Newspaper Page Text
T\.trn?fn!cn!3. AC? Ml*. TI I - n ? , .? * |, ll,| ). tilt i .' i ' * -* ?I M ? : TH'?! i*!** H i.i'l.KA- IT."?'" DIAJfOHDS a..*?. - ? isf. Bum ia;'. TH .ah-.k. this Bvamso?U ? U ?* ! I*,C1.*? ?ii f)?r AM? 1 li N.M ? ??A -KKI. IS IIUMIAKY-rOBUAll ? l-l I-?;., V 'I ??? M MABR k. -'- I "?'' lANOIIA.V? OK ;IIK Li ,,,., |,| s,,ill. 'Iliol HANI) ( I'MUM 1 IL?- V AM AB i ici los OF iMi.l. lEIMAU I.h . I li.-I > Till.?:' ,'?!'? lii'I-T ?!,*>--?.C?OIMTIC AM? I . lal..IAN PEATS Kewlvrk Cn u? Irony M >' ?| o*.*i M 1.1,Y 1 li ?INS MINNI Till? i VI NINtj - liJMH.Ii i.l,.)N (l.ur .-.?ir* - ROAstA I'?" lion. Water Hivu rtt*. i .ni' ii i ? pi as i'"' Till*. ' , Wf MA CAIlIh NI.IV ACXB, Mt If MMilM. I>\M'!?? IS? IN'. HALL Til!? V.VVSISU-Uti. AN Ii bills HOWARD PAUL'S r.NTiilt TAI.NMi.S: ac? . mus II Al' ASH l\ I *NIN?.- lill, i I *-l.'l)M) ANMA1. KXIII i'l Ti* )\ ?II l*li'l'.'ia AND ?St I I.l-l i III* loiu.-r i.f rt?.iil? U ri .U ?al FnatUiatr. _ I.HOUKI.YN ACADEMY Of M CMC Ti.? I vi.MM,- ITALIAN OPERA?THK 0AB51TAL OP YKSIt K. - YiiltK TIII*:*\TKR THIS RVRNINO?;Beuelt ??! Mr Plnlip Wa-raii-JUMIt di sa ? BTEISW U HALL THia I.VKMMi -COS' . iii I it.i'i'.'IK BENEFIT OP MU IltKD \V!!)|).nt , IHM)::!* )\v RVRNINO?THIRT1 PIKTH M MU? CONCRET ?M-- ' ?.Lpitr?, (i W. Murdin, 1,-1.?,. Tas ??????f?.-? r . i?meat siotice*. . oi. J J ;.? i l ici.KD Al N? and bruk o ?.! r.-t. I.j a it-Vul ?-f! ..ti?: fal ir.*:n- ?t.. Ifel |?t *i "f ?'irtt ?< ! e 1, ' If m?, go ?: ? U'tle ?.f Mk? B a- ?? ? lasaana ttslta it ? asM?ssrly. it ou?e? ?.BJ roar. rti;u'.?t-l tue I..??..I?, IL?! il PMVSCTU ?Al-t ?ti tit. Ctis? ThirC lit? r-..!? a bottle. E? ?ure anti rail fut "Mua. WlN-iott a SiM'TliiM. StKir,-' Tta<rtr< til? pt . I il- ol *' C'ii? * I I'ikki*??" on Hie oi?t?i?le ?rnpfer. Ali ?tli?r? an-1???. WtsMsaa l>i i.uviN'. OK l'uM IDESI k.?Tlicif i> PO artii'.e ?billi ?S r'ibl.T Je?Ti-.? ti?- IStll? con'iiln.ce of Iii" , .naiciatr m" atram?ftOeeaakUti TV?* :..-*." Ti.rTn.rbe? hsravanlrsl flatter int romntrB'IatliBa frota l?? l?f>?t relriratnl dnfVBMS Id? * ?r. ?u?! l'ai?:, ..u a|?...t Iron. |??raotial eipeni-nre. Tit???? uOrl lum from A-!__??tii: is-l 1?i\?i??*1,u? Durase?, CsBBhS and CsHs, ?biuij trr Ike Ti??fl?i?. _ ?ScholarsAim LkarkeksOl L.AN01 \?.I- %vill da at'.l lo ?f ul at ir.? Pata?. ?r'< Itt-rsTSAVieS sa 'l">i"t Annus ?>> ,i a I'rtoefc, st No. .-I imn-vn ?, .". Bee ?ili?-:ii?tiaeiit ti ?der ' I.?*!*1 _ Bkki.k d. On- Fashionable Hatters, II... ibi ?crias sad Sssnacr B1 les foi _ 1? Ni. !I?U li!,, ?.ina*. The Franklin HmoK Mai hink, }a?lli r?!ebr?tr! tor perVet ? my', t t? jr??t ??rtretirlh ?nil immiaa? C4??apr???iRf ??**?, ??SSS ?BISSB. ?til n.hl wrii ?ni! two h?r?.t t? oeit-Uoipei li??. 1 '?> ?t?J iti??i ?'?."" i" ?,iC0 '"???rit I,ra ki pel li- ur j H Baines Pmprtrtsi N? 11 Bro*.?!???, N l . k?k?u. .?a. Tin: EUBKKA Brice Machine ?Bake? SjSSa .?tln-d-il Uni. per 'mar. t?'I? amia mu? SMS and cor ?mi? knr?*. n-i'.Si) p*i kew '-, ,t,tu: mattie Ha. mer, te I? i/rut-u) out u) ?>< tar ? ?? .Inna dom. Ita urra! .au aiilr ?at! ??all el.*?? p..??t 'an,la Li 1 tia IM| Bl a. uf e?<-rj SIpBll, "I ,'Jl.l We *..' ima *???!.,. I * Unjssl *al>V?<*?"a?' o?erantieA ,u nil yurrAooer*. A sais "'-?' <? Uesnai A|i?1 Ila III Br?d?ra? M T BO! >' CllOl ItlXG, of n , Suit. M.*? io n-iii. tam?UM M Mean, Baa. Ill Kahui tk, tai t matt n|i|???.tr .snn Bsildlaf, Kia lark. Special Novice. PirVtaUr .?I la re,]*ne?l?.l ti our ellen?,te T?ne!? of patter?! ol ?Mail??? >i>bei. fieouMiabil KxiVk?, at prirt? ?lii.b ?ill repa? the ?laatiaat,*? oft!. rl?.a??e !??,T,nt Stak? _ Marit? Ti John ?t.. S T. ?M KUI IM. SlLVKBWAUE. A MI ??a?Tl?eut ?i iii ki'i.i? *t mt) saiarttis sn ?*? tsirisl att?n tia?, ii r?u?r?trJ ti, tin tar.cii. ?ju~litV. n.ii pn<e uf < ur ?olid Spool? ?ad _?rki r..-.titr> k Co .Vi. !?!:? II, : loir, H. Y. Ice l'ri ? uki:*?. Coffee Tuns, Tea mi-, Salrr-r?, Table aaj Wiue Ca?:er?, (inlileta C__S ?ud Can! I!n?ket? all?. Kai?e?. Pork?. 8j???-i?, ?uti ?Ibtr SBBSB ja tbe ?iue of Ka a- ti.ort TpWi Wa?*? f ?r .air !.. ile J !. Har!? a? Alaiaif.? tunug < ?, ,"??ir?roouu, No. 74 M??t?n l-r?e Willi.*?*. M.iiri.Ni. i nie a Coi ?ill "Io go M it ramt," yon ire oftei io?-in^ tb?- i?ed? of C??n??j?ptioii. B?lter trr it ???re Ja rai ?I kxeifCToiLAMT, liar? tatt tot ill C'vugbi awl Cul?!?. ????Id ??err a here. CoLOATh'.-i Bombi Tou.kt soap. Ti.ll r. lrl?r?.r?t Ti-ii.lT tii,xr. in ?ucb iiBitrrtal drmaiid, ia mair fr,HB IS? iii'iiitii mat,. ti?, i? rati. kanti.t ???Min, lad ?? - ? Mliai IL m IIS ?nail, asas ?bl ikia. Pur ?a!? I.? a!) Ilrujjisl? ?bil Fiai/ ti-rsl* l)"A). r?._ Moth and Fhkcki i ?. TV Ml?/ reluhle rriaedr f..r tbote !,ro*B dix vlonliom on Di? fire eWil<- M?!b I' and la PxHHI ? M'iTS AND Pan Ki I LaS Siea IT?[.ami o?.I? Iii 1?: ?I ( Ptkki. !'. riL.t'iii'tii.t S... 19 Baud ?t. Ne? lork S..I.I li? Dru-oiitU t,*rywl?rr. Pn?e. fl |??r b..;t,r HiMTiKii.H.MU.-i iikvai.ikb'sLipkpokihk ftaib paa?itiit!.T mit??-! (fray hair to it? i, r??l?r ?nd T..?tbful beaa'r. ,iu|,a-ta lit. an-l alni, ?ii? la tlr?r^k?.t hail, Wogt It! f?'a?l ??tal M?e? i keep? tbe bra?! rlraa , )? ?upartiu i?-J ata uair ?ii. ??ii.j;. B?I4 by ?II drtj|?/i?!? a?id f??bi'?na ,.? bair-dr?tjcr?. and i* ii.? uS' ? .Nu. I,lt3 Braadwa?. 5. T._^^ ^?H?H A (*? ut?n MI) Ha\k a Cxhy. I'm dim ( ?.)'. ?.ii, Reader.? Toa ran rure ii if rou ?ill Wi?TtK? I;u?t? .?r Wii.i? CiiKik? ba? Cured coot* (Lit ?ernrd la.;,?!r-a. SI .! i! 1? ?!??; ? better "> tr.le :t ia Milli, lad kol ?? I - i.:., ,i ..ur ii, ."ii ! ei'.ii.r? dlSflfSU Kkmovai..?Madame .Ii mil.*? M amma rial Bal? aad Patbut r)?r.?r Ki ki* ?tom? (-r .!??>!,.pur Ci? !? I ?ill rratnr? DI.? 1 t., N., ?IT li?, ??:???. Src*nd ?allSSil ur, . a? . If prrlerred.__ India n .u. l'uvi-t i.i. \mn-. Soap. f?teaa?l?-a> t I.'!? ai.) ?Ill the ; kesae pailt. tint?-! ?,r a!.,-- ? blrfl mbbtsf aate? t?ir? ?l?r ??t in Tabor ?.,?! .'.ii; iin?rt li pSBMj elrSBt n\ * ? - table it??? ?aart'le k*. - fwld b? dealtr? ?itrt??M-re. liena? KtBT?. k Co., Ne? 1? rk. lasasiCAL Snap Ca.. Hu. ti .!.. Boat? n Coiutoit and tuic hu !hc Iii in ni.D.?Suit, poataee p?id, ?B l-teslfl of t?n rtcta. Aildre?. Hr V. ti K ra R ? BiasSwsy. Man I"? Oltl Kyis made new without suertaales, il?.t lar ar Bitoltcia?. Seat postage laid, oa NarisS ?ST MS tamW k?r*xo Dr. K. 1. K.-..1B Be. 1 VA) llrwd??? Btm Tiri At KvKititi.i.i.N Card Dki-ot, No. :?rj Broad* WSJ, S?? York, tbe Ststsst Crr?'?l lVr.|<!i!.*f ?bd Vi?:? ra/ ? ?rJ. ?nd Kotelopra Prrnib N?ie P?|n-r !?ea_, Mi.uofrtuua MaiapiLi/ ia < o'ori, a?._ (.?-utleim'ii liaviiiK C.uititry Skata uu?l C.ukIi iih ?jtUI tal IS? I*i?*.Tk?tt? .( llir la.i.i Mam ?a. ti*si*?m Vi.ntxH, Ike Wat Maniir?. and tb? barjl. : lui La??.?, (irap? V?l?? Vetetlbl?? ?nd Krui r ( "ru. lMi?ii f,.r )*? "?r? StI? oortlnia:* ?? Srw-York HiLi/s Family Wariin?; Soaf, Vrn tro** tliillmUon. Otara, 32 Psrl-r? , Ven Y?.il. S.iiii'.rriwbrr?. Watkks' 1'!ano-K(ikip>??rniitl. Square, anil ftp-dg-t ; Mil ??OaUW??. Parlor. < karek Mm *ol ? a!,ii?t ('?lia?.?til kaataMBuk-rtared? f.. Lrr and rent ?p|.|ird / pt.rrt.aani ?a?i't.? ft ?l?IBa??U ?rrrinal ?HI Br?.a?'a at Nr??-1 uri. HuBAiaWai?! WlNimff Sill!?i'? la eaiin-l.t Bra Htylea, at _H'liUTrV? Ho fiftfi BroadViy Wauuvkn> Lace Ciktains. tai. tWtggmAamj.B. I. Tttin ?airDosli lo? Maaj Patt' m? e-tlra!*? l?w LlNKNS AT WaLKAVK?'n, ? B?oa*a?i?*r. Tasls r>ABA?sa ?al Tiv*.-si;s?.. aassviS?*. ?siutit.?i, lud Pii, SSW ?Casis a?. Iahi.s and Pit.-?n Cotim, it prieei ?xtren,?)? lo?, I'etek Coopbiiwi Gelatine, ~!k BAH' Dsticton '?UJS?, Bi A.-tc Mamas, ? BASiorra Xcua ki , wMkcrataithM. Mnatiaai fcr um altb lb* VMksf*a. l?r is)* b? Oro swi ?al Dr?t_lii. Depot Bo 11 Bar!iB|-ill?. N. 1. K LOHEN? K Sk?V1X(,-MaCHIM ..?i. BsTasAiiLi Kauo Loes Stu? a. aast Pabil? Mataiaa i.? tas IVoaie Pioaaica B. k1. Ct No W?S Brsidsif. Batchelors H .m"?>v?^TheT?iest in Hi? y??^-E**SrSil??S. ?Sjlibli. UiTsiitBi^trai. Porfrnt*. At iH tirngg.Ot A Si-king Stele op Oi.nts I)k?s tlAT*-At SjiMhr sr*???._ ? Buaaa, Be. Ita Pen*,u-ox Ladies', Misses', Chihlren'a Boort and Shoes ??ali Ibe ?arx?? al-ria? aad pin.? al _?_??-_?_'",* ' ' " * ' ?_\ -*1 jfterJa-ltl Piins-if!????. Ladies are invit??l to look al Um " Idaho ?st.mI?Osbi?'I. Be. ?13 Broadna?. It ia I yal* a tid art.? I?, ?f|t*l i? ?bj B-S-SSB tai?T?e li If1al?*t.r? ia i<|ktu?ta,d?Hra?7 aad l?.t.h . ?t,i*r*r U Vu UsU l.? an/ article ?f Um kiwi yet lutistad, lad aUuluMIj a??lS?r C-arte?Tviinetter$8 i>er dosen; iJ-tplicatea, '*?>'. AB?ipH?si r??Cl?r??l. S- A. Lbw-?. S*_mCball.?_.-.t. ?. f. "TaUMES, ?LABTIC STOCKIEOS, SlSPREHOET Basbauba ,'i k?obtib?, fc? Masas h Cat XaAital Can TrmW ?SBai aal? al Sa. I V?*??y it I.?dT ?Itoadiat _ "PALWUt'a i'ATLNr Limbs, I5k.'>T!,' Last a?r?aTl A4dr?a? Dr !????? v?i? Pk,la.?ipiia N.? Turk 4 B?*t?a Wiaa, Toaprrs, and OrnamentHl Hair.?First ?jsaStf hair If* md ksir d*rili|. All ihsdss, si Uswbel.r i, is Bssd it AmBJUOAM iWmtiiav) rVATCOIg. lill li ??I in Tilg WOHLU, Haul I . - _ l.'..-\ ? Va i.i-.i ?'?'?- '?' mai ? ?. .iii i- . . : s ? -* II V.M. , ' Bil i\i N II.SCIS- Loi ? .- I '.V I ? (.. n\ 11.- aV I:m i ?? - I"' ni -r Li... .'t *.: M.w M-.V S , 1 ? I ?<.*?'. Win? -Sbwino-Macisi Ni w Modkt.. SATURDAY, APRIL v, mi. TERMS OP THF TBIB?NB Daily Tiiiihinf, Mail Subscribers, $u> per minimi Skmi VV i.ihi.y Mail ?Babsetibsrg $1 pet ttL Twiiim:, Mail SubstTilicne. $2 per un n u in A li V t? I t I h I n ? Vs .1 ! (? n . IlAii.Y TitiittNP, 'JO emla |?cr hue ?S?kmi-Wei"ki.y Tumi sv? ?SB ?Mitti perlina. WiHki.Y TniRtiNK. $1 50 pfr lino. Terms, caali in sflTSlMIS Adtlroaa, Tim: TniitiM'. New-York. TO C(>is''OM)Ksrs. h? aeatire caa Se ta??o of Aannrinou? Coimotimratoi?? Wh it?rer i? mtcuilrd for insertion nut be .?tut h ?at. ratal hy Hie nan.? at I a?! le.? 01 tor ?riler?Bot B?ee?a?rily for publicalioo, but ?a a (? lor hu pood faith. All l.iainra. letter? for Ihn ?ftre thoa IJ bo td?irea??d U Tua Tr'b !?ai. Sen lora. We cannil untie ?tia? to return r???rt?,| Cn min uni rat uni. TxF A letter from the Anterimn Mittfonary Ax meint ion. Civil Court 1,'eporfs, the Munni Article, and Hie Market*, ttAtl he found on the second pillie; ti letter from our cinrcY/ioiideiil nt Kiagttoa, Jamaica, ob the third jume, and S'otiees of lloolss of the lYcck mi the filth pinje. The details of lite Cottntj T;iv Levy-includ? ing tin* IgOOyOOO for tbc Cotut-Honse, ami s iiiiihIk r of otlicr trilles--willi I summary ol' its j?ro\ isions, ;irc els? where ?printed, god will ?-.\ pluiu the c'lui.itii'i und oltjcct of the ?additional pgweni giren to tli?- ?Board of Mice. The Muline Life-Saving Commission, in? structed to test the various ?pig? and inventions which it ?is proposed to employ in naval service, have Ween for some time ?Conducting expel? incuts in our harhor. This invi*-ti^r;ition is of importance, and from the ability ami expiii encc of the olliecrs who conduct it, there? i-. reason to e\pt < I I \alnahle and tlioioni,?!i iv |>ort. _____________________ After wal has loi M-vc-iul Weeks ln-cn repre? sented as imminent mid almost certain, ii ?li> pat? li in this morning's issue stat?-s that ?pegCC rumors exlensively prcxiiileil in l'ai?.-, ?ggPrfrf sia had manifeste il a disposition to make COU? >gfeggi<gM lo the Fielich. \'olllliiilliiil.s disput?'Wet rec? ?ved in Wr, shin it on. though not of as Int.? a (lute, from oin diplomatists, pn?;i contrary report. From these, win would ap? pear to Im- inevitable. Tile Dutch Loveniim nt has ?gfflcinlly de? clared that one nason why Luxemburg g/g| not definitely sold to Flanee ?rai the in-iif ticicney of the French hid. V. e understand that the Dutch Minislei at Washington has heen inst i ncti c1 te? iiicjuiic of Mi Sew aid whether the Fniteil States (ioveniment caiiiiot make u higher hid. IL is to ?all Mr. Seward'* special iitteiition to the circiinistaiiee that Lux i cmhuig has hitit? ito hen a portion *>1 tin- ? fatherhind of Lip Van Winkle. liVgistration, the liisl step ol actual leeon st ruction, will shortly ?bogia in Al kansas. I5v older of (Jen. Old, coiiimaiiiling (he Fourth Military ?District, Ai kansas has ?been ?divided into eleven registration districts, and elec? tions, hoth in thal State and Mississippi, are prohibited until after registration is inade. The General concludes his order hy urging the Ireedmeii not lo ?ggglggt weirk lo eni/agc in jMilitical discussion ; an advice which we sup? pose he intended to apply ??pially t?? the whites. ? Foituntitely lol New '-York, the Tenement - House law will l?e opciat ?\ e during t he coining Sumiiier, ami the] l?oard of Health will know how to ?employ its ?lowei.'? t<> save the city from the threat of pestilence. Tellement own ciis should ?iccordiiigly make their ?poigfgsioBi conform to the new order. Ventilation, clcanli iii -.drainage, accommoda I ion, are the passwoids ?adopted from the l;iw bj the ?Bogld of Health, and their e hariitl??i ?lo??* nut jiennit ?g1 to doubt that they will ?x?i?ise g careful ?SOpCTTision ovet the whole- -itl?i?-<t in hand. At List im? can look forward to a sweeping ntoriu Ol the iront ?riggs ??i tenemegt-honses. The Attorney-lit neral in hi?? argument in ' Buppoxl ot the motion to _h__lkt tbc Mississippi anti 1?eor?,'iu iiijuiiction hills?which we ?print to day?plainly says that all his political sym? pathies aie with his judicial opponents. The-e ?ympatlii? ig, how? \ei, have mt ?ire\(iited Mr. Stiiiish? ry Irom (haily and forcihly pn -e nillir the fegg] le.i.-oiis tthv the>e hill?? .-hoiild not he grgued ?before the Bopreme ?Coot? ?His til .-t ohie?tion, ii ton-nl? K (I \.ilid hy the Court, makes the eitheis II liligi? SSII J, and is ahm?' surtich'iif, ?ground ?bt the dis inissail of the suits. That, Objection is that the power ol th?- Court to determine controversies ?between t State god g citizen ?of another State, does not ?gftvg it jurisdiction in thesi- suits, whieh, thowgb in terms ??lae eel within its jinisdie lion, are, m fact, without it. The suit g_ ?Qegfg??, the Attorney (ien?,al argues, is not hrou^ht against LYn. tirant H a citizen hut M .'in otlici'i of the L'nited St.Ttes; not, in l'a? t, against Mr. Stanton, hut a ?ruin st the Sec retary of War. Fuither, it is .1 h.tiit against Conines?. "If there is apow?-r iu this Court," s?yh Mr. ?Bflanabay, "to veto Iuwh which the "people consider wholeboiuc aud necessary, and "iustruct their K? piesi-ntativi h to pacn, it is "hi>rh time Unit they should know it; hut such "a power bus never before heen invoked.' In this it is not ni lern? el jt hat u t>? i? the rights of au individual are outraged by unjust lawn he uuiy not appeal to the Court tbi protection, and Mr. Staiislx ry appears to give Mr, Jenkins of Qggggia the hop? that after the law in executed be may proi?erly bring a nuit he lore, the Court; but he d?nie? that the laws of the United States ean be nullified by the Court before tbey aie executed, and upon the mere, hypothesis that they will work injury to individ?ala. The whole cane of (ieorgia, in hi? own word?, is an uncertain coutiugeut, and the real point at hwue is declared to be beyond the inrisdiction of tbe Court, and only to be de? ckled by the people. 01 the ability of this argument. Hiere ean be no question, and it will do mu? h to remove? tho vairue suppo? sition that the -Supreme Court j?o?smsms the power to determine any question tbat may be brought before it, and even lo nullify at its pleasure the gets of the coordi? nate branches of the Government. How far Mr. O'Conor succeeds in his effort to prove that while the Judicial j cannot annul I the ,i?t?s of Coagiesa, ii ?\.?i prevenl theil lion, we is'iall not at prisent i Uti lim . We shgU ! ' . hoWCTtt, ? to oren inoro i . ding the ?< ' I ?as ol the ililli : .;f ?bl i!,ein ? of i ?i. und t -?.llv the limitation <>! Um power ni tf?e ,"-iiji,i?:ii" (\.::ri. PI -V IT l8 CONBKBV 17IBM f In nothing is the beneAeence ?of ?the Milita^ Reconstruction ?more ?strikingly evinced thus ni the ?changed t-oi*- of the journals that, in ?l> ii,i>, were the orgelet of the BUrehoIdeitf Le belliou. Till", tlmy do not proies?? g ''change " pf lietel," iiyr had wea right to gaped any. Theh illunga, their bnpnlgee, .-ne little ixt ?tcred ; but the ?it nation i-c mteily ?changed, gad th y fully reali/?-fhe l.ut. Lead and won? der al ?sock sensible, mod?lale inrnlciitions M the following dipped from a leading ?editorial m '/Ya* Ii'nTivmnd h'ramincr ; " V.KliTlY*. II TUL >Wng '?Tie (Viarietton Mercury, lu n i ti i . ?tomfwhat i '.ii..ii iiti-iy argued aaaiual iii?? fanant ii.! ?partJea In i ,ii? ii? 11. 8) it .?a It ii? thin h ni' .mt in ii ?|i ?i .?it? tan I n! old ?DSrtJf n lilli'?. I? ii ?...?? (lil!.inn .?-, Iii.?Ii? i .m li,-i;,i ?loutit of tim tti-iloui <>f tin ,el? n ?, nuil ??I I l?i Wil-kedllOM Ol in?.l'???tiiit: ii llul, i! tun i ut??in|?iir.ii v lix-;iim I.? coiiiiricl a li.t|i|iy fun.ii? li nii??liiii.iil ol ??II ?pollti? ? ii ni ii tiii/.itinti? wli.ite-vei, In* ?ill liinl ?ntt. li? 'li 11 Hi?? S'liimii'r ?..'?ti.?.?, m? ?protest will frktt in Hmt i'ii'i ?? nu? w inif im.) Mark |,i??i|?l ? i,f ?veil Southern BUta vlll ?ll\i,|i. ttii'Mliclvr? ??. li h t h? ? Wini.' |???.i|i)i? of <-v,iy Ni ii t!ii?r:: ?M1 ate -, .Uni I li ? III n l..i Iii tin? fi-v? Null In-Ill Ht.lte?*. ?alun' tiny bare i?uiiii( .?I right?. Into t wo ?partita, on Hi" Im?m m,?-! nut,?rul I 1 tlidn Hit, lUilir.ti .uni ?OsaSSTVS I li ? pi! ! ? ? "'l.util-- un- tin- inevit. il?li- -itiwtli ol gOYf rnni? lit*. Tin \ extol iii nil. lint .Uli?!. . n ii?:v in lim-.!'iii wliiili ii I n .?, h ni j ni Mu- ?people putt 1, .|i ii? in tin? fin ii 1 iff nil.-I ?a \?. ni i\ proti ?! ??-? 1 irnrttlj *? ?ri plraa?* against parttoa iii lln 180 uth. lint ?parties .11 n?! ni. id? "i nuil), n ?I? l?y l,?.,t, ?i?; ?Miej uri? iii?ei. ii? nothing; theyarat* N,?r 1? tiicn- iiiivtiimi: in ii?' ?proanacl et ?partie? in the South which ?boura <n ? innm the ?' Conaerrntlv? |i.',ij.'.? nu? :? 1 it nu If tin- ll.iili? ti |, or tin? Kcpiilili? im I Hi?, ?1 |?itiy. ??r Mi - J.n -.iiiii ?. in -li? nt. hy whatever util 1 they a ?? i tiled, rai no1 be beaton an their retordit am -, Doutta n State, it ntl! ariae attnplj fruin one ?of two rill-.- 111.? i(4li.11.tim-ni lilt- 11. 1. li ?a, ill tim liiilillYlfii. .? and follj ofth? Whites ? I' ;? 1111.I. 11:iii?!.? ti n- Unit C.iii?i?r?.it!\i- ?peotll? of \'ir flnll 1 ? 1 t n loot |i"\'a.?i ?SOI .'nul lui-Mi' l'i Vli-ulm.i, Iiy r, ???.,,.' ti.,? inevitable, ?by tullca n iftton, at bj n lum Kitty nu? 1 n in.?? n,-r, ni ?t rou rae toward the dlafi ?nob-tecl lint it I????i?i??ii-f true thal wlthaa lum? ?t ait-outiotn "f n ' ? ni 1 ' 'UL-rf-i?. ?kowai it 1 unninalj e i. - -1 -. ?. t to na, with 1 Irani and f?tir treatment ? ?r 111 ? ? colored i?cople, ?oeb ai ?Vii lula gaotlf nan waa proud to i i i 1 lii?in a inn Ihej a ere ?llares, and with frtrndli ?r-rplaaa !.. HI .1? l-l I hi? ell h 11? It lu? mu.?s II? t?i 1 \ 11? ml H., m,.m y !??,?? ni.:. White and Colorad ?au m Virginia ena be ?.?t'i?fi?'?l I bal M un Aiin'f.? .m 1 iii/.mi In- shuni?! lal?or f??r the d? ?'in? (los "i Hu- ?Radii .il p irty " Whit w t? wniit ???iciiill;, in Vttglnta ?las fruin* ??ni U ?m -.-. in li t.? ?beela building a Con?ervat?ve part* ?Saul li i. ??..;.1. laoult ?ua, and Tenneaaee, hart iln ? ?y linn ??i m tin? m iitrr. nuil with 'in- happiest ? ?ffaol Tha ?beat ni the Colored people In thone Slate? will rote with (hone b) Wim??? .-ml,'Hu? ?Ai'ik, in ctli'i??? neighborhood time wi-ii'liirn. iiii'l tirm vt linlii thej w10 In- 111 di 1?1 Hu? bete in?! ?unit baa ?bran dam to ?ounteract thewlleanl tb > ? ho, fur itelfiah anda, are urging the ?Palofsd i?rii|ili' in .1 ?position ol hostility to the w ii *ri " ?The above are not ?ggf viewie, certainly j but, as 'The F.inniiiicr's, do tln?y no1 ecime ?i gratifying ?progreggf What that pu? I?????.-? ig, thiece- whom it digtingtiishei ?I?? the Whites of the South shall, b\ argument and by g?!ii-i,tl (lijioitni' :it, e ??iivim?' the ?Blacks tiiit tln-v ought to rotees ?those Whites do?that |g, au'iili-cl the ]{cpiib!i? ans. VVli?? <*.iti Objfd to this ??(Pu ! ' I ?et u-> SUpppSS now the F.ilitui of Us lir nminrr h<-to;e nu ?ggSMsUgga ??t Illa? ks, eii degvoring to ?persuade then i?> vote f.?i his ticket, and one or niotln-i ol tin- \i-_n?i? ?shgll see tit ?to?propound ?to ?hin ?these queutions: " ? oil sa?, S11, MB onu'lit ?to Wtg t'? "getlicl: ji<lui 11 it. Now, tlnn, wliv gSStimg " the ?requisite ?accord is to be attaia-rd "onie bv ?>i/r votmi; w ith ?/??" * ?\h\ shouldn't " tata, lathei, \ tile g Uli tis '." " \ ?m ?.iii Mun-, iii?? t ?ms? 1 ? .in vi? ticket, ?and "iiil'c Its support on ?thal ?ground. V tj ?'ii; "?cr ar?- Con?seirg?T?eg: gre bare ?rrcentlj beea "blessed with Prredon and Equal Rights, ?and "we ?are anxlouatoeongerre, ?te ?segue, te? ?pop? " pi tnati? tin-in. Will von ?tkowfus how and "\\h\ \oting its jon wi?li will ?gebiete '?ur "end? II it will do it mm. would it bivi "'tloiie it two \ 1 .its ;i_?*o f It ?hggprO " (lilted the ( haii-i .''' "Von indu ate bostility to the Kndiculs iih "the ?boalsol jwur political action. ?Pipase state "fiinklv whetlici WC ?h? not, timlei I?im1. ovci? "our opportunity to rote at ill to li.oin ils "null Radicalism 1 Bul tor tlnm, ?sbooldTye "?vii li.ive been lioiioii d with the ?addtPSS fOXX ":ur about to in.tki- ils? In nIioiI, do you not "deli st the Hadicils niiiinlx bei;?u?e the\ ha\e " made Us flee ami e on?ti.'iiind \??u to seek " oin \ote?sf" Wouldn't the ?Editor be BOUiewbal both? ered to ?giro plain, ?straightforward eua weil to ?these ?questions I Hu- Selma /><?//.?/ Zlgics even ?sore i.ition ally and pim I null?. gCCCpts the .-it ion, ?as follows : " In ?iti-riiitf ?il??tii the w??rk??f ?in ??i?-t ruc tmn let M n<?t III |? <>?? It Hi till? aUtaat I?*? that "I'l lia ?lit 1 Mill ??!!,?I,?f li-nrnltii; tii'tiiiii?/ m.ii faraeitias ?aothlag *c? fur ?aa ?a poa hil'],?. W? llll?/-t ill?, .lill till I f, ililli.-? .uni ici ?if tin? ji.i-t. m,el :n t ?rationally and i?hllo#e?phli ?ih- i'i ur. We ill-?- not ]M?nilltt? ?1 til llrvls.? the s, li? ii,,. |,f ni nli-li in . ti"!,. 'lut Ii i?i?, ??n'.i i,\ Venny?em and to na la len Hu linn? in??i li.urn .ii worl On warfe irhen ronstini mated arlll audiodj a dralgn coneelred .uni mapped bj an ar? li it ???-I win. ri.!i?nll. .1 linn, In? .?.i|irli em .nut prejlialcci? than tb? harmonie? of the architecture ?or the ?rnntenl? ? m.? nf tin? ?builder?; Inn whlla ?mr \?i?ik will bsos |i!'? ??.?lit unit pilli I? Iii? ' li ii;|. ii, ctr .?In,ni.) . \,??.?iiti If well and ?thoKUgggr. .Nut onlj la the de?alsu, -bul iii? material? foi th? itructure an? furnished n? iii?-?? in it? Mt'? .it ?? lint ti??? 1' ii lilli mai lil??, inn i!? tin \ si n? li ii? w?? wniii i 11?? 1.1 ii ii. bul Mell ii? ti., a ?an wi ?ha-r? t.? n?. tin-in ? \?. ? .tri? imw , ?? it wiTi?. nut ..f .|..?n?, witlimit ?i ronf t.. ?In Un ii.? .on! !..m li. ? Let n? s., ..instru?-! Um building we ?n?- tn dwell in an to n ador it ..?a ? ?uiif. rf;tl?l.? u?. ii'mus?.im is \t ill .illi.w Me .ni- inn? li tin?!.il..?n if em h lu- imt tin? iiiiiim iii? tat? ti I?) jn ilil< liri-, COimaOO ??i'li?. , .?ml |ii?!lli'tl.?ln " ?All thin i.s win? ?nid coiiinieudabh-; but in wh;it ?sense ?does it tally uitb Conaervatiaasl What is it that "the South-' l.ibois to con ?serrel and what is her present coiii'cptioii at Congervg?tis_n I Wa knen what it una in 1854, in {BMX in IM, in 1s'm; but what is ii in 18971 and does ii prom i te io Ik< in 18(W .' I.Ft.lslA 111 8 I IIIA1SY. Mr. Qeorge Wilki s lus ?rendeted ?the ?sgngeef honest legiHliition u si^n;,! ?afgrrigS l?v his ? n ?poaUTC of the vii? uiiistames umhi" which his eliint?! t??r the Lowei Cglifornig ?Conpenj w;s obtgingd from oin late I.? gislatuie. Wv have waited long Mioti-_h to ggg that the hruzeii champion.* of leginliitivo \enalitv will not nt teinpt to dispute? the ?u i in:u> eil his htu-ting ineulpntioiis. Taking th? ?;ise?. finn, uk ?con tosed, ?re ?recall ?attention t?> ?ita hading fuctn, and to the light they ?ast on the imi?lii/icry and procesar? of legislative ?corruption? Cirtaiiii Aiiiiiicuii citi/e ni?, including such cuiin? nt Ratlicalri ub tit ii. 1). F. Hiitlei, and Muli courspii uou.s DiintK-ratfc an Align?t lh-1 mont, have purchased a grunt hr cogceiKion hy the Mexican (Juarez) Government ot certain ?territorial and ?hnaine?i rffhis in the p*a*$\Bin)B ot Lower California. Under thi? ?concession, they propow to plant rolonicn, open mines, ? oiistnict roads, iiii|?iti\e Inn I?,i p., \c.?ei|ie ra? tions which may enrich or iui<poverii?h tin in, hut cannot fail in .'any cast to create consid erahlfc raarkctH for th? implements, niachinery, food, ke., -which they munt mainly eijiort from this country. ?Should they they ate hardly the men to embark in a tbrift lei??* enterprise? they must sensibly incr*;flM* the commerce of this and other American cities. Thi? Company applied at an early day to our lut?- Legialature for an act of incorporation. It was tin- clear iutereat of oui' State thai this act sbot-jd be passed. Ii incorporated, bore, the Company's main office would naturally In? opened Here ; ita business would be transacted, its purchases made here; it would help par our (gie?, aad ?afford custom or emoloTihent to ofhor tax-p.-.vcrs. If their l>ill was not right in c\ciy proviaion. ii was (lie duly of l!ic proper Commfttcf io Muth a righi ami then report it. oi UM Co lu* i..* | i :. rler I iy, mid hail ii tit.1 .' ] icfcuc?'. Tip re li ? I, v.- ! i .-'.v iiiil h.:v?? (loiiC 'I'::: I '? llltllij let* lo whom the i"!l v'."* rrf-prrpd bail to ?.iii ra Mm lor ;*.!iy riplunation tin j need; bul tticy ?otigbf nolic, mid be kept b|a .*, ,iti lu- slionld Ii-iv?* do:.?-. Dut certain (iir d! '.i.i. I ol T...."T.iin. lion.?'" Uie K. If el*: ltd patrons aad proi'totM-rt (or o',h CiV. !-. ) fi Ii "ii.iii'.:: . ;??} ClHy f.ViKCll hill willi visita and with iiim?lMted cniina.1. Th ?.?? v. civ williup Lo fac?tate lae. pas ..i"n O? JIM I ill ?lor u coi.-itl? ?.iti i. So pinch of tSc own pan?, \s stock tliCjr r.ijiiircd to le ni:i?l<* owr ',? lb-em, lind, r pt-'i.i'i.v of the bfll*l failure. Mc made 1'ic re ri'.r," I K?i')il.itio:i. It a clrsr j OMI oi "Stand iinil ti-liver!" ?nil bfl stool -uni delivered? Having emly arm io much, they fit ruck for ino) <-, aid be h?-m?ii cania down. They told liiiii that the bill would not bo re? ported till tlicy frere the word; and, hy ii most astounding coincidence, it MM n't. finally, wlicn the session was verging to its close, I hey demanded an !i(i(litio!i:il bonus of $-'),000 in ??ash, assuring him that hi?, bill could nut. pa,-*? unless it was [)?iid. Mr. Wilkes'.? patience was at length evhaust cd. Hardly ten dayl of the m vaon remained : ho liad bled like nu o\ ; liis bill was not even reported in one House ; and the Lobby, lia vin ii digested jlOO.OOf) of his stock, WM ravenous for mi additional i' in cash, So lu? tele? graphed to ? friend ?it Trenton, ?eut bin a copy of the bill, barely substituting the word "New-.lei-.(?>" for "New York," und bil hill was soon pgi ">?' til ron i?'li tile Jersey Legislature. The Alliany jobbers wen? thunderstruck. Thev supposed they had " ;i ?ure tbittg" M well as a "bj-,' thin?:" they meant to paaj the. bill; hut not till they had Htpiee/.ed the l.i^t cent out of its corpora'ois. Tiny now telegraphed Wilkes, asking if ht would have liis bill passed, and li?' re-ponded ?No . he was going to orginire under I New-Jersey charter. In defence of this interdict, the hill was forth? with reported and put on its passage; passed Hirou-idi tin? House; sriit po-.t-ha.ste to the Senate; referred, reported? and pass?*?! there il><>; ho that a niea.siire which had not made an inch of program 'u ninety ?lays, until Mita I c.tiiie that ii was not wiinted, was now put through botlt Committees and both Houses within the abort -space of twenty-four hours' ?Is lhere one p?*r-?on on earth who can read in ?innis of three syllables who does not kuom that I.eirisl.iture and Lobby wen? completely ni "cahoot" in this dirty the legialaton took their cue li.-iu the Hobby, .uni were moved bv it as ,i pupjict is moved by ,i wiie win ker behind the scenes! fun hoy one doubt thal the 11?' makers who tims kept bark an import .int. mci?.,m- fur ninety days, lill :ts passage was no hinter ?.??sired, and then pi?? .1 H v. it li uni.*.cut haste, hid i (bar tin ?h-i-taliding with Hie o it ??de jobU-l? as to how theil plunder w;is to be divided 1 Is there the dtadoti ol a possibility that, thev thus proiti tilted lli'-ir high ti ?ist ?.'ili-ly for others' benetit and with no eve to their own prout " O n?i ! Th.Me it plenty of facts but imperfectly re? vealed which show this to Ins no isolated can?? ?that nciiily or ipiid* c\r iy bill that came be for?- our lat?? I.egi-il.itun* which was suppose?! lo have "money in it" that i-t, which some i?vr i.)ii or persons could alford to pay money rather have defeated?was d'.tit willi as this H.i' Heine, lin? passa-,'?'of several II orso Rail? road* for thi*. i'it\, where more such would be a u insane?* to all but their stockiioldi-ia, and ihe defeat of every bill for au Hilder K'i"iind Hail)i>a?l out of the Hit?,, where ?>f the eaufaa-ienea to the pub-u?- would bl vast, hut the profit to tbe) in.h', rs ?loiibttnl, so that thev could not afford to pay ?limes where the Horse Railroad men ??mild richly afford to ki ve dollars. Hence the ?I? !<? it of the BtaaVtd ol Public Winks, the M like! ('(?niinissioii, Hier? and Wh.uves bill, and ?-very other measure calculated to prubi Ihe fi-arfiil abuse and rottenness of our Munni I'll svuli-in. Raab of these bill*?, would have paaead, but foi the Ead that tho-.* who proit I.) cm pay far iiiniit to uphold and per? pctualc than others will pay lo i*i.uli<*.it?t liieiii. Hence, in part, the urgent need ot a t'ofistitu lion.ti Convention. .se i.v. .v. if. H i?, not the least nuisance of a dubious ad? ministration, like that by which the country is now afflicted, that acta ?-.imply foolish Buffel the imputation of bad moth?--., and ni.-ii think lliat tlic.\ dilCOTCI wickedness where there i-r?-all> ?>lil\ weakness. Hld oliM-ivi-is of tu day have their memory of the dihicputablc limes ni Mi. Tiler |ri'ii-eptibly ?piickeiicd, and AMI is the Bama talk now aa then of wicked women, of nepoti.-iii. and ot cash ?-oiTiiptioii. Upon the whole, we arc inclined to think that lins nile bu/7 is meant to be complimentary. The crowd is apt to rate the wicked above the witless, and to n-iafiird mercenary motives as better than shift*? leaa hlamWing. Km Mmething may b.* mail?- of a kiiiive, while nothing can be hoped ol ;i fooL Nobuilv lik.?-? to consider Ifr.Jobnaonai natiirallv incomp?tent, bOI Mr. Seward as in his dotage; nor honorable N-natois as smitten by n pie ; di^tinatc imbecility. It is the ini.-loituiic of j our present rulers that tin-re has been nothing in theil management of public liff ii us, and nothing in their personal eihibitioiis. to g|f| the lie to a fleet deal ?>f BMtdPi and tho re eoonter of Wnbin-g-ton tat?le has found the wnrhl completely prepared f?u believiii-ii almost anything, and for makinK tim most of ?miy whisjieied meer and of every sly suggestion. Agi is not spin ed . di-k'nities are dilTepurdedi jiiivioiis good character pmma? for DOfhfalg? nor 1 are the plitncgCl of the sex duly ? .ui-iileied -, in w>pa|i?*rs are not seldom unilfy of M in jllslice; while ihe flood ol table, swelliiiK ?is it I goel, confounds private and public cliaia?tn. and d? files alike fhe Senate CharnlM-i, the Cabi? net, mid (he ?lrawiii|?-room. Unfortunately for the koo?! rcpntatiou of mankind, there is nothing new in this; mid the scandalous chronicles of courts have always h??eii r?a?l willi an avidity which irruvi-i history could but seldom command. If we still find entertainment in Um study of Caligula and, Nero, future K''Utriitioii8 will hardly charipe our ?ninnis with insipidity ; and idtbough we hare no woman in "Washington to ni.iteh Miiinfeiion or ?ven DuBiirry, und our vic?? baa not lost quite half ita evil by losin*? ii?, ??loae ness, yet time uud tradition have a very mel low in*,? influence, and wa may cut a figure of j tolerably graceful wickedness in the filture if our tali-bearm mainlain their ingtnioal mdnstry. Meanwhile, our business is with the present; and we trust that we may be cn?dited when we earnestly declare that our sincere de? sire is to keep political controversy a? clean as possible, The public acts of a public man are public property, and are to be publicly, cen? sured or approved. Honest difference of judg? ment affords a field of debate sufficiently wide, aad the legitimate w-qapou* ot off ouse and defense are numerous and ahnrp enough 1'ioiit a resort to the ambnacndc ?>f ibmder mid Hie j'ois in of rata ?tiny. The iilfimiitice ol hum :. nature oro oltra^a tin? aorae, end i.? no (c;uition i ? the .1 mond i open rhnrfty. It is with great and (.rave j i'. ' *..l .*:;?.u- i'ii? m* can afford to keep 1:0 ?, ?nd upoq t'n- rectifica! ion of the ?e ottl , aeid (.1.11c. mils', profitably expended? The pi - ? ahamciera of publia men arc usually no Ix't i<- and no woraotitan tboae of tbeirtemobtni I !?j\.* neighbors'; but the aermnl of tin; .?-'tau* .? ? always in the eye of his em],loyer-, and liai lo l i 1 :? i?:i,!;ri! for errors which th?- olncuro mieccK.-'fiilly conceal. If we cairn '.he credii ot lio:ie.-ly for ourselvo?, there is no reason arl y i wv shonJd refuse it Vo an abta?#ni|t There is lucli a tiling ft* *htrfflHr intolerance. Nor ii ! pity iiico:i.7i.-.t!-nt willi indignation and enn j tcin])t. It is natunJ to lu- angry with a n an ! who Hw.'illows veto after veto, ami then, liku Oliver Twist, calls for "more;" but there L- a lull ion in Africa which subsists upon dirt ; there ia another nation in Asia which sub? sist? upon entrails; and if nature and circum? stances bat! math? the tastes of men differ eui, it ii a fixed rule that about them there can be no dispute. Krrors of ??pinion, which may be consolidated into erran of legislation, j must be resolutely refuted ; if there be a bad motive for a bail vote, (hat, too, ia fair game; if a htalevunan lie guilty of gross and glaring incoMsist? my, Im? puts his reputation either for honesty or good judgment upon trial; and if a niau 1m: unmistakably ;.n ass in his public re? lations, nobody can be expected to call him a ?Solou. Whatever the politician takes into the Hiena he- must, expect to lind criticiz?-d ? whatever he does ?ts a public creature he must expect to have publicly weighed and passed upon ; but he* may ic.isonahly complain when fifty cat'-rers for the newspapers make him a daily cynosure, the subject of malicious conjecture, and the object of curious suspicion. As we must, in a self-governing Kcpuhlic, have more or less to do with politics, as we nin-t make th- al fail? of the nation a matter of daily concern, it bcconie? us to kee]? our con? tests as cleanly ?is possible, and to dignify, if we can, the business upon which so much ?if *ot happtnem dependa. Principle is one thing and personality is another; and he who cannot find errors enough to combat m Un* "policy" of the President must have au unbound? ?1 stomach for fighting. THE DOMES Of THE ?0 SEMITE. Mr. Rierstndt's last pirturs is now on e\htbi I tmn ?it th<* ?St tull?) I*?? 11 d in _r. No. al West Tenth ->t. for tin* Item-lit of the N. w-Vork It.-iiiics' Beutben Belief t-iaeHatien. Wa ex tiiKt Hu- Pillowiiiic daacriptioaal theeeeaetytowp a privat.- b'ttcr; "It g?o? the 'Bridal Veil' fall at the entrance uf the v;il!?-v. Hu? w.-ilKuf in? k OB cither h nul termin?t nur in a back ground of the time snow peake1 Iliad (':.rsnii's Peaks. The pliotoirruptis BCa *>?> wi-11 known Hint tliey now onlv add color t<> Iii?) pn-vini!? ??iiowledi:??. but aOBM <>t the chief fa? ts it mt?rh. !>?? s 11 t?. repeat, Their great hiidit, tlie iiiiisiiiln fin a* ol nil lim forest ihr..illili which one travels t<> it (on Hu- MaripoM trail), ?is well as the ex? ceptional gr;iinle:ir of tin* gn it redara, miking ulto getlier such a (oiiiiiiii.itioii of grand and beaatifnl Starr Kum seed ka hu <>f it that ha be* llevad that to ha tbe initial aeiateftba meelina a lu ?v Ile* Alnii'.'liti ? ?.nun. in? ?I tin earth on a s? ali? Kintail to Ins o.? n arestueas. Hut li.i\ ina iii.k1.' niau and r?-ci,ciii/ii?l lu? Inferiority, He laianeel the peal of Um world t<> MffTvapan?! !<> luni." MIMI . n?-!ii!ii's tarifant centaine no clemml ti mmmml casaattaB] Baa la i arina (lonna arfeenm fully triumphed lil I.ti -SoniKi'iilin'o 1 'ii-ii- h i harming nsim in if, how? ever, far ?ii. ii power* a? th????- of .??euora IVralta to grow j tipini Hit t ivnr sf a tin 'ii' audience, auch as Lint uuiit nara ker brou mt petfsnaaaes a* brilliant a hearing. i I'liriiuiti aftotm tin- ?.nu,- kimi al t?*i-t of vasal quail! lea as t li? Soiinambula; It we except the heroic chnraet?*r of it? music for male volees?the same SXIllMTltllt tClilliTIII'?? i.Oil CI?lUI?ltl- piltll'M ?U A *A lilli'r ni*Va of tin? !ii-:iiitifiil virci ?if fiuntiiri For tin- tri st, it i* tras Belllotaa eraste, ? lim. ?-H sal ieMt it?-iy netto*! lu ;ili parta, fruto - >|)i- .nu in li ia?, nul fruin rliorii? tu m rhestra The finale? ?if bH the arts ara wrought with lasts hihi disait], snd represent same i.f tin- highest de iiiiiiiil? of los work Tin*) were airen with delljrbful ??I'liiiniiri* mu? fur.r List evening, thanks, flr.-t wall, to UM luppi .J? uni.?ii ..nil ti..-.? lu. a purify of I '<? I.I it. i '?. eipreaa?nti lu na pasaansat a Bail aa locally Mell as that of I'l-irn do w<* ii-im-intv-r 1er to linvi? la-i-n iliitnti i .???inn;, sad in the tea arise to whit li andtooeea cxcaaioti ..lly li?ek for ii.inn lea of exrcutiou. her success was iniiri? ur less ?t.irlling tu Iiu- 1:? oprrn jtm-r. Tlie ?tua*?' "f thn A.'.uliiii.t, fur many ssaSOM, lins nut entertained u pim- ?if lyne delivery nun*?* florid uni! i ?*.?] li i,? nt in it ?? wn\ th. ii I*? riiit it*?. ?? i ?wt, ilileliu." and tia? i? !" be -.?1.1B1 sa in in, WOT) "f Pan-pa's bound ?>ii? ?t> l?>, wlin-li ?if ?nu ni? ii.m reitfiutiles ko f.*iiciiuii*?iy in iii?' stufte rhursctsriatl. of - !*.-rfi-i t ) milli sei tun lu lu- .iiiothiT quality I ?if bat besl rosaUsattoa. ??ml -??? laka from I till.? fact till Ut-.ll! ?it? ? ?if lal ulllMtll in time j to ??omi? In tit?- .'lii.imini; nu ?In-wly referred to lbs joyoesares of Met manner, ami lbs ft*?*? dom ef her I ??liiiKi'anil trill Mi'it iriu.ukalili i iiiui?*|i to |>r?>\uki fima I In-r aiulletii ? l'Ilthllal ?.-?tir " 1.1'i? vua " alni plaudit.'? Then* t? tu iu*i li*it.-t emphatic ?xpi? nion -i pereeptlble lui t uf immaturity, nnd bi bri- actmu a -au*??'K>*>,tiuii ?I aitlfi??.-, nor .Ina' Mu- mini iilmtys profuiiiiillv -?\ uipa lllr-lli*. Hilt it M UtiqUi *.?!|.?li.iii!?* ManaS'l' ? M .r.-f/. k li.i-? infiinl.ic.-.l in na ,i \u),*i. til?? I Bueessa <<f ?tu.h ii.tinir? of but sea nplalea. I in Hu* i*i*inii?iiii*v'of li.-t aldil Sri"!.? Peralta ass snp ported bf Balaca ia tin- part of ArtAur, aad lor Bellini i ami Aiituiiu-'i i in iii?? twe iiiiiiuii- Puritan ratas. Ibsss ! latter si lista ? Innins J-otol ssd n ,*t?l? baaocs in fin- sohle ataste of Lt.- I.lli.ft.*. dm f It la ii"! .ilwuya that th?' Mine j of siifiiur iii llim i? thomtixhlv uuslcsl. Uionjrb it i?. ino : lunn i iiiniK'h to' everyxhlna ?iii? h tiiia nsorooa \ lim ni lui |,. i im lui !.??.?? .iiiiliili'iin it? an actor, sik'iiui- Ant ??iiu?-? i waa lasi nlghl ukin lal - f.u iii v a? ii atnaer The Islsllj and anperfin? nrsM of Btgnot t'Ai.f V* nuntin r SSSd BO ? *xf??ii.l? ?I < -tit I ? I -iii; tin \ an-nut In be 'tiiprnvi-il. .-uni if is to hi? i redit i hat they did not utterly Mimi tone ef Ins i??--.t in ti'iiiiuii? lu the part of trturo. Bis tenor Is of foeaaaaet ipnilitN, .nu! ii?*i "in- * tan it lathe i vii ?a of is i,i|?iiiii. lui! w? ?iiiMt du lum Iii. m-ati?-?- to vi.v til.if with all til.? I faul!? uf an i.riiiniai aivli-, tin-il'iiiau t nil appr?ci?t iuH ofaaarttatcaabesometlniies mainfested m ms ?-\]ri? sion. Theaeaeralperfomaace taal ?*\?*iiiii-: waa qalte ni Intnuuiiy willi if? lcadnii?' ?<?<'< ' * ////. lilli) EELl.lIlls. . I I I I'.KtlloN DK lill mm ililli iWIMIi^lll, Bl TILS????? TU Ta? Tiisrvi. Mk.mi-ihs, Apt ii .ti.?The Odd FalWara eekbrated tin li ?Mh aiiiilvt'r?ui), m d.i.--. bj alargl pi"-?*."*ii'ii. ai.'l au uddress lu nigtit. Ism tv tim is, .\piil i-i Tin' Olid Irllutts hate on servid this as ?? day of thatik-tiviiii; uni prayer .hi? lt, v Dr. K?l?ly. of ("hil iii?'?', ?li'llveia-il ;.n i-locpii tit addrccs on the principle? of (Md K?*llon -lui' ??iNctNVATi. Aj'Hl .'?t The Odd Fellow? of ?"nu ?minti. Cu\ I nat Oil. ion! Ni N. -port, i? !i'1'iiiti-il !l.i-ir ititi,. v? n-ai v l?y s arandpreeessinn of BitMnbers <>! all ti? lodi?!-? The turnout wa? tin- laraeat and grsadest e?ot arlttitssed Tin-?lav wasbesuttful, and the rtreets elong the litio <>f tin* pi ur? ??hui ??rr fin. ?u u*. ?1 wirti people. I.OI isvii i y, K\ .April 17. The Forty-eighth Anaiver Bgty ut ?'?Id Pello m ship wa? appropriai? ?> -??:. in.if? -I bere to-d?y, __ TUB MKHKiAN WOOL l-XHIBITION. at ? ii iwHtPB to taa v?ih!-?s. J)i litoir, Milli., April'.v..?Very active prepmuti.His are bein? made to rend? r the ?rest State Kxbibition ?>f she? j) and wool .it Jackson, a aucceas. The railroad? have ai:ree<l to trtiniport stock and all arti? les for the ashibl tlon, with the necessury attendant?, free The i-ilu1?if:ou will be li'-i'l on tue ?th, sth, and uth of May. The lint ef pr. iniuma offered Is very liberal. TH? TUB*'. TROTTING AT FASHION Put l'?*K. The trot for the first of the Fashion Cours?? |L. 1.) purse* for the season attracted a largoasaeniMaaje ot turf? men aad the owners of fast honre. Yesterday It wa? s porasvt ?BOO, mile beata, best three In five, in harness, for horses that never trotted for money. There wet? ii ?*n trtea.fivo of which atsrted. Hauard'a gny geJdlnf, driven by P.-a ilfaee. won in titree straltibt beat?, In 3?L -i:37|, a_d ?37, beating bells of RotkUod (third), Rap .?I (sec? ond), Lady Kendall, and Income. The latter was with? drawn after the first brat, being out of -condition, aad was only started to make a race. A match for ttoo, mile-hebte In barnes^betweea Dobie s bist-k mare. Oraee Darling, and J -fopp's Meek mair, waa won by th? former ia two neals, In J:4?l sad AJBA. "boabd of couimr ci?nvamiebs. At la o'clock noon yesterday the Board of gnper vlaora convened aa a Board of County Caavaasers, to can? vass the votes east at the renent election for delegates to the Constitutional Convention. After canvassing the 1st Uluma of tbe HUth Ward, an ??Uourmucnt wa? had until this morning. EUROPE. H? ? I l.'.T:, TH ?MUT! T? 1 MI 1 lain: -?c I l.AM i: ,'M? PBUaSTA? _ P/IBia, Ajni! :.; Koon '! I ? , i? '?.?n .?t till- lllllll -a? ( Ilillllill ij. mi' i .. ,: ?sc-<;ueiie?! of rnti.fim whicl egtsm I . ??I m aigal fsstud g dispi liUon to i yoa to Kraasg -aa tapati at tha Los?hu? timi. Uimmin. I. BfS-igg^A Hqpatok tr? ?'s New? ApmapgA Basins,?iais??h?a mweakag, ?tit?s ?tilgt ihi? ?Pr?sisa Government. ?Isariag ?Um Introduction ia the Dm of IntorpsUstion solo ita ?policy wlneli may lead tofurUn.r eomplii itions 'ii*?n ?ic Luxemburg question, bai ro?uaoel to ?uU-.r uit?. ? long (liiiciiHbiot: in t! body ?hub. April m Isau?gg Wtttg Iggmiftsep reparti that Kin? Lei?|?oldof Helium talus '<? th* Mniporor Napoleon gag? plan of perte? whirii has I?- ?sa propose*] hy I{n.if?i.l, and which provide* foi the li ju traJi-'atioii of Liix<?iiihurg. ? DENMARK. Dkrmn, April %t\-Kvoning.- It ii regirte?) b-r? that tin? ti.niisli Government ha? annouucod lU in tention to retn;tii? neutral in ?case of wai between Fraiife) and I'niSiii-, , ? ?* bklgium. llKiti.iv. April 2rt ? The ?ai amafie of tho Count of Flandern, brother of the Klug of the Belgiiui*, au-tk place iu tin? city to-day. MA li INI 1KTKLLIG ENCF?. KciMgMng*, England, April-JO.-Tin: ?team ship Aragn, ?OSfft (I iil.silfii, uliu-li left Hem Yoi* on th?* ?MM ini?t . uriiv. ?I .ii tln.spurt tin?? murmn?., and, after landing maila and panaougera for l-oudon, nailed tins aftcrunoo ?for Havre. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Loudon, April 36?Noon. -Consol? open at? acly at 91 for money. Amencau /Securities?Ttie follown?^ are the? opening quotation?: C mied States I'm -Twt ntie><, C9. II linois Central ?hare??. 72J. Erie Hallway ?ttnftS. :i'.| Tim bullion in the ?ijiikof England lia? dee-re ased i ?o.uoOaU-r linir Afternoon.?American Securities ure binti :int; Ktvft Twcu?y Bowie bate advanced e), laic share? J; uQil Illi? nois Central, 1 ?j por cent. Evening?o?in?ioU dosed finn at 91. for money. Ameri? can ?ecnrltie? all advanced during th?* ?lay, and closed at the followiug rate?; Inited Staten Five-Twenties, 60*]; Illinois Central ?bare?, 74J : Erie Kail \c ay ?har?-?, rrj. FRANK?y??RT, April aft-Evening.?United ?taten ?bond? dowd to ?tay at 71}. LoKtiON, April M?Noon.? Stifrnr. ul/ for No I'.-. Until? Htiindarel. Corn. 43/ per quarter, Calcutta ?UnsgS_?<fB/ IM-r quarter. Oils???perm. ?1II; Whale, *:?; I.h?? ? ?I, tZMllOt. I.iu??ced Cake?, *9 io i??-r lun. Iron-Scotch Nut Mf. Evening.? -Sugar urn-hanged at 34'. Iron?He otch Pig, '?.' per tun, mixed numtien. I-vkbpool, April-J6?Noon.?The Cotton market La or lises and excited. The opening quotatioig show an ad? vance cf i<7|d. p B?, and the appearance? indica lir a heavy day'? bunine??. Middling I'planda are quo'ed al io, ?i-i Id. It I? eatiuiatiMl that the ??ale? to -day will reach 20,000 bale?. The Broker?' Circular report? the /?ale? of the week at M,000 bale?, of which lfi.ouo hales SMS taken by ?peculate?!-? and lm|?ortenc. The stock in port ia 8"jr>,o(ia bale?, including 454,000 baie?, Ameritan. Wheat--No. 1 Milwaukee Red, i::/9 ; White California, 14/? ? cen? tal. Corn?Mixed Western, ia I ??j? eiuartcr. ?Malley, 4/9 per 60 1?. Oat?. taft P 41, ID. Peat. 45, y quarte r for Canadian. The Provision market 11 unchanged. Lard, 60 C -p ewt. Bacon?Cumberland Cut, Middle?, 39/. Cheese Midilling American, 60'. Pork- Eastern Prime Men?, 77? p bbl. beef-Extra Piime Mew?. 11?/ P bbl. A?hes-Fot?. 84 . Hpirita Turpentine. -?''. ?'? li.i.-in 1 Wilmington, n ; Fine American. 13/9. Tallow, 44/C. rcti-Ietiin??Spirit?, l ; Standa?rd White. 1/4 p gallon. AfteiiKtou. Tho Bread-duff.?? market I? firm, with ?a upward tendency. Ceirn ha? advanced 3d., and Wheat ia id. higher. Kvenlng.? The Cotton market wa? very active to-day and a decided advance? in price?-? wa? e?tal?llshecL The following are the mithini/??<l ?losing quotation?: Mid? dling l plands, lid.; Middling Orleans, i Hil. The ?alea of the day reached ? bale?. The advice? fr??m Man? chester are favorable. The market f?>r ?.?'?.?I? and yarna is firmer, and prices are teneling upward. The Hicnlstiiffs market is firm, willi an advance on ?somit descriptions. Com?Sound W? ?'em, ?M per quarter. Barley, 4 10 ?p ?'?) ti?. Oat-, :i 7 ?p ?gi it?. Wh? at uuchanged. Pea?. 45 per quarter. The market for Provision? of all kind? is firm. Pork boa advamed to 80 per bbl. for Prim? Kasteru Me*?. Other article? unchant,-?-d. All kind? of American produce are gene>rally uncbanged in pri?e. P?v trolcum, 1 4 i?er gal. for refined. Spirit? Tun>entine, as;??. Common Wilmington Rosin, 8 perewt. Tallow, 44 I Antwuii-. April ?.???Neem.-Petroleum?The market ia unchanged: Refined opened this morn me at 45f. per bbl. Kveiiin-.. Petroleum?Standard White bas declined, and wa? laut ?juoted al 43fr. 60e. 1HF ?MOAN WAU. GKN. llAHCtu:-'* KXPFPII KIN- IHK >C\ ?? Is t.\ IHK WAK PATH, at ?ii te.RApn to raw TBISCSE. Si. latana, April 38.?Til?? eorreapoueient of 71? ?kgaamwiwMB Uah. Hancock"? Indian expedition .se-ud? the f?'lIowiii(i Intelligence regarding the movement? of the Indian?; ?Ossaaraa ?Cam ?san * ?mp. i Tllllll I Mil Is 1 K'?M P??HT I.AKM.I?, Apiil 1?. 1*7. *, Disp.ttcbi'h W?en re,'ei\? ?I lust nl-b? a? II? adciiurti'i-i from ?.en ( ii??? i that the Indian? had burned three st., lion?? on the smokv Hill route, killed three men, ??e I ?peet the in, und Imrui tfulr l>?i<l;?-.s. Order* have leen suit to i .ia h !><?.f ou the s-attta Fe ami .Smoky Hill routes, wnrii In?. a li the sattler? to I** on the ult-rt, und Inlonulng tht m tin? Imitan war bael tirnketi out at last. Bad that tli? ?avatres Intended to tie trie to the threat?? tiley faaaed during the Winter. Tlilsrald i? attributed to the hmui, who encamped with the c beyeniiesln this villuge. <.?-n. ( list? r b.uttliviele-d lim ?.??min mil, taking !l\ ?? < .'llipuiili-a with himself to pnSMS the luam beiejy of fh< OhJ'HH''? ami Bi?>u_, ami sent three i-eiinpaiiie? of cavalry nil' r tim I,ami ' oininitteel this mid, mho are Mgpoaed te '?"? m l'art i-f theute Sioux that coium-.tteel the m ????ere at P??rl rial Kr,n ney We strike? out for Kort ?DSggB to-morrow. w11, ii tun cirv K us ?mer mi \i>.\ - h.,iit n?.??_ imir Mir? uki t. I Si l.uti^, April j? ?fft? Urmo,rofe tk. Ji?a??ph-??pee-ial di.-pat? li ?-ays that htt* tiniva!.? fit?m Heliii?. Moutain?, report large beedie-? of ?row?. Ula* kf? et, ami .-??oux lu ilian? maAiaitin in the vu iuity of Port B?!Dton, and it waa expected tint? au attmk upon the fort wa? lutt-nti??) A regiment <>f tr?K'p.-? -tea? tonniiig at Helena to o|?er?te ngalnnt the Indians. AdlaparehfretuPilesburitotth? iw*. ?Innl '" rSsJawwi .T?mn atSlfS that on the previ. t<?liiiiiot a tle'at liment ?if ffoa'pilron? lort Mit?b?lia.r???.?. ti Hi? river and m??le a dash on the Indian? a-aiupeil titi? mile? al?a?\e. re-e'iiptunug soma JO head of mine?. __g troupe took the iBgtoM by sun>?'l'*e? wai tmeamaomi tu ?killing "?? v ? '?? when the luellan? rallied ??iel drove the ??>! ?tier? ba?k ncroi? the liver luto the fort, nut. kBWtret, without ?nfferiM fr?ai a galling lire kepi np ob tli?- ^? ?treat by the treege, Tim Indian? remain in fore, ?sesg Kt.i t Mitchell, it'id ?how ? strting deaire to fijJit, bul ?mo vc id? ?t li tfraid to atta. k the Port. Ill F SA Hoy AL FINANCES. ? "i?\I?ITI??N OK MIK XATIOVtl. BANK?. nxatytaAanmaaammwm -*m Wcsi!jNe;iei\ April -li? Tile tollow in. is an tv htr.t. t < f 1,'uaiterlv ?ReiKirts of the National Bauhn.g A^ ?x., i.?tn.tis ??I Hw I'uited t*tul?s as m??le to tLeCoi?tiaI>?r of the Curreney. ?thowisg their ,?oii?Htl?-?n en the enTumir of the first Monday in Amil. It*:, iH'forc lb? eomturaeo lut nt oi buameea K?se?l UiE!?. l.ti.iiiM ai.d disc.?mifs. | 591.134.?M ?? Ken! ?tafe, fuinitu-re ami fixture? . . VLSi'.**"* i m,? m ,?? ? i nut. . s,*> ,oata Preiuiuma paid . 3.40".'.'?'-??? 7* ?ash Iteioa ?in? liuling Ke-veiiue i>Uiup?). ?l,j?t>l? n Due from National bank? . tttkio.tfit, ** I ?ne from ether Bank?. M.Th>./l ? P H. Bond?*? to ???-cure cirenlatlou. SSs^??*)** VU. Bond? te? seelire ?dei?o?it?. ?*?__!?__ _\ I te. Bond? and see m itia? ou hand. tttMt'.*<om Other stoch?, bond?, anti uitirfgage?.. ?Mi.ivi.n'oi m Bills of National Bank?. w.?s,s,n* n Blllieetf other Bank-?. mi.'t* ** ? Specie . . X?MS.W* Leu-I Tender .Nutet? ami Pr_*.*'n_l Currem y b%Ml,f_ M ? c'uuiiiouiad lnterent Note?. H.t&.m ttk, A??fgregate. .p,a?,Tr.,tAliB I I ?I.I I ?II??. a __t CapiUl ?ttx-h cMh paid iu.141V(i?.*l? ?J Hurplu? fund. ?c^i&aJll ?Bl National Bank notesoiflrtaading. an,?H??^_Ji mat?? Bank not-e* outstaudtug. IndiTlelllikl ile|M??lt?. ?lt?.gwJI%P I'uiUd bute? d?^?osU?. r?-*?R?_i ifepeaiUof l'uitrclfUte?diebni?ia( ?tfia ? ?? i.-fifiU*** l?ua te National Bank?. Sl.ilJ.mJf Hue toother banu and ?banker?. tofiii."W ' Pmtita. MiiJ?" A?_gr?gut?._,.tdJPXXa-lJB* *B MAiVACHL-SKTm ? ? th ?mr? to va* racav-fB. Boston, April g1.?Tho L?gislature lo-eluy, in ??u* Tentlou, aleoU'd <garlee AJlea of Boato?, kltoritry 0?n eral. dtx the ?lxth ballot, when the vote ?food; fe* Roi??* Morria (colored) of Beaton. 1 ; David H Maaeni ?/ ?*?**"? 4 : Robert C Plttmau of New Bedford, 117 : C'jarle? Al*? ?f Boston, 137.