OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, November 26, 1866, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1866-11-26/ed-1/seq-1/

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V"- XXY!.iV- 7,99*
i? URon:.
NFiY\.> B. .? I I - UNTIC CAB! E TO NOV. _".
? I til1' ? re -.. ?B tNIBTBB.
? J;::AT nuITA IN.
Tm i i mi ?ii milli muni. m um
_i. ...? _ Atti of l\n aiii.?OB bay?
barn i? t imrr.? k, and large fM-tMM m
pike? ' v the authi.ritiei?.
I . - I ? \?.?. .'i Ni?.
The ? atiou in Iiilfli.d Mill .out
Many ?ivnciiF eut. ?-ei/ure? ol'..im-? tari
air? ?, ?it'.
An.'. nc_ Maliilirt-riini, -Lo-??
peeted ?t I,,, nu u agent of ihe Lenmi?, HAM an ..>.?!.-d
at Di; and iinpriaouil.
Mai.) ?i'l.cr?, ?j i.,in the author! :f? 1 a? e " ?ii??!? ?I.'.
.?ill b? I UfMtod,
1I-I\I>.-\ -?"? ?.
'Du-. rti'.its 1 hut (lie litivenii.ien! in?
tend.? . ei.i.s 'n Inlaml.
M i . RAI.II . LAW
| ? . ? '..v *
TAr>.'i "- (t, -??i thin mor.ui'?.' Mjl lb? Boyal
Comm * M Nt!_!:_k?i Lava will ??xniion:
-.ene?- . Lord ?Craftwtft- will ?. P
dent ol ' oCvDlii -?ion. fini MM-g ii? nu inln-i? will
l?e L? r . Sir Roundell TaliiKr, Sir I.*. Phil?
timor?*, Dr. I'- I ., and W. II I ,
THI IB.__I.AI. v' 1>TI0K - TIIK 1 ?>M?i?\ TI?'
l.?\i.'.\. _tt-?i_r) '
All? . ,.?r li l'e l.vndrti lime* ol' I hi?
icorii.i * ? tiiiit UM Kini'i-itu'MH-nu,,
.ctnal. ti Tht Time* looks ?Sor ihe intcr
?itnlioi ? : the i i lu'il _>UU_(.?'Vt-i'iiiiiiii! ..? ?li?- in'\t
itep, i. .UM, but bOJH ? '
nita ?A
I \ri__ TRAN??!' '
It :. ut 20 tr_;iaj>,-iris \rill ?.iii IYo_ HTMI
lo brin;- !.")'<? i.he Frt-iicli T?'")?? ia-M-iMelj n'l.-i
th. an
Ti.? o?,, ?: . II tilth. Mexii-an Empire .?. th? li
.1 ; . : ii and mi the con'ni ni. ?
Tro'Ju ;. .. 1 -ti i j ? . ?-?
;, it? .meliaafj,
RBOKGANlZA ! ( N Of ni !RI '> '
It.? rumored thi.t the Inpcril OB, ap?
pointed toe-mider the r??j-^'a?, /?.'? ?TI ni the l-'r?-nth
__mf, will report ;n five i.." _d? i'i.ii?.' flit* Prou_
nu Mary ?yr-tern.
5EQ0TIAT1OK8 WIT! iIIE rill,
I'l.? Government of Italy-ill rta..
with the Pope tal ?
THE >EW POnHiiM _:V?.ll.*.
. I
li '.ti reported I ?or Katu//;
w.il i :? ?.eed Baron Ki-u-???liii.ti? I?-? .aO.t*.
rai 8Mi.
TUB ?K>VER.*?_BR. C_.NI?TRI'D ft. THI iHA'.ll;?
Hi I :
The Legislative Ctai. '. in ri>nnir
Inf the Oovenuiii i t !".
rofcd without their Mt--,
A RiVOI-TIOR :__t:\KXT-ISPH'TH? ?Kill? Al I? ?s "Y
THE it! U\
V . >
A | ? ?. (?iiveriiuient of
tpa.L in lial'le to OM II ??i ?'..i moment.
There are vague rumors tint ii.? ', - D nlnli
e?te to avert ?he thr?-?,'. i.? ?1 - ' ?
MT NliAl.V.
The Deak party haw .-???opted an ??Kir-?
E-jiperor of Au?tria, M-isf : at ion of the
.?-?of 1848, and prtnBM-g ihat the DM will con?
a.df r the witibee < f rl.e I'.mjKi'n n? ?-?nresved m hin
its?* t refjiri.t.
.Qt'EKMiOW.-. Nov. 24-NDIL.-'I l.i l M,iif'
B1 J., A.rtra.'afiaji a I
l*rt tL.i f?rtiiiK'E. A-erlai . ?beprti
?.e?'.? ti to Lirt-rjKK?!.
L;?i' -The ?teni' '?. I ?pt li?'
t?tt _
rLNAN?.I..LAND?..>.M\ll.!.< ?Al.
1 1 t tt.trl.t-j ?Ckla-'t I* ?ll^-l.tly Bl ? , lIKII.al
. ,
1 I Vor. C4-Noc? -ten.lr.
fBtjttB_o_a for America- S?
. 1 CO., V?I?* -
I ', . - .- .iinie
noll* ' ? __--tag t |
y ?, iri.irar..
/;] siiAMsiur
ILc ttcamer Girmaniii, fioin Soutl;?iii?it?>!i w the
It freat j?_rt _t?: I] t',?_ bj ?
OribBkAR <?} 1BI.LOW FIMR 01 BOAR?. I HKlii?!
. Atrato, from tim West (Ddii
, i
? . ? ? .
"f i! .
? ?
? ' ?
. . ? . 1 . ' .*
n rears aatlrs rf niBJia. teati, hi ml li ttj aekat-k-CB
w ill) gieut int.-.-ct.
T_ei rabia An?f?r:f-an h-BMiist,
.nl?i|itt"<l nattie of Art. nui. Wai il lit? Itoen rrndered fa
inillni in iHj-.dUs wave to lhe E-fli-h yuVU,. lr.?t algal niude a
uri ? .. ,-.- ful debut in Hil? clin'. , -.?n Hull. P .*.
Beeerrlag fur a*Mt_et eeaaaka. ? ontieai examination
"1 the :i,nit? ..I tlie iii w .Merran,r; V_0-t*f*- ??/ilij.ev tritt
?H? tmn ni' the Ituilding mi Ion>f temint'-tl bj) ti." !.?,
M - Urovra. ' we inhv I.flr state t_tt a -?-Bf_-_e4 amil
. .< ?'led tin? lo? ti iii- ?nu a in'iii'y tralee-., mid M^S***?**]
tv if li li.?' keeiB>t Mel a d>'??'ri|ii.'ii ?it 1 :? reuiaikable progn-i
ti??!u I'u.iliiniia throtif-ti '.lie Maratta t'-iiitorv.
origilalitjr iii bininu with vthiih Mr. \Vavtl ttSti
?LI. ri'tiiiie reeital fu-i - .-...).. HIM
Iboee vil.ii vrn-.ilii i'tij..y ?un ...lK'wlio
hu- luu.-li in ti li iliMt !? m mi'l v\t.imf? quaint Jeiti ftuly lull
' ?"ii ii. m be i
it to the easasias Iii?-iii rbeitjleol .ftelecttn
? Ij rta- t.i a I ..ti.l..i: public, ami t? .
"i ?li "AiU'iuus Ward inuititaiuiDg a Lnrj tooting ia tim
THF ?-.HOI.i.RA BftlPBBB IS LO.VIvii?*.
? ; ?-ii OH .*??iliutlii) iittui choleil a?
dial i lu s j.
tttttm AVttti ?HA.
iii.' Wi...|li.ir.f?liii. mid tli'' f?r H I ???.'
*>n lae? *nith .-' '???-' ..I..1 ?35 m le-iit-clnt lv.
ILE 1 K4H4M ) -lliiN op (ifjV. lill.
i ? -inn.m* ,i 4 miiniitt.*. ii.,, BJ brea ?.!?)-.<1 thtt th. f?. t?
.in i..-..d m ii..- i.]'.,itiii ti,, li.>\ ?I i'oriiii, -..? HOT uti.'r.l a
|.i?'..'v |!i-.iti! I fur un imlii'tru. i ' tea mrnler tg he | -?
; Mi Hvir ruil thentl 11 persM- . ?m?'? i i.i-.l In triu) ami
.-?.-. ii li.li i.f Ml (, Ultimi, illili I ?,u I Mi I'.I,. I lilli.!, .if li'. . r
lo tlit'.?K? t'n.c ii? na i. ?'. 'lei!; I
'i?it?itl) ?ith aa :td I
'l! :
I , '. l.lr.'t li I t'1.1 (1 I'll' t 4 .lim. :1 in; V-' I 1 .'.fll '
mi . * *? r.ikii-, sii ii-.
*.*? I lii'ii.)?.iui ??:>. kiiiftiir.l 11 II. Mi ?
TIIK KMi'i.i. ?
star? .?f st?'.?- i.i??a -sNewaed in aire ? revatftel
I... li,i- II.., . ? I . :. (.?:.-! I ?
? - i ittiti? ni ti.? tu?. ; - aa on ? ? I
? . 11 been ?ni
m\\t i:.
TRIM i fiAr??! io'?
I ? -i- Emperor bat v-Jtcd Print a KapoltHBi, w-lm re
lo Far- e toort lisa -nee la take fan ia let lal
M . , i . -?.?ii j r- ...lu. . wr hy tne
I : i--.'.,;
Ill) -MM LAD ftgi-AIiHON.
i ' . te?) that tt<
mil i?:.??; haek ia? i n ? b Itaoa? tima i
i i ? i of ti,.- arniv bl Ids A*
? rji ? ?>. f" he ;?'. *. l li ?l IO I
i - -
?. .1 apon, fil.? -
'mm it. i - . ? ? -
TES "MARllIA?* Of .HE I / A H L'Y . T( H.
ft vrtbiiig OB-weet ft st el 'i ?. L. aeea I .u.> ? i Rev? I )
Mt'ininir luid hf-ai'-'fly dftWB-d wlmn the ?IA ?
i'iil-.. i?, :'.:....IL. ? .1 ? lib .1. 1. '..'I.,' .
' . .
IDOOl .11)11/"; l>ur*t fulfil from iii? >>. li? .?f ti . -
iii^ III_i mr f ,r Bud i ?
i ro frill ii
?.ni In "le WintTT I'tllii. f* I '.. r.
? ?:?"'. I -
,1 I"..
; > nul ihr dot
l-l . ?- ? . . ..
: I
? levi to the one ?r_ere 1 ??? to a
i . . i
i : ekelte aird -
I'ti! illili.m? > l-l'.U.V. ai ii
' ? I
iii.il abonad in twitted pillara ! .!. n
. ,
'lu i-li no atti .? n'?lu- .?> i
. ? ? . . i ? J.? . * ,
I : . . ? . r> t ? " 11
"1 lui: little It .
rvaj v?1?..! m .1 e Ith ? ?.?. ti ?ii .i ).!
? .
j the ivkoli
: ?-?illili
1 ',
.- . . ?
l hall ti? i . ? ..I the mr:
I ft) IOCS I
. . ? !
. . "n"?em'?lint; in. tbi? a? I
nuil t"
tera-sarl ti
? ? ? ,
? mr m.. ? , ?' . ? . ? tay a ?rae?.
< Maa tri .
, ? . "It' ml
I mr I "Hit '?I? I-- B dny t)l ti. - I I. lal
nilli ._?_._ lint ilif
Hi. ir -i ,'..??
I its -"lilil? a ?lark |
-. _| j .
i -?ititi? -
? ?
I ?II??-' - ? .- U
? ?itii Hihi i? waa ?DI Pi .-i ? ?vu ? ai li
"[?l??t,..| :i
. ?
it ni ,.i " . -.
?.-i.- ? iiad ia ( .1 . t
??'I .? .
' t.) tl.i-ii am . I??ti.
?i (roi t
?: luliea lu?"
1 ton i?l(
,....;.'. r .i
. the ei
fi'-? '
? .
l el li-' collm
1 ?in?, uiniitelli-.t'ie ia ita COB posil
1 iii-f t.. . many t".::,i? m ,.:, :
I III?! I'"" 1
' |traiaD( .? h> m,\ all of laen were i ?t iih
lil v , t, ' I .' i . .! ?
eon ?li
. . s ''j'usais
,?i 'I?- aation i , ,. nat
.I., l. .?..-1 LI? ??i iii.nl. in i?..in f,) nil m. ladiei ., jua; ti,*
. .i? . ?...i'nil lui'.
' ?? .li, IM Bill ir.-l *'?'.. ? ? i
I . dil "li 1!.' ti:
) 1
I ? I ' ? d's ! ?'I ' .'? . .if!) .
' I uri i I thread? ti m\ a.-.? i?> ?I..-1
I'IM whole i ne m Nil'.' tij?.. ?t inivi, ' -.?,,i
' ? li I 1.0.1 ???? lu mu,?- t!.< ,
.-,..-.. ' . . . .
i in?"'ii. . . lai.ks ni ! i ii??v _*? X1?
i ...
' ..'iii? d to |'.I "ii I lue i"iit- wjth Stand -
' ila 111. IDfT ?Bit) ti? (111 t I'iil'paci _l Ifitii,, ? li...
...- art,-,i?I.|?I.?-II i nd ti., re and ? ?
t ?
1 acitrii-l i ,i Iiiit-ltkinii top I?. "? and
. ruwnsd -tri'vi'in two 11 edi d?_**)? stood like toati
lo lh?*l) <*?r.'. I I ei "II . . I .
? a I ? m lo ti. i.. . iga, i" i
? I lui latti t 1'HJ i i?.- ao bad -,
Mun . .1.
' i ?, . I K"i ,1 m ?vii!, li UM
; foirji'"'?, ?Til vi I,li til- ?-i i-li'
tay invited II it a ball ?.f at '.?-lat?* ?liri.'
. :... W ! ..'. ?i
1 ) - . !
. ard tor the r
i en i ? .i ib ?"i'l of ?' .
I 1 is?'!. sud wy i-.'l'd t-i ?.
i .
? !..I I'tl.lll.f It ! . " ft
1 .
? I
li' . .
II ,
... . . ' - .-..?? li, ?Ali i
H_n!?h An 1 Trut?-lan oflloen ti ho h ??I cerno to id?l -.-Mt to the
f?-tmr.n. A i.n.k Qi-BCBa, In !,M>Ke Ja?Aet and Oriontal
giiiterna-fii noticeable by eontra?t and Fr? uJ, Mar.?-.i?-?, Mr?
ninnUrafa and Italiin Coal? '??1 with Il??ii_n .'limes ia
it prtjatWw of Orden ami ike tmgiai o nf garb.
Su'ltli-ulv tie Lum ii basbsd. A u?_?ter of ccreaionles, .a'?)!?
in kana, bus f.nterod to annum. - UM wmMl "f tht mair.*go
proo? nitm. Wini.' Ihe ?ame nifstKi/' it '?< -itig phentothe tniiu
I'J till gua I'litaiil,. t)". .'ijufiies ami fnucirit de la rout mt '
the ihipeL The matter? M ? ?-r- -t.??.?,. ? the c1 nmberlaiw, and
tie ?.inou? charnel of the I Vin foUovv in tlue ?iiei-e??:oii. Ai.d
now tb? Emperor ami Imi.i.'? ? mt in a I p h t. r,.|-?'.?'?!'>d hw
''?ni I s !.'i?;,!..ff. tin- lireiiil kiarie-_ Hu -bjeet1/le la ti
tliill'irini.f H G-Mral aiiilh'uJi hlrill<i)?l ipouie I? tie-tell BOB
Uti?. ?t.i__inir la th? eealer e. tit* rbarsb te rae-ve them. Ai
; d]| iltur? dowb iiud %*a?y travel Lit iron to ai.d Cr??,
, rorttoopi to-MUM ila ai.-l t> ti.j?a
' ni- m. f.,i, I..I..1 n:,.i , in -t wita 1,'iir walar. lbs 2-prest
the e..< ra ?J lite innl platal bara-_ b?ll lo lier auir lilt
d 1 he i r.'Bi, I'm ?? l',-Kie?ltih ia the uil to outer
t" ti?- Um- iin?l "mi? l.l'n?olf In BOTOldBaOB Witt lbs ,*_i . 'it
f"'i!is if il,o (ln.i.h. A?:?r t.iin walka in Prim ot? lia?.'
IL", "r ii? ?h? I.IUI faaea ?a*?!.v ?-lill?'?! tin Ol-b__ol (iiHi'l
Dot-SBl M".'.i I? x1?ii'iHUB '?'! All ti.? Kn>.ii? Sit
Walli m bt-auir. Th* Metropolile, nl.o li? ki u
he bad ''.])?') > it o? tlo frame ni inns
aacieal pt.tare of tile abai-b, Indines hhnieif !?? the
H girl Al the eouforn.? 'o the ro?|tilrrme_li of '.bena
ti? ..B1 tie I 11? r lui;? rttl BJfrbMM Hope back to tte th'.ee
I'ni.di.ai laieti.lxr? 0. ber Isiuilj wini hate tlr?t<!?/ entered the
in.-r> i etlilii? The ft-r ttand together, and Iho tye? ot ill
? rv.ei.? ?enter upon them. In thom ia e<-pitted the | rr?eiit
am! * rare of ibis iiamoLt? aspira TI' Oat tall. _iej?'?t!?
Witfa the lit!,it of ('?mniiaud ?ml the .llepoeiliou lo liinli el"
t.'ur!? I?*.!.!.? OB bl? mai. IT ft..! n io?, i? not only the fir?t lit
nun lu the tiMiin li.i (Jue. II, mkmm th -MM baa
i.?.. rebbsd i-f tim fi-iiiliinio grace araiel elofled ?ei j ncei
t?'na li readll? r?. ?, i lbs vsU-known ptrrti-..
li! ? Ita ? - li'ite. )n a vrl.l'o'!;.-??
?'I'll B Iriiiii ?'f |*<?ld HutT t-;niti.nl ?tith ermine and a
ip-Ukllll?/ 'illili? !.I k'T l?l'?l ll?l Mr,.?tT ?BB-I WBtTtb] !"!'?
a ?,i II i II. I !.?. (inii.d lli.lie nsBBBSSf H tl.e tl.i-'l.?'. ia TAU?I
?toui ht l.l? age ?tith i. i/i-'.l iii-ra if nill uni ii
1 opon uli ?"uM.ii.i fair. I .li? a leaefrowtag in tt.e
ri...ti. ? ?? an ?ink. I'liin-ef? llBif-.uiir tt'xiil I? ,.?1?- !.:m. Hit
I,,,.!, f? tutu tw? anliiint.il bl ' n .ti men! ti.?I In lu r ote
confident the brvpe>>f I . i ii? l.er ?mk lotit
mtt-il it ? lutin "? ?..ni?-? 'linn-,".,,I? linn . ,\;l ai.?1 !?'t nil
?'..i.'ti ,r ii ? I,'i|l, t of Unter? A roper, bru,.?!. I; ii], tro.?
i-"?rri.?/ 1,,'Hily Iii.? Ulm!? M_ fart ?if lb? bo_el . I
-?? ?J-?tsa--?! "i. let I'i'H't Hit r,il,o tin? t.f wbita
-ltd Bl M.<1 IIIJI.III. i-nr-'?-it bj tom ? Lu_.tei.ni-.,, of
arl iii ne rmet, ir__Md whb mallio.
HiTfil lll(|hi.?"?e? tbi I'r.-. " nf WV . .'. . r.'wn
l'une ?f l'ru??la and the Priai ?. ?-I I'euiuiii? -It-rd noll
'.Len t-_< ().?? t.'uniror toni of the Ln^n'rur )*ni.? i ? V ladlB-r
I Iel . ??. ipe mid PHII!. the l,:n .'! Ii.I.? ( ?iiatni'.i'o and hit
?"i.ii'it Will theil ? 1 Udri'ti ami after ?hi-ra the st.er I'nr.roi
tl.,1 l'l'... ??'?'! th? ' hKHl Cl? . r.n . ?
.' unanj "f l:\ lug .'. i.??
(lunn '1 M.? in l'y ti ? Mt ir?>i-<'.!<. ?M1 (.11 in turi. .
. I to Ms l.j ti.?- ii- ::..,??.?..'?- 11. t'lrwe 1 lu? ...el? .1.,-n
ti. the little iti.i'l'ieii a* th'? ?tel?! i j, Is - ?.. the
ntl.r mu! when fie In.?? ?.< I ? ti ? -re the
, ,,....,;,,., i .? [fi ' ., ? ,?lMr lill- !lll|a-!.?J
fujn!? and t'i'-u H.-tiil e .?-. ki ?. . t.> ti.e
.'. m?. IreB in . ?. e ball
I ;.. - ,i . . I '.t !.-?? lat.Wl' ? ii. the train.
.It ,l un Ik* ??rt i. ?? bogt* I
vi? r.'lltlil the BUBI DI . ? . !'t 1 him hll'l
'???j? f ? I i ? ? : ?. .? ni,,I
. -, I :. .r,-? li
?-..I II. ii ? jH'r'inj'? I?- beal ?I. ?.rii-i! BB ?"!.??'
i ia?I .l.el.ahtar
1 ii ? (bail ?.! ii .. K.mii? i ' I I - - -
-, ,-? l'i"li. n lu the ??! tee
1 ? li.'ir >'f it ?? - t" ?i? ii-'I
God w< etj *" nea Ia IM mon laitiffBeial
: -, irta "i lbs > i "i-ii ?m? -, .. .-i ?!i.i.lr?ii ?to
? t?? 11 ?el? i.;? ini.-.l v ii It a ceri
? ..??:? ? '-?i ?? ni?! lr?>m
: Iii' Hi|r le-- I, ?
-, I .-.|ei?'r I?.a !.?.-? . ? "I 'I' II'
two rsuofet Pi-?oca at la? I :?.-1 BBS ..!
i t.. ? t-1../..?as Prince Ueili ipproaebednot he-labte
.?,!?'. ! ,,il?l pa.r ti,.- m ?tri. .*-> i otrnt pi
i . lual I (,. ? r.'?' Bibb ? i
I,at and ?????Bi I ..?.ttiiel,
inierwor. n ?? li
I i.,r ?!?nit ti ? '?
?.11, ??t llfia-.bt.i ebal
? -
: ti?! n,me II?, ?"?in..- Ill . ? aal BBtl
I . .
.. , B lie Al . I
. UHIII'?' ?'! I'll ' 'h' l?rli.?tl-i.
1\ 1 Uf ?tore ?till
. .. .m te- a
!.,.ii t it. .. ] i.- II t? ill , I. i.a.l a |,;.. ?..
lh aod welfare of the i'rar Lia ? ife ti ?I hi? i-bl
HU appeal to lb? Dell ' tri u tra-al aceaati tl.e
?.tin r. I? t? ? . t ..H....ir In, and tilth i i |
, . . . '. ,-i ...?
- ? ? It waa a
l -e, e.I
n.ki.i ?
. .
. ? . ..
II Al V.
AN* ACBT-J-l- l.MB?StAl?..a.
Ile Itohr ;inni.?in. .-? tlmt Hiiruli 111 1, k -ill a
I lu bl in?
ila .
MB. (?I t-MTOn.
A ..?i i* ?. trim tUnmi tor*-. Mt. Q .
ma id i TO ____! . *. Ml I ' - i_ WAITA
v ?tlioal
,1!i,.'? bi o .
I'KI S??l \.
lil!. Ill IXJBT.
At ' ? ol un. (li.nu'er?. Ibt Vimanio
V . ? !'
Hi ?'ated tl.ni -
-<l I??I tl.iilel?
'Ii "I I At'.I,III"'I,
? Of I bli in ?
.?Hil .si?
. Ml - l>?> ol tht i.
lo.t -?-I.
TI 1' ImnXkL LAW.
? ..,?'.- Is lbs l
l_b! for -.1.1,1
.1(1 i , i -'-I '-lis IIXIJ
, . . .. nu
\V1 K11 MIHI,'?,
?! I.IIM, ni I IIK (-Iii A I OUMl.?? I'M...
At n ini'-tiii^ ?.I |"i! H? lona tefiloogiag to ?bo Great
. I: i?, at.: ?i tne format UM I bstwssB lbs I-otk 0
- "., i! i.. ii iiiiiit, ? , ?
' Sill | mu? I-.
???I D Bl -' . . "I lu
?'? ?
, ,.. Ill uti . .? -1 |i
i,. _" .-i ?i. ?. tiiKiin-i l.'iiini I,.i? booi iiniiulml i?v
.?- .?- I l.e ( apisil? iiud Mt?' ?'-union ?
Bt'B-V?.?.!?'!; CHILE.
." I.n K-c ( l.LIB mer
? ' t? .'m .. ?ilitaineii (lie Kui?, io! . |" i ;ui?-i"ii 1" la?
lunn 'IIB .Nnllli IO li"i g K..111; I
. '
,1 I > |l,.?.i, i,.?-. I.'-II . > |" I.? i ' . . .? 1? .. ii I
i . ? Bon lil ii:?.
(?,' Y t.
i ? Prend A-? ral is ,.??...1.1,
inn li ^?IK (ii IT_A_-n,
J ? i- JspOBOM luiil linn lui-? ?1 -..-,?; *. i i ?.
.:..i Ki II?I
IHK HI All? 01 lill, li'
uf Hu I ?.i, li . 11 LU. "?
? (??.HI H? IAL.
if? IMBAT, Sat, v.-( util.H linn*', pin M droop ii r,
' f,,i li , . , ? l . ."I lui'J 1 1. l.l?l.a>e l,|, J.-!..'
?. I KrelghU ti. li?, II o
? ? III.?, N'?> i _tobaageonLo_loi I ,: i
l.i.-i, ._
MARMI.NO EXCITrWIiNT I!? !"K_AN_ - (AaK t'T Til*
lit. MR? UCMAIII'X- TKrill'TR-Ii'tR? Y Vl'nEK -
t nil I'.MdENT ?YiPlOPAmm.
., ?, r .1' C?i retr-'i.a.? i.l
!" II I. St
I'liliii?*! OT? i'onieut hu r.n to a-, uliruiiiiar bighl m
: ut ttis prefcnl ?n?"'"
Ktorrt'-in :ni I tillage lias Ita l_U flOlO Of ?_
h.?n>e ui'.t t-- ibooti are leottwel all ore
? " I,
I . . .. ? ? ' M bo
? li.n'y !.? -f.???k ida
:,' Il-l.ll '>!' .1 ft I tl?tlll'Il' "t Mr. |t| J.llO!
? ' .? ne Mt dtat!
I!. ?. ^1-. Hi Kal 0_ at the Cniia.liin '
' ai.d ?," I-tali ilia! ihe | .....lui.
.1 in,? i_ - a re]
bai i?'-i h .
II . ?.?'.._ Uf . . , ?"_ .-.>,l. Utt le"-!??*.' ,
aezt organs ire busy in imp?*ecb?i*?_ the C. 0. I. H.'i
character, it would srent io a elt.ee obeerver tLst the Inab
jyeople hare implicit confidence in Lis HDcenty and de
terBunation. ? ??-?..-? .?.*.****-.*? ?
Hy the wiy, I might tell you that it i? my oand;d opinion
if tbe " nononible " D Any M (lee of Cansfia were caught
on Inrb ?oil at the present moment le won'.d hi-"? utev
read !y .' Inched '-eo high, ss the people s hatred of him
Th' re is whst might be fairly termed m amioTJi md a
i . ? lull in this country just now, so tar t?a outward
iii.?'i.ii-.tations warrttnt me in stating, and the conduct 0/
the ]?. .pie is inch as would lesd one to imagine that some
g-rest H ml terrible step wss on the eve of being taken.
1 kari my apprehensions as to the sar. transmission of
this tliipat? h, in conrfijuence of the ? ?pionige practiced in
ojr ?tost-oftJ4??*a at present.
? tlfTKrt-THF t ABAD?A.?! KBWH lil IBELAl*?T>-OBBlT
lOU, A*'-. tC
DCBUB, N'1 ""? ''?'.'
Ftr.ilst .?ni is again tbl topic of the day iii Ireland.
AIM _g ?H ? It'fis Ihe conriction prows and ipieadu that
we ere >.n the eve of stsitling ftnd terrible en r,'?. That
1.. v.? 11 is well founded. It _ ?imply it la? t that the
J'eiiitii organization in Dublin-and I .are ssy that the
nine hold? tnie of its brsnohes throughout tlie. ??nutry
ia st this moment in a hi.h stite of activity. Ils nonunit
fet?, indiai-tyed by ti??' trem? UIIDII? rttk they run, meet
reirulsriy, ilisi-iiss their plans of the "ri'ing, ??sue oilers,
diibutse money, re? eire reports, anil get throu^-Sll the
. - r e.,rlt pertain mir to the de?p?48te im'?...ii ,u which
tbt-y are engAircd. It would be foi)} f?> ft'.ppoB- lor a Di?.
ii ? ; t . Lut tlioie men are not in ftHMBft T-BJ an* Urribly
in 'Brneat, end iheir plans and prnttftliOM i.r? sll ?he-ped
lor 14feiBB ai.il bloody ?frugal?*. II.? r p'?pnrati??ne are
.;.? 'MTf-n nt from thote nu wini li .1 military mau
wot-d plat** reiiitii"'. be mm?d tl?.i.k mm li ol cannon and
. ni irrn;.?* and shrapnel, tit IsBtl a good
dei ' ..-" tin sen see of his est--7. Tb? < ati bnn^t, neither
.-? nor in? inltd tump? into the lieltl. I heir tactics
m?'to tf ?idle!, nilli'? on the soldier? ujid haU'l-to-hand
fighting. kO? tatt ei|K?I lo iutrodiHe ?.it<> the ?trife
errtaia aoretliei ?"huh tbey are tetS*\tti **?iLi prote _a>
i?; erTeetire.
I', ??ii lv ti... ?f.inn mar not burst ?fter s!l. There is
one ? liH-.i-c. av 'I I tliii.k ?'?iilv one, ??( it? l'< lag ?verted I'
1 i i 1 ?tr. in a Mceeaaf-I r? petition ni til'' ?.'?uno plated by
tbf lion rniiiect about tl.il I i mu lait y?r, thalia, tho
, b( I"t?l.?tul ol fi?' head? of li.?; oeaifttttj, and the
of l-l intended movement, in Dublin and sll the
rbiel town? of Iiclar.d Da the Qoverttegai nie.in to take
.. nt ? ?? ,i.e ' I'rrliupk so. lint if tl.t-i tin they ?ill __MM
their o?ii time for luakiii?; the sa ?op. How* ionn that
n,.,.1 t-1, i?i mt etetfi tkeetaAvee ?un teiL Dublin
folk, wLt. nie in tl.c It-.iHt c-internant wirb fit? matter,
know (kal lata eren! Bai o? cut at ant BH_MBt I _M_M
ii.i! I?- III tilt? I? ant M.iptir?i ! if. Millie I am vt i it tli^ Ibis
letter, 1 t-ua iliu'ild arrive that the DoliCB li-?1 Juit (juin
naklna .mets in all wans oribe city.
Hut a ii.tfior is current in s?>nie r?teles .?f society that
tie (?01. triinent .lo not meat to luke il..it mitr-e. Ills
wli.si.ered gloomily sud with many ?!I.I?II?KS of the
beti ibtt. it* l??i tears system of ira Malan only
?d' the Ketllau inoveiiK'tlt Sl,ii did not ?ill it., A
diiTtrn Di .; Iti in will DO* be ?ried on-to u li 'lu- ?v-t?'in
of allua in? it to conn* 01 I into the ti.-lil ami cn ?bins; it
Ikara, Tbej . . --''I. Iftal until tim
uiBtir.il weaknees ol I-f: 1..1.1 ui ia pr ? eo_?
Hut ?.ti, the Oueen'.? ii.,, p-, tlirv ;,, ? rr ?till ha'e ?lea??
li ti,,? i?.-11.?- raatvfra MrmeAei Dnitlin i-atie,
we msy ?nil hare ?ou?e nti-cit? sml ?-_hiln*xnm 01 point
1 vii,-..!; bit Mill tbe BKTfB-Mfil ?ill be pei-titted tatmmt
t" 1 ti -ml. .11,ii we ?hall Btv ?ou.u m?j ?elk in lb? slievts
ii" lil
Al ?ni ir.?e, the florernment ?re pitt iii?: rem?y for the
rbey 1 ? .. ' - I ) .'il'.n b.iracki
?lu ii|f''?> '?. '1 l'il'""i?f htlail?. Abo wall? ?nrn'iindini?
Iti-?-?.. ? limb li rrkiks are '? sned IU saaaj
iflacr-, ?'?1 pU-klM projtirtloBa, ??iii ___MBBM If-f?
lio'ne 1 "II.ina:..li! ?' ? |..i.ll. fvt.ii. -i ID? li Bil |t
t?ek imgii' I . . np?"..? tructed S.H.IIJI prcpa
f.t dsvttBBt are in jri.i.'?? tbl-Uf-Mt lit ft?*
mat? ktuaj s krirt D.mtrer ol u tu uow a-gag-d in
iur?gl_t?-lB| tbe old toi t nil .!';.?. ? ?I Aiiil?. .??. l.'aalle. '
ire ths ?tatetrienf? mnd.? ni (?ne nt rj 1 ils I- ?apei?,
?I 1. to on lo say that th.? [mll.e, bt-b M ?-t . . ?? - h :_w sn.l
; ,|n ? Braal, liar? re-ceired order? !.. y.y ,,".,, "?. ,| aiteti'toii
drill I ?liol.lil Add. ftH li.?- inl'oi 11.ati'in <>l Aineil
i say perform ia? ? ?iii)
balota ?IT ??r"i-'if. ?'f tl.c |.'ii'..e ?tep. Tbe li--b p? -
?en in- 1.. "ttni p(. IK e in ilie ?m id. They ?110*
:y l.i.tl?. arfjiedriilh the rifle At)- ???"'. -I InU'tni'i,
' sn.l prit? tu ?<1 in th?* 1 vi>liiii"iis "I rr*gnlar I ?Mip?
.1 I" r al flit?, ?? Im li any one
1?: ?|,v uto ?' ? fls?ii. Ile li ?!I ??'Ino tie
anneti tti.'l i.r,".n.i'i d 'n ti? fi?liinii. h?-i-in?., th.i Uritisli
1 ern ? 1? i?nt s tiiitii: ?"t ? ". .it.d baw use Utmti i?adl?af
,,,i,ir-\ a mun m inecbioaM Hale o4 IMMIS?
?'. ir.c,i,-.l .,nli|. lo liniiiisb up
.'?If 1.II' a figbt. I Ile \lel|l.|??llllBII 1'l'l.ie ill'! i'l
. I md iDatmcted erert day io the uta of the ?_l!_sa
.."her, end the ?oldiery too bara to do extrt duty.
. broagbl t" p ?i ' Iba Pbaanl
I i'?k -early erert day-, ind -.!? obliged :?? ia'?? RMg
nisi.'be? fin III Dublin A 111 ? . Ihe COVBtlJ, ami btwk ?gain.
I i,. 1 ., -in., -.t? tah?' tin? vX'-ri ]m? in tiru. I lie met t'Mik.
! ,i? Muli li I ??"I ? UllK ?J do, -..? ,'i?'l fleril. and ill ?("?fl
lum, in? 1 .iiiiitit ii.-lp ionbtlug -i? be toe ?tam
, patt, ?larfecl ia ibu ?? a?alI irmi_ Bntl ?eil pi?
, whether the le? .-- .1 the Head Ceatra, brara _B_
.ll III?'} II..I'. .1 .111'I ?.ilxliit
The news o!'fie t'.?ti,en Iriall m !'.- -t i?y
ii?, ,- en .it,.? gin -,ii ? t? iteu ?-II) bare
utera 1 opinion is Hint Iba l*a_a_-_ <."'. ernuien'
.1 .lili? 1.1 iit'.i. t'o* uit-:i V>I.,,III H hi? BB-laajeetlte
?oraai maa of (be whole l-.t ". theil primpara.
I , I li III?'?' n.'r.t IlirlilH-d tO do I ,1 ill?
|| me i to il.xtKa.lo
i 1 h> ni flroin the at', I ' I ii?- lee nix "I veu
tlll? Ii.?li ll".lil Wolllll
Ban '. *i?' i?"1 oui? m 'hi Aj?-i?, ui -tates, bail ia ItaMai
?i .1 Qraal ilntaiti.
ii." ii..; pe?. tbe relea? I Kenias pi notierasd l.rother
itii i-.?- if *iir BtepbeBa, bai tot nona lo Amatlet - .
He bli w!.*t"-i i le-'er lotbiD-Minpaperi
li'.iu .t SQbnri, ?it 'I . . ? poil 'hat h;i_
I i UK til?
og ? nn,.?r that be iitd ??iveii iiiloiniiitKin IO t M 1 .o?
; eminent. 11,,? iiiui'-r bu.l "ii'.tiii'.d wide poMieit| anti M
?bareol iradeooe. Itipn_(_p Inaiediatelj srter
, iii? .irirt??, it ?leii'.f'l new stieugth ti.mi his bav
I .nu* put m a plea at tu.Rj it the sp. ..'I L'on
, un MI ?m, whereby ne claimed Ibe ciernen ? al : leCwwa;
Bad I... :? ? ' 1.1 1' I' ire. I.f! -r." bail'.?I ii . li -ini-iiii
I ine n i bad ? ipirad, au bul i-'.ii.r.lil Boa.r, be doole*
the rl.iMfo ?tior:glr, ami ia so (Jailg ia icii-i. eooaaft to
, fling .ii other pe..|ile ? head tl.e iv.mie ol .* lia im ' wlueh
| bo ?innot bo >|uile I ie i lit' hi? hu? e, tirclv it?p'"lled tioin
1 lniiiit-lf. An iU-?30 ?i'ic'.'d |.ro, - . ly, for if Mr,
Hopper bia ?nt1.-r?d WT?. -Inllv ' .- "ii on bil
. ban.li, t ti.. * th i i Bah I to luaki? lum si. Ibi nore earefU]
| hfviv bo .'?-ail? lb? i 1. .! i? tel ni ill004 n.i-n * ." in.iv lie
I 'illili It JllllOOaBt li I.?) ? i _ v 111 st lu he. '/he !ep"|-l ol' Ml-.
i Ile. r.e lli'l']"'! I '? in itad ia it
?li?take. A M II ..II h'?i- .1 Mr. Stetihi'ii?,
: did ricn'lt i/iilhe -, it W11 not 0? hi?t.l '
j pilsotiei, bol hi? hld'? ? i .'
I .ilkina ?'I Kti-nin pi lonen, there i.'t'iiii a >. rv fair
prasMK t thai LbO CODtirUOBS ohtsiiii'il si tbeSprt'.'! I'oin
i m Dec. n ber li t will oe qnaabod on . pooii "'
I..-1. A? .'.o ii ol ihoJoriM | '-?i.pmie'.."?!, tin* '!<*
ii-nse ohje? ''?I i" the reti'fiii.ii OB Uiein ni a ti.an or men
?L.-e eli ceded M, but ll.c objBotiO- ?..'. ii tttb ?a??
, -, ,rule.I hi the |iid?.'is. Now s writ "I ertor b.i? benn
ifini t., trr ibe rslfdii* of thal objotrl on I) I icertalti (bal
! in Hie i.-.ii lMt*4 the ?.nue p,..nt n "v ii, ? .1 "ii 'lie tnal of
, and that tile .let l.i.?li IftOB ?it? 'i1" 04-al
' ?;n. ii tin? ruin.! in 1848 wini i,;-ht, Ibal in 18-3 araal
- i? wrong I'loteetliiics m this i?i..i t.*r ton-? sln'J'lv bon
n.lnlll. In c1 m I bl l i.-.rt Ol ''lit'?"!,'? li'li. h lad ..' i .turi'
law- I.-eil minie |o | nul ne? iu t-tiirl
ti,.- ...nu.-' D'-ti.s Dowling Mulcahy, la eattet
lina wi'b wh"?c en*"' tbe qu?*atioB ii to bo argued. A
.,:?n nitv ?iii'-i"iii r?f?rence lo bia piodnclioo. De
.-,11,1th? "ti.? i Kciii-ll '.-. 'lilli ts i'l? ...nl.'.i in ' ne ?.f lim
_ji.'!?b priaoni, and a writ of Hakeu ('"r,"? '--;"i bj
the Iritb jBtlgw?oBB ti"t run In that eooair**. al Ibo
I t '..iiiiniKaton tho tame liifflculty pre?ciii"?l IIOOM
dm Hil Ibl ti al ol lum li? J. ftu'kh-Ui. His ?ouiliel
deemed it ii ?'.?.?tiny t.? eall u ? witneM In bli babtM ?ne
, ol iho prisoner! wlio had be.-ti o?.nu. t.'l . ht ?luis pi?:
i tiii.it*. Um luniuiuiif he hull been taken oil lo lvnton
i ii!?. OBI i< ? priK-'fi.Kii^lriLil.uu.l the |odgei ? !.ridentl"
wart boat on making snort work of ti.- e__w-i
,il] no1 have him prodoetij, u- lOftlr aril ?otiU BO!
ri'.n in I' ?' ! I : publie
?i iib leeliii.? "I indignation. Hut on the prroeBl ""'< ?sion
I ihe j'l.iee? ari ibo it ... rj )wn I '' t ?'???. Id h.tve
i ?will
,,,i, ,.f.i. It ?i? aid i
',..,! n I,-, Ibi Irich oi r. ? ,.--i i-, i: i to 1
m '!. -[.titeii or ?":. , , .. . ,: : n i . lb? ?
- .1 thelll
.. ami ti.,?.,! !..,,,un? ?"y M oaDTiBg III no
. ..ri.ii'l.iiiot quite sal_r?i iu
tufb . ' '
.i-.lii ' 'i IK .. * :;
pii.on-uni ??
? i
j?, ittmnkl ?.'_. s -.- ? ? .?.- ? .-! -. . ? ?otrnM ei-,\e i
was irpne.l al tl.e ?.ot_ni.-t.on, and we were ol'?j n.,or thru wo
bad no anthiir.tr.
Mr. Ol.oughlen-The .inertion wat not fully argued. Yonr
lord?hip wai of opinion that the proper oin?? w-mlrl t?. to
apply for a ??rit lu Kngland . but '.bon thor? wai the _._?-If
thal the writ ??f !be Court of y.een. Bench la Ftia-lnmi
not nile In Iwlaa
An odd state of affaire truly, eonaiilering Ibe re'ditor,?
in which the two eountriis are ? .j>p??j?o,l to in?m1. Ho?
oTcr, the difficulty is about to be surmonnu-d nae-pa.
and Doma Dowling Mulcahy ia ihortly t?> MOfpOH in Ibe
dod of a Dublin court-looking, m> doubt, a vciy ?liileioi.t
man from wliat be waa when ???en lhere twelve iimnllis
ago. Probably we shall bardi v be able lo monte- m ?Be
close-shaven, wcather-lioateji pioneer, in coin id uniform.
tbe Keman __._I we saw there last y?-r, en ct KB. bo 'i
In bis deportment, weiring a largo, bushy red beare, MM
well and tastefully drcim-d in civilian's ilothiug.
The groat qticelion is, what ? 111 be the re?ult of lbs
legal irgument I I am aware that among cmineut law?
yer? the chancea are regarded ni bein, in the prisoner*!
favor. The de? islon in his case w11] april?- to several of
the othcre. If their oin. ictioni be qua?.?*!, it will lie open
lo tie Crown to try them again ; but they wil! hardly take
that course. It ii moro likely that the men would be re?
lou?! nil condition of exjaatnating tbenisclrei forilimili. ,
No it ii quit, possible tlmt the American Keuiana may ere
toait be abln to make tb? Mqunintaiice of O?e-ary, Luby,
Kt-bham, Rosea, and othcra of the convicted ??tiiota of
December, 1S?5.
Hot who can depend on legal opinions I Is not " the
glorious uncertainty of the/law" pintie- into a proverb!
Here is a (tie in point. Some weekaago the opponents of
the ehasgoa made, or attempted to be made, hy __? lota
fjovcrnnieut in the lystem of the Qoeou i I'uivers.tv iu
Ireland, tubniitU- to three or four of the most ?-minent
la.vora the ?iiieation whether tia Semite of the t niversity
could legally accept and act upon the supplemental charter
niiie?l to that lnatilution. The opinion given in replv wita
decidedly in the negative. Now the friend? of the c1,-tar
have sutiinittexl the same question io eouit- cher eminent
lawyer??- iho Atiorn.y Otmerul ?nd Solicitor General of
the late lioveniment-and bave rece?id a reply just a*
decidedly in the affirmative Here ia wbui they ian
W'e are of opinion that the Senate o! the Que?- ? t'mieitii r
have i>ower to aic<?pt the hupplomentnl Charleroi i?iati, and
their a?'?? ; '?.in ? ?>! it i-nialitntea a ? allai let and we t Muk that
m? court ol law or equity ?au learnllr tet it aside. We Initiier
think that ?leg-n-ia granted under the authority ot the _S)Bf
tin-ntnl l htrtei a 1,1 tune all the NOM i*onteiii|?liiled 1?? ihal
? l.i.rter. ,I*M1?1 \ LaWBOI.
Kin? Alt!. M unil.
(me thing this difference of opinion among Ibe Viral
gentlemen ?'usurea, that is, H very handsome eerie?, ot |,r??
? ee.linge m the law ?.ourts-in other word?, the Helling of
a very nice sum of money by " the profession."
Allow me to introduce'tt) yon the opinion of "iir Iri*r?
landlord, on how to make Ireland happy. V?,u ?uli ugt
oi|iei t them to be very Immune or enlightened, for tlie bail
reputation ?>t lbe_e_oa ot men is known to ihe ?thole
wiuld, yet, I think you would hardly expect it to lie ?,uy
thiug BO atrocious as the tollu.mg, which ihe oomi. of
largs estates in thii nen/l.bnrhood published in 000 of 0-!
newspaper? a few days ?go
Nut? t ?lot'l.ip the rea??.rees of Intel ind to In fag her
to the In "I tbsstbst eotn[K>nent parts ??f tin- eini.ir.- -
I ir?t-li ? OOragB thl cnii;."r?.tl'iaof th? nitii? ti nmi!ftnner.
Ma_t-tietova a rompel?-l number of ?"eil r-t-iaamonileii
Kaghsh funnel? ?rd ti it h theiii a numtier Of in"n i f b ..?ino?? i?
?K? tit? , und then, tis a rulo gire lootot.
Wo ?h.iuhl then ?'?? the .?.nirry tnlly stocked, ern! amule
inenn? ni mittilllB| Wmttx, Otmt r ? nulli' li pl.it??? fvpliti? tt",n\
fsiih take the pin?.-.? ?r ?J'-ioit, and the Alnrljhty ;_l?f_l be ei
|ie. te.1 to YatOt tie lui,.1
Thia | l?n would come very near latin'iin/ the gentle?
man ? IK? though! the only cure for the ti m M Ireland was
a dip lor'.'I liount under the Atlantic, andu i.as UK? a_?
vantai:?' ot bail a litr inore pre? Heal. As ?."?.litter 01
mauy Irish laudlorda ?re, sud have long Von, tiding in
the ina'unor here iketched out, though Ihey ne not to
imprudent us to declare it m the iiew??i>apers. Hut. the
writer of the letter Irom which I have trifceu the fuicgoing
ei I ric! ipeikl out his mimi. He ii the wealthy, t-riatic,
lyraniiical, and " every way unaniiabl.? Sir Charles ('.mill?
ion Donni?o. (Inly mttj ? bat it is to have in the hanoi
Of su? li a man the trcuieniiotu power MM MO be wie.'de?!
by an Irish landlord!
.Mr. liligi?! in bil -pee?3b nt the Hrtittrula kOBMOi made
abiiei Inita very damaging allusion to the political roD
dun ni Mi. Jotiii 1'") o Baeaesey, who WHS then and ia
?till a <?miniate loi th? n-pre?v ntation nt the Co-Otj
Weifor.l. Mr. Henuensy in a tatnut sjx.tch hai conti?)
vrrte?! e??ine <>f Mr. Ilrigbi'a aKegiition?, ami, by wa? ?>f
sinking as well as parry in?:, lura ?uni anumbei ni bit tul
tilings about that gentleman. Among other aw>eii,o_i
. oi.--. ining him, he puts fur??rdthe following
]|>< ii a iront nutni?fa? turor, nuJ li? employ? ? hat 1.? ?ell? a
p.M-.l i,muy hit,.I? hut not nun,j Inala, I M loiemrtu, ii i? entt ti
-ter .ii.lteol? I'.riirht ?ud Co. . of! not oi.iuuia_? the
li. ?I, ..tit nt all otout-i he eru|?loyi a ulfe l???_il)?. ol lil, lulu
bfii.j???-mrri. ?nu.cn and eh.'-reii.
*1 his ?tatement has brought out a .eply from Mr. Kobert
Milli, iiiiiiiB'.'or to Mngbt ?V Cn., in ?'Inch hu lava:
l >,.- pabttl ??ill |_dg? nflbo truth of tim ?Inn I iu!??ni, *"'i
thii matt thon ..,.? /..{/ ?.*. IbS ?turk p??>iile eiuplnveil .m tl.i.e
titi i-i," piomiitei, ire -ri?h nu n il.?l lri'h IMM lu lae!.
the lu in lui? la.iiir been ?otol in lli^hi'nlo for i?apl?>t ii
iinini??.? oi Ima. As l*i the part peiaonal to my ??li 1 hutt*
.ml, In ?ay fl.itt I nae.-rin any ?Ingle icstaneo rrfuied eiujiloe
in I,?ii.ee! audre?r???uliio perions brcanae they wore Irltb.
I'??? -, .fill?utand it-li/ioi. noter ha?! i-uBilitiont willi lalx.r hore.
1 Inn? fuel. are liialily credilable lo Bright ?? I'o. ; und
.Mr. Henne.ay has ?lauiaajeaj hiineeif torr greatly liv Ins
groas iui??lata_ienl rogarding them.
\ au I..,ml.,? .-tn-ieij'ondeut wiJJ inform you of the ???jj
ni!i> ant ieler?_i? ??tu tin? Aliibam* claims, uiade b.? Lord
I). 11.? . li-t iii-;li??, at tue Kurd Mavor s bnilijut-L It em
yu . ns ] ?ni liar <. bul to ??nd ni your lull III order t" gt-ta
tavorable ?otll'-ii.fnt o! it. lion I lou ihiuk the KsniM
une?! on ha? hail ??iniethin? 0? d?> >?)t!i hniigiucHtr \la
)esty'a IJovotncient into this couoliatcry Irani?- a. iniod I
i ?. Mwiaooen, too, are fn*t iwiinao IOOOI :.? tbe
Nortbein ti?'?? of Am?-iic<iu question.-?, jreeprofrii
fimmla.batiniiof lo niliOTI that the tumlut ?,t
< in' ?.un?a), dumig '?lie imil ?m<-, VIM a tteii.cii.i.Ml BIB?
i ???>. !/'<>? st the followi.g paragiaph w Lie li 1 have cut
hum 'li'eilay's ismi? ?if a I.nerjiool paper:
New impel pasfk ?re aculn t?llkiu< of lbs ctuitlilinn of af
fa .i ? ti ? ros tmtmtmtm ?tul n i? agalarroMdlj ?>-"i i?',i ii'nt
Mr l??-liii?>? |M?eitii.!i li t.-rv IUBSlilaSal Mi W.ill' n ??
?II";.-?HI, kag K"'1?' t?'?\ni.ri.B? nJm?ia,t i at nely I,. BBBBtt-la toe
lillie?-!! h??'.? matten i?,ally stand t'.? te. and ho? fin Ile
"in ?'M.tident!? .Ii.l iuaxioe to the fuels in their
?annf lU-_r. Wh.it _ii ?truck Mr Willi"
? tho ?sr Ike Titnti l.iiil viHtinliy t?.. ?-nilli? ni
.nul n<? N'orthern corr???pon<lont I t ??.?. >t|,t a
. <>i .a-.j. <i.|a-i ' la N.'tt V'.irk ?I,el,k1 lan panWtlM IbS BBBeO '
al ii .? BBS l-iii?; writ ti n Hum Kit liiiiinal i.m ili.l kB
?taai! wOy tk? MinlbaiB eaasBaras n..t . >. |>i.-.?. ?,,, ?l a: K11 in
PA* ft its* It Mi Waltar retenu ?nil |MH??.???I r- ,
.-.-?, ., t ? IB Will BfWbaOlj Lr.r,- ? '
in.? in the ?tory o:''the ant?ely ?i? the
IMili f mniftyh io Mears bia?! st say pris?? ?-mie ?.??. tar*
lal Ml li.-lnii. I II- ?ii I ii lia--? ?i the !?.-., j i.'i'i :, ',,:? uf
it., t ? . Atti the great ei one. It li
.. tl.utl.o Will ?one Tkt ttmm\ mt Mi W
likslj 'en-. ' ?" irai lu can, ?m i/ieati" in,(??i'i,.ii'i and
I mu .bovs roi ii?- ? Ulai .iii.ii. li.ui i
-. you ki,i,? .? \ ieci ' ? laroi
ile , na?-net Ion ..i it.
vtim-'i ti'-i" II :."t i? . ? nt iboegba
'I'hs lollowiug paragraph alao from !he ?Cur joiu:..i
prove Intel? Ol If
i\.- .?,. indsbtsd for the bQowiag -toraattoa t?>
"..II .'iiii.i-ii Di?radi ?ill Mtoiiiih t_o itorkl in bli BadfOl
I?, |.i'.p?-.i?|. to utaiiuie uli i: of tin? illilwa??
?nt. ..I? to lbs Liildere t?to pi-i ? ii-iit lett than tlie IM,!H
?lo? ^?| . thr iiiilioiiul ?!? bt I?. I* i, dialed !-ti usi.iS1?J
bj ile i utu ??.iiiii -thing ?im.ljr i? in couiio af arraamaMBI
-..i '?.- -:. . . ii; h II.., ? 11.--uUne Mihi.-? t ??a? referred toss
foikiwi ?-.....ni.?i in The T,me*'* City Arti? 1? ? II ii reported
-, t | '? uiid.'r the f??tiMcl-ruf i.-ii .?I the
CliMt, eli.ii ?>i I' - I . foi , ! " ? b Bl . ?M.-iii
rallwan of 11?.? t'..it?.l Kingdom oaa bun ol ;.<.!!"? t
?0.-U-.i?. jti.l nt ti.? ?nxe time provldlB| m?' Billy tot t!.?'
I extinction i-f these ln'.'liii?-? hut a-oil
I?! -i? in b'i i ?|'li< ?M?- '" li ?? reduction of thl i
The quetfioui of ' liitualami," "TraoU_-oUm" ,?_d
?' r.i??'? ir>m," wliicli ?re csutiug so ink ooauaotitMi
? Ulong'I. nul ?iU ? hui'1 binei, I.au: Intel.? begtl t.? cn.le
.?orne agitation on this aide of the water. MO-I ?coks ufo
it ii,.?!,d it.-ul of itistiirbsnce look plaos iu a couple ,,{ the
Protestan! chnrebea in lb- city,iut<? ?inch _ itrge uum
li.i ,,| pt i?i.iisu"! lieli.nging to their usual coiigicgiitnins
li ni . i lue l"i the |iUi|io?e ot huotiug and ?itlieiwieo intei
? it, vboee in.u.er ?ii ijji'iug I brough the
, lavorad I?H? moob, thor Iboncbt, ol Soo lab
praciit'ss. iu ni.o CUM? Um n_-ona _M to vieid to tin?
wi-l.o- of Iii? i" pi rnoii?, aud promOe lo ?.-ive up the prac?
.__? ..I ?nilli t li.-v ?liini'i'ruKd. 'Ihal ?lilliculty
li!."? mer. I't'.t of e??iirse all ?la.?.-or ?lid no! Iben
MM away. _ ln;?ie iiiniibu "f caiuest Protsetasii
?.?,,. dinm.M,ed witii tbe ArobbUbop Iii rtencb
?nr lot reatralnlM tbe effondloo Meigymeo, .ni<i the
word lui" .-'(.ne out th.it 11 i? hi_-M-r, a. Iieiirt, a lb_ti
?'tist-yit?? it i? nut ancommon oeiw e too Ibe w,,n!?
i - 'i tbe _ngliab l-seyito*" written with ciutik ii
large leti?'ia "ti jooto ood walli lo Teneos perm at tin?
llio fe.-Ung ?.riiHiit him baa n sei to t lint ?ni? li
tbatbo now ?itiiiiiis a rbii.ro nf b?*nig ni?tii)e?i bunMir,
limm.?! tho j rotent week a baodbilt, wordld a? -Howe,
bai been targeli rircolatedIa st. Mai--Puah
l'ni"?v I'm i? ?UM? '-'l'hs Tu??, toi i ?a Atcbblabop
nr? ?'h'-? in .?.!. Viiili CLiiit-h on Sia,?lay Baal lbs Uti. >?f
Sn?. IIlln-1. ;.-t,i, M..'?? ?, ..ii It, llf'tlll Ot Hill- iH'MUBful I.. .
. ,;,?;'lii the praysrs ami u- pin i ?
(liseiiuuiiil ot A ??' ?it i.i ni -li. ?UM ' ?'ill_iiawiii(f
in h it Iii? tiriu ? ? a i nun.''
lu te?ori??iio tlnreto, olio of OtI moijiiiiji jo :nali lit
the loliovung threat:
i l'unie
wo I ii aro tory -. vere, and ive huve rcii??!i i>? bene?? ?I.??, m
i , ' oi d order they ?ill bo l ft) ? ''d. '
'Iruublu u ?11 MOM out ol l!n? bOOU-M M bot ntw, U?
fottloAg, ,
I'. 9. I Litre ian heard on ^?tnl outbonti ?t tho
lu ,, l'-:l.',iu-l!.Pliii|,s-<T a Iir..: iiiim'ii-r ni -
iwateIbet. I't-ii'iuti'natv out-reok ii li????
id t.? have a?l?lri??e/i on lb-I .-bjeot 'i'!-r:e.|
ni iii their ?liurche? lad Obipebl ?u UHMrow
ire, k, Sunday, NOT. 17, -Oiat-f l-Mei ?Inks
i ' I
-t f r:h Hie bl n '? ii -i.?
?> uliy whtii Mi< ii -
, ,.' let] I?.0 c?-l.letiipl.it. I
?nillTOIlUllO iu Ire! i
that, ni'iiit ,i . oft! e
rebellious movement ?u
: dei i IV-? it ? .
i.lui, willi ? .
. ? onld be lakso agaiu i iben
li) tbe ('uti; 'i .? -BIM wl -
a ? nant, in,-I tlieypr? I
Mr. Mi -,
.. : mu ni at ' :?, , al mt, rfeii li e ? ould li t i
- . - _-?. . ?_. . ._.._ mi ma. Oktal um It? .?
fSP?_l-I OF BEN'JAMI*. Y. hl.'II.r.K.
50V. 24, I86C
Maj.-Gen. Bim. F. BCTLBR le, l u?-?J before r. i?.?r
!?rgtaiidinlellir;."iit iiudieneeat the lit.'. ?I?i. ?... en ? ii M..?:t
em Xtlwdaj ?i?Kht. Ill? lecture oe?-U)'ri?'i tui? ! I -'.ra li. i(?e?l.v.
ery, sod wsi Maori to throogbimt witt I??- . lo?*?t Ittaj
not the tllghtt?et lucidon! occurring io iuiiu?iile ?my of?--?
to the(listinguiihed inatoron the st.l)?*?f he ?as dine, ii ? tr?
un the contrary, Outre wat more ib- i rdtaotrj eittbt-invt??- ?*.???
.fested, and tbo?e who apprtheniirii IIOJM? mtutt kittf .<.?
agietably dlsappouited. (jeu. Kulki BJ .1
>?ia LADIIB, GRNTLFME? OF Ha?? KIIS ?til etj?*) um is
.?rioivemraent Republican Inform fc?t< Bitber-i bru? 'nil ma.
W beth? conducted by the polUbed i.t.t.if ...I Atliet ta; t??
rugged, austere Spartan, tho warll?- salera idiig, L'it I*IM
?loos, Roman of indent days' or, in Um ??.???at -MB-. ? ?
the mercurial, but philosophical. Fren.'tisrtr ?..mh pp???. t?*a
tiO'lileSB of K*- ?ofi und theor /.utr a li.?pia or iij ile s ?i
hah*ed. aeroi barbar-ona Hayden Ja? einerg tf t-om ?be ??.t.
i???of age? into the light of I'liinraiioi -tatt aun all h.nebevn
merged iii daBpotiitn, or eaded in inarv-lu i?iai? red vr.iri tv?'? . ?
ra?-. True the free Bw-tteeret-< i?;.' t? ait mow . row.?e4l Al)??
by elfirfed ruler?, but his government 1 o??-? it? |?>wer BOS BB >?.
?trength bnl in Ita in?lguTfJianc?\ ?ii.- raibet ??* ?fttt an IP??
tration tbaa a contiaventiou of flin irM ?i timk, Hltntrv ia all
ages hut reieatcd herself, whee the i_. n. iton? yiider wbuk Um
eiliibita tbe a-alla of man are the lame a? ?tell m acts ft Mm
?I..ni. ht-rt?ugea ia Ulla fact tu le? An. UMBU |??t)i"t wlt/1
ira...i,ni|r _ prion tpnti the future ol hi? eminti-v n,? ?bei.ity 1
i'iv?t iliS-totloas. deni nig the t ap.it . al a . w i
ment, have never failed to putt ii _aa? Wu rbeoaier ?io
M-tir, stability ordiirabilit) of dliif" n t (nun. ,,( goi..,.,.? tel
are tas t-pie air dlscuisliiii t.'r propb? ? ). ;*-1 u,d'*?*?! W?_H ha
the foreljodiiig? of the A merl' nu ti. iti-ttBB it* the futtii? ?I ?tw
<.oiii.tr*,-nay. of the very ei.itcn..? .,f lil?:'? irt.-lt it t?
win Id -if be could Und an tit i ?i-i.iict en? -r
?Li. I to take thit ?mr lut am: ao Air (?ral eip?
of free government from the inv??-?i '.. IB
. .-.'Dil fal?) io the light of philutopn tofft i la-i'lr.
It wen Id also seem to be hu higbc?i ? I My lakiag wanifesj 'i?*?**?
the etory of the jxiit, to to abai? .te ?mi M ?t? .<
?;o<a?rnmeiit-1 ?etion a? to si old tit tott??- tato wfttab aft tth* t
r"* government? have been dm?? t ? -
grining of Ibeir end ' bat been st uni."ii.i s. )! it* dr?
lia? l>e?n aal rat sai Tbei_niehartir',.ri ?W? haraldol ti?'- -???Hi
-Jl of each, at 4tnce the pn'cunun 4 dull. -i.?
usurpation of Kxecutire power, ti...- aerie? f el (he i???jp?? io
' ret?n the earlier encroachment. uj??n theil ruell? and iil.tr,.?>-.
How t?) meet the??* dinger* to oin I.fpnl.ii? will not it .
ably employ an irveiniig . thounv Noaa I the
i i.pacitv of tbe few to guinn .-I Yu- muna
slty of the -any to bo foti ?ml Ike superiority ?I ft
-onarehii-1 orer an elective n y:- ?< i fetive-lori rammt, ha??
never censed to tell as that 'UBI l>. n.? .-ia. ? Lid not 'J'!
-i-inett of (turpoae or sdbcaiou. MI!,?.:, la ?... -It Bl to ?e-i?
ona lona; or deraataling war. Wa ??Me ??.vwHvtti that bp
raising larger annie? lu leal ?mt iban aar otter uaina ?t
which thara is aron a fa bli- noard. ?Ve hare mci.
. arrled ona war more lernhle. iinvre?-.t?.i)h'.?. MlVoUaoB] i
Ir? del-ill. and mur? irupottniit in MagN-l i?-? tit?, tkati a> f
war ever waged. And i.1.. to?> atrirlltrar v? lieb all I in?' t
*howi to be mure ti.? nu IO the ?'?Uli') ?_ a gW?rt___?tBl 'ii.?
foreiga invasion eribrelgo hp.'ii?f''ni A pun, we tri I
'bat a gotrnimc-t bu?nl ?f.lnl.i aa tri? ?iii of the po*f*J
could nelcr enjo) the eooftjanua of ?eaitti ?ni
?apttal to ni to batlow 1 trge an te,its of in"n. y on ? Jtrlif?-?.
)?x_u. To this ?gi in wi inawert.' txroaaimaot
nioiiA-y, by huiid.,-d? ?f nt|ii!i?!i!< nut! ia has tin,, laftal a l*?'et
rate of inTettmei t than ?l?l eter all the I ?i sa KiiK'?*??.* .
and I'riui'ipal.ii ? if Europe put togeiber. Aye aao ?WfBaaiaB I
and nobler, iilieii'be lilil? i h.iB |?if wr brg-.a paytag Obal j
we borrowed. ,irlnei( .1 ?i ,1 utiir.t ?ml they inir"'1.
. AptlativJ Agwu ii ha? Neu ??A.I tlutt fb? t n.w*t!r.f tttl ? t ]
it.? .i el_?*ieucr ol'a i-eitrcsentatlve govern in. nt wonj?! ...i.?
wbeu ti.? . c_n?d ijivon to t..!..-to *?ii\ '_ci_??l?'? i j
pay a largely fietATmnli ?vi National debt 11-tDneotnwd I
wa? but auotr?.- n ivne ii ieyadi??.ii_4- NVri.plj mat til I?-) ,
hour we are.''e *i,r?' ni |. ?t tantd pi..,i'!e ?,i. I..e In.? . I i> . ,
g't'Atr. [ABp;UL??j. Io .?deca? eos .**. .?<n HI I ,iib ?c?????!- I
fully pay lo '' I v.i wf our in?? ciionw. froia . r
subit?nea, d.it'ie and treble obai did 'h'' Jirlitw* j
leith for i ? government au?*, r,'ll?:ion, and e>oMo .
and treble ?til that uni tyrant, try ?thal? ?.) i, >?ue. hkt 'tn:
wrung by oi?i?:v?-!i?ii ?'DU'the gra?*B."faci ' ' *' 1
?.ven nowejorir ?-fti-r in o?r e?r? the i? K,,|fr t.?ttr?ef tit . ?. ? |
?hootief n.ll! "lirol )i'ehlient li? t-rtt.-ii otu thaj toil)' ; .?.? j
joiitiet of iAt.lf.ts mu ii to . . r. ' uputi be t?iy ln.i-.iios
of our G'irer?'iieri? our national ?I?'.' to Um ? ....?.I
may nefer I* Impalit-d t' ? .li ii inn-r tuk? ide l i?t .:>. ?v . ??..I
the Utt loaf ? f hii-.'l to i. .li.... ii opajl-Ba-,1 A-ttthar mai
grea'er dang, r to ...- - , ?.| w),. ? i. ?t,
war enaVd. (Jar lietel-?a ana ? ....-,t.-r tU:in tfce fe?? I
h?>?tt of XejX't, flu.intt w un -, - - ?.,i,|. !? ..j.,,. i
together ?nd enden red to Orb ?.? ? tfa-lMOi Ile
blvouao si.?l ti i-;? ni? ot I it.i i- '. ti ?ne* Urti.
eitemeut HU?! iba s-tueinents?d . oepaad 'il,-?.s
in love with .i i'r-)fe.o t.: m i! .omn Avi*?tiii>.B.
wherein lauri-U wi .? to be won, iii-* _ lioa sad high p?>? ?a
attaint?!, In .h, and ?a-b, Bpunii-g the t__tt .'tit? ??! paaeo,
unwilling to ietiirn to Iba BB-BBtaarj al even ? r
life, ruider Ibe lead ?.! ao-ia '?"Id bad maa i st MU--I M I st .
serupolous ?-Iii ur. Woald, like li..- Umiun !..'nu.? I? . ? - .
the Uoreinieii' make ti? ir 0-uerml , _ ?t ton . ? y
the swoiii. ?ti the coatrarr, ti.? MI inbiri hum mriti.l a??f
. like th? ..?,.,..
mg m th? I ' * ? . "
good tokli. r, bringing h__? t-t <J^?-ritaM________L' *.**
.'il.ttlnnt'--il>?1WB0BarIBolaw. .> ..,,,.,
divdi of r__tj"?i . ..i--.o i" !. ?. i,
?Ireaded ao dBogeftiaa t? the Iib? Ile? at the |? orb
a? the rit;) '. .) - *
wlleh be fitit |.r?????rvei| in war. (Arjaaaawi , '1 lu* I ?? i ? .?
nrril? au fata! either In deuil or in tl.t ngu-< ?re?? to??, B.I>> ?
Hrpiiblic.?, hnv? got onl I In -..!"i? MBtlBs.n,,t
hat ?mu).?. *"l them aitb m .tun ead gvtaa-War,
purged frr a...... ii t'e in?' . .it., ?t.f
? 'ocstitut "i. ?:? liberty ead etjnaliiytil i t roaiaeo '. r
h?r n.itt?. - ? i f?H,,?)?.. ?
as the g , ' t?d ? . ?i i >?
.lathed it it the f e of tbe I - r I . [ApfBBne>.|
What eltmenta.thri has this. " ? .>? ii--r_ ? ?ii. . ?
rhnt ?be : . li -.. !l . .., - . n
S kui li, .. end IA ( n'.f a. /..fti.-(.r.?,, .(" ?, ,..'_t?.'., ?.....
br/ire Meta te a kel t AMdaaaa |
Too ului'ri pevple .lil I eayl ->t. weald it had Bees ..
Thertin [let I It wat I ?'? ' ?js fanit ?"I
gneiouilv bare .?t an?wrn?lit Oro aaarij .- .? ball ?. ? >
t> nitory 1 r:.'..'..:.??.,? .?it? - , 4 >,| ?..,?.| . ?I
p<)wcr?. ti ? .?.?a
. tlon free rv I inirn.nn to ulh la ?.lui, ti? peuple coul.l ?.
Itrncted In their dot) to ?h. vr t? l.i.v :i.?i, i :... t ti? .r .??..?' ?.
ami the 1
u-.i'l the 1'.... " 1 Iruiwi'' n. - ?:.!? ' -?.??.i wr'i.i.i ...
?i?l?, to .. ..-?. a majority ?'f t .? peopla the imbi -I
the gc?|'. hidden or ?c.., ?-.,.. ?:,d ?-irJB^e,
the ue?t h? ? 4 lit satW-eui! ?' 'le* ?. r
ft t.dation of ?.- .-?i? oteo aa a e?ril _ mf-mi la
.tin..uv.i then last 11 Blairs w__ pxapb li,u" ? .-.?
ignorance with gotenuatau rrpabUf-ai
aa limiti" ia ?rbtch, dtrneioM-"g the pettjiBi ni the ?.
und I'.itB-ri n-, dowalaH br.niv.! ?. l-l
|ui:?i.t go.' :?:,.. ii I? u.oral and |??l.!!???_ ..Itliiralioio, .?,
?l.'iiild bru A ?... -i. ni nil li?e "t l">iii!. ?m. |? (rim.?if. ?I.
hold mea to eouat I aad gorcrBineui to IPI the eip-inn. .f
m . ? , Bald baie i?f .
p.'. ?M1 r. . .
pie I 'it ?i - * ?I o
uti?? <,f- ibe salsan sad a? BBBIS eat-Iraiiim ??
(bo wicb? on ol lit? pine?? mil i ?it pat '
.? t.. ni.] ?iii.-' : wa Bot t i I?! thanat.I la tbe -b_ig-t) ?' .
of OTO--I ??? ' 'i.t4j; li ?'I u !> !? .??;.?.. tutu.ng?
mid tin,- ?otth la i..l'tu) the eeoalrj v
mu? th? gall i perditieo, to aae lum? uf vbtrb
i_i.ee, tin m:. ?.i-i? bid hroBal't it? Now that ?...
rtaialaoatlotbalawabaaaaaa-I in tb.t tenuory wla?
sa?T?1 and tbt - i"i I ahne, baaoooqajlred-bow abaU UM |i?
ile thereof it "i - ii? ' v I.? ih? nirelt. . nn.i io fie whol. c4
M brought to '-'/ii t:.e bbssina*! <?! n??' I'irliiulloii? . .
"|U_lity of li?*hl itjnl jtivlce to all J II ?* proOlem to laH ".
inonxntoii?. ? ' ? '?1 . mi ?I..1.V I.- solved bj '!.e whs--i?I ra
1 ?unce learr.i'i?-fr??"-Ih.-, ii-'I? . f ti.-' i ??? ' I'oliti?'._ .? >.
ilieutl adj!-t. i^ o.d"i)?ae? ,< r.m.r . ci i. i.":on? !, . . I
ititutioii. ot iioieinuit nt Pi tw UBI its inveiiiUitf paUcie??! .
i oii.truiMlna, i os w s
of reiTgniii- 1 oi 1 ?orgaiiiied (Hal ? . ?i i. t lompa?? it. rtw It
mid ?di. all UM _4rr-ee of Sinti' ?LUT ?ill f:nl _. itnv ti tray t,
..ii? 1er like CM ?.M II... ! -ne f?tle<l ?en the new b"?ot,, ?'? ,
reraalfraodo- bas mt and Bill not sfvcompllsh it. Pni .
impartial tn?rnstt al i'*d to uait'-rsiil i *n. .ance will oalj nl.i io
the 'lunge.-, g:ii:i?'to the ma?.?*? lh? rlub .! Hete*-to li uti
?..?.ledi? bl . itrengtb of fie blind .*-n??on, aftei .? . 1
been aila prieea-beeae oi the Phill i,... ?.
I ?iiennl educaiio!!, tb?) eotnmou ?. hi? I .-.?I
tie , horch [apphi-se] srn Ibu 04*-] i'.t-. ? uin?n ?bleb ? ..
.-outli Kin I?- ?itelv ev.il pertnincrtly reoonatnK't??: . A [?.
i I - .-?. 1 Lett . MO-al ::.tn?tf ?,: .?e i,i" I? r >t cry han f I tod
i-recinot, free to ,11 Mack out white ultke |t lieer?], a?..?;? . .
i B hie-lu?r? aprrn ill. ' ? ?ti'he Ii,\ttl ti!.il .!,?lovnl, bo'.t t'.I ?i 1
broadcast Uko th? -twt el* b-irt- oa Iba Jual a?a aja.??! i.?
.butch will I'll'tv Ibe mli.H'l as a i.ri'-.ing mother ...ni I.?
??fedsofr. otfBlion tt.?"iv "roi.i.ih wbere .??-i.,._\
hits upt. i? Iga . ......
!?>'t a?)--eg bl .'ti.?, i li i . ?
.ti? Uirjpol iry . \iv.i .-nts which v ill lill, and fort
?* for thtc.tn ?fr .t'ti'.i'v ,'.,. ii,?t f ;l in mu. I T and h."??l L m
.i one is tafe i: I etttwaL Let ni i.ol l-e told that '., > ? IKi
l? .?er given : y , Uooa?rt-Uoa lo C'oaa I sea t.. .. . . .M
ptOfloof tf?*.? ?? -,.,' i?.| t. rnl? ive?, if Ibu pote, . ?
. ie organic law i ,.t ii tberl Bl d at "i > ?. [Apt '.,'.?r. l*t?i .
I?! V the pr.'|.>-.'i.?i Aaa\o*t* potro* ia i ?.tv lu tLe ? ?
ttnu from BtoeaBity beco-0 ?t!l?e?'j ?mtiueta a .? | ?
e?-?intiijn. -N. li ? i ? re 'n ??.,,..I? CtillfTtat iinji ra
r-i ' r to ? ruti-i- . .. s . .? ..:..'!. ?? :.'i-, .?.'iilt'-ii'-iid ti'i't-i ..I
ie I'nitoti Htairtt. lApataoaaf] winvt ix-tterdiicn-i .?. i?.
Iioii.le.l ?iriii it tba wer?! Out ilni-il.st ?n?.'?,n? ?I . I
lu'.) gin. ... . .-. and . . e, Ibu lea ni .? X
I'ligionl Baw bettor pnirlde for tbe Metal wollian ?.
1'tilted Stat?." thun ??BTOi it? that p. upl? to a _vi? ?? <.!?? ? f
llieir right? ind linn-i. ?-hue desnolaiioB. Mavn?, f. _____?
ila?? legitlution m ??'m " m ?I the ii.'i^auiiou? of wat aa?J ',..
iiiArcb of anuiei l_i?e i ik? n in III tu? ii ?epawttrorea i/aeltho
-ill. uf fitting thcra-Hi -to preter?.- ii,? Mtwingeofirt-i, ? ?. .
.neuf. ii'Airtn.) Let no traililicn- ..i K"ieiit_iei.t, l.-v ?.?- mt io
???rmsof law . no laft; o) ai i '.f '!,??
fl'igs ol'the dead i'i'.-t pi? vnt the riiri?.'>tiuu of I hi *j? ..??ni
jft'ile. I'rgiwl by ile ?ai-iiigsef l.'iioiy, I plr.d ,* .. i VA
file for Ibu. the ot ly ?ii>'ii,'ti.r" .1 I .. le-eoeaof I'I ? i"t i-i.-t.
.Hill if it --I. Iblt lui t_p?>ritl i.voi I; ?.loin and I >| j ii;??? ..(
pit nnlrwdd f. : ?\ r.i tbe vt.o .ft ,-y "t
hini a ho tort the ?ik "i ..:.'? '(.it i ,'.-.-, . ka
?hii?ng watta of watert I ?lay (bat tht l..? .. ,i -... ?,.|
i l.iii!i_ulty of our ?'.?rf . le.l p. o?. ? iiiAi tur:? *?l ..f
III!) mil- Ol bl""!
irr .?? ti.lloTt in tb . tig tai ka..', . . . .! K? ? - . ,
.na fiiuuphint a ?? j
\\ ill these to great ;. I
? ,; ,: ??
mu? rot-rttbt lirtt to .1 , _
than the in
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. liherti;'? of n i ? .... I
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i v ki - .- ti - tit miaut .: - ? ? i
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