fTlie folloivinK commniiication from Mr. 1'ott r II.
Jack-uni is in reply to a late article in The Tribi'ne
?ondemning a recent law which compels iron-niold
?arsto have their work tested at a cost or tax to
thom of 70 cents per linear foot. Mr. Jackson, iu his
letter as sent nts. nttribiited the authorship of the
jjjaTtiilc to "a Mr. Campbell.'' This waa an titterly
?intrue, not to nay impertinent, inference, which ho
?tad no warrant for making, and his attack? upon Mr.
Campbell have therefore been eliminated as in d??
faut and ntiwarrant.iblo. With the exception of
?these omissions, indicated hy asterisks, the com?
munication t'f Mr. .Jackson, is published precisely na
It reachos ns. All who are acquainted with the aub
Joct will observe that it is a defense of the syfteni of
?fcating girders, not an apology for the imposition
?apon iiiiu-huilders, which the law under which Mr.
Jackson operates has been shown to bo.?Ed.}
to the Editor of The Tribune.
8ir: In common with the other ins-trum? ut s
tttt? toiiu-rca-o UM f-.ifi ty of bulldlngs, in whnh iron
eaters is a part, I ..ave been a-sallod. Tut Tumi se 1?
?Ute medium -which bas been availed of to vent the
?spleen. ? ? ? ? Before its publication, I called at
The TWMim OiYoe to answer any interrogatories which
might be ?ag-csted to the oditor's ininti, but failed to
And the priac pal, Ki.o'ting Tut Tninuxn was the*
alrousof l.iiriy it-v-iv-siutm** all proper public interest?,
I rwiuesteit MM mt Hie rcportt rs of that paper to inspect,
Bay about 3d of 110 cast-iron beam? which were denium d
for a row of tenement* on First-ave., between Fortieth
and Forty vrst-st*?. The janis of these tenements were
to be. In-tcad of in the usual place, on the top of tho
building?, and were to be supported by brich an bee,
which m toi? -ton th ? ?rt'ii btanis Just referred to.
Barmoiintinir Hie are lies there was to bo 16 Inches tlilcli
aess.'f e.iftli, ?ntl again above thi?, flagging ; so It will
lie seen there were to be, first, 110 east-iron beam?, on
Whirl there were to rout brick ar.he?, then earth aud
some fono, all of which was exclusive of the contingent
weight o' whatever number of persons might chance to
stand nliove a'l tbe?e. Tlii-i urrnniretncut of the yard?
wai '.of n novelty, a? ?nnicrirag ramil r I? observsblt in
Blttoklyn, |il*t v'( ?rlwni'.l of tin* High!? ridge, W/h?re SB
aeridcttl . ni'iirl miiiie yearn ago ?iii attendant 1? M of
Hie. Iii Hie easaof tbe yartla which wen- to surmount
tin* huil ?h.;:? uti Firt-tavi'.. the owner Of the property
admitted tb t tft'r I b id pteventeil h-m front usina toe
?scan*?. w? !* h were nn-..fe, according to a practical teal
whii l. I in..ile, thal I ! ni pieVui:,, prrveiited ani?t).?-i
aotlil?ni -ii.ii . i to ti. it whick had oc?*nrn*d in Brook
lyn. i;.i'ii bean wn? to hear II tina. Thr> breaking
?Weiiaht. B( ' <?' iii!, g1 ti. t Ulai li ft. war 14 tun*.. Tin maxim?
um s ife t\< ". i?t * ?. - 4j '?'ii i, 4?r ? ni li..rd tin- bri tibiug
?sel'ilit. v. in. ,i is the ultimate sate lona!, ace ?riliui* to
?fcarl'iw, BoilaklDSOB, Fairbairn, an-l all other leading
Butiii'-i-: -, ad here It is mp? to my that tua Marni
.?nun* from un ( >tabll>bment wah ti reprcsi utcd that the
?ime: l.'.a t. ere amply sufflcit nt to mi?i*aln thf wcl ht
to I*.: iinpii?. i'. No available reporter lu in?/ present to! t4i n v in . 'ta'liiii, 1 was Obliged to leave the mat?
ter, ?'-id on ti.t f.?llov ?ni* i. n iii ? the srtlcl? appeal nd.
at!iui.ui_- lil) i ' l'Utlct a-all i finer of the I>( pariluCIit of
fciilhl mr-, .-?'ni the private relations I MiMtaln fonfrni
?srhose i-t ii.:i-iai..-.iit ia i. ??a ainou?, the ioiar most ?'?vloii
?Ivcln t'.i- nnntiy. , ._.
One of ti?!-'t.i im? whl?*h leid fn the pns?l*tC'*' of tbe
nre?<ti' bml.linn lntv. ss uuii-nileil hv the 1 ist T-egl?!.-!
turt*, sr ?anuri ? lei.twln.h oicutrtil lu tin Twentieth
Wara ni-?ait a year .uro. There the building wn? nppaj
enUv beta? tonsil m ted in the best possible manner, Wit
of ?fre-?t bit-lit. ?? Uli liinny w ii: du tv openings iu the out
silt v, nil-, ?i,'l without ti .lumen...- ?tippiiit?., but cer
to inly ti tend'! nily ti iib nil lue* -provistos? et tat law ns
ara?, they tina extend? ?I. The building fell In cotuc
qiienci? of a high wind, and entnlled a lo?? of life, and the
verdir-i of the Colonel's jin y wus, " ?*?olK*dy to h'tOii'."
Tben it was eoi'ielveil necees.iry to amend the law, be
tjiiii?ie tins v ..-. ii'?1 the only nerldc-nt of the kind "iVblch
hail ih'iiiiti ii during the year, but wa? among others, re?
puting principally from the very limited pi ovieiona of
the ta?ra "li h did no1 eon pel that extreme care in lbs
?oastrurtlon of all cla*?*e*? id building? w*hl? h is require ?1
at the present time. Now the law militates ngain.-t a
?wide rar ge ot m kies? si?eculation, which if um becked
?would hem fit only ?he ?pei-nlators, who would not In si
tale lo tri t long row? of lai'iilniL'H pinn ii.all. con ii ??'ted
of pinar iti.i'etiiils, without regard to ?afety. Iron euW*r-i
?M-nmiiii'ii'ly as a pait of building material, not only in
?hi-, ..m-ii ia tmn o? ?tores, tvarilioii?(?, und factoiies.but
It nl-41 i- largely ?*mploj/?*4l m teiuineiitli'iutsts with
Blores iititlerneath, and hence now no Iron, gird?
er?, n lim is wlmh s):ui talga opeiilnirs, or coluuins
?arlu*.ti I ?\e to mslata gi-, at wt-nrhts can be
a?4?i until it 1? knovn by practical test in
tun h i.i-o tliey eau mftly bear.
Ah an aviitenee of the gnat i.i-?*c'.sity whkh existid to
amend and extend the pi-ovltions ot the bniUltng law.
tpidc thi'.-.? : it i m. ni?: a\t No. li<*> laurens st., now caJJett
South l-iith-.i- e., a easi-lron glider having connect! J
With it a wi'.iight iron tension rod, broke. It wa-su.-i d to
.?"?.??tain the frout wall at ? j[<nir*.story brown-stone front
Wilding. Having bioktu it lit t-? entlT? ViiiUilywulnto
the i ellar, fsii 1 rame neal killing the master IfuMOu and a
labeur. TI nr es. a?e was due to the net tut the ten
?sion ri ?I tiri i,..i j.,i.i until at k.?l a ?ncond after the
Mart-iron port of Ihs ginlei broke. A part ot the rail is
now In tai- oil!, c of the Miptrniteiiileu* ol .Bii.'iliiigs. Th'
Investi rsfloii whhh folio teil elicited the uct tLat n
rouse tf ;he accidi-u* was a flaw in the casting. Beside?
It wa.? aot of -a.titile f?:?u to sustain a ?flight.
Thi: flnv, ?.' h- ?. f noticeable nfter having bein renuihfed
t??-{r and ?a.lal -i iU iv 'inn* : with the rest of tin tiTtTace.
M tin* g:*?i'i. Ila.? there in en a pnieticnl ft st llrut ot
tl?e weiLiit tv'nt h the gnl'*r would safeiy sust ,jn, tiiu ac
cnii :.t wt ni.l i ol hate occurred; In conformity t> the te?
?quinn:! ir- ni the building law, as it then e\i-reil, iliiu
yr.ttti r \ '-t i "p. ne .?'?'ii arlu ii ? ?p 'U tri ?-a ely mi.?
a?lnl'is a ki Li vi WO iub?, lui winn it tbe
?f*wt-!irit w. .?ii it ?ras actually nistrtatag at the* item ?ra?
?OP"'. ..*.,. li I'. 1 His.
AU r Hie .e : nt uf Xe. jfJj L"tiren??-i*t., nrfr-ntlon wn?
?fllrei-ti .11? a tlrder, timilar io that which broke, al Nu.
"ay Lauren? t. Tbi f'iperliitenilent of Building? found
-l*lat:, ? ;"lt i h..?1 ? ? tie ;(?i thtree-ouarter? of an
lin-!? ni ?'? tly there wonld soon have been another
a?.. I \t bal Bl No- 1-', happily u,i? pre*
real? Il m mpt use ol au intt-rm? iiiate support.
at Ko, r. Mut! a\i., J'*i t n. ith of TwentT-flrSt-.t, a
latriii ???,. 'a-,nu broke, it ?rai natte hy Coiriie \
K.. ? ? . 1 ;-i,n: i n . a.i- t th?- accident tht wall above
?it was -?i. ia i by a brick an h wlitli lay ovt r the
Vaa ! ? ? i "? \ i? it:if\ uf .** vi 'lfyfifthut. and
*1 lui '??.... i- '??, I lu '.e m a 'un wh.vh v. s one ol
liven':'" The front wail wn? n tilled up in the tunal
ma- m Bl ''.. i ?? ? ii lintel wa- fal: n out, and re- (
pla. ii * -? ? :? i oin . At ?Nits. Srt and 2M East Thir
t'.-i) -t. ii-, wera very light lintels inin.uf.ietiircd
by a. .? M ' ml ????. whuh had commenced ?i? Bect
li'.g. "'i I? m?..-?\?rv prcvtitcd a ?eriou? attidcnt, ?s
tv?'.. : .e?. ?i ia nt euee pi ?i el i.miwd.i iietweii, the ?up
im.its. ont'i i ,1'ti v.? -t ornerof Tliinl-av?-. and One
liiini.r i. * -i t!*ii'?? -' .two lintel? Badi si tit? Hm-iem
|\iunderv, ?;.. ntl) ol -u.ii> Iron, :.rd wLieb war?
gnpi.rtltii! ?? .i ?it ?fall ofahullding, broke, and liad
ton. np. t.... bj ni ronger one?, Dunne l Le jmiiidof
th' e? ... ?i t?i ?e accident?, about n? n.o;.t'a?, it
-tra-?! ??? ? ? ?> .1 I'? .f it? ?iii.i h ?a ?i'fl'i'i-ei.t pi.??-, ftt "til?
ing to |n i ?...1 It rl.i Iii pat lilieitt ol ?, aiili ? ift mil ?'?::? i-I. defk-t-tod, and, i??;is< ..uenlly,
inte,i.? . le ?'ippoits imperatively became n<-ce.??-aiy
ixtwi n tte ?pal.*? of the openings. Tit? ii, again, there
wen-it.-' ii ' :?? ?'? Lian?*., g'l nt*'. alni I?lI?-Is ?aere
fmi'iii .in raw for ntsta t ng tbe load t< lie lniposed
upon ti ni ?fe r ii eva previ:.Ted by'?.o f p tin
?un?? -i.? .Ma. <i na?, intlei tht cid law. there v . s no?
tting to ?ub ' ni'i.i't prevea! at ? Ideal - ;ike tkose i Hi d
Im,ii? ,, p rtoo ur, and as the opinion of ?ne who
Id Enr?an 11 niall. Invest .: .toil the ?ubject, lau ioa
atmiia -l lo avail myrall al the following i-uotailnns :
?? V | . I ? '. ....?a ff ;, ?| !. I?. I??, (?tiual ht
?gua?'m,- . .. i?,. al ii. ii.? :<>iin ni ? t.-i ni'i Ima? ?Eil g Xttr, t.irir um
Cattail.?tall ne. aitk ..?i.?m r. n'.tn till ti tu? tli-yii o- t inttrue
g?iiw ski .'. !.. . -"ii mi yrr-r it?.- ?u<! tl.t imir.? uti. an I f?til a?il
?Vol??... I 1. ti : al var .. tina? ? aril ?ib: It h.ixe xrty ctt
tjtalh tl??*?d !'? ? ? !" i'l ?? i?-i ' -. r ??ia .?virlili., .. mill,, r ??-cur.
St, bat '" ? : i i : i. '?? : ? ? i i.. :; i ? ?? < n. lx ?i ? ?ma m.t
mrrmtiuu um. I a* timm I? U) SB? Ulta tata I?? ' ' ".. lL ft .tin- ?i'
?Vi ' I ? .- ?U" I ''??.?' p .r.V tIY 4II?
Cgt- . ?.. .t. h.f u: ufr aa?l *>ta*?trl? froia Ibiaasaaak .
?u i? r ???;.u?. ?>i.iil lb? nie?: kiirtuiua nii't.i t. i? i f i .ia I. Uri littp
ne*0t al n ni m* ila tal ?f Ora.b?r 1H44, io can.icqarn?*? of i he
Vr??iir; t ? ii M lim Itmasaa at a *mnm m**t?ey. In tin i??? aptraiS
afSSaaiM.1 ?it la? I lath? laka Siaaaai ? i . 1, ri r ilattoMbt?
mt tb*- nab" aai I? ?mi I Mi Jfaifaai '? -?uli? iliII at
tte'U?? ??? Hi '?" . m .1 ?i M tthtattr.fcc. [??. On A*.|.lto'iiMi
. mt Cm.i *-. -; tVt? .ia boo lu Boil liut Piaiia.?;? lit Will ?ia Ka.rbairu,
kit. "-'?. ' ". ?ti ,1 . la. ?.. ? ?*>m???il*aliaj Utllhtr ?f til' liai, ?la of
\Fitataa, in* l'n-w?J?it M.?<iM.rrt PbiloMi?,l.c?l Maci.t?. kc, ki.]
Tue ?*a?e Mtkority also taft*.
-A 17??allia? inili kmiy Ria eaat-iraa. wltta tari fat %%? ?um ot
em ?raaf WUhfi ?-?????*??, ka., la taa??n lu-??? a-tlajhti li an ra?
ktt?elj kpsxammm? ?_?_ It ??***???-.at11 u nant ?:?i, r>?-?icaniioa. aod
atii a?r??r I*??? 'irre- ii? aj t-.n'M-'ent ;?fti?iui l?llU?*Blllj ?ciujinieJ
mjM ti. iu |.hv,i,?l ?r.d pri>i*rt.e?. ?, ?rli u* ila lomrt o' rt.lst
aa*?fr ??l*"r ?tllVrir' krirl? ..f ,r,i,i.?. lu or itrr to malan- ?*f. I? ?od attalu
aa*""' l8 'ii. r.a|'?i ti : I'..? u? q'n'ijf.ii.ijui tn- memaamtt in Hit
rr.or ?!i? ? ii.rra ,?? i . ?i.'-'riri- i ni tu.l.t" ii? ol liai, liai: Jtrsl.'
kim?l?.l?a of ti.? | rupert'a. ?i,J ?|.plic?t1nn uf tie nintrr ?I tem* e*t>
?Jarta?! t ? ttr?- ? .- r t .,.,.,. ?r ?ir?n, aem-ati ******* Mim ?'?
M at; aw.?.?? or t.irir?/ I'?? |.rl.? .V-i?vl(^ Ati ai?rt kaowt
mkfr a! li* err ?arri al <.f UM i j.t, "I ? '??m. ?o ?? t.. Ir.vt- Hit fore? of
amtrnt a t i i ..-j . r... lalrl ? M ?Lan the l>?iiio ra at>.??t lo bi.Jit
?a rauiart ft n a iraa.t? rar f.n.n. Thirdly: A kn.,al-lgv r.f tb?
I ?biri, ???tro Iii? a?|.?u?ion ?d4 rotitr?rtiou of na-U,?, in oi\i?6t to
irt ?oubli ?-??t.:.?-. ??' au njiu.1 ,;ev?t?r ol Mjiu.od dui u. tbe Grote??
SanHaa. [Prgt m].
Tbi- law us: amended wa? to go Into effect Immediately
?a after the aotb of last April, the dute of it?,ftge;
bat the ?iip.-1-liitendi-iit of Htit!iliiiKH,*>('oHGi..eriito of Uie
met that of nu- Iron iiiaaiifaetureii? bud contracta
?ksoniplett d, win? h were made prior to the passage of the
law, p4*niiitt?*d marly thiee mouth? to elapse l*efore
?mt?forcing the new and extt-niU-d provinleiis. In tht?
tati-rim. of aliout Hire?- tnouth?. It wa? dct-nied that there
**/,!'* Bulbil? iii time tot tht- Iron ii.aiiufaitiirer*i to lu cune
fBUv uri pared t?. pr??i>?-rly reamiud t<? the now statute,
aad In order that they could thoroughly ti nile r?,t and
tgbat watt rujidretl of them uuder the prcM-ut
gaiended law. cople? were ?4nt to all of them re
AtptiCtlvt'ly A? my a??allant evidently coneei*.*cd it
?utting oat proper even to ?train luterpn-titiag the law ?o
m to uiuke ti ail-pear i bat It ?ould penult compelling the
?ttroa lu.-iiiirfi.titiirrars to coUTt-rife their produrtlon? to a
?Ist*?** In luat *I nirry tlrnt st . where, it la a>nuiiaed, I am
3e?-r?I/ iiitt-re.-itfciJ fiarBOBallv, un tieit-t-r proof of tlte
?falsity of tia,' atwaiilaats' ekarge i* needed than
tthu? quoiat!<>S : "Who (referring to the Inspaetor,
Mt prt ?eui iu: in 11) ulnu'l Ik* l?r? ,'itm? !v uotitled of the lillie
?and ti At a araars Um I* a ill '*? mado by Mr pentou ot
Met sou? hailing the said column?, liut>ls, and girder-, so
% ?rte?l." whl? h I? au extrut from* section 20 of the exiat
ttut building law. This law say?, also, that it ?ball be the
?Juty of th'* liu-pcttor niiaply ti auf^trvi** the te*U and to
?kitify to their ha\ log liecn properiV niade. As'the lmn
?auiiiiifa4!t4ar4*rs<'in denguute the pi't?*?? where th?)t4?i
abai) t,t made, ?nd are protacted In ti* he* itself la thi?
????j.. ? ?, im-1 barge I bal they n?u-t eanvemt their prodac
?14HJ? to un.v , -i ,:i-i,ii? at in which I h?V? a pernoualJn
eruat, h -win |?. to, ii, la uii?oliit*ly falsa, .ami the lua-rlliii I bollol,t a ti stltiK-uiui tiiuit v'ith a view of
rtalitingpiiiiiii.j it ir, ??.jually preMiniptu????.. Ti.oJ.iw
Miulla of ii-kts wb.r.vii tin- lum mimili.... ??"?"en? tb? ii**
aelvt? deslgaate, uni, ?? aMlUora, it provide.*! that thty
???eaiaaivta ?hall deu nalaa w bethel to bave Otk teal ix
Ud tiy mean? ot a luacbiiire or l?y piled up pig lr.'M. A
ia?-aHaa_tt wearne as ah-jiufc tttx-tmUi tbt .?-He
finn of which I am a member. It is in onr yard In
East Thlrtv flrst-*t., which is nonio distance ?way
from the estalillt?liinont of tho Arm. >*w Unit
there nre ro in tuy Inquiries about tho inbi?
ri.-* which oflldals', and wl.?t thev ?lo fur
tlir:n, I innv wv that mv Mlarjr Is f M ?uyi-ai ", tho
serviees wit'h I tiav?' to perform are these : Inspecting
the- iron Intended for tf.c buildings to l?e ci<'rt??i:
standing suiijoi t to th?< order of the Superintendent ol
Bundill!;.? to be pr?tent and render an opinion when
r. qtiircil tin to the strength of Iron In different forms
proposed to be used lu bolldlngs ; and, on requisition,
furnishing sectloni of beams, ernannt. Il?telo, uud
girder? doslioied to sustain any Riven weight. * ? ?
I wa? educated for the business, and have steadily
fo'towed It during the la-t 17 years. * ? ' During th?>
Iii?-! eight V(iii-s I have lieon (arc"olly making myself
familiar with the vnriou.? inithoiltii n on the strength of
Iron-work entering Int.? the construction oi buildings. I
have |>artlally In print n t?ook on the Mbjeet of the
ri'iiulsitc sections of c.'lunins, girders, lieams, Ac, to
sustain any given weight, a? presented by the
formula? of tlio beat an? bernies. . ? . ?
An Idea of the of this work tuny he
gleaned from the fuet that It will contain HO less than
2.300 examples, worked out from lunnulie, to show tho
sections of columns, beams, and girders proposed, to sus?
tain any weight, nil of which Is IB addition to ii variety
of other information which it has required consid?rai.le
lime to epitomize aud supplement. * * ? That any of
my other iiSKullnnts have lively ideas about the three
.vi cat jila j ing forces of every iron beam, ciiliiiiiti.or girder
in use, vis.: compression, tension, and torsion, is. 1 do
no1 hcdtfi'e to frankly ununiince, extremely douhttul.
Ymir article savs that mv method for applying the piena
ure, which is the test, with only a six-Inch bearing at tho
co?ter of a girder, is outrageous. Tin proper rule 1? thut
half the bearing weight windi the beam Is required lo
sustain must be put on the eenter, and if it beats up that
without permanent set, it will huid up the ?cWe u-ayht
whkh is to be distributed over it.
Has your writer read Pi/of. Fairbairn'? work on Iron
used lu the Construction of Building*, pace? 178, which
says that the breaking weight of a beam sustaining io
tims exactly midway between the extremen is equal to
SO tuna distributed over the general surface 1 civil lm
gineer U. Baker, In his recently published comprehensive
book on the " 9tr*-iiirt*i of Beams, Lintels, and I'oluinus,"
savs, puge 311, " Girders designed for distributed loads
are commonly tested bv hydraulic pressure applied at the
center of the spau." In addition It is obvious, by a sim?
ple mathematical cull illutiuii, tmit the pi? e-isiii-c applied
on the center <>t a beam or girder must be equal to double
a distributed load. Is said that the teste when
made hrilraulically are a humbutf. ? ? ? ? virtue- A:
Co.'?" Dictionary "of Tenus" eomimtnlcatc? the fa. t that
since the Invention ot the hydraulic prtm ii bas Ik en ex
ti-n-tvely usfd to prees goods of van,?us kinds, " but one
ofiti most useful applications is to the testing of yirdtrs
and beams of cast-lroii."
No one who ha? observed the oppoi-ltlon morlfe pfed In
?met times, as well as the present, to m "?fly valuable
aws, or provisions of them, will be surprised that some
of the Ieu?t patronized Iron manufacturers (not exceed?
ing eight In number, however) have at-soclated them*
selves together to fight against the enforcement of the
?present Improved mid extended building law. ? ? ?
A? my ealumalators have wantonly insinuated that
tue relations which I bear aa one ot the firm ot J. I..
Jackson A Uto., through the Departan nt of Buildings
Mid my iuspei forship, are coiineeted'.y used to unduly tho lit in. I am constrained to brand the rumor ko
absolutely false.
Tin Trihi Nt article Informs the public the flint
Ayers A McCuiidli >?? of the law was when they put
nliK girders ui a row of buildings onKinth-uve., between
Forty-fourth and Forty flfth-'.s^ that Mr. Jackson or?
dered t:iem dew m had thi m sent to his place of business
for test; that tin coet or setting and resetting was be*
tween |+oO and |?",(ii, and it took two weeks to complete
ibu ti'6t. In all tom*, without the ?lightest exception, I
have! .-nleavored to promptly accommodate everybody
r?'?dy to submit Wieir work to test. In Ayers & McCniid
Jees'i cas?-, I went to th< ir place of buslnehs three tinns
on n? tlcv toc?me thut had b? en sent by th-in to the l?c
paitnU-nt of Buildings. Thev were noj resiy when I got
there, m-coiding io what tlioy said, and it clcurlj w..s
their obfett to aunoy the Depfirtiiient, and render the
discharge of my duty as nn.'lea?nu?t as possible. Pince
the eufvrcep'Mji of tin, law there UB? boon a marked 1m
provwoent ln.Tbe strcn^Cu of the lion beams, girders,
&??., msniuacrared to be died in buildings now in course
of orpetion. The tests have been i.indo, so fur, onlv dur?
ing the hiet two months, A? tho jHrd in E.i--t Tliirtv
?Jrst-st., winch triy calumniators have so conspicuously
published that I have a greats profitable, personal Inter?
est in, tiKKibave I ocn received dm ing these two months.
Tho ?fleet is KOO expenses. In this ratio the sum total
of the test business would amount to ininti per annum
(lgntust |w,600 for the same peilod, leaving a profit of
ti.bOO a y.-ar, and not NyMQ> <** has heeii raia I am
making. Tho factthst there Isa fcstlug machine lu the
yard in East Th?-ty-?rst-si . as has already been shown,
Is not to compel anybody to convey their productions
there to be tested, but Whatever is brought comes because
the founders have not purchased a machine for them?
selves, and find it m?ire economical to no1 have pig lion
piled upon the article to be tested in tliolr own establish?
ment. The recoids of these tests will lorm a highly val?
uable book, wbich will, no doubt, be ful? appreciated
by tho larger lrou roniiuftirtureis when I? Is published.
under the sub-captlou. ot "The Old Inspection KjufTl
cient."The TaUBCVB soys: "An architect .pr?sentstated
that only the mass of mason work lying immediately over
the girder, and contained iu an e.pillutiral triangle of
which th? auder Is the butt, will ueuully full out when
the girder Is taken away."
Tin?, l will grunt, ts measurably so, provided the wall
has no wlndov.' or door openings In It, walch certainly is
not the nibe in obo of every M buildings erecto?! in this
city. It is but pioper, I think, in closinif this reply, to
say thal Mr. Macgregor is not in any way connected with
the finn ot j. I,, Jackson A Bio., and that ali tnc unchar?
itably circulated rumors that he taara al.oer fabrieati >ns.
li i tin Ii. Jackson.
in ?i LA>ye,
It l8 ?ndonliti'illy trno that mu? h flimsy
building Is done in this city, and that stiingenl lav I are
boc dad to prevent unprincipled min from erecting un?
safe ten? menu, for the joorcr classes. bu?h statements
as the-fol)ov.lng from an up-town builder of the " sis cu?
laring " class must, therefore, be taken with a grain of
allowance, for, if lett unmolested, such mi n wmild cer?
tainly sometimes build dangerous houses. The point
of gioatcft value about this statement Is, consequently,
not its assertion that the law is too strict and sweeping,
but that the infringement of it? provi-dons i- svbtematl
call* condoned by the paym nt o? mou<y to the officials
of the Hui.ding Department, lhe laws upon this subject
should ?be Fo framed and ?administered that the homes of
the poor and those In moderato eil cumManees muy be
made as cheap as possible consistent with safety, and the
penalty for ui?-afe building should be relni.iu.Uig, and Hot
the payment of bribe to individuals.
'Jin operator who furnishes the fa^ts for this artlclo
continus the stiiieinenf made yesteru-iy. thal lhere are
two distinct sets of builders in this etty, and thal their
Intcii nts conflict. The n ..sou why the down Iowa archi?
tects knew nothing about i he blackmailing I* found in
th. fact that they wake plans only for the wealthy mer?
chants, win. build costly noiMcs and atores, which are
put n|i b\ contractor? v>ho obtain a percentage npon the
????st of 'th'ir work, and who would be very will?
ing to put up Muara with walls as thick al
tin- tow.?is of the lir.iokiyn Bridge. If the laws
called for sueb structures. Th?re is Utile or nothing lo
the building laws that thew Objeet to. anti thev are very
willing to ?ee the builder ? of the rbeap bourel pinched
bj ti.? d partaient. Hut tho ih.ap luiuscsare iu.-t as
????????vary as the dear ones. At this infoimant ?nid,
We iiK-ii w lio build iii? ti' h??n?e- nil public henefactoi 3.
V? have oiled tin~ whole region with ovmfortable houses
for the ?people, while the mUlioualm down town wera
holding back, afraid to risk their nioner lu such ventures.
F.vciy year new i.iwj arc ni.nie, so that a mau never
knows where be stands, About turee yean ago a tone
lui-nt-hou-e law wai passed which said tbat no mau
should built a Awe-story house (the technical Dame
among bullara for a tenement-house] without a permit
fruin fie Supreme Court,whit h was to be obtained through
the Hiiltilmg Department. It further enact, d that a ben
the Sup.nut.-nd. DI ai-keii the Court for such a permit It
should be giuntid. Titi! (.ave Macgiegor a hu? lui
power, winch he has not sciupl.-d to u e. It i.-. tinl
ic-i'sally kuo?u and under-tood lo the trade thal for
every such p'noit, which shoal?! cost nothing, und
for windi no le?.al payasea! can be de?
manded, the builder paj s ouo of Macgregors
(Ki.tuns li-om lino to 1125. luis bas been
levied on ever? five-tory tenement house built in this
city within the last lour or live years. Oui money was
demanded: but if any application whs made to the
Supreme Court we knew nothing nbout it, for we never
saw any Court jiti-mit.? u^ngnTi of uni- kind."
ixtet Winter another hw Waa paeaed. Five-?tory
houses had become as expensive that builders tried four
stortas Instead. Bo Macgregor got another law paisetl ia
meet the emecgeacT, and give bim a chanoe at four
story teneaienls and all private house*. Hitherto such
houaes had been exempt from his i? vies. According t?i
this law evon twelve foot bouses uiuet have ilxteeMMh
walls. Again, this n?w law provides that no
more "pale" brick shall be u?.d, hut as mani?
as ever are used lu some privileged places. They aro
cheap ami eau be used with safety where no hcavv
weights of mer? haudise are put upon them. The, builder
snd further, that Macgregor hail Insisted winn tie,
wanted the last law pasted, that houses could be built as
cheaply under it us uuder the old law, whernus the fmt
wa? that it added nt leant SO per cent lo the eo-t. Ho
then fi II into a ino, king mood and laughed bitterly at
the idea that Mr. >Iacgre?or did uot know lawyer
Murray, tott ask him If he Knows Araistnmg, Oh, but
is u't he a, skinflint '. He did all this business for Mac
gregor, ami was Deputy Bupertatmdeat at one time.
And then to think of our being under the espionage of
sin ;i a i-ui ill caliber mun, nil? 1 having to knuckle and
truckle to lum. I'iebe.n going to quit the business a
down times, Just on that account. Tho amount ?of
blackmail collected in all thes" years by those
fellows must be immens.?gieater eren than what Car
uociiaii gets by his ouarautlne. He has only four months
to operate fti ; they have the whole year and havo the
wbole city to browse over. Why, they charge us gie M
e\.-ry time they summon us; most oases are let off with
a caution aud the costs."
Tneu taking up the pamphlet containing tho Building
law ot April vu, 1871, in ?bowed wnat portions of it wert
most oii.i. I'tionaiilc. 'Die worst section, in his estima?
tion' wa? t>ec. bl, beglnuuig. " The Oei.artment of Build?
ings ii iiu ii uiuler this ait shall have full power lu pass?
ing upon any ipi?-tton relative to the mode,
iiMiimi of ?'onstiu. ??.m, or materials to be
used lu ititi ere. lion, alt. ran.iii or regal*
of aiiy building in the City of Kew-Yuri , where the Mme
la not specially provided 1m du." Tuis and the MM
lig seel ion 30 whl'-h ? njnins that all pl.n? ?nd specifica?
tion? li r houses must be approved by the Hopcrlntcndent
puts the Hade entirely at the mercy of the depart?
ment. " It they choose to look out for a hitch,
they are sure to find oue." (Muir "had"
features of the law were in auction 6: "No party wall
in any-dwelling-house shall be less tuan 1? in? -lies thick **
snd ?ec e; " In all buildings on street comers the bear?
ing wail thereof shall be four inches thicker, In ull caaes,
titan is otherwise provided for by this net." Bee. 10 In?
sists on MP-stoaaa for pt. r? (in building-) of cut granite,
which "is virjr expensive, and only need??* In
tv a re h s mid buce pulihc building?.,." saya
the liu?ubr. Per. 17 enjoins thai "no ?eui
flu.? shall be allowed unless the same > i>e bulli, In a
wall of brick ur staue." lactlaaM laaMs thut all tislli
gnd itair?aia of tenement hous-s shall ne coustiueWd
ia *u?:b way iu, the PuiH-rliiliendeii; ,?,?,11 ordain.
Tht^ae and ?niil.i. set t.on?, be ?av.. are no1 mtiy uued
kjpJy bBrcka^BW, bul opt? Um way Jur fauliii
inspectors io as to make It impossible to tralld with
?? ii.-ty, as you uovcr can know what you will he blamed
Tho Fall Trotting tfettinjr of tho Fleetwood
Park A6soii.(tlcn bega! yidonlay, the heavy rain of
Saturday b.i\ Ing caused a postponement of the opening.
There was a large ass? inblage of the lovers of trottlig?
nud fr.uu the excellence of the sport them? ctlne promises
to surpass In brilliancy the one ?riven last Spring- The
track was in fine order, having dru d up rapidly aller the
rain that fell during the latter part of the previous week.
The managers of the Association have made numerous
Improvements sinre tho Spring meeting, A nr-w stand
for the timer.? and the reporters has been erected on the
bluff opposite the Judges' stand, and a handsome wooden
railingaenaratMthe Club-house ami grounds from the
grand stind. There were numerous ladies present yes?
terday, both in the ladies' stand and in the balcony of
the club-house, and all seemed to take a warm laing?
in the various races.
Two parses were announced to ne trotted for, the flr?t
being one of 11,600, for horses that hail net cr beaton nu,
and iho second of f?.non, for t..k hnr??s. Thirteen hor*?'B
were entered fur the 2; U race, and live of them Started,
namely : C. L, Backup's bay mare Lady Bacchus, li. P.
Carpenter's bay maie Hartford Helle. J. Dugrey's bay
mare Fanuv Lambert, II. Howe's black mare Hebe Moi
i ill, and J. J. Bowen'a sorrel golding Joe Hooker. The
absentees were Tempest, EliJit Bella, Lotta, Ellen Ti ? e,
Brown Kilty. Young Thorne, Bismarck, and Frank. The
pool betting before the rael- wai as tulki wa:
L?.i? B?"?iiai.$ici gara o?""
J...' Huuker. ."?0 5.1 ?,9
held. 15 1M M5
PiRrnronn Pinn?Mi-!?v, s,|i I ? ?Put?, ?1!W. fntontg
that n.'T.r trotted !., Uti lliau'..J! ; ?.J? i'l-i lit?! Lota.', * tit) to Wee.!
klW lu t'nril.
? I. II?. >...?'? li n. I.?. !-. -Ti., ! ??.. 1 1 1
I. I. Bowilia ?. I'-. J'* Il?i..?i?r . 2 2 2
II. How-'? in.. H.lli'11. 5 j 1
?J. P. I'lr), lot ? h m., Brllo. 3 I I
J. I'.g1. . r [.. He., I ILU, 1.1 ? li. lil
Quart'r. Halt Mil?. Mil?.
l?tn?it. mik I li ? '2*
Sri II. ?1. n lill .Ml
W11.'?!.?,. it l:l*| iii
Tho second raco for 2:2s hor?es Wat for n purse of
t2,000j the winner taking tHutit; the so.omi horse foi
i and the third |200. Twelve horses were entered; and all
started, asfollowsi J. L. Doty's br. ni. Linly Augustin
J, Baiter's b. g. Dresden; J. Lovett'* br. g. Young Bruno;
M. KodlnJsJir, g. James li. Coleman; B. Mace's wh. g.
Medoc: XrCarpenter's e. in. Susie; (4. P. Carpenter's b,
&i. Lady Boss; J. Murphy's b. a. Charley Oreen; J. Car
r. Ts b. ?j, li. n Mtarlii J. J. Bowen's g. m. Heo Eoami B.
McLaugulin'a b. m. Mary, and A. l'ait, i -nu'.s cb. g.
liieadiiiiiiKbt. In the ?betting Pea I'o.iiu and Mary
brought $S0 each: Susie, ?t-13; Medoe, |Ji; Young Bruno,
tUt Lady Augusta,-SIC; the fl< i?i, $-',.
Flat? Pat ?ron?. S2.0CA tot liorsei that rT.r fT,,*t*J better
l:ii; ti . a in ?r?; bor?? $.0 < to loton I gSOSUIUri
J I I'..I ? , 1.1, r. I It m titIt \ -., .. ' ,. II 0 0 0
J.l.e? I,?flu? fit ,n ? ?i.f.tin.'- .bl?.
John Lovett cir.i-nJ b.c. Yoous ii. - .U 0 0 dr.
M K.'.iill I'tlt'lf) it g Jtl?it LI I ? ,. .. I . ... 1' 0 Q 2
li. .Mac- ptil^r.-'l ?. g. Mfuo?!....0 2 1 1
T.Csiiisiii tkjjmom.SaS?.t.o o 2 j
O. P. ? ?ir*ct*r nktttt b.m. L?-It Rou........ 3 3 0 I
J..1.II Mull lif li. ? l nari?)-(irc-ii. I 1 I I)
M Carrfifl inn-tiil h g Yen Narr.0 0 ? U
J -I Heei - ? i-i ? red ,' til -m 11 ? ii. 0 U 0 0
samuel M Laugl lui . ;,(? n-l I? n. Marr.I 0 di?.
K. 1'klteiaii. titfTri) eli r. Drradnin. lit ...... 0 0 0 0
ThsS tiJH, 2.30J. tMk, X2.*,
The GoUlio benefit match attracted many
spectators yesterday to the Tjulun Grounds, an exciting
contest being expected between the old nines of the Mu
turi] nnd Atlanrie Clubs of l'TO. The panic, however*
proved one-sided ami decidedly UJUuitcicstlnjj. The
beeil'- 1~ lu- I"...',, o :
nvh*. ttX ti 3d. ItL. ith Cth Till. Mh WK Ti.? ?Ii.
A? ,.,.'..r.,..3 0 2 0 13 1S 0 ? li
Slutuil.(1 OJOOOlao ? 3
Jl'miiir?. John (inim of Ik? Krkfor I (lah. Tun,- nigam?, 1 how 19 trinn'ri.
Firn li??- by ?mira? Atlantic. S time? ; Mutn?l. ? In ? ?. ltun? parri ii ?
AtUatlt, 1 , 31 ut(i*l,l. Tot??"btl,liogsnor??Atl?ntl<s 7| llu:u.i, li,
Chicago, 111., Bept, l8.?The fourth elmm
plonshlp ?game between the Athletics of rhlladelphla
and the White ti toe Li tigs of Chicago was won by the
former. The Man ia as follows :
Hui?. In, ii. 34. lib. Mb. ?tb. TA to. 6th Total?,
Atlil. tim. 020331200? 11
Cb.tAfi'....... 0 'I 0 'i 2 " i 1 ii - ii
Rum f.Mn*l?Atlilnic? ?Si Ch'papo, 3. Uise? earn?ii?At',!?Up?,
Brit. 13; total, 20, C L.,??o, ian, ? | li.ul, l'Jk tii,[itc, Min II' Int
The Wlilte Stocking Club for next refir will eon?i?>t of
Mills, flrat-biM] Wood, second i Nelson, third; Fun e,
.Short-stop; .Zettlcin, pitcher; Allison, catcher-, Tremer,
left-field; Cuthbert, center-field i Maitiq, rlnliUOebl, ami
change ritcher, It Is eonlldcutly ssserteq that all of the
above bave tjigned articles to play lu tho Chicago club
during the season of 187?\
The Pastime* of Haltiiiioro deiea<??l tin*
Olympics of Washington, yesterday. Vf a ecori- ni .0 to v.
_'. ****mTTLmm
poPLnte, etc.
"Tlicrc is a time for evrr3'iWTig," pays
8e-ilomon, and this Is the finie fer the eomempl ittoa of
now goods. Already faniiliar faces appear upon tin
plaza, tempted by ?fipetUing mid delicious in.villie-;
bien clMufiee feet linger before wln?lows tilled with
soft, mi-ty ince?, gay plaids of eveiy inia?lnahleeolor,
macnllicent silk?, the niu-l graceful of mantle! and
wraps, superb Algerian cloths, glinting and glancing
?with thrct is of gold?black, and M arlet, and grei ti, and
white, in Oriental gorgeousno-s; Jewels and crosses,
" Wblcb .li-'-s na.!.! klM ?d1 m2 Jil? ailorp.''
Trench pllt and solid pAi, onward is the motto ami sign
pi the times, That UiiB'> ling and weary feet ihouldrekl
atbiewart's Is among the inevitables of wmiuu's Ile.
Hie omnipotence of Mr. Stewart's gold and the tast?i and
tact of bin agents have combined to ravish for the adorn?
ment of Anrcricau beauty the very creme de lu creme, ot
prolific Europe, drawing to hil palace with raalslhss
seduction. At the silk counters we Und Faii/e of three
tints to a color. The lightest shade is intended for tho
bodice ; seeend for the polonalsa, and third for the under
stlrtj or these colors can be woru according to cholee.
These n?>^ aud rare shinies ?are in Tourtonllc,
Cypres Centre, Cineruhie, Pitmre, Marron-Cvnytiix,
Von iloltke, and many others equaJIy beautiful and rich.
Then there aie aL-o the various black stile of gtewnrf!.
own Importation?-the family silk warranted to wear foi'
ever, from ti ;?n yard to ti. The Bonnet Cyclop, pc,
from having a white e,l^<- on one side only, all boil.-?! of
the unrest Mik, from ti io |0. Another si j le of extra Hue
quality, from $C to $10 a yard, runton'? Alttzor, each
edge of a dilTeient eolor. Thee silks nie mriffiiiticcnt in
heaviness and quality, for tin per yard. There is a
specialty at this establishment In Miks and satin'?, cut on
the blas to match every conceivable ?hule. The silks ot
solid colois, strewn with exquisite lovers, have been
once before described. A rich lavender brocade, with
crimson bouquets, takes one back to the dajrs of
farthingales ami powdered "Wigu*, upon ?K-ail .?lor,
the palo b.ush lohcs have all the il? .?cin.y ol tau- old
Among the rcry latest novelties found hero ure ex
qursit?' bridal bouquets of delicate point lace, rtprOSSUt
ing orange blossoms, lilies, and Marguerites grjcofuily
gpouped as would be their ?liters In nature, pure and
ethei*ol enough to suit a Tit.una. These are leo each.
All women love lace, if only for its delicate, poetic
beauty, aud upon no other counter in New-York are to
be found sneb perfect sjie? imens of the perfection of buiv
work. A black Cliuntilly shawl, lust nbpoftod,together
with the flounce accompanying it, are uinrvi Is of handi?
craft; its cobweb-like tracings seem too fairy like In
minute daintiness of flin.-li to be cr?dite,! us the woik of
buiiian hands. The mussel of shaded roses ressmbhng.
as laid over a ground of whit?, the ?iieu-t India Ink paint,
ln.y; tl/oo wa? the price of this rate sharl?
and the timm, i- to match um tilt) per yard,
se*en yards forming the piece, a shawl of Uni...- !?
IHiintfof purent white, and snot her of ?loi-nl apytnyite, ?ere
valued at, the- flounce to lorwupuaa at IMSper
yard, lure devices of Indescribable elanoratlon are
woven in the fianle mi she?, interlaced bar?, and Bernita
of the finest Infr?esele? of design, intermixed *ith Boat
ing pendants of flowers. Dies? and r'oak velvets, from
twmty to forty-tlve Inches wide, bave been reduced bera
slnte last seasoii, froui t30 to t*) per vard. Beautiful
trimmlnif velvets to match all the new cloth similes?
thm. ??uiin., purchasers an linnicuoity ol time anu labor
and |ierpi?i\itv?arc Vi per yard.
In the department sllglrtiy perfumed wtth fSLnt scents
?f ?nndh! o,,,,,,i tttJ,i oilier forebni drug?, Ile the rare mur
Bille? nee of Um* genuine SMoel's bair shawls, with tbeir
I?iitii?Ut iliniies that, In their winding, seetn a< 1f Ini
iHied wit^ ?omi. mystic spell, ?urronuded by tue*- Keary
fal'iKs ?lie is transported luto the wanders uf the Orient,
wide plain?, ?nil whmik palms, "neath which wait
camel? broiv.Miiat, flnshod Into vls'on, and ihen faded a*
it cam.-. The newest of these bhawls i? reiernible, on?
ee?iter m-srlet, the other side bls.k, the boi-der snd wfge
or the enter piece resembling curled ostrich feathei*
? lskioo. A perltet marvel of beauty, valued at ti,0wo,
t? ??oril?t,id ?ith Aiihnnii leave? in all the de li.? to
? colon?, with faint dushes of scarlet and yellow,
?Bother, abo in Autumn have?-, lu s slightly wau Vi
w? hi, ii H,?no. Yet another, each ?ide of which I? dTir.-r
eui. h,.* ?he Auiuiiiii hat bordering t?> the tim of the
igns. and ia tl.lw. Au antique sliawl Is exhlbrtod, wiy
rnm-h .hua. d, tot tatt?, liai i which mav poatan
JegWlenl ?harm through itseasoeUtions. Vary ohiuI
na' i am? |?s hair ?haw Is msy b?- had from ?iui
^n t" tso. one c??atume merits au Introduis
i, ?if lea color lrn-h popMn, made np at
J? "-tvbii-hment lu two oiiloi?, ?alf Mured
rir.ii. i,K very eiuborotelv uuuli-, l.u tia?. If tuak. - one
ISMs"?ieaMilesstokao^i rh.t *. eosiuaic aiderodheie m
m.^niu^lsuiiialud ai*d (ltii\er<-(l at nlgM?
?u.o.'iaother n?w gooda tot serrioadbls w?-. .
i?a",','!.,|>' 'J' W?;:U> ?'ur',?, 9*10, ST l8 gay orienU.I (le. I
Su; li?X ''**.?*>?' "'. tlrnituftle, an* ?au?iel. qiili, ?9
tefcuiiiiv Oniiu m Dy iho lui fiJmil hieHili ouibnjiaeii-is,
mnoiatTti imtumAt
n , -, ?ann. it: ra. Mil Vii.
U' ?..' ' '?' ****
Um Rrt-rb. P-C4I- Hut i.r tri
?t., liai Ci ??I IJ. ?. r. ia ilka Vkekhnj, 1. I.
?. ra. p. in. * ? ra. P n?. ? r*i. P. **??
11,;?? 11:15 Ki'.rT -:- I'M 1*
I- ?Al III K II' '!'?? I? ?"K THII tICIMlT.
(bit K.ftli ft j?*.)
fli'-Vy TToit*'*?V.x-Vn "\.\ciit MfflltTti FillmoTr.
sud wife of laittal.t - Vtnnndttn ?l->t-l~>\i-,t t I ira
I.oui-1* Ki llogu*. ??m .St. /Vin* Hotel- John I!. Collah of
Worce-ter, Man?, asea Filth-.i rat ne. Bott /-Col. (ii "ni
W. Mt Cook of Ohio, Hoiner A. Nelson, 8( I rotary of Mule,
New-York, J. It. Unpineott of Philadelphia, the Don,
John Ganson of Buffalo, and col. A. R. Manning of Mo?
bile. ---. Urrrnort lloiitc-Cn.J. El. Ledits of Chica o,
J.N.Hasard of Ithode Island, and Dr. J. o. Holieml
of Bpiingil'id, Masa, - .\rio York Holet?Ta*
\'."v. I?r. Kane of N. ?i-Orl-ana. ?-? A'/. James
JIoUJ?Tbe Kew r>r. Fait i ??ni of Annandale,
N. Y. wturm xtcti-opolitan lintel?The lion. II. T.
l.lggd, M. ('.. of Delaware, -mt ?' e Hon. R. w. Mackay <*r
l'eiiii-j lvanla. ?- - Coleman ?louie?Ex-Mayor i rret
of Washington? ? ?? ?lot,?tun Boute Capt. Bandeniaa
and Cunt. Citllaudcr of tin* BritUb Armv. i- M be
marie ?Intel--The Hon. John Tinker of Philadelphia.
?==.? lYfsiiiiiithiir ?Inlet? Isaac Ltrermore of Bonton.
- --- Bl. SUhotm lloiel-Qtn. N. Van Klvck of Prov?
idern e, ex-Mayor Bular of Cleveland, and c. ??!.??? ii.
Bbcrrillof Washington. ? -~ tirand Central Bottt- Oil.
V. (ioilli.rd, II. a. A?, and the Hon. A. A. Btockton ol
Nea Brnnstrlek. - - Attnr Bettet?Senator Graham of
Middtetowa, N. Y., ami R ti. Hazard of Kbode I ?land.
Miisic in Toiiipknis-sfjii-ire at 4.00 p. ni.
Bripailic-r-Gcii. August us Funk bal aaaamed
coniinauil of the Second Brigade? N. O. S. N. Y.
Tlic nalo of tlic Elevated Ballway, announced
fo tnke place yesterday, for the benefit of the boldon of
the set ond Diorttiiitff bondi?, lum deleircd until ?Oct. ft
New-Haven Coniiiiaudr-ry No. 2 Knights
Templara nnlved at the Metropolitan Hotel last
evening, They leave tar Ilrltiiiiore Uria morning to at?
tend the national conclu*, e of their order.
A music-dealer on ?lkoadway has in his
window a sentimental sour* thus marked: "Thou hast
loved me nml lafl me, for 'li cents." That lit certainly the
cheapest kind of a divorce, and leave* uo nee. mi ty for
going to Chicago.
The City College will ho opened for tho
Fall Term on Wediie.-thiy, B pt. 20, at 8:4S a. ni. Tho"
?studeuts of the Introduetory Department will eut? r hy
the wettern Kau* on Twenty-second st. Btndtnu arc not
admitted into either bullinina* until b jo a. in.
An up-tov-rn photographer displays at his
door the portraits of tin* Imperial family of Banda
Th' e who Imagino that royalty cannot be airly mutt bo
ki,dly di- :pp'.luted at the pictures, for the link" Alexis
I*? iinvililiiL- but handsome, and the I'rinn tin Dari.iar,
tv ho his galla i a ? mitin,tal repa tat Ion f??r beauty, aouM
ha: ?II., lo called i ', cn K"?jdlooklii|T in Atneih a.
In the Suprime Court Clinmberi, vesterdny,
a motion was nade batan Ju?igu Barnard to change the
venue in the cace of tho Attorney-General ex rel. Woods
erruinst Lilis to Richmond County. The case arnso upon
n rhartro of Wood-, that niliw, who Is one of the Paper?
visors of Itichnioiid County, lile?.'.illv contributed to lilt
own iippointn ?-nt as. va tit tbe Pi/llee Comnilssloners i?f
r li?- County. Tbe motion wat graut?**?! apon th? stipula?
tion that the i a1!?'be uigtd on io at the uejit term
iu Kichmond Couniy.
The Rev. J. Hillstead Cairoll, pastor of tlic
lyottvc. I'.eformed Chttrcli, E. D.. ha-i resignad his
cuurirc, und will preach hi? farewuli wriuuu next au.olav.
Judge Tappen granted permission, yesterday,
to the N'ew-Kii'?*l.:ild l'ong**egattottftl Poeletv of BMOMjTB,
E. D., to mOrti-iiare their property for fra.i.OOO.
Lebenon Johnson, employed by E. Ayres,
a leweler at No. 10*2 Nassau-st., New-York, -was I1ne?l
fiOO, yi-teidii.v, by Ju-tiee rtucklev for ?Stealing from
biaemployei uu) vsoiih ol gold, which he .?old io a Knl
tou c'.. dealer.
Fn'sniNO.-?EdiViiid Markev, employ-ad ni the
Institute, attempted to shoot a fellow-laborer on Sunday.
Ile nu? arrevtcd, bat M his employer refused to appear
ufia'tiHt hnu he wa? tllHilmi'a'etl,
PATniOoi'F.?Two three-foot gniiee railroad?? are to be
ron-ti lietel iL'ii'ieili-ii*lj? one io Manches, 10mitos, aad
the other to Port Jelfcu?u, If) miles.
Lung Ieland City.?A boast owned by James Dennln,
value ti?,j?o, and a building owned by Urs.Dowling,
valuo #1,000, were burned yesterday.
ItorKVlll.K Ci mm.- TI.lie valuable her es were
stolen Iroin William Wallace's barn, Munday bli lit.
M a no it.? Stephen Anderson wa? arrestad, Sunday, for
stiiilm?; ?jo from his employer.
EnOEWATi'R.*? Flora Carroll, age 11, was
arciibiKally di owned yesterday, llci body ha? not been
1*000?. ? red.
White Plain?.?The Fair dosed, yesterday,
willi tinco race?. The Hist, for three-year old.?, wa? won
bv 11. N. (lallotvi'Vn hor'ii Nixon; the second, for four
year old?, by fe. I>. nri'.e?! mare Jessie Kilk; and the
third, for hotneii that bad never beaten ?>:ii, by Col. W. 11.
v. -.i lilian'- Bare Qraek Hartman.
NEivncii'iii.?Henry C. LatrUUgfT, nee II, was killed
v lui?* hunting, yesterday, hy the accidental discharge of
in- ?.nu.
Hi i.Niiv.?Wabit Boa?*rs wa? fatally ln|nred,l i?t even?
ing! nilli? j.i ...*i??-' iioi.i n train while it wa > lu un.tiou.
Jerset City.?A (icrinati Mi.--ion Sabbath
selioo! bas been estahli-duMl_In Hie Couit of gpceisl
Pe.-?ioiiH, yc-t. i '..ty. Mlebacl Killy, a eonvietod i>iik
pocket, was sentenc? ?l to two ye.its in the Ht.ite rii-on.
_John Sht.dy, for itealllig grapes, and Dann I
Deverell, for stcalins paint, w? re rommitted yesterday.
,,..An.aii nan I Ui'lan ti? ruu over,yeaterilay,by
fin Erle Kill way train and lustantli Ulli*d....The Bonni
of Police iaiii!in.*--!iiiur.-. ni?p?iiiif"il Si-r--*" ?nt Edward
M'Hi.niev Captain of the Plwt Coln n l'i? c un t In plat ??
ofCupt Ch.ul?.- tV. Miibon?Tlie Jersey Ottjr Lieder
tuf? 1 m:ide an exeui -e u to Lim Park M .deni IV_Coni
p.iny D. 4lll P. ?'lim: it, held a pic-Bio at I.!?..ud.ili* laV
viliiiu ycr-terday.
Ran auk.? ti.** Bepublteans of tbe Ponrteenth Want
ori?-aiil?;eil a C ?upi iga ('! ti la*>t erening, with th?*follow?
(naoflcers: h*e?ildent,W.C. Knie; Vice-President,(leo,
Itobiiuld*. Bwretary, ? Memtt: 'l rea .-ure r, I li. ftniiib.
_K ?.eil Kolben wa* convicted y?*ster?lsy of i.ra*ul
lan en v,, un J sentenced to one yi-arin tbe Mate Prisi.n.
(?.dleii? fteuin-i'li-r, hurgi-irT, Uiree yearn In tlie Mat*
prison_Boxes hi re t'eci placed in public places by the
Dir.? ton? of .**t. Mu iiael'M li "liltiil for rontrihutli'U?. ?.?j patient?..if presenttn tbe Hospital. ...Too
V. M. c7 Association wai t (80.000_Bebemlun perry a is
roiJieti of 11 ?'cu ii.iuioud pin wbilo returning from the
Deuiiiciatl? Convenilon .. A nea gold Bud silver r.-iliu rv
lins bet? ev. 1 ted. at a 1 tml nt *40jMM....Tlie enipl???*es ..f
Clarke's Tbread Paet4?ry liave given NOOto st. Michael's
Ruspilal_Um th" I? uni* w Kell v.I ii.I Jo-eph ti i\,v wera
fliioti*loetuhy!-ieitl...f. f?.i iu??.4tili and buttery_Ti.? le
were j? death's last a*? K.
Hu kkn-'\i"K.? The H rgen County Republicans have
Baila the fi?ll"t\ ?:?: llOIUiUlltlOUSi r tait* St .*-|tor. i'l .:. If
Ilotvlund; Hi,? 1 ill. David A. i'.-JI ; Coroners, .1. II.
Btepbens, Reury It ?Vannunuilci ?-. and Willuns M. Kip*. :
Au-enihli m? 11. Firsl District-, .iel!, r-ie T. Bert;with ?
Beeond District. I. ?vu Leavens. ...Tbe I 'I isais i?f llei 1 n
Will ba kekl in tbe Second l;efoiin??i Cbureb, to-duj_
Tin* County Jail contains 1." ?uieoiicis win? Mill be m*u(
to Htute Pi Ison t his Week.
ITfini.Kii.N.?Tboiiia.-t Donahue was eoniniltted to th?*
County Jail, yesterday, ior approarlailuica innot coal
buluiiglug to bis employers J?.hu Connors was ara*
ten? eil, ye>tiTd.i\, to *o daya in lae County Penitentiary
for disorderly cudint.
Paterson.?Ni von Ke.ldic!,- w-.n eotnniittid, resterda.?",
frri ?i-iituitni?? Wiiiiiiin Hlseo with ? knife.Tim t.raild
Jury ha-? brougbl lu .*! hills of m li? luieul. .. i\.? I< pub*
Ucaaa will hold u ratifiiatwn ueeting al the Wigwam to?
morrow night.
WttiT Hoboken*.?Doraaee Pitt? has i??*en emnnittted
to tbe County Jall.cbsrged With an atroeiou?. a-aaii't 11 ? ? ? ? t j
Hiifiiuti O. Dorrteason. whe waa oftarwad held in ji.iixj
hull upon a chin?.!? of p .rjury.
?nug Vam ev.?Tin? Bar. Mr. Talina?*?*, fornssrljr of
Ulster Co, N. Y., ha*- mieptcd the pastorale uf tin* He
foiui4*ti Chiirih.
IaAlAYETTE.-Tlie Ripublicms have organised a club
ami deihled to biilltl ,1 Big Wain, tor winch iiio have been
Caui.itapt.?Ri-v. Albert j. Wini rick has accepted a
eui! iiiini tin- i- ir-t Presbvlarlaa Cbureb of (>r: 114**?,
K4.-T oiiANt.K.?a colored cauip-m.-t Hug la in piagn ia
in 1'1*4,1? o Win 1.1.?.
POLICE .\(?TI.*?.
A fire, v st 1 film, in the cupolas of tin* Lunatic
Airiuaa I'at'ilii'. ki Hl??-k*til! ? laltaal, ??a.?? ?I ii?ud.ti,.,k..
TLiunuM Miuitifoiiiei v, :t*e lu. nf Tbirtieth-at., n.'iir
Klr-l .?- ,'.?1.1 r.l J..! 11 I'.?i ?hat, .?? 13, nf .No. I 5 1 .?t it,-.,
tit? in thi* bark.
Win. S.tillt n. nf Nu. M? I)'>wiiin*.'-sf.. while at work,
ftaaatSa?. t.u Yti t JJ. N. K. ?a- .???nllrd ?u,l l.jalj I?*;, n au?! u??l ii?
a..??, :,. tafl?t lulu?. <n luttiBu*.
Al.x.iiiil4'i I' age ::.".. of Xo.9ifl East Teuth
?(.. aoii.;iiai .n?'i..r. laalnrnaa k>y tatdag kit tLn.ii. i..a ua ia?,, ia
lue B**a4atS4ll I'hi.q. i SI arno Hum.?.
Jaka ngf '?.ni N?. ITii Rasex-st., was
rni.t-1 ?aw i ?lay St tmt Ve. Iu( ii.? At. m ? ti lu ,, .Ll .. a? i . ,l<
. lujuiiiL l'f.i.i). Kt.ll?.. tl.r .In?* r. au urrala I.
The liddy of n niait, aga 4", ."> feet 10 inehra in
kiel.: ?-calita; Lia. I r*.,iL-- Uri f*m*ttM ftitn, tul ?u?,.-.,l t. I...
A lia ? it Xuliir ?f liriiaki'U i ?. lauuj. vc?-ijiv. :i tia.- K -1 Um ,._
tit, 41.
Charlot ?.i(('.irtnev ouari-ele.t w,\h C'a:! ? Mo
U.'Ul* ' ? . ?a. 1 I .1 ? r i.e ?U|i ?.t "vbt. ..?.ii ?!'... k li. , li |. I
??Itli n c1 j?, ia*:-! it tar ?*?i tmlf ?ona?? galt ?i.r, ?jan trti-aal
k} til? *.?.??n*li I't. ? i-t I'
.'unies W, Lli kri, aii- *l-i, lute of Nu. I?0rMnfoii-?-f..
?W. i??.ira?? ir !.-..." li.??,. ??. '??Ila .jal.a, r???ll?- mil' 0,txm ?
????V. -to I.r Wh?; t?ovli ?ah ? !.???ii luiV ... :?? ,??-, ??Tal lil
mp- ?'. ?ort in a tk , I .u? t: (>i.?ri-,t..r.
lailtiin CltSN ?I Hriuil.l.vii hie,' Wiri lint \, ti.-,ni.iv '
?kilt pu? rr **? **l.i?h?tt tullt ?i?t ?n ,n ot j . *, ,. , |j, - ?. - r
?Tit,- .*n . t| r??> ti? . ?i ; |lv *????'n
y ? mm i???- ? ? ?- ?'?- butt ? . ?. i. . . 11 - ? ;. ii. . ..
?It- . '?.t i.i ,i v , -n I ai . .,1.1.1,. na nr.
A In., lu .-' thiel* ?turi Ih'l.iliiH', Vu. ';.. * ? .,u a*
Te*?.. ia la?.^.,:i i nur al ii .. . ? i. .
1 ?.;? i^r * lil lit ? . ? ii , I, ." - ? ??
Jjl.'l S 4 r. , ?. . I?- ? la,l, , I,?? rr. li,, ? . , ?. , .1. , '
T.i ItUUiag ?lt.*S '.v ? >lr. li? in;?., a , .,. t , j . .,
At Oie Joiior?oix.iUuJiuit i'u?..-_ Cju?u tVUliaai
Kr?t?n??if if?. lISHnANm-it, ?ni rr.mmUxri, T??l?rS?T, for roMit**
~!**n*~**M**\'t ~** .-"f* Trnff^ir-iT. iii?? wir
?in l-r?ol?, forw??r1r??ir?>?lo'ht?,. ???? e.-ra?,f,-?l l? lb<- em* of
il," i o'uii,i,?oTiir??r(li?ri!ir.a-i'. Curr-'IioB.... \lrri? Ri'?.'. fir atril
.'?*''??l?, '??|"">?K??.t?i?iii< ioxOtmmt?\xt?ml oi fcm*t ?f
i.o. l'I li.u-.-.-t._
Wiiitcomh's Asthma Remedy?Sure euro.
Alexis is ?roiuini?, liei^lio, lioigho, and Um
?pprr bin ?r? in ? (l-ittrr. (let mit yonr " IimI tliln?" girl?, !,nt don't
" (ft cup?" ?t li? Isa?as flr?nl Dnkr, to, he I? " erttftd." ii tot lb*
gin'i ??a niea1?h tsn?t? s Irai ilss?sssi?isnss ?s iii? <M-(-??!na of
tho Dai.? til t, It-t tlifBi fr? to K.-'i.l'i, Ni?, 'lil Ero.,,'..:??-, ai llh?.C,ri'?t
?.?(ter ?ill ?iliern t!.rm wilii i.?a.| '?eui ?: f??? ? ki.,,- lu luok mftm. Hi?
Uriel trr lii.n iUt?!o.
Purity* ni:'1 CtauiUneM 0T8 (bo. only ?f?.
rvi. ?ziti.'t ?'. ira.? ?t ttii? .r?.i?n. M ! Hi..?.? ?( RlMUl ra ': I' I l,i--t
manitnltm ?dJ ll?inli rlinl to di? ?hunt jour prom.Vi. ricpartd ottlj
bj Tilden k Ca., Uti Willum-i!., N. X.
PraaAusiil"?Tks tumtsa (Vi?iri li???, vo?. ti tri .' : . :
Tee r'l?t . an t' e i,..-i ten* bl-, r flrwtjat, ,n i Inri,,.,... !? u,t til/,
ti iii.-ir. -:. of i-at.i ia like t.n m in ,, ?nil rtf-f ,?tsl tin to i.igli.r.
Blkacthxo, Ciewtnc an?" Dyktko Offner?
of I. l,?n,ii '?.'ii Htmim*,, tmtTm*Mim?x, n I ???. 133 Brooar ?t., cor.
Onoiwaf. Mailn ?ip ^jr.uc?t?, lie?.?, hstbeis, jloi??, le, cl??r.ri
TIiosp of our miden who ?lciro Unir Hair
to tali* ti'?- ??n e rnlor M wl cn JUxkOM, su ,u!J ne Hill a VSmMIAMkA
til IMA'. Ililli UKi.EWKU.
The TiPtiT place In Noiv-Yrr'c to ivy Rru
?BLa Watchu, pixs Intmmm mea ka-ih *?? i.r Jcvrlst. au!
IfaSeUlM Sii.vkk, ia ^yi ihr?, vi Volkn -t. lii..i..ur>.. u .ip.-.alty.
l\ pk:?e i wo nurra
rail Y. TWO ? BUT.?.
l'Ut'E rv. 0 CENTS.
Jon* ntvsELL TOCNo. BbiTOR A.VD rcELisuna.
8?c tin- LIST of tim OFFICS-HOf.WirO RE'-ATIVES of lb?
1 All k.mll. Iotrrn?), Istcrssl, blind, Blemtin?. Kelling, fcr.. pniitir?!..
ptrfc-ilr.p'ni.inpntl)' oirert I,, Ahi-.irpti. n, w?t. out pi..n,i!au.'.?r. raurtic?
or lintnnnrnt? ?nil nndofntioa wli?t*ver from l'ii?la.?a?, h? Vf. A. Me
CiaDUSS.M. l'..?thi?ro,ii.i?, Hpi.iskr Htmn), I'liina-jquate, broad
w?j, dttwt-rn Konrtei'nth and FlWSOlf ?Sa, >cw-V.,rii Clij,_
* l Oanire R?llro?.!i cont-pinnr,'osi\ coiu?1tui lion, ?hlftici motAen
ralla, ?urn-ct?. ?ad u.:ti.. .,li.?rr?. ?, u.i- ., c?. f ?,m to f.;ep gtriee lhalP
cnrvi?, ll?ht 'al?. nirtow-giBKm, ?nd Jow tumul?. Si-nd fi.rr1iCB'?r?j.J
['i.ii diairol._PORTER. BELL fe Ov._Pi|Ubon(h, P?an._
U TKH.'TUKE, Fist??n,?m? Rilesradically citrVd
l J without the knife, cau.tlc, or dr-cr-iion from t,n?!n,>.?; Imp?t nci',
DtaCSM? ol lui? (!?ECr?ii??OrJ?oi. I?.?c d k1 I I>- .',,ii.i.'.fl ti ti.? !!;e,
.Vo?.'. 1'arf.lnd Pcrtua^JIKNUYA. DAMI I.S M.l' , 1 ??'? L"i'..-0'!oc-?rf.
?C5 UROUCHTUK 1 WYMAN lil Pftl? Hen?.
A. T. Stewart ? Co.
Notions, etc.,
Alpaca Braids in f> Gross Lots.
65 69 7,1 77 81 M K?_ 97 103
?O? '?'?xT rnVttt Uili ?Mt 00* 330 100 450
500 ??ROSS
Fancy Toilet Soaps,
Ia | Uren Eiir?. ?t s?-* pet b?n, ii-y.
Lubin's Extracts,
At % !l | ? .- I'm., uct.
I?cop S-ii'2?,
'M 0? .'IO
- E.g.
4;I3 4M SIM
10,000 LUS.
Good 4-Ply Cotton Twine,
. Tu dSM| ?t '?tie. yet p.?uLd, LSI
5,000 LilS.
Good 4-Ply Carpet Warp,
ii7.'i p?-r I'.iul 1 lit.
Choice 8-Oz. Bats,
To .?oie, ?t !*J9 30 jmmttt ti IP?, ?nundi etch.
ALM i.
1,000 LAI.K.-I.
At l.-oai I?, to Me? I ? r [ i a . I.
No, M A gaie Ru??ons,
lu 33 (?? Ont? Lili, .'17!?'., ctrietcj-, Ii? j.
Guyol Suspender,
At 0* 7.1. Re?., in tir?? dona Loil,
i.?li.s.v lUTTOHtf,
TOR Pi'-Iiui Li: KTYLBS am? gt'.iMTiHS.
O?DElt? l'ituMl'TLY ATT8SUK1I io.
SHS aui? jic,7 Broadway?
ARE 8KLLIN0 OIT THEIR 1 '-. M t. N t; t? STOCK 07
Ball, Black & Co.
| POKO Ml I UTI Nu??, AND DUriaAl A .Nl'MULK OP HgVf
I'l'K lol II.A'UrY OP THIS rEi'tl.IAR MATERIAL for
Imiuirt. t -, mid Mililllfiin'? Min'? l'iiriiiihiu? i.'ooil?,
.IM ASK llMi IlltOAliW AY.
?i'c?,nii>n'Li.f r..i.M^i? ui
Hil. h. N. MAh.MI. . __
At M'.T-.I V t'..'? uri.Cuii'^-, HSi EAST FOIK
vu ? iii ?r. , ?
li... n.rul, f..r t.l ? il*Iur.?iti?a i-ioprrl.' xtrit ?aleareliil.j
? . V-eue CCt, ttetOmmxmriXmgk, A?1o?,ln?l Sai.^rl??, Sho?!d?l
' Bri'.-.
! HAIMI K ?'.. ?nil ? ii??.' !h.....? ?? ?I **>!?%-*_?!!??
I'., y-l nil N -rt? "1 tri ?'-? " mm ?I .* loOm ?I M?rtl **n***tta*?i
j ? _-!-.. JL
ra r/At?:'f-\
\Ty \j.?:t?k.m:i:?:
DAVE NOW t? 8T0CE KEW -^jj 0?
ALL Ol' Iii ii.l O'.VNilASLJ-ACTll..:.
. Epi k ft,
41 East Fourtccntli-st. (Uiiion-sqaare^
imin anasm vimmii
Pall and Winter
Northern Pacific*
Darlnd the plat f?* week., ?Bil ?mer*?!!/ the clc?.?.of tk?Q?ft
eren, it Imt bj Oin Urra, tbe dea-and foi ,
b??b?'B LARGER THAN ITO Ih?! rtebiem of Ki?? *n*mm?
? *?!ii-,l In for rtiUrapil. a la D?~ entier ii dail.r lo?.^>?i ng.
Tbli ?howl that bollier? of 1 ;t- T?e?tie? tr? bot onlj n'iv.? W tbSl
iatervit?. bat tint ther bare the rdleat cou&huo? in NO1.1'iliiE.I li?
- The Bondi ?r? lecuMj blond ill no??!"r, t* k Brrt ind ?ni; mt*
gog? on tlie Rout, it? ea?ra rollmg cock, i. ! 50,000,000 tut* 4
lb?- Coeit m the world.
We do Bot beiiltite to runnier. 1 ttirso Bondi to onr fiieiuli ?id Mt
pulil.? willi tbe lame eoi.ijecre we dil til? Gofi-raattut L-,mfc
All marketable ti.-tur.:.-? received in nch.a^o.
Full i Aiiicu'uii) fii.-u.?: eJ by
6, 8, 10 and 12 ?eidu-st.,
Vit eon, tram oar fre?t rarletr of p*tt?rti. famlib CTititr lo rit ?*S
brick-work of .' r-.,i ??err kiel ol Varnite. tbui, wiib t k1 rr?iMQ
?se? mi old casting?, wiwin* lb? ?pea* m ?hool co?-Ulf ti? o?fttl
Oar loDg experldH!? la ttii Iib* enill?? a? to gairule? iiti.'idio?
1 lie traue luipbe? wivb citin?>
0. 8. 10 and 12 ?eade-ft
Building?, Bridgea, Dockt,
Parka, Ac.? Ac?
H?Tlof mide ?tteail?? ??doon? to ?*t BalMlafi ?od ,M''*t**|'J5
?Mill. iOlh. ?nia7lh.!i lOlh.adlltli-?'? **&?&
iucretain? oil tn?o?'?cluriti* MHSL w? ir? aow prerare.1 10 "**?_
ill lind? mt wronsht ?ad w3 II M *"ork for bnildlap lad c'.b?r ?*????
?iib ^reat ditpalcli aid ?I ?itreiaely low pnce?.
J. B. & J. mTcorneli,
139, 141, and 143 Oentra-it, If? _*
TbirtT eyang inerme? in ??D?r?it?rln? im? tori? k*mpmm
sf\TIC^ Safety Hoisting
OTU BIOTHBM k C*.. 0*. OAB mnm?mw,**riX****^
lol i!i"l!)WAT,(OI??iailll'I?BAj-?T.,B. T.,
sor cuKsT?ciT-rr.. rau?ULMU. ra? *
sa cs?w*p.. rin-om*?'!
iHivsTK BWSUUnfW**__0k??? u**u*AMm
uitbR ?unnkc**.
Cn. Untm ni Qnm* SU ? *?*>?????,
(tU oMe.l ?ad Urkrtl eal^
knuxwyUt* ymmilax? um, I