(?AKir. Mill's n I ?I,
Bl MlAjme ir.iii.miH Tu ina fBIBBBtJ.
Flckkni 'I'1'- np.vitsof the
eaciipoo? lliinliaUli iroiii CSBfSkTB BIS continued. It
ia known that lu- laml'd ?it 1-? ?'.,i.?ni, ni*?! la now in
It,?!y. All clli'itsol' the Do!) c anil ?/?av-t t<> discover
Lim WaV i.ahoiits linvc nj> l0 tlii?* tuno proved futile
0X1 ii:'- 'Ti- ,N- ,,,,- -niK MBlaTBT.
|) ? Mm lilli??. _'l'h? tah,ntl >;.,:< ttc BBBSBD
Hutt las r.Toii?.'itM? of the BUntatry lins bees 11
fas i"1- : 'i- ' ?tari i ti it .ill BfnajahsBaasa of l-Vmli in?
te; ?-? nt ????| m..-. aaad| une, xiioitsth?- itali:??
yaaptttr mataaaY ?. ? li King in the tr?ala thront*'?
BPaticb ha is passing. A liui'oris riirn-iit thal GBRs,
llsli'lni *t rlsanitrtj a ftrnp ii'- tal tt -i tin- aettl?
of tin RotuaD ??r.? ? ?uni.
tHB m ? ? nu by?
Aft. "?",:?- -\ ?. a Mi.'.is'iy bas st laasthseaor
?ttiseaj l.v (lliii. aii,l i? utli,nilly amioniie d SB
?DOWS! !V-i: ?.v. of til'- Council, .'?H'l Mmi'?'T of
Kui, ?i::. Al li . Gk I .Milli: Mia
Iti!?-:i??r i.i-ti -.inviitm?. lltii.tinlo: Mtaaa?*er*of Juav
ti,-i mid ??nor-;? Vigilant; MfalistaB of Ki
i?iiii<-.v,?,iicT.ii,-i- ?gasUDo PupratBR Minlstsr of Fab
?le W'iwk-.. BigOOr I'unriiti.
41-1941, P?'(?\l BOMA? CrnZBiri TO TIIK kin?.
... \i.t?l BKPOKTBD IXL.
ITasjalBsj -A (1,-i'ut.iiiuii uf RossaaaYataBBBs hail aa
ami -ti'-,- o-day wita Kiaf Vi, tot- Esaaaaal, aad uri
plor>.l I M . to inlci'liTf fur the Irli.'t-atiiMM I
?am. vl?-ii'if.i ?'.i;- ! aldl baa I? ft tha Panal t, intuir,-,
atxt i-, |-|iuti ed ?? I?- l.v m?; M. k in the l?uv ni"?- ?i
Dim lu,;. _
?. :i.\l BETI \1\.
TIP. '1 BIA1 " Hil. B UBCH1 I
1,,,\ ..\ D.-r . A ,i,l.iy ii'the IniJ ul ti?' Maa
?heur?'- i mt. in .- ?...-.kt-il bj tha iuiiiiai'1 for tha <!<?
lens?- on the irroiitid that tha preaenl aceitad B
inil'i?, 1, and tlic popular
l?ii indi? a ? the ni isoaen Is Man?
ches'' . v. ill int'riVrc wita ti*'.' Impartial :idiiii\r-tra
Kt'WM.?i..ii.i. < ? I -iii?.'.? ? b,- third cay of
ti? M ? . ?'.' ?? " |,?isse> 1 ol?' with L-r? ?i? spirit.
Tia-:, were Ban rsl iii>i"'?t.i:.t races, 1
res'. nal Ma);, s wa- v on hy
(Jaw- [ ?,. ?i.:..k. s,,; h vims
??vor raigas
Baal wer? ;..:..? i I y Mr.
liatAJL'^i plata vi sa ?nun! ort mg i \ thon.
11 kBcia josi ra i\ paus.
J Oct. 1 rancis
las ? BtrU has ..n tv.-j 1 - v lait
to ti' ! :ui"-, ii al
Rai ? cted thal be will reach Paris
till- to ii.ii.
Mai aed throng] Baden. Hesaadsa
lui, I ) ... I I., uf Ik
f?-v\ ti ra "?n King WilMaia al Prassis who
?was ? ? ? ,u Dnka: of Bad? a, and the ? on
?janal va hetw? i tha menai? is ass al a inost
frit_i.U;.\ i
LeORl -.,?; t 83 l.v, min:. - liri, oils lunn Biicass
the I.'.. > ? SS li minuits llave occurred BSaOOg
Um la raral owing to tbo want uf env
plui ment and at an ?ty ,?f food, Citawda sathen i In
tin toa is, sod chunored i ? i baa ;,', and in as-- n r ? ? ?
Bia.? - w .it- maur to pillaga tilt- liakciuj).
1 A ?i. -;?..:. ?i fi.,Ki Basal
nouiu?.* ti?- ?I. alfa of tin Aun. i uf Cabul.
MARINE iMi:i.l.K;r.M i
Hot riuiii L.v, Oct. B3.?Ae Hamaitarf American
Fack, i , ? -1, i ipi. k,
?i... wit.ii machinery damaged, having
oi-aijiiiuil )j?-i i. palra, Ballad yesterday boob for New
".'?iik, 'in,- ii.. - ? mia,Gap!, Maack,
wJiuu Du N, n fork na u'h- Uiii oi October, arrived at
tu.-, ? lilli .lii.n.n, 'uni, after latidlas
Jher J_ngllab passengersandjfreigu?, sa-ut-u ru, ajuiui'u.h.
?'??ii, J tlriii' r, at 9t
for ai,.'? v. Ai.., r;. .ita ?< i-in i ta s No telearapUie advices
of im ian tust, tu?,- beeii reoedved, ana tin? IoHowIdb
gvoUkUuiaa are n ?di v. tlkout knonl.?,!_:,? of Um eoadilloii
ort!i?-N?-. Yorkaiarkei: United Btatea ? v? aSrentlea,
Bk*l; llliini.t (,-iilital Hallway aDarcs, 1h?; trio Hallway
Aiti-rti. ..n-('??n- '-.Int ?? i lie f>T monr-r.
An?' ? by Al (,'ablt bave
Ik-,-i.i-,'i<-i? a I v lill ii
BSkusuaciu i iSrenUes, SUJ; Illinois Cea*
(ia advanoad to i.">j.
?.veun toi rooney.
An. lia- niarkei closes willi ml ?.
Iri.iii N, i Y"ik at tlie folioarins rate : L'lUtedrj
Uri -j, liiii,o:-, abares, t?t),
J-i. im., .??.i. i '.': . I . l ?.ileii Sialt. Du?ll?
Sic Qtl -. 'I ..: ?i r? ?
ia? i., ???: ? So i in- (,'utton marki-t
Brui, -rit:., I I'liu- liav.; ail?, nan 1 l-l? ufa pel
full- ? authorized quotations: Middling i p
latid-. sjd.i Ml, -, s.'i Tbe salts oin.
arc estimated at l.'. - b - i?: m-ItifCa Corn, M
bli:!? f ur. Wheat ,1111, tal li J
hu 1 aliii mia Waite, 1
l ? . . . ?! '.i, \ Dt,l. Lard
ivv t lol A:. I, ' tat ' I'liniiiii.. .uni
12 Iii- Medium .\. .-t.i-aii. Tallow, U/S. 1 ?
peatlne, J7,. Bl ?-um bus ?slyauca.i tv Hf
gal.; ii -.'"..
Altcrii?oB The ,'ut?,m market ruiitlnucs flrmavith a
fall lu l,.?> a.Iv al.?. ii C1. Miiee the BOOB l>
Mat, and New Mixed Western la selling at ?73** or.
WIk ' TI.?- ProvialvD n...r
kei i- n.-.,vy; i xi.r. Prime Meat Bee! has declii
la quoted at il! g bb?, American Lard Is Sd. lower,
lliK-i- . I llloW deCLL" <l IO ?'-. y CV?l. for
Aim : ??.???ni t5 l'a?.
l.v alni : iiiiukit rloaaad quita firm st ati
?dtii ' .,l. Tbe following are tbe ant bor
1/ ii ; . . .Mitliliing ?>r
*c??. - mora active toward iliv
aloa, i,!? UataiM bali -. < ora
flcsed Sea Mixed Western Sd bigher.tlM last
iHuitir. Win at quiet, Bal
ley, 1 1 Beef, l18;; Pork, "U ; Ha
ooii, ? Common Rosin, l ; mc
ditii? 1:??- :,.. 1 ' uirtts l'e
D oleum, 1 '?{
LUNIK?, ? r Ka 32 Dutch,
s*h-(1 i?;:,-m :"? . whale OU, aso. Sperm OU, i
for >??. 12 DUt, .1
ard Whs Oil, sun-, Sperm Oil, i d OU, SAO 10/;
' ii!.
Amwm.i.-i. ? . I . uartet for IVtro
Jfuiu i? Beary, .??,.! Standard Waite 1.-.- iwcBn?
ti ai ? 1 per iii,!.
'Hu Ville ile Pem*\ liorn Uavie ai,d Ilient,
Octajl? r IB, an.ved her, >?-ier,iay.
The ioDowing wai t!.t Btreagtb Bad poaitiona
oecnin.-d hv the Papal Army at the end of Hr;it, inher,
?,u Bsaw had s purrlaaa ,-f UBI bbob, VTHarba, i;t:
ptosaolgaioue, lil ( Ivil . '?;-, Kr,>-ii?,>ri?-, ?_.*,; \'el
l.-tii. 1 ..'? < "iii.ii; Xeraelna,
70; (iv.ti? mi; Pallano, t?i iii,- Bosaafii ,/?
ju,-Vi of Ma clerical paper, mri mueh Inclined
to aaaJn atora eoiiceaaslons t,i tm- appoalta party, pub
liah<> th?- roil???m. line?, taken from a eorrespoud
fnnii K'-iii?-: ' 1 au,;.??una au- continually r,-,-,i?
I11K r?. ? in. : t-. from abroad, ? eU provided
-avitli anuri and ammunition; many ? r tluin are orgnul
sc<!. .1 nu.-h braven m battle; liairiiorea ha?
fallen into their hati'l?, anti it has nut proa ed to be mi, li
matter to redeem it as Aqaapenaente."
'ihe Pope will Bot return t., Csstelgondolfo, nor even go
to tbe oiiiiriiiai. Tan Vatlean 1- ? ?>nii<- t,-,l wita the Port
nant Bacala Lay a oavered ?raJlenr, tkroaci waJehtBa
Holy I'atlierlim past al say Que m caw of dang, r in
aaaa af aa attack, it '? -aid that n?e lecion wni take ,.oa
ion of the d?rt
mi UTI \ 11 IB is nil < m m BOMB.
A letter lrum Hone, date.I ( ;.t..l,,-r 3, jiuIiIimi, ,1 l,y the
Jndutndinirt Itrlyr. ?.rives SOBBS IbB rc^tiii^ information on
tfte ffclniK ?n IBs ?ity of Itokaae.
The Barana refus? ?I (?? .II.H... inte themaelvea a?!th (inri
baiili ? enterprise, no1 foam want 0fk7saTpatky.bat be
.-ans,- they did no1 i? lleve in Ita Itaccess, atid ftar, ,1
grave eompUcatloni might result, which w,.m(| rtt-nl
rath? r than advance lae aolatlon "f the Roman question.
They heard of the arrest of tbe great agitator, not without
a-iriuv?, hut With the 1 ? iiiia-ioi, that their ?atiae had just
aaseaped a great danicei M,-i, even applauded the en? r
?eti, resolution of tis?, italian (?ovenmu, nt, Im-1 aaaa they
ad confidence In Its ability to turn the Bltnatlon to ae
count.atid obtain soma relief fr?,m the faltara Impoaaed
ti???n it by the s?-|?t< mt.. rCouv, ntlon. When the Kooiana
learnt thal ? ;. had returned to Caprera they
thongliyliere would DO longer bs ativ lui t< ?t to IttStily
til?- Intervention ,,f Iran,?. and their greatest appn h? ti
01 on, that ?1 being aKuiii subjected to a foreign occupa
lum. disapr-tiared. The dangar no longer sxnal
int.'. then Iii, 1 mai tbouKhl they might freely
manifest I .-i-I'iratloti? anrt their an
tlpatby to the clerical roki l?..,. emotion
Baereupon aniuaei it, Rome, which Increased wl
waa known 1'ial Pout , i.,?i 1,, ,, ,,,
tailed byaew ral anned bands An Important,
gow ariM,a; that of knowlug whether th,-?^ men ur,
Biii?i,!c (.,ii ii ?.iiiiiii-. ?a i? iii.tiiitiiiin ,| hy t|?. Koi'iii.n
fineio, vilijcliU'.?..?,? tliimcl iaiij,?.^ on a Baa _..?u vi
BlllSStSII _ II BsaSS O'tr.^il'li?in?. n? tlio Itrilriti VWr<
de? Inn- I mnnol anawar thls(|?< ?tion, w,,1('1' *l11,|M, ?**
,,,,, ,? , i Istbat m. ni.i red -Mr,?
an trav.paii rth? l'ruvlnceof Vltcrbo.raising, astbeygo.
I IC, have shown tb?mselves at A??|ii.?
Pin.l,-i.t?. Bonan?, Bsijnaria,taprsrola. I .u "irn.iy?.
illthos? places vvii.? bthej lu yefct
ment takes, they bave pioUcd down the ?
I ti.? m bytboseof Italy, which har?
, ,1,1.1.a i?> ti.?- Inhabitants. I siso
latmaBJ iiii/.-iisur. !? avtngRomi singly t?) MO
sil their liberators, rbe'Roman pt?ee
h.. Doticed tots? ian?lesUns?es?tlg?si*?AB,imBssn] ?an^ts
BBTS B4 ?ii muli'.
na ir?an 01 m itauai nwa a a?aBOi.s?a>noBro
TUL IT NI i um.
A niimWr cf n? vvaii.tjn ?M.f li'-' party of ?iSrOOB, su? li as
,??. ..,,. , .'/, </i i;,?x'l. tin-, ?asBSBj
Monmir '??, /'l'm .??((, ami ?din rs, w.-lo .i?l' M ?UBI tot
. Di ?'.' I ?.lullt? ?-is, ?|>I?I!C(.unies UM r-iil?-?-rii?t Ka
Bf. 'iii?' HriMsaas saa>
'. 'l..-.\itl< pr.M-'.lllllltKlIl, NVlli'il, Without 4SBJ
spssjfBtlBB ??ti the part o? BBI (ioverutneut, was to be cir
? it -i\
T< lill' Ii Mivvs: Oltr Brothers ST? trbeddlng Ui< (ii blood
n tin- MKi.iJ ?-.o?--?-??f Itslj sud lb? l;i>?Tutu.n <>i Borne
,,l imposes os tin- [taliani lerious duties, 1 h ?
under? in- thst ti.'\ in -.? fotmed a Central
i '.iniiiui. i- .ii asaistan? ?. an a? t by * bloa th?.? Ist* rpr t
. tin will oi '?tu Garibaldi.
? Viv? itali : viv? i'?'"??
(. Pai - I Bann,
B. ('AIK??t I, I? 111 MIAR,
V di IV li?, ? l'l. HlaM,
I Ml '.I I
. ai/.r-?"' IMS pwsllSISlaaS M S rksStSI t I? !.. ra
ar. um.:. -. ?? r.i li? --. ,11.
Till V H; I II s, nu -\\ li, (%,I 1-TKIN.
The fxpiiiil negotiatioDi upoa tli?- North
Belilia-iau' i( ?? .tu.ii ?11. .il.iiut 1.tniii: m ? II. : r r.tiilui
?rill b? Um r>ua*ian Pleiiipoteaotlary,and ( h.uiiix Hain
?von (ju?sti> wlU represent DmsMirB.
MHilH ?.I aVBAB I' V It I I4MI VT.
In the sos'ikiii of t.i<- li?!? tall oiini U, I'russiii ha? made
?'..iniii'iniir t.inis in ngaN latas tuny ?'id tli. II 11 .if Hu
North, ni (' ?Jif? ?1? racv. The law illicit tin- I??I?th1 Oon
' - h .oloptrd. on tv reportal Mr.Vlrobenauer.
'iii. <'?Hin ii also resolved tli.ii io Mm com ? if the
t ysar a census b4 tasen all oree* tas i < di tal t. m
\i v N t s 11 .
The Ym'/i Utrniiin Gtueth 1-. mi ? IV? lui), In rr-fi rrlup ??.
the spe<Mth .|?:ii.n.I bj the Piincs ?J?' Bohenlobe In ta?
m Cbanib r of D?'pt:tlos, points out Its tendency t.. du-iliiy. With n-|>. ? to tin refusal of
it? 1 no r the c<u.'i!? ' ..t,?.!! ..f the North,tb?
res that I'm-m will make do eflinrts to mod
ify that resolution. Concerning the di i
? ii< 1.lulu- relstlT? t.. the formation of ti?
i1 m ion t.? tw? en tin Oonf? ?l. rat lou and rr.
of tfi?' I mtb, hihi t?. mi alliance s It li a ist lia, th?' Qeuettt
watts fsp further Information. ) Dally, concerning the
r. rasrk sf the Prince, thal the onion of iii?' smith should
I ?im? 1 one of tin m
<<nil?l -? 1 form a closer anisn with the ?nut? ?I
,11 n -j.? I
each Stat? ul the .smith hiiouM i? in-?? i?. act .mi pond
?nu m w rcsTDAari btai u?.
he sitting of tli?- Lowei II?.use ?.f tin
.'?' I? daj , 1? puty Mfihlf? Id brough! in .i i lotion
tm ti.? abrogation ol the Concordat, whicb iii?-t with nu
m. i,.ti? supporters Not?. ;.. lauding strong opposition
?m the j'.iit of tli*- Conservative party the llonsi atlopted
the article of th? fundamental law affecting civil rights.
. 1 down tli' pri ' .-? n. i ii adiulsslhility
doiui? ile,
personal liberty, Inviolability ol correspondence, rights
? itlon, freedom of the press and of lull
? ni. M.ii. -.mi. ?,i,i. m,, in i- ni . lim,ii...,1, equal
?i?LiB o? iiutioi........ 1 and ?.. . .n. ?
ii.-ti'nw tboofs v 11 ni'KA'vvi\?;--1 \n \-i
? ' lill. 1 \l'l HI 1 ION?Al I r.VsllA IN 1 V\
AetMarding to the adriera receive?! trova
: . ? has ? :? luit sa ? p irt of hin
troon!, and 11 i-. hk, b tIi? t... uni to
Alexandria nv . t i i ?. ? i t mncb delay, i m p ? rlpal motive
\ ieero) to i. rall tb. tro ?]? iii Wa u
mu?? i.- - which this
?'Xpiilitiuii has 1'? ? 11 coiiii? 1 i. ii willi.
A (him -1. PBTITJOB.
'I'lic Caineae ?>f the iii^-fu r clasa wli?> liri ia the
Cofcssy ot i^iw. 1 ( hs at Breseat ?
a petition t?. the Emperor, Kqaeatlni thal ti.?- lui. h
? ?I? 1 t ? ever] c1 iss of
(Mina The authors of the petition argue that Id
ai?- linn ii more liberal ami Jual tlisu iii? Ann unite Isws.
1. lare Ihema rea t? be I - ???,and
a-k to I-? treated as luch. Msnyol tu? Chinese who r<
aide m ii? ii? ii ? '?? bin < b tb) und nid
. ? superior t?. tas rest "f the Aiiatl? tribes iiihaU
itii.rr aaaa ??fa??|
Til I' KIN G .
Ilic matntnonial eofragernenl lxtwi-cn the
Kioir of Bat si 11 and th<- Dai in -- Hophla ha*, bj mutual
II i, Ott
<i vi m ?i v oj BBiriaa indi v.
The coiiniM ?;? ia! rise and pWrgafBaa ?fli the I.-I
ISISrl'SralullS UK? hat foitll asWSt ColUIM-ly Bl the
'.it;.ti? iii illari,n t ! :'<?"!?.tiiiii tiiil ntlur :
I ti;?- t'.'iit?-?! Kihi;'!' m. racentlj pabhabed. ,
ind fi"? .'n tin- valuable romit lation of iguri ^ tbat
tin- ai. a of I ? ??' miles, and thal
I ,? 271,310]
t of j 1 in r? ? .I '
. '? more thal? ii ,'?"." "' lu ISt . ami ti.'
.? rose? ?, in I .1 from
?'.""'. The ,
during th?' last IS pars. Increased bj
of vet
ni? entered and t^srsd lu IMS in tt-pi
i.v i/:*^,!'.'.-: tur-. ^-.4 of which belonged to
British si ?1 1,010,3? to foreign
Including those vessels employed in ti s trade
valu? of ?: ' ?-. fi 1
? t wbii li o 1111 ?
. .mil i-jii-Cll,
lii.?l gio,ooo,o
? 1 k,!,., alo
total exBoria were valuea In IBM nt nearlj
vrhh h i. presents su
(liirini/ the past 13 years. The principal art.'
'i India, exi lush ?
ton twist ami yarn, cotton piece goods, ploes, malt II
ipper, --.lit, .ii -I a ?rU .1 la
. ? , ot '..n nn lui 'I 3
eds ii.aily a. 1
. of oi 'um Si
3 '.t* .. ?vi". 11
' " 57,111 m welglit ,???ihk been hinj.?,.?-?! in n ..,
|lld a'.l.4.>'a',l,S? IS weiifht ill )? " *"
? -
? mir' ?? ? m ? ? ,
IMi I'.n vi [OB vi. ( "i , BIGHT
Bib: The letter from Mr. Charlee Diekeni,
j.nil..-ii..i ia Tub Tbibusi oi - laysadad
a fact -!.u? ?l in my in Biti Br. Maa
iniiiui, ti.? veil known laoados paMlsBi r, umi proprietor
of Micriiiii.'.i. - ' Mi. Dkkeai bsjti th.
t? niall?.nal ? o|iym;ht would lm\. liiiu " a iiiau nf
very lal ??.'?? foitum ,' v? lia ftmt, iii the al.M'm.- ?.t mu h a
m? ;i^ui<-, Be has a? ? ?l oBlj " nodi rat? m
Mr. Ma rsd Bearapaaj ??f Smnilcisn amina i
and I'uIiIkIii rs, a ear or t\?,o hi fore |ht Mlled, that II
taera had i ??' n io lal : national ? op] right ti? .it;, la totot
i.? t ?. ? n i.iii.1.uni anil th?' i mil ?I States daring the last
30 years, Mt, lumgfeUoW WOtald kari ni <i\ c1 .mid? r it
i(0,'?KlBtorllag? ? itniviih nt to ?on than ?; ??n,(? n.f o;ir nt ? mi? in ) . Ile mads this st .at < m? n t .1. IBM lal. h ,
and ant hoi Isod in?' if ever I made it pabUc, to I i|?|>..i t it
- uni authority. I .on,-ii \ ? ii ii--i? clfuily
joins, j a, m i ?? i ?aroa
'.... iork. (M B, l?r~
?.Kin us i BOM OKM. ? vn i;v
I'll vin BBTON, S. ( ., (let. '-':!.?(icii. Cml-.v lins
i?mi? .1 ali ord? I l.liivi.liliK'fol a MkSSfOfl ?.f the BlglatlBtlOB
li...ii.I-, for a i.-.imoii of tin- rei.-l--tr.itii ii IBBS, to
nuiiiii. m? No1 '., nuil coiitiniie tive din k; iiNi nu or.1er
| aothorislBg r."<t Commandera to release on tail all per
ians, not sultfeet to the articles ?al war, held Is arrest i?\
the military atitlioriti
B1BSIOB OB ?.J?AMi DiriHOB >-(i\- 01 nvtiiit
VM I 01 l'I'NNoll.VAMA ? I'UI III? VI..
Prum Our Own Curreaiioudrct.
run *i.ii no*, ost n, MB?.
Tlu- rciriilar Annuiil Beeaaoooi theOraDd l?i
vlsron of the (Sims ot Teiii|.? ram e of l*SSlBSJllnilBl BJM
i In the Am? man M<-( liaini'x'Ilall.on loiirtl, I m
thia etty, to day. The Bsport of IBs (?rand S-nhe exhibits
the Order under the jurisdiction of this Division as is s
prosperous condition, lu the State th? re sr? toa I>i\ Mons,
with a membership. Including lady risitors, of i ."? t
Alsmt 3.000 new nu inlicis have !.. ? ii addaSd durliiK tin
\< .,i |nsl < losing, 'l he Mtb anniversary of the Institution
??f th? (?riler was eel? liiat? ?I lill? SYSalBg, hy a s<>< lal li?
lli Ion m the Hall.
Formina; Grant Clubs B the slgbUy tabor of oar poll
tu laj i i.? re,and hat for this our ? Its w?mid I., eioeaah tlj
dull. _
Tin- i-f?'inr-liip (tii.,1 sailed yeiterdav from
limat?n, taking '- BaBacagaia far i.iveijM.oi ami m f??i
Ilallf.iv ThS ? Shs ? ariK ?I no?]...
Ill Memphii Poil t< IN ft it'in.iik.-ilil? story of
a lim?- i?o> mu?- y .n .< oiil li.iii.. i.ii.ii atanglng hliuaell
toa ne?. ?.iii i ha\ nu/ attempted t?? bang hi?little broth? r intei The child had a mania on the subtaet el
BBI |ing, and li id .often SBOkel Ol haiiciii?,' hillls, ii
.lohn ('. Reffer, (li.nunan ol' tin- RepahlicBB
Itsts Committee of Alni.ama. ha return? i toWaahiui
' ?: /. i tlj i n -'ml..! I ?? li, - .ii'iioi-dililli?; tin .iiuii n, i
Mi Ki "' : ha? n [x itedlj be? n atl irked bj Ret) I ral
u.iui, ,?i.u a it ?a aaaki ?tv v\ m *i,oi m un Li m1
ra? can
Be? II COBd PBffc, h\s?'a (?Ininti.
No finnnmi of Hie i .(liiiilsol Audit vestndar.
A new ii\'Ji?'i'?iU',K' institute bu iu-t li,-(ii
, ,i ?j s,, at 9aa4 -t.
Urala Molina, Mini>t?-r from Honduras to the
t'ti'tcl St it? -, l- ?' the (I?t. ml?.n.
The vi\lh Kej York Ca\alrv (llhcei's Aa?ta>
tlatioti will < Uti ollie, ra lins ev<
'Hie Ihi'Vy" ?>f ,'iti infant waa fand Lftfl evi-ii
ku_ ajrap] < >i la a newspaper, in l'en.?, m ai ifVautl at
Justice Hogan c**raimittcd Jeremiah Lane,
yesterday,forstiiking Patrick Farrell on the abonldet
with aa as
The painter* of this city hare notified employ?
ers that on unit after th.- ;-, .if N ? \ .-ml., t tin ? will work
..?iii . iga) boan ,i da] ;?ii?i n qalra hut ia wi.? daj ?
Catharine Thompson, BBjed 12 vi ii-, WBI
: uni.,i wini,- attempting to bnild a ive at Ka. BU
1 .1 t .i?, v. Bl? ni k] .
Mati.i Smith of IM Baal St vi-iitcentli-st.. ?rai
- and m rloualy Inland la >t ei enlmr, br ear Bo. II
of the Third-are. Una. Mania Banker, ina drirar, was
am st? ?1
Detectivea Vaughan and irving mm, ulai sr
ntsted Carl Frederica. Dienst, for absconding witfi HU)
which be had collected for his employ ? r, Mr. II D Baulk,
shenii >t Erie < o . Pa.
John ThompaoB and Amanda Johnson quar
rcled last evening, al If o n I-inn mi -t . and the woman
cut Th,iiiii???!! ?n the head and face willi a r.i/.or. Mu
wa, arrest, ,1
The papua of the Eighth Ward acasraha, to the
namber of 2,180,having been aafel) taken, n> .Mr. John
It. Gilbert, through Beadle's Pneumatic l;.?i,?>..i> Tube, at
ti,, i .-ni. ii? -ne pubU? ii to return tbaalnv
The Tir-t Union Cooperative Building Sodetj in tin ir sixteenth subscription last evening, al
Fanner's Institute, No. 49Ludloa -t. Thi ?am amounted
t??V'.ii Bl, making a total In bank ol w ? ? i t*o appro
nriattonsan tofedkpoeed of thin evening at Farniar's
Ina ti tate.
At tlie Qoveniment Kilo yesterday, the at?
tendance mus no1 iiiiiiK-rini-., hut the bidding wasapn
Bed, and about 900,000 canteens. 300,000 hal cords, SBBJSOB
bat eagles, tresand Babers, and Tari, other ar?
ticles, including axes, spa dea, a?or?is, Bases?? mai ata.,
Id al fair j i
Scull Lodge. Nu. ?129, ?. (>. nf (.. T? was ta?
gt ItuU-tl Uat evening by Charles 8. Scott, a D.O. W.C.T.,
and th" following named gentl?.i ???i<- ii,-~t..ii< <I m
offlcers for tlie first quarter ; I?. Pltrgerald, W. I i - I.
Stiles, w \ i. ; ? . Bpe, r, w. Becn-tarj, . II, King, ST.
lu ,?.->ui, r ; A. Abler, \>. uaard ? au Mu?-. w. Beattac?.
The Grand Division q| Sons of Temperance
of Eastern New-York met in annual -, ? Ion yesterday al
ni., A ?--, nil'!? Ii," Dil I be .II' ?"I lin ? ?
tiers and delegatea waa large. Reports from the Grand
a . I- iti ..n, h i ?ni, !? ,min iceal
members, -? ittcred ?\ 11 ti,, eli ii< t, >'.
William Old whig ;m,l Thomaa K. Jackson
were held to bail bjrJu ti,, Kelle?, restcrdajr, oa eses
plaint of Edward Haywood ol n? 148 wael I ?it?
aeventh-st., who accused them of drunk nncaa and ,ii
m,hily behavior in his bonn ii., aeon ard deny the
drunkenness, and say that tiny Waal to lia??..
culled ?i.i??!
The Grand DivialoB <?t the Sons ?if Temper?
| ti ii nilli ii ST. I'..
U i?, i Hamm i Mi K. in; O. ti \ ? ??> lut., Wm Ii Cur
? - - ? ' I'll Am, r
man; <? < baplaln, the Bev. P. Btrvrl doctors,
i ? ? i \ i ti uni j. ST. ii..iii... aad i? -? Nina? i,
laaat M Law rene
/.mo Umnli.'i'ii v.?is summoned by Mr. Joba
n Is fore Juatii i M
nf sid!ni uid abetting Mi I R, ?ton remo ng from
bia premia - beda, bedding, ?to .valued ii ti i, to Burn
bt n. - am ten store al Bo lia Wi I i ? entl
there disposlngol them lu pin Bin m was
convicted aboul two yean Bgooi robbing a woman of
bonds valued it ta,?*) li. was sent to Hie Hate Priaou,
bal pal ' og -iv months Ile h
the auction business In this city, II? is said toba
worth U
A brilliant and fashionable andiene? attended
tbe first ela niven bt the .Mul?
l? n ha m r Brothers at their nea lOi.M-rvatory. Klfth-ave.
iiiiil l. m t., i.ih -i li :,ii i .ii ?> hour the
?. i? throng? ,i .ii ?I mini te
gain a,iinitt.n.i, vi, re a, i oramo lated a Itli . li ?ira la the
adjoining pat lot a ':
a V milli quai t' tt? In < linn.,f. !?"
and Bernard Moll I
I ,-i n.n.?,," from the opera tal "la?. sungbj
.n? v? ,;n i.U f? i i... m ?l awi
I. ? I -a .i.i Molli i ;i m. ? i i. ? mi .1 .
I, ih ' M.?-, l nilly Bold,amere child of ?
Master ?S i alor?.
ck li play? ii .. . rhe eui
com linl, ii sil i, .i t? lo in i. if..', bj i ?
jo ii,,., v mini iiiiil vlolincello, In which Mi I
ami ii. i.iv M,n . iii,.in. i and F Birpai toidi
An ail.i'iiuiK (I meeting ol the Suili Annirer?
? 11.i (June IS, it 7) oi tu.- Instituto of Beward foi
... - ol I'iiini i- m .i? hi Id las! nlghl i
Presid? ?
, -i|, took ti P. II, ?too, 'i i'
n, ted a i g si ' n tai i i
It?) I?r
Holton, - ... Inlned Patriot
-,. a , i.ii.i
mir, lu a,.inc ,,f I hern f??r rai ,
? .?. ami has l- ?..?!, ii ?-.
of f!n- laf" M ? un Holton
I rr director, ? - r. I
m, d?ate contrlbutint
lui: f,,r the s, holm tlilps In -
Vork, Kal ?as, Illinois, I
i (Ity of Ben \ otb, r
I ' uni? : i i.ii <
Ontario F, male
aud s,bool* Man? of i-? aro
The Institu?a app, ii" ?? the ? eoid, a bo i
,|,r ob] .
.. I -, a nf mi) ?? BO
th. ., - ..f the
arthur F. Wlllmai
Bbowi ?l thal the amoui i
o, tobei 23. l?x I
anpropi ntof th,?
Prize Fund
the \? .?','.?? : Al I
the Ji,KtIt'll.
BROOKLl \ ' -.linl. fl ill
?i? ..k i,n i' mpi 11:.-. als Um Ker. >. I I ?< i ? - ' burah
? m ?
In a - llfll? I? tvM-, n J,ihn Ki
! '
)t. '1 lils,
? ? BlBg It Bp . Wal U'.
'I ie paaUora] n latioa of the ft. ? 11 E, Weat
withf.he Keeond Pn I rh in linaiklyn Is alla
? ?i'.??: Hu ? on for his r. n,..
i ? t hourn i he resolutiiiii? I I pastoral t. la
.. d, sod thal ihr Pr, ?)>? K
. m the -? ? ond ' bun h t-., ?> ? r??h
.n ti,, It, v Win li.
li < lilli, li. m |m m ?I.- ?m el ihm Its ,h
f Dr. Weal i be Bi i ? M purni n J. ?. Hock
.' i ii Wella wera ?in - ?ft au expiai
1 tin I'n ah? ?in m
t?, expressing IhPlf B?iupat?,. cod sppn elation of
the ih | ' ? tf
HOBOKEN.?Henry aVerha?in. fteeper ?>f a
lagei b? ? '. J, it. i
? ?. Patrick encart
i? (..mi, ii li und ii'. I da) atti ruoon,
hl.:, ne, In llarnejr ihn at? net t.?
fhti.vv v. i be t wo T'...(i
, in,. In '1 and bad j j li.rii, ? n ?
i>nt ?nt ???. ii"- |?r,?prrct??i, who, lu addition, di*w akniB ..Hu ii-' ?'. II..1 i.ev Bbii-h took ,n h?
ii.-? hleh ??!' .1 profa? ?j, and :
aulred the Immediate attention .f ,i lurgi-ou lu ,
Sim from bleeding to death aVerhahn waaarraanil
WEEHAWKEN. Edward m*\\y, a maaan,
and (ii.ui.-s Turner, a sailor, fougb. ?'.ere for lisa a dda
_v,-teni.,.? mornina Tbt nwtch was made .?imnt .i t,it.
nli tit Bgo. A small tua, , ailed the, t,,?k ?? loo
?l? t ,t,.ri from the foot if Klgbteenth-at., Ben York,
?t Manbattanvllle for the two princlpsls. who bad
gone then toavoW arreal The party reached the dock
about a m the morning, bul tad to wail in Beni f"i ii ?-,
li^-ht. .-hi.i ti? after s tbe mei appeared In tnerlogand
?.?lum? i,?, ?l theil innt.ii v ?iii vi r? rapidlv bvpuuUblng
?ii,- another lecereli Kellv"i nose waa pal a ?f
I'lint, ?uni in i, ti.i ned with mirderous effect on bia onpo
n.n''- java \fi?i .-???? ? 111 hall aa hour's savers fighting
'Inner landed a frijrbtfnl bilwon Kellv'aribs .- laing
Brat knock down. Boob afterward K? l/*s rtcht eye was
eins, ,1, lint I in tier ?.'?t ??li atlv B ii.uri- ?,? er Ki I!? ,11, I pint
ifiii'1 him about the bead moat anmercifulli in tv m
teenth round both men rushed al each other lavagely.
both theil faces having been bldeoualjr battered; snrl
Turn, r got in a frightful blowon tCell/'siibs, tnockiu?;
him .t..wn. iiii.i on ti'-iiiu in ried to his i ernei oi ? ?f lila
ribs wasfonnd brsken The seventeenth and but r?un,i
waa pnrclv Lut, h?;?, 'Inn,,-i losing no tim, in battering
Kelly'a ii- ad and tinaiiv i<n<? kniK him Into BBcornet
Kelly'?, M ? ?'ni-. Bl last, M ? ?n?: no < Bl thlj ? h un ?? f?t him,
threw up the arionge Boon sfti i this tbe parti returned.
, in tin- way back Furner gave Ki lj- #38 and tlae party on
board Btomore I hey fought "'i. hour and sa miantea.
The tug landed them at Fortieth-at., Hew .orW.
NKWAIiK.?Tlie Rev. Isaac Riley, colleague
of the lie? Dr. Joel Barker, waa installed laa? ?-?<-nm^c ?a
< ? paetei ?f the Park Presbyb nan ? bun b, Ih? lennon
v..?'. li? tin. Ki ? I : hi I ni ?t Mil. tin OeWp kStSW , if the I Hit
Choren ?f Orange. 'Jin- Be? I>r*. Paw, Baulk, and
Btaarna look nat I in tin- iai rioaa .\ nea aslUlarj ?.riciui
li ?lion, i? be kim ?m i? J,., li mu 1.1 m i ti. s? i, ?aa-- formed
in i m ?ii..i evening, ?ith Thomas Huntley las Chair
mu? Frederick l>?ii?.'lai* lectured In tbe Central M. K.
* lim,li last evening,aad in tin .M,mt. tau Presbyterian
Church hi will le, tura tais evening on M Bell Made Men '
Tlie M-if ?t>ici Demorracj mt?mi t? ?tart a campalfa
iM-iinv m,nniiik' papei h. le on th.- l?t ??f N,,v,-inli, i
JAMES BURG, N. J.?The ?matrnn of tha ?? it, form -, bool have at ol oui Invitations to the Bute
officials snd others to attend thi openlns of tbeiastitu
tl'.n ?li iucmI.iv the-.Util Hist. TheaChOOl has too aire? of
Land aad M p ipili
POWERVILLE, N J. M'lani llvlet. an ein
P'"> e ofith? I'??.-rviiie BolUag Mill Ootapany, was found
urownedye u niaj morning. In ?he raea-wap mar the
aarka Be leavee a larga (sally
MUK ? UN.-The ski ?. ton of :? "'?"' WBI
fonnd m thi wood? by a i olon ii man, ? bo took the ?kuli
to the village The coroner held on luuuesl yesterday,
'Hu colored man was arrested on suspicion of bel?g im
I'm tted i i.i , ?un,, ? .m ,, raalaa aa all bV al m waa
? risilKII.l..-A m v\ hall, rjavpabk ??I boMing
"i*i persons, h.i. he, n opencal in Ibu i ulafa.
M<?r\ i \ i.kmiN. | he Teachers1 institut*
lo session bera has been addressed b) Prof -" i''-.'!?
Rea .1 li l.ison, and the Hehiaol Comuiissioiten 11?
m . i..h, t,, Borrow c?, iiiiii:
Wari -, ti.?tractor, wimsc iiiddiu ?II ippcarance
a-iu.i,?; mull? anijiij jatltuuiiiid, hat h'tu Bfard ?i?-J
He writes from ?Yrnilllion, Idi.hoT? rrlrViry, whero bo Is
at work. Bs says that a drag was admtnmered to him
at Norwalk, from the effectsof which be did nut rasares
untn be foumi lii-i eil m Idaho.
WESTPORT, CONN.?Mr. Charl? Bhar
?orraat.Catharine Nolan, wbllc defending tin?
?tom ?tops leadlag to the railroad neai the reaWenee of
K O. L i> cn rater, ? i.. i nt- ni .1 f. ,i b<
her li. ml ?tiikiiiK IfllBSt ?? rock II I IM 1. U??l liiit.ui.;, .
BRIDGEPORT.?At a mc? tit)? of the raViiliv
vet? ians, at the BU rlitiir Holt?-, it was iiii?iii1iiii>u?1> rtHed
to leave fur Hartford ST IBS T:M toerntn?.train, t?. day, to
attend th. cavalry minion at Hartford, lim. llBSllisil
til? I rill!, will leMBBBBBJ tin lu
Kn??x Tin-. 1?.VTTF.R is alica?! in th?* race as
m.iai. II ? ??tal.iiilin.ea1 st 5... 212 HrosJwsr, ?..rnrr of FuiU.n it,
sa I No. 533 BroaJtrsr. (nnlcr tb? I'rricoU ll.waar), ?r?j r?splinil?-i,i ?iib
bl? Kail ?til,? ?f (ill ?nil I it Hit?, ?Dich ir? tia- must rtrKercht e??r
off? rral to tl.r ft* IS. ia?:?? { ?
So. 43 ?TitI?ST. Jua? 30.
K. lim vus, \u. '.?oi Broadamy: I bara the
?ilr??nrr of inf..rum c tun that your Hi k<.iah. Auk? Tii.iuhaph tiaa
?ST?] imIi..,., ?JMS lura;;??, lina ??.Uuitl, failliful. ?i.cplraa a J
?*s*H**lihla l..ur?, ?Yr., A W. lui?.m k.
Kirai Marquai?! li liiuiuck.
AbTRSIAB Wl El is, tlircc f I < t in ?...imcter, may
trank? ? ... t., a .I.'?', ti l.*Bt*?*1 III SSI flSSSI
K.AUTU lioHiMl Ma? niN?t?t la rU I'rirl-it. Nc?r lurk.
Tlic return fBBM l??'t\vc?ii tli? se Clubs was
jil.iv < 1 le-t.nlay on the liuoii ground, and r?-ulted In
aiMithi i mi. . i M for the Mutua!-?. Hatfield, 1'evyr, Ihar
liiiln, tVaight, and Pari! r [ilayed very lincly in their iiosi
tions. We have only noa?-.- for an e\h.tuitivo acoro.
HatlrW, 3d b, .
K Bast, r. f....
I?. r.? a.
J.?rtt r.
I lit I..
U it. unan, L f..
vi ?
I ll?L
Bartsa, ? ?.
Talker, l-l li ...
(I bro v r f . .
Kin. Irr. I. f.
II I ll.vtl.i
M ' ?'
liri)i.,rJ, (...
: ?
i |
I VS. S..a
411, Mil
,'i B h :i
? ?J 7 li
Ptli. TnUl.
iiiviM.ioN ra. ri m i \.
The raton Barae was played <m Toeaday, on
tin i;i mi mi? ni (hi- forme i, sad resulted, sa did the first
ganse of tin- series, In favor of the Irvlngtona a fen
?.I playa were made bj meini.. is of eaeb nine, though
the) were ecllfssed bj Damerons bad ones, 'lho piar
tonagboal waa Um klag La mi? rest and ipirtt.
i iii. Batt. i. vii, .ii ni? i a i: i i oviMii ni.
Tlic adjdiiiii? ?I in?? titir,' <?f tin .Indician' ('<?ni
initt.e of the Ni \ fiat ion ?ai lu Id at the
(?..thuin CattBgs last cveiiin;;, la the pn -? m >? of s huiut
i. of the flat', tli?' Atluitic, Mu'' li,
.m.', i m..n elabe beinglargsly reprsseated, the neatest
t being m n.if? -t? ?I m the proceedings. The baal
in was opened at M oiiloek i>> the
Chairman of th? Committee, who called th? sasemhligs
to order, and at the same time stated thal thei
lion of th? ease Atlantis vi Union would be re.suued.
The Atlantic Club waa then called upon to produre tbe
. vid? i.f Sir Bh? II ) '.? ' le? lion sa a rnemb? i "f thi I.?
I i ti?' Club, wher upon Mr H'nghl waa called soto
i. ?tifT in regard lo said ? I? ? lion, and the mlnuti ?
I lill) Ml le p| M*l I? 'I ililli li lill, ti. Ill Wim ii It il|.].. lint
that Mr. .?mihi was duly elected a member of the E:
h . in ? lui.the .'"M.. f April, i r,th? bj |?wa of tie
club h ?v ni;: i?? ?ii tust* mh .1 foi tin inn i?. >-? ? ? an eh . lion
at tbe d .vii ?lover also toavllned to the fact
ofHhelli mber of the Eclectic Club,having n?.ti?
ti? ?I h m tu attend a n k? it on the I 'ii ol li i?t? mi? r with
i ? tub, i i ... itinnai j m? mi'? i of tb? National
.v-oi allon, tbereuj showing that Bb? lej scted
ular member 'f I hi rlnli Cousiderabl? dis? issiouherc
rnsned In regard t.. the admission of sn urti
daiit ?>f Dr I.? .1 as eiidem t ; but it
: to admit the do? um? tit, ? bl? ti
Um ?ff..t th,it shelley had not tendel 'I bia resignation
mbei of the Beleeli? < lub, ami th? i. r. r. bad no
right i" t..,. in un? m.iii h aaa member of any other
i i!., i. al.y ...Tl.. half
of the v i on the part of the defense Mr. Clif?
ford submit ti t of objection ?" t li? i
it the prot? -: bad I* ? a ? ni r d by t!i? \i
Club, al the tim?, of the match,against shelley'?
; lu?. and th it then fore the Atlantic
t legally bring the charge before the Com
i - ?'oint th.- Commit!? - n fu? l i.n
,and the L'ulon ?lui? wen urala thrown
in. other, of defense; and their counsel
f the case, oa the rroundi that.
? ..tim-.I of In- el. riioii, ami had
no1 paid ?in? < to the ? lab, be was not, then fort. a m? m
l.? t lu t. |.i i .;..,. ,i,, iBtrj ,,f tin- Oom mil
?, wherein It appeared that in the i
the Ai, ??? ptune ? tuba ti,. * had ?I? ? Id? ?l th it
. *s tin playei referred to bad played in the? li li
bad ?.ai.? ? ?t
bia membership, thal tbataloue \?.i- luffleicntto make
1 m -n. : I it Iduced the effect that |
- . . sns duly i t-ted a member of the i nlon < lub on
? - ..-i . .... U.I..-I of t!,.. Union
k...n ? it. ii. .1 the fa? t that ihn.
m UM. r \..i?. ..r hold otite??, bot paj m
Illation f.-.-...r ?lu. a, |, || , .,,, ,,; ,, |? ?,.,,, i, ,,??,, . ,
iiiomi iin|.oi!,?iit i. - ? mont [...-.:... k?m Uaat of Hhellt
? h" It Ited thal ... I. ii .1- ? lie in!.i : of the ?-,,i.iii
? ponded t?? the notlflcatlonot .-!?*? tn.n. and
?i hell Ulli? il? d
t" 'tah? the I. le. in ? in their games, did
r ol the I iiiou < lah, and ii?-. a? an Eclectic
-,. itlmony in n ( t.. thora
I ben j .resented, after which the con.:;?? decided that
next week,
turn? ?1 N?. ...?.- . ?. r . tore the
i.ii.ill. ? I..I-. allia?-t.-d m. iiiii. !.... nil iii
!.. ........n d? pends ii., bi
iii? . ham] lot
Mrs I Ii ?ii i-i m. id" ".'.muh wini wai ?-t.iiili?-?!
lo, Um Hund
-.?: irdaj i-f Hoffman bang d
I. L fl *_' ^ , : ...I . . . . I ... 1 . I.
s,?; 'i.i 11 i-r Honman tiang ?I
I hi btxh w m
. the floor when found on ?i..i i,v mornlns,
it streti bed, ,i isevl
deM his f? ? ' wera not enl relj rleai of the floor, un
less be drew tbeni un while haaitoc himself H? i
li " lit' ruo..n. win -, bs ? ii
' - had free scceaa to the
/? ISSEA'GERS Alum i n
'? .
',. ? I II .. I ? A I .;. I -, i , , l/ s. A . U" J ?
I I . .- |. I'...-. Ml fir.? ' " ''
?I .. M-.. I-, . . ?I , ? , - .- Df N' J.
Kooli 1. S Marr.n Krr.l I , M ?I,
Sa.rl ?I..I
I . ! I kr on*
'. II .'? 41 1 Jo? It '?. a . II. . . , V , h
I ?, Mi?* A ... i ,
? ??? " ?? . ..... ... li nrurti.rr,
, | r
a ? ?tliar.Ur lll.i',. r VI a. ? 1
i au n sim- si Wh\
I ? ? H li 1'illK
lia I last -..Wiri,
i i
? llora Aaoi
' li -.?.t
... ?,, shs <? ? I
n li ), UTSTpaal (I .lav? ?it!. I
i ?.,t n la a awry faW fr aa IW, bst as? q It salla
i ? Vlw-rillr, AS ii.?-?, ?I'll ....I-r
? li i .. li '. I....t ?.?tlirr, ?|.l.t ?alla, ?jinn.?; ?cirral
,-?irtr( Oat 1? rl?r?. with pa?? ?nd lu hillait lo
I. >- M ?
I? ? Marm). I'.r.r f l( If .I??? ?ali ?u, ir
' j ... M ? '-iii aasl
II. )rr?ci II
.. ! . I li I, w rill lilka? ?? ?V .... . N?
;,-'l"ii, ' l
U iN?ll Mi,. ..I IB .
i it Iii? IM 1.1 Olt I i -I' ?ah Tli ...ii?? I'u I. ?n '?
? .-. ,1 ? n.t Ml "? I ? ' H '" I ? ?' ' S ? M I .
? Ir ..f ll.r MS I."?I .'al I"'" - t\ li?r li??.l S li , ?lill a
ka to y.'tL
'rtO?T.i1 " ' ' ? ''alrrm.i
C'S ASL SITUS, ( ? "I -'? Aiiio'I ? Kriniii? futUr Wilalll
?J-?? lein Na* 'li I a ?
II..I ??.'? II..' ? ?'I 2! t. tti - Arrivnl. ?ilir?. ?ir ,rirr || llrut.
i ,i, I' . I kid I... Nr?
I ?ra, |, \ i. . . KI ?a Kianrr?,
- lr..iu 11. -t. n for I'
Ich bil HI s'a , '.?? r, frota 1 ? N ? ?' laaoa,
BAH Kl?t l?i?l.rila-r I r l-l. ;?.!?l|.l.i?. J?iin ? l'?ttrr*.li from it. tatt
f, r l-l a :. 1 j li?. MrahJ lint1'. '""? I1"?'?" '"' I'liila.Irlj.tiia, J?n?
I. vi. i ?nur
uri n ? n ? ' I ? '" fr""i lli?""??t"u for New Vork ;
1,1. ?,..? Portlsad tat H.?t...i Win.) sK ?nil tin. ?
Sa?a--?n ?.* . "I- - Armani, slriii>?Lip (liailr? IV I i !.
btm Vet i"'k.
rOBKIOB \'<>\ll^.
BAVASA. Ort II ?Arrlirl, l?rk hcrirntc, from llatai.i? It
. ? ' M Stir Hit Inn \\ k1
Ham fr.ii. Nr? far! sall*?! ?traiuihip Star of Iii? I n. n 1 r l'L !a
ril Hun? Ir foi l'rn?a?-??la.
A I.?? N.iitl.rr ' SSaSSVSJ I? IS Vt4m tl.r drat i.ftl.r ? .
IO 111 "iiKitrv IT.,
KHI HT, l"l?l H"' ?. i %wtt\]
n,,, K Miii.i ii mi'vmi
HUSCATBL lCoi?.i.ui.i..i.l SI'MIKIIM. ? llAVIl'Ai.NR
. 41 4 1MIA "lvl HU TWUa\
A??.rtrJ r??? for f?n , na? S!?
^? TO THOMAS K- AGNEW*, Grew wie ti
M ant Mur?) ?U . ?l.?r? ??'' ?'" ' ?', ? ?a. ( ..?Ir,? (lal. t .mr ? . I
?.k1 ui r ?r rli'?orr li ?n an? ?t?"- '" Sr? lora. Dae pnrcbo.i??
"I urncr of T?r?ut> t! r I ?t ?ml ?" ?'!*?. ?i..I (?t a boi ofo??ul.(ll
HlKSVll M'lS I'Al'KK
flr?,|ulr?? f..r SI ?tan tai
ok am si/i s m n nu i i-?.? i'? 11 im, iKM -i- rrom
,IM? ? III II? III >
I aissstism . >.?:?i?? ss le ahi I. s I lui. I ii l-l \( I luN u. Ibis
lirai.. I. . . - .'. . i, al .... i! 1*41. ?
?lol lu UM ?'I n.. MSl . Mil | l.'.Ml a. I |
I ulla?, vi K.jih, I Cbltr, isl 1 si ?IS
? A Card.?In 1861 Morton discontinued tho
di vomit formerly given to tho Jobhing Trade,
a/i?l, ignoring the services of middle men, has
Mild his pena i it her iliieeUy to those who nie
them, or to such as keep them on hand for the
hitter supply of the writing public in their
Bira localities. There may be Jobbers who
have spoken in favor of the Moiton Ten since
that time, but, if bo, their remarks have never
in a Kingle instauro reached his ear; and
although tiny p tierally admit that Morton
can make the best pens in the world, and used
to do 80, they nevertheless put forth great
exertions to show that the Moiton Pen has ?le
prerintcd in value, is not what it formerly was
and that thone which they vend are equal, if not
Bnperior; now sinro many Retail Dealers obtain
what little they know of pens, as well as the pens
themselves, entirely from the Jobbers, people are
apt to be misled by their representation-'.
In order that the public may judge correctly,
and at tho same time peo how much pains
taking is exercised to give every one who orders,
just wich a pen as will eiactly suit his hand
Morton eonlidentlyfefers tothe many thousands
throughout the entire country, who have re?
ceived his pens through the mails during that
time, and also calls particular attention to the
following letter which has accompanied every
pen sent.
No _3 Maiden t.nsr.. Nsw-York, \
-. ins-, 5
M. - ?(>ear Sir: Your favor of-,
inclosing *-, is received. I send in this
th,- l'en otileteil, and trust you will lind the
same to your entire BStirlfaction, however, if
you think you would prefer any other size, or
quality, or should this not suit your hand, I
will di,, ii lilly i ?uliaiif/e any one stamped "A.
Morton," if Bent within ten daji after its re?
ception, with your objections cie.iiiv stated,
and DOSl-stamp to return another. These re?
marks apply only to pens stamp! (1 "A. Moiton.'
as all othera ?ire at the risk of tho buyer, and
are not exchangeable.
If returned, be i anicular to paste the Pen as
near the lower left-hand corner of the en?
velope as possible, ?nid put it np in the samo
manner aa sent to you, to avoid its being
crushed by tlie post-mark, or injured in the
iii.uls. The Case ne,,! not be returned UOleM
ron ariah to change the lise or quality, in which
instance additional stamp? must be pent.
Reap? ? tfully roora, A. MOSTOV.
Also, the following:
TO ALI. uno rsl-'. A PSW.
A cuni' Cm n lis la .li'.viis read) and reliable, snd,
if a<l i) t. il tu the build, make* witting- a pleasure rather
than .?t.i'k.
Tin- lu jinner make* mure rapid proirrp??) with s Cold
Pen with say other, because tin- came pressure
?I ?v.??? produces the same result: ami the proficient ,*
l, tti r .?.?ti-,'ir,l with bis labor, because ol the areater um
foi mlty of hi.? writing, and the eaae by which it lu pro
dn ? 'I.
In BBaktog Bara pent, the mihtertbcr uara no ?."Mer.
Th?- gold ??t the point i.- brought toa stat? o? fusinri
win li tin point Bints it. t?) It, illili the |WO Ix-eoiin- M ODS
is tu tbe ?u ti, n of ti.,- ??chu la
ii..-, ?olx ?'. i.? in mshlns new peats, became the
gold !? more than thr?-e tlmea as thtca as it la after the
P? n i? rolled to the prop? r thlnneea of the finished il ?ti-.
winn pens are repolnted a solder must be us, ,l win, it
will meit Booner than the gold af which the pen la u?a<i -,
is will curl into a irlnlmlar form, i'y
Ibis proa U tbe temper 1? taken out of the nth, tin? ela*
? deetrojred, ami the jn-n Bubjected to tlir- ?ure
I - "f . orrtaslon. On th,.?? :u count?, ?linl knowing
from lona expenant a 'hut repolnted ??-ns eau rar<-ly mvo
Bal ?factl m. the tabeerlber mimt positively Keiuac to lie
Return tbe pea within ton dava a'tcr it? r^optlon. if
item] ? ?I ?? v Morton," and not ad ptedl > your hand, ?t.?t
iTi_r in respe, t it might be Improved, aa it anil be tha
? !<? In Selecting m K -'.?te at what anglo
i I the pen on tbe paper, and whether Bquarely/or
', ml rtothi light cr left. These points briefly and elear
iv stated, wlUfraatla aaaiel i., making a aatoeltea to suit
Ativ one ?milln? a Po?-tit;e Paid Envelope, with their
ram,- ami proper address written ob if. w iii roe?lra a cir?
cular with Jax ttmiit engravings of ??II the .?rea and
prices. A'l?! ? A. MORTON,
No 05 Maiden lane. .New York.
"The Pen is Mightier the Sword."
For s.ilo at No. M Maiden-T ink, N>tv
York, ami l>y every (liily-ai>p?) AfCSt at
tlie Kline pi
Molton malus no Pen9, stampod with the
Name or 'I i.ulc-niark Ol BUY oilier; therefore,
m1:, le an A'_'et;rv is (M.?lh-heii, tin? public will
bt l" st, ??iiiit-tl, and al the Kitne [luces, by c.illiui*
on ti., Ak'iiit; in all ( tin i fiiaces thoM ariabing
tha Morton Pan, araal wml to Headoaarters,
w lu ?,- tin ir orders ?iii receive prompt attcntiou,
ii a? inn,; anniJ with the co.--li.
(w ?ni: ?v rio )
The.e Pros sre 1? carat? tin?-, am! are pointed with the
very best Iridoemia J ',?:nt ?. carefully sefeeted md none
. | 'ii ? qt .. tj i- sold with th, ilfghteel Imperfection
? skill and the closest seretinj can detect.
I v, ry l'en is stamped " A Mortou. lirst Qua:ity," snd
t? are wsrrsntcd for six months, except against
I in- < -??e? are made of Coin Silver, and for this quality
are eilia heavy a it?Uoug.
; hil is Of ?WS? AM) HE? m ?mvKR EXirNSION
Ko 1 45...._,?ilhrViioi1rsiae H (V)
N? .' I, n. I 60 ...*r tv it li pencil Case .. 2 jo
Hi I Pen. tan.with Pencil Case_ 300
.s?? a r- n 2 . . w ith Peni ii ' ., ?? j :?
M 5 r n .. 2 n.with Pencil Case_ tas
So * 1 , n. ii .'*) _with Pencil Case ... 5 75
The IS .ii.i-i ra .m?nate size oniy, No. l being the ?mallett,
Si -I No 1U tho large??.
rmcr.3 or RM Vfini an vrr. moi-xtbd pesk
ii, aa.
No. 4 Ten. g\%.with holder.W TS
No. I Pea...... . sith holder.j jj
Nu. C len . 3 ..0 .WllUholder.4 00
Ni I I'eU. 4 50.With hohler.6 7J
No. shii. 6 :o.wall hollier. i oj
.\o. 'j I ? :? ??tii bolder. 8 o)
Na io Pea. 7 w.with haldas.9N
Nos. 7 8, 'i, sad io m Mm?'? < o Boxea,
Their sre li carat?, rule, ano ate superior to any Morton
1', ns mail,' previous to til? ?ear 1*60.
Every Pea IS aiauiped "'A Mortou, Second Quality,"
ami numbered
1 lu- Pointa ara warranted for nix moulin?, except against
SO nlrnl.
The Cavsea sre made of ('?li? Silver, but are not so beary
sa thoa? of the I Hal Qtiallt) ?
, l-l ? Will! ft M II s
No. aren... li io... wita Pencil Caae.t? .*>
N?. a !'< n ... 'loo .. withPeneil Case . ..3 00
N? 6 l'en... 2 25... wtttilVncil Case . 3 Ti
No. ?l'eu_ a 76_ withl'eucil Caae.4 is>
"Hice Tent ?re 11 carat, fine, and although cheaper, are
at leasl ?spial le an] |rold peas marte elscwlieie, aa regards
dm-ii'iiuv, elaatlelty umt nod writing ina
i.'.e-iy l'eu ia ?tamped "A. Morion, 1 Hird Quality," and
aunt be red.
The l'oints aro warranted for six months, except slamat
I In- i a?? are made of Coln Pilver, hut are not as heavy
as thone of the luit ??uahtv.
ran xai oi mil *vi' tuxm in stivrn exiknsion
i IBBS wini rr.Ncii.8.
No. 3 Pen.11 25.wit n I'eucil Case $2 00
No a 1',-n ... 1 ?o.with 1'cncil case 2 s?
Ne IPaa . 2 no _with I'encil c_j?o_ j oo
Ka? c len. 'j ?.with Pencil Case.... 3 Ti
INor >. IKItlMKl? )
These Pent arc 10 tarati fine, and are Better Writing
ami inure Outside Peno nan can, without operatliifC Mor?
ton ? Patented Machinery be produced for tlie price., even
were th. (.old furtimried rratuitoualy.
ii Kaioai caaaa arm Kvcixa.
Msrlc Ten.|0 :,0 with Peaell Case. |l W
luikylVn. 76 with Pencil Case . 1?
AlwaysReadj Pea i oo with Pencil Case. i ?o
I li-nant Pen . 12'. with Pet.ctl Caae. . 2 OS
Kxc-IMor l'en 150 willi Pencil Caae.. 2 25
Thea? ar? Well PlBlshsd, Oood Writing Oold Pena, with
I rid,,?mm PolBta, the iiveraate wear of everv one of winch
will faroutlaat a ?tow of Hie bett steel Peru, although
thty art utit< (irrimie./, mid therefore not exchangeable.
They are not numbered, but correapoud lu alie to Noa 2,
3, 4, 5, and ? rr-pci lively
laM n -W la takrn of all remittances bv msll In reirlatered
leltrra, and the aafe delivery of the (tooda ?rnaraiiteed to
all who ?end twenty rente (charge for registering) iu ad?
dition lo Ih, prisa ,'f IBS gooda ordered.
quai ?Noi anoBRi to curam
Anv one can aecure on,- or more ol the above (?0[d Teni
without n oiiev l.v Ketttng up a club
|M in Willbai HI worth of Pena,
?li M will buy J" worth of Pen?,
an oo ?anil buy al anana of Pen?,
if Uni lu oh? a,/,liraiiil "lie li"?'
Ob receipt of tim money, the Bulaeertber will semi by re?
turn mail. ?>r athel wise, aa direct.-?!, a (.old Pen or Peu?
Mltdiny iht amur u?(?i i/m?/ <<' ,/r?u ?i>i?on A.tdn ?,
A. MOB l ? >N,
No 9$ MAIlM N l.ANK, NKW YORK, j
?a** Maiiii^clurrra of HaitwrioT
atrtati Iror? Horn. Han?., fcUaoj, ?oat < ?aoa il?xai.,i. AUa,
MiBufitmrcriof Un PalajBl sas?. iicHsti*
?biela Is Tin MOST DfRABhR rfANDLK rTV'KH KN.iWH
It ti much les? ciria-nari .e tli?', frn,?
It a! wara retain? it? j.o'.tah, ??Hen ti m?.
It ii wimntd BOT?O HM.iMr. LOOS? ia iIm hitwji?
It t. n?.t itfcrtdl ty flor WAThbt.
For ula bj sil cb* prinapal rlaalcn ii Cutlerr thronito? tbe CilUrl
8Ut?., mil b/tU MKKlllh.S ( i i I.rill ('.?MHANV
_Ma. 43 Ucc>a?B?t ?a?., Y??t.
ci.othtno MADE to OBDEB.
NOS. lui, 188, AM) 196 PULTON??T?
AT ORKATLf KKllI ?t-.b PKK r>.
(UM A. Rank,in k Co )
N... ?lioarrT.
' ray,
dr. Tuelitr arr.iml a|
mil I*, lu', r'.flb it?.
Ka?,,l In tun
A (rrr?t Tir.rtf of th? Ntwtit Stil?* ?a rrrrir. ,1 fron. K> rope, alva.?
ob bain!, auitible for L)r.??ca an.i l'Inala. 1 be I ? ulr ?iiiDlMd.
A. HARTHILL, No. M Billian? ..i' .?air?)
_bctwcri Duane a-.?'. IV . -th ita . New York
A lire? rtavck of Cloak inj Dim -nr?. c.mi, r.?iui( tb? lalcit oorcitica,
al?, a nu Lan J. The Tra.le .?n,i- ?n
at. IIAliTlilLL, No. B . BrrasttvsT lap ttsl-i).
bet?. ? ? York.
For Tin ?'.?h B'.i.? ?-liier PUte, Ron.I?, Stork?, ?t.l ViIiuMm ?f ?l|
ki"!. A',.. MM.VI.I. IRON .-?AKKSt.. mt I.j fr ,,r. I'KK r'?,fi|3
'?''??J4.? Th. ,r-.?fe? arr il..iil,lj iccuri, beinu li... le of Maali?? Bur
tjku haatmi I- rr i'r?,..f Vaults.
Ju.t opeaetl fur ti'iliam
SAKB MrOBfT (<?, I
mil JecoMttv] to oriler hr the maniifart.iren in Paris, ?h?. rereicul Iii?
IB?! projiir.. the Incit i?.o<!? is lb? w.rld.
Ii> applriiig our nui.iuT?m*tiU *r ara prepare) to fun lab laaapa tatt
aren..ton'lT SAFKan.l ( (jNVKMKNi', L.t n.....r?.. ?ed in HKAl 1 i
f?ir Mantel ur Clnter-Tlble til? ; ?l?o, Chan.'.elien, Hrarlet?, Hall, lut
Hanrn?;,|? ?1 ran be ?v!.trd a? QUICKLY AS (.AS, titea) n.t
Il u m. ! ???-It neatlr without ilitai.-b.oaj lb? <i',ol.e, Sb?J?. or Ibu*
ter or uuKTewiiiK the liiiruer.
?ad Um r*rai?a>lw ?.f ( HI ?U'HKS.;.?,. FA?T0RII?>?,
UiJlKL.i hl'.KKS, r<nn|il?te tl.n.uabout ever? iiyirtn.ant. ?itb
in p'iC* of tl.oae '?-?t ?re mor?!.te ?ml ?atSC?!
Jl I.Il S IV BS k Co Ho ? ? B/T.
Sole Ai-e-t.fnrTIIh rlil.l'IM. !'..( Khl LANTERN _
2\ Cla.a. Cnt'rrv, Plate.1 tV?re,,r? C?...k.L? L'teiiili, kt,
? t la\SSrOB0 i tarait i'.ur.i ('...i;.rr li -ti-.:?- a*d A-t..r o'?ee
I h?Ti tnited Hernia ficlnilTclr md fon?tintlr for 25 re?r? I i-ir?
keep i rupture, np mtb leu (baa bait 111?- ?ireirure . f SSf other lru?l atar
lu use. Iran krep np perfect!?'am ll.r. i I ir ?kara rr.r Tr-ial ?I li?
l.idr ai perfectly as the ??in. ft SSSS SSt t.?nrb t I -i-n r, ? r r.ini ii I
1...UC before, or cramp or hurt, in mr i'..-it;.in ?>f t'i.rh?iT. Thi <le?r,?>
uf pir?,i,re ?in ka .'h,na"?'<i I*SSJT attttO nt*r : '.t '.e wetr.r 1 I .?i
t'LRKi ?ajetit) uf ra??. Th* ?ror*t <a?e? are i.artu-ui-.rlr ivlic.t.d
lor parios may w?*r mr Tru?? one ?.ek. free at rimrfe.
1>R. B. VI lil HIIARD
OS?? No 1*1 Ur..?<i??r. .New York
?-lutliing miaic to unlrr in tbe baal ?tri?.
a cHotci tk?n or ?turi iron c/unRM
No *i JOHN ST.
Ni. ?63 UKOAi'.VAY,
Oni Slark sksfl S? V -?.. a?_
Best in the World.
a?n4 for tl'n?t-?te.! Citaloarn*.
o . .. . i No. 2W rtROAr>WAY New York
Mseipal W areho ???? } yu -,. , |U> ,sl ,. M I'LilauVloki?
taininc: line Portraits?, with ?k'cu
rate Biographies, ot" (icii'-ral Sam
DIL R. Cuims; QlOBOl BaWWlf,
D.D.; Thomas II. Skickton, D.D.;
W. Coi.lieh, D.D.; R Uanks, D.D.;
Z. Raoak, D.D.; A. H. Ba?itt;
0. Sim. i m; kr; Ji ?hn Scon', D.D.; W.
Rekves, D.D.: Ai.kx. Clark, A.M.;
II. R. K.MOHT, A.M. ; Joskimi J. Smith,
A.M.; D, B.Dorset, MIX; Jkremiaii
Day, D.D., LLD.; Jas. P. Beci
worRTii of Rocky Mountain fame;
Julia Dean ; and original aiticles on
Matrimony among Authors; Educa?
tion of the Heart, by the Hon. Schuy
ler Colfax ; Saint? and Sinners, Whc
are They \ Thanksgiving Day ; How
to Save Stoney ; Wno shall Rule over
us ? etc. Only 80 cents, or $3 a year.
Newsmen have it. Address S. R,
WELLS, No. 381) Broadway, New
3)cr?s, ?arrisgti, if,_
1> Is,? f|*a,..iBl *f ?"' rU"/rri^*MOlT??'?T4^ BarJ"?i*"
ri.lik, iid OurahilH. ?t paH?' Pne** _ M?n 4 ' " A*"* ,l ?
CKiri'KK HORSE for SALE?l*H hiuuls huth,
7mi faasaTsal .?!"??? ???* " ??? ? Br^.i,,B?
CMHRlM.l'S 5?? Carria?xet :m?l lliinioss at
/ M ne r Veut lew It.? t? Mroa?a?m?. MSM an are raf* of .'J !??<?'?
asi C?nM?Matad it t ?.?nae. UAH?. Kail KtsrlSit. *!,