OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, September 22, 1866, Image 7

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1866-09-22/ed-1/seq-7/

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M' ????-?
i utmirraa.
liAAii. HA,-,.
s.. , , K.I) BlIINfcl ,
? II.M
Tout Jbbvi?.- j UM viMCKNT WALLA)
- ?? ii.
; v,ioi)K)iiu
Sa-*Boa?a-J-<-_*)?M)KOK W. I*A.Si HAL.
?vac?.? - ?-, "'I CONkLINU
tiednetlay. Sept ?*"?
<a?BBT?W!t-j, .. .'.KU.KTL WttODPORD.
ft.UUMt -AtU ' H VAN vV\l L
_?._- v -A HA?K1
U_KN*i__VIU.?. - ! .,.? mi m mu I. Ui'TDKOIlU.
i [t in .-?. UNI -
-OaBTiW-TOB.-j j(,nN ?). MUTT, ?_q
Mtndmy. (?ii 1.
Lah?*? Hall Pko. klt* ?i,*n. 8TKWART L. tt'OODKOBl).
Tori ?tay Itet Z
i wahi i. 1*0001000
m-nti?. Diipi'cL ti Tr, ."v. I Tribu??*.
('LtvKLAM.. Frnl.iv. 8ept. 21, 1966.
\ . : .- ?if Had leal BtpOktitOat t
?BW't"-'">- 0 t.*\ J- llnuii'-oa and Julgi- Sherwood
?al tw autl (?"!- ltioni,!
eil Mr. II,:'.!;.!' .- MarylauJ made addri'saei. Tlie
pnioe'. ' IB the tent m wir. eli wa? Iiebl tli??
tiarra f-w d.n s
r.i ti., ?.mt! : j having
( .:
I )
.',,..llt tilt'
te during the eui.:
At me gi'jil?1 baaqaat given the loathm l_r??yalmta
laat i al the
till li,,L.
O. K. 1 Rer. iii.
V i land.
pal hero of the n . t -
i Iii.- f
'Hie . ii prevailing here sine?- last
h :?-,l. anti tin- VMtl ??! .? . ? .
with itrtin
( I . ) | -.? 1
i ! Park tins
Mort ported iron
, reotioi
Hatui - irly ob ti ?
an 1 l ,' to k1 tl.a? UM lettl) mt" !
! . -
llr. ? ! Of I,:'
I; ni Itrable
... the nu ?til . ?lil t -i
talull engage
ii?.- >
-iii. maa ro tu H-ooi it.
i I..
:-.i thal he h ni
Btw'j aanand ti-ii
Mr. I .
? iiiiitls at? . ttio N.
the; will
<"r ten year?.
I .? TcrJant arro if n)??r nf Kirn
long tt(o a .
would only tell ?11 i?t oelcLbor? t...st 1 ' -ii iii iwa i: n. I. -
1 ' and tend li -.vane?
". Bat it i? a lu. ?
- si.-, um! i?.i all ...?
.: ?-.?irk.
til, T
?b .."iii .u.-, i',,-tiiia?ter i;t
# ? '
A ? ,:in'v writef. I
I ' -?i-mora bave
don ,.
**???">? ? 00 titi
. -??
., me i.-t and i.,-.., ui aacl ie< uti. Can ;t
I I v -V O | K.
Baeraa! I -
li . ' >li. ".Vard
liri ??
i diltrict,
t? n iii i t r i mi tin X.W .. . ,
.RT "MI KUI' Y."
.1 D
it I; I
Vi'A-, I
: I- ?:
I ('. li
I" I
U It i.
?ember ! :
_? ,
ii. w
: U-! '.rill!. . Un ^
' .' I
r :.,??? Clia?.
> . ?
Vl"' . ' L- Vi (', II . -
, . : .
binnet. Juan
M... .Ill: I I
A- -,
" -f!!VO(t
BOW?-' t:.
? :'
make i
in n? dm
t ?
111 (hal -itnei.d*
uiy, in
nid ('"??v " ?
! !
?>i. ' .o A. 1> . r
M i., l>.
tea, .if i Devld II . n Thoa.
Wni-tit. Thornes be
Trrht.s, N.J., li Republican,
bat btan nominated for Stau Benatn by the lu-pi
of Caud.ii Co?lty.
I !!?' Al A :?? t ' I? 'ST IV.
DoBTOl ??" ; ? (1
t'i tiie vacan i '
Hamlin, and (loot.'.? II. i. tater, ia plan
of Vi i*t ? i M? Chan
place to Willi un AtBj.itiv. nil
BMMMBATIC c?m.Ki-ssi.inai. nominatio?'
The l)-nii.ei.:ts H?d Joh-Jon Coppertfcndi ?f tho
XV11lih Ohio Diitrici I.uve nominal? I ii Olivai li
I'ayue of Civ i!;d ' ' o.? their ?Mini: I ile lor the noxt Ooa
gross. Judge ltuius 1'. Spalding is his )p;n>U"iit.
? .??.
The Baa. Anthony rhornton D?mocratie RetnaanUa?
ti m- ?n ( engren fron the \' i Illinois Diatriet, bariagae
I'.'ived a renomination, Im? withdrawn, on aoooaal ol' aa>
Inna disability and H A. O. Barr
?ill probably take the Bomination. Henry Can is Ike
l.eiu.i.lic.n noninn,and th n ?i? strong hop_sof his
Tim BBOoaa ataran t.
Tho III l..-;.ul.!ic.n. lins lieen
notion ir-' ii ? lilli ?o- Wetriat
Mr. larn-w. . lin by St,SSt ninjority,
Wl ?' n'.MV.
" OLI' 1 ' TIIK riTT.sllUIK.II ('UN
I V. - . I
?. . be o ? te 1 uga Bj ti
v ol the Bth
?. ? ?nth
the dele?
The ( ! '? . low? lillirie! hive h.Hin*
Bated Col. C, li linke? foi ('"??gre-?, li." I.
i the E 1 ge, who will i
i i ? , :. ? anteoedcatt
I, :
'.le "K 'I-linn tll'kl't, Uiaillly !>ll|'i?OI'led,
however, by tha DaaManej.
i 11 ! Con
. ?o-t? rday,
, nominal? d Judge 1
l i
' tiivtir'. ?*..,,
! until ;?
ii Diatriet, in
( ont inate i J. Y.
lieujiiniii) t"r reel? ctidn to < unatioa.
? . .
? (
tuet, il ii ?i
-?m li.?
under Pn
very v.
' ' ?
bom? i
know ??. i.' ,i
? ine ?ut', tia
lion. A i
i lit to know !.. i . "I :
A dil lilli.(i?,
1 t oi tus with / ni foi i
? ?
soldier? of No
mat ef aerial
mentation o?
' ? that our o: 1
rank?, i.
tlOii, ?I
ever, tb?
? r iso.isgh! m
yt the ada.
? ; s ?
the tsar.' al. 1 I ,.???. M er i? Bal
nor will :? ?
* '
I thal Mt ?
l! th?
osiva t..? ? i ?
freedom?If d ti.nart si?J | tevei.t
I,'.? ii?' asiii- i ml , an we
' ?
II h I h tt loei ?nit'tul
ineiitb Bliti Bp| ' the o it
Utan do
t" set :.
hy the overthrow i?... lea.
. t.. ii
The dsfeotion ol a I i,I Berdeaeti
Cshstt : lion of ?
.i. ot li/:t?iona.
'1 ???- ? |ili.nug in
P?rtv. ?. :
? ?'iirty
. ?..uni,
?t 01?. ObSl, t?titllall ?uti B
' l.'Vtlty
V\ b?l I
i i
' iib ri?
au. l .
I Will reno
wit boat addition 01
bal tte
i, id u?. in rlo?]urnt nod im
? ,l-e t?
i. man ia order ?,, pi afalaat
?lih pawOT A? ??I.lier* ?i- lulen M
tie n i. ,ii.-t?. ?lui L,r our?.oi?o* )ie!d iliem tympntb) ana
Cii?irtiic?. mott ti ven urn ir. t!:?-eirly dawn of yonr man
tin,el. (,,.?-Leu- ni :l ure lire.etll, ?1 lo your
Bl a? ?til Her.? Bad ?ilifn? I,?t M Mal
tii-re vil: .im?? a d MMl
I.r.ti ?n
\ al Jal] 1876. ?hall oom?, let
, ' ?? glorian o ittui
iiiHiu'. .-'t-,l le ,, h i ?ti.* i? I.tti,.. Ultu ni their D
tim,, r?-m ,1 :ii,il , ? :,???, : .lOT in it-it rriH'Uniiu.,,!! I
linn.. H? . ' ni iii i ?i ' ,-t I :.. rtj [m ry-einig ni I thl
Httiie? ?ntl pnarantoe I fur? ver to all the people of our enun
tr.? Well ?l.iiie. if in K?i year? tlie granl ?'i|>erlmeBt o? eelf
gt'ie' nu..,, t lu- ti.? pat Irli". IN Hie |e"il?. ?hall ttand com
pialad ni laet. ^____?^____________
Sp? lal l)i?|??teb to Tb* N. T. Tri, r ?
Washington. Friday. Sept. .1, 1-Cfl.
? ?fary Se-ATiri! , oiitinut to mend. The apgra
vat ?m1 tympttitn? of oat Jurrle-a li ive Ina *uUlued and the
Secretary u daily Baining strengt li
I am cr.-ditabl) liitonned that the New-York Naval
Ollie? will not !>e given ?mt until after the election. The light
i- . ini.nl on bera between the Huffman anti DM interett?. In
a Muh Weed bat been to far lueccaaful as to aevura a piatpono
B.i?nt of Hie appointment
I ban it from undoubted authority ilia) the Pn i
deal ba* u.ttnn Ml UM li MtMrlM ot the Department? Mi -
- all aoldtcr ol?- i. ' .i.tri.d t!. 1'itt.liur, I
Te..I, t||.
A lint of ti.i cl-rVa m tho Vu'-. : ,','t office wl.n
MOalMafOn iataitaa_?IBt **protatiou Vmg
y will Le din. barged fur thl? evidence of iladtcalitm.
The OoUaat mee'iiig ' I about an hour.
.-T S-ward and Setri-tir. Mi ('ill,,eh MR abtent. The
red ?tis tl.o tra! l'ivlt and the
policy of removal frou. oflice.
1 ? ,. ? li.gier, Collet tor M Kil.Inn of Piula*
delphi*, and Bp?oi?l l'reatarr Agent (lutherie nightlv held
the hotel ball* nnder th? ?'?rtaintv of Clymer'a election
In l'eiiti-rlraiiia. A? a ?ampi.- of tl.eir figuring, they clahn fir
. uf 7, MB In ^ i rl
('?iiiiit? sto niaj'trity of
-n In Pill.ad? Ipi ia will be
??I u:,d taking ?ITXM away ii, A -im.? ?'oanty,
we abai! bave : - -?> mtjui:? With tuob a title
tl.ey have ph.) ?iii,! h?,
bat pi.. I ..ratone Statt
m the banda cf ex Kr!. >1 Cl-tr.-r'- .?lion. Man
?rho have lately oome li .?in an active ?.?matting of that Slate
breofht l.itiier by the wLotet ale di.trit ntion? uf office, candidly
aver ILi I?-?: Iieoiocrary c?n do i? u, out i<"?rv'? majority
. iU claim for
im i.hvti.vtn N cr MU. tMAMWuBB,
1 : it r)t'd 'lie
' '
a! martyr of ? I ?tiatalt,
? - the retign- ' ?? ttteeX
wlaa It afcallf ha d*oid*_ th?! a -
ti 1 V
Tilt KkW -Mi.Xi :.'.>.__
I ? praadaan Mtfaan .-. nd who
i ? I'..I.t. M n. baa beri,
taat-Uaatral tf UmU Daparl -tan "?
ir.rin ttt ?! ?? t
from ?hat ... . , attBUia tba
ti In ?l.?l .
c.pt .1 Vi Hnwurd and i ii|,'.. J. Shendau.
I Hi ?irK
1 , . - ,
^ .--irri! at one of
? pjrt). ?Ml M| ?I. ' ..t.un In
. t?, call
uf Iheir o?? ::iale tillar 1' ?
U)OI :i IMA ki:-. cn.
I : bil been : to two I'.'
ii i-otton Inter- ?
the otllce? ol bom ced-.-ctor- ? New-Orlean?
a few of the
:.? atl
| 1.? re?an go lo ?i ?i.d ti? ir oren
lag! * i
, OTTO.. Tit I
Corni ted I
? I? ?iierhauliiig the I ?garita,
A detail,-?! ttntcL.cnt i? i ; n-ntury
Deptir - - > ? f 11 _? week
th? ? ,
I ?y?.
Bl - ?c: ?
Belan arrone
, ?
Ol H.e -l. I i.:
re i '
??ii let ? ? ? f
? tn nation of Ile-i-Liirii-, o'',
' . ral ?l.i.il take Hie
1 ?? i.rr .1
, ?I um?
I ? ' n? r-;ii r?ti |
t ml ., . ,i avery
: ultu tl.at he
-? ? M?! olbera ? ? . | 'r,|
r - ' ' - * '
ila Mm
, - - i.ortl bounty
, "I tit in!
/ lhe war,
.1? rtataat. Um Mratlaatloaol t'.?- ?ur.
?tilt. - i t i?: e- their en
Bud art '-ntitletl to i iniii*? iindr.r tin? ?vt.
anon y -.f leii tal ? andu tin?
II. 1 Hill?! 1* (Hill, li til *.-l?II ? ? .?teil I t tit ti .ti I,
lal] o ? :.
? tf.v r iaa abaadeoad Ma aeeeort
i, MB r.
Ma bai t, ii?
. I ..it.? ? . i I ? 11.
j ? ? _ en?
*i l Ttimmt ?
; nnirlimtui.
. ia ti,?
?-rvii-f '?it Lot mi'uit.iiiil hy w?*i:ul? rrt-rived in thf line of
ill i,, ? lava ptt-vu? ? i, -?,?.?' t .ii, ui thrre vciir*
'? 'Tile i I ti? .
n el 'tt.o?a tLiir
|e ol .Tiin?i?l? or UtOaM H I con
trtcti-d tn i he ter Vice and In t ?uiy.
? ttt well ?a h<
? 4
.Tided ? " "
.... .,,... vTarte
.at? IU ?''
... dn LfTiruntive ri>ap-t--\.
.'.. M impobti:i. salt.
ned a circular in
?ccordnece r. ith Mm ?el ? f Jolt Ititi, ropouJing tho flahing
Bien g'.vi?rnir.g IhealewaBeeef
drawback? or ! .'ter or
I ort lu. in', Ile- v.'?*. .?-.??agc
li: tb- list., ?-a, is ret'iirnl lo lil- ?in entry, outh and Isoiid,
slate lbs fat , .ir I in oit!
f. r ?all \, it??.lri??m f.odi warehouse lor the hen? lit of ti?
A heavy rain hi? benn falling throughout thii afternoon,
canning a cluing? lu the len-.peiatu.t- to the extent of about
'JO degree?. __^_^^______
McnnSR or a frukdmhnm BOBSAtJ Off!? UL
IfBW-OBLBABI Bepl "1 I: o ! !? nt I.ii'ttt. Mutti of
ti ?? Kn-ciiinci.'? It.ir? in, who had flin II pi .ire 1 <m his way
from Nut. Lune! c? to Jackson, lins Im'.'Ii Iniiiid
? : aned im wa? meidend foi hil
horse und nu ney hy u gang "I slo?-?>.-r?i(? ?es and ds
fmni lb I in;.' hy plnn
I th- pretense ol being (Taloa men.
Cotton linn ; ?ale? 'I Mi ii?!?? Le* Mnidluir nt "Mer loo. Re?
ceipt? <>f the week. ii. til.I l> t'e,? ?irtiti?! im tsj.i last week. Ex?
port?, 3.JI I bulen, ?took? l.lXX1 bahm Omer innrktta generally
Pot'auKBKPSiK, Sept. 'JL?Another (Instructive fire
oeoured m tin? < n ? Ibis sisslus r. resalM la Um Inane
lion of Sleight 4 I'anldlng'a and Lowe's cooper eaisiwiahi
'1 lie form. ? ? lou is B-U,U00| ininrcd for li.Ml. T?e latter'?
lo?? I? al?, |JO ODO; ?..ailie?! #10,000. 'Ibu origin of the Are ia
unknown. _____________
As men and wonieu will drink bevorage?, more or
le?? ?tiuiulating, ?nd u? the Intemperance reformer can neTer
hope lo ?railkate this too often fatal cattom. it Li encourage
mant to him when be find' tl.Ht light wines bid fair aoon to tt?l?e
tho |lace of ti o?e drong and poitonon? drinks with which al'
countnii ?n no i. or lan ititlnted. That inch winei are pro
mnlive ol tetutteranoe ia proven by tho fact thut although the
msisns of the poop!? of certain portion? of Germany. Italy
sod Frtri ? are m the nidal I f tie finest grapes, and can buy
Un-1 Loll'?t 1 i|itor? alLioit tor n I .1 ?um, there is
?... ii n i*n I 1 ?? beaitlioess tbnn in any othrr cooa
his? of e.iual I I it i? a source of gratification to
every pMgTcitive American to know that Nature bss blessed
thl? country in thi? rctpect alto?a bienios* whloh
w11! bereaftei bs more evident than it is bow. The
California vineyards, which only a few rear? ago
were conn ted hy sore? of ?ore?. now cover
thousand? ?ml if tnelr oullirstlon li as oxtenaive lu the io
ture b? it baa been In th? paxt (ive y??r?. we are not ture but
t!. ii prcu'iid'ii; ti.-j ? .1! prove a? pr.iliubl?' a* the gold mine?.
With s climate a? loft und balmy ai Italy, man had ve-y little
?-? grape? to perfection. Millions of gal
li.ni of tl.t [..-i wiri?* in the niurk.t have been pr
them, and tl.nr exae?l."c i- | ton I hy the stesdy lucreated
ilem trel evir? i! iv Here in tho I'.??t. ?here thej hu'.
"1 during the patt f???? yan. thi? ststsmenl ia
particularly irwe. One bonis sion. 1.ari.tr t to.. No. 80
Cedar-it. }hev Ysirk. lus incretieil iti bunine??! mu
"te ; ?wat ?ix moral,??ii it.' alone to the men'? ol tin
wine? told by Hiern?they ?tl'it.g the wine? direct from the
vino}srtti of ( ?Itforiiis. The chief points of txctUenee le
Una wine? sr?:
Firtt. 1! Bl- p'ir'tv. In Ihe grape from which the?? wine? are
maila, s laseteasaess of t??:en oosotonei! wit!, aitrength whleh
makeinnnfc??ii_ry the n latan "f those p >ii??n?>ui tagne?ala
.i.sgbiiverag ?
ii an.ji. *.,-oud? Their oheipnen. The grnpei arc
Kiltiv?l??l at nab a iir.nl coi?, a-.-l there being no custom
: e nianuf i?tiiri-r? a-e enaMcl t-, ???! t:?.r ?lue?
j st s U??? rstc ti a: ' '? ?re can
:s can he sap
of the
' prep?, ?ni ?V :'i l? s - ? . ?? I. ?rticle ?old In this
, pit?,. | Sirli ?t m ?tii.iu!?nt snd s pro
? ?ti.iing from s durangsd
? ... !. na i.i'OMl? l?e lu'lined by many of
. e Angelica, a hgV
i. etp?eially f ? r the lick chamber.
r .-i. li
-r ?imp,,ant!. rXWel the ?anio
???n Xo tmt at ' th? thi?a? ps???.'
?-?'- lan? L?r? ?ndwiM-d tt?????
s nnstr asaataiai aaj
?li.er I'.joor?. The ptioe?
?r? m '** otaba that thsty art? within th" mach ?>r ..1
' ? 'turdiiy. Nu. 39, reprints
m FMnitintl Tate?.
Mis? Ti lather of !*.TBe Btsry mt Bllssbil .v
gerns.ii H?ml' ' ?ry 1't.rioa. ' Iho aumbsr
ii ?Jtiig. i
I'.M7Ill-UI 1 (.I.MIIVI. ( iivi LVTIOV ? TI ???
-ni ( ?? ! State?.
I | Bl Ua -s . r , e-ition
. l.-iphia,
? f ? I .v? mg . ?' tot Pre?!*
-v 1'erham of ll-vlne for Vie? I'realtlen*
:.. i 1;
rule? a i
I ? ko? 1?
. ???ia. I .- !- I' I.y.l.-r of Clil ? go, II'.. t*;e !
I J, of )'. !.ii?vlvani?, ead J, 1' Sr f.,rd of lorv
? ? Ia
ti _ i
'..-'? t ::? und other? par
M bo V. mil? to Ilolbot
II ? : . - ? . i
li nisV?i a ??? .1.J itiffrrm' slid I?I i? 'h?t - tivlile? Hie !
? I
ti s 11
A Keauirkabli? loci.
VA'? bare a
i.a.1 an
: ?
aller?? ?
with Um
ttitrk?! I '
<?.il t . . . . t
fStlBBSS? Si th? datlta ? lo then. i '
Ii ?t.t w.
'I ?? '? wo) . .i . : .
?ii?? ?
I VII '. 1 lill.I ?K
|1U per a
?I II??
I nar? i
Fenns manii.?. ka
I'trion? rwuillliii, .'oi ! ?. Bl ??013 'vu! rsotivs n etir i
? nar.
vv ni .v '?..hi
" .-??crlb?ri. ?!iiili< BOW, i ve?r? ..'.* ramber?. pi no
Mall sabseribei
s-sey?. 17 .VI
Twenty copie? ?.l?Jr< ??ed to name? of ?u'wcriber?.-i (?i
'lei. ceases (" tn? oddion is oo
'! ne ity . 'i o , to one aiLlrive?. 30 00
As ?tatra cAtyr will b? Mat fcr sasb sis
Ajilr ae '! Ill I i ,i,i ".I.. N?? York.
M I /./."// /;.
- ' ? i, ii "t. Ti,,..!., titii in.- .- bannn ?wit/ei
? o,, is. t i v Auk tv v. ii i a,., ? ,,. ?..,:? .? um
la Mis? Tlteieia * Ile, l? I.?is. .
l.y v in - lu N .i tb?
Is,.U. . t". !.. I 1.? li.. IO I 1' I VU ,, || ,
t.i.ia li ... ' O' ' '? I ? ' i ?
/ | /'
(_t ?I. I UTI.-, t? Tkivsdsy in r ,1 lyavtoa D
ii> pt Lali.i?.| >iait|eal ?on ti I iiailea ( au.l
(?*.!.?) t
TlMlaasi "iv - ' i t'the i??nl?n?a t,f hiauntle C?otge
VV 'i ia! ' .?? i'I-' a -I. tl_B day (?albtdivi all'
CBESST-AI : Nain r*?it tt, r.lv.aiJ H
, - t h r, I, ..I that Kv
ll.V? '. ? U li ?' a -I . I lat?lJ I !
? I Wls.taus I) aiil Itkt.tia.il l.av ?, ii.ed 1 j?..i ? moultiB ai.J ii.
li.? li. a ata liivilaaj to t'.tati.l tie fuoe ral. this Jay
* 'i' Father'? r-. t.i|iitli
i and 1 ?l?t] (I lu: ?'s
1 VERI ThaiiJty, ?ep'. J? Silt, K.
N Y?. ?t
? ,.
? 'EJwlii
s . . .
.?,.:. t tv i . i tod Mir!?
? un.! .'6 itiy?.
Lol ti,? 2,lt. i_?l. OtaoiA,
liTi igloo .S. a
ii.uiy-tt , Iii-ni ?lyn, on
? ill)-!,, tin, ? , Ltjvard in Ik.?
I'.-ir hi?
lal? r.'ll-,'l, || t u .lue? f tu, nu ,S,,nT?T
1.7?'N?IB Hr?ek yi er Thi.ri-1 ,y, ti.? MM l-.i-.. Aiiitt? B., Inftnt
Thr k1
. i .?. w
i.'cCL.-.. !. M??? , on Tu-?.Uj Sept. IS, Mary O .
w.,. ., Wm. C. .O-CltluB auJ du i^l.tm i,: Joi,allti.n llanto! -tu
NIH'RfTII--Ot Frilay. Ila lint , of chu.ert morbut, Alire.
BtonteabtBgl ni ti? (llit j-jr - f Li. aft
T>i? tait H ?at an.l Li- ia? ef ' tn?T?.l ro it?*,,,? ti?
luneril, fruin hi? la'* Ntl len ? , N?. 1X1 V\ ??t t ,,r'.)-?<-veii!lett on
. i3T i-iit. ?t 2 ? ? o.-k t ni
TATF.-On rtlJ-y moulin., Sept. 2!, Thom*? Tatr, in the ?th yetr
of bl* >m, ?
TI.? r"??!??? and friend? of the fiml'T ?re r??r?rtf i'It tiirlt.r! ?o ?'.
t'te. Ila li,ti.r I. finn, the rr-.U.lir-, ,,f hu ? m n *w, K I.L >. .
Re ?I li. iihi.i, k ?t. an Monday thr 2i?h i?i?L. ?? 1 a'riook p ni
political Metiera.
Fin?! Aesrnt'ili IHntrlct.?Primai y ?Irrii.in fe? Ot)'?-?r? inJ
Di - ?i n i t.eukrt 11? ?.'?I the lilli Ward Hotel,
t ,
I. r lil IRAN. } Inspector?.
J. C. Stl.LI.Y. S
Yietrnnd ,ta?enibl.T D'.'rli-t ( ulna .1 aaorintlon ?r? r
taaa?! to Ui?-i ?t :.., ? Tryon row, MONDAY l.VKtil.NO. ?top?.
M, f r th.- |... f ffi -,r. . f t.ie A.i.?-u'ioii. ?.?I atom
ni* D.l.xatr? to iii? 1?. iieui Dutrict Commltte* 1'oit? open fiooi 7
t., 10 o'clock. OK? I R'?-?S, 1
JAMCt OATES, / lmp*ctora
___________ JOHN FINN, )_
Third A-.enitil? lliatrtr?.
lu purtutne-of ? t?L of ti.? !?t?tr C?Btre! Cotnmlrte?, ?n ?In Mon
will be brid >t No. 315 Brooine-.t. on MONDAY E\ KNISO, Sept.
II f.?r thepurpo?* of ?Irctinij oihoar? of Uie Auocialiou, and Data
pata? tn ti?. ? a tral t ..nine.ti?
i'oiit upon troui '. lo Li o ( ?i i
Ji'.l". Fol.FY )
I'.IMKI. I DIVA!.. 5 Intpector*.
F.mrili Aaaembly IHaitrTct, Seventh Ward.?An t
w11, ha bald m MONDAY I.\ BO-OO, Srpt. ii, ISO?, H No. 20? M?d
I? n-it , for Iii- purpo?? of Hireling Offi, er? of the AnocUtloB ?nd
D?let?t?i te tn. tJukan flrn.ti! Commlt-re. I', ! ? wi'i b? op-o from
7 to IO o'clock. By order of th- I m .,, |*M t'-ntrtl Comurl t**.
jam::s mclaren, y
1 I MES lil. \( EWELL, ' Imp-etor?.
ITIih t ??.ililli. DUtri f Hnii-n ll-ie.nl/,?!! ia. T _? -,
,.!!,,' .ii.trt. t ira re.|ii.?!e.i t? ii.e.t ?t th? Koon.,
??t -nie- ef RI?* ?.rit. inJ Cott?2?-plar? on MONDAY
) v I'.'.r.t, a?al Mil lea liai ()(B
eera o'th? Ano. uti ?i ti.d I'.
t t?.,,,. :>., i,,p m i\)l!l CHAPMAN. ) li--blti
Mtxth Aearml.lv District, Tltlrlrrtilh \t ??vi.- ?
., uri ? will h.
.-.el.-i. S ? .Iii and : i i int.ei ?t , on MONDAY ?D.N
INO. Sr,? li |M I0?ir,t ettie, ra ol l.ir All.U-lltlr,,, it-d r'-l-Ilt?!
te thr I ,1?i. liru-r?l Coi .ii.Al- ocL
I \k'K1 M Mc ARTI?, 1
SAMUEL I. KENNEDY, laipertora.
ni on umbi rr, t
Mnth A?.?tiili!y Ulatriet.-Ti,.- I aloa ii-i
i I. it tnembtr? o! th? t'uioD Depute
Iltau fl?**?lBll ?t it Lebaooa Halt, N?. Ifl
MONDAY MENINO, tmoi ti Tn? ubj?ct, f
lil- 111 -.?lil? 11 to ?Ir-ct uti '-TI of til? A??-rCi?tt- ti. ? Waid (?uninU
t-r nid I?, leti'rr t IbeCenlrali ?-? ? io?. Poll? .pan tn.ui "told
01 OBOE li DE l-l-, ? g1? titea,
I I- ? .?? th A??r?iilil? Di.lrlel.
A., laiton i. e nett?, mi in Kt-.-ritire Cora
Hat Old lu n II-el, .r'-'? r? -r of Briadway
?nil,,- .,. MONDA)
1 AliCniai ,,,??! v.T..r?'!..! '.ntir ulm??
?i?rllUtl?d 1.VOI? i
, .s i., iii'srif, ; :?.,[.-. ?,.
_ JOHN V (1'lir.LKY S_
"TwHIiIi A*-r?nt,i? 4)l??ri.t >utlrr.-'Ii.
. ?-; .'i I' I. - pea :: i. " :? *
Ly Uidrroi
Y). HA'/.FLrON. . !ntp?ctor*.
_J. IM1TH >_
Talt-aaarti ??..??iiI.It OlatHci ?l.ireath Ward.
An T. rriioa I, r OAtrattti th? Ata?-ri?tion, a Diuri. I Comu-ittee
?sd D.l-jit.a u, th- it? ainhcheUea
MONDAY EV__Nl!tt) n?*l. Srjit. W, IBtiH,
titi.? I . ? ? r /Twenty tee
end i*. ?nd -.???nile???. I'el op??, trott? . te 1" ??
|tr. - i run?1 Commltte?
Al.l'.XtNliKR Mrl.Ir.OD. i
?IIKRWUOD,. In?pec(ort.
?;t HARD i.\r I _
rirte.. th \...-tilly lllfctrlCt-Twrutlrfh ?Va
. :, "of tlii? IT?
:??????, ? ia MONHAY
, ? .-.-?? to
IRA At I. OLIVt.lt. Hn?p?Ktor?.
-Utrenth A-?tmblv lli-irlf. . tri? ,t ? .?1! ot lb?
litre ?1 I li" ie i ?'
?e?b o
?ii from 7 lo IP ?
J .VI ? ' -IN.)
li; NEY BEEBY, ! Inipeeto:?.
\. M DIM M Mi ND Y_
r-tt-Ti-iifi i-i:ii? Avtetri'il? l)l?trl 1.
?nU ii? .... ? : ?''d OU
?t KroidwaT ml Kort? ir-T.ntli ?? 11?.'.
I'ol ? nyeo timm ' la II
I Hy or 1er ot !?- Stat? ( n tral Commltte?,
ROBERT I. DARK toil. 1
Ki<ri>KKI('K A. LOVT.E, ' Inipwlor?.
II: i i> MIMal.lt. . _
Olhlrrall A ?????Mr ll.-,rle, l(r n 1.1.1 Ira ?? I alan ......
rlitll.tn. :? ? !'? T.v.n.i .1,11. at M..li...e ?. ?
i ni River.?Mrii.hrr? of fin Aaieelatii .'? ?'? her*by :io?ih-,l tbit
,v. an .MON.
DAY r.VENIN n, I???
?uttrr and ui Lz-cu.?t? ( umniitt**.
Poli? opri. from : le IO t
'OHN II i,Rl.?('OM |
wm iv*. titi
Nln. i.-rnih t.-eriihl. I) ?irlet I ?lion t??oelallnli.-T ??
??ay ?n.i r?,?t? ?im.. ??. an ?ONDAT EVF.NIN?. Uti ina
.??ocianoo, I)elr(a!?M t-j t r -rt
.-. ?,.d ? Dutri.-i Commit!.ee
'Dl.tP, ]
WILLIAM HOLDE!?, -Imreetort.
Twentieth Aeecraihly t>l*lrlct.?Ia puraiurr.? o .
? ? ?
he open 11 out T
FRANCIS A THOMAS l.iipec'.or?.
lir?n?? Mr.t ts.enitil? |li?lri. I I .linn A?-.n-lnlIon -
!? i ?r tad lu!'.!
???., on MONDAY EVKNIXd - ? ? l-etim?
a? ,i ... . -? r i.? : .... i e . mt ? lu,
.'IT- l OflllUltl?? I'? i- e| ? ?
W i! DI I AMI tatt
Vi -I 1. VVEKKH )
? i ?i norn! (mini? Loyal Lana**??.
.?'.,! I ? I
j .. n. it ??.me tint* unii ?al
? ptakeii
,11 ?; v. \,.NKH. I'reiiii.n?.
C>P-rial Kolittkm.
I.Ike ? KniffiT?.'.! Ob*I*>,
. to th? m*n ol'. -..-??? i.-t finrd nutlnct?,
: a -.nur te th
i ,. I.e.i. M , L. Uii'kl
I li- Ki v. .1 .I. I ? .:. - mr. II. I?..
t - . i .
I",-I.Illili t Ni.ti. ,
: L.?turn p . - IMAMN?
. i 1 DINlil ???
I ?? IB* I i t?wn
' - '
Um ? . . : . IIRRE,
? -' =nd st
ti.d D. 7*5?. m. -t.ioni K ttil K 1 ?i ? .
I Ti liarrlrtiti ? .nilrn-iril Milk tontpiinv
Bl PPIalBfl B I KK'Tl.Y I'lUi: MM.'tC.
ill ,.k.
notai i.?* is ci ?F. iiLo loooT nan raoooai
OBWATEI ?? ??? t? trtntpott all tit?
in b- wl'lidr?*n vtiHiiint i?| ,ry to th* milk.
(Leu | riii-tiii that wlirti IM *?'?? i.. , h hal Ix?n expelled it r
. T rXlJt? t)rtwr?-li t!:t-ii uiilk
?it ,). , . try.
ROPBIETY of ,iitiittl.t?nil.k ItOBt .()! |
! urn
i- .. paaOU ??: Jrr.t..,,.i bi ? on ? ixl
drilan In ordinary mik
II w11! KEl.l ??.. | .,_ Li NO ??lornmon
IT OCt t'YlLS UM VBI I 0 ii? -e.ri_er.tor i,r *!.?wh?r?.
? t ? ?? ieiir part? ui ?vat-r la out-ot ( ?,-iJrni-d Mi t. IT IS
l"l M MILK, ?nd may be io i.i?d F OR ALL I" KfO.-vlT-i. MOO
Vi I II AOOUM III MVi.-. ntir, c1 .?ir Ohaai ?i-lthoCoa
M HFC I.VHI.V ..Cl'l'LlEDtt y?iirr?i.lrnre.
- ,'?. l.urth-?'.?. iLd.Ttl y n !,r, ^ . NrwYo.k 10-At
ItBtii ?I . Lr?.,kl),i ll.t S, .... Fourtl, -
Tiudi- Notli-e.
iMl'llii; DEPOT '.I' G vMl s.
? moa roi
l'Altl.'Hl, I AWN AMI l-'ll.l.lv
W11? ?I.I.S \1.1. AND KI I Al I .
A It. SHIFT V i . N , 17 "? ???_
lo?. I.? I'lli- mut 11 n tun r I'tire. VVanakted ? ? oui* ?ut?
an! rut t - i, i , i li ? leprosy s(iioF'.T.\ Halt
KIO.i M ?i,I ?i. Oaaaaat ?f a,? ???in PetMMiaal taieaMt-aal
..,. Al .l?ai-r? will m > la ??aiy r?*a ?I l.i
i ?a. a i lui. ir? in it Li s liti'MnHi ? pwt et?bl year*. I*ld**?*y?
ii ? ?? ? ? . ( ,.. Ilr ?J?v? - ..'i
~l linhe? W rinaets - ? I. tie- l,All.t~?
V. AM1IN0 A'!., V... . ? No. tu
The (.reii ?lilli.lu v.
01 .. N*a ? r?
Se? Ai'ittiUOojBo: i,\ ?moimi ? ?
CUltAllLi; II.'
DR. scin.NCKs _r_:_>u.,'IN1:i-?.
W I I '.-*r!<JN.-TI?ty...?'m ii.uit i *? P?*se?w.?d, as
th?t the ?nn|? ?HI le?) To t. Is Ul? SB?' ?'??????n
lautt trat be clrtnsed. and an ?ppetit? et?a(s-d for good, ?b? {?*a?nO
| 'ii??e mediate? w..! be ti.jested propel ly alls! ?!*>?*
j healthy blood moHi. tLu? ?tii.ui^ U1, (:,? 0_,
8CHENC.fi. KAKOBAKX P.I Li? cle.r.?- ti.? Stotna.-J? of SB
n5h;i? or M ?cm at- n ?iltli.it,?, and by using th? SEA WBBBt
I .- tun lb? apps^it? la re ? ,
io mia? ??'in medial-'
na!, and by using thvtluee ?eue Ji?' li ?i-puriUo? ??? ?xpel.-l Or???
the tytlem, and good, ?bo'eaom? bimi rutde, whirb will iep?sl mW
dise???. If patient? ?VI take then u,-d.eiit?t accorliog te direr. Wmt.,
(aiiiinp'tt.11 very freqwnr.y la lia list ?tsg? Tield? r?dliy le thllr
Take tha PILLH frnqtei.tly lo rifara the Ltv?f ?I
Stomach. It toot not foI'?w ?bat beran e ?he bow?la ure nat cmatkrm,
they ara not r?qmtej. foi sutueHaes in IHarrbsi they at? mecmatiyA
Tie ?toniBcb niiMt be ?ep- healtny ?nd ?n ipp?:lte cte?leJ to
the PILMONIC SYRUP to a?t _n th? reepi.-??or> cr|
?nd ??lay any lrtltalion than ?II that li requueai lo p?if?rsi I ??rita
n-siit cur? ia to prav-nit taking COLD. BaMSSBB ?boot tb
much I? possibl? ?al all th? ii. Lest tooti, fat tent? ga
f?et anyti.li g tha appw.it? erares but k? partirul.rir.di
Dr. SCIIKNl K will b? pettlessionnl y al h!? room?, Ve. JJ Bond St,
Hew Vork, every TLHS0AY. from Da. a. to J p. no. Adilcs Ose??
bul ;or a thorough ezaiainatiuii win. tha U?spirometer IB? oiiarg* I*
Al- A IlI. tupj'ty of M.'Jio ne? uu lui.d it ?li lim?? *'. lb? I)i? loi'W
room?. Price??Pulmouie Syrup, 451 St); tie? Weed Tonto, 0! OkS
or half duten foi 07 SO, Maudra!? Pill?, JS rent? par box_
To the I?nilli. .
After forty tbre? y?ars of bu?in?ae pro.p?n?y, w? ?tay b? p?rlo??HB
we giv? expreaaion to oui satis'?, t.oi. al bating abl? to aay tiwi th? h usa?
of('.'IICKEIUNO li MONSati . nislnteiu. ihr j ortmott moulton ttnnag
nutiulaoturer? of Pla?o*forte?. Out hau.? vu tb? lit? which ??Se
? '?aaiully competed with tb? impotted Uistrunioot, ?ad, ?ocotav??j_?l
by our ?xioipl?, other mauuftcnirar? rapidly ?prssg up. In *e*m__
th? rooipetiliuu, ?o that, in l?a? lh?n half ? ceutury. th? for?lga tnattw
meats have been completely dtiveu out of the miti?. ?ad th? tide ?B
?tport ia bow turned lo tile oppoait? Hr, ellon.
It ii no ?di? boatt to tay tt.-?l_y ti at American Piano fartas ?fe taw
tturt-aased in th? world, tbat lu tir?a grades tt ? <.ra'id the S?Jlt??W|
and th? I'pright, luch iinproverotuli hay? beei elected ha*?[MM
Ktuop?aii maker? ?te no?a- - notent to copy na. Tit? su-aa-T.otity ol Bn
A me. Kau llano is acki.u? ?ttlged by eveiy European allia! who vu?M
out atior??. ?nd nene if thom dream of bilng-ng their concert iaetlW.
w.cnta with them, becauae of the tar.: that the Cbukmno GrmndmamUt
all th-lr ?vaut? and anrpsase? all other mair.ment? in tb? ??thaHoasB
too?, in the |,.itver of giving the tteial eXipuslte colotiog to ?mp
though: and ia .tiuient of tie roDipoiar or He player.
All tha great ortntiwh. ham li,lied Amen?e hare neil tkt 0*0?%
e'.nD I'uiiwe. Thalberg tie greatest piano virtiioao, prono??it
ta>m uuequt ?d la tins r.i uiry and uusurp??s?d in Europe. OotV
s hall, on them, his aciu?v?d his gteatt-st u.t.u.|<l t .od ?V ehli taf ?I
I play on them with the piofoaudeat aat.afacllon, ccntflooi thal
wh ttevet ability I uiay posses? ess b? l???t d ip tyed li tt?ir l?S??
?od 1 believe thai la every pai'.icaltf ?out limo? it? for lbs
reason gi vue n.p?:i...i tu aay I BBSS eve? msii bs thi? eouuiry ?? M
Ei.r pe
Our? were the Irst Ameilcin Pistol pitted ??aunt tho?? of timm
peen manufactura. ?I the Word's K?ir. In Fi.jlaiid lu 1SS1 whs?, te
?pit? ofpr.jndle? and cooipetioou t'iev tcok tk? u -?dal Oar
?<e, el (o the maker? there the ?yu. io ant iatrodaced by o?r A
cf th? complete iron frame whicu *??? highly ?pprovad of. did g1
rite to ti.? expression of ' Pivtiot mad* after Iht Amtmcom pie?.''
I Is.cienug I? Mona nr?t tisasd the large ?ral?? tut r-qear?
fr-.m which baa spi-jng al the pr?<ent excel ?Me of that claai of lae
( utcksilng i .-"on? btv? msnu'ictt.re I over 30.000 Pliam. tod O m
cal ula(ed by those ruriou, on suth as.bjs.cta. tbtt that Itoua? ha? Mtf?
- jutrur of ail the nntn.ii,ems ii. tb-- t tilted atti-?-?.
W? ela.m to have b? -ii In ativau e in all ?telling tu.pfti.au -??t?
which hue bveit mad? in th? ii si.ufsclure of Piano? oy to th? ptm
ect tim?. Oui Piano? bav? si-od the test of over (orly yeal? of merni
and public ci'i'.uiisu. aail ?,* Lave reieatly exchanged <.tia et kbrm,
mad? inter.or Is ?S-*-), ?hi h was in ?i peded Older uwlki Imp ti)
lett tb? I. tory. Ii ii thi? merougil ?.id substantial mainifsotuie
which hu ?uitiined th? nput-i-.i ?e, arvi ?oablia ?a n
ook back without thama pou our work ol f ,r-n?r years.
Our houit ,i purri? or. .??serfin ?ouse, ?r.d It ?OBdoeted 10*0
Ameritan pnncipl?? In oui factory which it larg? by ?ae-lhul
hin any manufactory of th? (laute L-i lina country, and luBuiteiy ?aw??
rlor Id elaborate ?nd ? o?t!y met hti :.;?: ?J? to Ubor. there ar? ?ort?
tr.-u who _ouin??nced with our h BBS ia b ,y?. and every depafrn??!
it directed liy An.sricat '- snd eiterpise
Our iusiruments are made to lur ; ti:? mtteri?: used for every pm-A
ii thoroughly M??on?d. ?nd of the very b??t mstatit th?? ean be pro?
.t'.rtth No part I? ?light?!. What tu- pubttr ?nye u.igbt ptua ornt
f?pe? the watchful foreumn. Kvery part !n?i.'e ??d out, M
' fai.lil .'!y ar.sl t!i;ioigiily made, to thal it ?li omul tha
ni ?? n.iune examiuatioB.
11,? Cliiclenn- tone is re-ojnixed all over di? country t it du???
(tom the ?uud. coaiae tone of most l?ai .... ?. Msh ia bul in ti.? b^itt*
uiag ?nd grow? wort? everyday, : nasm ich te It i? re_n?d ?ad ??Kb
car?, pure in ita v.bttilon? delixbtf'.l in itt tinging cap? ?ty. and bn
.wer, without noise n-ceiaaryto piodtira ?very leg-.tiaan
VV.- lum foi our piaao? ti_?t ti.ey Bn th? be?: the mo?', lattlag, mut
conseil letil.y ?La clieapea?. W ? uav? i.ji.ses. ralseai
o ii pues beyond what the eugene!?- of the tim?! demiod. We
? iys leen tont. Ifs te ooly ia?
creu?d in ttrlr ratio -ii. tie '.?.?bas.
Oar ?ties this year have Oeen ii.imense. ?ni tb? J- .?nd tt thlslita?
Is jnpnr?!'e'ed. Bat the pnblii nity 1. pe.irl 'ip.u thi??that. hiwavaS
:? u?sr.d maj be upon our niatuiaetnnng tesn.r ?i w? ?itt
. . any portion of th? work to secur? a ?ale. IV, inland that
everv Chic-enu? Piano ahtil be equal to H? high rcpataUo?, sstktlsSl
that a good ailie.e is t crrtliu recomineridalian, tudthe beat Irited ol
Iii? mautifscturar. for it ?LI ai??y? atiuud hit piBSsn
IV ? .all partistsslar attenl'oa to our new seal? (Iranda S?|aar?c ?ita
t'f rlgrit? will-h hare met with ?be n??! brillia?? ?swraiutn? ft??? OtW
Pie?? ?r ti profe??ion Hy general ?rclaaiation they ?I? pro???
ti? nets'. Piano rortes ir the wo Id
Trusting that oar c-citant ?Bdeavor? ir. the line of Ifipro
wi I sec re Is H a , -ntiiuince ofrlie unbo tcdad favor? awarded as
by th? p ircha?:u; public, we are the pobK ? obedieur -serra?!*,
Prepared OU ol l'ulio ?oil ?luce.
Bf itrnmau roa hait
And i? the meal de?gilli- tad wondeiful ariitie it e word aver pam
? will And It not only a certtln remedy to Heslore DarkaaaaA
rbe Hair, bul - 1 '?net as II M
I with a neb aud daHrata perlume ind'penjeoi of vbm
Iragtarit od? r ul the Ol.? of Palin and Mac?.
A ?ikw *-?n itirritrt. murun?
d? i?lit?ii? . l'.tat!. and n. wonderlu! laatla?
q?nditi?a ?ree ? : known in tit? ??iii.
ano have ?tamped .rrtiiie?
lu? above ?rti-'ea tor Mi? bv all Druinata ai 1 P? Lm> ia.
I i. . i ? : ft* Uni li.l ,
| mtSSI li ?*y addie.? by rue Piop.-.s- r
arum s cawaoiab t_uo?pta.
ron ii tu un wori?i
Hen ?nibs r Illa it ti v- i. urn l-l upw.
It ha- rta! aal hi? alorayi basa h?ili?l va'i:U j?y by th?
?ut?rin?. Prit? n '?m? par hauls.
Foi ??:?? by ?U tiltia .'? snd bv
a V?. WKliillT k I o.. Sol? Prop,wtat.
i' Ne? York.
-pt *P?i-.!? S-rt IS?.
We, the I nderelsned, v!.'.-i I *?.?! a???
Woodhrl . ad. J. mi-a (tom N.w?
. which w? w?re I?.
lu II istaued f-ODi UM
e.rtii tt -d ni o?.r .-on '.pti- t. It is a it in**ral wat?r of rare eottbinalinw
and alen rn<? lit rl.e: a ia chaiybeaBB
ve aalt a pra?.
'?r th? ??vi He el- -t -si I ?ii' ? potent ?. y a. we . at ?.I.-?ly,
.--? nid juatllj i.? ittpqtati'-i of ?ha
v tetlsMB?
.-.>? ?J. n. )'.??: m-wmri ?. Fiicb?i, B C.
m M I?.. T KndlMh.
M |) H M I?. A. I* Throop M l> Kui m li. Or?p,
? v ,-iv. oC
I t '
T ?senti .>?d??f,
V '
LbBAD PE.Nill. ( ??Ml ANY
ilflD I'KNt 1!>. ??! ia! 11 tl.e mot?. t-<-e trate.l Draals, ar?
oH.r?t?t l?ixi?im? to the trade ?? ti.-? : .- ? . ?V ,-?,,;, .Sala?
Ba i? '?i. .: H '? York.
. vi'ed t" ?ive theee I'K.Si;."!. ? a feit du They ???
I I te| "i lpt1 ???lionera and Notion Dealer?,
?v-K v ii tub kMERi? an ratten._
l>, limit. : : llr. K?_n?'mldo'? l-ellntllr ! !-Thli imv4
?i? Antk?n li PyrMlK
rim.?:'- -: ?tar? s owu temvdy tar. nanging ?y iy hair tw
' pr, ::. tltig a ta|?iet
ii eeoibUe*? < oi t??i'r?r ard an eiegaat
.?er ?nins th?
. It-e i.on. elie ni*?!, m in si? s ??B
. ..iu.t-i.tB and clean ?:id ht:ml?u ."?r d by
di:.v: vs HiHMES v
' ark row ins! Xo. M? !
?Wewin? Irtsihlu?*?.
Positive iv the only riai? in th? I it J ?bete yi u can find al? klud? ?0
? vi it HIOTB, a?. manula.*?i^r?' pr cat. and wl.?r4
y.i.i can . i.thsnre my time with-n thliiy days for any ether Machia*?
n ?til-til aura s liai;,- I mil sedated.
Nu ?li Broadway,
( ,.mer -t B tentm ?t _ J
Aw?lrt?i? Jiihuoon ?ti.l 4 onar.aa.-l' m I? ? L''??__
?i : wi? Bul the (Jl Kl.lt
II till HI- MllKl- K ?I.,.?. 1 It. w.? I- f li lav II b- ?lit ? Jl ita
1 merit, ?hvayid.iiu >?e what ii proutiau TI?,
? r the lol lal ?. i I liy ??I .Ir k???" _^t
lestld tiH.I fillver Wnt.-ha?? A.
of all DBBcatraom f
Koria.? i? (.lit?. C ALL! S N't ?li Hrmdway oi.? loo! belovst?
fasal- ___^_ J
Urafneam, Catarrh, llltnsliie??. Idieimiil??, and SemT"
?t Hiahard? tye Wala?t. and peate
?-r y urtiby tb? Melaiil.ysi. si Di??i ?ery l'o u? latd of UtitagtatSl
Mi. M (I. BROWN. MeUnhya.? !" yii.isu, ()__c?s Na 51 Bool
st .Net?-York and No 410 Art Ii st, fiB___B-lBHB. V Letten
'..ni [?in. h ?ta a. n' ___________________.__^
lavalld?' TrHvelliiB ( hoir? oi Hkt?T
fur in ?nd our tit cr it?, Alo tu ?
INVALID!? i. IRR! I.!..?! TO ORDFI. _.
PATEKT CAKTBBINO lK'K.i* foi la ?adoat door?, Bl? tw'
N!~*?ERT IvVTNO ?al BABT-TCWBCa en'* /
loas ?tmng VV Biens rhl.drent t ?triages Propalian, LagUafc
l i.ai uta. lit. au.? lins??, tor ?ale r.y th- mu: ifa.-t,ir?r g
- \V SMITH N..' >'Wi! ,aa?_ r
faTiTwha llaal I? Kaew. "
IF YO!' WAN! lu K "??"? peer moll ?adgin
i?p ?pert?, tea without th? ' Medicine ?aldye?, I)t ^.i
I h,mir. :. . 1.1 JO B?o?dway N?.?- \nrk I'smphU?. ?eot /re?. )
If Y nu ?I nut lo Kim? -ses may b?
t! ro? ti aside snd .-arn'otl ant ruc neil,mel hy the ;npl,rr,t ?J-lr-eaw
i y i FOOT! :?" LU" liioadway Msw^ufaaV r.tnphiiu
w la?-- i.?n i? ti-? un.i ?i i o .,, . -.,i .i Hal
I ir.t i|i. oy ?.?it .IBs- at d n?ir .lyeinj H ? | Br Brown. ?1. ?baJea al
VV . A. bAiVlltliVJll _. i\u It Hou4?l

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