Newspaper Page Text
?"SrmrrtiS. Amk?i.w iNs-rnrra Exmarno? Dayana Bran BSJ I lavar? ACADKBH "i Mt sic-'lliii Evfiiimr.?"Adrii'iiiii-. I .j JauauarDek. BROOKLYN A.momv ??I VaiMi'-This F.vciiiiig.? Italian < - Wallacup Thi? Erenlng.?"Still Watara Boa NiBLtVi Gabito? Hiii Evening. "Th?' Blaea Oivmpic hu ii ki: Tail Kviniiii:.?"Kip Van Winkle' - N BaXXVY WlLUAMS'l RboADWAT 'I m U i i.i:?This Ju. a I?, an. r,\N\?i??- (?;'?, H DUB 4KB Mi-m m-This p?" l?enla A .itiuu"?(jrand Kurope.u ll?..?l i "i. Fifth ?vi Tiikatrm Thia Eraniag?M Cinder Mr. m ft I ?a? ??"?:! Vf? ? BaJBNI a?'? Ami MICAK Mt SB! Ml- Da* .'nul Ia ?'iiini,'. I-. ' ?"?? . iith-st.?This Kvi'iiiii.C ?Ve??? i ?m. Buk y ab Hall, CaJaa Ba?are Thai Lvriiing.? ' I be nias." MUSKVM O? I'litii'NoiiH.Y.- No. 880 Ilroaii' ojenl?.) ?n : K ? is| Ails nils fcsa. FitKN n Ttibatbr?This oraninf.?French Ofen DoowORTll H .11- -This Kvcnini?.--" Mrs. l?rown." I \Viiki:iii >.mii>' Kkw-To?I Tiii:\iik-T1iis _ ?aaa???????a???SB?a?<????aBB???1?aa???a .?Suiintss ?lot'uts. t m noa. We t?t ailsa li sa t?. the firl Hast i'isia\il?<it?nfour fine Ki ?? ra I Flat? r,. aSaSiai - I 0 Mt, l'rvn-rt. '!'? a r-i-rt,.-?'?. 4e.. are ?it?i,?:?el? pro.) ,, I tnnnifacturer?. ?Ino, Oat are | . I - | market, le.t!, of ? f?ri..r .?????.t? I'l,?-sa? ar?ods are offered f,.ra-i? I.? u.any ...-.-:? r? M IIS Sill llllnMIsSli SIIiMTI I'lirebaner? tau only llSSM au - ? noting our trade mark, tims: Tra I- ' ($] ??Ion l?r < *-*-' >???? of uPlat?. [ cJ09Sl*Mt*+O(o j etrrya. - O-.r . Al ned from all r*?pon?ILlt de .wy paled IS the All.?ta St I ? omi ii - i in fterii ? ? to IA? (??! ?" ? |/lu<r. i? Vivinniiim. I S '?? ? : ate. ? ':.' I Tin-. Uorham WaVKE, iBdispBtatWo superior (0 IA? aSsM SasB. M i'litt, tor ?ale at retail by the introi | Stark ?a. Makct? I li u Nature an antidate for acquired disci.-. 11 Di Disks of lea Tara, have SS dmilit bwcltsd ?k1 fire I inure peraon? if l?r?pepsia. Bl ?rh, I,..-, or A | Wrakneaa. OSBSSal Petiil.t.i-, i is tiiatenre. Tb*? sr* foinpuae.l - ? an i . t. Tbey ?re ? UsHUoS ti life, ?and arc eitena.rcly popular ?ila BkSthStl aud BSt?WaSat - tilinta. Maosoi H Watkr ?A i!'...l;:fu'i toilet srtid*?superior lo OsMkjaa sid st hull ' HOSIERY, G LOT Bl, Caaaasuaaasii 4. A' jfu-n? ?? P?-!?i^ed Price,.' VsSIIKHLlI- 4 TATI.OB, Bsi Mi ?. ''? 1 Bow err, H Cor. Twrntr ?-rond st, snd .V An i i A 1:11? ii:.?Mrs, Winslow? I ? SiaST ii- an liecUast art.cie f.>r all d'.?'j? a li It rel?ete? tlie r. i'J fruin ash ixl. ?nJ bowel?, and, by f*Msf hesltk to the child, corni..rta ?nd re>U tbe ruutli. r. Dar ii.?; Uie j '. lug ita ?alue i. incatiinal.i? corea wiud colic Ii? M " >|R-. Winslow'? laajsataa Stsi'P " baring th" I .ii, 4 I*SBB1B1 ' on the out?: le ?:?; ?"-r All other, are ha?e ImitstkaM, Sim it: Pla i ed W ?be, ?.di I.i ti..-?'..' . ?p..?- u . ; - Meriden Brit .ooda ?re wari . laf.iuu in t.. ... pan I 1 i ?.le by uxo? 4 Co , Nu Til Bma.lwa?, ? s,. r.\..':w ed Tabi G Uli '? ' N 7::] Pro?'!war. I l?i ooratku China Dinner 8i a sracuavn. _G. Cm law..UK k Co., No. Til Sroadarar. m\\s Fall Myles ol Huts for Misses, Hoyn, ???I Infant,, ar. i Pansuti snd .' I) Broad way. i . , - -Foi a ?trli.h and i Cm .' ? -. Manufactura i k> ?in s? M.ual, utakii'i 5.? ural preta .ma during the |.?.t 44 reara. U : rer.M-iii,. Ko CM t'-roAtttr??. Caites Vifri ett?, *3j ei ii zi n; I A -/.t ? 1. Li al .m at, .1 V. I otipces. nuil i ?inamental Hair. ?jiiti ti ' r Illina lea. al hate'.-? Batch ti <?;. '- II vu: In i. 1 be beal in the "i'Ai mi .' !' . ?? m Limbs, Last ' a, Ni? lurk A 'Jin. VEKY m?.iii;?i I'rizk, the Cross <?t tli? ? f thi i.ii.itrn r.a, ihtrr. thuitw ik._ ? .-i i ion I m\ i ii-vL, Paris, ?8 Th? liuwr sUcaias Cc I Turk, a??r'<'i. o*?s > Ihi ntl I.I..1H.N Of UosMS, tin! Ouui MsuaL, (l??n tv American bewiug A Sii.vkr Medal, win? h was nie highest runs awarded ?t th? P- I < ?a ?tiri, i . ne " Klorimi I." TBB BBST Sum,* BSwtSS LI ?I? luis S., ?"j llr.uiiia.r. l?t. Singer m vm m? h bing Co. MIHI, Mai HlKatS. raatajwsy, New Vork. I IM.I I i\ I. '\ M WIN'. MvlllM-, Nu. .W Bmadwnr. Wauled?1..H-?! and i'rarei.g Agent?, aalary l;l, raL BwSai or . A.?KUKL'MATISM J.?-imIIv \\'iiiaiilcil I uici ci'- ? i LKH'a ?.real V?^. ta:.|. Ki.-uuiati.: It? tultii kaarsrdlj. Btfoiencaas, 17,767 i urra. Puucipal Uepol. Bru ad? ?r Hill*- FVMIIV BOaiF, rnld by Oroeer? areu.-ra ir. J. C. II I :|.' I : .w, Mew Vork Torri r's Patesi Weaihi.u Mun- No viss, ?luit, psw ?T rsis ssi , -'.ripa ar? uaed. Bare balf tue far; i Biidn-lsne. N. 1 I'vi.kV o. K. Soap.?Hard, and no1 liable t?"? lu prui-. i wiall li . rr it. rkild by groeers ?lure Hydropathic K-nn ti, Nu. 41 llunil-.-t.? - II tlicic ii any disease in windi the < '< .n - i i - ?in UllllMATItM lad It? 1 I NIVEKSAL ! ?C1 ?-III -.N. FA KIA, 18G?\ ,-T?,,?v is a I ? s*ssM isa Hisit ?.KAIL, ?.?LI M IO* L fur A . , ?>.rf, .a di? a , il.tluk > ropa?. War? . ? , .,l The Mi.n iri ii wim on neu? v Ko, \i ?ii m ' ?' ' ' ? ?? ? tbeae V..H1 BlVSSMIM C..KKI ?" .1 ?..(" ' Ibis l-iiiiriuu? tural titi ,,l i.j. . i - The folkrWillf lcUir iimn a iiot(?l Deinociatic ]>nlitiiiati in Cutitn ? tient, un tlie ?leaili u! .Mi. JIoHun, one t?' tin- ?tlit?.i> ul Tin Old Huunl and Thi Jhty ?'.mik, ihowa that the inlaiiiuiis principles oi the publiatationi :?.i?' tully ac ????|it((l hy the stainlanl Ihui.-is ol' tliejiait.v : " DUarroB mot. ' HAtTBCar Hi ni;, eeq Up Vom .?-./ i li.-t v ?- lii.ird tritB deep sorrow of tbi dctitii of oin ?--i?? ;u?-.l friend, Mr. Jlmtoii. ?'f The Ih-ty Book, It iiini?- UMBI in? suilit? mv. : ? ali a force, tli?- ? ff<?ct "f which '.Mil not soon Is My ?j|iiiii?iii ni tin- ;.iiii?'.'it. ?1 '!? ? - .. -? .1 mu havn nu (>(?;i-i(i!i to inquire. Ourdeparted frieadwaa not a raero editor of s Joarnal tie waa an Apostle ul Truth. ' .nu?! in li!? />"!/ Dook ti.. \. :;. Iljrhl that 'a.ik n? ?-il. d vi Kulde n- in tli?? way of LbiIiim ladeace. He -hw c1? frosa the te/rinninc that tin (ed n> UM kaili, vins fur tli? . f Hi.'?lut? h niau i-"veni ?ii.lit. iiml then ' I it. Til' !'; (?otiMii thai ? the Mouth, ' I.on of Hu* ', i J?I"li iii.>' ?iMli-'rr of - ' 1)..nun:.'.i. lull;, rout i ,? ; editor of The Day Hook, ?ml m m?* our !? : rt?'U, to bea Binerai .?.?mo I I'.i. It ii" ' .\.umnt;-- inu'iit i ii.'.vi' t.nirbt ni how in Avert ti ? tnat now n tv nf?' rh ? ? rerj lliinn that a ?iir in tlie ?.lie- hoostsd Auic-rloao Republic, know not wlicre to "The eatiive. titj-lM l?l by Jirfferaon Davii a peinuiTTitir jmlilicatiuii priuted in tuia city. "ia the caau al <?<><l, liberty, and An ?? civil /iti?>?. wiiilc h ?I by Abruliaai l.n. ?? coin i- the n?"nt inii?i?.u.->, ariiiiM-d, and ni'., - tunis liiat (.-wi ilisltlUMl liciv.'fi ot out , , ' I he J?. I ? in. \ <aYCsa?Qkr? ?*?? @?bUM. ?sa? ->,\Y. OCTOBEB M, 186T. TERMS OP TBE TEJEUJ?. ]>,ttv TitnttvF. Hail Subscribers. $10 per annum. Skmi \\ um v i mmran, Mail ?^becripera, ?i per an. WaajTXT imnrsi:. Mail Babecribara, t% per annum. A (1 v e r t lata g Kate? iuu.v Tarni ira. 35eatrtapei one. M mi W11 ki v Tbibi ?.?centa perlino. Wl 1 km TRIBUWB,$1 .'.O per line. 'j,iinn. eaah la sdvaaee. Address, 'lui. TmBI nk. New i??rk. TllK TRIBUNE IS EUMOPR Srrvrvs BitoTiiFits. agenta for American Libra m nrietta-?t., Corenl Garden, London, ??re Menta for Thb Tbibi m la ?reat Britain. i Ain OBBOLO A Co., Booksellers and PnMi?hera. Stef? ans pint?. Vienna, are Brents foi Tur 'i bibi kb In Aaatna. r i; .v < 1. ?t ? in Bankers. N ? 11 Kuti Auber, Parla, are ageats tor Thb Tbibi aata Frases. The abor? agents will teoelre aubsci-lptlons and ad veitiseineiit.? for TiiK 1 Kim nk, and supply oopieaof the p.i],i 1 to \t,i, 111 ana temporarily m Europe. A a vu 1 i: a Co., BooIneUers and Publishers, Bo ? Unter den lauden, berlin, are ameuta f"i Iuk TBIBI SB li Pruaala ______?-???_???. TO OOMMMSTOKDMMTM. Na o,.t rt taa he IBBSS ? l'i,iniTiiii...-?t'?n WSatttfr la ?., for .D??rl,oii inu.-l I 1 aethaal t ?t?>: t-r IBS naiae and a4 Baa a Ulai aal utct? lor i>ut).icaliOD. bul a? a {uaraiJl; lar >,a ?.?..J faith All tuaint.a Ifllrr? for Una ?Set ?kon'.d b. vMrcaa.d la "Tua Tata i?a. h?? lo.k W? caai.,1 aaariua? lo r?to?Ti r? ?<-t?J Cnmmni>.?a?,ea?, TM*A* article <m Peal fuel, the Apple Oran, a l.cttir from Our Sp?cial (hrreapondeni IB ('hill, Musical and Dramatic Not?e, fat ter from Petar B. Steeenea, ami Vita Newe, ?rill be found ob tlie weeona page.- the Monia Armata and Marietta. Snipping Intelligence, Court Reporte, ana " Pruita Out of Seimon" on the third pag< ; (im/ Notieet at ike Hovember Magatinet on the sixth page. The (It cti,m yv.-dcrday 111 r>.iltiinor,' resulted ill tilt' SlICl'OS ()f till' Di HliHT.llK tltlvct ll> B m ?y large maioiity, tin- vote for Mayor being I'rtiiociatic to :.s;;i RepabliOBB. All the .-muller olliccis chosen BIB al-.,? !>? niocraK Tlie vacancy on the state Uckel eaaaed by the ? ion of the Hon. Calvin T. Holbard baa beena lillcil, Um stale Itepuhlicaa l'omiaii tee siil?iuiitii)'^ therefor, the bbom of the Hon. Thomas the pu Beni Controller. The Kmporor Pranria Joeepii La at preeeal in France, pa] lag the taas^promised visit to Louis Napoleon. The belief in the aignifl canee of the Balatovg Conference lia-gradually pubiided, and is not likely to be revived b3 ti present visit. The repori Graribaldi hal 1 ped from Caj?, ra and hai appeared in italy, ii con? firmed. We donbt that it will hate an jiman diate influence upon the l?onian ?hsiirrection, which lor the preSCI? s.? iii-. I ? h ive been abandoned. The rcpoit that Gea, ( 1.; 1 (uni in tendl to .settle the Ihunan (piotion by a coup d'etat, ia, we believe? not entitled to an j credit. A ministerial pap? 1 oi Berlin makei the im portant declaration thal eacs of the four South Gentian state.-, muai be ai liberty to ?nt?r singly the North German ( onleili lalloll. As the Grand Dnchy of Badea ii on toe poinl of tal?ng this step* it may be ezpeeted thal the North (?iTinaii l'ont,-ilciation will BOOB, b| a formal act, throw down tho gauntlet to Lottil Napole?n, __________________ We devote a large shire of otu morning to the addreai of Bfeaker Coi 1 \\ al tin- Cooper ln-titute 1,1-t night. The die* tiiij_'ui-li,-d pTiti, tuan was greeted by otu- of 1 ga st and bmbI intelligenl audiencea evei aaaembled ia the bnihling, and his response to their greeting waa one of his tin, >t achieve? ment*. The ipeech 1- full oi good mbm and BOUlld tiaihin/s, ?ititi wdl atti.ut the I an 1 III attention of all who Beek enlightenment upon tin great! political prohlnmi of the day. \\, tni-i it i?ill be caiifiilly reid and pondered, ami that its peru-.?I will bring forth good frail important conti t upon which the people Of the City and the State II? -'? SOOB to Mitti. The m-a fondamental law of An-tiu which baa been adopted bj the Vienna Reicharatk containa aomc tmh liberal piow-ion*. Itguar antees the right af association, ti, edi.m ol the preast reUgioai Bberty, stat.- superintendence of ed neat ion, anti equal right! of nat imial ii i- I iBnguaffea, Though the Austrian people may yet have to w.-nt soin,' time before these ?ber ties -iiall be liiinly tooted among the Inatita tions of the Oountiv, it i.> a ?lu-i-iin/ ligfl that a large inajority of the lepreBentativei of the Anatrian people entertain theee Bentimenta?. The Lllieial < IppOBatiOB in tilt; la>t I ?in, h l.<L:i-!ative Ilody could not rally more than about 4o votes for the prindplei hrfoiaed by th?; Austrian r.trliaincnt. ?i.1 ?? We i>iint elaewhere some of the orecular oui> giving! of the I'ri.-sid? nt's Bolton OTgan? The l'o?t? win nin WO Bl? m tm in,-,! that ?i,-n. Shir iiian (hilans that any attempt to suspi :id or degrade Andrew Johnson before trial and eon viotion would be clearly revolutionary, and ko Mt As to suspension, we have no opinion juit now t0 BipiOBBl hut in tin nutter ot iht:i.?da? tion we ?lo not besaitete to say thai Mr. John* M?n in beyond the reach of Coatagxeaa- be has done for himself in that ii-pect more than the rindictive Radieel could have desired to do for him. The inniithpiece gOOl OB to |B| that these riewsofGen. Bhennaa "may have ited the ] ?i i ipi u ty ol his let um (meallf) "hei,- to aaanme the cajnimand of the Depart?. "mont of WaBhington;*1 ?. e., to defend hy fon?- of aims the sacred person of Mi. A. John? Min. And fiii?iennorv. the hame voluble CCT respemdent tells na thal Geo. Grant, eonenrein th?-, Hews. Bat leal we Blight tremble t>o mightily in our hoots, vee ;l>e -i.uiou>ly |im mitted to Know thal "Presiden! Johnson vill "hold ready obedience should the House of " KepK-entativ,-, impeach and the Senate <?n "vi?t him as required by the forma of the " ( <institution ! ! " For this much oond?sct DKOn h t u-, give thanl; Thc postal affaire in Northern Gajtmany be? long among those matters winch are withdrawn from the legislation of the particular States and placed ander that of the Oonfoderatsaa. day a Cable dJSpatch infotmed BS that a uniform postal arrBBgement foi all Northern G? iiii.niv had hecli adopt? d hy tiie l'idiial Parliament. It i?, as s matter of rwurse, the Prussian system which has thai been in tiodureil into the minor Mau-. As the poets! system of Prussia li probably the bast of the many admirable features of the civil adminis? tration oi lhat country, the n? w law will soon he Cell to be S rety matu ml ?ain bj the people of the imallei states, ami thus prove .1 bow helad ?'f union. Ftom the -ailie Lion tlio convocation of a Postal Confei to which Austria, Bavaria, Wurtemberg, Batten, Hesse- Dannsteiit, aad aasunnaburg h.?ve hen lu i t?t) B ml dele?, it?-. may prove an event of greal political uuport ;iii(,?. i in no burry te sompl? iboWl the utmost /(>al in jiroiiintini? the com? mon lies* ?,{ their inaleiial inter??ta, It widely asr-uines that, thin point une?' {.'?lined, the po? litical euiisnlidatinn of the whole nation will ?Won follow of itself. The invitation of Lux? emburg In this Cunf.ieiice will naturally at l .nt altctili-in, and lie iin.v thing but agreeable to I.nuU Napoleun. Tin- ?SOBtsVl negotiations which fur sumo time have hecn canhd OB be* tween the l'nited States and Northern (.crmany have Bato OOOn brought to a clotM bj the sign? ing of | j...-i;il treaty at Kellin the day before yesterday. As the poatal iiitercour.-e betwe? n the two countries is considerable, and rapidly itMreaaing, UM number of persons who will be benefited by the treaty ir> very largo? raoDfiA. The ?'le.tion in Virginia bal I? i--??l <?tV thin far in better on!? r than could nasutiably I??' anticipated, after the fiery appeals of the lb bil pi ess. We lie;.] lliat in two DI three instan?'?'* tile I'uluicd ?people have iiiNu-i d those of their kind who imisily proclaimed their intention of voting the Conservative ticket; but OB the whola the beharioi of both white and black voters will compare favorably willi that of the free and Independent eteeton af thia of any other Northan ??ty. Our latest lispat.'hes cunlidently c<iunt UPOU tilt?! miccos of the Convention by a ? ?m.-iilerable majority ; but then wami to be roon fordoobti inthemat terol delegatoa, whether the taavdicalaai Collier? v ill ives v\ ill iireduminate. One point, li ?WO! BT, is laWOiedi the inui-votin?: or ?lo^-in-tlc-iiian/t r ?polkjf fe not popular; the people have voted, :?.n.I that too minti mure generally than we an? ticipa!? d. The Convention ii a fixed fa?'t. if the Anti-Kei-otistnietioni.-ts have a majority of the delegate!, they may reta:ii the wolli of rcinstat? nient lora lime; but they at least do themselves justice by taking an active part in the wuik ami in a legitimate way expraaaing their views. The let urn.-, a)?' yet tOO mengt r to determine which side i.-, in the m.ijoi ity. and su it IS idle tO speculate ll,'"'ll ^% ?i ?t will Im dune ui left undone. ..'/.'.v. .V? LEILA}* Then' la a maxim, frequently traoted ata?e ye,us ago m this city, daring na unfortunate eoclesiastiMU inveetigation. The MrnpuJooa said. "Once a Bishop alwaya a Bishop,*1 ihooh their heads, and voled fur r-iispeiision Instead of deposition. We are wtainded ??1 this ?ir?um siam?' by ?seeing it announced thal "many "1 ?elliot rats "' btv or Qen. M< < '['.Hall, fj?l the next Presid? im v. "Once a candidate." we idp? poie, thej lay, "always a candidate;'1 and thus the pud Qaneral ii to !>?? put mt?? that forton Umbu of bope deferred Iron which s<> many it. nun have been relieved only by ?gentle ami benevolent Death. Al the foe <?f cmelty, if not the particular friend of the General, v\e enter oni protea! against thia amiable conto m.n j. I ben m.iv l>? a fen men who >:?11 think that be would make a ?good candidate; than may be pol?tica] gamblen still ?tilling t<> pla] opon bU chancee i and ii be wen nominated there aie tlio-e who WOUld \"t?' l??r him; but as be will no1 I?' a candidate, as he v\dl not be entei d at all t"? ?the ia i ?i.? ra will be no opportunity to make beta npoa hi tna.i'iiiiv or niiimnty, it i- ii??? ?generooi to ?li? lla t bil militan mind fium tbi -i -ulv of fort* Iflcatiom and the .-cien.'.' of defensive digging, by bri Ithing hil nail In roiim. (ion v\ith any ?lection Im any office v?.hat?ver. Mercy ?li. tatoa that winn ? v. :i a Majul-l.eiieial i- inllie pSghi "t Den. M.r., be should be oevenly ?dropped. We could rneotiou sereral pti-.m -, miiriiii lunirer In di?- Ousfi, srnOarl Old Wai made slip? i lati V? IV VI. I? led by the ill timed d'I'lininati'iti ? ; ? friends, who would k? ?i them ?before the paople us Praai? tia! randJdntut long afta? ih?- ghoal i.t | lible acliieveijiint had vaui-h.-.l. Tin- bj too ) ' ' t.. enter upon inch n coreel <>i .bed. lu I valiiai.-le volua - the Ait ??i ?War, with I picturea of nunmrona tmiii-i- which ii wi I.? impoeeible im bim to captura, li?- nay do j IOm< thal * foi ' ''?:?. II? in iv in I ? :,' a m w projectile. Ile may design uniforma <?i novel ? n?-..tu? is ?u ?.t invm.'iiil.' splendor. Ile may iii.ii.. .m ? o ???ii? -ni I'.i un at Weal Point. He na] '?? i ring machine of greal 11 to tai men. Bul it be ii t?> wa ite bia Iii?- ia dreaming of the Presidency, in hoping and dghing and hoping again, in ?eonatanl a-pna tiuns ami predestinate disappointment, he had better ?al ?mee fall upon his iword and spin his beal t, atti ii the Roman fashion. Sir John Bowling, the polyglot Rngliih poet, some yean ago gave Byron'i album t?> !??? ? \ hibited aa ? relic al ilnokaall. The album baa been abatractcdi and it leemi le be the opinion of Sir .Juhn thal "it has been taken to Aiiiet "ica." We ?in- n"' ovef lensitive, but aathen wen many like literary thefts befon Ami-iica was diaeovend, and seme of them notable ones, and aa Byron1! album would sell Jual aa well in (.ennaii.v 'as hete, vve ihovld lil-.?- p? have had sir .lohn"- reaaoni foi luppoaing that a market foi the atoleo traaaan would be mon readily found on tln^ -id?' of the wa than th? other. It ia mute than probable thal ih<- thief was lOme hillburn.iniac ; pcihaps sume yuline woman going throagh har Byronieal stage cn ried off the curiosity. The Childe Harold ?lis eaai ia eoneiderably on the wane in Ure United State-, and i. now* confined Uainly tn s. hool ?liria. We ?loapeet thal Byron1! album, put np openly at rendue in Kew-York? would bardi*. excite anj ?gr?ai competition. It wonld be too valuable tor mooa ??strm k baajllngs, and the nulty old veterajsf of tbe ifdearooau woald turn Up their nOBM at it. Ihe autograph" hunters nii^hl take a look at if, lint e\en Itv kui'- album probably contained no raff ran ipeoimena. Ile live?, too isolated a life to have made any remarkable collection of offeringa. The book, bowevei valuable or wortbli?--. i not for the maiket. To ntlei ii foi sale will be to insiiie detection and Inklination. It might be broken up, Silt we ?lu nut hi licw thal it is worth th? trouble, eapecially ii it is >;is we unly li relic ut M'hunl da.\>. Byron himself sent, tu Scott a fea horns lum, Tliennupyhi' m a vase. The fetter accompany? ing them v\a> h It in the va-e, ami was ?stolen. Booti told Irving thal it wai i ronaolation that the thief woilbl never dare to show his ill-put- I ten prise; and, being a gentieman, be did not \ hint to irving that the letter had probably ! been taken lu Auielic.l. We beg have to j iisMiic ihe universe that when fajikeei .siod they steal mon judiciously, and ihat Ihey are nut in the of buying gooda which thej eaniiut ihow withoul dangar <>f ?toeing thtun. When the Republican ticket, fee ibu fstate ? ?rai nominated, then waa a raluble enfbunt , by the Democratic pn upathj tot all the o!':i,'. -Iiulilets on our sid?- nlid had not be? n called upon to accept furjther laaaa ot their : among them none had thmsi rmon ! 'iii- condolement than Mi. Thomna Hillhou y worthy Conta dler. li waa quite p . litically deaf) by the disinterested and impar? tial journals 0f tho other ?ide. If to draw praise from the enemy ho a moral victory, the gentteman rumed had sa ovation, if not a'full bteWU triumph. Hut the slate has heen amended ; Mr. Hiilhurd (who was in Kurope when he was nominated for Controller) declines the place* .wajferriag te oontmns his labors in Ooa? SJIfJS, The proper authority has named Mr. Hillhouse for the place he now tills. Wo aro a little curious to hit- once more the pleasant rasrefranhl heaped upon him when ho was supposed to he out of the c.inva-s, reproduced now that he is in. Will the journals who shed so many burning team over "the ingratitude "that ,loomed a faithful," fee* tUU, do tis the favor to repuhlish their lament?t ion** There is no limit to the credulity of man? kind, and even the inhabitants of Boston may be taken in. Recently theie appeared in thal city a personage styling himself (apt. Bottom, and hailing (of conree) fron New-York, who, alter " borrowing sums of money''and " wanning ' blllHull ??to the eoiilidence of seveial piotni ' neal gentlemen," has now, like Bottom in tho play? been tian.datcd, and cannot be found. This Bottom has dropped out?this "Nully'' Hot tom?ami Quince, Klute, Snug, and Snout BOW -canil foi him in vain. Ont of doubt he u ti.iii-poited; and *' the fphiy is mailed," ly which we mean the play of "The lilack ' Ciook." loi it was the generous peculiarity of tins ('apt. Bottom? who was, doubtless, "mai 'veloUl haily about the face," that he piefciied Kottles ot champagne to "bottles of hay" and bouqnete of hothouse fiowento "good dry "oats." The "po-it-s" BO presented in great sumherSi and <?f the moot expensive sises, to the beautiful ladlee of the ballet in the afoie r-atil ' Ci,M)k,'' and thereby so walked into the rirgin att,,tion-of tho.-e nimble fairies that thej though! everything of the Captain, ami were all ready to play Titania, ami to " eoy " his amiable check-." Hut the Captain li bund out?he don't pay borrowed money?lie don't pa] the florists; and the "seveial piom " nifiit gentlemen '' are already reckoning the profit and UMS of their short acquaintance with Capt Bottom of New-York. We wonder thal thej ever trusted for a moment anybody of th* name. It has a BMSQUI-lading mhiikI. It ii now suggestive BO! only of " Midsummer "Night'l Du an?s," but ol Au'tiimnal ?lelu-nm ' The " pioiiiiiiMit" Boston ians must try ? Bot? tom next! who does tin? serions and ignore* the. ladies of "the Bia?k Crook.'1 ^^??..- . ?? ??., ,? ii Anybody who want-, tO MC <'oppiTheadisin it; all its naked deformity should .study it in I"/?? (HaGuar?, ? monthly publication which, ? ?, the most proininenti ii .it all eveats the mu-i outspoken organ oi the party. The l.i-t iiumbi i baa a parallel between Abraham Lin? coln and .bil. Davi-, from which this is a specimen : " Abraham Macota a i?, \? Itheal Soabt, tha aaaal ratal niaii II ?? ? a upon lilli ? nth nial In tour brief iu.,1,: n.a iii m tin- s ..i-i maa ., .1 ?i, ii lit. linn- iii.- r i ksi ha led . Impious, and sinful tua! Baa > \>r ;i'Hi, -t. ,| the world, sud Um means ol it- se, unipllsliment TtuItU our rat*, ar tunned ikttartk tinte Hau ata?a Da lisa ? !? a ii?- J'i the ?obit -i. ni"-t n? i.i-ti, i-iit, true, aad . . a m. n . ?, i i. ?ni. .1 Cut ii ? tin? ?-.?i th, tuplojred \?,i> iii.. 11..;,.i,-t, m,,.-.t Chris te ..r allaessM la Isjeworld's SB ? Hou can :i party which holds these princi plea app ..1 foi the rapport of the soldiers and BsJkwi Who tniiL'hl Im the cau-.e which Alua h.iiu oin 1, ii / ????-??.n- m, .i,,:. , \ _| ..-.Lnion in the EIL th, til Torn? case, The Independent an ?? i ti, ? -i ? n bj ile friends of Ii tuil It ? i til?n-win ti iiul,>-, ? i-r tlii'ii^lit . .-i th,- 1 nit.-.l ,-t it.- : I Bl ., t iii f.i\,.riif a? ni?, k ? it i/,'U*b , Hi;, ii.-lup I treal la peal II la a aaatilt ?t ??ii ti-.I ?i i\ mm <?' ? ti...! in? ii. I,ut ?, ' ? ii,|, nt . h m,lum,? of t Ij illa la Use anpreaia Beal ..f ?arrrlnaa |aaUeai iii ? ? mi la ta ela leaaareaataatlaetaae) ?? ?ii Lia la the h? mill .. ? t ti,- Pro, bun ition <?f Ernas, .. . ti,?- taaaaa <>t aaa haaabla patltlaaar, r, '?ii.'iii i.- b1 aaa delii '?ut thi ti. n..,i gtomA polttl li proud tare, ??.-ni.-?- hBa >?? aaa >?f BB ? BJThl ? honor aad oae ehon II blbj m ? ?i. al ' ii- li itii'li'- I li. t.. til- i ?':? t axe, itlre asal " In SB article pubhahed in Sunday's Her bi i li ,1 ? w .-.,n (i,m i 'it , ia.,ki ra,", ? i tain es1 I',, a ii -ii? .i 1 t;, i land dot une ni i win, h m r?W \'? i .?i?'. igt and ?ViahurtVna Netta, and also in Tun ni . .uni ?,,ii -n ro ?t ? that the whole budarel may i? i i and call ob um lo aaawer ?. ti? ti ? imt it lase i ? ia only bbj thal thai lett? r la mit ? i e it lo iii?- l'i, ?dent, sud it 1. is been Blade public. j I li.iv. nu . ..i,,ni, nt. i mir .ilii-.lii i. joua i; Haskiw. .\? in ftvaaimaa, v. i . Oat Bj, U This settles two oneations; First, that the Hun. .lohn II. rJaskia is Mr. ?Joli i Lal admirer, and second, thai Mi. Felix IfcClaakey I H Ills Km elleiici s ( (tampion, friend, I mu:.ide, and exponent. How would Mc? 1, lliiii and Ifc Clnskey do ai ? Coppertk ?ad Presid? utial tick. The JBiehaaoad Engutret and Examiner has Inen in a fearful nightmare during the el,-,' non. TbeRaiical tiekel was " brjaitty.**"loath "miiii,-," I "uon-tioir mitl?se," an "insult" to the liviflg, and a temi,talion to the Inicie dead MtO hurst fron 'heir humble glBVeS instinct "with patriots rage*" \\'e don't know- thal ans Ol the deputed Confederate soldiers have yet performed this reaanrkabls teal ; but it' the editor of The Engutrer goes on reeling so badlj lu- will have ti lie lindel the protection Of the l'n i din. in's unie.ia. The hemiM'iiii.-, ol the lid Assembly Dbtrid Of Mlildh-MA CoiiutN, N. J?, have hit the nail exactly on the head by nominatingCoL Jones, late ttl the Rebel army, foi the AsaBoibly. He will undoubtedly poll the entile Democratic rote Of the dt^ltit-t. ?he ititi Guard, orgaa ol the Democratic pally in this etty, dec?ate,? that "Soiitheti. mi ",nt\, of so-called slavery, Il ti^'lit, and nion ''grelisSB, m so-called fieedmn, is WTOBg." Yciy nell; we ale gltd thi Cu|>|?ei head-, have put thcinsclves so Bqnarely on the reoord. It' the Aim in an people ever atareo under a banner ins, ni,,,I " Freedom ia wrong?* U will l??- laighl to make angels weep. \\'e pegn t to absei re thal one m two .lounuils are apitoful entnrgh to i>i i ti t .some rery unkind remarks about charles Dickens in anticipation Of his loilhcomiiii; u^it lo Ametica. Mi. Dicken | ?aid sonn - |uell) haul Ihnir-'s O? BS many years SgO| hut it Isb) no means certain that we did not de.M i\, -tin in ; aiideM-n it wo did not, any man of sense Ollgbl to know that, whaleiet little ?njiiiy h,- ever .1 i?1 us bas been twenty times out? weighed hythe sub-taiitial '?.I he bus conferred npon the world. The inct is, we doubl phother those win, an now i nd, -I ni then cn-iii.- ol tin great novelist know how much truth und g.I an- embodied in II.e Writings willi which tht'>principally Und fault, and how ?rroundh ?s : ? tUe i ' ; Lion tliat he " ii,a i I the li i ., thing good for Mr. Dickens and gool for our s.-lves-if our publishers vvouhl take the present opportunity to put upon the maiktt a new edition of tho "Aineiitau N<?t?s," that would hel|? us to know how little we had to complain of from the hands of our gOaatt, how much we have, mended in our manuels, uud how much theic is still to mend. ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Sporting men havo been B iroixl doal inter? ested of late in the rival-ship between Commo? dore Vnudcrbilt und Mr. Robert Bonnet for the credit of possessing tho fastest trotter on tho turf. Commodore Vanderbilt want??! b? trot his Mountain Hoy against Mr. l.onner's Dexter, a ptepoaal which the latter gentleman replied he would no4 entertain until Mountain Hoy should havo equaled Dexter'.-*, celebiated time of one milo in 2:17?. Mr. Vamlerbilt put his gelding to the test on the Fashion Course leal Monday, mid [the horse trotted a mile in ?:2U. For his age, which is 8 years, this is considered a very remarkable achievenx nt, but it. falls 4 seconds short of Dexter's score; h?) Homier still bears the palm. The hearty welcome which has been extended to Farragut's r-ipiadrou in all tbe Kiaiitinic countries of Europe, and not least in England, from whom we had least reason to aspect cor? diality, must be tabes? as an evidence not only (.! recognition Of UM ninai kable services of our gallant Admiral, and ot the Navy of which be la the heail, but of the readiness of foreign ?Bowan to make amends for the inju.stii'o they did na dining the war. The London Daily Mew* makes | frank cuitfi'^iun O? mi-deeds, and in citing tho hospitality of the Hiitish people to the great American sailor as an in? dication of na era of better feeling, expreeeea the holte that, ?England will cultivate in future I Baon cordial alliance with the \Y? >t?in W'-.ild. __ We congratulate the United States upon the ratification by Russia of the Wabu.s-.ian Healy. The Czar has gra? ?ioiisly accept? ?I our magnifi? cent offer tor Ins ic< hei-s, Bad there is a pros pect of aa imm?diat?' rush of emigrants t?> tho new t?'iiit?iiy belum the weather gets finy cobler. If WO reniemb? r rights?, Mr. Sumner assures us that putatocs can be taiseil time, If properly protected under glaaa, sume of the fjrnjaea make telerablc salad, and thcie a. ?uud many codflah along the ?oast. The Virginia Coppot?teadl have an amiable way of caiiying on a political Campaign. If tin* r.rrrn.,'* fote the Badical ticket, fdurieka The Bttquirtr' (?J\d ?x?min?r, "tinir present "employen should f<>rtlYy. !uj turn them atti it t. "Let them gel employment fruin thoec with "whom they vote if tiny can:'' This is like the franchis?' at the point of the bavoli? t. A Northern Copperhead periodical declaran thal the only poaailaVi solution of our poiitieal ?I.iii. ulties is to laatora both the Boothera Btatea and the nogioea to the condition in wnicb they we.e b, fore th?' War. This is IfJgfcfal at aliv?ate. The K? ?abli-hnient of Slaveiv is the natural < uti-? quince of the Copperhead piano, lie? omtruction. n.?.s ii i \r; tom. vu:. .I'^ rosrnon m bigard tu im. iiMi.r ?>i ornea Law?movkmkm> o? BBW-TOBB BAKKEBJ aOAUffgl IBC. ?'?CUL i "? ii ki MOBI I? ? AOAIBBT MU. ii.vuivl. Ol Uli; TBKAUIUR1 PHIBTIBQ KI - lil VI Mil IINi. (?1 II IK 1?! Vin. K vlIC MA I IOS \ I. ' "VI vu I U.K. te ?????.?, to >??? thihi -ir. VV \?iuv, {OB, W.'.li.. -il.iy, <),-? j ? ' tin editors of nea ipapen bare raggeetad thai in proposJni i.'ti at the Tawan of Otana lawn un ? itali.nial by tho r.'iiiuvai, taatoad <>( Ute napea mihi ?u >?iet.iry > tin? l'ri'M.i. nt is incon nt with Inn avuwi'd jM.hcy to regard nil Bets of COO . d .uni valid until ii. . itl.d to 1m? tim i ? bj th" ?Supreme t lu answer ta thia, j It Lo uiiili'iMoo.l that Mr. .biliii'im,.-s tin.-, ?b.-tin?' b t.i?'"ii bil r.'-i??iii?ii;,litv and duty ander, thi I ? ' IO ' i''t and util. I || ts of CtM | led over bia veto, and which bo >?'t ngalda as an titutional, oaasel] : That La the matter of removal . rabera ol the Cabinet thora ara bat two parsons V\ll(> ??lil take thfl'.ve. ?mil ?lo the ?HL ?T a?'t.* ? li make ? oaao toe tho adjn^ieaiiowof tho tap?eme t mut, and thoao two Benoni ar.? the ?dent ami the Cabinet onVet removed. Whsreai la th?? oiket lawa <>f CongnH other i ii'i.l citizens ar.? the partie* directly ail??tul. iiml m reqairad t?> parfera <>r re? fuse te i' i i'na the tliat iiiak?> up a eaao for the detusioo ?>f tho Suprema Court. In tins rien "f tho onhjeetMr. J?i>hnson waa the only ur.' Sj hu ...aid t akr mi. li ?i. i uni ii-? ? .?li.l I \r n I nally carry the eaae before the Court? Koona could tain th?- null,nive foi lum in tin* matter ?>t the removal of a Cabinet Kintttar Ha alone has ila? power of n mu val of that ?nu?. r. lu the execution of other acts of C?an grass tho Executive Beeessarlly han-, a t?i tin? partiss aggrieved?whoserights' an dir.? t!\ all? ?'ted hy the law s., tu test (hf coUatltUUull ality uf ill.' laws. a t. u Nea fork bankin are ben for the ?Batanea pf?ginathe Pt?-nl-ut t?? ?aalte a change ia the Treasury DeaMtuMB?. They peeei Atad, ansnag ..this, the nain.' ol' I.''?/rand I.uckvv.I, | wealthy haul sr of New* York, who, thej assortant?, wea id |tra mtisfhi lion t<? the ??uiuii'i? lal intsanoto ol Um eity. in?- luiiK aiu..iiut.s tu nuthiiii;, and nu une liniuLs it h. le. it 0given oat thal Um Committee on K. trench inn t. ulm h is BOW e\ am i iiini: in??? the allans of Um l'-int n?; l.unan of the Iraaaarj l?.?partanat, wiii a-k lecntary McCuUoch t?? naanad S. If, Clarka tumi the aanertatandeaey if the Burean ?stove milli. ?I. / /1 ??u?.; i ru,t<, la tin- eventag'o ?asaae.Bab llaheo n ?di I' " a in? '?I hil,' ut the N.i ti?, nal I >.? ni. ?<t;i tie lu .ith'tit K\? i Ut I Ve ( ..III lil it lee Oa ill?' IM <?t LfOVI ? per. ? !iu*'i? i Ma ???n ?u town is ch.inman, ?mi the other m. nil.i rs uf iiu? tlonunittee an? TboraasB. riiiiiiiu <>i I', ans) Irania, Henry \v. Harrington of 11 uban i, Bamuel J, liimlal! of I'? niisv li ama. .1 .,? ii. Bet i. 11 ?u u ?ahingtetttJonah I >. Hoover of \\ sah iti^t?m. Cornelias WemieUof ?Yaahtngtoa ; William Flinn u! \\ a.shimtuii, S. crctai v. Cul Cake, CoUeetoc <>t I'notomi it Philadelphia, ;u lived hen* tu ?lay. It BIB1BB B TlBBSOiy BgBBl has bean orar ta Philadelphia nanaatiag the Cuatom? li..use, aad has reported i? Beontarj McCuUook thal Mattera then in not In the beat condition, and luis ni..iiiiiieu.i??i iiiaiiy limites. ( ski is ben te attain,'.' malleiv (?en. Pot k. i ?u ? len, (iiant'.H u.iii baa nteraed I an laspe? tiuii ?>! the Diansal fismmp Can.ii. He will hand m hi-, tu tin? s,'fi.iu\ ..t' the Tnaaart iu norroa. Ulive Brig.rQea. P. IWiaand, Lieut.>iiant-c?ib oaelof the'.Uli Infantiy, ha, bean ii!.i>..nile?! lil? li t..i ? ?.i ni.d ut the Derauenent .?t ( ahrarntn. lilt* of the lluusel'uiniiutt? i? a|>i>uiiite?l t?> iiuiuiif nil.i the illation of President lamadn. Arrivedi?.?i;i>, bat did n?'t tvanaaet any barfaaaa. Theyexpect lo proceed with thi Inqairj ta-aMrrow. ? ?? ii. I .laut has Inen .li fur the past tw:> (lava, and has, th.i. lui., nut rilitod UM N\ai l??'l'utnieiit Off Headquarten dtring thal perjod. Haai expected te bo out tu -morna. i ??'ii. -si? Hiller, th?' 1'n-t aaaiftaat Panta?aatar Oma ni is somewhat tetter this asnraiag The follow?B| iii?|siiiitnu nts of Kxaininin? Smi i> ?us bars h. eu m nie hy tim Ciilli.i' uf I'eiisi.iii? A. s. linken, Altuii, llliiim-i', \S 1> lint? h n.s. LexiBgtan, lu.linn.i; N. a Richardoon, Ma..m. Mi?,.iini, .) i,, n.i.?m, ?Saratoga Springo i has pardoned Major-Gon. Marmadnke, who was eu? gaged in tho late war on the ?Southern ?isle. Tho Special Ordinance Committee of the Senate and House, having in chargo the examination of army and navy contracts for furnishing arms of all calibre, and projectiles of varions kinds, were ia session to-day at their rooms in tho Capitol. The Coiiiinitteo consist? of Mesera, butler. Schenek, and laissa Mareas CHtwharg arrived here to-day from Mexico? on business with tho Government. THE NATIONAL BANKS. Iin-?KTS Ol' THE PHILADELPHIA NATIONAL U.VNK.S. \Vashin?;tox, Oct. 23.?It appears from tha ?ili.-4tr.ict of reports of the Phllad?-Ipili.? National nunka, as made to tin? Controller of the Currency, Oct. 7, tliat the lonna and discounts were t3*,?u ? exchange for Uta , tearing iii.iii,' marly ?.'..?iinvmo ; apsaae, |SBa,BMj cob?. pound Interest notes, 14,800,000: a?ra:reirate of > in niatioe ,u ?I deposits, UjsfiOOfiuo, requiring a reserve of v> per cent, ti little more than ti 1,000,000, ;,inl the ataSBUMBl ?hows over fiaaop.OM, a total reaervs of uearlj j7 por centum, of > irculatMii anil depoelta. TIIK NEW-YotlK NATIONAL BABEB Abstract of <|i;artcrlv reports of the .V w York Oifjt* National Minks, aa made to the Cuatraallar of Ike Mal raaejr, Oct. 7, in?i : Ri:?oi;RrF.s. I-oan* and Discounts. |tW,?i3,'?l7 M overdrafts... na,ins ?w tf. 8. Bonds ?iciM.-itt-ii to secure clrcnlstton 4j,i7.',,??e te U. B. Bonds and BataartUea depesUefl to se cure deposits. i.o?a.noa oa T'. H. Bonds ami Securities on hand. H.Wi.aU TB Other Blocks. Boada. and Mortgage?. c,i34.ois aa Due from National Banka. 8,M4,'.?aa OB Din- from oUier Baukaund Bankers. l.HAfiW 4T nankin?/ lion-,-. i.fih.i.m M Other estate. aoi.aat %% l-'iliiiifiin- iiiil fixture? . T,l,iS3 SB Current expenses.. MSMtB <H Premium?;. i??7,24* ?4 Exchange for Clearing House . HW.iiTii.xa ?s Other Cask [tonas . 6,.h*,'jkj tf. Kills of National Hanks. l.Wn.411 0? Hills of other Hank?. ?i.ais as Ipeeie . 7,3?i..''?? aa Fractional Curri ney. '?ii .217 C4 Legal Tender Notes. M.S33.WT as Compound lutcrest Notes. 2,1,971,375 SB T.ital..S4U,M^.8?TaS I.IAHII.ITIKS. Capital f-toek. t-Tl.HOO.TOO OB Surplus Fund . l-.o4s.Mi ? r.'i,l,\ 1,1,-1 Profita. 7,'J4H.w? sa ? 'm ni ...t um ouutanding?National.. ZiX'i.C'ti at Circulation outst.iudiug-Stute. 3iiV>-? oa Cashiers' Checks outstanding. l.TOMSa tb Deptwiu . MO, ; I'niteil sutes Deposita. MIMM h Deposito of t'iiitedt?tates DlsbuntogOfla, ers ws? tb Due to National Hanks. 61 .i*9,5M H Due to oth.-r Hanks and Hanker?. MSMSI ? T.ital.?4n,'-is,-4j ? The aggregate of circulation and taposlta i? shout lijo.oon.t^i, f,.r Mlnch a reserve ol Bl per ? em. Ii:,(?o,?bs m Uwfi.l money, la required by ?<?< ti i of tha act. Th" foi,-lio'iiui uhatr.i, I -hov^a rescue of iu^UM, or s per cut. mole than r? ??iiiteil. THE BOSTON NATIONAL HANKS. KsBOfla uf Ita leailBiBa uf tSa Tfatlnaal Baaaa of Has. toaea tin- aaerwieg of October:, a?, amnM N IM Coe tmjmr of the Currency : . * ' a ;.. BBBtM Loans and Discounts. lAO.T^.l'? O O?.Till aft.? . T/ll 91 I n.Lil State* Bond? deposited to secure ctr- " 5 cillai ion.."*. .... ,' MJM ,VA Ot Uni tod Slates Binds ead secar! litod tosecun D, posits I CnltedBtatol Bouda sad Securities on bsud o UtaarbiCii?, ?in?a, and tloilgagea. :9s,C50?m Doe from National Banks . o.r l line froiu other Hunks and Hank, i? . '?e.llOW Banking House. 1,380,434 4T . i Carraat expeuaos. r"2.i3s te l'n ninma . ; ? Exchanges for Cleaitag Heaasea. 6.1 che, k.? and other cash Bena. . KIJWI0} i National Banka . si'.w N Bill? of other Hanks. Bpaeta.I. S1T.SM sa : -ii Cum .I'-y. ; ii Legal I'.-ikI? r Not,? ._ Compound inuicat Notes. ? Total.aVajMJB S3 LUblLIII. Capital Stock. Ii?.'co.?iO ? BurplaaFaad. '." -?? * Undivided Profita . l, : Circulating Noted outstanding National. BJ BSrM o? -. 31 Cashiers'Cheeki outstanding. Ma,?? n Individual Oeposits. avieos 4? i - I- posits . e.j.s-iv 7? li.?posits "f V. B. Diaabaraaliag mii.-.-r?. . ? Jita Due to National Bal ? . ii.2it,i*i di Due toother Banks and B.u?.cr?. I,<i.i7,:rj3 SS Total .llM/r?! ,?3 SB Th,- aarrregate of Cireul ?tion aad i>i-p<?-?it? i? ni..,ut sev ,iit> millions, lor ? Bach a reserve ?t sei. nu en milliot-J ia required bj the aetv rhe f?.redoing abstract shovy? a ra? aatva of over tweuty BSllBl ? BHEBKAH AND QRAMT OX si'sl KN.-MN 8EC. M- (n.I.oi If. The Boetem Peate VYasbingtoB corroapondent aaj ? ; While thoae who profe*a to net " outaldc of the Conatl tutioii" are dlaeatlnat PreaMent Johnson'? derlsrabaa all! resist any attempt to suspend oi i Uefiara trial ?uni ?oiivictioii, i \?iii ii,l<I, Bpou reltihla authority, iii-- declara ti oa al (.<-n Bnena in m .t in, li aa Bttempl woiii.l ha clearly reveluttoaw ,t?t he resisted bj ti,.- ri. tldenl wita :?:i the ? itloB, made f.? ih ral to know his views, ma rgested the proprletj" .?I his return hera to sssntne the rommand of ti..- Depart Washington, ahiea Includes Maryland snd D<.la \ su? h. .?I?... waa the Babefataee ?-f an opinion ?>? prasaed bjr cien Urant wbans .-?ppr?..??-i,.-?i on the auMtaet aurlng the last session < by the Chairman of tin- House Military CotnmlUee. Mi - his friends that before takiBg aay extreme action In the pr, ti ? iBOfOea. (irant SBOOld be ol'tamed, lili'l lie volii'it.-ere I tu ]irociire if. Whin | MT^gj m. nti'itieil. i.- ::. tirant promptly r. ?)v>nil?,|, In -? li-',-mee. ?intim.) attempt to suspend the President before trial ? ni would 1"- in vi, 1 it.on of the Co --i; ti tim.. Tins reply of the CotBBtanding ?, neral arrested any fur tber proceedings at tha time, It may be well ia thla con? neetion t" rep, 'it tint President Johnson ?ill hi Id n .?Ir ob, di, n?-,- i.lionl.1 tin- liuii^- nf ii, presentatlves Impeeeh snd the Senst. con\ict hlna as required by tea forms of the Constitution. Y mr correspondent alluded t.? a report which area cur rent ben II r Mcculloch would nat re-i-n his Beat m the c iiiiii.-t, but would sndeavor to hoM in- pl.-ie? un i' t ti.' i Ivll Duli ? Teuuri bilL I am pleased i" ~-iy Mr. M. l' li Buthorlz, I irt. and dtK-larea that his resicnatlon is si the servies ot the President. Io this coutrsdk tiou tha M eretarr dosa aeSh Ing more than meet the anticipation of his it ada It is -iilh. will Boan writ? for poolicatlon .? lettei deflulaa his position, thus following the example ai t bj I'nit nias. tor-General Randall, who bluntly eoudemued tha wIk>U imiii.?? hm.-lit avfaeme, and to-daj hu decapitated a halr Saaaea Kadieal I'ostuiaatersia l'eiii.-yi? .mia ?RDEB8 FBOU Till: m:i HKlAin OF IHK TBJataaaUrgY. i>l Mi- 01 COVEBINOS Of IBrOBIS M ItlSBIf M CUABQBS HV " ol.M.KAI. <>1;I'!.K-' sl,)ltK Kl I PI K>. WiSHIBOTOB, Oct. -:!.?The S,,-i,t;iiy of the Treasury BBS Jual laaaed a i irctilar to Coll., .tors of Cus tunis aad other-., mj Ing th,- 11. pat nut-lit la adi laad there i- a of uniformity al Ihefrotil , In i'*rard t.. tin- ssaesaunenl of duly aa the boxes or other ?-,.M-iings of m. r. !..ui'li-.. importa ,1 into the f ni ted Stat? a Hy lbs ninth section of lite Act approved J ulv 2*, i-pro \ 1,1,(1 that, aa detoriulBtaa the dutiable value ol aanaJa Blldise lii-n.iii? r ?iii t?,i t. ?I. \\ .?iii?,"I in til? rosl.or actual, or market value, tbe value of iii -ark, 1h'> m-i-o\eiui_-if aui kimi in \\ lu. Ii-Ktn I? gotada ara ctjav i This provision aloes sol apiii.. lo Si?j suck, l??x, a.- . ? "ni itnin . Tumi-i paying irte duties, pro Mil.-il the eoveruig i.? mat uuasuai, bul aoehas is cum monly uacd to protect the desci-ipttou ol .and in tin in Ia regard to s.?. k?, boxea, ?',-.,, .?at,on:w? plaids p.i\ lug an ?ni >.ai.', ?. \ .m are u-hi>., tfnllj int-'inied t;. it m all. a-, s .lut> shot Id be assessed h|h?-,' Hie \alaa ol the .-i. I?, box, ??r otiii-i coverlug, al the -.nie- i.?:o sale iiii|.i.s.ii bi law upon the nierehsndls, thej contain |iro \ uleil. a- jual ah..\e m,-nt.oin-,I, the ? n I,. ii.i\, or aOMf na i- of t. e oharacU i Lu which am h na roaaadlss? usuallj itupoit. .1 NAVAL IMU.LH.KV I. BBPOBTS "KUM nu KM ni ?,m, noktu PAI IPI? SQI ADKi'.Ns. Washinoton, Oct. 83.?iff.u Admiral Pavis, commanding the Hoot! At lan tie Squadron, r? p. iris to tha Na?? D. ,....?nu m. n.,in on I?,?.,nllill, llai;sliiii i.ueirlcre. Kio Janeiro, Aug. 3'J. that on Wediie*d.?y, the :.:.i m?t, tin-ia ?,'iiiau Secretary of the Na??-, Minister and Secre? tary of stat,- f,u th. Navj , vial ted tBal ship, aeeomaaalsi by a large civil and naval staaT, and aas received with appropriatehouora iii- Excellency pataaed mora thaa ..n lu m- ami.? half ?m board, and examined thi ?lui? very thoroughly, with mauj expressious of lutorasl ami ?atas t ,i ti,,ii I'liiCi.-r dispatches from Keai Vdmfral Daala report the health of the aquadroa g.I Nothing of In t. rest nth, i than the ahm, nientnnu ,1 had <??< nu, ,1 i:.-ar a.linn.ii That, h.-r, coramiuidlni the Koria r.iciflo Squadron, reporto, Bader date or san Pram lae?, Sept. sa, the loUowlUg disposition of VflBBBlS Ililli?r his eoiuuiaiid: The IAckawanna waa on her return t.. Honolulu non? Brawka'a l-tamli the Dssipee waa <-u route to Aiiiaka, Kiissiait \nirtni?, the Mohican \?.o< rspainaag at Mar? isl uni.? ii; the Retaca was eu route to ait ka; the Bara? Baa was erulriiia> on the meat ? i-t of Mexleej; the nu want e was ia the Gull .?t t'avufi.a, undi r ftrdaea *?>r Pan ona; the Saglnaw was repairing .it Man- island; tha? Jameatowa am? ut Alaska, K A ; ?h" MohOBgo waa awaiting h.-r ?.iii.-its a,ai area off Mara Wami; the cyan? waa preparing Tor Panama aa guard ami ?t..r,-aiiin taa Paaaaeaila, flagship, as the date of the report mentions, waa o? 8.U? lian. Utoo INDIANA. paaai , lud, Oi V. a?. 186T. The Ctand Lodffp of UOOd Tt'wplurt in this State has .-I.,-, ii ii- -.?um The attendance ma* ?of per vent liirarer than ?uvprevious lueetliiK. The lieu. s-n, i|,.,-ii..s of Wisconsin. R. W. U. O of North Amerton, wa? pr? -?nt mid presided Aft.r s heated dis? ..n tl? poUUcal H?iK.'ct of the question, the meet? lud bj ahaiulsome majority'1 the couutry tn-Mt, tuen temperance." lJi??t Winer the same almos? t?rala Iii IR p i ?