Newspaper Page Text
voi?. Y Y VII.N?- 8.1.50. NEW-YORK, THURSDAY, MAY i;/?v txvmt * 23, I867-WITII SUPPLEMENT. PRICE FOUR CENTS. TO THE PE<*LE of the ROUTH. _tihi>*( iv tiii. r*!f* rcBoBBssioaAn kp? ? uyiiwinn.-.-'ii- i? Ui ??"? ? '-? RU? li T.l TKK B ' ? I :llh ?*? N Bl TBll-?l?B ?O ?"r"1 S-BBBB-? Wa*?!I!V..T'V. .lav -2-TI,?' Union Con gre ?-no.,?.! K. ,..illi< an n?.:.!,,' ..n.KUlriK,!? t!.? BeXareople^titkd, -TI- M** ,,, K.t.i.'.'i t?. ti?, Rfstorationd th. i i whkhOov Boatwell la ?aid to bi th.? .,utt.?.. With tl?- _n.,r. -rWpriuted th? two K.?,.:Mii..;'-?^t? axf Cwm-a-a Several hund?.d Ihiaaaad ai Umss U?k ?iim-i.1-? I,.???-I.? ?'i? lTi-iMl f"" ?" ","""" ,,:' th, Si''? ?Hal BJ? m;}" itant Ml an .... ,.,,? .,f til?, ruin vi.? i??* i- rsa-d '?>' *?"? R*n?Wiesa party in Coi>Kress. 11.?- ?. ?-?"?K - ???< ?''?'?'" ?? ? The sweediBg acts si Csejua. [-asan-ai two Re MMtr? :..?.. At t-l ??'??"?' "-?? ??? M ???????< '" licence .uni ?.i.d mil of i.v? ii|_.? Of pun? ishment. Hu y ?n. -ssssarts toohiaf Is ths rsstoi? lion of ii??? UtuoA m Um ? IrM ?~ Jast-ss. and ?pon the toalssf-SjaaHty. ?Masaiy haspaaaei away, and it only a__aa_asladsstrs9 itasi ?ai. sai ? ?> stash ___?__? tiitiDii-i s in? h n i'i.ii'i'-hui and mu tur? ?I. Th. Hi '.Uhu? .m parti 'M < ' to ?-?'?? * ' 1"'M ?'"' rartwattsa uf tin? I men, hut BfS-i I? I' ?-STS-S and ? 'ondit ion. only a? ?hill h ml? r ?t mn-s-ible for HsSBMB-ieste renew tl??> < ?m1 war or Is involve UM country in BBS? t ?mai -?trifi-. It will ha tree Is Mb bisads lath? |g nth. without r. ?-'.nil to lil'ii ?'? PSSI tal 1 uiiilitii.n. Hu? Kipnhlnan I'.utv is tin? |>arty ni freedom und peSjNSSi His Hi pnipssi t?> aid ia BMarina fot Um South'.iii of -psseh,s tue preta? and a sjatem uf fn?' ??? baola li" a d? Birabte r? ?nits a ill to a aght thiough I hi- a? li?.n of l ?aagieai M fal BB pOB-db-B, hut inn in.un reliance must bo ii'hiii th?> wisdom and vntue ?I tin1 lxiii'i?- uf til?' raapsetlrs States Dv the arti of Um M ?>f Maisfe uno th<? 45i?l of .Man li, I1"'.. pIOYision ii made for the enjoyment ?it the righi el voting hy all mair ? iti/niH ni ti yean "t age, Umss who have been con*, n I? d .'1 ti Imii -??nil a ?inali ? hi.s "I llchi I*1 who BIS I'Xi-lnih d ti ?mi i't!ii-i- bj, the prepoaed am? ntl lueiit t?? th? Constitution ? f tin? United States. I he iieirroi'?? of ih?? s?iiiih. i... themeas-osaol tto Repab li?.m party, aai'\|in ?i??-d ia ttoas eats of Congwas, are elevated to th? lull and i?nial rights of tin* ?S-tB reiif? of the. Btatsi lawhieb theybe-oag, and of the country whiih hereafter will inof_.ii/e no disttas? Ih.iim mi a. ? ??nut of raes or solar, Um natisa is la il< hted to the m Li" - i' iah :? d during the hit?? war. The negra rass ii liidehted t?i fin? loiiiitry, < ?nitrt'lli ?1 in it? policy hy the Republican party, for the ?-matu ipalimi ol tin- race fnnu Slav? rv, and now bj. thies acts o_ Congre ?a,?1 foi its elevation of a pi.?itinii ot i (.'.la'.ity l':i ::. UM M re? tiprot ?ii Her? v?? ??? ?u i?<? nmtr.:.l obligations and the na!.on ian no longer he?i:.i'. Ii will at QD4 ? . and fn ? I] , rom ? .li? to the cok-fed raes srery pdttica] sad pabHerlght that is eiijui i?l bj any i U-MO? < ?ti/i ni. Tto ?BegBSCa, on tin ir Mile, ?.nun t hi ??tute to .i!j>?>ort the pin ty und piuicipl? .s bj whose labors and inline*.ce their led? iiijitiiin has linn au i>iu*i.:sl.?d. Than, hy this untura) and neicn?a.y union of ford?-, in tto Booth, and throiiKhont Um wholi esnti \. i" ?< i. progxaai luid B_>Mp rttj an Mean d. Nor ia tton In ti.? m ?-?i? (r??>?tioii?i any loud for host.!::.?. 1 i tf ? M UM ian a I-M wauls of ?i Mack mau and the wants of a white ?man aro preciaely tin- y..\oo. Ttob n.iii r?t*i an? the bum. Eapeciallj is tin*? um Bf the lahstiag ' hi ??i*?. Tto -aboriag man. win : i it white or black, needs tto ?peoteetiOB <?1 law; lie nasal the haDot as the Beam bj win? h he >-?'i.i?-? equal laws and th?? fomt ailiiiiii.?ti.".tin!i ot tin in. Hy the ballot he lebohsi or reject! unfaithful w 11 anta j liy the ballot lu- SI IS CStlUpt or tyraunical iud?-'!??.; by tto ballal to otgani es sad maintain-?? !i'n!.. iortto ? Inn. ?nd in.?-,iii'es the *ml.. i? andmaaiatratea with the doe respect for his pal MM al and family righta. v tbo measures of Congr? ?*> exti nd tlii-i greal righi to a new and nilli!? iiiii1? ? !,i?? ot mea, th .eis no inva? sion of the right., of ?tin s s. lh. v.hiti peaples. ?ths Soiith, with a few exesftioni eotaparatitelj, :m? t?? enjoy the Mim.? inst and equal i>(.litiii.l i?kIiIh ?ml pri\ii?_es. i-K-eiinm hit? (-Tea to the North unexaiuiili .1 proaperity ?iiiii ? ?instantly nu u .isiug ?n??-alth ami pawer; In ?dum and free Inet?tat-OUI "Will sexure f?n tto Benth th? same n suits. Hut t!,i m must l?e cooperation ot the ians, sad then moat to coop?r?t mu upon the prim iples wliiih preTSil in the North, and te which the I{? |?iiblicaii ?party la I lily committed, l'or mon? than Ml years tin ??hm hold? ing aiisloriai y of the South nig-OSS-d its pol ni and control!???! its destinies. The r? ?nit is ?MSB in its exlmusted and barren tidds ; ni the condition of its laboring people, white and black ; in the relat-ve poverty of the inhabitants of all classes ; in the a!> aenco of public s?.?hooK of commerce, of manufac? ture-, and of an enlighten? d system of agriculture. We then earnest 1- invite and implore tin-people of the South, of all clasMes?first, to accept the plan of Universal Suffrage as the basis of political, educational. and industrial prosperity and power. The black man will soon prove that he is more to the State as a citizen than he .ran ana llave. The laborer, whether black or white, with education and culture, will elevat?- and enrn li the community which in his ignorance hi dishonored ?and burdened. Secondly, upon the ba_is of univer lal suffrage, we urge the people of the south to direct their effort. to the establishment and maintenance of a ayutcm of public school. for the education of the children of al! ? lasses. Finally, public policv should Itimulate the laboring people to Is-iome landholders. The owners of large estates should divide and subdi? vide their binds, ?uni sell them at reasonable rate* to thor-a who need them and who can improve them. In the South there ia land enough for all, and all who desire should be per? mitted to obtain homes. This in a common binnari right which cannot be denied with safety to socicty. Iu these mea-airos of justice we Btpsst and shall welcome the aid of many who formerly were slave? holder?., and participated in tho Rebellion. By the act* herewith presented it will be Been that Congress reserves to itself the full and unrestricted right of Judgment whenever a State present? itself for ad mission into the Union. That right will lie exercised fairly and generously. But yet, in the interest of peace and loyalty, certain conditions and precedent, are laid down in laws. These must be met. But be? yond thuse condition?. Congress must be satisfied also that the people of the proposed State? reepetth-lv are. and are likely to to, loyal to the Union, by decisive and trust? worthy majorities ; that the institutions are framed opon the basis of equality, and that they will from year to year, and from age to age, contribute to the peace, progresa and prosperity of the Statea and of the country. If the people of the Statea lately in rebel? lion shall cheerfully and in good faith recognize their governments upon the principles of the laws passed by Congress, there will the? remain no causes of dif? ference between various sections of country. The Republican party is hostile to Slavery and opposed to Ha spirit and purposes. If the spirit of Slavery is permitte?l to coutrol the institution? and civilization of the South, there can be no restoration of the Union in fact, if there should be in name. The restoration of the Union mean? the establishment of those rela? tions of friendship between the States of the North and the South which now subsist between the.States of the North. When that moment arrives, as it will ?rwoarrive, if the purpose? 0f Congre? are met in a proper ipint by the p-ople of the South, the nation wni at once employ ita immense reaonrce? and power for the development of that region of country, and in a short period of time, not only will the evidences ol war have disappeared, but reor? ganized State, will t. in the enjoyment of a degree of prosperity m,t before expe? rience?^ There can to restoration, S-__-_Ul?? friendship and prttperity for all if the State, lately in rebellion lebuild ttojr institutions upon piiiKmle vt justice; but if they dwell upon the pjt, revjv? and strengthen the hoftlOii thnt moro ertgaxtynrati by the tvaUHtn about Klavery?if they deny land, edu? cation, or equality of right* in any particular to any ? la i a of th?ir (iti_venB? then, in nomo degree, tim malign inriueneea of the rael ?ad present will be tiaii-jinittt-d to the future. 'HIE st if'Tit ERN STATE.". AlaAHAMA. t? TtLiutaPH to ra? THiHi'f a. ?M< mut, May %%?Bl-MlJ? Withers, in a letter to Col. Sliepherd, yaya ho i*iihnnti? to the argumcut of f I??" bayonet, and vacato* hin ofiieo. Ho ??Id? that ho va*) elected to oftice -tilulen paroled r*neon?_-, and waa not allowed hv the military to diaeharii-o it? ?liitia ? until In- lia?! blBO purdon?*! hy th.? Preudent, and had taken an n.ith to anpport tin* Con ablution and t.aiverriineiit. Hfl Myi dunn:/ Ins contiiiiianci? in ? tin e lie had not hean untrue to the tollu and spirit ni tin- oath, and solemnly protonh-1 a^rain?t UM iinpu implied hy lim removal, lie, in conclusion, thank?. Cul. Klieplierd for the uniform kind iii?- and ?-iiin-idf ration with which he 001 ?MBB tr??atod. TIIK MAYOR AND CltlKK OK 1MLICB OF MOBILE DB POflKD. lil.'i?ilk, May A.--An ord? r watt i-vuied thl-t even? ing, hy direction of Major-Cen. l'ope, jipofliag tliu ).!? Miit Mayor and Chief ?it I'ol >e, ami sppoioting Gosta*rni Horton Mayan, and CoLininoo Ctf.e? of I'ol ice. TKNNI->SK.l-'. A T-Ol'RNatMKNT Vi WKMIIIIH. it i?> ?nara to iii trihcn?. MiiMi'iiiH, May 22.?The tournament to-day for the hem lit of th?! willoi- a and orphan? of lila "lout caneo'' nar? an immenee success. Over 10,(XJ0 reci-sonr- wcro present. The ailair BOSSld Off qnietly. A.P. Montana, "tin Knight of the .\liiiMug riere, ' won the liml prize; Loma Kenny. ''Knight ot the SilvcrtStar," them-cond. and ('eorgo W. Minkie, 'Knight of the Ueleaaed Chief," won the thud prize. ??HK.4T I MON DKMONMUATION AT KNOXVI1XK?OOV. HHOVAM.OW. MCKKNADKI). The entire mimed population of KnoNville, malo mid ft -nil?-, turn? ?1 out on Monthly, tho .('Iii, ami meale tlie great?st demonstration evi-r WttaSMSH m Unit city. At 11 ??'?-lock a. in., i-rt-edul bj a brass bund of colored performera, with ?in i?l initlniial fliif-n, they fnrinrtl ii !?m, , .-inn one unie lal.*.', piieteliiar throacfc tim |>?iadpal ?triais, (i,avuit; i afin!,m1 ?ni?, hi.,nil llitf hil tin- Kadical i.'oiii'n-??, 'leiiin -.?,. ?? Lecialatnre, .uni dor. Brownlow. At llo'cloeh the prints-ion halted at Um rssMsafli et liov. Hriiiiiilnav, ?Maying tho ???sIhim ?mil Strips*," anal landing tin? air with shoots for Browalow. <>t?v. Brawl low, thaugh quite f?-?l ?,*, aii|?? ?mil at the bau-onv of Ina n*.-mt nee, ami WM ?rrei toa ? Uti tniiiiiltuniin appIaBSfl .?i t l.e colored man's t??<?f friend in I eiiin ?m t>. Tlie tioveriini* lu ii ilv replied, ?aying : " I ?oui?] not OB MSI than thank you for I Iii* manifesta tion ?if your fctfi'in ? ?"?iiiliileiii'e. I valim it far iihovo tin* .?lilli.uise of white, traitort. l'inler tin- law ymi bavai ;i? unit li ris'lit to iiiaiih in proeeealon and role M ether i ?t./i-ii?. Exerdaa your rights va ittm.iI hesita:,na or f?"?ir, .uni at au hasards sad tntin- i.i?t extremity, rim ? ? < > \ - erii..,' .,; tif TflBBflBSCS a? ill prot?*? I yon, a In.ive and pat., ottoCongraao will protect roa, and j. m.n .?n Northern bayoneta will pettit rou.'1 t;??v. Brow ni?, m eont-laded, ?.lilli?;: " Would lu lind I had tint pirate*! nbilify to speak to y??u tavn loora. I might i ipoaa Um treason, ?*?.r ruptiOO kikI t iliallij, nf (tin I olis? I v ativf H? Ixl Jnlll.aajll parr?,." nom (iov. lira.willow's la-snla-ii?*?' the procession WBS ii?* a?rerai haadred white alt?sona, and vent to tim Coort-HOBSe. The Crowd being too largo for iinj building lu ti.a* city? the Speaking ian? OOM 111 the Htri a t. a .*>,??in iiii< dispatch of the nth mt a: a company i-f StaleQaarda,better kaowB as Browuow'fl iniiiiia, ?-oin mai.did hy ('aj,t. Ctongeo, nnubet-Bg 70 bmb, nisaod throii?rh the eitj , t<> dal, *'i routa' fair Hrown?i ?ile, Trim , tin' ar?t i.e of the late il.?turli?in? ? ?. The eoiiijiany It fruin Baal Tenne ?? ? MI880URL ?t TKltliltlPIt TO TNI aa Si. Lons, May 20, Liny Stone ftml In r hushand arrived hen" y? ?at?rd.iy finin KOBBBO Tiny np? ak vi.y confidently ?if tin- saeeeas of Ism?U SB__raos ia Uli?! Male al ti.?? ni xt I.ill i ?i ellon. AKKANSAM. nu- roooonoi op Booono-tmaaii ? T ntllliPI TO till? Ttllrll'VR. J.nur. ROCK, Aik., May It flSQ Cid liiit?!?*.* i i,ii,|ilet? ?I the appiimtnieiit ni Mt mr? lu ?if Keiarnstiatinii f,<r ??J i-iiiiiitii-N, has lell lnie ?in tiia r?-liu n to \ i? Km II?- pMI b\ the nay of the Bon the i u ?nuntiiH t?? app li?t iicistran thors. A spaeial board of army oil,i ? ?:?, bas in ? ii ii.niiin ?I h? ii- to select reaistran (or i-i tai'i COBOties. Milij. ? t lo the appioval ?it the (?en ? ral. Bl vi'ial ?illili 11 hat c lu <*n sent to i i.sit ?ertain OthW (Olllitns l.,i a like purin???'. Bl the .lid of tim in??lath the ?hole uiai-lninTi nf registration in thia Male will J?|-<jl?.iliiy Im- iii aainkiiiK onli'i. TEXAS OOV. laUO-VMOOIOM and i iif: hikkomi n. Thi Awttn liiti/ln/timi t>1 tim 9th in?t saya that (?ov. Throckmsrlsa no-i.tiy psaoarsd an interview with nu rain rn ?if the Colored flat? K\? ?ulive Coininitti ?*, ami informed, upon iiii<??fi?.';?tu>ii, they noiild tlml t lit-1 r nat in a I ami Im ht In the Coiitervatii?; pat iy, ami .nlvi??al tin in to call a meeting of their lace, and in vita) Col. Carter and Judge Haneoek to a.ltlieaa theui In n latii'U to theil li.teietti uud tlutica at the pr?tent time. The Governor, on putt irte with the Coininitteemoii, kindly fiimlHlied ti.em tilth BSpISS of hi? iiiaii(_tu al menan'e arts of the lait I/egitlaturt-, anal BB|BSStai then, to in foi in !iim of the eoiicliitioiia an ned it!, und ii beiher they would call the meeting at ?tiggested Tim roloted BO replied na followt : Aranv. Text?, May 3. lac." To III? F.xifiirnr-y.J W Ta tax ? aoaior?, afraaMtaal Batvraat ?/ 7ri?. DBAS Sir : Sime your i-amvenation with Ja? ni? Better, Chairman of tim Execntive Cotnaiitteo, rapresoatlBg the lately imfranrbtaort fmndmnn of tl.iH ?onnty, ?aial Cnin mittee hat been ealleal together; ami your re?|.ic?t to iiient >ou some time thi? week bat !'<?( ii laid ln-faue them, and ulta? 1 he ?Ioriimi-iit-4 lniiiala ?1 to tin? .hallinan liuvn lieou exaiiiii.eal. Ia answer, we bare to any: That heretofore you have not hIioivii tlie ?Inri.tent int?Te?t in r?parai to any freealinan'a poalUOB. You were oppooad tothe aetion propoood to be taken In regan! ta> admitting any freed uiaii to llie elealii B iranahiM" adi neated lu tint latt I'mi veiituni by (?eu. Davit aad Mr. B. Decener, then bmm !>era of that Convention. You have puliln ly ahargeal, in tim public prints, that the late ailinn of Congie?! in the patauge of tin- Military bill, ii Unlawful and tyraaBlfllU, LteeaUM it di?fraiit*ln?e..i a a el? lam SlBflS??yourself BSmtng t lie iitiuiln-r?ami en francblaea a certain r?as? win?, under your Idooa, liave no ?u< Ii You approved tin- labor taav Wblok liai been declared by the ofloora of the QoverBBBlt a? unjust in it-t prtivihiona aad of no sOlot, aad ombodioB UMiitln trm-ea of the slave, ?'?nie. You hain approved the tchnnl fund -appropriation, wliuli ex. ludeal all fieealun-u fruin ?nu lia-i.a-flts therein inirtaineil. Yam bavfl taritfi'li to the chief juttifa. of caldwell c.iiuitv to get npfinoetlafs to ret ute the faet stated by well kiiown inn ?am?, that freed ma-n were murdered in uml ainuinl PralTM Loa ami Hc-guiii. Toa bare anona bo tool in bunning to jutti?-.? Iii?- many parties in tim Mat? who have committed out i-agea niton lu?an men and flttdMlll VAe have mai!? diligent tMafireh and inquiry, ami we have foiinil in, can?, where th?t min derer ha? Ih-ou a aiuvittaad bv a cfvli ti ibu na!. Your whole arnon, fraim the day you deaeit ed the Cul?n causo and took up arina against the I'nited Staten (?ovenini.rit to the pr?tent tiine. baa been one atriiggle agrmiat the loyal BSBtlmeat ?n this state. Y'o.i have allied yourself with a party railing ittelf the Contervative T'nion party, which wat orgaiii/?*d from the wreck of the old OoBniderite army, and by thia party were you elected bOOBBSB you made the ia-iue then, by charging unon the Ii.ion parti- that they were in favor of fnaedmeu voting. You nave conclu? sively aliown that neither you nor the Conservative party which you represent, are the friends of the colored race nor of theCongresa of the I'nited States, air the Republi csn I'niou party, which released u? from boudage, and are doing all in their power to encourage u.i in the work of reconstruction. It seenis* that our roads lie far apart. Y'oti stand with the Conservative party in direct opi>08ition to the laws of the land; we are ?truggling with those who give their hearty aupport to the (lovelmuent, and with that party which has given li? the boon of fretadoni, the Republican Union party. With these facts before ua wa must respectfully decline to meet j-ou for the ?urpoao of dlsciusmg the matter at to who are our frienat or lo whom we mutt look to for ad vii ?, in-having aa we do that lu the rank? of the Kepuhli can I mon party w? will secure til that tri) can or mar ne entitled to in the future. We remain, very respeot fully, your obedient servants, Ja. on Kami. President Colored Ex. t'mou Committee. Anderson Scrogglna, ftecretary Colored Bo. I'nion Com? mittee._ JEFFERSON DA TIS. Muntrial, May %?!.?Mr. Daviss receptiou hera baa been of the coldest poMibl? character. Thor? has been no public demonstration end nothing st all like ??si iteiimut. Vecy few Canadians seem even to know that ho ib in the city. Only two newspapers, The Daily Nstcs snd The Telegraph, have noticed the fact of his arrival; and these, although ettonf-ly se? cessionist during the wsr, hav? not exteudod to him an editorial welcome. * The chivalry sre, of course, greatly pleased to bave an opportunity of seeing their former chief, and quito a number called on him to-day. Scarcely any KebelB of prominence, however, ?re now hore. It is said that the .-ivic authorities have privately intimated tv the more conspicuous lionel? that no public demonstration would bo permitted. Mr, Davis is staying with tho Howell??, in Moun? tain st. His children h-ave been brought to the city and aro now staying with him. MARINE DISASTERS. RTKAMER SANTIAGO DK CITDA At*HORE. AU. BUT rj...liN OK THOSF ON BOAHD flAVED? TIIK CAPTAIN Ol' TIIK VKMfl-I. M_iMED FC H IHK I_. A8TKR. B1 T?lHSH II T? til? TK K. ?I Ari-ANTic City, N. J., May C2.-TT.C Bido-wheel 'steamer Santiago ?lo Cuba, commanded by Capt. Charlen F'. H? hm, belonging to the Nicaragua Transit Company, and bound from (?riytnwn to New-York, with ?tto (?ihm and steerage passenger? on board, and tarrying a crew of IO men, went ashore dur.i.g a _MS"fJ fog, at 4 S-C-OS?. this morning, about six mil??? below tins city. When it wai diecov ered that, she had .Inn k the sand, tho c?.m niand was giv?n to tAXPEAA the engine. This had the effect of hacking lui upon the beach, stern foremast. The box then ?wung around and sho now Um broadwdi* to 'lie surf. An ?oon as tho hawrMTH wrro made fnst to tho shore tho boat* were lowered and two loa<l? of passen gem, all fe? male?, were saf?ly landed. While the third boat wa? proceeding to the hhore it was lapei-'ed by a heavy wave. It contained eight p? rsons, live of whom were drown?*d. The following are the names : Mrs. Salone (?ros?. Miss Sarah McAvoy, Mrs. Mary Watkins, Mrs. Marcella A-ricke, Mr?. Manilla A. Kickers, and Mury I .mi isa CriM, threo year? old, Immediately after this sad occurrenci', Mr. John Smith, a patsisen ger, and Martin McNully, Quartormuster, wejo swept oir ?raft which they had constructed, and were drowned. All of the bodies, with the excep? tion of that of Mr. Smith and tho child, Mary Ironisa (iros., were lriovered. An in(|U?i?t wa? held by Dr. Thouin? K. Reed, Ccrroner. of this city, and after a full examination of the cir enmstancts attending the d saster, tho jury n-ndered a verdi? t that the p? ison? n mud ? ?une to their death by ?i?cub tit.ii drowning, by the capsizing of tho boat and raft on which they weio coming to shore from the steamer Santiago de Cuba. Tho vc. ?vi belonged to the tiovi innu nt timing the war, and vas one of tho most Hin ii Khf ul iii capturing blockade runners. Her position is ? on_idered r-sife. She careens slightly toward the m ?an. and is now in ?'barge of a well known ?in?!? must? r. '1 lu ie i., avery kapi that ?he will to taken oft safely vs it lim a day or two. The p:_Hneiigers have all como ashlin?, and SIS now ?piar tend in dithTcnt hollis and hnunliiig hoii?i s. 'J hey will bo for?aided to then d? slniatioi.s ti? morrow I lu? captain mid crew of the Santiago di? Cul',i remain on board of the vessel. Some of the passenger? cen? sure th?-1.? ?it ??ii? in the most s. mi? leims, and charge lill' IHlstol tillie lo his < .11? h'SMiesH ?lilli lil | lilt. .111(1 tin ? attt aro made that, in ease he should land, they will give bim a very Mann in i-ption. The Ran li,ij/o r?e Cul?? is owned liy Marshal! O Hubert? and others t-iie waa m Brooklyn In MU MM li l.i-.'T tuiii? in? ?i?iir? in? el . slie ha? I ?so lo? ?n ' ?Mile ImiiI era, and ia ?applied with ?ii metalle Ufi boola, and mm ? ii Illili liiil to tto Im'.iIh uri* (Irliu liliig ?iji pariitiis of ititi? r? i.l ilimci.? Mu? l.i,?l also nu lu .mi ? MS ?.lu I? ft Du? port, 7M ?Ulli jin Beta Tho follow mi," 1 h" reei IV? ?I tatt evening : Oman ta th? n<>hi m tnomem Braaaaaaiy Comtew* 1 No M I ii iiiti.i ii a? ? N?w Vi.i.k tie* li H?" I | m I Wr r?<-?.,,,i . I. nott >". II..? ?Bl-ilf, ?I I.? ? ? ? ?'?? r .'..ti.. ?I.I San!.i^u ?It lilli?. ???talnr? l>> ni. a l-l..? Allnl ' I '- m tin Jrntj r.._?l. li I , . I.? I B m > >. i I l. BgIBI i I m ? atraint-r ?ala ._ feet otoo? l.i ii.( r .- -? ._? i ? m| aal..,' ? ?th? (?.wrrful ?I??!.! | ..! ti.. I ..?-t Wtt .... ?... ?: .; ... I ..-I tt I I . ? ? -. ?Ir I? V i. o? kami Mt Hi' . - i . f ?!???!? II?. ?I o li I'llmn?? ti.? ??.iu.?ii[, S?ril..|? l?ft li i "... k I.? ,.,' . A,'.ii ( .it li S Mil?I ?n kami IN? ?l?o trnifrd ? i. i.|l til*?? Sul.iuii ? li.?.I ?Uli. h li. in., l ?li..Ii li I - . r. I'p t.. Illari.! ?i 1.',' > ll".ii?l. ?f MIB I? ... ... .a l? ? ?? !.. ! . - wl. .'. -.. . ai. t.y ii?.! I .'. . Wl I ?" !? ? ? " 1 a '. 1. i - ... !'? ? | aa..- ,. a al ?! I a, ?rt ?.. it all i?..?|. ? '?', ?,. . ; i thal ?rt* ?ne I- ..I.i'?Ii) dru?!.??! ' ? m ?. i i . I .-.. ' . I,., ??ti II Ililli I I III*-.-II li OH I ASI i.?.llllu | MF1MMI sO-Oran ?? mi? ?lost. B1 T?l _'IH?1-H TO TH? lllil.l WuKiiin? a, \. v., IlsjIt This iBfarahn al 1 i?'i hu k UM tti .un? r \\ i?. oii?i;i m I'liind Hu.. miles from Cap? Vincent, ?uni lunn.-? to B lins wi re lost. Tin-1hi.iI mut nu? ashore on (ii. nadu r 1*1.uni above Cipe Vincent, und nil the j?; ?-?tu . i? iib?? ?. Im v? d ti?? (apt. uns and remaiiieai ?>n bonni were savi*d. 'l"he steamer ln?long?*?l to the Morthsn Ti.iiis|M?it:iliou lane, mid wai iipviunl ...iiikI. The steamer will probably lu? a total loaa. Aiuoiik ti??? 1<??I .ne iii? muli . two i -illili? ? is, and tin? stt-wanl. The hull of tin- ill t.ili d sie.i is a-l.oie i.u tin n ?idn-i Island I l KTIIKIt TAinil lill* CantViM'KM. M . . .Lu *" i;h.? foil?.nug an the parlKiil.ns of the loss of the Win? . >i.-i ii . and .ir?? an con ce t ns can be obtained ?mud tin ? ?infusion Milich pie? ?iili hell?. Ill?? plop? ll'T \\ l-i <'li?l!l left her dock about 11 o'clock last nigh.: Winn .it the li? ml of ( ii ii?.??! ni Island, about tin? un!? s lunn the shon. ?In? ivas ?list ?in led to la mi lue. li "as the Captain's watsht sad based-fed Um boat.? la ha pal ready for the shun-, and made jin ?paratioiis tor the sall ty ot the p.isseiigris. I he pSSfsUst ii"" lie? about six rods fioin 1h<- sluue and is ?i total loss. She. had about 7, paanengers on board, but it cannot exactly be :,s?,'it;iined how many were lost Seien bodies have boon found. The people of this pla? ?-?ne doing evti \ tiling in li*? it pOWSf foi the < ?unfnrt of the rescued paa-icngcis. Tho follov, mg is a list of the lost ami saved as neaily as cm be a.certained : Anota 0 earea Ali worth, laaisato. Mas?: j. Cook, Went meath. C. W ; Ali li? Joiner. Forestville, Mich.: .fauna K. Dean, l-i? renee, Mm?, i , w. Jouer, Royal? iii?*, vi.; Robert Chisholm, wm ( blaboLaa, John ?'iiiahoim (the ?? If?, non. ?uni t ?n danghtei ? ot tin lattei wer? loet); John i ii?,.nil n. ( eaten Ule, ii? Creed, Potta-Lan, .v \ . Li. c. Forest, Carthage: M Carroll, Kingston; Hanmei iie.-itin?, Kingston; John Dsllerbough, Bmith'a Pall?- C. a-. T. Wright (-???Mimi ii?.ki. Muli Mi lillian? (cabin in.uili, .l.mies . l.ivall.?. Meiliti.i, P, II r?-iiy. Rnaacll, (Hu.?.lu Lus!, n D.Sharer (wheelaman): I? Flaher. A Weiden Beuladrj and two children of AltiairJii?; .*?.?!('. Fuller, (??le???., ( \V ; Mi ? 1?.i mi n? .uni one ?tul, linn ki Hie, Mrs. Tallman and one boy, Oewego; I r Frailer, Preerottj L. I -ii l.? i. '. ? -, v. if?- ami ti i tullin n: Vi ni Cousin, (iraiiili ille, ( 1 .loliii (.lamil ii'ie. (' | : the Um. J. M. Arinnii?, ?vifn uie! four ol? 11?. r?*?n. Crafts linn, VI ; Alvin Kifliunla, Mtiurlieiit. r. N H ; li. i idiil, Main ln--ti-l, N. li; Mark Kiitianli, Ahm r.eHil.C W. Cloiigii. Mr? ?.i-.? A Knlisnls. (' W. I_t-t-?l. laiiiua Richard?, Mrs. Gallagher (her hunliand wa? loati, ?U of Pembroke, C L; Mi?. Dine, Oaweao; R T. Fuller, (iilsssa; _->;? ii? ? ? ?-1 Fulh-i tim, Noith (ioie, l.iiciiul.i I'ilturlli?. titimei ot the net" ( " .-* i ? t. Iii vr nsu- n?1 Jmiiibs -shuver, s??c oml iiiiite; C. W llaveiis, ? lieeliuiali. ('. V,. Hodge, etew uni; Watten TriK-r. ?-alun t??.\ : K?l?. ?k1 Mullel mm, |n.r t??i; JotegA Strung, fln?ni,in;' Joseph Jobnaoii, flreiuitu ; ami three (luck h.-indi, nain.-? linkiniu u J In? follnwiiig ia a bat of those known to he loat : hoot Mrs ?' Chisholm, of Chnteaugay, Miaa ; Misa Maty'Ana ChllhOlm, Mibs Cstherlne Chisholm, MMter 'i'lnunai CliiiholiD, Mis. Nuney Cr??ed, l'olulmii. ^ll^4 Catheiine Creed, Frederick Creed, Mra. (?allagher, Pem? broke. C. K ; A. F. Morriaon, Kir?t Knirlneer, cf Clayton; A. W. Morriaon, tin ??ml Enjpaear, of (layton ; John Pow? ers, l'lttt Mate, of Ogdeiialuirg ; Kdwaid Mct'eriult, Ogden-hurf ; L)?vid Foraw, of Pi?sc??tt. SUtlim mr. r.ECKNT gai.f.s. The violence of the recent gale? SMBS? much d?m age, more particularly among cargo l??lcn achnoBera. The II. lyndella, from Bavanuah, luden with S??.ooo worth of timber, aa.oreat Rnekawaf- Hay, has Jiut been recovered together Wtth the Dura Baker, ?lid _ . K. l'agi?, also willi a nimcellaneoua cargo, but IBSJ.JI. Bswliy ?aeipected to be u total loa?. 1Mb modi o?- sanas wsaisn ?isnai orr aassau? aamas avt nrassa caaaeas a dat uaaas ""'? v ki. ki s.? iiiiiR wat of i.irK. There ia probably no portion of th? roaat where the wrecking of vessel? Is more ajratematlcally puraued than that of l?'ew-Jcr?e/. The cottagea and huta of the wrecker? dot th? low, ?andy ahorea, from Handy Hook to Cape May. On? or two wreck? are tob? teen her? or there ?t almost ?uy lime dunuf the Wlnt?r month? of ?term; the fUhlng season la ?t an end, the flirhensea become wrecker?. But the buslneaa ia not puraued with that iadiscriminnte plundering which at one tim? prev?iled-thougli ?till there la many a atray bala or cask, which the hardy wr? ck?r bails te a waif from th? sea for bia apecia) benefit. The buslneaa 1? now ?ntlrely In the hand? of the Underwriters. Their agent? ro?y always be telegraphed in a short spare of time ? and ?these, with the cooperation of the authorities appointed I?v (?.iinty or State and the boatmen in their employ are S|K*edllv at the ?eerie of duaster to rescue life and prop? el ty. In the c?*e of the large New-Oriean? ?.?amor, the ( ?i??aiidia, which was lost ou the dangerous sima.? off Atlantic City last Winter, th? promptness and efll. Vnoy of the organlrcd wrecking conip.inles was f?i!lydn,<i Almost Immediately the Ncw-Yoik agsnt uns signaled ?ml was on his war to the scene of dlsastei, t l.t Ufa boat? were ?cen hastening t liinus-ti the .in f i,,r the pur-ioae of re?? nmg UM uiiforlimate crew, and at daybreak on th? following day a steamer was on the spur, and the bump lug wreck aurroiiiiiled by schooner? una aurf-bouU to I ronrey to the shore as much of the eArgo as might l>? saved l*o in the case of the Hant ?ago do Cuba, yr.?tcntay, the powerful steamship it f he Const Wn? kin.* Company v?as dmpHta-hed within an hoar after the fln-t tidings of the beaihlng of the steamer were re. civet!, and another steamer belongltig to the Huhm.-irino Wrecking Company was dispatch.?! ula o'clock last evening to tho scene of the disaster. The modes of pmcetodlng In eases of (-hipwreck are, of ?4>ume, various. The izpcrleaflfld eye of fin* agent, or wreek mast? r -mostly an oid seaman or coast man? quickly dett-nutueti tim ?ourse to be pursued. If the ves? sel lies In such ?t p?itrtjii that ?Be may possibly be named from the shoal or reef into deep water. Hie monstrous hawser Is brought uito readiness, made fast, and the powerful apparatus ka employ of the Umlei writers brought to tia ,ir upon the stranded ship. If the wrath?'r i? favorable, attempts of this nature will frequently be in-rsistid In for days, and even weeks, until the end is filially attained. i?w? ia, ?I ? an (he skillful wr??eker determine whether the fcu'-k can be dragged from tho reef, or whether ?.Im will be worth anything winn this is achieved, tliaf preparations will frequently he Marti for this purpose, win n, to the uiiprn? tne?| eye, the wreck appears to be in the worst IQSOblS poeiiKii. Most remarkable casts have been ?rrown huge hulls have been hauled an almost lu. redit.!e distance over the sands, and finally righted and saved. The steam pump- au engine of grear power? i? Im Id ni readin? is and, at the proper moment, the huge lubes sre set lo sucking the sand and water from the hold milli tinm is had to mi repair the bruised and shattered sides sutil? lently to permit ihe hull to ?ide tafely on her own bottom. Uni, If there happen to 1st a heavy sea, If tin* pumping of ttie wreck betokens that she will ?|>eedily go to ones, the entire < fforta of the wreckers aro turned to saving the ?argo. Cargo ?.-?vii:?., ?h well as ship saving, and the mefhoal in whleh it is aa-a tirapi.shed, is alepeiula-iit greatly on the con? dition of the sea and Hie manner in it hu li the vessci 1 SB In some case?, the steam tug, lighter and attendant ?( ??Miners may be run din ?Hy alongside, and then the work of takmgnut the freight is greatly facilitated. The battened hatches are quickly bnr?t ?.pen, or ,i^?rt?jr?? made in the side; the ta? kle with whichthe t'nderwr,let's tt? aiuer Is i,roi ided, Is brought into speedy re,|i)i*il|nti, and bale after , it ?ile atti I ? ra*?\ barrel after bal iel, hurried ?nto the lunds of tho stanch 1,tile schooner?. Tins, tallar spaaai m be almost storm pi oof. At any rate, they are teen gliding here and there anning the foam fringed Inlets and nagerons r. efa, where it would sa am iiniM?s?il,,?' that any boat could live a mou,rut. Hut their bardy el p[?ers have followed their perilous profession slainst trees shtidheod. avery nook und ?-ranuy of the coast is known to them etei y eunken mik ?.rsiirf washe?l bar Ulamiaatod by the seatiuel lantern* of Ai??c<um ot Harm-gat- ami they sail their little crafts among them with fearless hearts. Hut if the twell is too high to approach the wreck with the larger vessels, than ne?.in so is had Io thai BO! f ba.ats, aal ia ii is a lum h h,,,re leal.uns and -?eriloiis experiment. The surf Im.als are quite si,mil, and are eu? h piovidr-d with a creav of ?, v*n six Bannten and a steersman. To ki tin in pu?h off to the re*, ue through a heavy surf, is to witiists an ?Selling anil n'ai ming si ? in*, ami to inspiie one with ?iir)>ri?.r tlim M few of tim wre? kel* are In?!, or riitln r that ?ii iu ni) i f ttnii. a.irvive, in fn?nwiug then in. i?i, mi. The little boat, when fairly launched not tim ?u?.?st portion i.f ti.? undertaking n r?.??<?i likeaaegg ?hell on tis? angry wave?, and t-nin? times roil? tinto?! nut of sight liiimi,"- the hiilkitir) ami lilli? of water, hut with good steer, i?; ?In* m, eily ? in? ri.-??, ami gains tit? Btigh herbosa of UM raaf IBS boat ii never provided v Ith a rudder. A long <?ar at the ?i. i n la _M d altogether hy lim ?t? i i ?ii.ui. who ia invar alni the p , ki ?1 man of the ctii.r? 11. ia, and ninst know his bualaflM Iherooghly. VV In ii the ?mail Boats ?in. lesi.rted to, the schooners Ile (?ITat a safe distant ? . am) Um ?reek is occitpieal by gangs iiho Bland ready willi their ia lea kiln.' tackle to towel thfl in? n into the surf bo .its. Tins?, not safely terry atore thaa a Onj-lebale of cotton, or a couple of -v ,,f Hour at a Hate, and the op?ration of lowering ev? h ii.? *?? p..? tuup ?. h to i. m ni ti.i m is frequently ?? vi rj ?langi rou? oin The wrack bmj be healing heavily w,tii .vii.? rush if ti,.* hunker- lue mrf nu u mu-t look after Um ManagenMBtof their heal, narrowly watching i vi I) li,cot,ni;.- aval., mai | ri ntl tug In meet it W.U. the prow, avoiding Um moth i. t.f tin- Iambi i mg wreck whleh every meiaiit threatens to engulf then or sin _- than i...,!? r nt k? ?-I :n addition te this Um i maal wau ti tin ir . lutin e if riiiiiirg in bearii the ( ii 11 ? of a argo BBS pi l.di ii n? 11 theil in .ni? I'p alni down willi tin twelve lint ?nail lina aro rudely touted, while high m the air i ?i ill.iles a Imie ni* ? a?k. leoklag uiinn-t a.? big as tin beal li * If. iilid flanqua lilly II,ii hive to Wait lnaiiy n.. i.ii'i s l,i fore I l.i y can r* ? eui ill ? ?t I ?aft-ty ('flin ?. 11., ? o., ?lind ii ualoadiagi wrei k, anti coi, iel lag Um cargo, inn e try piece nu board th? ?? boonara, la a very alow an.I tedious ont Oben a hulk ia going t., pim? un rapidly, and thfl operation of unloading ? s., only be carried ra by um aat i f tamil bouts, va rv- ?mall pni t,or.? of tiici.iigiii.ti? hfl ?nilli But the rooga boat min liini: in the imbers ?hile tha?e Is the -nhaane of ?huh'.' anything. Indeed, *.t freqaently happens that theil ?'li ' ii | ,"n ? Un ir ala str.ii t ntl ; !nl* then- han- I? eli raaea ?v li n ;... wreck baa tudilenly inn u d and peone out at stahl va irii a gani "f arrechera lu bei eratj bold, bmdj dut* nfr? r lin p..?art,?era at.?I crrav han been s.ifa-lv Innl.ii ?uni linn?. >i vi h? h the wreck ia a bud one, anil baa shift?-?! from tbo rock or bai winch atraoded lui into ?l? i ji '?.it.., to that ah? iii'iini ?.'i ?I. the only re . fur ?unkni fn ght, which cannot be ilonfl ?ben the malar i- ii it iwagh Thfl wreckinaater mutt wait fur a pti'i'i: mis Inn? A- a .-? di i li thing, lu fore inn'11 o ni' with diving, thfl H. au, pump .? ti ?tiill.I tn. Hi nii|i. -ii ,:.?i f ii?? Ml.? k if the li,.??*?! of sand flfl Whick halt* ?in iiiubered it through the action if the wai? is. ti,.- engine t.?i,l m ti,.? ufik is an kngealoua oae of un at pawflr, andarldeM fails to accompllah ita punnu, of t...* labor, *. numbai el fear? ag? i ?*i ? ? tvaaloa! on the?h" ii? ti i!., ia . 11,i.< . :... ..?I ei 1 batar um light, aud I ? lu.ti lit i! . -a. na I i'i ii le, lu a: .> a " ? i ? I? f illi? li.e a? ii i iii I? i mild i nil.lei In i II'.. ila I Ihit tittie tia it???? I tv a? ii, ? pit, nula ,Mt ii 111 tin1 Illa ?aml, n li,i li bud m the 11 ire ti i.t ?i .it o. e?t everj aeti Ice of ihn hulk. But the great tubea of the tteaiii-immn -?erf ran tula? the hold aud ranged along th? ??ila?, .uni such In In. i, ii. i ii? en i r. a, ?e,. r ?,,. wria- fn, i t i| through I Ile ?at? r*. that. ii. ?i tarprlaiuglt thoi I anace of>, not on I j waa Hie im? i..f the hull entirely drama-dot tana,ai mu ung no diver lu 11 pion* ?t with f.i, ,?,ti, bul the rounding bank was bloam away, leaving lae estertor of tin* l.iiil c ?pi ?ed m ?mil ,i thal a iiugi* braaeh ? aiade In her aide, bj which the i ??! go met tpeedllj leiilitved I In* din r? all g?l di'f l. .t. thfl MbBMllBfl al unir, ?uni fn i|iiei?ily remain under the water for raaar I, Then werk la attended with tuon m leas ililli, ni tv a? tai ?ii:v a? mu i.,, un in ghi is attached te lim tachla ?iiHi-i'i ii i? hoisted above the iiufae*of the n;iti i, and ti.e ho.ib? of the lighten walting lo leflcli ? I it. The se methods of wie, king nIn,li aac lintc Indicated are but a fat? of the I, ??tin! nu? ope, a! mu? ia it h ai hie h the wiei ken n I na ? r prnpni li . at hi, h bul for them woulil lu* totally lost in the ?eil, or ca*t .??Imie fot thl MlichBMBl ??I the needy dweltara du reon. ih<* manner a>f oneratlM bo mm li dependa upon the cln iimataneea of the ?in;. aiiei k. ai.d it so nilli li at Hie option of tin wreck li.*.?!' i*. Dial It be dil)., nil to ? i.i.mi : ate the various I,miles Of pioceiluie. lill! It lll.iy 1m- Wflll I" speak of tim orgal.l/eal ?a ?la in of ?a rei king ni. I t. preval?a OB our ??nllr.iel. alni lo Lil lillie bitt*r .??-? ? il.?l ?? ta-?l With UM mell engaged ill it <i|iacoa?t like of B? vi .1er?? V every county n?.r.!?-,m?: ?,i th? ?e.i lia? its ottlvial ?al.eil ! In v, na L in.I'd i. ia ho is a ni) iraportaiit mnn in Ins ?list?n i. and ?h i.l? large Influence ann igthfl roast peo j.le I lie . -iiinl uni' nt? i? ? ria ??<! In tli* ?nape of salvare arc al?" toii?i'l?'l? , and the p?i*ition. tin i? f? re, BUM ii de?iit-?t. When a vessel JOSS n?liore ?Tut give? her signal of ?1i? tSBflfl, the wie kn..-isler or his agent ?? t With her instant!i li i? optional with Um captain of tin* fflaflfll at to h lutin, hu alni? shall be syita-iu.itia'ally " r.reeked," au imf. It ?allsfled that the i. ??el is lost, and that it !? to the nalia nt aire aif hi? Iniurer?. he avili gili? the peratlflfllOB mu? sillrarreader all operations into the hands of ti.? wrerkimuter; If he refuse?, ami caigo as well m ship STfl totally lost, he does s?, uu his mi n reaponalblllty. Accord I UK to' the law, there mutt bo no india I ia recking; all wieekeri are uider command <?f Um wreckmaster, ead tvi'ilifor hin. nt so inui li per day. The Hilder of g??o?ta Washfld SB ihOtl IS allowed only one alay's sai-ra IP) for makins the diet?very; and the goods must m Mirea iieisd to the wrsekmaater, wim takes i hargs ti thfl name of the State ami L*ndei*wrlters, In conjunction ttith tho iigeut of the I'nderiai.tiiig, who may arrive from New York, or other city In the neighborhood of the disaster, til" ni.i?t?'r takes chalice of ? iorythltig. (?anttt of wre? ken an? form? ii, Imating forces <?rgatii_??d tim tirtt care being tint of UM lil? boat*. IB cas?* of iii?ees?lty ; the situation or tim wreck is examined, and everything jiltoeal in nadinesit to ?'gai through " the Vflflflfl" in a ty? teraatic manner. (?I nourss, lhere exiata tomadlthonealy, The p.Mii dtaellers ni the toast hut? are needy, surf boa! mu Isa wild Mid hard lite, and probablj win.y a costly l>..le or , ,i?k it hut away, until a seer? t disposition of it shall coiitrlbule tt? the ?uppor! of hungry wreckers' wives and sundry Jil vcmlo wn-tkers al home. But these irregu? larities will exist in all systems, and tie may have the ?.?lufactioii of knowing that the merchandise lost might fall Into worse bands. * The wret ken? thflBiM Ives are a most characterlsHc peo? ple, and those of tha New .len**.} ? oatt tmist be excellent ? p. cunen? of the entire rate, from Labrador to the Florida Keys. Fishermen In the Summer, wreckers In the Winter, they vegetate in tbelr little cottages and huts on the bleak se.? at rand, and all through th? stormy months they loek sea? ward for a wreck as earnestly and > carnii.gly na ?luring the milder montht they pray for heavy nets of blue fish and mackerel Kven the?, houses, in ninny Instances, are made of f ragmen la of old wre? ki, and it is not unusual ta see relics of disaster and tempest ntniut the doors and windows, wh?_refn?m the mooly tol?i*icco smoke ?jf the meditative wrecker exhales, as he broodt by his drirt wood tire, waltlug for the signal which brings his turf bost lo demand, and welcome spoils t?i his needy roof. ()urre|M>rter visited one of thfl wrecker's houses, in til? vicinity of V'mcuiu Inlet, which was quite a curiosity in Hill resiteet. Situated on a singularly touely and desolate beach, va It h hardly a bush to break the monotony of tarni, whattaon the ocean never ceaax'd to beat with an-a-ry rt?stleitHiiess, it wa? built almost entirely of the irregular timbera of vessels which had censed to exist. Kvery plank bore a forgotten hlttory of its own. Ona Was Klmott rolled through-tlie rib of tome old skeleton wntrh must li ive long whitened on the I.*.., li. another was slen dei. bright, and singularly polished, with the rivet holea atlll eatire. And there was a short, heavy piece of timber serving fur the upper door step, which boro on its side an H'egi-l?? Inscription, rudely trac?-<l-under wh?t distant skies, and l.v what long cold, periiblng hand, far out at aea, It would be difficult to conjecture, mit the p?eseme of the half^ffaeerf ohararters were singularly tuggettive. ?Several ancient wine-caskt were going to pieeea m front of the ealSn, and au old fashioned ?gure-head, repn*seiit iug an Admiral of the oblen time, tn his stiff c?*at. <_ocked hat, pigtail, and ruffles, ttood like a sentinel beside the door, and gave tbe entire cabin a very grotesque appear? ance; for the Admiral'! none was broken off, and a rough iwam nailed Into the top of his head formed one or toe in ?in rafters of the ?tructtire. The proprietor of this cabin was wifeleaa and childless, and a g.MMl st?ecimen. He stood in monstrous, liobualled boot?, wore a pair of tar smeared overalls, wh;-h were very stiff In the cold weather, and crinkled as he moved about-seemed to be enveloped with niiineroua lavers or soiled woolen shirts, the whole aneased In an old pea Ja.-kct which looked as though it might have belonged to the Ancient Marni? r hiimelf anal I.?- scanne, the horizon fi'.i.i underneath a biownfelt hat windi lie iiioliably never lemoved when ho went io bed Tllsold gent lo? man aiioka witb a ?.?lit, nautical di awl. and mu., an d to be eomething of a respected weather clerk among his ?et. " I alnt allers been a wracker," elne.idated the an ti?-..? " When the old gul wa? alive them wcm't no mau oti the reef a? did a lugger thing in the shiners" (re? ferring to fl-Ji) "than I did; but them times li p?-st, and even vrrackin'don't pay no more nine jxior Jem-" (refining to some furnier wreekinaster) "got swamped otf the Brigantine Beach. Jem was uti? rs the. wru? ker's friend." After gossiping in a similar strain until we cor.? lmlid that our informant had iirobithly known prosperity while hi? "old gal" lived anil until rum and re? k1? ..nee? had laaeeda fall from his high estate, he returned hi? pip? and relapsed into silence. The wrecker at home is, however, by no means an un? sociable being. lake ?ni men who lead Ives of danger and adventure, hil mind is mostly imbueo with reeoller tions of the past. When a number of them get togi-tlu-r round the tiri: in cold weather, with nothing else to ?lo but smoke the pipe and lnibits? apple brandy, t.he eirhaiigiug ef "yarn?" Is, of course, a natural eoi'.equeiieo, UM many a, wild story may bo listened to--told, it ?s true, with more readiness than iiilture of language, but at the same time possessing the peculiar charm of coming from the Ups of those who havo moved In the spheres they <!<? s? i ?Is?. You hear recounicd, with details, tt;e notorious wrecking ?as??s for twenty years past. You are told Low the great packet went ashore at sue h at sin li ? place ui?iiy yi an ago, many of her passenger? perishing in the Icy waves. Perhaps, few w?re saved. And then the thrilling story of how the corpse? MOM ashore the next morning after the final break (ipi Minne still grasping the spar? with which they had vanity hoped to lind Me Bli ty ; some re? signedly lifeless, with no evidence of previous struggling; the boolee of maota seamen on the beach, v. ith india ink insignias on their bare, wave-washed bosoms and arms; with here or there, |i thup?, a eold, dead mother, with her colder baby ?till foldod - perhaps frozen?on her breast Then you are told of the memorable, wreck of the "Flying Dutchman," the great California clipper, which went to pier?-? i_ or inore year? ago, and i.iied tho coast with immy a cash und many u heavy bale of wool?affording a ruh prize to hiin.lieib. of ptior wreckers of the coast. These aro only iii?'.uires of counties? stories recited, each having Its own peculiar Interest. Tin-wreck? ra generally lead simple and frugal live?, lake most poor people, they generally have large fami? lies. The fishing net? ami tackle garnish their rude cilun walls m the Winter time, and the weath? r beaten serf boat lies on the beach, ia full remluie. s for the signal whnh may summon it to the waves. And the hard? working tish wife nu nd-, r.iid toils, and economizes in the smokv hut, while her husband and brother? are plucking plunder from the devouring waves. Like most poor in opie, their lives are very monotonous, w-ith the exception <?f ina Incident? whb I? Intersperse them la tita pursuance of their perilous avocation. They are ??copio of liaril work anti few gracrs. Even the flower of the household 1| not what the bard desenlies her-she is scarcely the poetical idea which linds its expression in tho few verses of THE WRECK Klt'I. DAUGHTER. I!??r (?air is brown as the brown s??a-sanils, Her eye? ?ire blue as the IiIiih? sea water; ' And linn's not u wind that blows where she stands Bat bring? a grace to the Wrecker's Daughter. Wild M the ?TSV? I hat bursts ?it hiT fi i I Wild ?ntthe winds that toss In r tri??? s, is th?. glue? that peen through Um roll and sleet, And mt? Un? tiene stium's MMfe ?<?> - Hut uot for the wt< ? k do? s sin- si arch the night? Her beor? is away o'er the stormy water, Win re a lover (.unies his t.liiiblllig boat, IS win a prill for the Wreckt r's Daughter. No, indi ?<1. The wr?. k? r's daogbter of the pr<??? nt time may have bit little affairs of tin? heart, to he sure; but sin- ia mostly ragged anti redheaded, rollins among the dehn? of tin ?hine .11 Imii -nail? d shoes, and is al*?, ays pei nug eagerly over tbe breaker? ia ina hop?? of fiiuifiig .1 prospective wreck, for Ike benefit of her old elna of a father, who never fail? to bastea to bl? boat at the first signal from her maiden lip?. And the wn i ker's wife I?, ? s at in i m?- very ??-i?!?iiii pa ??Mir sentimental, bat um-t ly full-blown and hard Hatea; and his little inn nulli chil? dren us? table almost anything but sprouting mermen, or v. ab i? ?pr.te?. ?is they wade along the beach, throwing stab- S'nwi ?-?I at ?-ach other m hai ml>-?s mirth, ami bus lug indation of future dyspepaia bl pai tatala* of a ?Iel of long-dead clam?, and the spongy interior?of deceaaed -tar fish. There ? plenty ?'t adventure, and but little romanee in the wrecker1? Ufe. Hard work and poverty w iii qoiekly near the glldlna off from what we kari <mi ?. .i ? ii of ? of pi riions adventure; and Hue is nowhere to be aeen more marhf-Hy thaa by lmxiug witta tb wreckers of tlie American coaet. Bul the ?.inc of sblpwreek, from the first signal gnaof ill?lie?a f?> ti a last boom of Iin- s? a ??tiii li !inail> burn? the woollen monster ? ..f intente intei? .t. Tin? sea ?nie Village at ?viiii I? it OCCItn Is at once a ?-??.?ne of area! excitement Perhapeil le a watering-place one of tooee sumir? built, regular ton n?, w hh ii la t a atering place m Sommer, ! ul a dall n a el i loeed hoteta ami win? .,..?? .. ?s tiar-iiMiins la Winter At tin- tit?! ?. .mil of the wn-, k a atronge i ommotion arls?.?. From col tage?, wtal? li ? mi m .n.?-!} uot Iced before, the form? of Wrecker? ap ,.? ar i lilli lil Un? ta? I'} OTI I B 1? ?ilul l*Ollgh stel'lll drc-Sof tin n pi ??:< ?s.mi. The first boa ti launched are the llfe-beota, and toe?, through the boiling breaker?, they ure ?? en toiling, al moe! on tin-i? ig?? of capaizing .it tuite?, bat still itancb aa4 is, until the wreck la reached and thi ? rreacned. Thoa la tin romlng ?ahora of thebangrycrew,tbetr on by the i '....-, ti.?' thawing of them oat, the ? ini nu.n? api titi?? I, and their being forwarded ' lo tin ,r n S|*m '.:,. lion us. Tin-ti rollies ti??? iii le? te ali. m of the in?-? k. iii?- ?!<? ??i,,n i.? m how n -lud? n?- wn ? ki ?t : ill.'I "ii tin !.. ? he hulk, if liol lit! merged, l??urroniide?| hy schooner? and other bghter?, witta tbeli atteudaut Murf bout?, ? i?, r to enter apva the ??I" ?.\r? kin? i'la \. *?? I i-duly " v, i?. kid." lier cargo Bared, or partially ?..?r.i, io sBeintt-rest?if tne and the broken timberaof n If remain - fntuiv iiieiii.'1'toi s .f the m eck? r?' Ufo. li stub, hoped thal the hnslneaaof wrecking vessels will be ?ill mora ?ystematixed, until the underwriter shall he ?it compon tod the aavlug of ltvaa aad pinpi i ti sinii i?. \.t mnie i ninpliti i\ provided for, but a- : i, we appeal lob? folly In accordance wita ttaoad? van.. if the ii?.'? ii .iii? via 11 ni: I he a? ?IdoBt? of til'' ?i B. new-fork. I YU* Ntl - 1 IMiMRV, TIIK (Ililli \l III II IK, TO HAVE A M.IV TK1AI, TaOT, N. Y. Mayt-l?Tha U??n. Justin P. Morrill, united Statea Bas?tes (Ma Vi.mont, aad Imstas Mor? rill of Mali i mlb <i nu ?Europe t<> ?i.?> frnm Boetoa. Thc Right. Rot. l>r Dominie, (atholl?: Hi?hopoftho . of Pittsburgh, l'a., is ?ilioilt to bSteVt for lh?- Holy ?See at ?Rome, Joel l.indstry. eonSned la Auburn prison on a sentence of two years alni three months for whipping; hie fwo-year i.l.l boy tmli atli. ha? lu D iel? .im-iI nu ball for an??w trial, to take p!;n e at the Dyer and Terminer Court of Orleans to nut v. on the _I71 li ilist. His counsel oblamed an Order (if tin- Supreme i niirt tor a new trial on exceptions taken to tin? lining of Judge Daniel?, hy whom I.inditry waa Beuteni ed on Ins former trial. ^-1 M If Mil ?AN. nu- ( ?iNsrrn tiiinai. conviv? ion. st tinmiri to Tiis raises?. DaiaOIT, Mini., Mav -*???b the ronstitutinnal Convention to-day a motion to appoint a committee to investigate the eight hour labor system was lost by a lar?l majnruv. Niuieroiisly signed tcinperamo petitions were presented. tUICIDI IN WAH?isdioN, DUTt-UUH county. ?T TllllaKlPB TO TMB TSISCSB. F-SHXHJ, May '?J-.?The town of Stanford, Dutchess Cininty, was thrown into a state of excitement yester? day morning by the report that a well-known of the town of Washington bad shut himself in tho former village. The particulars are as follow s : Edmund J. Cn derlull, the suicide, was about JO years of age, and has a brother residing ut Hurtsville. Ile had lived a wretched lit.i account of the infidelity of two wives. Twice he bud beru divorced because of their conduct. Notwith? standing his ?iperlenee, Mr. Cuderhill again roar ri.d, shortly after he was divorced from hi? aeeond wife. His thud Mite, now his widow, is well known in th? eastern part of the county uud has always borne a good reputation and was looked upon as a lady In every sense the word. l.atelv, however, it U aaid that Uuderhlll had entertained au idea that she too wa? untrue, the asser? tions of his friends to the coutrary in.t withstand lug. (lu tbe day of the fatal affair I'uderhtH's Wife wa? visiting at the resideuco of Egbert Tripp, es.| , Id the town of St nu fun!. Between 9 and -Oo'clock in the morn? ing l mt. rhi? waa observed In tho village by a number of im.rsiai.?, but no importance waa attach??d to hla presence, ile waa armed with a revolver and after being in town hut a ahort time proceeded to Mr. Trlpp'a houae where hu wife wa? staying. She seeing him coming and observ? ing bia singular ezpressiou of countenance De? rain? frightened and rushed up ?taira into a room, lu? king the door after her. ?He followed Immediately evidently Intent on shoot-trig her. Arriving at the door of th? room and finding it locked, he u raun- -xclted, and Immediately seated himself on th? steps or Moor, and taking out a memorandum book, wrote a few Hues with a lead pencil to hi.? brother, the purport of which wus that he had with h lui kaus 60 toward the ?layioeat of a certain not? uf tuon. He also requested hie millier to tale good care of his little girl, and state?! that ? that would be tue last communication he would make ou earth. Having thae briefly dosed up his worldly affaira, ho deliberately drew Ina revolver, and placing the muzrio agalust his breast, pulled the trigger, the weapon going off instantly, and the ball entering the heart of th? sill cub-.?In? falling over on bl? face and dying almoat in? stantly. The Justice of the town held an Ininiest. and the Jury rendered a verdict that the deceased carne to hrs death from a pistol-shot tired by bia own hands. The remains were then placed at the disposal of Mr. Hiram I'n.I??i lull, brother of the dead man, and by bira taken to li-rts\ iii?, where they will be interred tomorrow The suicide and his circumstances during life being well km??? n. Die affair ha? created profound grief. He wa? a ?oiier. honest, aud industrioua man, no?easing ?oma means. __ THE LA.ND OFFICE, st TsiB?air? ve vas tbibcsb. The following are extracta from letUra received by the Coniaiiiloier ?if l-l (.titril Liad OBt? fro? ttr Hi'dta. re<;tDtl-r ep poiii?l to aiki s (tul. (?ral urttr of lh? Sut* ?f Mtbttiki: " li ii mt p.irrs.i? In ?p?ml ttirr dollar is i-.omnlittif nit?rlil for ntil Wnttr ? lilsirs. Mr. Mitk Itft mas Ubi* ii? for lots to lr?es tb? coal linli into St hriiil. Mr Gill li with bl li. I ililli lUrl In on? ?reel w th mr iiiitdt .??imi'lsi?. I ?kill Mut ros, by ciprtn. ?omi philogrtpfas of WtiUru ?.'?urrr, ?bleb 1 ?tin? to tuna |>?ilof thi treiiirtt ?I til? ?urttr. Til? ('i. lurtl of Ihr S!,.ut Killi, !?ik ti Ttrr urt roo "in MS !.. i tour rtpurl if rou ?Itilr? Tilt rscki ?re rat i|u?rUlt? 'u windi lb? it.I jnpt non* ii lotit? I. Tht Killi ana Ihi (ntit wttor pewsr ?s lb? ?ii.| w II, ill. m?'f it.n?i j.? rust tt -.'lluuruat ?ll_?. ' Di h m anvil tr Ititi r ?iii. I I ..r ihi il.i? firwinlnl Knut (?li. l.i(r?phl of TTtitrr-i t-tn?-'?, ?i . h, I 1.1.? ?-. ??:'! i .? ifat-rrlra to jo? ia i'"rm ?.( id less ?f tit ?.? r If ihr unit.? ? I pt null I ?hill i toietot te I.???? t?tet ot the suit li? r ta!iii( pi. bli Iii It.r Mat. pl.o?, j;,apb.i! Hld ioritirilld to tr.? it ?b., I bin ii? |ir?'islM .f i.b. ti?*, ?.a rniw ik? mi lihou-? Tsnlluriis" E?ROPK. GREAT BKITAIN. Bt ?TiatTiC Ttl tatara to rai BBMSBB London, May 22.?Flood and Duffy, the Fenian prisoner? who were recently convicted at Dub? lin, have been 8*nten?3ed to imprisonment for life st hard labor. Met'lure, another of the Fenian prinon era. was placed on tri:il at Cork to-day. Noon?Mr. Stewart, the Chairman of the Hoard of Directors of tho Anglo-Aincri? au Telegraph Com? pany, publishes another communication in The Jxm don Times this morning. II?* Hgn the broken cable will be repaired and ready for business in three weeks from this date. Evening.-^Thc Derby race took place to-day. Al? though the weather was unfavorable, an immense ???vee ni bl age of spectators was BBBH ut. The race waa won hy Hermit, in the midst of a snow-storm. The Hon. Mr. Stanfield, Member of Parliament, ami a firm friend of the United State? during the Kelfl lion, ?8 dead. _ FRANCK. Paris, May 22.?The WmMO between the Km peror Napoleon and the Corpa L?gislatif, with regard to the army organization scheme, have been adjuated. AUSTRIA. Vienna, May 22, Evening.?The Emperor to day made a speech from the throne to the mcminns of tho Upper aud Lower House? of tho Austrian Diet SPAIN. London, May 2-??Evening.?Accounts received here fruin Madrid show that the internal trouble?! of Spain are increasing, and fears are entertained that a political crisis is M hand. SWEDEN. Stockholm, May 23.?The Swedish Parliament has passed resolutions in honor of Capt. Ericeaon. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. IaONDoNiiKRKY, May *2_?10 a. in.?The steamship Mora? vian, Capt. Acton, fi oin fhxt bec, arrived here last evening, on the way to Liverpool. Livkki-ooi-, May 22?p. m.?The ship Parilla, dipt. Cun? ningham, sailed from Newport for San Franclaco to-day. The ship faspt-M also sailed for BBB Franaisco to day. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. IaONDoN, May 22?10a. m.? Although the hour of regular business has not arrived, it is considered on the street! that consols m ?II open at Hie .losing rate of hut evening. Moat of the American securities may 'wi-hap* open a shade lower. Noon.?Consols for money, 03 ; United -tates Five Tiventy tiond?. T.'J; Illinois (Yiitial Railway shares, 7?*f; Erie R.tiltiay .?liana, 42'. Afternoon.-American securities arc o,uotcd at tina hour as follows: L'niUal RaBBS rive-Twenty bondi, *.|; Illinois C "iitral Railway shares, 7t" J '; Krie Ka ii way ??hare?, 12". Evening--Consols el???e?l ?toady at 93 for money. Am? aru an seeuntu ? clos, ?j at Mm following rate?: I'. H. Ftve twentiea, 72|; lllinoia Central share!, 0|| Erie Railway shares, 12'. 11: iMiioRT, May 22. ? al B l .. hit-* hour last night, salm of United ?tates firs l'v-uty bond? were imiale at 775. Evening.?United States bonds closed at 77}. I.ivF.Rroot., May 22?Morning.?Thfl prevailing opinion ? n tlie i-treet is that the Cotton and most of the articles in the BnaaaOBB. and rro\i?ions Markets will open quid aud ?teady, at the closing figures of last evening. Noon.?Cotton is tending downward. The estimated sales to-day are bales; Middling Uplande, lid. ; Middling Orleans, nj,l. Breadatufk ?juiet and steady Wheat??al.a of Nu. I Rod Milwaukee, at 13/9, and Whits California at 14 ft, lorn. II ft, ra hy, iii, Oats, l/l. Peas, 41 f.. I-i.iiimoii- ??mt? Pork, 80 . ?Beef, 121,I. liaaoii, .n. Earil, .'Iii. ( lui ?o, o; . Produ?*e?Ashes, I - - of (oii.iiioi. ?it 7,3, and l-'ine at 12,?J Spirlts TBtpsBttaa, M ?)? Talion-, 4,i, 9. ClovertMfld, 61/, rfllllllflBM ITaUlSf ?pint.? at HJ., and Standard White at I 3. Afternoon?TheCotton marketls quiet and steady, net pun s are finn at the SOSB-BBJ ?*iir<sa. Tlie llreadatuffi market is generally quiet, (oin has decliru-d 3d., aud ii now quoted ut .*.? i per quarter tor Mixed We*t?*rn. Evening.- The market closed quiet at tlie following anthon.:?-.1 qiioiatloiis : Middling Uplands, lid., Middini? (?rh-.iii?, lljil, the sah s of the day are reported at 10,001 bales. The market for RreailstufTs has Wen quiet duriDf t!i<* day. corn cloned with a decliuiag tendency ; the last aaleaof Mixid Wt-?t< in aie it: in ide at 30, ? <J> qr. Wheat, Harley, and Oats, BBBBaOBBi. The Provision market ? losed niiiet : lust quotation*, are generally unchanged. Pork wa.? firm at eo ?> Mt, Re? f steady at lan ?*. Baoon, fO? 9 cwt. "...til. "1 6. OfeBSB?, ?7' p cwt. for lue Anuri can. Collin.ou M iltnitigton Rosin firmer ; talet at 1,4 O cwt; line American uncbaiige?l at 13/1. Spin te Turpen? tine, 35.3. Taliow, H?. Petroleum?-?pirlta, lid-; Ro? ll ned, 1 3 ?J? gal. Ix).m??in, May ?__ ? Noon.?No. 12 Dutch Standard Sugar, 21. Scot? h Pig Iron, 5.1 -3. t ail? utt? Linaeed, as,'. Lin? se. ?1 lakes, g| II . flilfl I ?BStsd. fal If . 8'*erm, 1131. Whale, ?39. E\ cning?Sugar-Sales of OB, II Dutch Standard at 31*. Irou?-Scotch Pigs, 53 6 per tun O'ls unchanged 0010BB?, May 22?10 a. in -iles of Petroleum hav? l?e? ii maale tbia morning at li f. BBSS per barrel for landed White. Eveuiiig-Petroleum?Sales of -Handard White today at MC 50c i*cr bbl. MEXICO. NEWS IlKCEIVKI? IN Vi A*?II1N-TON'. tv TiLiaiaea ro raa ?marta. WashimiTon, D. C, May 22.?Tho following infor? formation has lie-en rei.iii-?l here from Vera Cruz. It appears in the poratcript of a letter dated May 4, I"-)?;. "The Bureau of the Imperial Commis? sinner has received a dispatch from the interior; it i| not known.**" hether from Queretaro or from Mexico. Its cimtents have not beeu made public. But what I can assure you of i-t the fact that the bearer of the dis ??atfli am iiniuediately taken to the Castle, where lie is -?till kept and not permitted to communicate with any one. No doubt, therefore, exists that the news contained in the dis'xitch must be very aatia i.-ii'tnry to the Imperialists since thoy take io Hinch i-ains to conceal it." i The following ma translation of a decree of the President of Mexico, dated April 2S, and received al th? Department of State on the 21st inat.: Ju?r?a. O'iiti tut., -ill 1'retideat af It* t tit k1 Stallt nt Balita, to it! la'.il!..taut?. i''tl.l?*i Know ve that bv virtue of the ample power? with which I im In vetted, I am pleased to issue tie following decree. It it hereby declared that the port of Tauipieo la closed to foreign ami coasting trade so loug aa It re maine disobedient to the Oovernment. Tberefoi<e, I order tina to be printed, published, circulated, and euiorced accord lag to law. Palace of the National Covornment In lan Lula Potosi, AplU 23, IS67. li-SKU JUAJUIX. TEE EXCISE LAW. A STAT! IHO I II HUB CAtXID. at rui.tari ro rea rtiacxt. Ai.banv, N. Y.. May 22.-The State Central Com. mittie of the anti-Pro. ihiliounts tnflt at the De lev an House to-day, Gen. John A. WiUlaiaa, Chairman; A. B. Caldwell, Secretary. The Executive Committee wai la? structed to call a State Convention in September Bert, to be wiuposed of three delegates from each Assembly Dis? trict. Speeches were made dunounelng as corrupt and tyrannical the encroachment on municipal rights, and expressing a determination to persevere In resisting aggretslous. the pacific coast. BT ti. allan to Til Ttttrst San Fbancisco, May 22.-A telegram from 1'nloa ville, Nevada, says there la excitement about rieh diserr eriet of gold in th? River dlstrlot. The lodes aie larg* and well defined. The Indiaut of biabo are driving off tloek and thootiaa settlers In every ?firsctlon. The tarages are ?-enerany well armed. Gen. Crook left Capt. *McI)i?i--otl ob tam 1st of the month for a ?io days' scout. I'arties are leaving Bolsel'ouuty for the Lemhl Dist i let. m*-? THE 11 M it til tampa to rta tbibcbb B(?5i?>N. May 22.?A larg?* meeting of the Feniso I roth-rhood will be held ut i'reiaout Temple in this etty, on llid.iv the 2lthin?t# A.I liesaoa will be dellv?r?^! hy Mr A I tl.'iruiiiuof the Kenan-.hatV, Gen. L P. Eptar of the I'?niau Armv. and J. F- Fiuuerty.