Newspaper Page Text
WASHINGTON. WAMnaeroa, Auguitot, l8***'. A MOME.N'TOrs DA- KUR H?KORT l'IIIL.lDF.LrHIA POLI? TICIANS. For the last ten day? there Las boen ft large number jgfl'bilrelelp-u politic.**--- fee ra arranging who ileiU be to micvol fray wmtoi M Bel h city, and also luggeitir.g who itali S : ?-.ces made recant. It ii mid that the Catat * i* well average, and the appointaient? will be annoo a? ed Mieforc Mt rresidciit ?tarli on bil tour J. K I'.-in.fin bit MHB ti.'* iViefoi tbe Pl.i'ndelphi? di leo m um, and lia? been Work: t>i; bard for the Poatinaatrrsbip. There is trouble, how Claver in lb? Philadelphia appointment?, nsw? having reaobed ?ho I'teiiilcnt that, io far, no prorlilon? for bli reoeption bare k, ?en made by iti Mayor or city council. conn<.uontly the B'hll.di IpLiani who bare been here Ich tor Loini very mddenly Jy ?t'.'i.lav to try and Lire thing* fixed so as to give tbi Preu Idiint a good reception. I A huity aiie??ti.i nt of the ni it iel of ail the eraploj (Sa io the Iii ivy Yard, Ainnnl. C'lttom House, Pott Office, and other , F?deral oflicr?. tv ill Ive made, and ?onie kind of a -.eeeptton fir.ed. Iii ooniLcr of i ilwei will depend on the kind of reception tho I'rctiM'Dt rece.vci at the hand? of the people of tha City of Broth ?iI) Lore. UOl .NTIES TO COLORED SOLDIERS. TI c mci tit order of the Secretary of the Treasury to It e Second Auditor directing the tntpeniioti of the payment of bouutle? to colored aoldieri it to operate only until ruloe an Wepar d liv the CommUaion of the War Department kt tfet f|t*y_i"!!t of tbest and al. other bountio?, one of the object? be ; Log to protect al! inch Government claimant?. The Treasury ^lepai tiiieU has not boen aUrited that the rules bare been pre jjpered .' TUE CLBVKLAKD COBTEKTION. ?Sonu? of the leading papers treat the call for the Oonreiitioii at Cleveland on the 17th of September a? though It waa tdlltanl M Iba arrny. Thi? lia mist-ike. The aa'l. though originating with anny officer?, invite? to a Sol Biara'niul Sailor*'t'onvcut Kia til who have ?civ ed either in the ert-.y or navy of the Union dnnng the late Kobe'.lion and Who are favorable to the reconstruction policy of the President ?ni ti i? principle? announced by the Philadelphia Convention. BBfOBlB ?',' B-BNBATMBB 0? moil OVfM-ldL Eui nora of Bil retaij f*'t anton't immediate resigna? tion er* again m circulation. Some assert positively that Oin. hfeBfeBana will ?oon take obarge of the War Ollico. Mr. Blunt . i ? at witt the Piaaident and Gen. Grant on Saturday. It ia al?., tail that (Jin. 1* .Horton and not Gen. Tillion will ancCH'J Ocn. Howird. Fullerton aspired to Judgo-Advocate BollVs (due, but lui friend? advine lum to etuJv a little more of ih ,.?c law book? before be ?pplie* for Judge Holt ? pu-iiton. In tho lucan time he may take Gen. Howard? desk. It ii Bteted apta what in regarded at trustworthy tntherily that thi fijn I.*wu( I?p^uine, Collector of Internal Keren.'' for the glietiic? of Ci'lunibu, in obedience to initruction? totha? effect to about makirih* a final report to the Internal Revenue) Purean, J?re|.*r.ttory t.. vc.i.tiug hi? cflioe togive place to a ?,ipi?,i!ar ?of thi bow lebaata puny. VOLPNTBBR .?TAFF (?FFICFRS TO B8 MCST?RKD OCT. Au order will be iatoed soon mustering out of the teryice ?1 rotnatorr stuff" officer?. M BBT?-B_ MM-JMa RRSIDRN, K ?-.TILL ?;r\R!'ED. lSntviithstaiii'iiig the President's recent proclama tion of peace, the guard of Mi?tM that hu boen ?tal.oncd artaud Mr. .?*,, ret rrj lawn ft reaidenc? ?ino? tbe m?a.?s!nu felon of the l'rtrru.eii-, hat no! yet btven remorod. THE l'l'llLIC DEBT. S -retary M ?'ull'ich will be ready in a few dayl to give M thi gal In' ? st tcrneiit of the public debt. lURRKNCY REDEEMED. Tie amoun' of mutilated currency redeemed at?the TrcaKtiry In HM week ending Aug. 25 l?OS. rggef-I?II IB FRACTIONAL CURRENCY. The MaWtBg ihow? the amount of fractional currency re wal veil at the Treaiuxy Depurtment for the week ending Aug. Ai. 18*VS In ten cent notei.$ M.fXO In l??-?ntvt,vi- c.-i.t not* ?. '.'.? In fifty tent notci. lo-, Total amount.fe-Jl,OJ*J SCRBTIE8 OF NATIONAL BANKS. The filio? mg ita Matante! of the luretic? held by the Treas'.r-r of tbe Uailad titaic? ia truit for National Packt for til? wcok onding Anf 2?. i nd? held. BM-.'MI.IOO l i.,!cd Slate* luieties. 3*Ml,i"t) Total laretiei held.I-?ue. **W. WO FVNDS JJTLI? It TIIE TRF.A.SCRY DEPARTMENT. Fell ?wing i? statement of tho nmouu'sof fund? in Abe oith "f tie Cnited Stitts Treasury np to Augutt 25 Bt**B: IaF. S L?g?! ieno>r note?. f?.l7?o?t) Ia National liaiik ii..???..... ... In fractional ciirrencv. li Aactiit ia enid. 3.1' J *?.?r.. HUM) Te 3 aid 1 cent pice??. i T dal amour t.aiiVJ-. Thii an at! is miau ti? R-iervcd Kund, which itclndei fehl toinporary loan and iurplu?U. S. notes. CCBBSBOt MBBB TO KATION.?L iia.vks. The aiiioi.r.t of currency istued to t..e l'imcd State- bat ti for tie weck er .in it Ang. 2'. is |G:T.3il'. T..? total ai?i Uti iiitiiil up to daft li fe'-.'.l* MBflPAl BSVBBBI bkce?-t??. The inteniul MMfeMM n eip'.s to-day (Saturdny) arnon ni rd lol The total amount received for tue wee?, on Jin.' A ni;. S5 ?m (7 bit FLA?'T?o*.AL ci ?u:l.*?( I DHIBIBCIBB. The foi:'-?un*: is _ gtatea>entof the ahipmeBti of fraotioij ??! ? ? r -i . ... ra.uia'' bj t., Treaiury lor the wiek ending Align?! as? lc'^ T) the A*?i?t.nt I-e,i<nr?r at New.York? ?'?", } j the A tatsta-t In ?.??:?? at Boaton. li '?.'??O Te the AMittaat Trtrraaanr at M Laalt .'j. ?Jo Unite 1 S ?Ki I? jsasit >ry at BufT.d.,. N V '?'?') '??l TuUiii;.'. .: >ra?t Uttito'iiirc. JVJJ. 1" Bain MuiiBil Baatri. - i antoun of shipment?.I?^:,i"u0 TRtAsiRT MaatiBBsU-am. T'.i? ' ' Hie Tre_.?ury for tie -Bdn-c War l)epiirt_.ei!t. f Iat'trior. 4"? toa _, ,, . 4'ia.iUl To"!.Il.t.71 C-Ot??rertJTKIT GOTBRIMIBT MONLY. TI. I I 1?.-.i .on Of the Tr? ,t--.iry Depart' meat 1? doing a larg* buiints? in detecting and branding c ::?riy. Lut wtrk, co leis then IJ'-O m ipur. oui circnlatioti. that hed been pre??nted wiib tbe (?tnaine in aiohunK? for ne?* ii????, were ?ppropri?tely BLd indelibly brand- .1 with tie nord '*ootn.teilelt." Many i-f '.lo ?> ? notci had ti ( M udmlrsi !y e-ecn'ed. ?r.d weit weil cukul.'ed to de oeire b1, bal'fti juiiyei. I the MTBBTOfPKB. The Ccmni:.?ei.>.-ier of Patents is BM-lag arfante menta for tLe it?t e of |itlitll IM-IWlllllg MBftMafeJL ?ni li Which I ?ve i*H-a aw arded to prooiibent inventor? in the Kilt. ern and \V..-?t*ni S fette On the ?tb tf next mot-th '.*? ??tent? ?Will b granted. Tfet bu?it.e?i of thi! ofllw ii conitantly ia cr?M*i: f, tree to ?.. cb an ix'ent ii to require more accommo aation? and a Un tri "lerical force. WH! D FOR "jISTBIIXTirn RT TUB A? RlcTLTlTBAL BrBKAf. The rilOMJniiillM of Agriculture gives notice thtt k1 M t. "V pr. pared to dlitnbute to agrletiltnralitta ipniment Of Btgoii ,r Mad.lrrranean ?Lite wboat. which will I* put np ?B eaatt package?, ?nd deli.end free up?u receipt of ?iplitV ?toa. THB BOMEHTKAD LAW. By the **'.!. -"i .on of the Ui mostead Act ol''?'??-'. par Mn wto Lui? !-???-? entry under that law on the inlitlia of Bra yaara coBtlnnoo? lettlement and cBltiration. have th? right at any lima oefure the expiration of that period, to make gr?x*f of ?ueh nttJa?ent np u? a given d?y, and than p?> for ga? tract at B> 25 p*r ante, ana -t once get a titi?. 1Vh?r? a gSotaeitead ?eller ha* en tared a tract containiag mora tbaa ltd BKrea be ia reoulred to pay for the excen in ca?b, and when be flea!re? to change hi* lIome?t?*d to a cash purchase, ha u _trtdlt*d with tho amount of inch excesi. and only r< roar for K30 acrn. Where a party enten auder the Uomeitr-t), and abandoaed the trac?, ha forfait! all olali-i to the feet. iMOBttMiaM. Ac. which at tbe time of entry wen (aid at tba looa! office for the itrvicet rendered by tbe Reriitrr and Ke calm io regard io inch eatry. i ' OBBIT DKMA5D P'S PI'BLI?' LAX DI?. Tho Interior I>**partnic*nt it in receipt ol'highly flat? tering report? from m*Oot of the Agcnf* of the Gentr?! Lind Atttoo ia tilt Wnirrii Starr* tnd tbe leir.torit* in regard to tbegrett demand for pu? lo lundi under tht Home*tcad act ?ad by cash wttlemeita They rrprc*ent the ii.tlux of immi. grenti tr.i* tenon to Le lii.ciuilly Urge. ) CIBCTLAR IR'iJI TUB PAYBAIT1 H-'irMHRAL. Tlio Payir,t?te ?Oeaeral Iteaed le :.iv n? ?rcular to theol I-f i?*y?u-?!.-i?. aiitiouBcing that the Mefe-BaaBtB ''t UM iB'midcnt dated A iy WA ''"?? not in any uny ufloei Ve pi,y .,) Crffivjer* pul eiiiiai irray, i ? t)-i. .' : .. r. s. a., and Otana! 1 ?>?!? , ii it the II (Mi THE PENDlk? euroa General Butler cn the Condition of the Couatry. His only Hope of Peace is to Sustain Congress. His Opinion of the . hiMelphia Convention and the New-Orleans Massacre. The Names of the Brave Soldier? who Endure the PitUbunh Convention. IJo-TOi?. An.. 26. li*V,. At ? political meeting at Oloucestet la?t evening, Gen. Hutlcrwa?ou? at Ihttftalan. ft? HtrahTi dltfatab 88 Vi?: (?'?u. Butler, on being laiiodaotd. ttil that the issues noir before the country were the ?ame substantiallr on those of 18G0, and in Ung eoun-jctnn he proce-ded to trace Ihe causoi which led to tho Rebellion, and the part takeu bj the Southern State? m their attempt to overthrow th.? (ii.verii!meut, l?o contended t'ai by their lahMllHB tbty had forfeited their proper!.**, thoir right?, and their live?, if Rebel? wore hanged, whit ii, unfortunately, he said, they were not. Pawing on, h? ?poko of the failure of the Southern representative? M secure their scat? iu Congress, and ?aid that if any portion of the nu.them Stat?-? sont a loyal mau to Coin-rest, it wa? only to got him ad uiittid, and when they had .secured a rvpresculatiou, they would ?end disloyal nu n. Referring to the Philadelphia Convention, ho ?.ml it was composed of a set of men who proposed to settle a war which they dil not fijrht, but Vakich tha?y oppo-te.1 M all BtBBtMt ways, and it is tho intention of ?oyal people to know by what ng'.it they arrogate to themselves that privilege. It i? tho men who did tho fight ihg. be laid, wa ? sr? to .lo the set tlin-t. (len. Biitlor eliaraeteri-ed tint body a? the mint MBB??Mothal over BBk?ibM, an.! Hld that tho delo gates from neither locttou ..I tho country represented their coustitucnU. Ho then rif-rr? 1 to the Now Orlcanu not, a portion of tho relating t?> it, ead ?aid the whole tenor ?.' I*ri>?id?"iit Johnson'?disp.tich?? to (?cn. Shendiin waa t<> *0OM oror the homblo afluir. If thisstato of thiUai? cann >! bt alter? I, the General contin? ued, we will march one- ti:"re, and woe to bun who op pose? us! In considering the Constitutional Anxnd meuts roceutly adopt? d by OoOfrttt, be said ho was n?d iu favor of the ono relati? < to negro loftaft. but accepted I it as tho best ho coul'l ?.e! Ho was in favor of full and | impartial su?rtu,.-, und he w>. :!'. try ,y every mean? in hi? jKjwor, in whatever ??o?iti?>n ho mmht !>?' plae^d, lo set-uro ii. In concluding hi? ?,?? ?oh 'ho OtetrtJ ?aid, that BaltM tho pe'iplo of the North .core li;:,, la Bphol Hag their Con? gress tiny will have their work < f the 1 ist four year? to do over again. Tho General wa? frequei tly ipp?.iui?i-'. dnring his ?peach, and at the clono was honored with three cheer?. rOPPKBIIKAD RATIFI? A-l'i.V IOSTIEG IX iVASIIINfiTON. Kpaiclal -la-MHli B la? M *. ?'?. U'A?MIVOTflN ?ugte ML IHI Tho Copperheads h? LI a publie mttetiog l?M Bight to ratify the plattea of the rhila-lelphia Convention. A gl?al -Ml -faite had been inadeab?>ut what ti.o BBM?M wat?I be. and ?omilhitg irraiiil wa? eiwetH. About ?1,'JOO po?.|)lo wir?. [ r. -'t.l ai tht plie?-of ni.-etmg. Ono tlurd el hu? Bad vaflBta, vi ho went to bau tho MaMaaad BBB th? Bltwmkl uno tier was !u?de up i.i di?iiit'-p'sied, a:.d th? remainder, Washing? ton Copperhead? ?uni I'?:,. \a, Co!. O'Hcirno, a g?9od fa?'low, bul always in lind um ?.my, opaaai the m.-ctini* i r nomina Dg tot araaidtal i f ilia- lneeiing an old fa?alii*? i poiitiewa ol tb? vYasliiiiirtou lia bel siri|?o uaiiii-d t'? ndi!.. You > an In n-.r.e hi.? cuitar when, in thecoursoof hiaremark?. !:?? ?;?? lie of the ii black of the ;r ?;.? XXXLXtli Congr????. Ho ?poke for au hour, even fii ? minute? tolling th?' imp-iti-nt crowd he did BO! ii .ti?lid .?:.. ..:..: 1! eui. The next speaker vu <ieu. Ilur!.,i Vieri o? Ohio. Ibu gem rd von a delegato to th" Phil i I. ); hil CoDTontion, and ?ineo ile adjournment La.? b'je:. ?I :i'urd'? Hotel and the \\ Into, tug : ?ula aud un au.: tug subsequent appo:ntinen'?. Aa?i g tho publie otli, a r? In Ohio b if n? 1 ? 1-ft tii-r*?- fr tb? I'lnialrlpiala Co:.vert...:, b? ' if lim Con? vention put V'-JUodighatn out ho would leavt also. Ho thought \ al ... much entiii-il to a seat as ho hiu.?elf, but wh? i. he .'.at Io PI i'.t !-Ipi la a::d fell int.. tho ??dre??e.s ..I Motitir ' D laU, and th?y wbbv p?-r.>.i iut<) hi-? I internai larmot eoUed oitbipt for j "i i .?.-It' >?.' ! ti. :<!- !.?? la-i.".! aroun.l and hMpM kick Val?t?igliam out Ward !? toba thi Cop. poilen'l caiiilidat''f'.r CongiaM BgainM (?. D. N l.efiek in ! I..y!..n Dills-let, Ohio A:te-r War.'. tBIi.e ..O. Per? fil of Sew?York Be wai v ?? reading BeeroteT ??f the Phil?.lelphiu t'oiiveiii"...:, lie i:,l K.-ln M? Closkoy, who wa? the?i tg, n t ..-ir;:..?, hare l.ei-ii her? I..?? Con? vent ion adjourn?,".'. 'Hey are ti ftge? ia U) I B C1? ' ? ri!" , i | .? P:e.;i|ent Th" agttBMM on.t'.r of tie ?T?_?| W11 I." I??? a pen. n ?i-.ii the .Ink !!? .'"ii ..f Neu-J'Troy. .lack iii-iiii'iii > ii by tolling t:." orowd that hu m the h aoial of tin- minority ol t n ? r"??':i*. Hobm of Btpnatal ?tives. AH'-r raUting tb? ?aEering? of binaelfand In? tin non ty. he gave thei rowd th .t lir?t-.T.i.??rt r.-ot? pfd Cop jinrtiea'l ?peech, he ha? baa? : ."k ' .' ?UM?tl lal lelliii L'bicago ( oarontioo. Nig -bbak nigger? infernal Al. fit io ' I Kadleal -high-toned go-lthi iaara OBT nolile a I :.- ' 1' ?'hr;?ti.iii soldii-r (o '. (MtL i: It II t wet noona foi loldei Jark dree!. .1 t.. tim tiaad. Hythe Una altek bad fiafa?ed ih? ejoati bai ? ?crv y?'?-1! i'.-:i!it! oui it:.ii ?o the in ? edat iiliieii "ur. 1 '. :t'.e nt-'.er si-eii a;a"lr calgat.ier. j .. ?I'iv .id at eiitln s a.-'ia. There raemed to t." Tory luiw h;.plans? aud DOB? '?! Ill? I thal .itteiiil? lui? i DO. H -'? ? ? ! !:?? -i i. : ,:. Love that rt .-ti ova-r!..:?l::.g ol all ,h- 1 '?.UrtU.Hil? Will he and ail rlcri:* abo .lo BO) ?i.i- ort -ii?- pidie* of thi I .!??:.t aril] be d ?-. is?.-.!. Al Ibt ime'ing lut night tho mg was a . liii-a- ii. - :., ?dopte?. : Re.,I",I TTnit ti,? li !..n?- ' Wr**ar? u?.|."Mtlvtly tli-maiiil. tlmt ?I, Ibl I kepalr'.i.-n-it? of the (? .y. rniin-n'. ?hould I,? tlioioiiir,!.;, p.iriftil. Bi.U that ih~ Biir-in? ? of the l'r?"?iiltiit and all )??!sun? o| i?oi< ?J lo l.i. ? tM |>o! ey and iiuw m it. - M J'.v ni'-a I ? flour: ia.tit.?! |. .tia:, i?-? ?I iiul.l M loBaJ? I" |i? .-lint Bd M 'Mjuupy their (MMitiuiii lo hil t-uibaiiassiociit ?i.d ME pillilie alrtrinieM Bo afttr the I'n ii -t r'-i^rrs frt ni his elr-tiontaring ' i v . i may look on! lor ?vu.-; :.? :eii ovall beru Hi the iK-piir'incn". ?Iules ol ibt? M?ale Klri-tUns. Tha fbaawlBg a? tha date aftia itato ?ta-tioni u?.w ! approachiag, bogiunmg with th?' 1st day ol Btptelbar? ? n i!.o.on: \ i tillar B?M 4.-(?DV?riior, three me-ntxn of C??n-Tr?K ?nd aier_t)er? i'f I ' ?islat'ir?* ItM I'mt'il BtatM BeaatMB toft alaet, la pluce of M)??r?. Soloinmi Livot and Jaeu'i Culla a? I J)lAi?e?Sep'. 1? 0?tM_a. b\i> ovalar? m Cuiiur?"??, ana m-inliiT? of LcBiilatorr. rLVAM?? Oct. ?.-Ooreroor, twenty-four ol | Coagrem, aud nicmhw? of LtirHliiturt, a I'nited -tate? .-???? 1er to ?lee?. (jnio?Oei. !?.?Nio?te?u men ben of Ctniirrei?. Judian??Out. ?.?State o?eir?. 11 neiubi-r? of ('?mgrti?, aud .nr-aiberitif tb? L?gi?bEl*?. A L'tiiiad State iiei.aior lo t.,.-,! na place ??f Henry I*. u?aa Iowa?Ott. '.?.?stn?, ?il.cei?, ?ia -?tuber? ef Ceagrcaa. ?nd nirnili.-ra of l.?)giila?uri). Wf-l \'!U'.l\lA-<) t. '-'3.?Coxernot, ihre? ni. u.hen M C?inrn.'?s. ami _e?lak?t?re. Eaw-Toaa?N?t, 6.?-ore_rt?x31 ineu.ber? of Coagr???. and lti tueffitiers ?if tl.o A???ti?hiy?Senata h?l?ling ortl. Ui.ite?l StHlsN-uutor to t-lsot In fiuce al Ira BtwrU. M?MAcat?KT"?? Nor. 'i.??jnvenior. ttn Beinber! of Con t,-re??, ?ud .*"i?t.' I.e-ialator?. >'i.w Ti.ton l?.N'aiv. 8.?Fir, mteiti-r? of ?onprcai, ?nd niemlM-r? uf Htnte Lfgiil?ture. I ?lad BtaMl Bmmb to ?iect in place of Kiehard T. St.n-ItOD. Mu uiOAS?Nov. .,. ? ?iovern ?ii ?emtx-ri of CotgrtM, and ui'ii.ii.-ri uf Le -ul-itur?. .'.? Stite ufliesrt, 14 tnemti'r? of Conuren. ?i.d me m biat? o! Let-iilat ire. I nitt-d State? ->enator to el-?_t in plac?' of I.Tinan T:unib'j!!. Wi-C'insin?N"t. ?i -M?te?i(1!.er?, ?it meinbenofCongr???. and inrii.beis of l.e.-i?later.. Cuiied Stitei Senator to ?lett in ..lane of Titnothy <?. Howe. Mill?Ml? E?l n ? (J.iverm.r. two meaberiof Cona-rM?, ai <! ne label? of l.e-irUlnrt. , Sli-s'ii ki?Sty. ?i ? SuperiDlei.ilent ef Public Initr"?-ti?n ?ia?Btakaw?fCiagra?, ?nd :i bix nofLegi-lBttu?. Cuit??; Buiw Sa-in.'or to t>c! in place of I!. Orett Brava. Kiv-Y??Not. (t.? (??.vernor, ??"luber of ?Tu.irrr?? and men b?r? of Lei/iriatiire. 'ho Dallad Matea Srmitor? M ?Met M ptaoe of .lames H. Line and SsuiU' I C l'om?roy. Ni vaha?Nov. H. ??iiivi'iu'ir, ir-aher of (.'?uj-riii and mern I cn ef Le t-isUtuie. tinted stair* Senttor to eiret in place of Jami's W. N'j?. MabT'a?I'-?Not. 6?Fit? no mbcr? of f'ontreii mil m?? ter? ?I I.?? al?! ure. I Lited Matu Senator to rltct .a plica oi.Iol.ii A. J. < r? ??II. Dkl??? ABa.?Not. o.?(ii.iiin. . nt-ben of Coi.-i'?i and L-cisln'ur? .s?..? liAviisiita??Marel IE ? CT.?Gttetaer, tkaa imb 1 (a. r? ?af ''o .i-*!''? ami ii.-' iil.-r? ' ' I.r.'lsla.aii. I lil.rd Mttitl lo ek.t in plan e ? f I?r?rai-*l <.'i?rl. ?'??nu ne i? Apnl 4, I?!,'. ?<i.ivitii..r, four mtnitxnof ' i'iiu- ????ad iiit-mtM ra M I.-?.'Uiaiure. Vniied Stat..-? I .' I . :>? v'.'-i'i ?! Itiiot'i- ??i.imi-Apiti t.?Gotmbm, toa intiuliei? of Con arre,?, sn.l _?abara i f 7. *ri?l ttur^ ('.s- i-:.,., i...!, h? jen tia lib of Jane ibJ L'oloa Got emu! . ii.?BibBr? of ?TiBgress si .1 I.-i-isl ??:?? >'?? ???? I. -N" | Bleetion in 1st)?. Cuilvd S.atis _saat0J t. it?'?l ia piano of YY'. S'aniiiii. Ki t (Ki - ! cr???, aatat?tariof State L*ei later? t.r lo elect ia | ? greta, ' I r| :.l I II no1 ii ' per----a POLITICO I, nu: ?ouuti.v ni i ??.?ii non torvTR**;. ? TIOlT, *. THE BAML.S or T1I0SR WU?J WILL ?? TflE_E. .i>.cial DUpttch 1? Tbe B V Tri! no?. WiHHiNiiiov. Aoi;?'?' ?. tmt. The Coerontioa of dist barged veteran? olth. Nati??nal Army, to leo bold at Pittsburgh, if the thousands o\ *troni* indorsemnnt? BtM brave mid true man received ht'ro n any indication, will lu? largely nit, uilol by roprcnntat?wei from overy regiment that he? mttbI 'lurinir the Rcbelli,,./ Souio of the?? letter? i|?eak io unmeasured tenus of Con- I delimitn,u of the 'tolley ?hieb seeks to secure ropreionta tion of Rob?is in Congress, while m BM-MtBet%htef franchise*hr protection to tho freod race. Tho official call for the Convention will be prooinl.'at.? 1 on Monday, the Johnson Committ-to having turned Bet. Henry Wird Beecher to act as Chaplain it their Conten? tion. Her. (?rannllc I? Moody, the fighting chaplain hM boen rcpiosteal to perform tho sauie di.ties for the Pitts? burg Coovontioii Tho fulhiwiui* ii a partial li?t of orator? who hare been solocled for tho occasion Major General! IJank?, Hillier, Howard, IluniHhh?, Terry, Hincks, Schurz, 8eigel and Terry, from tho Ksstorn Stat ?, and Major-Genoral. (?cary,, Potter, Ilartianff, Owen, McAlister from Mid? dle States. '1 ho West will be represente! by Maj ?r-Gen erais Lag.-, <?i*l,?by, S, henik, Garfield, Washl.i.rii, Pren tiga, Pop,?, Co., mid the South by Gon.iral? tkMMMj Bletob T, McK'-lsd, Brownlow, Knldo, and others. TBrVrtBMBBK. ADIlKKSM OF (jOV. IIROW NI.oYV ? REVIEW (IF THB PRESIDENTA c viV-iK. Governor Brownlow has i?sue,| it lung oddre?? to tho Meela of BeW?Ollaeaal being tint leeble to ??*?.-ttl[ in BBB? 1 if*, li oiitniii? a history of tho ri*cent oxtnt session of tho Legislature, and-.Im attempt to rMbM Iht CoBMItB tioini! Ainendineiit, and ( review? ide cur?..' of the I'rts.deut. Ile iieiiei es .Mr. Johnson a traitor, aud ?ives i lu? Mlee kag r, totaa: " Pecan?? be ii turnini? lotnl men out of oflice hy thoufaind. to make room for Rebel* and traitoii. Ilcnutebeis appoint lag 1 iiniic??e.( I.-igisinuv? holten to i m a reward for tlicir larolutionary and vilninoui conduct, llccauie he be? trayed tha llti'ukn.ridgi? Democracy after working with and for tb?m up to the day on which Lincoln w11? firit el ?(?''I llecause la betrayed the loyal North Biter they had elected him to tim ollie. ,,l Vice President. IlecaiiKC be baa betrayed the down-troilili ii and unoffending negro, trvlug nguiu tt> lell bu? llit?) bondniro nflei promising lo be his Moan? IJcoaUM he ha? betrayed the Koni?n? to iii? British Government aft? r lelling Iheni gun? ami hu?iiiunitiuu. and inipriarliig iLe.r B?Mil with the belief that he wai their fr?en,I. ?\ud 1 i?t, lint not l?_at lircntiee be hu. never beru true to any one but Andrew John Ma " llrownlow then*fi for putting Johnson In nomination for Ibe Vioe.Prc?i(le!iev, at nalllaBBl?. ce|>eci?lly lb?! he acted in accordance with Ibu viiihe? of tbe de'eg* ti ra, ami tare? li'ttcr would ii have b,'?n for the cause of R'mubliean, if tho Tennestee delegation. Including the wrti?r bad all been in a Bebri priaort,South, rather than in the Itiliiinore ( onteiilior helidug to nia ce Johnson in n pfrtrltiflB wlicro be, when A?? ft unit ibould murder the patriot Lincoln, thoa!j b ?come President of these l'iiited State? " He declare? it th? settled d. termiuiilion of Northern and Southern trait'.rs to involve the count; v in another ?ni, that they will make *n attempt to lana lae Bebed late Coactan the occasion for Dili, and warn? the South of the awful ? oti ?ciiiirrice? that will feliow. He nott draw? a picture of thi great dangar to which His loyal men of Tennessee are still cxpoavd but enumerate!, too, their ?iiiirce? ot enoourngement. and ?ay?! Hating no bone of paafent-N from the president, in the event of un attack from n ll?ln I mob, I ?hall look wit!i denne to the North-We ?ti ni Stnte? ?o come to our rescue, a? soot, a? ait ?iked hy the minion? of .Ii fT Davis and ?\niliew ?Jobusou. And if fort*ier development? ?e?rxi lo kaalifl It, I will call oui the lojnl militia of the State. *nd o?l! it|??n the I. gislnt'irc to ?rui ann ?.?mp llc.iii Ma mutt tal Will meet tieso MMMN and ?ii,ian, the (?ovt inuiunU. S'.ii? and or fall with ?mr lac?? to th? f?- ' ' Who ?re ino?t bitterly opposed to tt.? prrxent Rvbcai Con gre??' .1. it Dan? I? d' ed oui ?garnit i?. Robert I Le?, lleaiircgerd. Hragg. Kirby Smith and aid the whipped uro ara!*, Colonel! and ? ai.luiut in the iat* it h?l army aro ?galod It. Aleimd.-r II Stepheul, ?t Ken-si Congressmen, ?ml R. Lol leguUtor* are again?? II. Andrew Johoion ni.d i_1 hi? ileliol Dcmooratio ?n| porter? are agntr.s? it The mon in the South who con?erliit??d I'nioti men, who horned down Union dt? i Linga ri,'..b''d I'nioti famlliei of ill they hid. *nd made war bldeoui along our borders, are againct It. The ?making, biasing Battant Ceggar-aed, wtio irn-p. after Southern Bebtet for the lake of toual poulton or pecuniary to? ward, 1? ? it Tfea Nottlieiti and Southern Demo?rn ?, who ?re ?1,11 bent upon the overlarow of tin* (i>iv?ii,'i!?nl ?lid the r?it?ration of S.trcry are against ii. Kvery (strrilla obn f. highway robber and whieky bloat of lh? Kobari army I? ? gi.inat it. Evoir traitor win edited a Rebel piper during the witr. aud at ila breaking oui, la again*! it ' Wbo ate la tarai M a Uri,InnI ('engre?s, ml it* ??old and patriotic coorie I Kvery radlr?! inver ?f bli country. North ?nd South. I? in favor of it. Kvery unis ndit.ooal I'mun man, who ?Undi by Lia i .ui.try lu ti another war. U in favor of it. Kveiy man who prefer? th* lu** of th* negro lo Ibat of tha Uuuin, ii in fit or of it Brirj ttltfetf that .aaluat eau, every wife thal hu fieeu lu-."in,!, iv rr aw wbo vitit? the tacrad irate* that li* nil ovar tit* land, aiid oo every line of march, and ev?rj on? ?lu ka Man ?nd nat t! ink and tpeak of thtir lot??*, aid with our brava and r-atnotio CougreM, did ?ill not be turned agtn ?t that body, aa it ii ii ?vi tfea only hope of th* eoBBtry Ev,r- eler_> atas, and i vrrv gocal nib In tho churches, ii," l-bevei tbat ae hare hal itnf ? euoii| I. and ? libe? i, , Bora d, ineralUeliou, Han,I? by, Coogrna aal gran tot Itanoeen and praeerratloa Y.r?rf man ia and out of tv* tharah, ?ho ttni.t< mi? ni lau mil order. *nd ol our ? invertiraient, theo be doe? uf oflin l-l ?poil*. i? for C m ??!????. Brer* mon U't in the .1 ? |> ?piracy tu bring on ?outlier tooti koa, ta for t ngraat, and Bill ?(.nd by t!, ?t '""Ij t"t!.ei?it." With regard ?o ti? inteiitiomof Rebel* if they obtained power bo writ?, thi? warning, ' I feel called upon t" w?rn the beneet loyal m?.??e ?gainst a matured ichenie of ti.? John?. ? Copgarbaal leader* in bar? I the GoverBu.e.1 pay them for ?11 tho negroo* tbw loti bv il e t war Not m ore dan on? In tin of the loyal men S.ulb it r own.', any stir?? "i BMlral la BWI tl.eoi, and It would I?* downright ro'ittetf'o mt nine laboring naen It t.iy f,,r !!?? ?Ino? of one gentlemen. A direct ?at it th? only ii.. wblak tbe Go?enaeal aaa pay Cor th? ?mancip?t?*') ?iav??? and it i? better th?! n?e loyal iltve owner ?ufler thm that nine hone?! laborer!, e(.uaily loj*l, tuff'-r to maka bli lot?*? good. " Mott of !J? meu now lo tin. ? (?Pi*rb??J rank. In Pie ?i? M who eioec't, ? fen t!? Sautbern State? aro I In ?Ja*?gran tkit tliey will lie ooBipoosated tor their m groe? St? f?w ol thara think that they will ?yen get Slavery rcloril Our pe?iple con ?fiord to pay a direct tai to lijuilate lb* wur dab! thiougri a period of lever?! year?, but t?x thsm to p?y for i,?.->),iJUU of ilaiei, owned by a *tnr.!l Butnber of uaboba and onginal S?ct?.ioni?U. and Ihey will not gil t!.r,u,?!i with la? pvying lu u Iii? tim?. ? J,, !? I'nn.n lort????, th? bolo ?I ?miking toter?. I ??y In all aaador, watch the wen who ndvocnte this p?yi0| for tiieir I .?t irg "c?. If Mt Otltftranl will tut tu* ?!??? own*r* aloa* lo l".y for tL'* negrotA I gt? fir n but I ?hall never uon nalMtai ae) M gay** ottnm tvbo aarn laail my, tai never desired to own any. Slaveholder* got up the big dance the) couiiuuod ihe frolic for four year??and they art Ibe vory men to pay the fiddler ' ' Tun uocuuiont close? a? foil >?? '? In Ihe addre?? I h?ve used great plainn??? of ?p??sch, and tor th* rcaioiii. Uni. that I dcilied ind intended to lie under Hood ? and n?it. !" cauie thi? i? no time for putting forth ?a uncertain a.ond. I have de?ired lo ?t>t in harmony with th* Praaider.t-?.. b?? the great Cmou p?rty of the coaqtry. the Ij?cnl*iture of the Stat? and ? otigree?. a? I look ocasi?n to write bia ?bout Ibe beginning ol ibit year. I hope he may publiab thi. ibort letter. I have rcn lv. d tia'tin PreMduut ? liould not (?II ? ?irayback Conventloi. ?t Pliladelpbla?a (Viuvintlou la be coiii|-oeod of oitlce-holdirig BagBbUcaaa. of delegate? from the party that opposed th? ?sr, and of d( le? gete. Irom Ihe lb'bel Corigre?? ?nd th? Keb?! annie?, and out ? f ibe?? material? organize a Jahn M Democratic Relfl party, ninl inin m" "v?r to it, to be .b'dii ?l?d to uud control!.'! bf th" m"? who fought four y??r? to netny tho feaaatrg. 'lit. i? lb? pas? !?> vi l.icli vic kata come at tatt, and Humo ab? ?io nilling that a falible? l'reiident ihall tranifer them to bli new pnrty organisation, can go, and may Joy go with Iheui. Divide and lub-divlde ai wa may, there can be but two partiel in tim country?a disloyal and a loyal party, ('booie vu tietircen theie port??? whosu only Istut I?, w arthur thi? Mai? and nation are lo bt governed by loj?l or dialnyal men. ?* Ii I? proper for rne to ?t?te tt?t my term of ?ervlce will etatr - m Qajabn, iei7, and tbat I iball not be a eau,Udale lor r, el- lion lo lh* iif-o* I bob hold, or to ai>) other oil.ce within tho gilt of the j*,.pic. While I mi in office I iba'l endeavor to do my whole doty, ii I have done, withoul regard to nan r?atM o? In re'ir'iinnl I will conliiiue lo vote and let only willi the pnrly that I? radical lu ti lo'alty to ?he lilian, und ion i ,n i'? (ippoittioii to all the lu bunill and device? of Ko bal* and Kel" 1 .i n.pathiiari. " W. (i. liuo.i ?ti aiW, Governor of I'cni .??ee, "TaiMlBklB. Aug. 17. I A MMOMO- MBETINIi PRB8ID1D OVBR BY ?B!.. 10BKK-T. ili.Mi his. 'I'.'im., Aug. ll>.- An inanan ma?? ineeiing v? is l.i lil iu tho Court-so,iinro this evening to ratify Hie pn. Ctldipgl of the National C non Convention ut Phila? delphia. Gen. Kurrest preiidtd and ttdilreiaeil the iinieiii.g, Mylae bo waated bo nan flgbtiac. When ho laid dew hil aniii bo boro no millie? in hu heart toward any North? ern uni'!. Ho laid thom wl o wanted to e'ay at homo during the.wiir ba suppoecd w?uld bo sent to 'he Legisla? ture and Congress, but, tor one, he was willing M 1 mat the tin ii bo had mot npon the jeld of battlo. Thoie who shirked duly and wore casern?!?,! in Washington could no moro b? trusted than thoic who did tho latno thing in th.? ?out.,. (.??n. Korro?! wiig followed lyth" lion, (?m'uvui Henry in al. li' i ,? fat .oil',?. ReKiluCo; ? wini adoptai ao cpi iag Kio a.ldre-s of the Natioiiel l.'uion CudicuHod at Philadelphia, and nid?ir*iiig Andrew .lulmaoii. Tho meet? ing ? a.? one ol' the largest aud most t litl.u -....-? ii- ever held in tim ? ne. OFFICIAL Rr.U'.V U.M IX MEMPHIS. Sp?, lal Dlipal h ?o Th* N Y. Ti,bo,? * MEiirni?, Aup.'?5.?Al Memphis, Mr. llnugh, Collec? tor of Internal Keveauo, and Mr. 1.. Bider, Marshal, bath Radical?, have been nu.ove.l by the efforta of iho Oa*ner> head element and Conservativeiiubstiiu'ed in their piece. The M?bels over the change --aa. tilt? J lilt" I *a DKI.1.(.ATE8 TO THE .sOLTntK.?? LdTAL OOfTB-tMBi AP POINTKD. The following addret? ha? b? ??ned by Gor. Ward: Freili,?,*'ha! It is iniportaiit tin! H I lereey ?hod I la Lil) represented at the Southern !.? yal ' Vo.iv,". lion to b? held iu Phil ?ii? Ipl.ia uti September H, 1 have nRtced the following p( reou?, i , i mt Ulgttetaal I ??? Itj to convey lo III in, yVrt ear lympstb? wi;h their Ml!,ung-, . nr confl ? ian of our aid and ? . ?;, i ! .i ,| | i, ?e ? f m m n - li,.an in faun ?i,,! ?'pul?, tbnaaboal Ibaenlinl ?alb. ?I , .M body l!ial tv I ii lb I ? 'H !'' ' f ? ' ? i.... _ - . ?#. uni 1??-?-? ti at the ?otk ol r.-?.-Hutructing fk'atii ?or the Cul?n cannot MM he Lit io iiai.ii.i? ??j tf-ir jj no ?n 'iaawa _ ' Ma?*??'' L. Wahi?. Trenton, ft J. A og. ?, U?J8. ~?v CLm. S. OW.ii. Ir.'d T. I'r.'liagln.rMa. LioiVd S. Ki'11, Win. A Newell ,!,.i,n A. BUR, M.?J Cien. It VcAUi.ter AltUaader 0. CMtMl n-r.Umin Ili.iklet .Ioho Hi..'-J"""!'1* JP. Urad.i, j-, John 1. Kniir,. Ii niiiiiKt.'i. C S a LI. E If .Hock. J,rlK ? .".t ,,J"' '?"?"? ?"'"lol?" Ti. Robeik K. Matlock. Wm. I ?rrL A. U Hop?. Bri? illin. j?:,n ii-m^- (.bM K Lmdlt, 1 >?? Vf. Iriui, 8. (i sM[,man, David Thom ou, l'L?odor? P. Ho." ft ,. ,T ,K tef. '"h" t'- "-Bn Krek. t??mti?l S Btryker, Jotio li Hill, (..-y i Co*)b. R.njsoiii 1*. Edrtall. I arter, Jsi M Oniinby. Tbomio P. Caipetiler, John L. N ^'ration (?ro K. .Min Linn, Am-i Dodd, Dinning" . Ti- ,, ,'-*u,in Actm chu?. Latkiop. ,!u|,n Uaridson, Henry A William? Iii?? Wehle. Itchard T. Hame, Wm .Moore. ?J i?. ?DM .1 .1. Van Nuitra-d. ( oriieliai Wilah, Huirh li li,?ni .!?.,? I. Blair, a?. Armatroog. John W. Haselton. jacjsrnin Clnrk, Amsi Mol?an Kim? I?-j, (tiru, s.nauton. N. W. Ymmttom, .1 K Cake, Wm S fsU.iute. Thoa. ?. Hart wall. JuaatL in M Ii dieri? ?Ia? Uukal*?. Ul.M. lllll.l'll W'T VBMIEII DRIiEOAT? TO TnK CrWVEBTT.IB. WEBB?M, West ViboIb?a, A ni,*. 'JR.?Tho fillowing g-iitl? inen are appointed delegate ti attend the Philailcl phia Conventi.:. uf _ofMhwB _ nionl?U 00 Hie .M of lap. tember: ?lor. Hon-nian, taoEtet W11ey and Van Win? kle, and (?ennrals Kelly, Harris, Dc.voll, Li -lilburn aud Stiothcr ( 'Porto Crayou."j Till". NUIUMI, IABOE -OXOB-BE. INTKRVIBW CP THB ?OBMITTI-:B tRuU TUB rOMOllESS ivi ni PEWIBEft }oi?M>Ob?ROOUI PTEE Tin? OCCASION. WiMr oto?, Aug. W. IB?ii Ve?ter.lnv afternoon, the C'nmniittee appointed by tue National Labor League, reoently ia ?etilon in Baltimore, had an andieaoe with th? President of the United Stat?? by H|apolDtrUa?Ut. APDEK?? TO Til? I-ITIMDKN T. Mr. John H'iihiTiffe of Illinois addressed ibe President on li'iliBlf of t'." eoiiniiiun,. aayiug b? had the honor to prea-nt eouie faiet? for Ina consideration. It had b- en represented that the calling of tho recent I mveution wa? tor th? purpose of forming a new party. '1 hil, in a political sense, waa not tra?. It was for the object of discussing and taking laoh ?u-asure? at wuuM heit atlee! the needed reform?. T hose who compoBtil that convontiou wen? especially lntiTMtal la the reduction of the hour? of labor. That ?a? the oorner-stoire of tla-ir ninvrinent-eight lonna a? a 4?;'? labor, legally co ii ?Id erad, -boy Ignored politics! Mau? i and politic?, and did not conil.ler trioir rai; iiai-atieii as hating anything to do with til em. They appeartxl en laborer?, and hi auch presented their claim? to the Pr < ?idi-nt'i fitorabla eoniideratloo. ?nd a?ke_ hun, if he deemed proper, to imitate the eiampl? of President Van Huron, when he wa? ?pprtaohed by parta? ?imil?rly in Mtteada axking for a reduction of labor to tea hour? a day at the Nary-Yard? and in other ?iorerniiieut nieotiaiucal depart ?nenl?. Ihn wa? granted by ?"entrai ordur. 'Ila eiuiiiple. wa? followed all ever tho country byprirato employer?, aud the cuitt.ii. ha? Maate n ?oroedegrec law. They uowde?ired to ask a ?till furthor reduction to eight hour? u ?Ii.y. They be lieted that ?hry h?d advanced uiftici.ntly by t! e moremeat? in maclmtiy and otherwise to juitily them in asking for a par? ticipation m the benefit? which would thereby be conferred. '1 her thought it woBld add to their p?y?ioal a? well aa moral and intelleclual development. They desired alni to ?-all nie attention of the Preiidtnt to another ?uhject, namely th? disposition of ibu public land?. They thought too much had h" n pci mit ?"d to uci-uniulate in tho bandi of ipeculator?, and in too largo a degree ?ive? to incorporated cumpa uisi for railroad iur|>o?< i. 1 hu. in their opiulon. was preju? dicial to ?gtietilturisfs and to actual settler?. T he se / ire of all til? ?-?.?neil land? 'ij monopoll?* wss lien.flclal nrlthor to thuNatioui.l lair li.c St,te lim, rnuieut They asked thePreti ?lent to take this subject into coniidemtioa with arte? of Mtagkll n.Ilii?-: M to remedy th? ?til. Itier w??ik? d ou the principle that the land? ?hould be 1..4.1 by tu mo wlio till the ?oil. 1 h?r wooli also advert to another pt int. A? protection 1? ?ought by ?oam manufacturing interest?, it would seem ?Mblag but fur tbat there ibnuld be tome oousideratloo for thai protection of the interest? of tin; tailoring man. If those manufacturing interests desire protection from the im? portation sod competition of foreign goods, the woikliaj inrn deal ra proteetioa loreign pnai'-r labor, which I? brought ni" market for no other purport? than iaf reducing the prie? of labor of our own ooui.try neii, and thii .also Invited attention ti the ivatein of convict labor, which itx-i thought had a drleteriou? influence ou their inttrrtu inaanitioh a? coiitlct labor I? obtained at inch low r?:?"? ,? iluprt i nt.J the vain? of honed work. They thought they were t., pnMMte Bgaiiut thi? ?yatoin, but they aik?'<l ia Hu? uo particular aaalitance 1 hey were determined to take aflsir* in their ?wa hands, but at the ?ama time they ?.'..?d ?oiiia- riv-i'inilton from the Bead of the nation, who, t!><y bcliovod. wa? la full ?yaipsthv with thom, end from whom they h'ij?_d to have a fat urabi? r-s??ii?? Tin. ra?JUt-iT'a s-Plv. 1 i." l'r.anloiil, in re.jiou??. ?aid he was very maoh obliifed to the Ev-.mmlttr. for this visit sml for th? opporiaoiiy thus afford, d ?f ?'?a-iveitin?r with them. Us wss ?rstitieii i ti it they had thought prepi r to pay their resprota to him an?l ?how their dafeoM. H" iI.'.lI'I not undsrtske to reply lo the form of a ?peech to what had b?ao ?sid. but rather io the way of eon venation. It waa sesretty Beceatstry for h:m to domoro than rate them to hu past record. Without making any declare ttea reierung the order of the ?object? to winch allusion had been made, he would ?ay that the one of convict labor wal fm. liar t? bia for in th? l,oi*i?l-ture of hi? own State b? In lrudu?*fd a resulutiiin and ?inifi.rtook toihow that It not only ?lltcrlmiiiat.-J st/iiiiat article? ni?uiif?i.!iit?d oatilde of tb* P? I"al it bad a tcudency to deyradw housst labor. Ula observations .mc* that tut. eau.tinned him in the Jasttii.s of the opinion Hen etpietsed. He bad ?ought to prepare tin- paMM u lal for tha? adoptloo of mrasora to remedy the .-til. Wi'.b regard to the pub lia lands it wai kuu? u to ?ii howlong ko hail labored for the bates te-id policy dsimg at far bick is lelo. At Brit it ?ai tost with munta sod Jeer?, bal. Unaly, In 1950 o t lKll. lb? obi?, t was ? on.uiumutrd w..b the House of lUpreseatatitM ia th. ibaue of a !? li. It ?Ml to lb? Baa?!? ?ntl there w?? lost. Bit>?e?|i,.nfly he wai saul to the toaste, and there be followed ?p th? ?Bblrct, wL.n tb. t iu was pa ?rd ht that body and tb? Mons? of Eipl?MM?UlM but vu ret>Md by Presldsnt llu cbaiiah li.- had alwaja l..?u oppatata-d to th? moBopoly ?if the OBbii?' Isadt and to th? s|??ealallous inrid>-ul io thom. There p>re In tb-? dlscuasisa of the bbmbsIsb?! prrliey be hat niB.l. ?arinua ?lia.ial.a aud ?lai? alstlOBl to ihuW that aa B hnau? .?1 i: ?asura It would Increase th? rstennes of ilie lioternment wh.le iiicr.-s?i-ig the bappmeu alni proip.nty of the p?opl*. (Jnly a thort Ha? ago he gate ?viJerice of bil opposi.tou to c.i<-i"|<?ii?a In istni. The of ihi romnnltaa her? laid that th. onaaitte? r*memt?*red tatt well hi? ?rioof the Mnntnua Iron Manu.'ao l_.rn.? ('?uiipaoi'? bill. lue I't'-aiuriii r.markrd thal h? was ia ftior of the prtocl j'<?? thal ?houid hare ?aitable time for labor, fur 1 for turir intell.t iu?l cuitar? Thi? wai a piopoaiitlon ?elf evident to hi? mind, and ho W?? g1 ?ni to lee t!i"! ' i w arkeal ip to It Ihe men of labor ou|.'h! Income forwards? I j ssssrt t', position. Just ni tha ooline' t ?ou h? ?ou?t - t'.is is a t.ry iru|?oituiit tim. lo ipaat of independence, for there were mnny csnrds ?nd ihackli-i laing fastened on th? I I?.'.'i I? ?aub oiiglit'l i I . t'ruken. 11? hml slwayi been uu el tr -ut I ?eu,?? ni lu the pr?.|?-r sens? ol the tera, and yet ho was in favor at on? kind of ar.itocracy?that of lalror. Hu laboring man, ?iib virtuous and induitrioo? bablis. couttitutM the true arntocraey of labor. Iherefor* Lo was for an ai isttaa-rst y. for on thal all ??or national proa ?"ait. r> at? A? to the i.uinlvr of hoar? which shoiild consti? tute A dsj'l lsb?>r. thst wb? ? matter of detail and ciperience which they could consider sud lettie ti they went along ? bot ho would sut thal ha wss in faror of the inorteit Dumber of boun for a day a work which would eccompliib mends. A.? ?iiuiiag all ti.??.? | rnj ???ilia t a he would ?ay to thoa? before him that if he waa not ahead of some of them li? had started m ?dob. 1ln?t bad kia ajmpail.y, a? far M it was worth any. ti in/, sud hi? lutl:i?nce to carry ont their great object*. Hi? ?ut? would correal?.ml ?ith whsta*ie ha?! Just ?aid. Mi. II iuc huh de then remarked?"A ?low me. Mr. Preiiilont, to thank you on th. part of these gentleman for the honor of til? interview i aod nlso to thank you on behalf of the Lib .ring .?.?'i'u <>f ti,?- I to',. ?1 Matei for the seutiui-nts you iiava ex piessed." ?in ii,- contioiion of theie remark?, the ?pokesman of th? n.nilli;men ii.tioduced (be BBMtar* indi.I li. d y lo the Pre? Kent, aller whioh they retired. TUB I Li: . M. IM" UOHMK I' till. a " * THE LAST (?HAND BACK? BBXTBB, Bl'i I.KIl AKD PATOEBE TUK COBT?TAKTS?TUB "?JBMHtt TEE \YI*.'ShB. .?tra iii Di?p.i_!, to Th. N Y Tribun*. Cl-KT-iLAIi'. Sutunliy. Aug -.'\ I" ??. T" Lay va? (tagt? ilay of the hw??? Mir, and the ?x hlbllioli ?u? a p'if'.t ?nee?'!??. Ilie Doniiog ll.ivta,.-?l with a ? !e?r iky. and the ?un cunio up warm anl I right, forming a eninplt?e ron irait to the bleak am! toubel waatbw of yaterdiy. ?li eonrs?, it belog Dexte: ii day, u gT' at rtpwd wii? m iiT'i :. '.i:n ??, ii' m i v i -, .-i y town in Northern Obi?) on the line "i ti:o i.iiliiiaii? beingroprearated. BealdM the raro tor (he big purst?, th.-re ?am .mo tor a pur?o Of $AJii, opon to all horne? except Dexter, ami Pa'-hen. The oonttBt wat b kaw ra P lal? nud Moe Rich. Tin? wa.? i?":i In S.r \\ altel ol P.i?ii'-nv?II?, Ohio; Una '.' M I 'o, ?:il8 .' .S, ?.':':i*4^3. A ptirso of $.1)0 wai mudo up >0 tho ground for n Uisteh botween Si!a? liich and Hay Hilly, thrte m ove to hann'??, wlmh reiu'te.l in favor of tho forme?, liuio timm, t:?EJ 1 -, ?.'??? I '? Al about noon ibu bono? entered li r the largo purse, vi/., |).-i!er. (J?o, M. pBtchi-n and (len. liuliir w?r? called, a i.d in li VtB r'ice'.i c1 with cheer? upon . 'Tiling on to tb? i oara?, l la !.":?? ? noted ?"vml li an umuna tho co irso at a modera??) galt, Bal M ulm li l-l "'clock were called to ?he ?tar?, Um'.' r I ?ring ilie pile, Pntebou ?ccoii.l, und l)"i!.-ron the outiide. /?'ir?/ //?.;'.?I'll? first utttilllp! '..) get off WB? lin?>ll?-??M ful hut on the second > D*'?rt ibt' horn"? taBMBpiEEBOd ?tilo und the i*...ti tro wu.1 given. Hutlor had the leid, Pa?heaas-coadby half a neck and ?Mat?! tully ba!f i lelitttb. Mill forth) r iu Iii? rear Patchell quickly overtook Duller and at tl.o tir?t iiuarter bud left him half u longth ? licit? r ?'ill long behind. The little h?.rio laaacd be have got thoroughly down to bil work, ?ml r nuiug luiftly by Butte, cloie 1 up to I'liti-hen, and taking the lead lie itoadiiy wid'-nixl the gap, whli-li had nu Ienieil to ?oTei-1 length? nt th? third quar? ter, nid ?anio iu au MM? winner of the heat in-J.T.'i; Patchell ?eciiiid Bad lending Hutlcr t'i.?y two leugtb?. On ihoH'oond half milo, hutlcr praaaaa ?-?tc-ennard for (lie nii'iid pla.-c, but he broke badly, e.-petially iu the fourth i-'iartcr, and k-pt ?he r?ar. Srrtmd Unit ? k'onr ttttemj ti ?oro m:u!o bafort? a start, in ei.?' 'i.n-in .- <>f Huiler cciniug up on a mu on iho ?tart. Hutlrr Inn! ti.c I'-iid, Patchell ?eeond ?ltd Da?Mt tabiud. Datteaooa brete tad before tbaa_Mte ptewaaMtdt I'ltt'lnii got tho i?.!', iinor'. Dexter being tlnrd. It it.'i, however, toon changed pia? *? witb Baler, and ?hootiBg op to Pat<_?a tb-y cam?, in ?t ibu half ni! ) nearly neck ami ne. k, Butler heilig out of the question. Pata bell now broke, ami Dexter p lahad inlo the udvuucf, ??.Kir ii Iciigtli? ?hi. h k# in.-n'..??*.! ?n tho horn? ?tr.-'ch, taking tb? neat by taifa doBrfl l?EEtbl turn Pui??hen. Hut.? r bein?! ?? v. ral ?oLgtbu Ititi fuit.u:r behind, lil in: ?J 'id .i-i. Hitler lnvkc irca-uaatly, au'l ?i-verul um? i badly in thi? beat. 'I' ii,I II ii (?ii the no-rn ?1 ????-nipt the b??r?e?l ?hot ara? aim.??1 uivk au! lie k. 8? o.i ..t'er i:?-ltir.?* off broka upmnl diop'ed in Iba rear. D?. x ? ? > i ?b??rlwith P*ti hen elna? lo bia, and nuan? tin? i rat rot?tlof ti..- L. ii In l W l li, t .?ttlng bt?dioaely, but evidently tot rzerilnf himself ii ii.. . ming in'with I'lit.-l, , ! Detlef third. Wbea neariag Ibt ?ecoud -? o'er Ratte Badi i iptrttad brash n':i bud ' ? | ! ' i a th? turu al -v. tht hoMMteUh Ttq el .. t. ?.?...,? t, thioh onatid ? ? and ron gru?a J"?' '?f apilan?.), Huiler following, plnncta?, aom, ningi! t -i.'- Pi', ii.'.i g,iv? I? ?xter a li voir rae? fe? *.e_| ? but '.. ?-' l-r tor a ? ali ?ni. ahead aud wou the'?1? ?n "?*?'?*'i? .______.__?_??a___aBBBi the mmim states. CIViL WAR THREATENED IN TEXAS. ncWSED PERSEfCTIOf, DP LOYALISTS. Sr_.-i.l Ol.o ??cn lo the N. T. Trihue* Sp*ci?l Dlap w? ? M'ASBWOTOB. Ang. ?. It?. We mako 'he following ettract from a letter to C'spt. Bingham re?>-'ndii:g to the rill for the Convention of Ninil.em CniOiVst?, signed hy'.'1 of tbe cituensof D-IUm County, Tolas: ... ., . ,, ?. We in Te??? are pa the aro of another war, whloh will be more dupcrat? than* tbe one out of wbicb w? bare Jost emei ged. Th? former leaden i ?- R?bellioo. tate lorne doien Ction mea elected to fill u;iiinpo."tenl couuky office?, bav? nil been elected ?ed ?hey aro more ho?tile ?ml rabid than thev were daring the warorbefon the Stat? ??ceded. C liles? Congres? furnish?? proteotion, by directing'th? troop? to remain arid posting them in th? mo?! important t '?wa?, tLert ?ill no1 be a Union man' left la Teta* io iii mont I 'I Th? didoyal from other JStatci are coming in more or len every dar, and tbouiaatii ?re returning from Mexico who went off with Prince and'Shelby, and a mort desperate Mt never before iufeited any country. Morden sr? an every day aaaarneaa The olnl law ii deled and trampled np??, the frc?dm?n sr? held in many parte of the Stale is as ?Mid bon? dage a? before th? war, and ?Vaion men dart no1 ipesk Ibiir ??ntimentl otpenly. lann locteti** called th* K. G C. are organised all over the State, aud unies* th? State is held under ?trir-r military rule we will kuve another outbreak m lemo than alt ni *_tl'.. THE PRESIDENTIAL TRIP. BEOBPTIOB OP PRBSIDBNT JOHffltOI??P RE r A RATIO?? rOB TUB EVENT. According to the programme of tho Presidential trip from Washington to Chicago, the distinguished party will arm e al Jersey City, by the Philadelphia train, at l'J 10 p. m. on Wednesday next. The riiit of a live Preildont to title metropolitan eity M an ?rent of ?nob rare occurrence M to be worthy of very extended and general celebration, and New York will, this week.* put forth effort to render this occaiion ? pleasant and creditable on?. Th?entire programme for the munn ipul reoeption I? not yet ananged. but so far aa determined apon, its fast uro? will r?e found below : TDK A UBI VAL. Upon th? arrival ot ?ne train at .fereey City, the Tr?pident and party will bat m?t by Collector Smythe and taken on board a revenue cotter. In whioh they will ero*? the river, landing at Per No. 1, nattery. Here they will be received by Mayor Hoff nan and tbe CoinmitttJe of Reception appotuted for tbii dot?. Those taking part ia thi? reception will meet at the Ht n i it-ce at 10 JO a. m and proceed theace to tbe pier. TO TOB ci IV HALL. The Committee of lOccption bare placed In the hand? of Mr li 1 ? ard Van Kauet tbo providing and arranging of rue nee ?isiry carriage? for tbe trtnsit of lb? city'* tuest?. Mr Vat i'ui.t, oo Saturday purchased of Miner A Steven, an ope i barouche, coating li ?-"<?, fur tbe uie of the Preiident Ali will be drawn by lix hone?, driven by Mr. '/.. M Hewitt of tha American Kxprew Company, who drove the harouohe of honor upon the occasion of the reception! of President Lin coin th? Prinoo of Walei and Major Anderson. The procession will march up Broadway and through Park re? t? tin, esitern entra?en to the Park, and thence to the front of the City Hall. Here the Preiident will proceed to the ?.?vernor? room, where a formal welcome to toe city will bt delivered by the Mayor. A brief teception will be held here by President Johnson, after which he will probably appear upon the balcony a? a gratification to the maltitude ? bo will nat ?nilly douro to ne bim. CT-TOWS. After th? welcome and reception by the Mayor, the pro (.'(??.-?.ou n iii proceed up Uroadwar to Twenty -third-it., and thence ria Fifth-sve., to Delmonlco'i where a banquet wi'l be prepared ?n0 partaken of by the Presidential party. Subse? quently. It I? expected tbut the President will take a drive io the Outrai Park, returning intime to receive a lertutdo in the evening. Tilt ht-LITARV D18FLAT. The eicort of tbe 1'reiident from the nattery to the City Hall, and then??? through Broadway and Filth ave., will oou ant of the .nure Fuit Diviiion under the command of Major-Gun. Sandford, wbo ha. niued th? following: I'.'? '?I' *? ORDER. " lliinniABtia., Fiait l-viuo*?. N. O S. N. Y., I Niw lo?* Au/, J., iswi ( " (ll?IBlL OaOBIi N'a 3 ?(lineril Order? No ?, under dit? of the ZJd tustsul, aie beten? c lunturuisiuted. " Ihn ?ntlie divi.iou will pertil? no II edn?*d*y neil, th? U?th iu il.1.1 r,r ti,? i? rptiun of Iii. rr.aileut of tbr lulled "?tir?.. " 11. ? ,11?uioii line will b? formed on Broadway, with the right an Ratler ?pla,;*, ti 11 o'clock ann Tbo Cavalry Lri|tJ? will foriS lu Lattin ) -iCav?. wiib Itie il*lil co JJioadway, al iba tam? hour, ia ei-sJn Baa Bfic*>1l*r (Jen Ti artet will detail t '?ttclirueot from th* Firat Rear, I o em , t trt|l?ry to hi* th? l'rr?,,l?n''i ?aim? fr uni th? Hat-., ry upou hi* ni lui?. 1 h* reehiii* of ti.* ?nat Arti.Lrry will parad* dilu-ouutad, wltb .ide arma only " i ',? lis* of much will b* ap Bi ?tdwty tod Ptik row I? ? t.? City lilli, wliar? ti,? hoBotlof ? merchin- ii.u'e will b? paid lo II. l'rs.i dent by the DivleiM. Tbenee up liio-lwiy lo Tw?uty thud at , auJ down II fin it*, to Deltnoui.o's. "Tu? CocnrniMarv-Ornerai ??.Il liau* the ammunition tir the ?a'ut?. 'Ili?.i*/ p'ttt Broadway, i'ark-row, and Kid!, avelina ti* d*?i?0!? ted ta th? paraJ?-|fouod of th* Dirleton dunn, tb* ptttd?, lud will b? kept cUar tiuoi curb to curb. By orJ?i ol ? Majot u.urtal (siam W. SavaroBB. ' The dlrtaloo lia* will b?-formed at U o'elook, and tb* ??v? ur?l tiri.?d* line? at IO o'clock. Tb* regniiont* will iteovo at 9 JO from their asaembliug pointa. The following additional order* bare barn ls*u*d Ila iiavictavtBt ? las? Batatas C?v_lht, N (J. S. N. Y., 1 Nbw-Vobk. A n, a, 1-ifi I (ItttRKAL ?ianiBI No !.?In aecor.lance with diviilun ct-ert lins bri-vJ? vail. ptrtJa in luL uuii'orni on \V?_i.e?dty. An?. ?B. io*?., to tal? patt in He reaagliaa of ti ? ?'resident ol th? L'ul'.d Milla too MM U? v?n. I.? vtitliiii Inn,pinn I'trk. al 19 o clock *. ui. By ord*? cf ?B' ok? rom.?.. B.-..a,ln r Omttetl H??nyil?T?H* lIBST lariBTBT. N. ?. S. S i . I HUWBIIII /.OCAVBSI S I? i uki Au ' lal Ja, 1 IS* ( Rloiai.NTtL (Ililli .So. I -In ? ol bruttd? urden No. ?, dalrd Auta.t li, 1HW>. this K?|lni?ut wul parade In f ?I. tu Lunn, I?.J and elad ii,uunt?d. on IVelaeeaV? next, tie Jttb tuata-t. fi lh* rrr.ption of th? l'ieeidrnt ol lh? (. i..trd *)'al?*. K*?du>?Bta. lie? will ki fe raw I na Fifth ????. ruht ra.tiua- *a I'rtirt? eulah .'.. Ulta., pr.xlt.iy Th? B*id ?nd ?ttlf will report lo the Colonel tt the triuorj, li leen luHaul?? ??foi. th? hour of formalioo. By order of Jon? K PiBLRT. Li-iiiint C, lioel Coui-itnding. HaatXiCtBTBB?, Mcoao ??oimixt N ti m, n, V , ? N?WIO?B. Au|,l*l'll, Innr. ( In pi'iiance ?f diviaion tod or,l?r* the uftiieri and meta bera ,,( tin. et aniian,! ar? hereby unUied to a,.embie at tbrir armory on \V?,l???.l?y tli? 1'tth in.t . st 8 I* o'rock, a ?u, fully unit ira e 1 (?hit? ?lu???l, (,, joie li, th? ?*.-.>rt to bi? Ki -?l:*i,,:y, I'r-i. I ",| ni lu? l nc.J Stile?. Regimental lia? will b* loruird al 9 ,,'c.u a a_ io . on Brv.nth at., nihl reinnf ou Hal'-hrr Kirld _.J ,-,rT ? li I, |, it. m ,autrd. to the t o-lunel, at 1:1), bimi uni ?o?.-couiu.:..i,,,-y ? lall to tL? Adjutiot it tb* tem? hour By order of 'lHottj- M. Bttu,i i.uoi.? . llftOQCABTIBI VktBBjIB /.?ftvirt 1 ggf Focbtb Jliai-asr. Ioiktb Hkioii,*, Ii-it Dir?an, Nsw loan. Au;-..'.'., I ??.,. ) UlsiBiL (JnOKBl No. 9 ?I c mplianc? wita ?ie.aeral ?Jrd-n .to. I, li?t !pi?it?t* lu,' 1'iti.i, N. U. .??. N. V A,.; i?t .'?. i ,'*,. 'i.:, tisiniriu v.iii ptrtdu in lull uclfuru., willi v?!n'.e ,iui?, ou VV?Jn?? day. ti? J>h J,? uf Auttuel neit. fir th? te ?pilon ut tn? l'ie?ld?ut ol ib? I'bi'in? ttataa. K?*lu.*utul lu? v?i!l ii? f?im?'l In <!-.*? loo*? atiert, ti|ht lettiii. ob Bio? 'way. at J o'clock a. ni. TI:- ne J ?nd atad win ?putt, niot?ited. lo ? , on.wandlet ofiii'rf, tt tli? aru.ury r- i ,- , i i ii . Ti ? ti.oi coaudt.inod itali uni b?: J, ?i re "i? Adiu'tnt it lil oi. ( omi?ae? tai 1 *??eui.,.? ti *i|Lt *. ui. By outer tt Cuy,,*' uocld li. THoar, < ? ucuv..'. ut. ilatuii'caaTEBi.SlviSTu RBBIBBBI N. " I. V. Y . . Maw lo??, ti? i? i-*?:.?. ( (JlSEKtL "BD?B? NO. 6 ? !. la I*-,ii,|,lillie? will, Jill.lou tud Dli| *.. or,Irr?, thi* i-.-i , mt ?ill UBitnio? (wit'iou: kntp ? I, ka), no l\ ?duraj.y. J .?li iu.'. Ki ti ol , .pan ira tt 1 I." 0 r.... ? i. iii. field ?n* ?tall wt.l r.port lo iii* I ol. ?< 1, tnd bauilnd drum CoIpi will t.porl tu Ci? A.ljutaill. Il S:.?' u du * t. lu? ll lil. niianalwlll parad? m full nilli* (wiUteat ki.tpat. ki), on V. rlnrafliy Sept. J. ena will J. ill it iompiiu. ..? iii? iii huuor of til? i-olu|,l|.'llu,l nf Ihe oeW City l'?l?d? UlunilA Uoe 0.11 tt u,,|i|? bVmbI lo I 1 p in. ried ?nd slot! wi. i. port lo ti ? ( eV io-, and Urabi i? II irpi.rt to th? AJj itabi. J Ita'a-i k p in. lh. ith Kejiiri.nt de.ire? in thi. p .!,!. u.aau.r In ?i ?now'edce it? Ipprreittioa ol tn? uiuultuei e and l.her.lity ol our nob!* Mty to It? ?Sa i i.?, and tn i*lill, to ti.* |,rnui|,t and salis a tory mini *r in ?h. li t! r wuil ?f prei??rl,.| 'Iomikini-?.(u?r* for military pu. 1 ,... 1 li?, taren pe'lurill"?! by lh? Mirri Heptltl,!'-lit. Ill? Hun, I Mayo Jaka T li ?mbwM tevuwih* rat?ian ilT**jgklfeaafa??a, at i o , lock p te. III. l'ior.,J..liii (' (??'?on M. I?, l?te (*ur|*on if l'il'?d Oboim \ uluB'-eri, b.vltij b'CO ippoiu.rd Mircrun nf UIii re(.inrut, will b* ooeycJ a-J It! ?c?tilU|!). llsiik Aui'i?! I, I ??iii. By '?I ,l-r nf > ??! 'Ht: ???'J? < LABI. li ?aecn tar ??i Nimvh RKSiatar, N. ?J. t). N. ,., i Nsw Yoi?. Aii|u?t ii, I8tjh. I (?BBRBAL Obo?B< Bo?T In ol'? K-ii, ? lo urarra fruin Hill?I? llrtal |i ,ri?rs, th? ntlc-r? and .n?n uf i?ii. r??iui?tit will un ,,u ? at Iii? .nu al .1 l'wu'T ?till ?? . "i, vV ?,l . ij?y morili?, Ai (nat Ja), In lull niiiu.-iu (?rl:|i? |luveal. lor pera?!? lud r*v!?w by til? Pren lilted rStltes. Ho : ,-? I , : ,-oii.paiiie? it S a Bl. pr? la. ., Pie'J an J .'.alf lui, J?, bau ! and ilium , oip?. wi 1 ?port at ?__? tlu.o ?lui pace. BynrJer t Col. J. li. ?? ILCOX. lisTigcABTBB. j:tbR?hib?!?t, Ni. UN. T.. I .V|*i ekI. .-.,l|ii.l IValal, I ( ClBorai No. IO?In with dltiaionTuc) bri|a.l. cid*?, ihn i??jiiii.'i.i win piriil.. on \V.ilu?*,)ty. JV?h tu?t.. to lite part lu lh? uf Hi* I'retiJent of Iii* 1 oited St?t?_ Lui? ?i 1 b. fort ed at ti.? Aim ry ?I '. ?'|I?M ? ?? CoUip*i.y ro.l cai.e tt ? ?leutcr b?iu,??J o',i>i-k K-lal tnd iiarf?ill pana* mounud. Nob ,-,-uiinii?iiiiieJ, ita-, band land drum eui pa wili lapoit to lh* Adjutant llHkuiiu.-t. Bymdrfcl Col. Wa. li. P.RKAB HBttrtlUABTBI*. 19TH ls?Atn?T. N. U fe. N. V., { Baw inn di tt. UM. I ti?!?R?*L ??BDBBI?No. *'?1 ' it le.imaul wl.l ptiuciptt? lu tb* ?eeption of th* l'te?id*nt of til* L'ni'.td Mais* uu \\ e.l..e?il*?. '.,.? ABB I i.t. Th* a*ver?l ?no,pt. .ri cuu,prj.:u| th* ian.? wi3 th?iefor? ?tirail,.? in full enilutui at to? ie|iu.eBi*il ainioiT, tt Ui o alack i. u. ,,u Jay Rr|'.iiiri>tal Lu? wi I luiui li 9o clerk t. ui prtciaely. ind ?tri, nmuut'il. will ?port lo tit? I o.<???1. and th? non can n,i*.luu?il ?'?ti and Bal? munn t? tb? Adjulanl, ii ti.* uni?:>, al S Mala?11 ?- ?u. r*r ui.irr Addiio? F_Bj.ib*bth. Colon*! Coaiaia-dln|. lliiniacaai-BBi, 'JAta Rboimbhv, N 0. ?. N. Y , l SSW VaBB. A l|U?t ti. itoti. i l!(l*B_- I'IM.t-No. 1" In ,-.a.,plian, e w'.'h diviatoB and hu.? i- ard*?*. Oin r*|iiiieut wi.l para,I? on \Va?]n?nilay, JSth instant, I. [ail , if ne iu 0,? iiurpriog nI hu 'e a MiaBag ?"? al tue t nit d ?lae?. Tb* lil* ottnaja (sill ?port with ?huir tttpcctlt* to 'h. eon -iiudtul ot l! ? r*|iiiiriit iu the Nrvv H*|iBi*j>tal Atttany, Na ii* Stub ???.. b'l.Hii Tiarty-siilh n J Tb rty ,*?Mitn Sis., It nins n'cloik, s. m pirciaely. 1 ti* l?:d tnd I'll. uiuuiit*?l. anil lupotl to :b? I'uiiiinauilaiit, MM* '.mi? tad pltc*, lh? nim-coiioiiiniunail ?Uland m iel lene will repoit to Actin| AJiiUat, Lieut. J,,lan ?r mm, al bib? a ni. pr?. Itsly. It? ? nirtila. im? will ha lu-?:*J al "J *. ii' ir? .-:?... y i uval??adtutt ol couipaiii?! ur? dlr?ct?d to mik? raturai?! t.1 ibteute?? wuLIb Ita d*y? du?i'h* la ? of lh* partJ-. By ,Mn, rats? MiKiLov, I i?,iyli !. .'.m in'iad ni. A lalat? will b? tired by Battery li, Foal K*|ln*ot of Ar till*ry, at th* Battery, on tb? ?rnval if it* Preinleut. Tha entire regitniut vail parad? aniPormed Ba4 equipped. The military diiplay oannct fail of LetBf a du* one, and will form ULe of UI null iiitrr?ting leatifVea. f tie ct.cyl.ou. ill llHl DtaONHIIi-iTlOM. Kow far civil tocieues will partigipate in ike reception Ma? not l?e iletliiit'ly ?talcd aa yet. I ?A L'omt-oo Council wi.t bold a i.a o' lag tin ?itrnieam, at w11 ,t tullalie rttoluti a.i ? 'li be olf.Ted ?*.d aleta Ukeu to urrfcat the prograuitu? el r eepiiosa. _lot-,rs. A. T. Stewart. Klc?a.|d Schell, and ?'. M. ?isrrisoc. coot.lint? the r.imaiitte? of ' and Marchant? who btv? ?learned the etitir? rust i f ?at4., entertuliiiuent? of tha ocCKlon, the eitr? BMBta for the military and o;h?r incidental txpaai e*. 1 l.o 1 ire l)?|a?itiiii?iit I, not ?xp??cted lo paiode. Xgt Tem. inn'.) ?soi iel), li* I.a? L'ttt. ?tilled i?i.l nut take patt ia Iba re? ception. , A. u ? ' 'it. , b1 ? *, ? ? II r- '.?'..-,.. I... M or, Sat ? o- ig to arraagi part in tit? i? About ?Kal i.: '? it. 1 Bel? ,:? .ni No tit bau' ntl 'i: ' , . ....v.g.a_..i, via l"S bgaa. ?Ma ap called for tin? ?ft?moon fir the nari???? of eitnodag ?a i??l 1 almi: to the Pr-?ld"iit ?" visit Itiookl'O ou hu OOBtag toot. on iH'iant'.tT the dlstlngniahe?! party will tear? Maw Tort by O o rere m aat 1' mi earlt on Thurtday aorniag for VTaot PMfct at MM elae?. "?*?? wi" b? ? p?r?d? of the ?*de?i ?ad a ?Bllati?? Ta? j. ,rty ?Til tMili ha? ????t two Bonn a?I .Usa ar????l to A *-**? * Mratgraaaa?? f?r ik? K-??biI?b la B-lta. " delphi? I'HlI.lDF.H-UIA A'Ig M. Ilte. >> _. ?ro buin_ mad? f ?r the re?-?pl???a of tha Pre-o-ralioni TaW?l^SaTW M?.ade ?latelay a Prosi-eut oo Jue^ "I sn j,_ ,/?,, -.Ju? ried an order to the WJ^?? . appropri?t? mi'.Urr lo?cnt_?p? V^4rt4 ?" tireaini.riertsd tbTcc_m_, <*?? ??'Vi V?T-Rma^T0.?? and l.?rbor, ?nd Brevet Bn ' 1?.,,.n ^ A .IM*,?-^>VV commanding officer?! Ph.l?d' ***-** ??"?Re7 ? ill act a? ??cort to tb? Pnaid? ,-*__.?'1'f , t'. ,* W,? forn.e.1 ou ovory occaaion of a I ^^t_"tfi ?_i_I,r l? eitr. A m-s-ti.g of marchanu b ^J^nt ? tL-t?ui?. morrow to. laka _a?iurea for the Pi ^*i f TH^ _Ta It will la held at the Eiehange, the B? X_i_?_M? alleged, having ref..?*d ti ? u*e of their . ^??y.?lj^, pots. It i? believed that th? ?ty autbon omTC-? part in the reception, no meeting of the v_ j having yet been railed It-??ara. C*rt-apon?l??i-? ?f Tia E T Trltwaa. EuaA-a Eau?, A?tte *A tatm. The ?xodo? of the RTami Pronidential cartraa a tia greet ev?nt sow tiud?r di?c???ioa bara " Mr Hommri omi tme old maa" bare arranjad, throngn tinlr anelarM ??te. te a ra caption hare, aal ? bau M lb? lateraatiuB-i I? wbBk IM .-vjlcadtof o(Hce?iaker? and odie? bolitrr? wtE b?r?a?aa> portuuitv io dttplay their patullar talent ?f cbangtof tidM ?M jumping Jin Crow. ._ Th? card? of inrikartoa ?milrae? tia b?b-*? of aabitMa? politician? fiom tha neighboring cities, and ttkmti of Bao?i-??? here, who Wire not oon*?lied with regard lath? aa? Of tt?ilr namee. -?-a-*?? Already th? kangry ?warm of otto? hoM-r? ra'gia"-?"?gaui* their name? at tb? hotel?, ?nd the ?.PrMitaeat of Holla White'? Hank is a?rih?ting the t?raciooa crowds Thi? i? ? great Blaoe for pic mo? To-day iheae m**JAtmt, trtim Lockport. rfpeneerpoi t and lists via, witMB nuntter at least 5 'ssi ??opie. an?t make th? uland? very I rely and gar k driver? ware arreatad yesterday for air atteoi_>t I? kill one of the laborer? la tbo pip ?r mil.'. He ?N brauB*r hualen aud Ins at the point of de ita. ila aat?I?U M? chained to the floor of the lock up. Til? hotels are uot crowded, bat but? ? g-odly ?aabttr. The Indian ?torc? continue to humlag the groe-i oe?s. a*4 everybody here ?eem? to regard tniteler? M gomea, who ara only i. .nilli for their fuather?, anti tber? a * geaarai dapoM ti.iu to pluck theiD. mom ?tillaras. OonsiuVrablo interest ia felt in the mttrh for tha championship of I'"iiu?v!i ar.ia. Wbtoh will take pla?;? em kbo ?Hb. la Philadelphia, between B. .1 Plunkett, the ?i ???al champion, and Victor Kstephe. Hoth players bara m*aa m constant practice, and Plunkett recently made a ra? ?I aroa ME Kstephe, In ? gam? of 1.000 point?, with K. T. Ktait ??. champion, and one of the most prom ist rig of Aa-no?Ma~M?. recently made two runs of upward of 4*00. ?ad a ai/4 ?a nearly 400. Eatept.o's ?racially It the French game, ka wktess be was pert-sp- nioro ?uoceasful any ot oar other piayw? with the intiu? Carmo, wade Plunkett, ohief ?tr??gtB a in th? " path ?hot.' _ TaR Illki-S or Dbae Kichmobo.?Deaa Utck mond, es?]., who for ?orno days ha? boen lying dangorouH<*g ill at tito rosi dence of Mr. Samuel Tilden, No. 15 QtAmetey place, ii ?till in a very precarious condition. Be la st?<sr ing from 8?taie of the haart and kidney*. Dra Mi?*? Van Btiron, Metcalf and Parker held a consult?t.?-? y-a terday, but his attending physician?, Drs. Blakeman ?Vi Clark, have very little hope of hil racoTory. - mm ? The Navy Departmaot hat received inform .?Ion of UM leam of Col. Henry M. Blue at Charleston. 8. C , oo the 9M ibsi I.'.a-'i? -Com. Hluewas on duty ia the U- S Meaner _aoaaiaal the time of hi? donh._^_ Hut Ila? Thread: A? th? r" Ml-- ?lr?sdy koo?, ?lie " Heil Stria j ktirhtni" aeraamPf ??tluead. This glTet It niiuy importas? edr?i.te|?i, l?v > of ?SB?? are J.? ri'i?d? .. ?li? [a ?. ibI ?J -???.taa? of th? JudaX. a U ? [TBS' " la... 1 tub Tllli -It. til?!? ? .ni? " It ti?..? h;l.??? thread ; and Ihm ??ol i? the i.e ?wattt tto coaaH cs?e I oi ?aoliu.eiy?wbi?-b it iw|?nr?d f ?r I" a tin -? I," /tom the ip.iol, winch make? ii onc.Oimi? te re-mini ti, thr-ail?a?., a..???! in a ehotHt '"' T.) these tli.y tdd thirty thru other r*amyat-erka tai Wai ra h. Gibb, .a lu? Bav-r.' tito ' Amport.''- Aim. _?i?? ?? Th? Trihiia?. DAILY TBIBCttB. llOper iniium, |0 tor iii monttw. BBHI-VrBBKLI TBIBOBB. Mail irjbsoribers, loopy, I year?104 nnmberi.|4 OB, Mail lubscrirara, 3 copies, I year?104 auatar?. Tua Hail subscribers, 5 oopiM, or orar, for ?aoh copy. J OB r?r*ons remitting for li) oopiet Ah), will reoeite aa extra oopg for 6 mooth? P?r?on? r?mlMiag for 13 oopim 14*. will rece.v? ?a ?Mr? sottr one year. WBBKLT TKBO-fl. ? Bail ?ubMhber?, ainile cory, l year??W number?.ga IE Ead subscriben, clibtoffiv?. 9 ta fen copies addriMi.'d to name? of lubicriber*. IT 34 Cwsnty copies, addressed to ua_M of ?u!>*cnueri. 34 JO r?o oople?, to ou? ad ii reis. 16 OB twenty copai. to oo? ?ddre**. 30 A a ?lira ti'jj w11? be met tot ?soo ciub ol' tata. Adair?-? TUB TRI.'UN'.'. S?W Trk DIED BfRR? Is ?hi? etty, on 8"iB<_y, keftat M, Cstnaitta ?ut- erne? a yasi? sod o Bnaavths. Th. irit'iv.t and f i. oia of lb. family ?re invit?t lo s?? ?n.l tata t.nriil. th a iM.iii?l?y) afteiiiojn, ?I I o c1 r-k, froa her Ula? f?s_. ttaa.".. No. 16! Hula^r. a? Providi-i.c* p?(r.r? piaat-st copy, BAMt?E-U ihl? city, eu rildty ?teuln-, Aafiut M, Al?a Bara-r s^ert 80 y s sis. TI ? .riilivra and Irieuds ot th* ftaily sr* r?ap?-?fal'y inrltndUB ' >!.al li * final.I, from ?ii. mid.nea of Mrt. Coi. Eiriaua VY nUU. N. ! ?" Li. ?ney at, ob Moaday a?ternoDia. st I ? clock, wUkte 1 irtti.r uot le?. BATTFY?In Bmoklyn, on ?etenth 4?y. the 13th Inrt-.-f tyahoia rn.umt/Bia. -I.nbetb K., dia^htti ot Jonathan lad ABB* betley, iu lb? 1Mb yea of dei a??. FF HOI ION?Ia Brooklvn, on Sainrdty attemoor, a-._, iii IS, t.llea li ii. in, widtaW of Iii* U.? Daniel r*r-u*on, lu ti.? iotii jaat ot hat ?I* Th? relt'l?*? asd fri?nde ?re re?p?rlfi'!y tntitM to attend |h. faaaeral. on Tu?attay, Alua at t?. ?1 li a clock a. in.. Barn Bl. I'sul. COmpol. c aurr atiro'adwsy and* Itou-il., i*iew fork. H.*HK?S ?I? Landon, Kns'and. on Sstiirdvy Aufaat li. Mar? Vrame?. d??|bter of Jtaie? aud Marty Usina of Mwriasois, W?*t l-l.r?'rt I'oUQly. H. Y. fAOaEB >.*4-At Jtoisii-s. It I., on Thurs?y, A ?-uat ti. Job Jackeoa. ?i-l. I Tu. l?nula of th. family and of bia brother, John C J?*l?oo, *>. ra IB.??lu y invited to ?Head til? faa.ial. without further inrllatisi??, si th? Kpiascaipsl i'hnrch. Jamaica on Monday tb. Itih ia?., m ki k The bott l??Tln| Jtuiea-a'ip Kerry it ! ?g p m eat 1 ' r-, : "iun-a terry st J 45 c" witt th? Utla o'tb*-oa? la.and Kailrvtd Imvibs Hnntei'a FoUlal 4 u clock. Bistui?if, _? mm learss Jamaica ?II: J5 p. m. KIRKWOOD?At Yonkeri. on Sut?iy sftrroooa. A >|ia M, Ma It??. K iii?: t linkwood, ?sod 71 yara. Fuerel a.rvic. will be held al tb- Weitu,?it? Charch, Yoaks-s. at? T'a.adty the Mit lou., a; 4 p. na LYN. ' I? Al farr rraidme*. ia Khlnrhtck. ob Sun Jay. AajaU B. Janr t. Ti lolaoo, widow of the isle J .d-r Lynch of New-Vota BBat d?8_th'?r of th? lau Dr Thama. TI!, ?taon Tb. r? tit??? tad frisodt of lb. family tia? !*ep?c4fuly Irqi.^al U ok ?end in't >ii?r. ?arv. e?, ob Tu.-?d*y ti.* J :n li a", ii '1 .".-I .A. f. m th? ('lunch of iii. M?nUh, BhtBrtack. withoB fairthe? ao-lt?. Si i Ti HILL? At Pelham, oo Salad?y. Au,mt li, Ssm u*i K Ia. Mila)?II, ???dalo y.*r?. To? reiinv.? and frirod? *re tntited I? attend the raae-tl. ?I lh? PplKiip?! Church, N?w Boen? I?, oo Tue-day tit? te? in_ all ?. a. i ?.-rta?? w11 b. in waitui? al ?be Th. tra?a lava rim N.w llavrn depot, 'i'wsaty-Mventli el., New York, al 1 >) s. ia . rai mi mi from New Rochelle st li ft, p. ni. ROBERTSON-AI New Orles-?, ob rJaiadsy Au|?a li Alb?-? Ro? artaoB, aou ol' Jam?? muA Mary A. RoDtiHtn. o? Piieksk?-. ?(.??1 M jatte, Rii.VLkNIi- On S?"ird?y. Aa-uat ?, i'ipi Joh? D. Rj?ltad. i? the 'Ulli year of his tfe iilt inend?, ?lan the frirad? of bia brol'irr-ln law. Ab?! VVttn'on. ?tat I ? ri.pli.sta. Ab.I YY'beaton, jr. and I B. S ta olary, ara reaaet f ?Hy inviied to tttend tb* faiaral. on Tu**4iy ih? Mth uni. a I ia' 'lo-? p or.. Iroui the Btplist Chunh, ia Twenty aUflitli it., aaaat hmtdwsy. RICK IRD-Ib B nhwlck Ancua! II, Patrick Rl-kirl, tssidU : Ni'tit-a of ftneral in Tueadiy a p*p- r?. ??-P Special Katices. ?..I I lie lllflelHl Liiirriiiiiril I ?lilian: BK4.DY Tillo MURMYii TUE OFFICIAL, OOIBKNMKNT EDITION O? THE INTSM NAI. KEV-NLK LAW'S OK TH?. UNITED STATE4 Tim Edition hu besa rompiUd ?nd piinted by a ?p?cU1 rwaataBtm of C'ou-r???, iindei the direction of th. I'ommitiioclcT of lata<nal Frvitm?, ii.d contiiai ALL TI1? LAWS Infere. Ase. 1, IMI-a? v?riaa i Ait? bein? au trrtn ;?d it to allow pre. i?r!y whtt the It? la M th. i i.irnt tin',? v*. iib Kip,an .'.oi) aids No4-* tia! ? very f-__i '-iii. Th* Arr?n??i_enl of ?objettt la kbit OBcisl Coiapiltll ? will bat fa.ti.nd auprrior lo an? ..?! ?r sat th. Work Trrini etaeaied by t*<? ii -'mat! Rartau. Depsrtuiei.l, r.od.r? Mil? t'_iniu 1. ? Moat t?ll?>a a ?-re.. I. to *h? pnbli?. LAWtKK.S e.pawU Iv, abou'.d bl*? th? ??Bletti flor?miMit MB linn. Lui? D.-.ttso. Piper covers. Krire, 7S . ts. !".nl by roati ?mam r?.:.B4 of pria-a. B.lKEB. \ OORIIIS 4, < ?.. Law P?a?lat??!?. _be. fliV....... N,. fath. Ne-T-?late? (.ray*. The paat ind pr-Mnt ueniben of Be New-Hat?? Oray?. ha*? d.!*'niined to c*l?br?'? the IlflUlh Aiauivnaary o? lb? oritni of 'h* Compsny, whlco oea-nrs ob th. 1'ltb day of ? ' 'h. Compaay. whlco oavm? on th. 1 Itb day ol .* attaajkvmi ter ?a, Th?* of Arrsrweinruit w?, lid cordial y knvkM Uf?s past ni. a. bu, to b* pirtrat a the c.lvbl?ionon 'ht? dir. Th. a-a.i. iie? will ?-orniil of * fi ?je. s dhn^r. iba? de (?tr_ of aat bia-or itl ?ddreaa. aai In tb. .ten if a pro?r-mAe ?-avaeaxl. T!.. i tit meuihetstie ?..?aeateai ta, meet at tha Ortyt' Jtouiowy, Cel? ias ? h a. I Ja L al it o'clock a. m? al thst day. 81DN-? M STONE. CbMrovw. IViLltA? Ki*s?. B?rr?tai? "'l'alan liri??ral i'ammBtoe.? A~Sb?.U1 M.rrinf < * ti,,. CtmZ. Bli?'., w I :.r tr 1 ti 11 ? lilal?_ ta-11. ?III?! HlOtaJwsy ?dal T?|B|J ?ax?ud ii., oa MUNDAY lltKNlN.J. Anai.l IT. IMS ti ? ? ,-looh. ? -_ .1 ?'?'-*?-'?? MCHrHX. ?teBBMB. Hbubt M Hytblat, Come. M. Uti.l, .?..ulaiiat THE I'I,-;? iN EXEtTtrriVE VoMMITTEE wi!! ?Mttm on ?Bat ian. Kve,.,?? .tit ,,',-s,. ?. OWEN W BRENNAN. Cus? rat??. II. H.Jj??_at. CuiH. Hau. ge?n:aiii _ aa)-? ?Su?r*? ?ialte?. " NOB. M AND SEE BR' AD WA Y. haing .-ad, Ila boain.-a* ?iii be <aata??| M MO. StU BROADWAY. W11 TAYLOR. ~??^e?-?_?? ??r t?? a?aa~B- fa.??? ?r~D?r^Tt? M lu'. IL TAIN EXTRACTOR ; It U th? mott rapid out? tot. Bara? kuihe world, (urea TI ?a. Corn?, lUuion*, Old Beta. ' ,ka BM ?a.n mid Brulsra, u If by a_*lr. Try it. Twenty St? *?/iti t bos fot/ by Draithta. i Cbi? a. jaie I. IMA We har? est?bil.hed ? It ran? h of ???. H??a? M Yok,.l..".t. Iipii.. Al'ltl'.tTlEE '/EAtn fe Co. St. I i..n. 1? Xavker'a (-?lle?r, Ntw-Yt"^ . tiv . *? . ii?? will bo i.iumrd st tbo abova ivtui.d leO.!?f.. ou _?|<JNIIA Y. t? tin I__^ Wla?, Taapiii ?ml Orir.EasliI Hair H ra , ia.?ty han 4ys ind hail i?. nu 1'" ,-i ai llijwn, til ttutiee M ,V? A. K.lit II! -i N . I-. I? ..d?' Cl.ilhe? -.Vrliiaem I ?J ki d. ?Ul'AIKI I) by lh. ?Aj?????; YY -, .|l \ I ANU Yl|tliHa,i.\a .'?.VtlllM. la^iUANlt Ki- ki ...,'????.