Newspaper Page Text
rv ?tifS^xy*. e ii 1 j i r? ?' i ? ' ' : ; : i .1 xeeprn*. O*''**' I r ??? mi.r; - J yoi. XXX1L...N0- 9.502. NEW-YORK, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1871. PRICE FOUR CENTS. THE BIOT SKATES mi PEOPLE ? POSSESSION OF THE CON TROLLEK'S OFFICE. <K[m TO;or9ooMi.iCTCFA^owrr-JiBorFlcI.l nowa orees ? ?,n,M1IEnn:'.s ... ?.. 1)1 T.l'- v" __ .. . . iSTS?- or ?K ?? rZL* iMf*?* T'"c R,,,g l8 m conf:,s,(m IH,,.,?!.!,- *^?*?4 ?id ita effort? to pi- posero ?*i ? ? CtotroUer'? O.lice are absurd and ?ne? oon ?i thi v.""?? footive. Dt pu ty C'jtri.ll.r Gie ?i n.-sunied pobse-^ion of the tittt Ht "u ***** b0Ul' y?8U,ldll.v- ?uoiTOFcd. Hi-? firet effldal act was to stilmiit nil the papers Mlwd i?i'hy tin- CoiiiiniiU'.'of Citi/<-ii8 in further goce oft he iu\?!i!i,:ati??ii of the frauds now going ga. His m cowl act. made in tlie interest of public en-dit. wai to announce that the interest on the bond.-* due Nov. 1 would be promptly paid by t!:e City Ch;: mlm Iain. Controller Connolly du lined to con-?der himself ?mow A by the Mayor, or by his own net in appoint tsg a new deputy, and during the day and laut ui^ht ??Mined in hil oftice aiding Mi. Gre? u to master its ?et ml. . and h :i?ly. if necessary, to defend it. Tie Mayor who lead- the Ring to Ita min, wau. d ?pon lien. MeClellan, i arlj yesterday moraine, and personally entreated him to accept the doubtful ap pointuu nt tendered biak The General intrenched himself in tlie Department of Docke, and at a late hour ni tin it ia said, made np hil mind to de clin?'tone? pt the CoutmUerohip, so le?eras tho pr? s BBt order of ihinga continu?e, because his acceptance now aroald place him in the position of a contestant for the otlii <?? Karly yesterday morning the Mayor refused to n<?? ei>t the oath of otlice of Mr. Green when tendered bim. ns eonrteej and enstom, not law. ; and lute in the day wrote to Mr. Cou aolly, declining to recognise either himself of Mr. On? :, a- offii ers of the eoiporalion. No legal steps have yet been taken by the Ting to expel the Conti.'ll.r or LU Deputy, and any prowss of law poeaible under the eireuni itanc.s must bo long and tedious. Late la the i venin? tho Controller ordered a large force of trusted adherents to guard the office to re? nto an attack or prevent anothei burglary bj the King. mt AFFAIRS AT THE CITY HALL AND COURT? HOUSE. Tul-: MATO* ?BFTPEi TO SECOGXIZE THF. COX TKOI.I.LR OR HIS DITCIT?EXCITING ICESES IN Tilt CROWD OLTolDE THE BlIUUNOS The announcement tbat Controller Connolly kau removed Deputy Controller ?to:rs and appointed Andrew n. Oreen lu lils stead, and that Major Hill had removed Controller Connolly aud placed Gen. MeClellan Id cbrrfrc of lils office, thus creating a con? vict of authority In tlie mort important Department ti tlit Municipal Qwrernment, attn.cted a lai-po, ex? ited, aid very re-pi (table crowd to Hie New Court Bon?* yesterday. Mr. Creen Qualtfleu at an emly hour, t? Deputy Controller, before Judge Barnard, ami took lormiA iit.iH.-n u of tbe Controlltr'i office at t> a. m A "r.i*li'' wa? Immediately made fur aiBibj ?Lout 70 repr?sentatives of the various jour B?li, ?boni l.e admitted a?? last n* pos-<il>le. and can* Weaily rei'Urt to their mini rou- questions. Al S"on as Ihey MM di-poM d of, ?Mr. Oreen received huge delr-ga WoDiof hu fii id? who congratulated bim upon liisap poliitinent and ?,d\ i?- ?1 bim 'to retain possession of the OmtoUer*? oflee in sp.te of any forcible attempts of M*)or Hall M ?jeit ti.tin. He assured tli. m tbal be bad litmiilnett to do fo. H- was then waited upon l.y a fckgatioa fiem the citizens' Committee el Seventy lead.,: by Judge, who Informed him ho toa ti. i.?, : iv mid anenlmeat support of the I oma Itt. ? ard tiinr it ,. " made arrangements foi the cuthlog ol U? eli. < i.i. a? iiepiu.., ? as acttof Controller. Mi-. Booth, tin- 1'i-ep-ii'ii nt o. '?.- ClUseas' Commit!*?? np pointed to aet with the J??int Committee Ui examining ma olly and county account?, ai-o called upon bun mut ???liri it ii ni tiiat that Committee wen- pleased al hit ann ii i lient, and thal he could rely upon ita support. Mr. (-r. en. afi.-r expressing hi- tlin'iks. turned over to Mm a number of the bookt ami duevmenta la the Con? to i'i rv t'flu e requin ?i by tlie Committee in conducting the examination. This n't.on w;?-? general,y accepted b) ti, i SOO :t tlie C t.\ Hall and C.mrt-IIeti-. M a mu-t is or n mi.' nii.w totiie lMig. ami folly committed Con- j noi'j to the wort of thoroughly exposing the beary toad* In w1 iii Tweed, Hall, Bweeey, snd him-eif are Uivohui. k m th it these ?papers are in t'e L .lid' u.' ihe CoDiii l't. ( tin re I* no chanoc to turn iii. k. MR. ?,!!!.I x'? OATH REFUSED BV Tut MAY?-It. Ati a.m. Mr. Oreen tent 'Mr. Rufos A. Andrews snd ?rLawrea?*-, a elerk la the t'ontiol!?r's dillie, to the mayor**OA? to Bl?with bim a copy of hit oath of olfii.e. a-t..i Mayor wat absent. Col. Jollac, hi^ chief ?Jerk, ree? Ired tli?-m and refused to me the oath, tirina ?aareatoi ihti foi that he had been iastrncted hythe Mayer i.??t Is rec? Ratee Mr. Greca M Deputy Control ? r. Mr. Lavreare imd the oath of office on Col. Joline't table ?nid , ;t. The Colonel pu-hed it on to the floor and toe uti <t e.- o it latothe reception hall where a number of ttpnn, ehaiaed on it. Cul. J..liue ropnlted tim. PjMdthi kg of a chair eatha doeomenl and statlimed T*JCM| ' * iii'-'ii??i of the Mayor's oOre In the ?"">. * .tli ?rk-t orders to nurd it until the Mayor or ?2* -N - "*o--H?-ii With ih,- pr eautioD, the Colonel ?? :'i('*:"' ' >a a chair ia bia privat? mom when he "*M*atehMr.Oieea's?Octaloath, and there he sat s*?|Dp,i|,; !?,(,.,.? (f Ma fricad? expressed it. like a *.!;.i.'..-iijeou ?b, nuns of a miniature ami modern *?? h,.-...,.m p,?iu becama so lively thal the vsmailaadthi aetaenger were oi.?i/.d to leave tiie.r V***>>aBdthecoTet?dpapM waa captured by tom? o. M*rttaadmamldestroy?<l. Hil. CONTROLLER ON THF. UKI i:\-lVK. ooii-ro <-, ( , 1U ,liy ?eeompaalod Deputy Controller reeiit-tU o'!.,??; ex-Depiity Controilei ?Mun? wag al-o *"'"iin.m.:, h t.. usfaM bnniii a friendly ?ay, and, P*tht nth had subsided, Mr. (.reen wgaaaaezam ?"j" a at ti. i ,? i? | ?a 1>;i,,,rh m lh( ?-tea u , 11).iI1Ill r "? ton y indicated hit tocal In of ?ndlnc out t ven - ^ymeatcl* with the toads eommltted there. ? Dout 12 ?,. < ..Ijti..l?. j- ci.iiii.illi, who. ini-.-plvto all T??***?****** <-.! that he "bud not resigned and dl.1 om^ ? "'"' ,*ito,,*,r'toam??aieletbi Mayor's "??, i. reply i, ,v(. !jU(.lV ,, !U.r ?.^^^ h,,|i: *_* cwrraoLua'a depiamci or the mayor. .?i pre\ ; Varv ?'.'.'"'?T"f. rt -v?-w-Yoik sud of tL<- fetsto """l *oty Bsapsctfidlr, >oui obod.nn tervaai .,. ?' ?C?A?? B. Coimou v, ( onti oller " _**U?s M,yor wus nil! absent, Col. Juline refused to ??weitott^uiuMrttwitor Um ?mm row* um ^ Bid declined to receive Vic o.?t*i of i-iT. ?*. ir.* thortly ? I ..f.r ?ni,'; i W d tho*? tatter to the hcudl t>f Ile city l>i-]iiiitii.f-nt-i, ?a? ng Hint the Mayor inclinedte recognize Connolly m i.V.itrnlli'i-, a Oreen a* Deputy Ooutroll r: W?TRCCTlOK.I riiOM Tlir MAVi'l '.- <i : li I , .-? l'f. 1?, ww. I mr, .<:*-, r t, ii 1?v Ho ?' ?yoTio 1.m ti... .lui be i1"'-'' ntl rti n;:'.o 4*H'?cr Richard H. d niiolly or Andrew II.? m ru .m Dcpnt* or Ai i i nir (??? ?;??'' r. Very r ?peet ?Ully, CHAS. O. JDI.IHE, (lil. i ( I? ik. Tin rcfti?,*!** of the Mriyor't Cbbf Cicih to rtr-eclve Wa i rmimnnlcatli n? ar. i' i??'. t4? lave no rff< 11 whatever anea Mr. Oreen, who continued to uiti-ml tot!.? dut lee of hie office ii.iil the liniir of cloalng, 4J i?. m., when be an* nouneed to a Tihi.ikc rt-porter thnl Mr. Connolly and Mi If would Iwld poete ?ion if lie C<utrollir*eOfUce u:.n; they wi re removed from it by pit i*i ss *.r lew, EXCITEMSKT IN Till'. ?CttOWD. While iii. te Ulinga ?ero trantactingIn theController*! iiiuliu the Mayor*! ?nices tlie crowd outside, ebkfly i-oini'iKf a i f Connolly?* frk*adt, ii rame mor?' mt* more excited by the numerous andeontraiUclot?/ nmwrethat were 8- lou- niu'-rit. Winn the report wat I lroulat??d that, If Connolly rotated to facete bit office la ?iibedleaca to the M ayor*t ci fier, the Mayor, at the lieinl of a tipiad el policemen, woatd take forcible peetetelini of it, tlio ox cUeatent thowed iteelf in angry prawle, and la threnta that, if tmeb anuttempt vas iniiile, force would be met by force. The impression that Mavin Hull woiilil do aaythliig?teeperatete attain iii? endt appeared lobe Ktneral, auil to oppotc him, in rete tit ?lil attempt any roekleea atore, the crowd remained until the CoatroUcr*a i f*l?*c wa? closed. During the early part of Hie day it was frequently re? ported, and a? fre?|in ntly contrudlet? d, thal (iin. Me Clellan would accept the position of Controller; nlioiif .1 p.m., however, It WM Hie settled ronvntloii that be would accept, ami ?nu li wa the opinion eapweted dining the iliy by the officials In the Mayor's Ottloo. It wa? im? possible to olitain from them any indication of tlio the Mayor will take m renard to Controller Con nolly; but the eel.eral Impreaaloa l8 that he and Mc <li Han win to-day demaad pottetkloB of the Controller'i otliee, and that, If met with a rofnanl, Ibe Mayor will apply to Judge Barnard for a writ compelling Mr. Cub* nolly to retire? opinions? AXT? ntl li?cos op tup. crowd. Tn i-pcakriif? ol' Mayor llall't aetinnln regard lo Con? troller Connolly, a very prominent official of the Ulfltcd .States District-Attorney'?, alli?e said: "1 have l* in look? ing at the law in the eaee, and I aui sati-ilcd that the Mayor'? power of appointing the Controller dees not erny wita It the power of rcmo*n?1, for the reaeon that the law prorldct fur the removal of that ofltoer by im peachment, and by Impeachment only. Theroforo the Mayor's legal course la to Impeach the Controller before the proper tribunal." Paid another old and prominent official of the United Pt.itf s Courts : "I do u't understand what Mayor Hall meant. A few dave airo ho enid, officially, that, under the law, he had no power to re? move the Controller; and now he Issues, an order remov? ing him. I thiL?1' there inu.-t be some Uulh in the story that b? Is insane," A member of one of the aMc?t law firms In the city ex? pressed the followliiif opinion concerning the power of the Mayor to remove the Controller i " I'lulcrthe princi? ple of law, dmigiidtio unius exelusio u'.tcreus, tho Mayor cannot remove the Controller, The law aperlflea the manner of his removal, and He Mayor cannot legally act outside of that specification." Said a llfe-lui % acquaintance of P. J. Tilcb n't! " How plain you can see Tilden's hand In lins last move to thwart Hall. Ile saw that Tweed, Sweeny, Hall, lind oiher coirupt uieiiilreis of the'Kiiip' Intended to sacri? fice not only Connolly, but the Democratic party, to cover np their own crimes, and he did not propose that it thonld be done. He Is au honest ni. n, and a lenget* ht aded nan than Twi ed, and now that he Las jui?ad in the flgbt, he a ill i cat him m th? emL" Ooieerntng Connolly'? peraittency in retaining pos? session of his cfliie, the uimost enantmottt optaban was : 1 If Connoliy is lanocent of tho charg?e of corni]itioa made Bgalntt him,lie must,in sclf-dclcnse, remain where he Is. If he is nulty, he owes if to tin- imbin- not to turu over his (?fllce to any one until he has made all the repar? ation in his power. The opinion that the Controller had 1? si tu do than Tweed and Hall in plundering tte City Tioat-uiy rapidly Rained eye-nad, and, by crimina, ho stood,in the estimation of the public, ?i uiok- honett, and a ?tranger niau than cither of tlie iii. Alar.*?? crowd aleo collected, early in the day. In and around the Mayor't dillie to find out, if possible, what ho waa poins: to do In the present cr?ala, Col. Jolino n ceived them with mon lhan his tunal urbanity, and in reply to their proving qnt-ttiona aald, "1 don't know; the Mayor will bo doun at 3 p.m., ?nd you must ask Lim.'' Tli< se aatwertsoon dltperaed Hie crowd: but at 3 o'clock it again assembled, alni quietly li It upon bein? atanred that the Mayor piolmMy wonld not be in daring tin-day. Cul. .I.iiin?' v,t.- ol Ibe vciy ii,cale.I opinion that the Mayor vtus and would ? outlliue to i ? the matt! r of the tit nation in spit., of Tilden anti the Ring, it It said, he i?i forming ?ii;.i'i:.?-f him. The Mayor wat no1 athis office il'irlnj :1( iin-.-,'rut. fi. m nil that could be learned from tit ruumrs Boating around, be wat with den. McClellnn, end uvoring to in. ri ce him to accept the ( ontrollvrahip, Till: COFRT-MOCSE BARRICADED, Although Ihi doora were clueed to out?iden, ? large number of pcrtout remained within the Contt-IIonae who were ut .-innis of comniuateailng wilh Controller Connolly or Deputy Controller Green. At 7 o*rloch neinly all I bete bud trantactcd their Lutlturte, or grath Li il theil curiosity In a? jnirt :?! the exterior of the c< n II ?.11? r's prniitc oihi c. and taken finn- departure. Borne fr w who lingen d were of the rough? r poliii? al i latfe, and aero Anally inettneted io leave the building. Deputy Controller On en, wbo had I? en oven?.)?, \\ .?-?i *su\? \ \. Hois ol all i lautet, at last ?tooii alone in his office ktofclng \tty ii'iuh futij-'iii d. lau With a ir .-?ihil lull ?l8 Iii m ;i - tv? r to hold the ohne to wL.ih he bail bun appointed. a reaolutlon fortified by the congratulai iona and aMurnneea of confidence preaentod to bim throughout the bnty day. As soon ns the lart peraon not ? onuected wltb the office hud l f( it. tbe iron doors that i?iot? ? fed the i? 4.111 were t!o?i d, and uni? opened on iaeti'uclivns from Joel A. Fillilaa, aroa? ii-1 iw of C?u1i"llei ( OUI ?? ly. who had taken 1 OBtTOl of ti"' bulldinf. 1*4.4.4-1- ul?. command vere 12 01 more able bodied men. well armed, and poesestlns the confidence o! Con 1 roi Iel Connolly, wliu had select? d ihem foi their tuistwoithii.oss. 8?.me of ti.1-e were Mationed 'in the diffeienl iiuartei**? of the rotunda floor with luctrni.di to bo watchful. The majority, however, v. ire piaeedtu tlie roomi on clUiei al??.* of the stone stips had to the l.tilltliiii* fit lu Ch.-.iiibi I - -t. 'fey win Uni? tliitinntd lui ..nie 'he Window! of all the nppei floor? were w itboul Ibe lroa abatiera that pioteckil the baw lucnt floor, and it would have bien a i-umpaiativcl*/ cas? lath for any baud ol men to aacebol tbe Cii iiiljort-tt. tu-pti, spun?.' in?o tbereceetea of ibe aiwlowi, lill Hie vindo wa, eater tbe root 1 aad abttrad erer) thing portt ble, and do a great deal of itamage,un* ??is there waa a force infficlenl to oppuee them, L\en now, if a lane bund of hivrleat nun should to mvide their fones, uii.1 with tbctidof a?rerai nieiliuin-i!?-ed l '?nie!-, tl.ey mich! inter every apartment on tbe ro? tunda floor with but ?'??li oppo-.t on. 'Hu men alni Lad been ?elected lo gnar?l tbe building appeared to Ibiah tia 11,-elve, Invincible, and declared that favored as the* were by t'.ieir poaitton,thej could bold Itagaiutt all com? i s. The?., bowevei. did not anti. I pate any attack. At u late hour, Controller Coamdly i? rt the Court Hour??-, and proceeded to Ins 1 ??*>??>:. in e on I'Hik-ave. Deputy Controller Green ?till remaiaed, and them ita? evet] liol,1 ai,4.a that he \*.uiil?? rem<?ia lu the Court Hou-o ail Bight. Till I ! I.I.INi, AT POLICE Ilt'Miyr.MtTi:!:?. Vi r?. .it 1 a .? ?V.1.4? ai Pu,u e Id Hiii|iiai Icrvrelativi tn the Ight aiiioiig iLe im min ?ra of the Ring. J'n tbleat is busy pn paring for the ? ali campaign. 11?- It oven an, aaurtaai,"atthrrowdtof politicians and applkaatt for It la BO fiulit of los, and he is not im io meddle lu It. ('?'lilli.?.??oner Maiiietio laiiirh?, when qn(-ii?iie,i, and s iyt be liopis the liett men wid win. *Couiiiil?>'i?nei Hull- n.ttiii.illy ?.ill's ?lib Lis atpbtW, FetarS. Sweeny. Commleiloner atotwartb has little m tay la the matter. luptrlaU-ndeai Kolto is an old per sonal fiiend 01 Tvmi d, and owit Ids position to him. >aiiiriil)y, hi etpoutet bia canee. Ile, however, ?eye Ut? ile, except to p. 1 -?nal i; ii'inis, regardiUM the con. ft. TBE KlMOin.D ARREST OF THE ALLEGED THIEVES. A morning paper, yetii rda), anaoani ed thal H was al* legrd that warranta were i? be oiitalned from Jnttice Dowling ful Ila- uni.t of fiai viv, li.en -oil. Ki'.-cr, Miller, Muni? anil otbert, for th? ir alleired pi 1.s ?tram the i-lt? treatnry, and that ibe neceatary affidavit* ?gain?t Hum jhi-,ii- wera being pri|;u-id. Jdtthe ?Uawttng, yeti n my, a?* 'r?d a uj?ittett t Thy Tail 1 m; lUt tbe mailer ant Lew? io bim. He Leard nothing of the affidavit?, and no application f. r warrant? had hen mode to lim. TIFF, CITY ACCOUNT& The Citizen?' Committee of the Joint Com mll tee of Citin ae, Aid. run-i, nml topen boro, l cid a Be? ere! cession in the ( han,i,, r of the Board of Bupervtaon yesterday. Ali of the papera and document? of the Com trolli r'? Office required fur iiic ?nve: nation of municipal again were received from Deputy Controller Oreen, and rir i mi t.. the several tab-committee?. A meeting of the Joint Committee ia called for to-morrow nt i p. to., Whoa a nidi t en the City debt will he pn >. nt. .1. The citi/i nn' Bub-Commlttec on Remedie? are debating t'i ndvl-aiiiitv of commencinglegal proceeding? (crim* tarni and el\ ii) again?! Andrew J. Garvey nml Infers. ,1 A "Co." it I? believed thai their plana hi tbu respect will he fully in.itir.ed lit their next RWCtiBg, Tin? Citizens' 1 ranch of the Joint Commit tee of CitUent and Aid. ma n and Supervisors met yet? n'ay afternoon lu privat? session, at the omeo of tlio Ulinda Centra] Balitead Company, foi tho puipuso of dibcusbing tho promet ??peel of municipal government. Ex-Judge l'i'rr. iKint, who bad been named n? tlio legal adviser of the Coiiinilitee, gave It a? hi? opinion that Mr. Oreen COUld not legally l>e removed from the position to wbleh he had been appointed umier tim pro? visions nf the staliite. Ata meeting of the Ronrd of Aldermen, yesterday, Alderman Wattman, hy request of the Mayer, offered a resolution, Which was laid over, authorizing the Mayor to oiTer 11 reward of fin Intormatlon leading to tho di?covery of tlio thieves who stole the renehan Irom tho Controller's Office, and a reward of 91,000 for the return of the voucher?, THF, CONTROLLER'S TENURE OF OFFICE. IMPORTAKT OPINION OF Mil. CUAItLF.s 0V0NOR ?TUT. MAYOR HAS Nil POWER To REMOVE? Ti::: COKTROLLER J1A3 Nor RR810MED. As , c Chairman of tho State D?mocratie Centn Committee, Mr. Samuel J, Tilden lins been ac? tive in ngtag about the pr.cent cc-mpiieiitlon of tho Ring fi. which honest nun anticipate such happy result ? i e eily and ?tax*peycrs, The h gal points wiro well coi red by him, us we have shewn, before the appointai..,' of Mr. Oreen was suggested nml crgod, hut no1 content ? ith hi? own examination, be hus auked tho opinion ot Mr. Challis O'Conir on the legal qiicttlnus laiacd by the Mayor's letter to Mr. Connolly, published yesterday. Mr. 11.ill Insisted in that document that in 11).pi,luting a deputy to perform all his duties, Mr. Con? nolly bad abandon? .1 Lib office. The ?perlai provision of the act conferring this authority was pasted only six month? ?go (April l8, im), und, it lu Mid, for tbe l>urpoi-o of permitting Mr. Connolly to visit Europe during the present Bummer? It has beni used In a manner the Ring lil tie anticipated, for neveu ?rere more wicked engineer? io unexpectedly boiet hy their own petard as in this 1 ase. Mr. Hall aloo lu?-i-te?l that the right to appoint implied the rl^ht to remove, ul tbough less than a fortnight ago he disclaimed all powi r of removal in the eo.e of Mr. Connolly. Mr. sweeny win understood lo have claimed, yesterday, that the too voluble member ol the Ring had committed on cubar raming hut not fatal error lu milking this unnecessary di, und mid a remedy would bo found for the Mayor's stupid Munden Rut Mr. O'Conor, on whose legal opinion the Democracy baa been went to rely im? plicitly for many years, decide? ?gainst the Ring on both the ism. s raised. The folio wing le the opinion as sub? mitted Jtsteiday by Mr. O'Conor: MU. (.'(.'Mill's OI'IMOV. The nth wet Ion ol the act to n organise the ?local ger 1 mini nt of the City ol Kew-York, pUMCd Apn! 1.1870, commonly railed the New Charter, provides as follows: All il.r krait of ilepitrdi.? nts ' * n?it ol UN Ue|,irtmerti of Plssscssss La*, thsd mt sspsissal t-y ti ? Miir,?r. ?- h.ri?u?f;?r yee* a el An? MnrWnS ot lb*l*S filtl IT to II e (.'manor p.eret I? remoro tut oOeet ol IbcCil] 0, n r? n?'i : itt in I is .n tins... t U fcswtif v+ l?-.l,.l. Tli r? 11,1. ?,11 (11,11 tli j.i.?<-r..f in j.e.c' mini of UM llm-r bj r, i ?Bri M mt I?? li. ni of ?II Um mrnil r* ti , lui iu each limn,I. Tli? M-.,r.1 I ?vi- 1?., youri ul 11. ? ? . ..i.fc ,,1 ItOu* ?! di) , nu?',!?. The < tintroller of the City of New-York Is by the same set declared to lie tbe head of the Finance Department. The -iir-t bm lion of an amendatory act, passed on tbe mt h of the s.iine month, provided that " the Controller of Iii.? City of Now-Yorh shall lu rentier he appointed by tho Mayor elected for said ( it.v, ami not by au ailing Mayor, as other ?beads of departments ara appointed under'the iir.ivisii.n-ol ibe a.t entitled 'Anact to reorganise the loi al government of the < ity of Kew-York,' passed April 6, lsin, and sliail bold his office for the period of lour years, aa now provided, except thal the persenflmt up pointed under ti. s autborify ?ball hold his office until the 1st day of January, 18T6, ?ubie. 1 to tbe provisions of the mil a? t. TI '? t, nu ui office ol the present Controller ni ,,uii('l'\ r tiltil cn 1 al ihe < v|,-.1.1111,11 ,,i ure ??lara from Ibepassageol this mt. The Mayor ?bal] make the drat appointment herein provided foi-within live days fruin the p'e-.u-? ot tin. ?lit. .\Ii.V lUuVl-iun Of law luiini kistoi.t With this s< lion isliiTcii.. iiji ail!." Kii'ininl ti. Connolly wi.? n. ronlinaly apmdntcd by the Major ii. the y. aii-.e: sud tnereafti r by another amend? atory m t, nat? <i Apui it, ib,i, 11 mu.-, iu Section j, pro? vide'il us follows: '1 lu l .ii.iri I r: et t! ?? Citr of \"?-?v T. rV -h?!l IpBShrf aol it pie? inte r> 11 mi- r. I ? 1 L 1 1 in '.??. 1 r. 1 li ?,,i 1 e? et, i i,?l.,.| 1 r >l...l!, iii ??? He ti..11 IO 1 ,> ..tli' . |'l.? I-. I ,,-? I? lit ">'?' ' I?' J l'< ... lib ? I I li I ( .IT. uni? leim., bil ?l.i-1. '?? u! I. 'il.r al tie x-1 lit Mid ?'? 1 ir,'.:,-. ,'il? 11. i-i.i-i 1, IDlbunt ,1,1 i.brii r ? 1, r ul to lu ?jefci?i-il in -nch . iberil . di - .1, .1. ml ?ti <*t ? ii?. ? Drpal? ( 1 n'r ;l r M yam r. l.r ]?,.-r til vtttatm Il.r ? ui? nf. ie.?i.|.i kill .nrl, d. ?pi.iii.n ?'ni ui; i.iv,. ill.I lotis I iii "? r 1 ? ? rd 1 tie Pls*SM 1B> p-.niut-Bt TI e f.-i.l Hi ; ?' r I'.ib.11 lilrr ibjll |?- ?I l n ?ti mi!n?r,ty 1 e -, 1 111,.- dirai I in i,i li,el ?. I ni lol 1 OH lb. Uki .l.r flatfcl ol'lue ii... or. *: .,!.?'. .iii li- tiri .11 I in.,f r i?ni n ? af?.ai.l. ('.n (he lil I. ?lift. ."..'r. Cuiuolly mail?, a mitton appoint nu m in iii. following word?! 1. v iiiuni'i nun 1. ii? HF Kbv-Tobb, sett. 16, uri. Jiff. AM'ft.w II. I.Hrttti? ty I'?? ir >,, ; I it- ?ti r,- gi l'i|.ulv< ???"? trollet it tl.iii-Mv Imi.p lie e i ? j- ? ? ? li ? 1,ni,???I ?f Mr Muli ??I \ ? ? ?? i!. ? I.? I?. .lift. ?1 ?! ?I rmii-t ?iiu, Andr? w U. ulna, Pepjljr < .,?-,.?!:< r ?f li , I'itJ ,il.\,n I m? lurii.l in-nujiou run tie i.-r?p,?in? i-f Hil- ?.(lire. Tie ?r' li l.r-nr. I., li I :,??:.. el lill- . .tv .bl III- , ?l.ut.?;. I-f |?l'?l r ?i-n''ll e .?I a- ,111 t? J- mu?,.! ti... lb* in :? rt I ir 1 tmt] m t ,t my i>|..n'ri. ni tlnmlil lu 1-jieii., ;. ?I 1,\ OB* yet.j. lit- u'llnii.te, e?S?btSCf o. tlie pin l.r. Iiid-t?rii, h i>t i.;',?? -f. ?eli. 1 1,1-in'l I - tlie i'ri.ent rttgCBry. 1 tatt 1, 1. L- .i, ; 1. i11-,.'!.. ?. !?' inn' n ?Bom iwrtrubiHl sMyisst I'v^ti I... lu ili.iV, ill -U.|e:i-H'Il of ni.fjlt .11 'lil, n Uti I. . I.e. I 1,1 1 . ,,V \ : it .,, t, \, 1!, 1 tri le ri ,'in t? 'l.r p?il 11- li lirf-f, tsd to in 11.. in.. ,.i|.i.i., I???rr1lei li .1 ?.?. nr ii? tut. o,11? uti ykttOX? ol, ? 1 f ii 1 ?? .11 ? 1 I m ? ),'.-, 11 l?i-t ii.iilnii.-e ...ililli |'i-.-e . lb? [,,,-u r !.? 1 lu ; ? 1 .?I el : 1 ii 1.1, 1 ? :?.iu in? 1?. tl.e ?ill..-? I I ? . 1-, ,j. ?'. ? 1 1.1 '.. . 1,11.11,?1 ibi ? ni-11 iii? ..?.joiMuiio: 1? ib* U.ilj u. lil .' ?I -, tait, lit. ,,.,i- ..u,.r. KirilAFt. ?ft. l'0\t II IT. CVatt. '? .: ifl'.e lil. ??' K? ? \,.rk. Siil-;..-t 1,1:1 bave indi nutde thal Ibu appointment of ndepllll v.,-?1 11 nu... :.?t .11 ?1 li ?'ui.aMi-li ni hU001 0 l?v tne C?.ntri>Uer, producing a vavani-v i and even if no nu h ?lin 1 \Mis produced, that the Mayor, us uti i.n idi iii m ins appointing ibiwi-t, may removn the Controller, thus musing a vneaiiev wmch he miaht tupply. M.. oti.ulonoii these lwo 1 ?uti bl - tern re.|iiestid bj Mr. H.nun? I J. 'lil.len, Ch.uiiii.m ol the ileuiocriilie ?t.ito e uinuiittee. If a vaeaney conld i>e 1 ronebt alwnt In any way, the Mnyoi could undoubtedly maim an appointment loaup '11 ( ' appointmcnl of a ih poly in precise eonfonniti willi th.- -i .1? r of the M..tiin-. an 1 in < leeuilon of lit ob? vious um ni. ciinmil be? renunciation or resigaattonof bri t.iii?-.- hythe Controller, li U simply the perform? ance or a duty enjoined by law whenever accessit} or e\i nu ney may reipilre it. The me? rnil.r or expediency ot the hlepit suiuijiiii dto tbe dis. retina of the Controlli r excluBivi-Iy. I cannot suppose that aio jurist tua ne ii und nLo w;!i 1 iii 11k otherwise. TI e presid? ui 01 the CultcdiMate? is deemed topoasem a t.1 m (.,'1 owerol removinaezi cutlveuffleer? apiHiint'-d iiv hini: hut lam very clear that, under the statute? regulating the ral !eet,1he Mayor bas nu power to renn, ve the Controller, tie Constitution of the Lintel States nor; ??ui moville 1 r the rfnn/THl ,1 '#??W?Vtl?t bj liiipea. hineiit. The pow< f 10 ne. use or Imp. 1? li ie Riven, not loth?. I'ltsiiiept, hut to tin House of Representative? fculv; ?le power to try the accusalRm or Impeachment ?uni remov? the ac< nsed Is given to the ?enute. i'Diii r the ?H-tn coiistitUtiuKth? New-Yoi* < ity Charter Hie only mod. exiwessly provided for the removal ol the i - 1 ,1, iiti i> iinpt.. lum nt; .111.1 th. power to accuse or ii.ii'.j.hl pivon lo the Mayor, ?nd to bo oilier bodyot fuiicliiiiiiin. I'would he conirarvjo ?ill Just and reii ounble rules ol interpietatlou to bold thal sn absolute iHiwei ol removal lu bit own mero ?ft roto waa given hy inip;i.atioii loiuiiihi.r whose Bulbi nty in tbenremtses ?s expri Miy .li thud, and le by such definition limited to tin presentation id an impcathment. Xfce dinrenceia this general relation to oBlrew of the u'overnment be? tween the power ol ibe Presiden! and thal ol the Mayor is bo ohviouo that further uhicrvatiou dom not beem Tl.ecli.tW sentence of the lati-st enactment having ma connection with lb? suhj?<t is Impressive evidence ihm the Mayor does not pot???? the ragyroted power of 1? iiiuval. NS ben a Coniioll.r who ims not autnorlaed his deputy " to possess every power and perform nil and even duty belouLlug to tin office of Controller bap? p. us to 1 ii. me aclUklly disabled by anv came ?10111 per luriaiug?uch duties himself, the Mayor is nu.;-ly an ti.oii.'.ui ii. tile ni record a ?etiguatlou eouferriugtb?? pontt* and impoting those dette? on the deputy ihm ?j. Kin''. 111 office ni De ( .\tic-loik,, UTI. <-? OCO.volt. m THE RIXG'8 REMEDY. WHAT CAN' BE DONC AT LAW Til (?F.T POMgg* mon ?a lill; CONTROLLER C nilli K-XO IMMKllIATE RELIEF 1 o.-sIUU; EXCEPT LI roses. Kow that Co&lroller Connolly positively tlc ellnes to lecome a" vliunoin MCr?eC" tot the sake of the Slap, ami bus pis?ed b.t office and all its dnnnuiiK e^ liWme In the hi.uds of u jWlhiaaa whose dlspoiltlon I* ?eil unutr?tood to be to ferret out the fraud?, the 'jiieetlon |,ropei:iid<<] by the Mayer v li' 11 ihe levi la?ona bl Tsii.uuniy lorriipiion fli-st burst 011 the Indignent people, " What ure j ou f> ibk to do about itt" re. urs will, i (< nu, r tifii (:, nM-e. 'lhere Is no (jin ellon tbht the lar., i,? It etiu.rtii, oy\yao |Jm (ontitllcr power to Uo v hal he htm dona in the uppolnliieiit of Mr. Creen ;and r.n 1.11< 11 pt to i< mi ve i'nni.oily ty sny 1 rotiss liiuwn to tu ian ? uvku ii? Kia* within* la the itfcaeat | ci Isis, even If surer ?sful. because their dc-dre, and their only salvation, is to obtain t'/imefffaf? and absolute pos? ses? iou of tho Controller'! Di partaient, ar.d all docu? ments, luniks, mid papers contaltii'd therein. If they can? not do thin, the means of proving Connolly's guilt and their own Innocenco will bo beyond their reach. Various suggestion? have been thrown out nstntho probable Moraeof the Mayor lu tim pr?tent dilemma. Impeachment, au Injunotton suit, proeeedingt in the na* tttre of a t/uo incrranlo, and even a wanda tana are spoken of-, but Hie tlrst Hue?' aro too slow, anil the hist Impoctlble, laaaranch na a mandamus only Itnuca t? com* niai'd a luib'ic ofili" r to do something within tboaropa of his oilba? whh li he lias failed or ni gleeti-d to do, and is no1 a reittraiulng writ In any sense. Tiio Inipeai-hn?? nt pi poota would involve no siisp. nsii.ii from office pending Um trial upon the chargea preferred. lu mm warranta proriedli'iTS an order of arrest may Issue under certain 4-,it ui'i-tai.ees, but, as (he accused mould probaoly lind lillie iliilii ultv In seciirli g his liberty lu bail, anil an ho could not be suspended 11 tun his office until a final Judg? ment was rendered agaiasl him, and the action must bo trieil the same ita any other, Dall and Bivi eny must s? ek some other way of st taring tho daraning n-eoiils of tin ir Joint eriu'cs which are In Connolly's bands. It might bo said further, that quo warranta proceedings mint l>o brought h/Hi? Attoi'Ufi-General, and with his consent, ir.i'l uiilo.-s he be uiul'-r tb? control of Sweeny and Hall, this would b? hu Imhiii nimmt.ilile obstacle at the very outstart. Au lidiinctinn suit might 1x5 oom* nulli eil ? but this, ino, is tn,,bl, tin? Hain? as any other act ion | besides, nu injunction simply restrains tho on? enjoined from doing any illegal action, or action not wubin the nope of ula authority; it lines not command ltini, as a vianttuiitui does, to do his duty ; nor does it de? pi ive lum ol or suspi nil lum from his Boee. This? pro 104 ding woulii, theiefore, ho useless, provided political considerations liAd no weight in Judicial decision?. Hut, " tlieie's the rub." Tlio Foley complaint chargoil Hall willi having hail a share lu Hie g-neial fraud, and the proof wat at strong against Lim as agilnat tbe other?? jet he Waseiceptetl, and it is taid that Judge Barnard lias intimated that It being the duty of the courts to punish thoa? guilty of criminal conduct lu this min ter, It may be necessary to make precedente, where noue ure to be found. The appointment of a receiver of a publie oillee is an unheard-of action. There Is no precedent for it; but it is run.Dieri that It Is lu contemplation to make a precedent in this respect,' in I'onnoll.v's case, and it lfl even said that Judge Cardor.o's subtle biala is to be used In the m.iiti r, lu the lu lief that be will be betfer ?ble thun any other to malu a ileclalim t. Inch will have the color of law, if nut the aubatante. Then' Is no doubt that what is left of the Blag are grow? ing d? sperHte as they see the State Central committee, will? the hi tier class of l?i min ra- , as well as < oiiimlly, who has turned State's evident i, ni rayed against tin ni, while the eli ?tions arc approaching, the time for holding the primai let expiring on tho 1st of October, and no hope of cleaiiMiig On ir s nilli ?1 honor or washing away tin- guilty spot? left at even step i xi ipi by the absoluto pntaeetion of tho Controller's ?file?. Whatever course they adopt, their action is likely to be sudden, if not l.-iic |eea. If the court? cannot bo used to help tbetu In their present uti ait, there is one course left: they may use tho poliie force, ehould their appointee ns Controller Bc 4'4pt, ho will, after taking the oath, proceed to the Con? ti oiler's ofl'i? e, and attempt to lake possession, Tills will be, of course, refused by the present lnuiuitient; if foreo be used, he ** ill resist It with force. They may then call upon Hie Police Commissioners for a body of men s iii?.? m to protect their man In biaMtumed rights. W lia. hidj lollow lu buch a case can only be tuiuusca. ANTI-TAMMANY DEMOCRATS IN COUNCIL ROOdETKLT AND Illa PAKTT ItKTIRK?TWEED HOMING CONTENTION AMONG Ula EXEMIE?. Tlio movemeut by tho Dt-mocraoy opposed to Taininany rule to overthrow tho lUng and establish a purer Democratic City Governmeut has experienced according to rumors and appearance?, the. forco of tho miers' power. A secret meeting of Democrats pledged to orpose Tammany was called for last night at Apollo Hall, Twcnty-eighth-st. and Broadway. At 8 o'clock, about 150 prominent Democrats from all quarters of the city woro In tho hall holding conversa? tions in groups in different parts of the room. From these conversations It could bo Judged that fears wen) ' entertained that somo trap had been lalil by Tain? many to catch tho Reformera, and at tho close of tho ?eettaf it teemed as if such wus really the case. When Mr. Nooney called the meeting to order there were present, among others, the following men of political note i Judge ilarrott, Samuel C1. Courtney, D. M, Koehler, John Laudornian, 0. (. Allen, O. W. Mofl?an. Itaibert Ii. Roorevclt, Geo. A. Barney, Win. A. Boyd, Juitge Blxby, Leander Huele, J. Y. Pavage, Peter Mitch? ell, Owen Murphy, ex-Sheriff O'Brien, and Ben. Wood. Mr. Nooney explained that tho meeting was called to organize a Democratic party opposed to Tammany Hall and the Klug which had crushed pooplo of overy nation* ality and political faith, aud proposed Samuol G. Court? ney as Chairman of the assemblage. Mr. Courtney wat elected, took his place on tho ttaud, and in his address said that he hail attended the meeting with the express purpose of lending all his aid to the project of destroying th" Km ?, nMl est ibli?hing in tim placo of our present rulers nu n ti ho would not bo dishonest, nor countenance dishonesty in others, Mr. Courtney then denounced tho frauds of the Taminuny Hing, and said that he held that the meetlug thould act promptly in putting into the field a party vi hieb should overthrow Tuinniaiiy rulo. Mr. Noouey followed Mr. Courtney, and, after expressing his couciirreiico In Mr. Courtney's denunciation of Tuin ii'.any Hall, moved that a committee of one from each ward thould be appointed as a Commit? tee on Organization. Mr. Roosevelt immediately said that he had been Invited to attend the nieeiing with ins fra ntl?, ami, as a committee, to consult with those opposed to Tainniauy Hall on the best means of bringing about Its downfall. He IhOOght that the Irtt duty was to consolidate i V4Ty oiit.-ule element, and make a party strong enough to cope with the nuu against whom the operatlon-i of tho puro Dcmo'-r.iey were to be directed. Tin re were four great 'Democrat? ic organizations Ito bo consolhlated, the Democratic I'uion, to which the speaker belongeii, the Mozart Union, the Letlwlih jiartv, tad the Young Democracy, and he suggested as an amendment to Mr. Noomy's motion to i have a committee of twelve, three members to be ap? pointed by the leading members of each of the partiet named. Ile prapoaed that Atnliew II. Oreen should appoint ihn e, Jielge Leilwilh three, Mr. O'Brien three, and Hine should be appoiuted by himself as leader of the Demi" r.itic Cnlon. Nooney, O'Erien, McLean, and Hut se all objected stiennou-ly to this arrangement. Mr. i'ooney laid peculiar stress on the facts that In the Hist place lb? proposition of Mr. Roosevelt was not Dem oiraiii, ard. in the nest place, it iuslnuati-d a lack of loiiUilence In the cli.i.rinaii. Mr. Roosevelt nrgiiedthe-e jsjints for half au hoar with the perrins above named, and during this argiimeut tho quef-tioii was raited as to the prevailing eli incuts of the assemblage. On Mr. Booterelt't side it was m lint aiuetl that ;ho Yoiiu^- Democracy were striving for the supremacy, and the speakers of the lutter clique held that they were not much la the majority, and that even if tin y were, Hnlr only object was to oppose Tammany. While Mr. Courtney was explaining his iuti ntlons, five young men enteied the room led by Tetcr Mitchell of the I.lghth Ward. Be said that a meeting of Lcdwith men had just been held at the Sinclair House, Broadway and Kighih st., and that a split had occurred, but that be and bis 'rienits rcprr-entcl Judge Ledwlth'a party. Mr. Roose? velt again spoke anil ssld that if he and his friends found that tho meeting was auythiug else than a caucus held to bring together all outside lim,,.?. >n? i a ck-tiit-nt? iii.'I lianil thi'iii against Tammany Hall, be wa* niist.ikon. The call of "ipiestion" brought Ihe matter to a erith. Mr. Courtney took tho vote on the appolutmeiit of a Committee of ono from each Ward, at a Committee of Organization, and it was tai ried. Mr. Roosevelt rose from his scat, and. calling on hu fi leude, at anea retired willi tlhiu ; but lieforo they readied the door, Mr. Courtney declared the meeting adjourned at the call of the Chair. Mr. Roosevelt went in search of .Tuilg? Ledvilth to in? duce him to define his p.silii ii, but failed to and lum. It was the general ?pinion of Demo, rata, not of the O'Hrlen partv, that Tweed, through O'Brien, had ob taiuid control of the meeting, and that the Young Denn? racy had lieeu used by Tweed us instruments to overcome. any opposition to Tamiuaiiv from Deinoerut*. It I? also ausp*eet? a flint Millhill anil his "committee " of bolters fmm tho Lad willi partv viere suit by O'Brien to the caucus at tho eiuclalr Boute to ?ote proceedings, and then appear in the Apollo Hall uicetiiig and anticipate any real commit? tee of Judge Ledwlth'a ailhereut?. Mr. BuOMTelt'a f rienits are to mi el the Led with yal ty on next Thursday, and arrange for future movement?. Mi. R4i?m veil liiiti with him at tbe Apollo Hall about .? lueu, in a littl. over ouc-tbiid el tua total numbet at Hie L.eiiing. The rest were members of tho Young Den oeimy, and a ft w who <laiuied to bo of no faction, I ut Democrats pure and simple. m THE DEMOCRACY OK THK INTERIOR ON THE , RINO. KOTTKVNF.4? IS NKW-TOKK C4jy, Timm io VesttstmtMmMMtlemi Tin -re i? Bouiethinf rotten in Hw financial , mitti. l> i f Ni w-Y??ik C.t.t. Tia bue mid i iv first lattvcd hy The Sew- York Timet, Horn s.mster mothps, uImdui Uio fraadala the payataatef eaeimtieaelalaiaby the county i anliityautl-.i.riiit-e. bat beea takenup by the paopte, . undi.ta publ!? nit cling, held Ht <ooper Institute, lue ! nthir nlfc-ht. u committee tee appoinicii to examine aud n i ort uiKiii'tbe rondlllun (ri the linanece of the city and I couniy. Meanwhile the argument lu th? injuncti? h case, liftran.lng the riintri'lsti inui paying nut nur uini*e ' niouaya at pr?tent baa been going on before Judge n-,r Liiiil,'whoyei.'.?:.!a.v ltiiiliiitl hi? utusion luakiug me , li, .nation ?ern aller.f. On Meininy tim ni sen very was niaile mat the Con- I tin ar hi.fb?? bad keen n*? ?cn lato by nakoewu i.imu.s I on b..iiday u.ght, during the ?ne? isul le abaence of Um ? watihrnnn. and a numler of hundes of voucher' for IM* and woai'itnuti-d. TWaiobbary ?preariaa to mac b I ti vira louiiieiit upou tLe Itjntreiltr, und Mkyer Hall i aii*if*?t*cU bim a ic.n.r i^iioauiig hit immciiiate asigna- ! th.n. Mr. Connolly In rej ly, rcBpeetfuQy decline? to re slmion the around thal l.yilolugsobowo ildbov rtna'ly eonfessln?; IneobarHesofmalleaaance made airniti*t bli i, alllett which he ?ay? ho ?en disprove. Tins uif.iirof tim robbery baa n very bed leefe ami does not Intrease tu? cotitiiii ne of anyone lu the Innocence of the "Rm^." wo nope at au earl* day to see Mosers. Hall,Connolly, ?weed, ?weeny * Co. vindicated, ?r tbe villainy ?f any or all of them tully exposed. Hie Hemm ralle party can not iiiiuiii t0 nttttu robbers, If ?m ii they bo j ?.id t??e ?oouer tho purty repud?ele? them the better. TAMMANT TO BK THROWS OVKKBOARD. r, o i **mi lht "'"?Aeiler fu?* trent.) On Siinilay ihe olih-o of the Controller w's ive mainiy io maine inemaeivosb n jiumio ejurit mm en activo and blfih-toued arnon? the prosperous id cultivated elaaec* In the "Empire City," the Imlnlstration of the Municipality, the Rnpodton W10 fact, that the Controller. Btrbard li. Connolly li a dkboeest maa and unworthy of pubUc trait The e\t ppneyi all? for hu removal at once from office, and io? lu? retirement for all time to como from The Vvleo of the peuple and from position In the Democrat!, party unless he em ch-arly establish hi? Innocence. Even his associate defendant, Mayor Hull, lu tbo suit lust com me need, recojpiizo? this necessity, audofflt lally calla upon him to renlaw. And at with Mr Connolly, so with all other ni*a who aro In? volved In these Ni w-Vork transactions, and who fall t<i vindicate themselves, lhatnetual fraurlt havebeen com. milted, coterul, perhapi, by the forms of late, there seem* to be little doubt. At any rate, such (a the popular con? viction; and tho Radical newspaper? have succeeded, unjustly, to he sure, In causing many people to bellevo that the Iii 'nuil i atie party of the Btato has some sort of responsibility for the action of men, heretofore prom? inent in It? councils, In the municipal affairs of New-York, control of which was niven them hy voto of their local constituency, euch boina the case, the Democratic party of the Btuto has a duty to itself to perform which It cannot forcf?o.and which will devolve upon the State Convention that Is to meet in this city on the 4th of October. It mutt ?in '. itleiillv and pointedly condemn and wash its hand? of all fraude provea or plausibly alleged airalnst i.ny of It? member?. In tnjing this we ?peak the universal ?entinten!, so far as *a e have heard an expression, of the Democracy of the auto. THE LONDON PRESS ON TOE SITUATION. WORP9 OF TRL'TI? AN'D BOBSBXSMi From The ?/mdou, Time*. fllA trim Altlionph wo ennnot see any Immodliito hope of relief foi-the citizens of New-York, It Is eneourairiiu,' to perceive that they have awakened?certainly not too Mon?to a aeaaa of their civil duty. Tho despotism of the Tammany Rid* hw been rendered possible hythe political cowardice of decent peoplo in New-York, and, If the matter la to bo mended even now, the citizens must 1k> prepared to make sacrifices,to incur odium, and, it may be, to face danger. Rut for this necessity they have mainly to blame themselves. If puhllo spirit bad bee: and BlllllllllStratiOn v. mi; muuiviy??,?./. mo i,uyi,i,ii,,ii of Um taxes, tho control of tho D?mocratie Party In tho State, Would never hovo fallen into the hand? of tho mon who now poasCM them. But. ?o far, the unechte! haa been done, and we aro afraid It will ti^o a great deal more vigoroua protestation than can bo embodied In a few speeches at a public meeting to oust the leaders of the Tammany Rlug from their posi? tion. It will require a Herculean effort, undertaken with determined courage, to heavo off this In; uhus from the richest, the most urogreaaive, an,<X tho mobt populous Stat? of the Colon, Unfortunately, the system of/?ration cn?ts tho entire fiurden on realized property, and the floating musses, the Irish immigrant?, and the loafers of every country have a direct Inducement to enlist uuder tho banner of Tam? many Ball, to'ont-vote ami, If needful, coerco the tox j.aiers. These have hitherto evidently thought It the netter policy to succumb; but till? principle of bending to every breeze may he carried too far. The position of person? who have either property or ctniraoter 1? fast ?becoming unendur? able in New-York. If the rule of the Tammany despots is tolerated much longer, trade and enterprise will leave the " Empire City," and prosperity W?I follow trade and enterprise. Already the corrupt policy of the King, which sanction? or organize? the most outrageous extor? tions on vessels during the quarantine ?eason lu the pelt of New-York, 1? driving commerce to other quarters. Bren the greatest natural advantage? cannot he weighted Indefinitely with burdens of extortion and corruption, ai the people of New-York will find, unies?, ?bauing off social terrorism and political bondage, they exhibit a de? termination at the next election? to get rid for ever of tho domination which now oppresses them. TUE OULIGATION3 OF EDrCATION, WEALTH, AND KKSFE?TABILITY. From Tke London lietel, 1th foti. TTow does the atat<i of things which allows of Miese enormous ?.vstematlzed'frauds ?become a possibility In a free community like New-York 1 Obviously, lu the first Instance, because New-York 1? governed by uni? versal suffrage and Is flooded with Ignorant Immigrant? who can obtain votes after a very abort residence. Rut this 1? only telling ut that a robber, und having no one to oppose him, can easily take pome? slun of your purse. The question is, how carne he by the weapon, and the certainty of Impunity 1 Huw caine Tweed and his friend? into possession of this power I Tbe only true answer mu.'t be, we fear, because of tho apathy and ludlflVreuee of tim educated and roi-pectablo citiZ'-n? of New-York. The typical hu?lness man of Wall? st, and Fiith-ave. takes no more Interest in municipal p.nltics und partie? than ho does In ihe battling of the rats in the ?ewers. Ho I? liunieraed lu buauicas, and cares only for bush es?. Hut if the men who ought to guide the action of New York municipal life are indifferent and disdainful, they eau hardly woudor that the Tweed? end Sweeny a colite In und make tlio most they can. one essential condition to the proper working of universal suffrage, especially in a etty with stn h a raw foreign element as New-York mi? ndi?, is, that eviry honest and respectable mau shall stick to hi? duty, give his vote, and do-hi? ?beat to keep up a si.uni ami nctlvo publie opluion. The education ?ml respectability of New-York can put thirim right ?r they only will It, and act patiently and resolute!v In that direction. Hut so lung a? respectante mou decline to op? pose ?Mr. Tweed, ?? long of course win Mr. Tweed ne happy to enrich burnell unopposed. The moral of the whom story Is, not that universal ?"iitTrnge nrrrm?rtir on gender? municipal corruption,but that universal sutirage enteilt on ?ducation and respectability a stricter atten? tion to pulule duties thuu any other?yatomdemand?. Hie Obiecl of the system Is to obtain " the rommon siiiso ?I all." It It limply given ove er to perversion and cor r ?lect to mm. iliute tlieir ?hare ? nipt Ion when intelligence and respectability .io. Um or -of IiifliirDrc- ami i-ouiistl. THE KEVADA EXPLOSION?.?IX KILLED AND MANY INJCRED. San Fr wrigro, Sept. l8.?There is no insur? ance on the property burned lu consequence of the ex ploslou ut IMoehe, Nevada, ou Saturday. The loss ex? ceeds $2.*),ooo. TI.ree hundred kc?s of powder in tho cellar of Pcteentbal A Co. exploded, leveling all the building?in the vU-lmty. The persons killed were Jere? miah Kirby, James Airucw, J hu Suinl, Win. Dodds, Miko Sin enan, and one other who is burned past recognition. A large number of persons wero wounded, Lncludtna H. D. Deem, John Cullen. Harvey Rice, Ja?. Walter, Har tholotnew Noonan. John Farley, Roi ort Watts, Archy M'llkean, John D.ilken, Cha?. Williams, MiU.r Juliau, Win. R.van, David Nagle, Miss Uary Trench, Ch-irliu Rosiestlen, PUL R. Richards, Win. II. Kimr, U. ti. Tohler, Robt. Shannon, limul Noonan, J.?hu Dougherty, Mi.'s Ranchan, Miss Fay, A. Boonoy, Fred. Haskiu,William Meron?, Tims. Kendall, ('has. ?-?chltltze, W. S. Cotton, and Dennis Sullivan, ali of whom aiu either Injured hy falling locks,.iarrcd by the, or bunn d. M.iny of the wounded will die. TELEGRAPHIC KOTES. ?Tho Pennsylvania ?State lair opens in Phi!a drl;?L.? to-J?y. _There wa3 one deuth from yellow fever in CliirlistiiQ jsi:?rd*j. _Th.-new school-house of North Village, Kew* ton, Mau., ?iu mtllr.uutly liurni-il to .siiuJ.y. hui>, ii" "-"'? ....Meiriam & North's pork-curing and packing I*;*' 1 ihiuri.l ia Souifidel", Uau., ut* oa tiuu-uy. Loti, ? ?,0?JU? lofUto.1. _A flock-mill, owncil hy Samuel Camp and John O'lirlen 1 (ir.iit Bini-fton, Kata, SIM BSTSSt.SS S?tur.jj-. Lo*?, t),'<*), minnie? |>/.''W. ....Thomas L. .Tosslyn. a trmler, of Charleston. tU., 1.1.5 il.i?niu t! it to ?n SB liSBinfsy ?n?un.(( jlJ r,wb"i o'. liuniiu-d J? liar? Un ?killi nu liteautd. ....The opening of the Buffalo Industrial Exhibi? dos titi I ? ? :i i .'??.; ii-.,.I ni ni tb ? r.rning. In ? ..u-.-.n?.-n<-* ol tli?: BBS* srnvsl of (ioT. Hoffm.n. ?Lo d?livsrs tbe opening MB ....Two children named Uiown, residing on Tay liiF It., CMSBSA Utm tkmOtkttoi ts ?1er111 ?in Sun-la? b* H'n.ike fruin * li. 'ii I?i rov?n whtie ill?-; had be* a lockri up ?hil?: 11.? uolbu ?bil c1 Lnb. ....The storehouse o.i Comstock'* wharf, at Mont ti'ir ??nn. asi IisibuI ss Csbssj TksBssskat ?fMtriVwfssjrlsM * iu ?iwk?imniwl; l' ^oolfti l'i-mp?nj, C?.-OO, ?u?l IX U. hsBtlMlS, it ]>ai?r roek, *1 :?1W. both SsBMBSSi _Ihe Committee of Matiaircment of the Quebec ???sits lue iii:rf??sl i Ittl-r lo Its BrttNtk ?mi Kfllv tren., ntw t li. ? H r Hirt ? liilif?! rrv* lut rg iel lol Hts<U,IM tout-ottel tt.e CftuL'.t tike yuet. ibSN t*.u< uoue otile llalif.i rt?wi to fomjwt?. ... A panv of meii. wearing disguises, early yo? 1?rliT uoreLir tnt*rr?lth?? Anhsti Mill it Heno,, t...Bnd uuj ? ml IUsaslfSMBMS ?wl drr.oJ ?t Itt po ?1? of ihr ...rcr.iosi (um II..- If ?.uri w?< ?oo? ?fl?rw?.-j ?MSftttt ?Um ii U?J Liri Lui.rJ 1,. Uir robbtn. who m-ifial. V J. Riaaar, the inland Lleutenant-Oovornor of iili.ii'li I'lfsliM ?n?l < h?'no?l u.' l.r R.|uU:cju tim* KSMBilfS i,?u,i. -i. hu s Idts? .tr.iiMi'i ???nil? 1st ytmrnatml t??<s?s t,ui ri HMrtial '??. Ur tbi-ik.U.r cul y" tt ,* implv ?uff?lrni io i. -1. ?? r,.?i st t ' ***n\ .n?l lb?; niiru.l l?w ?. * rim.t, ?oula la mant ti is O* tmmk ....The fair o{ the Illinoi? Swine Breeder?' Asso riilu.n ?ill rwsil tusUi. ?0.1 Sill toiiliuur fi.uiu?.,'. '. b? *t' I ? ?r it in ??. t" bt "??? I?'?.'? -! -?" n-'tl illrtriivi ol It? kisil met ?rta In ti.? n.nriif. Airr?,1. ful f tOOt ?? ne ?r-- on i'.?- liri.util, ?to?rsl i.u&.iit; he;-'ir.l !.. ?. Hu* ?od. ii?l s i?i,c Bumljtr inus Cunnii ?5.1 P?-nB??l>>^ i. _On Satin.tay night laot. 10 nia?ked men went to tu lis >? of \nU?i-o.i' IM. lung la Dit* GssBt*, Ark., iu<< io .. J?.!-. K?SsKilhll, ?w?J. II- -?? i.i'l ?H.n lu ?rl if ? sr* It tlinu,b".lc lu. I ?ti. ill ?liri K-?t:i 1.1,1 l*?B Ililli?'?lib ? T.L??? ?eu?B?B lo ?b.i' be ,?... to'.k-r ba i. iiuikt Morrnl |ki-ubi, liol? ?tur ar.i ri/li-r??:. b??o br--l UI -'.ttkmjktknm _'I be (' ronaiMiiuaof Examinen Con bo!'? S|?.r. ??.I I'.rk-, rr,,nll? ,|to i.i?. Li Il.r C?BSHst Bri "f V :,.... in < i.ii M I! r .. ? ii.., i i -? ? ' ? ra lo tur .:-lru?- it tim-.-'t* et , M? r? r..S,-l,?, ? ,|?.'.i . ;i?, | r.i?.rejn the P?u-l 0?<t li?r i rtBul.iit'r? ; ll.r ,, Arru ii at ??-'?. I.??.l-l rrni'r r?l linn rrp-il id?.??? 1.? Mr. N, lou. Th? <Vu.b ?? ui.,1 U? Lol tri U??S ***' MU?? It ISS il?? FOREIGN NEWS. FRANCE. IBBIO?I RAILROAD ACCIDENT?NINE KILLMJ" AND MANY INJI'RF.D?THRKATKN. D PAILUHK OP TIIK KKW CISTOM3 TUEATV?THK BUD" TJOXS lull COLN?.ILS GENEI?AL. l'Aiiii, Monday, Sept. l8, ML A Bciious r.iiltviiy accident occurred to-day at Oainplguy. Maa pusoiis kl.lcJ, und a larg?? number wounded. The failure of the new Customa trer.ty with Oerronny is imminent The Cbrman I'lcnipoti ntlar>t object to tho alterations in the text made by tho A-avmbly. Thii Lfgitlatlvo Commlt'eo of Twenty five will hohl weekly sesslont. In tho Intervals the I'n-sldtnt or Vlex-Presl dent of the Comnilttec will leprescnt Hie*. Couut Von Amlm dined with Lfiaahh ut SUaea ou Satur? day, The press urge the pc- pie to una ami make an active canvass In tho coining clee tlona for the General Council?*. Tho pcoplei of the provinces aro counseled to bo careful in their choice of candidate?, so thal the r? ..-nit of Hie elections may show how the country stnnila on tho gi cat i|uettlons which now agitato it. Tue electlona will bo held on the 8th of October, The dltbandment of the National Guard is proceeding quietly, a dispatch from Marseilles says the Governor has been summoned to Versailles to consult Mttttt Presi? dent Thiers upon the question of the ditbamliucut of tin? National Gu_irda in the department of Bouch?e du Rhone, The mortality of Paris last week waa about 100 les? than that of the prenons **eek. Den. Changamler, who bat been very ill, has recovered hit health. It ia rumor, d that M. Leon 8ay has resigned his seat in tho Asw-mbly. THE ?OORIA. THE FRENCH MAKING COMMON CACSf. WITH THE AMERICAN*".. Lonho?i, Monday, 8- pt. is, ifc,i. A telegraphic dispatch from Btanghal Bay? The Courier of that place announcea that the French diplomatic representa ti ve in China h. s received a tele? gram from hie Government directing him to make com?, mon cause with the Americans In tho war Corea. ITALY. CELEBRATING THE LIBERATION OK ROM!-:. - Rom:, Monday, 8. pt, l8, ls7I. It is said the R< publicaus aro preparing for a celebration, on the 20th iust., of the flint aunlversaiy of the occupation of this city by tho Italian troops, hut no disorder ia apprehended. It It semiofficially stated that the d' ti lency in the revenue of the Kingdom for tbe present fiscal year will probably be covered without the imposition of any ne* taxes. _ AISTRIA. MM?VLT? OF THE IMPERIAL CONEERKNlES. LoMjON, Monday, bept. l8,1871. The Austrian Government haa sent out.? circular to its representatives at foreign courts, inform? ing them of the results of the lia.-t. in and KAlabnr?* Conferences. The contents of the circular liavc not yet been made public. _ HOLLAND. OPENING OF THE STATK8 GENERAL?PROPOSED REORGANIZATION OF THE ARMY. The Uaijie, Monday, Sept. l8, 1OT1. The Dutch States General were opened Ui day by the King in person. The royal speech promises ? reorganization of tho army, and a reform in taxatl'.u, and felicitates the Chambers upon the condition of tim foreign relations of the Kingdom. ? AT RICA. DR. LIVINGSTONE HEARD FROM?AMERICANS 11LU1.YING TO HIS MUET. London, Munday, left l8, 187V Advices frcm Zuuzib.Tr announce the nceipt of positive intelligence of the safety of Dr. Livingstone. Tho authority for the statement is uru'utstiunable and its truth certain. A party of Americans aro burrylntr into the interior willi the object of mai ala?! the Doctor from his perilous positiuii. Rr&SIA. LuNDO*?*, Mond v, *-f?,t, l8,1871. The RiHsiiin nevvspiipern pei.ei.i?y are now vigorous in their attacks un Prussia and Gii? GRKAT BBITAOr. THE **TRIKE*>?SPREAD OF THE CATTLE !>f*-EA**E. I/*m>o***. Mon lay -, left, is, mi. The demonritrution in favor of the mon on atrilie, which was to ha?? taki n placo in* square, London, bus been entirely u! ..::?!? !;? d. M.riy foreign workmen ai o dally anhing Bt .?."? \u..i?ilo anti Gateshead. Atain.i*s nnctir..*oi Hie .\ m -Ucwoik? men yesterday it war- res ilvt??l to eoatibue a.v -trike. Tho King of the llrlgliiaa has arrived at Rytte. Hi* Majesty was not well, andion-cpn-mly iiop.i'.il..- .b in.?u si Mitions were BM4t on 1? - a. ris al. Tho foot and lunn; li ?li tate ia tuptdlj ?pn tilugtamtsMeJ tbo cattle in Noilolk. TREE TRADE LAMRXTH?COI LIEUT AND Ol V ( i.TTON EX 1*1.0 *10.V ? ClIOLl I A?MR. EAi AKO TAYLOR. [i!n?:i oci OWtt co'iiv.-T.'":' i London, ?**<pt. T.?Mr. Gladstiutc i ?it last safely euseonceil in ?den Cattle, Iii ? o natrjr ?mee, and is not knoera to t aateatplata any f irtheri awri BteMt for some days to i onie, his journey fi?i,u Wi.ithy w:s marked by siiigu'ur UM 1? ntl u. 1I?J 1.1 ide but 4iiiti speech, which w;is at Waki-lleUl, where t l.'i ral A?*1!? ciatiou pfisdit ii liiia M?h an add**i ??. ?All that ?ni aallafpoUHeamajrpatt without aotice,tint yoe* will find iu hi* suced? a tttMm iiidlcition of the naslety tall about the Impending u?.-w dop:.??.ure lu ?rVanee ea tho subject of r. co Tra.le. Ka tea* ?? with axtreoM pata*1 the Governiiient Of Fcinee, "alth .i,,:i in the li. ii i*.? of persons of great ability," taking a " n-?co-r.?rta course." He lind- it *' very s..J" to ?Tttaeta thl -" t bega* Why ! "Pacata If farther reiatiletioiiaha Uitiedttccd lata in?} coiiiiui rx-ul -y-ti'iu of Praam. M must tuftf free? ?% our trade must be ina i ai lulu denne dlialalthed ami hampered by tlie*e nu.ins, .uni .i ni.?the Uiiniiuliou i?f mi iirailaand wr ilthauitt follow." That [t .i rank mtt* fesslon fora FiceT...?!?-! to N i I t':< lone of ;t diminished by hi* su'.'sct?uent dei 'nr.itio.-.s of lOgn t ? ?r her-juke also, and for the sake of i ivi.i/atl? n. AM that may be t ken for graatodi tln-y aro the eaattMO ptoeea of Fiei-Trade theo ri lil. What is C4itain is that Mr. Gladstone is not alone in lookk.-g forwaid Mata grave ap pri>hcn?ioii lo the inilui-nce of French protecinu upon British trade an.1 manufacture?.; wldeh otV I cam et aro affecting also. Nor neeil we ment the bap rtini nee of which Mr. Oladatoae, no itoubt une? ne linly, is guilty lu his rcferenco to America. It is the Free-Trade fashion toas?uuic that all whoare not of their faclonare sel tish and stupid, and .then Mr. Gladstone "vc. tired to express his regret that th?-re it not that prevalence of enlightened views upon tho tubject in Aiu?*iieM that we desire," he li less off? ???ive In expre?*?'on than mo?i Englishmen on the same topic. Ho deeply raret?, also, te find " In our own Colonie?, Ycry ttron-' und eontlder able tendencies toward the M?MM?MMl of what we call the cxploilotl >y-?ti in of Protection." Well, we netxl not much miud tin- han! words. Even Englishmen anu*t bogia to see that a ?.y?ten? which counts the United States, Russia, France, and the Colonies of Great Bri tali' herself among Its disciples, may endure the critiqua of ? people disappointed in ttt hope to control the laduetry and monopolize the commerce of the rest of the worW. It is but a few dayt ?viace we irere horriHed By ?ha Stow market gun-cottoa erplotlon, not many weeta tinco the last colliery explo?lou, and yetterday another -?rat added to the leug list of Summer tUtattors. It oecnrrt*<l ?bout 11 o'cloclf in tho mornla?, near w*l?>u?. at ******* Pearson A Knowles'? mott plU.ea Brynn Mott, la the Uiwntblp of Ince. Thete eoUierlee bare ?^^,^_! a repuiatlon for careful mannao**-???*. *** ?? ******** 12*7* U were .??k>m ?kio. wWch ********** ?ears ago. when em****? *-*???? "?2 trict All that it vet knowa of ye?itot?ilay t catattropho m?v l?eb ieiytola. Two aeam* tto worked, called tha ??S tmlthe CiAaneLthe former about te? nffZti the .?rfivee, the latter aearly ?o. Both theae have been wurta?! of late through the down-east .bau a tk-iriy of siutart beluf engaged lu carrylnf tha m*t**a*m? bo a grettet depth. While two of thoa wire going down yesterday morola? to Join their party "fctao Fltth Te?-*?