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fjfn. ! -rp?y to lent *? it, ma no Birt?It who an Al t-wnri 'hie l\?li D?A Murdvr l-_ri>.trat-.--l by th*? Mayor." (, fe. i?l'.owio_ diipatchejt *pp?tieJ in ptrt of Sam .Jay a sJilui. ,' I 1 vr__t. KxtccTtvt Oin it. VTAsiiiNcros. A?ie 1. o) ? 7 ? *.f? ?' am. AnsAi. ra :t?i, i?, Gta-aeaa'fae' *" a 0*J?a-B I * i I ?u w li nut mteriKinc aa* o!, lacla in t e wa? of the atril authorities, but leodor whatever n.l may lo r. lUirod by tot the pre*erra!ioi of public pence. TM' foregoing telegram i? transmutad to yon by order of ti? I'roetdoBt. You wil: a-' -?owledge i:? receipt. E. i>. Ti".-* i *??>. Am Baal AltataatQeaaBkl WABaJBrAitTvie:,. .;.?Oiric?, ' w-aanatoir, Au_. it, un, j gtctiveJgp. r?,?(Cyphi'r.i Orne? I'MTinStatbi Mit. Taua-Af-i J JJi.AlAllA!.r?:_-, WABO-PABlM--*, > The following MtafeteM MMlttl taM a. m., Aug. 3, Id:.', from Kew-Orleani, La.. Au,?, ii. 1MB. Ti B'toHUojar-Otn 15. D. TOMMBk Aaitiani Adf-tc-t (Jen 'n' Tour diapstch malted. Kt otatack will bo imposij io tht? way of Ihe civil authcri'.. .. A. Bair.-, Bf. Mujer G ja, T '.yt'.iin. Enc.ii-e Ornoo, WAsamoToa, Ang. l, 1855. Tat AUlnKT VirOliIIl ' "nor, ur ANDltl W J. llKIt mott, Aitorntt-Oeatrai, Iftt Orleanti Were the civil irM-nW-M Mata M Federal natone! with 17 On. Baird before be dy.axed martial kiwi Cull nit thi e.vd auihurltin. Stat- ur Federal, inforoetbt luv aad order wita the aid oi tk* military, trltkoat tba aid of miriial lawt I hope tbit order bits bean rutoied mid ther.?t not ei ?liiutrtHi? ni represented. Please ?how tbil dup-itch to Ger.. T'lird The f ingoing tel -ram is transmitted io yoa by order ff the Presideiit. Y ra . 11 ;i! actaowl i'^? in receipt, i E. D. Townsend. Aista'.nut Ii*JataMflmrral Wn D?fait? rient, Adjiitan.-Geiicral'? Office. Wai.iivtou. Au?. 1, leu?. Ptcttxi i.lOp. r?. ; tftO.i'lp. m. "J. S. MlMTA?T TELFORArll J HMjis. XT At Dki-ait-f-it. > The foflowin-*, received 3: W) p. m., August 2, 14*?, from Now-O.'.e.". , La., A.g. ii, 1? : Brevet kin j or Gen. F.. D. Xow.iscad, Aotiug A.?il?tant G?n?ral. Waahingtor, 1>. C. ? Dispatch received. Civil ?ethoriti?? w?ere not to our knowl? edge conf?*red with ov ti ra B aird ns to propriety of declaring martial law. Civii aatk r:ti"s could eaiily enforce fia law Bud preserve order. w.!h Ike a;j of tkl mi?iti;y. .Martial law ?shuliy luniecetitry. Older fully rcbtored before ?irrival of troop?. The rioting at tnoit entirely ronfln-.-d ti immediate TiJinlty of Mechanic* aad tuppreieedby tht Police in ittt tkon tipo bo;rt, and before tit arrival of the troopt. Xiott copy of your ui?pa:r!i at Gea. Kurili n,aJgoarten. Am . M Uni Un vernor. .v.J. 11: Bi on. At ?orney (fonoral Tha fallowing tolerrni-i reoeivi-d fi p. m., Au0*. 2, l-kiu, from New-'irleans, L.i , i -. -, 1 - I Orne?Usina?Siate?mriivit TzL?Otirii, 1 Ill)(J_-i. Weit DEI-RlBr-ST. > H .plier.) ?J. -.Oban?. Oetitral, WthmomgXtO, D C: Tbo more icformatio.-i I cbt-io ot the affair of ih? 30th In thu city, the inore tcv,,!';, ; i, 1,,-iomw. Ii Wjta xo Riot. It WAS AS A-^OLl-T. MAS-A tBB-UB l?OL?CU. W.UCH WAS NOT ?atCS-LU) IK MXKD1.BOI I ( tSXt-l Bl THAT OP 1'OET l'ILLOW. UT WAA A MlRl'KU W.l'.C l THF. MaToB AND l'OUCK'Or TUB ?ciTr rtaiETBAirn ejMMMR tot shadow of a kkc-_*itt. ' 1 urtherioore, I OELixv : ii was i-femediiatei?, and every In 'dii-.tion points to thi?. I recommend th? ri"n-.Vdl of this bad nun. I believe it would Lo hailed wi:h th? ilnccreit gratia cation by (wo-thirdi of ti a population of tbo city. Ti ero ha? been a teeling of lti.c ir.:- on the of part of people bore ob ac\v.wnt o' tt.ii m.n, al I ?a note to much increattd that tht ??or?*, of lift aid procer-i djtinotrott tri'A the c-'ril authority, Oat the mi mary. I'. II. Sil KI IDAS, If ?j'?r*Gener .1 i.V?ran:a*idiag. 0>i M T S. MnJTATT TELrORAFH * H?r.A.4LAR-KR?, ?VAK XitiPtaiMK.sT. ') ? tar. I Tbo following telegram, received 10 p m. A*-*u? 3, l%o, from New-Orleans, La., Auguit 3, I8M: V. 8. G-Airr, Css.?r?J. JT3..1? *'o%. I h?vo the honor to report omet in the city, bnt con?iaer?bl? axilt*_i?nt ia the pubiio mit.d. There is no Interference ora ?It? part of tho tnilit.iy wiih the civil governtnent, which aeirtora?? all It? duties w.thr?ut h.t.JiTanca. I have permitted MU? retention of the M.iiu.ry Govurnor, apvoiuted during Mv abMuoe. ai it give? cjr.ti.deiioe and enauK 1 the rnilitary lo know what ii occurring ti the city. He doei not lnterf-re ?Bahcivil mattera, ita >* ?oei judgment it ntreii'd. thrrt ariti to an tr titi 0; Bbet-WB cnpiial a-id Vcion mkii-h mil bl tnjuriott to tkt etty and to tht tri ole country. I will remove the military Goi-eiatr in a day or two. I BBWta atrongly ndrite that tom, (Jujoiiiion i r made to charge the rj rtnni ktayor, al I believe it wo ild do more to reitore con aiaan than anyfuiog that could be done. If tho prc**_t Oonrnor ooold be changed *l*o it would not be urn:**. P. H. .Sai.RiDA?, kfajer-lfoneralCorroaoiliag Hin ?>? A?if.its Ann "MiKii Sun?. { Wash i no 1 on, 1?. C, An?;. 3, Ittjo. i J.,.,* I U ?S'.t? O'ltant, La.-. ' Cjutina? to euforie mi.tiil law. ?o far as miy bo nece?t>y to (we..?rve the peace, an 1 ii j not allow any of the civil au aboritiei to act, If yoa deem luch action daigerom to tbe pub lio ttt'ir. Loto no time in and reporting tbe oaoiea that led to tie liri anit the'fa? '? ahtall occurred. U 3. SatBt General. I 17. S. MlUTAST I VLL.iKAPH, { Bka'ii.; AHtta? W'ab Dar-BTMI-T. J Tb? foHowing telegram, receired 5.0ip ia., Auguit 1 faym New-Oilsani, A uga?'. 4, 1066: (Inn. TT. 8. Ghant. Hu?*.**"*, P fti I have the honor to acknowledge? the receipt of your ditpatch of the dato of Au* S-tt Jit? p. ra. J?. II *>;t?.?;i,AN. M ?j. liea. Cotuaiand-ig. By 17. S. Military Tolegraph. EjtX?Ct-aTV!i MAMMON. "VrArlIHSOTOK, D. C. AngB.t 4, lisfi?. To M AJO a-G run SAI. 1-Jiif.BIDA-?. r?af~a?-/n^. fea>, at Hem 'otkrlton* i We have been tdrbt 1 i.eie that prior to the aiseoib Iiag of the Uligal ?nd eziii.ct Convention elected in lr*6l. inflan tmatorp mad ittarrectionary tp'echtl teert madt by a mtb of -',_? ?mot o'.rntd ptriont, npoa th?m to ?rm an! ?gmp IhemielTM for tb* perpose of protecting and initalmng Bh* Ooarantion in ita l_B_al tod Baautboriaed proceedingi in i'.dad and calculated to uotnra and luperoede the exiitlng rStstaOoTerameiit of I.a, wbfeh bid been reoo.riUed ty the Gorernment of the L'ni'ed State? jYarthn did the mob! Hete not earhn individual! been attoulfd and thol by port?n? conn cr ltd ?ub mob, itj^hout good cautt and ia tiolation of tke publie peaoe ?nd goV order I Was not the nob aaeembl?, aad tra? U armtd for tkt purpot* of tuttaining th? Convention Ja itt niurpntion aad rtroJmieaary proceeding* I ?Bave Boy arma bean taken from pertoni the itoth who were leppoted or known to be connected with titi? wobt Uara not viri,.?.s individual! been asi-ulted and shot by pareen oouuecled with thi? mob without good cann and jo r.-Uttaa of tb* pnblio peace and good order I Wa? not the aanablioc of this Conveatloa and the gathering of tho nob for ltt defers? and protection a maia ?d'.ti ?/ li? riutvut o'i unlawful protttitagt ef tke UOnt aotktrititt of ti'tw Orita?* I 11.v* ?topi ttkeaby the olvtl author:'.-? to arreit ami try aay anJ ?1! thote who were engag?d in tai. riot, and tt.oie wl.u lave MB uitted offanaas, la vio:at.>n ofliwT Can ample jnitice be tnetod by .ha civil actboritiei to all offender! ar-ainit the law r Will General Sh'?i.,la'i ptatM fumiah mea brief reply to tSore iaqalrlsa. with ? .cn other ?nform.tion ai be may be in l'ieteaMoBoft Pie-rwe an.wer by telegraph at your ear?eit a-rtaretta-M? aiHPB-W Joa*. KM, I're?.loat of the ?uiicd S. ? ?< Omet ?: i:bd Statm Militakt TBLaMUr*! > JJova?. Wak Di. p. ii I'M uni ) Thsfo!lo.rlngt->!eg-a*n, Tetccived 8:Vj a. m , Aag is*. B, ?Trim Kaw-Or'.oam, AafBat '>, \W>: Aft? ttce'.Uncu AM....W JaUJiJja, Pntiit-it of '*? Vnltti Statut I hart the honor to acknowledge the re-et'it of yjur dit* pa*, jb of Augait 4, and wii! reply ?peed.'.y. V. II ?S-KBIhan. Major Con. Comdg Omet TJ. S. Mji-itakt 1 fleohapb 1 U'-ga... V. ab DtPAKTMENr. 5 Th* ftj?owiiig telegrAm vu received tt SiSO a. ia., Aug. 6, l*"-5, from New-Oileant, La., Aug. *\ 1%?: V 8. Grant General, rTjAmgiont I har* tki honor to report quiet io tht city ye.terdiy and t>-day. but raany anfotindod rumor, ara afloat, which excita th* timid. Th? tx ?tig report? will be In clroulatiou for a diy et two/at P. Q. -HZiiiDAB, M,. -Gen. Commandlcg. On i'a U. 8. Mjlitibi lELEOBAra The following ciphar teWgrana rectived 4:30 p. m. Aug. f, \tW>, from New-aOrleani, La., Aug. 6, 1*2 m., I**?. Hu ttiatlltntp Aadkiw dnnawn, Pmident tf I*. tVnlretf gout t I hive tb? honor to maka the fol.owlng nply te your l-petee ef A og nt 4. A ?ery large norn hey of colored pnple mtrebed la promnlon on Friday ulrht. Ju!j f, and (were aldreisal from Ik-tupi of '.ha City Hail by Dr. Dottl?, ex Gor. Hahn ar.d otbari. Tka aaaeok of Dottle waa inten-.perate In lingna.i and ion ti to?oL Tba tpe-oiiei of the otb?a, at far a? I oin loara, were feharaotariaid by aoderatloa. I hare not given yon tr?a word? Bl Dteokigg aaenh, n tk? ttwttaa jtab?t-t^ Vi| itokoi, bal , ' .,..??? . .. , ,. . tatet i li I '. ' lin . f ti?? ? y?! 11 ? na ? ?? ?? b? v Him Bru, v ?a.?:!, i-iid . a th? Liilil'itii ii nnm>r of A-ii tag l'i m ? lia Bj n .' i i.-iir'iii lia?C ?? I lb? pOllr'aaion taf ?? ? ? '' i ' ' i' I y to. a ?."..- un?a if ??y Maa M to M r I r-al m-n m.r ?:? ? I i: in!) ?i, lal Bi-r-ji?'.'?..*?'. lu?? uri lb? (J i. oarnlugan Aa . fl ig Tnc?? mou bul about on- piiol M eterr tea mea, und ont..?? and -Vu lu i Idi'i MI Wailo c?ro-aing Canal it. ? riwo.'.utreJ. T.sre YTijrj many li-Vitori on tb? ttreei?. ?udlLeirinannor and tone t".?r1 the proc-wrn unfriendly. A -hot wai? flred by wkom I am oot abo to stste. but bolieto It to h?ve b ?"i ?i.r i |aai!iO')in.?n or ??mn aatotai ?nan io tbe pro cstiion i ibu 1?-J to ot'i.-r ihou and a rain ?fl?"T the prooesiion. On arriralat tbe front of MT? Initilni- irre ,u samo ll.rowiog of br.o'tbkla by bjth ?nia? The u "hoe. who bad boen hild well in hand, were rigorously msreliod to tia ?cene of disorder. The pr??ci?s?ion entered fia Institute irLb tbo fltJT about ?!i or eight iMMMlaB ?omi le. A row oooarred between a p-du-maa ?inl on? of the co! ?red men. and n ?hot ? a ?-?in Bred by on'of tb.? pirti ??, wh.oli lovl to an indu rum.nit- Ore Ml the building tlraiigh (ho iritnbivs by the po J | 'a tal IttB goinr* on for a ?birt tim?, when a bMM I ?If -tis displayed from Ila BlatallB MT lill In?titu'e; whereii"K,n t | firing c*a? > 1. and the poli o rushed into the building. I rta tbo t?i!i;iiony of woon-Jod m?n ?ml others who were in? side til? buililiti-, Ml ftemtmam tptmti aa iadnrrtninmtt fire ?jua thi oki'eart Otlttl they had enp'ied their rttolvtri, athen t\ ar. I thoa miide barritolti the do ?| Tua .loir w11 brolon in ?nd Ibo dring a-ain commenced, when many of t'-o co! >rod and wlnto people either oe.'sped through tbe door or were pss?!?d throti?li Ihr door or were by the ;>oi?-emoo inaide. but ns they cs.nn oakthe p ?lieemen who f .rrnel the cirrle ?Bar? ?t t*ii building fired ii an them, nn ! th?t wero again bred lijrou by tt.e cilit-n? that f..: mod the outer iir.-l<\ 4 Manv ef tb M *? i-in.l-'d ?ml tTl>en prison?!-* and Mhttl ?vho tren fhatmtn eat not w udad, w ira in-I apra batbelr e?p:orsi?!'d by 11 li n?. The mm ?1 ??? 1 BM m? ?tabbM ??bile ?ring m tia *To??d. ?al Itali booie beat n witt tur', tat?, I ' Ci" | ?-rd o' ? vi-lulli -r ?ot.? of ?P. ? c ? ?? el Btl Lad escaped mid pirti lily secret 'd IhlBMr?vr?. tli.",' w?.r~ h-. ?1 u*K.n and MU ?I or woonled liy polieenea; inn > n ? war? kPled ?rd waa? Ita ?er-rttl ? |? m Ara? ib. teere, Moak ? ? Of ti ? ( ' u v te ti m nfra? tr?iiri.t"?1 Lv Iii? p-bi ?laen while in ti. ii b indi es pri?nne'?, ?onie of tv-in in.irl iHt. To? iMBediat? BM? mt thi? l-rnljlo ?Our iva? (he ?aaotn bting of thu (to raotion. TtoraaMM i ia I a m I m btttat ?rd aatsgoaiatic l.-chng nl.i, h bai ka? gr?wiM la IBU c-unmnnity ?ince the udv. nt of the i r ? ii U yor, ?ka in fie orginiis't'oi! of bli poEo? fo-oe. sn'rclcd ma'.y dosperato man, anT ?'ims id thurn known innralorer? Peop'o t.f elenr view? irrr- M ?Ala? ?I by wen! ti eonfl lenco in tai MaTiir and frar of th* '? Tk'iot " nany of r-hrrm ke i .-ni iri/.'rd fat hu aaWa faraa, I h iv?> kmem ?Bl leon np pilad ?ii !?t piuminent eitu-i ? ?n IM? iabj?0?, ant! hure hi??r?l lla'tn eipreia tom ?i"l vvan' of ooiifid.BO? m Momo? ara Mi m Iba l?Baal a of tbia bat (toaraaBoc Ia?aMaM? demn t! ? ???lal "X tiri I l'y |"U?is tot sir -g -- - r * t r. = - bv tb '?-.! I if bad maa, A mmaatrH l u a :??T 11 '.?Y el "Y t'"-???ti ia vu broken tip I feel obliged to -ti. feet n t'rnrif "?>.: tee.' ir i- i ?i i AiT-t?n to naooM m Barram ni it ktisti? o\ thi: raai oi a mbai mvxt ai ?a r ara?? Koanuaa tata aaa tau aa ?.:i\*r:- amah- bai so FM ni' v.: i? ha? . i ns nur nu il B ROB a MM r ?that KUI" B.. TH-. ?TAT! SaO? K '.i IMS li: I -UBI I.I I HUT ns uti hi ?i wiraoi : i aa i in c.*ar_CT mrah m *-or? i? taran wai i ia m nora ma u uri ?aa ibmiiii, AMD 1IAVX JfSHCr! U TI-I 0 'It 1. If tfte m?tter is p. - ii lodi .(.?.?^OTOr ar'.tb ?at a tha">'tr, i ?ed ?leie.-m: ii-1 p- i ?OI t'i": if tli"?< on,??.,' .1 in li ir* moy Bal tot f/tmmmtmam y m4 ??-? Maa. aa ??ty here, butin ?j: kr? y'.aeti. N.) it->i hsr? M yet b-sn tsk.'i It !h? -iti! s'llhorlilo* M ?rr.-s! iMtil :ns wbo ?rri? ? ruag" I la Du? ? n.?icre or MB .?? m .n w!i.' per, -?:r it * 1 u-ii era li''?. T!i? nicnili-uof the Coiivebtion uti b . ? I ?.r t'i* Orsad Jury, and maiy of tr-.?ni ant MU M I ?'I. A? to w!et'i>r t*a i vii ii'i'ti .rilie? i??ii n. t? out ?nip's j'i":n(? M Ih? ?? :i'*T pirh-i on l?n"i BldM I noa! ??T it ii my Ofiloi? ? ?n |qlTo ? -llv ib.i iie'T r ina i?. du li-e AIkiII. who?? c?>ur?i' I I ?t?- ?laee** wato'i ? I ter MM? y n year. r now consider one of the moat meu wo ba?o here to neate and i|n.-t o? ?be city Tiio lei 11-itr m?iiof tee C >?!?-?ntion. K :.>? f .0. r, Ilalin. ?nd ot ii r< b?TI I'?-': i? "Uti. ? <\ ?l It ? " ? - ? .... ? ?I Im! me? I i' ??? ? I ? li ' ? ? -'.a. - ? if I? it W" ?"? ! ,t. !? -?.i r.i? il ig an? Mat darlo? .??:? v ry liirto of Ita nian. P. H Mt'-:;da!?M'jnT-(?''i.''r i'? (?F!( D ?v. Ml ITA r 1 : ' ui-AiH. -} ii i gi mil's Wab Dbpabi?re { loMjt ' Tiie following tel-g--n!n. re iv 1 ?t 4:10 ?>. m., Aug. 7, 1-iir", tram N w-iji1 -au?, Au *. ft, II ?., t*. S. ??BAiiT General- I hare the l?'.:.r.r t- report a rapid chana?, for the tmir?r, Ihreutthoar??? li o oil) TT-Bte ??'.? n.'lti*??? OB Sunliiranl Miniar, in e..r ?i.?n?- ? of ?n not luoded rumor t'ui: l.Vr? wn_ 1 ??? a c,? i_n, < be(we*n li.3 whttei sn.l Huta jaetet?ay. Tt.ore w*i un -ood rou ion to cipect neb an ?t.o', be P II -Till!:' ? ' "lier-. WaB.D.P.1 TktV.iX V Ai n.:,., D. ( \ .* I :??-)) T Huir O-? p. H. SklKUIDA?; ('muru* I ff, ,< S-f O Want. I t Tba Pr?.id?)nt dirie!? me lo ?c!tmw!ed_re y ir letegram of . .i ?' in aitsaer I. !i.? iii'j i.'i ? ?i .a ? l :-i? ti. ai ? ? '..nut. in con? formity ?? t!i tbe ProtA I :it'a dirri 'i ??'j ?r 4iii * y ?s tira? t? lal --avrnir : law ?o far M n.i.'l : ta ri'-i ia?ry to pna rv.? ? a. -vi'iit.- pe i-? ?ti 1 .r.? .-i i n... *?'.lint ta. ?il ,w ?nr of Dib said antl'oriile? lo se? if yoa dep-i. Sir r i.'it m tba pribli? ??'???? mi! i-aiiii in.i- ?tabal 11 i'..... Heating tb? tausas that '.??I lo the not and Ita !..<-<? wbicb otv c irre 1. H ti ye kn?tTaetto? the Pr-?l.l?nl deal rnsd t i v-?; in ron, ?i t?e *i!?f nul *arr co'n'nai.der, I I tens?os of ttapwblia poaaaaad eaiotj, ?ni t? I?m ?ta ?e? that ?n? ra ing m. .r-1? Beti I p? ?ding la? iaresiigatiaa wirb ? !.. b JIM ?W? intrus- ? I, bat II ia ?i ii* J . '?.-.a., at foar ,i'ia >?[? ?re laad?q?Mta lo M ' ? .. , i 1 iviih the not ai? aseertalaal, t?..i ?rUI ;.ir _? remet? tu tai* _?> purniBiut. lor ti)" lai .rination of th? l'r.-?. Kowi.-a M. M?v? m koatmtary ?.f Wir SCIENCE. Flflarcata Aaaaa! "Irniiag af ?he Ant-rleaa A??? s?,- union far Ihr A ' ? ..urraii a ? ?I ftcieace.!- ? ? i: iF?: . Kam V -rk. Aug. 20. HCd. AEE?LEOtn BBBMOE? IM iiov A." FlBBaaior Clan Introdn da paper "OatbaAlbft. ??? .e*.' laaeriblAIM inatnn ? pronwa? tory ?lora ?baagra ia th? atmipi t with aaob mora d beary ?a t?-r M . t.' giro ?n i i.T.?: ?-?,? i r g ex, ln.Btion of !h? iiitrament. with an t, e mal of iii .:i liratloa ? t irreral gre?! ?terni?, iiielading thal in ivhich the ( uy of LoadM wa? tota tata pam Tbmm itara? Ita ?In? ,? i- lieatal many day? befi r? their appetrani-e. An iMtTBOM?! lo n??t t.'..00?) ia in o'iira of ooo?lri;otioa for tb? It ?sr _ .1 OaartMoryof l'an?. Pi.f. E II Eliott reads paper " On theS'.Hiitic?! Syit--m?of Vari?os C nalrMi? Kur..p-." Mr I*. T.I./insn n-?.! ? p.iper on "The I.i-ik of (Jonter'aCbalu U it ef a do? i mal .?vit.un of w??lg?i?? ?.el mi annie?.' The oiij.'ct ol'ti ia i'?i'a r.wii.1 tooall a'.t'-i.-H.-i . ita fata at em bar ing already in us, a ?lerim>il svsiera of iu-miir.1. and to the fatoaibility of ita noner.l ?I'.-nnm. In replaeliip our ordinary measurt? ai..I weight? by nn-r .l.-.-ioi..l n: ??, ,t J- ].., Mpert ?at to bare the iiuie unit wi?h ?th-r ri to bare et?y t?rm.:, of oontrrtiii" tbe Bl BBBBfM into tl.e new; for OaiiirenioB from one dei iinsl ?yilmia to ?n'iu-r is eoipnri tireiy ?My, ai d it la c!. ily importer? ai! "raiMl-rs und .-eui ' cn uf f'.it.gii booka aloM al i nrod M "iijisre l ?r-ign in? m. urei witb onn (?f all meas'.rei lind tu will need E.r UM longeai time to*!?? fr?i |?MttT . i.tiv-rt.-al fr? n t'a- ?.Il ?and ?rd to tb?n?w. on ?e.-oaiut of the gn?t length of ti na tbst lana deed? remain In U4e: and tbey ?toa r' i . ra ".!??! una for u? to li-itrn to con.eiT? et th.iu aeourat?ly. Ii tl.o link of ',un ter? Chain, ? me??ure weloly uaed by land surtyi.r? uni fa? miliar uUo to mi'.t lindownere, w?r-lai n !'ir the ?timJsnl u.ilt of adeoimal?y?tem. the in,portant il" mbIbbBm? of link, chun, furlong und acre would leniaiii Bb-oiiil?.;./ onch*. ged. Tin- I i k i?7 :?- inches, snd U within a twentieth of an im-h of one fifth i f:l?i French riu-t'-r Tu Irak? Brella t and 7 i Inehe?, ?nd niigt.t be caRrd a f?tho.i), iiiiph thr-re ar- ?o muny fathoa? ii, use aa to tnak'> it hitle-rlo a ratha? iml 'i It? l.-i.-.'i, aa I tbi? la! boin would be iilrn'ist exsitly | ni t. ? v? o m. tei s, ur to tb? Ban? Laohter. The mile mie* t ta l-ngt :.?-i.ed M s? to be tan fuiliugi, and tbcu u i joare milo ?-.,.i!ii.vint ?m l.tttaatM l?in'" v t..?' liak i? sbo'i". ? Igtl un -bes. or two banda .. .-? Imtk ?>f It might ta? called ? loger, and it weall !>>? .,1 p .at ixaotlyrtba lengtu of the il.-i:_i?-U-r i f tim iuw Ira ism ta.tai ?J.o bun dretathof ?link UtO-lOO, or 19-BO u! t.i.i prta ut lia?, and mi,.''.! I - o ?II"1! a Hie Ai'ii>;!i kita c, t a : n a MTmVI? Metal tataila twcwtaa ? nui two dry ?Biloca of oui i?:?? m isure, fl . J n | tri, ulai tia*. MM? . , to I -aid?al tad-vtadlm XIih ptoiweall bo the . ? ..:' m- i i ??? ii" pet ,, it_, m,u of bulk. A rakto lu.? ul -mr m :i? gT. -? lai Itj waigta m iiiJ might 'jj na'...J u atout ... . -, ault ul ?? A? f u tbe "lim i? -f ? s?w ?vate-n 'if ??Ig! li .-i ! ii.e.n ,rei, Hay ought to be si lea.t 1: 1 r?_ic!i ?. tivnn B m*?i 11 ; . ?1 a' . ?' ti?.** do ia !'ri-..i . i.:: 1 w , . learned. Tb? "It bbbm aigkl l? ratanta i ?r new ?aigbU and oaaaarM that ai? mm r t .nt ..cia i ? . ? ? .-? ?ral i'- ra ia" ???,.-..? . ?r? arb?a mt iialj u ai : ..?? . u.".. n t " a?w " anti! tl?< a veiitlit? an 1 m ? Il I a?w n iii.i-? Bat a., -a? in . old on?**, taken 1 a :. a r ft-B mama pr<irii.c:"l BM Mt? YVr il. .1 ' havs ti si. t ?I...-.WI | table? of? I I meatUMI J biak st I . fi.n-m s?. I'i'.?.na ?.i , . ,' ai. s ___, l'I line ra -_, i > ai es. 1 ?IBir? a i . 1 ?et??.!-.' Maar? lu ni| 1 pack le oblo 'luki _1 10 c???. mml. 1 un lu. ' . s- ]0<i.arll__.|lsj(ilt?I'>?' f ,a .'.'Vi. r, 1 : I pat ii _' : -^ r-nj. 1 l'.iot (tiib. link ?( w? st) _. i IO a iii ? , m? 13po_d?*?lU0 ip. ?..?-.',_1 ery dram? ?1 M na -fr?!.'.?. lae no? -Tnii woald weigh ! ?l *!1 frtia.. ?ni ela!it sf tal B1W fl? c n' I u a mae I wti.ili I *? ?' nan? ?t. n? It w?.'d (?eiatpa .ri?? a? aerloua ?I J :i nid tro !<t? to t'.lM I ? to the .??-t l.fh of a ?.?Ur, pirti l.r.y f m. lr.-i._b ? m.d ^t.r mr-?-: ta i ?i '?i.J.d ? Maa.liri ?y pmlioii'dr reijuMt. Ur. Uamora gir? a l?Mrltal?? ?fita gro?t tel ?c?;'? lu th? (?b^-rratory ai ( which .s C.-..1 \ ?ii? lab divided. In order t? b1 w .?r, f hotol i: ?niv'-.a m opportao?iy to r??d a pap? fit;!led "The Vi?n?-e of K ?liirsl \Y mil ?| \\-? P. chester set-I a? Ctiainiisn'/i):? s.-, .| .,. ?., y,, ? tion pewenieil greater ?itiB.'ii""? 1" tb? otber an ?:.?! M.' Booarrail had but a ?mol! audience, at t r. ?- ? ( ,;, D)?u, Mr. R?. ,1-TBlt, tbrM Itaiei lind tb ? r? ... y tltg t., oJ.y o- i i hopa; ??? riag-ioat. kB B.-NATUBAL BM Thilo, g ???, .-cieil.Uncu??!?!'on tue gisoisl Ita tytvi? ?tatt this tnoriiing and the greatest intoiest ?ni iuanlfoi*ed lo gbout. A i.sper bj E. W. llilgaii,!. c-a?igut-,( k1 ?ii>|i, ?ureail by lui biother Pi .isa?..i .ii ^ard. It wa* en? titled ' Itemstks on ti. ? l'nft of the "Vottei a ?ni Sun!!,? i Btstei. and IB re!?ti?D? to tb? (>!?' inr ki 1 1 i,!n.rg th?orie?." l'iofe?sor il n.geri'.rd (ben took the")?- an?j i!,? Ii?i'!.??iaa Uiwn tbe (Ila. i?, i h"->rr Ttte . i pointed ot Mt two tramk ottote a link karo r?r.?ll_? ?^, u..??aa ??.: oiiu). ''?''? ?? ii ?f i , '??ut t.KiBiaoy I ??j -atn! t- ' , Oaf ? 1 . l ? ' l , ?H , . , i ' . . Iii? -,. ? 11 iwy o ? iivo trrtr*? of ' ? loo, i, i, i.ioi? ii re H ? ir el-vdloa of Ihe -, i?i?in?; lisa (o?f "-ni t ?.' i .porto aiif*a?i-?ntting nv?r ttaa nwtfeeru l?otUon* ui Iii? eo i' in,, t I, akUii ung by p. -, ?,..,,it i at* ol ?now .in i ii'ii an limo o ?j thiaki,?.? (Lu waa i. iB-iuiii-riaid na i?- i ,.|.,.' rnntt-1 rat Meit earae ? Laj aa inee-d ?>i'olir. .1 .w depnvwinn of Ho eaattoeat, dii-in?; w.,L , it,? Oeeanio ???liri? ?iiiTiiaCliod Bpoli Hie lo maa.i an,i ?li atlong Ila ?really el t?.,i,11? J nu? ?ni, fumed in: ihiui.-.i?. , e ftjg Blick _0-t*J . IT wit i i!,,?ir e.i,|;ii'.,r Mitta? 'lim III the r,.r.-B? ice raft pen.??. N ?xi ? m ban Uti ?dactiaa o; thai tino ?*,,?? n,u general ?urfjo ? hving fli.odeil hy li maters licked the base ol ibe r moaalata mame*. Hero we Imv.i the g1 cul gheaoaeaa?tra el. n in eitendtng Into 'haeea and nn~i ,,, roprtatoto Meit p ?uli ir aeitaa T-toutkep rtod ,i tratral flacum radi Htinir BB1 fioin inointern m ra?n T.i? ?I. p ranina fill < i?t>l m ii | ? ?ii Um moimi ?In m '-s.'? ire ang-lpb d? Ion r aflnwktafe th? gnat tal ii'' ?-(??? ?il. tarifer! kowari ita i-ole ?end do?n tv ir barge and loatlag ice, whl k li n ii m-t uniil now I? riii(r aiolrii', ..-(|nc'.t to His |j?r BBrtal the imirulrtr and i i ; ti.l i.i g.? "J the li? r fi?. in li hin nul ioal?'*rir. were rolled Q il r(,ir,di'i1. I'toi'n I down la ?atid and jafefetaa, hi d reamagat with b d? of ? ia <i nn,i cliy eaatatotag ?ukin I I ' ? 1 ?. HuiWlH 'lu' I -.I.',' I , ti, If.l'll Coi. I'll'f. Hi , I i I di ' urn tliiii?- ti ,? ii -o 10, throrig iiluno ?oflic.eut i ? i ?1 ti " Irlfl pi tot o r.a. L- -t-irr Hunt tata IfeM ti,ni-ti i*n?nMaaen ntH fet trac- kbetwee? ?um? phemon en i ot tb ? i.,, -li -i\ MB ?ad the learn? of gt?ol ii .to?i ra ? lue'' ; re ftanl m alpine rattoBB, we lal tke drift OTfr trttl nie -, In N ?rlh Are, ric fir t?mote from ti", -, , . 1 when ? m gcloi leal condition? are euch n? forbid the ?op; etttiOB Ibet no um.iii ? l it'l ' ten h.iVO (ti tod. liV'vn'.'l pill - do i".; nlford Ile nillir,,io|,pic U Con? ditions nee wary far tb" acri iul ition of ?rl ia ?ih iv d.rordin ?rj t in '?nu.t mci", ?nd the hyp ?tbeatl of a |ir"al land t-lacrer tlici'fl Te deni'.'ii? It ??To i. icn! nc-cicy, v.hieli utjeert in distant peiiodi i? ?u;ipo??d te ken tarnee the ctrcu-pdir regVoriwItk en Iraafean tat p tzltaalit k-wirar to the rquitor Tee Bfeiiianiaa ot* araatoa uni drift bun L-iongcd t i ?II i |,u h -, Ir >n the ti ben laorawn lorronlioii con gloineret? beal were f rmed. to Hit' vv bra gnit vnllu; i were i o ,,iit oI Hie lluro,,i,ni ni .Minnie,,'!, eertalali culler thin lb? Ti i ,.?, nu.I piolnilili 'I i fe- p i! m" .lo age 'II ti we come ka tfea ci ?atoa if tke li ?al ??i i - r Datroal .a t indaloae* ? In?? ruin? it ve ?be iel a i:i(1?loii ? of ii.rdo. nie agc, and 0n.Lv le Lmi wiuoh pr i ii ."ed paat-tarttarr duii li h m Beaaer belonging b> no .ne jeiiod. but i f all a roe, ?ml hu? ?Kernst I* i i und ena tal priai hrratutBtel Mefeaater-reett * I ho c1, iii! pher.ooietiii as ?? cn iu the nortr-ni ifl.-i! drift* maint toad la be ntaaat. aad fee |u_rtng ',, ni,I o? otantes in H e patt ti' "V p r..? i?, Iteelly un I ni' y]' n'v dlMribated arnon, I'r ml,, 1 lubmsria ? cliy? i : . li dulinga i ? I ai 11 ,?? iiiifat af otu,o |,ir. m t.-, ('?,,..lui nt, v.'ui. !i hue bala ? ?''???(I'lently in,,,l,li-.1 |,i laVe and n ti ?rlion, uni nairaagtd la itreto, ah ia wMt fhiMi. wood aad keaea. Heattadal to tim pe.i ima of beallan taaad ia Kaa I - ?, I ? ii i, wfetofe ho I naif fee ttpii.iiifl oa the lirpolbeil afflaatiag .! ,,l n, n, r Ittll (iel,'hi (1- lli'i lllel'i'd III llo'T lo'llll w.inl '.m?, and ha roi it? .1 th ? opinion etwneerd by bim ia th? di li ita "! U. ?li i-,I,iv ih ii h11 I,. ,li id pi,an,,nena in thi? pad ol'ti A.ii'-nc'i. wi'b parkagl mntntl tmettoaa wee il'i? Io |>,,ln uki li Bgfel ao'ib.n.rd by Oco nat ouriont? over a luuf ntoaargal c-' Itaaal Wu-r? often ?tr.ii'u.l tin;- i nr re.- la many p'.e Bom "ia hi 'uni ititi,- Ibri pro'::" i by la. igt?eton The an toni id ,:,,' li, ? S . Lia r, ., ? ? Viv wa* dcs.-i u?, I liol ll.,< end,'ne ?in IihIiiw? li Ltenanktnaan traded hy an .irynor whu I, no from ttio pr?tent gulf ?oalb waMwardtaraerani batrdre?! mile? aaoa wkto le aev ?am? il | plaae, wktak aa fe) nlfe ? ???* al lead gtaaicn eoaM grot nee mu! fir. lou i? 'lu,yi ia '. o: y ( ?. ?' letln ?!.? Ar?tic cur? rent uno,in. ?tiiitb-vvtiat over a toawty rtang oiitinoal of winch J, ? n , t'--,,.-, i n peri ion? emerged laM I'rof N'woerry laid nat wl Ifear gusian wen p???ibie?,r n.t, ii i? i w ? l a ?wa fji ' Ih 't Ikey tiM ?t the datan ne re I'i'.i.-, out tl.ny are naatuBtl BWftog ant rcpnaduciiig pre Ci?e!y the plii'tiom'-na which n nnr r, I' ?"? f II i'l ? ?i I ni lal ?'ti ? -i , I? lo? Baritina m ac h ?It? n Itaa to ti. J c? of ?be tilfl i .1 r? ci'iu ,ii.d lae bad ad? vanced ?ho lion It li t'i? ?i ?? ima l'ion? of drift wert rcfcraftl ? tottan-totten portada ?Mm ffaetol ,tnit ?^ r ?re ihewtt.T r -? I nid more oi len ?t.'tilili,''l m ii.Titi, ?nd (be bowlder Wi'iisev en Wtndlkt ganltaa Mtetad feg ob??m' ti,.o ..! i u. rga. J'l I iii ,' ir 1 ? u,l h ? pro-oi o to eay a lew wudioa l!, ? proba?!, ii ? ?i.,, eci ..-o? o' rlimai? wfctok predated Me ?li ii > ii,.,l II v? ? , , 1 i i? , "i uny ck ?? *d. (],i ii? lo pr I uelng ?n -i....?? -,f iV.. t-r pre.-",?tallon ov t Wiui'r e?*p arntan, bowew ?mall ?? nr-t, ia! naiiaatl ivi ? irtrit aamfearaf yean wa naalal bare no diilii ,diy in ?co???? ting f.r an ?ccaaiulatioa of ?now nfliieal U? accobbI f <r ob Hi? ii j,, DM. i ii :> i r ,: , !? >? ? f.iui d in ?? eli ina:* ni the ere, ii'ricitv <.f f It '.?ii.i'id Ifet ?uu. which hat 1 ?I ?It I? -en i m ti I y Ir' \ rrlcr to h ive ol var mu? lime. b"'i f o j-r? it, r ih in*-.ii p*, nal Bag ran Ita nnatrteltr ta fetal li ??., ?lu': th li ?In ? I! Pt Of till I " ? Ol di i? ?' I'?.? I'? ann ?i appoMto i>.,i ,t< m kka ,,. b ? !?? i trig ?'jo I to the effroi of tbe la ii tait In >f tai aita wfetofe la wfea! i?r.. lur??* o'ir pre* ?'to ilt -t??..(- i of climale I?-( lb* hoelberei h iii ?pb?re b.? fu whtak fen InBammn ?" r rife ?toa aad .i? \?'nit?r ia BBhartaa, ?? ?i pr-?,i i It? Ibbmbbi -'.? fmrboi fro? tb? ii'-ual la? the Aiilmn.! .1 i-|uiim?i -raun, nlni.* i?,i!, ila i:r,??*?l iIi?',iii -? Iro-n t' e ?nu. v. r ..,' !->* ( ...I.- I tri d? Ila Winter wo,il.| JiO Warro.,1 ki li !>"'? '* I?'"? 'Ol'? 10 tate ?no. a ? I t.? ;,." .1 . ' a ti? nly ???(nable in , .erii? ( I i ,ai,, lur ,- , ,,. X,, Other i , , ?phi i*tl,c.( ntr (', wo I hif. Ita *?,iaii>i grei'ly eng.'er.l ', kal lag til ort. feet-?nMBW .'? t??rh ?lilli?, liol a lone, c di Wi'ler n, ?|k,?li"P I' i? tro- Iii? ?ulai ?nioU :l ' f I ???! r ' -,.' ! iron, ih ? r- bMWtea Ike ??mil ?al Aii"iiiin-ii "| . ? I Ih. |T' -I?' li ? ?B ii ',, ' t dertagIbeaoaaptoaB *. feal ??i? ?munt r?d.?i?d kata agon woald ka prugortinoed v., n lime lit? a? temperature? of the gHibo ??' iv ? um, t'i, ? I', lame bi?. I'? di, tiibilin Iteriroi'i veri ,'. HT r e? ??", \?.. I it it BfrW. T* e I .? , f *'i III 'h? ari'iw??? ,t Wll,l?t;!l?,| n ,rl,in i ; i i' I ? ? ' ?? ?'in* "' laka* elvo*. T ?,- ?ff-( t ie t. ? ir ia , duung IlieHtinm.t, ' v?; t? t.? jvii," , iii,... I. I W? ?** I' or. ??J? w i eo Hi i'V -? ? .ii f : o ' ; if I ? I imp,.runt dm in ? ?h b bj Hie r v .' in .a "f ih* ?f i eirih ? * n -, I -in m.' !hr.tli|;?i ev T? liit'T? 'ji'lu elim*?? !? ??i? of ? id beek i?.?(? n M.? fawaaa??* alan. M ?nail 1).. rang?* m ??>? ????*?"'?''"T ,f ' """" * " L.t ?roof mock i..n?*r ? ?ii ir tegular ? ?' rrrreB. ? * , ? ?f Ue ,. ? , I ' : ? ? lb*-. At tarerai dUU ? .?lue., rsprei.ill) *i??'ii *"**? " y-'?.???", ?h-ii p-reana a g. setal fe? riad prelinna to IBB e?r'',JU,f T u? u.av 1 a?,-1 ikta ?,: n e lur ? ir? pa?t ii ka? I?-- ?..d foi : ?, ?ti y ?ur* io i ? r aata v*ry aaull Bi ii ia aaw, Umi bemiagbam wobM i i? 'y - * : ? .j. r I.,I t,, :' ion* an ? , .t.,m km ? ! ",'. I'"'. . . aei^l.* tn? etf- ela to I la .ti oat Invokiag i ? . i ?'ii? ? f n nur? A' ? 'angel I i ?ir t^ren m'j ei-'i I itSB they ?re now. i*r, : lit i ? * ? a i. di? la Pr, f BilgaH fit , ex;! m ti.on which h? ha? gl??u ef tha e?M*a of ti rtoti, aid t:iot h? I'.e.i-rted la? ?lim.? ui sreu i!iMo<iiiir.t lha ?raeM tot iftarllag ??? lu iJ aa expontiuuln rel iti'iti t., 1 .ii bit bet.o ??teal :[ ?lion. IT if. 11*11 hro'ighl to Ihe BotlM of Ihe St!ion a .naeloien li nil water taken (rom a weil ia Brlatai Oatartal raoty a a d.-pth ?f i MfeftM aad toan theOeaBdage UanMaaa'fbrtaa tfeta Preta. Il a ? an 1 Ac lr?w? th ?ogbt tkt ditoorery a v?l'.a bl,, on. at Mtardlag an iBdtoatl wi I ,' ?* York wn In p.* lot.i,m of ?mother tait gndaelBf I I 'lue Setto.'l ?'?ti io j Biaaiaa MaaiiiM nneitn la?!?mmbui - The Ataaatottoa ara? u I ?/clock, 1'rs.i l-ut iiarmrd ia tba Chair. The ?Sland'nr. fomml't-*. rcfirtrd Ih? foi!.?wing olll.iri fur the oerl ine?ling. a "u'w-re eta '?d uuann Preiident-J. S. X?w?i'?rr?. rmbtaCollage, Now Y,,rk V?. r 1'reaideot?Dr. W'lli.ct lii'i! ?. of I (.?ii-ral S?oro'?iy?('. s, I,v?irm, ?,f tba Rel -1 Vilo Col l"g?. 'Jii?a?urer?!>r A. L I. In? -taadiet CoiamUlea re|?.r?ed that the n?xt ?naoil meeting WualJ he beni lu liarlingi ni on tut'Jilt d.ij of An gtint, l-(.7. rfel .?' Comrnitte? thru repoited a Ti??olutl'i*i for the tppotatnnl of a Comnirtee of Five to BMawrl lu i ? ongieia in tarn of pnniing aaaaal regeita of tke IIyd,,?*r*phio?iSor t?y of ihi I.ak?*, also lol an in r?,?so of tn-'ap; optlatioB tot the j.'ir| on "I vu ret, ?'t??i iallr to Le appli'-'l to lha oli??rv?* tuiii i.f tbe meteorol?gica! pti'iiotieB* or th* lake? and th?ir chaur.''?? of level (.''irri*?L Tm Pre?-deat aegotaiod M aaofe Committee, ??Bam Henry. Major u-m QeoigeO. M?ado, Col. Churl?? Whittle???, J?r. .?. ,V. Lapham ?T. I!. H.-lgard. Tfea anal ratal al IbaakBwan tkea aeand to i?u?tion io Ibu man:m in won i the Aitoclation h?d been auto!tamed by ti, ? allia i "f Bal mt*. 'ide Mtowlag retolulion. w?re ii? > i ?romminde'l hythe Btoadlai Commlttae ami !>???ed: V.'l'i'i, Tt,* s,.r,d r ?!, i?. na ,1 t>? wlila'i ?",??? i, te uni "i ?voll ?it I ?i iioi'l,,'li? ve M f.r?vrr ?,ri?r>, ,n?- :?.?,--?..fil lv,i ;, ,ba? ?l.-r..'rti'i,;.. ? . . ;i,:n. ra'- ..n 1 liri" ita. ?-... ,. ni I | ;. . an I ,|- i I? m ?? ? ruition ni Ih'i ..I r. I isiofa? tiuB w. li ?lil li lh-y r sard tina happy ,. , bu It U'.'titi, Thal tn a? tey ? ?ad Mill haplajal bylk? ? . : r. itt t?ia i.ei? work, ?iii ??? ? ia? n'U youl di.',,,? i? i , a, I'-.! ia W. Mr.,!, ar- Wuruy ..t.. a . tl,? la e "i.i , , it* ,' a iv n ?- i f If,,? |, 1, ' tk* I ?*..-.. a . . T-.t..-l t! e,, I .? It, li.? ,ne. ??. .1 Ibu I ,nj -i ??tieitj in ' alii oil,. II,? I ruitdi 1? i e I i ? . , . ? . piri an-J, 'ill ? ?. ?al . lud ?li?. ist, i ? , , , liol ,?? ? !? ? tl.u l?u . t.a?y I a JO, :.. ? I - , ? ' ? ? .. I to ill win? Ina ? I ? ? ?.-. I*, wu?yute,i Mai tba f"ih .ni,' dtaBatch i>r *c ?:-? I ? I ? . ? I le tha P i ? : ?? .ii in Load-1 'ii' lu.-ni Inn I * . i?*u!???*a! ?f ? r ? , ?? ,!?' ti , thal ti a ii?, i at n I?? li al,?-. ?'.-.. IV,? , i*d Hi* wat.ij . . i< it?i ii? wl?l? bun .Bf.ii , . ' - P. Aa P. BlBBBBB. I'r-.l.l?..! ?tn-i V .. I i ' lae?." TI ! h i n ? ,, Illangi.? t,, . I' nt liar na* d aro ??.' . i i d-iiviinJ a , urowed _ Ji ,t low piper? I er? ! ft oy,>r sid ?bri?? war? of-ilvW Im? portance Tat mtmber? bat ?most agrees'. , ^? ?rar had aneotnkltd and i!i?i - b? m ?! I'v i ,e p| ii mi liitoreh lag ? ot newa whi, :. havttak .1 ., . , thal ti , meet*, ?g I m proved ??, an'! ?he pip , I aro of tb? gru?teit ? . 1 io min ,in I. 'l : u m ui'Tf ?f ?he tn?eti x i > will rent ala fraab id grata witt a ? ?,i.* btfo 1 flN"..-al '.. ?W I ,' ?pim riALiM.n. TJint WaiioBBt Conraatiea af epirttua.ts ? turn ?. ? "?AT. ?aorta > ? c ?i. ittdt. T'-.! ?'.?._ Id-icAtv*. bl tin r..a."B-?.*rj .f Hi? Cenren; .,, ? ? t ?* p . -ment li a plo nio at Rocky I'll'? fl!-???tithvy ?,^?,m? |f Bat a? an eaieiitlil pre 'i iii f.,.'.n t? , enlio-t hour lu tie running It |i? cm i ivld nt'hat v., ? ? f?'i ?eather ooti.J not to bad ltirtiig t ? ti? o', ve hour? if diylight then en ?nit'g. and latir in the fo'ett i.n tb? e',--? ?nts n?? imed * de ctaalry fcaatltaaaaeat ?vin.i ly ha.??id * 't don't tate roo?b r?m to lake Ilia ?hlii? of? from ? ?lo ile ' but before nr? n to day la? al.iBar? wura quit? c ipi l? and the j.luvial BbaBOmai ? Coatinuad wiih but ?I:,.! t tu'ectilsaion luring the hrdmre o' Ifet day. deelroying til tbe |?l?i!? of ?h? exonrsl i.i.ta, ntl ruaklug a great taaar peop.e ?eiy u " 1?oo ?letat-er _**/ (iA'totx m Pinl?1?'l*,. of- aWtat M o ?in;? .. ii. ap-rarl f tooan ?? . .? i? arl mt wa?, fattowal ?i?? ' ? . ? IV el', er I > b i ' h- i I ',' ' ?rri? J ? 1'ivTidi ? ? ii-?r-ii--tt it..- a: i " ' O'l* w? ' | ? " r - . ' i ? rd of 3.0 l I li.3 I ' .. in? 'l olid ?Ollie? lil . I .-v '.ill' i jib or ? i Iii aM't.idi'ia ia by Mlioatj ill ??ntl I ti. Okalaaltot frim ?be ?t-?m-r? ?>? p-n-l/ ??.r.'?-) vam Ita |;r.rU''d?lll ??!llill? ?I.r?' nulla, |? ?? .... ; lu 1 I I '...I ?al.l'lr .1 IV IO n,..a, i l?a! ?-'i. i iinl'i th.! i. 1 : iii 'te' I - ??' I I a hour, indie; red np in t!.- ?p?o. . . ivata r!.?i .1 I l-'ha osa?, Seror?! ?nooo??i'C pa'tir?* i".-i.' i ' * tntil ?.. leit-tiy | p m. ?II had buen le?l. and ?II appi -I ? . I ! ?Hi,hen wUt their ft ? mnder. O' ?s?i jutrtly ? lanttioi- | ?wod bri'thor from the f ?r Weit, who hid norer beforo ?; ?? ul io.? ? a li.aird io I'.p ?!.? ...ine iiii.seifBiiiir ?s K? ?lie f*?* ?ruf hi? ligtaUTfl Hpp.mins to deal ?uoooi-sitsly ?iib tbo I nun laka tota put ?ii'.a'i it no e???i of oongnstlon havo *? rta boen iX' mi I i>?irtsii, ot-ryboily will M vivo. T . j ,.. ..I |ka L?>inuiitt>v of air iii?reiii('i:t< conDmplated co. ?,.l??rnbla- out door ?|w??iklng dnrirtr too aPerii'.on l?ut tbo nu., len i' i? l .nob a ui.-iii? of direniou impra^iioBblo. Ao oorJi ii;ly Ih in wira aaag exp?idii<iii? re?erte?1 lo l?> wits aw?ij tbf time. S. ??ral ho-dra-d p?oi'lo ?rotook then, ?tre* to ? h .11 o\er the b.a?-,!ii,g alley?, and endoarortxl to riso io a Is' -lili ?'. ?(.ile of mind Iron* reiasiki by numbers of the lu -lb :,. , I.a: Hi.? i i -.'.ni propulsiii'i of l be llgMBt?B ten pin bill? ..cor II ra.? or four ?Bey? hoIow sislrs. ouu-iid ?') niu.ih It ''i I un I t.riu.liiii," M Ui disinn.ii'C ?pe?kor? from ??eli B f,, n h -?.i.- ?'h' of tiafir lana, ?hile aata ?s undeitook to ad Or- -s lluviii? li .-in, ii'tunil heavy ehaBBMa. and MM aub ?ul'il. nfler a total failnr- ?o mik?? t'.??".?.n'-r. beaid at a dm lineo gren'i-r ?il f.u-t from the iobIiiiih. Mr H ?'. ?"Triebt, M . ('luir!-? Barde? and em <>r t?" omer? rai tbo ip.ul-m??, il?' geottoain iii .st n?? i.-?i .?.ji i-i,- a-? praddlBf Iii,'ram eu. .f.inllr iocreM.*dCBari?B (("" lueeting in the li-tT. ned Ita eip" li i ai to Bo iy Point having proved a fail me io all i. .|. it,iti?|.i tlii.t?*! I .. iiiit-.l?l t ti tr tuier, with wbiili aalten ibemoinb-ra ?Uki C anatto? taaatl t-. _Ut ?Mt?He model itely, n lui: ? prufwrti ai of tbo empony wars lui. tu ?BCOqila?Btll detail ou the al oVIu.-k beal f? r l'ion ili'ii.', nuil Dicgoed ?lu?a ?a '.nlingir BBll b:-r wbt li. nia?.1 do*ntotbo g'iaid? wttii ?BOM -right, umring, howeror, wit -.ant tbo ?iiLabt'il aecldad et diBicajl?, lim residuo of the pilly I'.'k tiibse<|iii>nt boat? u'd ??? io duly landed ?iii-f d ?en ..I. If Spuitiiaii.t? m .t ?v r b" i.:. n t.. I.' ''tate" et "" It Hist not ho improper Li-.-?.- to tay tbo pitalu C,. ? I,.ilfinin K.i bj Fwial wiro .li???- tiled hy Ihe ">i_li".-.l pel foi m 'i:c.?)', la a' li nu: ii a ..I instrumental, of ri cho-rfiil ti 1 in. al ; ' r- ii i- '| n i p|' -?I with un arcot'1 "m an.? ono of :ne ?"r?i t ui is cr r "a. ni?t.'1 I iiu n ii.a. i.o throat winn?- BUM I k-.iu?""!. o? up? :.. ni .n. io be? *Q?un??W_?btogt? Va? ia I >U? .".?.?fllatll? I'll-' .'-"lit." ( 'I'll a 1)11? ' " AC.) lu Ita i ?cn nip? at l'r ill I li.ii I II Wt ?'-? >i I " ?' na I a M the cn' ri'iai ? by the I m imBm, tbo ?tt.-a ?am? being ?atna tt k?l li M ?b 'li et l'i'.-i ii. I. .n -a ?. Mr. Cheal of I toola i. .tie'-.I. la a b.(.'!i!r roi igtotM m->nn?r, a ? min .rr for rou?! I id? ? 'it Ii -1 v nu?, U. J.. M wlnca. *?.ur unit ..ii i? p. .'? ? l-.-ir laughton I. r Laitractioo,?wilb na f ..,.;* a 'ii i.olng inda Irttutad ?ilka?) al the fal ?ia ,iti-.ii pr?T?l-ai n Ita bett Mr OMat warmly _ ",':??!, ii.-1 i ii-? iM.'l ?it ???' tali et" i if!.'- ton la-cy, Mr. YVudBworth m UliBaia. from the OoaiBltiM on Iteiol i ii...... MBortta m p"n ii"-1 l "'?? i-ii . /,- ' a ' i ! | . ; ? . a . f 1- r .. I l . ' I " ' I (M 'Jil (o la?' .pu.I, iJ... oi .iiitii..? ?ii (ii. gtaM ?|. r '? I ?>v .n'. /.. he I, -| a?a ,? Sp r.t" ?li. ? ? j ?I? i?iO Hy to "ii- l'r > n s'- eis li ?? k ti. li lead ko al ...a .;? a.. I ?ti a ' . a-araA ...- a li? lli I .! H o 1MB., i f ii i ?i lilt? I m I d -a ? ill i i ? Uti 'ii. T ?ni war l?l a.l pr"|. iri'Mna ?>! ?.. laodtt J'?T ' p ui'l ?'i. >-iiiru Ih. auinul p i.a^.ii auT pr'?i>-'.-i'. ? '?I human Bal ? I n. ? if -a.? i.i ' ??? |?iaUs, tarait?. Btcrey asd fargkroasa. omi i u. Uni ? ?| .'li' a ? I I?! L. / ? '.! hit ?a r|.in'.ullala wr |a-<!?n* B M ? " Ottt O'?-'?!'!' 'ruth li, ? ..I ... I.',.? ia ?I' ?l. I a I l I , ,1.1 l! , I., r-? a- I l. -Ill'?/?, ? niall a iin li.'..'., tra I ?-' ' .. '1 ? aas.. J m ill !?? . ii? ?' ? 1 ?:? I tin ! .... v I : ? i ... I - . 1 '." IrM nseiio R .1 liaciH.-l lay ri'iri! ?rent'oi ' un.i un ...?It adopted i BO [? r?on O.a.i^ | na :u (o la'.. r,.oii) ol'j.-a-'ia.ii? I? '!"? pia. ii.-i- "t v.ii"a bj t. .ai iiu Ita cMsldBratiM of the ?ecMd reti.ntloa thor? m i ?err'nely ?l''!).iU-. l!'??u? Ctai?-. S ai'.r. PltMptM, Elkiwr, Toaba?. UhtM, I .nn.jj-, PmMm a.ij WTblllM p irla.,. .'.?i? i | .ni ? i*"iill."ii r.n ?a'aj .t.-1 M lb? word sacte.lly'' a? !. i;r.g a tora n.. ?pinn, nut Mfbi M nooaakaa a? tats?giag to ni* i sr?. It w?? pii.p Ml lo ?(??UtiM? lUo Worl ?? lu- I di)/ li- I ?a . ' i" ' ! IM. I-. ti.-... i? atoa Or IT P. of Bartaa si.r.'l Bat ? ara ?? at ?tal iaaotala Ih? Cm? Mia b1 -.a bM na?' ".i, I . i'-- -t ii i i r ' , 1 li - i.,,' an ? I ?.a oii?Wug..i awl? BM? II.I aflM - bj Ml i""tna"i', 0'i i rill that b? M?l 1. ,-.| il' f Hi f kHV I li'l'l I? - n ni, i,o woiae by it, tut, on Ita .'ui'.rity, bo lal pe ii' lam .i . i, i, ' i. ?tin.11 iaf spiritual origil'. - all* cn a.'.r i,tinn him li ti. ? u?<\pif v,.- !, Mr r . .iii OarlMr ka? got aloM Mm a .1 Mamiegtakai i, time !?? ae -a-w.paiitioi or ?...-,? bl? pow-ra ? - .- i,ad barefraiued iiom in., n?.? .>? i ?. ? ?.- d. TI. ..- ? I i"..i?l |.<r ili'n al.irr.ilir t?"e?a?n MoMrt i-i I I . r wa? iia'it a liri!) pssssge be t?e??n M'-.rrs I '. im ?ill Mr. t i .i, ? i .ii li? ?i -?i ila ? aBlaal cr alto? fr":u ?aa > at ?*>? I r --,.. -i: i - i. '..?lllig t? bare ? in? peTBoa i, mia' io lum tim p-irticlir an:u.?ls lo wb: .?!. 4 BM I i C'.ini r I u ? . 'if in MT '!!:.??. < . ijari-?" snlaial 1.1 k? a man w!i > i !.. ! A , ii : . ii, ? cr ??! mern .. ? ii ?! ill ia lb i r? am, I' a.< (he'liscuasi'in, b sp-.-la or otkMrred I : l'r i 1 ? I, l -. 1 ... I. a , , ' ' li I ? by ran ia? |>ail ?-...?. ?oin* Ui rj t Ipa'cmi?- tain el.-g'iii". .', . ?? a ? r I m my r"?i.!?' .??? " > li,*??, in I til? i .... .. i ? p in v '"r;;i I v. ? i -t, i?**.'. 'I'll.- ' : . -i i../ -a-.-1.n brigbi a.r ... . . -. i ?? ? . ?- ! .:i t?i Tai.o.-a bl i .. lu oto lia ? , . ., ; ,.rorl""?ly ' .- ? r ??.? I Li ? "a '.?' a pris '. i. n ! a ,1 ? ? ' a Mr. ?ii y neu n . . , ?, . .r ?i'a . .al . ... I Ulai "" I' ' " ' Tus ?rti b'i?lbr?, b . it . b"i?.iu.i o. ,*lt JT'.I. a '?: ?' g vii: ail po; ..?'..o:, i if ? tr wa? flr?i '-: I? '.?... .f H " ? ? iblt Be ia ? . f r ? Mr. Y'. ?lui ?s ? i. , :.,.- It? pt an i.i diJ.wBI ir wiri i .: . ? . , e " .r i . : .- . I ? , i . . i , ? ?: i J ' -T 1 ! .: .' ? . , : ?it-1'-'- ... I . i i ? ltd bj Mr. I. ! .. i . ?!? ii ? .i ii "ir le. ... . ? . ? . . , I, ' , t lo prra-nl Iii li ? . . I!. .' I ???'?:?. i . i ?! li ' ? a 1. ' . a, ?a? t'aient. Thtt ? . ? m4 ti .lil-. . ? l'a' ?!-.'.. i ? i < . ' He. I r f h? tiuth?. I? . t'?4 | ? i ? . l , . ? , i laing ?i i>?. . . - . .| I. r 1. | I ... , B?H ?'..!?'' - I . f ... ?.I ..'?., Y i -?-Pr?. I au'? try a . I . r: .i lia? m I a .*)?- . a ?... --.?r a. .uni ?a ' ?, ..iii! |"i.|b)B". i .. ii , ? ., ..u\ l. ? sa I ? ? ' i. ? t I * ' ?. ? a I 1 It., .? ' .1. J? . ? I ri I , '? I I ? al.' . I . .1 . 1 I . ? K '???. .1. .'i t- ?TI- ?I S, '?I . ' ,? ? , . . Ifty .. - . ? tra tfiy i 1 ?ad ila! ? 1. -?? > '?'?>.1. ?? -i-, 1 . .. , , I <% . ?, t , l.l Ut lie ' . I - ? ? .?>i . t ' ?- . ?<:.'' ??'? lo? I I? li . I ? . e a ? I r ? ,- ? ? ?-. I ? .-I I nut t. . f.rrd" 1. ? n.. ? '. ? 1 ir n. n j-il ' ' - I . 1 . . . 1 atJ>.ir? I . . . , , ti .. . ? . ? .. Ill Ila ' ? I ' ' a 4 ? 11 a ? .. ;?'.. .. ?y, t.y I .?'? ?' 'lal'Il ? . , . It ,.l ? , I . ,.!! ."I ? r .' .! ' l? I a I I I . I I. " M ! 1. Cl.lli?t? , J S. l.'.vrla I ?? I l-.a'.. n. i. .,,. ,t_a 11 .-? nii.aTu, M. i) i- ?. ? . .- ii a 1 lloiir.n, M:, Ann n . YY ... ? . baie, J 1J. Barruon, 1' VV.. I pi -Ali - Mr. i re?i.,.. i,f II,, ' -.-a .,' Ih I ." le? p.. , . lb? liberty Of I |a...i:uim. U, ,?,,? |(i ; . 1 t . i 1 '?"I' ? ? ? . I, ?I.?I a - ?rtaiu am ii ?bli li . ' 1 ' 1 train of peri . . ? Bark? a " : ? ? ? ' ?-' ? . a , 1 11, a I ? i .?? . - ?a't di.grso? oy I tlit-ir 1 ? -1 1 ?'?' ' -i,. I . I and irg ??! .. ' to Mply to tb? paraa??llttoa of ' a li., me v?t?? ; Mr !' - .'.,'? .!?'., I ' '* 'I I"' ?' ' ..'?,.. . . I Y ?al , worth ., . . 1, ' ! I V,|, ? li" I 'I v. 4 ,, , ti li ' ?' li I ??? . - a 1 . I ? .""r fr ni M. A Jli.i.. Var.!, P'i.vii.i. staling i???' ih? B] kualuti lb? rttw war? giaal tov.r?. raii.?i ? 1 ? a. I 1 ,,.??. taiai? otv .... ,,..;, ,' in tie? 1 .itributloj? bore? 1 ' ' '? ? ' a 1.101 ' , .< a ooUeoti ? t . I 1 . : Um ,;. n , |t ti? a."!..I .1 1 ... ii. ? -1 ti li I su ? .us ?illili baa .e'-it'. report baalneM fort-? neal ? ii.' 1 niiv. : , .< ra lar .'panai ? linda lim 11.1.?!? . ?in, io ta prrMtttod in a tbapo ?.. . ? ?.?art oi Mr K 1, \v'?a|riwi)r:b fion tho ^omni n.iart. 1 '!,,. f ; owlag vi ,i, b ?nu-oiliap'eil' (?aY'.ril, li, |?? [y ,|?, -riii.a.tir t I... ?ti af p' UIIHiUI nu? ?. ? an J I? . treat, T'l ?) . p?aa_ l* li ?air p..-- tat a-?? ?. ,. me ?ted ?Ph tltad 1.1111 t .tii,.?. ,u? ri|^,..uu, a. tam unj ate 1 ?uJaeaJ 0.1!. lil I? at-hu. tod Mat. with .sa tnraa or e?n?i 'y , ?i..l itheriji I? M? Br?aul|*tita < I li.? Spirlt?tl l-lulo?anhy, ?iel iti. [?""[: 1 . ..,.-., ,,. !. /? , '? '?<" awl? laitued an.I ... ?..?? ?? .u "'1 Hut iim.iii m aliall bo ??Pli'iaard .1 ? I na ippriral)'-??! Inarafnis, ?te.oltrl iBti, e ,,?,?|:i,.. ?1 n?.i br ipp.iii.ird, whaaodu'v ti .: all b. io ?1.aila,, ti.. ,p,,, ,,,| ,,|. .??? (, th-ir piiv-is?! s a . . ?Tictwiitin., tad mpaart lo Um lint C.?v? l?irit?_l |f i, il.a.i.rteinui pli.ia. ?"f pbaiKinioi.t, JJ, lli.illiitit I?. 1" 11. r? ., I .-t,,,,, .,.1 ' p,?, -,,a I au. sp r.ta I li, U lut pu pal? liou of 1 '.r.? ,,,.,.]?,,, ,,,i, if,,,, p.ub.bly i.r.| wllh .| ii li and ?Bat pall ..a b. t.., ...... .1 f.?a by etb.1 ?.aaai-?' .id a.a I. oil 1. ?t.'lai ?' int'u,! 1, i?,v .m.'rib Hi lu ti., bait?-! drbmli'in of 1111 r< Un ?mi? lil,. ' Mi '-? .EittiT gimtlnil tit rriliatliw ?f l?T P n Bm dolpli n.? n a, n l.oi?tlstl'i. Bad mad a d" ?Igued by ??'vrriil bttnd ?d eoloi .1 '"is..'. ? of 1 ?al Mlaio ??ki g for the paatsgB of mi i ?JobtbbBm lot ti.o oimb ll.liii-ntol ale'itrnl Nslnuiiil Ni.nnal Instit it? mu! al.u.f n rr? .ter aankai ,t wbooli tbroarbaot Loatolio? and ihr South '? '' " ?? I'i""tl0!. n| 1 , .... ? : 1 1,11,a li rnli,I ?,i- bia 11 ?1 .??? ? A: '.- ? ?ma .1.?.?'n,inn as to ttui Bjr?0?d??i ? "' kau ?MB .11 im alun "f,p?-,.,, ..?i-., ,,, j, , riUt trains.*.). Aro d10 ! VB in vliiiru, I nulli ilioruwu. * li f.. . , ' i m : mi, iui ey ; ' .?lil? iji a? hi ?,, i - ii. i ,i , . re i - jJ>atl ?it ? I? - ,.i ?,ub .h ti.? OX'Jotitll?? of tit, 1? -, i ? ' . ? ' , :? i ,? a Hl'ty of duik oin '?? Bis-i "at I'.n? ? I'l I? SIM ' ' ' te;,i.t t I .- , I. ? i , n , ? ci . e .?(? i) nfli i i , u o ii | i.- 1 I ila ii ,., ?oi.iii li ,?? a i ol I i , ni lea Mi Pyott a i n ?. | ' > *. y ipplaud ,i anda?, * . ? : i i. 'I J I ?a l I ''I II?... , ,t , , ... ,, ??.?.,.? ti ? ?..M, ?Uiioti. ?I ?ne D?rit ? i , ? irai i -I I,y ? o', ,1 l-l ' I " '? !'? f ? m anno? ?I uti! > Kitti liuiii.alieliiir?. la our which ?linly ctt , ?a lb? , ?ne? ?i I p.u." . >. ?Ipi, I .?'I.>,i S'frJ ta.l .?.pill .,1 .U at? diviJul lu ..pi ei ., . ni 'hat . i ? '.. n, t I r '. gi ?' ? (. That B to teaa_M a iaagminato eaAMa'pertMl ? ? i ? ?' f?r kari .. t ? n. I . ..In ,,I Val? inaiy-... al, I Ilia? n, me o|,i.ii ni t i, uj??. ni e. i I pipen nor nur-.i i( ti be ti " r*pr* n*i?ll.?a ?fit? flalill??i plulaophj. ni ialuiiugt* b? ti,? or..-,,. ,.( ? I'l ,? i?l?. ?i? rn| lev.v-J. lu j,.?ure to ttau aua- to a? jw both a,ii ?? an .pia! pt, u'uul r |.r -,.. I '''?At lo tL*_ loadeta, p. Tt_,l'._,| li ??(? la k* tlur o je i ni what la true ut 'vite. 'luit ? i (ion, aft rdl I do hy a vety great Banker of per. iii? oconr?.-iog three hours, waa. Ott n-.otioa of Di Gerd* lier of li ?'on, Who ?ni tho 'Vj it? f ti.-. ? , i! on lu i be-ii ai r iii'.ilulio-d by the ventfl-uon of tho ?u'eoot, lude?aitolf po?t|H?rod by a I irgj _nij.ii Hy Ti??> Fin?iioeCowrn:tl?!a ?aortal that ?It ths etrtant?. of th ' C ?ovenil m w ?u 11> ? met hy th ? IWovi leuce Congiegauoa. hu'.jBni.oui ood a collection (or the brae!? of the hatlontl ot g1 Bil lliaSB. The following etwinitt-e?: wer? sppointel. ia puriasncaof re?"liitiiiu? or vote? p??e 1 ' . lb? C iivooUoui On RfijJ-'Me! fir tf-rt V :r't Oirtrntiun 1* ...ra Henry 0 ?\ li >. ritarar, Lo. klillmt, tv , ti M. I" Li n.-u, Sir* M t.. low... I. tim tpiriloat Phenomena . V L Wadi? ,r b IV liuagtn - L?*a ?kin. li. ii Lyu"., J .S I. vr.atil, Mra Cr*ti OeX-MI? -V J. Kimi y J M Pre!? Lu? J .-J. L'jv.inl. Mrs M ii 1 If li.rod, Urory 'I Cul.d. 'J' I li I ii- I a ?a :i vi. ,l?v ? 11 ii ?ne iking hy Dr. P. B Baadaipfe of New i?ii m?. ltd Mi?? Lin ? 1j <*.,h<.i I*1ymoat Al im?, n ', .ii? li t ? reai-i ki worn davo'.d toon ttpiat i*. no! the Stole of alTairi in '!:?C 7 of *f?w*Orl *a;n Ile Barrat *<1 many of the .jiiumitaucia atwjudmg tho nant d t-vt uri men thor?, hi. ?paech b ung m ?il (?.iinee a t. ; of hi-receiit rrieoch ni tu i L'o I I tate, and report?! it conn-'ai ih,*> feragtb ka '.iib ??Bia; nk. Hil ceuaure? of Prtei deni !..iin??n wa? vory tarara, au.i ???! ad I >rth loul au i loug ?|p! ',<? Iii' - ,1 ?.' ? B iiuto.i w?r? IrOWBOd bl o ., ??, i. .-. 1 ? ? tot wa? v?ry o.oiling at ?ever?! period? duri l-l? ? itandolpb'? na uki Ml I? ten wa vory el-'iuent, and hor addr??a wa? pro Boa-col i ? ,,f ' i bett yet giv i before tti f)oi 'eat m ia the general ?ubi tot of Spirita-lisa*? p.-ra day I'm,vin.:-. M A'.i; ?? , ??? 'Ii.i? on "f Batardaj (rp *i, i ? , , ,| ? o mut i ? m ptO ?-nta-,I ti/Mi George Matloa ?: Ve? roon I The go?* ..i'i i papau waa, i i1 .i< s^iruualum wirrie. 1 ?J'y ?tvudaid. oil ni. i, ?? ?tin.? ol nim '..ty io inih.i n itt>r of Kdueatlonft ?ii .iii !?? th* i,- ul -i. iii ?. adetioa ' ? , , tit? ?' o i ilag . Ita p an ?ud I?, ni, ii ol' '.. ?? iu?iIt ' . termined at a fu'ure tim -, but ni. . if ti tal r ? !?? lo :. ? pal i te Aadrea /net?n Darli oka wn Lv i ??> < ? u a,m ??! re ce.v Tin II ?'. ;? ,r, rM '? ' " -' I ? '?' "li 'le *? 'ion. u;.,! ?11.11 ,. 'i.'i ,i'i >,; "? i'. gi ?u "I.--le'K.i arara nint w 11 i net,y ',,?Hru irs'iii re'iuiriBg kmperaUr Igaaefe no in?le . ? MO pi y ?? 1? ? Mr. I'm;,,ii ol' Mil IgaB Bid there ii '.J ?rue -plritoalitr , 1MB ? -'.i i,, ?i.i iii!* fee milli half the in ? . ? . io.. ; v li. i Ii i lid ?ball fe? cm? bia end fait? f ? .men. Ile hoped that thara wooli be I ?o ' i b1 4 for t'l . ga w itn u twrlre araathi .J 1U t a( u A'.t'ii .,f ?'i ?mont ??io? : ? f thai j ?'.ico an I M> prnaatve i .? I /? requirements ml oeuarcd An" tor iw a youug ?vnaaii lo gr.l ? ????*.. t tue. hi . A'w.,1 ,.t i, ,', .?. _V, objeotad to the matnalaeaa. Ukerha ? . i ? it .a m.tka ihapeiiu wb i? it o i-ia .?-,?,:? . ? ? , t Oom ii On fnm aaah Mnto n xin.ider it ftrtan. aal ro ?irt ed i fand I iti ? ? ? iastil itt n t ttoaght ?>, ?Ita 'ora la and ?import it rur I BB ,'..,,;.?. ? -. ? I , we-'ljir I >?! lor 1,1, ''vi i I of M- Ats'ooJ S Ii. li >.l til?It . ; -.? v a? appall S .1 1 . ,,, : ,,! Bl _ i-i Cb r.ari I. d J'liiribof M nu -, 1 if k1? I ?, : ? l> '.' ano ii a li 1 ii no ra el ? ? i I I n ji ?.. ofl:. i i 't : .. R Ctrpnt r of Goan -?u'lt a ??on ?i,.. iii PI? of N" iel it Dyott of Pea ?j,?a .ii Jan I. P ? oi (ii.:,, laai I, *tt of Mail ? i. J i . f the i',e: iel of? I 1. Wa?*? rt. of India i U ? A Dyeof UMaok It S li' ?vv ,f vii? uaaia, M ? ?. page of"? Mitaruia f B ? . i r* I to ii , ? 11 i*. i. ? ? .^ointad ?h?, work ia t- i ??i i, . ?? I'oobay ? ?ok ?ho ii. matta a toa g and ra i Irrte* <d . i m Ita hum m ??i s" 'l :.. , ? a wen r . ' . ' - ? "?, ill'.:,? r Icitbed baelnoM wa* I ? tad nrtral i i bud Ht fou | r?v. , .j taken ag . ' I I Pt.?? , ? r -i . i .? y . ? ? vr i , i i > ? in'! iui f., -v.r." efetafeaaa on mo', j al Mr .i'?- r ji N*w i jrk li I B| on I u? ' Mi -VVada worth of Indian?, f-,.?, i, - > m B li on r ?;?.. ' ! ' . : . ? . ? ? . i ? wl . - ara I? ir?*r , , . ? ? ? ; , , l ? w I ? , ? ?- wkiah . . i ? u r i ? ? ... ., tk-MoaaJ?*.????-?:? Vi tjtiimt at to* ? I .,.,.? -T, I mir ?**.,"? .?' ? *?? a a ( t* ? I , ?: r- ,, I . , ., ,., er,?- iU3g ui, ? , ?a mu j oi.-. tud n. :r,,' on i ?rnuny ?boi* i ??.Jil J'! ? IO,,.?111 p'i'.'eVli'i ?lill?' of ?1?',,M btt*'l .', r' v ?? ? , << ka 'ii? ia ol'! al soy ??ir n ?? i ? o iii.Ti i?i .. ini.ii . < mit? ?ni Iii? ? ill r>." ?ii ?.J bulb? u ..l. ti.* trau, l.i??tan I* tia* a* . . ? t-' ?sail ttriLa*ra.?l't ?at ?in. ,r I y ti! I. .. .1 I?? ? ,f 'I ? -, ?J . , I Ml "J ?? , , , ,| .. .-? I. . ( l i I ? I ? . - " . , . I ' ' I . .tut? on ?? .r- : ... 'n'. ? .al,, . .i ? r.a / ,.- I ? ? ? i ? ne ? .,ro??l 'hi' ta ! ? u . ' u ii ?! at,? a. ra . . li , * ? -. I ? i, -.1 a :,i . ? i? ? I ?. w? I * i . . ,...! .1. !-'..,-? ! -i i ? * . ? I., . . ,nj . n'.ry ? . , ? Ue* ?n I lu 'lia <r?*i iul.-r tal ita ? ? ...? ? v , ? ? i i n Mae* it i* a e*aitai Maa ot tmt Aaweten MtMaMtoa ?V it au mata are . I it t????Ita wltho'i ? "?i. ?? ,.??<?? ho, ,r liberty, ni tue ?Viti?it uilun li -i ? i , . ,? i i r ,J Auj.r i , , , ?. ? i r! ,',y tppr .f?, ti,? id.-? of'au* ? i I w ? ? , i b? ?bil? ot ?. ? l,y !' Ii. ft. i . .-? . ii N)l . ., ? j-,aioa at A I 01 In ? ?:i.' ' ' - - . ?,??'. .n ti? .?ni 'ely r ? | . |. - i ???. . m4 pn tal a> > k - ?. *?n.| .?? ? ? , I , ?t ?. - - ' I . . alala ?,.!??. r. pi, ni li. ? ., | ? , ran ., a ? i < I ? ira?I ?b3 o" t a >i?? m?!. ,n ?i ? *, ? ? r. ? ' IBU 'a : ? i ... -.' arbii li j n ,'I t I I v, , ? - -I ' ?.?rp'I,.. .. a...t.,': ja .let , baf.i-' ." od.- . i, ??*?.*u | i. ... amaft?i indaaMmaf labn j i . i . ;' ? ? ! ii- i ?? y 111 ?.1 ?* ;if? i'i! end jual ??I , II ill'?j Baa. >' Jr. ? ' . *( if thultii tat nj*k? uis* tr w? . i l .*? o >.,1. r? S ' ? .' i|i a 'n', '.^i t Will ? ! ia -ii aijlnua'l M I ?I i. ,, j, io I? A'? ?? e . ? . i .? .nt* if lib ?I t lu?-? i ,*:?. . ? , , j ia p ? ? tjr? Hi ? ,,, .", . , ? ! ? i , ii. - i. m I .;, u iii ir ?< ? ?? iiilf"??!? r?iiir?i iiur-cumpait* ? , . - ? . o' ., I ? I ? ? . I lb* I p r sa* te* T-inn; a-?. ,.i .(A t. I?, ..( t !.. ' . , ?.*.(.< . ? ' ?.-.?. i. | .. ,n;? 1 Mi i ? I ? Ion the .irwt ii s| ? ? . ? ? th* .'si -, ?!,?? f tir -, i?. ?I? u ra,nanala Bald of .irr,', ... , , . . . m -taara aftta ?Mb> T-n' n /???-' , ? it? "i >r? hor'Sy ?iii, ,?? rVit .npr ? ,? I i ,* ta i? m a i.) iy ..v ?' ? tri ua , *.r li, o. I ?!,? I.' .v . ? t i . ? i .lu ta? very -?n ?ra. ? ai??, ard lim ?t- mp?. ..rr ? - ? r :',,, ki : , M?.< ' r?B? I , ?? h-?r *??io i? trad ?tli : ? , , -, ni rut. - f i ?. . ? ? h ? ? ? it o- a ? red Bl ?tr' ,*.,r leug*,,, BOd . - ? > i ! I !?! i , r to negro ?udraaa a?n lia I'. II. Hard k1 I i .s s o ! i I , ? ? r i at? i* i,? i'tiri?ambta ?,, 111 ? i I ? ? ? ? , , r* are dd i. u,. .? . i?V??siu .-.. I"- c Mor ciado ? . i ... ? i ? , al wr. i.l? n r .*, ?:?'.?, mp. I ? II- . . ? ? ? ' . . !.. , , ,, J li 'I" ? Mil tot a? t ten uiiii. it o?, la the ? 1 ? I? had, I bli i Finit, tl.i legal riefeI ' "1 ! 0 1" ? - i . ., '? I I 1 | ? , .' ? T .nary batan? Ki Van Vleek. I ? ii eijto? lion n. w ,,i ihow 1 ap| ?.,' ? ia paraal I , ioily (li. Ii , r. i- I 'Bablll gol - i* ' '_ wbl i, ii'i'i i ea il?ld !.|i"ii i!? lea np . reral i I i wara i ado, pro md '?? IL* ai ? i v i id Mra ' Iy I n? bi - sgaia ? i bt tin? te. i i m adoptad a oh u tt IV v ,' ?? : i i Hit reta tf tkaaki la tke 8r Iritnall?! * : it? ? ' vv .'u Iii Bl ?: ' A nenin la tuor of attend ina luffraga ?o womat wai igreed to; aita "?-, "' lavoitd educating ilio c i.,,.-, i i i of As le? and lud -, Di 1' ? ' .?t mentioned on? featag tgyttti I l?r ( li i li i ,. i . pi,, ,i,i ,. r 1 ii t ti ', v I is ,1 II , dei, nded I V 1?-' " ' ' :'" ' " {,i .,?!i,',?.T.'?' :: -'"??'?"'??' if??i ?. ,, ? ?in , , fun.til Al! ii.b?l ','? ' ' M the cu'ii]. ?!!??!!, ii ot laboTBBd ?!'?t, In loa of h .i?, ?h? ?nu ? I ? ntl l nlctliiltrly po?l|? mil <?? tbo iriiuinl Mat i* 0BBM into tho Voi.i iitiou ?' too I,io m. huir 1.1 be jiT-parly li? , ?i On niutioa af Mt Koater at Mfeade Ielaad the i Bilah raaiidcapital wa?referred to ? (-.ponai Cammtttnto nant ?t th? next i II . giBanatlaal ro?,,l?ewae tlebated ?nd w?. M QliallJ- r* N?w J,?r??y off? red th? foHowitg I i it ? ? nmlttnon Itesoluiion? , - ' ' TIM' Wall?*?? ? I 1.1,11 ir, r l?|l,., ill . ,Ott tin? I,- p? iK.un. .?v. '? '-vi'???' ' ????. ni ,: ?? on K...?ni?-.i,ii.i- n ?joli 'fie reported conciy ii ,, . , , ,, m 11 ,? lud will repuil ioily to 'hi i ntt . ' , '.le.m HI 'Iba h met? ?if II , b . ?)? ?H ?. .?Ij? ?i e*j 1 Ifet , hall f? ?m I ' " '?'??'? * at ?. i, ipn ,i -,',iv ? v i I ideo?/ ?nd an ? rroiii Leo Miiioi f?i, jw ?d. alter wbioh th* i-"oui ouKOQ adtaaraed a a ?.ia. BBMB i rs.'.-cs ?*?-*_-, ra. ih? Tau ha ?'?, A'..i ... - I'efore alua ?;..,,? rit'Oil\* dVhi.Ai OB I >. : T.) a n.i*Bar__i Oa friday n.gbt lu ' a 1 I'll >" otMOf??*BMl <1? els i.ft..o ?. 'II 1 ? ?ra A ja' i ? toa mat c -dil ?! ?i i : ? ing ii.? -?: 'i meria-i liy ?,?.n Hoar I ?f II i| i, on 1 di? ?'?J '?' ?; I" |,'?, t ia!, li.? departure*, itoiiu ?t'.?;r Ti? Lad ?-ft. li, i ?us , ; 1 ..ft ?as ?. ; w-i . i :? omi ill ? ?tat? u4 III li V.IOU }'. tUtA-g ..... <;..?!i').,'l!' I I ft i'f tb? p'nii-ia? Jaar, la ii?r,i-thr whole of i? Ii .et hi p?f__ m moll that, I train? t:a modmri? e.?ald M pra-iured fte? -1. th? kS-atool -talla? Bo_e. wbcie ii bta taM ton b? ih? nan if H-siii for ?t? mmam diairib'itio? at r*r<*?aal?<d tbtta*? ?ni proeu.-???l ikr?a "' ? W'" '"'?"> lU Bl? paiMi-MI'lB. !:? T t i.oed b'jwe?-r ind in a short timo drso? ?hoir catiro conlo?la. Wia?. tbo puiaoiao a?m retarn i at aidiugtit, be found tim ?-osMr.aadyBfooa-t'.u? and the bu.bsud lying upo? lb? ti mr. an .in.i- an !r>oi tb??ff?at M tbo ?tia'iMnti He wa* r-u .v.,J to '.". Btttaoa Um * >y an Ot-.-er. sud while b? wa? ou lu ? way th-i-sj Hie wom?n dtsd. b<"r de uh boutt ka part ?to MM? itei.-a of lu? nog|.;o( to a '.minister lbs _?<luiu< Itsfi l,j ila) pbjaU in. lia _*t ir da? lim prauniir ?o? ?rrago-a bef?te ?Jualu Hi'?; in. who viminl?'. -red ? sorer? rebike to ht? haart pim idaah aM AM 1t?oi?rgi I bun that ko uiigbt go boa? ai. i ?uni;? ainsi, -nia-: u for ins wife'? frnei? Alf .id non.', or iw.MULi-O. A f?w dsyiiaiQt?, ? Bilgiau. uam-d Auga-t Vallar airad X TPira caHcd a?, ti? ? Try gooda ?tire of Bolm.a Alto '.. Bo -ti li : raj ?ii I abai tata ?bown ?orne lineo?. A tiumtrot of P .?it wura exiiioi"?.-?*, (rum nica bo ?el ,ied Ihren, tato?! at I .4 Vi au 1 rv| i"?*?i tut ?ent to bli t og liuusi. No lil 1.iur?ii? st Ta* aro?"? were tskeo *o ibu plata ?I'liguatad, by Jon Dunn, ono of tbo ?alesmon. and b? wm tli ?re nut try Vii! ir. who -ive bim in payment ? chook for the ?min.?, draw? on tho K gbth Nation ii Biok. and ?iga?! barta? Da Boto" I? ina very pmoVntly d.valmed to accept a cb "ci; fron ?-a utter sir.r.-or. wbou V-lior offered to ft will lum ' i.tb? Iisuk ?nd satisfy bim that it wa? genuino. TM "!:'?" wa ???'?pt'id and the putie.? ?urted for th? baot, bot ?a the ??? tbaro Valtor ran ?way. On dit'.? '?? h? was art?lol in Luptnard-??,. and lubtoquentiv oommiitaa for trial by Ita ?bite li) tgi*trato lu default oi li ni. A errer awiNDLiia. lion'-y Wi'l.ami >p, a young man of rather tit* .scats-sal a* aa> pear?n.'?, Tis? I Heir inaugurated ? new atula of ?win illa?. bi.' waa "i.ooghc ta gtrnt utuor anumanly andlafore he hal hu i ?a .t?. only'o pi felloe Ins swtaiiil-ig game'ln ant r*"*?A ex-eat ?Jo iTiil.y bo doiiv-rod to Mr. John W. Kirk/ ii p-?waroon at IS.?, li Kuiu.n-sl. a paekage wbtob ho sold w? I .? ..1i Unan ?J Wiiijasisr of Ko. Ti N a??u-sl., Jlrooklt?. i, I. :'. hml laen l)p)'i<ht from Oreeu??lob, Conn., on the ?t*?i la, ?? ! ..i.i Boaa*. 1 bit paokai.;e be w.ihud Mr. Kirk to Uk? i i a ! - i ? r M the uw-or bist laying tbo freightage a r) O'-n?^ on the bat. Ibu money us? paid, but 00 attempt? lug to I?! rec iii- pi iksge n > ?neb ?amber ?? the ono gir?a hy Wil'iB-Jsou .:?old bo io'ind. (Ja ponint the package II ?si fonad to contain lawdajt Oi -atarla* afternoon Wah I it?"? ?'-.-.ipi? 1 11 rep-it the ?wi'ijlj upon Friftorick Op peoheimer, -ipr-,?inao at No 3 Karling-slip. The hot ba _> J.r ? -. .-<! to .'?arid Oiki y. No. lil Weil J'wo?. ?al ?a also 'i'l.'g')'! tahara b??ea taaarM on tba r. The eu,'!Cloiil of Mr. U wro exuitod by ara) tog ?? 'i.* aaaptog Ina ?m ?i. I, oi.l saipo<ti'g th) ?win ?I! bit in? I la? arti st of tViiliarr.soo. T..? boi wm opened ??el found lo contain Tbepetty swu.dlM it i.i at 'in.-'-1 li ni hefoie Justice Hog, to, ?hi coaiuiitted biB for trial in lielaiuii of liai.. AN I'.'KNiSJa ItXPBBfaisCB I? WATBIT-8T W i?a?r st wi'.u ita dance buaa? drasken ?iiilori. sod p? ia ted . /.ina ii ?".i'- :"iy a fit |da_'e for a man of quiet bullita t? 'In is? for ain uveniiiR'i promeuod?*, and tba wa pirwota? a now tue op r on of Mr Ko mt Gilbr??)?. ? resident ? f No. ti Jj ?fat ?' ' En m ...? ifMarU moilc belote Jiutioe lioga? yM ti-rJay, it wau A appear that on Saturday ?teulng to trss psKsi?. ' tiirongh the abovethoroiphf r?, ?nd wasacooatad oj- Kr-i.iric? Un-aldbtrTi. the kei.o<r of a aaloon M No. II (' .aiimino-ilip, who ?vis!i??l to know if bo did not "want M haro ? ?loop." Keplyii.g ia Ih? ii.-imnro ?ad reo?i*iag sa ?ii in. a losponii Aroa bi? pi(?s:ioner (?Tur??t.- ob B? had pr?i "oId l but ? -bort ekataae? w' ijn lj trat or.rtakon ht 1) ?tdbardt ?nd ni? l>tr tender, n t? ed Otto Bice. The lalla? i '. i io?!., by ih? collar, dravged bia into a? alleyway ?al -Iu?sl In u ou tho beso and face witt ? el..!? Uristdbardl 'bon niterf?r?d snd ?aid be woabl "? brad?, lui ??ttadttfB i: luasoTorul p.w, ?fui idow? u, too fac'.?i'b .j:, il???, knocking bia down, and tins ly te .tucing tho ?nfortaaato msn to a ??t'e of inseoairi'.litr Oe tm eoieriug ?. i,. ,..? ??? lli.bredc t->"n-l him.? If alono, etta ?trippeJ it 1: i", i '?? hu I rest lu oro of (he peck ?t? of wbiM Wia ? willct contaiuinir |l ! ?*? M.king bit war into MB Bra . Um a a .ko'i uisn pracarod tie ?ervio.? of uifoer Itor ?i y ? f ? ii ' i Pie? ' i *i 1 io a abort tun? ?i_*r tbe a?.aail.aa ?i te taken into ustody Th ***'**'"jr t**Bin|i ?oro foti-M on '.no fourth door of the bouso N?> "?"?l Vf iter ?t. V.-??crdof min u h"!" prl? ?i. -riwer? ?na?.;iicd '?"for" ?fus'loe ll.'csn. iiu! it- i."l ?1 ir gil i in '.lie nu,?" itronuo<a maaeer Tibe-r u te bo? v- r.-^'iir.'iii'.^al t ) tin Tomb? for Insl, tbe a?gB< ?i it? i fa<ing "a. i? "ii. tail I ir ih or f"Hire spp?ari?o?i. orneo? r:.?a at bv a rmvAT? vtatchhv?. Ii Ml II! io (..'.?. i ill ni.-htly ' i "iut?red br 'L ? Hartar ,''i lag ?ruu.'.d U. wiierro? and ia th? ?dip? em the Bortt ?ni Baal Biran ?u ".?? lookout for n?-r.'?,? tailed ia? risk of Uiog ?not by ?oiio blunder? ing pu. .u Siio*i ?o : iiti.-iae ocec-ieiT >o tiitor? dar iiiiti.!. ETbtto Kiundsiusn Pillas lud twu oflj-er? wer? .u t?j..ii l?)i\ mi '.og ;u Lb? -d pbetrr '?u P..T? Pif y four ?b4 I Eut Ii i i' .- ' -ili-it ?* n uic J f. m one of tM a !j went pier?, the bali plain- In cloie proximity to the beal of the ro'indtaao an i lo-'^ing ia tito ado oi a romael tamm two fort froa wheieM? ioun'l?msn ?tis ?ittiug. ti? ellloeM a. I ,i, aa I u,?'.i -bo pier tram wha?. u ihc ?hot wm : - : li prlraM valobaM ?bbbI ?it-i.rj l>avio? in hu pissa?iioa u revolver, wilb oto barrel diioliarged. Ii? Si .,) l.r ? J Inn ig fii > i tbo lh..l bul enid be ll|OU(.tit th? ? wer? tbiOToa, ?nd bad Ired at thom at the Insta., tool m ??iieer m bli Quininy at the tim II,' was tauon n.M I veste.-.iay morning trriii;:. al before .InstiM Hogan, v'., I. : . boll U a ik-o'i? . i in kral, ?net ort a. ? ? k la bl? "'nil?n, meri'i-i? ??m? punUkment. ???rai tin ? ? r .' .. ? . ? ?) ?i?>d upoa '??.o wn'ohu ?u l''>iinnately bj oltto-r boa yot bo?a . .i ililli'-, ia all prtioabiill/, U ? v, ami rf ?'?,11 ou'.bo p4r tt -'io n ile?li.-n?n. oi? i .i_>Lv taaar fkac?i?;?. V.i'srdsy Mo? s Kaawmaa ? loiirehsnt, rasi.lln; at 'bo cm nor .?T llfoaJi' .j ?nil U. '..m-ait.. to *rrait,n-.t ???(or. ieo ?' i' :.i i t- ? ? ,'. .rtud, pr?f?rri| br Mr.J.iho Ei.'ay, ?. HMI, '.' >. i 37 V''t??,.ii--t'> n?t. 'lad i?OBpl-..jatta latMtMtlMa?t tue bv-uusuiI ??Bta uix?n bim ?b1 i- '??? .. ?p'ia-ierof? Piijuoa iieainor; that 1.? : id ?ia board ? .piinti'y of -finn, which ha wisnod to ?rikl' sa^ 'hi' he t "i.i proiabij n ad Clio servioM of tua oomi?1-UB ?I ? i art tiii willi-ii?. U-rn. ?hould be iiio-iecd in ted. to? iL A ao?t two hour? aft? raard BUBB 1 Ui'in Mr. '.?' I -j laid be kal ?oid the inna. - : iii:n to i.>*n lux Ki???j."i I ?-' ?bat being tba iir-?J to jay th? captain of th? itoamer for the ftr i-bt i th? ?nae. li: -eng thaataataoBiBMt. Br. Tuwy ioiaal til. Ii"?ir"il amoanl Ksaaaa? a?r ?? ii(; ijr?n,i7 it di -oonct be waa pa 1 la bu wia? Taita aooompenird th? acntua! 'i-.-i-i,.: ? ..i, a".r--i.? ?od ?aelli the l?uer I'lmB i? frota i! i r?-?! .?-.ii ". di.-va town, and requeslid L!? uoinpauiou t? ?wait bl? roturo Kn.anu went n.'o ti. : .tauooo, and paa-iin? li.riuia'ii a roar paa?K" mad? bli <sae--?i into the turoot, aa.4 -ti" lu] '?I .'ipr-'Miinii u..!il sftcr ba 1 ?rrMton Mtarday.mag l':,r ,t,*g enw commiita-ii lb? at:..', rlu triai lu Joiiull jf li its) ?n.. * ?f Bpeaial Beaalaaa. ' ri .J'Mtice? _r-? ? id Dowirx?. About th usual nu ?'?"? >f -. f ju?*ty !ai.?.?_-??, .i:iM),-ir.i'iDiu and assaalc and battery ?.to which tin.a Court la fiot??.l'l on ti. ii day? "?ime o* on Sstardiy l?it. In ti.? ah' te . ??? o' .'-. i ? DowUobt i-.-s at*. 'UJ'.c. J-i?: i mo K?y.^bad ta 'lise, ittt . ib.- l'iiituiai.ia of the bench ?Ion?. ...MLi NO "OH lili BiiKA...'?! TABI^. Thoaie who ?hi t.. id of gouC nek in Weir tea or -"rt'-o .< ' . iiiint tli?t OfJicor Corneln-.i Mibany at the Kin? -t is J.ung a'l thal Li withia ha powea lo MM thoa pmri 'ed witt the pur? artuls, bb,I tbe law la , Tir?? m that lirejtioa. Last Taeid?* ?i :?.- milk 'le-, ?-. ? i ?? 'ir.riebt op aharged hy lb? offloer ?ita ria- ri. a ullala?g tt?ir alk witii water, ?nd Ua? . Ml Back for th? etJamme. Oo Satordiy laoraore ot tee trad? I horio* Miuk sod Gaorgo ?herm ao. who wera in th? sum? a? , uy .'l?Bo.?r Mabony a? the iitidem RaQ. ano imposed on Maa. Let otbar milkman brware aad nut f'i'i.jw iii?) ?.'' ^cootia, or iT ' ?? h~*ingtopiTO?ii;'h":r^r')r]"a tt.y may laffec ii'irmotinio.i. m iho Penn >ntiary. I.ii.'i Parker like? ??offer, ?o ka atole two bag! et 50 poorida It in i?t b .v ' I' -en (???.-Hi J it?, for tue waar Mid the wboM a m worth #3 It ?.n ta'.e.i i m ?. psnof hu wagoa i.? b? ?i?? lnvir.g tbro'JKh the atreets. and ?.? ?bought th? m? luaetl took it became h? ws? ?itttog tber?. Al, Parknr eouM ii", heb:? at ?'.ii"'fromri:! i.'.-lpii-1. Paru month? liana ;,.. t ho w11 1-jj.i i oat of tb? Paaiaattotj. air asi? tTEnciaBid kate. aoawaabid yo ii? * uuawertag to ?bl appoirinaor) of ? V c ? i Bugo'i .a ui-' wera taken ?-'irn ih? prie n ? ? : . .a j and plao al before tbe wicket or ba?. to bo triad fcr the T.ol? i ?i .. ni e boat-'.aw in jtiaga ?klff wb ? hil aosaui'. uii Jt* ?p'.i 11 Johnson, who art?Md them sata I be ?itw ? n' a- ihs faxe a!" I.nkion-*t; i: hadas Bama or ?Batar oa Ui ?ti ?y told bun thov bal goa? olI to ?M |.?I own tbs Batat, li* 1:1 am kriow ?aether iba' be .?n ?<? 1 'oe r-??i??eMil era r'oreign ??taal. . tbow tiiro-jgh ibtlr ooatiMi ita* t the ?ct wb :' *' ' " imtettma raea***? ?-K ?ut ? i'ouiiiel. to har? i?*--,.""""""lrl-p,'_ ? i- .-or ? inn -r ern*"'' *"u*- 3l,t "J "'? ioioirii.?d ?U'lic law ??"-* ?W cour??, r-ui?"? ' ' :' ' ''? ,'i'? . oi?e")t?ih, oB.iUiub.Tl Me'sH WbO-ttM ? | ifaiiarj foi Lal aiiaia.?. ?i Li?: i-lina. CatE? ? . . ? ni?? .oas? .'??..- ' rr"'a .' ' y.v"" ita . ""bl_i :? a , li wa? UM m1 tkejemo iudi-iiailaal-'i"...?,-.' 'V'n* '?,.'..__! ' ". vi.l , t;., woman at. 1 he "" ?U I W? ?ria? . !i!ii?,t,,.m:uii.ii .;?.?*KihkAAit?mmg --"'?" ' '?Ure ..d As Coo n-iai.l.i? 'i ii'* ^r_./|? . ?r. batlfadosen .' ? -? - -' tim , u ' ?ad tk? Jofeadsnt MM ta I? MarytEard 11 ??"!? ?".' !,'* , . ...*??-? "tu.. : '''tN'M'., . . i - ;* bil I up (Vom ? <,' ' itaBBB. i ?i. ?!, lugbtto :?? ir'"-'li" BM D?t!**!*"' ataaoLT oh ab ii?. ire ?m. 11.1 'e_AB ??_?. M? tt.iib ?nfli.-i i ".-'111'. .) ? "?? ? ./tai. ? , ,.? a.- an'.Bred ni .10*1..g ?-> TkaJtT ,i,.b'*l '?Mo" ? ???? ?'it"" i" moma Mtry ?-ih?t W.??i a . ich of ti .?t. '?' _ . i m ..' ? '"to tb? ''jftii'ig r.raaakP 1?rr. sg??l I? v%llJ1.,, ,it. uh\ ditvei ot k-.ii?. lau??? j".ii"'-" ,,,,,;i ?'jual Ik? tt-VS. _,-?_? - '?mrtmnemn