Newspaper Page Text
>\m$&*>^ -_?_iaoa Vo*- XXVII.N?-8,1.72. NEW-YORK, SATURDAY, WAY 25, IW>7-W_TII S1'IMM?KMKNT. PRICE FOUR ClaNTS. EUROPE. i; i*..' aiN. B? ATIirtTlt Twlt-BAtH TO T?! B TK II ? la ? Hil 4, ,|,l..aI ti -"? "" '"'"?"?'"? I, , .i ... :??(. i'"'' ??*"'?-??' "" , I*y ll,|...?. -I.- .?-'?? M'.'1'.r.M'i. befcif Mira .:?.'?! i?? .'-? i i ni. ? 'i "" i* ? . ' ' "??? ''?> YhKSCY I IBM, Sl.iy ?4. TIi.Ii.i.i.1. Has I-?' ?H Ihn Ki?.?Ii M.., I , , -. ... Iii!? lutnailala i eil ii'|i. C . ? li to New Votit ia 11'?' ? i i??i"i?;l" 'i lo Fran? Ilia* (MINA. UVKlii.M'i, Mi.1 M A.lim? niiiMil li? n m m ||, . h. li ia .?.. !'. ried US " tliilt the I'm? li ?Mt??!? - ;-i.? i ? ?? .\ - :. "- '? t ?.i -i i.? !.. '... <t. .i atoara il tint .,u , I wtli. !. rin.ii'i m4 Hie sii.ini..?ii..i.n n ni iii-* A"- - asa bart I Al'.'!/.!... Viicnna, May -14V- Fvei.u.-. A mimi c1 UM ?turill "I lix* ?Iriilliiiliii!!. til i' li I ?* ' " " I "-V ."lii.|: !?' n im , ???., . ami .li i lan ii to be'il f'nii.ilii la? maimm. IM 1 11 liil'ATl-, Ni r-! i?'.) it. Muy M I ' r, .imuliip Tin ?Xu i Barina,whrita lil. Ifea Vortoa lae ml? i,,?i .; tlui* i?iii-i lin? .bl'-.i'iiii'im. ?iml .iiii. ii,. i.,r iii n..! le 'j' i London, willed for Him (.ra....... Ma* -? rill -'ali -?lal' United Kiiif-'ili'in. tilla li let! Vi S Vein I'll lill 1?'. Ill li l-l Ht? 1,111?' i|> lOWU, ?Lull li-i: N ? ii !l.(* Ith i!.*: Ix til t'f till 0O.lK*T lui?. liai?- aiTiv?'<l m re FINANCIAL AND I'OMMERCIAT?. I4?MK)>, Muy .4 1?) a m Th? inriiiy -Mitel tel not yet opened, bul IB? in vailing opiuiofl .? that consols will o|?t?ii at tin-cliiMiu prie? m last t-v? run**. Hint liiitnl Miiti ? I'm- T went h ? iii ti Illrn? ? ? entrai Railway sBai-es Will Ih- a Hlut'.la" lietler, ?ai 11 ? SUBS ti 'II -li??"?'? I ?lei I. Nuki,. ( i)l*,?ii!? foi I I '. *?. Five-Twi-lity Imiiil?. ._-. lilli.el? CeiltruJ I: i ? 1 ilav.i.i Khan ?. to. Tin* au rltly t. lu. i. f! lin- Bank nf FiiL-land ?aimais .1.1 lil bullion "I I 118,000 ?tel'llti-. A!t?*i : . an- SOM ?noted nt lol im 'i""?' >'? UnitedHtales l? .m* .weat] bond? bavi luipi el eil ). , mil the t|tiotiit .?ni BOM I., ii- Ka litany lal.,t: ' ? 1 a . e i|i ellina! \, am! ?ire litnv i|.le I lino.* it'iitial Kiuln.ii !?ii.u-e? Kin.mi al lue opening prt IVli.?!.'? im* iii in ii y, .'.I: United States lia? r .\. 111 a lunn!?.7.,: Minmi.? Central K.iiluay shan*?. 7i j: Kin* Baa Mai* r-liiii.-f. 41. I.ll KKl-txil . Mai "4!.? li in (.?/Mil 1H ? tbe asarfcirt M iiii. i.v to open aanii aa mii.-ii\<? (?elma*. K. tlici Hu' Hi?iii'?;nfl? m I' I? dill, ni ?peiirii, bal tlie t.-uri,ii iniii't im there uni ix' im -Bange II! I'l Noon.?Cotton is quiet; ?talpa tod.iv. ki.imm-? balea, Middini!.- I pi.ind?, lid.; Middini*. Orleans, li,,!. The Bl. le? ,if tlw neck finit np 09,00- bal? ?. Ol ii Illili M,<"00 huies ?Aren? lor ? \pi?rt .mil '?,o*<0 I? ali? am (pel illation. '11.?- Btoafe in i???i t IIAOoe bali ?, of willah i 9,000 balea are Aim in an. Breads! ii a? ipiiei and shady, (urn IS,, it In*.it ?al?.? ?I Nu. t Mllwaakm Keil at 1 I ? i. anal Winn- California at 14/C. Barta?4 :. (? t?.i a, Peat?41 is. rrnt i.?ian??un.l.i.npil. "????rk BO/. Deaf IO A n.i.nii ,? L?tasele. ObeeseST/, -?rtxliie?- WltBoal ?iiliiiir? A?ln ? 3t (?? Ko?.ii .?ale?. ?t (.'?minion at7/6,aa?! I* me al 12/S. Spirits Tarnest tioe 31 :i. Tallo I ma?-- :,; . ivtrolciiiii Opiriiii at Md., ?uni Standard v. bite at i A Alt eft.m Hi. < ni 'nil ill il Hi ead-I lilt- aie fateil.ll. iviil..?nt chiuip" m |B?tatlona since the opening. In tlieFim i?ii,n Mark? t Bee! is i ilaarer than at t be ?peaiag, and Tallon S?l. !<?** ?I*. lltner artleles arc Without a lian-.?-. i*. Cotton qnlet al lid. for Middini- rplari.l?, Illili 11. al. lair MiililllliK* ? llleaii?; Bil lea tO-dllT, li?.(?ai li ah OrtiatlBttiffs quiet Corn, Wheat California O'hite Oaellned !" ii ; No. i Milwaukee Kid. ia 9, Ila le?, ? : Oats. I '. I-'..?, ti i;. Prov ixion* steady; Bei*. II* a*'Pork, B"l/*, la '.I. :oi.; KiteOll, I!*.' . (, IT . l'l.ldllel" III. 11?.uieed. I'l-troleiuii--?Spirits, lid.; Btaadard Whit'*. 1 i. J'ot A?l.i?. :i'_ I,. Kn?lii ( ?'iiiiiiiiii. 7 (?; Fine, 13/?. >pn ItaajTurpcl.I Clnl. r ?a?? al. -,, . Iiomiin. May .1 Num. No. i.'Duli li ?tandaiil Bogar, -M . t??*?.i?*ii Pig Iron, S3c. Calcutta Ihisnril. (."' . Lins? ed Oak. ? Oilri?Ldiihaed. _jy 10 ; Ki? rui, BlSli ?Alia!? hn-iiiiii - No. H Dote. S -1 ? 11.1. ? r? 1 Bog-Tall . Sent.-h Flf lim,, U/S. ' al'-llltit 1.-".????.. Bl LiUBMd Cake?, X-i is,. Dil?- Ian??" ?I. l18 l" : *-;..ini. Al ii: Whale, X3?. Ki.ANkK'iir. Ma] .?-Ka .nilli:.?l,'nned Mat?*? l???i,(ls elowetl ?t 77". AkTit Kin-. M.u _4-I".vpiiin*_.?Petroleum?Stnndard O'liita* ??nd t<>?lai ut 4j fi.n.?? m BBaOBaaaBarBB-. --_?-? . FOHEIC.N CORRESJ'OXDEME. ( (?N.STANTIM.Ui.i:. BBBKIirPTIAN .,!!?? -s IM1-OR1 IXT I'DI 111. Al iA.Miiii.KT?mu iiK.\K*t mina on too ) isa T1IK. KI Iii HU IN (.1!*K-*--ri??N? TCHK1MI 1 IN.tM I >. Pro*? i lil ni < ? "-? I iVIINol-l r. Mai The I'ii?lia ti I .try Pt i? lull oi tvratli iiirainst the j ?Sultan, load Pasha sod his own Siiniste?*, Nubai BsBBO. Bl il<?-? Hut, Sill . i-i-tl in ?acuritit: till* illli?'- I penden?*!* of Kirvjit. He i? to ba J?sJHsi-ai myer,aoj I not 4sia ?I mpcr. en rolar <>f Egypt, sod noi Bo-ra- ' Teij?u of Egypt, a? tbe titles might be r?*?|.i .iiiely | triti!?*il. The* until is that Nabu Pasha, with all Iii.?, chv.i m?? anil all lu? iinmcv. lins nut su? <*??? ?1?-?1 iu liis ini?si?.ii to tin- Miti?!..i ti.ill ol' Iii.? IlUlsfel. lint th?.- Pasha ni Egypt Is having Iii.? revenga. H?* ftooghrea positive ordeiB for the wtthdrawal od his luxais inmi Cute. POO! fallow?! the] hale Illili s Iianl time of it there. < ? ?bool ?10 jht eent nf EbOBS ?at-ut ivill WtOlO home to tell the story of theil siiU'er niirs. Xiiinir Pasha, toe, Is __**ring hi? t-raaga. II? _ia*? thrown hiniM-lf ?utai Um anns of the Bastian -Luiliafasnalair. aud is cultivating as lntiniata ?elations as leossilile between K_yi?t ami It is nmler Ht?H>?i that ItetlVe.ll tin 111 th?'V ale let ?1 HIL'. Hillier S ?neil foi in. tlie i?l_n <>t oading C?ate t?? _^gvpt, Egypt is no1 la? ha-ld tin- I?lati?i. luit is in tune to C( de it to lireee?*. Whatevei maybacoimoi those ?transe ne? ifotiariiirit. it i? plain thal heMeforth then* will heno ove lost between Ef*yp1 ami Turkey. The ?Sultan ?can no :<'ii_ii place any dependence noon his rti li.?i province. When the hour ol trial iome? neither the ulood mu th? tu*a?uie ??1 Eg}"pt a iii I?.- poared sal I" Oistain the snceessoi .?i Mauouietl upon Iii? throne. This is plain eiiu.i.h from the tone of the Egyptian proas, which ia in??nival lu ti.?* Vic. roy. V?*i Egypt i? more fanatically Modeia than ('.?ii?faiilinu).l?*. The letter ol Mnstapha Fazyl Pasha to tne Sultan wats so ga at a snseess, 1. o. u < anw-ii m? aatsh excito ment ni Enrope, ami even m Co-tstantinople, thal moimi-um- ?lae baa -ollowed bia example, and pnb lishcfl in French ami Turkish an extiaordinary lette! to the Oiand Visier, signed " several patrkrtle Mu? ?ultnans." Thia pamphlet has been very widely etr ?culateil. and has caossd no little exeiteinient. It Boes bgr the name of " Tbe letter ol the ( leuia." It gi vea assosl candid snd logical rei lew of the situation. It eommenees tim?: ?'Tlierc faul?- nt? ?note illusion; Die Friipitv i? in.dei - nilli? ii ! ia?? are em nnir??*(l u]m?h a i i,U uno ' Let on: f;ito?1 old Turk? si.uni?? i ?>u in i*?nitldiii<- fntalisiir. bat -rooen Ok'bteni-tl Miiii-t?*r.? of h .nar Enipirt*, In. ?a can .nil "lint youl eye? to tlie feaiitil ?jvil? tvliich are ready tu liurst U1H1U ti? '" It lakes ap calmly the question of the relative jhi j?ti.iti ni Moslem and Christian, says the Chris-tian element is overnniiiiii. tlie Ifasmlaisn. ami thal any tfain?likefsircompetition between the rates is an, imiKsisiliilifv. It conclndes by saying thal His wise mt-n of Eu?'i?i?p Broposetbn?difieFentremediesforthe preaeiit state of thlBgB : I'uhlic i uni ruction : gradual ?-on? .??.?-ii..? and r.-foi nts; aiid, third, throw inf. opeu tbe ixihlic Ban n ? to I 'liiistiaiis. Mut all them- are only adapted to improve the ral? tive iH??itioii of the C'hristian race? at the expense bl the Turki?, whereas it should lie the tirst aim ol tlit? Turkish system to raaintniu the Mussulman su preniiR-v. for lix? uoo*\ ol the Christ ?hu? as nell ns ol the Turku. "What, then, is to be donef Without lef.irnis. we ara bat a oo?rp?e, aad indignant Eurea* ul.lit? rat? s ni from her ui:ii?s ; v it li lelorm?, tlie Chriatiana are iu poner, and we stv wdneed to ?lust." HaviitK bronaht their allument t?> this latal issn??. tkon*^lfBssjilnisupatriots propose to give the tine ?olutioii of thii. prohlem m a second letter. Non, who wrote aud pii-liMied thal l.ttei * I l?e ?ivo I ena lay that, whatever Conatantinoote thiaks. Ina letter was cta_t-oett?<i at the* ECussian einbasav, prut teil with Kuwiiau nmnev, and the aeeond part will appear when tbe Rns?u? aruiv take? i>o**e_sion ?of ('??iistnutnia'iii'.e. ?ir Henry Bulwer ia wiitiug a serios of letter*? from the* Last ' in TU i;,n tfuH Caselte I.ikt. the iTStncb, who hide*ihn. lu ntl,ia the ?and. and imagine*, that heialuildeiifrom sigla. ?IUmmihIi his tai! still riaes higb in the an. i?ii Henry din-? not attix his _u_aie to ihese letteis. :in?l ?eeinfc ti? imairin?* that ii?. mae seo? his e??at tail? lloatinir in th? bree/?* t,r hi? loon ears. The suhstauee of the-s?. I. mav l?e put 6to a few word*. Turkey i* s i_re_t eonntrr and H . late ?*__i>aaHsdoi at Coii-lauiinoph- w?m, H neal waa. The Hatt-i-houiuayouu wat? a ureat failuie a? ftir Hemv Bulwer alvtais ?.aid. aud ' u?,t 80 peisons In MSBBSavai read th?- Hatti-houn.avottn.'" Imh ?sj, ?H_iir>' Bulwer Une resd it M-veial time?. Tarkev made more proi;rotiH in reform "lrom I**."?!? to i-m?.*,'' than all Eaiepe beside, ami it waa daring th???years that Sir Heuiy Bulwer presided over hei destuii?a ?She oat er toada any useful reforms before IV?!', and the only hone of her nukiui. any more in in wiidina fcii Henry Bulwer baok t.? Constantinople. 1'reat is Turkey o? the larks, and greater still is Bil Henry Jill ik : ' vl'hi? is. in linef. the subf-tanee ?>f the three JetterB Ibosfar piihlislird. Tbe first ws_? prerhuinary, and ?w-'l Jitli?. vi II. M. lute i]_.l??t??ador_ the second tt?*) .!?< ul Turki -, ?.H?! ?.??? third alx ni HA :; ?.i?. I -ilwi i li,, third waa pnii< u Hy devot?:?! to ?Su H. m?. i,n,| ,t _ , v,?, ;,.i t: ,?i ti,?. I.urti? willi???? '???? ' UOtl ,i:r hit, .?ii.111. i,!.-||, |_,il.; ?! , 1 1.1.i? .M?i!l.';r 1 n ..?i i..nil- Hil lliurv Huhrerl it wtkt not ? vti.i //.i /?ti? w< Herald to annonnM ia la j? that (.?? iv..? tli" .. it! nf tiles li IK except lim B4 If, WiliM .Ml? I lilifc ?I |ii;>.-:i." Hii Hean \rh?oae miasion here li the intim nu? ol Em li int. .v-Kkgd ? li.? l >. ans. "'"l.i ii (in?!? m.n..iii. iiiiil ti!,.-, in? DO t'l'li in t ill ( li,!lliii| li? \t.iM li, a'?..,!,. . ?,t lilt Iii?' Tarka (?> crank oui Proteataul ra-saiona amoug the ?-liuamlnuina, "?.<? ..1 lin- \n?.,i it ttiiniM .mi ?a <l t'?, Bil ! li m v Bal MCI tviis th.-?i nilini'?ti tin | wild, lii.ll ? 't..ii-'?' ' 'H' H eian e_aign_nta into Bnlaarin and ?_o quart-Ting ol ti.? m ii|m n Hu? i lin?ii;iii villagea, to ?hintl Bnlaaria .ii- i ?i;-i l.y to 1 m I?1 i. l?y tiini nu h ii- in.? tin? Nlin Miiliiiitn i-lt in? ni m tin ?in.itii.y! By bia .num. too, tin? Turks refused to releas? ii.'i? HtiL'iii i m? . i? m the i.?iiiii;i?;i? ni ?in- Qreek Patnarehol Constaiitinoplo. TI.i ??? Hill luliiriillH itt'l'i .in? tiiitv Ih'.ii I?" I? mt. illili lin? Unlu.ii'iiin ?pli ?fmii t-lu ? ??nulli/on? ul lin'um?! i'H'-iiii- i>? ?nu ?.! hihi of tba aay, rho Balgo i ans-frere, a few yean aao.tbon.oal loyal siibjects ni th.? I'mi.-. Nutt ;t dean dint iitisfm in n rcigueall lllillllifl the ll)llllll\. lill? lilli ilMl ililli .lir?.tti?iuil snbjccte bo near I'?mst.inin.? pi?- na n<>t ?I? ?iiiiiil.t m ?(rhbor? for the Halton. TI.i? um..i m ii?. heir leathers plannesl, a month i?r I ?ni ago, l?i ? in i,ii ti?in_- nil through tin ? ?ni.: ? \ ii.'I I. m ..ii. i ?I ?s.u. lui; I'm t In- ii h ni!.ii lu ifinntit?.c im isolated .?M;n k?. on iSurkish viluup's, iiiul mu ill'iii... lum ni? ni troopa. lin?? was really a iii..lilil?? .ti ??i In-lit.?, v. lii.ll Mimili I?.tir injured iii?' Muli; riana mora than tho Turka. Kortnnately, tbeae |< niii? took eouurtel willi outside friends, and wera pcrmiaded to give np the plan far the present, li is now lui?! m ?iiu>iiiiil?. Lui tin? foraient ajnong tin jn'i'pli- i? -i. .niiiv incrrasipg in ??xt?-nt ruid powi r. iiml uni? aa ?m ii" ti? 111 .ur can bo done to quiet it. it will Im .ti? mil Into opea* iii?iiii. > lum l??-li?ii? the Siiiniiii'i' is over. Rt-Bsiati agents are evenrwhera atirnag np tin- i?? ?opie, .uni i "in i min il- i In-ill ni their ?-iii? iiiui ?.. Tin ti- is ;i ehanee ju.?t nu? thal the Turks mil Bel in ?.m?,m i?? prevent tins ontbraak. llndei iii" praaaaw ni KiiropeikD inrltnmi" Mun? is nun .ni inclination U? uni- tin-m llnir iiliiriiiii? rights, and deliver them lunn Hie ??I tbeUrco?. l'un i:u? li. .year or tttii agu iliis Mimili im\" ?i i nuil I. m ??i?? m? ?T?rkei to ih" Pul 1? loi ;i i|ii;iii"i ni -i ."iiiui v iii li .??I- H im liol Si) ?lill IllltV It \t ill ?ill?! ?, III". |?".?|ll". Tin? l"n i,rh ( inference ?s aa*ai list tilt? chance, as th. im ?i ni ?iiiui? I gi vee a better chance for Catholic l'lii|i:m:ill.ll?lll. Tli. Turk? m-?.t Htm; <l< i lui .uni il<<|i<r in Hu mil? overs day. I _c Sultan is jual h??\n liuinundiui; OUOior '?ii? 'inn. i ?h 1.1 h ii ?." .uni In? ?nil prob .iiili min oui tli.- |.i< -?ut M i ii i ?in ti ho ?lues nul gal iii? money. He suya it will furevei -Uagrat*? bim ii bi in_l. ? is this uiiml i ? i'inou? at the iii.iiiui tinton ol lu? i -lui.Iren. i\lii.?li .iln ml? li "ii ?.mt oil loo lill?!.'. \ . .m lui stiiti-iin-u! ni iii.? ?I. M??! T?rkei basjnal I h in i ii.uli li mu li iisl moi llit ii iii. m Im li i? ot iiiteTCrtt. It .ipi?, ti?, iii.u th. lou mu luiiili ?lili-l?! ol ?Ati Iii? ? iiiti.. ? n |i.iii A bli li, nu I m li nir mt? ii ?I .in. I Miik lii- nun!, i- aboil 1 11.??'ii.i?m. I In? lundi ii liuiiu-il.-lit. ? Illili! \ I.ot Ititi..1 III .Hill illlllltt I. -- . ii-Is .iIhiiiI fdNi.iMi a year. This charge ol -.'.. "?m.iioii tim? not HU Illili? III" I ii I ?? I is! : III li lili i ii to I mo in Ililli? lill l'o.nls, nor ih?- mil rest, at bi nil. ?' ' i?<i Kilt, i'ii ni on ?Iiml ?loans lunn linn lo uni": i_t i.? m a j. * a ?? i would, |hi hapa "omi .ill ti??? i inn m ? im ii? lit. The largas!rus .?lui.- i t. i ?. . ii,, il foil ?li,.11 ni ?14,00_,UUU .nulo! lin? ?um (vfi.i_UU.tiUO waa i?.pended in Ibu aruviittj lil-M I II.Illili! ( Oll?'l.llltlllO|l|" ill Bil. I lill ll'illl-M ? .MMi.iimioiih toi tin? ?iii i ? -111 . \|..ii?. ? .?i ii.i ??munni, iiml ??I tins sum Mu- Rnttan hirniM for private expenae? t'i.o-?...i??i. l'ioiuiih he *.? tn:i 11> ? more tkau tin?, bul this aamimi is tu-kiiuwleaigvil. Tlii? li .it ? - 1. ?? tliin ?".',(*?i.imi to -11 i ? ?. I \ the civil s?-t \ i? ?. m whick there are MyOOO .iii|il.i. i '?, tin- iiiint .nul tin- ii;i\\. !.. ?ms any ?mil extra lulls as that foi puttina daaru tai niau r.-( iitm m ('ut.-. Th.- iitii.n-,- ?li-tii n toi i : fears past ?..i? beea aboul i"..ihhi.ii(<ii. Now, whal eau lui,?"? .lo' No moi.- ioii-il'ii loin* I? reiitea. No nun H-1 <.?? it Ih- ben owed in the ? uuiit i > i .? ? j?t foi a ti \v mouth? .it ltiiiiiui? i.ii. : tin taxe* rai.I !>?? nun i?c(l: tbej are air?-ail* -?? li?.? ?? > as to omah ?Mm people. Thara are taro pu-wibl? nim-li-?. ?hu?iii flinn of Mu- i-\|h ii.lii ni? . Hu otli. i. .mil iii???I iiii |M?n,iiit. ,i nt'tv iiml limii ?i method ot ? ?ill? ? tun.- tin taxes. Hu ?iiiitiiiin act nally paid lu iii? paiple ia uni I.?- p.oli ililt it i? uiurv, than i ?i.mxi.iMi: bill iiiui?-ii?.in lilil? of lins luti-i h ;n h?-? ti,.. Inipt-rial ti.-i?!trt. Ai.-tli ?.- refunns ?onmiUI?-.' I ?loutit It Iii ideas of the Tnrks are well Ul-wtratuU li> their pinn of aonniti?*?- lint have im ?Inlui?. ?i al?. bat, ii .iNoiiinu tiini.? mun is ;i.? i i tv. l> t.? .lu? aa .iiiiii!..i. the) Bell aannit ?es to all .n.-. ? aud mu ?lilt'iiis of nu ii at Id.? sailli . A liu\ ni lu. i. in,ni ul ?i. iiml .in ol?! ol ,.i h. i,i |.,n m lin- ?.tiiii st'III its i:t)ill:tl. lo ins? ii?- tin .in 11 ntl , i,| tKKt.l \ eil t . MKXIfti. BT TRI ?liHiril io TH? Till?.I ti. \\ ?sin v?, i. >\. Mu?, m. Letters received frooi Vera Cruz, bj i lu? steamer Moro Castle, fron Ravstut, ruutaln 111 I t?l til" I.til ?if M.I.I I'll! -Itl!.Itlllll Ill Ml'tllll 11 ti ? : ??(un latest tates from the capital etty are to the 'iii in-t. ?..i Maa was In poaaeaalnii "i all tin .?-, ..i..i tin- i.tun i., i. .iiii'iit i.f tli? ?iii Iiml. ?mi nu-1 m i ii In . .h m ?t rio. i-.i.ii.? wen ?.i?" Ina dull- mon M*?rce liisiii. . .pu i n t li. t h \t iii -m i.-i dei tt ullin a very fea rill liipliiiii;itn- ('?up*. ? ? ? ii 11 ?? ?-? ?I "f Kttnrpeaii Mi'iu?t? i-, h.1.1 witii'ii.iM ii theil i?. .._?i'ti'.n'.f in? -?? I I. . 'I 11 li | it'I ?m1 I .lit . ! lilli. Ill III .mi! I-i 11 m-1 .? ..I III" .tin? : i mitti ii bj Marques upon ti Mh?? nilli.m mi? .?nu i-u-'imI it i/.;. 1'i.itii. his .mut waashotl ot p:o\i i'iii?. .nul ttiitiiii Barm suireaitei Vooatayrrlj upon it that all other news to the .tren -tfalse, li?? in.i n ..milln .ii .nul.i-.?.m 11 up o. Vera ? rai will take pla?*. ttiiiiin three or toni ?lu-, . ? ? ? ? l the eltj will, Itlssap poned, shortly lu- In p^aeaaliin of Its lenltlHiate iiMthorl .?ni .-??i Bpaniards, i?r?er_i1tr*d la Havana fur the In in ii.ii ?iii!?.?-, iiii-iitly iinitiii ;nni .,!?(! brousjhl .,i??i pounds nf powder, an article wlikeh ttn?? I.?-, iiiiini?- very ??an?: aita tin i?--i<_??i Prorlaloas ara lu.-.i ni ?1? luiiinl. lill. Ml...I. Ol ('1 I 1.1.1 tli'i- ' MM I HIINi. lil I'ullis Ka m ( un. i w?, Mm _i. ?.'a haw laaairad aewa fiuiu Qaaaatan i?> ii??- "ti? laal 1 hi baal i ibum neelred Mmititii J iipi-tn-il ?in tl.t- i.lli. Ill lllt.V ?li <\ lull?, lill! lllljl"ll.lll?t? II,Hil, .,|| lit til. i., which lasted aa hum .nul a half. Escobad? tlabaad a vi. !ui.t. nuil ?.ti... iifliiialli "I ho i-ni-iiii '? !?.?? i? t l-i> beaty ?Va Bade tewprlsoner? Ourloaaaaara tnfllna. Mlramoa's whale force ?ras aaaagrd .?ini ?limn" Tra? rino was woomled la the lea. btwot-edo tenus ii a kIo lliiiiH in tliui. Hi :n kunu Ii-iIl-i -? ?min' ? if Iii? iinii null iiml oflteeta killed and waaaded, and Btatea tiint tba enemy v...- n pul?! ii. / '. ii, i ,ii,i's Montera*/1 orresnondenl saj i the Imperial ? -.- Uaed ?t iii ?t iii tin ii ii;i-ii. but were driven by rein? forcements ol l.i I.i-rnl-. mnl Un jin-ilii iii .ttnl ai til!? i v lost ii- iii?- Liberals wen rejcaiaed. '?i \. ?.ii were kille?- and ?a ?.iiml? ii mt both ?.ni?--. i..-'i. -nil i ?.ililli < iiiiiiiinnti-il Iti-iraiiiiui; tin- Rfkl on the _? :tli tilt . beth lidesi LalBl i vitinit. Escobedo's ?iiini.ii reporl admit? ninety meo ami ornean kill?-?! H<? la c. ?.pun.m thal the Imperialists Mill r-xiii ?iiiit-tnli i a -real battle was dailj expected. l'iifni linn Salvado de Um lilde, llyean _.u,-_asol_eri .1 Iii? ten ii ? ? tu Ma \iitn!::iii. Me|la>and Vidaurn ate BOOB t?i tuan li ti. tin- froiitti-t? ?lill LOW l?i?-li Et \Uirti,,,, gad Vin,thr,,, tit.ti til?- I.lln' u , ii in- ? i.-iipi-ili'ii t<? ?liiiinloii ti?? poslUon before Qu?*retara in consequence of In.m nama iliel.ttti-t ?mya ererythina Is lost and the sles*s rmsetL The diaeomflture ana route i.r ih. ?berall laerteasive)* reporttid and belleaad i in Mittel nur lu (men-tar?? is npraseatadaa horriMa. ssimi" families .ne <ij Ing of hungei THE PACIFIC (VAST. sr m aitiira to -aa Tr.iarv? **?i\ Kkam is? o. M iv 91.? A telc_niui thMaTictoria reimrts that 21,e ltntml, OtAOmiW ptililielic?? ?lii|??*t?. 1.?--?al an iiiiport?iut natur?- from l.n^liiinl .?om oriiui?. Hie < uti feileisliou BCheuie. Oaf. m-iihoui In-? Beea a..ivi?ed that ttie Hr?t BBaaaata win? u w.ii ? ??me befar, iii? Ceafladai ated|i'.?riiftiiieiit of Canada in AuBust, will heuaeta la (-illili? witlllll the new Coufi-derm y tin? vthnli? nf III?Tluli .NiiitLt Auierii-H. Hi- liss lici-n Blfjed te lu*?' ILo matter L?i lu? i niiiii ii isiitied..iii It utnl ri-uitiMi! theil relee upon the m! v, ?iiiuii tv ot thi- admission of I ti i 11 ?? ia Columbia Inte Ih? lmon, Tvith the roiultrniii that the ?tei?t al tin- t ??louie* be ataii?ieil by the ( oufedeia. ->, and ItsaarmeaH he aaaa*? Hiitlied by the 1 in ?.--1 : ;? ! (lovfiiiiaen'l. 7*1? t* __sit_al ?.i)? I is ba?ared that the ery f<u unnexntioii win im tin in.-,iii8 ef uttrai tiujc the atti lihou of the liu'ier m '.iit.-tnu, i,; to Hie deplorable ?unditloii of tin? u. ?fleeted Colony, ?ud hsaten Coufedcratioii. Till; IMDN PACIFIC RMJ.lKlAl? ?ST. i.(itjle. Ma> 21.-A lnrge [?aity ?rt Kasteru cupi tallista aud railitia?. un n. in??lad?kf Mesura. Wat. IS Atlur. ivt.-t ( ?.??pet, aud lanac Miu.klcy, and Ms_sra. I'.ltsn au<1 ot ths l*hiU?1i iphla. aiiwiuB-tii'i. ??-iii Halt, inore Rtiilioad. Vi. V M? Ki-aii of The fhilitdel/ihw Ietfjer. II..tit, Oreen, aud Piiinain ul Boalou. and iilli?-r?4 strlvsd at ?St. JtiBephyesterdsv. Tliev will alli?i?ir_?:d lo Leavnn wot th. aim ?oine nf the paiirwlll if?? to the terminus of the Kauaa? braue h of the I'nioii fsi-itlr itailroad. Cant. O?aos, of the If?.?ton Irmuu lljnllierliooil, i* at Oinaha. He designa perfectln?. the or^aulratloii there MU RIQAl. iMr tmami. noxai < ojrtri s i ros I'r.'iKiiiT. Micb.. May ?i.-- Tin- ?OanatHnl oaalCoo vsntlon to ilsy tie? Hird i ot t?. lui-o? pin.iti- la thi? Now f ouaiitutinn u claus?' makin(.' m hourn a MBBal ?lay a work, but leate^ the uiattir to I-'iiialativ? dim renou. MAJOR -(.KV THO.MAK Si TaiBi.aara To rae tbibi'SB. I.orisvn i v. Kv., May "?7.?Majtir-(Jen. Thaauf has received InatructloBB to |irn??-??d to W'-shiri?:t<in, and it ia ?iiiiltxbiov-? thal h? leave? tonlaht out noon sports. Till. TURF inn BOH M? MT. Hai im; ai* jim ?il i M \li '"lil i!,,r,(l day, With I'.U'ifi.l self ,nr, id 'I 1' '?' ?It) ami a tempi ratuie Mai ti? lit mi.?- io a,I I " at!". 'nii m pin ?ly ti??- m ?. ila i.:, tt tin Part waa? on M e? latea? ?? hrjems ii io nao Urs maa lbs Bim *i?b> Is a luxiuy. to tin? imrsi*, ii ii.? lins great exesttoa toas?aiOi ,t W .? i?. ? i ?-?ity 'li.' ,,,\, i i f a , neil ?tt i <| .io tild ,iv.ny* hail ant It | I? a?.?re mi, li ?1.11 f. tv lit n the f n tit mu s if the lan" ..le t?, |.e tlel?i|ll| |l| the BtrafjglO *f ii.m?, in ti.i? regard everj? elah wai graBttol Tho Bight p.. i ions MBS nial and hr.s/y, and I l,e ininti of j 11-ter da y i ailie uni i li .ii and ?I ry mi', an! the t i. 11, ii I o ii on Thursday wasiinit? heavy,dried up t, ?*? ly. anil in Hie alt? rnooii of yiait rdaj W8? m i.ilm lah:.* M dei. ii, lins reepeel the course . ' ?? n km Part \?h ?y superior. li? nntlerdralniaghas tieeii templete, nul Ita .-?.ii .s oi .i line ti o.o??- nature, with Hitteol adkea-vo day. Win i, tatarated niti, a beavy rain it needs Bat afeo hollis lil lill,illy "-Uli u Hal lu li lull l it, titfii . Hot li Hu? sun and the ivii.d ? nine npperttn? ly al tbo Uti before and on yesterday, and the truck wim in ?plerdlo mili i A geld Irai It. a Inn- i ia?ti' .iii . i ail a ?t mai tun pri,iliue in.ale the day alid tin luid pi . Ii i I tur H ?pi rta .Min 1? of the f< ? In.p* of the pr?tions ?lay a*, to the SB? doubted result of the ?anona events moled tin fever?! a \|n i lalioii In Hie Uni i I...? ?. Ill? f. no. ils mi te lily di euh d in the p..hite mind, anti ib two of the three Os p.iiihe au.? nein on Hu du before, the backersol favorites were right in all and here, bul for tho fad Hal ma' favorite na? unknown, bringiug only .? ?I ?taut npu talion, would han? ist.i right in all rbis cheek talks knoll nil-' oin s Has a Ii alni i . howe vi I wini li add? il s ?I to Hu* m i as.on All were delighted sase the baekeoof Cape Moore, ia the last raei thal i leetwlng carne oO le ii nilli a ?.aliaht I. .ni. and. riiiiini'i' a good koree, winn Bohle i.i'i ; anal inn* all the mon .-i.itilnd that. Ins ..nilli is If r. Forbes, the associate of Mi Jerome, and Hu. i Hie. koree waa trained ia Mi Jerome's stuhl?, this saine li elma MSB atriklBgl. ?lu MU ni, I* , ?Itl'll vii ,h .ou.e waa a capital race h iii, Redwtag, III.. I Mi- I II ti I 'I'lns eiohi'.ii ? ii tour full ii ? Im :i ?aiWafJSSO, nil njri ? l? lillies; all nf iihoin . aim Io Hie posl 'lie v Min M' Moii.s's Kutliltss, Mi ,l,|.ni,. 111 I!, ?d'? Ul lin,, .uni Mr. Mili.iniei? Millie In town, on Thursday nielli, lint bless hum so ?iio!i_ a le.uh i* in ti,,- noels Hi. t I hele iii te i?, sales. Di I'nile I Hood, li lill all Ins pi | ?ila sue eloquence, oonld not Bim buyers, ami Ihi \ iii? mi b abandoned riie mid? nf ino io iii weis offered, and urn lakala, <??? tte soarse, pat ??tons totteraeo, las ssbm thill?.' kappi ned. ill.?I lui penis foi tins nu e eoulii lu malle TI.Ida "II' n ?I ?I It Billi uni i?, i-,, .uni no taken, Berne l? ?? adventurous "ii? oil- n ,1 Io luke 100 lo ID. hill Hi i, ilies, ii. ii, n on- "I i ? Hi lui ni luipi lui ul 11 lilli.1.1.' Ti i y 11? le at oiiee taken up .-?uun- few pool? inn SOM With Kath lens ami, hut hal ,<?!.? n ni? th. y vain*, as Kui ti It ?s ia?ui. and Um bnjrers h ni mili to lake ?? ?> u theil em n money,as iiio-eiii san ???id itei. not ., < 111 h i ? ii i in- ofhi i burses, Itnlhli?? out lil.11.d's l8 liol 'lillie the tin,?!, il.? iiii-tn-in ii ila. e year aid in tia Korti Uki m la the Darli* m ne mu .a Paterson, v J., on tte Mhdaj al .lune. Tin? i.ii e ha? a nu , I i, . of ?ul-i I Hu is. alni Hie itaka .? a I irgs aw Mu ?? .'"?a _ iaadi r t?u tin M i Hag lot that i nui. ami ii she goes ea nod ta I l|i- day on vvhn li it ?hall mun* ?II. ?I will require ag.I one to heat her. Jual sow Mr lleiaader ii..? at Paterson a big strom Li ilugtoa ? ?? t;. i ai fun in ni lui to Bayswater, await lug \in race ile , ona h fun . ki ulm ki Milli a li,. Ii Y* pi,lal.eil Ile is Lin hi ?I I .V .nu lin i Leilngtou, Mi mil, al?o nu.hiy dlsMBguished lu Hu in Hulilli es loi the lit .hy i,iii.nul un,lii\ te?na.. li she i ollie to Hu- posl lill right, tte] Will m i'I ' iii.iSi a ?real ni _ to be al la' in I hi grcalt-sl colt rat-i aft-? -?pill? - 'fins ti.i?? rannlngol Ruthless has added aiack pt ?.-pi .li ' Hit el l st lo the A nie I it all I lil'.) The , tai ? lu tin i.i. ia.ii .i uni. and a quarter 1* always ill Hu hi ?lil of ti??: ipia. I? i ?I.? !? h .im to Hie slat,?I On this mt'?nut it ii un?, a. -i. h tot ? It i- uni i a-i io p. a . l?,e hoi'.en al the gO-off, ..lal if they gal oil li . . .pill, i !.. long helol? the lie, a,, , ali I, lill II li I.. lue pla.. . When ill. V hail settled di.? li .ill? I I la -lui ? i ii Hint ila- i.-i.ij , i i nan i. waa m the ii...I. in In. i - . omi, Millie third, .'"I Un f .unit.. Bulkil Hu l . aim nilli a nish aluu: the mav to Hu st uni, ami the p,o?.t! mae ? Italie, ,1 I he |m -It ni e Ililli r ?in 'le to the trout, ami Mitti?, taking up the running, collared I . li au.i, ami liol aln.i;.?i.l' ot I..ititi I Kathn?-. tadln?. In I t in?' , lal on lin on len!. , uni aa.lh ?t? a la ?ti nie li. Ill hil on -n. nulli in. ,r tin- ?I.Hal. I > h.u.a lill lo., lo lit?. l.l?tpl,o. lu Ho? onie, lin y ia.ill I" the iIi.Il*. ??' siai.d. tin,?inni.' 11??* in ?t on si i' i Away tram IBs stand Luther Inn i ii Hie p n e. and du \v mil I.. 11.e In Id With .iihiuliilliad; no ? han.e ia,? made Hie lu ad till li. and theme Io I he <| ..ti t- r |? ?I Hil? tin pu i-e linn Sweeping on la it llulhli-.? .liol'd np. and ia ia da?h a? a? B ? ?nul, ?B t bit quarters oil I sitter Porth? ?rtt Ubm la tte lae? Bi fell called mi St emre te act-rpted Um< afeaOsMgt. Bal ?o is Iii?* ailiai.tat.1 lo Hu le.nluil.- h"l?i ??! Hi? 11 na-, , mu that-Cntril?*?? oi.l.i Ulalie a lirtlsli, anti tin li ? aim* back to await bei mu' on tte far turu Shi ted fell uf I ut her. nilli lu I )?>? id y knell Ile tin lou! of lum. ami i nulli p.,?? fin l lui* if???? ii in the o|s ii i uri of Hu far turu. Moon Hie pa??, va li I* ti was a lill mil' one, brought tin in tu turn, sad ut oin t Kilt bin* i iiiiiiin m i d a most Brdnted bruah, n ?auehf I. ill,, I. alni a ?li ii-L'le followed Tl.. ?..I. .f i . iii;,' look Ile ... ... ii ti..?h Io II ? le .ni of I In mr*,? . Hit? gi . na? un I. nil.? i? ?pi. i.ti i V ,r,i p, y. a I. I In.) Mi i, and fiiiy slinl. ?In gained Al h 1.1_-1 li ?he Initl linn, In i In lol nu>tr li.ti. IS. . Irar I ?? lorm ??rl.l.'?. .lie Ita?'I sliaki .. lull. nil. ami H as ni tin (nut Ila l.n. u.isoiir. halm, nu .o.ail. nt to Rulhh as Tin Sighl i 1 I .?ml Lull.i. had im i. tis? l-h.iI Iw Mittifl .nul Urbana ami i.oil, tailed ?'if badi. II bad faite Ima sp Millie, and Urbana look in r place winn the) ?m pi nu lo the home slrelcb Kutblras a .rout a length In Iteelear, and, Ihoagb nell Inkaad la It li d a Mai Bl a Hu Ij p.e ? I hat I lu IT lull lil nothing I?.' left of lui ker for s Huai bruah Onward the?? cann lo mulla a) of Hu -li? Ii ii. .lia I ? , la-t H onl i . Uti limp Is ? li ni non luHu . But be ti..? iio.n "i in ratmit could ? lum. anil at i li . i -Illili lu? .liaiai d.niall.ia liuthl??? anil in h.itul. aa ill. i a-1 plat ihi'. a d tin nil Iii?. i over, coming home a buudsomc winner, as ga] asalarli na iluttanc? as? thine in a minute? and i ; -?. oiui-, lim? bain? at Hu- tate or i minute SB ?eroods bi tin lull'. Urbana anti Mm ? wen bealoa as lo b? ii* al Hu* iiin?h .-i ...;'. I,... TU"' I.? ??.??i.i.t at St* mu ?isl ipiartt, ? ,r. i'a li I Balblfta?, ?ij iis|i I . ??. ? i M............... I I.. 11 I. ri li" ? l li I. .'? ? ' I ? -? oM. .I_e. ?l?i? leaf ?ft ? D vi. p.,. . . i ? ?i ; . i .? ? * . h i ?riBss. .... Kim i I i si i OBIi ii )? i 'Hi,s . .u i na? for a pin?! ol DOS, lol all ni*. ?. 1{ mile? Pur It then wen Iveentrie? Amoug them waa Oaward lint he ii a? ii ii lull an ii. Id had had lil? lui I. I lu da i hi fun . ami ?i ni, ,t had Lot lu? nu, mu? to dropped out of in? ?a,tai? nu m fin tin? dm m Hu- oil,11 (Bar, two, .Monda 1 ami Moll l-l 1 . had I"' u in the I... ill' ?I tin hel?le, and two wi ra eatm ? thal had uol ?bown, as .1 ? 1, ?1 tin? nu 1 tun. The] aere Mi Jeroaie'a Baliu Stone and Mi sa 1 a I lord? I oinI ?toi a- I? oh I Inn ??Ina . so t < -til ?lui . Monda] ? as the favorite. 1 he pool? show? ? a? foi ina? ? Mouday, ita; LnadstofM, 1 ?'?"?. Morrissey, IS; Satla Stone, .-..?i mu?. iu?t in fun* ti.. 1 0 .*, Monday, ISO lu i7u against Hu* field The betting was at I to 1 on bim sgalnst the ii. id Little, however, va? done, .iii.! tin* poola stirs languid!" made np lu the raeas of il mues tin ?tint .? fast beyond the judges stand, and in full view. After ?iiu* attempt thev coi ot! 1 tenia Bush i U? up lo Hu- stand, Mom??, 1 maklug iiimiuiL' he.uh ii, mili ??1,1111 si,,!,, lying ?eat, I|. nu- I h 11 ii, ami VI ? un l.,i last, I tu* liM'tili ?linn e,| no inclination to for?-? tin nace, and la? im), watching bis horses Load?ton< made running roi Morrissey, and ? oil.uni*, him, m the Southing of the 111-1 quart? 1 had 1 at lilln don ii. and tia? leading Still Murnini India I lil.? tune change thej went around the lal turn, till the] .ilneliee.l Hu- lift ol tin ll?e Hie little hill MM I choker for Hatln Stone, and the came herb to Monday, ami he tool. Hurd pinn- (in tin ?ti.u.lil muk Load ?tone sill! led, ami there mu? no eh,ince of ptaeee, There noa stroan rnanlag a? tiny bubs boms on Hu?, the nisi Hu,, quarters Ai they brushed It, so tint eatered am Um !a?t mile. ah mut ?le.1.lila round the ninth tutu, ?adanekange. Monda* had nut displayed lils purpose, he kadaol ral Iiuiiial lill tin." and plaire. The tltst niiarter of Hie fliiii] mile mi.? dohe, iund ?mi Loadstone lea. But Monday, as ttej eniei mi the levers? curve, thought the time ted rome to quickes Hin rate, and moved forward posl Mor rtasej to aecond place. There oaa bow no dwelling; they HWeyt on past the half lull?* [Mist. The traine BOM SB h a mid rapid, the turn was reacted, all 1 ..?lu d aro.uni it, hut none so ?trouirli as Munday The tleetin? aseoaaa siioii liioiiKlit tin in to Ihn fool of the hill, wIiiti* tte ?outs?-, tunis into straight work. Here Monday's poWar di?pinved ita?t?if Hre.tstiiia the billi be rushed atiaoad stone, and la h don n ?tiidi ? hud eaughl aadcollared kim. Hld erti the lop ians na lied, had oiltfooted linn, and pliit-mir Ins colors In fh,- tun ilrew.0111 in front, (?lu-e I.o.ul-t.? raised the hill, und ita? ni. Hu* slight des? cut toward Hu* stand, he again ral Ihm), und lint-i..*, u dash, laid himself on Monday's qoai tars, aad thenee tewird home the two made steautlful nee for a furteog a saerry ?lune it n.i?. too, foi thai furloiiii; but atoutness diuO win ni Hie end. I.ondstu.u, had dillie lil? ?fen.,,, ami all Uni Monday had to do tai,? to b1 n?le ipi., -tit* home Vet l.tisilstiiue's joaki-i thought Dm mea aBjat ?mi in- sa red, hut be luni" ?oui.ted In tain The whip came fmti?, and for a few Btridc? it llfttrd him, atid then eui. flint no laager t?id. Keeping up the pare -niinli had eovt-rtd Hie la-t i|iiiuter of a niilr-, Moitdtiv rah linm. al easy wlunor hy a lenntli. MorriSMt wa?*nii induten ni thlril. and SatlB -tooe ?1 sun mon? indifferent funrth The l.aee tliroiil"bi>ut aant gee?, hut m Uit'. Hue.., lotirlli? ..f Hie last mile was graad. it mowed Maadaya loagbnubeT wbo I? hoili ?tout and speeey, I la iw ? w..? 1 u? m .-? min. life? and H ?ci oud? This wa? at tin-rate, of 1:4. to the uni?, hut tint l?i?t mile mu st liare out done that m ???at-i'n.?r am f... ?il tfs* sas saS iSm assiiii ?tin y Mi b i. M?ala? l,r 1 ulltiB. il.ti, lluB.e Jirln.a 1.? ti- . "aar?..M. ! M H S??if"1'i|r ti LiinliUat K. ?lia Blue llsnuei, i.r .?np HrJ?;ef"l I. ? '??'?.. ?_ t) Mf?-r-lr 1 . h ? tUriaitr fcr Bterlesial^e, Itii? I.r u?,|, B??bi* B1.1llBi.1I. lie?ll*ll. ?j f. W. J*r?mie'l B I Sit,? Stua*. )., ,n ? U?. ! ,| .. ? Btnsla ht anu (?il.B.S*.4f?_. ?U .r. 4 Rai. in 1 B,i-iu?-. a?,) II ?, rillHIi RAff This nut* W8S ? ffiitli-ir ?take? for all aire?. lasnehl ?take, each liom?. iiie?i*ei tlv.? of age, may inrry the Ugblost possible weight wiriiiu a (riven limit it, tint ?take it tu loo pounds. Tuei* were seven ?u????-r li er?; linee. Iiowovar, ttlj ?torted iieinwafe, Oi mud, Laaaatons, and DhiIu-. purlin. forfeit Tins left in ?he- rare "Fleet tri n?. Julia?, anal (apt Moaire lu the bettln*,*, ( _r.t. Miioin ?BBS ?rut favorite at slxiut tiro loone again.t the field, and Hie iHst ntxil ???Id ?as ('?pt. Moon- ?.dsi. 1 |,?ft?AinK li.mi, J ultu? tint). Fleet wini; and Julius an- n, ii known lu Hil? region Bul (apt .Moore wa? a ?trainier, makin? hi? dehnt eathiJerome Para Osaras, a strong leader in the BOWS? bM baelMI caught a beaty fall, am! leal ?time? iit?t heavily More ninney trus laid out ou hlin than eu ?uy otbvr of IAO tUJ I? is ju all ihr ra?;??. Tin y were I ???r, ??I 111" Jl-rnilll' I .111? III 'i" I 'li ? (lay was . h te thi f. ..ntr. ol tli" ana i< bo tar. In i then ans ti,.? eieitcmenl ol doubt for thom lanrying loore, who I .1 no1 \,? Ul the ?point until the Uts1 quarter J" i -grui .? ? .h- ;i gallant in?", and ural I < I ?' atore Iban elthei of thom whii I? pre? dod. At ;? was ? iii 11. ti after one attempt, and at once ??'i'' Moors eut out the wort, taking the lead ?Fleet wlug lay seeond and Julias last Io this order thi along, ?til g. ng steadily, Minn? waa u leirgth lu froot iiml .in i? i luglug up a quiet rear some leiigt! i away. '"i" i i ??.i? : ;-ti.ii ii. ?mi, then aas no desire ihawa te aiake aay ehauge lu tula arder theyBtoed ?alongforhve-eigbtasof aa?lie, ai <i Bad aal aa la the ??i i m, iii atreti-h coming to the staad, wheu Plea-twlng ?aa i.ikr-n m h. h,i. iimi roniiii'tii?<i a hi.uti? spin al M"' i> ii m ! ,i, ,| bi i nu h steal f??t the eld eheetual to eut pace the ?-iii laut Captain aud tahc tba lead, when a beautiful bruah led them up to tin? staatl Tba liai ii.!'? quarters aera nea dear, and two aulea vet i? iiiiiii.iti. .1 linn?- evidently waa waiting forth? two I. mi. im to Uiii i m ii ??tit? i ii" laid aaeb bara held iiii Luk going off 1b Um aecand mlU .juht held bia min, doing no mora tb__n the Captain sallen on lum for. A iii'iii m til" fill bone, 'i.ui It i'< ? h ton i d oat Hut tin re ti.m no ?powi r in bind nun i<? t? et Kim up to Ah topmost bent, winn tim ?C?ptala had foaad linn out, in govt "vi i Hu effort, .uni thence, i? i ti.i wholi ?.iimi Balle .mt, then waa na ''?''.i Klrrtwing mtadi strone running. He meant then should be no play. Wora waa Hi" order of .... |'.'./. ,,,'ti? HU" ..... ?'..I' l ??? the nu ililli- and a telling pace waa Bept up throughout Ah Mi y t:< m ii the aim ?l ttulsli io 'in i tul i i tile nilli Ah Mi y ni in ii the stand ttalsh lag It, thi Captain began to show thi white teatbei li? aas no longer at east his ears bad gone down on Inn pah an occasional touch ol the spur threw his tall up late the air; lie no rut it- left ll'Miiu:.- All tli.h is lu.. was running i waiting ra?*? Ile would not mon up.though Btaaytiaa be rouldhave taken seeood place. Un to tue third mile they rushed licet wing, ne ver easing away at ?ni If Julius was to b? .i t Lim he could e ly do ii by stout nu i,.!i.-. no1 bra Baal brush. Tbe play of each "?i?. Iii.;' ii' ,i ? Un y tt i ii- Min li Un y in ; . n I hi ' l.'i I uni" list ii in tiny abouti hi.ty ni.til ?n.irits elosi Tha hint ring i"ii" soon brought them to the faur tura. It? i ? - Julius onameoced lu" run. It waa bal an mu.m!? ?i.,?-ii to ratea and pass Hoore, and begin Un? straggh 1.1 n :n ii iii i i?t mi. ai the center of the lowei linn he ni inotiii in m i iimi j?;.ni, and arlth ?istiiui gol well no to r'leetwlag a tally al onee foi lowed, ...ii the ?iii bom draw .itt.iy from Julius u unit', ?ii.ii earning on la the strateb, Minn? tba tara nu ii'tif? r gara aa advantage, a <i?ik- ?truggle tor a few rods ensued Rut thal ?ml y lasted tim hall way of tba i.oiui' ?in ti ii id re /nil ? ravi b ii 1 nd i .? ? t wins hin t abend tin? ? in I? ii I? ngtno,. ml tin m ?? t?? the end bad mullers .ill his own a ? homeundera leading Jolina b1 thi l?ulabalx lenarthi Tbe 1.1? "i ii . i v < lot-i? io tin? rare Tbe race over, a ?limit h'ii iii" nu. .uni rnngralulatloi ? wen beard "ii ' ?in ah i Hi..i .!. n un' ? ?;.,i li ?hool I hat. ????.ir e- ?? the i.ti.1.1, ?i i, ii ?ti. n ?i, im" . t ra* e. ?' ras a most iii lu, ? li to ii ?.I yat ii -, i ni m ii. ; al . ???. aa al ' i? m in.!. ?. .in t -. -i i oud ? :. i l wo aulea 11 .'! h'leetwing beca forced by a atrouaer Held be doubtless v mid bare done the ..i-i two wiles i\ it ii in I uilnut. ? and i" aea-ouils, Bl ????i ?.-!., ? .t 1 ?taili? I? ?M | tt ? . . ? ?' I T.. da] ?in ra '?iii i ? '"m rai es st tin bardi? 1.1. and ran geodsporl may hi ea pee ted ntey M . II ..... I...!. ? !.. .?. I . .... a...... .... I 11 I.? lilli. Mu ?*| i lug HI. I I 11^ *? VI I. i i I : I LI. Bl UN?. K1 (Ml IA Y .? I?, ?'..i ' ; .. .1 l . i.. ... . I -. *? I \V li '. V I ** . Ml 'I li io nu. t. ? ... ; ?Spring iii . i ..i ii >? cuil.?. i "i id Vak ' U ob pim ?. Th. ?Irai ia an] the gig net Tba arawa at tbe gigs wera a i.., .. : . i Me K1 nae* tv. A. ] mt 9 1 ts De O ron .?<,.?. . ; Weil ?el. C9 Mel Unto. ?? y.iyi i - . .'. mi it. lana) i ? K.faaiii IB llUlliVI I I i .,r?..i ? i. a . ? i !.. .i." ". . | Bul bi . ai tin >-... t Varuna sha! ahead, i - hadaoaooaei gol la i.t iimi? . aaj abes aha waa foaled by Um Olyaaa rha i minie Min ii.'.k tin- ii.i.i Jin? .num.i .nil ?.lyona f..uii .1 i. ' i. .?iii ii r.. times mu? t Ibis, which gave the I'ndloeaatartof aboul am fifth of anille Tba ?ii. o sent to work, leaving Ih? ? lyuna tehlnd h. rallied -i'.??i, ;. upon the i milne. When I i? 11 Ititi.. ?hot t dinlanee ol I hi V..? un apte thi l'ndine, and at last ahoi ahead of the former, ? i i .... mi '? : of ii li ligth 'I In iii? ii n ? ? t. .1 tin (Tiampiou flag for tht gig rate. Tlun : IB in It a; I . nil" the f.ati.* .li ?In ni... I !.. . rt it? li? foil?.X1 ? I ? . _, I , .-. I I ?t.. . ' flirt i-i i-ii Palmer (st) ai A y Palmei ?i . >?? Mingan it m. ..! . ii -. m. i, 7n i i ?ham li li. m,, rt ? i lilli killi tt ( lipi? I'J Ki lil. I. I D? -.?r. at m K-tti?i tj. Littleton i'i ?"??In. ? Adee (bow), -7 Nhill!.?? i ibon 81 At t,i. ?i. if Varuna ehe. atti? ad wltb a l*?*an_tfulJ' ? ?? i ??ti ?!?? ? i.. na seam closed tb? gap and led Varauta, than took the lend, ami kept pretty even '.nth lier opponents . lunn ii M.i bao. Hh< Hu ii ? nmmi m... ?.-.i n ti. i.o i :?-, two .ml a half leii| routing neal and Um Umllni i length la-hind the < lum le in I in hihi thlat-prlng waa not Mgondasl to tin uni.i. o'. Mu Weather .uni water, a di | In a hill ' i." - i n ? ras lu t? ?i? ?i I ? i - linn u th irii 't..? i ?in ii ?ti.- . . ?bowilia a loss ol "in m m.?. ,i- eon pan i! ? .i:, i ?-i Pairs time I?ni- ? h ..'"i *?? I? ni ' '. train . a-? with lin 11,k1, which art apj ?.< ? "li 111? 1 "Mi of Juh m ti. i in i., ttlug t?.i? in favor ??! I he ( i nd Va m.tun.i ?lull Ikiij.- Mu farortti from tbe fact i k.n two of the lint, i* ty crew men p '"-I tli I.ii ' bOWl t. :, ?ml Mu lil;. .:. ii '. i money. ham: ha i i i i itr k i \ ?? ?im: The l.itiikii Chili nf Newark and iStai ?-f Mew Broaaalrh played a gaim st the lattin pla. on i inn *iln> tiini 1. r? ?lill? ii .li lill ??. lal .mil ?Hil titi? .limit.- ?.?lol? fur Hu- Lilli ail? TU" total I. I*. Ms.? )?t. J.I ?.. Eureka i ?. 4 ia -i i j 4 1?0 ?Star . o o i t o .i o i i j lit?.: inn Min ii in tui*.i?Of, K1 tlll'.mi? I" 1H1I'. I'M r.uxi.iN, Ma] M vi.iii.??- n ii m i i?-r ?.i pi mona a. ;?? j.r?--?.m !.. ii.i\ in w ?th? m th" ????-oiii! of Mu? ganta of baaa lui! for tin iii.iiiipioii?hip of tin? ?Mata um! ih? Bilvei ball, which ?ii? played .hin afternoea al Cambridge, betweea iii. l_owell (lubof Boston itli? rhamnuini aud Um Har I lull ni ll.n \ .titi . mil i.'" Aft. i ? niitfli ii game <?i three hours, tho result waa dechttwd in faror "f the lim i ard ( lui?, the toon ttaodlag >i '?? ? lill Sl'llKTS.MKN'S ( (?NVKNTION lll(?l HAY m I'ltiX Y I 1'IN.? lill I I -_ta_ IHM -li' ii 11 BO, 11 h Oat Baa. Csi masadtBl U lor, H y , ll.n .i. imn. In?. iin?t. ill i//li?. ami ?<>l?l. ?Bolt-Bf inn lum? ??? ??n Um ttAsmtptwett aMM-hMMa al Um Ita! aay*i ifMtlag un? der Ih.- .lue, tiini of Um New-York sriit? >j?r>r__ni? m'a ( .-n M-iiti..n. Aihl to Ihene their iiHturul i-oii?ii-.|U"Br.-, ;i tin f a? wi-t nu a ?poiir-'i? In its iM-!t?--t ?lal?-, .tti?I )>>u I. i\ | a hi,it?-?if iiffiilie wini li ?vinilil Mull tin- ?pilli? gi mi, l>i?,t the ? iitim.i.i-iit ainatsurs collected hera, who ?'.m a-alla ami Moil?-, .uni uiulis' any clrcumstanoos. To .my pao who earles the fraa_e of mind at the redoubtable Mark Tapley, iiiui ili-aii ? ? t?i follow in th?- footsteps ol Hint nn iiiiiitiil i'lulo?ophi?r, mi adrice Is Hint he th.- ??*. ample that iiiurtuig snot, RobertKewell of liuif.iio, la? rest Ann in aa EagHith nae, ami atinad a Baofaaaaa'a Convention in soca weatbei as this, if be he Jolly thoa, '? nothing ? ni. harm him further," be will always be Jolly, U ii li ii look out. Hie < ?ni v? ni Hill lit lil Ita bil Bl li BSS meettng oa Tuesdaj svaniag. Maa clubs wen adadftrd .mil nilli era ele? ted. To Berri iliumi. the . mu in?, trials o? ?kill. Mt. C F llt??i.ll. (lu l'i-i-Mili-ut, wa? appointed itt-f eree lu all. oiiti-el-, M?-??r?. 1. 1 lv. kimi! A. 8. I plum. .IimI-i-? ni al triii!? except lift" ?liiMiUiiii. ami Mt Kau dolplf Ballard, Maaterof Ceremonies, a vnu-of timuka w11- glrea to tba Hon. Mr. Arabar,one al tin? lending splrltae. tin? ( ?invention, fur lu? mrtiit?, ithlili hain beanaastdaeaa, iaproeanagtha p.?-?.**?.?-i.v ti??- i.i.ina tun-of the mu gaaM lu***, which wera raaav 'li?. -" I it*-? bara j11*' baaa signed bj Got. Featea. Oflaan ?tri then sleeted for tin- eoatllng >i?ar a? follow? |-ir...ln.l. I! r l|. tt O?.. \\ ('li. t.'U ..f ?U J-|.. . V i. e i'l Bal Iel I ? (' < >l..r?e ,.f K... I.e.trr,-Reid.. Sirunr K-...r.!i!^ .*?.?. irtai. labs B ha|t ef U. Iftl", ( ..rrttfp'ii'I ii?- .v. rrtat'. Bamlui-iU Ha. .1 . ?>f Le K? riaaSBIBI S N Kpr,?rer ?if l(.<lir.|er. ' After ?onie gi-nenju?? wruuirliug between the Clubs ef Kultu'.ii. l'altnvra and Hlioii, for tin- Bx.nor of etttartalnlng the ?iK>rt?meu n.-rt year, it waa decided In mt ii iu bulla io, milli?!' the aaaalaaa At tba laraatei < lui?. To-day beeiiii tue euuu-ats fur pi'i/?-H. The flr?t wai? lu rifle ahootiiiif at MB >anl?. rests befag aUow.-il, but tele? a?opie night? l_*T"d. Tin? was uliiiu?t a* tun li it trial of Killi? ne Of ?Uilg_? the mnrtt eluliorate retta I?.mc u???l l?y ?mite nf the toi]lt??it_iit?, Mi" nil?- Ininti pli" e?l en a pint f.inn .nul it? l'lini-n 1 :in fullv mljuafi ii lit BcreWB lief ?in? BriiiK It. Blllini-hin.t. au old. ofle-e>?il, wIiii?*-1n?aided veteiuii. led otrin the trial, and eliot na nell that had not the Iiiui I.nil?! he fired aitenl min pieoe? and left the tin ji.?( iinhaiiin??!, h.? woiiktl han- tnidni?litedlr huve taken a uriio. He waa luiiuedlatelr followed lij L. J. Peck, a tall, {..nul??'??!?- mau, with lii-nnzetl fare and wind? hair, talni n??'it a Maynard limit-h-loader. and aeatlng 1iltiu-?*lf on tin? vet ground uaetl tb<-feme an a nat. II.- ??hot well, unit thuin.-- Mu- liiiitlieniatiial art? threw hliu at :? ElBBtdTaa tag.- -"-?i-tli iitren, the veteran aiMirtiiinaii exi-i lleun of the ('??iirentioii, fiillom ?1, u?fiiK the same nile iw 1111 lliigburat Ile I? a rather Jolly, aly old fo*, vt ry totl In lu? al????? li to aearapapar num. Wbeaa he luiuglm-B ??nually mtt, and klinota well emm^li it? bury every lui II lu Hu ?ihlte. in the iiiul*t r?f 11 drl__le and at |BByatdsa_-t_aBce. flu??.- who follow are, ami. iiii?_i-in?. Mu Uirs.-?-t, ure thrown ?fut of eouipefltion. (?neu has won the Brit priw snd Peek the ?Meena. The Jadges. wbo ara ven di Ilberute, hare not yet measured Ihe targi its, nor m .-nie ujiy orlli-ial award?so 1 ?aimot k'v" yo" the su t inaiy .iIlMlneil A tifie ?Loot at KO yards, off hand, follows There are ten entile?, .m.i each iraa m?.- aaa_a Bamber of aimtH ?k in the lur-t (rlul ti ii While tlilet ia golug on tin rain 1. im 1 og heavier and heavier, and tbe groiuu' la it II mora Moppy Yet th?' ?p?u1??ir.ii SSBB-MI turo.? ally at theil Wura, pegging awa? al ?a ?loee of ?vi. ta- |K?pfr ?.vii h a blaek mark ia tli? conter, Minie, other delegate? w?m pi ?. di] avati h Hit ut tram th., sin ;tt i ol a t ? r?t. A Ia Hoy ??rowil ?ii tii.e. i,ona vi t it ? udures ?U thiu-es i.*old bodies, wet iVet, seated clothing .iii this ttey beai (a? leek at I? I Iflti sloe' fct i IrellBg an* Hld Hie m .-l-l in n is ?aeager gatberiag ?I liglit-eeera who make the ?hots with wistful attention and ?an.?en to eaat a he se? , llltiir I,?k at H.e ( Ii'lll!? ti. I f ??In aloa of ' l'aile wma the first prise in iii? centr?t. Muoh lurther Into the atti i noon than -vas int? ndi ?1 dot ? Hu* rifle ah? ol lag ', and when tia* tu if ? ?? ..r lor trap shooting it, la clearly Impossible that with the anmhei afeatries made, the nutt? li cannot l?e shot ?nit the same day 'In e, ?rp t < i otiiui? tu i m? 11 a mad? kewever Poor traps ?na u?aa|, am ti lie ?p. it-nie u. hy sanada of eifrht, take their tuni at ?testing. The tond.Hoi s of the ?selah .ne. tint each is to ?koot st les Magie bteO*. wita a in id kihi not larger thah taa-gtiage, ?bol i, ounces, powder aallmited. Priaee are given bj President BJssell lol the dist and M1 ? ntl I I .?t elie! nul tia eau al ii .uly a hundred entritH?, with the posslblllti of inore to-morrow, Fmty tur.e ?hot today, killing,?ut of CO birds, -117. ?Hi'* ii .au only. FU. Foote, "has rim? fal kilted hi? II Bul the beet stets aro to eena tetert Newell, the etea i Hi?! AfMieia!.nu, a young man from I'.uflalt?. ?vin. has a ?.?fieri? ?Hy great I? putation. will m. i I . ". ill. fa.yln.". Un ? lianipionof the United -tates, in this i outest to -mot ron. Ni Mi ia has ii lint , t it .11 fa? i-. With k? ? lily ?lal f. uttlies. and a good i!..tcr?ii. huirtiiooi tike au With Taylor all Ni m 'nita sportsmen are faun!.ai. ile participates in the sport -Tim ii La rt-stricted to delegates and Clab u.' nil.? ia a? an hOBOfar** niemli i fn B1 KO? lu ?ti r ni i.mriuw ia tall of work. Tte pipon li la to he ahat ont la tte morning, hut most of the membera ann \i?it Hi iii Green's propagating trout ponds on Spring Creak, m laie i believe a By-caatUig will take piaoe. 'Hu afternoon ia devoted to a BUtto trap-shoot rides to in i boa? n on rt.i ground, from di legates and mt nib? ra of ? lahS, and i .nil ii au to ?I.not at ti a I li gie I .d SI TKIKItKllll TO Til? TRIHI ?IB LtOBOT, N. V.. May '?I.-'I'la: liflgh -lui'l ibooting? nia'i h. open to all colliers, to kill 10 hirds, took pla?-? io -ia-, k Neu? ii f.-.keB lbs medal? k a. Aagos sf Leroy, lirai i rim H J.Marsh of Bogalo, the second: H A Kein Itia of lai.ti.llo. the third. The ?lout 1- hud ?lu otiiif iiiateh .s until!.?lud J. Taylor of Jewry City will probably tate ti..* th-t prise, sod R. Oewell of Bar ? i ably tlio sei mai THE INDIAN WAK. I,IN. Al l.l I.'*? IM KIM IK a. I I. ai la S(?i .1 ( i in -,. i .lett. nu fit, N, h , M..y .1, HIT. I ItaVI arnved at, this pla- 0, sod my Yn-A s!i p ? :is i. iiu tin in aiitpiat t? is ?,f (;? n Ain. ur, and leam flam hiiu pt TMinally win Hu I Hiere uns any au; lion ty for the io.Iii Ung statements i mu i ruin*.- his lah oded ?1 p? ilitum to li.' I ? . u,,.i.ii*i i? if the ', . .'of-torn: Finr,ar.d I found 'hen* iva? ma BOJ palina* nf truth in it. BO stated that, sutil tin turua! .ulan- whiuhGea. Maa liai made in burning ti,he had intended toi ki afores "f l,i>??0 men, luu-w Infantry, to defend our northern posts against anj lui lons of the i.ii un n Bai no-i his whole attention mn?l be given to tin Platte root? the Union Paoifii Unilnny. Dis pat? in ? an re dall) al bia headquarters, annum tome m'v ih i nd..i.on? iiu? morning be received a itch statiug tliat i'-o In rd of stock had been taken flolll lill* lu .??ihm laiod if .Illa ?hill ii. aid I ill i e hi I il'l.? had been killed and ralped Troops an being hurried alona tha I ; on .:? fi ud thi posts meei liable to nita'i. Caster is still at Foi Hays, and bis men an ?ion ij-n i oui ng ?i em the sttaeh of Bimro] Preak proi !?uiii? .ne 1ein? rapidly haul, d lo h.? eomm ind, and other posts ure being plentifully furniabed with pro. \ ?lons, tims provk11 ug against anj couSinaciieli-s that .. ,.i si i?i 1 in- Indiana ti lu, are at Mar are encamped on l ii k? y 1 reek, about ?S miles trow this? Hy. ? ?... Augur M.H pillia ' Ipi Iii Le I! Ia X1 I '.l.l III has engaged soi ? Indian scouts, Oen. Han i oi k ..* ' eli 111Titi. st TBiiwsara to tbb ttmai. Bl '? ? IS, Ml' .? I ' :;itm < ?mai that in Uoveraor "f MssOaaa sadaaitaleO ttem tot ? Beaton sa lbs itoaan ????? tai ?. Bnadsy i.??t. v?in? al. e? 01 t ot '.?' DM li. i he |" l.-oh? i? Umging to Hu ' nu: party, who were reported lo ha vi la-en killed lu the Ulai k llills a short timo aiuce, an ? part] ?as i ul mo .?*.ii by : i - and Bruie Blotix, under the Chli f? ??pott, d la.! ilaI ""lift la IT. lie li, ,i| l'oit \|.a pla | asking for sni.? ullin Government. In ion? linn* being driven from their huntinx gro?nos on the Bepublicnu Fork and its tributarla the operations of the L'ulted states meainal the ho liie-e i".i? profess m a- (rtendshlp foi ? I tt)< '? i .ii'Iam ???. i-rs to ti.iii.? I.pni.llie roads from Fort Hediwlrk and F ri Larnu.rth,and the i - "ii <.r Ma|oi Pre? I ng of '" ?eu, drove . herd of in. : . ?" :. thro (iii to i ?rl Phil Kearney with slight - tin ? el.? i? and flankers keeping the Indii - a respectful dustuutri Major Freemun ann:,- returning lo Foi t Hit. o, met Mulor King eurraled at Crnsj ti", lois iii train of ?lu . ter bad laren attacked, and los! ii hi-alt'i cattle Major Klug reported the number ?: ? attacking part] ..? : u, ii. ul whom were mounted. M oi lui mu?. ' nu n, hi moved forward flinn N'.ith Platte ai irho'it further muli ?tatlou. m. I'lHiiiv i.ibi i company herding .'. b4 id of stock for Pat ry .v i.alhraitt. j' miles weat ol Kurth Platte, wen tin kt-tl hy Indian? lour men mu- killed and the a h"i'" hen! Ma?, aptnn a rill towool So.Hi I'la" . ? from the \l. ?tern ? ?' : ? ii ..ii l'.u iii.- Kailroad, ami uani ' !?l - HIE RARE Sll ?M'l I I 11 ? ? I! M'l-l. I' MI \ sill' I" II IN?, ti. II i IN li St Til?.,?li? Te III TK.BI SB. Piamuix, M:i .4 l lu- great tmy-rake swindle n.,? ii ?Ham? any dooM the most* in the ni ladling ? . | : I* i- positln ly ?!atnl that OVei BO nan Weis 'inliarkiil ii. tl.e ci. terpi ??-. Aboal lia or tw-strs ?i.n? ?ga a party of twelve or flfteen bubb, with Moama and children, tim buggteaand splendid team? of hoi ws . oi Mlddletown, Oranga COaaty, la princely sg fin- sum whose oodybustaess was to i'.iy tin in. i n r to ? ?nit-nil tte tensa I !,, i .n 11'li, lui in ed h un li n if in i mi p't ?_ m rln a,I loin i n? tOW I ?, lllilk.ll^- ho I liai!? at M Hld le to 11 II. Vltel* V li llllli/ Ing eight oi lunn ?i farmers m a rawford, the ?aun* number in Mount Hope, one in MinlBink, and one m m ni i. nandei. tiny left, escaping mih tin n plunder before ?uspl ion * a? al otu. d riie Cr na imii formers is soon m they discovered the fraud, eui'i d upon Hu- Hon. ? huh? X.m tink, ?nd ?(though the General had abuiwloneil entirely th. orari re of law, yet when hi found so kugi a ?wloule, calculated ro deceive- thal II wua dctenuuu-d to lay the whole I i-i.iihti> mulei tribute, ami thal mai a latryera had given their opinion that the swindle had beeu so tan ?ulla pie pared a? to dei) the punishment due to crime, be was induced to take hohl of tin- matter, principa II* for the purpose of expoelngftte swindle and the swindlers. i." M Paltuei Is th? patentee of the "lay-Rake, living Mt l.tei'i?-. I 'lieuuiiiro ( ?unit v. While it l? pretended he ' Mill fOruiah Hie vi hole I 'moil ia lth rake?, it appear? from | ttetestimoBj efaomaof the hand that te baa a litt!?? ?hop al 1.1 ii in, i in lian..? coiiii ti, jo ..i ?g leei wide? with two mau al work port ol the time, and a bim kaniithahop annexed ai ?th oue forge. One wltueasat an examination St Middleton. snore that tile lia] Hake iiond had hee.i lu t":llul'i.:,lt II..- tile HtafC for Illolltll? in Saratoga County, Cayuga, aadB?"Teruae. Last Winter n..) visited linn.? u?i d'?, Warsaw, aad Penn Yan, The present system of villainies eommeneed but FalL Tin? i? th? isiiuiiuiu i nu nt of the Bpnng campaign? Ob Mon? da) John F ici noid? unit William Laymaa -.vere arrested ??lal taken lu fole a Jn.In e at ( lava lol.I, (?niii.e ( o , wini, after giving tin lu a ? ?ilftul e u.U. SCUl Hietii t?> lad ni d?faut of Pt/Ot ball e.u li. While a constable na?. mm j Ing another ?>f the gang to Knnli.-ill. lu .Mini-ink, the siounilrel made his C8? rape, and tea not been heard from ?une At ? run font on raSBdaj another took les- ted. Tain of tin? .iLi-lit? ure i.aine.l Alts-rt Boyce ami Leroy lUteht-ock, Francis Clog pa] ? tin lulls. Wm. shaw Mpealntends the horas?, ?ml v.. i? Moipaou, vi J. Mi (ailinn. Miram Van ?ewater, 0 A. Blmpaon.J.B Cutler? Harrison Simpson, J. C. Reynolds, and J. IV. Baiulford an? of the part] DISASTERS. the lAVTUOO i?r. i i iu. An laqwaal was held over tin? Idiilie? <?t tim paaangM arba iver.- drowned aaTtba i_aaBa_Mp0aBtlBga .1. Ctil.ii, whii-li ita? tvreeked on the ila mit , lielm?* Atiiintic ('41V. The lury nadarte. Um tolkrirt-g rerdttet : ''We, Hh-?none-t summoned to e-imliie min and iu ? ???tliiiiie the rtrcBlBBtaacea r?nne? led with the drown in?, of the fuliowin?* iiiilueil persons, hate Bgned ?limn i? Venllit : Tluit tin- sadd Mr?. 1. ii n ive .??iiliiiiit O lae. Mis.? laiah McAvay. Mr.?. Mary Watkias, Mt?. Maseella Am BroiiiH? lie Ki.-eis. .VI.11I111 Iii Nuit?, .loha .-nulli, sad Mary l.?nn?.i (iron, mme to their deitths by ai.iiiciital ?li <.w nuit., m Hie i-ap-Ulug of the lx?at and ruft ou which they aere while coining ?Blioro from the Me:iiut-r l*?aii tuigo du Cul???.'' RAH lil? li? rUffWOT I.N CtV4.1?A. at t?i a.a.ra rn ?MB Taiaraa. Whitby,C. ?A'.. May .4.?Au eniiurui-t ami a spei tai freight traio collided at thi? ?tut ion, Uni li _-_ui?_ went, thi? innrnius. The rim- emigrant oar wa? badly ?tit?.the?. One mau, three women, and a child were killed. Bnverul ??ihem Mere mon? or less Injured. The -?as-engei?' were ? ietmaim. . ??KRIor-? Bit CAB em THK KKIK I'ai.myka. K. Y.. May 'JA.?Souto twenty feet of the Iterate bauk ol' tbe end of the an, tied art. Just weat tot ' hi? t illili..-, went out at about . A'eloek th!? nmnini?. A host loaded with Miavas was drawn across the opening, and wa* liadlv wrech??l. ?he will be unloaded aud burned. The brenk isa very bi rl?tu* one, ami will take f nun ?our to m_ day? to repair the SHpsrinteiidcat aud contractor ure on tlie spot, and a large fort? la now at work. The Canal ConuniMioatr, Mr. Alln-rg.-r, will arrive Ibu? iii A1.H in v, May _4- It la now reported that ten days will be o. eupled lu repairing the damage te the caiial at 1'al myra. railroad accii?__nt. 8t. I'ai'I, .Minn., May '__.?Hie const rut-lion train of the Minn.?otu Caatial Hailro.i.l mu ?.li the Hack, and killed a mun named J,ibu- of ludiuuu. THE SOUTHERN STATES. GEORGIA. i-:.i. i., i ? i 11... -1 ka m in i.' 11-?, m.i esa. Mt-k ?? rasaeaara -o mi tartana /-\K.?-i. . -Aa inporttatGaaenl Of* .. haajna. ??? ? > .-?'??< <l kyG. ?? Pop?-. ? p.. ut?? : Tba ?Stateaca ? and t..ii..i..i ..ii .'**..i r. (I, ?lud ;. fie? ?Iiiuiu p!.h . ii ?ut ? ? 11., i:...?i-i "i ..' istratian. Ha t.?-i*. ti rs nie tn t.ike il.i? inn.-. !;ul i.itli .uni N? exp?ala to nil th. n ? pul iii.. I rights .in.', privilegee. The righi tu '.nul vate ia guaiau teed by tbe militarj an tlio.itn?. Violence, threats, or ?my oppressive means t<> ?previ ni persons from registe] lag oi voting* ia to be followed li?, immediate .un.-t .nul trial l?v military commisHion. No contract with taborcia, ?1 inri, nu.' tin-in ol' wages tur .my l< tim?- than m iv*fitally consamed in registering or vot-ag, |s I*'1" lltitte.l t<? In- ?lil.iii eil, lllnlel- .?lie?! illili t: i;il lu tbe military, in caaes of disturban. <? at tin? placea pf reiristration,or at the j??11?, tbe . it ilaiithor [tiea are to be called h|hui tu afford prot?t lion, and in their dcfuult the militar, will aaa tbateoeb Ptor t?< tmn ia ?given. Civil officers refrndng t.? ?protect Re?istcnt or votera will be aneatod l?y ?Uta military ami tiiid bj a military <?< mmies-on. ALABAMA, at TinuiiFH to ma TK.nt.-.a. Munni. \!.i., M.iy '--I.- Joha M. I'.it lim d?'faulttiiK. 1-renidentof the l'n?t National Hunk of Heliiui, Alii?.nun. wlm wai eonflned in jail, escaped yetterdny ami jiliii.-fi hilo tin? n\?r :nul drowned lini,?elf. The Mayor, i Mobile has Been petitioned to appotat waa? ! half of the poMi _ foti ?? m %rat ?. LOI 'MAX... II tlH.WVIiil I MK 1(1.1-1 lil I.-.t.N PkKTY. ht rausaaea ra tub tri?; nb. Kaw-Oau in*-. May m-Tin? M_aaii_Rg alatfani aaa anea attopte-l kry the BepabUeaa party afthlaStatak tin- retmllillng of the levees U a proper __d?*?rt foe iiiii Demanding tin- alwlllion tv the ( et toa t.i \, iiml um tin- ingar teteras, beprvtei tedaad restera?]. MAI.Yl.AXI?. III-.'. ? <?\? lill Illi.Vtl. lii.NVI.N ll?.\ BT Tai UiRifH t.i thr thibi-.k. Ann ii'iii.i?. M.I.. M;iy .'!. In Iii?' Cm-?itiiiioii.i.I ('..nveiitiiiii to-day, tin- Committee an tin? I.? glalattve De? partment matte i report which coataiaa Hu? prtrtemevat Prohlbtl .? Hie General tssembly from making appro priiitlon? foi rompentiiitlon to former owners of tutvea, ?.I m, pi ?>t kling fui> penalties to be Impesed on meal I? i. nf tin ? A-??iiilili . ??ti.I ollni? of Ih?- ?itati* municipal ? Itlci ra, for recelvlna bribes, n wards or other li ?I inn inn? ?.-: n I ?o. upon peraona ? :?? ni . the nine, nnliut Iuk flue?, anil Impruoniueuf in the I'eiiiteutuuy .?nd ??B? ?iu. iliii' Uni VIRGINIA. iMi-ni.; ?Ni mihi: i in. .i h Ml v.r. i -. Waycaterilaypnblbdied .?i portioa of tin- ?>ply of Diary Wot ii, ' -??.. of Yii",iiii.i. 1.1 ria*- tnqalrtea ??f .? i aaa? mutee nf tit, ??.ion.! paaala of ? -i, i ?. >r t??v i ii. . \.? v. ? lettei waa Britten, t?. Jfl-fgi Kit? ?, a At m_H .1 as foUawa: Rt. it mobo, May ii, irti. s. Ntl ti.ii. t* lit? ii m imi. p a. i mi??, u??i it J,mt. ?iin, 1 ?m: t\ iii nu:. .1 x til?, 'j'. *?. Ta Y UM-, unit Witt UM r,l;..u ?., Comn ittre. in *. ii i ?it.-. : Y..IU letter of the lath lift, has ju?_ rea? In ?I ni. . Tli?.Hull ?ii.'.'l. t.i? I .1!. ?I I.t the lilli? ??! of my son, nod bnay io my foi leaviag tho city, I \\.inn..y m. ut- tin-1:-i>- ..i haste i ither than ?leny you the euri? anawer yon request. I weald aal aaeaa? ?lili i??! as a riiiahtitiii foi tin i .m .?-ulmii. it i? ii aoateC ilitln iii!i .nu! : It}',underexisting) iii-tiiii*>l ?in ????, tint 1 nui f .1 11'Un ?iihi:.;. 1 eliottld pn ter to in ? ?.i it-. ._ from mi . bul I would not decline It If d?voI\?.| on nu by the unsolielted anffl .- ? m mi fellow-c? mtry? men a? -nch :t conftegrnc" mnt probablyarise,I .?iii read* aud willing to inform rou of such opinloaa ?i?, i hatral 1.nun ii mi tin tnpli ? j mi mention. I ni t to t- ?? yiut e the iuipropi etj ??i tex-kluar "io tiamaml Ap pn-.l.'? ni proud***? \ our ?lelcirntc In lils <? ?luti. .-.'* ..m! i,.it. .t.i;i???I your lutei rogatorl? ? to? it.?in _.-tti ..ii ? ... l-ulh ?harina :. I l'Un . i-i! I?, n -?i. rid I ?tn l'y to i ?jin ?in? -- ti"ii?.- p if. I, l .mt for eecurlng your ? ? ? ? ?ral franchi??* l?y the Cou-. atitntlon, as fur m II can hi done. But as by the law sa t.i.-i.t ?'?iiiiiut ?Hin! ,n util, r, nuil l?y ?lint mt n pi luclplea m. ?.m i .in i.. m ?I. .i.i.i be trrepeakibla, ?<? [ hold 1 iMiuet of -mi i i iii.ii.' ireiu I.ilion? in* ;..., -. uoi be restrained oi fctten-dby the present :{ ?i atti ii'i't i<> di in .i.iitii ?.f tim power to niter tais feature, would l>? entlnli vatanasl repuguunt t?. tin? tli'mt ?if popular jimi-nii-icnt. Vor \ i e-*curttj in t'n? ri .'.inl, y.iti mut ti? |n-iu1, ;i? -.te nil do -..i .?ii othi r i _ht. upon the*? of Ju-ti?. .-nul. ?elf-protectIon afforded by our lona of tiree ga? sn.BB.Bt ; n i .;i?tiiitii? ttiiuity ?>: tits ha Hal baa aaa ka . aaa i. I am for according to your -??-??pi? all tia rights of cltltt-ntUip, and alaillahlna; lu the i ? -tutiiiou und tu?? i.itt .ni ii:-:in. rightslaaa-saaoaa 1 tee ni I i i?. been throughout mt neal advaeaM of free schools, and deem it -?aaoeg tin n'?t a_k_l_asaa *..? i. .i .iiiii. , of the Convention io provide f??r arahai lystemfar ullclusaesof ii? citi/eu.?, t?? Ik- mipimmU-iI foy t.i m ? on property. i IhU matter of the ! ia of eji ? tmant and ?1i.?tr?-?.?, aa_| :!n exemption ol homeeteuds, la-rtains to l,??i,Into,u ?uni nut to the (.'i natil ttion uni **in it emu Intento ia t. ? ?.i-i. and it tin t !>. not i. ual, |n*i. and atlequate, ihould foe ii. :.'?' ii in j "in In .-' mr?*. \ . -? netioi - i-, ml ilirhu and th? adileanhlt? lit Oi ? I .1' III ' . il.-l I'll' - Ol !... <? ??lill . ?lilli, ahould, m tut upiui. : . ?I lil? 11 ; i* ii. ??i ,...,.//,,-in.x/ i.i" i -ii>']>..-. you mean lohep* ping, UOl ' a,.ris:nunn!; .ilni ..- ?ii? ',. lilla '?..?ni I? .1 rii'i't legi?lutlou, not rcfcrabli to the L'tmvcatloa. ? i,nu? iiml the modi of pui ?hing them shoohl inn. i - forth be i!.? ? une lu rt ?pi 11 t.? nil .?..n? and ? ?.intiunti? ..r. nu n: ai ?I ?tii.|i i t to thi? principle, tint ma.. m mt i u-t?. in- v. eil left to the ?!i??i? non ??! your law m.i ki r*, witaaai ill.- mil?! t.l?i .11.11 pn?l l-l? Hi oil tile ?Illili i I. ,. I .ni? foi mi ?'innem taxation, ?ijual and iiuiftu-ui.uiio?' uguiukl recourM to poll taxaa. a, l ??in ??>t Iii? l?..l!ot. I lt.-i\?-ti-ii-? auswerad sllyour questlona, aad am, very ti -]h i tfnlly, *i mu-. .??. .. Alix. Kit __, IEXA-?. '?i.tMi'in'? ?>i *ri i.tii.i | ti Monk -\ iioi'Kim.R -lill 'H llllIH?. ON lill IK?KI?KK. 4 United-.tateaofficeratationad la Taxaa juxt r?? tiiiin-.l'i .nu nu ? xpeililiiui tLiiiiicli tin- coiintit-N Imrder-t iii- <m Ai; un Itnli h m tin ii ia trial to which he wm .tpp..ii,ni!, tt rttaaa i m i latereetiiig i. tier to The itutarut -"in? thin?; of he ?aw and heai*d_| Wa unote :? portion of hu* letter, aa follow?. : (?nui m Bc_^Assistaxi Cob '?ii.>\?k, XX \!\'til Uu-raii l <>t li Miu?iitii, Texas. April __, in',7 \i i '!n;i!!t reached the bortter, and croased liita theil ?Um-.i? N.iiiiin. Al..-ii. the l'i.i.lii t?? Arkamwa. til ?nilli'. I? in u ?ad couditioa. (Hil l.iw III tin??, j?.nt? ti i Ulm./.? ? no t uni?- hut horse stealing, The |i??n-? ??lit ?ot tin? is death aa -???ti ??? ?tu^it. Murder, wanta Is aa couimou, in unuotk-od, far tba following rea*?oima rii?t. Tin-i- ?ne ti -r- fi ? ineii aha linn- not, at ?um??. Ililli-, r. I.'.t till ?I Iii.lil. .lilli .I ,1.1 t l.llllltll li?' lotll.?I tllilt, will iiiiitti I A Inn? ?MU :? ?.'i.iititiii ? futind, but wit?? ne??!? ?in- ?prit, ii, ?; ttM ininti? r-t r em a ja? BeeaasL The* dara aal caavtet, for the reuiamiug ?rania will kill lue jurymen. There are roaming bands ??tilt! lighting, io'.''in-, 'iml killing, for tin i ?>u.< ?leracy?a nori t.o?. of (afuautrell'? baiat A geatleaaaa in Bai Hiten (?uiiit.t. toiti nu? thnt tiie> had visited his ?aaea ratyj often,dnring the war. Tn.??. in?: ans would mt hean lis lu? i?.irlor .iinl It-11 of robin i.e.? .tin! iininler?? they bail i ?.lum.tied, unit laagh ni tin- jokes, oae of whlehf ii?I tell a. the* told it to lum. Tiny wen riding along in a, Mptad. and eiirryin_r the ?-Mars ?"mil Btrtoea A (iennaiaj mel theui ntul ?.inl: -ili.niU (.?k1.-on have come. Do* cat? li (?uantitil. tor lie la imirilei .n'_ tiny mt" that lina nut im lue.t " Then ??nant i el I ?puke and mfoimed hilo, that he wu? QaaatralL *'Ah. my dot!, 1 am dead.!" liena Ilia? ?til .'lUiif it iii a laugh. "Hut," .?.ml the Ke?lleioaai? "lou iliit n't. kill himf" "Oh.yes.WB killed him;'twaaa I. fun to see lum pray." i.uai.tni: said lu- "listed to kill ? limn that tva* st ni'horn and showed n ltIi t. or said nothing. or told them to kill lum and he ihme willi it. Hut I ?lu?' I.k, lo not utter a DutcUuian. and hear them he? and pray4 tor ita? te spar?- them. I always make them net on thelri ?nee? sud look me iu the face, aud while they pray ti*} blow their fue to pieces." Tin.? lui ment raised tv L-l eat aud a'alieat out uno! lia* I story. Ixe. Hie firsBJ i.tlii er umier Oiimifrell, told au nield? ut Hutt nappen-i-tl thnt morning in the iieii-liliorliiHMl. and which was true.? They rode up Is IB old Bmi sod sited hiu. for his money. - Ile wa? in lu? yard -aa old man M-venty vears old. They vore told he luid no inouey in tin* house ?>r auyavbef"?. else* and. ?aid lae, "i killed luni." "We went to fho Beat tease, aod aa oat DbO imian wa? rcadm? a book. 1 a?kid him if he had auy monea: he awwered no; ? then took lum 01 ei to the neil hoia.? and ?Uownl bim Uio? deadman lying on hi? tee? la Hie yara." "Oh! Mr. I'uantrell, their is ?>'.*.? lo my trunk; tuke it and let lues' lue." Another Jamih. The ?eiiUa-nun asked if he kille?? lorn. "Oh, no, Mudd kiln-?! lum; Mudd hud never kilktl* a man?a now recruit-aud we made him kill him to ge% hi? hand in." One man Mid after the ?nat id.-.ii ii? kilk?| te could'nt sieep fora week: ** but," ?aid he, "1 havM killed eighty-two, and now I'd just a? bu.ii do it as kill a dog." I will not relate any minc of these horrible sto? ne?; they are too ti rrllile to think of. Yet these Talon people have boen obliged to lue through the reign ot {error for year?. Tue Re I ml -portu.u of the ?-oin mu ai*?/ killed, but did not roh, as did guantiell. In 4'ookCouuty, forty-two l mon men wen- bun? So oust lim!? for loving the (.overnmeut. The ?ames of them aud the psrtie? who murdered them are known. Thertt I I? a day ol reckoning ounilug. and it's not fardisiant. A. P'litini? of this Quaiittell gang sie now ou Um- border, K>?| River Crountv; tie .ire doiiij* our her?! to cal?h item. II we sueesed they will prnt>.,i?1v ?onie to ?Tief. Such la Hu? i-oiuht'.oa of .?axietv; yet these --copie, st a um??, raid -?-tiitiat the ??iinlitni-t- usurpation b?U. Ix-conse despe?a? docs do not get tinie'to break tail or l?e handed out until the next term of the court. Their trial? are short and ?lr cuive.They*-o"up"ordowu lu u hurry sometimes hot li. mnt-e I l-atf-an this letter. I bars received notice that the State of Teias has been ?Inul?'l Into did ia 1st SMSB i? Hi? :uth, and ouly includes ?ix counties, and no Jim? ?aetgned to the command Tills 1? for its lutter M?v_ni? ment, as it Is ull we can do*? to with iufautry. Heretofore our district was so lar?e we e?iuhl not visit it, Now. uuder the new order of things, ?ix eounth's. we ead rt-jaulate without much tnuiblc-, Yvurs, very reapt-cl?iillj, ?-?JUsa,