OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, August 13, 1866, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1866-08-13/ed-1/seq-3/

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Bad teelare tb?tt)?eT will i
on**: ra ?* they ?-?iinot ?*t ?rhar ? g
had i?i Band i"
grar.r a ? >-? Iris! where ? bara n
eeiir ?: ? r -i -,::..!', that it night - rainal ?t.
ten. ? ut?..' tr. 1?, to lie let* rnrlf i !? consider.(I. ( el?, act
Barn-it. Tyrl I ! IB J: In igt Parr, 4 A,!, m.il Y...
93 'In* rilli" of tin-Xintr ? Bench hal tjill.erto heei the pre
Tail.!'?* I ne m Mb Mate. ? bil?- in mott of t.'.i- oto-i State* of
the T ni?.!., t* - Oramaa Pbn afina Mil lamina
Mon if a? I,ern at-Ottd t? ih' onr w t,?, S the ro?
tuli . f rip? i leuce na? ?hown t, be the tatt a?, apt c1 f.rttcat
MMraaM of the cn.i? o? Matra. _saMm ?irt Ui.nbiett.e
Bew Uiitiip M3) Deerfi?-!- ngt. Northwood Id id, ?Jo ?; Prince
a?! Khept irrt, ? l'ii k. 17*. Ti"np.ot sgl. Lal? ?
IO? Tbaratlta ?-?. Baan. t_bt_ IM? raoaaat. Matta, t
Bfcrj ,7?, CaaaaaBtraaBh ag? BOaptaad, I Bteaa.
?su ?g'. MMbMB 1 Han, Mj I.sinnet i ?g: Neibitt. 1
ataedr? and M..rsn. Ci larrol ngt Mai
? But tim ?ir.ct rule which hi? rw-en ?i i ! -.1 i:. Coir"? of Law
ha? nerer been rny.rnired in Cou?'? of K.juity. Win re a trial
By ; ? y tat ht reeled in a ?ui? in r.j lily to ?seertain cer?
tain f_its, II ? trial is ?imply for the information <t the Curt,
trtth w horn thl ahnnBt taataM of the mu- r."?ts, ?n I it i? not
therefore Irie??ari'y nnrlnslTe. The (Hurt, ?ay? Mr Oreeihy
to hit work upon Ki; ?ty Br?dete?, ' _._t if it ti ink fi*. Baka
B? nae of the ?rr ?ut. but that it i? .t ra lly It ' li . often pay
to heed to the most flagrant n ?sdirniMii on the MIT of Cm
taf.gr or mistake? it? t< tar adn ???lor, of ?T.denee iltheCourt
U Sat'.'hn'. that tht verdict isa? .lou.lit to hare neen, apta Ite
trident ?? whi. h ii sound, aud it my eilher ?? nd the nat batt
I? ?Bo'hrr J ,ry or de. ide ?t ?vee la tie teeth ?1 a ver.'.n".
Bree?! y np-.n'Kvidenc* In CwitOJ lo. .A? p ... M Al
m-umm. ! ' -r; '' Ki'17 "?'??id __vT-i-Oe_atrArl. li tit
aaaBM ha?! W- u.? Ama of ?b?t it is. it ?iii art
tor that reston, tend tb? case bsck fur another trial.
Thor* nutt be ?. ueUiiiig which ?how? fat the ver?
tid i? clearly wrong; ?orji-tiiug which MtbtM the Court
that it ctnnol be ritrbt. Northam Bridge A Hoad Co .
?ft. London and t-mtham; ton li?ii Co., li Simmons
a. 42. The test in every cam u the ntbtaettoa at tht con
BStesee of toe I .?art, and till itan.nri as Mr Orees'y ha?
remarked being its? I ?o vagtic. tie r a. i in e.juiiy for grant
to? enew trial are tieeessori.y indehrm?. 1 ne only general
rai? to l<r obtsmed from en examination of ile Baan is. that
whether the error complained of was the ada.is.? ob of in.
prap?! testimony, or tb? rrj- ct.on of that which wa* proper,
n uiadir-ction on the part of tit Judge, snot ?mr tl-l will
HI ta o?dered uniras tim Court, taking tim wi ile ?I the ?ti
tnee together and cooneetli.g it with the Judge* charge,
IhtBk? thai n j .?tice ha* t>eeu dook by the error committed
tad |it it duM'Uto** with the rerdiet Head agt Head. 1
tern A Bit*.. 141 ; Baxter agt kay. _ Kui? . 11 Wlachelaet
?agt- Waaataaa id. 446,4_t sieucy *gt v. ita 7 b a ?.'.:.
Bortbam. 1'..-dei Co igt. London ?ad f-kirj'ham toa Ilailw.y
Co. Id 44. (?'CuBBot *gt. look. 8 V**., _S; Wirdsnof St.
?au! ? agt Moina, .id.. 165. 16*', Pemberton *gt. Pemberton
ti id.. 'M. Booth agt. Ulai.dall. 1. id., SO.? Paterna- agt
Wilier. 1 8.*- A Ltf. 'All. Tatham agt. M right, 3 Kui A
Kyi 1 Ai'thorpe agt. Thomn ii Paige. M| Molock agi.
Block. 1 l.iiw. C., I-; Pateraon agt. Ackuraon. Id SK, Lan
ling agt K.ssell. 13 Barb, MO] Trenton Bat king to ?~t
B?kieil ) (, n-en C. 511; Lyle* agt Lyle?. 1 H. 1.- ( , :?, G ?1
nan agt (.aumroi 1 Oto. Dec)? . 14?. Claytor art. Karring
tta. 3_ Biro 14< , lorrett agt Torre?'.. H B. Y It Mt
Applying tin* rule to the pr?tent MM there I? at ground
Mr ? new triai, at all Ibat was giren In evidence, by proving
What Clerk* ?aid to hi* attorn, i. Mr. Han.?, was inbtautially
Billi .tied sr.d stlirmed in every material particular after
Ward by ta* te-timoni of Jt:..*i Brook! himself ? so that tbs
tv id * nee could btv* bad no .njonou* effect upon the re.uit or
???rand la any wav prejsd.naay to th* tanataaM Tbti is
tier the rum in Couru of law in wbi. h a new tri ,1 will not be
granted if facts are (Itally proved by competent testimony
?ad itie jury have found m eecordanca with them, thourh, lu
a certim (tage of toe oat*, improper el idem? may bave been
admitted *?<.tb!t__irig. or tending to prove, the atnie factt
Mayor ?gt Wmberger. Oo. Dec, Pert II. 20, Prnee agt.
Bhe[.b?rd. V Pick., i'.f. lln.mp.ii. agt Latbrop. lil., ?li? Km
mont agt. Lord, t -ben., .?ii Hutchinson sgt. Mood?, id.,
HO. Bunting agt Al.en. ? Hair . _39? St re Im a ti agt Sieelmea,
t id . Wi llsin: gton agt. Ne.bitt. I Lincoln and Marib. ?.
The pialalirl. to thow that bit ki ter. it was thst . f OBt-tztt,
Silled upon a written paper. Kx-ibit C. signed by Jim.?
rooks m which it is declared that ho was the owner of two
drdi of 74? kiprtu. aud that ho agreed on the l*t of Jan
^y, leu. to sell (o tie y ilat? eat tutb of bia n.!?te?i ii. tb*
p?|-er thereby rsdui og bli o?i intere.t M one half, for the
ta Bl el ai3.7It.il, t.'.?OOo! Which v e? to Ire (?kid opon ti.? Oe.lTery
?f thl? memoral, 'lum and wt.lcb t- '-lOJamr? H roo ki admitted
that be bad rrceiTrd. Thl* oieaiorandnm of an agreement
thereafter to l?e rieoted wa* datrditlieikuth of S'>? l?:^ audit
would h?te beril c 1 ut for
th* lact of the exi??riiie of tnithtl I t.rr. l.e^rn g the ?ame
?Ui?, a copr ol which ita ~j iiil.ff ?erttd ??th 11? com pla ii t,
wl, i. ?it BgBtd li? .Janie? l',r <ik., ??.ci wh:eh tran?ten to tto
pl??ntift one tilth i.ert o? J .?i." I!'" *? i inlerrit .1, t:.* paper,
Whlc: ? ?l to Im two li iris oi t M
It lay wit*, the pliinliffto at'iu'iiit f"t the oosfllel tat?'ti
t??!?,, I: t.ur-,,-:.t? li) 0*o of ?? hu '. o e iixth o' the while
?ya* i- tad t.T the other ona Bttt cf two-third*
wa* tr* ? "f th* isa ?
?*? ?, mt in Jsousi
B* t l 1 I . , orr i ?n
Ma ?ft ?j,. : ...... a
' - Il I tat B'o ka ..
w t,.ch wa? du, kita,
1 :
of W?.lt
i ii ,1 I '. nie'
bt wasted i tbi i ap ?per. a.? "
bil hin It waa Ita l> I .,)
.1 Hangi bad .i-iii and a ke.i ttliii f, ?Sanias
ii to !.. li a f.?, .. ?
d.-k ?or th',.? T.-.r.
? ? ? ? : ?
? ?
?.Dt I?' ?i - ? ? ' I biri to
- w I .',
? i ?? i .
-a. anil
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f " ???? |
?? ??? ? ?
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ii Ki'
i .' it A wa? .'iff' r.-?'
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? It.?'..? in m1* i? ni, ...
eui t.. i ? ?
ni ? ii?;
, ... I .... .
hail i ?? ? : '.
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? -
a :
wbrtber ...
? ? ?
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learn i.
. ?
limy were irasl
' '
it rt
i When Ibis inlen
lBBt'1 Jan? r - Uti
1 ? I rwetr i .
131.1 IB? '
I ?. '
aatniiioB of I
? | .? in? haprtntaa thal I
ii -. ? 1 ' ?
j'iry n.a
Bang ? : ?
i inn Brook* *n i
Ihr bul of i I? tad t ? ?. ?
Jw~, 11.1-t.e t?.. fncti Ita?, mar
t.-?tirr.(?:.v .1. t ?? o i?r. tall ?eil tia- j . ? i '
rv.-ri . '
plain tit or ?t It ha
wuv kt wit toward ptodtetet* the laiprea,
taeat-1 tohl?s ttttrd th? ?I lotit*? l?ter*e, n ta u it wa*
txrre-ted in th? original if Bthibtt A
Ti;, ?ill in ?ne to l "W ti Bl the IO, --i-t i..n of Mb te,! ?m,,, j
tad a? iij'iriou? a?tat atea tt.e trfcadsal
ra) remark mai bl ni pi ad It Ita ot ' i ? M rptl r.? Thtj or.
tooaBnaraatn ,'" ,,v'r ta d.-iaii tall will tdrtrti I I
thoa i? kW ?. in i ratal aid I" ita apaitl m ? ?-.?m?. Th? -?n
tmna i-ui to Hang? talia, ??- It B ti hi fl
done in the cues inggrated, were ii.ndini.? ?. - ?
the o[ linon? and c?1 j'-ctn. - MB, I .m i??in? ;,, tm
tiled were framed b? the ,?ne lion?. A;.i perttaeal I ?
wai aJmimlile a ada them, and tyra the trial I
the court bad nothing to te ?uli su,.,k1.ni- tie
pleading?. Exhibit C. ?a? ?(!mi??i!.le a? do'-n ..entire
endence dire. Hy bearing npon a fsot tatrttat b
tim neues 'lim manner in windi (. L.rki" ? tot!re?!
wa? lobe paid far wa* Immaterial; I*? i]o*?'ion beini? what
hi? int?r?t! wa?. The exeeition nt fat-* I IM r?f>Tr<-1 la
tefendanta' point. ??? laken by ita plaial t' Tb t laen
afb-r-ard teslified fal f a? to tim ttBdlBeM whn-I, tere In
galnd HlK.et by the nueition pat at foin. Tie and the sam?
remar), nolle? to the mil OTU Ter ,^ si,.,;.
at Mm 1.071 w?? .r.*"set?i.i,yy ain? m intent taiL n Bsbit.it
All ?lo?rd wlmre tim profit? tot tb? tr?t ni bbbM
came from, by dedmtmg tie aapaaan latiag tt.it
?roriod from tim receipt*, and thcT were ip' e.ficahy
?ta'ed M tte figure? in the exhibit. 'lhere ....
conflicting evidence upon the question whether the plaintiff
aird the character and credit of the new?t>?pcr in prira'etr ..I ?
and buitneis. lim plahiilff teitf.e.l tha? lie .ixl ti,,l ? I
arttah r, birra 11 ty Hen. Du ?"ti )m dru.? _ that ka
ever made the itatement ?wo'n to by t'tafcnW Lawn ,
Coben, and li wa? tbeiefir? f.r the Jury M Judge ..f tht
question of relstlve credibiluv, and timir flndug tyoB |ht
??oint ii conclusive and op'ii. th" uther branch i f he on ii. i
there wa? no evid'nee ?uf?iie-'.T rarUlt trowtrrai,"
ing that the p?ttner?hlp wa? o>,,riTed of but of the ?kill in
devoting tim? and attention of the pim l.ff ?iy lii??peculati_g ,n |
? tink Tim apio ?mt s |?.it.Ut |UM the iNtlir of the exeri-t,. ??
to the charge of the Court well ?ken. They ??<? uni pon.i. ii
oat end I Bud none in ?it Judgment, wer? well (?ken ! -
Bm bl ton a renew of ul> tne exeentio' ? rel -.1 Ipot at Mt, I
in thcdefendiuti point? ?ml I ?ii now add that I toa
tvlde?nee it. tnistrese, thst ?mee the argument I ' .? I
whole ol It earefiillT over and cou,-, teil and compared diff?re i t
pirti of li and my i oin lution it that the weight of lb. Itali
moLy it in lev.?' of ?be icrdn t.
St.'.hen T Darke ??1 lima Pr?lit ?? a!.
CtMBoao, J.?I hart read iba roltuoiaoot cim) in
thl? matter ?err manT time*, but In the view I take el it, it
? ill not be Maatrary Mt mc U> a.iude, to any loniide-able ex?
tent, to the teitltuuny.
It li a i.ngiilur eaie in many IWOMb
The main point in dupute wn wlmti er the t lit li ff wa? tim
owner of oie mih or the whole, or but i.rm-.ixtl, al iwt thirds
MttaBt-rtyagiTatlled TT. -Tip, ?a Adacii-j t" ti
tlfTi rom plaint were two paper?, ineoinin-it w r.
other, by one of whnh the ?iuiiIt .nlere?! * meitd to
the plaintiff ?nd by lim other of wind it wa? nott d tl,?t be
wa? entitled to th!, larger. I PSB t' e part ,?1 la ?.liff it
wairliimtil by a paper dated the ?Kitti d'.? ?
II...'. It wa? agreed that there ?l.ould be *?L1 ?>. hm. an
? nth of the whole concern; ?nd thal the lustrum.-;., ?ft I
lemo d?tr coiiTeiing to him but one ?ixth of tw.. ib.r-'.i ?al
dnigned to fulfill that agrrnnrnt, and Wa? accident?i. Mi?
ni??lily drawn 'Ile ttbtdaall it i.,"d t.. t lb wrr.ii g
agreeing to tell to Mr f'ltrkr one lixth ( f the w
wa? but one of three proi-oiitlom. all drafted In tli- f um o?
agreements to ie.1 n_ned l.y Mi. .lame? Drool! at I '? f I it'
Mr. Clirke f,,r MlililaiBllin. and thit tha rr?.|?-i!,..i. ?a? re
Jerled by Mr. Clark?, and one of lim otb?ra,by ?hieh be ?rat t..
hareoii? sixth o: two third? pnebrly a
Tersriee of Nor. n l?, __, \ggt\ WM aeeeptrd bl him. 1
eonsistenuy exhi-.tcd at tht ?ian of the can? bj tb ?
between the two papen append?*,! le th??Balplatal a-~tlr,??-l
throughout it to ??mott every ?tage, mt ?udiug the trial I I lb
uiuei. npon which the two biglry repatahto g~Btb
tiffand,!e'end?!t whoarethi prineipal seton la the i ill
contradicted each other in ??mott evert material and
rjlnt. Mr Brook('*evldeBeethat be bade? be midi io?in Mr.
lark? that he ?igned alniott anything that Ike Uti
?rnted to bim without rea.li.i_ it ?nd iii? toawri ni bill
taste for ?.Bl? which i? ?ti.uti ,| _? ?I I rke?
tbatwlmi ?I. the partner? ni?', at Mr. Bro.,?.'* 11 na M lb
tie be wviit atbty ??.r timm, h*,)i<| no4 eoinpr-hend or
-i" in tbo.? whali Mr I lark.'?ay? Mr. Hr.? k? p
re.ve.l diiriiiii the partnership, tr? nat n. :
to remark than the II
of Mr. ( ii !? Iba! be rnelrrd from Mr. Hangi i pip,
co:.i.-.. . n-aizi
I when be de? ii ted the !??, ,?r .,, mike it a
bill of ??le , t .'.-.',
1 ?nil no
. BBtlla-la ti?, oolam.nor..,e. t of Mb UutetioB, Bul
I do not intend To r" tbr'.nrh f?ia og.e ?r, ?-, ? f- "e peintre
II Will ii !.'?!? ., -?tint and
?? ?
?-..,.11 be Ilk
' '
orr??i, ?Lu i. i? iu>: i,.if
' f e .li-'l ateil tu
i . ia tbe i
\. _,.... ... , . . . . T _.,,
'? ts in re
I thinks ?
' .' ! I
Mr. I
? li '?.I? I ii
g to Mr. 1 li di
' f ?
Bl it did I -i?t h?
-?i -n < f
i .
to ti poa the willie?
? ? . ? ... ,
ft sad I
. ti,.
I to "I
I.ghi in ?
? ! .. li I.?'
r ? s" .
! ? ,,, . .
. "i ?IT I ' ' ? Befi re.I.ii?ees
; -
Charle- II I
? ?
Wl ? . ' ?
?. .
i BISO A 1
? ? -e|, ? tri ? ??
ind 1)
. .. .?.
! bra ? r.. 1 ?? BUS? ' ?
? .
I BOB aAJTD 1 B K.l.
? ' : ? ? ta?ad trom
isd? '
W Beat lol i
Miehael i I ? ? ? '
? .
? ? ?
| .1 " 'i
' 11. i i >
? ? ? -
? ?
? ?
i ? i
..-, I bong! I lae |
-' .
1 ?- .. .e|'?r
.?? k? i.y. Nt 1
temed fl
? ? klr. NessiL
ai" ? . ? ?
. . ? V n. ?ailie ,.,| j,,,; (o
Wahi the a: ? by M
reej wa.? hroagal alto isa ? i t _i.. 't
Ita Bl UBS ftSBllnitl ? ? - fe mark? made
I tal the BMasy
??tu? ?? \.i-j ? whee it was a . .?l ?uu ib ne
Ih- pn.itior. reatad LbeireSM Mr Waite oi.ei.ftlie
maaeel I.?- toa a? Basal, itas ssksd I a ss ?dpanrasat, ??ymg
Cat !.. I rio ;i) of ouniall ii g s?:ii, .
.1 . | ? Maali ..? T that Ci?-? ??.u'.l ta pr?-p?ied lu
? I : i., . fen? it i.. ."li.? Tar. ni ij'piy foi a
I? tim tit i ? : ba 1. [TV.? wal opi Ilia? r.- I A'ttur
? Ball linn ui|.|re??ed I...- (?aiiiaallaini.er o .
iii- li?.I Ml Courtney i? ii?.I
g both the foi un eiij, uriimeiil and the
ItoB lal bail, Ti" '. ninnm-iuiier ti ried li ??ijourn ; lit
>n ?natani wl ? . . . ar atij d?-I*nae, or
?je.iie np.? i !.. ran.
1 . t. I',.!!. | Al ? e..| . fur the (?,,v
BTBOM-at. Li Ju'ifj'..."? tart and Betart B. w ??te. e?.?, fur il?
MARIST ('."iURT-Ai a II --Before Janice Or. ...
A MCK ?j t ' ia.? ? J " .-?- tOt i"\!M"N' ClKltlKKB?HAVK WE
A lu H-lill?? v a li'.Mi CS '
James K S-nitn j: a, I I l-l ?a V. ???wal ('.impanr.
Tki ? lioi waabrtj i I to reoovsr $150 aaaiegea
snetatassfa b?rrrl ??f Bess-SB wLi.ky on the dock al ibe
loot of lluoiie ?t. It ?ppeari !r?uu the lestiniuny that ita
? laint.il ?I t' I tin.? ?ent by ?ki .1> fei.da .ti a Urge >juaiitilj ?f
lourison wbukv from Dunkirk M Hil. elis, and ln.it 01, iii
attirai hare it nsspiMd lhaa d.-.-p wiltaal skids sr analta
V.T..ia SS Uir.-.l ure nf ? , bal - fell with force eaough In
breaL 1U bead am', lose Its BSSSSaBh '1he plaintld cbar.t-d ti??
drl- ?.d ?ni? * .t!i ne?: interna ?ml ..?kel t.- ir I gaol or ila ?au.
Ttadsftndssa dei ??d everything ?nepi the deitruetiuu.
?3d ti.e cause waa tried on tlnir deu.al?. Ita ?BBS wai hal*
r.ititeitril, lint Ita Judg?) reuuired _ judgioeut for Ita pla.utiif
for ile full ?B.niint.
(.li-ii ai-i BianasBn la iidnaWi Baton i.aiier a Bevin,
for dr'-ii. Ia..'.!.
??lill..Ti .?I
. Bal
...L.lil. K...I
?.?;???? IN
i 4i-ini:it4 ? ? i nu ikiis
nair? al ihr ?lark tlirkiii?- Aug. II.
C1. B? as, MB a, '-i Biak. Oaaunt, ?..:. Boston v. ..toi Pr.
S.0BB.lo. 2,(10(1.Ill KM. :???
i ho. I. f. b. Mu b.South.A .VI
P.?lia,S-ta.,'--, ms??.'.'.'.j -j,-er?.
I ??,"'??)..10, ||i,.| n:,l.-iiii!g. . , ??J...
I .*?.:.? i ?-i. , |. .. ?i....nil,' -ix?...
I0.OM. "?i?, i I...? k.". Wa ?. MB. ..Neal lb]
taaaaary 7 MOB . I.uua.M-l Ulm??.? Central.
M series. ( .-ve.A Pit** 11... io??.m
l.t-BM..aaahll I"', :>'?hk ... '.i-| 200.ttt|
'.i .eui .I., 1 ...Co.il. pi ?!. '?1.I'll
T? an . i? j <?'??, ?CoL a cm.
' .1 ex-cp (7 T . ' .?Ill
1.1*0?).. ....??I lou. SO Hu?". AN. W.
Tsansssaet_, Ve? (aTuik-.i .i
l.?,i''ai. (,,' imi.blk. SI
T.-:i!ie??*e be, "JO. Ie-hif-h and Suikj.
?j,isa?. '.rj 1 bOC. ?I
M. Caro.inaN.il. N. V ( 1
laOofl. . I I 000.I "''I
N.Y.Mat." ?8, II I.. I.,.I0--I loo.?jo. 07'
Loen_in), it,.IO-, im'.tri
N. Y. Mi'.'??., 7.-. I ? . IBB... '?0 call 67
5,000.N . 1."ni. M too.?:?
N. ?.Btatol BOB. '?'. Cb ?r* ? A It. I.
?000 .. '?? SOO. "-('. ''.'' IBM.io.-.:
Ohio A V -?.('?'. I '?i..'.'ili-all.. i.:'| 100.in,)
! , , j r Terrill. 1 !?).1. .',J
N. Y.C,?:,-, ...;??. ? Lou.78 IM.D'.'.I
?.'.Oiki. 1 I 1 , ICser. I *,???()_'.'de Id?j
Peninanta 1stm. ? 300.?.'u ' -Jin.iaJ
|..,oio.BJ :. New-Jsnsj 1: , .
llmi. II. '.Ms. f. b. , N0.II'-. I'?. 1 ?
1,eel.ion ' :>o?i.n., n."..Lack.aw.
II in lit li.tp". :?,;?i'.I!-'? 100.li..'J
2,000.1 : ? ... .' I ? li I K.P.W.fc Chic
PH., YuW, A ( . ii ( 1. ?.-.A lTtts. ? MB.lui*
'_ ?Vs, -.'INI. ?-T. -DU.. ..BlBa.lMI
MO. - .I"?,
I I . I 1
1 ?Ml.?If,
Mt, ..-dall
Chicago A. N.W pi
'otp. f,7>
li . 1 i.i ( lie. and .,
l.lJlKI. . I -DU. HO
ort-t roARi? or T,i;"FrP???i p in.
( '? B M. 1 I ( mi.lorl-.a. ? I P "?
? .y) 1 . C* 4".| .i. f?:|
.nu. tt\ im. K J 100.... ? *i
i ? .bl. bo r i-.w.vW.'.(ii-div
i ._J. _? j ( . I i.. i. iw.io.i
B*..iirr, gog.10.%,
i . f<?| K?'. in.'., Ino. .'.?l I06?
I IBg, tX-Jir. 1?).slH.'oj I'D. I'-t
300. 1121 C1 '.A. N. W. M I C I |>n*t
?."?i.?:i 1191 IM. thl BM_I ?. b'l
.e-i.11 , HU. _-. I'?l.tli na
? ... . u k( -prf
itrj.no i in . ?? w si"
. I ,1 hie. _ N, V.' . .' 'I Ml
tori boa I ??? a
i 'y ni IP-jr. li* .'
Tb' - ? m t..-(! ty - . i'?? ?
1 I ;? r ' ' ? f li '?? |i: '- I ? Bl
$1 1,-OOj HI I per flllMOll, *:.' ?? I
w- ii i- f>!.-,7."M.r",.
Ba MT ?t hot 1? were _Bfl '
?, "viihiti-cie. (.'..ii. f li -I1 ? ??!
- lint was .lull. Coal thara a
ami gen. rally toora. Iha Ballway ?
? .ii New York Central. Srto, a a. !.'? ? I ??
?us the ui' i*. a, '??(' Bl laaU
a.?I art, '.i.i ti," air*?co, I ? ?? ' i
I for a tia? tin
.... ~
? ? ?
ii : .
i j; M i Central, ii"<
9 M J - . ? ! ?.
i ' ? itn, i 1,4H , I I
, ? .v. ?. |? ; i-i
i ? \
rather a? i
i - aaafbBowat 1 I :
I ' :
. 1 "J: 1*0?1 at NI | . ..'I' I ,.-'?? .'.? , I
Hamburg, _?| i I , 1
1I_ v. ? I ,1 . - ;
Ml far < i i ? ?
I ' ' ? ? '?
Ira IA. tar. 3 I
I ? ? f
- ?
? . ? ? :
imai. '*-" i -ii,i.
t ?
I . ? I I- . ! ... M
l'.t.t. t'A,,
? te
I ' I -
? ? I
: : Pilli ii Ipllllk
I ? th? wet! f the All?'(
? I
? . t '. r t ' e
? ?I . , ?
? r Ii ? i
?' ! ?
f today bra
? ,
Y trail
.1 ' ; i
BBt I , .
If. bo
tM ? H li.liking A.?,-ellon, tho
. i' ?!
I ; it tb? I ? ?
I. ?.?.?? i- ii:., v.
' r a
: - ' :
terral :. i f r
I ?
t 4 ? ' r t
? kal ?di lo*!, . ..... -014 M
1 f ti . t-J-310 -7
IM fal} .|1M
TBM ri'' i IB?B r.
. Panragan.Iir-iow.*"
i .i
M . . ? .
1 . "- I Bl >. Bl .1 I.- ? .4
, .. from (Jthei bouroe? .. . 31 ?
1 t. ''.a ? ;.t? ir. i . n'hof July, UM.t,t?7. Iii M
latal Beoeipu n Bstath of J i? ???-o. ga.
Tbo ear.uig? at IbaC-atral Part?a ltuilr?.?.! i..r June
i ? la aat-j :? .i. . . . at la g'.'.d.
The rcmip's of tbr 'lo..(lo, Wal I'll ft:.'! B . ?'e': K . '
road f..r the Dtolitl. .?1 July were;
IB (MIMI t?I UM t. laanaM tu. him
it. c. ?- R. if. Pit?,
DK_L?R*) IM t-NIirt. BTATaa ??? innis.
Ml. II Sl-Sl' -I.,
I' bl lb* I . Bank
BI'V AM. DIL Al -IAi.kk.1 KAIEI,
T'v'Trn Sr 111? (,* OB ?I.
. ?ni* V? IliitliS
I ? I |. lill!?', ,a ROBB!
1 miro ?.iaia? '. ?i h??B ni N"tr?.
I mi. ! ?.li ?e ' "Vii a Mi Is ? in - : S.,II- and
All ulina BHMM II?M Ml I BD1M
llnkrli (iiiri.il liri'iri". m ipi 1 T Taiarst
BaiOMtt Aug. ii
A-allF.?1? The market li fnlrlv li ti, ? iBdaadtmi kal?? at
t- |Ott Mb, Pot?, and tia -i.? li.'. 7? i,,r Pearl*.
(lill ()N_- I'm market thong!, f iii is active i? ?t:ll in a verv
nr.ettled condition, and price? ?re he?? y st ?Nuit (4,. '?, f, r
Mauling t-glaada. M de. Sen Oilcan? and Tci.ii; sain uf
l . ?' I.?
( OF1 !'F-We have no ssl?? of aey description to sdii.c t.
dav. prices ?re without change.
H.IH'It AND MKAL?lim market fui Wtitern and ".tate
) ;, more active, and prlcri are better. r?|M., n?'!r tor fresh
mr-adi tta alnarabltMltak ootha '?.w and medium ard
oo th* better grade? li?.--:n.l Hoot ?< i??'?t) arl
ni!.?l?bl?; the isle* are ir? ""O bh|* at la Mt |7 40 for Super
tine ??t i'" lad TA ntl re , |7 05 Oil 70 for ordin?r? at,!
, i I Itr* S! ite, 9- 7 ,; M "? f : ! II BJ *?tal?; I? lo_>|n 7a
fi.rt'rl'.w rradnrt tartogWtaal \v eitern titrai t? r.'.-?
gttt for Khlpidlig Ohio Bhinli li se?ree; I* '.*>? 111 to for
M rade and -Bally brtadttfOhio, Michigan aid Indian?, and
? ? 111 7.'. f..r St. Louis Ii tra. Cunadian Ilour is naree
nll,| prion are ni.mln?) st I? MO 19 7o for the |,.?v grades of
, rat I Otlt M Ml I; "de ?nd Kamilv brand?.
Southern Ki,on 1? dull ("it tu" b.? crtdet are hrm M they
are no! pienlv. ?ale? ol ITO Lbls. ?! |a uJdtlI ?Ki for common
to f.ir Itallimore and COBBtry 1 xtraa, and til MO#I. for
Trade ?nd I?" ?!v Maat? Bra KI ?n i? plent?. and 1* lu fiir
demand, ttbt of __- hbb ?t to 50O0 .... Coin Mi al is d.U
and heav? ?-I ?? tt Ut l.bl?. Handy wine ?t I'..
ii It A IN?Ihr markst fa -?pring ?*? i eat ii fairly ad Ire, and
with I'miled offer-ng price? ?re MtV . better, the ?teto?! d
?..i Middlingi t'"* ?al''* aro li.?,?, buih. Amber
M Iwrtulee in store ?t ?" lu. 7.!?:?) btiih. No. ii Chicago
Bptiiig ?t ii.'-. 3,000 bah. old A?. ? r M : lugan, vi? Liver?
pool at t.' lo ?WO bnib. AuiU-r Hat?, attiT'.; (vo bus?.
that?-? White M ioMea-i. in bbi?. st gi fU, Berley i, ?lnll and
nominel Holley Mult Is ?.?sree sud Arm, at ti ??Bl! M.
Oatt ??r lower and onset lb d, tim demand has tataftat|
?al ?? . f .3 .not) hnih illlOl-e., for heated Chicago; 44 -l.m.
for fairtogoolCblfa-vs, 4J?47,. fur Ti itcoiinn ? Ita, for Iowa.
no1 .',7c f, i New J. if? at d Booti ern Kr. it in*ctir*. at TO
?~'ie lot Vaaoaad Weaterai 7-<rr.Vi. for 'tir to -ood d?v , and
9 03 for ?titi., i'o'n opened du 1 aud beary, but cb i*d bet
Mr ?Bd la ?Till den,and rhHta for fe KiMern State* ; the
?ile* are li..\ik00 t"i?h- stTKaroc. bri n??.und, HI#m|.". f?r
Mixed Weitrru, and tr-o. lui Tery oh ice do., and 11 li. for
Bri '? ? W.?trrr,
Bl NN'r BOOB ?re dull but pi...? are w i tuout change;
we ,:? ot? at BoYOie
I.DBBT ( LOIU I? m b?tt?r demand, and ttrm at 34|
II A Y-The deiran.! - ?ctlr. and th.. mark"' firm w? qn.tl
. f r ibipplB?*, **d ti 10*11 .'o I... ?> i?,I lol?
1I1.MP?Manila i? fi'n' and io f.ir .1- -n. md st lOttllc,
geld Itttirr kind? ?r ? d'd1 and M, ? I
IK il*.s ?re ?ni. an.) It -"?' I >'i uni for bom? coniumption,
I. i a.- it f. b|0 tot) I '! 1 ' ?t? l" ff"?? tb .ral ijualitr.
I ?TIM T I"- n,ariel ii du.., but privies are ?iti.out mauge,
I? .? i .te st g1 ?J ?ostra,
LIMB?Boekbad ii firm, with a fair boiioen.it ti 30 for
?na t- '??( I
Mm issKs I '.- ? .? ' ? ' bm aTorlast,
low grade) ui.? Ci.ie.l *i.d Mun.?..!., ou nmulo tcrui?.
I'??? ni.rl.et aloa
if RTA Ie-- There he* been only s modere'e bo.lne?-. 1
Aim'Han Inrot ('upper, and prises rr" lower, ? 1 ???iig at 3Ue.
f,? ll.lt? mira and I.,Ita S, w s'.e it ., >g and ITel'rtW Mstel
la Ii
||7? li*, bel Bo. I Bootob i. !.. iti ii |i.vi| ?
I!. Lui an ps
Mr '.? - ?!??.? :' geidi
ara aasss ?Htaa and Pipi . re_ev.
?l-f8- ?' ?' Ol'? ?i id ta I
|i iii Mr ' -. I? Wb ii* ? d ?" 7 '
(rm at ti IOBBI Bl. L* I On ii ?iniet st from Bl ??'?I? for
.Sa '.' *.,? I Bl 'I .'? t' I'
PBUV-BJOBI?Her?? has bera ira? doleg la Porl I
an 1 pr ? ?? sr* ? Kier, rio? beary. 1 . i-rv.
. i of 1,10 ?j. Mes?
800-0 .seller all t '
? - i r
day, an?: I".' for Kum; . I'
ti Ut Kita du. 1
tra sattielj s*i ! ? ti
pkr?. Western railed I
' lia a ?-?,. BBd .' " ' ?
I. rd 1? inn.l. rali li Bl
? rd
AFTtttOTrs ?T.. vi--. i .
Sun .bia M- ?-. ?
I!'1 ROI Kf'.t is i ' -
? i il In !.: ? o
, srrryj
KIHI ' ?? 1 rer K-iw Boten wot tit* road
Bl I ; ra ?? a;. I . .'
t run
of i.mobhcV. a i' i- ;.. f- ? -?. for Men
.- ? tam?? Se.!* are dull and pri"--* ere n
i : ? ? - - ? .. ? . I
? ? i is -1 i i I bi i??
. gold, ?nd I ue.tie, ? Ort*
1 Alala? ?NI ? 111" I'. I
owing totbei
, f r . o BSD. prim? u . ???:??.
. i I ?Is. V- ihe c. r? ? .. ? .ant I'r.n at
Receipts ef I'rada?!-.
ABB ii-.- ?On 1,1 - i ? ? r. I ? B ?
?? , , - U ? t
t.'.'-7 bash. Da?
, .ni,. 1?.li a? y, ?. ph| l a Ni . ? i , . a
laira* Moclt l??er ihe Urie Kail-ray.
i.ei t f-r i'.. I , . . B oara
.,11 tar* ..I flog? i- ira of-beep, 5 car? ???' ti
BJ. Y. trVholeaiela' I'rre? sr ( ?ninlr? t'rBfln-a.
roa sas Waan ' ra I | ii
? ?,.re?.!y ! i i i ?? i ...isa Iiy our oarn Rep r?r.|
' la foil? fl . g an ? . . .
?ion a? BOM ' ? . ' . ?re al ?lu. ? ?
r "ni ? 1 .' ' '
I '
.-rir.-s are ir?., t
r:..ai.i, r. .?a? pi. te, ? y ailing u
- I y.-,-J- dolo :'.:? . ?
? ? nre iiii??"t, ?ilh S iig . ' "
. n : a ? ' ?
i? i ?
.' ? ? ? | 4- ' .
_ .
I .- ? a.i-dien. jp bush.. . - . I
Vu. Batter la
i . .- no in ;? with a I nge
: . '.' i ?
. - ? ? -. I ? i
. . ? ? Western 1
A al
Welsh labs wen ?.Me
.?: ?te : * * 10*43
.*? i- : . ? ,- " ...
. Co. .ltd I-!? H.s? : pall* I" ?'
i\ m re Bra -1
M..!.!- tad M "
V? 1. .::'?! ?
? i," ? V, .- ' , ? .
? . 4 V, .....
1 r tal
at li.-r.re? bel .-J a'? it they ?
\. ...
N - ? .
p a......
Ruglisb ' . J
rr. fsir I t I
1 :. - - ? ?? "
1 rr Oat ;
ITJ " .-?- . ? .-? l.
Ni hit" ?k ... . all)
? . ? . . Bli
P ? ;1 , i i-w, 4/ B .
Tie Kirg market i . prii el v -ry wn*i tha
? ? - Late*, As. i .
? .: o- . ?'gi are
worth ' i ?- V'.. .; ?i.t
.Sea .1er?"? ll.l l'-'.'iliayiianiS fr'.all. f ii*
M ile - ?! i. r ? ....
? . !.. SB I i ii - . ?
-mt Oat? ? ..?j a '
i ? ?
I'eaa-he* are a-rttl _ mora fre.?iy -?-id |.?..?SB are de.-bning.
li. I ?IS C !.-i, 'I'1 1)1
wai . I not esc ti ?ia "
? ?? ?
s they
- .
I la that I
- vary grratly ? " . . sty to
lay, ind ?i ni. ?. hw of wliicD brought |?
ming ?iii11 - r bushel t
??'?? Baan c .- - . ? . . ?I ia-?
lasares Be? ???iln.g pe.ir?? hioughrlin
t? i?i?r hashal?Btosdcssd ti. a few p.u ?tai
. fruiu up the H?. ifi. uaJ brv.elit taper bubal. We
A pple?, f b!'l. g1 (50 a |-, of)
A p. .. ? einimo , ?P bbl.2 'J) m J .,?1
Hi., kberries, coi ra , 4} qft. i ? _? H
lllaokbrrries. Lawton. a? qt. ih a 'JJ
Blackberries, Lawlor?. plata.. Jo at Yi
IV.che?. Maryland, <f ?rat*: . 2 Iel a? 3 _U
l'eachr?, Delatare, ?j?* crate. 3 oo at I 00
??satas a? basket . -jooa ?....*?
Bean, cnninrion. p* LLI.3 UO it I 00
IVan Bel!. ?J* fill. ! 00 _ 100
Whortleberries. ? tast . 3 ?JO 9 i M
VSl'ITX ,_*?;? V ra OB-BO.
A few new S'lothein ?| ;T?-a ar? i:i unmet; alto eherne?.
?..m ki? erne? ami raspberries. IV e ?junte
Ajple?. ?need,?)/ m."0 9"?\
Aftfkm prhra sta:?' ? P . I ~ ? -,
Apple?. ?Hiiilberu. new ** ?.10 ai7
1...io?nerrie?, new. te ,*B.-.I? a ?
t lirrrie?, new ? B. 40 a !..
Yent Lei, un|>eeleil I* IT,. .l?i <fl?
Peaei.e?, peeled,inf-nor y IB . . H a'.""J
i'eache?. peeled (t ?uno la.'. ** IB.M -.?
l'aanut?. Bilaiantee, i btah .?j :?i ..
Ka?plj?rrio?, black, ??? r..10 wf.
M I. A I??.
B?ef ?nd mutton ?re lower, p?irk higher. We nant?
B-ef Side?. *> ffi.???i?15|
Beef fore ; arter. (* I .I - - ;
Beef bind quarter ?)' IT,.li
Mutton, ?aroue?, ?p IL. t- ? -'!
Lamb?. ?PB.I.? '/ I?
Pork, olly drca.ed. y I.la . ?
i isa vu T.TBV.
Kow?, ?re doing better Home fancy EaSgtanB brought
about ta each. BSSBBJ iiucks are plenty. AN?.
I hlckens. Spring, ??J? pair. I B -rll If!
?owls ?S-pur.'.1 i? - 1 lia
?owls ajnii lucken? tr ID. VU ?f '.-j
Ducks, young, f ?*;r. 7.'? a 1 '.;.
ItVeie younir. ?p ?tir. 2 00 it J 00
liaiUy*. ?P m. ..is *\
tilVSi-, eKINK, AM? TIRU.
Trsdelntheseooiilnii.es serrduIL We (?note'
lUaJirer each.. ?a*.? eO linn pale ,...|1 '.' ? J vi
Bear, each . l8 0? : M .iirat No. 1 4 ? a
BeaTer.blknitJ. 2 55? ?: 7*. ?lo. No. a .... 3"?? ?0
HeaTsr.pale<pD.l Du? 1 II In Km. ion 14
Calf. ?rn.4jr ra. ?.e.! .?? 'Oposci-i. 13n W
( st. boos? es.. ion 'J'? lOlter. North'n 3 :?i? 6 (JO
do., wild. each, lil- e? i do. B-B-BIB !H>? 100
f.'stile, greea Baetaa? N't?i'u. BOM *'
bide? ? n . ?9 o j ta. Bra than.. MM ??'?
Deer IV.t Ir li 3.'.? I Hlit-?'|Aia?i]! a. "<t I DO
Foi. Bed. each 1 Jiu 1 7.. Skuuk. Striped lo? 30
do., (iray. 23? 1 I?; , d"., lllaik_ .?8 'JO
Foi. SUrsr .. .M 00- ?*) d? do.. White.. -n S
W art eu. each.. 1 ?V'<J I 0" tfaM Mnlii.ii. 2 OOP 3 00
Muikadark. ?oVa 7 a?. Widf. l'rauie ea i O09 1 'Jo
I'otatoe* ar? plenty, an?! tan.lir.t; do? award, ?o ar? ral rngn
, ?nd tumat?rj?9<t. f_oui?.wect i ola* jo? am held st 110 ?)- bil IN ?
' ?JUute
Ciil.bagee. * Ml . 5 00? 8 00
Corn, sweet, ^ I?). 7J* I 00
?_ arlie. 4J> I??) bun? le?. I MM I M
Ntitra-g Melool N. J . ?P bbl.d MM I M
Ouions ?P lOOitring? . 3 004 3 jO
Onion? potato, p bl?!. II "?? 1 50
Onions, red, >P bil. 1 7V* a -5
Boutoes, Dyokman. !' Liai.??? raid 3 00
ivutors. .I?cks??_ ty [,h} .B UOO? S 90
Potatoea, Osrcet Chili, if hbl.? ?j-?? 2 ia
Potat-e?, Aleroer, *> LU.3 00? 1 .?0
f-quaihea. Bollon Marrow, y bbl. 1 ?o? a io
l.>r_at-ra |>> biuhei. 1 50? ? 00
Turnip*. KuMta. *? ?.bl. S *a0? S 75
WatarraeloB?. p 10..II ?a??m 00
New Roney hu made ita upp'sisuce. bnt there ?? no isle for
It yet?It is 1 eld ?l :?iu - , l.ail.ar* arc lall, aud Be*i?a_
guee ?ff slowly. Ws?iuote.
BirisWAl. pnre ?? m. "t 9 *0c.
biimi impur?, m n. Bl ?
CTokb. ?p gal.'-) B 3?0.
Baoos Cobb, p m. - ? 14a
limits?, Li?e(i*e?\ eil A uuied f-m ? ? *
Kriruilla. I.iT* (le-,e. new fin?, ?pB.??') o* I .
(iitriBM?. WB*(?rn. p m . . IC. S l?.-?e.
Manana, s..uth*ru. ?p it?.-'? ?n a
Bobby, Ctovsr, taara 49 M .io 9 Sa..
II-op*?Hickory end oak. per 1.0U0;
14 ??et Hooi?*. i40?|;o
ivfeet HiaoDS.. S?"?040
BaooSBaalBBAn ?set ??? - I I
Baanrana Booai j. V m . ??? "i??o.
i i .? i Ira? Whi ??. ? ?*.??
pi ki.mu sun i-, y gai. ?
Sanaa. Baal.. ? ?-?-?
' -finaiu'.al.
( hi n . oi nu
- ? > . ?
Attmei ' ? oitn or I'ibtoi ? lOlBOt J. BBBBB
i . , Coi p*ny.
..'Is J. llij?L.**., Tr?**?i*?
"IST"! D. B?B<-<KTl *rBs '<n.
A. A. Low of ?. ?. I uv? j, It, .
L. To? ?i..r?>?is .. ;. . . ,
\ ? j
III'', I' *? ' ' ST?
t ? . -, 'liskl ?i N
? ?? -T * To.
ItlVl!. li w?
?\ A ""?.?.j??. I ->.??! Ti'lr _ lltak.
? ? v s s. ? s . , ?_, Hbtrowii A < ?.
(?e?vvi.?r I? ? BI..I
Jtvt?? I' Uni,, ? ? I?
, ? ?
. ' ? 1.(10? li,?. ( e
< k? I'liiai.? i
' ?
PtakHi IB J. II 'D? N 1 ?_.U.-rr
< Mil hie, Bfl.0 IO,.
? "TORS ?BL I?
? ?"tlTH-ti alio, u?
??!??. ' ?ore.
? f Ile? B I I*, ?
. 4 lv,roor?t?.!?.
I -
? a-, w11 b* li? ?I
1,'IS N< Ml. -Mt I.? Mill.!* DE.-JBBB ami
I i ? PIT, ? ?? ? e?l)*--| i. a*4
? i . .jil?!!** tim.
?0 ?hittti-* omi
,!.? Ker fir her part i-'T . an* ? p. an. a
-, VV. li? ?All ? -?? V.
, '.'lilli.!
Vi? '. ? - bj el*? I
\i ! . ' Uirootoft ?)f
-? tv a i., orr,
???De /?oin. r
... Hi i B?BtBM
1 A .S l. - -
01 -IIMi'.I.r IN* I ?I MIM'.
> ?. .IIS It WING ~?
?" ".I ? ?1. pis.ule I?
v ?My, |('K . ' It "('N,
M _1 .1
, .... ,,, ( tarstr ,
i ? ?, 1
cn st.', a
f , - M. Mi LEAM.
... -r, In ra 1 1. I
IN .?.'e,et?rT.
fhl r_1.'.. .?! MAVIS _RU A- TI S, MIMMJ
\ r . ?t i'r,,i,..,
? ?rr Analyte-t
"..? tr ??rte. ill
ti.d I-On i-lm*?!.
I a\~. B ?I ian ) UTI l-l ?' ? ?IM1 . I ' t Ml IHVI
? -i U ? ? Kit O'? Lil
It \II,I " . -...( bri .?.Nil
. . rioNi i
? pull -r
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A-. I ?le., -ti m vieil i.f suiche?* auo. it e j! ??'"?."4 BOMH8 ia!
HOLD liTi'DOKlll'*
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M -4 .SllHii-lt.. N.av T.oi,
Ftpeei?! iltentioB.iteo t, . ..mt-" (I ?J \? . . Stosks.
Ja- B. n n'UUaa ?t., Ne- To-k.
t Bondi tod 'I I ciuntt ot
Bi .it i ti.4 ot!. 01 "? eivej o:: bttMbb "-mi.
A Ok BOBWOOO of th? Nr* York ?tKh BaMagB
_rSQ. P. tOa?tWOOD ter e.'e .-f Haffil?, Kew T?v_.
.ni* or ?st? i"?? H??a Dar-araasi. I
Al him April IT, lata I
l~l ? ??Birr Mt Lan of i??< mi ra. u.nf ita, tan
I th* rire-l*tt_t a teiui.ej' . the-Prei'.d< ?t Hirectvirt sol CoaBtay?
ofht HANK l.K NI V. Ti.KK Utt ia i ?.?; rtteal Bia 1 ?aja-Uat
|| lit' I it, o' Nea? I'll ' .1 here?, :. . 1 ?I 1'AH. ky th* "viOWln
t?.!-ut I tb? Hi ,toi Impartaient ei ? .*? t ? i Util- ti TH f" N As
riONAL hUXUANI?I ANi I AM .?1 Lies BANK tai Um Uij pi
A ratny. f t t.x y?*r? fr ... toe dite her? .' I...! not tkatralktt
The oiiiitiiiJin." .ir . . M ? uij Kiuk matt ' a prrtentmd',
?? ?? rria.il, tvitt li. ?li )>?-. li j. Iii* -?'? I ?rt?f, to! til nttt?
urah h ?I.? I it lie St? ..:??: for redernpti.n ?lo ptymwit ??lia Um?
tiai. thu?*pe,-,t^ t.,11 in?. I o ti. t cbuga up.iu Urn (oaltalh* kamo?
ot tb* Super,ule-Je-: ! jr t!.*i pntpo**
tu? utTtu m o. w BCBtrrkJuu ??
D:-i-fn? Notiere.
?r. Mitti I tai i.v*t_i?,( ii-lolT W meer., 1 ,
Na? Tv,??, tMt- 7, ins f "
IVIDK.VD.?lue KO\]{i?iiFI'li:K(*TORHhaTa
t?.i, -?y d.t!t-ej? I)?*.'IH-SP af VI? ? PEB CENT, bod
lieoi Oot.r a .?nr -ax ateto.? oe ird ?:? r MOHOAt, llthlatt.
! . tis-ale, boon u i.. .e ,.??! t: a. ti . tr .tut. to the 4.1* <tfl
p.).-?,,"._HArtHINiirON PO_T,t?utarf. J
v. . ,t . H?m lark Auton 1, He?,
*--, . - ? . ' IIB .'4.M,7VI
l.IAB?.IT!) s. A -.: ?( 1. iM. Itattat
. l?j d' i.:*al *_TVl_-?ND_t
fi'.h.LKll.NT iii.tti? uJeavsoi ,
_.TUKTiN I. CROIVBLI.. tmorotnry *
unies -r ns ????? V-a? fus itttaatcaC?., I
row T,.aia. A-p?? iat f
E_e_TH prvTDF.vn.?a d.vi.tfnd ui eive peu
? JF? jjr i ?_NT aal Uor.r- n.eot Ti*. I *? tia? Jay ***o -r-tlara!, n*
I..I a- iliuiiii!. ti thl -Sir? " ?h? Cm p?n? N?> ~i Will et.
A i i. CB rt ? i . ?L? ?N, jr., bttt-iary.
'jaiuiig? liattita.
KFW HAV??oS BANT..?The NVw-Yorh BtBBtBi
PANI (th. Blaneh u_J - .! i. . red ?.ntl?'
a.er w 1 - v?"? ?Pl'BLH Ki.. )'Pi ai?,' ,i ti.? B.n?inr?-e_a
ro-r r !.. ??en, el BV l.ti'i. n MUM? AY. An- M *?? 1*1
*. lu. *o lu p ._ _,*-!.? lu! 4 1 Per crtier of lrj?f
Ho?rA HU ti U ABB HAT Bar.
N-TiosAL I .arria a*"? Tbost Com
UNT.-Tbe ^?w?V ? ?titutJo- Bul ba
opened on Mooday a'. ?! -*?> I Carr.- place?,"
Bi-cckir it. Tiiiiiati .s. "iripany tal bee.. iacorp?r?tfd by tha
TTtlltl Hain Qui n -r. the Hon. Oenll
oirsl orT?i?? ?lil b?
?:.\tw.*io:a.a ? arl already
?A of a i*r?>* am ? hy tht l'r*edm*n.
The New-York baiih ?' rtttot?B tti ? A
B ?. ttilOp.?,

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