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\rW-VORi. HATTTfLDAf? J? NE 2, _8t? PRICK FOI R CENTS yoi. XXVI.??? <?S*S. AN INl'lHESIINO t,'- _-_I01*. ?A ? , ? ,.?i v? ; t ? tra,?,' , ? ! ? ?? ? - t ?> hC?. te.l mt). . . a. ? a . ?a ..ini Ia/ t ,- .: ?Kui. i ' ' ' MM ? J a- ? The ' ??' ? I a' r.. .1 ... ,. ? - "o ??ep li... - . , ? ?' I . I ?! teal.?i.?.? . 1.1 I ?iee a? Ililli ' ? eva i.,i ?id If '.?...-. '' .1 . ; H-OOl LAND'S GERMAI** pi-'Al tU*. Ti. ? I ! _?,!. ? ??'le ?er? virtue. BBMl ? ?bee M , i ? I ?I ? : a erny i.i M ? ? ? " '?'?? B? ? ' tai ra . .... i . ha. - . - - * - |. la .... . ?II ... ; , yan. ? ? , CH< ?? ' ' \ S] -ON .' ? ...... , . rl rr a?tn i? ta a i* ?',.?*. i ? ?aria. -, ? CJU tei? ?MdertaM the pi Ita I I ? ^tkt ,r?. . ? . ? , ' Hool I AM'W (il'lIM-W lil I I ..*-. B . I ? . ita. I i, 't. i k ? ? ii ??.tiver ' I ? -, t ggWgg ! ! . el i ?????. , . , ?.,..,. a?.j.i BAI i .ii, i MAU. I I I > M A LI? AI i l.i 01 ? ' i i h will l.l:?J MB ? I lil HS O f U'l ter r , a 1 a ? | ? i < . i '. . .... II . I ' . ? ?... ; 1 THI.I'MI a??. t -'? ??. m1 i? Me ii ? ?.? . . .. '? ? !.. .1 li ( a II ,->.?. ? |Wlt . ? .' .... r wrnr., . mam, i-1, \. ? ii? ., .i oeetbrt tt toa toa . s ?. ?' ? ? ? . ?? grtee ? ? ? 11IA1.1II. I M h'?? ? tan ?. Iel. ? |-t'?| I ? i -t1 ,.it, o,* I me H???ri.AM?s ?HI RICA.*] ni I i> RS w.. i o?r i MB] a?l? *t tTit, ?N mt N. ? ? ? Hue?.?, .'re Ktdr.ei?, Aid 1 Henee a'.il. ? tram a l?,?irde.?d Si? l-.a- I MBbbim ita M i?i,.| ?vu.h i hat . ? , fee-tar? ? |?i i Caeetlr-l? > li.w?.?d Ti ?t Ful reae ol Bare? ir- the Mee.' AehtAgat Aba ?M? ,i k. i, Vi i? ?MtbOM I>',? ii foi Feed. y?ll re??i ? VVt fl.l in ,te SI?d ?ih f-,.?i ?tiarra ? i.i.t *-!? b i ? . a T . ite-a?, ?I Ih* III ii It? Maia ?ti ?-??ariiitu ? III, l:?.i ll.rr .dud I e I MM?kaj ?.?llei.Di ?I lb? H,ail T-iliag m1 * ? fe? i? ?ci ?ale, li .?.I O !,| Pla.MM it V.ein, l)cl? .., Watt l?!f? li.? ?..i. ??ve, uti 11 ? i a toe Meedla ??.????'' Pirti.-ii ?a Ve .?r e.? ef il.e ?ti? trd I rn r?ii I. al? ?ide back. The?, l,?> be. he he--__? t ?le. ..I Hen -.irmi . 91mb, l mila?! ti ?|ii_|? if 1 v 1 I'd ?Kit I>er,'... * . Wn bl?? I ? ' at Of teni ?cr ? - __?? matt ? ' taara ?MB a ?w ?f Ita v titi, tagt el bel e? ??- ktaM MaM a? Miara .loee rl aro _now_ yaBMM wLoee intel fence and Ile nc-i a? ti ( e te beici i, .lo ,b? lid W? "II p.? our at BBBad ali 't ? Mae a..???- ii i I. ertinc?*e bv ?? tiri a Bel BMJ Bl I re O M Ml NDA mons. JB?? lean Ih'mjioti ,1'ttpt ij I?. V -rene C?nrl g feuin.tai.'* PBILlBBLrBIl gg-H it. ia"-?. leeaM?a Hoon,and? ('-?ma.*? BlTTCBIleeabtebMatag eta? i? (?te ?f fit ia i.l ir,.i|ettlea. ?i U?epe|ala 1 , ar. ,?? ty thi ?hew. a.y etper ei:e ef it. T??-??, with reteeet lAMls j UOMMOM JTrea, A _,??*,... MBaiBto gem, St ?VI ?,(-.??! Mt,?- It IBM. ?Mia Fal : ,,? _ren y'.rttjt* m te?tafvJi|M l'ae enrao a,nary BBBM-MaM lit?a ot ibe HO_r_ANl> - MM?BM MITSM ?re a?te? al ?a?,.' ??tali'..aliment. A BBBB?M <?? ?be family balbeen ter BBBBy -??ira ? r*- -? ? ifri I? I??!,???'?. Pa t-itatio-of the Heeit, arid ct 1er a a?i??? r.? ctti ..n|t all a torpid liver .Bill pereuaded to try the above celebrated ?emdy a?_? b ia a fea ???ti remito- lo _,ttt:.| i li ! ? a.e? bar nan wi?rila. "aaew ?imti Ten are it lib?n- to mall irj oaecf I) i yoi ne ? . I tin atieren'0 ?. ? ? A McMAKIN. JTr?a? .???i? ?? li . Ir-iiaei. ?a? arm ti O,-h-tr,ham A *fulrh,tim the filtrated Alai. ..'-?.'-.-m ?/ Pomtg tim Wert? ?, J?.? CM?I al l?Mltar?Tip!?M from von e; oaeef ti.?|iM:rat fiv i??.i> t he oeti'eied i poi ae?i. ti? that ol be- I?, ?or a ti -tr. .?1 a?l?red frein ni.? of the mo?, annovia t and debtllM I j aar-t; a", 'i ?Ml tb? lou au 'uiiiiy can be ?Sated willi? a i r ?. (be > iii tin.? I waa a Bar D| '??. Ihii | ??tai ! ??- ? . > bv reg .Lar i/nyi.c ana ?ivin? aie bal fertapo-arj ia..?- a ? .a aaeaaed to M__M i a | ! waa rod .ted te try ?OOFLAMO IOI P. MAN BlTfiR?- Al-er tb? ?e? ol ? .?tv Lette, ,' li .1 ?. ?o ? _e?.iiie ii.? ra,.. i. ?al tpumei to be a BflBJ ?(? ? ?-i a ?? -? t-warail.i l?m ve . :.r tua.? a v?. .ibe ?iniB. ?uti ?vi.ea*ve.? I lite? ?? ei|P,i.i?.'j toedbgy i?'imm??. .- ? -t ?. ? - re >?t it., . ? I'lHI B tori KI p?-?.iv Jtow Kirk le.. : It??. JT/ea? get le*, Re i /.,,.'(,, m) (?e ; ? ?? ? '- ? ? J,,forment "j t'tt tient Buj.Ui: O, m ? Ititimti feilt ?? the Br,ji'?i Cl.'.trk CK'tlrr Ptot. IhaaaBaaaafMOORb?-N?dsokiivis BITT-IIBm ? ? ? Oauaber a f tain i , ??? ?el,il?n. B ra? O?a lan. t ladbOMOOM I me jaeaeed a.'i, ir. tit elerie I wai e? lo ?e. in_,r esl rr.ti?. t i \ a?a?.v ?tieri . i, Ir. w tim 'l.ev htvi operated ,, . ,:r,i .- ?- ? alai ?.?m ?i ', m? . ?.? ii ??m? i? o.-i yeblh y prMie?MMitki? tari ?id ti it Hi? i -?,it -'ti of tni -tim -, | . - .,,., . Mb.cb ttev ??? re? ..a.n-i'.itoj te tl.e?i bUTTEU ?i o? ?:,. 'rue., ^e.?a.?l,.? . . i -l,?I.J?tlOD W11.?..,-.?. u? ., Otaert?l ? ai dUQglilB? g gil f HI i? Inier.le? ?BOM B?Kteil ?? ii ? ' not ? . .m __?. To..?!, ir...? L?. ?.J 01 I I r,t* A?t ' / -?v -i f?t'or . ? . - i ? ? I f? ? l'h.aitlpkio _?i?Til?tk : ? ,v? r. ?nl'y bar? libnri'i uni?- ne lama-i ??tri? o' .?. (.tea o a -r>ai|nr..?d ??? prn<- < ... ayatai- HbMMM i?ne? ?i we.i leMBMBMadto bj Maadi tau j aaaeafe?i MbtAealw? ilOOftANl MAN KITTPI ? w?.? ? o?i-,?rii|?4bvp?ft?r? W' toa ?M '??' '?r. ? n.e.-.i'.'Oo'lr,??? Bi'-frt i.??i ?al ??'?'T? 'L?u ejaMoBtoea "??? I to I ? ? -? ifUMM. ? ? ?abO ? .d u_e ? ? a b ?.??i? wtn.t? ?ni? ?in leer t r0 be 'o (rain, ?? ????(.n?d ?. a di it'd ttmt .?un: je i . - ? ? .? mty I aa4 th? ter. i- ? ?? wi., a I fear, ii to mike in?. Bmmt I Ma?Mai i BMaadagltatyaw weaeaaggaaMahaha pteoen ???* ! toggahhel haea?a,aataa|gegMtha otos ?tb >"? '??? nerrr-iaivate-i wn ?ro?r?ri?d ?'?tiivir.? I?. a) b??e ?!??? li ? ??' anal perora mini iiei ehi lro?_ the Bee ?f ? ?. v.? i? ? .??[.-. .t ? , a W t?. ?tllim ED No T-Tbtlkli ?EMI? * - t MISAT M ?'.HI. H ? OrCMgOB -. in ' r us ra?ca | | ? t>?, i ? glt o? a Ha I ? Do/il I B"> B?i .' . 'i'it..t ia1. Uti tue a. ?. to yu? al bj at, ? - i aun? M'*P,?'*,'?D? titi ?'?? bl ? ft?i?ai in Ile BtMI I . M ?' M ua, lud Wl Will larwe-a it te. ,i? . ?i te? r? BBBBBM tu ? va!, ovy ? y in:> MJ?-FA1 ( s Mill fJa-MR rai?tVI PIOA l'A .IOSI.S \ EVANS, fY,ovii y i Pot tot t-, I?, ,,,,!, m4 I'la ?n io 'T-.? ?? Wl a - ..... ?tra A|r.,.,. NI. IV TOR?; i. al j HI I.MilOLD s *M*UV ?_l? < HI M1* Al- NVAltUiUI b? ? Ma -.g? BJtoAi*vydkit THE FENIAJ?S. A Footli,-Id MMishri on Briti. h Soil. m the nimm evlr. where. lilz-llii'-'h to I'oiiiniaiul fbet .n.drv, ?IIC PENIM8 AT FORT ERIE. THEY TEA! UP TUB lAlUOiD TtAOL Prisonrrs (12ptorfd and Horses Seized. Kiniiored Abandonnient if ihe Kiff? (I It ion. A Itr? onnti?iiasir b? t?n-dinn Troop* Anti? i l'util' f ,i|?i- j? r?? m. .-ir. i. ii?i|f Mb telba n ? i ??iii?., i | irrida] leaai *??. ? - miga of Keg ? at I I.. ? ?' ? 1Mb, '?? ."li ?! ?? ..',!. m .ill uti 475ni ' ' i b Creel f by the Brie lad si ? .!;??? Ra ?? ? ? - - i. fores. Tha li?-t.-r n is : el edi u.m?? tkaa nvii 'mil i ? i i - - i.i! tb? i?. ? - ? s te nroifly posted i I I |b! tah, ? a? t '?? :?. ' noa. From Hudiilo. ?I. ? ,-oiir.reDdeBt. Ti ? ' * i -ti? Kr.hit Mot. it. i i tu.-.! ds .ni,u ?n'. ? ; Ike 11-- lea eney, CeL 0 Iii I ? i i .s? i - ? tioe, aiul i ttabliibi ?! a foothold ?nu ? j the d great en! .... - apath . i n, Te ?be And ittitl PtaSB, Bi ai o i rl .? lan ? ?. m. Raporten M 7%i ' ess hats M Manad ftnee ? point one mila ead e ball bekre Lower Black Rock? The \ : .ml . I t'- K':.... a ?'.-I'i'i:!., ?C'l M: "iii.'. 1 ..?! ''.u'."l that p.'int ?'.. n Ike? ?. t't. Nine Wagons, loaded ? :tb ainiiiuii. inu ead n*: ' i tbaltb,j ii ? ? ''. i : . . MCON-li I? ?PATCH. ' ? I .lar. .line I I?-? R, ? .i [ikstandiag ihr vipirii, ?? ed the eather ttos la 'his ? I . . ? I - t- - r ,? . i : ' ,, kieun ni!', t erlag ! 81 [i":!.?? epe':, uit'l the t,u t t!i tt the t ;rv is eaera?Bg ?ri;li Canadian apina, M-Tt-rsl n ' - -i.-?. ! it? .! te i ide bMtaigbl i r ti ? tfooji? trtun Kaataeky, Taaaeeeee ead ladtoee. a re^i iii I lr?.__ ( lii't ui .1 ii rr^-i.i . i* ;? .-i, ttiii ? it ? a At ii..s ti".. aete, diawa by tagt aid wiit-i: aaariag ?he Cm.?dun si'le ?eu i.pwild ln-ii i beer? wth tt.? prrrn leg laat-Bgj Col. O Neill, of ti.? 1-th Kegiaifii-, of RaekvUle, ?e la conmaLdat Furt Ehe. A !arre BRUBberef ]?? ra?"v? hr'- lievlDf Iheslgbt, irmn this ilinrr. < r i O-XsRt l-l ?!' ' 8d lu I Byeeat a man ale ?Moinpletl K'?|?I'roptiate te liit-M'ii ihe use ti al.rge nn'.lni ?laiwl il a public iioiise. The Ke-iiieai s ?tv that ti'? eaptsdetkaeshall lie puru itte.l Iheappgeaeh ea*a aaaatei Fenian eaaaai prest terror btkI en iti'inen! BRBCMg -be paSCCafCta and rrrw nt the In teraetieaal ibij beal la Ike Bsen?Mat m Imbergee upon t!ie I! : f?a lu elah UltkatelegrapkwliaetoCaaadaarei le Ike Csns liai ?ids execft ihot-e via the RRBpeacioa Bridfa, l i- BpBBt t?! ti"' A??-?? ketad Pr?s? !;a? left *>>r the ?i rut of oprralioiil. I' i? reju-rted that tbe mu.! ape-t ?it.? tin-d eyee f!? ? .?- a? he wa? i r aatag ?u a ?niall boat. The Fenians are reported mari!i iir lo-vsr?! tue Suspen? sion f?ndg? If ?IkalTiMi I.ere. TliiRD IIM'll' ii. H in a io, Fridsy. Jas? I. I*!??; hu ofht.Kl? fn i*ii Fort Ene report that the Feni BJ? hat? lorn i,? the trat s m several pin es , l.avu burnt"! d<iwn some hu, Idin^s back of it village, and ai? BB8B?g all ?ha horses within their reach. tttrnj l.sve taken twenty five or thirty prisoner?, but hbaaa were r? Imt-cd uti Baeabe alter a lew hour? detent loi. At H e clock ibe PMMMM slartrd down tlie nrer tonani Chippewa. All ti?mni'..nii'at.o_ tritt Cenada i s Rev eat cl* et tkk Il I Pitted Itetee stestner Mu luir?n te ?aliouett op r'??ta F? ft Erie Bid ct.inniandsths river. .OCRTH DISPATCH. Ill Fl AIO. I ? 'ai a I. ,.i. Tate Skfti? of tha Atsociattd Press has reteroed iioin an i i .t-rt'ie- with a prominei.t Head Center, who eerstkM ? ?j t-.'i,i iii men eflei:lcd a lsndinf in t sunda fruin j lin? nom?, and are hourly leeMrlBf awasMoBS bott la ; l .it.ii !a ?ad Baa this abare? 'liir?' ?sa*.! Bi-nioil, au J hate 'ii pieeea oi artiOery. It ??said to be a?en-imi Isa tal BHH tta ?.? Croatie], aaa thal '?.'is Ira.tin , luis sa auay as 13 batieres of art.Herr ?- Cani-l?. The Fsinamliave t?;? (tra plied irnai Iii? pom? to ruioui ! fitts *i? _riug ?a i.? men and good?, as s Iel td-Bf has j boat efT?rted. 'I'hr lut'ti lliSt went lroin here were, BMereath . eb kau, metal il.*i_ ?re .a: 1 to have survod m iha l.'nioa ? . ( lirjer.'e sinne?. Ko re life ?etion or eren ?kinni-h ii anticipated for al leas* mu day?, w'.ii-h will sllow ths British troaas io coo ' at? and toa Faajaaa ta fortify tkaaaNlfae. I h-liest'ii t'.': f?! 'ihe VVe'lal.d'Csnul ?lid i m'itf_ia:it I u rotaata M tkeagkt to be tkelr preeeat obtaet. Baal Caatota *? ?e.i that no tu?acrinir win he sllowsi : :?? ?ja:.'t tiriltr war on the people o! t' hut on the ! H* ttofe Qorsrajs at. PTF.-H OISPATCH. ?tt n u?i Friday I tea i i?'.? ? ol ihe ?tb MatioDRl 0_Ardaiegtu_rdii.K . ?ei?al, but tkare iaaodeaaer thM 'tie Vaauaa will ?l ? v, T.iev "(? --'"I a tr.tuber ?if : ? ? itbt N Igars I Kaiiro.irl wiiii', k " ('anida sid, lint abes they were tnfonaed ley wert i wty of Ameriis-i? il? h??r*ns ?er? retaras i A di??is'r :. trote Port < ilk 'Tie stat*? t!:?' lotSOl Brit'Sb ? arre ?here, au t iimr'- WOTS ti/.v | | iii ; id rmnb ItTty :o?t I . irdsrad 'i aa Hail?! i io Port Colborna, ii ? snniMed te cany traofe 1 !h-nee t i * ?nie po k1 tai' y. - .- f-A? he!? tb.iete ? .' j II .. iel?? F ram Ra? healer. ? t* s v i '.-At ran ' ' i ? ins, left ttto city U ? pseaared by tbe letma tn?; .r.?. They bad I c-ii? Mr Recae, ead probably war? de?tin?ii i ?.? I.iwre-' s leflea. '? ' ?' "*? I'he Fer.iiu leader* in ihn eilyar? very .?? lire sad [_r,re ?i...- i? ? ,? * i , ...ii i.,- i.-it '?- 8 Bfonttor, b mm Basiaa. noir'?-;. Paidkf, faaa I -Ml rwooataBi i sd Rtataa Retatow left IhM laere ? -? klbai ?. v ? f eke Iel Peak '? ? - i aappees laaHaa j - be e ol Maaaa? bnsetti I .ip atar ? roi? ... ? it?, "gai I . i.i . I t ih*? nurt .; .?'??? ? ..ii, ? | : ???re mi'!'r rke aealj ? . ? ...y sa sr < sa ? 1 ! ? R ..: - | - f?Ml ?? ? ii it li !? I Bagb Lse will ROMMMkd i w*i mWUApJtJttoi '-'?-J HW otti'lmV^ Til.*?-fu.'l'r *?y that t!.o 1 :?.w tiUthi li ? ??vit i 01 Moadaj THinn ditat? ir. BOM?r, I?lag, June 1, Ir-if!. ? I. ? .-i t'aviilry ti. I li "c1 biri, Co!. ('? i.: - ', 1,200 i n '?' I?I etty Air the * .n.a-ia ?,-?i (!,?:. [.Baaaailaleoa tot the ?Tahy s pall ihraagh l8 st. Ub-BBB] a dt__ -t Baal? Detachiaaalaol imk-.i St.itet Maaga Bm_FBtl ?? m aal ladepeadaaat, aba tram tati PraMa, an ? 'o leave Aa 'lia? aorthcta front.ena "? nui i i?i- ? res, i tOH, Friday, dmr 1 MM, ?"n. who ferred dump tin? wir ,r. Mt - I.'a .'Hil'11, 1 a" Ixn ? .iT-ntiii-Moner? apa i ??(... i ? , . I. Mb Mata, and will Maia tot tat - ? ?anlag, It is m.p'Kiaerl that abonl SSI Ita?Bl UK bj l-l ?forth B_l "it. Id 1 ?oia Bl. * Ira-ne. Hr ?uns?, rrilag ?luna '. I-??*. I ... ? -, ? ?, I ? ? ,? ? tr .tai! i . ri? lu -I e -a 10 ,i in. ii ;. I ? a io I-, in I' under I., .... ?i -, ' i, ? ? a, ft, Ttity ara Mattered ...-?:, ii-louji.-Kif tlircn ?ir f.iur, and liare inade no .I.??.-..!''!.?- damB-BtnttonB. The aathofil ut Hat?hal I - l . . i a-,... lu- : ;r' li hed. BOOMI B?PAT) ?. Si. Aibi.??-?. Vt.. Irtal?! .line : ? I I? ?,,?'. a 1 - ? . , I l - -: Bg bl li-' i ?.?-..:i. They in- m - liara'i <.r> ??. . .' i,..| io .ifiintlit? to malu ale tit?t:l?? ii. ?pon thla poial aotbing ii I i -. . > ?.. r ; bai bat- asoal ]..'?? rabia and or lerlj* i . ? thal aareral hnndrad mon IN re ii t fir nrxl 'Ji ' titipr ?f the Honing Mlork mn Hie t.,?n,l Trank Balla?I -The Orrapaiiwn of I on Btrir a riiMl--F.xpe.led *? .uni Advaore Irim 4 '.,. ,?.?. Imriiiin *?enirolilv llrrarlv ( aaaaadad The Battaaad i rnr_ h. ?no?, j Five Tlilre U es1 al Karl I rle. loft. \... I . W . Ir .lit 1 i ri?- ' BB I?- ta, I Al ?, i,\ loci ' - ' I iln? . ?tv I bal the Feniani mo | r.r Pon Rrieel lo'eloeb bj tot a? ? eaaal-hoati and a ; tag, ead bj _ o'vloea wera all ?afelj Mad?- and ia i --.--,i a .-i Foti Erie, a blah aaa a? ?? Balad bj tin loek? .. : party, ta i of whoa wara capturad. li.-. ? oa landing, boiated a large tetra flag, and beneath iti ? I u gara I latj i - i :? i thi Iriafa li , ' - un-- the telegraph wira to prevenl ...niiiii i- ? I ?, i ut al the bridge, I...????, r. ?hu li ii ?till m ta? t. I 11? I I 1. oil . .,,1?. I? ? i. ,?!.?. i ... ni! t ii ?? and all tb? rolling atocb I..., I tai. I he inti Iii ??? i< ?? '-? led the ag the ritiaeo? ?i I traoga, who a * for Fort Colbara, a ih? I ha .I" of tin- tcw?fiii|?i ..i' ? f.i?i!. ?ml Hi?- i. ? . ? x. it?. teeni ia preri Hie : tri .-???: a -?'. aaad lo aria? t tbe .in.-: ?t--.- y ?i il ii ? few m ? ' . ed with uniformed and armed _wb bul fing to the gea e-ni readearoaa for orth ra Ti.- ffth Mfaalaw Imt? ihto toora?g, aa wall aa menta toan ? "?aiaadi I ?,- ?.t thearttSarrwill ?i-.. i ' the Ni-ia'-.r. frontier, and thal i '?* litt?r . S. bool will ti?- tiru- -di i ??tb -I .? 17th. I g| i ,i-. '- .... ? . i, ,i . DI a ?,!?:..?'? . I ? ??-.i i Miii i trmy, who I ?? Um pi lol ?.???iii ? ttiku K ti.,- l,.-l't. 1 A iii?),?t. li tal r?( .,?-.: ? i ,,f fe I i.mi.? ?? S' A . . ?. kag 'i, M mtgi fhageaaral impiaaalaa ia that Fort Brie I? ??roly a? ? ?i ?.o <t a? ? faint t.? ?orar a lund laraMoa by tig leuMniig i or st. a:im ? aadaaaval ?-van, afltoai 1 i,t tg- ??.n tb? I IV ?eleni tri.n'i'f. ?An .t-iii mi iiHii-rilitv ia ?ev?re|y (?-mured, at ii l-eoiil? declare that the Oovei?aaal i? ia aoUuaioa with lae Fe - Ii i' ? i lien Natn)-r and ?tnfl ?tr?? fatyaetlTa Bad gr?ai ? ? ? Hin eiieu-il aaWBg Hie (MMf! ?-?-ii iLe-t .'ft li) ?lie 1 b .?t. Baajboad -1.??i?- id?? n.?ii gooeVhyaea the i do? k, loud .'tul eathaateM I? eheera. Ttie aad other haatt ea the lakaa trill ga aaal tr? I ?niii troop?. I Hagart M?! ti M the Bl tire rohtttBM ?urce of tha coun i try will ** unce lake ?lu? tin.d. i A dtapatrh uti a lar??? body lad Baftla Bia ItaI rirer road, B?rching on 1 liftoau thii _MM_af. lioliiji-re? lioin Kort I'.ii?- np..rl the I inillg of l.ine ? ii? ? lu,.*?'<? of tha Oraad Ti?? Kailr.ta.l, tire mile, VOM ?".I Kort Kr<e. A ili?'?ati h troin Praa OH IMarta ?he Kei.i?ni rol'ea?tirr ?' Ogdeaibturg ?l.alliae j e..j,l-. expa?a t?.?d ?ollie kind of an ??'IM?- f()-I, '.'ht. 'J br?.? rr^-iiiient? from M-ntretl go tr? the Lower ('antila li.)tjtier. Fealaae ? i?kilat Their War la lae Praal. I . Mia? N. V , ?iday. .Litie I. in??'.. Sill- Fetiian? en ;o' te to HulT.ilo patietl Ihtwagb th:? dtv t.a-dav. 'ihev I,?al aatllagj w??b thetn b'H provinon?. ?ley pot lata ? Ina tlglt m the rear ti ihe ilrpot before MarnBg Vital Bleed far Ihe Pewiaaa Aaether Arraaai at iba aVlahl at KlMlra. -Laiiai. 5?. V.. Kriday. .fonal. ltiA The "ith Marylai.d Caraar? BeerieMat and part ?.i the 1 nnnj <.t inv.i-iou. iiini.-r ea____ad of Oh. Ilrnin? Dniirihtie, j.?seed ihii>u?fi tai? ? ity todav, eu louie ?<a U?d'_hur?. 1'hey nunil-*r ?lit?- tuan. while wait?g fir the Faltern train, they fell to fight in? liininir ilieiiiaelrm ?t the deiwit. No d?Hdlj- wiajuiTie of anr kind wire uied. Mrmy had their headi dimaged. and blood ru'i ireelv. Wns' ail t!i?tn are young tn?n, ?nu Diany were in the ?lcliel ?tniv durin?r the war. They h?d v ith ihaai ?n < aa ? M amakata aad ??iKht bon-? of r?finiit *nd ar_munition, mariieai 'H. I). Hackler. I'oteiiim, St. IiBwreiu-a Coi 'Ihey ?ere verr ratha???Mo and i?n (t'.il.r Ol ?a'.' ' ? ?I A report from ('ditiiiih ?tri (hat WX? Keniaui palled tbrongn that viilair?* lo-daj, en'roi,te to BufTalo 'I hi- new? trom C*u?tia treated _uvh excitement ?_io__ Um FaalaM han, Bridg? liriad ?? ihe -Urana li aal? Ballraad ? aaailiaa Hetagrra ia tonBala. f.i rpiio, Fridav. Jus? 1, l?r?ri. Tha l.iteif nevii ftoin tha other t.tle of'the ftoatiarli the Kwinani were throwing up br??ritworkt at rren?-_ mbb'b Claak, a ahart a_taaea from thl pla?-a at which thay leaded, rhara wara no aigaa of any lim eh fore?, Tha Feuiaii? wet? ouli aait.^ for exported MB?forc? meut*. Sii;:w?iti bnd^a. ?bout four tn.lei from I ort Kri?, on lb?Onad len- Kdilroul, aaahtifBad ?Uaftanoaa, ia! al'out one mile of ihe ti?.? wa? torn up. The inhabitant? of ro.-t Brie had : u? baaa BBBBMtai, eii-tj.* Mr. Batea, a -Batato Bo te oflaatj from vvhom it tit raaortal that tha Faalau tooh abaal $ii?J ia gold, ?al l?r.aU-:_|..o.-i who wa? l.iken |ar.?rj.|er a* I ta??M ji al boatage, (ha totlaai I? ,v: bundi o', thl I.-uh lagahDa ?n pay BMBl io? arhal they aaiit. The fagairar a? tha Naajnfl CaBpaa*aaal aaag tim ?ftenii i tin wir?e win. ?i w?rei eat, bal the Feniani boo! I boI ?ilow i> ai.d took bM tool? away. \ r btoiUiahava aaaaa arar hare ftato tha alhai ?. Vt IO ??' ,-.<?? ?iiprehenilt-il |1 it rumored tha* i hiaa ti Hnfuh infintry ami ?Millan left s ? . ? H-Hiif? Un? ?Itertioain. T_ey have ba-eii a oiiceninti: K ?nd are ob Iheta a ^y lo drive the I ?niant t om ibe ?.?ii. I han? ,i.ii Maraad thal the __ted st if?, .?earner ?ii. . ?i.i? nor?! down tb? ?.?>-. toTttoavaada,toa toil?! M The t aaadiaa ?ort re Beadr le ?1?re. U'i-irir?: I riaJtr. Hi?? i Tha great?! ? ? : ? ? ? ? ,.: ... .? bara. Th.-wi,m? m li i "i!...ii- Moatraal baBhoN ii ?? boar ? notice. ? ma of rolaotean bal ha? oidorad ?le - ' aafc?? me??ttelr. i,.r p\ team ti il.e PioriaeaM laud'-r ora;.?r? to mon ti a m .meut ? w,iriiin_. Tha lon.i le.-i.i oBhiWl '? ? '? *' ?lacn'r to proceed io UM lro-.t. The lavaiiaa a? a,,, ,r.m Baip-eanea Bridge. ?Mi BrBMMB liKiii,r Moi ?i K?.,i.b Hoi ?e, ' K.'-liv, ii.n? 1 MB S it,.r? i? ? ragarl han,well ?atbeatieatod, that iMt h',-?i .-i? .(?.-?? I it Ba??lo lad nicbl to Ih??too Kort j-.r:i>, tunl m 'leta,:t..t ? ?.,.;.I? 4 ratiaaa t-a the pine. I'.".? tprt t?rea M ? Six at a > ?i.tool ?? ?. u i Tr.:nk Batliaal ?? dr ?t roy?d l ? ! ? ? ?'?!?? u..??ir_ inwirl S' Cathai?aa. ? ir?ai ii.i,in exi?ti Canada i? iriaai ara fjfiag | fraety in all a ? n?: for i?nforr-anienU. The ? g .?l,y ?Lirai" I. ? irn u.ol m,i, to .'beti:,.,. ?V.? tern train ii BOW :??? log !,.?!.? a? tti.ii. I aLe.Whare aperalaiiaa?. li i < . 1 r gaa . - 1 ol ?i ,s. II ? iii ed Corni ai di r ol th? Al Irish Ha pu? i.. m < a; roll ' ii kg iiuvfti-d tUat 0IB S?"iW? U-wU oty luto Ctikkig ama t?o main bttj nf t! | Fenian force, lut this<8 denied l?v thoat who ?litj'iM kii'ivv. It i? ?nid tint men ?rcion?tiinlly crossing fronntlii? ?ide, and atfeoat difficulty. Then- is DO United State, force here t- rut vint tliei.i ittitg IO, ead the I'niteil State? ?K-rttn?-- llichi?an lisa had no 0.8888 08 -uiluuiiy t" step parties from i r. It n? Bppsert tluit s eoeet r.trati??n i? lo be made not ? . i lu m, ii. I'.ii..ii!?, uni tit'cr n < ?-.? lag 8X1 88*4 -d Ita mforceaeata Ike Feaiaea a_ Boreoa ?-??'i.e i_portea! i Wy, "Ilia, ita?fBr, may not take pin? e for two or three i!n;>?. Reparle! Kagagemrni na the Magern Frontier. Tob??mo, ('. W.. Kridav. .Tonel?1} p ra. 1 be ' Hy is very mu? h cAciied bj iunitiis of a Fenian u.ti'MUi of Fort Brto, trim an early bearttiaa_laiag, rel?iteen _i?\? bael B n\in* io iho'iuiiiury'iiiiiH aud se ! to tin-? .ill. I ' ;? '.R|ih c rumors from various |Barten are co:nii:p in v.i? :..?t w. ni "i til. ni aitkoal th, slightesi foundatioBa I'lie.ui praai i? ??sum? "extras' beatty. The iote of warlike pntparatloa is eterya bees beeil, TheFniisn f?u?-e at Fort tri? im llMeacly BBtiMMM- M Bom U'iOU toM.OOO. l.t'.t. 1? i? mewrted that ttsy have eva-tialal Fort El i?', aid are bow man bin:.' onChippews. l!i<? foi. tier has not. been invldcu ut any other point np in i! ? jrekeiit hour. Ali e_gagement on the Riegara froatier ia lacked ?"r i" iiioirim. Hairs al on?! abaal Rnsprasiaa Bridge. Si - kv-|o?i Hkii iii Krui IT, .Inn? I, IHI At n Haigh! la?t night tkeeatl i les el C1 fb n opn, ?.te bete ?.'r(t advised by ii?i? ?_?? aux fmm the United atetes Dista 11 Attora*? at Bal?O that the Pantons were on the im ra. Leter latelUgence waa lae, iv?.t annoi ndi g tli it h f. rea. ?rsrto uri] rstiwMed at from .'?ou to 1,500 bad ? rossed : iba river st a point aatka Bortbera on! -.irtsnf Boflalo, sin '? ?di-il m eaptaring Ike aadafeaaaitotrati t"rt'. it Bpfcers ihat lb? sBwciafl aaa lae, led andel cover of iii Dint, by meena ol foar eaaal I Rta am! two ?ba ?t'it vee seid M bete Male tao trine, vkieh vc?, bare ..osctn? a IbrntsrH bu a, wl ii b ? rob ibly u the satin t?r?e now in Canalla in tkis vicinity. 1'tie invaden? v i m ?tippln-?! with irtus .nul iimmniiiiiuii nil 'he Amoricaii ? ?!?? st t! - moment ?if embarkation, bal tbeywere .ill uti:.ruf?.lined. It i? ihcv vere fin nundid bj? <'?n ?i.Seil, ute ('.'lii.i.-l in Hi?' r '.?i.-.! n nui'. The bading i f " , ?I nu.i., i sida ?'iii? aare Istad. rbev iii.ii ? ?' !v prnoee1"! : ?the h..r?crt of risioDi i ?! ' ' ?' ? : kel lina a Mi?i rwai '" - *'? ,:' ' | ii 'a,-, a. II' fired . DC ibe ? . ' ! l.i l8. Dr. Ki:..|" a, Mayor? fPoi Ki s, vet \i?i ed -?"io And i ii'iiti.-".'.' ? : i-?v! ma tot i tit.B. Aaotkei i. pott says Rr? Kimptoa veal t b1 i?? iiul the riot cet, when the Fenians fired on bim killing bim i_ stmitlv. II alii"? rejuir!? three iltur!.? killed . the d. ? bj ? .. i Bead pi, I. M 'I he i ?? ? : , , ,i it ajpetat vitbii ali a-Uee ti tim old town ni i kipaeva, ?h ita ti.ry aabl * |?*-?-1. .??ii at Mat eaeoaata. li . ssi-tbsi hava tota np tatara! mil i of Iba traekof i . ("? i ead ?li r. at Tr nk Bailneds, and eat eil ? . ? ' ?:. - i . i-- i ... ? - i i.,i li -l .:? into Canada I he t. r? a? We-tr-u tratas hi..?, ii a:.! departed through ?i t the dey tram ead to tide point trittoal interruption. \ ..a ?vi? i.?, r this BBoraing tli?- Greet Western Rall p ml removed al! ii? ?urpl i oQieg ?tort bott ttii tatioB ii . r ? r Two or tkrao eaglaas anti a Ibw earn ere ? bat ra icely la mote at a moment's notieea Tbi ttbed ?y the rompan; "ii I ? V Is teeta ?i -i on ?! itj n "'.l:i )i It.BRU] , i.u Bg : .ire. not to go tmt 11 ii iks Pantons. I Bgaregtn ?t I of inr.uiry and two bs'talions of artOler) anired .ioin llsmilton, bail | ditpnaad foi at. ? ? rvica. i b atoi?M easy geaerel ebeaj tie rirer, PkaUtoie-a ?i g to this sida by every peesibto convcyence. The ni h ? r? t ?i tin? Fe:.._i ? or?- ?t CbippewBare unfounded. > vee galet tfcesc naced Ike atareo. Ike people, N<? Fe . , . -, ,..t-.. ,., ?I t!i?-r | iiiiiir was prm nth-lit ia < .u. !.i that Iks I'i, it ed Rtatae ferres bad ?mml ut Hi.ff.tlo, vhicb bad a tranquil i/injr ? '!??? '. ? Jr...ii i m luid.' e ? ma .ii' ited in the dispos :,.ii ..f th? i i itid .i'Hti- aattoritiea li.e seopM a deattkattkei ?nil I.? abto t?? lake raia er Ike im'? i na on < ??o', provided no r< enforcement? are re ? ? ii? .1. I tie impression prevails among the trust ti.teliis.-aut people that tata mot em sat u? norsly a leiut to cover a ?mtr? deten.. ' i-ovecaeat elnwhete, j nhahly ?na tka i lins of li.? Mt lAtt.'ti. r. (anadian troope arl nan ?ia?iored all alonR the river ?o prevent the i-o*?in of .? , iuf ? .-?j.?a!.. SuspeosiOB Bailee is stronjrlv r'iAld si, -ltd 1 ?jrr',,1 s?r. t?r? mt'!? of ail |utaaengrrs. TliCT II lit? \ . reey serosest? isaac of tbis nv,'ion. Had the fgaieea improved opportunity thii morning , the? mtgfcl hai? p?,'?*eei?*il themselves of t'ha entire Cantu dian side of tbc rircr !",ra ?oM Brie to ?"?n'arm. it ia no? r?. i late thrv i annoi re?,.?! wiih'Ut a ?K?it. Thora will pr??bab.r be sa si pfsa-aa! Lf-Bai-ffV Dioijiiiig ii the Csnsdian officer* -xini.if, at an? satStpiMa %a Kagngeanral Eaperled. m ?mums llkiiriik I rii.??, .Iiise 1 ?10 u p re Ihr |e_ni j.i t m from Buffalo rpptiita that the river Mam Rlaab K"?k bsTaaawaada ?? H ed atti meeR lu?ate ? hnyiag tkaPaaMaa ta ihrr?n_4ia ?ni? eTkee i at cr , rii(iii?<i at one pom! by !!?h BBacateT Mu higan. the? go to ; a;.other Two reriments of Canadian lufart'ry and two batteries ; of artillery are now ? omroiit.uji? the Fenians at Black . (rii-k. An rng?g?meiit i? tluioet i n'.iiii in tks morning. ' airabeaa va. ???ni Thor faraser Oppoird in ?Me lav-aalea. PHi?inij'aiA. Fnd?y Jan* 1 lltid The uiws from ?he Cansdisn frontier ??u-eii ,?reai ox citrment in tin? city to-day. A manifesto is now being jiir?,sred bv -lames btejihrns which, in the name o! tba F.tnan t?reles he repreeeuts in this country and Ireland, will denounce in the strongest poss.ble language all Bach rii.-l.lion? as ?hat bsing now undertaken by the Uoberts ?Swei-ny U< Hiercaacaefor issaiagj Beak a laeanacal ure that his party don not deebre to ceeRB?t any bieneti of the unu tralit? liws by which Hu? country mieht he . oiupnimised, and ins ??ailie ot Ireland ruined past reil.mptioD. tevti fron Ike Toronto Papera of Friday a-reaing. Taaaaraa Krid?.r i_n?i. mi Th? t'lilowmg i? a synopsis ol items pu'ilnlied in the I evening" paper? of th:? attjrj A latir? patty left Oswego for Toronto by boats. Con.identbls MM i? at Mt. Alban'. ready to march on Canada, (len. Napier addressed the traeca ?oilsy, te?ing tb?m they may be en^a^ed in a tighi beabea M hours. Ths movements of troops in al! parts oi Hie p.-ovira esra on ?ii uumenie ??ale, but puhluatiou of ilestinationiscon trahand. In ca.e of necessity the militia men will be (B?edout. The force at Kne is uudsr Oen. O'Neil. Sweeney ii no1 lhere. The Fcmsns are all yonaa mon. At 4 o'iloc? the Feniins were within six miles oft 'Iiip pewA. Everybody erpecf? ?t hai'le !o-r?i?li?. Thsy hav? senti? nels posted around the't en? smpment, and it ia ?aid their tsvorite eceepetioe is rtselieg bur??-.. Ikey aro coanMt* ' ngnoacttoi ridCMB urxiu peotils who do not resist j them. One ?ii the Montreal Telegi-pb Company? re psirers weit io Fort Brie, snd ?hey leek lui tools trou? iiiiii. ?nil ! ixwji ?I'M home, lhere is the greatest en tuiiiiium A_rin? ihe tioop? sll over tho r-otintry. The uprising rr?i_i"lf? thal of flie Aniencans whan ISumter was tired i.jMin. Kvsry rolunteer joins the rauks and isany citt.ens are rolnntrenn?. Iltirso fitiarda are formiag everywhere. The wild? -I cr? ite-n? ut ia apparent In all Ino miies sud towns, utul (luv.? nment are ,-outident of SB e_rly routinr nfths Ftfiiiani?. Iiirin? b?idies ar? held in reserve al intenoi pout*? It?beflBfWaeleiWtki "r cutt, as ei!geu"ie. may require. Thecitv pre?? pili'is.i sztm every hour with mo?? .to lard atoftos ??t- ii lingi sad ban lag br lbs Fen saa And hullsliD lioar.1? ?ra i-ni??le-| with BaaaMioi liase. The lol hiwiiigsr? ? ima i II e beadiaga o: ?itras ? lem?n? op poiit? Bin. ? liiM k, "Km impmant Numbers Thief lliou sead Work .ii lli.ulnr I uuiuiem ed,' ' Horse Itsellag Favurit? I'rs???..??. *-| ,nt bluod spilled, ' "Ms ekiag on I'ort Ctilliniir.'ie. ? VolunteatS moving; lo stiaek them.' 'Forte nedsr Col. PeeMCb BRBV-Rg up Kris snd Dntsrio Railway te attack.' " Tea Companies now at C'iiboirnc Rellway Rridge decttoyed by Pcaiens ??a?.:r repelted Largs broa ,,f artiltory oa Boa? ! er including two ri-iiii.'ir batteriaa "f Ariiis'rotig gun!.' A Han ?, m( ?Maalreal trws. Mmiliii Iriilijr. .lillie i -... Iipetts fccTt Jnit rsetbad as thal <? larne bn'i? al Pani? ans liAve sMisd '.he arms at Imtas's Fmiii inJ ara bow inariUin?: oa the Bn'n , for* at lil? aux Non. Aboit WO men reach?"! ISt Albans this morning. Two lar??? boilia? ? f troop? are now le iTi:i/ oae le re enforc? lbs garriaoa .?t l-de a x Notx, and the tribal t!. ?i "t St. John ?. The Fenian? have liuni? a bridge et Fort Brie, ead eui tour of tue lategrsab airee iiiere. M.ny ?xciUn^ rimo-, ?re lying ?boin lopa. l-rtiMi MMPAT-M The ilorernui?-1 ii?.?j?,.tt icuMiad iiiftwmellen IkM th? Cuitad St.?.'?? gi rtboa* Miebfaj? has inter?rp??,! r-en fircemr nts to i i- . ins, tad landed ti Port Erie this mor?an:: Tboes vhn bars umle.l are niarcbing pall-au?l toward Chi; j'?? ? s1 tut foar mi-H from Niagara, i- ? 'rum li?. ? tnarckieg to eaptdra them, F?nr hundred u. : ? I ma bara arrived M -n. v i tl.isnu'' t A better* "f knastroag ge ?? *'..i,?'1 a*?gi o? m i ai d Wth Regimei i - io ?d.luton to thom emnttoaed ia mi telegrsiu "f I |. lu ?iii Mat i m sr, h"i.r le mout 'b.ui ' rillRD IlISPAT? H. Moins?,:, ?r. ,iv j?? i_;i, - f^ 1 hsve n'inred a te!agram trmn Uttiwjl sts'in^ that ?overtiiiieiu baa bean informed Ihli 6,UU0 Penians ure . g from Port Brie tnFortColbonrnefortbep I ?f destriiyiiii* tbsloeki ol the Welland (MaaL Hier will i la wo-aiert?! to monow li Hoop gj,_ ? klHeii ?.?l Ai?-, ?tronr Rima under Col. Peacock. The BMBn frontier ia itienrtheDcd to-day, although the ?_OTe_<-tB Here arc taarael hs feint??. . . .'hindering ?ud bnrning are markir.g'be track? of the iaral ru. The Baarad fmri Ena M rej^r'*- <V boat ?at l?r Fenians while rt:.?i,iiT tha -Ol ? t. Ile 1.01. minent off-iati) ?ay they ^n? kept well Informed<>| all Ih.- Fenian mon mem?, ila MBBfa tal m th:t ,-iiv b >' thin (??(?-.; _, : ? pure ?tly willi m?a' h -B-MM?MB end thiaaaaaiag to gi?, no quart? r?. A BJaataiary mt Ittpari?. I'itxalo. Friday .Inac l-i_i?ln.?lt. The en-i'enier.1, both hore ?nd OB the BM Balta ha- k <>f ?harirar, ia iatoaea? Wooea with that, child?? ami pfoparty* ?re a oming aero?? lo the Amen? ; n from .'ii J- in'i a? h ajotlty, relying aa th? pnaBaael the ?'?miali? 'o 1 ?ve them BB_OMBted, ta_ah where they uro. Th? poaitioo the loTadiBB Btea M araaeat li aafoUowai Cat. (?'N', ii!, ?al? ia Ia ? ?air iiit?_i?l Mata) ti NewliggilIB- farm, l.e:ir Kort hr,r. With bia urn thi? I:!-1, Ki .--11.1111 of T" ::" -i-''?'. Col. O-Mil; 7th Berimenl of Kon? .i'iiT. CoL (Marri ISlh I.?* ? ra? 11 of 01 lo, Col. ?i S.wal, ?lh'l'e-iiiiiiit i,! H?llalo, Lol. Hay, and - ?1,'tiv li? li a-iii trom Indiana. F. rt Bril la :i vi luge of 900 inhaliiiLla, ?ippoiilt- Hla<k Kock, and m entirely oafbrtifted. It i? ?aid thal the Iii?*i aloag lha hafjarayej flocking in larga numbers around lha preen Hair, bat iron? thla nat tie tita of going oresi?ad?teanaaa, IB Amrriin-?i eaaaaal ntl i>< i M to aotaa too. All reporte? attach aa Cnlpoewa or other ii? la are wt-ia.iit f. ?.lidntioiii. About i- .. j., in. a data-h?iat ol .'(KI mci ii-di'r ?M. Iii? taored down the r.vr toward i ?ppewa beloa ?hieb placa a brida? B aafc) ta harahaai baraod ti in iUv. Tin' ahjeet of tail a*o?-B - ? I known, BBleaa it he tor tic i vi oaaoi nteyi ipting Britiab tr?.?.,B, L300, f m1,um ara Mid t.a ?Bira [ubi _liiad M iii?* - ii " It I? ti?ef. An tolarh bj aiMniagia??i?ia. Al the higbrat iwin palatina tha?e aie uni mum ti m1 rta I i i'.red Feniur?, ?ni no artillery in risible, if they pooaeei ' All throii|iii thn ilsy m ouiingprrtir? hate been Bl?fing a? ?he (-?mp ?ith | ro*ri?ioDi aa_ bofMB._ Fruin latest nrioiinf? the Fenian army ii taid to be p" >.Hrui?r to li ove into the i : 11 ? run'. l'en. Swci in y :i i.ot lure, it wo .Id ieem that, tbe present no\( ". ni waaaa indapeodeatoaa. .m . iithaaioatie _eatia| ol ri alai ? waa bl 11 tb??? area? iagjtathaAiaada, r*rooi 1,300 to J. ?ou ?parlona arre pi - pt All waa ?jnlet and orderij ia tha extr?me. M* Ki ni m ( opii d the chair, i ada re-ral?peaka t? aldimialth? meeting, J. F.Fttspal ich. of Cincinnati, ?poke al abo ?mia tbe field. The) ?ud h. t ne .i to bl m the Caaadiaaa. bl * war agaia t i:..,'..< id d bei weakeat ?. int. li?? did no' imati to rulo Canada, bat _emj t>? aaaagj H i? a ha?? ol ii? i rat;..?, wh< al v the? I gi oal arirataata, tut. Whaa it ?tua-? done they woald re. or., ii to tha Caaad?aa la garera ??h Iheytrlabad TI oaa . f 'lo Caaad?_ who acted aa )ea1 aackBi aad gai IT?as, Bgbtia? T? n 8w*een< ?. ki ra en :! boa to treat. At ?ti?-clo? of the nn?_ting i.j ward o' $1,000 were nub ?cr.bud. Irena r"ouvl>-r. p?a< . I'ot mun.'-iig t-'riil-iT trat * titi >. wriiy Kaiiien?, lu'h armed, pa.I through bnaaa the m?eight train?it night? Theil dei Ina ?>?. aa ..a-' _ lum .-?It'iin-a ia Albaay. Al Pa- I I r .1?? li ? M ' Htiti I ba fea?aa ?re bold?g r \ ablii mi ? tina t.? n ti Thar hare laiard ?uiliiei _.?_?J :. toad _tj a a to ihe ii..?, ii? r The in-n are < ii, ?teal and irarijiortuliou t.?. !?? aa aaaarad In than to-?, .-t ?. ltrgarte freen Baltimore. lliniaon?. I?lag, J?el. 1<*-<V.. There i?? report of Fenirii.? learir../ here tor Canada, I lit ii uni loi?.hie to tay how much trutLt tb-r. it in it. Prrparatia-e at ."Vewa-rtraae. N?.-l/BL? ANi?, Friday -lune 1 ir-f?. The Ft-i iai:a here are raak?g anangementa teg the, ir.?n?|.,)rt?ti? ,i of ? nniiitriT of men to ihe North, by nil ?BJ , 'o join tha m radh g uriny. Tlalier? al Delroil? Dutton Friday, .'une I. ,HA\. All ?I fatal har,?. latease i'ic.'ainert?iidei1iv,t**pre vailovr tb? river. The miln.a are putLtniig at ?iVinileor. 11 an not learn that the ____na ol Biehig_ bar? an j lio-tiil > inteati? na auainf Canada. Twt i-wrena? euttera an at anohor bera, with iteea np, raarly le Bail at a moment'? ,-oUc?. Tha l'hlra?a Vrailaae la ? ?Baril. Uuuaflo, Friil?y, June I Sweeny a attranoe i? :?a*eirail with joy. Teu thou?a.iil people were congregate?! in ?-..iin.-tl in a few bonn ai*t?r reeeirinit eettoe, and plcdr'd themielre? t?. ?apport the I nth army Boa Ljaah ?nd ?tutf pa??t?<l throu-rh this morn i ii?; arawa Hair..??. WAtiBTOW?.. N. I , Friday, Jon? I ll?^. There were no BBaeaatoaa to th? tram of gi mi.?!', m thia pier? when they paiaed through ti.ih after- wa. Than were only IMBI '-.1*0 men on the train. About H innre paa??<l ?brough on the train to-night. F.aiea Brr???ie. ?traa t ?r, Friday. Jaae 1 lei?* ?niie a r,iimhi r of Fenian? left this city la?t evening thi? Borning, ?orne bound Kait ?Ad tome W.-if. Offi er? coune-ti- witn \Lomovement are bn.iir engaged iu forwardinr more men. Quite au eicitement prevail? hero in regard to the Fen?n BBBBMBi Th? British .-tila?1er Brerwhrl?rd ?with Tele? I'?"? The 4 ar.a?f1aa I?,?.,.. .. ,i Mp. ?toare ai the Capital. eprcUl DitB?tat? te lh? N. T. Tribin?. WanHiNoio??. Frltl?y .lune 1. lr-M. The lelegraph linea Lave been loniun'ly _MBaBBB_Bd to-d?y by (_i?p?te_ee to anil from Sir Freal? ri) k ll.-uee. releu'rarni trom Canada and the entire border, and along our own line aa tar wutt mi Chicago, bato been pouting in upon the Hritieb Minister all day. Private li'.vrrnmcntil diapatchea ?tate that a force would doubtleu ?ttempt lo ilirii.l,? Can-ti- lrom ft, Alban'a, aud tb? we-gbt <>f mfor mation goe? to ?how that the invaiion wa? th. aOkfhtf <*on i erteil iiom diQerent point?; that the Fenixn fone? are niuneroiiily officered by Conicderatei, while l?rr? num? ber? of the Rebel r?nk and tile are tilli-ir ?ubo.diaate poiitiont in their orga?u/ationi. The more_i?m lui at leaat proved a golden hirve?t to the telegraph coun panie-i to-day. Traaa Ciaciwaatl. Ci-Sa-t?AT!, frilay. Juna i, li?. Tit t'o? n.'iciul't Columbui, Ohio, di?patch tay? that 4_<i,_0O round? of ammunition were ibipped fiom that plaa e to New-York, ,md 1-0,(K>0 t? Chicago, ami IIO.OOO muiki'ti to Hutliilo, within a tew de?yi, wUj?b, it ?e re? ported, wi-te iateuded for the Feniani. The Feaiaat Meviag teluaiern Orderea la h? la I ?medial? Read laen tar Daly - Ba- i l.eelniloo aad B\,BBBMBg. \ Ima Out Upa.lal Corriapsodeot { I'Ioi-omo, C. W. May lil, Im/?10?. ta, About ?1 p. in., y.wtorday, it wa? lelej-raphe?- loom Huf lali? to thi? city that boalie? ol _M_M were gathering there, ?ud that they meditated ?? sudden attaik ii[hiu the Province ?t points aloac t'.e Ni;i?riiru. With tin?, ilia, (?ima the new* that the manager of the O. W. Rrtiliotvi bad been leipieeted to ?top train? gaiag ta tha bctlga. Thnl.jt)keUlikeahgbt on the part of Me, ??id eau?led a little pleaaact exiiicment in lb ia city. Night ?arno on, and notUm? -Ta? atl_v_ tu the Baa. ?l.-u gathaiad m group? ia, B-Bjb Orrm tue HPT? iri.l di?, ciiiithechimeei ol'? lighl; and ?onie, believing ina? timo w?i everything with UM, ani thai, therefore, they would act ?'iiiek!y, g?ve their op.uion that it wai potiibl? tho?e mi?i{uided men would crot? the Niagara at the break di IhB il-iy; but tlie left b-nk i? still free ol' tbem. Karly today Lia .1 Co!. Duri? A. A General to the Volunteer forte here, receive.t a telecrura tlirecting bim to have all the ftir.e " in read,u?? tor p.rmanent duty. ' That i. ?ill that h?_ been done to far. The. Gorerament ii said to be fully a-vare of the inten? tion? ?t the enemy, but whether it know? the point? of at. tick, or inroad, r?ui_in_ lo be "reen, i' is no alarm here, for lh? iry of " wolf' bat been ?o often railed that men do not believe in hi? comniK Tram? am "IBBlBg to the bnd<-e ?? uiiial. but all lh?l_' plus rulia, itotk i? being tent to Hamilton, that it may not be-tau.ed lu BBBe_?nM ut lb? euemy lurking au '.Lo Niazir?. Th? l.aie??-??garied Ahttadaaairai ef ihe la ???ita T-t> Vrwiaa irn?T "?Uaac Baidiag " I-?;??, h weean'? taa- li.praraee? - Praageel ?r ? Caaeral ?J ra a, per el ihe W arriare. Hirraix? Mdag Jane 1. ia??. Partie? arriving fraim the Fenian camp late ?o-night my tha' th>-Fe-iiaiu no: having lete.ied eipe-c'.ed accea 110 n? to _____**^3_f__| __ttnCSl I-?B_?SW_?j . troopi, have broken up iLcir ?amp baaei 'I Ml n. ih? is, destroyed their Ainmunitio.'i, And lett in ?qua?, oaiens.biy for raid?, but it is general!** thon^ht really to er.deavor to I t i..?.ii to the Cn,tai Malea li the ihortaM mjttt a. Gea Sweeney wes contidi tly f ip?-ted, bet did ael ? 88BC. I he ?i ne o? O" i ultis?. RBieto not now a l?r'.tual pUcc. Ut ?i ? .J ?t> ijoiili?. thrown up hy the 11- i ?'? ?Ij.?n?c ihe Wsr of IBS? It M Milled i'i Can.?<1_ Wv?i. Bl the poit-t v.-ie MM Nit?, ara lli.tir leaves the Lai.e, ? ni ; mm ?'di ti'e'. y OffM BB Illa. '?: Beek, ?vhi'h t?iwu now MMM a pari M the ? it| ??! The villncemt H'?:?:!ia*. ? ?.?. one mile d'siAiit -...ii Part Bril The WeBaal Cans) MmMMMII ?'? march of the ft ? lb] Bl fM?MH the MMRa? !i 'lu pen Bad I ' taft UM are in the : ?.? ? i rikeedi tad-toy Ulead to bert -?ttie wayup the h. tas. i a eel eted ti tim ??....-. . ,. ? is ti, tteief - ii iii? hean ni' aregtoa aatekeatal fea m'.iitary Iii-!?'.'). Ir?a tlAnar? AlltM.I'r.i!?? ."r.ael. I**. ... a- nora afloat 1 ?a i ov, 11? i:? ..ii ike Ininti''.', bal nothing n.> yat beoa uemtl i theBxccttt-va?Dcaast-Bcatotbytka ?Hatant*fl< I ? ti an isa? im the City. Tiie ni ut itdrtl i % tupoti ti Uti i I?_I-?'C-ni?int of a bona id? F?r.ian BVCCtoe o.' ('?sells, ksTS rsvivadla ' Ung interest of the den ens of New York on ths*. I BjBSd. AUduy yttterduy the I dist? I? oa.di of tl:o tl._-.reui news piper offices wen- smro.-Ld by gi'iipt o? in?cirsie- iu ?idualj mt/S-Jy off? ?lit- i._ im-u's sad 8? Medty M.'' UM ?a - seat, wfce epsltod eat to ee, IsaaseAssa ? ? played, and .tscussed with thsi - ?Bergy -heprolialke? r?-? iit? a me aigadllbiB Brilliant us wn? :te peklcM pel k_a,teassBssttoaalai - v.tkeyi I mBensB It Ike tosstisbto Csl Is ta* Its Be tbe merretoaa, aal a tbeaaaadtrUdnasera aces ?-t ?iloat on the etreoi. na? lithe of vhleh. had they b? b< bj "toaadadea ' - ant 1. ve?t:rown '??e lil.iorv of Nsjtoleoo'? moat briiuant ron ?, latlag lhat eomtwliai m? porUat ttomcBt, they prov I. ? ;...? ? ? "*?* ?'"?* ' Ifeen oft?enterprising Jo ? ? ??to i, m the poi list itereel Oy pris Bg tse r?. lian dispatches on small ?'? ;?s -ind :??? nig tien? .is an i - [be street ramara to far ?rotahon? i. i ? . sr is ol the telegi ipi ia seasatiot - ? mst Le sp4-c1_.-i.en tta'cclr proved a sure ??.f i! one. Meaatt?e, the afBeisIs at the difbreal headoaaptert h IkM rot..? -n.? ir. ledSCd, "?ey bare __y Ihiagto oomnaal, te. Al Mr. "J, wqaartera, ha . ?tly Juna bmldm.', CM. K?!ly officiate? in the a-eoi.e of bM chief. Col. 1'obertss hea.l.,ui"- I ?? acre ti tnred g the day hy etvwCs o. Fentona? .n?-nr.t.ii for tbc latest at ws, sad dis, ssiartl * < sai ?t? tae fraatteva i, -, . i. r ! ?i.? ?rarement at hi? reen? la te le e- B ????' rep ?rted to be i r oat* sad ? i -?intr It s is .) that the pr?paration? are p?>i-t: forward l8 ?end ? !?r?r? b-i_ii?i < f ??? i ii ircftnciii? and uinti t.on.ol ? ? .1 ? ? i? ?' of tbe taren Baa rapertad I I ?dvartoaspi nt?iu i u1.?, It seeaw pretty well es1 ?! .??'? Ihm a i ? i ? ? ?? I ?? body ofraea. Bnpp, sd ihe 1 ? lal hera Mat akjbl me k?.r pu.l.t .u tLe W11?;. <: .mm-ahi sr. TT?. tinitrmr? mt Ike ."??w-Fnglund Mrnnrh a? the Freed men'? ta ion t enn-tiatina Md wa? llon? i Prospecta al iba lamb?BR-MMM Mraib ?I a I'matarsi Cilizra. Ko?,os fruity. -Ion? 1 |M1 The anniTenary meet i g of 'le Raw li ?land ??.? ntrt ? i Km headmen. Unioa t otu _ion- he:,i _e?_fasto flail la?? nit-'ht, was largely a. ... '.. Bk-Gor.Andsev prc - dad. F '.ia-'! !.. Pu?rt ?? y ive At 'croan* of .l'tout -HecktOM tritb ?10,000 pupili altogetiier _ltog iber there wera v loo is?' li ..?_ -derated ?.e n:Li.?- via inset11 rlslmiBl. irsf/hl te bt ti I act as la-ge. ann every airen to the obycei ?fcoaldbe taitnaaaeamach. The Behool? ?II throegh tis Na Ih *??*? croadrd _d in a flixinsbing ?i.?dnioii. The CoBuainiou was oaraai -ed ?va years *go foi Un purttaeof iri,-i_gfciowlt>d?Ba_-l a-anhood to the -laca r-as. Tke Couih.isai'? ha? bean i?TivAt?y aided by the ne* _ ._y ?? .. i- .w na.. ... I,. k1 ''arr re a? ?I ter so.Tetic? of New-York, Philadelphia, Baltimor? ai,.| tts 'A ??*!. Keferente waa nade to tbe fact that th?. N- ee. situ ?? :w? wai.? still ri/ayed for in the ?Southern chi ?,.??. Mr 1'ierce saul he almost felt tiittt ihe rvligioc of lha ?iouth was eonlined exclusively to the colore?l ?-iiuri_.|s. i ? ieetteiiiciB aera letermiaed that treason ?ti??-i?l : "t Le ii....!.' u? t: it the I'i am cause ?h< nhi lie. | li isa ?he object of tin' ?!nte Sout.'iirii people now m?! fereeerteciBBaiacaeariiiigcd* hatred in the SiutLens heart egelaet Uaiea men. which ?honld h?.- the ?tia,? aa Iba batial of the people ,>t Ireinnd agHinst Banka ?I an?! thai at* the Nae eaan-Mt tte ea-fcaa Ibad bad dltidad their eoaatty. lim Aiiiirew rtiid a litter from Oen. Howard np? !??..? lag lui Iii? iaability lo be | icscnt. and expre?sing Dasyaa? lath? with the object.? of the meering. Ki m?; lis ?ero male by l?en. Hawley. Governor ? '<? I ?I 1? ta-?i? it Ciil. Thi.mas W. EUggiaS-ta, and other?. Deacon Tbi.mss Wilder, a ven'tn-le and well-Bii?wn cHir.iii. ?lied <?f spopjexy last night while ?inn -m ai n BUtetiag in Tremoii?. Temple. ?.C ?- ..?-au-i.? ?Cn.p.e. ~b?M PRISB?1KUIt>t. V \ -'- ?% , I arion? Di nomiaational AAnir?. -. ? . . _. - ^r Uti U, Friday, Jubb! lBtuj. ! Dr. bro.?ki?oi St. Lu:.? ma'e an able and icgei.icaa I sp?'ech ve- 'nrday sitornoon S-.-.n.-t the proposed aci.?ie el tde Amn.i lv in referenae to the leout.iville Preibvien, and Dr. Yi las ?.id the l.ev. Mr. Mi Fee Hp,,_r 0n the lim side. Th : arning H. Day -,i New-York also oproeed the report of tbe Committee on ConsUlutioiiftl groutn!-. and Dr. (, _Urj : nie a brief sjoch in favor of bis tri-Sti* late edarad aamt dav* unce. At lloVt'-irt the r-?"1-.-;t_ ti the tomm?teeac?! the anie'-tlment ut Di. Hi l-'.u .?ti ?CN Uid on the tAbie by) uiitioii of Ur. lliotus?. a*id the iub?titute of Dr. tTi-.rtof tjken u?? and psssei! hy :, ?ote ot 1'itj to :?7. This snbstt tnts ooutlenin? the dei Isr liord sud testimonv as a ?: al tier ac-in?t the Chan h, m hi ?i.ii'.h ?1 ,n it.? characier, and ita adoption ty uny church aoart is declared an act of rebel? lion ai?stns*. the sulhoritr of th? (?enera! Assembly. It summons al! the signe - ->i lha de laiatiou ami all _ha mtui lors of the presh; teni' wka rotad tor it, to appeal Ita. Mea the neat Oeacral ?kecembl' 'o aa.?wer for their eco* | duet, and ;-. hi-?? ?'.- *-ir?: ?s members cf sty | Church Curt h.-.u-rthai ?:??.? n until their cases ara decided, it o.?safras cay at ibytev that disregarde tAwti ' acfi'ii of the ?BBcmbly. ead mat ?li presbytery BatkagMr iu such minikter? and elder? o: ?:c?i p.esliyicrv is adtcr? to the actioii ot the Aseembly. On motion ot Dr. M?>ni'.?rt, ihite members excluded na. der this substitute weiesllowed to -??tain their seale m flin Assemb.'v, until ti? aujonrnnien!. which will probably ta?e place to n.o_rou-. * VrMBI. Al li. 1 eui. Baining el ttiataa i BBall? l.e*? by ttednodnv'a Pira Ovar SAtrOO+w. _K , .. ? St- I-o. ;s. Thursday, May 31, IMS. The hiuld-i.g on Market-at. opposite the Court-Hcosa known as Wyman s Ua'1, recently occupied as the Metre-' pohtau Theater, uni ?.-veral AiinT-iuif stores, were bur_el t' -ni^'ht. Losegl ?0,?HMl. psrtta'ly lusured. The loss by the Ure of Wednesdav n'ght is ttiich largar ?isn was at in?! supposed. About 2___)i barri? of wr say were buraod. The loial lou is over f.iIO.OOO, mcfty m karri!. The OoTernnieut tax on !hs wit i.r wai not paid. At ???aasvkia-Iiaaa ?IO OOI. Memphis Ttnir.dsv. May 31. f?Sw The ?liitliine ?ture of M. lT!m*HD. intl-'ront'at., waa da? strived by fire this morninir. The flames oommnnicatcd to tua ciiiiiii ? .f ho'iM iif Xeial!? Kose At Co. The tna Bene! rapid!?-, but wea final. ?? Ckcoked ihe ioit is alcul 11" ""a _-.-?'!?? insured. - ew Virea. Alum 1 .ilsy, Tune 1 lPCd lhere were three iurendisry lire?! in this city tins sfler noon in aMHaaj taaal them wen- distovered in t?melo prevent destruction of property. lbs tlurd coii?i.u.nJ a ne? s'sblt-. Ai ."Vrw.Mrlestas-amtig *?*.*? ?Mil. NrwOBiiA??. Tl?r,-!av. May ML 1I8A I! i?-risen- drug atore. No. 12 Maira/ine-??., was lurued a? midniirhi laM aumt. l/osa 1-0,000; iniured !or|?K),000L The ?iljoiuiei" ?-i et were badly .::] ,: -1, lire ia Mae-baadrel nad-siaik-sl. Mar ff *? Haraed ia Oeaib. SUottlv mer "t o'clock jesterdsy i*reniuif. flre nut ia lha BSBR-Mg-Mb ?ml MCkfCbM 'vMory at the foot of Uns hundred ead ?nth it. K ii awj,i I r hfsurs. Dsrvea A ?.'ook. I hi fin u:ir inste-- i*rv^. ti* ?xp.oi.i_ of th? gag rplleii hy i-^n? boi?iti. tspht"?? m I ii an incrtdlhly Bbets ?l'?csof i im s ?!.? sattes I -1 ung ?s< :n rta-in. At tte tree of ths sxp'.aio-.. i-oih Me??.-?. Doryea l Coes, together with d-hert Cerahon. lb? t ti.u.-e-. uni li-rr Knot, a work mm, ?nd a .?tereii mar? n?r..c,t rhonna lune?, another ??t'lcjl w?re at work to the buiMtng. and the Ant foar wssa nvereiy bt.rn?d ?hont ile nnei p, rtioaa "t th? hodv ?nd the eo.t,red, nea wa? h-rned to it::, httet tts ? ???^??f thesurvivci-s had hren dre*.eiJIl.t ]?i - li.', ?? *n<! ?-tb.?-*''! Metsr?. Cook. (iersl'onand Ko-t'?*r.- re:_oved te ?. LnkCa Hospital Bad ll.rvaa wa* talara to li.* truJenie .n line BeaiRBd a-tl twomy fourth ?t. 'llie ??a. sa hall.- ?uti i-vnHtfl? makt, BBoi-iii ttil-'iiily'iv sawed tor V *%