OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, July 18, 1868, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1868-07-18/ed-1/seq-2/

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M tTT/in DI lili, ?ni MUY ?III l.KNA CUT.
Hi ! i s \, Moat i in*. Territory.
I H Gallutiii City00 M?iinla\ toi another Ion.'
nrive to the chief eity of theTerritoiy. Before .start
tag] eUmbedahigfa bluff, oi liimstonci formation,
Ibat towen a? hetwaea the JafiErraaa and Oal
Rivera, and Lad a magnificent viow of tin three
riven lastly atrcaming oui of their respective va
while a few roda below their water- an united, and
11 | ie luvt in the Missouri, OS it pasees Off With
?iit?'ii energy through a narrow canon to the fat
north. As far as the eye can aee, the Oallatin,
Madi on, and Jefferson valleys pr?
lioit.iins, luxariant Gelds, and countless herds o? the
tUe, whih : ra and tin it
is tributarme are distinctly marked I
dense growth <?! timber on their banks Iwae
charmed with this beautiful prospect, ami lingered
i "i an bom to ? I? lightfnl <
v. fa t-.i. p ? ? i-h. <l waste ? distawtfr? m
A little mon ' . i ? . core yeai -
Lew is and Clark at and made
pf the W eat above were
l .ml m In.f the? minent statesmen
- ,.,. ilu- nation.
] besonn ? iri was in what wen
i wilds and wastes, whew the
home of the pale-faces would nevei he roared. To?
il", tli?. moat hoiiiitiful crops of the world are being
exathered in the valleys of the Cpppei Mi--.mii and
ii- > the va-t plains are dotted with
| ?? husbandmen. But,
een the inarch of progress here in the
i it, .- but ts ii fancy. Ii was not a ?
! 't planted a citj with W
h< n?l of the Missouri, a few yeai -
? ,i. d, \\ ith ii solitary < ?
II in- in the in u :,!.,.! liiM.,1 ; bill I
doul it they will return in a few years, ami
rom ! b'M .-Mi i has hm i navigated and
G at i n to the falls above
1 - miles by Hi ?
the 1 .! there are no ??' *t h ' re?
An int S''ut gentleman, who had been with the
PXp il. ?aim Mied me that
I lissouri in the dryesl -
i at most Will see B '?
from the rails into the I
?l eaJtfa "I Mout
w bile Hi ome up iron
i . City ?
. and the ri? h pi ne? ? ol the
i '., ins] Rtv? i and Mu.scli
h ...ey from
the M MUind. Tin wonderful :
ful valleys will fully supply I ra, mid the
savage will recede or ?lie before this "manifest
I . the head of the Missouri I stared i
we rtv irtl il m the tmnks <?; '
tin. rd the north across a gradual divide ol
T. ?i es. The day w,aa wann, and 15 miles o? ano
? ut water, tire?!, both t
:r .t . we land? don Milton < i
w t'\ sto iped to ?line and
i inevitable Missonrian wasourhost
i l v. as not
?? "ii ;..i
i Gen. P ng with Wilke* Booth. We
and ? n their op d got
? i
A\e i ' .
1l '?
? ? only sor.; .
? i almost drained bj tin miners on the
Miss i Ii ha- an abundance ?>i
i and niau.i
rimo Crow
othei >..\
h ? m :n Oallatin. Hen, f?i
1 ? - .1 found 11
.Ij growth ol
? dii ??le. and again I was on
i i. It is lined ?oils
larins. and the han i lient. As we pa
down the stream the bottom widened until
mu a int': .
laiuK null 'hills. Tlintnightw? ?
tin- 1 he < r \ Ol Hog?, n ::. a small. I
!? . amp that v- . ?, mil ?i>,
? ten miles ' plow is the ? l lernte
Gulch, the rii Ii? -i ol I .. r dis? overed. '
men id took away with them,
eon, a i n.; ui "hi. th. result oi their own labor. ? '
$150, anedupiuit in two days, last
and .t i- i.v largi ly, Its
i i the ? ?
Prom Hoggmn to this city it ?lay's drive
ovei anot b rdi\ ide i >uri and Prickly
Peai valleys, and the country presents the
torched and desolate-looking condition row to be
onnd evcryw hi re in tli?
enter? ?1 the Prickly I'. ar Valley, the Missouri hid it?
self behind a sei t lulls, and huge the
e closely as it toils on t.. the north, and the
creek that bean the name ol the valley winds around
and finds a passage to the river through tbo canons
which break the numerous ranges oi bluffs. The
valley Is very beaut if id, and quite productive, al?
though hundreds <>t aeres still invite the settler
within a mile of Helena. 1 presume there i- not
much difference betw? en the altitude of Pricklj Peal
\ ail. j sud the Gallatiu, but the differ? nee i- proba?
bly in favor of tht Gallatin, as vegetation is here not
?iiiite so much advauc? d. It is, however, susceptible
of cultivation generally, and will ouedaj be all ap?
propriated to the busliaudiiian. The best improved
ranch - ihe invariable name for a farm in the far
West) I have seen in Montana are in this valley, A
iinini.? i have risen to the dignity oi two-storied
bouse? n rare evidence <d progress in this country.
Helena Cits nestles in between a net-work of
mountain clins on the aouth-we?rt side ol the valley,
and, : '.. all mining camps, it started w ith two rows
of cabins in the gulch, divided by a very narrow
street. ?talo? ition is in Last Chance Gulch -nailed
because an old miner and ids son, after prospeel
the whole seasou, tried this gulch as their last chance
for " Winter grub." It proved ven' rich, and soon
titter an advent m on- prospector pushed up tue ravine
beyond the pay streak, and discovered am.tint rich
gulch. His h ist companion was a h nun grizzlj bear.
w In? It he shot ami feasted thereon- hen? e the title of
Grixzlj Gulch above the city, ii? i?? is the um t
marked >-\ id? nee ?>l progn -- to ?>?? found in Montana.
Virginia <'ity has handled the foitj <>t fifty mill
ol gold from AW? r Gulch, and is nouering (low d ? ii!i
the ebbing tide into substantial, legitimate I
but Helena basal! the vim. recklessness, extrava
canee, and Jolly propres? of a new camp. Itisbnl
little over two yean old, but it boast
iation. mole aolid men, more capital, mon- handsome
und well-filled stores, more ta-t boya and frail
woman, mon substance and pretense, more virtue
Mm! vice, non preschen and groggeriea, and
anote go-aheadatiyeiieas generally than any city m
the mountain mining regions, it has gradually
swell? d beyond the uai row, crooked gulch to the table
lauds, ami many be lutiful cottages adorn it- suburbs,
bat Mill guiltleesol -hade, or even the attempt to
aVOW tiees. They have not time lot thai yet, al?
though water is accessible, and they jostle along
ist and over each other in the hurried race for
ion une. leaving adommenl for the future.
i- sin i im mied by gulches, all more or Iom rich m th.
precious metala, and two ditches have been made five
unit fifteen miles to bring watei to the ban and
Kulchee m and sbonl this place. One ditch carries
LOOO incheaoi water, sud tlm otbei MO, but so
they have not proved profitable to cither ownei
iniut is. Th?-im i im the water is so high
that many ol tin : ?< le. Tlie only 11.
the eitj is a ehoi I nov n ..- ' hangn
tree." oh which i: do has yield) I
|0 the tell ?ble ?I
served ite purpoai. .; itiea are :
supr?me; its tup . s are already dead, und
It W ill SOi'tl llV? .
The wealth in p ? Helena
is truly wonderful. there are buudi
ban below thecitj which will be worked pre
in time, as facilities increase and labor ?heap, n.s; ami
tire miles up th gnlchleaw men hauling ?lirt
the lui! mis below,sod washing out
f'lind wag taiuly the moat ext?
?re ret itt na. and I share the <?.n\ ??
tion <?! the H? at thecity n
steadily rathei ?'!??. I had time to visit only
iwo.ii the man j I ?? this place, and as one ol
them is the only ? un i ily ileveloiied in the Ter?
ritory, I will be pan dngling it out in contrast
with the .-tupid sin. ' .i policy ..i both owneraand
npeculators,ofwhoi ttenin irevious let tors.
AS the lead is lint I'M -..' . DOI ?|.
able, I feel warranted in using it to illustrate what
judicious, legitimate effort will accomplish in Mon?
tana. Ii 's ?i\mi? ?i '?.? James W. Whitlacb, who came
to tin- mountain miues some yean ago from \V?-t i u
Pennsylvania without sufficient learning to enable
linn t.. read or write his name. After various t
ami ttow us of im tu' ?? m California ami Nevada, lie
rann- ben ami discovered tin- "Whitlacb l
lead. Instead of plunging it into speculation
about its development, without means, ami hestrog
??led on. sacrificing a large share oi his
loi want <>i capital, but carefully putting
??very dollar realized into development, until
in- has taken out over $150,0011 of bullion, and ha
to-day fJMO,OOU w it hin sight in Ins -hail- ami tiinm Is.
Jlis asina was not half so rich as man) othenon the
surface, and at times l noticed that it narrowed
down to a mere -? am between the. wall-, hut he p. !
aevered until he baa it now completely opened, ami
?will toon employ two or three mills m ii^ reduction.
M??st <d this valuable had h<- own-, exclusively,
while some 400 feel belongs to a mill enterprise in
which he is half owner, giving ball ol so much of
th?- lead lor hall ol a 30 stamp null erected and ready
to run. After developing his had and thoroughly
testing it, he can now command any amount ofiua
cbineryou it on profitable terms. Ill- ores yield sn
ave.iage of alxnit i*> p?r tun. Eastern apeculaton
?vili toll you of better miin-s than this one. hut prac?
tical minan who Lave- proven the value ol brndsbavi
few such stories to tell. Nineteen companies out of
twenty, constituted ;us urennmt Beatencorporation-?,
wouhihave bankruptedthcmeelveewhere one per?
severing mini i without capital, baa built np ? eoloa
eaJ fortune, and one thai neema iUinutaWe. ' would
advise partie? in the Last, who contemplat-c enhai k
iug in mining entorpriai a, to select on sensible buai
noss man to viail and learn the leeeon of the Whit
V.u-h mine before they buy their machinery. Bu1
few could fail to eucceed i< they would than atari
right_A- *? M.
THE SEA smi:.
i i rurroBS at thi bbabcb rm cottages
i.M.s ni mi. i;i;an. a,
rroa Owtpsaal 0
Lobo Bbabch, .July 17.-Tim aea hai pul
I mi^ry fu:\, ami great, marine, lni;it uni- bttl rw?
at hopaieet ntood. Taklag advaatage of Itegood
nature, hundred? bare plunged nt tha waves, and, aal
lUag with each foamy crest, have at the ead yielded ep
the fight, when after being teeaed in the eh by tax ea
vard a well, then thrown full length byabreekei eethe
aandy .shine, and rising, to i>- ive Um ?eene dripping tram
I -te 1111 ; \ to again be Ihrawa down by the next
nave that notices not the earreader. The bathli
lu:ht fnl. The aea ut warn, yet exbllaratinc, and, though
couquercd, when emerging the bathei I
Odd, it is the fountain ol youth thai Pnnee di I
believed was In thi l m Idas, 'I hen
can be none. Ropes have been placed, ?ecun
thai the bathei may have nothing to fear. 'I he bat bit a
i ostume is improved this y. ir, and I i "er and
wise disregard of all rule. What can be preti i than to
sei a bevj ol ladies In the embr ice ol the si a, and laugh?
ing al its'm leuei -, bu1 off ?rlth tbe o I
with it : "Casi n into tbe sea!" At ? but on the
bead of a pretty girl place thai forlorn inventi
scuttle, groci ry at Why deeti
picture with this i i ran he i
? ,, it, thi p i 'i oi beauty, than
a pretty girl with check? ros.i front the lift glviugplunge
ment retnrnlng from the i> ith.
n ? ?
I ?;?; , I ID b, lit h?f ??? li.li :
\\ i li her bet 'nn.
II ; ?? ." '.
A ? i i , -
.S.u ,. ?
[Milsi -
\> i- a and un v< !
.1 ' ^ ? ; k.
i , . tl . . ?? riierei aa n
..mo ?i irlor ia-t evi ning it seems to
i.e tbe intention ol I ue. that
-, mg the ?eins a 111 in- marked bj add
m -n . .lily gaining
,? Tbc i leganl palul nbcrir. " Long
; porti iys the scene
, .... ,.- i be hois i ? is built m
11. re is a v. ideaud i> an
tiful lawn m froul of the bou?e, win re the childrei play
i ii.,j,,i i. The drive hat bei widened, and non it in,.ki ?
lUl i .i\a!i .oh- l) it
. Mansion House h..- lu -t noue
oi its ancient glory. Qrafulla will furnish the muslo tin?
[lowland's Hotel was built over M years ago. It his
bad various additions. I ?rtable house.
Mr. Hov inducted It over 95 years, and will be
i. The Stetson House i
somcly furnished. 'I he .., i r- Tbe
.m ml .i half a mile north ol
'. n, those of the
di 'i. i- purol leed a bauds? -
i i . Char I i !
Sweet -i . , . : UM We \\:r
box, snd J.'i ' 'cat
.nl " line, I
i,i i i t
'Ith the h'.l . ?
lay R - i ..tie ra
from I':- mouth,
I : i ; ,
and Am
roads," S I, K. It., to
Amboy, and '?
Freehold. Fourth: 1 N
^ i,i;. in i: ,i : r ... i
i Long
Brauch :
ker, lim. ?t. und M
favor, t:.
. - much land a.s a man i i
e, they \
: fur tbe al
giunt pn rth. Ile
?aratious wen- wade in \wi; ?
feat. TI r jira I cent
for tbe even!. The d oudli -s
and auspli loi - ..... ... n wi
. and the I
.'. d aud confident,
I -il the
in ?.m; it v.;is buig and doubl I
Mire? hi? ant igoulst, bul In an
on m.- net. A mi im,i. run Ilirou rl
mm n.i.i wui ' lue t<>
neu in toil, haidj
proved too much for thi ? him, to the
ointmcnl oi ti,, tbe un?
ten then .i!l o?
hlorum bad two brotlu t -. und thi ;?
ineb reaching from t? ?? ?.
Hillbrook, embracing all lands lylun* north ol tin
road, from the sea to Batoutown )??
points, to tbe south of Shrewsbury,? I di Pond
amp, * hich wa? loi ?ted by one ol i In
well family A eonslden bb porti m
tlnued m tie , of i in Blocums uni ?
? now into otlier !.?:
Alter tbesettlcmi
purcha? d lauds from tbe agents ol lbe( ? .
which are in exist? uce over the signature ol
in , ,i- well us Indian wai ? at the
. ? ?-i acre ; and, feat
wli its ami the ln< l< mem j ol thi
upon tin- thi r bull? thi Ir little
dwelling? upon the site oil tie village,
maelvei tbe occupation of "
it ) eura < lap? d I Mattered to
\..ir-il thi ? i ?' it it became a
:,,,rh Shop?,
thi tow a i- am ui car some
nt 7n uew cottages have i ? -,
and some propel ty hasini.I in value sixteen-fold lu
four years, reafastate having lu
shown by tbe t.i\ h-t.
Tbe first gmnd bop of the ?eason will 1 re this
: at the Continental. (Jrafulla'i i:..i.il ?rill le- in
attendance, aud tbe splendor which bus ?lway? ?
this bouse will tend to
draw ' irgi a--i mh '
Bib: ?onr letter of the 14th ia received, me]
entnow going the rounds ol the Democratic
? bal the record? of th<- w ar I lepai tmenl show
Federal Prisoner? held smith.300,940
Ri be] Prlaonen hi Id North.MM
Federal Pi i Boath.B,
. i Prleonera db d Bonk.M,
In nnawer, I semi the following official document,
a hich ezpoeea the faisi bood of tbe ?tatemenl :
? ongreee, i < Rx. Doc.
istSeaalon. iHocei oi REritE?EXTATrvE? / ?
Lkttkh iiniM tin si. i;i i v i: v or Wan, in an
.i',,,,, o/Uu Bower, July 12,relatif* i^ik, number
i,i l n?nu m,'1 Hebei teidten who diedvthllt held ne
in i.. i ?
Ji i > : ?
WA! I'MVJil Ml \ 1. \\ \s|||\.\l |||l
July 19, i- 5
Bin: IneompUance ?ith a resolution of the lions? of
Reprew ntatlves, dated July llgflirectiiig the ."-? cretai i of
War to report tbe number of union ami Rebel soldiers
win i died while le-hi as piisonersol war, t b ive the honor
m iiy a report of the i 'omi
? .i| of Prteonet -
i. That twenty-six thousand fonr hundred and thirty
-i- deaths of Hebel prisoner? of war are reported.
il. I hat twenty two thousand live hnndred and seventy
ue reported as having died In Southern
i!., reports also ?how thai two hundred and twenty
i lu the Non
about one hundred uusand nine hundred
aud forty Union prisoners in tbe Boutb. Tour obedieul
ant, Bon is m. m into -,
.-? ,. tat v of u.U.
The Hon. Behuyler Colfax .
, i m the Honte of Repi
'I iiis ahowi that, as the reconl stood two yean ago,
of all Union pii-niieis i,,i,i smith 17.0per cent died in
the hamu of the Rebele, while ont 11 j per eenl of
theiis.li.il ]a our hands. Bui the difference against
the Ri ' reatei than appear? from this docu?
ment \\ t bare ? complete official record of all
Rebel nrieonora who died in our hands, bul we have
heeii a hie only to mal.c mit the record of Union piis
onen v, !?o died in Rebel hands as the proofs of death
l ave been filed from tune to time in the Wni Depart
m the Pi onion Office. Thooaand? of pensionen
an being added to the li?t each year, as the proof? of
ih it!i .ire ?mulshed, 'iln- ihn iiiiicnt 1 m ml yon is the
only official record that baa beeapnbUehad
Perj truly,yonra, j. a. ? vim h.i n.
/ 4Jia . B Jij i .
s\ii.ini; oi- BTUnOVABTJ
The Aiiii'iicaii lii.anl ;irc ?rjodJag out an BB?
usualaamheregnuaaaaanarkaabout Bsee? ?lays. Oath?
am n,-i,nit the Key. Mr. ihemnaea aatted ret Pt
China; en the nth the Bee. Messrs. Bnrnankaad Knapp,
with their famillea, returned to rentrai Turkey, ecoom
panli ii by four young woaaea, who ?--o oui as assistant? at
different mission? tbeMUsesKly, MiasTracy, and M.--S
in.tn; and on the sth ami ISth of next month the ReV M.
P. Parmebse and family, the Bev. J. E Pleree ead wtfe,
and the Key. K It. Cole ami wife, accompanied by hUaa
Van Duaee, and the Rev. r. h. win-eier's family, accom?
panied by Miss Pannelee ami ktte? iiam-r, are expected
earn to aaU far their renyeetlve m-ida of labor.?iiioston
sii k< ii oi BOBUrX TOOMBS,
A ?Milliw| ITtJl h?dil ?< H.ivis's Hall. Atlant
on the stli uirt., tu ratify the New-York nomination?, a
tin- fetlowMi assena aaatbaa tatieareiby ax-Uatl
f?tetrii?lraater. ami i v Bebe! Beeretarj of Mate Ben?
Tiimi;-, latlaa itiiiaaa. ferthaaj aalfa eaaara Th
kIkiw to tin- worut thai a aeaaatMBi el a tlamsaad aayi
if nut a thousand yi'in- anil the lOSSteg BfOa n-, not ?u
but tea thousand aevil have lesa aaaalttr '-*?*
ti.,' great baarl of the people ef Atlanta Iwsaldi
liMve it otlnrwi.se frntu.M'ii. for, in I he dSffcl -t ?I kj " of I
reeeal past the first \'""? afd?lasse b>tyraaayem
out of the ashes ef Atlanta Ton ktweassj rejetas i
bo hirrreslag ghat, i"t the eteetrtoaeeh ihsgrsal
Mliilin tit of in?"'.in ? ii l'a- 1" eii BUMS
..i. > the \\i',\ an.i analster to the waataof bbsb,sm
. limit ihtobraad htad (roMeoesi)ton.'....a, and fri
the i?!.?-.-, t.? t tu- golf, mea ai as m b III gtaddes the hM
M Oven liOlii'Ht 111,m III til?' liliiv ' I-'4. We liml, I
fui,- the graad tefuest of the Democratic per
of the Halted Mates, the graa
the v.i.iid ever i 1 i hi ive, art
it aadhoaeet asea of the country have been eos
ther, e Ithoat haste sad without p unsba, ai
nave mid down the principles upon which they bave i
? - grapple b Ith Hi" i "im) 'i :,
epoa the old Issdmsrl -, which aafrlyt arned a I
anoestoi - through i I
and M.Isbofl. landing tin do m dlj ou the rot k< f liber
mm of hope 'i i- y hsve adopted the great m adeems!
prim Iples ef bum M dave oped ta Magi
Charta; they have adopted prindpl r their o
i , ?. : of the i , snd the asi
Having proclaimed these principles upoa the be
neroi the Dem?crata party, the next thing t>. b .1
? a at the bead of the mov
ment who posaeeeed Um reo, 1 r, and who ha
provea hlmenlf 'i tus ai m baa b sa foaad
the Empire State of the Unioe The ahoutaof triumi
are echoing tbrongta tie- land, aad thouMUds and ban
reds el Umb ? mda of glad v.u. m ar.- crying, ?? 1
i.. ? White Man's Government " It is right
,.: - ..f the noblest
have he ib preeeuted i" the people oi ti
United 81 itee for their auffragee m i?-?sriif 1
truth ami 1 Igbt I would
j na, and I 11. .: the t.i\ 01 ;
? Ohio, whom I nave knot I long, vu u
mea true In pea
war. He aaa prove I 1 to the ho leal of ?
popular liberty, 01.lid II benelf, backed 1
la r Most 1 a question ?
fsvoriUs.t 1-.1 go -??.. ??' .' ? 1 1 when
a Hun. an ii ? mtry, from 01
end to the ?other, whocan ob)eet to the pi In? ,? ? of ? :
platform present? d to t]
the some ttbat am given neu titution of tt
: States regard ..f the peopl
and the rights of the States. W? baveno?
fon the bar of th? 1 ts I
: sv) 1 ..i- bS! 1 -M.iii.
\ I'.iairii rv. i.\ prln? I pie of m I
' .-r Souther
M tin
: 1 a. ei pt i. ?
re null and \
turn the 1 OUStitUtlon of tin I
1 1
? !? ili< ,t
1 ?
our proper)
of K
I ' '.
Mill I'.iV. '
nu 11 ?. . ? v? im ro
? . boom hi :
?in m. :
1 the Reputa
this nu asare "f Inlqu ty, I
vou t?. admit tin- i., gro t" ? ?
bi sve . ad noble m? ti (1 1
with you f.M ?
J OUI II ? '
\..u si
ol the pn lent. Bo numerous
the ???? .1- s lu. h th. m i? opta bave
upon you, that 1 ?brink from recounting them. Tbi
will? h we dally behold In ?
intry "< ed ? ? Ibere I lo Dot, tb< refore
tx ih re thai Un re les m m within the wund ol :
-t m.m anyu h< n, who will n
iiu.-i-im nt tojoin :. of the Democratic party oi
the 1
peace of t lie tyrant ..; 1: lasu
when be sent the pool Polea In - i, and at
ter having disposed of them In that manner. Issued ail
proclamation that M Ord? : nigua Ib
ter and eb? 11 .' ith? peace tbst Oeu. Grant wsuts.
1 ou another fa? 1 wbh ii Is enougb for ibis time.
the late wsi wseprodneed by the ?eftnled Demo
ball never hsve peace until it li
' in in it Gen. <'?.mt wat blmjoli
Um Demo? mtk party. tsay, bj ?od, th n
m Itbei despoUsm not tyrsnnj. m.r InJ ist ... meets witii
peace ta tbie world or the next. We waat no peace In
chains; peace worthy ol ii 1 him we want; and as w?
iia\. now no].Iblllty of Bgbtiag with the sword, let
a- light with the ballot box;
IP] 1 ' 11 BY MR. Pi mu 1 row.
At th?- Dernncratic st.it?- Convention of West
Virginia, In LI at QnftOfl on tin- 1Mb, Mr. OeorgB H l'.-n
dletoB delivered the follow lug address ;
N'a 1 h tlBMAB am' ?.i mi 1 mi n ? ft will I?- bapoaslbhi
for me to make myself beard Ib this immense audience
unless you keep ?inlet, and I shall ask Ibatwbllelam
-|i. akiug you w ill allow me to pre? e? .1 b Itbout Interrup
Ihm, I thank yon, genttamsn. for the very cordial reeep
tina you bave giren im- The Chairman of your Htau
Kxecutive ? ommlttee, when belnvlh il me loath ad > "nr
meeting to day, teld me that I had no truer friends In tbe
1 m,.mi Hi.in 1 would m. 11 in ii- in \vi--t Virginia Yen
bav? pravod his statement t-. be true. I came olmllent
toyoui liiddlng. I denired to see you, to make your \<>r
louai :u i|iiaiiii.iin'i-. and tonturn to youmj thanks for
tin warm and eonstanl support of your delegates to the
Natiouul Convention. I came ;<> show you that no per
Miual disappointment Ungen In my breast or damp?'iii
for sa Instant the ardor of mi egorts for tli?
- ..I jroui pa nit tint, fur
above all penonal consideration?, I rate the nh<
"f the principios m wbicb I believe, and that
a ho \ < 1 -hail i- um m hli n tic-' m In
ciplc* are Inscribed I ball tie found do?? bj It
the thli ki 1 ..( the Oghl tu ebeei bim wltb my roloeaud
to aid lo". ? n N my arm. I came tu m m upon you, i>. m
n. 1.11- a m 1 Kepubll 1 trample nuder root every
jin im--,-muh ami prejudici and paaalon, If It wen si
.I. u a ? life itself, and, rUlug tothehlgbtof this ere,it
?, tm. iii'tniii 1 that we hsve only a bfe to give and
a noble .'11111 enduring llovei ument to save. [Applause |
I alii a Ji n t) 111.m ; I SVOB It, but not, I t rust, M SU] DSI
row 01 -?i'i.iiiaii sense, lam attached from conviction
to the principle? of the Dei.nil? party. I have studied
it- bister? from the foundation of the Government, it
would be iMi|..i--iii|, ?,,r me to make in;- ->-lf heard In tbts
iiimieii-.' audience uuli \mi keepuuief, and l -lull a-i>
thai while l Mm ?peaking you ?ill sUewBM M pn
r. 4 without Interruption. I thank you, gentlemen,
for the verj cortil al reception you hsve Ju-t
pi.n me. In the -titr- 1 hsve found it to be tin
party ol liberty and progress In tbi federal Oorern
im mm 1 bave round it tobe the eiponentof that fun?
damental principle ot tin- Constitution that all powen
which are not granted are reserved It has been the eoa
ilstenl opponent of consolidation Ib the one system ami
? t. \r. Mive admlnisti itioti in the otb? 1. it b u hi 1 n al
ones the flrm suppoi terol the rights of the cit?tes and of
th? |UMt power? of th? federal Government In every
v.. 1?itini" nt our history it bas appeared to direct us
with its wtadom and to extricate u? b} lu courase, sad
to day it stands, a- it did in 1, m mi .i 17?, under the guld
anoe of Mr. Jefferson, pointing us te ti"- path of ?iifity,
wbJeh fat bow, m It wss then, the path of tbeConstltn
tion, of fraternal harmony sad peso? The Convention
m hah sat m Neu fork WM an allant assemblage. It
was tin true council or our party, it embra? ed our b? -t
and pUKMl and WUeM lui n. The mil nt tin StStM
v. 1- sailed, aad not one vas without a repre
si?iit.itive. The roll of the dUtricu was eslwd,
ami not OM of tin m wa.- mhwung. Tim do
trine ol Btate suicide ?as uoi reeoKiiued, the dlsso
hiti.ui of the l iin.ii v Hs nol acknowledged. Every s-t.it.
WM Invited ro be pn ? ut, and every BUM hum pted the
Invitation. Every BUU selected ?m ii eltlien as ?he
chose, and thus it happened North Caroltas and Booth
Carolina and UeorgM and Virginia,s.?' m In the iiivs of
the Revolution, infratfrnsl eouncll wit h MsMsehuaetta
snd New-York, and Fennsylrsma und Nsw-Jeney, aad
that Hamptoa and Preston and Forrest eat able by ?i?l?i
with titoadiiian and Morgan. The ?onveiitiou was tti?i
aiKuaud (he symbol aud (ho pruuUvcr ot s rosWrvd
Union and a harmonious people. It rose to the d
of Its IiirIi duty. Tbe eye? of the world were u|x
iirooccdinirs. (Jreater than the holy alliance which
agated is-ople and divided enptree, it* mission \?
enfranchise o |>ootile of our tiu?, to restore the urn
our Btatee and to niaiiitain the institutio
civil liberty. For the first time In their h
tire American people realized th.it freo Ri
ment was in danger und that the fate of the re|
trembled in tin- balance. They had been taugnl to i,
that freedom waa indigeuona in our aoll, andsht
their eyee to the tearhiuga of Mil history, ?hutting
eyes to the faOU , nnnecti-d Mltll oui own !? ?. .1
they had bugged i" themselves the delusion tl
whatever tern of faction, er ponton, er revolutu
fervor, liberty at h i-t waa ?ate. They had awal
from the dreaaa, and as they sent representatives i
Convention, they charged them as the dictator i
wae charged, to see tn it that no detriment hsppei
tbe republic. By a unanimous rota they had ado]
? ' ion ..f principles, tld.-lity to the constitution,
n v m th.. rjnion, fidelity to the right? of
M'.iti -. tiii, ilty t.. tin- ngbU "i the eltisene, tm
t.- Un- princlpl s of civil liberty, fidelity to
policy in matters of matters of finances and
ainm which, by paying the publie debt m legs
demotes, will lift from the shoulder? of labor tue
? ghteiilng thi
taxation v ill ?e< urc tn u the |u ??! a i In
and i.mt.nil.i industi prs.] 'I lie speaker tn,
v eulogistic terms n? im
li, iiii.i iiitn Convention, and said if anytbi
l to Ore the heart with enthusiasm let 11 be <l
from tin- contrasta Un oountrj to-day presented,
Id publican party had been m absolute i ?
?in- Where waa th.- Constitution they swore tn up]
Where was t|?- Union thoj iwora to maintain 1
in ? it s dilating na the course pursued bj lie- Repub
? ?n,- th. War, more p irtlcularlj a
instruction ol State?, in- wi ul on m i
greM bad usurped to Itself all power over tb
.i had, m f n !. del
Adverting tn th.- militari government, Mr reel
continued I' iarepr -din Ing in mir country t le lease
all lii-iors The despotism of the Legislative As,
i- the un--; .h ipotlaui in thi world It is tbe most si
tie- noet cruel, the mo?l anda loua ami theinosl
II ," ,i - aaarchy, and thta is ?pei dilj foil
by the calm ii nose ol tin- order of the sword Rocs
. ,,| tho Roman Renate and tbe Emperor? H
the history oi tn,- Long Part?a.it andthetyran
the Commonwealth Recall tin- hlston of the Leglsl
I ... ,,- Consulate ; ud tb?
, In -el in them tin- oertaln i ropliecy ?>: thi 11
, ; nn i"ii :! i ongreaslonal usui patioti ?li 'il n
. ourse. Have we : a part fulfl
i the Pn lei;' ol tbe |ust pew?
e ; mi baa ?..-?? ,i them h
h.d despoiled tm- Btatea of their right nt
governmi nt and vesb ?! them, bao, m Un
i: his given kin pn?' r or? di
.Itarj romniandors, and tn his decision i! ha
ti i n ,i ' evet v question of int i uud ei
Ai.it this -.inn- "i
a nus ?i.,?! :. im ked bj Ihe at my,
t m.. .1 I,?- all the militar) oi - bj \- hi :
n..me ihe-. m i, in- kmivA .. n ? voi ?.
>et rera
that he - ted Presid? ul .,r the l ? i. i r.-,I Hi
Ami tin- j m i\ which support? i
irpel bag
n. the i ?
you - ' tm danger '? ' I
tins reaull aiel -, : lu ret
i ,,,.,. i : .o :., i ai our t
.iii.l i ailed us i nul t - Appl.ii
D Napoleon i ? ou, young,
cniiutr) inen, in ., .cm n mm. Hei evei
meut, to qui 1 tb he did it effi
In four yi
? he I).
, iiposes to this wl ? i be Re
il from the d
? i
I Amerar I
' ?'
u !. i ?
\. i l> ;
?. Will t
. :
???Mill I
was ?
not mal
? ?
i ...
i interest pon n
ltd that thi
It di
lu p ,.,1 thej ibsl
T loll
mal hank l:, ?,,
rerj moment yon have tbe opt.mi to doi
with b'gal-ti
i: ,';,. lof tli currency,
lH \.i'..ii . Will i ? ?i i In tie- Jp|
v -i gold s lib
banks. He also recommended the redemption with les
? ? s ut the in,- hundred millions u
ol i be ii? ? ? i ar at tbe ?
tie ' ? ?
e.trac tli -. ol the 'i rea
m > li pai im? ; i... il . ??' -' ibilll | tn the mom
li ' .-a of the
and point? il oui the folly and
? ,ii. inn -.'
' ion nf th' Sut toi.I< Id l be i reveuui
m Itboul tm ilnr expansiou to
the i, nidus of tbe n ..
then to diminish ?till furtbei the ?mouul of :
consc.iueutly tbe tax?e. If, then, the eu
i ?! n dundant, gradual coi tract ii
in i ffeeb il. and a? It ' ? am? ? ben the di I
bed i" .-n paid, e lien tbe ne? essltj : ?
sums of moue] on tbe part of the tiovemment bs
eei-.il, wben taxes wen .,, . n could be accomplishe
witboul tie- oppn Mion and dlsasti r wbii h im? attend i
l nave been ti i.iti ii a? luiniii al to the bondboldi
tientlemen, you ahalljudge me I am hostile to uo clai
m Intel rsl In tbe couutrj I ? mppj desire t i he |nsi
Just tn th.- boudholder, |usl tn tin people I would live u
with scrupulous fldelitj tn i In terms ol our coul
?'.. d pay the interest of tbe Five-Twenties m .
cause in.- Government promised in do to. 1 would pay tn
in im-; p. 11 ami Interesl ol I hi i- n ! m fas in gold, n, eau?
tbe Government i.nisod todo so I would paj the ;??.:
e.p i! of ue- i re twenties In legal U oder notes,
tin- bondholder? ?greed in reci hr? them in psymi at, sm
eelwoubJnol repudiate an booesl bargain tn mab
monev for the people, so will i mil i, pudiai
all hellest hare un to mase lieoiev for th
pnhhi creditors, [Cheers.] Ho did not think that polic;
would give us a depredator] currency, but, on tbe coil
trary, waa of oplniou that Just a? tin- publie deb? \? i
thus discharged ? tainty of ,?. ultimate re
demotion i?- more apparent, ami its value be rap >i ? am
-i. ndirt m. n i -, o These bond? "pi rat.- as a : i
upon the properti and labor of the couutrj 'i i
two thousand million? of them Pay oil these f wo thou
f.Uiil li,linens ami vs. ? i 1 i,ot the legal leliileis lie tl: -it. in In.
piopiiitmii more valuable I I kuou tha evils ol a depri
? lai. il i m n i.i ?. i would not .ml m i|, ?
currencj I fought against it wben il was proposed bj
tbe Legal Tender act. bul lince it \?n iiceompltslied
-uiii the debt waa contracted In legal tendel -, i .
m.n be lawfully and honeatli paid In legal tendel i an
In favor of continuing It until we can secure the peopli
who hare alreadj suffered all the evil?, abatevi
' i \pi i ted from ths ?j item. But, I
I have Bought to up. on
trasi it,, t .?n partlea and tin r reaj ,
I Inn . bom. ( ne. '
Till. I.M'IW rjOICMI88|OV.
/,, '/,,? PSapfcl ..r it,, I ?????I .'^??itri;
lio United states Indian Conuniaaioo hag
t.eeii establish,.,! m the name ..f laettee ami bumanlty to
d?tend tin- Indiana aitkm tin- Undta of the Unlti
from cruelty ami freed, and oqaauy tn a. f, mi,, ;
try from ?policy and piaet?oe toward the red men that
must hi fag .1 fearful n-ti il.utiuri gpoa us. Tim Conm -
mou u nut ciiinpnseii nf, nor has n any connection wltn
"tin e h.ihliM 01 " 111, -e si- I,, la, ;un| a receives nothing
from tin- p.ihi.e treaeary. it bj simply an oegaatxattoo of
clti/ciiM det.-rmiiii il m u-s- every offert to liifnrin and
?rente publie lentttnent, to bring to Ught Ihe
?*" ret 11 m,i ? of unprincipled contractor? and speculators,
ami, m every way. through the people of tfieOovern
eminent, to act aa counsel foi th. indiana.and make their
feel,le voice heard. We do imt deny that the Indian m un
uncivilized man, and that many of his practlcea toward
Ins enemiea are cruel and revolting, but we ?Arm that to
civilize, end not deatroy bun is tho righteous aud noble
policy of a magnanimous nation. We moreover sfflrm
tbatbii croeltioaare exaggerated bj the cunning of inter
estod whites who, themselves, vsub all their enlighten
men i, often rival Ute imiian In deeds of Mood. We still fur?
ther as* n i!,.kt th,. Indian can be civilised as thoroughly
ni any other member of the human family, ami that
* in m ?i? the attempt baa been made honestly and perae
verlngtv th? happiest reaultthave been reached I'nfortu
nateli the Indian be? been flrat mei by those who ?ought
to daban h.m and not t?i elvlllu bin. He baa been made
a drunkard, and robbed of his nlf-reapect, and then the
false dogma has liemi propagated that an Indian must ho
either a wild savage or a degraded he.ist 1'iilHic opinion
be? Uticu f?d with ibis LUscliuod uutu u<A ouly ?/ wyotby,
but even common instice, toward the Indian has been
well-niirh eitiiuriiishfvl. Taking advantage of this condi?
tion of the public niiiid, hordes of ?peculators prey upou
the Indian with impuinty, and OOV? ruinent oBoanaN
often drawn mt?> the gnevomi iniquity, as there Isa
??ml m Heaves, this evil must be stopped, or its guilt be
visited ?ijioii our land. It is a ?laiiKeroii? a? w?-ll a? a
mean and eowardly thing to oppress the weak Oeej
will is- their defender and their avenger. Il le w
the public eoasetoaea to rebaae tho ?in snd to Inalst
that fair snd honorable treaties with all the Indian tribee
?hall b?' made and faithfully kept, on a basis securing
their progress m Civilisation, wealth, and the arts of
peace, andthat the Indian shall be mated aa a fellow
mail, with mteresU und rights to be recognised sad pro?
tected, and b itii equal privilegee to the white man In our
courts m pistil '? and all the applications of law. Only In
tin-way i an we Withstand that piriinioils sentiment
which prevails m many of our great urritoriee so that
the shooting of aa Indian is reckoned us tbe killing of s
litar, ami the massacre of Indian wotnen and
cblldnn Is treated with JumlaUon instead ?>f
penitential sorrow, We appeal to our fel?
low olUiens, from Maim- to < allfornis, to
feeltbeU responsibility In tins matter, as wells? their
power to revene the ad and shameful picture. U'sask
th. m to help u- by m.i-s meet I -.He?
and Mu-\. of tue ire.' press in every town;
limier Him niutterings ol this thunder of righteousness
all arouud, the guillj shall tremble and By to their huleo.
ami tin? cr?ai mo be pu lav
Tben I- no questlou m Imp the nation as
that of oar Indian poll* v. Let uasc? te II that It be, m
Uod'sname, apolnynt truth If. of kluduess
and fraternity, So snail w? mam ryand perpetuate the
great pow? r which tbe l i baa gn
n, ?toa..i upon n-,
Klgm d in din .M,.'i and on behalf of tho G
: ...l a< the puhl lla<
lustltut? ,':> v i-, i- lg.
D n Ptm l" ?
?'., ,|..-r. Vi .- i?,, ? . .- u
:. | ? l ? >? . i . ? ' '?"? 'Vc
i i A. U
" -
d a ' ??? a?*.
??s is?,
i . .
y///, latest popular von.
We publish herewith two tablea ol statistics,
giving the rote tot I ,!"1 !:''' '?''?"
eral States for Pn :
i , ?? i-i
I , ? I 5
, ?' . ? I
llliuoi?. I ''-.
Ii ? , ' t . s
K? iituckj ' u
? .
Maryland 1,414 1
Mu : i
Mil bisan 1,521 .. ?? i . " ?*
> ?
, . i il
. J ; ? I
. ? ? S
;. i : ' 7
... . M
? 11
i, , ? i - ? ?
i ; ind .. n ?- - - . ? : ?
, . i t>
Wi,,t Virguita 13,711 r,
\. . , t ; . b
i , !' i ', .
i> ?
D ?
R -
K ?
- -
? i
D i.
? -
- -
. '
R '
! .' -
K '
! ?
: '
? ? ; ? : ?
V. Mil. i ? . ? i | H ?..M
... Conven., "o:.
. ? ' 1,744 R Gol
: \
TH1 v- s
The tmi-t".-iii.isi-t - ?o id ;i very large and
Mr. .Iiliu T ? .mo?
ver o? i api? d I After the tu
order, Mr. Eid
that there were lu course of erection In thlacitj awn
than sol
g to i lie -"i ike
i thai be km w tbat the
?? ho??? -" ?'? ou i ? thetr .it.
i i gentleman was followed by Mr. Tottevin,
who mid that be bud trad a number of re|.i in some of
the .i,i,;> i i;..':- which, be said, wen uttei
laid tl it those paiten wen deluding orkmen
hj pub te of thrir n
he nei luneed " - i .V? ir?,
ts," representing to the men that they (the
,'?) wuiiiil yield-, this, he said, u ?false, Mr. Rosa
?aidthai be bad a man aba bads m more
rears, and that the other da.i be came tob
saal thai he wished to nul bla -.who had gradu?t? .1 at
i ?? \ d?my, to the trade, but owing to tbe arbitra?
ry rutas of th e Bricklayers' Union be could not comply
with his rennest Thoonlj fault was that tbe '
more than it reanol sge; be Mid tbat it was a shame to
put up u ith mcb treatment, and thai - ?? re
allowed to have their own way II would be the mesne of
preventinn tbe r. <. . ? according to
their rules, no person ovei 14 ? i n i would tie received
Into tbe trade. Tbe following resolutions were read by
Mr i oetei m. w in. ii v on unanimously adopted :
i ?
? Iheli ?ork ?: !
(?T? ill.'!.,
v ' ? i ii. i? b?
h i I . . . . , ...
Julis r. ? osoran,
i be a ' till Moadai ne\t at ? <>'?
Tbeceremoni ol turning over to tibe Trastees
i tltutlon for the Blind ju-t >.ptatodsi Batavia,
? t done of which wsa laid September s, :
plsee yesterds] The bullding Itaelf ta s noble ?me, of
?hieb Batavia aaaj well ha proud. The su,- tuelflssd
There are tour buildings, Inclosing sa spaa
md con.t .1 ":iti con dors. Tbej ara m tbe
modern Italian it) le of architecture, bull? of brick, ? Itb
s ?... m gaol i '" i.i-'' i tone, tin ? i.
verj uibstantl il, as ?olid as the lull up.m wbl? b if
rests, pn i light und airy appearance. TI
i enter I
40 feet, Tbetwowlngi are each H th hr 48
m I'leadth; tin' rear building to uj fin base?
ment, which i? built of -tore ([uurrted on the ?pot,
zht feel above the surface of the ground a
?n w.i- formed la Main ?: . al n o'clock and
prui-eedi'd t.. tho Institution, wh? re the ceremonies wer,'
opened with music, and an Invocation by the Rci < i
Mu ley. ol ItaUvla. l. A. II. 13 w.loi Warsaw, read
?..in tbe il.m E ^ i ?.".. awi rth of Bj raen
the Hun i; p. Mauulerre vt New-York, Locating Com
im,-.-."it';: ,ind the Hon. Koberf llow? ol N?
1. A. May w.T, (n behalf ?if the Commissioner?, gave
thebistorj of the institution ptlou, snd
diced as a commendable feature that the State, though
just emerging from s four >.-.irs' desolating war, found
mu and disposition to think of and | It? un
fortunate sightless ones snch a borne M
the jrear Ihm the State appropri?t? d fJ i.o< " for the insane,
r?>o,ooo for orphans ami hospitals, tito," u for hUots,
blind, deaf and dumb, and 11,760,000 for it- lustltutioui ..r
learning. The board of Trustees t? whom tbe structure
was committed, consists ot John Klaber,. -.? , of Hal ivia;
Joba ?. ?Minn of Blngbamton; Uuy 1< IVltonof New
Voik: n. i tilowaoki, Ambrose s Murray of Uosheu ;
N i .i-..n Sheldon of Glenn's Palta; M. Undtai Les of
Kulten; Heurj C.Mayol Corning; and Egbert liarveyof
Buanio, (Kochester Democrat, 14th.
THEFT ?u tILABJC BULLS*! ? w?Ini.s
? ?I information
?iiirnig the punt two >.SU
ttym ?uy hcrytylyry npot
TiiK AMinuRif itntiir.ii-wiio akk thk. mtm
IiKi'.KKS??rUMkTDO* Ol TU f. i-i;i ss, , ,,
From Ou fipiti?! (JorrtipsatMfc
An.am v, i.a., jai) i,. ban,
"A waanajable theory iiboiit the ;i?>*ua*iiiation
of Asliburii" is said by many Southern paper? to ho that he
was murdered by his own Radical Maate, a patty ?r
whom iierpetrated the deed on the night ?f March :ioth.
Tins story started in the Atlanta ?eereanenanno of Th?
I.i?,?trille .linmuil, and anenaiadl in a letter, "OfeCaBl
correspondence of the L. J.,''Ac .dated Atlanta. .1. ,
Tin authiii.ly given I.? a non of Ashhuru, tbe ausldannf,
Iftheetery were true it isa very i.-mai k-aiilp fart that tha
Democratic Mavor. Marsha!, police, and iiiiict.y-iiiiie-h"od.
radtht ai the white popaletlea ot Ootaanvne, tl kttoaoaay
Denes ram, have never keen eate to detect, nake aheap
reate,or evea point out a angle one of ahuma head afnaa
i Maembled fromdlrTereal parta el tha
toan, ? tleak sty te it red bun,
ami then ,1 ipeiood Ihteagh the mints to then- several
i bave heard it ?eaxfeoted thai ea anaap hi betag basa*
a'.iy coiitnimte.i all etee Qoocgio tec the retnfef tba
Columbus prieonera, eome of It be dcTOted to eAthhj a
reward in Columbus for the discoverj
Nothing could so tborougblj and ? ffeetu
tribute t i tin- n lief of to? men - tbe <hs
oovery of tbe fact that the murder was perpetrated by
ind dlfTerenl pel n
?u; rA* LouittiUe Journal story baa been n id bj renn
Asbburn, v. no n dti d ui authority for it,with the feuon??
.?:lt :
I'r.nii th- 1,0-,
I Is**.
i mw j - ? - i an
? father. Hr- , ?
M m ill
? ? S?
I ? . - I ? . ? , :
li ./
- .1
i iswsttn
? '?TA, O?.. Jlllj 10, 1*?.
' s l-tts?
r piper ?nj ] ?
i ? . ?
, ?
, , ,,,
i r
t lltli?
? ??: ,1?*.
Ani-.n o
I li". thttbov? kUM ?
? | IKS.
The above letter (original was forwarded to tl a
I, has i.e.-n published In <;'?>< paper,
' liter.
. formi rlj ol Thi Chatlanoom?
Rebel. With a flourish uf trampeti M wee lately an
???! .
/ ' . u
an was
?, \? hich
-1.m only il e falsbhood ta a "m
. , and flltbj. ... ick Pon? toy
mighl ?. m and in . i
ol bis paper. Ii la verj true tin i oh i ctlonabio
s.iin.-tii,. ,;
sui ii a - tion i- marked ' - ?
' t
, lit.
? el lili. PBJ
... II I
! tl tho
?- ,| and
punity artl le? rec .l and black \?ith
'? y
i erj n.'.e roces*
Ami : i nd i.fltl
I .-i
11.it?-eel., , "
. Southern preu, because you ici- it- all
to . ?Ilfy
? a m u- hold,
a famllj are in
It is sufficient ti - may
have re?
? ctablo
tu of tbe prese
ii ; iT.-il to, l have , exp lebood >'f tho
ipokeu of in a previous letter. Tue rufen ? ? <?
the paragraph I am i ? to tbe military commle
slon is ? ui eiimi infamy unparall
..-:, r l? u ? ? I" ? ???
. , ?? lb
.?' paper?
in lie 'nu
tnom. .i ,"'.i in ad i I .:,, .,l -..?io
-ei tn . canina
.; the ? i . Lei then p ?'?>
'i hi v havi .m., mi n< .it that tbe re?
lu..-, , - ? 1U
Dol.8 : , llleatn
Tell us, ui at ' men.
uii u ?? i? i..,- i, ?tilt or thi , ,s -%f
you 'i we.
? ? ? In conn? ctlon v Ith tins gshham
trial. I b teu to inform you that your corresponden! u
n, ni ' : nun
' *
. , - I the I ,
It wi ? The 8un ,
.- tamlllar with it tiouof
the murdered Ashburn cau best nppi.,. I In
qnirer mUtskea n to tome extent. \ iu< ? of
?sbbi i's family has . tn?
.?lalle Upon llllll.
n to The Inquirer ofl | Mr.
tter, the* young mai*
-Wbe -
\- urn."
"Ue dou'l . ?niu him."
Of eoursi ibed. Hero la the letter it
II all :
To III- , ' ' ? Kn
? . ? IBS,
. si
?\ \ ..I.
.... 1 .1
1 ihJ
ttllt v, . . ?? ? , ?f
? ' v
i ? t
, . . ? ,
, " >
ms- ?|,i-,., h ? ? tern
j rporti i
?, \\ . A-ii
The Judge rendered a decree in the import
am case of Poiutor ugl i' .. Tha
e bj lien. <'bin i s \,' \,| im? for th?
i i lien. ( ?Id..!. PUlou t.ir
defendant, o, rupled two or throe >l ly* ? one Ln
voh Ina ,.
follows: In iH.;n Pillow purchased from l'i
.-;.l\es f|l| . ' i
i- >i ' uted his notes an t ii.ni-t_a-.-e for tl . ? lyabte
Jauuarj . outracte t tu H. r i lot
the sale ol all his propcrf) . real
contracl rescinde?!, and on the same dai by ci
sept sei nt, .uiiliai ted Int n in.,
given for purchase monej atiun bj Coolblge,
the us, uded ? on tract recitlna that there ?\a- a mortaaaa
m favor of Poiuter, and thai l toi tho
crop then in band or sub* quei ? uf the par?
?? money, the d.-i'ts ..f ?-,,,,-.', takin? credit for
amount paid on this b II h :- . . \ bis lull to
luortROKO. am! tn hold t'oolldK? linble as true
'?i forotfa ? not in mm:,a.e. for the deb? to
Pe ter Pillow defend Ion ?roundof ?? no property la
run,' . contract of Pointer, that ncgroea vera
?la?i ? i it.'l i ni ' reate a trust, bul m -n :? aa
i a power to pa] debts, in ? ni
low fui ?lu?. ii <: * oolidge discharged,a* tuecoutraei
and b re ? ; deen ed lo le , .-i, ,i, ,? Ap
peal by Pillow allowed Ui recognizance of gvi,ooo,
in? fa k . irion, i th.
Col. Bincluir, commanding officer ?it Fort
Idaho leintorv. has written a letter to a friend in
New York, saying that a part} ol toouta u that
be had aent ont to search foi the remain? ol Mr* D*a>
bad i-i nine.I, ,ir:,-i ? twenty daj s' ?can b, with lier
n mains. Col. Blnclair took from one of the IniUan j?o
tu labunehef hair, which had ticen need as a decora*
tion. mid which was identified as hum Dcavllle'a. U
may be remembered that In December, w:. aft ivn
v i!ie. win? i- er of the 33d Kegtiucal 1'm'ed
Htatea lufautrv, - I i'ariysMmitb, started ?ith
but wife to vieil Fort Bolae.andwh.ibout forty miles
from the Port waa attacked t>y the Indlaae, who were
concealed behind eouM recke, ead \?in> flrat K?;hd tho
horses attached to tbe ambuUnoe, and then killed Mr.
benvllle and carried ohT hut wife, who v:ts kept a pris?
oner until he fell sick, when she was ciuelly put la
di ath (nl. Sinclair immediate!) s.-nt out partlea In
search ol the ludiana The remain? of Mr, DenviUe wen?
found soon ufter his death, but nothing coiihl be found
of Mrs I ?en m Up UUtll the fludblgot her remains as above
stated. Mi. aud Mr?. DcuviUo wciv butb fruiu >'ew

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