OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, September 17, 1866, Image 11

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1866-09-17/ed-1/seq-11/

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le- fortress?? that trntmi htm un Ann-r.? an iron-clad.
Rta. 1 , *I"'"'h
ia? mivlc ! I I ' '" '
tVrll? ion), ?lui, ti? ? ml Ai'-iviT. ;
? r.l.erlan Aiuenenn
,d i it.'.?t fonnldable ram, which
? im he*
? ..: {ff. ti the bottom to tfct top of ih?
. , , -, .?. .. v...... ,??? *o wall mad?ita wart
iltor _nd.t_? Wwhin-jtoo.
,-g lipek, aal i*, was a KO
I bBteli 1.? .rd Ct.itl-in dtttribtd ?* " C itlioli? ism
?bl th it c rmti ibaped hi?
lurob with which be-n?familiar.
ir whi'1. ho und hi? f..llo?cr?
,'y realiy Bi I ttweri a? farat
. toa. li. n 1hm>1? on " I?' P ?Hey,'
tli, tiid
: in the
.r j.!an for ti e
r| ? | world very c1 arly
, -v U-li.ve that loinelhini Mioniry
? ti . tint Hero ?)...;.1,1 be a-irt
- ;:. the nat?? ??'" *<lfn H
it and Luman'- ( rt4 '. Hint instoa-l ?>f trrn;
o ri-phi???? the creedt wli.chhavo
g np *?< natural ? ia ti ? ?- ' ,;' w!'Ht
? iii and setene
. tho basil of k11 tMneition
0 ?? "h?old hu- l
I ?r aro variation? of
? .ni?) to the : (hey should bt
An .irlah. m ft late number c1 the
>>w- Mondtl by M. -.mile Il-vrn.-f h? -?.tit rta?
,.,,:, rhi? view. It ii entitled ?? Cbriit-tn
i9i i. ti, I .i*-. and . tidly iiit?-*'-"t
? i i, or v die UniUhBUB, who Bnd
? tTul Idea? ?,f Christianity a crown ol
i? which iii" Uranium-) btvt been building
?and? of yaala. Tbeir leadei ii a ear?
?<_ 1er, Mnr..i m hi lt?r and? mat of
?t to ha a linn.!?" lie nan, though a m??re
; tbian the Fn-nch writer, with ati-m ho h.u?
.' ii pared.
l-l i -i-'?s .Mi ir anne there i* an exceedingly interett
?.. a.-f.".::it of this li ruh ma S-in-j. or Charch of On?
Dod, fi mi the pen of Mtm K. 1*. C't.'-bc .s!i<, ieottret
' :: ;. y. the
?cll-kp.o.'Ti frito, ofi nanning ariel th"- Bn-ili-h I uitari
-.1 - ? d by K -t , ???ho
h at) .I to Boy it TI to Dr.
lint bin.?- tli. ann le-?, of M. K uruouf and
Mim Co : e were written, we have receiver', thi-tigh The
H-couut of a retry *o-ceat lecture
iung llrnliniaiMt airostlo !u the tlit-nti-r of
, ula .Mt-clieiil l ?ilh-trt) on " ?omi Chrltt? Euroli'
1 nj lu I-a uiitiirally -a-Ice ts tin
t Bad la the Me!ure. After
- ? ; ? !:i'.iin he (litlVrotl from theorthodoa ( hiistians.
II ." ui.i'T was rroaiiinir under s desdly malady, anti wat
? ?? ncgtBtly ?i? >-.i?'d to tate
,.?t ?it? tim ti i)r?t-?-r?it ? of the iigt-, be ai-1-aiuel
it ti?. : : ? r? of ti? c. It au? lioni no te-lliin ini'.i-lae. from
? ni Ile bra? ?''..'au?! oharrfolly
..-I nd ?lo? ra hi?
li'etl i ti-d nugi t !- l-atile_ 1 baie ?1?-??. ler-i.rdeci ti.?
rroaa ti? n l oautilul ii 1 mm ol' telftacrlfioe unta? the ttory of
?mi. u tm taMlwB the kigber heBagaand
? ?tin ; ni d I believe
? . a'l.eart. ho?, e-n.'.i.ti? aid haid ?..e.f-r it :
- a iV?. oeiul Indiffi -e-m-r on tb?t grand Slid ?l_t)!_
i 1; fan .-to the nuntin I? ?aid: "Illa aaoh
ii a hil h are calinl.ted to ditpe.1
trow our nindi ali cowudloe flt-kleueas and li-c-.i ?ttney, and
to malt' ii* : el that limb I? dearer than lite ItaMf " In v.ni
Urni?-' iraiaed Luther ivd ci.m?iuiio Ha ueed
test language as Ulai 'la tuen o ategle ebal it tl.it* large
, wein? .? i. Iiuwoni.. - i-ir.t...tiii ar* pi?.**
nutt O' '. MiprraatBrni muru! bereisn) to Jeaut Chii?t nntl linn
?Vain?.(He who bv Hi? Wiadom illiirayietl, and
u duri, and .tilted worlil?? ?? not lit
. aa ?..eli a pti ? I. .-? 1'i-ii.y ni diTiii? trntb, and
baawi-tig-t Btti-li wendar? for l-W) year??na?
? nr.i | I'.???' 1 Tr ?,-., inn ..lin!
I'm ti.* ?util U? live?-, and died. May the
:.. immai m crow? preeent, whii b listened te.
i : . '? ?
i ven t ii troni thoee day? whim
?ian ttijiiiiiiis 1.-.-IH t? forth I'toiii" British port?
rai ,1 to t??, roiiiii! the? v oriel and slav, tariaro, dt
?rrii'u i?e?f pleeoii the expresa ground thattbvy
?ere pa in?. N ? '? ii-r?? i? nu Mtttaoruil
. .Ii ii ll'wt? !i^r,?-i-)l (?!lt ?Dil Ji|.li?l?-r
rea -.?1 th? ; "thir land-. .Nny,
year? aga Chri?tian Russia tri".! tri opprcei
? -taiitiiiii fort.iid it hi
?eil t" ti Fn ?.c.i (.''it'!til:tT.?in. In Loado. Mr. TrUbiier
baktt ira i u hiniBelf hfnrt ?nd tool into (he ?c-rk of sup
ti) in j the growing demand for tiru Oriental tbon-iht; and
. S, M jir ,|,?i \y a rtfloc-tiou of hi.? ernetg* tad of the ?a:.t
it r- oreieut? that there han beca j-*?t ^tMrtl?d ?t the
. Monthly Jonrii ti ?{.voted t ?
ha fin! Bamber of wl : reachod Kn?
it is ct-11??<1 In tilt- Eng-isa ?? ."'hut
? ins rit name f*c-ti.is to '- isuddhaniddhi,
whii li b iii- tranilat?'il is M lile Ucean of tin- Neitur of
..t Benares. '
1 neat numl.r of IiUhner'a Amrt/cat, and it ,
I tl,pr<" s- su mt? r ?unit a?<oiTiif ol a ?
? p-blithc-d. nf the / the uxst
oclcbrated HlLdo?) work .ti rb ? .i was wriit.-n
ahiut "IKI year? ac. by one U '.arva. Kr.m
, i ttiat IH-liM llbi.torirri rVH-ncc' i? mainly
__?;i-l v.iii the po?eis i.f W'irls -./_ *,., th?. KBtimenU
. ?il in a comp. ' - i,'uniij,
ityli- ' ?' . a;:d ornament or ; tir,?j. Eacn
? fully in the Ka.?a I'mklsa mid
_I > ii^.a.-.i? It .mar not I?, ?utinteresiinir. to .
tem o. 1 ..-fiuitic : r of i ho moat col? t-m'i.!
?iBd >?? riritura on ta-te. Thus V?miiiia ileiim j l'?x-try ns
'??or.li lad ineaniui?*- pt^c??'??''.! ?ii d-etioa ?nd o'n.a
Mamniata aeltl? that tbe*Vord? and ni' ui.i-fcr. mi
??t hi- "det?t-te of *any itecliiiica!
. m it ?a " that winch ia fntiltlctw" and p -
Dt du ti ? ,, rr?tMTT*. ?ud ueiitiiuent;' Val.h atti oefni - ii
?I a "cuiiip-Silion of gratniiiali.all'-_i.-iiir_.i- VOlgg and
igt, ?rO-testxil ? ? ' iment, ainI
IJjiol a m "a ntriBg of -voru? i?o?i?o_s_?l of a
tflr-aiiii!.' ' Jagumiaiha ifavt.rite uionein ?riter who ciiod
iry ago at ile: Bree), n?? ?? a formel ?| t-eoh jno
? in the quad) tpteariag BMasitga' Kut the best ..f
? Various it tem pt b i? the detiintion -riven hy \
atha, in his b?_.ity_ Dan ana,
???r it? Boni,'?other thiiii-x, as style. :
etc , bein-; rightly consideiccl sa more or lessindir.
di* a..?Ti., in, but ka foruilng no part ol' th? |
Dr. lit nry Mardslty, in tho ronr?" (?fa turief aMMoti ot
I'r.C'oii.'lty?tho diitiii'.':.i.-ii(-_ | !n
. ? ho did ?o much lo r f >iui li
?f th? lunatic aaTlnuit?mention? out or tv*o aew aa-".
- which he -?c-rd Dr. C. relate c?.!ro?.:i.iiii{ ?ihl 1>
? iic-n do not weil l?-ar ?tut the iinpr. -
De- Quino?y, in hi? ptatt about li.o old Whig. It
' .' from the long hahit ol . |-brt _t
I, 1>t. l'arr had con.? I
r:t I i.'ge from the j' iul e?f viiiw.
b s prai-tiee-s was,to have hi* pti'- brought
r. BJ'I to liinitt np"U tim ;
laid ? eotniug t?. ?ii
ii pla* ing ?hist af'- ii i'' i ot ?ni
wouid become rude, and oba? rvt-that h" val doing " pr?-i t?
i.? tli-.t he Wbi-A
A nini h-r ?i.c-ture to II e
w_ll, ami once he cut th * ft throat. ] . which
it would seem that
ploasai.t to Iro the Doct??i ? partner. I
which wa? ? ? na* tu h im .'
? about the 11 uri'.- be um.?
*oi.t?t< ?i>t-al? at "Mt?. Fnrr'? ruii-v. l<-t J)t (J
Sam. 1'arr, I
A !.-? ?t.ir-i airo the *??*a!i'?n:i ?uti ti_veli.?'n
of I'?:.? v, re muk V,
Bian of Var." who wal tvtld to bait- turk., claw?, etc Ancf
iBrited n? to roma mur:. - - > \ i
"i In the journal of tho "ti ?_o-"* ychit'opi'-nl An-.
. of l..rintr.u there liu? ji..
oi Dr. Meiuet'B vii I
; tt/TAt. Dr. ' thal tbo vrilil
roan i? arter al) om; an? -,
ii ?ua-e-au or I horrau. 1.
lui lea, it _i.c!i.' w.ih i , tj,e ???..
? ,h ho cb. ?ne? t-, iriu-h from then?.
?ip with a marvel-U!, vieiuir. He hue
. Ile labor? B.tw-erd then, but like
ort ti labor w.Ten be .-'-qninn n.i.rrv .or-a'!
?. ey re-galiiren pioyin-nf. Iii- tBhfbit.
- ?-h m ft-nl, ?ntl ii ,, i , arBui bclierei in the
D?mi.iiaii h- -, riLnib-it tnytteexi.
i to he at?i tnr.l by au .?wiroU?!!?- ,0 -but the
re mid mu. Rt ahl.i.rs
'.erty, und for thitt r?-??-?ii isa?
i'roire-rtv a!*r,a is an incumbrouoa it ?:,'..
Iii? h mr and board ?re ?nnoi'y-d, and lu
! the hair that falls foin thiiu willi
of weaving it mto a (,_ri_i?ut.
i ? ?? \\ ihl kimi ot V.ar'' ?a ".;-? native of Karoy, & r?-iiio ?
"?a-aa ??ran?,'. ad?li?-l,on of late yeer? to certain' ubnormni
-anny baa le? th?Ir-ftnAOovcrnmcnt?o send
Dr. KtlTiitoinve.-'i-iiti'it. Dr. Kuhn rftitt-d Monina,
t?M?eiit of thit mtladj (ka Vpt^i Sar,.*), ,n i?.,5, .
- .
kaetl poichesaion, ?a it,*? andu.
owe deraugomeat taking ile fonn from
: -tri.t
ejtti : ,,ii the, jMit,r
?lilli, li.
? -etiied. A p
lile? to g?-t a pries!,
l _>.ici_i.ly i'.voiciae? the evil rpirit in the
1 -.lily tt-t-ut-tire that I lu
?atoK-auc- thal if Dr. kuhn
- Kn '.-h authorities at on'-?- ii terfered witl?
' - whii-h the pn-Bt? w-rr? fnttenng the
? dy t" tbeir * tth; nud it
:. has now
? ?boot?
ntrgsaln?. . n, 'r_o?
'oturn baa Dit-t enough
_2____.' '",?;' --????-?<
i but it wo r M ,?,?.,, r
_?__"?*. '-*'?' "J,i '? ""-."b to rraternUc irj.
h.___?r wi!h *_l * k-apaaria?of
!?_????<-"? -s . v.id thal ( linrle? Mande
"uf'i., :ot a4,n,m,0 ?bi-ut literary cuit?, will aid 7'*?
ih bis t-er:. The next name In value, wblt-h I
??ararat probably io ba ?v>;in?c-i?*d with it i? tdial o? tin?
j- * p '?fahmii o. h. inn?e* ban mide so much?
_btU4i?. Of coursa Winwood, Baade, O. A. Bala.
?"??or Iitigar-id, and the Ilka will ha aa band. B.it artaJ
R- ?Mrn fertile pen will 1 '' ' "r'rT' *e"!"
i? ? ? ? boys
Mi??ebr_.ddonVrerv j:.?t cuipl: t sai ii i!ie American
publlsben, Hilton It I J bar's a hool
?huh she n.vor wrote, ta ?
egaiust btv Ainencau lionac. In Knglaud, I ??
publishing b" duct? ?i bj literary
men, and inn to whom s literary mistake wes imi ossible.
Messrs.Cli ipmap.'l liibuer, Loa guian, V
tin- bigheei i
the M-iiTii-aii publishing fratetaiti ural such
as this could ooenr. Probably when s I neel
lotornatioftal ( opyright Lew!..
there will be 1?'?? barry ead sac nbbco
tiona. I have lu-anl
beea reprinted iu America, expi
?ere nat couaultcd, net h bei: ho in
i og tit. ?,f tl.cir I' ? 11 hart
lo know, tlii c?onitli Mattbi
Eiiay?, a? publishod .."i i ;
were incomplete. When Mr, I
careful., his book, be fbnnd sercra] Import!
.-. a mid additions were deoirobla ? i !:?? pu
tieniarlv de?irvil to add t" the 1
en id?? portion which hn? !.u on Ittod by 7
v. iiich ?t appeared k* a rovie? SB !>elng a little ?? I? ?'
food I ?: ii? orilualiix readers. Bul ?>!???i Mi. Arnold
to the American publishers o! his work foi oppor?
? i obsage a*?il?iit!i!, ho ?i.? told tia) ? vnn alrv?sdy
?tur- otyped. rt wo ...? Insbls
book baa he beea consulted originally; and so vould many
I Mr. .lehn R. Thompson i? as dil ti?.? "Beroi ?rai
Boarcks" of alaric, i??,/a Magaxiot,
while iu the Ctiiitcdeiflto ??erviie, a?e te ?.?'i to appeal in
bo.sk fbna. T. wa.? w!,,!"iu editor of 7
Litern* but bhia will Ik? hil first sppearanee
m a ? ulk df iii ti. n. For though some people nally be?
licve thnl tlie paperl in Hi ?? ?', " I t ' ora ??melon.'s ad?
ventures iu ti)'.? ?South, ?those who mi) a? f tiniikir ?lib
J. R. T.'s physiognomy, sa youi i IVlfl reinem
bor, that tin? said little gentleman has confined his adven
,lures t?' Loudon f.lnce a lillie ntl- r the war began. How?
ever, I have not rend Horrie, ai i ?I may b ti it he 1? the
translator only ef somebod) rise's work? .T..!ui M. I?.inul
of Tmtr*Etamtnar lRidiiii?.iul> usi d ton ?ii'..*Y,\ M- -
when utid. r J. R. T, "Iii. Sou ti ern Literary M?lim-r."
It is a ba?l omen fur poor T. that cv. ty litaran effort in
behalf of the t-oufitltrisCT, or by ant momberoi ii. from
,Spence to Helle Bowl, lu? ' e. Lill rature and
the CoafMeracj vier?: unco:.g?- ! ni a L?>n?lou
puMlsbor with ii pistoljo Ins we?st, and be will li
less ili.iu at a roll of COs-federali manuscript. Chapmoa
.v iia.l dr 'p dni ly tesis ovei ti ? ? pill so D
?'.Stonewall Ja?ktJn' iiuth.-ii back thrive*.
Cartylo'a du lam thnt t:
leas lilii'lj are tiny to ia it, mar aci ount foi I
with which un? reform ii :
OTery Riip<?ait?"i? tor a niovemoitl is at once taken up by
the HrSn-ns whose many arms are ras to
taol toe much satisfiedls getti paper.
Already, a? vu ??ill sec lu li I lirtof pia ni.pi.lets
? published by Kurrali. No.28*1 Su. :
lorial crisis 'ami the Hyde 1* A demoBstntiona hare
call- .I i. ii ijilite a little lit? rature of ihe . u?' u:
' . 2d. :
John Stuart Mil.*?Speech, id. T : I I
Loadoo." a People*? National Beform E I
forroerl? lL-ok sf Boom, I,!.. 1
'?.ii esthe Croat lteftam Vtmtmi : Hide
I Paik, 1(1.: Mi..* .:,l I; i.tiin
League'? i'ri-Uolor ltntliri-, lil. : Etteostua uf ti.. Pi?
l)V \V. II. White, Cu.; Hi' i.iitlat MUatloli, t,. 0. I. iii'li
oake, " !.
Charle? Kingsley bas, yon ??ill have observed,
appeared befbrt the public,*and ti
Dsclf a I'm i? blow tbi ?. V iib? t Nea un d ii
ahea last the rvven-odflnsky railed b
mit a sadder i
??r ah ?. !???( k". Ai .- ?m? ??
Bat ni! iKMition on?. ' ' t bluu
den? wine!, he
ootreeta li?- i- noa lobhcd asoaag thom the
tim,ker. ' U:.t Kingsley ? -t i- !
it net for bls.fhnlts,of o la ' ?
nluck, whereas i?o ?aritos I ? and
psoachaa it oraatrerr? Than I et, oa prrsclier,
COliSUllllllatC COW mil 111 1. ti ' lill-?.
he has now au.k to the depths of lLiiiit.t i-m. Wherever
thero is"u liw? I..id, tb.-rc Kwgsl ;
I baal lu private cuuvciann>>ii be i
l?y his constant references to " ni] Lord This,
some eeaeultotioa be has bad ? ith ?.a sari or alaka?
Forttiiintt'ly, this linn has iona, since loel ??'I I Bueui ua
the mind? ?l the Kagttsh iroople. Hi? absurd and mesa
speech in admirativa of 1 ** ? i i
lae .??"iitiiau-.pt"!? bai.?iiiet (watch ass enough to Baske
Din- 11 ive a black (sklUi bus i.iim* ! a ??. lip. 1
muet ?p the people here the |astlea t?. laj l
Quetta Eyre sad Kisg???y's -i?- ? ' ii Ihoicn
(leiilt with in a vrny ?lui I, ? .'.I that st I I
tl.eyciiu. sVoveitaoleae, tb( fact remit?s thal ,
'/'* i^-Bas out ! . I..... L?ro
and AiKiivw .lohn?' l
chamcuir? oi ihisopoohl Ibis a li t menai ?
Tim O?e-.ul fiuz.it, of ?
Amiiooty (lix-i-Mt !?y wbich MsMsuii i? .itc,?.ul ril.i ??'?itfc'.f
his long exile. It & '? I'na-ner ml
Chillon had ut 1.:?! ?? li uri. I li .t
almost diset&bo?tad spirit which s too : London,
?ml m ' erto < all by snothi i ? 11?? t
windi is his "?ti, may a? is, re?
turn to his native Li-.?!, t-i.-i. -,
?aseaaae the toaoofoatreety. Hut ti
fliaudto-Is alBiisaty tim nu I* I - ? ? Aa
pi?>ui?>n?.e i.IltTit'uTs bu,-. l8 ? ? ? .ti nu.?
Jtl'.l't re t.l 1: * s .?i tu
i ?pprebend that it It s cone '
? for some contemplated Min | L?<ois
?N.tjailyttn. A-, tie I r
??o? a? the chifoaii .
triftea in- san, und ol' [vidi I
,ii Ki a a by Bismark, it is fell IhM
gl-t'tonrtory aoine?lure, ?ititi ll'li-T'.in ?r T It.i? ?:?? ti.ri
jointlv the alternative. Boiboi notwcl
eonwa by the Massiii-sti. Mi?/? i poor iftalth.
The publicati'.n of the nttrt vutuni "t Ile transi I
his l?)fe,?jf-'.t? rs and ~'iii
bjr the sudden: death <?f h?? ??
vite is ita shiel irar.rldti'r. \\
ol Mrs. ?SUnat.-U!, wl.oa"
Tunee out of I ? i.inei.t on arcount ?ti Ins
' [i for Id '?ai. Daring
tmii ah?? eroossd the Alps in post-tarrl
- Bew??d Dp in her
tlre.-s. | have i'-'iuy taaraed !.'?
> !??? t. .1 te tbe I - .1 I I Innk i
\ that ba aiU take theaoat in t: i ? ? i
i hu.e intimate?-, it li doo >ti
'??rill take him bitch to It ly. '
* " Bmitl :o S'Tor. ."J
\ first tim?.-in I.".':.!"!'. Heap? ile at the Oly in] I ? I
and in tif ?ilcvK'f Othello. I' i
li tri-iK-r.itif'ii iu An.'
in-" t ' to ti,, ?r minite
??t Wsabingtou ?. t
mii?i?-i'iiia"iionii?iu; .lim ho ?
| KlimrK'-d that ''Ila.' i.Uli.-.l n! ILi! ji
t if cuti/ht in anyS.'itlcn .-?!?;?.!" Ij .ii
for depert? (Bfrom rii.- ol I parin
to see the play i- if? ruc ti
?i but a abort tiu.'i i r
app- end only ?u imi II proi
: [a.itiiiit place in n billi iii: bit? .;? i- I,
j wln-rt be ?. -
; In ?-ii able to m'l.i-.-s sa? p , bl e,
' though 1 ahnl! be at Mi? DI heir
; over li? nrd bil
, a: l of I! ?. beth .:.
i n .m im? a strong ? ?
, at pr?'-(.'nt one of the meet ?Bstinj lacti
bin boring boen horn under t!" and In
! phia?
. rain " bahied the aeeaee," allowed i ?! the
reault ii that l?ir atone time le eOtoe !:? u ,.l no1 ?>'
(?(?iii'M'te with tin n on wlmui eppisjt?inities ?
prattic?? have beaa lariehed. !!? ?w .?a, !'? n j
thun I (line 1 ? ]>? I r ?ml for IB? | i- eBl
Is ?ii lo? ellon to-night. A : .. iii be
fassent, and in it Beay friese- o? the : i
t ii, .
Fioui Our Own (oir??pf>ndent.
Baa i- As a ?', in??.
The n."v?'!i.) :it for (?ein.aii unity oa \? 1?? ? ii ***? ? M
teicd by a Hiiccer: ltd i'.i:?:;i i.'ii ?
aland, tin only result ??, liir belB| tin'' n_i raalia
rrtia-ia by l.iVKT.inii) iul.Bl.it mt?. Ii- <? M did
nut veuture, in del.?ince ?>f I?-ntj.ii (?role.-la, :
tarr operations to the flstalin tun i f Aastria, ead ??na sol
will:! g to cull i.i.^ ,? .in, .M'tiun for Ot'iiuan nnil],
vc ? arslysea ?11 stu rapts |l iii I
'ITuit tin? more decided poliey was thetooji one, after
wai had onto begun, cunnii be doubted? Twoi
after the battle ol Kilniggiku oubody I-? lioved Usai I
would ha?.- eu'.-rcd ?nu. :i aotiott-l aar, after the
? ?: anny hud one?, occupied Vicu?a, Musich and
Stuttgart?a re?n!t ? bick, to longs br the dlsofganiaatioB
?f the enemy ?mi the threi ten? d insurrs? ti??n el Uungory,
was cirtaiiiiy ?awiliin easy reach. Thi '? I irty be
li??, d for a moment Hi t iho <: mehts opposim
in the Ministry, in the i dmini.'tiation tA<d?*al court,
i|uered; sud tint ibe cti.rcnt migi.t ???
such a foree that the ramalnlsg ptovi-C'a
- ??i Ban tl.'ir tium '?? ..i f,,'n-? d Mafiosi I
lum no l.Tigcrcnflictiri? aitii H |
t day no doubt that tina ai!| but Hie
iiiuvr-iui'iit ia oulv ''.?lu.?..!. Haayeaasca lomblnedio
Foreign tliplomn? ?i, are
iii" ?'? ron.(?s? they lime ,,.*, King to all |iar
litn cnti-rv actitiu uT.il ? ? i.t,
BKSacracy also j :?!'" ? un ncarandl/id Pnis
sia to a (.orman union ; avon ?hu LiLatrals m Ita rank? are
of the sime mind, and iliiui: it moi-t desirable that li.
aiirexe?! should bo as nindi i.s | ..r iii,- orgunizeo
-?-ly with l'riissiu. They coneider a Moral relation
is un?ati?f.iitiirt and aanerfiaoao, oa the Boothera Btatea
would, any bow, not be fouin'l ?? illmg to ratet u?.?gi ?t.snd
be unity of Uenueny enuld Boa only be Becomplishel
ibrouarh PrusMi^ft ???.Bguest. The task Was luv greata
one to lie ae nmp.ft.-'? al! It (.neo. Tir m- ??
ItfiacM ii.iiiiii, at.ii n.tiriiy i r?'''"nii!.
i.ai.i/ed uiitier FlBMilll la??, tin (?.iiii ry
would cttT'.v inch a pooitioa in retpt-et M I
?d < tardie mob an ?tin.? to-, on (he minor Otnuta
U mi Um ??hoi?- ijui-iifii ol dorman tailj ?? uid be
Sihci i??'ii:e .?ina later I.. I:u MltlUf Wirtlt~a lu the
li r?t vct'-t i.l't ? tl.r tOBtfatioa ' ?' Hu-... ?ik
? M c ubi ny ?'.ill di.jrt_?.ri to i trrv u:i the ___ve_-..it by
all ii MM
Biaca _btH| lioae.cr. evt n b? ?lmiri-ri mint r-on.????
?ad bis decision hue Gag-i-ii ?I t.,'
w( ok it m t-viiii al thai he, u," ha? adopted the ?tauil-po ui
? I 1. .-tl'l'li.? I i, a? .t la MBOt-U- " : 1 ?I. II ? "1 I
tif-nu pn-t'T ti ho I.? vi r h ni nu olino, lie only playi-dwith
UM Net ?.i ?1 part, and Hu I'MgathittnTIM With Kleiika
*!nl tht^lloD-tiriiiu iinurTe-it'i'in. Ho waa .?
a war li:?T?:irc, hut iru. e thcin r.],-?? looa ti bil
aiiT-th'- auiriiti'li'i nuil o I 1' I na".L
"?Vni, all that, li ? tat 1* iJtMtttd that tor ItMt time
.mitton? have been h tnettly, ud tit ?till
m l on m r? ?nd i io Bain* anri Hi M-r-Dtnastadt in
t matatr. Uuit it most bt snr>poaed Coual Bisniii. ??.?J
ulterior", n.?, ? hich he di signed t-r ji-itr-v ? ?Un mil:.?
. t set natag
No? , I' ir ' . ':.i 1 Ui (?? I I' i' a
ii. I toi ti tht (t ii!.i-i t.t.ii m it'll tin. r m..iii,i .; Mortber_
Muti s l.y n l'a liaaioul is dt'ierrod. A ( .. ; - ey van
mil/ ol '?ailie W he t'.i.lil oto-mita hy it ??tit;?. rloU-ilt-rt
.st Tin?, r.o a? to I.ti ? iii" (-OveraBMatl bj th.ir own pope?
1 inoi.i to eut r ut" it. ??wee Frr-ficli ami l'n.t-ai.i ti ii p
1 ?nui. j ami prin. I ly rriatiaathlp hat I ma<l?- him ti i
lu? piai-i. h? ntinibi-i li?.? unpuitaoce to kPnrl imont, aa
tht-Kin.: iii-lik'-? IB" H?'t li (i"Vi niiii.;i', Bad It it woald
fiOtltitt for lum.
'I he r enlojci itif-nt of the irniv i* whit he ?van:? of
that? ??ia!'*, aitl see it ? n<>w to nell It hy tpttial ti
Thitti the r.-iisi'ii *? ii) the coi.elusion of peace with Bl M ?
mu? II"?-.?? -D.ii ii,..iiitlt It delayed. After foreign mt. it
huj ob ail" ?1 tlie ?"lit.i t it"' h ti ol ti? * mm.? nt
lir.*i iiiit i titi t.. i ".-ri e thi-iii hy 1'arlniiiii-ntnry totioa lato
a military t-t?iii ?-t tion. Now the pnipoee i? I
tahhbli this eoniict 'mit uti'! th.' m . npatlM of tht f ? ? rt i ti ? -1
}?lac -r*l>?. Ti i..?milli tiOiip!? by Itipulatioi ? in tin lu.-.iii.? n!
r-a?f. If thin ha? bi-.Ti nl?o iio-t'-l ?ith renarli'o D.
htiieif it bai only bata Boat i.. hagt -natM-hlBg t?
M"-!! DtresdM will not l?<'e<>i!i-a fuiras? ?itli a PnMriM
'llii- h ir? mung nilli D:i:i:i?l.tlt m .'??ti. M in the
i-1"m -t tiiiiliin-i, 'lit- ii.ort- m in li'.' (?..vi : li tu.-1* t (I i !? I"
?onred tad tthamed tt baring detitted foin th'- inaeit?
lion ol 'li p| t ? II- ??"? in i"ii i-'i'i'Tii ? i.t Id h ian i: ?? ,. I ?
li.m. Kow, i."jin: g i? mt, iitmI bj ?'1 ih:-? bargaining
with Duriiiaiadt but to obtain th.- diapoeiBon ortt un
itiii-, tad the ... - B] .non ol it- (or?
? * ill i?. 1.1 tniiifi.
N'fit vtt-v, ih?'tu.(-"f'.li if.Pol lanexttioa of II
II-i-, Nu-.-ti tod lianWori will bt pi bj Iht
Chanfbcit, io that the Btateo will bt Uvaied ti Praatiaa
l'un Ini -, imil be brought, ?f't:r i thor! ah lar, Dad? r Um
Proaal tito! on. Th i ?dhcaioa ti. Hit. ihi-k-im h
?l ri.MiVnong tl.t libel ? MM tli.'v think it
v, Hu.' ilit*-p>l ti i K ,*..''? Metering -my part
i to their foncer prince*, whkh ii ?am
bintod it m h lin t-'ri.'.l 11 i - m-- ]?"-.-?,.!?-. 1.1?
not h. lu-.?" tlmt tln-ir I M It i - ? lf-u-.il.il. niter t
i ?ghi Iiiniiiilf luaaaiiiMiiot Ibaaoidt "
ii'i.tii.' ai ii 'Idi p ? i y te
It i li
hi-iirl th ni hir. 1-ivi- ?" ? i-.ii.i ligiiiiii.i?'*, w!..i I. ?
held bi?*h only whea the iut?i?--io of teopeople ?Me to
be .?ui i.
'1 be f i "I th? Kit ' ' i . ' l ? I - ? ' -, ii.Tie wr-'tild
not iiilln n . -h?- l.:ln ml D. p'"i. s H ti?-h'n ant ".'t I
l tt>WI | di !"!! "f
I I -,;!<? Of 1? X! V '
?ail) be I ; r i -.:?:?? - ..ii, bul iii-- r.-nlt is
iiln i.ii- (he Mil i trv
??? -.A. I l,e"4T.?',ii 1- K11 1
- . i .. -li ?"ii irh
;' "i. urti ?lane? io iiM'i.l ii pi.ni any
III poll - - i
King't ans ?-cr lo ti
I :? ,n.li!n ?? li ?I ti-iii rilli:, rat nnittiilli'H fly urtt>; '
Hu' Minnii.r hini*. ii'lo-" ti l,i- [? tr i ' It? B?
l.i.il I--, ti ni?!? to indaee his ?npi B '.p th??r ..1 ! ?
standpoint with ngiril to (li* budg ',.'??' '
le ti? King to IWlo_ ihoaamt t-ourM nora?
-?.?ii ol hi.- v ia. The
Minisirr. tt.-n li.ri'.frt ii. ti . ir-- li ii. II I ?(
tht tddreaa, tad Iii
i . . ! tk..? - W- i: ii . ' ,-.??? i-i i ?k,-d tha
If inlet? I i" ' -ii mu
niottoot to tat B bo*?, the lil hat the/bad
.... Lu?.? )? Igt ?"I ii,
for t? '. I ha" v
1 be Kui'- ?ronald? rt'ti it^-t? j? i i ? ? r ?t.
thi : bt ! -t li latyi bet n in t be right. Bul ?! ?? Impi
wbieh bia answer, t ' - najthe
!?? ; ? mi- m i-T'ji't ttnit bt wished t" bu m -rood
?taadiag with the !>?
of Iht lilli rhtmhti ii-r Itajtta mu. h
lit? f
111 .ti? ??.lil aga tad i?? ? oh ? I i i
ti. Iii :- noa ? ??nu- y. ?ra :
TBIA ?itllh ARL - i ,.?tD
BWAKIA ?lll'SKiVAr-i* (>P (')'.-rr BKtDRH?
IIKUK VON I'.KIIM ?. PO 11 H * " ' A B V ?
Til) Bv_H vim an i.iiii.*-i:mti-.v nr m? ai m
TilIVX (.."VI It.'" I I M-IA-i WAK?-A-.
T.VRV Mil-' !?.* _?_*_?" > I!"-' A ?7 III. MIK
.ti | i:r- -ii i ??: ?ittinu <?r
lllr. ) _*_B___ bl'.-TTi I.M.i ?IVr 1" ATiOJ?
?MM 8 WIKIl IIA.VK IN VII ' v ..
)i. | t ? t ?,
Vif-Cia Ait-nit CB
Mariai " i ?o rati
talen |?. i '? : . a? icnt
i are 1
? l..tn_i?i. V? i ti. ?ia -. I
tht ?? -
t . . , ?lui ill UM Ibil .
tuiiii- bcre ti
lin?! ii-. I ? ?
! ba-gin, I - ? aro I
! meat tad to? wtr fever i? <?r? i the l>ett<i U
i li
I ? ?y ofg
w.li ?,ii? t?. tn ar
atol | 1 ' - I
.'. ded to i -i minion,
i i '.
? ? I to roto th*<*
I ? - : ? mml I??' p ii
bt bom id? l?. ii.|'-..!:,??? f .
I ill ht H
ii. iKt- : Il b II i.ii-! t.i ? tf lu? .
BinlBti .??.. ?.i.
' ' ? ' -r. i II
sti'Ti .i chai tit.
? ' ?: i t . ' i ;
mi'! It ililli it ??? be ?.I.
ti | i i : ? " : t ;
"I tin-i.p ??i goat i n|i? inr di I tot M?
Uara thor ?oald ba n i tml 1 kanw tmm. x\
liuMir.i ' V. .lint! Bud Count fi
i ,t. And
' ' I
1 i nd wish ti
I' I rao bt t
i Ulllii-l.-r. hut I, ! ? i
?i?ak it likely to bappi-ii. Bcust has ?bown hin nil
II- hu' lilian n i, au lo be i -1
order c1 ud I do uol ii-luv- thal Baron ion
lo ih? ir I'uliii
A r ii. Dge i ? 11 ? i ; It it ra?
?ol\- il t? n. Ai i?? i? " - iii iii? Jinner
? .1 - -M . | pjpoi fi! \.
it i? lo be, bal I ? ?.', 11, n ; ? ,, oat tj (li an titi
? itt.im ii. ?! ulnti ii i> in1endi-dt?id.*bont- be don? d
I I. Ki,?'. I m? .".i r, .i'.minti- - I
.hm n.'I' I of It ia ol la i nin g thal ? bit h .? it
? li tin-1 ? 11 ('?i Mlln r tl-'ati ii. l? B]
iritt.r ^'i form, Ihl Idi" ?mi .ii, I ;. r.iar ii
?u.'iK-h 1 ' ?., t .... , .BBBtrT. WOUld
'..i ? . ,'r ? on bin elf, and all b-longlii r
to bim. li 11 limit lu ?.tii'l that linn.ary is st thi? mi nient
ill-nil?" ?t d. II bat toetpeeiali .. n for Aeririt or Um
' which
ti igfl t ?i i n- i. il.i r li'..;.: ti
ir"in other <'.i B ?. Dm tug the wal tlnr.- -an lol a _*-?l, I i.-r
? 'irai:?\iisni i tad diringthe r....- .,i? ,,i
i m.ii n, i ?-ti we?
ir. VVben Hat. Klapki w-nh lu? band fitte
hy ITf .? iiuiit.tr BOotM l?i.iitl iiim. lu*
. "a n experience, 1 koo? thal tht llnnaa
ti ?Hi tl"> ?.ot I Uah "1 it ..?i- | ! Di .. the
lltill r 'lal? *. 1'lTl ft?' III . IT ..( li.
I ' bj r.-i.iiutuiii .uni not I .. ?i .i I ?an foi, -, bul with
- nu "i.r righta .In
the ?ntiltii ins? ni? ii on "iir hki.i'i r^H't Mfrol
This Hungarian Le ion, iipoti I "i Ibe Hnagariaa
and ' ?;-. pp? I ? .
nish.-d aith n? . y
On ilio 4th a patt of Iii- 1? _.f.n ?.?- ka K l_-0_.lt, i
gary. Ob haaring of the d the eoauaaalar ol
;!-?? ?.-'-'l'hirinerie at unnri ttaited for the bj ?.t, but t!i?ti it
Of MBkiag pritut :?;.,-.'..iii?. !f Mi? iii|il'in-l. 'Iii? MM
wen iiiniir in* oomm nd <?! c-i Kltfkt tad ?aitdre-m-d
m trlue il.mniT tiliium-i mu? r? I Ki? in li ii.iii.uig t iiji?. \\ i ,
the Okorat won two OeatnBt, f__. Coktte_-,_aa ?eveiai
?taffoflu-'-r- Alter viaitiug ih? tiiwnthc-y MMMptg, ami
til they demande.!?iui,:it, bnad, barter, hay, linen, lint
?ml mt-clieine??wea peid tor at OMI with l'msnian ?liver.
r-ii<ldoti;y a InMdBtMl dnsbod forward, founding the alarm.
.?-mi') li ij.-ii.il I hiaiiB wert advancing-, tad new* wa? also
brought that a brurada wta marching againtt the invader?,
but it o.Ur reached Hotnau, th? placa where ih?y wer?, ou.
the following morning. B? fore the TM.-.n? could Arrive
i! y ?rus nf. tu? :., ! '?'!? -i ritcli. 'I he [.
? ''h .1" I'? LI. ?bene?, ilio luilasy Hain? t.K.k
ihfui !>y Oderberg tau k lo I'msais.
Thal Austds initle to .ni with aBk leal speed ?Inn th?
bboB aao bara ta _raet possess raergy snd i gor, Is ?
bj ibe transport, within II dava, of an anny of
ni' ti, l<>,0M Doraos, and S! Cetleri? ? from ?lie ba'nka ot 'he
li nbe to those or the Btvor Isaaao ta Italy, fkaywora
"ii lr-r by two linei of rail?ay. It aastheeel
of theil ?'.itvtBt.,? ati which caii?e?i the Italiaus to retire
1??. iu.I ti.i- ii'diain??i'..., and lo sootft the tru.? c1 AnguM
11 It Wtt ii.:. ?_, 1 aim. b. send a force of 3",,i"W) mea
snlscnalry !>? gade from Corinthia t.? fell upon their
l.-ii flank, mu! f.,: h sjanctioo with the Aoatiitatrains
,-o:t inc from the Tyro!', lu proaence of these fact? Ino
Kalians thought it u ore ad", i-ibie to rctr?'*t tbsn to ri.?k
"??Hierin aale tbej n : : .t agola i"< beataa. Ila?!
the same di ? i?i?i<?n ?u.! ?aaagj been ulsftayed ia u. I
wt- al?,mid no! Laiobad-oLiiii'.-it and wonder at Ike d?fia I
of KOaiggtfits.
The niiilt.liy Meajares takaa here ariinst Iks i
lia?e pn rested th.?airi a.l of thoa slsajr. Thirty iii par
ra In -?-i -r?a. sod by it her?, of ahem ".'I bars ?ii??? I.
At Pesth ii bas skews ita-ht Baos ?. ?! :y or two. Twenty*
1, II oi wlmm tuve ? _L
In lirlinn it 1.? nu th.n liiTr
I I fsiiin FrSslkfertt-oa thi?-Main th it several of Iba
greet merchant? th ire talgai lo have the place; *s,u," t?
la Paris, others in Aagsberg "r -netta ! i
K muk forton?; h.iv?- m. s i li ? hatevei to hu. ian Prussians
'I ?? ? "i i ? ii 'lint they aie lui gateen by the ? ' a: pt, sad
h ,-.-????,- th? kata l'russl? with t!,e utnioat. miii.-ii;..
Ti,., li havlorol ths lavadora, loo, kai brad I ntkai io
ilcreese the dcteststioa^hos othoirwtee; it wia Insolenl
ami sapereUiooa in tho high? st daaiaa. IBs Noriag*
? i Iks aeallb] iahamtanti havu boea taken by
??.r.'t|i isi' an." mi.I a Mond who wa? then? a f?-w ?lnyji ago
ti.l I ni?'In- had m ly boob a i-ouplonf one-?i?ir?ss* vakMtas is
thieodaya Use tteaae, toe, aalohths Ifeaahratton
had to pa] are ?considerable. Fi?>bi Jaly lAto Aagi - i ,
tor igata. lu),ino (lonna; for f?tlA?Ki pairs of-koots. H70,(1?iii
LodgiBfL fee?, of iba ofli.?? ra in !he betels, 7?,ihK)
florins; for sodt-dle-boraes, K5,(Ml Uuriiii, making, with
ntlier mattem, ?JmtSJS 8 lorias foi a month.
The Oil" O.sehe Hund'.? iad.-ud. On the Sith the
Mtnban anaaWed ?it Aagstmrg. h'-ldal-at utting te pro?
claim in attieinn asaemhly.that.il lad eeasod to be? lilly
- T. c y o.ii s have i Ispeed-Sinoe it ?as called i?t<? ?existence.
li in da? ' t.xluy t!it? pilbil?- is in SXpoetBtiOB to a
lew j'ibi:-i.t"l re?pectteg the ravtaioa oi tiio asa Usai
bank ii"t')*. 'Hu? aiiiu t?i be IsMod ia >tUO,O?O,000 florin??;
h H .-; these?100,01 0,000 dorias only ?ii! at His? le pal in
drei ' i'i'iii. Sixiy millions an- Intended for r?'t>u. mi ; t'to
'ho bank of ?like ?um bonowedl, l.'e.jrOii.Oi.i) Horn? tor call
ii.g laths 1 -tl?-nii mu? .'?-fl'inn note? now in circulation,
u.uuO fionas for ladssBBtiyiaa oommuaee sad eora?
ii companies who h loas??s ?luring tho
wi-; the remsining 35,000,000 lorinalato beem|
for the ' i the Mato.
The 30,000,000 ta-rins lo b?? paid to Prussia lie? already
been tislv.iiK. d by dlfferentrfMBBing houaos her.' and in tho
provint e?;*i.i ?Vienna Hrml und S vienne Institattos
tribu ted j ths finis, 16,-10,000 Dorins, ths taetttatiooo,
11,430,1 gil .'" -:. -^.iioUftibi tortas. Vivo
jir??Tindal hu;.i si.UtrikM tho renatad r, J,''.??,"..
I a aeefe or two a saving bank has b?en opeiiM
beta, th? tuet ?i it* Had m Wim.?. Pawataoktai
taUishmi ?a? on thoeoatii eataredovi n moni institutions,
ai '?ii Pie Pfaudli i
sreaeed leasfviag .?uni? Botl<Besthaa
o: '? ii'i'in mid pilling lata M el Um r ? t ?- ? > t atapraesal
It Util,Il rr III tl.lt 'ho rO-i nil. ti ?l.rklllg c1? ????? h IVO
llttk or nothing to.pel stade, foi th" IK .?'-*?'' fto?.?? re?
i-'ivi in the very enorl time Bass the I .nk has keen
. i???: rd Lave been ti. poa.Lil ly This on ?in
- a dei "?ii ol i ? .i. .- iM lorias i
? tot ?i. !iw . . that ravings
.li ti. ,
I? pt. ? mu aaaeag Ike l?an!ieraf?tii<?ii
i I ?r 'si !"? la L It I ?? Imlil
- i ? ?11 of llie '1 li r ? ' ? ? mai.;, ino?i
* rf OBI ploy 7K hs ? ?wnr?; Bad 0 Ihl "li!/
?I W.-rn iho ?nuki IS .'el
?.t'lilli'r? list ki ni ?s-r? wie r..th? r Ima) , na tho tiU'O fur
' lan ready ?.t? coin
? t asi? th* difficulty of AaMite, ?f ?m'y (?nt-nry bo
: tho ?i-.lom IB break ?idinly willi Iho old,
ni tli.it y?T bl ?'Ila
lil.VTH OK 1IIB PB!"-*?.
Fi?o> Our ?tpaaclad COtSMfaO :.
Vi*???? Au;i?l ihi, IBS*.
\ i - - | pnpc: s brought at laut the expactrd
doone oa ibe tiew imam-is! uicaatires adopte?! by (lovurn
n.onl. All allow Ibitt 'he doun: ' ? (ilfBetllt to
ti t thoa* ?iii ?s-r.id ii- -i.iii mailors.
' An Bt( .'
. lo make really ch-ar
IBS Jaiii.t? ht t.ila
: aaaaaal w?a Moase, on officiel
itsarj alact appeased. I i?n?u the
? they aio the
. Ita? le? ree p !,iO:
1 . lletas "I -lui? T, ?- '-. ish? Mil lai.-r el Finaoeo wtu an
?,*. A!l?r ti ? b .
Bank had tot ?' 'ftii* haiu. then ml. re
s ?um H?e Ii
>t ral ton ?iii CO Burma m (loi I
?'. a ' "I le H..r?: and five tl.iriii? each, am' in
'"ni.?,?? ill n?ue flv?
i r.- ?-|.hoods with .i.rdue lu Mav and
N'.veti.l-er. lur ll.e r?ItiathtB "I tli!? t.ew loaO a cou.IBItli'O
? ,T ir bah!. I ??? t<? l'..V de If it I- foll'.tl po?ullin lu tarn
it mis. tr bones at tt.? iir?-?*ut
o.i o.e. -. I s now I t ?i?c:e bondi ?nnllr?.
utiv.i-f.1 is??' ?s t.- Nation?! 1'.?. k has
?ir?atly ?m ?e-,nr?t .-I th* (l..vev?iy>e?t. -a.? r*?.i .?...< -...,.?
?i. i w f *i?na'--1 (,.r Berasa
te, BOOOOOI total of th? <> >**ruiiivnt noto? to be
i.su?,I weald aun aat tu auu.uui ??, Hurn.? Ii u tra? tho
A ??Irai.? it vi ' - ' ? th? p.s?er urilj-r ? csirleln
t ti? Booting d'It ?>n which intaitwt i.
? .w11 t>. tl.n I '.Mi.- at "Al
B? ? li r?'ai?ie? thal the " S
tcAatmi ?int th? ii"? ?n irei.? ita, ? are not to ?it-e.-tl t ?
If, 1 I It ? Sihneoi kimi-'
Wer? t?) ??ii.k ?? low a? '. ? ? le? in
Ii i. eviilci t. I ..??v. r, thal tali Is a raes ?lu.? ?? ?ii
? . .idea tor Hi?
laitets will sb?w preftVenr*) t"r trrle stock. We nu.
???t, fi-naiM? Mooee aa feel I I the s rd the
? .?Jafi?? ?". .nil that
.nu ml'-ri.t will not
asset the saa i '.?;.? IhoQ reraioeat don no1
ittag ?ali?nai
? I a hiebt whteh conaol be eiceeded with?
- a. di? _.--.-. ! ? ? ?
he se k
.1. ?I I..I? s,| |> ? ? ,, -?. |, the wind? I
? i i?sj? sseoad
wkital ? .-le.-n r p?rt ef t!.e ne?l? . rr-ttod oie.tinm ??11 ha
ein|l-?y. , fa? , ?? tr, ? ?um ii ?I
t ' ?lillias
? ' . f ' ..? n ' i. Car- ha? I ,??u
? provMa f r ' r. laclad
r / t ' ? f.? t .?i,t ol ?nt't.'?' 'lue in J un?
aly. Tee Badge? ol 18*7 will aa doubt show a ?loflcli. asd it
??.II ha !iei-s???i) i: ?l.li SOM I-' l'?im n nsw linanelal jim
by lira l?ate wilhiml erootiBsS a boo -.ii *n-.
I bi ra '? Im! m | r? seo I by li
-.i mi. lin? Jouraalasey
i t aoj ?.'I" r -s home ike
? ? im useting the azi?
/ Fia J ? I Oovt'rnment
u..'?inr? which ii finid"? al
the ornkleg eel of the war. It eperaln with ?tforera?
:u ? t 1."'*??. A? 1' | i ( ir-.l heir*? for OartytBg "li ti? WOT
?i''iV?riilO??l :
in baal aetos for it? Botloaal "auk, ?o now, ?n?i laktni
I'MHM lii.el?: ItS Obligations .11.riliir
I ' BOtOS. Ti.?
wurt'! !? ?grr' I OB I ? ? ? -i pel
?ii ii"|? Ol ?. .?-T It ii '? IOd ;: >' I I lill I d ?? ?n '! Ill BBd y? t its
whee WM broke oa?, bo ewe, is splto of thM et-kaowMlgaeat,
u?j);)0?eil the BH "f Ike '.' ' tv; prlB?M pr.? 4. ?.)
... w the ei.i|J.,t m?at of II l ?'.nu' it ? ..ni:.t? will l.ur.'ly lind
uppesillaa ib-w ?f,,.u.J li be posslbla * Wr aai oAoa Um! a
iii'aii daag i n't? iiml i'aii.i 1. win,, u* bolBg abes to avoid Ila
boko, or only
i .1.81 vi ' - ???'? san UBtatapt the law of to?
day, ti r don n ij : i ',< ??' '1 os m n? lud in? :.;?l p'rlnoiplss
nihereeeti of tarertotts aaeasaMp, BadssaaehBsayreeasa
lag an it ??? lantty.
li i? Ti as on aHlag to oBea t)ut ntiforlun?t?lv an argu
ni-nu eoa he taeaghl igalaat the pritciplr, ead loot the n?
,1 miy ??i Uic'iiisan.'?i i. (i i.? no < luiii e Lui that of martial i?
tis not" piiiiiing pr?i?. wo ?re, howersT. i.' ? los ely far
ir .in ?gieeing ?ait!? it-?? art hod iu whick lbs jlni im? boee
I ? ik in.liiiil?, ths leon* :?? k1 !i?'4 before
M ? f ite ?c?y ???ki ?i t !' ot? ?.f mudera flnj.e?.
J UK ?K-.10NAT10N OR Ii.VKO.N" IlKI'Sl.
Tim lo I low i ? g letters relatiiij,'to the rt??ignation ol'
t):n S.i"U ilinlit*r havo pasted b?lwe.?o hioi sod tint King
Ml Hi'litt.i. i : a V.-tir M.jenty wa? pi..??ed lo
?I!,,? u.r, ?t my nix? MSBtaM r.'|iie.t, to take ? ??-rann?! ?hire
le the ptellmleortoe Ita o tnoty of peeoa, ebloh aeraepaaed
at liar?o. 1 cr th,? favor I o? i d ?nany thank?, ?a 1 had it io
ordoi to remove ill tloubt a* lo ay ? u'lingu. ?i to meet the dlf
looillfl ?>: the pr "?"! t?"*. nuil to show Ihol I Wa* reidy to
make the at??n:| I. by Oireol a ii.l op-n spaoeh, to put what
? B '!*-') ? HiiV'triiireot hri'l doue iu It! inn? lUht. lud
?lio by opp?.*i?K ni?ny ? fal??- |i< ?uiiikj??i?,i? to ?rmri a hetter
f In th? ?aid aia'.'i.i?.'i ?. II" mi ! iii? howeve.', o>y
partioluaHoa In ? ?r. bee bees do? Bard at Beella
x . '; -;v tv lib? grtvinmly plesued to rom?-nber,
H (he day at ike Mgeaton al lbs prruaiaaiies ofpoacebe
Aoslria and Piuiide, I b?d befbn Vour Majr.iy fur
.litii.i. tf.i- luealiii?i'f- - an iiudrrrtiihilnig.with tho
PrasalBl Gi fti for-my norauu
.,.! . ;, . and if it wuulJ tot be bol?
ter lo remove t1 8 ? OB*
'ihe BbOVO-raeaiioaed latioiation frnm B?r!tn cao only ??rta
?i.-lhcii ma in my ?tiffl-titlni, ?i.d I than tor* comidir
It a duty I ii*'' Vuir Wajeary sail the country to l?v
hellas Tmr M.?j? ?ty n-? a reelgaatloB paitirul i. '
ii steel be for ne, )aat si ti :?? uieenelaad aodsr srsssat air
canut??-'''? towithdrawft tsfToaratoJ
A ?toistertel ?t in ity ? I r'o!?j thoo II yean ?? thoa r.roust'i?
nt, as itt em) us ?lue milked
renshorh ?hlch e'.r poMtl ii retal?eos ree?ived. I
c iiiiiti leprn n I. hi; .oil ?lui h??iitg caused ?itber ttreooaor
ti : ? , ! ? i.mt in laitli tases of
btvln/, ma'coi lone with ths uiineiple? and feellug? of my
?Clag sad ?sst?r, daBaded llighl Without fe?r. ami don? my
May yoar M >J??ty l>? i U??e?l gra? loutly to accept of raiig
i sti.in end to ?ive bahai to lb* ?Muranoe Ikat r?m?nib?rliig
what ? lappoitt?. it wa? nu,let Your ajaje.tt ? dlreotiu? to tie
vote my iu?i|ii"? to th? ?ei ?!t*e ot u.y cuuatiy, I ?hould ?titi
i nea lo ?hu? aiyielf wur'.b) of the mauifold and n*ver
to-b? fargoltsa ptouf? of loufidrius ard iodulgence that hare
falleo to my share. In most profound rsspeet your M?J??ty ?
niokt cb'tl'int, ni.!?t bau ble servant.
lo. Bason Von Bbist.
I'iennA Ango?! 13, VkiAi.
Ta* saaaes of th? Klug wss tbos
O-? .tintern nf mai*. l??_Bos rua BlVH. ?sstordar st mm? J
I received j our r?(?n.?vt to be r*!.?s??d from your pr?tent ftinc
tior-. ard lu f?ie motive? which tnv led you ?o tike tbis ?Wp
I reooaaM? Ihs nolBasoto at faithful devotion to King and
t ?1.1 -i 'Lrnni;bo'it>7oar ??hele sphere of seirue you
!i*vi- n ?cr Ot led la ilntv.
I !??**- ton.lul me then. 1? ,.f _ ??p? rat kit from yoe i* to mo I
have no nord to ?n?. Piase ai? esoesstaa la Ufa I ki IB s jon
haysj stood faithful/ by wy ?li?in ?.0,,<i .ntl evil fcrtaaa ?ud
?ian-daily piven u.c ?ti opportunity . f ub*rivm_r bow richly
?titi are ?t d-iwul with ?tatemailike rju ilitle?, of beeiofninr ao
d with >our act uri ty aid your uaabakea attaoLmint.
Vi ir counsel wa? ?Kay? osm *(!i?atloos ?od well oonaidered ;
tud not hy Mraoiii- like or
di?:ik?, ir,1 ?n exjicrlence of many yean Bal abundantly
ihiiwn II* Imoefleial tnfluer.ee? .
Di Cum?! important ?)sealion? we woreaeoa agreed.? an!
at 1 wai ion?inced ?l??t in til?? ?Ifalrt v?u rondaeted nothing
of iiuja.rtaBs?? occurred wiihou' my know .?tige. ?> al?u Ikt.cw
that io matteia ?liera a differenco of noland dialed boiweon
ti?, mr dirt ellon? would br Stat Otto foil lOSl ,.
T i v ', i nakina uj> of io tried ind so happy e eooneottoa oso*
lot ha utjifi ?a? thtui painful to we. If 1 grant roar rtquest,
it ii only on account of the loipur'aar Uaiiiioal naaaaa oa
winch j,,a i,y weight, repiiring, s? ti ey do, t ?soriLee of.my
l?-i< m ii ?i.sI?ai ?ud lu ?mc? in 'le ergua of ths co? ntt.. and
m ac?.'Hia? l.i ji-i- willi I give you the assorsneo that mp
gratru,;.-for the linpoitan! ?jmce? rendered Oi? aad mr da
brother, ead ay aeetuseat of h arti. It regard and ?in
?.??re reopeet for rearprrsoa^rtfl leman- aUo under cbooaed
? -'ancua iirilelihly the?taino. Bfllh tbo mott diatin
! reaped and th? iincemt ?ttaohoiout, 1 reio-tln, doar
_?lim?ter of State, Baron von Uauit, your isvotod J IBU.
trama, Aug. lti, 18"?.
The military journal of -Struiifleur contuins a paper
"ti Um aaaaea ot the ill auorcsi of tnefAostriani-raiy of ths
North iu the war with Prussia In the year MM." The su'ject
u in lUtlf m interca?ng, ?ud the paper ii written with luck
-a thorough knowledge of the matter treated of, that it cannot
fail to be are? ptaliln to every naiSA *
The A.iuttrniaarn y took up ita flrat potitioo hyconcetitrotlng
itaell at Din iili. iTuaai? kept the pritiOip?! anny?the anny
of tb>- Eli??in tbo Lauaila, and ??ec-ontl?oor*i.,ting ot only
two army oorp??in ?vi eua Tne Austrian leader had thui
ra,util two gtrai advantages: First, the enemy wes in th?
dark as to ths r tal Intention* ol the Auttriaos; If. namely,
i lu-y lutended to invade Sileaia, or lu inarch through lio
lie.ii ia. K'Wi.My, lui? uncerttiiuty obliged the enemy to
divide hi? force?.
Th? marching? and countermarching, of the Prussians be?
tween the Kibe and the Oder, and the cidleoting the guard
regiments in Silena, pre?e the uncertainty ther were Io, us
well as their belief that the grand attack "would be made on
Si!, ant. The Piuaatan? bad, it ii I ruo. noarly three parallel
railway? and naman?)? roads lor oommunioatton with, and tor
the t ventual union of, their *aparut??d*?ruiioa; but the diitaueo
between them wa? ?o great that ths AuatilSn?, by tho abort
line between Moravia ard Bohemia, cuuld bars reached Bo?
la mi i n on?r than it would have been pot??bli- lor the Prussians
to bava united ihcir separated annie?. '1 ime. too, would thoa
harp la-en gained for lue cooperation, at th? deci?ivo moment,
ot ti ?sa I (?enuan trooj? ou tbo tldeoi th? Diet which were ino*
li.n.e Au.triers had.ohosen their fini position at Bohemia,
the great ImlUe would bate lieen f.aiglit BSoaar. The topar?*
Iii u of tue Prussian troop? by taking posiwkkion of liaouver,
Kii'O'oiiil llaase m ti Saxony, oauac?! greut moral and political
eeaseSJOoaa I ? bul a na i?!>f to be looked on a? a diaperaior. of th?
fore*)?; for lb?i diaporiion leintet! only to ?p?ce snd not to time.
If i-?, ?ti the AUHtrian army bad Immediately ?merged from lio
hriiiia, ti e ptii?rt|ie of tbo bord, i ??tt.uuta:n? wui.Td'still have
taken cona morah.e'time, duriug ablas the Prussians, by
ir.eai ? of the imrnerous rail??)?, could har? ooocentratrd
ii,, ii t te?;? end faced lb? Austrian army with auporior rum
I ?-ii. jual ?? ihcy Ita?! tboir cuinos, of concentrating iliemoelve?
?lal of invading lioleu la ?itb B pre jan tl?riit(hg loree.
Had the Au?tri?n? ?dvancosl toward S?tenla, which was only
sis days' aeras to tbe front.er, the Pnisainus, who had BO
train? at their coma, ?oil on tho UlflVrmt railway?, could j nat
a? eaany bala toinentrateU .?I? anny com? at I raukenaiein
m ti .'ae?s?e. ?i d hero a?-tin wtatilil^iavu Ik-oc much ?irouger
than t.l 8 A oatt lane, ?Lo, in order no1 to ely. ne i!n ir 1? li llank.
wi nld have l??n otolig.-il to th t._uh con?ltj?tald? force? to the
borderawota ins m tit? dlieotioa of (?lat?. Bilborberg.
flehasMslls *c
Wo repeat, tberefor fur?, that tbo poaltioa at 0 ~.
bri.jjs-lit ii? ti ? advantage of deceiving tho enemy at to oar in?
tention, baretop bim to divide to* srtaripel fcro?. and etabling
na to g?ln uiiiu in ordur to bring lu rloa.-r connection the
opeialioi s ni ti.? A'j?tilo.u ?rti.J 'hi.it.gh-bohemia with those
ol ihn i.ciii'iin i!li?M. *o a* to be able to op-trita with them
mai u? liai? at tb? faed after some time tied elipied.
In tli? l?vnn.mit ..(duos it w.n thotisht io Berlin that th?
AsstrtaB U*a*ral aeeM ?amoeiitruU bia fore?? in Uobeu^ia
bud ailvuite tow ird la it u. The- Piuaaian? therefore lef* only
ti a Kilt li and Suth Arm) Cotps to onrot Slltvla, and endeav
or?1 M coi c?ntrate their principal force on toe Kin? and the
I. iiii.ir in oidrr io I* ready fur anuifonslre movement agu.nst
Maitsuv a? ?eil ?? to cover licrllu.
Hut ti?} Au?tnau arm) did not go with ita principal loree
to pillie m1*, Lut carried out Hie auniiibilng of me troop? near
0 i. ii ? On Jin ? :n, the chief ?iiDV?w?i concentrate.! there.
llii? aisdo th? Pru??isai ?niion? Bt lb? fat? of Siletia, and
eau*ed li s m to Uivid? tl.inr lun?* ft un? ??en thal the
AuatrUaa wen la the atrong penn ion re?r OliiiSt/, with tb?
?* tig renting on Jo?epb?t'i"ll ?ntl Ii.lalggB < on tho*K??(, ?ed
fun I rnoownu tim W.ai, in ?Hack ou Hi.e?la seemed crtaip.
In ail kaaie, aimo?t with boad.ong apeed. changea of poaltioa
wer? ordcteil for Ik? i.iot c1? n-ot Misai ?Jruich Anatria bad
im liittM.t.'in if ittaetiug T.'i* Knit Ariir Corpa ?*a teat
??randy on the 9th < f Jane thiough lliriehhora to join th?
Army of Hiie*l?? tb? ??cutid Army Cur p. had to mt as a com
u..as reaetve lo I..iwrr .?I'l ??s. , li- ?id? all the railway mean*
t.t ifeaaport oaaaeroaa aoaeoo tai tb? more *p?r?edr for? ard
iji_r of tie tnaip* ?ei? put ia retjuitltlcn. All moneys belong
(hg to tin- ?stitt!, ?boas? of the commune?, and oven of privai?
per*? n? ?ort? tIin.ughout*H.,r*ia. ?el t tor ?aftty to the ?tr<ui_r
Ktirtreu l'u?eo. In the Iori ree? N?u?? Louie* wer? i n . .1
di.wn, othi-r? uni?? f?d, tree? felled, *e.. A?. Proof? sullieieut
that fear? wer? entertained fur the eutr) of the Amman? In
1 e Antriao army remained inactlre io Oln.Uis from the
10ti? tu Hie I "?li of-Iui ?. 1 hi. liuii.iivahility c?nuol be 1-oked
tjHiu a? ? Waite of lime. ?Un Ibu lUih of JuuS t! e tiaup? wore
?r-iti ,1. it li tin*, bat the intendant? ?aw there ?vero
ia In.g? wtiib by tl.c 17th might bo rencdlod or M)p|l ed
1 ?u.e. loo, wal gained for ti? mot litation t f the (?eruian
lioop?. It wa? ou the ! Ill? ' f June ouiy that Pnunia declared
it? ts-ter?i..ii from the ( ui loileration. On tb? ltith only
??i.lui y ?| plied lor help from th? Diet. : Id it wa? only on the
la'h "i lui.? th.ti in Ilavarl? the (.'hauaboil voted a orcdtt for a
?...B.i.? ,n..n ../ ihn ?riisv
BrOOBtoaMa, b*tw*-n th? liXh snd the 2!it of Jnne. was of
o| ini.m that S.I?.ia would be le But point of ?ita.; li ot the
A uti ian, and. In accordance wita apace and numbers,
divided lu principal fc-ite In a ?till tugli.r ?J-gr*?*.
Ile Corpa til i.u*rd* wa? lebt fioin Bellin direct to S?ImIi,
?r.d?dv*oc?d with IB? Kirai. J-Tftb aad _Unh Army C'orp? j
i.iir>- to the louth to I'ppvr hi.eiia, be^tocn Halinor ead
M i*k". the te?disU?rtcr!? b?ing removed from i'llr?ieu.?tein to
NshsM. Tro H ("?lan army, to which the h'lrit. Fifth and
.???ti. Aru.yC.irj'? aLd tbe (iuard belonged, rod which wa.?
?upi>or'.d by a sort of the Second Army Carp? in Low? r
. had : ow Iii.' pnr c1 pal part ??.?ilstne?] to it; the 1-1 rat
Arru) Corps m tilt- I.aunl* bad now to play ao inferior parr.
It ?ti ?licm!) on ?h? J!it that IL? ??bule army of ?Siloiia was
nUrn.id by th? liar of an inva.aiu of Nellie, and it was
tln.ujrht thal tbe Austrian? in great fuioe, were about to ?oter
rilli ?i? liuui / ? kmaiiteL JOgoruduif. Ac.
vv " thas ti?? i r.i.t ?pal fotem of th? two armlet rem?ln??d
a? fur ip?rt ?i p< tslble, the Austrian army, In a well ord? red
I Hank mov? meiit?so much ?o, ludced. that within two day? it
BtlgM SJonahW have been biought together?udvanceil
fina Moravia low?rd lU?bemia. lh.- u.oieu et.nuf tbe army
hiji?ni ou tt.' lTtti of June; on tb?> 19th Ora. von IWnadek tv i?
ei.ull d io irreet the Saion cumratfe? a.re?t!?.tin:t?sl with the
arm? ot the ?Nott ii. On the '?'lit tb? headquarter, wire re- 1
?eisd fina flail als MhatooBThahaa, LpUitidi moment ,
r .t...ti? of the Aiiirian? wore lilai-ncle??. (?u the Bid
i.t' .lu:,? ?Le !? " .1'? ni-?! l'?'?- ?inn arml-? made re??oiii:olter.rg?
, the First erny by Zittaa i"???i(i llohemls. and the
?Set utid ?rui) on uiatiy ptiiut? in tt.e ?Uiectlun if Ao.trian til
lein; bet ana hen wer? livistoasof lataatry to bateen, no?
where w.-n? the border stottaos f-ntiiied, the light oa? i
the look eel mindi ihe oonvlolioo w?? ubtoine?! that no
?, ii li" I'utert.iine?! for bilcssia, but that the el-.ltt iireo
of iho Aaatrtaoe ?ne seaeeMiotod l_ Behoauo. Tue l*;u.
o operate sgalaat Bohemia? afewdm.
I) uf iLe Sixth Luipi rcuiaintd to keep watch lo Upper
'Hi-, eilt?.? i f ujeritiom on both tide? entered nuwioios
new ii i it i um.
as law two divided jfirtle? aaddaata rlie rp
asalnit ibeui on the ea?t the Aii.inan onay, ready for ac
t i,.n but iiiii:ier:cnl)y weuktr, on tue ?nut (tti?t i?Jo i?r to
Woolen Oorotaay) the M yet unorgauiicd lureei that were
ob tlOaSlde of tom Gemas CraHadereiiea. Acoordii.g in the
pn ii:?? that ?lieu t!?e force? of an ailvirisrv are divided tie
i ti.-ii.pl mata bo niail"!?1) obtjin yi.'ffliy over the j ??rt.t, and I
lh it the ui-irot or mt.it powerful ibculd be Brit SMaofcad with
i r ooadeiatlag tone, ?t seooms ?? aeocssUj for the l'nuauu?
latan? IbsbissItii Ur?t nu the Aasin??? la Bohemia.
1 lie laatrtaa nrmy -hould lum acted aei-ftril ng to tbe ??mo
pn eijls? It hud saooiolsd by it? f-rm?:roper?tiou?lii keep
u / ihe clue! inrce of the i'ru?>i tri? ni tlie l.nuiits and Otprt
M.t-.i!!,'di? niel, aad no1.- ti? eiid?-a?or oii|.iat to have h?.en
to ob'.aiu imiU d I'jt ei ??;**, tt'ttLi? to ?aj. lo heit ?ne part ?r
the other Dofore a Jaiictioa ci '?b3 bo clT?c?te?3, ana tieft (o fell
ti|?'ii ?initiier poM If gleit activity ii ?bown and the Baa
property euiploye?!. there i? every chaut, of ?ucce??|a? wo seo
tn.tn mm:> i ?nu pi'? ?!nc!> ! ?*tury ha? ?ilisown u?. In (Lis
wia? Bonapnrte w?? vlcUiil'.ii? in Inlj^ln IT" 0 ths? Ar-hdiAe
I'liarle? in I" a, ?n tlarminy. Ma_?li a lOaSaiuerlaud, a 1 -.i
.ii 'Ihn time, however, th? double circmrou? mareho( tho !
PrUMiati? WM ?ncieulul mer? ly beean** the Auatriin? r<
inaiiii d !iiiic???i?. ?ud illili io reality ci'??'r.?.y pa tal
rn'ei ?in Icfwon? of oxporic.st ??.
Ihn A ii?t i ian nmy hail tb? intention fo axiemble i.e?r
KttolgiBBol, to tie- iioi'th of foseph-ta?t on th? Jtith tbe head*
. itTsaere n.ov'?1 to !o??.-ph?ladt.
Iii.: PnOStaaa bad c?'i??d the M ?'jri?? to Join the >T rat
?rmy ?nd no? psaotaaled into Hobemi.? with ?II enerby io two
pla, M ? Hb tho 'JO, Jil. 4th, ?urt ci.h t'orp?. Im into? ? dlvilion
of th? ?lh CeriM lo tl.e weatuf K?i-, ng.'iirgu by Jabei. Hum
'itittr. and? Leichenbtirg toward? Tun.-o, hluucheuiiil'i and
Jungbun/Jao to.the l?*r. andtoth? Bool ?I'lhe K?i?enj?.berg
with Ibe lit. .ab, ?.lh and the ('??rp* ?f (tuaidi by Liebeuan
totvard? Iraiitcaau, aad by Lrauiiau and BeiBura towards
N .hoil
Th? vanguard? of l?th bad on lh* Ktl reached In one oa?o
O." Ii-r mai in rho other tb? high? oo the rrontler. wBliout
enlim force Mug tetaided so io?g by foi tiliculioi.?. dcatruc
Ueaooi ti.? loud?, le, or hylnxii? in l!ic Barna fioutler
pa.ic?. or on tho riven o'! ihe 0"K'r otalt Ve sBsehed by tie
whola'strength ? f'he ciiemy nnd over? heit? ed. Thus the
two i rtuici of lue I'.-uasiana had sdraocd within eight milos
at ?anh other aad adghl hop?? ?o bo mund, a? tho Au.trun
am,v in it? slea m. ?1 "d; al mlvau. ? had nu! completed uu the
dibits ?o ??Bed ?trtitcgie aiaomlily M the troops.
Tbo ???nal rulo when ?tieh a Stntogto march I? undertaken,
snd the foo '? ?eily M )""r Beat, ihut tlurina the match
ot ihoeMef loi.e liallauk? ?buuld uo o? 'ted by detached
sons 'r',,u tae wing?, need not bav? been earned out or
attempted t<> b? OsrrMd out In tin present instance, ss the
??.it?, if thing? w?? (ion? differeot. M'list ?Uould hsvo been
duli? here was to stitt* a decisive blow with a biepoii.t
?iBtTng lure* sgum?t tb? potts of tbo.-eneiny'? snuv. Tb?
Praltiao?' til'*- army out!lit to have been prevented uom ad
y tncing by evary pos.il le mean?, and th?ir ni-ond army?that
one beiiiganeareet??iiould hove been ntta_k?d with a superior
titree. bef'TO th? Inleudrd aaaeiubl?i?|i of,lioo[i.i.
?lal lu.feaJ of t:,n.*it ?as intended to maki? the grand front
?Steh up near K<?iilgtnh?f, betwtseii'tbo Pruiaiaii araiie?, ?u.l
f.ir this purpoie ivpnr?!? corps wer? ordered to covi-r t!??
fl?n???ta? a!?)? erith cur? ? namely -with th?-Sajou troop? to
th? west, lar away Ironi the laW, an I ua tbs ?ait the steth
earp?, u the direclioa nf BkalllS, ?nd the tsalh corp? lo? .?r.ia
Trautsuau. Both detachments, however, wi-ie, ur.d.?r th?
sTrcumstiineos, Instead of doing any good, nn>raly delivered
into tb? hand? of the ?nany. The opportunity wa? given
bim for ?tbtainiug viotune? iu-detail, Mt lia brit
nunn BOOld not lumulaiu itiolf lu ta* loag llua to
Mtlnebangii?! Tornan, which w?t ant ?uflu ?ently
ft riifled for defeme. and was forced to yield to thAuporior
f .ree ut four Pi malan corps, which indeed took plae?, lo ?pit?
of lh? couragooui reiialaiico on th? dayl betwun tho^.tilh ?od
th? 30th of Jan?, on the la?t-nam?d day. Ibu? to wia the ?ov?
er?! engagement? o? tb? Suth. Kighth ?nd Tenth Army C'orp?
?lnsteo?l-oi bringing her? the wbol?o< ucentrated forootn bear
?only *o m?ny uaaleaa ??cnDeo? of the br?v? troup?. Oalbe
SSth ?t noon th? Kigblh. Sixth ?ad Fourth Corpi ?tood ?t
N?ohod one boblud th? other, ?nd mt#ht, tugetbor,
har? randered good ?arvie? by taking lb? offanilvo
but th* Austrian Usnsr?. nmalned paaslr*. The ku^ittj
Corpa remained In the bar-a-rotir. drawn np to reeeiv? aa
attack flolrg nothing; tie Piifli Corp.. already weakened.
r.-trea'ad, and the Eighth Corps le'.-oivad the ori?-r i<> leraaia
where It waa till 2 o'clock, to ?ee if tho ecerov attacked, ibea
torvtira toward .Tot.--ht.e4t. AnJ HU '.' o'.-1-.ek the ??<-*-*
i?it'> renitt:ii?_ naetire, an.l in rei renting It happen,- I ti, .1
tie Eighth Corpa?again lett _uttrcl.ru> it-.-'t?wa? attaefe-.
by the enemy with a greatly tupeiior ?fore? and mt la io ?.?te
ar?at it}.?.
1 hu? pu**M rta Hat? trova the %***% to Ihl 1 >lb of .7'ia?. foal
wild.? d-y? with detailed viot.,nr? of ne f.r? o?tr ?HiL'te la
tached Auatniui eorpt, wi___t Mia Aimnati O Morai ..nea
making an at'emp? to _rm_ ? :? , -,
io(o action. 1 roa* the S-th to the .-th oi J ia. aa Au?'r_u
<ve.oiio?atr??d p-loctpel toroa eiiated na laager. wiM which M
gani v otoriea in detail over the .tparaicd arm;m of IT' ?atai
a? ?11 th? Anttriaa for??? ?w* stall*.?ii. __1 tha* .-.li
taparutaiv behnaten.
The tutu ?ai J tin? wa? th? dec_nra day tm the wliaio aanpilaw
I In.tam at of training, witk ?>ar ?tbtef feree. eotleeMt towoA
Imatmi it will vic one? ia dct ? , -?'? er tho ?eparate curp? of tia
IVinsiria army, ?bil? aa yat lb? _.r?t I'ruaxian Aniiy.wi? ?Je?
ta i. ed fi em advancing, onr MbfOBt corn?, on the r-oninwr.
??weis rjeatr-B. and were t_??r_uiya:.d pb.*t?iei'ly wsakeaal
for lb? approaobtag grast str__-_!? I.aa) p-vuca-y w_al_t
?ned, bttatM m being moved h.'!..?r and'tbitber th? moo wert
1 i ot i_?ir nec?rktarv u.-irulinent. fader ti.nee ed..
? ae* the pl'tok rtr.if ataneTite?? ? ar? ?ti.nirab'o wiM
. ...t. na
tng-rora Koatglnhof which a f?w day, t>t.?-e mt,!;! in pert
have Uaeu t-nuihalate.l. wat. at I ii'iU. ob Um tight, ___? M
Uti Jt-fliitn-. aad Ti Pru->ien Anny Corp* ?bleb asa
much more rif-aagw than th* Austrian, wet* bow hf?tlaa
aga ia?! tho ooutdenblr weaker Austrian and Sax'.u tro'.pa
Ti?- fatal battl? of Kilniatgikt? htd never tiken plaet ir th-t
Aujtnau guoeral had undt-ii.od a? ha? b-J.ire '?-, n ??te
?ho- to -?aimsmaU Victoria? in datai) ?>vnr the Prussian Sec*?.
Army Corni hat wa. a th? -??th aed _->t_i ol Jane?
If, after the events frota the .ht'i to the 30tk ot .Tun?, Me
Au.tnan troop? lad needed mm" to recruit tle-Helr-, M mat
a? to prepar? for a denial, e battle, it would have been o-tter,
aa the union of the I'man?an armlet cernid col now bn M?
di?r?d. to bave conoeutratod the army -.Bind __0-iggia.it, tm
th? loft bank of tie Kibe.
Happily for tba Auttnai. ?-roy, th? Praarlta? did not kaow
bow io tarn to it? full adrantag? ta? victory of Koaiggitu;
which i* to be explained only hy the fat't that victor/ ova?
A naman Irrj-pri? only to im gained at a great eacriflce.
l'rom a ?trategio.point o! view, thereto!e, the orerlkrow cb
th'i A'uti ian* ia not at arl toaba imputed ii Ute girted leader
?hipof th? Prnt-mn ann-., but only U? the planLnra of It?
operatluna of tb? army of th? N?rtl, wha aitl.ojgb coara
groat at heart, bad morally too Iii fe ?vlf retianea to make aa?
of the ?itvantagea pre*e..t-d tliem for gaining eau]* vit-totte? -
at Hilt, which by gieater activity might bare been acliiere,
with united for?a m the laat hu- .lay? of the mooth of^laaa.
(in the !r*-ib i f Juue tbtoe A lutr j.i corp? ttenad oppoaita, m
tua al eady ?aid, to a weaker division of the I'rciitan aratr
and b-*id? tb'? a reserre division of car ?J ty was aim out is tia
very rear of the enemy's troops. If at tit:? moment an*e?i-r
geno attack bad been made, Inttead of giving the ordeeAo re?.
treat (in case the enemy bniisef did not waka the attack), lae
oonsei'neu.e? later might bave been vary different to _ bal
they were. Tbua vttiiliy important event? depeid on at*?
meut? ?Bil on the decision of a ?in-.li man, for whioh u. um*,
?? a whole oannot he mad? retpomible.
-lew.',. G.npil and Schau? hart It'ely i-M-eired ho?**
?ral now engraving? after etn.&eut Kngtitb artuu. to wkicfc
we call our reader?' attention Two compasi?n pria'.? altas
A. Solomon, " Waiting for tb? Verdict," ?nd " Aflar tl.e Ver?
dict." ire very good specimen? of the dramatio ?chjoi, thep
bear the ?am? relation to nature as written doncrlptiiin-) of ?net
?cone? by a Bulwer or Mia? Jirsddon would do; tli? cha-ac-tore
ara " attack ' character?, and theil- attitudes aad reatarse are
in aecordaac? with the initruitloB to be found in -ii tecpeeta.
hie iaaiiu-I? of elooutloB. 1'icturea suob aa tbete Ulin,; to tht
tbeatrlcsl ?cbool, and will be prodooed Jutt to long ta there I?
an immense number of people who prefer a theatric?! or ?coll
mental treatment of a ?abject to a natur?! and manlv tra it
tnent. Another engraving It after Tooth "Conquered bat aal
Suialuad " it lepretent? a*b_dd.?h boy wbo ha? kad ki? ran
boxed, and been pat in the corner, to come to bia arl?c? at bil
le laura. He ia a homely chap, and hi? faee I? like a baal
where we may read un-xiteut anger a lib his exoellent ta. I ?var,
and a ?trong dealt, to UuL'i his supper, from - hii-h. aa tat
?poon ia bU hand betray?, he bn? been untimely snsu bad. Ii?
lime? tin notion of giving li, bat be vealr.? for hit lappar,
wi ich I? can only get hy ?ur.cn.ler. M?an while hit I ? par
torbable wlae mother pur?Ut. bar work aa if Me had anti.?r?
torgirtten hi* exiatenc?. though it is evident that she ia quietly
walli" g for what sha knowt meet tooa come. Bte is a tooti,
wiae, hiving mother will a backbone that will tirvvoaa n.ca
tiiotble btetiing to the n_l.v-fa.ed boy in the chimney ir-ruer.
and preTeut bl? being the a mixed aaUance to hit funllv that
bit uhyiiogooiny !i?i plainly Intended kim for. Tie other
chitaren are as pleased at children nsnrlly ire at the diie-o?
fitur? of their brother? sad Bieters. Ta? aaagbty k?/- al tha
left i* well balanced by bit younger brother at the ei re_M
right, who ha? ao other way of ?bowing hi* ?ymptthy for pea?
Jim, ?nd bl? own n-b-iliii.a feeling to waru " Ma,'" tf?aa aw
hectoring the ml??r?l le.nnoffeiid?''!/ Skye terrier and for .Hag
himtoehiiwa whining repentant?") f r'laut? be sever care
Billed, l-uidaeer'a " A Piper and a Pair of Suter.??ten?" it
now aoine monlbt old tnd hi? reached Bint ?tage of popnlaritf
indieated by cmarte photagra-ibtyif it, being eipaa'd for tala
in Xataan-.t.; but It ?ill Ionic continue io pie??.-. Ii Is a rert
simple ?ntijact: nothing more than two ?qairrt.? haaking fif*
berta, e.il? bl ?dde, on the brancfa or a tree, W-ile.*opir_aiM
then, a robin pipe? hi? cheerful song A plc'ure to ileligbl
I iren, bat a lilli? exaggerated in ita ?of nena and prettt
ne?? for n? g rai-beards. How long the engraving for I lot maa
Hunt's '? Claudie and Iianolla" has been nnbllshel we do nat
k low, but it i? oi If within a tow weeks ihat we hare teea M
al ? .mi? ti ?. ?It repre.??!!?- the awful tcene in "M muro for
Me _mr? ' where a brother t* urging hu sitter to sar? bl? 1 M
at the once of her honor. The artist bas been more i_c?-e_t>
fulwlth Claudio tbun with Isabctls, snd this was to bees
peet??!. It nutt be euler to i-epreaent tha ootkive metPiMM
and co??rdice ?hieb baa pot*,r<?ed itself of C'l'Qdlo'i body
likeapoiron infiltrating It.r.f tlaro.igL ?li hi? blood, mnkii.f*
bim afiaid to meet ibu*? ' ?y?a not down dropt, nor oiee
briyht, but fed with (be clear pointed flame of on-ttlty. ' hat
tnraina ???j im face written all over with horror tt^he proa
peel of death, while ho kcyt lily ?)*h the fntiert re.rut bi?*-?_
foot; eatler to paint tbit than to tin J attlee to the a<'(*tftm
ealinnoM and iljI .'?ble purity of tin) titter wbo it indi uprtg-t
befui. bim. and placet both p?lots t_r-?*ir,st41t? breaat-Uiat-iTar.
llora bia feeble haart. Huit ein render dettcate ihadeiof
fa.-iti i-i"iie-ti_n. as ka ahoatd in hi? "Finding tiiC ?rlst l*L
Me Te?irle;" but he bat Billed a? ?if nally to do ao In tie cattT
of Isabella as bo did in tha! ol Christ in tie much more wiriri y
kniiwa 'Sight of ihi.'.Wurld " Three prints, after Miilaia'a.
bare been lutely pnbllthed : "The Black Bmntwlcker," " Vfr
Firtt Sennon." and Ophelia.'' "The Black Brentwicker*
waa, nit orally, never very mu eh ?ought tor hera, t? the tabatat
wa? understood by few, snd even tnea it was stan to be ualy a
diluted variation ot the theme of tho " Huguenot L n era,' di?
luted i?id 1*?? noble. The lll-ek Itrtintwieker? trero a bnnd ol
yaouug i'ruttiant who adupieil a black nnifurm with the '.se'ga -
o'f a ?kuti and crow- lionet iiuou their h*ltneta, and took a aolema
oith to avenge the death of ttelr leader, th? Dak? of Unint
wtck. whii Ml al Ligny. if It cost the life of ever* nun of'.' eta.
la Mitlrii'? pu-tare we'tee one of these yonn>rmen taking I ?va
of hi? inittreii before setting oat. Bit -gar? is i.ob'-. nee.
thu nianly be iuty of his fane M wade grand with th? ligt.MM
llcrttce to duty. She turn? npr'ii bim with a paaalonnte cry3.!
entreaty, ?nd h'oldt the door with her h?nd. But he a,I' not
he ?fayed, and ?he tee* that (ben? I? no appa-at. This is not tha
111 -.- to ii lac nat the meriti of liiliaititwo reni_?rinrj oftha
sime general idea, but it la piala that the moral in-rreit M
-,r jur In * ??cr.llce made for religion than in one made merely
for military honor, lletide. death 1? rtlmott certain to f?!|.?w
the refci.il ?f Hie Huguenot te for*?ke hu causo ? wnito brantrr
or fortune may linn? Wie Black Urnciaioker baek to Lia uua
treai. The Itdy'i face ia tin? picture it far inferior to that ot
the Hugnenot girl; there 1? at little beauty as exprettien.
while tn that liiere hi a high degree of eaih. On ti.? -tha?
band, the action of the Ogun-i ia th? earlier pii ture (if UM
HI nfc Hi ui? ic ker -? the carl r) ii much mor* MluratthtM
that of the Hagnenot?, wbich hu always teemed to Bt affected
nuil ?trune-. Hat t.?o *-r?at preise e innot be n-tven to the da?
tail of tho Black BruBiWit ker. wl lob reprodtx-ei with real
'troth tho ?treat and the furniture of ti,? early part ot the Ma?
lary. Tb?. ltd)'t diet? ii beau'.fuUy painted, red the engiar*
iii).'doe? the original Ml Jn?t!ee; 'tis a pity that the Nea M
not worthy the rabieot. bat the yoting tol.tier, -ice it very
.i-iiiaifing. "My lirai i-leimon" Li u prottr piciure, t--il __.-?_?>
more. There i? not enough of it to iu-tiiy engia.i. ? ii. i.C-T
an eapenilve way. I_e ' O-'helia,'' however, Is ev,tv wey a
mott it ri ki ne work, and tin? en?-raving of It It one of the ma?
trpie-ott e.f Tate Ksglieb achte ?tment. Thiai?oneof klilbiiat
.turi-?, one that mu I ,ir<>|"n. Ho baa
Leier, pi?r*iup?. gotic be.end it, eiili?r u te-hi k-j1 exe, u'iotr
or in tftlellty lo character. Of coor??. mnch of the bcinty o?
C?e flower-pHtat int.-?the wild n?-?? al the right, aad tho-.wera
(bat ?re ?carter-d over the water aa the |>oor wreicb la pull??.
from her lucloeliou* lays to i_utl<!y death? la l_?t lu ll.c bl .eh
snd white of t!e earratin.. but it weald imprlso tto*a what
tn.-teiitl, rfr who hera been latisht to think, that all tb? merit eg
We Kapli.ir lite cork tttetetl in delicacy of flt_ia.Ii?io ?eo hoar
hule thi? picture ?utrera from the withdrawal ui ino .-arm.
A| art from the heanty of the laudicape anti the fillnea-ol
i!? truth to nature, the fae. and net ?on of the drowni?-: (.phelia
li-iilly ?i?Le tht picture. S'ie ?ink? ?biwlv ioto the ?uri.tv o sa,
l.er white, pearl -ownegari-veut? ?welled ?l.ghily np? ard by
th? Water, or diurlv teen a thi in-?.-ring tpl.nel.r below tie tor
t ice otthe pool, a?d caro-t h. r nateaaa of io*?g with niter
nu. ?iii?ei?iusiie?? of ber fate, her uplifted ?tanda teemiug to ha
?till bu-y twiniug her flowers.
lu ?itrikiii??contrast to thee\cel.)erti?cof theteEiiglirii
ergravings i? Iii? very poor production, " Pl:Nic. ortka Ilk mt
.Inly," eng-ave,) by lle.nr?. Joku Hog-era aad J obi Hu foi a.
nti'ited by 8?muel Hollier, after a picture by Mr?, Lilly Mar?
tin Spencer. Mr*. BaaatM ha* a eertaiu taleat which wa
bare alwayt recognUod, bat the It almoet alwey? valgar. aatl
wat never more ?o, we think, than in this very disis-reeabt?
picture, oi' ? hieb the chin' interest con?i?t. In the dist otii?tura
of a fal ann who has fallen to the ground, by titi t?r ?king og
the rope of ? ?wing, aiuni the j?? r? i ? ni? weil-ored c.iurpia
iom. Lett we iboulti cot be aati?tied with Ibis dr. < iirttroka
rifhnmor. we ino kiiiil'y fiirallkad tvlth two trga !"? to f 11
back upon. One i? the vexation of a portly l?dv over nhuea
itrea? an inattentive ?ervnnt it pounag cbatripaga?; the other,
a |iair of lovera who?? cooing and lu.(tug ia rude.lv n uiruptej
bv n hoy who diachirge? a pi?t"I at tf.-K- e ir?. Suck being (ho
character of the ?-unipo?ilion, ir la bbTh teni to tay (hat the em?
i-raving ia <'ai.,*on a par wtM it. It ia of the poareet d? scrip?
lion, yet we are Mid thal it coltan?ed four year? to pro?!.i_a
it, nod-jtii.it Mr "lull)ci i?i_ ,iy aoB-Mted le oom? fcom Ka
g1 !iid"ei|ir-'?tly lo tinir.li thi* plate in th? higheit ?tile of the
art Arid that the ptibli-beii aclualiv o?'?r " Prtn.'t un lud?a
paper of ibu" precio.* productiou. of which tbey iromite ta
iitue only a limited number, n pronn.-e wLicb tve hope tha
limited demand of the publie ?ii! give tliem no teui'taaua I?
hieak. _____________________
(')NTg.tL-AVK., MORBISANIA.? Ou l??t v?'uIuCultJ
?flernoou the Couimlatloncr? ap?.oiutci! ander and I, the law?
of lili' (o lay out Central ave. in the town? of Mirri.iaiua,
Weit K.rra? nud Yuukei-, had a _n?l ueeting for the ?.uroona
of awarding Unit pail ?f the arana? willoh i* computed lu ina
fin! *e?tion, ?rlMHag -B ? the 11 idge at Mcl.'oaili ? Dam ta
(he line of til? town of Uorriaania. a distance oi 't.c-iwceo
..irtTOand ? (*?? fe?t. The engineer Mr Antli.r, li !?_?? kai
! tin- ?*>rk. ?ml the entiniatc. were all in mt! up*n?xl
on lb? 4th of September hut. -he Coni'iniiioneit did e?l
mike the award at that time, at they tv it bed to be w_.l ttiu*
bed with rttaretiie to ile ?larii"! eontrattlug and 1'tir ? ne
tnt*b-fore aaaidisg the work. At tbeir last meeting ii waa
rlii'iileil to give the contract to air. Leonard YV Joroate. UM
bid wai for l-i.-AiO, el which tll.iju. falls to the town of alor*
riiania, and the balauco to tho t_..u < ? VTemt I'trm?. Ula
?utotiei are lY'llia?. Ackerman of Touk?r* and-l.rhee of
CrtienbUiih, Hon-telaer County. Mr. J?r?me intendi te put
men at work immediately, to at to have tk* road wnp?ete.! M
?oon aa poMibie. Tie aveoue paataa liiro-gb a beaur f*> li ao*
of oouuliy, and will be one of the beat drives In tin? ?iciouy.
It will be laid out lu as iintghi a lins st practicable, ted ?111
be mad? 100 ftet aide from oarb t? ourb.with ?Idowtlk? U fc?4t

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