Newspaper Page Text
?EALj^TATB. mm York. Tw ?rtav. P"Pt- ?. >*']? Thrro w:is a tal?? ntl.n.laii.c al the E* w hal Ita ttaasarttoai ?Mt* **m*9__*_ tbHlV, .-.K' -?>-"' ^.ri?. A?J.l?e.-l.,'r,S,,?4 ?J? VnUrof U,?.,,r A ****.Oottyt**0?ki*** ir..k kHM vu Hi. wotsi.lo of Boi,.l.<laie..M8 *V. \. "lk.. Al.f,??tt,.?t.. hvIMM His? tot IM?*. K ' Turf- toU will hrtWMaas tawon. *V3U|?i? ?? ?l^?nftswM^.?_? ?w_ff _5m ? ?S ,?? nr.i and taiJA? f?r ?C_5? "?^ginn ? '?**? ,V ni with sr. Irropilar *r?la"3bS~U& B v.? ...? !'t^ntli.'Kiel.tliW?r<tofNswsT^ to|4C,wp l?t tu? i>u\? < ni meA iktie _?? _? Twsnty-tw?. U,t. :.t Wet M',''rtwn,^,"^u?t?.|i.<W?esth Thlrtr MrnrW ..UM '???R?:i'f|,?T lil?*'' rK"?',?* ."?ivid??S JVTe atfontlon '''??'"^. valuable body of coal ?lim to ?l(?^ffi?iuwh-???'_ vAVn-al for iul<- lu wfwff" ' v ?? Citn Beal ??tule for Bale. Un?!.??, ?' nurr?! .??,?-- j ,ai ia?, pu? m iapw?wwi, ????E fool I ..*""?u-' ?""'?06KKT T MEEKS ?it?dat-ll_ ? ' ''rivTii^??T'EIliHTH-AYKS. AND A-Fl 1TH ??-Vn.tifl urn* ?t'* i? i'"f ???i >>'???? &???? . iWMW^?S__r?SU M.Ji.?'B-.?e ?nd tbe ?Usccst lu *** ?"Atrt fcflwTBtfOli I M?. So- j I Pint-it. . vii!" K4I F AT" A BARGA1N-A 3-story, L\)K SA US ,*?B?i-sK..n ForlTlfllil... kMSSi Elhb ? ?s_2? *fis-*l??H <or a ItaUrt or ? Pb; ?aai ?ii ti? ?* ei.?1-"" Al-"?!? ? k,?h ?toop brown ?loue HOl'SK. baili bj Bobbin? ip .??ts?&'?o?? ; p?-t_gm_ t\iV S?LE-?? Kiflt'fiith-st.,lwtwt'cn Eighth T .?d V??.r-?. ? ?b?*?torr t.nrk IIOl>E. 2h?i? ,?ilbni 6? .ZJ_! ?. mrri.r? crnieea. ?cAcke. Price Uked, ?M ??. I? ir " ?uiMKK M0K1.1N, 2 P..?-?._?M?) 1\?l{ SALE?On Oiie-liiimlri'?l-aml-thirty-tifth ' ., Snr.i, New-lork Ihre? fall LOTS rcadi lor building, oetr the tmextk. ii ?? ?'? n'?nilli em Bulge Io.iu;re ?1 M * t? Four emnxeo* "?'" E AIK1N oBce near tl,e Mott H?r?n Ilepot_ xue" iUtti CASH, 110,000 MORTGAGE, will ???MU H J Luv ? nr?t-cl??? brown-?!..:,? Htll'sR. K?f1i ?eeond lkt.*i I <> i..Wn-?ve.' THOMSON k WAITE. IJ Piue-.l. Brookton ?eol (fatatf for Sale. JX>B SALE, in Brooklyn, nt a bargain?A ? 1u I a it h.fh ?t.?op brown ?tone HOI SR. rucreLient to le-.- t.n.K.iai li tinted and frescoed. p??ar?Mi?B immoliatel? if ?le ,^,| ln,|,i .. .'1 llllMh.K MOBGAN. No. ii Pin- ?t. roK SALE?A thwe-atorj BRICK HOUSE, I i , , >i, w,.uld EXlIIANliE for S ?mall tumse iu Xca.ltrte. ,H,i, i *t Se?-lork. M. li KOBINSON. r. Fort Gretue yu, I' ? i_ CUcstchcstcr (Tonntn Real (fatale for Sale. AN ?I.K? ANT COUNTRY 8EAT "" 1\ I ? .?Al.i m. ? ivunsmUling ierui?. within an bon- aud ? bklf of ?.. Tiri , WeatihwUr Cunnii, containing 400 acre?, in the hlgheat ?au i'r. t.i,"..,n :? ?ute ?an,! aplendld MANSION Ml feet fr?nt ? 'eel ??!? pcrfert order: ?lu.? trew BnlMing. ?0 bl lim. arranged 1er a e'.i. I, ,i?e r?r ?esdear-, 60 ?cr?? lorel groand. agitable for ? mm matt tie*, ? Grlet ?c ' s-?m Mill li fwt heaJ of ??ter B?r?r faiHog ?t .an, t ?rn ?1. l ?table ritora for ? bondrod head ,?f rat.le; four apple ?irkard? ,: : e'.i ;??r ,'rcbanl ?II grafted ?nd choie? fruit, a b.r f.-re? all in crier, ?ad ground? oraimratal. pare ??ter in all fa-la .-i ti? bo iii: in trtry roped ? ge?tlea?n'? etublnhment. ?nd u ??. Itali .1 > nuiurp?U?e(? ?D.rwberei the ttaoapbere dn ?nd adapted w ?e?k li.,'?. A good bou? and lot. li feet frost in the eily, ?ill li? la??:, ? r?n panient. Addie? WILLIAM DAVIS. Tribuue Otto*. Xruj-Jersen Real (Estate for Sale. i BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOUSE and it < ?? . ? within ive ninute? at New York buiinra? oBca. ud iii-n'r bi over Itlj train? dailr. ?in,alf J near dei oil in Ibe ?i ? it ail iiitunlli tttractire portion of Elitktietb, high gronnJ. Stir?keg? "i fnut ?nd altdr tree?, lawn, garden lie. Monte nenin 1, ral. r.. m aud uaUful. modern de?<gn and tun g?. ?iln?l?d on ibe pall ?I ?un ?ne iaprorcmeat*. ?rilli ? ?te?di nie .n ??In? All citr r< i?, ? at?, rntr.Mned with country ?ir food, ??id bring. good airketa. tri ? ri< relea, and on?orraaa?-d trtrrl. Tera? marte lo tu t. Tue l'-?irt. l.wnr w?nt? to hoild. Will ?til ?I l??rg?in CIIOICB BIILIHNO LOTS FOB SALK. Fir ? ew of lo??e ?nd fall pirti.ul?r? ol pn.prrl? inquire tt We?t I ...iii l.epol. or ?tldrtu OWNEB. Poil-Offiic Bul N.,. 23i New Toik._ Vr ELIZABETH, N. .?.-Splendid chances J\ f,,r in RKAL ?TATK; pluU uf fruin I to SO ?rtre IIOl'KKS ?m1 L..T8 FOR SALE. BXCHANGK or TO LKT. N?> tr..ul.le lo m1 ?m nroponj. J. Al. MKEKKU. .'iii IlrotJ ,1 oppoaae axrymt Kliulietb. H. J._t_ Al'lNE FARM, i'oiitanii?JR 50 ai-res of liind, i | ,1 Lle?e)l.n Park, ob Orange Mountain lor BALK. Apyly lal. S IIVK'LL Orange. N. J. ; or lo L Y. HANKKLL. Nu. ? SWt? r. S ? _ _ ALL WANTING FARMS, ?rood soil, mild cli? san .?er. ?ddiaaC. K._LANblS V,?ei?n<1 N. .'_ "1011N T. JENKINS & SON, ?I l.k ALURSIS KKAL t.?TA1 K. Oli?c?. 5o?. UM Ne.l?ou ?ml I? laeorie tu. tBiniputil? Kt.lrut? depot. __ NEW BBl'NSWICK. N. J _ M?XL0 PARK LAND Co. bave REMOVED ii* M Sr* lo 194 BBOAUMAY Room 6. LOT? for SA! F ii 'eel?. IM re?: for SUJO lo * toll. E?sr uim? Koli pirucaltrt can I? ut-m a' ,: i oitip.ti ? VEU'AIIK ami OIUNO?~PRbl?ERTY fot IS SILK. IN NKWAHK: ft.-* ?1 Hroid?t,?>nier(if IS. aa.1 E. Ka Iroad a?e. Pure. ??Vi'luf.. I^-.??-d |.-r ?*? &?io. Mir. r: M rliet-tt Price. *1S.?XI. l*a?cl f.?r st-1.10??. H. L.. 11 :: v.utb Iliotd tt. Price, *25,???i. 0<?upie.l by ?><?ner Al ,, i- .. . t.. ?.?i* 1. 1. -i Kit-ner 11. Price, til ?SS, Will rent for ?1 lim. All ?i'i.-? I' ? 1 ?,meeit. Price ?1.100. Rented for *1 ft*. All im pt. Ml-,1. H?a? V. l...ii..?,ck-.t Prie*. *7.50C Rt-tit??.! f? *?.So. All im 1 Il , ill t.ureb-tt Price fil 5(10 All lmpr,?(iL?-t I?. IN OKANliE: T* ,. Ho- ?t, on Euri-iL. gi?, water. ?n?l han, I'rue. afloX) r?. i i* ..,?. i in, o'*? metkniitm. Tkn* II i.... ?,? Wi,h,nrton?I . 6?e riHiin? c, nie, unt -?p?I ittrKtlva hir *i3*m OnnmmifarOwk 'l.i 11.ii llu-iiit-ai. . gas. wale?, ringi ?re-?.el I?.- "?.?r. l^(-ii.'., ? |?walt Vr. Price *' 9SOrarC \i I real hw *:.'??. ?ine Mum? ,,'. ilu-',-?t. Pnce. ??J.I??'. II. ut #??'. (i ? i:,u. ? -i w alL'jt ?t. Pr*r? ~' !M Kim? . ., tOm\ A ' ?' i ; r.ipvrtlr? will lu -??Id nu e?M t-riu. ni riehllged I i :. ?i. N. i \,.ik . it. !r? .m. A, , M irrbU a..J ii |. I... lu IAMBS 1( ?IIMOPK n ti : ? ->t pl'lN? KTON,?.J.-Aa ezcHlV?i FARM ami A I lu .n|K1 BtSlKhNlh lor SAI.I-.'. pre? ??I.UUO. M * KI I AND k ?i- :H?ekm?n->l IJXlu? ??VVN, N. J., ON PHIIADKLPIIIA K R ? M V (INK HOIR FR.iM NI IV li'l'K. VILLA PLOTS Vtlui, FOB KALK. L'ertlKrmt. F.rMtpi and Fr?? Ticket?. it li,e uflii ? ol I TBE JEK.SK? LAND IMI'HOVtMENl lo.. _111 Brmdwai Btteu rut Room P. ?tl'ai-?^ F^WI, one hour from citv, on im.., . * ' h '** r?00'1 cik ?"ii g?v?l ?ero.ortt? uew bou*?. MBBM .j.. 'elie m!,e from depot, f. D'-. ._BOOKBOfT iRr-ivl??? Wil:??1,hnrr1i N. Y. ARLINGTON. TT?'? n,.t ?lira?,,, ,?d VAU ABLE PROI'EBTY eonaiitisg of 0 __. * . "' "'?'????lins eilenti?? new? the Boat pic rWr???!'^, '? **" T""'" uf Kew-?ork. I? utaated It mile? we.? of MLAS__1 "ii"' W [*tXnDit* Uk< "" *? otmie, Erie Rail SLl2?? ^?* **'** ? "'h* fro" xo* a'i tri* Otk* Chorch ?nd Cl__f ' TI** **>* Tb' *"""r ??' i'?????'"?? ?" ??? P?rt ol !k?.?"1?MM4,,m0XK HIKDRED LOTH ot, tie M' "nn?: Sssa u. iJZL, ?? wa?? on bond and montage fur I man, tb? ???li'j?^J;"U,: ??.alt.??.! p?rru?e. ?,, * ;?? per ritiaiaTli; .^7 , ''*"??'?'?? wfk'U gue., to all panie, wl.bng to M l*olX|i?P0 ? ?? ??Pl'????o? W I H. CARpKNTtR. Areli HOMES FORALL mm,,,\\\,e.' *nh **l-^ ?"?e Wb?B coapkt?). With C?r? ?nd fe?TT?.t.o?U ?Will ?V?- ,"**** B '?J??, f ???-rr.h? "oe ,n the line'uf the aaaa?_. _??*? f<" i?for_Hoa ?110 lioutea Lou. Ftrat. kt. ** ?*? Iim. mxmkx u, A. ti. HOPE. 1 lt> Lib?rti-rt. ,_Co^trBjReo1 **tatt for Hale. 1.100 ACRE^ ?? COAL to W?tom P?wi. ??? SatHaCft fe,8Aj-E -T?'? ??ir of ??relleut coking C.,1 3 u?}???*;?'ru *** utt*a *f ?S? " ?? .?mm o. S i.?. MkTlaSS; ,,llV,r*??'?l R??ro?d. W milo east of PitUhargb : bet ?^u,d^'^'rtT?*'<,i* S?__ ??? poi.twitbi. ?SsstSfftS fca m ?L*** . Tv*.?? _*? <? ???bli lo the c?l?br.M?l Con ?* ElZ_Ac: , ?^?*1 -n*T* ? kt ten b, ctlliig ? S?Tftt__5_!!* /rM" uu *J> P*??ivl'??i? ~"'*M???*w.-a??i.. im. BisNKrr ?. cork. _^^??itf1l^?l? *i Seal Cttau. A. ?v_lfeE?S^_^??Ain' TODBON ?Co ?illaS?l5_iri THl_fi??^\J? .??-???M. ?OK *W KSK. rflCS!T?.T?^?ii5r*?l fe ten. . part of ?te ?o-U.fM.~l, m ? * IT'*' 9**mO, n the U?d?a Rlr?r ?aa? B^ ?OHafs__5TUMT sasste^_s&&? lufiion ?dlcft of Seal (fatatr. I*. R- Kl.s?sAM Rational Il.nk nf ComtDrrr.*, ?. Y. fionecfl ano iarmo t?antr?. l"jj^^I8HED HOUSE wMAttmt ASjIJ^^^^SL^ '">f'""ir"'^ AJ,lfT" HOUSE W?NTED-lietwofii Fourth and Seventh-, te... ahnte Thlrtrtflh it.; ?eil built HOUMR*, Bolto exeeed tibuKi ; lot prumpt ca.ii pureba?, r. Mutt lie ?orlb th. ?aoaet. _ J. M. I'll KI.I**- Mt'edar-.t ?tol t?fttatc to (Pxtliange. HUDSON RIVER FARM of 100 acre?, near Allirn., prie?, aie imi. to fcXCIlANI, B for lion*? in Nea York or Hrooklrn. M A. RULAND fc Co . S Beckman at. ?Tito ?ropertn to Cet. A LARGE STOM?TfiTftUW it. nur Broadway, with Itnrr Show Windna, rent moderate. Apilr toCHEKKY k DIXON, Attoraeyi. IK Broadway. _ r|X) LET?COTTAGE in Harlem; $?500; two X ?ton and traaemrot ; (.?? I rotoa Water and li ?tar No. 113 "tart (?nt hundred and ttttatT-tblrt!'.t. laqmreof OEORGB W. 8KABOLD Ni. 1,104 Tbim tee. Iatuediale paaacaaioB. Conn,? JDropcrtn to Cet. ?T^JfO?K?R?*^?FY^ ?ta Ib. Applt to 1. YOUMANS, Ytmken. LKT, ttrj chr.p. Modera improttmeaU Ib. Applt to I'MA.? Summer Retreats. continentaaThotelT LONG BRANCH. W. B. BORROWS. Ut* of Ittrttt Hotue. K. T._ this Favorite summer resort. 1 LAKH DUNMORE HOl'SE. ?t Rainbar?. Vt. will opea Jane 1 i.r tb? *u,o?. W. H. M KKKII'l Propriet?r. hotels. COMMONWEALTH HOTEL, WMbin*^-?t (ocenriTiBt from Wort-citer to Springneldat-). Bo.toa B F. ROUHH?, Proprietor. _ Royal Victoria hotel, ?AMAH, N. P. BAHAMA.?1. Thii Hoate trill o|? n f.r the Winter action, NOW 1. Por CircTilar contaming full ptmcaliri. td'reu JAMES LIDGERWOOD, lb? bread wat, K. Y. _LY.Wlti F. CLEVELAND Proprietor^ THE LELAND8' NEW HOTEL, Sttirvernnt lionne broiidwa?. ca?r .rSlhanJ ?tSthat?., New-Yoik. Boar I. ?Vi bo l" r ii?) , ?ali tin ?u.r. 1 be frreat Ccirtral location Proprietors, LEWIS k GEO. 8. LKLAND Douro ari? Rooms. I 1 7 EAST TWENTY-EIGHT~H~StT^hw Jil K?.i r.r, ??. -11 KMMIHi KOuMS u LET witb BOARD. ?iiiul li- for familie. or gentlemen and tbeir wire, 11 rsl t la a. bonte and location. C?ales bp aXnction A. Mbrwis. A&cMoneei. BY BANGS, MERWIN & Co., Broadway, cor. 4tb-iL?Islss of Book?. Work? ef Art Pint? Hood? Fartitart. At. THURSDAY and FRIDAY. Sept. 21 and 22, at 4p n ? A I.r.? (.1 lerlion of ENGLISH and AMERICAN LAW BOOKS, mo.tly in las condition. Catalogue*, re?dr. _ ?flEO. A. LEAV?TT-& Co. (late Leavitt, "S Strtbeifb it Co I Cnton Hall, Altor place. For the Sai.a br AiiTios of I.iSHAKiaa CollictioSI of BooKt. P?intin(ii, tad all kind. Of I. "TIRARI I'ROPBRTT. IIIPOT (Jl'ARTEHRAtTSR'l Omi?, I JttrRitniNviLLS. las., Ant. Id. 1U71. ! T ARGE SALE of ARMY CLOTHING and J J Eyl ll'A'.fc -Will betoll at pulrlic ?Dction. at the Depot at Jtlfer ?oneille. Indiana roinmeni-nt on TIT-HAV. r-ept 19. 1K71 al IO o clock a. ra., noder the tlirectiot ot ('apt J. F. Rodger?, M 8. K I' 8. Ann?, a larne i|u?i;in? of new, onaerricalile and damaged i lulling (amp and GairitOB Y \n pate, contl.tint in part of'aifaf**- Coau. II ..(uni t? ra'|r?w?. r?. fvnt J.* iKSI pt r?Tro?ta?T? moonta-d. !'?.?" t?ir? llr??tr?. KO M Start, fl.nncl. til Uti Mint?, tra?. ti.fl S (irrst Catii mnnntcl. l?l.rt?? (ireat Co.i? f?. t. ii.noa Blanket? ?aal I ,*- rail sark Co?t?. lined. 47 Orti S.-k Coal?, unlr.ed. b 0 xi :.r? Boot? and Booteea. ss.i.1.1 Forage C.|*k. 21 t?00 pairs .st ufar li??. An I ??rinn? other ?rliclet Tbe lena? of ?ale will be ?Uted In the etUlogaet, which eau be ob mimi ?i tb.? oSce. Br order of the yo?rterm???er Oen?*r?l. C II. Hull' 4 ?., tai o ant Depot Quartan?..t?, ?ilnatione A HIGHLY refined mid educated young lady 1\ ile.ire? a l?itnation a? t.OVERNFSS in a r?-?|?4rt?bl? famil? lo teaih children from 8 to 12 year? of .?-t", (ierran, hugli.b, 1'rcncb, Mu arc all kind? of fine ?ort ?urb a? wai tlo?tr?. A?4nt? Mia? L. E.. m rare of Mr?. TURNER. No. Hit S?n?, Bro..kin. Inquire tht? neck. FIRST-KATE Fin?ale SERVANTS supplied by VIERCBACo.. 6 graen. Greenhorn? ?nd otber ?tier tiona from American., Ung,..ii. ?jirinau?, IS??de?, and lnah^_ "KMRST-CLASS Catholie and ProteKtant BER I VANT?, forcit? ?od country, ron.tantlj on band >t Mr?. VUKK STON'8. 19 Biftcker'ai_ IOOD German Female Servants at .Mrs. Hild's Ocrmanlnititate.l'nNorfolkaL .between Rivington and ?tunton tia. G 0itnotion9 CD?ntcb--iHale?. AN AMERICAN, ane 30, fair penman an4 correct al 6?{ur??. bul witto it huamc? taft rience. dnire. ? 81 TI ? A'liuN. duoi relerence u Ui cuarailer; eipectaUont modertle. Aii rlrea? IDVVARD.*..'Irt.une Office.^_ PMPLOY1??NT WANTED?By a middle Al Rfr<l nita (Amrrirani: ?n.T lru..u?M ?bert I e??r lifting i? nut re ?inirerl; i? not afraid of ?ork, i? rom|??'tcn? to take the oTrraight of anv I'lain biuloeat. Addrett K. J. Tntiuue Office._ PARM-HANDS-e Bowlmg.0een^PIEKCE X A; Co bar? ronittiitlt?n han! firat-claia 8*ed?t, fiennan?. Scotch, and Enctiah Al.o Merbanic?. (-oacliinen.Oariener?. lie. Scotchman and wife?englishman ki tnd WUK?ti.-it-rite finn bandi ?ntl !.aetnti 1?. just arnttd. wanl Mil ATIONS. In.|iiiir at Age cr. 1'IKItCh .V Co.. 6 Bowiinitiir^eu. 1.VANTED? Hv a vouiifi Man, u situation as 11 PdliTFR or CAl-TAKSRl I? willirrt to make l:im.t!f grr.rt n:ir nsaful. li.? g.?od rilj reicience, if required. Ault.,, Vi. C, Tr.lun?- ?U?4*4*. fietp i?anle?. AGENTS WA NT F. I) f(?r ROMANISM AS IT l8. Tia? lim k. ?n ?'???lit Oiitto Volume, conta.Din?* IbO pJS't and H' Cr?! riait 1 i.??i ?v ?r.? IS AN KXIIAfSTIVF AN? 8TANHARD WnItK. ennnenllt ?dtpted tai tL? tanc?. It f?llt* BDCt.te-l tbe Roini.h nitetn ?tata Us a*fia*h? la tie pre.tnl time, etpo?ei i:. bttclan Sttttawa, Ha fraudt, ita [.rr-i ? ii'"i.? Ita Kroll iminoralitie?, ila o| po.itlou to oui i.ul. lie ,rl orri, and civil anti rtlifioa. Iil?ertt. It ?how? it. in.utioa? workint? ?birli strontir tau?! to Irriu?' llin cjuntrt nodcr fall Homitb cot,lui flos? ectut. aud booka read? on application. _C'ONN PUBL1HHIKQ Co., Harifortl, Otaay A GENTS IN NEW-YORK, TAKE ?NOTICE. l\ DKPtiT FOR HAR! ?OKI? bUr-BCKIPTION BlX)Ktl-Tb? Amer ,nn I'll1'???.ni! ( ... Tit-lu un l.:.n llu.rl Cr., 'lin Mutu.l PoMI.hint? en., ?nd Belkntp ii Bill? ?li of Hartford bare open?d a joint Office at No. 11 Collent: place (corser oi Marrar ?t.) for auppl)in*; (ii. -.tei it K.tb lb? ir Look?. Tlie ?if it . Irnnta?'"? Ibu. otTrred to Agenta of ohtain :??? book, direct from tbe t'OtiliaBer., ana of aecanat from them tht ?tem ? of tbe moat popular book? pal on tbe market, it apparent. Apart, tad all wt.blnfi tmploiment .re intiied to ???it these roonn and ne. B~'OOK AGENTS 'WANTED.?We wish to em" plot t few tirrtetic men and > i*, cn.i.ra-.i actnti to Introdnoe a new and atandard work of nearl? mu peet, and 200 illottrttion?. tletantl? printed tad boaod. Stlarr or comaiiaauiB paul Addratt SILL, KDHOLK jk (a. SpnnifJeld, Matta_ MAN "WANTED in the PICTURE TRADE to ?"lie t order? tnd to aaal.t genera!'/. Alan, a ?in.ti BOT ?anted. Call at bil I'earl-.t. at 1 o'clock. \VANTED.?A thoronnbly educated voutiK ?T Lad.' deaireaa poattion in agenileman'i aa (.OVRRNKSS, lu leach Kuitliah. Frencb. Mn.ic. and Drawing. Higbeat ItftfSBSSa, Ad' drtMC J C. 0.. Bo? ii*. Piiat-Offiee;_ COTTON WEAVER8, Malo and fprnalf, W ANTRD. for HaaaacbaattUal I'lBRCK I i u. ( a Uagf nvra K10 ?oet anb Sonnb. FOUND?A WATCH ; the owner can get it br pro. .ng oropertt at HU Ptarl-tt. t?orporanon Notice*. ClTT Ot Ncw.y.rat. DBPAHTMBatT ot PlSAIC?, Bt'BBAC Ot > AvotcAK. Otnca or th? Clbk? or Aaaaaiu, Sept. II 18*11 J ?IOTICE of HALE of LANDS and TENE I MKNTm for ?npai.i lue? of 1SG6, lad7 mi iJUt, and Cruloa waiar reaUof IKi. I8?iS tai 1887. I .. 1er llar rimen n of ttrt r?)mptrotletof (be Ot? of ?J?-, York Um nnr-.ti? a-iied Iterthj tiree potilic aotlo?. ?Mtrtaaat lo tb? proitaioai of the act astillad '' Aa act for tbe collection of t.i?. aatea.mcnti and (rotoa wtieri-eatolalAaCltyof He*? York, aadto asuad IA? attaral arl? in ralatioB IMiato." paaaed April d. Mil. That the re.?.?ctiT? owaar. of ?II land, and tetemenu ta tb? fit. ef !*???> orb on which Ute? bate bee? laid tad contrmed, rttaalad It IA? Ward? Noa. 1 to IS. iadaaita. for tbe jt.r? lSe?, I *Ti end lit?, ?b4 ?r? Bow rarri.ininr do? aad unpaid, and tlao lae laaaectlte otratrt nf all lanliaiidlencniar-si? la tb? Cilr ot Vew-York, aim ?lad is tb* Welt? aforaaaid oo wbica the regal?/ Croton ?tier reata bara baw? liid for ih? taara ittb. 1BSS aad 18CT, and ate nsw ramalaiBg But aad unpaid art ia? quired to pa/ tht aaid tajea aad Crotoa aata-r real? ao rrmiiLi?g du. aad Bupald to tot Clert of Ai-ratr.. >t bl? ofiet ia Ike Dapartateat ti VUaaata, In tb? Mow Ccan-Uiatut. wuk tk* islttttl tabcrtea, at tb? raia of twtlrt |?er ?tit par tanna to tbt tim? of ptf mtnt. ?lib tbt rbirgaa of ibl? aorta? aad ailrenneiorni, tad If dtftnll ?b.?i b? auyj? la tarb parBCOl. aaah landa tod trocmtpl? ?ill be ?old at public .union .1 tb? Jfew Coait-Hoaac. la tbt Cur Hail Park, la tb* lit? <** Saa-Tark, ?a THLRsDAY, lb. )?Ub (U. of lKceml *r. ISII. at U o'clnek noon, for il.t loaiat tent? of ??ar? ?I wiirh an. ?-rum ?lull offer la. take tb? ?tatt la roa?i<*?eraM?*a o? ?iKtaciag tbt arno.' ; I ol' tb? Ut or ' rotoa wiUi r? .1 ?? th? cat? it,?' lie M doe ?ni nip?!. ?nJ the ialrit.t Hierein at afore ?. d to tbe ?mr of aalt, aad UagtlAar tin, tbe cba-gra of Ula soUrt at 1 ?dTtni.ttatt.1 aas til olber co?U tnd cbarge? tcci-ai-d tbertoa, tad ibal aach ?ale ?rill b? continuad from tJBM to tltut. urrlal all tb? I.ada ?ad Unt aaaaU aere a?1r*artlted fat aalt .harI li? aoid. Aad notice It hereby further gum tint a deUilH ttitement tf tbt litet aad tb? ('?toa water rent, ibe o?a**..blp of th? nraaartt* Utad aad oa which Croton attcr reau art anptid. la iraLliahed in a ?aapnltt. aad that copia? al th? pirapblrt ?re deootitad la tia? oaVec tf IA? Bant? of lb? Otra of ?la-i-t***?, aad will ba aeii??rad to an? paraoa .pplriag tar Uiiaa? A. X CaDI, Uatk af AaTaara Drn ?Boobs. NEW-YORK FALL, 1871, SILKS. EXHIBITION AT RETAII* MEDU'M RICH AND KXTRA QVAllTY PLAIU COLORED *},[}* 4Ci?l?S,i!AJS9M_"J-' ?*??*? ??? Orerakir" ia all the ??nout NEW TINTS to naleh the ?ill?. FANCY COIORKD AAi'?n*'- B-?A*?? W?'TK?Laa RL1CIA1 TH.ACK SILKS. ?PONBON'S'' "BONNET '.al "TAPISSIER, celebrated ?tie. In all the ?.r ?na TUIMMINO ANIl < LOAMNO VKI.VKTS VRLVKT RIBBONS VBI.V8TEKNH. Se. Se ,"""'"* ??'?'?'? H B.-Btr?a?er? ? m tint lb? eily sad om etulositri ?re reipeetialJ) touted ?lo eiamine oil Mock. RTCH~iT?CF.R. We ?re now oferlM ?h? ?0'.t ?eloctu n of trticlM ia ibis bo? ?it before ethibited ia iii? aarktl. tad al gT??llr reduced pne?-?oBe el c1b?It? n?T?ltie?u ' S5?f W??-AP/?LW,R BRIDAL TROCHflBAUX. etmbltte, REAL POINT ?nd APPLiyUB SHAWLS .?I FLOl'rlll?lOB. BARHKP, HANIIRKRCHIKPH. lOLLARfl ?ud ULTU, POINT ?nd API'l.lgi'R TRIMMINO LA? RM. BLACE QU1PURB ?nd HKAI THRRAD TRIMMING LACB8. WHITK ?nd BLACK DOCHKflSE TRIMMINGS COLORRll OCIPIRR LACES. FRENCH KMBD ?BT8. ?a do.hlr Lises, great;, btlow regalar price? ? PARIS ?nd HAMBURGH EMBROIDERIES. EMBOLINEN BANU? ?ad TORRS PLAIN, INITIAL ?ad ?Mil ti HANDEBRCHISFS, ke,, Ac. FALL AND WINTER- DRESS FABRICS. CACIIEMIRR D ECOSSE, BATIR DB < UK Nfc CREPE DR PARIS. BRILLIANTINBS ' VKLOl'R EP1NGLINBR BARATHEAS, FRENCH AND RNOLIRH 8HROK? la ?li the oeweal abade. A splendid tucrtrerui of new design, in ROBRR DR I I! A MURK ?OOTCS WATERPROOFS. CREPE, DIAGONAL ?ni OTHRR PLAIDS ti 1 KII'KIi SILK aad WOOL POPLINS Ac. kt. HOSIERY. Now open, t fnll line of FRENCH, RNOL1SHand GERMAN HO?P. New Dirie? LAI'I E8'ltd CHILDREN'S FANCY WOOL H?i?R BAL HRHiOAN and FANCY SILK HOSE, and a hil Hork of SILK ME RINO and m .??Tell WOOL ?NDBRWBAR. Ac. Ac. NEW INDIA CAMEL'S HAIR .SHAWLS. A ?plendld ?lock now open in I.ONO aad 801'ARK Ml AWLS la tbe newe?t deign? Al?o. FRENCH CASHMERE. I.ONO ?nd SOI AHE WOOL MIAWI.H. (?KNTI.KMKN ti TEAVELINO SHAWLS, (AR RIAGK ?ad LAP Rl'OS. Ac . Ac. Hole Agenta for " CHOBHON'K" eelehraled PARIS KIP OLOVKS. A fall aaaoriment'ef LADIES'1.3. 3. 1 and 6 Button? Alto. ? aplendid ?lock of OKN1LEMB?S KID IKK?NKIN. CASTOR. CLOTH and I.IN KH GLOVHR fi,?P.I, and Winter Wear. The balance ol " . be i ley ?" Kid Glore?. al ?per utlr. HOrSK-FURNISHING GOODS. TABI.R AND BEL LINENS, SHEETINGS. DAMASKS SAP KINS. TOWELS AND TOWELING?, FAMILY LINUS, WII1TB GOODS OP EVLHY DBM'RIPTION. BLANKETS, Ul'ILTS ELAN NELS. Ac LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FURNISHING GOODS. COMPBTF OCTFITS. readi made ?ml to order. BRIDAL OCTPlT8(aip?cialtr)atibort aotic?. INFANTS' OCTFITS. MORNING W?APPER8. DRFSS1NG BACKS. CORSETS. Ac . Ac. GENTLEMEN'S DEPARTMENT. READY MADE Ii HESS SHIRTS, COLLARS. AND ( I.EKs PLAIN AND EMB'D DOSOMS. DRAWERS. NIGHTSHIRTS. CRAVATS, TIRS. SCARFS BRACES. SUSPENDERS. DRES?fNO GOWNS. AND SMOKING JACKET?. Ac. N. li -SHIRTS. COLLARS. AND CUFFS t? Older al ?bart notice. CARPETS. 1871. Fall. 1871. NOW OPEN. A LARGE AND VBRY ATTRACTIVE ASSORTMENT OP FRENCH. ENGLISH, AND AMERICAN CARPETINGS. Entirel? new rtele. of TrRKRT. ACBCR-?ON. AXMINSTER. MO QlETTfi, TOURNAT. VBLVBT ???WILTON ?ARPBTS ALSO NBW PRIVATB DBSIONS OP VEI.VBT TAPF?TRV ENGLISH BODY BRUSSELS, Blll'SSEI.s TAPESTRY. THREE PLY, AND INGRAIN CARPET*. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. upholsteryIepartment. NOW OPEN. A LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE ASSORTMENT OF SATINS, DAMASKS, FIOI'RKU AND PLAIN SILK TERRIES. COTE LAINES. STRIPED S. A W. 1'BKINADBS SATINES. (TI INT/tic I RKTONNKK. LACE AND NOTTINOHAN CURTAINS. IN i HOU K DESIGNS. MIRRORS rOKNICBS. SHANES, BEDDING. A?., Ac. WILL OPRN ON MONDAT. SEPT. II. lill A L?ROP. ASSORT MUNT OK I AMblJlKkll LACK GI'IPCHK NO ITlN'li II A k1 AND. DROP CURTAINS, AT KEDl'l KI. PRK k?. new-york. ATE.RIDLEY'S&SON, GRAND-8T. NEW YORK CITY, DAILY. NEW RIBBONS, VELVETS. SILKS, 08TKICH FEATHER.1? and FLOWER? CHEAP VELVETEENS. YANKEE NOTIONS, CORSETS. COR.-BT8. CORSETS. LA? ES EMBROIDERIES. DRESS TRIMMINGS. L1DIEH' UNDRRGAKMENTS HOSIKRY. NEW MBNK' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT. STRAW GOODS. OVER 5.0OO CASES OF TRIMMED AND I'NTHIMMH? BONNKTS. and HA I S OF THE KEWBST DESIGNS. MANY OUR OWN IMPORTATION EXTKNMON OF OIR PREVISES COMPLETED. AND THE ES TABUftliMKXT CROWDED Willi CUE li' GOODS. EDWARD RIDLEY'S A SON . ?I ni. ?mt ill 1 j GRAND-ST.. bl, U.?,tm,txki? ALLEN ST. Fiflb Mock ???t from the Bower?. Entrance to the ?tholeaale depart? ment, bli A,len >t. _ rPO MILLINERS and STOREKEEPERS. OUR NEW JOBBING ROOMS ARE NOW OPEN. Full lire? of GROS GRAIN RIBBON. ?H width?, sisll RIBHOSS Black tod Crient SILK VELVETS. ti?! ?ICH FEATHERS tod FLOWER?. MLK CORl'K. ??KO DE NAPLES. SATINS. bonnets, hats, ?ni caps, STRAW GOOD-?. Ei-m'ne For e??b. Toa ?ill ind cbeip MiLim-i? Guodi at EDWARD RIPLEY S A ?ON. HU Jil, Jill Urand ?L SI. bl. ?6. 6?. ?nd 70 Alien-it. Fifth bloek e.rt fro? tb? Bowery. EsUtaee to lb? wbule??lr de? rart i to: b.' Allen it. FULL-FASHIONED HOSIERY CONSISTING OP IADIES,,GENT$\MISSES,,& BOYS' UNDERWEAR OF EVBRT DESCRIPTION, MANLFACTURRD BY TH1 X_W-BRi:*SWICK? 1%. J. gnperioi la qnilitr tai ?til? U> ur gooii ????fcrt?r?a la tkli ttnkrj. ni follj ?Ht?al to lb? beat bind looa itood? aatfe ia Earoo* Tail ( oanptnr, br p?*liteot?fort. haiiwereeded.t?;?10?* fof?if? pr?j? die? of the trade. In prodaem? on POWER LOOMS OP THEIR OWN INVENTION. ((Midi ?qnal ia quillt?, and (ir inperior I? '.be fuhloai?| and ibtpet, to Ibe imporv-d trtiel?, ?nd it peatlj r?do<?d yritn Tat, tit? ??Ir o? their P??bi?!il?( U*>?? ? ?** MU? ??*?? tk??? TRADE MARE. "MU?AN (JORED t'NDEHSKIRTH,? ?np?rior to i.nnel. ?ad will aol tbrlal ooi eh?af? ia eolor froa wa?hla( Coai^er? an p?rtle?Urlr rt^nettri ?* ?????? U*? ?mliij *t tkam gori, lo the,, ne*. 9*11 Ha? M al* lo tb? Jobartf Uri* m,. ti their ?ALKM KOO.W. ?7 aad {_ WHITE-ST.. NBW YORK. EDWARD A. MORRISON, war and na? bkoadway. FALL OPENING, THCREDAT, BBPT. IL B0N1NETS, ROUND HATS, AND CHILDREN'S FURM8HINQ GOODS. AT ????%,?.?. A Fl'LL LINE OF ALL THE HOST POFCLAR UOCRNINO 0O<lDfl IMPORTED. __._ _-_. _. ,- mmmmx, SOME *BW MATERIAL, COR.BAJI CLOTH, ?I IO, WORTH ? 1 UrtA ONE CABB BLACK ALPACAS, ?elk.. WORTH $L HEADS OF FAMILIES ?re lotiM io mil tri turi** tai NEW STYLE o??u<rr.?>??o.aC?jlTMtl J41 Poor!? arc BEADS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. M. f. MOW?, JU m tnomokt Oom^uari. ?rrj ?oo?a. MOURNmGA?RfME?NT A. T. Stewart & Co. Art Oftritf EXTRAORDINARY liAROAIN* IN Bla-ck Dress Goods, viz: A MUAI. LINE OP I,.100 PIECE.*., ( gn.i.lmg uf LUSTRES, Dl-.MI-I.lSTHrH, ARA1UAN I, I'ST Hi: s, AND MOHAIR CORDS FROM lOr. TO 10r. 11 II YARD LB.-S I MAN KdltMK.K l'It'li Ks Km iiili ( u?tnnii ri ltd Strengen are latltrd to eu*oine ti.?.? good?. ii a ?.nillir cpportaaity mioti ?ol htprraenud for peart toc?me. BROADWAY. 4TI1 AVR. fTH AND 1#TH-8TS. Uli?ceUanrons. ?pUNDURAN?.O. V Tbe ?onderfal rnutdy for C?Bcer, Hyibili?, ?Scrofula, Uleerout, tod other Blood Dlieanea. Dr. PT. XBRNB barlag )n.t retnrm-d frira? Keoador aad broagbt with bia t quanti!? ti tbe genjiu? liin.lur.ugo bark, tet-ared tbroogb the i.(B. ?! raroRiaendilion ?ad aaai.tanre of Hi? En*?l>ne? iba Prendrai of Ecaador ?ad Ibe Otrtcraaeat of Hut Repalillr, ?r? art pae pared to III ordert fot It to t United citent, tod tt t prie? one qaarter of that waieh ibe c.nrt of tke Irtt tttj mu!I itipply caajptlied at io ??bargt. Bparlaea ir-lrlf? art ?em ?d??rti?ed tail told >. ('omlnrtngo Wa hit*?* at ron.ulrr.bir eipeaat*. aad ttitb tic OMiperilioa of tbt ?nthontie? o' f Loja. Rraador. tbe Prntlaec ?I ?r? Ibe plant ?row? eo t) recitad lb? rhanatl of nar lapply aa to mar? that none bal tht rtnmne ?ball be told bt aa and we i ?rtiruhrly rall tbt tllentlos oltbt poblac, (or tbeir 1 toltetlo? IO Ibu tact. BLISS, KEENR A Co. No. ?O ? rd.r it. New York City. C~~UNDLTKAN(;0.-Thc frrcat Canw-FRcmi^dy arieatifirall? prepaid, and ?nfllri.-nl to cure ordinary c?te?. trat to my addrtMon rteeipl ol t>20. Atldrea? C. L. V?Bhor?B, M. P.. ?. V I0HN DWIGHT Se Co., ti? Manofacturei Maaofactarera of SALERATl'S, 8UPKR-CARB. 80DA Ac. Mo. 11 ( New York. (SECTIONAL BUILDINGS;-Col. DER k l RoM'NJER*>EY COTTA(IE8. the tartt tectloBtl htuldiBgi eitaat; ntat, conreaicnt, and cl.e.p, nade at the Derrom BalMing and J in* r Worka. Patenoa. New Jerae?. I'in he ?eta it the New-Jet*?*? Htatt Kail at Warerle?. near Newark N. J. thi? week. A good opportunity to tiioa* witbing to tee their ron?troction. InVO KOITHDOWN HAM LAMBS^lrom laportrd ?Hack for KALB. tUo, CHhSlBR WHITE PIUS. Arl drem R A. C. Bot 1 bit Ne? York_ fJNITEI) STATES VENTILATION COMPANY 46 COMitKS.*? ST BUSTUN MASS. Humir'tt, tfsem uf per tra mstmx F (?* cr an Bteamere. ?TN?TED STATES, NEW-ZEALAND^and y I Al.? I MAIL STEAMSHIP LINK -A Bt??ner nf iblt hie will bcdiipttebed froa Kia Kraaoieo. at noon, ob W MiNEMiAi . S?, t. 13. and cien ronrtb WEDNESDAY tbtreafter. witb mai!?, paaaea ?rra, and freight.' fer Honulala. Auckland. WelUngto?. Lrttlctot. ltd ort ( btlnrrt, connecting ii Aackl.nd, tnd al Port Chalmer, witb ii?.Bibil. for Snlne? Mrlbonrac, lad tbe other phacipal AartraHaa porta. Pat 'might or piiaagr apply ta W. H WKBrJ 54 Rtehaaga plact. _ VOR ST. THOMAS and BRAZIL. 1 I'NITKD STATEN tnd BRAZIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Rernltr Mail Stciaer* Miling on the 23d ?f *?er? month. NORTH AM BRU A. (?pi d. B. Hloeaa. Septeabcr 23. MERRIMAC?*?. Capi. *.*> tar Octoliei JJ. SOUTH AMERICA Cant. K. 1. Tiatleraiigb. li Taeae ipleaajd tteaaitra tail ob icbadole tiae. aad rall al St. Tnomaa. Pan. Pernaobacn. Bahla. and Rio dt Janeiro, going and n turton? lor ttftttmtui ot freight or paaaage. ?pal? ta Wal R. HARRISON. Ae-eat. No. 5 Bowling green. New York HAVANA, PROGRESO aud VERA CRUZ, NEW-YORK, and MEXICAN MAIL HTEAMSIIIP LINE, I r ??mr Pier No 1Y, Rait Ritrr. it 1 p. bj., direct for ilataaa: CITY 01* MERIDA, Deakea.MONDAY. Sept. ?.V CLEOPATRA. Phillip? (Ha.aea tal?).WEDNESDAY, Ort 4. CITY OP MEXICO. Tiinmerman.SATURDAY Oct. It i l.Kol'ATHA Phillipa (Hanna Otu 24. lui freight or piiaai/r. applr to P. ALEXANDRE k SONS. X1 Bro.rlwir USTMAIL "TO HAVANA. ? ATLANTIC MAII.fSTEAMSIIlP CO. Sailing ret-aUrl? EVEKY THURSDAY, ti 1 o clock p.a. prtcitelr. froa Pier No. 4. North Rittr. MORRO CASTLE Ctpt R. Adi-M.Sept 21. COLUMBIA, t ?nt. K Vaa Sic?.Sept 2H. MISSOURI. Cant. T li. Morton (?ii Niwiui.Oct 5. Par freight ?r paatagt. apply to A. W. DtMofK Prenti?? _No. 5 Boa ling greca. THE ATLANTIC MAIL STIaAMWlFCOM~ 1 PANY will diijaaVh for HAVANA. STEAMSHIP MEN VILLE, (apt J. B. BAKER ?? an titra tteiiutr. on TUESDAY, Se*L 19. at li a, from Pier No. 4 North Rirer. For freight onl?. laouire of _A. W. DIMlM'K. PrttalcBl. No. 5 Bowling Ui*4?tB, "T'UR LEWES, DEL.?Thi* Bplendid Beu-going ?t. -n, I AM HIN Ot KEN will leave Pier 21. N. R eter? MON? DAY ml THURSDAY, at 4 p. a._ ANCHOR L1NE.-ST?AMERS TO GLAS ?1 LOW. LIVERPOOL aad LONDONDERRY, from Pier 20 North Rltar. EVERT SATURDAY AND WBUNESDAT EXPRESS STEAMERS. < EXTRA HTKAMKRf? AN01.1A .Sa tartar. Stat ii ALEXANDRIA. Wran aa? Sept 2? Al STRAI.IA ....Ilatorta?. .?apt. JO AHHYRlA.Wedneal??. Hep?. TI BRITANNIA.Katani.? Ort. 7 TKlNAt.KIA . . ? edo??day, I'i-l 4 kl'ROPA.S.tnrda?, Oct. 14 1UWA.Wednenday. (Jet 11 Pint Chin paatagt *u and ?'5, interiaadiaU. 933-, Stccrag?. ?21 bucrtare ticket? froia ?l*o?r port.. + it HKNDEKaSON BROTHERS. Agent?. _7 BowltDggretB. BALTIC LLOYD: For STETTIN direct toorhlng at CHRHTIANSAND ?nd CO PENH AC.b.N to land | .... i,..r. and inalla. The Irat-cla?. Iron ?te.ei.n.p HUMBOLDT Capt. P. BARANDON. will tail on SATURDAY, Sept. St, ti I p ii? . from Pin in. North Ritrr. To be lollowe*! br ite.iniliip FRANKLIN, 1 apt. Y. D11E1LU, on SATURDAY. Oct -, Cabin panta?? gold S80 Steer.??, gold, S30. Preigbl for ST. I'ETERSMRd and ??tier important p<irti of the Bil lie reeeired sn.1 through MU? of ladlnt ?Igneii. FT freithl or na?aage ippl; lo WhNDT k RAM.MKLMlKHtJ. hem*, Otee ?0 Broatlwar. J,X)R LlVERrooij", (TIA Q?EBNSTOWN1, CARRYINU TUB D. ?. MAILS. TnR LIVERPOOL AND CREAT WRSTEKN STEAM COMPANY will m>pilrh oat of their trtt-clttt fall fower iron ?crew itraimblp? FROM PIER Nu. 46, N. R., EVERY WKii.SK.sIiA?, .. follow?: WISCONSIN, C?pl. WiLiiaa?.September 20. at in-.OO a. a. NEVADA. Carat. Fii-utth. September 27. at 3:00 p. a. WYOMING Capt Wai natal.October 4, at 9: it a. ra. MINNESOTA, taft T. Vi F?Jtaa**..OcU.ber li. at i ?JO p. ta. IIiAHO ('apt. Paid.Oetoher IS. MANHATTAN. Ctyk J. B. Paira.Ocioiicr .0. Cab?a paaaatt. SHU. gold. paaaagr lOfllre, No. 29 Broadway), $ -?? correnct. Ki MfM or cabin y.uie- epplt to _ WILLIAM* k OCIO*. No. S-J Will it INMAN LINE.-For QUEENSTOWN and 1 LIVERPOOL? Ro)?l Mail t>tramrr.?re airpomtcd to tail aa follow! : C1T1 op Dil IIS* .TIII'hSDAY St|.t21, il ? m. cm of london.sat: kday. sept. nip. m. CITY OF LIMERICK.Titi RMIAY, Sept 2? 2 p.m. CITY OF BROtiKL-N.SATIIIDAY. Sept. a?. 3 p.m. And aarh tuccecrLng ?.All KI'AY and I II I i.Mt.t 1 li??u Pier No. ii N.,ni. RATES OF PASSAdB. PATABtr 15 ?OLD. ????mi! 1*1 rTaRB*ICt. PIRSTIAB1N.?75 , 8TEERAUE. S30 To London. ?" To London. 3S ToPtrU. !? ! ToPan. . 38 Piiaengen alao friwirded lo hurt. Ilinilnrg Swcdeu. Norwtr. tnd Drnmirk. it r?*dured ratea. TileinH be boagbl her?, al moderate rale?, b; peraoBt wiabiag to laid tor thtlr frltadi. Fir further lafunnatieb it the Cortpanri Office. JOHN O' DALE Agrnt. No. 15 Broadwa? N. T. ?IOBTH GER??lT LLOYD 8TEA31SH1P I COMPANY FOR 801'THAMPTON AND BREMElt. Tttt*a>t*??ibip BREMEN. Cipt W. Ldiwin|w!ll tail oa TIll'RB DAY. Sept 21. it 2 p.a.. from Bremm Pier, foot Tbird-it, Hoboken, lu at foi'ttaad br Sti.mtblo HERMANN Capt 0. Reicbman.. oa SATURDAY, Sept IX kATRs op passage to london iiavrb. and bremrn: (rAtABLa ia solo, ua it? ?yi i?? in traHinct.) Tint cabin.VIM Second cab?a. J Stetra?. ? For frtifbl or peaaag? ?ppl; to OLl.ltH IIS k Ca., Agent?, NLY DIRECT LINE TO PR?liCET TUB OBNBfUL TKANHATI.ANTK COMPANY'S MAIL tTIAMSHIPa bkTWLAN SEW YORK AND IIAVRb CALLINU AT BREST Tbe ipi.a'did rtittlt et til. f??onte route tot tb? ('?jdUdcbi trill tail i*roa Pitr No. 50 North WIowi: _,__?____.-_, IT LAL'RINT.latat'l*.SATCBDAT. Septeabcr 21 TILL? DI PARIS.Sinnett.8ATIRDAY. October7. PfKEIRK.Dta-.SATURDAY. Octobtr IL LA/AYETTR.t-Utuata.SATURIIAT Noraaaar 4. PRICB OP PA5SAUK IN OOLD tiacladtaf ?ina?) TO BRIST OR HAVRE: Pirti Cibla.?I'?**? I S?*e?jad Cab?a..f Ti RXCURSlON TICABTS AT RBDUCED BATEA Tkaai itatawn ao tai ?arrr itattrta*? o??*r?t?*r? A ??irria tratcltit .oin? tour ntaralnf from tbe Confinen of Strop?, by (mag ?be iteamrn otftn bnt. irold both ? by Ragliab r. .... ?ad ih?IttemtutU el tt*^M_mS*__t___ *?*???*??- **J'>'._U*' *****, ltd ?inenM. OBOnttACKBNZIE, Agent No b? Broadwa), WH?T?~WARTrNE. ,,_____ H?W YOW, CORAVAKD UTIBPOOI?. ni? and rulia-powiRsn steamships. ?rai iii largest in rat world OCIalinC ARCTIC. PACIFIC ATXaUITir. BALTIC. ADRIATIC, b.wt.iitirdi.-iiM1 h. p tath Btirlaf tram Mtw York ?a (ATIRDAYS. fra a L.??i--a?.i ?a THUS*. DAI b, aaS lort H.iaar Um d.? (aJiowiaa. UCBANIC Stit 2J. it2 p. a. ?ALTIC, OciobtrT.Mllt.a. Froa the White ?tar Deck Pitar.1i Ptrrr itruj Ot?. Fimiiir .?roaaaalitioni (for .11 cl.a-a?> lan?.led aoahiaiM - ^t AP1TT. IPIED. AND?-OM FURT. m ttlotru. S** teem mkbtm roam, ead batl.-.ooaa la a.-ihip ma? lm ?nrrt litit-?Mtiaa ?a felt Aartaoat tatt iicwaratutt accompauj Uiom neilin RATIS~S?laM, ?W, tali- Mmn** ?M ?rrwacy Thoa, ?iih lag u atad ?r Wt-adi froa IS? OM Cauatry caa iow abtaia tteerag?, ?r.aiid atftlflaatia, ?U3. ***'***>.; _,._,,. a ^ ? _^ t-aattanrt baoTi?! U tr froa ill Birt? of Aatr.ta. Parti Hin'atrg, l.t.t! lardea, ladla Aaatiaila. ?CUaa, At. Btraralta l*?k?u graatad a* rttta. Pai^Htrtaa t'^Uat ma ttkukatarmtUo? .api, at the Ca,?,*f t ??cm N?. I? RtutnttAH_______J. H. IPARU. Agtat NATIONAL JiiJNfc:. POt QCIaWiTOWPJ AKD LIVIi|?OOLi TtU?C?, Tbaataaa..MIKKf?' ?_*? i* **. 1 **? *-* ITALY, d/ogaa.M?SKf?' M1'.****}*V*'**? ?**?>?-."poi'rfy?^ ,-,t?4- * IRIN Uwtaa.TLlSDAY Stat li. it t?0 a. a. Ptjaua ta Llttraoal at ?'*"w*^*^t**^* tg **** *** ****r*o% knZrnaej. piafam **g**f%?f?* ***^*h**?i, QaataaU?? Utat*1ar\*m SSC ?\^?*^** Cft**** Sl^****** em*. .i H"**?t* ???sasar. rJAVANA-The jMg**_^s^SSSi^&_l 11 Vmmtaaj'* ***aamip IA?0RIA Wiaaas. ?? THURSDAY. ?tpt H, at J a-attva. Tu M?a4, a?all I? f ; ?jg^gj,^ k ^j^ _ to_Aw__ Steamboats ana Bailroa?t. VOR STAMFORD and GUEENWICII-tnc A newtnd het.tiral itetmhott A MERKT* lette. t?be loot ot tStt ?et-.t. hVKRY AKTKRNlJON ?I Ml aad Tbirte-aereath ... ?t .1:1* ?rloek. Re! arning le ?li-? Stamford at 7 o'clock aad at '.: li a. m. BALTIMORE ANDdllO RAILROAD BOT? INDEPENDENT LINE for the WEST. SOUTH WEST tod N<)RTII WEST. FREIOHT neeitai tri tetntried b, CAMDEN and i5?, ,\ RAILROAD. Pier I. North Rirer, ?J INLAND PROPEL LRU I.IRR p\? ? ytnrth Rlrer. dall?. BATES LOW wtlh <i?iek ?i?r?leh. Paawagen take the N-w Jer-aer awl C ? m1 A mule fror? loot or I .rtl?,dt ?t | pnrll*?? ra mate WBST of ? trip to Waging '?? U-Caad return without Mira coat. The ONLY L1NB ?nord,og ?An?pport?a.ijr. TICKETS GOOD UNTIL USRD. C. W. PBRVKIL. Geaeni A???L (CENTRAL RAILROAD of NEW-JERHEY. ?~.. ?_Lr" a!"1 Kr*,?ht n'P"' ?? ?'?'Ti'l. tool at Libert? ?t.. ton ALLENTOWM (JWR TO TUB WRgT. C????I?1Im?',"HJ ABRANOBMRNT. ? tTtT^P?? i??y *' ??I.-Lf.?? New York ?? Mm htrre ti mt,,? w..,,l<"' K<-*o?, Belhlchea Maaeb ? nan? Will*? To? ?aal?, w,e\nn\lLmT?rS-*Jj ** Carmel. Halieto?, Tuukbt. n ,??!. ? ?. m.-l or EutoiT Co"B**' * Intun with D L and W. R. R. *?? ?.-Watran,, Ki. )mtaA7jkommmW. SfgaV-? ^kmottOmgtt. toe ***** Al ????ooiai rtilliaSirtwltbL.h?'K^?^^*** ???""*? '?' K <? C.iaak. W?ta5?r22?*9___9_?M ****** ,nr **?* tantrnT" ******* ^ li -J, t, j. EuUa, Alleitown. Miara Cli..k. ED-edlng. ( ?lamb ?. Lanriater. Loa??-UMPi,,llil,ti)?rg for Bel ? p. a.?For Pleinleld. with Lehlfb V.l|,7 tlTaWA?S25r_A___! ?li*1 R,,Um J un, -Hob with D . L?ad W ? r_'*"W,Wd ?? ?-???"?I? Caaaeeti at J t ? -R? Ban.? Allealow-a and MtiHh Chart. 4 J0p.a.-For8om?rTillea?.l Vlnaiigt??. . ?P-"-??'??O-iiiaTi Eiram, dtllr. for Ratio? Btthleh.? tax... tea.,Omm larrit.,.,,,. Pituhnrgh. < a eg.. S cCSST' ??Z Im Ml PiUee Ctrt to Pift.bnrfb lad ??"?'?"<?? Irin i I ; y. ra. ? Por S. em' r t i 1? * p. in. ? P,.r Btiton. * p. ?.?For Somerrille. 7 <)p.i?.-(EBirrtntl-ForE??t?. I 10p. m.-F?r Plilaarld li p. BL-For Plainleld. A'dne-ian ?o.! Sttardir?. For Khtabeth at St. ??,1:00. ?iJO. 7.14. 1:14. 8 6 >. 1:30 IM I? lu ?1. II 14 a. m ; 12 30, 1 (JO 100, I I), :):I5. 3 ti ? no. 1 m I 14' 5:15. S:M. 5:45, 8:00.6:30.7:0?. 7:10, 7:?V 8:40 9:4?.I0:45. )2:f?p. m. Tlrket? for the Wea? ean he obtained at the oftce of the C-ntral H ?. i ro?d of New-Jeraer foot tilAkmtx, OX. New-York; ?ad at tb. prloelptl hotel? tad uelei oflcci i? New- York Oil/. R. E. BICKER. Soper! nte.lent. II. P. B4LDWI? (lea-ra I Y turor?., AgeuL DELAWARE, LACK A WANN A and WEST ERN RAILROAD. MORRIS AND ESSEX DIVISION. NEW BROAD GALi.E LIVE to Water (.?p. stroa -barf. Serantoa. Bingham..?. Syr?r,.?e. and Oi*e?*;o WllliOl T CUAN jh OF CARl Depot? I? New York. foo. of Barrlar-tt. aal foot of ? hrtitOkbertL si M M Kit ARRANGEMENTS, commencing MONDAY, Julr IV. 1871. 800 a. ra BROAD GACOB BXPRBS8 TRAIN, ria BoonMn Branch, rant directlr thmugh from New-York to eOtwejo withoot chance of car?, connecting ?t Dor-r with Cbetler R. R , ?t W?t-rli>o with Soaaea R. R., and at Scranton with L. aad li. K- R. for K ngiton Wilke?i,arre. P.tu? lon Ac. 1:14 a. ia. EXPRESS MAIL TRAIN, tonnee: n? at Denrllle with Booa toa Br?mh ti Dorer Cuetter Branch at Waterioo'nth Suiwe? R. R. kt An.iur. r ?nd Newt, n at W?h nifion with tbe I'.. L. tod W. R. R. Inr Wtter Otp, StruQUburit ?Vrautun. Gre?! Bend. Bingbarntva. Sir? tit*, lad Oiwrgo, and it Eiutoa with jrh Ville? R. R lor til point? ua 'hu road. 12:'0 ta.. LF.HIGII VALLEY EXPRESS itopt at Newark. Morrlt tflwn. Doier. V, ater!,?i, liar.etU'.uwn Waahiiktoa. l'h.l,ii-?ljurr. tod Euton; conn<eeU It Wau rino with Snare. Ka. na I at Phillip-liarif w th Bel.. Del. K. R. for Relrldere. kt., m1 at Euton w tb LV.K.L for Betbleheoi, Ailentown, Mau, b Chank. Wilteti arre Raadiaf, tnJ Hirriaboiy. liUO p. in. BROAD GAUOE EXPRESS TRAIN, nt Pttenon tnd Booatoa, ran? diiaetlf tbroa^h to Bin?h.mtoa ?ntoont ebanfe ofctrt, ttopninc 11 principal ?u??m?. l at Dorer with ?Chuter EL K., and at WaterEio ? th Sna?x R. R. 1:10 p.m. EASTON BXPRES8 eoaneet? at Dorer with CbetUr B. R. at Waterloo with flutter R. R. tad at Ka-ton with L. V. R B. for Bethlehem. .11 eut ?n. H. ?.t 1 ? II :?-?!.urr ?ad tb' Weat. 3:10 p. m HACKETTSTOWN MAIL, connect? with Boonton, Cheater. id Sa??ex lUilroada. .' p. m. HA? KKTTSTOWN EXPRRs?. PorMOHRIx'loWN, at7:16 J.10, U.A. l.'iOOm., 2:30, 3:20, 1:11, ?''?.'ii. lad 6:10 p t*. Por SUMMIT and in??iedl?te ?Utlon? ?16:30. 7: |3,7:<\!:10, 10:10. asd 11 -u a. m 2:*). 10 Itt?. '??<>" ?nd >.i?V p. m. ForORANGE ?nd SOUTH ORANfiK. i:30. 7:14. 9:10. 9:V>. 10.10. and 11:20?. ex. I 10 1 ti, J?. 1..W, 1.4u, 4.j0. b:U0, b.?), .IK), 9:14, "For NEWARK, ?t 6:30. 7:15, V.U. 1:40, 1:10, 9:40 -10:10. 10:30. II 00 II io tnd UM m. ?1:10, 2:00. *2:K?. I'.ln, 3:40. 3:50. 4:10. ?4:20. 4.5O.'5:10. S:20, 5:30. 6:ll0, *b:ti, ttkm, "*.V0. t.M, $:15, and 11-45 0 ra Trtin? marked * tt?p ?t Raat Newirk. i.e??e New-York lor BLOOMFIKLD ?nd MONTCLAIR, ti t.M. 8:10 ?nd ii 10 a. ni. ai.l I ??' IlM, 5:10. 6:20. ?nd li p. m Pwaenier? for LAKE. HOPATCONO le??? New-York ?t 7:1? ? ?.. 12-00 m. (Kipr???). 1:10 ?nd 4:10 p. ia., tonn? ?the Kailroal ?t Hop?t eon? SUlion and conneein? writh Steamer J 8te!la." For BIDD'S LAKE ?t7:l4?. b. UtMa-lrB ?ni I: Op m . leai-in? ??<? R?Hr,>a.1 atStarhope tbenc? br St??? .'J mile?. For SCHO?'LEY S MOUNTAIN at 7:1 j and Si'HIa. m'., Vl:A)m.. 1:10. 4:00 410 and 5:10 p. m.. learmf the EUlmal at Haekettitown. theare br Stage 3 nile?. For DELA WARB WATBR GAP at 8:00 a. ?>. aad 4:00 p. ? For RICHFIELD SPRINGS at 8 a m._fl WCHOCH BBj> ?MUrTRAILWAY?TRAINS Leave Depots li (??it M 'biiiiher?-?t. ?nd f? t of lui ?t u foil .??. I hrouili Eipn-M . r?iu? leaie Ckam'eera-at. at ? a ui U *? B. 5:10 p. a., aad *7 p. a., daily. New tnd taprored Drawn* Room Lotri.e. te uuiptoy tli? 91. ni. :r'?in throaghto BtilTilo ?nd Sn?ien?iun hn ?e connefflinf at Hornel?rille ?rltb aafnilfrat Sleepln* C?oarbe. roaaia?; ti. nunn to (l.iela.i tnd tucinnati Sleeping Coacuea tccomptaf Uit II 1. m. tram from Snaquehuia to B?rlalo the 5:30 p. m. train from New-Yort to Soapeaaion Bndfte. and the 7 p. ex. train from New-York M Baaavb. I oanenaion Brid?e, and CincinntU. An Emigrant Train l??n? dtllr at 1:15 p. a. . _ E'?r Pon Jerrle ?nd W?r. 8:00 ?. m. ?nd 1:30 p. a. For Middletow? aad War, ?? *7:JO a. ox. ?nd i:*> p. m. aad, ?nlr. 8:30 ?. m. For ?nunile ?ad W?r. at* I IS? a. a. Kor Newharrb and War, at 'l m ?. m., 3.30 ud 5:30 p. a. For SaOfeni ?nd W?i. J ?nd 1p.m. ForP?ler?m ?ni 6:44, 10 a.m., 12 a.? '1:45, 4, 5:15,8:45, 1:15 pa. tnd * 12 all?lfht. For tkmnxxommm, Hilladale. and Sprint Val'er. al 8:15 a. m. and 12:45, {? <i 5.1?,. 6-JXl. ?nil 16:44 o. m ; aoJ WeOnaaOara ano ?aturdaya onlr, ?t IU midnifht. _ For Piermont N;?ek. Tallm?n?. tnd War. it 9:10 1. m. ; II :30, T3:15, 14:15. 4:4-, ti:ML ?6:30. tu-l ' ? ? 0. u. tud Wedueoiari tnd Sttur dtf? oalj. 112 midnight, ?pecitl i*uuit.. Trama at I ? ?U ?. u. and f, :ki p in N. B.? Train? Itaring Charabert ?t on eren bonn or half hoar?, le??? 23,1 ?i. drnot 15 min?te? than al'ore tim. l.??t bo*t from ?JJ ?t., 8:15 p. m Ti.kel? for Pautge and for AptrtaenU In Drawing Rooa tad Sleeping Cotrhet rta he obtain??!, and orien for Uw ebeekinii aad traotfer of Bag? gage Bar be left, ?t tbe C'-mpanftoffloe?. 211,529. and 9S7 Bro,?dw?r : 20? ? liamuert-M . ?? ?ireeuwieh-tt. . mr. 1251.1-at aad 3d Area.e, Harloai 4 ( oort"t Iir??.ikl;n, I<>4 Broldwiy. Williimiharrh- Depot! foot of I'htrahen-tt ?nd foot of 23d it. New Y?rl : ??nd Loaf Dock Depot. Jt/ter (iii. tod of the Agentt ti ?he priociptl boteU ?Dtllr. IVot Piermont tnd Nraek. t Por HtckanucA. i> Yo, llackeiiaici ?au Hill??l?le onl^. ?? Fur ? '-??'H 01,1. I.D. RUI KER, Umil, WM R. BARR, ?en'I.-rou 1. 1-J71. Gen I Paai'r At. N EW-YORK AND NEW-HAVEN RAIL ROAD. SIMMER ARRANGEMENT. CUM II ENi ING MAY 22, 1B7L Ptnenger Ptttion In New York, eorner of Twentf t-renlb-it lad 1-, ?j.lii-??e. Entrance on Twenlr lerenUi-it. TRAINS LBAVK NBW-TORK For NewHtren ?n?l Bridireporl. 7. 8 (Bl.), 11:30 t. m. ; 12:1? (Bl.), 3 (Ki.), 3:<Ci. 4:30. 5:J0. an.l i ?K1.1 p. ra. tor M.lford Stratford, F?irfle!d, Sonthport. ?nd We?tport, 7. 11:30 ?. iu . ,: i.? 1 m. and 5:30 p m Fur, 7. 8 (El.) 9.11:30?. m ; 12:15 (El.), 3 (Ex.), 3i4J, 4: ?1 (El.). 5:1)1, b:J0 ?ud 8 1E1 ) p. 111. tim Danen. 7.1). 11.30 a. ax; 3:45. 4:30. t: 3*. aad 6:30 p. ra. E'.,r S(an,f.i-I. 7. ,;(Y.i ),9. 11 JO a. m. : 12:15 (Et). 2:15. 3 (El.), 3:45, 4:30 (El.). 4:45. 3:3<1. 6:ikl. 7:14,8 (Ki.) p. a. 9riOtmot*t? ?dlntermeditle HUtion?. 7. 9. 11:30 1. a. i 2:15, 3 45. 4:45, 5:Ji?. 6:'JH 7.15 p. n. Sundi? Mail Train le?rc? Twentr-?er?nt?i-?t.. New-Tork. ?t 7 p. a. for Ro.ton. n? both flpriturtlrkl Line and Sb-?re Line. CoNNKI.'iTN?; TUlim. Kor Boalon ii? Srrlarfc'M. ii. a: 1 ?nd 8 p. m. Per Dutton to Shnre 1 ine. 1.' i ii ? ud p. m. For H?rtlnrd ?ml Ipr a.4eH. 8 ?. m.? 12:15. 3, ?nd ? a. For Nrwpori, li. I., 8 ? m. (Ex.) tni UM. y, m. iEi ) .onneeting with Nlrragantett Bil it Wickford, arnring a leu tbta light boor?. Kor Conneeetirnt River RaMro-nl. 8 a. m.. 1215 p. m. to Moatrial, 3 l>. m. ?to Sori'uiti: ino. Por Hartford. Proridenee and Fiahklll Rallrnarl. 8 t. m . IMS p. m. Pot Sbore Line RiiIwit it 8 ?. ra. i to Norwich ?ud Pioeidaoc?, 12.15, 3, to New-London an t Nurwien. 8 p. m. ti -r N. ? -Haren an 1 N ?rt ,am,?lou Railroad. 8 a. a. ; 3 p. m. to North unplon tnd Wilatw|l?arab. For NewHaren, MUdletown ??J Williaan?c Railroad (Air Line), I a. a. ?nd J p. a. Kor Heimat?-! <? Railroad, 8 a. m. and 3 p. a. Fur NaagateBck Railtu?.!. <i a. m., J p. n... aa?i 4:30 p. a. to Waterburr. For Danlmr? and Norwtlk Railroid, 7 a. m., 12:1-', and 4:30 p. a. For NewCaatta Rulrotl. d ?.a.. Iii5. 4 JO ?ad . .jo p. m. l'nmmo,lioui Sleepin? Carl attara?,i to 8 p. a. T-a.n ?m1 alao to 8wa dar Mail Tram oa cither Line. Drawing room Car atuchad to Um I ? 1*. ?nd J y a. Train?. Paaarngei? ran nroeore tlrket? to tar point reached ?rer talia road at the ?Depot of the New-York and New Haren It R. cur. Twentr-terenth 1?. lad Fnanh-ate. 1 ilw at tbe D'Ire? of th? New-York Trtuf? tia. (Dodd! Bipr?l). Pa 944 Brotd???iod No I Coort-il., Brookln, lad br learlag ?Hable aotlee. can hire their btgftge eallei for ?mi cbtekad froa to dertin?!.?._JAMES U. HOYT. 8.?k N""1W"-Y?RK CENTRAL AND HUDSON RIVER RAILROAD.- Trvr?. leare Thirtieth?! II follewi: 8 i. a.. Chkaio and Montreal Eiprru. Drewiagroum tm. New-York I? St Alban'?. 10:30 a. a., ?pee? ?I Chica?. Exprea. faat trail, with Drawing r??a ear? to Bulf?lo and Niagara Fall? Ila. a. Northen and WrnerB tipiaai. 3:45 p. bl. 8p?lal Kipret? tinring ?l Tror ?t 8 IS p. a. 4 p a.. Moutretl En n-?? Sleepina-cart from N?w-T?rk to St. Alb???. 1 p. ?L. Pint Firllc bil re??, with Sle?iiag-ctr* fur Wttwtow??, Srrteaie, Oiwrgo, nd <'?n?i.dii.av ? p m. titturi Facile Kiprn?. ?nth Sleeping-ear. tot Roch??ter, Biitlo, Nitgtra Fill?; alto for Chlcigo, el? both !.. 8. tnd M C. Rail road? i for St. Loan, M Toledo | ind LoaiiriU?, m lidiinip.Ul. Thi? Ulla will le??' on Sudan nop?. Upa. I'fra aad Tro? Brpni?, with Uraagh Meeping-cii?. 2 p. a.. Had ?ua Specl?! tra?a. T. 1 ?ad S p. bl. Poaghkeeprf? train?. ?:?5 ?. bl, 12: W 4 li lad b:15 p. a. I'e'kiklU trail?. 5 30 lad 7 p. m. Sill Stag Ima?. ...-. 1:31, 7:10,?:05, aad 10 a. a., 1:30. 3, 4:2?, 5:10. 1:10, ead 11:? p. a., Tooker? train? ___ _ . , . ?Hadar Waf Traia???li? 1. a. ind 4 p a., Toakeii S?^UL-I t. a., Patikkirpaie 3p?ti?l, aikei an iWpi folh of Toakera. M C. H. IRKDBICR, Oaa??l Paanag? Ageat. N.w Tork Sept. l8. UTI_ ^JEW-JERSEY RAILROAD-FROM KODTof I DKbBRUSbE'4-?T and Iroai f^l of CURTLANDTSIV-For WEST PHILADELPHIA. ?|8:30iad?:30 a. ?. 12:30, 4:00. ?*, UL 7? "3-20 n ra 12 night, F.r Ptnladolpbia ?it Caa?de?, 7 t_t_ ?od I aaVfaf b?iltimobb .ai wash?suton Sp__5S?_Ai hiltimon. 1:30 1. BL, 13i30 tid ?:?? ^ a. For THE SOUTH ARD ?OUTH-WBBT, I.? ?. a. 1:20* ?. m. biltat P*ltte mn to ?MIM U.B l-l Lraebiurg ntllr on MI p. a. tra?a wlthwil rkteg*. For th? WEST. ?W P??awl??i?i R?llrw??*-?:3?? ?-?? nd "i* %. m. Slirer Palace cart al? atiached to the ?30 a. a., aad rma^ihroagh tah? York lo PHUb.rgh Ctaf ?n- l'U?*}*. ***e^J*k?P>. Wf? I' tun ara attached lo the 7? o. a., dul?. a?d nu thrjagh UPltu b.nb. St bell. ..4 Chkytv ?rrt?a? meeo. Ticket, lar ?al? li loot of MHWMh ?ri ol C.rtl?^!. ?ad 1K? Broidwir. CD.IIM _ _ &**_**_) -,. _..? 9. W. BANKIB. 0??. P.k A/t V. W. JACMON. On I ?*yX_ NSWW)kT AND WICKFORD RAILROAD AND bTBAMBOAT COMPANY.-Throogb t.alil co?aeetlB| ?nth merni u??? Kaliwi R. R. t??p??*tm (????' omdan) mt a. a.. ?adWiiSp a. _. K?5T ST? *i?_? P..-T .~W MM Jadlth, ?U nttb N.-poi, .. l?Mth.. ?l|h? ???'?iHEO?ORli ?-?BIN.^A,..!. COUTH 8?DE RAILROAD ot L0?\G ISLAND". ' TV? ?air '??le ?""* kt,U**l *t Lo.1 I.Uad. fmmmum* MONDAT, U*, I?. IKI. ('?? R??M?r?lt ?ad Otulx IM a. a. Mail far Pateh^w?, ??aawMng at Bibrlaa l?r P,rt UUad, aad at Pal... n?.? by 11*4? !?r and Fir? flaw. _ ??? ?. a., ImU??' Eiee.r. ..? ? l?-.?0 I. a Areeaa???!:?? '?r Babel??. .S .' a ' Inn? I?' Pf.euug?!, ??cteeiio? at Bthile? for Fir? r" 1.V..J aad tim Pau:kug.e bj ?uge .'.. II..!??-rt ?tad Pira PCa 4 ? p. .. Pi??*?iw? *?"??!??"?* t:? ?T ?.. o*ktm tmmm_tm I ??.a. Mime? Artoaa-%l?li.?. Th? * AO tri ? *? m. tri I:?, t ?'? ??d ? ? a. a. train tmotti O Xetim Hrwia ta Baal ??le?? aad Karl???. ^ l'.. W. DOW? LAH ?ap.rutt?d??l. p OOOm HrOnitxt ??? Ha? Ubi? mrx**lul*ljl.iri trUmttrk 1 tat? MB? HORSE IM) Lau i.i.t'i?. ?i Np.w-York. Tnfmlsy. t=?*pf. 1?. ISTl. The horse t;ad<* remainH in the annie moil rrstily uotivt i ontlition aa notrU fur tom?* Uni?* l??i??t. lu tia? llull'ai Hcitil Market ami Ib<- u-j-town suli* iMMM we* licanl mt no liinmi-timf tr?ni??actliiiiH, but tlii-re him bee? a frilr Ihikiiiom diiim at Mftsnrs. Jubnston A Van TiitmI's iiur.iiin iii.U't. ?i-, ?Afli us al a (iiivhU- Hillturn es1? Iit?l'l till?* iiionitn/*; at atitil? a ?To. 17 ?fnat Twenty-?iaClill?-*4t. Th ? reauit mt tbe ?ale Itilil by Mr. John L Vtmlirwater St til" iHtt-tiiiMifiniiiil rtliw'ri wa? ma follow? : I ?? ru of ha? |<letiin,a gelriiiik?), 6 tear? oki. 15 I i.i:.|. high. ..*7?? 08 Oray IrottiBg aarc. 15 ?? matta high. 5 rear?, old. ?"??*? Black marr Hi band? huh I raaia aH.. 10 Oriy uddte harte. 15.2 haad?birb,r)tr?r?oil . Ti' '*' H.r Puchen l.or.e, 15.3 hand. In'n 4 r- ? r? ??'?i.?'?? S? Ita v borte, lo 1 b.adtb.gli. li year? aid. lb SI .*?? \. tiiittiii>r * in. I a lid.t V.rii.. . i * alco iliapnaeil of at prettj-fair pri?e?. The altin mm i at flii*? HlNivr aule wau nulli*, nunn rim?, but tin* i?i<1'ins 1er? spirited Uiaii uiitbt have Ih en ezprx-ti-tl r<?i.*>iil? rum tlie valiie uf tbe atiK'k brought uuiler tbi? .nu ii ?ni? r'. hammer. At Messrs. Jnhiinton A Van TasteH's ?tief Ion ni.irt the reiiular aeiul-weckly i-ule uttractcil Is 4? M u;i..?imiI/ lar??; crowd, filling the ertiiiflve linlldinac t? i'*- ittim? t CHpataflty, hut not blili?lni* ss lively ss we -aere In ?Iii? li.nut to until e st tbeao auetlou salea, anil the tau pi*.. < *> iitiialiieil were mure tbe reauit of Mr. Van Ti--? ils ?kill an an orator, than the result of ?pirttrail cmnp? ;it..iti. - The linraea were knocked down as foil* ?wa : /?*.s-ni.iiio-? Va.rv Pr er. Ray boree.. 14 % * * *?"? Btv bore?. 153 ? m O llUrk Kentucky aare. 1< <? - '? Hat bora?.. IM 1 lit"? Ora? bon?. MJ ? IK"' Tata, bay bania. Hi ? **?<* V. i-i warr. 15.? ii I? '? Pair of black bor?et. 15.2 ? ?*-'?''*? Black I? ? ** '?? Bi, lina. I? ? *__> ?*** nhekbarktarta. t-U ? *'?"* li.? taara. 14 ? ? '?? Oratboraa.. 15.? t --.'"O ?Jraytaorat,. I? I I'-"> Browaaar?.. It.? S Cut*) 8?vet*al other hor-aes. not on the catalogue, were ?old St prirea ranging from VtO to flTC. Tin re waa {?j-dsy coiialtterable snlmation in the ,-mrnagn tiii.siii4t?4. ?trangura ss well as rt'itident*? of thi*? ti ty were? vinltliig the reiroallorlua; acveral Une carriages wiro aoltl, and a nuiuber of orders received by nur leading nwnufiActui*?*?. An i-ti'i'iitiir'?. aale of fine trotting horses will lie ht Id by Meaara. Jenkin? ?fc UitlT. at No. 1,401 Broadway. U* morrow (WeiiueatUy), Sept. au, at li a. ra. florae?, Carriage?, flamm, ?*'c. A?. ,,..., ?.{*un*lu?iH?, Aseilommrt. N EXECUTOR'" SALE OP HVK PAST lEOTTIXO H"BaS'.'* WAOOMS, MAAMtm. fcc , By Pnb'ie Aortioa. THIS DAY. Sept. ?. Al 11 o'clock ?barp. At Br... :?,.?. near ri.rtr ?,-?? ? Includina- a fast har Mare, 15) h.n.i. hl^b. S y?ara u i full "aa e? air,? ?n.l tal. ?,red by lieotjje H. l'.tc?eu, Uaa ? H.y li?, mar ? r.l-rit i.? Dr. J. L. Pcrrl? at Princeton N. J., aad irottel ia a rat? ,t V. ,??rl. ? I irk in lil l??t June; ?race then baa aerer tnatlad ia |.?.t: . .ti. . ? ,i etcellent pole mare, lae tait ar A triton, ?-real bottom, aaui attla can bett .Mu ?in day of tate, tod ?mrraated toaad aad kind, li.ii nat la knows on tlie mad ind Pirk a? tbe Healy Mire. A m ta-?m of f??t Itarulileii.aiau Mare?.'} ?ad t year? oil. I.*? bai?.:? biazfa. Tailed it Mniilieiowa by 1 Nrwaotne. tad trotted at fa.i in 2.41. ?,? raperi4)r drlreri, and are warranted aoaad aad ki Ml. Alao a Une brown Trott.n*, 141 haada hub, 6 tetr? old I | ?rfi ? t pet: can tcat In 2:50; rata be by a lady or child, .u I mttSSMmt ?mod aad kind. Alto two t ?;? Wai/rin?. BrcwrArr maker. : oae utht trott.t.?* Wife?, ungir and diiabl? lltrnti?, Bobe?, Wli.p., lu: *..u- ,o.r...r, ibxrlnta- *n>1 ?areaem-d. Mock !... h?vB reinor?! to ?hore ?tili'e for coarenience of yan', atrrt, tod will be on exbibition np to of talc. M. O. BRIEN. ? V. U. HOIaUHN I tI'*?1,ur? JKNKIN.*. li DIFK. A.-coaeer?. URE WSTEK of Twi'iity-tiitli-8t., SKABTH1HD AVE*. ESTABLISHED 1K18. Oar Fall Stock coamtiDg in part of LANDAIS, CIaAHKNCi;S, DEMIIaANDALS, COUPES. ia bow otYereil to oar raitoaert tt FACTORY PRICKS. B REWSTER Se Co. of Hroome-st. are now ffennt tt tbilr wan-rootaa Kiflb-aic. corner of F??urtee?th-?i., Auiun? aM Winter Carri.f*?*' aiclu.itajj? ?f Ibeir otra nunufacinre, frota Ibeir own aad tbe bett London to?aWiiit Jniim?. That ?I?. I ?K the pohlir to reaiambrr that tber are BofTrapoBnlilc '??r Ibe ? ol a joint Stock Co. of carhaf? dealrra ortaaited witta.? the i??t two yean, ander a name ?err ?imiuu to tbeir own, aad bow elaiaiaf lo Laie beta '? otiblttbed io l?M__ Callow & sons' \J IKLEHBATKIl LONDON WHIP. KKILM1N fc (ilUD, ?aidlert. 3T I'aioBniaai*_ PINE. LARGE, A?ND STYLISH COACH 1 HOIISKR-Ju.i ?mred, lea well attclied piirn, tiryiB** ia iim ?from IS.J to 16.2 bandi, aad none o?er tere? jeir. old. K. A. PITCH. N.,. ?! f.rnrtb n. H ORSE-HLaNKETS, ROHES, HARNESS, Ac. ?t liiw pnce ll.naaa? ??to ? .Mai per ?el, Hlioart?. Si >' ?Oetea. C M. UOSBMAlt fc BRI). Maaafactatera, WarercMra?. Ila Cbaabara-it. afllillincrB. GF.OKGFa SLOa\NF., Broadway and Tenth-xt., will open. THI'KM?AY. Sept. 21, Triraa-i-d ??d Uatnuai-d BO> Sh, I'M and Rui NU IIAl'.-i. Aiao. It.? ii Kibboai, T rilli Hung, I'tlicU, tod Fancy Oooda._ GRAND OPENING of Autumn and" Winter HTYIaES ?B Millinery ?id Pattern? for Hail?, Polonalaee H...,?-.. Orer-akiit?. fcc, fcc, ?t Mae. DkMOBBSTS EMPOBII M OF KA-,1 IO.NK, lia Broadwar.ou WEUNKSIMY ani Till H.? HA Y Sept 20 aad 21. MME. HENRIETTETilHLMEYER, 15 East Ninth it baa jatt arriTed trota P.rla, by ?:? ?m> r L.fayctte. will he prepared to ?how ber runtomera la a f. w dan the moat ni.ti.ruA ? ? of llONNKTs Koaod li A IS. elegant l?UK*,Mv*1. .*.U lal ?..-*. fcc. fcc., ali tekcieU by bertelf ia the Boat rcooatac? aaiua tie awlci de Piria ?axpeto, Bsaisinq, .furniture, &*c. V^^??rwARD~dt^^ T T IKS lad wholetale and retail dealer? la EVKKY VARIhTY OP FLKNITIRK for City tad Coaatry re.idencca. Non. 75 lad TT Spntt.t. eoraer of Cro?br. legal Notice?. br ?ire?, ti. Liwt N PURSUANCE of an order of WILLIAM D. VBKD8R. tan.. Sir mc?'c ef tbe ('oom? of Rinrt: Note? . b. ra te?, aocordioc to law, lo ali pertoaa batioii claim, ifiini LI 1 lltK AWRBNCR.lateof thaCiltof BMoklyB, AaaSHSa, thal Ike i ara eqaired to ?ibibit the lint, with the toacbera thereof. ?-. the .?l.arni ?r. tb? Ailminlttrator. at the OnVe of Chanihen Poraero? It K..nrl K>u, 192 Brotdwty, lo tbe Cur of New-York, oa or before the Uib day ni l?< i ember nut?luted J un? tr 1:71. ( HA it la ES P. LAWRENCE. Atfarnai.trator. Steamboats and ?ailroa?s. PEOPLE1* ilKE FOR ?UtBaiKYT" I Tbe l.rtett ted tno.l tniirn ?ceat rirer Stetinert n the world. Tia HT. JOHN. UKlr.IV, it,.! DEAN KICHMtlND. Dor of I e ? ...? neat?. cr? will le?ra Pier No. 41. North Rirer. tttrr ahereoon (Suodav eirepied) at 6 ?'?lock, am.iaa; at ALBANY ia nae to coourct aub a .r ...i Wa.'., North ?ad B*.t. Rrtarnm?* le?re the ?|p?ot'>o?t lan dar al Albany at 7 o'clock p. au. or on tb* ?inrai of euanei-Uaa nama tiu*. lb? Weit aad North aad East. *" Tbmuth ticket? caa be utit?ii?ed at tb? OIBce en tht Whcrf; it landd i IlLirea. 'J41 Broadway, tod No. I Cotirt-t:., Brooklm. Bit.gafeebrckaal ta Ita rlMtmition. Preifbt reeeired util (bt boar ol deptnare._ A "LB ANY"and ~fK0Y.*--T?ay^Liue~Sto'a1i?T?Jri? C. VIBBARD and DANIKL liREW. frota Veatr at. at a JO a ra.; Thirtr fourth-it. it I :4?. I.n.liot it Yonkrn .Tarriinwn aud Nrark b? ferrr-boat). CotatBt*. Wert Point. Corewtll. N?w>.ur<*h Ponfh keeflic, lUiinebeck.CiUkilliudllailtoa. ?nib Kremo** Tran? ob the New-Itork Central for tbe Weat, T? Troy by lUiukii SChlTLEK._ ALBANY and TR0Y.-Rc?7ular Liiip at 6 p. ia. dall?, Pier JB N R. (Vntn ?t.| Ttiroufrj tirkrU lar lbs Witt aad N'ortaa. Part alwaya JM tkaa L; aiir olbtr roat*._ ?THE "MARY POWELL,'' from Vestfy^Bt. at * T Ji p. te. daily, aakinf a.u.l lamlinta. Retarnla?, letra Rnudaot 5: Wa. m .PiMbteepaie 6.311 Miltoa 6:45 Newbarjb 7:Ji.4'orawa|| 7.4S, Wet Prim: 8.1)3, Coucm'iK 15 anitnafr ia Ntw-York at H':i5 pOR ~R0ND0l% "?^di?g~^r_C()/aZENS; al NKWHI Rilli, MILTON. POKKKPSIK, aad Kslipi'A. Ilia .ie.tnl.?.iu THOMAS CORNELL lad JAMES W. BALDWIN Itara DAILY at 4 p at. Pier 34, N. B.. foot Harrttoe at._ NORTH RIVER AND NEW-YORKTsTEAM~ BOAT CO.. i44cce?ton lou ill T. Saltb'a Lia*. Oik*? na Harritaa-at. Piar Na. 34. For Petkakill. Xyark, Yoakcr?, Kaflawiaad, Hiof Slag. Hirentr??/, lad Interuedltte l?tdlB(? ?T?ry ?fteraoo? eteept Saad.y?, at i:?4 ?J aad 4: JO p. a , retaraiaa la tt? aiaraiaf frota abott laauist?, irnnaa ti Ntw York it 8:45 D.?0 tad jUt. m,_ E. LAWK. AtrAL M?KNINO LINE TO PEEKSKlLia. The ?ra.n.ra?! ANT8LOPB ararat KVBHY MugNINti (wilboat eioeptioa). Hamtea-at. I o'clock, laadii( at ii Ith ?L al H, Y?akar?. Dobb'i Perry (Tarrrtawa tad Nraek by ttrr?). cHb?t Sib? Harrtalraw. Urtu? Poiat, tad MEM a. ?. B? Tarryiawa oaulled Kaudai. J^EFTUNE'lINE WEAMERS~t)ai?7 for PKOVIOKNCK, nOSTON. WORCKSTKR, al ft p. m.. Aroa Pier r., ?. %., yu* at Vsttmam at. C?ala far? to BOSTON ?4 M. To PROVIbbSCB SI titra (ara I? BONTON. ?3 ?*&, Ta PROVIbUCE, St Preifbt al latani rain. ( ontect at FrvtitUaca wuk Boilern ?ad Prat taal Prat, fc WiMtaatar X ft lu ill lasaruai N Baa ?m ?a i ia? ?a S~ AFETY, SPEED, ANlTCOMFORT. NORWICH LINK. I P?r ?toataa. Wotc??t?r. Fltcbbarf, Ot-aiaa Jaactlea. Uwe'l. I..' mc*. Na.baa. Maarl.eetrr. Concord P.:??r Br.uieUru aad ibu tae li." ? The ?ta aad ataarb eiaamue til I OP BOUTON CITY OP rtRW-TOR??: C1T? OP LAWUIIf I aad 85 '.'il- 5RL?5I **"' <*??**? nuvtti). ?i ft ?clack r. ?-. *?? Pi-r 4*. North Rir.r, foa4 ai ( .ail lad Witw-it?. fat Ni?-Loodoa tod Norwich. Uki? roaaecuaf wuk Ctpiaa? iraaaa for tb? ?lao.a panta, tit Ntw-Leadot, Vtnbtra. N.rwuh ?ad Wweatv I.r. ?ad B?tl?a. Hartlarl .ad Bne Rtjlraaaa. Pul MH? tlck.U ?id i.u. of intakt, apply ?t tbe OBe?. Pier m. North Intr. ^^ T% SHORT. Jr.. Aajaat, New IMIV _ VOM ?ARTF?UI). SPRINGFIELD, NORTH X AMPTON. HOLYORK fcc. fcc-HARTPOSD LIMB .' STRAM IRS Intt Y f.1 X SUP DAI LI al i a'clack a. at. Ta? Mc?a?trt al tait II?? ara ?aaaltt with inn t?t?:?rn ?. amrlaf till? al tacbttd af iha Ti.w.e. KAKrJ-4 ?bit *.?><?i? ki li. i)ae* fa?nete. ?I m ??MM non ticket, t? bt bad ?? I....?I t? U tay 'at lia? Ck ?? Cas aaclkaiBlr.r. ?ad tetara lal ?ptiial. ?aly SA __._ _ ,__, PreiAbl al Wn tatra. fcAXTO? 4 ??RAftPIT. Frt?|?*? ii*** *? u- oo^eefkU). t. p_t F~Or"N0RNVALK ?nd DANBURY-^ailnMil um., a? seat, hak* ?mttaad kra-_lae ?eeemtal 9t_9*_*_tal*fii*iS WHITI I?.?.. Pttr JT I. X. laual M.ik.lJ?.. IMBT APTIMSuO*? aHJ.Ua?STb.n?-i**?*4?iSa4.illaalat? *??????*?* ***** I**-***** at T;U a. a?., aa iSt trrU?! if ***) Baaaarj? e*i ?ia gue. uaiae. Pa , Til ?aata haara*aa ??bala. a*?l m _ _ COR NIW-HAVIN. HARTTOR1VSPkmtO. F^?n*il*rli?^ "* F?i?Sr^SS^_^f^%* SS2*V* CaUtfUjt?Ualllaaaa aad U ?UkmekA iVattfm T.__,