Newspaper Page Text
vol. xxvi.N?- 7,K-9. IN EW-YORK, ?MONDAY, JI IVE 4, 1806. PRICE FOI R CENTS THE FENIAN TO. tim; mm at ridgeway, lort Krie Evacuated by the Fenian.- and Oe . eniiieil by the Canadian Troop.--. A FIGHT AND FLIGHT. IHtC.L'iB EXHIBJIIO-T OP M.LIT.BY TAlTIfS. fit Fenian-* Attempt to Retreat to the Amfriean Side, but are Captured by tbe 1 fitted States Boots. COI.? O'NEILL AND STAFF PRISONERS. An ?kmwmfif? Ke-enforceraent from Biftlo rrevented. len. Barry in Cum nant of the Amrriean Forre-? Hu Orders from Gen. Grant. Heavy l.e-enfomwnts Going Toward Goji. Hwwny at BL Albans. Ie.?.1 oribe Fi?btiDg-7. Rilled and Would.-. OT1KI ENGAGEMENTS EXJ'ElTEI?. Tbe :? from ihe Fenian battit? .-rou-d, given in Tni Ti. : v . lol Kurt l*.rii? in a if.'.lit r IsMBOI?I ti. bOOOSBN nu teil und unreell. rori-ntl. condition. It appear?, however, thiit at au early hour .m Bal hyviti^ I'urtiid the bridges ni Freu huiuii s Creek ian! Miller'? 1'oiut. the whole force was ? :i. TLey were pun-ued on ti. M~ard i rtl dboraebjoportjofl | aootb* er jim -t Brie a:.?l ?out otu ?him Seven miles up the lake. toward IVrt (.Hit uri a, near Ridgeway, the Beg i!ars (tamo Bf wit?, km Fe:.ians who wore encamped in a biih. The rtilumn at once attacked them, the "(jueen's Own" firing Hie lie! - I ; t now became fBBMBll? Ile Volun? teers drmr.g the*. A number were ki.led on b' th Sides. The volunteers behaved splendid!?-, railing at the retreating Kci.iar s vit! th- .'.most gallantry. Of the furtp?? e-gaued. there wore about 800 Cand?an v< li.meer? und toward 1 ,CN.tO Keuinns. One eathofitv ela'?s that two of the E-gli??-. troops were killed and a number wounded, and that the Keuiani? ?uttered lo a prrtatcrcxt'i.t. At all events, there were about 60 taken iirnonere and carried to Fort Eric. Another account Baye: "Tin Qmob/B Own Company of volunteera cauie upon the Keiiinii- this morning near Ridgeway, a smull ?tbtion btlow here, and attacked them at once. A general light eiibiied, resulting in the withdrawal of the volunteers to await iel?fceeOBOntBi A f-w on both sido? are reported lo have fallon, lut thin- m trustworthy information of anly one volunteer killi d. viz: Ensign MtEachrer?. A few others are reported wounded," Still another account is the following) "The Fenian? _nnil>ereil 1200 ?troup. The action took 88888 ?r-o-t 4 j. m. Its Fenian army being ?orne four mile? mun Ridgeway. The volanteera bad taken a ?trong pasltioo, b?t ?ere tlettinved by ti ?ana of a feint. H-Hug advanced from tt ir cover In pursuit of the ?uppoted retreatiiip Fer.l?n?, the? were turnen npon and driven from the -eld. The volun? teer? retreatei'. la! M ..ri xtiou of Port Colb-rne, the Fcinitiik pai-coing. The partait war abandoned about f p. ni., and jiri?oii*-r? a 1 wouu-ed were quartered apon the farmer? alonp the road, ??uiir.? httaa detailed for their protection. The Fenian? had ?0:11e *ix or ?eves killed and quit? a number woo_ile_. ' During the progr?s? of these events and of those detailed ia our Saturday s is*:,?, there waa greet activity among the adhcreutt ot' both the contending elements in localities ro? te?te tr?na the 880t of war. Reen.orc.ment* were provided from many quarter?. Regulara and v.l.ut?ers were aent forward in great !.-_.. er? from various Canadian citie* and town?, while from Og.-.burg-, St. Aibau't, Sackett'a Harbor, and, indeed, from placet far and near, men and aBiii?tiuiiF of war we;? transmitttl- to the Fenians with teinarkatlt- enthusiasm and ia considerable abundance. Fuch wss the state of facts on Saturday evening that the Ridgeway tight was renewed by the Fenian?, with the re aulte such aa are ben after detalles!. Gea. Grant passed through Buffalo for the Wee?. ea .Saturday at noon, and from that point seat the follow? ing dup-lob to Gen. Meade: OR?. GRANTS DISPATCH. lil Ff_!.o Satordav. Jane-, 1.06. Te _FAUR. V. t A l'ktladtl?ikia, Pe,: tiru Kerry ia here. Abnicb him to general oommand ffroB Buffalo to the mouth of the Niagara Uiver. Th? 8tute authoritie? ahould call oat the anllti? on the fron? tier, to prevent hi ?nie expedition? leaving the United State?, Bud to ?ave private property from deitrncrinn by mob?. I K. G ka XT Lieutenant-Generalt\\ Meantime, during the progress of the event? of Frida;.* Slid Saturday, the United .States authoritiea were not idle, and in consequence of adrices received at Buffalo, from Wat-Higton. aa well as the growing boldness of the Fenian preparations in the city to re?nforce the invaden in Canada, induced the steamer Michigan and the mili? tary authorities to check communication between the two Shores of the Niagara. Order? were issued forbid.liu- the ?wing of the river by anybody, which were only pur tially effective, owing to lack of moana to enforce thom. Company D of the 74th, and Company B of the 6.tb R?gl? aient, N. Y. N. 0., were directed to embark on tugs and patrol the river. Marching from the armory to the docks erith small brass field pieces, ihete companies found it in aonvemenl to secure tug*. They returned to the arsoual followed by a crowd of hooting Fenians. A patrol of the river was, however, at length ordernd; and as an indi? cation of the anxiety of the United States (lovernment ti? prevent the Fenians from crossing Niagara, it nine 0888 be mentioned that the commander of the M.chigan, newly*ap(Munted. is an Englishman, having succeeded au American officer who held the position with credit. Vin subjoin Special and Ass?->riated Presi dispatches, received Itirn.g Hie last twenty-lour h??urs, oouveyitij? additional intelligence concerning the enure subject; 1 Di.pati b to Th? It. Y Tribun? Nia?.ta? Falijs S? mile? north of Hit? 1 ?a? t* G T. R. K . ?lune'.. 1 ?<>?,. ?, A Ught took place at this point to?d*y. The Canadian forcea advanciug hxtti Fort OolbOtaM met the Its?a 1 pi? ket line and drov?- it in. A ?hirp !? 1? ?.'.ort ri-ht ??! - au,*J. and the Canadian force w?_? driven ha? k, losing li to M men killed and wounded. It f.-li bit. k tu U?fOtMf, tin the railroad, ihe Fenians fillowiug f ir * short Ji?unci, then retrealiiir in their tiMt petition. Their loss t? BO. hui'Wii. Tfeo! r.rt? nuiubere 1 Mt Btiei-re. A Fenian ?trauifl'-r ?ays bwwj b^i u.,?- h<? ,u,.. ?nit-?K*?!? A column ot I^M Beojatsaa 1? witMa Ibai - toed, and will at* t?ik-iir!y to murr "W, if n it to A hird ti|?h? 1? -.he Feoioil .-'am. Oaacial -ii.pat. I, to The .NI V Tribu?. MM n? Bt ?1 Ai". Jin* i. j???;-1 p a. The Fenian raid a? Uti ?? Ball au I . - ?limps ?eame ?. ? :,, -n ?irele ? L Bars a Fenian?- IM ?t;? -I t.. ' 1 At II 1 -v and ?'"''l ' .- it I, hat the boom waa tuought ti; by tilt gunboat ^lit_.ga_, gmt} \o-da),- Uv? ki ? . li rf that foot '. OHM ! I B-M I re . .-? i ' ? ihe woo-Sfr are wounded and in the Lande ol the CM fire?. Bsaide tbe akiimiali at the Bidge, there vMifhoti . at tins i?'int ?hi aoompany "i I whlak Ile loee oi both siflBO area shoal! bm I re or six killoil and wo .ml .1 . Ti o re t of the ciiiip-iir wi re biku: pi ? k'.'.iT ? t IO ii" w:t- tin in. lu this ficht, COL Buil'-.V "f ti? Konians was BBorteOj woanded A? fur bo cea le aitertainod. the n.m! ir of Fe:.?a:.s vt f.<? lal;.led ml t? Bl : "t BBOre Ibu Nt TI.? J WOW ? ?.mina; dod by C?>1?. ON. ii!. lilli!,-?- Bl ! Qnoe. Ihsee an* M-et Pott Erie shoal 1' iMHi ??'-? !,..* \. ' :: ? i i tr .| -, willi tv... ! ice ?f brecoh-lufii'iiiir ir ans. MSUMIS say that (Jen. Sweeny .s f?llig ti? Mad B fores at Owe* Sii.irnl, (ieorginn ?mi i a..;-i i obi nt". Howse a tyreoaal with Ila lone leaded bete. TbonMwaa in bobo pedal It ureeied alona? fal IheO-aeileaa to mvtt ii espenoe, end ia oaa Ight the I al -UfhtaeV van!.ige. Rudal*. Bl litliO, S-turd-y. Jin?? ii M8B? 3 p. t_. The afternoon papers pullitli the lut. st news from Kiitiioway, suiting that the I'uii.iil.uii V. hint? 818 ?re being hard pi.shed by Iks Kiauiitus ui.d that u ui.iiilor 1-nve bun Li Jod im both sill??. thk movkvkn-i a phut, ftott i.if"nnntiiui gnu.-I ttom parti!'.? u! 'a have the best mit?n.? of kn ? I that the Fan move? Brota -.?.:s I'liii'-r is a li at?, end thal Potsdam, St. Laaiaaw Ooant* Is lo be ths beaeofsapfilios,endtbe r-al i?, it uf bMm_ i? l'r?-n i tt, i.- i lltrry whn h us'iir.1-na tiiinaiiil of this frtiliti.". - - tile Oat? nuaaal ?*?? U So ita atmob! in preseras esler ead pn vi nt hiranrinoi late < maila. It is ?int.?,! that tli- F-ii.iui lortdi"? ? Doomage th, rai,? by saying tim tatarieaa Govera?eal la favorabk tu thom. They will nriii nut tli-ir m if trtltt? m th.? iiuiirt? r. one <-?>mjBi_iy oi'i luto- Btoieo Beg len BiMTod bete Uns noon. ?ORT BR!_ KVACf .Tag. i -KAL-' JuneS. 1MB Tho Fanions sraeaated Bart Er-1?.** .. ght, sod of ahaae staassptsd iolaaehtia shore, hu: only a *m?!l number ?eraoded tbool 7!>o vote gobb d bj the Unite?! In ?ali? truailirig the river, iui.1 ?fe iaiw pris? on-?.'.mi.?.- titi-Ci toi Suttee 88000888 -I.thi.iiiis goat at H!.i??a Rock. Vhi Ragitob f? trtf iD?'er Col. l*e???t-fk are now ia BBBSBoa <?i Kort Em?, \rit_ot?'. a skinitiah. rtie ult?male disposition St*tis priaoaan is a matter <?f 11 n? ??it?n ty. bat tie British Mini-ta hue besa t4*b gra? ', 1 to. COL. ?>'1_II? CAPTIRKI). i OMfsdB ead ataaT sea oepfoj-? l',t Kill ti J'in*? S?p. m. 1*1 a- Vs.?.?. su ted l*r??sfl a.-? :,t '.tu* j int returned .iota a trip I ' .'.t-il S-a*. s t? user M i ' Th- Mu higas Isa Xiagars !; ter, .1! ool t oi uiih.ti- ?. A barge lat-boat is-Bstaaad to har, ulule' bei gars, ha? eg oo board ah 1 ii MO morn, ? nour na 80 .li! !'<? . "t: pot, ?!. : Bt i."' "lil an 1rs! Tia Benton offi .:? are on board 1:1" MUhlm. um laa gaatd. rniAi a?Moim nran tub amkrk-?*! fl.-?o. ( .; t. Brjsi 1 ? isly sw?itlng ??.'iiwiat ii- Si'iiill du w,ih ti)?? pn? i'.> District At! rae] l' rk M also swaiting lae?aotknu i: ?-. ?? ,- hil gil 11 .*? ' It it considered anesfa to bring than iatq this 1 I an effort oilgh! be d eds by theil fr.- ods to rt least looma Than ia eoosidersbie excitement m UM city, bat the gaaenJ foi og 1* ?!. .t ti.?? QoTonuai iit bat lons it?- oatt. ead oar people ero gled that the Fenians have Mileaiato Amaricen heads, ratha tlihn ihev should have beoa mp ton d ?'jy.'n? ii 'ihe ?Imy Feiuuuk captan d by the English appear to be 32 pickets, wl h wer, lefl hy their Mea? in th- hurry As '?riler of ???'ii. Harry all eoataaakattoa 1? forbidden with the U.ifliiadian shore. It M espertad that a small Fenian force left this neigh? '.'"l! ""'I lit-*t I igbt, hut i'S tle-t.l il'il.I. is UlikllOWIl. Those that trie 1 lo r? lafbros their t'nenda at Fort Erie were prevented by tLe H':i.l, d States pieket boats. Uti CAJDMM. Wo ??ave eoatereed with boom of theoaaatMi Baalam, and they s.v thal .'i.iv?!,g BO ?r:.ll?ry (ead Ihef poettively asr-ert that they have (.a! BOM), ami ti:.du.g tint ti.? I piish troi.p?. ??ith anas!iona yu:*, ama eleeiag Boeaad ?hi in. witti 1 o prospes t ol rioi.t'..roi?iiii?:.ts ain! DO sap? In ?, ti r\ 1 ?:,l lilli li I.lit lu in- gill.hie.1, ai.,1 pt rhapS Il.tllK'?-'l. ka ?t is anticipated those caugnt will be, t?o lliey gul off the t?e?t way they could. The men were omi'lelely wi?ni out. They have foutrbt two battles, ihtuigh tin? Fort Km affair Ihef only ?all a skirmish, and bud little sa oothtagto eat, ui.d no bleep. TUB RRI.LISH 11?TO, It is pretty generally believed that the English atltidge way were defeated anil driven away. A force, vanouslv staled at lroiu 3.riO to 1.-00 men, tried lu leave hore lan Bogil iii tugs and fin!!.. utf. prohablv to reinforce the Fevm: t, hut oniiii.' to '!.?? STnUMSOtsaM made by the United t-tate? Attoniev and (len. Marry, in organizing picket boats, th??? wen obngi I to tura boei? ll is raported, bal the reoorl lethe oonfimtstioB, that a force of Fenians han? hu.?hil nt Fmnt Alluii", ton in.!?'? above here, on Lake Ern-, and some fears aro eiin-.-sol that Collingwood is n point thieateaod. It 1? sta'od thut 0 I.tty. Ila Heit?! (enter of Huflalo, who ia known as th? jinnie mover of the Kcniaiis in tin? region, has been arrotted on the other side. This is nut continued. A Grand Trunk Kailway official informs us thal a one aruieil officer was Sires lad on the Goveriiinent road 111 Canada, and it ig supposud to be Stveeuei, but of course it is nut. TUB BRITIftn DI LINB. A portion of two British realawnte.IbM l?;th| and 17th, with seven companies of voluni-iers aud two b-tterir?, now occupy the entire shore opposite here to repel any fresh invasion ti.un this place. ORR. BAKBT'S rmiMANIi. ' By order of Q..<n. Grant, (len. Burry ba? had hit military district extended, ami it now embraces the northern fron? tier from Lake Kn?, to Osweiro. A largo additional fore? of Regular? has been ordered to report to bim here. A portion have already arrived. Previous to Gen. Barry's advent as commander on this frontier, no concert of action had been agreed upon, but by the complete system of anning tugs and puk? ting the river, the Fenians have tuen lnistratod frmn re?nturciug and making any further a?!vaneo upon Camid.t troin this iioint. The Fenian Gen. Lyn? h. of ('imago, arrived in this city at Id 1, clock laut Bight, from the West, and took command of the ineu here to n?enforce their friends on the Canada side. These were the men who were turned buck. KILLED A!tD WOI5DKD. Tlw Conner giru*, tho following list of killed and wounded in the two engagements, winch is at? correct as can now be obtained: f>nuin?? Edwa.d lioallv of Cincinnati, killed; James Ger* reifchty of Cinoinnati. mortally wouuded, and left on the field; M ictiBel Porter of Hi.tT?lo. ?lightly wounded, Michael Bailey of Buffalo, wounded lu the -react, lay? at the hoot? of Mr?. Stanton ; Thomas Oiinoru of tichaylkill. l'a., bayoneted in the neck; Michael Mcl-soghlin of Cincinnati, in th? eye; John l.vnch of Guio, in thetfiigh, -Welch of In_!?:ia, slightly; Ta asa a? Rafferty ol Cincinnati, in tue abdomen; Thomas Madiloi of Anderson Madison County, Indiana, in tbe thi^li, ?lain?*? K?|f?n of I.oiiKvill?. K.? In the ankle; John Kian, a bov, 17 years otage, ot terre Haute. Indiana, in the alidomeii, Mutthew frouty of Cincinnati in the hand Mit Intel Keely of Ir-iittice, m tue aju, Michael Rafferty of LouUiUie, in tbe arm. -fritM'-LIen?. Col Beaamortb, killed; Capt. Richard S. King. Fort Colhorn. Welland Batterv, t?o wound?, in thn ankle and joint (?inc? brought over to B?llalo and leg atcpu tated by lit. Minen, Juhu Haber?on, of Port C'olborn, Wei lund llatlerv. in the knee; John Bradley. Wellaud Battery, la the knee V? m Tavev of Ton?nto, wounded in the li.??, Msl ?ulm Malsiehm of Toronto, killed, (.'lia?. I.ivsti?r of Toronto, mortally wounded ; Corp. Xewnern of Toronto, killed; Wm. II Vandeiabriaseu of Toronto, throuftn Ma. In atlditioii to the ahme, 10000)1 Lieut. Finnegan ?.f Buf Mo wee woaaded. Bw?oa or eight mon of the Buffalu lag?leal aaaa Barimaia wounded. Five of the 17th irish remuent from Kentucky, were wounded. The Fenian loos to aboatSSii The British lose 1? about Jil aMBOaMJ whoui wore a l.irg. number ol'"Hi? or?. PRK-H B-VONB. llL'FFAi.o Jane3?'.'i' ni. ii ii'ir-(Jen. Heads has just arrived in town. win. ii hu ! is considered a? eoall?BOOB of the ?tatoineiit thal a BJ98 ? eral invasion almii. the border is contemplated. It is cu stdereil bj those m (omiuan I h?re that the. inoveiuents in tin? direction aro only a blind, while Um muni .ittai k will beaaadetatba di-aetioa el Prescott, with ths ohjectof mot?goa Oitiint ?-.d capturing the Canadien oootof CluinillBieill lae Fentons ia tova are undismayed, and t-riy, ?* Wo will ha.? tho place yet.'' Bl k'f Al/) lune 3 l??'?? The Fenian? have lieen withdrawn froui Hurt Erie, C.W. Beaeo hi -i'lri ?I priaoosrt are ?m board the United States steaaaer Mian-can. They ata bald lor breaking the n?-u traliiy lnws ,;.*?:. o MbUI, wilh Ins staff, is a prisoner. The Fenian? wera oodst orders m 111.1:1:1 ty way o Winds? '" fora a iu:n -i":i with a body of fentons mov . the! pi 1 ? l> li B| ths -ni. I'.irt of th- Bight en tttampts ? etherantont winch was ths ?tarn-- Hil hiifiili. Qea. ?? Neill ii trenche?I during Hie Bight and aaxioaslj wotted for an attack. las 01 ? -. t .wast few shots by the pickets of each lu lae pickets of ths !? ?;ere lett i.*ni tr- ?ii gebbie- op b3 lbs British. The Beetons wara I itoths I erieeo ?ide bj taro 1 ??? ? ? l sis ? .it 1 ii?- whots expeditioo under tis -hart??? of < j.-ti. d N?1111. Fo?Fenians were woandad la j ttie ntossing 1 he eaemy, up to L m. m.. u-.te bo! earaia "f I ?? n n i-,-? ha? lesaod at ortet prohibit I ii s eommanieetl m with ?'amida, b?- order of Gan. ti The reveiiii- entter Fsssaadaa arrived M*? clock last ti.'l is n?,w Joiiig pieket duly at the mouth of the riv-r i -,,- Mrge boxea, Moihel ** P. o Dm-, antfei i??t k1 in g tard Is no?/ ? .1.1 over *l ???h st the .lt-jsit. ii iacoO-klenUy i-i?c-t..d that unoilae- raid ia contt-m? ?>'*iv4y rvrruo, .Tun? 3. 10 a. cn A t .?fly pf PmIbm it'red Croa ti.?? Waatlaati Tt.-j art ipB-tarad ea Um li?s pop?letioii. liririi.i, June J?10 p. m. iB?in iln ii?TT? The ritt* ??rife wil Koti if any " . Hti ( ? lilli'.'M nu lb? I ' ; ti i' ii i-i ? ml Ki'iiiHt'l ?ri? tl.u k kava, und more are cooling. Cert?la ki ia thui i___uy -? . t .a ?a a an ii" aaaa ea Uta a-nata, and threat? have t.II lll-.l-.t that til. . ' ?? 1 . - '?: l\ .' l;.it alalllf with tha.-n yet " What' authority UM PaalBBa baie is nut known, bal M?eoftate?aaem to be oo_Mtst of h tafln ..lit i.e..? ta. i.ig;,; li Iii-uiiirrnw. "Al KLKI'HANT" ON BOIRI?. Tlio prisoner? uri- ?till in ibo ojien ti it ' aal ni UM river nt tin? ?Urn of the Mil bifan, n:nl, a? fur a? omi _*L arnod, Booraan i?t.i their iii?j>'-?i hart*? baaa noeinTL Tho ( i i i?ander of tli?*, Michigan think-) be hiin gol 'nu elc "ii bin l.iind.-. It it under-tootl that a portion of the Britnih troop? on _e b ppoaite ibore bara ban ordaied M other pi iota. lb.- Ka-uiuii.-i lillival at K.ai_.-way tiru el 11 BBbW-B-Oa Ik? :.,:.!. 01 N'RAt, Ml ll'R li'f? thi? B~?dag for Ogdei I',i t.. i? n:i iiiiBiithci'.tiiatad report that as niauy ? J,(M? Killian? ! mr left ('?in-.i'jii. it ir reportad tlint thai Commander <?f _eBrM_iftvaa l.t Kurt hria- BMda a iaBBBBd .'ii I 'oiiiuiiiiiit-r Bj "ii? " If" ?nu to deliver ii|i ihe Ki mail primmer*, I nt tins wa? ? of conree. There is a ream ?an th--tr-eti? that tint Kfin.iD? captiiretl by Um Bnt'sh on tim otm-r side will hi?iliottoaaaawe morning. Thia is unlikely, hut they nil) [ ra.l.ah.i ba toa! tu lainiiit.i t(i-!ii?_iit or io-worrow. ?AlrST AU?lTTili: PB_O?BUL Iii i ill", ,lu..- 1?10 30p. m. I bave the authority of Um r~Ti_anTlIPg tiSrir ettbt diitrii t tu itato im d' Biand I. ?t booB made ob bun 1er theaoirendei to the l??,t.?h Ctmttangmtti ?mPib?o ra Dira bald i i dei the gana of ti"- Michino? Hy iii - : ? ? ? t r a. w morning the awnbet of priaonen win be Boa? , di i i? i?i al, u? all tilION that 0? IB ?I -111 doubt ?m ti) to pi ?ahora. I?era ba - !"? ii a tmohta Beert?* hero to-night, to which the public wen not udiniited. Ibu rotuli ol the lo ia ia i."t linn? n It ir- r. ; . it. al lim.i Um ..llier ?-nie that A number ?1 Fe? nian ?tranglera were found and ahot, but thia ia ttmtt tu umr. It is itl?o Mated that hu ni. ? 1-.. ma nero found hiiii!.g ia tile how of Um Catholic priaat, und Um vibwle f .rty. including the prieat, ?* i ra aw at? ft, 1 lu? ?:n its ira'ii!!.?d with ruinori", '.Lo mott of thom rtAicolO-l and ub.-urd. OKDKR FHdM OK*?. MElI_. Bal? Meade, white bara, laaued a ga?era) '.r.!? r . Gen. ti 1*17 ful command and aotliorit* m thia D-juri iiieiit, to maka ? ii ii diapoaiUon "i tr-xipoand aaaall mean? in hi? power to preaerre neutrality between the Doited ? i l in''ill .m i.a' ?lien Meedo, arder i Jil Al S|' AR Mil Ililli -Ill-tin'-, ni lilli All t M li, ' 111 HAL.', lull.: J, JrlKj. . Jlrrrrl H "i li n. liAKUT t.k .?.kal u.-iit-r? trill ba ??nt yee then Heela,aartera I?r ?arln ? ni ni 'Hi.' Knut. ungani* vou tu til. cn iiinninl o' ilia? ?ielriit ni OnUiio. a it? tailing "?una Krlc, I",?., In U?ri go. N ?a Imth place? iiiehislte, lii-mlijaarti.i? ?t Itullalti. In ailvamc aif Iii. uniere alni aOOMipaBytag li ilrnetl.n, I llira i t JOH tai Ii-" l-l? ',, ne Ht Jiiur a .11 J.IlnT.i t.a' uru'rollt? by preva-iitlng the C ro?ala? la ni ui.-tl I..nine, t>v cat? ting .iff rrii.fa.nuuiriitJi un HUpjilie.? M ?ei/mir all aran u.aui a - , m,,.'_ yoe ?.?iii- le i? "h to heilere ara destined le be Uia-al uni ja? fully, lu line, t n k ti. ?.- all tiia-a-mri?, uri a aitiuliarf ?nee ti, ?n eil', v.i.luiiuu ?flaw. ?VBr I?? porpote yon will more the tune? onder vourcon. txiaiid tu ?in li piaiuu a? aro llirrtteni'il. mil luu will ertpiuy tUK'?- ai , lu..-i as. mi ba i r i > ii ne vateBtef the r t ? i |M luke nu re. atti laing ?n am '? BM t-iirei ?i lu juur Judgment tin ?merg?!. y ri?..i.irii?. r. ? -? j, i . :lullv, iir-.iiiaii ii. M?A? _ajar-Gee, reaiaaat-Hi toiimntii Bridge .-?i-i BBMB liairx.?. June 3. li'At. iiswk at thia point .? unitnportaul li daj I i ?.,.-? ?I liarn? aftaft, Baal Bo peal ii'i- ?< maa ti ?? rfttr iiB-TBiitlid. >.'.!.i.'ni UmCaiMd?a tiuopaka retornea tram 'in- Iroat. 'lili. fri'iniL'?.I the i .ria-i'.m ri'fia'i'.-- ben li Intetael] bitt? r ?+Miii?t tho captured Keniani Mnch loud tali i? indulged in? The i run moa axpai - > - ? ? n i- iLai t?e pal ibould be baaged al oom tritio I t row? ?t people bara ? ame ob Um > aatem Irai? till? Ililli lll(f. ib- ?tiltia.II alL.I. apnft .. I ?? I 1. _ et? t.. (bli j Li.u 'i Nina ir,i ra la. The a-?m rai opinion ia that ?O'N-iU'i Boremenl Um bofiBBlagi Anothrr ?n.avcuiiut i.? Mokal bl : aiaawSaBB. .Tia lilrral. _1i?Ti!in I.I.. i 1 p. m. Mm i i.i ai Jan i .-?-. 1 nu rag?MBtl Of II? .-?.llar??, alni ,t i U0U \'',luut? . thru hutt, ne? if field arl llery, and Urnen ?nd<?k-rra frutal UM wiir-tloop 1'jin.l,?. mer? tit tho barbor baie, h ft here last tiiaht a? a naval t.rrvadi? to protect the t'on.wall t m.,al. A ?ar^'i) iiunitier of aallora are to foL a I are two men ? ?_" on the u ._- t r> .n, L\l u I-? tu -I.i? ?.ty. A* hi al ?a a- riin make nut fruin the uimt-.y eoalUctlng te p.irt? ren-ived and givcu, it wmil 1 i? \? tt tl.u* the .Itntfltit mi Kurt 1.nat ha? lu-ii a < oiiipletu lailnrn, niilrit it mar have ?loaded a? a Mat t.a attract attention fruin the real |.int ofuttaek. Than is BO r?.a?..n to believe that on?* of the iiivnder? is left OB the Niagara s.di, F'.'t K11" baiB| BBtln ?y c-iai-u ateil. Kurt Erie wasei,iriinted a little afcr '2 a. m. About thut ti ma. aigaala ?-re ? ?da tr..m thu aaaap i? ? a r tina of U o foti, aud twi, iriiwerf.l tii(/i atea?ad wl "f Hnlfalo Creek, rr,n>H?-il to Kurt Knu, and t ii.? PtB?BBI i ??nitiii-u? ??? 1 UM ? '. m nat ion ct l aiii'.d.i. Within half an hmir the entire body oftriioj." m ih>- 'nu. p [.r.ipir rotaraad t a Um Ann n ?Baabore, Not only this, but ??.) rup.d iV-J tLe eoncrp? T :. in ni,a| ei-( utioii of ti- plan of retreat that no BOttoe wa? gHaa to the ?iickui lim-? titi iai_| -loaf the bank of the river. About 8(10 mon an? repotted to bata rear-'i. I Hiiffalo on board the two 111^8. Some lint) BOCO, OOfUtitatiM tho pn k-t guard? aioiiK the nva r, aBOOpod in the imallrrboat?, llteat iiiilixnation was BMBOTBtol hy the ni-n who Lad been atitioned on the outpi'?' dutv. at BatBg de?*rt?.?d by th-iri "'*?. Had it not baaa t"f the apffoai b of a de tiet'hinent of cavalry, driving; them in, it i? proba? hi- that none of thom would bavu l-arn-d ol the evacua? tion in t-.tne to etvape. The houae of Mra. Lowi? and a La Torn and the poit otTii ia at Kort Krui aru now tumid into botpitaln. Dr. S. Trowbridge of lintlalo ia now attending the wounded. A HOSPITAL A*JD TUB 1l-t*CL'PA.?-fTS. Th- En?, and Niagara Kailroad Louee I? ?In uted for himpital punxaica. In thene placet are tho following: ?m rgcant Rirhard 8. King of Fort Kohiunou; Win. P. A tey, ankle joint ?batter?-, hi? foot wa? ainputated by Dr. .Muirr?, Mathew Croatley of Cincinnati, sergeant of the l?-th Ken:.-in Kegiint-iit. i? at the E.-i>? and Nugara lUilroad Iloute, shot through tho hand, John Lynch of Cincinnati, and pnvnt?? m tim 18th K-n an K'giinent, ia ?hot in the thigh; a Kentucky man, too badly uoundell to givo hil name, it lvmg at the tame pluoe : be ia ?hot in the ii??? ?, and will probably di?-; Mu hail Huffer ty of LoalariUa; Capt. Holanl, t'aptam Indep? ndent Company Ken ian Cavalry, wnit Hliiittereil badly and ?light wound in the ?ide; John Bradley. Port Colhorne, Welland Bat? tery, ?hot in the knee Joint; John Hobaou, Welland Bat? tery, wounded badly in tli?- lag A later report than the above 8av? that of ?omo RM who attempted to get back from Kort trie, 71)0 wert? captured hy the ?tea_i?r Michigan ; about Uro killi- aud 25 wounded. Tim new? from the eastt-rn portion b ave? no doubt that the main attack will be dina ted to-BBl Montreal. About 10 o'clock this moniing another wing of the -Util Iteg. ment left Montreal for the front. The 7tb Kiihileera, from Qaabaa, are ext.ected here nin mentarily. All the volunteei? bere are ordered to paiado tbiHafternoon ut thuir annon?a, in lull dreaa. Tereaie. TiaaottTo, r ?V Jones, if?. There can he little doubt from dinputi he? received here that the Keiiiaii? attomptcd la evacuate Kort Kne la?t night, and that the Mininer Mulligan captured 700, while about H_l) e.soapt'tt to the Amena an ude, and nearly all the re?: were captnr?'al by the Britirb force?. IroiB Our Sp??-? I'lirrMiniinleLt. Iorovto June 1?10 a. B). Al 7 a. m. a battalion of volunteal nile?, inimbennr titi men, na? trent a'-.ay by boat ta. bmd ut tli?, mouth of ibu Welland Canal, ami go bj no11<> Port Oolboraa, the other ot tri?) enai of it. nia la to ft ird Um a anal. A force iBiil-o to ba (?oiiaciitrated ?bout M ('atliefiii?? and Pana, A line oi picket? i? to lie again BBBted on the frontier. 'I ba Kiv'iiiar troops are held in hand to tneet the ino?t inijtortant attui L. No tfOOfa trom the haat hare come uj. he:??. LATER. tate IQtb Battalion rolaataaw wer,- to j.-., t., the front. Thia witta?I?laboet?0oen ibe?ide the lone git-cn-d nhiii' gi Catherinaa teat tow?rd theMMajaiBi Tin? city it eiiiteal, mut groupa of young volunte?r? are to be ?ecu hurrying to tin ir BBBtel ground?. l:i- win?? have a JTO0 the BOW. that the Feuialll ure ..u tiie left hank (C____iaB ?id?-) of ihe Niai?ra, 1 do not think thai i? the real p?>iut of ?iiv-tsiou. A "?lovrnarat et lortitinll. (VlKI'WAt!. Ob W , JUT??). 1MB The raalani nr?. i*t_eoatrating bera tit force. No r_tioiib baie been mott bj ?BN i fat <>_.len?!J?r.. Oaanaaai hu Junes?3 p. rn. K .tv train an the Koaaa, Wteartotra and ??gd? aalmrg td comlna tetei kian friday B?rain* hal I .??I lo IAli inep ? ipaooad to be Keman?. All have awit. tn-d ort at Ile Kath Juna lion l?> nui-? ?oiitli i,f ti,is pla?.-, ami paaat-d aa to Maka? lrp tia Hitnratnv MOB I'fl men had tratcdat the latter plaoe. 'li,... ?. B _t t o'al'K-k, \S0 won at l'oiisalain .lui.( non. awinimg traiisporlalioti to Malone, ?ml a toooaaoUra ???? at ihe ?tutnm to take tlnm forward. I nero ar- probably ?'?HI men ?t n,,,! p,,u.t to-day, A( 111 1 I Y Ol' lilK I MTHH STArr-?. At A a m. to- lay the Collcctoi oi tine' port rrctivc'. tho fallo? P i iii.' . lal irduy. .j me I 7'n V M f. i, .. "..-.. l'ut a? beaty gum ?l llie reiei.u? i ilttr ?? .),? will '-rar. ?im aaj ?il? beal in port am. lann? trout th? ai?ia?1 I ?ad sink any v*??e!? ?bat attempt to ero?? to Canada with Feaisuson ts.'ir?! CnlleM ?li b? it? on the river ?tu! guard them. .Snare neither trouble ?>r expense to ?nfurce neutral.'.?. W. A. I?akt. IT. S. UUtriet-Attorney It is proper to ?ay tho cutter is n f?X? ton, very fas? I?I rig steamer, and ia provide?! with two BBfaaadei Duhl u'r-n gi h? .in! ii rifled _-poui.der, aud neo?? lio -Mitt-ate iopr??v.'iit a i rosaiag M tina pelai Th'ir.? is no ex, itemeni here, and no one antici? p?tes ?t visitation fruin the Fenian?. A oompaiiy of united State? Regulars will arrive here ? to-monow lo enforce neutrality. Deirali. TNIXTERBLPTKU COMMUNICAT!0**. Detkoii. ?lune n, IBM? I T!ie rumor? of a Keninn movement on the Western bor , der an* belie?ed to hu groundless. The Caii.'nliuii volun? teer?, in ?trong funo, aro at all'l?' cros-ing?, and [ the utmost vigilancit is observed. Armed BteOBBen pntrol thenv??rs daring the Bight. Much regret is exanOBod lier- it tin? reported death of Booker of the Canadian vol? unteer?. II- hail many friends here. Tin? report that tho Csnuliuo Government had taken coi'T'l ..| Un- rolling stock of the railroad? is untrue. Coiiiiiiuiin iti'ins on til- Ilreat Western Bailroad between Detri it and the Suspension Bridge ass uninterrupted, and the trains are running with their usual regularity. Fenian Newe ia General? Heecial DiipBtrh to Tue IS. f. Tnbiin?. Washington. Jane 3, 1866. T!io Fenian excitement continue!, to monopolize the popular niiud. It is assert.A, ou F? ni fin authority, that, up to yent? rday, about 400 had been sent to " the front, ' w-t-rover that may bo, by lim several lodges in this Dis mfkem Yesterday a propeller left hero laden with Fenian freight to the aaaabat of ?WO, it is claimed, and ostensibly bon. ! fir N-w-Ynrk, This evening from 80 to UK) left in the N't.-w-York trim, and were biddon "good bye" by a eoaeeatee of Celtic sympathizers who crowded about theil, reif. Sir Kndonok Bruce has had Bcveral interyiews willi the Secret dry ol' Ststtc. Aibant June*?, UM len. Sweeney nnd staff, who left New-Vork oa Saturday evi-jiiig, will be on UM frontier to-morrow (Monday). The Fenians of this ? i ty are making active preparations to ?up,'Ii the smews of war. A public meeting ia further anto of tho cause will be held on Monday evening. There is? gr? at deal of enthusiasm manifested hythe circle?, but otherwise everything is quiet. SECOND DISPATCH". ALBA\T. June 3, l*r*. No I roe!'on will be issued by the Oovernot i ailing Bute troops, naless ft shall bo deemed ooe-saary t 8 ? proti etina ni Bl its "r private propertj, or upon tho r ? . ii of ?i s Get eral QaveraoMata Deo. Mi ?'li gomad through ibis city Saturday night, on his u ay lo BBS fruiitt.-r. H< ? s*. ? Bey -pt nt the day here, and left on the night irtni for Potsdam. Al?? ?it 11 ?ir load of Beaiaaa, eompaoel of New-Yoikors a:.d LI nulli?, toft tor the Wart aa the bbbbo tram. A BB-satB?Bttag of the Stephens aiid Sweeney F-niane is Called !'?r to-UaiTl'iiW ev-ninif. llUUt? DISPATCH. Ai.Rt-nr. .Tnni.n !-'? Tl.eie baa t-con grout esoitenient union?* the Ken.ant kan today, end an usual aetititjr, The aowaof the ord* tar. ot Col. i? Neill Bl -I bis BOama lo have ?riven r?* eawed eaergr to tis ditton nt ssgeaioetiaas in this city, sad meetiaga of consultation, attende?! by soma of tn?> . d! and mtluc tial Irishmaa, have hern ln-l?l during ?he day. The presence of Qaa. Bweeeey ia the eity?1 - ved aere ibis - has aadsd to ta i-f ti'?? friends and sympathizers of the artiv of .ni..ron. 0, ,|a . ? ' y has boen in ?'oi.s'iltat'.ini wiv'i ? itlseaefl at the L)ela\au, lait has not ?ii | ? ... ! ii the Street The object of his vant hore of a rat, aid Ins dctinstiou is alan unknown. It is stated, however, that he wfl_ have lae dtj to-night, and it ;? believed bs will proeeed northward. I :- le?.1er? in this city Bat the operation? in ti. Hy of II..In -led asa feint, am; that all lia? be?-ii Bccomplubi ! il that locality that w ?s Bxpeetad. Th- y also my! . U 1 motemeat ba? bean mad-, or I >.! ha, ?najiv uiili? d:?tant fnun Buffalo. It is even ?t*!???! with setisiifaalils ooaldsnea that Bghting ha? ?jeen in ? rngress la an.?thor i' uarter to-day. Wnat ground they ha??? fir this op! alee is unknown to all s??e the Is Mien. It 1? wail BOOB n tit-re that fie ree .it? f..r the Keiii.tns who went froin this elly, and those trom oth??r places who Meed throegh here during tho past week, went up the Bum- and vvatertowa BaUroad, lh.? rtrsogtheas the belief that mare formidable op?rations than any yet de? veloped are contemplated aa Hie imrthern fro:.tier, 'lae F? i..en? here are ?anguine of i.Inmate ?uccete. Lui are uot ? i munieative. bli,- in,-, tm** of the ?yrapathieTS of the Fenton nan. mont ha? h???!. mile.! l?-morruw night at the City Hit)!. The call ia ?i|rne?! lir all the Hnad-t'enler? of the city, and they a????rt it h.**lhe and approval of very n..tny of Lh?. most n: II .? c.tuena of Albany. .?YUM USB. Sthai i st; | g , Saturday. Joe? 2, li*tA ?"On ila eftoraeoa tram g-ing west yeeterimy, there were six ear loads of Faaieaa. Oaa eoauoiyef CM ?rere nai? formed, aad carried seieral F.?iiiaii fla?r?. They gut off at Iiiiino.' there Bfrifed here 74 more from Hi ogham ton, with Ira oaase of arme, bound eabt. They BBBM arrangements to send oiT. the firs! of the leek, a Miaje Bamber. Mono? was rais-d to ?oin! them furn ard. i ?teat enthu?i_*i_ pre ?ml? among the brethren. , DOSTtJ.V. Bobtob. Jnne 3, IB??!. A inoetii.g of Fenian? was held tin? afternoon at the Boodeaartors oa Hanov,?r-?t.. which was quite tniiiH'rously Mteaied. 1 he suarftkora made strong appeal? tor money, averting that volunteer? were in abundance, but without Ibera] eoatribatioas they could ootha oaa?? ti the front. About %-IJjOl) in nioner waa raised. WORCRSTRR, HA?.?. ?v is. r ii. Maas.. June 3. 1P6P. A com ran y t-'f Bl) Fenians under command of CRpt Trainer, .??!. here this eicuing by tho North??rn Railroad for the front. IBIB, PP..*?*. Uti?*. Penn., Jnne 3, lWId. Three hundred Fenians embarked near this place for some plaint m ('.nimbi this morning. A fl ? t of seven Urge tlehing Ik??!? has also left Barcelona for Long l'oiut wah Fttuituia and supplies. I'UbOURBBPSIR. Foi OMKEEMtx, Jnn?3, 1*6*. A squad of Fenianaleft Malteawim yesterday, a squad I'll N-tihurgh on Fnday, and a ?quad ?ill leave here ou 1 ii-r-il-y or Wednesday for tho Canada border. BIRMNOTON. Ill KLIMOIOR. Tt., Jon? 3, le?. About 150 Fenians paaaed through lure last night. lound for ht. Alban?, which make* aboS 450 who liave arrived since ti p. m , yesterday. They are commi?dei! by Col. -diohat'l ?c-uilau. BAMTMOBR. iULTD-OBB. Jane 3, Inti. It is reported that a party of 60 or 70 Fenians arrived hero to-night from Washington, snd were joined here by about 100 more, ?uppoaed to be bound to Canada. Tia Niagara -freatler. THB MOVEMENT ALONO TUB NIAUARA FRONTIER? M.!Nr._\?KIS'i OF TUR CANADIAN TROUP.?T1IKIR MABTH AFTSR TITB INVADERS?OOOD bhUAVK'R OP TUB PRKIAN8. A correspondent, writing from Clifton, Ca?ado, on Saturday evening, tayit Tbe ? ii lbimeni along the border has sot at all abated to? day, but t? rather la? re?rd by rewoo of uffeoiiv? oparationa hy' tbe ('MiiHiliaD fore??. A report prevalent late last eight that the Keiiuti? wer? lx?l?r Iarfely reinforced t? not folly coD_rm?d. Ill? ?opposed that tbey received oat few ecce? ?im,? to their -iimi.?r?. Their nperttloD? betray considerable military iklll Boiiiir tboroufbly on lb* defenaiv? aa yet. Tbey are meaai'ed today by t?ro euluuiu?, luovni), in oppo ?ite divectiom?one or|t*niied at KoMC'ulburne, the formation of wbicli I? not fullv ?w-rrtain-il. but ii ?aid to be about two thouiaiiit ?trtuiif. Infantry and artillery! another, ander Col Peacock, ol ' rn..-?n reputatiun, and now cuuiumnder of the Buteeutb I'.r.n?!i Kagulivi.. 1 bl? colonia is oomprUed of on? battalion, the right wing of the I6ih. toe companio?; two bsttallnnt of the loth Royal Volunteer? of Torooto, and another baltalioa of volunteer?. ?1? aipi.iti.iii unknown, with oa? battery of tbe 47th Roy?! Ar? tillen, with ?iz Whitworth gun?. Tbi? force moved from Chippewa at ?boat 8 o'cloob this morning, marching directly to Black Creek, where st brit it wa? ?npi-oaed th?' 1-euian? would ht mit. Go appro?bing that v 1,'iiiit? it wa? aaceruiued that the luvadcr? bad max-hed a ?it? ord to meet tbe column moving from Fort (. oiborae Col. Peacock pressed on vigommlv in punalt, stimulated to 5realer haute by a repor that the Kenlan? had surreuuded a etaelunent of the Port l ' ilborne furoe. All luiul-iation rec*iv*d from oit.ien? 1? erceedingly nn latiifactnry No one could tell tbe direction the enemy had tiara nor hu itreugtb. I.ocalitie* and distanc?e were all contradictory. Tbey were tbu? ted in circoUout route?, caus? ing ti-oroeiserr marehlog under a lever? ?un. At 1 o'clock they rea-bed a little town oiled New Oermaoy, or i fcriiaiitown, levea or eight mile? welt of Kort Urie. There it wa? reported that the Keuiau? bad saoa-iped ou a ridge three mile? ?out-. The march to ?hi? point wa? eicesslingty trvlng to the men. number? of Ihem falling with ?tinsrrok?. The'road wa? lined witb straggler?. The information was ?o untruatwortbv that ljrmoik aiaely halted h!? column aad put hu men lu camp. TmmeiUately alter ro-ioru were received that the Keuiau? bad attacked the adiauceof the I'ort C'olliorn ooiuiun, driv? ing the red coat? back upon their malu Cure? with couiidersbie lo??. No ligtire? were gtien The atTair wa? taid to har? occurred nearly ?out!, of Gorman lo? n. at a point wbaro the Keulaa? were than encamped, tau? indicating that ttiey badcettaiuly hel?l tb?lr gronnd. Col. t'e?cock ilaeoied it prudent to get Into enmmnnleation with the othev force belina proceeding further, becaute of the uncertainty of the force of Ihe enemy. Notbiug further, there lor- ?i ia so omojlibsd. li. ???rts from Port Colhorne are anxiomly awaited. An eimarement will Badoabtadiytaka place. The advent of the Canadian armies ha? hail a wonderful etfeoton tbecit./ei.a. wl.o ?re all ready now for fight, and liockiug iii crowd? to tbe trout, *? 1th musket?, to volunteer their sail loss. A K*l .'r. :.. . esposad of militia and cavalry ordered out In ti :i re.-.-, li. r taadesvaasteg st Chlpaewa 'lb-? win t?e a - i lirililr .im;li?r? to I ol. 1'eitc.ick. ?ml v ill enable l.iin tu gallar |>o?llive information and more lotelligeutly. lh? ?uppoaed poin-y el Vatrnti, who is cot-ioa-di-g the Fenian?, la to prevent a Junction of the two colon-rt or _-_-? diaui. He It p.? to defeat them in detail. I notice in the Ititb Regiment the large number? of Irishmen who prof ??? loyalty, but fanrt are manif??ted at to their dupo ?ition wb?o placed face ti, face with ih? Fent?n?. It it ru? mored that tbe Ca--trcander-in-Chi?f of the Canadian force? hat i?iued order* to gir? no quartet and tait no pr_?n*r_ Tbi? t? doubtful, but manv ?ubordioateef-ccra ?pm? Uwil d-ter? mination to act on t?.at i ule. Tbe Fenian? ?till continue to conduct themserve? in a n:an i -r to win \ ruin* from thur enemin?. They d'-siruy notting uaoeceiiariiy, and refrain ?crupnl.unaly front pillaging. T-sy impre?? hone? and cattle when the? need tu-tn, and what pm reioD? they want, but no more. Mo eitrige? to eitiien? have tusen be?rd at, A few eitiien? bare keen arretted, but they wire looo rcieatcd and permitted to return to their hem?t. 8A1BT ALBANS. An ?room t from St. Alban? on Saturday afternoon la-: ' I can.e up EM night direct from New-Sork. At Troy we took in about 100 Fenian?, amid great oheer-inr; at Rutland 3(10 more, from Holton, Springfield and FitchQuig, all able bodied men. " Fight boxr. of Fenian good? were teiied and ?eat hack to Hori-i g:.? tait night by Col. Livingeton, m inuianding the I'nited State? fore?? here, which cvoiiit of twooompaoie? of the li Hegular Artilery, Bietet Toi. Hamilton and Brevet Major? Cuj 1er and Trnmbull, fro? Fort Wurran. It I? reported that t.'.ei.? troup? will oot remain long her?, bat will take nome other poiut to head off the indefatigable Fenian?, ?orno of whom left for Malone laet night via i hamplain andOgdentbnrg Rail? road, Swanton, eight mile? distant, 1? mentioned a? a Fenian rerdervou?. The '?' in thi? tectioo are commanded br Major Spear. a Malar I'h.ted ?State? lillicur, wbo teitcd ander lien. Meig? in Texa?, with Lieut. Col. John A. Brown, Third Fenian Car airy, aa Assistant-Inspector (ieneral. The hen unit herecon ii?t of the 3d Regiment Iriib Infantry of Mostachnsetts, com? manded by Col. O'Connor. Four comprim? ? of the 3d axe here, alio, under Major Treanor. CoL Michael Scanlan. commander of the 3d. baa not jet appealed 1,, re. Col. O'Connor wa? ordtn-d to ra-raort here, and ii awaiting orden. lieatlquarter? of the Cnit-d State? na well na? Fenian offlcers ?re at the Welalon Hotel, it ia not likely either will remain Inn. in thi? vicinity. Col. lirown, the Fenian In?p?ctor-??eii era), ?dvertue? a large ?mo-int of amirumtion for tale, tup paiaed to be the arm? reived hy the L'uited state? ottlcer? yet ti nlay. Most of the rVii,an? go into the country on arma!, while otberi loiter m town. St. Alban? in remarkably quiet. The local militia are ordered to bold tbemielve? in riadinei? for any emergency, but at present there ?eema to be no danger that the public peace will Vie dicturbed. Tha united .Stute?. Diitrict-Atturner ami fin?'a State? Marah?! Henry are ai?o on the ground. A camp of ??iona is located callide the town. PA11TICU?AB.S OF THE ClPTI'RE OP FORT EBIE, BT A? l.Yh, WH.1K88. The Troy Times of Saturday sayu: "Mr Waive!'. Main? of thot city tu witb the ?nnv of invafion which ero???-?! aiver Canada on Thursday nnrbi and .fixed the town of Fort Urie, abont three mile? from Huf iiio. Mr. Main? returned from the ?cene of Fenian exploit* thli monmir, and fire? u? the particular? of the orOMitig of Niagara .?.iver, the capture ol the place, Ac. Lie ?ara the army of invasion numbered abont 3.fiOO; the tooop# w?re em b .ried about 3 o'clock Friday n.orrimir on iteatnar?, bar-e?, etc.. which had been brought from otter lako attica forth? purpose, and were .np) lied witb arm? tnd ammunition on board the boat?. After effecting a landlnr. the troop? ?et ?o work teanngnp the railroad trick, cutting the telegraph ?virei, etc., win!? the main column marched np and took poiienioo of the town. A ?niall l.rituh garnsoe fired apon the rainier? engaged In the work of tearing np tho railroad track, eui Art mea tren killed. 'Ile principal citizen? of Fort Fric were ivued a? hottiagi?. and direct, .1 to pit par? ?ub?i?tence fiar the men. wbich (liey did, and Lad continued to do io np to the time of Mr Mam'? departure. The army ia well mppiied with cannon?having ?ix pleeea of artillery, which 1? a good ooa.pleir.ent for the nnmt i r of men engaged in and around Kort Erle. Gen. MiNVil nf Tenn-i?te? commands ?he troop?. He waa a Hebel officer during the war. I ut becoming ilia?.a?'ad will. treason and hope >s? of the cuate, rode late or.r lines alnring the bettie of Spot ?yiranta and with his ?taff surrendered bimeell to the Second DiTilK'n of the Suth Corpi. Mr Mum? reports that at 1 p.m. yesterday, an aid el Oatt, Sweeny arrived at Fort Erle with marching ordert fur the troopi, and at once the hoe of marah wai taken np for the uew da-eliiialion. A ?mi-ill garrison ?ti ?eft behind to bold Fort ?ria. It I? proper to ?at thit Mr. Main? waa limply a 'looker-on in Venice.' Me eroated over the troopi, hut bore i.o part in ti.? ?nh?e?iuer,t traosae ' i?,.? More than one-half of the m?n engaged wer? ex Con? federate to.dirri. ' ?"?'minn "?I telle re m ih? City. \'.t!.i.'igli the i-riiir.?ml field of operation! in the Fenian struggle bo? been traau'erred from onr city, the degree if mterett felt here in the development of the ttruggle ha? by no m??_i abated. Indeed, the commencement of what it wa? fondly hoped by thme :_.?'. interested, might prove ?a tve cpevitiont, ha? again ?timulated the previously waning eioitement to a high pitch. Tbe wild and aontra diclory report?, which the telegraph poured in opon ui dering Frtd?y night and Saturday, whetted the ap petite of th? inter??ted and th? enriooa for ?on? trustworthy information. Ournie of that large proportion of ear eui?? WhB f> el a national intereit In the .tr tigg'e for the po?>_?it;n of Ireland, there m tew few who woo.d really tympathlio in an arr.ied Invasion nf i'.urida, hut many of oar people reoo 1 lect tbst when our n-Unmil life was at ?take ?nil the blood of our bratest and best wa? being poured forth te water for it? preservat.aan. tiiat country wa? universally recognised a? a ??fe and convenient shelter for our roe?, and a plaee where they might unmolested not merely plan and pre? pare thrlr nefarloo? tchemes. bat ?bsolutely tntir armed ? nd lawless rant? into oar terntorv. and retreat ?.liber for laie ty wheo their plana were arvoinnliihe-. Tbey r?oolleet ? h it when ?mue of tbeie raider? bad oeeu arrested, charged with murder and robbery, a Canadian judge could And no graaund on which to hold them, and a great proportion of the peaiple and pre?? of that coantry ?ried "Amen"' to bl? decision, and it I? hardly to he wondered at that, recol? le, ting the?? things, many of onr people should r-gai.l at leiHt. without strung ???approbation a circnmitanoe which t! r.'iittL? to present to their aiwu lips a cap wbteb the Canadi? an? ?o complacently urged us to swallow. However thi? may be, it ia eartain that the new? receive?! on Saturday of the mustering of Fenian? in varions part? of the country, and the evident panic which prevailed among our Norther- neighbor?, did not ocoaaion any very general expression? of grief among the crowds who gathered about the bulletin boar? of the dif ferent newspaper .attlee?. On the contrary, the general senti? ment appeare?. to be one of amuiement, mingled perhapa with a little miichtrvooinet?. I hi? of coui.? refer? to the American portion. The Trieh generally wera exceedingly Jubilant at tbe reported Brie tuc t ??-? of ih?ir brethren, and exprewed the strongest oon?ilenoe that the tireen flag would speedily hare ? local habitation which it might call its own. After tha different newspaper office?, the chief ?entera of in l?r??t were the varion? Fenian headiiuarter? in the city. Of there, of coorie, the ellice? of the Roberts organization held Cn? first Plaice. All day hat ord ay the (reen flag floated from the window of the headquarter room?. Th? crowd lingering about th? door wa? larger than erer the whispering? were energetic, the conversation? were animated, the passing to ai.d fro of messenger? wa? brink ?nd frequent, the general ex? citement greater than on'aoy prevtoa? occasion. The subordinates of the establishment bustled about, bosy, pompon? and reticent. Col. Robert? binm-lf, though very much occupied and evidently anxlt.u?, ?till strive? to preserve a calm exterior, and when qnettloned a? to his opinion ef the pr?tent movement, exprcstei bl? entire confid?ne? in it? ult?? male soeces?. The only tbtng to be dreaded. In hi? opinion. Is the interference of the United State? authorities. If they do not tuceeed io preventing the paatag? of the Fenian? or?r the border, Col. Halbert? ?tate? there will ?oon De an Irish army there sufficient to overcome any opposition whioh th? Canadian authorities oau offer. It ii intimated that the Fort ?le movement >s not by any mean? the principal branoli of the expedition. If it fail? there will b? very little hut, if it ?noceed? it may be strengthened into a formidable movement It would seem that the Sweeny plan of the campaign la a mobile one. to be executed a? circumstance? shall determine. Considerable dun lit hoi ?-Hated a? to the wbereaboot of Oen. Sweeny during all thi? excitement. We can ???ore onr reader? that he waa in the eily all day Sat.rday. Whether be waa ?till here tait ?vening ii no1 so certain. The wildest rnmors. of coarse, hare prevailed a? to the force and plan* of th? invading army. Some ?tate the entire foroe of lien. Sweeny'i command at 35,000. tnolodlng 6.000 cavalry, and the objective point to be Montreal. Otberi plaee tbe force at a modi ?miller figur?. aod attiibale to them a different destination. All wbo profess to know anything of th? matter, humeur, agree that the fall strength of the movement is not yet developed, and that demonstration? will ?bortly take place I which will cao?? ??tonnhment throughout the country. Meantime at th? Stephen? tieadaiuirter? entire quiet prerafl?. It ti? w?U known Mr. Stephen? himi?If and tho?? who tym pat h it? witb bl? riew?, entirely dlttrnit tbe Canadian ?clii-oie, regarding it M ruino.? to the caaie of Ireland, and pro.!active of only injury to thone engaged m it. They fear, however, that the ?xoitable natur? of the Irlth people may lead them to throw all their ?trength into thi* new movement, and by tha* rendering it? begiumug more formidable, make tbe end mor? disastrous. It 1* claimad that the circle?, a? a gene? ral thing, ?till remain tra? to the plan of Stephen?, rea-togulaliig him a? their legitimate bead; but there Is no knowing how soon ?vanta on th? border may change all tbi?. Kee-torcementi are stated to be ?till going forward from thi? city and lb? vicinity, to rarion? rendmoa? n?ar the border. list ween l?vent r and one hui:dr?d able-bodied and retpeotable looking youuir men are ?aid to hare left Jeney City on Satur? day, ostentlbly for virmui pointa in the Weet Then ware asserted to be the quota of that plajje (or the preeent exped? tmu It waa observad that none Of them carried any baggage of my ^iod, and ?Leu* whole bebarlor waa rath?r myiteriou?. It ii atierted that two thousand men bare gone from t-_ city to point? near th? bordar within the last four dayl. Th? persistent, driving, chilling rain? of veiterdar render? ing loafing lo the street? impracticable, and the entire olosiig of the liqaor ?hops by the tarais of tbe Exoil? law having de pruei? the <>.' pa//au of their usual opportunities to cougregst?. the d?y prove- to be an onainally quiet and ?liant on?, in spite of th? pre? ioi_ly prevailing exoitemeut and the general expectation of ?ome important latelligeno?. An attempt wa? made daring the aftBfaean by na? or two of th? more ??nsatltinal morning Jouruaia to ?tiuiuiite publie lnter?st and turo an hon??t penny for tbetuselv? by ?suing an "Extra" with startling bead line? and larisb ?(penditore of ink. basing their ?ttempt on the publio pocket apon tb? ar? rival of a somawhat dubious dtspattn from HnoV.o annonnciag the attempted retreat of th? Fenian eipea?tioL. and the arrest i-f innot o? its member? by the united States ?utboriu??, ta? balance of the ?pace Leing tilled with a rehaah of old du patches and rumor? of little reliability and lett oontiqasnoe. Unfortunately for tbe ?uocott of th? speculation bat f?w por? tons were abroad, and even of thee? tb? greater part seemed to suspect something tisby io tb? "?xtra an i declined to in va'it, preferring to await the regular diinatche? of th? loui-a-U in which the? felt oonfldenoe. Daring trie ?r?atag when the marm bad lolled, a coniiderabl? number of people rlilted the different olhcea to inqnire for newt, and received a ? _ ut-... g?uce aa wa? deemed troatworthy BKiMiKiiYV. A nninlior of Fenians atiirted from fhla city for Canada ou .?_turd?r. and other? wer? pr-perlag to follow, bat yueterd??'! new? appear? to have bad auch ? dampe:iii.g effect uiaaiu their ?rdor for the oante that It U probable tb?t f?w or no more will leur?. WILLI_.MBBDROII. ArraiiK?"?-*.?''.?'" b?vin>_ boon pert'i-cieil on Friday night tait, about 19 innmber* of the (iratuii < ircie ?tarted tit tin- Canadian frontier on Saturdiy last, under (he command of Jims? .1. Maloney. They were well ?applied with nmnev, bat had very ?mall kit?. Tbay wara aeueupauied to the Koria Hiver bo?t by Dr. M?ri by Center o? tliac.rile. A BtSBS of -.?a. u_?l?r (apt. Corran, reerut???! by the wingof tbe y rn ? \ Circle, v?in?;t aieeu at Maaoaic Heil, (iraud at, left at thA lame time. On theil way to the boat they were Joined I? a conrpany from a Roberti-Bweeny Circle, in the W??trrn I?.?? triol, aad the whole i?r< ctr dud iortliw.ird toa. ther. J t ison* deuiood t_?t they ait a.i u-Jci lu? ciiumanJ of Co!. Juett) J MVrnfT ? wealthy l!i?uor d?aier on the north ?ide Vetter? day everything ia Fenian curies appeared tintet Toward % o ?lock in the afterneea a eoiupaaj of about ~0 young aeaJ droit??A lu rfii'ita?y costume and armed with rifle?, prertvetf by a band of a.oaic. nade qnlta a ?ematlon byparadlig tka ?treat?. n.a_y believing tliein lo be l-'enian? on 4b? wer pat*?, but it transpired that (bey were a party of yonng Qerai&n? ?a tieir way to the Catholic Church in -forth Fifth st. to e*lar Irate Corpas Christi. Mot ? Writia?. Ta tht MMe at The N. Y. Tribune. 8iK: 1 ..iii-rv?t.liiii" the Canadian authorit;?- yny. posed my _rr?at at the Clifton House, Saturday nornjag. ?a one .der.'.lied with the Fenian?, I deeire, in ?indication t? ?tate trat I deem the raid at Kort Uno ?n unjustifiable ir?? pea? open ccr Canadian friend?, and the Feaian movement lo bewithoct patrioti?m or motive? without the aaaotioa of ti?* Ir.ti-lligeit and controlling portion of the people of both Ireltr I and America?at variance with Junie? and interaattonel law, and aa demanding the immediate condemnation of the A merl* can people throaf li the Government. WM. CORr-BL- J-WBTT. .-vIBYBCe. The Freach awl Aaairlaa 1 alaateera Opinlsar ?f tke Pari? Pre??. tV ?.?uiMiTO?. June 3. lue?:. The following ia an extract fiom the Mentor i al Ihj . mtttfti of the l-rth of M?y ? According to an -.menean letter published In Titi Time?, the ministry of the United States at Paria recently* siicgested to the Cabinet at the Tullen? s that for the pnr* Soee ' ? arresting the military reprit?s in Mexico tfca aerial Government should be informed of the within winch the French army of occupation should??? Withdrawn. ii. Drouyn de I?uti declined this overture {or the rta? n.t. that the French Government had no means of eorau u* nication with Juarez. At length Mr. Higelow off-re?! l?d this Durposa to the Cabinet of the the good ollie? cs i-f hi? Government, near which is accre-dited the J u? rust .bas?t, Mr. Homero. It appears, from onr information, that, what there dib* he of tri rh ia this ?tory, reiste? to the ?tops formrriy taken by the Federal Cabinet to induce Franc?* to from the Mexican Government the of certain ?le? erect cuacniiug the J na riff _iig.i_d.ige. 'i'lw-9 steps, ard the reception which tivy met with from the Mini?t? r. I . r? lyn Allaire of France, all this is found at length ita the birio Jaune (Yellow Hook, or Diplomatic CorTesp?.u<l?i enco?, of l?tltj, and we believe that no later moid, nt i-?iiil?i have changed in this regard the rule of conduct ol' ih. Imperial Government According to the information whioh reaches us front Vienna, the Imperial Government has had no diffiqiilty ira convincing M Motley that Austria ha? no intention to? .?inl tri- p.- to Mexico to replace other?; that the volo a? t. ??r? In queition caniiot bo cuisnleredaeAustrien ?oldtera, ok it ia of their own accord that, after having fulfilled theil? military obligation? in their own country, they enlist ia the service of the Emperor Maximilian to lona aa integral. portion ot Ihe Mexican army. The proof that this incident seems to have been ?mini in a satisfactory manner it that '.hu embarkation of 1.1*0(1 A volunteer? waa to take place the Huh of May ni? stunt, at 1 neate, whore, since the 7th, the Fsmpico has been lying at an-hor. a vessel of the Transatlantic Com? pany, on board of they were to be transported tu Vera Cn?. The following is from the Journal de* Dthatn, ot May li: We ye?t?rday called attention to the ditpatohe? o( Mr. S??? ard to tbe Minuter ef the I'lited r?tate? at Vienna, in ?I ni the Amor.can .Secretary of State protest? against the sendiag of A adrian volunteer? to Mexico, In t?rma who?? earne-tn?-.? every one can appreciate. The c> i?:trii(i.aiirl thiaki it caa announce thi* morning ?hat all diflicultie? ?re removed in the matter, and that the expiation? gi? en by the Vienna Cabinet have fully latUtied the Minuter of the united State?, to that ? fast detachment of 1,000 volunteers waa to embark on ti.? 10th of May at Trnabe for Mexico. To tell the troth, the Contututioeeil know? nothing of irene feet? of itself, bat get them from tbe Memtortml Diplomattymt, in which, for oar part, we are far from having ?-?ointe confidence. It may be, after all, that Au?ir ia ha? not .bought proper to pay attention to the protest from Wn?ni?g!?in. although ?be has at this monicat affair? enough on band not to ?eel for aew one?. We ?h?! toon knew if It ii trne that on? ??orne of volunteer? set oat, three der? ago, for Vera Cru?, on board the Tampico ; but even if tIii? rot were exact, it would be enough to preta that an understanding in regard to tbia <io*?tion of volonteera eui? at prevent between Austria ana the United -tate*. The very ealegtirle language of Mr. Seward permit? us to doubt thi?. We ?ball wait, therefore, until it? text of the arrangement concluded between the twa Government? i? made known to as before we beBeve it, hy the OtAttttutionnift leave, which eadortea ?tat?menla of wini-h It has no proof except tue aaiertioa of the Mtmeriml Dtplo ?-til,.?, whick are always to be received with cautiec. -e_a MA?B?. Imperial ?errer aa tia Caaielwiaa Ti?1?. The following ia a copy of the translation of the origi? nal decree of the Emperor of, declaring the coast? wise trade free to foreign vessel? until the 31st of Deoem ber, received st the Department of State, from the United States Consi.l at Rio Janeiro, on the .d init: DBPABTMBNT OP FIW.VXCK3. Decree 3,631 of Marah _7, IWSf, permitting foreign vessel* to ctrrv ob the ctxuting trade until D?c?"-ber 31, 18*S7. tUng tb? authority confined by Section 4 of Article 33 of the law No. 1,177 of September., 1862, I am pleated to decree aa followi : Ahticls 1. Foti! ths last day of December, is?,:, foreiga ve??e 1? are permitted to carry or transport coait ane trade he? tween the porte of the Empire in whioh there are c-ikhd houae?, conveying prodnce sod m-rcliaa.liie of any origin; the ili?(Ki*if ion of Article 688 of tbe Cu-tom-Hoote Keguiaiion te* oouipaay Decree 2,8*17 of Sept LO. let?O, being ?uapended during the above mentioned time. Art. XX AU disposition? to the contrary are revoked. Joaa da Silva Carrio. of icy Council. Mininer ead Secretary of 8Ute for Fi? nee? and Preiideat of the Tribune! ef tew National Treasury, wdl ao understand and caoae to be exe? cuted. Palace of Rio de Janeiro. March 27th, IK?, and 19th year of the independence of the empire, with the ?igualare of his Ma* jetty the .Emperor. Joaa ob Silva Cabrio. POBTBMia -lOItBOK. ?aaars ia ?aa. Mattet??ataraatt?Mayitaal Btalaaeasaaa Foara?s Movaos, Jane 3. 1888. Gen. Grant s order regarding honors to the memory el Gen. Scott, went into effect here to-day. From ?ann?e to 1 p. m., at intervals of half an hour, cannon were fired. At II) - m, the troops of the samson were assembled on par? ade, ana the order read to them. The llaga wera alto dis plsyed at half-mast. Gen. Millford arrived from Richmond this morning, making a brief vitit and returning. Some 300 colored people, part of the prodact of the re? ligious revival in progress among this class, were baptised to-day at Hampton. Over 500 persons wore present. A aouth-west rainstorm, with a stiff br?ese sad a high rolling aea, sot in this afternoon. HOBBIILI WlFB M0RDBB IN DSLAWAIB.? TI ???ra? (Del.) Tittil ot May 30 fire? the following detail? ef ? terrible wife morder in that vicinity: On Monday afternoon we reolved Information that Mr?. Caroline Armstrong, wife of A. Peterson Armttrong. living near Mount Pleaaaot (about two Bulee from -fiddletown*! bad been murdered by her hothead. Stace thea we have been furnished with traitworthy pert-tenlars. Mr?. Armstrong had beea auittag ?mee Saturday week, 19th, bat no Mpeei-l attention was giren to thta oireanutaaea by the neighbours for l?verai d*yi. aa Armitrong and hie wire lived unhappily together, ead abe had oa several previoas ee oaaitia?, b?wn loroed to leav? him for three or toar days or a waok ?t a time. Friend? began to make inquiri?? hy Friday and Saturday, fearing ?he Dad oom ni it ted ?uioid?, of which there eeems to have -ten some apprehension on previous oa ?lont. Armstrong shared in the anxiety about her and telegraphed to Wilmington, Smyrna and Dorer to learn of her whrre aboats. He ?_?o io?l?tt-d that a mill ttond. ?boat half a mil? of, ?hould be dragged for htr body, for th* recovery of which ha off?red a reward of t"0. Hil ?eealag ?LUtreee oaoaad aeata ?tupici?n to rent opon hint, ai it wn aaueeal. B? loforwed P irtim that ?he bad taken bet bett olothlag with her, ead ha i ippo?ed ?li? would r?turu la a day er two. By Boaday the exutt?m?al waa intente, asd eearoh waa made ia varieaa diractliini. It waa untie??! thal wh?a exaoiiaation? were-Mae about th? hog pr?u or ?tsbi?. Anmtroag booen.? very asrveae home friMh dirt wa? eottoed ?boat th? manan eng straw ?if of th? latter place, (or which h? aooounted for by ?tatiag that ti? had bund ap a hoi? ia th? ?ubi??that " it wa? io in ki dig there.'' The earth wa? found to be ?oft about the laagth ofabody ?nd farther digging rereeled the ideotical tait el clothing he r?pr???ated ?b? bad carried ?ff with box. He was ?rreitml ?n th? ?pot. and ?to Mod .?j afternoon ho was taita to Newc*?tle ian. ?*a? mt Direct.t- after the errait th? body was !V?und buried nnd?r the bog pen. Th? ?kuli wai tract .red. a? if with a liait let, and there ?rere marks under the throat, leading to the soppo ?itiua that ?be had been ?ever?ly choked The body had the nigbt-dro?* on. It i? ?oprjosed th? remain? were buried Brit in ihe ?table and renoved to the bog pea for better ooneeel? ment. Some blood wai found ia a clo?et, and a coal wi?h blood on the aleeve. The Coroner held an taque?*, aad a ver? dict ia ?coordaooe with the above fact? vu rendered. Arm tirang t? a weil to-do farmer, ?ad was not regarded as a wait capable of committing ??ich ? heiuotu cuni?. It is stated that he hal for the last levers! ye?r? been indulging in intoxicating liquors pretty (reelr. Mr?. A. va? a lady ?' rtapeotable eua? i.j. i im. On baturday weak Armitrong flogged a colored ?iri. Mr?. A. ttting tb? part of the gi;! and begging hin ta ?aut. 1 hi? led to an alten-aiian between them, li? waa ?eea that ?vening dragging tier tate tb? kante. It 1? *uppo-??l by tbe neighbor? that thi? led to th? murder. Mr?. Arnu-rosg? funeral took place ve?terd?y and wa? iargeiy atteaded. They bad a family of su ohiidreu. th? old**l between 11 aas -a ytar?. _' TkX ovStatk BtiK Kills?It lean <irrort?-?8up poaa'that MS bolder, of but? hank t-ajwt|leeejj88t K..B tax of tea per cent on paying tb?m oat. Ibu bai? ?_?*_?_? hable to that Ut. a? per -ot; of Cougr-a,? ?mending the inten aai iUvenoe law, approved Marah 3, l8??.