OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, July 17, 1868, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1868-07-17/ed-1/seq-1/

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vol. YYViii N?- 8.500.
/?* .rv ? in
m,n\ BKAI IN' TUK ^^.orriCE-THB
rtrgDiaG hV';",/,N__T,u. louisiajia deik
bji&USSIFPI 1 i ? nOR
4.A110N-*"- Thnrsdav July *, 1W
. u d.v after tha i ?'1"n
I" th.- S^,,';;;i1;';iv,,at,..n.:ma.,'...n.'n'.'.'f
rr,aliv, ?, tha -J '; ?;,-aJl'K(,1Iin,.Ks endmrond te
t,M?T'^"S1i ;,lll.."r'lhe,.M.le.'ti?.u?f Auirn.an
?AJ,D,'h'! "ii which *?**??*"*"<
?>UirT ; \\ diaagreed aoby?to?. Tho
S ,hM; .n".. m^ then .l.oatcduntd
?',,r4 IMii's,.uaf?ronlir.i..-l Ihe nn.,.iuatt..i. of
.,.,,, geosta Conaatttee on Fbreign n-iat.on- ?.n
?Jkteineetingt^nwrow far tba parpoae of eonaid
Zng tha bill for tba a\baaba aanwoewiatioti puvhaaa.
TlH.Conn.M'. an? u:,a..i.i...usly iu favor ol Hj?MU
M?u.,,.,rta^r.MtlH-llo?i.n;u,il.l,. Bbould
tiu> Honee Inaial oa retaiaiag tbia aaaaaidtBent taara
reaaoa to aupi?oaatha4 lbe iiu-jwiu'in:iv be
... senaton an altogoebee tttdiepeearl to
lOMiuit thcmaetvea te aay eoeh pottey.or teplace
--j reatrictioBB oa tbe treaty-mak.nK aowec. 1 M
dcaaauttee oa OaanM* ef tbe Beavate. de
vs il., ttret aad Barboi
Appropr??tion bfl whk* paeaed tbe Hoaeo to be
^tponeduutauexl .t Th.-y anthartaeditbe
g-Laiii. an tO efef aa ai.temltnent to the I?<h
r? i? v bill, whea U eoaaee ag la |tbe Benate, provi.l
BMfoi ui ijii'U'Piiationof fLiMLUMtO'.-i.tinut' lbe
whca.mmaitdharton.and to keap tbemin a
?awwerBUteolBWeeTTatioB antH tbe next aeaeion,
wkeaageueralbUl b to be nported, kaabfugtba
j, ?i..-;t. apiivl.nat.onH. Thia niillloli a.ldahalfof
dollara ia to be expeaded nnd.-r tbe direetJoo of tbe
Beeretarjaf War, who will appomt oanpetent en
Aju,.-. ra I- wBBajrmtaod thc weab.
i? ike Hooee te day, oeaiiy tho wbok eeaakw waa
lavkea np ,:, ? Bratkmof tba Miaeoori eon
lasaeaielectioocaaa ef swit.-i.-r ra. Anaiefaon. The
oaaioateat Kf Bwitaler.who ia a Daxooerat,ap
panndand aaade a twi.-h.mi> apeech ia aupportof
b, Mr. Andenoa npttad, and aaade ebargea
of .iisiov.iity againat Bwitelea, aod tbaa BwiUler
BiadatoiiiiUii tikargca of tha eaaae eharaetor. (Jndei
. ii ?raa dacaned aee. Bearv to m
fer thc eaae baek to tho Etoetlon ('omnutt..-, and on
acaklloftheTeaaaad Naya tho eaae waa i..-<...ii<nt
t<-.i rheCoauaitteewlll enael to-aaorrowBBoming
lidertbeaea ebargea. it ia tba deaira of tbe
feaamitteetodiapoee of tbaeaaaal onea, and they
will Beobably reporl hefora the and oJ the
w,., k - awk raported tha Benate Funding
bill fron tba Coounittac on Waya and Meana, with
aiBHi.lm.-uts. an.lit w;is or.l.Tril to be I'Miit.il and
reeoaanitted Tbe BBaentbnente proTidad Bnl
aii.K-i. iaanaof tOyearb LOOpareent Inter
aat,exchangeabla at eny time by tbe holder for
I i.an.i m-...lully tbaannulling
of th.-Mitimi ralattngtothae^xatraetaaaade ia gold.
TnaCoBamtttee will probahly reportthe billback for
?etiea to-moiiow. Mi. ktoeabead Baadaadetarmined
t-floit taaa. an a aigkl ^< eeioii foi tbe porpoae oi dia
paaiaa "t hia nppleanantary TarlBTbiD, bat failed on
i i and Naye by two fotea, thc ante
atani!ii,i"4 i,i'>i II u.ist!..- general apinion thal
I b been beld fot the porpoae, tin>
bill coiii.l liavt- been diapoeed oi befon adjoarnsiaol
A iiiuht Beaeion waa beld for debate alona.
Tba bfll to anthoriaa tba tcanponrj enppty of ra. an
c-ii i iii iha rmaalUe Dayaitnaant waa raferred to a
?,.w t < onutiitt.-e. in tba Honaa,to-day.
ijy. Tnimbtill'a amendment innaard to the Patenl
,.,,,..- ..... iii,< ahiof (iiiiuiiltv. It aeema that tlu
pi.stiit a.lininisfiatioii of thaf o/ti<<- la u mo-t <?.
rujit one. AU eorte of ohargee ban been aiada
agaiual tha ehief < 1? rk. who ia aow ia eharga <-f tha
i ibnll axBondubent, it la aald, ie foi
; of refonn. It ia andaratood tii.it
the Printing Committea will ln a few
? Bhowing tbal tbe preaenl Boan*
Bj-.-in. ut of tba offtoe ia aMal extraratjaut It may
nberad th.it th. I nerabipof Patanta
racaat aontba aia, aad aTor einea tben the
Bgnee baa been la tba eontrol of a corrupl ring. who
karaaofar aaanipnlatad the powara at tho Whitc
i: m to pn ranl tbe appaintaaent of a proper p r
aen, wboeanbe eonnnned by tbe Benate. Unleac
mnii. lefialation oi ' npoa,
II - rill adjonrn witbont a confinaation, and
the.-vii a'lrniiii-ti.ition of thc ofBoe arill eontinne
untii the .ml "f Johnaon'fl tarm,
Tka Waya and Meana Conueittee lo-day adopted
aeveral ain-iiUiiiii. -t. tlr.nl an.l lilth BCa>
ti.msoftbaFnndingbill,aotbatrtialn faet aa en
UralyaawB I tben ie rery little proba
kility that it will in it- preaenl abape be adopted by
ti.. - pralprominentaaeinbanof tbas?n
tk in oppoaition to tba aiendmenl nada to
day azinf tbe rata ol intereat at 8 65-100tha
i>ei eenl i Ithey d to tbe other
aui.-n.ln.i-ut Btrikinf oul the clauee legaluing
go'.d oontracta, ' thal tln>
ajaeation of finam -rrmtion will go orei
nnt.l d. natruction Cotnanittee
hanaaBacladedto wnil f"f lbe aaiUtary ratnrna ol
i bich ;.rc daily ?\
aaeaaa, befon taking a. tioo on tbe eaae pnaented by
the roBBBailliniiil Re. onatrn. tioniata Ironi tbal
auniften aa tbe tnatnvent <<f priaonen of ?ar
daring the lata K.h.ili<>n, baTadone rery little in
the ?ay of uiTeatigation dorini the pnaeni leeaion,
i aah onaaaiiilia ia to be appointed to riait,aftei
1 Ba iabory, Andanoni tlk
aao kn hiiioiul. aml oth.r jM.mtM Booth
wh. re i i.: ?:. and they
will ;: - i.i iiialtit-atmiiit. etO,
Coaaaaitieeoo Contingenl Expanaea ol tlu
two ii'.ii-. - will Baeet tartaaarow oa nazl day to make
an tBTeatigBltoa ia ragard to the payaaent of uiil<
a?? to witn?^!H'?. in iha Lmpeaehxnent triaL It ia
tiiat tha BBadotity of the witneh.-.eN w.-re
pani daabla, ? tag la ? ?MiadtTBtandina; It bm m
IbatBalbaagnwaapaad aa lbe aittiafaof tba Man*
indtbea aajaia whea ia ?ttwidanoe at the
- ^ation froni I^nu>i:,iia,
wlth ona exoeption. arrired hir< thie evaning, and
thaarendentiah w?n- te be ajreeented toCongreaa
ia bborow. Tbe natnoa >>f tbe Benaton an, Wnx r.
Kelkiggaadaloha 8 Harria,and of tbaBaeaabanef
tba H...1-.. .1.5 n.iii Bypber,./. P, Keweham, fUchael
Vidal. an.i (ol. Mann. Tba la-t-uained i-.th.only
l'i aao. i.at. aml lns -?.it ia oontaaied by hia Bepub
Hean ea^aataart, OoLJaapef Baaekborn, of thadele
gati.m, baa not arrive.i. ha\ intr l.e<-:i detalnad by the
Uestriution of hm aewapapaa imbbm by tlu- Rabela.
About -i\ BBfaHkeaga, ba .i.-ad Wlntar, the Kum-u
triheof ladiaaja, tbaa ? boatila band m Tazaa, aiade
i - of afaaall] of wklte Bettlen, oonaiatingol
eix ?aeapna ia < o..k Coajnty ..f that st.u
canii-d ibaaa mtu eaptivity. Boflen they roacbcd
their Ciai-ipjuK pagajKla th.-y killt-.l lour of lbe
uumWi - thc fathi-r. inothi r. an. ie, Bnd baha, Tbe
Oth.-r two. who were little gblB, at'.-.l rt-sj.i. tiv. ly
fe'U and six yearx. th.-y k*-j?t |g '-ajitives S-\.-ral
?wwekt, a^o Coi. LeoTanworth, th<- floraaiiBaaail Bgaail
for this triheof IikIi.-iiim. liad oci ajioii to rieJt tkeil
cainpiiiK gTomid. BJbl Ihon found th.-se little diil.l
ren priaaaaan. u? raaapafled their reieeai
bax iraagM akeea to Waatbington. Be
had them at the Capitol tavday, and
iay? thal aa they are ba the BTOrld
witho.it a reiativ. b p: ? rjongreoa <l. dm t
|B ?- fjoai ibaanaartieaaf tbe Kiawaa toniea and
edurate tli.-m. The batbal ipmgalBllun le UUllllI
eoijMderation in ti mi i aafaVi.-nt aan arill
nndoubtediy ba M-t a-xv- lm aaab a.i ahjaei
Mr. A. M. Comirhhy yf I^mdon ia in thii city. Ho
aouita to thie cyuiitxy oua VJ?itol lutve/.tiou, u^der
a commiHMon froni the Society of Arta of I,oiKion, to
aaftartaia tbe aaBdMaa of the. Bawekaaaaal and tadaa*
trial aits, and la study thp ehanvter arwi mannora of
attaaaaaaad lal>oriner meii in the ITniUvl Statoa. llia
niissioii is to aiil the aiheme of tho Soeiety of Arta to
pYOeaBw, for the instnutioti of Driltah artisana, infor
nuition of thiToiiilition nf tlu u liretlin-n, atnl tlie |a>
BBHl of theirlaUirin the diiTercntparts of tlie, worhl.
It i.srortiiiveiltliat BwBcM will ee*YM froin hi.ivmit,
throtikrii tin-1\< haaea of Ideae aaea _n*artaart fiut**
tioiH wliich aftei t tlie Bjjagtwai B_d soeial i uinfort ?.f
tlie WOridngBkfB in botli eountrioa. and tlirtt it will
servf tu eraate a ayaapwlhetki apprn letioa aad aaeh
,,,u|ni.itioii MBkaf be ailvantaireoiis ifl tho pnun.i
tn.ii of baOBadl] leoUBB l.etwern the two iialimiM.
Tbe nadlfajiea t laited bmrM af Ibe haadi <?f Depart
DMBtl to-ilay. anil will at au early ilay atart 00 BtOOI
tinoiik'li tlio aaaatry.
Anafaal af wbeDeaBiBteaa Gowenuaeal bai keen
here sever.il tlays. aml it is untlerMood B_H IBB)p1l t*d
With Serirtary Bowaid UkC iitu-ol iat imi for tlie sal. ol
tlie Miivof Siiiuaiiato tlm Initeil Btatea Theprice
toba paid kaaaaewhara betweeafl ,000,000 and$2,000.
om It Ii expeeted that the Becietary wlll al onea
Milunit totlieSeiiate thetreaty whereliy tlu BalaWM
iili-< tod, and will aak LtoBiodiate aetkm.
Poat_aatea K.llv aadaereral otboi rfew-Torkcri
ari'li.r.'liiiriyjut,' iii.tlieNew-V.uk Poot-Offloe bUL
The weathoi Bontinaoa appreaaiTaly bot Dariaf
tho 4_y owtdooi Bkoehaakfl Boapeaded worh. Maay
peraona bava akkonod nndef the heat, bol aa far only
ona or twa deatha hare oeetwrad. The BBortality,
amonf boreea boweror, baa baea beery.
CoL Geante & BeoM ol the United BtateaAray
diedinddenly tbii aftereoon ol apoplexy. Hiaro
nainaaratabaaent te New-Yert to_on?w. Ooi.
Srutt waa 50 yaan ol aeja
Chiel Jnatiee Cbaae weBt henee to-day lorNow
Viiik. Rowill'ortend bia fini Into Row-EiMdand.
Bothoi the noHtica] partioa araaaaUtigarranfa
mi nta foi ratitlcation aieetinga
Washtxgtob, .liily 18.?The foHowing ifl the
texl of tbe AUaaka bill ai II paaaod tke BV nate to d u
Bi Umootod, .(r That tbe laweol tbe UultedStatoa re
latlug to cuatoma, eomiuoroe and naytgaUon be. and be
aamearo kereby extended to andoyei all thcmai
lalanda and watera of the terrttory ceded lo the United
[Wati - by the Emperoi of Ruaata, by treaty coocluded at
Waahlugton on the ?th of March, A. D. IkvT, ao tar M tke
aame inay be appueable tbereto.
v,, j Audbeltfurtbcrenacte4. tbal all tbelaald ter
rltory, with ita porte, harbora,baye,rly?raand watera.
_?U%natltuteacuatoniaeollection diatrict, to l? called
?? The IHatrlel of Allaaka," for wbb b aald dlatm i a porl
?f entn - "> :|1 >?"" * '":'v,'m''" i'"',' "'
be deaignatod by tbe Preeldenl al or neartbe to* nofmi
ka orKea trchangel, and al olbfetorofl aatona aboll be
Spolnted by tbe Prealdent, by and wltb tbe adylce and
couaeutoftbe8enat?,whoahan roBldeat aaklportof r
trv and ?im ?ballreoalye anaunnal aalary of I
adtiltion to tho uaual legal feea ai I emn uuieiiU
offlee bnt tni euUre compenaation suall nol ?
. rauuuin, 01 .. proportlonata bo_ foi >
au. j That tbe Becretory bo oad be la bereby antbor
i7iil t.i make and proecribe aucb regulationa aa h?
<!,. in expedleut for tbe natlonallzal on ol ?
owned bj actual rea'deuta of aald ceded terrttor]
Blnce tbt aoth day ol Juue, IB67, and ? hli h ihallb i
Uuued to ii.iM i"' b mi oww .1 ap to tbe dab
That the Pn denl ihall baye poworto i
and regnlateoi u- pn biblt the Impnrt
? iinunltion. and dlatllled BplrlM Inti
aaidterrttory,and I ?"' "f ""? -?"o'; ??
otbei i-"it or place in tbe L'uitod BUU a hi a di itlned lo
aiiv porl or place In aald terrttory, aod all ?uch armv atii
nuii.ii.anddlatilled aplrita exported or atteinpted to
be exported from any port or place In tbe l nlt* l
anddtatincd forauch ten i-i^. In riolatlon ol ai i
i>n -it ii" ,i uudi i
mcb ariua, aminnuHion, and d
attemptcd ' ' be landed or naed al anj porl 01 |
mtory, In violatlon "f aald ??? ihall be
forfeited. and II thi \ klue of tlu aan
? ,? aaiue ihall la round
whlch tbey .Vall !. ? bo" v"|' '",'?
Uckle.apparel, aud furutture and cargo iball n im
felted aiidanyp.nwlllfuUy^ brrgulatlona
be fliied In ai. v auiu uot ej
or imprtaoned not more tbaa ata
moutbai and i?.a aaay be rrqulnd
for .. faithfiil obooryatiee of anck regulatloni from
ni owneraof any reaael di parting from anj porl
rmvlngon board flrearnia.aniniuiil
UaUlled apirlta, wben aucb reaael la deatlued to
?ny l-la. e IhIchuI firnti.ry; or, If not M> deatlnei
ii tble grouud of luapli biu tl ..
. J thi Ii .11 :
,.,..,, I.. ri qulred.on landn .
, ,i terrttory, from tbe peraoa lo
whom tbe aame maj be ronalgned
HK( i. Thattl.aatlngtrade betwwn aald t errltory
I otbi r portlun of ihe Unlb d Hl tti - ?ball ?
latedlni wltb tbe prorlaiona of tbe lau appll
? nucb trade betwei u any twi
1 r. ??
ry, wltb tne approval of thi
laUouaaabe maj deem propi i foi tbo i>:. wi ? itlon uf
fm !?? artng aiiina.- from ludiaorimlnate deatructii
yided that ao ipeclal penatta tbal be grautod ouder
tJ.ii a. t. _,
That nntll otberwlaa prorlded by law, all yioia
,,, M)d ?? '- tberoof.commtttfd witbli.tbe
tbi utui ,ahall bejn ?- > ifl< d lu anyl>l trl t< ourl
oftbe United Btatea lu Callfornla or Oregon,
DiatrtctCounaof Waahington; and oollei'toi aud deputy
colleotora appointi d by yirtue of thla act, aud
wnilng byeltber "f them, oi b) ti ?
tary of tbe Treaaury. aball baye power to arreat p
? i Bnea, |a : al
Ueaoi i" felturea undei th ta id Midotbei lawa, and i"
...r ovi r tbi - mi. ut tbe ni trah 4! "f aome
ta;aud aald oourt* aha I li .??? ?
jimvl.itii.il, and may take cognlsauci
underthli act, aud tbi aeyeral lawi berebyexteuded
overthe temtory ao ceded to tbe United .-i.i"-i.> tbe
l.inj.i mi of Kuaaiaaaaforeaald, aud ahall proceed tl erelii
lo tne aame manni 1 aud wnti hke effei t, .1- ii aui b r..-. 1
bad artaen aitbln the dlatrict or terrttory wiwro tba
1 brougbl
m, , Tbat in all oaaea of flne, penalty, u forfclture
1,1 aud 11. i.i " ? d In tbe act entltled, " An Ai 1 to
jiri.v.it.- f ?! mltlgatlng, or romittlng fortelturea, i>eiial
, .1 dlaabilltlea accrning In oertaln i,i>. ? un-t.ni
mentioned; or mentioued tn any acl in additlon, nr anu n
datorj ol aald acl that baye ueenrred, ??? mayoccui In
Mid collectlon dlatrict'ol Allaaka,' the Sccretarj
. i.,., ,,1 d ta bi n l?j autbort? d, if lu
aald flne, penalty, or forfeitnre waa lueurred wltbout
wilifui uegligenci or inteotlon "f fraud, i" a-r. rtaln faeta
, ni iiiin 1. and undei ?oob <? gul kUona a~ be maj
oper, wltbout regard to tba provlaiona ul the ai t
abore referred to; and upon aald fact, to tobi uwei
? afureaald, he may exerclae all ra?werof rcn
uon 1 onfern il upou him by aald ai t, aa '? illj aa be mighl
hsva dono, bad aud faota boeu aacerUlued uuder
aad accordlug t" the proylaioni <?< aald aet.
Bec. i". Tbal tbe Boeretan of thi Troaaurj ui
tcrtbo all uoodl md regulationa i" oarry luto
. ?- ofthiaact.exceptthoai truateil
to the rii i.!im alone, and tbe aum of ias.ooo la nerebj
approprtated froni any noapproprtated mouey tn the
Troaaury tocarry thla bcI Into eflect,and meettheei
tbe rvyeuuo from tbe cuatoma wltblfl
mlta ol aald torrltory.
Benator Tnimbttll Boeceeded in fettiog tin
Benate lu Bxevutive Bi udou to-day at 11> ni , aud aftei a
wann dlacuaalon, laatlng oyer two boura. tbe rviiate cou
flrroed Mr. Evarta aa kttorney General by a roteofM t-.
.', When mauy of thoae oppuaed t" bim found tbat hla
frlenda were determlued to mt it onl aud couflrmbim,
th.v abandoned tbe eaae and lofl tke balL tien. Tbayer,
Mr Bumner aial Mr. Cbandler, and Mr.Btewart nada
atrongargamenuagalual bim. Mr Hendcraon tookup
Mi Hutli-ra report on Impeacbment, urir.au. ?i .mi 1.,
oalUngblm"ecoundrel,Mand apiwaled to theBeuatoto
take cwiixance of tbe aaperalona put upon bim by tbe
Managira. Hedefended Mr. Cralg, who. be1 aald, waa .1
betttTman than Mr. Butler, Mr. Cralg la be Ulbxtor
?,i?, Manrod Mr. Cooper tbal " V!^';1 "'''?. ,\,'''nii 1
.. M defeuded by Meaara. Conkbng, rnimbuU and
Mr ?1'bi.yi M..I.M tbal bad be knowu tbatHeua
tora who worooppoaed toMr. Btanbery would now fayor
Mi Eyarti bo aud othora would hare aecurcd tbe cou
Bnnatlonof Mr. Btanbery, foi tbere waa no ergnitueut
made Bgalaet on- noi oqaalli 4,'ood agabaat ,l"N"^"^un
Atlamta, July 16.?Wheatley, the GoTera
luei.t di-tertiw Ifl the A-hlnini eaae.biia gOM to \\:,-h
naajtaa, aaa pawbably wlll aot rataia. ktayar WiUlaaw of
Colnmbaa,aadT C. aUUaral La Oraaga, waia oa taa
atand to day foi tbe defenao. Tbi n tcatiinony waa laa?
.- aa -?
Bhkrmav, Dakota Territwy, Jaly 16.?The
iviii,* uai.iit Rallroad Excuralon iiart> ace (1 P- ? I oa
thi aummll of Blaeb Bllla, DakoU Terrttory. a,
above tida wator. aod i,"r.4 mlleawcatol Pbllaaeipnia.
Tbey bave bad a ileiigntfui trtp aofar.aadaUaia woU.
1 h' V Btop t01.i4.hl ..t Lalalnii', and Will nacb tbe end ol
tbe traok ut noon t" morrow,
Pbiladelpbia, Julv lfi.?John E. McDoBough,
of BlackCrook fam< h:tM aued Porney'e hrtu, clalmlng
tam.nai dainatri-N. for HboL Tbe alb-jred 'ibi I ' iniM-ti, "f
aiiait.tif. oupled fi.im aCblcugo lourual. rekoOt?tg ou
McDououab'a bonoaty
XLtii 0ONOBE88?Hd Skssion.
BBBATB ...WaaarawtoBii Joiy i?, isea.
Mr. CHAMDLEB (Rep* IficB.) n-ported a
bill toextend tbe kjWB af Ikfl Dattad MakM relatlng to
fiiHtoma, naylgation, and rvornioerofl over aBaflka. and to
aotabttah aaattoottaa a_abr1ef Iheieta, aud for otber par
poaea. The ('tunroittee rccommended, be aaal, to atrilke
outthe third wetmn. wl.uh pmvideii for the eatahlmh
ii,. nt nf tdi porta <iT dtlivry, with aurveyora, to ree.-ive
lalaiiaa art tn aaaoafl ktaateaofci wtaahwrtkaaataaitw.
The riitiunitti-e ul*, reeiinitiieiuled to attflM out tkfl
...viiith Baattaa, wtdrk awkiua the kflttagaf aayfa*
boartaa aahaal by BOfaaaa Mptottwai with a bocaae
Kiaiitiil by the Prealdent, and ro|?orted a autmtitiito
Ibenfor,proridlng tbat tbe Beeretan of tboTroaanry,
m iiii approyal ol tke Prealdent, aball baye power to pro
acrlbe aocb regnlaUoca u? ke maj deera proper for the
ti.iM-i rai iiui of tbe fur-hrartiig anlroala from imliwrlini
jiule ii, HirueiKii. Mr. BTEWART (Kep.BOT.) BMred to
amend by addlag a provtaa tbat ao eperlal prtrltogoa
aball be granted onder tbai aatbority. Agrooa t4>, and
tbe iiiiiiii.iiiie.it M aiiiiinli (l waa ab*o BgTOCa tO. Tkfl
liii.iiiMieiiiiat'onH of tbe Committoetoatrikoonl tbe tentk
w i ii.iii, proi Idtng for tbe ? atablUhwenl "( bonded woro
iii.iiMH, iiiiil t.i ii ilme tke aini.iuit approprlatrd by tbe
? i.M'Mh h'lnmi, lor rarrylag tke ael luto rfect, from
llOO i?ii l" 1 ??' I4?0, ?'??re h^'I" <l t?, aml tbe lull u.t- paaned,
,',,lli. rioMOl nu: Ta\ IMTliKBOl llll KS m Ml -
Mi MIEKMA3 iit. p-, oiiioi reported a |olnl reaolutlon
tn aiii. i.ii Ibe Miii i-iiiimi nf tbo actapproved Jnlytt,
. iili il "An Ai f (rn the ei'lli-i tmii of direet tax ill
tin iaie Ina irrti ttonary Htati * iintil Jauuary l, lhOi*.
Tbe i"i"i n-.'iii'ii.ii waa poaaod.
??Niiiii i >u sr iir nuiKii.N ntu.T ygaenu.
Mr M'll.l'.H.l. Iltep..Me.)reportedaktll fortkotagtfl
tr itiin. "i .?iiii'llii" ut of forelgn innli veaaela.
Mr TMAYEU iKep., Heb.J eaUed ap Ibe bUI for tba
relii t of the loyai Chocktan aad Chlckiaaw ladlana; bnt
Mr. ii im 'ii.>< >N iifK' 'i tbal it Ue ovof fot tba parpaoe
ol makiug tuuuii y. LaJd oyer.
iiniiiiiiM. rin. iiiiiii kivi ii
Mr. BAM8EY (Kep., Mlna | repurtad a blll to anthortxe
tbe rouatructlon ol bndgea acruea tbe Oblo River. II
pnivklcatbatpartlea autbnrlaed by Btota lawatoron
itrucl ancb brtdgea mual ?obnill t" tbe Becretarj nr War,
furiiH approyal, complete dealgua aml mapa exbibltlng
the lull partli nbira ol tbe andi rtaklug. and preaertbea In
il.t.iii tba iiiaii:.i in wiii. li tbey aball be conatnicted.
Tbe ?'liaa acroaa tbe mala loa a ater cb.l uuat aot be
,.i ? iraa eleratioa thau M feel abowe tba brwwater,
ei 4n fi'-i abova tbe extreme bigk watar aaark. Tba
lengthol tbe mala rpaa aad of tba otber flfavaofatnft
tn be hiiii-i i|iii nilv di i.iii)it..<i.
aoaoiMo aaacHAWwaa.
Mi BHERMAN iRep., Ohlo) reported a lobatltnte for
(h, iiiu wblrbpaaacd tbe Honae*May M, relative to the
tranaiMirtatlon of luerobandiae In bond lo otber placea
ti> ni the origlnal port ol Importation, wbicb ?nhetltute
provldcatbul from and aftei BVptember i, IBBfl, mer
.Ii.ii iii-i- otbi r th.iii wiii'-. dlatllled apirita, periahable or
?? xi-i..-iv.- iiui.ii-. and artlclea tn bulb wblck aball ap
,,, ,, rroui tbe luvoieea and ablpping docuuienta, to be
lleatined foreltberof the porta ol Bt, Leuia, Ctuelnnatl.
d (Miiine), Koaton, Phlladelphla, Baltimore, aud
New-Oileaua, maj be entered for warobooae and Imme
dlate traiiaportation and forwardod al tbe n-k nf tbe
owuertolta place of dcatlnatlon. Tbe l.d requlred
foi double the Invoice yalue "i tbe niercbandlan,
tban two auretlea, aud the mercbaudlae au
,..,,.,,1 ;,,, t: ,i,-|. .n.iii.rn aball bc dellyereo lo, and
.,.,,1 hy, romtHiiilea regularly inconwrated aa
,,.intiii... a for tin purpone bj lb?
v.y ol the Treaaurj', Biid to oi bj uotie otbera.
Surli eompanlea are to be reapunalbk to tbe United Htatea
lor Ibe aafe delivery of the gooda, aud be placed under
? !'? I'lilii.'i't
?,?, ,,,,..,,?,? |f tMiaaible, nu route aball be dralgnated
, i otber eattae, In
vo|V). B . m ol im M liaudlae wiu. n mual be
, ,.,,, ,| ni..,? r li-i W and ? ? '? !" luapected
,, ,.,,..., r ii.iii.i- l'v t'uatom oftlceri it mual
?i,. ,,.,i, .. rri ?. dl eetlj I.tbe lui|.n? v. --, I lo
? in m IihIi ii h i" be tnuia
? to -I Isure bj. im
l li, ibe public atore Tbe
? ppralaera aml
,,,,i uairtato carry luto> eflV) i
Its |.|i.\I-,.iii- l! .il-" !? ' ' ':|0"l/i
tiirn "t iiui!-- on ai rouul "f dainaxc
royage of lm|N>rta
Uon on ? ' ' ,1,hl"" """?
,,, irboli or in i'lit. bj tm oi otb. i cauae, afterltl rooap
Uon witblutbe Ilm laof tbel ted H
|.A.?i -., t? ux i aaiiir*.
Mi MOKti IN (Kep.N. Y.? roi olutlon
,,-, ., 4-i. ai. r i.i.ii.t p mm .'. ui tba
? "'?' bnndred
and tw.mv lulm feel of ilrai u.d ou Ibi uiuiii
,,,,1 ,?,. foi ereri oue bui.I
: thi rrln.the ?)???; '"
,.,, ?,. ,.,. t,, ..I in tbe ii,.ii.ii- i provlded by
I ,? t,.. ? ii ? utof tu ' . ? i- i '"
viii.il..: , ? ' carm d lu i-xeraa
ol tbe nuiubi i allo i ablc by tb ? ' ' ? ?
Oiorti tn .a t t"lil "f '"' b allowable
. , ag< i i of Ibi ii -- i -ii ill i- -ni'i'' i
. ! , ,i Imprtaonmenl i ? I ? >
..n couvlr
? I,. v :i ? i ?
',,.!!. ? - 011 ? "lull. .. ?- III tlie
tWl, l|0 all f"I tbe lu II- r |.i.-t. ili.iU "f
. , , ,i i : i. is .?:/??- ii i ruo.
M, i . ? ? th. nn
: laae up the lull f??i tbi prot?M-lloii
Of Alli. : n"B ""< l'""' '?
, Of natill
Mi NU IKKI I I. iKl I? ? M
ii iiii. and Mi ? onw aa'i BM*Uoa
I, tbe anfli labedl ' ? tadlaa
l^1I'l1',' . ..1 tbal the apei lal ordi r,
'.,, ii,.- |,i.,l. ctli'U "I th. i ... - of iUM i an eili
? :' "P , , . , ,,
Mi MdCKII.I. (M "'", "' l'"'
n \| i i. i Matb i- '
Mr i i in M -~ - l tliere kaanodoubl of Ibe iwaaage
0f the \i bill. Tbe faltb ol thi kV pul.M aa
parti ai- pb dgi t ?." ' ai iv ool
Iblameaaun II' moyed to poatpoaa all prhw ord
m tbe lnil , ...
Mr M'iKKll.l. would i'i.-? rn.v ii t' rferei ee with tbe
ncular biiMiieaa that uiuat be paao <l fw taa paaaagi af a
bi I of a
Ml , ,,n\: : -. ? atnra tbal wh le tbey nt
. ,,,,--, utativi i " a fn ? 1--1 le aome ..f tbi Ir
lylng iii iiiu ijtu i ii rn.?. lie aa .1
aaaoi lati i gullty "f tbe aame
. ii ai v, "i whlcb th "? tn prtaon were
. ii iii-. bargrd bi cauae Ihey \m re aatlve
utl i ii.? i- bave bcen detalned k: .i
,,,, ..,;, ,i I.. i i: i .- thej will uaturallxed cltltena,
,- ,,,,,i aboa_nable pk .. tbal thi > are jt\
iiWAHlMHep., Mlcblalao oppoflfld any latarft
rei re wil n bui.-?
Mr. ti otioii falled by M to 39, aa fotlowa:
i i-i,
' ? I! ''?'
, ?|. s , twerl ?i ...ii?ii.
; >!"?' II (B? I. ??!
Pua "
I ? . . ', ii , ? ?
, ?,i,u Hm '.r*1': ?
nu. im.ia> aii aiti aunpa i:u i
waa tiki n up i m i|iii-'i"ii waa on tbe reraalnder ??f tlu?
ainenduiei.U reported iy Mi "'"d??raiin (Mo ,
optioaltioii waa in..'I- bj Mr. HOWE (Kep., Wla.) and
othera toaeveral ol the amendmeuU making appropria
tmii-. im tba removaJ of Indlaoa t? aaw raaeryattona
mi!. i treatj. wbli b, bowevi r. wi re agrei d to,
VI t io, wltbout ha-. Ing coualdered all the amendmenU,
lb< Meuate wenl Into execottve aaaa. and, in afea
Dilnuteatbereafter,took ? recoaaantll Ttoclock.
M, i a i 11 i i. iKi v ? ?- J.)eaUad nptba iml authortz
Ing tbe Manufacturera' Natlonal Baaa of Baa ."ikto
, bange lti Im-atlon. Pai ? d
Mi MiiKi. an . ;.h .1 u|. tin- J'iiiit reaolutlon for tkaro
lu I nf i'll.i M, < aiin -Ii.ii k, rturvi-jnr nf tlio I'mt i,f
Albany. Paaaed
Mi Ml NDKICKfl 'Iniii , iml i entered a moaon to re
eail the lull reatortng topolitlral rir-iiu cartaln peraona
Inthe Hmiihirii Btatea ll? hail uuderal.1 iliat it ra
moved tbo dlaabilltiee ol tbe Radlcal membera of tba
Oeorgia l/eglflature, bul not of tbelr opponenta in tho
aamabody. Maoondomnod attckdbjarltwiaatlafl wgtala
Mr BTBWABT fBop., Bot.) oaUed ap tbe Mllantbor
IzUur'tbe purcbaae "f cartaln pablle Uinda In Alabama;
i,.i-i.-ii. (tmafcealanda la oartataooaaUflaaaaaM Mb
.,. i to aale ui nther public laada. .
Mi KAM8EY (Kep.. Mlnn.) ealled np tbo Hooao Wll to
fiiiiin i ameod the poatal Uwa. Tbe < ommlttee on Poal
Otticea and Poal Koada reported a numbor of ameud
ineiita. cblefly in regard to tbe deUlla "f tbe money order
ayatcm, wblcb wera agroed to, aad tbo bill waa paaaed
()ne "f tke ameudmcnta autbortxea thi appolntmenl "f a
hnpi iinti inh nt of Poraiga btaila, at ? aabvy af t-i.uoo ?
}'mi WILLBT ilteji, W Va j i'alli'il uji tbo btfl for tho
nliifof ILL Mi-niiaiit A Oo, aad Peter Koaancrana;
paaaed It makea an approprtatlon to remnnerato tbem
for cotton belonglng to t_aa oetaod by Ikfl Oaaataaaaat
ut Mobile,
Tba iii.iin.ri A|.i>ropriatioii ktll waa reeuBted.
An ai.iiiiiii. .1 dlacuaalon arn-.ii on an ameadment ny fhe
Committee "" Induui AffiUraapproprmtlnga*4^iootoc( m
olete iiii irrlgattngcanal on tbe ( oionulo Beaeryatlon m
a'ii/oii.i. Miii-ia HENDEKMON, DOOLITTLK, CON
NK*W and otlieraaopportisl tbe amendment, whlcb \sai
ounoaed by Meaer*. IKiWAHl). HOWE andotbera It
ipiieared from tbe diaeuaaton tbat 1*0,000 kaabeoa a|.
iiroprtated for tba parpoao, taa eaaal bofag reqairod ia
ranuer tbe land auitable for agrlcultural poraalta.
\., HENHEllBON (Mo.i bavuigentereil m tbe eoanfl
of iii- remarb Into tbe general aubje41 of Ibe anjuat treal
inriit of tba Indlana by tbe Uorerument, urglng that it n
nreferable to expcud money In aupportlng tboai and lu
teachlng tbemtno artaof paaofl ntbai Ikaa la uiaking
war iiiiou tbem. .
Mi lloW AKD rt plied tbat the itorlei of tii|u?tlre nf
the white aian to tba i.r ladlaa aroallromanoe Boltable
for newapaperpoetry ornovela wiih yelkiw eovata. In
bm 'ipllilon tbe Inillalin fliniilil lu- ii-ln"'-1 d to a PUVOC
wbere tbla expendlture wnuiii not ka ratjalrafi
The Hiutiiiliii. ni w^i agreed tn.
Tbe Commlttee'a ameudmeuta havink' boen inof-tiy
' -iti'l. Oll lli"
airreed t" fuitlu-i ameudmeuta were adopted. <>n iim
tmii of Meaara < OLE, POMEHOY, aml THAYEB, tba
offered by tbe latter, belng a provieo vMihliiininiK money
aniiroiirtated totbe Creek Indlanauatil tboaoof tfrlcau
ii!i-ii nt aud who were refuaed aabareof moneyadiatrlb
iii.il iiii-viiiii- t" March 14, IBBT, by l^'U"' v- Bogy.Coaa
miaalonerof Indlan Aflalra, aball l"- pald therefrom ajicr
capita ilivideiid equal t" Ibe amoant rofoaad tbem.
In.- lull wiii tlu ii paaaed, aad icoei tO the lUmne for
coi ' iiriiiii-e in tbe ameudmeuta.
?ii i ON.NE&3 itroyfl to bave th* ??'" ' " the protcctiou
ef ti.e ri^tit-. <>r AaaarteeB etttiaae aaraad Baaatotlaeepeeial
.T.I. r f(ir t,, BBorrow, tint no ijuoruiu appearmg, the tien
<??, at n ./, i.k-K, adjoiirn. .1.
iiorsi: oi-' kfci'Ui.Hi:NTATivi:s.
Mr. (PNEILL (K.p.. Paana.) tapuatei baack
the s+ii.ir,. inii to kaaae a ragaataf ta lbe BrttaBhbmit fertg
Blgklaal .Maiy.owiie.liiiHatfllarbor.New York. Paaajll
Iha Beaea raeaaned tho Mi**ouri eooneatod aaaaaaaa
aaaa <>f bwatalee ageaaat aakaetaea,
Mr. UKNJAMIN iK.p., Mo.) concluded hls arpument
aKiiiimt ti,.. report of th.- Cominittee on Klortioua, whieh
dailanelaationlaataalealllled t<> in??^i.t. Thadrtftol
Mr. lii-tiiatuliiHiirkfiiiiieut waa direeted BgBtaet the l.-y
alty ..f th.. uMitaataat. who had edttai a IWaval Baarapa.
I?r Iu IflMoarl. ... ,?
Mr WlK-nN iK.'p, Iiiw.i) moved that tho qaeattOD l>e
referred bacb to tae Committee on EleeUoaa, wltbip
atracUou io imiuire nito tae leyatty ut dweyatcy of the
Mr HWIT7.I.KK, tho eor.t.-Htant, addreaned the Iloiiae.
elalmlni tbal be Bad aerer beea diatoyal, admHtlng that
ke h.uiiaever baea aa AboUUoajat, aad tkrowtag ba.-k
th.-. Barn npoo kla eppoa. at, wim ha.l ,.l?o baaa a uewa
Mr BUTl.ER(Rep.,Maaa | roadea reperl froaa thecnm
mltteeof Oufereuce ?>n tbe Invali.l Peaakin Appropria
tnm imt tbe point ol dlaagreemenl havinx been upon tho
diapoaiueutii taoNaral naataa Paad. The rapeei ?aa
UlMi. ll to. .
Mr. CHANLEB d'-.p., N- T.) preeeatad a petmoa ot
offleeraof the Army for tba paaaaaeof a bill toeqaallsa
lbe paj "f aUDBia. aad toeatabllahtha payefennataini
dlata , ., ...
ihe Btlaaoarl eleeUon eaae waa reaamed, and Mr. a.n
DKKHON |Kep.), tba llttlag ..i.-n.b.-r, r.pli.d to the coii
leHt?ut'H ipeeeb. ,
Mr POLAJiD rfC> p., VI.) m.vl.-i hrn-f artrtini'-nt ataniNt
Mr. Wllaou'a in..ti.ni to recoaunlt, wbicb be *.n.l waa
wii.piy lataaded to poatpoaa adeeMea ef tawgaaaaaaa
in.nl nexl m, r-ion.
Mr. wiixi.N llowa) repodlated any raen Intention.
Mr. Wil..'a iii.iti.-n waa ajrreed to , aaa, W, Naya, 42.
Mr.8CUKHCK (Rep.,Oblo) raportad baaa,wtta tinr
leea ameiMliaeuta,
tiik rtnronra mti.
Mr. BCHENCK ii>.k.-d tbat tl?- ktll and ati.i inlmontH ho
priiiii-.i, aad aaade tae apectal ordai f?r la-Baeerow, iu.
nif.ii.ii.iy after the reading "f tbe JoaraaL
Mr QABFIRLU (Bep..Ohlo) Imiuired aboattaapoal
ti,,ii ?.f tin- inii for tba reauetion ol tbearay.
Tho 8PKAKKK repUed tbat wbea ao otber baalneaeof
a privllnged cbaractei waa before tbe limiv: tbeAraay
inii would I"- i.'-<iiii..-<l aa unflntaaed boatiieea,
Mr. liANU tl.l.lDcu.., l'.-iin.j ealled for tho reudlng of
Tu.. auieudtneiita were read. The tirst Uaalta Ihade>
i.iiiiiin it,.ui of IhjikIw to be Ueued ta V>? boatlai Iba aaaead
itrtkea oul tue deacrlptioo >.t boada an 20. ag, aad 411
,,,lh ,.|,. .n.ii Baakea all tba bonda ?Qyeara, bearlng
roia luUreal al 3 '?'? 108 per eent, per aanuto, The tblrd,
fo.uth Bftb,alxtb,andaereatb,ararerbal obaagea rea
.I,...I iMM-fMMiry o> Un???.onii. Tbeelgbtb ^tr'U.-Mout the
thir.l M-.iioii. aml labatltuteoforlttbefpllpwlnir:
lba.tkekold?rof ?i?la?fdlB.ij af Iba L'altaa' Mat... to ih*
? iD...int of ? -' ..r anv iuu:ii|.!. ' rantbaaaaaa Irta baa*.
f..r an .u .ai ?h.'-uiii MiaariK ? b? laa Irat aa. Uaa af IMa art. aaaeraacb
rabM ?aJ raaalati?a aa Mw Bauaaaiy ??( >h?- Traaaari m.r pitKt\.r,
/,... i,i,,| t..?t...r.,r. ra.- .1.1 Mt h* allo?r.l a: lu. tnne ? !,. u
,,,, ,.,,., ,,| C ,11, d ,-Ulr. u?lr> wuUtai 4iB/ '? r.-I ,..-.! I.. giM.aOO.Uai
a .1 mi b?Uai .a au. ,if Ui. b?i '" Uw nr.t aaa...... at
i,. m t mi i.rr..m iba >??.<? ta iba 1 raaaarai af tu l .nt^o Btaaaa, a...
iba i altad Btata. bi Iba \>r adpal ai,.l aa. raai
,?:,,.,. i,.,. ,,r, .1.11 rr.;..n. ti a aaaaa 10 lawful
,:.J -ui'.. .alna tl.- i altad .-tat. ?
,1 .ii aaw.al lu + M'.iflU '*?" aad ?'.-1..1 iball .,??'.
aftrl tt.t L'aitad Matr, lure r.?u:i...l Iba |.ii.'i,l ?I aafa BM
:u,<ntH 10 and 11 are v.-rt'al The tttfe propos.?
th.- lollowingaaa n.-? aeetloB :
ti,r ui ,>n aa) i.i.<?>?.- arWaj fr.,m tba aaaaa and othar
iii.i.at brariaa a??on?.?-i of tbc U.it*?l BUM f* .'. ?? to .... j.,-.. ,
Huta il.i. .i|,.it. Ih.Ii i ??? ? "' "??'l'?? '
?,,;,,? ,.,.,??Jt. ,.r :.- - f tbaTraaaaiy al taa Ualiad
? ?
r. . ? ?
?,,1 M?t-a i. ? ? '
' tb..I
.... ai tt.r aaa a* tba layaaal af aaaa
""'m/'i' \m> m '- 'I'em.. I'.-ni. i niada ihe pou.tof arder
ih'-it the eeooud aeetloaol tbe bill makeaaaappropria
tio'ii, and tbal II maat bave IU eeaaldanllaa la CaaaaiH
t, r of lbe Wliol.- ...
TbeHI'KAKKUaoatalnedtbepolntof order.
The i.ill aud aruei.diDei.ti aew ordered to be prtnted
and reiouimilted, Nigctber wlth tbe ameudinenu pro
uuaedbi M.-i- Btdieiick, Nlblack, aud DoatwelL
\ii ii. .1 rWKLI. tuade a report on tbe bill toaalkorlia
, . . ,.? in l .,.. I %.. i,:iv.?
the titupurarj aupplylug of v........ n- "',"'"' ?"
l.,,,,,!,,,..,!-. whU waareHicted Veaa.aa/Naya?7.
:-', iio- II,.ii--. al I" BlnuU - before j o .io< k, look ? re
,?,??.?? uiitil 74 f"i B*u. i ?1 d. '
I ,i ... reaam-uibU-d at 7| o'.-lo.-k. the tli.rin.m.. t.-r
ln in. i ,
. , \ki K?ptNdnUMl Meaan Pomeroy, Lawrence
lOhiol ii.-l Kldndge lbe -? ? ? ' umiultteeon
provldlug lor racaaeJea m the KxaaaUra Uapart
? !,,.? ??. nl Into Commlttea of tha Wheti Ui
Cullon. 11U I ln ii"-' Uaiir. forx' ?? -'?'' 'l;"'?''*?? .. ..
Mi HTONK 'I" ?" ? Ml1 ' "I"??'? :" ,l''' ""*' "f Mr' I'-.,{
I latter, arauiua that U ta tuoralj ai. appoaJ to li.c
( ,,.,V I V tt 1 V ? ?? IIIIIIKII t "I II"' ..'Hi'll>
Mr .inii. '!'.? p ? -s J.laaadaa agaaak on tha polltleal
ipoka ni defeaaaef Iba
RtM,ubhrau party, and ei l IU itantlard bearei
,., , ......t .mi a i.i.in wbwaa. .........f-r. v.ho?.- hiatory,
..... ?,u reeomu.I h"" "> the anpportof the
',.,'., . i it. foi the Vi.. 1're.idencj ttchuyler
; ' . :,.. ,.,?! |? au Old Une W/big; a uau of wboiu it
ll.- i- .i in.i.i ol tt..- lungcat
,i?, baaOlled ihe
HiM-uker'a cbalr lonirei "'??" any other mao except laj
. | llUI who, whea. rera - beeu intrtalnced to
, ii ,.ve imiIH ,... dlaabiliti. - Iruin Bouthern nien, baa caat
rioteforil a4tMii.?t tho aluioat eutire deleffatlou ol lm
.,,. ||,,,,. - ii ii tw I, tbal mi- u pttblkaa party
I h.i- uxade Ita leadore.
Mi MTKVFNMdti-p.l'euu.) waa the next apeaker. He
,?,,.,,,i |,,a rriuarka wltb ti.wolution whlcb he m
, .? 0grr io the llouae inatructlna tbe Comnuttee on
Mt,.M t.. luquire luto the exi*edleney of proTld
- .,. to parrbaVw i.^ ".. ?i Naval SUtlou and
iSf.H.ittiUeWe.l Indl. Mwii.la.lf ibeaaiuecanbe
j ,,; ,, ... Monabl. pnce,aad requirtugaegotiattooafor
,,? t>. I.,. luitiai. .1
Mr uil I I IMH ll'enn I ingaeated that hla ci
l, i.i , i, uiL.-..! bli oplnlon Unce the Allaaka blU waa auder
i-.,".? f the treat) iu. i rr, and aaked
wiii-thvi he would uol ex teprwidleg
ii n ivul ln i.i in the ludla Seal ....
ir stkvfSH replied thal concerning tbe tnatT
muki'i.* uower he uadne?er bad theleaatdoubl. He
,'k..i ....... th." umii.du.eut offered by Mr. Loughrtdge
u-iii, th.-.oii. ni i>- -i" ? of ii,<-< lutlrtnanol the Coiundttee
i' "j .t, im iBaukal. aa .... aliaurdltj Butthat
,. ' , . foi -i m "i" ' '."?^'"ii ll kad been paaaed
,V.u .. t.'i'l ??-. aadbo.?ed to tl.Kdaloaoftba
rfiitur. niwhaa he tboughl H lobeaoerror.
,,,, ?s I-, n lll i waa tbe neal ipeakar. ll? da
,-i ."..1 t , ? li.,... i'.a-''. platlonn a whlteaTa. pulcber fnll
, , , ,',?....>.-. a..imeutlntendedtoblde.deray
V, \ ,,1.1-i.pt...... attractlngattentlon u, ita raal
i1,' , ...' i..l.-x.-iin.k: dlaauat kyUiefalaityofltt la
,n- lleenticlaed tbepera..I ol tk.ren
, .' V, ..?,,,., it.-d .-.-yii.oir aud Blalr. lnalaUng tbal
hT,^the?iSemenThal .urteS rerolution and rebel
' , | , -, , ,.?,-.-.1Mi.- Hiia.i.i.ilp.irt ofth.. pUtf. -. in
aiwanare and diluaion, lual-tlugthat ll waat^elora
t ., t .-i-t ile noiniuatlon, and that tbe maa
"';l ,",'/?, ,1 Ut .-it 'latforiu.il.- .?..nir.i.i.dtl.at
:K.' K ?Vo.?.'"i.'.". "howiog that in tbe New
Vurk I'onvrution wereltebela, tbeir lympathixera, tbelr
a "? . i ?. ? M. i...... vM.ohol al.l by the countrj
' - .' i, .it were lured away Irom tbelr mwrUig
1 V Jrwtlnatof nower. On tbe otber hand tboae
whoeo^prutea the^Cbleago Jjoarentlon were maa who
i, ",' ni.-- ii.ii.nr) and bad ?].lb, Ujolrcoaa
1 ' itatrtaui a.,.1 Bdreraltlea, I be Kepublleane, be
,'dj.::!! ...ni.......-'.a.,a......d..d'-;:?-;/-,:;?,";?;;;;;
th? iiubllo dabt alnce tbe war, aad tae aaeaaer t lainieu
for bla l,i,p..rti.ilil>. paii.-'U-iii. B nl .fat? at.'> }' \>\
* Sff va SfiKlooK;'. 'tl a?.'.?.;....''..??.?
I? 1,.. .r> .I ll o KbllCM !?..'> ?.?l ..- I"' '? I
Joui II. '1 _^_^_____
?HlK ni'iT-'Vll.l.i; KnTSBar BTRIKE
HABJUaai 10, July W.-TbaScbnylbillCounty
Btrlkera han riaaaed aVipuaetawala Dajrpbia Coaaty,
aboi.i miaaaaabar, ieaaaadlag eeeapUaaeawitl taati
lanaaei lanatantagof tbawartm Thay aaraded wlth
draaaa, Uba, and lage, ?nd t^g^SS^ffSTuSf^tt
wlthoul etlertlng aartblng fbe BhajrUTof tkUcouuty
.mi in, .i.t.ntv are tbera uader inatructlooa froan tae
;,,;,;,;,? ',,'i^Mtbougbi ??..*?*<*******m*???*
pelled to depan for BebajrlktllOaaaty.
MjkJBAI insi;riHNMKM.\t.s( in'.'i
\Vi-rHni>, .I?"lv l*V?'Tbirtjr-four , pnpila
griHtaated UHtay. al tba Btata Noraial Bcbool at th.,
pi,.,,- it i- the targeal elaae etaeo Iha epi aiag uf tho ta
attlutloa. m
NATI..NAI. llOatllfO* '??A':J;IM,:! llVlf. ,,
Sfkinukii ">, Miuw.,Jiily 16.?The SpnuKlield
rn'ii, tbe ora-aulxeraof tbe Wattonal Roraa Bbow in tuia
ia K .11. announca a graud rallmoeUoa foi Bepteai
,ara it ,1 i'" it whlch l? '.Prizea are t.awarded
teo^^o7ronSlnVandt?.iwofortrottlng koi.Irer M
of'th. beal runnlug and trotttag boreea ta thaaoantry
ha^t- be. n proaua. <i
Thi. j,, i -li AMsnii'.
Tba rtiit.'d Btataa iteamer reported in i Smi
Prancwcodlapatcbaaloatontbe^PaclA. toaat muatbara
?.?:, the Huwat.ee, and nol the Wyonilng.aa Ihe lattec ta
,ui.Kiuoi.ln..io uii!i1-Mi....-!"ii.Vaij Tard
TftJ ti A. K. Dl M.MM
Bavoob. July la\?Tba Brat leiivi-aiiniial
BaeaUngof tbe Itoaartaaanl af tbe BtaiaeOraod Army of
IbaBepabuowae aald Mj thla eltj la-day.Oraad Coaa.
m.i.iir.i.oic.- I BealtMreatdlag. Thareportarepreaent
S* order m^u a flourlahli a condlUoa. Thlrt, elght
poaoere iaaaiaVaee ta tbe Btata, and aew Peataare er
ganizlng. The vacanciefl |D the liat of department
.iltieer* were fllM aa followa: Aaaintant InapOOtOT-Ooa
cral, John C laldwell of Ellaworth; Hiirgcon-i^eeral, h.
K Bawyat of BflagWt, Chaplain, H. P. Merrlll of I'nrtland.
Thia evenlug mtafMCUM exereioea w.'re beld in tbe Clty
II..1I. An oratlon waa deltyered by <len. C P. Mattocha
tif I'orthmd, and a aoeiu waa read tv Ln-ut. Oeorge A.
Manleti of Iowell, Ma**. At a later nour tbe delrgatea
fnun abroai were baudaomely entertalned at the Peuob
atot Excbaiige Uy tbe Hangor Poat.
ArjacflTA, July 15.?Tbe Deaboerafie preaaeTe
iK.tmii h i.iiv. Huiioek aml Oon. Moade for recommending
tbe Leglalature to parge Itaalf of BMmbora Ineuglbtoun
itir tbe thud aection of tbe i4tb artiele. Tbe Dciuoenita
fi ar tbat a ?ufflclenl oumber of tbat party may be ete< u-d
fnun tbe Logjakktnra 10 aooatfl a inajonty iu each llouae
fnr tba Bopaollooaa,
(iAI.veston, July 16.?Tho Convention Uik
elabBfl tbe aiitbonty to illvule tbe Btatfl under tbe
Reconatruotlon aofa, and aaa refaaod to eaaakaBT taa
lubjeet, uiili?I by direet autborlty from Oongruea.
Colcw-ma, July 16.-Fiiilirnk A. Sawyir.
fiiileetor of Int.rnal Ktvi nu.- at I 'hiirleat-oii. waeeb-eted
tiutes RakM BBBBtfff for tbe temi euding tfRtj OB tke
eiKhth baliot. Tbe voU? waa aa followa: Bawyer, 7C;
Maokoy.ojs Caarabatl (Doaaj,*.
Balbiob, July ic?EreryfJ-Bf iH qoiel h?;rr,
tboagk MM rniinieipal difllciilty reinalnn unsi-ttled. Tho
?iiii lltiaril ishtill in flfkoO, and tbe new Board doee not
?eoaj Ifctpoaed to praaa it" ciaim. it ia aaoawataai tbat
Ooa. Caabrbafl aooUaadtfl mterfara aakwa it i? nhown
tbat loyal aad oonatitatlonal autborlty ia roaleted. Tbe
l.iL-i-l.itun- baa not done much in general h-gihlation.
Tbe temper ?>f tbe body la decidedlr agalnal mlxed
?eboola or mlxed milltia. A mii i? beforotbfl Hoeaa
autbortxlng Gov. Ilohlen to appoinf municlpal ornoera.
N. PaigoA Ca. bave boea rkoaen Btate Printera. Tbo
excluded membera woro aliowad axUaaga aml aat diem
uji lu lu day.
Ati.ania, July IB.?Tbe Benate waa not in
?eaaton to-day, it m tuinved tbat thi' Oommlttee wiu re
port adrereeiy to expuhnOn. Tbe Boaaa mottbla inorn
iiik- Tbo riiiiirniau of tbe [ayeetlgatina Oommlttaa re?
ported tatlafaotory progreea, and be bopea to aubmit tbo
report to-morrow. It ia believed tbat tbe Oommlttoola
nnanlmona, aad tbal the Hoaal will bo ablo to tako
ipeedy aad ttaal aottoa.
yVlLMIROTOBi N. ('., .lulv 16.?Tbe mtinii ipal
ehition in n- exi iu d i.o mteii .-i, tbe i" ople belng dlvlded
concerulng ita legaUty. The vote waaligbt. Tbe " liadi
eoki " took aoparb_
Ithata, N. V., July IC?Tbe He_EaraCot>
lull bafl )UNt riielvid from the Uon. Ainln-w 1). Wblte,
l'n i-iili-nt nf tkfl I'ornell Unlvir?ity, now u> London, ad
vui- of tke aflkgaeaaaoat of Gakflwla bw_tki htfe Ptwawaat
ut oxfmii iiiiviMtv. m Prafaaoai of i-.iiajfjok aaiOoa
er .i < oaatitattoeal Mi-turv af Ooraoll rjalyarattr. ai?o,
nf ,i,i nu.). Laa of Betfaat, Iraland, aa Profeaaev of Veteri
nary Modlclne and Burgery. In addltion to bta gvoat
llteran repntntlon, tba Dobki ataad taken by Ooldwln
Bmltb ln bebalf of tbo Ualoa dartng onr bvte w.ir aMkoa
im engageuient a eanaa of eongratnlattoa. i'rofii.
huiith aml i,.iw will t.iiimn- realdenta "f Itbaoa, and <b
yote tbemaelvea t.i the leryloe "f tbe Unlyi i>uy from itx
eiiiiiiniiii-inii nt. Prealdent Whlte'epurcbaaeain i/<imi"ii
ai-n maka large and yalaablfl addltiona to tba Ubraiy aad
apparatna of tbe Unlyeratty.
N \-u\ ii.ii:, July Ui.- Last nigbt W. ('.
,l.i'a roaldeuco wm imteiad by JobaMart, a burglar.
He arouaed tbe aleepor La aaa of taa roomfl, wko at
tempti 'i to knoek bim down w::h a cbalr. Hart raa lato
eet.cloaely pnraued, aad moetlug a negro, who
attempted to atop hlm, atobbed bim In tne heart wltb a
long-biadodknlfe,killlng him LnataaUy. Bartwaoaa|>
tun .I aud i ommittod ti. [alL
Dtica, .lulv 16. ? IIaJor-Geo. Daniel K.
. .- -. ii.iih.l t_ia evening al the Butterfleld
in reapouae, be appeared on tbe balcouy, and
uiadeaahortandpltbyapeech. krery large multitude
arathrmx ln frool "f tbe ii.-i.-i, and tke (JeneraJ wu?
gn etod with cntbuWaaaw ebi ?
ClevelabDi Julv 16.?A Bpeeirtl cai weol
bi m i tbla noon wltb Mdelegatea to tbe Uanerul Couvi n
Uonof tba Beaal Borttb, to bo babl la Baw-Yatk Ctty on
Bunday noxt _
.... 1 iu- llmi. Aiimiii BariingaaM la ln Boatoa.
.. Onlyo i:i-!inke OLvinrcd iutliicatjo
.. Joha Haaa feU troraa third-otory windowol
? ,av, a-..l -*aa bl
.BuTflan robbed LRPleld'a Btore inNorth
_A iiiiintii i Of CBBCflpf siiiistroke OCCt?TOd ?I lo
Pollowingtbeadoptionof tln> Eigbt-Boorlaw
aa Naij-Yard, arixtt ?i? tuirai?i.r.: .l ?lJ h.i
...The tbennonetcr ln lowe City, yeatorday,
- .. .i IBi Rtte
.\n editorial oxcoiaion party from tbe Eaat,
? -. ...-ri.rj la Ckleaga ???liiflay. The j.an/
?Ul nait m Tfwikn I.. ? ???afcag.
_1 igfatninj -trurk Bereral bnildinga ln aml near
Mr .1 W. ' I " thaprl of the
ffnatarj al Kn.n II:.. ?a... .
(,,,?, Hayeobaaropriorod afia Vietor.wbo ta
until.Noe. *?, an.lp onlrre-l her to be
l.uuauc-Isv.iiin at .Nrwburif.
I hiiH-k of itorai aa Yopfoat., aad Bereral
i.-K.-.l,rr ?ith DniiuinnnuiliJOiUr^arJ,
:a> af.rrii.,uu. LaM ?kaj?l *??? S
....Mattbew Androanerof IVmia. lll..shot his wifo
, ? ? l[t,,. :-rl -.- a - iritlaw, faWiraay. Hr afterwardrom
uiitieJ aatoie. Bi* ialmaa -? atty* kot * H|lkWf u> liMVia
In afempbia laal eToning Honry Bbelby and
rroaab. ?k?tki k>na?
tLaauaiau. who ?ia the cmae
M.w 01 ii i r PBOM thi: >fis<issiiMT.
\\v bare expreaaed ou wi_BgaeM tbat tbe
Manchar Paaa ihould be opened tn New Drleana. b
it in .\ iu in- a good ih ii of produoe boro, wkllfl it caonot
dlvert t.. auotbor Baarkol any wklck ?e alroady baye.
We baye now to annoanoe tba preparaUon fnr another
eanal whlcb promlaea aomo adyantagoa pyoi? eyon taoaa
alreadylnoperatlon. Tbowork Ifl to bo dOMundera
et irter arauted in IN9 by the Leglalataro of Loniehenato
It "bard Htewart- If will be cul fnun a polnt oa tbe liyat
12 nulea below tbe dty Into a naylgablfl bayoa of i.ake
Borirne Tbe lengtb of tbe excavation will uotexi -
ln Im -iiid tbe work wlU coat tbe capltal mm of aa, -
Th" eorporatoi i are Jamefl ?l Noyea, W. W. Howe. ( yrufl
Buaeey/L. -i Hlgby, TbomaaJ. Dnraafc and ?. L Browa.
Tbe maln adyauugea clalmed for tbla roato are: l. a
Hivi.iifi.f 1'. mllea Uneal djatanee betwoen How^Woana
aud MuMle. i. Avoldlng tbo ahallow in I.ake Ponebar
,.,,' i Beeunnga better deptb of cbannel to the i.ulf
outlet tkan at pn tent euji>io>ca by from threa to iiiiiit
toetofwatar. m [B. o. BaBfltia,
Tki 8a* Fmucitto HulUtin snys: " Ab oartli
anaka wava whkk foUewed tbe recont eroptlon ln tbe
rfandwlchlalanda w.ia traaamittod to tbtacoaataad??
,, t,.l,,., the Ooyenunenl ?etfregiatorlng Ude flMnnaiBt
^ K a,, ><?" a...l Aatona ln anout flya Imura. On be
i-i,luf Deeembei i-'4, a almllar wava waa trananiltted
from the coaat ofJapauto the Ooldea Oata laill houra
liimiin Itwlllbe reoollected tbat tbla oarth;
i uake w.4V? , aiM'-l tkfl WTOCk Of tbfl RHMH Wgatfl
Dim i in ibe port of Blmoda and greal Iobb of llfo. I beoi
faeta wbieb *n derlved fnun tbe beat aatbortty, eooyoy
a v,-i-V Impreaalve Ideaof tbe tremcndoua power roquireil
to dlaturb tba whole body of aa ocoao.for ?dlaunooot
fnun < niiiu tftOO mllea, by a ni"\ emoot ilirtiuct fnun iu
ordinary tldal ia Ing. It ?111 be k en tbal tbe revulah.u
of the groat tldal waye at Bawall n aeked tbe eoaat. db>
tantover J.000 mllea,ln flye honra, and waa obaonri-d
?donga atretehof nhorii ovcr ti gaaaaafawsaiaaaaawta
iaag?." _ m_
Oneof tlu- promiu'tit exeeative otaceri oi
tba < eatral PoeuV B_lraod aai ioelarad wltbla tba laal
t,., daj i ti.at tkbi road wui m tito"!"1'* to aaB Lako, aad
MaaoBgarawlll ta UMayMiltafWltaaattri kajgtbby
tbfl 4tb of Julv. tfta It l* pretty veita.n, now, tbat th. re
?. |bfl very httle.litfereii.eof tune U3 tkfl eO_ph)ttoaOf
??_ ?,?i,ii4,|i Tbfl lili'diili.ui iiini'unt* tii tbla in ein-i't:
? a " " 4.b of .lulv. 1*30. paatengara wlllbeableto
tV, v ? iv conUnuoui rall atroaa the i onttnent, froui n...
V-rt.'iM.. to KewYork. Btrange a* th.- propoaltlon
!,':-??- a.e not preparod to controyertlt ttatwo
;., t ciimnoniee bave auraioantod tbe groatoat pbataclea
t tn are to be eueountoredonthrtr reapecUyalloea.
J"L haanaaaedtba wmmlto. tboklgkoal Intoryoniag
nmiint_lurangea,and la nowon tbe "homa-atretca. ibo
Sn, winter weather wlll nol Interfere. aa h.retofore
wurtbeoro?TeB?o?*t??work' 0n,> a llroitod force eould
,, l .- 1-..1 '" the deep mountaln cut* bnt upon the
^u^aidmoreopencountr/gaugaof men caaTbe dta
PJibufedTat v?rloua|H>mu Brlgham Young.l apfioare.
h_? not oulv contracted to bmld a aection of tke road
?. s"ii i\k,- eaatward. bnt la likely to undertaka qalto
, r^. a i i f.-r the ?Vutrai Pac.floBatlroad. weat of
s.itlau. J '...at...t Bunford waa al tbe lattorj.d
i;, ,.,u a ago ??? '?*" ?? UttUdoubttha arrai-ge
"! , l,.l Wltb V.1111,4.' foi MHllllM.il.ll ?
'1 ,, i i n ... a large ihipmeul ol rallwaj ron.
ni . tn nt t" ?,ow tuna.li lo be aent aeroaathe
i. in... doien >h!p. are undercbarterto briog
SSbJwayoft-aiH Horn.1 Baa maclaoo Balletia
Parik, July 1?.?The Monitmr thm inoriiiiii: has a
Bjajcfie artii-le on the Mibje.-t of tho six-e. !i r.cently
delivered by ManpiiM de Momtier, the Mini.ster ol
Foreiini Atl'airs, before the C'orp* I^ititdatif. Tli?
MomUm ragaraa tbai spe.rh aa pewrtag tbat tne
policy of Fiatice ii one of inoderation. Notdepwill
be neglect4Ml on tho part of (,..v.-rninent whnh hae a
tendency to quiet the poblie inind. Franre will rare?
fi.ily abatafn froea Lnterrantioa ia QeraBaneBManaeaak.
bnt will extentl her PVaBpathy and <ii<oitrai.'em,.|it 'o
the intental n-fonns !at? ly iiiaiij.'iirated ia Auatna
and Turkey.
In the ca*e of tho I'liited Statea BaPtbaal tha MaajrBj
Arnian, the balldan of tba lieeknlaab for tho (onf, <u
orate Government, the arininienta for the ptaaaaab,
tfaaa and iliaaaaa were o.ni.iuii. ,1 laataeabMr. 'iLa
C'ourt will render its doehdnn within a fortnight.
CBAjTOBI in Tiih miligMI,
[aajBOff, .July lr',.?Important abang? in the 1'ortu
gneao Ifiniatry havnyaal baaa anno.me.d. Tho Dnke
<h- Soiilc, Coiuicilor of .State, has lwen appointed
Ifintatitr of tho taaariag and of leeaiga Attaim.
Couni ilor l-'.nao la ('arhallo Marf.-ni ha.s been
traaafaarnd to tho Mmi.stry of laataaaaajaf PahBe
Worsh.p. Li.-iif.-Coi. Cryaoataaaa ia Ahena ?? Baeaaaj
fonni rly ]iir<-<tor (..-neral of 1'iihlii: Wofka, baa lieon
piaeed at tbe haad of tbal department aa Mii.ia.ter ol
Pabtte Werba OaaaBcaaar (arhallo baa been made
Ifioiatar of tbeaaaxine,ajai C'ouucilor Btata Minia*
terof I'inaiice. _
TIIK PALL Off m maita KKyg KXI'K. TKI>.
LataaoM, July l.;.?The BaaUaaaaaaeg from KioJa*
neiro baa aiiiv.-.l at this port. Sho hriiiKH tho inteU
UgOBbM that tbe eaiiy fall ef tba Paragnayan stroiiK?
nold, H.iinaita, waa coriliilently expeeted hy tha
allies. in <-oii-.e<|ti.-ti.-o of the waakaaaa of its jrarri-,
BOat, Tho lai-t ofihial diapat.hes from that point
r.-porteil tliat Qeo. LopM had only 0,<XX; iiien wilhia
the iutreiicbuients. _
Pul.iri. AI. AKKK-T?.
I.nM.oN. Joly iu.?Two pereeeaa bnre beea tfreatel
atPorto MaorlfJo, Italy, tm the eharge of ?-nli-tn,g
Baaa for an insurrectionai v iiiov.-inent in Spaiu.
I.iiNi.oN, Jalj io.- The oiiuial raiorne af tba bbbbbI
af BagfBnd, faat aaade pabtte, abow tbai tba Baaaankf
of BpeeJa ia ita ranlta La? deawaaaad OMJNt iterling
daring tho past w-.-.-k.
TUB1 n;"M rHI OOUMTBY?-<;i-.N. ajOHAOAi
}| | |.. I- ur i 1VII. WAI ll'UN TIIK (JUCNKTYa
FrutnUur Bpadal Corrn,
La Giatra. June21, MM
Matt.is liave at len^tli reaeln-.l B a-risis ia
Ve:n-/..lel.-i, ai;.1 the r.-volut!"iiary inov.'iii.-iit BBeeae to ba
oa tba ?-\e of ti?i.iinphiiiir. Praatdaal i-'ai.on heMeataal
kaag aa ba aoald, iichtnin tha laaavgaat aaraaaia thorteid,
and aeaploylBg al tha aaaaa bbm Iha arts of dtagaaaaeg in,
onlerto eolifiluto htl politi.-at oppoiieiita. liut all hia
oaawta han baaa m raia. Hia Bllltary operatloaa hara
pawrad aaaaoeaaaral Bia ?> *aaaaa?a or reaaaclliBilaaaaal
,.j,..w i_jaacmlnd hy hia aaaeBBaa, and, radabaaal
to tae laal axtBaaaity, lafl arithaal an anay <>u arhlak baa
eoafld dapead aad without ujoney, he has been roninelleot
ttv, taken refu^o ln the I-laial of
, Bul be lm* not an.li..if.-.l. He "till regarda
iU'hifnl Preatdent ?>f the K< publie, aud, ia
leanng, be wrote a letter t<> Qen. Braxnal, the aetu k?
Pi.-i.i.nt. wbobaa been tl*fl.tii,#f on bla m.i<\ aad i? ira
ronitnai .1 ol what la called tbe Conatltutlonal Araay, lattj
? inpretty plala terau that h<> baa t.y boBaeaaaj
abaudoneiftheeonBlet, aad tbat if the Venezn,'i:tuidoi
not nin.it What th.-v ure about iu appointmn Iiih aiiereaaoa
be will glve niore troubleyet. Hi- vhaii..??. howcver, ?i?
rery aaiaU iud--ed, of arer regalning p..wer la thia
nountry, for not only are bla aamerwui anemlea reryj
t.nt.T atralnat hlm. but moat ofbla frlenda l.ave iteco.bef,
? l. UnlearlBg tba eapHal aaaaa weeka eiuceha
went to Puerto CabeUo, aml after reating tbara aa loag ad
lu- conalder. .1 tt ^afe todo bo, he theti retlred to Coro. Ihej
eapitaloftbe Btata <>f c?ro. wblcb Btata and Clty barel
beea ln pa-t tlBBaa hu Btroagbold an.t favorlte n-Hidenee^
liut .-v.-ii there, liiHte.nl of beiiK OOrdlally t.-eelMd by hl?
old frlenda, ln- mrt wlth a rery cold reception, and f<>.n,.|
to liisaKtonwbui.-.it and ili-n.ay that tbe revoinUonary*
aplnt had gataed eompUle a-ceiiilainr ln the Mate.J
There aeena tben to be no bope h-ft for Falcon, wko kj
doouied to abara the fate of tba many Preaidenta at
Venesuela wboaa teraa <>f power baa baaaeut eborl bjr
revolutlon. And tba abapaar of reroluttoa, it a ta bO
learotLwitl aol aad wtth bla orertbrow. The rerolu*
tiouary Miint?that eurse of tba Bpaaiab Aaierteaa Boi
laiblici-naa bociiine a chroBie dlaeaae in tbta country,
Whicb for the laat 2" y.ars kaa BOt known repoaa. At tha
.\iiiration of tlna inue wo tlud (Jea. Monajtaa, ?lw*a*
I'reaideiit of the Republic lu 1AM, xr"?" hoary ui ci.il
couflit'ta. aKain U fiie fl,M. an.l ll l* not luiprohahle that
he wlll ho reatoied topowur.
By aa arrangeaMnt aaade prerlooa to Faleon'a <lep.ir?
tnr.' (ien. liuriiai waa nia.le i-.vil (iovernor oi the repiib*
Ue aml (jen. K..)a?, Connnander in-Chi.-f or Ita BUlItarjaj
forcea anttl Congreaa eoold b.- called t4>getberto akea
?i new Preatdent. After Pateon left, propoaala r..raceaaa-i
tlon of boatiUUea, and lbe reoonclhaUon of iwrtlaa, w.-ia
niaiU-to Moiia?;wi by Burzual aad Bojaa, but ka haa ...
niateiiovernu.ent. Martn.l lawlbaa been proclalmed lo
L'araecae, audhi-re the natioiial forcea are concentrated;
^ilhothpartl-sare pnparlng t , be Bnal eti
which, it li expeeted, wlll tuke piavo ln a I. a daj -
clty ia bealeged by th? rarolutionary foiwa, whoae nuu?
b-fs are io graat, aad wboaa iplnta are ao blab, tn.it tua
laauecan hardlv be conaidered dotibtful. Moiuik?i '? ""'*
maatarof tbealtaatloB, aud. fr.uu preacntappearaaeee.
he will aoou graap the r.-ma of power agaln.
Theae revouitioiiary Btrogglea are worklng t< rnh e mia
tuef to tho in.luatnol Intereata of Veneiuela. ihe te
euu-rp.l^ h*n been wipeadoIaa"tbere.ultol conBteucaj
belua destroyed, and. altbougb atu rouiided ^ ith a pi a
S oftbeelanieuta of wealtb, u..- l-'pl'-ar,- p nei a.;r
inwauteof ntlaerable porertr. At p..- -,. t d,? . aet
aoi..-i.r rroaa wluil auwrtef the renieiiusa for aacu m
latuoutable etat.' ol UUnga are to eoti..-.
rHI Alr.VtU Of TBB ilUNiMKI'!-^'l:sl'Al/
Hav\s4.,Jh1v1o.-TIh> Fn.-n.li mail af I aui.T
l,.iaa?riN..liro... Vera < nu, July 12. BB* tatagB H.efoU
lowlBgiataUlgeaMfraaa the aatarlae al afaxiaa: Tae.
atfa r of II M. S. ClBBtlllnT lemaitied u.i^ettle.l. I r.-'i
daatJaataaaaalaenierdante OaatOaraaata han tha
CBMaaaa Baaaa eaaeaea ut aTenthw wiaaf h ton tko
.ivlL-oiirUfortnal. aad that a tbotOUffb i.ivea;.t:at:.,.k
be n.ade wtotbeu ooadael aad the actton -f tba Brliiah,
-ou,u 'lu.ler. Tbe tnouey taken from tbe poraerol tkw
iiau M.-.-r waa to I.,-k,pt .... depoelt u.it.l the eon.-lu.
a. h.f thetnai. Prlrateorderawan at thalaaaaa Uaaa
diap^nedtoben.Corona to repal bj forea awaaral
11. k by the Brltish Conuaaader. Darina tkepaal fort
SlittMoal aaoaaal traaouUllty had twaraj^i^oal
the Kepublio, An otti.-ial ournal deulea ti.e tratkof tha
?porttbat the Mexicau bon-t I.ol.b-ra in U.e ... t.-d
Ktiteahad beldameeUug ln New-'Vork atwhlcB(U>n.
;-tuii."..-.p.. >.-.,.. The difflcultyina?klngaj^ao.
torrarrintemeut ol tbe Cabient atlll coutluued Mer.
nhanta wereinucb^alirtnetlby the acUonol aoneof tha
nortofapccle. BaHoHbal has been elected to
,, . .Vo.iKiea,. il,.- Boclety "f IMM.oti have elected
jhaaraa PTtildaal ot theu or^mi/ation.
Il.iMKiDH IV riiii..\i)i:!.rn!A.
\\r< Hardtng, who .lw.lt in a tcuemenl lunt!?o
on'ivnl. -t. Bbo?e Bootb. Pblladelpbla, waa luiiad bj kaf
baaaaad oa Wedaaaday, La a drnukru row.
DABOBgi POBBBBAOOWSD ? ruii.Ai'ii rntv
The ttremen <-t the Philadelpbia Oiib \NorkH,
about .??j in number,are onaatrtke for hlaker w'?>?','";
?n ,v have I- ei, gettioa %i li; th.-y aak an J^vaJiw0'*
per'eat. If tbe adrauceUaol Krautt-d the clty wUl ba
wltbonl Ugbi in lew thau thrae .laya
PlIILADKLPHIA, Jnl* la\-No aiiaiikrein.i't
hai ..!?!?. iiad.. with ,..,. iiaa-Worka atrik.-r* ... re ..ml
f. ara are entertalued tbal tba lupplr - ?.????* i. ? ?t ? "J
.;,.,::.,? ;:.:.:?, ?,ii:.M:n..c..ra.;t..,tj;..arwo.kaadv.rt.aa
| for mv meu to Cil lbe place. ol the atnki-n.

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