OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, May 24, 1867, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1867-05-24/ed-1/seq-2/

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2 tow rnnoMB mr wocKYMomram
ib //
mi vjhoh ">r " io nan
Ui , i -rai iKDUsI ?,
Fro? Uar If ?I ('?rrMis'BUant.
I i?ft Omaha last ?rating at 0 o'clock I
racltto ka.lr,..!, and must co. '
re?rretfuiiy Taera are (?w vers.,- i ?wasr. i lj ?bonni
thers by the t.do of business that Is HW? 1"??d
Shoot the placo who will spend anytime needlessly In
?aha? the OaaanataaS regard as the comir.tr eily of the
Tie**. The-, Basel g* ally of the rare vnrk-ty of climate
-haviBg hid wai Mmmb Mnain atna?, amnteaaaa.
Impassable mud, choking dust, earthquakes, flood-, hard
preesas. ami hurt tag saan al In thee, ace M three weeks
{ must oonoede a!! tlierfclaim M way of variety, but I
lound moat Sf them differ with mc, when I told them that
nothing hut a flrst-elasa eaith<;ua\e or a general fire to
batter or hum down tlifsc miserable buildings, will ever
maka Omaha tt hat I doubt not it muet yet be?a sulabtan
11*1, thrifty, growing town.
TUS Union i'auflo Kaiuoad Is sow compl? t d to this
point?a du.taiice of Ml lud?s, and the tratas tan witb
Bompa*-*!. * I regularity. It la a good Wa Man read -tenfold
better than the Iowa part of the Chicago aud North Vu M
ero, and makes the205miles in II hours. It ?iifTered eOB
Sidarably by tho Inte flood, but li is completely repaired.
The Mandatioa of the Platk Vail ) must have been fear*
fal. I saw as much as b:.l! u mile of railroad tra.k, tho
Mm and rails, aUfl lanam ?< 1, awai t away am ha'f a adla
from tlie bed, and et ron,.', at B ia.Is bent nearly double ly
the MaMncaM the water, Bal With floods aro not fea*
guanti and I presume thai it la safe to calculate that this
{nad will not l?e moe s a ?t> el to ?nterruptlua b> fluids
han are first-class Eastern Mails. After paanmfi out
"through Kaataaka for afewasDM th? evidente of pre*
gt?M48 la nM MMfeai? 'li N BN but few settlers on the
lins of the road, and aftef ve enter what is cul.ed the
Platts Pialas, about FMt K? araeyft?hera seems tube little
?thai can ever ?mite ti nan. Tha Valley arras!
rista la hounded on e\?ij rifk byTBM bluffs,langtBf
from 20 to .0 BSllSS ap.i'.-t, and the bluffs seem tobe terribly
gt? rile an I NfaMva, The PlatM Hiver laOl lu/?y along
youth of tho rai!ro.!,\ tagging the southon binna M
times, tad agate striking sal aeai the center of tho Val?
ley, but It tires the eye t?> look at it and its Burroin.dings.
IX Is a murky, sbaT.ow, tr? a ihexons stream, v nil shifting
Banda tot Itl l>?-d, and nak'?d bBStka sL ..iii.. it BBS I M tho
way. 1 ham looked formica along ttebaakawlthoBt
fealiig so much 8? a shrub, anata MM a tree ; but at finies,
When It ui ira tho] bluffs it puts out along ltd hunks a
Stunted, MMM?MI growth of cottonwood. I hate i? i
?con a IBM off the stream in the groat PlatM Valley tims
far, and not one even on the stream that would ma'-.e a
cut of ralla MaMtagrapi pola, Ike Valley la a i
Bbls wari", arid I fear ever BUM be. The] PT?
giace on it--but it never can become a g:i at graziug
eountry for watt of ruins snd water. I have not
Irani a single stream in It bat the Platte Hive*?
tha who'j riain thus far north of the river not
furnishing a singlo tribu':.ry. In a?<.;'; n to this.
there aie but few rain? dining the Summer, mai no pos?
sible means of irrigation. The pBM ttBOB MTBiad ?lath
a white coat of alkali, ard all the wa.cr. area furn tho
.?wells, to strongly Impregnated with it, The oz-tralnago*
lagWaal!'} thtaraataaaeff south of the Platts, between
the river and the bluffs, and I learn that there la bettor
grass there, and an MMaMi Bl stream nuning to tho
river, bat on either side the gram is never good, ead often
almost valueless. There is not a habitation on the route
(or nearly two hundred miles but smli -a
to accommodate the rallroud Bad travel. Here and there
are nBneiaiile adobe ahanl es, with signs out off? ins
whisky lu.'i other tnxorteeto the weary s?journer,but
I have ant seen so much us the sign of a fa I
previ na pat h, tee tally one hundred miloa. Tin .
lopes would come up close to the train and gaze st it with
b'lundle*,', curiosity until some ambltione sport would
send a bullet Biter them. They would le k for a inomi ut
atibe ?iii.-a raised by the bullet, and tb? Itkbe*
?anx-hitiR giace. The butta!?? grazed ?
i. crib of m, at ans placa, cn the Plaliu
?"<? and owl occubloi.aiiy pi eped out at u., us we ?
Vi'o are br-rlniiing to realize that there is isomething of
? a Indian v ir going on. We ?
band ?.I ? heyennes fprononnced Shi-en) had m de s raid
au oin stage Line 60 n . lured
ni the h ? at the American Ranch, and burned the
Falrvietv Station beyond. 1 1 ad an li klii gof II .
ten. Amur yesterday before i left Omaha, but bia ad*
.>'ce?Mt i< indi finite, and he did not fully credit tb? m. Ho
therefore i afr? m t: ?? i
bat esmmunloated It to me Just a ved it. In*
?imucli as I waa about to ti te. li? ha ;
ad vu."-! of a probable mid on the or? rlan 5 Hue, b? tween
?Jiiloabur< and Denver, by Spotted Tall and Bwlfi Bear,
tv o Ch.<i> of the Ogalbdlua and BrultSs, who bav?
vmporai ly quartered en the i I urta by Gen.
bully. They have about !,r*v of those trite? ,who nie. for
tho pt iwedtooccupy tlui region froiu theBuiokj
li li te tho Platte, where ti
?ney have interpreters and stouts with tin m ? -mp.??.ted
By (Jen Augur, and thev uve under pledge to keep the
peace Hu n.: i ives, and not t?> allow hostile tribes io more
s< rosa timlr grounds without astndlng to the
nearent military post. A few Cays ago St-otl
a m(-tseiigt.r to Gen. Augur w:tb wcrd that it 0 Iwlg* - of
Cheyennaa and M lodges of Sioux, all hostile, badi
np to the Republican Fork from the Bmekj ii 11, ai d ti. :
tliey were off ringev? rail's
j-outigv, m in war apon the white! ile
Was offer.- 1 Kio boises if he would Join !!?,? bool Is trllVti.
Be flafnaed, bnt be asked te Ifroml st re*
*e itb his iii'V'' a to some ;
.would not barrsashls people snd sednce his young war
r.ors/roHi him. The ltxlge-1 "i the Indiausavers ?>? al? mt
?lr?persons to eaeb, so that there are about l,so
?iibhcan Kuri:, withm M miles of the
iiion I'ju'itic Baibrond, and near enough to b<
and railroad Unes to raid uj, n < itbei or both. With these
hostile tribes arc their fsmllies, bo tbst all told ii;
tmt ovor 3j0 warriors, bat that number in-,ir
?triks a gieaf thoroughfare inj place in a stietch of IM
bille?, may im,\' a serious Imiredlment to travel These
aie represented by Spotted l.i : t< be the '.?me Indians
that Gen. Ilauro? k met in the S and
which Den. (Titsterwa ?
One thing is certain, tliat G
ludiattstauth of Mnoky Hill si fei as be Ima be? a
fioui, un?! * is eqnally certain that a i toms
up se vi rai baadred miles in his rear that did not cn
Hatte from tb north, no maota foi I
expeititli'n south. The ti tot srd the
(i?-l?anos willie the Indiansro S? the plains ?<?? ound tti'li
heir >.n wboog upon the ftepubikan, andtbe be
ents on?
al rai ni s. lu this of our
?ilo.isne lud'an cumpalgn-i. it vii! l>e no fault o' the I
foiiuuiti..' 'i-i that tie- l dub, generally legarded
> ?at ?* offensive movement?, will prove ludicrous f.?il i
nie?. Tiiey are dalag the I?-t they can. They are i
iiigorileis, aii'i win dsmuebgocidmtbeirway,bs
li.act.c ii ii.-' its Will no1 be palp Mt to ti??: mae: ? s ?if the
?-?opie who aie patiently wafting for Gen. Hanrock, or
?Ben. Anare, or ('? n. Terry, to write the epitaph of 'he
last Bed Man vtitii his .?woid. It lias bau n an rtained by
?ateulation that every Itidi.m vainer of tho plains killed
?'V the military basemttba Oovermaent about Wl ,t i.
latbar expensive firsts ?m?. funerals, it nar t 1m- coi
olavir.1, on barbarians, tatet I do not look for tbe li
fuuerai mink-t tod? ?line m^t? ,a'. y in prat during auy
Of the |iifi*eut campaigns.
Tue defeat < f the bid proposed recently In Congress to
tra.infi-1 tbe Indian Burean to tha War De)
I ? ?'?? : -, and it v.i'1 ("i-t the G btmd
reda of tliou-.a.Tls of dollars worse tuan wasted till
uiir. <;,-.a Augurcommamlsa Ur,-- Indian dopailmcnt,
oontroKit- armies, project? _ gus, nulflghtaIta
bntUoa, bot he ?an do nothlngmore. Soma Indian Agent,
but loo ?.: len an unstrupulou.-, ape? ula toi, or a diutiu,ghi
thief, issiiprrnie in all matter? but actual hostlUflef. T!:e
?Ucrailallai and Brides, now famporarily ?m the RmiabU
Vita. ?tai? to r*.-1 * .ti, -hired from tbepeilkandthemmiencs
?,f rae li ?ux, ?tho have broken
Into tbeii bent mr grounds. On- reason given hythe
Lundi} i hie/* ..that thelryoungwarner?cannot u
'? ' d temi ting bril
?inn li h.MitlHtwa Tlie young l?rave has but one hope of
disiiiiciiii. lie, ?an taeooma areat anly by wai. an li?
Can,, inly by wearing tlie rude wreath of vic
t??iy kunttu to the barb nd bis du~ky bride oi
BweeL-heuit ever prompts bim to deeds of hi?a>d. Witta
f'Kjd reasou, therefore, ?'?? Spott? I Tall and Swift Ken-,
a ret? ra? and faithful Chiefs, a Uise tl^?t theil follow
ais be n tuove?! i. .un the haletai influences of the b
.1 ttho is to remove t-'icui I Geu. Augur dare
B"t. snd tlteir i> uo Indian Airent nearer than Kort I.ara
Biie who ha? any power ?>v? : t i? ?- r*aeMkm. The Pawneea
have th a Agenthcr?', ?mt bia hn*isdl?7tMB eiul-*- v,i*h the
) ti. Ik i? moved they must be
fed, and te?l tape ?tem a ntl ec? a in the mid t of war, that
llie.y eat non?' but ralioi? prt?i>erlv lasued au?l btbeleil by
the Indinnjie ?arfment. I: th? whole management of Ia
dian ?ft nr* hail been transferiert to the War Department,
we should hate started m thin war with half the battis
garnet), by at o;.ce sweeping from position the t tv arma of
eivil AiitMi*.** vho are Hie author.?? of so much of o?n In
tau tiouale-i, ami our nuiutuy commander? would now
? empowered to tieat, trauet :, fee?!, or fight ti ??an ss
el ream utan ces nilT??t r?V]ujre. ft i< ju<t nosslMo that, at
Uieua Hi, (.otcniiucut hu-? been len ruin;: the iiiai.-ige
tuent of liol:,m-, :u Lkecoui ?sol ?? years or se, we may
mtialn soTiiethtng approaching common sense In Ibl bu.i
aaaa; andu is about eqnatlv ?>iob; bio that by that tune
Ihcie wi.l be no liitlutia kit toejperlmeut on m a sen
Bible way If ti.o Government do a not aolve tilla pit?')
ten? at au early ?tay, the settler? ami miiiei-?iii-?lite it
theiuseiTrx, ami ht>ine new t oopec muy ttiit-; " The Last
Of the flu;., : ?, -,"or "Tlie L.^! of tie Se.ax," tvltb the
Utttto of Its bloody htstt.rv making ull Indian roma a? -e
pUe ixioj. a. now ti?, a?'t titra and miners will end In
Olan dcpi,da'iet,?t th? (h.\ ngton massacre at ?andy
Ore?? cure tit ftweshadow? <\a ? h , ingten's ciunmaiid
Waa ^mp ^,r. meu y,ho hu(i f( ?,
?! "? ' : the Bed Mi'uli. resenting
fels real or imaginary wron**, and. althourih a'-lispa
?te examinut.on of the wbok raise must for? e the cut ic
tion Mint Minto Antelope a??h in? followers xtero i?-a?.'?>
able, w.th ?K-rhaps rt.re exception*, be and his whole
baud, ?fluaws ami pait?os??, v ere pnt to ?ieath-not one
tcceivctd a* i |iii.t<ji?i r; ai "lyet inna oat oftenof the Weat
einp<'opi?' ther commend or excita? the act. They f< el
tbst thv IiiOi m l8 in their v ,i*: that they cannot fratci
Bi/e; that lie will not woik and Uiiul rt?b, and to n h
must "ften k11, and they '.? ,?k hopefully totlte'tlay wla i
be ?hall Save oller?"! tne last of bia race a* a aucriik-t to
the i?n?gt?-a- of i Ivliixatlon.
- Kui tho ?t... We havemad a dim ?r of
bo Ud atitolojie and vegefab!es~all ? r? ,-n? i,t ??,, ,i,e
?water, .?ntl tv?! stall In a few Ultuut? t for in rtv? ?, ?lt.iant
twiiir,: ?, aid will hav nu ouportunitt of croa-ii
pat!? >l tho Inutile Indi ?im wno a'ruck th?; statin
nub? ae*-t. We will hat? three St agt-a, nil well tided
petscii, i? well aiiii? . pioiiihl?- un.
Jeaaa ic.v eiful p I I - j > i -* n to ?tnko
na l?i*l want h'liaes moto thausea'p? or trunk? and
botiaeie, Mtiff thor t: ' ?' :': l< '' *?*' "f> t,ll,',",??" H' '' -?How
tb-s' "c ? "i . ??< n?,'. Iiei r?aud
bro?,..<'?.?, a<-,,,, i?'|-: / ?';,'t.?, "' ? ho Indiana ba
tt?l?ZZl? ' ir ?ps?tiag i.>: ??",
would ?tar? ont tomorrow. Inst sa nsual Passengers
would not wait merely because half a dozen persons had
* en butchered, ana the proprietors would not think of
s;,.j.| ing their line for even a day while tin ro w? te bora ?
ii takis imo coa h through. The movement
sim ? SO epteC as i: evlt i'i'c, '...?',
altin ugh many m..v d forgo?i n grave i,
. lrn >.-.flb!o tide will n
? In In tory, a: <11 ii. .- ce favi r
? ii ni ly as tLt bcautii'ul
ana bountiful ti* i?l? of the mighty West.
? ? ' ~." ?-.??-? ? i
mrs m is.
TAi.rrv>7.rxor mkmopivt cHArrr..
The \!umiii of Yale have detonnincd to erect a Me
?uihllng to those members of the Co'lege who gave
their lives fur their country Ln the recent war. The Com?
mittee ni pointed at tkoCoinmcmornti.m Festival in July.
MMi aftn ?onaultltig with a Committoe appointed by the
OBiporWttnn cf the College, for tho construction of a nsw
CkapeL have concluded that the wishes of the Alumni
eau lH.it homet by connecting the proposed memorial
wttfi the afeapel which the C<11. ge, nomo time slncc,deter
mined to build. Tiny 1 in an ordingly employed Messrs.
Vaux and Wither? of this city to malro a de&ign for the
Memorial Chapel, and ara BOW eiuNavoring to rai3e tho
necessary f'i?.d3 tooarry it into ext cutten. Thefarchl
tdts have placed I v?iy l?fhlj-fllllsfted respective
drawing of tin li design In lh< ExhlhlUoa of tl-.e National
Academy of In Iga. it h i.i.inbt :rd li, ntnl these of our
readers who arc inter' lh <1 in the tubject will do well to
eui out the foll?n lig ?1? ' riptloo Ol thl buiidli. g, and read
it in the Gull? ty Witt Util large uud elear (lia.vUig as an
Must ration.
" Two loity h Q| or i '???chopels nre provM'-il. opening
through archways m the "?Ide-wal i of Um town entrance,
H-..d only eeparat?d fruit, it by ornamental Iroa aetanM.
These two ante chapels willi Hio principal mtPwaak?
twwa then, will tirai rresent the i fcd of one-apartment
devoted to nu morlal purpo*?*. The v. indows being 20
'?ut from tho tloor, there wlllbe ample wall space beneath
them for mural tab.cts. This g*-nernl eriungcmcut is
adopted in order that cvri- ?"*' on cuterirg the main
building from the prirclpul entrance may at once be
made aware in nu impressive way of the partb i li.r In?
tention of the ?leairn. whllo yet no portion of lito area
thus set r.r^rt will be ned ns ? i panafla? Baal
of ihe ?i.te-cliap? is is extended in the form of an aisle or
ambuiatoiy aniilW wttk Unehapi Iprow r,fren which it
is separated only by nu he? filled to Um ?...n^ing lino with
light iron screens. The Chapel piopvijwith its aisles, will
be light? I natal* by tweHelarg<> c1? rr?tory windows, as
shown in the paTSpaatlvS ?Iniwii-g? tbf> small windows
mbnntarMe ?Mini M$rodaeed ratkn w ith a Mew
t*i UMk being lilkdwitb rk'u nenOCkJ g'.iis than to
theil fccrving ui.y Importantntupan lu tho general sys
ti in of Ughtlng. The whole number of MtUngl atol MMi
fey Ike plan la 1440, of which Nfe felt on the giound floor
and lal In Um , pTtadpal front ai
Um ixmIoi design uieiudes the two mm anaatal nntc
aha] 11.. and the tower; nrnl thisruit of the ion ;
Is depeo I'd on to cn.''Oily tho m? MM lal Idea? the broii7es
or marbles In tfea pan la bang of a lana? r.-ona. character
? nennrtoat ta Un ninfea. 'Jue exterior ankl
teetora] effect of the Ckapal prapn la Intaaded tobe
abaple, and will ??? ?-? i^i mainly on tho eleenetory, the
tr.i!is<j>t Bahloo, and a lno.ul blvet li of roof.''
The deelga of atesara, Vans and Wlthon i-rems to an, on
Um whola, excellent Pvi roahonldfeavi I ted
to s?o the towai mon Ind?pendant] ?> tiiivk it a i
Lave gained in dignity and linj .f its growth
from the ground bud baan holder anil na m h tilted. The
an at the aida? ai ha mala entra?es have a weall
hi ii um It s Maki the two ch?fela It the sides of the
tower? ?b js-mh d on. prihap?. lu the ib-l^u to glw a
non! ?uponri to Ho towt -i- i,'lit la take* aanmipnat
this ; on the lontiary, they de arl It. To tar tarntlngj
UM tower ought to have had au nidcpcd-iiit growth, as
we have tau), and tin re akapoll to ba\o been
dependent ou it, hi.boulmaU'd to It. This, 1 MP*
ever, Is a nattai easily adjaatadj if it shall
nan ant TIM nain A?elgn li a praettoal
and effective one; tf the omani'-i tal detail on winch
j much of Um beanty of the building will depend wa na>
! Mit j ni?;?', for tin Moonan. We like Um nation
i of connecting tin- MlMMlal with lal ohapei It is, in
our opinion, ima h b--tt. r M I I Man UMneM i y of these
bean I vi ung men with n tmttdiag devoted to n
exerciaea? than with aa aaaeaal at moaeom of n
tfopaii a our wa? was essentially a rell rloua war. 'i boas
waofoagfet In it aitaont i ii. ? f -t wi
< .uri; is. and fenlldad fei Wet than tin > knew. Pax aaotb? i
raaaoa?we likntktoktaioaol the two bolldlagB, i i
n.cmones of kctotsm andkalghtheod m?.y, pechen^ ai
cumpiihh what, thus far, naomi been aeei mpUahod; t'.tiy
I liny give naat?tf to a colb-ce akepel? fend Infuse a
thought of lfllglon now snd then into s placet
;? ti ru .ally unite free: from any aMfe tatnuloa. To sr
compUbU tbuj .. unid be much, und mu? h lo be thai.kful
mi: in/Ki'i n.\s uiiiik or fOBM WMUT.
Wc l;;ive ah?- u!y tpokefl in th -e? OoItOUI of .Mr.
Orion i'iaz?;? "3 medaUlan lund of Andtww /aekaaaj, faal
work gain BO ta?an la hope that we have a m w eeulp
t H- of considnrablo pi'-n,, ,/?; while the mee <*? it nu * with
? ii that th? n tue m any who naagnlii Marti where
? t, without waiting fir din tiona frota Um atti
alera. Mr 14 i
: lui ila. MU, a 11' : ?? I IS
I one of great Interest to a large i dy, but, the
Methodist denomination has no mot ?poly of a renias
J.ke that 11 e/aak v; snd ovary i dee
' mun :\ :? Mi '
to make a worthy portrait of the : I;ut
few- portrait. of vYcaloy exist, ami bil ol thom w<
vWu 'i Le waa ' Id, ?! ail of than
ibat were within in? reaefe, r d after a Inngatnih of
them, a? in?.
tiona, he ha* produced tnU profl is relief
bl 'i it h.i? a t oronghly . nT ink
and cb.i wo. wbicb Wi ?ley in ?-. moimi wi'h
all the man oi bis ti. i. Iisbil lui :. I lr.
I that r.-e
m not lu.!."* or tt? shape, but I
lb" average fixe, and rather Uni li
ii. it- li..c-, Uis i ma hiking, im- ii n in
no wnj noticeable, neltBcr wen
leasl iii repoae -, bat \\f ? ti
eiib ii. lim, iiini in
. nil el. ..i nostril ili.x
tion. With such a nose, nt'i . I I ..i sad
sweet as this to judge by, the ] t would hi\o
little diili'-ulty to a? oui I I ' Wi ilej ? Influei I
Mi im/ *-, in the Hu tevj'it! "?s with which n has
treated even feature Indicative of chara?
ne time, all al > harroonh ? li . ?liowu
that, for portrait aettlpturc at least, he bal a c1 u voca?
The medallion ?an be seen tit the bookahon of Mr.
hews, No ".'t Breath ly. Mr, Matthews nae given
it t!,. b st place I ?? b -i at command, but the light udi b1
beb. nu- Indeed, it ia a* Bil times difficult to light a
medallion well, and we wouM sdv! the i who go fosse
tblBone, tolook stendilr atlt forafi i ml ntea until the
? gins to pero? lv< iho lines and shadows with i mi.
; of clearness. Atflrst, ofi urso. in tho sort of half
lieht in which it n ingi the mi(lalllon loi tu Bat, but by
Ing the '.'aze upon ii newe ban advls d, ft
m on asenvei a delicate mm dneas and relief, and ihowa, |
ly enough, wiiai a th.ni.ghl; anilhed lnetu of work
A new ca? icatui ist of n-tiiai l.t.hle tali ni lias lian
In l'aiis, by the nnan of oin probably a asm di 2 I?"-* ?
who ?? making One of tie p Li I iirj'ap.rsof that eily fa?
mous wit!, hi- cam atnie ol' c< ? Inities. The French law
of libel i? BO vlgOtXNM ;'iul minute that few pi ismis dare
Icatures without |?i nlsaion (reta the'.ni
?atiui ?t |mm ons, leal th? v hontd besned for an al
upon Hu- " com .U'latmn' dnstseverydtlsen. '?<? ?'a'
cartes tures of Laehaud, Kmlh de ?iilrardrn, JuM Farrs,
and others? are therefore a^isompanled byUfhograpbi I
miles of letters from these eeleferlties, authorising
Hie publication of the eui b ature?. The publlsber of
"?Mini lately applied ti . uuai-tiiie for permli loo to
pubUsb i i iirtoon of nun. If' recelv? d the folluwl .g ic
? replj : " However/..ii at my gratitude fui tue
blogi iphlcal arta b* of ? bli li j on sp? ak-, I ? si not author*'
in ; i mypersfwi a traweetj of tbe bomaafaoe un lue,
which alihough it might not olfi nu the mau, would h an
i ftiii-e su.iin-t i ?it-iie. and tutu humanity into derision,
li i already told yea, and I now n pi at it.that mv
con?* nt would be ral e magnanimity, which would
countenance iii regard to other? a ilk?- outrage on the dig
M ty of God's creatures. 1 will not l>o on ueeoinplhe of
ankaaaadj f tola you when poadld.aaetae honor to
?aliuiKiu me that my fam wa? common pcoaetty, )nat as
lu sim and Hie river; but that such na it i?, I \vill not
voluntarily profane it, for it represents m mau, and Isa
?i. i ut from ( "1 Receive, A?-., Lamauiim;. I'.ti,?I
tully antaoi ue you to publiait this len? r.
Count ( iliriiii? kal left Venioe on n niif"i(iii to
\ len: a. to in luce the Auitnun G iv? m nient ta natani to
\ ena e the vain.-nie pictures ami booka Wfefe b Wara taken
as loot by the Austrian? when they left the city.
'i ho l-'ieut h Lxhibitiou (onlains a collection of our
Ame; ii .'n coins strm k foi this puiiioco attho Pfelladoh
pila mint by order of the Government. The collection
? lubra?es specimens of all the coins supposed to lie In n?
ul the preseut time. They are of gold, silva r,
nickel aDd bronit. They were ?11 ali ii. k In polliOuxl mat
i lees, and every pteee Is In perfect condition. They boar
tbe date of ihc'prcncnt year, nud are set on a mat of bluo
veivt with a iiu'iibt of red around each coln. Weare
sorry it wim thought necessary to expon onr coinage to
Kui ??yean ev?s, for wc bave the uglle?t In the world, and
the most clumsily executed. Hut, perhaps, some expurt
ni. rope will site* vv it up, though we baldly hopo that
will do much good, li has been .siiitb I? nfly ridiculed at
home, but we seem to have no one hen- capante of design
??r. As none of it is ever seen, and piobabiy aever
will be ag du, we date say it docs uot much matter how
ugly it is.
The Imperial Society of French Architecte has
issued a cull fur an iuicrnatmual i onie remo to he held in
l'an?next July. Jim subjects whliJi the conference will
consider ere as follows : Ut. What is the actual state of
t ure among the different nations of to-day, und
what are its tendencies in these several countries t ?d.
What aie Hu dil!, n n! methods of IB? true tion in archlti c
Hue, In u*;e in ?hi se ? oni tries! 3d. Tim ?ocial position of
teil as s profesional man. tth. Tbe iuflucnee
of anl.it? lure at the pi is. nt day upon the manufaetm? ?',
furniture, ami lue dinxnalive arts The toeiety invites
Hie arehltocts of France und of other countries to take
Part in Hu?? -iitift i.iue. All that Is necessary In order to
au mvii ilion is I.Idt.'sss note to the oitn of
nt.t.N.1. 7 Jim Vu u in i-. Puns. Til? liuio and
plan fen hoUtu.g U>? eouiomuce aio to be announced
?WiJUtxj .
BMKunon amov?? m rwimir ormmMM*
INTKftl triN?! lAClS AND H?URLd.
V-ora Our Bp??S?l C?>*r?spo , lent
M.tstmit.p, Tenn., Mav ia. IV".
It is but n Ekari time, lm? than two years, m fact,
since the qti; tlon of educating the frce>liuen of this
hiato WfTiin to Bitmct at tenison, Bin! the f,ibts? hool for
colored people waa established, PreM very Maigrtfaaat
liegliuilngs the gootl work has gone on until now fhs
Manda of th? catani l?rnMd rac?-' point with satisfaction to
tho mo.it gratifying resolta VsanaBMBj far aln ad M
other Routh, m 8t?;tcs in ooneedlngto the freedmas Um te
lights, el? 11 unit polltleah shotts to day a co?n?Iltton of af?
faira lu regard to then' education uud ehblitenment v. it?
out a pan llel.
There tt.o now lO.Of? colored pupila collected In mere
than UO schools, from Memphis to Knoxville. 1 ??<''.
month tees new schools established, ami the aggregate
nunibor of scholars Increased. Of the 148 teachers em?
pi?ta ti, ;; > are colon d. Out of flic IMaehools, M? ar?' umler
the control of diflcrent bi-uevolnut so? leUes baring tli? ir
headquarters in dlffcient cities of the North. Almost
e\? iv i ? ligloua denomination 13 repre?cnted in this good
l"or the month of March the tot.M cost of colored -ichoola
In tldsSt.ito was about |s,0>10. Of this amount different
benevolent ?netI?a tarnlshsd a little moro than half, the
freedmen tbeiuaelvea about one fotirfh, the remainder
being mudo mi by t? e Pt? c<1 men's Uureau. To tho aup
port of the schools establish*?! for their benefit, tho sol*
oreti peoiilo coiitiihuto bberally. They appreciate the
tffort* made for the enlightenment of their ililldrcn, snd
me. In fact, decily Interested Ita t,io causo of ?ducation,
K may bo a nj.iltsr of Ibtefeti to kuow how the colored
pupil? in prove the privileges they enjoy for acquiring
knowledge, Personal obasti atloa und conversation with
those ei gaged lu tho wetk of Ihm ruMing freed ?hll'lren
ennbles tbo writer tost?te that they are fully as teni hable
and as rapid in their advancement as the moro favored
-ace. That they nro ?n earnest and di termtaad to acquire
knowledge ihshotvn til,tmctly by their prompt and con?
tinu. <1 uttenrtanco at school. Thor?} Is less "playing
truant" among ths blink ehildien than among the
v'i't.i. A th.iui-e, on a stale of giundeur haul M
roaliaa. is going on quietly yet surely In this Hfato.
A fetv years hence, and tho rlMng le?ara*
tien of the now euinnr'patrd rain ttlll stand
upon the stage of action, and how If-pirliig tim thought
i at in culturo ahd learning Um) vin occupy apui-itioii
bj no moana far beneath that of the soi,? und dau^iitnis
o who held the black man in bondage. There U in
tin t , i; H? lund of tb?H city, for example, a colored W0*
man M rears ? age, *sho ts,?ik? asor than a mde euch
daj i ii tak?t ? in , pla a aa a pupil in the primary usasen
1,1'. rre eaa sea this old lady wending bar way through
theistn it.., ttitn her m hool nooK? In one hand und a oanS
in the Other, while tritb linp-iired sight sim looks oui
through k1; ?asBPOa a sond in which more than &uye?is
of hei lite \t .is spent B ? a Biara.
'i 'ii the efforts ot sol ghtentd and benevolent people
tut ,.i.l the e lu? stlon m ti"- color? d nee should be lo ??rd
upon In nil quart? tt with f,.'.ur ? onld hardly tie expei ted,
Col:.-l?!ei:in, existing prcl'l'licc. Accordingly tve find it)
mauy localities fextrei . Ion. wbicb has froqurntlr
extended to the ''neu ol Incoi Hartam and ?nolenc?.
Bohoobhonses hare been lind and tilichera th:? atened
with pel ' iii jun . and. I i ,t I lid with borrow, in sum?
. ?re boen axe? ut?.'!. A? an Ulustra*
tlon ol the pi ?mp Ilude with ?l.Uh tha malicious da
h "i-i ? baa bt sa i pal ? ?! and tho
m i ? spirit ?j.n h animates the colored p?M>pls ami Ihelr
. i, ni t, Im .i baffles int LiidaUoa or diicou:age
menta, t:,i., bul a elms i
'ii.n. litub deli wal ? if, do not lu
?, nf thj Stufe, nld Ot en*
? diu?atlon a'Hoi.- m ?? fr? ullin ?i The ti r -1 move*
meat, lu..ti or, in :?i ii eetion, and one which marks
na i pix li of pro n-ts li cn fo ?I In I hi ? I Council
are making nerot ist lons foi
. . ni Um lmrti ern] :( of lbs Ma u. to
bool I - ;
tlve institution I mtut not f ilto ip? ik. Thel/egl lature
r.t it* last seeMon chartered a colored manual Labor
Behool, and a colored saan ol talent and r?putation, ths
lb .v. i ? ter Lowry ?>f h a*aa appoint? ?ita? anv isa
and maka collections for the n lion of the rc<iui .*.e
buildings, Uptothepn < n tim? something, mi
a*a h. o be? ii m-iii.h. and an old cittsen, Joseph
w. Allen. e*i| , ha ? ??;. red to giv* BOO acres of land aulla*
bli forth? lix .tion of th?? institution. Nothing but t'a.?
ctnnnon Kngll?h blanc.:cs la BOW ?night ia a,,y of the
o? Ion d arboola of the Btsti . W sarei
lug, however, and It Is probable tha? bj the op?
next year s school ?at hl| ? III be open foi the
du i,i ?i. Howard ii tit Buri u has offered gi,onO
. .
? cured, and pmiics .ne now m the north laboring to
raise ti ? amount reqain d lo ?, pure the in ni
ti,m of the lui dm? i
nu 11 ot a soi m ti academy a a it.?!
The prt .s m yboeoni perly, as ona of
tin im . iii"f edui st a- '..???
then \ a? a ? ? Ity ? Blled '? '?<? Pol
mill ,?i ?.-?. its. It ? I I by two
i d o t i., nt sud ni ..
; ? r gOOd I Ite It:;''.
! , and ? m t;e n
in account ol '. a greal |?or
ig the roe.ti
and appa rent!*, liudiug lit.], I I mina
It |s lepol DI VT on foot,
by olhei ni rolled the former p.t
je r, .i ? labiisll ii*,. ..i , :
,ely to the li i I i
. litte
? .?: ri ?: .i* ?..? i h m ? at ti. North ai
t! e ? outrlb itoi t? the i ,.r. i t i du atiou I
?i,t;., of Ilarriaburg, Pa., pi .? -, ? during 'ho cou t *
jtv.ii lo a?' bl ??ti foin or ilto uti* , m
i i the Wal . i 1 !., paj lb? gn ,. i part ol
ri? ??? '1 m : I.lu? hi.mi in
tbe bureau tia lust re turned from Knoxville, li? found
radteiii i um ti.-- 1er the
. it of ten m a d ?'? .? n? ?? .
lill lum- of the n iffnuror , j-.or.o
Bohools additional t? ttaoaa ?a ?? uaa . ill be
o|i? a??I Tha Hot, au, In II . -nth, n
not allowed to l i
an : I Id bj b. i ? ii ul b, but It
dm .? \ tt deal in tho way of purckaalng Kbooi
repalrini ?
Tho ii iiue?t plillanthronie people of ?tie North, who
: . di lo th" 11 ? i n- ii fne f
noi.i;, and ? ' < ? ? ng tt.e
Cloud? Ol a tut jUfd lirtiltc:, 111 the
borlrain iii ira, will lung
i;. i, .iii ..d remembranceThy a gratafa :
vnn.i ?I.\
7".' (? i.?'./', ? ?< ' ; i - t fnrre ipond*
ene? bt ttvt en n co'o.'t ?1 i ? minni? ?? and lnu.-y Wood of
? ( ,iii iy. in a ??. '.if ?? ? : nu :, t | blag Um M
he a member of th? O I fharlotti .viih-, ? i
his tie.v.> np<iu Uki f'. - -tun ii tin . ti, ? ?
Of the lilnioot Impel lance :
/ ? [batthai loi
, ,
t ?.iij liiluro
Second. That no i I prlved fr ,m boldiag
office or ait Inguponaju on account of colei m ]>i ? ?, i
01 - COBdltiOU ... 1 I? I .v.in .
Third: Thnt thi ra n iy item of oommon
acbools, < p' i to ?iii, wltl race, i oh i. or
prevluo condition, to bo aupport? I bj a g narai tax ui??iu
all rinds ot prop? i t
Ibnrw. i.iat theiiitv? of ejectm ni snd dbvtraintahall
ai ?! ? 11 finally the landlu land wat ]
..ouhl ho made foi tbe BX4 million of tho pool ni.tu'*
M/ttA; That the ralea of lav icaahoold apply
to ml persons alike, without distlucliou ol race, color, or
pr?t inn ? i oodltlou.
Sixth Thal ?"?llura! punishment for i riun oi other
. uiilil not h? Infill ;, d in,?i? i .t'.iy i ir? ;uii-,t.?m ??
.'-. r r/./.*t .? That bo poll tax should be levied!? anj pur?
gigklk : That all sleetlOBa Should he by ballot.
Mr. Wood re.i?li< s, BSjrMfi (bat Hu re nu f.- it hi ?-t in tlndr
plat form vlrtuallj obj s tlonabla t?? h nu, at d sd? isi*a tbam
to und im ii who tv ii Masai m ths ?vaia Material sud
eaidliial (Milnts they pul Mitta. < Bnaladtag as follows:
I would ohm "i< > on, as \ on jn i/? tha biei.sltig of peace
and harmony, which we an shara In common la ?o large a
ama an ra in Altai ni ii le,*to avoid .ill se? rt f political aasoet*
atlons sad Magnos, and to fieeaa for rom life from the
di adly spproa? u ?d all so? lal i id political agitators i d
reformers, however specious maj be the finnis who ti
tin y east me, und from whait var ela ,*, ?.o. r, m seaditlon
they ton??;.
I 01 I 11.'?. I.M t.
r/i< Orovf/f Er?, s'/.ir pilbil bes u 1 irt of the annual
repurt ?,f liio Ainlittir of public Bl.til ? for the tis, al
year ending Hoptoinber so, snotruig the relative Bamber
of mule ttiiii? i and blacks who bavo attained the aga of
llyoari The return? foot up IM.TM white,and 71,004
biack rotere. 'ti<e Richmond Digpaltk saj?: "Parsons
fainilmr w.th tim Hiato tti.l pc.eltc, at a glauco that
theso statsstlca am, as a g.raltbtns, reliable. Rich*
mond city is not proaerlj rejiortod, tluu? hi ing at least
hitlf.tsinaiiybl.uk totem hero a? white oin n. hut these j
stan,ii??? ought t.?? Batisfy the negroes thit there is uo j
inoro prusMN of Di? h cat rriug \ irginia in the next etoo*
tlon tlu.it tbci'j is of Hie white mun carryiiac Maaiatbu
solt?." _
now mr MMQCBacv bVMi'ATiii/.i: va 11 it nix nu:tu
Kentucky lias become a vciy liiwlcss State, fiMoH*
ing to the statement of the ooirospoudeut of IVii Oinciix
tutti flazttle, who writes:
" At a lau estimate two negroes per day In Kentucky
ure beaten, outramd, maimed, burned, ?>r murdered.
1 tib? the ( itil Rights law over io minder? ami more
than tMoasaa at Betrage apea bb<k cittseaa hare been
reported i?y the civil and military authorities. lJuriug
the past year alone over mo murdera and outrages upon
bare occurred In Kentucky. This only ineludea
auch eases as were officially nott? ed by the tutted Htutes
Cominlsslouei s, Civil Courts of Agents of tim l-'reudinen's
bureau, and it is fair to picsiime that IM or 900 more
cases occurred which were never reported at Bil or acted
unofficially. Hut a r-lngle Judge in the BteU-the lion.
\V111. 0. lioodloe, who lins nlwavs Imen luytl, and was
arraign? d last Winter by the l^irtlutiiie for bis myally?
bar? 11 ? ognned the statutes pas.ud by CongTSSS, and ad?
mitted negro tsellmony Into ins rom tu. All the real of
tbe Junges have either ignored tho law or uullitied its
sibeta P
mi: lixiiMo.NY BEiona nu. iti?ti? t. WAY'>rt.
Nino whit?* met? swore that they tww noshols Tired
fiom.tht home of Mi. 1 nr.iyth. Tho following teaUuiony
was subse?|uently gitcn by the fie? ?In.? 11
Jefferson (lib lit ist (colon ?l! Mstlflsd that he was on tha
dntfoi ni, alni bo sat there until Um fire came out plump
'nun 1 ursyth's window; lu v. a waiting nu them w,Ui
water; he never moved nut?! tin Urs cam?: fi.un that win?
dow, be could bato told if Hie .?hot earns from tho wall;
he swears It ca?id ft mu j he window; it looked like a
torch of ft to th.it ??pine nut of the window
Jacob White (colored) testified that he wa? standing
near the car tra? k 1 omer Itoyul mut (lovel Minn' sis ; be
Baw twoilisiiiiet nhill.*) ooms oui of I'm | i'sbonse; ho
did not kuow whoso house it was nt the I me; rlienha
lii?t e.HUia to tim meoliiii'Um wiml'it? waaOpSO and liiere
k a ?u a bh\Ut i?iia.kilittii?A \iMU?MiA aiaWM ^J-ift.**; j
Ing commenced; when the disturbance commenced
blinds were thrown open and two distinct tiros carne out
of the window- he was not c\ritec,: he svv tar*, positively
it e une from the window and not the wall
Ui orge Iiio? k feoloredi testified that be was standing
jost before th? fun commenced, on Government-st.? and
saw two shots fli?d from Mr. Forsyth'? window: aft? r
these shot.? carne ho rum there wen- two Minta fired la
the pti set at the flame time; tho windowwaa omi
Othtg coiniucnced; the shots caine out of the win?
dow; the ii -i !.;e c.ime fnjm the top of the clothing store.
then from Forsyth's window; the drat pistol wi
fiom Hie top of ihat clothing ?tore, and the set omi ip m
fui irth'a window; be had looked at For lyth'a bom n? the
? a? no4 OJM n at first, bal opened when ti
wen Snd from it; don't know how many shota wcio
Win. Reid feolored) testified that ho saw the two fires
come out of Forsyth's window; he was standing fire or
ten steps In front ox the railing off the pavement, in front
ol Mr. Ketley] a pistol was fired orar bask of bim: ha
- il. ii woking at theapaaker; atnie looking* at ulm,
eangbt out of tin corner of bl? eye rho llgbl of two shots
out of tho window; the shots could not bare basa tram
the wall, and w innot high enough to le from tile top of
the FofSTtfe House: th! window was open at ti rsl a:id a
light iii tfio room; a lady and gentleman wen looking oat
of the wiudow, w hen Mr. Kolley commenced to speak the
room was darkened.
Harrison Garner Molored) t"*?tlfird that ho wa*" ?landing
tip ?gain?t tho Iron railings, tinder the east window of tho
Forsyth House, and was standing there after the first tiro,
wiikli was down toward tlii* comer of Government and
Koynl-sts , below him; he waa standing there When the
mmue came down; a lady and gentleman w? re at For?
syth's window, and there was a light in the room ; the
blind was closed soon after tho ?peaker comm? need; his
attention to the fact that the b'lud wbs closed waa called
because a lndy ard gentleman were tiaro; three flushes
esme from tho window; bo was standing right under the
window ; if these fia 'he* had come fruin the wall ho would
bare known It ; the shooting carno from the east window ;
when the last ?hot caine some p. ?jil?' mun oval than and
knocked hitn from the wall to the ground. Heewoen
positively the thou weJO from the window looking over
the platform.
The Mayoi, after a full hearing, said tho weight of tes?
timony was in ovcry way against tho fact sworn to by the
five ni gio witnesses.
To tin riifr uf The Tri um.
Sir : Your special correspondent from Fhflndelpbia
In his rather amusing letter published In your last Han
day's Isa its, describing au interview with your humble
servant where he makes me say; " Wheu the war bruko
out the wholo school (meaning tho college where John II.
Barratt and myself were educated) was, with a few ex?
ceptions, favorable to the stn. cess of the Rebellion. The
teachers seemed to have little Mannanana f< r the liba ty
of opinion, tho secular education and the republi? jn civil?
ization of the North, and mc-nt.of the students 111111* from
the Pl.iAo r?tales or meditated ministering In Hum,"
and, that "Burratt sang aMOaaaa songs with the ne',"
has certali 'y misunderstood me, and ?ipn MOfe 11 ertaiu
things In a very unsatisfactory and unenviable light, I
de m If np duty out of respect to many cherished nan*
pantons of bv gone hours, to any that ali the
studcnli at this lCitllution fiona the North,
wera to a man in favor of tlo (? . M
ment and of the war for the preservation I f the
imio'i, and no1 ? nw mnlad their dnvnttan to their eaaa>
tr> 1 enan fey ix nring nat th? u feenrtk blood on Um
of battle. As fur iii*-elf, f was, and am a Catholic, luvo
and vi m 1. t ? the te: ung . of H ?? 1 hmch In wini !i I was
born too daariy ever to speak lightly or scotUugly of
tli'-m. Heneo I would bo tho lint mau in tho world to
retleet uiiju ti y cn my "Alina .Vater," v, here I have passed
some of tfe 1 1 meat sacred hours of my exist?
er My si d whan 1 MMdfeed the Menai niewpki wiri h
guide Bad control mp every tia) life, if John II. Sana!t
h. d follow til up vvlint was taught to h;in at Hf. Charles
I 1", ho would not now ocnpy a fel?
on's cull at Wuol.in.ton. If?Hglaa I have alv, ?>?,
looked uiwn as something far abovo tho mere
pcliti, ? of tho day, and vaguo theories about bu?
ln?:! gorernment, Religion ii ?timai, immutable,
it aMMriakM for agn BOM, end w.ll exist when emp'ros
andk ; di have ernmUed to daag, and'when
pet nap. i |, | i ?r own lb-public shall be but as a fable In
the bl.-tory of ages. My principles are: loyalty n Cod
HMO to country, md If ( r a morn ?tit I thought that
in any aftJan I moj ki < 1B11 to perforai *w UM country
I WOO 1 ills... t-t. <.,,!, not all Hie urn::, s of i-r
1 me to it. Owe ward nan. t win soon be
? I 1 1 ? ? ? irratt. IM ' that! ?hall
nat 4a it an fendu) aa n child aataltafei . 1 .. i batter,
for be was nan a dear Maaatnatt M ? lae? akd all g'ud
? .-? 1.1 ? ? i fu
.It rinn , the ii< le ri port Of w!ul!i eke k
an wubi to its fo'iud. mu?s 1 mi 1.. de the crow m ti nan
arena tremble oa th ral tant throat 1 that though
ni) hear' Meada thal than la namdnan Intaetify, jrat
If bv What 11 have d.uie, or may (!:*. my actions bhnll
help ta reader the fotare roi mat oat eeantry more ee
aai in their poaltiona? 1 ebal] b< oonteai. 1 aaaD have
peri? run d a gootl work, which I am ready to n Mil if J
?althnvinv atddonod fhoiigli youthful life. Very re
nj eeatnOy, jour ob? dleat ntrnoi,
J ai/udeijiAlo, Pa , May M, 18?7.
a Met fesva assisi d a r.sjtMasaaldB at it? honor u
. ?? 11 1. ? ? ? |iii-nitil !.. tbe 1 '
Tv, fV? i-./i!... Af Hi 7V!s?ia?v
Bun I karn taken no p?rt. ky din ction or it. iirrc
linri. I. r Mat ven la; ? is.se?!, in tho machinery ni
Matu ?a litie- m New .li
Hut ni ? Repnblkaa alUfeen I take Ike liveliest in?
terest ui "the, New-Jersey Impart?a] Suffrage Con
1 wbioh i ? 1 aliad ?"i the ithuf Jim? .''
i bil ii m? Una for diaputation on questions of pre?
cedence iii calling titi? ('*>n\oiition. The call sprung
bon tin naajolM eau le na thal Ino* wai the ti um
iiiwln ,1 the ndviw 1 s 1 1 re? ?lum ought to make
?li 11.. 1. Lui- of their fai b indmove/evWMfdia iii? uot
ita ?ongicf for the Riakuot Una?
The Convention ali* ndj callad la bakMoai kjsfl
01 t of isHeimbli an liena lora, and by very nany of
ti '? li"". ? , , .', ... milly, li 1 lading the i!*in. .Ja:m 1 II.
Nixon, what >n!> a leading position again
l-l ' I Kg 1 ia! Sull'rago amendment, on the ground ol
t li vi i!.i!ivn aei sion.
My ni j 1 in ivrlting this not? la limply to make
the ;i'">v0 stal I to an] furthi 1 t!.it ihe
Comity t "iivt nu.un m many 1 ?mull? s oi New Ji my
Ufe alii .' Iv 1 .'lui li.
Any at) ournme .1 of aCrmventioa li Trenton, on
.tuno 4. will vvurl: miachlef only, ii my opinion.
Whether tins on. le to be iht Convention, nobody
earea. Hut mu h a Convention, spriuging directly
iiuii the p'ui.I.h lmpnlae?aaw li as from the aohei
mi und thought oi nine t* ntha ?>t tin* Republicans of
New-,di ey who dou't hold any office, and ara no1
??ager im any, will imct m the City of Trenton on
tho 4th rh] of Juna ti \t. 1 um aiitiiiii'i/i ?l to S..V
this unit, h to the editor of Tin. Ti..mi vi, by leading
and Ure t?* pahllram fron Cmul?? il.uni t?> Eeai v.
\'iii!ts. .I.iMl s, M. ?5C<?\ ill?
s' VifAofOJ Hunt, Mav 34. 1*17.
srsiXQ m'ouk asi) the cnors.
K10111 al! ii,ii.ii?i 1 1 we hear iintliiii^hiit food rc|??'rts
of I he coming wheal iron. In almost e>ery neighbor
linoil are lui g1 Hollis of w In a! which ?.rea. knovvit iL. ti
to be the In* I se? n fur ui..ny JMVk\ while it is rare* to
gat ? pinda Whick will bo a failure. Hitherto, ti? Ids
which woiiM not pay I'm kal vesting wura common.
A wet mid ?old May have* been considered b? .st for
win at, and we have it. Foi tins cause, ?nils in some
gat Huns are tailing tin* rust, but only to a small ex?
tent. Kve, whela sown, is pioinisiiif,'.
Hut, as reg.inla Rpring-plantinir genernllv, the
prospect at pmnoi is noeny, noa, ?it tin? best, it
iniistJio lan. Very 1 it tlo oom, Ka.-i or Wnt, has
been planted, and. it it wera, the ground is too oold
foi it to grow. Only those fnnnrs who have kept
their wink ?lose up, iinpinving every lair day, will
l?e ready fully to improve goad waawor. A gieut
many are MUM in get ling out manure. Ofkan
kan nut plowed nt ?di ; but this ia not much of a
drawback, for where plowing waa done early the
rains have made tim ground haul, and it must be
broken anani. From ibis condition it will be seen
that, so soon us the soil can bo stirrod by 1 ea.it,u of
a nw dayl of annehme, an uncommon amount of w?irk
Will ko inquired atom??, and the services of every
one who ?an bibm will De in demand.
Btin, corn can be planted in the fore-part of June
and make a good crop ; and only those having largo
lielils wiilla? put to ?i nous los*?. Hie small fainter
will bo likely to raise Ina uaual supplies.
Those ntnarka apply to the Northern Statce aa far
west a?? the Mississippi, and south to about 38?. In
the region south of this, and including all tho South?
ern States, there has been much lesa rain, though
even there the eoaaon ia abona two weeka later than
In Texas, so backward is the eeason that the com
on the 8th of May was only about six ineUoe high,
w In 11 usually It tins period ft is in *?lk.
In Oo.gin, North and South Carolina, wheat looks
extremely well, and the haivest win commence in
about two weeks.
In Alabama and Mississippi, the planten arc repre?
sented as eucitpjlitally bestiuing theinselves, and
that lue fir? iliiu 11 Ule ?loin? iiiucn better than they
?lui la it year.
Tim wheat crop in Kentucky and Tonnessss is
large, ami 1 utting will commence bv tim Ki ol 4jm<-.
The yiiality raised in these States is tim very bcSfF
Gen. Tee is in attendance rttvoii the llpiscopal ?Con
v, nt um, novr holding* session at Staunton.
The 1{.?*,. QaOMI II. Hepw oilh has bean appoint? d
1 orator in taaloa lui tho fourth of JiO)
Tho t,. -inosof Hartfoid, Conn., hare orgnfftcd a
Front Our 8peci?l Cor/i.poaJttnt.
Pcistow, Mr.y 39, t?-*?7.
Tim Legislature has bf*cn in set-ion lu days. at:?l
is likely to hold on a fortnight or throe weeks longer,
l'eoplo begin to clumor bf a remedy. A constitutional
provision, bullung tho seatlon to a bundled days, wcuid
be welcomed by many. If wo had too much to do, a
" Grinding Committee" might relieve us of the dlUcnlty,
but tho amount of legislative busin?::m is not very great.
Dp to tlilt dato the Legld-Uurc has pasf-cd only an"Ut Ml
bills and resolves, most of them ouu ,;ng no debato what?
ever. Tho tiuuble is lu the ludbposltion to work, the
lack of loaders, and the absence of a eciigij of resronsi
bllity, caused by tho faut that no minority party BXhlM In
the aenate or Home. The House of Repr? scntaUv?-? lins
many able men, but they aro generally " at sixes ar.d
soveus" upon all public ?pie Hoi..-?, and do not oven
pull together In the important work of pitiLiug
f'/iwird the L'laLuess of tho teston. (.'?juiniiUees
allow tkem*clvcs to become the tmrcsisting prey of
lawyers and counsel. It was a pitiable sight, enough to
meit a heart of stone, to see suth mon as Meurs. Merse,
Jewell and Aldrich of tho I.hjuor Committee,
doggedly down while days Ingthenil out Into vt cok*,
and weeks became months, p- werie*? to ?top
Oov. Andrew and Mr. Child, mid Mr. lllaer and
Mr. Syoo'aer from questioning ?wO eminent ?entle
" part
men gathered from nil parts of the f?late, and Beyond
It, on topics concerning whi?b mont of them could lay
out only Cimmerian darkness. The Committees of tho
legislature havo a habit of inviting, hy newspaper a?l
*.i ni , in.tit, all persons who have unythmg tosay upon
public as well as privat?- ii.nl corporation matters, to ap?
pear before them. One ?if thou* committcoa was cuargod
with Um business of seeing if something eonld not be
doaS to change the mod? of electing the Semite ami
IIouso. What did they do out ?el. ei Use, ?is a committee
would advertl-io for pnipcsala I " All Coirdittltlon mong*
ers are Invited to appear I Oyal! oyez!" Tho attendance
being tittil, they sent out int?j the lanes and by-ways, and
drugged Io Joel Parker, I believe, and some other ami*
uent ebafacters who were'aerei members of the legis?
vert h
, and tthonf) opinions on ttac subject were wholly
less. And ilnntly they gromtd otu eoine amend?
ments of the Const itiulon, which the House, in this day
of grace, within sight almost ol do,* ?tag?, is grav?
sid? ring, with what icsr.lt it is Immaterial to inquire, for
the evils we groan under aro no1 to bo emed brachen?: -
of constitution. Few of the gr?at nticsMons have been
final it disposed of. ?bo Louiity bill has been killel in
the House by about twenty ni alert ty, but we are threat*
enid with a new one from ttogebate. State aid to tbo
Boston, Hartford and Erie Ballina?! to the extiiit of
I io hui been granted,unleaa tho Governor Inter*
veto, which Is not Uki iy, fer the bill got nearly r?
unanimous vote In both noire? a. The men.-?.ire ha?l been
so w( u lobb!, d that its friends did not think it necessary
to have a reply nade to a ?pee? h made against it by Mr.
Jewell, lu whi< haome doubt waa thrown ovar the aeenrlty
effete?! te the Coinmoinvfnltli. and the enemies of the btU
were not strong enough to get the yeas and nays on it in
the Heise. The Jury MU was shorn of its most
obnoxious features in ti o bennie, and has been
signed by the Governor, who conld Und
no reasonable ezenM for vetoing it The Attorney -Otu*
eraL In reply to a question put to him by the (Governor,
cited the man of *7 8te resembling the one
which the Legislature bad passed. The Governor aleo
asked tho At terni y tier end's opinion as to til* Constitn
ttonallty of the net. As, hythe Constitution, tna Gotrer?
nortsspe? oriied to ask the opinion of 1
preini! ('nuit ? . ' tiohal <|iicr-tioi!?>, the com ?
cited some soiprisc, but after tho opinion, so far from
lucid, given by thi : the powers and duties of
tin Auditor, li is no wonder His Excellency preferred to
consult the Attorney-General. The signing of tile Jury
bill excites but little comment. The bill is wholly nu
ry, and will probablj very much ?Meappoln tin ??.
whe passed it, Inasmuch ss the tailors t?? enforce Hie
liquor law. hitherto ha?! been owing to deeper cuni, jthaa
ti.', i which concern the composition of the Jar!?
thero s<-, ins to be ample precedent for it, and it
h oti'v oae iu a long silica of step* |
v witta torlea altogether. The
Juror ts now bnt little more than r.wlth s high*
loondlng Dame ; an object of contempt and sometimes of
pumsbment by ttac Junges, and oaly tolerated b*o? use
John Adams and ?oompaay, in it?, recommended him as
aassful personand ptovuh l for his eoatlnnanee. i r
used to be of soma ponscqaenoe.aad in hlghpo*
li'i.'ai times bo would doubtk"?a git into consequence
Bgala. Mr. Daua, lu the debate on the Jury bill, told tho
story, known previously toa few, about Mr. Francis B.
io ? nth a obst??
nate man ap<m the Jnry whicta tri d Lewis Hayden for
? . . of Bl drack, ttal sam Big fie very
tuan ve ?hadrnck t im concord, lu his own
wagon, the night of I and placed lum In good
hands nu Ita? i route to t" ?na Ia. I v. utnre
te gltre the name of the Juror, though Mr. Dana did not.
Mr. Hat den tells m M mis*
as it has got Into print
and diovo
li. f! in i ? '? Into a
about in the Buburba until evening, vi
went tu Mm ?ter. J ?". Irovejoy'e. In Cambridge.
'?it lug here some boura into I i H
drove the n ?caed man to < ?w pro*
cored a new team, ad directed him tot : ctbest tuan,
in :-?ii-iii ni v, i b m te. Tli of Wits abolitloub-t
blacksmith on li tyden's |m t foi ma one of lb ? most curi?
ous al ecd? tea of lue lime Am mg the mt
tams not yet ?llspoaed of by the Legisla! ire are ins an?
nexation ol Rotbi i ?- to l:. I I
and ?limb in M blhiren
In ftactorios, and ? ? ij The eight
killed some weel ago, The Llqnor Com?
ported about >t areek ago. There i.? an obi stesy
th it dunn'.' the sessions i f the Hartford Convention, oti<>
of the oki Federal Don. wju melon BUte-si. by a ewtfd
ai'tie, who asked bun what would be the resal? of that
notable gathering. " A bli: pamphlet," was his reply. Wo
bara aas otu big pamphlet from tbu committee, it makes
Mi pages, und Im lades a ;
dence taken on both side??, omitting, however, I tun ?:?>rry
oma of the moa . lively sallies of the
honorable and reverend counsel ob the one i-.de end
the other. 1 Bdaa UM report ?>f the lu v. Dr.
.Miner upon the Re?T. Dr. Belka? winn ho aaM M Lim
tli.it if lie m B< .'i i.?I chilli hu..mi came ta his house,
Chat ia, the liouso of the Bevereud 1're. Iden1 cf Tufts
Coil 'gej he i ..i-i " bl lug his whisky wltb bim."
digs wh lob Oov, indrew and Mr. Child give into ufe
ribs of I i for the prohibitory law also es?.ipe
rayobceeratioa in the report. One it na of evidence
eltraets my attention aud I feel bound t> .-tate it, nail
con nets an iinmes-doti \t he b 1 |BTS in one of my 1? : ??".?
lo relation to toe liquors kept by the Utahs agoni. The
liev. Mr. M.iii li,- ahUttr?ttestimony, said ho dared
not buy liquors ol be State Agent, but no was aft?
te. nib?', and 1 ii ried that he in. l further Invest'gatcd
! Mr. Barkis liquor to be good, ??: ?i
im? ndi-l to purchase it hi reafter. Mi. Richards, a 1 ?pier
?bab-, tri-'ii to disparage Mr, Bakertllqoor.but I believe
be was in. ?ed lij pn .". -sional )eulonsy. So ?he -<t.?ti lum
i iy tie re i i ' is good as any other, tam t,.
that the big I Ins a great amount of rul>
blsh. tjotne o( the sclsutltlu testimony, on both sides, Is va
uable, but the Biblical ?vidence, of ah
?h al, ?i v, ry umaU facteiry iradi. I tai no4 I
what reason exists foi putting ?n? ?i witness* s as ti
Br. i lagiira, tim Rot. Dr. ?adams, Prof.Bowen, A. n.
Brewster, Joel Parker, John & Para, and J 0. Ltivijoy.
on the stand, to give m their opinions as to the ethics ?>f
ti;? matter, on the license Mt; or. un the other hand,
what light lim l.i-v. Mr. Mult In of IA?* Puritan Recorder,
?. 1'. l^\?is, airent of a
Di troll banking boas i (who sectus to l..oc b?ten the m ti
??.liol tut witness of tho lot), or tb>? Bet J. D. Fulton ?M
tin? Tramont-st luptiid ci.i.rth, coald be cxpe?tedio
ttaroa cm the question furn a prohibitory point of view.
It ii j leesant to vc the conceit taken out of such men as
tin ?a bv the sKillf'il croea oxttiiilniiton of Bt.MlBer ai.tl
Mr. Spooner on one side and Meesrs. Aadrew ai
?mili' ether. Sometimes, howeve**. the vitn? t*?es v. ere
too maota r.ii the counsel, ins Bar. Di. liacnu was
freeher lu bis theology than Mr. Spcom-r. ?uni Mr. ritman
as clear ?i, bil lawasQov. \n?lrew. Hut y,maromonUutfr
e.-ted in? i resulta to v. in? btbeC? muutie cams ?ii m in the
i rgumeuta. A maj ulty of the members
report ?IU-? ,-" billas itrtngcnt ss conld la? desired tay
lbs iii.?-1 honest tempei sn?2e opponirmt of ttac present '.aw.
A minority of four totally ?disssnt, ami two individual
m< . ? * ? ?.-. .? . ? ? ? t In favor, practically, of gtviag tho ques?
tion thi go-bj for this year. Perhaps heiere 1 tlmsh ibis
letter the liovee will take a roto on the question; but
th. ra la Little risk lu?*ung that there ttill i?e bo Import
ant chango m the lu\-. atthla aassion. Looking at the
draff of a lilli which the majority, of the Committee has
reported, and a* the law as it uow stands, thors doei not
seem to be any 1 recoo?Bllab?e diflVience between the two
paules. Siii. t!\ sttforced, the l.ltcnse law would be
it tu m ? as prohibitory u-. the pr?sent law ; both aro laws of
it?guhitam. Hut, ill petBt ot fu? t. tbu ??MMitig stahlt?
repretouts the miuiaium of la? wkiab the tempor?nea
parti nlll eonsent to, au?! the Ucease hill representa tho
m ? \ i m a iu ttliii li the. Ilceuse party will pa; up with; ami
ttiulo the programme anproacn each other the i?ar
tles diverge moro v I tidy even- day. Oov. Lul
loi'k, lu a 'luesMige to the legislature, infonus the
llqaordealers, sna the temperance alltanee, that ho is
not the llum-b.illiO'oi the Commonwealth, tobo consulted
iteiy day ni to tthetlicr Parker and Young are to ne
nionecutcd or fp.iutl, but Hut that ?luestion rests with
Constable Jones. 1 hear Unit the hotel keepers are very
Indignant,and tl.ilm that tho (ioveruor had pr?im>ed
h? ?ah's piott-t (lou, but I suppose they will lind it hard
to in ot i? or mai:? people bt'.ievo lils. The Conuuble.
meaawbtle, goes ebead. and on Monday the hotels close?!
their bars. The law is enforced in Boston easily and
rilec'iiitUv. Hut what i? ,?n enforcement of the lawf Is
it e?iuivalent to a st??\ page <>t dipior sellingiaml drliiklii^-1
I mu air.;,d not. It is pn postcrous to supooso that t'.ie
na n who karo erowdefl the liquor shops, un deep, wait?
ing their tunis ut tho tup, fot the la?i few mouibs, ne
eonverted te total abilini nee, or are l.kt iy to be. They
will drink tis bimi ps et cr, and probably harder, out of
sheer spite and bravado. Tho dogmatic opinions of vit
aeneas, that the I iw can, nnd om.not be ?-vii? reed, amount,
to nothing. 1 be K? v. M r.,-? ?iyo, who thinks the vote of
a tottn meeting in tbo village of Cast nainpte,.?unani?
mous for the prcseut invt?let iles the ?,uehti? n that all
lbpior dilnlc.ng throughout tho Itsta Is going to be
Stopped, .?ml Boston Mayor* and Aldermen who aisert
Unit the law Cannot he uiforced, l<? .,;i.-e they have not
tiled, nnd, of coarse, have not sue? eedsd la eufoniug It,
are about ?-?pially mistakes. The question, 1 say nguiu.
Is. '.Vbut isenfori-enicntI The l?w ?nu without ?lifll.'ulfy,
be enforced so as to keep soakers ana disreputable per?
sons from getting their drink at every coiner ; but the
pinch ?t ill coin? when tlie temperance men themselves
fiud it hurd to get their r?gulai-, or even their occasional
" medicine.''
A good d? al of unnecessary sensitiveness has been dls
phiye?! by some of (lov. Andrew's friends becau.se iiioit't
Uri aid, and 6ome other newspaper?, have attackol him.
fAr Tln-uld bus lately got luto the hands of the Rev. u.l
bert Haven. on?o a v?iry sptteial friend of the ex-Oov- '
ernor, a strong prohibitionist, and an ablo ?writer, and one
who u not disnoa? d to mines matters for the saks of ? Id
fiiendsliips. It was ?ihsuid enough for I*As UmtUl to
speak of ?iov. Andrew as a lost lender, for the Um ci nor
never btlietvd in the,prohibitory law. I bappen rokiioW
that In b-? I or IMS, ho eonteinplated retnuinieniitui* :ts
repeal or modi licit ion. in bis annual mesnage, but was
dissuaded from it by his political manda. The law is no
liait of tho platform of the Kepubllcan party, nnd canbot
ne made do, anil (I ov. Andrew cn ti not be re.nl out of any
party connections OB account of the stand he has so
sipiaiely taken. Ile wo-i 1?1 be more enthusiastically de?
fended by ?his friends if he bad occupied a soinewhtt
equivocal political poiltiou for the last year, nml the only
daniel ho 1.1 In now la i.?mi luck of tim ?ympathy of hi.?
obi anti Slavery compaulons. Hut Um 1? iiineiauco news
Daners nsvs not, so mr ss I have seen, ti??iife?i bim with
LUnUiio hal abac m. ii 40 ucvt lv i^dyu^.v?! ^I?gt Ui U*0 tjw^-.
?est wbJofe ha*i begnn in this State there Ma to he no hard
Word? used. The groans of The bvning y,,* over t?2
juffertngeof time? Governor an? s mply InTeion? n3
b>HSO,!"UV0LeM L? tU? I?CV' ?,lT' CU'i"' ' ** ***** Wd
t ^|';r? numhorof barbers petita- e* His Tr--:,hrnm
for a Hw to.. ...l??S
Moneapassed . ,;,., r.. , , ?ft
?to lu- njertertlt. i'.-. ?u ?,.. , ?
?ldered. Tuen is no lave?
work on Sunday, but tbeir ?esln foi .J?",
out-door recrea-Ion on that day la ? bl rfratat" \\kl 2
overcome tho determination io get u I ^rV) .?2
Sunday custom. Kath barber petitlona that blantfahhs?
maybe nade to shut np shop-that lath, a am .t? ?f
TI.?- prout affords opporfnmty fur ntln a. t , y 1^
jty, of money, but a fair arguuieU may bo made lil uS
The mlsc-llaneoni writing? of Dr. Jamb ni?iow-oi?
tedentlflo man,If not nut ablest man ?Te^2
sense-have just been published by Lltthi * m-own t3
votume contain i his famous treatise on Beif-hiaiitsd I?2
eases, w 1 ich, tin* medical rofoim? ra s . '.'rirZ
lotion, thirty years ago or so. in the ta? my ard pra< ti?i
of medicine. Aho.ifie Doctor's tes'imr.r.y tofVe t2
Legislative conuuitteo on plearc-pi umoala seven o3
eight year? ego, which had little efTei-i ou let! ? .h??
a'-t.on at thattlma, tut bore fruit aft. : ward,'or tho ?*?
terminating theory la now ?bout e inoi ?i here tw?
l?l V nilii.rtr.i'li-lirniClitiumi <l.-I,<. I... ., t. 1 . '. ?S
To the W?M* cf I?? Trihvtu.
Sin : Although the weather Is chilly, ch-oricfi? and
uncomfortable, specially so for tin*, hirfer part of
May, the calendar indicate? the approach of the
period when the wasting heat of Summer coast laing
the neken afterjcool, refreshing breezes, to look np
their retreats fron tho blazing eun fend MmMOMJ
pavement? of thU over-crowded city. i'.v. rybody
w ho can goes to the cou ntl y durine tho heated torroi
eome for health, some for amusement or for a chunga,
and other? because it Li tho fa?! ion, and they art
afraid of losing cast? if they have l n.se enough ti
bo contented in their well-anoint. d homes. Then
are several cois?Tl?rations that rnt* r ii ;?> the quel?
ti in, YV hero ahull we eof The man of ample mcaul
v. ill make his scKtion recording to the t.?-.t?i of bim.
?alf and family. Lofig Breech, Sa 1 SbW,
port aie points of ?.bo greatest attraction fog
trowde. lint to those with v.Lum economy
ia material, there are scores of placet
of raaort, within easy reach of the city, whan
OTery comfort, auj even Idxury ii attainable, al
prieofl varying from one-fourth to o;..->-)-. If what it
M ti to be crowded, ii* not stifled, in i itherof thean
haantsof Caehiotv The north shore of Long I>!and
?Ninnd, be-,'.nuing nt liye and terminating a? the
Pequod nonee, at the month of the Thamea, juel
beiow Ne.v-Lomlou, uiil.-fa you Include Watch liilL
opposite Bt?Oiogton, i.s the piost nivil.ng refl .n te
tim1?* who look fir a laiobriona atmosphere, comforts
ablo feOconimodatibna, the flneft tish In the worhk
both ecn-e and shell, cooked to perfection, ?ifo and
nTigotaUngbathing. -?cod r".ehin<r and * Mo ung. and
ile chargon. Between Maw-York and S+tt*
ilffveu there a e l?verai placea, oth*ar,.ve<ddeli/utfuk
where those lit tlo to .?, ma bo >u<j
a? to drive any onr wita 4 elrin of ordinary peneten
bihtyfrantio m lal?! an noa*. Tut thos.j r.rt.'ca?Uf
avoiiled. Eastward, a'l along the coast an cliattaw
iug spot*?, where there are no disagreaabln fen
tuna or drawbaebl if any dev-nption in wkiek
oiie can readily hnd all tim opndiUoui requisUe t?
une ?dmmef solstas thoroogiily enjoy-ton?
Aneeablo eltuations, commodious lmmr-a, unedfe
reptiomiblo Bookine*, fair attends; co, and under the
iiii;ue:ice of tho bn W I in ?-?.. -, fi?m\ ti;*; Bon ?!, a ooa**
Buming;appetite. Ta'.?n't thoNew-IIavi-u UJlroad
at 8 o'clock in the mon.mg. or 3 o'clock in the aj>
Uri; ion, and the h-horo Line from New-Haven, yan
reach your deetination ia season for an eaily supper,
All th'i W?P to the mouth of the Thames tin* shore?!
dotted w it li plaoej of ei.tertainuicnt, all toi? tabla, and
anny o' tooth uivitiug iu every respect And amena
Un :;i their is no one moie cVdlrablj than Uie u?w ana
?pacioaa iio'it^wche Hooa% at Indina Neck, abonl
ti.ii iniwitea ?I.ive tromBraniord?station.
?Ve c-lork, May ti.
A Woman's Boffl ;i>nlir* keen organized
in Bt. i. ;uo of tLe auM? oteinlnunl laanl wen
solee *'. iftlccr'?.
Baripw Rakoa, cr?*-., of Horncllsvillo. km kan
r-o.e'i ?i Hi euler iu Ii??nkiuptcy for the Bhwin (N.
u.- riot.
Baail A. nutehinaon nnd s^vt-'tity oilier citizen?,
ni ?'. a- .J female, bare petitioned t'..e Conn cth ut I.eirtn
lature f? r the erasure of the word " malo" from tilt StsM
A Newberne ('N. C.) paper says trust worthy loy
awn, twawain aad o^e eototcd.were lui?lv
', i ?..'tt-.rs la each prcciici of Otaran, ( oiUrct, i
Oi.i'a-.v Counties.
T':o Xew-Orlenna parera oontaio fotonil fron reg*
lttrarlon m Loul lana, anal tho av? r a be thai
li v on aaajtOM are regmtered m every pan ,u to one waite
Tie |f**Mi nkMI is laboring oodaT tbe ic.ipreviioa
that the Hon. Vim. B. Kelley u a Untied States ? ,
ard quott a lauguaco which It saya he uttered uu ti;j Hoar
of the Senate in ti-oi.
The followint*; eppointments of Retriatera of Ilaok
nipt.y are amioi. iced In Kaw-Hampehlre: Ihe lion.
i j: Sawyer of Dover, tiieiiou. aaron W. ?awyef
of Kaahna, and Major William H. II. Allen of Newport.
Got. O/lesliv v ill, it is said, call an extra nankjfj
of th? Illinois Legiilature eonewbere between Ike 4M
and nth of Jure. A law for tvo taxation of the iii ?resol
National banks will form the pii*.^ipal ?subject ot kf/lsla*
Jii'liTO SnnMinp. Poprfventative in Co?gno] ITroii
the Cleveland Pisnl.-r, ii?'iaidtofa''ora8u;?;iiit.roe.'.s.oncl
C"ii?.ri"?, to whl li he ha? beretofi ie btea oppoeed. Hil
are drawn from the flaaue.ai aud feaabnM conda
lion of the country.
Ii ii nndatllaad that the Hon. John Ccxina, undM
nv. appointas at from tiie hue f-tate Tempi ram ? Cm van?
tlon. is preparlnfr a bill dcsi-nied to suppn i the li'iuM
traine in l'lunnyivania, whit? will bo pteaeated at the
next ?cjxmou of the Les^latuie.
At a fpir and straw berry (ntiral held by Ike ladln
ef the First Hupff C'ti'irrb at Memphis, au
Lu- fend Lhr.ir ware voted to tbe mest pop
theaty. They wen awarded to 8em '> e.?a>
mander of the Hi bel pnvateer Alabauia, now editor of
Ike akanakfe he U.?viug received a mtvjonty uf all tal
The foDearlnj are the Rerlstcra ia P.ir.kniptcjf
for the an ral < oncrresslonal Putrli*:?! lu M i?s? i li .-'?U?
last appointed by i bief-Justice Chase: 1st Dwtrtct, <L
T. Cashman: lid, Samuel ?. Noyes, UM, Win i. vrtl
IVtb. B, I . Thorw'.lke; Vth, Geo. H. Cloute; Vlth, Il'lrU
Bhatnaa: Vllth, Andrew P. Jewett of ixiweil; Villt*.
Peter C. Bacon of w'oieester; lXth, lthau?r V. Conaef
of Amherst ; Xth, State Senator Joseph Tuekir o.' Lenox.
a exrral XEirs.
At the pi fent rate, about 100 fr-r-t w ii] be bored In
the ea.-t end of tbe Itoo-ao tunnel this month
Aiioth? r attempt will soon be made to stop the Boa?
ton horse eura from running ou Sunday.
The gus ia reported to be bo bad in Eric, Pa., thal
th* feoj who puts it out has to take a laatara lo Und the
?PQaji. Caaanrw r-'cont cavalry raids fegninat the In?
dians are compared lo bunting wild ducks wita a broM
A Minnesota nu 11? alizedfrom hn wheat crop last
year more thun tv. ice the amount paid for hjf..iu,tbe
yea: before.
A Boston firm have eold this Bpffafl ?.i?? frofl
trees, 0,000 K'ap ? v i ?a s.?.wiu roseland urii?jaeai^sli rube?
and .*>,ooo raepherrii s. c arranta, Ac.
Amonfc the subscribers to a gymnasium in B-ton.
are 60 aentltmeu wl.o lift N00 ponnd*; jo who lift w#
pounds; two who lift 1,00o pound?, aud one who hits l.'Jl
TlieCity of Salem has voted to convev. by ?le??!, te
the Li'it? d bia*?*.-?, flic land on which the Salem forts are
built, anti Madent to tho Gsneral u?tvcruiiieut, also, a
sift- for tho c?n?ti?etu-u of au ad.axced battery oa Uo#
pitui Point.
Pauline Bailev, keeper of a hoMM of bad repute la
Buflolo, enticed a mun from his wife &ud home, for whirl
?'io has been scnteuced to the County penitentiary ?-I*
nonthe, while tbe wayward husband goes h*<mo to con
fort bis family.
27ie PoH?hlrrprie Emile eavs gold has been found irfe
thefaraiB otMessrs. Collins, I li Wilson, aBd haran wf>
Ion, in nnd ne:iv the V:ita**e of Amoilla, Dutchess Cp?
some camples of whKh yielded UDO woitb of pun miMSl
to it tun or r.cH.
A lady in Bolynk?, Mass., obtained a divorce froa
one hu<brtnil on the racrr.ing of the ?^th lest, marriea
another in tho af'emcou of the aaine day, and lu tpl
evenir./prest nted her new husband with au hoir, si*
parties are dinni; r.s well as could b?? exp*seted.
JAc now ton Titei rtxuh learns that the Hon. John g.
Watious, Jurtite of tbe lr'eil.'ral Com t s of that DI jfrlcf.
wnl not conform to tien, ?nftlu^ order in rsUUon?*
Jurors in Lis Court, hut whU obey the rkderal end ?UM
laws on the subject
r*s*ti*taiAla.l RepnWcan ?ays: "We hv<e mel
dunng the past week, tiuite a number of fre.dm**n woo
have represented that Uiey had been dismissed by tnew
employer, and In some rnstancea driven from tue noua?
they ba?l ?> -cupied, in consctineuc? of theu- bavm? )omeo
the Ripub?i au party."
A man by the name of BtrtcbinKcr of B* Uavilte,
111., foiinerfy ??cr-reai-* In the lith Missouri Ib'?.uiear.
and lately in destitute clrounM-uieea, lisa falku ben w
a fortune of ts.iou.titjo. He had a sister who l?*r^,?V1*,
rioh Emrlirhinan and m"ved to Cafea, wboi? she ?nea,
and kit ht r .wuietise fortuits to her brother.
The M?*tgvmiry Adxrtiser. spenkin? of the?MMj
tlatioti- pemhn/ >? tw? en tbe Methodist Kpu* opBl<-?,irf3
?rd the Mrthodi.strr.-t? stunt Chnirb, the convenuon oi
tlielattfi'be.inf uowin*t'donm'j.at city, for wtJU,',"i?
says: "It Is (.en.rally couceded that 'he Convention nse
entirely failed to make a eoitatlidation of tlio iwa
Two hove, nj?cd Hand 13 years, named John and
riiirb-s lionets, ?hsappcered from Bradford. M;, on i-e
??7th nit. It is suppo^d that they Halted, with the mW. ?
tlon of walking to Paterson, N. J, where tbeir mot?;r
was on a vWt. No pains or expense have been opxtoaP'
find them, and fesra are entertained that they bave pan
tilled in the wfMiibs sa they weis without money, ana us
to tin? time la?t beard fn>m, they ha.l dsM m bane ?u?
lu thewoo.1?. Charles It. Koge? of Bradford. Vt, toe
father of the bo*.*, omi* anward ut aaykakaanfean

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