Newspaper Page Text
^Clptvlporu in the United Ptat? for the fiscal year SS atme 30. mt. ?MMM Kew-Tork.I^- igjgS *?S Bottom. "?Cjaia 09 17 Im li 3!'.8rS 1* Ballimore.. MAA? MjSoS SS? ?? Phi'ndt -1|.hla. ,T*i^'?S;,j mm? ???'O"6* ?-"??? gass ras ras ?S;= H- ISS HS cSS&s?:::::::: 5?* *"" ,w" Ni^riitoMaM* ^??..j. rnVvM?'.. :."... ??lrt* ****** U-2 2 IViaa. "??S ?mt? ?g 2 Alban;.*. gS? **? ???S C?iN'Vmi-ent .... SlSS 1.01? ? M?? ruyali'iM. sgs -m? u*** l^ul?\1Ue. "??M I???*? ,*22 Memidiii*. ?San -a 3.?* W 2- -* M MH?air.i"C . ?SS? M?-'**** 1'0,0:? M Inn?-??M. lixi'a-o "1 ?N*"11 M ?1 * <i,?<'kiit. hie. L'fMi O 1.128 TO 1.1**) M IMaa.-,ii?Mfl"0<l'?.? ?? L ,)4 ,S S,:.,3 70 16.?*? M l'..rll;iB.I....-- ????. V?a'ifa :o IW?OT IA? Cl Win.ini' Il BANKING ANO FINANCIAL. F??! IM i:r..A..?. .sinking Kim?LandGiiantBonds OP THE St jof-i i ii am> DiNvtu City Ra?-road Company, In DKaxiatwa?*1 oF ?1-000- ?l?500 AKI) t100-CBn r.ow be *** ?rom the n-ldt're*r*T'e(^ or through the principal banks anti bank?? of tlio United Statua. The attention of invi ?ma is invited to the merita of the??* Jiontl*1- ?retur( ** by a first and only inortgngo on the rt-iatl. (qnipnicnta, franchises and property of a trunk Iii?? if ; m ? which will shorten tho distance 1*1 men New-York and San Francisco some 230 miles, and in addition the mortgage to soonre tho Bonds rover*? a land grant of l.-W/idO acres of the most fer? tile land in the Weat, which is prohibited from being nid ut I?? ih.-tn four ($4) dollars per acre by tho tenu? of tb4' niortgngo dud, and according t? the pre?, nt marbi t pi ice of Hie Illinois Central Coin pa? ri r's laitda is iviuth JlS.T.Vi.oOO. This loan was origi lially fur ?**-"."? "'."o?1, but li.i? been largely reduced by ?,'ibhcriptii.ii*? of actual inventors. The remaining 1 linne? if th,* loan Is oflercd at 97i and accrued in |en*?t, l i.t the lifiht is re servid to advance Um price ?it any time, without notice. Ihe lJ.'ini- have tliiily years to run . bear8 per cent? intent-', payable in Ntw-York, London or rraiikfort-on the Main, at the option of the holder, without notice, fiee of taxes. Bimi Frincipal and Inter? *n auf. 1'ATAitiK in Gold. They arc Coupon Jlniids. but ran be registered wiih the coi.pons es*, m can be ngirateied with the coupons orr, .ind int? t, tit paid to registered owner. Interest pay? able Angntl l 5 and Fi-l-mary 15. A liberal Rinkirig ?i und. fi?nii4id fiom the entire land sales, in payment ? i windi the la ,ids will be received at par and ac? crued intciea?.. provides for tUo?f}4irlycxtin>rui*ilimcnt of this ].,-.,i. Frusta C4?' Loan and Trust Company. bonds oller favorable inducement? to parties <b airing to fund their Five-Twenties, or otbei high priced securities. In con vertir g Five-Twenties the investors realize V. per cent profit on the principal ; 2 per cent per an ?niin excess of ink-rest ; and at the same time get a i?trfect aeenrity. " Maps, circulais, documents, and full information fv.niiahefl on npplii ation. Though acting as ?pen fn for the sale of thi* loan, our fn? buy ar.d tell in their 'regular bennets the bonds of ?ht 51 Joseph and Denver City Railroad Company, thone t* Ou? Fat'cni 1 itirion being now quoted at IOS and ac **rur*ihUfty.f. TlftiC nerc originally placed by ut al HTj. TaUTKl it & Co., Bankers, No. li Wall-st. a* CiuiArKAKK and Ohio Sixe*-?Five Twenties. t M Ii ink i\r, Orriri: or Fisk ? HATCH, ) i % 5 Nassai -t., New-York, Sept. l8,1871. ) Of theKllTr* N MlIXION CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO ???tv Prk CY.N? L' ??J? I?1?? than one-tn?rd ($.'./?)0,0(ii) remain unsold, nnd this remainder is being taken so rapidly n* t.. in-ure the early cloain? out of the loam I'lns fact, together with the completion of the road. tb??uld cany these bouda abojye par, the same ae the CumUL I'acihc- SiXEit negotiated by us. The five vean' opt i. m of the (iovernineut having already ex? pired on nil serie* of Five-Twenty Bonds, except ?Kinand, they are liable to 1?> called in for PAvmt*i,t. TheCiue&ai'kakk and Ohio Sixes have at'?j?lut> !jt M years to run before being called in ; and UM now be tKiugbt 17 per cent cheaper than Tf.n I'iirties. J) per cent rhenpiT than Five-Twenties or the new Five Prit Cents, and 25 per cent cheaper Iban Sixes of 1881 ; are r-qually sure to be paid, prin? cipal and intt-rest, in gold coin. I'rice. oi -j-retent, 1*3 mid aecnu-d intereot-?that is, with coupons payable November I, attached : 11.000 rii? >?ap?*??lte and Ohio Bond costs to-ilav ??053 C1. t'?0?Cln -apeala- ?nd Onto Bond costs to-dny 1476 51. Ill? Chesapeake and Oblo Bi>ud couts u>-di?*r **.?:? so. Only a small amount of the latter denominations iwnaii and no more can be made. Bonds are in coup ?i o registered form, same ae Five-Twenties. Tiii-iM.t iacre?t4?<r*hy the Chesapeake and Ohio Kailr i-" Company in oYder more Bpoedily and ef? fectual! ti? extend and c/implete the main line of their r> ?i to the Ohio River. This work?-the bo? importi't.t internal improvement now progressing io the i i-nitn?ig rapi?lly approaching completion. It will ifi.i'.'i-h anotlier and superior line of com muni.u i n andMiaii'Mppi Valley? audt'r. r.t-t.rn Citiee; bringing ten millions of people, m-iinly produce?, nearer to tho centers of consum? ti m in the Eastern Stat?*, and nearer to the p in .al ?nd ?sfimmercial capitals of their connkv. Such is the wmmantilng importance of thi* trunV line, that the larger cities of the Weat are piojectini? fi-t-ders to connect with it, some of which ?? undet coiibtruction. Vast trantacthms in niin tni land* are hainf made, iron-works erected, and a *_**} f ltv i" springing np at the western terminus, the heivt nf reliable ?navigation on the Ohio, where ? Mntti Mym Mik- ?| river tianwt, and will ???n h? m teemeet?tm with au.txw miles of ruilroad earria*?-.. ]*_*** ,h(> '"??ited States was engaged in creating ?ta debt. an,l the price was low, we advised our ?^tinacr, ? p*^ ?j^-,. ?urpju, ___ United State? Jtids. TI"? C...veninieiit is now enabled to buy in it? bondi from ita stnrlns revenue? ? heneas their IT'sent lui.-*.! price?. Holders can now part with u?l Govi mment bond? for Cuemateake ant? Ohio ?ff-fy*-? ****** advantage. When the Chesapeake lu,? tjoa,,>a*,-f'*u? reptmhaadng their own lu ?nils thL T }'''* ***** ?vc?ording to the provisions of ,. .7 lt***> ? **rr* ap?i>reei?tion of priw should ?JJH) folio**,'. Holders? ?^TB.T*4n^TiE^T_--I?*r?"^ gianTT SS__S ?*-* ?* V**!*** Pacihcs, trill be ' ***? *** ***rmt merket prim ?a iMy*%eat for these Harvey Pis?, *****?m. A. B. Hatch. A%.1^^?'? ^HCEirr OoLp ?akt ofUr a rare ch_neTf? ?teiV00?1 ^?tf?ent, Theyarnaflm^JSi n^^* ? ^.wwopertvi.l lZ.1T^'***W,*? **** ****** ******* *** ******* tha taltai i-.ail IJond?. Wewrfmi thoa? of Um Itendou, and Or-eKo C.?, pau.v for ti,,,,- r, uZmT I? Theae Honda are safe. Ihe road ia near thia citv. Every investor can travel over it for himself. The "ft cam inga of one-half of the line pay at pres? ent 10 per oeni on all the binnia which vriU be iauuctl on the whole rond. ?j. Hy ooiivei-HioM, as we recomniontl, tho invostor atltls I? per cent tar his capital 8. He also ail.ln 48) per cent to bia income. Edward Haniiit St Co., V Wall-Bt For 8ai.f-, $210,000 Davitt County, Mc, 7 Ter Cent Ronds at 70 fr40,000 Clinton County, Mo., f. Ter Cent Bonds at (W. 11(1,000 Flatte County, Mo., 10 Ter Cent Boutin at 05. $50,000 City of Trenton, Mo., 8 Ter Cent Honda at 75. $50,000 City of Camoron, Mo.. 8 Ter Cent Bonds at 75. $30,000 City of PlattabUg, Mo., 10 Per Ct. Bonds at 85. ?100,000 Leaven worth County, Kanwu?, 7 p. c. do. at 75. Tbo nbovo Bonds lavo from 5 to'JO years to run. Interest payable seini-aiinually in Ntw-Yoik- O?11 cial documenta und pai titul?is can ha obtained at the offiuo of IJandiii. II. Footp, 57 Lxcbangt'-placo. Jackson Co. Missouri Eicht Pkii CRUT Bonds foi hale by W. P. CoNYKRSK & Co., 51 XJIK MARKETS. ICsrrMH reporten lor Tua Tamr?twl BAT. kim s-fit. It 1C71 A^TlF??P..ts ure in roodrnte dcinsnd st ?1 'lirrtl *? Peirli sre q? <t st -f .-i - ' H. COTTOB on the spot is mere freely snpi>l'cd; Um tliBSiat M tight S'l.lin.r. |r. I,.?en ..?!??-. J'-? bal. s (UK In ?r ,-,,-) mr.u li?.,- ?IS fureT-port K1 for e<.n?"ipp'.on. aid IB f.-r spr.-alal.oa-. tie matk?-t f, r future deliver/ u)cscd Heil, but railed and el?, ?I iln-lj. Vie q ivte: > I'p'snli Alils?ns. Kew eir'ein*. Tcsi. Orllmrr. II V.l C.) i',\ K.k.,1 Ordmarr. I) 1R| U'i l'i lot Midlllui. .'i 201 i'llj 2 | Ml Jli?l.-I li] 2\ 2 (i ...1 Mi.l.ll'ee-.Ill til 1 \ T'I COKKEK?Holders of i I ?le <rlp!|,.?? of Coffee hat.? tiren inn. bal we I- r, o'no .hinge of ni |.?.n?i.? <? ? libel in in.....sor 1.1, ti .m -. e nd Is K PI.DIR ASti MBAIe-AHIrHflsl bunrsnrv have c-nrscterire I o?r p .?ii? mer.? I ti?-- ii <">t of lb? t lue, dir nr the ) as! ?? il ; tl,< sr. I g pah lie sid iriTate sItio^s fr.i-i Kiirope ruuplnl w t'i the blDsgoffli t',e nee'j?ts ..'Wleit :?t t'?-I, ?I?. |...rts lime en,nu derided lirpnlsr t.. Ile. Ir n eh of trail-. 'Hie t> rv lane pond.asea of tots, i. ti nor for eirort r. at. ?? ii rcrUin that we slo.ll Eui bara li'i. rsl supplie, .?f sL-pping l-rsti.l- ,.f Flees ?t snesrlr day. or lain in lbs SSSS.-B, at 1 -.?a hgnrei. mie-.l st pre?, nt prie?. (,f Win , it. rbeaa Fi.-'ir is cut of the qnes'i.-u ; Spring M ?nat is st picsei t lu |er e, ,,t Mabel tliHti 1 lou?, lo ure we sre without ?s>or'meiit ..f g., ?I Slupp ng Kum, nul ?c Bud tta" eiports to l'ur"t>e sre inri, rite lu r .eiii.ii-,., ill annies han inproi-.d mut nail?. The trade have pur c's-??l 11 ti i te fre- It. ntl 1 ?t baie ISSSitlIlilli specula! ti? inquiry for go si li-her aat \Vblt* Wheat litr,- tli? low [rices ru'-ent for tli-in a? compare?) willi, iudiicing ueileri to paschest Un m fit- Ir. We bars astet cssiSJeiiblt la oar rtoel nf Hrdlnai Paisllr Kitm ist tad ? ur myall ?f these I? lil,? ral. Chotee Falloir kitrss luve ?diane..1. ban l,een ia fair Jemand, un I sre held willi much coull Jet em, I'li-onnd la. I.e. ii in better uetusnd, id,I Ina iinproTed ; the -ui ; .? ti lim ted. Ko. 2 sat Sai .-(it. ban ?n. ruted; IA? Isttsr la I ., ,:.-l' supple. <'h.,,o Miune-ota Kttra* hate sold well, and ha-.s Improved, old I,, rile Kuril ha.? t,e. ?ins nutt s. .1 mamad eitnvjgaut price?. The mm Yinni fron Hie Korlh-West i? t,i,'re pi' sir, eui sell li.own I r indi asansai d I igli pr f ?, tint la sa iHly tl?.,T do not con?e np to lsi-t ?ears' excellent Hour I.u-t y. sr it this time we hud s I.I..T..I m; yly mt timm Iron, Kcrtarkv and IViiiesece; no? ?-.? arc without snv sup) Ijr w'at? ter end those in.I oth. r .-outliem Stiles are s'.ino.t niatlt de; emit? i on the W, .urn ti, iii - f?r I"?,iir lad Wheat. aul thin innot Hil lo lie felt here ?re Hie close ,,f H.; ml,, r K?' ?rti of lb? ?ark :<j.4?i li.'?, ajtsiust 'ii (ft: Uria the imtispest ne w,.k I a ?cir. 1c-ia. the dummd lor Hour is l.-is iclnc, sat Olli I amanta sj-rinr ?ud Ainl,er rre ?ss.r with s 1 mlte,| Imp rr. flu,,?' ??,?'! knot n l.rsnds sre Inn nu?, in fair r. quest At Hie do. e the msrlct 1.- dull sn.l time for old Wheat Hoar; isl.-i of 1 HO Mils, Wo,lu?te. tioiit, p bin .ti t?''- ti <S Ohio Inn. fc II, Baa.01 IM *6 O', No . . 4 lia 6 ).'? Ohio Ronnd-honp, Kr Sm*rhne. .'? Ino C 10. tra UhMMBtJ. 6 5.">i? (i 9" Slate (Kitrs hnuJl... C die* t, 75 Olio. ti. lu le hrds. 5 b)n 7 0 ' ??tate (Ksne?do.). ti Hit 7 St White Whesl. F.itrs Wtst'n hhioiinr Est. fc 'Mil 6 70 Ohio lsd. snd ?lieh 6 ?iTt 7 l'i Mint esoli txtris. C 4.',it H t-0 Double kitrs uo do... 7 m,i 7 tie Qaat to choice Sptin? St. l.oms. Smrle Kits I, , ?, ?. lu Wbcit Kxirss. 6 9'Jii 1 30 St Loots, linallie Kit 7 KI? 7 4i Kurs Amber Imluni. St. tonis. Tm?le tix'.. 7 ItlrT !) :i.'? Ohio sad blieb. 6 ti if 7 4S Oeneiee. Kitrs hrsuds I, . ' u 8 HI Sotlbem Hour ii slr.'tiK hut quiet; choice tilrs? the u.o.t ssl.,1.'? ; st tli? cloie the tnurlet is i) .;? t hut Urn ; sales of VU) bids. St,- quotei Bali., slei.. sau Ue,>m-t?>wo. mur i to ro "1 sup. *?> lui 1.0 iii Kilt. AIi-i. sn.l Ile.,..!???,wi-, hmi u.,'1 Isinilv., I BBi BM Richmond Country, Kitrs. t. u.r 7 40 DelsKsre.. 7 4u? 7 KO Kurs m1 Kimilr. 6 ?A 7 10 Rve Flour ti heiter snd lu fur demand lain if ?at 1.I.K We quote: Wi.tem.?! 1"? *4 ti | Rtite snd Venn.ii BBS *?'? 40 Corn Mell is -te id v ist ia f- ii u.tnaud; n.le. mt t io l.l.i-, V. c quo.-: Corn Mell. ie*m,..Q3 ".I ?it* 7.1 t'oru Meal, llrr... t-. (m -. T ? Id ( um Meal Western. 3 M a 3 HU Com Heal. l>r , pu . Vi JO ti lu V) Po%t\ Mesl.We.t.W. 3 Iii ? 3 .'.6 M'Sl is V.rl quid Hld OUCi Sllgedl Siles of 311 bids. Citj it ti Mt, snd Ontario st tri rXroST" IOICS SRPT. I, 1171. TO DiTB. <>t Urina Otter ? n?i lreiaud. Put. trim. T, ni n??r bl. ?. I.Ida 1.1,1?. ftewYorL. Se;,.. H. 2d.->->? ?'? "-1 71 "? 3 Haltimnre Sri.t !). l.filS KOW KI. 'i.le.pliia. m-i-i. 9. ??J? 2 .lil B.-stoii. Heil. M. i'-4n ,1'"7 hcw-Orleaoi, hr?.t V. 1.?? '?'? Total. MAS 2?S I8?0. ?*. t.'ft lb. Uii io:.; vi Fltl.KillTR? Th. re has been a eerv ! gbt nmre'iu-lit In lil li ,< ? ni Ut .. rates hsre .bown levf. inniie, th? In inirv chicfr f. if *x*n r..(.in. I . n.e d|Srter.ti(t 1 Be tl.'ie w11 1 tt.oo. nt. rall for Tesiela st .le .ir rsl? 1; tbl Frrunai'iita to 1st ?en: lo LiTcrponl, In s'i? a, I'.'- ?I baas, firs.n at Ui liaidnr,! hash I ; 7^ hales of.'oltnn'st M., Slid ,V0 Ibis. Kl?.ir. on private tetms. To loudon?It.iSS) Ik.hs Cbeess. a, Klesm. rate not vet nsin.d. mil probable be l/.s. To Hr,.te,l?lit ton? tul Cske at 3Ja.'!)d. p-r tun. nie charter-wer ; A bark, tritt 2itl*l qrs. (i'Hiu to . ork for onicrj, st ?1 W flat 1 ?1 birk, with IJ?t qtr d >. 1 :> l.sir?? red), sime port auJ ra-e; another w th l,l,m qrs. do.. ,,v.i port. it Ja. Bil allriliab b. rk. with MSB 1.1,1s. Heir.,!, nm t.. the . nalia, ut at 11. 31; ? Mortkliennan bsrk. w th 7,m*) cwei llitiueil do., leu.e IS?',.nstsi?tin?.;,l,. st iK.. and s lint iii hi.rk, with 2,.Ms) hhl?. >*S]ihths to Cork for satin, at 7i. ?d., li direct. 7?. H, OltAJN?We lute badin imniat d and huuvaut Wbeat msrlet sine? our t?i; the ?fieri fiotu f.uroi* hive hc-B ierv lar|fe. espee,.Ile those fnin the Coi tisent, ui?nc "f th?aa without I.nut. ,iud Leuce ?e hire hil a livt-U cou,petition between buiet?, onl, ***? onl? wotltsleatsrlass, trie.? bife rapidlji improved, and the bosinesi ind Ibi Bailbiatl lull I. eu lim .v for forwird ?1? liver. ; ill kinds have been takeu for .?port. Amber Winter being the most (?opulur sub Matiaaalal baycrsj li,e I'ron,- jmblic and private educes from Europe, the itraaM ?n told, nu I the pre? filling otf 11. the neej.ts it the late |ort? as corni and mth last inontb, bsve Uen ti.?- Chi? f csuses of the srivin snd tSIM itrssei. much of the failiur ?J iu the fanners' ie'ieunes at ihe Wist ti?,, month Is cwinr to Heir l^inr m-juicil In R?.tin* in th? Fall Seed, and is In part ilne to the fact of th.-ir imp not jtaMilg on IbrsshiasSStktyBstWpsrlst| Ind'el, this 1? the tuuqlaint from ill pirti of the couutrv. '11? abassstsf any sossMrrabis suppl? al |rii?.. <nj Wheat I? mucli felt, which ii quite fliderint from tie .-.. re?,.,:. 1,. t ni? !a.-t .tir. With uni. crop in the han.ti ol our firm. r<, an I that nach below in at. rig ? (t is cot iuri.ri.lng tbev are slow to pan with it The quantit? of B|'rta| md Amber Wiut? r li not equal to . .st jean we estimate th?'??i-rme? weiiflt of'he Wtati-rat I lb l?"*SBd tin- S| ring li lb to the bu-hef below tiiil of last .ear, wh.rh, added la lbs ditrienrf of the vtel.J in the sen-, gieei a Terr large o*?T?*?ie, anl cannot fail to li? felt at an eany day, Tlie la.'nre of tlie rial eonth of Hichinond ami t'ie til?', Hi?.r Is low biiug senouah in that section. The filling ira in the rereiptl Kt tie L.ilei?orlsof some 7'.i>'i hush, for the ?rj?k etili;qi s.-| t. ;. r.i c.iuipsrcd with the week ending Sept 2. seems to tike tie traie bv iur wira. Ile diversion el i.iarl. half the Wheal u.r.Tmk-. tout I akc Barta to Canada wal unexpec'e.l, nii.1 cannot fail U. cheek the upwur. U-n.'.nrv in freigbta. The quant.iy of tt lo it now m our canin is IMIitfi l.u-l, , and the quanliijr in MOTS t>i?.OUO bush. Tlie eip..rls of the week sre H+4,991 bssb.,Sfalasi 3:i..'.i' buah. the eorrcspDadiMweek lu^t year. T..-.!av tb.-re i? onlv a I in i ted dematd for Wlieit.und tben ark, ti.? easier ?at unsettled; the i!? m?, n '? i? in .ii. i ? for expol, st the i'i.-e tin-ii.iri-t ?aioullsi,illrr.guh.r; isb-s, 124.1? bssk, it tri 17? #1 li for soft S;.rng; * I tiivti 44 for .New Ko. 2 . hirann l?prinr, snd til 45 tot ...I *l 44 fir Kew Ko. I Mihi .olee.' and $1 lu :or Old; 4-1 HO ti St tot Hol Wei.'.-mi fl M'/al .'.7 f,.r Atai.-r do.; j-1 CO for .tn.wrSUt?; ii 0.1(7*1 ti lor Wnite Michigsn ; i-l B" for Ainlier do.; + 11 M for While In'iiu'i; ti BTS +1 Go I.,r Hhne Pinna?, liarle? n Inn but quiet, an i toe MM|l is licit I.urie? Mill 1? in ','nr I'-uiiiiiil rsVaof h..'fii bus)... st ??1 IS lor Wes:, n ?ml *1 3.1f?rCit.. OaU srt dull snd eai- er. beare ? sales. ?7,600 l.a.h. Mixed New O'ho st ?"/Site, "i j .'?<"?"-. 'orWliit'-i Ws-tern. ?le. Is bid 1er No 2 Chiesfo; h?'.I ,,-. .'.'? ml Uti 54fc for While. K.<- is sente Hal ina: ?ale. 4j,i.i>> bash. WtaU-tu at W*. I tuts al ti. Cora is Ins artln a I b'Srcri the itetosnil eliiHi speralatir?, ?nil e<?nfi.ei lo I it ii. store l.sin'r; Misa. ISBjHB Moll. I...,a?. and Csssast it W*7tlje.| \\ .? ,-rn M xe.1 st "?el'/'lte. IS Stare, t'i.'iing it 71c, sud TegitTA., closii?^ st T.'jC. , do. White st I.V., i ti esr lots. r.xr,,Kis riin? ?kkt. I, 1(171, m pats. Or. lu 'u,n snd Other I . i.nd. Foi |orts. Tit-ils. II le.-: Bush. bllkh. Ililli. Ne?.lurk, Sept. 15. ?i i 676 JW,.li5 1,2V? Ml,,,re S.p'.y. M.Btt .... ISBBM K^iU.!elthiS, Kept. D.. lit lal .... IIB 169 TotlU. l.Vll?. "K5 .L? H llT'e-.M IITTB. Ml 'I'. l'.l,ir.H I? 0 j lbW. 1.7 IK 19.'. IM.JI3 l.bJu.JJI t.r. I'n um jud Ol n lieunJ. For. ports. Totsli. Cor?, litis), Hush. Hush ffrw-Tsrk. toy*. It. 27?, ?"9 Lur.'i .?'.??..?ii tiehnnvn. Ytbl 1. bl -;5 titi til i',1 V. UJ,l;?l,.s. Sept. 9. 21 :.'" I ?no tittil Hoiwn, Sept. 14. 4 It a-, 41 ? 0 Krw-Orleaus. ?Sept.'J. ?".?"J 3 2.'-. j2.;ij Tusls. ?J".'? 1870. 3.13a ? |,i jj :w ita . .v..ti -...?ii BAY? Mupnig is qii'.t st $1 lo, Iletji! lit- ire inn at *l .'.',, 1 ? i -O-, 8slt llsv st 7Sc, ami. i. ver st IVauoe. tot New. Mr.? Is i aiet ttai ?,4ai ?0 for Long Kr?-. 75^1-1* for I>b.rt, ai?d tot for MOUA^RS?There has b<eii s fair inqnit/ to.lai, but bo si>i of K,,:, in. Of New-Orl'stii, Um ii ?'ttkMU. NAvAl PTOB?N?*; nits Turrut?n? hu l?e?ti Biore irtire, higher sud at tlntei ?icited ; tim so; | ly here vert l.ght, sall ? ?en rct>orle ! of :?jthbls. .iniM.t. st tie ..i' at'Je -, Ut 1.1,1-, l.,irrt.e ii i.l,(, bl* ni. I Mi bid., in ihppiiig Older, at Ml** ? dollar ?I ,?ur oul.-i In quout.oua. lionu hu Nea Is KsbIsJ Basil t st slsstr y*ien\ mtim 3B7 Illili. Strsined at *'l ind Mm 1,11s. t.oo.1 Otrs.ned'b-.w. Ko I al #3 u Tir li sled? at ^ -o ti Hit f?,r\l 1-1, sat Wlha i |toa. L i?. ?i is qoiel. bul pnces are Irai, i ,?.,? tub Oils sre ateadv. Henl.slen is Inn. Other Oils srs doll. rKliitiLtt M-l Le g.ncril aiirket Laa e-intiuoai tra. with a San l.ijiness doisg Crude In Inila hu beoa ii >w of m- bat. with sa suvsbce sa the Creek, wii Unaly bell ; we quote UMtjs, ; the ruling ijooUtloai sa the Creek were ?IG? for spot ,,?. Ipier, t>4 80 for do. ,-n l,ow. r. with 6 Sou b'ti mid st th?' latter atlas. 1..-H...1 has I., it, ia li au-.. I d.ausl s.t ?.111 men liberal olT?-rtngs Is esii? r; ssl-sunlrof 6.ISS) bbli. A 2tr. ; erne? quoted st l-lui)o. lu Khil.del yhit. * i**i bids Ksuu-?I? r ? -l.i at %3',t, mik t mern. PBOV?IONa?Tbc ?? Bund for I'ork since our Isst hsi been qslle le. tie? sid eery gweril. lbs lrs..eli?lss mole inquiry, bul ihr lupply Is so Is ree far I lie urasun Ihst loll, r- sre impatient lorrahs. ib.I this I, , I ruderod considers, le i/rcsuiiniy la th? uiarket. sihI sine. Tandsy ho. I ? is hsre met the den indi I.* th? fatsr? anil? ?fkeeIt aat st lower pnes. 11., in t Is the stock, under isost cirrumstanees, is lu ne-, of the wints of ?the trade, ?tboagh f?r Jauairy. Febmiry ?ni March prie?! kars l*?-n psiei thin earl, m tus uio?th. In l'rimc Meei a better Inquiry moj be Botet, aat senn inpioveiwnt la pure, tboir/h the deuutnl l?r (Jr. st Ilnii n hu Ives m?jente. In k> fuse s limited Inquiry ni; l,s s? tod stalrregulsr lgur>i. Th? bus.ness la Mess for the futurs hal he?? laBf?, e^nataa ?? til I7J for 8epte?1ier id Oetobar delivery, sad -M4 for Jsnusn, K.-'.rmrv snd Mirrhi t., a. fork is stlliLf rar/ fairly. bul tba tawanj fxeeW ?mel aad prices not htm ; Hie isles, cash isd resalir, ara ??? lil.Is. at ai3 Win fin Mm; til for Citr fe I *1" for Pntaet ?lo r it tin 71 fcr Wiiuri, Kriine M..,, fur futnre detitetj the msrket is dull; sales ?f 7fi? 1.1,1s. Mes., seller t-etSe?l?r isd I ?,u,ber. st 113 40* a 13 H, ?>. bills, seller Jsnusty. *1 I 71; sod isst ereninf 250 bl,l?. for Ke>. EH W. isdMObbls. tor Ms?, Jss?,iS?d Jalr. st #14 li, Ueity, 11)6 bbls I-rime Mea, st +1" ?it'.Xm hbii. Mess m lots st #13 5", rub; there wsi stan a g. <?1 ?u .lung demand, with silas of MU bbls. Beef will sl?Bg la job IvU al formar legares; sales of li Mils., at BS9 + 11 for PIsib Mest, lad ail.'?II b>r Kitrs M-sa. Tierce Beef ii quel and >'-.ii-.f-l, we quot. st ?I? r f 1'? fur Bruna Mew, aad $19.4+22 50 f,-r Isdia Heil. bt,f UasM sre in fslr lobliuj de i >?t aad tkmdf, sale, el ?0 bbls. st tv a i n Cr w.-,t ,.,. < ni a ?su al oil picfcis ? r- sississl. bal nsw iKl >s is d. amy**, at fall I.nres; ailei ?f 1 *>.<>. Hums in picllr it Be., eui MSI l'i. i?-l II.>in. at I ? -c I , "ii pr.vste Unas. Use ii i.n.ti.i.' p ? II. s ?.1 ?Mb s 'nr ,1, ? Mat piteas ...I? t,nr j I '?.fl lui |..,iei I'll. Lot.? Clear el m. Dressed V. .1 mi h? w ?i .. ? I tja7b far City. I 'i.qui-l bul Irmlr ??' , ...- oi ISO I, !... , i. ! .,?. t nie lor Ma, I, )?? tO*. tin Cn, , j|i. fe? ?an i? in?, btcaa, sud >Jia?it. te, Kelti. Udder?!, (or fi'u/e dei.vti, the martel ia drill ealaa at We tea. a**m ?tram, rub arm')? Ko-rrab??, liiwaiher, ?rd lennuy, it ?1?., .ni M tea on tie .?o?, it 94*91?. *a*?-??*Ti i?? rmiititinin ?anna ?i? ,?a. *,? Tua wa? ?*ini?? hit. II. Uni. Pork, Bia*.. Uri, Tiret, Clmtm*, Tallow, I'l'lt. Ih. Bl. vtr. ?T* ij,.'t-|-av.1. HI 3411-nO Mn,?no frf ?TI ?no V... <i'?*4f"??. '?.HO ?0*4.41*1 .. . lia UM BOOr?. Arta, rp. .... 21n.0rtJ .... ' , ]?, ?4M RiitteKl??. .... kr..?l*) .... 32.t>0 ?lantl.tir?'. mm tie, -WI HS fl4C ?ron ?K.ji-lJO lin.?, i.. ii? r.'rot? e?,.ion ?no nu* m S. Amil W !.. 1,'i Hu.:*!*? Jrl, iT75 j,-, ,.,-.,., j^ UNA.,'??!.. I? .... I-..*?.} w tv* : . Olk'rl'a'triea.. f- 9 10'? 0 KI l.feli.UJ j? j l|)0 f.*,,,, iinnnnai Otto a.ii> ili??ifirri IUilwat ('..?pa?t. OmciM *A?___*^\ ??w-Tiin?. Sepl?i?l?er II. W11. J THF. ANXITAL MF.FaTIN'U of the BOND? II?'LIlKH**- .,,?: HTO< a lUlJlhRH of ?aOUQJjn Mltirilti SIIPI RAILW Al COMPAK1 tor Ike KI.WTlUN of THIiBK blKEC. TOMS 11. Ill ter.rr.ta ramed li? lb? eii?irallo? i.f t4-ruii of aertler). iitd for the of aaih oth-r baaiara. a. m,J br brvuthl betVrt Hwm, ?ill i.? i,? M ii ii.? omi? ?if lue V?my*uy. No. -***3 *? **} IHM ?t.. JJ? rmiiaii. Ohio. 4M lill HSIlAY Orl.rlir12 Hil, It I?1 u ****}_*? **? TU 1 ranaf.r Boni, will b.- eloMii frua. i otkuek P m. oa Ik? M da- at* 8??>. taatiti aalli U tVeioek a. ia. oa iU ittk ile. of _r*S_\%_tV_*_*__ K. li. IIAMMUM), Saontirf. T?X?InWR?^ISTW^ alaootbt r X ter? ''??traill? Merarllle?. Palina- I" and 12 par oaot mta-reat. Foi aale ht riTl'U fe KLI.IS._?taker.. li I*!*??-??-,._._ DESIRABLE'HOME SECURITIES. MEAD * CLARK, fikakcial Aonrra, ?io lal bbo??dwat, aid KHAHTlr, P. MIAD,__-_? _-, baitkbh, ?a, ato Tiiiiib-AVE, oom. wv*wt?v*wgm., I I...U li ? ait. b li u i, of eapllalllU lad lire.tort |ri.?riil? to tht FIRST MORTGAGE 7 PER CENT GOLD BONDS OK TUB WALKTLL VALLEY RAILWAY COMPANY, W kick ikat otu for ta le al I? ??J ?creed lelaveil, la eentec*. 2.M9 nBjn 4.411,598 730 s.irii.m? VMxn Ti. l.ltir. SrpL ? I. IH71..... IJM 1.-.J9.I93 ?AX;tm 2.2-10 6.5J9.222 1.031347 Sali.? ru.i- l-l I,'."/,;.???.?? i '?'5? !**!! ? ""?""o *** *iAt?.m ?000 lill 11'" '"ti'' ?n_l >n mo , mt- ^,,n-l ; _|?, M Ki?, at Ul?,lk,c. Cr n! r.? ?ni 4,'ri In?? I nat I111I a ?i 1 J ilir. ? Ml Su-art ire ,nn,?al,r.t? demand, and hn*lnr|. li eon IV? I lo-ina I parrel? Pnrjea at*_ nncat j-e I. ?_, a. M lih.ta. at Mc f.?r Mnl?-?.. ? aha 1 Met*? ?<?r ItanWdo., ami IO',, f?r ''uria, Kir?. It? tain 1 ?n- ?im. 1 al I.I? 1 l,e Hird?. i* KHI)? ir* dull ted dou?bi) lultflln. for Clnrer, ind *.1??J>3 5'J for Tn.?llir. ? TVI.HIN l.lnirtlrr and nntnlntl ?fU forrrlrre TAI.IOtV 1. rl.rll Mil real.; ?V, . f. . ,?, , |., , , \ ?. ?-,.????_, *"?iu.1*1?7e_ "' !."," *"** **' ***? ?*' *-** **' <""*** ****? \\ lil K1 trui ?lui luielirut-lj atti?,; ?air., 2iaj lult. at 'JJ.-. RRCEITTB OF PHOD?CK Par .Vrrrl? TNrtf VrntU ami MeUtOmm f,?rr If?4(4?. A.l.e?. 7|?kr?. 1le.-?w?,,-|l|,,|,.|'?t'nn Pi, rip re. l>n? ililli I l.l.l?. Kiama ml. H6? 1,1,1?. K,.- II k;u l,l.|.. Ki.ior 171? - ?awi. ,h W'a.l. '.It.Ill n bMk. C.rn. !'.S 1?al l??h. o,?, ? ?Jt ???Fin Keel. 1 ti Mil? Brtl-I |.'?S ti' I?. IVi?. IA, blia. Cuni Moil 7 l.ilf, II.n 4i '.?It? II?.j.? lii.UJ'.i.t.? Uatkw. IB Lal.? M??.?, L494 tbli.Spirit. TBi-|?etili?e. ?HO. hi?I?. Cr.nle Tarp.-nt??*, 2*. I hhla -| ar 3 Ki,: |,|,|, Kxain I/7>i l It?. Oil ('?le. HW bhl?. l'ork ?Vi pit?. Bi-ef lill p??. fn' Vu!?. "1 |kK? I,.rd. li.', pk??. Su.nn. I. :M pkti. Uuit.-r. ln.T.3 ymg* nu? ,-. M pkk?. Ttllnw SO 1,1,1?. liri Oil. 21 ykg.. ?ti,,- I :i71 j ka. Star h. I?n pkga. Tea, 39J hbdt. T..bact*4>, Ji-0 Lhla. Wbitkr. 4."> batlatWaal. " lter?i|U of ti i prlrriril klndi of Vt*tu* f?.r the ?weeli endlnr fitnr dar i".?ii'?. *f, I I??: 4'.2 1,1.1a. II??,.?, 4 47C ' ?Ira. Cnfon 1 ?,7 pkc? brial Knut, Bl MM Hop?. 80 11*8 ade. Leailer. .11 Ii71 bMa. Hpiriu lurpentme. I(,.7l9li?la. Kiwln. 16.1791 pkt?. flr.ller. 7n 779 hot? ( he? *r. I- in.- Mila. It;? ( H Loi?-? anil flf I Ttlf la 1*77 hh?ti TllhtW :i . halt ? W ..I .5 St! bl.ll. 1 l?*r. 2,i-'^l hbl?. M't.nkr, 2 202 bid? Cat? Meil. 4f II at* Von, Mt-1 Bl'l(i7l tntli. Wb?it. 6uVl9., 1?iah. Vorn. :i'i,ll*i ho.Il (?a?, II .MWIio.b. Il.rlei. ?O.TJfl l.uah. Kn- I ?*!'? bilah Pe?a, li,,i?. Lu li Matt, l.iti.i bu-h Or??. Turi MT bk?. A.In IM al g li,- r, I 'I I I k.? Part I ',71 pk-j?. rui Metl?, 3,241 u.. Lard, U, kr?? Lar 1,0.1 ii , ii.. Oil Cat?. THE BTATK OF TRADE. K1 ll4il'IAN M.M!KKT.*t. t,?.*4r?n?t. Prpt. K?li ji ?. m?Caaaali <.|<>i,?-il it i."l tat morer ?ni Iii?? ?ei-nont. Ant? riran ??"-uri'le*?I'lte-Tarntt liond, lia?Ja ?al lu*-'.?. Bl : lla.7?, nil : T-Mi-For*??.,, lilt. I'ahi?. S. pt tin ? Ytrnch Rrute, ar?, onolrd ,t bit 9?e. I,IIKHPIH,L. S,n>. ltl?1? ?-..Illa. lll.-l'.,'t..|i ?:,?. Ifrrtr; Ml?! Hint Tp 'I '?. '. j I ; Mhl ?ling tlile?n?, Md. ; the ?ale? of the ?lar are eatiniated at 1.,' I. l.oMxii, .cppt. 16?7 p m.? rlo?i?d at ?Vil f(,r mener and the ira? t. Arnr.r-iii arcariliri rift I?I'm-Tuent/, ItKSl, Hil; . ? R|| laSIl, '"?j. Tri K?,ili?. !>'|. I .??k,. Bl Si|.l. H?? p. in.?C.itm Erini Mlilil'int t'i.lant?. Md | ii-;, a . :-\- ? I , tin- nit? uf iii? '?; r.,,t np IS.imo i,,i,?p ii ! i..-, "i" ! 1. ? r. r i? ?ir? ?id -i ?? Iniion. LaMa, .': . Cki?r, 34 f.r, tin I., ritt II 'tit Talla?. Hu li. ? !??*. ?|l 1 . |r ti.. ? *?,tar '.'? - /'l?7 ,,? It,,. .,.,.1 im rp?,t. ?i ii. tit**, II Airmal. ..lip Wai? ii/, Iruin Nm-lntk Au*. 2!, ?rill...11..!,, ol t'.llin. nOMKKTIC MAI'KFTS nvrar.lT Pop,. ir._\M,.it ,|?h ?id ?I?..?|??-??-, ?n I tTWta. i*l 41 ti t I ,-' Ima. ?rl Ml Amt er Mirl l?-nn. ii?i uu. I' n ? ia ,v. Vltk ? ii !? r iii- ? in i I I ?a?? IT, fir ii .!r in i ,t Mu t\ i ki.i-, N' pi H.?Flour ?lull tu?) n.riLin.'l. IVI > ?t f.r.-. ? ?: ?r, 2?t H-1 1.? .1 +1 IM. emit .?rS-i't.t Inn N... I al ?>1 lu j Uala-K.t 2t[iiiri al .??;,. i. i Nrt ;' Mi?! ?.I CU. R -No. 1 Ina-! i tV It r!"rn ?? til? I: Ni? 2 ?t C1?. ft re | t?-*l 0" i I I.'. I'.oir. ll.'.'iOii l..i?li. iMn-tt Kliipmint?4.?ut hl.|? H. ii-.17 i?h bu-li. I,,lr Fr? iil.t?W'r. ,t la? ItnDnl,. H|e.: to <>,?.?/.. I.V. rii:vKii*?D. Mi|.t. IA?Whnl rilrtaad .-?? ?,??; Ho. I Red Wiakrt, ?3.1 M, N?i t im., ti JI. Can Ira at a?????!?*, (?at? mil it l,e.-?t ;i ... I-, tr,.i, ?., k. u,'.i.,. I finn.r. at tl\ ?'.:-. . in ni lut?; i _u.,c \r (rnllt.t,. in ? ?in ill ?.n ; l'n..|i' firmt-r .it ?*? ? .'?i i' i 1,1. Mhviiii?. Sept. lo.?Knur lint 1,nu?I Can Um*. ?I fir. Ottt a-eak It Ile, Urn pork, ?I) t*X Lard-'li. ne. H'3". BaMt tin.,, bl u'l ra. .le.| C1"ir si?l- a. I'?-;' \r. Tul ?no. li., Sept. lC.-Floor dull and nn?*lrtri/?-d. Wlwat dnll and ii..o'int. Kit. 1 Whltl \V,.l,??h ii ti III N". iWUte i . t- 11 II; A-abri ?liri,,?an, -M an. N... 1 li, ,1. ?jil I..; Rta, I La., ifl ;t .'i ; N?. j ?*??., *| JB. I..J- ?-t.- * ||. I +i I:); Ni. 1 AnilrT I.I, o'?. ?1 J : Ka 2 d.... tf.1 HI. r..m rlttil ?'.I un,-hai .e.|; II ..', Miu.l. -, I.o ? Mi..,I, b li l>?i? lull and a ikaV'l lon.r. ?o. I it . ?,, : :? ? 2. il I?4? . Michigan. Mm Pivigiititttaki ?lu t. la Iiilhla 4 toftatti-fo hrm, I, . Kr ,- I? Sr. ff? |?1?4l??.i lrl.1?. h"ur.'i It . I IVheat, liii.ti bath, lorn, ?ni 2 i.???i lu?h. Oil?. l1M*aaaill I.WI lilrbt Vtust, I?7.I-.I l.imli Wir ai aril ill.t ?Jil baal. Oatt \*i ii.aiM,,..N. N. I'.. Pim*, It.?Mill? innre,,.? (Irm ?? fV. ,'"*ilrTn it *2 4" f. r Hir?in'?l. , ni ?? Tirp.i.nni* ?tctalr at t2 k9 ti ? I 7.? for ?rllow li.p. an.l ?1-4 .'al fur Vitgiv. Tal .-t? iii. al ?J-.' U .'LB.4M. tiipt. Iii? W lii-at miik.t i? il?'|r,-?.?l; ?-.I.? I r.,r Lura Wl,*l? M't-M?,.. it (II ? li,? i?.|u;?l: io tah ,. Cam ?-n't '.'r r. W??i. m Mik-iI al 7Jc, in lita. KulktU It fjmaia It Kari?/ Uau .tait'| no ?ilia. Iiiitai.ti St pt. lu ?F'onr finn and ?r?r?*?. tV! r.t flrri.-r , ti' nu ? t ?a. 1 ?|.i m. *1 l.'J ti Until ?I *?".',?' 'T, ?ft ti ;.i-ti\ ,,,>. Utlabtt. t'.?ni flriurr but ?| lit'l; ?a. 1 Hist*. 41|e., r??h tit *>? ]?? ? i l.rr; 47i?47'e . OitnU-r. Iiataacnte No. 1 at :, |c . en?l, MtatSijej t?i|ieil.?r. I'l' Ott.l.'r lf?e NMMTI Ko. 1 ?I hip-. Batar* eaatt-i. Nu. I S| rtiiit CJjr 11 :li ? in ? I mi in I ?I? ?d. al ..Jr. Piorr.ii.n. ?ruerlirit quiet; Mew Pork ?t.a.l, nt ?12 ?C'..??.!'! l..r' Ij' I?-.' hartadMtala? i-b,?ul.l.-r.. Italie. Lue ll?>c? Itaadf) lifhl ?uppl? at ti Ibiitipl hb. VettU unt?h?;,eia1 at..I dall. Fr. ?>,!? .|?|. t: " ?ra I. n-ari-i-; Ita ??ki-l or W!i. ni to Iittifnl??. li?"-, ?.(.: ? ;.m i bl.? Ploar, im.milil.u.h VV|,e?t llli.<i|ii?h ,'orn, lai.'.i.i l.u I,. ,)'t?.-.".i?.?)ln,h. li'.. ?i.ioi I mt* llarli-?. ltd .'".?ii II??. IMkaarato?*JM* i.l.l?. Flour, l.'iiiKi W !.c t. ''.-.iiti In.a'i. Cot*, 1411? i liti?h. l.ala, l.i.fl bu?b. K>< 1Iii.m?jI,*u.I.. Hiri.. aiil laWllaa-t, 'I'HlLil.Kiriiu.ISi pi. IO.?.'?e.-ilt?l'|.,r. r?New .?111 ?I ?*,!n?' ?VIO W), (?I !, t'ite + 9 fai; Tiii'otlir, 11 Ibu ti ?'"' Maai adit?*) tiuyi rtm?, ir'- Kura?, tb lb: Pen at It ?ni? Kttta Karn I -tib lb. Wfltmili .uri Mi?i'i'???U ti- 2 ri/t?>?; Oh t. Kilr? Ps in I tfu 171 : Fair? I..!?. iK7 in ,r +H M Wheal ?ellre-, ?liiek i.c.,rif. Indian?. II. I ii l81 .lir'r ti ?'<->, I' II. I ti t*\ H" ?rarre al i.'? I ni Ima irtlti i l.ll.r??, 7l.i77,'.-, M'?ni Wrat^rn, M* O.? I-.. Ititi??: Wl rtr. It ? ., ni Mi .'?-'?'. ; Mltrt.lM |4i'ir,r ??????I? : 'a r lo i/.,., I ),. 1iiii,k !?) ti te.: ?r.M-err Kni li-?. ''I it lui?- Mall? ? ?toll ti ' 13 Pt '. r.iroliutu le?? finn. Crude. I7|./17,.'. . R.ln.?l, Itali '/ J4.-. WWakl lirm at ?Me. llf?OMt4li, ti- pi. 1?.?I-'linir I. ?rlir. ?nil OniiT. taparla?, t*-Ji tb 111. lloirtilr lur-, *??. Teakle Kain. +'..--.-. nala an. firm; Ki. I,?.iii?, :a)r.; iirl.n?, KSIlr. Pi r lu -h. liar ii.arkH ban ? ii,,,irr |i,t??n'.d l??l ?I em All ..ther ?nu r? ti r. kawai, M'iliut l.t .It ii!?.,- Raak, ?l.'k. MfM I I'lmi,. oa >ew lurk. | pr? mium. (Mi, lljj. IV,aller ?.?im anl raint-. ?T. I?rfi? S'|t. 1 ? 1'loir ?pilet; Pnp-r'rne ?t-tr/#4 2*?; l?,n:.le Kitr? ii". ?KI -'"+?*> 4". Whe.i- ,l?-j,| ; Ka 1 II'! ?J I Iii fi] li; H?. I ?ti Wlaltrt, tJ ? pr ??. bel1 al-vt- binr? nmt: , al, ynir.) at.d Iel!..?. 06 lb? Hark, al 4../ i M.i.l, ?'?-?.-.I. Mt, iii. '?Hi ?*i i Ib Ihr tlr..t?.r. aijr.i Mii.d. .?rk?-.l. J r. JJ.tle, I N **? r'n?r ??? ?"-?-' *" ' ''*"? ':*r- ?*e tam at ?I ?tat, lit,, ?r,?.t!??eaJh.K''*'-"?V i-'iim.: ?S* H-inp t,n'l,.,ty,l. ataf????? Ui.rbaniinl Me?. I .-**%?** ti til laalll?i??2SK? I, beril 7Jr., Hu,"w? 'j'-.! Cl-.r.-li. .la'. r.?l.dllei.l"?. ?tal.;.'jr. Lu-, J! ? unit.-aul at ?-I?/ 11 !t). l.t ti?- UE,1,?I|?, I. lil rt'ipl??7..-ait ,';''l?, l.??Ur. .'4'??' I r?h. IV'le ,., ,',,U?I bath, fun .' OW Irua .. Hit?. a liuO L*4|h. Ile. 1 MM linilrr. I.ITIIXI .*-l-- I.i-lr. -to; ??..'-. ?I I'' I*-: Ut?, ?T ?W* t<< lb; li ?o-l ,o Ml ? inn le-tt, t -t t*-u til- Hu,-ti g a? ' .?* ?ni an el ?nut I. Flout la fur driuaiid and ami ,?t r '? 7.'.. \. !.. .1 m K..ol i r . ' m ! lim at +1 lfl't + l au. Corn ant* but Irm al bb,- ??at? ?; i t :'ut li-it, al :ny. Hi? iiuiet i.nil Maa? al i-s.. Pnwiiiaai linn ant art ire | Meat Part, eil ?i.t a-I3 ll-.'i.ii-'-'li,.ul te?. i>i./? f .: ITeal lill. Mu?. 71'/71r.| fleir Knie?, pro kim, be. Larl ?t? ?ii? at 14,/liile.'Jli. 'liriiAi.i tieyi l?-._K,.,:pi?_l-.,m, 17 ?Vi Wilr-atatl ??TWat a- . ?*? l,??l .; , ?'IT, kt?nt I ".ii. l 41?,-. T*f1 It hail I llarlel. it. 'IMluiali. lilli Hill ???!? filia. -'" '41 I u.-i:., tlnl?. l.l.l? U r.u.-l, I It. .! I.? I ?ri']?.,i.ri W hint, 14c; Corn.13c ; Oatt. Hi </'?!?*..,?? Nu? -Vori. 1 lour I qa'rttl I ni ? lim.--I. Mlrtltl ?re ni-.rlr bare nf W hi-.t, I'atB. ?ni | Ha'? aid lie oui? tran.-rii,,?,? were .?le of 3JM h??h. No. 2 Murd ! Wr-iri, l'un at 6"./ 1, : i|?olati<>ii.. in t ? ni" ipii'Ui'e are merri/ I nominal. Barta? itmntri: ??Ir?. IJttlunli. Wnurn. maa] lea, at 7 ?. | RteI. tarni, ?? itrtM n?. 11. tal"?a, 3 Mt hart. TiiB'.ilijr i ii +1. I'oi? in?l taipl .m- ?arl inn rat Hiflnttat-aaaaiaaUT Ile. I Oaemem, Sept. li,.?I.r ?lea I will, ? H"*-i lienalnl; ?ale?, 1.70.1 | hbl.. al *7 Im No. 1 rtf-raci |.7 H for .tinier Winter; ti f??r W li.te I Wiuier. ?m1 te tk fas I'uni le Kura. W l.i-?l Beare., ?al??. l.aOfl l.uati. Anitor Mi hi?; ?n +1 .Vi; Kew Ka I Milwniikw Ctah h. Id al ?pi ,5. I Corn gul? t; Ho. 2 lllintu. bel I at tJie . wie.. ? ar lot ?1 IHc Oat? at nom 'ti?lpr.t?l.4t,r. for Odo. CafB Heal??! M (tr Balttd. if I 4?i f..?- Cn I,. M rsl. Mill Prmt ni,, kal tai Hkattl t? m -.??. Mnp.t ii-, i fliotti; Middlir**?, ?Hu *i-ao V ton. Ili.batii.i. ?"J?i*i>'.c. Canal I Frei/bta?Wheat. I?'.; < oin ?lil lite. De.. tunta J. he.. 1-. Kctr-Tarti I.iiinlier. ti !?? io li- IIl.'.?..p; tb to NeaYork RaUraatl J r Iffala? I Frr.ur. ti Bluf?, .''.te i lo Ncw-?.rrk. 4t*f , lo All.-im. Kal Rcoaatl lu L?ki- of 17,7i?l bak lora, hfclf i all in lauil?II.TUO baab. M h??t. tb.itio ,.u?h. H??-. 711.0110 feet Laarttt. Cim in\?ti, r-ept. lo. ?Floor?lu I ????) ?I lull pr?-e?; Famllr, tfjli','a*6. VShert-lieinail gool Jl foil pite.,. IIKltlH Cm I in ;??',?1 ?f I Ira ?t ?*?>. Kt,?? Hinaiiil taa4 at lull prien al I GH./7Ur. Oat. unel.auiied an! i|olil al air;?)?-. Eurie? ni fair tien ai. ! euri irai; Fall, h.-.'a, i a?. M?? l'or? dull .but holier? ?re uuaillii.i; la ! luuke fif.-k-au?. ?ile, ai rli 7*i. laterally bsM nt ?-I-i. Lard tall I at .Irina.pine h- LI ?, He ?ntl 8?V. lid. Unit Meal? in f?ir de-nand ami ?kltaartd. .-Ii?.u;i.r- ?...d ?I I r. ; Sid-, aajablaal Ha., ?n.l b.-l.l at 0|?; ' I}? f.,r fin, r Hil? air?! Clear Srile?. Ila-on biuwut und tin.etr ? ' ??< ?I I i.ii , ?tai Uih ttiii'*: ******* r* helil a' 7i- ; Kib tiule., uull ?' I -,,,.. , ,, r hkl ia -i. 'rl.ii at 7??-.; UM al Ile. Vi hitit ? LitiaiJnd ?,??'?1 ki full pt.r e? al Mc. _ COTTiiN H.MtKF.Ts. riiriniATi, Re|t. |i..-C..f..?B ?IBU, kal linn I.? w Mid linn.-?, lljc. 1 .?????t ni r fern IS ?Cattaa tlrni ; M I II-... a"c. Piiiiaii?.lI'1iii, n.|t. it.-fo.Uiu brui; M. mUagt. ?Je. ; uet M'i|.:., I.'.i mh.'I-f. ?Val ln-Ction ?|ii?t lnt [in; M'l?rr? I . .' I ? , n^l rere pt?. H balaai |r ?ra, 1.'.7 bale? ; e,po,l?-r.iui tin JJ La.? . ^Nr\tOKt"r-*;iN?/. !<;.-<'?.ib'?, ttrw:; V'I1'b, ?. li?? Woe. i ne? m-eipt?, l?t bilu; *!??**. *Uh lal?; ??le*. M bii'ea; .toe?, 1J,U7 Mearan Nept 1? ?Coftain qni?t and irm; Middiini. 20?*. St Inil ii' Kept. Hi.?Cotton tioiBin?!; MiMlm.-. I'i?* Uu?T?.*4 Sept. l6.-r..lton.luieli M.,1 1 I ... Hi ""?I I ?Je I frn.? rtre pt?, i: ! np.ria-to Onat Brit.oJi. a2 ka ?ra) .nie?. ?**) b?:.-,? Mart ^'\.\!.*',t >?.' K.-l'i'-t-u l?l Mi;;l:i..-i. 1'?? . u?l n-'ilti U'l hal-.; talia. 22ii bal-a. ._ , ,_, M.iBtll Set.t. |h.-Ct.'ton (Irm, Mi Ml og?, IttXi ft, I4j bil..; ni.-?. I.*?a hile?; itaek. l.'JSt) I'li't. KotftiU Sept. lii.-t'.?tt..u hnu: Low Mi.MlinK?. lil? i'.Jr. net re ri 11?. MS lialm ; ciuurl??coi.ttu??, 1W balea; ??Ilia, ? I**?**-?; ?lock, iMIIaTHM, Pept. H?CtHtt ?Inn; M ?ll'i/rt, l'i?r]'Hr; nrt re talala, lb? til-t; ,nk, '.'" 7_l?T| ibaat, '.$?> aM ?*? HaTANIAa, Peat li.?Cutta.a it li.?t dem?',': l..iw ?lildTinn. II j .-s IH,e. : net reeeipU. M.' Ulta, tiportl?cinjlm-e. ii 1 llier,; ...It?, HO I.le?; ?t?..l, afir?; b.lrt. l.ALi??T?>.< ^rpl. it?Cotton <|ui?t : IJoiid Onlin.rr. 17/7 KJe.: Bet re? .??!? '.'it, l.tleij eipi.rta?eoi.i?.?.', 2a?'l,ilea, ?a.?? MUlat'ittiak, U a li. bali??. V. LMiii.t.ia Pi't 16.?Ci.-|. ? Crm M HI ni/?. l'?,c. ; net r e- latta, M bain, iifalll Uttltht. TI katie?! all -, IO '-'"? ?****, B l ,.?. Al7If,KNR (KAN) UTI ?TOCK MIRKKT-ilirT II. t.r. n Wimen ***** T*r*t?-^ak* Vraslm?, "meium H'.fCattl?-The.h1pmint(>a, the?? yu,!? fur the ia.? w.-t k late I. m mi.n I nik tl.iu lb-preti??a? weeki Irn'.e u a lit'?? inoie ftrr Lot ,.1.,'e? lor all ??ni? of Milli reii'.iin n:.rliai?ar-l. IhlBawal. in. o ?a tri. I..?ii PMI-lelphlt. ?-.J lead; Cb'earo. it' li. id tai. UM ktatj nr,thte-ni,mge*rgh'.l lit 1'?'he. d, 1.1 ?I It i 1 lut I'll hwi, l,l;7 It,, 1 lot Ila bead (*i.i,i.rei|, lJrtJ m. CaiCJkOO MVii SI'iiCK MMiKr.T-Smr 1C. Rreelp,? fnr ,be week?I2.na7 CUL??, aillai Hut;., 7,a- I sheep. f>',,p ininl?-7.,i',.' Callie. 31.712 Htm, l;iua si.eep. Corre p ?mllnir ?eel. ? I-i?-Ree. ipi?. l?.Oai Callie. 211, tell ling., SI,.-, p. Shipini nt ? ?.titiVutllr.U.t'tlllutt.i-nitibmp. Ititi? mariel t?rr ip.i. I .,.' liuli. eumaioB to fair, r-' Wl iBeiui? tofo-J. *' M* to; priu.e.hii,piiu, IllSlllt Htaja akttHat?thta Wialtielt? *P i Me k4 te, ,be laller for i lira. Sbei p ?nd L?uiIhi uu et ?nu lu?? l..u?;iU. OTSpSt "SB INSURANCE ('??pur sill b? hell os MOK?AV, ?rlah?l, lfll lCn?*l?r?? S -? ?? ? * *?_?????TM mlDUOUtieCrZ,,0" ROCKFORD, KO("K ISLAN?and ST LOI!!* K. IL BONUS WoxtnOO hr X * 1"'UlJ la _'Oni? M X ??K? IM'.R CENT inr^tmentaonTffH?^ tnrrT? i murty mil, by JOHN KOCKWI-XI., lOTrlhaaa lla'ldi'ig CT? Ig. $1,000,000 Connecticut Valley Railroad Company BOI^DS! Proposals will be received at the Conncclicut River Banking Co., in Hartford, until 3 o'clock p. m,, Satur? day, September 23, 1371, for the pur? chase of the whole or any part of ONE MILLION DOLLARS Of the First Mortgage, Seven Per Cent Xon-TaxaMc Bonds of the Connecticut Valley Railroad Company. This I. the whole Uiue. the first snd ordr Mortrsge, snd eoeers the ?n tire |.roi?ertv. i qui'mem md fmiul I e of ihe It., d. The IN,li.,i,l I,,. I, in 1.uni nith raab lulswnpUons to the stock. Ti,etspi'simwi,-a 1 ..-,o'i linn. 'I ,- ?11, ?i: ' pul in 1- a I .Jill?.(Mill s ?I th? Bonds sr? iuu?d for the roie;: 1, i,- ia I thoroogb ,?'i'? n?.-ni of the I.,,., I. These llouds ire payai le thirty yean Iroiu Jsnnsry 1, 1HTI. They are regnlered st Ihe OKre of the Controller el the Met? of Con nectirul. in I ne free from ali lite?. Plate, moninril. snd i ne nu?. 'Iher sre inileuoiiiiiis'iotis . ( S 1,11(1(1 e?. h, sith ?nterrst conjoin it Lscbnl, pus) le semi snnuill?, in ind July st the Aniencin Ki Nitlonil lluuk, Mew York, or Hirer Biskiuf Co., Hsrtr.ird Cnn. They esn he Rerlstered, If de.lred snd when ttrriite-rri, the ooododi sre Mill le lo tli.r of th' I!, i-istetit-l there.?t. 'ide li'ie of the Komi i?.... th>- wed bunk ..f the Connecticut River, la 44 mil' s in 1 n?ih, eit. ii linn from llsrt'ord to Hivbrook on the Hoanij? Winching ill Ihr Hopo-lu??, to?ni and tilUg.1 on Ile r.oite. ItcguUr p.i-i-enLi r trains wie riininnu within bin in montis, from Ihe be.-in ?tur of w,,r? .,n the rool, the ilailr r.-reipta from ahu-h are nesrly l.lil I t,, ti r im, re.I ?? Ihr Monga e lion is. I wo a .ll'iorsl i s?rir/er train, snd lim freight tr.ins, will he lo Ope IBtl. n I-.- (let I.I TI, ltd It is lina i that the W.liter tri'fl- will .?? Urge. A remii.d check or enrr-nct for ten per cent, uf the psr ville of bonis tor Mil I'C li, ?.-el v.ltli e,- li lasHcstlUi 'I be Hccrue I in.t'.i'.t ?ill he sihled to nil scceptej propoaitli, from July I. 1 171, until lh leal ,?stiii, nt, win, ii mit hk at tus oitio.x or Tils lilli ti mt*, un'il an?) iurlnelirg Ort IS, 1 II. 'I .- -um lill san I ,,-i | r?,p,,- ill ilecbui J will be promptly ?returned. I'iup.i-all la-i) le ml Ir. "I to JOHN A, BUTLER, C..iB.c'icnt Iii-er'stn.' t'ssrfssr, llirlforl, Coin., indorsed ' l'ropo lal ko l;.i liol th i'oi'i.'cte'-iit linlroad Co np.iiy." TI e i Lilit is istslTst lo ?Ici .inn sll propo.sia wLi, h may be considered an.lesirshle. 1GHT PER CENT First Mortgage Bonds MOBILE AND MONTGOMERY RAILROAD Co.. INDORSED BY THE STATE OF ALABAMA. PRINCIPAL AND IXTF.UEMT PATAUI.K IN GOLD. After s rarefei! ,ian iust.i.D, we confidently reeomn-end theie bonis, be? ca use: 1. They sre s Brit mortrsge npoa s road already completed and In me ee.sful ejerit sa, with a. I i an inj.s well est*l-li-h..l for seven! j ein it ranch more than 11 oujl to pv. the Interest ou eil Ibu Lodi I it'll l'i ' bo lie is-ued. 2. The ireoedi of tl.r-?- l.ondi v.i'l complete in eitenalnn of II rail>-i of I eiry work, from Tenias Into the ?M IV OK KOMIS, disneriiug wuh the | resent steamboat service, curtailing tipense snd ilcreesiof ef iclio rj of lbs rnsd. 3. The is 1 !.' relies tongi erf re oinrtgsrs. 9,2 .v?m?ui. or s little ortr *13."00 per mile; cost of roed, orer #W,isiO ?per mil-. 4. It connect. Mun'I,I- snd MUNTIIUMI.KT, sad Is s link In the rmite from NEW-ORLKAXfl to NEW-YORK, snd slao betwees the Cl'LP and LOUISVILLE. Ii> the insured completion of the road from MOMTOOMBRY norlh to I.ECATIU. being bull, by the LOUISVILLE ANI. NASHVILLE II. It Co., who thus diiplay their of ?the yalu? of the ruute. I. They ire ;rdor,,e.| snd misnsteed hy the STATE OK ALABAMA, the raine of whose Msh u.,ul bul been rec. uti} tcalid uri lally ti t. tiotae of Ihi-most csreful lt.Te.tai In EVOLANP snd this coontrr, sft? r lnve.tira'ion. ha.e'oi.-ht Ihe.e I.nnl, for Inve.tment, lb (hot now uni. shout ?l.'M.isi., sre ?ii .be tuark.-t, which sre for sale, li ptesai.t. st t'5 .,.? 1 n tlmml lulen st, by "? Sggf?m<t *___, 33 W?Uam-st. Mo?to?aJr Railway OK ... BJEW-JERSEY, N?iw MlAKI.Y COMPLETED. 7 PER CENT FIRST MORTGAGE GOLD BONDS, UDOHD BY TIIK 0. X. X O. MIDLAND CO., MAY BB HAD EY APPLICATION TO LEONARD, SHELDON & FOSTER, NO. IO WALL.-ST. ara NI I0MCIAII RAILWAY CO., l?o. 25 NASSAU-ST. National Trust COMPANY ?OP TH? CITY OP HEWYORK, 261 AND 263 BBCADWAY, COSNEB WARBEK-ST. Capital . . . t * $1,000,000. PAY? FOUR PKR t'RNT INTIRIioT PER ANNUM ON DIPOSIT, SIIUK.TTO CUE. K AT BIGHT. PA?S P1V? rKR CENT I.TTERE1T PKR A?ITTM 05 SPECIAL Bli'OdlTS UJUHUra blX JIO.sTII.SORLO.N?EU. EJiroWEUBU TO ACT AS H.NA.VflAL AOK.NT 10R STATES, tOHPOKATIONH, AND INUIVIDIALS. TO AIT AS AfiF.STS OP COKPORATIOSS I? MUM, BEG isTKtiiNo or oonrrnmnM cwmwcaTMi TO ACT A8 THUSTEtS OP iloBTGAOE? OF UA1LROADS A5U OTHKK CORPOIUTIOKS. TO ACT AS THI'STBKS POR MARBIED WOME!?. AHD MAT TAKE CIIAR?K OP AND MANAGE Tiltia SEPARATE PROP ERTY. THE POMPANT IS A LEGAL D?rO?lTORY FOR MONEYS PAID LITO comr. D. R. MANQAM, President. JAH2S ITEBREIt, BtCTBtary. _ ?150,000 NEW-JERSEY INVESTMENT VINELAND RAILWAY BONDS. ?I?,OOO PER MYLI, T PK? <^?T trm *f ita, leierest tss April sat Ortobfr. Priaefpsl paysble IMS. Toe iu?:arsl|pisd ofers th? aaioU tslane? of tie trti tai only mort Ci|i boats al tss \ ii*lii-J lUilssy Caapaa/, lbs cou? loss tMisf Mlk'fiOO. The lia? b?|1ii ?! the tet?l?ai af On Itn-Jene, Rontaer? Bsllrsst, tri eitsi li lu tss DtUmra Hirer ; Is 17J ailsa, sad Iri.t-w. the (inlet ti Hit-ltn*T-im*om Iks satin lengik pemitg ikrangt I rirk ssJ eui ?taM rosa try, the proJarU of ?kick ?Ui hi teasgkt lo Yl'.iri -IpLis so I Msw-Tark by Uli Use* Tut toon.kint koora* al vinelisJ sat Britflstoa ira sa Iks tnko. Ob the oppsilts ikara of tki Pelswirs ais Bsiyna Bast li eoa strue tisf, isd sill fens l Biri al a aroa|k lias ta B.linacre. TUHy-sssss allas siasMoyamtot, sad lbs taaaiaia? *n ailsa Bal bi laid by Saptsabar B). Tfcs rast bat U tri sarsasasd ia lbs Hallst tutss. TrsCs to ttM* sliilly taerassiif. The larfitmeat li ss<?n kerni trn*tn. Yat t ilurl tlae the prus w.ll I? 33, ind seertied lui,rest. II. G. MAUQ1TAND, Ne. 140 DUOSDWAT. First Mortgage, Convertible, 7 PER CENT GOLD BONDS OP TUB PEOR?A Al ROCKIMD RAILWAY OF ILLINOIS. rirat Mortgage Bondi ? ? - ?1,500,000 Capital ?took.2,000,000 TLIsIss COMPLBnUI tltmi <U ?Uni',, lenptb.eonne-tinK thalia ptrfaat cities of Penrison ti* II m.?i R eer smlPoek lilind. Mn'lsesad I'sreaporl ob the Mi?iss,,. I. IHvei,p,,rt, ob Ih? opposte l.snk of the ?.?er, li eoa aeeted by a rsilwty brides. The Nit rsll of Ibis tori wss '?id dsl7I.ini. sad tas ho? I. bow opaa sad bala? operstad will, a saeoaas eueedlsf all ist|c,p?,i0M, t, onlef w pl?M! Bpnl Ur ?^ tM Isrgi Kjalpmcat ssee^sry fur tb? biidaesi offered, md ta MSBtaSt depotsL esr lad en*it,e.b..0,es, aiichiue, fce.. equl tosnyof the bait ..el roid, I. the eoattr,, ? ,, ,ow ,?,??,, onbi< ,u , omp?r offer, OmMO tit? Still Ifll. ?I *mx\tttIBBaWl ir.t inort^g- Ofmm bondi wl I, h coyer lbs eM:,e property of the Compsoy. ?ad I, les. th.. $17.000 per nile. PUKMKNT I'll I CK Uti AM? At*. t KI El? INTF.REST IN CLUUEn? Y. ' Imtmrnimo. lalrteei psysbie in e..ia st New-York or Losaos, free of Us. Thii roid, optne.1 for the ramease tocal ss well .1 thnmip tT<?e now offereil.wiU |,r?,TeoBe ?,f the ant protlsble 1b the West, trsTeri.n? sa it doea ? aertloa of eoantrr nnnrpasaeS ia fertility of t*0 aad trn etiltarsl re.onr.ei. thi. kly popaliWd, st.d In s hi*h Mate of cal tlvstion. This Is self eTldert, frota lbs fiet thit e.ery seellns of the rosd psssel through eultirsted, snd asny towni ssd til li^.'s, wiik a lsr|e city sad s carigibls riser st rich cb?) ?Ksilrosds la Ike Went hsre Len heretofore eonstrtieted thron|k on.ettled sad Bacal tint?d n-rient of the country, eourqnently hsrs ?bat bit lltus loesl tritte t? dei end upon tit serers! yeirs niter e.nnit rael Ion. Bst the l'e?ris ssd ll.H k Islsad Uillwiy u s Srst elim COMPLETED rosd. will NO PARALLEL or < 0MPKTIM1 LINE, sad KUNH Til HOI Oil ONE OK Till: KI? III> T Atilll I'l'LTl'KAL, MASrEACTIUlMi, AND MOM POP I'LOfM IJISTIUCTM IN THE \VK.?">T. TI-s It Is cerula tbst the loesl holiness li stresdy more thin enoo|l. to inst,In tlie rosd, while the through traffic ii unl.ii.ltid, ss its counic?ons ire numerous, which ein be seen br s slsnee s* the msp. Tills roid it s grind central link, lo which amy of the prlacipil Uses eentnliie lad diverge to ill parts of the continent We Invite the sttentiun of ii reston ?to this losa. Bi-inr t:m liar with the weslth pnd ?montees of the counter sion? ?the line of this railway, and A MEMHKR OF OI'R KIMI IIAV1.M? MADE A l'AIIEFI L EXAMINATION OF THE ROAD AND na PROPERTY, WE CAN W1TI1 THE ITMOST ?ONFIDENTE HEIOMMEND THE ?ONDM AS A PRIME OEt'VniTT, relishle snd ssfe in every pirtiealtr, All merleville ???? a'.ti.ex reeeivexl In eiel.ntife it ful1 rites, snd hoads delivered to sll |,irt. of ihe cuntir, free of .sprees churres. JIip.. ei.-rnl.-tr?. Lt., with full pnrticuhrs relitisgto ti c MSI fnr-Khed on oppli. iti?n I?, the undersign? .1, Finsncisl Agei.U of the Compsny. TURNER BROTHERS, Bankers, Wo. 14 XTasgau-st., Iff. Y. "GEORGE OPDYK? & CO., BAIVKKBHi .>o. 91* NAMAI'-.ST., off.-r f..r ssle the f?l!o??'ng deiifable i-cnrltiei: Ne? Turk snd n.w, .n tinllmd Rsilroid First MorWrsge 7 per cent <ii?!il lbmils st par and ii.ierest. Nu* Jirsc) HUlssd R ilroid Find Mtftffl I PT tal O??* Bondi, L-n.rsiilee.1 I.;. ibeNcw-Yirk sud Oiwego Miulsud Rsilroid), at a? sod inter.-it y Moii'clsir Pslwiy First KartfBftTptl cent Cold Pwt's. (unsrsn t.ed bv the Nfw-York ord Ossigs Mi.'l.nd Rsilroid). it 9.1 snd Interert. tit. Lonit ?nd South Listiru lUiisaj lint Morlgagu 7 pet Cent Gold Bon Is, it i? au! mU-iest. * Montgomery si.d First Mortjfiie 1 per cent Gold Bo Is, Ist?Bet bj the Sut'- of Althaus, it ii tri inter-st. M.iviun, lows and Ne'.ra.iU Killis, First Ksttflfl 7 per cent Gold Bon Is. st 90 and interest. lnd'snipoln snd Vincennei Rcllrosd f?cond Mortfsce C per cent Bends, (gnaranteid by l'ennsjlranis Kiilroad), it CU and iiiter?-.-t. Gill.vt.u County, lIHnols, 1 per cent. (interest pi)..!.lo ?mi ?nsuilly In New-Vnrk by Mair ,.f Illinois), at ?2J tri Interest \\ hile Tonnte. Illinois, H per ceul Hotels, (iulerest piyshl? leml-ia nunll. in New-York hyHtite of, at 92| and Interest . Isrk County, Missouri 8 ?per cent Bi.rals. st 90 sad interest. Clsrk Count., Minouri, 7 pel cent Bon Is. st B2, snd interest .l-TT...!.. Tens, lu p. r cent Bonds, (issued for Municipal purposes), st !>'J snl interest _ . ? ? ? ? ? I ?. i ? . . ? i . h -. r r n i r OP TUB ?TLA8TA & RICHMOND nIB LIM BA1LW1Y. Mortgage .. . 816,000 PerlUile. INTEREST PAYA11LK IN NKWYOUK 1ST JANUAIiY AN? 1ST Klxt. We ofer tot th^ it.ore Iviiiilj. it-rorcl br s flrst snd only mnrlgigr on the i it re pr.,1 rtj ol th.-Ko*.,', eiun ?ing fr.itu Charlotte. N. C, to AtlinU. 11?., s distiince of 22.1 miles, ind torrniui the mott itnrortint Ink in ths shortest I,ne between Kes-Yorl, PUtSBSbfeiS, Bllliuore, Wsshiniton. and sll tbe cities of lbs Elstern Stiles in?! the Galf ours of .Mobile sud New-Orlesns aud Southern LssWsBB, snd c. nnecting st Muuigomery with the bus of road running east and west through the esatel of the r-, !.. ?t c.tton-growtr.i{ section of Alsbams snd Mlwlaipid, in 1 to conaect st MsrtbsU. Tens, with tbe .Southern Picitc Hsllrusit. when oxpl'teel. Pi-iing. is the road doe., through s good coBBtrv, well ? ?, .1 -i- ''. ?iib its ?i uth-wt-.tern t- it Athnti. s tbrivins; city of .li ?te iuhibitsnts. the local l.u.lnesi of tlie Road ?anit prove prodtabte. The?. Basti be rriitt red at the reiiuest of the holder. Price for tie pn s< Bl, S snl acr.ra.-il interest. Any further infonnstloa deurcd will te iurniihe.1 hy LANCASTER. BROWN at Co., No. 1 l.ichange-court l.i.-l.a: gc-j l.u-c, u.-ar Broadway. Bunking Qoaatti ano JDankcre. JOHN Ml'SIiOE jkfcj. 4, . N?. ? wjal-rr., ?rw-tork. Iwus Cl?rcnlir l^tiri of Credit )or Tuve'er?. siel Dnw Bills , Ml .'.ROK k Co., No. J Bu? Scnbe, Paris, ALEXANDERS. CI NLIPPR8 It Co., ''. j.) LomhaH-st London TENER BROTHERS, M. C. Trisas. t.?. tck,.., BACKERS, <?-*. _ vim K.TUHSBS. J 1J.S.D.C???. J. Tras sa, A. Tvasaa. 14 Nassau-st., N. Y.. (Cor. Piueit.. oppoiits I'. 8. Treasury.) Interest allowed on daily balances. Cer? tificates of Deposit issued, available at all business centres. Collections made with prompt returns, Ntnoli?, Jtou.U. Cwoldi ttke.. Hu nulli and Hold on C'ommiwioii. Aiivmum luade ou Approved S?-, untiis. Ni^lii Drafts und Ttileyrapliic Transfers on Han Francisco. Desirable Invent mont Wecurllies for Sale. WALKER, ANDREWS Se CO., 52 Wall-st., Wow -York, ANDREWS ?L Co., 10 FLAGS VENDOME, PARIS, HAN Ki:HS. Bonds. Rtoets, snd .n.ld bnaglit sod sold on eonunifitoD. ti']m*:'t reeelred it interest. Lusos net,.tilted. Tr i.eb s' uni l ,,mmereiai Credits limed Kichaagt drasa an Pans, snd oa the CNION HANK OP LONPON. BOWLES BROTHERS & CO., H? ?mxiAxar. .ne"'Aobk. * * ^lm 8TIUNP. CllARINO CROSS. LONPOX. Vi UL'K DE LI fALX, PA ?l8. 2r ??tatk ht., boston. KXCIfANtili Ol? LONDON AND PAfit?, B SIMS TO Al'lT, TRIPLB CTBRPNCr T?aVkIiNO CRFPIT8, ATAII^BLB _ THRO'-ailOirr ?/IK WORLD;_ ROBERT WINTHIIOP & COT, BANKERS, l8 Wall st., Eteente nrderi for StiiC?. BoSDs.indOi.LD.sltew 1 pereett ln?terest na llkPOSIT.1. snd trsnssct a gei.irilBsssi>u ltd BsuSBSAOa baslnen. Vem?ye & Co., BANKERS, 16 & l8 NASSAU-ST., N. Y. I-?AI.KR.. IN ALL IMl'M OP OOTBRNMBNT SKCL'WTIBS BCT AND SFLL ON COMMlttlON RAILWAY STOCKS) BONDS AND GOLD, HA UNO L1BBBAX, ADVANCM, INTBBMT ON P1P0SIT8. Diui?en? Notices. rpHE NBW-TOBK CKHTSAL A?D H?D X si )N E1VKU K- U. Co.?Tasssitsasl Omi is, iu.Jt, Sept. ' Tbe Wfeetur? of tils Campaar has a dselsret s DI V1DKND of FOI'li ti) YY.9. CBNT oa Ue CAPITAL 8T0C1 tketeof, paiibli as MON IAT, the internlh dar ?if Oetol-ef Mit, It Um eOm at Meurs. Dascaa, Mber?iss k Co.. la Its City of Nea-Yarb. Tber bars siso rteeJsre.1 s WVIIIKND of POt'R <i) POM CMHT oa the' 'CONSOLIIiATlOB CKBTII'ICATKB" lisaad b. tko Campent, ytnkrx oa the -ni data, al ts# eO.a at m Calas Tras? Oaasaasjr, la lbs Cirr *t Niw-Toik. -?--? 1>a Tri.?fer Baals win ha elaaed al tfcs alsaa al Bastos? sa BAT?R IIAl lui littevstb ut el Hsutsisbsr must, sad ?Iii bs leupeuet sa cos*.. 0-7o^TJ??^^l TrrF ro?PON?ofn">rre*T MOIITOAI1K lloNPSoftbe CUKUOO. BfSJ?fLSKs^l i PKNNICSKAILHOAD CU., tai Ortafcarl will N-psid is uold sa sad ) slur tbst data st ins Ulks ?d th? 0*">*fityVSKfr. Tisusw?. I Tua Cmcios i?en Alto? Rut ?oin Co. 1 _ ?.._ Bs<ti?Sts?t'? Ossie? Cairsss, lit, Ass. ?, 1S7L f VOTICE TO 8TO?KHOLL)E?W.-Tb? Stock? A. S I"-.! 1er? of the EMMI sad A It..a Riilrosd Compas? at* hereby as tiled tbsts CASH I,I fifth:,'I) of PIVH Phg CKNT, fres *t Oerrtn meat tss. bu Vie ?l-clir-l on the Preferred sat Coasses ?toe! of Ito* . mapiae, oat of the earnings of the list iii ssontbs, pankie it .be ?kum ot the irtmpuf? Arana. Masan. M. K. immy k Oomtmtmy. Mo m L*** en y -st Hew - Tori Cur, oa tha Itk dir of Strnkmln* aeit, to bolton ?to sr* registered is rael at to? cloie of baslra ? Baan na Ilia tltb las*, at whick lime Uiitriasfer booki w II ba slosed, sad reopeaet far meet**! Oil toe Slh de. of Bepteaber seit. W. U. LABBA BEB, Secretary. Urti? u? ?wirra Caboliss. Tbssipbt DrrABTSBsr, 1 _ i iiLt-SBU B. ft, Kept. 11. IIT7L I TWE INTEREST matnrin* Oct. U 1871, npn? X the BONDH of the BTATB of SOLTH CAKOUNA ?t.l ba yai in gold, oa sad af er Ort I. st ?the bealing kaum et H. B. Mimytttn, Plnsneisl Agest of tai State, Ni? S Nsssaa st., New-Tort. _MLBS ii. PA?KKU, Dials Trisssist. 1MIE JEFFERSON IN.Sl I KA NCE COMPAN ? will pas their semi mnusl DIVIHKND of riVK PU O'NT. free of tu. on ifem.nd, st their otc*. No. III Braid vis. New Iori. He|?t. 11. I.I7I. WM B. KLOWKKY. tuotmxaty. _ J Sittings Lianna CLINTON SAVINGS BANK, M4 EiSit?niT?! 11[>? n dnie from IO i. m. to 1 p. a*., eel on Mooda.s, Wedseatam sn.) Sstontiyi timm A I? I p. u<. IN) K iU rs-eMTet froa lu rial? upn,r*\ eau lntcra.1 illoacd at lui- ni? of iii per rent per inama. Al I-IIKU MOORI Presldeat. NATI1ANIBL ELLIS, W. W. OW'Mfa, Viee-Prssdelta, Oiuidu P. Huns, .?.?t.urr_ | National Savings Bank THB FKEEnMAltS PAVINGS AND TR?BT COMPANY (< hsrterol hr 'he Gorrrcmentuf the I'uited Steles. | DEPO.SITS OVE H 80.000.000 Ns. I S.I III.Ki:iKKIl->T., NtW-YOUK. SIX PKIt CKNT lui, rest i-oii o.? -a. es Dm of every moto, peyasle to Jtnosry ant Jaie. '.-??* ot0SSMSMM tai. Potif per rent' .11.,?rd frew dste mt nek depodl for HU laabei st days a a Ina tiiai. tiurty, oa soai of t'A) uri ap?ar..i, wilLdliaa Ular. Jin narr. DFPOSIT CRRTIFICATES. is ssfe SI Registered Bonds, snd proaplW srs lsld? sr ? ?I, i. io the Vi iti I Suit?, isiaed, i'.yi ,1? on demiod, wits interest it til, sad hoar par cant Aeeoaati strict t private tri mMMsMK Departs psTSbli oa r,>.?i?i, with intcreat dn?. InWreston accoastsor oniseaui, paid b, r'.oek toderositon redtiaf oat if Us eily if d. min). Kwu lor C.rcu sr. tluen dill, froa 11. a., to i p. mu, lud M ?DATS snd SATl'RDATi ftua ?>1 ?. u ,i p. u?. john j. ? j-.i?,? HORSE AND CARRIAGE MARKET. New-York. Saturday, ftopt. 16, 1ST1. At the oprniiiR of the work, cloning to-daj, tliA prnt-nil b?tant of tin? ht.rse di irk.-t were locked upon as dPcMfHlly favoralil-' to a pr.*p.-rons ln*lo ; but, willi the exception of luttl.Tittt-ly mbmmM talcs at ths nii.-tlon marts, und an a.-tlve d.'intn.l for luminous horses In tlio PnllllwH M .rltot, tr.uiMctl.ins Bm..ntiti?<| protv ably to much U -s than many anMrI|m? With wort borflosoi every description Um Market to wstl sstpplli j, ami the i?rii ? h at tfeej ecll luve Ba4er*SM in. mit? ti rial eliaiw. flinn kara? l.i in* to frioo pet li. u.l. railroad BWLjitaw tr mi tit,. !.. trj per li. ad, niiil pitiut- truck liorv* from tHH to t-.'o i^-r pair, la o few Instamos ena sa lii^-h nsti.'moiiss fessa paid for a pa!? of very lar^c and jMWerful auimals of Uis last named class, Tim supply of jilrasuro hor?os shows consl.Irra'.to Ira proveiiicut, hat dn."i not ap|WW t?> kui the tv.inte of tli...-ii' luiikniK' after flu.', tall ami -v. ll-tii c??..rl. bnnsB, for which a continued Impiirv bul no transacti'.u* ure eteaillly report.-.). Tlier.. li no la? k of irood road hons-s, hut only a few of them have tinea sola, au,i nouo at re itu.rtiahly drong f1<i.rei. Ttie ejc?noral exodus from all fashlonalile watcrln* plae.'.s nuil Suiuiuer resort, au.I Iba tide of residents as well M mu.infers pointu*; into Um city v.-ry natural.y led our carriage dealers to extK.t au Biiiniat? I tr.uln. These exjM'etafiiins have tlitii far not beru realized, and but little business has fetm done during the wet k. The stock of llrst-cla--s Winter rairluffsa now on exhibition at the repositories of our lca.llni; ni.inufaeturers Is .-M-i-ei?. Intrly ti ne, ami prices ure the same as previously re ported. , lmptrrli of Carnage*. I Ftportt if Carrino* tt itrrlilt. ' Poor.#-'.)''.' i'u s ?n | ./. wheels. ti? t'.rportt of Carrkntes, I ?giyioruof rnrimikr?-. Olssiovr.l. ti-o Pire pr..k^<..t> 1>M Kn-nrh Woll Indies, I. f.i Kq?rti 0/ ?farnell. Ilniisb Ouana, 1. ' ?"? ?, I b,u. 0? ?tittil, 1. 2*) fiorofs, CarrMtjfo, tjornroo, S*t. nBEWSTEB of Twcnty-lilth-Kt., NKAKTUIIU) A VI. ESTABL.I8HED lEUIt?. Our Vi',I Stuck, cousist. ; in pirt of ' LANDAUS, OIsARFNCKSi 1)i:mi-i,ani)ai;s, coitks. Is now 0 Je red to our customers st _FACTORY PHICK8._ BREWSTER & Co. of Itronme-Mt. ?re now otorins st tl,,ir>r,,,,iiis. piflb-sre., SBM of Funrteenth-st., Autumn snd Wioler CsTtlsjes eicliuarelr of their owa imnufietnra, from tli-tr own snd tbe best Lecdon ami Pirti ?'. s'/m Tie?- ii?. I** the public to remeint>er tbit tbey sre not reiponul le for Ihe engines of I Joint Stesck Co. of carriage ?tellers organised with.s the , s-t t., -,, oiider s nsnie rerr *ini,lsr to their owu, snd now clsiiidnf to lara bess ' estsbltshed in ?o3_"_ CITARLES WEEKS & Co., CAHBIAQB 11UU.UKI?.S' Ki ?IN ..MU VO WAREIIOCSB, Na. N) KuL It 111 A vi.. t Rpecisl attention li g ?eu ?to ?tie SMALLER ARTICLES AND WAR38 In nie bjr the best clan of Citj sod Coantrr tri. ?_ c BALLOW & SONS' CBLBI'-BATKn LONDON WHIP. AMI.-'.S k ??I U.U. Sandle rs. _ 37 l'a,nn s?|m?re. GREAT AUCTION SALE of BLOODED UOItan CAKKIAOKS UABNi:a- fccalBTARLI II EAST TWENTY FlOijTIi ST , asjl'MUI VVO-OOOItOVfi. til Vi. li. si I"! t. m . jr.,.nnt. The yrop?Aj of &. H. VAN VLIKT. e*| . win. is howln PHtOPB, sndhai s.-nt b?ms Isslractions to sell h.ibNitul BTABLRof IK?KUKS. ss follows' KLBI.ANT TBA? OP BLOOD BAT nAMBLBTOmAN (1PLIV INOS. 67MM0I1I. IM hsndshlgh. T1,e closest ias.eb<sd pair In iii el*,' lud hr Mr. VAN VLIKT it his fsrala flTTTHMf ? O N I ri ". ?"Pt _ esn trot close t?i toree nnnu ei. nive neeer been trii--e I in tyotd. b tie? '. W11 nied to Victnrlafor tbe I irt ?esr .rd with hu di ni m 11 tr-: ' trj Were mind hr Mr. VAN VLIKT it his farm la tn__JUaxmt < 0 A i ri ire ure.) hj Vt^VNTKKBi dust tU.-nugUrwl; ire Tfrj slyi.1i. s??J. eso trot close l?i toree minivei. nsre ne'er been trii-??* I in spsi-d. betb tiled to VictoHl for the list .esr s rd with hu di nt will w hil They are w?rfiate<l ionn?lind kind, sad witto??? faaK * m? 8TBF.T, GRAY TROTTBH MAT TOY, 5 reara old. lil hin Is h gB, bm1 ITt EDWIN TilOl?', ?sq.. of THORNIJAlKi ilrad br bKliPBNT, ilsni MAORQUA MARE; Ollinf bim I ;,r d. Ile s li ? I. gs,i-,l \erj good disposltlos. I" a rerr protsmut coll, sod eau beat tares mii.ulai Warrant,d soiled sad kinl -'--?-?...> ^? XiHCY STILISH JPT BUCK MARK 8 eesrs ?Id. IS hsed.bsl hf.ii us?l ?to cs-nKt'- with her Bato, ska mai with au ?er 'ent, ?his' I i.s hir. The teim cost # l.SOi two yein ego. and r, re enn-idrr>-.| tie li,t*\ psir In ti.? cnuatr/. She is s rerr ?fin? driser. snd Is wairaatad tonnd sai ?toa. ti KA Y BADPLB rOB?E. I'l hsndi li-h.9 resrs old. thnp.aghl; brnkes for ladies t?. drhe, li eery stylish sat spirited, b.i sjl galls t? ?*,'?'.'?: i> full bl?.sUd Messenger, sid can tr.ot a mile in MS. Also, LABGK BAY l'A It'll KN lltilt-K IM birds 8 rein oki, he?n nied ?to Depot Wifnn i can trot rery fast; Las been dnren >^bf ladies, in.1 Is wnrnnte,! sound snd kind. Also. LIGHT VKTOKIA, in ir.t-rite order. TOP WAGON, bt WATERMAN, nearly B-ar TBOT1 INO WAGON. Double ar... N ngia HAKNht-S KOI1K.1, BLANKBT?. Be. The h, nea will bt ....... ,i harness. Por farther partiealsn apply st stsbla. wuera stock is on i xnx. I?; u mi._ H~ ORSE-RLANKETS, R0I5ES, HARNE 8S^ Ac, at low pri?es i Harassa, #ll u, $..?inerieti Blink.-!'. +1 M toiBSOtach. C. M. Mu.iKMA.N li HRi>.. M nnfietnr-rs, M i,,-r?,e,ina. 11? . bsuibsra-sl tDatcljcs, Jcujclrn, de. \ MERIGAN Warches, Cuckoo lad French Clocki in gresl ?iriety, Jewelrr, ?te. ling Mirer ?t sre. si i ?U \H? HI LU li Co.. 20?blh-ai?.. Cor. l.n.-.t.. in! i.??? u.'.i-.r- , oo.. .titb-st. (Torporonon Xoticco. SUPREME COURT.?In tlio matter of the ap kj ulieslloa ot tba Msrur. Al enoen. sod C'..n.iaons1ty o' tin- City <S Nsw York, reliure to ile WIDEMNO ia I I BNINO el BROADWAY, Between Tbirt'-'uurth ilrc-et in.1 Pift.-ninth street, and iii, tbe asilas ?ftbai part of'Broadway betwaaa Thirty-second tal Ibirtr.fll ttiest, slid tbst pin between Koitr-secoi.d itrcil ia?l I',.ri.- . .cull street. ?I sglsatoi width thaa One liaadred Peat, ia ?the . Hj of Nias York. MB - loi, T -. '.'-',. i ' Wa, the underai<(n<sd Camailsaloaen of Bst'tule sat A is, invent ia th? ibora ?ntitled taslMr. hereby gire n.itioe to Iii? owner or uwn.n ?sa pint or occapaata. of ill bou.-.eiac! Iota ltd Improved ot nun , -,,,W afcdej theraby, sad tosll others whom it say easeem. tout!: Meit.- Thst ve hire eosplcted oar esiunsle sat a ase listest awaiti and ealnstlon. sail that sll ?nersuas i?.t vit. : la Ibese proaeadiugs. or ii air of tbe Undi slfected tbarehr, ead ?ho Btf b? SBBStsI to 'be sssm, ti prss?SI thatr objec'iois ia writleig daly ?eriled, to loba ii lo*,,. **** oar Cbairwaa, at the ?alee af the Cuiut.? ?,.< . r? Nj ?ii St?,? , .trait (10..1? N?,. .-1). ia ?thiseily, on or balor? tli? liih day cf b?pteia>ber. Uni, sad ?that we, ibe said Co?ni?ssiouers. ?Ill hesr pirtm s>i oljectiug withil the tea aeel-dsrs nstt after tbe Slid 18th :ir ?f Sept? tater I?", i. m?l fal that pur, o?-- wlii be In sttendaace st our asid oflea on each of said tas dart, st eleren o'clock a. m 'ttttend : J bst t?be si,.trsrt of th? said estlnuto sod iu- s.tseat tof ethel with oar exOt*. sut also the sflilsTiu, rstiastas ind other d-wuiseau wki.h w<era asad hr as ta mskiog oar report, ksr? baaa deposited la ii:? o?ce of ?the I leosrtsiem el Pabue Worki la th? City of New York, ?ues to remua uatil lh? 2sth day of tcpteialiar. 11* 1. 71ile?i ; That Its lui :1s emb s? ,-.1 by tha ssarastr.f nt ifutnii 1 IM al fellowi. to wit: Alt ?those lato pieoei or parrels of Una ntaits. I- l-g tj in li i J . It?, mt bounded hy sid included ltd contained witL.n lal (enter ?.ties ..f the fallowing nstned strcrls a-ii sr, su-i thal li to sar: Beginet-tg st toe point of mw-eci.i,n of the renter liar ?I Ki'i :. nth It-eel ?iib tie cent? liiir of t irl.tb sr.cue in.l ratininf ??etie ml. rly s. ,ng the eer.ter line of Kit. u nth street to the center 1st of Mid sn? tlience ...atbeil. ilong the Center bne of MidisoS sreuue to lbs osmer tia* ot 1 birt., -foarlb ure. I tbti.,- ?sitetty .1 u^ the center lins ol Tliirtsfoortb street to the cealar bn? of L'liugtos sre cm, thence evatt er'? sleng the center hues of Lexington sat Irriaf pUoe w toa center lise of Poartetath ?treit, thrace wei'irly sloag lbs center lia? el Pourteeeatb street to ?the center lina of Foo rth area ae, to sa as seatowty slonflbecaateriineaf Fourth asanne to the center line ?f MS ??mm, tli u?e westerly along th? canter I.ii? of Aitor plsc? to Broadwt?, these* ?ootl.erl? slong tbe ?-enter Ho? of Brosdwsy to th? renter lia? el Water m, plxei. li-eire weiter! r sloag ?? oeal? of W?rer1?y pise? io tim center Lae of Unto MSBSBL toenc? a .OLerly aloag ths ?ester bn? ?t Suth arena? to the crater lia? of Fosirtocoto street th san **m*ttt along lue eester hue o' i....... ...? .im.i ,u tom ... ?me bse el lieris a s..uj? thence north. center line of Tweniieii ? ? ? ? ?- ?-?--? ? Tweiueto sinai to toe easter Use of ktohlk arasaa, Itojtoa mft**f_ I . ..._li_? ......I. .?._-?? immmmrimw Use < ? I '?aW-?mU-> Street. ic eeater liae of Po^rtoe-oto street ttswis ??" ?? u?of poarteento ?Ireet to toe c?nee bseef l*"??k' rtherlr il-og th? cenUr Ila? of 8?r??to ?"****'*_[ . ?B.leti.treA,th?0ce.erteHyilea?lto?-*?????? ?iitieto stre.1 to the ?eater lia? of Uchth araaaa. torn?'**'_*" ?e' the rew?r bn? of tigMh ?rasa? toils mtmimutTenatjrmbi ..?el three? westerly sion* toe eeater Iii-?' V!!'??atirbae el Uaeastor ha. of Nlath areaaa. toe.,ee ^"^Li^Mlir^SS, JtoJ Ni.lh ??en?, to toeee.ur iiae of BUiy rim *_*^_^f:_aZa*nm* to. tai? Ha. of Silt, Hits atrert to the ?ator Um ^\J?{^?J3 aaJ tUnos sontosrlr slea? aha easier lias af ?thto sraaae le lae poiai mmmn$j_Kmi -^>b^ ?UTfifilftottffS Courtmt ?k? SSffgS ffifJXtSt?SSS for. to? Mb *t*^Smim\%Stmmmt ******* mm el l. .at/ tt^lmyXm^^ "ktoi He. Y^k. A.*?? ??? "??iHJr Q. JO!OU. . . ... ' WILLIAM WOOD, j vo"?'a?1sa?ss. llarABTSBSt sr Bin uinoe is rea Cirt oi Nas-Voss. ) urnii os BvrBsisTSSbSST. N?. 1 Putar* a.b., > ? Ksw-Tos?, S?v<, It, mi. , rpo THK PUBLIC?Notioc is liweby ?XOtto inti ?!?Ml*net otkers, ssd sn twts!?h?rned or ehWGT^?lwTM eoiimeoi.t',.:! whsterer ostsitle af .urn sslary foi say esme, rea, M*L tot '-I tt -? is bo fe? sttsched to toe tllsg of plaas, ,-r the nulli I 'i i i, i-,'?.;cit1... i?. "???a 1'? t.-ir'n. nt ,.r Ihe issuing .1 .ur reiUlesM at pt w.'l. JAMKS M. HACUBtOjK. Ha?ansto?lsil ?I ?skhass,