Newspaper Page Text
Voi. XXV_r....o\?* 7,S90. -? m ? - ? NEW-YORK, 4UONDAY, JULY 23, 1866. PRICE FOUR CENTS. EUROPE. - an POUR DAYS LATER NEWS. Europe Again in Danger of a General War. PRUSSIA DECIDES TOE ..PjtflSTICE TRANCE THREATE.XS ARMF/0 MEDIATION ta? r OMINOUS ATTITUDE OF RUSSIA. M a ?iff rifo of .?. Emperor of A*ai*tr_a. Th( l_l_-___i Atv_lte__g in _t____i Iii th-e H-U___l iu Vcnciia, k Vin?H.Y Of ?ARHUl M ?tVK!. THE AUSTRIAN.-. Graph > ?.ccoDnts of the Battle at Sadowa. TI 0*1* tn- ( li-"um., C*|tMV. i.k. ,-l,nt.l. :? - BB ft. ? lb Of J ?*?*? 0 -i a \ : 1. ? ? i ' . 'lill', Ti.*! t.. ' {?"? I I :. ?1 _ j C .tv ? t I'..- - 1 pt I *-?>??? I, ? " ! io <?'. 1.. k afl tbe alt. ra " n ?t tbl II I Biritt d st ti Bau a.?i < THE AM-ISTICE. ..?teal ll?|iail? l'ia?ia li? ?uni? tbr ttnii'l.' < Finnie Tbr? nteu? Armed tlrdiatiou. rio am..?rice l_t? yat bctu r^n-?*?J , ? ?taorilir.iie. lulu I ted tbe ariLi? 1 ,. Ttic Tb : Wt -I'? ll'. ? - sa July 10: Thl I', r /, ror of J '71 ej on t ' . 1 .1 u . or m 1 TI.* Fr? ? ? .! fli"t ii in it? w.ij lal ' Lt'lx'tii?_:.. UM I'n.iAli Ob_B-meemOt, haa bona ojii. r. ii le ?xc ni?y Vi . ( Ki ' mart ha? ??_?? ni.t to Bkl P ?yuto C , ?.. nr. ?.?.ia/,?:? 'At aim? J mtS*iafsrn oj Vu Emperor of the F ?sr*. Jttstht ir nmt irted te di of tit F.mpct?r afton /?', | I ? >? that Auitr ta fhcitld not bt r-eaktned 1* ker poniiuit e. a great ?ra-rrr. The London flloU of July 11, referring to the new fifi? peet ol tke KtiMpaan ?itnatiun, ?ays tkst we ieiin on tl;o brink of as vast a war at any whick has leen wugi-ol is iLie ty iittiry. Pruntft iff uns to yuld. Franc?. must ttnkt m at s fourth colona!poictr on the battle-held, ttithet fif'ht'roui Ike North kotertng op ** wordtr. The French ?coti-rlad squadron irai "dered to VtniCt on tht ntgAt of the lltk milan* The Chi, barf iquadro* *<?? ?lso Off? ardern to sail. Ita din"'?-?i is iu_?own. Ttoe Frrsch -??*?. Tlie Puns Paint <f July ? ????'? The negotiations for ?a sriuistic? have been delayed l.y the iiccesMtv of taki-g into timultiuicona consk_BBB_iBl both the tonditiOBs of the ar_i?_ec and the preliminary ba?i? se* a rat-re treaty of a peace, if Prussia wi.?hes to know b? fore??uid !ho advantages which will be definitely asmircd to ker. Prince Napoleon was pr?tent at the comi eil cf Mmisten hold to-day. The Pant Presse of July li, in the cTening, publisb-s ?an article *igne?l by M. Cue-oval Charegny. n "ulch ll Yeslerdav, after the? audietjo- t*m by the Empcr-.r to fttfiea Von Keats, a - emml was held at iho MBB in kia M I tv'- ?r'f0*'nce" ?Prince Mclternich and Baron ?(#>_ o.tenburg repretented Austria, and Count Von GolU Sted Prince Von Reust, Prussia. M. l)r?itiyn de Lhuys communicated the views of Train ??, and drew up a report of the pro-oedings at the ?Ml?g. Tbc following are the bases of the negotiations lugge.t ?d by France, and communicate?- to Count Von Goltx and Frise? Met terme-, by whom they hare been transmitted ?Vi Bcjlui and Vienna: Tbe ('?tra?ame Confederation to be di ?solved and another conf?d?ral*!! io be establithed, of rhich Milker Pru?na ?or Au,trut ihould form a part. Ko territorial ceuioti to be de___u>d*d ?f Aa_tila. rbe abandonment by the latter ->t Her right* on the DiKl-M. and io repl?*" *ne w8r inclt.mixitj' at first de luir.?-_ hr ri nama. _____I to incoi^i-te Schle.sig-Holstein, Ile?*? C<? k1, De??? Daniisttt-' and BruL.wick. The population of the Prnsetea kingdon, would thereby be raised to i#,U?o*0, WO?the Ki*i?t to e_n_futute the western frontier of Prus? sia, and the province between the Khiue and Mc nie to terre as an ?nikinnlty to _ie sovereigns diipoegi'tscrd by the? war An cn hange of territory to fake place between Baden an?! Barara, s ?iii h would give Ihe former noarly Ihe wh'le* of the Kheriish Palatinate-, Saxony, Hanover, and I?, li ___M of Saxe tu conclude military co_rcut??ns with Pr.?.i._ ?B____fcMfl-tl of Lanilsu to cl.o..?'! whether they shall belong to Krar.i* or Baden, and the i,w?.?u)_?;.,: efthe valley of the Sarre to chiwee lietween Fr?-*? and the new Khenich eovcreignt. Tbe I tal isa Trras?. j?t LoitJo'i Titntt of July 11?the latest paper?cm tai ng the following announce?tv ' Wo bato rece if?*-ti ftotu tn a?.'theutie eourte the f llo?"?ng stitement as US the coridltiin?attached by the Italia:, (lovcrntnenl to the proposition of tia" Emper?)r N..poleon: 1. If Vint? 11 e?*-*?- to the K.i.?.en 1 Napoleon, the Bukl transfer ni'i.t bo raa-k' by Auttria. hflBBJfin. ly M tOtdlUOI'l ?.li? '???rd io Kein??. !.. TLut the facatlen al tb? -irlnct of Trent should bo r.-. ...-.!.'?.! Bl . Ml.I. The !____m ieeaa?I uu-f-_?atn [-???(??'i?od of two . ?<_.!-?_ on. -n.u?t t... r, ?ea-MB? PibkbI ia. Hnpulailaae. ?*(' f " -, "! alii';. I!, -o}-- Ki(?h nu iilrtita hare retard? .1 the eapeitara ti PiMm Napoleon. Tlio Pru-Ma.ii ?a.iiiiitioiii noatfllBtl in tho letter of Prim i> ReaM ate etaMJ M M n? f. Bavai Til.' e.v. i,..?i' ?i of laatria treta Ike (?< n_n_i Cfenfad? rrnti"U. Thocxilii?irec<immniiil ?if th.- military Bad ti?v.i) fun N of tLe ('?? id, \,y I'riitM.i. The ili|.l?iiii,it:. r [?re e-it :t!,,ii ? f (;, ni.ftny ut,road .mil th?- .iiiiK-av.itiiii! to E-mmb ?i tiie D... Um and pun ef ina t? rnt.iry Uti adj oceapieda Le /?'. tio-.-e further ? Oie' il li,ir> leBSM M MBBM tlatthI I-' i.-r.ii iiiiii.i.'.iutdy i|i.?|..iti!i. .1 f? ?.riidiiii mid at, /'?'-. eurgtht ? .'?.?,' lenicatian ?J Primai !{? l-l eli et, .,? ,,,.,,.?, winch r;u, ealj M seul ii i,y ,..i?,, rt el tan greta Pew r-. A ?ii?;.;itili troiii BeaHI ti .luly I ??ivi: An i:. 1 * i-i.: ' apetl Maa pntittaMil la iii ?uii-.'flicia! Sari .ti' ? -, -?? ? :-../' Zeitung on tin* Basti tun .-. 'lin- anttar enjeeMee Ma be? bet aetbiageaB nor? |Mlnlj aime lo sha! ailieaii t M Anafe?I Ma M ii r- ?li.? I il bj the MBBBM ol' Hie Pim ? -.ila???.li Iiuvn lo? I? Mibii.itte 1 t., tile I i lia l'i.'l.i'l. Neverlhele-?, lil?- til!.il -ii.ii?.- -v ne -a1 ..t ?ii ??i ")ii?t i-iiiiiuitif Praeeta1 * - ' ? ?tfiag, Praeeta IM aal |e towart?? iii im ttaliaas, ead IMeefenVMnM n. M admit "'?i. . in.*!.? m to vaga wot f ? r the 'ides' ?1 a BSted, when the lntt? r a ii- Hu b fe? h "n t.' -a\ " V. ? ? t!i- tlnv.?t4 ?d Au*tri ' In tiie ur?t lasten?? toe tola i gaareati A:,?t: |1 ..-, M i , ..vu1 I ? '.'I .li f, 11 I',"'. Ill ttll* ? ti * wa determlasd to echtere the eMty <> (. ? ? ? t?-ii:.:: .m I bip of ti ? ? ' ?I i- ! .' I !,, b Bohi mie t* ??'? i hi? '. ti .,t Mate i?. I | ki,., j? -.rii-ilri of July 10 BiiiKUinee that, tlio 1 lan l t?? ihr Ita?u Cabinet that 1 I i ? ? i - Vi nto titi ?a ti t? ? -, i!!:?l vue,LI ti,?, : <??.'.'.-*, to the P . i .:??! .'.?? adraataeeel Ac-inik (fee i | al V The I'-i?i?ioai of ltu?sln. A lett? i ' "i Mil l I ?'? 'I J i*. ''. '" Tin I'l _ Bania. Hat y>u nu unit ? I if I iii .!..? I... .li ; ? r- 1 t.' tia:? ? -. prater (?> bm her d.?|>?.ilo.| t.y r * tight ni taring n.,t ef thu 'li,?'./, ,/ mi d- St Pi r c4 Hie 7th ??.?t Mjai Wat?_? that! '? ? . ?? llistion ii tlicr?-w? :.? i.ot n lu Kiiro; o ?!.i. ii Utelftett ? i.ff.i o t.t'. i tt rang la nnpettnt a**ent -ti rapt to ii I ........ eui ?nitro 1'.,, .... in Baropfl t" ?li'.m the Eu.u;. ai Lui aiif" >'f !>oi-.*r .i ?-f a ?a.-ie ???;.'y ? tu.Hin? lui,? .i.ii BfaanlM ?'" ?. ., r . . i , ?''1 ti"-' fidtowina The of Au Uti li'tf '* ?__***_? . -. . *v liv-'-fnrtiiTie win, h la? bl " I?-? M' I'l??'!.- Th?,*. n,,lpl fallru un ai:.,.? . 1 t..e *_ , ,. |, , .. ,., _.b, ,,,., ''-'-'?"'"'i'l; i ,'.,:,d' ihe, ..Umiti.a? . f wi,r with?! "?" -' ?-'Y''.t.'.i.i ol Bohsnto i? k Isa e. elated tad shl ? Mtarjj ?ii, r parto i ? and ti- psiafal ?nd lira laVsMS toflan ?ii-'m-c! Bl M I I? ?f famillet aaSSI P n,y BsbjMte, la?? n.nid l . it - utmuit ( bit h. arl ? hu ii beste vtik m warra andtatMrli afroUaa f*>r i?? gf>">l ?fn.y people?. Bal tke roltasM which I esprroaed la ?n tnanifeiio ?f tke l*'h of June?u reliance on y..ur BBsItorabie anil full!.(ni ?!'V.>:...n asd rosliSSM ter any ?> If??, i .ii . reliance on Iii-c in ii" . f n y uni.? ??ii, ii waa BialtatSM ?un ni ?un.:..-?u 111,ntl. e i le.u (i.ed and my if.. m1 ?r.d ?ai-ic-I right?thi? I.?? n??l wni?*i?-.I fur a ringi?? in,laut. I har? M liaaaal ?jtalf Ki IM TiBasiai ut tM Fraaei roaeestlM."*4 g.od lillie? ? (m bririgitiir ?bout un ht ni?tiM with toral mal merely did The Emperor reedily rr?j?'lid ??' "J demtind. but with Ml BSSM itilei.liuii ..' prSTflBtln?, ay farther t?lf?<?d?hed, ho even ???! kta own nc.-rd, utTerv.l to mediale ?ith Prom*? lot a mMMMio! bo.tilitiei ?Ii ! fur op. i.ii.g ra-e-'t'iti'"'" 1-T pSBM 1 l-l sM r I hare accept?*.!. 1 ???" |.;epare.l lo make p. at ??? up,m buiior ablec.n.litiuu? In order ??> pat mi end to the blood?!.?,: ?nd r?v.i|a*e? of W'lir. lint I will n.-wr ia-11 ian a tresly of peace by ?bien the feMsraSBtSl OOSdlll ni of Anatrin'e ixnitlon s? a treat fM.'wi'r w..nid !??? ?haken. BsflBCI '.htm that Hut ?boni.I be the f'?.?. 1 "ni resolved to carry as the ?sr to the nina- 1 extrem.?y- SSl in this I am ?ure of roy people ? approval. Al Bysiisbie Irsosfl ire bein?" loi.eetitrated, and IM MM ,n ''"' Make of Ihe ?i mi ?re lieiliK bll.,1 Bp by lh?tot-f i r.iitii.n ?In ti hal been ordeieil, a.?ii the lurire ?'uro.lm. i.t? of rtdSBteen called to ault bv the lpbIv awaknu-.l n.irit of pvtrlot?m. AiiHtil? but been levrrelv viflted by muforlune, Iju! ?he la no1 humiliated T lu.?.-.! tlo?'n. 'My People?? ll?ve confidence in your Emperor. The peopiei of Anitris MSB n? ver ?howe?! tbemielvet (rre-iter th?n In mUf.iiinr.e. 1 will tallow the rxurn,!? if my fi refatber?. and will bail you on with determiuutlon SMSSTBrSSM ?nd unibakal le ? oi.Iiiienee In God. Francm Jobki'H. "Oiven at niv re?idence in the capital uf Vienun, tun lntb day <*f Juiy, lb'. " The Po?ni_D mt Anslris. From The Lm.doo l.mea We have ncvi-r read M_dei vvor?!?. Ifeaa IhoM whi.-ti the Emparor ?I aiuttna B?drSMM t ? hat ihoj 11? 'Hie rsver??? of bis army. ti. occupation afflM of hi? kiii-dom?. the daiifer of bl? cnpital, -sv? alinoit bovrud donn that proud nnd ? .i.r dent ipirlt. Knowinir ? hat maimer of man Fram ii J use ii h n by flat ure, we mayjudre ?>' the humiliition be f?lt in dii.n. What be baa dune, und ia.'l"rT whut be bst laid. A mouth npn bacuromuulcd a ?plend-'d army. !he BMRBM evr l.rt.uirht lo Reiber ander tie itonc'irdk ol the Umpire He wat the um! it pitted loader of the German (.oveinan-iiti. while hu rtdreriary Hood rej r.l-atfd an! ttireatened by all ibu mott Important ?if them. Ile bad gi'en orden lo hi? In the Iliet to move a neatsBflB ?-Lieh li wa? ?uit>o-ied wesld torn I't a? lia lo luccumli It waa known that tne OoTernmen!? of four ti ft L a of the (iiruisii people would inpport bim and range tuena telvee nK*'"?. (he i'rnroiau agsre*kv?r. The mott eiperienced and celebraie.1 Uei era! ot tbr Empire was to command ?.1 ti Ausinan Army, sod hit oonhdeuce bad extended lt?elf to all rank? an^clatses of the Auitiuu people. Henadek believed in hin.iiif, and the Emnernr and h'I hi? ?ubjecH tielleved In henerlrk. The word in seneral eua!?! nut MflSSS ?o_e ?bing of fe?8 fil?e BsafMBM IV"! le knew that one M ?lie laigeit ai.d heit argaaiaM armiei iu BbMM oecti pied li'iieainiii and it wa? certain thal in a few bonri'il i" :? take poi??.?,i,ii of ?Saxony, and M leady I" execute it? tbreit of a? ttiiui? o.- 'Badila ??f the BM uaeatoBBf anarekM lierlm. In ?burt, -i,,, r?p,it?ti(,n st the Aaetrlsa Empire ttooi higher ute ibort mot * a? , ,(,?? ?, dtlT ,,,?? ,,?(.,. ,|1C ureiilJt tn.r?er,>- bad BBBfladed B, tkrone, 11 I? oMsSsd l? '. ! M t - i Mi?rali_,iig ii unprofitable re0rg, hut tln-re ?r? t?Ml Wtisa tM hllhllliniM ?'? turlone tad t,a? ji,?t?!,ilttT ol human trie ktseet display tbem?elvei ?o flWS?y ?t ??sdu thtt the ?i,|e,t sod till? Bt leutimeLil MSSSM frieh Bad v,vid. BflTM BM I Slnle been Mi ui k bj .igroaler and nur.- tMdflB ??.nmiir I primai v of Ai.?tnauvei d.-im i,v ..?,,;,*? the prvjeeted Oon riBMtM Herlin U turned lato bal W i nenin Ali La but, tht laterse?*faa ni ? forolga ? t lle ?tl? the progrefi of tbo invaden, te! in ibu ninf irtune ti,, i-.. BanedBMBOtlflM bl? UiKn?'T? ':?<' t!?e addieit I.e ha? Jual iwuiil will muv- the heart? or all ?lo read it. 1 i.i* "I Bar aBd tMpetdtM be baa accepted with ic,-aid c Kiniiiu forbid the Empero to BM a d'liant tune, kal I.e '-ii- li? lil.j-cl-i. and BS doubl Wi!i ?1 ?i esritj thal I - .* MBcttoa s trssty sf piaee aiwktok ti.tenUtleoi- I ilttion of Au tri?'? (la? a? a k?ra'*it",,?er ?..nid li- ?Luken I '?Sooner thiin tim Rhould bl tofli MB MslaiSI tht I ?pSIW j ' l fu u-H.iT'il te eerry satM vsr t?tM Btraoet eitreratty, ' ?.vi ia I n m tara ui my p,???,i ft apparai." Ik? re i? aeta , Isa m the bl?: ?'.? ol -Vii'rii'.i.i ?h*,m (trauisafloa lo beUers that tkto to a raia Mast ?Tar M em bara tor Am (na a teii?? of tnali und rertr???, r. lie,,| hy f, ?? glaaau if vii tory. Yet ?he Ma alvan Mae a for_dahto entrai Bl ? wa? tin* i!ii?I l'uwer in cualition af!'-r Million Ifslnit the Eft?t Nii|H>!eiin, and at li.l h?r?ei|.bt ttViwn ?MS tM MBit ?asthecau?e uf his downful!. I'm??; i, *?thlll In a twenty i.aj? canipaiifn. never r??t affain until kg, but Auitria fought duriu* twenty y??ri whenever the bt an espOTtSBlty, and tbtuimy with which the took th? field m ?uc lu-?r lean ul the war ?nt he'ier ibau au j that (krseflde.|| Wt mu?t, be lev? that Auitila wi!l not iuriei?.r e,ltlre,r ?t . dl?<jretiuD. Uadoobtodly ?he must vi.'ld ,u,i, W^lint ? be ha? been in (lermvi y ?;,? un in-T^r bJgJ,n lier 1 It flnence over llio minor _t?;e?. if ihe.e s t? rstsifl I a vi-aiBte exUteuoe, it ?imo?! a? mm h t' tl e |,.tjit hw her power in Italy. Not al! the tooQ.*u,. ,(,i eVcii t. e du?? '? inteti?,,f KriB'e cnu roture ,i gmiro to the BtatMBM ' I ??' I "-( lol Iti?l .Mr.. ? M ?*i?,,..? , rsMtattae. A ?' 'totfintsIsm aatssf U?ri,?i'., en besaSM It aaa belliTsd that hu niililwj tin ,, n I ?ii'?ter than tint uf bet neightwr?. If the ead Pratt? t* meet m any M'.ra Diet, the Weight of the latter mud M pre-Buodirale ?I I-f be ? j7fr.ctJ- Oauie of lai-jrt? tb? , con Iin|i?ri?l nnn.e Anitrit nun! make op her niind, then, to BleeaM le.? ol s Ger-?? I'.iwcr. and to leaie Ihe lesd?r?liip Is th? Fattie. 1 iml to her rival. If I'ru.tla ret?ln all .be bas con ijiiere?) ?he i. really (?? ruiany, ami uo other power csn with ?lund her iu tiennsn aff?iir?; and if even the minor l*rinc?. return to tteir i?'.tnil(>nc?l turon?'., the? csn belittle more than civil a?lmini??rator?, titi ling the military power of ibe conntrr to King William und hi? ?ucee??or?. " To main Ililli Anttrla't |4)?itiunas a gr.'at I'uwir" it undoubted:?/ the lirai duty of the Kmperor, tint tina will ba done rather bt iireugto'ening and aoeoattdattag th?? hert-ditur? pos.ei.ion? ?if the Au"lrian Crown thsn tiy ?eeking to eiercite au unpmtit .ihle influe, ce over s multitude ?f netty ^t.ite? ?hiuh osn ne?er again be mude either t<> tru?i or lo fcai the Aaitnaa powrr We hive no d??uti t mt if thvie hereduort pociet.ion. wert lhrestene'1 by I' it were anni>anc*il that the King de niBiuled the permim-nt cetiiou of liuhemis. Uiuul I ulitti.iite ?pint of the Au?t'ia:i I .i-n.iri would ?Imw Itself a? of yore, ?i.d that ii?iitier iiu-lluties! generals nur inferior arms would Bt? ?cnl Au? ria fru?a trying the chancea of ?D.?th?r campaign. 1 fit ? "r.?iription ia a nuneri. 1 niacliin?? for filling the gnus of amita ?n?l me popi.l -Isa "f the Anittlaa Kinpire is nearly ?I?.utile that of the eut-my. Tito Kinpcrur tells his ?uhjef i? that i li siailibl?' troup? are lieing ? .ruled, that the eomcrip tKui ia blling the rank? and t' at there are largo enro.lnienti of folaataetS. Wo do not. tfieialsta eipect to ??. ths Empire .?ititnil to the hitt ladlaaitiss af conquest. We rather tru.t il.iit the loa ?if i he victor, ?lui ilu? pruilciice af the i?n 1 iiuitliiil trill load tin-in fia Bgisa Be temi? ?hieb, while gniug I ti.? I'iultim,i th?? I.en. tit .if fin-ir enorinoui ?acetases, .hull l i.?it too far humiliate their oppooests. C'fimanr and Iran. ? "to Ui-rtasi Terri lory IS lu I.urn I p. It is prt??"iinn?4l that Nt'iuL'un III. will ?__?_ t no . ..n'titiun? npon 1'ount BioBalk which tk? Iltur won .1 tl.d it i.?-?, ?.lui Bia powti b irr.nt To ali tin?'" aaejaeleasi wttfc tbe ?i litre, '.lelil? und (K.I,tu,ii i hanirtm of Will am I . it ??niiol hu dosbtfel ralbel than allow the Kr-oeb fion'inr? to si taaeeB Ike Kian Rkist ka ?ni r?u ti naba Pereapetke reluctance of th* King to j i?l?l up? ?enano territory will nut t.? ...nil} graet with regard lo ?"ti? outlying stripe B i sad lung Beta ed by Krume. II n? (i, i that m.iy ?"-, a? a Uktkisl tepsiler of a kal Iseegning on aroaad ???' I .ra bjBbBI aya ?. n-tr lined to add Ual if ti.? french Bate still tbs ea?e h?.ik erin?- after Basil?ra Brbnaa. sal Wasters BslisBnaad the* rihiluted .n itiff.ietit periods?4 i*""" bleietti ass apssrlsalty fur tetr-rtsg the eonniv nee-ef 'hit (io. ?minent lo the ?mi. i ation attaeaa rstsaMo Piaelseei may v- ,l m ?t hand Tbe ?,I?J"?-U??n io ceoe t.enian ?oil lu Ki ?nee, or to ? 1 iw the 1-tticr to cierci.e sny ti Wami lalsoeee rryea Ibe internal atMnefOera?sr, i? n.?t Hailed t" Um Kme aa l the la?Ka? panaBaaeB of kia ?loin aaiafi, Tke 0 . as? OsM?tapaeet of ibe gresteet aetkstity i* Katlfcora mi Bogara Harass?, nlreeily calla tin* |.v'?" ri"?,t,i |tre.?.,t tin ;r J", non? leigh lt u? fruin |.r?ifitii,|_ ?J I?** ?? ttOBS in V Ul.eil nul. - The u??. le i"i" ifm;' .?ii -, l, a?. rt* ?ill kills Presea ?ian i|n?l?'ua .""''y ?? ?uy linn iik; the multitudinous ?ubj.-. t? ?f th? Kit patt ' _ II?? l'?-> linii I? Italy with ItigurJ la tke Arn,ia?l,e. CeneepaseV see of Tbs Lssfias Pia w Mu ti I ii; I lr"?e. ! "?Mer abell falli " r.??n th?- ?ky aod cxpksliiig inn.el' aa dei Deo :." ?? li i.'t kate caeesfi aaata sefieo Khi'? m. ? il -e in ely .-"ni I ' ii" ....-'i'i.I gnatsr ruait? r Belina in., i dut the ?ilr ut f .un IBS JfaoHMtr BOtlisbed kera yr.tei.ay sftsiwooa, Al Irsl ? ass a tee-eat? ti? torfe? unlit? , pet bobs wini ?ter? I....I .1 if t!. .irht t: <??? ?i.-re leen. >l. Bli! ?ICIIHiliil ?I to ten I .? ! . ?- ri | II. f. 1 ? a, lil Miall III li-.V ? lien Be Bewaeftbe "reel. ?-! Villalrmc ? cm ?, und i it i i, iba i , re kj BeaMaBeeeejicetei li <? pfOOOSl ". .-.?i .11. fi e p! eil'?'!. I II tilt ??'lil m, g? ,? e|,a af profiinoil iii?? iinti-til. Ii t!" ?i: t ri>.? gruup? thal pe LI lay formed Is ile tireei. aid im|s roa es seas a. tfct n?t?-1 ia ? ?? I e.l ?a ''Tai:..'. IB tki .f'.r....ii at Bight ta tks ?''?. Bl .1 ii Ih? ? r.n.1? II..! n--em'.l,t| ...,'r .?., UM .' ?I l??-na? ii g ili ia at, ant a ri ,- i" i ?-f ??.'-. : -i .. i. :? U4i.ce vaa fis i, -??? ? n 11 sited .-it ?r ui. prt or ?le,.., t? i. W en ? ?r wa? .1?- ,.?i Miinn dresses] it ? li up ii M ici iii iga la] j ?i ; nul* ih-tutuling tli? rev.-:?? of Ibe -Ti., et gwea, k ares) . bj of ti. iii.? ?nil reraised, ??lu* g ti ?? a'ity ? festive ?ir: y-?imlay, ?. by magie, tiery <:.??[? , ,.- . -I. 1 . I? ? -, ,t ' .1 n.?.' li ?Tur?e t' "i tl.v ?.f i?.'..<, 11 ' u I'-'* wsi depeadeal sa Prmncm mu ekaae ?raoste he4 Ikrrao terseU. ead et skeet ?li?enttee i ? Bardi?sa tr- apa, ? r hot i, I ? - teen t' i'ii tir I? ?? i.'J...? !' ???!.. m Boa abes,' sid I - . i glatis I .?>? -laen ti.rn. a I.? ni ?* d .tri? il?' p?..i.l tti-t . . ! i ? - r ? ' mit, S itli un HI ria. <? t ? what abe .?..-i sot eroB . _ see tes-krsee ssd ? I ' ? i ?' ' "ii ?na I.. i ??>!?? r? , .lu ?. Bot i."'.? n ? ? ' " I ? ? r ?i ? -? ; li ! .?i ti .t ha? .'.. ni. ?I her ?m! I. r s iflsaM BSrtiotU It was bei ; : io ilaad aloa?1, -t I ?>?? ...i tims ?.le ..i Ibe fi 1rs, at ? ? ? m . ' : *.i t riaur-iig f.? ni II ? ?Irile Bul .it ?? SB le'i'iinJ r-l h? .le. ? aareat bow . .a wssaot t.. I >? b.*i_iit ??; ?? rr'.t . u it.? ii m,, :. | i ? ?ittt by tke far.. ''?I ?lal!.|e.| ,!?!?? h?rl,-t ;?. riaos trom ike as? ? ? ibe fiss??u il ?. .p. i . i?- .??? ?t i.? tie Ki? a -, ? ? : n. , -, ;r,| |,?i ? ' ? ,...: i',., I, i '? Ai- i,- ti >..?? ' t,, i?- i?,il. l,i. i i ? I' 'i ' ' ?> "" ' ' I? rtaly ner?r t.. i.? i aliowa-ts/ _ ' '-".T-.o ,,. ? ?/;.,, i. ,., i,. ^..,1 , f,., !.. ?h ?l A., .ina t v.? . . I him i" I' '",' n"*"r '" t.-? ? HI .?U.'.tl-l. Il I? gr.,?rill. ,?e ' ,?,?_. "'-? " lu i it? f...- tua Iii . Bfieta nala lui? ?..ann u.i? ?.mid : ii. ii..?.n.u.?n ?.ii bara aaaaa- t? ?!?. ?an ia u. tr?? Ihitif? uuirt li li.? ??' i? %. ? I SB I 'al]I .1 ia ?u I | ii.?> astoaai i? ?. ?'-? ...?.?,.. ?n. ?, -?,. ., ,., ,,,,,. .,? ! to He -oki? g the be?l M . .., . , i?. ??, ,_.,, th, T ,,?r Blul i!l.|.l..r*.ll?J IB. 'I I .- ? l,a, . ,,.?, , ,,.?., ..... bstt?softbs.'f , , i an huiiur.i.l..?. H ymi I"" "?*? ''?'??? ?i . ,|, .. ? of ?? ti.e ?ixy i. r.?..?l ti.? rr?...?. , 1 tri-. 1*1 in. let U ?and it Nu ?uu.i.i.t ?f ii?-.-?., j-..__ ? roi u?'?f ti ?e I'H't !? '?- Aad! . ' ,"*"'li' .... , ,, le basis kefore Us psdfie bal '?? i - ?? i I n."''i ..' .,' ! e.i.iti.t le prepaeed Oarlfcslii sad lae I ?rp? .f l!..i *.?!?.. rib l fil? u :?? ! tbst li goss gpt*eo*ly aesinst tke grsla with ??< mm fi aaaals aa t** llatlaat te ?keetke laeewerd bb?b tim. cn iii:uat.iio???' Aad asoordJ glj eren eaa i? f i eatvsiae "" i Ike ?ur ""i es ?i? i., i Km tooti a tu,?,.pth?'lii befare laal i. i r.tut r,i t?, l lu,. ,? ,, I trr.xy. IV.?I? ? pr*?? I - ? ?Ir.-.u-i.i ai..i n .... ! ,4.ulent ?i.-r t II.- li ti 11-: ' a- ! t tr?kio to I riii.i r, ur to ?uti r a hit u.ii.i ?,:i ti?? tu'iur ?of It.ill. Nu on? Lcrr ?.Illili? Hal tin' | i.|K^.?d arni.t.te ein be ; asatpted attkoal iiii?iaii<?i ? msrs bsVts?lattasaa t? Ita'y than the nniy oi.? at pfsfiaal ni i... i... ?I l*be dirsrt liaaals* ut" Vei.eiiu warn fiaslria i? 11??- i. iaataadad, ibe ItaJtsa I Tyrol to I H.1.U...I. .?.: siaiai la? kadsssaay ha fie isaeaaeod ly Au.lila? riiept. |*x!,.p? las ITSSsIbi .t Iba i'"?"f Ih? fiastliaa moat ?-.?rr> ?p ?luling to Vt .-ti?. .Su?-I? hat?, ?grrcd B the ariiiiatlc? c nil l.ut be rrf ,?.? I. I.ette?? f. PlareSSS ,l.n? li ..t li.?r*. a? here, ?r.trrdni'? BBWSB ui. ?t un?i Icodor. Sfl?r a ? I. lor? ii i- ?ni 1. ti.? | r.? I p?*i i would kataesaa aoeeateeh*, bat II.? looked upu? ?? a I ?OIS ?uare and U.|u?ion at lbs inuineiil when It.tly la prop ? tig I?, reveuge SB BBlSttSSSlS balli ? 1 lu* I'trittrran-.a tari: "Ktery eaafssb Unit la Im. a_I Italy had *?u eud? iu ? ti? w, the one t? ri .tonal ni d p"'Hii al, Ibe morah Th* I attainmi-nt of the Ant ii?/?-? no1 i')iup?:u?*ti! ILe failure ' I otirr." 'iii? ii certainly the general fc?llng here a. wrl! a? ut I'l'i eoc? and a? art BBBB ?l"'H t.rar of it? eitttiu.' I .mt Italy. ItB perhapi Wttk Iks ?lew of paa'lly.iu I ? i lal irriuiiuu Ikat the lo..?.-rament ino. uni" BO Nu. t, winch Iii?, ' I OSStdetiag it Biliitul '" la .1. priieth? Aii-tiian? of iii?, ?drantape uf il.e len .It. lim) gol Tie, on tlie rtgll of Ihe PS, oprriiltoil? of atti, k W? tu day .?.'niuri.i ?il.' t.. .lui in-.iiiiiig the itli mil. 'lint la!, it n in. .U - ?i f ii nu n'".iy n in,m ? t)|rer?tioiii of att.u k ' ita very in? ti? oSprssstoB. It inn) menu that gum are being I.nulgi.t up or that th? eiirin.rrt are lirrakiug grunnil for lut teriei, ?e bare let h.arii ..! any ligbtlug baring takeu plan?. the WoAb'in italy. Id.tnii. ?f Cialfil?! Katlgo Abnndanr.l by the Auairlnn? Garlbatlfiian? Haul the Aua irliD, llrpuiiiim Irans Ibe Tyrol. On the 5th four (unipum? s of o\ re|u.]ti'?l r.,fHy> Italian volunteer., Mffflrtfii by t?o giiulioat-., on Lake Idro. The rij_rl?t bank of the Mineio his been eutirdy evacua? ted by th?'?\iibtriBti?, who lui?! rm-i. ?I. aithwurk. on its lett bank.' A Berlin ?liapateli of Iho 7th ?ay? that the a.sacrtion lliat Funco had recommended It:*ly not lo attack Venetia, was i]|?i r.'lilted. A Florence telegram of July IO, ev( niti??, .ay?. In con seijucnce ol' Mp pu--i.'.- "1 Ihe l'.i, and the niici.vs.vo in tveiuentH iiiade by li :i. < i t'.dim's army, the Austrian? abandoned Kong.) lart m\M\m omtj |Tevi'.ii?ly blowup all Ilu-siirki. and fi.rti :i? .il i<?ti- il?'f?ii?liiig the loin, ami tlio Tile du Pun! nu tim oili??", uni al? i hw. iho bridge.. The At^triau?, Ifl evacu.itlag thut town, aban leaed all Iba BrttOaajr em Hat f.?n i in uti ,n?. ThegMa ha?l pfBTioaal* '"'?-ii ty kel? Tina ini.ruing Ibe Aii-tri'.n*4 mad?* I recontioi.iuice in ?BoagIBM with artillery iii the _WfitbB of LaaeaB?, Tiicy van lim-.-n keek b*H_ iii" kfijaaett bj Iba Oartbal? diiti-i ni far um Lu Aar.o, ?v.u. 'i a] Bl ? "i '"'' ipifi- by tim roiasteetfi. QadbaMi btbi bnbb? bil hai to rem.u?. ?u ?i ? .?ri.i.. ?o t-on-C'-ju.-ii?-?-ol' lu? a-iuiiul. The opi-r.ition .,f tin: Itali n. army a?_iiniit iBpJBB were bt ?n_ i ??uti:.u. ?I The italian tn??i|. ? ?ni the in ?u aaatared i.y mbbbH II i:l!i'?'"f M?.".i'i!i:i(i, li'-tr the f t- du i'uiit at II?. ?*> foti". I: l-l...?nil?, aiinoiinie Hint n d.'piit.iriun fn.m TlBBB and Hie Itaiinli ptuli..n ti Um 1M"I I'M pre-"'Utcil an Bdiinn lo K:: i \ i' t, r lim um I, ni.d IBB 11 Uklbfia ? .-i ir.Napi.l.'on, Brging tho rights of their re.pictire 1er rit'ine? ti? be unite.I te Iba aeaBfiaafi. ? ouutry. ?oSleet-Tbr Au-irinu? K, n? aaliag Trsrlia? The llalinn? Adtaaria(. Th?? Auntrianii aro c.u tia'-i.' Venetia, but leaung the |i.!'ret?ett!iere will gBttbt Bfii? The Italian i nir wOOttattitlg in furn-, ami uilro'icing J the c- ii ion of V,netta to Fiance. I.m tlarassra's Brpsri on ihe Boule at Cms. leans. Curiaapjiet,' i . ? f Tit? I...n lui..., Ji"::. Della Ha miora- t|""t _< the ICntatar ei '?fiii Ike a. tio.i af Ike Mik ?fM:.? aajaaata in to-ii*y'? f*oag, ile ??li? it aiiafiii'iiry ?uovuoi, l-.pfrfe?i ___bj_ t^t . all the detailed narrative? 11 the -ommnnderi of the various corpe hart yet been lint in. It does not add a great deal to what we already knew concerning (he engagement. Nothing i? ? ml ?-l'oit ti,.* gun ?Inch the Archduke asserted be bad captured. The enemy had been informed that hoet.litiet would commence on the morning of the ?fld of Jane, prior to which 'lav the array, nnder the Immediate ordert of the King, cou tiitlng of the iElrtt, Recoud, and Third Army Corp?, and the ?!.-. i.nui of cavalry of the line, had advanced to tho eitreme trontier. Headquarter) were: Fi'?t Curpe Cavriana, Second tatt, liuchln, Third (laiioldo, cavalry at lied? le, and the principal bead.|narter? at Catineto, whence 'her were t? inn ferred in the night of the ?Sal MIN to Orlungo, the King himself guing on to (rollo. The frontier wai p <aaed at 7 ?. m. on th.? 23d, at rariati? point? from Mon/aintiann louthward. rtaurll'i divihion (Klr?t Corp?) remain on the right of the M?nelo to witch Pnchtera, which there appear! to have been no intention whatever to inveit, it erroneuaily Hated In tome ? ..?.lili,!., ki. em? ihat no oppoeition waa expected to the prngreai of the Ii. lian army a.? I r a? the position it proponed t.? take up. The foU?iwing ia one uf the mott noteworthy pul ligei of Del? Marnioru't dltpttch: ?Our entra?e? un tie territory occupied by the entmr w?s effected at til the point-?thete were five, without retinan?-? and alm.Bit without an encountrr. The divinon. of cavulry only f,mu? ?annie weak patrols upon the nouerons road? which rada? ile foin ib? Mu cm Into me plain of Verona, and tumlo a few p-iitaineri. The eompteie abaenco l f h???li!e forcee from the I .m in front of Venn aw?? a cot Urination of our information, willoh ws? to the effect that the I rin.lp .1 concentration al the Auetriaii troops had I ??en behind tie Adige, and tint they re ?.itiiieed tb* defemo of the territory eomprned b'twe?*n tint river and tke Ulncm. Therefore the tupr *me command of tbo > rmy rame te tho IsfltohM to throw itself boldly betiveen tne f HP-sees <d Verona. 1'eiohier? and M inttia, cutting off the tiiiiiiiiiii.icat'ii'is let'.v.-n ih-.-ii uni talking up a ?tro'g puai tu.n beiwe-t the plain of Vdlafraues sud tin- of hill-? between Tallado. Komma Campaigns and CsttetnOOTB, thfl ?hieb ?enid Hv.r the iaoee?uve development of the opera tiona eoiitempiit.*?!. ' linn It the Um of the movement tit' rl, let farth, it li plain that the U.lisu itali w?ti miiitiforiiied, und BMfllkly tin: Au-trtun? Lui takes Itakould M ?o. It rssralni o|?q lu di?ciisstoa how fir the Kin-'? n,i!it:iry nilvn tia were Ju?tifled In relying tu ?uch infiirinuliaii, mid to conn?* ling tM i rurd u? inuvuinem which led t<? their dikvou*fi<ive. BM report ?uyi "? Ihe forward marri' which it mu?? le id to a ?iiii[ I ? 0 asp itiiu ?.! ??.?lunn?, -v.!? afeaaata mm f-rn? flsraraes? <?? mein inlo ?i m i"ua comb?', on ?II the tr.m; Lue of our 81 I inn.?. ?I I the aft?! HI?.II uf tlie BM .?.I.I III ti c f iliotll If lU-tit IMluiT lul mu??"? of the enemy left the position! tuey held along Mai Adige at Puitringii, ( lin-vc, und lu the tntieielied eau p of Verm a, mate .e?l ??lil i.| nely louth -tv. ?1, nu I o. .? ipu'l the ?t. ung pSaittoM on t'.u bight? lie.?,., n ( I ..-i tad I nun ? C .it !" ig? ? willie lira?? force? if rivniiy prstosswl aid Malata d ian m? veni.ut by ni?'ching kaw tri VillafrHi.c? >o tin) our ! e Mil <f cotuiiiiai, marching in sn kSeflBMBBSM fal ml th-ii)")w? rratj wl.rie ?ni ?linnet ?imnl aneeasiy ni t .- plata tad du t m hill?, arretted hy an ren-tiuce. soon cinverl. I IMS an oflciMie movement.'' I 1. . d I'..ipi W I* t e firr? iii it found ItaeM eni/ni/ed ni throe dir tai i Beta it i Prune Uarakert, Biais, aad Cufia) waro UluVlag, With BaSSI fl*l itlVl?IO!l HI le? t ve, '. i "al lp> the Inn' ?Hiss 1 11 them, f ..m V'lllulriinca to -?hihiii CarapM I 1 tie I., void Vii! air.ii . .i Hi- l'une.? ?ml I! i'la wein ti. reelv und re] nti'llv mucked hy the |.?il- cirnlrv. Ml ty r.|. .nil it Bad kept their giuiitid all ?lay. Iii" li..'han ? Bl di V 'tun .11 C rp? minie vig .rua. clime.'?, and ml! led ?? ? ??' lu?-on t .e ii,,- ii y (lu tne lights tni.ii.-i went wurne. 'I ho ? rn.e and -?ir?an iliv,?iui ? uf UM l?t Cfl-M eni'mi r ??h-.l iii Ii in ,?? mil im to,, i? to u.? Hin',' nu,..u/ trsra VI ,. / i i ? ia ? ii d Velic.-gi , to t intelnu ,v.i nail BaBSt f'inud ti., u.? iv, b to 'r It of laTlBid a''!?' |i-?it ... ? .,,ii|,i..l l,y ,i Ii.?- AMUtsa fuire, a ?l?'fp*?-iiii.v by a mut;, r. u? Bltlltory hu,I p I BM ? IM I.ItMsn llery UgUt Hu. .'.. ie .I MISBMafl civi.-i :i reached CSatoflM wah atsppMitisa, but there m m-t .uni ra?Bailly alta, ?uif ung Mary !-?? !.,???.ta f.u Ma Caetoeaipu ihroa, truro whtoh isa it Iwm Baaa aMauteiy .ii leSS, ? *n the tu.ilu Meian of lue duj'? liuttle. Urala viiriiuiu?'??i. "" peaalbly now enter lata the t.irtlenlai? of the v..rou? pkuiei of li-ti combat. Tee ?trug. .<? ? .? IflSg ii.. 1 I ae fur BM ?I'll?; bul the redsfelBSSMBSI tne'.iy toulii-uallr l.iougtit up, IM n. icii.i'.g BSeflM >.! ?rt.l'erv on ti- linn | h.. 'pud. and. UBI ali, the langue <.r ti.e ti.?.|.? BMhadasM marching aid tuting ?une luuiniu under SB *r,lent ?ui a ?u-ed Hie. ? ??..:!.. t ... g , BgBiUl H li ssi| ? t <t ?. rtoai leam Mall t Divlai.rato ud Itt.gnoi.? first, slid .fieiwsid tM ?,,tin li.tiMnn, Ha ?1 -V'Ve eiiaac!. ted ISrMfSBt, tM Knst ii,id !:," llnr.1 lu V ,ilie,'i'iii, the Iflsssl lo k1,linn ui V otu. lu.- r. neat ?a? sttraMd etthsta ,'. w ....-n ?it? i? - itally Im ka I ? aperarMM dltpatltMM t ?ken ey deas Dui tudu ..a.i PtossU I'. .le I on ?ea-isg tlnil mu t"ing nair willi Mfl " , ...a.-lull t,..|lli|,"!ll'l.'.*.,l t.'," ' -|e..,?li,..It) ni ?? ,1 i s ttaxote sad teat gun a ? B ssd sirkssd ia ?.??? gi'.'ral-? ?it*, u, I l_g I e .viiitiui.!, ? .1 aiakia.g ? linn i.oii.lre.i prieenera. Us* i iii-i-a un hi? rasarse, t..j. battalia ? Beneglisrl, four i kitoltoM sad a Migada ee aarstry ladiM aMliflaM r* -a-?? ? niif al thf-e sarasMBturiy Ui ?ear.el tr.e.,.? ele.iuur y mv-d ? f. .na a r. at. i n?. lep-.i t prove. ?I? lo ?ny ' I ,--? t ?. p. ? neav.iv, .i ..I ti .* ',?i'.,!?ii'?,'ii.,||iv Durando, CeraM PrlaM araslsnaadtl sroal, aaatker Oea ii, ofB-tp-le and lue Iflltfl of ?? ... Vtllasef, b?dl i-aau.ruiiaaes? bj? eaaaisra a ?lil mt ?ally lu isa t?.tu?.iu.1. .-a! n a? Irtweeia I'uit-/-a ai.?l Vii.,i'r nu i dilu?a 'ho bille .'i! ..nild BSl M IwlBSM to r-lll.i u. run ti.? ?(?r t La? r.trent of Hi it'll.n.i ? Diristoa. Al 5 p m. ?.i, I? 1 i Ita, ? a, ?ill. tM I'm.. - ?I . .. B-rt and li.vio iii vu lui,, ?t 1 i,r ii Ihe |....ti.,-, in Weed ?it V .1 .'., nu .. aad mul wal t! i,,, ia ii? und l'un i 11, vea.??? ? :,..i!t ti ? i Mtoaaaaad Vlu: te I ?iib, win. h lal ta.k. hut h.d I" aii.iiiduii th. in agsiu ead I ... . ' I Oflfl pnillull? r-l.i'.ereal li lill,? ?lia,a to .' ullllaiU t-.ut f Vtliafraaa?. TM tosr ditinUra? retired ea taliente t., tatt ol II.11U SUU liaa ..lain i-.ateru.Bt Hell I trrst. Ia Ihe night lue lhi-1 Csrpi IMTflflflIII Ihe Itiseta. i Plrot Corn ra tot rael iu t!.?u?-r. .1 ian?? at v.?ii_. (ia th.- f II wing day ?'.!.;..I IM ?'my ?ii ?t V'.il? Cn riana, du,; . ( ? n m,-ii ' lae Austrian? did nut re?ume the ulTeuslve, or u any ?ij moleii il.e IiaJia'.i, WhteB I?. II i MalW te Ink--* t<> ,' < la* thal ila. J laud Liai?) ?OU?'?, BSl ?I'll* ii.UtU ll-tOt de:. A I e ?ttem; t to ataahBflk (..rielt e? I?-tween th? Mm. |fl ?vi ti I V .ige ISBBSaratfl lue from each ul'..r. having t | |..,.,ti.,r.i BSSSpted hy In? ?run on the -'..ia w..c las ..... .1 mai ?ii.aiii ?n ..lije, i, mu? Mentara, ses* in Bftk ? ni. i n. I . | ... .i i ii.ral. ni I,e.,,nd te (l.iiu a.?? um raylid. aad mil - i gr al ral untoi ' -alar,?ora tun?lud.? Hy ??.me m ?? ''"? ?p'r't of (he army la '''""?-' thal u look 1,0-0 pi i?, ? :? oa Me Mik, .milli it fro? tM l?i-.niBt.i.U ohUlued (rum IBsra, lio il U ?I i-LbIb Hi t _' ,'',.* .'"'"???.'"K"! ciinalited >.f the ..c,, 7th Bad9th 11 ' ?' /'-"'i ? re. ne d.v.nuu aud lau ni igadef uf MVsiry, iu ?1. nearly 'n.i?, lnr? Th? I'r?.a..a I I.el. I', al. H ( ? rr?,|?,nj, i,, e of Tlie l.aui-..,, Ut?? N.w. Uambi K.? dalj I 1MB Tin? 1'ruaaian *(ili.'ulri'll 1? .iii",it til rilli tur Uto .Modi terian.- .n. U. ?-ii.i the Italian lu a_,.|r nsral oi>,r?iion? ? g..n ?t Auitna. and a? rhip? they have |..n. i,..?.. ,t 11 inn n IWB ?' d ?team transport?, uri/iuully Iduck ,,,le in- i,,-"., ti.eo csiitare.l ?ud ui. .1 by ti,a I'ni'.eil St itel N n i ti I the clu?e uf tht war. when they'were 1.11 out? f the lervite ?. un.eawortli). '1 hey aro aaiu Is been patdied up ..t HrrlUeU, and lo be HOW lu goal cot..Huon. Winn th.. t.,-1 idrou will ?karl i? .juite aoceriain. An uniui-ceiafjl st tomat ws? made last week, when the icrcw curretle? Augu?t.i, Vi, tuna Arcas. Herlhs und (ia/clie, put tu lea frum Kiel. I... ?? el of f illu? ina e i, I, other 10 line, tuey istlrd abreast, in Coi?, i| in-ice of which the uUllii!? Ubi, I Ihe Areou.i, g rou ,!ed on ? ?and bank, and wlieu tu? Hertha wetit lo her ???iatoiice iMakWgfll ug.uuiid The Augusta was then liguai?.! tu help them ?IT, but fouled her ?cr.? ?ill. ??me rigging throwu BTwMsrl t<> ligbien the vessel? aground, aud it wat with irreal difficulty ?ml after much i-i.-ruun t :,.it the other two ?ere ? i lined l<> gel (li.-ii otf. when Hie w11.ile ? | ..1 lrun returned to K .el. unce winch Hie day of their ibyanuro appear? tu hare MM pusipoued nue die. THE WAU IN GERMANY. ?mi?'. t'A viran..-?.' in miiicuii. lien.? I.e?*?? Sf the Aii.inaa. Ihr I'rD.iis? IlmalqnartrrB al ParSwhila? llfaarr Taw. ard fill?? Pfiliru br ?bi.wtiaiietl hy the Awetriaii?. Tho pro'iortion of I ti?* worn.Id u ttio late battles ii cmtit At.etriuiif? to one I'mnian. The Vienna " Vaterland' ia)y the nrmy of the North is ?lill '.110,001). Hornill dispatchee of the my that the hoitftfjiiartom of the Prii'Miuii urmy has been trau.ift.rred to I'urdubitz. All tlie ferdt on the Bite, betwevu that point and l'-ll?e TciDiti, aro iii the hands of tho I'ruraiaus. Tin* Austrii?is ar<> said to linvi! abaii'l"Ue?l I'r.igie. The I'runsiun (ieueral Kii?iLi"lmjiirf* has ail.lreme.t a tt> tlie Aiittrinn t-ilctiana stating tiiat ttriet discipline will be 111.11ut.nncd in !he !'ru??iaii anny, that the ??iii*: ?I nit? will be ?I with the gre.itcit hu 11..linly, ami that the troup! hsvf? orlers to .?pan? private pr-ipcrty. Ho IkneBMBte piimsli MM-MBM und treiii-h'-iv. 'Hie lain?!wehr of the Gaari lia? been ?m?hed forward toviardt 1'ragne. The O'?ui.uid.iut of lim f.irtn*?*? of'nilz n-qni-st ad, ?Ulong other cci.ilitioi.s tor IHBIIMlllSI, thut io wound c1 A1 "? .111 ollii'-r? nii-'iii li- e.vel..iiig.*.| for an ("|iiiil ii' of PraaB?a otk e'?- 1-?1 VM leeepted, bat tke Mam aeadlBMBM for araaaatien wcro rajeetri i?y the 1'russiuLH. On the-th 111st , the anny of tho Crown Prince, winch fuiiurt th.* fete iI'hcih'", * w aliendy tar hi-yuii.l l'ar.liilntz. The Aiistri.ini -.vere Batel M have lianleaed I'.-iguo. A di?"..till, l'.ildalllZ, Jilly !?, CVCIIIIlg, liiyi; "Tho PB/al neni? 1 will M !rnn?f.'rr.*,| to iiu.rT..iv to ii..! ? l?t-luth, ead til- hBetrlag Jay toSntttaa. Oea? v..:i (?ii .leu? im? np in vi.-it' d ti.- Pmatoa Maifavtna^ la ord.-r lo tuai f >r au M??MMe, Bri nil?aM suet'.*?.,, m hu pnaeaabl vieiit n?? t'urtL? r than th..?o which havi* alic-aiily MBI ili'ilitied." The Pirre VemmnmAtt mt IBs Au?iri?_ Army. 7'/ie ?.melon Keentettf tOftOW "f tim lOtli s,ij-|: " VV'c lind it itoti-d Hist a p.rtinn ol the Atiitilan tro?|S in V-n-lla llave BBrndf I"'1'" BitBdMBB in tho direction or Vi-uni? mid (bat OSS. Ikeuedek hu? Mm renl,? ,,,| MSM> inn.,1er ' I fie Army of Ihe North by (ien. John liend of the ?lad' in tho .la?liiiii Army of Italy Tho final repm ofCuunt M> I rlT. ?ho -.ii? K-iil i., iiive-?gate ii.lo the MflUlua and cor di n uf lb? Armv et the North, ha? been received, and It ropTOBCb! the ?tit-i of matter? a? by no Baan ?o ai had laen' I TbrM eurpfl d'srran ?ie Intict mul .Ire.iilr 1 , ,!.i|e :iuiu!,er of IOB.000 neur (J.umi?, while Ihe 'her cuip? are being milled and i??ogniii|.'d. am| ? g r<,ice, and notwithitaudiug ibu great loss 1,11 ?I.. 1 ml! in the band? ol 1! a Auitruu? 1? put BVBStaM A leal it ?duiuiedon the Asfllftoa ?ide m io 1..en .11 ii led, ? ande.I and [ n-,i.. : ?, i 'il tt.u ci.rT?.?|Hjti .n,? tajan lituuu ibumi liiul ircrv meit.un u buiag made there to Cil up tho g.?? which bato been made ia the Austrian raak?." Taa 4_-?.riaa Eaipreae la astteigary. The Kmpre-tof Austriu had arrived at Perth, and met with a most enthiotiia?t.c reception. The Hraulnni A.I??.,, mu sa Fraahf-ri. It was stated that the Prurif-ians wc-e marching on Fraukfort-ou-tnc-M.un I Hi: RA 1 I SI" OF SADOWA? Frsss ihe Pra-salsa Hendqaarier*.* From lbs kill.Wry Cvneipondcot of The I.oaJoD Tim?i. Iloiiir-, July 3?11 p. rd. A a_CONNOI*-~ANC.'_. Ou Monday, the lid of July, Frederick Chailea halted with tbe Fin-t Arm; at Konimenit', in order to ?llow the Crown Prince time to come np to Milet.n. a town fire milo, es.t of the tillage of Kommcuit/, and to get infor? mation of the mo?em? nta of the Austrian?. That afternoon b?< tent oat two ?tihiters to PeOSaaoUoS Ix'voikI llu-i:/, I ?th (??li in ?nth Auatrian troop?, and Bad to tignt a:i?l ni? li ltd to bring their iuforra lion aaf I?. Major TOB Cagar who went io tho direitton if Kuaiiri'm a as sorted hy a tem ?ir-: eeeee, eera m.??? s large fore?, of AaeBBa e in try and Jaagsr. t? f re I ? (Ot t?> the lillie riler Bi?triiz, orer wi I? h tho roud Urra lloi ?i/to Kbain ItsereaB?LBboatl alf wa? Btwe? a those tas tosas a ?.muiron ?t e.valrv aiada au imm?diats il.i-h to catch bis, and he sad kMdtsgooaa lud to ; .??: l-l I * ir live?; the AaBrla?i pernee, sad Ibooe h-t aoiintsd aaeaa u?) to t' ? Praaataaa, h u ??? i >>i --utiieteat namban to .1t> th m, i..! iif-er i raaaiag ikirmisk, m ?.iii h Voa L'ugar ru BBtefi atoase lhru?t In the aide which ern? J fiWfif BaB m h ? i all. hut h 11,11} tue ?kin. ti.i? re..... l?. ? I! >-l lug | lu I V I if 1) | ?u.. I lb* i'iit[" a ? "f fe ?r own army. Mur? on fie ProMiso riebt tbe othi'i- reoosaotteriae offieei ti-u foe ad lae aui-t ma m fore??. Bad w.i? Obliged to u.'tir? rapi "v. i ruin tn?: r? pu la of ti e i> officers, an ii from other iel ii nation, I' Chali ? tit teriLi .?'ti to :tttti-k. -o last al ht BO lu . i bertas Imm?diat* sdvaaoeofkls omi ? r-.iv aejuad Hfi -. and BOBt 1. .'Ut. Von v.uii i? lette! lo tim? I'lii.c-, oaklea lum to poab tar ward in iba morning Brra Vi . ' n m d BtlSSk Ihe ri_I,t 1. tab ? f Iii?' A'lV.r' wa, a Mast I eagag? J Maa la frost rkerswas tom fear B itha \ .-? un i .utily and det.i? ?.inei.t? ?i,n h ?. ; ing abo it wiuilil iiiterir? pt tho aid-ds eaaip aad atop tke lett? r. kal Toa Norm.ulI sacoeeded la aroidl g1 em, ?migo! to the 1'iuwn I'rinee'? ne IqUftTters at 1 o'cbiok tbWiaorsiBg and rrj ?lae-] Prtaoe i'r derlck Chartes atasai to report tai. ?Boera et kia Missies, aad lekrtag, talks leader o? I iiriu? ?i i i--i,i. . " . f t:..-t - " t ral.' ii ??i :!.?!-? ? e '?!? II 'I : it sii' da a np I? ' n t ikea Bri oaer, ? i bill?* i aa t?.- a ij t.? Hi i ? till, (l ? I"-- ' ? " "1 ti. ?? ? .. . .. p ...u lot ??o t'.iit leiur ?topi ..-tii n. a ?t.'e.i! raaeaait of to ?lu) ? batl.e. TUE TBOOBB 1? MOTION. Lome belote mi'li.n'. t t!ie tr.'.'i ? a ? i ill iu ?ottos, an.i B I) io ti.loriag tbs ?ueorral Statt 1 f _>mtn I ae, sskom ! v - ??"io oat brightly, hat ?? i - . i li ii iii. ida and tuen . oui I bo di . ecuyiog toiv.-ii.i?? Srea i'i Ike | ? :..? I been ? ? troups u.." g in" iu -.1. ?These it"- looked like ?arg? al ; n unes flickered ab? m i. ti..- ali -. ad lol for Ibero are 13u ?> Idlcre sith Ike Firtt I ' :. ?.f BB g1* ::' ? fir? ? ni?' .-itei.t of. u-n.rr?. DsT CTsd . to llaWD, nut ?uti ti.ofirst ?imp* of loarte? a di? Hag i?? which I:.-:? ?1 until late ia thi ?:ti i: non. Ibes li (iu! Ms ? ... !'y ., a the soldiers, for lt.ej SOTS abort oi -<o.u ?leep Bul'. I I*1>-!TI<?N OK 1_?I PB! ?SIAN".. At .'. o' reik las ti'BO BS ! ni libes au n. ir pcsitlor.i to ? s A l".n rann Inly of the army ??I lila, a ?ting'* oa Be rc.i I fr -a II the 7th li.v-um. un br I?-*'. PY-askr, -.-i .'. ... tile I ft .lui t ?? Uti Bad 'ill Dm- uri a' ? an?t ffsaseb as tbe rtrbt, while Oca. rou BittertVId wita tbe Bb sad esst of the 1 bOarpeeti toso ol HaabMsss ?a Ike illira, right IO niiet Irotn U a ...?it 4... '??. I t... iirinj a?*ar*a to advance, sod ? ?lonlr up the ,.'i.tie hill wl 1? I? I ?ad. ti I .::,?? l.i in..f lMih, live inilert ut'ir'f K?i . ? I eora ley ho ?vy nu.I t in-*!? ?J lr.."i the rain tii?in ii,- groa ?! t .1 iiin.iigli it iiimiily. but the batt 1 < B I !? . 1 ni ? ruwded co unir? toil '?I hi .-. i dowe? bsatea arepa, ead tua artillery hame had io ??train but.I as th ir i rosee le get the whsoBof tbe gai ougbtbe ?tu-ky ? ..i. a? 1.1 a waste snap we e!*" up tai Doo, bal It see as! ibewed togo Bp.?a the easmlt "f les slope, fur tim lidga as wbish Dab stssds bsd biddsB iO ti.d the AaatrtaBB eoali am aotblsg ol tai ind the cree?, mi I ?ter i.ip? tin.:!.-!.t t' ItBOP US. II B :- !.. ir ti.?*:*?, saesB ard isa ry ???va.-r-ii |?*-!? f r tha c ralry ? araieb bad boes poshed f?rwatl teas far over : - on ti.I '.op of th" ridge, as ii _0thino' wt ru ?<?...?' oa bellied t fit . IYbbb the tup of Ve ?Hebt e!evati?n on wM"*i t'? rlttags .f Iiuii ,t,uni?, the groase" alupee goat!? dowe to the rirrr Bil tr.t/, ?iiu-h the rou.l ciuttee ut t'o ti lig-nf t?r?.du'Ti, a nile sadBfiaeitet f. tn Dak From Befiewe Be i.-:.':i.i agata i - . '. r..mi ti,.* Bietrita ead ia the little ril age af LI? .. liy li? eiiureli tower ?tatiiling ut the top < f ti hill, a n le and a I alf fruin S ?down. A pertoo StesdiBg tin? ?m the t-.p .>f ihe n.lgi'aaw Sadowa below bun I lill of roodee?eettag s. serres? oed hy asobeada aadj coull u ? tingui,h anning It? hou.ei aeveral watermill?, but t':?.?, were tint at work, for ?II the m labltant? of the vii me Lad BOSS -.-nt away, aad a ?bite noa! bera and there ?'nona; the c?>(t?ure? waa nut a peaaanl'a t.tou.e, luit wa? the unit? rm nf an Aunri ia ??Idler, thm ?;''i? of a mile down t'.e Brsttits a lug re?l bruk tiojtc, w.ih a bri? k c imney near it. boked Uki a mnniifactory and ?une lar,"? WuoUen betldlBgB a ? were illina .?t.ika'ty waraliou??'?: vote to tin te a few wooden rottatet, probat)!) ?neBet f.?r the workmen employed at Ihe iu cat ?i lory, eomaloiod ihe ?iilng* ?..- n Ailsita A lit! a nilli* ?.li furl lu-r d mu ti.- liMrit? ii.aod the rl ' Mokrost a?, like bmbm Bohralaa sosstr. v.i age?, buiitui plas wood cultage? encli.ttered ni orchard tr??'. 11." sBste >u of UoSalieba Mauds mnlivay between Dohilnits ?ni Mokruweos a. a kiioii overhanging the ritsr. Behind li.?:.i. kuasfibctwesa ti?.?t tkl.lge und Ike blgbteed}wUok in..? nutiiiirii Mad???*, taara lie? a large thick w.ko.1 , mi-iy ?tf ii? tre.-t bad been cot doivn uNuit M RM iibore the icio..:i?i, aasj th? cut dawn btaM lea had been ta ited tegei iel | BStweoB th.- r:aiuiii.g tru* k? of thotree? winch were nenre-t to the riler, I?, make au entrance lato the wood from Ita baal ettreinely .Ititi all. ?In Hie open ?1 pe betaoOS I)? iii ii lila and Ho1 a ui ? along the groan 1 there ??enn-d I? run a dark fiettod line of atuiiipy liaa'iea. bul the teleaeupe ?how?'1 Hut IbOM ?ere guua, and Hail tin? li.itt.-ri ?Ion.? cootatned 1.'piece?. Lsaklag B tke bah, ey eke eaaaaa of the lii.tntr, thegroaad wa? .?i tia ti?-' ? f.-ii the tiri' of Sttdnna aad the treet * hieb grow round Uranie., a little ullage about two nil.-t shove na.lowa, ? hich marked the right if'.i.n Auitnao posltles, ri.i*l.t where, midway b'lweeu tueas riliage?, a hfS_I heit of Ur wikmI run* for thre? .piai tera of a uni ? Abor? and >.-? .?mi li.-... ?ni.iatr? nu.I ?.??da in the court* of Ik? riler, the ?pira oi I ia?, ?am seen, b l?>w it s few bou?e?, garden? ?lui pstehe? ol lii->..?i. audalililfl to the left, rather down the hill, were seeu tbe cult-_ya ol th? hamlet of l.'uli????. BaSMBMBBM cr TBBSATT1.S. The air was tim k ami Uiur, the rain came down steadily sod iho ?lad blew bitterly coi.l. while tho infantry and ait I l.r? were waiting behind the brow of tbe hill near Dub. At 7 o'clock 1'riuce .reden.k Charles puahad forward hu cavalry and hor?e urtthery. The? niotrddown tbe alose toward the Uistrus at a gentle trot, ?lipping sbont on the rttetiy ?round but keeping mo?t beautllui line?, the lance 11 ?gs of the\hlans wet with the rain, dapping heariiy againd the ?lave?. Atth? bottom of the hi 1 the trum|>et? .?uinle.l. snd lu making their uiovi-aieiit? to gain the bridge the squadrons began wheeling am! koeetiag about the .id? of the riter, aa if they courted the lire of the eueuiy. Then the Austrian gin., open?", npon them froDi a battery nlared B a (lok! near the tillage at which the maia mad croate? the Jliainti. and the battle of Sadowa began, ihe tint ?hot ws? fired ?bout bal! past 7. Iho 1'rui-ouri Horse Artillery, close down to the mer, re?.li??l to the Au?. Irian gum. but neither ?ide bred heavilr. and tor half an hour the caum.iiii.le coii,i,t.-.l of but little more than ?Ingle shots. Al a qua tier before 8 the King of I'rtiMia arrived on the flehl end very BBBB nfler the Uurse Artillery were rerioforeed by other field batterie?, sud the 1'ruiriuo gunner? began firing their ?heil? quickly into the Auatrisn -poBitiou. But a? ?oou a. the I'i i ?-im lu" t.'iii !, i-,.|iuiif i?-?,), Au'triau? gun? leeuied to up|iear, a? If by magic, lu every point of the poeitionj from every rosd, from every viluge. f*roui tbe orchard of Mokrow rat. ou the I'raeitau r.ght. tu the orchard of ltenatek, oo their left, u? tlaahe? at rJr* and win?ung rirJe ?hell*, which, bunt? ing ?iib a ?barp crack, seat their spliuter? rattling smoug the guts, gunurr?. carriage?, and hortei, orten killing a man or kane, ?ooietlmes diiii.ouutiiig a gua. bat alwsvt ploughm. up tbe earth and scattering the mud in tbe mea', faces. Bat the Auitrlsss did not cunhns ihemtelres to firing oo the ar tiliert ?lone, for tbet threw their .bella op tbe slope oppoalte to them toward Dob. and one ?hell came ?Up loto a ?quadrou of Lil.n?, who were close beside the King; burying lt-elt witbaheaty thug in the ground, it blow ap columai of mud .omi .ti feet in the nr, and, banting a uiomtat after, reduced tbe iquaoron br lour Hie*. BOMUAUD-tKBT Ot TUB VILlAOB OP UEVATEK. Al Moa a? the cannonade ia frout brcame itrimi? tbe gnns of ihe SiiveBlh DiTiiion began to bomb?!?! the tlliags of liena t-'k. on the Auttrliin : It. Ihe Aunri?io returned abot tor iho!, and ueitber tide ? ?thsr gsined or lost ground, la the oeuter, too. the bsttle ass tery sten; the Prusiisni pa.hed i.ut.'ry attirr battery into the ?ctico, snd kept ups ttsmeodou? ti.u ?ni the Au.tri'tn gun?, but there returned if, snd ??rne? nme? wah intert-.t, for the Auatrisn artillery ofticer? knew their ground, sud etery ?bell fell true; many officer? and men fell, ami many horaes were killed or wounded. More Kran kenn ?ger? arate ?eut dowu to the batterie?. Bud elwari ra turned carrying on ttietclier. men who?o ?oun.l? bad beon haitily bound up under tire, but wai ?teemed to o too much ?t 'i: ii. ti to auder much Iroin pain. loi.i.liiull? the i'rutat?? cannonade appeared to get ?tronger. and the Auntnan BB-ttiet between Doneinils and Dohalicha r. ti: iu! I.i^-lier up t!.?? hill, hut the gi.ii? at Mokrowani ?till ?i .iel fail and the I'ruaniaus hail nut vet i-ro?s.'?l tl.e itiitntl hut inauy gu'i. uerc now turned on -lokrowcus. sod at lu 0 clock Ibe battety there wai ?.nil,:;.-?I to relire t little. mnCMta-P isrANT?T rp. While this CftiiDiinail? lad been going on. tome of the in* fantry had In -n mured duwn toa ard the river, where they took ibsltSI from the fire under a convenient un lut?tion of ,-r.iiiin!. '1 he ?Hi ?Mftotaa came down on the IT? b Hld tide of the causeway, mud. under the cover of Ihe ruing in 'he ground, forined m coliiuiti? for tin* attack on the Tillage of Sadowa, while tho 3.1 and 4tlt Divlmoui. on the right-baud ?Ido of the mud, prepared to storm Dor-.elnlta and Mokrowrai. But a Ullis C?lere tirata praperattan ?ero complote, ibe villaje of ]), i. it. k, ou tin* AuBiriiiiii, right, eangbt fire, and the 7th Di vi. nu in, ide h darli tu occur.) it. but ?tne At ?.rim.? were not driieii out by tb- flame?, and here for the Ure time in tut L ilde was there hand to band fighting. Thi ?7th K^gin .?ut led the attack, and rmhed into the orchards of Ibe Tillage, tl.i burning bun,-, separated the combatant?, they poared Tolley slter volley ut each other through the lUines; bat the I'rui ?lau? mean? to get round the burning house?, and, tak? ing ibe defender? in riverie, foroed ti*,m ty retire With the ),.. j O' li. ? iy ni isoliert, ' A -_*Si_J.t A-fiTT. ?-?MBIP It wa? 10 oel.Bck when Prut,.? Frederick Ctur'ei sent den. rjluhna ii to order the Mlash *n t-A.'owia, OobeHIU. and Ho krowweti?. Th? loiuuin. idian-e. e.irered hr ttirmUbert, ??..I reiche 1 (he rirer bank ?hi mt ti. ich lois, but from there they had to fight tri ry inch of their way. The Annrlar, in f ir.try held the brldgee ?nd Tlll-igei io force, and tired fast BBSS tnetn sa they appro iched. Th?' Fk-SBStaM could adTeooa bul ?lowly -dong the i arrow wayt tud efninvt the dafentci of Hie Mesas, and ihe vnlle)i twee-pine through tht nuki ?- BMM to rear the ?ul.Her? di wn. The rVuiefant fired much more ?lui? kly than their ??j-ponenta. but ther eonld not tee to tike Heir alni, the bouse?', nero, and tmnke from th?) Auitrtan dit cbarfti shrouded lue i Hugel. by tbu the A nitrito ?Jagers fired I 'nelly ni.-re they cnold tell br tearnif lhat thi aiiacking eolumn? were, and the thott told treineudowly el the PmtaaM In tbt-lr clot?- f millions, but ihe IsWer toa pri.ri-.l their po_ilion?, a though ?lowly, ?nd by diut of thesl und [tiseverance, for they lort men st every yard of their advance, and in tome placet almost pored tM way witt wounded. help Mfl ?n?anirr, the Pruieian artillar] turned Ui fire, regardleis < f the enem?'? b-.term?, on tM tis lama and ma.!o tremendous haToo among; the h?.n?ee. Mem kronen? aud Dob. both caught Ure, and the .belle fe! ?lui. kly and with fearful effect anioag the defender? el tM -?minghamlcti; the Auttrlan gum alto fliyed upontke at* tn.kiniridfuiitry. but at tbta tine tbeto were theliered irora tl.eir tire by the home? and tree? betaeen. In und uiound tbo vii age? the fi-! ting continued for aeerlj an hot,r? theo tbo Aui-nan totean*, who had been there, ? livtu uut by a rush of iho Pr_.?iau?, retired, but only a Mil? way Lp the ilope into a line with their batterie?, 'ihe wool ai.nie Sadowa was ?trungly held and hat between Sadowa und Baaatat teeming wah rillo?eu. Hood to bar Ibe way oi tho 7t!i D.viBn.n. Hut Gen. Kmunky. win. commanda thi? di? vision, was nut to be ?-uaily iiopie-d, and he sent bl* infantry at the trosd, und turned Iii? artillnry >.n the Austrian baltoii??? The 7tb Divi?ion began tint p into the tre??. bul funad they coi-ld nut make any inipremiou. for tha defender? were eon ce-led, sad natketry hie waa useless ag_u?t th???. TMa Krausky let thflsa gflk and they dashed in with the bayonet The Austrui.s would nut retire, but wai'ed for the itruggle. and in tbo wood above Hcnatek wat fought out one of the fieront combata which the war hi.? seen, IheVTith Proeslsn lill?III ?cut in nearly 3 c-J"J iirong. with 9?? ofB?ert, tia esme out on t'-e ftirt'ier ?ide with only two otfieer? end be? tween 3.4) ?n, I 4'.) meu staining: ull the ret: were killed Bl wuunile.i. 'ihe other regiments uf the division also lutTered much, but not in the name proportion; but the ??'?ed waa carr . d. m Austrion line wa? now driven in on bo-i (linke, b'itit?. arraed esew line of b?tt!e ? little high?! ui tbe hi', e-mal Li??, mil Lolaing toe wood which lie? BOOM S '?!'.'??!. Then the Pi ussian artillery w_ tent acrott tht 1-isirita, aad began to lire t-pon the u.-w AflStttofl position. At the tam? time the imokfl of Q?s_ iai Dtorwaith. ?dr-ue* wa? gradniiiij ?een moving toward tho Auitriau left, tot he bad at Nrchan l!/, rt ?, ! i.i- down the IlutiiU th?a S ? a I a a i a, .?T:,! u bl ig ?!?' of .S .i ni tr.?.in with mme Au-trlaa cn ?r ,and VM .inv.ugtkeralowais tM patttmaatItafls? i? i n .lire. Hou thai it ?ppeai?: I h? would ' tU'Ut'i'* Aflatriaa kfl timk. lint the A'i?tri?uConiinand?r IO bo .1 hu ??'?ition, ?nd heavy mtu-sro of infiiitry ?nd cuv.ilry could bo ?ecu on t_uupp?rjait of tke ii me. 'Iho Prn??l m ii'antry. which had taken the Tillages of Sa? dowa and Du': 1, t/, w n no'.v aaal icatat tl.cwood, whieh, sr>iTO t!;, m ? ac i. rum slong ib? ?ide of the Sadowa e?S Lips roc.'!. They adrassed against ii, but did not at Ant make On. for, UM Ai.-?.i.m being hero ?gain cob II gan did not tell, and a whole bat? ten- pi na d nt the fit end of 'le wood Iii ed through tbe trero. : . a Prnratan raalta with awful .-:i . t, li..? the as? ?.nhints f ni) til on, ut ! i-t roka duo u the ob?t .cln at the ec I ii Ung continued trotn tree is tne, aad tke Ai * ?ada raeey s nal to recover th? ,.1. bat lui la? one fl.btmg llicir boy i,r, n-. ni ? " st down lim? m . p n-tbeiore the itrong nea of i bul When tha ? f mien drew backs I 1 ? ? flayed into Ito Mt 'lo Promane .: ...?.r vv.iy np in t'A) wo. i the tght ! ii:np._-rLr i><CBri?CL. ? At thU ti-ne ti- -i .- ..a. ,.i. .. ... u.-r? Btkic. tplendtd praotice, sod ah it 1 o'oteok the rhoto '..til.- of tha lr ? kud -.-??. IS hghl I ard korol lltbsd a. Al ne Um ?t io? med aa if . for ti i I. "? lises danmount?-?! by tfca \ s, and in the wooded ground tia.- needle gun bad hi w..? verv e.iu.l. 'I en Prk nee Frederick darles s* nt (Le 1'f.b and Math 1 hey laid o., va their bein,, ti Bad knap ' . kwd ta l rini!. I I.e King tv u : tri?, ed tie ti,?.ps i lii-eii-d han loudly li;,?*, in tra ? e Sadowa '.. i .. u ipj tared lato IM wood, lad luon t! .ii.r?a??d . ... t., l_Mi h .1 ibe Aas tti.- * i ? lain sfter ra Tu ?taroj ihn., and they di;..' tore ."1 wen Maa ? I a hundred yardi, for ti I .n-.-iv-s ?ud they nuki est NMk ti. e:i, :: *-. not Only did tM trastnentl Ol tbfl ihell fly alxiut . al 1 g ."'lie? among tu?,r rink?, bi ' t ?? : r . - .?i tM tr-s-, tera by it? artiTlcrv ure, flew ? baie,ra_ged ?;...: ra, cia??-dc-,iu meit fi!.'' fill s ii iv.'i'h, Mo, seomc-l cheeked bum the rvi.t. n.ctmok* . f 11 ... -.... ::-, ' ??> i purk? in." !ar, rd tletdily Hood Billi f ?r a il s men, cut to rant I' - .-. tj attoek tke SaMwa wuod. fur they v.-. nld han m toro to I it.?k<n is rear bj tbe rl tht ot tM A * :tanii?-d m iront i I /.,; a, All (Marti) ry iTa? eiig.g-ed Bl cpt eighl i tieri i, and thSM had to Be r*-ti esMof srori ne. for ely - ? ' Mid '?? ' -.i.""!, and ?f I I 1'rianto artillery on ?: ? towarJ i irai Ami isui ta.^:> aheekadla M advance, if n t ? . ; nile ! back. 1 the Prara i? ? ? I ? ism to look aastoadl le I taa I? ?'? A'.-;-iiia I min? near Lil i ?ero teen to i-, ii.??- ...-???? ? y*~*~_? . .t u w,t? hope? ?My i-WrM bo dine ed agsiaet Ma '< adran *dsnar<J of the 8 foi I Artsy, bat al .1 sclick thor? wars bo tip ? ? : Pi ?? -an . '?.-'??> idi -t Lip*. I HwOenenlt bcsirae n-amf-Hy um.-a?y. and ib-y ?licw th* iufatittv o-i'of tt.e t.-it'ie. C train i - , if ned Bl ?o thal he arailal : ' ?"? .i^? or f r r. .'?ir.lii g their pnrtu t. ?i.d Gen. von Ii!.?-u IiiibmB wet I ot? ti lo .k fur the BflBQSd Army, li.t he ?jcq rtlurned, ? ud bro igl t t ..- InteUlgeaee u,?t ti.- Cru? u Prises w?? for? in? ina attack o? l.ipa, unit that tho guus on the A ninia? right hud leen bril..' tgt '..I ?.is tiu??p?. Then the Kin] Army t ?ii. Mart BBSta, TM Sadowa Wou.1 wat caintd, an* the battciy b y oula ?vi? -t ? r.. hv th." divers TUL AOam UM OIVB WAT. It ni ive Crutin Prura*'* i-'iw ?era teen nevinaj bsibm t! i- -1 ?pe a,: liasl Lip i fur bn ?itil? rv bad uleuccd th* Auiini:. |...? lad li.-ni mil ?.? a,.' ii pnaatae forward sg-iii?! tM AattrtaaI It, Isafssitar.f an hour the Crows I'r.n.'C? i::f-intTV WM engaged al l.pi. a .d vuiiert ol ?ssketry, rapitfly sdranclnf, nil iMi iM tBillifln w*re ia retreat The Bim A: yi..? -1 tonraN at once, tht artillerv li ".b.-reii up. .n.l g ila.;, d up the ?lop?>, c?mung into action ss stott opportsaitr to road us ?i.eii? ng?in?itM rra j ire.ttng ba iilmu?, !he inf.intiy. ein-rgii g from Hie Wocdfl, funned in I | n- ed nt the duenw. I'm.ce 1'ie.Itrick C'htrlefl I put him?eif it tM li-ad of bli r?giment, and .a>l.?d ovci i th.- s.idu-.vj arl i6c mid up tiic nui, altanad by ?li lu iigbt cavairv. Oa gslalag the top rf the l.ipa slopes tbe retreatirg bat ! talian? of Ihe Austrian? were ?..?? u running aciaM a hollow ia ! tlie ground ?high lies b tween L,pa and tne vi.lup? of Strree lilai. whlcli Ii>>? about two uni-? faTibsr south. 1 i.o PruMi.a I artillery h dted sa t!ie s:im-n;. ur the Lipa ti.11. and fired ?hells ? rapidly, whieh !? rit ?un lerribli piccisiua over the brade el tho fugitive?. The cavaliy !!? -vi f r.? .rd ni purtuit. but Ms Prince, after leading a -hurt vvav, had to go to tupenntead the general movement, fur tb? Austrian baticriei had takes I-??', in the Bum lila ridge, and were ii'ing hear ly agaiaat (ha punning I'r nil-ni!. Then ih? cav i ry g.t out of Mad, ?sd by im.-ill ?li'taohuieiita rushe?! on tho Amiriaa baila ion ?, bail t!e?e ihutigh relmsting fait, wiro not ronfed, ii d in many li.Btance? be it ulf the cavalry, who aioruflerid much frota the Austrian ?rlillerr. fur the ibelli bunt repeatedly unions the iquidfo' i, and ki led many men and boric?. Hut the Aub* trlsn gnus were driven off their ridge by tM heavier Ire ot the more numerous Prnmlsn batterie?, and then tha pariait WM renewed. THF. worsDiD. Some of the retreating Amtrisi.? iu ide for the tertres? e? Kd.iggiu'/. ethers fur Parduln.a. and troopi -?ire teal in pur ?uit along laoth ro-vdn. The wounded who were lying ou tia ground tihrtekeal witn fevr when they saw the caral, y g?leos ?ag down towtrd t'ie-n. bat P.lnce Frederick Charle? toil care that Ibey be am: led. and at one time cbttked tht pursuit nt onlrr to move h;i i.j ?udr.iui arjuud, and mil ge through a pstt h of itsalmir corn, where l?verai wounded Auitntnt h?d taken refuge. Tbeae. when tbey taw th? Lancers coming, thoagbt tb-y were going tobe _u_?scree?L sod cried plteonilr. ?uvliig white bindkorcnieft te a urn el trnoe. but they bad no co?te to fear. Large numbera el p-isoneri were token, for the pJt,u,t WM ?Mtassl to the Klb?*, and it wa? not until 9 o'clock that ?li tiring had cMeed but the main body of the nirry halted about 7 ??????_. Al the Princes returned, the battaliont obeered tke_ In? their victory; but tbey k-ft the pu.-,uu uf their enen.ier.od the cheers ?.f their victorious Uu?p? to look after the MmM_I aecomniodationt provided for the wounded. These lay M Immente number! in tire Held; the dead, too. laid thick bat oil that they re-iuire will he dame to-morrow. Krery eolitos* in the neighborhood that h?i not boen burued 1? foil uf ?undid. Aoitriani and Prntiians Le side by tide, bul the Xraahea tiArer arc still out, and all will not be elected till late to? morrow murnini?. Compicuont ia tbe boepKelt. working diligently in their Tolantary labor, art the KuighU of St. Jobs ( f I er 'ISah-m. Thii Order of Knighthood, renewed lately for the MMM <B the week end ?offering, haa ?eat here s large hospital retah? litbment, under the direction of Count Theodore StolMrg. From the rolantory contrlbutlnns ot the Kui.lit?, hospitals aro maintained lo the ne.irmt towr.t and to the fie .1, all aeeeiasrs hospital atorro are carried by the Order, and meant uf trass? port sctompjur the army, hospital nurtet ore provided, and by their aid msny woiiude?! aie ein fully attended who atal not be looked after by the ordinary vrrangeruente. The bottle of Sadowa haa hen a great vlctoiy for the Prie, tian army, the troopi fought wrb the mott determined ceur agi*. tbev itood tor boura onder a terrible Ire, for there ara lu.iooseo tobare been UMily 1.300 guns in ?edon of wkiefc 7?d were Prniiiao. Ibe immediateciuae of the victory was the Crown Prince t attack on the Austrian left lank, whick turned the potition, bul the attack in front bad a great effeel on (ho iisue, as utile*-? it hod been steadily maints?ed, Ms Austrisn? might bato repulsed tue attsck In flank. ?. It is the op.uion ?f the Piuaaian Generals thst the Anstrten retreat wn? oiosl ?kiil.'ul, and that their oitillery wat eicel lently haudtod. 8TBl_.-r.TH Ol THE TWO ARMIES. The number i-f truopt engaged M the l'kii?s:an line ??? about Ml no. 'li.t A'lBt.'tins ?re inppoeed lo bare hid almeet au . .nial uiiuitxrr. No ?leidili have Tv! been received if the numbei ol' tilled, wuuuded or priionert. Front lbs Anani..n Be aie, ?nar lors. gi ?ni the ??prual Coti*?r-?_'Dt of Th? -onion Tl_?_ BO-BBB1 Til. July I, HU. The following is tbe condiuliug portiou o? the ac oouui by Tit Tim,,' gpeci ii Correiinndent; ? RT-BIM Point. Th? Au.trian gunucri couid not hold up ?gaintt the ?ros. Bl and tbe weight of piece, oppoted to theo). What atail was 1! ibat they wera ?inning na tho center I Through lb? gla?* they could be ?*eii preming <>o from point to couti lo a tomneil of .moke ami dams It ?as now near 3 o'clock. Oa the left and center there o .old be no hesitation in declaring th it the Prui.'.sus were all but beaten. It itemed as If a charge <a non of tbe lions ?tcployed oa Ibe pUtiaa eoald roll ip their renter on their lift, or crumble tbe left kau piece*. The lire ut Kiara, io the cejter, which bad died out broke toi'ih with fresh rioieuoe, and ?ti? the ?lllags began le burn. Tb* Pristiatu In the csntor made snotb.r grsnd efforl aad It would outy be a repetition of sdj.', utterly fe*his st Us ?troogett, tu rj.l.BTi.f ta gif? ili? luia.l.'it ooneeptinn of la* tper of .'Bt'.u.'ti ??inch BBnouuced and this fresh atteispi I? change tl?s fortunes of tbe dsy. Tbs strong wlad .*<..!.! no1 olear away li.? ?make, whlob poured lu banks *? ?gi talad si the ?saIBelf over lbs battis field, now coutrsitad lo tbs sestet sud right, for all toward tbs Pregas road tbs fight liad sp parsiotTy rnt?ed lu tbs disooiu?tui s of tus Prussian left. As it uoatriit it it healed up, and the caitsons ard tmnbr.i? blsw as repestt'diy. The mmementi of ibe Auitrlso. fiom tbs righi center to oppo?.? tte lasi.tfort of th? PrwiiiaB? mrte.iatd li. upen liileirs;'mtwei'B th? center and t-e ettitme right re t.ring on the lower ground o?ir Ibe rirrr, bul lb? Auili,?.. did UOt ?oiT.-il* it ?tiifiUl _lJ. COlAkl BOt __*v?o? li-? mai ??a