Newspaper Page Text
Ot-rnccmmt?, etc., this -Pitfntnf. Botmt* : :i:.\Tiu.--"'Th-1.? lil l>, t i ?iv..." L.uta. Kim Avisan Tiifavi.,?"!>? ? re ?-" (-touro o.i.iiA Boon. ? ?*? Usily Uooft?** Gus rbi p*. NiKixi's O ?**in ?*?*.?"C r.l.'' .1. K. Eli ic\. Oi.YMii'j Li?i:\Ti it.?" Hum? ,v D.-.nptt." 0. L. Tot. Htam " ? Tt-r.-Oci; :.n Oj ? ra: "The r-ustillioii of Ltal m i '. CHIOS . t, '..:.. TlinATEE. Bil ! *;'ir- Mill Faiito t iii? Ti Wai . i . Ti i iti a. "i ' " ?." :.:-??l..\.' Thol?i?aoo Awnti ? ?.? J ??"!:. -i ". ?. i" ?..1 :-. -. ; pi-nt-i -.-- -. . . ,i. <'i **rri .i I ... * Uah : ?:. ? (? < i. "::???-?.* > - V ? n ?, Ni v.- ??" .' A:!'*?, it *.'.? Vi it-i ?-. lSrrathru*?* ai.i I ?i-i | . i .. STU! v. ii ?ii..- ?". n-vr". Vi .: ' I'l* 0 '??* ' :' .c ero : :???!". :-i' ?'. 1 ? K ?-> ? 1". 1 I Tra r . ? ? ? . . , ae ? ? t i 't lr -'..? I- . r . .. .,..11 ?. '.' le . I , I ,r ..... |; .... I' ,, I ? i .r - : ,. : ; ?ti. ii ? t ?_ '. ? *. ' . .,-,... .. , ' ' . , . t f . ? :. I. o. .1. . ? ? ? ? ?'la i. ? . 1 ?. B li.?,: *.?*.-. II ?o'. i ? . ? . i.; I , .- - ' t in :' ? ? ' - ... ??. ...... . a. i ?clary, '????. 1, ? . ? ,\"?| .*.' ". ? IX?, M 'n ? ' .', .' ' ?'. ' , ,'? ? 1 1. '. " 1 -? I ? ? J. . .t : J? .*?'. I* rt. ii .i -, ".?./in \ : ?? - w , '".?* Y ?early O .*.*ll lTl.4 - ? II ? . ??? r ' '. ?ii ?- j ri v., : ' Iii 1*5?1 . 1 ? .... J.i Ml . ( ' . ? . . .. i i ? ..-? r.? i ? ti i_' ?_, ; ?; ....,, i ,V_'. I*"' \ .: : ? " V il R'il - '. ., ??1 it***r uni ii i, i 'ti- . ' ? ? ' i. ' i s ?*>*?? per m i.i. ' .. v t 11 si ?? g * . ; ; ?. J'*-!1 '?' " ! ??.. :' ? . "?? "?..- ??' 91 p -lin*?, ???"-? i.Vi .nil m . ."? ' . wills "or ?ii.u. V . 'in 1 ...'., .?-1 , C'.', .. . , il: "a ' V< ' '.'. -, At ? ..i...h,. ? ..? ...u.i in t"...? pi per. 'I i-, i New-York. '?i. ? ' ' ?'?? Letter?) f: . i Ti.<* nn*} tli" I? >'''i > ? . - Wi.Mi ..?*-. '. o F. rum of '- ? , ?-'.i ou i li ? ?n ?i ; ? v- , :??. are ? ? *? : ??in,?? ) Il ? .:. !'? .-, . , ? i ? "i. \ . i f..r '.:. ; ? ? I ":.' ? ?I:?* *? I ??? li r? , .? will ho' t.. ? (Jt ,.. i ! .i,i Iplc of ' 1 .? ?i ...-.,. . . ?i." a.. i> t, ?> UV ******** A ^ ^l^'V-tltla*? TUK.SDAY. BEPTEMRF.H io. 1871. A m ii ins mill y ni(i.'r::t has o ?tii:r..-',l iii l'i net, i it* ? j?*-* Minai, lau ?illili ni, I .-?*. .i ?1 i../in*?!, 'lu, t ?, t? na fur CoutarllaGeneral *.\.J1 t. k ? pine? on th? oiln.?! <: t ?' r. T.i French fore -mi:., l; that h ea t.iiittr-ii it? i. '?;, rat? willi in* Aiu?i?-:?i? Io tim m *.r vitli ( tir.'H. s a part**of Am?ricain are hnrryin?*lo ?ii-- rt i' i ?*. Dr. i.i. i?v-ii..i., ii Africa.-i^i?. i-aitla lil 'I- in | l .;?! U-* iii l.ilai . 11 !. TaTciilj :i-?.* eouvlc-lt have neaped frfrm t' n. I: ? Prit n, ??. .i ii -i>* i. .te ;?., iii \\i\.i lui* (.n t.:.-, jli i.i,.j wine "KonuJ ?!. - T? ....>-.-in. uew ..??? ol t:inll-ii?i\ vu. n ported lu Lo? ill yi *t? rtJay. - Bia ii. a were killi ?1 and aiauy li?Juit*?l bj Ibe Ritupowdcr r\]tl?'-i ?n ii. 1 ii? I.e. Nt*\;iit.t. ob mi... !.i?, -. - 'ii.. Aiia'-lito ?r.* t?- i.i twobleaumt i-i Al waa. ?- Two ?Wea wi r.' ?i,i?.?in U in Lake M. aikita, v, la. A'itinw li (irn-iiiaiii poNM-s.ion of tbr* Controller*! lulu t*. hikI < ?.liiiolly r?-lii4f-i lo be remoTcd by Mayor IlalL -? * T!i - Ciiiiinir'? Jury Killi) *r A G?.l?l ftt iiiiiiilt n . ?..-iti.. fm Hie rzploalon,and iii.- fortwar waa in-ld la tio.'Kjo ball, s = Tim New-Jer a?-.- *?ia(4- Fuir ?pent ?t WaTerlej lo-dajr. ???a C'unloov li?.i;?i* l. ?r m ? v.t re tittil ti t'i Hie biate Conti atina al r*.iu< ?i*, i - - Tilt rull Tlcltlll|,-iii('l:iia.l'i*i,'-iii. i H?. t V.I..1 l*ark. ?aa ^ it. 15. I{.,iiM*\i*lt ill.-i Hit f, 111.-,, i 1-5 villnlivtv lioiii n nid-lii'f* of Aiiii-'i,milli my 1). ., i la. , Tin* IBl ?? k I.'\t!iaii'*n witt, r* oj?i ned after bein?; i ' ?I Iwa i. mia mr nilttluff. c?i (juill, lli|, lnj, liij. T.. nu au I i. f.i?, it*?, i.j . '111 ti action of tlio Conrentioiu Dight Tra!*} judicious. Tlic- gentlemen nom iii.ii.-d cn now (niii'tly auaii the developments of tlie nest ffirtiiight. In this Btormj tiue, there ia no telling what new conditions may r mound us, with any d.iy's work at tbe City _ Tlic j?!??><*? ?i.i._r-? at the flection of delegntce in tlic Twi.. ii th Al semlii", Diatrict in il-tit-, city, 11 ,t i; iii, afford a lair example of what may l?u e\j; ol' t from a manhaliug of Custom lluuae ii. is in iluse Ward meiiJ:if'S. It is imp?t il 1 foi fail :,i ss and decency to prevail in an*. ;t- l'ih?agu where these willing toold are sent. ________________ Lil iit.-i'ov. I?iii--or of South Carolina docs no1 like the proposition that martial law he proclaim d in nny part of that State. He 1 Iiiuka the remrdy would he worse than the ?linca.?.", and that the civil power is amplj uniicii nt to repress disorder. The result of tim patrolling of Spartanharg County shows thal o:*..y military furcc eau keep peace in the conutiy. ________________ Dcmhh'M's v.!io really desire to unite in a B*??id celi:::ui against Tammany are not likely to have an easj tin.e of it. At a meeting of anti-Kin,*-' Dn'.ioirats, held last ni-,*lit, it was toon found that the Chief Conspirator had r.ian; ?/;??(. to lay his hand upon the wires 60 that ihey jangled out of tune. Our Demo? cratic friends v.ill need help to shake o? the incubus of Tweed and his gang. The Committee of xventy ure requested to nu. t lo-il y, at noun, ut tin* Chamber of Com uictct'. No graver crisis is likely to be pre? sented to tin ir attention than that now offered In the -condition of City affairs, and no graver miituke could be made than mi attempt to shield i'ii.v one of the municipal robben Bow inly ?t the mercy of an indignant pullut*, or t<> conquer them hy conliding?m o'.'itr? rq illj as ami much hungrier. Fioiu Sliaoiihai, by the way of London, we tM Informed that France is ready to make comm m causa with the luiti d Statis in a var with ?Corea. This is probably a faint re? ce i io of the war-talk which has prevailed in this country since the fust bombardment of the Coi at hirts. We have hr.ivdy gotten over our war fever? however, und the war paint h-A iVcn ruulied off. Since misfortune loves ?i-.uiipuity, we should be dcli^hUd to see France try the Corean biihiness, us W6 did, alone and ?unaided, it at all. Hui it is not lik?*ly that the United Siatcs will meddle Milli that lire ?gain. _______________ C;?-u. Butler is said to find as muck pl-earrare in a Kale of wind as another busy and un scrnjinlou** pcrsonage is reput'd to ; and he is t4*iuiiily having his fill of fun now, for the stumi waxes furious. The laut bit of glorious enjoyment flung out at the redoubtable Gen? eral i-i a <li|jjnitie?l disclaimer by Senators Wil? son and Sumner of their cub it ?nmg any de siic foi lbitlei'n nomination by the liepuh of Mawacbusetts. They go fur.bei ?ind d thait his iioiiiiu.iiion as Uovoiuor v ..??I he hostile to Hie bett interest? of tho Common? wealth sad ot the Republican party. Gen. Batte? bu himself only to thank fur thin 1 lug publicly disgraced by a ?ort of liuc-aml cry which in Rout after liiin. lint a? ho pro fesses to like assaults ond persona] feriticiau) ?i.-v Ilion anyiliingin life,lio will,doubtless, rev * :it. receiving t'.'is 1.. ? shot from Hie Mu ,. ].',:? '',iA ti',-i, j r?rn. V ;-. '??'?'?-?i -. ? i (Tie V 'ii presi In nwrl . i . 11 ?til i. ; ti :? Importa? ?<? ?vit-: wk'ch 1 , '<, :i ? ? e?! ' y foi Cum eil* .? :: ; I ? Im ' . ii by caiiii ??'. a. ii- n. ? . r In? ne I. ', the ('ii.iiicil-s-i'?-1 ral nro ' ? ?? ??Hi ?id i'"'i f. :. ' ;'.<, V. 'Al i -y ? : ii, ?i.i 7'. .- I; ?' I; (uren of Hi?' I) |i ,.,?? :'-, !? . ia co v.iii'U in ? '?' ;:1 u.Tiiirx. ', . , v. ?lu .'. ? ' : ;.' el \:.i the I? . 'iii Of i na v l.ic'i \ii Hy nd'eel 1, ,? ?i*1 ?" ni I'n :??, i! i , c' y to i . \e the ill if,ii ns lo ?? i ?'? ;.'. n t.-ei of Hie f "'ii r of the poo 1 i !" i?i' ?n 111 ? ' " ive i;; Iii ra. We world like lu :'!(' E?c'j ." ' ? ?VC i'.'MV," 1 Of R j) li? ) .- .? '.-. i in. de ii: I ii ace iii.;: Ilto dec ? ii of ? '? ??'..! legisla! ; ; t l>3 i i:itle ,i snrn i ' x of ],?:' lie ? ?ti...< ?j on ti: ? proposed i .i .lii.Uioa o? i";.- I; 'midie or tlio Empire. "The-Mormon I'mlili-in " han no1 he n so imn'.ii ilihcosHod ol lui", li:'? ii crop? o?t kow '.??"\ t), ii. Our pondi'iii Qt 8. ' 1. '?'? ( i'y 'iii given ii i.: :.' i i*- r, |? r willi pilb? il, a fair rtoux.c of ilic gi ni; al sitiuition, ?'??.'i lit RpCCinl ri 'o '?? nr ? tu ]? 'h-"i',:y and :' ' v iy* Bu; y -,, i i. r it. mid mc ?? Ii i i .'. >?? -y, nud ;.. iii ' ?y irae, (hal the moral -, of dab hove no1 ii ?> ov?-d siuce the mining ? ,'? m ?I ' :? hu lliitl 'T ;;, tiii of . ;:< ? i ; -t , wini i. ..-t courts and inpede ,i -i' '.'. Indi eil, ! ie \ \'? i' re of life ? i I li ? i i y of t!,e Kain ??, as !. vc presented, Li fc ii ', ?!? illirie live nor u c mragin.?. Bul \'. c m a/air i;- ?.iel ;..( when the nnovatid Co : ?, gel ni liic i". rita of poly'rainy, lhere i ?ii . -c ,. i vero v, r. ..In willi i'. ii evil. A i ?i ? ; '" ram Bay:; th'.ttbc Grand Jury now .i i'i:? ?i i.i.? eli ?1 in ni ide up with i pin '.il i r i. .? ? ni trains (lie cases ivfciicd i>> m the ! t. i u! our com?pond 'iii. Mr. Jacob Vnrdcrbilt was so sara of tV" safely ol llie \V< I richi'* hoiiti thal he woald ; , r silting ovir ii io resting m any other place. So Mr. Charles Neilson, li.,- pateiiiec of l?ic t?:?;('.ii which Ililli-.1 li.?l a <!? s n people ?n. I wrecked a building in Bcikiuun-sl., the other day, considers these playthings perfectly harmless; he would have them in his suire; indeed, we must surmise that ho enjoys the companionship of (lie explosives which poor ? mg Jiiuwn and victims ol the 1er found so deadly. Yet the Wt I field boih r blew np and killed ncnily <ui. lu liilii'el peoi Io j ?Mu! Mr. Neilson'! torpedoes? harmless as they arc?have flain Unir share. Probably Neilson who sent to San Fran? cisco several packages of nitroglycerine, looaoly imloset! in a wooden packing-case, t ong'it the queer stnlT quite safe? bul ii ?": p?odcd in an express, Ulled five or rix Dun, ami dcmolldied mach propeny. li is plainly unsafe to permit the cvli! ace of inter ci ed "oNpi'its'' to weigh one feather in any investigation in* to the responsibility for fatal disaster. So thought the jury in Hi?' llcckman bt. explosion; anti theirvcrdicl pula the blame ou tlie toi p. do manufacturers. THE SITUATION. Controller Connolly romulus nominally ni tin head of his Ui-paitinent. Mi. Green i.? really in charge of tiio archives, which he lum kui v idored to the iuvcaitgfl ion of tho ( um mil ee of Seventy, ('?vu. McClellan, al lud -i a(i\ie'o?s, luid nei?ier accepted nor ilecliiK'il tho ruinons prominence which Mr. Hall wishes to ?ive bim in tliii deaperatc struggle of the rogues a'.'.'ii'ist the honest men. Tammany is losing the last ?(?ios of the menai sup]Mirt which it liad among tin' jioojile, and ils position is non- considered n itily untenable, 'lhere is no shadow of law ir..on lite side of the claim of the Mayor. It is haul io imagine what can have bein the le^.il advice upon m!i?c!i he founded a step so reckless and absurd. li is lniw highly proliablc that (he only juris! he eonsnlted was (hat remarkable legal lumi? nary A. Oakey Hall. We ?lo no1 pretend that he would find au adequate off-set in Mr. Charles O'Coii-.t, but we ?lo print the hiller _-i ntlemau's opinion as tho best we have. If will be seen that it precisely sus? tains th<- view taken by The Trim ne in its issue yesterday morning. The law was expressly framed to protect tho rogues of the Bing fruin any \possible spasm o? virtue or honesty in the minti of the Mayor, an?! now, in the most singular way, it becomes an in? valuable machine in the hands of the citizens t?i pit-vent tho alarmed conspirators from re? modeling the administration to suit th? mselves. It is to bo hoped that B day of reflection will induce them to give up the unequal contest. Tiny have no support in the law, none in popular opinion, none even in the sentiment of party fealty. Th,y aro baffled at every point, and tho sooner they recognize this with the fewer stripes will tiny be beaten. TUE TROCRLR IN KEW-YORK, Delegates to the It publican suto Conven? ti in were duly chosen and a?cri?lit.-d iu this City a week ago. Last night a set of con? testants vere chosen under the direction of the Custom-IIonseorganization. Why? There never was a time in the history of the Repub? lican party in this State when, with harmony in its councils, there was a fairer prospeet of success. The enemy, lately afl-powerful, is wasting his strength in internal finds, and if brought into action at all under leaden not foredoomed to defeat can only come by means of the most dangerous of all maneuvers, a complete change of front in line of battle. \\ hy are we not ready to seize ko splendid an opportunity 1 Who hinders it, ami thrusts this morning upon the absorbed attention of tiie State the discordant wrangle of a contest? ing Republican delegation. The answer may l>e given in a word -.?Thomas Murphy. Wc assoit distinctly that but fjr the niul d'in^ of this man, fliiel his bolt when outvoted, thiiie would to-elay be no break in tho line of New-York City Repub? licans. Cornell and the rest but do his bid? ding. 13,it for his determination to rule or ruin, fie consoliilaiiou of the different Re organizations here which the State l invention ordered would still exist. The qm -lion litre is not whether Mr. Fenton or Mr. Coukliug shall have the advantage; wbetb?t Oin. Grant or 6^,">.l.'i?'r"'.y else shall be Cid Republican candidate m is;.?. Ii. ?.- issues will come up iu their tune.", ti.ey ure not in this campaign against tiie staggering and bewildered Tammany Democracy. Mr, Thomas Murphy requires the fi ',??',, m.? oi thii City and <>i the State tn '. : ??: ? - i "? ? ni follow hi * li atti r .:? i... oi a ..? ? . - instil, ii not defeat, as the consequence of questioning his authority. And who is Mr. Thomas Murphy T Perhaps there is no bettor timo than tho morn? ing which carries to tho Slate tho news of his effort to fono hi? contesting dele;;.?lion up.m Iho Stato Convcii ( on, for answering the question, by consider ; iiir the suggestions of tho following letter from an earnest Republican oi the Ulterior, w?io?o mute, ii given, would commaad the uiiivt sid atltuliou i ) w! iib, ne auy rat;*, h,i i que I" US ave ? .'ii,!..! : y '. ii* Kd I tur at fit Tri ;? mop. [ Biri Cui .vim infi'i .1 i ? liri uti i hw '?ni ***** tim ? , y _? \,,-,- ..I v ii: it. ii i : ?* folie ; ? Pin i '???' ?? ). . I . ? ' ( - l,'l -1 |.? fallt I'.ll ?. i . ?? 'ii?l '??ii I* :' h-i.'i. :???]- i-iit T. r- 'i v.. I';-? :i \. ,':?? lui .??;'? r -i. it? i i-' J" roi ? tv C'ii. rm ?? ? "f Hw r ? ? ? in ,? , ? , i ?. .1 i i i. Mm] i !' ?"'???' a' ' ' i n Ii-iiii : . i. ;i.''.. .m i rim , I ' . : i I '! ? * -'? ** i- -t i -. i. min i :?" : tor Iii? D?i io? o i il i. ' ? ; I t III? \ ... Sa ?'?'Hi 's' ?' ' ? "I li m : t i. I.,- to iii I ?f ?? "?'? '?'??' ??* n . i-i. l?. v.'. t 01 -.i ill" 1 <<> in.' I--""' "? ''? ef lit,-;, V ? III of Hi?' ??"?' ' II? ?' ?I '?? ?' ''r ,'. j ?( ! ) i! ?ii'il.:;- tl;c li'?' ?: '? , omi thal lie II H li. ? ni , i. : i 'i ; v.i. i 'I'?. " i ) In II m ?? '? t ,:-,.,, ; ? , :? iiiiii-r I itjnli (. ? i -i.i ' i li mi futa li i . i-,,,', .. , . .), in. ! Ill ?I li.v 111 ?<? o;' r ,i 1 I I ? ! . ' ??:- i- .. i i wi ?, li li i I' : U IiiilLn ru., -n ill) : li ioi'ly ] ' i???' ??i i< ! n".i i ? - ' ' . ? m Tv nu y \ !,i m i. ? u li ii ' li.ih 'iM-.i'irjin lilli I.l I!. K. ('. ft I ! , I ? n ' , i . ?? ,\ i?' |1 ?? -., ::r ? .iii. ,ir- \ our to " ??:.'?. "I'' ' " ??.vi I I ?? ii ni i ill ?? '? ''.. , Hi 'I WO o' ii"- ? "ii ii' v " I :? .\ Cily ?wiill ; i-. "> nu ?: i .'i'ii.i (in- Irwin i ?? i , i mi p. lourd, I Jil. * u. I in t.. ? i I. t:. 1 ,i. A\ t.i" 11?'. .? we r.'.i'.v i " it tim' Hu '? ? pul lienus of C. ' e'ltj t k no v. rf !?? t i til Mr. .'??';?!, hy. '1 hey do no1 o'' al thal be is ?..i i. '.. ?. i?, ' ni e, iir they welcome mid honor i i ion from all ? ? ?. They do no1 bj? ! thai r? is ; Crar.l ma?, foi ni my ol Iheni . ???; i or im' be i;. a ('?lui.lie ' man, f >r soma oi Hiern are, m:d they lwii< vo V; it he ia as i ! ?y t ? li ?ray ( n iii ", in Hi i i. ! of another a"<l ri ire fci ii ' le n spiral :, ns lo i ipp< I hi n. Hut Iii .di i'".r ? to ab ?! ian i ii ir r {Ciliar o? r ; . /? lion lo mci 'i t' .- i; " ler.?iip and I di >w hi ii ? I ? , |:n of o i-.'.n \,./??. 3 public rec.? ?I it (? ?j I . .t'> ! inlet] ."i in i ?io ;?" ?'. " ???'? I ?ling ?j . !i i :?-. Tiny asi: frieu Is in I .- int 'rior l > cou '. ' ??! 1" al n? ?ii', ja? e iv h t her ?Id i' I i oiij lil lo ha re; ' ? !/? ii und ?m >fil as lia Wat'wi i id Lew- V?u '.. i? pii? 'i. j:,.'.:.i. I. I tt true t!. it Mr. Murphy In. nt,l nlv ii , cr often, l :i r ne to i' ?mi lit an pi iu i] . ??. Ila bein y ! ns in l!ie L igi ' . i?' ; ho b - 11 ??;,?? d ns in ?he Uopnblicnn or? ruizallons in t: \.\ eily ; he betrayed us ni Um- ,' die. 0:i V. e 5! li of A? ? ii, II '-, he \??i' ?' ?ii tiii .-:t .:?? S'euatc ?r. iii; ; the i ? i lion asking our ?'euators lo v. le for tin |. ? . e ol' the Civil Ki ?'. s hill j over ila" veto of Andrew Joh:?, m. liol voted n; lii.M Hie resolution in favor ?o' ti..' li.ii for ii pai:?ii suffrage i'i tua ! islri.'l ol Ctdtinibiii. lie hi !.. d break np l'?. Ia pi:'.,, i ?. m T..\ ('o'.:i. ; sun, oil a bargain liiui he a.ii U. s. I ?Ulric -Al iirney Crowley shou! I li ve hail the p; Iroiu .'??. Ile vot.-d lor John T. Hollinan for Governor. .Mo gave I..'"e sums of money to promote the success of liie Di .ir ratic tirkot. To tried to break up the ttt-ptibli .n e:y lai/n'u s In i'. is ci v ; did In? ile np ? ::o by main force, purling . i i ?air To -y ami others down st im, mid ihcn passing a resolution defying the action of tho Stnlo Convention, a full leport o! which v,c ure ready, if ?in.v botly desirea it, to reproduce from The New r.i)': 'Inn ?, \\h:''i then able to tell the t'ii'.h about Mr. Murphy lind all his works. 1!" suti-<\ willi tli?' Tnmmnuy I!ii,' in bolpiiig Mr. Tue. d to pa.-> the new Charl -r, wlnr.-ol" the results ore now apparent iu the convul? sions al t!i" City H di, und the gignuUc rob? beries thal preced? 1 them. II. H is true flit f? r nil ibis Mr. Mi i] hy was not without his reward. Ho got tho pa? tronage of the reorganized Tax Commiiwion. lie was mad?' a Comm ii - ion? r in Ibe infamous Mroadwny Wiilening Job, which only the vio 1 "ti! ?leai li of Auditor \.'at-?n prevented from lic-coiuing more notoriously n gigantic rob? in ?y the plastering, plumbing, and carpet account?. lie v.-.'.s made a mem? ber of ihe School Hoard, like unto Na? thaniel Sviids. lie hchl these offices till after our 1 is! Plate Convention, and was only driven ?mt of them by tim public sense of the indee? "icy of Bitch a spectacle as the Republi? can Collector of the Purl ??1 L?ctr-York ?? m^ to hold them. HI. ile received yet more substantial re? ward. Ile was admitted io the notori'ins and infumons real estate specvlations of Messrs. Win. M. Tweed, Peter 15. Sweeny, and Rich? ard 11. Connolly. 'Yo this day and hour lie is joint owner with (hetn of ei'y property valued at a million dollars, nud in at least, one transaction, amounting to overa quarter of a million, he cngagi d with them as late as Oct. !">, It '?, as the n " -mis in the (?ty Hall now prove. IV. "Inquirer" has touched hut lightly, sin his questions, the real gravity of Mr. Mur? phy's wur record. It in- "une that be made " large sums oi money out of the Government "al the tillie of its greatest peril.*1 That very faintly hints tbeestentoi the case. It is not denied that the transactions by which he real? ized these large sums were of such a nature that the War Department ordered an investigation. It is not denied ihat very damaging results wore attained, it ia not denied that private political iufluenee was brought to bear at head? quarters to suppress the investigation, and that it was ko suppressed. It is net denied that, when the papera wire subsequently called for, it was found that Iho War Department had suffered from a burglary as alarming ns that which lately convulsed the ( ity Hall and wrung with vain regret the tender heart of Connolly. It is not denied that the twelve affidavits abstracted wire hurtful to Mr. Murphy's case. Ii will not be denied that Mr. Robert Murray has openly boasted that, at the proper time, he disposed of wit? nesses us effectually as thc*e mournfully mysterious burglars dido! Ihe affidavits about Murphy and/ilhej vouchers against Connolly? hy spiriting them away at Mr. Murphy's insti ga'iion, and on his promise lo pay thtir ex? penses. V. This ?s ihe man whom, under most unwise advice, tin' authorities were induced to place at the head of the New-York Custom-House. The oiliiim iii which his appointment lias ever fi'iioe been held is due to this record, and to tho fsHmate formed of bim by tho mercantile community?an estimste well expressed by that upright Christina meiduutf and Republican of unquestioned fidelity and Influence, William K. Dodge, Tvho, in hi* sworn testimony before the Investigating Committee of Congress, said : " Tlio fue t thal tli? Adiulnlntrition wa? represented here l?y su? hi,'jsasl, cunnii tua? %>e |i tjiij Cmtoui-Houne "**takesitt?|?u$MtttUltti ?enil?fl IttiAffllc'aaa. i I se.ire i ?j-know an Intelligent KepuliUcjin who voted ut Hie liiKteliM ilou in Kew-York. Tue whole Conduct of Uiln^ him Leon on that liau^, aud Just as long a? all oil,,, s n.?i,M. the (lovernment uro psUttaalgtftStjMtM long we win (p.t worie and woise, ami ko to the do?*. ilii:ijii>.,niii,ii-iitoi Mi. Mm pliy wa? eoi^ldered extra m '..u. L. I I '.?w aolhlag UKiln-it h!in. e\ce\it that lu. ' ? I IIIM-l ?A.t ,,'lt ,?v ,.,,,. ? ,? a, ?,,?,1 ?(?( |;,|ly WilllOIlt ?on be it "ii im . ur(.hahiy ti,0 bit mau tint would lirivo betta Ihoiiarlit of by any meroluint. Knewinr; that bo knew notlilti? about it, anil -irat kept then? for politi? cal piirptmot, the niorrluintB havn kept away, un 1 felt fit if It would laut tliolr eclf-reapoct to uic-ttdlo with the u'ulUr." If, when this man displaced that old and honored Ncw-Yoilc merchant, Mc*sos II. Olia ikII, any 1'espeetablo Republican, with an untaificd ri'((?id, hid been sprminte-d. thora would have bren no conto?! over it?no mal? lo is wii\!i wing be belonged, or whether to | any. Ifonry Clews, Henry (i. Stebbins, Bin. eh r PoiiHcy. Inane li. Bi'i'.y- cither of Ihvtvs, or ol n score iii." I hero, would luve heou m',*, i.i d ,.; lam r ?i nu ? .m-. Or, if n moro pro? nounced polif?cinn had liecn siiuglit, Cnlvin T. Hurl! ii '? v ould lia?!.: roiiiutiiiideil gi ncrol cou lidc i?e, or Dewitt U. LUth-john, or Judge Low, or I.ynii'ii Ti? ?i*.1.1,'i. ('oi -1-? *?-1. i. ? 11 i\i:t?-!i!iiii, ?. c /., ivy Rt. .ii. ii.'. Tiic objection to Mr. M :i|i'.v ?h no1 Iii t I,.* I, lou ?a to .i )),,,! icilar '?. i >,?*("'?'? ? i,!-1" iu party, bul that ho does I li ::. i *.,' li ill.,' Ul Uti;, ; I lia! lli-t pn'.tH .1 i ford i.-i one of d aclury wul n warded, bis b in ?. record .mi. !i t' i|, the merchants of Nev.'-Yo''" Iip.vs no roiifid i o in him, and the re.rd (i ??is i. ',..: ?ona to t*ic Government !i Hi :, until 11< a .1 np, ha o.igat lo hold no place of ? i??? '' i- ii. Ill j ublii-..', i of the iai >: ?i ! i', i? a ra!.? ! Hie i ?< ? ipi o? this man lo ii' ?i;* ire u? in this ( i.y iii?i ho may con. i. i? bini?*?clf (?ur anti your leader, ive pro! ?I. Heroines l?eforo yi?!i tod..y with hi-i ciiiilcKting delegation to I ?io Slato Conven I ion. We make no appeals* we urge no snjrry pioti 'la. We invite you to rounder the ubovo record; heit* any defense (hat j s., y bo BU4*ee**aMfulIy interponed, weich ila* whole nuil or with oven scales, and?no1 lu em ii nu !, por indeed Solely in your own, bul in (bal <?i the whole Country?-judgo! TUE PR i r\T flU'l T. Kow, friend*: of I oin ?I government, bnnils ( fi! The uir i ; (;:!1 of rumors about ;i h,ir i'.iiii for relieving wmrbody in tho further ( induct of iii!1 ('.'in, nign against the Bing. Wa five notice that no suth bargain will 1? ? tolerated. Wo vant no compact for i.;-" protection of Mr. ?Connolly againat liii late coufederatea ? for the protee I;? -i or toleration of Mr. Tweed? - roi* ?screening miylmdy. We want the facts t ?' Jpg l'a* public roii'iery and fixing the ptiill ; v.e want eviry criminal dragged to the teorrhing 1'??lit thiil now begins to stream upon the< !ty Hull, restitution made, and the robbers punisiie.l. Vi"'o are at last in a position to se? cura all this; and be v.ho consents to accept less betrays us. Let na have an end of tall, altoiil nnderstnndinirs that Mr. Con? nolly, Mr. Tweed, and Mr. O'Brien have reached, fcr striking hands with Republicans and other honest citizens against Hall and Sweeny. Any man who pleases may fight in our lank?; hut criminals cannot, hi the pres? en I tenijier of New-York, escape hy tho stale trick ol eiyiug Stop Thief. Mr. Connolly ia clearly rigid i?i the legal positions which, under tho guidance of Mr. Tild?n, h" li.;? a; niai ?I. Mr. Tilden deserves the sympathy of all good eil ?/.chu in no fir as lie ii endeavoring lo rid a greatpolitiealparty of a corrupt lu"!,' has well nigh mined it and us. Mr. O'Brien if* welcome to help us now, ?illicit ho lately prosecuting a fraudulent claim of from a quarter to half a million against the City, was enabled to uno threats of exposing them in a Itcpuldiean newspaper for nine, months as a means tor seeking to lil.uki,mil Uni Ring into paying it, and only gave out his fads winn, powerful as was the leverage they sfforded, it v is no1 euottgh t ? pry open i?>r him tbedoors ol the City Treasary-?and very mach we hope th t the iis-i.-taiic!'he now promises i .ay como lo more than that he g:ve us a year ago. But none ol these is our adair. Thanks to Connolly's refusal to oller himaelf np a vica? rious sacrifice, and to Tilden?, strategy in showing him how to gol even with the con? federates that wero tenderly tryal},- to cut his tin.tal, we have an honest man at the helm in the Controller's office. We believe that he took the place without pledges; and at any rale, we believe him too honest to make any that would hinder him from doing his du y. What the City of New-York now expects of (?en. Green is that lie will do his duty, without reference to Conuolly or anybody eise. It wants the pe? ints o? tho office, fio long frantically con? cealed, inexorably brought out. It wants tho missing vouchers lound, and tho thieves punished. It wants tho wholo truth about tho City financ?e, no matter how much Mr. Connolly, or Mr. Tweed, or anybody olio may ho inculpated. And specifically it demands a prompt obe? dience to the long defied law, requiring I. Statement of the City and County Ex? pindinnis for the years I86U, l.b'70, and 1871, and objects of the expenditures classified iu tciligibly. II. Statements of the City and County Debt, with the balances or deficiencies in tho Treas? ary, and the amount of interest accrued on the oaUlanding bonds. III. St at cn i< nts of the terms, manner, and exjiiiises of negotiating the recent Issues of bond-}. IV. Statement of Outstanding Warrants against the Treasury, and all other descriptions of floating debt und claims, **o far, at least, as tiny can be ascertained. It is pleasing to see how Senator Cottkling puts in practice his beautiful theories of the blessedness of peace and conciliation. It was impossible to read bia reeeut lyric ntteranees Upon this without deep emotion. Wo positively thought tho position of Moses in the catechism endangered as tho champion in meekness? But the danger 1ms passed. The Senator regards those beautiful and touching sentiments of his as quito too Uno for his daily wear. Dr. Holmes once said we nii-^ht order our MCCUSiou rohes " when lawyers tako "what they would give, and doctors give what "they would take." That sweet sermon of Dr. Conkling was all intended for others, and no word of it for himself. lu hie own diutiict convention on Satunlay the majority elected delegates to the State Convention not devoted to his personal for? tunes. It Li not possible to conceive of a liuci occasion for the use of his noble senti? ments. The world would have been molted with contagious sympathy it he had fallen on the necks of the successful delegates with tears of magnanimous adhesion. But the Senator tIiinks he doc^hj*) duty in pointing out the right way. like ft guide-p?st, without walking tnerein. Ho erected his lordly crest, qmrcljed out of the hall 'at the beau ol his beaten minority, set up his rebellious tabernacle at another place, and elected himself and two others to the Convention, and then sent through tho Associated Tress a report of Hie proceedings stigmatizing the majority as boiler*. Now if tkw ii Brother Coukliug's ; idea of Christian meekness, wo must say be makes, as Mr. Mnntilini would say, "a d? j,i "nition savage Iamb." INCOPRVI'TlllIE MEN WASTED. Tav very lirst qualification which a nomi? nating convention ought to require of a can? didate for the Senate or Assembly of the Btote of New-York ia honesty, if ? member of any past Legislature baa shown himself to be in? corruptible, if would be e?>o'l pol??y lo ;.;?.?? him another term in <?! 1er lo ??> ?ro thin e r ?ii al point The f-ict ii no tori ii i tL it a i m of li" llepi blicans st ut to the 1. islit-tre of late yi.r.i have not been p Mif . " ii ?. t tho len pty ion io lui e money I r ih-ir vol'.:. Home qui tio::s may, perhaps, be so clearly ii i I I y \. ? (r *. i iona of tiio p i as tbal ro Kept : ?o loss base than \Vmans Would tiaro to record himself on the wrong side. Yet for ?ne buc?i eise there ?'ro a do/en wl Ich may bo equ illy involved in corni;iii- n, ami, if wron??ly decided, would be Incalculably pera i tous t i the publie welfare. It I? morally certain that the Re? publicana will he in the majority next Minter j bat if t'ie Committei ? are made up or con ?loll. ?I by corrupt men, Republican ascendent j will only inti..r!i<! the gaping wound on tho body politic, before whose long concealed Li ' nusness all good men arc shuddering. Bo al? rt, then, respectable and well-to-do ci tizona ol' Um interior comities! Let ymu in ffuoiico be bit in the town conventions. Strike a blow for republican government and tim Republican party. Send no highwayman to Albany to plunder tim dying Tweed, er the corpse of Fisk. Let us have no more of those ilisj raccful railroad and insurance committees, matle up of men who con pire together to blackmail corporal ions, and to pass or smother lavs for a certain sum. Give us for once a pure, old-fashioned Legislature. Let reason, eloquence, justice, honor, and truth no louger be powerless nfi'.iin.-it iho gold of the corruptor. The monstrous evils under which we groan will never cure themselves while men of influence and position refuse to tilo any other part in politics Utan casting their votes on f. ir ?lays ;,t the fictions. Never was there so much to quicken the sense of duty, to revive the conscience of the citizen, as now. We look to see ihe dawning of a brighter ?lay at Albany next January, and every citisen can aid in achieving a brilliant success by simply doing his lilli duty._________?. It seems like relieving the memories of ft decade since to hear that Gen. Mcl'ldlan hat n n vet decided upon his next movement. Ho lin.Is th" enemy unexpectedly intrenched and fortified in his immediate front in overwhelm? ing fono. II.' deprecates the senseless clamor of ignorant civilians, and will move as soon as he gets ready, and not before. I If is greaUy in want ol' rcenforecnieuls, but will do hi.s ties: with the forcea at his disposal. Ile is maturing a plan fora thorough reconneis sauce ot the. broken country 1 v?hk between the .Mayor's ofiico and tho Finance Department, and will ?require Bro tlniusaud theodolites to perform lb>- work satisfactorily. Those in use in this city are veiy defectivo. The only ones worth buyiug are manufactured by the firm of Bchlippensohoddeuetein of Breslau at the rate of two a month. !^o that nothing but the fiendish malice of th? Jacobins could ii' is) on his moving this month. Nevertheless he is u self-sacrificing patriot of tho obi Kunian type, and if hil official Tammany superiors require him to rta forward ha will do so, throwing on them all tho responsibility, and determined to make tho contest short, sharp, and decisive. If be fails, theirs will be the blame. Ii he succeeds, the glory will be his. Mcanwhilo, bo will push tho enemy to the wall, jtuM as toou iu In- receives those thcod ?in -s. If. Theophihi Gnu iei has published lu tho J yal 0J\ '?? I .lil Hil? ?ii.m .-lils but '?. "ii KM ? mi Lis? vi, countrymen In his* mantle sec -'?nt of the hiding of the famous statue of iho Venus of Milu during tho siege of Paris. The historian relates with uno irony low tho approach of the " North rn hordes" lilli?1 all Parisian hearts with lutliguaut sorrow far their lilola, about to be broken, and how the beloved H.'.itno was jerri tly ciilliti.-il ami buried in a Cellar of tin. Prefecture of Police] and all this with " ironical apostrophes agauut those hurtles of iho followers of Kant and Rcgehat who o approach a dwe|ler in Olj nions ihd to tin Kuo J?ruaalom." But the hidden Vonna escaped ?lio embrace of tiio barbarians and lay aeourrly in the ciliar until the second siege of Paris by the Veroaillists. Finally, after tho defeat of tho Communists, the statue was dug in,m the smoking ruins of the Prefoeturo, saved a-, by a min?? elo from the fiery furnace which liad been kindled by the insurgents. Tim "Northern hordes' bad it ho inuch na thought of looking fur the arl trcisui . Tholen! were l'an i -as. Util ii. Uauticr dues n't d' eui to leo it. Matthew J. O'ltourke published in The Evening Poa: ni yesti ??luv a lutter sddraased to Pul litim ni:, in wiii.h he repeats a disingenuous statement which baa been shown to be lalee in Ibis paper. Mr. ?aluna claimed that a reduction of ?-.'?) per cent apon a salary nf .;,'';ii't? left ?'i.S'ii, ?nul if Mr. O'Roarke can make an., thing nut of that atatemont, ho ia tbriftiereven than wo think him. His letter having been pub* hi. d in The Voit, will, of course, not ho published In Tin: Tstnuxn. We ar-> only mipriaed that a journal usually so scrupulously courteous should hiive admitted a communication into its columns lu furo it could pomibly have appeared ia the paper io whl? h it waa addressed. O'ltourke is becoming a nuisance. He should relied that, although spies and informers uro nsefttl and neeeesary l?tuitruments,thi y ?i!.' nu*, a 'iii .ii.!?' objects ol ron rtnphi ion, : nil should not force themselves too proiuiutntly '..cloie lue oit-6 of the public. TI..? l*?>ston Ki.'lit-IIoe.r league restates (in i's ot to tin' New York Woiklngm n* the old ui gttment?if it may be so called?SS follows : '? Whether ?np oiiixlit f?? liiivi' n* talleh pey fur ? iirlit m for ten lioiiiV lii'nui v ,,iiii! lu-u full ipi -'i?>.i to ?--U i! ?? were paid nil we ten \y i ira in ten hour*. Iii ? who ask tuts ir "-.tti.ii m?luiif that wo are, nu J that ? kIiuII In- overpaid ii WO 'io uti uti. lil a li. I ii'..i'.i ot M pet cut f,.r eUht hou?r?.M ?Then is here an equally fallacious a mmptlou that employers will pay as mueh for ei dit hours' labor us for ten. 'the reduction of wages munt follow a divination of the working-boor*, of there must be a corresponding ad va.nee in tiio price oi all manufactured commodities! and the enhanced val nation must affect laboring men, who am bl? far Hi" largest ?lass of consunto?. The mis; !<?? is in making the mere lime consumed, mid not Individ i. production, th.- measured wages. There is s ?o<>?1 deal ?>i laughing in th,? nee sp.i pers about sa exhilarated bridegroom ia Now-Ur leans who reqaeoted sa artillery company to lire a salute In honor of his nuptinls. Ve seo nothing laughable about ?his. Tho man was iu tho seventh sphere of happiness, and ho was not so bhanie-faeod as to bo unwilling that all the world should know it. Every willing aud genuine husband, newly made so, feels like ordcting the belli to bo tun*, the artillery discharged, the windows illuminated, the bunting flung to the breeze, the? I'rass bands to blow melodi? ous and harmonious blasts ; and if ho ?lots not com? mand a general carnival at his own expensa, it is either bee.insu he tauuot a J ard it or lor reasons of personal ? - em Mr.'uro Cooli, lou? known toTrnnvxi resd? era as an accomplished sud n fonnldably-eqaipped An Clitic, as will na u mo?! attractive fon Ign . ?no* . ,,,,! i.t.i, -."? I v tenby from a two tod Shelf \cis us.d.aej abroad. POLITICAL, ? ?? MA.**ACHU8KTT8 ^;:n'';::p-.,,:,,:;f? V1,i iMwn |.i.?..?? er; ' i?mii ,i .:,.;? WA"" "?* . ?-?- <?'*'..'". i', m, i. m .... ,.,p'?. _ .*,,-;,."? ?"?'??i-m ??rfTtTergX*W Jj;?!?" :'..'.-."i.*... lu muk; ??Vt?u^tTZ 1 ii I, ;" ' "' ?- '?? ?'"" <?"??"?". Il, 1,1, _ , *' '??'?.????i 'it* "' ?!? a-l.u * . and -I, - ,,? ' '" '?n* i :? iK.mlm lim. i .-.,?.,-. ?.,... j, ,,.,'., ** ' ???? i ?.?; i,..- ? hub ? i. ...?..,?,?.' itZ I? ? .m ii:iii..." "?" (.' N". Il r.;.;:'s <;\\;:- .-, " '"?' '"? : ? ' Uti OIK - '? '"i t> ,"'l:..-i-p??. J ! "',,' *' ' ''."'?' "*?*? ' ??? 'j'u.i ti* Gin. lie u -poke al Nfor?hampton on ?'iiday 1 : ' '? Ou -.-? :..: ..- ; ,,.it..'...,, ? .j,,:. | ... ... T* .'.'.'y:.':.-.--i:v,e 1;i,;-.' ( **<*******?*? Butlei seems to bave little nppoitwsitfl *."''*'? to ?"? *?'-< .'*ii|>.. : Ut tlM Mif".u**t?f ?Jjaj '*'}. ';'. ',' ??' ?? '?? ami? .*,t?ir...i.?rc-y?warb ?_, !> li rates eh . int ?the Ma is ; inset s l'cpii?. lu m ( "ii-., i.ii.n wai ?i. dil* i* tthraeor toar d ????, m <?:.? .i-i u folio ?ri: Agattul Bettler: Wuttxaer, m f 'Util :..?.,*,'.?; fir. 'I ttr\ , 1; An rt, ;; (" . ?oil ?e, I: ?__*< ii,: ; .v . ii ,; m ?to ,sj \. Il? :i.. :'\rV ; I? IO. J? l.l.l,' Ir.ll,'.'; .-.lill,. H,. |.,-, ?_; \V',*?| |I?4|| ,?,,11 II : *' ! "?'? : : }'? '?':- '? "??'. m ? ? i? ?am. o, a,' r/Si [-(i"l*iiuil,9sMllliinry,ai sv.-iriil ro,*i? ,'-,? ...v. ?? ; ?,* l-r.niii.ti'ii',1,1,.,; --?;. Fur Butter: L>nii,*U? II*? . m2 ','? *)*'"'? : 0.-UOK4 . ',; i,n Qwicb, i; V.. ...\ I , i ; Notts '?V?r''V''rVr':- \>r"" r* *>* **?*****?. ?: ?*???*? -i i.illuvt,.:* I...rt Al?ii.?'.un, .; :,I.n,: ?irii], .1. j,' 1,11, ? The following i-, from 77ir SprUtgficUl Ht**mk /?-.. ? n( ; "-tr-riViv : " Il li .i. ??*.;? i?e tu l'ont,i ii,, latal. liirently v.- theil.lpKnir?. m f ,r etetot r?>t!??? l*.-*.ii'j,|. i.u. tate f'i-ii\. i.i'iin. Those fiom immy towac ai* illa l?uti?il, niel Him* mn rival ?:??>;: it loa? from - " l- - _ .?." .... -. rr, .r ,.? ,,| i ,, ?f ,JJ tliii iiiil.-J.U) i.o in iii-ti*.m iii lm u for iiuili-r ?*?- J> : ?*? ii, .r- Dearly h many, miut Imi n.u,-?,...,.. i |.?.?'i_;.-?.l i ?. uppoM iiim to til? ? n', i?iid aro wiitin* m unit . ,?-:i ?liiU'ioC muy hiiiiuiali'.? ciULwa la or m io (Jo? li .it" m LOCAL rOLIlICS. ELECTION ol' Ct'MTOM-HOOSB DELEA '.Til TO Till .-?. KA< I..-? <'ON\ JiNllON'?IU-i.K *'l : i'I. C'O?l- ' i::.i\vi;i:\ TUB DARUXQ am? MI STIIY ororu racTioKS ia ?iuis rwiucTiKmi dis tu IT. The v.nioiH Ctastom-nouss ?liwoeiatioM ia this t ?ty, mut lu-t eveiilii?.*, uni c'cetvil ii. I?*** .t. ?i ?ni alternates t? tiio ."tain Coovcatien at K>r;iiu.*4c. tho liarmony thal lirevails lu tho " rMTj(MiS?Ml " anJ "fMirl lli-d" Cn?loiii-IIoiijiO ciit|iio watt lumHtj ?lii.itriitc.i by the pn>reo'lini*s of t.'io meeting M4 in t?ie XXth Assi in'nly Di.?tilc-t. The niiinl.iT.i of tho AseurLitinn In l>nipict met at Dinifletlein'n Hall, .N'o. riitnl (ivo. T!io room was trowilml, early lu tho < veniiiK, wita attoch?i of tho Aj''r'o oliire and Dem?crata In tho intoiii-t.i of Wii.iiiiii A. Daiuni:, Aj?: uilser of tho ParL Tho polls wero ut onrv?. t?f*mee\ au4* Larry lia:ney, Janies r.ryan, liob Menti?oiiiory, all "umlirtho ivputlii r," John Saiiuiliro, an EiKlilh WartJ liniiiiT, i.uil aMIki) Coburn, niicot.d for atti mBtoS miu?* i]. r .ml roi 'ci-y n. i-ln.rt timo h?iilc, Lut now out ou buil, vron* l'tii-y iiiiiDin? in 1 ?- ? iriits Im* Hie Dar'.ln?- imrty. en ??.?in?; d.Hturt?. n nee-? nuii?iii?r4*Hi*-**i*tal?le votera and rr jw? i? ,iiit?fri-^upiii|y, Two Uckota ihi ir appeanutM at the ofoalas 4if lueeUna, un* h?-.:diil by Qea, 0|.r!yke, Altran v,' keioau, nad Eliiaa Aiu-n, and Um ot'u-r, nr "I>arl iii?.'-' tu kel Nv II I? tin. MUM of (Jl?. (Julii '.:(,, Balta il. W.i'.tt?, alni r.lwa.d fiti-li. All of Uie I?irl? in*? liikiis liait Ofiiiyko'a aai?M eri-i-d, and two vote? v. ora i:i\n to Vi a i-a. T!io Miil'iili) (>r"> '?<?'?? ti?kt'ta| oni'c iii?] ?I to l'i- tiie pi i.eral futorlte, arid, itiitiii d?* envei lim* Ibu, tim Dart Ina inm Ir'itju to rai?? a ?ilHLtirtt itiu-f. Ki '? .'.'?1 atteint.ia wen niait? liy theltariiM f.i? ll'i'i to keil? lin* baili.t-lm\. and Albeit H?;.- rf, Iii* > i".. I :rv,'ri.'d to k'-i |i sit? ral re?,ir? i ..',,,? ?na '?t?o?v Rbloollizoll*! from ?'.i-tirr tlielr i.-iliuu hecaix;?'? tuoy v te vo'.iiL' tin- Mui-|il:>-(J;idt ki* tl< i? !. Sti :i*i.n> lli-aart acciwea?finimi owen^of I?.!nu litmi i,r-li.::l4?r of lill? 0|i|i..-It.i.ll, wl.ile.ijitii, OW4 -m, : liri at?, en.-ii toIM?I iiuimdent oflkhilVana?. The cry of* ji'iliee waa i:i:-"?l bv Kopilt'a fiiiiiii?, und (?wens wa? t-ii'ivcil .iii? rotiabljr uiiiii tltt* tem -, ??ai ii<|iii!lr'ilth.-dl-( from liie LiKlilh Ward, *n?oii l;.i'? Moiit-miuery it? ..t. ?I routlaaal illat?rfeaaM by li? lill*w' m 1"?' li?:?9 and ;it:??Tii|.tni?< to wpaat. .1.... ? 1'UVJ ,1 l>?;.' Iii poetar it ti e ( ;i-t. ui-lli.u-c, v:hu baa i-riM"i!i iiiv Mi!?i on' to Alilii niau Terence v. i ley, a well kilowa Tamiuaii) Dcnajeiatol tb?t Kiuetc-niii vi ard, .raa \i i-y u, iive in working in ri*i>?a:i t?. l:u.-fii?i*< it j* io a in,ni'.* fellow wita waa elei-Uoiieaniia tot the Muriii?* l>I?dj im ti'*kot, i. " aluioal mu,un. .1 ?? Y.'ii hui i?y ti.ia I'll'.?.'* work sacrilleliix Ilia lut.-danil b-:tter of tivr ol >"ti- im ii o ia .in?, Ui.i.l," ile in tills uiaii? mr io uy to in'i.iiilute vut? i i from exerrla* ii?',* liberty of 0]nn,oii by Iioidlnn over Uno? diio thrtata totLetr frtouda. Hit *?]ai cltea w. r?.?, hutt ever, nu t wnii hi lana Bad ii les of ?? ral iilm oi?t." Aftcc -.?lue on? bail cried '? Pat Ulai out," ho tiiinei on lila ?' ?' I" i ?' ? 'l.v lit id v\i-,li Ri?*, ami ?!eii, ti ? au wou'iS un?l .i?: to do it. j|,iH biiii/.iiloi .o via nie* '?'??it ?boat? ot lau^hier. D.iit?iK hal liet-.*? l.i-. lit in the early jiart i,f the e\eiiiu*i, but ?ilitiit ?-.'?? re'lied. a lniiili ili-i'iiMed and bully beaten man. H?ra tue reporter of Tub Thibokk atoi?iH?i ua to Um Maum, auJ tua following brief dlakigua wita tuo uuiilaat la r\ti : tor of Llei'tiun onaaed : , li ?Mirtei ? Will > ?mi lu? kind Oiioinrh la toll laothe 0*1? U r ol votes otu?! ii n i tor i I lullet lui?I han liol tue -H?llte-1 idea. s . ?.i|.itnf quickly bark lao i .01 r bsrrty p*-oii*l*4 r.iio'bfi Jil m t.iw.irii the i..t? a ot ile- room. ?? . fi'lliy i' ' ...i/'a I rienda. Tue in.e waa ujjpiiij u-. . .: Iinl Voten wore <??>: 1 ? i??-n? 11?> mu ter ?--,,, t .,: a j, uutal izii i im ly of rou^'lis lo (?el to t le polia, i 1 ies were heir? 01 "How many Uiuea do you ta ,0 i ita i,? ?r? *s \?>'|l" nuil "T: au 1. ill's tiiket ; li l:a-n'i been u?i limit? liga im,i-linn 1." Bcpealin<at tbc polia by Um lieu ?.i*i|a.*r waa inver lietii r eiiiiien iii l.y flin o) POtiag Ww t?ai:H 01 t?J0( .'UrltOlU-iiollMl1 Ililli Ajljll in?*ur*M (.Klli*''. At '-? nuollierjam an? walk-are mil to? k plae?, and ?hta raine itotii neliiud the Killin.; by the l!i-t?? t ti ??<?"tsuof tilla, or I will cloho the pol4a.n Thlawaa fuiiowt?d by luii.i lauabior, aaotbet crowd coward l!w ?.dloi-oox, aad a 1 ni ral r< uah anal iiiiuble around ?he 100m. AtiiTai.t,uni hour'., aeufllnic tin* |."i?h weneleet?^? 10 ti'e.ui ?<, anti tie Dal Un^ liai ty a^i uruj-1 lu .1 body la Dingle kin's brewery. Im joniluut .?> tlii' iiall ri'iu.iiiu C1 fj'j.lit. U.. 'ii the ra? 1'itii of tut? disorderly tie.'.ion. bovn tt-r, the ionia ?Ona li' t ntod a.-1-iMi? wii'ieli woiiiil liavi dower du to toa i?iilini-oi fluya ut Kit liui-iix'a r.i'-i'H. i'ui) crowd 1.nie i Mich au uiuoiir that I?u,,-!?*.?el!i appaaMS uuoa the Mein) and .leinuiil.'d in 1er, A hu/j? loi pli bud iiK-n beatingovci .'"ely wifb > ! r '1 vu* u m.?fu, : ud when tin ptoMleior rd in? h 1 . mu a in ^ waa ut 0.1?. ? attacked DlitKetaiem ??kijii/ eni.tiiod v ii li bim anil throw bi? am.i_oin>t beaviiy !?? 'he door. Tbo 4'ouie-it for (ho P8?*ae??loii et toa bruoai ajifMMS to be decided iu favor of DJujl-J : ::i, ?"'UMl dome one lana into tho n g wlii??S hadf ?urrouuded toa ?n-ua^in*' raeiiattonto upon ino uotr, amlifizins the broom i?. *:.iu lo bcUb^r Iii r.iiuen? bontc pei ?on . ailed nut. "1 -.0 two io iiu<i ? a l/iDgl ''-?io? \tn eli provoke J loud cheer.? i*e crowd v i-oouaaaw in ilaeleiueut. Ulucledeln, leciu? ib.- :;??: ????-?t<.)) ot uit-ii.i?tiii?* to coon ?? the crewu, retired to ni? ??>?*????._, D.inuiC ...I Otu? ti...o Iba m ?i", i'i*- bad ??"' "^T in.iir.u: out the totes, tad vlim at b I IM leuM wai UooUnid reidy tis* utmost euafi -ioa i*>ra Vailid. \Mien nu iu-.n-i tor a*.ko?l ?He U-"1-? q'.e .lot?, "airo toen an? ulm iii^i(45?*a iii, iin.-t the raaiilt of tins ?io 11*m," Jan,?'?* r. Frcebora. |i . T...? -. r. 1 of t. -A*.11 *e?b_\****_? ward ano eutcredloralai prot?.at,?.t itinsOwttoaeiaaaag waa iaiearl> ill. uah and to it 1. ?.-a u i.??- id ????*?,_? i.i-.i.t. fh?; >,. n?l?.t-<?..'itko |..rv c '.t?;'l *fe lieket, Hi? t"*-"* iiuiunor of \i-\--e, um t...- -.x i-aiidldaU* bt m g -J. ?'? leaaia *** ii with loud!*: mi...-bin. 01 I ita. An m t..i'in a cheer lui- toi DirliuK ?: ?"'? *?"-'? ~_\ ,*,..,.- im i)n?tea. Tlosomraloi mono? loe&pSMMa m i>, that tb.'State Cummltio? ?rouio lK-ttcr at man v_ 1, i;...e.:i .u.1 1.4?ii,....i.'.i;ioii of UM u.iiiit. ino rr uil of tbo elcviioua waa aa folio wa: l't'.T Arenaii m- n.T.-t?. ? J*n--4 n Wiir.? tto? H. ii Da.1. .-. li ?? . ti Wal 1 :..** *i!li?aI?. U? -..?*?<**? ?ki tiD .4?.*ks':lv Ut-ri.i. r ?.* ka *'?.',.*;*' l!-ir.. C.-?t,t??* i'mi'ri? la-asai.? toti?icf??.???' ?- ^ u?*? ?? -?*? '**? ?*? ***** ?f ., ?t. ? 1 1 1 i. ? ? ei : m ? .c ?*?.* Y 1 iii \- Bt**ii I'i'taii i-?- ?*? V aim*, latta .?.rim, I??l?*i?4t*?4 H'/,;. a^atri.? *. ***** *?***? Htri.tllig :.. .? .r:- I* e;at_| Ibu?, ki. lint, Mam* VAmm 1 ... \\ n , h it; u Alt r.i-.-t-. ViTra ?i.ran .'.-I? '>-* '"-"'u't **** *y*r'*, ' ' ? _?** ,*B'1 ***** a - ?'??? Kunaituani K. Va k11 ault I"** *'*"___ . .,..., !,,? ? r? A. *-. a?.*. li-f?*???? Hill the do!toa ntm to ida iibance. Jh.- roiichsiuiftoitea u b'.au to bold lil/rtl e.irnivN. ' Va?l.'l .???!??:? II- l-fi"i aUriaa'ia . , ?a eil I?-. ?A?SAJ ??ttSV&U ?SSvi^Thaamm, **__*_*_***_& ?; R_aAt? rji-i.u'.'i J.rlnJ. rmm*tm***.tM*m**Mi VUtmA. l'muoij, Itm****** WT*? im" ??taTau li" .'*?'.'-j *u,m R T.?t?.r, J??? I) WiUt; J lui I?, lu Al I ('? II. fct? *'***<? *>* '^Uuk I T.ii.KV.Mii AMmaLt Dirraii't-?'itnrj M *!?'**_ '.___*__. ue, V.illaia?-wa. l?^.?<at<-.. J^u A. ??e?'*.. I** ? M*?*?*??? ^ 11.11 Vrni-e Aliacatka, ? ?r.??!?.? Au*** Pdcataaara A.,?auiT DiiTaicr.-Chtileit. ^?*if''-r'aS3Sta Wri.tuauu. IM. -?..M : Sictoi u li Cm??, Wi!..a? ? Ki?*. *?*_5Z ff,t\*ana hmSmki b.^?.?t.-H?-.rr ??_A* **$g% WlUtr, br. ?utirrt H. .Ne?, i??. ********* ?''1*'?'? *** tem Yl.lrt, llo!.?rt? jr., Alttru.U?? ??_? Id? suT??Nra Atttai.Lt I)i-t?I(.t_-*j___ *'? ** *'* T?fj^t, jm b.rr A li.ur?, Dtk<?U-t. U^r?a P. r?"-? ****** t Uajd*.**** ti ?..111, A.ter^.U*?. ? . , , w .,.,y- ?tel L ???t?.v-T??*-*Tn A??BvBtT PimieT -Cil). M**- V_Z__Vm Hb-T-. u. Y n-il..?. Ptltaaita dum. A. Pumo,*., P Humkt? ** ;'''^;H5H?'^-~^a^? 1 ; ?*iw?:^_B?___z laa-,tiarul?M44Ui?4%-^*l><>lJlV-''. "^T ***** *****