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77,17 FUEL llssaadAiekSs.] I . M AM? < ?>NI l>I si PIUBk Oneo ti" iu NN ?ipplicatioiiM'1 this fad winch hi? been developed wilbla saw pari year, find which j. nun is? s tots "1 Meat importance, not ?mlv to ro rtona frees ooal minea,bul BetuaUyto the DNMiciM oi ti?" mini s Um enmbiuatioa o f coal ?Umt a ith peat, in such manner as to prodm 0 assail c<?st. a i. i1 \ valuable fuel. Simple us tins ?asesan te suost pi is a fm t ii 1ms baffled the ingenuity of u multitude who have undertaken it ami ? vi m ....iniie work, poorer, perhaps wieor men. i mm tins anestion, the followin ti.u t lioin LemviUt ?id./" trwof, nm'1 u* found m sut iii lent interest to oui readers tobo republished lu this article : " For several years past, i>r. li b\ Uesas, of Chei M l-s , 1: ,. . . , ,11 to lb? p. ..? I nal BO iiitioii ??t t . and has. from time to time, ob? tained - eood ?s, until Bpnugo! lb .? hen his experiments, which until that lime hail i ? a limited scale,show results of soma ? that It waa deemed advisable to test tin NW"., n tier on n somewhat larger acale. and Is a more pilbil mauuer; the rcanlta of which have given proof.i.... ! the perfect success of the moth? ii al in unfa? I ? I, and of Ita luperioi value as an . Iii le of lu?. 1, e pccially fur steamBBdSB? It ?? i . .. t is i,,ixe i with crude peal In (rivenpro? portions, m d l>v a vcrj uifactured mt,, i form, v. bl han d? ; ??? ;.t,|| , oh? ?|V< . i HI ..N b Usril for Hu 1 all ? \pi i r. i ? dr. ??'j' innfai tnrlng the fuel after the materials are at the null 1? tun. A trial ol thia m w fuel was made >'? Julj lasl opon thevY. torn i.'.uluu.l <>f MmMutdiiiMctts. \n1u Ii de 0101 yoi i.iNil. J?r. Lu "I;., i' ipon tbal p ri of the road Known tobe Um ' portion of the whole Um to trav erst. arves, w il h ngia. t to t be milo for a part ?af the distance, -; sevors sk-aw aervloo from loco ? i ind the total rise or cle . im. -1.nions is 960feet '? Vi, . pounds of the fuel, and ? p. m., s ?i i steam;? !?......... ?i, who baa bean on the road fi H Oui d of eleven freight r ira, thr tin m i,. :.'.?.;. " ' to fourteen emptj can -a ba?i v ii.. bad. "I ! - ;i li.scs for half a mile. Sl.d tin '? 'l ??s. the s.u. : ?mil then ? on UK ".V: .. ?ulwr starting, the steam had run up to ? ?lui, tin-1 irnaoe door. mice w Ith ? ' - ? m n'ii ten degn ? s, from !;.i ?- - up again I.? i ,.i. J1,l ni? ' ' ? I both pumps I steam would have run down . . iii .-. r. "The fal te Op? n nearly four lifths of tho time. ??Wei - thirty salantes, havfaw passed tbe wi ., ade. ?ii. ? tai standing at ISO; and we vere I s.."..i for the r?m iininf m soon fell to 190, and w. nu ti?l> to i ?i..i point. "Wi mu ti ;i tseven miles, by far the hardest ?if tin ? ? fuel; v, bib] the rcn . Ith >.n, ?' 1. took 4. n.mut? s. li will bun In any vood-bui ' . n it i-t'.i ' i.ii ?m use. ? shut? Bro boxes specially adapted foi It, Will. anil ?i little wiili' ? Its us? The exhaust piis? should lu- larger Hum f? r I ard wood, p. rbapa .. i Comb I to he almost p rfect; there was uo U made bul little c1 ..?i, steady, and extrem ly ( nM.| S8IX0 ITU BT MAI HIM Ac- rnnle p< ?it, as taken from a wrll-di bog, V( ; nuls. This sai i to te pen - the > bai tot? r m strm li I lb 1.1"... before ii Is relieved from any ol the ? in tin- muied Into blocks of eonvwnk win. . lu the open sir, when ei . tiou I '? ' in r.ipi 1!; -ul to be g1 ' it men I the n red lu tho io.d?u.-iig null; so thal the time tbe Minim? r st ann foi di '?mi als or eight da ither; aud, by e> :? ?: lou, il sailli further reUnewd to abonl qunl , i hulk, alni w li . al thi- stai-?-. have heeil rda to tbn ?? nu ii tern ? r bulk having been dhaialsl ? t the mr in tbe pro ? of wsb r 1?> evaporation, v. I I u Ij by ila? evaporation ? wai , as cut .will measure about SO cub f. ? \ bii! al ai? i. quin d to ii ? .mu? u.uu hu. orcv.-ii laocubf? feet ? i drj fm i. m 'ist from the r ? . . out 1? -i" ? ? . .-. . ti Mooka IS OB ' in i lej dry most rapidly ami nu. lol D i .living is, in iu? aboul i ven f< ot loug d with ordinary laths, * entent lo han may bs pill ?1 one upon an Otbi ? . 'i '.in d. ?tad I uiiii by any other method,? xcepl upon nt ti. - thej come from the mill, C?o w i igh m a-th ro l.ud out to dry, aa acre ol land will be ? ? ..?i on ii ? . [fapn ?: frames a*? .i!.?m? described, one . tan will i. quire i a f; ti One i.? re of liad, lain, ilkrving one fourth the area for I .?i i Bccoasmedato fsasaea fana / deep), ii 106 tuns. i with frame? 10 tiers bl accommodate l.3So tuns. Peal can be manufactured and dried In this m inner. In good ? io us to wak? n good tu? ?. and b< - t?. bun, h four to toa days ; but, like good drj It lau n Improved In quality wh, nhoused ami allowed to care tor a Miaron, say three to OtS li' ?llflls. An sen of peat, "f fair qn uity, weil drained, if one fool In d? plh. v. d', t.. a? -rall. i on ia m l.noo to I'SOO tuns, its of dry fuel Greater depths in propor ? it well drained, contain a soper cent of water, and eontain 01 to M pel < i.s| i.| II 1 MS,, I r PINT WOBKA. Tbe eoat of starting; a peat manufacturing li.-sliim lit. tap. II? c1 Werktag ii j? l1?? tims of i unie !?? .it, and iu? ?Im hil' SS tofiO tom of fuel per ?lay, tim nt vi ..r, may DC i>tiinat? d M f'illi.w s ( nu i. In cm?' mu! boiler, 13 bone . . i.llll fixtures. Bulldiiiirs, roughly constructed. Incidcntaia. Total . |s\n ? There may be unsllcr and eheapei machines, but we should wcreaee raiLes than diiuim?h the above estimate. rat roa DOsrasTio rtraro Those wini ii .?? peat foi fuel should understand that it ignites quick y. lan na freely, and gives an mt? n-s. lieat. almost from the moment it is kindled. It is therefore reasonable t?> suppose that it should bo managed somevj hat differently from coal ??i we li v. ?II be ?if lit:!? nae foi an . one t? anti? ip or aatisfactory results aa to the value of peat for fuel, ii Lu in th? lu. i now generally in use for ???m1 ami wood. It should la?, burned iii smaller v. with li-tsj ih;;ft, ami renewed somewhat moro frequently. In Bnrope, it 1ms always been ivaisi?eredoneof the im?st pleasant kiiuls of lu? 1 that ? ?mid be used in t he nursery or sick chamber; there bim fuel whiefa nu Ids su mild and grateful li? at as peat, For conaumptivi s uni persons with delicate lungs, ii is especially dc s.i.iiii?, aa it producca Bone <>i the painful en?, wood smoke <>r coal-gas. If burned in a omi sisee, it will afford the maximum of comfort to tim ?mist sensitive invalid. Then i*. anotbei item ol great importance ia its favor f. r the ok i< chamber. The fin uni?' renewed without any noise oi other nnpleaaant ein Dnsotaneoo at1' in!.mt ii|wui nias ing Up OOSU or ?rood Ure. ? is no fuel foi domestic rmipeate equal to eoa deneed peat. It ia lea in c?harcoal or cannel coal? ami anea oast five on" any deleterious gas when cons uned in an open stove or fireplace, and makes luit a asnall amount of asbua. Pot a ?-itti:i^-i?.oiu Bummer fire, morning and eveninsL it dm m> equal. Di) peat san be lighted ami the ure start? ?I with a single match. In s properlj constructed furn peal fire ana be light-?d and teak? Ule ImuI? ?1 m ? i ? w rninntea. without beating she room or wasting the fuel, asia? aasasntel? neeeaaary w i t h anthracite coal. A blocpof peat Ignited and cc/rered with asasot will keep tire equal to the Yule lot;. I ..i rangea and cooking stoves, tim flro-bnxeeshould he coiwiderably siiiallei than foi ?awl, as it reqain s ,i lum h lerv quantity of Beat Usan ?o? eeal to make a fire, though n mimt he reaewed somoa hat oft? Ii i-, easily km.lied wiih a Httlc paper or a few shavinga, bon us freelj. ami gives a quick and Intense In at. Kor Wak mi.'. Miling, and broilrng, it is ei ?I lent: and for heating irons on ironing-days, thi no fuel equal to it. It is cleaner than coal, pleaaanter to handle, and easily managed foi all piurpooeeof eooning. All persons who use th. new neal should ander. stand that mr dry peats very Mil?; Mast, is required ; and, when brining in engines adapted f??r wood, the fuel has to bo appned in such small quantities, thal icelv pesaible t?) keep tbe lil. hats ?<.\.i.d without raising more steam than ii required, The amount of blast reauired for oreen p? at is not. so i-i. a? a-s thal n?|iiii?-(l for wood ; but it bunm well in a iuiuato uriaiiged f?n ? oiisiiming wood. ff.AT BOB <i\H. Among other ?vii. nun nt.s made to teal the value ?f \x at l'u gas, th?- following w ill lu interesting : ?? Mi ? id of the (,.., Works at i . ( Vork, stales that from Vii pounds of ? iL taken from a bog In that town, owi?ed l?y the i pi... ur? d 784 of ill ? ' of gits to ii I pound of |M'ut ; while from the lu st coal us.d at the Works. alnJ lou* ti lilbn f? < t ' "At this rate a tun of jx Id 16.(00 cubic feet of pow? i ?d the . -i. ii u? mnch more pleasant In Franca, Um experimenta hnre benn extensive and Mtisfa, tory. Motbey have been in iliir.,,iiiiitry l>v Mining coal and neat. Port lund. Me., rapen Mi t, ,1 no1 long unce, thai tl?.-, 113 waa lighted two eveninga with pea' ps which was lull as good m produced from coal ."-amfm tory 1 x nts have also tuon ti ported in Ijtie.'iund Lm sinbnrg, N. Y. Prof. Jnbnaon Mya that it 1- ? m util! ti.a? tu?t h1k.ii 1,1 I?-1 boron j bly cured foi v ? ?. and burned in cn 1 ironretnri ol the c form, rela ti\,!\ larger than thone naed for coal. For mou? ,,f peat the retort should be two fort wide, one fool deep, nnd nina feet long. Tbe yield ??! gan then w greater than from bitnminoue coal, and auch .? r. tort will give 8,000cubit fcetoi geein 94boura. By tina It will be aeon bow eaailj ; lilies can manufacture tin 11 on n gan As it.s chief in purity I? carn ?nie acid, ii ?a punned by line, irhicb wooldaiwayi I"' worth ita coat for agricnltornl nnrpoaea. Di the manufacture oi peat, ?1 \?" the waate mate? ria] 11 WOtth innre to the lal m? I'tlian the cost of d?g? ita*_ Tilt: APPLE CROP. Tlie apptel which first caine to our market flin sea.s,iii were Jiniir. Aiiiotifi tate beti were UM V How Hal w-st and the Kid Astiuha!., lut the latter WM In pong Hipp]y, Tha orchard! everywhere within this \ieitiitv are maiiy harren, nod tlnmiulmnt New* England Ike crop is abort and ni Mtiafactory. Larga (?uaiititiim halft hei 11 bTonght fra n Vucinia: the atae anil quality WON good, hut tlu-ir day is ahonf over. [I baa h, 1 h stated all along th ii the or?n in Wetten New-York waa poor, bot tbiaiaaniatake; and aren in the vu ?inly of Um hester, wl Te it was saul 1: tie would be pii ilneeil. the nppliVi onezpectedly on proving, if no1 abondant, Mill rmita fair. Tha ti nth Kieins to he that then bj nrtainl.v .1 dcflcl 11? v in anne orabnrda? wbila others ara no1 what uealled loaded, bot the atea eorapenantei tor nonbera, and. on Um whole, Um crop is barga, Particoterly bj tliLs the eaee with the regten 1 los,? tn the Laka Minn. The I?,.st proof of thU genera] itatonent ia, thal n ii for several reara bava prlcea rated so low, and this is preventing shipment.-, from Mulligan ?uni other \\ ' tern petate. Tile ce!? hiated orclianl 1 of Northern Ohio this y. m ara barren, ??mi ?li ;,-,l appli ? shipped them,- l.i-t year, and Still are 1.? bag in 11 nKi-t. 1? in- hi en ordered t?> 1m- lu hi. Don n in the interior of this Slate tin-re are bettet aa^nea, pari onhuiy on the rich col --ni of the ohio Bin r lulls. Farther weetward, ttrough Iodiana and flliooia, we bava eneooraginf reporta, while in Iowa and Northera Missouri tho yield is repreaeoted m ? norm,,us. In Wiaconain the h inly v.iri.-tii.s lni\o fielded fair supplies, and even it. Munn -??,.. a fen on barda are b fanning to benr : hut tin \ an- moatlj of 1 h el bo dliuga, oro! \ iri< ti? - brooghl linio Norway by emigrant?, being thefruil <.nion in their oonntrj ami m Sweden and Re 1 ?t the Western frail region, perhaps none h able ?is One about 150 lillies vu!.? , 011 Illili, lilli 111 Kansas, smith ,,f the Kaw, and reaching t.. the Indian Territory, th. mo east through Missouri, south <>t the i?. 1 of thal 1 ame, to te Ute Arkansas line, thence across tim M. ?isaippi, taking in ila whola of Southern particu? larly the timbered nimm, win.h 1-, ~, 1 mires from Ninth to 8011th; a good part ii Southern Indiana, ami alnoal 'ii.? whole of Kentuckv. Forth? u part the soil partakes largely of lime, with an inl 1 IVel ?li lit. a ith lui?: an,I iii, ... .,''., sandstone I b ," 1 tai ''ia! 1 le* iii'" - ol pi m I tivarocka, and in some parta the upper and lower m. linn - ia limeatoae abounda Bera the ^ ? ii ?a Boll? flower growa t<> a perfection elsewhere urrkno bawle/s .lum t is a iiv-mii. very profitable and localities subject t<> tate ft"-i- it 1- inralnable, m it blossoms Inter than an otl For keeping qaalitiea th,- Newtonu tfppeu m valuable.ano Ita qua!;' | OC0I ii late v, ha!. \. i l.-pilt..! ?"ii it may have acquired in other i-iae- s, 11 ibupn with 'iii!,',.-. I he Red Vatro, linn il?" -1 ?tren well and on hard iron me aoibv Pryor'a Red mai'.s good aize ami bnllianl color. ' da Knstward from Kentucky into Virginia and Baal Tenn, ? ard oy n oi the elevation, it ?a continued into tin mountain countrj -i v.. tern North Carolina. From tbislaat lia', ? III 1 'I M lit \\ ?si Ililli . ' and iimoiik' tin m 1- the Ben Davis, wbioh tor beauty and qoalitj baa an equal io the world. It ia found in the rn ii ; 1? rfection m tha neighborhood of P . . . I. . \\ hen groa n North it is onlj third All val letl--, id a, . U IU I rcgioi) ?and fair that When taki u North exporta in fruit culture ref 11 ? torecoguiz, them by name, f bia ii moat valuable acctiou for fruit 1 our whole country; large supplice in the ful 11 thence. At presen I only .? Uw orchards ol recen! planting ha> a ? ome into i.? irii -, and mi! v in .-? \ > ' y f, a ki ?tieshas noch attention been paidtot?i bus! And yet then i 1 drawback. Only a few ol the winter vainins keep well. Foi bultanna, the ?de Island greeuing growa to an iromcii ?w ;?iul fully ripe in October, nor canil bi till 11.... id..!, ssiii i-, in .s-.i 1.0 m Michigan, iu 45 oi latitude, it ia not more than a fourth 01 thenicej it ' ' ,1. ami is ?X lit ?or eatii : quality 1-. ?.' : Iii nt. Hi,'.\, '.m. ii 1 judi, ioi ? 11 made, ron u to supply di ati- , - tiona h,.;!i North and ?South? It would to dran largclj from Um aclecl fruit ol North li.ia. ami lui the most part to neglect Northern vurietiea, lu the Htetes aonth >>'. Kentncky apple onltnre i.s not Mkeiyevci to b ii, thongfa | ? ? 1,ii mm:.? few kimi- it might l?- na su< ? ? --ful .-is iu Minni-ota. Keen bore, ana in the region before mentioned, the apple slionld be ?? moat profitable crop for the rial.:;,,'ni vinegar al ou 0, foi Inert is no ai 1 n le iu doun . 1 hruugb our a 1 cou- .m e ami dear, ami g,Ti<Tall> pom Vine Another favored apple region Includes Northern Indiana and the ?Sonthern hull of Michigan, for through theil whole extent a vast numbej 01 thrifty o?a hauls of the choicest frail have been bn bearing, ami foi keeping qualities ile. ! ... do Boperior. ?So pi d oi lal- yeera, that tha Jnataiicca ara not rare where ia on,- Reason farmers have realizi <l mon- for tin ir fi mt than the farms tin: roold bring. Winn prices have been high in the East, their market, in part, baa been Nt a-York I ity, Uioogh high freight is ;? gn al iii au hai k; I ni the greater part 01 the ship ineiii.s have been made to Chicago, and <\en from the vicinity of Detroit. ? bicagu ha-tin- reputaiiou for dealing more large.] m grain ami lumber than ?dh.-i city; toth.ieshould be added fruit, also. Tho distinction has arisen from the pans takes to improve the natural advantage it no?acaMea for dia triboUng corumoditiea m every direction, ami so complete have arrangement? become thal II 1-. eely poMibla to pul that market with finit. This taat season, while 8,0 Obn heu ,>( itrawberriea daily reached the place, moallj from ?Southern lili nois, tbe demand from tbe Lake. Buperioi region, and otIn 1 1?mu', mu tia in lu alun s waaaocotiatantand great that frequently little wm taft to aoppiy the bone il-Tiiaiid. li is melancholy to reflect thai the on barda of New-Engtend, which formMly wera ao fruitful, and which fini proved Uni America waa capable of ex i celling the <>hl World, and which reilly laid the ' loiinilatioii of finit culture in this Weatern World, have fallen Into decay, Mme than this, it ki allcifcd that orchards recen?j planted,and which now should hear ahiindaiitlv, not only an-hiit'ti, but inan\ of the traen bligbi and die, It is to he considered thal the apptel of New-England, as a general thing, wera ni poor nnality, being merelj lunga; thai ??ne cause of nisnppointmenl is tin natara] n- ill oi old age, and thal recent planUna baa been by no menus geiieral. Anothei oauM rea? aonnbly may be looked for in the fact that, by long CnltivatioU. the toil "I these Mates ha- In .-ti de privedoi the eleni uta aeceaaart to bringorchanla nte a bealing atate,oi oven to giTevitalitj to the it would bo worth wini,- for formera to try tin; e\]M-riineiit ol taking snint- 1 iniiicm e, ni in.ii, which never baa had much cultivation, even li reeky, and teal the ooeation wnet?ber this soi] will not produce flint an Well a^ all poili-ms ot the cooniry did in early dava Lae! rear, when tbera iniiiis of Bodger Wiutanu .11 Providence were r, inoMil, it was fiiiind tiiiit tin- roots ,,t an apple tree had (lese, mied into the grave mill absuUid I lie w hole skeleton, and In (hum; so the roots bad uitiuis takably arranged tbemaelvea In the human form Rods r Williama tangbt an invaluable leeson to on: j?-,?pie when he imuliated th.- wiadom oi religion toleration, and led the waj for its incorporation inte ?mr National Couatitution, and now, though hnn. dead. ^\Itll th.- laat rapaina of htaniorta] body ?, ahould he reminded that the phosphat?e and other clem, nts common to ?mimili oriraiiisins are required I.>m.ko the apple orchards ot the old Mat. hloHxmi and hear as in tha happy daya which ara gone. _ Tin: di.a 1 arima at Tin: PAB. T]i<! Deni Motea antier Prof. Peni gave am etaV r? -X li lint kin at the Alinrieaii timtitut, I an m >t. ida\ It isa wonderful fact that tbOMdeal luiites an-ubi,-to bear the b, .ititi? of a druin, inn! \ el e.'iriiint lu ar any other kind of al ilisti 11 Iii,- li Li I r has t.uu'lit iii,11? 1)1 Horse telegraph alphabet, m that thej 1 to couti r->- with iiuh oiliei as \m would hy telegrapli. Tiiey ,~(iy tiny tlrst feel the sound at the soles ol their feet; thence it rises up the legs and oommunicates with t -, bj oipathetio 11,-r\,. Bom, one In th, andlen, s k.iw .? mini,- In a wblsper to toi t- ?cher, li, Bpelled n out by laps on the drum, whicb the class soon aaaaMad oh Ibraham Line?la. A number of young ?rom, n tin i?i itfoiin, ?nid as the Proressoi mad, they leja-aii-.i, by th. n beautiful sigas, Um poan lb? amillni a,,.l u , ? ? lahalll n??-,?i.l ti,? vskl 1 111 tha al ? ?- -, Many ?>f the sp?-i tatet I? ins Lord a Pray, 1 tia . 1 saug . ? On the rnt-'lit of the -l>t . . wilrv ? CHILI RAKTBQDAK1 AT VAI.PAIHHO?TT?F RAII.RoM? I IIOM VAl.l'AKAI-?) IO !*ANTIA<;<>~?..: o "lt li Of Till. Bf i \Ki:V?TIIK VAI.l.KV Of ^VNTIAl.O?lill ?IIV ITsKI.F?TI1K iOXsV 1 \i:n-i!n:xiMi tiik di:ad. rraaOai tajeaba (?.rrtiiMioiiMit i m un INI, ?"hill.fept. J, 1M7. The ineffable sJowiafM wti?tl appear? to ilia Ul ruisfa the hans,i, ;,,,,, ,,f ;l|l baslaaOO la South Ann ina frequently soto me to wondering how little must bo ?*> in a life time lu te, i oiitia-t? d willi tbo rail T' id rajiulity of ? iisti-iui? in mv BWB land. A day at Imme, at liny r .te, contain? mon. nal iteras of human rx 'h in do ten davs in ( lull. The atmosphere- bj? bright ami braetag one, ami should not nasa t to?etgam Vttfe that bj dnaflO WBh h nnc BBS] forgjve Bl UJO milnes sj a st kneao Inherited from spain. Aadyet the ass-wasjars requires but s fen > cara of n ?lui i i e to 11 oh tbs inf? ? - lion, iiini. nervous sa I am, I oft? o feel it steeling. couiitahiy over myself wita the subtlety of uu snebsat m? nt. Hut there Is one thuij: to which wears subject lure which frequentlj enroses the wild energy which tenor can alone induce. I refei to earthquakes. The people imp about cow Idcrablj in the cvcnl of a bombardnieut ..f Hi. ir ? oast i I til ?, and en D n , ml a rev? li. i mu nn.Hi live liness of feelings: but the fearful un of "Tembhn : t? m blorl" aiTouipai i. d l>v that never-to-be forgotten ?puner ot tin- solid ? sith beneath one's feet, cn ttosa supernatB iii i-va li-me i it NN In. h a linos I ii. pi tv.-- Iiu in ol n -a-.-n. An earthqnaki is soiuctbingwhich nooneevei gets sceas temed t??.:iiii Amerlcaus who nava lived long in the countn ?lispiiN quite as muchapnreboiislon as the na? tives themselves. After experiencing sumeroua sboeka, of nun or less power. I must auj Ibu! Idonot particu? larly a?l II rire Hu in mv ?.. If Tin le appeals to he lu ? other refuge In the universe, when mother ?.nth h Insecure, and, though I reg ii led ii it iii it, I bavi el la-t ?otu?? io have a holy horror of "La ti. mi.lim. nt ?lu la im ? a." v' im ii sometimes disturba mj thought hy bbj ami l.iN.ol. s mv ?li? .ins by night. The first one I experienced WSS soon after my landing at Valparaiso It waa tbe gray of morning ?bee i nn.i.s awakened by a singular palpitation of the heart, and he> came aware of i slight qulvei us <.f tas nv.i?s of my chamber, which rattled the window sharply, sad en? dured for sboul foin s.ii id- ( the circum? stances to tbo wind, which was blowing smartly st the lime, I thought nothing of It, until I beard s commotion In the the street, scconi] ml d bj th? opening and slam? ming i?? "f ?han-, ami 1.11 Oed erics of " Ti mblorl I? rra lmit :" ??? ' 'a- .mil moves I "J Another shock, stronger and iiini'-.. milug than the Drat, occuired sa 1 leaped toss my bed, and l gained the window lu time io see the stni ; thronged with n diteued i u ?., women and ? bil !;? n, mo t ? f tbi M la in clothes, when nu. lb? rand still atroi gi reno? 1. caine willi li las led fill I J Mill in -? ? IllldK, Stopped n,N wal? h I - i aftoi NN nd leal ni J), ? an ? iton !n?us? nearly ? pi>oslte t?. swoj [M-rccpl i the dim ni o um of the ? irlj n nu h l could see the Biaata of \, .-. -, uni; apaamodli Uie long si ,i-vu li which always rolls In Val] . was heard to burst upon the b? sch i ith a i?.',. ubii .1 roar. No s?n i ,1 dam the street qu tired to their abodes. If th? thud .-h.-, k Is hann '?nor of M ?? p. opie ?m uni] li ti ly abates, foi ? that tb? cr more than three, a id sel lou I? ss H m two. i b< ?.. i- of thi di 'ia. lion ol M ? di ej n - ago, is th.- . dIj cxeeptloi t ? i '..? i iii. i n ti baa .vii i.. .ii l. m.?ii. Hi rush laid the ? ?in In i nins, ai d de tr? >?d ol lOOof II ? . Ubi r wus ?t i.I. d bj ai'.'i woruli g wLd r er. w bl le a 11 es rt li nu a ki I t ak ? n i : ? ? ? ?U '? bj a ' g, lo i, I milln: ? Pin day f ?' ' '* '' '"" x 'i' " "s" ' '?*' '-?i' ??? I, cb has sin ad . dum I , i sill. ?. I ii 'In? ' Mn i . t) ?? %, i.i i.i ;,f large, ? marka ule exhibition of ti i i w bli b lie- ^ ii nt ? ?. M ' | nu "I 1.1.niall I i Diore and Ohio H . ? dwarfish .adi nre h it b? lund, the woi i,. \. ? ? ? ,,; i the \v dow of th?' sa n ,j, uti? The breadth of tho r< ?I. d fi. m the ; -, tumbling ? mid i? ' ios d "i. m -iii tun - i,r : Iron; i elk > ?? ai ?i a Id csvons ?re bl granite lunn? li <l I h rou j gil iinr. thoo -li iii. p. ak ol Um And. a wera li munumi tit ??f in? I) aid ii g. of till I m. a? " n'.ii n ii ill \|.u ,n au ' . I Hi ' f a soruewhal ? h h iv iiifc- Hu . ? , I to the '? Mat uli f. r the, ' i Ung and ti ? \ i ii in aro ? i ? tin vi? 'i oik. Hiirround? i bj high snd rather ban tb seruh-ti r< id has a n ?. l i"..:? ?? to i ? iii'iii, uni? h ri sort? I ?.. ?? \ a. t Bul ' ' quit? h lai.-. to'.' ii, and at one I of the pii'N ii ? ?? Just liefere i - ; nugi Um h imlsoini? h o .1.. lo,. ' III .il ?nul counted m und bru i 1 mds. Tbe Mili' n of Qulllota li SIllpMSSll g h. all . ! ? n.l'.v. 1 of tbi v. im ii foims Ita north? ni I '?? tin vision like n dr . vt. at, lhere Is si '?'?". Wl.! ii - .: : |g mool t .ni \. Ihe World as .ii-l'i? III Dist i ? bal 1...m i ? i ? green; long, streb h a? ..v , li inks . f tin -? ???. bright Ihe renter! pin. d-eyed o x c i aver tin bl Ight i.i d e ?ii on ? .ith in t i'"\. fon .n un ,u a -iii im of II The n all. . "f Qu i mu i i" the first ng of lbs Ai on . I .-, s le n ti. pierces the \ Mt it mouut grade la the aiee|?e8t I evei la of i ou i- i.i i.iide iii; {tb an i' i Ion, iiml tin- river hi cn times In the -pi? ?? "f 10 nu!, s Ifany of the bridges are rean d an Iiuum us? bight abovi tin in au . ..lui ' ..t tin m I iii.iik ih but oi.?. going eastward ? of Iron, which would excite th? admiration of < inerte nerd eng in ? i- At 0 oa, v, in ra the i am for s ? with? i Ij < ours?. tin l ? i. inf. i. Bp pan mlv un broken ridges spn ad off ? in Uki i will -o ih it von tool, not a.m1 Von see Ile I.n I. |M b1 - of [hi fVmllUl. i .s lift! ? th? n bald fun Imuis toi a ?!nnl.-. willi cdcu-like vsllsjrs snd thi v. Ihn elasters of miall towns lying dn amilj In the warnt sunliahl ni theil feet. i nt little place; and here, aa st all thi stations of . size, the . -m i m i M?h 11 bj throngs of beggars g.I-us tu red bul ragged children, vending fruit, and nunriiera of verj prettj young girls, who throng the platform lu tbs hop? of recognising a friend on the train lu respect to lue little finn in |?<?? ? - lo in., n - pank'nlar articles for sale hi a sort of right which is imi ?iiu -tu.m .1 bv Mu- venders al <>< Thus, al La \ ? i Mar I san little els* off? redil tin) par t.. ii;, ripe pi ubis ; i ? l ni... lu- ti ? h i in , , u.. i,- the pre? vailing i ature, with ha rd-bol led i ti tndnatlvi wine iiml in i ; 11 n.mi.i a a- ii,, only place where m ni in -li wat. i h-h.I .i i ?I. unan i . i -ih. |.ni, r being a la re cray fish ami very excellent f.l> were exposed ' I llhil, win M Un II , , ].. i n,ill, ,1 i lo recuperate th? Inner man with food (moatlj animal), j we hud siili-mlid flint, COUalstlng of I lu- j i i. which attains great perfection in Chill; the ohlrtiaoye, a gn .-i, Irregularlj formed fruit, slightly n m millili?,- the han ina In last?, and, ni *t to tim and tin- i-i ?na.lilla, Ihe Bin -i tiuit l bave ta t? .1 sin?-?- I left Nea York, and I taketsof trawberrles, which, certainly, In point of aire, are a toulahlug 11,. >? arssel dom umilli r than a green I dllOt, I 'I I lau .nu- that would, umhu.Id? dit , weigh the ?nun (?? . thom h lin v li. k that peculiarly Juicy, delicate flavin which distinguishes oui sir..wi,. n) nt. borne, and are uiuci dryer, the larger anes containing . sort "t pith, which docs uot enhance Ml. ! isle. I be Valley Of I I ifllal Is also very l>? SStlful ; and al pul pal? o v.... i ni. r tbi grand ralbi of Baiiilago, win. h m.iv n. i. n -ni. ii d is the gsrden spot of Chili noiih of the line ..Hin latitud? ? in'i is tgreat wteatcountry, snd vast ii. ids oi ii appear on i Ith? i Id? .i-?}< u vi i) graduellj I the rail.Ici id? outl easti ii lb. In point of construction a ion?-, th? railroad appears ts bus n. ? . lent une, I? Ing very amoothlj built, und through u pi. asan I one. At the varionsatatlonsand collectionaof low built, hill, I J nil L?'. not II In-oin foi tahle hoUSCS, Mu- I Uow li, bia? k eyed, and I.lark haired . 11 li ihltaiit-, old ami young, uf both sesea, flock to the doorways, with stalling faces? to Wat? 1. the whiSZlllg train ; a lal I m vi it) It -, If ? all liol lim, a certain pleasantness which elinga lo everything. Ous of the < in? f feston a ?>f the seem ry of Boutberu < bill sp I" sis to lu- lo he the I..millard) poplar, v.hnh ? Vii', wiuie (.-lows well, ami which in this v alley uppcur* lu KI ON l n illld ?INI lilies lil f.'l. it pi i fUslOU. MMIl.H Th. pimple of Chill have an exaggerated opinion about Santiago, their really beautiful . ipltul city. In.h ml, l h.ivi-h'-ard . i.thusi.i-iu i h?lenos declan it to be equal to New-York In else, tndtol'arli In brilliancy, but, though aa admirer, with them I cannot agree ? r,i>i <? the a? nul population of Um elty cannot be more than, snd it i-.. 11 nui) the moat friste, or dullest, city of it? s??? lu tit. world. I aiiiNi.l on the aft? -moon of a fSBSt day. It li Bat easy to carap? feast-days in these countrtea They an m < ?un ii u ni. st 111.?- you so 11 n,i ?v an?, um|.ir with so III tin li?.lilli .ition, thal nou ali- llalde at KBJ time to Iiml re ligioui processions, flageflj Ing.huslneaaausp? ndi .1, hanks <i"-.'.i,,\i , in tin- detriment of your business. "Mili.a- -mil ."f ny arrival, there ass s great procee alon, loiiipo-id of priests and military, with o large ih play of saintly wai Idols ralmeuted In cloth-of-gold, which seriouslj Interrupted nij progress to the Engll?*h Hotel, wboae boat asHored me was i in- n. i m Bautuigo, snd which la certainly la many respects a good.? m i mint of the of a mm iLoii in the streets, Santiago ? fmi ildy ut Brat, but if he h.s nu , utre Into good so? li iv. tin verj pleussul faun i m- h iii Imxj progr tot olmosteverythlug, iiml tin general pleasantness "i the place, grow? upon on? verj tgn eabij. i " dago which lea "f Hie roiitlui nt. The thi huas. ? ? - -I Mu? li.-'iu? ni ? ,t, h ? extci ."i ij : Ol ' , ., . from . : i j . . ...j ?.iii, which i* bullt upon a perfectly IsTei plain, is a high hill or roi k, named Hauta Lucia, from win, h i? sopen view of the pin.-e and the *urrniin<lliig?ceuery of valley and mountain raiiBe can be obtained. The rlaza I? a verr targe and handaome one, willi a fine fountain, surrounded by well-Mnded beds of tlowrrs in the center. On the weat ?Ide is flie Intendeni la, or ? tal ci liment palace, a flus and rather lefty building of adoda ; on the aaath side stund? the Cathedral alarga one, bul apparently Insignificant to one who has beea fn ihlj tnrpresaed with tbe old Rpanisb chun bes rd Lima; ami on u,H ,.,,?, ?,,,) weAt Nrt, t|?. two iM.rtal-, or I aa we would call then at bone. The Portal of santiago ia a considerable institution. It consists of mm \.>-t Inill,lim; covering an entire square?four ai n s, a It? four entume?., .m,, on ,-ach Bide, to tong, lofty, marble-pared balls or corrldora. wbicb purre tbe btiildim'fmiii street to street in two directions. On each Bide of these vast corridors are the show-windows of various shope luostiy Pieach?watah nias- ap the Portal: while Um < Min, structure is Kiirruundcl by ? broad covered walk, or arcade, with ahop-wlndowa pre Bentad to the lour street? Inch .ne the Portal, li la a ta? rante custom with the ladlee of ?aattege to ,lo th, ir "sbopjitaig" at night, nu.I at ?boot 8 o'cloekta tbeeve 10 nx th,- corridors of tbe Portal, when brilliantly bghted sna filled witb Innulsltlre s-.-u??r?tn-, whose targe, dark eyes look out rarUhlogly from the half ?concealing folds of Uieir black mantles, present a very noreL Uroly, and I ?pectai le. I cannot hi to thinking that a b iza ir of this rt. Instituted with sufncleut means to lender it ci plete, wonld be a paying institution in New-York or 1.,.Lal. ,,'io.i The center of the edifica In Bantlago noa fsinierlj ? "patio,"or Inclosed fard, which has since b-?'ici.\i -, ,i ,i\,-r mid Bude Into a vert restaurant, bar, sad buhan! room, which ?ubis greatly te tim eoniptote n-s of tin-, iitn-e euterprl a What is termed the Canada (1. e., alsmedo) li the orlu cpai ai ,1 na, -t agreeable physical feature of Santiago. I M a long, broad, an.h arenae, extend?an from one cal oi tbe city to the oili, r, ata! very iieiirlv thri>e-;li Ita enter. Tall, ?lately poplars Hfl their ?meerai heads on ether side; the walk ia of haul clay, but aa smooth as h,ni.I,-; a splendid bronze fountain, Bower sun -nundea. sands rerj neu the center ol the promenade; upward da do? n -'au ? s of the fathers ol republican ? lull, I. mai bl,-m- bronte, are distributed here and lhere, and t.,- in .,ia um pt i unit,d, happily-designed stone and Inn benches, Um ?mouth, well-kept walks, the elegant nanslons and public ,-rliib i s which tai ?? its waring tu-?-? ia cither side, ead the soft murmurs of the fountains, ,-i\. t.. render the Canada one of the loveliest prom? et des I bare seen. Boon after doak, when the One mill ia\ band Is giving IM ulghtlj concerts, when the long vaia i- thront:?,i win? Blowly-raortog throngs of fair Idas and their ?entletuanly escorts, when the rall, rising over the snow-poaks of the Andes a ,i bedding it- Biore than Italian luster everywhere, his prom? uadn baa mi ultra, lion for the stranger wblrn ii a r lewis bim away frmn Um Vow World to tai a u.c days of old. MUSIC. DOM p.t riKAI.O. Doo Baceblo ii the fin! <>i' Um novelties thMKi .Mai.:/.k promise,t teglTOdartag thepreeenl season, it i ?pera !??>;?. i itheltaltaaanndereteadand toil ii, i a, i. ,:i preteaataaa aro of a Meei Maher bad thaa thane el I a Preach warka ot tola etaM of i.iii-i?, tari rta fareteal item ant i? leea feaaraL Iba i,,:., h school - and '"m? ? aaaaahla ptnoM the Italiana lui.i Ice In the-e a-, Killin of the de meena of oprratie meato. in the </?><*a >?,u{'r . d element M of Beeondary ka uctaaee ; in ti.o apara awfb H to the Ant eeenlderatioa. ?"ha fxoaol OO" light to tableauz, mi alca, beb] togeUMl u.- bl la bus I Ira us hro.oh-a t I; i ..\ .-r a taon or i? -- 'a la But to be eui ? found, ,1 With ' M plevail.-; i,an..-i ti itattraetana la the spero towjb. The Irai is a degeBerata oi pring ?f Um latt.-r, a child, hntftt reconeil ? m by Ita laahM al bril lag, darlnjr di \ diy. Tho ., a \i i> respe, table i i loin <i bj ? ,r, to mhb people, of . Bj p ? I Of Mew. ? at d.iv ? tata Mad?" i>"u i;u. ?"?Uy ' . . | p.-rti ' ' -pinion. The libretto of " I),.n im, ateleN ? a new edil -. ,i, tod ' an ,11 ?s .?-si,' Mt ta ? ; ' reara lago, and it ha? i i: trope, I with the ? pocket, but anrod WllbaOl li ' . t : ? ' )?'' ? i, be WOMd have euni I Of I BUtthO m ,tl?-;?l ? I .!'-:.!. OB an . i upai a tha i pera baa bad a i it ?aa au, . Pai .-..ii ,1 :ui,l funny, a.? f part baa found Boueonl prubi i- m h it ev,r ii. :. in Um bal ait ,i mini aunti or i" ? ?als mid i .?/?, * va ry liull ' -in e i.di \n t ; ; yu his A >"-, r .. . i pii e ol compa ritten to Etaenini'a st>b-, ? arlu i Dos J.'i ..? i.-?s,.:i to hi. i,, w ...m when they alng cot of tana lill t..minor in tha . i? 't a of the Inala, of a .- thal Um y tad ord i with [| ,. ? \ deal t>. | a ttn.I f.-ii..:. ni the th:r,l Mt, is m UM u- Ml i il L esta 'iisiii ,i i,,i ai. I . i ka It? u k The i d at eae, - in,- a. t, imi-t be s, cn |o be appreciated. It Is ' tad Um manta to H i-'????? i ? rama written In cm.opera A voaal sextott, without orchestral accompaniment, the ??ni- if ?? ah h an < rerly ma ia rla'HIng ?toado unala ,,.;n ii : i. The tra! Barret Maaea . i ark, al the ?'.' ad ' M Mm.- Paralla, 9fme.Testa, and Signer Orland ' , bala, tan Witt aJdfl aiul ele,lit, le; itoiieoiii towered .iver tin-m ni! la Dan Wuaa/Ua b? bm created i tharenttoriag ??f whioh mbboI s.i leda fnuii ti?? BMBaarj of Umm who had the aapateeM to h'-e It K1 IICAl Nt'Ti -. Mr. Otcai Me?Ter, Iba plantet, and H?dame Alt ici i, ti?,- \ a... : st. kari |a I arrived te thla etty, '?The Elogtienota'1 ?ill lu? gang tonight ut UM l.lookl) Il Ai .nielli? . I I ? io will lu- it imitiiioo of "Tim Grand Im. I...-.S" at Um trench Theater on saturday aast, al i oM.n k. Min?ame Kopp>YoOBf, Iii?' new pfiffig iloiitKi for Mr. Max M larrivad. ate) will appeM ia it " i a Mr. Hnrriaon'a fourth Sun,lav concert will be civ, h at -; i.r.i.o Mall nest Dundar ereniug, Madam Mi/a la.u.l. \. I., o,...1.1 I??? M? ; .r, und ? I .-w11 pai? ta ipete i i tu? p? i.uan, s Mr.O w ? olb st tue piati'i as accsmpanytot, ead Mr Th? Ulli (ol.illliT Ills olde -Ila 'Ihr iii-i Symphony Soir?e of Mr. Theodore Thniu.m w ill take p.u e Mai Saturday at Hteinway II ill The programme u?xcellent, eomprising \\?tks >.f ii.i.-r est which bara bmm Mea beard lure tur laatai. Suite lu 1), bj liai I. alni |WO He >\ ellie ul s of au li li ti li I-he.I -> lupino.) m li un-,,:, bl 8, i, i'., i -t Beside Bo, bo ven'a s> ii, pla my in , ' ionia. ( lui ubllil's mu-i,- t,, tin t lui ?I B4 I ?>f "Mid?.?" will i.? performed. The tatt? has Borer been beard hen . testers of no asean Interest on iln?, m? asi,ni hiii |m Malani* l'an p i Koaa'a singing, embree lug au .11 la tiela " . I mid i," h) dill, k, ami one from Mi) turfs " Ia- ?oue di Figuro." ION Ml Bl? ti 1 riMS. M. Hichot, iii, t, no! Bingei ol the Tbenter I.ynipi.-, lias, .na , led bis i Dgagi um ni wr.ii tnat thi > 'Iii,illiliK' WM lately in 1 'alis, but was goon t. I, i\., f..r Naples Millie. Clara Doria, the dnnghter of Mr. .lohn Barnett, has in cn playiug Bueceaarully In Dublin, with Vi Map;, bob's i on.pai,), in "BoaaaMbula" and " Lui la ' The opera leoaon ?it Madrid w.h t,> open <>n the ?th of October with the "Juive," Tamberuk appaar In?; a? h.ltuzttr Millie. AitAt lins hail cuiisiileral le BOCCeM at Maui.luTiii ?nu of the inonl iniisical |BVM lu <?? r idhi, v. The two tw-w eoerae*bottflei will be shortly produced ou the Parisian boards: "Robinson Crusoe," i?y Ugenbaeb, at the Opera Comique, und "1-cs V?j ages do fjnlllri r, ' al Hu ?'hat, let. The receipt*ni tim Vnriet??n, Patrie, with "Lt ?It.ileI? lim In im-," ?still lui leaser; ?nth,, nilli Hut tiny reached ?,*? franca, or nonsiderable over ti,uo,i. The hitcat pi.siii. ti?,ii of Qgenbach baa been played, to all the pi Ila lp ?1 Inn, li i Itiea. After spending several dayl nt l.eipsi,-, l.m/t has returned tu Weimar be ?iii sin.n> proeoed to Munich While b1 Uilpstc he was most punoMal In lus ntl,mlance m mass, jjuing at 7 o'clock every moruna: lo the < atholl? ? Inn I, Bichara (Vagner hni aecepted Um poal oi chief editor of the l,uiU.Um depart uu-lit inn lie? paper lobe published Bl Mum, h.elitltle.l the Sifl.lruUrh, Ile v, iii abandon ina notion of oiublishitiK a separate art Journal of Ins ?-Mi. Mi Kiliiieiiia Lewis, n J0$Ag colore,1 ajiri waa, throogh the assistance of Beaton antl-Blarery pou pie, Bent to Home two reara ago to anrsue the Btud/ol ?euipture. Before going abroad she bad executed many beautiful things lu clay, s bus) ?f Col Bhaa bel?g um ln?|i-, th.-in,.st remarkable ul her work? Hho has ?tut ?cat t.. Am. ii. a n marble bust ?r in in.. Lew! i wbi, b is now on exblldtlou ,t the cal!, rj ul ? hilda ? Jenuks m i... i,, , alni I- pioiii.uuie.l by ,11 ti. ' s to be ii r, III HU . lia- |?0?I It' i- imi oulj sn act>urato llkeless, bul abo basgiveu Ibu al ii of the pbrali al udm atoi m ,.i I, ?p pu?, a'eli Here thla la the nu work ?>r the kind ao?t I from tim hand ul a , ni MM i li. rTneltina. once ? | ? ,,?' ? THE DRAMA TITK HEW-rOKK CIRCUS. Mr. I.ont tn:iy conirratulnto hiroaelf "non tho BBaaatO which has attended his efforts to make the Circus h faenJOBSblc aasaseaseat. The audiences which assemble m the BaadeeCBS iron tent on Fourteenth st. every night, and at the Wednesday ?nul Haturdaj matinees, nr.v of the most respe, t.,!.!,? ami fashionable i liuraet.r. The popu larity of the Circus, indeed, steadily increased from the time that Mr. I>mt first assumed its management, a natural r. suit of the enterprise, discretion, and good tas'o which bBO marked Its direction In every ?h'part y<^ nt The healsBBg Is always light, clean, and ihcerful, while, through tbn ndinirahlo arrangement of Mu? neals, every spectator has uti dBObotlBilled fBTB of all tho performances. Tho entertainments presented BSWO been uniformly pood, ond. In many Instances, of rare and remarkable merit, while the ntSsOSt care has lu all cases been taken to area! even lim etgBBI-st uppour ance of imlelic icy in the performances. Parents can safely tah.? Muir little ones to witness tho feats of the riders and acrobats at this Circus, and need entertain no apprehension that they will hear or seo anght that may have a fendincy to cor? rupt their morals or viUato their tahlee. The Sports el the ei|ii??sirlan arena have Irresistible charms for the children, and it ia fortunate, therefore, that we have sa amphitheater so unexceptlonaNy conducted. Uu last Holiday Dight Mm moat deua? ly crowded audience of lae aeasoB was attracted to witness the snetri of Mr. John Henry and Mile. Emslie Henrietta, two famous equestrian arttats from the Cirque Napoleon in Paris. Tbs former, who beare the reputation of being the saest nu unipUshed general eoasslilss la the world, created a geuulns aensation by his extraordinary performances. Ile appeared in an act of juggling on boreeback, which pxhibited to eminent ed vautage hu wonderful " balance." The perfect ease of nil his morena nts, the marvelous dexterity with which hie feats wen exeeated, and the a of hi? postnics, fully sustained his titi?* to Link as n a artist lu the full sense of the void. [Tieperformance wae different from anytblug or the kimi thai has preceded it. He was eathaalastleally applauded throughout, aud ni the conclusion of the ant waa complimented bjra double recall. The lady (Mile. i Henrietta) who appeared under the disadvantage of riding a strange buns ti?-r owe horses, as we learn? aot I having yoi arrived?wes also embarrassed at the uNvk wardnees of sonso ol her **object holders;" but she lo a graceful and thorougulj a. eorapllsh? ti ( nuestriane, and the made a roos) favo: able impression. The programme offered ob Houdaj ulgbt alao Included several novelties of minor ImpurUnce?and was in all respecte one el the best ever nreseutcd in tins city. Enthusiastic d?mon? strations of applause rewsrdea almost every set. in n .1 vv of the n ... rous manner In nv bl? b Mr. Lent has coin ? i his Autumn season, and the great success which im! it. we are prompted to anticipate b coming White] will be the ssaoi pressnjraao mai tin ein ils baoyi i known m Mew>Totfc. MISS H VII.MAN. Tim favorite American act row Miss Kate Bs eman m nie h. r Bret oppoarsBce, on bar retara t.? tim otage, at tas Tbeatei Boyal, U?< rpoot, oa Uko seealngel th? Tih bast*, aa Leak, tn waeel part aas lekeat resaeav tasted In re, ami In which ?ho hu air mi maila an Kmdrsh ,is we judg-; hythe tone of tho papers la<-t re? ceived, hlUM.UKI NOTKS. !" any Jawuwchek to-night u .1 Jrienne, tin* ? li-u.y of HO "j,i K?m.m <i*un Pauere Jeune Homme" wiD be repeated st the Prsaeh l^aoater en Baturdaj " Hann Danbar" wiD be fwrired at Wallaek's A N. Nf WSJ Io Paj <?lil Hehls" h al . alla Mr. Min. rp Mr. De Cordova, aval popular loctinr, will frira ? m m-s of three humorous le? turee, atnteluwsy Hail, on ? ith and lui: of Nov. mi? r. Tbs M ... ?zli bun 'sN? al I . " 1?"K NexPDoo ." and the thud to ?? in.' Urcat llivo.c. ( as. , Jl.i?.s ra. J Large audiences continue to tlironpr to the ni,ii.o,, ! . ttcr.toaes Mr.Je?erson'a /..?ion Winkle. be well once more to remind tb? reader that Mr. ruent, prolonged one week foi further Midsummer Might's Dream," will post nv i In be t' rim ii in d on H ii unlay evsalng next Bon ral ,.| |i ii im Itii s, Mun torn, ?.'in iiu of seeing an effort ni art ? Ma ev? . tmerk ia li ? ? re i >n to be proud i ' iii.i it la ihe perfect Nvork of an American e I li dying Viu? i -"I and old Colonial character. ?? J be M..I.imna i N gbt'i Mr? am" n,* ill positively be pro duced at the Olympli on Munday c suing aext. PORMGM DRAMATIC iikm.s. ?? /i /'""' Monde/1 m oonadjr ot A. Duma*, revived st las Theatre do ii?-iiville. The Palais' Kuy.ii baa received a ii'** niece In foui nets bj M Labiche, entitled "Le Hoi d'Arnot tbon." .Mr. Byron baa written an operatic burlesque . ...l'.T, ? lit.fled "Willum Tul Vv.W I* mee." The Gymnase-, Paria, has received a new one act. ??iiiitiv i.. Mai. Areas ead Ueorgss Benton, entitled ?? // lltitri'iil. ' Bark Bernard1! version ?>f Lord Byron'i "Marino I al ? ru" all] be prodai ed oi the ??i of .non? m h. l, at Mu.: v I. tin:. At t!.. Theatre Fraocaia a m-w four-act play celv? ii ti'"iii M. i-?i" tai 1 Pall i ron. li Is lu i. . ? , .....i i. . i.?ni..i * l.e* l-itux I?.'" Mine. Thierret is eofaged al the Non flea I it herself with f'i.ono ? year ai i a benefit. The engagement ia atgaed for three re irs. Mr. Boocicanlt, are read, is feo supply the T itre des Varietes with a play entitled "Le* I ntreee," the ?biefseen? of which is theDerbi Day. Thislseyl lj "flying teud" tr* lau-d -.a French 5?-ip. .? red that Mr Bon. li ?? entrie tuan, of Immense fortune, wli i to writs a. i m theos. ftchwaader'a Theater .it Rndolfsheim waa opened I'll Ibe UUi September I: wes established by M .i icbse.atb? itrlcal sgeut, for tb? purpose of ti lug young persons for toe stage. The mu sa the nr?t ; i nnitiey coil i-tloii of fragments from ni. i id dramus, which were, we reed, exceed ij the a pirante f.>r ait.-::? fanai Pani sfenrice'i renton of George Sands'*. ??/. mr If? pi un de Uoie Dort, rl, on ita revival al the Odeon The furniture la all lu the style of Li its Xlfl .the period of the p I) iel, tin manager, has appealed to the ve nf eutlqulttes, aud baa ? ita ned a Urge number if verj iplendld pieces of furniture belonging to the IjHK li III ipi? stiel!. Tlio l".iii..> Dramatique? will play.after "Le* Cm..n. . ? ? i?iii Orevi ," bj ii in.-; then a ..:.? m r.uir .n ts, by M ffuitter.? tititl?*d"Lal iii Mille," to bi followed, in December, by a review, bp M ni ii m ami Unit, n h, which, perhaps, will i?e called '? I.'.ililli ?<? aux M.-IN. 111. s ." \ft. I (lia'. M Mee. pi I. ? . I ? - I'iai-.l Ililli nu lie, ' hv M llilillillUlJ, ami ufter that, ** Lex denn P?ruviennes," " riie ' English Playgoer,'now writing a aeriee -in rheTimeetroealitm York,"asysTheFeMMaU "declares that be ' would sol wound the ?,-? p ?U used ion-Hi's.' bul it is h.?i ti: ni ? n i iii .pi.les. i a i.'* nut ? ouiuionl] ii ios u; .n1.1 adds that, wlahlug to buj a Eforai o( h? was mreed t?> inn. bsse an ozpurgatededition. Hut the Ans ricana are not .pute .s,, i, u 11..i.i: s i, he ' Knglish Playgoer ' ippeara to suppose, burtpkles la laugh I m almost overj high school and cul lege lu the Northern States; ami eonnola .i.i have im .lilli, uii.v m making a v.iiu.u'l.. collection even lu Nea York." The duet r.' ?? I . . Phtjrgoer "could not have looked fur i ? " Soin, of the most f.iin bar i? m town ain.iiml m complete ?ditions of i .:?? sm lent . la* : ibis Ut alwaj s the I thud. " N.?u can't Uve boah, you snow, i?? ran sr you '.in? ut tim 'ops." LETTEB ri;<?M mu. PETKB ii swi.i.ny Mi. Sweeny Im.s tddreaaed a letter to Major ii,i innui wherein he says that his pc-rttlea la regard to mi the puhiic moiievn la mhssiirtorotoud. He baa aot received or applied to his ? account s stagta ?I?.Hu b fond hut salary, M he had Intended lo ui hlaswaaaj Interest ur other emolumenl derived from the iityor county funda, h? certatnlv would liavo mado the ?pt.i?.pi i at n m before this time. Every doUar paid >?> the Miiiltsof deposit has been received hv his l?eputy, NN ho lias kept n i tint of tho same, applying arno mi, as r n MbSceasary, to the payment uf sularles, aa proi ?ded by las I he ofnod of City ? b imbei lain has been In sxiau ni ?? over ball a ? entai v ii baa not l?een of special Importance for perhspa more than SO rears last iii, anning wiirii period it has been held ny soase of the most prominent bankers and mer'li.,lils of our iiIn Net 000 uf tin'?.? gentlemen ever m i.r- sai return to the cltj for In i? i ? -t received on th?' public tuoneya, or for any amount whatsoever derived from Mur use These advantages I. iNi- always been ? mimden ?t the legitimate emolumeuts j ..f the iiiiu o. In addition to Mun, until s recent period, when a flsed salan s is established bj law to the 4 hu m I t.. 11 un as i ..linly neasari r, h ? recelvi i a percentage oa nil th. moneys paid In the Utter capaclU rbla i .-? ag? Ima amounted to s Urge sdii snuualij some ?40,000 orfjso,ooo the luterest on the . it.\'s .1. poslta has always been considered asan Indemnity to the i bamberUia for hie gaarBBtee to the city against .mv l"s? ror ttuudlng lu the lin a. li of loHpoiisioililj orncllUI W. 1 awi. mo luid the offleeof City ChaiuberUlu from] Joseph I. inn leuce, from lsp; to mv, shepherd Knapp', froUl l si ' to Is", I, I- i .nu i s W, lidlinlul?, fioin Is" : lo Is . Unheil Rolly, from ism to h ,. uidrew V Mont, from IH5T to i n \ iihau ?' Platt, isa, an.I Daniel Devlin, ti "m i ".ni his decease, ahortlj preceding wy .. ?ion to office. Neither of these gwtlenien ever consul. ered himself under any obligation o pa j tothecltj aaia gio dolUr derived from anj mci source. Mr Sweeny ?uno IntO ?.Hire. Muuefole, With a practice eetebllahed s uulform . usum in refercuce to iu emoluments without s single ween tmn or .levi limn im a period ol fifty years, sustained hv someof the gn-iiteet nameeof thefluaucial and men iu tile world Those emuhnuenu hat become, lays M a matter of ?har right. Aa ?i tas payer, tir Bweeny would not be satisfied that the oastodiun <?f the pu moneys should reserve, however legally, to his own nao tol?rent oi other advauUges from sum moaeys ?hu li mtgbt lie applied to the reduction of taxation What be would feel, as a tus-pnyer, In suck ? ? .. toward a pub? lls oilier, H Is natte that Mu ta\ pav. r slioiild f..'l liim us in ?In- - mil ?? ip u'llv Ululer like elli illil i-i.ini i-s li.- |a mu william tn re.elNe a great 01 au> SUA oi money against the public sense of light, hewovoe legally liistitubie, Tue turn? has arrived by the payment of Uses to ascertain hue much ilie-.o.i.M Ullages will amount to. The annual mm hi? been v.tudy stated som., estimating it at ?: ' "Uni-al i.m.t Ur ?? dm i not i i n w but the I mai be, ?verj doll ir paul f ir Interest beyond tbs Miarles of nis oitie,. will be faithfully acouuuteif foi i i I? n.' mt., tit,, ?ny Treaaurj li s term of ofheo Ufoui nv udoptiiiii Mu.. nuree uf hu lan-d-1 essoi ?.." the eil I Of Ins 1. i m l,.- would lie a M. h n fill Uliglit in n. . ..vii I ? ild pu? ilblj ba wau ,.. BOMB SK?VS. THE CITY. Hont nu Paa?eera at the Fuir to-day. Harvard Chib-JiootiM, No. 1>:J.'J Broadway. Arnold lectures on Lincoln at Cooper Insti? tut? to-night. Qglnaha A. Grow in nt the Fifth-uve. and asaetea Corning at the New-York Hotel. A New-England Festival in the Free-will Baphtel Church, Seventeenth-st., near f l.\th-ave. Exhibition of Grupos ut The Agriculturist enana, efe. 'n', Broadway. Mr. William Pairo'? paintings aro on private rtow at the studio huiidiutr. Michael McGownn, Begs] 10 years, died al the New-York Hospital, baviBg falb-u through the hstaV way ut Noa. lo and U Keade st., while at play. Mr. John Katu- of No. 108 Mad ?Min-at* aged tf years, died O? bleeding of the luugs jeateldsyat ila lal Broadway. The Baw. 8. II. Tyng, jr., and the Rev. Wa, II. Boole at tin- I bail, "pa 11.i, Intli mary uitetiLg In Dut worth's ?studio building (his evviatig. President Bergh baa requested the Bnrssria> teudeata of the eily railways io increase the iiuLujersf horses in? tneir lines. A va,; mays that wlie.i leatlier hecomee ebeapet the etty railway eomp^otos wui lengthen the car?traps, SO thal they maybe ivached by wombang short uien. ('apt. Cafty has airead'- collected from tha chai (lisp.,vii citizens ol t e l-ilte.-ntli \V.?r.l,tW5 Bl lu eld of (he widow and child of the murdered policeman. MoCheeney, At 3 o'clock a. m. yeal* iday Mr. Frederick, li. L?mmer*? fratne kindlm?; wood teeto? st No. 44 West Twenty tin h it., waa destroyed b> tbe. Loasoa biiil,linn und ni.?clanery, tl.uoo. Not insiin L Tte) members of the Fire I>( parMnorit have organised a iniitiiiii .-??.I assoetatloN tor tam beneAi ..( tbe families if ineiiib, ra who die la the servi, e of the ,1, part? meut If. is to be 1 -iiiici " Tha Metronulitau Fire in oaiv incut Katani Aid Association." The preliminary examination in tim case of " Ahern Bart, BweMMf" WM to have Im .-ra r. lu ned hofora li,-corder Hackett yesterday afterueeu, bul la on as quenoe of the absence of tina defendaut and tbe pi-oie? euttng attorney, It was postponed to November, loth proa. Mr. (.'narlee II. BWMtoer. the defendant, was married i ester-lay to hil cousin, Ml s Swe, I At tho conclusion of an ir.t< resting exhibitioa of the deaf and dumb pupil- before tlie AmerteaB taste tata yesterday, Mr. W. 8. Carpenter asked ?>f them tie folio wing question : "Will But the ciiUensol N.-w Turk he ptoaaed when they toara thal the American Irstitute 1.? Mum Ul have ali etagBBt aHllldillg ot it s own t" Te which .Mi s Montgomery of this ally imiaedtaMly ra iponded by word-signs, m appropriate ?n"g'itgi*t highly eutogiiiag the Institute. While workmen were demolishing the l?ni!d tag at No. 4j Lisneaard-st., j 1 sterdaj mut ulur, one of the number knocked away a brick arch thal supported the : ?! ..?-, si '1 the end of t..<; building r .1 an mci tak? huryltiK rive oi the workmea. The police in the ? Iciadty, aial the rein limier of the hil.,.reis promptly Bl ' to work, and boob exhumed the bon,-.! asea. Jacob Umsehe, a German, of No. 196 lUdge-et., aged '-?> years, was found dead. Jobo Stanton ti No 1 Uuratio-st., and .M.chaol Dm iii of ita tet ITaMBiaad al. mira at rlunilj li jored. Af Hu? pollee tTfafa yeaterday, 0 ?eti Kieiiiiner.Jr., of the Forty-ninth Precinct, waa ebarged bj s civilian, named James aarlle, with belu-.'uno>r Baa Influence of Uqmir, about Bent. 31, near Bnadauy and ..--ave., Brooklyn, ;ii.ii with brutal y k1, king ?>? man la tha fie-e, while la civilian dress Tlaf oflleera who ar* rested bim did not know bim, bal on Mandi g that he wae :?!! officer, cautioned him to keep quiet, ?ka ufltaag proved that be v.?is not drunk, and thal he did not injure tin- Baa, .uni that UM complaint waa malu baa. Mr. Janata \Y. r.eianl has resolved, at the end of every Mbeel year, to aw.mi silver medals, in erery ,. .11,nu..; department, both mai?- ami leanale, lu ins lu? Hpectton district (comprlaing I ?ma M ants), to siuh two utembera ? f the high? )>t cbi s is issy be (lesiguated by at least tvo-thlrds ,,t t,,<- rlaes ,s Im-?I euiiii., 1 t.. tin in tor au.1..'.liny of disposition and pr* pnety of deporto t? UM appcnval ol ino 1'ria clp.ll mai ti .11 bel 1 ol t a- i Uo?. Mr. M. F. Parkhurst, employed at Noa. 124 ntnl i2?i ' :uireh-t., while pesait _? up Broadway yesterday morning, met three men, one ?I wama ha at ooee raceaj? nixed as EUaa IV 1 I, aaesc iped court, 1 iron? lae Clii ?a in. Far alleged, ?rel tances lu aiiwwiugWal toeacape,Parkhurst was diMiiissed from bia puaitiou M k.-ep- 1 ni the prUoo, aad tim tori ? - m- in?..-y. Accordingly be hauded Wall mer to nu ?iib er, aad tue prisoner was locked up lo the 1. enard-st. l'??.i' ? -tatiou. Il,, .tes,?fibea him*, if ?is Charlea Smith, an oj ie.-ra.aa, ami deaiea be w?,s ever taapitaaaed Stciuway Hall ama erewtled on Tneadaj ereav Ingwbea tbe anniveraary ol the Bons of Temperance waa celebrated, after prayer by Iba Bar. Ur. iMriker, ?ha Mon. Win. K. D,m|i*i>, Chairman of ti.-- meet 11 ?,'? mule a few remarks touching the sobriety ?f Brooklyn onftaa> day compared with that i-f New-York uml Hoboken. Tha Bi r, J ina s Dunn briefly sketched iii,-, history of the r. remarking that it bail 2,0 ojj o i nrolk <? members, su l 900,000 organised ; 1190,000 w, re ?I la*r year. Th.- nu.lien.?<? mug the anniversary h> uni,?-1 .it, n by MbM Pol ?r?l, an ?1 ? If. L niac, esQ. of,?h, m.?,l. -, ? f. w ra? in uks. after which letters from Senators Barrie, Wil-on, Qov. (?cary, hu,I Oov, Fenton wen: road. The Bar. l>. Cuytor of Brooklyn, ?poko at len . J his bee? ? k,'" to lue polia and seo all their Ulenia? fc'u oi, axe Bon iiay. The Snpeivi.siapr Inspectors of Steam Vessel? Inthe ^artouadlstricuthroughout lue U , who ?are been to nestiion at the Bowan! Boumduring the last fortnight, dually adjourned yesterday. Baeh insneoMg les -.?ii,nuit. ,1 his annual r, p?.i t Bud Hie hann is lo be for? wantod t.? the Boen lary of n?e 'i r? .t*.uy. Tue ruh siu.-t ngntationa of the Board have beeB ao an Led as la ta? ture to insure greater atenrity to the li vea of paasengeri onsteam vesseli?. Last year i, IM steam ?- ? ivi oia sp-, t.-il and i, ,'H pilots li. ei.seil;,ii., r of eiiglui -ra ?V censed 4,101 TUe loss af Bte te the Uulted States bj aa> cideutatosteam-veeaela far the year ending.-? ptembei .t.?. w^,, wm: ?> axntoalon, ?s-i gre, %??. colilstou, IM. To? tal . -.. IM. i-'.t the \? . pteaa* in r..,), isc7: By eaploaioa, tis; Hre. IU; collision, 1; wreeb or f.,ni,?:, i. i .. number <'f lives lo?i In laST.Ma, The n<-xt ne-, initf ,.i the Board Is to iako place .u New ?n hrairt an Um iirsi Inaaday la atoren, The Dean Kichinoiiil-Vainlerhilt collision in resUmitiou u.?s reauuwii ?< .-t, rday before i apt?. w<eke and M ithews, Um al I us pi ?tors of otei.ra t this jMira. No new f itod ni the , v.iii.iu au,.,i, ti.e l?ataV ni ?i.v in?:,-!? corroborating thai alreadj pubhsJaeC Al m .m li. Pawks, Chief Engineer ol Um Lassa Hieh iie'i ?!. tostifled that the signal ?as given to stow.aMg. and oa, ... v. ir, ii ?.ni, i ;..- obeyed m promptly as p,,.ssiue without breaking tha maehinerj? l?dward i. curtM, < sptalUOi the 1?. .ia lie bmoud, l. .-n'a ?1 Ut.tlatnr linving retired to his stale room be bearii t ?malina k.-? ol tim Vau dcrbllt's whistle, whlcb wera atiawerml hy a a'lallat sig? nal from tia Richmond .al pasa to Um i-ft- A fen moments afterward be beard .mother ahrk k fr?en the YanderbUt's ?rhUtle. ami concluded there waa danger ahead. As be started to pul mi ina peu fa -"us bi Im ard the buir taps of the i .ile , ii for tha deck, aud wallu (ne gangway. i.i,..|er the collision ??-, uri, d. I^lwin Heaoe, a web on in.- Dean Uli bmoud, corroborai?*! Uta toaiiuionj o; ine pilot uf the Rkbuiond. NEW-YORK HAIIHOH.-TlieMi.i-iisl ipateaV t -r, y lowed to, reatorday, the steamer UiiitCity las tatter was found m Um middle of tie | milM from South?i -i Pam, with milder .,...1 store nuM gaofl mid Biimanagable. The Ma was bcavj aud tua vesaahl lai.oie.i noi.h. The? Monterey took ttteg abuirslde as the sea was too rough to u-.- boats, bha parted her hawser f"ur time?. ?The etea of ti?, (.ad ? waa pi ipat ?ig to abandon the \ c .>-, ; ut u?v i.tut ut their r? The Itetaaaaalp City of Montreal, hence yea terday,weataaltoie ..t ?eel Hank, bul gol ed ..t loghi nib- ;n ila- afternoon, without damaare. ? ship with i Hem is l>.inn no's signal wanl aauore ssrlj ?..t.nlsy liioiuin; ou Um Weet l>.ink. near Uw E.m ?ide of the neu hospital ground, bbe bee with boc bead ftoutta-wealj a ii. 1 to port. A t- ,-alli? tor tile re? ino, al ot ii.. obaUrucUoiM to UmuavigaUoa al UariQejti is ia ? li? iilati.'li. On hoard the Attieiiran corvette (?.ilate.i, a number of geutlemeu of this city ? ? i uiiaitoe yea< Unlay. Admiral Babauoau ? - --.?i?mI o, , .,'i't ( 'lapham aad Lieut Iii 3 < r ul Um Uaj Uaa navy. It responi toa toast to the Amerwao < , CoL al* B. Hage called attention to the amicable 1 :uuf lieiwi ,-n the lister Kepubli, -. vi liai n at ,1 ul t,?- 1 mted 1, anil closed by imping thal the 1 -rta ? \i lug between tbe republics of the world luiatht aevM be IMturbed, but that e^ual rlglito and equal pnrltaaaa mudil ir, rail, until at last all mankind uoaai Uve under ??m- f,,i ni oi ?.'overtime nt, ii i id thai a republic. Atierre? niaras i.y (apt. J. \v Johuston, Cap?, Clapham, ui.d Bj. j.?me. Courtney, tha ku, ita di pariel. NEWBURGH.?While William MeCkr? waa aitUugBohiebousbob Van n.-v??,', taree wea, Quick? slurpuj and Hoy bj muna, sailed aud di uwnded supper, ina 0.1 bel?g told unit tu? y toual n.,( 1 s ai ? numudaia?j (a)ulck toft Um house while the utbei two 1.1 atd ?l.-lll i. dod lodgings. H'-lilK'l'llle.l ^3 could not be biol. tiley started to lea vi Uaelaaiee, whea Burney nre Mci loy a blow on tb.? li,-., utting it ami ruuming lulu Mis companion Hoy latcrfered, preveuUug hlM from again atrtki na Bd ? Murphj t..?.. tried to strike alls. VI? ( loy, itiul Hoy look him oui < ? Hie laiiuc, aud all taree left. EAST NEW-YORK.?A company has leased the righi of *?y tor building .a horas teiiiwad H"m Atiau to-uv?. ihrougu Pace-uva. ti? Canarato 1 1 company?al M Understood, bat a pinchas; il M ?.?.non per acre lae UeBB* Hell I al lu, Which Ii mils on l'a. a aw. 1 ,e . ??i.-enl of the proper (j owuers has bean ?bi.,i?.,-?l to taytag the tra*'k. on coudition that it sliell be laid lima mo Uautaarly road to Atl.iii'u- aie. tina Itali. JEBSEY CITY. ? B. II. Do Kinzio left hie home on lue 7tli nist, with the mt? -uti.?ii of *"iio{ with two fin-mis across tho North Birer ?u In.s boat, since winch lime noihiua; baa been m.ii or beard of lum. HUDSON CITY, N. J??The oriininnl triali in the i Unison Comity Coaita were on 'I'ueay da) afiernoon, kolora Judge Bodle aud lUsoctato JadjJM Miil^.s, Uohnatedl ami i,< ia ,'e. Win. Thompson ot Kaat >.i\vark was triad on au ludiot&ieut for feiouH as aswault upon ins uelgfabor, David U'anlliran, with an ax, aad niso au aggravated aaaauitand batiiry upon ktergarM itara, aged M. touinl quilty uu tue taM i ?mat. HOBOKEN.?An imim-st waa held yeaterday bv Coiouer White at Hoboken over the budy us Baa.> \n.m. a ao wm fatally Injured th? day pre ions. He waa aitcudlugthe " dab'' used m mwrtog a buudnnr, when a sudden Btrain ?r tho rope caused iho a weep toil v out, winch struck bim In the stonmeb Hu was lakaa to kaa home, m Newark st., wh,-ic he u:cd soon alter. ELIZABETH.?A grand enacerl wm piven, laal evi uiug, In tb?- Booonii PresbytoriauOuur? ti, lu boaefl . I i'.e I, uoeillllll of the , .lillee, reiiovule? WitliaUeW urgaa The Kev. I>r. BergoofBI w ? ; hen 'a presided, eat ta .?nariel oit.ur from ii.?*'>? -s-istc.i lu the Bl 11 ACKKNS.U'iv.?Miss DilhuMBeof l?rooklyn i us ia.-uti '?', "? " i" ' '"'".*? '? ? '' ici maw