yet.. XXVI.It* 7.K10 JH *lwwC " ,__?JM ?VU __? .sa-? y NEW-YORK, SATURDAY, MAY 13, 1866. PRICE FOUR CENT?. an WiJULUllH?- Q??eTION. tv tit?.iii ef people wi'd be momo? ei ti: r t. ?atti i? :??. 00m? Ei)d?nt'y thcie iHrcted with _oy di??i -t ? f the itrn.a. ?-. ?T?i tn ary *f '.'errgtm ippmti : .'mg to Uigrilica Tin r in >' l?non? ~^ , ?Jeut'ed y ? I . lit MM |_jl| to MBjBaOl U ?'? ?Mtei tb__ ?? .. ; BBBBMl (fitrorj ?nd d grit.T? cristi - e? The q ?iii u il.rn uatuialiy irnei, h??w ila! w? *' ltcIf _,J keep ?bei? 'ir_.i I s brsithy and no.,??| (Oi t_0_ , -.?,, ,.,.?rT. by st Ubi.?b te dot _*et-te| aj ___ue t?;uW_,,,,t, _ . ?is?, ?voidn? idl Id?ale-tin! -,Mlk# .???uri ?n wl ?ri f. un p?r Ma|aAaal atvataBn-ite^sssBaajtal-aaana Mlhtfi mt?_nBa_i ??''^tOBie. ' iinorij\M;s oi:i:m\n BITTERS. Thii BUT?'??, kaannnad ti ti.d nirirt? Tat neM ?nd wh.h it ii n-ide tit ,v.!>r. I hi !?i" mwl . hil a I-1 ITtiRS wa a?ed abrir ihi p? r?* r. ? hatad Bna tay el th* tymplami 1 Tbr ft*?? ?trn.f !h?uu.| d' ? ? HO-Oll.AND S GERMAN BITTER-*, ? .1 1 N BSaildTI M Bl reis't ig fit 11 11 y ?. MWlstn?: 1 MMTBAtMMI ?h IHK m 1 ' u.dut til ! y BEir.hE liAiti IBU ? I Mt ?. bl ?Yttl ?a I '?TA*-?M t I 1 AMI l.?-ld MrlMBM t??/t'Ns UAhY. ( It KI.MALli Al>t I.T CI. V? I lil w.d fid ni,., hil IXBI a|Bretti.ii set atpaadaat n bad letaert hw theh ala ? Il ? r(!i. I Tbi? UTTERS ?. MM the mi- ?? u te . ???? il Dill EPSIA. B?d ?due ?in leal, ling frcim si. rd. Il ti tilt* digeil T? ..j ? i?rti. >-.., 11:1111 m|la?c un ed? 11 L1VKR _OMPI.AI.Vl"? Al. air n for ? : el. .tWi'eJ . Ai d Ii.'*i.?r? ir.iinf! f.? u. s Dkatfan d Meeraal Ob?. i?r u 1 kiln a lag ajMatama amiilliai tonrikaa?meal tt.rdi gail-ie vtya > a__a_f_a ' ?nworJPi.? i uni?! Itealtolh? Beal A*?kapai lbs Stomach, Heartburn Iii". M fer Kord Kui eau 1 ?Vi?ti .1,t. ? m? n. i I rBr?ala lit??. Sii.k.igeV F tt'l.I.g It tie Pit ti the Sttii.aci . ?w.u.u ing He?d D Mm? Prrill.irj l-l Item g at Hr lit ? Cfcck 11 01 Sinlotatn $ laanaten ?im IB Mn| Ti ?tiir I?.in du? t.i \ hin Voie ?1 Wet* tal re ti. *-.|! t Purr ud 1? ..I Paid in tie Mtmk, 1). burne? ?I P?r.|ir?n??i.. V? oi the Skui md Eyri. Tan ia ne ?ide Hunk, (-brit Ininti. fci Ac . Bu'idi r; 1 ?Le? , 0 aaa DllI Ml 1 take pelt pleii o. tri-ifTiii! tu -le euri id nary ?awtuedial qutlitiet of lbs liOUKLA.ND S (I1BMAN BITTBBI y ?? cared st Jour establishment. A airniber of the furn y Lu been du ?? an a perfect n in? to Dyipepiis, Paipitsti. i. ol ?he ll'll other d nianing ? lapatefl ?Bil torpid liver, until peiiuidrd to tiy tb? iboTe ? edbiated reni?Jy which in a few week? re. ?ltd in making bri (to ie I er ut?n uuidn ' nts ?-mt: . Tou are at i brrty to mike any u?eof li ii you tee fi! m late? i??r. Obi Brihaaa to youri ttu.'y, .\ .M.MAKl.N. Frs? John JJ II'?? IrriiViM, eta firm ej itirkeriham .*? Hull huon the ctiebraltd Manufacturen nf I ni ty Ima I? ?ii. .Vu .'J' > Canal it.: I sa the reeiplsct from yu of one of the greateit baan ?hit em be ssafct-ed upou insu, ni, that of bel,ti,. Ker nany yea.i (it* I eoterrd from vue nt tbe most snuoying and de'i.lita .ng coap s ?ti that tbe IsB.iij can be sIBictsl a__-W blom, J.iirurs. During tb? i'.ng tims 1 wu lulering from ti.I? dileaie I wai it r- led by reg . ai ?uyaieiBn*. g.riiig me d.i t*uipu. try lei.ef. Th* e. ,ie ISBiin il k m i:" rd" I WM ind.ieJ to try BIWWIilBIII III K MAN Hi li HIS After the um of* few bottle! of that ral ubi? ?medicine tbe compl?t?t sppeared to be compete.y ersdl? ?ted I ultra towardiy thaiityou for lo-.h a vi iib e ipeciri- ?nd ?heneirr I hire m ?pportonily. cheerfully rsceMmtnd it. ?iib foil confidence In iti ?sBsbUlly Truly yours, JuHN B. \\ H KKRSHAM Mew Voik, lib J. ll-l. I ram Kee. I.tet J Beck Patter of the Baptut Chw.h, Pemberton S J., formerly uf the SertA Bapttll Church. Th.lodelj h,o atj.rexri I Pailor oj Ike hi?t,tt Chutrk, Chtiltr. Ptnn IkeTeknown.HO.iri.ANLlSI.KR'.lAN BITTFRS favorably lot s mmber of yrua I hire used tbsm In my own fan.! y and ha?? bet ? ae pleased ?Kb th??r ?l?ct! ?bit 1 ?a Induced to r*i ommer.-i ? l.?m to am; other? ti, 1 know tint they hats operated in ? ?inking y bench atol Dinner I take ?rrast plesa-irs in thui pub?ely proclairalni tbi? caiii-ig the s tsntiou of tboM sflicted with ths "neitei fur ?which tb?y ai? recomiueudod to tbr?e BITTER-, knowinj from eg pan?ace that my rrremmen?itlon will be luitiinrd Ido ?Liiinore ebeerful T ?a UDUVLANUS B1TTKBS I* intended to te: eh? the aakttod, and la * not s rum drink ? Vu.n u.y LEVI ?f. BBCI ? Btan Are II . />. SeipfrtfJ Paitor o) Ihi Tuel/'h fit mt Ck ? h l-___gteMa tJaiTLiaa? I havt recently bees libormg un. ?r I.? d?'r.??ig effect! of led geition. s compsnled by proitrs'i u, ol ihr cerro ii ?y*a*_u. Nui.eroui were reroinmende?! by 'r radi ?ml sowie ef th*a te?ted. but withunt re ie' Vu,.i HWXM I.AND S ?jI.K HAN BIT! 1RS wsis ree/Hu!iisnd*d by-jeri-i ? ? r? hij aad wb?Mf??orsbls mention of th??e Biltif iln Ju ?d m* to try lh*ui. I ??et coi.fe? ?.hat I bid in iieril-.*.'... Patent .Veil, ?nea Iron me oh . ?aad and-?a? qoaek 'bitten whme only aim lieu ? la ha fa palm aff ?weetamed end dru_t*d liq*njT upoa the eomiumity in a l'y war, aad the Mudency af wbn h I ?ir. 1* to mik? m?uy i oil-iimed drurkiiit 1 pen liiiinn, that yeen wu raab y ?,.,ed.. n* ?jrtpiri Us-, I took it with L.pp, ei^t BaatMaa?, not,.,, y pea ?A* aten ark. twt'lir eteouny.Uiu,. WM ?-eoiptend gni.*,.,,? i As**? der.t-d g-eit ?nd permioent benefci frmu ll.e .? th? corn ern. k i - bof biatooaritieo were IMinetoii j m the Hunk, no io??? nanll disc bun sastaintdbptbt flwieiiimeal Tiic pearl of kntfairp ara i??ill tatt j B-oap ia bia anta, aad will probablp lapeti aast ??eck ( 0BTOM*_?0Oaa PBAVBB. The Hones Ooaualttee m Pablic Bxpenditarea met to? ' ,i.iv, a_(i laid ? j'lan i'.r iba inrnMigattoa ..i tba aUeged ftraodulmt prtctieee ia tba RostM and Rew.Tnrb Cot? ' tem-_kmeei wbkb tbef nil! proas ente Tifoioaarp. TUB KoKT ?KiODSVIX Al PSIR. A ti-leitT iphic disp .(ti h Iroin Sun Erin, i-cu, to the Ai?'i elated Pmaa, amita thal Iroit Goodwia, m At?Rmn, tm iiccn ( iptarad hy ir-M ?_____, aad * fit? gatriBaa, aambei 1 ioit I-"?, uiiiesacred, with ??ne exception ; alto tbBt tbe fbrt Wim barnnd _Ir .1. Rom Renwaek wbe lu? j ? irr.1. ?-I m Ibia city, direct truiu Colorado River, .md ?ho m thoirxnghlj aeqaaiatid with the st.ttc ni B_-_a ia A-inona that ii bet?arealy possible this n-j,,,m . an bt truo there arc not .',d(?o huidlo Jn?1ia:ie in th* whols T"riit?.rs'. TbeApaeb?I arc ti,.-only tillie anBiuBl wlioiu the liovcruinciit ia now v.u'ng war, and tba create-' : ! her ??I ? amor. Um? aaald (father !"i.'ct!.'-r ??mid not j amount to mom than iii. ? r rud ?t Una BPPJna of the ftBT. , When ?ubsi-ilenc?1 it Beaten it is alni.,a? iiupopisiblc for them to. ..ntiuui1 In may lerge anmbsra. Tan baadied In ' one body is a rorj larg! ferai it aa* time? Oh ii? rally ihuy rai.-?-in bandi nt Uuiity or tl.iriy. A larg? party of t?"iii eontd net mbe_?t f?.r more than two ur three day?. Kort Ciooilinaii is ii, a d-n rt trait of country, uhotit pk) unie? from Tuen. Tba command,n?/, oiii-er, Col. RtnntM Of the California Volunteers ia ena of the m ist eti.cieiit and 8-pesjjtjaeed mm ia aba eoaatiyi sndtosup ?, se ba would pcrmi! Ir-H Apaebna la ?ntcr his uto? kudu and mattiere hi? comoiAud in to indulge in a very Impiubabta peppoeition. Not more ouo in VJ) of Ulule ludiaiis ii provided witli flre-ann?, rtQil bow could they capture an ar_ie?l poaltf UM meut Tbat tbcN _ktp bara barn mm fig-iiir? is inghiy pr?.b ,i', ?-. but Ibu! report needs conUnuutlon be? fore any credit can be uttached lo d. Ta the At? .o.%.??! Pr-.? sR*___Mina KndiiT, May II, Ibt-,?,. OPERATION OK TUB BBfBB-l LASS. iii? liimraal Retanat Human, Beting under the gener-1 law, raaaiiaa all eltiaeaMi of tba s?iut!i to leadm iaeeam i roturui for the year IBM, M Mall bl for liS??-. BanMOftba Hebel "Tlicert Msidini.' in Alexandria, Va., ut? slartlcd bj tba ca'N of d.? aaaaeaen apoa Iba? to furnish ihe rc aairpd ptati_it*t*T. ?*"**? ?*?** mrpriaedtbaI the kntkmai?*?. . ?? \- ? t bv then ia ibt C!?t?_fe_ef_te anny an eat__ated at Moeate. 4 n-. ?if them i'ipros.ed Ins raadiaett to per hit lax in C ?ufederate monev, but tint wu? ol'cours? detuned. COBPIBM-B? The Scuste to-day continued the noiiiination of (?eu. .icklsa as Minieter Realstenl at tba Ung ia. lU'il.iTHi OP HRiTC I IB A tngiater of the nedieeJ examinationa of mcruita tag \ rtnj will li.T.-..t't.'r be kept bj Iba -?rj"' I a! SJBth ro erniting itnti ?a aa i depot. Louisiana BOB-B. Mr. .1 ??- Robb an Mtbonaed anani af tba Blata li.iisircr ir.,] Atiiliior ol l.otiiitiatis. li?, armed h-m f?>r the purpose ol reoeivine Ihe bonds belongioe to the N?'w Orleaaa bantt, which had beea tseptrmted bptbem ? uii ihe ?tatt Auditor, sad were robeettnmtlj captured b1 Bhrettport bj Goa. sh. ri lan. I* a ill be re ali-eted that, ,:,],i:.i'i) with ,i raemt dtciaioa of tbi Attornej? ik-oeral, the Becratan ot the Trea.i.rr ordered thetttaeaa bondt, anea ttopetij idaBtided, tbonid badeUt*trad to the m.i".' \ i ''.,r, or partiel uwaing timm, or ?ny duly Hutlion/i'd ?Kent. A. i oriiiti'.' lo this arriuifetnei.t, Ihota which here been reoogoited - ta og part o? the benda la (jiiCBtion are BOW ?bout to be r. turntd t?; tLi.-ir owner?. BTI.Li AlpROVEI). Ti,c I':??!.!,-.'.? bat ippros."! ti,,-1., n? n toltilon pfv .1 iigtli?! paraflini? ?ul, ant eteaodinj iii ipeet-0 qeaatltp 1H ?.."i.? l?.tmu hvilrninei.-r. ih? prodlietof B r.-slilii?m of distillation, i md? pttrtilenai and i ru?l( oil, ti 8 product of j tbe ti -at .md ringle distillation of ? ml a' sephallnm peat Of .fj Bj ).",, , mep? -..lui ,..c?? ina(j ??""?;"?' ?!'? thl j lange t?f thi? juiut rt'tiolntion, be eif__ij?t from ii.t.r Liil t:n ?>r duty. T)r* l*rp?i.l-i.t ha? nl-i. aprmvi -J _,p Vi1.! 'Ti-1 the ji.ri* henil if-lie id nu ni ('[.liir.?? Tbla (' .mt eaa now _m u ?uni detaiBilaa Iba daiai el taj P_^matar, Oantaa* -'?? Commlaaafj of M-betateaee or other ataMratag ? ?i:, it el the C-alted ftatea,oraf l ia idaalaiitratan at cmiiltur?, Em relief flinn reapoaotbllity ?m limul ti Otmt l-y (:)itiiro or ?itlx-rn ipi*, win!?? iii tin? lint* (if bit duty, at (im?-ninit-nt imui-, rimaban laaatdi and ? ?o hie charge, ?ntl toi ?huh ne? ?.iliicr wai mu? i- in-ill p ?.pin ?lilli* pun ni- ?i tiiiit mi appeal iiiuv lit- tilii'ii tn QM Suprime Cmirt Mia (-'.tur euee. Whenever the Coail ihiU ban wear t nu d the Um la of By nch Ion to hare bees withoutfaall .- - ' - o li.?- | : -.1 --I' any mi? li nllic.-r, it alii 1 li,oki- I deem letting forth ibe atuonal thereof, ipi a which the proper..?. ?'idling util? ?T.? nf ibe Tmmiy abai] allow to raen ?Hinr the imoaat bo loaned ai ? ? ra iii t id the t" tlllli-lllt <>f li IK ?K'fOllllt. aaj XXXIXth CONGRESa ronrr skssion. SENATE....WABinMin s, May II UM aaiaaim rai Miaiiaairri. Mi. Oinm | rt ?i?n!i ii petit foui tor iii" i a _?- -i a MU tobridgi the upper Mlntnippi, eo m aal ti? Impede rnii ?i:i- or water t__ral,wl_ich wen refem A to the Committn ? ?p. Fort Otli. ? - ?m l l',,-i Bl UK MT Off FKICATION. Mr i;r..Mrs [iii ?i nti'd Hie Jmnt reao)ati>OB ?-l iii" lawi i ?laturi for the ntabUabneat of a National Buiaaa of Educatioa, valiitli Au-ii.riii red la lie ea ti.?- table? IBCn I ILL M--MIAY. (i:i of Mi*, li in??ny. it wa? r? ?o'.vitl tin?! winn the B? ula udj? um tn-uny, ?i adjourn t?? ami on Hoad ?> i.e..!. GlrOBB ItKPtiliT*?. Mr. i'iinmi? < fl' red h re* linn ii, lu-rtaraetlag the ('?.:?.? ti tilt? ? ?'ii I'm ling ti? report apoa iba expedient i of pern riding u_: m it the iappre_B_ioB m alteration of apanhn Is Tit Globe. Mr. Conran MM be did Ml ?I- itn Imtaed ate m ii??n na Ibe ni ?.vc. Be wiahi d it t?? 11 orar, oi.?l win ? k1 MBB! af be wtniltl ?iiliiiiii ?t i'. w r.-iii.irii.? apoa it. THI NAVY PAY HKI'MITMKNT. Mr. ObimB-Icalled up the |ota1 naolutloa to carry into immediate elect the ml] to proride for the better i?'-? ii tatton oftiic I'ny Departmaat (film Mary,a__ebpro I ??!? h ia lull- ?i : l.itii I!? pi: pi-n uf eirrTinr nut tlo prut .?inn* ni hi .? t ? to provide fur Um better erg-UriaatteB efthe l' iy Departmeat I of the Nari a ka teaat deter poeaibte, the Preaideat of lha ? inn d titatn be ead he harat_yit aathenaed to wain lha ex. i amlaattea ??i nah a Heart la lha Pay Dapivtnaat?-! lha Na? v n*? \ n't" nu ?'.ut) Blirni?1, ?nil i-niinut st prt'ient I"' ??loinii.eil uri i di i.'d lit law, art ?ni, ii nebea imla Hi? I m are n i i \ 11?, ?hull 11 de ?i? no* h? arm Ila ihte ni'er the mm of theofta Hin!1 . i tallad Matea, aad .Moot f?.,nd in in? 1 iii-?| l.Tiiin-ii aaall reestea the anne?ea eeaten|lalel in tue .1? t k r? in r? f'-ir? ?i lu MC ". A ..i I i' That Hu* Secretary uf Hie haaadhateharahjaaiharliiid t? retail er taapp? ? r tatet n_r I iwa aad rage atmaa, mm i? t...-_nt? 11 ? ile rn la the aary n the eaipeaein ?f the aarrtee i ij reqairt aatil I'n-ir aemen eaa be npfBed hy gialaetaa Ina the Nut?! A? i !? Mr. (.iiMBi nlT* ? ?1 an am? ii'lin? It, winch Wal ;??1- pt-tri, ? r? oil?, r n.r.ul coii-tr.idoi? ?!. .11 1 ?? -t.ttl ? 1 tin" j The raaoltrtioa, aa ami nil d, ?.??? f 00t\ INVALID I'lN-H BB 1' iH'Tt wa? on inntion. set aj'iirt for lin't (?i.?.'i* -i ?nu of nita ind reporta Ilma tike ?t-otmmittn '-?? loi li I't'lieo...?. p.i iti.w, iiiii,i-ni-. I ut the i*- . ? .?\??*r of ti -'n'? ?. M Bl ' BEB ?id ti... (ii ;.? r..l li:i the nbjectof the laailnloMoa of tin* Hebel Klitoi tata ( oagreee, Haw, Sir, lit at niall i im! ni tin* fletan ol iha peal oa Ihia ? iMeet, and ne, or eadriaeat to ne. the axacl potdiion oecupted by Mr. Ua. du 'ii:,' bing lb* powi r of < 't>!it aniio-UiC'Uii'Ut of the i .lu y or Mr. Jolinsi'ii iit.nii the nii!,j'*ct ? f Keconitnictioii, i?, ?I ci??ir?e, t i Le to .ml in thl iii'?-' ?' l-'iiia papn whnli ho ever tinned, Bud tliat i.( hu? nu?*? ?k<* at tin? oiM-nin? of the prusenl an* ?inn of ( ?liKre??-?. 1 MB* read that metiape, Mir, with tim ntliiii'it car-- I lint?* n ad it ni.ii studied it c.ii?t' nh it. ?I reputedly, uti ??", Mr, ha? the country, aad M ukin Im lay ?loci?iieiit 1.1 QllelOBOO Mm I? well undcrslo??-!. boll? in C'iiiirrc-H iidd out of it, it i? that docuiii-nt. Kow. Mp. Um toUowiag i*? n Lnef ?ynnp-i? if the tiewi of the naaiaent ob Ihia Bubjeet eoataiaaala thal pap? r. It anumaa toi inerte ibe p.-u.-t ia ibePweldeit, to ippalal I'iiiv:.?:-ii::il OoTI ri.oi? ?if til" K' Stat?-, alni tu gin tiiein aatbority io call eoorentloaa and rbeetahlteh civil (roreratneati (n then. Thia, Sir, it d__lata us an asalaeire power riilinethai h lal rtred ?Span lha OoartrtatioB?-> tiie |e)wer -R-h'.oli he proceeded to nenin .it an euri)- y< - nod, und Sir a [i.m.r which. In mr j-dgmeat, elMBla :.?. part of iii.- (' of the United State?. In Ubi document, Mr, be < laimi ibe ii_:!it lo laaogaiae mirli gas ernmeute a? Mate ?oretanaBti ?iii? all lha ?yowan, ririlegn of Matae la tin I aiaa, lBahott,bee_aine t'.i- powei .i? the Exe? itln --i the Uaital siate?, t.- _b_m aith the Main oame li laMnaetioa. Sir uadet - ' i -?? i! tli.? ('?iii?' lull ?li d ????? the Tri-Mil-iil of the United Stein lind pawn t?? paoeealn ai:-l ?-mt ?Itheb peace alter a Itali -.1 nar Lut Hilt r?.? ned, ?lntlii r with a foreign t*?n:titrv willi ulm li are Btepbl ?happai ?" at M wm at ?iili a stat,.' or District deeliiad by Conguna la l?? m in.'irr.i non' Ha baa ii-?! lha pawar aaaat ti?e Oeaeatta* I . ii tn milk" war ,md t-?i the - uni? rea!?(?Ii he lum no power n:i'i?*r tin- C-aatitutkra to make paaee? un?l ?C-Bgnta Ina in-vi i in ?my statut.) winch it ha? pussctl givoU to Hie 1'res ?.I? ..! .?I t!,e I nil, ii M,,te.? anv authority whatever le -te i tra pean area la regard la iha Rebel stato*. (?uitlc iiieii win look ia rain for aay neb aatharity. U Iba art of IHI the President ?a? authorized to (let lim (ertnn Matae ee part? of tttiot, m ?-<>r mtbt petce u : !i the ia ?urreetjnr: try S'ates ; and it a?t.t?inen, Sir. all this Without t. -li.'hii-i ne "?.'iiition on any of its pairemr in any of Ita p'iij,-rii? ha of ihe power or duty of < ongreaa te li pia late on tnese Bomentons and important rame. la. Not! i .- Bli T-emeesajsniaaoret eomptvtt-rt Congress and it? ?iithoritv.und treats tno Bxeentittu lae only mu. ree of power oTer the Rebel -taten It does nat pro] a to -pa Bait Contres? at all ?m the ratWet of r> ? onstraetion, aid t .U? s? tittie pam? lo r? fer ThiR nil.j-ct to ory other brtaehol it m to Canfttai ae if there waa du Coi ress, ?suit ui'li Miignlir coolnes?) a?k? lhr 11 - ? 11" of the ateetton teta ii and atiallflcationt of it? own nieuiler-, Mr. llowuKi, iifiii aaattaa from ihe Bttaaaxn ai I aome (?I the prix Lunation? oi the l'lesulcnt, mid ihr.' hi (Prtsi? ' di ut Johnson) h id preeaaaed lo appoint, wit?oat Ir'v, i ri?,-. Isioflnl Got.r_ortIbrtbe South? m Btatee, tnd to im* i aart the powet to call conventions for tbe pnrpoea of al? toning thooe Btatee to remodel their eonstituiio_8 and to j enact lae, to a .cr the ?1.ole in].] of State I -..?1 .ii?".?, i uni ba had m d. ait? r baring dana Urie, very r?oUy and viiv C'ld??ei-ii?iiiigii' io ?oagpam ii now reaaaina i"r you to jinl^c oi wbnt-of ino B-Btm of Ih" S'u-. ? f.,r ici,In,i?-,,.-i loto the Union ' N'.., fin-' Ita |ud ?? of tnything else I No, i?ir! Hut ti-tipry end satatlpto JadgB ti?.? elect ions, ()ual i tient ion? and returns I iii'? BtU-tort ai d R.'pn'itentativepi who Uii^itt happen lo be eleeted M repteaaat tbe Boat-era etatWReonst acted ?nuil, r tbe Raec ure deane. There via.? a. toil I Bbi egsti? n mi tin* purt of the K mi ut ive of any latbotitp whatever lor frsttMjrem aa \wt*t**t? m Intent??ala, to tenelete iu .my mi.iiiinr whatever Um ttatai of tbe Rebel Stein. .Mr. Soward Mid be to aid tai ?i^-crt thal Pin. laioaal Got? arnott ooah! not to haye been appointed, bul th? aaeetioa ? ia, " \\ pew? bud Iba Pi. sidci.t oter ii.? amby el ' ' I- erna for Ctmanm and ant Car tbaPntklnatM han. aa? ! tboriaad tt*. m ippoiatmeate. The power rs n laed by tho I're-id.'iit in Ibis iiiiitler IM ana at lbt ino t ? !? I'll.? ia t -uri .it i,,um of tbe power oi Comm-s ever atti m pt. id. It the Gongn -- of ti..? l uiteil Staten abatid, ti this Bornent, ?unk ?ii i h i h i- umptiiiii of powi r, if th- y lb - il m t stone Bp lu re te Beeerl Uteii eonantatnm d power over Ibis i.t a portanl branchol their dutJee, Iban be iHontrd) lo bed ti. raid to the timt wbea (he will of iii?- : ? of ti,i? i..i'ion shiiil become tim law ot lae lead. Mi. Ho.t aid waiinnedi The President Bbould lave ( alii (l i ,,:, :i, -? t<.-, thor al the elote of tbt ?..r, instead of claiming the liga! tomptbel be, Andrew Johnson iii" laBcbp, wet toi - bow t! a wi.rk of rec oatt nu Rob wai to '. ??(?: '!:.,? ,i. Inferring to Mr? I.'noola- pita of recon itruciioD, Mr. HiiT.ird aaedi Now, Sir, it?' tbe Berne of 1 Mr. I.ii'c?.l.i be in. longer .|Uoli*'.l l.cic . - ' i . I ' ?? ndl.or ? I ?!. - ti no .- i ??! , V", by Mb eli t!;.. ,. ?? -? ? ??? cr of Congress otai tbe subi et ..i rtj-onstnution ii ?id to be ti -o.i ..I :t'!i..R.:i :!.? iiiii'd i.t'dn- Ria titeo] v Uaited Btales. i)?? not des?enlo tb* name of to treat and ' ? n,.iii a- I'n -.,!, ni l.ii,i ?lin I . i i pi 'ii; t.- bil i ?li n gtOM attempt to uui*plbtpoweTS of Coiign-?*. Mi I'.-, id, HonoraMe Becretanr of Stole li tai prepnn I ipeecl de? li-,, ii?' hi bim at tueCooper Inttittrte, In Kew*Y?r_, on toa 2M iliv . f Vi hr.iary, simultan?* ,u?ly vti'h the lb Uren oi thi IT,-? ,' it's own *p.'?.h, to which I hate already ?I ? if? ,| . | ,-c logeftbe r?-it'irai um of die nil- i ?tal ? g ]j which ? ? n ?? i ? rare rtranu | " ?-ir. " I ? says, " now, 1 em suru thal li I ia, the ' ?.'an of Prtai ?i i -i.'i ?"ii) ia kroll,,, t .?..(?? ,!." Thetis ' ; of I ,.,??!, Tin ?O0 ol die Bo ithl ."? i I mia of it," st? ? the la t? ! inn at Stale, "oeraust tom plan mutt tu< ed." H ..? t pVfi'i ??i i ira ? pin lin plan .? o .- ;?> so? ? ? ? l. ? \\ , I a - ,? 1 j ti 4, i;,,, i m ,ds i . , l i ,,-.: -, d -i.? I? s sentence at thal hy way ?if I -. r wi I ! told me it u.i . . . , : "And bees na" ? >n( -,,, ? the ?'? ert t s "thi* is th? only plan wim ii lied ! ."'ti attempted, or r ?.ii !? if'''?!.' iVc 'I ' ? ? pi. -i' iii'!'." Ii.ii.itri! ?(? *? i n T.iry i.i.^oti.ti il.e i|.i:i of Mr Lincoln, a ? . ? - t m tia if?. di ?i. i -, \ .:,-.-? di .t it tit* "ii v ' ! . 'A i-, I. 1 a i. -i ? I seta I I row out no .? mu? i o (|. !,, - ? bnl I - til osl s here to ? radi t ? i? p.'licr I will tr> t a' i?- . I '. re lb? I ??,111;: la it tv' n h wo .' I ' ? the a atim aa l I tell yoe tint va. i;. ti it i. fully and Burly prteented to tbt people of th? | ?I ?: lb?? O Hi? To ll'i,,.'???? II .1 -. it i., ii, it? l? n.'th ka Ita brealtn, in ited ? saorn ' a d itik.'?" i ij?nice tad rrax Hy, , : m ali kia mamtra ti- ? lir, I ? I . bt that ' . -t, ?"...ii lad m? .' people ? --i t.iiic'i tu praeerra the 0 temi?rnt. to : - ...ti.?,, Will k.','-e ? I ktt?1| ,i I ? -. -Mt in! !?? n li.?. li, r| la |m,||,-t an ?o___aB_/ n??? it. ?I bl ?? ?-. II?- ?.iv* ii i? .earti ??spated ai ready, the Statt?, he mya, beethen to ti.ia The Btat?. - fan iv m tbe * theil ? . ? ( ?:,,.-, uii'* jH.vvi 11. .lid !.. S1 .*?? l-l Vi ? Port is ni A Um. y to V, . .? - ??' |,,. ,, .1 (.,- -, q ,. Bl c of ' t1'-! i : ' ? ? :???'! time, or Will ti. ..* --! > , ' tea i latione h m'ti.c B_erri.t theil protsri ire as loyal snd obi ' thi , . f .In I 1 - .' -. .:..! if t I.Bil ' ?! II .: t . ? I'.-l"?. u.? IP thi >,,.?? li Ni . Voik . !. t ? wtntonly and wiebtdlj? refnsa '," , then " rea of reprt tentation bal it ? 11"> ??! ? l th?M?ic,,? .Ni'.k-Voik. ?la, i* i" be ii? ; re..1 :,.1 I ' \\ bal ka ii ?' I ?(-'.. al reaall of Um eaacrtioa ol d., Beenta . ol Bl ',, thal l ney a e aa perfectly rababilil u lend i pea session of Btal i rbts sa ?lamb.ii of thia union, m is iba Biete of Ne w?Yotb 1 s,r I ? nhl not imp?ts to tbtSec ? retarp of State eny antawthal or aieked mientioa. I ?lo? I nit. Rat I ??unot reed this Inngnegs end tot dnweome 1 inferen? e nom It, th kt it ti le?u* sqmats al i i poaaibility ' .,f an. i ,i inti ti. mu i ai soma fatnm tiaw, and ibe tatt] ? 1 ?.in , i.t, by meant of executive power, .f bean reeoa? si,m,' i Ntati ? m i ?agr??e, with a n.ll qaotnef Repre ?(??it.i'.v ? ? ead Senaten If ti ?_v ?re const it i tiona] v en ' titled ',.. ti.ii? ti ; h ?. ?:. In! ton, snd as in ne i mi a- Nea-Vi.ilk, ! it is wholly ont?nstitutio-Bl to beep lb em out, 1 eordiagtotbe Mee of Ibe tweiat?iy of Slate, the conduct I oi -Ottgreotoa tht.4 ?iibjert in wtmtpegaty, reTolation_ry, I mi. .illliii?! tr? ii?"ii.iblc. Sir, therein but 0?8 ^!'>p more , afdr am h .*. d.. huatioB, thal it, on ?d suing of the eui i pin- ?mnt ?ii ii, illari foret t<>carry ont thia parp?te, in amdution, Mr Howard? raibiiiag la the oen-itjon of the loath, argntd that tba spirit of the rebel? l.ou still eiisicd there, ead that, under u PresiJi ni lik? Bach?nea, li weald braah out a?raiii. ile in. tended t?i rm-i-t tbt eieontin Intentions, of which hi? hail apctken, ?I Ut be bad i Mai ia ibii body. If Cob? pre?? nae to beeapetted bptbeaeiatciftbi btraaet, a? r. i ? .illili-: ?1- ?I bj i..'si-i npers in t'ie mt'res! i f iii.1 Prepi? d.-iit, h., Lu one, ?.iiiitl icmnt it. Not btraattiig al pee iliai eonnge, ba Mr 11 ? ??? ud] na kid my Come ob I ash bo tatara. Thaflnl bead of riolenee laaa npon a atambat of this bod], "t ti 8 Other body, ?ill bv die rig?al l??r such .in aps-dngaaaaagtbe Northern loyal Baeaeeeaabal] teach ?hot'ver lie nuil batbat puts liiiiiiclf at the head of rael a inoveinmit, tha" tho people of the I'lilti'd Stitt? I I..ile not fotgottoa thal d,.) an- -.mi ? Bas pt ?pet, end that they , aie reareeanted. u;,.i mtaad as?rrw t?? be r. |'i ?.?? ?ted, by e free Auk mau (T.igr. an. (Applause in tbe pUerfes.] Mr. Cad waa paid tho anana of Mr? Howard waa aa ad niisaloB that there was a failure on Iba part ?t the wurwai to compel tie Southern Banals te I'nl'.l! tlat-.r constitutional obllgatinni, It bed failed, according to ibu Senator i'mni Michigan (Mr. Howard). Hut if, ?m the other bend, tho war was for the pnrpo.o of toil -juenug these pa pie, treat nixt them ?? serf? and slaves, than it wss uti oolra? upon all right?, and ?11 iHithority, und lind no Jualitynik? inunda? tion anywhere. It win? an act unworthy ot M-lghtaned mci, e?|), i i.illy Ihoso descended from tho Signen of tat Detlaratioii ot Independence Ho did not know whero tbe righi ot eanaaeat wn? vested la aai part ot ihn Onrerameat. wa of iho Aaaariaaa nation bad ab? Beentod the righi of rwignaai lad of labjugation. H..vt dinna justify onratltsa in tbeSrat Rerotnuonl mt by . ?SftlU?, thal every ((iiiiiiiuuily, every people, ii.i.l the right to ebon? theil own form ot gatBrnmnntl lie had linur.1 the Declaration of Independence quoted ia Ibe .Senrif.-, ?y eettbUafa ahaarditleB, which it Datei ??i? In? t< :,d? d to t>_t?tbli?b. Hut here stn? a ??reit historic f.u! whnh no ti i it ti dar? !u deny, timt Ihe RetolutioD vnin bend apea Iba righi ol ,i peapll (?> parata tbeiaaelrea. and thai Bobody aha bad the right b govern them, Tba lan? i alor bon Rjicbbju had t:?.lke_ About BbkBdUMJ m I Ibe p.iss 1 hen,i.pi l.i Hi? ht.Uni? ?U the lireach, it is true, !uit Mr. Lowan thought it wa? iii the breath to prevent the rec-tablinhiiiciit, Ihe reunion of the eanally - gorerameat Tbe Bpeitatta had Blood m tin? it.ipis to mil back the titi?? of foreign itiViisio'i, that thi y might not betonteFsraiaa atntlaeee, biMBUM they denied that Xi riet, king of king?, had tin ri|ftit to eonenet them ami hold them as aeononand ptople. It nu iltat tai lea, bo tboaght, oa tba part ?.t tba .??(?iiator from Michigan, Io allude !?r the ici) r.vers?.1 j.iir pow to tbot which \gi been sacred lor ti,uiJU yeiir-. Ile i?.nil aab by what ?airiint ihe war wai mad." ' ?Vat ji beeanes of ta J?heren! political BonitJgnty bt ?huh one paopta bata tbe right to dominate over another ' \V!i.., M iiskcl, would dare to avow that theory upon tba ??air of the Aninri, an Senate' Th- denial of any inherent political Boranigaty wa? the very traam aluna of tLo AmtcioaB Reroli on. Ho ranaidand Unit the warrant for ihe war wa? tim Couititiiti'in and !'..? laWB Tba people oi the Re* el state? had ba?ad Uienunirta to thal L'onstitation and bad aaaaBed ia making tbe laaa. Thej 8. cciIimI. s sjgbl to avoid their duly lo -MM UkWa und v,e claimed tim n^-iit to compel them lo stand apoa -Man. Wo (lui eompel tba menennta, th? KeiieN. the tr,.it, i?, in lay do-i ii their arma?not to aa-Baadai Inaaj set of aten, ' not to tb? President not to Ctaagi-n but t,? tin? i.i'is. Wo Batana them la tenant tin ir nilling? ii?-.? lo oin y-not the ?Senator In.m Mn-liiira.i. ' tag any Bambea ..i laaaaapj, bal la obey tin. lavs?. Oar tin.|" li .1 d em io ?un. to ii...'( d stlluiini and ? si .1 : ? ..h *!.i di t wht*n they 1 ed i i I to ilppOI Mr. I .lu'iiiii-t them. Ho did not bell? ve that the Senator from Mi? w.i-ild have ben guilty of the impropriety ? ou. Uiitted hy the Seioaior Irin {fonda Oit. MfM m'hen bB mu? hs waaJI banp Mr. Davie withont inal. II" thought that woald be m.?rd "r. Mr Cowan tb'.tiifht thal to exe-cute ?i.iiviilu.ti venjfcimci; up*.o a uiaii?la haag bia witboat hw?gm ?uurder, and ne who coiium'ted li i nardepep. The hw i? supreme, and to the law* alone he _____*? .ut aa I ?--I ii; tj.iid weowed no to CongretaM -r IVt'riidciita in ihii counlrv, aad be thanked (?cd ft-r it, and he hoped the ia? woola naval cobm wbaa we ibo ild i e held to obey anvt'hlim bat the law. Wo w?ro hut dean m1, n ?to wnre tho collar and hame?? of men. and, it Wim wo Iii, he ?hoiight we ihoilld be unwi rthy soli oi Wot o?r tioiinri .iii??-. 'Iii? Statt?,MidMr.Cowan,arctorp? ?tiOBI, and lal cn.zrii? ?re e? rp"ranirr?. Whenan? eorpatalotl uudertook to j?revent the pnrpose of the corporation it wat Um liuti of tin? United States to ftep in and Mattel the otter eonaratota ia the eatayaoBt of their riirht. Gea tlemtm talked of the Piaetdeat i-eetcrtia the Btatae, II? would tell then that aetthei the President nor Oeagtan ion..I do ai rthiag of UM kii.d. The HabM tiin?t do thal for theauelT-t. Then? were two wat? of dalag it. One I i- tor tiV Slate? t?i ifuitinue a? they were ; on Hie Other hand, it wa.? right for the President, if he ebon, < 1 CoierniiK'-it aa unfaithful, .iti-l _t*jBCtal pi " ?on?! io nike the trust, as would Lave been done by a (_' :rt. dr. llowr. nuked bira where the Preiidcnt got the power point governor?. ow in ?aid he pot .t from h;s power ia Command? er-in-chief of the anny: he (rot it from Ina duly ti? ne ' i Uara Were exec He t He h .?I a right to 000 Hi? rebel? and traitor?, lad Bl had a tight lo appoint person*? t.iWn.icli over the trust ta which their own people had been unfaithful. President Lincoln ebon the hitter al? tern.iliu?. Mr. Howard had n?ke?l where the Pr?*?id.-ut had power to miif'-r political lighta. Nobody ever i '??tended that th" Pn-ident ever conferred political rigl M any? body. Ile (Mr. Cowan) would go further an?l tlinp back m .? the te th of thl advocate? of thi? doetrili'-, that C"ii aront cannot confer political ri|_hts apoa anybody, '..'lia* po-ter ha? CoBgnn Io < ??ufer political lighta. Thank (??d' the cit.zn*. ?if the Statea held oi her rtcbta In im a lnpher natal than Con pre??. Whit hal the wat done 1 Bad ft repealed ?my law, or dcetroyed aay eaaitltatloae 1 Certainly not. Tbea the ?? --a-'on ?! ('he war bronpht back the Southern Malla to theil ?'?i.-* lino nut'' lo Hum. 'ibewarwa? eonducted ob ?his iib j, hut now that tinrty tl...t ?a? forcim-rt in ? ??n .liictim: tim nar tins il'-.i ,np the war a failure, ai.-.l ni laaden wiro ihfleiiai HiaaWia to ?io ? Lu r. I'.. Senator from Mu Urina udv? ctlcl a plea that would nev.r teaaw Union, iiiour-n it Blight neai.nqneet. Then waa aerar each a '""? ee uai/ar u tha*, beeaiin the Hootben ?people an it wai I"' al thouigb they might nad i-?) ?l n:eii t"i Coagrnc, thon nei wo- Id do uetbing but carry out the tie amuebla Union. It war. a l'ac? tion in powi r h? r who ??ml that the Southern [ eopla were i'i.ih i.hid m, .it.ti whyf Bman,cone la mthe** : ij the> will never j in with then eztrentete Boweremueh be (Mi Covan) night depraeata the neeeeioBol o party oppoi d to bim, ha atUl would baw ia aabatteeiM io the ?ill ?ii ii.(?|.i"', i io! lo do a wai la be ? icccntonirt hi.' the? t? ?-.- mata oi IBM It wm Mid bow that we nail it the DeanctatM party It ?a? then teal we "?m 't trust the It?pi: ii?an party. At the ooneluaton of Mr Cowea^ ipeeeh the queatioi ama taken apon tin* follewtag amendment i - i... ?? iieeeJetea t,i nrtarmiag, or aad? nuking to . cr perfoi ni m t iii.:.? - ?,f ui.y i.fl'.t ?-, w I i, 1. 1 ? Uw ure label d hy it.? sd. ne nud nenat of the leeata ?ball, hatee caalrmaMea lacelre aay cenip anttee fur in? . . i h ?I ee? ? i niuil(i;oE?d by the President to Uli ara I ?-?roy i 1 Li-1? rib, retipuatiou or expi.t'ini. of tena . dariag Ila munal iiw leaate and nuce Hi lan ailjournai.ut. I bo rata waa u follown *iitH-Me*?rs lathaap, Chandler, Clark, Harr.-, Hender ? Tiio Boan ?r? not in aenioa to-d..y. Balriierlag ia om.r. (??rf??r.?i..!ric? of Th* S V Ir ? ? WA-lir-OTi ?. D ('. Mat ' Yi"?t.*-ii:i\ uren wat aalte a ti .tier ami p.-ilp.ut.on 1 ??( ti ?? L.-o t thron?,?*i mt t.'ie Iri-trtury Hi-partii! r.t, cauvd !?t ti i r.lut inn af ?dinpre??. iff. red hy ??reen ? 'lay Suii'h iii it , the .?-?t'i r? -mi io? lu r*?| ured to report what ftttttt, nala ?ni haaala wen halllBg?ana fat the __Nparta_eata from ' State atiioimrd. tLey were dolnp previo-i?, an-1 whether I t!.i?y hail eTor ?erti"?l in the I'mon artoy and if ar.y were then ..! irrTotl it? the Keb?! arn.v. 1 ? i rhtagi man ?lowly la W'eehiagtaa, other? tot ?o nnn h ?o. Thl? re?olutinii wa? reportt J iu the tuoriin g p.tper and bef ire tin* dsy wn? half thrt?d,*h every one? record in our Hu r?* m had been ex*uiiin?il. Some ?coked upon ?Lit resolution i?. di-ipi >d tn aid in making room turtle lndoreeri of " my pol? ier," other? a? ?ti attempt to ?ettie the mooted BMeHea <>( WbetfMe there were Scci'silom?'? in ntltee io any considerable number, lut ant w ly of lo.ikinp at it there w??, a? I laid, a " flu'ter.'and vlnifini of "dicniisal." the eter present n:p!:t mare of office-bolder?, prew uncomfortabl; near. Ali the Lidice wero asked if tbr-t had loit relative? in the army. Une widow, poor hot merry, ?aid her '?on and brother wonM hu ve been in the artry, if ?he had ever lud one, and her tn.stiaiid too, only he died before the war. but ?he !?i?l ao uncle killed in the war of lui'.', and she would ?tig .,*?? up i i(r;_it uw ny if it would do any good ?" If the llureau of tlio Controller ufC'urrency i? a fiir ?ample of the athen, the proportion of to.dicri and ladiei who hare ha?l near relative? in the army it ?lready larpe. and the result of in i? dd.ii.-'ii ? ill be ?atihfac tory to thoie who wiih that the Uo pjitmenl? nf ?iinertiiuent be mode at much a_ practical le a honiefortheiutrerer?by tie war, but there it a [?art of the work of the liepBrtmentt which will not be done by men who hare mm vi-,1 ia camp?, f?r the reason that another kind of talent and BBgertaan m ri-??iilre,l for itt effietent execution. Kor Will the i.e.?.I? of !- .reaa* sltviyi be patient with those who care little for the faithful performance of their duties, feeliui tecur* >u then place? beeau?e tbem?elve? or their Maadi were in .. on. -. It cannot be denied that lorne item to take ad? vantage of tli? fact to neglect all ?.?rt? of work. Although te have I. st u limb or a hatband in the war maktt a mr,dip plea foi the aggigtance of the Ourernmeut. it might n well be understood that it oirrylng It too far, to make it an excuie foi utter lsg:ne?i. There ire la the different depart? menta many iliiabled civilian!, to whom office it at important aa a means of liTe'.ihoo-, a? to any di?abl.?l toldier, and tome are working welland fuittifullr. In the hope of retaining their places by the ?ide of loltllen, who do not half at much or half ?? well i bot thi? i? an onpopular way of lookiug at it; and it it to te credit of publlo feeling that it it to, for to the soldier? we owe more than we can ever repay. JEFFEB801. DAVIt 1.1DICTBD. Ilarwill Prabablp he Tried la Jaar al "tariallg. Baltimohe, Friday. May li, lm?. Yesterday .IcflVrion Davis wa? indicted l'or treason by the (?rund .fury of the United State? Diitri.t Court, now in session at Norfolk, an?! tho trial of the ii ?-nip'-???' d, will takt? place in June. Dr. Hipelovr of Alexandria, one of the member? ol' the Onad .lury. who reached Baltimore this morniap, ?ay? the ?tad un l.t that Mr. J. Giliugham, the Foreman ol the (Irand Jury, du lined serving a? a member thereof, altor tli! opening ehurgt? of Judge Underwood, it in c rr??ct. Mr. (.iliiuiliam had never lerved on a jury bo? l?n*, .lud ?imply rcqueited to be excused liom a-Imp as Foreman, ?t.itiup us his nuiioii that he was afraid lie was i:?on:;..teni io till tia? poumon. Ile mude uo objection | ? hatovei to serving aa a member of the jury. nOOn DI8PATCU. KOiroiK. V?., Frldsy. May II, IBM Late ye*>ter?lay afternoon the Graml Jurf of the^J altad Htataa I'lrcnit t'ourt, in aengion in this ??ity, bro'igbt in a true lull ai_*aii!?tJe_'cri?>n Davn for treaaon, and adjourned | until the first Tuesday in June, to meet in Kichmond. NoRK-ut. Frldar. May II, HU ?In? lae Uii.let wood went North last ui-?'ht. Il o has a eapj ol the hell of ludk-tmeut agaiuit JeflerM_u Davis. The ? ii Fallar? al Maliiaaer?. IlALTiMORl,Fri lay, M.iy II, I ??a? Hie retail? "I the failure of Messrs. Bayai At Co. of this ?ity. ni?*. -if known to the jmblie a? the prune ruuie ?f lha faillir?* of the Merchant?' National Blnf, Waebtng. mi., pi??.? lo ? ire b.en n'.or?* ditattrous, ?uauilally, than at hnti napoaad Poat of our city bank?, at lea-t, aro ?nlleter?. mie.?' tim oldest and moat reliable is ?.ml to bare l"?t al out, which will, no doubt, iiaaaahal curtail dh id? ada t? r a lime oae athel i? **.iiil to I .ne |. ?t ? ??( " " ' -, II , ? . .1 |? ??J ..->._ ?__?'? ____!>?U __.? .^.?_ _______ ? -. ,-,.,?, JAMES STEPHENS. The Fenian ?'Iii..' in __c Melnpi-liy. CELTIC ENTHUSIAiSM. LEVEE AT THE METROPOLITAN MTB. IIESI?j?XATIOaXOF O'MAHONY. INTERVIEW WITH COL. ROBERT?**. STEPHENS? DACiCrEaR. Vihit to Ni WS Theater?A DriYC to Ce_ tral Park. SCENES AND INCIDENTS. Tho Metropolitan Hulel was all through ye-tt-nlii and last night tho grand nuclei? of Fenian attraction. A ? an early honr in the morning*, aimons, ardent, bnatliag crowds tuiemblcd on the ildewalki. eager to catch a (lampas ol .lain?-? Stephens, the celebrated Inih revolutionist, who, as our | n ports itated. is at pental the guest of the I., lundi. At the 1 day ?dvanied (hecrowdt Increased, and ?boat 10 o'clock tho ', pren of pt opie wa? io great that it wai deemed a?l.isubi? to hold 3 formal lene. When it ?as announced that Mr. j Stephens trn? re'idy to se? any perioi:? who wished to ?ml him. th?-r?'wai ?grand ruih up the rpac.O-S stairways, (he corrh'.ori were instintly filled, and the regular (neate of tl.o home Iel in ditmay to their apartments before the fenian ni tader?. Mr. Stephen*'! rooms are on the third floor, and ii,? : thtndei of tba oeattttss tramp, tramp of the income i? und ? on:.' ? is on the oaken ?tair i-aya mar be easily Imagined. Bal j Mill there were hundred?, el tue great ur.wss-od ' paisse*?, I who (Ijre not ob?i-udet_em*?lret within the wsUlof la theos i the ur^-.ocratic Metropolitan, and who waited p__MHBj bear ; after boor, mini evening, v..inly expecting to see the ivioat IIcjil (ci.ter uiuke ni? (.?.pearaiice. THE LE' El . Mr. Stephen! placed hiin??lf eu'iiely in the band of tho C> m i mutee of BaaipuiB. of which John Kaili:j is theChuiiiii, , ' ni.,1 in ace??; d.ncc with t'eir adrice, the form?; reception ??I | Tiito-t t? ?ik place about ten o clock. When the doors aoie opened lhere was a tirricle run!., snd l!.e lire eitenil, d tu m ?bedoor of room No. i_,X t?> ? distance of one kaudred yanti I along the corridor. Mr. Stephen? ?to .?I in tr? renter of ti.? n?.i..'?Lil jmlit?li ihr >k ha*,:? with each on? who was |"?? ented to him. 8ot_ett_a l.o chatted for a !*w moment? ? tth one. but the greeting exchanged were usually aa inquiry into the 4:s;i,t.irt condition ot each other. A deputation (f th** committee of reception waited cr, IT I. K,iiirit4 at 11 o'clock in the morning, re, .??ting hi? e<0|? ri ! ti..ii tn the getting np of a public den. ??-tuition to be t?ti'l?i??l to Mr. Stephens. Col. Beear?l matta] ti. it he woald net be _?i cbitacle to any such ondertnkng, ant stated that he wool?! f'trr) any inch movement his cord'al co? aeration. Bobsetajueiit y anotSt-r deputation called on Mr. J: ?erts requesting bim io come to tho Metrepoiii.ia Hotel std hate un intemew wah Mr. Stephens. BEf-IGN ?._:?? OF OMAH'?? Y Alpotit 12 o'clock John (? Mahony tt-_uer??i ti.s reaig_sti??n as Bead O'iter of tho Fe m un llrotberb>_ in America Mr. St ; bl : ? accepted the resignation. The followiag is tb? re? pli 'o Col. ti'Manony'i reilgnation: l .VKTiiopoiiriT Uotii Vaw V.'BB, May II. Ii-it, as. To JoBM O'MlhOM -.<,.? irtthar Iii my oji'iiiiaD. you li .?? ., l.d , ?l??iy ? J |.?tr: 1 ally in tri oVrih?-yoar rnljr at on ub?I?. a :,ni, i ' et???? '? No nan worth th? name q ? * :.. yonr honor naemm I?a to In ! ?rti n Wi _e..r. .? n.urh, sad to ? f : wet ?o,i-a I lan Irr?ad ?t y. ur lavtt?ttoe, weald be i?po?.ii>i? wi.ii? you air?. t?d ?fl.iia 1er?, ft ui..?t be ua-!e?. to I?i! ?nu ? hy j ] fr?l b< n-4 honrT.r, to ?.y tlat in ??iitrrraii-.j tl,.i lill urrl J? I plimb'e (l;T?r;.nce ii-om th? Ira? p?tb you not ooly _??? pn,.,l of >? -? ::.- "e(i a rriu ? I-?? ?ic :.?! ? in you lh*B Hi ?ny uti-iii:aa Kor you iliuu'dliaT.-anowu ' at?.,jr priii-i-t, bowrirr i int?rname, watti h??* ateUtd in our mia and ytu ?huuld h?*c*i?* I I? Ii?.--? v ?? "/;? .td tai ?iii (ii, yen tim? w iid ti.m ?he tra* li,?lu, ?>? d inl? ant , ?ni 'tom tb* ila u J r., Hmtlalf of t?a K., ?n Biotliei hood?direct ?lilli?n?? to ' th? niru lu u,* |ap. ? K.?i?. 'im. anti?rail, thia. I Ike Impel?-T*lj c_ ?d oa t?!??:c?i,t yi a i n ? ?cc-pr!u'Be?aanaay sal.! Y,1?, sir, 1 ?rai ltd all over the County ci'Cork. and them wai net a man or a hoy there ?oith uniii ,i g wbo was no1 ? Batst?B. ' lApplaiiae] Mr. Sihih.ns? ??'lbat it ?rue. We did not want meo, lue money or arm.? " I.AiiiN?'? Your toner will excuse me I tope, for roane? up to see yon in thil grand pia???, but 'our honor, I cool?! ml go to sleep to-night without laying ?uy esci .poa you, as yo? ar? here." Exeuut La_ia and O'Sbanneny. C(L. E0HIBT8 3 VI8IT. About 1 o'clock Col. Robert? entered the rr.itn, and. ?fi?r exchanging s few greatiegs with som? of those preseat. ijuielly look a chair and waited the ent,anc*of Mr. Ste-pbeu? m. si a? at th.. t?mela an adjoi.iiug room. \V; n Mr. Sti'i'h.n? cntei ?k1, Col. ltoberu wai preiented b? Dr. Uri:>_b. Ti? |wa 1' 'Lim chi.'ftai.'.i warmly graipe?! tneh oth?r t bandi, aid glano?? of mutual trutl were exchange.. Col. Kobc-rta app?'?r. ?1 i,: mi ,1 and di unified, and ?jtepheni coiirtattuus and conciliating. ?'How do you do, Col. Uobcrt? ?' How tre you. Mr. Stephens ? you have soma- y trends arouud you here lint 1 nat i-sie you feel ijuite at home?'' Mr. Stf.pHE!??) mini.'.!, st d asked him to hi? prirsts room. _B0B-_-PI BiirTv??p_r_i b?kurts am? d'uahom. O M itioney wai, during this lime, ia Mr. t*tfthtBl' room. Aa 1;..berts wai going in ha met O Mahoney, ?ho wat .acaln g th" room, at the re ?neat of Mr. sieiili -n?! I) kt ihonei tun ai liom Kobens with a cringing, shuttl ng gail, cow -nag ht-neaili las glance of the nan whom be de, ou ceci ru a malcontent I a trjit r The fallen cluef ((?'Maliern i I has cn: off hi. hi g hair he rowed uevor SB cut until Ireland ??loiild he fin1. He look? haggard and .areworn, ?ni! aluoat OB the petal ?>! ?Sti action. BBBBB-I andsrEintN?aOBBIBB?. Kobcrti and Stephcna remained abaatsi ulioiit halt aa beer. Ho one w11 present, and Ihe n-Hult ?if Coo BtSTTieW ia? Baft been mad? public. It it. however, BO?tiela? 1 bcobci a lion will be effected bet?-een th? two UiagBOf tbt Bri ii 11 hood, theegh the future orgaui_?tli.n of the order ia 11 nialt.-r which csni.ot l?e dsteirniued on tor aome d?ri or peibei? week? ? ol Itoberta and Mr. Stephens wein engaged IB ,, TMr-.t:,>n ah. ut t.ic..ty minute? ?then the door aaenad, htepheni made hit sppearsnee, ?_,! called for p.-i alni ,, ? All eye? were anxiously tu.ned toward the door. There ??.? a lull in the conversation, and Bah?W8 w a 11| o, :??! to ? out) iMhmg Mr. ?Si?n'uai-.a. Mr. St?|i elis qnclly siked la pea ?nid Iii'' an,i 0:1 hen:? l.iiJesl th.m l?- again returned to ti* room whit* Mr. Koberts ?wai'ed h.i cotoing. Sortie few minutes, ho??-, er. elapsed, the door t.Plng opeo tu the m??. . time. There waa a buronu. on ?I,ich was ? larg? mirror at po.tto tho door. Col. Kuberia waa awooselti frtsrii Tie? " in ti.? s1' i-? cn.M Id see hu refleotinn lie appeared pluog.d in deep tnought. he got up ?nd lal down again, all the ahBs tovinir with a small dagger wh' ti h? t ah frem Mr. St. pt.? 1? tibh*. He turned it ever and otar again in Ms hand?. ?!.?'? the ihiaiog blade from the 10ft mororco case and pot 11 bath tgain? tui ned it over betweeu bil luaats aid tried Id ?b?M' weil temperad i??mt on the arma 0, the chair in ?luoh h? ??? ?iHiug. Mr.-tepheni closed th?-'l.K,r??*ter him ?td ?!?"' I? tninnftt iSTte!-? ard? Mr Rober1- r me mt and left. o'-IXION V IM>1CTIN0 HIS ?A8T MA?triSTO During thu time the once gre?! 0*M?*??/, ?ho t)?l *i,e ii'Tii" 1 ibo prurerbUI gratitude ,1 repubii. -. waa ejlgai'i ? dieting hut lait manicato to the (Tre e? ?Wet ? uy b he 10 '? ? g iireaided; 10 long tLat he dlaguateai nearly all conceri'i.l ?. il h bli Kablan policy. Hewo?whi?uaiiald?iBet-ut? )..?? luioked the lait one of th? la?! box raitt realaa 1n.11.1y n.l! p ?, 1. i?, f - t.i-'i Writing appear-sl t'> Ma ? fo*l-M a...? ;? I li tn it in?! I>? rta. _-_uuiat'*B-.