Newspaper Page Text
?. na emento. - - ir I :? i . I i 'lill? KVENINO ' ?o I ti' "?? y .. . * ? -? - ? . , ? i -: i o. rea Ward, ?? -- ' * - _ IRD1 N. ?nus RVEMINlT ? ' LKAHt Mit? Iii Venn Ml ' ? - ?,?i v? - ? ? ... II .. M.rr Wi ? ' - r . . -. i - R rilli 1 . I i IRD8MI H ? ?. l lEN Till? Ml- - j.?.. til. or Til!. IVEAB INOOl lo!. OBI ! In , Han -.-. ,Y TMP.t Til,? .t kel in MAZEPi'A. Hal ' - ? VEsr i. '. - . , . lalaa ? .* oy. _ ? BOWERY 1 HEATER. 1 ii!? ? I I - ? Met Eli'?' . Ml --I'M. THIS APT1 LN i ITHHEVENiNOatH CLAUDE MARCEL; o, 'I ii? I moi or ,akb?i Mrs. J Prj ti I. Inri? .... ??, Ki ii ? . ?? O' .... Hstist ion. H E. Jobi .: UaviUu?!, i .. ,i I Uni SAND l I LI ? *'. york cuera 1 III . EVI NIK ? d (.Y-.-NA-.TIC PER t IRM l\. Ii ? . ??-.<(,?? sir .?. ' ? due, k1 ?.i.. Ma de Bat? Mattel ?? ?tj i ! , -, ? i - MIN iKEI.-i. I HI? EVEN I Li iil.l.'.i ( HALLENGE I>\'?- E. IN AND OBI NORMA, BURLESQUE MAZEPPA. Bl .'I MINSTRI i.s. i " I EVE! ? SCHOOL OP MINSTRELSY, R.T. 1 \'i- ? ' P mci S. BURLESQUES, DAN? l- ?. Bl LO?. DU El IRAI ES, ?1K?IN1A ( IT!!*?. BRI LI , '? ? _ IBV1BO HILL. THIS EVENI! Mi (?. W. MoROAN'S ANNUAL CON I ?.!t I Mist " Miss B '!.!*. M ? r- li I .m ? M-:**. !?? .1.11. ItloU.B?. .?.(..? -rt Uod l a. ?. vi. . .. Abbett. ST! n ? i.rii.D'NO. N .. I! Wari Teat) ?' TtHHY , I ..! .E.I*.'. IN .: MAR 1.1. ESTAT?ES Et I..--,, .. Mi iii 1-: BATTLE STORY, ' J. V .?(NELLA, i iixii? h"n. S ?M POA . !.!'!'. M *. Ml Mr vlway. ii'?. ?? ? ? tifiaol the Palntii g ? ) Mr. Vu. Bradford, KI Mil.? CRi SHED BY ICEBEROS, for the Baa ?i, ,it th? So'd..*!-' Orphan*' li omi'. lil! ? IKLYN ACADEMY OP MUSIC. ?I IIS ; \ .'M- aaan f sai-jo. M .ne. (teaaaaiat C?.n r. M-.? -.,.. Am ? ? ,. M Ui'?UU'33 ?OtiCC?. A (VRD. I ? ?ttim.* -hi! ? ?? mt. faaBlp au! prio? of th,-ir Ctt00g sr* ant? ill . ?? .* ? it ":t * |_s tar? ttep m.d cu-ndtniiun of pi^dent men. titr?.-?r> No? 111, l-l ,:d IM riiit'ii i'.. iiiTi's. th- ?'.* Bfm - :? tu !..s n?*wiy miniifictur-J Stocb or Srreaa Sl'i.IMl AM' SrMMEB (.'Li'TniNO, ?__B__B__II titi? Hot?. ? ? -, ?-.-?ri *-t nf BnnniI Bn?in**? iluit! for tb* for Bia. a 1 4 I'r ??-. o?d ,'S i.t? !, r ?ho ?otter, Ti ?> wi'.i be found h? Bat?ate Bw etfatalte* a hath the home baiei-joyed f-r nearly s ? ' i ?uti y f *.: *'n ?? ?sri-ly and eieginee of it? ?ty!ei and the aaa??nthaal Rapri .?? Uiv-xoNd, 1 _? 1 IOtwiM? E.i'.n."'.. ?.] pout? Htriid Oti: e. !? D. C. I1 ERBT, DBRBATOLOellT. a ? I? ?oi.d ,t . New-York. 1 ies'1 !?? mothllj ?'! di. -ne? at Mo ?ciip, lou of luir ml ptanunt In m l'on I' -i B .?'?-?-.; of >tre?tiii| cap.dary ?liiestei l? not of the I's-i? ??"? nrder. k M te eaaenteaea arBh the tew ef eaan aal effect. The Doctor a__a - per. h ?ii.'n'i .. ?eettl?tea what __bmb efBa* aealp hat ar n f ei icing a loi. o! huir or prcinntore irsynet-i, md pre?cnbritlie r- i*. ?I ? a.?.:**.* , I ii- Mana? tlienby ?ilium the aca'p to per fi.rn,i??i iii lhaeRh* ciiimer. Th?) Doctor rffcctntuy i? mu ? \xai;i aiij h ??? .*t IB annas?Baa Baa l'?ii?an Betel Bl a di?:on:? t ? !?octor by lending for a I ?Bj ?i ?1'in National Hrick Mauiink, with ?>nly Two tioaiai aaln UM kiteht pet han, with OmMM da<??'<4 '-li -i. -ni th* d*i ?? a_, ?'.d-d all tLlBATll, whi'.e thule in?!? 'ey ?he dry prii-ing ti.scLuiei ill cbcbdlb to riactl ou be litng ??posts to ra jjt. A ItKiira. 0,-nr-,i Ace..*. N*?. 1?! Brilwii N. Y. i*.: m Baili ?ab Luxury.?ThePobtaHJ Heap Esst ?r i 'o,-?t?r li- inn Pat*? ! Mi...? IB A -t-J I:.? ataaeaB I' - t ? * M.. ,, .ij-tir. Will lut a du time AasBl? .Tin ?? I ii, au tl.e io a i, I ? ibeial i . .>.. Addi.?-? .toni il H ? - Y irk. 'i aaaaaBj Bl a Bn * bib ?a, Fuipunoai Babb CaaBj -??-??'*!tbi_ he -Mabu Ii < it.? Ridici- Cara Trun Othee t at Nri Vi I.? It atiendan*. Li mber. WtUAWW, l\ ATKOrl _ Co . Fr ! tri . . d ..riy-niiiil.-ii , nu '?? ?g- -? K ??' l.vBBKB iu ?! ? ?ty, -.?di !i t'.'-y tell In com ?mi - e : h the a ?*.. lad j ? '? ? _ (' i" ??? \ '.i;,:..-!' ? >.'. l?cr ?'??/"!:: DlipllClkteS, ?2. Bl' .,*<v.-Tear?!i?t*:..*d It. A I rwii. Nu. lh Chalba? il N P i nja L - rrca Bawii?_-MAc_PBakv--Bi I ? ,.- l iL' Mwi>o-M?t'Bi5B < oara-ir, No. Vi Bro id wit. (;.;i>V'KR tV Ha KERI Hl(.liE?T i'RBMU'M KL._STIC PlIltB BBWlstt MAC! ? ? ? . ,? s . mil i^wsy. II ?WB SRWivii Ma"!'o\ipasy.?Kliai Howe, , f' -I -.T Agentl ??!il?d. I?: ,-S 'ii Ma- BIBM ?foi '1 iilon eil Mm ?c-: ."? .jaoTZB k Bakeb BBwlM Macblts tooram We rn Ur.iadw.v_ WhEKL^B ti WlLS-'N'S Lo? K-^TIT- II B_?T_B BfitHi> i ir.? .Viril .i?. N ? ??? Broadway._ 'I up i'd-intv ?I EUiptle S?'wi,<_-Mtichin?'-.?A. H. f?rri.SS Ha I II ?d*??V. Agenta W?ule?L IfllIlOal t\ ?'Ii'*:? nSKWIN? -.Machink?A Ti.HT Etit* h wira ? siniils T?s?ad ?.-.?- "Oiaad Trial <>f s?win| a . . i** -?ei ? '? ?? ?rt? . iimt-eioi Wak?Be ?'?'?ni Brosdwsy. 1.1 ?\d?h?::'i I'"iTI>er, fur azterB?BBUDg K' , Bn'i a-i ? erimii, sod pre*?rtiD| fun inl fr .m Moths Tin i ignitl aaJ |*j!iin ? ia ?igned E. Lros. All ntberi ire iinitstiom. Tsk? n> other Inssct Piwle? bat Lro.v'a Seid bj si! dr ?ggiiti, ind by BiumVI*, No g1 l'an row._ Carekts and Mattin?s, t*ry f hesr, M ? ?ah. Wa < ?t.*?r.Li No. ?fi r? m? ?? CHOLBRi.?< \.4\vell, Mack A l'""s Home R?mi* D'?? wiipriae til ?> cb aa wara recommended by Dr. Hm, in in Lil l?i-er Tb?y are parked uestiy in s box with s ?liuib.e tr-ati?e on the trestmeat caiMs sud prsvenlivnol the disease. Caiwbll, Maie a Co o*,ier E M i?? Batel_ Sbcvvvd-Hani? .Safes in Jarg'i nnml'cr-, ol' tmr own and i'hsri uiske. taken in eittinge for ojr new patent Atea in I 1?BI I'U-itbbSmb*. Euria!?low. Maatin i. ( i . Mi iii ?adwsy, ead H] C.d?.'r, * ?-., Ph?a_ ?,ARTT?T'l. VR AdTENTION l'AID to the I.'l.lli'i.'ii.'t in* of * ?'?>>-- >r atlel? o' ' 0I*t?b Tierao Sbobi which bise provfd O' ealaablt '.?j uldre i ? ?vo.-ydiy wt?i Binni w A Tbaik. Mmufar t ir?r?riaad VS Loleail?* lJe?:*ri in Booti and Sbuei, Nu?, d2 and 34 Xe^TM.N Y A., gi ? J? warranted_ KlVKLE al LY'N'S NBWiSEWI.NO-MACHINE. ?Wlicr? a*? hs?*e r, t ig?i'*, ?.-y -ti? lendln; n? crder? Itr twi? M i l.lnei shs I tecas*.? ?n* u ? priisut. ??lid lui ciicuan. .No. ?ol Broadway._ UtTLl'S lJKMrLCBNT SOAl'. No. M P?rk r ,w, N Y. Pr?e-t_tt n??'icg id! FmollieBt, for the Nnr?*ry ted Bath, t'pws-l i' .? ?.- -r iiyiei. Sii'.d by sil Heiler?_ ABTTT1CIAL LlMBB OP SUPERIOR QUALITY AND ?d?e/*?.i *t Arn y ?nd Ni?y furnl?h?d |iaiii willi tLsb???tt [er?u.i miss? m ot th? S ige.n OsBeral U S, Army, by E. D. llt'Mii.i M D Aaot Pise? C.irtoa Hs'.l, N. Y._ THB Sl?OBI Ma.N'L'EA? I CRIN-, ('(??I'A.VV'S I.? W Fa M ?ir Sbwibo Macaiat now ready ; site, Button Lois Machine. No ?ti. ?"??Juray_ lili Lait Days ol' ex-1'renident Martin Van B-tfui ?*r? mid? cimfortabls by the use of Joba? Wbitiobb ? Aithbs BiaBBV Letten in our poueiiioa from hil phyiiclsn, ind lr>a? Mi. V_n Ba-?ij Lidit.f ripr??! iii.icli.iiiCh-itioii aBh ?b* malu of in an Eg'.rt - ' L.le of VVsihin|tuB Urvinj." by bil B***aB Tien? M tt__a ? at I*'. P?|e TH: " The J , I ?r -j- -i :.oed ti an eiptrirr.TO!??bat Lad been ? fseit*?! by Dt (0 \V | li g _ei on hil iat? Tisit?' Jon?! Wbitcomh i Remedy pot Ailinn! ' i 'eupjoEfil In s wineglui of wster, to be tokro erny leur boon. A g-od night wss the reiult." In bo ess? of pin'y Aitlimstle ebarseter hsi it failed to gis? prompt rttlief. mi ia 00? ??**?? ? penasnent cure Lu been ?ffrc'ed Nrrdtn ger r.?wd ue.ippr-denloj from Its use. An l_f_ut u.iy (eke it with pertevtea!a:y (S*e cI?cb i.) Jottra Bra.vrrt A Co., Bolton, ?lola Proprietor, P?r II'? dr 1 J-.ggi.-?. ~ Metcali ki (?revt Hhbimaiic Rbmidt is truly Ilaweaaataflaaaaa. ? ?.?? of Rn* .iinti.u. thst Lits biffl d tin aki!l *?'the fir? 1 I ri-'t: ?t.iy h? Te leen i-'.:,.-p *!?:t cured hT ? Jaar !ji-i, ni 1*. ?I _. lufiniibiiii ilijldj i pivplitd ty htU?Ui L_.'Jl r *-1 Thi Arm ajid Lbo, by B. Frank Palmer, LL. IE? ?ke tint'' ft?? to io di-ri, ?rid low tu officer? and ci??liaoi. XJM? l.eili. ?tit. Pi., a. A.tor ni., N.? m (Jiaeii st, Boetun. Avoid f reuil n?Tit '?? ???-?or,! of hi* o*tents Mott'? Chemical 1'omadr restores gray Lair, will, i.: 1y?ing i? tb? (li *i* hafa dreiilng ka?wu. li? Uu dj":l ui lanaamm t_??I J?I II _____! __ ? Tara ar Utrea Calila la an ?a will, witt naaj lalj neill P?n la lh? ? ?-.- ?Tr>t--tajM WV l-l f, --- '- - lion mt* one p *.-y y ?! at if pi -, - i -. i?;-ni igpv .?u ?,.?:. '?11-1111 l.t ic I?, ? Kr.-r-Tnitt.'.r v ?????'dily all ( ou:! taall "li. ?tad ' ?'? ' " >?"? l-rimirj* ? i?*'-! -?I ???:,.. ' Ita I ''dby ?! Dng.-i't?. \ di lOTBUkB (Bar. J- MlMchkay.) writni*. : ou ila 'in N .< ..y? ? HiT!-i? ?eTnil yesn wit'i Chu?! ?He,-tim. la win-'? riytinu ?re i-apei ii' y ii.Lj? ?. ii.? '.it m,, aa ? .l-l?. Ihanahaiata ii gMagnpaaBhaaepn io th,* a ' I ? "-? ' ' btj I ?'?? ah lahm ban ? the nie o?'?IlOW*!? Il? "I IltAI Ti-* I,? TI . y lure |,?li I crc.t con im! Ott?n '* "b ..a 1 Lt.* *e u.insu l**d t!?**iu lu?* i.?-1 tuen: i? .li akaii'.if 'I li. ila:* ? Knox 1 Spbirq lit:-? --W BBfl iii Hi?? BBJajBianl of t ?(hil talan*! Ihataaa?alsU?iraghtertn Ks.x Hat ? ??i * i---?j tale team It U eetaiaihte lewa t-twa a-N - III Kiil'ttr. ?1 . tv? > lean A l Itr.ilwtr. ind tptow! .t Ma. M I- , m ?I-i Um Pi ? IB < ? 1mi'i?uta>t To M imu.-Mas. Win-low ?? f-OOTUIMj -ti ... -i with whi.-'.i c1 V.iren lit sill: '(?.I i? Sa., and .???:*,BB l'-l.--!v : i :;i ?-. Bl li teB?-? II.?* ii'.lill, te ducci influ?.i ia'.Iori. ? ors ! > r ??* Bel?a B ? ?*'?. and cu-ci wind c ?ii I)i.|eid * i , ?? lan Iht '?. L-* ?ifforer ?mu:-di ?tely. P-rlfi !ly nfc in ii. . ?? - Wim tub Ha.tlr, Ka I ' Oi-it ?r. ( ff , -.? T.. , R, I J: ':. li .-I'M lill DIITA-tCrP ALI. lOafSTITOKHI ?d !' ? ? 4 'lo [u'lll ill the ?TTIB BLBGAnM a ai.J ixy'i*. di tat:, d ??i'i>.* I ii Lu Spiiimi m : -t ?? ?KBS1?I.K-? t>- (?KB!? Hati. Cart Wti Sibaw? Hu Eanot I?ati fur I.nuil Mitin ?nd Cateaaaa, d :y otu; ? K_-kn_aa>*?4fa lasypa?a-Maa that bat yat . appaan j m Ila laaateat n ahtlarattatet ?? ia hteaMtel ippaa suet* ihun caulkiob 4 Ilutar? braaia Ldti.-msi lur laaaaa ii>ni|,iiinti. BOWN*, ?M'AI.D?. Bl - ? M'.; UN'S, .SALT KlIBI'M. ItiirCBAMsa .iN?ri Pilbj. it?* ai'e'y an! .),:ik!j* Batel l?y I n," ot D___BT*l Maoical Pai-i ErTHACToa. S 'J b| ?1 Dr__B_M, it 20 Mate a lea. aaaat. Ma, ?B Cater a NY. Bmrroiu oe Vfonn n Cwimbi ita ?d-aa b-pbp? looked. IVena h il ? aaehi I hntak anal haa__aa, whl I can be rrm Ted (n!j bj *.!:? ?? ? ? 1 B ? NBB*-} Hkown'i W.i Miriiir CoartT?. or Wurr? Laaaaa??, a* a_aflt and effectua!. ( KUBA?C. CT.?''iN'KEt'LEs's ( omi'uem? Cam fMOB 1 ao OB a? I -.;-..??*.- f Chata CbalstaM Diarihea. I't, ?'ir, t t mapa ? ,,!? mt I plmmmt, Teitid i-i 1141 .-.,..0 M.ker. CU NEEDLE!, Twelfth and ltveili., l'L: 1 d>- 1 In? S.-iit b? mad fui fi M ,'? ('Ai ARRn'?NoisKS n Tin: Bbab!?Pill IB the Temples Ri aiaiv? Diacbarati lu -4 Mr ??! D?::,neu of i'isiea, Lost of Memory, and the iea*?< fTsstei I Sine i. 1 I ?? ? 1 I 1 ?- I Death ar? li ? n 1 ???-?. ?-..? t! <t*rr.b.?d ????? .*?o?t?'1 a nsw Rkwkpt r>K ( atabbb I'm i.- ?- all lue m.!, -, mt mmn/tat ? *? aa m.?1 ? al 1 lil ill .1 . ' : ii Iti : ? ?? '??.- bead I'r . ?*> : , ? linn ... Bead ? itsnffo 1 psail'hM t, (.?naiT Nohton, N.,. 11 Annal s ?d Ijt i. t tv bli.? i. t * Be 111 Iraak-***. Lambs, it you ariahbeantifol Boon lad Baonfor ftai al tia tart It nil j aaotartl le materai? peten, a?-*a_a ?a u.d staid. MiLLS.H Si.. S . ;,-,;,, . A Pn___t_CT HOBBI OiMMIiNT. ?D.VLI.RY'-t Gal? vatiic Haan Batea te a nitela aal r-'-J an l*r?_?atahag Oallt, Cat?,Nail P?tete letaa,-C*-a, la ?' ?!:.?? i- ItBtatea Manteehn It dby au Draaa-tea i ?* n ? Ha III dint is y Ftqaot M ?ti Inn?? Co., io K:\ it, COBB., initiitif:?. - tn:? the moit imptoTsd Loom? fir w jiving Tip?..Bin lin_. Webb?! g?. B, .M. P_r_T8B-___ ?V Co . Advkrtis ijro A'ib.vts. No. at ttOkioatt, n -w Ymik i-,t.i. labal in lata, at* sgi-n'l f ?r The .1?. mil 1 . ? in the I nilt-d Slstei M . Bl -ii I'r itii: ? ??m-Qv? ?OiH?a?riixmi. BATI RDAT, MAY l8, IS06. T* 4 orre.,.0.?drill?. N* nstle* cm hstiksr of._, nioin ."oniii: ,:,. i'l.mi M hit??*rii iatrnded t ?r lae r-iou in :>' '-? a 1 in'i i:?l bj t!:e ntnii ?rd id dienst ?lie wniei- n*>* o*???*a_rdj isi puti.ic*iiun but si sitisr slnt? fur L.i gncd 'ard Ali buitn. ii,f".*iII 11 it tu.ijig ?JJ-iii?J to '? Ib? Tria r??, S'?wYp:k V\ a caJ.u ..dji.-.i ? , :al.oa? The Tribune in London. fCTKliS- IIKilllOlli. I*. ? t.* 0 t- *. I. *. ? ?. ll-ni.?!*? ?r. t ...*? lil : ,. tv f , .* ? A. ill ?. '.- .? .! I V... 1 ii III SE n?......... . 1. ? ?..........i?. NEWS OF THE DAY. (JKXEHAIj KBWA Mr..I.liri"? Stephen?, the I daed at the M 'r I? ' * IO Bul I.?- ? : ! re ttay io. for a iMe to the ( I ? I ? ' . *? ? .'?-r m the - ?1 :nii?r. iiiul mbeeemei ily ? ti mi ?? ? ' 1 ly Munhui'i Baal, .1 . re ?' ? - ? ? ' ? ? ll'-c?-I ia ti? itrwt .Mr. Rtepb ni in.?I- aoioe i~e___r_liii ? Igmeot af thia atteatiuo, but aald aothiag e al;, aotetrori 'Iii" trial ? ipi (?peril .?- ? New-En eland Rta! ' I rk looa ; !. ?? on Wal n ?Joy b1 : I'' ;?'!/ 1 Boi_ t :? .-: i? ?1 key, nu awarded to Mr. Kettlea t>i F II Biver, Han., ti?* mtoding -M w. . i , - ?. obrad t:n 1 The st. boab B an aft :: I ? ' ' I - I] ligl ? [ I ; 0 ..'?-:.' tot ?'?!?.. . liniii .or.?- oil rt_e w eat I ' ili-rcliipiDsnt*? ? -iLii'-ft ? I a :t!i t'.c l'.nli.n- of BsJBe ?V 1 ?? of l!alt:ui"r?' a.'.- I iiietitiitiiiii? ar?* i??-? r-? to a ?Utga mnoaat, aad aaa ar taa w ii be aailaaeJ* i rt_aM Th<* Board of Exclie hare thai far (ap to in-t night) mated 1,000 Ueenan to nil liquor, ol trnleh d10 aie f*?r i of partiel la H:-?'k ra. 'I be Bo ir_ of Health r?-t. r lay ? dke I *_**onl iDaaathj, hameoMtbj, teaadrlnklag u '? lueet-eleaning. .N?)u ti-a Of ?pi * MU*? l.d'l 'l ha ri port of the Bealth 0ffl?eer_1 QamBtiae ?_r-_*J_t up t<? iiiiriit, ihowi ,i ? 'a! af earn lo bo?pital of ?H? !? |__ ,,?. 1.1 * , .ant raaott. J. ff. Dim? feat bael ii licted at BorfoOi foi 'r alni mil hint" a tr:.i! in Vii?ii.ia next muutli, If preaent iudit-iitinn.? amount i-. aayt-ing. I i?? n-w-iit reports of Indi in B-MBBBiai la Ari/ j:?h ar?* ..'.d' la be pr-ativ ???toi.'. Ti' I. ino deetroyed ?)S0,aM worth ??! BMaaaatlle ptafarty ?aaaat-a] aitaited on Federal it., ia Hus?hii. The ?ii-opii- of Proridenn b ?vt: rotad not to bave a aap j 'v i?! w:?t, :. !'j| t?, I BU. (iold ii i1 raai ?tad el.I raiterda] ii I991<_il891. Au ?1?ieeelf_sj_i et (?uTertuneiit leeniitln are ?troiiaund in autwl iiiqaeel The neoadaerteaof ' ?. aekl baelj ,?i lo.i. Koaej i? ah ladaal ?it low iiitei<*-t aal etumir heaan nrn able to'.e alii??'?! ujrtarai I tavanreial papar i? *'-:i!iid ('s*b ltjaii? ?lit* li; j \>nr eeii ll-rtt lulu? it\9? !?*r cetit (ion-J a|a '-. _ ( ().N(?ltES*4. ?E.S'ATE. Mai ii.?Vunni.? aaHlaaai aal Letjial?-tiTeieeeeBUaai wi-ie pnaaataA a raaa] .um wu? lattadaead t?? ptohlUt ?!. ? ipprc-i Ion r ulterati ? of -p.???cb. - ia J% Oloi . 11. atart r>*-oliiii ti lo r?-i-rL'irii/c t_e l'.iy Dt*p_tt_teBl ?it Ui?* w11? aflawadediad |)d^.??? !. The CholeramolB ti?.'i wai ?!? balad nd vent over, and Um 1'*--! oil.n-Appro? priation lull wa? tike. Bp, Mr. li iinliii 1 .i inn?-: din.'iit, -.. np iti?* Bt?ii-)i!.'.: .* poari r, ?as further debated h mi :-l<; m 2??. lu?: ?-ii -baa pened, und tilt '.'joiirned. 1 I." Illili!-. SS ,11 I t ... -i ?-1 Ii. I...ter aaeaaatl ?how thal the ?tory (?r the in:i-6.icre ut Pert fioodwin, Anzon-i, is to be takuD v.ith allow auce. Wl refer the reader to our speciul ?l?_]ratchtl from Wni-hiijgti.ii. biyiritad ik ?oral (diinpaign ?a at _iroatlDt folug ?>n in the Kingdom of lScIgiani, a*?, ?u June, onthitlf af the Chamber af Deputies is to l?e re?l.eted. Tbl HeU -t i-1 between the "Catholic" (Conacrrative) anil the " Lilieral" parliu.-?. The pre?eut Chamber eon ?ists ol 64 Lilier.ili iuiil SS Catbolto-, Of those vrlio-e term expire?, ',** aie Lib?ral?, ami 20 Cu'holn..-,. Tbl personal nympathie? of the fooOg King ire l!tagat_f* with tie Cutholn ??. Mr. Tromball. ameudmeut tithe IVt-OlLi | A; pr? pri.iliou l?ill to prohibit th?? payment of per-i-ii -QegaJlj appointed to i.fTice, was josterda}' njetted l?y tL' ?.t'ia'.e?Vea-, 1(3; Nay?, 23. The amendment a? -Caral wa-? tia follow? ? "TLtt no [lerton exerritinp or performing!, or nnderttkinp toexrrciieor perform any dutiet of any office which by law ? re rrtjuired to !?e filled by the adrice and couteut of the ??'?nutt*, ?ball. be."jre contirm-itinii, r.ceivo any t*oii)pen??tiun for Li? ?errue? unies? eonimi?>iune?l hy the l'retideat to (lil a i___,., i____a___._4 -_? lea^i m_ik_mtri? ta B?-t-b-b?" n\ . ? tra tarina UM l*eeaaa of the Sonnte ?nd siuce ita last ad Wi- n-r? utterly irrtft^].? t*? percoire trhtt Tarni ob tioaoan be urged against tin-. Nom Mieh has i ted in dabntn, tatt wa kata had iii?-*?*it'i ?. clamon abont inte Terence with the PtaaU lent But it :- not the man who imam (o keep the it ?-H-M rc.tnctio!,?-. He who 1?. contriving toen le ii may naturally ro-ost the attempt to put legal -bel totea in hi* way. OI'B *?ATlO>AI, ?KBT. Tlio l':cu-,l Btataa owe i Pablle Debt of nearly ? BUlioaa o! Dall na, most ol' it diawini? Cor 7 3-10 pat Dent intareet Now that the War ia orar, the union tarad, ni our Expenditure.? ?o reduced that vc Bra inure than j ? ung mir w_*f, BB that ive an? ? g DOB N debt b?t rather pajiag off. the i .v.; ii., .1 it al.out to ui.ilki BB BBBTi to reluce the ? ? . /('re i" runt., Raff appropriate Hie mo.ii-, ' . : i.. the ndtMt-B. ti tim yt._a.fal a polkf which, if .i'l"?i I Bid .-tcrnly peralatod in. will paj tim Debt c.tirely w'thin abottt tliirty year.?; . bare I ? oma wild t ?ikof (kia pccjeil ?-? RejaNttatioo, hut tbere ii DO ihadow oT truth in tin?. Every exist? ing loan di obllgatioB i? lobapaid aoeerdlBglatta Gaoe. En ry me who ha? leal the. Government money at a eert-iu rata Ib to hart thai rute paid -fan regu? lar.? til] bia loan Uli dir-; a?d then lie is to hive bit principal a cording du outrait. Hut Hie Oovp: nment can borrow in peace, with ,i diminishing del?!, cheaper than it could ia trar, when ?ve Beaded to burrow Fifty Mill - n. re eaeb mootb) ii iberefine pro? 1.? In.?row at -TB BOT nut. tlic vv herewith.ii to loaai drawiag ria ?>r nrtraa and Ul-tJ-bU-dredt-l pat Beat Then, by continuing to 'li' i-'iry anl" -?. mu.-li ii?. v?c WOOld have to pay if the interest bad not be? u tadaced, tra eau tat} ? " ti v ?i?1 out our great D' lit. - Bul DBB UM n.i'iiey he burrowed at live p-rccnt. I We ho])!1 it may, and tru.-t it can ha. benanee 1. The O-Tet-t-O-l i; ?ure paj. ?? Whoever bas Got? ernmenl bonds and peeda atoa j eau batroaj sa tit ma ii .I! ii. r.ii at lower ratOB, Riiil will) more ci.e, than be i M-d gal loan? on any other -ecurity. 3. They are to b ? it'i-oliitelvfree from t.u.itiou, l'cderal, State, or Kunielpali wharea i all aacnitiea are taxed? ino i o'. Ihom hi.tvily. 4. They eau always lu? sold di ?bao d i i tab, ami wit h Uttle lo-s. Tbeee i onsidet . -?,? hope, will m lit', ilion-md? to pvefbr tbeee ii tatt j r i int. to other .??ttitntie? al .?ixor ,?,-v ii. Vol this is .,,) ?r-at anil Ipcin'tiii ut au limit Making iii it H m ijr wcii i iiuiiii.iTi'i the beal effot"ttoferay_ood 'I'liTc is BO mun among u. however m h or poor, v. ho will not be b-B'efited h.v the intended OBB? ? m of the Debt. It ?ve ( lim .te th.- Deb! ia a mortgage of tea per m atoa all priv.r.e property in the Union, Funding .t .it fire per coat, will add al V i I two p r ' 'M-1" the nel i t-l. raine oi all tbe pr? pertj m oat ? ti mt ry. Kow, iii. a, gi ii ? iti/i ti-1 let u? ?ill be prap ut I to bi ip v, baa the bow Auier.i in Conaol ia brongbt aal ' I: we bare ant torn of GrOTerniaent Indebtedneti i ,,nt<? t iii , r to i ? ? i". I? ia the Baw f iiiaa lo iii eiamiiil aaaamil aor booda will be alii,vc par with!- ?ive y? ira. If ara Bia bo! already rreil.t'.r ??: UM Gore, iinclit, le' ti.- n ...lvetoheroni ? -o if po -.hi. i.,- soba it!.ii g1 ? il '? m ?? Le in. Ka B ittm iimi': i ?se b .'. i i. ii little '" iai '. lot as inreet ?? ?! ed that iii?-!?? ar,; ten lareet-D-nts le - profil ib] i oni - Blore a. L ?? di retoli ? I i tte bow fita per oeat?, wbatat I at, abell be : r aiptlj '. <?ui e, thara will be no trouble tharaail ?Ia'tt Coii^r.tea I?? o. ?ni not toorerdo tbe bo 1 I . - ! ir (he al.. liUoa ol' ull " 1'at.e.- 00 I1? "'?' It Ige,"*??- at ,?. I ii prit ted : anotheraaj Tah4).ff all tam?*?*?* Mtnpfr ; .ti , ? third -a;. "Makai ottos trat, a a wy heart ii.? i ? k1 the .- ? i'.?.? ar?- lint (b-li-iiti'ii??a ia? -. te are Bot luxuriee, ay how??--ni that will be ? darkd ij tor our c-ouatt whi ? n ''....?:? - -o red to nu-, tir the I I' won! i, *?-? ? b inl rapt < ' ' i. ,, run tai an ?n_< b Ij la vert or renen knteh a DeW u- '.v.* mu ? tin. l , . i . "'i btracted H ia i bra 11 ?i.iiir? ?i M.ilion- in the end. I ip the Katioual I little baarier I ant our I?. M (badi I, i"r ? ',,.?...:.'? , -, than t.? li e-e to pat a pti lahun ??.. ti . ? i- la ,: . HI V I.A\I> ! We would i : . 1 BO ni in to r ii in ii* bt, po x loan to inreat !.i- little all wh( re it will no1 con? tribute to !.; a or be BTsilahle In cata of .ii v? t a. ? .innot La? ii? m ? to beoane owner of one pot of i irtl aoaoone uu?y be. Lundis .-1.11 iiin.i/.in.'ly ehaap in nio-t juris ol' our country, und ia not deetined t'? r? main BO. Iiiiini -T i* .??ii ia raj beaty i art an all .?. kef wari and etr population ia ita whkh wUl double it (?'.-( r.\ twenty yeai . The common notion thal Mi? li i-, e .till au eiiorniou- .m-a of an!.le soi] tinappfopri atodianaatatahOi Want ni Ena m and Kabraata that i-, over .uhj miles went of the -Oaaoori ?th.'re la little good lind. Tho i?-iitml table land? ol our (oi.tiii'-nt lit? wUghmtO ba ?-??lil mid fro ty, and in Hunimer arc parched hy persistent, pillie i drouth. Even were not thu link ol'timber a aertouaohatacla to lattlai-eat, aoi au aera d flftj could be rendered productive without irriga! on and artf-ian WeIU| and tin se are wry co-tly da ?idering that tile Four ?Million?, ol' B-Mfca have a.? yet eearcely .in Bete, it i I DO, probable that PifteeD Million- of OUT i ouiilr. mi o are owners of land, or thu nive? tad children ol' tho-i- (fhOB-B. Vit lli'se On n more l!ian half tin? whole soil of thu United Btataa. Twenty yean henee, wa truetthe bH-hald? ara .vith tlnir famili'.s will be Forty?_f*e ?Iiihoas. Who doea not realize that laud mut t'en be dearer th m it now i-s? And the aMt_B_BR pwdnBtiBB Di the I'r?'ei(?ii- Metals wliii'h thom y.-ar? ar,- .nor.iUy i.itiuii to wi'iii-?not leaa thu? I%a BOliaoa af Dollars iu this lountry alone?-mu t B-b) tend to en? hance the pri?e nfLs-d? ili: wlm omi- laud?no mutter if hut I pah h?Mad L. vcrmnre ( rin.e |..r einploynieiit?he can always lind work bu linn-, li. Ile iii-.i! not " -luke ;" hut if lie di,--. In- med liol .?ta ml nile, rince ha i an always li'. I '...ik on hi- land. W attTg youth at twenty-one had a hil ol' land a.s-igiicd him, the proportion of pall pan nd nri-dlen H_o_g an population troold rapidly, largely diminish, Moral?, iodependanee, iu duatry, thrift, trodd lO be pnanalad hj a geaMeal dillii ?lou of owner-hip iu lund. Wa t.uinot iii! livo oil ol Oitlaa, (?MBgb it were better for all tint! inany more did B0)| lint atna the yo'iiig m?'U'!i.iiii, lawyer, doctor, mci hann o dcik, who feels cii-traiiied to live on a paved street, might advantageously own ? hit of lund, though miles away. Travel is ra?.id and cheap; a day in the country ii? health und happine-,.; ami ara nearly all hope to live lu the country by-uud-hy. With an acre or more af good land weil fenced, t?p hal.?tual plodder over pavements may plan? in youth or t arly prime the tree? that are to solace bil old fig? ? may have hi? plant.-, ?shrubs, viues and fruit- growing, thoqgb unable an yet to build it bou???may have au B__flBBR__l loret.i..-tc of the calm joy?- ol' living hi? own master iii Li- owu liouie. No one tun reali/u all the bloaata-BiBi which centers in Home until he come- to have a upot that is truly his own. -lui-t-iad? Uti ititd diu tenanl? and birelingd who might far better employ and bouso tbtniselves. ihe city hir.-liiik.' iiiak?? more _MBMJ than hi- country cousin; but btnkes and pana?, Mikne-s and frolics, wit.i tho necessity of giving half be HON for trhelter, gem rally keep lum poor; and an increUsiug family (soon drives him to clo-e calculatioiiri aud shabby ?????i. _? ___i .?.'.'SA.- iliidw. lui im a?i l_>, -V( thnic lio takes w.lh him and tlio-ie ho leave! behind, the day that set. ____d ?ettie?! in hi- otra ?otti_o, the owner and occupant af *..Ilviii'-' ' ? i>i \ ii-iii %i>a.' Iba ttmmafjaitat?ayaayiabai "?tis almost ?m poaeihli lo aport ?_b_m_-jm of the act af Um Laat Lepi-littiirc prohibiting " deail-heails " ou the rail r??adi <?f thi- BtBntl, and. for that rea-on. wo suppose, it ?I-? ??? n't try. If it hal niven the subject a serious thought, it ii nuhl have remembered that railroad-? aro [ihlltfiad bj laglallliia Bil and aro iiece--arily sub jii! t-? 1. ?ii-1 i'u'.? regulation. To say that theso ciiiiipanic'S mr,- aa a.s they pleaso, without I to thi? rights of the public, or the right! af their .stockholders, ii ?imply ab? surd.' Their privileges aqd BB-, rs aro rc-trah"d and li'iiit.'.l, l&d tbf Tiff'tlltltftl m?*, only ha? the right bat it is its duty to Interfere whenever these are ex Madid ' j Um pi nan a_ati Uag them. Afc??rd:n._ t?? tin '!.? Igy ti The Tines?if its vapid Ilppancy can bo calleJ a theory?if the Directors of a ??__JB__ Jbeild reM?lyo to pul all its surplus camm;:?, into their own p- o kail and par ? ablag lo the --t.ickholdcr.s, any in? terference ol the Lrgi-lature would be tho act of "a M.*t of q lcnih H meddlers." Bat if the Legi? litan have tho right and duty to interpoM.* it.? authority in such Bam to direct tho whole of the pritfiti of tbl road to g?? to thixe to whom they le -?tim i'el;. 'bel nag they certainly have tilt* samo au tin?, ?ty over the profit?. Th? Tvnts unwittingly uu-wer.-? it-eif when ii MJI i bat the tuen who " mainly .support the.-'? mt!-" bj crowding them v. it It freight an? "deliberately in- i!t ??.I " bj Um L |i ?at'ire. who aill aot pata-tt them to travel f*?r nothing. Herein i? the farj naaaaaitj of the ait in ?|'i-.'?'i m. Th" " dca l-hiad'' .?y?tem thi i r-inl'.'-.-edly grown into a serioiis wrong, ?Bl tbl niliier.*? ?if tho road* have thrown BWBJ ? 1 nee .?.liare li tratlic bj carrying p_aBB> ger** f??r nothing ihe prico of whose pas-age would bare i-ii.-i 1 irg? \y t-? Um r?.paait of the mel?. And to such il;.".iei',-:ii!i- ii is the abuse grown by DM that from pas-iu?* hnalinai nea free it am inevitable Ibat it -' nulli be extended t?? traveling's for pleasure, Bl thi' every ollici'r OB UM laadl t-0_ld get pa?ses for bit friend?, foe the a-king. lls>vr much tin? profit-1 of the compini??s have bog? ?liniiiii-aed I?. ti.;.-, vu loma -ysteui it ii inip<?-.-,iblH to toll ; bat it wai ? r'a :,!y, la UM ?igirrcgati?, something enormous. It wa-, It K i->l, an inj i-ti- ?: to the .stockholders an?l tbl poblic, if BOt I frai:?!. The fnriner ban a ri^ht to all ti. ? profit! du roada i ia mai.e- aa ?Um "'her h cul, if tbl I'.iiiiji'i'iie- ?? m till'.r'l to ?lo without UMBI profit*?, Umb the b?O-fil iboaid ga to UM public in deere i -.-I fan? an?, freights rather than that they ?houid bo givt n away to th" pritilagad friaadl ff t'tlii er- .tinl employe*.. K??r (?or pa.t we baie ??__? ainl If i :i, when (H-* a-:-?n has affwad, tw_aartad ruilmad a:id -???tiiil).ni', fib is to pan aobodj free on our account; Bl rejoice new that the t?*m is prohibit. I by law I n? this ?liai?*, iad trait that ?ti m .states will fol-ow h*r exitnpl,? a:nl pat an omi to M ?"? ?B-MU ib-BB, ?AI.OOI I.IVI.M4 I."* NKtV-VOIlK, Tha' p irl'l.n 1 but b-ncvi'lont p??rt (b.ctor who prc ? ??t.?il*"l rice and ?.-?.',,l, id hominy M ?? ta j i- t Cb ra did -i-?1 ? .ii- al *l ? apon i ? ? that iii?' temper or dlatampei of the pallal I Bal it i? nwrtifjring to be r-i Ofi-BM-dad to Ml inj p!.ii::-!?i .!? d article when such B thing is not .'. an I Um et a ?- blghtoat I ta , ' ? ?? pani, v.h u Um auld rafa I ir, laisai of thii iii lea ii oil the it!M.?-?*i tot-Beat iad .?cirpiiine/ing o. th, cii'dera. U ii to ha told to aal braid IVotn Um brci'l'ree, ??r t.. drink pure Oiaaga COBBtJF milk, or i ' 1 iiiiiti. One-half of mi .. ll.tii? 11. .;, Um dUemmi ;; . i d-aatati 1 M. |_ieaa*bat pot aw i panli ia bil qaotatioa fron i .? :. ''. I . .1 . ''??-i'-ie ? baraetar, u Um pti 1 *i in? :.:'i-r. wa* no twar-> what ''gtrWI ?? t-, !?!??. aro ||d ci r'*t nly 1.1'.- 1. ni t it them, b it whoa o -Ubob '.-? l I ?ter, it .. : i I ? it j ? ??? Um ?rhopratt! a Um m il '. t:i i irr.-at city, du kiio'.i lad ? ? ?' vfith U ??-? ' MM ||d I??? ' | . i ' I :- i ii le. I ? ' ' lil wry t atai i trad ?Um i aad >?! Um pat | '.?? . !-- ..'.'. '.-<? i/ ol' llr.jtik'.yii?in III ? ' ?? "--r.Mi*'i.i.i r ipi'iN who haw their Bike lo Ni ?Tort .'?'.,. . r , ire loor? 1 uhr-, l-'i/'-r. oc to adapt i.n app I . Teneiiftittrs. -tt*BT?Bg tbl 00ar-l'-r? to bau len' ? oouBoa . n-i ape??- Mb thai root ratn lia 1er af 'l i* inyr; i Lau ? . . . ; i of orpb m i.-'" B -in i** ? ?? ? i-i twtaa, a i-t i ilaa-U thou.?ai:'i diff rral "? i; -, ead an iha ita hungiT oa Um I i re, baaj, huiiL'ry, b.t-ty New-York?thi Inimaarihli caravan that foti to dinnar?* h tad at all li.iur?, ? .'. "ii den umL Ebiiag?ngardofaU c11 ? oi large, let at nj th it iobm ? arbaia aaai IW.OOil aafldni >*A>patHoi biTada the lllocaa l" l-r-'akla?!, dine, ?up, or liuirh. Hall the might bl nit lu-lotl ?mioiig raiid-un l,v ni t?o St?, ?al lit'dxiiiiiisiii; batvaaaapaot that tin? r? gular ?rreg-lar diio-r-out ha- the bett of the bargain la to ?that ho ?hall cat, and if wo Mer' in doubt on a few pi?int-\ Mr. Th??nia?- H. dunn'-? " Ib-_r_?Bg?b0BM l'.i'i -iolngy" Mould cnligbt. n uh. win? know? who ?line*? at boBMt Who don not t ike a n;e.ii abroi li Who that has dined it mJoob, lu arding-hoii-e, or b"tel. has ci'ight a gUmpaa of I p,i--ing ilnh kmiwr as plaiu-b.iiled ii ?? oi 1 i-ininy ' I te ! t ? ? r ? ? r woi?i! -till, what hardy ook (_*T\?.>.1 af M. Pilli Hint or ?ithcrti-i ) will give us au acceptable definition o!']i! i;:, hoi!.?g ' The pittfMtffl mu * b given up. riainly, there aro no pl:i;ii-b"ib-r-. Appi ? tite, Ilk?* ta-te, bal I- ci-in?1 as ?i ii-.uii i: ii al <nr coin ini'ii i-iory-writi'r-i and re ider-, and BOOM of our new.*-? ?'?i--. Tin* .-?-I,onl ?af ?implicit)' is ?_-__a_ai from t'- I.iicheii a-i well as the ftudy. There i.s nothing left to ?ali.-fy | craving for the plain Bad pun? in art? the ga-troiininie ptM-Tf of plain-boiled hominy with n it pi.rk. of vegetables un lund and nngroased? Slothing to exchange with lbe*Wor_aworthiao feeling in ver e, or the jire K iphelito iii art, or atl'rl a rag! ( ii le pa-turagi' tor tl."-o N'c'.v-ldii'.'l.iud thiuLer.s whu Ml braii-britid aid have views and *_B-0B-, Our ciMik.s l.ilx.r only I'or llie day, aud not for all time ; -?, ?Hatead of b.ililiiig up fat Bl good, ?solid W_?l of sound (llgiatlliB I hume for the virtue- lad a KBOOl f??r the nerve ?is it the fut that the public cook Utats the btodics of men Bl if they were no b?*tt* r than f-U'iue of our li(-u>e.--T( nib? pii-.>ns to wall in all manner of dis?mil _Wt?x_?Mt and bad? u eyi-d diipair-i, to obari-b tho phantom d.v pap. _ t that walks in 'daylight over tho table? cloth, and I'ji'cr? at us from tim dinner-plate. Patty, it i!in-t be so. The hydropathists declare it; the \rgit iriiin, and ull the puri-t school ol' baaibll living, in a ?dow pnjaM_-N of meek appetite?', avow it as atri-nnotidy II po-- ible. .*s:ill, vegetarianitiii iii.i_e. little propre**-, and tho nlaugbter-bouso and'cookery reek, iu bhort, with blood. But wheu iboli ra and the doctors aro .icenting qnnrautiuo, thr-ii the grav?* advico of a diet with veg-table ?luulitit utiou is Mi down ia program mc Hominy must have merin not patent to tho fl?'.-hy ??)??, and bietul and turnip? health? ful BBBB_ia_ unknown to beef. Ilcsidcs, tho pro gramme against cholera cannot be anything c1??' than P|??w___-_-_0ul ? a.' iii) t ?i ti i-, mang??*?, fricassees, ?iweot, bitter,-?our und MTOTJ mixture- ol' the Ain-r, can. African, Lrench, Iri h and (?eriiiiiii Bftiof cookery. The bull in uot luvelml ut beef .ibni'd Init at Mich a comet us a Nen-Ynrk .saloon keeper's bill ol'fare. The mob of presumed patieutj ik,k for a diuuer, and not a pre ( np!ion, and if anybody is to bli cOXCd, ?JUT iftloomi Ul l_ ti? -v___ft!0t Wo cannot help o_r?>.lvcs?this in several ibbrb-, Thed'ttor preacribea one thing, tho ..?ok another, und H h hard to kN-UB UM SIMM tit v' ?yod-out bill uf far?). If there _j "death m tbe pot," if ftxod and drink are Baanaarhat adnltarattd in a desire io pUaiB tlMI OOflUBOB taete cheaply, we mint console ourdclves with the DRBBiple of .Mi'hridatcp?>for we have not yat lived out tue pr.'diction of the la'.o Got ti:igen .ilchesiist, who ??aid that in the nineteenth Century thetruu?iuutiit:":> "1 'mc.?ii- would beg?-!. *r?lly knov.-n and p:ai ticed, and that I-tabea ataan-anroold be of (?iiver and gold, " whh h will contribute, more than anything alee to prolong life, paaaaBBd at pBBBBBt by the aside of copper, lead, and ?ron windi w? daflj -n-allow in our food." Bat it would be a good thing if our saloons could reform them-clve-. They have their merit-? and convenience- ui.donbt edly, but Bonio one says our modern pot-houi-e-, are only school.-? for dyspeptic atheism, which, without home-food and honn -dutie?, bat lot " the holim,- of l.citl'li," and feeds 0:1 anything but tho bread of li!*-. Not willing to take so In pi !c .tvi.'w, still, we think it would be no one's disadvantage to be as prudent as po.-ilile in a choice of diet during cholera-time. Tho ia 11 thai no lately mon; unwholo-ome .?tables wore pointed out, in which hundreds of the pictorial stump tails uudergo a daily inorbor in order that their min? erie- may ho r.tailcd at pure milk of eow-ki.'eping ?lilliIIBia alRIBI how .-?lowly w?> reform some of our ii;-! try source?-, lot alone diet itself. Thee is th? guiltleaa cow who ia l-Btitlnglj fed?but what of the deluded drunkard who .-swallows. ohBBf lightning with a tarantula in it' What gallons of poor Iitiuor aiv Bald ?:i tim 101111110:1 .saloon.?cannot easily be computed ?but this, though a health question, is not the fOBB? tion at hand. It may be liest for health's sake to take a tar- ff fiOW "I the Mil -lu';_'ii 1 r?-.l flocks of Arcadia; hu* ,111 eati-g hoaae conducted on principles of puro cookery would be a practical mercy to who suf ler for want of plain-boiled iii e. man who will invite u? to a lir.-t-i la?-, chop-hou-'1, ..ntl treat us to good dinner faro, simply Boohed, will de-erve well of a pah!:, who-?? appetite i; ready to revolt _aa__al the prevailing regime. We shall hail Lim Bl a I5.iy.ird of cook-, without ?reproach, and hi? table ?ill be a held of the ololb of gold. ?4 til 1 Alt I ni: ASI Itlt I*? AMA FOB PUK? VK"tiTl.>_! TUE ? HOI.EBA. The medical _tT_ati_Btta_i on the origin of the Asiatic cholera barra pointed out. the filthy habits of tho .Mohammedan pilgrims to Mecca as tho primary soure?' to wU ?1 the civilized world i- indebted for the raragea of that dreaded oalaa-tty. Thhi n-ult of -cn ati?t inve-ti-'fttion? ha- led the European Govern monts, nnil especially that of Frunce, to consider the (?ue.tion whether diploaaathl influences might be al?]?? to reform the -iiiitury condition of t!>o pilgrim ii-.i, md tiri? to dry up tho source of incalculable mi-.liici. A correspondent of the Tari? Patru, ttato uddah, a p?>rt on the Bad Sea, where the pilgrim laad to proceed by bad 11 Mc?, i, itatoathat at the -ug-cstion of the Fieneb <> watam m ttBB? ratOM this year hare been carried through. The following are nonio of the most important facts menti ma1 by the eo***raaBo_-i_li 1 AtJiddab larg.? "khan-" haft boen e-'iblis'ipil, where the pilgrhna bare t" itay for -oin" tim.) baftara ? 'iii'iiiuinir theil journey. The COOditioa ol' these " ktiar.?," in a hygienic point of view, is mo-t ?atis facloiy. lin- joaraoy from Jiddab to Mee. 1. which formerly ?? t Mini-1:1 iii,ni Ifi to If h .'ir?, will haeaaftorha ?adahi .'!. and therewfll i>o three itopptogplaoai A* 1 1 m of theee atoppfalg places large '? ki.a'is" have been oatabstahod whare the pilgrims will ipeadthe night and r- DOOR. At bfeOOBi great precautionary measure? have been adopte?-, A tnat heapital bai beea eetaUiahed-aoar the eily with id-Bg?etace. Bl !? pilgrims w.11 raaula :.t i.i.t 1 ''. IT OOB-platj re, M .r? ..ver. i-iicaiitpmen'.i bare boan ptapared for tin* p-griuw where they nill fiad ererytbiag the] { I andwhieh aaey tritt enly lenta dnrfaig the Baaaaof ! tli- r devotional exercise.. ,, 1 m baa baas paid to the water BJBBB ? ??. Tho ealebrated -obmbbi WoU, ia the intarior ? 1.1 '?>?". repaired. This well inver . s?. Lri 1' tan .-' aa Bfl excellent aadeopioai :.- ni w tior, Ittril be ia _r__bbi_m beni tit. The reeer . . the w .tat ?Vom the oft] ? \r t'.* I, ive ,i!?o l.-i'Ti re-!?r.'I, and wfll largo. ly provide lor tile wants oi thi numerous, pilgr in>. I i.e mo-t import mut r? 'omi which li is bOOfl (tf.-cted t with regard to thi - batead afloat log ib md the entrafli of the ifatua^htered a-fanafai d to the kir until they paat into oonplete do* conipositioa an I iii! ti." kta?oep-era with naiaa nias, the j will be cunarad with earth Imaaodiately .ii"t?-r -tiii-ct. It is B-poeted th it this reform will cause gnat I ? . -, "ii among .Lo fanatical Mobarn medaBi bul the autboritJi - bara at their darpoaal the neceti _j In op fin executing the rules. It it DOD-deotly hoped that theee rafbrrat, strictly cn ' -ted, arill noa put 1 ?top to the ipreadfaig of the cholera, and f?>r once the Imperial <?i?7erimieiit of will have gained tag one of its .nts Iho uiiaiii:n,)_? and euthtisia-tic gratitude of all mitions. Till* WA Pi? KIM AND THIMBU AT It 4? Kit. La-; wael ?resolution was introduood toto the CoBUDOB Counoil repealing ? raaehading the reeo? lotion of July ., mtm\ making the sidewalks on Fifth ive., below ():i?-Iriudred-.?id-tciitli-?!., bott the line of the .street to the kennel or .utter, thirty tagt wide, and al 0 npealiag all other raaBlutioni or ordinances permitting fho owm-rs of property ulong tin? araaue to ase fifteen bat of the ridoaralh for i our'.-yaiil.-, &.,-. This n -olution was retened to a Jo al -paeial Co_t_?ttee?-fboth Boarde. If il ihoald lio reported favor.ilily upon, as i-, likely, and (should paei both Boarde, it will ho but another e1. .dence of mW power for evil of tho -appen and miners iu the ('0:11:11 .11 Council The propo-ition is lo enlarge the carriage-way, BOW forty feet wide, by t.iKiug in part of tho sidewalk?, aud tl.-u to cut BWBJ tin* magnifi? cent stoops aud to throw tin? court-yard? into side? walk?. Of Bourne, all this Ki proposed lo be done under the Bpei ions pretext ot public convenience. All the prapx ri.ivvi ti ira, all the occupants of -lmuv - .lion.? the line ol' the av.'.iui', and niiii-tciiths of the people of this City, are oppo-ed to __ifl new j outrage about to Ito perpetrated by tho Goths ..nil Vandals in the Common Council. To .'.ddre-s amq hut n rrrttnu hind of ttaattt to (mr C'.iy Fa'ii.."- would i.?1 ijkc barling aijUogiaai al the rocky battlement.? of the palisades. For over 34 your -, the property-holders on tin? A ven 10, relying upon thi 11 nni-.?ion given them in I-:'.-.?, have been erecting raggatt.. 1 at n-.iliTice?, at once the pridt) and orna iiient of our City, and extending their ?toop? and MUrt*yarda 1"> feet upon the?idewalk; and now, after thi? 1m g enjiiyment of tho quiet possosnon of this piivilege, tho propett] -holders go to ?deep ODO Bight, not even dreaming of any such interfer? :,oa, and aw ike to lend in their ui'miing paper?? that the iBMen and min?is are at work. We can readily 808 Ubfil tin? pCBpualttua have its its aim cither 0110 or the other of two objects? cither to black mail tho wcakhy property-owner?; and occupants along the Avenue by thus threatening to destroy their property, or else it 1? the initiatory -tap to laying a railroad track in this the mo-t beautiful of our stree!?. Who | .1:1 supp ?se that our wealthy D-_BBM would have cn 1 ted their it-tely residence-, so 111 ich admiied by all. if they had for a moment imagined that their rights and privileges wer-? M soon to ba taken from them ' Wn say !o the Common Council that the pi',euc.? of this community is worn out. There is a time wlion patiaoaoo-t?eatohoa rhine and beeoaaMner-nai , aud wo ?bo-Id uot be ?urpri-cd ii that Uwe Und (.'owc. , flu'? lifOt-eattoi to interfere with it now slaiidx, the mo-t beautiful Btraot in ?he world??j evidtneo of ih*. I JP ?t that In the City o'.' a.Bw*?Te_h we art'in an abnormal endition?that we c in:, 'it!?. Unsted togOTemv^atWlt-S. Andyp\in'!!?faeeoft_i? and other equally riW-rioud -cbeme-, vu ii: I ner.pv pei'?among us jir.iiiv.-.ii!'? lf|be resp,-ct8ble that ?.vlaim against the very idea of ant .^'"g being o?tabi:?hed heeB that m the least degree ?.? pf the nature of a I) arl of Revision. Why. wo do not __o*v but tint, tipott the whole, a few days' reign of a ge..,iue ?San Fr_a C.8C0 Vigilance Committee would l???a givd thing fur u> all, as it would rid tu of a Common Council whic'i ka both an injury and s> di?gr i t to every iiiWiOrst iii thil comintuiity. Ol'...ur.-c, tin? M-B-m a iii BBBI the Hoard of Alder? men, in spite of wh || A' lormen Varnutu and Gc lucy can do ti. prevent it. and al-o the |',oard of Council nicn. in-pite of tiie edbfta of Councilmen Pullman. While, Thuin ) i, Robert^ Kellogg and Tyng We -?h til ?.itch this BBBBBBN ch>?c!y, and p".blish!.he vote- on it, so thal all our people may sei.? who aro the rogues and who the honest men in Ibu Common Council. We fear it will [iisi both Hoards, lu-. ti>o our City Father? thinl there is some money m it. If our tax-payer.? would give _ more ready and hearty support to an or*tanJmd effort to protect their intoraeto? it would no* be bag beBate it would be out of the power of the municipal rogue? who govern uri to perpetrate m ?-Bl I wron.,'. The work pi rformetl leal Winter at Albany by the Citizen?' A-OOOi it aj i* an evidence of what can be accompi.-hcl in the ? ty of reform by ti;-.- concentrated efforts of em _??' md intelligent tax-payers. Unies?,our Ht/et- generally open t hoir eyes to the prnt-pioe npOB nhOH brink they ure -Undui.', and twakeu to a knowledge of their own responsibility in endeavoring to obt tin for our City .? good M'lnicip.I ?"?, it does not re quire a prophet or the S"U o! a prophet to tor.?tall the result._ A -rlETHODftlT UM fO.-TjVK^TIOT. A Convention ol' the non-Episcopal liothodfat boi-M of the United states (not as the Hepalal t? the A??!.) ?ated ]'re?s has it, of -'the New _le?.h_di_t Lpi-i opal Church ") has a-senibled at Cincinnati for the purpose of effecting a peimanent I'uion. At a pre? liminary meeting h.M last year, four Methodist bolios, the Am r.i ni WeaavyaBe, the Free Methodist? t!?o lud? pendent Methodists and the Northern (.'? _.fcr l onces of tho M"thodi-t Protestants were reprtrs ited. Last year the f?.*eliiig among Ihe members irf thexo dciioiuina'ion?' was unanimous in fxvor of a union,rud we believe such is still the casi'. Together, the four deiiomii.iT.ion- rep;.ut ti membership ?>! abend 79,010. They all airree in an earnest oppoeili., to .-??.?vehi.l'liii?r. and to making any cli-iinc tn.ii i among citizens on account of color. The (ii ?t three j have from tin -.tai: BMdO I .u-.s!avi_oldiiig u cudi lion of membership, and tlie Northern port:?!! of th? , Methodi-i. Proteo?1 arta have Bhaaad, ihoafhaMIha ? -am.? legislation, at iBBBt the BBBBB 8B_tl_MB*w. The 1 lir.-t Uiree, we boBOTO, have not a ringle I ?m _'.."-?.'ion ' in the former -?lavo vate.-, and as regarda IhB M-'ho ! dist rrotestant?,, only a p.irt of tho??0 In WoMBfB Vir i giuia hue remained in connection with t'.n* ( ?nfer encos in the Northam Stat'i. All the Dthot 8 ' .'.hem Confcwncet barn been and ?till are iu full harm-ay with the seiitini'T.t-. of the late elav.-'io'J.-r?. Tlio iiew i hurch, if formed, may be relied upon by the hienda ol' freedom a? an earno-it co-worker iii tim eaaae oil uiver?-al Liberty aad Impart:ti s rihafo. C. L. Vallindi.uani tersely say* that if 1*.- -: l.-nt JOhaeeei. i>r!iieipl>*.,.-re those of the party which ? looted him, he h_s for at ?e.t.-t ten years BOM a B*j piibliean without knowing it. "Auk" unknowing and unknown," wo RMfB M an nmendnio'it. T|i:iB0l>01.irt> BOARD OF l.\(I?4R. I Owe TBenaaai I I rea ara Oraaiei?t ??ion? fttate ?f AITair* ia Ki? ?itnon.l laua li I hi Village Wit-eat a -barter wai With "la l.egat 'la ni? .pal ?UarrraasraC ii:?- Matmpnlitnn Board ot Excite aaet yeeterdai i aftaraaea. maaediately aft.t the s?!j lamuient ot t. ?? Be rj ui He iltli. all Hie _i?mh- r. being rres'tit The>? el lb? last u.cftin - were read, am -r. lal in J IfROBeO-. CeOM8__?B80 _m n from the Co-imiltec on Afp?Bal?mt ??I ti ? iituie? of l.i?) [?otioni who woi ? r ?o,iiiiiii..;!.l?-d u prtiptr aet?set le ttesirs Ueeases , 1 I foi Bra kr/t sa I Ma .; _?w-Yor_?-H_akla. a total of ItO?B far er tilted !?? '.Im Beard A lomrniiri' atlos tVum .Join A KatsaMjtr mitthart a : ttaa on b**hr_f*of i ?:?? laBtr-bttr I rewi ra, -i?i? leg le hsre i -,.' : its t : ill stteoitsnee oi L.i 1 a ii] of Ki etta, wee reed tai ra?>rreJ te tit Ce?litte ob A ; ..?;.,???. I a I- Mer from Mm seller .it Foti Weat. l?-i'oos i_ijii?l waa j read, hut tlin couniel r?j? ?t'..-c1 th it thr? 1 ?rt w11? r tile jil n?'.ution of the Unit?! St it?i and If la* lebaaa te k,'.v t; the sutler ? License, ti I Hour I ,t Rta ise could nut hr?l|? it. UCBRBm hu. B_W?B_I .. (OB. ThmTieatisa ear -fsw-BttaBtaa, wa -aBara, ataia le boee ti." sselalira sat?trltr arar taeBatter al s?claelat-i ni l?ge. Tiaaattmtraetreaa?I er ?t t:.'1 ii?t BMettag md. on ni? ti' n ?f Jalee Beataertl?, refrrred to the eu nsel Yes ii traooa t bllowtag report ?-= readaai T '.' M'*' ; -'/,i-/'? . " ? d ' ? ? ? ie|aOrt? 81 loila?. Bring -, c1, ir.ei sf Hi? m . 4? ci N?. Bri'bl lid ,. ?! ?t in hutity beiwr.1, tl.r 1 ?ii ibil B-r.l Ba aass Is tan erna at Milieu ????..?? .1 i,J. li ,:,??, 111.-. .?? th* -."tri. ? '.,--? two ti?< - 1 ti* ob ' ti 1 >-ii. I v?i. eiaaiiu? IBU MM lejiirt u ?j tile a?e*?aI 11 .trig iii I re.?'? ?? 'i ? iiii.?-M-?H'iii:? aeapjot i_r(__rla?rt_it?lMBta K'ir-wjt?r I ri?. ,e?,ii>i??ent?J. .i.t .1 1? ????I ti e r.iatl.r'es-iT?i?r? 1 -1 ?.: , I ia Hi '.ii.'iiid I ".i.'y ?> ulm, tliii '. .:iJ e,i?rl're.l at a?*-, .?w ??it ? :iin?. ins? --I,nur. T?nie,i BMlata ?,i o a ?* :,e di Jet II e ict ii.< oiia,r?ti'.i tu? ?. '?g? ol' K ? .-?i. ai.r n 11 in?-?- Maiclitt. j loft', md took ?Bec?!?; The set rotuli iliu| te "-r, ' p?< 'in It a: I n; ?j |m wsi 1 a.? -.1 ipr, 14 11 r, ?i 1 |,a,i?A en ? ? 1 11 1 meJ? ielT. Tfc? ?I COBltllut?t tfcl? 1 . ! I. 0(11 '.?I ' H?tJ in t..a? t,?e?.,fei it- ?er .-. dill l-l ci ? ? T'rl.' III* wBoM I Blet 11 c:.d 1 ?1 oty Iiitikt les", 1 aicle.l ?ni -??; len: t ti the [?!???:- I iii? r ? lg ? ? tig "?'er It I I ?<> ? ?I it t! e i'l attie. '?I dial ?1 . I" I-??? no pr?w?r I? grant Bet?Ml l?)f _M ?sie of s|?iiit'i?Mt .1 11 na win?? ? .? cr kum Hu? 11 ti? ri:?rte. ?1 ??i? Hatas tt I i.-?wi'?r aai i>e?n pa.??.i ?iib ? ??? ?: e ? - ? rea li ; 1 iB 1 ike :????-?? , ? ?, -,| i? lui Ii .Ti.i'er ts ' I Is- 1. - :.,.,i X1? I rhtrter gire, to the truiteei-af the ni n? |.-si.r'? t .eo roi t -,? 1 r ?ail t., lit Hie si,:n 1 1 h- pu 1 f.i: ? ich li ei ..?< ' in I |- jre :J ? 'lui ne -.ii. bau itn?i ??.'i;-??:- areaBa ui .1 uii?i!"m?_iur. (CtstterelEi| I 1 ?j?-?? s II.) The?, term? lia ;', mik ri? t>> .,ii. 11. ,, ia to tit* ' met:. 1 0! en i?" ?: e ?, I .' it 1. i.i.iie, c?.iry li li?,) .ira ii.*. , ?. li ,| ?.ta,,?i he, ?-?,1- ah 1 :n# I ?lie 11 Aid Oi 1'lll.teel ?li tile ti. ,,,? i| ? 1.c it..?na? lad ?Alai. 1 The ( liar'.-r (THIel .? t i- 1 ? |, ?.1?. liar -??en Ttii.te*. Ota 1 ,-|i,.?e I by ill- e.e.i ,|? ,,flle ?i:l-f- 1 ?. ,,.|a. bul tis* 8 ?? , ? UM (li'..-.'. M ?'? i Ti? Iel _ :'u ??? ci Mit. I _t. I? t tie Bi??uti.iei B ?. 1 of l'n,lt,-e? 1? COI ? it Iel bj? t ? ,.ii? ---r, la ?lies-r- *>r iTTUe a?. Millaa .' . ii, I v ( . .v- tu. illari?! Illino?. U? .r.'? M. K,ol i?il () tk-et W Bil-al?I ii? !. .-. ?- , , ?! lilias t'tu.'i, ,-? ? i ? . ' ? ailtl e'ectiiii orit_a i.l d I etiliT lu .Mar. iii til? >e?r It?'' 1,?... T l M ff et ? n?l K. M lliitrl. lin.i ve Ti -Met Iti bi Ice piia.ii* ?f il.n m .util th* ele.tloB of tuen ? ? . .? - ?, it trie) um ill ?ectiati IB third Turi d.? c: Muy.i?dafsa 1881 n .t_sr?sr?Tranen im ?-n.oi I lau ?? I'hiee ?i ar-.e;ipoiB*?_ h-di? Ireilslstnie T? ? ( u-' I I a , ol' (lu* -taie (Altiel? V> Matt-all i?i|uire? lliat all til Isa* ?RI ?ri ia h1??? election 1. not or?T ded for br ?I* Ce*_?t_?t?M Rsrlf. ihaB ka , e.e.tid i?y tt.? ?I- ' ?-? ?f the Tt.;.|?. of ?pyl ?- i ' y . .,, I tie? llieraof m th? !.??'?'i' re n.,v d-.i.?i-i?-. It I, el. li ? I? thl Ltaillllnn cmn >? spp -in? the '1'riitce. of ti.? Til'v?; and li WMWI ti.8 Ujitl ? llallf?:? Of tbt 11. ?g? o! ZigtU ile: ? u.?l legally .al,?,it .'?J ai 1 || 1,ii ?j Irgil ??laienc? ot p.we-?. Th? p?aiige of ? v.'li;,' ' .,;ar witkaa . an ti n ?nat 1 aaail ,i's..:ji in it -toubt:.?? wi< by Isntititaiiai bal ilia aaaaeeasaaa? a .t ti* d?i Hit?, It ii .sid that butu tl.e ?-h. r ?.lias? cbaitr.i iweallt .rat -d ? paiti oflli liUaondi" ntr siaiilr la Ttiw Brithinn tia foti BUI 1'i.n.d. hal? li.? ?all ? li C u. e. ?ud 11.11 111 l.i t ',!< ? ,,, Ile ti jj. , lill Ti, -t.- . linn, I n o . . ,r?r i ive | ?". , ,1 ,1 la , ii?! . ? I tin? ?t.ili be fuunj to b? th? aae. Beat "f Iba ? i.u:,.*, whet??I i?i..?* he.,re sr alt?i At. ? . ? ?, : ?ifete iii? agwas sal ? B tin? i!,_rd ^1 ?A.CIM-. Hmpeclluliy ?ubi lit?. Cana?si ??..-i No ot!,"r litjiia..?*? w*. tr.taiact.d. und sftei some ?li.'il'o-y .;?'(.' tLc lioBril al, ? r:. 1 Beard of I anadian-a. so gioRt M. Tho B??ar?l held no m?^i-i* BB Friday alternooo. s .luorutn cot sp^curiDs; et tah u?H and the IpOIi.1 tl.-rcfort ad j'itirned to Meada? u> it ?t I ?> eitel | to (?u.i hihi CrO-LBBg IRBBBt nstiom ot tin" t,ra(luatiii? class?t this Institut inn * ,-re last ?Ter.ltig concluded, liier wero eonductc?! l>> ffeeC ?kee ttuj Dwiglit, LI ,D . in til? prraence ol' Hie Law t ommitiec. v. hieb ci,ii?i-aj ,,f s. li Iliir*!.1?. cliairmiiu, Governcur H. Ofdse, and (Jeorpp T. Mrtag At the olo?? c>f the riaantittioii. Mr. I!ngglet sroie ?_,1 addreascd tbo class In ? -tuner tiifbl. ttonipliinfUtarv l>oth to the Professor and hil itudeut?. lit ?tnteil that tina clan marked an ?-pocti in t! <? blilori of the lottltn-OB th it the? exhibited a (1 Ki re uf |>.uti, len.-? winch entitled tbem not oui? lolhe name of Attorn*.v?. hut ?????*_?_ bonoritlHi? .unii ni (-?.uii.cllori?men fullj , ian?. I te iitvi??. t! en- !? How? in nil Iba tenet rai of llr>. I!?- "?"1 tt-.m )?.? havd arett puaiaie ia atatlag that tLc CeMlttss hal u,t lett II ,iv u? lient*!- ae te the claim? of a siBerio aemutr el the class ntitl tto-sittt of ?Lout lilly mriuhers I'lwntncil In ki? adiuiitrd lo tho _?r. He b?d watched oi er the Itisttta tion ?line it? kaeeetlea ?ntl be felt that Hie ( olle.e bad area] n-it? m to take r ill It I ?li for lh.? I i-.v lle'iiilnieiii t?t MB B.eltatisn ereeeel e-MJtasai BMSBsarraa ia a a ?iiar aaaaer. Tbt* commencement eiereNea of the laiw S-hoiil tak?. pi ?et mi w.-ilii.-a.lii. tbe Mth inn it 7| .'clot- p a - ? " <?' tt' tiAButtriCtl Si?,.'.?:') vviudf .?k'vsjad? ite. a; .1 ?Ut?rtBlAa_