Newspaper Page Text
' ?a BRI ? th. ? i ? :r..N i- . ti*-- -Mstln -.-lil KLESCll E (?K IXI 'a. -.'?. I Y', , WALLAOK'S TH! ATVR Til'" I. VENINO at??SHAMUS O rtlliliN' Dan Hryti.t S.U. P???.l . ? i thaw, HP. Ria I ?.j. J. r. Ila ga?. J (' YVii iimanii, ii. y Blown, Mi.? R ..? Cook?, Mr?. Mirk Aaiilh. Mrs. John beirrt WINTER OAH!>? *? Til IK EVENItfO at B-O DONN H.I..? MISSION?Mr. .'?.I.n ' - ". .1 ?'? Hum tV. S. Aiolre?.. II. B. I'hlliips T. I Hot ?i?. Mu? E. Jahoaoa, Mi?. Maty Can. BARNUM'.H AMERICAN MI'SKI'M. DAT AND ElENlNt)-Hi?. MAl.ll BARREL-THE ?r-' HOOLMASTEK - Mi (t. U Ko? a ad lull company. ONE Itl'NDithD THOCSANI? ?I KIO.?: I li..?. OLYMPIC .HEATER. TI!!-? KI ENIS'O ?i 8?THE ICE WITCH?TOtTWJ AC-EBSB Mi l.aoili. ?I n Vi, 1,h Si-'rr?. the l\?i i ?i.trr? and fu 1 ooartptny. Opera Clioru?. A iniarous Eiiia!.., THE ELI IN TERRACE HARDEN. Third ?v?. . THIS EVENING ?t ?-THE??. rllOMASS ORCHESTRAL (.ARDEN CONCERT 1'ioi.rsBiiu. vsiied every ?veiau?. Bittali BM concert. * 01.1? ROWE?V THE IT CR. THIS EVENINO ti??THE NICOLO TROI PE?SPORTS OF AT(,A-.-I.IVINO LAUDER-AERIAL BARS ' 11.? Wo..der of Hie Age, Mil? Dslphto?, and .M?r. Rua?. ? MOOD- Iii IA "EL THIS ETEETNO -HI? HANLON 1 I!". i' '" -'--'TAR COM .VAS Y OE OVMN AST.'?MISS KAI'HI.EEN O'NEILL. FlkTH-AVE. OPERA HOUSE. Ttfi.s EVESINO?BCDWORTIl _ MLS'STRELS-Dick .?idJi, C Hrmi |.'riip?|.r (.'? er i.d l'ndik i.?. ?.B01UC33 _V0tiCr_. Lever anh AotTB. INTEUBITTEXT EtTSK. TlapTuprietnt? of ( I.V. is IT .ti 11 w! 1 mt tax ti ?? r. li.'ily ?f iib. pt,,.?,- I.? .,..!.. a....? tiona ai litar i ta a ii I < ii,. - thru iiival'i.ble inreky tot IM thara aeaplahM rtaaaaa it to ??y lb?' ( ki ?xas Litt .n? w?i,- the only ki- krtaaeel ?Bat uaed in la. H, Ho.piltl? dairuif li. a |? v-d rullr, ly BaaaaM in p?rn.?nr-itly?'oniij Kitrr ?i.d ?|M ??I 1 i-'erir.iteiit tfaret. Duly u?e tis.s'.o prevented MBtal ti tb?M i!i????a. it. tim ?u?*t mai ?rioai? irpriaiirra. Tia-?ni. io ia a pan ? M toni I foi ti.? Maat, ?'e'i.i:?t?-d ?al ?cl-iitiry, ?al Isaatj {1-aiaiit to Ihs tait.. Vi-tbai It-.iiiiionia 1. ii. maa rona (rom rve y ?parler, and Ih. I.lhttnuc ?te ?frw only of (Le ?bl i. we ure pet mi! tod lo IpBBbh. . Pt W1,,'.|,?i,T Sur.'??.., > . S A. .I,i.,l!- - I- Vew.rk. N. '.T , Mya I . aird ?rvi-nl .. i i-?bal?n?'? Eer? r Nb4 A?m? ?ii.'., kid ... I- a : ,r ur ? ? iiir'n..., rraiidy o: Qti-ka-. ?auld would ?lilioul I...1UU..U u?r it ?n .u.ii'.a: . '. roat-S,ir,?r.|i II, v.!.??-. 0. S. A. del. " .! Hrtafo'i ? C ?iv.: '? In tbla nitlrri,..'ilia, .'o I Lal v "m I.n . ? i 1st- ?ibittsst I ?va? liait I la .- I ..a lu -ii.! Bal aiio.ii? r rai- by ' et' i e oner. ( ii. -j". (J. H.I lu r ? in. ml lie -ri i!r to the ??edle?! Hrpirt.i mt ?I VA tal innton. 1 hire wirra ty doi e ?o." , t>r Im. wy I-ant' ft A. diirda? Rei-ifo"?. 8 C. Blf'iabll C1 lil, 1 -a,. ' 'I tivr ? Cat* of tin I BIMBA* I ITT?B? to I>r. Watti li lo -r who oom inn ?s.l I r arila., u nu ?ud it wr.? fl,A .Io d li li. . a,v ?ad v ?a awue of ii* n.nir-l (see* ? ia I'? Nortberi I ila, li ia ?naniui ?naiv deelstel ty s'l tl'r SBilBOas lu Iv '._?t ii ia jual the thing In lina Biliario? cluan.-." Tia? ?.bore can be aubject ?o no ?iipition. em matin- f ia Surrroaa ?of llio Iteeolir l* 8 Anny, lo v li. a wr i-?n idJ Mhstl m piirsie lit. ?ni lb. bitjlie t leap? a-tabin'-r and Boeill po? lion. Hold by Di ii niau ?ad ?? i he Depot, Ne. 110 ..ibeily ??.. N.w York ??**? I To CliRK DlABilliLA, I?Y.ibNTER?, CBOUBA Moll pua. Ato al:. ArncTiosi or thb Bowili, C?e Jayhk'i Cab tal-i ititi BiLi.B lied ?hal ii Hid ?bout it: 1 The Rot Rcr.-it Eabcocs taja: In ?le BaBMM M B\ ?liar, the j?C_ia?Wt wti prsTi.rnt tad fsttl. I ?ufiOrett finn ii: t't-.i I r f di? ?sa? for about aO h can. but it tt loagth .ntirsly yielded t.. lair fr?e ?JM ?f JAtBC't Cabmirititb By the tln.e y u?. ol ibu meiili ?i.e. ?uni otbei? wer. cur.d to inj knawlrdge. Cb?? F. Madxst of Co. I Srie.ty 6ft'i lad. EM writ.i: While ia Mui-e?.boro, Tenu., ia June. 'AT, I ?a? laid up. unfit lor (tarty by ?a ?Hack of Diarrhea. Briar (rally rrdnced. snd failing lo ?dea >Tr any b?u?til froui tat tiealnii-nt 1 wt? receitliig, I ward JlTKI I tCAtBlBBTtra, ?ad tina romody ersntusliy curri ? ? ? o-i-'ly. Jaar?? Pocnsov ?f HolB.asav?le, Ohio, write.: I My ?oa wu laira tick litt lill with CLoVr. Morbo?, wl.irb CTBiopai bia leva-rriy. Nodule wOuli atay on ina ?toniacb ai.'il I ?al J ?Tab I OMMMMMM ?hirh give bim iniuiednte rrlirftnd EnaUy eura I him. Tia r?t w o y. ccixisoBA? wMm Bim aaaaEM ( i o l h.T. corrd ov.r on* Lu? dr-d ? let <f Diairhrt with tlir ?rt _li? iv. Bil.ia,. It checked the dura? af'.rr everythinj ?li? ftil.d. -V)I4 by til Druniata. ? ?ATABEBi?KOBTOE*! KEW ?ElBEET rOB CATARRH ?rs-ak? np il.rd.?ri,?eti it. f i eui, ren oral naja h ti mokeae ia Ihr, ofr?n?iTr diBhiigr?. cba'riii-ti.ii of ita beM??>u| ?ti???*, tod i?bliirr?i-r? Ihh ?rrrThir diasa?- in all ita fornis Lue.? r. Aami mtauip tot pamphlet to t.sKKIT NoKTo.t. bo. II Ann ?I. f lCBnjAL>'-?S (.?KK.YT l?nEflf.niC l'KMKDV in truly ?be ertniArt ?i tbr tf*. Ctaa tf BkaiiiailUB. ti at ?a*, h.ffl.-d tin kill of mr d.-al doctor? al ?lair c'a i. ?, d By s ?w dante?, sud il i? a? ii.fa?i'a?r a? iBythtof prejiar? ;1 by Villain hand? ram be._ ? _Akcvi-i'.s New Pateet Alum a.\;> DEI Plastkr B*l?a IBB HriiOLAB MLTB? I'LAi-S .?Arti - lal, m4 per.? t , dry. Aim s lan.? s?a?crti,.rbt o? L.iitrr, uni i??eIT_at. Sallt?. ' MlBtrv li Co. J6T> B dwty. ?rid 7.'] Clie?", rbl!?. Thr Elliptic Lo kstiti ii Sewino-Machine, witli Ml Ila? iiiipi'am.? .'? ?'.ii ?us, ?a ?. i ? i a.. ?i ,baui T rim karr roa riait.? osa. Eilipti S. M. ( o., No. ?43 Eiuadway, ?N. I. Agrut? wsnlttd. 'mJ^ WlliLCOX _ (.li-KaS .??KWINQ M A? ni NE. "Ita Mun I? stronrjer and l.t? litb'e to np in 'ii? or war, 'I an iii? tal ?h I h " ? Jem'oei 1'! " at thi " Mnl l'l'h Tnr.? ' Beud foi th? ' Report' ?i.J tomolet al YVulk OOBlail ini 'olA kind? nf ?tilrhart ta tbs tttnr vir?t of ?u?ds. N >. O? ilmsdw .y. Chronic IVl^porl?>?a, l'on?tipatioD ?tut Piles ? ?. h? pertvitiirntiy rnriM by 11? r'-wly dla.-aiTera?d Poilltr. Bel?rdltl? ?nrtrtedfroa? pla??a. (?'.,-? ini'iv t ia air oust? diataars. Due %u_p. Wa. B. I'bibcb. i iaab?a. E. Y. ? Da. LAitowoRTnv s New I'hemicyi Thi ..s cures f-asturra wuBoal pain or ia ...lenisoc?. W oat .??ra .ci ited. (til i,..Jt.-r. Ubub?oi.d .No.M9Bio.dwty. ' TBB ABM AND LbO, !)>' li. KhAJIK pALMtR. LL. D.? Th? "be?l" frre to ?oi'lirr?. ?nd low lo ?!B:er? ??J riviibtna. I,a?i <*he.ta?t-_. Phil-; A.ior-pl.. N. Y. j 19 Ot.tb at, Boat?- Avoid lrtlid:.l-!lt laiitttioci o! lill 0illrl.ll. ;? ag:-.-? A Care v-atTanfed or no charg?- mude, Rhetimati m, M?_bI|U. Oout. ?.??Iiiii?. earta to _r.EiTi.tMi nnrmATtc Ita? Bat P'irtaly T.-rlab e K?di.ced fioni B>I0 to ?I per bottle ; Agonis, Il ?all B?n>e. fc C?. ? _________________ IiAtriA ?V Co.'s Magic Ink, Patented .1. Jlut.?New lad uaful lavoLtion. Sold every w h..-c Depot, No. Jin "Pblld ire,__ ~"3_UM?, EL^TIC SIOCKINCS, iSl'SPENSORY ! ??st. StmsoBTBBl ?C.-M*BSB A (0.1 lUdicsJ Cul. Trua Ollie? ?air ti Ho. I Vataer ?t. Ladt ?Iteudsn!. Florknce Lock-Stit. h Skwino-M\?"hin?i?-Be.-it MllawMlA IloBtacB bawise Macnura CaarAtr?, N?>. oui iiraidwar lMPROvgD Liaok-Stitch MACHINER for Talion and El?ii?? nata. (?Botbb - batta sivtim Mn.ui.ta ? our ist. He. mt, lir .tdwsy. Morr'a Chemical I'omadb K? ?i?)res Oray H?, hasts? al si??y sad lin. ..I .a; ."it !?__. ,v?. iii .:.f, Iii. h. i toaWdT ?aid by Ri-?ino.-? S... 10 Aatoi lio it. ?nJ dru/ lato. Obovkb Jk Baeeb'b HiOE?rr Pi?kmhm Klastic 8-rrCB ?BWIIO MACBISK? fur '.ki: i / uta-. Ko. 4'a t?r.eidvi.y How? Bbwino Ma''hixk Company.?Kli_i Howk, Jr., fratilaifli. Ho bil ttiotdwty. Agoats wt.ilaat WnintLEP. ?V WT?OE*l LOCE-STTTCB ?1 iMaataNamai m?? i.? N'>. ??? H??Bdway. C?:' '. oten: Duplicate?, .$?. A?er|afne.r .Hatri.". Ii. A Ltvill No ISO Coal la am a'. -N Y VIH4.I.VIA" THB BEBB 'HOP ISIPi.*>!_D BV Til?. I '.O'. TU?FIBS IS THR 1'ISMAL .iWAMP. Fonikra4a.lti.j-iBa.?.. Tburaday. An? M Tbit afl"!_'H.i-i a ic't itonn c:.. tccotiip'a'. ?'? l>y alie.ivy nil. '. fr..;? tl.cN-ii:! ? ?L Tin? ?rain will a-.d io exU??*i i?li,nu the fire iii- I> ? ? ? Swamp Canal, which hM .??an ragiiig !? . lilt it I m tai.? ??-ciion ol \ ? ?--^ t'arirras .(.??roe. I'-H ' ' ?**'?'? TU? K.'.,:i1 Ki'iiiion ol t' ? Twelfth V S. In! l,i?->. >-<?*>!. ^ ?'-. |ari "f -elna h lia? btvn la ?ram?on h-.-re with tha rub I . S. Art Utn aid the li ?? No-folk and - -i the eaitarn ?bar--ii! ?? Y :Vaw:i l<-P to li? f ' an''? ?" .11 erThotTR? A. M'Ti/an. A detacliaent of the Llovcutli TJ. H. Infautry ukci t|i"ir ?>:..< o. Tho achoouer li. H. Bhaaaaa, Boa Saranuab for Pinta? ?*el|'!.'a'vit': ?'? ?ti. "t kroa, r.-j.-r's the '1 ?ti *. * .? .a, IS J. hi'? .' a hoon BaetoreA st ?he quarantin? near the Car??. A (Geras?- Frstlral la Makii_?re. BabVI?I .'.r A g : The Gorman Syi.u.Zai. ?' ;r gtoi.\ -ii ti al tatiral to-:iioit >w, ?I t'.'-ir '" oarlt near ttao.istern ?uiiJary of tLo i.. ?!?? initiated ?iili I?'., - t thll Killi* of ib* .?toiiUtafoiifert o? i ' darlot. AtttiaSark ?Mia.'i??lia"a t liri.":?? ?' ' ' ?'? ?' K?tl',i.? Sum, t|t? Nu? Ynik, ?*.. . . i W-ai^iwL ?,' - M| m M****?! h? Mtoul 1 ' The Ti-baa? in I.oin' ?r?. I " kTRERI An *,,.. i ? ""? ' '?? 1. ?,- A. , . 'U. IKiUJ*? all* le.rive S-aa alrrua? au I A? .a,,. Ta Ceri*ripo?i(?-*B?*. N? nn.iti? ran ttetak n af Aa jutiuju. lainni nu. .'ion. Whatever! inteiiiled fo- iBtertl ?ti meat be ?"ti -??iti '?"J bv th? name and a 1 dresaof Uif, wr.ter e,t nece..?'lr ?? MtiaB-M bit as aiuv, ?rly for 11( rood failli Ali buet-ew letter, lor um otbco *bou,a b* ?dlf?->tale "Th* Tau cm." Bia York. VV* ?wool und*rtake to retuin r*l?et?o CotninunicMioa? TiirTriuvkr atSaravooa.? Thorn ?on, newsman ti Saratoga. ?*l ? lee Taino?? for ft?? e*.iti. *nd lu? boy? ar,| it oo lo ?.di?? illa ia fmul or the or ? Opal hn?i? al tho ??um? price. ?NEWS OF THE DAY. FOREIGN NEWS? Advice? by I-? Ati.intic Cntilc nr ? |g tli.? Mb tust. A trea'v (if'N'.icc ItaBB-k, -JMtrie, Italf, ead Be v ni .a, b in MM Bi-iicl, ntiil tlio l'riiaii.iii.i will mime,li italy ii; o it" the An. tritin tarrilOTT. 'Hu? I'.nij.oror of Austria I aat Beti/ eedad Venetia tellata, ead wteadttarlag a sew cou.?! te Hungary. 'Hie Chamber of licputu?? ! lum tneeatol ta tMrtn le aita Kinp ot Pianta, la reply i te waite Be tipunel |Mel joynt laeftrerabletttitiido 11 tbt Ltflilatirt bodr. t.nt exnenad in? determination, should uiiy cunfiit t vi i th Deputies 01 cir, to act as lie h net ?.?muir dore. The ITlllpini Cail'.'l.i i? no1 to return t?i Mextae, and baring failed in her Mlariot to Bmaye. H It expected that MiiMiinliiiii will i.o com pallal te leen '? JBexiee, la which etta ttt Raipln aollaaeaa Her .Mnjee-ty , bet roaclicd Turin, on her vv.iy to Mitiiinur. Tbe offiorn j ot lh(> I-iiitoti Stat?! I |ilii'lroii have na I iii ii a liriiiialit re? ception et Monow, i bin i? a meat de-Madia Pani for , inticil staice I'ive-Twcntics, nijii targa erden bai diBpiitihi'd fcctben ttearttte, laftfitn.Ife Baltara Taxaa, bareena lafitoitatatat t!:c liberal anne, linier .Iiiiri/. ii? ?'i'-lioutcrs. Tlio i Kreneli painson of 'IniiipK o, al Vera Cru/, fein ?ir I n?ii(lercil to the Mexicans. Mnnle?, after hu d I ileriii'isvi!l*, na? panned bj the ItoperiaUati, ead Main - dcf.-.iteil at Patigito. It WM t c.iin; i ?'.?? r "?'.*, Ike Libo nil taking iMTage wltbia tbe Americaa lian. DOMBSTIO BRWa. Oa s.ittiiilav, the Ooauaitt a ippeiated hy Iba Kation .? I..!'n t',,? wail il u?. ?n Un? Preeident Mr. Joim i Hinein 11tfo a,!,lre??,'il the Prwiileul on behalf ot the j ? Von cuti,m. Ile JiM-1. nui? ?dall p-ilili. il issu '8 mid polities, ! nui ittaei dering tle-;r orgtaii itioa h iriag feajrUtiaa to d ? i vuth thoin. W Lut tiny waated am tot hin to tatere?! ? inuisolf In tbe reduction of tbe baan ni taber to tight in alead ? t toa, at i ta call b - atti ntiuu te the diipoaitl ? I juibli a:i(?.s. whieb ia tbeii opinion, bid been tllowtd t.? late too much In tbt bandi i f ?p -mittori. Tbt l' in r p'.y Hail, I ! y lia 1 In.? IfOlpaUlf M fir B1 ii wa-, worth anything, and be maid an bit iaBaaaet t? cairv out their objecta. tiflieia! iiif ?rniatioii ii"ii Mr .?un il!? !?> t': ? I.'? t ii innt. beaaaea leaelr I Den. Walli o v. w witt Carrijtl a* brovntrille, Tbe Mini tad Btuilioni f ?mr takaa eel b) ibeJ. Vi Brtneaa vaia el Hataanrati bta Mtherbe longed to Anerieta ettoeaaa, itaaaln bad not ist? v. ml id m. Ra bad eeeareJ (!:.? parti M owaiag lhaa I k1 Hil ?u'li'tact?mudo be*G (??alni would le- eaittad aal, ?ii 1 li i bad mad'' i? forced I ia to I' i) 1 I Hi ? o rn.s. 1 ?i- I can citi.yn? ttcc.iii ?'iryiii.t, (h i ?rots ncio arras c1 bj ( i eataa, bal ante tebteqamMy iel tend. In c'.iiRc-uonct.of the contint'.*.t ilm",??i m (?vo. ??. tkt prtia;?,c'8 of tho <.*?i!ton crop ito/ptoomr, la the Beeta ne t ni partcf t i ? stati?. win-c km jio'lj aaflBarlj wa? oil?- Im!? io two nero?, not BMMe Iban ana beta to t?.u aeree willbi reelhted. a consteftvM Mintetippl and ?J reprea tit tho cotton orof (a bt bad 00 MtMUt of Ui.< dioutb tad lartgn of tb boO-i toi HaantrebeMj o:? Ike Rita Beilare~ tanti Uti lire occirri'il T'.?..!'?''t y morning. It wat etaeed h explosion of mi ml ti m m c 'os ? ?*. 11 ? ? ni icy-, ?i. a nuantity of lamber ao ! a aamb r ef ?. inn an 1 can ? . 1 dtataoj ed, ead t ana nea 1 v.;. nu tad bit tt dren v, ort? fatally barned. Rae* Brownlow, being ?loo f"?'d? ?" ?;'"??. _M li long addroea lo t.i? p-i.) ! 1 of N * -<?r' ?j i?. In which bl rtaaemaen feka Pneide l m ?? Mail ? , ?.?J K" a codent rcaaoii.? tor.?, Atiog It in re;>ort'?d in Wbabiaatea Hu? Baa. Btoate ba ippoiatod bOotoUty e! Worm pam ot Mt. Bunien. abawiHmiga. TMrtittltetnniortbtl ?J-n Kullor? ton. aad ict (i'ii. 'I li.- 1. will ?aper >,i ? Qea. Howard. Tlio ?? m Schut, iu .'i,.:, -ty Km' c una . * . day at Balti-aOre. Till: PRBPIKQ 0?-lfTAW B fefeatal a-fting el Ike taMBtta BapabM ia Ceatral C.iiii.:iitt..i? lins begab Id, fend a tarin M rnolutuni |>a?scd, ia wbichit wnetated tli_'. i* 11 the inpantire i \? ut n bj 1 ,v ii ,|,., ? 1.. ? ne o?' prf?j{n?:iiir.,' Of < i | The Republican 0<*n.-?l Contra) Co let 1 at tail arning et tkt f Basad wag a i l'a ? tty ' Lliid ??. (HY BRWB. ? Sax nan aft bil rae moa t-iry S'i;i"-ii:'i*i. 1 ?*.', a::J 0:1 S.'i.r I ii I ? it? of | death Iron IbM cann won re ?!?? I tt the Banaa ef K"<*"rls. M'leo'iio i-'t ?fMarlVl* fatal itttt I 1? 1 ? li .nv-w-V"-., of whieb UM (nab [?In la the iaatltottaae. In JlrooU.m Ma 1 the IM in drat nada Mt appeannn Mten, It baa dntwred 1 *.!*.??. OaBatar-ag n cn-^'s wara Mfaaataul, and oii Bundar I. The aorta I la Bnefelj-n taat a 1 wai 1 ? ? ? 1 \ mai : , ti li n ? af Ci ki - ? w ?? 1. ?'. ?. yciietil.iy. Ii.oir obj I WM to I ' ?Blr.i! goran* ?eat (.1 Cobb? II ol t.10 c tt ti .l?. ? n Uga .Ii... us P. Tr.i.-rs a.i? appoint I . IWir -.??ititi.- u 1- i.?It ,1 prelim! I w.i! bt bet I on ti, ? tatt RuBaajr ii ka? wild to bead tl.tce -.ouibera. F? m m-i., li tBO u*.i? ia tkit dtr. I Mr Stephi ... r ?? 1'ivt: 1 u lut'i? :. . ? ? 11 ' "s if the tit? u dined al kia bt 1-quartan, -,,.-1 i,? *..y 1 -y, ina* tti-ir ition wat not ?nry ?taaired, I itaaedad fo ami ?m r-tari? oti ataWaatera toar, apeaktng fi.--t nt ii,.? nmabeal Bektita deatat Lav...t, nada ahergn tftinM iii-.i. m tatf, Oa tbe arrival of Pretittant Jobotra nf-Ted? eaaaaj be ??nil ka BMt M the Bttlerj by tbe Citigent tod M.-n tiant?' C'tnunt'o??, aad ? ? I r' lb] I baal ' ? :. ? City Jl.ii, when be trill be weloota? I by Mt)n Jloifaiau. T . Mm Pirtatea tf tka N'i!io*ia? (Ibbi I will ? m ? nurd of boaer. Maaaja? Btaaabrri ii a : ?.til ?r. j MuCjI loch wiil accompany Iba PnabtanL Denn I?ichini,nd itljdnt dangero ttlr 111 M Bo. ISOratt* (?rcy*|iVice. Ho i? ill-nil.- fron f!:i"i?. if iii? baal! ind-idne*-; hitmedictl ittendaati birt rtry Uttle of hi? re BTOCRI ARO (lold ha? l?o?D in (r?x>d stifjply mil a ti Mist '0mmi???on only c:i .i.- I for i 1 ??,- lb? I '? ? ' , I ?? '?.n? at 117 and mik Ska '?iif.n? of-Btarday Wara fT(M "?'. 1 he icotia fmm i.tvcrpoii bad oa bond $-w,orjo la epeeir. ?;.? eri.nici ; itaati canil ka a e* ?' I the aanaat ol bail nesicoptiiit.?? I.rid?. Covern,n-nt itac-A after the pilii'c tom of ; ? ,ii-i ,: ra from Xruage, wari in ?lamalil ?nd "W ;...','? wanaatanbiflfe at lill p'-r e.-,', Vf, tur new (jon ii, and lO.'i t,,r 1" -!!? Mo If "ti ii ? ?? ?*? I 'laot, witt, itock lovirr at in .i p"i "?it. lu na m?n ?etnga 'lbe bnlaaai el the SubTreaiurr wn BeeMpU, I. -j?j 141 >? f,,r ? .-to i,? fe-i..'??). Patmauta l.i.i- I -., balaa e, ? ? i, . . ' ? ;;. "i \~?j (In th, second pet*' of 'o-*/t>/'.i ,'i-ti/?- ???'.' it/tanti (?ni SOttittoa't reply lo the J'r'M h .-( rii'.tirc In the. .Ven-* Ortooat anmrrr; Stieato; Cotpentionof tpirituoliilt. On 0? thin! pi ?i r, i mnnrial "?r? Mirk-t ramer?a Oa Ita temouth pogt, Lai r*i ? ? ii- port?Bl ( iff '? j Ko la wy et lou IB. : ? . : '!*..? ? ? BM ?i deoaal ? ' ! ? i of Qea I lil! '*-.* ?!?, tot do ' ' !? -1?--?I ir , - ?" k tba I , . ? New..: ?? --y, hy tie) proapt ictioa ol Oo?? Ward, will aaad Uataa dalegatat to the I n Boatk? um i. ;. *?'. ?" Bet-ca Baptaa-bai r. wa i. >;?? every ? 1 VC Virginia will llfeO ?eu! a liatiago-ihed d?l?gation among whom aio such repor*od fiicnds of tbo Preeident i polia* 'is ti Vnu Winkle and Willey Wo ?hall be glal tu ian tlicir nanio* "n tho right ?nie. Qmm I? i:, I *?'r rtkM V_Q J"i" c.\ the Convention. ? Oen Shur.Jau ha\ing ??okoi. ol'the liutiuhcry k1 N-w-Oiloan? ati " a uiatis.vjro by tho police, nor. ox* ' m crucUy by that of Io:? Pillow," era m 1 to ?uquiro what low becoBM of Oen. N P. r.irrottt, the author of tho i.iu?tori>n<.o of murder from wbl? li Miat of NeTv-Or'eri'is w u modclod. A tolcf-rain (iatctl Mcmjihis, Atigu-?' 2.'., mmoWTOtt with the B ? i,,. n?,'! iii.i- "iiHc masi uiert'tig was held thurn tia'. n?.*'*i.iiiL' lo ratify IWt pOaied-B|l of tho Coner i -?y. *a\ X"g*\tkh]oi]lhib%. Gtn, t'trrtH presided And id 1 ? I T??- ?Bl.-ANB NAEMAOBB \*PlTt ABETTORS. The ?f th?* Johai ? 'tu j, ill' lad wit- Um Netr O-l ? i:: . u i ?! :,? i- I ii ? I :- ,1 ,?,| \,y ti..- f ? I] l' Banti 'iii-?- ii i tit? ;?? i ? ..- : . ..' .i.Um EBB M of B.ell di:"' ho n: leHbly thai -iii ti" ? rit.-.o at mat Mioasinypp. MM BEfM ?TEBB li Mr. J tim.?.m ?Et BppBBfl i? Hw .li-;. i':hes as I ho author of thalI most BIIIBilltlBBlJ i)iis.?:ro, con tai.l.-riiis? th.?' it is ,T>! i:.- i ? aPre-iiilcnt to tl:o rc.-iilft!!y .-I ?? ' ? 1 "?? ?? ?:? ??? "' thal hi ['. . ri.iuco.? a fully con-'ii,.'.' I .-.' i'' "! tht _aiM BtBQHIIII _tBMOB WA?iiiK..r.iN HO aIn'y"S . 7. Bil El -. M ? . ? ., / i I i.?vi in-?"-i. .i.. _ad t. ?' j a,., i;. ? Isiaatl aproctoaataaaM Teiiniar Ma C d 1.1 l?o I l'iiioinlurni -itLO'ler nu I by ? im mu arltr inn ii-ia .'..av and t.y art? a?, tbtiritj-tin? Ci.nvonti'ii e in BMJBI to i pi BMl tkl irhulu Pttfh n'. ti'" S'.Jto o! L.r.ii AXEBSW JOIINHOM. Tatitt- ..',? ; Der. WiUtprasf?f ra*fBB?B? li follilYV? Bl Yt Ol'! lUfH. J'?rV. 19It?. I1??01 ' -'I ?0-4 Yi.-ir t'lei/iiiii, I laaaaiba pi - 'una'um ooov?oing thi CoorceU?? of I?.'! Ibu -?? i!.:..' I ? I). ? Pml I.-:.I id I'.i! L.idy, by Tit mo of a reiolu linn ?ii pilli nil ?: I.i" <".i..v ..itii.ii r'li'i'it to Iii? oltiiT, mid ia i. '? . . ??? . aatabortoiaa kin a c ill on lb? i?i.?in-r ..ii., era M : ii a B| r mi ' i ?'iriai..'? M pro. ? mi i", ir ia m respoai itothsti i "rderinsr an el al i n on kb? .i I ni Bri % a!, r. Al BOOB M lb? ,??? inn- ? ?a til l*i iii.iiei ' nu: I aa ?toa! ? m i ii? kel l lo l. ! Mea-, wb.-n 'Te Mitti BM i I at lapr??tM iariMlM Mrr??l J. M ADia.)-? Wi.lis,'rri.r of Lniuaiana. On thai BEBM i! >..*, tlic BE?H tbtkl 11 M- til kflEphld tho Pr.? . I- it M i 'li uri Ki ?? n bebb . r ' i * ?- m tatt PRK?:i'F'.r.!.iii\rti>-. Badto?!roaMi ?enog anpeaadauialy ?if Ui ire n um I.i'-? of ne_i. ? ? ? | ta ?riot Tho ? -?.inn,'t.'ii of \i r.ntreii i" t? "' ,?.r : i ....?'mi' ???.rmtilinr- to ?iga! Vtotoal ladiacead i , mad?; negri* to ara IbeaaalTM Yoe bl ' ? i lara?1 Dottle, Hawkin?. Baad?r?oa, Watt, Ward, laaotbai '?.t. \' ?III a: rni | I ia! ?gb*, I ?: ?. I? With li M"V e tin. abo) i Bi ter lal i ? I i. i. : I ry, I tal I ?-?-c to civil pr.M-e?? v? ill ia a' . I'lti my uf not I -al -ia, I -:e . I in'ini'tu'..'!?. ' . ipi loo und ?r proooM ttoat tberritul .m? Marta tim ili.tni-t. Ia tk?aBUtar-r t? ?n'.erierj to pro Vi .' [li ? "a ... . ' ' ' Al ni H' V . " n ? a. Lient (?oTernor Li Aim .nil y ?, aal Ia, T ? a?ich Hi ? I'.. ?. I ml b1 on i - taplitdi I'.-.: r ii '?!?? a|S., IY' MB) '?.'"?' I??' ttl 7 > Al ?I ar Y i a,.li. i./'a / i~a A'rtr O-.'rj" ' /-1 I ?ailitarj '.?..i li' it;., i ' 1 t.. ? . ia i- 11. ,". to obstruct ?riatari re with lb? m . id?g? a,: u ? i ?uri a dlap .''b .a, t i ? m1 j-'--, a.; li.i'CouTention waa duli't'a Oar, Write thi? Baraba- _roaaa ?TtaaRM, du tin* ' ? day, I v ? | ('"Him i ?ulalu t a* N 'iv.o.;.-i bi teleg*.;?'..- ! i- fallo? : Ni vi o , ? i- ? I.i ditly ,8 lH?c /; - r '.?:? M s-.v : '? lea a-i'i'i-i ii t? b "?ti ?altori, witb k1 > Mattna et Oot Well?, to m ? t ker? tia M?ad?j TtoLieotai ?t-O lal cltr ia" 'ii!i"i i ,i ?,'ua.i !'. 11.' ia it Bp bj . . i ai no or.! ?: ?ubjol n ii '. i- i .i .i ?''???; '" ? ' .'1 oo ill n K ? i it bal ?East ti H n Lil" l". tri J .' r ? i. ?.:,--. .? ? saat oat i i , l a. Baud, u WH i . ? r ? ? i bia Um Pri deal telegraph? to the n i live .1'the Btbtl It ii---? i- l"il .-1 Beb !?:? ma- iv ;, i- i ?? i ??oo. 7 ' A??am ?! Bl BM ? I \ nu i? i i -li n t.- g . ??: wkmtrrm mtgkel n m1 far ?nilli ;??:.! I rea to ? .??' in tli" ? iv ii authority in ?: />? j? i??a/?ii kltogil rr aatowful?asr? i i ? imtpmttmtmm I-a l ??? . tittil ?t i ?tito, li there I ? ii'iiti.'.. ad of letogat?? oho? ? Mate ra? | . ...i- liol la i n - a . UMrptog ?lil '. lia ?lid the Con,' III I. !? | BBt?i a ' Tal'" "' I ?ax? ?t. ?II ? ',?-:i rant ? Ral kal li ? | - ? ' I:. .' An ir'i'. Fabo ti',- . i Butt I : Y-. i ? th A i] ty I ? . '? I ' ' ? ; . i ''?'? S\ - a . I ' ' , i til*. ' ', I I ' 'a, ?' ? ' " ? ' ?-nt'-l . - ; . ? r M ?_>" ? ? I - - i ?/,'?: ' - ' I i ? *,) ? u." tim Bahai bbb .?.?.. ??- li ttflagrtj/l i".?' i ??i, !<l :?.?? Coarta! ib " .'ii rV ah? >???.? -i i - , tht ina ? t : I. nu to B rule, were the I it.ral r? ? ia ii'-:i)ii:i'l '?;??'' k1 ' ' ?.or' ?!' !ii Milli BJ < ? . ' -li oit tili"* lil N.--A-'>.'!?? illa lu ;???:-?' ia'.,' '!. ? ? I'l'i'n'i.' I ' "? l i:n"!.t iii|i; ordert from Wai i : Vi ? ttnori hattbaS bal .'r/m? n N'e-r-nrioAn.! Mfitht vi 1 lu?? n.? if they Itii'-'V t'i i ' ? I BBt, an J EEbI 1 N?k1 tin'ir ! I hivi) thu rrport wHhoat delaj ' lilli ?-AKHI.KD Diai'ATtn. Tin? "ml.1', t*.'m "? the ' Dib Bhsridi ?' - BtaaaMei _ ta jn-tiiy u ir i that 1 . .'??? of Ora. 81 ii dan Lil baoa taraperad '.vi!', for luto Batt. We DOW prii I L-i: doubted dtopatoh ti it .ipi.-nr.-l io Th* Timci, 8!li) al-" i '?:?? ?-?;?;.!:? ?::. ? 0? . ii COT? r?'?"i..ii?[??? TUB O.IHBI.?-.!) IliSi'A T- II. ! l.!H TU'H 1.1.41" AT"'!! TA? 7W-, ii' Tram ?A* CartrnkjamA Nsw OMM*? Y < ' a n m I Naw iblbab?. Am I i.r? U I '?star, Ball -? '.. i? . Omite . i D C n- leabBaa awara of tia Yu. are itnubtl"ii l?ir- ni , tinuir I ia ? ?OJ riot wb'r i ? , i":rrr?! .-,,, , ,u ,,,, ti,,, ??n;,. A i " III? in MM ?By .m tb* kOth, A;, .,:,,,.i , Btylla?ltMlf the! .1 ', .1 J M I on,h iimn ..1 l-'.l. ii.. ". B the tut a? i! ia ?. .n ii t'..?|.uri??.a 1 nb ! .r M il 1? "I ?*> d. I1"- ,.! r.-im. . -, naj MM f frn..?i ? ? ' if tb? St.'.-. rta [???tal l'-n*!it??to? et IM loider? were poill ? ? rt.-l ad?r? wai? |k?ii'i and rarototumary bbb.m1 t?i c ii ugi'At ir? iiii.l ruto .? . raoiloa vin men. ? ' i- : 1 ; .-' : .? ?? bri u tot ?,< lion waa liable I , | ?nil.? 1 '.. : '? r ??:?' !.??-, .rf 1.- ;? ' ? -, . ? ???'..'.? 1 -. - ? ?:,.? ' -.1 I l.u.l ni??i- , , ? ? lied to ' ' 1 . ? I ..-.-? D ? 1 . 1 aat, l, .1 I I ? . ? ? ? n -. ?, . . -1 a iota ?? ' 1 . ? ? ! -S ai ? it tail .. 1 Billi -v ' fully 1. ; katta-*, is ,i? / .'?IllUl'l! . , .'.?-?', I ? 1 . ' II .' A: 1 police ? it-Id ? ?a? and blicks wa-r ? Ubi any .i; 1 ?- . bal I iv n Smii'14 Mia ii aat a aMatt'i ?? M 'j O ?n ' ?a . ? lil allltal ? laraaatrf in Ue ?-itr , ? ? ! 1 -I li ? 'i''i r com ? .1 ..-ret st ? ? ai y , ia- !'.?? ? I that ti,.) p' Bal? ?ny arros' theyin lit witUoat Iiviii. 1' 11 BaaatSA?, ' ii TJ. O?-i) t . If the rod'lor Mil ? :?' l lil' , ho will fiii.I lim.' Um MMjy m 11? . ?BMI B kB, BB~ '.ecte.l a? it -i::i|. . ta?t_-'-iy i I ' . ??? 1:1 fyln-i ? ddli'i ai ; vyIjic', ,,,;,. ,. ?,?.! ,'< ii'holj iiii'iiiinr, Miioael that t!..- Mn'.f BB- -M PdIli-j it ' '.tdtl.r wrm'iert of ti e. t nnvent'im ni-l .1 party t' two huL'lroJ iiCiH',?:?,' Bad ht BO ' I - BME? ???r tint it MEM only Bl re?.m111 t BIBlJUT." MM ?>n:itteil- and, to cover thu MMMMMI tot ulraiglitOa. m? tit? vord '.li'..' In thi wil hue, vnn ortued. The niotiie ii ti:!? nirl'liii|" 1* apparf*!'. liai, .n ,' came when tha btmajlt mo.ic- kfl 1 of rituiely ahoiit Ni?v?'Orl?-i?!H Ti-. - ? 1, | I "-m amatfrficke. Tha roporti w.'i, Qen. Sheridan had haslilv r tir.H' ! to 'Iii. i'v, mmg) !)n) '..j -?', j Wtjro laraYMH Lo hikUW VkuA? U-J QeBMI L .tu .-?-a ? . ? , ?lot :' J ' ':" V. 1 :1 " ' i 'I ?a it- ?: . It ri"-* tim _ mt ral Opa? li J .'.''J Sil tri ?" 0??f ii*/ t'lkillg UM i ' ? eil givitii* tb it iriiii'M no batB-BT OBBiOfB thai ' _nBBBBBKy eraalty." aTaatad IllBl ll^Ettill wit!! i*!i.-:. Wo ._MM til?' <Je?k. M?TiiBB Ml n H of i-ir Iii'..??Bl uni not BEEBO! han to k\ ,w tiny -ynipatuy with th" Ralicil- of Noir Orleind?hut VI ku?*w ho wai a ??oilier and a g.'iitieinan. and wo ex;i??? tod Jb di I Wo t-spren-ed our regret in a para gnpb, bah ? 'I-r--i? luat futuro ioformation would oon vi.:r.i Um Ooneral of hi?, error, and wuhing to trust lit i to tha limit of cuiitiiiou? .*, MBMBEJ 't- We now BM thut Ooii. Bheddt . EM all U?? timo dcnounc ii.,: thi not a.? a ''luurdnt"?"an ahuoluL: ma.-Aa?.r.j hy the Poli -, Yvlu ih wj-i no'. BIQOlfod in murdoroua oru .-'!> BJ that of Fort P?illow;" and that mi.sorabl." hire? ling- of a Copperhead pre ?s and a Copperhead Admin MmttM EMI tinkering ami alte-?ng and Huppre?-:iig hm di.?pii*(!i.--i, in ord'T that it might appear that the Pn -i I tat wa? right in BBEtafat?g Moiuoe au<l hil M? be, ml Hut Gen. .Sheridan igtaad ?a ith him. Wt- ?.ave soon iicw.?papcr..di>.-.h.ihliy thing.? at times, I. it L'.i? i.? tin? -ili.ihliie-l oiall. 1ft? 7'irri-- owes it to th." p.".-.I.: to millie -onie BtOMMMM? for thi.? forgery? if alone-tout can he .possible. It not only printed tho ?lispTt? li, hut defended it. Whon wo mentioned our ?u??iK?on, The Times _.a:d our doubt MSI ".ih?urd im pertinence," and tint BE EBIE'dlUBBtofl with .Sheri dun'r, dispatch. " What right," n?ked thi.? pitiful di.s pr''h-fm':er, "fcit TimT__UBI to ch.ilh-ngoor i^ouy a di patch, the lihrral fulehly of which the iii tia* Idier to whoa* it i'-:, tddn -.-?I hai bo* ? .I>...-? 'inn TBIBBBI bill?;'<?." ih ?uti l th!? braaBB di?ptlch?tinkBr, " that (?cn. Orant ii i party to forging or garbling 1 or to whom ul-u i? Um i lurg'- iiitt-n '?ed to nppl.Y '" Will, VI htivo no ol j'-cti.n to ?a) tug that we ballara GtM. Qmm I ebi H iiiil'.": m* ii? Tilt: TBlBOn ti thi' forgery?that lin ,t-k'-'l th?' Bu ret irv of W ir t.. hBTI ti.? truo di-pntch ?i":iil..?l-cd? uni that El i."Yv apply Um chtigt 1 - Uy a:il pl.iin.y to ti..' editor of TA? Times, >r n mtebI of Um Pratidtot ol' iii" Quitad Btati ?. At theil ?hur.? liai t??" thom of baria*" tia.i l with UM tam? <>i .i dittlag?abad toldier for ?hoir oYvi) Im i'ii.?"-. Tin-di?!?itch wa? furninhed by thi Pi ? iili-it t?. Titi liin-t; fur Thr Tunes ?? iii vit Ml iry of nfonlBg to it.? r.-l Btiofl ? yv it!. t!i ki n-tn irkulde indiridoal, and Btahhig ttabnBoati '-hy authority." Wta > did tim Untafiag* Whara b m if " ii* ? l"?ban or in Wail li gton ' T ' i pitif?I ? ' i,."-i:i tint I ?p.- .li of it Yvii'i n. og dnty ia diatdataatiag th ? ft.1.1, -.' i noa I Bama. >'?!.. b in.-', ho tiritad up m ti. Im by e.-i-ry baaarable III IT. lill. I A !.?: **. I HI- 4 I. "Al. I*.: 4? Tho ni'vti ig, deli-trationt an 1 ooBOtaaioai of a Labor Uoo| ? (.??ni n: nu . ? ?-.. : '_ . Of I ' (hi ?oiintry mi i- not nee?* a l??ly nnlair. Probably, Ifenrj ? I ty? and v.:i.i.?i- ia thi I Sttl ?i | rt I bj -tritrgatat. Um loot hi ' : l di-itl ii!. We ii.') : ? >_" .. ? with the i ? lotiont of tht Colig. I to llil proTt I b of 1 ' ? ?"bool thi aorid. it i1 ?': ra ? 111 '? I'.- uri.-fly ita the poial I At to t I ' ? ? the twaady It i? li , iii? !'? IIEOd .1 !: I ! pai r it, lo ' . M-pel,! ' ' .'?.i of ? ? ?>:iri?:t. for forty <t '. ? to the foil wig . ? - . little lull i:. any . . i to priMn ignorant ol brada, T-i?tt.l r il :ill. OUT ?". f? eo,pluy rontt '? .ut ttmiu ont pur m..I m nrtr ?ourtry vit,nie of prtmni. In g) tir, vi vi-.ii.ld ?? ",v u.,1 MBBBl ? thtl? ?''-?.., 'ii::: i' ".lire? pt irtiol a noa a -LU.-.- do o'!i?-r ty.i_ to .? ' '?:.'!. II. ii te Um Pnblk Li I fli'- "fruits .it' Landl hithert?, nade ?it o. i o? ? i ?.'il-, a ., bare enured dacidedly to :i.-r?. L.1111I??i it.?ili', la the - ' : ' 1 . ? ..... ? MU ' ? ' iii'i-ly liiiln * - tblt b an; cbeapand --1 _. omni iui Vfthth? ? ii" ?.r-l und the ???ni? ol ?nantilaciurt? u m peosihle, ut it I?-.??1 ? ledingly dMirable. There art mill on? ol' l'T?-? li.'t'.-r Yv.irth - ??. :th .1 r ul lEBdiEBE?g thMBgfa Umbi t i_U wtlhont 1 Mt al'ti-e- Bad inipiov.<l."ti?"'- have Bttended tin- graating "t I.m.Is for 1iah pu .-m ??.--, trahi The bnaineai tua bMD generaUy orerduaai hut. w? think the ItUlOBMAt Bad BM "i tim P lilli Lal - bal I !.1 : . -ii...? in-n.-iii "I by had griut? fal ruhMBB? Tht "fMHEB BM ?!- ''lorn., im" 1 -'r i.-ti'.n. III. At to tht Hu ir? of Labor ti 1 -afora pro- ? 1 h"'tht C ... 1 l ? :i. ..i.iit.-i-?ii-nimiii? upp< }??' v, 1 ball.' * ill ultim,i!.'ly lu-1 anii'd, BBdMBjAf to bo. W'.- ure daily maraiii'.' ?MBMIMt .?trid--n M omi/.n* Lahor, ?thal eaeh .ii.Tag?! ii.i' ' aotb pia* : ir mor.' of th?- in', ????aries and i-onifor?. ol' Iii.' thaa ? f.aim.ii'. >i.J yyIiv siioiiai i ..? Li purt ol'?ho a?lvunt.i_f 01 lim in a dninti'ii .?;. ? baan of daily toil f Tht .Sawing??achiaa ? afannealt for ?? 1. die erar did: ??hy I .?ho il?l in-? Um ???. l ber cxhaosting day' : rrtaaad ' Il n to u thal ol'th" Hoirs tri I .. hunt mid pro-?"??.111.1 '.;.?.- 1 I ' ? . .- by the ? or font labowr. I . , :.-, vi 1 "i.i voth .u all) ''?.iv toa bard " di a tit tad bo pit r tit with Y : . . ' ... ? ; k1 ! el. .lilli Yllllk D M tffl :' .. ?'.uni tit Will 1 1 a 1.oh' ?? Um ehaage prapoaed by tho Labor 1 .t it will oom ? it li-*. 1:. I ?v. . ?'' ??I Yion.l.T thal H MM I ?' tu I ! Tb? Coi; .*r.'?4 neither ?.id, tn.r ml.:-:: ' -,1 ?' 1? I paid tri i- 1 long I -a ill mt bald It i-BBoh-lbk fir that ' arror, .atBtoM of thi 1 k1 1 1: ?: ma r.i '.v?j ii rt ' dthi tha I .li-i 1 l.iti- ohtlM h? !??? [f I ia- . : ?' . ' ! I tay 1 hTi balla*/! it batt thal thi it 1 L'.'t, m try tht ? ? tig-l Im?n BEI ?? I ;?'." mi '. toa ?hall b - ? kdwbi ? ? \ rtaalred 1 '. 1- UMcaby ti m Um prod b i-k"?.??>" i)i..ii??i-o tho IB> " w..';!.! readj . I* *. vhaB thi Ma? i''". "?'-' H ? a'?? ..tia,',',? ?aj|Bt hoon bara? ??ar, lad tobt] ?. m tho igb wo wjrlt.vl t"ti," tha fpleyart Tatt] a i* ?? 1. And, M 1 '"g >' ' I. Hoir i i.f 1, i.|v a, t?. 1 as a mean.? ,: (?" "- Um ruiv., mt o'Otp ?: 1 : t Lahar? of aEjialBlag EELBo pay %t Iim wort?wt do n ? 1 ?A- it ?-.,!, .si.,- !".i. ii ,.;,, ,1,, ii,.,, h, arid m re lu .? bli bo irs of labor k5- io ahtiria mom \ny for MthBtg ? pair ol ?hood, b*j wvuld have lo poy Bior? for lu? hit 1 . o' t'.;. Uw u t h?; ; j :, laka? by the . i ' ace p. lo wyr \va";<m. and to i in, smok.? . ?5 i? , so 'hit. ?v:? may havre more Ui-tire for iru provoui.nt, and MM B-B-f-BOB. to provint our im* provins; tint h ?.?um. Hahl our Jay'? work eight hoir?, iad ray us accoruingly"?the refor-p would bt carried. And then, il those who differ with ui are rf0 uo day'? work being fixed, wages will gradu all>. c-uep up to Hie old standard, and even above it, without an iucron-aj iu the coat of living. Wc do not ?oe how thi.s can he; but that docs not prorc it im? possible. IV. The Congre,-., enticed moro Willem Iban is ' '>tl ia Congresses in its emphatic, deprecation of ?S . ..Cd; in urging Ci?pernticn as tho true remedy for many evils now affecting Laltor; in recommendingthe formation of Mechanic-' Inntitut-r*.?. and Roailing lloom?; and in advising working men who find work nearie or remuneration scanty to hie to the Public 1 amis RU.1 become ?.(.?tiler?? thereon. Ol'eotinio, the indolent mid shiftless will plead that they hare not the me iii?, though three-fourths ?if nil tho lunn*, iu our couutry were lind, settlod by men as needy m thiy ure. Ko far, this Congress is bravely right. Hut it should h:ivc pono I Hep further, and urged our young, unmarried workingmen to practice greater fru? gality and tlirift, so a*? to be abletosettle on the Pub? lic Landa (or eLiowliere) whenever they choo?o. At present, our yung mechanics ?squander m ?li.-Mjuitioii .?nins that will keep them poor ali their afier-livor?. Any single man with a good trade ought t?. ?-ave m leact tJ?.r??Mj km the time he is ? years of age (which h M motif Bl tt i? wise to marry); and with 'BO tared and iaretted in I'i ?ted State.? securi? ties, he inner ndBl talk of "tie aliiniiing oucroach ineiiis of capital o(j the rights of the industrial classes," or any beak of thal sort, for the rest of his life. It is not capital?it i? the grog-shop, the beer-saloon, the billiard-rooin, tin* oigaMtoR, the gainhliug-den, the sink of pollution, wlMBce ein ronchment on "the ri_ht.? of tlio ii.,h,.,trial ela-se.-." is mont lo be npprel end? (I, and that needs to be "crushed." If tin? Laboring Chis?, in general, hut c ?at :a!ly fu* young men, could bo kept out of theM den- of iniquity and induced to ?ave their earn? ing?, they might very soon l?o independent of capital a..d fehle, hy ((??peraCoii, to emploi and d*rcct their eva labor; deelklg directly viith ?*.k?1i other and pay i"g little cr no tribute to .my capital but their own. A:.'J. uni:! they (in be made to tfeg this truth, we fear that they will hold C?.ngre*?ea to little puni?se; yet we trust they will OOatiBM lo hold them, and that ( ach may prove us mitt anil n* ?niinhle as lieid i.i.vt vaak? ?uti: ititai* o?' i'.'.i -??- \. If wo look h?k thi coiuui.iiidiiig p(.-.'.i'ti which PnHMfe lia? at present ..n.imi.l into its p B Mta tory, we (iiniiot but be ?trtuk .util tho unparalleled rapidity of its progress ami the abundance of ?trength und vitality "I it? people, ol' Which Ho rapid progress ? of tho State las loen the nat ural ?e-ult. It is no mon? than Ifiii years ?vheii the Klector ol' Uraudou bvif,' Prader?a III., -Banned Um title of King of I'm?-:.i, and thereby B I ?TB? I BtJ his S'ate a le.?';::,* ?lo-itiou aui'.iig Ihi lan (,?v,'..!i I'oivers. Tim now king ; dom hal no more than ene and a half millions of in* j habitant -, thiir, lein, in po?it fe. population one of tho weahc't, while in point ol' tdmiaJetratiM and i lii:ii-ii:al prosperity it alri.*.uly wa.? one ol' the strong ' . ', European Btadaa i ".? roon later, PtorJeik k Um On al ttjfawM tip on the ?Luv of history. Tbt population ot Pni?*ui at ! i ?,. "! wat tara aad a third Millieat. Niit'.riths'iiiiditig tin* in*,:: I lyof re ?on ree?, lu* [ Lo! Hy n?k'*d u vv. . | , MM ol tim ?no-.t I powerful Slate.? of Europe, for tho couqneit of Silesia, iii lo the urvtoiitshincntot tho woild t auied his pom?, 1 thus milking to I'm ?ia a larger addition than she had .'V.'i r.ieiicd ft a tiine, und gWBtlj ?-lev if:r.<; her ia i her rank BMMMf the Eafaaaaa Blette. Pru.-i.-ia num l-ered oi.Iy fehatol -1,?hhi,?i?hi ni inha.'i.'ant- when Aus ' ' iiifiingabout tcoahtionof Aiisinn, 1 >.'.i*ih*n und .-?.iioiiy, which t. ?'.-I ' the -m :i_*h of Pta-feia iinl her Kin. in tho ordeal of I ta tear? w..r a? hardly graf .i State and a __lg hat*l been t, .ted 1'roin tin* cud of this war. in which Frederick remained uuioiii'iiered, Prussia his j piltnd oa ? luadhtg peaM of Taupe At the beginning of tin? present century, Priis.?ia, I like so mai.y other S'.ite- laj eo-qoend at the boll ol'the lint Nap ?leon. Moat Kinir, Fred.ric William III., had t<? eade MM half Of his territory and to con. ! -eut t?> tin? o. i up.'iti.ui ni" ti.?- other hall' by French i troups. Hut some of the ablest ?.tatesnmn th,* world '?.' Maa, la parte niai .stein, kaaw how to reeg? i he Slate and le prepare it for the war of ?ber .ilion. In the greal Rarepaan erei of 1813 to 1815, ?ind in tin* _afeat of Napoleon. Pni<* ??B took a U-?-af part. 'Hie r-irr.ingement ol' F'irip..* bj? UM Congres? Of A i ?una mad? Prussia moro powerful tli in ever. From that time di" wa? counted a Itb Fi i'k fe, Bagtaad, 1! ?.???.a Bad Au-tna one ol' the Oreel Towers in Karapa. 'I'iio Union movemont wiiich arose in Cennany iin* nieli.i'elv kftfeg the GoBgNfM O? Vienna niado Prussia tlio n it i: t! uval ol' Austria. Au.-triit 1. id a popula? tion more than double thal of Pr?gala, hat la every other respe,?* the ?ulvau'ag" was with Prussia. The K.i.i Pratata ruled over moro QggBBB-l than the KiBperor of Au ?tri.i, and in point of administration i ? wa? hugely ahead not inly ol' every Stato of ??ei'in my. but afal-feaat aaaay Btati afKhrapai j , mie ?o be everywhere looked fepai iiiici wpraataiatlTa el Iht aatiaa-rl ip iii aad -hash* ! iioiial mt.neal af ?;? naaay. Cnioituiiat'iiy, the ' PrtMBiaB ?.'"'..'.ii?ipiit. did little. arnoth-Bgte Ihatar tin? ten,I,-m toward nntleaalaakaa, hi rather |ehMd the other ?.??verninents in rmressBr* the popular d-j- j mend fat Ubaral cbIoc-m Ne. ?rthel . i' was so obvious .hat ??I all the ti ^ MM ?."verimi ?lit?, that of I'm ? wa? ' ?J ?ble aaaaeaplett Um bbmb of Um Oeraua paopf^ that thi I N i 'Hil T.tiliinviit which I v' ni l-l?.u Frankfort, lo cooa | ktaiMMral ? ii ni ?he Bfth tf Slareh l-l'. h| -MO yet-, i,;.,ii?t -'\'w o declined roting, King Fretterfc William iv. ?.naen Enipeter. Tbt ritaatloa m P , . w i? t!i, n, In many nap vi -, ?n h BOM ' ?'? ?T- , in befan Ih ?-? ? much larger of r-ompleUa| ai '? ' di.'.lilt?, iiwlu-?.'i of the i..- n.i ( ??.?.ii..! Of A I 'i. 1 rill I ,?' -,'','.. no-vii t* thawed --?.'.. a ah "*v '? lamb rg n i ? dUtingntali id Cn t mi la lb ? P ,' ? !?? '? ktu! poMM/Bifbcwar, Mr the I ..liin^? not jj? pal dova. L-foihingwai to bel I fe, which bul lu.iro than rag Jut ion of i?, twa _l i - I '?i-, '.asaia, M?ghl poaaMf bave felfeMltfttil M hMgrfhtatooa, but ? mau of th.? MMrgj "' BUnuufc ,11 it any iiiacii. ut li.i'.'o Ibaad poWOCfU li the p lai aid Doafaiiaaa. Put at that ? 1., k1 d ' l?vsn: uk. Thi Kio| deolinod the lo ? : P . . . ? i ril e!l*'r'?3 whicii t!i ? Pruie" m Q r D-bdl ?n it| part, to un io tf!? OlrBIM I li \ ?'..a ', Itali', tit j pal \ ? thit of Prattle tbe com ?J t tion of the Fudisra'. P : Tho Prussian p?!. ?> r* i i .; ? ! i ' ) ?p petal-Beat of ?Ooaak i),su... :. ,?? fta : IfinitaM I is noir we!! ki MO -thal f Bit in iih's policy w.i, * i f , , ? . .. auf, ?ind to hate tin? r.?in ? mitt ol tb I leis aithfef ?waJlo\vol um t. v Cn.- i fi i.-, ,;i i.i'jl iliiJor laa'j. li*' i il "J_?? lita Al? ?v, ic m*y l>.- r |? . ? :? 01*1, a-iiiereut?. Till m ??' ; > of lintnytk to hu c ?_-Lau* and dV-ern?a-M r j M o- tb ? i 1 k? BE I 'o him all th- lim- hy a ??y?, Urge portion of tho Liberal party, lie had only/ to adopt a policy in home |BE_Im like that pur4ti-4?>y Cavour in Italy, and ho could Itave received the ??jp port of the majority of every German log-lttnre, ?(A cept, port-ip?. that of B .varia and Austria. Bat ke not only declined this ?apport, but rudely and tnauU. ingly declined it, and was latiified to trait solely to tho superior organiiatioa of the Pru_?iian anny, to th? ability of the Pratwiau general*, to the efficiency of the medlo gun, to the weakness of Austria and tho Federal Diet, and to the alliauco with Italy. A speculation on what mifht hare been achierod with tho hoarty support of the German Litjerali ii o* impractical imiiortaiice iu new of the ac<onipli?h?j| facts. Whatever shape the North German Confedtr ation may take on the start, every one is agreed that, virtually, the whole torritory included in tht new Confederatiou (which also embraces tho Kingdom of Saxon} ) has becotno as fully a Prussian dominion te the Province of Brandenburg. Tim? that Pro ftm\ which counted only one-and-a-half millions of inhabitants ia Ki-o, two aud-.i-hali millions on the aecesiionof Frede rick the Great, four millions ?luring the teven yaam? war, ?even millions during the wars of the First Napoleon, is uow a state of about twenty-eight million?. Nor does this repreteut her whole strength. 8he oaa take the remaining eight millions of South Germans, and from eight to ton more millions of Aiutrit-i sub? jects as soon as the is either mre that no loreign inter? vention will take place, or that she will be able to defy it. It may bo regarded as certain that the tendency toward completing tho Germau union will henceforth constitute the most serious complication of Europeao politic?, a fruitful source of diplomatic scheming, c4 art ful combinations, and, perhaps, of formidable wart. We ?hall, therefore, follow it in the future, as we bara done in the past, with cloc? attention, and carefully review every new stage into which it may enter. BOT A BIT EC ABB D. There ia a groat deal of human nature in this conn try, and in these anomalous political time.?, with tht 1. ludall-Dooliltlo party still in the gnstle, and not even baptized, except by nicknaming acoffers and mock en. We must admit that the aforesaid nature now and then crop* out after an unexpected and re? freshing fashion. The main idea which at present occupies the mind of Mr. Johnson and his PostniMtor General is, that to make a place-holder the humble uml o>)?equious henchman of the White Huuso and the Departments, merely a threat to cut off hu victuals ia necessary. They know what agonie? ol emptiness would posseas the'r own constitution J orucl fute should bereave them of their ia?ne?, and they tako it for granted that similar apprehensions will gway the conduct of every human boiug of ordinary appet to aird digestion. Moreover, there is not at their command -?: li a variety of appliances for launching lb? bark of their political adventure, that they cm alford to d?pense with the Bcrow?a m?*ci?nical power which ought not to fail, and which is failing m ?pi'e of all precedent, most lam?tably. Mr. Randall u 1.1?? to this or to that spirited Postmaster to com? aboard or submit to the loss of his place. The -spirited I' a?ter imni'-diately develops into a full-blowB palriot, lord of himself though not of lottert, and so fur from fearing decollation, winks, twit wcro josjotely, Bl Ifr. Randall's upli.'ted ax. Such rockies* conduct, it must be allowed, indulged iu persistently, in th? yv. pfEBtOM of death, ratler thin els?, puta Mr. 1 * - 'til and his weapon in a ridiculous position. When yonr object is to soaro a man, and ho di-moa BEMM? by langhin,' in your face, that be is not a whit ncared, it is uot tho easiest thing iu the world to maintain your personal dignity. E?ptui-il)y if yeo have no greater stock of it thoa a Ca_i_et o_?*?i( may at present be supposed to pos.???i. We once ta? B no1 lia captain upon th? green ami not gory mi?ter ii?-'ii put down in the same way. "If rou do that," saidthi? commauder, "again, I will piuco yo?auder arrest." " Pay me for them shoe?, Captain, that I made for you three years ago," was the rrttort of thi undismayed privat?1, who wa? mof put under trrtit, ni least Willie we remained ?-nong the ipcotator?. ?id that threatened men Hfl lOBfi and per? in;!- some of Mr. Kaudail's predestinate victimt may BEH themseires by the nonchalant impudenoe ol their defiance. At any rate, they will hare thi deli? cious satisfaction of freeing their mind?, ?mm Mr. Tower, U. 8? Marshal of Michij-an (Western District I. ha - just done. We have already printed Mr. Tower'? epi.?tlo to Mr. Randal!. The pith ol' it ?s simply Mr. Tow-r ?loos not like tho " cross botween treatoa and loyalty," and is also sufficiently in (Undi- to ;..?! himself without resorting to the hunihit pie ol tha Ad miui?tration. All of which may be very com? lortable to Mr. Tower; but bow does Mr. Randall Kel about it ' Tho worst, for the President and his squad, of ali this is, that when they have exhausted the breid- ?n i butter argument, the efficacy of which ia fast growing so dubious, they are at the tail-end of their resources. When 1 man refuses to be converted to the reformed faith through his belly, it is unfurtnuate if his m^nip* nlatoci havo nothing to offer to his brain*. Til-)?? who drive tl,e machine in Washington have forgoUeo, m th.* hurry of their speculation, that the Repul.Lc ? party throughout the land is mainly made up o? l_a e?t m?in. lu ?taiL but for ?Rrsonalconieaneeaim-. t?'?jowly uniting great masscsof voter?, there wcohl r have been any Republican party at all; ml now, although it has ui.doubted.) its proportio t <>t ??li-seekers .growing ?luily smaller, hitw-'Ter, ?:,?? are glad to.?ay. kit 1? likely loss than toy part- Jut ?rtr ttaiatad io this ctraotry to 1 ??? iff? '<??>. ? t-trna m.-callynr m-srally, by the mexi inlntBce? Tlt?h nil minti of the i' a_c'_? omnir ?-ton?. W? record the prediction tint those ?-ho, ?I. uii.itbr t-j, ??. may taunt m with our foti] AbM? fu'.un??*?-?? :?-. ? * : ' : , Tharo Is ?oraething my fuuny in the v> la Tia-? stood to th.? garUed dispatch. This -*ai Thb Tribumb said when the fraud appeared: We rentar? to ?it thal ?rtrr total man ka th? E ?rib rrai ?lib 1?11 tliat ' UU'iatcti "f I' ni SarUaii'?. a-J I ii ' .a M Baal urmshi-,1 hu ftinr. W* oom challante ita *?^* ?*?"?-'? ? nI prouminc? it t? ta ??u'ar fur-.l W ? ?Ml ttia t It u ti.? .Iit|>?t.h whioh 0?n. ( a ??ii t-' ??"??_ -?iruJo? AnifMt 1. W? ?..??Bil lUil It? I?al li?p?M>>? M pijtiH?ri?il And this i? the way Tht Tmtt bluatored out of H ?Th? troth I?, that Tin. Tribimk I* miM-lll?- tret, W? It? own in?orrtiati?n l.tifiilnf th? riot ka? 1?*." a*? and unrelabl?. anil, ?i*<"'?n I, l?*evi?? ti ?. "BatEHTl "'?*" !i.? at tua eutiT?nt.ont?t? ??..??J't?. ii -#??????? ?*??_ , -??.tallon. Weam ti ; arr.l? willi iii? lour??! t*k? **'"'??_' ii, ?b1 now. m a la?t ?irok? of p<*lt-T. it ??aBBMB a*B__ ia a ?w ?wal afjkM *l'_'1?___- _ maa allot u..iaaA,ih,iV,.,dtVoat. At loth. |i?p?cli ''J' "J d? ????iv for ia to tay th.t (. it ?hi? ? Fy*?*"'- * %-*!*, mmViAlrom Hen. .tntrilie lo O-n Want, ? that tils o!. r|> ? WikT or B-arbl.Bg k? Ita tmP? mr.ntiaaot a I"????1 ??"J i^lfb?bili_rdi-omiBt?.li?~uc?W IU ?wa r*-"* parra???" ?__????,.?__aaaaa "Eitremcti meet." said ?oma ont to Gen BalUr. alluding to the fraterniiation of 0?>v. Orr an 1 *-??*? Couch in the Philadelph.a Ccnvcntion. I pi'i.,1 (ion. tWtkt, " aud *o they do when a ?lo? ?????* In? own t iii?but both ettremvs belong to th? <?^* d?'?r" ____??_?___? G?n. S'.,, r. '. t:i r? port? that tlie ?ti cr ?" Nev.-vO.l I wa,s "!'.?) riot-hut a MOtdjt pM|I?Ml_1 '" ?. r- vi thli MM lu?*-""" Hgm. r ' 1 M power. -t-BM-dBBBBlBE'-BdlE. I rules New-Oil.'mt ???' i-II ?? rifi ? : :?" tht wat.