OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, August 28, 1866, Image 8

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1866-08-28/ed-1/seq-8/

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TBB tJ-afc-glgy* ?,*,T
VtErAEAT!'.-?? F? ? B- BFCTTTll.V-A. '(?? (
?,,;,.???-TUB E1UT-B1 Of THkt ?ITY-..B-*.
MBAl??- Til? 4 ITIPt-m AND Mt?? BANTS' ? OM-U
TBB? aoariTALiTiaa Tn.-tntaai) tbi pr?idk-'T
B1 oTHBBim??- iJ__ ...
Wa hare airea.v fiven I"* Trxu* T?' innres ?;i ine
,e??v?aa which wi,l ra t?B?!?i??1 ?h? Frt*id*o?o( the 1 nile?i
IB-Am ?a hU arrlr?! lo thl? ty la' morrow ?ad dnnnf ni? ???
M-Tbr?.. ?Mte-.lat. ?hotve I. , 1 ? ge i-f ?k1. ?~*P*'"..?. ''
(aast who inieaJ t?. pirtaipaM in it. wer? ?"y bo". ?''" ? ?
grast at!? aat* was a b4* Uiw.rd a . ..apl??l?n ?-' *n* mm~w !
aery arraBweiun.ia fi.r such r*e*|?UoB .- ?? .
fhai^isB. aal MerrhaaM'' Kaapllon ? ?"""'"?? _-_L
BMMlM ?-?-rd"? .? H? .""?>-? el Mr ? *?-??.,.?.??.
Ms -Val st. A rrtolofi. wa. .i..pl~' that ?"? ??f-,0'?
?rtbehaikBBH.rt.bMia of ^?*__f_*_.r_w_-,? '
tkarta-p-aa ?_rf ?he rreestsot. iraeuof ?? ""'^.H?," '*
W?4?M-?r taiitL '?*. si"l (?*-??*" prota-slinl ?? J-"??? t.l? to
?_?!?>? ?*-_-_-_*?PL___ ,,.,el wtr? vetterd.T
a.?W?dT- O. BM ef vbs President It is thoaaht ttlb-H
Hal ila I'r-i I? i * HI hold * prand leTeo at the hotel.
JklBial.h ha? teteu r?ce|ted fruto Set ret?ry Se? ard. an
???vira ?"a? ??'" k'r?a.d?al will ?s?eTe VY'aahiO|<-t?>B no 1 u?s
lay hy the refalar train. 1? is lUtxl in a Washin-rteu .
?apaUB. rB.alie.1 In thl? eily rMttr?t tbat. ?o far m i-"ti
lively knnWn th? follow lu f luliil of IbOM who ?ill I
HI, lbs Prasident on hit t-i'- .r.i. i I !" "? er. tari ti State
and ladas, th? ?e-r-t?y of Iba mtme ?ml w'? the ?'"*'
BSSt.r i,.i.?r?l (iirarsl (ig?t. Ailm.nl la-r?|.ot ainl *"'?'
r-aalur Bul Mr? k"?tt?r?"ti Cat Wm !.. M.ior? ?mt Lol
Morro? ttreib C..IH ? i ted with the President ? olb.e). Msrsl ?!
t>r lb? Dlttrirt <f ?'?lu'i'i? i..?rdiB- sud his Oepiij
li'lleirr.e 1 A ?iuhnght Hep >rt*r of ti.? AawHisted tress
and YV YV Warden li .. helaeved ?h?i M?J r ?len. M?s?1e snd
Bim.1er Rnm?r?, wi.l al?'. I* ? f ibe parn . .._...
la add non to Iii? ?clinn <>f the people "f kbit i Hi hMpita ' ?
ti?t ?.ve )??*? le-dereai the I' e.i.leut bl ti.? ..tie. of Unit,
??are. WiDnlngtoB. Alb?nv, Ant urn. R.?che.fer IturTslo Erie,
?'?.t-la-d Tetdn. -?troll, c hicigo. lud.M?poli?, and 1 ei-ia,
AiTt"* "P tub BE?EB 00 UM?BL
.hi-linar,. Iiri?.ii b??l?l h special im-.-t.i i* a?
B IO i chirk tat' iftera-oB, ibe Pre?ldent. JAMB I'm. t,
Ib the ?bait
Tla'ii iffsred the follow.n?x
Hlraia .l.r.e.i y And ew Jolii.??.n Pieaa'.r. t . t t... ! I .led
?ttlea ? ?i.it mia I? on YA.-di.e?dty hill, lb? .'.th ll.lt.. ?hl.e
au ?out? foi th. City of ? hir.g?i ?ni
Ula-??.? 'tiidi. .???! t. lu? nt'.ted |aoaltloi> he orei.pl?.. ?
Um ? blel I ?.. ?t ?. . (t.r t,l Hie R. | ibio ?. to the tli Hy, | ?ir. t
It?, tid dev ? i ... li r i r.t li '?I??!? of the ? ?Ilota that h??e rhar.r
Irliaed hla idai i .? ?? u of lio i tes i, leal io bia gre?! 0?C.
Us?t Um i* ve I : a ia ? emamtt ah.auld. ii. t minnel belilla,?- Ile
?ca-Mrori and thr-'Oit. heir r.pie?etitilive? ii. tbe I mi.ii.uu ? ounci'.
te tl.rted an opportuiity of letl.fylng theil reipei? and teisid ft I
kia. B*r?oBt::y. mai of _,rn. nitrating their tdiiiiisttoo for ?he en
really wi?e ostlot ti ina- .r._i If. rv n.eaiuie? propoaed and adopted
fcy bio?. In bl. oiillrlng eflart, to ins i ir-t? a .1 per|?et ?ale t ne? en
?af k n lae?? ?id frt'ri ? r-.ird bet.een t Ib? Sitte? tod pt | e
Co?irlaiug ll.e Alnerli's! ( n, n ; heilllr-.'
K.k4??1 T at a H|ae, .?I ??niiM'aaee of lava member? foin et. h
Fr?, rh of ?be ? on mon ? MBH be ?ppointe I to t t ron;"in! y ?? ih
ilia li not l-i? May.r. to wat .nile El ra 1 '. tia-y A -di. w J. lina ii.
ti bob bia _t!tiI i 'la? _J and w.ader?o tmii ?he freedom tud boa
wltilallr. of tbt < '!? o' New York . tint d ? Oovemoi'a room in the
?CHy Ht I ! ? llsa-'d ti hil dltpotsi li w? i.l-o re.c.T- Ih? ron-ra! i ??
Hoat if our ?at terna, and U.iit tt,a I utuuitl? ? ha m4 U-reby ia s De r
Wed ?ad ?inp..a..red I?? mur s... I. el:?-, ?:.d nea-sstiy y",.,,-erneut?
Biw.ll tB.tdthe prill? a f tina caty in <.pp<.riiii..ty "i .?v.'iai
Ibel? ???etiOBfoi II.. I'reeideut. and of lett if vu g then idli?.n, _, t,,d
devotion to tia print!p'?? eiiierta'.i ?d ?ud advii?ted by I.m> t -, d
will p*s??. and fct-oiHia.ialiirii between? arctioi.a ?f ?ui '-'-aion
Which wtre adopted
Tbe Chair ai'is'iuted Aldertre? Loew. o?n?n. ? iMMB,
Mc-luni? andOi-lntrai ia?h commitleo on the part ol itn
Hoar- Sut>ep.iiieiitir. on nnitiou, ('resident Urie? w?? a?tlta
to the coniiuilt'-o ,
Aldei_i?n HYtii? movetl that the f.regoir.g pr??tBtaie ai U
???oluUoo be ?uilaf'l.T enfro??ed. Carr ?-.I.
lb? Board thee adj'aurn?-d.
The Hoard ttmi Al ? o'il?K-k yr?t?Tilny hlt.-ri.?'?.n bj
?l?tcial call, the Preaidint. 1. Efilaaa Oreen, la Ibe thai.
Tba-t?W?rtnBiitor??t)lution? tendering the to?pital:tlr?of tie
ti\j to JPreiideu* Jotneon (SeeB?Mrdel .YldirnioD ?-lMwhere
wer? re?oi .- .
Mr. riLia?v said it ?etiued 8!ntii,;c to I . '.
aM??ah ha, wa? in -.-? ?' , '.? Ihe, ',, .
TuTZ el the Xe!lee ?ii to h.,.?,,t?!,.... <-f tbi
Sa ti..? l'.o.i-i ?boola u
the Preil.lei.f. He for'.ir.--'" iM "*<* btiotm ' ?
he therefore would not ? ?*?*?>? fb? ??loj't.on of the renlalio:.?
Mthttit'KMl. ;Ui?Vw ' ?h? lobby, i
Mr l'l il?? m, -'""?ii ao amenilmeat to the Ti?
mm .do?,???? I,? tie ???aeiiiiPD ?hi? h uierely teedcted Ib? boil.
V? ulrtot tbt-rC- -" ???-*???"??? ?-"I
I'enlln? ,r Toniidtratiun of the nu ci laeal Ml li'ini: h
..id ?, m?.Jlblorie the remark! ot hiifi . yi i
\T_Z?*T, he (Mr Rnbert? indor?e?l all of the rrendeof?
^F"".bthe tin.? oft heriot I??Ml Orleai ?, t? e at ti?.n t! tli?
p"S?nt oo that ?utdtt-t he could not indnr?e. but if heioted
f .tit r??olotio'?? a* theT now itood to wmld urtculi ?~t
Sintenanc? to tie J'reshViit . at ti.'ii in the N?w Orl'-ai.? tn?r
B.I. re He Mr 'ii nert?)wo_d hate boen plensed to han seen
atianimous attiou takon in sujpi*-leiitieriuft ile I ..,?? .tai,lie?
?if the my to 1'roeideiit Johunm. aad u at ?orr? that lit resc
LtKini a? they dow itood forbade it.
Mr. E?-_L?i?4.X ?hid that I'residcbt JiahnnoB. in hi? oj ii.ion
bid no rief't lo remete the Maror of Sa? OritrBM ? f?o wal
plaeed ka a? poaitioo be hekd bjr'tt.e people of tha: i Ity,
Mr M i (?j ? aiiiinadi erteil ?poa UM ri'i.arl.1 .f Me??'?
1'bIIbibd ainl Kobert? and i?i?1 Itcj were what inifht hare
\pe !?il fra>:i, the? I ' ? i t , 1 ?!,,.? p ;,
thee wnold find the? wo-ild be I-f! in a floriona minority.
Mr. I'lllman ? ameu.lniei.t waa theo .. ?t I? ti it-of 7 in
the atftriwali?. ?>.J ia I? ti.? ?.??.,.
ibe prtviou? i?ue?i I ant Mm la,ard then eon
currad with the Allermen is their prtiiiiible a?a tem
tj ?? foil -'W11 g tote:
AfBtaatite?ConnIliBaB KecDian, Lb . Plj/aa
lit t.inon Olitieo. KeLut, Ciwlello, liartiusn. BrlakMSa
Kostet YV?tt- ? Prtsnlent, 'ling. Halloisn H'!
trkrb and In.lay- F
Matativt?Cn-aincil? an While, Thoraai, Kulart? and Pull
Bi an-4.
? The Pieaident th*n appolntod Couneiltnan Iclav. Watti
Eta<?orn Htlloran ?nd lvrmkumn, as the rnmmitte? on the pan
?.I the Hoard, to which the President ws? afterward?a?1'li?l t??
??? perate with th? A.dennanic C-us-lnitt-?.
-h? ??rd than adjoana?
The Board of Supervistirt? held a Special Maa?Eg at
toeloob p. a., y esler-? v the Pr?sident in the Clair?
-operiitor Twkii, offered the followiof
?lerra, It 1? andktrdood thal bia Eict..encv Andrew loiiuion.
rrelld.nl of the t'nlleaj SUM ?LI vull Ihia'.i,. .... l\....-.a.,
Ii.ll and
Wktrtai. Tha Bat-? ?J B???a?B? -' .?a? > ??'.' of Now York a?
?J. repr?weriU!lv?B of t: e p. p e of th!? County detire te unite in ,
?xleodiug lo (be I hie' MatTsirat, of tt.n grist Rep , I, It- t?e Ion,:?
sod'. u-lraiea dut lo hil ?salted politl?n, ll.d to ?ntr.if.si I
teen, ena itifmcX for Bia M t petite I tnd ttal.iui?i lu? in. ?lgi.a! |
?bl Hy be htiduplayed lu lb? ma .... alsira. and lit
ghu ofetti??B?of ?Uth? "' '
Brolsetioa of lb? rights of <?:! leni of ali the Sti'ei of trie I'nioo tnd
lb. aaaaaaa of lbs Laoi. aad I o_.titution u be-. irai i ed to ua by ,
the IllBaUlwos |*t-1o"a of ths Ba*olu:iOB. Ibete.'uis
?mtileti, Tbtlthi. Botrd istperlfuliy reqatit the ell-SOS of ?hi?
cou?ly to aatt? with lb? Hut? eily ?i.d eoui.i? ?uthoriiie? m eilend
lngM ?at honsad Chief Msglattstc ?toidta. ?Bd bssttv we come lo
?iii? metr?polis
Adopted. The Board then adjourned
Boob after the adjoiirnaiaot of tbt Board <>f Aldermen and
the aboarl of CoBBCliaen. the joint gpeua) ? ommiitoe of the
-?BB0B CteBnoil appointed to reeeire Prealtloat Johnaon on
-?half of the City of Eew-Torfc, met lo th? Chamber of the
"Hoard of AJUtroata. aod adopted the followiof
Tb* "peclal Commltl?. ?ppoioted by ?b? Common Connu Mr?
??It? anti wtlsom? ill? t.?ern .?ney Andr?? Johnaon, upon bia arrivti
?I thl? elly, will ?at to ths Mayor s ?ftre m the ? Hy Hall, on
WM na? ay Bait, th? MU hu?., at It?, a m.. sod from then ? pro red
to Tim No. I N.rlh U.a. to no.iT?, fotmsl.y. Hi? Eioel ru. j on
BtB of tia?? pa.pl? ?b4 OoTBiBm.nl of thi. eily.
Th? CnaaHln, atveomsaatod hy ll.etr dlatingu.sbed vialtor and
Balta ?ii khan proceed up-lit?-.', to Brotdwt? tnd up Biotdwty
?? Ihaflty H ?li. to th? OotswDor ? Hoon., when tb. ri.?uib?r. ni ll.i
k,emammm -?utu.ll ?at .ha ila??? of D?B?rt?M?i? of the t i-1 Ouvrrn
? ?AAttkVBl he arsantad lo Hla Esc?' ?dot oy Hia Honor th? Mayar
ah? will Bia. d.ll??r ? formal address on bt>h_f of tb? City.
?ot tia parpo?? of proceeding to ths Oovemor a Koon., the Judge.
c4 lb* ??rioMcourts ?rill masa-t lo t'btuiber of li.? Court if Common
EisasM li s? i lb? Coa?ob Councl: and head, rf drptrtmtnia ?. I
so Ml in lb. < l.tmktr of th? toad of AI drain, ran ti the nine I.oli .
M tin Ur ? o! Courra??? sod of Um Biala L-_a.Lt jr. ard Boar,! o' b i
an?or?, will mast in th. I bimhat of Ib. Board of Super? nor? ti
Ibe tam. hear, ?b4 Army and ?a Army Orlcra io uniform ? ? ...r.t
Ib th? Chamber at tbt ?etrd of CouocHu?q at lbs time hour
Ia eoBssq?uc?of Ih. is?Uhom of lbs room tb? Coanaiitw? of li.
e#B4ioo M.aib?-t of th? Pr??a tad IboM te??ptnying tbt Preti
?dent only ?nii b? sdmllt?4 to the Oovernor a Room.
t-ar-aMldsot will r.Ti.w tb? military Irom the htloooT of lleCi'y
lislh '
JUIkaeaVBa?mum of lb. obibd?!? sttba, ( ?y Hall. Um proiatsae.n
?w.'J form, in Alt?a??!__g oulcf th? westgate of tibe Park prorerd up
BretdwB) I? T?raly third ?ti??!, through Twenty third mr?' to lb?
fifth iT?iu?. ?b4 tbi.igl, tb? Fil ?. ?Teua e lo Four't-ei la .'-?el
Tb? Ctaa HU* tanby dli*?_t that tb? pah le otV sa o? lbs ?or ?ra
li 3? be eloeei, aad ne bull Dei? b. l.-iuttcud ob tb? day of lb? recap
t?oa (VVtdastday AugaatMi, la ords, to afford s't lb? r.ffi tra tud
?ti ?i employa of ih. i.tty. sa oppertmily of ptr'e ?patn.g lu ibs
a?tBMattBllon of i.apavl to Um Pr.a4d.ct
UM respectfully i?cotno-ended thal obi tilii.nagtn.nly ?ill ? ote
ti su reanaelirt tf.tcti of b nin.ai. end unilt w.tl, (be ? ily ta.ti.oni ?a
lo tteUg besot lo Ins Cbitf Mtglatrets of ia? biuoo luring Ina bo o an
The tags wlU be ?bgatysd ?? ?Il tbe publie bnlldlngs belonging m
the ally and the ?worra ei Occupant, of til otber public, sad aleo a?
CesM ???Maga, and the owners oi maatart ul the shipping lu lb.
Baa ?re raMiu.atr4 to dhvplay ib.ir flag? tlorittg the day
Ii Ii pertieu?rly r?u,a_?t?ta_i that Um owner? or driver, of ?II public
or ptlvite vthlrlti r.rttin from pining t, rot? ot tiong tay stree?
It,lough wh?b Ih. proeaitlon m?y bt iu m allot,
TIM ?TeaBrnkMienert of Palle? for the M.ttopeliU,. Dial.ni ii.
?hera?? with the 4'ily of .Bforetrg If Beeetttrr ibe shove re?| ?ire
a..au of Ih. Caranuittee.
Jo?? Ebici, ('??.id. t I Yl-it??? Ob??? Pi.?id*ui
(BlBLKiF Lol* Mun, lim
2 BOBA? !.. Bl.". I LIBS?! IVlTTS.
ita?? 'i Ran? MnuiRi IIiluibat
Eoasat V(i.i??ii 'obb .?ti. oi.
yy li o-jtBir, Ubb? ?.. baissai?
i'CBOillleecf Bosrd of Aldan ? fommilUeof Board o ( o .u iliusi
.? li? f. wttnanom
< 'WC? O? ae?r Bt-rBBIXTBBDBJIT I,? MSTBOPOl.lTll P?,l |. B ,
.?O at?i McLIiiai it Ne? 1 it, August f7, ist, j
?-??BIBIL '?Bora No. 47C??ipi- Prrrli.t Yndrew
Sebamtm. Pteatdaot of tb. I inlod Sttt?i, ii to be re-.iv?.I by iht cul
oponte taUi.?a_itte? ot Iht (Ity of New York, und.' t ni i'.try e.roit.
?n YY adueaalty ?nh Aug nt ii sttnt ?? irbkrb ?onalia JOS ?IT in du
Ah* whole ?f youl c-ou.uiind on dutT lu lill 'inil .im abolla lud
Bstonal it IO o ?duck t o..
Y . w.i guild tb.ttrtet?, ?le-? the ,.',..! u.an b passes tbrou|b
iio .1 pree?Li-t wl-h thiMBseiloBi of ?oura bii.maiii and am
ore? sa may bs d?ttl..d to aan.t you. And y i wl i intim, t ti r art
ff??sad mea uadar ytar eoalie) lo keep the air?ela sod platea lia.lg
?Bed fa Ua mart h c.etr of peopia and Teblclti from ' lurb toearh
*^r.?t?i wtheode-of Major (..a Sandland lOeneial Ord?, N. "a
Et?(ip?n. isot ilbeiwlaeipe. .| yd tt.*d. wl.l b. on duty ?l-l,
lilf.au?u? whereer it utv l>e ?ttilnutd . ? order.
fBavpeator t ?rpentr, ... , ,,.,,?,., chtrre tbe torrs .*
the ?utile li. ? . f M.reh Inipeetoi Folk ?rd hive I?, eh.,?. ?
at Hilary Pla?, an? PI?* Ne I N. Ii. lum im l^oaani will 1,.,,
fa???ree the lore, si I?la? um.Vat tapi. Hrtrhai will .,?
aaadef the force aUtlone.l ni the t ii? Hall and Peik.
Caft. Ja? essoB of the ha?.nth Pitcul ti.d t ipi. Mount of Niven
taieoth FreeiBrt, are detailed ?? Speritl Aida lo the .?apel...
fluid wi.J b? i.Btaxted as ordinily.
In oidti to aid tk* police n lb? jtrf'imar.c? "f their da t, tb. p ?
faii.t-ir. of tb. as??eril hue? of on u b.aae? me re>|..?'ed le Ima rl
Ih.ir arl ?er? Bot to go b?lew tb. I ttv Hill I'.rk nu Brotdwtv tfn ? II
a? ?be? a m. or. Um ?ty of BMaMMB
-_" _?,'_".?"? ** '"i"'*- durlnI ??'? P"?A* t very perte,,
Whs ahall ?le?ate K Boil be ioaUi.tly trrealed, ted It A .n I in ntl st
**? mmum* ?*??l'?B Houa? anti, all?, Ih? |?iri le ii ovtr ino II ti di?
?????1 ?f according lu law.
-._,_ _ JOHN a EEEEEOT |.-aalilMliM
-??I??tar?Tia li-ipector
??l___a^e?iB_Ta.??0f th' S"*- "f AldatE-E *rttl
^t\aiZ.rio\m^^ an i,iv,i?i?,. u,
attrtion befltllnf hU atoll-1 ata,',,"'7' "nd ,0 tcwd B,m " r? ,
?_>a motion of Alderton. Hatbawav ix,., i
sjraa eaUM to H.? ? ' u - ??""??? A'i.'ii I
Tho y..T i ? ?? -i folk,?,, _ ,,
bt.t m.?. / ?. .w"'^..,"-:"'?:?.*?.?--? '
i, aci ,
? ??mar- f.'K'rrTe STttM N'wa., I ''r?cr
OBne? ( lai.ningharu and Hatbawiy.
Ald*rui?nHi.?.l?l*i_?d Web??, m? t f. r Iba I*"!-**..'
enuhliiirtJ,. IJoaid la? eilend an lavitet.. ii to PruM
pan their door? without oller,ag tai bin
fioiior? doe hil di?tl_prii?he. ammBtO I ? ' ' '" *mmt
tie following neafertfc _^^^ f,,?i,i??i
tua Ila), |. .li '? BH^Bb?. m ki?
Matu ? ?ipeeted ?, .a t? ?ni Ib t*-- ' ^^bbbi *?
. t|> u,l liol iV|l!?lil Hi. f. I ia ,
lo ?Ilya m1 ib* i arp, t?t? lutbirtti?? M
!,, il i. ,'y i.ltL tb? bonot ?nd agOtt ??
lo vi.,1 ft,.?k)*n .1.., til ? ?? '???? ???'?? ,' ?^.r.c.r.JiT
? ??"-"?"i.?- ''rr?t-'t i','r^ '..?.?. ?'irti'd
it.akf ?.?h arrajigentul? ?? fe piopei ? ' "'" *?
Alan, mrfe >b mr.n t? ?> < ?-??_ ?tho^Vi*
?tait iiiiiliia ?Utera? sua?? U,,'T'_ ,^J.^.l'T,? ?o,
be -rqnu-id to ntl ti,. M.?..r ? jatMe?? ftfa*gg___,
.loee their plaors of ?.B..ne??. ?a to saeble tb* . I.rk. and
? li .i? la, ..arl e.p?1e 1.. the teeeptla.B.
1 he or .?.mai .?*? I'.""". ?Mh 'be umtttO of AIJ?r_,.m W.l
ko wer? ut ?ni- o'islv adopted
*ihe? baibmaB BBaanaa. Ita SiStHat ?i the ?.mmittee
Aldertnru Hin?d?le Vi Uon and Cunningham. 1 he Mayor
wa?, on moliou. added. a(t?r wblfch the Hoard lujourned.
OflBBB b\ Ol'N'EU A I. MEA IO.
Tb? (?.llowlng order hal been liiued t'y M??" l'.eneril
Me??!?, c..ium?iidrr of the Heparrment of tb? Ka??
PelLAPBLra?A. Pi , Augnlt U. HO' 1
i.f.SBti Osntas No 2-1. The Ms,m O'tirr.l ronuu-n.lit I
li.ti,.? beni notihed bj ?h? hoiiotsble Beeret.ty ni "A tr ?>'!? b1* ) t
. ? len j ihe Ptrtidmt'of Ihe 1 nited St*?? will, lu hi. |t?,)?ct?d jour
, hietgn ptM Ibrouab the limits of this D.-j ?Minent ?il I um
?.ndl'.?oftfa-i?ift?<?t??r?lieierydir*cUdlol>e pi. ptred lo jay the
?lpropii.tr m. lilaiy lionera t?, il ? Chief M.? atr.tr ..( ihr i,?tin. by
bl ni ??'nile* and luriil?l,ili| l-lh e*rort* ann' g ,ar la . I re.nor ??. ?n
r-oBjunoliuu with the m,m.tip?! ttid othei authentic? m?y be ile???
ue, tuart, , , ...
11 E.i th. rurpo?e of ctrryinl lolo erle I It.* 'i.re?o,ng reioire
m?,,?,, lire.? H,!|. fin, I I og.ei. .on.mtndi.? M 1 ? -???d ?*'????
Artillrry willb* Bt-W-td the , mu .n,!" t ?t .r is .??r*f;V.?s~
?ltytu.lh.rbw. ?nd Be ver Bru Ora S A DeBajty, ?tb '?"
?late! A.ti er,, Ihr r ?un ?nilli I o ?if cr iu the ( Hy et I n,l?d?lphl?
11!. Brevet ft..g. Otu.. S A. Deltussv will or,...if. BB OOttOt ti
i honor for tee purp...? M rrreivii, md ?,, ort.ng the I re.deut tnd
' nute, ?nd wi'.,furu?h ? gund ni honni il theiiutrteii ol the Preit
I dent dunn, hu ?tt> In lil? (Hy. ________ , . , ?. ...
IV All ?ftrer? of Die ?rmy on doty In Phil.delphit tnd vu inity tie
d.r.cted to report in nn.f rio it lln?e I ead,t taitrri ?m Toetdiy, J??n
mitti, t. it ]<* ,u All oft,, ir? driwing f, ne ', i pn...l> I ,-n ? ?il.
repi rt tnuunted
Wy iiinuiaiid of .*d*_ (len Meide
? ' ? ? Bai-vow.
. Il (sud A-\ I .. .!?,! Mj l(?n( (leli.r.l
lllA-tat'taTtSt ) lOHVB RlNlBIST.i
Niw ?io??. Augui? i'' lut*?
! (??l?f?tL ('?n?B. N? ?-D' romrliti cr with l'iv ?ion and
1 BrirideOrd?'?. ?'"? Regiment will p.rtde. in lull Miga* I? "??
glov*.). on Wedii'idiv, Auguat j?, for ?h? rereptiei. o! t'?- I r*?l<Inn
: ?f the f'tiled Stale?. Roll rall of Coinptnle? it 9 o', lockI*, in ?leid
1 andSttflwill reporCo the Colonel, mounted, al 9 IA N. I mum U
aiui.eJ St*!). Bind ?nil Druin t ?rpi.to the A.ljul?." ?? l!"'';"!'1"?''
Line will be lomied ?a Orind-K. r .bl (H SMBB? tg, ?? J ?"' ? '"
Tl;e Troup wili ptude in. ni, ,1
Bv ?tiri ?I Lie ?'. ? I- O. P W??iTwn?TB. < ' minando.!
I. P. Dr????. Adoilint.
ll.Aieai ??vu? Jin Rum?*?? B. Obi B.T.I
Nis-Votl. Augu.l J!, IHM.. 1
Ors???!. Oanttl N, II.? Oenei?! Old. i?. N.. 7, irom Bunde
Hrad'<|u?ri. i?, ?re i.erebv er, inulrttrd. ind la n-i ordtnee Iherewiin
thi. Rei'iuiinl ?ii paiade on Wedii.aday. Augu.l C9, i ?u pauy
t.ll rall al 9 u ried a. di . precurly. and a , i.ien.ncr. aim r(in? ?I
tea? bon ?id I? le'.n.d s. d.'tmiuent!. Il" r km ?nd Sud
(mnuiiledl ?.,1 report '.? il.el'oiuinimdaiit. Slid ?li? Non-i-oinrumioiied
Mid. Bind t..d Dru,,, ('..ipi ,. theAd.li.Unt.t. Kin ?'oet.tt the Aj
lucry anditiieipr led t!. it etny tneinhrr o! ihr )ir.d and St.n
,ti na laving been .1 I v r ? led ?li be obeyed
I nt??|er?ed?r,
?*'?>.,..1 I?. V ???? < ?|<?m ( "on.panv l>. vc? Thoui.l r??,.ne,.. II
i ***-.. IW n Se end I.!.,,,.,,-ni ( , ,?|
"*e ' iwing pe??, n? 'mill been eipelled hv ( oiiipiny ( I f
Marda li.,..,,,, ?,| ti,, t , , r? i, apt,r,,ied and Hie) UW Be h ?? r
? ? ? ? I ?f, ,. mo,and ) W 'Ureter OOOtp* S Howe V ??
I. ? rd? w i , n,.., i, ., i | . - ?.I?, Edwin I .ii.. ?,, I'.
By urden it J..,., ? La?. ? .'.?- --11 .. .I, j.'d N O B.B. Y.
?? I ' si?? A t ng .,1 ,
Id ?KUI 1 IIB j\ Ni - V. ?t.
c ,.'?? ii ? ..?, in .?.. lan ?i?u, ,
- , t which ! bad thi
elerted isiininri.t I naid'ii!. 'litt ihr Yeltrtrtst p ' jt ,,,?
? ? rai with ?ay political oin,, it..-: ,, , ,..'vr. i
* ? ? ?-.', i j i r- i ? . |- . , ,,.l
M.'??,l.d t .inn an,.r ? , biri , 1 ?" Ve | . |.N?, , ,..
u.eu.liera ? I n :: .iiu.pe..j.ut oiganillUon ?ti a.a tie.. ,!?i.?,,.|
?til ira v. bo ?.i coi :.., ita ii .Hi tne >,..,..? .. I
? d Re lef Agen, ? lo aaaeu ble In ti lit ?if ti., v.., , .
.t eua?? Boweiy on the JV . f ? _ .' ?' i?? , ,
nely, lo form t Btueenlon hetded hy nie.
uti a* reviewed by tb? Pte.ui., ? . ,
ida l-l, (ia i y ti., ,'ui? > ni tl,e Vetrt? , , . I In .. ?
,1,1)*.* i.f C ? (inven nee Dwlelltl .
tbe proieniun irt iuvit.-d lo irpvii ?i the .'.,,,..
Prit dell ?' He s, I,?,,,,- ,,,a J, l ?. I, . , ,.,1.,,'N, ,. , .
and MlBlgU oftl,? Eu,p ?voirrl ml Ile l.f A?,?, ?
B|?f, ?al Diiptl, I, to Tb? N. Y. Tribun?.
Wesi Pom, Moad??. Aug .7, "'
The ?'!"?' ted arnvrti at PrtaidaBl Johaeea al tin?
jes' ob 'i '.uydat n:oi limp has created ronaldrrsble neil*
went ?ming the officer? on duty tere, the pnfeam uml tb?
| cadet? mid tbe day I? looked forward lo with luorh iu.
1 patience md interest oainglo ibe fti? ?list the new Sui ern
I tentletii cf tie iki'I Hievet Brig, ?len Thom??!; ft U
j loseauice ?^?rntnand to n. irrovi, Qn (illom retiring I Vc
I tmtgBteeati ior it.. naaatlM km u?t taaaeanflanl
? It mut b? staled, bowe?? that the ni rangen,<??,??
I will coEilit of a parade of tb? cadet?, tb? oBum re
! ?file ;,t.t and tbe pmate*. and cr .,.. p,,r.r..~ ..r.i,
1 A?adcmv. l:e v?iii_* ?oidiei? ?ill tie nviivaed li?
j the J?re?ideBt, who wi.l be received, by as ?toort
to be ini-ointed by (Jen. 1'iu.hei. No official ?nnotineeuieut
] ?rom Wtilingtou of thtl'Triiilent'i ti?it to tbia place bei ytt
j been reoeivrd, end all ?bit ii known about it here ii what
, Lu been learned from the uewsp?p?'r? At i orliug to the par
ticnlar? of the pro|?oaed toar ?> publia ,ed. tb? I'rea.dcDl will
i remum here only two hour?, and tbe eiercix*? ?iii
I neceuarily bave tu be burned through. IL?
1 distingunbed visitol ? eipected to ?rr.ir trttWBH ? um, 1
j o'clock in the ?fternoon. It n not ?up|K>?ed thai b<- will make
a ?peerb. as ipeech-makicg by yiaitori, no maller how high
i their potitn'D. i? ?omet h i g rtifly indulged in 'loe on'? rt
' repllot-s! initsioe who h his oerurred for m?ny year? j.??i
' ?-. ? ?-.?....i *_r CaaMna'i vMB e_Bt-taaiBi
retery of War.
Tbi? will t?e ???i lint vint of I'li.iJent !ol,n*.m IuIVm,
I',uni ?.though he 1,ii bein in pi.VVc 1.!? for inn,? ?eira, mil
tea leen in?tnjinenl?l in pr-inring tne apruouttucnt i.f a wiin
ber of'aden he bal aevtr paul a vml to the pin? where the
c untr*. i lolditri are Bia??.
Tb? sr. n uti ?LfsmpmeDt (>. De i met?, ?hieb cotntasDoed
on the Mat of .June, will if the nt, enaiy atratigemeci ran be
perfect i be broun up on Ihe d?y of Hit I'reeideil s tu! sud
ll.il will form psrt of tbe programme for tbe day. A luge at
le?dame of tititnr? ii riprcted l,ere on Thara,lu? and et.-or
iiom to Weit l'oint foi tbt dsv are being gun en uo trial
nearly ii!, tbe villages song tbe Hudson
'ihe I (teil sre mskiug i,t?i??r?tiou? to do s big bun neu
After 1.? parade, renew and ilinuer an effort will be mad? lo
indnce he Prendinl to add mt the tili/eni from the biVou?
of th? Hotel He will uiidonblad'y comply, but ai b.a vint ii
to lie of Ikort dnratiou bil ipeecb will probably ti?,, bl vet?
l'un ttm I'HIA Mond ,v a ?
At'la ? inn K-.,hai)i*.-tu (luv i io.,,li.t,,,n oflered
t?i appoint a loniinitiec to talanela "iib the mctchant? .n r*
ceivmg the Prtudent was def?.??.,i r?<.ifing onlv foui vutei.
(la JsBnMjBkJSu Tallon Becietr bass reeelTsAu
tura oui in train lo morrow la receive th* Treiidert.
TiiiRn atari i i
A general meeln.!? ol'our BMfB&aBt! ?it- held nt
the Merohanti Eiehaup? to-d?v al noon ?liarle? (?rj.lil,!
prended. Theo. Cutler offered i ?io uiunt, which ant
unanlrxoi.ily adopted, declaring that ihe , it;/eni of I'Liltd?!
pbia. Bsismbled for tbe pcipoi., of adopting mob mriioiet ??
may be proper sad becoming to expre?? thai! profound rsipeot
f?r the ?Pice ?ni?, person n! ibe Cnief Mtgittiste on hi. ron
temiiiated vint to mis ( >ty. uo ??leam? lum to (Le t-itv and
tender to bim tb* boipitality of our c.ii/.eta; that tbe met
chant!, mechanic?, profession?! men ?od cil/eni genirsl v
will aiumbl? at t!>< depot opon tb? arrival of th? 1'ieaideu't
for the parp?te of ??corling Lim t? hu headquarters and thal
a committee of tiUeon bt spp.:n'e 1 in carry into effect inch
mesiures as n.ay ?ec-nre to the I'i?tident nth a recepiio.i si
totcomei tb? bigb , Id, .? he bold?
The meetmif ?djonined wltn cherri for l!i? Prie,deo!.
ItAi.TiBour, iueidsv. Aog. . .hm,
Airangcni?;nt? .u? lum? made t.y t_e Mavor and
Citizen?!, et'.cnd .?c1 i ineption to the 1'ienOent of Ihe
Cnlted Slatea a? i? deemed in fin.,,? accordaBce ailb ll.a
rupact du? Ita ? h.ef Magi.trata of the Union
The Diaa.lrrt al Marrawtkarg. aa Ike Bafea
WS ji iliiislii-il '?-???! (luv thS '?uti. linn? ?l-iu.lli
?ion between train? 01, tin- Erie J! ?,'road a! Nn?row?bnrg on
t* ?? Hclaaare HiilMon, the eiplonon on hu oil train and sub
i? quent conflagration and lois of I.f?. A diiputtb received
.., .trida? ??y the I'reaidi-ut honi tin- ."?.ipt-riiitenden? of the
toad contirnn. m tfet m ?in the BBeaBBl ?tread r pulilished
1 he ?ccdeiil, act ordin.* ko thi? dlspaleh, on urred al ?bou! i
i i I ni ?,n Sunday morning. An Pitta ?rain, laden with oil
wa? lirol.-n april I iu the out we,I of Narrow ?!,uig li ating II e
, it?s-e and U-n or twe're :ais uf oil ?tandis*; un ihe track
I /nils were no1 ?eui bm k ? ftogm tllidatce, au,! before ihn
train could bv ?.?in lOLpled a bBBBbI ??tra Hain rame ,.,,
siid a ?ii;, ?it i o, l-l,, i. tuned ii,.? aal Bahn ta to ii;_it
t'ai it limply thu.ed I' fenelDBf "f two or
three draw heads io encli trait Au oil lank on ihe ,
delated train immediately exploded llirowing ?re ami
oil with fearful force lo u!l direction. 1',.? eniiie ! air, arm
nea on fire. Tie flu'ii,.. then , ?mun,,,,,, uled with seinril
oiol linga in tbe vii-iiiitt (ha n. ii ii , mr. ?I ile humilia; ni
w'.ii.b we hare alieadr recorded, iu ?veil ?? thi tl-alh of lw?
children :.) ?He ?ad di?t-ter.
Tfee Mlowlng ,r-?,*e:i. na. ,1,.,,,,,,j 'J', r, ,-an of o,l
,*-,.,... ...e.l.J.u i.ii;, dry bide?; a dwrlnng Boan owned t,y
M, .i,,?. Leur,, awnhaatj tb? ,iB?i,?,..h? M, ?r . Mr }lr,n ,
'.' I?; n?Bg?i, ?hop Hie 'ippa-r panol which ?asuaaHl a. a ,
ai . , _,,?.,'( f _5*2SS. ' *""?' '?ckmei, s lool-bouie ..?1
?.^. ^T, t".! \m]\*m ""?"?A '""'" i...l".?.lc?ni,.f
?S? ""?"'--'?"?" ?'?'..". 'lb. I..?.'...,
i - "indn. tor of theo?! ?ram ?ho?..i i??ried ?_,
(iesriicen.uiniiie foi Uut pnparl* Hguliaf th! Inlafe-oa
mg r.isown.
'Jhc mrtofi'i. rond iiijurctl by ll?? Sinti? w.i. *o llmi
o.g).I?|-.?,.eit.d.,, BOBIU. '!,?! II,,,,;,, , trilll^ .,. ,_? ,
their its/ a lal Hair
_ ^
in k.'.-.-ra.vdi Cass.?TI ?. ?t i ?,,u
riudr Hli.cL Lu? L. ci. BttBBSal ?il, H many pecuJisr i ir
cnmitar??? tal ? titi I M ??'?:? ruto t?o other crimiuil
atian Ita nea aaalait Oran, tfe? u m4 Blain aUnhi
, tscai?*, uu.l ii? other ..?,.,. ,, ? a); ., .,
iag i ...... ?,
" ??-.
...', r ? , " . I , .' I . ,
?,. . L ?pat. ?. lo Th? H Y Tr.bsi.ie.
i"T. I/O I IB.
??i I.- i i?, Aug. -V -'lh?ro wir?.' 20death? Lorn chnbT*
'" 'lH1 em
HT. Loria, Auf 27.?Nine ?-??maUirita report 90
hi lera death? ob Saturday, land ekeraa eeatterlee report 7'J
on Mnnilit ?bowiiif a tnkeribly u.aiked abatemtnt of the
?1 trott.
1 "mpiii", Auk- '??'??? Twelro ci*** r?l ubolera ami
four death? are reported !o day
A tieady mi hu? k?.i fall?an ??.ee yeattrdiy aorakiif.
M VI URI.? A V.l.
IBB ? ???el? .?BUD TO Tk.'?T ' BT roilil ?Bl??!*.
Niiw ??ai.tANi, Aug. ?iTa?Tlie ?aratb? by cholera for
I forty rif ht hoar? -B?ut?f ?t ' o'clock in the -Bornlng. nam
tared JA. The cholera I? abating is the etty, but ?bow? no
dimunitloBon the plaBtatloB?. Tb? netjr-oei h?t? conceived
tbe idee ih?t !hty ?te p?.i?t,o?d by i..e whit? |?eopl?, ?nd itfiae
i to til? the remedie?.
? HICA...I
( hn'aijo, Auf. 9, The cholera report lor Saturday ?nd
Sunda* ?how? lo new c8?e? uu.l 6 death?.
The Iteakikt ?( II?? Clljr
Jin' total niortitlity ?>f the City of New-York for the
j week endinf tait SitunUy wa? 714?a deere??? of 31 ?? com
' p?red witt the pretiom week. The total number of death?
J from choler?a, durinf the ??me period, w?? 114, of which W
1 took place in the public institution., and 4? lo the prtrsl?
bou.es of !be eily. The decres??, as compsred with lb? pre?
vious week, is BL The public benlth ?eem?, therefore,
I lo be ?lowly reinmlng it? normal condition. That
' . hnlera will And tictim? in every week, more or les?,
thrnnghoot the ?eaaon, we hate no doubt, that it will not ??
?nme the form of an epidemic, in any part of tho olly. ?gain,
durinf the present year, we think moy be ?afal.i pied"?Si
Sudtlea metiMirokof leal changes, which ma.? be cipected dur
inf the coniiDf month?, will, bowivcr, b?re the rffect,
and the passage of rrrry day hereafter will mako it of more
, and more importance to be eerefolly protected against the
weather. This it ?Iway? a nece??ity, but more particularly
now. The cholera |>oi?on i? abroad, and mat manifest ita?.f
i taially at any moment, l'retentite moaiures muit not ocase
at any time for ii ii far ?eiier to contract tbc diacaso ihsu to
cure it.
I'll ? OF Till I'PAI)
Eif bl certificates of death from cholera were leceiTtd at
the llurrau ol Kecord? and Vital Slalntici dunn-; the 4? binni
J ending at I p ? ye-te*l?y. Tue following are the naiuti "f
' tbe decasaied.
August-.'5, Ann McOrath. 40, Ireland, BfTletiio7Io?ritai?
I .laue Drew, .'.?!. Kngluiid, AI ii ?linns??; Susan (?'Reilly, IL Nati?
Yank Almshi.u??. Jtnse Mi-ITutliy 7E lri-lam'., Aluiihouic,
.lohn Ellis, .ty. Ireland. No. 411 I .?t T ilrlecnth-it.
August ?6?Ann? Scanlan, it*. Irelsnil, No 'io YY'i?hingt?in
st died nattery Karra? ka lloapital, ill IH boars; An.elis An
ii? rmn. 4??. Irelsnil, No 4-1 First ave, ill 6 hour?, died Batter}
I'.irrack? Enspltal. Ann Campbell, ?:i lr?-!?nd. No. *M East
1 . 11' ? a li st., ill 10 bourn.
mfeiimi ok Tur i?iBD ,,r naiLTH.
The Metropolitan Hoard of Health wnl meet this nfiernoaan
i at I o'clock?two hour? earlier than ufusl. The huaii.ru lo
be li una?, t?.! I? of no ordinary ?liai niter, and We hare uo
.I..ulii the lean .,? the ?esslon will bate a bearing upon Ibe
In ?Iii. ?if the ni? lhit would lie ditli.-iilt to calculate.
The ? hal? r? ia Brotklt?.
Tlier?' ivtre onli thri'c i n?4-s ?ii cholera r? p?,, t.?l to
? ?In- Hoard ?'? Heitlthyetlenlay. The ll?t is a? f.illom
ILitlpel Het.1?), a?c?l .?4. E? I Saokctt ?I K cotering.
Mnrj Doaai?s, aga! ? j-mi? Maaa-a ucai CEataaat
l.ie.l Auiriilt M
.lohn lieiney, ?gijil 4(1 jeirs, i i'intr of ?'?rr.ill ?id Colnm
bia st. Sent totbc -otpiLil.
Tie npait al lea?I la IMa'att/tai ?wmI atti??t-i-tb
in?! ih..?? that the total nniriher ?a? '.'1 >?f u hi, h .'?J were
, mee M a.?ii.?-u. M le.v?. ?ud ??? girl? T te fallowing t?Wo
?bOWB lb? prill? ip..I cousin mt ili-aHi I hnleiai.l. ?Tinlein tnnr
h-s ii, chi.ler? ?n'anlei" ??. Ikanbeat3, eau.?ini.p'i?,? ? I. ma
ra ?au? lo .???eBlttt 14, contulsl.ini r. Itphokd lu r ia. nu
?a.il debility, ' 'ii?ti. dlet-aae 01 Bl?Ti 6, pneumonia '?
?In.?ted mi.l pieni'iiu!" lui b 4 emma l.'i'.t ,a ?'..I ?carlet
. i raen, craoop, old ?go entetni?, hvi|!,i .-? phslr?? snd
?relbia?. J ?'??'>. "?phjlla tetan-.-, appoploiv, ?Ibnmtnar.ii,
1 Irmorrl ?r?. partnnt''ii t'i.ri?. ?ngia-. Ie!,iri, i hi.r-a El
\ . _ i,.ti.,.wn. aaaaar, aaaajaataa et tim Itmgt tlaaBa?,
,,.,,,I. Bl .1 hiela 'uti?. 1 i n?
ra baa baan a decreain ol I rli-.it ara ?? coin
pared wilh the pit noa? week. The i?i|?l inn,'ul.ty viaa di?
minted among th? tarina? Wards a? foi ame
!.. ? i XIII . 5
IV 4
V ... 17
y I e
VII . 7
VIII . 14
ix M
x i?
y i 'ri
of tl:e lotil i.uuih'r !Hi were i.si.rei if the 1 i it?4 Stat??.
'Inf In-lain', 17 ?I l.i.a.iii? i m Lliflaail .leach of Sent
land, I'riliab A men? a ?nd II?. Uni!, ... i >??_les and
Tiirk'a M.nd
vii ii
A VI I 4
xi n
r *
I'll I I? ?I-4IKT?.
uBA.vii ii.nea ai ?I ty a BK ?A miLET? y? ?nain
An minimi'?? ??na-iiililairn ol' myei -t.it?.r? BETt
gsthered <n tbe Iareka ground? Bl Newsrk tetterdsy on th*
o? eiMioo of Ibe grand mslil. ?fh '!.e ?. itln f.tl Athletii i ,ul.
of PbiUlaipbiai the travia?(rea Be? Yotk nint.iiig. -?.?.-?I,
! e?ih h"nr The o:ii."?t lnler.?i ?a? taken Ib lb? match.
i owing lo lbs m, erl ?i.i-omb ?I the Ht.,*kaa {?Bat ?Baie w.th
Ile Allai li. -? I be l"hil?delphl?'.a bad Heir f ill line out ?ad
to dnl I? i *"-' i-eka. ?nd .ipi'Sient ? it ? a? lk-., t>, be a . 1 v?r
i .i.i ?t 1 ia' | ret?? ???:.: t I It? hst tir.i. and were tatt,J
? aoine ? put ?. .1 <?n ? bli' k ?, .re B?d ''?? Y ?-."?'-? ?"'il I I at?
lhared the ? ,me f.te b?d al lie ch?nre? nffere.l f.n ?t ? .-?
1 Leen t?k?-n . bul the? ?. re n..I and tbe result was that i.o ie.?
j tbao 14 runs were ad leal la Ih? Alt.l-l. a-ore lau? lett.iur
i the'jue?t:o? of the y| tarv s!"ii"it It tin verv ?!irt li ??? nut
] o. ',. the ii t:b iniiii.-? t'i?' f.? F i.'ks? ? .-re ?Tawed io ?im.re
s single run, OaWra r,t t.. brest lb? ics lath?
Is?! inn.aga the.? 1?eg?'i t . |. ii weil i ?,r,? .-, ru,,, baltl.eir
i total in ibe gain.- ara? I.at ? it,? Ali BOM leMlBf l > len than
4- We give the ?i-.,re
? UfAA. ii ? I i oil.? .1 O. ?
. Oatrorne ?? i. K emfs.der, r f. ... 4
li ir."Uh? ? ? . I 11 VI 'linde, p ; r
j Pennuigtor. .'.1 !. . I RaaaE, M b. i I
? L.ttiewood c f .. -J -.-.YV-Uini. a. I I ?
lli.eiitns'l k11. I,'l?>iken?|-a-k. l?l b.4
F?ii?uis. p.:i i Oaataij o . li?
! Terrill, i i i CtartoaOaal?I, if ?
M Ils. :?t l. '1 l i-isler, e. f . . 'o I
Ford, I. f.4 n I'ikr iklli ,.i
la'sl .Il e Total
KI. Ef ?J 4th. ME ?lb. .Ih sllh ?lb. Total.
; Kureks n I? o 0 0 1 I 1 V- ?
i Athletic. ?S . li 10 t ii I I M
Paaied Hi la~?i??bo'ne ? Doekser v.
Home Kau- I'.k? . i.aiklll 1. Milli I
Struck?).! I'SDiairgton 1 Itrkenitook I.
Hy (?t< i.e. MavJ? ? foti ? le.-riii i, I.miawood 1 Brlaai
? u?.l I?tatelE O.tkuev J, llerkei.it.M.k 1. Kl?.uf?-!der I ??ai
kill'.'. Its? b 1, ?TUttM 1. Pike .?total It
i aioii?? Mi??ed- Daokaat I iirrieu?: ck I, I'.-. ia l liai
1 EPI 1. Oabuiaa I BiBbIbbIy Earl I Ten iii i
Pul Oat on Hsses? Kareks. 6 ttaiei, Atb.etie lu ticoei.
Pot (?at cn tool Balfe? Karaka, ti a?an i Atbitii? MIbm
'i noa of l'aine?? hou-, lal I, miaulai
i L'mpire?Mr (iriim o. ?) Eckford ? I lb.
N?ajrers ?Meisrs. Halden un-1 Hell.
To day the AlLI'l.ci p li ih- 1 ? T.ngt >_? na lae l.-tiagtoa
I grounds sk ?| p. m. Tht Phils Jdlpl.ls:,! srrneU in town lan
! eveumg. pntung np ?i tti? Aler-'..?ni s llaiiul 'llj?r Itara 1er
? IrtuifUin in tbe 11 ? clock tra n lo-diy.
I .M- abata nine* plavi-.l the return iraai? ou Ihe
I fronnd a!'Wlllla_?!aiirgb. on s.turdat, i'ih mit. reiultiug.
I afiei a ol"?elv conuitsd fame m a victory for ths form?r.
I 1 a? follow inf ii the loot?
ha i-. ? a,--.io - ??. h aaaaa ? a.
j Hoienq?Ml, c 1 b Htriin o. .i I
!?lM?. ?db . I ".' I!. ILoWU. Is! b .1 I
I Hrown, p.?? i Hrenn?n Vd b.li I
EaWeb, ? ? . I 4 al. Moran, r f ..tv
Chamlar?. r. f ii. Hntchimon. ?. ? ... I !1
a White, c. ! ..... 1 ". tireenleaf, p. I r.
? lanfdon, 1.1,., 4 I Ile Long, id b. li i
I Moran. 1st b .T a . onnellT. 1. f. .... 3 J
I Merkley, Id b . , | 4 toller, c f "J 4
ii 34 .M M
I?l. th Ad. ?tb. Mb Bb. .'h. T'.ibI.
' Karpi r lloiber? ... ..I 1 I u T 1?14
YV,M_M|?. 1 ' j | 7 g ? a,
< I uij.irf-Mr I MeCabanfihi-K.'laii.c( 1 .h
Baaaan -Mann. Lew. u ami iiu|ikin?.
Kit ?'?!( lies- H?n,er? , YVi?,!. |
1 UM ol game?'.' hnnit to mun.t.-.
Al IIYK? ', ? OIN ITA?
\ "?iivi i Rall Ma.t.li mil !,.. (ilitw.l ..?, ih- mili ..I
Auguii m lai'iniilaorntmm BlBty n.n.i ?i ibI Third ,\-..i...
! tueei, tl,e Anne runt O:;. i,t,,i Hi?- i,.-| i |,,a. i,,,,. ,?.,,.,]
; at ti o ilixk.
H' r.l.SIO!! ViM FIRHh Y.
Tbt in-t niiiini m.!? t ii ti,,- imano hat hebb Ikmt
Clubs will Uk? planem, th? F, neks iTnunda al Ne??tk iii
P ia und it ettttet tlttbt be a tine gsme, I h? Klo?!?ior?
like the 1 p m nain Lu Newark.
r.Ni.'N VE. BIE-EE?
i ? ? m..t. b BEEwd Cn t?. ?Jrtv i.ctYi'icii timm I
?loo? not oom? off the Hmlemer? kiag unable to play.
lim ( ?uli? |,in, i? a,,, on tb? I m?.i, hull i_-r.an ...
Iiroobly?. li wi,i iieretnembcre.l that ia?Star??en?
t nl.uTllfi |,i ,t note ut 74 to 11 lately.
I'hiisosAL. ?Aiiiliik tin hrrivaln at the Batall n.
Ihm, A Dnihled,,. Hen. W. W I.Bii.ler. ?len 1? li. K?|ei. !
1 >s a , ??cn laaaaaalac Naaajliaaa th? lion. Kevei.iv '
.folinsi.n, M-Brfl?j, ibe Hou. Hollis Will. N'isgara Fall?, the j
Hou S. H. I-?,!,,,, l-b^delpina. the Hoi, A. J l'..ilei,
TY'iirblngtoa ii, nm,. Ulhn -, i(,ir,| Eaatatk ami ?'apt. '
PaaaaaafHaFaailaa maay, .,i it?- TAX? Atenu? iiot?i.
<;.ii Paaaaaaaa, I | a . ami ii D?K kin i?y and w. Ab'- .
I?.i, litoteiiint < ,,_B.iri_ier- | ?? s'ary, ?t ib?, Hretoort '
lla.uir, liaron UMaka. -flat?I Miui?ter It ihe I nite.l S!ai?a.
?apti. Peart ?ml Iiswiou of the Hi tish Anny, and A di '
" ?>f the Kunian Legation, at the I lirendon lintel, i
?len. J.W Turner. ? hi, .-? t,? lion I Ck Wa.hiuglnu
? " aaat I Mai, I -, ?mi the Hoe. l> i
I ' I i "lids BtlheHl. Niib.iB? ll"t?i ll,,|.' li,r. .1 I)
I'rtan I |J Ul 'h. M.-:i, , .1.1.1, Hi, ,.,,,,,, (. M
* ?? ? ? ' -'.?k?, 11 :,? ?. , 1
BRI'TA I. H??*IHIDI? IN W11.1.1.4 'IN
Bl fett ill.
An unpruvokcd iihd deliberate borai? ide wa? com
inittrsl ea Balurdsy night, in North Pint it.. ???tern District,
by ? crowd of yoan** ilupersdoes, whioh, for brutal malignity
ha? bee? seldom . ic?ll-?l. An inoffensive colored man. named
?'karin II. Rogers, wss standing on the ??dewai-, opposite
No. 4 nattle row, when s party of rough? came np one of
whom lamed Chirlo? Kelly, witbont provo?*?!?,-, itrnck bim
a itlgg.rtng blow in the fiioe with bl? fl*t. luvger? ?tarted to
get away from tlicm, when he wa? followed. Kelly remarking.
'? Ther.'? the black ?on of n l>-, now. let? give ?t ? I im,'
and l?iiedUtelv plunged a knife into the Ivody of the unfor
lunate nan. indicting a wound which n*?idted lu death on
Bandar rver.lng. .
The crowd of yonng ruffian! were toon after arreited ana
locked ip. Itioemi thit K?ger? w?? wholly an?c<|'iai?ted
with ?ry one of ?be crowd that ?o ?nddenly ?nd mercil????!?
deprived lum of life. T h? following are tbe name? ?nd agra of
the murderer and hu companion?: .
Charle? Kelly (who waa ?o accurately deicribed by the
wonndtd man a? the one that ?tabbed him, a? to leave no
doubt uto hi? being the guiltv p?rty). ?ge?i fea| Joseph iii
lev ?gf-d?u; (?eo. Kamooii. ?ged fell Bta Kennedy, aged lo,
Mu karl Quirk, ?ged 1); Krederick Kuller, aged 18.^
i'or(?i?rHmithcommittod the pris-tincr? to the County Jail
yesterday morning to await tne re?nlt of the imiueet.
Tb? f( Oowing 1? the ?nte mortem ?tatomont of tbe murdered
min, t.kcn by Coroner Stoith at J a. to. on Sunday:
t'liarle? H Rouer? iworn-1 reilde In Konrtb-it. ; som? time
sfler'J o'clock (Stturdsy nlgiit) 1 wss standing in Iront of No.
4 Bsttle-row. talking te Hia-kiab t'huicr, snd a p?rty of roar
or Ove men raine along, and onu of them ran again?t me nnd
called Bie a hlaok ann of a I,? h. and tb? man that ran aatainat
me ?labbed me afterward; afto? the man had run e__i_at me.
1 went down to No. 2 entiy (?round hon?o from end of the
row); ?fu-r I g?it there, on? of the ?ame party itruck me
again, I then ?track ?t, h it did not bit him, then tb? mar.
abo ?truck me stabbed nie; he w?i ? tell, ?lim man, with a
llirhl ?oil on; I don't know hi? name; never before ii? bim
that I know of; 1 ?tarted lo go op the itreet, ?nd wanted
Cbc?ter lo go willi me to a doctor'?, as I ?ii ?tabbed; I h?d
no woaponsof any kind with me st the time, I never did carry
snr ?rupoi.?; think 1 should know the mun who ?tabbed me
if I ?huuld ?eo bun; did not give him any c?u?e to ?trike me;
he ?aid he would put nie out of misery; ?f.er be bad Mattel
rae. he ?nid ' I hure got one of tbem,' be ran up and jabbed
(he ki ile into me.
Drat- mt Ben 111. bniaad.
D.-an Kifhiimn?!, ????'., ?S?, after ii !,*i.*f illness, at
2 lil o'clock on Monday morning, at the residence of Mr. M J.
Tilden in tbi? (ity. Mr. Ko hmond wa? born in IVisoditock.
Vt.. Match lil. ino, and coniequcntly just entered upon bil
Uld yeir.
BttoiuriONt op the ?ii BSSj__ ?o.MiiT_r. or tammany
li VI.I.
Illeid. It baa i'raard lll?iu? l'ro\id?ne? in II a inaefut.l.'e ?I?
ia u lumnia la iilirs tfatehaai ib? lion Dean fetch
end wbo de,,.ried ii ia lif? ?I tlu* < ?y M New York lint d?y tnd
IMr,.,i It b. a ?nie. ti? liener I C.initi?e et Tin many Iliall t.
..y publie honora M ti M memory of c* lamented d?reated, who, IB
l-l ?llllsl UpuMj ?t ? li'iii?i?n al ?I? Deninrri'i? Slate Central
I orooiitt.e, and in hu private i ?limy ?? ? mott worthy Indue.? :?
?tail ie, eut.rpiKii.g tod valued eititett denned tud iei ?ned ?.I
.in, cr? re.pe, t lad e.t. ?ni b? li the,?fore
ttemitttt, f l.st in ou.uiuii wi'h ?llf,id ritisen. r.f ?v?rv i
I patty, w? th? I.mr lal I mun,-tire ol I an litany II.II .do deeply (>?
' pboe ti e uneij rata, 1.1. ??;.... f 'he Ibu |i.?iilli,l,n?ii,|. iii?i?,in
I W? hive llwavl reroiinfid ? I ? ' I Ot e.n.l.r. ,,' fc.leiltv B at .1
! lu.Ii I Wol.drllul pfr.rlen, e ri.d ?.g?, u n? ?.?.b.lri a patriot "I un
w?v rta?. ,'? ? i.,.., ia te* i . ..?(I'utu.i, ? e.d.-r <t reo, ?k-ii.'e v ger,
en.lgv and ? i ? e?e an?,,,! - . ac, hiialne?? t?!-H I .lui :
p?.M-i et.ierpnae. and ? citizen lutlfn !,, al Ma MM? le ne?
? i- en'i,.u. in ? I Vi- ,!.. in??, .no1 i, rruio't in I I? ?Ivu. t, y M
I it? belt inlerei?! of fell ri???? tod e? ,,, ry
l.-i It. i i i ?t ni tele ' "I "ti? 1.e?rit?!t iri'f, ?lid, ni'-r? ?or !l
I ? !-l'.|l?Iy *S|.li ? *il,r li-io r?l .nil..'''re I'? l|
! pru|?rial. !y iii,( e.1 ?, ,tn the e ,.hl'in. "f USBBBUB i?B turu, e . , f
tend ???' lad f'eo , ?? t*|?r???nl if-id
' ti . lu-?r,l ? f ??.? I meale,I de?e_?*4. and that a rerl.fied Mf]
| tie., r. t imbi? h? i ibUtbrdla Ih? Lading pa
I. i. ?, ?rill i,i,| tiatu noted to the fun Hy I I, ?? ,!,,...! ,? ?
me,,, rial ' "e . i, ?? t?.fib* Hob I - a. Hi i, ,i?i J .. ? Dea?
?. ? .'. ?ii. in. bit | ' p,i inly an J ? ?.lill Ir.der, hi. vu',..? la I
niall, and I.,? in, al, l.b e vv, rA la ? kUan ti III? great Slate
Tin PtTBBBAL ?'bstiji IIt,
T c oi.c'inie? will t ii? | luce it Batavta, B Y to which
pin, e II.,, numil? l,?r. been remo???!. Bt-M of the lcadUig
,' *?l?le will kt mi t'., liai "f pall bruni?.
1 i|ii??.i..tt? oi Bcgrel.
li'i' ill ? U.R.
K'S HlslKR, Ail?'. .'.. I lie nilloOlio i m't.I "I tin* -talk
,, llov? Kichi?i.i'I c.tu?"! s general iiprc.??.,,ii "f sorrow
.i. ?hi? nty. Vingt wer-* ntetaStl at half-ma?!, m.'l
oilier di o ,.',.??tu?.? .,f uiiiurnity wen* insdo. 1 in? In. B?
ian!, v. ? ,,f tin? N'lW-iirk ( ".-..ti ??I Kmli "lui a? betBg
,!l.,;,,| Iii lim ,rt. irig. 'lllo 1<? nilli,ti ve li li lillmllil W11*
.Is iiuicly drapi'd in mourning.
Hi ? < | ? I ?? teat -t ofii'ot.t 1,1 i?e u i.
im,io!'- ,'.? ". -r. ? 'I a ,'!i i-re.it le,.liiiir tin,ii.ti it wit?
not ii!ic?|'*.*??'. Iii-!, ?? ?ii! 11< ireitly felt Ion?, a? lu?
I!, - | !??? '! it gi al is.rli'.li of !.,* i in." in lina I ,* J . ,
? ,,f:l|, , I, ,i With ila Im ?HU S? lil'er,?! ? tot III,ill V Vii: ?
The H??? ?m the put,Li? baildingt or? ni feafef i
ila;ii ??p nu he\. jniiN pierpont.
la. y, s if?:;,:.i? AU g '.'V. i-"i.
I . li. v .lobb I'.-i mut diesl ?ii'lilcnly I?at ingbtal Ins
. M-ilf'T). ' II? na? St vea*? .! :i.'.'
i li ? Tint
v pretty i*.i crnwii Bieenbled ti Iba fekaeaaeoi ??
, t., i.? th? trot ???terdi?. Tri? weather w?? delightful, ?i.d
? rvrrrtktn panel sSw'Hfe its asael cider and regularity. Sid.
? is s larg? i?iwrf : i ?t, ??,,> i ,.<? ?fhiMwa i? ?
fal por? ?;..!?. neitiyiij feaala felgfe, ?ml lapnaailj
, be.lrr iiiilcd mi a laat* park pnaet ,n thann-ei,! tit? ? rnrki
| anougtbe ir, ?t -.g i el. Vrille?. However, aha l'ioveil hatarff
, to ' e a? goo.1 ?? pretty.
I A mil. I: f,,r I'-?', mile i?tti l?eat 1 in .'. iu Larne??i
I II \\ ', kateB'SB. n. I.oit W.'.ition.
I I ?el. I, | - !. Blcbr-I
-. Hi Ai.--H?r l.adyilip ha?! the lead al tha start the bay
l.r?? Lnaai .,* ! .foregoing tuiiiv stride?, tv. I t o:.?f ,?..?:.t!?
, ung ?ever?! I. gili At t:., , narter post t'i* mara was Ihre?
l.-iaril.i ta fror.t ? l... h ?he giad??l . aasaaset n fl?e. A lit
| te uaut the l,?lf ii.ii? ?be broke i ,- ,, *..? ?tri,Iel and tbe I one
\ nude ap ?"'"- of tha Mat il ?t?-. ??? (is turning into the boni?
i:*?teli th? hay hor?? lanka! at ii his chance? were ?till gool,
In b.-eskia-gegsin tie Int'.e one gol m grey? a lead that ?he
a ih en? wai ?st.de.1 ?u.aer fey four lengtbi.
tal ? ?i Lily Whuson again lud tha letd at starting.
? !? n?s.?i!s'!i?'all round lo bclweeu Ih? J.slf mile at-l
? ?e o|*.-t?r r?j*t, when fle bay lappitd h?r At the top turn
- iitti? on? igain drew to the fron*, sud the big horse break
i i ,,n tin? haw itrwteb. her l.idvihip was sgsin Victorino?.
Hut I! M : ipi 'I I .gtl?i?r, ltpp;ng, bul st the turn
Hu big hor?e ?(?ii went np. The ? hue ni?re row naaal dis
fell? naiin her ?.??tri?:) a Lie', be wa? never able to aaaku up.
air1 1er I.ultiLip wanga i vu t.riooi.winn.iigbv faurki.plbi,
H.I Nichol? coming horns on m? ruo
l.?dv WbilSOB. I I I
BM Nnhi.lt . ?_? _ ?_
lune of Iii heat 14?. fe| bett. *.* ?7|, Jd hear. ?
t Ely I'l'iilm.
i 'I'!?* Stt-'.n.-n Baarlgnarten arteealed 'inita ? Iraas
. leane yeit?rd?r. The rear i?t?u ?ii fet? ?Hafelr Sited at
I fo IS? ni? of Ih? Si???r!.ood. (?onie ha'f do/en ?ere hard al
1 Wirk all ?lay making ? lothtnf, le. for (hi uia ol Um.lie? ol'
i'e prisoners ia Ireland.
Mr. Mepheni wai kept obi. froat I in the luornisg lill ling
, i'?r n?: might reoclving tinton, and Iramscling |._?ineai ,'
i iu|K>rt*iat<* Belntnnea tfeM morning, aud will add rest
1 ti? IJrother'aoo.1 at Troy to-night lit antic?pale! beiug ab
ant from lim oil t about len dar?, during wluoh inn? be will
; vu! Cleveland. ? olumbii?. (V.ucinr.att, and oilier Weitrru
| cn??.
alb? ?bienes of ti,? (,' O I R.. Co!. Kail? will preside
u? i affairs hei?.
At Hu? iriag ererjEtbiag betoktni rt-ewed ?..litity i
j ad extraordinary preparation? for (ne f irtliciiunugiei?ioui of
I tis Senate aud ?Vins-re.s The reoaipls o! the sinew? of w?r,
I itlh? ?htp? of money ?t.II come lu plentilally from (be Weil,
i ?(i.mpsine.1 b? Utter? ibowing a renewed activity in the
i ?jmai ciro!??, ?id a rapid increase ia roemberihip. The
Itgeit recetpti veiteritey wer? furn Ii ooming'on, lud,, lud
feo not (Arbon, l'a.
Tb? I'?tnok Hmry ?nd St. Patrick Cm In of Ihit city
raveled delegate! lui ?veuing I? th? Congi??! io be h?ld at
?,.' Al the War llepaitmenl. the atafToi lien. Sweeney are
hilly ?ng?g?il in pr?panng th?ir v?n io? rei>ort? and other
ibaumsnii lo be pteuntsd to th* Congmi
1'he Hoard held n ?]k?i ia] meeting at 4 ni lock
vulei Jay afternoon th? l'ie?,i!ei.l Henty Sunih. e*q . In the
i a lair.
A communication wii rec?! ,ed f'mn Maror HofTmsn nonn
lallngjohn M li,?!! st? ?, .M.ri'nl , ,-r M M. Stnitida
lesignad, also noniiiiiiing lehl 1 Itrown. ( ity hfa-ahul riet \
tant) I'. Addie, rti.g'i??! Ou motion. Hie lloaid louflrmod j
khan iioniiualioai.
Tha li ?ml in ii., Lio,m dirntel (Ve ?uni roller lo
?ay the loll ?r.I li A B) W. ? ornell. ?inoilntin. lo SMM SI
lo non fnrnithed fur ciisleu ii,,,, of the new County 1'ourt
llol.?e f.,I ?!o|l:-!,|l| ?t .!?',|, Kr|,:_ Bil'!,It,.', t, fur Ih? !
anne iu,,,until ir ' I I'.'.'"?'
11/resolution tiri < on!rollet w.. dirri !?d to p iv the billi of
Iriihihald Hal' lui painting and graining the lil, 3d., Bud ,
? in. K"gnu'ii.? it matt m Banaauagta Sl.tS7| aaa aitu the ??
till of .lohn .?iillTeii fe? repair? to thai77ll and ?Mh. Hegiment i
irinoriui. a un miling lo fe?, J. . .(,.
I kt satiate of ih? lt??rd at KaplllBUH relating lo th?
on ol' I mtaeei .lotmiou t? ill n lound reported eliewherr.
HIV >tu.
IiieN?"v ?; iHAMiNB.? II.,i,a,i i,n Iheaaaj
??laranlise bt..|,liiiK? h,,i lureo awarded lefTtBett Saifl tor
Bin.nio. I., f in? ?ml tgti ificatiotii hue toen gneaiii
fen 1 ?t m s?
M i su ai. .? Tim i.uil .iiiiiiiiitii tug tin. tatt
*,' l: nu? M ia,ci! Insliliite will Im foi,r,d rlaewhei? ai
?ill !?? of intetest tu tl?o??j ditniog muai ja! nJtm fea kfeaa
?lie? or friend?
I.AMP BSrMSMS am? PBSSASU I a: it Id . n
-A ?hackiug BtiitUu* occurred al the bouie of kli |
? Olnaan ? lal ir lej n,g ,' i*-*? by ii,? hraaklae if ? i nup
'onlainng i'lflimniilile tl.inl '1 he clot lies of ? t ..ng vi, m m
i .ned Kate HhdiIim? liei'aic? igniied and 'el,, the Itnnie?
uiuid ha laeaefced ?h? ? ?? m tai uti iiitt ?h? ? ai m a lylat
endinos teiteidiy
The ('?mbani. of hie BSSOSfe BSMABI..? 'J In
f':!"? ii,? io der? , i| ! ? u ?' ? .
iii anic satan Inai ?. . \ , (
.... ?...
friciai ?'IHM ? -i ??? ??? .. i.. . ,
ebs-led ?rd eomtnlalened a? Bug? ?Her ?le. ?ti ?,| the fteeetid F.rl.r?'-?
in pia.?.ii Brig Oen Yate? resigned, will be obeyed and ...porte?!
Ubb Yal'? farr!?? with Mm m hi? BBBBBMl ?be reapert ?nd
rateen, a I i he who ? Diviaioa. of wl icb. f >i BM> B?:y MB ka bn? heea
tn eneiii. tie. ft? hfnl, ?nd valued offi."er
Hy ord?, of Major Oen I Bil. '.V. SlBDtOHD
Alii. Hibi?tos. U?t. Inipecior.
BE. EEH -?-co?? Balo?-, KISwVhMb1 i
o.?.?a,. o.nsBt No. L Emii"I.*_ ?S_?a__i_____
re may be ??pitied bit uni es ailetL
Hy alder 0/ BrigBdlsr-C_ier?!
Loen Ubbobb. ?ororoandiog teetp ?_mtkpm_
? 1. Joicaui???- Bl Lt.!?!. N. 0. ?nd Bn?. J A
BBSAEtBE FR'M THB Tomb?: IN PaylkuiT.?Chas.
Wellt, ? cotifidince man, ?boee plewing manner and fine
?tory of fortune, to be mad? ?or all ?eekrr? in the Und of tha
El Dorado, woa the Imagination and at the ?ame tim? tb?
w?Jlctof .leoben Darn!-, an account of which hw been re?
ported, ii now accredited with a later and more daring dodfa.
Hating been commuted for trial by Ju?tice Lodwitb for hi?
?windlmg operation?, he tu tetterdar morning taken rroin
the Jeffenon Market Pri-on and ?eot In the " Black Maria ?
?ort of ti?reliog p?i?on on wheels- to the Tomb? to be locked
np. He ?afely axrited there, and a Fenlooiau tititor who
wa? protided with an entrance ticket, which he held in ha
baud, met him ou the ?-orridor innde the bridewell, and I"
?inir?-<1 for a friend who wa? In one of the cell?. Vi el1? being
asked, took the ticket with coo! indifference out of ti 0 i Hitor?
hand, and ?aid he would find ihe man wanted; with that he
walked away, and pasted out of the prnon gatea. Um I? con
? ni?-red to be tho majst bold and tip -rt escape ever made fiom
the Tomb?, and it ia sincerely regretted, he being an old and
practiced confidence ?harp, and deiervinf imprisonment.
Sergeant Carland of tbe Jefferson Market Court, with the
necessary promptitude seut a telegraphic messagu to Officer
Iriicg. who litt arrested Wells, informing bim of his escape,
and re'iueitiof the officer to tin?! the prisoner ng.iin.
MCSBOM Corvkr-Sto.nb.?A ceremony rarely teen
bj the public will lake place ibu afternoon, corner of Broad?
way und Thirtieth st., on the occisi?n of the laying of the
corner ?tone of the Now if orb Muaeum, which will be under
the auapioe? of the ??rand Lodge of Fret-nia?otu1, tho Most
Wa.rshipful ?.rand Maat? Kibcrt 1?. Holme? officiating. ?up
pnrted by dolcgiti'-n? of ettem? ot the ubordioate I.'Mlges.
The public will be admitted free to Ihe ground!. Se.eral
eminent ?peaker? will ?leo be pr?tent, and a p.wi- written for
the occasion will be deliTerc?i by Mr. Banvard, the Pic?ideot
of the Aiiociatlnn. _
It Bj I dit er of Thl .V. r. Trat.?,.?.
Sir: In yniir i??in- ol' tin? umniiii'! H Dirt <>f < ?art
of Si'ecul Session?) your reporter gire? the Fifth Ward Hotel
a? the ?cone of a robbery of a walch, which, it 11 charged, was
tukrn by a woman of bad repute who was lodgiug in ?sid house
with the complainant. 1 wish to say that this report is tor
tirely an unfounded one a? my boin? i? a respectab ? one, and
no inch purtles have been Its guests Neither sr? there iu< h
ftc.liliei lor theft in the home tu w?s alleged by your reportar.
? Ia oh .-ii..) wak it, Propiactor Fifth Word Hot. I
Arr Fort Augu?!?'7. ?"'e'.
(Annenn'-eii.ent? I
ii?h.tsa k Co-, No. 8>i 1 ?dar al., New York.
(Vint H-niiirk, Anl.d ike Albert, Q leen Kinma,
J.bBMBBJb Home Y ?,..I F. N. ?Iial.rn, (?rut IV. Fi- d t
Or. up . 1 EM ve A'.-l. au?. ? Hi It?I ? ? ' 11 Anthropology !'l,y?i"i...:y'
fa bt!..?y, P1.eun.1l, ogy tnd Phy.iojnoniy Ou?, k Medietaes.'
Kami- ( and riugiing, i oreign Air?, etc.. ia IM?, No. Pbbssoi??ii al
jrc?M?L a rilli Baa_i? 20 Mata, ', Bl ? '*?'? Fow_a *.
YVblli, 14? ? tnalpay. B. I?
R?SESE?I in THK B-OVBts?'.?' The n- ?dents of the
ton ni <f K in_?? County bate of lato been gua,ti? ann?ij-?"l by
burglars. The bra I ? 111 B?Iti1 ular ?nier ?-itemitely. Their
poultry ili'11'p.'nr? BlfbtTyi horses ure tiikon from the ?table?,
s? ?r? also wagon? nuil h arness. A number ol rernlsnccs and
fui Lo 1 o?bm wera re? .'iitiv ?i U ni aa '. robi a al. l h? bejtel i f
lealaala N'elaoe -, Ffetbaah, lim b?, .1 eater?! three time?
: wilbla a f'-w ?.aad robl d of ag"M vat?! und money, in
' all valued at |?A The hotel? of J ni. n YV J 1 lend. Mort.
i . ?. n inn! lib k? l'n?t. mi the Cnnev I-land Hoad; th" hotel?
i.f f.imtiel Keller ?ni Junie? Vim Sick.? :i at Comv Klaud;
ihe hotel of .lunici Klwaida, al She. p s Ile id Hat ; the it.ib.e
i.f K1, hurd Ntilwcll. on the Coney Uland Roatt, ?al otl.en
have l?"?*n viil'.cd hythe thieiei. who carried off articlci of
' value from each place. In none of the p?acc? whcie the
I burgluri etavre! ?as ther? any lUtom touched by them th
j though tho ??rsapiirtlla ?nd tods bottlei were gei.era.lv rmticJ.
11.. 1 agars als.? were rr.is?u.g after their ?-all?. It 1? IBBBai B4
thal ibe poultry 1? ?tele:. I.v yoiiog men and boy? residing ia
? the Tillage?, while ?le city tiiie'v-s ?re credited with tb? heaiy
1 builne??.
?Ai'Ti io- Of Hi it.,! aus?C.i".'.-?iiii'l ol'the l'ortr
\ tint Peine I'rcimet-ia? ii.foruic.l y.-.?".. rJi.y afo-rnnnn that
; two ?franger, had "t.tered ile tonic of Mr. Jaka B_ Kv.?,
.\ .. . ? Jn--t. si.d aa ?h? ?ei-rhliar? mre aWisTO?nil tho
family w?a ib???ni. Hay ?' n- ?BlflMtd i.f I'.-.inr buig'a!?.
I TBe ?Tript tin, w.tti Kouiiil?raau Barr Bad OBI ettt YY'm. Iltir,
li. 'lill aiei .1| ai-IUltl'l, K1 uri?? lialal.sn.ii ? . tt>? nhiC? "?'I
taking postioni ko ?n to pi?-Yi'iit the ecmpe u! Ih? partiel,
I.oiinainisnn liarr ? ?nt to tho basement dor. ? here he mat
thrm coming out. ile took Ootb by the arms aal Jerked them
to the sidewalk, when one w11? takeu in charge by another ofti
? ?r at,d tMitli were ? ..a.lii'ted to th" Station Houae. Kath of
. the arcuaed had on irirral coati, the pocket? of which con
\ tslned the fallowing mmed irtich? One lady's brooch, cr,e
braided work-bag, one ?benth taufe, f mr remain'? of ?ilk, one
' pur of cotton-rim ia, one tilver wat ?ii, one link frock ?va a
, one pair rolx-?l pAit?. en? chilli ?.'?I?all f.. irai on on? of the
?riaaa?r*. named John 1 iioi!i|.?on. Oa the other, named Will,
1 (lirrick. wa? found one pair llt.-k Pinta iii pam gold Blear?
ttiltoni. three gold itud?. Ii,ur toi?! pen?, t?o penoil c.i.?,
fi.ar gold finger rtBgl 8M pair ear ringi, one odd eir-riii?'
one ? laaped and one ?mill _r???s 1 la, one 1 kene?. of a lad- snd
' gentlemnn. bevds two giiardchsli.? one ci?r?r csse, four rem
1 uanta of bice, one ?ilk neck tie two brushes, mil one lad. 1
1 h?ndk*rch:cf I . ;? girts hil age ii 17 ye?r?, a native
of Ireland, and a baker ht tjade (. irn.-k say? be is H vcar?
; old. a ?''amen, and a nitirc of tb? Tnitcd Stutei. Tuey were
' committed for I hear inf. _
KiataaOov-Ti St "RfAiB rotiET BpaaBl Term?.
Hefore Hon. .1M n A. Ia?!t ? A l-lxicati? > ion \ YVkit ?k
; H ?bi 1? Conn 1 in nu i -,i?i. or annie B. Il aboi ?bik.ii and
.1 h?.1 Eoaau Aaanaaaai the m. bdbriifJo?ei'h tua
I i? -?in K'.n. ? Al.iut Ihre?- week? ?mea there died, no?- the 1 ii
I I ige of Kiel mond, Suteu Island, a farmer named ,Ioa?pb Har.
1 tlonhnigb. Iii? death w?s i-uite ?udden. and in the opinion of
1 the ?Itending phriiciao wa? canted El gaitnc fttor. The
fact that deceased sud bis wife had not lived happily together,
pioti'ked inquiry a? to the came of death, bul no itep? were
taken to bold an iuoucit, until some two weeli after tbe bunal
of deeeaicl. Th? body was ?ihuinetl, ?nd ihe ?toinst-U |nen
1 in 1 h?-ge of Prof. Draper of N w York, for ciaminatioo. Au
1 intdtigation wii then mad? ty Ci.romr M. ?rowel!, and the
, tettimony went to ihow ?n intimacy bctwecu the young maa
K .??? I who worked on the farm, and Mr?, llnrdenbnrgh.
' The eridsnoe of other wltnenes wsnt to ?how that Rui-tll ac
| knowledfed to an intimacy with the woman, and alto ?tated
that some one ?round the market had pononed Hardrnburgh.
I Mrs. A une F Mil er testified that Mrs. H told her toa! she
j bad poison in tho houM to be used for family aiatur?. Mr.
W. Vi. Acklsr, coomel for ?cou.ed. mored that the pntoner?,
i who are at pieient confined in Hi? hmond C 'ui.it -ail be dis
? clmrge.1, on the ground that the Coroner hail no right to eora
, ant until the iuqueit waa complote. Mr. John II Hi-adley
I appeared for the peoplo. The Coroner being in cnutt, the
I teillmony taken on the in ?liest wa? ?iibmilt? ?!. The Judge
j took ibu paner? ami will .-mounce hi? decmon on Friday.
THB Tihri? B-t-BBBI DiaTRlt r ? (it-it. Ciliin V.
Prstt. the newlt ?ppolnted Collector of the Third Interaal
Kerenoe District, has. It 1? announced, tils-d hi? t<-< unies,
I mid ?ill assume the duties of the position on ino 1st m Sep
i t-'-bcr. Tbe ?mount of surety is tiut),is?i. and hieb, n.liii.? u
hate jmtiflod to double that amount.
1MB!? in A Station HorsB.?An agitl ??nl??r??il mau
na-i,.ni Teffiey Miller, found sick on th? ?tdewalk 11 front of
the Coon IIou?s ?d Sunday Dight, wa? taken M the Forty first
Preeimt ststioa House, where la died shortly sftei His
complaint was diseaas of the haart.
A 1.1. KOED Attbmctrd IIioamy?Hai.,1 I) 1'arver,
?ged di rears, wai ?rreatal on Bundey wtile 10 tue ?c1 of
being married to a youug lady named Julia (toles residing at
No. ?"J Vork st., on the chaige of st teni pied b.gimy As al?
leged. Carter married Miss Elu-ibeiti Mc? i.\ .a in New York
on the 19th nut, aud thor?'?- after left. Ukin? ?iib bim t?J of
hi? wife'? monee. When arreste?! the a ? BBM waa at the
haiuee of Her. Father Keegan, who was si?..ui perf? ntnng the
ceremony when the pro? eedinf. wen inl.irrii, ltd. CarTer
was ? ?id for a beanng.
-?KW4BK -latta.
SMVI! IP AMI LEM <?? 1.1 FE AT Nkm-Hrinh
?li k ?Helween 7 and ? o? I a? ? ?'"t.rdsy morn.ng, a gratti
train that wn? al. 1,1 leaving Ve? llrunsaick to make ?onie
repair? between Hist ci'y am' Net ark, while beinf run back
wau! for ?nine miri ?M?e, ?'na k ami imiscd 'HT a cow. winch
threw th? twn rear .'?I? oil tin. track, killed the contluctnr
wini jump? il frein it.u last 1 si) anj badi? injured 11 of (ho
laborera?MB W ?Baa cannot remuer. Tbe conductor Mr.
BBM?k? II Ile Mail la? been la the ncryii,? of thecompanr
many year? ai 1 faune I?, run ?.ne nf the thrnngh pssaenge'r
tram? liewa? ? year? of agc, und leut e? a family in New
lliniiiwii k
I?ahi*.; Bl holy rt ? Tin' ?ihn?? utoie ?I Mr. ,loh 11
li l.lwar!? N" t Mulh-rri ?I , was robbed ?bout daylight
yeitci'loy n . ruing of |T? worth of boot? and ?hoe?. The
thief broke ? linne of ula?? in the ?Low wintlow, and carried
ntr all the g.'O'ls he ?oiilil reach. Heand hi? son writ arres!? ?d
? fe? hi,m? afterwBid. it hi? 1 une in Kailroiid are., tBodoot?
from Ihe corner of Mulber-y it.
NiH.iKK 1*01.1? I (?iARli.- The NYir.ark kohtS?
' bat ?f ???? ?ngaii.aett tata ? militari coui|iant ftmmm
ti ga. to Oraagt aa the "?oil ol a ptembcr 00 a target al
1 uri.in.
Cat?nu.*->i fin. Ht.1l.1n, rem?iii- l.elow the rail
Mat*, ii YVolnut st . iliiril ' ! ? holer? Saiurtlsv uigh?.
NkH .IhUSI-Y SlII.IUi.KS IloMK. ?lil?' N't VI -.li r?i 1
s 1 iiei?' Home foi the recplion of dlsiibled Bl?III ?nd sail?
er? la tn he .1.alie ile,! em Ibu 'th of September -ria? n rrsinl
militar, aad .iv,e demotatratto? will tike place. Msi.ir
wAotTatJeti . l 1 iit.,1 Uli.,;, ?le to diluer
ArpoiMTMBet.?Qor. Wari m Batardaff laat ap
pnii.ti'd Mr .1 ill ,. :-t >| I. ace .lust.,.. I, 1 r, I .ty ,f Nee
Bli to 1T1I tin-ya...-,i ??>? ..iubed bt ihe destin f.Judge Plci
thk Oeb??i i...\ tuai 1 ? riif nnraiBBi af Iki
I '"-nth Wui.l et Nemuk 011 Snlurd?y li.ghl mel and II
l?.|?te.| ill ilelefBtC? ti. IBM I .,val I on? el.' 1..11 m1 Phllndelph.i
l'b?-f"ll..*viiiif are Ile nan.?? of tho tlelegslf? H. Schl. k ?'
1 1 :i.i'la*. Adam k ?, h?. r. gchl-Bd 1:. l.ciiig. m Beaast,
. i I nil. 1 k .?'ena l\ ,. B Kel. hain
M.'KTA! ' r\ IB N'blY YKK ? I ii !.' ne re I if ti iliil! I>
la M mimi- bt : ???? ??-o?r??' i .? i
I ? i' ?? I . ab.1 p |i, 1 hi.Air? ? li?- . : ?..
Laago? meeting ?t Library H?ll last ni/ht ?ppolnt-id a large
delegation to the 3d of rjepta-rnber (.'onveetion.
BOBA! Oct-Door MKETiNO?.?Out-door reVigicai
isteti-gs weie hold ?sunday afternoon ?t th? Junclioa ol
lb omi it and Bloomfield Road under "tbe elmi' in Ktw
Yorkavc.. and at the ?orner of Suiitli Otan.e s.a. sad
John it.
Republican Wabd MKBTinos.-The Union lit-pub*
IIcsb voten ia many of th? Ward? of Newark, met lau evia
ing to reorganiie for the Fall caiapaigu. At atna of thsu,
delegates te the great LevalitU Couvtatk? at PblladelphU
w*r? atipoiBttd.
Opeb Ait Concf.bt.?Reinhardt'?* Band i*?"iora)e?l
upon Military Park, on Saturday ereoing, to the dwight of
thoussnds of Intel ?n.
Badlt Ibjured ? Mr. Oliver R. Smith, a arll
known citiaea of Newsrk, wn thrown from a light wsgoa. M
Knnday. at the ooruer of High sod Nesbitt it*., and badly in
Jure, internally. Hopes ere entertained of his recover?.
Paaneaga?i Atri.td.
FROM SA? ANN All-Is ?ttanwbip Virgo?'). M Ry.l*(, ii. D.
Sylve-t.r, J.W.l.ler. I? Ne.??,? J. Mukle. J K. Hel.ili. J t
T tipl nt, T. IV ii-Bit, (j. ii. Aeiiutt. Ii. A. HtkUn, E. jr. F'ai-ti
and D J. Ore??b?rk.
EP.OM MI_MIS?Tl*0***i N.C.-Io itmm.hlp Chart*. W. Uti
Otu. ti. L. E. ii, W. W, lindar, Loait J. .Sbermaa.
-.anal ?hip News.
Si?.n?l ip *? irgo. B-!kl?y. 8?v?nn?h. T? honre, with Bid??. ?? d | ta*
WManar fern. kio. Aug. ?, o? ttyiag Pt. Sbo... l-?d
anuiMp B.i.i|b. bound 8. ia?, diy. 2? atT.?e NE of Fryb., Pea
Sho?li p?M?d .tern-nip Leo. bound S ? ?une diy. it 3 p. m., Muida*
MS .7 tim LlTflt*r*. P*-*?-d a ttrope.ler. .bowing a blue titutt ?lib
a while croe?- ?tb, lai. 37 I?, long TI *?. p****d ?teia-blp Mtdpot?,
b<St'?tu.'.h.p Cl-rl?i W. Uri, W.rl WUmlngjo?l_L?C Mkoan.
wit', mdf? tod pit* to c Beelneai An?. ?. iat_ ja ? ?-,,, -
ilikanail aig.isl? with ? hafmaplrodit? brig, ihowing wbi'? nant!
willi trd Miel I) ?(eeriug N ? ?ni? tin.* tignili?*d ilr?_i_.ip Pi?
neer. from Pmladelpbia for Wi B-Ut-B. S. ?-. and a it.aii.ei ? eel ti,
8, .howlni ?Igral?wb?t* Mdtar ?nil red hurd? tod liar.
Bark Clara TBrraa), Pfobit, Br?t_eB. ii d.y?, ?lib u.da? and ya??
to Kr?d?nrk Scbwoon. H?d on* de?'h n ?b? p??aag? Au?. 13. tat
44 Ion*, ti SI. ??rb?Br?d lignai* wi?h Brituh ahip ISiBimun?. ?I ?t.
John?.N. B ; loth, la!. 4? J6TU??I- 63 ?L ?* htntjed i-t-aii witt A?,
ubi Tubal Clio.
liri. Renthtw Rmllh. Btrbadoe?, vi? New K.v?o. 11 ley?, ?lb
i.g.MoJ. E. W-rdliCo. gpoKE;f
Ship Simmon. (Br.J. of S(. Johni, N B , Aug. 13, to lil. ti, long.
S.-hr. Tubal Cain, A ... ?. ia l?t. 4? M Ion?, ti II._
J. orilNEK ' ? ... N-j. ?Cedar rt., New.York.
See ..!-. rr i.e.i.ent in anothaf column.
si ?, LBS E?)R ince. TERRY HEPS, ka.
Now ti No. 447 Rrnt.'wiy
Bom NET LACE ttlow piicei.
O I.. * I B. KELTY, N?. 447 Broadwty.
?. L. k J. B. KELTY
I'i?fcti .St?Draw i! e ,l?*p on (he edie of 'he pocket, lud lives tb*
lei.rvo.pu t, e ',.,,' r ii ffleni. J m a Lady'* ote, fait?? on the
be I or? create In lieu?.._
/?OTO THOMAS R. AGNEW*", Greenwi-h and
?V B Mnrrtv ?ti . wh?r? you w11] "l?d T?.i. Col???, Plih. F:. or and
e?e:ytl,.ug.'.aei I. ?pe? -.hau tey atoro in New York. On? r, e boat?
/?'? ta IfACFABLAND*1 I! uk Storo. eera?
\J Twenty-third ?t and Brosdwty. Th. r- vu will und.il li ? Ni.W
I'.OOKSol thedty andill theold Slandiid Workl. tod, a ?' I .
i ren li and - VU Stationery.
A ft! II.it order on " Vail, Hatter," aw_.ts ciVcIt
Vi ( ?ne , u.torr er every (?ty recene? to order Ira?? SMI 111
k FOWLER, mau s I Kinalung retail de|*rti_etit. No. 3 Pirk row '
A p " n' ?rtruir/'? rir?!y sirt>u*-.d ia importaoca or lnteBariy. ha?
been pre pii.re.l mi r'.ie cu ,ntry by th? ?aBBBBf mt Audiew lol.?,
i.n and ?u:iie of li a oili . ii or pertonal tJiiinntl to the .lett lud
pitr.otic ptrty by which they were lr.truated with power.
'1 lie inn of t! i? tr?a ,e-y It to put the ?teijftit loytl'alt of th?
Po ith ander the feet o' the '* whipped but no? lubd'ied Rebel?, iii
to r,,tl)> t ,e'?'.tettu .1 it the.r vrng?tn ? on the form?r. whom taef
hat? and nrse at retponaible fat the moat UMgpected overthruw of
?heirda ling "Confederacy."
The recent wlioleaale mt???.--?? it M mphit tal New 0 ran? wer?
hit ,-onspic maa nit ui'e.tttions of th? ?plrit now ratnptnt In th?
.??cul, wbcreof'be pro-Rebel triumph io Keotutky i? i mon r???l
es.oip.e. Toe ?oldier? of Lee, Beauregurd, Joba.tun tod Hood va
now tbe diinlnant power Dom tl.e Potosi?.- to th? Kio Ort? de : t!.*>
?!e t each other >o I ii.-? io pre'erenee even to iuy-at-houe Rake ?
tliey htveiappltnted nearlj til ot i?r* ti poticeinen of *?oatb?r*
i i .io-. ; ti.?y ?r? ?r'?c /-d and officered ti Slate militia , ir.d'hey
tutlileaaly cruah every dnilonitration of luyil Wait?i or loyal R'irki
?ti ?.?rtlon ol th? EQI.I. BMMHS of AMERll AN ERE! ?di ??
Th? i. iori hooaeiof the Bltcki ?re h_ro?d lad lh?u* Wbi'? UNteLen
a o e ,, J to v.o ?tir-e tnJoi.ir.ge by oneb?n*-d R. bell, who re'le a?
the work uf:n ir ter ant .i.ou by cb?er* fjt Andy Johnaoa lad ?a
ecatiun? ..?! ( ?n.teaa.
The purp-i?eofi,ir-i ,g repre??nt?t v?t of th? B?b?' BM-B M
peii.indent-*? M !ie.oyiio_h, b. PrMldant-al tat aad HiWary
power, li ?peniy ?vowed, with threat, tint tho_? wb* mid li at., J
be tr?tt?d ia rebe?, aini t civil war Ibu. knuIUd tbtougbou? IS? N?. tb
*nd Watt.
ItUill :. beroni?imr^r?tiT?th?t tliov?? who???ri_ for iSBBJBFf
an! L iYALTY?lir ii.? i.,.,t ol tb? L'NION toeml andof M.N .?
be FREE?tho'dd orgm.i? tnd work to nreag-hen tb? uiad.Si ('.,..?
(.RESS fur th? inevitable cont*?t before na
?Ve m ut convince the SOi'TH ?nd th? COPPEBUEAI? -lal
revolution? ro not luekivtrd-tliat Emane,pallon ia aa ai. ?ngeab:?
(s. t-tbittheg!,iriuu?lIVILRI0HT3 ACT ?an aarv?? I?* '.pa-ai-l .
Ibu th? riihta of Hi? I ,u,b.?,t AMERICAN tit ?war?lottb gaarta
teed tod ihie!d?d by the FED! Ra!. I ?INSTITUTION tnd i. u? b*
uiainta.ned against s I gsinaay.ra?that tit* days wkereia BLACKS
hid no iighti which U HITE*) were hound to iup*ct b??? pastrd
iwiy forever.
We I.uld to-diy th* power In t'l the ERP.E "HATES of II?, la
WEST MROINIA. andin MISSiM Rl b'lid*. W* rr. ?at I.uld the.?
In uuraaauing elect ..nt. tn| add (o ?_?n, MARYLAND and DELA?
WARE?Hie former l,,.l to n? through tieacl.ei ?, otb*rw?M Jokaao*
iani. W? mut alec? to ?lie XLlS Coe_r?ii ?n orewaelming in?;Of,ty
devotedt? Loyally, Nationality, aad de th* InaliensM? High- c4
To this ead. let L.gi.t ?ni Truth n'tytftarvlcallT tigutai to t??ry
BeisbbovhBod ?v?7 Br?nd?. I_i?ugb it ?ur -r**d country.
Tothii ?nd, w? p- pjo.e ?n ettrt lu? of Tb? Waa?.! Iain i *
iid?ntl-il ia at/a ?ol n i-ai.ti wrh ta? i*go?r ?ditioD). wbleh ??
wi.Uupplj to t'. Subi-nation? ir.eiv*l pring to tsepUmber li on
the ful.ow.ag tataia, til? pip t to ,?s teal ?ad lusKnptioui te c?.u?
Bi?n,? ?a rtxwip? of the troney:
II <??i?? f sr ti:-e. inunth?.f||
?'* . . a
ta . ? .I?
MB ' .*M
?..i.? a.W'TS i? ii,?.., i.
I he papen to be se I (o or* iddrc ?
? iiienu. ,.i ih. et ia? ?rain ried to forul c'ub
V. lil NH..D al ,
Ne? >. ?
? or NI It ltR(JADWA\ v.l) ORAN!) ?I
Mtniiji i:\t
SO A I'.
J. f ll.'ll.s SUN
N o (.' P.rkrow .*4ev? l.ik
R?FT?RE. "
Th*M in?',un .n'a ire ?t il, y n?i? ' ? ?? ,n prln ?I?'? ltd t i,. I
'i m ALI. Ol II? R--I.I.IIIT ( LE**? |V|i BART NO rRES
-I "I- "i ?li !v(h NW .RI? ? ' *w iRi) MOTIOS
11 Ills ile ,, ,.i . dlnile cttr? of II el. ii.?
w . : 11 - ? a 11. ,s ,
, I',..j
N.. !?? I-...da??.

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