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FOREIGN MAIL GLEANINGS. SrEECH OF MR. GLADSTONE. TBS WtfMIM the co\t?trr ok his oovfuvmfnt rriUN,) TIIK LAST SF.S?lON-? HIS OPINION OF THE rKF-S*?. On the. M of September Mr. Gladstone, who badforabiui afortnight been staying at Wliitby, waa ??aetticnted with an addn*?M by the member* of the Whitby Wwklnsrmen's l.lhers.1 Avociatlon. The lara*? hull waa *cn?ely packed. tho?e In the body of the hall brlnsr re? quire.I to ?tattid, the scat? having boen removed to alUiw maoec f-or?, for those desirout to pain admission. L?oiid eheen? Kreeted the rremier and Chulrmnn. Mr. Glad ttonr, on riMn?? to resnond.wr,* -jroeted witb ontlniitla^tlo ch**e,lTtu', the antl'-neo rUini? e?t masse rtnd waving !ln-tr kata. Mr. Oi.i IM ?no, nftor ?.onie introductory remarks, alluding t? hi* ftu'e r.i,lla,n?'ufary connor,ion with the ??town. Mid he was not there to dl?t?cnil.le Hutt criticism bail boon verv froe'y und copiously bpntowo'l within tho lai?t f"W w11 Vi?--ho might siy mouth??on the ooii?liu-t of tbv (,o*,.T,'iiii-,>t : rrlti.iam did not stop with the <toviTiitnetit. f??r if it did It would matter littlo. but it K?jn?i1 throuuh tho Government t?i that majority In Par ment bv which the t.oviTinn,nt boen htcadily snp ?I. mill thrniinh that majority In Parliament to that mu iori ty o' the 'x op'e of the throe kinsdoiu-i hy whom thot lia.l lieon -.pot to Parliament. (Cheers.) flo fur ii? ti?. ?Tt-iu-ral i tti oin of iHilitical crltlci-un. even when very adv ra?. wu-i >.ir orii ?I, ho .in- ti rod Ibera that aUlioiiiih Vk?* other mon. ho w?? weak enough to prefer eotnmenda tlon io oi>nileinii:it1on. yet tlii? kintt of criticism did nt?t ?Htlallj inW-rfere with oitlior hi? sleep or lila appetite. |Clii4'i>.)' Thor,- ?*i4?n??l a day of his life on which ho htvl liol ?ni aMi'ii at nikiit to regret it? duties hud not b?*?*iTi more effectively pi-rfurined, but tho reason why erlttri?ni was no von' piiintul thing to him whs this, that be hail Hie tad ?iiortlb nee in I ho Just and the indulgent Itidc-tii'-tit ?f h? fellow-.imnfi*>*nien. (I/?ud cheer*.) Bonv'tlinetr? ndin?f.,n artlrle in a newspaper he mieht atini.-t n'ii>|>?>?.e. utter reading through its int?**?*rainnble rutal'ii.-?!?' of ti??' folliei itii'l tin- eriiuo-i ho had couimttlod ilouil ctioorsl, he inu-f lu- lil te loan than a monster; but the p <M'!e "i" tho co'iiitrt. Ki*n?.ii?le of the bleaaliiire ?f a fieo pu-?-, worked with freedom ami ?sith iiiitiu ii-e iii-patch, knew also that It required to ?ve mud. cspeotnll. at time?, anil seaeons, with some ri n ve air'l red. i-f ive .ind?ment, ami it waa the ?eoplo lo whim, h? looked tu roilrt-e?. the linlanre of erit It-iMii in the l'i ? i the Preta ?teni wrang, Ju*d as he IiV'Voil t?> th.- 1'iea?. and lust he was ileeplv and pro ?rainitly (rratefol lo the l*rt*ss for its fidelity iii pointing out Hie iirr.i>??f niiiilie nun. and iii? own error?? among thi-ni. l"-t fe. ii? enti -fled, as he wat, that in tho end no lulu 1.1 ?? t..uilil I--dme. [Cheon.] At tho prisent mo? ment it was m if lulim thai tltcy found the (urtuof rrlt Irmn ai d rebnhe, ;n,?l no man could fail to obaerrt if a rea.ler nf ti.? metropolitan pi|?ers, nn?l if also a mailor of the provincial pai?ers?no i.iati, ho rep4-at.t4l, could fail ta> perceive a eon-irlernlilo difference of t4>ne between them. A consider?ide ?xection of the metropolitan Pre?? baal 4li-n-ti?.?04l with greater severity the proceeding? of I*arltament ?lunn-.* the laal session than luid liccn the case with the l*r< se. Ho tai hound to any that lie eoulil tln.l rei-tjn f?r difference in thl- fa? t?the pr-.-Hiit Government bud not hesitated when it tliotight the pul die line..-! i.'.riinerl ii to make mopoaalt Whieh h.i'lb*-eii hU'tily otlell-ive to powerful CMSSfl jil thin countrv 11-hiern] ; andifat*M W?Mf* some who sni?l, " Mme fi?oi-tiny fur il'iiiu* It : why did thov ko Into hoiiiet-'m at-, v Mut in reply to that 1m \v, If a ,;ov?T,i!ne-it waa urine?! w lib the cnitiliuee of"a ,ua luritv In I'm liaiio lit. it w?n4 tli4-ir ?July to n*o it 04-eor4? lnk- to tin- ?H-af iiitivictions they entila form of what was Milu:- I, and n?t la order to make thing? smooth; it wa? their duty to ?I?* it not m oitlt-r to alituld tl??-in- m ?I /r*oin di-ii!rr.iul>io cuti'i-iii, but m or?l?r to mirsufl the frest mt? ro-t.a of the country at large. [< In-i'is.) lu ??udoii It was no1 ?:i<? .ii ? .-?? t- of cltiM whk'b wiro tpreiiiiN.nientrit?'?' It wat tli.-r<- that wealth wat ?li ih.wi'iml ; .mil wealth hud t ikt n ?li fla-rutc otteiiw- at their iittKnia ituriiiii tie | re.., t,t le. .ii?*.- fin? o?y eniuii'ii, r4'timiiiii'iidetl ti? Parllaiueul til a irnwer in tim SCi'ixilNh arm*/ ?hall m? loagci be th.- pri?t of wealth, but ti,, h ward ol niirit. [I. m1 rhoem.] He waa triad ti al lu Hu ?ad li- ?a pr Hent? d to bim th" di o' ire'l tl.i ii iipiti.?\ .ii i>f I he ni.-n-.ur?-?? for tlit ?fi'oil of Ireland, an?l i-hai i? teiiAodtholu aenot o-mtv ?i. I , ?i, r,. . ii,,, iMiM-riiiui'iit bad aaaerted thal flrinl'y thtoiir'i all the lona and anxlotn iIi.-ou-moii? thal o??? eurro'i nu th?*o iiienaures durtag the ji .irn l*?-'^, i?aj3. ami 1870, and he Itjidpetl tti ?hlnk that tho Ooveriiinont were not ai-tai * f" Ne .ii.'tie tn that ???.?'i-tion. With respeel to iii. Ine!, I. uni Bill. In 1,'Joienl to say that the pnlilfe iii ti.,i, ???. ,'tiy w..- ffi ' Ina In iori every day with rit-.n't i<? iii? ?urkliigol liirfl'ill. On Iii.? own part he wa-? not ?'lie w iii' le?, f ti. ,.' Ra winn j,a>?,,(l mi t lu- ?? ? - li tim ? h lu ,n ?l at? ?j ?iiie? te i in the oaatlngof the Ait fertile Inso-tal'lialimeiif of tin* lneii Church would be , mii'llv convi.'i-i ?! Huit it woiilil he H hleaelug to that ft, ; .... .?.ii.i as n religion? liitiitmlon. [Cheenuj H lui - i', ' ml lusav thal ti.e cti.eral optulon ia Ireland*? ??,? I iaraiiMJyInreaardto thal meatian as In r< L ti i to ti?- I. m'. ?ill, h t it wat working in that ?in i m .ii. .um the-it-n-of i!-i so working ?ero amply m*H -? ?d '" -:"?'.v ti? it. n?. with I'oape, t in tin? repeal of ti,. ( i ??-. i-? ? 'm i-e?'.',,1 ii tti, Navigation Law*,'i. i? 1 ? ? t > tin? oxton ?ion ?if Hu- fin non lae, a? willi r<-e|?' el ',?? ti ;? " pi? nt lniii-iire? wi.irii have made tie mat ?Mm ten ira.-?.? i-a-j.i? ?ion?, tin ii iy waa tory nearly at ?ann i -? i. ? ? ?? iib r, r- j.? it ilto t ? the diaeetabliahiueiit of Iii" li i-ii Chiinli Hiere Would le au Ultite?l and uuau tuio-i? ? ?? pie. |la??i?l i heir- ] DiuiuK the la-t M jiiu* not one venr in ton, or or?*u one \i.iv hi 11m-, aonra he fo n I wli rb won ?t show a ki-tlcr outturn ni wert li "? evea the d'-i'i-.-d and re | vii. ?I s? ? i 'm ni i*?'.i. H? ferrlnc to som* of tin m> t* peeard ?urina Ile pn ? iIid? ><. r )?? ire.i'.iieil : rue liaiiot lull, li ? ? ml.1 i Iii? ?>ii?.?ii? i.t-. wa? forced thioui*b the Ililli?!'of , ?m, uni?? t>\ Hie iili-tiii.iev and t?.r..tin.\ o' the diiji'i Iv whl?*li wlahwl t?i paMlt.and the Uoveromenl di?( t i ii ? ?m ii t?? belp lb? m. U lia?! rome t<? tie a tenon? ?*jn*"?ti?rii wbelber lb< willoi majorities wat to prevail, or tbe Will of "ii"'r,I--.-,,ni in-tin-lilli--, of the H,i-o waa to ! ir ihi way to tin- imaw?gol il?4ful moa-urea. It ?nun i: t . ir-ti'at-,. it wa? not tyranny, that forced it throua-li I be Honan, bul li w-is in confornuty with tho wipIi of the !ti->ti"*>te. If mlifl't lio eonri'?ii.g hi? itrno r me. tuf lie n i?l be did i id It would be r? ?ei-tetl hv t'n House id Lerdt, ami ho would D-.f h. -li -te lli.t it ?. 4. Hil bo Hieltet! hv the jtnnaf. ?f i.nv.ia. it had I'-.-n ni it'it. and be tin* cereiv ??.,?.;. ?i r, o? tue tun?' bad m-i b?*en tost: all tbe lalior waa mn o*t, \.i. li wouhl bar? bapn ii?-d if Ikes had let the H? ?o of Cuinnioiis?the people'? Hoott ? ., ? t? ,?? n -. bill. 11?- peop'e's lions? l i | 1? H'ltl i |i|*%?bill, nil Hut HI!, When pi'?'?<"?t,"l at ?*-?? i u :t t the dour of tbe llon-e of Iaords, an he I ratted It ?vonld be t it early i ? \*******|"n, tioulil he prertonied n l?h on .-?Mtli? I ? kum !, w !,i? li li would net li?her ?Al-.-hat?-|M?r?e-??- I. 'In, linn i ?mi' nt b d iiO'-.i nlillxeil *--?..? mmt .t... j -uni,' ?-ii e utik. hut legl.alation waa a very j '."? * \m .? r, .i.." ib?.? !" '" ?'*?*'. '?'? ?' -'?]' ?? '? t* la? In*ai?i-i :?!..- 1.1' ? di ? ':??.i>. s, ?nu,even nhreai in. al .. ,? ?ru??kiii. They hml striven to preaerve the petet Pi Kiit.,|n without ii'i'ilic.'tiii?* tbe pnsr.on of tin? eanui t;t. T ..? in.r? ? it.ol not ? -..iii?', a;i?l In doubted whether it Wi ni?! i*i/i i rou . '. n Ihe country ct>nhl fm? n,l iinerf'. i-o???-, lo foreign ag^lra. Ho hop ?J the time bad .,.. ? . ii ' '. ,. " . ?"."Idling, barrow j? licv 'oi in iVill ? **?lb '!?' ?Aun ht ?? natb*"? would i .i lu '? . t".l. The jrb?*jfl tysiem of iiiuiii,n"iiii ? 1 ? ,!????.- ? nbrond. an-l tu malutain tn_- t?o- L*?'. I i?i 'i""t line i-ouiilrtr, in?ant ohtalnluaIt a? the ?-limit? ill ?' her. Tuero I-o, u w world. Tie re w.i'oi i*i, q :? ' .? nt, ?.M? ' Mil ti TI i- p-, -? rrf ,i.,v irim.r i ni lui ,.??: ? . i ? -v.., ii t . -i*, i?,-,j Hiatea arid t r. li . '.. i ., i? i-li.iiiuj of t ii. n.titlieio were .? ii . ? .non? h "? ?. ii tlinan eountiica which iu?kIii b?VI* ll'li.r.? 1 .t li ? at nrv I- -ni ut, lilt dltrlug ihii-veir tin ? (,..\-4 ?it -.? ? 11 ii i' i ii ni'o to ot these to iaat|afae1 rv iiiii iii'.i-iiiile inn? lu-i'in. He r? joie.'d t: it. with n ' i-i-t.? '? to tu? ir on ?i ki li and Um, th.,-?- who e|i? .?i. II.., 11 r_ ,.i," . H. - - ;?: v...,. veins tin Ir Idood is run lu.tiHi'r' wini 1. t? foliov ?11 .? ipi rit of iln-lit-? 1, ? ? i uns Un I llritain, they i a n? v lo??k ?pun as fin ds, .'i?l ii ?! ri '?? Hie l*op4- Iii it all , .?-it.-i'M i-l,? u.lVe now i??, o ?Ibpotedof. Mien y waan b ,i?j? ? i aponwhlrb Uie iH-.,|i?? ?I tiigbtnd i ?riilil n ?' lie t?,oi-eu?itive or e?er elae I??, p-. :?t a \ '.i'lliim e. It 1 lie ? ?ut eiti'iient tpemls rooiitv wi? otlv? "io, hml I ?et f ? r be \. ii out of ohi? e, hut tl.ti-e win?. nt ? ,? ?I Hum ili.l u?i! 4 oin- Into i.nut willi chati linn?!* Tb? i \? ? ?.?iitiiie of the pr? st-nt Govern* tuent *?4?tild i' coin pa rlaon with that ol tho Go\tru ? lit- wbli li ! .i\? )ii-oei-'!< ?I it. Ki'ferrmi; to H.e i ? im ?t? ? m proof of Mint ho sild.Mr. 'li nlHtouo ci -iin,nod: lite tax.ilioi of tbe country waa m, in a Han i.iiii'i.t stat?*, im? li itali -r be rememlx-red ti it t'..? v.-. i? a 11, ifi'l i-f traii-itlon ; and ho e.irueMly a?ii)?-'ji h!?- h? iiei.- ?-.le uliiy it? pm a?- the sul.Jecl <?f tin ?ile o ?i. and Wbi'U ?l.'iinili t? wen' matin upon lin in to I* un lb I tin y m? . ??'? r i -.-'?ni put'|i'i?e. He ?aouitl say a f*,w wordt for th?ir guiu art* ano bia own. Tie fe muh a i i.thi v to fivo, th?- lr. t ? f>-?3 of somo lur? te. ?I I?? la li?. -?II?.- 4 I ititi, lir eilllll? |lll4 4', ?l? 4'Otl IH?tr li wita tie Interest ? I the poo|de nt lur ??. Beware of that tenil'-triy: l" ire of thal narrow tintern1,, very popu? lar, vi r> a*.l? "iiatile ItlBt now. It waa a U-iideuev to what be wo :. i ml,-if be might cotna w-ud???Al.?nn laui." lh?.ri< ti re ?-real aumbera m peupla whu could iiot :>e tail ''??d v\i:i..'Ut ??Icaroriiig t<? exdte tho Imagination of lae peopl with phantom! of ?-?inet.uit dalii*i r, tlwaft bt-rauadllia tit m that i-very nation of Hnropn -.???i-i--? fini vi envy and every i?n.i paaaton towai I ti.i m. Tii>, "f courte, bad nu p.i??lnii8 Hieiu telv-4-e. [lAuabter.j Thl?. diapoM.tu.u tal ?rotte on them than on ant- oilnr eniinlit. Iieeaua?? t'nv bad tho ropnta tlon in K irnpi?he v. at ?ti al.I n?t aJtogetber uiijiietly? of ii? te** rata? ran arrt.rnut ?leipli' ; and if they wer?*'to ??bat ? auld 't; n.r.ri ililn . lout or de* i ve ?neb profound ?.rute,i. t ,i? to .?.*,? tin e n ry p < ?i'e iaiblng thi-mt, Ivet Into a alala- .if apptt-b i.*i<? i .ititi p tit.o, .uni einlrivollni; to |*el'?iia?le oin- mint,iel that all lu.uii.ii I w.isliiaton ipua? v uiMiii.-t ihciuf [CbiH'rt nail a laugb.] Alluniug totho-Hi'i .',,f Uvrklna.**which bad apnearaiInUlumk treytni't Ho????? ,r. hr ?., ? mnek pi ...'no1 inila majeliielil rltlKUi..!,- lu lut ?>? ? ?,f Hie w,,i 1, uli.l t!. praetieal ro? tuli mum ti.? a?,iii ling lilli moi? i ? li s people's luouty. POKKIGN laABOU MOvEMKNTSL OKEAT lil il'i.N.-THATION Al KhWCASTLK, F.S * ULAM., Tile in:i*-s nulling ol ebgineeifi mi tin-Town Moor at 1? '?? ?* ?. on ?i.'-ai in??., was attein?**.*! by ",i?0 or?,uoOi?^ ii?. Tin -ii? ii ?siemMed nppotlte the Cen? tral Htsl on, til f?i*-i" 1 a or -i-eaioii. T?ev were ac ??aanli i i. h..:.'?, .?'ii i-arrii ii Bnmeront baaaert Ineci ila-il with Hi ii.un?.i ??f i nii.i.t ?riiiat Un,,? and iii.,u?roi., ieattve of a del - ? - ? ti Uou to .le.ept nothlaa short o( tbe fenm demanded. Amona the?o were: " llll.c afl? . -liielr.?. ?Hi' imlty ailtlil ?? llullilili ,u lo *?iu ;*' '* r?,.,ii-tid. r I N", n*V mt I" "Su tnmgii ton art feui." Ih. re ?waaabai a bajiaer on wa?. Intcribotl tho title ??t iin >itv f.?, Im r tuve j'-i-ii." Work?, with ailevteeem* I, .. it u* o1 ? tufa ??"i-; lg 1... ???! try Hu- lui IT erncet li.if waa o't? n.Ii'i ia! fi^lgu wirkmoa Iron eon e L ? : ? ' . ' ? .? r. T' -? ? ii it i i?-. titi pn-viilled, Hie Ja. uii:.*; mol? ivriin I t... ta al any tiaie hllieo tho ?!.?e r.iuinU. I. A lO-ol?t ?iU tiuv ' ault fi, ta. liol I out f?-r at In -i.e. an I ?ii.iitl.ei, o\ pi ce?: t. ' t..aiikn tu ti?c wo?k 140 ii ..i o irtend? thru labottl ?bu < iMtmry : i theil pmm* l-l?'' ni j.)? .i ! lu ;'.. ? ft ni lo il- I. .?t ll.<- loiuliuiaU iu of i f pin-, ? i? ?o un ?-. aciintt f hem. <"ie tpeaker dc-'^rid I ka, th.-nui for? ai*n ?nittlna H?i. moiiev fi?*)tU?iil?/ 4u ?? ?' ' . '. len - hihi i'i'.ii,?..-..?' la ttifi-ig ....iii **'.-u f -.i.ii.ia maintained, w l?l I?'? uo ww ?i ol at ?I? ? ? ti t .,1 ?,.,. ,,..;... I ..m ?t t ? !? KiUUIt** tie y ?lad turton,,;',, i??. i), ., s lobtel ved thal a? tie- W4?*n_ag? iiM-u wi-re th.- iirimiuil agenta In liru.umg fuitb the finit _* \ur euiT.ii in mtu-b all ouitht to pal*. they h,. I a rittit :.. enjoy ti,,- very hiitf, th, Jnuil jiioLitoi!. Hut lio __OUfUA tua, in tin? remprct Vue woiiil wu? iiuauie down, **? le* eutjtm it wu pat right Um bauttr. ?iltur t4*e atmammmmmm ? mi ? meeting the proee?c!nn broke np Into sections, and pa? raded I he principal streets of the town. I'UOSECL'JTONS OF THE SriUKKUd DEFOBE THE NI ?WC A ST LE MAGISTKATK8. Several cases connected with tbe anglMUir strike came before 'lie Newcastle and Gateshead niagls tratos on Kept, i In ono Instance a Gorman on strike was charged with IntlnildsHng a Belgium lui* acon ylctlon was not obtained. At Oateshead a man was sent to prison for three months for stone-throwing; another for the same period for a savage assault upon a " new hand ;'* and another was sentenced to two mouths' Im? prisonment for au assault. Numerous cases were re? manded. At ttie newcastle Court ?ne committal for two moiitlis took plncc. Between 100 and IM foreigners have " turned out " from the works of Sir W. Armstrong snd Messrs. llawthorn, and have frnfernlitxl with the Nine Hours League. Two apodal sittings of magistrates were held, nt which five warrants mid nineteen summonses for lui .u li of coiitract were issued. MEETING IN LONDON IN AID OF THF. ENGINEERS ON STRIKE AT NEWCASTLE. A crowded meeting of Society Engineers was held on the 2d inst., at their Assemhly Room? In London, for the purposo of aiding the engineers on strike at Newcastle, and also to consider how best to vindicate the rights and liberty of labor. Tho Chairman Bald that from the accounts of the proceedings at Newcastle it ap? peared that not only were the employers determined to lump over foreign workmen to Underwork the English, lint some of the magistrates there appeared bent mi bringing over large bodies of foreigners to glut tho English labor markets, and underwork the British work? men. The tlino was, therefore, come for the working classes to uphold each other. Tho meeting was then ad? dressed by ?several speakers from various large works In different districts of tho metropolis, by whom some of the recent aits of tlio mag? istrates lu sendiug men, women, and children to prison, tome of j them for very trivial demonstra? tions, were freely commented npon. At this stage of tlio proceedings, some Continental workmen, who had been induced by the employers' agents to leave their own country and go to to Newcastle, but who had sine.? re? fused to work when they had lie.-n informed was a strike, here entered the room, having that day been sent to London from Newcastle. They were accompanied lit? an interpreter, and stated through bim that they did not wish to underwork the English. They caine over because they were told by au employment ugent In tbelr country, engaged liy tho employers, that tliero was so much work in England that men could not bo got They had not been informed of the strike. When they got on board they were asked to sign printed agreements to work at Hir Wil? liam Armstrong's for six months at K> II per week, and these agreements they signed In the presence of police? men of their country. They, therefore, refused to work because they considered Hut tlieyhad been deceived, and, being trades-union men themselves, it was contrary to their principles to go where other men were on strike. They were now lu London entirely destitute, and were unable to get Lack to their own country, and they wished to know whether further help could be given to enable them to return. There was a stormy discussion as to whether English engineers at sucha erlslt ought to be expected io assist mea who had not taken tbe proper pre? caution to inquire what the stale of affairs w.u. It was Ibcn n-solvento assisi these men by a special subscrip? tion, and nNo to petition the Committee at Newcastle not to send any Yiio're foreigners to Loudon, but as lar no possible to return all men to their Otra homes. . .-,?.. It was resolved, '"Chat thU meeting, having read with indignation that one or moto of tbe New? estie magistrates have held siieelal night magisterial meet? ings for the purpose of granting warrants against beltv li-ss foreign workmen who have been Inveigled into this country In order to coerce them to underwork the me? chanic's of this nation, ami knowing, further, that justice is frequently outraged in this land bv countryjustices, is of op ulon that it la expedient ?thal the engineers should open a special fund for the purpose of taking counsel's oplaloa as to tbe legality of such magisterial acts, and sh,,1.1.1 it in- found in the ease of any engineer worthy of support that tbe law bas been exe sedeo, that an action 1m- l.rought against, such magistrate fur false imprison? ment, or that he be Otherwise proceeded against as conn? ie! in.iv advise." Several reports from district meetings held oh the saine evening were brought in, together willi the subscriptions from the bran, li societies,which, it was stated, were mu.-h larger than those of say preceding week. A vote oi tuauks to the Caalrmau concluded the proceedings. LABOR DISPUTES IN STAFFORDSHIRE, ENGLAND. A meeting of all classes of iron-workers in tbe South Staffoi-ilshlrc d.stilct of England was held on ?Sept. 4, at Ureat Eridge, 600 workmen being present, many of the men being delegates from large works. A long discussion took place as to the advisability of the luillm.-n, shinglers, forge li days'notice for ten per cent advance on wages, to place tin ni ou uu equality with tbe .?puddlers, wbo were advanced lea ?^-r i cut on Aug. 31. The puddlers expressed themtelv.-s satisfied,and thought toe oiiieis should fight tbelr bat? tle, pledging themselves not to shingle for " blacklegs" in the event of a strike. Ultimately the nu.Inn n, shinglers, and rollen passed the following resolution: "Tint tins meeting, representing, as It does.tbe sliin gb-rs, rollers, und uilUiuen of Hoath I'taffordnhlre and Eu-t Worcestershire, think that, con-Mering the past custom of the trade, they ure entitled ta tea per cent advance, and If the amount is uot conceded, every l?git? imit? effort will barnado to obtain It." Deven! speakers gave good advtce"s to cautious proceedings, after which a vote of thanks was given to Mr. Hunt, the eliairman of tbe Iron trade, for bis courteous conduct The Mat* mg waa adjourned lor a week to aatertuiu the views of the employers. MOVEMENTS IN GERMANY?MEETING OF MANUFACTURERS AT LEIPSIO?I'BUUBEM or THE STB1KES. From the Germnn Cnrretpemitent of Hrpy t. Tlio German manufacturen will meet, ns usual, next Michaelmas at Lelp-le. The Sehlrsische Tei? lung says the chief sut.Ject of their discussions will Le the common measures which should be adopted in oppo? sition to the floclal-I>emocrnflc sgltation, wnlch ha? led the workmen in most part* of Genn .ny,to show an Irre concll.ble hostility to tbelr employers. The conviction has generally spread among tbe luiintiiaettirers that lbs state of th'iig? at present existing, which iin rortunal? ly shows no prospect of imjirot.-nient, but is getting worse day by day, will ohllge the manufacturen to unit?- In a common course of netiqn. Although they are .?It drena to abbist any attempt I to mipivU' \hv A'ou^ioQ o^ tlju. v?i.'i,ki4cn .ylik'li ii | founded on a sensible luea, ami suiteu to local dream Man? el in,a requirements, ihff employ, nara retolv. <i to reals! to the utmost th?' o?das! demands of the . mplorod for dispro|Hirtionatcly high wages, an 1 at the same time lora reduction in tbe hour* of work. Ia deina this, the mannf.ictnri'fs will make use of ?Um ?uue means which the ? m ker- have employed. In the mean Hine liiostrites are Increment?. The enr pentert meet dally ty avenus the lu t iiicui.? ol com? pelling the master t0 comply with their demands. The master?, \\u tbe Other liaief, remain firm In tin ir rt'*"'.'.*iUon of Insist?Ug on the hours from 9 o'clock in the morning till 7 in the evening, and of maintaining, ?s far as possible, the syttem of piece? work. More than coo masters, who empl ?v ui>,"it 6,.*? win km, ii. hat?- -lulled a declination embodying these principle?, Tbei-els also a proapeet of new strikes; tlio fio.ik 'under--, li at'e r-Wurkers, is' assistants, ii.e makers, iiox m ikers, Ac, have all announced lacet lugs to consider a rise In the rate of wages, on the other bund, It is a remarkable fact that the uiaehlue-builders, as a mia, bave taken no part In the movement. A ton weeks ago, a part of th.- workmen in the North German Fa? tory for the <? >ns?tractionof railway rolUng-Staek, Ac, tiru I:'work, In the hope of being assisted by their lel low-woikiiii'u. Tiley lound, to their surprise,however, thal un'.v ii of ti-?* 90,000 macblne-liulldert In Berlin were willing to alford tlieni pe< unliry support. In, li ?ecus as it Hie re-ults ?1 the masons' strike and the failure of the machine-builders had bad u s tlulaiy effect ou the more sensible workmen, since many ure du,irons of coming to an understanding with their rniploycTs, si lo au la rrase of wages, in a quiet mid peaceable manner. A laue number of the matous hate accepted work on the ??d conditions, and now that they lind they have sacrificed time and money, suffered priva? tions, and contracted dents, without ol'talnlng any equivalent,their in,ligna!Ion is aroused again?! those who imlu ed then to make a vam ami foolish attempt. (in Monday last the buildings in course of erection In Berlin ?eased to present tbe deserted und ruln-Uke aspect th?'y had worn for the previo-is six weeks. The masons' strike bad eome to an ead, and all was again bustle and activity. According tsi lae workmen, tbe masters bave ae. .-del to their demands; but the masters, on tbelr si le, say exactly the contrary, it seems improbable that tin' 1 ill? r -Inmid h ive given woy after tin v Iih<1 obtained tbe valuable assistuuo. of the soldiers la the erection of th.- new Parliament, As yet it laritflcult to calculate the results of th?' -ti ike. The number of nuisons in Berllu is be? lieved toi* ?it.otit 8,0(10, who Baratt ?it??tt 90* week each These men got at Urst out of the strlk.-f.inds ti 80 weekly' wnn h, however, gradually -unk toll vi, so that we may take the average allowance at li io a week. We thus tlmi thal each workman would require io i? rr.-tv over and aboM-, f i oin W10 lo ti so weekly, or gl'i to to Hfi an in all, which represents a grand total of from t&i,(i? to 141.000 for the .Mi-si men on strike. If tradesmen Und nu iiirtn uliy In paying "ii u debl ?if tvi co to Ile so, it is pre. sumpiite evidence that th?ir wag.? were not Insufficient for theil' support, nor Indi ed in the present strike hat It beru assorte?! thai they ure. The economical results of cessation from labor are only too apparent, it bus binden d Hie completion of about l.lKMl new dwell I lugs, which wouiii otherwise bave been i.-miy hr October I, and which were even partially let. Tho pollco ami civil authorities, abiding hythe letter of the law, fee.iu resolved not to interfere to alleviate the con n-.jueiH'i s of Strikes to the working tla-nci.. If a stranger ha- no certain prosp. c1 of Iii.ding a dwelling permission to remain In lierliu will be refused him, while those who have claims to poor law relief ia this city will t>e lnlgei In the corresponding institutions. The dwelling question ena b>- st tiled only gradually, mid the di.ko In the rresi tit >ear have done much la retard its ?.?lution. li, w? in c<, 11 li ?it nu,) the,ii- spolie in iii-t Kunday't meeting, they will last.- before long the buter fruits i of incii reckless folly. TI1C ODD FELLOWS' GRAND LODGE. Chicago, Sept 17.?The regular annual Com? munication of the Grand Lodge of the United Mates, In I dependant Order of Odd-Fellows, commences In this city ?to-morrow, and will coutluue through the week. Many measures of great importance to the order will bo legis? lated ?iM>u at the session. Among them are the follow? ing : Proposed ?m? ii'iiiiciit to the Constitution o? the (?i ami Lo.lg. of lb. i; ni ted ?tates lu to chang? ing the ritual of the Order by a vote of four-ti ft li s of the luei.ili.-i'i., Instead of a unanimous vote, as U now ie i 'julred. Changing the name of the National Grand Body (Gi and Lodge of the Uuitcd ttates) to ?in. ' pre me l^nlgs of &i Independent Order of I Od.l-K?-llows.'' Tim su..JH-t of allowing en ! cam plue ni s to wear a uniform stvle of head dress, now I i oh" lui hy the ronrse taken by'the Grand Hire Issuing au a. Iel against It, will come before the Grand Lodgo f' . a ?Ju tment. There will, It Is believed, be a lively de Ion on this matter. At the lad session of the Grand Iai ?OO ot the Unit? d ?uto a law nan el me t. d foi bl Ming the msetlngor lodges on Munday for other tbsu funeral ?purposes. Thisa.-liou has created much dloantlsfaclloa among the Uerinsa portion of lbs arganlMlion, and an rita I will be nude at th.? approaching ns-iou to have tilt said law rejs-alcd. Odd PWIowsMp is neither polltl ?-I mi s> ?< tallai in its . libract.T, and the Geimaiii re gard iii*, regulation adverte.l Utuin m .i.iriun matter, ia oyitiitalia'a iti Hit Uiieni aud kacbliigs of tbe older. nOaME NEWS. Tni-TRWOn-H*?*? BAITWnAT. I a. bl Nuna. ?,, ?a. MM-, ?lil. rp m> ?-,-> aj? TnKHMOMETKR YKSTKRDAT. I" f. Nlimi. tr, ,n ?I ?? l|li?. *** ?p w? ex* mon Ttnii to day. Leal Br-irieli R?>eti|. BatWr ?til wajr, ead Ooaty Id. ?. |, Battit. Flaahliif, I. I a in. P r?. a. ia. i? ti,. ?. m. ? "? li.'?a 10:31 10.46 11:11 III l' ? ?? watma i-nr,?, ?,-r? roa ran ticisitt. (Ik? ilii page.) Appended Is an .ihstr.iet of the Central Park M-to oroliiKical Department Report for tho week ci.din?* at 1 p. m., Hi'pt. l8. BiHoatTBB. Ir-rliea.! vittaaoa-mia. ttegrar. Wran.30.147'Vitan.???? **?* Mat itiam it 9 ?. m., tittil 12.-40.4 '? ll???n in al 4 p. m.. Sept. *??**>?.? ? at l a. wa, "asm. lk.txmn)Mi*im*m HU y? ta.Vryk u -?? i ? hiuiie.UM Kante.* J Sept. 1.1?RilnfmrneiMl. ?? 1? O IB.-A?nnnt of ?aler.,-*,,n'[' t-eiL 1V-R liafMtr.lta m. I.? Ita ?..-An <>.i t?.'?????>?.'?:""'' ?Sept. 16? lUmfrum4:"?Ua. ia. te S a. ia.-Aro??4u.l ul waler.w ima -Mai.;.?***'?*??' Ii Uti,.. liavileJ b? the "Uni rlirrnrr the weel, TM ni"??. rROMINENT AllRIVAIS. Gihev Hint?? Senator Wiiulom of Mlnneaot?, Senator Btoektoa aud family of Ne?- Jeraey, ami m specior-i.en. MeQnada of (?ov. Howman a Binn. ?* ? B?. Meti?las Utitet-Col C. W. laflWell, i'oitinastei ol.Kew* Orleans; J?din? T. W. Hartley of tVashliu'lon. Jodfffl Meeker of Minnetota. the U.V. Dr. l?aiubert ?;f Charleston, Gen. Sutton of Salem, ami T. 1 - Blackstone of thl,?fra. =?= Clarendon Ho*>?-) '?? L. ttittgroivtn, U. 8. A. emu? Albeunvlt llotl Kl.hurd Nevins of Columhus, Ohio. =~ Mam York IJoltl?Commodore LoKny and Cnpt. Levi I?, U H. Nnvv, and the Rev. Dr. Dalzell of Bhrvvcport, La. ~-? uriroort Betum-Tb* Hon. William Hamersley of Hartford, and John W. Allsopp, Qoohoo. -=^rr Fifth Avenue Ilotel-Capt. Webster of hnirland.W. I. Bowdlteh of Iloston, John (Iroosliirk of Cincinnati, and lol. Mc? Kenzie, a?me Metropolitan iltittl?Gi ti. J F.flgaa of Arkansas, aud tho lion. A. D. Barber of Utlca. "tnx*a***tm**m\ Ofiv. Hoffman left Uio city for Albany ou Satin ?lay ovculug. _____ NEW-YORK CITY. Mimic in Mount Morris Park nt 4:30 p. m. Tho Evening High Behool, Tliirti t-nth-st., near Mxth-aYO., will open this evening for tho registra? tion and ciii-Mil. iitioii of Ktmii ni-, Mrs. Caroline Farrell, a daughter of the notorious Madame Renton, tv na Sa-nt to tho Inn.m ufcyluui on Ward's Island, la?>t Saturday, hy her hnshund. Arrests last week, 1,859 ; marriages, 179 ; births, 414; deaths, t,'!0; violations of City ordinance?, 83; feet from 1,010 licenses, 1743, loss from l8 tiren, tjtJ.?oO; Insur? ance, Vili.titu), The Rev. Dr. M. G. Hodge of Wiseonsin wns formally In-Mailed as rn?tor of the South Baptist Church in Tweiity-tllth-st., yesteiday, tho l'tiv. Dr. Armitage l?r? .i.lniiK' the h.tiiI.iIi. The surviving bi em tiers of the 20th Regi? ment Now-York Volunteer? heltl an anniversary festival last evening, at Concordia Hall, No. IA Avenue A, In com? memoration of the battle of Antietani, foturbt Bent 17, lue,., In which the redmont lost 41 killed uud 142 wounded. Uen. Bigol und oilier? made sjuMjchos. Detective Elder arrested, yesterday, Ru-hnrd Dooley, tho mesionp-or of the North River II,ink who claimed to have hoon ns'aulfetl by thieves and robbed of l?.ooti in Hold certificates, on the iifteruoou of September o. Dniilcv, who had previously eonfetoed that he appro? priated the eertilleiitcri, tohl where be bud sent them, aud they were recovered by Defectivo Elder? A crowd of street urchins amused themselves yesterday by playing base-hall In Chatham-square. The paine resulted lu the di luolitinn of a doren pane? of glass In the street eura, the loss of three bulls, and liba? rles to several iMThons who wert, passing during Hie proeress of Hie gnuie. Tin, conti -t looted o\4r two lunn -, mid the players were not disturbed even onco by the polio? men m the vicinity. The first reunion of the Army and Navy Club, at Its Club-house, No. 1? Flfth-nve., waa attended, Satur? day evening, by a large munder of nftti-ers, among whom were : (ions. tVrictit, Yan Altai. M'-Mihon, Graham, Col? lum, Jones, Smith, I'allin, Kidoo, Davis, Kecvo, und Sharpe; Cols. Terry and Moreno: MnJ<us wlbon, afayell, Patrick, Cooney, and Hullard; Ailjutant r*ola*atet Admiral tiotluu; Lient.-Commander StevenMUi; (apt. Kuiisuin; dipt. Cuutiiiiirhuiii; Meillcnl In-pet t??r tl'oriro Peek; latente. Meade and Stawerof the l'.iy Oet*t*i uud Lieut. Mi-Murine ol the Mciiieal Curp?. BROOKLYN. The Free Evening Schools will be ro<?pcuo,l October), for a term of 12 weeli?. Miulaiue Van liu-kirk and Dr. Perry, the bl lc|?i ii ntiorlionisfa, have been Inilielcl for niiin-1.mirliter by tbe Grand Jmy tor rauaiag tho iii.ith of Bmujr A. Post. Their will take place this week. In repaid to the nllepd discrepaneie? be tivcen the number of place? wbem lliiuor is sold and the number of dealers who have obtained lloi-nscs, Hie Kx 4-iso Coinini?4.H?oiir-rs say thal they defy the Internal Beve* nue utrit ijIh. the popera, the im?IIcc, and the ebon bee, to find a tinah* piuco where liquor It told In tbe tltj whlrb i- not ou tinlr books with tlio date of the latenM ImuciI. LONG INLAND. City Island.?Alexander Heute, a 11,11 Gate pilot, while boarding a steamer Saturday night, was knocked overboitrd by the paddle-wheel, and, owing to tlio ilitrknoss, could not be found. Hot luii? to the wreck of his noat for six hours, mut wau finally rc.Mued. North>.?According to the ?\teeeeor't re fKirt the valuation of real estate in Qneeni Connt*f Is li'j.TSP.ii-,?.; [persona] iiroiH-i-tj-, ?5,:,.'i2,40o; total. fc?*>.i4i,.w.*>. In buliolk (itunfy the \nlimlion of real oi?tut4'ie |y,6Wj,lj:; pcr*44->ual properfj?, it/.is^.oso; tolui, *n,lt$*M?. KiVEltfiKAn.?The Stntc stiiileiiU at Cornell Unlversltv Ii?!'.-.''* appointed from hutt'olk rounty me Irchlbald Woets, Hen," ?*?> Monlluid, Wilmot ii- suuih, und 'J;-;- *T*i? *'mmmT\\_J?m- ?? Bisiim UK.?David Tuttle, the colored man abo ?rat cut with a razor lit Wii.lnu rrinro nt a pie-itk, Liol week, Ciiiuiot re. over. Wince bus not been found. Sao Hannon.?Tbe Grand Jury refused to Indict George W. Outu, the colored mun who Ilab?4*d John Kel niall. V, viiYi ov,- Tlio Beptlsta have pwrebaaed land on whkh to cn it a church coi?i1iik about VttfiknJ STATEN* ISLAM). NeW-Bbigiitox.?-The Uo;iid o? Trustees has npi'Toprliitcd SJ.'iO to each of the llre-enirine compuuks, un 1 ?Kee tot ard the purchase of a steam liiT-etifriiio. Ptii-i i luv ?Truin.iii Hanks, niiosteil fur i"L- ti.(k*ii i elonjrlna: to bia etnplo? ? i. H. **. Bartrouta?, tvitt 11 ni lu ?l 'v. bun nu ii, lo h\- ?m the m tiou of tbe drundJuiy. HUDSON BIVEB COUNTIES. WHITE Plains.??The Seiitoinhi-r temi of tlie Circuit Court, mid the Court of (.iver and Terminer opens ut the Court-Hniise this morning, before .Indico (iilliert of the Huprcnie f'ourt, Bobett Cochran, Coitnty .IihIk?- and ?Ailllnui C. Howe, and Mi tun II. liilkinau Jnetleet of BeMdoBt.Vbont .r?,oo" peranni visltod tbe Fair nu Satin i!a> . 'lo-tliiy thert will be thieo meat, ouc loi ison, aud two for ?loo each. West Fakms.?The new Boardjuf K?1iic:i?!on of District No. i allane Hut the obi Board baa ant paul over tbe balance of money willoh lemaiucU ?u its puttetalOD, and has iioivuii a mit to obtain it. MonitisAMA ? The B'-v. Albert P.. Hull of S,. l'etcr'? Church, WeetcbettOT, hats accepted the r?-? torslup of '1 nuuy Chinch. NEW-JEESEV. JeKSST ClTT.?The out-,luor Ri-iviees were conducted, yc-terday, by the Be*. Ah ".under Shaw, at tho cost aide of Hamilton l'urk ? A Democratic istiili ,t tlon niietiii?*was held, Saturday evening, at IIotTiiuurn Arcade_Company D, 4th Rcj-tinont, will parade to-day. ?nul mbe mi excursion to tileudalo l'ovllion_The Jer t-i v f itv l.leiicrtati 1 will hold ti pic nie al .Mount fleaaant I'm k, to day.Ttielwdy which was found at the Contrai Kkiiioiul VMiarf was buried Hutuitl.ty. It ?.in that of u hoy, aifcd II or 15, but was m?tiliit''d and dl?flKurod bo yond roi oKiiitioii_Pabilo s? hool No. ii mil iiu apenid on Weilneml.iy... Jawet V. Taylor, vbfl \?,,ia ?rreslcd in New-York recently, ebnraed ?lili defraildlna* Cyrus Law? rence of I?.oiih, was re.irresti ii laturdar. ou a cupitts iShued hy Jiidife Bcdle_John Mather's Mons' priutliii( iiik ?iiaiiufaetoi-y was lousiileinluy dauuiKed by lue Kit m ti,ty n|?.-ht ; In.?.?, i'.fri.i_A burel-ile..1er, nnuii? ii ii - known, iroin Bull't Head, fell from ,i lighter, yesterday, at tin- Central l>oi ks at Connuuiiipa, and was drowned. Nkwahk.?Thomas MeCabo wns commit,oil on Satur? day for Mamilu?? a watai from M..rk Deaipaajr_leime Tbouiaa, a euri?-liter, Hell frotu the tlnnl "bu-y of u huilil. nu.' .w si? May, ami wau danjprfwatlf iniureii_Bryant, blraUuU A Whitney have added a ludio*' di lim Uucut to tlnlr tommeretal rollrffe... The n aident o of Mrs. Umild was intoroil lauf weef,aad l-i.^oOTr.irth of Jewelry nuil clot binn wore stolen ...Botts, the murderer of Bet H h I Mi-rl. I,.:? Iit.1,1,. ,,., ,-Iul Ull-llr ' 0 alni atteUipta t" ?rlrl.llll lauilaiiiiiii.... There will be three neraona lind fur mur dot ut the terni of the Court wbh h beglna to-iuorrow. rifty three i-iiio? will l?e tried before the Mtipreine I'ourt ? Mayor Bleord baa in an icearnlnil with a i.uinjaoine cam- iiniile from a uraiR-vlne from I lie i nins of l*ii taabttrg ....Cbarlet MoUalre, ase u, ha- bato uilsatnjr ?.imo July ...An lufautsou of Bnbeit Cullen was bailly acaldeil ou n.itunlav... A blootlhouud ?ttaekul u horse of Alla rt iir-.imir, Huturd.-iy aft? moon, binn? him In elgbt placea. The owner of tho doewat ali > bid' v bitten. ...Charles *e*?*, su employ? at Bauerhler't brewon, hail his hm k ??rokeii by uu elevator yiateiday. Hu. liuilm hav? Hine? nocuuie partly ?ed, and be will prolmuly die .. John Ile* i**inni-.v, nu l?mate of the SoMtert1 ll.iue, died on Hntur j .- | .?... ,.. ,?.- ,-?,i?i? 19 r.rruc, tri. rr uri r-HHtr 'J', '?'?t'*x?? -A iluiiKtitrruf Win. Bankin wi.s rnn ovi-r on ttaiuntay, au.i ?xici\-lv lnjiiro<l....A mad dog viut eliot yeawruay In frout of the polloo sUtlou. ?'.???f?>K.f l,:-^*t,r,ck Uott***e7 **? 1>p?** eommlttedto t imntj jail charKiil nlih lol? ?..I . ? , -???,??? "li?? liiiMilUK .K'rill r..ii ?li, 7, jw'u'!', Jewelry....Thoinaa Donabire, au employ? of a?liJu.!m.itn* 04nU *i*Mibr' *"*** ****** *-? i-turday, for hot?-J.T.!?l"11?''coal hiid nuloiidim,' It ut his boiiriiliiK UuiutJd-,?,l,>,m\?t: of-1-onrd....Brltlm't Connors ai Biffii*1'"* ,,y,l***'**?rP<d??*n.l*>atur.laynlf;bt....Two Wt-t?? ;",'onKl.iKio the bri? Aiioou.a, Ij lu? at of i ?Mita! ZU*-!**- ????urdJJiy.afor Unalla? m iiuaiiilly arr. llr.ttf, m,"D Ue **-***** ^*)? V T"-*? ?lbs.i.iio.i(.y *mk ?,,riCltJ. ?.u.'1 Bh-mi'ln Hie mpta u whi A;'". ?! *_** Alp. They eavo Hair namot un joa/,uiu Anco de Cutupue and M.iuuoi Numo. W?_?lt-_r'faT*lt*?/*? Jo'' will No eaUbllabed near the bli lav. ail,i? d,*IH.l.????,?1'?.?>'''l<??'???? * the Mo-ley ne uni ?i-St ! u*iltet".i lll^r **i Ul'* ~* r,-?",?,, t?e ti,.- ciiuu y Th^ IheeiiH-iuo of sale and iwJ? ,******* (^"'<n Freoho i ora of l'na SSS?ffitMSi--^ wl? mw,t ** we*k -0 l*ke t-_-5?^.jJ*^J'.'*J" I ?-? ?_ I lllllllia taltrlM of city SAT?tCa?aa Murs i?tS with stealing fruit from Mr. Devean^.Areangement?, ar# maktagAir M ?x<ea?ive fair if g? "JMfffT lVoti.smutWo^W.^ ?. * J ' rTAW~nmn*lt.?The MMHwl Railway BrWe^neros? the I'assale, will bo coinpleUd by Oct. I....TI10 brl'lgc across 1l!eS...idler.Iver la completad....The Re 1 TIM cut will ha finished bv Nov. 15. UM tho road lu ruuuiurf order to llack.nsiak by Hoc. 15. OnexBViLi.R.?The application for an Inlimctlon to re? strain the OomrnlBStonrrs from furfh.-r peoce?d lngs was heard lu the . ouuty Court baiurday. Jungo liedle reset ved his decision. Rahwav.?A lb-publican mtlflcatlon meeting will bo held on Thursday < Veiling, wh? 11 will I?" made by Me?srs. Walsh und Davidson, Gen. Kilpatrick und Major l'angborn. Waver! kv.? The Plate Fair opon? to morrow. Tim large tent and most of the buildings hate already been raised. POLICI NOTES. Tlie Brooklyn Police made 473 arrests lust week. J, li. Andrews'.- .li v goo.l.s store, N?. lim (iratitt-st., Hr?-. Hin, wa? toiOo*\ J??l?H?r, nf worth t>4'S>. 'J lie dwelling of Theodore Hill, No. 1.*V. Ornhain tn., lli.iokltu. ti., ti., out milli? ii r.-atrrdaj m'4 ?i. ?1 ?.i? I, *?rtl. if IO.'?. i'lnirlea Koldio, nn alleged ilegerter fron the li. S. fi.i.n i...?..ii?i.r , la?.uti, waa ?, nu stlunUy,,u-.. Hut ilnl Pur.i?. Climie? J. Watson of Newark. N. J., was severely mt in li??- hip, '.tli io', mi?-, to ai, uoknowu uno with wl 11 i., I tjiurrrlid In Iii.- lu?rr?. Cliiiilf? liiirroiiirh's, lire Vi, of No. IOS S.nith Fil -t it I,ni...ii ii. ti- ti.. ss> I, .11; lejruiU .l.vul n...- Lu.?!. fttoxrrit, by ile ti|il...ii.o of? l,-r. mr-, lamp llerliert A Kerr'? sl.itionery store. No. RUO Fnlton BML. Ilrieiikiin, Wk? tSBMSBI Li fir?, jf-aUrd?J, ii "; iu-un-d l,.r ei Wl iu th? Continent?! I o.i piny. Mary J. King, colored, of Nn. 142 West, Thirty* thinl-.t.. w?? .r.otrlT mt lui ?Tinlnr on tlio inn with I raaor by Win. 1 rra.lw, II, > ?.. hw tenant, who m,, ?rrrated. Thomas Corrigan ot No. til Pitt it. TTM struck in ti, Li .el. Ittt or.'iniu, ni .ern nil. ru>. with I le rl IkfSWS li; ?a un? known it tin- f .r... r of I'urk li i Mu? trr; its. Hamilton Ulipa", ape r.fl, n vagrant, attempted sui ct,1e T0?t?n1?T hr IrapinK fn.m Ptor No. 47 ?ni, i|>?- .Vi.rth V.iti-r. II? wai re-, no1 lo <i;B>. r Sul.o.n, ?ak.-u to the Or.s-..?iilnt, Pul.i ? M..'_,,u ?nil lork?d ip. Tim body of nn unknown gray-Inire.l mnn. aire .'.0, tee feet ittrn Inrh?? ii hljht. ml *?arir>i' Mssl ?wit. trat, mil inn?? louu, .n?l I., xi. boots, nan fuutul ;.?Unl?; lu lue K.i.r, oil I'.cr No. TI, tal Ijkea to th? Moryni. 'nie ?body found In the ?Rant T?iver off Pier No. 90 ha? h?-?n ?M-i.trnl?. d ?a Oat of John ill, i,,rn? rl? ?...l,,r ',.,.,'-nv li? hw Li eye r in Hain? ' ?I. lu ililii.i.u uu the 14 wa? Io ItlJ to bate tutu rrieivctl alti-r death. John last eveniri?? wifli his wife, Jo.sna. whi'i Loth mtrr int.mi-nt d, a' us II Hell-?*., an I ki, lol km on th? l?.'?.l an I Sott, rinaini ?r on? Iniorirn. Tlie moulin wai re i.i... -I lo tlie 1'ark llutp.ial. an,I luunor mt ,, : ?? ? ; Mury Engnn, age GO, living at the corner of White it. ?nd Weat 11ro?ilwai, was knorknl elii?ii in I nn cr. r, l.i-t rvsslsg, bf i light wagon, ilr t?ii hi JoI.ii HsasBMS, ti ? nullst a ?niim rut on tin btad sud daiigtroiM injury ?tu th? ?nely. The Jnwr wai ?mated. The following di.-il su.l?lenly ?Saturday niirlit : Mm. llov??, ti? 85. it No. 1) A!l?-tciit. : Mm Muir MrO?i.-ni. di:? IB H Ei^tit/tlurd-it. i nt Unbar?. ; Klwnrl Mrflmre, aro T? at No. "II Went Riitrrnth-it. ; ('?thtrlnr V.-??rt?-. ?ne 5*J, at .No. CD 1'tml-at. ; TlitoJuil Atilmr, ige t??, ?t N?>. IIJ IsHflMt, A quarrel occurred, venter.Iav, in tlie entintr-lionse ?? Twntr-IAh-st an.I Kifbtfc-sre., durn,-Vii ,-li Heart* W. Stamm ti.? Ill list.I. >til>1 .-.1 W iii.ii 11 f. Cot. at No. SI Niutl, ..<-??.. In tiiv birk. ?<lle"'?i" wound, h.-aiiiau wal luikul up. Cm l ? . .. ?vu dr?wf<] by t ?urgron. [Aononrcmenu. | BiKNtir'j COOKIXO Extkacts ure tho bett Cholera, Cbamps, CHOMERA Moimi*?, Som STosarn, ?sn all P.iwrl PSBVtAlBTI ins HWH train nt Hr. Jain?'? Cassi>*tits Bai ia?. It tai.? awat all ?nasvsil m HIS ABDuMK.e., I.eejTkKI TUB 8T JMACIt, AND kK-, ?i>. IT. NATCKAL Atrios. Al a MMM hemkdt ma til ni.fAiu io irsvalfst i asas ciiiLosif ni. Aotiii searaoma srssss asaras, it m s?pr?-iallt sacsnaaaaaa sm?.? pr.imf-? in it? srasATtns, ran. ntTi.i ?Ant, A.-.D sAiii t tantimiaaaa. Ibu at Ata Datraema Ha.?an's Maovolu Balm miikes ft lady of 28 IsskM if ?tic wrro hot VA It rftaorri M ?Hi 9atr**t*. tin g Mark. Muss its sst Is ? km xtnk*ttttagnIBs issrtstissl ?,, "n* of ti,'.turf ist r. ?i.i on i.t. Tlit-o ,lr.--. ,.? ir t?.r will, I.ti.N'a Kai HSIBSS ?ml ihr two af.rj.'.ioLk?the .'..nipltiion lad the [ .iiect, All caro find nnxit-tv nlioitt linru'lirey remoTOtl ht ih. ?p|.i .-.tiuii ii' llntSBS*? lli-n..iA? A. in* fnittOtttVO, lea yitti' m**1**r*et tri n?Tir lirnkm ihrnuuh. I .?.? out l.r rlwai? inulv ti'.na and iu'm (,1-n.cuti up,,u ?m; palri.t. et^n -tin n ral,..I Iii r ?,.ti i. ti h. i ?ki. No. 1 ?turra; at. ruiify your premier! bj wing Ruomo CiitniiAi ex. th? I.?-. ,l..iuf<- ''.ut ?nd tsotallSSI known; ronult? no y m.n and "? ri.litfl.. Mth l'r? piirtU onl; t; 'I ills? k Co., lib Wi|. lia? IL. 0, X. _ Oo to B. S. S(,.iti?f? 1^4 Fiilton-?t., np ?tnin, for V.'.irhia. J.wi-r, luv. ou.i?. RilicnriHSi h? will ,1 r. ? f,,m IBS ir?,c ?air, lit.v Lan... iBUlfm ;on ????, ?t M4.1ufariur.1s' prisas Vi l.r. Arn i vc, Ci.i:\niv<; and Dyfivc, OPTXCx** of K. 1.... i> lui llr .ailwar. i.??r l-?.-ut;-.?-.-.>n.l-t. 4."i II.??,.?? ,t.. iur. Bri'idw?;. Mad? ip asMSSBBSj Inert, I? ,11,,.. gtmot, kc, tbasst, XiroL A' Pivin-ov, (18f| Rroadwuy, olTor a 3t.-n?i..l ian?t; of. hamulikh? m4 Ou Kiiri'us? ia Lnni?, Ulan. It, Uruicu, and l.iuu.iuati-d ( Tur. nF?T PLACE In New-York to buy }\:i.*. .BtsWlTTSBI Tlie lifliiili?. sua. mai SU? I J '?.-. 1 ut and Btsai .-11 VKK. ia Sytiii? ?, <j7 Kallo..-.l lei-mo., 1, a tmmvltmy. ? THE MHOUSE OF TWKF.D." I s,? T? l.r'. BTAWIiARn, Till; "HOUSE OF SWEENY." A _ "?? To da,'a x| HIIARII. 'IMIE "flOUSE OF lint r."AN." 1 Mn Tiri ,'? ? TANIiAlll'. THE "HOUSE OF CONNOLLY." A ti*. TsAsr*i BTAntMtn. t*e?*l*t*OnAO0Aiaiat i'? tsrCHSl i'?? te* ?t ti? ?? " ?',.:'-.? RKL-ITIVKS ?1 ih* TA M NANT 11.11.1, OtPltTALM :ir, rill: STAMIAHI?. I'r-rs te. Al II u.-v-l. .:.-.. TAMMASi HALL is. TUB KKDKRAl.OQTKK?TMKHT. T>ILE3l FILES!] PILES!!! 1 All kind? Inlrml. Kit?ni?l. IHind. Iil.-"<i;n? Iu-1 in| fit. pasltl*c1f, perf?.il;. pent.?neiiil/? und l,v AI,i-eiiptiiiD, wit unit p n. -I tagt , flu?! ?-. or :ti.tmm,-n*a. i.nii no '.e, 1 t'.m whtt^fi-r fr.,m hsilssifii. b. ^^', A. M?' CANIlLls.s. M. H. ?t In? r.IS, Sp.ns!. r II n? I ? n -.,] mu -. Hr ??? I na;. l,.-tw?-?"n Konri?-'nth ?ni I ill^i t.tli-.t?., N.w-lork lilt We wouH iinpro?. spun tim*- ntHuti-i1 tli? itn ?ti'ivi- h?. ...i. ,,: ... mt I'ltll; i-i'. lue upon I in. .it? h,' efnaranir. ? in?'?ut t, n.-f .n I ;., iinai >? ,t mi.-.' Nn n.?r?,'H ref, rui-?? itiT-n ?f t-er o | ruif-?l in Hss-YmB tur. Lbji.' , mo!, rnt?, wl,'1?- . " . ? nein ..,,,. ? ir.-rir.r.l> fir* of tkottt*. I fOiit LOCOMOTIVES FOB N'.Yin!o\V~ li UsSfl llailr,??e|? nmlr.i-lor-i' BIB. rnii.'rii, ?i,.,- ,1'",,; . ? 1 n rail., fun, 1?re- ..I..I 1...1I-.. .?.urn. ., mi ,??; r?i 1 ?,a ,?'?..,.,' .r. .,..',, , ' ruivri. IikIiI t? ??. narro?-, min lad low- ,n,m,.|, , .,. ? r, r, ,,.?. , a .j IBJ,.rwtn?,i.*.,r.l._PORTKR tmX S. .'.'? .V,-:.l,.i.ii. I'.'ii-. CTR?CTUBE, Fiat,i"m,ami l'ilewailicillvcur? d I ' Kithonl th?; kti f?.'?li-li?. orilp-i-ti'.i.n 'r.'tn hn-m ??. fi- ?l?i? IHstafcssf ih? (ii-.-orativiiiirL- n.. ti?, .eeeri ittiarm lin ,f ih.- ti ?' Mte*t.9rit an?1l'f?"nv ViKNKVA DAKIKIiH. M I',III LrliSftuS-Sf?. II FAT Y?FR HOUSE! Save rour Fn,i:!~ A I teni tor ('Irru?an, t .ill an I rtsniat 1.11 tv M tis S CtlMlilNUu RANCH AND KfilNA.'K. Iii Wal ?r .t. SA.tli. J. llul'KIN.S. CUNDAY-SCIItlOLlHKiKS^ O BSnl i..i ..... k '.!.?,',,' 13 I.' r lion.?. BALI,, BLACK & CO, SHS anti ?T?7 :SroaiI:vr.v, ARK SKI.I.INO OIT Till.IR IMMUtBI ITOC1 OF HEAL AM) IMiTATIOiN RONZE CHANDELIERS GAS FIXTURES at vLiiv low rani-?. Ball, Black & Co. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! 8tn,b( ?k1 Tut? lllrli BIimkI?lnrrr?.e of Y'e-b aid w?,rht?. ;. / bl ? ? ?id I r. it.!??. t'oiiiplciion .-. ? r 1 tu alL Dr. RADWAYS HAS iittiY. TIIK MOST AKTONlMIINO ('['[IBS; SO UCICI HO RAPIO ARK THR CIIANOKS TIIK BOUT I'NIil-K.i.'Ks LN?tK TIIK INKLIEN. K OK Tlll> IUIL? WON- ' IlhltFLL MKIiKINI', Every Day an Increase in Flesh and Weigh! is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER ttttt tinpot tkiBAKSAPARII.I.lAN UWOIVMT ?uuiwunliMri thrnuffe lb? bloo,1 sweat. L'rm?. and ulirr lu.,1. latjak?! rl th? - . Iris Ila \itet ot Lifr. f. r li irpl.r? Ita wa-ta. vi ti 1 tatt ??? li 1 , t ?, 1 ?'?ni t malrr-i! Hrruftili, .?.uli I ? .'?ni ..?pl...n. (lia;,,l,|lar li.,?,.? I'l'rr? Io 11.1 Tbrml, Month 1 Nul-i in tl.r i,.-n.,? aid Ml 1 part? of ita Btitra. s-.rt Kjr. Miutw.roui DtatafBM Iron ile Kar ? od th? worri forma of Ski? Pura-?.. Kk.i.Uui.i. )->,., s,?,, (.,.,,,J Um Rlii? Worm. Kill RUum. Krrtiii.1?.. ^ip . Ill?rk Spot, U'nrtnt li Lu Kliab, Turnara, Cmcrra in li.? Vi ?.?-, aid all Krik?niie| an I 1. 11 ful,!i.,h.r?. ' N?t onl, ,1,.,i th. SARSAPAHILLMN KK?.lt,vh> T e,e?l .|| knamn rimrdial agiota In lb? iur? uf Ch.o? t BssMtassB, ? ? ,.1 1.11 .,.. and I Shin Uiaeaara hot It 1? ih? ot'. mtenOnnmtot Kiduiyand ISIaddcrComplaints, ' CriLar; aid Wat? ti-.-m.. ili-i>?-l, HstataS, tit,]-.. - ... ? W atrr. IssoSUSSSM of I'r-.r, Ilr |h''i I. tater Al' u 1 ina .. ' ? all e?^i wb?i? Amom tint* ,tn?t tnoOtm, l'n?i.|l S |.? 1,, Mtxnst,. a. V I MmtV MACHINERY. I ?II? tsuTHHts k tem. M*. M4,. Kia t?t j FAXiL-1871 L A. T. Stewart & Co. Hare Jual r???Tftd ?n.1 ?r? now ofWrlug TO TUB 1 RAUH an i '-.-ant ?t.? k nf Real & Imitation Laces In |rrat rarl-tf. BLACK aCTPCItC.CIIAN'TTT.I.Y LACKS. AT t;i<i:\r HAKI.AIV?. EMBBOTDEHRD HANDKI.KCHIKFS, COLLAH, HKis. KI?,INO?, UlsanMOi, UAMbL'KO UNtUNM ARD IKSKRTIXO& I,,..i, a and ti.'i.u' Krni, ii art Iri'b LINEN CAMUUIO HANDKERCHIEFS, In ever.' tit,ely, Th? !?t?'.t Par!, ?n I bssSSS mu? tira in GENTLEMEN'S FANCY TIES AND BCAltKS. Lowton-Bi? > SILK ? m1 ALPACA li M M BE I. T. AH, To which th* ittenilon if CITY AN? COl'NTUY BI'TEHH li re^ueltrd. BROADWAY, I'll A MSB US ?nd KKADE-STS. A. T. Stewart & Co. WUtra rrnciiASED ttir manifactcrehs? KNTIUK Killi K Ol'' tia CKL.KUUATED Princess Louise Balmoral Skirt ?a Brllllsst Clan Color?n??, which the/ will k11 st S3 II PEA CENT REDICTIOV, FIIO.M TIIE LOWEST PAOKAUK Pltlt'S OP TO-DAY. BIIOADWAY, ( IIAM11KUH, AND KEADE-STS. H. O'NEILL & Co., ?n ASH Mt SIX iir-AVK. ANP TVVENTIETM-8T., IMPHRTKRn ?,F KRKNCH ASM MII.I.INKRY OOOM, will ?>,?-< ,-n Mi.N'l VY. S?|.u l8. A Ft'LL LINK OK NK?V KAIL OOOM. SILK VFT.VI--I? far Di*?? iHn.v toil i Bliss SILK MA.NT1LLA VLLVK1, fruin Ot A) to ?lu m, yiri, 28 incbei MLK HUIR VKLVET. Ail the new Fill ?hides GO TO O'NEILL'S FOR Kimom, VT'iH nnen on MONDAY. Sept. IS, full line 0RO51 ORAIH BONNET ItllilloN.v Vm. < i, 7. 9, 16. ?ml MX II n?w Kail iBltrt. SA--H BlBfiOK-i mi iiNti ni i' ueuiM toar. ROMAN KABORs. ti :<n I. rini-li ? ,|,I ?t US. ?- um I.L.M'K SASH t.Minis... He., ?rsmslit sllsflk t nell ULACK ORO* OR?IS !-A:-11 RIRBORS, * 1,warranted ill silk. Kill I.m LI.oi.'K. I'LAIb.?, new SSStB GO TO O'NEILL'S FOR run renca nmvm, URTR1CII t'LL'MFt, USTRlCn TIPS. FANCY KIMTllERfl. Wi ? ir? r-w t.r-ii-red to eOkt Ih? 1-vp?,' arl B*?t ???. .rim, t.l of f s? FRhM'll H.OV. LI S aiuiiyiUIi IH'L, MES ami FANCY KATU fcli.s ,u the >t)? ?l?1 lie cBusttM, CO TO O'NEILL'S FOR STRAW OOObS. All iii- Mern Fill sIhim:. mm ijen. Pite I I. II K f I.'I.IH Tt'RiUm. Ht. t? *l ft. Will ??;.... ou .lli.'Ni'A? ?<?i.-r..i H?S KsgM ?? l.a^-s. GO TO O'NEILL'S FOR TIIK LATK.ST ROTKlTtRS IN MLK SCARFS, IAN. V Si'AUKS. We hive nu? ojx-n th? .?-?t ij,..,irtint- I iii tli? i-ity (ind the ikttSSSl). ^ We will MM on MuSHAY beyl. til, 1U? ?lulen of XVPlS'i TV, o BI'TTON Kill OLOVK-i. -m-mml I HStOfL* UI'l.S d TWO MITT.,:.' KA.VCV. ?1 25, iuld on Broid riv k1 a' IX - - m. * lOCi .?uMii LCPIN'3 EXTRA, ft ? worth Ml 23. 00 TO O'NEILL'S, ind eiaiuine the ne-? dtjMrtin- li nt' made-up LACK GOulH. VALKNCIF..NSF.S and ITALIAN LAC? COLLARS, IACR SI.I.1..IS LACK BET*, LACI HA.SLKhia'llIEl-S. All (.ojdi mid?; up un t?o i'ii ?, ?.-?. slTCIAI. ATT' NTION tJIVEN TO ALL ORUKRS. Full lu.? ..f Gl'U'l'l.'H LICK-?, i> LAi li, HUMMING leX?lltt ali kin,:?. UdTTKD RCTt und VAILS, K. n.-Will ant- nn MO RD AT, S?pt. I?, jean flertl Kilt, PHKNCH Gl'IPUKBAACt kmgki ?t ? mat .1?.: ..i, shirt silt I., .oil nt lii?a ??'-.'?. li \- r i-.- ut I,...? the coat of BnfHak or tiernui' Guipure Lice. .'Alf, Kitti RXAM1RI OCR HUCKS. All gun,',, mil ??.; in ?Inn. l.pur.H. II. O'NKll.l, A Co., ?Mf AND :Vi:i SIXlllAVi;. AND TWKNTIETII-ST. PATENT FIRE-PROOF HANSARD ROOFING. I".,? atti ntlon of APCIItT.'CTS. lUILUKIlS, ARO I'ltOPI'RTY -OWXPRS. ??r I. I fa MI MW PATERT HllK-1'KO?l- MANSARD HOOFINO. S-.i.p,. um st MTOtfar,ist slss M the Mutnil Life Iinnr mr? C. m ..i , ? Uii.l.Jin ;. nt. RnStoSI ?ni Lilerty-iL, and the Turu, r Btii'i; i: riisrrRims Hsr. istCrlsrsTs . nfc ill It ia now ?h?inn put op. Wi- ciil'ili nllr MSSSMSSsJ it at poiariaii-K K"'-'- ?J'.inla^ei ?ter id/ md ttttf other ki; ?I in um. J. B. & J. M; CORNELL. on ici: Mt?, ni, and 113 ckntrkst., n. t. LOBBELL & TINSLEY, CLOTHIERS, 1,180 IR01DWAT, COMEE 28TD-ST. INV1TI-; ATTKNTION TO THEIR PAU AND W1NTKR STOCK OP GENTS' YOUTHS' AND BOYS' FINE CLOTHING. FURNITURE CURTAIN DECORATIONS. B. L. SOLOMON & SONS, 657 and 659 Broadway, Hilve on Kxhiliition a number of sots (?i Fl KM i LUE, made to order daring tho ?Summer, and about to be put into some of the finest houses in the city and elsewhere; they are entirely HEW 81 ILE?, and for rich? ness and beauty have NEVER been EQUALED by anything heretofore made. An inspection of the above for two weeks is cordially extended to all. Wo aro just in receipt from Eu? rope of the iJctfifpia of the Newest Styles of Draperies, Curtains, etc., which are well worthy of inspec 'b'l. SOLOMON & SONS. TIFFANY & Ct HAVB KOW IH UTOra- ?gW gTTf.Pjj or SPOONS, FORKS, &c, AT FIXED PRICH,?, ?KR OINd. FANCY ARTICLES IN CASES, AU, OP THKI8 OWN ?UMtl-AlTlRa 3 4 PLATS, 16 and ?Q SIZES. THB8B ARB TUB BK*>T WATCHES HAUE IN Tills COCfU TRY, tS? ARK HAbK WITH AM) WITHOUT 6TEM WINDI*? ATTACH Ml NT. TUET ARK FITIfSnED IN TT1R ItPST MANNFR AND Bl*? WITH THE GREATEST AlCURACY, AND CANNOT B> IX CnUt ANTWHKKR AT TIIEIB RESPECTIVE PRICE?, TUB CAFK8 ARB ALL OF TUB ItEWEi-T PATTERNS, A5T> fiPEClALLY MADE TO OCR OWN ORDER. OCR STOCK OP THKSB WATCHES IS NOW TUB LARGEST, AND OCR PRICES, ALL THINGS CONMMBEl?, ARB TH? LOWEST IN THE CITY. BALL, BLACK 6l Co., JEWT.LERS AND SILVERSMITHS. ??6**? AND ,*i67 BROlDWAr. 44 East 1 Hl?-sU \ I'mon fquarc |, l'ITV.n FOR SALB A SCI'ERIOR ASSORTMENT OF Ready-made CLOTHING FOR THE COM1JXG SEASON. STODART Till SB MAGNIFICENT INSTRUMENT?. NOW MADR FROM OUR 1HOROUUHLT TESTED NEW 7| OC.'AVR 8CALB, AR1 CONFIDENTLY OFFERED TO TUB PUBLIC AS UNSURPASBM IM POINT OF TONE, DURABILITY, AND WORKtABBHIP, AND. WI1ILB WB DO NOT PROPES8 TO MAKB A CHIAP" PIANO, OUR PRICES WILL BB FOUND LOWBR THA3 AIT OTHER FIRST-CLASS \IANlFACTL'??iiS. D. R, STAFFORD & Co., 084 BROADWAY, COR. GREAT 'ONIS-fT. WEBER PIANO-FORTES. I'.-.?? r.titci'.l b; tb? Irrt MnticaltTiltnt, 3?*m?, tie Prrtt, it**., it BEST PIANOS MADE. Price* ag rcitotaUe tad ttmii ii eu; u c ci.itrnt wilb ifcora?a*h ?urkiu.Qibip. WARF. ROOttS: FIFTH-AVENUE, COR. MXTEENTII.-ST., NEW-YOHK. RUSSIA LEATHER? CANVASTAND MOROCCO Traveling Bags, THB BBST ASSORTMENT OV VIENNA GOODS IN THE CITY. DRF***tfNO CAST-, PORTFOLIO*, WORB-BOXBf}.. JfcWEL BOXS?, WRITI.M3 CAr-ISi AMI DP.*-!?. POKTMONNAlBi? CARD-CASKS OLOVI ARD * BANDKBRCUIBF BO?.BS, POCKaT -BOOBS, lu. CULBERT & CO., 84 MAIDEN-LANE. BANKING HOUSE OF JAY COOEE & CO. f_% ?iuce th? doaliif ?f Ih? Qoxer?-t?J Lau bj oar Ira?, *? i 7.30 NORTHEBNPACIFIC &0LD BOWJS kia rrtma LAROKR TIU!? BVBB. WhUt tha ?irhant-? of Plta-Ti ??? MM In for i-?*jl??**?l4*a li D?*?*?*?al>ar li tiUj la?**?*?**.??. Tail th??t that haUen of Flt?-T?til?ti ir? ?al mlj ??m**m*M int?r?.U, bal Hut ?My hat. ii. faUat4 ?taldaw. la BUBTBBU PACIPK) SEVRN THIRTIES. Tb? Bowlt in K4!4u?*4l, bttot*?i au qtaati?*?, bj i Int ltd atlj ***** ni? on Ih? Road, ila ?alii*, rolba? itoek, m4 Mt,???,**? emmet tb? taatt liad la Ih? ?mai W* io aoi I?*, ula a? ?el tai emai? te ?at lWaidi ?d ??? pabllc ?rllh th? ?ara? eooJ.-io-?. ?a ?lit It. <??j?fnuartl Loaa?. All B-arkatabla wearlU? ractitid la ucki-i**?. JAY COOKE ?Se CO., UKW-TOR ?. PH a A URL PHI A, AND WA SHI NOTO H MAXWELL & CIME, P?I la J. C WHITINO k C-a.). t* ;. a whiting ? Ctttit. MANUFACTURERS OP WRITE LEAD. ZINC PAINTS. COLOB& a\e 1*3 PEAMJUMT.? NKW.TOKK. OUR DRANUt OF LKAM AND UKCt ABB iU, ?J, CARI PILLY AND KINBl.T (IHO?ND ? Pitt ta*Vt__ ?M.T? OIL. ABO ABB PUT Or IB ?"JOS OF B? 1R? *__* i iN.-ih'BD oil, rurrr, tubpbntinb. tiuuw IRUIHBB, BT?., AT WtTlST MAIIBT BATB?. _a. DRALBBB PI HNIiHtO WITH THBIB P1UVATB *tij*f** ***^ WxmeW _nu HRANUJ WITHOUT CMAB08. ?~0 , VyAHMf-^Y PBIVAI ? li WBLLUWS atd *_)*_*_*,* ***** ** ******* ,1k. .?,., t??_5?^^ ***** -