Newspaper Page Text
Vo1" XXVII.N## 8.326. NEW-YORK. MONDAY, DIX EMBER 1C>, 1867. PRICE FOUR CENTS. EUROPE. THF. CONFI ...A' TUB ?i Ml MI ?BA! ?t a<n tape ttt ?anal?? t., i ? PaaiS. Deo. i:>.-Tb< , ,?.i..-r;.icfl on On? R?t:..m <|ii.?ti?.ii bas boen':?e?i. l1"' l"("lin*?' ?,,i?.in Coven m? t te , a. ? ? -S____ad to t ak? [?..It HI It. _ ITALY. DIPLOMATIC ' H "?*<*? - Iel lois abaa. to bl mad? In th.. ItslisB Ij?'r-'.Tt?"ii at Paria Tin- < b? i-:,-ii. lio Vi-?cute Veaosta, abo waa liiaiatei of F?_t> ? ...s i;,?t \ .11 in tin- Cabinet of Baron ! will t.; Ince- tin Che\ alie reit- Ni^ra. .vin? is i?. be 'I .-I? II? ?1 io l.oliiloll. GREAT BRITAIN. ni: t ii? ?: i-trvit- Ol nu ? i i i,ki s\t i i'. MX l", ?|s;.\ ?,1 M u ?I. ? <>M'I Mi. III"N Di lill I1M1N-. don, l)?'c. 14.?The polios Batborities this ii .'ii,iii.* ..port tlir?-?? Kill?-?! anil-I?) badly injure?, lu ii'.OMI'Il y ??. t?T?lay. Um exeite lne-.ii in ti.?- ? ?ty liisl evenina wa? very grrni. Vally ?,;i ; I ave editorial arti* ; t1??- raplmioa. the ?-IItu? be m <.;.?mon that the timo for lenity tot? ard Fenian? bas pawtod Th? London timm is pal in ni?rly ii. .io. el in Its i? marks, and doses a lengthy ait.i lo ?.Mill tin ? l.'lio?.? fog tM'lelt? : " I.e t 1 bo DO :.' de llliTic.V fOr 1 ilii.TIilMII. tvllit'll ia B llliXtlll?' Ol I,.;,-,ni., ? .Ii.'li." Ali ili'.jile; t oil tilt'boeill ? by tin hit?? expk-rion :A tTlerkenwell u iii I.,-Inlii on 1 n? ,?ela.\ ii? \t. Timothy Disinoiid. .i.ii> Allen, anil Ann JnatioB, sr?o wara an? i?, ni tlte seem c_pfosic-, were broofht lo Bow-si to-day tot . ?animation. The . j.t uf l be irnUt of the prisoners ?aaa tb? of tin : i I-? ting ti? a i the spot, .mil ti.?- Ingjust after the explosion iaunrt-tl. The pi ?oners wen subjected to a lona and sharp exaniiuatioa In tbs i>i?--. aos of I ? ? ?dowd of |i?-t?i?it*. Nothing definito waa proved ? -m. and tln'v wen remanded to pt_a>on, san. Um ki- and Casey, two ??f tbs Fenians ???li?? lie- OOUtitl? illt' 'lei.ii.llt to s,, i?.-.lay for examination. Notl lied, iiinl th?- prisoner? ?ten- rriaaadtdi Dorina ?li.- examination, Mr. I > ti i k<- took oocasJon te? deay all ino. lie ranas of tbo r.-.t-nt explosion in li?' piisnii \ ,?.!. l.i,iiit)i-s ;ii?' ?in i tut tliat Col. Kelly. be Fenian arioonei who waa i_4_cn?-d at M i? m England, notwithstanding the stories t<> the '?lilian.,i;.?! that be Is still directing ; the Fenian Brotherhood, There are ii"?' ?.<. li?, openly ii??? it fii.ii the ? iptosiofl at ( I? rkeawel] wai Hy, g fUK I . Ni iNs. i bow . ?...niel sud Larkin, whick ?..?-i? t.. lu? v.- been I.? iel to-,lay in many of the pi im ipal < itiea in England .'.i??i Ireland, wen- pn vented by th t Inn ii i< ? ii, every plaee \? ben Hie sttemp. wai made lo carry them ?mt. Hue li indignation was ibowB by tlif- CTO?.? in ?mu?- in-tan?? ??. lint in? \ ???kit?.? ??until.itteil. In linsiit, l?;it t iii i> ?!? ?? ?>f r?galai ti'?.?.|>s. t<? ti' 000 in? n in all. Ita? b? ?ti k- pt iindoi anas .til di y to a?si?,t i lit? polios in bm_nts ?.: ii? r iiiiil snpprosaing any Fenian _e_M>nstration, I-i? thought bal ii I ? iiia-is will i. ii??-all ?itive attempts . ti ii oiili-i . : ?1 .?? uni', i astro ' on (bike ihm li Jail. Large re? have boon ??:. red bj lbs ?-overnment foe tk? ,?.'.?? iv and arrest ?of the gailty i>a in? ?-. Lit 1 nrooi. thee. 1 ."> - Tv?ni:i?.' have been taken by tim (?o.ei liin.iif to ?li.?: ?? "Hioitstr;.tions or disturbanos ob tke part ??f tke .-eniaas or Orangeinenin .Iii.? city, as tkiawaatke iv iii. Ii bail been aj?|???iiit<il foi holding ojuieoof the Fenians ??>;<?< nt?.t " bester. All tile (ll'illk. '? Itlllll tin- city limit?. hat? I.?-? li -I io ine'li'itif tb.- _______-t?Talos '1 bo w__e_o police fun?- i- oa dnt.k : BO li-ld in rtu'?ii' tln-ir barracks; tke vwlan? 11 led. and \. - ? ~, t waa ere Mat? Lin?, tin- ?li- k?. ?.ii attempt wa? made ?;i secoidance with the I ? iragramuie \ anuot?n?ssd, toi?.mt a i ?ion, but i? failed. Iii'- ?.ty i??- Qaiet. lill. Ililli I. WAH TB8a_X .Ml'WM-i. Lok mob, lb-c. ii.- : I eel .din?alt. to-day I'moI. an'-? plea,in th? aaa ??t tks Rebel wai i \|. ?- indra, wai ada I lUe-cl for prOt in iii I lilli i\ r : ?111. M|ss|,,\a IVE! ti l\ I - ni ) Bl OB? 1 - tu n - i?. rill EBOLI8H ?I.M.?ACTIV1 '?Mi .-I 1,1.-. LoKiiOM, I?? ? I '. ! ha? ?? in ) n i? ? ? to-day ??. ! I ? ? , me? in the bandi of tbo i Kin ? alive- ?uni Well. Ill ti ii ii.rilli tiaiS H, t luir r? m ti?-. \ ! ??r i.' ?oii,?'?I the English ' dil ion ai M __OV-_B__. Of THE : 01 I'-.'' rai IN i.tlt. l?,-o. Vi ? I -frota 1 ( that tke British Expe?lit__n_ had a itali?-. 11 s ' ??i- ni? -fui ?le di.?anoe into Ino interior <?f the < eontry : bul ..; Is ?;;...? , O] ? ???>.?:< . of wat.-I. N .*,' A NI) Til.?, r.ll'.l 1. ??li II TV. Pal IS, i I deputation fi?m, the sh i;ii,i,. Society bad an andienos witk tit?- Ebb* f.i ?la,. and i bim witk s ompy ?i tke Bible Tke Etnp? k.i ma.!.- aktislad* lernen ? >f Iii?- ?I? potation, in tv Inch be I was bio ?fst rulo to protect all re lo/i" RIVAI "I iin i ?. The Ban I to Mi libo, bas i ? KIA. TIIE KEB ITl'TI lui. alt.-i ;i b-i.v Bel , ||..iinfi ol ?chsratk. HY, ? ?Si i Tbs bit' i I ami nat igatiuu A I III |'.,\\ I Loxdob, Dee, 15. The Urea! Rowan bat?* ad* iln ??.el a mite to tbo ??i-o?... Forte, asking that tin navigation ?>f tke Dardanelles be in?.i,-1.?e t?. tin skipping ol all n ? sol "lil AMERICA. e.l.l \J \ le loll, eil IHK |-AH\-.| _?J \\-, Lasaox, I lbs English mail stea_?i hoot I.i? .lan? no Iris an i v? ?I. Slit: hriBp iin'iortaiil BOWS ftoiii ti??- ?<?:?? n{ on tin- I';?r:u,:_ The I'.it t gaajran inn.-?uadei tbs eoannaa- of Prssidanl l.<? 1?. / !? i'l .i.s-ii,,i. ?1 ii? ti'??- o?K'iiiie olii-lutwrKi?. Tln-ir Sialni?.?-? aras ?? ?-oii.i'b t.- let?M-B. Tboy sttafikri lbs liia/ilsui ramp, and eairisd it by stcsai, t-?kin_r 1/iU) | : |,n .. ? i,f urtilb-ry. Ural-liana ?I? f?ml? ci lb? u Obten willi i/i.-itt o_B?B* wtf, and mat Dearij ifeomea, binad, waa-dad, ___| prison? t?. ' iv IHGIAL AMD < OMMERt?IA-L 14 Koon, ('..n-'?!? fut lin.lii-v.'.Jl; llllni'is .'?"""l ?I ,"., iii?- ay ?ii.I? a, Uti; ' ?i- -i .1. i i , , ; ,. . Aftfiiie,,,),. ('?iiiMiia money,93] ; I'nit.-rl Htutr-a Uro. -rw''"'' lllluoli ? ? iiiiul l.aiiway > ? . t?., ??ii l! aFtv? Aft?... jatos et iii: lbssetlmated ?ah-e to-day arc .Me?bales; Middling Is, :;t| ; Middling Orleans, Ted. Ctoni, ? Mixed Western. Wheat. 15 a ^.r (*?llfonila, and IS I for So. 1 Milwaukee Rea. Dnil'V, 5/s for .-\ m.-r iian. ?).it-, s - foi Am. rlcan, Pea?, ?? .1 f.?r Cans? -ii.'i. I!?"f, nat-, for \viit?r Cure?! Extra Prime Prune Eastern Mess. i..ird.$<i, f?.r lint' Am? ii. nu, Cbeese, ti tor tin? highest linne of on, | for 1 tun!:, 1:1,11,1 Cut. Rosin. 7,.1 for 1 ?'inn,.m Wilinliiarton, and li for fli.o Pal??. Tallow, it ter \iiiPrlcflTi. ftiilrttsTiiriwitliii*, 27?*.. Petroleum, 1 for Spirit? and 1 Mor Bell ned. Clow seed, ? for Nu. 1 An..! h mt Heil. J,??. Vi luit.'li Btasdard Buger, Aft? 1 ? f (?ut?m to-.lttv will reach ? '..lis. Middling Uplands on the cp?t .*'<1.. uud to arrive 'i?l.; Middling Orleans, ~\i\ IiitiniMnit's are Orn?er. <.'l!i li;'? ii'lv.i!ir?'(l to 4?'!? fer Mi Mil Wettern, Wheat .til\;.!..f.| to 1! 7 for No. a Mllunuke?- Ititi; White (?11 ftiariii.i un? ililli?', d. Jinilt-y, Peas, aii.l Out?. - Itboal niter non. No ehanges have occurrad in tin* rio*. 1 1 Produce mai I I--..M?,s, Dee.II Noon.?Wlialr on, ?'*!? psrjsa Kal Uni*. f*i>?iiii 01 1 i? 1 im i useed Oil, ?37 per tun. Lin setnl Cases, gil i-r tun for Tlilu Oblong. ah? m pri?mes of all articles m our markets re SISl|| a?- i? pul i? 1? in our noon disputa li. El STEAM**!! 11'. 'I lu Union, from Sout-uunpfon, 1 ta . 8, .-tnivt-t) _ OR] M ?BRITAIN. ?lill. I I \1 *?\ . On Hi? :'ih<f November Col. Richard Burke, ali.ixi.corK?- l.i b-rought before BirThomM Bent**?*, st lbs Bew-et. FoBee ?'mut. Till? f.?1111? r. II \? rl! bl I d, If Charged with It? ..??.li !? lullt .lli.l UM Lill" r ?lill -tit -Uijitllri; to J.: i'\l lit lu.? Ill Ia -f. Mr. Poland app ir?rdon behalf of tbi t to Sind 1 , Kciu-aley, instructed bj Mr. Morton, I'fClldl 'I ti!' : ?....ut... informer, waa sworn, and gawa aa ??cfoiiii! <'i :a\?.tn tin? Penlan Hrotbei In New-Orl? Hee York, and then spoke of , ,'in'ii-, K, Hi v, Halpin, sod v. Miiiiv Btephens, be mm, wai soperaeded because ne waa lusiuccre, ind deceived both oflicersaud men. and le that tras |i.--> incomp?tent In h military point of view. He then said thal lie and Burke had kmged I her in l.aiiiiion. K? .. ? ?.?...?. bil f "f tho organizati ?n lu Loudon, but the organization anti mobilizing of lb? forori in li eland ? - ? direction. I gave ?"ni directions to Burke. I appointed lum to M ,.. ?..i.m, in tin ?mu,t>i.f ?ork l t.'iii lum !.. muk. ililli? If acquainted vi. ii ?ii- -lu district.mod when iii.- 1 ,. stroj lite ti? ans I ??iliiliiilliit ?it'.?!., - ? ti..- ???.ultu" i?iii,\ to man li ?m an? crete I? cut, and the railroads "tapjM I II .1 Is, ?-muli breecbei t"i" ?i .ii? .1 im Ironwork, to rcnd?*r communication in pot claj It, but no1 todestroj tin lin??? for ant distance. 1 re -it M.i? < roon, bat he m ?uiuvf. i -, > 1,1.iK ;. qui?uted willi the rcsotu ituaulfutlng v. it !? t li? center?. A center lethe ihl-J officer of hu ?t/rganli l corri'spondili-, ft I untj I bronchi ? . Ii. .?.i 'l it li.'in 1 "I. 1?? ::? \ i;.;.,i- burke left 1 gav?hlui lil-tWI I ? ? ' rrotn 11.. to I -.". 1 ?l'.i no1 Uno** at tliat t in? ?lui; j,!?.???: hadbeen appointed forth? rli ? fi 11 bad i,?.! 1.. en i.v? 1 \.i. 1 i?i.? 1 left, a m- etina K< ? li ?*-." on the loth I m? li IN ! instituted lb? ins? Ivesi id in 'ii.? ; thal I'l ia ?London of Iii? bul uti the m? "i Mar? b be was lum.?if urn "? ?? ..t 1 ? I - .. .... 1 , : Blrniiiifu-ui, lestil-sd t . . . - 11 over - ?V Co.. in.1 <"'ini? . . - .;.i and di II 1 to V .. ' .1 ItDIUU :'lt of I li,lu ? 0 111 Vllll of Mulinly. In? ? aubert t' ? ra? ' ire, In * On Mi!,?lay. tin 1 ? I iii?? 1 ?It luonatratiun v 1 . I ? in. vii tal ? ?11 su I ' t.. It. will l>. I,V le ??.. 1 II I Omi, l.ll.Hi Iii. i? St., Ni w ' bail. ",? ] rt., tot . I . ? ' 1 ?? uni. I j ! ? I ii? .? . t ..? ? 11.. ? men, .ai.l ? ?i ireu * alkcd l? ? ?? *?? 0 m? 11 i ock, A? tin !'.? ,;,??! ,. ? a?i? 1 ii I m. ind al ' ' ? und ?-*" milli - ?r the ] ii? ..liiil. A . ? ? in < Ort . lien Isof II 1-1" . 1 rill . ? i va 1 ? 1 .- mud Uml mad?, ? 1 ? 'lo v th<? ii' - o on Via Hill ? ' I : : " 1 f Najvi-llll ? M of I A rutuoi ?Aun corr? 1 ; toi I 1 ? 1 id s UtiOl .'ii lu ,.. I . ? ? ??; Mbicbbad] . ' ? un the ?tieri ? . Mi Hil !.. li. D.Hntfcn ' 1 abUn: " It?., ni.?! 1 . >'..?. 11 ; : . 1 - . .in. ...... ? U| ?,. ; ' lend tin lu tot s ? : uki y >? d . . H- an M lan ? in Dublin a ,? 1 ?1. .i_-o 1 si . ? "..t-r niau, u'.t u ..'.? r : 11 iv-,-. and ???? ltd v m. ii youri .t i,?- combined. I proponed a Parliamentary ?Con mpow?rred te boj EarKi eatates particularly ol -L proprietors ??' i. b property, and to resell them ?. nauta, ?'?i ia?i m? som? . boss a Id? 1, . t? 1 j 1 of _-f>,'??v"?.i I ??.I tn? < . 1 ..u..? ...?'. -iiiii' 1..!?.? I .I'll,' t- ttm li ? ' l.t. In ' ? ? ."!:'l * ' . _j. ^ our plan In fifty .? ? ?.?i,?..'?: u. i.?- would do lu ? 'I In ? ?; ii Al WOtt ! 1 I II tlgl - I Ireland Ven waut tin 1 aro both in favor ol thal i-, se ? to in..- ' ? ? I? u to I ?? soil ?.j ti.? ti. of ownership ralbci tlmi m?w exists, Unr 11 ha , t? holding ? land tbal ).. u am] i?. ti. r .' I .'I t'? drive ii.m .1? roes lb? ?11,?nil?- hut t?? 1 . I iitinit m;. . ,\, bop? , Killel ii.iii'- future,and ?? .ii! ?-a .? the r?ii i, lunn ?t i?. grapple at once with ti.?- d? k?? j.? ynit countrj m .'.<? a,! ..'iii'.m.. m?] in in. ? nun. 'S ..iii plan ii! Ulli ? Ililli.*'? ii ? ill oui ? i., 'rotuli 1.un. would, I thluk, restore oonfl , arid ban lab ii?e< II som? "i the despair and dil 1 ure?a.i. in ? ??!,, "f ? u ass Ick, 1 bellt v? i?..\ 1 iiiun ni J.a? l.i'U.u.i ol great ad ? 11 u v .im? tbli K u. 1 ? la mi 1 Tba*uikiug j ou for your excel!? ul pamphlet, l am ?.. 1, i John l:i;?.;iii." nu. 11 in? AS Mill.. 'Iii?- Itoyat Mail ?t< ..iiu-laii? M:.1"Iiiil' '. ?lu? h ;?iri?..l;il 1 it? rpool ?'i. ti"' ? ?."' ?v"v ' u.i'< i'. brings dlapatt ia ? Iron til. ?1 t .?..?-I < t All,1 B up t<? UM lilli ol 1. H} till? aliival w? lu m o'a i>:iniful .?Hil! vlmli has l-? c??ii!i> ????turad np Ike riTss? XlfM Usssmm thal sari) lu ??? tot..-r Dr, CtsMlbai, Um . ..i..i. .1 Mshe-psl Mena I.ttuK?, ur M ona v 1-11.? t la.i? nji tin -l:??i r Rhagg, At ?i ? I? the SSAeil i- tmat I lo Istala him and de inan.l a 1 Hii-oin; th<? ?net M 1 nponbli hrml ?us Iks 1 sin of ? tiiousund si.avts, to be ?delivered te tn? UeTero? ol Iel? Tl.e Pogllsb Mr. ?'our ill It tin Cull fl na-lu <? i.f Iff Itigerbeing eounuiicated ?miii. that ??.?ntlciiuaii (Mr. I, lu ch!I?'?1 together 11?.- British and Amerlea-i r. Mdents, ami tin- sK-aaiio-r Tbetnas l'.arl? v, whteh was tiisn st ti ?? eondneni i, wm m a nu? J v. uti Europeans ami Au ? airiiu ?1 with ? ?olv? rs. A tui.!ur ?? 1 louii.-i-t- took pl^ie Mr. l-irl! Mu?I fl ? ?* "i tin i.itlvi s, bul vrus sol ?. ?lu. ntiy kin?.1 linn*!? if Mr. iiuila'ntoi.?*, arno at Mi. I'M.? lompainous. ?sn? bobnred ui"??t lr,t???l\., wi wowiidod Mr. Pell w-iskill. d hy an airo*?, trblrbpierecd BlasMe. Tin? nativr* sut??? .|in-ntly beal it ?' The hisliop wa? ?a:?.t aw?y saf.lj. i.fu-r < i.'Uui.iK tea <3?> ? of C.I'tKIfy, Illili ??_- t'??.. ? Ul tin? UioiiiaS Hail? J- t<? Ular conn nu alger. ii? Mendingo ^?k. l?ri^.?v", new? of more ooldblooded I I?? Lu a Arehlbons of 1 . . 1 ? Km 1 in ?.? lui,? 1 be bad 1* j ?1. ..ti.?- young neu, bMUbered, uu.i Um In a tiawti. i?.v u..?r.01 .u,li uiid leaeheri 1 lia?*??, B?-.,!n bwa puic'????fiil In .SSCiBlBg BBB doome?! r nature? fi..,,, thejawi of -cata, a maa, i woniea, au?l two? hiltlrcn tv? r?-...p ltily taken fruin a iiatlu- Itnine?, whore, tlio adult?, -fro heavily Ironed, anti lafaly irot on board the ?hip? in the river. King" A re lu hoi ii* seat a 1? t t' r .ltiiiar.dli.i. back tint ti' tim1*; bul ut a nu > Una ?.f the I'iiropoaos It ??vita re solved not t<> _iv_ up th<? poor crea? tor?*, bat that ti ?it of fa-. ?'iintry In order to ?'r. ?on?_ their lit? ?. A letter wsa ilruv?n ni? at the tue. t i.e, and if in to Archil...n_r. sasurlBe him that it lu- cllel not jfive up Ui?t iu??1 I'aii'aroii? cutt.una Ntlilch lie Vai iiuraulna-, the Earopeai ? ?aotild be . oiii|i_lled to take tb?> atiiiiiirt-at lueiiaiiiii? in th.'ir p<Aier to euiiipel bli.) t.? do au. (>r?t.Tt pralte in ?-tis t" toe KaropcaB ttadst? foi thtir vi^oious mid eonrsirsoui rond??! in tue rapture of th* vi..tim?, bim. ali? for j?r.?t?-c ti nu* anil proviilnix for tlii'Be huuae!?"-tran?ler?-is Dil they men got out ??f ttie Country. Whsn the farta o? th? rase were .?-presente?! to ? .?jit. Irowry. that gt-nrl? lunn vary ?,?*ner?>uilv S-V*t?l f-.iir outcaite a free p_?_it_.e to Feri.iiiKlo Po lathe Mai, Atago. THK IT? tBTM TI I r'iTH-,1'1 t tmtASTt. ihe At inn ti?- Tele graph ?faimpaaj bad aaailiBsidlasiy in?-? riBgOB Monday, the 2-1 of PsSS-BbST, Bl the I ?BOOB Tavero,fot tan parposi sf apptByUug ? 0_-_ra-_ttss et Um ?lareli'ilil? i? to BBS?I ?uni sdvlM tile l?i.'.cl.?tr ii?'. the li? ?Si menUM for i a rrj Ing out auch pleasure? U n BJ bs ?i? ein? el iii-i-e.-.iTiy to improve lb? position uf ibeCtnn* | ealey. . Kin r bf nir ii'painui u ti v. lill th?' A I. ?lo -Anu? lea li I. !??_.-1,-ii?!i ? . itii'iiiik, ..r i.v ratlin?: the neeeesar) espita! to redeem tb? ej?atlas charge of ai3lt0Hi pel Basant sa the revenue ed the Atlantic releirrap? <Ooi_pany, ami tu a ni tin- jn the coD?lder?tI<_ of other Important matt. ix. The .'tfrht Hon. t?tu,irt wortley presided, and It was from no dhtrnat of the concern or from fear of any lu 'ii Hint th. Iiir?'? ter? ti?knl f..r a ? ?Minuit',?'?' to B??-ist tlieni. fur he hi ?I to eonaratalat? then ?m the- Improving ? m ?huon of their property. liewa. happy to say thal jl Lad been found Unit tin deeper tim embie ?vit? hud the infer it irai TiVv hud bom two cable? between Nova fteotla and Newf?mB<at__?t, with the ob) anxfjiary line over the laud. The receipt? h.iei risen to a ??dut which waa i?1"'? ? their hutheit c-ni.'it l;? t ??i*.!-, ut pi aient oeai Ij appro?? hine gl?009 n ?tay it ??re than Ihn,, tin v wert gettlUB fr.'in tlfti-i-ti to lu. tit y WOI?I h i n i un te fruin tin .i cable.whereas they 'had uuly soUel put?.1 iivc. 'itic tut.len ?en ._U wortlos ?atlifietortly. Tholrprospects, therefore, were ven ?Dro_e^a_dus ll< concluded by moving a ieoi?!ii:i"ii pieiidme. fo. the to. pen iitnjriit of rt ???'inuiiit.'i tapi Ilaiinlti'ii seconded tin motion, sod II WMUtuu-UMHtib ?i?l"pf?'?l. i it?- elia! mi nu, m ?nsw? i to a ijin istlon, tai?! he Butlulpsted there woojd l.e a I?,.-? (lupi the BOW tin ill at Ili-t,l?i.t Hitit after tviti'd It would repay them. Th? ohalrnum then uonjl the committee Mr. John ?Tn,:..!. Ilckerajilll, Mf Altr.,1 Barris, jr, ?,.f Bradford i Mr. John i,-?'i_? Maclane, a ii? i. ? i. m";??, ?..'iiiii i (?o with the j sttdstr, W II M? pli? ut?.n. Bl] Cutt li 1.1.1,;.-.'ii i',.?.li'l the motion, which wai ut.-n.el to. A rote of thanks to the ..m and da. eton , luaed th? ? lill, lill 'It UTI I.. IMH I. ? r i. ii ?grap! k ? nmnnt? n t. ? >i > t?j Um I lal. ? I ai I .?I?, al, B-0 -B BOt CBOSOd bj a fa?; If lath? PeTS-SB <?.ilf Ml 'lie land I?.. - ' ..?!', , eat ?f. i,-- i been e rcsni? d !?? eonv? > ? between tIi |?<?iut* where Ibe interrnpflon i,.?? taken l I ' - 'i'.-llltl'Tlt ?'t 111? IN.IIIII O I? ed. FRANCE. ?n i ?.? n 11 - i ?? i ? ?i?? r..-?ik M .lu., - - Hob. ii. hoped that ii.? Legislattv? Bodj -enldexp-NO Itst?ssppcovalot tboeipadltles t?. Roma fsi I ? ? rrpedttlon ?.?np rontrar. loth? prlneip I Iw'lit. ni '1 ia ll?l'!iTi.i?e?! tli?. lim o -!? of I tai,. ? ?|u -. It <t I?ti. ii ti. ?i i , j placed Krai ? u a series of con:| of w bien it |l tee ,-., ;.,,,! , |,, protokillg I? . .fin?ale ell-c .-1.t. I !. ' 1. i-i"... Iiedthe ?.'v?iun.?ni with m tin* without evi-aulttng Hie IjC .'.-:. itive li ?.,,? th?- d it.. lui,lleli foi the ci,ns?.<pi< .??ia of BC li.. I-. M lulas r.,tr?- then .?.ter.-.I ino. .. narrativ? of tke f?<? t? which pre? ! ! il. ? \\r <\ liol li? ?lal i ??' h-iii, I that the Ki waa forced t<? consider Itself iMtnnd l?y I I ..ti ?,i the |6th Bent? i ... Ileatle ? ln"l I" ? t ' - ? ||, ,, Iii. I ted thal 1!,. ' -.-ii I-. Iii? Senat? It? ivmpatbt f.?i it. . ?liould no1 li -t? ?a-iu'M nu "titi i able a li I Uti. M Jill? - ' ,!?l.i| the | |, ;? .,,'.,. t ( J,| III Tit. A ' ? dern ideal, and Um euly reault woti liiiiniiiiiii??! lo tbe 1 . id? ?! bis ?!" ? ? i. by ... . t 'i.? m, id had H'?' em ?. heal '?? . ' but it *.ill i- r. -.i?... .1 tu III"! ,1 , i to.t iflBB <>S ?a | I ... |'t ? .-?..? '-? Ii?, -a ?i rarwaras>wita ibmbi . ,??r.t?? t PBI-t-Tj 4r<h ? ii ,i. ij m * ',nii ii at ... . * ";iit , ? ? T ...... ? .f In -..,?? - ? ' .ern me ni ?ah? hound I.) it. , ? inlj.. ? Il?il l ".'ii'. ?I ai d ? i tli o if ?t, i;inl refuted i?. . Itj of I I- Hi' ? i Uti i n- re ? bSe U IO t'l? H"lj I til.? T ' II., I? _H e |J ' 111. Ill I.I ' O Ill.tillllllX lei.i. m i?. ) ? Au hill? I ' p tbnuirhl *i u- I ?i.i the Juii-t ?oi.l iii. ? do so, ipi ? -i it wuiiiii i.ut. in.:.. ,t. i" .t.ti.i nit tu . ? i.i..- m. i ? ,i ?? Inn Inn? Bat m tin* ? m Id of < the.? i all, ' III l? .!? . ... ' ti no1 ? III" ?I? ration ol I Unit " '. told thal Hal] f wanted 1 bul tliat II ii,? f .ill lb ? lu ,?t ii? lied!} tate I. ' ? I. li it, ? ?I I . ! it., s. , ff? tin I I i :,, v. .the re earth ? Itet I lu?? footau ia?, and li ; , . ?? I | . I . | , I. IU? ! -N,' I . '-.."..?,'!?. . Iltl'ltl III lil. ii ? I ? I It'll lloi ' iiioke nu '? ij f"i ihe futur? and Hu in? , i ft to have bia seat able by sid? sith the I' ? srranaement, then, vi?., In? Pop, al i:?,n,?-. and Koni? i" longton lu the I , ?1 ? . .11 in soul I ne . , '' - Peter Pi] II ii-otu ile of p ?sion ' ? thal aov? itibii ulm ia 1?, al Uva? r, I;.,it., I n u ? li, _ t, ., I |',,,r win? Ii ulled the I'.?, ??-l abide ? '.ii In lu nth, rwlae, and , uni) created foi hersell kuexiheable ?mbarraa? la i., i llnarlua ' ? h U?'?? ??ill "f ? i|.?i.eeii? would ' i?. li. would ,. ?,t tb? ,i ? -?f n?? i? tolutionUta; L'en? i* men it .- the flint \ ntiiii? <?! th? n ? I :,. ,' i. lu ,,a. ,1 tin n,?ni lu piiili??!?,, and nu ti I Ib? O-tifereuce dot Tah? .ni i dil Ni?, i Ii? ? . bul al I... -i II . ?a pri -? ni alii-t ol ia. ,_?-, -i. u i? \,\jr> r.uiiiil. .,' ? nun'.il n? ils ,i|. ? ut i.. ?-; > i?,?,, mid lil,ii llu III, ill? if iloill).'sn In . . . ..inn,el?'?-, ?Oui _.,,?l ir,.?ia i.ii ni _'ioii/ili'.ti ?ii lie?? tisiiHiiis. Af'il MIMI, fin Ila I.? 1, ?I t alu'li? Hie Al , ild thal tin olijeet?if iln>?. whosiaued the luterpellutlon witl, lum was that tb? Henal? should ftive tin -tueiloTiof it? vote |,, in.-? i.-.!.,( ,,i,s : i, riiatit?- in).I-, ff possible, that llie Ooverntuetit ?bonld lie reinstateU lo it? lu-t provltu I Mary to si h?si m,uni.>,n l .ina'..i,n. ,i. Co examine whether there wai auch m< it u? reston to the BBntlf ml Uovera ?i. ni . i ii.??!?' i???. Uni titiiiit.k l?t u Jiiifailiiiiia ami , i,er p*etlc development of it? re ouree?, Sueh were the wl b? * of those who -.Liiiil ti,? interpellation He h-i?<l th? (,u\ ? lliliielit WOUld tal.? Hat mia mi, lu ii? eh,,?, llial it n.mill continua to follow up the Uni It had adopted, ami that the iti-ih-. troop?should remain al it??iii.? nut- tin ?i ?uuly uti ia He)) Be? ahou-tv? t^ completely jiu_r?tn I.i i| .?nil ii?? -iliiiitii'ii ?> ? t.tiilnmli.,1. The M,.f'i'ii? di M?. i.'-ii? t. Mi..;-?.?: erf I...? i^n Affairs. .-in? r?"i into a reeapitalstloa?o. tlMirvaalS-bal hat.- se corred m 1 tai j. He believed thors ?ah? r?-a??uu u> exps? J um. I. from the gixidseiisc ami honesty ?'?f th* Uniinm, snd hoped Unit m? n v. BO .-nnl'l g\\t k'UHlKlite?? fur Juilu h'U* alni iiuiii.r.ii.le conduct \'eeiii?l ? leine Int?.power, In ??ni) ii ., ii WOUld lint he well .'?>r the Hoik He.- tn ,?u,it upon % ili??e?liilion ?Sf Italian lili't li Bl?M rutile, look f.'l ?ard to the poaslbility ?of bvins in a ?-otuuniiiiti ?,f "i?s? with Halj nut, liul? ni, with the Italy of IfassuJ, nor of Uai-ttaldl, nor of Batta?, ?bat a new italy. i? r-aiitj, m.ihn?? V.RJ. iii?ler t?. ? ?u i et it?- h?, nfc renee to ti?, past than Hu Itallaa Pope Ut In tin ih<- u,Am ?t _,n hn-test sad iiioi?|tiil pt-ople withotttajoi that kbm?:,, fBtfefitlag bit nid? 11? ndeitii? and hi? dignity What ?Ta? ?aiiiin? to arrive at a eolation of tas fto?iaa .|ii??_ion v??_? iu?t tv inii. h a facility ett eompromlas un fumlamcutal guss Hons, aa sentiments of re. 'i?r?."i?] coeBdence t?t?ie?'" italy mu? ti.?-i'ltl'it?-). Hitherto taara nad txen amti?' di'iiki-t, ami It inn?! he .??liiiiiteJ Ulai na the jeart sf tin- ll.'j Be? there vti-r- t*ry (r?,o-l reivtuiia fur ?-?*? t_-t?.t?Haj: Italy. Tbs l.-net. (ii>vernn_sut __tiur*dlf lind rioi tho prefi-tial-'n io ImpoM mmBdaoos; li only .? itiot it waa r?eesaary, ? 1 that it mt? the only ei.-iii.-nt of tha aolat-Oa. It v-ss n?<<*??a',y? th>t?, Io wait und ?ei.k ?? if ev,-,, tjt His Holv _>?f new ?-Vin? tit ?of se? tiri tv.-Mid for Ituly Uhr mia ob of *rt'V lu?; her, with? .* to-t umjtjty prtt)*rt, frooi tbo dm ?xrritiia line tin. l.a? ri.t .-red on Wilt that .I-?'* ft*!>' ?lu,ulil Cet?*? If? r, traed l>*ra_u?_i At a tir<tli.leM?ii-e.SOS|dls,l> iiiiil i>r?. inly ?Secaita? abe !.*id rescie.eil ?re?t ?ertireB to Ituiy ail pressure on bei patt BSesssd? bu den and an ? o? In-r ?li.'tiit?'. this wastae senHmeut of t?te hu i. i-o?,m.?i Italy shared ft It wss lor tat? ssaasa il.i.i Hu I"?'. c?Min_??of Francs eoahl not .urn ??iib Hi? iu the ??-->?. ?tutli?aity Bl Ihose id l'o ?til? less turu Suited tt.wsrd Italy and Frances hence, the idea of a o. ?ftren-. Tin? Prend) Q-retronent desired topla?jetbe Roman question m the hands of all parti? -.-. Interested m li It whs at once rili?iotiai ami pol?tica], and queotlj Interest? d all towers. Pornerl/aCongn h ron ?cl.isU. jly of ( ithollc Powert was spoken of, but It was easy to undersfind whv inch a Conicies* was not Iben possible, uno of the freut Powns w t? eiinaged In pohtlrml ei.niplh'rttii.iii ?Aith italy, iiiiu wbii h tho?* that wari to take p Mt luth* i om-rc-. would havi la ?ti drawn. Moreover, t?t tliit iu,iii?>_t tho intci wnlum ?,f ?France siifflced. He did no? mean that Prance pretended to nouopoiiM the honor ?f fir- ling ? solution for the Kenan outatiw, lint by lnteiveiilu^; n loan the tusk was ilnpli Mi, And, 1icm.1i s, a I ?ingress of the gi eut Cutholic Tower? only ?**..tiltj hu?,? .lone no more than wlutt fiance had hitherto dene alone. Then.? inlclit have r< Milteil au liiirerseof fi??r material power ; but that sin: did not need; aurt.?llti ?> ri.thoi'c Powers. ex<ep? Spain, declared tbry a ??iii?! not adopt the proposal of a ( iukpths oompo-cil en lush , h i,e Catholic Powers ; con ???iu.?ntly the thlug wa?, not r-sulVle. Fi ance m14,'lit bave , jiltedJier Invitation? to the great Powers only, hut '?oiildbave Its l'i<?oii\?iiitiice, Three att the great i'.iwtts ? ??re not ?'athrilic.anl tli?- fourth-t.atuely. Itali-w a? an .iiten ?ted party; an! it could not he beueeeo that lbs ?li'iv ?W vcoiil'l cuiitVi.t te ci.ter Info g (outerence file >?) eaaeata of which wereso foreign to its latoreats. It wa? nee. ?siary, then, that ?II tin ?Power ?should Pot ia the (.m grsM, fur ?'i bad an lit? n -t In it. lu.- Archblabopof Ta? ils had just binti .1 saan?, doubts ss to tin? Utan <.f the li...? Pather*i sdhesiiu f?. the Conference. M. dekfoua 1.1. d thst thelloly Katlier ?adhered at ones t?. tin? Conference, and ndli-r.-d toit without hesitation. He su-pij answered Ulallie should stud to the Conf?rent e I pleidpot? ntiary t.. unin*iiin hi? rights, it la tbui thal tai Krem h Uovct'tiiiint undorstood (lint utthe Confer ei ' * al' r'L'Lts, und ?\cn nil pr?t? usions, slim -I lu- fie. !y maintained, tuidei tbi responsibility, for each one, of tin Ion produced France called upon no Power to abdicate Its rights ii. thought t li nt the B?sate would not r? .juin- iiiiu t.. siv nore. Kegotlatlom ? ere going ob, Lut ut th.? point tlrngs wen It would be right to weigh on? > words, an I b? arti r he nilgbt wish, it would no1 be poaslbh in / ?v. ci.mi?!? t<. explanations, li? Ire-aged Un - ?. ' - ut the Interpellatiou by the order of Iks la] %\ ll/.KKlaAM). Hit. ? OMI Kit,.' i . li,?' I <'i.i .I i '?it neil lia.*? aeeepted the ba*fi t it o, i" ai-? : 'i ii.?<*<?.,,r.-i< in ?? un tu? Ullin in question ander certain . ? ? <1 ii t.n??. oue of ihc til -t of a bli h IM bt ibOWl fm til.' V, miles of ti." Iii ,? , ITALY. The late arres!oi IS Maaxiniai) conspirators at !? : m ii ? ' h - I 'I I? tin ?I;.-? ???.i i > ?>f a |.l"f fill .? geln ?al Insurrection, bavirnj for ohiccl the destruction >'f the monarchy. touiiiilllics baa ..?en formed in all I i'ltbrw, and in activep-opnguud* waa l? u.a.' cairn denis tin ui lot a .?lli-'liieli. AU8TRIA. I HE ni ii'lMi ? I II i ill i Ml'l'l..--'. li. Hi? I ??i . i .??..i?.? ..f the Ki itliHiitli, Nov. : dntUK-t of (be ? u - I "na ?! A ?provision w? ?.? the nth paragraph, stipu? l?t ingtbut all 'lint m- to ila police should be .. ,i ti iii.? wli.ii.? draught was ? ?! .i m . I M . , ., ?.lulu ?? a? lill tin prop I* ab '?( ' ' ' "I'linit!???. It la nniiouhced tatet prayer? have been "rd. p A to be Ipili m ? t fi.i the Empresa of ? HU. BBAZIL8, '.i MBUTa ? ' i .mi Km iii Janeiro [\ ia Liabon) v ' i ?! I . r.- from the N Bl of * A., ii | : io . in w Im li the I ? I . ? ' - - ; ? I and SOO i?i Ml Mi 0. i..''ii i-i. i?. : mini? 11 it I <?i: i OBEIGS 11 - i mi- nu BAM Ll'IS i i i ? ii? is. H.w \s \, Dee. It, vi.t K.y Weat, Dee. 14. Tba *?!? .in. ii i arrived ben fron Vi rs Cms ?a lill I ? ? waa r. I til.- republi? atiufl of ali til?- ti? It les ?? Kura lafll I la ?li?, w I til tin.i r I, Hal-lit s i.\ Minist? i Romero ?? ? ,.i m I. i ? I ii, ii ?.???unit, .uni ii I? ?aid lu ? III su. ? ? id 1 ? ni? I- I' sda iu t be Ministry for Foreign Aft.ii.? i ? k.? -i. d l?y tlie tullin.ii Intervall - m .1? i present coni'Ilcatlotia ?a? al I 1.? I ?.-:? . f ti., ?.ililli | ,1 |?.ti I ij ,. M??-m > ,? l-.h jfivaiu bl Hi? Me? roe nts pnlillslK-tl ' ! ." ii'? ?i - I?, ?a? lit?-1? I?.??, .lunn la uni ta? li i ute r? ??? : '. .1 ?i - el? ? Uon as <.r ?,f s,,, i i, . i? , id i... h rnh ?. bli? : tat I timi bad be?.lv< .1 in the ' wade In Ihe I i,it??i States for ii . lonsol wai during the ?lill I .!? 'I' < '? a? .il'.'.ll tu b4 hy l'ti m!i lit .Inta /. col . ti?, lini.'l i,ia n foi . ; bj Hie ii, pal ii ' apltal vail!. II.. ??Hired ;?' ?.,' ni? r.,1?, The Mi'H.i.i Journal? oij.-'i lo Iba bobllag of a I.t icasluM i?> Con? gr? M j,! u ?jrsii n iTir? ? ?M it?? ti i> bt mi ?ii'V l - i i*< I lil i Mil I? STATIS. St. I il Oppo?tioU l'iil-'I- ll.'\r lll.'llli? ill-ill rliar.n I. i uf the ? t lil lil.' li.!'? ?I - fl, ,,i,t,,, li an |u.i le f.? amounl to exoi ?Wer Mm ?'? rum.n? in ht n ?".i llsbing, ludUa ,i. | .iii' circular Ne li published bj Mr. Il.illl. in, In '? '..?lut Kt"i. ifhve to light, from time to lime, sud < ?? 'un.i nt waa nu the frontier and lu IIsaTntcrioi directed to blsfel ],,? ,,?., ... or lufni n. mk tin m ni the pun li itloii mude tin m known ' i? ..\ lug Washington he puMisbedl oorl ? ??? irithsi?, with as nany datas aa .,, .*. ii nu ,i ..f ii..- i oui rai t? ni tiuri.ovi inmeiil m di? i'iiiii ?I fa, ,,, e. Oft red the Or. iil.ii Nu. 1?, win. li uiitHiiis nil i.'io Bifor mat iou desired r?*-pec I lu** the cou Irtctst . . I? '. .?I'.u / ?a boa, ando! Ibe 1> J?., M de Jesus Carvajal with , . cireular No. IS, which Wv rommeiice nutullis a ' ??.!tiiin.ittun of the opera? i. tind in virtue uf the eohtrucl .? I. Lint. .1 by Mu ?inn of M.?a.iH. John A ?'"III. i .. . v, . '. ,ik Iii M ?? ?,uni ir It Will '"? "?"" 'ha? the sum total of l...,??!.?il?llll) Uil.tlu. led l?> ?In ??"?? ? s?ssi? ut lu III?* ' nit. d r*tal? ? ?lulu? Ihe ?hol? p< rlod of otu , ,.r \tiii, ?-?jlli.-.l... a I..-1 Karil ?.IS?.??. Il.'.-'.H?" of Ml.?,!) t|?. tti i_ ?(i ? - ?*- ? " ''";"' u? their roniu 1? i ti. . i, ?I .hi houds. and ??lili li lias lud J.t I" >n i , .II?', li., I to till U I.V tia' ?..'I' H'll" lit- It I- 1U..hal.:.. lil ,t III rSI ,??J,I??J ?Alii I" COI ?lit.-I li 1.1? Hltll. . li. ?A In?! tin-.Urti? iHi.? aie eoli-ldered Witlch had to l.e ? unta ni. .1 ..(.-?iii?! In the Cult? ii >,,?t? ?, on a? i ouul of iii.? ? j. nu.-nu,'< i in ?ni'li ?mr .??Hitit found Itaelf, Iba ?i .ii n 11 ? j of aram md monitions of war ??ii" b wen t?i the |{epubUe,ind ahu-h urrlved lu such good time, ai.d vtj?'ii si t ve?le?? ? ftl. in i??ii-l> io se? un: oui rlctorv, live all, Hte hi??rul influ?me which ii produced lu m n \. in a?< i> sad epoch of our b-twrr? It la nu ?.?ii,I,-n??i toadn..'**'-'!!?? ?I"- nains of ti??' persons win? ?itii ruth Imttcd elchienti ubtaluedaomuch,and rendered stn- jfo.Ui?? irrvii-e t?i theil O'Ui.yy \.e .lo in't enfin ui-.iii the wnslderatlonl whKU pre?*ent th. u.?< I esn iIk olMcial ?lata wjiMi mi ctSnimeure t" im ?lied t" >l>?y, S* aioe ??? have already r? fi if ?I to Mr I',i lo, ?ii|'pl|iialii<i? lim. to H'Ki- tia aSUCI Ila I ?li > OUUl >'( h)I ti.i?, ana ** '? "' ?'' 'h ti bl, better Iban any one . lae will tell us ?hat be did Put we eauuot ni'?!..iii from !,.t,lli <i HW II,li,, l,| |S lilli) flll-tll.l ?lill ti, i m dm t uf Mr R.?io, w bli h baa appcored of all Jil? actions snd whlili docs nut doubt of the unction of ihn nation and Ma-cknowledKUienl <?f the dlstliigu?ahed icrvlc?- whlei?-"reudered lu ti..? noel dlrtdult circiim stan? ? ? and beti awaided bim the apnlaiiae of Impartial ??rM.ii??> who bain been near hin., und vth.i lia?, dsell tillh linn. 1 lout f.. dsy, ?lien, we mmm. m ?? to in?, u tbs circulai ).? willi h **e lu???' alluil.' 1 : ? nu i i nt No 13 "a ihe nib of Mi ptemba i, ISAS, Oen, ( arvajal -inurd ? contract with the linn of John li Coi lies A <'?? of Ne? York, with the followlue clauses -first; (?en.rat*.i..lal, a Hpeclal Commlsaimier of the M?vii m tiovcniui nt, woiiid iimuo Bepubllcsn bunds toe SS-?' '.?s* -,?.?*? -. " sr,,??I : Thtatt were t? be pUeed hi Ihe nurket hythe Uno of John W ? ?'iii.-'?v ? ?', v. ho could not nil ti; in tor lasa tuan rViiMT cent <?f tin ir noninal ralue. " /Ali./ TlaWsume hou-t? win lo let t Ur n uuBaidl lahle eomuilsslo-, \*bl< i' ?as oft?*rward ndue.-d, upvu th? totsl Milne of He bonds ?wild; sml it theee ?lid not min.nut to #6>?SH),is>ft, tho ?vere t?> hu?e tilt? rlKlit to uti ii??1, mi,,|| cation of |1,?X?>1| !" hoial? for the ???MU expected lu the In!.??? ettipli.??? to ? tt? ?I the ?sie. With n-pert to thU sniai.i be niuinit.1 tlmt it Ih to i.? i?n.?, ?1 upon the preecitatioii of von. ?ins for Hie aspeadl IS fund to/' It is not aecctssry hen? ft. t nnincrste the rcmiiinliig cUuta,-s of the fi'iitruct 'Ihi-w.f iinxliilcil l.r another rom .-Li ?'?ii ??rne.l at WmhIiiiikIoii, Muy 16. ISO?, by Mr. Humero with Messrs John ?*. ?climb ?v Co., and both rotiti uits wnsdeclared ternilnat?-?! and definitely i lotvd .Mun li ?. (M7. We do isit Intend al pn ?eut ta. make au analyst? of these nor expiais the < in ti instances mulei wliii ii tier ?ere Itgued, nor the polities! result.? which they prixluce?! m the Kepubi?. ?lur i.i.ieet la atlnipli to manifest thel/ I'fai results for the anowled^e of our compstdots Wa: t'oilet?. U? obtain this by preeeiitliiK the f<:l!(ia.lBgs.-rlt*sof sti,ti?tl?*S, tables and ?ecount-, va lil. h msutfi^tUis number of which v,rt? printed, of Which were ss'ld. ?'??I ?if those ?lesttoycil; the war iiiatertsls pin?tis?? ?1 wita saul bunds, speelf? inn the ports of the Kej'ub?r to which they were seut, audtbe ve*wls which broinht them, the other eesta whl. li weis ??ipendedin th-s?? lap-.-ii .?n?, and tho sum total win. h tia uatlaa nari u, i uni? ipiencn, There art lette je?ii ?? \g ?ml s.v.iunts, whli h a? yt t have nut hers decided t?? the aupren? (lovernnent, te whom thoa? |^iesent*?d by lieaara. Juba W Cdrlbil i I .. and Urn Hturtn hat? bean adiiiltte.l ?B tbS nsrgia of each secciint la whr.'h an) thin?/lu tbiacsaefflUJ he found, a n<>*> will l?e wrlttrit ?ipUlnlni' It. Tlir ? ?irspeinliu in of <i|t??ralloiis practiced In this ?'.nuil i \, ? that, at u iu. re lasl_ni_? utit |>rl.-.i lui M? vi ". considerable roateri?! aid waa proeureil. In vi ?. . t ti ctr? iui?i.?in-i ?. ?lui a still ki. .'i i pollUeai ntiilu , foi 11.< KepuMic, as v??il as Hie I n,i, ?1 Muirs. epu'.iit h n.'.ii ifjUo,. (ni. t, ISST, THE WEST DTDIES. ST. TIIOM.VS. TUB CBS-IOM <?r THK ULAM) Tollu DH-TBD -Mil4. ?MXO?KCSD TO THE IN HA l?l t?Xt --- l'U?X LAMATION Of THF. KIN?. >?F D-OO-ABf ~AI?l?lil>S Of THK HOVAI. (.??M.M1-*[??.NI.I; ? I'Hi: tEMSta Of THE TKAN-I KU. H ?van\, Doe. It.?L.-ite files irou, hit. Tli?',da(e<l an the ad fast* Mm ihe teit of ti?.? Boara) Danish priH-lauintion transferring the Island t<? the I nit.*<l States If righi of purchase. The document appears ?n the M, Iboasaa Usan <>f the MCb ??i Nnvaaakar? it cu?n edes t?? the iiih.'tiiit.-ints of 84 Tboasaa, aaoo*__a_. to circutnstanr ?s anti resident*?*, a period of two year? 1?. i ti. it a coinplcle ? li,mut' of nilli. naLity und.-i' tin? new nStSte. At .-it. Thomas ..ti the j.'?1 Isisi ll.nir wa? plenty, sod] rating at fit BO pet b-L tot BorML THE Tl.xr Of THE I'U.i? I.AM \ IK1.N. r?ii:ii:iem MoM'or, Yu., Des.|_1??Froos the ?St. Thniiia*? JmmttmnWot I?OT.Et, received liy the linteil St.ttes steamer I ?e Boto, wa hud the (ollow_-g in ?Tala? t.? the ?-. ??inn o? that island and fit. Johns, to the Un|te?d State?: Si. Tiioma-?, I?OV. -". ? .According t?? invitation fruin hit I Ae. II. in v. (.??v. Ihr? h, lin: mi-iulit-rs ?.f tht> ( '.?loiiial ('??uti? ii, the cieil and military tutu-tionaries of tim Island, and otter Inhabitants, assembled at (?u\. iniiii-iit lltiiiie tii-tlay at li i.VI.h k. a\t 12:10, r.\. i ll.nt h?; (?..v. Ihn li. Vice-liny. I???tlie, und ChamberlainCtostensen, appeared with tln-ir aides and'attendante, lils ExoaUancy Got. liii.-h, in a few words insradnood i?? tim Assrtnblj his Exool? I? m.?, ciiaiiii.eilani Caiaseasea,Knight of Dans. broB-O, and Kum. hroti/ciiiian, M Royal ('otiiiins t-iniHT Ia\tra??i?luiaiv. Whet?upon lu*? Exoellenej ( bamheriain?Carstenaenaddwaasd the Asasanhlyas ?follows: "iiiMii.nKv: in ?.iiii.iriiii'y v.,iii BiaMaleatj's,ear If"?t i.mcn.u? Klng*a i, dated28th of Oetooer, elia ra? il,,.' nie,M Boral Commission? : Kitraordinurr? '" pr? ?>..i? tin cession of the fatanda Ht Tbotnaa and 81 Johns to the I'mti il Blutes ni Am? ii< n, 1 ?-liull i iitei on n.v 'lilti.-e l?y making knows Hi-? M.?, j st] ? ProclauiatkHi, dated aatn i li lula I. t?. Hie In lia In tau t? ?if St. Tin una? ami M. J'iii ii?." Hers Iii?. Exe? llene] read the I'i??< Isolation! a-* lal? lawa : " WY. CM-SUM IX, hy Hit? ?ita... nf God, Kin* of Den i.iHi'k. tin- \ m..tai?, and the Uvtha, Duke of ?Schleswig '.. Ht m hihi h. DI Unarah, Lane u borg, and Olden? burg, send to our beloved and faithful aubjeeta, In the I- mils .'f Bl. i boinas and Bt. Joll?n? our Boj al girctlng : " We bare i.Ira! to rede ear Manda of Bt Thomas and Bl Johns to the United Btates "f Amen, a, and wa ha ve, te that end, wita the reeervathn ?<f the ?roustim tioua) ct.ii?? ut of .mi k-gsdair, concluded ?? convention with the i'n ?aient el ti??- United Matas. We hare, by . ii, mil?, mu in thai t..?.it. muni explicit ami precise pro -. iinhe ?nu utmost i" ?nun you protea non lu \..ur iii'.'it.t,yom i-,,your property,and private rights, and \.ni ? 1 In- tree t" le ma Mi where >?.u now reside, i?r i?, i? num .it an, Unie,ratalnluglwhat you p?.??< ???in said - m ..i-j?,,-it ^thereof uinl rewovlne tit? proceeds P, Wll li?.lit J nil It? I! I," Mlliji'i teil tin this ut? m mt tu ai. y ?'..uti'..uti.m. tax, or charge whatever, ?hu shall pu ft i to remain lu tin? mu? islands tua) ;. lain Iii? title ulai Hie rlgllta of tia ,r alle i:,,u,i. or a. .?u.ii- tttuaeof ettlieua ..f the United Btates ; lint tut Iheli ' ? withm two yeera from ot th. exchange of ratlflcationi of the said cob volition, and those who ahsll rein?is lu the lalanda after the ? vim itii.ii <?f that tenu without Saving de? hurd tin Ir 11, ?t t.i inn to retain their natural allegiaiice shah i" cou BU to hite i he?, ii tO become ? iri/< li - ?if the I lil!?-.I \- me, im .m \i i. ?ni nut ex? i ? Isa ant const raiul ? i ii .nu faithful subjects, we ?ill give youth? ?>i j? ?rtn iiii> ?if fn ? i> .?ixl ? M? n>? \?-ly cxpressliig your??? a, ai ?i ??? lu?.?, t., that ? tt?. ', ?.-?ven t.:.-i,,. i -.h ? uiatrucUousto omrCommissioner 1 din ?y. ?? with sincera s-rroe <i<. **?* loon fur?;? ni t?i th- ?? ?.? r tlH?<se ties which tar taaay years have united yoe ti. ti? nuil the mother country, aad wet ? r forgetting tim??? deatonslrnUeaa of loyalty audaffectmnwa bave i limn j?,it. Wa tin?! that iiuiliiii-' has I??ii neglected from otu* aide te lecure the further welfare of ?.m in inn .i uud t.'itiiiui ?ni',;. ? t-, ni.ii thal .? mighty Im? pulse, i'tiih moral ?u?<l matenal.will lu- gives to the happy -aiua-nl 't tri Islunds under the BOW sovereignty. ? .a. iu? tiding ?o^i t?. God ! ?- ?.,?\? ii ut ?air I'.il.n ?? ut Aiii.tll? ?il'i.rif, the Mth day of ? i. t.l.?r. i?<,7, nuil? i our royal l.aud und seal. ?' I . S | ?IIKIMI VN H." iii-? Mtsjeety has shsnsd ass te latsmet te rea aMta linpre-slvcl) thmieotihl bs dune m the ?oyal Proclama? t..?i? ii:?- (?.m.nil fi < ii uki inseparable from the cession of tin- lefilliil Hi? alaa ,a mid lilli, i,a?,o lu 111? |mi?|?Ic Ulai to bis lauiiiti.t. i? being submitted I?. (???.tri I rials i be ti mil.i- ilii-jn iiMii.oi,? ?itn ?hi.h these I?-:.nil? have . been visited mull necessarily Inflnenc? the exe? cution of my mi -ion 'I Ile time that lim?! ?i i' ? I i foi e ?? ???lill?! state ut ? until]? nee can li. restored to the people, ?-I.?ni be employed bj nie. willi the assistance of His] \ ?i li.-ii..\ tin i.? i?., nu T ?>f th.? ?Tan lah Weet tadle la-tuda, In suptiortlug the wisheas*l the inhabitants on the.i slou >?! ila- cession et lbs kalamia. 'lm voting ?ii he paistpoued lo the e?iiiiiiit-lie? Illili t ?if ,I.tIiu.,;\ J'o the .ii a.upllshmeut of my ? rrand, I need not only ?.. i.?noil ul ti. .'lil. l.t!?, hut also the asasistanra of ! ? ?.ii i -, ami I r. ? l eonfldeut thal su? h analstsnrc wil i" rendered me lu the execution of my mlatden, with ?hi.h i h..?, h? < ii lutrusted by Uli Most Uracioua Majesty the Kh c i "i%- bra KmgCMsslaa ix. t l l:\. 'i in K?riii??i Tslsfiaa ] ?IMA AM? POBIO UK" -??I') TO THE I Mill? STATES I ?>i: OKI li L.NUKI i? AM? ill r^ Mll. I I-.N- IS lit.l.ll. H?\ am. I h.. 1,, vkiI.ikkC'u V. DOO- l8.?Wcll.1V?! fmilii i ami mitin'htii n< ??. from Madrid In relation I I?, in.? ?al?- of i lie !"?i?aiii,?Ii Wi ?t ln.l?iii pu-seeaioua. ! it convey? the iiu|.i.itant inforuiation thai the Bpau i?h (mt ? tlinn nt lins ii .ni?* a foi in,ii mil : i,, the Anter? j loin Minister al .M.uln.l. the lion. John P. Halts, to sell tin- ieUntls ??? Coba and I'm to Jin <> t?i the United Matt s im mi.- linmii. ?t aii?i iifiy millions of aullan m gold. 1 be terms 11 nsle ara as follows : Fiftj mil? lion ?l?.linn? in gold ere to be i?;u?l doun in ?a--ii on thesiguiugof deliver*/ oi tin i-lan?l I?. Mu? ?nilli?.titicH of tin* 1 nu? ti M.ti.s. A second iif?v million dollars ia c?l?l tobep-idone < .ti thei? aftt t. 1 lit? tliinl inst.?Dim ut. ?if tin y bjU ions in gol.) i?. I.?- paul ?it the eiiil of six years. The pul'ln- heart la beating ?titli anxiety th the aiinounceinent, and ?neal excitement prereila. a?? the _xtiiiguia_t|iieiil oi __aver> In re will lie one of tin? ? iiii?ai?iiiiiiices ?>i tins sale, it was hoped I'V some thal Spain would abolish ihe nntJtnii.,111 in Urns to savs her national pride. The acquisitions mads by Um 1'iilteil .Mates lunn I{ils?l.'i ami l)eiiin;il k, tll.'lt ?if Lou! 1 inn fn?iu 111im?.??, un?! of Florida from ^pam li?! n? li. 1. ?e now raierreu to ae precedents leave tin? lutimial iio'iin ?if Bpeln m tlii.? bargain nnasssil? Bille. Hu t-iiaiii eoent of Yankee speculation Is in? -linn t??l by tah? fact that un Amen, .m company bas ?h.-.nil. .m tue strength ?>f t!i<* a'?.ve reports, pur? c1 1-1 Guajabe Lal._nd, near Nuevitae. lucy intend lau oiAouite it, end rsra Mmiit to pul BU.OOO acrta undi 1 cultivation. Thas the last hope? ol t1 tradera an ?gone, ANTIGUA. Bl \ um. HNCKI r?V RAI BQ1 aki . ii a \ ?.sa. ?Dec 14.?A.hin-s from Antigna <?f the Mth of November ?tale that tbe Island bad hera vii cul in wveral shucks of earthquake, 00.curring on the i-ib uud ai,-rttii r on the Sd of the month. Rain ned fallen durlug ? foi ti ij-'ht, wltla a itrong south-weal **li"l. | 'lu. cltj was erowded with satpwrecked Milora. l_ein I 1. ilittuit? Were returning te titi inland, mu? ti?n?'ii)llity and 1 oiill'lei.?. had lie? n rot.>i??]. JAMAICA ,tiii ':K??i niE ami ui.'an BOOR- 1 IO* *?' hkme. H at Ali a 1 Dec. 14.?Tha aa?ws from Kiagaton, Jamaica,!? to the ".tit mut. The a mci iu ?in emjgr-tuw ???In in?- had been abandoned, ia r?l_*i*?|ueuee of ih- ???.? et-umnl refnslni m grant? lubaidr 1 ? th? ?in?? o? ?teaui ers. A le ??turn |,een .*? ??luut? d the ? liUn bala for the in? <?n ali?.11 Of the island fn?iu til l.'t? linn! lite Leirislature waa auen to ?assemble c?msi<dera pro? ject ft.? th. Imposition of a tax on t-naage. The **. stbet ?ah- ninie favorable, but the coffee ero, )ia?l ?ull-rcd se? verely. rtUMo EUO?. DAMAGE B1 mr KAKTiKjiMKi> *i cnn?x? m in IN liKI'AlllIN.. THK l.i^^K?4. Havana, Dec 14.?From UdyaaiU'S we hare tJst.-H t?. Hi? itb lust. Th?. news eo__rms tin* i?i?^ leos se count uf su eartbtiuali?' on N.?v l?. The sho'-lts were very vlulcnt in Hie fln?l iiistii?ce. .N?. ?;.'n-l.lersi?le ?lniiu,.?? wits donc, fixprpt to wme sn??ar bouses. Hie aUnii ?if lui- itetiple wss, however, terrible. Tbe sugiir ? rop is Kod, but will t?e sUiw in n-acbloe nnarket. meet activ? ity is displavetl lu repniriuic tbe dsniiiK?? ?ion. t?i Hie eilutacs by Hie ritins. tin? lmrucsne, und th? 1 sitlnjuske. ItlM'iVAI. OI DUTiaS <?N I'lOIVIMDNS, AC. Havan k, ]???<. 15.~A royHl order lins beeu teleiri ipied from ?pulu 11 Howm,? flour, lise, beef, ?urn, and other beceSBurv pr'iv'sloiis, rattle, liiiuliiii'ry, fertlllfcrs, Ac, to enter tin port of Porto Kim free of ?liity. irrespeettv? Of flugorcoiintiy. _ 1IAVT1. ?II HI?KK Ol' ?-KN. MON I I ?. iTatava, Dec M, m i.aki im. Doe. I?*. ?i? n. Lou Montes ?au.? kill. ?1 by tlio Jmlor putoverhlm by President Haltfave. H-" was rust poisoned, and tbc-u dispatcli? ?I l?> ii blow ?111 the lie.ul from a l.ur. A tevther ul Montes,.flue- in Ihe ".?'"<? don?oo with t: eral, at''.?].. Hiiitieii, was ci-inpelled t>- passif I-f WIS in ??, the a.? n?- at lit'ii.rr VIIKilN BUSS. 1 \ \.,?.i 11 a rtuv Of Tul Platal a?. <<i m? RB? IA I IN?; I?? 1 III- I LKTHt.-'AEI . Katana, I?-?1. 14.?Hy the Htcanui Haiwlona from tit. Jcbiis, 1'. K.. we have tin, uc?s IhSt UM List uc ? i?.tint sf IBs B__-B_*e done Pt. Bartholomew's l?> the vul. e-ante eruption atal ?t st. Martin's hy the .nat Ma?J wave thal aossaspsnls?! t ti*- e?_rthuu__e wa? ?.-sgswrated, awtag to the name that sailed the Inhabitant? after the movements of the earthquake had beea felt The sea rnshed toward the island, co.? rtngparti of Us i-auii! a? ii bad done al Toi tola. THE U-.?-?< or Tin: MOKOKOAHELA. DI8PAT? Ii PEOM ? OMXODOBE BUBB- 1.--T ?ti. I ? ? IEL Tillie.)''\ ni?;tl \M? DBT Bl Al I utM ?,el \Ki: OIK PT. ? BOIX ? ? K.Vir.\?>..l?!NAH? I'ill.MiMlNA. t ?iii.I? SlATtiS 8n kM?HIl- M?.N-?)N.i mi ) A, | I. CBOEX, Nov. '_'!, I-??,7. 1? Silt : I bava to ?stat?', with ti?? rp n-gn-t, thal tin? Datted States ateamehlp Monongshrla, under my com iiiBinl, is now lying on the I? ?iel, in front of the town of lu ?I? iii k-t? ?it, et. Croix, v? hero IB* WM thrown hy the most fatal earthonake ?-v. r known here. The ?hock eos e-iirreel at 3 O'ClocB i>. in. of the IS?I lust. I'p lo that ino ment the weather waa serene, ?nal m? indication of m change ihow?sd fliy the ibaraaieter, which stood at30d? _i.-ea ii minute?. Thetli*t in.ii. ali.?ii we had of t!ie?.-rth qnake waa .? vu.l.-iit tr< mt' li . ??f Hit ahlp, n aeiuhllng the ULotvlmr off o. steam. Tbl? lusted ?ome 30 aectmds, and liiiini ?liateiy aft.rv.Hrel Hie water waa o???vrved to l?e re ? ? ii in.' rapidly freein til*- Is si ? In a moment iherurreiii waa changed, and ?tore the ship toward ?beb? sob.?Mgvyfng nut the entire c-alile ami illa vnu Ihc holt? tt?,m the kel? dun, without the ?lightest effect ha checkingher M l'isle speed toward tho b? ?uh. AniHher anchor waa oedcna te. 1>?; lc-t go, lint ill a few .???? oliel-c t?lu? wai 111 t?H? witter for tin? to avail. Vtio-n within a few yards of the bosea, the reffux of the water ein ?keliher (?i.eeil fora nu.un nt, ?and a light breetefrom tin- hunt m.- a momentari hope that theilb ?uni foretoiymasl staysail might pat lier in ail ntl sho>re,B0 that m the i? Mux ?.f the wave she might reach water? ?uffVeieatly deep te? float her, and then bebrooshl up by IBs sthst anchor. These rami? win- Immeibatelj ?it, ni.?! abo payed off no ?is to bring her broadside t?. the lu.??;. when the wa r. tiiiii? ?i, In the form of a waBof watei 23 or 30 feet hiavb, It carried oa ov?sr the warehouses Ultu tfeS _?Bl i-ltcit ?if the- town. rhi? WOVS lil receding took her Lack toward the i??-.??-!., ?n??! left her nearly perpendtcalar on the edge of a corni reef, ?Allere ?-he ha? now keel. ?I over to an angle, of 1_ d-BCTcsa All tina waa the work of a few 111011,1111? 01 !?., sad MSB after tin- ?aait*.? of tu?- h i) subsided Into tin Ir naturally tr,tii?(ini .?tate, leaving us Biak and ?try upon the inach. During her progr? ??? toward the ' ra? li ?in -tim u aesilfj tv.?! or t!ir<<' time?; the Bret lur? h carried the 1.11. tun ?m tin- fur.-?-.i..iie ?iv? il...ard. Hadtheabfp been cal ned it orifl further out, fh? must Inevltahlj baw? Im-.i forced over ?ob her basiss suda, resulting, I fear? ia h?-i total destruction, and la the loss of many lit.? I'iovi d? uti.illy only four men wi re l"*i; lh? ?... ?< re m tbs kia ti ?it ihe tim? th?--In.? k ??.iiiui.-iii 1 .1. The- lunts t',.,t v,,.r? down ?A.-u- all swamped except uiy ma, which ?-, n-.ii.-ai under the keel,kUllua my coxswain, a awsB \.tin.iii!?'man. Du nug this terrifli ?cen? tbe officers ami min 1.. hat. ?I ?nth coolness and Bitbordlnatiow. It afford? me great pleasure to state thal ?ft?-r a ? ireful esnaataa. lion >.f tin- |....-ition and condition of th?' ship I nu enablod to n port tiiat !*he bal i?ttained no Irreparable daauMS te li. 1 hill. '1 In-.?!? Illl?i'-.l ?s le It. ,,!..l .,, f, ( t i,f lui keel initially bim?; propeller and ?haft anlajarsd, Th? lower pintie ?'f the rudd? 1 1? gone, bul no oibe 1 ?lamaee 11 ?ii-tann ?1 by it. No damage - ,h na ;?? her hull mon seri on? than ti ? if ? ??pp. 1 t??ru froin her ii irhord bilge and from rn r kee!. -i.? now lie? ?'ii th" edge of 1 eorsl reef, which form? 1 ?olidfouinlati'iii,on -.lilil? ways amy be labt him can thus be launch? ?i m io feet ?of water at MS feet ii ??in th? heal h. ? u ni li mi-ii luitkitii. al tile -hip fruin ?ln?r? iletlal? tliat Hie liuftotii ?if th?'h.?> waa visible wbois there wai re, and la now, ol fathoms of ? ?ter. ro extricate the ship from her position I r> ?peetfi'ly ?ii-'kr'st thut Mr. J Hanse? m be f? nt down with suitable material for ways, read) for laying down, and India rub h? r ? iiini-N to bin.y her np. 1 think there i? no Bungera Me obstacle to bet being put sisal, ?providing ?1 ?ant?* ol lo or IJ couti t?hi n c srpeuteri ?be ix-n'. i1?.aii ttith the Naval ??? nsfiiiet'ir, as li? r bailen .uni engine? appear lo I.. sustained no iiiur). A rateable ship i.a\ thus be aaved to the Bavy, vi itn all lui itiiinhi!. c otnmandlng. ? A.luiir.i1 j. S, Palmer, commanding H. A. _><|tiad* r? 11. BL 1 Tiuiiia-.. lui'uhi n.oit (-?.MM.?!)??1:1: B0CO8 OP THK IIR BOTO. WabhiBOTOB, I'??:. I"?.?('onuiiodore liogftn nf in?' United State?navy, comwamliiig the t'nitcd Htate? St? ?nu 1 I '?? >"t? . otu? ii .ti Ii.:-. 1 ty ;, ? -1. relay. II? had previous!) ?lispai? in ?1 cm board a Bailing V.svlade tatil- <t report <?f the e'reumatanees attending the dama?S r? ? ? iv? ?I hy the m ?s? 1 in dei bia eommai d, to?. the. wTu? 11" Niununirah. la. at tia Island of 8t I iutiii-i*-. ?kinch hs?, however, not yet bun n ceived st the Navy Departa?as. ti - . ? ? Hani?-?! thal tin- Injune? received l?y the me ?1lo la Hie hit?' VkllCBl l.nil? . ia-, ,.,1,.late?t ma'iilyin having h.r i...ttoiii st?j\e in in two place? hy Is-ing thrown with sr? t viol ne? ? ? nat 1 wharf Tlteaa in? jonea wer? BOOB repaired. Th.- M itn-ii;;.theda <*as. bow e.ver, thrown broadside on Hie beach ranaliVr?l_jT ?Ha tittil fr? iii the wat.-r. nn?l ?a 111 imt Tie _r?t afloat a^aln without being reftularlj lansched. Tbs lunh shs re relved bj tin tipii-iii. if tia s? a waa so gti'A as to throw over her ilde a 100-pound kim stationed ou the forecastle,inos?a-oan ,t In position. Four sr Bve of the crew \\h?. old 1?: m-ceed In ??-?'nrlnga hold at the tim? of the Inrrh were washed? BrdaM l>?'. in?- machinery is in aood order, m ?I eaa easily be worked Preparations will be unm? ?hat. ly made t<o*'ard complednc su noee_sar. re?polrs, and petone tbs vessel ..-.?in. JLDDITIOXAI I? Al.' II? IT. All?? ?T.Nell.MS?, THK I ''?,?; .u. K. Washingtub, Dee. 15.?Tile following ofli eers of the steamer Monongshela ar?- ou board the Da But? ? Burgeon, W.T. Hord ? i 0 \ U or!, r. I.n ni. i,ant. II ?ri.ii.n- Lyon?; Mi?l?lnpiii? n, B. hardh J. N. Hem] . r, I. T. H.m?.. ?-.e "lal A-.-i-iit'ii l.ii . ,.s. .) i \itii IIoveubi__ and ? I ii._:: ur?t? .?it. H w. Pure?. The Ile Boto lett St. TI in, Dec I, rnaklng __a ?assacetu ?ii day? and a half. Mthonifh eonaiderahly d mi.ip d by the earthquake, she lea?i :;ttlc. The earth?|uakea were ?if fr?'?iiient oeeiii-reiiee fr?im n l8 np to the time th I) Bote Kailed, but they wars not of a*reat violence Tb? principal dau i -?.I by the lirsl cute, which iho .K the buildLum to pie? .*, and the smaller ones win?.' ? :.l> serven to knact down the remaioi - I the first shock ?). _ot??'a button ? 1 hy tin? divers from tbew . ,.t l'ompen 11< .ii. fron N?-! Vmi; ii.- o?eers and crow of _M hu Boto are all well. i. rer oa b.?ard the r. s steam? r Don h id < ;?t-?*i! the death of nix of her cr. W, hut (In ra tv. re nee new eaa? a for se .ral days beti?- Hw leaviua of tb? IM_k>to, Tehe officers of Ila l >?? ?.. -> ia. ti.?.?. unter before ex P i-i.Tiied ant ?vin . |uak? I toy were, at the time, lr? isiuk to go on shore, ft being .?u??ut 3 o'cluel? in tin-af'i TTi'ee'ti, v?'.,. a their .. 11. -1. r i o ( ? ?x ?ia at tii?. ted bj a'liiii. ?. sod nil bands??une on ?h ck to ascertain the cause of r None seemed i?, meada i Stand what if ??.;?-< o.i . pt th-' Chi f Kiic'in . : . wini Ino? lil I ti Ml til?1 MIMU a', "lit -O teat?, a? ?1 who deolared that it an eu. ? ad thr.t tin i would present!] -? s ? ?r.. wave, .i? tln-y wc-re ai?.?>H a? ? ompauled by one. Oueof the officers then looked over the ?ide of th? \.*?>T and <?Covered t<> IiIh dismay that thi water? - fromt?*???rmi'-oraad that the vessel wa? belBg left bleb ami ??rv. The ? hi* f Engineer th. n called t!?. ir stn utlon te? s wave about t'.vo n. n? ..ut, which wsa rapidly approarhiag i.? ree* roe De Boto waa layUuc uader one snebor, which was speedily run stal Hie wave struck the i easel umidlbin with terrill.- f,?,. ?'. tai ri nu her f.?r np tin hailiur ami breaklnar the cable, rwoottl - ita '??r? ii ?. and a third was ca ried away*, tint was f=u> ~. ..r. ,.???, *, covered The wave reced?s?l and returned so less thaa six times, an I staved her keel rat?tag h?-r ta te?l na ?al? ral'ly. 1 li;-.ian a.: wa? mi'??? -, a? Mi? .. mi ?-lartiy lej'air.ei. < A \ ti) I I Mil KEW I li:ti 1 . oita .<? ?.. ( ,WH l'? '? .. i pro? i putei li i ? t .-, tit .Int.. .?n tim Sen uni.-?wi? k n ? n.'"- n ??. I". Ii III' ?I WI I. tin I ' sill leave I - et - i? ?n - ut on Anal ' r th<- ? iit.ii?i?er wael ??; per c?nt. (IIIIMil.N Fkl'N HY IViMT.s-Vni.lM.HilN'. _?)!( THK pom 'l -PIT. Mi?n l iii ti.. 1 ?? t. 11 1 wo i Itildn-n ?.<? ??? ?? i '? ?i .-.'..I .-.ti? n bj wo_v?_s al b*-bil Nfi.l-t.hi.Th 'i be nu til- r at the childi . fo-m ellHriitf. the ?i'ii ? h??rrl ? TTie It'll?. ? wer. ni i!-.e win.?.'-? iiiiiti?. bra lithe? from thi tir,, wood, al i?:, time. lin n Isa rei isade In pr?.. i -- ai.i!?iiii."i i a? ia? .??i uni ve tor the Pops'! arm) m 1?. l.\i.l ASH. BKAV1 i;?.I.i.i iv?. IV i.i.-i-N DEATH 01 I I'KoM INI.N I ? lll/l N. Bostob, I-??. 14.?The ttoje ot Orinncll 4i Emmes, on Elm MU, ;-'. " Ol "f IlO.OOU ?unh of :;ir?. _ _ Mr I--?. .? well-known merchant l^r^, died in re t?) sg? d 8Sy< iii;, \M\i. ?el A lll-H.Vl'll! Al' I???! ?il-f***. Ml?. \\?,K? EBTFalt, I???-. li.-ThtB ?Urge r? *. lit DouKlaM gave wai last Bight,.? isbluat away no feet -f .ir more of ti.? llo?toii. II Kri? l'.nliua.l tra- ? andembai kment. it was discovered ki/a saan s*_a<aaa roused from sleep bj blah mae floating down atream. Ho m m ir? ?I to save himself and family, ami awaken? iie'i?-hi..nTi'..'d. r.i J h r.i? the train arnv.'d.wlncli was duo at 5 o'elo. k a. IS? -u- ? " ' "'' **xl' dent. ITTEMPT TO BOB AB Ka I'lVKSS 8AFE IK l'KO','1 lo N. |. I.. 1. PaOVIDBBOB, Ii. I.. Nov. I'?.?James ('. Eaglj, tout "f 'ho .Mct.h.. it- i us J tpr. ?? Company, wits arn.-?Ued henson KmUy ulihi, cli_r,-e?l witJjii ion.piracy m rob and -m attempt lo r? I? ti?? ??iv in the t ompatt. a . ,,f v ??'. ???' I?' ia iu Jan awattlng an ??__?___? ti?.n EtaUgly in Hie uiui? '? ' ' ?' ' peratton? iu ??inn?*. ;|..i, withrerruitingIn thli ? ?u'jeet of ,,_ ,,u\. M'M'l..N(K OP .(HU' THF HA__lT0-_0 i-.N'K I?. , \>. i.n '< RaBTPOSD. CtWB., !>??- II. - < Imil.-s D. Tal ?. ti d at tin Mareil i? rin of t lie Superior ?.?o??I ni this city of the theft of ..".'?>? in ImiikIs, the property i . Hartford brought ' I i i