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Drn ?oo?ifl. __~. aTmmm MIITH? PATTERN BAZAAR, *__ 63?m fattSS ?Ama, ?A** ft*. ? p? ?J teat? Mail?! _,_-.-"""" "A. T. Stewart & Co., ON WEDNESDAY, BFJTEMBBB aft Will aiken MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY of Tall and Winter Dais. Bonnets, Ac, WBBlT FROM PA*" LAKOlo'vAHlKTY ef we.THKKfl WINCH. BIRPS. ft?, nowitf?"*!?;"? ARrlcLB^. ft*, ft?. pibbon?. ????Sr ?mim **d ?am? ^JPALVAH-Ii^^^^ tor the with a tARCK Al-SORIMENT of nourning Hats, Bonnets, &c. BROADWAY. POrRTHAVB NINTH AND TRNTII-ST8._ S Carpets. A. T. Stewart & Co. WILL OrKS ON MONDAY. SEPTEMBER l8, NOVELTIES IN MOQCETTB. AXMINSTER. WILTON, VRI.V1?T, BRl'sSKLS, AND TAPESTRY BRCSSELS CAItPETINO. AXMINSTER. ArBISSON, AND TT'RKKT t 'AP.PKTS IN ONE PIECK. RrOS MATS. OIL CLOTHS ETC.. ETC. Please Call and Examine. BROA!.WAY. Ftll'RTH UTE. ?1?TB AMP TENTH STS._ Black Dress Silks. A, T. Stewart & Co. Re^eeat attention lo tbur Terr itrge Slock of Black Silks, MAIS EXCLUSIVELY FOR THEIR FINEST BETAIL BALKS. The A. T. Stewart "Family Silk," CrARAVTtn. TO Wl tit WELL. M 7S to .? I 50 tot tiM. BONNETS CYCLOP." ua?ie fr..m il?.ib-?l tink, fr>iu 83 30 W ?3 per ran!. BONNETS EXTRA Q'ALI l ?. ' wlite ric* ou one lue onie, from OH ?51? to 110 per ? a.- i. ALSO. ycjHsQSti"AI.( AZAR" aid "ALHAMBRA" SILK, from 83 to Ai ?? mat earJ tatt pirre i, ietuynated kyim%Tt*r?'*t ^?^'* **_** a,t? nanu/ae tared tiyrutip j-m- a. T. ?> et Co. "* ' *? ?j -^.r _BROADWAY PorRTIl-ANfc./NINTH AND TENTn *__,_ Plain Silk Department. A. T. Stewart & Co. lue offering a map?Seent lawrtinent of Rich Plain Silks, THREE SHADES TO A COLOR, maeufwtared la tbe moat perfect taate, EXPKESSLY FOR THEIR RETAIL TRADE. A, B, ARD C, TUREE TINTS FOR COBSAUB, 1'OJ.U.NAISE, AND I'NDEB-PKTTICOAT. or eacb eo'or wU lej' CINKRAIHi:, CYPRES, QUENAT, FKUTIU:, QHIS RUSSE, TOURTERELLE. TOURTERELLE j CAYMAYKL'X, NOYER, MARINE CENDRE, VANDYCK, FUMEE, MARRON, OAMAYEUX, MYRTHE, ' BCABIEUSE, FREDERICK CHARLES, VERONESE, ^ POUSSIERE, MOLTKE, METZ, * CROWN PRINCE, POUDRE, h?fclifu-:, ?Kb FOUET NOIRE, fO^k?NQ THE LARGEST AND CHOICEST COLLECTION OF NEW SILKS IVER OFFERED IN THIS OR ANT OTHER CITY. BHOADWAT, FOfRTn-Av?T NINTH AND TEKTH-STB. Caine HitalM Dejar?mei?. A. T. Stewart & Co. *ill o*r tm Mobd-tr. Sept. 13, 1D<1 DOZEN Pure Linen Cambrio Handkerchiefs, HEMSTITCHED, WITH EMUKOIDEULD INITIALS 6bf.l<tU Imperfect. At Kc. iti'l 7V. earb ; w.irlh * 1 aod ti M) eich. A ..lit of Inspect -,-u ii reqneeted. BROADWAY. FOURTH AVE., NINTH AKO TTNTH-ST8. s. A. T. Stewart & Co. WILL OPEN ON MONDAY. SEPTEMBER l8, A LAHot ASSORTMENT OP Paris-made Dresses, Condition ti BLAi K AND COLORED SILK ANT) WORSTED MATERIALS, Pl'tttlU:-ED DI PARIS at ahontONE-HALP tbeir VALVE. An ENTIRELY HKVi KTOCR of STIHPED POPLIN MOHAIR DRBSSE*. ?15 Kit*. PLAIN MOIIAIK DRESSES, OH aarh aod npwerd. kr?e and Alpaca in Great Variety. TWL.ViK.sT pAttlii STYLES it EMPRESS CLOTB. 'rench and Irish Poplins, Together witb ao ELECiANT LOT of Black and Colored Silk Dresses, ELABORATELY MADE IP, ?QCAL. If teA ?pe,),,, m xasTB lad STYLE to the VBBT BEST fAlU-HADE, ??wkicbtiej INVITE SPECIAL ATTENTIOM. BEOADyjtj^jQEamjIVK.. NINTH AND TBKTngT8. Velvet Department. A. T. Stewart & Co. wITI rciie. aa MONDAY, fteptrober l8, A MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY OP Black Bra and Cliaii Wet! ? *?? MSIIMW to KORTI FIVE laebea wUa. *?? ?rerj aa? ahOe of Trimming Velvets, Teawmm***! * *** mS^kSl. u, mtieX, it* MtW CLOTH SHADES ? MLRS aa4 POPLIHR AriMmmnmmutmm,m,t BROADWAY, F0PyM_AfE7K?KTHAaD TENTH Wa HEADS OP FAMILIES in lerntet i* cal) tot Miali i sew NEW STYLE OF BOOTI FOR BOY?. B. OABTULL. Ml FMirth ira. AT JACKSON'S, JWWWINO 0AllMB?T??<?l?'!????ia.I,J>^'iTK?5TFt*Ct ?JBEj^WKWBD U A FBW BOOM. ARD BATIBFAOTIOB Orn C5oob0. LORD &TAYLOR, BROADWAY AND TWKNTIKTH-ST., | Will uJi-r on MONUAY, Bipt. l8, lu* aiiiat etta nut? aua.i.rornl of NEW PALL ?NOM etcr oSered In tliii elly, Com? ri?l?,|" min*' new uni elegtat Not ellice never before imported. DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. MARCHIONESS Pl'ITlNGB-Entirely new, with heiry fringe trim ??lui.-, Brakln?* the moil et.liih Pohmalae worn. UmW MITlNOt**?In hetntlful eleth color? fot Pcloaaiee atd rails, fringe trimminga. A ile.-I.led noTeitt. KRTNCU DRAP DETE-Ilueet nualit) ? ill color? for tSACQITEB lad? M'lTfl; heretof.^e Imported only in blick. In.pection l??lled. FRENCH MKRINOS-I'Tom Fifty tinta npwird, ti.d of ??try fen relTible ihade; jut rereireti. KMi I.IMI AND FRENCH 8ATTINF.S?A mott eiteniite utorUnent, entirely new, Iront Pirty cenia upward. BMPRB.HR CLOTHS?A lai-Jte ateortment of plain and all wool 1MF1HI CLOTHS In medium. hl?-b and cloth color?, from fitly SBBBJ ?rward. Well worthy ei?rci,l attei.iion. IRISH ANO FRENCH POFJ.INS?An ?mrutrte tiri, ty In ?11 gr?del will be offer ?d rt-rv low. SILK ANO WOOL VIOOURS-Real French fibric?, ?opcrlor to my CTer ofired. BLACK AND WHITE RKUGK PLAIDS?Fuur caiei, T, Inrbei wide. eW?nl ?trie?, ?t .Tie,; wnrth Vc. FRENCH DIAGONAL I'LAIllS-Firc caul, lil color?, 27 inchei wida, it nie | worth iOc A greit barat?o. LORD &JTAYLOR, PLAIX BLACK AXD COLORED SILKS, COMPRISING IftO jleeei Tl.ln BLACK GROS GRAIN " OoW Medal Brand," quillt? ?roaratteeri. 24 inehet ?ride, ?t B2. 75 p.ecce FAILLK Rl'BLIMK. Terr tnptrinr qn.lity, at ?1 per yard. 100 piece. FAILLK M ULIMi:, ritia tia My, li incbet wide, it $2 CO per yint 100 pieret CACIIMIKE Kl'DLIME, Mill *u.tb, 24 Inchei wide, it $2 75, ?i3, and *r3 50. lib piece?, manufacture of Bonett et de, DRAP DE FRANCK, %*1 tod apwaid. ALSO, A Terr fitcnr?Te t?wor'ment of BtACK TRIMMINGS SILKS tod SATINS, from $1 We open on Mondie, tityt IB. fur tbe enruinillon of cuttomen, one of tiie l.rfre.t and heit a.torted ttoeh? ?rer off? red In ttnla city, unong which will be fotnd ill the DELICATE TINTS for LVKSINO WEAR; the TRII'LBT SHADES, of Tiriont color?, for Knit.; the NEW SHADES of ? Mitha colon, ind in SJullett TirutJ of bil ADI.D CULUilS, in all ibade?, from 11 i? r , ard. ALSO, A Large Stock of LINING SILKS, TRIMMING SILKS, and TRIM? MING LATINS. TbeSilk? will be exhibit, d in the ?eeond Kction of tbl Twentieth-?,, ?tile of the ?tore. ?. B.-M'ECIAJ. INDI CEMENTS OFFF.UFD TO DRESSMAKERS PURCHASING THEIR GOODS AT THIS ESTABLISHMENT. VELVET D?PARTMENT. BLACK CLOAKING VELVETS, wtrrnnted all Bill, from $10 upward. Black and CeMsti TRIMMING VTLVTTR, In .11 ?rnttt. ?cry low. ENGLISH ind FRENCH PLUSHES, in ill color?, for Pato,ue.? Tirlotu widtbt, j_j_, ", .'??.'?." . *???"I.' - * ? ? v. ?* ALSO, GIBMAN CLOAKING VELVETS, ill grade?, st s birgain. Will be opened on MONDAY, Sept l8, a lar?*e and oarefnUj aelected intoice of noreltiei ?nd ?,traction! in LADIES' SUTH and CLOAKS, jn?t receiiexl per itetniir kCOHA, Cuiupritiiig the lateil PARIS and LONDON MILES. ALSO, CHILDREN'S GARMENTS In ?.-nut Ttrl.ty. DRESSES and COSTUMES MADE to ORDER In tie ?Heit itylet In TWENTY HOl'liN. DIRECTIONS for SELF-MEASUREMENT, ?ntnrirg I perfect ?t, tent by mail on tpplicatiua. LORD & TAYLOR, BROADWAY tata TWENTIETH-ST. AT ?I AC ii SO vs, NO. 729 BROADWAT. A SPIINIII) LINE OP BLICK SILK? FROM *1 20 IO ib. ONE CA-K STRIPED SILKS, a. I 10. WORTH ?1 lb. A LAUGE ASSORTMENT UF CLOi'U, WATERPROOF, te. AT RICHARD MEARES'S, a-^-T^^SIXTHAVg, ??aND N1NETKRNTUBT. FALL OPENING, ?871. Wc wnolil reirpectfnllr annonn?*c to our rnilorcer, that oar opetlng of Fall aud Winter Good? will take plan THURSDAY NEXT. SEPT. 21. when we .hnll oLr th.? l?r.e-t and riche?! ttoeh o, goo.1, ei-ere?. billie! ou Mith-ivi-., "ali ?;li lor BTXLK, Ql'ALli t, ?kJ Loll FRICKS c.ui."l be equaled by in; bou?? ia the city. We will op<n ?Tjvtcialtii'? In ,he firliirwinK of goial.. -rbic'.! ?ill b* u arleu in plain ??ui<-e ki.d ivarrantui et.nli e.? rej?mtaBka, SILK AND DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. ' 2J Heat} Black Groa Gum Mik, $1 lb, k1 *t,kki ti ?V'| w, II worlh Bl 7.'? tnd ti. ?iii piece? eitra 6ue lirott Grnln Silk, $1 75, $1 85, intl ?}2; t freit birifnir; wuitli #2 25 in I ti M, ?still linn, aauptrior, *B| 'JA ?B3, tnd * j 60, warila $3 t>0 to a 4 io. _, - Illaek ?nd Colored S.AinT,fl ne C|o-lit** ?J 1 ..'lull "? Wt will aleo M>a I Ml line of Fall Dreae Gool?, rarcMlr ?el.'ded wtb r?L-ir?l_ io ?til? cino-tir.?/ of Poplin?. Abaca?, henri-?. En|r??i Cloth?, V'l rur? Fren? 1, Satii.e?. anil Mo in ii.g Oii.d? ?, ter? ion ra'?*, l ?/?.?'';?.i.-.? tatlws, Alptlal and ?ugt?, in ?irpit sad Slats color?, kit, Me,, Mt., 40c. aud .Vic. Pine qnalit. E i pre?. Cloth?, til colon, f 0c. tnd 5.V. lui pier? iii li Poj iin?. uti? ?idlh $1 2J ?ml ty) .'A lie?t Irani.? of Lite? Alpaca?, Silo., Joe-, 44c., Wc., tnd 63c. VELTET8 AN_1 rVELTETEOa In thli deptrlnieut cuitinni r? will Und I enptrb t*,'?rtn:ent of PON NET VKLVLlSaiid VILVB1 TENS, in ?li ti.? new au?l ue? ia..le ?l.a.l?'? at low nie?. biiTlug ?lac?! unrorJtra for Ibeic ijood? yrstiem lo tb'- r- r. it great ?alvnnre. LLACKiiudl'Ol.OHKl, BONNET VELVETS, ?2 25, $2 M, ?ni fl, ?..Idai: oier at ?i i tai ?i. BLACK ,'LOAKlNi? VEL\ ETS, a-,5. ?3.1 sn, i?8. and ??7. All MU do., ?ard ?id- t?9. ?J-Ki. to flf.; a I. .r." in. BLACK SBd CoI.oilED VRLVETEtNS. f?r C..?(ninn and Trim ming?, itery ?b?.le. B3?.. 75c. H5c.. H5c. ti lo ?fl M WI1ITK and COLOHED < ORDED VKLVR1 BENS, In JtckiU ind Trimming?, ti 25 dil .Di. und ?al 50. PLl'*?ITEs ii, gieal tari? ?j of ?Latiu and good quaiity, $1. $1 21, ?I U; to ti li. -~ jni.T.rsT.RY anTTsthaw noon.?. Grind di.plav of Kicli French FLOWRRri. FEAIIlEtl-, OSTRICH TIP?, VV1NG>. PLI MK.s. an I POMPONS, wita all Um l.t.i, ni.ttlilet ind ?' ?p. ? n. NTRAW ?-rd FELT II ATM. and nntriiimed. Htyliably trtmuied II ATs of bul material, ?St lo a* li). Lau?, price on Broadway, IBU to k10. RIBBONS, DRESS TRIMMINGS. AND VELVETS. We are now opening all th. iii w Ihadea li plain ?n.l GROS (illAIN BONNET and KAKH UIHUONS, VELVET RIHHoNM. ROMAN BAMHRM, and NECK-TIEK. mich lower than j.-e-t a.l.,-?- ?I boiti 7-iuch GROS ORALS HASH RIBBONS, <-l li, ti 25, ted ?I 3*. BLACK ind COLORED BASn RIItrONS, 68c, 95c. tod <>1. HOSIERY AND MER??Tu.'NDEROARMENTS. Lance ?til eleennt aiaatrtneiit of Ll.iie,' Gem', ?i.l Children'l MKRINO HOSIl'.kV tnd lNl.ERGAKMI.N'i'.S of rrerr mike and nie. I-adiee' aud ChiUreu'a lue CASHMBRB and TARTAN PLAID Sill? KINO?. Ladiea'. Gtnt?, and Childien'? re|rol?T-n,ade MERINO and SILK UN? DER WEAR. ino ii? i.i. Black and Cuiured KID GLOVE.S; a fine article plais and ititehiM lnrCk?, 7.V, pair. Z5U do?.n REAL K11? GLOVE El, #*i 1? -,ortb Cl ?*}. J4JU doten i and ii-Bollon KID GLOVEH, ?VI 11, ?SI 115, tnd $1 SO. ON THURSDAY NEXT Will ?pen an entire new ?lock of UAMBI RG UMJlNOa, FLOl'NCINCS tnd INHKRTIN?S. incladint t Urge Job lot, ill ch.riec pitttrut, it 12c., 14c , inc.. tve.. ?nd25c. ??rd. Plain ?nd llenuied LINEN HANDKERCHIEF?, Rt'FFLINOH tnd FLAPPINGS. li? al Thread aad Ou pur? LACES, and Thitad Lace BAKBLS, at car tutu! low price?. in OUR cors??Tdepartment Our ? compniei about 25 differct rtyle?. Imludinr al) the well kuewn and |?opular make? of haud-uiaiie and Freucb-wote. Fine Whalebone CoratU, 7.'c , tt-1, and el 2.1. \?r.. Lue French larported Ca.raet" k2, *2 21, and ?1 50. IN LADJESUNDERWEAR, We bar? an Imrnena? ???' mnei t of NIGHT OOWNH, CDEMISEH. DRAWERfl. i d CANTON FLANNEL I'NDERWKAR, frum aiedluia to bitheal ?rv ta. Fine CIIEM1SB8, Va.. 8Cc. fl and 4M It. Fine DKAWBRB. tooti moiBt. 0?V., TV. 8Se..tad ki. Pla? NIGHT ?uVoWNrl, * 1 hu, ?Bl 7? and ?Bl Tl'CKED BKIkTB ?ery to??] niualin. 7.V., title, ?ad ?Bl. PAJIIhttS aa? HOOP BKIITB. til the laUrnl ?lu??. th?:rsday nextTopening day, wa will hare iht lar*e.1 Iluta ol' HOUbEJ?EPENU AND DOMESTIC GOODS ON 81X7 II AVE BHIKTDIO met SHKHTIBG Ml'lSllN lg place or y?rd al wheUatl? arisaa TABLK LINENK. TOWKLB. titi NAPKINS, m treat taiVtt. ( AM ON tad ALI. WOOL FLAN.tELH. CCBTA1N LAi'i S Ac. 10-4 HKAVT BLANKE li?, ?1 7>. ?4, ?i ti' t> ?i bo. B4. SMALL WAREDEPaVRTMENT. JRT JE.VKI.M TRAVELTrTOBAOB, SOAl'h, PF.RFL'MKjlT, BlTTONH, BHAIII8. kxja eadlaa. ?arietr. Ll'I.IN-rt OF ?IPINK VT.RYVH?. Tie per hettla, ?akint In ali the iargatt ami mm* aalaai tait? el ian of fvodi arti ti hibittxi na hil ia-a ?e. RICHARD MEARKB, 307 and Mt IMXTH-AVK. aad 10.1 aad J.M NlNKTEINTTIfiT. AT JACKSOW'S, no 7? broahwat. a kl'i.l link of all tub m?ht popular moi ruing Goods imported. i-iMR NBW MA IKBIAI,, tXlKJAN CLOTH, ?1 10, WORTH ?1 Int. ?<?? CAM? BLACK ALPACA* ? SU.. WORTH ti ^ Dnj ?cooa. BROADWAY AND KLKVKNTH8T., Mi??rM?V ?"uti1 ? ."??Al"1 KXIIffilTION of new PLAIN AND PAM tJATtmOOJ? .11 the B,w Fall * .dea. Abo. ia la. JAMES McOUKERY S Co., BROADWAY AND RLRVPNTH-AT On MONDAY, Hcpt l8. ?Ill a?d tu Ueif pop? 1er "dide ?oodl de pirtiii. ni. r m 9m*o of ORAT SFROR*, .t ? eta. per rani Ml |i. re. of 9AMAJ STRIPES, at S ru.Zt.'itd 2.VI Mere, of PATH?.: DIAGONAL* ,?3 eli ta*7ttti *_ ?&?&!!!&&? &?! ?TRIPKH,. I* ?rertjtri. _t? pi"?? ?I WM CORDED POPLINS, at bil __*_ /.rd _ JAMES MoOREtittY *Se Co.. BROADWAY AND ELEVENTH ST 2?.i?.n7m?t? i.X !"? Ai?" ?SngSg-'MMiiiHii - ? i'iMNU , (| e' '??*,? ???? '?wert ind i.?,>t FA.-llloNABI.K MURKS, in.labl* fur Pall and Winter wear, at tbe lovett penible prirei. ^^^^ "JAMES irc^KK?KY~&; Co., .. BROADWAY AND PI P.VKNTH ST.. T2n?!?A&*? '"""'? ?*? RR*?1,.?i?,:A CAMEL'S HAIR SHAWLS AN I) M A EPS, in new ind bentlfbl dnjgni. It mt ittrurtite prier?. JAMES McCK?EllY & Co., BROADWAY AND KI.KVKNTH8T Will on MONDAY. Sept. |H. a hil line of LACES in* KMDROI IOR1ES. RIHDONS. PASSEMENTERIE TRIMMING?Ik.??I I ? ? than importera' pre. -a. HEAL POINT a M POINT APPLIQUE LACES in new drug?.. POINT aud API LlgLK BARBS. COIFFURES COD UM. HANDKERCHIEFS. Ar. ?KAL CHANTILLY SHAWLS, \?K5Sm*n* tiVu' ! if?' ',"'.' "! VALENCIENNES SETS. HANDKBR t HIEM, CAPES end COLLARS, m tbo late.! it,La at i.riraa lower Utan erer. JAMES JMcOREKRY & Co., BROADWAY AND ELEVEITTn ST Will open on MONDAY. Sept. 1.1, new atvleiin LAMEN' BLACK AL PACA BOIT?. LADIES' III.At K Hil K iftjIW, LAI IKS' CASH M MIK SAt'Vl KS. LADIES' CLOTH SACUl'ES and CLOAKS LAD ES MORNINO WRAPPERS ( HII.DRkNS CLOAKS WALKIN!? COATS. DRFSSESand KITTS, LtDIES'UNDllHUARMPNTS NICHT DRESSES. CHEMISES, DlUWEIU, SKIRTS. INFANTS' ' WARD R*J!R-*?SfSi loWSLi T'OMMel) ind KMBROIDBKKD t LOAK8, INFANTS' FLANNKL SKIRTS, Kmhrnljrrrd e.l Plain INFANTS' MERINO SHAWLS ha nd?. mel/ ?l??,?< KmSt.v HOURS, DRESSES, SLIItl. SKIRTS. I APS, te. ?"??"*> Tbe la.liea of Ibil city and rieinltr ire reipert tally in,KM te elimine onr Hork, ii they mil Ind man/ noreitle? eot lo be found eliewberr ind ittheloweilpoiu.lhiepric<a. Oar DRESS MAKING DEI'ARTMB.S I ii In rhar?e?f nper.en.-ed artilla and aniatanta. Sp?-elil alten?on amil te RECEPTION. BVKNINO, and WEDDINO DRklsNBS. ^ FULL-FASfflON?DHOSI?RY CONRISTINO OF LADIES'.GENTS'.MISSES'.? BOYS' UNDERWEAR OF EVERY DK.SI Rll'TION, MANUFACTURED BY TUB y NEW-VBI ?>MVI('H, R. JT. Paper'..r In an I ?tile to any g..udi nnunfirtuird in tbii conntrr. and foil/ equal to the bett band loom goodi made In Europa. Tbia C.unpinr, by perilstent eff..rt. ha.?inrcreded.iiiln.t foreign preln dlcciof thetride.ln producing on POWER LOOIUOf THEIR OWN INVENTION, goodi eijnat in quality, icd iar loportor la the fwbiouiug and ibipei, to t.,e Imported article, ind it irrratly reduced pri?e?, Tber ilio make on their Paihinnmg Lootni a n?w irtii-le. nnder their TRADBMAItK, " KISSI AN tiDifUl IMICHsKlltTS," lu; erior tu ?launel, ind will not ibrink nor change In color from walbing. C i.inra.ra ?re partirularly reqneatel to notice tbe qnalily of tbeie goodi In their nie. Pull linea for ale to the Jobbing trade onlr. it their, 47 and 19 WI?ITK-ST.. NEW-YORK. NEW-YORK. PALL, 1871, SILKS. EXHIBITION AT RETAH,. MPDII'M Rim AND EXTRA OI'AT.lfY PT.A1N COLORED SILKS " CACHEMIRE SICILIEN.'' for Pul..mine a-d Orenkirt? in all tbe NEW TINTS to mitrh tbe Silki. F 1NCY COLORED SILKS ?n dirai Teinelv. BLACK AND WHITE MLKA BLACK AMD COLORED bATl.NS. I?T.AOK STT.KS. " PONPONS." " BONNET " ?ni " TAPISMFR " celeh.?le?1 makei in ?II ih. nri..narra.|,a TRIMMING AM) CLOAKING VELVETS, VELVET KIRBON? VELVBTEENS. le., tie. H II?Sir muer? Ti-iting the ul/ and otu enatouifri ire rerpoctinlly lnriteJ to iiuu.ue our itoci - - - - RICH LACKS. We are now offefni the tlneit .?election of arlfelei In thia line ?r?r Mitt rihibiied in tbis market, ud at greatly rtduord pticee?MM el cluNire nore).ira. REAL Pt)INT and APPLIQUR BRIDAL TROTPSEACX, eompb-te. BEAL POINT and AI'PI.IUl'E SHAWIJI and FLOl'NClNU?, BARBES. HANDKERCHIEF?. . oil AUK and SETS. POINT and APPLIQUE TRIMMING Mt 'li? lli. OK ?ii I l-l UK irvl RFAI. THREAD TRIMMING LACKS. WHITE and BLACK DCC1I KSSB TRIMMINGS. colored gcipcrr i a<:ks. FRENCH RMBD SETS, on doable Linen, greatly below regnlir ' PARIS and Ii AM Kl'Ri.lI EMBROIDERIES, BMU'D LINEN BANDS i ?I YOKES PLAIN. INITIAL and EMB ? nANDKRRCHIBPS. tot,, k& PALL AND WINTER" DRF.SR FABRICS. CACHEMIRE I) ECOb.sE, SATIN DR CHENE, (TM'H DE PARIS, UBILLIANTINES, VtLOI'R FPINGI.INRS. BAHAIIIKAS, FRENCH AND ENGLISH SERGES, In all tbe nt w. it ibadei. A ?, !? r. I 1 aiaortroent at new .?.ivti- in HOPES DE CH4MBRP. SCOTCH WATERPROOFS. CRUT, DIAGONAL .ni OTHER PIUIP?, KIRIFED SILK uni, WOOL POPLINS, kr., kt A^ClhtKHY. Now open, i NU let it TRENCH, ENGLISH ind GERMAN nOSR. NewttTV?t<?ig? m1 CHILDREN'S FANCY WOOL H'.sF HAL B RIGG J? ii lai FANCY Mt.K HOSE, ind a foil it..<-k of SILK, ME UINO ard 1-tOTCU WOOL INDERWEAB. kt, ke. ' '" NEW INDIA CAMEV8 HAIR SnAWLI. A n.>endld nock now oten In LONG and SQL'AHE MIAWTS, rn Ihe MVMtdailgM Alio. FRENCH CASIIMEI'E. l.o.MI aid MCAR1 WOOL SHAWLS, GENTI KMKN'S TRAVELING SHAWLS, CAR? RIAGE a. ?I LAP KlIO.s. ke.. ke. s.l. Adenia for " CHoSSON'S" Hehnted PARIS KTD OI.OV?S. A full areor in.nt ..f LADIES'1. 2. 3, <t and ti Mun. i?, AU.., i iy|e?>U4 it...-k ,.f t.l NII.FMEN'S BID DOGFBIB, CASTOR. (T.OIlt at?.l I.INKI? (.I.OVSS for Kail and Wliiter Wear. Ti.e Ulai.ce of ' Cbtii lej ?" Kia Glutei, r? per pair. noura-F?R??SniNO noons. T'DIR AND BED L1NI N-, SIIEKTlSCs DAMASKS. NAP KISS TOWII.S AND TOWH.IM.S. FAMILY LIVENS. WHITE GOODS OF >ALRk DE-l Itll'lIoN, BLANBRTB, yULTS, ELAN NELS, kt LADIES' AND CHlLDREH'a FUKN18H1?0 GOODS. COMPETE OI'TFITS. ready tni.le and to order. BRIDAL 01 "IPI is (aiptcialty)itihort ?otice. IS'KAHT*?' ()I I KITH MORNING WRAPPERS, DRESSING SACKS, COSSETS, kc , ke. QENTLEMENlT*PEPABTMEKT. RFUiY MADE DUM SHIRTS, COLLARS. AND C1 EPS PLAIN AND FMBD BOSOMS, DRAWERS. NIGHT RHIKTS. CBAVATfl TIKBFCABW. BRACH SUSPENDERS, DRESSING GOWNS. AS'l. SMOKING JACKETS, kr N B-SlllilTS, tOLLABS, AND CUFFS t? order it abort notice. CARPETS. 1871. Fall. 1871. NOW OPEN. A LARGE AND VERY ATTRACTIVR ASSORTMENT FRENCH, ENGLISH, AND AMF.HTCAN CARPETINGS. ?.?I,.?. ?,w rtrlei o' TPRKEY. AIBUR-'ON. ATMINSTEB. MO orrpfi Toni s" y vklvet. mi wilton carfits. 9a5o np PRIV>TK DESIGNS of vilvki tapestry. FM USH BOM BRUSSELS, DULSSRL? TAPESTRY. TURRR PLY AND INGRAIN CAlO'tTS. * WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. UPHOLSTERY DEPARTMENT. NOW O l'F M US?? ^UR^^,VpE^?"0^^?R?.FES,,At^: LALSES s'TIUPKD S R W. PEKINADES, SATINES, CHINTZE?, crktobn^ NOTTIN?iHAN CUKTAD?8, IN CHOICB DMIGN* MIRBOHS CORNU KB. SHADES, BEDDING, tu. kr. TCIiroPkS ON MONDAY SEPT. ftWII A ?ABfi? A.sSORT MKn' OF7a?*M RKD LACK. OriPDIIH. NOfTINGUAM, AND DROP CURTAINS, AT RBDLCBD PRICES. NUW-YORK. BEADS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. M. P BBOWN Na. tM Broadway, Www-?wrk ??<?n 3leamtto._ _ H AVAHA. WOQIBIPjgtJia?J^g' KKW-YOaa,a?4 MRXICAN **kau*WH?,."Tmm'}**l> 1.t* Pier N?, 17, Baat RUrr. il i F -u, ?EAaImSS M. CITY OP MERIDA. Deakea.; , ' ' ' ' w a Dil Rsli AI^OeL A C LKOPA I RA. P-Ul.v'i (Hiraaa .aly).?f?,KHBav ??T ,a CITf OF M1XI0O Ti-ij-rnia?... - ---?ATlRDAYUfl 14 CLBOPATHA, Pblllipitl?ai?Baonl;).TUEBDAJ, ??L M. Mm ficlibi ? patt*,*, avftil ?a.__i1IDam k BONS. 33 Braadw.r. 8. MAIL TO HAVANA. SalUng raraWrlt IV1HY TlWBBDAT. a? I rita?* ?? ?-. ?tammi,, ?mwJk*JnSJkJ?**m.m^ i ??...? .?~i ?i HOBAO CABT1B. CaFt ft titm. OOLVMBU, Ca?, M. Via ai MISSOURI Casi T H. Marl rut tnttXi m potmt*. ttnjiJ ** A. rjfm ATLANTIC MAIL 8T^^ COM 1 PANY win 41.p.Uk tot HAVANA ?TBABSIIP ?'"??"'ft pl.ce. ______-*-? ' VVT ** W "*- WEBU? M E?ch?nr. yOH ST. THOMAS and BR?ZlE "a. r.NILK??HB.TATKf* "V1 U1(A2"' "KAMS I 'COMPlNT aWul.r Mall su ?ta. r. taillai on the 23d of eterr n,?nlk N.iRni AMi:nu-A. Sst o. b. ?kZJTZS***... MERRIMA, K. (tut ?*/[.,. October 23 ' >e*'**:u,""i* SOUTH AMKRICA. Ctut. P.. L. Tintlenuth. No.ember 21 The le ?I lendiri .leaner? uil on -a-heilnl? lim?, and rall ?| Si Tnnm.? Para. PerniDlmro, Uahu, ind Rio de Janeiro, ?me md retariin, Z tng.,e?entof freirhtorp.??j|r?, ipplyto .?uriin3. Yu, _ WM. R. GARRlA4IN.Ateul.No.SBow11ni.rn.eD New-Yor?. ANCHOR LINK.-STEAMEKH TO Q?_a?. __, GOW, LIVERPOOL tnd LONDONDERRY "*"'"?'-' from lier 20 North Hirer. RVERY SATURDAY AND WKDNESDAT EXPRESS STEAMERS. | F.XTHA STRAMEns. ANOI IA.Salariar. S. pt 23' ALEXANDRIA. WefH a.? Sen, m AUSTRALIA .... Satr.rrla. Sep,. M ASSYRIA.Wedneeda?' ?4M. n IIRITAN.NIA.S.tanlar Oct. 7iTRINAl'RIA...Wcdi.r?l?? li,V 4 EUROPA.Saturday, I Mt. 14 ' li ?WA.Wt dne?l?y. Oct. II Fli-lt Cabin pa?aaie ?Sho and ??'"?; ini.nuclial?, S1J3; Steerage fit. burrage ti, a, li fntru lim?.' port?, tri. HENDERSON BROTHER?, Agent?, _7_ Uowhng-green. BALTIC LLOYD. * F018TKTTIN direct, touching it CHRIHTIANKAND tnd CO PBNIIAGEN to land paeeeuiier? and mail?. The lr?i ria?. Iron ?teanuhip HIMIIOLDl', ('apt P. BABANDON. will tall nn SATURDAY, Sept It?, li I p in, "ruin Tier in, North Hirer. Tu be tallowed by .ta-amahip FRANKLIN, lai.t. P. DUE IBU, onHATUkDAY, Ort -. Cttiin ptutre. Hold, t>80. Steertee, gnM, t30. Freight for ST. I'ETERsIll EG and other im-or'tnl port? <?f lb? Bal? tic reeei red and lhrt?u|-b billi ?I U '.in*- .i?nn?l. For fn-i|ht or ******* apply to WENDT la RAMHELSUEliG, Atenta, Office 4? Broadway. ?\)H LIVERPOOL," (VIA gilRBMBTOWN?, CARRYING THR I'. S. HAILS. THR LIVETIPOOL AND GREAT WESTERN STEAM COMPANY ?illdi.r.lch one of thnr lr.t-cl.?.. full power. Iron ?crew ?teajaihipa FROM PIER No. 40, N.B., EVERY H EDNlisDAl, 11 fellow?: WISCONSIN, William?.September 70, it lO-.nn a. m. NEVADA. Ctpt. Fus.ttii.September 27, at 3:01) p. a. WYOMING. Cant Whiswrit.October 4. at 9:3? a. ra. MINNESOTA. Capt T. W. Fsskban..October II, it 3:00 p. m. IDAHO, Cant. Pair?.October l8, MANHATTAN, Opt. J. B. Phi. s.....October 20. ('?bin, t' ". gnliL Pteeragc 1 ?.?.ate (Offlce, No. 29 Rroadwiy), ?SDn, etmc-ncy. lor fici(bt or cabin puwre, ayytj to _WILLIAMS h GUION. No ?ti Wall ,,. fNMAN LINE".-For QUEENSTOWN mid X LIVERPOOL? Boyal Mail Steamer, a ra appointed to aa.1 aa follow.: CITY OP DI-llLIN.Tlll'HSIMY feptSl, II * in. CIT? OP LONDON.SATURDAY. St pi. 2.1. J p. ra. CITY OP LIMERICK.THURSDAY, Sept. 2,1, 2 p. m. CITY OF BROi KL?N.SATURDAY. Beat 3D, J p. in. And each .ne???!.,,?- MA1TRDAT ?id THURSDAY, fr.rtu IVr No. 45 North RATES OF PASSAGE. I*, On n. i-?! 1 ti r is ithriijjct. FIRST I AWN.$75 STEERAGE.t*l To Lindon. ?I I To London. J5 la mt.. Vi I ToPan.?. 311 Piaeenier? al?o forwarled to llarr'. IIainli..rg, Sucdeu, Nurwi?. aud I) nmirk. al reduced rate?. T.cktlirin be bought her? it molerit? ntei, br pemons wl.hinj to ?end for tbelr friend?. fur further iniumutlon applr at the Company'. Otlce, _ JOHN 0. DALE. Artnt. No. 15 llroidwir. ?. y. NORTH GERMAN LLOYD STEAMSHIP COMPANY FOR SOUTHAMPTON ANO BREMEN. TheJatearniMp BREMEN, ('.pt W. Ltdiwi?/. |w?ll aaii on THURS? DAY. Sept. II. at 2 p. m.. from Bremen Pier, foot Third-.!., Hoboken, to ne foi'ownl br Ste.m.hln HERMANN. O. Relrhman?, on SATCRDAT, Sept Ti. KATE* OF PASSAOB TO LONDON, IIAVRB, AND BREMEN: d'*.am a 1.1 boLD, oa li? tgi-ITAl.iNT IS 1 1 ?iRi:.?.? t I Pint ethin.4120 Second (?bin. 72 Stee.-ate. y) Put MAI or p?*?.?-?-. ?pply to OELIUCHS It Co., A?em?, Vi H: ... ! .1 O NLY DTRECT LINK TO FRANCE. THB GENERAL TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY'S MAU. STEAMSHIPS BETWEEN NEW YORK AND HAVRE, CALLING AT BREsT. The ?pleodid T???el. on til? fkTortt? rout? for the Continent will tall from Pier No. 50 North Riler. 1. follow?: ST. LAUREN I.Lt-man?.SATURDAY. September ?3. VIL1E DE PARIS.Surment.?ATIRDAY, October7. PERKIRK.Danre.SA II'RDaT. October 21. LAFAYETTK.Ron*..t..,. .?SATURDAY. Norcmber 4. PRICE OF PASSAGE IN GOLD OncWin* win?' TO BREST OB HAVRE: Fir,t Cabin.? Hi | Vend (V.ln..$7? EXCURSION TICKETS AT REDUCED RATES. "Th??e ittamrr? 00 ?ot e?rr? n??acnrer?. Amcr-rin IrtTcler. gc'ng to or returning from the Continent of Europe, hy liking the ?>. am. r- of thit line, tmld Doth be Kngluh railwart aid Ibe d.?c?Bfurta of croaaiua the Cbaaa?l, beaid? uria?! time, trouble, ?nd ci peine._ORU.TIACKEN7IH. Agent, No. M Broadway. WHITE ^TArT?NR. NEW-YORK. CORK. ANT) LIVERPOOL. KEW AND FULL-POWEIIKU STEAMSHIPS. TUB SIX LARGEST IN THE WORLD. OCEANIC. A?CTIC, PACIFIC. ATLANTIC, BALTIC. ADRIATIC, ?,000 tem* barden?1.0X10 h. p. tarV Bailing ttom New-York ob SATURDAYS, from L.? trpooi on THURS? DAYS, aud Cork Harbor the dar folio? ia*. OCEANIC. Sept 23. at 2 r. in. BALTIC. October 7, at II .. m. From the White SUr Dock Patoeia Ferrr. Jeraey Cltr. Faatenger lernmmoilatlon. (for all c1 ??-.-.?> nnrir'aled, ronbimuf SAFETY, SPEED, AND COMFORT. S.loeae, itate-rooraa. a*n?rkint roora, and bath-rooia. In mldthlp aee lion, where mt*** li felt Surgceu and ?lewude???* a ,mu; t.,y Hit-, al? mirri KATES?Saloo?, ?J?0, ?old. ?i>i*r-iJre, XVi, enrrency. Thcae wlah int to ax-nd for frieuda froiu the Old Country can now olitaiu ?leerage, prepaid certilcatea, 111 carreaer. Paaaencert booked loor from .11 part? of America. Paria, Uualur|, Rorw.y. gweilen, Indi?, Aulrall?. China, ?he. Kim-?,nn tnketa ?tniiird it loweit ran ?. Draft! from ii 1 apward. Fer inapeetlon of plane and other inform.til p. ?, fl' ?t li? Cmpanr't ogee?. Ne. 19 Brtidwtr, New-York._J. II. SPARKS. Ac-nt. STF?M TO IlVRRPO?L ANT) QUEENSTOWN. From Pier No. 47, North RiTer. FOR yibfcNSIOWN AND LIVERPOOL: FRANCr* Ihrtniiain.SATURDAY. Sept 23. at I p. m. HALY, Gr??t?ii.SATURDAY, Sept. >?, ?I 3 p. ra. SPAIN, Ora??.SATL'RDAY 11-I. 7, at 10 a. in. FOR LONDON. DIRECT : FUIN. Liwrain.IUE.1DAY, Merit. IB, it 9:00 t. m. Paiure ,0 Liri ri'Oul or (jneen.towa cabin, **j.*r and thb: nlerteft, kin currency. Prepaid Steerate ticket! from Litei,-?'?-,, (juceuatoac, Lt?ndi>u<lerry or Gla?.-??w, I'.' ?rurrencr. For luxtbtr parliculari, ipply it the Contninr'i OrBc*. No S9 Broial wa?._F. W. J. HURST Maotttr. HAVANA.?Tlio Ilanibiirp-Amprican Pnrkct Coaipauy'a lUuuhip SA.\? i.S i.l. Capt IS lulen, on THURSDAY, Sept. 21. at 3 o'clock. Tor freight, apply to F ALEXANDRE It S'ONS. 3*1 Brondwir. Steamboats ant) Railroads. PEOPLE" LINE FOR ALBANY. The Urrett ind aui>t mitti.Ileenl rlrer Steamer! in the world. Tht IT. JOHN, DREW, ml DEAN RICHMOND. One of ibe al.ota iteain er* will le.Tt Pier Ne. 41, North Hirer, eter.i afternoon (Saod.y etceptcd) al 6 e'cleck, arriring at ALBANY lu time to connect with! tra .ni Weit, North tad Bart. Itotnmint. leare Ibe rteatubaal lan line at Alb.ny at 7 o'clock p. ni or un the ai rival of contentm?- ti alni from tat Wet aud North ind Kail. Ttirotifh tirkete caa be oMained at the Odre on the Wharf: at Dutbl'l Kiprrae ?44 Rraadway. aad No. I Cosrvit. Brooklyn. Bit/gagt ciiccktd to ita de?tinitioB. Prei|ht recelred until the honr of deptriore'_ ALBANY tnd TROY.?l>ay-Lli??Stumers -t\. C. VIBBARD tnd DANIEL DREW, from VMtry at ?t Di? ? ra.: Tbirtyfourth-?!. at H:,5. I.ndint it Yunkert (Tarrvlowo and Ntaek br ferrr-baali. Couena', Weat Point, Cornwall, Newhargb. Pough kee| ?e.Rhiuebeck.CaUkill and lludaiai. Count-it ng with Evening Tran.i on the New-lork Ceulral fur Hie Weat To Troy by iteaiabuai BCbl YEER. ALBANY and TROY??Begnlai Lino at ? p. n?. dail?, Pier ? ?. R. (Vc?tr??.| Thro?ih tkkeU lot the Vi eel ?ud North. Fire llwai? Ve?, than by any other rouie. F THE "MARY rOWELL," fromVestrj-st. ut J ?JiJ.i p. ni. d-.ily. m.tkiiig o.ti.l landing?. Ri tnmlr.e, leae*-Honlout a. m . I'ou.-h..' , ne biju. Milton 0:46. Newburgh 7:.?'. Cora?ail 7:46, Weat Point 8:31, Cou? n.'i Ulli. ?rriTing in New-Yurk it l?:45. ?OR RON?OHT. bmdinf at "COZ?ENS, NEWBURGH, MILTON. POKKKPSIB, aad MTM Tas _ IWk 1 111 THOMAS CORNELL and JAME.-i W. BALDWIN lett? DAILY it 4 pm. Pier .14, ?. R.. foot Harrlaon tU_ KUR'l'H RIVFaR AND NEW-YORK ?STEAM? BOAT CO., aaccaior? U) D. D. k T. SuitU-, Line. 0*ce oa Harrieon >t. Pier No. JA. For Pcek.klU. Brack, Tonkera. Kngiewood, Sim Sing. ind Intermediate landing., every afternoon, eiri-ft Sundar?. at .,-.ib l-.M. md 4:rjn p. a., retttnring is thw ?orniug frt? abate mMmm. ?rrl.lug it New-York it B:l?J|gi tntl_lu 1. m. E. LANE. Airent. M_"^Ni?GnL7lj\TE TO PEEKSKILia. Tto iteambMt ANT?LOPE l?l??a EVBRY MORNING (wUbont aiceulio?), lUrrltou-it.. I ocloci, Unding _*m_f___*_ ?t H, iooten. DehiS'. Perry (T?rr?to?rB and Nrack hy terry). Slag Blat MaTeratraw, Uraaay Pola!, ana yery__k'e._?. B.-T?j-?7tow-a .niutted Sunda?._ IrXC?R'S?ONS to LEWES ami the ?>ELA J WARB BBEAKWATBR. ? The tpleodld K.-gohut ,tea>.,er HAVANA will ara?? for the ?hove placet no MONDAY, VVBUNES DAY. and FRIDAY, ?t 5 p. m. from Pier II. N. R., ??fording a iplendil opport.iuity lor aajorlng a ahori ara trip, with lit lafamg tud Uihmg. t_________k_m toe trip toiid ,?r ooeweck. mi j??EPtuKE LINE STEAMERS Daily for l'KOVIDF.NCF., BOSTON, WORC'ESTIllI, it I p th from Pier IT, N. R.. fool of Robmaoa-at (alla lue io B03TUN. S4 ?4 To PROVIDKSCE, ?X SSrC " BOSTON. X3 tf. To PROV-II.ENCE, *2 Freight ?I lot?.! rain. Collect it ProTldeoce with Button tnd Pro? lad Fror, fe Worcaaler B. R.'? lor ?II important ?? Ett. cille? ?ad lawas CAF?T YTSPEED, AN I) COMFORT. O ' NohWICH LINE. Foi Borton, W?ne?ttr. rnchburg. GroU? Jon?non, Lowell, Law rtnrt rtt?hii MinchtMtT.Caicoal. Pilaier. Brtttlcbero, ?nd lulervae- ! ?1.le aeiata. The new lad ttaaeS alaaiutr* CITY Of BOrmiN. ___ .?,-. CITY OP NEW'TORE. UTI OF LAWRENCE, and CITY OF NRW-LONDON. will leata Hew-Tork dally (Sanda? etceptod), ?t 5 u cletk r- m., fratn fl?r 40. Bert* Rlt?r. mai el Cattai aad Walta-.ta. Far New-Laadoa aad Norwich, lhere conn?. tia? w11', Rtpreu train! > let ile abere petate. ?Ia New-landon, Northern, Nvrwkh aad Woit-a?. Ut. M4 Bavatoa. ??rtfvrd. ?ad Bn? Railroad?. Fur thitauk lickaiaand ratea ef freight, apply at t. Office, pi-, 47, North Bim. _ __ ??? - ??oar.Jr., Afcak, New lort. Ott 11, .???.__ WR HARTFORD, SPRINOFIELf). N?RT?T A AMPTON, HOL?OIB. ka. k*.-HAllTI?0BJ) Uki ?f STKAH EHR kean PBC*? BLIP DAILY M4 ?'clock p. ia. The ttaruaan at this lia? ?re rw..,.? witaptU iwawlajly. im*r|?j| ?lily tt taeB ead of tia routa. PABrt-?ihla BBM, VI '?.Deck r????fi ?I ? Eteur thmtVk?mma*l*?im\ouiiaHtrihM.m ?ay liadiag es Um Cos ??II, ul Ritcr. tad ?tari (?*.*'P^l_0*,''.t*ia-?,a. ____, ?mymmnnmam. ^^t^^\*^ ****** Fr?T???RWALK and JbavNfiURY-^rnr,,aT? Bat te ?a?t. half raUread fat? -Th. kaaaltfal ?leamlM al l"l LIB WHITE les?? ?itr?ll. M., fool of MarSat^i., ft UM A?TE? ,?0(l.*4 ll?UaadTblrt,VKTtnlh-a?.al3ocl<?i1l. Bttaa-i.iut laaiu *.t,i-,_ ?11:4? I. m., aa l*a irrtTal althaDaakary ?ad B.w Uaaau uaiaa. tara i Mil?. Uuatsm* titUii. ?I Tt ?Matea t4 Jil? aad II a. ?.. ?**r?*aa??ii;gar1u ia^Billt?.u. 170ft B&?i)^^^^, and ?li potato? H?iW r Itali aad ?**?***? ?u_am. 96* fil ?utm.n Wee ______________ H U ??aa, a.?? aadaigaS IBaad.ti1 isttjiiad). _ L TterkM IIU. ***rr?^**** J*******tb .met ikium. wl?" amimmm********************** *-***????us.?*????, Bleamboalo aub Ba?roao?. y<m STAMFORir^iinnUEENWlrFL^lV w . .'ffJ.'iJi'ff'W.1"1"*"1 AMWaiCm leere? ti*- to-.| ot Mer kel? EVER! Al TFRNOON it If. Ki ind TI .rtfwirBt!. ,f. at ?J o clock. Keluroii g. karn ?Stamford al 7 o'clock ind Greenwich at l-.ti ?ALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD CO* N,w)rn'?KL,'K.:',l,^?'"r?.L,NR '" *? WKST- COUTH WFJIT. and ?SKv???.1: *'*?*!*?* nrette.1 ind forwarded hr CAMDEN in I LMI I xliAir*OA0. P"rl North ?'?r ?ad INLAND PHOPEI, !m**UU*.rm 6, Nerth Hire, dilly. RATE? LOW, wltk qairk f?'.f t .f ?:??,P""ri":'r' ,,k: *** Stw-J,rtej .n,| C. ,?d A. route \na ,n ?) ,- ''?r^"-' P"*<''l" *? "'?<? WEST of ? tr?ptoW? !i,?.-i "."D,i nlurn ??'I""' 'itrir.?|. TleONLY LINK affunW Uiuopportnn.ty. TI< CRTS GOOD UNTIL USED. ????'"'li W. I'ERVEIL. General ArenL ALLENTOWM UNE TO TIIR WEST Comment, H ?P?** ARRANGEMENT. 6 a. m~ti,'vi?l27-,m,L,-l'r"e New-York a? fotlowi: lim I'.tl.tun M?.?J',<>".'>??n, B*lhl.heni Maorh Ciinak. Will.,. T..?u.da, Waeerii I* 'J'1*- Mt. Carnie!. Hart-ton, Tnnk'.ann rit, H a. m._|?r ?fi|?J c""f *ct? ?I inaction wit.? D. L. and W . K. B. l'nio'wB.Tlirrti??re ??iS?S?yi89iaH*r* '?? ??rim,. AU hf??| M Phill.pi?nnrwlh UuL t,"">""'?t Sorarmllc l..r K em. Link. ^?Iie.1.^,7^ lh,nU^?'''1S.,1,e inn. MO,,,,,, f.? M*,, h l?ft??f?**'?>'"?vb1t,C"kport'Eri''u'?l Uutoa??"? **tM p ? -K,'., Kl>'0"l"n"T,lle Uanoi CHf. Hutetaa WuJZl, H,lrto"- A Henlow?. Manch O,..**, tpbrata. Fotlar.lle. Ilarriebn?"b'rr'...'l?*'!?'*. ? ?du.ii. L*,,.a,t,r, ?'.ine. arnionrg, k?. Coonee ti at PUill.taUnrH- f..r li I I p. nwPor Plund-ld. S? ?'A A?-iw^X^'?"? ^ ,""th ?* ? Hi Lfbigb V?y.y K R Le a lint. *ni ktmufmi ami at moat**, Jan. lion will, D l/?n?| W R A(?"nW"'? ?*? Calaa?..,?^ C'^urvt. el f.^ttK^tS&"ft ?**?a, ia 6 p. in.- P?r R.irton. 7 p. ra.?For Noiucrr.l.e. 7: o p. m? (Km ?not)?F..r Rae to?. 8:4?p. iu.-F.,r Plain*. Id. 12 p ra?Y?t Flainield, .V. ,ln<eada,, ,? I ?Altar?an. For Ebiaheth al 5: *>,b:i*l, but ;:I5, 1 :*'?. m.i> ? 110 e-eo ???? M|M, ll;4'> a. in.: 12: r>. l:00.2:?t0. oA, 11:13. St?! 4 '?' ' *'? li 1,3 .*:IN. S:J0. 5:41. ?i;'S). I.:").). 7:i*>. IlJL T.I .8:4? 3:40.10.4."? 12 'ii p.'nu Ticket, for tbe W ?at can h.- obtain?*! it th ? otlitr ot tbr Central ki ? retint Hem len** f.?ot of Liliertv-et. New-t.,rk? and it the pnneipd b?tela and ticket oOcei m New-YoikCtl'. _ _ _ , . _ R- R- RICKEB. Snperiutra-lenl. II P. Rai menu. General Pu*eag-t I.-.- .u ?KLAWAKETXaCK A WANNA and W Es 1 - ERN RAILROAD. MORRIS AND ESSEX DIVISION. NEW BROAD tjAH.E LlsKto Water Oap. Mo,,'.barg. Rrr-vnn Bit'icbiatnn., and Oiwego WI IHOUT CHAR iE OF I Atti' D.poti ia Ni w York, f*>> ?f Bardar st. m4 IM of fhriatocher-.t SIMMER ARRANGEMENTS, commencing MONDAY, July 1/, (1:00 i. m BROAD GAUGE BXPRKSR TRAIN, eli l?oonton Branch, n-ni din-rile tbr ;ig., from New-York to O.we-o without chance of ear., connel- 1..g at I'orer with Cbriter R R , at Waterloo with Souri R. R.. and at Scranlon with L ind B. R. R for Kin?it?.D. Wilkeibarre, I* li. ton kc. 7:1'. ira. EXPRESS M t IL TRAIN, eonnret nzat Denrl'le wi'l, B , ,n ten Braneh ,, D?Terw t.i f,iert?r Braneb. at Wileri.?) ?ith Sit.vj It. K. ?. rAn'ove? aul VawMa, at Waih.nirton with tue D.. L. anl W. K. R. |ar WUrr Oafj, Str..ui?'.urK. Scr.nton. Gmt Rend. Bint'hint?.n. Srri cn.e, ind O-urg,,. iud it Eaa.on w.tb Li-uigh Valley R. R. tor all po.nii on ro.d. 12:? 0 m.. LEn. TI VALLEY EXPRESS itoni it Nnrirk. Mnrrl. b.nn. ?atarlo?, Hickettitown. W'iah?ni(ton, PbiUlwbarg, and Leaton ; rnt.nerti at Waterloo witii S.u??f Railroal: at Pbilli^< w ti, II. !.. Del H. Ii. f..r lleki.lere. k^ tot at Eait?n w lb L. V. R. It. for Betllebra, Ailentown, Maurh tl.ouk. Wilkcabarre, Readinf, ind UanMbwg, 4 Oil p. io. BROAD GAUGE EXPRESS TRAIN, vii Pitenon ml Boonton, ranidirertlf th.ough to K nultw ?n wttnont clunrr of can, iinpo-n? It principal lUti.ina. at Dorer ?iib Cbeettr R [t., aud at W ?terl ?. willi ?am It R. K. 4 inn. m EASTON EXPRESS eonnecU it Dorer with CbefT R. R. it Witerloo willi Suaivi R. R, ind it Ei-toa w?th L. V. u. R. for Be'l "lieiu. AHent..wn. R-,.l.rr HathaliarK and th? W'-it. 3:lo p. ra. HACKETTSTOWN MAIL, connecta with Boonton, Coetl-r. an.l Suaa-i Uailroadi. ti:lo p. in. HAt KFTTSTOWN EXPRPsa. For MORRIS!'OWN, al 7:15. ?1:10, 11:20, l.':00m., 2:30, 3:20, 4:10, Im, ind b:40 p. m. For SUMMIT anl intermediate liationi at 6:10. 7:|-,7:45, 9:10 IO. ?0. and lltM a. m . 2: to '?: 0 4:2.'. o:tal and ?:I0 p. ra. ForORANtiK and SOUTH OR.4N-.E. 6:9). 7:<1. 9:10. 9:40 10:|0. and 11:20 a. ?..1:10.2:10,3:40, 4:20, 4:J0, ti?, 6:00, ?:I0, i-.M), DM, "?or NK-tVARK, It ?:30. 7:15, 7:45. g:40, 9:10, 9:40. -10:10. 10:30. 11-00 II 20 ind 1 :"" in.. ?1:10, t-.Otl. *l:Hi. 11:20, 3:40, 3:50 4:10. ?4:20. 4.50.'5:H). 5:20, 5:31). 6:00, ?b^l, 6:40, "H:uu. i:.?0. 9:15, and 11:45 p. m. Train! marked * at?p tt Kalt Newark. lene Nrw-Y..rk for BLOOMFIELD md MONTCLAIR, at 6:30, ?:40 ind 11:10 a.m.. 1*4 tiff, 3:5o, 5:10. 6:20, and S p. in Pa-acnijtn for LAKE HOPATCO.N0 leare New York at 7:13 a ?.. li:?*ra (Eirfti.-r lilt ??I 4:10 p. in., learlni the Railroai it llopnt four Station anl ing with Steamer ''ttielU." For BUDDS LAKE et 7:1?' a. m . 12: ?Ira . 3:10 anl 4:0 J. m . leirlnr the Railroad it St.-hope t.|ncabrSt?re'Jmilea. For BCROULIVJ MOUNTAIN at 7:15 and <i: ?) a. n-., I.': ? m.. 3:20, i:H 4 10 and 5:i0 p. m.,leariug tbe K.i Ire. I at Hvkettitown. tbrnce by Stage 3 m leo. For DELA? WARE WATER GAP ?t 8:J0l. m. and 4.<W ?. ra. Fur RICHFIELD SPRINGS atna. m. S S.'HOCII Sapennteodrat. T?RIE RAILWAY.-TRAINS Leave Depots J J foot ..i I bimi er-it. and foot of 2">?lit. al fbllowi: Tbrourb EipreuTnlui b-are Chunben-it. itl i. a.. " *? to. 5:30 p m., anl *7 p. ?.. daily. New and improved Drawing Roora Coan -a aC'ou.pauytle 9i. m. train tbronghto llafilo ind Saer-enuon Br. ti,i,ui-.-i.,,g el H.,n.ellivi?e ?:tli magaitrent Sleeping Coa.-l.-. runo thron^b M Cletelan I and I mciunati Sleeping Coiebra accompany i li i. a. train from Snaqaehaana to BnTilo: the 5:30 p. m. train barn New-York to Saapenaioe Bridre, an 1 the 7 p. m. train frara New-Y..rk to Beffal?. Sniprnrion Bridge, iud Cincinaitl. An Bmlgnnt Train iea.aa dailyit 4:15 p.m. For P?.n Jenrla and War. SOO a. m. ml 4:M p. ra. For M..Ml. town and Wiy, it "7:30 a. m. and 1. ?' p. m. and, San Uri ot. ?. 8:30 ? m. F.?r Dint, le and Wir, at Ml VI J. ra. tor Ni-wborgb and War, at 9 *?? a. ex., 3:30 and 5:30 p. ta. For Sn?trn and War, a and 8 p. ra. l--rl'.teea.ii ml War. at b.4.'., lo am.; it m.< '1:45, 4, 5:1*,6:45, * i p. m ind 'li m Inlebt. For llickeuiack,, and Spring Val'ey. at '':15 a. m. and 12.45, {4:??). 5:0... 6:00, ami 16:45 o. ui. ? a?d Wedceedayi ana baturJiyi only. For Piermont. Nrack. Tillmim. ind War. it 9:30 i. ra. | tl:30, r3-M, 11:15.4:4-?. (5:1', -t?.30, and *, 7:4j p.m.! and Wedaea.aj a anJ Satur? day! only. 1U m'lnigbt. special Sanity Tra?na at 'J' 0 t. m. and 11:V5 ?. B.?Tralni leering Chainbcn-l^. on eren honra or half hour?, leara 23.1 it. et?D<.t 15 miantea carbar than al ore tua?. Laat boat from ton at., 8:15 p. m. Ti? let. for Paeaa?-e and for Apartmeati In Drawtng-Rooa lad Sleeping Coacbea ra. I?e ?l.taine.1. and or?: en f?.r tbe checking anl tri infer of Iii ,' tige mar be len. at tbe C..mpauy'aomcei, 241,529. and 957 Broadway: 2u5 Ctiarotiera-il. : 3?) l.reenwlrb-at. ; cor. 12.'?t'e.,i , pd 3d Avenue, Hiriera : 4 ? ?Min ?t Brooklyai M4 Droadway, w,n nuiharrh- Depota foot of Ch.ialH-ra-.t. aud i.e.I of 23.1 at. New-York: aad Loa? Dock Depot Jener Ctr. and of the Ar-nu at the vriaciual b?tela. ?Datlr. 1K,.r Piermont and N.ack. |Por HackenMck. A fat Ifaekenuck ?nJ HilUlale only. \ Fur Creiull oui.-. L D. RUt KER, An nat 2, WM R BARR, Qen'lhuu'l._I3TL GeuT Piaa'r At VEW-Y0RK AND NKW-IIAVEN RAIL 11 ROAD. SI'MMFR ARRANGEMF^T. commencing may it, mix Paiscnger Station In New York, corner of Twentr ?. renth-it. lad 1 ?;t.. .,??. Eutnn? O'. TweLty lereulhat. TRAINS LEAVE NEW YORK For New-Haren in?1 Bndn'rort. 7, 8 (Ei.), 11 30 a. m. ; 12:15 (El), I (li.), 3:45. 43,1. 5:II0 ind 1 (Bl.) p. tn. For M.It..rd Stratford. Fi.rteld, goathport, ind Weatport. 7. 11:30 a. ? .: 3:45. 4;ile. and 5:30 p. in Yo, Soolb Norwell, 7. 8 (Ki.) ?. 11:301, m; 12:15 (El.), 3 (Ex.), 3:45, 4. I?. (Et ) 5:30, 6:3.1. lud 8 (El ) p. ni. For Danen. 7,9. II:?a. m. : 3:45. 4:30.5:30. and6:30p m. For kmmkri. 7, ?(Kf.J. 9, 11:30 a. m. ; 12:1? (Ki.), 2:13, 3 (El.), 3:45. 4::N|I-I.). 4-45. 5:31. r.:30. 7:15, 8 (El.) p. in. Tor Greenwich .ii diutenaecute bUUui, 7. 9, 11:30 a. m.; 2:15, 3: li, 4:4.-.. 5:30.6:3ii 7:15 p.m. __. Bandar Mail Train learei Tweatr-iereBthit.. Ncw-Y?rk, it . p. m. for Bollon, Via beth fiurlaaaaU lune aad SL?,.e Line. CONNECTING TRAINS. For Bolton ria SpringSeM, 8 a. m ; J in I * p. in. F.?r Bolton ni Shore Um 12:15 ind 8 p. ra. For HirtfoidindSpr-a/tleH.Bi. m.: 12:15, 3, lad p.m. For Newport, R. I.,8a m. (Ki.) in?! 12 15 p. m. (Bl ) ?onneetln? w th Iteiatr icrom Nlrngioaetl Bay at Wickford, irnnng ia lela lhaa ?>(bt bouf. ?- i For Connecticut Rlrer Railroad. 8 a. m., 12:15 p. m. to Mootraal, 1 0. in. to N.-rtbaiiitton. ... ._ ,_ For Hartford. Pror..1ence ind Flebklll Railroid. 8 a. m.. 12:15 p. m. For Shore Line Rail???) at 8 i. m.. to Norwich aud Proridinc?, 12:15, 3. io Stn London in I Nor-.-i?:?. 8 p. m. For New-llarea ant Northampton Rallroa.1. 8 i. m ; 3 p. ra te North ira io:, ?n.l Wi1di,.??'.nr?b. .,..?? . . Fu? Nea-Hiveti, Mu-di town and WIT.mantle Bailroad (AirLme),8 1, in. inJ 3 |>. r?. Por llouiitou.rRallr.n4, 8 i. m. and 3 p. ra. For Naagstack ttlllnri. ? a. m . I p. m., iud 4:T0 p. ra to Waterbarr. For Dank-re ind Nor?ilk Railroad, 7 a. m.. 11.1' and ! 10 p. m. P. r Nea-Caniui Kail|.?al. i I. m.. 12:15, 4.JO au-l (M p. ra. Ci.m.-oelloui Sb-e;.inn Cera ittacl.el lo 8 y. ra. Tram, and ado to Sm_ di? Mil Trim on e.tb? r Lin.. Dtamngrooia Cir aiuche?! to tl.e 8 I. m nd 3 pm. Trama 9ri*l*m*tt ran pr-e-'ire ticket? to my point rewhrl em thil roM it tbe Depot ol tbe New-York ml New H.reu R- R.. cor. Twrntr-eerenth ?t. aid P.urtb-are ? ab? at tbe o?.e? of tbe New-York Ttaaalir C'a (Du Ida Ei|.,.-i) Nu. Ill B??.i l?ay ml N?. 1 dort *., B.ooklrn; md I J leirlnv in ta'.'e uol. can bare Uait bmg'fe sailed for and ehe. tri fr.,iu reaiience to de.tiuat on. __ JAMES II liol T. Saul. Vew-youk'" CENTRAL ANi) "Hr'DSO? II B1VEB RAlI.KOAI'.-Traii.ilea.eTbifii.tb-at. ufullowi: 8 ? u., Chieaio ara Mi, e?,i Ki; re-a. Dra*?nifro..mcar. New-York to St Alban'.. 10:30 1. m., Special Cotcaru Eipn??. laat t'.ai ?. with Drawing reou> pt, t., B.;1f?:<> and Nlagtra Fil!?. li a in.. lllJW and Wertem Eipreti. 3.15 p. ?.. ?p?cUI Mtpnm ar.-r?K .. rroratl) IS O -n. 4 p. m.. M"Utrril El!'I?aa. Sleeplni-carifroiK New-York t? St Alban?. ?p.m.. Piral Pacidc Y lynx?, with M.??iugi??i for Vt.ttwnu, Frrnraae. Oaweifo. a??dClBand?iL-aa. . ? . . - . 8o. m. brc.n.1 Paciie Eirr.n. with Sleep .?-earl for tatbtotet Bnffilo, Niafiri Fall.-, ?1m. for Chicago, tia both L S ia I ?. C . IUH n?a.U; *r St. Uun, na Toled..: aul Loain.lll. *M lull tri in will leare ou Sonda, i it 6 p. m 11pm. Unca and Tmr Kipnei. wf.b through sleeping eira. I p. m . Iludxiu hpectif *?r??n. 7 t, m. lad 5 p. m., Pon^hkeeprie Irkini. 9:45 a. m.. 1*1* 4 I and 1:15 p. m.. P?kak!ll trama S,TtfU?"?!? 3, tm, wa, om, out amy.... T7m*} On Tra'na-8:T0 a. m. md 4 p m. Y.?rken SpeeiiL-? I. a., ******** ? ? "???. TtwaaaS?: S?K--P? *? -'? Nfn York. Sept. if. 1811 __ KEW-JERSEY R?ILROAD-KROM KOUT o? ?t - ? i, m. h..r THE .-?Ol HI AND SOlTH W ^ I. I.J? ? a.. tri ? ?'. m /iver Pall? cn. ;o * M Ugm dall, at 9 :0n m trim. a ithoit ehi.ii? Yat toe a EST, Ik Vtaui Danu fal ro?i-?:30 a, m. ?, bon e?ii.? ro, . |i-Cj ty) ^a ?? e\nm\tm\Sm Omtmm t.?^i md tXtjem* *_*mt jta.(t fh? V\ -iLe? c?".re atti, b^l to the f p. ?. daily, aad ma thru...h ?'wh C.?e...a.l L***m*nOt, B4. L?di. aid CWtag. wl Ueitl lad 914 Biw-iwar. T1;'??1/-) ? _. ..?,,,.. e__m a---, Y W. RANKIN fin. Pu- A^t F. W. JACK5QVG?!'np__ xMvP?R?" ANI) WICKFORD RAILROAD M AiBsnaaaoaV wt*VAatr*-it?mef mmn mmmm mt eSm^ttml ImTmimmm R. R- U???? *m, i-ce^t tod.;*) *i* a ?..Manilla??? ^.,. ?m. R?S r?"?m?mM onVt. ttmm enmi Pola. Mik. .^ r,?bNrwport(^.ghtb^H|ttiii<(Kg axjajmmm, ^^ ?O?t?TSIDE RAILROAD of LONG ISLAND. TV aalr double track R.ilraad oa Loag l.laai. Jmm tVUUOtl AllRCNONMK.ST. ? . _ C.rarae?rl"| MOBtiT M.y 1*. 1171. tnm llmamtri a?l Q rai 4 it Irrt?? (?ut ? m.. Mail tur Palcho?.e o^airtiag at ?a'.ylo-i ",Fr l-larf.iadi. PutnagnYby ...,e tat *lb*..t tri PU. Pla... >? i m V. .etawar twuliow ? K?*? a. - . Arr, ? far B.hylaa. Ii u tilt,m ?et Fil.h.Htaa, *a?e**'l*o al ?ihyWa _\ B? l.titJ, ladf.-oaiPttckagw hy itag. Um- Bollopotl aad Fto. 4 1p.? l'ai-loo? Aeeomawd.U^. t . u it 11? .Ion i-e u.Jiodi.i .a. KWrfST???-?:^ -- *mm ******? Clmugcmente. WALLACK*. ilXTir af^EK? ? t Arel a_aj DMilirelr the LAST af la? hri.l.cet ??i.gaf ?aeat of miss lydia raoimoa, aird HER NEW I OMPA.1T. MONDAT, Tir* DAY WEDNESDAY ?tvi THURSDAY, **t?t?I %f ,., ???. . _ p?n.i-ol?r rcciueat of RM R BEARD.y,,B> TDCtX NIGHTS ntl.T. va ; u;:A*iy.for four mghtwonly. ??nu ?II rearer? ch.rmlny mu? i nad new !.. cal bita. F?ll? IY liVP.NIX:. sept M BENEFIT OF MI*S L, DIA THOMPSON, when the wnl ?pt,??? iu the l ?me .iel* of A DlY It PIRI-*. ?tt.l.lnini foor Car?cter?, Mini in her far... t. role of Sir Rup? ?t in 11.? I'.puur Duri,.?,(?. ul LUKI.INF. VI heb will alau bepn,er,i..i lor .*ATUM,A Y MATINEE ??I SATURDAY EVENING- LABT IPPUA'MNI F. WALLACE ?. ' * KILL ?nd WINTER ?EASON. THE LADIES ard GKNlIEMKN of th- COMPANY are reqadeJ lu a.-?emb.e on il.c a.age it ,1 ?el??-! on ?ATI It DA P. SEI'lKMIiER DA JOHN GILPKRC, Ac'inr M?-?? er jJOOTir*? THEATER. LOTTA. Last night but five of LOTTA, who will cloie her eery Brilliant Fng?r'irr-,t br .?pinar.? r ?. THE LUITi.E DLlElTIYT*, io ?Lieh ?be will pep?nate ?IX DIUFKREST CHARACTERS. LAST LOTTA MATIN! ?Ton SATURDAY, at ly. Seat* Seee*t*i Sit day? in adran?e at the Theater, aiao it Dilaon'. Mutis SlStS, 711 Bruadiiiy. ? - MONDAY SEPTEMBER M, The G cat 1 .?)[>,Inline, MI>S LUSHMAN. ?apported bv the etainen' Saaat, MR Wtt. CRESWICK._ _ ?OOTlF? THEATER. ~ CUSBIUlf. SPECML. TI? ?tasfNBtrt I? p'ia?ed la? announce ? limited BMM?ni aita. the G roi | ra?;etliru,ie. _ in yum cusiiMAv, wno win oak? her ir?t in lina c.ty, ifUr in ihteae? ?f Un ON MONDAY EVENING NEXT, SEPT. 2?. in her (Treat role ?>f _______ , _ ?UF.KN ( ATHKRIVB, in Sh?ke?pe?re ? G raid of Hear? V|||. ??ii... - av . MISS CUMIMjIN w,,l be ?upported by the ereinenl Ae4or MR MM I KESWICK M CARDINAL WOLsiiY. The P..? She*, fnr Kim (?hmliTTuihU ia m,w yen ? JSION-SQI'ARK THEATER. robert ^aW?r^.r. tu,"'M".h,^, ..M.??.r. THE LARGEST AND MtJOT^VEUMTU* COUPAIT IN TOB BURLESoiF PANTOMIME lad COMEDY. ?p? Burl.'.., ,e .., II.IS-KS.. ,?. T?, R,1Lu:, ?, S. 0. Ile.,, ,i ,.?,,,. , r . at? I Ira,.y I'.at. out ?f PAr-ACARE-IIAKEiti, MAN: Or. I mk AbTa.iTiRit of Parr ?an VllrlllM?. THE IfOMI. OF lill. ID TTEKFIIE? MEL:;. EONFAM'l MLLE. BERTHA, ?ud GUAN?) CORPB UK H M LET HTM AN'.TI- MUMS. ti..-,;.. Comic Voeill-t. The Great MA HIE WlI Ti.ol I'r. ia kkru x.-,*t,lr nr-t.?-aot,*. M A lill.Ne. HT iKOi'l'E ,? i jaUmime. Roi Gfl.ce opeo Lr.iu I a. m. to 4 p.m. .**???*-. ur??i i i Jay. .a ad ?a i ce. _MATINEES ?ter? WEDNE*-DIY and SATURDAY it li p. m. CTEINWAY HALL. ' k3 POSITIVELY TUE LIST FIVE NIGHTS of the VIENNA LADY ORCHESTRA prior tAtbeir dcp?rlure fur t o W. it. "" ANNA KLZER. THE MARV'L ii SCHILD SOPRANO, AND MR. JACon MULLER. THE UNKIVAIKD BARIIONR. ON MONDAY, TUE.-DAY, WEDNB-DAY. FRIDAY. SATURDAY, SEI TIMBER I', It. Ut. :; .'J' LAST GRAND M I UNIE SATURDAY M.I'T. .3. Se?u tna-ure?! at St?.uwa? Hall, Scbirm.r?, 701, ?ud Theater Ticket OITi e. ?14 Hrt.i'Ulv. TUl'KMiA?, SEiT. 21, ONLY GRAND CONCERT, BROOKLYN. ACADEMY. CTH-A *J Sol. AVE. THEATER. le I. -.*? and Manager.I (Twenly-fourth al, uear Br<>ad?ar. lie,in? ?ti.) EVERY EVENTNO. The triai ?taaaja at il,? t u.?., ? DI YOU, Bl*? THIRD WEEK H??r?e? croad?.! lo the doon. .*. SEATS SECURED I KN DAY'S IN ADV\VCR . ? DIVORCE ? MATINEE SATURDAY NEXT at l" ?.'o^V. OLYMPIC THEATER. CROWDED liol SES BVBRT NIGHT TESTIFY TO IHK GREAT SUCCESS OP G. I. FOX S WORLD-RENOWNED AND SI'El'i ACULAR BALLBT PA-NTO MIME, nUMPTY DUMPTY, O. L. F41X at CLOWN. THE GREAT KIKALEY TBOUPB OP El ROPE AN ARTISTS. MATINEES KVKRk WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Seale ?ecu,eil an day? ia edrance. _ W"ACHtEE IN GERMAN OPERA. 6TADT Till-AT EH. 4.1 anal 47 Bowerr. Pn.'.rieiort.Metan. I1AMAN li ROSENBPRO. CAUL ROSA ?nd A. NEUENDORFF.Duieio.l. DEBUT OP EUROPE'S GREATEST TENOR, HERR THEODBR WACHTEL, On MONDAY EVENING Sep.. 18. la bia m rivaled role ef THE POSTILLION OF LONJUMEAU, Price?, according ta? loeatiou. #4, * J #'. #1 tu, 4)1, Ibe., and Sfle. The ?ale of ?eau, fur any uiabt, caiiuiueuc*? lai-dar at the Bol OK? e of the Tbe.ter._ VIBLO'3 GARDEN. X1 FIFTH WEEK OP MR EMMET. EVERY EVENING AND SATURDAY MATINEE. Mr. Gai 1er*? Vc? 1? a..a CARL. THF FIDDLER. Carl.(a Muaiekn).Mr Bm*rcea. In which he will MUSI for th-' ir*-t time an or?? nal. emnttmnl ch.r ? -ter au.l -it ?? ti.?' f??!l?. ? r-g N a ?ni Original ti-u.t willi, I by Mr. Gail-r. lua.inr.t. -'li.lile.''ivclliciiud. The Wanderer'a Serenade, ' aud "The Br??t!.er?-" _SEATS SECURED MX NIGHTS IN ADVANCE._ OPEN DAY ANO NIGHT. GRIND INDUSTRIAL EXIIIR1TTON of the Atnerlcti Inmute in th? Montier B IM nt corcrlig the block: I bird and Ni rood-area., Siily-ibinl ?'"I Silly fourth ,ta.. mer >0H feet :?..? ? willa .ir?-? TI) ?<l-?,u?r?'fe eil thitiMO ?i??.-?'. lhowaada of at? tractive uoreltle? from ?II rarl? of tar I'nlon BARE FLOWERS. PLANTS, PRUT.?, BTC. MECHANICAL HIBACIBK Machinery ran by ??cr itKl-hor-e power, nu?iag ?II ?ort? of tbmg? from cjrpet. down lo frirnr?.?ud ta^?.la. *>?-fore _io?ir tye?, llcaarrul decoration,, a raarvel m? ?i_-!.t that n??ue ahoold n.|?,. Splendid bk?ia every ?fterenon ?ad ervuing. AJuuaaion to unit. Cuilireo half puta. See ?mall Lilla._ _ V?WC0MB & ARLINGTON'- MINSTRELS 11 OPEN EVERY NIGHT. TWENTl EIGHTH ST. OPERA HoUSB, Corner <>f Broaiwar. WITn A NEW AND POtVKRrTL ORO MTl-MTION. A I in ??? .on ? Particle C trlr. 5.? ?enui Pinpi Ne C reir R. crved 75 cent?, Orrheitr? CaailS 75cents. lU'.cony Jb cent?; Pntaie liute?. *)5. CENTRAL PARK OARDEN-Tlico. Thomas. LAST WEEK LAST WEEK OF THEODORE THOMAS 8 GRAND KUM'1ER NIGH IB' CONCERTS. THE ENTIRE GRIND ORCHESTRA OF OVER FIPT? DISTINGUISHED PERFORMER?. _ADMISSION AS USUAL?Io CENTS._ ?p RAND MILITARY FESTIVAL ami FETI? \J CHAMPETRE in ail ,.fth-UNION'H'lVF ail til HlOL f..r ,hi Edocatina and Maintenance of the tie, in.te ?n Orphan Children of ?<?'?? ?..-r? and Sailnra. TO IHE PUBLIC?Wt. the OfH-e-? and VaasjBByi ?f the rn'.on Home and Sel Out Bal ,b? a??i?ance ni ?II l.-iicTolctitlv-dUpoted rtnumJ in aid of the Iaatilnlion un.l?r our cb irte TI rough Ihe kialne-? ? P Major-Geaeral Ale,.n?ier Sha!.r. Hon. J?,.:? H Vthite. Col. E II Lan ?ing. Gei.r/H II. Pur?, r. Beoj. W. Hie ..?ck. and oturrt. a 4,raod Mi.i t?ry FeltiTtl ?ml Fe,?-Chaniia-re h.? Ion ?rrauteo to be held in Oc t.itier net,, and we eerucCy lurit? the |,ub!.c to pilam n- ?nd awut iba Mia, CHARLES P. DALY Pre,-?. Mra. 1. C FREMONT. 3* VIRGINIA L. KAUBAGUT. Mr? GI'oltf.E P IIOI'PBB, Via. Pre..?lent Mr?. H. tQttntU'?. Mr?. ALEX. SllALER. V t-e-Pn .'t. Mr? J J Vh? IM.SEM, Mm. DAVID HOYT Secret ry. Mra. L. li. RON1. AN. Suhacrti tiona of One Dollar eirb for. inrle aim,??.on ticket? am, T-n Dollar? each f.?r aval ti? ki g ,'welie limit lmm), esk '*? in.:I.?l tai ti a uialertigu-d. With the kind letier.i of ?-prora.! ali?-?.I* rece iel. tie piomotcM of the Fe.lival 1c. I ?el g* ne thal U?<- ui.di ?ul uoto?IT prove ap-cuni?rT ?cet?. I ot. a? a Ml o nial l.-nl- from ,hc, ft wifl enli?l ? w.'?l?-?p**??ii tit? re?t. anti be one of tit? moat ?njujibi? ?une? r?f entertai: u-nr. en r titra is that curir . BE.NJ. W HITCHCOCK. G?nr.l Mauai;rr, Sor- 1*9 BtSJgSg*^ ? VN RICE w lb hi? PARIS PAVILION (TUCUS Will open ou Poarie uth-.t. hetween ?acml ?nd Thlrd?Tc?.. FOR A SHORT nl-ASON, MONDAY. SEPT. *-'?. LT*REE iMl'SEPM; open daily; I, wuk eh irit ?ad ?ritten de?trip'.ioai. al JKJ b iwa?. Lectores ano ?IUctinQ?. K?V. E. P. BOE* POPULAR ARMY LEC TURES? 1. ?aeiTilia?aadSc.iutia?. t. Itomacce of I'aT-ilr? Lira? F, r tenaa. addr?*?a_Kev. E P. 108, Weat l'.iai N. Y. tt*0 LkCT?RK CONB?ITTEES. I MRS. F. KIMHKRLY ROURBTS ta i lerared m del t r i.Ei TUKBB m th?- SKN.-A I loNAL TOPICS OP Till .DAY. mci,; .. o eon a re? pbaee of the TEMPI.RlNCB QUES? TION. A ?i.-?.-? No *'" 1 ??? N-ul *' N?a-York /me'Xrtf. . la^IKli ABTg^TO AMATEUR COLLECTORS 1 -A cJioic? | PltU.B of .?clent ENGRAVINGS, RTCH4NCS. DRAVMNGS. aad . CAR, E PORTRAITH lar ill-Minting. t'tUl?M?eii ??-nt t.? .ryp?n?il.?t?malr7; prie? lb caula. |f,MIIM(ail Hn.adway. irai Roar. _^^ IJllllUllg. ____^ \V^ri?VERDELL'r SO?sT?^ul^-?^a ff LITHOORAPUIC. ??AM Ju? PMNTMW aad tl?tM MANUFACTURA* US. JOtecellantent. Arii^mii '^^J'isa^0-^ it You)**., llur*-' ?**-*?? *U "******jog? g. BOPT?t\r pnece._ if?UNJHJRAN?O \J The ?e?4lat4_ lilli ehai-se. ? i.irtlr ti*,*.