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i7TX7_vrbT.K MiilNin-ir-tL-iiANTARY 7. 1H07. PRICE FOUR CENTS. YOH XXV!.IN0- 8,081. EUROri?, FOTS BT^E*TT?4?T^?Ar>LK TO ISW 6. f.. N st ?niiitu?? *ri> TB? Ix.Ni'ON, .Ian. '?.-A ?Tumi ileiiiotii?ntinr in 1?? hall O? Ke?onti l8 Jilt.J'?!??]..1'"1 >! ?lay of til? mAJOtili?-,'?'! 1'at, l'V tit?* ni, s< .,(.?. ",n of peti? tions f?rrtfnni' b. lailis. ...liait, in JHTMS ,'. A vai'Hi? m tka ?i.-i.J.i ??i Pr<-*,id?-rit Johnson JilttAiulitl in Ulis ? ity on 'Ci;.in-'.- ye?', n'.ay. ri:i PKKLIN, Jan? I?- Th? Kills' ni ..liLi^i.'ii'Hiit. laa ^rivhi IB lu-1 _?? ?.'ian'*" 1<> ij?e .? m >?1 PraaaJ '?vlicv?^! tfcapaapk of JK?l-?t. in li>?iii their ? allis?.' I _ FIKVNi I PARIS Ja?. 5.- - receive this BJ .announce th?' ormn. n<??* tri a ?ia?T-Wa ea*rt_a_aak??.4in hlgen*, Many v?lln:. I WAI <.< -""> '.'. *-* ? ***** amnber o? lives h.<-t. Jan. ?.-The/-?/ri?'ii?:As>i?np.r ?h-nrns iii* trntlK'f th? wicu-ly-c.lTCnlat.-il report tim. Piano? K.,? Englaad for a Confennre mi the Baatata oaartian. ?and asserts that jfYaaea hal finis. ?1 at .ni UP enittnt with Ttirkey such as tho pr< ?.rsatinn ni the p? a___ope'i_JiJ?sratively damaada. ITALY. FLORKiaCx, Jan. 6.- A?1A n ( ? li.'i.i Rinne statethxi Si_mor Tonello has BOfarp.wa-_BBet_ in his iu<-'ntni tions with the Papal (?overnii eui thal lie has ah? adv l?een enaiili.l to Baske a agraaaianl _a ecrtain rt);?viiTir? pointa. _ MA1?1NK 1M1.1.I K.TM E ___X_<OXT>K__T Jan ?".- T)i.?teiiiii-Lii> PSTOVUkll, Portland,aaiaaSateUvaipool,t?t.nii??i at tiiiv jtertt.? ?Bay ?rid i?r?x'?>?*?irtl. tji Ki:N?roAVN,.T.,n .V-Tl.e .teiiim.!'.? Q?***, an root? foi S. si Vuil , La.? tal- ..<'ti.lne.l hi n ___j di fug. y _e AS ill raaaaaa -?atrip t??-?i..y. K1NAXCKVI. AKD COMUEBI K\L. LOMxi*. Ai.iNLY At SliK! I. miavmuom, J-m. o-ttotm.-TS? <J?B???.Ba are riV ox Ouet.?I H'?? f.'i-.Vni? : n .'i - iTi-.iiJ?-?: l'nlt?'1 f tut nts Laiu'.i. 73: lili' Kail tra! rlu.iiM, ?_, (i.?i?i 1? ?t??' ?t? els :.t *).}. LIVKlil""! null's si \i;\. i. l.ivi , J.?ii | \....| 1 . '? ?tien liiaiL'l OfOU* ?aonievsliat ' a-ier, SA ill. ?iiuTiaii?.'. (1 prie? s. Tli?? Haler? ?sill rea< li ?MM '?..les for te ?lav. I.IS liHl-XII. Klil. 11 ? *- T, | , ? .1 l! KI I . LIA ?Ki-t.iil. Jfljt. t, -Noon.--The m.ti-et for luce'1 Ultim ?^ FOEEIli \ ' ORRESPtTNlSl Vi E. I.ITNDMN. XJjr. ?i .!! 11 irV I'M IO?ll'N<M..A ' Al! N t IN ?>ll-(. MIK,iN Killi) illili? I \I<?\?- ? lilli? Si ?O All ill;?, iv i NI i?.??? !-I;-II?ISI esniMli ?111! ! I -.NI OW, I*' Ti.? ?rl.l ia ?Is int- haul m ( i|?l Ionian?]. *-?in ? ril.S faSBl lett'l 111. i? hase lu'i'll lli?_htllll e\|.lnsi(?n? ni two ?>f our nival leith? in ?'.?Hi. ii.--?, causing mor* h>vt o? life than many a battle hsaSSSl B. wbith t? ?..IIIITIII?T?-<1 ?.?? a I tielin ni?, runI In.s lill a nairn tvhirii tatii-s'th?- si.ii it t*l *\i is Kiiiiiir-hiiiiin is I it on lh?> eohMS .?!' ?-"in? <?t our svorke?! line retriti'.tit?. 'i 'lie *-?iili?-rv exploftiiin? still I >?? fen lu ?l \? ?ii : ?.ml s< t tht-M ne? i?l?'l.f? has *. has?? hioiii_ht out in??ie It? i*.i?in. ami of n fini type _haa wei.t lo lh?? winniiiL'ol ??l.atile nuls- Hu-nun sslm mt to i* ?-ne iii.-n eenara tIk?'Oi'k- and TaDte ! .?ll'n-rie?-. ?li.ln'l st*-. ami ss?,.- m.i I?? ut ?ni Killi ?tr ans l"?ls'. i is um? h move?! >?y thi? tetriWe calamity, tltMolatini* a attariniiiL' ,.o<l i'??lti?li inn? ?li?lii?t i i-l ?I ( l?n?i ?ii.i.? time, and ?heatly fuiltls Das? l?e. n ?HII?KT ti..?.J anffieie,,t t.? nie?! tin? inati'rial vv.n,t?* of ti.? ern. anti pi(il>:t,?ly t?i i?, tire a fail pf__peel in lh? fnlnre fur ?f?oin ui?l ?.iplnniv-S paot -als,. ,, tliaint. hot all that is?'ran do foi t-BSBBSBB-Bt. But what a ? <nurnc.i1 iii.? .sliol?-?tl'tait i? on mir ?-,-.-?ill? 1 national r? ; ion. 'I hi?, i on AS1H.1I I? tvaifini. for soi? unii?- in?|iiiry, whure the JHM.I _?__ Ailui ii., the AV.,i Iii? hard noik nm-t ?a ."< ??allis ?lie, AA hi!?- AS ir?. ami rMiiiil.-v HU?) ilehate. Th? i?in??l.s is no1 I" ??? L I ii' :? n i .'-??- H al i s iiiir ' htiii?ir??l?, lint J ?ear that Wtnli I? . .ler-tatiiiu th?- '?n??'. lutl iln/fiii of ..ur ?t.: .will, li h. niUcl fur j-cii? latina? lh? slight. al Iroiu e_plo.?i<>ns. ( ? kt'itAAi? an?! not ??ii Is ure? an,,.?us a.? I?, s ?nil!., lion, il.ul li . :i,?fl.i ?U|?iTST?l?Ul of the AVOI kiiiL'? in ail *t,_xt is re.|.ii!..l Ut nnike n - ?.tf.?. Hut has?? we not lu.'.p?'?'!?)!'*"')?" MIII? ? t?? *????. ? tin'?.- p,.?,n? lion?, an- taken f \ > s, vs. bave iii?.p??cfoi ?-, hut Lathe th, s ?n- I)??ni the in i??i? r i la-? -st/hn?? li? t risk,and in the )?c.'in?l tins liair IM., tin- (Misse, in ?>.. 1er the li. co?;,l y ?literati'in? In pilH win-re s.titil.itinn ir _i'???ls !i.??.l? ett-.l. and tt_o Aiiiikin-A-s ?ne . nil??! ???i m nit? r di?., _;niii ni iii. ?*.han?*- of e\|?l,?-ii?ti-. li i? nuls a i n? t her in-lancc .?I Uit? otter want ?ii'i? I?I? M ni ?it nit. tit il.e "m???, of .?ni people in the pi??.?, nt lei'?Hl.,iiii??, ami of that ohl l?i_oliy4il' lett HIL ?liiii_?, ssimli ___ u.-ails ,,,,, jt?,?"ii?i on rhi? si?i< li?- Atlaniie. Tlivn.t?. hell? -?ni ni,i nieirs ('liiiattsai ?uni lt;?)?i?> N.s? Teas, AS? r. , _?.!,,i,I ?ia? k'i*??*."i irork, ??.r> fi??iu the . ti.|'l?'i . i - lii.ii oj.l.j.? are leaving tin ?vonutry. I^M.T-I?? //.. ? viu*. that in li. I KllUli till skill? ?I i i mi li lu- ?I I- I? nil Hills ; ??I'iiK. - lilli* a ina? I?- ha?l to ?to the ? <?.n-. ?i lain?! si]/*, and a h?n mi i..'.* Acboraa follow?ai to the Nins of tile Kill i ?li a. ?,? in, AS ho, in ht? ?u pu tin- ami nnt|,i,,!;,n*_' r??-li-init ?- ha- i,.-, ii i 'inn.iii?.' np ss a. ">/ and ?, a'las. * ? t.- AIIKI. toil m-s.-i i?. In I.I, ?uni ? '.?lintiiiL' 'lossn in? ?iKiutis t?. ? ?).?.'?Is indoatriul aaOaaaa, Them nl?jiir__tlions .?ml exliortatioiii r-avini. theil efii-ct in ?es ?ral ?Iii?1? Lions. There isa afrODKiia>v<-m?Mit atnoti. tin. ilaaBB ami .Hi?ai,?"l ih.?iui?llan(i?li?tit. i i,,,,: . ?, - ti? Ibe lii.-v ni I'c.nlt?! "u.a., tin- I "u.iaiii? ulai |>, I u .H?le ni ss' I ?I,all |H? lh?' iil.ilt.S ni o?an to work svlial? s.-i Ti mi in anil lor svha'? .. . 4a? pie;.?,.?. Som I. for ??n.?, ai" ^i,,,] ,,, ?'??Ulli? 1 "' ' I. l?.e;.n<e l|," ? . .,, ,,, ,,| rite ?il?l 11.? ? i ha? ?.i .. ,,, ,| i ?na- iliacas?? o| the t.t ttn !.ii".i roi lil. ? .**k_mty, **li.i ]?), i juhle in no1 IM?II*? I,I,*S. ,| .?y VWox, iiii-tl m iiiLs.a? bisnsri, . . , .. (.i l/?dot linen,!,., (| ..,"1,1 }!,,.,,. um_m no ?Hill ii ".??rker th?. v? ai :.?tn,?l. \V.? Kuituul mu Km? >___>_en*lt<> '" I?-' His. no 'I'f, I?.? the -t m ? . ?'.,, ." rhe I?BMM ..I the obi tin rail thal ti !|-'"?' sark. ' . Bg .?ml worked th_raa_Tb, ami ???.ek h) ?ta-, j. ., n)j., ,.,| , ,iIMl? , ?aoeawniiiebt ir,?.,?.rn.tuai s .?n. au.l ? .?; ,i? _**'* "" ' ring ".oil.l. thai *"'n,'l,"V'" ' <?.n)?l ?lo ni lim -1? lill ?'Id -at h - ?.-eu ose, ti,.??- .Vi o- .i ' np to ?fain or i??, ?.,,. .,,,.,. | .**,*, **". than -,I-I.,I.,?,I. Bat .,? (hr.'i.i :""u .,ark*.I ? hain/,? IIMS taken ..I "limiting ja ?al lotion ''??.?.veis , . .,,,,. "j WU| fl()(, . '""-t mil,..t,mai,-. | __f **." ?"''H'-??li wjifrsshie.? lb? si-? ,i;.,ss,,l I lu? ii men to, ..?y Ima I*.-n ? - li'-" liol ?-.?ilil a.,,1 ""/.lit .V-llltli!*. tO I..,' . Il.j -.U??.1SS,|'?";_ ],"H ,,".,,,. .5*1/ lollywet', m.J c ?I m^jftt) tsVtJ_ it- p? ijMijo. lion . taking half at? much time again to ?nulli. M tiny BSSd to ?In, ure 90MJ much worse huilt; ?ni.I. ?... ir nins on through most ?if our great iinliifv tiJOi. Of cniii?o ti,i N M T? lut!, one end lo this, had it lasted'-i'oiionrri'i.'il disgrace anil ruin : an?!, t.hiTO fnrc 1 hail with real plsasva tlii? protest which ii | Sod l-ilnti-r ihSfS among UM men, ths* they "V.'fl: na liar?! SS they pleas?1 in futur?*, in >f l'iiioni niiii iii?? 1 ?ti ii. lint if the masters Mil'l??'?-?- that tiny will find Umso new com 1.iiiiiiiona ?me T,! ,t more easy t<? manage on UM (?id plan, ami to ?Iii??' ni?'))?.' th?' ?'lil roads than tlie old-fashioned l'liion?. I take it tli'-y will uni he lotiK m finding oat their ?l?tate, No. Sir, ?l? p. ml u|.?.i) it, then- is nothing te us in England' iitiv, lint a tall from <?ur high I'la? e. or ty frank :u'?-ept ,.i .iii.'iv and bette Hiller of tliinii?, and nu ad? nu i-f tlie great body of the people mt?. partner? ship with u?. iiolitieally. in<ln?iln?.ll.v, K<I? ?ully. You ml! i all this UM man h of denioeniey. and 1 am nut gOtfcg to annie or iirinri. I no T th?' naiiie. to which I II;I\I* not the *.liirli1*?t;olije? titm. Mut In- it diTinxraey, u? be )l ?otiiili.?!!). or any Other divnded miine, which i HW Titi? iind t oinftiitat.l.* fulk ohSOSe to call it, there is the alternative. 'Die (ii is is upon us. knocking lonill.v at our doors, pen mptory in ?1. mandingwhich mad ive mean to fal. e. Iln?, in ?holt, ou ?Poking Itaek through the year to ga tin i up what lessons one can in.m ii-M 1.1? li 1 sat ?lunn to do last night in the .i i tillman? ?. ni my duty a?, your gleaner in these old world fields ass the on? ta?t whieh came out clear ?uni an ful. dwarfing all Other matn is until one had " ly pal?eme to notice them ?it all. Wlial li tin? Dgoi UM Atlantic Cal.!'', or tho neccsf-ion of the Turn? to powor, or the ritualistic movement, or the money ..anio, or the rei..!in movement as it L.? hitheito ?liat.ed it?t !l. to tin-- death grappa) hetvui 'abor and capital, w I.i. h i? threatening everj people uiilu v.mid.mota IST I?1??, Inn which has actually ticen upon n?. io England, (his Sun mer and Aii ?uiiui ni" &8Q0I Out of tin? tliii'ts anti tin?! at th?* c< inflict the Anice M li ii I? is ullin? 1 thal, .-.-ii- ?ice IS Hsk ?ng u.?, "?ne v??u Eng-bdum n ei'iinh to plant tlie banner of Christ on thelaat itronghold of i In- ?I? vii. the stronghold of trade ami coiumereei Can yen niiike justice and tallow work, and self eatitifloe the ian? bj M hit li the pfodnetioa and ? oiisiiiiiption of iii?* good thinga whi< h I have in?)-. Ided te my ehfld ren are in future to ha gm*?aniedf" At the time* of .'in- [gnoraiM i >?"d han ? Inked, bearing patiently all this to- of enlightened ieU int.n ?t snd laws ?.f BOp ply and <1. maud, and the ??" r inver ?easing from the 1 Hid. and tin: IhWIBBSii Other di?l<>i linns of His truth \ihuh Mammon has l*?n ?owing in ?nu ititclh.t? and whispering in our ears Bul now tins is past. anti our trial, our ?lay of the land, is ninui OS, ('uti it, uv must the ? ?I't-r i pas? from list 1 bope yom nadara will not think me profane armad. I -.|? ik ilie nords ol' ?.'lu r eonv nUmi, conn, lion nhich has laen ?-?-ming ?ni me during 90 >ces ?if earnest i? at. bing ami woildng lu ra. Yon, n ith your milis?.itt ?1 field te all kiudl ??1 labar, ami albsw ID-OHI of ali ,nat? ) ?al. and soi ia), and ?]'ii?t!,..l, . au lv bj an\ effort of mind or mil place i.uir ?elie? m oin position. Ili'-s?. e-nuie questions and |.rol,i i ?. mut y?u DO ?Imilif. and von hate lo fmht Hie. ?.un-* hattle. hut yom ?li-ath ?tini'i'le ol ?nil time ha? been on another ii. kL Hut think tor a u mu pi of the stn?? which Would he tii?i|i jon if yon had m? f or? no W. st.-m v ii-.'in Lands, ?m?l if the whok of v??nr peopli 'v.i n - luid, niv I'omi'.i ??i d uithin the areaof ii eojij.le of Stan-?. 11,,it i? i!i. nearest appioarh you ian iii.ilvi loom English standpoint,and then the thou? MJthe? which lim.I the lind.s ?if au old ' ininti v hat ? t.? lee liikeii intu the ,,i'(iiint. An e?t.?1> . -i ( hui? h. an old and i-tivveilu) m i?lm i ,n , . t he ,en?*!e iiistitiitioii? ami fi.idit'ims jrbleh have ra n through I,???! tun1?.:.!!.! le dirt u? in. i:, our . iiiii))) ?pal tti- ni..lion?, oin i -v ?i.-iii. liHii- un ?n power anil ?i,? ngth io m te upholding our national Hfe sack as ne Knglish havi and ?hall k>? ji it, ii? j?ni? md ad Tcrsi ty, through ?vii report uni ..-.uni I. Vi tin? Englishman would bewi?ioof them, rai '-ii'ini.v be may ?tnv i..i reforming their abuse?, bul they add ennriiionsly to in- dii'lii lillie? .if -m h a ?ti tlggle as that in v.hi-h this Christ maa snd ?ew-Yeard I8B(M finds na, snd ** linll lilli Ii?-t ?h pWB/t In-Ill li.? II."IV till ive han bl it through. And io,to come toa p.a. - lical ciinclu?iiiii. I look upon iii?- eetablfahment and developmee! of partnersJiipa of ladastij ssssag u? ::. LU t nt the nant yans. I han- notieed them mon than ..nee, 1 iliinK. in thi? ?NnsespeudeiMe, bal vont ,. nil i.? mu?! I., ar it ith im I u i? i uri ii,?, lu fin ni in and again. They get the, mere rarface nowa of j thi.? OldWorld fi-oin many otbei indl?on'l j hold lill ?. If lu Hil ill It, 1 ni li j ? li then i i- ith c ni nul lu, i. ntl i.'t?~?ij?, unies? something of ni in!? r??l bingi !>, r li? in. \\ hut a ion? ?pondi ?it lia? do, a< (.mling to my und. rstand__ i? t?i look a? steadily a? he ? an at the life of hin on II ??uinti V . vv ith a t ictv to make the ?let ]) und? 1 eui rente?, tlu- leal vital im?i ?*m? tiT-4. \ i?-i hle and {iiuijiieli?,le to bis rea.h is. Ami, Ing thi?. method, I come to the above reaoll und ton ? lusion. The fir*t pioaSSn snOBf UMBI indusliial i?aiim ??hips haere all S)?MM1 the test <?f the . hang?- in the juin? ijih ? und system on which theil trade ii coiului iel nith astoniibing ?mci ?. Ciomliij k\ i. have coinliiiied tin ir ivlmli l,i??ii:i?.s of ?ii)jH-t and woolen lnaiiuf:1.? to; i?s. ? ?.lii.-i ?i *. Ac, mt?, tant - menas caneera, iii which erery workman may se i liaitliohhr. and ihen-i? m, ,n,,ie ?un'??lui linn at this,nom.-ni to England. Briggs A I "navegan? even duthil in their ?ol'iiein-h, ami -.-ne i? nhaie in jimfils lil JIll'lHUtil'tl to va I"'* < III lull, ?un to th?.?.' tiork l?*-o|ile who aie not shan h?hlet s ; and (In- sam? mi I*- said ni (.')< ? ni)?,,' aV Co. ni Mai, du ? ti I, i:ini sel IT : 1 ntlnr old linns. A tiny, n mw partners?- p? are on llie eve of sliirtiiig, and . v?*)y da.\ I heir ol DSStolV in different trades who are t?onverting their old firms inn? indusliial paitueilhipa. 'Jins is ali eu? lin U dii'eiiiit ineasuie, >on must remember, from that tv I? iel, has heel) gO?lg OS hy the sith- ol' li, ol the -,,mo ?ion of many bsnkrnpt and a ?em Bolven! ; l.;i-?ii)ess?-H inlo limited liability Sompanies. Tin ? i? ?iiiu -tiTiti-s rotten, a? h??8 slraady (al In the ?ase ni Ovin-mi, ( iiiii. v \ ('?,.) li.-en (lu CSOSS Of .pnad iiii??-i>; the loiinei1 i?, 1 nu?l, as yat liioroBgbly looiid, and ?s te niaoy s ai sry wati in i the dawn of a lui hi.i day. It it ?i-*?-?, as we Jiojie pray, old England will in half s generstltta be a ??. Hil place <<> lil? in ?ten than the I'liiteil Staies. ?.vv you lu li. i, if I write for an houi, ? nu -. i-w? and h?.]"? are than hy thone few I: ton nant to feel as much si poMibli in ' -> mp.i'!.-, n ith us ni ?in mrs gospel <-f industry in "I'l home. I1, ve .luit n mnr " In Mt moi' ;.i,?l l.'iiii.' out tvihl h. i!? 1.? the tiihl ?ivy1'' And in -hamean tim?-mci pt al! _?oo?l v. ishesot the new year, t'.i ii.?, i., gnd field, and woi h ?hot?, and study, ia out goln?w auid IncoiningB, from the midst el a dense . I,Mid.?ti fog Which has heel) ?), ot h l lug 11? lo,' till? thic ",1 (I ehi.iild thinl?) j?l;i> im; uliI |B0 I . la-ri-.v wilh nil lb. jui/c Uti and mutton which i? loading the hm? h,?<>'. hojis, and making one for lit ol Pharaohs' laaa kim?. i. n. BUNOASt. i.i . ? IN ii.,.? inn STATS OP AIIUI.? I\IIIN ?.u.v** IN nu: i???:)- 11 ti? i,? <?i nu: li IM? u ?. ? I'l MT!, I)., in. . \ii.i IS yean exik, mj property na* nstojcl t-? ml to mc '?vii ami political rights. i i- turned fin:.Hy to Hungary, where I . snaol 1 help beling as rat tynttnatgnt, with IdaMitovekmed m for? II coiiiitties, which here .?? '-ni either antiijun !.'!'. I ;.; riv? <l .luting a time wluMj tim dc?ti ?i -Jungar, BIS baaibHag in the hahmcc, and i* l.f.1? n depende iij?ou the uncert.iiu viaws of tho Cabinet, upon the oonfUetfag influenres at, Court, i ji.n thefsaaral po]iti?'???f Europe, whether tlio long "1 ciicilialion ujeorfthe basis of the o?al rights of til? country ?bull take plaos or not. 'J'ho Aastsian j Oovernment, wiukened hv a lailure of the various I , t5J?2;-S??itf of assjti?aaiffl? mi itiil if ?iii?; l?- Uni tlittaster <?f Ihe K?"ni: .is In .-.HKC tutcnn?, lirut svitii HniiL'ary, then ssith the other Province?. Bangsry, on the other si.le, ln?pov?_riahed by long nial ?iii.i i i reconcile her iiit.ii?'? v Uli tiara- of MID other Provine?-*. The l.ns.rntu.Tit dcspuirin?. of ni? ?'?. --?. after their poliej had baas found v.-.mtinf. !- it (ha in? itiation m the Hu ?.?niau l'aiiiaiiicnt ; hut. Inisiii ___M iris? n ni?, fm- OK. .??ion. lim iu?.?t psaaWai paaaogative ..f th? ctvwn, they l?*?-h '...'' ui*on th iir?'?i(!?iti'it!? of Um Paili.i?n-nf, whieh, ni), ssoiihl im! I.,? bnuiled apon any oth.-r ' th.'in a eotii]?ii t.? return t?> 1? ?.ali'v. Thal tli??y must I..- founded npon the ??ti.'' ipleol d a Hiti-Mii-in r- poll ii ?lo Mn:i?ti.\ bl tim ad? min I id a i'? "? I'itinii that tim ait dn coi mon t<> both i>:i?t.s of t!:> Knit.ii,- rix: th? .'.?????al hniU'.-t. the >_ebt. the amy, fon m ?train, and the taulff aaaal be sd B?niatered by _ (".?.itial ('??him-f, re~pO-aible t.? a ?I'-leialii.-i oa>the two ralliant- P !.?ii?'lVi iina. 80 far, H id the Vienna fjkrvernineirl 1 . ?-a. i- the diatraal on both -;.!' - that llnni'i'.s rcfi itomeetwith the Vienna delegation .far any other purpose than thal of casting the vole, Insistii .' theaai iparate meotiiiga of aaeb ?if tl'.e ?l? h -alii.- . Such a 1*1-1 ?|-t? ?linn on_hr to be :?"?? ? t.. the Central ( abiii.t, alnea ?t thus attains .1 kimi of divided reapon-. bilityr ami the p.- Utility of playing one ^'legation Bgainai the other. I- ?: UM austrian Oovernxaeat ia aotleas.?-?alonaanddtltiual-UL lisa krr??it majority of the Hun iri.ui Diol consisl "f pa ?l<.ii???l Rob I?. ?ad no parliamentary Ministry in Hungary is poa r-iliL mil??.?-? taken from ainoug th?????, who, in 1849, ssT ri' < a?t into ].i i-011 or hiin?. in effigy. Stn h being the cae, (iiiscinm.'nt insists upon formalities ?n??l qn? "-ti??!!?? of ilelnil, ivhi'li rantinf bo earned, and it is tber? fore not nu likely thal this tit t?*i .?pt at ?nu. ilia! ?mi in, iv likesvise fail. In furl, the A?i?svs at Viiiina ami at ]'.?-th are ?lilt'-rent lo null a degree, thal nothing hut the pi? t???uro of the late event*? could unite them. The ?tatesinen at Vi? ?ma ??iiui'.t .help (loiihi'iik' the loyalty of Hungary! they beUan ill "oil'?? a 1? 1?, 1 alssuVH a reh.'l," uml look ii|?(>i! lim Bungai ian? a* II|M)U a, nunn; of dan-remus revoliitlon i -'s ; a s icss- sslin h at lim moment 1? ? Otnpl?fjtely fal?.?. Haagai y baa aaaaed to h,- raxolutioriary ? <>f this I ss ?is assured hy the hailern t?f the rsl n'iin- parts-, und I fully li? li?'ve lin ir svords, since nu movement took place ?lui ini. the Prussian liar, not cseti all. I" the disaster t?f Ki"?ni_t'riil/. when the J'ins?iaiis iv.-te 4X0 lluiiLTii ian (/round, near Praaburg, <?i vhin'KI had ? rossel flu? frontier, and a?Iv?meed into the ? min try of Ti.n.-siii. The 11 unx.ii i.nis ?gala fully belli ve that tin? Aiist, Pin lins? nun.?tit and all the (.'?unan? of the Empire remain, now and f??rci? r, tln?ir > mmi Tim palin s in tim llttniriiriaii I?i? t at,? a? follow?: flos, rriiuciit has not mor?? than ahoal 80 membere In a House of Im). Their lenders are Count Apponyi. foinieils Rungariaa Minister at Vi? una, later Chi? f .Instit?', noss a retired ?t.'it.-iii.'iu, ?ili.iut 56 seal? ??Id, ii? h, of the hiL'hest culture and aiistoeratie n fine? ment, a Tory, .oi.v-?ifed lo inodiMiite lal?, tali-iii. N, at lo him sfaml? Gtcorge Puta!, about 50, and \',? . Pi. ?id( nt ot lh?- I.'nsal Iacut'Tian'? v. a fluent ?I?, .ik? r, formerly iL-ak's moat .promising disci p] v. H_a parts hu no influ? neu, und est their s, under piot.-t, for I), ak. Th?? m.?i?n us belong* to tim Kiln i.?ls. sslm fitl.t tinder Desk?l lias*. 'I'h ti -rt?'it ?lat.-sman. M s. ?us nlil. ni ?'lo<|innee BMaad t<? n,?'"..., bul to Ko - ?nth, lia? Mm re|uilirtii?ii of l??in_ flic moa! boues] tuan in ?nul is nnivii I 111? ssi-< mail of I he emtullv. i le ? ,?i,mian,I? nlioul in til*- llnll'i', hut hi? ililli'- li'f all ? ?si? UUIMIIIIII1?-?I. Next t<? him i h ('.mt,1 .lilli,is Andi.isss.? rebel and exil*? - at..I ?'iim- Hil i-i' 1 a'?' ni i', ? ? Her? ia P non .lo?- ph I' ?i ? ." .? h<? Pi f*he fnmemt ,1 navtvm ful ?mt. iii,,i?i?i . i? t.? IM the Mim-:., ??i Pul?)ie In st, mt i o,. Nobody ?aa -i? ,.k s> .?!, thal di?tiniraishi-?l indis i?ln.ii ssiihont I? in. ?truck I?) ti. :\ .?'. his mannen?. Il? m !'i.?i,|,iit ,?f lh? Hunxaiiaii A? .ni? in,, an eniin? nt p???"t :.nd tins. 1 't! ? .'Ililli.?I Of -'S ?lal ?. I inila SV..I k ?. ? 111? .-. " I'l..? Ideas el tin v.m ?. . nth Century,'' Iranalated ii?c> (???mi, in uml l'i'in !.. lit tis,,!? ,'.!?? I m ha .1- i -tat? -ina:' ,"? 1? .mut ??f ti,- multitude ?in?! s <.!??.lilli s of hi? id, .!. ; f.,1 l... 1? n, oHginal thinker, and there (tare by every IH<-<1I<M iii. I?<I?*-S??I toss saasfa Ha old. Hi hi.? ir l.ot.s.TV Will, ii i? |(i iacilly sappi take the Ministry of Finalice?, II- i? ahoal H ? ?il. likewise a pardoned i.l.el, and fully ?bl? 1?. n larc ti.? to oui. r. Jl.ililia al llt'isalh, ., la s til ?if ?li?! Ill? ! :??n. I-, .,* Al to l??.'ll.. tim ' lo ? 1 i?-_i?*oiier in the hmis?-. St??? la n (.or?se, e\ i,l" l, Armenian hy descent, Maurice Is n <-'s i, ?-i. .??he!, banded pt?.pi ??tor dating ?M Austi i??ii oppies-imi, ?uni a horn, ??paihic ph. --i? ian, and Baron .Mi!??of Tiaii?ylsaiiia h,s.-a ?hau. ? t int,, the Ministry. Th.- let lera of the party arc ('ohnnan (?hi? BJ, ( (?in .it. ii from < mis, isatis, t,, nilli? al pi i 11 ??plcs, ami ('nli'inaii Ti-/.1. ,.limit )", a lieh lande?! ptiipi U t??l, Of I olisiilelahle tah,,!, . leiir I icss s, til t Itl.uii-hcl ( Inna. i,r, a .. ntlenian in bearing and fi ?'linir. sslm ssanls mithin?, lohe a slat?,sin,III hut pune extensive intuitions I>ai<>n __ad-_k Cod? naayiatk. breauu?abla for his ready and incisive n pis. Mi is. M.-..I. lai../. Ki mle, and Kaili?] hy their s? honen! ?I?? lam;, lion lu the eagle st s 1?-. 'I'!e pails ha.? alioiit lln \oles. 'J he r? n.aiuiii. sait?? ?it? tua?!,' up bj Sa:.ons, l?ouuiauhiiis, S. 1 hs, ami Hnthe niaiis.ssho vote to th.? fight <>r to the 1? ft ??? txnxUag to s n ",ts of their parin ular nalioiialit v. 1 ?hall ?peak Illili, on some other occasion. 1 . i?. TIT. KI: Y. ifOItB li'.niiN'-. IN ? svDii-juin h si?). <?i .111 ISLAM?- lu AIOLl.l? AITDIMAil N 1 tn I I li? i'i?!ii io . 1:1 11: -nu: AktaBB SN ?Civil n eui.11: .NO ii KISI-II siiM-iii; ro_ MU mo < Hu] IT: S. ' ? il-t'l I I', ]>'<'. 7, ISia?. \\. K 1 n.s ."11 sid ? of lh.? ?ti-rs ?thont ii?? ('mis, ni liuht in I'?india. That jmi mav knosv smne iliinj* ??I the .lifii.uli.s of making op ?MtVi mind the iitss?, j nu elia M hase nil (hi sen looa. It i*. agreed hy ?.11 thal c??l. Coroaeoa, the Giapk, ssith a tarira foree of i,i,eks ?and OretoBa, fortified the el ion? cons? ni of M.titii, a lu- ti y stott?- ?lim ?ure tin? of a hill. HmTuikis.i and Egyptian ?Hu?!.... under ih< ? ornmaad ?T Hnatapha J'ash a bim* ? ii, stacked tim place, (I king i.?i?? iHitnlii li,,-.' '"?ne .(i.tlOO nu n. 11? ' ??lied tim place al ?i>ii.?i ?m th?- r."?Tl ult., ,-ni.l iii?? following lnoiniti!. nu.iiiioiicd t!,' plu?.? lo sun? ml. i. 'II.., ,,K.- 'si-i, (1 by the ralsini of tin Greek flag from ' iin ?souvent Au artillery fire waa ?>P?T,C<I upon ?the gatea, but ssith no great ?-ii?-? t. s,s,i.,l attempts As,?le lil a?!?' to st,lilli the Jill, ?-. tlll.l ?ii ? oltliln. |o tli?> j Tnrkisb version, an Kgyidian colonel -. ? i . ? ?!? ?1 in ?(?ililli, the Waua ss ill. Pi lu. II, ali? t B loss of IO Of It, lie KiiiipiuTed hj'iil'iic.? o| Tin k?, and a bloody baud to hand! followed in lh. icon the Itiiibliiig, m tun ?- rid? giri*g ai ?/ r,."', ter. Ai lent-th. after the I'reaka |,ad los] hu,*, ils, Hu n mau.iiiL'in .?tie r.Hin, I ?les I lu n, . Is e.? np, K i 1111 ? ur at the mum time some doaen 'links, uml wonnabig 80 others. TTie i. ?.t of too Gr??ka ii?.I A. eoiiiu tg to the lireek veraion, the 'links amailed the . miv? nt in s ?iin all dus on the S-d, being <liis??u hil. k With stseli? loss al cull altiuk; hut liik'ht the Kiei ks iiiu!in_ I !,> i,,?, 1\, ? in ?l,i,:',T of being ?nnofliided, evaeysted ?I,, place, h.-ismu au old monk ?behind, who unit? ,1 until ila? Imililiuu was lull of Tink?, and then blea ?t up. killing ?.Uli turka and wonndillg 6S0 moi,, lucltiaillg many i . ? 11.? r -. TI,, building had been earefnlb miuoil in s (ess ..t tiii?. Acconlutg to the stms of tin- English Consnl at (.'iniiliii no Turka wort n]nv, n np, bul the raines is. nt off premature!, and killed several bmidred Greeks. Th" Aineiii au ( .??isiil i? ports _t,ti Tarka is I lussu up, und many more wound-?, ami no Greek? killed. KetssTjeii than roar stones only one tbiugaeenia ? eeitain. A severe halti?- took pim?! Noveiuh? r SI, at lim Consent of Aktuli, which waa finally ahiiiidoned hv ib.- (?".' k? nnd Cretans ami oc? npied by the Turka. 'i his ? .; moi: t h alt? l the'1 ill krui, lui -illtloilliee.l that tllO nar isa? over, the island pacified, the reli?is fnr Sien, and the leaders uml volunteers nil gone to _#!____ la*!. w _ic-?a_r5i _i l_\ _$__ti Htrald at the cost of a prosecution and a fine of ?5" for publish In? false news. N'.. 1.unial unitii, util n I.a? been made of the Ho.-k ade oktho island of < r?-te; bul i' lins been bio? for three months, and now a new sou,ulm: steamers has be??n ?.nt down to seal up the seeiir.-lv. Beveral <>f the Sultan's own private steamers hat.- beeu fitted up for this 1 Jt is hoped t!-;:f tlie (i>... k steal .cr I may thus lie captured: but, as 110 Blockade bas been announced, I doubt wl ether such a capture would Is legal. It iiiini.l l"., ?;? ,-i.tlly awkwanl ii th- ? should lu .ni th?other -?ile awl th? I nul. la) alile to recruit then- blockade rnuni .? from 'in' ?"*ul . ? t. It is m ' we may In arta a fight, for it . ( i. tam i" re? eive ?mi munition and pro? 1 Greece. Ii tin y ?I.? not. ?hey certainly cannot bold out much longer. F< '?11? ini.if mee ?ait tiiaii ?iiiwdci1. ' 1 1:. It is said :.:..| ?_. mi ? .1 in town, to-day, thai I',. !,.i. tin' Lt.- Grand Virier aud the form? i j m -.iii i 1,1 ", , i. ' - en ap P'.iiiteil. v.itii unlimited powers, t?. goto! still doubt ii!n tli'i' the (mi. lum ut. which ini.nical !., 1 i;.,ii P"*ha, lia? dechli .1 npou til hut. on tlie other baml. it is certain fbat th? Parts could ?in B I-, tter thing than -? ml bim ti:, re. It Is no1 . --?iiile to treat with tim Candiote! ana make tcrmi with them, lu th?; Spring, if they hold out BO long. if will lie; OUt in- . ivtiii the long Winter hotel? them, vi?li th. ii- t; mili - ? untold !,..uni?, they D . - lined to listen to any ?me whom th? ? . an trust. Pnad Pasha would go th II _'i"ii[ reputation derived fruin hi* a- non in ."-vi ?a. ?nid witbobt any ol the ilisabilitiea which rest ii j ? . Mi. ? t: .pim Push?, wh?i bad once before drown? u tii? iii: .!! in blood, in .?.. bom the IHM!.I have n0 confidence. They would at n,re to hupe from I'uail Pasha. I ?nu inclined to bops thal the news of hi* appointmonl mil lie cunimited, ami that he wiliBue cee.l mil.?, ifying th.- i?!,uni m. fair I? im?. an- very much .*.MI?P- rated a! iheXrncr - ? tonalli al ? T, te, a'ul demand hi.? removal. It is -my plii'-e I? judge lum, and ? .!.. not Wonder that, -.i -1 Ai,'. , an B g itleman, be H.vmpat-hi-M s with ?ii., ?i ti. ii,g (Titans rather than with the TnrW, It is mu en-y t.. remain neutral under such cn'-uiiisiance?, l.ut. in the first place, we never ought to ha te? ?.?..i a Cousu] at Cn te. lie tau be of noooa ?il?!e use to the I'tntd Slates, and hi.? -.dary is abso? lut. I. thrown away, (-nie sante may rwaald oftheCon .iii al ( vpin- and the priipi-?nl Con-nl al Uncharest.1 lim tin*'.?, .ml iiiii.:; is. iiiii u i? 1. II ahuiif to vin and lev ih" l'tiite. ne is iii'- author 'd ii." obnoxious letters in Iln Levaai Herald, tot which til? our pi i vt. -. p,. ? i, ...u! te ?publishing v hi' ?. do/- n oihi'i- paiten bave lieen ?rtop] d. I (hil :.? I m"'II. It is mid hy th"??' Connected will) the pa|'iT\ by the Creek? generally, who know what is cal,?, on, and hy 1 In*'lu;'., ?. MOW, this IS certainly II,I foi tun??.;?-. to" .?ay the h a-t. lie might have i i news w? !1 eiioui li. perhaps, it those who received it coubl have kept their mouths shut, bul the) han* mu. The Turka r.-./anl him a? ii i):?rti-,?!i. ami the ?.ni!..? look i pon i.lui a? an ally. ilis action has led them to expect m in nal aid from Ainei i'.i, ??'ni ni ?hi? way ha? 1. ??lit done tbcm harm, for I hey can in ver bave ?ruell aid froiu "s. Ml this ii niit'.ii r ,: . .. pi ih ,_.? no true American in hi? pla. <. coiilr! have done I* in I. hut there never "hoiild have h, i n ?in Ainei i, ?u ( Hii-iiil iheie al all., some linie ago, to the report I lia.? lu he iiecnillii.l to the I'lllte.l l?t the Porte. I did io on the authority of no . Mian Mi'lumet A.?Ii Pasha, the leadinK tuan ??f the pi.?? nf Turkisk ministry! hut it would now s. ? ?u that lhere was 'sith mote m,?I |, ?i bidden andes his remark than I then suppi?.' ?1. li waa never the porpoise of the Port? tu i yi a perniatient minister to America. ti,?Iii. !'he liai id? it ft'theCl'i'K. wa? to Mini a |e-. ?al i ninl liin.-nt ??y i*- i - i. n i'i ile l.mperol iJ'V thiiii?*'.it it Would not du m a? i edit . ? thrungli the United Slalea, v*. iii??.ut adiling to it a misatou ?I compliment to Wash, . in re to he kindly taken in und? r ti., n me ni .Min.i.lilian. , . '? and with it to Washington, If Aali P ba'a .. ?ntl ? mi lu tiu-nd. I '?.'... 1. .: ? ' i, that thi* mission might . ,v, - f . lug fn III) M It .1 the purchase of rifles in the i ni:< . I Stale*, bul ii would app sr that, altboiit-ii the Sultan wai much pleased ?'?,-. his "lily ord? r wal to h's own 1.111,11.. m copy iii?* pattern sud make half n .1../.-H iik" n. n. tei.iniii on band t.? samples. lill? M BO in.* thtllS ''"I. , ?lill. im!. . li. It ?_ 1)..til? le ei.TV luveotorbaa rvaanu loexparl ?ti bringing Ids inventions lo Constantinople. No ?mh .''??'a. i* !.'nivt!i here a? paten! rights or any ei?- r ruh ? indi . ?I, except tlie rigl t of the lurks lo ?'.-. SA ti. V nile lil .? ?I ?ii theil * .-Wei. liven .ni';! [mid for. 1.? I invendus Jdt/tP Aftei i.ani'ii?!/ a?.out Constantinople for a month, m ??li n p.lite?!, tin- Sanitary i um ? d tha? i liol? ra no longer exists 'li hill? l.f he. lill. I ?It II ? 111 il ihe. the r-pii'tt'l c: . - hill.- natif i ?M-, u .'. i. ???ill.our pir . enough noa '..? bal it i?, and ss I have n- i?i iii. i- ported? ?UM . i' i.? hardly i tail 'for nu? tu d. ti. thai (S", i.'. iiiiine. 1 hate ?.-.n t ..: hing w??n*i? than se vei i?l what is coin moidy called eb??l??ra morhne, all of which yiehted al once lo iii atinen!. The Banitnry Commission ii th? al-uni rrgulntion recommended by the *. Cfioh-n? I T.I...'I. ?-.," "I putting eleiy 'lhere " ,i,i ?': lu ten ?lavs i|i.aiatiti!ie. Thi?, of . .'III*.*. . l)i'. oil ?.ii po?? of 111? ?li?-al attelltlatiee u aii\ li i: ii?'l. ant in i bolera c . ra, for m? one would Miinnit to ?en tin? quarantins for the take of ene nat n H while all his other patient? were hit alone, li tin- phi ?. im ??muh! agra? to it, if cholera cases were common, in a wera the whole faculty of the ? ?ty ? unid be in quarantine and the eily be with out doctors. Thb mlakt IM- ?I loss to tim people. MEXICO. nu: g1 room i? KXBC1 OMI M MSMNBMfc HI TlLl'iK l|-l( 1" til ? nil,, .\r. G ALVESTON, Jan. K. Bio Qrande papera to the 33d have been rec? ? >. <- bera and make no mention of the reported execution of Kseobeilo. ('apt. Oaken, l'iist. officer of bis ?taff, on the 21st reported Canales a? still faithful. 'Jin.? v, as the ?lay of tlio lapwtsd exe . litio,,. rniN! it nt.K.t's sTtt i. AT .?tr-rico. SIN Kitti.T?. ... .lau.-I. Acapulco advices report i'.i I ..n.i !? tn-ip? ,,- --till in pi?>?i ?.sion, with every indi?allon of Uieir rernaining-ir Borne time-nroba lily until .??III inj'. They wen- tv.-ll Mipplied ititi? pio i i-iniis ?i!ii| clothing. Thi? en uiin.* I lu Bullet* i say*: "We h'arii fnun an intelligent source at date ?if the, stoppage of tlie steamer Golden City at Acapulco. It was he Me ted in well-informed quarters thal the French woubl e. a? nat.. that place on Christina-, I > .y, after an agree? ment vt iii? the I.i he ral ? thal they would iusnit safety to all pri n?ns compromised by ii conn, rd ion with the Impeilal occupation'' GOVERNMENT FINANCES. i .? massues re tan taman \\ t?iiiM.i??N', l>. c. Jan. .'.. The amount of i??u?' ' r .?.'at Um ii Rank Currency foi the week emllng Satunlay ?sstlS,40Q Total Issued to date, |?eo,TB9,iei. Promtlifs Is to be u'.liiei. .1 the linn'ny I'i'tiinii'il, Inelmllug nulli out IK.II ?, Hiinninlliig to 13,141,1(33, Icavllig 111 nitiiiil (IK lil:?! len Ht this it*te .V'i?,i,iei,4l'.?. 1 In I ? I ;.,i m. i hollis lucid? ii? folio**-*: A??ei?nltv for ilrcul.itiii-* National Hank Nate?, Jain,1)?1.::.!'ii, a? M?CIU in, for depositarte* of raibllo mouey,|n,938,VM; total ?. cult:. ? in Id, ?.t1,'..-..?.;.ne. Ann.ant ..f soi .ii auti - lad fractional eurrenej recelv. .1 from tlie printer* ?lurint; the week, .'"'."ii. Amount I: Ti? U. H l>.-piitv, lialtliiii.le. ? J',' ?', tn V i . ' ton, i':'..i??': to A?-l-t:'iit Tn ITillail.-?I,'iln, ...?,,',."; In .Viiti,,.. i. I .pi. Tit Aim.ii.ii of fi.ii-tl'iinil ciiiii my redeeuiod II .1 it. -' I ,11 .ii. 4'.'. 'I'??? ?J imi inientiot tbeTreasury on seeount .?f the I-epartuii at?, for the week, wire as follows: War, ll,3?-v Interior.0?Mt. Total,?1,4HI,.,.,?. 'Ii.!- -?.i'. 1 reeeints fur Import at lou at ?nu- prinrlpsl |sul? for tlie iv<? I, oiiilfusr !>? ?-. TI, isas, iv. re ss foUuw*, *? o?... pan .: nilli those ?f the \.i . . week: ?Ve,'a, I ?at Wevel?. k. . ii..?',;,t-i'i sj I ipili??. Til.s.,7 ill 139,41111 '.allini'ili . i,.',?:*) M :.. li) I. .. li to i" . 9O.MSS0 let2.3ai in San Fl.: . o fruin Dec. i toS. S|,19S1I J.i.?tti|., I?.,-, 'J t.,|i.. 'J'). HMM SI .1 K?irrilKSS Mi).\KOK. mt: sin., II. i, ?.i r .MISSION Of ASSIST! nuAIIv ni ?*i nie sKW.iitn. B? Tll.I'lKAlH Ti? 111K TeUHr.-K?. Poinaass ICiuraoa, Jtm. .-?.-Tho gnnboal l>im. vhicli went to se? ? m a secret mission, on the .'??I in sia'it, having on board the Fon. Kn-derii-k W. St? ard and Admiral I'niter, nti.i ed In-ie at li o'? lock this morning. She ?x|>erienc. a rough time, losiug port of her mainmast, s small cutter, and wai other? wise damsged. The k'unhoat (?? (lyslungh arrived shortly afterward from AnnapoUs, going to Norfolk thi?, morning and returning tin? aftoruoou. U?>th ara here t.ViiiKlit. rom i.iT.S.-4 M.iMi.iK, Jan. c. The gunboat Gettys? burg, which wai substituted for tim gunboat lion (which became disabled in a storm n went to iea this morning. Admiral I'm? id Fred. ?Seward wera invisible while tlie giinboat* ivi in the hail.or. The IXni ?tait to Norfolk tu npair damages. Tho flagship Rhode Island, Admiral Palmer, fiom (ha? le-vtoi), iv hicli ?u lived tlu.? ?ifiemoou, i turning from an loipoction (nui t.. th.* different IT-H??;I* of the North AUantic squadron ?-union, ?itiiuih-d theflettya hitrg fivo mile? ??viltli oi fai-e lionr.V, louthwaid ky__k. JAPAN. ilW.lBl-U.ia ITItR AT YOKOHAMA-CRT ST I?'*?? OK i ni-', AND rj:?)riT:TY-Tin: AAii'.itii.Aiv (?>NSI"LATI. 1)1 JI.DINO ANO AKCniVES CON.s I *,| li?- ?? AUCH V (Kf FOOD-THE NKW TYCOON AS A 1.11.1:1:. BT T?I.BURAIM TO THB TIltlU'.VB. SAN l'ltANCisco, Jan. 2,-Tlie hark Archihald, from Yokohama, Japan, arrived last ni?.bt. Files et Thi J?paa Iii mid an?l limetol Dec. 1 have h?'en r<????is?-<I. Pot h papers givo accounts o? ?i _? at fire whioh oc cniTed at Yokohama on the 2Cth of November, by Avhicii of the native tosvn ami <)uarters ?ad the best and moat important part of the foreign settlement .h-?troved. Th.- fire 'oiiiiimiKi'.l in a rook'shop, in h street leaditiir from Heutch?r1?rj*if-ttoT?x?hiwarra; the lasftai on tile Peninsula, and eoiitu?'"-<i?i irn-at ipans tiahit,itions of .lat?'ues?! women. The fire ?p. ead i.i).i.Us, and there bei nu; only ?incluid?.'?' leading from It II im ?it .lest i net ion ol' life took place, as all bul two isolated buildrnga were .l<-?ii..'?.-? ?I. The. Japanese re|H)rt finding In bodiea, bat a further examination of the burned district adda l__gely to the number. Th.? LTcatcst I'onfti-iitii pnsaileil during the fire, Btare-keepera in ?some instan?-.'? Uterally.barrlcatling fin- streets in front of tlu'ir prciiii?<s ssifli good?, thereby putting a stop to tias.l and causing many deaths from crusldiigamong the crowda stxfviug t?i escape from tim fire. Tlmssiml blowing Btrongly, the iii" ssv. p! rapidly through !h?r native ??? ttled por? tion ol Y<?k?>h.ima, ami thc-nco communicated to tin': foreign quartet?. . Every effnr! waa mad. !?> arrest Hi.? progresa of the Barara, by ?the us.? of ?sraterand by blowing np build il in vain, until nearly one-third of the stores ftllddwellin<.*j('f the htisiin .??s firniH ivens destin.??!. The " _.?. ?lo", ?i*," or itore Lou. ?of mauyol the principal business firms Weredwtroyed. sa weTtal many public dwellings. Early in the (tay detach m.Ti!-?ii' ?sailors and marinea were hnuled from the vessels of the British fleet 1 vin?-in tim harbor, who at i lia? svorke.l well under the eontiol of their offi <?-is, hat getting ae?-?'_sio liquor, bocaaie perfectly utitnana-eahle. Ki oin striving to save pToperty, they turned tin-ir ?titeiition toplumbim?.", ana robberies ?if tin? hold..?! na'ure iver?: eomini't? ti, AS hil'? the (issu? er? of property were standing helpless to prevent them. AinotiL' the los*;?'* hy the fire and d?-.?fruction were the archives of the Lu i tod Statis Consulate. These ?.si -n- ,-. .-??.neil hs Consul !'T?h,r l'imn his office anil |.la,e?l in a hoiide.l warehouse, which soon after was also ?I. sir??'.! ?I. A larir?? portion "!' the arehlvea of oUierConaulatea ?is weD aa tim ITemh office ss in.- de Mroved. Tin? bonded war? house, filled with ?mods, under the superintend, ii? ?<. of Mr. Searle, waa ileatroypd : loss *. Ti'ati.iiS) Tliem-Av house boil! foi the Am? in ?in t'nii sulate waa also <<<iisuiu?-<l. Tim whole raup? ?.t old Consulate biiiblinga- French, American, nuaaisn ?.tul Kiiuiish-tiie l'o?t-Oiii.?e,wiih m ariy ?ill the val? uable, private ,.-siil.-n?-es-Jardin, Matthews ?_ Co.'a ?niti others - ss.-re m siroy-il by tim coii!l?i?-i;:.tion. Among tlie sufferera are Augustine Heard <_ Co., I". M. Van l.'eeil. Jardin, Mathewson A, <'<).. and Col, lislu-r. The lii??-pr.M)f hiiil?liii(_s of Tex Ter A I ??. ?un? ihe French Hospital are union?, the buildings mentioned as ?anal. The fire juit tin etui to nil l?usit_?*s fora tim?-. Some article? baa advanced on account of the large quan lities <?l ih'iii which Mere destroyed, such as shirt hu.?, yarns, mullet, <t<-. The latter I? held at $20 to if-?,, i,????) picul? ol tea were hin nt. The agent? of the In?? in-urancc eoinnanics held a liieeting, X hen if was a.siettained that tin* aggregate losses amounted to |A150,ixx). The Herald eot'inuitf o the total loas of the nat is 11 and foreigners at between tin? .. ?uni four mil? lions? if dol?a?'.4. The Time* nu.?nks that it would Is? lolly to speak "I the airuwter asOveiwb?_ln?ng, b*> cauaa ile.-nade of the town is t??<> elastic, ann tins men liants aie too citer?.? t?<\ to justify auy such ex l.r?-??ioti. ( )ss ina t?. the nnsUMCasfu] harv? - ' . lower ? laaa ?.t th?- people are snfferiug for food. The l_ov i-riimeiit ha*, removed the nionopoly on the aale, hy ; doss in?, foreign mercliants to ?-.11 dir* ft to ni;: siniars. It is lielieve.l that this p?Tini:-*?ioii '?. ?.?1 I.I, und imiHiitinir Urgvly of ri?'?', to save the lises ??I i he conuiiou peoph?, w.iiihl do much to beget u heit? 1 1? ? lil,)- IM -tsseetl the Japan?-*.- ?11.(1 foreign? *_. A ?matt -li.??L of earthquake waa fell at Yokohama nu th?- uioruiiig ?n ii,?- ? th of Nos ember lus.t, but only trifling ?lama..- ssu? ?lou,?. Tiie svai-in Sotiih ,la|,au bail lieen stopped for the l?n sent hy tin- nul? is ol' Mik;.?I... Cho.-in nh'-yed the older, de? ??nilli. In? had m sir (ought . Mikado, hut a p.O'. Illiju?tis tippo.?.?! to ililli. Mataha.lii, tilt? in sv 'I yeo?.n, ss a.? d.'snfiiig hi* time to the public leism.,??, of Japan svitl, au amount ol nee. em i ?_ . . and can dom if ?n r exhibited by the rulers ??J Jnp-n. li?- .. I? foi?- a DKM-ting nt iii?-_-i?\;i I . I..;i inn* t? r,it?> iiiil.rivhts ?.r their ??ssu, and define bia purpose and ?ml iel' to them. He is ii favor of faithfully taits in? mit the stipulations of non. s with foreign powere. ?.Teat hell,Tits am ?\|ie?Ti d (?? he derived fron, the mil-tin?!. ?I? ?onie iii luiill' policjf Will pml'ithl. h? (h' lt riuiiii ?I ?ni. A movement is lu in? made t.? eafahlish a free Im? pital for fore!(tTTiers ?,t Yokohama Considerable III* m??- inn i lo? :..?? . , ? and ?mail pox had been prevail ni . amolli, the foreigaore ?it thal port. a, Pi ince Sai-mma bail ??-tit a \mge ? ?'liVct'mn of niri osittfi ?ml specimens of pitwluco in his Pius ian . - t.? the World? Fair al Paris. The i ?ssaiis ?lill a ililli?]?? r of other Sailing s..??..': have I?-? n l'ou_ht bj theGovemmenl for the pnt_>?'.*-e ni taking li'-e from th? South to <V?aki, ss here th?' people are anffering for the want ol' f.?..!. (nu. N ?m V*?keuourgli had gone to Nagasaki, and Asmild ?hurtI. return in the Wyoming. Tlie Hartford lual ?nie to \>_ltt Chinese ports and would no1 ni um nn?l?r one year. CHINA. itr.nK!. vinoiiv- run BSiKiaH s?p si?ii?.\ vksv? i noAi to?;i:s. BT T?i.?(iRiva TO III? THIBl s?. SSN KiisNiT*-? ?>. Jan. '?.-The bark An hih;,!d. from Shanirhai, Nov. ^bringa advieea of the victory ol Nanking. He bad taken the field in ?pereon, ssith a eousiderable force to assist in enialilng out fh?v Sha II tn n?. Three indepeadeut f?_rce?of Kn i.' were on the mar? h againat the Rebel?, Inn toi?Ti<n?T.s ?Lit! no1 eiitt-rtaiii any hopi vi I KUM success. Th-- spanish aqna?di-n which lalled .from P?pete July 1, has ?irn_icd sal?is ??t Manila, The s?-??. i Niiiiiamia and iron ?lads li. Coin? i,?ia ami Marqiuad? Vittoria are all umlirfgoing extensive re? pairs. Th?- two ra.rv.viag Catholic priest? ?_ho eaoaped from the Coricui nionntuina after the m?a?iacre <>f their companion? arrivedat Cheioo Oct. S, andcon fllT.lcd tile lusss of the Ililli,1,-rof ll'.e cress of the Vinci i.-an slmom-r Gen. Sherman. Tins Athole ?Cor I'liu male popolAtion were said t<? have iu-??n .__. iiioned to anns t?_ the King t<> re?ut the Freuch. The Aiueiican st? aiu.r Suipri-e waa lost June2. off Correan Coast, but th? cat?w,ofter Considerable considerable suffering, a'ere land at Coirea. where, to their surprise, tney were well taken .are ol', und after *?.nm detention were, hy.easv Journeys, eseoi_ed io the houmlaiics of China .'roper, from ?'hence they made their waj with some difficulty to Chifoo. The ?hin s.-;?, Serpent hence, arrived al Hong Kong prior to NOT. *.. TEE SANDWICH ISLNADS, WIlAlllts Vi MONT'Ll 1.1' AIOHT SI II V IT?()AI IN'll I MA LIlUl-llON 0V A A ?ii ? IN.?. l.s niltiKllH *? TH? TKIH.'SB. SSN I'I.SN? I?? .?, June ?.-The bark Cornet arrived willi II.ut.?lulu ?Isles to l-vcemher ]:;. The following ? hal ra have nrnv? ?I at Honolulu .ince la?t ads t? ? - : "'?i. ISO hld?. ; .Minerva, 1,000 ?this. ; Canton. packet, s<4i bide.; Anuahonka, ?B0 bbls.; Governor I iiioiipe, lui hills. ; Joinea A|?.-u, ?.*-) l.hK. ? Waaliing lou, ::;."? hi,I?, j Mount Walliaton, N'^J bbla. : Rainbow, 1.1 bbla. : makiug a fleet of TO v?Assela reported this .1. ss ?th -'.'.'.i ?t bbla ?ni and ?939 0O0 hld*, of hum?. <) 1 Mu? ..'?th Nos? Hiller portisna of the island isa? si .lid lirawvereearthquake,sad waa qoiteaeaai bli fell ni linn..lulu. 'lhe iiii'liii?ii/a epidemic bMauhaided after cans in off aixuit 9?0 native populatfon of Honolulu -1 ihr.'?. forelguera. lh?- hink Comet in iltur? ?n nssort.-d saraa ?BUU Honolulu, including 0,(J(kjiK)uiids of oottou liout S?-a _ ni Ishlllti. ini?i "'ti'.j^ vx'd destined for Li ici pool, tia. Isthmus of Panama. ' ' Jieivnt arrivals from ?lawail ?tal?! tim! a new- exwv don baa occurred on the aummlt of Hunsaioa. I! in thonttht to be the old crater of Mokurrcorreo, sslii.'h ss:n? in action a few months ni_o. The piaul?t ions ans still workhur on short time, and <uiiuii_oui l?'ss su_iir ami wola^scs (han last >??tr lins ?inte. ___________ 1 I\AIJA. i, -, , ? mr. Tau!'*.?. , M..M 1.1 ti. Jan. ?i. Hi?? linn. John Pangnnui <??); ? nu at i..iih?Ti?' ?li'-l smldeniv tlii? morning. The I.,?,,?hm ?irresiMmdeiit " Min??i se'' sial.s fchn! the Cam..lian del??gatea, rallier than sauelmir the act .laiitiii? the I . pris ile?.!.? iif,i.s,??l I?, Caiho li, s, ss ill n tutu ssitiunii adopting any plan ?ncoiifcd ..ration. The Hon. John JBoaa 011 behalf of Hie. MsOillCol |?g? ha? L-one to England to watch tL.- brta?ata of tin? l'riiiei?tants. Mm water in the riser it v.iv bigbaad HicdianneJ is I docked with Ice. The is. ath.-r is mild. QlIRBRO, June 5, Fifty pounds have been received fn.iii Die Tusvu I'tmueil of Newcastle oa Tyne rfor the re? lief filial The lion, toals FUet! ?lied ye?terd.iy. The tli?ruini.ii'ici .lands u! ero. 'j Le l. eU-i.t,'. \Wud coat. U^'lit? |uow ?lii??ug. J THE PACIFIC COAST. w their salt*ns and cut the savages ?lo? II, killing i.en ami capturing five women. All fh<- stolen/ thor with n n bonos capturad, ami a tcren j jiint <?f ?u(?plies were tle-stroycd. it in .?.tisuiortf i of the most complete victories ev?r gained sv? f BT IBIvOKAPa TO TRB TKOOTMa. ' SAN FBAMCISCO, Jan. ?..-Tlio Mariposa Mining Company have obtained a temporary injum lion ra? t-training Dodge Bros, from workiug mines on tin? Mariposa Kstate? The Company being indebted to them a considerablo amount leased mine? several v ?ars, to enable them to recover their indebtedcaHV?; hut the Pine Tree ami Joseph i no Mines having pro? duced an unprciiicted amount of bullion under theic leases and management, the Company oom-iile)-* their claim more than eanccled. Thal-'. S. Depnty Marshal has gone to Mariposa lo place a receiver in poseeSBioa of the property, pent-if further legal psoceedings. The action of the lloaro of Director*, in mortgaging the Placen ill? RailSaal to Wells Pargo A Co. for fv2tl0,(r00 is repudia!? d by ninete.-n twentieths of the ?to. klmldcrs, 11 ho will contest its validity in the Courts. Y-st? rday was observed a?, a holiday by the entina bnsiness eoinmunity. No newspapers wera publish?-?! this morning. The steamer Colorado Railed yesterday noon foi Yokohama and Hong Kong. The pl?*rs along the city fioiit and tim lrcach toward Golden "Gate were line?! with people watching the dt-parlure of the futt steamer of the ( biua Mail Line. The Colorado saint. ?I the war vessels and forte in the harbor while pa??i?r out. which we,.- returned by the latter. The . ?llorad people had ?1 military and civic proces? sion, lit?*ia . s and a grand ball y est ei day, in commemoration ol the fourth anniversary of the ie* sulng ?d' the Emancipation pro? Lunation. The United Stat.? District Attorney morning enterad s aelUproatani in thecaMSi oi all tim men c'.iaig? (I null mutiny ou the tship Reynard, ? x-* cent Richard Dunn. Tin- agent? employed by th? nnilenwriters estim?t? the darna o- done to the hulk aud cargo of I ho ship (arl isle, it h it'll put into K10 ile Janeiro iu distreas. several months since ami was comlcmue?!, and ha vii fixed th" geimrt'l average at fifv -MT cent of the value of tin- . arg?, and vessel. The great?'! |m)tion ol the cargo han ann ed at ti.iispoit and iht- haUaai is now due. The steamer Oriflamme from Portland, Oreg??nf with ??..'ii.iKu i-, treaaan tri ead last oveaiug. ! be < iiv-.iii impers 1 ontainaccounts eoiifirmmg ti,a reported ih-hm-s.? of the Kooh uai and Lempi nun?*. The ship Colorado for China canted a Tilda cargo including 1 ".'**) hands of flour, and fVt-.:(4W, III treasure; $8-0,0*16 being lor (-Inna and ?be balan?a for Japan. . The recipti of wheat for the last six month* wera 8,?ot),000 sacks, against l.t?O.OtJO saeks for tht? oonv spondiug time 111 !?4?5. It is la-li?ml that there aro .?.?8Hi,i .8) sacks yet to come forward. With su? h a sur? plus on hand, holders are no1 anxious to retain theie stocks. During December, -.-?J*\<?JO sacks were ex? poned. Good shinning wheat i? ?piotcd ar $1 .5 p?-i 100 pounds; extra nour, to 60. ??hips Otago and fct. ?John, from New-York ami Bremen ; ?hip K...?-. and bark G. It., from laen - jssil. lune SM-Ved? A tell '.-ram say?? that Crescent City, Cal., was via? ited by tne heaviest storm ever experieacd on lJu?i . east, the tide being unusually high, accompani?-*. by ?1 ti-nifie L'aie, wliich ton- up the streets and C?al*r.4??i ?may buildings; oue Storehouse was maiiy . arriwt out to W4?HINT?T?l.V A.VD ORKOOX. ? UM Wallawalla, Washington Territory statesman ol' l?e<*. ii. st.'t' ? as rumor that Mr. Hayward, on be? half of th? California steam Navigation Compan? liad leoii-tlif the Kuitrollirtg interest m the Oregon Steam Navigation Company, and ventures the pii ?lietioti lhai Si. Helens, or some other point, will Uko < ?minien il pteodence over Portland as the point fi.e a landing foi oeeansieauiers. 'Hie samo journalhad favorable n (?orts from a new nuning r?stnst on lb?* ?mad waters . ., the Pelonas River. The Dellen .wrei.on) ilotmUnncer pive,s the details of tin* running mi of a pack train by indians, fnaa neus ( arno \\ atson, ? nd their pursuit by Cob Baker's . oin-' marni. Wh? 11 about ??O miles from the j*??! tin' troops' 1 nine np ?Hill ihn Indians and chanted upon tbeirt camp, Tim Indians stood their gi-ouml, bnt ?turiiii| the-snow storm their rifles had become damp anil aaupped. Tin- ?-o.di.-r-? oh-eivnii- ii?.* stat?; til' allana draw their saber* and cut tin- savages ?low n, Walla*,ut 14 11.en ?nul mules amount one 1 the ?Snake lud?an?, ..KIZON'A. . i 1: ?NI '?c<?. Jan. .">.-A letter from 11- rilya*. .*, An/.ma. complains bitteih ol' the depredations t-ititt 1>> tin Apache Indi.ins in the north"? 11 pait ?t rlt?t Ti i.itoiy, ami rafle* Is on General Ml*)* ?ii. More I i.)ie<i States troops vhmdd b* -?tart ion? ?i north of the river (nia. Coi. .M< ( '.run. k of Anwuii?, DOW in tin.? ?-ny, i? understood to Uavo-made airuua? - mente t<? that ?fleet, aud the northern part al Arizon.? will hereafter IM* better piotect.-d with ?vevenil Coins pantos ??i the 14th U. _ Infantry who arrivad freni the T.ast hy the last steamei, l.aiing baan .i.-siirm 'I the duty of guarding the 1 uited Btatee mail matea to Ariwaa, and leave the nth instant.>4. The Virginia (Nevada) hneorprist of the 1st )i.?f. says that '" Thomas Farrell has commenced n soil sgainst A ( n, to recover poseeBBtettal min-* uni groiuitls ami $."8?i,i88i damages. Tins is ?ici nit Ulf an importe-it suit, involving tin; title of Bosae of tin he?! ?nul moe! 1 alt-auk) mining ground in the Stale ?. Nevada, VlNCOfVIH'- 1?-4 IND. Yu lum t. V. I., .hin. 5.-A publi? meeting wa* In l?l here 011 M?iday night te consider the propneti ol n ? - moii-iziua ibe Home Govern ment to m?ko Vi i the Capital ol the Colony. , samsH ?-nitMiiiA Kaw \\ r? 111 INS in:, U. C, .lan. .">.- The river ?timm 1?. are laid np for the winter. Mt niul mails 11 ill be cat'iic?. by cam*, until Spring gatton opens. The mining new? from Bi-j Bend and French (Veflt are highly encouraging. Parties from Cariboo repm? most of the doing well on William'1 Creek. Tl??j Russian American telegraph lines an in splen? did working order, iu? far as they am baut The Legislature convenes on the ?iit-h inst. IDAHO. On vhoc papos say the division of Idaho has again been luoughi before the Territorial laagtslature. i'ho (Jiii?ion of W'asbington Territory ivas innig ?h? aussed atOlynipl- The object ?ras t?. uni?e Hut ?jountie? al?.uir Puget Sound 111 Oregon, and ?onntn-a east "i tli?' mountain range, in '.???th Washington 'I? r*,* im.iv ami Oregon, so as to form them into one ?Staiej The Indians in 1 he On tins- and Boise country con-j linne then depredations upon ?tis k, Mid inrhtx willi ina lavages are reponed iii every paper lioih that section. s-iN l'i:t\< t?< .<?. Jan. .>.- S. t-*?ii?l-1 .i?*??t?-iinnt ?.ii? h te, s? com? Cuitad States Artillery, was diewuvii recently ulule cro?sing Cow River. J The Hamburgh bark Esther Sophie with wht-at for Cork sailed yesterday, ami the Australian brig Tit?eg it it h HfOOQ sacks of wheat is cleared foi (he same port , To-dav'a Kulti tin publishes the annual reitewof 1 be trade and commerce ?ii this ??.it. The impoil trade for the past year amounts to ulamt $l4.WW,00i>, and the e\pmt ftl7,'-t?0,(MXI, which is the laiip-?.! etei ?known in the history of San Kian? ?.seo. 'Hie exports ol' treasure inie fi'i,".??.????, which ?loos nut unhid?! $0,900,01)0 shippeel on (.imminent aec??unt? 'lue slop? munt .?I Wheat for the last, half year was lar^rer than lor an. entire tar heretofore. The value of Pfour und Wheat ? \poit.-d uas over ltf,(ii',(K)(. ? Jhe weekly slock ?ircular briefly reviewing the mining -h;?ies market say?: "The very fat or? bl? condition ol' uio-t <>f tin- ??.xling min?a for sevi-iaj mouths past, ami the flatteriug apiM'uraiiue of (It? Comatack vein at prasent depth, Ktv?>agrt?aiaaeur? sucasoi future prosperity. Tim uuprodimtiveneMotl deep mining is an exploited blea, mid amove in lb? united interest 1? now training ?round among th? Companies to a??ist in tbo speedy inauipnatiou, tut well as the comnlctiou of the gnat woil. known ig the Sutro Tunnel. Miniug ?lutjtations to-day ara as follows: Belcher, |1K?; Chollar, $?13; Yellow Ja? k*-t, $1 .?-tf ; Ophir, *iV?: lli-k? and Norcross, withheld al $i,>iQV, si?l Alpbee, now illing to sell at $^(?>. 'l'he steamer Moses Taylor, wita |?is*r??ngi'rs lot 'iii* .oik v ?u N 1, -urungua. Bailed tiH lill I ADELPHI J. ni.?j?i:iti. now ctyrroa AND W??.I.KN min?? TUKKK.s. BT TBUUlir* TO TBB TBIBr.lB. Piin.ADM.fiitA, Jan. f.-A niM-iing of coifon anil woolen uiiuiufiicturers was held on ibiturday, at vi hieb i-ineitioiial to Congress was adopted asking ii.rniodifi.Titi.uis ?if the Internal Revenue laws, an follows: Mm removal of five per cent tax on goods; the drawback of three cents p. 1 imuml on colton to be refunded to Iho manufacturers, and alsn ;i drawback on all arthl?-* taxed nrevi-Hialy to entering lu the manufacture of all good?; and lo lim aititle? of luxury not prot-nrtvl in the llnit?-?l St ates. The m?<worial end.? a? follows: If our r*??m?e*i| I?? granted ive ?sin then comp.-te with foreign asii facturara, lind furnish gooi!? to our own peept? ? % _r. iirlv re?iuce?l tates. The memorial was signed hy the principal matu laeturei-s ol' the city, ami .1 ???muiitt*e was apt**>>fttiik, led with tbem to YYaabingt? 1L1 _ Fin? ?N KICHMOkD. ' ef Hit .-M . VA.. Jan. ?-Tno .-.??f XT* ti *.? ' if.ail .?i, -.UellCkSdUii?, ?atSj^rtllli-U lilt ???tf*} I ? ?. ?ni HI F.-a/ei" exp?en*} Tguati*