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SS21?.ni IM ?...r. ?"?.?.|'??1,"""",T:',,''m!;',5,."y l?hl?pow''r??,'?? o?. .?ptratora who seek tu bring Uow u fc^?''? S ?O?S?eTtK? anti Mvchllght pro EErSKdoaa ?i... lol.?' named by the Weudj ol 2r&?Jh?f.mHha a Committee from each Ward be ??o in .?ut the?.ue; .neltlut wrvl.w. <>? ?tun??-??? ? i. ,,,,r?f ,i, ....??Uni md advocateol SSSTmntl nu ..a i ?wecptlw w rp. w :.? n power. william C. Govi i awl Pel r M Oorrymade remaras W|..g??tlCot Mr. Connolly, itn.l II ?? ic*olved that? Convention of Ihre* delegate? *?? each Wart beheld ?tTiiirweni'i ?tendUntverait) place, to-morrow evening, to mike Mtaageueata lea li* propooed uns-, meeting. TWEED'S FKIENIXJ DECLINE TO RALLY. The Twei ?1 u.?? mottin? which lo have wee held on Saturday evening, el the lum t ?on of Kew Cavil ti', ?-ni Ti-' l''i?" 1'- iv. vu- 'in I'M? r failure. Th? h -, i..i-'- re* i.-????? lining "li end?" UK t el th.- Orieui I flu'i-Room, In I ?I Hroudwny, eui |H>*tpoucil Mc -ti? ui. natral n until m vi i'r lay night. Tiin CITY ACCOUNTS. Ko formal sessions were htl.l on Saturday ),\ t'licSil'i-l 'um, lill. V* OU tue. ?tv ii uti (.utility At counts botMeaers. Cut ti? 5, i' .ii ?.til. ?ml Osbornol the fiti -.:,.? commit! ?, o? IM ?l by AU rracB Plunkltt, W11 l,t-. Dimond, v. iltmun, Wil-h. Rcblk'bting, ?nd Co? nnus, were .-?? raced ni i xamlnlng tbe i?..?k? lu the ('?>n trailer*? office. Toe report prepared by the Cltlien?' t ..muli.r..' ob Friday will be ?abinUlod lu tbe Juiut Com.I.lit;? to-?.ty. _ BLACKMAILING li! II DEKS. li'?V\,;|M. IM1.IMK A? A1N-? SI "? KI \ TI ?XPERT jiv?,?ii.:? now the lil ii.ihm, impaki MI.SI I? M\NA?.1D?A CUKHl'Fl MANU l.X* l?.-l.l>. T!u fact hn? gradually fore 1 itself upon hiliuU <?! :?i vin. baxc reecntlj lnve?tlgat?*d Hie working? ol I i> Bntldma Iiepartnient of tbl? city thal ? ty ?tem of I ?ni and blackmailing I? pratticeiiuntler the inaction um! fortbe ?pecialbi a. ni of Superintendent Mi. Kr.-K'?>r.'ui It? lull > a p> ?sur?, will bring thal 1) ? partaient Into u "Lad cu?m ?????" acarcclj equated by any el the < it) Hatea.? under T.iiiuiiiiiiv. Sill it I- \?:y dlftlcull lo fPl nt Hi" rael? In l hi? i. .ni. r. Several leading in (biter I? win? Wire ??-l.e?! ni'ii.ii it-?> entlrelj and inn? rentl) Ignored u i knowledge ni fraud? lu Un- ronncc ti,'ii??.i l.i iii ? era pul in I he way ni building by the Di p.irtiie ti! ? ..?1 <'f De bliiekm.illing of budd, r- ..-I" give the intprcaak.n that no icrlou? evil of thl? lortex Idled, fun' Mid if >n< li practice? prevailed, architect! would bl ti., m-! t.. know ai.ut, m tliiii plan? ??-..-.?...I in in .. i? red with, u? bad had, t?> be ?are, a little trouble of ti t ?ort} cara ago. and a -mai) .-uni of mont j i. ,.i 1...1I i ?i to wiile it. Another thonghl if lhere ? m 11,-v u ' ii '. ..f tr.ii dort It vu ?atongthe builder? al i. nein.-i-i-bornea and i-pt. olntora. ? Another had never i. .? the flighi?-t trouble with ihe Department Hi* |;? i ). i.-. 11 ,. i Im'.u Interfered with, and his bulbi ??? dad nevei et.u pi di ? .1 <?f bia. luuaillng. The fa? t ti thal ti :- u iii ii...'.. matter for tbow who have paid noone] un? lawfully t.. the Department or it? ??t?i.. r-* t.? make a p?mu ?tatemen! ..f the elrrnmatanee?, ?beean?', lo the ilri-t jilit. t, idea? mein >>? ?are alway? pani foi "bathing np" re.ii m .i.l. gi il violation* i?f ?the building law, anil, in Ike eerond place, the Depi.rtuicnl baa II in II? power to canae Ha cnemle? in tbe building trade a great deal el trouble omi '1 I.y. Au ex ten-; ve toar amone the up-townhu bier?, who.?? ?office? an ffidclj ?tattered all awi Ibe upper end of tho Island, end v L?. ure very hard mentoflndtreanlted In ti?e obtainingof foil eorroborailon of the charge? egatual Mr. M.n gi i per and hil MbOldlnate? iioiu the lew budd? en win. will? i<>mid ut their .?ti1? ? -. An iron f. muli r who wa- f::.-t \ i-lt? ti (.poke of nevera) frauds had conic to hi.? know 1? <!_-.'. Tor instance, in I'iity-it.nUi -t.. ?oath ?Met ahontaeofeel from rinni ave., lhere I? n thrce^tory dwelling with eight-inch brk.'k walls; " vi ile," i^.iid lie, " al? v.- ?1 li? re we ure nfr.iitl t( put np ? brick fence whJrh la le?? than li luche? tbich.1 lie u? ... i-' O?, fiinli.r. I hal Judge Meium wa? putting np thi?e t?r four boiue? witl elghi in. b walla. Ile ai-.< mentioned the nan.? of a builder who paid |M0 for the privilege ol bi.ildine ?i is-inch wall In Fifty-iUth-M, Again, b4 ii-.-? it-, ?>i"'m m m F.?itv-i.?iirt)i-t. is forced to rut nj lO-incli walla, vin,- aii.?:h? i. iu-i behind linn In Forty Afib ?t., la allowed to ?..ii iiutilar bouaea with i>iuci wulla. Tim-little frame, tiny all ?-ay ha? to he played tbrniigh a tblrd party. 8t>me munapproecbed Mr. Mae ...U...I i.....;. and a-k< d lum why be could not t>uii,i IS-inei Walh a- Well an hi? i elghb? I*, and wa> otherwl-e ratliirInij'ii-iuve. ti.? valiant SupcrtnteedaatImmcdl ately knocked him down, and be wa? ?pcedlly thrown ?mt ?if the .t. ? .?. Tia Iron man wound up hi? statement wi'ii tin- remark: "Non I l? i.. that Committee ot Seventy na-au bnalneaa, and ?nil go ahead ?trung. li Ibcywantn mej lhere an plenty of iw will glvethem ill thej ? n ua? m a ?QUaK l-lu a^iin-' " tie-ve-." ,t apcrulnting bnMder 'l'le- next man al ti ,t very airaiglitforward tv ?i ..1 r. - ?ray, ?nd ? e? no1 besiute tt> tu} ,.. it it h?' wai bnlbllng le ;.- - t.. keep, or "con tni. '?n-' f" ?.v. lui-," lu would build ?-. h pleased M In (..Lint ?? ?.i Macgrt'Kor ami ali bia .'?iii?.'." "li I waa only / itt," -.u i lu. "I would u. .U? -?.in. trouble (kiara th. i? ?.t thal ?.fli?? : '"it I lake np lota and build to /"II. an.) au 1 am at th. ir lu i??>. Thoa? who pro j.e-o t.. k?-ep the heu-?- th. y leuld tun no on ai ?I iii..-li ih.m aafely In -p.te of all ln lUit?. Im ik.-? no did 1.1.. t ? 'h' m io li.iv. - li li ti. nie m ir li..u-.-. Hut I cam.ot w11 a li??u ?*? when ti.l-.i . -ah ni I bullit SO or CO bolivia i V. IT. Illui It lll.-e thieve- WOUl'l I? t III? .li'?!.?- I Wlllll.l do w.-ll, ii- liieii arc plenty of i- for all tu? koaaia we ran build. I think all Hie inilbVr? bbotdd club together ai Ibolldabouat lo Milt, tbeai ou n SO-foot lot, a-.1 then .'? . \ il? f- u ? laleut, und light bim to the ?death. Mj lawyer t.i.-n?? that bia wbol. t-ourac ia ille? gal and un uuatitutivnal. Thcj plneb u.- ]uu^t uu th? Hi ?lol h?> i- u." iincuf the Independent bnlMera who la able and will Ina to ke.-p b14 hoti-e-,gan avery thorough ex|K>aitlon i.Iihe-? frauda. As bia dixpiitc with Hie Ut-partmeut ii now In the hunda of the lawyen?.be did mil wanl ln. t. mik- m? .i- fined, without eonaultlug I?.-? leg-il adviaer?. II? told ti ?t ol a niau named Btcpheua, win. j-.m! tl.une olut-hiii II on li hu.i.-. - ii.-i.?r<- the reliar* were iii. tel?. ?), .Hi ! "I iin?-' let li.uni ii K11 ? in, w lm h el paid $?,.?.^1 bl i? km .ii on n linn-? s m K'.iu--i\tli -' it In I irty ?? ten; h -?. Kirwin went lo M i? gT? u-i end leaa.'U.-d wit ii hlui,nuyiu 'i it le ii.i.ii no1 |MJ*-ii>ly pay-ucb a price. M -i. ( -i ply waa that Ik nui-t we lue lawyer about It. Thch ... i i lilli i.iiu ti. it ii.- hid .um?' pi-t in inn. , u? two hu ii .lm ti.? in i "r.m Hgaiuat bim; and that w.i- .iii th? it lal k Mon be r. i ? I ved. Th.- lum-ii imIcuI im i l.ici - own ex perlent c wa? a? fol? low?: Mu? I t?> i.uliil t?n l??.-<- I Br?1 ? -..-1... 11 ? 1 t'i cellar, i i i-tii.L' thal paul mortal ?boult! la; put in. When the i ii v...? n arly ilnl-b.-d ..i? ul Macgre*-.).-'? n. a. .ti?' ml foti d i.nut a iib it, ami .-.:..I the m.iit.i! w , n i ko 'i i :?? ? ontrai li i -. ?I li wo?, und I? won ii tin .?li a:i I li! l-!i . '- p Mt UBJhoW. >I. n Tc_'n: -Iii ?u? li? ii in mi a ii -1 o| bad mortar. I'?v.nt to ?ee bim. lit aid h wouM ud two men to look ut the ?ellar, and leould ??.ni" ?glin ni two .lit-. I ? al ? ! again in t v... .lay-, aud he abo? ed io? in. u, which wau adverar, and in ?1-1?.lil .it I -h?.iil.l lake.:, ?ti? ti? Wolla, ii to lue, "That'? iud. ain't it I" ?? V?-," I ?aid. "I'd like yon to come and ,..?k at th. bouae." II? that he would. ?* cn. . ? n i?. i a-k? I I?,m, "Wh, re do \.,ii wini IhU l.ikcn down. T.iKiii^iti. a pick, I tot* down a I'- Croft! ?all In - Low lt.e in. .tena!. Bald be, " I d?u't *_ '***] h H .'i't'.v nood. (.?-i your plan- and bnug ?ecejuoa it.i-uioii.iw." 1 brought tbem tlowu. Kald ?','? "( "i? m UKuin .u twooi three d.ivo." I did mi. Hi Mien . ,|. - Ti..,-.- tv o p,, t, have I. 'li Up ?Iff.'lill. fu.-i -.i* u, w,u,,i,,i tu, | ,,..., ,,?1 .,,., ?ov, ilmulle **" 1? Ulupla to-t-itrry wlu.i ? to lie put on it. t.. m the ??bernie ii '.'?iii nrl willan ( you y?iu> pinn?. Ii'Uiud t irrrl I. i Iii? plan* ki? '.; ni i hi. w. I out 'it n n .- li. Ifl ?hou , .. r ..,.I ., .1 M ii, i. r thi ,e. i Mill, " Sow, ??!:? I.m. I, abai i- !..i?. dom uhoii! niV pinn?." II. ' ""< " '?? ' '?.;-' j. i> im ? , un i I will gi ? tbem to ""' ' '?'"? oui my clicks und un.-.ii fort h? i l\n "',:,,? "i;d ?a I .n ?li d lue :..? j.?,. I i,i. i, ,i:-,-.t, ,| ,,., f1 "-'" M' '!?-' Hie a v.i Min |MHui1 to ili.i-'. Ill bandin? li. told nia ck-rk.Anii-iroujr, t.. do I ?-. md Aruiotioii. ave me .. wiiiten .-t leiueul Unit Mh< v.-it " ;;' who ? ii m ? . pu ,| <i, w11 no? protluin.? .1 .*: ?I righi. . :..i'- wh n 1.5did. ''? ??:i " ? -? ment ?a- ni?, Hit c t i'ii-- and found faull *"* thi in.i ?? uga n. and - : t nu nuilee. 1 ki >1 ? ??. l'-iy Mill ,:.,iie 1 lu'. I UoWU nilli,i, in:, e ?>?.W V?. i,| lie 1,.. ;i. J ,? | ,,,,; gol I ,,.,.? *?** '" li ?'? Ikeu I went and asked in. m ?-bul um i.ji.i.,1?. Ma .:,.,., mtttil ti...i ibej bad eou.-l.i.l..1 to ' ' _tmi n,. i rom Ibu) . i. rgt. frhen I em th re . ?hmk pu. Ir.Owen (um: ol Ma. -o cora h.'a.i mt ?,) i-.,?? w.Vi'.i,",'"','1":'"w' "?housca. II? broiighl twomeu *".lj,"u,'? upiii..I lownaudl.ven m-i: aoaj oi ? a 11er ward, i r- c.-lvcd aiH?th. i nolle ti, ii I III M yu . ? .,.,, ^Vil. j . u m rtMtul . m is , y rntti i,?, i.,?i Mancrcm?. Ho i wa* wed ugain m. ,"'.' 1""1^- 'Hen 1 ?aw on.n. ami B-ke.l nl"*. ?a* Un- mall. ? now I li- -..i,l the terra ?u.l^* '." '.',"l.r't l""l'eily ih.u Be Wheeled around, ?nan' " ' "' , r,V kl" * ''"' ? **?? '-'""' "?Mu. .1 man ?naiboa* .i that I would Man.I bleeding, a.. Farrel ?u.. mj. und i.., lawyer? bavotbc matter lu baud. 1 nant ?mai i?, miy. I know another man who pani ?ino io til??.- blaramallMM ho?t ye.r. Thrrela another ra?eo! nu ?.wo. M beal waaputtiu^ upim factory, Armaiiong ?.."*" ?" "" ? and ?ai?l : "Yon -luiui.f put Iron f|iuttei? on thai iMtilU-,,.; hut II you don l ?ant togo i p^u-e ( ti,'.'xi) I tun lutak ni tour favor. I cou w-t ^?fi'i'c;'7.'" ? L Vt. (V,"r,? ri! " "'"'"end V.'.. W he ? ? i ?io '??.'Pt***I?*>*hoi.y> " .?, io M.? ??on fou :\t ? i " o* .'.? ,,m)<'' }'"' ?Mv'" "*>'"'" m.l*^****drt m*? concluded lint ne wffl noll t).,- buab tiens M II? -, ..laettoi, take uWal all the ei. tltV 'In , ? nthetr??!. ?ko WlU talk at oil fi? t,,.,, le ,,?,w, .i, mg la MuteriaL Tho luUvwlnalcttci a..V? u Wit ouul ?niMM concerning the? netarkm?oia."ailon": tm\.Jh.r it?}">r of The Tribune. ^?PA ? ?*?<_ ??? ?" know why Mi Macgn-gor of So. j Zm^*?*m*'. *?***??? thal I..- dent kii-.w ? eertilu Murroj) nil'iiM'.i.,whe? all unplleuuta foi ?. huihlin? permit are ?eut u.Mr. Murray'. ..mee by i|?. ni , 5 Tieii-iHrnetii, winn It ti., , ,wy lh.- cm?, l?i .,,', k? ?,, ,?'i>?-?ii|,a,,. t?. : !? ,-??,,,?. ,,?.,, ,? obuiuap io..-, win.h permit f? i .Mulina .|? i lW , eent lo lia- iiuuc?u* Llcpattmcut. wbcic the uonrt ant 4VUI ubUin U. ?, /.'?Lu l J POLITICAL. THE MASSACHUSKTf.? POVEBHOBMII? MR. .lKWr.i.i. with.'-Rvw-j. lb ..??ton, Sopt, 17.?Tlu? following ?ill appear toni "now: Rna-rov, fi.-pt. IG, liri. Hkniiy L. riKnon, ma.?JT* Dear Mr .- I \_? latee? you M the > hairman of u Commit ti*o of niy friends who havo li,ni ile Mildness to present niy name lo tilt? Republican Convention ii* acaud?llalo fur the olllcc of (?nveiiior, lo ti nilli to them my thanks for their good wishes nn my bell.ilt, and to iis-ure you and t'.i'-m that I um not iu MnalMfl of the honor done me by their iiction ; but I have cometo tho clear opinion that the Interest? of the R" piilihcan party und of the Couiiunnwealth will be bett subserved by the withdrawal of my natue from Cue I it nf 4 an lu?ales. Tnere ought, lu my opinion, to be no ilni-iou among ho Ri puhlleani of Boatoa and of thin vlciniiy in this emergency, which certainly is a very grave one. As a Citizen of the Commonwealth, I cannot help the convic? tion that th.' assaults which have been recently made ii'viti the l'xccnlive mid Legislativo policy which has bit n pursued for the last ilozen year?, and indee?! since tin- l.ipulilican party has hail minmi of nillir., have not onlv been wholly without ground la Justice and troth, but they have tended seriously to injure the KM j fame aud credit of the state. Massnchii-ctts has been and is a well-governed Coiiimouw.allh. The names ,?r her Chief Magistrates cannot bo apoken without re? spect, nor can the maniia-eiiient of her pu'ilir-iilT.ilrs be mu ee--tiillv impeached, or even ?tAMiled? I am ?satisfied that theio thonld be, if possible, and of its po.--?.liility I do not doubt, a imluu of all Republieana in deft use of t'a. ir own AdadBlt tratlona, now so Violently attacked. I an ?alia. iii i, abo, that the attacha upon th" Repnbllcan party ot the Stab?, and upon Its adiiilni-tratiiiu of affair* , tend not only Inevitably to disorganization aad dl*riip i lou In iv. bul to a i till flirt tier-reaching disorganization in othi i st iim, I cannot, therefore, for a moment heal. t te ? -i pi r-oiial ground- in a rrM? which teeint to In? volve the integrity and sucre,- of the part* and it- prin? ciple? lu the nation as well a? in the State. In this emergency I trust the Republicans of this city and vlcin? iiy, mid the intlro Male, may apeak with a united voice . and I ha vc, therefore, reeol ved that nodlrttlon in regard tomen?aofar ns I can remore dlvlalon nnd promot-e unity??ball exlat. No personal ?sacrifice which I can make is too great, If I nar thereby contribu?? to pro diK-4> a reanlt I dec?a ao desirable. I therefore take this opp it mil] 1? n.-k my fri?ml?, llinuigh yon, to withdraw ni) inline inna the can va??, I remain, rery Mncen-ly, yi'.ir (?'.?i-ihuit serrant, Hvi?w.? Jewell. CALIFORNIA LATEST RETURN? BT MAU,. T! e folio?* ?ng ll?-iiiii show tin returns ?O f..r it?. 4C -.til for the office o? Governor at the Bitte election of 1871: ?n >flirtv i? ? ??It.i.iHi-ir?. I ...',.-1. 1.Ik. Ila KU Utw'.l Uligal. A . -m la. HW .... Alpine. W .... An. .... i."? ..-? Rut le. M Calaveras. 1? > , ?i'.n-a. .'??a Con ira Costa'. loos 7m toi .... El bondit*. is? un .... m Ir- -no. ! n Kun . ,. au) 1. s-? n. mi ? Lo? Anfallet. csu Marin. 100 ? Mariposa.,. 78 Merced. loo Monterey. BO Nipa. 170 _ Nevada. WO .... I'la,cr. ?mo .... Sacramento...'.. li'.".* _ San l'.iriiiirdliio. ;.oi San Diego. 40 san Francisco. Soon .... Kan Joaqnin. 2oll K'.O ;U7 _ Ban Luis Obispo. co san Maleo*. 'l-l .... Kinta Barbara. 4i .... - iii'.i elura. KM .... hu,ita Cruz. ? "n .... s.'iia. lino .... Si dtlyou. 3S0 s. 1 nu. 1900 .... Soiiiniin. 7W suiter*. Ml Ct:.' _ te Ti.larc. 200 Timltimue. IM Volo. C1 .... Villa. lau .... T Ola Reported iiui'mitr for Roolh in 38 counties, 6,000. There nre l'?l courtlea jet to heur fiom. NEW-YORK. KfrTES 0!l THE l.i.rt mat a.? >..*..?.? .i-*?. The Republteans of the Hil DUtrict of St. Lawrence hare lentuiiiiiateil Mr. Adolphus Lynde to* ? I, ,,- ,u. ??ber ot the A?-milly. Messrs. William L. I'unl, Ju'iii W. Hubb?, John A. immun?, Junee Chap?n, nnd B. R Jolina n h ne in ,n chosen delegate? to the Republican Conven? tion lunn Rioonie County. Franklin County lm? chosen friends of Bjnentor Fenton to the Republi, in Blate Convention?? Mi um W. Uilll?, P. II. Shield?.andW. D. Brennan. Mr. i> \. Moore is nominated fur Aateniblyman. Mesas. LesUe W. Rnssell, Clark Baker, J. R. Brinckerboff,aadM, c. Beckwith, rapportertof Senator Fenton, hare been thoeen deiet'it'-- io Hie stat" Con* ventiun fiom the IldDlatrtcl of 1st. Lawrence Count j. At the First Assembly District li, ?nililicnn Convention of Viajcan County, h? id In Loekport on Saturday. Richard frowl**, Benjamin Carpenter, nnd Luther Foraptbe wire ell-eted d ,?gaies to the State Convention. At the Cb, mung County Convention, li el il nt Horse Heads on Saturday, Me?*.]-. Saiirn I (.Taber and David Sweet were chosen delegate? lo the Repab* iii an Sute Convention. Re?o)ntion*i were adopt ?l recommending the lciiuiuliiatioii of (Jen. tirant /or the I'n -nleiny. The Republican Convention in tho ist X*U tri t of Oawego County unanimontly nominated the Hon I), (i. Fort for Member of A?.*.embly. The ?-eut iu the tatt I.? L-'-l.r'tir?' was Ulled bv the Hon. I). C. Littlejohn, who earned it by a plurality of 4?i0 over iii mi eratic com in ?tor, un Aiiti-L?iiiiii shop i andldatc rcctlvlniilii vi.t. s, M.i--r-. J. a. Place, a. n. Fnillng, and W. St Worden wer, t booen delegate h to ihe blate ? onveution. The Republicans of the 111?l Assenibl*/ Dis? til? ? of st. Lawrence County elected the Hen. c. t. ii libnrd, the Ron. E. D. Brook? (Colkctor of the XVHth Di-trlct), the Hon. M'm. B. Bradford, and H. 15. White, deli ?-'ate?? to the state Convention. Th*** question of the ri-..ii.aiil/atlon of the pair- lu Xew-York Cily v ,. ^ ,i??t iiiii"diii. ii. The reno) tit loi in relation to Ueo. tirant'? a I m. m-tia lion wu? drawn up i?y (.cn. Mi rritt. A? *up* ?' I* I' ?'I -? li. tr'l - F'iltllll ?lll'l CollltlillU', til?' ?I?'? .'.lil'S an *'.i]i|ii??.eil to Hiipiio-eil |4, be e<|iiailj divided, The nominal ion or Mr. lina, foi the Attciubly wat secured t> v (i, :,. Mt ii it t and his friend-. On Saturday Messrs. Roscoe Conkling, E. A. Rui, r. iiini Eil Avery were eho-en deb trates from the I>t I)i?-tni't of Oin ida to the Republii ali State Convention. Strong r< -??huions were adopted In fu\or of (? u. (.rani, Si Co lil. lill?.', und the 1*0] ?.alii/utiou of the Rcpub lienii p.trly in New-York city, A contettiug delegation : i ' np from the dlttrirt, Anntlier disp.-iteh ?in-. iii Reimbliean,-t Convention held hen- tn,l,y ii?,i.'?i Mt-i-. D. J. Millard, Henry Roberts, aud J. A. Shearman, nil auli-Coukliiiii men. del? ^ it.? to ihi -'.,it. < iiv?-ution, by a vote of nine io live, Hi amor Cuiikliiiir'N ii. ml? ,11111 withdrew, and li? i I Briotui-r u. eting, nt v. ''i Si natur CmikliiiK and Mr-?,?. La aw-jj aud .? Baa i were ian-... iteleimli r?. ?HU'. ?KPMAN I,'i:i'l lilJCW AIiDRKS?! TO THE GEh'MAN DE.MOt JiAT.**. The nililicss ?J' tin- Ciiiiiui llepiibliean i'en tral < uinmltlee io Die (?? mian l?? niocmcy ur-dns united action in tin-matt-i-of the municipal dlaorder? and the wai? ,?v iiu-i T.imiiiaiiy rilli, ha?created m favorable im p.i -um, though no nl!i iii in ;iun on the part of the In ino, i.itii (ienelal Omiuiit? ??? bal v?t in 'li I iken. The document was Mit?uii,te?i. imwev?-i-, ,?! tin. i:\.fii,ivo Committee, which will call a mooting of the (leneral Oommltlee on the subject In a few dap?. It i? under? sioo'i thal nn ihut iH'ciisioii a plan for Joint iwtlun will Ik recoin un n led and adopted, ami a < oniereuct. Committee llppr'U.!? li, (?ENERAL 1'OI.IIICAI. KOTEK. MvGlyun, the Re|?uMiesa candidate for Si jit- Hu? inn - Coiiiiiiis-iijiu r in California, was defeated I.y a small in.iioutv by Boaenfeld, h Ileinot lat. The ite 1 uli'.ic.iiis elect ii li" I be other State olb.i rs. A Democratic paper isayn that Gov. Haigh! of California wat defeated benanee he "di-in-d to jiro t? i t tin- Slate from extraVHcatit expend?,ure." The li. iiioeiats of >*t w York -?eiii to be pretty well gnarded itK.'in-t dell al rroiii that eiiuse. Tlie news of THiniiiiiny'H misfortnnei hat reached Rantabarg, iv na., sad the Deworratue ergaa, 7Vif J'ati tot, BWkei the ltill.iw iliac observation: "The lit p.ii-ntical Radi? al iiewHpniii r? of tins State, the blind nun!, s v. liidi stiain m n nuat and swallow a t .nu? 1, ?li? tilled \4itli bitter denunciation? of Taiuuiaiiv." A tolera* blj unod-ueit ?.-lint, we hlioulil s.,.,. lu the Htiitcmcnt df expense! of Um- Borough ol sr. Clair, Behujrlkill Co., Pena., for IhsI jrear, there oe i eis in lite illlfeient jilat t s, i liher foi "diliile," or "re* ins .un -ir." liiius io Hu? Lin?, uti neh of ps. making a total of -'. t hal -?' d lo t',o t.,\ |' wrs, anl by then paid lor borough dunks. Mauvol li)?'? tilixeu? ure i ?.i diKUaul al such a dUpoailluii ?'. the borough fun.I -, and so tia -, t, ighl lo be. i ?eii-u.tii-., lately tiniMi.1 to the MvaaehutoMi 01 ! ruitewl I lu lot ?hilt, J.iine RepnMI?n Convention ?re reported m follow? : louth, bridge, two anf-kuttor mon; Lynn, 31 Butler men ; Wor rester, 24 ntih-lltitlef men. Ihr?*? IHiiJer men; Rndbttrr, two ?nti-liiitler men; OMooiiee, f?ur antl-Hiitlcr men; Bathampton, three anfi-Hi.'H?r tn?-?n, willi?unaburg, two iintl-Hutlor men: Wow Salem, twd gnti-Hutler mou; West lutiiiploii. uno ault liutl.-r until. lu Ncw-Jr-raey the campaign open? well. The lbtpiiblieaba are organizing willi gn at' ?inefgjr, und going Inte Hie calivil?? wit h a will. Meeting? Will be Im Id in New Hi iinswick, Monday, Sept. 1?, Elizabeth, Tu' ?day, Sept. It, Tut T-.OII, We.lui-.In, S,-p?. JO, un I RilirifiV. Thursday, Sent. 31, for th?' rat I II ii ion of ii?-- liomin ii i ?n nf Cornell!? W.ii-:i for (iorernor, Mr. Wal h, J?>'ui Davidson and other? will be presenl ,mJ u.iire-s the lue? til.?v. The Alban* Argot is puilty of Hie following moat disrespectful aareaem on the Democratic petty of Hil-.state: "Rut let a Democratic official be guilty, and what M eatery 1 Wlial a ?enaeof Indignation pervade? hi? own party 1 The Controller of New -York I** charged with in il'.i'.i-li'i? e. At once Hie f, uri? Intel poe. Al once willi it mian minn* v.u. e, le .1 nul v in Hie eil l lui' in the state, the cry elite? 1!i;H the in? il' I ??ill i .1 ?h ill realen. T'ie party cuuuot live Involved even romuloly in his ill.-houor." The content for memben of tin- Lcgialntnre will he toiisidi-ruhly mixed this jeir i?i the anthracite (?.?untie? of Pcnnaylvania. In Rchuylkill County tho VTorklngmen have an independe .t Uckel in (be il?i I. 1" I.nicrne, two of the Reimbllcan candidates, Richard Willi mis and Henry W. Evana, are member? of tbe Worklugmcu'a Benevolent A - -I Mon. Mr. Willam? lui? aire.uly served a term creditably und acceptably to the minora, lu Carbon County,a Workingnu n'?t.'oui li? lian 1? culled to meet In Manch Chunk to-morrow. The. Anl'iracitc Monitor, organ Of the Miner'? I'mon, piule.-.---, the utmost hostility t.< both pul?,nal parin?-. Their is sciii 1y a reasonable doubt that (lie RepnbliraM will have a majority in the nest Kew-Jeraey Rennte. Bight RepnhUenn member? buhl over; Henty J. Irtckof Burlington, Edward Bettie of Camden, Thoona Beesley of Cape May, John W. Tay lor of Essex, barnool Hopkin?of, i.evl D. Jorrardof Middlesex, Henry A. Willi.un-of Paswule, und Joba C. Beiden of S ililli. The Ki].111.lie.ill- Will hive In chit hut thiel? membera in order to ?c up a majority. He ven comities will. leel new membera; A'l tali.. Uorgnn, Cn mi. -Hand, lludaon. Mercer, Murri? ana nu ni. I.i-t rear ii v.- of tin--.- I'tmutici ?j ive ?l-l I ive i;-p iblie m m ijoriii.s, ? ni It ia .i- certain aaanything in human affal i ran lai li ii Atlantic, (uiiii "ilm.l, Morrl? and 0 eau, ivii elect the it? publican ticket by handsome majontl ? t!ii- year, LO Al.. An Avenue A fiit'ley (.lull v. m Rntnrday evening by Ibe election ol I iilini-: l're-il. ni. Curl Kunee; \'i e-l'rei sweeney; Secretary, Patrick A'ina-el. Bnffolk Ctiunly Minis to the SI ii ? (' mv ntl. a Me t.. Rtephen B. Firm b of Bag llarlmr, .1 ? iii a. m ii, \ ?I Hit.-rhe til, George Hu?ihard ol Baj ?Shore, and John ?Bobbina ol Babylon. Thcae pentlomen ni-,- nnib*nttoo<l to be friend?, of s.-nator Conkling. R ?oiiltloM \? ie pan ? I favoring the renoiulmit Ion ol Mr. Carman foi A--, iiinly, himI approving Um action ol the ritate Coui ni.; ,.-.? m the maller ol tim r- organization in lota city? Tin- Republican Convention foi tile I!?l .'-? lemhly Dtatrict of Weetcb ?ter County, kelti ?1 White Plains iu-t Saturday, elected the following: ti ?te ftetl Ti li ti p . ,,!??(? ,< 11. K 1' e ' -i Pan '?'?",; s. y. Lir?l. ..'- ? . . ?_?'. V V I -' r> r ? ,\ ! ' ! - -' Ml -'I ia. W li Holm - .. " i Wi?M -?..-? fute. . ?, -1 I'.t.! It. I'l- ".-. u i-11. ? Dr. Nor!.| te. i \. i. uti I ..??.-!? ,:,t. Jaar* Uojik ?:.-, .S...-'... ? .-- --. Il ???- ..lint* bargh. At ? meeting of tbe Queen- ('entity Rcpllb llt an I cutral Committee, held the pi-t v.. .1;, in r? latkm ti. ih.- action of tin Senatorial Committee In calling the Senatorial Convention In advance of thi Queel ?? Connt Convention,areaolntlnnwai p?-*-.i r ?qm tingtb. Con vont ion to adjourn till after the Mi ol oih.i.t, tint lim cn- Cou ni ? Inigbt ,'i l.-nn - ti teil. A let tel from Mr. Ui? >rge I'. Ciii.ii' n, one of the -? uutorial < utuuilttee, i li shown -titiin; that the 2d of Del. wa? dccidcil up ?n for the holding of Hie Senatorial Convention nud<-rthe lu.pi-e--.tli t ih? tjuw'u? ?'ounty Convention preceded thal dat.. lhere i- no doubl but ;.. it lui i'.a.i ( will adjourn a.- i.-??u? si. .1. ORITDART. PB0FF.S30B DENNIS 11. MAI1AX, I.!.. 1>. On Saturday morning) Dennis ii. M ?ino Protestor oi Military und Civil Engineering at Wctl Point, took postage froiu that pla. toNow-York nu the Mary Powell. Uti conduct -. -mid to excite I be apprehensions ol bil botisek. -ep.-r. v. bo uccomp ml. d iii:u nu the j limey, .She kept ueb a careful watch over a- to ann?.., li i.i, and lu petulantly requested bei to cease fol'owmg bim, At a moment winn be wa? free from her -up? i \.-,. n. be ?ii. w oil bil coal and 'i ?is and plnaged Into the water, and probably received a blow from the paddle-wheel whUc be wa? In the water. Ile ?auk Immediately, ami all rfforta to recover his body w. n- in rain, it is ?nppoeed that the crise ol lu- ?nield wa?the recommendation nude by the Board >>? Vi-i. a at w? -t Point, bul Jane, thal be be plai-etiupou loo re? tired ?ist, which atmagely aflbeted hi-, mind. ond'wa's apprised Cadet *rt ?&A-?^T^!?.,!!^ A. ?demy lu his Uth year, lie waa Ai-tiug A--i-i.ini P ?, ftsiot of M iiln mat u-. in that Instltutii.u from isji un ii It 14, when he wa? graduated. Ile wa ? a! ? n. upimiut. ? Second Lieutenant In t!. Engineer Ci.;p?, und wa A ?latani Professor of Mathem itlw until I1.-". i lieu he be? came Assistant l'li.fe -?,r oi Engin I ng, A-c., at West l'oint. lb wa- ni.der m,ii i - in Karup, from September, 1?37, to Mar, 1? ?ii, hat my: been attached ,n January, U -.', lo the Militar} School i?>r I.a,-.uni- andArtlll rial? al Mots, France, by permission ol the French Govi ruin at. On Id? return to America In ISM, h" wai made Vcttng Professor of Military an?! Civil Engineering ami the Science of War, at West Point, ind In Ih following year wa?made a full l'i if ? ., .m l reta.iu i ;:..? p.-tm.ul th?' tim? of in - death. Prut M ih.m ?.? well known ai tv- nut bor of ni ny -tan.laid work? on Military Seieure. In 1-.. be pub li-heil ins Elementary Treati-e of Civil Engineering, ol WhkhabOUl a.noo copie? were st'.d. A m tv work wa? ptihli-heil in l-l", w it h I h ?.ame title, mel I- the ??in no-v in juiiit. His w??ik givci luch a condensed view of most of the branches of elementary engineering h may -, rv? i.-r o-Ri'd'l Introduction t?. the larger works to which it everywhere refera the ?ludent. It 1?the most valuable work on t lu - snbjeei in the English language; it ba? bren translated luto Oerman in Germany, in 1AM he published? Treat lae on Field Fortill, ?tiona, ol which -ix or f.-v.-'i edition? were ?old. I!, ?l?o pttblUhed a Troitls?- on Advanced On ir I-, Ontj ort? and D : .ehmeut Service of Troops, of which almat I.T'M ooples wert sol i, and an.itln r Trratlse on in rmanenl FWtid. atlona, itthu L'liiph.-.i with platea at the pre-? o? the C h. Military Academy for the nae of lim cadet?, About UM copies of this work were di posed of. lu )?': he published a Treatise ?m Industrial Drawing, which ii on ? ol the m ist successful manual? j el p itali ?bed on the s ib| ?? t. in i--j ; Mostjit'.s Mechanical Principie? of Architecture and Engine ring was published, witb an appendix by Prof. Mali ni. Ti' work? <.f Prof. are authoritative standard?, and are uaed aa text in.ok- in the Military Academy al West Point?the ?elentlflc reputation ni whose cn-..? of professor? i? w. li established?and in ?eural of the colleges of the Unite I State?. KX-JI D<;i: 8. II. ITCABT. Sydney Hiirri?on smart, Ih? eminent crim? inal lawyer, died at his residence In Eighty-fourtb-at., Pritlay evening, age co. Me was burn ia BrancbfoCd, Buttes County, K. J., May I, bumbl.? rircum -t.ili. i .?. aild 111- .-lib-? '?Hi III .nil 'e'! -eliieiit a..d ililli DI .' w.i? solely the result of untiring energy and an m loin liable ambition. Bis father wn> a miller, nod Sidney, I dug ih i :?! -t of a lu ?; ? fa i.lly uf ? blldren, assisted in the mill until hit twenti. :!i year, winn be cunio lu N? \v York. Cmil.le to read ?>r write, be t.ok the Hi -i position inat utieied it-.-if, th.: of porter Ina snare, and bera he -..on ni.i-ti red Hu alphabet by itudj big the direct ion? and carda upon boxes. Pursuing his studies h.t laklus book-? from a circulating library, he gradaaUy improve I himself, to that In i-i? ii?- wa? appoiuted Clerk in tbe In -t Districl Police I ?.?.ii. Be. uuiiug Intetestod ii. the tinlj ' : ... be resolved to make ?t bis pr??f? - km. Through diligeut application, he wat soon admitted to tin- bu. and subsequently was appointed Police Jostler. in lnU In- wu- ehrtet City Jii'l??-. ., posit mu he bi-ld for li.i e year?, when he resigned, und daring ibe remainder of Ins life ib -. ?iel his ?nergie? extln ively lo b - pn f? --i-m, shnnnittg all connection with politic. Iii- prat Ik t wa? lu greal meaanrc in rrimtnal cu.-es, and be i? well known us the defender of the im>-i noted criminals who hive appeared lu New-York courts for the past io yean. iii-efforts in behalf of Parnell aud Beni, and more re? cently in def.-n-e of Fester, wen remarkable for their peraiatence and sincerity. Ot great legal reeoarch, and unusually fon-Hile as ii pi. ad?-r, lie bul few eqnala in lus branch ?f tho profeeaton. His latest appearance in loiirt was an Tuesday last, helor?; Jud>.-e Barnard, lo ask for u wnt of habeas corpus. He has been afflicted for ii verir pant willi fet er und ague, willoh rulinlntleil in t.phold f?-ver,and ctlised hMdeath. Judge Mtusit wa? an uni lim-Whig, and although Jin live nari in iH.liii r took I alkira, lil-, sympa tbiea were with Vue* MepnWIc?u party dartag the latter >.-ai? of hi-, hie. Ills will take place ou Tuesday tr? in his late resilient i> A CIRCUS IiOV STARVED To DEATB. I'<ii'(iiiKKF.PaiK, Sept. 17.?A boy, ag.' ?, be* tanning lo O'Brien's cir? un. waa found In ? raomofthn hotel al HtocmvlBe, butt week, with lils bands tied be* hud kim, and almost dead tioiu starvation. Th?. cook li. nd ni-. n??, ami |? ive bim I I le. i "t '?i. ni, and when this v i ii i-, ? et-e.i hy th urtu, pi ?pic, be waa severely bellen lm e.t li; It. II. v. .ih i). |ii i\ i ii ?li le.el hit he m k.i'. i- eij'.i'i nain, so Hut Uni uicu lu Iht) nug could ,w..E)m J^T*! WS? Tlinridsy he ?od. *?n.l the y. clan rfcoiaft-d that he |, ,? hp,.B ^1 ,,?t star :?t?d to v, ,',,'',fii? u\ *.****** ****? lhU"*>u:'Ui Pal li for liri) ' "Uo " mM ** **** ****** **** ti* HIE DRAMA. TO-NlOftT. Little bj Iii !., the new dramatic year f-r.?*? liv. !p. Eichwi ceatlrc ira, k brin -s It? ,, ,Te| ,.? lAmU i ,lt oratunga m -pla* -by Mr. Ciiarlra (?avier win i?. N!blr,-d (?ail.,,. r.? tilli? is " Cari ,,10 l'l'idlei.-.iridilr. J. K. Bnimet Will peisotuto |(s'her,, Tins ,vt iiini-, niso. a new play will bo offered al the (.iiini',,.era Hoii.e. -Oofty Goof." It the title, a ii 1 Mr.8. PblUtpa will peraoaate tim priaeipal part. Tin? I'' ih "" ??? ? I'"1'!" e-Jata? In tlie.itrleal composition of M Iwiii P. De Nye. a iii-tniier of the pros?, ptlll Another novelty will be ifloi-dt-d al Booth'? *I*henter, where I, illa Will eu iel mx characters, in "Tho Lillie Di'leiti.c."?Allraiai'iiis already interfiled, and -nilli .cutly Bal dill In-1 In i nu alone, will pirvuil cl-i wl.i-ie.-" Iihore?' " nt the Plfth Ac, line, "Humpty\ " at th? Olynipl , v.iii"ili s al the Union Sqaara, and Ethiopian Mhiatrslt at tho Hall of thr? San Francis ratuand the Opera IIoiiM ??f ll?_ara g??wcomh aad Ar liiiutoii.-'li.e A iiii-i i- ni In tillite Exhibition iflVrs ita numerout o'.'Jocti of nut uni ii inly, and vlet suc-e-s lull* \si,ii i,i. luiittl p: min ut allurement? thatcapti vale th?- p i die ere. UK ASIATIC nott-;. Tim engafwniont ul Mr. and Min. Bandmann wa? ? ??m',ii?ii-d al tin- Urand Opera llouea on Betunlay evening, It rompi-lsed ii ft -u iieiroriiiauees-seven of "" .et ?ii of "Jasper," and um- of "ThoM'-r i hunt of Vi nice." Mr. I'.rnliiiaan's WOll-kaown and truivHiiiikc U"ie m |. ? un. n of Kketeck In the latter ?ii iv, was.-. t ii with mt. les' ami ?ulm i'at ion by a ion i ti? eri, ble us-, ?ubi i.-.' mi 'i inn a i .,?? Rt/rnlng, when the Inge dlan and hi* wife were the recipient? of ii farewell ben* Hit. Mrs. d' iinji?'I an Intellectual and lnttlt Portia. Mi Ci. Vf. li ii ly pi' 41'iiled mi iiiiii-tn.lly go ti Ant into. A't!.e i i f ef Hie ?e-i ...?ni.'n.'o Mr. ni Mr-'. I! indmnnn w r?' ? a!'? d i? f ire the i urtaln by roelfer oii-, applsnae? Mr. and Mi-. Raiidmann will proceed on a tonr of the provincial th? u ??!?- undortbe uanasemont o! Mr. ( ItftOU ?V. Tu!' n'". Mr. J).in Rice, with lii-i r.iri? r.xvilion <"i'<*'i*>, \. ? ?? in lei- ii brief ? i*.i I to ll'l'tlt, ?ni I.'iM teelitl. ?I., p. ar 'I mi I a e. 'I ,, ?ii ii ? I' i . I |< \ !' "ii ? Mi-'? I? I V. :. I, , ?? i? ??'I -I - ill .;? I.:. i li. " li I 'li.. ? ! ' tee 1-11 ? ti t . I ;, . . el I It , . "-1 .1 f .li to nilla? 1 a'1? nu .ii. 111!. P.I EKM I.V ' T. E.\!*L ISIQX. rillRTT j.:0-\M? TORPr.ItOES DEiTBOVKD ? lil' Mil <)i COh'O-H ilMI'U. Four ci-., (nut iii ins nliniit 10,000 Union ?... ;.'i|.. -, in, : it- io Um-,.' ?.,!,. h exploded erith ?urU i nibil- retidla on Thursday hut. In front of No. iMBeek* uiiin-st., were found on saur lay in Ihn eellai of the building, an?! couveyod to lu .on'? Hall bp order of i Lu f Clerk (J. ii-... a ?ow i ? kel ?, Romancamllea, ?ni ntl. ?-i le ni. ii.! ? "f i Irin.'? -lo li of flnworks were alito found. Ij.U? in the day the rate? seized in Beek man-at., ti?,?tier willi eight other ca?ot toni ni.hil* ?lllOllt .0,'IHI to. ??r- Le -, -?I 1/ ?I 111 Jilly lil*t, illl.l hlOl'lli Ul ih, collai ?ii l a. nu ii ? Hail ever ?ince, were put on 'on,.ni tho Underwriter?' st? imboat? John Fuller, and t ikon to : la? im '?i. of lin-.*?' mik Rlrer, whore the i?sewi were broken open aud the content? thrown Into the water. Tin vutiuusIn.V|-ec?ortattaobcdtotbe Fire iv p.llllm-lit have Illili unified to 8".itch cn .Cul 1."." and li port all liolationt Of the law n ?alive tu tile sluice of i ivloaive material? within the lit* lunns. Michael Uoldschmidt, one of tin- Arm of Kloeher '-. ?oldtohmldt, the pstenteea and iuiuufaetur<.T-> of the Unnui ti-rp lo. died on *i.itar?l iv at his r.-sldencc, No. 79 Ii aii-.-t.. Iii .jo!.lyu, ti oin the effect of the Injurie.-) he bail .-im d. liie ti? r a . .1 was n m in of con-il. i able In* I' ;. ? .? .'ii: 'ii . Hie II.-in. W?, Mi 1 (ra* 8 v.: ::;*,. : .', Moimi Ni 1. ?li I....!..--. P A.M. ?Ta hi ii'j-ton Lodge, I. O. n. li.. uni ,:? in ?n I, 'il^e, F. S. ut I. Ile was (?land Mattel of th ? i.m.'i l-r'l.c i??r sr?me time, ilia fanerai will be at? tended to-day by nu nibil-ol all the l?t-l ?_-<??? with wld? li he ?... conn ?t'-'il. Coron? r J.?ii"s nt Brooklyn 1ms taken t li n.--o? the nie :n ?i impaneled the following jurv : Herman (;,dd?nuitb, So til liold-at.; Ii. Schellenberit, ... it. Dtitlicl I -*.; .1. Adler, N i. MM Pulton-ara.; fiador .orlen. Ko, lil ii,.n..- -t.; M. Bternlierger, Ko. IM; I!. ? tniua?, Ko .." I mu-ord >t.: M. I.. I.?-lbniati, n. ia Mu.I?-.i?. ,! A. IV-.:. -'-i, No. Iii i.oll-st.. nutt 1..-.1? lei. No. I'M N.ivj--t. The inqnotl Will be held on We'ltl ' ll.'Xt. c initier young; of thia t-itv will begin his investigation ta-tley, al in. i .v uni ti lu toa fit** Itali. THE FREAE OF A DRUNKEN EATHER. IIB TIIREATE?M TO KILL III? Win: AM) THEN si HI- BABE?UM Bl l'-l:QI I.:. 1 AHUK-T. ?tviiii ni h. UobcrtMB, who is an ?gent for - \? ni ein.'?. iv i..iii?, mies, and lu- an ollie- at Nu. f* itirr luv.,., ceci ntl? n -??I? ?l with lu- wife aud family al No. M Amity-t. I ii i oii-i'..iienc.' of his d(s?t,lute babils und continu d mu? iiity toward her, Mrs. Bobertaon left her h'.'.-liaiil a-a.'ii lino n?.-! niel look a hoiis,, at No. 21 West T ?ven ty n i-t.. m .ir Pifib-are. Mi. Bobertaon h se til, ,| th, iv on two ocraatnna and tin? at'iietl ker wiih peraonnl riolence If -lie ?lil not return and live with linn. Ula conduct Hu illv bit.tine so oiitraiicous that h?' wa? taken latoeiistodv, i?ut waareteaaedbacante Mrs. Hubert son would not uwk? romidatal *g*)lP*A lum. I.i-t evening, while Mra. BjitH-rtr-on was absent nt rhureh, her hush.,ml, much auder the InflneiMt of Uejaor rame to the bimse, and, In ?.pita 4if the rrmon -trin?is ut tin? Iiiir-e, took the youiiifest chill, hu Infnit ot ten Weeks, from Ibe eradle and took II from th?* home, with nothing en i 'lit lit i ila) ii ? ' ?the?. In ?idle of the threat? of Honert -iiiti, the nnrte followed htm, begging bim to giro back the el ?ni, a? ezpuanre In the enid night air wmtldprab* ably cause i t4 death. He threaten???] her with violence, but sin' followed him Into a s xth-ave. cur. They rode to Hie Aator Hou???, when Bobertaon ran luto Broadway, ui "I In the crowd the Woman loaf him. i-ihe returned lo in?- houae and aeitualnted Mra. Robert mu, who lud retarned. with what bail happened. Hie aim st tiatitie mother pna eedi d lo Poll??* neadquarter? an i informed ln?peet?ir SWalling of her loss, a general ul.inn wan still io all liie put Hirts io look out for llob eit on. Mr*. li'i'iii?"ii waa.:'-.. ft iifui ti.nt bl rUtubaud vc.,ubi return to the houae ?turine- the night and carry into einet his of killing her. Iu?pector U'alUagdlracted Ciipt. Borden tolnntnicl tu - ??ill.-- rs lo keep a wateh on the house, ?nd arrest Bobertaon If he made bl? appear? ance. **"tni alter nilduighl R 'i" n ?ni was nriesiisi n? nr his wife'a r?silient e bj the Pulir? of the Twenty ninth i'leillicl, taken to the WestTliirlietli-iit., .**'t .iioli-hoiis,-, a id i, lOat.Oncd a* to What he had dillie with the Infant. Ile -aid ne had giren the child away, and prom toed to tell wh re it waa Lol.. :t*oii al i nat li i ? ufenaed thal be had placed the child in iii?- Punduna As? lum of tim bitter*of Ohartir, m W.i ni's'' n utiare. An of*] er wa.i M*nl there, the child o'tnined and giren to tin- thankful mother. OUT-DOUR SPURTS. THE TURF. GOLDSMITH MAID AND l.t'CV. Milwaukee, Soi?'- 16.?Ooldamith Ifaid ti?,itcl the tlrsi in at in Miiineaiiolis to duy in -.?:1h1 : Me* ? ?ml li. at iu ::1"J. The tlnr.i licit was milite la Mt. In t ... s-1 .mil heat Lu? y i .inn- ia only a neck behind the Maid, thti*) making better time than erer before. The ti.o k i? new and ?andy, and ?jar? way beneath tha hoofs of the l.o-.sea. Tin- hontet were ia ipleudid eooditlon, and trotted tho ?econil heat with apparent e.ia,.. Dobie he wUleaally ?to ia low hit Milwaukee time on Hie Urti favorable opportunity. BAHE-BALI?. Tho colored liiisi-li.ill ntatcli at Pliil.iiiolphia, v. -it ida,, mm* largely attended. The arara waa Unhiue? :i i bkagu. '; Pythian? m PblleitelphU, i. Tin PBiploy?sof B. Iii>i'&- Co.and Thk. Tnm t*i Pre ?men played a bome-and-home game? on natur* tie al th?- Emit' (iron,id, near Baal Niw-Voik, win h v. r? von by th? it -ni'ii, us folio wa: t : ?, {?t ti W. 4th. Mb. bth. 7th. T..,.!,. . I I H 'i 2 h I ?ta n UmXCn.. ___*______*___ 5-11 I'Ol? IN(J A DAUOIITEB TO KABBT-HBB BSCAPI AND ADVE.NTL'KKl?. In no RoImbiob, a bri^it*lookiog fouBg woman, age If? left *"r ?'"??(? la Pen ia, lil., two peart ?go because h.-r par? ut? Wlahcd her to in airy n mun old iuoukIi to be her father, aud for whom she entertained a decided dlallke. To faard uKain?t detection, ?he adopted the bullit of u bow nu 1, with her hair cut short, readily mi-sted f.?r u boy "f in or 16. she tirst weut tu Chloag?, nnd there obtained woefc um n teamster, passing under tUi. iialiie of Willimu ITanks. hhe Ma? tntpacled of being n girl, but denied it. and lett ( Ucsfo through fiar of being detected ?ml ?eut hium* slie winked at various pluce* ii? a f-.uin lahorei, but ?eldoni ?.fayed long at one iilaee. The prying eye* of women wa-re almost alway? the tlrnt ti? detect tin? ?liniiosturu. After various adventure*, she found hen-elf In Troy, a few days ago. and engaged as 4leck hand on ii cnnal boat, commandeal hy (apt. rabiaran, und bound foi this citv. On the ety here tue captain'.?, witt m ciiied her of iH-itga girl, and she nually confessed thut sut h waa the fact. By udviee of Mr-,. ?Hbliieaii, ulm w.ut lo the West Twentieth st. Police Station to ii-k iel of the police authorities to enable ber to reach her houie. Mu, is tired of her tough lil.-, ami wishes to seo her relatives, of whom she baa beard iiutbiug sime leaving home. Her rough, horny hand? und -un-biiined f-ii-e bi-ur witness to her life of toil und exposure. H.?r garb consists,if i?C'?ut. milch the WOTM fier wt.n find mrumaorrral plaii?, patched iMiiiabum*. i.. ..h wooli n slur*., a pall et Mary boot?,mid ? battered bl n k uni. *-lie II.1SS4-.-?-s a i luerful diapotttton, which ??tau hei tough lite lu?'"en mabie la ?abdar, Vhen a-ked whv -h?* did ii"t assuin.? the gurliof lier n-r, when that accuacU vi humg a nul. sbc ?nld Uiu'. oh?; Was etttk\?\ 'ena k*t**r*m *m """ ? igs?rT" of being found by hrr f tt!i< r and rotnfielle.1 to ?tOt*f home. She ia detained at the Statlon-faoiiao. ?Vday " will be seut hoiui, byllu- police authorities. THE HOWIE pi'.l'ALVATION. BFIDEXCI AU.MN.sT BODOE'fl NF.W-YORK BARKER^ WASBUfOTON, Sept. 17.?Tiie Sei'it't'iry of War to ti ty has informed de Treaeurr of!! la'i Hut, if i? ^vaa the intention of the Treasury Department t?> proceed aga, to* Hie New-York hank m engaged wltk Paymaster li -ige.'" hi?laletriii?ietl..-i?iii Wallst., th.? l'a nu i-t, r n? m .ii:iiv"* a massai evidenee concerning the relation? i.? iwi *o .*h? ?' Piter? and the Paya itti r .vin. h ?h .,; t n disposai. ^ie HceiUlarr of War baa not been requested lo release Hnn<" on ball, aj he is a milli iry prison, i ; bnl ne ha? boen ?age 1 lo r?teos? bim from ?los.- ronflnenn nt, wit!, h h. r ft.* i to%ti?. Tiie. ase w?.-. yesterday ref rr i lo the iudge-AAvocat "-u.-m ral, n Ita Instructions ta uro para charges and ?p* location? immediately. A court' Bisrtiulfoi k1?trial nil) l.Npn be ,:? rigaated by Ihe8ecre tary Tbera will be no Oowrt of luqnlry In too caoe of Hen.Tai Urn (?? ailralnlstrathm of the Par Department. M bo r. .p-...Hi,?i, ,|,0 H,?i,ti.rv..f War feeltBg Batlsfled "'" "??" '''vei,,.,,, ?? irragnluiWee,md ,i... nlag li ,,. exped? it. under rath circumstances, lo Incur the ei l-':'-" "' ?'? mbllng ?nob a Court of Inqiury. PIRRA DESTRUCTIVE PIKE AT HT. PAff. MINX St. Pam, ft pt. 17.-A fire broke out 1 -1 night, about midnight, In the row of the Ki. ?t National l!.n!c; it was lint .liMovered In a ?tablo belongil? t.. li .11 ? Toot, wholemle groe. ra. The in spread with great rapidltf, communicating to Catheart'a dry gooda store und the lulilineiy eatabll hmentof Uro, j. p.. 1, .<_? and the stole of Hall A Poor, which, wa? complet, ly gut? ted. Catheart'a dry goods store was only slightly tern aged, though en-ill h rabie lost was iiicuir.-.l in the re? moval of the etork. Hall ft Pom saved rery Utile stork Hull A I''s I" - ? r in.- ?- li . 'i %'ZJOol to ?i'n 1 ?i; |tl ? -,.' . re, li '-.u ?.'.. Tiie ..'" -t- losses ar.? comparative!) small aa I cov. red bj lus nain-.-. PIBE IN fit, ALRANB, VT. RCRLIKOTON. Vi., S.-pt. 17.?An extensive Bre broke out at 3 a. in. on loike-et., H. Albans, and lind raged iinill n a. in. before 1 eiinr ? ii".! "ii. The entire south aide of the street irom Final's Mock to M. Al 1 'ii- ii-ui-.' 1- iii saltea. Among the li tlldlni burned ure Barnes's r.i ick, Mon? itor Bk k,Drl .oil', li'.ni:. Pt. Albans Fouadcr.v Com p>'iv Wu-i io . -., .ii'iiio?-- ,v Rraln.ird'? Ivery Mabie, . i? various other ?tore?, .-!u?!>>. and Ion? m uts. Ki!? 1 n ; mille- are |.|. ii. I limn. I? - - by the lire. I,,. , leos ..n ??; largely Insure?!, nae mun wa? Injured. Tin ii,-em?' do nothing for want of water. Tin 1? ti - of 1 '..- .si. Albans Transcript and tho paptr Le ?'mili ton? vain- ul-o rteetroyod. nr.EMKN's RIOT IN NORFOLK, V\. NORFOLK, Vu., Sept. 1?.?A oeriottl utility oc? onnell la?! night hit ween the United ami Hope pire Com P inte? of His city, growing out of a |ea!ois f. ?ling Ik if for some tune ha? existed between the two eompai - About S o'clock in the evening, a number of men from the United Company proceeded to the cngine-bonae of the Hope Company, on ( uve-it., dragged the ?agine and bose-carriage? into tbe street, and then ran away. Half an hour biter a crowd ?>f nun behmgtag t? the Ifope Company rou, ( t. ?1 and proceed, ?i to Maln-ot. Tltey met the l'ait, ?l ('..mpmy'- m. u near the Atlantic Kaloon,and a fight began. During the affray about ?o piatol-ohota were fired, by which two men were seriously and four ?lightly wounded. The police, gathering in force, ar? rested the rioters and restored .?nier. The Lowell fire? men, who an1 vblting the . itv, were at their hotel during the riot, am! were no1 implicated In the afl'tir. It Is Mated ihai -dps will be Immediately taken io abotiah the voluutiei ?y< tem'and substitute a paid Fire Depart in? ut. A M IN 1 EATEN TO DEAT? HY III? BTCFE. Utica, Sept. 16.?On 'i'liiirstl.iy last William Edle of Kangerfi. bl was found deni in lil- bed. it i? be lloved that Edie and bia wife quarreled while the but hand wa? Intoxicated ; that the wife was very ronghly bandied at first, but obtalnlnga wbUBetree, hIic ?truck her husband on the bead, knocking hint down and so -, v, i. iv beating Um thal he <il?'?l on Thursday morning of hi? Injuries. The wife says that near Midnight on Wednesday hIk- w i- awakened by ? colored man stand? ing by the aide of the bed occupied by herself anil bus kind; thal beim? very much frightened ahe lumped from th.- bed, eon . aling herself in an uutbntldlng until morn? ing; when returning to Hie house she found ln-r husband lying on tho bed dying, and a Woody whURetrca by tho Itedaide. This storj seouH hardly probable, and Mi?, i.dic han been hi id tor murder. THK THOMAS! M. BEB VN MURDBK CAME. Cin. IKNATI, Sept. IT.?The jtuy in the case of Thouin? Mci ?.-lian, indicted f?>r the murder of Thoona Myer?, ni Hamilton, Onto, on trial al Dayton, rend, red a v.idkt of "guilty ? f murder in ih. se? ond degree." The .iuiy wa re out twelve boura ami announced their rerdlct at ( o'clock thi- morning. In a prcvioit- trial of thin on?e it will be remembered thntone vi the .1. fendant'? conn Bel WO? the late ('. !.. \'iill.iu.lii,'ll.llu, who lost In- lile in illustrating hi- theory Of the MUBO of Myer?'? death. The cue t.iu prubaUj nu t?. a higher Court. A RAILWAY CONDUCTOR CHARGED WITH MAN BLAUUHTER. Boston, Mass., Sept. IO.?Henry 0. Wright, conductor, wa.* arrested at ino instance of a Bridgewater (nioner, last evening, ona charge of Imnnalanghtar, in canning the death of Mrs. Catharine Butterworth of Titi cut, who was killed while leaving the trau after It had started from thal station, about a week a;.-.?, li.- waived mi examination this uiornlug, and bail in i-,,,,, wa- fur? nished bjr prominent citizens. Ti'.- \ i n i ot tin- (uni ii.-i'.? jiuy lu-- i?, .n m.i,?e up, inn Ls withheld from the publie lui tin. preouut. EXECCTION OF THREE COLORED Ni, Sfpt. 17.?John Williams, AI frei De Canaux, and Noel (alhu Madison) Hampton, ali colored men. were banned ye-ter.lay, m m. Janie? Par? ish, for the minder of Frank Honteoth, May 10. They on the spot where the murder wat rom m n i ed. The sheriff, executioner, lath r, ami guards were nil colored men. A CUPPER >HIP WRECKED. San- Francisco, Cat, Sept. io.?Tho Ameri? can clipper ship Annie Use, Tucker, Matter, owned la Portland, Maine, fruin Bjdiuy, Austriilia, with a migo of coal for the Central Pacific Railway, ron on a reef off Point Bogara, during a dense fog, at s o'clock last even lug, ami soon commenced iireakina up. All of the crew were saved, and reached Kui Prancuco Ibis morning. The vco-ci and cargo are a total i<<--. TEKRIBLK EXPLOSION IN RETADA. San PraRCUCO, St-p/. I?.?An explosion of powder occurred at Pioche. Nevada, yesterday, and Hie whole htisine-.s portion of the town was destroyed. Hie lo.-s is tftiwated at fruin $2is),oo?) to tm.WX WEATHER REPORT. Wvn Dn-tRTvr.vT. ) Dirt? I OK Tilt. < Hill' Sli.NAI. OFrfCEH, , W ASIIIXOTOK, B. in. IT, 1-71?T p. m. ) Synopsis for the. nutt tnenlii four hoitrt. The low li.iioineit-rhus liM-n slowly over New Rnglandsince saturday afternoon! the pressure, lias. however, entirely reeovi red In New-York and the Middle Atlantic states, nie highest barometer wa- continued in the ohio vullev, moving -lowly to the north-east, and a ?mall area of high pressure lias advanced from Minne? sota and the upper lakes to Michigan. Th..- pr?tante boa fallen from Missouri northward. T.'i.? ram and cloud? of (Saturday have rery generally cleared away lu Hu- Middle mu? Eastern Bfatesj but a cold upper entrent of air has produce,I this afternoon cloudy weather over New-York and New-England. Loral run- bara fallen to .lay and j patentai on the (?ulf Const, ch ar wi atl.t r is generally reported from tin lake?. Probttbilitit?. The barometer will probably continue tof.-i'.l In the North-West, tuth brisk easterly wind? on the up|>er lillie?. North-east, riy ninds ure probable fur Lake? Huron anti Brie, ihe conditions are favorable for n^-hi lams to-nlgbt along the Atlantic Coast, followed by ?har ami ph. s.nt weather on Monday. Pleasant weather In tin- UnU Mate* with local ruins on the luiui? diaie coa-t. ______ _m_____^_ PERSORALr-BY TELKORAPB. ....Tiie Kiupre-a Kitgeiiie tain Madrid, Spain. _Tho Que?* of Denmark is expected at Athens ?horll). _I.ymau Cumming, the oldest lawyer in Bur linytuii, Vt.. di? I un Kr ?lu. laya *8 _The wife of Capt. J. IT. Bletheri, eoiumaniWT of th? .l<mn?).i|, XsfsOs knut un tit ur :.? t% tina Yr.wl* u. _'1'be Rev. J K. rairbanks, an esteemed nii.l ?n.-?., ii*?ii Bi'iironal 11. IfTWSB. tml r^ftflr of bl. VISiHi?i ? ??Tisn-S I* llriuJ?.". 11, ?IiiiJ is tlitt lUtsgl ?n I'niU;. -.- mao, HAVANA MAKKbTH RtCSBt. IstA n.-?ii(lir?.SUK-k is ?.rrh..?i.? U ll.(?n? .?.I Mitss i.,. t? i" ?J '-?.i?. ? -"-J I m lill*. ; r> r*'pl> of li - me, k tt Ila?m? , A M '1 ?;??, 1 ? 1 .in, rx; ??r. ..f th* ?eel trua II*?.?? kui, I sts tisii tri m mm*.. ItlsJIss isjmbssss ts m PsMss at???; ,!. ; ,ii.| tilt ?ih! nartrt ?nu. N?. I.1 I>. I, m? *t lui rasU; Ntw. IS to ? <?' *4 lit t<? I ?I'?. N?\i<?fciid?n<'iitrvi. r ftuu pit !.. t |'r.-iiiuiit. SBJWM ?t?1?s ? '.- ? ,1 Vntrem ,...?., | rrs is j usl's?rlOls?a ?I IsrsUslipvUI pirti. 1111.. ne 1 iii 1 I til, tri hmotl ?isbt 'ititi [tOeti pfUHSWi.?'^ li**; doll. : iu i tviiui'iy-.. ! LATEST SHIP NE ITS. {Tar other Slip ft tint see Second Page\ AHHfVKI). ?"<-iir,?V;> I? !?. *0tt*S loin.* a, Oo-grlows. ti. C, with sofa* ? --1 V-v i'On. n. llnj'h. ? , * ?-,'.,i?li.?. A,.ohSSI. It?iWi "*" Otlmt, wu?i mdae and pass? CO Pirr-.-on fc Wold. Mroml'ip 11,,t Dill UNkemsn fitf Polst tad Not??*, w.lli "ijrf .vu ,.?., t? ni n.....mi .i Nm hi?. C> ,"'?*?n?blp t, (ro-nwrll ( l?|.p Ne? <>;le?sl ilspt IO. ?* ml . ?'?.I P" loll. I!. Cromaeil ? .-?. ?hil? S-i'?' I'rif (>l f;i..K??), M .re f.w.loti ?d.v? *ith nul* B? .\ ... '?' I? ? i P i .- ? i ... IJ : ,i '.... ! ti r .1/1- ,'?!'? .-'?. >:.?!.-n H C.P1 At. I n, a*,I''ree*. nut ? . ,f... li.?..". N??rt..?. H.aiif.rt. ?. 1' ,, .-,.? I, ?i? luaHM I ? I, I | T.., 1, ?J! I ' ? ?CHU *t?ll?? HIVUM |.n M.ITWIIf IV" V.-I- -, .|?,. g <?, II? \ I--.I.-.?. li ti. ,.< , ... ., ??n-ti.C. s H-HIH '.mr. am,ti. 0. I' . ' ?:. v... li. ..." I I - I ? J. lr, ti, t V rl .1.1 n ? ? -i '? Poti I lou n- r ,ri Jot i,,? B. W. PesOr. Port J?bastOk .1 i' ' .', I'., ? | bSMO. I' "? ??' ?' ' F*, ti 0 .0. ? ... I. A,' f. ,1 lulll'tOS. ' ' P' ? I"''? Jub?? Pta,m-re I or j . . .. ? T ?. II. M.w v. I I f-?-'I pSfl I-, * ., i..,-. ,1 r.?i ? ?- Bsfcei I-'-? ??S|.^rt. J I 'I ' - . ?rt. I i Hllte, ! it.i bp,n. I' rochas, i I iv-lcort. K?|'?OMs BBuMbi n". laka I: -.ii. i iib?ti,Biirt. I*-' I .i.i rmiettl ? T. C I -, I .it Mm-rnrl. M? I <?-. Klmlir'bPort. Mull, Bli/ li t nott. t V. nrtrv. Pi ial.oO.ii -t 1 u y : . i ',M',,.ib0-,r?. ?"? ? Bil r Bi"hsi Lo ; I in I. ,'-. i ?:,. t?,, ort. A ? rl I. lui etHtxirt .' I- li '? n \?-.-,- ? ,. v',- ;? Uti ,n tftntata. lol ? h i ; - ?. I i, Vin ml?, i I ? l-o'iue Virata.* Bil Ui?u . vti-i,.. i: i.-T i, 'l-l. v.r<i!iii. Al. 1 P. re i r-i i-i. I. ? ?. Vllj :, i ,.UI?. 1' \v- '. ' J .1. I'll-rr At** ? Iri? m ?r?' '?? ' U*A l n II ?? I? ??'?"?? i?.'?r'rit'VM?fc .1. . ? .? ii.iir -nrnn. II. I" u "' ? ' ' - .et-isa. W, tv. ii..-., ... -i......wa. I'.'. fi... ?nowa. Vii i- Qn t. PM! lu. t.*i * '?? ' ?'?' <?'?'? OX 1 H. .-v.,m- Virosis. I--'?' l,Vic* ?? II.." ia,-. Vira .. -. ??. ".I a? MsiMb. '? Uti l!g.< Oil i. . Yl*. ni:row. Brit JaBs P. tot TsrVs Mast), IliiSlsg R* J.? fast v?. waa mon. nomeme row* ei..-HMT,,i, at" Hiei. n.?Am..?1 n t sushi;, AsMtto. Boa HA* tun tu, ti?. Best, IT.?lri-iv'-?l ?chr. Ni.???-, f?I N???. tel. ?>-??!-I.e., ii?.it?-,II? tai tim Ko. for Ni-w-York, ?al f.,r lluSBS. Morton fro? Hpar ... fn.m N'?~ve?atli. An-'nna* ?- . J.. .:, trun N, vr??.|, Au-r.liJ. .lrf,?li. fruin Otk toft, und ti. 0. '?' i ?. ? ii. re Si - lu '. TW rtssMkis ? tatt hst > Carn si tm.-at :k? 9 tti1?;ie.. Mm rf;?r'?.| rt Mm sr?SB?< onay AmAI ?et**, l.y i... r.i.t.m te.1 .nil f .rretta*, ?.te but IW-ininp. f., II a.l.'|.|?4 tri if at. Wate ???? I .? ii.,. i I : ?.-, rr ?I. .'. lor? . Ir ,n (roma, fr..?, TIiii(it1 i .'?? th?*, u?i(iit, ii, h wa .u,, !..e f .i ?,..i,,n^ Shs ?..'I no. ir A ? p uat.l I. >* l\ r harr rri.oati-dljr rnllcl nll.-ntlon 'e tv*,X1 meke.m ?*,',- c-ilT,-?.s't'.re,.e.-' . ' ?? | ,' li .r??. ,' ' ?? I?,.rl Mila tKi?trf;.l,/up.,n tb. ini ,"". .tl.??wd I ' ?'? ? i ??' i ....??, a m ?tiki trim l? i. -. ?r -!??'i-:ii?i l.r unowmil r-c ti r?l,-i-f.,?lhi?rss?*t ,t II....I '.-.n Is b>-!..',ii..f tni l-ii.'K? eli-MOf Wr ssrW ? ? ?'i .-li At mi c .ii, th. : .-?, ; atnxitkt, sssIM , , ? I ,? li I ?I, , . I.' i..., rm p?,...| f,,.,, I0 h., ,??,, w,! ??,. ?' I' lyn ?ni. I,., ,:,.|, ?,..,?., .-,i,k,. , .? , n.fc ?IKl?bl " as? I.84B Pie? i ?..i i, ?i tpmtxmsl? ? li. S..II I.? th ( ..LWKl.U. tat? H VillXtAt? a i.... t., . .v,. ?u ; , m,,. ?. >,, a-,un. .Itaw-lllile forrt. Par Dun!. W ii?, r-. Ki I, i'uri. i,-. MiWarlsnQa ihr Oissssi Hiasrsciraisa ^ ,., ur,.wi, Oms Dr. Collin., I ?.Sur rf|urn*1 Iro-.a titi BsfSfBM toor. will ???ntfir* ?r ?I le, ..I', ? m t,i<- Vetxfm In Iitut?- ti ,!m?..i. ? i.? git lu p. nu* Is ..' v lm .. ii. t.<?li utrsrttt ? ? e?itiM.ii. DI 1:1). nr:v\!'TT?A i ? Inn B nn, it I r.rj C ty ti ? t. on Sg-iJ.ij', ti rat PT, I '? I. .ii tie- ? .:li vi-.r .-I h^i j.". B dir. l'.n?- si bait .it r. nriitmow-ai Bsw-BssisIib, nnw.'o h. v.. Prvisy, a^tu^ ln?*ul, is iIik ?'.Hi ,^r ?f I . ?.-. Tl?. r Islitrrs ?til lr?r,'-.if the f.ii'l- ?nn*?*e*h\l, itifiV-il to tOtoO ii..- As ? i?l Iio'.b ti.? f--i.. n. ? of .i - ..ii. St.. ?? n A. butor??. Nu. ?A V...I II. r'i. li ?'.. oi, M..t.e|s.v. N-|>- li. ..til?. ?? Ok. .?KUI.}?At Prll.-.m on Tl?ur??tiv. S^i.t. 14. MasMk, wife of Wro. Ot fir.-??:, tot itagb- -r ol tl?e ,?t<- Ai.tli ?ni J. Alli.r?-. R?e?-i?.-i ?n.t fii.i.!? srslarllat Isstlsst tie tuarslSttSsMsssisl l I u.-. li Se > imh-Ii.-Ii. . ?u Masts/, tin- ljtli ?nat., st 1 o co? k. loot |e?,. Ttrtml, ?e.iutli-.l. .t Iii.?.' II U.SKV?Al R.kIiwiv. N. J..Batt. IV 1871, Hon. Simwl B Hilaef, ttgti 79 mi,-. 1 nu...!', .'.'.??i?. I'ui.tiI st hu I..1I- res,le. . st Tu.-tiv. l^h M ?t 11 o'i-'ork s. as IIAMIITOI ffsl?ltilj s.'1't 16. 1 ?TI ( ,n ?on of Mirk K..Jr., mu I Situa Pan ?it..n. I fesra, lu m., tin u I 13 '?>??? BeliBTss sa4 Msssi st the Aw it sir rsspsiatatlf Urilst Is sMnA Al fiin.'i'U ?r?.iu tl.e um.;, no.- mt his fir. uti. I'l.r.u out, WcKiiOataS Count?, on iui-vl?), loll lost., st 1 | ?clock a. ra lUVKDitP-ln Ho? i-itv on Hie 15th ti??t, H Kliiihfth lli'l. wife at y i?, ri li. ii .,,,?...1,11.1.',, of Bar. tv. II. bikcimi, ogri it T11 r litivc ?uJ fricn.Wof tli? fin?llr ar,-*tful]/ IsvtM to itt?s* I , ? ?, ? -a sa Ti."-,; j the 1Mb last, ?t II ..elo.k ?. ni ?t f>.. Paul'?* M. B. f'.'irch comer of I'w. nt? ??*. omi it. iu?l Kour.b-ir*. H.AI.IlKMIER'iir?Mu'i.Vul?. on ."til AsjsASl nuleii Bi-?-n '. rraxxy, Mr? Y. It. HsftcShHgh, ?iJow of He?. J?me9 B. Harleiiheigb. '). ti-. Isis of t ii eily. Th.-mot?! ?.-riic-i. will l.e heil uo M?n.|?v roorsiiiK Sept HI it I0JO o'.'l??-k. in the Ki I'm ne. Pn-shrUrias t'.ji.h PnU tte awi Nisa> l.rMli ?t. I h- relHtiv.i ?iiI tattam ot the : nu !r aro lutaej to sltsssT ?Itkasl hirth, r uoiiia LEE-Al S'whnrgh. on Fru?a/ .? iii-ir. I.'th in.t., afl.r a ling"ri?| lil? li ? Pr BtwsitB b?. aii.-t ? mrmtt. l-'.i ? ni ?ill tak?- l?li?e?? ,,u Moa*??, Itlh hist, at 3 p. ni., from h a ilka r emit ?te. 284 firan'l-iit. Carrin,!? . mi I 1??- hi 0*itls|... U ??? arr.T?! si th- 11 a. m. eipre.. traiu from Bsw-V? r.. tiri, ?III I ? Ukoo fro* I ?i-;, !.. .t of I r,iiir,lln-5t.. on Tostlsj lu ,ri.:?? at 11 o ?lock, for isUl* n..-'i? in (ireenwiHid. HILL??Al K. nt. Cnr.n.. S?pt. M, 13TI. Catharine, ths wtf? of f.lmmmi II. Milli,?Stti u.r?. RAl.S'OH-DnSatunli). 8?.pt. 16, M?. relietof Win. 3. Radnor, is It? Irtth i-.-ar of b-r ?lie. II.? ..i-.'i?.'-. .i..l anl tbn.e o' her ?on-ln Isa. Phlletui tieUUe, ?re invited to itten,] the fnnersl oo Mumlir. Supi. 2 ?.-look y? ra., from her l?tc re.ilcnce, Vii South l-';flu-it.. Will.?u.ibur?h, L. t. , RKMINOTON?On Prl-ls.. Hth ln?l., M ?. ?ife of Clemect BciniDftss^ i 1 ditnithter of the lau. II. nrv II HstSsaMB. Fui., lal fr.on No Vi Ka-t Taentr-iii-li -t . Ma.|i??inK|o?re. on Moo<t?f ti. it ..-. 1 i i. m Tl.e r-latire- aul f.-ieul- of ile fii??iljr srer,apr<at> fully inrit. i to iMrot tli? funeral n.thout furt'i.r D'?lire. RODIN'S?Al Norwalk, Sept li Marl? BtWst, daughter of the lils Kathai Ri i? n, ? - ?. .,i ilii.eitv. Bl ,- '. tot r.latue. ,.fth?f?tri :,- ?re re?r?.-t'n11v inv-t?! to attend tue ml ir- uj her late r.,- de?., e -loo Weat l'uirlj at.. ?t li uti on Miall, th.- lilth in.t. BTCART-?sPl lav. Sept. IS lflTI.SHnevH Stmrt. sr.1 fft rears. Tka faaeral sill Uki ila.? from Ui late>, lu vs'e.t B,<htp foiirtti-.i.. n-ar N'mth-ave. on I'm ?.Jay s. ;?' li), it laclork n ex. PriasJsSM nlatnea are reipeitfull. luvite,! to atten.l. TAPPAV?On Satur.lav luornm^. S. p' I.i An, i Ti pin. iia^ktas ol' the late I", ter I ?.i,|??n of Ne?-turk . ii?. In.1 thi. (Mond?. ) ?ft? ruoou st 1 ?clock, from Ibe Second R. lomat I hu., h at Kiooton. N Y. TIMPaOV?is llarlrm. on the tilth ina!, of r,? K?,ti,.n of the Ure*. l.ocilu CbsSSMBSB, wife of Charl?! Vi. Tiui|?on. m the ?th jttt al I i-r .(Te. The ii.i-U'ls and reU'ir.? of the family are re.peetM^f 1nv1te?1 to attaad the :uuc a! f-oiii li'i I.te r.? leii.e, N?. I,mu Thinj-avo., .-omer st Oss hsstrst sW-tBleSl.. ??a In u. I"ih in.!., st 11 ?clock I. ?. The remiiua ?ill lie tuken to tin. uwool for interment. VAV Al KEN?On Sunday. IM Septemlier. Suain. wldiw of Iks Istr" .Ni?. Va'. Anken, in the T.'.th ye .r ol b. r atfc Ii'.liirc. anlfnenla ot the lamil, ara ?.?pecttullT Invited to sMol IB? li? i ral servi?'? ? ?n I uevl?), ISth in-. . j p. in., ut ibe raideocs alhS0> i?iiin li?-. S. liurkbalter. C1 We.-t Fort) -s. vi-ntli-st. WOOO?ObThaiatsy, Sept. u. at Csfovalt, N. v . w .?-;.r ,-r, vtoknato. inlr ?on of Olner t md (?therine L. W ,.-', Sjed fi fSS?B tmitV ni. htt,? / Hi? tuner.I ?v.M tike pliee nn Mosdar. ths liltk i tilt . it 3 30 p. m.. it kan\ .e,... ni In? parents, No Mlssl Tbiity th.rd?-, Ulla ely. isis - I odt t Special Notices VVtyt ?nd I mutt lag the e,| -m ml aty devoir. . ii ?I The i \i-< uii.e . miiiiiiiti,- (fit the t rrmm ??i t*x. Pill l;s lor the UNA.M'IAI. EbhOUM of the CITY and COV-1*V ?; NKW-MIKK: The undermine-!, meinher. of the Sul.<* on VViyi ?ad r.-,-|e' eil.lill ?.li. u ?iii ?i r.ptioua to the Fun.l f..r ?li'iriym ol ti i abuve lu : miti.? of Seventy lu peif?,ruling the duty ii that ? .-muiiliee at the meeting held at the Coopsr I'l.lon. 00 illili evenine. September 1. .Mt Such auhicriptiona ral? be ?ent to k?r||. Saner e.q. Tn-aauier. st No. VIV Broadway: to either of the oo.1ei. is?-?, or tocol lei lura du.y i;p.ii.t?-l lor the pur; .-e. ?... will iho? ?i? ISlhailly Ne* York. Sept. 11. UTI. JAMI.S M. IlltoMN. PAI'l. N SP.lFFoRD. HENRY CLEWS. M Al "IN" 1 ON B, VEBMtCTB. SAM!. II. BAD. 0. K, W11 M FI.IK>S. B. II. sUl-.HM.lN, J. SEI.IOMAN JN'O. A. STBWART. ELOENB BALLIM. ?Oil O STEBBINS Cbiinnin I m_ ()m^ IVM. P. IIAVEMKYKR. Vire-t'Li.irmin. 5 " oynno. V i vii It \?.'nuil* lli-.n-i.-t It.'i.ulili. nn A-?i??-lullaB.--. 1' n .u en to tl.e call el the C.-mral Cotninitti-e. s i r mai", r'.i rii..-i ?ill ha i. ? .: li:--. 1er H?,ii I ?lill- I.M.',?:.,, EVKNINti. >?i.'. 11 lot Um son ?'? "I tit, nug ti, i.g ,t? - lo the state Con.? nttun- Ptdia open tim* ? t? J oclock. t;E<>. Y. MKKKLBB, Pre. Gro. W..laWKOt. __ l-'i.uri.-.-mil Awaeinb!? UUlrlrt Id publlraa AaaoehM lion.?Au el.. Hoi. ,'or .Me^.te? 'o tb.- S? Cmvi-slaa will he kie*i : Pli - pion llull'.ii.;. on M?NUAY KM MM; Bra?. IH betmrr? tim boor, ol 7 and 1 ..'clock. UtnihRl B. B'Xlti, Pteudamk. 1 W. BaeaarsOB secretare._ ~rilleenlli Anirmblr District ?' i|.iil.lii-io t? ?Tk I' Ele. t.on for tim Ih-I.ict. on-ered b. tka Repabl au Cso t"?l .'..?iinti-te.f the Citv ?if Ne?-Y..rk ?.ill he hut st Kroutv'i HiH. .'.li Weat i" . on> luv 1871. lalla evett tioiu 7 u clock p. ol to 10 o'clock p. ia ?KXBY D. I.>t'At'.,H, PMsidsal Ws. B. Avkkt, ??.eretary. _^________ Mlstc?ntii tsHrmbly, . Kepub?roia A ?-m la ti am. ? ?. ' I 1 ?.-.??'..?... l.tC'Ult.? tO ?S M?'- I '" .V.-,.t.e>? ?lil lisbeMat -'??<> Ti.lrd-a.e. Ititr.uaui? Ha.I) ol. MONDA": BVDUNL t? t. li . V.e1.- open fr.Mi 1 w li. ISAAC B. B KILL .. Pfsmdasl. Daw? (.'. St. kui?. Sccrcl.rv._ "??.-?eati-fiith Oiilrlrt Itrpubliis-n AannrUiioa.?Thi Eli ri.,1. l?>r Tl.iee Delerate? and Thr? Alt.t??Ua to tk? Stale t'alvea , i ntl U hi II it Hart? rd Rooms, i-onter S?lb-ave. mt Kort.' seniat ?t. TIUS (Mon.lai) KVSWIKU. Palls,?pe?.fnss '. W10 o Hock Wvii? li M.btliH. Stttriuiy^ loila W toVION. P?t?itSRl. How Hia-Ynrk ia Howvme?t t.: t.on it the News Psasphlet pab.tahail >. -j.n'a i i, j i-.iiaplrte HI8T0RI Of THE TAMMANY FRAU9? Tie Enil.ah ?'. ii.?c ?i the News PMiphlet pabitahsd hy lebe YOKK 1IMRB, -j.ii'ii i^ a complete ?ill be reidy M Tnestlvy seit Tb.? oitrilni mfmM all thalsloroa t. u .ih.fl. c/>1?8 |?thee.11 ob tin ?ihieet iaciudirg s cnnyina hi? at the nirran'-Jr?v Iwi?k Coart Uoute md Armitmn-.ibtnvmalie ti.elucUon. ?',/,.: ,? u-1 and SSlSS, TI ?,t ? i bel all! b? uki ?I IO .eut, s civ, oi k1 ? has lre.1 to. teller?. All url-xn lo Ve- t^remri k% lbs NEW ?OUK TinkS. l.r?"A- l'.-eTi??> .?#?"??-?. Ptusosscedhy t csanislists "'lill: ONLY ??UD fOAVClA."* It imptetei ippetila sud dijeitoa. ?od it ia aaajviled lo. m% tint. W? ssVSssnTbi Utur*. Ka k PUUIKS t. pMas-AM all psiUssv ? kkuiil m s e u-.. .? ?.- juitnleOa. JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, _ A?Kr.Ttt. new von?. ' BBSS* 't t'SIBSBeT.e?. A special asedss sf is? CM?h? ?' Cssf-sr-J^'wiU ha held ?i TOBS PAY NEXT, hepl I?, at hatf-pasl t odoek ?s. ,_ nt tit* tlatnan at m Commit?omi ot niola, la ?Is" ?' Babul X. TV|W ?b*?e tar? af oAss will tAen ?ipi?- *?*^ w ?? opoa * **mf ?utlesUo? receirsd timm Um NslWsal Ca?.?enial Ooaveatlon. ???Usjj^j,, ?ppoialowst ol ? Del?gala ?^ ofCMIOl Uia Caaber al lu seit Sj/j| io ^ LtU ? guanos M ?ka ?ih .s?l B.'_',rJ"_' OKOKUB WltSO.N ?eesHsft, iieaUeawn's ?ilk H?\?, srven " - ? UAn:,Ot.S. a. L.m., llAt