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BOiSTOlV. IHK SOMOOLBB CASS II "' Di' . 1'. t VVS. I-Vina liar t ; P-VI Ninci ":i "* I-OWI'IL \ : 0 ? . '"' "?* vote for Gov. 1 the Deniorot.? candidat I bCnsh? ing. No' I berths fact or fit Hui date, i-.:..! not HoseS Bl low made Mr. Robinson's lett? r the ?ml.. -1 of one oi bia innni table satires. And Mr. 1. dtboughhev able lawyer, a , and ?ne of the beat Greek eel rer educated at Ha has in this i Brest tills to ImnwrtaMty, of fame. Adjutanl (? lata-ha, ia her l?v?t, seemingly jefjesessed with the Idea that ?"Wie VortA- g'> right et he hollers out, '?Set wrote a letter aniioiincini. thal he "would n't staler (tea. I..." to wit: Ceri, imtl-,r, the K-puhlnan candi? date for Conp ?... Hs,has ant beealaekj enough to provoke Mi. Lowells hilarity, bul ti ter of our meant Cnv. 1!. mfmi.iir.g him that be would be relieied from tim fuilher dtaabaif?. -.1 hil duties as Adjutanl-lit neral, answers partly ti.. piitpoae. A Ni w-Ymk we? k1 ? informs u? thal mo?t of the Massai-1 ? "hi the metropolis ''disap? prove of GOT, B dloek's emms. I dare map the., do. Massachusetts? UK-n in Oregon and Neva/la are prob ably Brill mort i idignant : disapproval sod ind tiou in this ??use bring ia exact ? roporthm to distance from the Adjtitaut-??cniT?d's olf:ve and igneranOSOf theJtacts of th."use '11 I toiht to aasaSBSS, and I believe ?Mi. ?, thal ('ii. fethoithr sated na 'i Kopuhlitaii, and wai criticising and opposing Gin. Untier from a position inside of the Bepablieas party. No such thing. Hil ism was a part of his Johnson i HUI ami general political uiisouinlucBs. Everybody hen* know ? Uria . bal >> in Bal u luatterof wonder that in Saw-York, whineGemS honiet*? opin? ions aim of no mora conse?luonce than any oth( r man's, the fact should not be known. Nobodl b dlapoasd ts say anything in disparagement of l uler's fidelity saga officer of orr State government ?lurintr the war, thoiiL'h it is news to us that ha was anchau extraordinary person si ii?1 is now bald up to b the war is over now. am! In the opi.iion of at Isasl three-quarters of the people <>i this State Ji______ is as serious a political offense as Oeppi ibea>-sa waa two years BgO. snd v.iy neaily akin to it. Schotdcr wa.i know n to !? ? a support? r of the I'n si dent and chu:.i>(l by lim Tri sitien! s pa. ty, long liefore the letter agsrasl Batler. 'lhat made his position known to UM public, sad hh Igual um or removal was a matter of course. Hie Goveiiior gai c liiiu an opp.u tuiiity to IBSlfB, and ha apparently eonsented t'? lake this emu? -, lor in ?he first letter to the Go w If Baked foi time to complete 1.1-i I work, and gave BO intima? tion th.t I ' i no1 I ad to comply with the rc ?jHost for hi?, nalgnatioa Beeaewhata about a year ago, Gen, Schooler, recognizing the confi? dential i.-lal connect the Adjutant General with UM Coi)S)..:?n!iT-in-l.hic?, dec?an ?I his intention ing at a day not than distant. Alter this turo made pro-. for the publication of a ?ouipkte list.of Massachu? setts m.-n wh<i lad sert. ?1 during (hi.? war, ami this jo!? ftnin-i"-I a. .-. . ft?! n>i)!"T ?1 'h?*, -, probably a delay until Gov. Bullock should himself cr? out of offic??. for I have no i?lea thal the hat will be earn? {totod fortwo or threey. to? ?me. Tb? Governor oun.l I in - t-General and Chi? f of Staff on his han.' no1 only allowed him? self to I?, deeply i oi u, but lia ! trot into H quarrel with Ibe Major-Cencral <u the Stale militia, with whom he would nacen? sarily have intimate relations. He r??quest? A liitn to rcTcn and on his n : removis! him, and put I.u u?.-Col. Cunningham W the SM in ni? plai . loe ptoplo of this Stan ha yeal eb*( rs of < on greet?, ?to nfatives, and varioui eoim i y officer?, on party ticket s. ami nobody, in "tho metroiMilir,' ni ?-I?. \? In-i-.-. i' : s ton,ni uni fault or e*_ pre??8?.-?l any s i tu *n is the occasion for fhe ni ni pi L-> ti hu. h ra le? ne >? Some statemen tri ? Benry Ward ?'?cet m T- m . vitli his engagement ?with the M<?rct-til? Library Aa-uamition, nave been maa!? in ii" news* I imderetend that they are. t ' tough Hu- lectu? rer's iiiisic i i ?'tus and lil dations ha* in somi cases b< en open !?. i ? relations with iii?? M< . ; linkable and tunittee of on?- of the neighhiaiii ' io'.- ? in Middlesex sent him a clus.k sonn? im,,ii . ego, ami not a promise of a lecture. About the time when tln-t ?nu-? was tocomiaeli? <-. Mr. Hei"h i ? p-iiin ii stains began to be objectionable, and lea nu ti it uni? "i the ticket-holders did not wish to 1 ir liini. tin* Committee announced that they should pul i! to vote, on the opening night, wlntlni Mi. I?? i h.r should lie h<*.ird or not Toler? ance prevailed, and there was nearly a mianimona vote in lu? l .vi,i, bul action, Mr. Hi i (lui-,'i .; d tho? iit.k. ?t ??n the part of tho ( omitiiiit. by allowing the question to lu? raised, and be > rased to make hi? ipi? 1 don't s.e as in can be Com lined of foi this, and as vt-rv few people -arad irieatlv vvIn tin r he cam ! do not un Isestand that ih- re has been any (Imposition toeom -?laiii. Mi. Iii i*? liei's lecture hen trongplea hut 1 do no1 h.*, r that be pledged ! - friend Gov. l'a: ?toni oi anj oi the ex reb? els Who? he i-? in ?.. I so i ton ii to pm? ' i ' nugi ess, to anV cooperation with him and the radical party gi nerallv in ?anting eat tb'-ir liberal bl? as. John M ? in. the Roxbtrry young man, who mnr den-?l the girl who h.ul consorted with and proved false to him, I ,*d to execution, ami the Kxc'titit. Council h to consent to the i-?>miiwttni im? ii hissenteni e. The protract? ii oonteat between Go. Vndrew and bia council, on lb. .u oase, it hiu? 1?..TI supported, cr oug publie sentiment- in favoi i?t a stri?*! ei.i'oreem.-iit ol the death i??-nalt\ in all ?.;.?..?..! murder pronounced to be leeliberate l>v th? court*.. Bul 1 ?lo not think any euch sentiment rho great major it?, oi the people iindouhtctlly Ihoni'ht that Green' ? one which reqiiiri ?tri. ? t;f handling, for I do not think that ?itlier the legal or ti terian plea in bia fbvoi evei mul? tin- slightest impreivmiii on the publie. What Ute people ?.?garde,! a? au in* lie?*having boen finally done, in this case, they are quite fied? and have no ?lesire to have any doubtful i dispottiiil, which will shiM'k the sensihili . of Hie communitv. I am m.f very f *r.ii!>.f. ?Hh Morana ease, but an imprei ?.M ' is not oin which regnircs the extreme iienalty o1 ,. thal a manase bj In? ne? Count iniaj he looked for, and that the ging, aud that very few people will be sorry for it, and united y less ? BiisHn.?. i.? very dull here. One of our St bankers, ?n a iie-e eonversatiot? wi- d tin other.! r. ?deas ol the proper inetbod of B_*medyttig the ills of tire body polit n , and ?.? his ?p cifio may probably be new to the financial k, I send it to you. "What's to be ?lorn ?' a?k?*d his friend, a quiet gentleman of the agricultural peiauaaion? "I'll toll von whit's going to l>. dom?: McCul ItTob's a iisil, and t'(iti-rTe.?a?j is a set ?if fools, arid tliat? wb . to he donof" There is probably no hoire of the Secretary of the Treasury, but when Congress resume? business, I boi>o it mav take ?srisdoin fr-.n, tin.? antbentle expression of Boston .pinion, leave olf being a rv-t of fools, and go to work uiion som?? ??lan of relief fn>m our financial trou hies, 'lim questions which are likely to be. nu.?t neitim. ?wasly debated in the L<K:?)?ttuw ara the Soldiers' Bounty bill, for which there will bi a ic.;?t lumber of petitions; the Tunnel one*ti??u, which, owing to the preM*ii?'e of Mr. P, \V. binl ami Mr. 1). I., llarris in the Hon-*), is lik? orougblv overhauled; the Agrieultttral < ? nh Uostou Hats question, and the i ?mil A?n?-miment. I supp?t??? (;.;i-. llullock mil recommend the mtih cation of the Am? miment, but I trust he will take pains to exclude the idea that it is a bargain or basis Of settlement, it he docs not, there ii ii kel v to he strong opposite m to <hr ratifient)??). I do not believe it ?san be carried through both branches without a distinct understanding that the qiiention of the ad? mission of NitiiliMii .Senators and Rcpr?sentatives sud dectt-ta la one entirely disconnected with the -LueadoiMit, stamling ti]H>n it? own merits and wholly within the discretion of ( ongress. neral Banka visited Portland again last week. and, I am informe*!, lu?* obtained certificates from biaph/idcten ami olbei-s fouling to show that lim ?vaiaaMneitts snade by Mr. Copeland al Malden, after? ward by a th putat Ion of five, genti-uun v* JPortlan 11. ig i .-I i,i fluenti.-i-fet.iii ?I te, the theory that the (..mial was Bick. Ibe General's in. ml* ?tr.- by nu mean* ili?p"-?d le let the ma!bi re?f, and Mr. Cojieland, on th?? other ?iHHaii SSeOW? BO dispON?tiou to ? mode i?f in wa*" ira lion which >,, , i a?l i-nlde. The question whether 11 . ( in (.?ik-ated at Portland is likely to remain an ?-pen ?me for a lonrf e 'TUt i ty ?ensat?ori hi r* is Northern ??OAte, ill? weakly which Mrs. and Jalmnml Kirke are ?diling. ,| al N.-w \oilv. it i? piii.ted in ..litoiiiil ?i.t-??|i|u..ii' ii ?.ard? ?1 SI a ?SI V *li????re*lul '/i FISK ARTS. l'l'.IVATK vu sv OB MB 'i ! \s -iMTt WI'ST'M IWrUKSI U lUXKl | SOM] BVI1 i I - Oil I I i-V. s ??-els, of ilalmli. -.s hni!? !in_, No. i Wast, :.; Europa . . ,,(h, i i ? .:.?', the two painui ?_? ?hi n.. ...n ?.I I..--..-1: ?i? ? i th? exhibition4_l I I. f?>. ti a n. b? r, Mm annual gold mcdill ? ? the exhibition, in the lh. II -".... UM m -t ??f the?,? nu o.ii? haa a double vaia?; ii i? awardad mil.s once IK . . ami the recipient is Baba U ?I by the I ? txranti. maa |, a*.ni to con. ii date, bim ali on hsi tag tim tain. We has i not lu ard as yet how the fon ?? behaved oathiaaofls* sion. Our li mud Mi. '? ?ulai., wboM .?? ?u-snlvnt in? tentions a ith n-.;.ml 1<> our 1?. nU'liti-.l roinmuiiit. we praised so highly the othei day, must bo t_ her i lo i ???? a yonng hath rian ,.., i s ing ?Ti prizea from und y noses ol artist* ?d the ling; bul be inna! make np it, foi Ils a ssu. ss.- Ami l lean-shave. ?i? i.'u artista, lio'.M'ser, have Mu- ? nliine and intellig nee of our own, they nave doubtless, li fore t TIS, i ik, n m. asmes tn memorialise their aevaral L'os. ruineiiM on the advisability of shutting oui American pictures ?mt-irelj from the Kumpcan irtar ihibitor. t IA. m some other equally . .Ti. iisci, preventing for ?the future the p.-?-?i i any ?mli achievements as this of Mr. Wust. J nat at prisent, however, ii looks vary IKII.1I sa if "tin ?uiy? ?is ni tin- ernsvn? d despnt ??-," "th" inein ; -, A . .An, bad displayed . ?i- ii more liberality, faim, sa, ami '. m rosily Mian i? often exhibit.'.! bj their more ?nliglUt-ui-d and i I n tin.-n ol' this side the wau!. I ??i em ?I Ives, we do t ol liim-li value on these honore v. lu? li bave Ix n ; vrarded to Hr. VVuat; we rned to know wheth-ar, in a collection mad. upol pi? tun s bj men strongei lu landacape than the h- si Germ?n, 1 rench,and Belgian paintaraof aaeh suh.i?ci . they AS mild bave been found worthy of such inetlon. Jt U ear?v te see win these two pioturea Id lia > * can i? ?1 oft the pn/e Dom the foi bk haml ??; modern Kurop. an laiidscapista, !>ui thequiwtioa is whether. In ronipotition svith tile beal work?of En* glishand American painioi.s,the_ would has c come off n ?til such signal honor?. Certainly, it waa not Avitimut a aarpriae almost anioiintiiii. to incredulity that we read the m*ws ??I Mi. S\ u-t's L'.SHI fortune. To apt ak intkiy, jud-_in ? bim by what ?se knew of Mm Ixion? be wen] away? AS ?. should ??s soon have lookad to see Mr. Beams, or Mr. 1> H. Carter, clowned, as him. Ile had never painted anything to excite ?'itlmr ii,tcre.?t or hop.? Iii? in? tin? ? \v* i? i'i pretension, and a ?thou! any . s 1'1'IK ?. of study or thought. Their ?tyle wa? eoarae and illiterate, and the only ?ability ti _town ?he ability to ces. cr Kr. at j?i, ? <?.? ,,t ranvaa NA it li , ?1.uihs of paint, representing the amalleal n! of detail and the feweal umauole nie?. This being our dell berate jutlgntenl of Mr. WtaaVa tal.-nt. form? ?I alter a .a;? Iel study of bis work?, Mm I?TI?1.T may miaaine our surprise on li iridng that hehad borne ofl ISA o imp m ?mt na dals in corapi (it ion Avith leading Eni-opean ?uiisr?. We arara anxious tosen thepicturee and solvetbeprobltjm. and we are ?lad that ive have had the (?pportuni;. of doing t*X Th. y aio ??ai ellcatl.s bungin Min-1 .V Si?merville_ large. han?!-? me. iv?'li-li?__itid _.ul?.-ry. and liankly appeal t?i o? foi Jndgment. Tim landscape which receive- the Poyal Cold Mcdill at Kruss? Is i? n Ntrrwcgian torrent-trtreasn abymonlight; the other is ?i rimilar subject,a waterfall in Norway, but an ordinary ?daylight effect. (?i _e two, we very greatly or ter the Inner, which .?.rd the Banna] *_ohl medal at tho Exhibition al tin I " doubt that May arc both : lev? i pictures, full of fore? and cliaractor? and we slmuld aaiy'full of promise, ii wewere-roSrt?ade t?> blattete by mm li ?.I Hi. remaining woi k thal hangs n]*>n the walla I*he power ami skill of tiieee twopietureal not- mat. hni by any auaaerin? power and skill in the oiiiiTs, Asinii ai tin? sann-lime A.? are .-lad t?. now 1. ?In* th?! the enid i ???.?l colur, the slovenly ?drawing, i!?? on Ung of moa <>t tim ?.liter pi? tur? s, are not to b < ompmlnad "t ni the prise j ,, - tores, roi color,'i of thom basan) <<>l<>r; the mooni!sbI scene is ?,l ,, m ???little mitre than n studs in llghl ami shad.'; ami the oll:ci-?Avat.TT..I!. ?roaring over I?;.;? k :?s I.?, and under a !? ?-den sky. h i? alaaos! litth cohn aa the moonlight seeue. The ?lias-. in it in boththtrse pitfnrea i? strong, and ? har. and i, ami ii the painting i? ? ..a. ?.-, u ,!,.? ? not on, ml i much in la o? which strength and wild , be element?, ral ii bentity. V*' think the I' ? verj lim- en*', al, for us 1 implica that we bato mnch of the demand . nsl? ?metl to make of ._. . m- lo colo nndei tio oonditlou imka toi rent like this would ?i ?st shossn i!i il.?i Beul pa I?, all the separate j color? of the it is. ami all th? ?i? des of tho#e? e? . v? ti by iK-ilii'iL' bia .?!>. ?t I? sd, i nu th? painter i I elude the necessity ol putting color tete wittel tight and colo, thal tat. how? ver hovering, lum ; I in, i; selsea and h?>hl-. and water aril] n. i look lils?'AS al? i ?O long ?S 11 i? all oin- hue. lu-that j same him-, ol LTT < l?. or brown, linn, the foant at I th. foot of this fall, ia not true foam, which, indeed, most difficult t?> paint; it looks like a of cotton, and ha? mitin! nor truth oi l.uiii. In I.-? t mu n thal hi!??!:?-? to ?painting ss. are obliged to forego in th?-.?? picture?, and In last ?mais-is wa nu st lisik upon them on drawlnas, no1 paiunngsal all; as studies in light and sinul?, ?uid not t?? I*.-. i T" ?/.-?I foi tin ir ss a.i .*! color. Al 1 willi the:?*-? tub.! - flat Mr \Vu?t li..? . a a p.??."..-i for which we were not al ?li prepared, ami which piv?-s us, w?? think, a righi t<? jirediet a fiitiite for nun that we cpuld no1 pi?>m;.-c in iii? {euee either ol his earlier or indee?! of mnch >t Us later woik. For, tilla A? a lol has the ,il?h and roar of tim ret? catani,-t, and its plum;.? is felt to be irr. si-tihie, from the brat glbnUM Wo catch of it al !.. - over tl.e re]? ntleasi-,1 ...?. ?,? sli ittered ssith foam on the nula 1,. low, Tin a. t ii ?ii ol' tin water at t!u lir, where J? breaks of] from the main ahoot and r stream, broken ana tern ;.t the '?ide, Muid only have been pain! I from atudy oi nal ure- i i ?.? ? not to Ki- forgotten; tin-;?- ure grand in lona, ami th? incident of tbeeajrlea is most happily iutinduced to in.-r? ?se tia- interest of ti'.- picture. ira L1.U1 to wi]c?jmo Mr. Weat homo again. ily his future is in Ins own hand?. He not I..- misled hy his Europeanmeleno. He ?gainedthe pi-i/i i n i *..? [ling th? artista with whom he ?-??mp? t??l m t'n?' A -iy potete where their practice la reprehen? sible, ile won a race where no1 .iruth, bul oonv?ntion Waa Mm Koal ; ?ra urg?* him to he true to nature, to ?..n .n hi?weakening love of "?Meet," ?aodthrow? ing all hi? other woiks hehind him. n-olsct.'iat 1m ss ni labor steadily to make the exceptional power and ti nth oi this 1 laurie picture, the chai act. rlatica <?l i,U hih works to come. W.J have re?.?ive?! from Mr. Theodore Stroefer, the Aiu- ii. ?ii ii.? ut fin the )uu; ?- of l'un kluan, printm?ll?r? in Munich, specimens of photogropha recently puMUhed by Mint finn from et ??.mal drawiaa?. Illustr?t).) ?.the ptln cljejljwurk? uf 8dtbl ni"!."-(-hiller, 1?. KaiiPuieh, Muller, Jii gak. ?nul other wdl-kiiossn (h nnan artlr-.ts. Th? se plmto .rapljsar('iitilil?s)icdli!'"V(r;ilsl_<.s,ihe]uri.'''St tMagaxatt repnxiiictiuii? of Haa irrig!?al diaataigatai -tfea aaaallaaa. <>f the si/e ktitissTi linearte de Titile ; H ?. l'Ut ii]? In .?nul are weD salted fur pr. s-'it?, rewarda, j.iiiiiijMiniii?, and affaira of M:is ?eii when s??i?i? tiling l? :..! le U-'pl.-tty UUll st,?Uli h ,-in,-, Lui net ?.Apei,?i.e. 'nut ?Irassiugs fn?m alum ti !... n j t ii.-* t, ?n-, rerjr tevataMa ifaatBa?] "f txlaaatiat-j .!, ?host ni', it ut it, |".s|, uiulfi,icm?,'a<, ,i |_B reap? , t | tram n__f Itesvleaaei thaj ?.ive ,.f., iiim- _g_ ti mum' j n: di iss.i t- ina! U* .-!i--ii, v.liilo "t Hie *;,,iic _____ tli.?t tbfltia tetnaaaed by tin* _a___i_e?l pnr_?o?e .,f each ?utiet t<? liiake 1?. g uit u:?l illa -Hallen Of the. aasject imd.-r iBaaa-aaat. sat a aam ?faaej \iioet that lul_ljt have Isa ?i ina?].? hy a mau ASIIO l,.ml lu-ser rea?] or tu s ? rniuienitood the anil,??r he svas ? n?.-, ,.? ,1 ?poa. Tha dc.ii.iis in lllustnitmi. of (?."?th?-"th, Gotha Ualleryn? have nil leen made hy K.iilh.uh ; Mi? y her tl.e ___?_?__ hi? iH.iiliiir tulciit, und ninny ?*I Mu in i?;,- _ __? iM-r-t \? in. It ha? Ii) ss a s s se.Tjii*! t<? tis tint Kuiilli.uli l?n?tOi,k LiaCalliii?. svliei. he , nteictl the fllld l?f Al 1. u-ual.y oalled - high art;** he l? principally known by works AVIJI'.*.'? stihj?-(t.s ,ate t.tki ii fn in t _M Nmse my th(.?loL*y; cycles of old (?cmiaiiie hist??.?; fawnlfal aoBa 'urns on Scriptural I?KIIK-, .Vc ; AS inks sshhli nitli ,,?1 their h .u niiii.', and Bat?ate, aa?i Barten .at pmyea, have little flower to ?til the etitlniaLiam <?f ?u<- beholder, or ?lAvuken a moro than merrly Intellectual svotidcr *_| the dlfri, alt!?-? overcoine hy the artl-f, his tedafStigabte lixlustry, and the extent of his nsouri-es. So much of I Le latKir ??f hi? ?if?, lias lu?n passed In -working utuui auch th. ni. a that Iii? nunn? has HeO-M Identified with them in the pnp.ilur mind at home and nhroad, but probably we the fli .t to aoscrt that he 8ht)AV8 n inucli greater ability In d?-al with BuhjeetS IVIIO-M- grouiiil-is ?uk is hiu.i??i oua.Jiatnica!, or plat mi \_m_ mr_?j Mi.??e svht.Ti are (crand artsaafo, Baaa.reaalgiaaUy ?MtBlaiSB rastlraab alii finally aoOM to In, known by hi? lllustratlimh of " li? ynitril the Fox" rather _____ hy such cold and ?ead? iiih- ci.mpo. ition? aa t lit "l>.-strn??ti?in of .leriisalein" or the " lialtle of the Ilims." The rt-.uler ?rfO find iiinong th.-s, l.h?.tographs of Ilruckniarni llluatratlons in point. One of the best of them Is the " Charlotte," fi,im "Wcrthi r," In AS Mch tho children an- truly childlike, drawn us no one nt Milla!- or Frere could draw thetn, and makin/, us wonder how the same s?i Mfo|?i1_l Asilh one siilijeet, as here, mid ?o artificially ssith another, as tn the case, for Instance, of the " Mary Stuart and 1.11/n brtb," 'i h< little boy, too, doubled up with the cold lu the " Gbtiie In I-'raukfoi 1," as also the young la?ly lu the f<"-, - ground putting on her afate?. HIT a? nat uml a? Must],itho htinsi If is aifect? d. In !lie"Oltllle," UM little child ??a _t, - ly fgnre, tie BUbt*. i?H*?ou? for belu? tiiietiingeraleo. but Ottilia tit li? the ronre-ntU-nal ?tage-altttudo employed to repreaeiit despair, and doe* not move us at aM. Vie tren bava bar barr 1st dona in iho well-known style of m ..I or dylag h.'rcines, nlihnugb, If we rememlier rightly, Ottt-Ue wa* dressed in the usual eoatiujie of ladies of the .-:,en ?m i went fora walk. According to Kaili ni with a vic?v |oscans heart i . ssre Is happsa he* eaeea. Howeiei, i >? ane? tot ..!>' te .u? whatis well kli.ivvn II? tin- l?ii*-el?l?.if manner. I :.? i- enough drawings I Item the ?I..11 al the .ff i.f Hu- treat meat to malu li weD wonfa whlli t>. ?dady (lum ?Ttii ..m-, A f.-i-lb?-1-' "!. ?' 'i-.i'i' :: elvesatoe mata tan* nat ha asld In praise of ti***, in the 1 ii_*cr UM , iv* have the ertgfaa- <i- '.nxlucetl ivitl, auch faitlifiiiiics.sii.-i1>! louia-s to tin- phor.'^nuph, but ii it ii ade) ii m y of t- me sup ?.i.d.-d thal BBOld only bo MI III. ?J ley UM of an artist managing tho infiniment. lu Hie smaller ones, the reduction produces an sflsat gnMe IM tana, giving an o? ?luLslte flin Tens that aValghtl the etc i|iiite ?..s nuiclia* the .traafarsad fraar pft-"**! afthi i.*.rg?-r liaalaga Hut lieitlicr nnu;iiifyliiir affect tills mar? velous (.Ti ill.i n li K ivl.ii li has How reai lied a pei-fee tion sad-i us ion?,' hsrassaatsf whaaaaBhaga Umagbts authy efsaaha paves sf ssjaaMS? Ki til? willie ive mii.?t lu- grateful to au art thal BBS so perfectly trauw IT1?? vvlial'n i 'li .' '-.' '"re It ; ii ntl If Mr. inn? kuluin) would offer us a gift that would be sure to meet universal acceptance, let bim add to his G?thc gal It IT, Kanll'D'h's " Reynard the Vox." Mr. Schaiis publishes a lithograph of Ibiwbnn, the peal 0? ni: m at tor, flinn ?. draw iii),' hy Kramer. It Is an excellent liken? " and the lithograph I* ?di" ex ei lit??!. Missis. Weisinatin ?X. LaagSI fehlt have s.nt .us a pt-otagrapbtroaiadrawiag hy o. Peastor at tan figure of tho Virgin la Munn..'-? " IaiauMah?te,OBaeeptlen?M tfs ?'?mint praise tin. dru tv in g vt ry highly, hut the photo grapli I* a skillful reproduction of it. Mr. S.A. Hobttes publishes a series of stereoscopic i ?"ti| uf l.teailvv.iv, hu! tin y li n I icry little merit t-iu li thlugs, If not ?lone pel betl| w II, VMS St 'I. i I nt ?lone lit all. We admit the difficult v. hut It ought Bl he o. err?me, or els?, rln <i fully MU <undid to. Mr. Uiotvu's BSaSBM has not baiB Sgaal to las di -termination. Mr. Christern l?LS received copi's of Tlieoi'.hih? (luuthlei'slatist liiitiiiicc, "Cipit;.i:ie ITaia??i," vt,th 11 ?iwrathui? my (insi.iii I?..te. Me i'la?. HMM illustrations nnmng ( li? very l>?-?t that Dont li.i? pindueed ?iiice the Don Quixote. 'J'hcy nie ?-ncn'iii?i;in;r BBBanBMM that the tah lit ivliIcli readied M 1?it^li in Qui nile ?uni " Les OOSSM Drolatiques" Is still stiouc, and SSSjaMs ?if doing work worthy of its strength. TI,? " BIMe," the " Milton," aal nine)) of Ins later production his li, en I.niir-ntahly fe? Mi? nmi forced, hut, ivlth a ?Ult'Jei-t lint BhSVI the letcl of lils somet? luit ina!, hal and external nature, ho easily tlaroivs himself hil?, lils iv.'iU iv ilh the VJgSf of lii?eaill,-r du j . 'Do III ?st rat ion.? to Cupii.iiii.? Fracasse on- sagiavwi lu ii style ndmiraMy suit, d t.? the laSjei i*. and the l?ook is at Uactiva, beside, atti aseeBsal pisas sad hsadasBM print. A Mr. Jadediab Bwipei -Tleavaasl (if we may bo allowed tho discourt, -y? What a nain?! ! ?.. i it?- ? to Inform li.? that vic , Sall | th?' in i ?lake tin- oilier d'.y Of < ailing ill?, geeie In a certain i.i.-tuie, " dm I;-." u fi .?akly . tantean ' that we did so, writing und r ti?" e.,ii?I.lned dlf fi.nlth* of ?.I.?. ne bull? of n.ind and !??>dy, and ?o thank Mr. B. for hi? ?-rill? Ism. Will h. allow u* to re in spite of tin- apparent shume?* <'f mir ornl tholognrtl know l.-.lge, ive lim e nun I... B kim? B t<> BBB> t.tke other peoples geese for Bl l'-inmons Brothers,-Ellhls Boase, hue published portfaits of II. IV. in*, cher, and II. \V. Lei gMloW. They .iie'ei,'*:.. .ni o'i I, li, itif?' ' tipple, and BW iioiihiie-ai* mihiii issy n ?. i? of pensai wtth ?h-mitr pur*?1*. The like?esses are Quite'. ASSASSINATION AND SUICIDE. A x\i>.Mt\ Killin p.v t ion. ?..vivs J.N MNIH-IVI.. UNI ?OsT .MI uni ni it -t Muli*, m i mi-1? AM? nt . ". -i 01 ' -i . '? i . : I \ )l;l'ii i i in- .it i-.Y. On Saturday "fiernoon. Shoal '. ..'I, '.. ? |. iiil.h ! it tin* !' . iiiiin;; him?!- of Mr*. Valid'') in n li, corni r of T.t.-.t : -! and Ni'il I. .ti ? -., r?.??: II it; lin-iii* ilh ot two pi i ii:.,: Ora| Y?'.il.nd, Bia autli ii.-s? und ulm -?. in,.I Itoniidniuan 'i Imams \V. Burke el the Slxleentli Pit rim I ii'.w*. Mrs wulm.! Inn! ti . a lunn,. at i be li, ? ?i ni -: . . mill vi illili lln le in i n i.mir Hi- .nilli. .? of ti?. I llurke, v, |?i til. i . . ? II uns In-r itl 'ti o- li,.. - in. H pn nt ?lui i. ;, b i inn!, ij ?unlng M;? Willard In addition tot* li * ?n i d in -? o! The ? i in ..?', li: ' ii a fe? . . :, ..f ?li H nilli vi..In i;,'. . m j ..-ii . (if In r . on s ?turill v sflei i' (Ir,) iii ni ii. e I" Ko I" In I lit.lue, tt In nut It I* liol . .1 a .v ..ini; . li. in . ?:..... the - i I., am! It lim ke law tins set <>f I ..ti. litlOtl .? l| Wei,: .lil, . | li,,||,'im , .,| J,, U". beardina i."-- * , an I bul -. te i inii ni? -, bad < lapaed v. Inn .Mi?. Willard and Burke, who bad followed her, ?*. beard quarreling a* it I? >.,.,.".??. .1 bj t in.??-- i. .1 i:. " In a lo ?. i. II the ..;? I"- !.. i pn v aie ; . i?d 111 nf the ?I I lie, li. i.lil. in ii to III, y lil le.! ? 'lui i Ti iwlua ? ??.?- h i ci" led r.-viiiv . i from in? pin M i fired al Mrs M lllsrd, In I? ?ii- ,? Pallet m i.r lu ii ei, :t. Mrs. Willard ?t.?-.. rd, bil nilly g1 li - in mortal u on.? , Burke ?till foi ? ti ii ii tiii ii i.r j.n ii.i from ti..-hall lim, t.i..e, tin? shot .iii-itti^ nu.! | '"UK1? the ih.-.i ?o.lKtvl in th fii e M n-II Mrs Willard waathen rarrl<*d t <. Ti.? bed,? led .ilni"-! iii-i .titiv. ititi ki- tin a feeling the r< pomlblMti ni (he I?!?.???!?, deed. ?I --. . i.. 1 forward ?uni, with tia ??. 1111 ? puto!, L-inptle.t anothi-, bar lilli. -li til? li. II?! ii. !,,.-. H .1 while la- was Laing rarrled to tim ,t ?ti b Hospital In T'.vei . t e.'iTi'ii ?t UV ?onie of I ?. ?, ni ii,, Hlx 1.1-i.tii'l'n . .m '. v. ?i.-II he m ii Although an Inquest ha* in ? n held, the ii ii ..luv lui? not yet been proved of toe In du i in ii wfao esoorted ,M??. Willard froui tim i.,?ioli. i b? ,.iding hiiiec. An Inquest was lield yesterday morning npon the body of Mia. willard bj Coroner Gamble, at trnleli the follow liitf testlniouy was elicited Mr*. Ullzabcth l?eeds, who iifi ti|.i tin; sdjolnlng !. nln lo (I.I, ti ?iii .1 follow!! 1 ian le. -.-'.1 it lay evening on in r return from down towi iftei warda aha earns Into in> room after a mateb: about ."4 O'clock l heard the report of a pistol and heard the deeeased scream; as she. sine tomj dooi I ran to 1. ( her Iii, ivh H I beard the report of i p, itol si the second linn , tie lull pausing through Ibe door; when Ilet her lu ?he Mid ihe lins ein?!; 1 heard the n poi t ol the pla! -I s thlnl inii.-; I dkl lint ??Mitof my rovnt-she livedon!jr two or nuil- min?tes sfter coming to my room; I never saw Burke, dec? sa* d has told me thal then was s maa anney in,* Ina i ?;n ni deal, but did ma un i i "ti bia t. ?me, telling nie that ho WSS a desperate niau, iv hen dei .?. i.eil I in* 1,1 lot for tho match ?In Informed me thal s geuttemsn had raited on lu i: I wen! ?nt?. i,? i rootn and saw a man i on the fino) lui i ill I if,-; Booti liltel lie WM I.iktTi UVV al j?l the ,,. i liarles P. Willard, a brother of deeraw-d, win. resides at No. 81 Cieeniti. h ?m , testified: Tim last lim. I ?ut li rah ve wa onBaturdsj iii. n .on si it o'. To. k al r?4 li.iWd nil!'.- where sin ?.n employed; 1 learned Satur evening that ?lin an? d. uf; l son! to her h.e aadiewber; Ibevei mw Thomas ituik.- hut once; be WM ia the habit of visiting mj r-i-t.-i ; i sa? bim al my ?tster'i house ou Buudaj ii . i tfl bim tin bave not leen bim anee ; I bave heard my si M my that Burke han , . t" h. r, thal she had n . Jetted him and told hita lum? that ?li? would liitnei he iveiiiT keep a vu from Hie house.but he p.r d li. coining: l.n ?i-ter h;e. I? ? u married: heraus bdmll* den! : I do not know wfacthei she was ?lirorced. Mrs Sophia A. Vain!.T mai k, v. Hil ivlmii? the ?I,. I'll bad liv i! '.t.tii li i r a.* a boarder r-liici Uctol-er, UM, oc?iipying the fronl parlor ; 'i le Ullin lill:: i i- W11 . in the lia h It ni Vbtltillg tin ?: about I o'? !?" I ? lim?!.iv aft? i in? te the bouse and itskeii f. iii , Willard, and went into her room: he ? m . i -i ei,1? lintiii-,; when be esme fats race appeared I ted uml be was semewhat excited ; heard bim ' i ! lev lode?.? ?.?.<-<1, bul did aol bear waa! ha auld; about lil i luuU Willard rams down -.tiiin to i m . nal, lint did Dot get It i she left the i.- ti ., ..i ? I adie st the foot of the stairs and went back to i. i un; she ha?! just time enougl ?o a-i t there - . ? ?'' lill ?li.?l J .l-l .?1 eliot, li! Ill?' ?.lilli- Illili bei rd th? mci.? ? ?.., m <niti>< ?-1 in to Um foot ot the uni in :,n, li ? running througfa (be hall and the I- pin I ni li..; plato! ?it iii?. ' ? . . . The tv it m a said: I faure had nation with the deeeased lu regard to Burks? ?he auld he had proposed marring, m her,add tli cept?-4l him; liist July " li mi Mi ?I tin v ui te goll g to I ! UUIITl. .1 oil Thaukeglvuig Dal ; sine? that neu- she t??)d me thai i,i i in-r mind, ?ilni w.i? i,..! goli>; to murrt bira, -foses Jackson, an officer in the Sixteenth Precinct, . li it, hearing ii l.nlv had b. eu shot, hi went Into the hot -<-, ?.tal tuen saw a man lying lu the front roon Weeding flam tea head, uni? ? revolver hing by his slile mil? nu. e . bambers empty. Joseph U.Shaw, M. 1?. te nueil that he had made a examination of of deeea*?)?.. The ?all J..I-... d through the heart and was found lodged In the, posterior put of the bady.p? ir tin spine. I tatfa vu?t??lined by Internal beiaotniagi resuluug iiomthu wounds. 'ihe Jury rendered a verdlet that the deeeased came to !'?.. atti li.? inc.?I.? ol a p. 'ni shot at tin: of 1 bom ta M. Hurl?-. ThefoUowiug letter Waa found on the pi non of llurko hy tin. ollii ii? : SSV-TORK, Mir 17 l8??. I tin ?-. lilltpp'.li 1?i1 Iii failli-? to ilni r"u !..'Iiv. ilear. Iliat I bar? tim intlulKliii! lu i " (i..?! m ' liaren,? t.. ata Hut I i? m. M ?Tit?? ) ear ?fini life fur I li^iit uf ?uiir Uiwtr fir?, Uni Hie t.-urb uf > bala i... - I fie kr.l fur ron lint ne-i,. lu rail TfcsN ?STSBS lil?? ej't ?itiliii.f fur me. it eeeiii? alni li., pieman* ??lilt- In ?rlri.iue me. lim ntnimt i.n?i;*ie lu.? I HUM rou, rten it tlave little ?tri. M lir, mt l.rttt felt like i de?? r ttei.e In ... - li ?. I .,, ? t? the of ii.? lo nliii.t 1 ,'., ?? fanrr, )(}ou MP, lint I ?*. ?ill? j?*?, e-,?u ?? I ?" ,1, itrul I ickilviiu? buiidietl kia.?? inii i beart full i f Uie u,i>e< il?'.o(i?t loi?. ii, i rat? I fu i?i-r ?itlmut leeiii), mu, ev?u fur i little ?billi I im t.?i|-icl to iltl?r until Hit'inti/ mi.ri.iiif. m I ina/ .*? you to-taurrow 81 .lilli?'. It ttt.ilb Iltur, 1, run ?ill let un (lull, (?.dear, bow |.rnTok?ii| It ii lo ?hit tun ire nil; i eonple of hii.eki illitai.t fruta m?, m,?, iiij I email ?re rixi, hut ?nutt go bun? l? rtreirr .. . blnl 11.? S bia leal Iti unite Well. It ii *?tnetbhig to Ino? ?hut I 4**r, Bltleot, gi?-?I kerntet .Urliup ! hate pt, fur luu ?unit kaow ib.t I i-uitilfetr (hit ;IM? heluK ,.. ii e enl,?ii? iitul BO OU? ?IN bil i:?)i rlgbl lu ,-ili f?S ,, .?, ur tu lara t'-.i. e' A'.I 1 *? iel? |eal-?i.? nf uiv |eoaaea t.eut, I ?eiur? TUIL lu i?b ,uu tH.aU tbink ?uoagl? of IA? Hi ?flit* ?. ?.a? letter ?rblle I aa ?one. Dtreet te* Uidtlletnira, Cam. Will roa, dear I If on ae-e oel. r*?ln? ?rUb ?Be Tem I ?ttotild r?. th? bn. ,.le?t iittl? a. an_:i tliewi.rliL We ?banki he ?o baypr to.'elher f??r I *?. il.l? t IS, leaat-linn'? To? belele it I SVeli, I ?hall bar? ?utir ptetar?, and looking 1? it? ere? ?rill try to facer tlie ori?. na! ?en me. I ?-urn eut irottr (ooaiBBa than i ?ball )?e .ne ?l.ieh I h??|.e ?rill le .-r ?, .tura! Sen i ,1 ia ti.? val) kimi ?i bate Lere, ? . . 1 late .?ra, i ' I ?' doo'l bellen In in; ?neb , ,.', ki.?.?. I l ! m.-.?. tu ?n I I "?e s? i ao , le ,,r *.!??] Ui. ht, n,?a, ?i.ii it'""' lae. ?a?ii? AL.i .,_ ?lu I kita? ? ?a o iiiii? ? ,.. iBtil I baa .o? to k1- Yiiura'e-, ?yagans Tin- foCowtngletter, ? ritten It ?sall )?.. seen, by Barite DI i - ;, ss,: ? .mud among the eijV??ta of ? : Wr.D5K?i?AT. 2 r. n. fly. . ! -erel"- ,onr rn'e, ?. ?' .?Im? nulli:!' a? ?ril thiai ita r, it, ;. i'_, l,,i n.jatr lut it? I .??? f'il?X t r.-t ?eil t ? t Se ?! to ?tanti tb? ?tona ?Jut a? ?;t- Be. I wa? ; nure i .re lu unter lu Lite a . ?i'.li . ' . T,si?e. a., 1 1 hate i:,.lh ?.- left t i nui i -i bal 1,41.1 ?iff I 1 I for I . - rnrntwh to anndale it to . I'reaa of lie-in?-.?? ?s.ntirett.l ?ilk the Ctr ratbwr lliau .i ? ?w Bart la are nie. I ka??? >? ..nure ni .at ka? ? tit .-! ?1,'iude! lu tbe emeu.- ??ha? )?u , I? a ?.a Hie table. I 'it. dear, jon ron.utir Hie ?'-"te ?if ra. K.-Ku. a <>a tint OaVaiioa. It stn? Terr in ?ini'luil of ii? I?, ,e.,r_ tlietn there ifter laririf (ern J"'), l??'l I l?i< ?u?! tr;*l J"?? s. ,H Bud II ia Tenr Lreait to fo:?rn? uie, ?ii?] 1 wonld nut MAIU? rou if jua u?Ter tfak? io me iiiain. Oh. Kiunle, | e?rne?tly bo,?? it ??ill never be roar lot te ?niter what 1 ini?ere,] ,,.. i seat!:.. I? ,i, ?hu 1 ?nuki bare ... to leare tee f ?>ir lona bunn*; ererr i MT '?rain raeke.1 wita A tlioua-ml ron'ili'ti. ?? rnuttiii'ia, ? j.r.r tu Iba, ??c?t afoa!__?J of torture?, ?mpene*. If It i* jronr .1-' nain a."ii, Paai le, nerer to ..? ti.- ?cain, f *ii|i|?>?. It a ?ubi li? nari,-?? Inr uie to tiniearur le t__?_ad? }"?i "r rn- rae stun ,li-ri.?ion, tut WIBaallj |?r.?r thal li. . i .1? ni a.T?. tlon for me ?iiffi.-!'nt to fni'l me orr ,. That I? jim, y.1 i i?-, rt s,.i. ?..:->-,! ta let nie rome tuei.-lit; out ?A it I. ?tot, on . ? ?mi lu piea.-eil tg mi - dinentzaAji-d I Tin.?: cntia? mai uni a fisurj >,e I. a,i~*t?, and s?istiiD_ jon a l?app7 Kew At-r, 1 remain,.our, ?Ter, T. J?. Jin. ?. Pi anees Gray Willard wa? bom In the town of MI?J?!l?v toAsn, ('??nu., and at the time of h? r d? ?th had n ached the age <?f 33 yeal -, although Inapiiearoi ne she lotdted sev?n or eicht sears .voiiiif?'cr. Mrs. Will ml hod boen married an.l bon-1? icry good charinter among til? ?M be t ae> quainted ssith her. Por tee laut two years al,e bad oe?*u ]>ie,l the position of fore*?, ninan of Uie female c?ii?i)Mi,?iti.)ii room attach? .1 to I he World offl? e, and bad eini?loy?_d un .!, i l?a- io j .'uni: Ladles ?is i'i.i!i|.i.?i'.ii t. Urn. Willard waa a lady .if fine pei-??mai uppcKiai'c?-. hating regular f?-u t in -ce. dark ?yea and (el black hair. Taken altogether she was a n fined am! cultivated lady, ard by her courteous oiannenandaugular Intellectual abUltle? s-ain e?l ?'great mans- wari? per ?ual ftu-i'ils. Mrs. Willard Bad! c.lltii.a? ??ii The Sunday Time*, tar a lorn.' time, iiiul ?Iso was a cnii.-iaiit contributor to that and other Journals of poeau and ?ketches, marked ssith a high ?inlei- of ubility. Her poeui? were, bosses? r. esl d.Tilly tia? emanations of a dem. ?-e.l ?ud over bindened mind, lu h,r manners Mrs. Willard waa?.".>!.aetf-pee? aas sed, without ?ay pieu?.? forn?.?.. s ui n ... ?:. my of in.inner. The dec? :?-nl the SUpervl i??li of the table of O?-can Lodi-? nt tin? M ??oil's Fair, and t??> later ttian ITiilay ni .lit isa? the recipieiit of a ?plellilid ti ... mu,lila! In tin? sliai?? of? ?II.linn ??I ling, flin ii?-r fii.-iids, as a t<ik?-ii of their esteem for ber arduous ?? rs-n-c? in the cause. Of chulis .?ml hiiies'il? mo. Tins ling Mrs. Willard -oro ut tbe tima ??f her death. Lillie l? km.ssn about the author of M?e inured?/, Ptirke. Re ?s. formerly a imlrolnnin in the s? ? . ?I l'n ? nu t, iiftcrstanl in the Sereiitk, und at the time at the traced?, s. i . a ii.iin.l?ii?aii under ('apt. li ?Iii. K-mi ?n tin? Tenth ii,- waa a mano] good pi . known to hu of a ?hu i mined ?Ti,inn i< i, uml aged about t, yean. eil li. COX /.'/>'. I' H CIKCUIT ( nt?T-aJiN. B.-n. r n- Jadga RMALLF.T. c. W. Itiitdsh.i'.s, intim', mu It v of attempting to ob? tain ni - . fintii th? NT? ss-Ve. b 1'.. t Olllcc. is fmudul.-llt r.-pii ?< lit;?ti??ii. and f.?r_? i s, s; a? ?enteil? * ?1 t?. tmpi ?-ei.iu-i.t lu Uji'Ciiunty for four i??nth*. Win. II. Bartlett, found gnllty of dealing in <>.n:iit< rf.-lt Unit? '1 stat? ? note?, st a? i??-nti nee?! lo 1. y.-itrs' imp in? n t ..t haul labor in . inn Bli?? Prlaou. The prlaoiier !? a sei y fine l.?,,l.i!i_ and t? -\ * < t ibly dr? -, ?1 mau. His vife, ssii? ha? , hn?,.' I*, him thnuinTi nil lils disgrace, and wDo recently married bim, withoul iM-lug ., real ,,-?er, isa? pr?sent lu Court,and clhT11 ?d the sympa tlii. ? <?f all pi* ?fat. Bh?3 I? eui? tia ?!>? linly Ilk?? lu her ?pa iN-aiTitu'c, and Is scry rcepi .tallis ronnect?-d. Wlu-n sen tt-ia. .,.-? i-.l. ?la? prl-i'lal! caul ir svitli ?.p)?n. ii?, t liuliff? renee, merely bowing !?i lu- ?<l, svLil.r hi? wife sol-i ?l as though her I.? ?ut aotud hu ..k. ?. B, I .'.'!MI?-|...M 1 "*. ?'IT I. .' JAX. *,.-]!efi.reCl'Dl : . i i?. . AN A? '.I 111!. I le. Si-tea ..- K. ITiis .?;,?,?. pi. ,i,,n |y repoi i -uinie?l*an?l I, ,|. I'la- ,|,r,-;?,l.iiil ?. a n ?un i.t uf Lirai. ?? d, 1. I , ?Kb Las lug, st ! ia .1 f?-r bei. . rfelt note ? In lh ti of lio *? t... I .ney. The ?i< fciaiui.t |*rove?l an i M i Iii lit i hal, . n i inpl.unaiit, , eli to ttr ti ' d? c,de,I lo ?: . ,;, ,, nda li?. .?111. i-Mai s-i'l? -? ?trail li-I illili ?ti? li??t tilitlulrd to b. tief. BUPBEME ( oriiT- ? ... : :,. J??t-S l! sli.MI I? A NMV IV IS I" ISV S V.i I K. !'. The parti. ? to this action I le ago I tin- hou??!.oel tiffi.Luir til Mu? platntlfl ? last li,, d' I. ?-?! III??. Illili. I I hen? ititi, I,., nie ..i , . ... al M. J a? ,:, ?-,.1 I, ?'?-i- six month*? and tb fl?*r It was mail?. Bau! ? tiltia I ..-?i?' ?1 it lu tb aft? r Oin ral h. the <!. f? lul i.i.t. .Iiilb' . , ?tb.air t?i mans n sait wealth) Cul ?uti thal be bud not ! ? A 1" l - lltillg ? lilli ?if el? til,lit ol.??iii from 1 "le ill ',!!' -llnli, un am In - li I in I..- turu it ; that art? i .luiiie obi lined It Le < .! the not? uf ? I : partner in Ht, Tlii . . . . i ne) to him ; thal Jame, hating obtained th? i uta and money, aaarrled ! tin Luis, ino >sh? to failed t?? pay thi Dote or I t? im ? aa or ..?! ?m i ?ni I-? a ti an onler of ' ' ? ali.I it . "i Batiinli nu? ?,'i?i".i i i.f ai n -t Ia i ?pp. .:? a it tia i.t . d thai (li.? ?iff ida', t st a. -.lui' l ni ?m the .iiitiinl of fraud, but t. rate the di fendant lind r?? i-is? ?I the nu?!.' tee f? . t de , n Lad failed to I fulfill bl? trpat, und at any rate that he ana a non real li' I I I . IV, .1. ' i . ..-ii. ;.. : le Bo) .1 B (Tait a. ii Mr. i J' 1*4- f I'll lANTAKY. I ? j.u-im ('..'it t to ?las a General Terni, at ss hi. b Air. Juatle? I.? ?'imtil. a-1 i itl ' a I .-r, ss ill |.it-iil.-. J.n.? . I and I' . ni it i in.. Mr. Just!. a t" lu?! I Part I of the Cir? cuit, ?.ml Mr. Justit*?' I'., kita in o? t" ?? ariel AA ill huid I', n li. N".'-|,i-, lal fenn for I - still !.. -lii'liL Mr. .Iii?'ii?? ? ?li at ?'.lambell. The lilts ? ?It Hit ?.li? ?li Lil- of lu.? I -.lill'! Ii.i? a Ile.ill. a,:?l7 ra MS on It, being s?bout WO mort? tb n were on the calendar ?>f lust of tin same ?late. TI o fii -t Monday calendar in ChambersU,aa usual, \.is heavy, and themcrease of 1,1 Kalli' ?? ill this lu a..I'll St lil ?''?'II III Iku It? ' . .all? I of system. Ti., calendar ctuisc? ?lone am aliuoat eiiou^b rmnr the whole time of Lh. Ja tli i who hollis It, and III.? lid, of ct lull ii ? at tun llliii'll for lill?'. Th? Bup?-11er ('lint Trial T? raia are as?li_ii,?d to Justices M. ( .inn .iiul Jones. Juatiee Mullel) i-pe.Tal Tenu, uial tin? otlu't Juatleea all! l?"l?l the (?eucral Term and Chamber?. In tbo Common Pie??, Judge? Carduzo and I' ? lu'lil tia? TTl-tl Tclll?, Ulai .ll,i|e. lii.t'iv tile ?pectal Ti I III. A laSV * all id.ii Ila? lu , li lll.'i.le II)? I i'l this i'ntirt. 'I lie Mulila Couti Will,?S li-i ill. liase ps,, r, lins fur tin? trial of IMIIO?, ?tul the i i ("orarte ssiii bava Mu ir UMialworh In -all ttw Courts the, -Ufytulhui II? lilli) of the UUgtOOa epllit. i "CUT OF \ITT:\;*4. Till. ?A?l'I.M II ssn I ? . This i- an appeal from a decision of the Hnprenu? Court nsel.-niK a di i ?-um el lu? Min n..,ile?.f ItlclllllOll.l Cotmt V, dcnylnji piobute u> the still of Julian., (jardiner, ile 'J'iie t? ?iitiTr was : t the time of ! f : d -tit. in lsr,4, jtosr *,a",i ,,f re?] ,,i,,| pe,?,,.,,,| prupert) -,, the amount of iii?,,ut ?l--.,ia?.. Her lu in? ?U lass stele I' it ?,| i" Hanlin? r, l" r oi , the ; i" II,, t, Mrs. Julia ti. Di. ; (widow of a farmer Presid? ui ni (be Stat?*??), ind Henry Bee. k lu?n, the ...n of a decoaaedd uiKhtor. H> the illi-j.-?! will, about I--..(?m waa e,siit In Ml I ' '.ixki un?! a i??- >'f all t Kimi? n?,.,in?, liim to ??illina r, and about ? i-i,H4i t?. Henry it?-.,Tunan, lim Ti?, li., nm,- ,,f Uardil portion for life 1* given to Mr?i. Tyler, uuleas the h.-.. ami unmaga t<> b.-r property ou tita .? . ii??? Point Comfort, ?hall b? Klmburaa. ?a ker by th? P?der_l t.?,s ? i liment. In is-j, David I- flardtner ?'?.me f?i resid?' with hi? mother and tunk charge "f her estates, li? is..?. Mis. (?ardiii'T mad. .. still, ma convernattou nl?out which, ssith a friend, ?he ?tated that ?be Lad len I>.?\i?i tin? m???t lu ? aii?i le- lia.I luiil the ?-?re of tim proper! v. In ir, ?. Mi . i ?,, i , -,,.from Vlrg tala with six? hil??>?-ii and took up her alioile with her mother. lu ian, lias id iii els ed li ni.O' fa?m his lu? >t Li I li. M n ililli I', lease lier bonne. Au lutcrliucutiun lu 1 ' uud taking care of I he property"- wa? claimed to be In the haddwrltlug of Mis. Til, r. o,!.?, i-'i. Mi . Gardiner tntecutea thewlQ lu ajaea (?nu und du ?. Hernie tile .*?ll.r"?.atc f.n Is _?.!?. |i|nsc?l BOln? to show Ik ?.,Te of bad 1-ellug bt'tweei David and lin?. Tyler con? duct which wa? characterized a? uunaturaloil the i?,,?t of : lu- linn;, t. it waa claimed thal the ? i.-ititi.ui ??f III?' v. ill li ni been [?TIM m> ?I by undia? luflueu? < on the pari ol Mr?. T'.s 1er, .,"1 lliat tin ii' stn? a mi?upirrehenaton "f the facts 111 i.?, to Mu- muni j < ud vant ed by tile decedent lo David. II ssa? lils.? c1,lillie,I that the IA liai! nut in? ulai capai it> lo make a Siilld SSlll. T_4J t.el UiuHlS fthOWCll that she stn? ?II I li lilil? ?lciit b.iilils pilli?, Ss lil? li, li SS as argued, ms?lebei ludlffenut to barthi. ?ff-ira,and nr_ <in,i, d the (KMralblllt*. of that healthy activity of min?! which the las? li ipili?s to Ix- t>i?>u_,lil li? the (llsposiugof property install?e? of ni.-nts! nlieiTStlon were ?il?o uMiinptt .1 to hi? proved, aud UM taat thal ?he visited Mlaa luat, the S]lililllilll?f. T.? offael Mil?, the propoaenU of the ssiu prodn?*>?d isit nesfte.? ssl.ii ess. tie t Mi?, (?ii rd i tier is ?is, p, It, r to. mai up to the time of her death, ?.f Bound and <llspo?iu>_ uiliul. Ai'Kued hi Mr. Willam Wulaon for David L. Uurdluer. and by Mr. Win. M. Kvints fur Mia. Tyler, Jii(l?_t.ieiit of the Supreme Court ten, rs?d, ami that of the Sun ??i..i te ufliiTiicd. !*I'RPiO0AT!?:'8 COl'RT .Is?? L The willH of lim following d? <-.:ir.?-d jwrsons huso ee??n ted i<? piobate dilling the past week: Jina' B. Merrill, June I ?. Walsh, Jeremiah I .aiuU-it. NHIUIICI Ni, boll, Patrick MlllsTliill, Albeit Hull. C?ir?illiie ri. H? lient k, Delsi ruli An lut, Doren? Martin, Mary Itocuau, l'hllip Dicky, nattle W. Alexander. Ixitters ?f ii.liiiluistriillori luise la-en Kranted on the es? tates uf Mu? folio wing deccii.-H'.l perlons: Henry A. Curley, Matthltis IAUIK, liOiilne un .'kunnin, Vulbratli ?Uocelman, John Viirulocher. Margan t ? 'umilugluuu, liledrieli liluk gr?ve, Peter K. ???'tlinr, Ropldu Hill,? ri?ak> r, Matthew H. Wck? Mury Daley. Inn . ...nbraiit, Jam? .V. Martlii, Paul Kauo. Unman _?__iuiif, Mu) K. liuii? r. The Surrogate will cal' the calendar of eont<?ited lusues of fa? t, Tuesday. Jan. 1?, 1SC7: No. 1, Will of Wm. Pree man; Nt- ?_, Mill of Patrie? M. Langton; No. 3, Willoi Pe? ter Bussell; No. 4, Will of Idivard Mott Kobi i ton; No. f-, Will of Milton I inkle: Ko. 6, Will "f Heurj Hyman; No. 7, Administration of wm. Beudon; No. s,(.u.?r.nau*h!pof . i*. No. 9, Will of .1 Abrahams; No. 10, of Jume* Bei..*;... ..-.; No. ii, Administrai ion of Pran lerwlsa?loy; Ko !>, Will of Marla H. Pheel ? ;.Ko II. \v 11! of Win. Keegan; No. 14, Willoi John r :ii .;.-. NoJs, Will of ( . .Lut, N?.ii, Will of Johanne- limiter. _ CC'CT'vT f'AI.KNDAR-Ttll* DAT. SI i III ill. COI BT-CIB? 1 li. PART I-Ilelii by ktOTRStU-IS?, J -Court oi-eii it 10 o'etoek i. _ N. ?.. i.U ?al. Wo!' ' ilaon. I) L?U.or*. ?a-KiriD? igt. '. 141-darrt igt. Ho tian-I. ?1er. WV-?len?..?, art. Uren. ? (e4l-kientttil ?ft. C'laxit*, et li. -Thom?ou, at al. a?-t B?ll,?4al. ?Ire Ma?IB Igt. Mlu*??ll. , ...-",? Agt. l.?u?, trill. -.'.1-Vein Vi e , , _t. li .?1. ?I it. -U.i-V,i*ur, ?til. Mt. H ?Uni. V.r. - r.rii-n, ?t ?I. igt. I', bael. 147-Mri-re-i.l., at ai. aft. J? .tal, ir?u_o,1? ?gt. H?r??v?<l. IUS6- !.. Part II. -U?id uj PKCBIIAB, J.. ?1 S?* T> Duarus-it.-Court openi it 10 0 a.cK'k a. Bl No.. Ha ' :-on, Jr., irt OtlioM 7.'?.?-,?'?ii.? uf? Bim 11 'H-Martin ??rt Clapp. W'tte-( ro?le ?/t"I?'?le-r. "40 Salwttaagt ITi-'ao. lirri?- Mean.on agt Hie*?. lltSt?- llia-f-rd ?<-t Ululan?-. ?.ht-1? -i ?it ot!*. P?y-_|i,,ii "<,. Sbmnaker. IWI-Word ?gt ii ?ion. h io-I. -,1-l.y *Kt The Enroj-ean I'ttruii urn Coo.piar ?y.??-Patton ?ti Bntterfleld. g?ci- Warn rig agt. th* HuOfWin Fir* I .nee Com pani. Jilt-Stephen/? igt Douai ,??. 178-Parruiigb 1ft H.-uIiiu. 4IK-n.'ii.t.i.e ??t ileiujr. 347-Cliaa?. agt Ilonl. ?i_y- Ai-'t-nwa ?4(t Th* MuneioU Mil lix Coinpinr ?I ii 72*7-BliHiiuficU ift. ?ttiiiuaa ?V 3.1-Cull-.. igt Kell/, l-l I -111.11 B COURT-Cil A MUKKU. H.-MI?TCI.BBKK, J-C.nir*.., ???* .- ?. Th? folio*ing it portioa of tbe regnlir Kilt iiu?iUjr M<*." Cilaodtfi CLAM I. -Cm. 1-Mnrphf art. Cli**t?. 2-.h-U'iiiii-nv *|i Kn-hton 3-1??. Her?, ii..- .it. Ilcrkinrath. 4-i-tiur if ?gt M' 6-1 ?en a-i.tai... ?gt. IViiiMin, 6- Ue_t!ev*l ii igt Bradfunl ?tal.' 7-Herr,riper ift- P?rh. 8- I rti et ii. agt Mi er. I-Swgaiak si al. ?gt B-tri-owi ?tal. ID-.llH.lll ,ft C.irVtt tttfX Mik li-*?'??? ??;?. Ilinentriai t?t iL 13-Kerr ?tal igt if. 14-H-ul.iirt.tal. ?Kt. * II- Heirn? Ct hi II-\Vbttb_ek i/t Kirk et ?I. 17-Cunklmg ait lillirie-!. CLIM II. No*. Nu? tan 1H-Abell et il ifrt. Simctioo. l-l-Dillon igt I)? Brick?!?? ?til. JO-Whit? igt Vin Every. 21-"?lu.? ?gt Same. 22-Hei, _gt. Hier. 23-Ilarrelt igt. Aleom ?t al. 21-1),!,, ?ft ! I _t??-Sabii.eti igt Ileaa ?t al 2ii_OT??_nel agt Th? .?.??,.*. 27-K'il.i'io */t. Tb* Stun?. J?-I la. ii!... an sirt Tbi.lain* 29- .Steep?; ?ft Bui-ger. _o-J?4r?T ?t al. igt ??traill?. 3l?-ll?i'?e;i et al. ag! S.ilei?.. in.el igt Vin Wink!* et li. 33- Merril igt An"n??- c1 ii. -Ling igt. Ling. 35- In r. . n of K. H. Anili r*on, rereiv.-r, fcc 36-lu re.-tli_ ???ni in f.ivor of Uni. L). Hevnold?, Le, tat l'.ei,l. J7-WTLau agi. iTiiliu i.r. 33- K?nE?i!r igt Slinpioo et *L Tt-K?tr ?ir*. Kinhler. lo- ?ie'tl.iif el ?1. igt (Jiuber rtiL 41-Puller et al ?gt Orel1?* <-t iL .2-.Vile-i*. el al agi (.illeii.le.. 4J-<_ullin?, Jr. agt Clark el - Rae 41- Mell Igt. Kure? el |L 48- Dean ?gt Hillrer ? al. 46-Sargeant rt al. i.l. Herrick rtal Cn??i III. Ne a. No*. 51-?tinhorn iel fferring et iL M-a?<ivage ?gt Pike et xL 54- Warien?, itr , r^t. Keli.v?. 55-Wow-U?agt Prince .1 .' Cut*? IV. Hot. i ?'. ?n et aL *lrt TTI? ?limri l8-Wbltier mt SunlfonL , et aL ?IO-Itoa? agt IVilll-it, ?t _ 6?>-Virnnmigt. Cr?*rf!?rrl. 57-Pu? .? ?t al 58-Pet .er t^t Prii-dmiB. J!?-Mair ff i-..: .'11 Igt l!?*l-_ (I t.? V. -*..)?. I No*. 81-Watkin? *g( M bj-A4?a?i igt. Ciraoa et ?L ?-- Paillard el aL agt l>a??n?. | C1-II VI. Sa*. No*. ?I-Pitt? rt *L igt H- ?m. ? - -m. igt. liait 8ti-?rut?n Ki..?? Nat. Bank igt SI-MiaaajBa- ?rt *'? i ?>>-<.. un igt. Mana. 68- J? . I ? Tian-I. 71)-- J"?-' In .Ki v . r. 71- All'og agt. Halt 72-Untt.iu a?t- liaii' r. Cu* VII. 7J-Meeker el il. igt McOaua et al. 74~4-..ii!l<kl ??rt I.lo'd. . :ige a?rt. Wli-ei.r. .*?*- M'?llatn? igt Mrtritire ?t aL -kr ,!j;t Hai.i . ter rt ai. agt Mi*?,una. i ?i. itrtJ-?ii-a. IfJ-.Siiuter igt Cailuut 81-Jn .?.?i e? i\l. tf?. ?'o_-?t e, rel. Mu'^elt I.', ?.rt-? ?t ?L 43-The l'eopl? e, rul. L?nehm - ti ?1 -4-v.mitb ?I ?1. i.t Woo-laorth. Tb? ei.enrlir . . Une call en i We ire una' te to a l - l - t ? , V M I 1.1..ii 8ie- Stillman it iL igt Omber et ii. 96- I? re the ?pp?cttion of Jane? 1.1 ?ci et ai tor aianrlanim, me. B7-.?nith el ?J. i/t Woo.l?roTtli. . * '.-(mi. 1? o', ?nek u-eaiu. The bali*?.*? of th? -..)?. i r< vr. TERM. met tiitl.'iiirt to-dar, II th? UBI? . iftern.eun. r IL it,.M. ?I. No?. .?< i;'r. . totee ii li tVel-irk, a. m. ke. Pana aft. Iii X. A. F. lu?. i ?eurie, the Count Jubiii-I ? _. - y-oriy-teeeW' i -t It a La?. |Jit*)-Bonner aft L.iii-h. .i.:ri1ii. . -pear. PAKT ii i . "'irt opeuii? 11 ocloik a. n?. llr-'IateT i?t TTuDter et al. .2- .?aire ?Kt. r-aiiie. It Me. *l),??k. -r. '. To-tuMB*. .nu. agt Mona-, ?it Motte*. /tin-': 't. 21 ?'*- il.r*...n ?Kt. Kunth. uti igt Murt* et ?L t... in or coiusoii n i is. . v. ?nil eontli.n? itirlii* i .. , ' Oama, J. Noa. ? a*-?- i i i ? 3-Mi-K1 4-Krii..: -. .6 igt ? .... k-lfort uni .?.rue . ?j i.ett M VHiN?, . .?1 ..I .1 it .OoViM-k i. ?. Ni-a. ti irt. Stn.???. * l_e -tetODa?-H?. . T- M |. ,.' '* ._. Cr,?' k. .. tier. _?-,,.? ?~T All. Alcllla.?!!. " l I I-'-, ...iJ. ( i:iMi.\ U. CO UBIS. ' iii' OF GEN EBAL BE8SIOK8. J.tNCvitV '1 BUM. The tem "1 th" (.'?'iirt of (?etieral il hnslniai for the pceeenl month mil . ?"ii.ii.eii.?.. to .lay. Tin- fnlloiiTiiic ?111 lee the calendar of ca.*.'.* fur the fic-t ?lay, the lion. Ahrahuin D. I.ix-Ma.1 .inline presiding, Robert 0. Butchtnai Assistant I'i-ni. t Aitnrtav fnrlhe people: Thel'ei.-'leairt. Mi.liaol Hn.phy, JAS. Met. iiiiii.-., i .....i,.1 i? ne..iv i lili- People agi, Irvln? K),n, il degree; The IVoplo igt. Michael Mm row, lu.! i,!-iiv .. People agt. Joseph Murphy, burglary third drgree* The People agt. (.leerM Adaists, hnrglnr) .?.-.?- 'l ii n ? and rand lnicuiv; The People agt. Edward Hynuei-s, grand l.uveny; TlielVoplo Mt Jo'i.?ana anti l>?-h?i ??.muli, irrniul hir?3?.liy; 'l'un l'e'iji.e UKI. Janie. (.iil,* -e.ujeii.-e?; The People agt. Martin Carrore, perjury; The People sgt Dennis Curri1/, 1'iijii. vy Tin? p? ?nile Hirt. James Devine, itoijurv; The People o T. James Gi* Lion of perjury ; Tho !. We.-lcl. fll-i'pli tell., ?; '111.' Pi .'_>!.' i'_rt. (!.?..!. ;e liver, forgery ; The People agt. Clarkson 1!. Vowhict-, lobbery. _ - ji;i ; I:I:-(IN >f ?iiiKF.T roi.KE corr.T. [nefot* 'Juati.e bahrt-] ?.i? w .\i IT;.,IT. Bantu i 'ii.-On Batarday Kr. .?.minn Kimi!?) wa* charged by Officer John Corkt-y of the Seventeenth 1'ieclnet with baring, on tho eveuliiRof J.-uiiaty % OhVtO -d it yon tig man naine.! John Ilenst'hel. The ?tat?nient -BSSl by the officer nan In substance that a ivouinlnl nniii at tho City wa? questioned by lum and alleged that -?innis hud ni? t him on the evening of Jiiiiua!. _ nu Fourtu-st., near Wooster.and locuisd liim i i havii'.r ?...lui-ei! I,!* wife, and then ?t.i!?l?e.l him three i in ihe breast. The physicians ?title that Henschul . hut mav recover. Anothr-r offl.-er stated that Klunl? ha?! fold nim that he had out the man ?bo had ruined lil* happlue?? for life. Thodlik v. It li ivhuTi Mr. Kiii'ii?t etaiibC't II.-ii.?i'h. 1 wai twisted, and the metal Linndle ?ming completely off by the vio? len? e of the ble? a A hirtherexamluaUtia v, ?ii take pla? e i. hu ii iv ill develop 'he "rcuinitanoee of tho case. Mean? hil?? Kinnis i* in euatody. I na M Tin*. Dagai wa** ? liurK', ii itlih baling stolen from Mi?. Irene, No. M Wfesl 1. iit':-.?t.,'JJ i.leors of imd.-r-t lot hing and sundry .niniitities of soap and hook?, 'IT,.? property was lourd m Mr?. Dugan's trunk, hut she di.?, lalms all KH?,V its ii?.-tie ?.f IHKI'.-I. In response to the Clerk's lii?|iii??, she snid thal ?he bad been away, end that ti*' trana ?a* locked inm the hey bad been constantly In her i>o*i?cv fcion. lu default uf bail Mrs. Dugan WAA coitinillti-u. i\ HARKET POUCE COURT. ?i:?r?.e jii.u.e MasssMa.] SiTttiMi PLo?l AND UKIN?. CAI ctir.-Tln- three, ratrick, WkeT and Junior, anti Junie?, aro nu -SlMH of the .?io family, it. if . Inuged by William If. Moffat ?Uli -.tenllii'.* two barre!? of fh.iir voit!) Ws fmni hi* hak? ?jn,*.. No, ?i.-- Watti st. The affidavit of the complainant ?tutes that bli place wai entend on the evenlug <>f the -?tli of Jannair, by forcing ??jiei? a r?i?r window, uml Officer? Waldron inn! Kiewa of the nth I':??-!!'.'! Police, on being notified of th? lar leny, ci.un-1.? t!.. ii,?in-shop ni?.! disooverod flour mark?. .a, l.n- sidewalk I?-.ulina from It to the prenilst!* uf the Tutu?.ml?, :i ft vv doors atljoluiiig In nie mil) Pn vi wa i ia>ii t COMPANION.- j?,i?n Kana was sftessjsd nilli Mtt-.i 11 tii< ninney, n irnlil itali 1? and i hate, nud i? gold pen? II ia?.', nil of the value of *ls.>, th. property of Jame? j Roche. The coinpl.tinaat StaSM that ho was In company nilli the letruaed on the evening of tho M of January, au?! they went Into ? itore In Catherine it., where he teeoanie Intoxicated. When he left there the Moused followed bim, and subsequently he inl?sc?i lus property, officer Pike ? f tin Seventh Pre? lint Police unes?.'.I the iicu.?.-.!, un?l found the pencil case in hi* possession, and nlr??n-- ! covered tim stolen watch. Hollas hehl to bail to ansiur i ;K?'- ' SUIT AOA1NST THE BANK OF CHAKI..-.STOW? ('iiAitf.viToy, Jan. 4.-Tin- suit agninat the Hank of ?Tnirlest??!. I* now before the UnitedtHates Circuit Court, Jini*.' Urjan luesMlug, ami hal been in progress for ov(-r a week. At tue opening yesterday a nu-flou wai mude t.. fix a ?lay for the appointnnjnt of a receiver, but tin? in? dication* ure that the uunk ?,11 not bo Interfered with, und that tin? pr?'*etit officers ? ?.nile? ted nith the inatiui tiou will bo allowed to retain tho liuiiuigeuu-nt of it* uffulra. To-d*v a further anjnmeut will !>o bearii, ai*1 It uTIIthen prohiihly lie deflulttly developed whether the hank la to go Into the hand* of a receiver, or nok The bunk and II? corporators have the lx-st available Valent as lu their behalf, Including Mr. Camp!?'4), Puittd ?States Heiiator-eh?4't; Lieut. GOT. Porter, Mr. I'onnor, .?iel Edward Merro-ty. The counsel for the b^il hoh''?rs are Ibrewitejr, Bpratt, aud other*. %tit case ?acltee ti .it llite.I ? THE MONEY'MARKET. SAI.FJJ AT Tilt* HT?)CE AXr-HA*.".*?. V 8 fis l8 1 Coup .Gab-na A Chic ] m Kri? Preferred 8,000.loail 8.0UU.loo i 4_o. __? I' 8 IS 5-30 Coup *?_ C1 v.vTo!? ili)8FB N YA Noir ,'].,,._ n?).IOT?) i,(?s).yj ?'. ni I' M 6a 5-30 Beg '11 tAlt??,, U T II lue Mich... ?u 1 4-.,i4>o.D'ij 3,000. -I? I _ou. ,? I H M, 5-_o Coup '64 llartposa 1st m ?-?jj ,,M 5,(100.!').'_ ?.0O0 . 43 (W. y?. ..'.n , < IT It IA Pa is Mich 80 A i? Itid .lill I -.000.W 30U. ? a_i -ii.e.4'.l<lc?iU.e.liu. KoiirtliNallou li'lti MB. ,-J] 1D,'?),, Ti?.I'M ' 'in a? Notes 7 J-iU lb? 1,0X1..105 na., Mu.u.iuii :3 M? 'stern Pillon ic! .'v ya. 6(W. 4?;?,Illino!? O "|r_i Bo km Na'. I---..'.n.,?! MB. m? A Marine lUllvr 100. ?jjl Mtenra, " loo.nillo. 1W* 4.000.KM. BOB.H4_ ??OO.. VlX* T.-an, 100 ......1 1? ' " 4,<4>.t. ?_?*0_. Bri 1 ?el ?V 1!u?l Cattial | ?a?. mu lO.lkJO. r,T? ._,._J| Clue _a_. V.v"t ^ 1,U?S).ti.T U H B-prc-iS 1,1(4). ,. _* DCW Ml. . TI )t?0. lill, ?Jj* 1.Ki**?.67_ Aiu??ri? ?in B-preas ?ii*' _ I* *i Btaato.? 7l? ?'. . SO 10<>2d.___.l>l_ M 1,(100. 10-) WTlkesharre Coal MO.. Li ?a '!'7-i;l'i 1??'.M Cine A N W Pref I.IKMI.reg.10"- ?.nu k?.lscr I Kal...._ fe6s 3'<o. 4.1 I 4<?0. e loj*Oo..ex-eon. 6T_ nu.... _?I call. 45 u... North ( 'ur',.? Mew Mariposa I ;_]. _-j' 1,I?)0. 57 KS?. ]')_' 41.1. _,|,-.,.| <_? Mlss?s Pa Bliss u? coo.13 ?ClevAJ't.;. l.nOO.W Miirip)?u I'ref 700... )_. '.ri ?Sa l?). 3? ' (-io .. . bbi 1211 15.000.9? 100. ?r.. ?"lil?*. A It?? k lal Erie 1st Mortgage Atlantic Mad t ano. io? 1,000.K4 i H*> .l-js.ii. ? ai . "l?4| Hudson River)?fb I'm ifle Mali I__??! Wah A Weat i,, j so). ?j Mich South H F M I 100."..<?4?..?>_ Nevs-Jer?. -. i l,a>0. M .N Y Centra! i tw. lf_4 ILirlemlatm | ?*).Hie .I'll-?. Pt W 4 Chio 1,000.101 'Erie :vi6. isa T..1 .V Wah 1 in ? Al l.ioO.671 50... i l.KiJO. 9U I 4iX)...dci(U..O. G7_.Mil ?V ?St !*_ul Adam? F-liter.-, j -Ol).bl. 67.' ]<?).?4 5. .73_:M?lAPduC"-l>n-f?lt<?a?Sug 10. 7i | 13.-JO 375. KM C.iuieroii (?..ii ilTiioti NuvJiratloti l.bOO.. . . )<_?} 200. 10 ! 200.10H I ?>?TV BOARD Of HU'?KK1LS-10 A. ML Union X.isl^'iuion (Erts ?Beu?: I'm.l'.?_ 4.X). lui. sa los. _<M).S3. ?7i 2,200. .. ?1 104| ?.?().r.7_| .'S*). ??I IOS wa.Ma. arl* 10O.W.lOt*? , .j j,?).. . iiH| Mariposa 300.1*3 C7J ITtts Pt \V AChl? aot).1)10. 1_| 400.blO. S7| 11*9..I?5 im| MdiTpoaaPnl 3"0. ti. Cid?: UI A Pa li?. 33 2(?).1)30. C7.' MO.bli) lOBf NYOntral .bl. 67_ 100.Ita* lo?,.e.HU C?ve A Pitta ; loo... bj loaf _?*o . ...elll* s?*?. w Chic A.N W Pref .'?>,.bu?.lill ??*). '?3. svi (SOO.?".. 4? li?). ...lill 200. 8-.I 100.!U. li it?.im.lui, w_| 306...biu.. a 1.?.b3 111J 4???.....bJ m\ 1.400. 4? Mb h Po AN lud t'lile A North Weet I 8?90 ...? ...titi., li _,.).8-11 SOO.C WI 200. M <*_ 300.ino. ?..i i???. *-.>. 4.??.. _,.!. tal 4??J.Mj| 4AM ... . t? to It?).blO. S2J 400.C. f_?|. au..H3|? soo..-b?. ni1 on;x no.iKi) of nuoKti-?-l i\ A, :re dal N Y Central Mich 80 A .V ted BH.69 ' 200.Ill ?M?. I,? ?r.l p..1 tier Coal ?too.Mil BM.W_ _uo. 1?. uno.ll_i Ulinot? OH tra! t?oo. is| i?4>..1*3.11.4 ha?. 1? 200.b?J0. 12 I 200.11-2. l_Mj Iver I li?..,.?3 11., Cleve A Put? ?M. 44} 300.112_ 40?. *M loo....1,1 44] 100.seo. 112 et?..?to ." 44} 200.1121; 6??l.Wl? Mai.; Bri? |\ leo. MJ 3.100.?71 Chle A N' rV( !'?.? i<?..c la ?no.0. C7jl *_(?.0. AM Ilk). Il| 300.?3. C7?' soo:.O. b-I I'moii Nuvigaiilm a?).?3. Cff! ?**?.*?--| soo.10S1 Chio Bl A Pa ! )<.> S__ Weat Uiu-'ii Tal 1 mo..WMjHtuFtn'ACM? 200.46* 100.1044 ..NW .b3.104*. a.?). in?} I'etduig Um. 4D| UJft).b3.1?r,4 300.C. 4?. 600.10?4 lo).?io 4*| Toi Wal? A Wc_t 2i?." ?J. ?Wil 200.45 loo. ..?.;. Uf] ._-)). 45?, 400. ...CX-div 105 100.e loti mo..?a 104] 300. ?a? 10s MU A fat 3rt0. 4f 100. 47| S.iTt-Rfiw, Jan. 5-r. a. Gold is fain* r closing at 134}, bid, after fullinn st I.? ami J?>l;. The ?hippiuentn of spocio to-?_ay wera i'71.1,511, find for the ?raak tsn,?\2. a-iiyors have paid l-li;th for earr-yiug gold te-tlaj', but a good deal baa I?? ?TI ?raiTled flat. Government stocks ure strong with moderate salea. The new Issue of VJOs is firm at 10.5.. State bouda are firm aud Missouri Us salable at ??5. In K-ilivajr mortiriL'-'s a moderate bi_sbi?ias ai full ratea. Tb? iiiiH<x-l!:uieotis list is steady. Marip?>s;i common stock was lui bid, ami _-!! f<>r the Preferred. Pacific Mall tell I per cent. The Kailway ?hare market waa gen? erally higher with a modemte busin ess. Aker th? ??ill and ni tin- attcrn.?on prices were not siut-int-xt nn?ler tho pressure for money, which was sharp. At lh.* ?!.?.. prices nore as follovv.-i: CuTiiberbnd, 91| I --York'.l. 111I?_11-J; Kri,-, i?._?.6Tl: Hud ?mi, mit| Keadiu.. *.'.,_ KC?.: 31ichigan Ct>a tntl, I'-,':1-': Michigan fconthern, N.'iS8_t; Chicago uml l'i:tslitiri?li. t4_B_B_ .Nort!i-\V.'*tern, [?1**8? ^Tort!l-^Yeastern Preferred. fGiWU Kock bland, lui 'a 1041,' Fort Wayne, 104, a lt>?; Cleveland and Toledo, li?p? I'M The demand for money was active ap. du te-dajr, ami borrowers ready to pay 7 per oent " and a com liii- ion" for accomuuMlatiou. 1 he stniKKle of banks t.? pt tin mselves "into line upon tlie ir reserves'* ItrTore BIIIB-Bllg to tluir slatements on Monday sliiitil.l admonish purths wlt?>so business hangs up?>4i Mu-favor of banks in any hutm proportion. The?? institutions have reached a point where contraction is in?vitable. To strengthen themselves they will b? oblige?! to put such pre?teTire upon their dealers ss will ^nsibly contract the balance? of credit s and of prices of commodities. If such a scramble for t< miers idsl]iv.suii[?oiiare<liictioii of $19,0Xt0,iX? iu plain legal t. ud? rs, nntl $10,OOOjOOO in compnumls, since (K-tober JJ, 1 <(., Avhut may hi? oxpccterl when the comjio.uitls pass into funded debt?, as they stuvly inn.?-!, at ?>. prior to maturity, and the legal-tenders are 1? ?lu? ??1 . few millions more f Congremional action thus far in? dien tes a determination not to increase the legal* tender circulation or to expand tlie and to conti uno in force the present law nithdravring four millions of legal-tenders per month. This som is not so large as tho interests of the solvent part of the community would seo canceleil, but it is rapid enough to bring to grief debtor? who base l???'n tempted into extensive contracts upon the idea tiwi legiT'-tenders would be a permanent, if not a grow? ing item in tho debt statement. Commercial BBflaa is quoted at 7a_? per cent, and not much ?I?-? Tho debt fdatement for January 1st shows more pi ti press in fundi'iT. the ?.-'S-H,hud a grent?*r re?lurti??u in t'omixuind notes than ha* bifit anticipated. ?Of tb? TJk no 1?88 than {MAWAhm have ps nae d into long fiiml.d debt and |^4?W,S0O of coni'ioiind notes. Of ])l;.in l._r:il-tiiidcrs "f4,944,0?yr Irnve be?*n retired, l.asiiii, lh? summit outstanding |_Ma^MB. Tha it ?ady ?h crease in h gal teutlci ? is the moat satisfac tory fi.-Utie in the re|s>rt, and sliould not bofarg-t lii by panics tia.ling on burrowed money, mid obliged to pay fixc?l d?lits fnun sales of coinmoditiea ?onstjinlly failing in price. The fipiresof thestate iiieiil ?ire as follosss : 1>_BT UKAKITtO COIN IMKkKST. A per cent lannis. |1?>?,iW.-?.'">o ?'. !?'-. cent Doiutsttf l??,,'ami l??.s. Ii.7-il.441 r. pei cent b?u .1 . is?. ?'?'.??I 1 u ?. I'lr.-ei.t 1 ?0000?.,i?a N-vypcneloiifimil._____i___ '?..titi debt ueflrini. coln Interest ... .?1.400,4*>741 Vi I'l Bl s!UN?, ?'I Ulllntl JMKlii ?src.ttf Isinils. ?lO.frMX?? Three jraar eompoutid teteretst uotcs... 144,200,sie T?oee J car 7.30 liotee. ST6,SM.60| Total del?t bearii)?, currency Interest. ?|>Ja?.-T2.440 Matured ild ?f nut<a?iitc?l t??i i?,.s ?n't. li,,ilmJS9t DKUT liKAKI.NO No 1MI li??I Cnltcd States not? ?.t3S0.4tn.tMt 1 ., Mi'.na! ?-.un ti'-f. 2.s.r32,?ll r.. Id certificates of dciandt. 1I,44MBB Total.lm,67..H* Total ?I? bt. 12.67l.Oe'l,a<5ai. AMOUNT lil TKI.Ahl KI. < oin. iVtMLMIt ? arrtney. iw.soa,?* Totalla Treaaurv.llSl.i-T.ia Ainoiuit of d? bt. less ca?h in Treasury. 3,643^.1"* Tlie following 1 bauges In the form of the debt har? takaa place: C<KN IKTKKKST. I, I.-.?' Hlxitercetitlxm.laof 1W and 1MB. mx per veut .-.i) blinds.?.^,476,300 ....__ Total.Jt?,t-\,lSt . ? 1 ajuuKi- ixT-hi-?.. Hix per cent bonds. |02?r0oa ._?',_ '(Tile.? yean' compound interest, note?. "'tr?iS T_.j*c?b yeaia* 7.30 notes. . %ym,itm Total.PmVna,4i? Matuied debt uot presented lor pay- , __.,.. meat. 9,or"v? r?I.nT BKAHIS?- SO lariiBEbT. CaiM states not?-? Praotmnul currency.. _ Gold certllicutca of dep??sit Total. .SS.ns Total debt.._._ . ^ ijaoiBrrirfTBBAaear. Coln..?i,m.?ei g-^;^ Currency Total. ?*S??,i'i UA??,?*\ thM . **