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? ' " ? I ? . ebjrets'he? .?f.'J<ipn?;?j?e I?. then?*)??? M d?sirai 1? fir the ?l.i'-i-r ' ii flneuoe a? tUgiaad eng IA hare lu bnuglag at- tai -.. aettleusi-at. liare b<- iCTiet ni? h. _i-re?sl r tit ir? ? m. n ? ?J-?our tun n? i-sa lent the? it ?as bri liant. fiai n ' ? 'i a !?? r J ,r ?'***!< I "?[?'. it ?u^f.f tie tt- ? ? ?.? u.ey ?era I -ely to ?i?,err? !?,< l.i-t li ?! of ItialT He '?'*?.I the n?.-' ?t ; . :? get thal tha i .-.if Italy tra ?-?r ? i ? . ? 11 R?glai ii [Cater?.] li > i surfit h r a MoMMt tale h.s houor.-io friend h e???-:' i,.? -, j ?I.,,! argea ?,e waa eoBT?n?rJ ?ni tVr weaM i"t tridiil*.-.' I - . I .:i re?j>?U to " * ?> ? a I ?!? ? f ti nee of Krrl.turl kid I - .Ir the promration of Wally and inda-pea d' rail J b? ra?, i ltisaj einlud ami itrong Vi. au ric -eil it e BO wet ' tie pn?rn .'.??'?? cf : ?Kier W t "..ii beea tl.e ioiiC. tica ti Gi rmanv derm?* the ra?1 ? '?? bj '.? laatead i b ?ti? .?-'i. . . : ? 11. i" ?. . ? _0a had ?ero ?, - ?r,e U?,i-J te lb? i_n,i..i ? ? ?..mate? of l' " ! '? hut Co:, d lui; , ? And ??' .?st .h* .le ?... pe?d. ut ! ' i.. rtartly i ;?? i? J .?lau.t Wh- ti,- i ?ue ter I ?? ?_ . ? -?a.(i; reu- li (.en.iUiV oagbt to hate been ??I?.* to u i . la< ?. ? bat why had abe been weak! ?>f It.? girl i.i.i'. the , rivaii"-- ??( ?wo Pou.r?. . i ' iitt-i . ! ?hi.ui baal their high itaiion becu ?> ur i?t .e , ?i . , . :..'?? u lo u- prive 1er ?r i.- ? i ?... ... ga?an >""' ?' wra ?-it r??i Item ? , : ,t wa? ti.? gre* bellum prou lea i tkrr laflneoeee wen t? ?fctcr Bot bul ?iy U nt I.e hi 1 eyed ? ?tate ? f thine?.n .. I Auktiui ai.d PrBMte i? : ?o ?.??illy c?an?? ; ? .-? ?raaera of ?Venn, i i . :?> bath tb?-? mui l?ie? ?? ?? II aetoia ft? ?? dd Bnderstsnd bia hoaurab!? Ir?er.a ? 1 -v. ? ? ?? cr. ? .est to uso it? stiBaei of a__?tetel-g !-? pallion a .u tri? a?e porto ?rali 'B if thal ?tot? of ihn ? ??? ?.? I it? b?t h_e been :he pesitiiu ?faur: nu?! Wlv a must ud lu 1 '?rrT'i'l of roar, ?v hal a it h K tar? a (I it. -i ' ?na- on.? r on? ve doubt I ?*r chaikc?'? uf con ? ? rt i w: ?, er?t she ?ko.ld b?. ? |? ?It -ti in (u rum? r ?nd lu italy. Bat ?he pi It? ii ? -' ia hado! ?aleve..*? U-.n ehieft, estira?! II" ? Rand und bsr atltmi!? to gnrerr Tt_la iuv n te ?ti ? bad <'cj:il?tait??l the main porpc-se ?if Austria > tb? u ? au lame uo progress bad b?*en made toward the ?eil tura! ii I esr qn?'si oi:s wbieb must bo ???> (?ed ?d ? . r t. i :nd Germany io on- bar ?liai?.'! ii ?.. .< i. >ii *v ?a? the i?-ta? m uf A:,-:r.a in Italy I for the gr?r?i!?if o'.?laod.v i VVi.v tl?e Au.I? .ut. lo tii'j ?m ?iiitwiih lb? | ? to pai luxe? ?nil t - the A but in polola or te? ing lhere hud never been ta? ?ii . i ?pprvainalloB. bl? hetornioe I li.! : tbi ,* i.uaie, tlf '' ,?r el ?he ? re; retient, the other dev, Iron i r ? " ?Ml ' ?if tl.e hoj-le??"?lat- i.! !' iga t Wit ?I (fe Arakduke ?c He ??i ? > rt Iho 'T-rol and lbeg?rrra?on .t the (J ? tt'' ?e ?.-iue i o lauuti?n? to ibe p? i ? . i Ven. tia l'a 1 bil fill n.l ???en the r., DOtSlni ti M ir?ti_l Jv ? ?i I ? ?-. i Ihe pi ? ?les retarded ? rt thal BOBO ee pim te? htetw sabjret? of V? !.. Did thal '. lion of ni. ii ! ;? i li? fr.itiltl? own"! ? , -shlo friend WM ?tri ?i.- when be > -w the position el aAaatria iu lu,i> ' - t 11? Mai t tn any one. Hut i r ?!....? '.in to ?tah a low ?n tow ?cpsratioii horn n r AIM ? Ue deeply regrett'-d the gr??t m/ru: ..I Ai.?tr.. .. ? ..?>av?.r.iig U? ?r.lrotlue? ? ti? l.ilon* nasue by ma . lb ?.ali.-, u fa:.? iclu'ii he b?l?v ?lent II? Tr-r.tted N n< : Ih i . II I', i I cf keeping Ve: ii.i, ia I bandi?.?: A a ' Baa io t!.? po* to bat I . ??I u m. ?t ? jp a tb I . . , - . f , , .??.um.? thal ..:i t: ef Ihe i-trsp-l? I'rurana v ?Id pre ??ed in tbe be ? ? -, n h.? llonerahto (ni ml suppceed \ It uiiav'lal :? |?? . - ,iry ?VI?? - tx-r? ? -n l'i? m ? i and the Ml-or State-is ? ? ,t i o ?.??ice to tha ?rlf .??-.tren.a rights of it. , . JJut 6upp?>aalig '? ? ? . , ii] ct'-t to ho ? [- A?.?tri m d.' ?union? would the posi? tion of 11 i te i:?i irtTfluiet What ?osid be her ? aid Bare " n'?1er ter avmy sou?e -u.4si.iJi?- <: ' .id .t.U ha ia ????se? ?iota . a '. ?till re turua In i 1 ?hi wotil I ".. "? ?,tr pei nie io brinp tos-e?i ,t ?ed I ' ' tufluea.. -i f good and rv! aaaeed laeumti ne i?__e.-r?.) sue bad bufon u? r a i.opf-i'il aad e. i bint .. ? : "thing to ??veut her cot taiiU'. ? e. ? ? Power? of K'ir.i?a> It wa? an event wrP ? tbe it | o-s fhility. b!,c rc.pht BC4uiO!y na? t: :,ia?t id i?i .aer v ?.n . ' than un . v tri ..?I top n. u to !,. pc tt tb. r?n>- ? in Tie war ?h" ?' : hereafter be ?tri: !-? api- et ? loa. : baeaouy toe.f ? r thin tb*y bau noun Ita ?s a cutisu am,.. ibeale all i it , ti, they al.oaiii < Lord -Maley ?. d nut imuk ?lea diei t ai lu?- i rvaeal mo Boent to ar-u ii ti. s g ?Bl "I liial on' li hlarope?(bi-ar, to r : - aud tue mt?a am be ?B-aet: ,.i.i/l Bael ?j from ?.-?.kio week, bin l:? laytoday. _. wooli thaarefor ?alfii, '.the f|uo?'.tai.? w: .. ?a ia..d J., t : pu! lo hin.. -...ii'.? na i.brr'f n .".Vi,., ?bo u ., place hy Ihn ? ? '. ii . The bon? tail : i ?bat Ml y-nats ??leod?- to he one .! mu. ,mci ! ?rci e tbli ??* '!rig. ? ^ed toM ? ? ? :.t .n lie eui ;??? ? .1 ?'.at ?bcu | lb? haaaral ?f InterieatioB be > either - vrntinii | a? WoeM ultim it. ? ?: .;Ooyaient of , phyaien! fut?e ?.?r the jar, ?te ot le, Al? thal bt ?Lo. if li , I 01 1 !?? rlrj ?II a If the ' had f<?r mai} year? ex j fee t?C(i n p..n ".r ? ;m stjl; tuili.ijus li-l.iig ball a a ai.d ral ef j axliauanit. ' atti "i'i^? ?_-.,. : _IiV? I t ' 7 . - tilten \ the pirlicy of the i prr?er t (? '.-rrmen' wetild be a :? aa.?lal one. he wai unable lo ka v in wt.?.t manner a ?Irotiger gua.? ??tee ho oon- J ?ejeti. [Cbeeti fron tbe-tleutailal, li Th< of inter?? ? ti m of ? different cnaraiter?intervention lu the I fcrm at f: badry ad*-:c? tendered try ? ncotr 1?was en nn.t arcMsar 1? be left to tbe du-4.-ii.on cf iha Kzecotire. . lltetewt-l Bheeie.] lie bim??l( wa? um vt.-y foad of the ? ?ytteii. ? Ivice to forei.-n pewer* (?'heyr? ami , Isurtt inn had of tete year? bera largely , *?ed. and sotr?' not only uiatd t.t ahased. [1. ?beer? and iaoghtei , btlll tkere WM ?erne-rath lathe pro i ? !he on lookr.? lometimes say more of ? i- I'.o a-liiie therrfore, of a | aenrral power, It wa? well-known bad no iut?ire?t of ile own to nive, and denrid no!L?i.g bat the reatontton oi peace aigkttith-rabe tealerel, andknlght Mai! th? eitct ? ?firtii m- ii othervvt?? .prend widely and diae? ? troualy. He wiahtd ta asare the Houae and the oountry that i at Una moin-i.t the lintwb Uoretnment a? rega- 1? 1 tope?: . free an I ;. ik Iged to any puiicy wt?a' ' msei. Ihr? sole diplcrriBatie action v.-hich h?d beru lui. that of ?np;?ort: ag in general tera? the propo??! hy the Trench Kni'i-ror tor a t? : pnrarv saspentiou of lioetilitit-e?a pi Inr thal ?**? r.milv d.'tated hy kamanity aid cimmon ?ena.. (Cbat-r* ] Ha: ttwiigh tbe (toa-wnment bad ?iipjHirted that pro-,<o?rl, they ha,I p edged tbemalTi? lo no t rm? ??reoudiliou? af p? ??ce whauaever Tb* honorable ruembcr fir Wuk hal tar"h"r ailed ? hether tbe Krenth Emperor eoiiternjUted ?n armtd irt? n-fL:?rti It ?m not f.?r hiato nniwer tot other Gov- ( ??nroeot?; bat be du. not briicve the Tmperor of tue trench bad ?U? al.(ruten iLteuiicn of ?ueh a atep (Hear, heat.; To that bia answer waa that the I rencb Oovrrnmru? , took (be mstteT np and tb?t it now rested with that : ?Government. Tbe Freuoh might or Bight uot _?k tbe K?, I ?bah ?GovernmeLt to join in the work of medistion, if ?ia, he I did not think ii wouid Ih- for them to Join In any ?neb media tow until tbe-v knew diuunctiy whet the ter?? propoeed t?y 1 ?ranee were. : Hear hear | _be ?eoo-d ?a?eet?oii of Ibe right I bonurable grut eman wa? whether tbs British Governueet - b?d ?xpressed ? di?p(?itiou io conter vrtb the Government or France in recommending Aoitri? Bt? terminate the war by at ?epting the term? prop4?ed by Prasste ead Italy a? to the coe alan of Venetia, and by her oe_?i_g to be a member of tb? _?i__su.o Coufederation. At to that V?nata waa. a? be no ?leniood, esded ?o far a? A tut ria wa? concerned. Whether ney qaeetion wntud arise aa to that cession hawing been etoo tate or eoastttioaal he did sot luow, still, he apprehended none of tbem could entertain a donbt that tbe huai result I would be that V?neta must paw from Anuna Venetia wea ia Germaay. ead wbeSever ungui be the < mode ot the trasefer, be did sot think any reasonable - ?an coald doubt tkal st no weiy distant penad Venetia ?ocid hiding to Italy This with regard to the quartoo whether the (.ovei?ment bed re?34m>?-ended Austria to term?nele the war by ceasing to?be a member of the Gerrans Confederation. I pot tb?t point he baust remind the right . noa. geatlemen that It was newer ?prriposed so far as bs ws, , aware, aa the ?ole condition of ?eeee, that Austria should ' muuut Mb? ? oisnbtr of the Gernsb Confetleratioii Ko doubt renou? preiiint_ar.e? of peace had been ducuased between t he two Gorr?*sment? bat if tbe qu'-staon were nerrowed to that I lasee. wbrther Auetna tooid obtain pearn by ceding Veneti? ' mud oeaaMgtebea atenber of toe German C unit deration ? ?Bat w__?l be ? queeltoa upoa wbiob IBs Cm-nrnment wonld i be in a eeeitloe to gire as opinion Bat they had no reston to bisow t-at the grantieg of thess turo condition? by Ao.tris ' would be asad? the baal? of pesee, aad aatil they kuew nci u I BBBtto sad prn-M-ly what might be the term? Ilke'v to be at eepted bj ?ne or other of the b?lltrere_t parti*? it would ga prena^ra for Iherr to expreer an opinioa on an ah etract rjwalB. of what night mt might not be ace? fat ed With rig*.-J to Ita general putsey ot Ibis country, be b>a eely oae enoark to make. Be ?honght there never wa? n great war In wBuab lb? direct national learnt? a Kag-?-- ws? We i oseare?!. (Heer bear 1 '1 he ltsliea qaation be baked apea ai at very distant from a fair enttteneat- With regard to tbe etbsr poatbls rtwiit? of the ?war. the cabt-lithKei I of a ?treajr berth Germsn lower of a J ?taTeanee_a?*be?par? exteatii-c ena the north o? Gnrmsiiv 1 ae ooold aateee tbstif the war sa dad, a* it possibly might, iu ?be esublisLiissiit of *acb au eme-re .the exiater.-? of in . a Fewer m te tins ?oontrr uuy ?nnaaee or aa? danger, u anght be -aaeeiTabie eaoogh that Menrew-.h o! am I u Power j aieht be ??Mred wilb some Jeatoeay ?ad sume distruii hy ?tber KuraBaan Power?, birt he did mar. think that any Kugliau laurea waukt ia tbs slightest dsgrr* be affected by n He rtbeagbt he be-a-enerad a* wpli_?l?*_?s be cotna the rsrtoa? M]_Mt.o_. wkiah had brax pat Vc bia. Ile thought he migbt ?war? the ___.r*t,le membrr for WJtJk that there ?a? uo ??BDger. ?o far a* bunao fir??ight coatl- aee. of t_t>ae iwatluen ?gai cat-p iclieaf iBTelviaa this cea-Hrr u? wa:. He thought, ' to tb? aext pina if they d-laot inteadlo take par' in thequar jrel they ?ughi to be ?xceedt gtyreutioe* ?either how they u?ed -tbeir tn-uesee or hold eat iilutwry ton? .'.Heut bear.i li Cba?r advice arete aihrd. aad it ?eeuicd Itealj' to faeol iiraonoal ?nee. be did do! this.? tbey aba id rrfoae to giro ?t. But when fibe? gave it. ee tt_?* ?hick they tbear>t be*t under e ?Jeep ?naasof narai MriBO-iibility.lbay -ag-Taei-arefull varad lu- - -??Ivuig tb? ciaaotry to a war.n whioB a? ?Zopiitih int?ra?U acre ..oucerned. ile thought It ey o-gkt aet to place tbem ?air? io that paaitaOb, that my other aation n-.igbt ?.? to i-em " W? b?ve d-ue m end a< upon your ?totes We have. ?AleTrv. { -r it Vi? .'.ave briagUr" ns into tbe oijaVulty end, l-uelor? you tri- bt-ruri? t?'get rs out of ?: *" [Bear br?i | li aew ?r-j rer-ain-l tot isai io ataure the Han?-- luo? u,? ?* be tCd how attrriy impo?::lile it ws.? fur bbt u.v->her erf ue R-ee*.:m lo carry ob Ibis wt-rk wittou! tbe sepport ml r-uU.c Bp'imai.-ilehly rriab.aed lal bim to.ay that, so far a? tie na ?a?? of the ..seo ?-lowed, ne itould always to BDxiotis t'.rt the IIolss ?h.i_d le converts?- ?itb e.arytalug that Wai alouc. {Cbeert, a After (ome remark? from tor. B ( e-tiiran? the debute mut broiight t? a eloae _ The Intartor-aca ?iib ikVe Btoferaa iltrriing en 111? F?rk Of the luti-rfeieatt of the police with the lit lo: m gaheniag in Hy?* Pak TU* ?-? of the ?.muses tbi. plain teegeagr Th*?s can be only oe? exp?aM-~B of the riuaonlmarj ir Ur1?rria?e oD'eir.uUte-d. 'Hie M ?called lo nfoBic-U the eauae uf l'arlaiaanury Urform ?iors say oas ?un|>t-e ttore woatl bs?,e taeeu opiau?ntion if it bed bn-B a _i*etJb? tu rnagraiBlau Gord Ua'i? on kn ?MN-taawB to power 1 The ,-, , i.- ?ko frequent ihr arsr! ter m,., eh aa . laeigeucy hsv? coat air ws! fpAr ,, M ?vwid kari ina oriirrt d to be partlcnlsrly guarded again*! too ?nob oBWoosn???, loag lane? of u?em ?nnld have k?pt ti.?-p-.Tk ?!??r *or the rroeee ?>nn ;.ud thedtnirien? of I'm? Iib? vapule. b?ve been SMl . t) ( I'-ei lag bvB '?i Li .li.-? IB ?r um ? li do?rs. "r had it!? rto*B?**e r. el a.or? ?iprcsetre ef ',he desire 11 be r-*op'e aajreata t?vntta?je?eeaeraeBB enaction of the n?vi el :L< eld teat] at |h4 !.??d of the Admiralty |... ? te do, ti?? ??erv i-StttJ would tuiTo le-cB gli. i, ion.? ptoiBoti rt, Sie! ?ivan stands put fur vv.irl f >r I).- .1 splaj . f 11, od?-1 turr. I ship?, lind it ?r?n been ? r? i, i'iini ge-hrnng'o gi?? Lord Kital leshsry an irtpurtuaity ni di.?|iluvii,g Lis nur re?, m ' mt iT.'toi? tie va orku.g c)b??j ?, Se v .mill m ' hine BXhlhlted li ? re.-il foi r. -r'"i?...p hy ?rprev-. tug in i),a House of Leets h'? dciidht al me gathering being pnvtated. It i* the ?honcT't of ll-form ?hut the??? it, et or net endure. Xnesaeeteateefa pjjeol ardah uemoi.ktniiioM uniting in ade ., i aa exteaaion of oooktitatioaa prit ! ?,?>?? mcv?? them m leur ?ed ?loth. They ?Thtie? not opinl? extircm their oppo ).. I. rw lo.ii.i,"-. I,.it th?y ??.? let norking men Baal ti, t m??"? i> ?i|?iare? ..r stree". ?. . is. ?I imie? )? s'be trslBr : .ni rlis'ii ' itbe i,?iirL!..,i !.ihi: , _r,rj they e_nt?vl _e?et io the puiks. Lim ???" :h?iy ar. ?a rwi lethe ? rmattee of hirh born sinnt, I aid rho dty, monde nnl tie btTttSOg ej.?h?Bf?. Al ti.? i.ini" line, If 'Le ? nrkinnucn 4M not ni?ct ?onie* beie, t!.( y 'heir Bpatby, ai.d p.otilaJaiid Batt for til p?tition Of '.TOO Chl.?!!*. r rultws, tiicielotr, the p.-opie t-e to hold msetli.g? in the sir we -ee no i ."peet of thet- hat n? m ejin?tiinity to ?ipi?? their .?pinions, in aotjcr oiinnLWe ?juesiion ?belber nay of Lbs pelt. '?. ni sn tyrjinu ?Hoare now being .-run.?led up ey ??rnnsrk e,,-r renlnrrd lo '???1 the p?or*4e wifb tbe tame ?rrl talia* ohiirueiiTeiie??. Say, lli?m*j k iJimw-lf ant But re? tuitdti-i ? ilcvn pniihc meeline, md In Austria the ncty n?e the public | l? fnr -, >v 1 i-yf.,1 p_rpo?,i'. It i? in eon s'lte'aioiii?! Lngiu. o ii.?t ih'ioiti ...???tcp .o between the ait> ? ? and ?ne; r I-, t?mete ant pi n'.-'nl rnmae? It i?in Eneluui the *-?>op!?? iae tro?te?5 to *'r?ere?tioo? in (e pink?, but iiiutib. .1 . Ihej ..aro to cipic?* ? politic?! .pinion The ild jim of 'he cmunental iti anti tia to en courage the peoi 1? to apply rhenimlve? tri pieiwur?, a? Ihe beet ? ' ' ? ' m.'.h. m from a ipiritlool after p t-eri >. Web??? " Minted Kntrhahmc!. to be ruta de of ?lerner stuff 1 hey bave non ?ho opp.-rttftiity of ?bowing whelt'er ?hey arc ?1.1?. to ?-irrt it.pir ri?M ?>? meet ia ruble? >?ai?e? tor the pro ?no/Kin o? then ijolksjc al views, or e,ll suiiur itecmsrlvcs to be ? onyocred hy every ?nek fu-offiie ?bom tai un he pi? j ohsafc niuy hiTB p'trhed uno power tUBR?Ai-TY. Breiilla m1 It mr. I leiiiiii'l i i mian, M. Ran ?-?i) cr, Iii?? |ti<?t pob ljie.l ?onie ?lutikLioa fren whieb we citmct trie following I le ?? or* ?'hu S I,, ive ? i a. ?a,, ed fron. JP I j to I84j4 bate ein.???.! ?lie i!e?th of ?.Ti.-.* 0?X) men, of ?l.on? 2,14P.?WO were i ? reeeaaa, eat Li4,ouo from oiber ?imiter? of the globe, vbteh "on un Bvcrag? of ll.rvOO i> 01 BBB1 r The?? bgnie? do not ini'ude ihedcitJ.? cauB-Ni W) epidemic! resolving from var. i in ?"..?yt tanguin irj ho. i 1 iei ?>? that p riod ?ra m. i >.. Kantara ?nrof lf>.?*? m vbteh .,HOiM? men BtV I? th? tV-loWing MUfM tina) a_t,_Ot Russians, M.?*) liiika, I.7.1M) l'.(?ii, ?ad J nOO Italian?, lo the (?aocn???? n lost their live?. I'hi. revolt )n India ."???Icsat "??1) kilitet. l'l.ti Rmw-Tiirkitb nar 11"\' -."n ? rho Polish ?...?.irr. .-tioii fTPtll) 1M.ttM. The? al?, f ?ne ?"tench ,"i.mi..iiin* in l?rica (lt>.??-.'.9) 14(j.tyO. The Hun ina Jit. l.on. ??'/XA) Th?. It linn war, I'.liijO ? f whom I'. ? ? .?.: Lol nu Ile r."|.| nr fiom Iheir woond?; and "LT,(??I from ?annul diteaaet 'it ?tot?, nui-h-r of li??? lost in Baeega di.ring th? wer?, fin m ITStM III J iimonnl. I to \SX (?? ?Inch ? ire? ?or 'Le 4*"? yeni? sn ?vers./? of J40.434 rleatiiB |>nr year. miBUsi S'tlot? "Japola-on'a Tlwaa. ?\ H a?-? N |Mtti.ii-, in i's acconntof i diantrr given In honor el Prtees Kapoleoi 1 f 1 teyth?el n. Ma froud M. OR ?etta, .aaterbai r?? ?'rennb Kinpirc, the Prince ob "i?il ?.?? 11. 1 ... .1 ni 1 1 I, the f -iuui|il. ol li'" I'"'?, d' aphof tbe RevolnteOn, ha.I be?a retarded for 15 years bj the h-wtor-lkon. ?id l.y l'arlkai'?'iit r? I ii- I nlism, tu.' '?huh nut? Bann M, n ^p.lo .,1 impelo . BM lo Ita ,.-. ? I'? opie ba? e t.?te I'm ?.?sil ting and too p. ulent hitherto. Tb?y klfiild I -ve ula."J tb. in? ?!???* With Pli ?nanti It !y u y?nr ?go The ' _?* is. however now a-ome whea fie oi the lleroiutmn?or. vbteh ?a iii? ?ami? Ihii.g, tin? brviaier of ti.? ?:a|"r?? must b? ed. The prograatie of this reto ?at B It lite it. aggie igM-M i'ithoi.? 'u., wh.eii B*_t te mat, 1 icd m , t e , ?' e j-r ? : r, .??"i i! . ities on the rulas of fiic'lt'ont Mat.? sid et 'he ;.-?Hti..s whicli fonnded them, iemotraoy Siiuianhai.t. Mj..ii?i?d on tuiTOl .1! in!! ego, los ueode lui at leait a eentarj lo ts? .It. . ,"l bv the ?tr??i; hunda of i'.eiar??Impoi al Triii oe on tho ?uuu.l.f ? .?!.''(' an situ h m. mar, ainag var. aa the t??-litloa and the Instr 1 I ? The firtt niafaclc lo this policy li Austria, but ibu? BeR-MM most be ??vi nom?. Aatllial ih. 1. ? |ai?.- ral roppa*?] .,f Jltboliciim 1. tt, ? ? ?'.I. gb? re.,; ^ the taoarii for*n ?? opppi ?ed to th- p. ni? ipi? of i.nit. .1 tiu'iiinii.'ii) . Mm-i,,n.s at the tritBpb al Viene? Peat! .uJ i'r.,rikfnr' ?f Liberal ead I'lMmiC'-'ry i' tittrtkr?M MepM-efd to den,.? ri.:y Sue 1? ia? i.i.t r.iui'??.. ? ?i:.,d.ii-.t.. ant I ...' ?j ab? ...t itiei? f"..'. li. '..e doVt et ? ?I ill p'VvJ Hill. Th? ?.- k ?Tie nrvni niTced IBM h ni it uniet 1 ow be aoafteled lm|?r .?I 1-rtio" moi ... mue io be the -nen -j of AaMri?. "I -t fP 1. the IMBtl j o' ti.? pr?nt 1 ? . i.-k Austria vi:., her id??s ead Let rms. I he Fmprrtt al Waatyy? The M * ar eitel the fo'l ?w'np aee??iBta?* *ts? i?r... ? ?t Sane? on 11 0 I.niprsas's ?inveTtln .?? ll.e !a..r". is -ii lei-eu- I ?t tb. ' all 1 ' B ?!? p lo val ?-"?le??re ii' r ki .|.?av ?epii-il in s nie?! >n?. ion? niann":. ?1..1 ibeo ntl., a baiucatb ?. jv ??> i.? tlirionaer?. "i a llirarie tra i . i.? -?ntly ???or rsl?,I. ? ?mt bftJ laen pjep-iretl tit the tttM uf ?,"?? ?Jur. : .1 is i-rtaedeii - 0 pul ,>?t and J, ' ? ? ? I i.n ?. I. was vVrl?..- ' 'I i'T s'Tr Tkt-n 1 re I/?* :'(?!..-11 .a r,na gt*ft*t by 1 .< fie Bh???p? :n ntl?r ! an, e, af'.-r viloaii Ilatr ??jtaty ??- re, ondoulcd ' > _4ion 1 mir.lri! ?iilb thn am? 1 1 - ae on ?.niviBg. This reli/. .oar, ?i.lerimilv, oeUlusud vv IL the gretlsal levin? of the Chun Matea by 'n.epreeenee of ?ueanon?. weiring their sarerdm .1 ornam. nls, and of IMS Mae 300 in mU, ti eein'olod Lorn all ear's at l-iiTuine will l?_*n n la Pe-tion on li ' mindi? ?f Mt vho wl!i.???eBlir m le?ieg tbe ithedial. the F my ret 1 nnl th? I'tinea laprnr.1 ? -i. r.d n . tate eaifuii-e. ?ad paaaed ttoongh a donM.? fine 01 the ]? jo lo a da!? OB the Plies manl?!.? frit-ng theliUhnp? re? jeuoe. Dieu eeaaene-d tbe *Lne-off of lia J?pntatua.i tro? the ?iif?ir'.u depirfment? around r oi_biiin_ more than | on ,?);^,rrin? ? |i_, ant: oritie* i.f all tia comuiui.r? if lh? | M' t ..-' . a 1 .rtioo of tho?? of the M ' and the Meuse, tl.eie ? are 30 . oinpaoi?? of I.remen. ? i.-L pre it? munie the men .'ihe ?alt worksof ->i Hh-Mtea nuil Vniaugev.ilt ..?ovvod br a car drawn by ?11 honte, and con'auitng serrrrl i-it_4)nto block? nf Ml ?au, also a large numb?! of orp:..->'?it toril ?> ?, BOO rifieoieu ol ti.? Voage? I nvonntai?? lu their nation?! ciwtnm??; r*-*r-??eiitMivee of tbe j le rictit Bocieliei; workaieu li um nil thelsrf? munn!?' m f?of th. i. eui prnTlnr*. -?irving Ueir tot-L. or ?ome rm Lieu, ti their partts?ilar ioduliiy. tbe whole prij?-diiir a iloput^t.oa ima the tiliag?, ol Douiuy th? - Of J-Bl ?t A'c and ra-ning ihe h.iner pre ??e:.ted ?>y Hie to?u of Oilean? te tLe ( whom the nume of fin? ( ItJ 1? ?o loti nitit?lv connect'"?!. the renr nf th? tnrtrgt val closed hy a pro ? ut 1,S?B pnijlic timelier?. TbMloBgpn ssaiontented ?wo bonr?. and wa? eff?c?. 1! in p?rf>*> ? erter ?ad ?read run i n?d ?hont? of ? 1 : tar " ' Vim I Anai ?trim " and I I .it li 1 riam ?K.penol NEW PUBLICATIONS. n.K!(?rn( al ;/, ' fi'itory omi Vu: ? ' .. h" IH for July, eiau.iDet 11. ?n elHbonitc irticlo at Kuli .t.alisui" the jn-iD? tplei of Lecly, Hunt, Pi?her, ant Archbiabop Manning. It coDtamB alio article? on " Normal ?school?," ? The Bete*.ona of indi? with (?.(-t-tye an>i Home, ' " Mc Cosh on J. S. Mill aod Fundamental '1 ruth,' and 1 lum miry ind review ol the pio<'*4?diLgi of the ?t?ernl Ai aenilly. The F1 ee-u iii Q wrmrlt) for July romj.nsM a tliBi-iiBi.on of the doclriuei of Hie " Future Life, b] the ?at. I. If< l-Rn ' Th? Sj.intuahty aud Vo'.unta'yi*? of the Ne?Tes'.nmeTit,'by tho Rex. John Block of Deven? port, E-glicd ? The Word of O oil." by the Bev 0. II. MB ' 1 our Bsaaaht M Camp. If the Bev. .1. U Phi lip* of Midnipore, Ind'i Nl*innaasj**sa a Proof of the Inspiration of ile Script ire?,' by the Kev. William War? re*!; iud ?''I be Boston CJ.anrv Meeting' by tue Ki ?? 0 W How?. -o ??? ? /.'?/' M ?st ' ?I fra '? ti mai ?" Uki Sarre'y for July bMjuit li^en puhlifbod. li ueual, a great amount ol valuab:? and interesting Bmiter. JTbi jMatrVrOaa alf Watt-aritf, fo; the Firm, Garden, and U(.:i?eh?.:.i, s aa ex elterit monthly paper, of a rather r .dimci.Utry etaraeter, and *nanal-8y vnlunbl? for gent le Met f. rme-f anii e!ty bui.-je?i mei ?-ho nr>- LM?.?r enough To have bon-i?f a* d in acre or to o: lu: d m Ihe cortiiiry. li cou?! i*. fc'.wever.-a addition to the liinMo .lirectioni I vhid horourh+v-il farm*? ire ?:irj?*?o.?__jiot lo re(',n grt-it deal ef informttion vbicb vili be valuabli to the j ?no?! expenenftod frlltir of the so:,, ana Many Lvt-fal do ti wa o mee pte al sa b1 lateaste le Ihs ana v\ e b?ve rem." ??J BaHaAtesandw ?*? ?s Ce.the boaad Te?na? of <;??'? H d b 1- > 'Beni teal vaeee tval aaa tUy aanahen ? In a rk 1? ind nppropri. <? gar', tt parin? a pola c pBeh ably the rrt??' of it? ciAM it) our t-_a*aa_*? - 'iirmg ' ><? mm year it hal .1'rosiii'.-' ? 1 .l(,t"-.i ?> greet arietr , of i!H_leirti MB, af a re'igious or tei ula: iharidt' . ??0 serial worts af Mita of m ?re or I??? 1 lent, ii ?tn> v, Cbmla Kiegaiey 1 Mood y ro'i ?tie o! I!" ?"???rd, A ex tnder Hmithc "Allrrvd Illgar!? lion*" -IseJI?l. Di. I ffaahna's * l hnst the Light ?d the"1 vajv also ' pul.liehei! in rt.t volume. Baal.a Keen??!. T .. K..1 11.? ?. 1. l.At,,'tiai litm ihe r?*n k '?' ' t t?)??'?. Bt H..'... 4'AitBii? lJ??. pi ii .'"Po).?l '!?!?? 1 > ? 1 . P*p?ri ?Ten. (ete- r r.k !lr,,e, >..?c, e,e ?j-? i . .->__ 1 A,u'i' I ooltri li? lir.rit. Ilii!.,rj ?arl Prtf ree? f u ??tot **> yen? ?ai. ? foil ?kerripit'?, <- fe l.?ue?t. l.alu-e nndriai... ? f the linear-, ,._ >_,_,,, u I'ruptfition. wbeilar b? ira Al ? a er ?y _?ata_l?aj ta 1'raumilt.iy ?ni Blstiurti.? ?yui,'ton 1, in? i.e. k-.e.? , me... o! P.rv'ul.. { lu Stt??k i- B? a. !? ttcthai M It Una. pp. s, . -taft?-M I. Sie!.?. I,. *. 11 Ti? feye.'i Matnt' rai-ti'inaf lie Inte?al lt.?.'r? La?? wHb the -.' ?hie? of 'l?i?1tor, tt..,.[?,?? i4taB.ii l?u.ila -? ?ni a I rrr, ??le Aphalati .' ?__,, ytmpvad by ila H?a. (?? .rr? ! ? Ha? -wei 1. tata (-abai ae-nau a! laaiuti ii??dnti. Ira Bp I lill Hatt'oB l.ltll?. Irteil ( o < Ti.e )tt.'"?i Bareuci t?."_e. law of J?!y j3 IfstVv codIs c!i.( ?Il Ila j lale-ntllTUrve'.BSle????, ' ampliad Sud nr.n|?rt I- their ??r?. ' licite iltr??. Will 11 Au-T-tnaali ? a-*( 1 ..,] f r 1? i.nritor eraSS of ?r. -on* ro-ailai with Peenleii?. K .??-.f?, T.bir? ol T?a*"...ii i ??ap'iu? ? i????. Du?..i ?1 ?i.d I 1. Uifeei mi ?l|.|.tb?ieil !?!.? ?J'u-a byL__-M A. K.urrias. A?M.t?or | Ti Mb MaiMcl.iaavelU Lilil? I. t,L. b(> _?_ ?tr lu.tnij , San a l'.eiwle? b lu. Brteii? ia! Brnllaacy in Clou A CmAtrMo,, d ( it tint , ''Bol?! fatlui' " lnf?mlon,ty -Mteiterl. tur] eoolur ?r!tk t?Me tilt Prolrlati. I uireal ?rom tkveva/laa ?,,,,.,?? Comm Ltaia ! by M,!... J m ? '? ... ?due: ?tew.Ter? flltofai. Bt*. frsdlur Chea Bios ?1,.- l !}__ ,p ut? il Apple .... ;. I .-???j,, j'kfi.i S'i ?1 . ?r ,. ki ': 't. ljiitri.i 1 J Ibsiti.d ' mu.'*^^?^*'?'''"* ?*?? tto.*?. <*>-? ' ?*Mi?. m? wJ't^'flL"' ____ t-<l *?*? teMfato rann? ?a By Mra Wm. Ptii furn. . ,tbav ?I ?? ? ?_-__ !_,??? " he. t i-i 'v Mink? aViftaiOai J?.ab.n (Vori Wi.ri. ?I r ir?Ji \,?ea (-?, sor_?? Ji?,^ r? !? and I I? I ?al ?.y R|.?,t l.onot, l.ul ia,,, ?? aj. u ,,? ,.-srJ II?,!.!?.. aid*, boo p|. ka?. TU ha??*. ?? III II I?? -?etD JJiibliiuiioua ?Uli h.t-d?., N.? iori ? ?I I ,) N_\? bGORS TO Bl RKA-Y ( N -?TliRDI? AMONO Till. OIIKHHIT.I.AN. ?? a,l*?.aiy lairrt.maj o.? work, by ?tai...? k.r*. ??!,<?, I li.ii.i.? tl.t rii.a,-' e- nil ai w bock praaaa-s-s ?'! (ha stn n th usdinaitil-laaasif li. yu**, asaui-a, a, a wah at tad .e. ? a ia s.u. t ob. ??? rr,. ? ?I 50 BO?BK pt TtiTTnrricnvARn A ln?w?.i*ul Kutti, h Sell?? B-T "ti.riOaa. I-. K... , ?i, ?iilinM n?-nl,"lVjiday.U?iscl laai.i..,iia,..u.*aJ?a-i,?T -Tue o u.i.t mid tiitentlty r| I ? .?el, r+?-t ne it?tir r . titrai,??, f ena ileum pa,? le itaalaai. ? V Piara ?1 "i. bin Ni-iKumoHH. >?athr>eh?rf(ii-?_rw_DaM?4lc?, r ? Artl-o?, al,,,-, o'1er Walk., ???,.! I? tia? 'V , r 4 It ..i. au a. ...,.,,, |,,',? r? r,? . , thro .?i-ia? Ilia asad ?.? ria? 0 I M. o|ftf~?i?ij TUT-* MONTANA!?. A ...? BWOito 8. J Lain Itno. ?tau???, c-etb b*n?|. ", rriu? Bl * to* Siie-ee U-?.?. i.r? ?.I t. .m.ii,-1, boird in . i?Hr.??r? M>?d ?vriy w'.tr- and a II by a." by nm.l, sa-.?-?? ftar. oo eoett^l til pT-r? H . _ "JA?!:.! 111.J, rul.tliho. Mr? ...? \<>W ?LADY. Al D Arri.?"Tr?i h ro. Noa 411 ?air) al Mi.asdw.y, P -I .i, o . li.j HIE INI'F.IlNAI, Rl IV IM US LAWH Art ?nrov.d J un? afl. i'M *. ?ntoood by At ol Ma?: h j, WA, Joey IJ. It-?, Ttifrlhet t?.th if,? A?t? ? ? ??oBlrty, rV ?a l?l'.'..i Malua, h? la-rri.. ... t ronil 1,1. amai,. .1 Irulrx Asd Tibia. ? I Littler- ?aad I >. as plac?a. ? mipia.I hy liar?, a lli???i 1 Vol., top, prl-i ptyot eotiia M?t*.| "?IB, ?I M Pub ..ted It.? Har. AltiJARKT B06MEB- NKW ??(??OK l_M YllAliS OF A I.III. 1 IMfle bl ti.? a, *r 'las Menai..?? ' lb? PbbH.tiri I.If- ,.??( ['???.!? In .1.1.1.?' a, I?, liar filiale a new work .,t l.?i|..n hy lha ? l c.? 11 ?kr ? i iib ktoinni'?? Tb.t ?orb ???leard lia-? .1 (H? k. ?BS ol Ihr Bril aaO.?la,l?, ali' l'-r a,.|a*rt-.isi?u? ??! Ila? work ii. KuaJ?.??aa ?alaly ??? finrrsl tai ?a thal?l.i_4.' than the will ..I. 0 BtaaMd lo Kita Ila" . a i.i ir. It will be luff.. . 1,1 l?,.a?7 lalla- TTaalf) Ihn? ?I? |MMM ?rtk ?ill I? I it tia ?.ne ?MBaara (Lai? a? UM ?.ra ti, ??< I in. ? ?einssssl 4/4 i?.. ? MaH '? MTB Bl.?UV A vnv ?.PIT??1? ()9 lill. M OH HI SON H A Me? of l>?m. t?,. I.,-a r?, Mra. V!.??,.?? florBBW. Oa? *?iI?.d<*, 12 sin. .IMS True ?I *?*? _ M BCOLAD1 ;. *v Banna? BL 1 i ? .i . , rr II K 1 N T K Ii NAI, R ia V F. \ I ' F. lil' 1 I) fe. 1 1.4 V I??- aCI.V ?3 I??. ? Lisiiiu.? Au. rae ?ikiis.u kut.r? ...?a rou?aai ?ni ???aan ?' ?'?ll" ' ri '"i 1?Bjtoa ata in ? u o??, ai'Liii.H TARI ?**(>?? TAB ITIi'tt KXt-geiKJN?. ? I 4MP l't''Ii? 1. -e , ..??Ki i I ,..i . -i 4 |? -. ailsa*? UMlTK? PV . .1 VHI 1.1 N M_-U?tat| As ???... til? M .?.- i,,,m ?:. l'ainr?. Tro?? hi odrad ?a?.I, (?otaro. I|.l'a|-f. ?? '?J .?Mair-s.. . am) ?seal by u.- I. i ?. ?|* u ?sr. ? pul tuarn V .ti.?lui It ?AMl'P.L Bo- I ? ? ?V < ?. ?erhMf.i ?... AMURI! 4*4 *41 VA- I nil A.4Y. .Mb? ?sal lit HI I'Ahl! 1 rpiui BUBO] lan ( Kisis. J! -?r rcni.isii.' D ItU'iiNSMW MM' OFCEKTVAL KPHOi'F. Il- m 'l - "? I -i-.l 'e' : ) ? M aaa-anfWM Bbeejiag lb? !????! pel*1 -' l-a,i"l.iaaf. a?-wai?. ?..Urra??.Ita ,rai?l.? li? ka?! ? ?r. oi .1?. n.iti. w-, ?..d n~ pi'-iil nlu.l. .. Tia? M ?|i is li- j r .?r.tto, ai.ii i is*, la?, kim taken io a., alt Uti! ' > t.-a ... ? I ?a 'li ?..?.( w.i Th.auiiHs.1 ,.f n .- | ... h H.p ?. , >. ?b'r ' I. ? la P?I< ' . -0 . , ,. I ? ? '"'fae . ' ? ?I, ,.? g iib,, . A ibr:?l?ia?o??n? mair io A,?i t. ?ii li,? ti.ia n II. liIMM l.L I .? _^^ ? ? ?-? t,. I.,I Im: h\ai. k, \ i m r i- \w haady. JOit a ?? I ! min". ?" ? ini-ivH nant u ???ta ta. H II? lattrn?. Re rSB-S I??. ? f? rta? ( nans?, wUh '?bl . ?I r? f? < f rp* .1 i ? ? > ?ia! of taatit. rraearad lo? r-l. a .. ?, a,t: a,? a., I.. ...I ? | ? u*. i. hythe Kor. -?' J i- ? ? -' ? ? ? ?? Bern i St . P?p-- Ir . : I.ITT1.K IIRliM",' i . 1 . "!.. rrin: (.iii:\i (.ou? ino A 'TAMKRK M.'ll? I'? Ulta?, i. lae?, la ??! ?U?l ..' ?,.',-. i ? .? ? I - ?.al 'HOW IO f.i T RUM IN Nf W.YOR? I ? i 1 II ? ' ? AMKKli v N M tv? ( ?., ?.-...:?? Ajfi.i. . I. N T rp?) Ml .SK-l?l.ll.i;K.S In 2 I ", . I ? t . a > n la ? <-. r| aid ... parr, ad f-non. Man 1 rt ?nan ?uni .J lill ir.WH IS H//.I.1 Tb.ri rdaier. naw ra?.iv. AJ.r? ? IHAAI .>. rim!.' N lit U..t Wn f ' RlngU -of,,.? ... -t ' ?? - ? ?? - r rai.a ?lu b M.-n.t? I^N'i.l I-I I WMiKM.?On tiiind at pn-eiit, a ?up? rl? d?tete o' OLL? .aid '.l.vv l.NiaL.l.ll bin ?Ki. .1 le? par! ?? I.r .sa!. Na? ii ,,,?r?.?i..i.? ' . .On?? n Puf'K? a-,.! LIM, - ; ' M N . IN. N. '" N.iti, .?._ fpii P?BL18HKKS, ?v. ?A .<iii,g nntleoian, 1 l?i?iy ? P.O????,? Mi ? ? ol?,.. w_.'.r? al'ilMI l(.i.M m i I I io, !.. o?--, Wl.rrt hi. edifa't.?? .??I ?f?d? ?liat.tlos ?.i It fi m4 out I la?,no I?. .illili Addie? J f H.a.- I : I.!? .. AGENT? WAMI.I? ir IKHlAt'h GkEELKT" 4MKBI? AN ((?NI-U'T \ ol. I ol (b.a liialtiry i'la aa?l ?ill. laiaf??.....!.<! ?" ?a? .JV' ?"JO I....B, .lifutt hu n acid -asi I? f mp'.?!i?arT -deraad ?--? tia? rn? of ?II pcrlaa-.. bv laailo? lia ranaa ?I Baa army. I- 11.? rif.idtlit. MB bar. oin.? i ahiia.i baawtaasaai ?a?gr?aiB??tl ? <? r ?>t ?iii. <?oTfr?or>. Lilrrary roru, .ad by lb? i.?d?1? |.i: i ?J y ?n tara le '.ha a :.r. Vol II '.id ha) ? h. ft i?i..?1 In Began _rli.ll Dior, ?lain .la.iaiB II.? I ?ti. .???. ir- .-' to. Ural. In It? titfiai.i,. ii the vraal .mount of tin.r, l.tnl. ?ni? p??ua t.klul rr.a.rrl. <!.-?otrd to I ..If! I ?lilli., of lha ii.??? of .ri-if i..!?f ii.a'iri' ?ti pla! I ? ear >i w -;??ii wiilii.ui v?riheai.f.i. ?nd I? It? roll.linn of Importan? Infnir?latiuD bltlarrls liaWtCMlhlai at evt-Tlaokai?lu. . nits? ia..? la Iioui l!,r R.btl ? ida? ft.I Madar !I.? ? inuifl.t ii'ia'itV?!I, ri? t.! lb? Bather, to |...ii.r ?(asea of ?. p?n,ii, rsiallssr? wbacb ?iU ?uivrra*?r . 1 ?l!.?i work? oo li.? ..?b^rti. (J 1' i.AS? h ( o , r.ib?.nrr. H ?i if ord ( ons C" ASSl.l.L, PFTTFH & (?ALPIN of London, have ..tal.!?.i.?d id A.iia? j ia Ne? Yoi? 1er ti?? .?a? of lh?ir BuOh? ?B.II.I.l.t IK?-?!?. tVAI.TKR LOW, No. :? BrtMflway St? 1. ik d IA Ni I'LL, FLIT Kit Ac (.ALPIN - IU- tmtod \. ? Al Al.dlalT' will be ?rut tat n ? to ?I yaddra?? ob Ttr.ifH ol lilieao ( ?ia!? TiSa ordu airy ( ?i.loja? oa n-irtpt o! lhots 111 li W Al. I aV It I.OIN ,V, iM Bto.-aay Na? York Dr_ -r-boo-?. Mill KMMi (i(H>I?S?CONKI-TINiai (?I F.V r.RTTitiNG DisirtABLr. in imr?.?? otxii?!? aut _4?NNIT?a. MATTTll.LA?, BNAWUr; O LA) VI.?. ir., MILLI??. Oiri.IIXlJ 1UR THE NfcXT JO HAY? BKLOW ? OST OP IM? PORTATION, 10 MAM; ROOM KJR KALI. feltM K N, I - DBEaexe am? unta mam op oa __ra eammai ao TlCa AND BYMV MANNKB A HAN?S0M1. STOCK OP UOODS 1(?R TRAl 1 bisf. si tkm ?w. jai KfioN oaronxn oa moobwm oood.?, Ni Ml V . a. wat l.f 'Wrau S( r D? alid PlIDi e IU . Oppoaita T'??n? la f e ? AT DE FKKCFVAL?, So Id Broadway opfniti?? AiSor p. se? foioi?:? al Na ??* 4 Ml-1.?n a? i'.sks ?uri lull.. Ulam? Va .rJrohr? train'. I. o,*r.? for l?4>?. ?nd rta.d'eu, lmf?rtrd Cbau.l... Yoka?? Lai??'Brady. maia l ?derianiarnta, l>adar.'.nd Misara Nat* ll.ndkrrrl. ?'.. Li., I11U..I? .tad nato of Aloa. Ktpt-iuidsiad, .-t.u.pini for l.nbautdti,ai, lr.._.?k?_ p_-_P?TiV rCBSITURE, (MLCI.OTHS, Ac. UuJ A j.-<li?ali?fir?rl?tio? in th* prire of tb?*r ga?d*. UV_fe| bal..? Crpst? laili? ?lally. Ah- 011,1. I r j..l.b?n and ?mportari h.?? aT3?in.?d Ibelf prl. r. bacante o' th. r?, ?ni r te ia ?old I w II . ai.l m r to ?-'I al lb!? ia? aal? ona .a longa? in J Pt' aaal ?io k lut? ?y prie?? ? ?ti ?has Bsli WM M BB Ktr onollo ?. quirk M'.a.s?. *n?'i ?rob!- (?n (Li. lae I badi my trade, ?ad I BM*s I* i?irv 1-. out lo lb? ?*?l of io, ?bili-y. H nlAIIBI l.f. N<* tin .lui ?ad r, I \V?-at T 1..11 j ta ?1. 1 ai,. 1 l.ifii? ?t? i vijVLRNMLM (.(H?I>? FKO.M THE LATH U Sll.l-A Uiir lol a?? BI.ANK1T- I.INK.N ?aid ( UTI ON rill? V.T.? I'lI.IaUW I.4S?.- .ll'fUr.AII.i u?w ii,U ?...1 BF.? h,\< K-' KAIlt MATrr.RS.1l rl >ud I'l ?.I/CV-, Tu ?a? HiatPITAI. BIDSTLAt?*?, ?li of whu-b ?-iU I.r ofet.ot at fin?? ?<? . ,?4 WTaola Mlaoi re:..? umymm V. ?1 (?AkliVKH No "'M ? .?.?I ?i KH. MA(fY. ? pancv fttjon: dry niioDfl BKftT UUAL1TY rilKN( II K11? <?! (H I *" I rOl'RTl.HMK VT A.NflHXl'll ATK 1 ADS' REAPS" UF.AIIS" A NU r*AJ?f Y OOODS T. miUn>. lo.f.erirr. *.. I!??! Tear! ?? kio tljljom it map tTcncrm . >V(?TICK.?Anv pitrion iiMiiaintod w.ih JOHN, ,11 Mli li Al L ?I PATKICK RAfTCaY !^r..,rrlf ..'I'vuhe'd, 1 f ?e ' .amity, li . ?ii 1 oaf-r . ?ve?! I.?ar OS ? ?? H ? wU .w, \ v I lln.r tha-i ?haaha r.a-ds. Beal Man'-?'l-n K*?:?-'_,_ No1 ida u herebj irTren, thal ?n ai.pFitati?ntia? !>??n hird li. th, >xir i:vr l?.-r??i*tn.rn? af ?ka H?.U ?I Na? 1 York foi ?I? p?ido? ..I jii-l.rll ?'Oil! N, uiuvajel at i ni t .f " Orutr?' g?, ( , ? .?.I ( .. ntv of New York, !-r"X 15 Ubi o? iiraad i.y. as- ausieua, I? uiif,iia<>t.a?el Iii U? lar? af la?. ?r.T? or Ni? ?sea . lunn mi 'lae Ne? ( ?run (o?siu??i?. , AiBilVT J .'? 1' IB? S PLaANP ?ntl DEKIGliS for a NLW ( AFIlOL ?f-,Ai.*i'4 *t i.ii.,1. .la.-Ioi-wd th?l I'-n. ini liMUntU. . M?7! API ?"'?Ia ?t Ajb.ny wtta b* re ??rd hy lha ? om.ilialt,? ta .1 II.erOBara, mia! ti? LIB ??I ? N ? " "*}"' ?*?t. ?t ?ai>oi? Ai ruled of 11.U1 1 ti. i.a ?.J dn.tli ?i.d rt U,r pt-imlnin? ofrird ?ill OV fumllUad .1 lb? I-?-? ?> <-?' f *-?-?-?iSla??*. 00 ?a |l,.'.nr,.-J,i..oi,r.lypo..iiA|iii MA1I|.,^ ?^ II.I1N V I. I hi '? 1 4 i 0 a la nilli ????*-_ ??_ Beol (?mu fox ?a!< I te \k\v ingh-toorj hinten e tone BGOtiL ia abmok _'? yu baa* a I i -..?i., , . rl.?. .? ,1 ,?ii, ?,.,., ?astil ir. s ?" ? ? I? I ' ? ? ,t w .. .?.a ssa, us ,r.?l Pari ?had I 1? l , . !.. t ?!? at, ?. f ?ir*l la oral?.-? lo sUf?.. so;. , ., , .?) , f, II 1. Bil'tB Nu MPIaa-i \N ELEOANT I ??I'Ml. Y ki '-llii.Ni E I? ? -ALI. -a u. .?li?. N, -..,_, i_. lit?,*?, ? a>T_a?- tali? I." i-Dual ... the haalfa . .i . Dax, with Basal i i an I tn.l w,i-1 risa bee? .. asad toa 1? brrt __aeer, ti??ia? ?wy u.od 'i. a.| ? ,. n. ni??di. o p-rfrrl ander ah. .fttoat. Tt a ?r?? tun. ?TTeefa I.. ;r-?. aw? ? !la .'?* ki wilhui ?hi ? hrrt .rd y.r i ? ? , , beea Saartl? and I _ii?Brri t iiiur?a.r ? an p.?:. Thel-railsrt u?I ' ?rp-1? ua?y ?.. ' ?? ??"? tbr l - ia. '.- .,_j.,, ?nardiara ?, A ?me a b? s N?. Uli Nsw ?a?, r?-: ? _ UA j.ii. , a~uM, ita SALE at W-al v-f. ('. r^. ('??ali '. V .,, nil. 'a.,. . io* d.|.? on ?he ?...?aifh lira h ?...i, .?j it,d.une Lus...? i' ** t. a? a*?rw"...,i? lo l la ii and W r ? : ,. .?,!,?..< ..ri- a. i?r ?tara .1 '?) ,,caa, af .,? d ?r....i us .? land , aa a eli wat-a-d. I?,, n a. ai , . i , . h? ?'?? i .. ?? ?,o. -?a ? a ? ' y o e I ?' ? '??.I I' '?? i-. | a I al ???.?! Bal ?I '*? '? ' ? ??'"? *?'k The I. ?I. toi? a n kvi,h,? aa'??-,,! aavl |.ara?aiai y a ?Mi ??lisa ?? ?a.I.? Ma, {-. t , ?ii, ,i I...? la. ?ot-ai? ?ilbiild.i.j?. nu- Bal i'.li.rt JOilN JlliCk." , JAM! b tCKTI- ?i URI ?? It?, . ,.-J.i- li?*?* Wa.bltir loa?ill? (?mi..- t ... AM I.Y NLAI (?OIHli .'(jiTAGL, loiatantif n ? I? .baa : I .. i ... I ty !.'I. laa'rf.?ty ? out In f.i'" toattsa it M.'i.a.n. foi #2 von ?fh. *pi?y ?? -EHAKKST Mr.oa-" ?Wf,?!, Hue u Ila II. a. _ a l'I li.* 'M I \.*-s Bl -ii i-st K at Weat M iB. Mil? ni *" ].- 1 . II. . ,. i.?w kid ?til ?.?? ?br ' - ? lbs "fett ia Ita tewn . o< ai'v c a Ball . a. ... . . ? I I I Ile ?, ?!?,??- tarra* la .?.I '.t I ?. 1'K'J,*.kP?T II.M?l.|.t ? Hailro.4. A" LL WAITING I a KM s Isrrr Bei ila ru ?ti- .?arl 'f Vii.rl.rm sul'l r limai* m sialaa kihi' I ' i.sii.lf.1 ,. bl IS loot He h _ li i I roiur.? ?arft usai iBsnj I i- - ,.i? i.i.ll? witi...'. i Jt.i? ?taail i arbBMa nunn? r<"d to, ely Paadied* ?r? ?..lina? ?an ?ia! .o, l..a| rt.v. rj.ii? A" J I? lilA"? h LAN Dil P? i '? r." iel Landa? laira i. N ? L?tte~.i ?o. a. Papar? .???-inn? lill ia i.iruaai.? >, ?1*1 ha tar* !'?? Y-vm hepoit of ?mUm U, ..a dar wallal a. T titeo at. Tot /?it-... It ti on* of the mots tut ? ni Jer:?t jio. 'a. ?a i . ?.>n-?i -?.4 pasttSSm ano tmial t tootUuiH for purntaaI /eranan kal -? a?.?.? ./ i'iM tua? s/ (At Wunun P.? - - _? A POSITIVE FAIT-li..,'- ? n win.. ?,lv? itim: lor IIOL-l ?l, I'l R.-IIA*?': c k11 NT v.. I.??. t-sr.Uesblr ....?I tliena, ? ???i;.? ?- n y ? no1? le ?a ?a.n, m niv f ????"?? "ia Thud na j.vMi s kuv, i a PP1.? .?.i "-?> ??' "1 - ? ii ??? ? i? ? sr.i'.'i.i.Y a'V CAY ?1 Rl I! I " Mil I .It? CLAl?. W.alr.l ree I tmuoti ?I??., li. ii-. I? '. 4 H LAI' IIF?1 M I I. .?? - lunn ? i.i boni bvlal, I..U-... ... ?in. trr-iie la, a.l. L. ?.Id ? !-Jfan. IM.l'V - H'.'eT* t??,. ? "?OR MAI.? ?A fpk i ?I M \ -U.-N in .'?.niuiiu Len?- li ?, i. ? ?! .. la. I i?.y II 1 ?iibM ?rare ff anil II . | : ... a I ' . ? .h ?? ti, .1. ? .nal ? ?. ? ?ia l.i|i ? a J ????- , I it | ,. | ? al) tbi l? ? .a4,l.l,i,'.l, I ? ?Jaw?, U?B Barlil i -. . " ll"( a .[.A? N< a" I.i Bal ni .' LtiiK ?-ALI? V u neal b-rjcriu, Ila coi'MRY I ?I Al .1 I... I. li. I, I la -t i.' I ,. I ,?.! I.. ?. Iluil-I.f li. i o n n?t ???-, , Ir.l ... d r. -"? I n .1. n. ?? ii. I ?Inanhi? I . . fr I : ? - ? t I I I ?? . i. I? ! t ? .1 ... i-: k keaae in perto? nil? ?I a..,.. ? ? oil'Ui.lir.ii? I i? , aiaa i. B?nalbia?! ?id Ivi.-t ?,.1 *rri . te i a.? i.. .' '? i ? -a? .- it ...ia. !, n t.i . . ? ,.??.,!, > I, i.? ol KtlliKIl! 'MfiKiN-l li -|ia,t?ii>?i.i.i al ?J IV bl Ht i.'i-r n ? i ?. i,,.. LX)H BAIX- . ? nail? PI IV'I ATKiN three . i.ilr. 'ion M ol,??i r li., .?t. . lae.nur VOf. art?. ?I, . i?, a" ,11, , I if a I, ,,,| . ,,, - ?,.,.,. I ? al ,,| . . u athel i. rd ?:i,l. !?? ?Sa.-rri.. ? ?...l.lai.t la . ,.?.? l'ai ?> . fi- . . .n la-, , ? ... ? ? ? Il M -if,. ,'(?!-. HALE.?.ti Ri k1 nd !.. ' le ?mt e Pi-?attain?;?? I ...i u^t-, ,i,,,. wak ie ??..oii.ahi '.??n ? ? '<? I ' ? ?. , ? ? ki .- ? I it ii '? i ? It. .?I?. l.||l? o' :. i, .,,'.... .. -'r.iahaaal .? ? ina,.n Sail li.,i I I Muli 1 . i.t. I*?., ii 1'ro.Oway ka, m S. 4 F ?'OH HALE?The tlui-e ?r?w"y hrown-titona In?'! ? ?i.?l Min -i ? ? I ..I li r-alba b?l???? ? I IHt N d ? .I.-.. ." ? '. |. fni ?..?.alf? .Iel hi? >,?ra tat .< i . 4 ., rsBM-B, --?? la? ????.??lay tai. hMK i- \l F - (- i MR? "'. N l. r ? ,i. .... Mean Bsaa liwln,:? ead tai.?:, r? an ???tup. .1 .? .I ? n ? -i ' atoal ?I n .i. ,, .::.... ... r. n prrs .?? Ne MMxttrtH ?i. pi II II*. M! - ? . d 'hl.AI IM'I i EME! i - -( (AL ?M l . "J ?eh Lan d loi ? i a??? a .. '?? ?u -. , i .?? i..? ? i ,.,-...? .,,.,. ^ 1*1 ita. ..? . i.. i.i- . f ????: ??? Ha?? k??t? Bra . u. -la 1 i ? ? ; ? I i ? i ? a s, reed r ? i .a.? f .1 ?u.i ?. ? 1? ,. < - ?t .? ??, .,..'?. ia I a? '?? 1 -j ? n '.1 '1.? i V I ?! flRII.I A a-.bars? (I- I .. MAli\I.\.M? I .! ' - : A-I I l-.N K1 ? Ul Ila? ?..I ?, I?, ia SB II.? 'ii ? ? f 1!.. M.r,1.11.1 ead I.i a, r h? :? .'I a , a-?.?, Mali. ? '?? ..?.lad ?. r? I 1, . ?. .. ? . I ? I S.a.?!'" r. i.l^r . 1 iil.|.-r-i?l.l " ? i. k li '. . .. . ..1 1. KI.AL 1..-I.U! Ulai LI AS "I ii I. (I ?ti -IA M * , ? . .? n to BALI if ' ? 1 ?>?? a III? ?I ?..I - ? a - I ? A.aa. ? ??11...I I Mi . -'?.- cn ?ar ? . - .-. .? I li ? u IBSS ?.:? r 1 ? . ItHlalllll. O! IC-TV I.. UlV.S .a. It..,n._a- A)l ? ? SFI.I.M?II? F ( , n 1 . lu ? ? ?'...?.?--.? ' l 1. r ?? 1 ... , .,,. II \hi for *Al.Eai 1 ...?? '.( ? ii?. MB kal ?an ? a s ..-?Rit .1 ?,.,., i? I k k?i.:?> 1 ? I 1 sJsl .1 1 . w ponara au. fax mt C?nnli.. r a\ 1 ii? ? iMT't n \-i .???? ........ .... ? ? I ls??< 1 r 1, .. 1 . ,. ?? r. . ... I N?w V. . I.I -.1 ANTED H( 1 M>-l'. -?v..-i. ii rt :. Sa ty ah ?'? ?? ? aula? to ?t 1 A ? ,J ,, . ' ural 11 ? 11 ? - *-" J- ? ???! - i?- . 1 , ..a a?. ( Ho Ld vdlNi R. I.i SIDENl E? A G , ?-?a a I ? ?UN!? al. Ila al li?.' 1 ?tri l I . ? H. 11 - ?ali. ?'I Pat I?.1 .1.1 smd Billiard H orr,? ?.. ? ? . Wain I . . Ii.I o Sl.lar, (laii-i ifS? | a? ?l -ou '. r .en. . -, ' ?... , r I.I . ; ? ? .' . . I ? ? ? 1. ? , ? ? . : a? -a a. uiod.l? .I??'" :? I' J ...? 1 j I. ? ? ?? ?a al :jy ko? d if I. ?? ?? I I ? . p ?v ?? 1 l . ' a ,r' a: ?? -' 1 I l-l a?.k fr. Oa I'.i a ?,, li I ? ian "r e "???> Isla ?'s. a M nu? , ' ? - - ?til ka .:???? ,?r?t* ?r.l ia-.f.oa,iil i it? Ra t ? : ba-Buar ra. ?o?-.t.?. i,?'.?!.?!?' i?a.ii?i. loscpii rt*KABt>.?va f., I Ko-.?.U tlulic?, I'ark ?it? _EOB( 1" P Hil KUK H.tir__ I'.rB Barak PIV) iT'l?'lte i'llfsr FLOOB wita i ?? J, BAIOIII ?lilli? ?I ."- ? ?' 'flam. I' id al a I. itt. ? tra loo, ilia- up .1. 1? _ 1"vi LET? t ?.it i!(?(i\is na ana fear ta'a nnall qta.rt Faaailvi 2 K.4.U. fr bl. n . ?,.?( I.? ??? N. am, X?..I??,?? I... a a . . 1 ?? Baird ano Booma BOARD? PleaantBOOMfl with BOAJ-0. admi l.l-lf ?d.lilail/ r ?u.? : '.u.. J < I I .n? .I irnlitnri w I-f l?,jr-l.n.lfpar?li ? A I ill I ' 3?a?_? "a Hu IB W? ter ? i? ?cr onimrr firtrrata AHM ALL FAVLY. nr a lew ampi?' gentlemen, an be??, f ?. .?(..let?al planen! h? mr .id ?cod BOAkl? or? [f?aaoi?lii. I w. m ? baaut f I vi! aujt liitir'uur. Tad? for, Nrw V>.rk I r r?:lr,r! Addraa. ??H AM Ti THILL. M inglsuviHs. Oraii,r Cou?, NY. _ _ ULI.LIT (.'UlNItY HOAKD?*1- ptr WEEK. I? Addi*.. B01 Na. 41 .?rr.ah. N Y _ WLASIliL, WA H HILL. WESTERLY, R. L. bj ?hu? ??I?. !???! >."!t??.n|ien. Cona ? li mit? ?ri kpoat ? ni itiii g N.w luMsnd New tursn?r? Pint Cat*? Arro? _...lai.?m? ?a??a !r..i?l? ?add r of l-asalo li ??.?.r? 1 Vi?-, la lii.i tVinl. Mt. Is? ??? ?ir. >ai r_| ti.lan, and inrf K.'h in,, la 1.0! .ur?.??a.! ? ti ? ?ko.? ? -?i It ? ?. .-aanbl? hy Nrw. ?, o?a asd MlsaW'o? anikcal. ?ndal. atiililiiali andr?? road, rou I ni kh? 1 l*.?w !?.?? and Nrw ? Pir?t Cam Arro? ?a -r. ni mndu ? ?f las? (o (J.-tobar I * nrfkilh- I i.ot ?araawrd ? ?I? woo.? roe?. It ia ?. .-raaihl* ?aisteasd MlsaW'o? and al. nsssshaa?. amdr?iac_ aartll ? ?? li. *! ? "?'.' r. . ?? Rta read ?taall.? . ai li la! I. Va -Srt?i'hil i. ii?J Mn.uftoia. Irr ?aatrh Hil!. Atldrs?. A 8 PUMPO* b Co.. M .?arl? R. I. ?ntl: J ?J? 1 After ly I. ?'? s ? '_,. ? ?-dru?. Itsnissywri. I mffl PBr3_T0 HOI Sr. f,irato<ra ? Thit Imauti 1 f ii ep.. n.?? ?nd niirih i k?f.i tr. ,.? 1. u ? ofjaa to ?be hen ?? of Au.rnra Plaur? ?r?k?i? ?i J ?tau.lort .otrrt, Hoitb and ?oalk. ?r?b?iti|.pp:.l of lia ?ir?!l?a 1?. aa.d ai? faat MBBafM? toiiiu.odaiiiu.? ._..._ ... Th* t.nate ?s ?ni r, 'nimvinrlr'I by ?trairl., to th?t ?very rtaon ii ? front room, ?ivy .maka**. ?BB? ?"'1:| ?_*? rup? t? by iny li-.i?l r....t . il ."?.rito,? fUdway ?f. .. wh ch >. th? han? mon front, t. ?I da po.m ?n-y ?sr-'?a ?I? ??? ? (roan lb? dap?!, lo ?lad fiooi wi i h t?* oui ' lb ??? ti" ho.i??rs."?i?l?u?:y rsaa b, I ra of oharas. !?? ahl? bah ?ni?, atom, oom t.UOt i?-t ef protnai.adt, doubla, rea. .Ibnr?l?dr Urra, Ipi It.'iaai .winn,? ?>?rt rt.ry ?lol.? t., ?? rrk y bop. with I 'kad, . teblr wber? ?Uoirt viasla. wiora ?nd iruii? ?it lu ?ir-elaani sud ?I.? aolUr .naiv ?nd elagaot rabtin.? ?.I ii.? ho.??. it H WlVd w.l ?adir? (ha p?lalo ?? ?n,,i ti? fra.toa ?tous? hs onrioaili,, ?-rwbarr , ?hil. tbr ?..??.ni att.i. tia?, tht parf? ' i.aal?. "'* lasnsssxl.BBbls ?an a nirl ?haeart*ia?y of -?vii.I ?rt-ry wuk mi rd ?iv* ?i.n.,?. ti,.i ti.a?s ? i.. v.? ? ths Prrataa? lie ,?. ? , Mi* Ikrir ?la? Lmkomm,, ?k.l: ?ad npar?ao. e of ?ita l?i.dl..r?l .t?B* kr otrf..?k?.:. ?_B___??nnnB-n?nnaBnnnnaBBnnnB*toto!ra,,"?""?,"~ _5_*tr I?. kTEANIK UOTtmi I ILA-t-lfAM-y.-Wc-U S\ U !;-,|?l!l'>?OM*?lmod?r?te ?ira? b, 4-a dar. w.ea. or ? >|a? ??.I "? B I li? DUB Pr ptwn r. 4 TLWIIC I Y. V J.?TIM I Ml 1.1? STATES .'\ III ?I l.L, ?. i ' ? ??' I i ?" ' ?'??ob A roinraasdatiooi foi aoti ? .ti tl..d?. Mb >?'fi?; "? a'lrnd il? r , ... . ?...r?. H, ,i.vs_|. \v,,} , ,.r. _ KI/./.ENS? 1>1 r?UM" Ho Hi -Rj->-rti hat V infV. . tbr? I Ion?? i. six rioll.r. per d.i wa? t*?fsi?.'lie pue? ?.j ha? ti-an all fi ? sr. wa Lui .nd. ll-Jel.-n V I ???T_C?)//.jr*N? j? lu , .. ISLAND H'HE, Hell'-w, Falla, Ver_?(t_t.?-I' .M IV. 'Oil ."4 li.. . o auioJila". c1 IS na:..?, Vuit-r?, -a uitsdmlhr ii.o.l .?tbiul >?it?f ?'? r*"""'e'i it %'klley MC ? , ? Im.u Ne" York, ?ha must te,on loots ?. Hie Wims M0..0I? u. CliAAia-lTuVANI p, p,.?,0,. OAtpK MAY, IV. J. Pi'ltnt :| bia?ria? tram nfe.-4p.-4a; ka ?a^utaed'?* ?he toa ?.?.?ti , i, ile? Atlantic t*e*?l f*t ''??Bil?'?,-. ?io?' le-Biltal IteMB ?n ? (.tNOHl.?-;s HAI.!., I? '.I a? ei'UB-Jeli-ne iv, I, MO f teats) j r. oak?:. i..|> .(? ?OI.IJMBIA HOI SI?', I?.lb ?<r u? or 7,lj,,,..,, , ?f?*!0. J. liiit.r?,'?, rroyrl.tor tegul Nolicra. IN < IRl I IT roCRT, KASTIittN URtJlIT OF I ?- 1J HII'A. Lsvail lunty, I? tr.?i.i'?ry ? la Ibe initier of the p? " ' ,"i!r:? SI HP IVAAL, SAMUEL W KOX ted JO H V ?a M a K ?( X .". ?wf-.for 'he per?ilJja? at the ral SStsM of MARY ASiN UK WAAL. U-enf ??LI -oonty. -BeaaeA-l? I'.rt I' .. li appear ?4 la. the aetnf. .,.,.. ef ihe Coori hy -lol.ail ii.ul? ??.?-.TiMii tel,?, ?una alni?-i.'i'ei..i?.? m (?a ?h.??? e?nt.a , .a? 'au I lai;,, _? l\ .?j, ,_?., o?e of ihe Leite m4 J',itri3..tea;i In and tv Ib. o .,?o.| real ..tat? iit..?a, .>.n?t ?kJ li. in mtk* (My ?f JicJy v ' J L>u?el eui alai., m i lo,-?. end ???>??>. .... t_? I et, . . p'?i 11 .?.! ...(? i. lo'i Bomber ??ir-???I?'? ii. ??,??? ?Ti? le"., a?.! Ik? ?..i bali i . ii i .iii't'i !>?? in iq.?i- nuiuti-r tau. ? i lui. rtj of Mar y Aub Pt Weil, now uV eiraed, ia io? baryoual Mt?. ?i ?th.-. ferr m n.ellen rf John W Prie?, ?ollclto? fe? c-aptaio : o 'ed t!,.t . ?_r?e? Pe Wa?! art, On plrai, ?..? ?? -r or .?eil .r It It.? pell'ioi. ...-?? oil ?ite?B|h?tt???- entitled Cl-I?e ".,..' ba-'.iretbe - '?? tnr? 4.? ?I Jnatry, A. 1). l?v7, vu lu? ??al? W.ll Le (..?.-ti tt ?I , It ,. (? ttatiij Ita! ? renlfle.i r.epy o"?',!? ?"!?? he> p h!i?b?<! a. m ..,? BBWtBaa?! -ahtlihila me-a? sf Ink?? ?I >. Platon, M?I lu ? ?., .... .|- . |, ,i, Bad MR*?* 1 vi.k l ??y, tod i...? n?V p p I i ? a ,n VV.-i,., .'i-u t Hy B.C. in ttaspti'eoi it month?, ona-? ? a?.k .ubi?, lil?.ly. l>. A. i'LTT vi. Jo y Y , J,.*?? Cr Court, fc?a!. Clr flcr-kt. ?"?'? ?' ftartAP, Ti,., ?i- rfiruieU: I. X1 v.-he?4 He??? lark ?f tin ClTreit loot., du '..i-rrtj mid} ILaI ?ka ."ttf?Uf I? t tue copy ml . uro? . . w cu i " in mv ? tTi s W ? ... ay kaw.?J ???) .,_. ".J ??*_, LlMI *4!h rf J. la-. A. I) , 1 ita. ! ..I.) __.?L tibAKN,? i.rk. _ NT KUI KI .M. < OM RP.? I I.I 18 BLOCK, . : . , : C ?f.,.0.1 *('.-'KI'll Mc B?'.iTBY * lenSai.t - -uanaan* |. I . o.. . ? y .li .i.?lill OB I o' r: t (( O!... uri -.1 I -. Tt tk? ??e'??a*?-.? Yeo li? henny lammamni ?...I : .SOe. I.'. *). l.L : l.oi.fnl lo ?Blaeir tilt . ir.liai??.1 In ,:..? ?ttblB, I H?M. ?lamp, ', ?I... h wal be ?Jad?o the i .Tic? of Ihe .1, r?i ..r'I,.- : .11? ! (Sty and ( r?j?iyol Nee? York, ailie (.?y Hall City : MBaaBbA : ?I N?w-Yajik. ?.-I to ?ar?. a cpy ? your au???er . ., i, ? ?. ,1 ? ?bj um ra the tula, ni,, r ?t hi? utfo ?? In. T, W'.all atreet. ?B ?aid Sty with?, nrealy dev? a/1, r the e.r?ie? of iii.? ?amana so y, ? el .?e el Ile dey ul ?... I. lerv.r. ;?ud if JllU feil lo Al.??./ the ?to.i UM wit ?B la. la. -*r ?.a. Ihe plaintiff in thl? ?rtlon will I?ki ndiBaal arima yoa f.r the ?u.u ol lire b'lnltai d llora ?ali Int.!.-? re... tia ?ah da?'e| ?nly. en? tbeu??n! ? >l I. .., m 4 ?lale.llj -Bl?, le? Hit til? r.,?l. , I ll'll ? l.?'d Ne* iori, J'.l' ? ?J J rVAHEl'.N LAVVTOM, f*l?ij.ti? ? Attorney, eta?at?Wai i,, N. ?. Tie? m?,),,..,? in It? ?b??*eii.":,:d |rJa?B ?II tit! le tt? i ?fli ??? of ti. Clerk if U.i lay ?u.l ('? n't I tt ? ti - in the Ila. day of l? - It? J Wl-l-tlN LA WTO?,, l'iaiulll ? Attrsroey. ?It. __ v i.'ii i. i-i,m i : ( or li I '.-axx DBA?Y, Plain li. till ?ii. J V "It S I'. Illili.' " K,,r re fciL. ' , ?? i?li,i,i Tea tv? hereby rttmrnnomdaad .; . , o.nipiual in thia iv'tioii, ;*t? Io'ejnual: a ..j? ii L. .????? lb e?i?id pua JO? and "j. Krv. Stamp! I r?.npl?ii.( on ! ("si.eeled ! n. . ii . | i....rt.j? Cbaaaberl area .? :.. i . ... .-1 -., i Y ort ?? al ... t*. n'y Ina ?It. : .v .? I . re f ? i ' ? ? i ? .. v ?I .u a, -.rvkre. I od if T. ? i?." il.reaid, li.e j.i'.i.'i!) ... lui? ?a. i ? ? ?t| T ". ?e I. r" |. r tie n !.. i r!, ?nie.j in* I ia ('?'iplaii.' -Illtt-I July ' i at*. ?VAL ?I. Bev-tlr?, ?'???lid*. Aituracy. Hu .. nu, .iiit in tin -.. . a h Hod h. "... OB?* of fie I ,. ,k ? I 'I. ( ?? a > o. ?tv of V ?.Y"?? at the ? ?ty Uti I,, ?tk! tit?- se the ,1.1 dtyif JelV, A li , let?.. all *??? ?"- M lAeT? A'".ne.FlalBlhT. iVl 1 hi.?li. ? ???r, ?'lit ? i .U oi M i ,.. SEW I- vi'hK IDMUNDB ii v.sur.:, i. ?.i i;, urti,F* P. RAR ... -I I.VSII I. HAY - o .. "? ! er aia-T J'-riand ?B ?otttisa -(. ... ..' .-.r ' T' !:??? ?' ? .-.1 or . ii i.e.. ' -,, . . raal; ir Illa ?el,,, i whirl, will ?? 'Ile? lal..,.! i, eo a, Ma' .ii,*' ? ? ' i ... i ."in. ?( ib? ' it? : u '. ?:? i. o. -i., (ii ' ? . Se? .: V.., ?Ml??a?S S ' ' !?? el V or ? ,?-ei to Di" ?j?k1 oie. Iii ?ai li..? o bri > > I r-da-sy. .n toa Uty ?/ R?-?-??tt. w.tL.ii i -i ...y ...-. ? . ' ? - th. ....... al tbi. ? ?t'-fu ?i?e of .he .ley . I ?... harinee. ,.,d i! yr. . tell to ?newer 'he ?.?id am. ! f-a?.?.a a? Iii? ti.,, in. e .?or. -aid. le ?-_?(?_< ?nu t.?. ..??meut *t..u i ? . (. . li . -?, .. ? f ? ' . ? ? I ?. ??. .:??,! lima? ni.? li OOM 1.4 en-nt Lll'ilrrd ai.J I'ltybTt, ,. -D led.' li- ?. I'1!. 0 1 s s It r . i ?? l" itlffV ?non??* I T le -renptllot In th,e ?ellon veal ?le.l in .ha o ti a of UM ( l-rb of S li.? < .ly ?no . u uty ? I .??w-iaik, o . ,i.e u.-'. lay "I v?;.i ' I . 0 ' . I 'H' A' ii hi. .li i ( i l?r, .-/.".. ?a '. . io.*.?In the . : h., pi : ;. tri".'!?'' ? PH n ?i nrnvc i mi ?? tv wobld um- is -i 1! ?-?d' (-(-'I. a\ , ton VOLUNTAR) DI* -? ?l-l ". .-?A -I e-.. . .? a' ??? ?idrr ?t .?,-,,? la?ay , f rth J.y .f >. ? I' I. M a -, I '. m f f.?. li aft (i if re the lion. ?J-cr.e O B..ruA,d, Jo, Lia-, Smi-? ? i.e e'.j fi?.u . ? .'"! ... l?,i li.J Tee Net? tWevI iJ '.itjAl-Sp* ? . e !,,. ? .IB. ?I e?ey IBty > ,, -...'ii?) a..', ne ti?? 4,??*. I. Litar?, 1 , . ? It... "-?air. ?!?..'. i ?U4V I ' tv (ti. }\*a?m**t A Vii !a?i ?rr ,f.(i?Vrra , i, tin- i.?'. J.y ?I I -ii?I?- next ?. ?O o elsti i??bi. I .-?j.}.: - ia '.id - KviMgT^-liWa^R Si: ? ijiKi-ioi'N'i v oF Tom: ' NATltVS , I. - ll.f.Vi" ., . . 'Or-Vle!.:. K. i-' 1 M? . ?ta an : "?: tam .ie I,, iel y , i . . I? S s- I tiff ? <??? wl'l h? ? . e ( i rl ? "tt e ?: L ? i? i . . ?, a.! io !-.. . ?? ; ? .'. L "? .. ... .1 N *r ?, n . I* .'.:?? ? of th.? - r , ,,, . , e . ? I ???.?it-, 01 til? p*_?1 t.B v. . a,| ? I > It ? S V -e- ... T. ,. |i_ . '-'or. 'I ill r?av b4_ITRl : - ' ' ..i ' il C??nu I J 11. KA) \ a V. I DlKISlli .' ". .,.. . i J( ?N -. I t;.i ..... w.u HlL_.v 1 - LLOYD ..... - -.i", b. late o-i i ?T?B'a: | ?tlrt. ?beete Bilk?" v.>a a? ha."y : ?A e. . til np, ?red,IO l-a? I I !"???->' ? ?rtiva ?? , '. ????.-. ?? ' ? re lord eflj e erf ibe l.klkik. at tia I iiy ?i>4 , i Ay li :?? ? i i?, ?I I-f l:t- Uti m ?he I l'T c4 ii a. d i. ? cerf? ?f ycrffSM*-1 i? in? aid I I aarfstiiit ?a '>? ? i ? r,btxa ?i Iml.r Kim, rup lil './..?j-ay . .J of ~?T-Volk, ?ileL-i la? d ? ntilonytn -toairrhe-ef rk.r d? of luco ?- ? o'?ntaili?ii. m* '.m.? rill tai? j .!?? ?-.? te '. r ?'.....?'???- ?- . .r. .1 sa4 it, ?.-?' o I,, la-? ?rkth later? al a ... . . cary IT, "i ? ?',,., Miy 17, llroL, beak.?. I e ? ? i ,'tteJJ ita II. lt??S. BABJtRT. 1-l'lLi.B A P..L-". i* . '.ft A!io.?.yi i? aird in lbs Hi e i , I ra ?f , the t . ? ?i.j I. ..?j ol Nea. Verb, ou the J*tli da? v.1 J ira, isM. I ?-T?f??????T? Sc?'i:i:mi: ?o-rt, rountr ??f Kin**?.?john UACfl H .' ff ?ft.:?? I Vi ill.'.?- Br-vsi.i:, ,bJ- \RA1I. . ? :- r.i.d ?V! T.?VI. indiTiduvi?. ?nd i? A.l.i,:* ?: T k... ,. I ./?beni T ?re. dr.?,aej, ; 1 ? ' ? ? ? i c t ? ft.? fUmp. : tau ?i-i ? ?. ?. - of th?.:, - ; You IM > . ?I l J rerj ikra! to ar. : l: . ?1 : I alter the caro.i . ? .,v!i wil ;.; ? 1 ?? ,'. -he i lerl -fib?? ? i ty of KJorf?, i.t the i"..oit . ? ??iPity of Bieekl ., *adte*a?seeegy ?.yaatseaVarM I Ike MM <? ?f_i:.l.'ii Ha ?ut o-r.veri. a- au ?Sice. No."ii ' Krii?d??y, , N-? V.,l ?'ity L.tbil. tWrblt d..,?!ier t'.t ??r-tr? of lhi?< m.OWB? e?e|....T? r'lraday ?f tact, ^reie?; tad ii Jam fail I? ?a j ta??r tie? -io: .-. i.,(j mut ?itl.ii. lia taa .(,??->_-. lb? pi?.ntl? In I Ida ti urn ?,:. a; t ? to the Coofl lor the rrdef _eaM-rt-(f In tim roon I ( a.nt -letieal Muy II. 114?. OV.OBO- P. MABTKN?. P ..i,:,rl ? At..ii" y, No 21*1 Broadway. The , . ?b"Te en?tled ?ellon wa* 4 i y Bl-d i. tb? ti - f th. (rime of Kiuf?. ?ti tb? Mb day of Jane. A. I). IBM ?I I ti.? i o ort II..? in t .. ( arv al Brookl?n. i,7 ?wlwTb_t*JR??B?E ?. ?vtABTESia, P)?'.Bttr* Attrvrney. -tit? or Kaw Yobs. " ? Orrie? or Tim Sbcbbtibt or Stat? Al BAM. .lo? .H Is? 1 r|_0 tht S11EBI?T of ?JmCOUNIT _f ??EW-YORK: I ?.r Nil.?? ., Leo he ei?,,, thit ?i**th? OE??*?gAL KLiTCTlUR lo Le held . , Ih'i '?itiaaallieTPK'SKAY a.iceea-diOf Ibe br-l M t vi.? if Nu tah? a ot it, .he ??Ucuaiif eli., er. ?le I. he e'eced, lo wit. ?> A ii??.'! or, in the pi.. e of Rintel, ?; ?'eaton j A I. - eiieail !?? Terreur, la th? pitre of Thom** 0- Altord , A ( ???! Cob? n,The t ? e of Pa j,?iib ?" Brae?: Ab MtpeelM of Sta* Prleom.1? -a ?i_re of Jaar? K. Bat*; ?? J of ?bar*, lenna o? atoca m?I expira ob the ?el day of Derrabar l.?*L A Keprei-i t.t? e iu the K.rtlelh l'on; e?i of Ihe Palled Slate? fur th? ??urn, I i., -Lum?! (?inri.-!. . i. , petal u." the Iml ?e. ?ed, Third. ?Ouilh, Pif.b, Sixth an I P-fhtb Waidt ?f ?b* lily tad County ol N. ??? Yori an.I (i?vemor'a Uland. A l.?pa?.eii!*avi' ?j Ihe ? I ?pcrr?? of lb? Pulled Sill.? f.r tia ?-.cb,onal Dutric!. rr,?j,.<j,?.l at lb? ?reern.h Tenth, Tuirteealh, t(.d ?'?urtorBtL Wird, ?Mhr (?Mr tad County ?f Now T. rk. A B-prea. ??'ive In 'heFortieth Tontreit o' tia 1'nl'ei fat???, for the B.ith Coi,in a..u.i.l 1? al ict ?o.opoaed of the Ninth, ?l;i?,.iii ?lid .-.xieeiitii ?V arda if ti,e lily and (ounty cf New Var?. A KeprteMntil re in IL. r-".,vieil. Coafren of tb? I 'nilev.1 til.t?* for th? Serenth ('..BfreMinual Duli.,' ?BniposeJ of tia E evan?l tad vv .rd? of ib. City .nd Co inly oi New-Ttyrt. A KerretentttiTe io the for: iel), ( nrrrt.ii of the fulled Slain for the ?..fra!, ('onir?Minnil Dittri. t. ron.??lad of tb. ?.iflilMM?, n. ...liai, ted Twenty lot Wi.diul th. City ?ad County nfNtw. Voit. A l(epi?ter:'i"!ve in the ?'. rtie"h Coolie?? of tli. Polled Sittatfot Ik. Nitil. ( o.if r?M.ou*l I?.?' ii I. ia.??ti ol Ibe Tare!"",, lame (?enthaod T ???lily a, .nd Wird? ?i* the City **d C?.:.ii? ?f New York, ?b4 B . ??el-, ?.V.r! .?..J k-vudal.'? |.t?a_*. couirrr orKicLi.*? to ne kllctf.d. Twenty on? vin,,..,.,' li.," !? A Met.?--1 la Ila piare of Jaka Mi..-.! A Ile. oiler la Ita aiast ?' John K Hackett who wai ?| v? n:?d t. b . ti.. Tierney ? .-ni..ned by the retlfnit.uu of .lobs T liofluui. A htirref?-., la th. pier? ef Uideain I Tu-ker. Twe t>uf*<T_?r? io th? pi?,? of Ballb Kly. Jr., ?nd U'lliiiui kV St.wtrt A ( "lerer M4h? nle-e of Leal* Neumann wb?? wta irrp.iit.4 te HI the ?? ?ney ?ctt?-er..ird*jy tb* dt-tb of ?.di? ?rd CeWat? A 1 wl,...?'?;a? o'ofc e will expire on tia tat d*y of DeceruAV-! re?!. ?i.e atetatio? tfli.ep.-. tura of Lie ?Ian tod Cott-fT Cant?_??a li dire, led lo (Lip(*r III of Ltwaof leSVi. ? copy or wbl, 1.1, ?riaie l.erewith, eutiilej " Ab Act to protide for ?ubmtttiuf lo the peupl? thrqjeii.o* ' .Sin!, tt.era b? I ron?enlior. to reme the ('oiii'.ti.tion ??d ?me.,,! tk? iitB? ' '* tot ;i..ti , -.i,,t, ?b re.erd I', tbe'r dj'ie. uad?r aid Avi. Chap ICI. A54 ACT to yroTide for *ob*iii:ting lu ii e Peofils the v|oe.tiivii. "Sbalj t-t/e be t ? ?nveniloa ?? rr?il tb? CtBBBlul.ut lid ?uieud tb? ??ma 1 - Fated ."alta-h I?, ltbri. The People of the tTl.feo' New-York, repr??rnt?4 in t??B?t? and A* teriiL t . do ena.-I at fjlloeri Ssctio? I At Die feneral ?_*?!-? to I? I ?tit Iii t!? Sill* ob th* T.iMdey attar ihe Bret Montar ol No?.nita,, ?vtflitiaa I....e4:>4 ai.d tilly iLl. M?re th*l1 bcprotldeit for Ihe p,,| M eacli erfoodi. I-i. I, tua kept loeie.t by the Imp.? iel? ul lor-tlt? W in u 4ia"n t ? t?. . in? k?J "I r.uremia?,' proper (or (he r*c?|rCon of oil I oil. tva-y l?-a,,u u. 11.1.n.ilu.a qjiltbed to tot. it t:itia ?IsetUa fa.- oiemueri of the lajti.Kur?, mt? rote li ?u?"!. poll e b?1ol, either arritaen ?r prnted cr yt-.'? ?riiiei. or jan'y print?! on ??-it ???li ben i rilad lb? ?? ..ii?. t?t * ( tiv-niioii to rrv'?? theCPBilitui.oB ?id inieiid ti.? -Hue. el ti.? w.rda, * Af?...?> ? Cnnvratioa to revi., tb? 4 oiitnt ilion tai maud the lame " ?uri, ?allan .ha! b' .?lotted ? l o, ???? no. eud anal! be i? ei-'ed by a?id Ii?|e a..-, of ! oat.on. and nul. b? Jrp.-led in a.-ld h.'oi bux ile pot :,.:-!,.r ?:,. aid ? .lad I,? ao prefiere J ?nd k?'it, (hit tij-ie thill he ,., m .o,n Itr-reia i-eiileioia? ? inark or tif m? lut r?. I. rutar ve Im >h? vp ? ou* of?* ii?? ot* ??I .' -h eel :m!, tl.ilT be headed ? C..0T?i.tW Alt ihe a ?:... n? "f ne Ad enUtted ?? A_ Act i .pee : . i -rib?? L ?. .v liol ia??i ulTiv?n." *et, ted! nit?, ?:... e li'ii.J'ed ?na Mr?, "?"> end?"! l?wtin.eo4ati.ry '* -ibj ?ed al lira rtcfwioBi ?f tie VI eotitied '? An 1?! lot MtirUlirtaj br prop?! pt 'fa li.? ntl re?, ?ho thill lae entitled to th? rt-.Lt if i,.tf iro and to pierent 'nu I ,1?. i, " pitied April bltrrnll. el?'leen h'lirli'-t ii,,! hflT. I i.n.e m J i'l Hie proriiioni n| ttl? Arl ?utiil.d " A* Art In v_c?ita_a ?y prop- . p.oof??rae1ti*ta? wb? aali la rrit.ilrj ' ila rif ht M li..'- I Sal- p?a*e. Mt*/thirietMh. eifhtatii loiudrrJ tad ? J'.' St?, ?o?.r ' _ the aaii.r uri ?pyl!.??'?, t_,l, ipply (o lb? I'lovjred.i.f, nndei Ititi j ila S?er?t.ry of .Stilt ?hill, ioimcdliUly ti -r the ??teu.bUnf eg |*R he next r.e.iaUrure. In the ytar ri|lii?*u ko .di?! ?i~ ?ixl? ???.?, , ?nari 'k-. elo the r??crit at Ibe elr.-uiay L? ptovai?. fur. | I I :.u ?al thill take ?Sect Imdeif-t? Ye_a??-r??rl)_llj, *_A.?.X1S ti. BAlXLUW lie _Ti (_?.', City and County i f Sew York, M 1 twratrvy r-e.tlfy lb* eba?* lo la ? In? .-oar at Ihe en.-a?', attie? ?turad hy Bl* lididtT from II? S.i"*l*ry iTSt?t? liait- Nt? York J Ai I?. 1MB JOHN KELLY. Mtanff ?f Uty ??J < ?ndit of New York. Ne?if??r* tot .Inrltliy ?:.!t,o.ii_d M pnbli.b?t?ii? uoftc* ?ii ?at e e.?' pat fur I'? ?ntasrtton. ? ctitr? ?*?. La?, o! lfcVor) l?aaB?aB_H^BaaaBBXBB^?B?B?BBBMBBaaaa^ BEAMIIALL. PEAXE A Co, MannfaMurera of Ik? improtal F.MPIBr. (i_S-Bl'BNEI*fl, ill tiiet. Nui. HT md It- Wsar?L,-4aNv.4-?l?-? ii mi L,??????I ; ^mo-crri.nis. BARNFM' NEW AHXXJCAlf itVVtmL Hi.???-,? r hat?r?as St r?u? ?id Prior? ?a ??ii. ccor cfvjL' A OPLia-HTlULLT (?':'!. Al MOnrBERr! _ POl Rial WEEK AMPt (??TlrTf'ED'?l'CtKl-#. kiU, O. L Pi X - 8ILE.NUID -All P-STOJ-IME Mh. o L r? i MIS- KATE Mh i K FOX, Mt* ?h? 'n'? aal .flic:.-? v ' I ??iMPANT. EVERY AKTIUVlKlS a 2. NO ?I a :.*?-? md I ?Tiro ia i ?? ,? p,. ,. JACK AMI (allX 'r..: p THE JJILL. R-lUHKAIlLETklNiJi-'ilMA I0N1 I.M OHAHLt IR1CR? .,,'. MlilT!II.*(?<PfrllS(l INCICEST1. To b? leen .1 ?1 bootu, Hi. II! **!. \RI!?T rSTI!. ? r. CLOCK, p.a.. lo taaui?. lu.tniol i:?d tater. M. ___,. over ian ?e ?i RfcernFB. THi". (.ABOLINA TWI18 ln?rp?r?b y foinad ,.t a? ?' v.-n. ut. MA-PKl. ALLEY 1(-RNH? INFANT DRI'MMfR MlMMOTH t-.lT (UiU?, thrssyrsr. ohl w?i-i_ 1?, ib lUit-l. Ill A.I1-5, IIBI.A--M4N (TIRI IN'OFM _kS fJLl-ISBLO'.Vr*..*.?,_,__ TUP F ! ?mi ?AL? ?4 ii* . .liE f!-TH ?AlOOlt cant sim ? nail? ll?a ?g uvi.?.?.-"Pi:nir-s?npi?m? asb ahlual?, a_?qn??tu4J(ort_ii.v sal lo vu?? whirh 1. ALONF WORTH TUP PR ?CF. OK APttlrlaU??M Ap III? AN ? BOVVNKO I RANKS. Af-THALIAN (JTOB!*!'M AND V?H'S?. VVrlITT 11 ?1 . iBS. BLACK. flvVANU. THE AKRI? AN* VL-'LTl'RK .?IF ADJUTANT UVlN?. OI.RA.N'i OL'TakM?! ?RUM Ililfcll ? ONE 11 .NIJIU'D hiyiSM MiiSavy?, L?r.r?t I?- B etea sutil _? A.iitiiie?. LI..?.(J ?UOR.S1- BLJ-JV. ?^^.I"??**-0'**** uvtsii boa r?T**T*ttrro?B. r- iii un 1? 1 ?a 11 *?/, Vi rrj Y?"t "t-?iM*r- ttedte Ad?o ta-a.*. 39 .antfc CLi^.-e I ?? '"?_ _m OLYMPIC THL.vnJ.' Lea a-|iir-v.-r ... ... H.-r.lct. Till??, THURSDAY I.'? l.NNu 1 ?4 T. oth niau t o? u,r (rrat lae?.*? li ti* ?aaoi. IS?4*>i??i4>... Sp.? Ik? ul?r Paur? Lagrud, THE ICP. VA ITCH, Il t WITi I!. ii t: wirou. .ici: w 1? ii Prawntrl aftar rtiraa ma?iihi ?( ?e?.?. .ni ?a?no-iu: pra-fiarili???. mi rar'u? tua juiul ?ftVrs.f tU lu?i -faMa. Aej \mth ol k*u Asor Mt?i. 1'. Th? C. "?r?t?d rrrj4ryn ?Uta. THV". WEBR SIM ?EH- WEBB .a_? rf?R?, AD! ?Mid a. .IMA al. .sustain th? ?lo.rt.trr. of MINNA.?-i ? LADY "TI. I. First ?pM-r.n e of IIB _ LAMP ?be fayirlta C ..ard ..1 ?. MA. INUS PNOBO THE I ii.VlHI 1 NT f flNK.RY I. of th? moat Uor-i-? a-.1. ?,- ? ? - .??a FainI I ? ?a ?a.? aaal brilliant Ir aa-?iarn.ati" .? ?roui Ihc pan ?1 ?I Ma* (irrt at il? dar, Mr Y IAY - . ? ? ?, ??.. k1 '.r.: ,.? I larc.? :y I? e'.h ,'rl V .- -.n '-.?t M, V I - l~0'?ll'?. New an I II a, I fui M Kl.-. ,' -ran?.??? ???r.?l?lor to? . m.-niai?? ?? the Humnsmls hy Mi. TIIOMAJJ HAKUl. '? fir J. rs..j ?r .ad l.utr?jcui?, 1. o ..tiia-? a ? ?:ir??.?.b.< ?tr*ra|4?? THE K'ivvi ?.it -?-IHTERA MILLIK ?o?! ( LARA, i? ?- liiaoi i.? 4 1 (?Sa. Aad a gr.ud-. ?:--I i-?.?-.1 .1 . |f t. .?. ?d ! tiou to ti? 'i' -fe? alre.dy U.TIi'l .:..- !. Tur ?. ! -hr??e<! O'HNIi OEvBUAB i.i-EkA ( H.iRi* i.rii-rr.ji-dio ?. 1un la* .?f/? a La I !.. r?.?.. ? .it ?I. t? Um play ? i?j. . r UTNOI'CIS OP ?CrNrPY ANT INnrtKM)*? A-t 1. te-B? I?Illa le? B? el '?--I -r.e i?< I ? ?i. Milla, 8??ii*3?I ua ! roaen Sa? , -orn. I? laaali-u?t'i"o la ?? Mrai. aftslbal- S.. ?-'" ??? ?? .' ?r til-ff ??e i<? .'-s?w?vao. I-??1.? ! [?riada Maa., s. t'as?'? ??re-i ?be Al?.,I. ? lirada i. tia Narwae?aa Ctaaai. Ar- ? i.-n? '? ? llsll is ? r a ?.? - '. . - I -Cr?? 1? Eit-ri i ?f ?1 .. * ' al. Pre ??? i? ?nd ' ? "r A^ ? . i_-|"i , llaj.-ry Bxpntoeii s ra? t?templo ni Osas ia? IV.i?. i Ma*. . r "-?. 1! UtUff?.! Tim? li 1? 1 n tu ".- ?sal - ... a , Vi MI i. \''h'. 1 ixl th l\>. i .?f it? Ei?f?rrn.?iii ?file lllf?!ll POI'CI.aH i >: *.(. IKftll ? ?i !*? Lil 1*4 MU. 1-4*?' I" TiMH INI? I'?'..?? . UTIL ?rj-BTUEB N?! CE. i.kKai Bl H?" . ?. IHAHBB < BU'I N TBS BO! LD BOT ?JP ?lt.?.1?iA*_L A Til? o? * W11 11 ????? Ktnllt *?' PNK1Y KFVa-cilvp Mi.? ian;?":. irPLIAMCs-L t 11 Vi"i" AI'POINTUI NTS 1 ? K It ? ( T ? ii>11 ML h. IllTI REBQI'E I Ulli aCTl I ?m lilVlir BLAI.'TIPI'I. Sil.-I . EXl ' Al _ .tprnopuiAlKOVKjn.i:!. ? i :ni.ii:vial mimh*., ?rranu-d b? ? i..*a,r? j '.n Y (uVk . CAB. Ur*!?lMARI?ABLF -" I ?I TU ASD BARK ER t "iiAMc-i ivp.R:r.N l_ th? ' !?? ,",??- :i" - 1 f ?lili .Law li 1 K?lrO"P.'?' ' .r.d . ?r.rad im ii ti.- ?? ne ?. ?1 t?r r .1.1 ip:?-? t n .->, - ? KNI? 'I. f-a, a ... .??II .11 - . - -.I '? r Dr??f De? ai... ? -It IV. 1. Cloyi Fa'hc, Hi a.r ? Mi 1 ? ?. ?a???? -. Mr. H. T. Rin-s? W (.IT? n. . -Mr iaV??re I . ..?ir i. v fl.?.D C It. !? t . .Mr. J. ?. VVu.amao? ? a ? ? ? Mr ?A. A I.^iard y ..'-.. ... .Ma ?? ?. IL. ?... Ma-. ... .....Mil e.a^aOook? v ..,,? rwbelled Mo ?s'a?*??. ???(PC Iii r ti.i.r.trw .. ? Mr. -lark S.air-ra W .dow Ha-e-,,. M?. ;-..H*sBau ? i:l e, ? '-.-- :? r- hv ""? ? ' fi;-aav !r. . ! u'.' t . r !' ? ? j -r. ter ?ti? d?i.?bj?.? ? ?ut.Cd triar I" ' V " ? HO th? ino.i, rnuip.aad hyJl'ilN Ml'.iit ia-?! AM ???. ? 1 - , r ? .1 a -,i..r? ali i 1. a? -.- .?,.?. 1 * 4 "W'lMLIt ??\i:i?i.n. 'I BrartB.?' * ?? o. .^?? 1<?1 .."cl-- k THCB-DAY Al'- - - lalMT N'l'iHT P!'T WWi? LABT Nai.iir BIT in ' of Bro.- ?! .ni ? ?iV !.J Eitri??, LOI MIT ?L THIS I. v . . . . w.ti ? ut _l'L_.?.i?)il ?li- SLLN1.RY .Ntl APrillNTMr.NT*. Brourbani'i ira.? Firrnriran?1 ?? I l?o ? '" ! Mi' S Hil .i.4-Th( ? TI I rhrtaiar?! 4 u o?. ?li?? ? ?JI.l MH1 H .' ..rvoymt ?. }lal?r ?. ? I i??af i-a, fXtj?Jitioa j??? ti.? ia ? world ? f .p-e..l?ln* . Mr JOIlN l?fl' I lltllW I O?.? VIKIA. ,..-_?_ACLIi '. I.V.'U.r. RINO P?R?lNAM). Ur. I L. UI'NM Aiid.Omt ( M The parf .rai??. ? w.ll ? r.? ??. . a-atl tor nu -.. :? . .1 iWed JL.N.SY LIN'U. Jenny La?tu?r,ui??? . Mi., lu fe Mr' a air aet and iaiara?. Ii.r??i ?-w ?itoB Beary Iw.ti, ton??;.Mr) I ? f)i.n? Uranha lia..l\ 8 V..4-.?? BI.F.Fi :KEK ST. C?R? 1>. ?r. li. CUIAIIINI.....r(!.(*la_-r. LA.*i 1\1 EK 'H THE -I ISO.N I.MMES<~! S"'. '? I S-t (i? THE Rli'iA!. BfAttlMI 1 ?? I'D! I'lltPilHaMAM IS KIM'. A rT__N! i?jN aN'I K V ?" .11 NO, And uo* ttVaiy a , 1 vi*- ot |.ro,r*.'i.l?? au ali ?utiuit Fir? arf-irai?. ol ina ?r??i aNtLoO.N BROTHERS. front E.'liLANP ANf? FRANCE Al. ? li.? V111I ll/'?iltu..l i.f It? raiiowna- ( I'B.AN FAVOR rlN? ?ha WONDEKITi. ?nd DARIN'i Al k!Al.!-T?? ?rd ill l|?4 ?-1U kijiiKii.ii s ano nafiNoa-.. Tkafra-I ?P.BASTIAN, in I.? if?,, ? ,d. u. ?et ?lUattTal .?IO a. Ra.ppaar.oc? of ?.:.? E1"C n IAN PL'PILS BKLEN \NI? Ti vUOUO I L'BA NOTIC*'. ? Ab.pprapriat pla 't u rttrrted for ( e ulai frept*. AdibiMi.. 1..'41* Child ran...Ha.t-T.iirr. HEO. TllO-'dAS-*' (iARl)E? (d.M. LUT-, AT TEhRACE flARD-N. I'. 1/ I ?a? . Iai.a.1, I .! t -ijlat . ?lid t.'l-in? ai. THI*) THI'RJIDAY, .'.lu t ?TI O ? LOCR -_, the FimrrETH or tupo thomas ?j .__ RRILUANI"! ? SCCCRaMFCl. POTT'LAR OBrCHKTKit. CARDES COSCEBIB 1 RinlRAVME FOR THIX H ? NINi. 1. fJriad Mi_ti.BsMkel i. Orsrtura **Hi. M.rr?.?-r '.?. 3 W.tU "la-'?T?.?t.".-. 4 ?rls ?loo. ? /.. ai|. .-,. I Orartars. ' Ra.iai.'. ?>. "Traumbd "sr ' {Bj taroom.). 7 Fin.'.. -Oraaran.' ? Kirai Ana. ?. Orr r a. ? foa. and PaaeariL" (By t*qo?? 1_ ? Walu. - Fe?blas-da? ". . 10. Poti-uni ' ll?inar<t*keD."._,..._Bl.I* ?O POSTPONF.M NT ON Al CUl *4T ?JP I ?IF Wi ATHKIL AliMIjSl.jN. TrVKNTY FIVE CENTS. ?^?'??'??^--'??te-aM^MMMMMni ?itaaliona C?antf?-fftnalft H^E8EKF._??P!-_? B- a Ue?f of^e"hi|r_?et ?a?pr ? dtattion In lb? ?hora rapsrit? by tia? tat of 8r?t?uiOrr or ? ou.d taasb ?-..ndrau. Br?4 ot r.fcr?ac*. AdJr... foaoaaewrrk. MIS.- BF.aE-P?>ttt). P.w.U*?, S. f. NUMBER of wetl rec-oiniaentied Oermao fcirla - ?. .at -?ITL'ATli ?N* ?a do (aaer- H OUS E WORE, he , a Mr? LOW Bt d*e?*a loditut*. No. !" SubUbsl. n??r Iba lastly -vitaaliona U3dntci)-Xalalra OITr.-TION w?ftrilAj^By tie^Bdv-fr?MitleB-an k1 .-ra?ii? ?Lnj.i.b Kim to ya.r. and hsviag bara ?aap ?y.l m N?w 1 a.? dirrln. fair jratvra. Beoh-I??pi-l hy iuses-aatry. aad Coir.raoi.lruo? is En, lath ar Frasca , wa., d doaiajl?lu? ?a? . uaa??_rtt n-.p?t,-iat?.l.ty coo.iilei?ta??a..i ia.? ripaiisoar, atad |itsl .?ii?.--, teran q?i-* iimd*r*t*, ?nt -lan r?farescr?_ Anray la ALFRED C , N.? f Heat TwolP.h ?t.. ??waar ?if.| ?lad Sutri ?tra. N,w York WANTED?A iriintl- mua eiaplorevil for eeveral NIB I? nmo of tia? lar?a?t C?_t.t?rla. IB tb? -tsts? wuk?, t? tmsmyt hi? I-. -at mo su ?le.uni of th? aaalta of bat.nail y . oodrrttand* Inte ug'.?t, all IA?baiiniitmnaoetea with laying ?al ?yaua??, bt-disa V.ult-, he . 4e t?mid laka ? r???.?n?b y law Mary an a plaaaat.1 l.'?f.i n. ?i. five li'.ila.- ry t?i- :e- ?a AdJlB? CIVIL ENOI NtK.R. tot N. ?.K1 ?t. Loan. Miuo.rL T A i)tip C?anif? AGENTS WANTED.? m eferj r?viin'v bl.? rl.?. A.rst. to calita.? foi I. ttrtVU". na? pi"-?; l? of tb* " !'i VI ii i?K !' OF LINCOLN ' paintrd fr.?m r??" ?1 .'U.-? 1a donvsd by ti? Pnatieat, rjpsslai t-ailax omi sty? |-tt|iiaii.)?i 1-' .u... pia. i.t 011 ?Its? aad o? ??- ?" Adiie?. ???mp , L1T1L_.?I1 I.U k ? I. I??? IT _F./). P-.? "r. HO, \K ? ru ?I.X I>.\1 J.I.' MILL.?WANTEV?--J.'tJooroafbljc-ipabl? roll' M AN to rt..r? of a ka? Book ?.ii Naw- If I. s. ar Baltiraon? Addiaw. w.ih jai-.raa??i aad p_rt^a ?j., li A a boa N .1.441 N.a .otk Y*?*OSS_* _ AM Eily-V thoa . pall 1"1?.' lI??lo lair ?Lar?? o' . Puta li ltd Mt- r:?ar S-wY.rt At.?J-M ??r>r?taT?. Box No ?D'*? Poa? (Jthc? Nsw York. - AMID IMMFI'I ULIT?lien vvTia ? ?-n r. -a. ?ii ?ia to ?AS, ""?J ?1 ello(:UBraictpa iial lews? id ti.? I ni???, la ???titaoi Ua* au?ialactai???- n0- 0: 1?. ,.' tur b-a? te l.a. ai ?? brfoi* li.? pWbV el rtrrt? ne? ?id ,?-airf. ?san ? rr otesuom ??* oo?j?i?-r ?id ali ????a-n. a ?s ya?., aiai ????<??? upiyuctiiuiiavsaerld-??? oErrad. rest: i v.- i ? hu n?. air,?r?r(,?n*? sr WA-T?-fAlW-T??lk, in""a Bu ?kin.- llo-j>e. on TY Walla. Addis*., lassr*??. ?i?ir?ar*i.a. BLASa-A'.ll?, No. II 1V?ll-?t . ^ _ IVANTLD?A gootl ?otu \??\T. ?.4.1U lo lo 15, rear? ?v mt og*, it u wholf-a \S ?oa?? !.. .M Ad?-?? HP? ? '??" au* Oner. - .li _,.! J COtb-ing Caiot. &t A^lFW-L?ii^nDELL' ctON??, No 104 Faltnn-aC? W'EJ)t?lNiJCARD!?iri PIM? BTAllOSEhT lE*uiaalad Bteh ? M ?MB? w . -***.: