Newspaper Page Text
??C,tt?-l0tIi V?1- XXVl.N?- _?>__. NKW YORK, W-DIMKKDAY, AUGUST 29, 18-6, PRICE FOUR C-t-fTS. AN lNIKREf-TING ^T'ESTKN. vVhsltltatf p?r | ? ? n ..'?i i jet-rjtit m tilt k? (rou il?ltls I -Titi? olly li ? m mt- '.? d witt uiyJ.ttBitol the ?loi?kib. t.tri oi a?y of lia oigtr.a ?p'erttii ir.g to dlg-aLoi.. Tbi? c1.?? of i?i?ol? um t?Bbt?dly ?ii ?, ? ? . . ? -it Otk t-M i.?? lbt.n tics? p?' ??aid of meng tLd I.? titby _!.g??i ?t BBB? The goeellui. then litturt!? ? we re?t*ne and ktrf Ihn? cigiu.? in t lu a.t! y in?! i Y', ? t, ??el by ?? Bentlon te diet svt.J.r^ u. a,,? ? e?i??ei'.?t.t ...i.p tna-di ,sl? eirr ?lee ?Ttiding all i,-.illili ng dru.k? lo alta i wlslfim i ? WBl?<tl tlrO BJ ? ? ?f thal fit It ?UtLftb ??log tot,, HOOlTiANTi S OlaHMAN BIT TERM. Tbt? B1TTF.RS ,a s cou round of fl ?d ?itrio?? Tbe tool? tad leert-? ?Vi i. ?huh M ia n.tde aie pt Lend in (ern.-Lt. and thru ?.?tue? In II ? fa .ii. a ! ?in.cta. ?ititiled by one c1 the luoit ar ui.t.Lc m?ata? ?aad thurina, eulist. Ibis country if olds. It is HOT A LlQt'OR PKLPARATION B say ante < f the word contslm no whiakj, r nu. or r_j tt'-'i i a??e*t)ng i.f rediet.t?. and can be freely used m fain.'nee Without any ?Var o, ia.? if tbt.? MHf B rontia-lln- the i mat cr v. t c1 a.len. per???. \Y? with lina fiel d.riii.ctly undent? ? d. ?? many tre spt to ?eO-tfcuud tbia HITTERS with th? u ajiy otbe,? ?fin, IU- | I . i le paieOf'tu. I.?, mai n0.el.i.ii -uni?a ILe CHOI.l? H A SICASOM at k?4'J tim UTTERS wa? eitet.nit.y lad thrcughent the entire aaaaarj AH A PREVENTIVE. ?a?l?? have not beardif ???.._> lOBlan?? in which th.? BITTERN w?? ??ed where the perton ?uHeied from ?Ly of the ayu.ftcn.a of <T.clean The great ?ti?irgtbeiiii?g Tcu.c, HOOFLAND'S OE11MAN BTTTtSBB, will etna. DEB1LITT! DEBIL!?*; ??aniHtBg '?cm t?y uautt white??? PROSTRATION OK THE SYSTEM, by Hi. VERE HAHHBH1P8, FXPOt-iIlE, ErvERs, OB PISEA9F9 0/ CAMP LIFE. r-OLLIF.RS ? ITI/.ENS, MALE OR Fi.MA1.l-. ADULT OR YCl Til will find in tbi. BITTERS ? paie took, net ?epeiidet.l ob bid iiquci? fur their sauioil luiruci lous to" t ThW BIT??Bl ?. ! "?? ii" in'?'' ?avere mart of DTBf_l? Ya Bad dltetBre re*oltlB| from disorder? if the dtgett .*?? oigsn?, toi .* tia only ??re, certain an?! tafe remedy !?>r LIVER COMPLAINT?. All are nar? or let. sleeted dilling the Spiii . tt.A F til. with loi *U)ly olt?t k-portsiit oigan of digest,oi,, the. Tver This BITTER.-?. With? nt couta?>u? any preparation of mer ury, or bv purging, arti powerfully ob Ibis oi<au i-f ile? it to a beslthy and lively IBB?, tnd Bites a leoe lo the ? hole ?yttru.. hen ? HEALTH, KNEKUY AN!) STRENOTII lah? lae piece of Jin k.i.ii, Orbiiilg aad l!?)OKIiANI)S OlillMAN 1'ITTI.KS ?ill , nie every .aie of ?ChsTuuie a NeiTou? !>?! ia ] I. ., -e.i'ftbo Kidneys, And I'i?e?M? ?rising fii-iu a Uisoidtr? d Stoioaeh. Oh.trvr lb? Italluwliig ?yinptom. r.-lulling from disorder? of the di a-Btetrre organ? ?Lea.lipata.aa. Inwsni Pile?, Fallne.. of Blood to the Hes-I, Aridity o! Ihe Htoit.^ta, Nausea, Heartburn. DhfBBBI Foo,!. ? i. isettor YVeigbt n. tho Stooif li, Soar Ki , I.. I., as bu.kiog or Flattering ?I the Fat ol tbe Bton.ta" b, Swimming ?I tbe Head II allied and l?.afft-utt Breall.lng. Fautleriiig ti the II,?ii 4 tacking oiHufocating ri.Baatst.01,1 Wl.eil to lying Poalaie ol YTtion. Do!? or YV?I>? before ti? Fever ?ia.I Dull Pain in the He?, Ile. ?Vieiia-y el Penpirtiiun. Yrlowness of i .? Hkn. sud Eye. Pun in tia Mile Ls.l (heit Ltuite?, A?; ke . Sudden Fluehea of Heat. Bunnin Eleeh ? onatsnt I u aginiiaga uf F i.. and gre?! Deprt-aiiot. ? ? -;? ? tV? have t bott of ???tlmoni.l? from ?I! psrt? of ti,..t.tiv lut space ?ill ?Ho? At the p bl. ?lion o' 1. t lew of then, hen ? ?e ?elect tho*e of wel. known peraoaa wliote inlebigenre snd dinn?i Se?tl.i'i ?ie bevund d .ubi and we ?i I pty one id del tri to lay tine produilug a certifica:' : i 'hit ii not gen.iue. BEOO??fENDAI ION8-, JH?? Jamil Thom],tor. JuAje of the .?'? r'tmt Comet tf Pt'.niyiia:ta IBH.1I)??'Hi. Apil i<. 1 .' 1 Ieon.ider HOOPLAS-S OERMAN BITTER.? a eemtmte matt eine lu nae of atti, ti of lndigeattou or [?Tapepela. 1 can *? tioxu wy eipeiieuce of It. Y o'irt. ?HI. retpect. JAMES TU0MP90N. frei? .4. BeMade iiy A'ei? York bl 66 H??iJ"i* Ma' h ?? MM, Ubis ?i? lltk.giti p'a???ar? , !?.:.:?ioj t, ia. .?-ii.di_i.ry remedial ..aalltiel of the HOOKl.ANl) .? (JEBMAS Bil 1ER? p I Oared st yoi.r ?tttbl.tho?en:. A Bieuibtr o'lb? f?m y ht? b*-.i f ?i mi it ye?-? t pe-'ee-'yr to Dyipsp??. Pi.p.lit .a ti the Heart, fid uthe' dir :e??i-ig uJi?. a ?ia Of B torpid iver, until pnrtutderd to try Ibe ibu?? csl?oi'.?J i-m.1. Bhii h in tie? ?Mil r?i tei 11 nut! i{ bri i'? uta be; ?Bra ?, li ?'a new womaa.' You ?rea Marty tj usk? ?ay u.sof t? ? yal ae S: o- r-f? s 1st auf sara to ya i.'s ? A Mc.YlAl.IN. tram .lohn U. liu?ex.i? r,, tem e' A ,ein,,him, e\ H ii ti., I:. celebrated Mi.-'it- ?? ti ii ? Um tinki ,V iii tonalli. I sm ?hs ?ecipaeut 1r" I J? ( 4 ans ',: t..? mmtekt B*?B " ?t ???? b? I aConfeired np,:, mtn vat, lull of be?! tia. Kot u.tny yen? I ?st I Bofrred IroiB one of lb? BM .oaovia? asd debilitating sei?p .ia-a that the buuto ftuiilr eai. he t?cted wi'.h?MTM 1 ' ' Our.og tbt <>ug ti .? I waa bi.i!.?u.g BBB bia disetiel ?a. ? by regu'tr Bhysn ?i.i g v i< b.v tat i_?u_,o'?r", iilief T - ? - teene-d io rema ? uml I wa. nil -j to t/y IL "OFI.AMl I Ol P. MAN_!iTr.R4 Alta Ha BB ?' ? B*J liolt'o? E ?I (?eda lia? Ibe '' ' 1.1? a a' a; [?-? ? I ! . b- ...Tia.' I I . -a lu ?ru d.) Ibtak yu . fir tu , t vi1..ah . ipecac, ?od. ?heoever 1 hive an eppeituBi-.? - ?totueod ii. witt, ful ?uti . r- ..bint? Tr. ? y . i')HSB WH Kilf.MH, Nsw Turk Ita I lent i tom ger letiJHel full" o' l'.e Hi;.;.' t ,*-,>? Pen.'.- \ ?ssr.l. e'lS. N ?li. Ho. ",' I'- !?:. t ll-l,.\. I j i Panoro' Ihe Harlot C?-J'c\ Ckntee Pt, I ? . ? . ? ? e lh??S-.??nHO-r?.AM> *H? HV IS BITTr It? ? ga B'iniberof y??rs I bave a-l than, m uy "?? 'mi, ? iai<l liair ka., mo plea_-d ?si. ibei? rd?, ia 1 was BBa "I a ie jonuend Baa I > aasiny others mi kri?? dal th.? kB?a o??r?'?J io ? alriaii, ? I,, a', ?ci? _?beei I tak? |r??l pleaasr. iu Ita? pi.b .a-? nroc'a.m.n- *.. a fi?i, tud M 'mg tia? a lent aa ol thoa? arl Bl ?.In th? dt?e???a lur . wbreb II ey ait re i?:u?aJ.d te tbe.a BiTTBEE, knawn.g Bia pssiUoce tu?t bit re im n?i -t? < an .. be ? .?'?ia?.I I do t'na u.., ? v tt HOOFLlSi) ? Rilli R.? .??,.! efll.led, ?lal II ' laaa' . i r '? I_-V| J. BT.'l. ti tom Ret U I. .?, . La/''.! Chtitk \ , . ktgAki ?JS?TI*.B1? I h?TS r?, eat y Ven : ?rttrctl ..?rio . ? ??te., | NaaV? ?W -i ?. 'r -ada ?' I aOBM ol tt eil, tailed O'. ? ' I ? 1. A Ml > !, ? K MAN kUTTr R? wee - I,.'.,?? lwl by p.nn.a wtn. h?d ? ?tud whoa. '??o!?u ? mt luirdm-'u'r. i ? nfetitbtt I had ia ?version io 1'ieii! M? .'.e'-tbou Said Slid 'HI . ... . t be I?, {..111 llasn'rird . 111. I ?I war ?Bdll.e-. - - to in??? many a Baal?4 I pun Ira. a ... i s ...?de 1,1 Im?, I ne.? li ?ai,, ba?tt ?a? I i ? ? ? ? a"i am'y upon I. ? B?b, bot ill? ??er?-, I? .V.Tri? ? ????I tt.ti I hate An ? ? I', a Iel ,.?;. t i ?. Mr?. YY li. ?rlliMili i in io ii tTEl in (.io k1 El Yitli Bl ? Tl'.v ruc? ^,.,g r no?!... ait a ? Bar ? i?o/.t lui a.*. - - '" -' ?-' ? ?"U?i, do i.?I ha p..i of by my o! Ib. .a.ta.i..??: ie , ,,t .?ay be ?Btred m ' ?4*, Oat _a-l,d lo O', ?'id W? ?award It. .?i u,al? p., k?d hy ??|?eie. PRINCIPAL Ililli I /.NU MA.M'FA? TOBY' No. ES1 AK'HFT. Pi!ILM?ELPHIA PA. ?!?>M SA EVANS, PROPRIET? ?RS ter mu. by llmgg.ti n.,1 Heeler? n. ?Tri y to? i, iu >li? Inilad Stales. Tbt A,.,,, | |? NI W YORK isa? III'.I.YIIiOl II K D"E1 (k AM) < Ill Ml? Al. V A l-.l ?Ol 81 Nv C?4 bbUAlyM Al EUROPE. News by the Atlantic Cable to the _8tb ml The Treaty of Peace Ratified by Prussia. The Reform Meeting at Birmingham the mwt Enthusiastic Demonstration of the Kind Since 1?32. AI STRIA ISSUING RONDS TO TAY TUE EXPENSES OF THE WAR. ITALY DISBANDING HER FORCES. aMazzini Refuses to Become a ?Subject of Victor Emanuel. Spain Feajing for the Possesaion o? ('-?-a Owing to the Colhpse of the Mexican Empire. FIN AMI A I, AND COM M EK CIA LI NTELLKi E.N( I S-HB-BAHaTi Paean Kaiiard. I'RA'.ur;, Atif-. .*7. IH'.. The Treaty of Peru o made hy the ricnipotentiu rios of Prussia ami A'.wtna. lins Bett ISt-Ssi by Hit? Kmg ol Prus-ii.i, ?nu! it now ?ni it? way to tlii-i city tot exchange. _ iBBta-lfta Bt>ail. la be laaai.l la ?li?i lb? l.tprtt??? ef th. War. Vi ??.HA, Tueanlay, Aug. Si ft in. The Austrian ??overniiient has (lot'-rniincil la hi I liouil.-; to the am-iiiiit ol' I4<i.?nki,oou of florin?, to ince: tbe extraordinary extM'nsct of the late nar, inri mung tho 20,000,lriM) ti limiers -? d to bt J.aiil t-' Prussia by the treaty 0. Bggtg, I.KKAT linn m It? l:a|_li?b Iii on in .Tia. rascal ?.uni *> |>. . . b ? I ?li. Iti iuIiI al li ii t , ni ginini. IjOSISji 'I ue.daji r,i?,n I . John Hnj'ht IsUtaaa?aaaaaahlastaajhl ?i iiu Diinghani, betas ?t bmmh Bieetiag ef tht people, raver? able to tbe I'cform incvciiiciif, which eu-i-c?!. d all ins former eloquent ?Hort -, ami created Ihl BfeOSl Ntl -fei* astie exi'itcineiit fetDOMi tha million.-?* tad JOB CS. I be meeting was the lurge.t beti of lute yean-, and tha interest manifeste! lu lbs BtamJt feXCSsM t!,?it?t BBJ fermer demonstrations in bTOrol l;< l.?rni -nice 183., ITALI. ?Ma.ilai de? larra la avail ki mrll ni ihr Aru ??sly preclairucS by lae Kia*, ?f Haly. F-OBi.M r, Tuesday p. uay August '-- le'*",. Ma?rini has relused to accept Um BBtaSfetJ graiiteil liy Victor r.manuel, and d?clin?e to be a subject ??f the King on any ter.:.-*, preferring exile to such a position. I>i.t>?n?ta_rnt ?( Fartes, BfeOBSStS, Tuesday, p. m Auf 21, liri. Tbe immense army which Italy callod into tbe field to reclaim Venetia Iroin A 'istrian dominion, ii being rapidly disbanded. Garibaldi,! volunteer force is dn trmed, and tbe regulir army ii fast being rodaced to I t peace f-x?ting. SP A 1*4. Tapiare af a t'hlllaa Priralrer. Mai,K li I i'.uar. Au** itt. If-He-i One o? Her Catholic Map'sU a Irie-at?--* h.u succeed* ?d m capturing ttn* Chilian p.-.iateer Tonudo, oil the ? ii If i :i. Ptiri KaUrlaiarl tar Ihn Paaaenaiaa mt (aba. Mai inn. Tutu!?) An.'Ht it p. m. Fears are bsgiaaiag to bl entertained hero ah to the deetinyof t'uba. The Pallin a, in au artiol?. |?ubli?h.?,l today, argue* that the imj.oiiding collajne of the Millican r.uijiire will compromise Hpain'? poaseawiou of the Island of Cuba. Bl aaiA. Baa*uri la lbs Aaacritaa Piakaiu ?tr. I'e>, I,hi,ding Ihf l.o.rrinril mt the ('sar. Mat?se*, Maeiar, Aug..:. ist.',. At the banquet given to th.? ?SfeferiCBB tht sj'-.'.*!i o! Mr. Fox in re-_?o:i?e to ? t(>a?t ta? eiiu nently laaiatsrj "i tilt* OotsnatsBt sf thi Csai aa_ aftha sjBtssi sdoptsd bj hiss arhkb had bound hit -ed.|j to hil inter.-?!?. ? <??ihi m i u MB 11 >A X1 Al-. livrrpawl t allaa .narba i. btSBPOO-i Tuesday evenii,?' Auir M ISB '! lit* Cotton market is duli am! dS-U-i-fl pt." psrtnlly id. lowir; the tale, m day *?." M"' ?UBI 1 pisad? is ojUoted ul , ,, _ I , ,,_. i ? ? I mil.i Bra o.lau,ii. .lark? I. j.ivnin..,, |u? jn>c BreaJ-f Aa| B IBB I ( Hreiidstnll? niitrl.. t SS di tBti-f? Kit.ur and Wheat ?re .li ?...j,, :iK. < ..r n bat- li li, per .|iurttr, and Mund Bl M n united Bl id. 1? r 480 16. _ l.lvarpaal Prnviei.a lt|ar|trl. J ivkbii?,!, 'lueiday Kvenu,|r. Ab|T it. It** The Provision market i.? generally unchanged. I.?rd l* Bspcciilly dull and pneti Domina!. I i|4oa n?ar? ?Ittl.i Lsasss? Tu*?!?? t.tiiii.r a&i -j*- \9\ 'I in . . ). i with Iel aagi U ? ?< ?jSkibJ ? J"ti. | i i <.\ ? I ? i . -,.| IHf H'l lui millie?, "?'?"?i a ?rot 111... 'DBrxiB Tsetday l.veuuif, Aug ? im?, Tbe market for American tecuritifB it? improving Stn! pritno ait illgblly Inghrr The figures al the *k,ic wera) ?afollen?. T?nrt*d Sut?* Fir eTwtuties, Til Bri* Raiiwsy BLare? 4M, llliotii ?.'?ntrsl hlisn-? t%% Til li Mit-illlll I AM HIO I S. PBATH OP MOBB irVALIS'I*(i-EOA<?Ttj OP A IfiLH'B* Af*. (?.??liai DlipaleJi le lb* N. T Ti,I un?, ClllCiOO I '? I .v Ant '?*? I*-" A ipeeial from Now-Orleiine tari; Kight negToett and oiir? abite man died itttht? Marine Hospital last aid yu? luna of Hie recent riot. Nearly nil the remaining will rt ( over. til..iiirJi twenty are still in a critu al i ?audition. Oat of Mayor Monroe? 'Tliuge, a jx lu email, "j? lily heaetid Inst night on the street*, in the prtienro of a crowd, thal be killed ni nigger?? and wounded three wbite men during the tight. Kin! only received a ?light wretch from a pistol tal) m his leg in return. A reqimit vu lent to the Mayer that bo lu? put under arrest, which he declined doing, and on order .u *mb**f(jiicntlv inn. d by tbe l'ruvost M_rt!>_) but the (.oin email could not be lound. A UTATEMIoKT COVTBADK'T-D. KewObi.KANI, Tneiday, A Og. 'A. Mb It him Leen charged that a meeting whs held lia tbe mayor ? j.arlor on Sati.rduy evening before the not, whereat Msior ?Jen. II. ,1 Btnta waa j,r. sent, aud that the la?t? r h.i,l t. etilii-d before the militar*? Commission that tbe al? tin k on tlio Convciitioii bin! fenn planned at tin? me? ting, aad that ho left the tnemblen before the proceedinf,?? lermiiiated. To The 'Times, which denied it! belief tblt be roultl ia teatify, at it whs not true, t.en. Herron ?aid that tlio statement w?.? fa!??i, norning from where it may. Some 4(1 nu rt Iikiiis??nd |irolce?ioiial men met at that ui*???b' ing, and tbt result ol tfeeli eoaclaataa wns la advise whit?? people, through a pro. Lim.ii ion. to keep away from Hie ( '(invention and a\ old any tendency to an outbreak. The l.ioiit.-Oovonior also walled on the new ?pa per oflica*? te H?k tbe papers to urge .1!,?tun in e from irritating languag* and roi.dint, which they did. -jf'Ac 'Ti ibunr, published bj colored men, wai reviteal to day. OPPK JAL REPortT ?l? T??K RIOT. Baa (Hu ?ans. Munday, Aug '/., IHA. '1 h?< Military Commission appointed by (?en. Hurd to investigate the riot in Hu? . it*, on th? i.uh ult hare com* pieted Hu? duty to far as taking evidence i? eoni-erned, and are iai? preparing their ten-rirt. It will pruhalily he sent lo ?Jen. Sheridan fur hi? renew the latter part of this week, wl m he will forward It ta? Washington. N.-arl? *J (a?i f,?,l?o?p pig*! of te.lnnoiiy have been laken; the witnesses oouipi ititi?' |?n,ce men vi hite eiti/eni and Kre? doien and in( hiding iheitatemeritl of repreiei,|?ti.e men of both ?ides. 1 he lint lesiitnnny l li? ? ?! wi? from Col. Admis, I'loef of I'olice. snd bia aid?. be?lilo a i.umher of the a, ri'-iint? sail pr?vale, of tlie km Th? wouoded wini?? and negro?? were neil sworn, .i I were li Loued by wrtile and Idsek. otber?i?e tha rep? rt uni be elansitird .ti ?urti ti n,ni,r er M t? pue all of the evident? regntduig tb? o ?use oi iirin of ti,.' riot nu,ter one head, and the feafeartae of the po da, ia ith the cruel ruunlers hy the rioters oiider another It will show that 'he lim ?hot tired was from a revolver in the hand* ?fa ?bite man at the ?>-, 11 - tien of (peedan ?huh w?? pn??n g I'? it. en route fir the I ni io', where the ( onvrniion vt.i? in ?.???", u. about'-(I nnnutet (wutai d ? t'.out further tii.turbtiicc. tnd the procession reacliod Iii, Ins.ilute ?hen ,i nju ni of police op p,.a-,I and ill alton pi mi; I" m?le ?!,?*:> tired o.i ile freedroen. who returned the tit?-. A mob of eitlsen. then ?,urii*d H,e |?diee. and the greal inaaaitcre I un menead ; il ?leo ibnwi that ?eiernJ polni-uten lud rmried the band* va , thtir hat* it lucha munnir iKut the numbirt muli nut be st?,., snd lust i.fl.r ti. y had fir. id Iii-ir wat lulu the Hall wliere ! ti e Convention ?hi fold Or, ,'i"?',ii,/r,l IA. ii flay pt o ,hut | flag, and tin I irolitcriiuinnieiv nu the tuenben ami a larirr number ' f s? ?. t?',,r?, soti.c of ? in. ?en not lo ?yoi p . I y ? ilh the politic ?I i.r.ieiiv io-'? of tb? (-.invention Sime ? ti iii? Mtfaun ?ore lindg.'t ...?Iiestlnir the . i!?' | , | ,,r or-r?r i/ation. Af it tina fro?? lu, ,i, a I li u . Ifet t. *t.,i.uiy ? ??? that the n , mi?, m sud ?get latan reae ?a ana lad In i ?",i.r ,,' " .' ? n .m m r Bit. ,.I,mr?, and tken harrie ide,! tiie laen. a few of r.e men ?>*ri ?mi ?i?. '?ti r? ni nala Ila n u.ine their i nat. ? iront Um brMMiaa darlBi ?'? eaafaitao afin !, f(,il ?e,i. After t),c lurries!? bal fern r-ataMMfeel not a single 11 i -i in Ir o hn?dlng aaeaped iinhtrim I, tnd ?' m, n iver,- m o i d' nd 1 n partiel lara oftl taartlarof Or.DaM e i? hil? s i riai,tier in tie land? ol Iii. pom c, and t!.. Va i f ii her in en, I? r. in lit? IBU? I ,, id ii. on i. alto in, lodrd. I be nteraat la lyaat "fe It ),?h auauber,Mp?*?iti??ly i I ami ?lill, i r. du i? i: . ,n !?? the i?,M, e Io, ntiB| th? li,,. ?( ?II ?lo? wee in the bundill,', alni ?te But n- v. .!? ml li i fount |-nill? mt i.e., I, all i .. n irdtrsll Hurt?*?, Kvuleioe na? ellen.?.! ?howl!,g thal la many r... . t|. i I o i irtMiiu,? n ? in n 'i. v , aan bara arnaud them aitfeart tlounie, ai ii II, it ?mindi ,1 liBgn-ri ??-. thm-i u I? a ran ?nd k-lrd WblleHI ? ? d*?4 fentlaa which Lad liem (dare?! in top of 'In ii A ? to the origin ,?f ti e nul the ???irrri,i??ii,n will iindim'i'.illv te|?.rt [-Bl ii wa?ea??ed by tittil ! !?" Lnf? oil the pntt .if the ,-,!,. n, ,?,| p . , . ? ,??,,{ the Undi? li I'n ,mai? ?nd the (n-Minen T hey ? i,l . . pr.ilialny Bf Hi? opinion ti,?! I? ?tl.ii w .. pre. ..ncertaai. |__? mu, h ?a the erinetn c ?hu?, thal it ??? t? l?d ?f ',. li /?IIS for days pr?t lo i? to ? ? t ugether, tb* |h.|i, e and the ri.'tett, fot.r ?e; an? . rtealsa feafan amatiai -? *' ?? ia? sp? Bal tfe* noteiai id ant eeaaa Ball ?I W ra lb* I sp|iesred the ? jttrrniion had l?ea dn?-ri.,l. bal it ?i. sa the Opin on ni tlie ( omi:,i?s)(,n t! i? if Ik! lr,?,p? tad Bet ?t riveJ j ,: ??'.'..i ,!.,! !!,, r...t ?,uild t,?>? > 11 _ r. ?*? .1 la tbe l li, I nil. Slioa ii! ,1.1 'I , I I*.oil.?la SBd Ih 1 he itiieat',- ,' . ? ? the Duller jul lultrane meet.iii' ? ? .- ih* t-rolt? u : .??? ii * prtl .j'.- I" I V r '.. n ?bl BJ lit WU-I ? I1 tie K'.i.ii :;i thl report ?if -- I . leereiy on Ifet ?'oinmi??ion, aad no autbaalle ttgtOXO Wtti otttsiued ,,! t!,e er.detire during it? Seasorr 1 '? however, ii reliable, allkaafl r.,f I i tal ra ? ?< : ?? . rceired tt.e ofllcul tlipati ' " of *?'i?il,li*i i-garoio?' the no1 l! ii feltafelae l"<" :';u' ''"' tel l'?a?r, m-r,? of ih? (.?i'l-rs going ?o f?r a? lo charge bia ?lib u I. ntl! -*? | New .(?i'.ran? ? ury. ijanndeiil .? 1 Tfmtt, III! It DI AIM. A!. BB4SJVBTBB BKiv. kp> BOSTI-S DHN-BB am- i h TBOOri-^KVKS(i) nU LHT8K KII.I.B1. ...Mi uro WtkWWBBBmm T II K INMAN? IV NSBSSSMM M . UK WHOLI ?vu NTitY?AN I NDI8.RIBIN A TI ILA I OH TBR OP MBXII'ANS NK.R PuRT OA-LA*41>. SIB? IIIIIIO, ?In, i,; Ot.pat I. ? , 1 r,? N 1 Tor?.n* Latta-troera Kaaaa*. i'i-??i?. Aug t. ??.. A light baa taken plan aaar Kort Beao, ?o?r.? IfealB? diane drove off 7* bead Of QofBrBBMBl nuil,', from Col Camiii|i(iii ? camp Tb?y wera followed by moiutml ni- i lim Iniiiani turne.1 upon the pnraiiing pan/, killing nita an 1 wounding la?, Bud oic.ijo"! w.tii all tbe ?took A parly ol ofli-er? and iBtfBlll going loth' |K*|, IJ n. In? fantry wera atlivk???! at ISwder Kuer, Bad taouinu war?? k Hei in Iii? allack. 'Ilia Indian* did nu' si cn ,1 iii Meaptd?aatheateek. The* bato ?Harked feantfel Iraiat Man that tiluo, aud kill,?! f.ur m, n and woninled many more ?etadeklaa ?to .iii mead Pert Bea% Bttac et Min (I'ckolH lio- i,ii;l?I Tim Indian? boll On- whola n .ullin, ei(e|,' tim m .ii n i m ?,- In? ,.ii,i'X ?dl i i feted ?i beam vUfete one unis or nu' fort, and tlei ti ?iuv*tra_M?4 niule?. rrr'V?|i? S',|? ?.'lit III |MlfaUl!, bul could eel arntaka nea* Oa lea '?ih ?f Segaat, iimv a!,i!? herd of bolac? fft milo? cul ,f Bjou ?. 1 ban i? o vi don i it .i ?t* ne n? i ,,.t in "ok among all Bie I ulina ??n ? He? al nu? aee the tMeefet mailo .i|eiu the from er ?et Menean ?M K ma?, toan peal aartnealloe a? teen ne ae tr i i|K in?te. Ht bai IrH ladtaet anas Unir ae t,e.train I i it-r UM nurlleui Uat "? Clali Itiriiliirv, oi. the II,?iii im Slate Ubi tnatiae. grttX panie eBaaglbaael. tier? in (bat vu nu!.' Ti /?.'i thmt bu 11.1 lo.I,.? raai ' TWt ledi isa han r iiurntst to tbe vu itniy oi lort 0 ..?', ir ti, New Mell, ", Hil ?ro novr ?iii|g.i ;,-l u. Ibu lu,ti? crimiaate BMMBacnei ti ?v, Mexiraa inaaWtant* titi/ , ia ti. : BBBBB1 KI. Ill? ' SSI BBSS IVHKH' HT Tim UBOI TH - ThRtlHI.t k11 RIlKR IN UAVIkrl OSBBIta Sp,, ,?. Di,pt', I, toTIi? N 1 Irin in. Sr, len is. TaaaStp, Aug ? - Baporti fr..iii Ij.d'avei'e, .?*>,i.,?n-, Carroll, Kay ?tni ?,| joiai-B eoaattn. indicate nrioat iaj?uy io the corn crop bj th.? ptelaagarl ilr,,iith. a horrible auirdw i? repntlad ?? Balan, Darin Ce., aban i? aalf i-i???? aeand Hte-ntoa aiardsiedbiawifc ?ml lier ?ister bj bMtiag eel i.i,-ir !?r.r r.? vi-ofi i |,,_ ,,f WO,,(I. Al.lit M ., "I HU BATI sisad, PBB ruh im vi t>| Jtl'liP. SMITH. Al BAM I if ? li' _t| * e I'ln s, ii.ife tuet ,t ,,i,.,:, t ? .1 iv u? n I'onri t'o* th-- in,ii ,,f .Imlire ?...'* \\ laUtb "1 ??!.'? < o ?nli (jil tb' tbani ol uia li ii inca i offli (. Ain run '-.-(,.'.l'ion Mi. li. c. Sfurphf move,i n,, appointment o! i i-omniitn ,.i ? li r. - ? le ttftanai tb? ?? la it thi I- ceptli ? P - ' Bl Jobatta ni Hu? i i!v next lluir-diit 'Vetiitt. ii reaolntian an adopted, and li.i- l.n uii'iiiilil Coven i,r Ippoinled Me?-,a II t m |,liv. Su' nr1:. o id ?'? in* . ,1. I ,-.?-' ,, ' - niri .] , ti?n o try ti i -? ??! .1 _*** Smith. nil-: i ni i.i \> km uti.? m?. Kijci.i i iuv? mi ki . i, i ...u vu, PBOM II4.IBOII K?:i'i ?BHCAIB. Sp., i?. l'..| .' L I .in. S , : (III, A'," I'let'liiv Abg. -Jr levraf, The Kepnhiiean Btafei t'aalial Coaraalloa yeeterday Ii3>?e.l rnsolitlniliS ol |,-?|ei! *'.r UM Inminui of Iii,tu Blnhmitadaad of iiiadnltan ?oh in-family, ?"?n ci , . yesierdav. tpfropritt* remart- MtOg feBBIt bf Iii \ Munn. MT}. Bl FPALO. Manu 'liKMdtv. Aug ? lees Tbt Hoard of Trade io day ('????x1 appr<.*.ii*tere<..)iitioti* r,I, the death ot Hean Hirlnil'illd and voted to riot* the itioBM ?ni tbt da] "f bia tunera! ?t iutan? al ,.h lahn ? j.lacc at'.' j it . '..i. nanda**, ii.? *hb u.n THK T!_l 'I I I'Nl.KA! TI,?.! :'" 'Ii. lol IV' ??'? ' Bl Le Vim i ,! vi t..|. j ,, , ni I?.??*.- IbninhiV Hi? .??'ii ne' ...I lo'clock l iu WASHINGTON. Many .Sonthen, Delegates Afraid to Attend tbe Loyalist?' Convention. hi Tliei? Pfi-ullf? lod Property Would be Eodaof * I if Tiley Should. (hetflng RirVi from the (?an??** in fpiin* ?lyvania. Wa?ITi-?(?tC?, l-Md?;. AttfnttCU, ?H*X ?Cmt ?TT?-pTiri-i or Tni -ot-thbr-i i-biobists. Judg?. Kelloy armed in town thin nio-nini?. He ?8 her? to make arran-tmert? for the reception of the Southern delegate? to the I' I .Is.iilphni Contention. Quite ? number of then.' delsg-Rt-e hat? airen?!j, srrlteiT. They repreient that ?Ince the New Orlean? riots the Icy?) I'nlon penple of the South hate become tcry muah duheartened, ni.d ?re afra,d to etprote tbtir tmo ?tntinienu <p*ily. Men wLo had been elected iltltfite? to lb? Loy?) Southern Conten? tion will tem be unable to attend. Tb?/ ar? timid and dar? not ?J-???* their hrallir? and property to their unreconitrocltd and cniel Hebel u?-ighl?>?? bj coining North to the Conten? tion. In fact, ion.? of the?? people haT? been threatened with and intend leekmg a hume here in the North m ?oon a? po??lble. Ern m ti) accounts, the welcome that will bo piven the ineinl ar? of the Contention by the people of Phila? delphia will be of the warme?! character. It will bo a diff?r? ent one from kbat fiten tbe last ?.'.intention which iim?bled lhere, HIE PK.-fNSYLVAMA CANVAS?. Au ai-vount" rfi'oiv?"d bi-re malic Peni-y.vau.a cer? tun for 'jen. (1< ary by st least thirty thciiiaod mijority. The csmjiBiK*) on the pult ?.f the Kadicals is being carried out with pt. at /?al, ainl the oiith?liasiu of the peopla throughout tbo Slate thn?? Hair ?cntinien.i. The indications are that the Hinl,iii? will gain three Coi ?:r<*??iL? u. Tho two molt doubtful IT.?trull aro tbe Third and Faith, if th? county ?>f Philadelphia, ri>prcet?t,i<',l iii the prisent CtB gre?? by I.eoni.r.1 Mje;? ?ml M. Hu??c.l Thujer reipec t.vriy, Kiln ..Is. _icyr? will be icnotnuattd hut T'b.?j?r dei In.i-s a iei.uu.uiut.up. The Copperhead Will nnuiinal?-iin.e but (hoee of the uio't ultra ?tripfl, mid in . tin? mti.ucr i: e Ks.ii.?Is lj uaiauniitiug gixjd men feel conti ?lent of e.irrti').' Ita ?bore named .1.?tricia. In .Judge Kel? ley'? dlitr.? !, t!'- 1 arih, t'.?i Jnhr.tun m'-ti ure lining tm,o nud ' nioney tai defi'at Ju'ln?' K? IIef. The Ikcintn-rat? bare united ?iib the few renrgs'Ic K- pulil'.caa?. mid bivi ntked no Its? than a d-iiennf prounneiit mp) - ti i i?a?rt?tif? Republican? nf Killey'i nan YViird M ttttjt ?'? imiiiiulinn suit a?! him. hut all refuted. Kelly will Ite renuiinnated by ac iTsmsilon by the I'istri? t loiivoiiti-n. Iii? opponent willie: A. .1. DrtSSt, A? hanker At the lut ele.ilion K'-ll<i)'s ma? jority whs I,??' It ia ??a.-rled that ti? .lohusun mon hate raised f.??) ??J to curry the Pennsylvania, election. Tun .argo ?mount of ninney. together ?ith the ?woepi.ig r.'in.)T?l? of Kuli? ?1? from Fia?1er?l nlfle.- ia the ??late, recently made bj l're?i.!?nt .li.'i:i?..n If 1? b? !i.?T?-?J by ta? Copperheads will carry the Ib ?Tv-ner. A number nf prominent P.-unsyUsniai) l'ip|>?rhend i-olitniaiis hate been nn ue iteiinir arnaii'l heie, and it sectus the shove is the result if lhiir work. (inn. Koiiiteeu, that lighting patri'.t nf Em ultra l< val Stile of Kentucky, leaves, her* lo help h.? C .pp.-! beal friends in lt,e Keystone Sn:e byre I nu it ihe story of ihn (inline.1 It .usseau affair .in the ?tninj.. Nu? > i-f ' i.aiis.iii men aie mrtking ?uoh deiperato effnrti .?< the idd Keyitou? State, for as I'susayltania goes in OaBoBtr. so ?i 1 N?w Yoik New Terse?. 11,mots, and tim o4b?r Ststee. gn Id Nnvetnt?er. TH? 1RP" !>Y41M ? Bt'BBAl*. A got. '? an. I'TiihtI) Bit?, heil to the Fr?*4-?imr.r? I',.e.i. uuw residing un s plstil.itioo In tl.s ntlgbburhoual of l'.?g.??i L. ? ? ni' u l le'I I" |. ii I.e. bel* of which Ih? r. Itaawiog I* aa I talah le. friend? ?if 1res? I-b-r mt? ?eil f?.! <.f th? .l.i?!nsn??M of Ihe Istt di m..ii . 1 - ? t,...r. hiiB'stv rr'igti'.y and le i,|?.rib e .f ibe lre?,|ii,eti ?f the e.,tntry bub?. a? l a, were toc'insd tai |..? r-?i e. ' f.,r the bci-io since I left ? ? ,? ritv negroei sr? ? aeral .meg I find ?hat ti.?!.?taiidi:.g al! ? ne whipped and ?hot ? - : ? Hie . ottaiB sud corn f :ii? country, au now lbs pisBler ibu ?i .ash. bj ??? t'i i! he tian abuse kia ia ia h a mmi" Oui i ? will Li" M l??v? th? plsatatiur, , bejm ? .lil :..-??? thmgt ? rBgrowiug? ty. and ?? at? bec o ming recou ?lia, te,l nu .?i rrOBBB MtHOira ,<v ?apt. s. ?j, bctti. Um f.iii.wing I'-tt-r i? piMltEal i.?r tki informa- j lion of l'a? fi tuda ut the milling ulla er. Nsw ?JB! I??? Aug VI, let?. Maret Hen t' I?. II WABI. I bat? tbe lumor tn aoks the following report in reg-trd to l.isut. sod I'.reT.i ' ?j.: ?in S. I? Hultt. Y'etersn laa?r?? ?.?rp? I,mut Billia armed in this city ou th? tait day nf May and ?b Ihe 4tb of .luna waa atti-Bed a? Agent of the lliireaa lu Hi? psriahe? of Wian ?nd .lickioo. hi? ..III 1 to la?, ?t Y ?? nail? I ?ck ?a,U I* irish AaT??a|t?he4lhuf.!|V be vint?d Major Cruiui?, lb? ?gent al Nstcbitivubes, and in a i.iuple of lay. slarted lo return to Venino He had ti. i.saa C.rn'U'i YY'iiiu parith, ? ?parselr settled piney ?.Met conon v. IB? lohsli.taut? bs.og aaled lor their bair?.! !? th? lioveia. aeat of the Ualtal ?tstes. I.ieut Kutta ?i|?ea t???l to make th? trip on horseback ni four dsts. He had Nwo tbrestenod with i io. n. ? I.) ''is |.?". ?? i i-f ' *!???? .in'/ If le an ai; i- 1 ' i pan Ihr ????i?? 'i.- iinitriil.airh..,.! Y\? know la ps???J the night in s?!'-') Uni"?? ??'ii Ha -in lead Riler bul Ima thai Inns fui ? ai I leinung has '?.??"S les ni true- bim llalli hanna,' aiadn ai.Jai p?!.itiiii'iit with Maja,. Cromie to ? ??I at ?point on 'ka Led Hirer ni li ? Is! ol Aug i -? and no1 tppe?rm.". tli??iiaeiei..r.?uf I r mim ??re a-ni???1 aad be reported ?h.-ui lo m? About lim ?? ,, ? i an < a r mia.r ; ?? ioIi-'.I lb.? dltt through Lient. ,l,,-t:? Kiirn?. our ugnnl at Mourn?, am! al?o ?brough tb? papers, that t> ? Irudy of a man inurh di?',mp>?Md had le-m funnd ia i I ' w??i Is iii YV .mi I'ar.ah I imam?!.?.ely ?"nt order? lu hare a fai tt nf the ?a.lili'1? firini the |?.at at Aleian.lrta go into YV mu '?rub and iiiretliactt? tb? whole inatl'-r. On ??...Mint Pt tbt Ti. ?m-d of tim I'triih tin? olly I hura) nut rnt bad a rs r h r ii frnm tlieulTn-er iu charge of tb? psrlr ?eut uni A? Maa ai ii n-c-lii-d 1 will forwtr! it. A I Uki. ling ??en. Y.'.YRM ??BEI IHK MR.-.10 ABI? HT I I KR MUX. A ftitmv nu?' \b" lin|?j??.| ??I in ?onnm-?in *'it!i Mr. fa,roo in? YS'nndnlll ?(?pui'it 'a ?ni a? Stipe, iiMt..lent uf I*ii,la: 1'riQt'ng. It seem? when Ma- Wendell opeoed his o?rti6r?to , f i|,|iolntm??t ?'.is morning, he I ?ir?.t It wa? m wie oui for the jxisilios of Cnmmiaiainer uf 1'uhli" JIuil?!tti^a. niite^! of I'tiuliiig. Y nt earn laagiue Mr 'A'?a lei. ? surpiis,'. The n>-?? ?as ?-?"i Puii'iiiunii'st??! in Mt li 1? Kreuch. th?i BBBBBBl Cnmmisaiouer ol 1'ublio Building?. He ii dreavlfullr worried. tal thiaki it t pint '<> deprlte him ?if hu bread and butter. It I It ?sid that be gut so ?ii)ll??l that bs i-iime.|i?.?lj teleumtphed ! i ,.? I-, ?< I -? ?? i ? au.i* it '- waa a miaUke. .In answsr will ?nable bim to past the oight easily. MIK OOaTBB .'ROI' is ?t-TlITtll |,att? ?'Iii''.'? lfm Hi?? Arkiiiuii? kivi?r ifive ?ml _? i-uunti "f <i-n ."4t??'l-an'? i'lantalion Iher? T here u nu cot Ino on tbe plant. Hb1 wnren are i-nn?detillr ?ipeole?1. Catto? .'[..tit mi i? general.i r??aiit?nt upna the lillsnen uf ti? negier li it pombl- that th? dougLty general h.?? umnted lo eif .ree the tery Unit i-oniract uu.le with the n?grue? B? the | la??, oi ha. He lre.-.l inn? liiireiu ti, gratitude fur bl? to in nitieeri. s'.tini.-1 the ,<,re of hu laburet? and ytt taaaaa* i lil'I.MMI ?O III? BATIOEAI HKi t HI li t.s MKU. Ql \RTKK?. 'I'll?- Nainiiiui i,'i'[i'ii.iuiiii Baabt?tnlan amaiiptEtd in tbiieitj lo-day. A iii." bu.l !::ig at El BE F ?t. ha? been len!.a!, Inn-It fitl-'l Iga) lili? E-linuuiU l.u?. IT,,,.? ,.f Ihelieiienil lim.!'n' -. ttU I ?? m ciiar;?. Th:?. _ hat wiil t- , bat? ..'.?Li.-. ' ..a:? . .' i u?l on from .ten i oii^re??. mai IBI I IM mt? eountrt an.l heilig iu ?aaataa? i mteeem km ?a ?ith ?ii ria Layal i.??gue? uf the ra ,.i i -.???.:j,'?una af aiataaa laartt aaajaa, ta ta caiiail / -k>. ?ml it ia m ll'llllfal m tklhe thl? tfea |?-Ill'llt el.' I ? IOII re, a?r ,,; | .. lit.mi i-brat m i'? Eau?al -i ?? ii ii.|',.i-, i ?a???? IB "i r '?in.tun it.?. Ti.r :ia]ii)\M!,ii uldhiooal tppotntmiDti at )n.?t majter? bute been nieile .lui n A M, Ibiweli K?.iLuk. low?; Owitga l?.'n?tein. Clark.'l'.lit. Tem?. 1 Mi'N IlEAHgi AKTER-?, I'll ILAlltLI'lil A. 1 'Im Iie,iil'j'iiirtcr? ?t Hi" N.'iti'iinil I' in.ii Kt'|.'ili|n nie t Um m H tee during tbe ? .?nmg < ontention ?I Thilidelphla ? ill be ?I the Continental Hotel. I5TKBVAL RKVKNI ft. J'l.e r?-( aiftl I' thi- .IBEIEI metrj wer?? fl.-l*?0,??itj m, MfcXlCAN AFFAlBs* h,li rii.i,' i i, ? i<-,.-Mil ii? ti. lb? li.? < * ri.i ..? t. thl i ltsi-t '!_?' ' ?i ' i ? ? '?t i??'un u.U.?inj nf ifcf l'l>Vl? ?1 thal place and ef the SUie cf TainanllpM. wiil carry ont ibe policy inaaguraled hy (loo. CaratajaJ hu picdeitwor, and that th? two are oo the aio?t frie__ly ifrur?. ?Ht INK OH THB MIANTiNOMAH Tlie Navy Depa.tuiMl line ?advice? from Cojen hagio m ralatica to the t til c? Iba MlanKiuomib al ?hu Pla?'?, and where her atny tu protroi'ted mm li longer tt in wa? antic?pate?!. '1 h? ?te .mer Angctta wa? also there ( .tr.mander? M> r-.y i .1 Beaumont were the ret ipieati of much ?oarteiy. Amou? the tmtori te tbe U.autonomah were Mae of the mott prominent officer? io the Daouh naty ?ho were eilremely impreued witt everything ?boot the ?bip, mor? especially with her Invulnerability ti.? I'M of her gun?, ti.? working of th? turret?, ?od bel seagoing ijualitio?. A titi! froa tb? royal family ?if Denmark wa? one ? I tLe totere?!iug feature? of her ?toy ?, ?-'openhaia-en. Th? part? cnn ii ted et ?be King and ?t?t,?er. Prince John the Kings brottor, Prince Freden? t I heir ?pparent. Princen Dagmar, lately betrothed to tho ' ??rind Duke hereditary of Russia, the two yo-nger ehlldrea, \ Princen Thjra and Prince Waldemar, and ?eteral oflloer? of the King? ho-ftbold ?nd ?adiet-of honor lo th? (jue?? They were receited with ? royal ?alute. and the ?ame token | of reepect waa tendered u pob their departure. They ? eat Into etery portion of Ihe it.ip, from the boiler room to tho p.lot home, Prince?? remarking that ?he I <I cona to ?e.. and wanted to ?ec etery part of the Tei?el The Kusiiin Envoy, Heron Nicolay, family and ?aita, were re?_ei*e?l ob I aboard tbe Monitor, a? well as many other dignitaries of note An Incident, connecte?! with the visit of the monitor, con ilated in an editorial nut io her by a party of gtntl??en from tb? principal paper? of tb? eily, and on U? moi Bing thereafter the leading jotu?ia detcritxNl, io glowing terms tb? w?nder ful naval machine, which fairly ?roaied pnl.iio cariosity. A little iteamer plied hourly from one of tho qo-tys of th? city, with orowdi if Inform?! tinton, who ?eat everywhere through the ihip at tbeir j.leaeuic. HALB OF IT I IIC LANDS. Th? (?enera! Land-Offico yesterday received a oertiflcate ?bowing a depoait at Detroit of I ia,?WO, aa proceed? from the ??le? of public land? at the Tr?verte City Land Ollice. Michigan, ob th? " The i,en?-al I.and-Offlce trnnimrtted to the (loternor of the Stat? of Iowa Patent No. 12, for 2,918 acre? of land, t? ?wimp Indemnity, in Hen of that loantity ihowa by proof oil file to be awamp land, in De? JE ?me? County, Iowa. VACANT CAPTAIN?'!-? I.? TTIK BEBO?kBB. There are .VI ('..??taiueie, to be ulled in the new regulur regiment?. 8? ere?i"y Stanton has lile?l in hi? office 10 'JOU application? for the at ove 54 position?. PRR.'OXAI,. Hrevt Major-Gen. ' E. Mi Qftf?jT, late <'ommiitioner nf Fi-etdmen'? affiiri in the Slate of Texas, bal arrived iii the city. Ila hat already boen ??signed to dut y in another department by ?len. Howard. BIBKIt Ii BEI ?BUBB out of favor. Th." rinnt ?M.rk at tim Po<0_bi PtpBttaimt here, refuse? to allow orreipondenU of Radical newipsper- to ulituii) Hit? of tbo new appui itments'.f oostmastert. Thofonl ish man think? hi? ?nut. r w11 deprive bim of his daily if found fivonag Radionl reporter? with a few item?. TI1K It EBB EBIE rainy and gloomy all day, ?-looniy en pecialty to the disappoint-?!, hungry men, who failed lo be ted before the President left on hi? trip. The Capitol i? deserte?!. t'.e White llouie alto, ind tin' hot '?, Peace lud ?[Uiet reign. IKN. HOWARD 18?H Hl-S PUK RK.?PO?J8IUI LI I T ?IF STOP PI NU RATION.?. War 1>k pa ht?tatet, * liUKXti' of Rkfi'isEW, Kui ?.dm n ami? a ham'omd I. am*?. ? YVi?m\'.T"S Ylondty. Aug. g1, Uth J Ti the tmkftt ?J Tki ,YiIio.??i tommA?gem ? r. Dk.yr Sir: Sniiilry couiMBtl :i;?ni Mu- late ordt-r?!' the relut n g the issue of i iitimi?, Luting ?pp?i_e?1 in vari-nn? Journal?, unioe <<f ?hie!? roll?c1 up >u the President, I um I ! Im i: lud to have you pulilntli Ihe i ti?.-]. ..??'? 1 lettur. Having ,.. ,'-:,. n.l'-.l the .-..ii-ae an lum n, ed in the ord.-ra,?ive allude., tu. ? to lha-r ? i?.?ly air anwis?T? 1 am ? illinir to n??iiine the re eponilblilty attaching m it. K. ?;.<?<"fa'li. D < i. Howiiti?, Mi.|nr ??encrai snd Comiiil.sltitic' Th? lollowing is tie liUM Bail?! to iu M?j?.r-?Jcn. Hi?w?ri_'t ? note - Maa DtraaiMssT It-it. te vr Riri-nrra. Fa. ?dmib Ato j ?BasootSB I ??n? M ?nu? tut Angas? 1- IB?, i I TI? Hm? F. Ni .?VIST-, ?a. 'I,y ?I li',.. BM In ?lew ..I II.- lb ' "ist . .???es tra -nnUntly mads by ? 'ar;? BUil.b.r ? ? Blwlinr. ii? . ill,?,,a li to. .".'?..ti, ll,d elaewaere thai ? sr.fe.l i y lis? '.. -a .1 ,1 .a a. a,ii lu _ .,-iii_U?IBllon of the a?te ih? liKpei-ir, lieaa, Me.-Tm?.! mi F n'emn io I pirlui ? .pan sr. ratidtred bilaby the i p?. .a.s? ur lt<?|w .'r?i >..,!-?'.-a. i. .?.-rum? .I. .. I erin ib.I Iii? tap? um ai? '.ea'ly m.'tired a.r?*Jy to pievent acttisl j ?'iiviti n. I a- ini ?flat ib? ?ret ia J at tipl Babel I M? la?o. of ?a a',a la ?M , ?-1 ?i e-.t lo the ?i< k m Bffaltfty u fan.real l.o.?alsls I...I !.. U e ' 'r;.h.n As, Ina. lor Refufee. inj Kr.eJ . - < :e? ly en.t, ,< anal 11 a? l lie Slate .?d'cilia who may b. r?apon.i b ? f. r tia, pour ni.? b. 1-sr.loliy uotilird ot lula order, io lint they i nny ??? une the .1 a'i li in lineal refugee? and fieeda-.n ia rosy eui be .o Hr.? ?d In the abo?* et. .prion?. I e,y reapt, Ifullv your obedient ?ervtnt. ?J ?J li.Jll API?. Mai .r i.?u-r? lalCeaaia Aj'priT-d T..'as? .?Te. t i Ile lal l'lteber. I ? ? I, IBB B. M tram?? -'- tetar? o' Wet, |Oa .1 I Jibbi F.i.nsiOaiB. A A. I. I,entrai. ARM. i.AZKiTK. I H.y Tel?grit.l, 1 bbE-EEUEI?BET OBEBBE, IIHIXJI ARIIHs IlKI'tBTMEXT OP THB I.AKh**. ? Du hut. Mich.. Aug. 24. I? M . I. All t-lt-tad men of the Eataraa K>?.?rve (-orp*, now a . Fort Mackinaw and putt at N'egaunee. Michigan, who ?loot t?i remain iu will la nat t?? report to the a ,anu? i ling ,.lia-er st Furl Wayne. Mn-higa-i win? wi 1 retain them st thst post until further orden. Hy ooutnaod of-Mai ar (?en Hooker. jVAVY l.AZKTTE. !HyT.:,?rs?h.| BtsTAtDE?E Ai i; ?.*! ? Cul Wat. D. Suit?r, ham nac??dtttj connected with the War Department aad witting ordert; Acting Muter T'huma? M. (lardner from itcilvkof slip Vet moot, and ordered to ?t??mer Peniaoda. ATfOnTMBE1 RKV.)iB?n. Ai i ?I ?Atfting Knsign J. K. PesoiKik. KFSIiTNID. An., i !?Ms!? Charles W. Hryaut ot ?tenner Mohuaga '?1-YI4DI?. All? TO t RULROA1?. Mp? <s Ulipa oil to Ta. .S Y Tin nie ? lil?ii". I'ueatliT Atj_r. M l-nei Ihn si Pu:: (Clt y Count Ibaveha^li isration ti. ? stibji'ot of ?nil t?> tne Laka -apari ?r i? lilroad i'.iiii|.Aiii, ?ita t ri?? to pathiB|-tlMaroi-OB Umi r.?.! as fur a? [??sulne, Tho maller waa refericl t?. ?('??ininittee ?>i' tia Coueil, winch r"iiort.'.| In flavoro| *.i- uaaiofof boa I? ?" th? aniai'.nt i)f|a?i.'??l?i)th" St. r..ii'. and Wim mi Uailroad Coat/aty, to i"> Uirtrtd ?ya tat aeatpltiioa of IO unie? nf f .'nt r ia?! ?ifh tim cum niaaJag Uioi "in. TKIAI. indian -WTEAMBLI miBBBEl IBB BOBBEBfBI of daily E00BBSBE0S, Sp?, it. lu?)??'.'!? a lae N. Y. ITaiiri.. (ila-1,;,.. 1 letdat, Aug. .1. I?.... I lillian aEtoaajaa aaatiaaa ka Mortbara iaiaa Murder* ?nd rtibii'Tiii* ?re ti nuBl of daily aaaatiaoaa Taa baa I? red civdlr'. ?urte'l nil ?Vitm-.lay t> the sx-ene ?if diffi? cult iel, PIOHIU4. IHK ? HOPS MKARLY BEOEBBk l4p..a? Di,patch B The S V. Tribune. lilli' anil, luei.lav. Aug ? !.????. Florida re;"iri? E ktt that Hie Mtfi BM ne tilt ruined l> ?outiuunli: rains. IOWA. A TRIAL "1 LAI'ILS P >R . I lYIPhl.l.IVI. AEOTBBB T" 0EBB1 Al iMKKK i.N I LAE. Spe.-iti Th? I \ M .HI. a ?) 1 Maia Ui -? IIB Tia trial et 30 la?N la ma paula? a iaoaek lal?, of lad anula I" ? airy tina Aiiit-neai! lag [| n |ittR-.-?,i in.? li'.in-- -ni in Um DistrnT ('..'.iii |o| W.irr?::i Couti '" " - ?1-14 0-4HI-?. TVBEBB ' i.i.i tii.ATioN? AB BBTIEItlBTE 11 m K ?|? a |l..|tlrb to The N Y T?lleme I lill A . .. Ti ??.ta' A Ig . I :i" in noa feativ-J of m- ima?: i-? ? lationi i W - i'un?iii m ' lijiicl ye?t.-i-.l.u .i::.!. I.? ' . .. ? I a /.i :i.,-, gra?o I. >ogbi 1'ii" i:i li"!"i "t'ti'e _-. |i. .-..- . ? bar? irriveil f"i;n Lu (>"????, Moana, Watartova, ^iiii*mk????. um ?aciDaV 111?? wer?- w?|,-nin?.il lu i;.'-":ii r Fair, hil I 11:1.1 .Mitiaai K'"ie?..ii!'..t ihe ntl/elie t ?! t Y! t 11, ? v ; ?m behalf "f th" Mallison i_rB*r?, Tbi ?la i Id re? Ikrtward I'ur.iHKBKiMi? Tuesday. Aaguit ML IBM? \Y hin" A r!"lill?iiittii, Ins ? u?i *a?l t?" i liildreu were oo i.iyiug a sail in (he Hudmu opposite Catii ill to-day lb? Baaltflaataal, and both <hil<lr?*u were ?Irnwned. Their natue? were not aicertame?l Th? >r,n. 'Eailar, I,???? bed. Dr mon- Tue?d?y. Aug. ?f, IK". Taylor, tht BtflTO who '?' tire innrdi-r near I ... > ? ,' Ml week ??? tails a li tluu? li.? ja.I al Miwtt'l. j.??' . i .gi tit? Bat ano I BM ' I " I" '? THE PRESIDENT DIS DEPARTURE FROM WAfifflMTOA. THE JOUBNEY TO PHILADELPHIA. SPIRIT OF TBE RECEPTIONS. Speeches by the President and Admlral V_ff_g_BB PROGRAMME FOR TO-DAY. Preparations for the Reception oi the Preri? dent in this City. ?V -1 DiipUch to Th* B. Y Tribu**. run turi tria, Ik, Ao|. m\ JMS TflK IMPARTI KB PBOM WAIBJBOTOB. The President mode hit eut tram Wnhi-gtoa tide morning very quietly. But few spectator! were tt the depot to witness his departure. The Preiidcntiul train consisted of a baggage car and three ordinary penengef can, which were attached to the rear end of the regular* train. Gen. Mccullum, who hsi charge ol the eicunion.-' , does not believe in special traine, and has made bia ar-' I rangements to have the party travel during daylight only, ' and by the regular exprct-s trains on the different roads. ; The party consist? of the President, his two private aeo j retarles, Vol. W. 0. Mooro and Col. Merrion, and t ter* j rant; den. Grant and hi? Chief of Staff, Gen. Rawlings, Admiral l-'arragut and servant, Secretary Welles, bia wife aud -on, Senator Patterson of Tennessee and 1 wife, Postmaster-General Bandall, a son of Bena ! tor Doollttle, M. BoBMB the MB?leefe Mininer, Sur? ge.)!.-tien. Harrie?, ??en. IJ. C. M? ','ullum, .J. Maginnia, j . and wit'.* of Chicago, Koar-Adi; r;,l R.idfot'l, K. S. 8l*"r f.ird of PoRton, Lieut. McGinley, Sr-Tgeon Nome, J. DOB? j c!?on of Washington, I). S. (i.,i dm z. of tb? I)i? trict of Columbia and his a-aiataut, Col. O'll-'irii?*, U.A. 1 Chadwick ol' Willard'? liotel. purveyor to the party, Edward Pot!? of Haltimore and I.. A. Gobright reporter 1 for the Associated Pim A.WAPOLIS IL'XCTIO.V. Not!.ki?: d' intern! occurred on the unite until Aiinapt?* li.? .lundi 'ii v?an um lied, when? Um. ?awain, of Maryland, uccomi'aiiied bj the Adjutant-General of th? Slate and Bovcrul of hie ii?rtMiiui! itaff in unit'irin jome?! the 1'n ai? dent. BALTIMDBK. ?>n aniviiii* it the ? 'aindeu-at. Mu'nni, Baltimore, thC**? Mavor ?(u.l City Co.un tis ?ero in waiting, together withi , tbt am} and navy ollicera on duty i i the eily and annul? lier of ''?io promt tal ntueiis. Wiri? the (rowdwer?** . k.'iil on.?t.le ol tbe depot by a strong fore*? of ?nu? e>. tiia* ? President, G?*n. Grant, Admiral Kaiiagut, V<:r'*t?r|*i?T . Seward a:.d U '. II*-??, ?uni Po.*,tui.t?tor-Gon. Wandall, oitak.:. the other renUaana af the pariy, here 1? ft the tiatn. Mavor s|?o?e a few ?on!? of Wcii ollie, which co ild _?j haatd tant leal Beal bun. The President r>'p!ied lew vioiil? of thalia,? tlnett nu mandible, aiut the ] ?ere th,;i ( (Hill., ted ia the Beal of tha depot. 11? immense (?ovni u-*oiiili|o.l grti?-t??il til? Preaf with (beer after cluer, afea it was witto culty thal UM party ??uld be conducted atrnaaaa. Ino r???jt?i from the Otaa-MM-? dep??t Prei depot ww Bead will cm-go?. Klage wen? displaji '1 H"Ui pahua a;nl Bil. Ill buildings, the Windows ve:, ibronged .wtU lair ?reana, and the scene was eiitliu iia?Uc and ax? itiog beyoad dncriptioa. ?ion. Granland Admiral Farragut ibared the Baatean with the President i a waa .tt. mpt ?ii a procesrion. A bund of mueiu Bltnhfd .ii the, alni t,,e ( al; ,i_, s follow ? (I. An bo ir v.?.? ?(M'iit going over the route, and, judging ?.'rom the crowd, the People of tha ? heit cuy must have seen tlmir .lietiiiguisheit visiioia. Arrived at the Pre? - dent-st. daaal, 'he ata-d ttnmd la grow more intense m it? enthusiasm. Kier*, foot af ?Unding room lu the dtpot ? i?, paw ltd lad until the starting of the train there whs a Mamen,! >u? ?t-rauible among the (?-op!? to get a shake of the hand fmin tin: rreiideiii, Gea. (?runt, or Admiral Karragnt?while at ?Imrt interval* chea?rs were given for .?aeii. An a'tempt te get than (beers for the S?f??retory of Ma',., Ii.v ?onie rash admirer, ?ji a miserable failure, and wa? aal ?atead, I'-PARTCRK FROM HALTtMORB. TheBaia got away from Baltimore at 104 o'clock. At 1 i o clot u Iii.? President, .*?e. ?eton ?Bewafd, and Secretary Wella? took luiicii. Bad the re?t o', t lie party followeal their eiample, Mr. Chad?ick bating made ample 1 ruvisiou for thu v?a:.t? of th.? luini man. OIHKH PLACKS. At ?he diff?re!.t station? on the piad above Baltimore crowd, were tfltefe-Biad la gi coi tha President, and a great di-ul ?ate mtheaiaan analaaifaated than l>etween Wash lUgtOll Slid ILlltllilo e. HAVRE DK ORACB. At Havre De Crue Coi. Swauu and Staff bid adieu to Ihn? Prend,'ii?, and ot, reaching Corr? ville, on the oppajeita side of toaBaaaaeBeaaa hater, e ?Da_n_ittn of jti gen tliriuen, npenna.Bg Ide citi-ens ef Wilmington. Dela? ware, jnuid Um Presidcutia! party to sea it safely throngti tho Diamond State. wilmi.noto*?-. At Wilmington a stop of five miuutei vu made, and < tin- President und hi? diitintiuilhel companion? employed the time ?halt?ti. baud? with those who could get near : enough to th?jui. Several thousauds of people were ?s ' sembled at the tb-pot, aud here there spp? are?! ta be soma unanimity in the welcome H-MMdfeda Dne of ther-om imttee took pain? to make the lVuleui unJer?onjd that it was a wo.kingman s recepiiou. A PHIL.DKLPHIA COMMITTBB. A Committee from Philadelphia, ?onipo?ed af A. J. Hreic'i, J. t. Hasely, Gen. Robert Patterson. Dif.tor, Docto- Morwitt, Kditor of.the Philadelphia titim nu I'-'i' n-t-tit I.. P. Ashnieid. and John Hulme, her.? presented iboinielve*, aii'omp.u.ed by a band of inn?!,*. Wh>?n the party reached the dividing line of I), In ?re ? : ! Penu?ylvau'..?, Dr. Swann addressed the President as t-illow. Ma. BfeBBBMt | We are a comtnittre appointed bv ?be ui?r ??i-.iit*, ?itt.iu??? mea sod cit:/eni _wnerallv o' Philadeipsl?, to meti von irom ibis idaoc to their eil?. I need cot US yon. nr. tbe ple.iur? we f?ei in lue p*ifuim?Bce of ills dut? li: ? of your feiu.w cilirens sr? waiting with much autlet? t.? wel'.-uiue )ou to Phi adelpita and w? promise yoe a I the"atteolioo aad reiptct due to .. our bigb office aad your l.'l! 11 lae i I.!"! Mai: al?ate uf the nanoo. T_t eoBUBittn wen? thu tattedafetd to ?he President. til h DKL. Vi ABB DBLBUATI0.1. Mr Billian >. M'taully. when the train arrived at the Bl ?le dividing line, took leave of the Presideut in ba-tislf of the Delaware? delegation. Ile begged to be permitted t.. ?tv 1 Uni tticr entert.ii.'imi for hini profound lenti-unU af naeett ead neaee. aad wo ne.?ed with sorrow his de* parturo to soot trotn the nil of Delaware. They regretted that moe ! rae wits no1 sllowed !<> ?how their high appre c .ti;,fi for linn ptnoetUr? and for hu character natnatea; ballet Ina in* oiled hu great or_oe with dignity and impartiality, a:,.l lotiititut ouaily?lu lueh a war aa wonl.l.ueet with the approbatianaf the great manor tha American people. Iht Pre?.dent, he ?aid, wn bow pro 1 ??.', li u g lo ih? J. in ?ore Male of the West to par raapect 10 the umui, ry of oi..- ? la M fame wa? green in the heart? ol the Mafia "' Palawan as a palma and statesman - HIBBBIB A. Douglas lu K.ut'.iKioii. Mr. MiCaullv n??l they prayed the ?ivor ol every treat and perfect gift would coull:)!.1- io Ibe President ?he inestimable blening "I good health, ead th.! di nug bu perilous lourney going, .tsying .ml r?'tuiiiiiig?he woiJ?l be in Ills iporisl koeping. 'The speaker theu, in a complimentary manner, traoilbrnd the Preaiileal lo the Philadelphia delegado:. The Pmideat, iii tOfif, Beti heartily thanked (he Dela ? ir*- delegatioa. All he 1 ou!d do, a? to his conduct iii Ibe iii'ure. wa- to Un in 1" hi? rio ord of the past. Ho tr.isteil their kind ui?! ??? Bight bl _*.ttit><ti. and asaiir.d them' l.e ? nnilli eva-- be found dist uarging his dune? t" the w hd.e t .o.mrv. He itgaiu tendered his (banks for the kimi tad 1 ord.a, in muer in ?inch ne had been ret*eired by thjui. Tha .Laitance kk Will fell Hil ?us ma.i- 11 Wat t nie. aad ?t I ocn). k tlie tram eilten ii tin- de, "t at Broad tad I'm , ??.te Here (?eu. Meade im ,-,| ! 1 , ? ii 1 ' re.? ive tho party, while (Ir-.iwn Bp in .1 inn- .nai le tin- de ,,t ?ere (Intercut 1 i.niuut tr :ig tunliies. and the oflicer? of tho I \ lat? in l', l|,!:;,i, m iini!t>rm. VV ; U uME T> ?II). I'KKMlli;*,*'!'. : fea c ,r. 1 beti ifUr than gn-a>tetl the Prend? ? Col. J unes Pagi made ?he welcome ? Ia tbe 11,l'?le el ?ml or bebtlf cf the r.itiarni of Phiisdslpbis, ?ubo t listlaatin of (?arti, 1 Ml na a cordial welcome to tb? metropolis ?>f Peuaayitania. Ti.11 ?elcome is given ia thu same ot th? tiii-n harts the mecruinc?, th? maour?elar?r> tli? pro fe ?.?ion? 1 mea. ti? laboriag nien?indeed, tnen of ?II cis-aei, fir In yon the.? rerognis? the di-tiigaiihed bead of a great Uaton, and the chosen M ig ?trate of a flee aad mighty ?>?op'e. eiitiiled ti sll tbs honor it is in their power to bestow 00111:11.ut with tb? *l:.plieitr aud difoi tv of our Itepubltoan iostituliun?. Mr. Pr?sidant. the city of Philadelphia through me congratulatr? you opon tbe (?rmination of iii? uuliappy civil itrife which has caused ui to ibeil so i:iuch bltiod and speed so much t renes n and whioh bas detoltted sod wssted lo lara-? a portion ot our common conntrv Ibeyeipress tbeir joy lb at tb? Retail!? u baa been overthrown, and that the couairy 11 no loi ger at ?n and they bon that through wise, hnmsne tad lUtremaulAe in ??sure? the bletiinfiif peace will be re*Un*al to (be isa. and ibatji ve a..d lui 11 m.v 11.11? i rev , , ?rr- if beal '..-: , . * ? ? ? ? t ? 1 ? uga*