Ihe trm laattea ??i the h .if beni '.'inw.ii each annbar ki di? I'llsSl II . Theil bala w.i-niiitiiiiini hi- Meant Beaui and iii i via? 1 ,]|. rt ol ib? Bitaeaiti, ead .Mr. Baan aga?tat it. Mr. I - Ay..?- [Mid while nnpertlag the j dal paaola> lk?n, i-im-ssid Un h?.ja* that it noaM ia? aaaeaded by ? tril lag Ml Iht thud Bettie-, to win '1 he had MfteM ob? st I. SB?H B, J?) congratulated bunsil! that he was Iba i? ?it? 'U he took It one who beki the rein? if p..*? IT til? Pl-i ?. .. ' tfc'kl if !'(? b??. a? titan of a v.m beru stat? be watti aaia ha gire "lie ? ni..?.-,) |.,.,|i!, 1 Vi TV light, ? Kept the Hg-t Pf int.T 111.uti i? nith white shd tin r.|thl I?, v't? 11! the ballot I?,!. Mr. V - ?xswom n (Bil ? w?? tbo neil i>M?.t_?r< Ile ii pressed rn* Inte lion to ? ??te f. r tl?e J.?tnt r?solution, as re porti 'i w th 1.1 i-\i, pUon of I e dur.I section. fin in.-.1-,ir.'?.1? liol all he wished, nor .di the ?\ Bipeettd Lui ii net :'.t beeo?ringnlnriatetorta oppoes Bone good beesnn h.- aaaM nil here el the good In- vi lahI d. Mi Da_?1 Mats.) dndared that with the excepl tibs 1 Mni ?it"!, .it ?!)?? Joint naotntkn, be p aantatn hie beeitj aasnoral, Hut, even ii in- toald not ?rt th it ?. ' -deo* I. ha shonn still ron for it. lint Kb denied I rly ' ? nail tha attentjaa nf the Bocae t " Brot?toa uiaili* hy law ,,r Cunstitntion i . ...,,?-! ob i? to rotes i"t Prcei? deetand Tlee-Pri idaat coald bt d?*->-ded. ThtCtnnitn lion jiros nil ?I "that the Pmtdtnl of the Beaett t?ail, ia the amanea ? i the Bannte ead the Boanol Kepi*eBeate tiv,??, enee all the ????riiticnte?. and the rein stnli that bs e?illtlt?-l." lill! who ?botlld ildl'te til?- rote? If thert* wat ?ii ?tint"' \\|,o ihe nid mari?e wbetbi r I T. s bad li. en 1 ?-t In m"ii nho nan aol antftlad to vote I Tnara wn i i tri bunill ?8 yet erect?1?! to Ut-trriuine that fact, l.'iiaueel l?.r Kant bad decUred thal tobea ?"? ? ??. - andhad ???.-ii in it the poeeibility .>t preat BtatjW to tha eoantry. lh*- (lanifer had shown 'itiflf on the oi.'.is.ii?i _| ?panting Iba rotea for President when Mr. Buckaaao ?.i? aieaten, iheStite.'i ss'i-i ii'.si-i not Ii.iitti. 1 i-t ita electoral rote mi tin dar pt*?*acribed, and there Being ao Irihanal la da , ni- v?-li. ?!.'-: t'..,' '1. ' total roto ?I.'luid he i oat '"I or re llnswjs .11 additional reasou operatinge lumd ijiiiit.?' the adoptioa "t the dur.I ? -. lion. Mr. ti? (Ohio) aeat tddrnntd the Um:?* ttking ii .: ".ml 1i1.1t .ill the meaanrea renorted hy ti Be? in? struct ion Coauaittee should be roniiaered as en The .1 the II. pnbliC tii-day, be ?aid. in? in' e Demo? er.iti party B 1 H'-piil.ln an larty, leit 1 party tor tin I'limu and th.* Caaaittnttoa. Bstt_tted tint Bilertha inte vraaluk'-li to-lay, it 111111I.I Ilo! lie ree n led hy tin? his- I totten that tha tnl ban bed eeene in the eenuaonwealth ! of tin ?Te 1 ! Republic, ?hat lil the lav nf it? ili'?oi itl.'.T lame le th,- commonwealth of ancient atone, when c,'?ir hait bia party, when Anthony had hi? party, ?hen Brntnt bed bli (>ar!v, bal nhea tae Coaunoawealth had none. ile -:?ik? lostlay t.?r tha peity nhh h nae i tt tht Conran-. wealth, for the .-in' 'It rvttoretion l<? their cenatiMtiena I'-l.u .mt of the Vf>* i-i-t .rr 1 ti?.nary St.i'es, under inch perpetual truarantirs a? would gBBid tin? future of tin? Btpublie tgainst the nd cabinities thal bad in tbeee Ute years beftllen it Aa I i the ti ltd notion, be belie? ed lh ii it g ira ao "strength t'' Um ansndmnat. althniigli ne agitad uith Mr. Hit.kttiia' the psopla had latborityto disflan? 1 in?, the ant??in of the lierai went Bal he Btihtaitted vhetber, if tha? n Um ''ern to be -Mietad an. it would n??t I)? tVtter t?> Innarpoi ?t?- It In ona ?>t the paaiting Milt, instead of MttitUj 1' 1.1 tbo Coustttillioti. Mr. -T_r__a Tenu ) subtil?. tb?t ihey n ?oki hart the bl,! ve',i.,| Mr. Hi ?.11 vii i( Un??) repli-d thai I?? (PpJ i"?! fearful of IUS Vttlo froui the othol cud of the avenue that eollld de? !? tit tl.e final triuuiplt of the constitutional amcndm.'iif. What wes to be gained by rvlainintc this thir?l ii-tiui ' It I?, .-ii -s.d it wat in. ?bable III I'll', ?ill',U. -lill that was bl? own of?I on. An ?uiendment to the ('?insti? tut on whnli was not In he tttutttd, otighl not tn !?? pal mt-? the Constitutio-. Mr. -urana (Pa, dosed the debate, li?? Mid bt nat t*eiy irla.1lo see tan creal aaanintty ?'tistin. unoag ?II t tr? Wen??1 el Ina Union it lh?* Bonne apon til the ?iroTisi.iii? o. Unpeupoeed meadneal eieeat tha (bird Beetteni but lu? wa? ule red ta na say dit-Mea imong th"in ?>i au it he i-ii.t'il-r ?d du1 vital proposition .1 lbs ssli'T 'illietltlltleiit \\ it'init I!, it .llll'iuiiti'd to unthill!.. \\ iiotit it, In* would not nilli tha nap el h ? finger ,1 kirthertbe Joinl reaidntion? ii pasted m oat. li ii failed thara would be ao power 1 pt itwng the Ueadaol ? ? i don In the aeat Conajpna le carry out tkeneeeaitea ??i ? ? iloitmnaiil Bera then nea tuch ?? nena of co lehtll, ? :.. merni ?n i r ?arding ironnd tnddn a.- na ii io Mr. ."seven-, thal lbs ?nixmi. directed the nnabtra ?-.'?? ? UTI n i'? Mr. Brtraat muminc, ?m1 bi i_o_MateeiT) iflhe . .i.-,iii,u Bore stiatk pat, becatut then bato m *n\ pt r'mu .fib*.' tmeadneni enald i?e pm lato nn-r.iii >n the it..- tide ni tha Bonn *-v..u?.l bs fille I nitb yelling . ita ind B| ?i- ?-. li \i pwhaada. Oirenttbtre tate, h.lianed, tketbiro eection or gira ? l ag. Do ? . u? s? ith .,11 unendment sbteebtht-W?the onion as.t ? iii' ? .iiids ,,1 . . 1 . ,, i? lUemei nj we ?ir itririi .-I'Tpirtr Ido-aekto ;i-' lu my rainy when th a ? ut? 1? ii.. ? ii-, to ?.v. t!?.. 1 m.m. I nr nBy pirti ? . ? 10 that party, or pin 1"? I 1 I I. ..' 1 ??.I ite to ?ty that that section ia lb . ! .,"? 1 ? iii.-. (?" ttlemen t ?!! na that it ia too ?trung. ' 1 ' taro 1 : .1 bat? li--; 1 ..- th.-ir -?"in n bl li : ' " ?' til ? ?>' Ipi ?? -s ?? " - 1? toe i. :.:.- k It I i ?a 1 ? b1 foi ny beni beat TV 01,Id t.i li , ti, i- II ,-x ! ifii ' Ol Ri?'" !? ml -li' i.'i? eily r .111.? di. ? ear .?? ?-, I ml ? ' tu ? v 11 l ?'d',. It rouldba then but too 1 ?' 1 j . Lin ti*. Bal I Le 11 n -a, 1 yon not ham l-l theaopoople li in ?bia lh ni. why nttl !??? tile) I '? li.serve hi, li .1 1 1 ill ' DO ti. ?) lui' d-serV" de trad?! i.' If tiny do tot, who don 1 laiasel or te' m di ?1 rves it nior.*. Th y hsto no1 roi r-onfetsed (heir ? iy iho_id thor ho Birgit 1 ' tie who idaaia-8?ra 1 istic ? iii. tnncy ntrei fergien until the sinner soaaaana ?I bambi t biuuclf ti tbo fiMitstool of power. \l ? .1 ! 1 ?? ti ni ||, ' li ibes k, h t item "Iii ?oil) iiinl. I ? . cu?n.-?t-i-k iit-ilii-k for?- r 'd. --n, >?, fiTt.1 ?l.rtiTrt it* I . ,. . i ? : 'i, That i? my nlaelpla? All I regret u- tLi?? ii not ?uSDi ieatly stringent. __4 not tbcee frieaila of taeaeBtoa and v itonbta Mag to me theil bali von tonn of pean lad good? will, until they ?top inv a?rate the fiii.ek- .0. ! Boani -.1 drug v ?tims at Meaaphia, a ?cene anon kornole in IM iilro, .t:e?. tin ugh not to the -anie extent, than the terri? hie tragedy ??f ?lamana. While I um willing that IkoM Babel state- ?h iii he r? pwocnted here, 1 pruy yea ii"i to admit thon waa kata nanard thr nlnigbltr ot nillioaa '?' ? ?ur ?ouutiymeii. whih* th-ir ctotheB on ?lill wet with l-l.I. Wait until tkey .,???? dflr.? o'ly ?lad. I ?I" i?'?t want to ait Mda hy -ide ?nth ann whaae ga?uiii:t- nm-'i of ihe blood of my kindred. (?entumen for git tin? aaaan Ihn took pi...?? tan %t pean aga when th" mighty Toomba, with Ins ?baggy locke beaded Southern fire ntin tritn abouti of ?lviiance, und | rciiil.-icil ?Iii- Doun a bell of legbwtioB. Ttaj neil to ? talgai ita maa eaaet? ii i,? n e,_ reen age, bef?rre 9 I t m laemtan lett the hail t?? loin ?hi : rmie? ? talia? aud tvheu, elieourag ?'! bf theil ail,i ?. tl.el ca. ?? over here ni ??ne yeiliag lo!*., hetm?n a tpeeeb tor freadoa hi-lill.' lll.l.l? .?Ii 'hi- side; .liol Wh_B til'' I'd til II <'i.:l.'.t North C,?lilli:..i i!n ? a ; .?'.'I, ui.-i lio ?is??UNiin limL,- hil? ??I Mbainippi drew a Itouie-kim?. ? Mr Ta ina lemladid Mi Bteieu? lliel Ita third tiomli?! no? B-tart th? eligibility of thon penwn a? repn | nat?til et, hut manly exi laded them tan M-!?ng, anil ?a i aaked him if he thought be could liu?ld a pentonttary big enough to hold ,*-,(m>,?m> people. Mr. si'E\ENi ?Tee, tar. IHM penitentiary wl el guarded br bayoneta, dowa below, end if tkey nudeAeke 10 collie liai ki ive ti ill. ?a- ,...' li.?in. The pi i.itcdl dtry ?.I hell ?i* the penitentbrv thal Ihej den ree i- have til: then. Aflei some I'uiiher remalli? la Ita ?nine Maria, I Mr. sti.ii.ns uiiii?lrew Um motion io raeomadt, lad PAon ?I ibe pn v lo it'qtu .?tiun. " Mr. (i WiiiiLl? ini|iiiit ii of the Speaker whether, in MB the previoaa quntion waa no1 aeconded, it wowJd h?* in ori'e-i br lum io man i?? aanad by ttriMag out ihe third aec_on, and offering the amendmenl luggntcd by Mr. .M?'K ???.*. ?nnttaitbon who had rolautarily lakeii part in th-- Id-l-cl.ioii from holding oil?'- under the run-I S!Ate? liovernniei.t I The Su Ahi.i'. i-|.lit--i thal metieaela ?nu-ml would le id ord? r If the pr? nona quntion ?bould no1 i ? eeeeaaV d. Mr.?-IB-BB-Beipwend the lope ?ha? Um anvirai un-?t .-n- would be rotad down, lue House divide?-, Bud Iii? s|i.-;ii,-i-r counted V?,i-.!'), Na., -, oil, Ita Da?a B? elmoet nil rotiaa are, la ??nie. i?. pa vent ray ian admeal ef Ita joint resolution. Teller? wen? demanded aad or demi, tbe mult being the same. s?i the prerii aa qnea> 'inn a ?i- se? ?ii.ih-'l. (i.iihc qanbae, ? sh.ill the maia i ? lion I" . ob pal ''' Ihe IIoii??- vo'ed hy y?-i??t a,ni ii.iy?. rae n? ilt being? Teal, W: Nay?, 7'?. So'tfie uiiiiii ?, ;?.-* turn un- ordered. Th" taUowing is the tote in ?letail Vit-?Mct.rt. Allimin. An.-- allblBOB. Baall Jlatler. I' I ? ii, ll.titn.ll, Uroomet'll, I'.rooiiiall, Cbniilrr, Cinta ?ii i?, i lark? (Kaaan) Cobb, Conkling Cook, Huon. Urigg?, l> iiiioiit. Bekley, ?gjrlertoe, Hillridge, K'liot, urider Oriac? I Harding (Kj - Harding 111 , Harn?, Hait. High.. Hols??. Boeper, Hotcbkiaa Huhiianl (lotta', Hibbard Jr. (K. Y ). Inger-iill, Julian. Kellet, Ki In Ker;-, Lownen ???bin . I.e Bluntl. I.oin, I.t in li, Mu-inn. Uei.'lurg, MeCaUough, Mein -hie, Mi.ruur, Morn!.1, Honiton, Niblin:?. ii'N'eih (im, Paine, Petieraoa, Partan Pikt Print Bin 'Me.., hitter, linger? Killin?, Kow, K?nne, Bowyer, Betaaek, taofteld, sianklin. Sliellabarger, Bpauldiag st.Ten?. Thorn., l'.'-iu:- Ti.tuna? .lohnl. ,Jr) riinrnto'i, 'f rnwbrl ige. I'paon ?Tari. Waab inirue (III). Welker, Wilion (Iowa,/. Wiliun (.Pa. . Wiuduni, Wiimlbritlge. Vtii*? Me??r. .Allet, Ancona. Aabley fVeTBd*) Aihley (Oblo Baker. Daatab Harker BaaaMa Baa]antB. Bergaa. Hinphnni, Illume. ll|,,w, iluyer, Hin k1 an?), Huudr l.'nllriith. CnliO-t, Daih'g. IliTIi, Dawe?, I? m m-, I? -di I ?. : i?: i Dodge, DeaaeUy, FerBBwectk, Perry Piara liarticid. (?lorn l?r? nt-er, (i<Kidvear, firletvuld, 11 tyui, Uen?ler?on. Habbard iW. \ a., Ilubl'ell'?Ihn?), Humphrey .lame? . dencket, Ka? ?m. Katoaan, Lotto, tattam, i.ewrenecd'a.), Marshall. M? K??.. MeBaar, Miller, Mom-head, Morris, j, .-well, l'lielp?, I'l.iat?, lioilti.r?). Kandall (Pa d H.miall iKy ) lliymond, Kice iii-? Silure????, K*_ith Stillwell, Siro??? Tatar, iaylor, rhaytr, Triable, To? Uara 'N' \ ). Van Bara kT? Warier, W*l,tunie In,l ) W_iliburue (Muir.), Wlialet. Wi. ."?ina. Wiuheld and Wright. At tin? tune the gall? n? ? **? r.? nowAed, ami a? tin? reta pttignaa ?l Ita gmitaM mt? real ead ezeltomral wn mani feated by themembera, mae of whan st?.?.I together ia group? ?tis. ti.-sing the chances, while ?onie were ino:?* ,ic utily employed in argalag the etanefaeaeea. an?l trying to entone t ?j.-ir vu-?? i.ii.n ?ithir?. The Dt im,train m?nilK-r?. g.'iieraliy, carried out their |>ol!i \. tt In? b ti ,it i<? pi. ?? lil BBJ amei ?lliii-d! ot (Ile punt re-oln'tlo::. Mr. KAi.sswiiKrii waated t?>kii??u wtattaff, al tbiaataga ol'the iiieaaurc. a BkOtloe l l rccoriiuiit it va it Ii iu?'ru? lion? ?hi? :u order; bel Ita Ipaatar lelirmnd him lhai li aat not. The Hint?.'? then voted aa 'he nange "t aha jo'nt reso lattoe, and n waaltid, Y?-?.?, Uf; laye, ?V. When the name of Mr. ICavmond ?a? called, anil he need "Ave.' the Republican member? rla|>]ii-d their ?um?!? ami laughed triumph.tmly. The SrCAXU directed the Clerk to ?all Li. name aa a member of the I louee, and the i> on? ot ?-?huyler Cilfax !?c'.ng i tiled he r--;.oiideil .4v--- ?a I following Utherotf iad?tiu': \it- k1 ettri-n Aller Alllion, A me?, JbEnpoii. Aebh-J Ne? rida), Atbley -Ul.lo). Ilaki-, Huld? in. ftraSCUWaer iiailrr. i id ailinn, I'??? i,j ?tin in, Jll-ltt i-,I. Kingham, Ilmw. Kout -.?.-d, Idooiiirtil. I'.i.iiii-.?. ,1. llucklaad, Htinily. ?'lark?(Oblo). I i'laiki -i K Him-? Cibb, Coukluig, ?'mik i'ii'..a?, Darling, I)? :? I?..m.'\ Iiefree;?. I)?*l?Bt? lleming, J)ii??n, Dodgt I?oc nelly Drill? Hiiin,?ni. Bekbf Bgrbatoe Cliot Knm.tvoitb. | Parry (jtrfieM, (inni.t-ii. Urisuolj. Hat-iaa ,Tli. , Hart. : Hijee. Ilpudi-raon, Ilig!?. Holme?, Ho??|?er. ll.ttcbk-?*, Unb bard(Iowa) Habbard (W vu, Hakb_rd ?V. V.), Hubb?li I i Hu.-d lliiilniril, .lame? Hutnpdre?, linreriull. Jeiiek.*? Knien Kc.le? K.'l.o Ketcliam. Kui kendall, 1.ullin. ? r?*. ???? ,1'i-nn.)' I.iwrrii.?? (OBie , l-MM Iii?igt? I ManioBi Mci'i'irg. kblB-aa, MaXn, MaBwr, lin? ear MUtot Menbnl, Mmrii! Meerb Mnlto , Myen Nette!!, li Neill, Orth. PalBB. PatlBIBeB, l'erhain I'll?? I'ltnt?. I'ri. e, K.iBdal!(K?). Knym. ?ad. Bin j ?Man ) K I Me . Bal lins San ter. s?-In-ill k. aoutald, nSbellabarner, spaiiliiig Ste? ten? Mi-wall, rbayar, Pmacb Thamaa toko !.. rtamaa Jr., 1 r..? .iri.lgi? l'p?on'. Van Aernuu. lan llurn iN. V ?, I an llora (IIbaour??, Ward Warner. Waahbtirue i\l.?>- ?, tt'??! l-tiru- till ?. Waalibuine (In.i.? W??lker. Willi.-iii:?. Wilton liewa), Wilson (l'a Wiuuoin .Woodbridge and Beta jler Col lw-1.?. gi re Mania lannt Batgea, Hover Pbiakr. ra_wth. Daw***, Kldinlg". link, ?ilu-ibrtiouer. (iiHaJjear, druler. Harding (Kv.), Harri?, I.atli.-itn. I.? Ulme! Uiirthall, Mc ( ullnugli, iTflbbek. Pbeln hadtord. llUmiull , l'a.,. Hitter. Itogeri, li?? Kouaaeau, Shankltn Sitgreave?. Sm.'b. Strou.e. Taber, Taylor, Thornton, Trimble, Whaler, Winfield, Wri-lit?:i7. Tin? tn tKi-'it, in annou:i? tag Ita rate, mid: Tiro-thiril? v.itimr m the afliriuatite. 1 dellaro the taJBl resolution paaaae. Tin? annouI.ment wa? greeted with contidcral-le jubila- ; t ion m Ita kail, member- .lipping Itali baud?, hut not | ndulging m ann demaaatnltn moreneata? There wee aleo ?lapping ot hand? in Ita gallones, to which Mi B_rtdget(?k exeeptioa, asking whether the l? i.siliesi of the Iloiine Wa? lo be d.rtturheil hy ihepcople in the gallery. Mr. [V, J i, on the other hni-d, seeinetl to have bo ?I j?, turn, for, taaaggaated, th?.bead people in tho gniierv ithould han ban lavan ttnir kamlker? eli! t i speaker, howam, adaaoabhed ita monten ia the loor, m well ae Ita apectaton in ita gallerie?, the) they inn.-- ataem the i_Im al th?? B?ant .?nd itai aeittae it?> pl ian nor ii-ppr??l?titi"ii .h-mld be u?.i:i:l'?'?-.l. Mr. l.LDK' mik followed thi? up hy?_iylag that he did lol ?a mt t.i be ?luiiirhetl by " niggerhead?'' in the gallery. rta siEAKi.1 inioruie?! the member i'roin Wiscnuiui ih.'tt h? ?ti'ist not n,.'.It the apee-tjton ki thegelkry. Harm uno m rilation. wer? quickly rtttlorcd, itnd the ! Been patea ded to ettat baaka n KVK.MXd 8E?SI0V MIPBUBII VTITn. Ob motion of Mr. W___-C___ (Bl. maiaj m_tau w.It.ip used ?a it I: until ttuilier Mean. lin* re?ton toe tim lunii'iii, h? Mated to be, Ikal ita butine?? of th.? Bonn ni mueh ia ah aaaa ??f thal ??!' ita leaate, ead that the reporten ?,?ro wearied out with ttab aeaeleal labor. \ .??i(o?r BBCan laheagaratte kir. ?jTaaaaaaaa(Bl.) morad ob ?luntar mundi, ami tor the ad?litioiial reason that the duuikeefM anted leaw?daft to elna iLn? Hall ral pn if la in ftaa* in-r trim, thal whw thu House adjourn toil ty ii ndjouru ; to meet on Monday. Tho motion wa? agra ed te, ??(n a half uuderataudiutr I that tin? vacation would extend to Tuesday. \Va?.i?N Bi?Al?i?VtRIOl I ?'(?Mill'NIlJAriilS?. Tie? .Hiii*?ii;er pn**'.?ted a ????muniniciitioii Iroin the See.!'. t irv nftVe ?Ulterior, in replj lo Ita li"an raaolalioo ot the Mb of M ?'? ii: regard toco'riain ?ag?n roads iu th?? rtMri? t -i-!i??s. Uetarred lo the Uomm ttoa oa Territerba. ,\!?o a a ?:nniimiration from the taeretary of Ita Mar] m r ply to ?h?? li -'.?.* rea -lution of the rth of May. m re? gard ('? fieri?.?, and whethw loy.ol them K*rreti la the l(.*h*l army, lie. It a i- : il l m Ita taMa, Alta, aeommunii itbm from the Beere ? l-iter r reply '?? the Donn reaolnti ?:-. of April '.':t, relatin to i?N;i.-:iil:t:il--t l"l 'io- In.l.t.. o T. r e ?V I referred to the Committee on Indian Attain. Al?o im?_ddrenol the colored ? iIbobioI Cbicag?) to ( ?ngrcBi. w motion of Mr U-J-. ita, rct'oit'cJ t-> th.* t'"?'d.i1'"'"U R-'- j cous'ruc!. Jd T\X ?>V S'-IRIT?. Mr I ?ai'.lis; introduced ?bill toref ad and pay < rtalo ii.? ?i iiape-rted tplrib; wMohw? raed launs bti re? tara ?I 'o Uni fJoauBiftoe ?m \\ ipi ira laaaaa M ft '?s UTI iBtMAia. OnmotioBof Mr Mir:i:ii.i, the Senate imeudmanl t.? the Heat ? i-ol, Uapoalag .1 daly --u In aaaaate, ?aus tataa me i? ra l in. tamoBATrtATion n rea 01.1*. " i - if Mr. BatB-B, the tteaate tmetvlmaat la Ita II,.?..(? ,,,.;? r.?-.' .1 ?'i. i- ?'i ? to the attempted a.??a??i . r:.? 1 ni'th.? -tapante of Beta ?, ? u token np ?tnd can? ?? irrod li, l-UOBAPI MNK?. Mr m u.iuv'i iBtwdoeed e hill te aid ii " ? ?,??,. ?ropii linn, and to terara to the do-.. the ?,??? if ih- neto 'or poaUl, militeiy lad otker pur I ,... ?hieb wa? reed twice iBd lebran t-? ita PtaM? i?i ? idimuiittei?. Tf?y. T\X BILL. Mi -Baaaea ektawan tam io tan pnated awi re : -red ki Hie U?9uimlttn of Hi? Whol* on ne stit?. rf the Union au ?iid-i.tliiieii! ula. h bo pr??p??.?e.l to offer to '.he Lu bin o': Ihn ? .'.!?? i of 1 o: ? I' , ? o ' ? "!i - i.':t?x?tlc? or -a ii.ll ci.tiii?. no4 vi.hie.l it over tataIbonnnd, tal . . o' $.' I ti ?? !.?? '.? HI. I 1 Kel ! . , .... .....i 1 ? k1, g: a tho \ 1 : i .. .?. i not over tjv>t, g1") t th ns,n ' n,| n-hen r.Iued ul ? v?r gil and tot o\,i gio. |.*i? _ thoiisiiid ; and on ?II ?al.. I al over gio, a tut oi ||4) ii thousand. Mr. Bk-TBB I'?.: ? ?!!'? r ?1 i re ?dution. ...-, adopted, dirsreting theCenatittee oa Intend ?rane'-etn i?. i-quin Into the expediency ef to ?memling tbep.ii?,, i laws i- to phil*?? dep-nlent fit her* on die ?raine foo! ii. ? 4 ' dependent mother"*. Mi Waud i Wi- ' prenand the petHtea ef nanex-ua ? iti/.'i - ..t ii mi" in A.l? gany ( ounty, in favor of inciwee nitf the tariff on wooL Mr. II_a__BBM d?ni?.'oi, uitr?i(l ned u bill granting lands I" (Le Mato of Oregon lo aid in the (iiii?trii?ti? I. ? f a military road (Yon Albtny. ?tenos, io th? i.-?. .? i" ' !..!? of". Ir was read titi? (-and referred i ? tin- Committee on Public Lent-. Sill'111 A_RKICi*?* OLitMB. Mr. PamoBeMumi i intahri en, natal nea ad ..>'? I n (?nntinnthe Pi*?nidenl lo nennunVem e list of clam ? ? United S:,iii-? ( Itiaaaa p nding in Um United Wate? tag?. ti?)u ?it t 1.1? i .is.i.'iiin.--? the (?vi raanal ef Veaaaaala i ?s-i.on.-'x.s tXMtUUBB. Mr. M( Urra |>rc????ut?-?l th- n?s?.!_tio?8 of the itali ft rt a l..'.i-,.itnr., nul..ratnir th?1 csnir??* o?thcd'-legalb.r, i |*< 1 gren in rotiag for ihe F re ?lmeu's iluiaa- bul. KKliHi ( LKtltii. Mr. I.twrtENCE lUhio 'iTered h ros ilniion, w!i ? ?i. j adopted, liiceiins,'the (''inuiis.ioiior ot I'ubtic Hi''kl>e?;** un? I til''i '.:.(!-? to t o ni un t'l T.i'e u li?t if hi? i l'-r_8, tai., t|iecifying tboet, if any, whn bad been in the Bebet nany. (i"S I'UVSII ST ( ii NIK!.. Mr. "??'in i ?si? iatroduced , bill te nalhr laelhanaaii ? > lui nr ot iidditional eonnstlin ?*???*?of ?laiuis ?gainai if? Oovcrnnent. Read twice and ief.rrc.1 lo iht* .lulu.? y < omiuitt"?-. vvAsiiiNT.riiN IMt*_OT__*BBTB. Mr. InnaanuU Matad that th.- City iiiithorttie?, ef Wiieh ingtea bed i paaannred anenhsg ont the old canal m ?I ?i? i"- 'i i Ibe alni oa the i?ank?, which na* Omme*i tt-.r injudicious, .nd Le a?ke?l Mata t?> ItJperl from thal-tat-tat i 'intniti'i a joiat i?.? ?i ii o i to han Uni stopped. Mr. All? v oliji'i lid. lind dieu, ni i. Id p. ni.. Ihe iii?..?-? sittounied. ARIZONA. Horrible Biilrlim In the litdiiins. Fort liiMxhvin .Surpri^l and the l?arriycn llsj-MtaB Sa> FbaMi 1-fO, May ft le<? A ??-?'i 1.1 uitYnngi'T arrivid yesterday al Los Ancr??. ggt bringing i diipatnh?nai lha tnaaaaadapat Fort f;rui.t to0ea?Maaan?aanenaaiag ihat gnri Beadwiai B?We*m\ bed been taken by 2,000 Inditas, end ths nan?ne tan baring lit men n-sceerad, with one exctptitn, aad Um '.ort burned. The aaan who entped wea oui bunting i the ti i an! witnessed the commotion frnm e diitenoa Bl ne )h? I fort bnming, ami hean] Irtlg of g1 Bl ?IiiriUK Ihe hj;bt. I which laeted meath an boar, It i? tappend die linbern flamed mliiiiseion into UM lort un 1er UM pretext of ?, li .? lia. into ,i treaty of peate, wni-h ?jen. Mason bad M> j atrnaaad th*- eaaaannan of the lort m a?tha? ?-as r tAS' i* o. Taaaiay. Ma. t, MB The roads in the ?nterin .ne now pn??al,li?. and '.arm i freight BT? beiuir to: vvmd'd. A I? tier .*.?*? ?1 Barmopa Wella, Aritonia, April IB, stitt?? that lire??! | M.ij'.r Jam, i p. Muller. Cant Co. _L 14th Inatntry,aad I A? tinir Bergeea tappen. I' s. A., wits* breal .i|.,,n bj Apaeheeel ( ottoa \S??o.i .Siiiinxi?, March 'J1.'. ai.<l the termer kilied .mil die latter badly wtwteded tVP.pjt immm. >???? ?raws ni. Thama? ?Arrival af K?-?ai?i.r nirni. lar the Preach Aras, la .-Seilte. I In- steam?.1,ip A tri a -, rioui St. Thoinai* on the -.M it it., arrived ten-icstenlay. __? only mi.s of import?Pan l8 that tin- Fivi < b p-i?-iiiirci ?*tyi left N. 1 liouuu? on tbc 1st mat. ?nil 1,'JS? French Kaoga tor Vent Crut. A French itraiBIt attired ?I M. Thomas at tht 9th nit. l'r??m Vera Cr... "iib "rai tro??-? and sii!e<l >.i? di? Tfiili for Frnnce. The I'liitctl Stale? ?lennie- Meat iii?- nat. in pert AM wi !l on board. The steam ?bip Vkhsburg bad not .ti ni ?-.I tibe wee three davt beinnd t?it?. am km a. itetw aa? Rich Dlce.Jag? ?B I ?caira Creek- I'Blied ntaies Haldirre D??.r( aal <?? ?.?Irl-irariliag. Si?. IT: i-i isco TuesUiy. M?) I UBI S - ,i,i: i? i'tc'l y st?-r,i.(y from New -wi stniast. r n*|airt? tint t.ewiT'id angingt paying gi per pat kata bein straah on cletnen? (reek, i ? ar Un Ha Bend Mian li ndreii? of beeta aae -..mir ap lha t'oiuiuhi? Hitar, .idea ii ,r_ Bataan sad pruviaioae. It is nun, nd tin- Doited st it?? sahnen ?t F. rt Co) ti Ile bate departed an i gnat te t_e mine? tabitir ii?.. tra ? nith thtat mAHkl.A.-tO. A Prixe.plgkler Kille?! ia a Ballia??.? Tkra? ter?nireel Pighl Brtswrra talaren I'?*pla aail Vi hil** ?CTrral U an_???.. l?iLTI-s!'? ?: Tln.rids.T. Ma? IO MM. A mau iiamitl .loiin I'rico *hot collier namoi i'ih'oh James !a?t nistht, in the Ann ric tu Theater. (?or_.-rTif l?i?il ttmore and lalvcrt-sts. James dntl at midnight. Ile waa a second m the intent prit,' ti.Id near W.ubiii)c!oii. The First Regiment Marytand I ijlored Troop? na .???? home io-?i,iv. i?:ni ii..nie t aanas-HM apntataaee. Whik |)iipain(r?liroutrh th? w.-steri netton of in ? city, a lonfl.ti occmied between tone of the colored people followi-ic let soldier?) tud ? iiuiulx-r ef nhttee. Ml rae wen- e?; ?Mnned, iit'c-.irnis tin WBotttd tn hart beeaae??d| and ena nr nae partiel wom?ed. ai.iiup.ti, noun. .harter EIreliaa ia Prs.Wrsre. rroviiirM"?! K. I, ThttrailaT Mar ? !?"??? Tliomas A. Doyle, lodeuendent eandbfa-e. ta I. ?lay elected Ma.vtn ol I ins 8 Ty hy ,i : i.i.o! it s of ?III. Thi ( i,y Council wa? elected chie'rly on local i??ius, witiio. ' gatOt* (--.(,? to i u stioa?" C'barler Bleriiane ia I irgiaia I iiy nail niarkiaa. Sis Kiti.MTsi ... Tuesday. May t?, is?* Thcihitr?iT eledion-,n Virwiaia City, Xevada. rnt-led in the manan of the Uni on ticket. The ?-harter election at St,>clctoii also resulted in tbo ? i -? ,'i lha (Taina ti? ket at that ataca. Og<iea?bnrgh I barter Eleciiaa ?Saeceaa af ifcc I ni?n Tirtaei. OaBBaaaBana, fhaaeday Ma? m im i ?' i barter ei,-ciiou in this piece nenlted ia the ahelee of the whole BtwubUeaa ticket by Ut? inajoniy. U. W. Hruwn is cli-i ted Mayor. PR O .U IU1 PA? I PIP ?OAPXT. Fi???rial lltierailsai lewi Heat??C'eaasaer?? ?lal lalrlligeacr. Ss\ FitaBi'l**-?, Itaturdar. Mut *i I???* I ho baaken arc i|X)in throw'inif ou! mining ?totk ?olia terals not considered nrsi-clis*. A further shipment ou lii'vurnnient a.iotuit of g-'tOOxs.?!! in treasure, uot inani eetad, ?as anta by "li" it naen of April l8, from San Francisco. Seven pet i tn. gold banda arc in good deaund .? s"'j; I'm' ure dow held at S.V K.cetit tranmu-tiors in I ?n a;:.,, .li' t0 I1'' 000 The div gooda dad.? baa been dull during the p;ts? nyefc, At one uncu: -i" \ ,.i caa, Mtrinoa, I_iwns. Mata, il M,1. \ 's it, ! ?ti.'ti, au l aUbbona, ?ere sold I?, (ne ?mountof *"?? ''''' " '? i i ,!'' ' tlaatj aaga aa .-?it-* .fr BJ.OOO Minin,' Sf li? Hrmer ophir. ?.I*?: lintieriid f-l '? Y- Host jh. ket, BT05; Alpha. g._?; I hollar-l'olosi, ful-'?: Kui) ire Mill, |M-' I? ?-'-?'. I'-ndcr-. l*Sj ?.?th?-??? I eafrrra.r -laaaer.aai Railroad nail Kin? i Ktiilreail? Praareaietl. I Is |\ ?All. liri, slav Mar 10, )?" v ,. i rtht ?cn Mtt_o<1iit Kpittopal Ci?i?r?:b Ssnmbled in th n irynatttdaa1 to Baaatt and af??i t baal? of ibe uni??*", bclttgat.?? repreeenting nearly ?Ji th. cbtirehes in the Northern *?taU'i are pneent T-o ?"on , -s ?? probably last ???? .-i T la? ? Tht suit 'iiitirenn the Oktal atad Mis-iaeil'p. aad the In ! i rfsnl i and -tarianati nailr al fcr autiged breai-h ??! .-o' i i t, e ii'.n.."..v'-1 V"- ?.-1 iv ! ef m the Barawiee CenM I. ? ia,ii,'.".4 i'Uiui'd ?ra gl.'tti.iJial. I'romineut lawviTti of tlie i ? utry ir..'lu" i >n both sid-1?. ri.? <Ttr Solicitor of Cln-taaetl hat entered rita at a ni.??all. s fir i ' Big i? ?titane allow. Pire a. tiii.tinlnai. It. V. AM it-"1 ah Miintsiouierr Co- "? *'' / iln.ri lay. May 10. I?** \ li? ?? istewMt it Ciumichael. al san pla.i-' ' ' de t. ' ' [bj fin t ? ? "' to?, ii ?ti . led at i. ?ni I <A*> to $10,?.??. ?. ?-?.--??> bu ah? ? a t * I Vs. I I',, I i i!- i .l.liaee S ? i: : ?' I " . ! . . ' ??? SU i . . u Uiver. A lit - bnateul i