Newspaper Page Text
r - i_ ?. ?_H-a? rtm,.,,in rncnihereof the fflA^LT- perf.-c h s?nate*." ^ ocrer heiore lisse luttante? tlu.t Mayor Hall ?.o?etheple.lKey*??* -''-"<?""' ??" ?(,",,--"t , . . iHinti ?-!.'. '?"? rit M" it lorthnni rives. t?. let ni? a?ls m ti- ? ' ' *,.roWn clune. ah ?I*. V ?**** ?>*?*'? ?" ?,a ? i.-of lelrinel m n:. lam??**'1* "* ?? '*****?** -'?"'"?";;;; orrai-Ma..-," .'"?'*'*" '">' ^,1'?vX ?,e?.n!? M-?'- ??*?*> ' -",'' ' ' v",r '"'" " " ' ? h InMpwMhlbei me va* I he on? !?_*? I .. ... Ilriivfii !" "-er titomil****** I*. j?:> Len. ?twoM I- -t .-r-m.! ?? JW"**! < -v r:-ii" Hattai ws-marte hy nu friend. Amir? U ,,r..r. Am? - -.eis ...ii. ...ii.'.i. gil* JP_* *J^_\Z r-rro.eiv.ui ' '""" '" '?-en-han. to ? ? ">??? '''? ,'",V|,rM , La b V, -i,'.'I,? .'.-'. i'Hie.,,?t ?...-men-? '?tu),, >,,,,,,..,.,??v,:f..ra'Uie.. ; :,i' 1 nr a perth.t***rHT' My ......eelta a i Mk* ? rU1/(.n ,,?.,,?, v-n.K?tamta ?*^_2I_ t,,,,,,,,!,,,. waa an? t;,l?lyn.-e.,iK-,.it...l-?* ' 1Mii((. (ii.i<)(.v K N . v!,k l,i..llmri-?'U.l*nr. u* the parlier and 1 ,Vr yweed, i.? nta ta owner of run '?' ? ;;, M. .,;.,,!,.?. partner pud ?asoriate. ? ; ,,,,. .,.wt;, the o..ver?,..e..i danns the earn it? ?< <?"""?'. ?ntesllttted r,, .,? ?net. ???.??"h??1'" ,,f ?**'*: ?".i,. T. ,uut,,-rw8?r.!err.,lt.>l?.W.s:rel.-i,h WT,i iMlu^r.n.-Di/A-nmK'.'t. ai.rt.lohn A. Y,,. r,7mvr^-N-?l^.^ m.' a?.??tl,cr " .'rrec?.' 1 ?SIilja ibul '" *** ''""" "l ' ,",1'"-,ll'(1 ' *?*' "v?TiMa barrit?*? r? me fo .I m1 mysell osainsl an ?, ;:11,;, . of I ; pal rtj lost .'.i nOdsvi ?oi sup LirM?M w,'" ; ' ' ' "" venture lo make thi charge litineMr, n* to i -.*???? the nain? of ? witness whom Vni'Ti.ii" m:1 i?no1 hrandedsa Inf?meos, In the wa? U ir.t'i ' l: ?!? rt Muir?iv last Pall nu bis attack ou ? , \i,. ,;? , | anl Uta tr i i. i ? m the party. ? i m . ? ? .n i,, a j, ? r-n ? Ihn? ''.i-' ?i:-? n ? ! I w11 atea ?J .,. . . t?? at leant some M .1 ugwllb lui. Tkiii t-m,,-m11 ?ha ' m?S?proi?pt ano* r. .\? to mv :i 'ulintstratton ..i tin- ? im e of Collector. T - an .-? ,i tOi : ti' II..I filp. l.ol ?. 11.".. ?.Il r'.'-l il HIT Til il-l.1V j tarta ''t- ' have >< t io b- ai tiiat 1 bave no1 hatii-fleil U ?.,? siitaol N.w-Yik. 1 m.-ii wy,however,that -?' kcitI how? Ula. FromMayJS.lS(?.toJuly?,l??70 I ,;,,i '- ni M d iy?. iliiliie.l.iiU'lv pi-ie 1 : u- luv ?i] :? :i' lhere m eo I et, .i ?u ,?ui,!>?'-. ut aei -t <'t i *i | y reen!. Vu m July :i. IKft lo Septcmbi r IS, 1*71, also a prledoi : un nibs mu? M days, under mt administra ..,,!?. i Mit Ci e -. ted \ L' *\~-.''>? ri * 4". lit .1 c-'-i nf . -. ;. - ?. l'i on Unit rcinH 1 am co?tent to lestniy a -.:,:.?-.' -i ? f th.- oflfc I ! ltd. It i? r ' ' ' hard Hi ?t I ahtnild be rolled upon to defend .: . , ,, i,, the Repu' ioau party. 1 Join. 1 thal -, ,,y in ihe beirlnnlng. I was a founder of one of the m? n.., n i lula m tin Si \i mil YV..HI of N w-York. n-.,-. ti ltd y to this I have followed Its fortune through t~ i ,| i :, . ? .vi1 report, and lune giri n my time, my ?? ?ary.and my earnest efforts t? its sneeesa, Pn fur ?/lum ha*ine, us you k \, ntl? tided the Philadelphia <'?>!> \ .,',1'i' i 1 1- ? . Ill?' oli> Phi ii' Ipili.. < ouvei liol, win, li I mr ?Headed was the . n th..t aomlnaled JohnC. I -ftiielit for l'r? ^.ileJit in ites. \s t,' ii.' , /j, r. pees now i sMins in v. ? York, I luive , ..t -vi! ii ! ?hall gladlj wi looms .my sctioa that i .ksi..).? ii. ii harmony and that will no4 remand our H 'iii i rtj ;,> Hie ?-..Titri'1 ni im n Mho aie 'in the pay of U il.i.l. 1 see now,a* you must certainly see, t the power of the infamous cabal v.hi,h control* ;\. n-Viu? .ni tlu.-at. ii? to (?uiiri'l tli? lOuetry may bo ii I ?ce no obstacle to Ibst aw? d.-sir.ible result ? b1 tb,-1 nurse of Tiik m. and thn-.- w ho follow it, ?a ilnn i,... |? that when we M?.nM to council together . .-,?. n . . i iiM'Liioiiawaj maybe lound t,, unite the I r:y ,!>.? duel the ci'iumon em iuy. ":i" ? ?' .1 and 1 shall trouiile you no further. I have I ??i\ | i' >? ?rd, d it as au extraordinary thine that er? ry .n lu ' li i_- i fl'..- under 'lim niaiiy Hull, every man lu i . ii um. nsof the TaiuiLiunj Ring, Um) bitter opponent, ? i d tli..i ?rmii titi se M u und th. ir allies ,und from these ii,i i . i?jn sltfon ( cn.' K. This is extraordinary? hut : ,1111.11. 1 ?no not ?shrink from It. I would mt hive II ? tiierwi-i'. iln pain and (trief of It, so fur a* I am com n.eil. ? that tbeso thlDjis have Iii n >l"i e under the ? m lion ind autborlt) of the bonoird inuue ol llorac? Creeley. I am, 8ir, y our obedient servant, .Ve? l"iA. Sept. I?, IMli. M? iii'iiv. tiOC.PEfiS OP THE MIDLAND RAILROAD. Till SHA-AKGriCM fl NM L OPEHEP. Mum: i rows, N. Y? S. jit. 1!?.?I):iyli^ht was ?<i 'hr ugh the simwapeiiiik Tunnel na the Midland I'.aii i ai t? ...i;. ? farty of Mr? ?tors and Engineers, with lipcssislstlTf? sf tbe pre-s. ins--id through at noon. 'I.a.;..- . 19 pass iLrnu^'h by Jan. 1. Till ( <>tMUY TUAT] n-KIi. Mu,"t' n, \. Y., 15.?Franklin Fur ? ne. t'. /?v-i,? t I'lilnu? of the Midland Bnllroad, 1? p i|iprt?i> 11<, y,,, an embryo H. milton, with nothing to in '.. ..t. H? tature sreatneas bul some narightly holes aawag l?he rocks of the hi - d< n irkini: the site of tbe 1. in linn.??. l'roiutheso 1 .-I-? di^m.l looking wooden *k<-lete:,-sji'Miir to have e'.iinl.-d int.. the nir and sum ?. buim the initiated they represen! the labor '. laf carried on within. Hear 'he town tbe heaviest ?v."M? on the lim of the Nt-w-J.rsey Midland is enereetl ? illy euri ie<l on with the promise of speedy completion, i.ieruai.l avails ItSSM of a lunous natural embaiik ri?ant win. h extends aero ? the valley, leaving "lv se opining at one side, through which tbe Wattalli passe? The embankment at this point is about SeJtethlafc. Across the owning a double arched cul i ? rt has b. en m.idi . V.t feet iii lenirtn. Tliere Is a pn?R?ge ja? t, 11 ii. ? idtli for the river and 16 feet for the loadwuy, and the latter in time of a freshet would serve as a cbann.-l f,,r tlu-auriilus water. The ?ton? u-ed for the l uki rt I- utitaliii d In a quarry four miles dl-taiit, and 1? ? Superior blue building stoae nf the most durnble clui^ si ter. Iii.- parai>et? of the calvi rt are 'ii temi high, and t i ,'iilaiiis lu all between six und seven tlu.Ubaiid cubic ;.tl. ,if ln.iM'iuy. Tin opening at the sur face ?rade Is 600 feet, and the embank? ment contains ISO,?? cubic yards of earth. This jil.II i:l embankment tilliiitf in the gap In t:.e m?t ?nul 1'i'li.i i uto otra j.r? t ty .round, basin-like valb y Suth? weat Till? valley is inclosed on tinte sides by heavily-wooded bills, beyond wMeh the sslstj outline of :." Bin li dgeisJast<aiseernlMe? ?m the foui th side is the | ?.?mp of tin railroad, with the ears winding over it i "Mei,-i a saekgrsaad of blue i-ky. From the railroad lae srrac sa either skie la stmagelX picturesijue. it is friiplsiM i iimt a lake at kouic pie-hUtone period has oc ; ipi. ,1 the vr.-iwnt valley, and by ItSWSahiDgS lins formed ? ? ?m' inkBMai it ad.ptatiou to railroad une mu-t hen bees a ?low s*ecess,?|but the work was eaVctnally r-'t-e sndsaveathcraUrenda circuit eftea mllea which li \i',ii,| otherwise have been obliged to make around tie valley. Mw* u ti,, i liivf-rt and Fi.n.klin is a cut 1.4(10 feet in 'i 'li.m Uif,, , ,i,.,j, through huu-stone rocks. A new 'I- amilrii! i? uur-d here, boring a bole ?i laches In ' ""-' ' b?m 75 to KO feet per day. This dull is used ?na pi ,? snesees, and is the first one of the kind in " i epitalina. It is (xiiisidered sapsitofl to the u utan? rxtoarirelp us<"i in the Hoosac Tunnel, from .' f?"i !h..!it works witnout shocking the essential ?' im ..! Ihe machinery. Boveml of these holes are bored etfeeu? ^"^ '""1 f**" ??* l">wder. when the blast Is ,. .. , "v ?"'?nsof ri. electric battery. The Immense t'.',.,? ?n, w",kw<"?.|.IMi.-?l hy th.-M' mollet ii niven '?m in rompHriaoii with the old methods, mav lie estl auS t?1"" '?": ,IH't lhi4t' Wltl1 thiliand-ilrlil.ahole u iws inches in diameter may be bond 10 feet per l>f';!',",M]!'i,hrr1<l?'> "cross the vhIIiv, the road strikes I, ?VI'"M,?1"' "" theopiK.slteMde,(Tossing th.-in through - uri V, Lwiun?* <",{'' or'8N " leeometlmee suggesUvelv tl'tiitc, ti\?: " ?Tb.-i.-ri.dei-. heit- something more 'm??.W' I*'??? f?r tue miles. For a part of tho l'-.t hi.?VU*V!"" 'M* ,"r""*1 ? ?-'?eat chasm In the rocks, wi ii\de?^m\*'],*r??ut *>?ljrdetached hy blasting. It ?s a t ki i? lMU-'?~kliig piaee, with huge masses of r.Kks, !inortxu mt [f***** .t****' ?u?l >?* "lug with iiadowy On it? mi . i\ m.*t '* 8t ,n* ""??"?dt of the nioentaln. fr i na t S t . ' "" ^1Mle '" -lr?-?ar ?ompleted, and is tim u .V fe,,t ^r ,Illle- Although this iKirtlon of the it on IM lroTlrt^s^/f^??n^^r?r<'^riK the Taller wldens.^T_ -**"?** ??vuir . Hamburgh U* 'lost heTore rSiig^rJ??^!1!? ?SO gravel Sfe furnish^T? T3U??o2& of kl W. As tar as Declertown. the road ifln.??.^ "?." ^excellent condition. Th. re -re 5?!_J-?>5*fJ"< the i ountry m smooth and solid. l?*_7_ul_**'Ja __*___* _ n't yet ?>o_i7le!Si?hut?_?ffift1 disunce. U of the v?ry l??t (jua!.ty of ?? t^" Company ?Htld from Mi to ?5 mun- per tun for lU ,r_ ti?n for ordiuar,- rails, and they have lost " on, ,7,\\??HU jo. for ?u le uiles of track f?er,- was . o fliw ,,, ?c rail.* ?ml no1 a single splkc-head was broken ta M*? t / J^?lBs. the whole Oroadtb ot ?m2 Col5t?<?_ ? POLITICAL. NKMKASKA. TUB CON-TITI ?TION DI*.KKATI'.l>. Omaha, flapl. r*.?On a volo for the adoption of .? new Ci? istiti*??'!) tor Um Plain of Noluask.*., to-day, ?;,, i ?miami i???ti*it -? la the State be ird fro? abo? a ma? jority ni" I.8"9 ne ?Ii*-1- It? ii'l?>I't l.>:i. Independent propos |. tiiins submitted: First, for mukliiir bank stockholders juhle fur UtteS times the iiuiontit of their stock ; second, for *-ivlnirc4"intli's ii"'n^lit o? pi*oblMUbfOf licensing IbeMtJsSf ti\i.t\ anna llqitnra; Ibfrd, praHMtla* cundy or iiiiiiil'-ll*??' "bl I?' ii'ili' ??I?; fourth, compulsory eilur.v I lion; an?l lift!', t'lii'ile n.ll?.ii*?*, wert ali *. uteri ilown by I nu-rwheiinii it n i4|r?m ni, leinale ?-nffijn*?* farina ???ral ol nil. I' I*? tiol expect.* I Unit lui thor nti'.in.-. will ma? terially chang** On- ii suit. IIASPAC1II BETTS. C.l-.N. ni'? CANVAM. In tin* foil >*; snii:i:i:ny of di lehnte lo Ihr* Malfl ('<, eh.?im wltbltl the lut luur or live a ???. so\crnl doubtful ?iml contested ense* an- given to Italie r. Yoi, it will le sion, tilt? i urrent sets :i *.*nlnsl bim. Fr Bttllcr: Al>:ni;toti, 7; A. fun, 2; A'.ho', :: Derlln, ?; I'rst Abhirton. 6; i;len town,''; Franklin, 9 ? t.?''*.*-??? ti wo, ?: c.'-i-eiiwleli, 1? II.ummt, 2; l.vnii. VI : M, 2: Marshfield.?!; North Bridgewater, S ; nrniire, 2 ; Run-rll, I; H.ilisi.nrt, :t; Bt ought on. 3; Wcllicet, Jj Wendell, 1; Wolcostir, 3.- Total, 75. Annitmt Lulu- Amln-rat, 4 ; Avi-i, 3; I'.niistal'le, f?; Belcher* t?i? 11.1 : Bridgewater, ;i; Mucki md, 2; (hu i?i"*o, 4. Dntl ? <-*?? S? IO :i : 1 .ilinoiiiii. 4; I'l-aiiiun/haui, 3; Franklin, 1; (.r.iltoii, ii; (,mion, Si di? ?it Rnrrlngton, 3; ? Lenox, -.>; l.ittienn. .'; Mai a* Ililli, S? Mllll'iirv, 3; Monro?', I; ?New S ileni, 2 ; Koitlliimplou, ?! l'i-'t l-h.-ilii, 2: ?mvo, I; Hnntll llinllev, "; N?"l hi?. Hi?, 3; ?**4>Ulhl?I?4lge '." H'niii lunn, li; -', 1*. Hiiduury, 2; ??wansey, 2: IHbridgo, i; Wi*aili.iui|iton, I; Weston, -j-,' :i; Wii?l l?i..\'ni?, B; Wilfl ?iiialnirg, 2; M ilu Ington, *.; Winchendon, *; Winthrop, I; Wureeator, 24. Total. 127. The Ki?pnlilir.'in ciill for the Bonton waitl nii'it.ngs, to be lreiil iii.s evening, tnnuuona "Ihr mern? hera of the Repalillcnn party i?l It ?*ti?n end none others." bin li is the typngiuphi ni the Official iii??M*e. 'J'lio following is The Worcester Spy .* "We bare a lia! of 2.>o dclrgatea alri-^idy ctecti d lu tin? *-: iii Convention, aird, allowing Butler a nuinbct Uul mo cltiimed a? cither for Loiiiiir or not certain, they ???iiiid na follows: Anti-Butler, 17S; Butler, l18. A not? s.?I? nibil- majority ol un? ?h.ti i Hitter iltteguU<* appear iir lie lor Wusul ini, sll hough a very re-p? ? table nuuilier "f ib? m are foi Dr. laorlng. There are HW n on di l? gatea to bo Cb ?.teil, allow tug I bl* * liob* l.oiulitl to lie ?,i:j1." NEW-YORE. THE Y'H'NT, ?TEN'S KI.!'! i'l.ICAN as-ik ivtio.n? a\X MT! M. I'OB HABMOKIOr** A' TI"**.'. The J'.xccitiivc CoBimitt'Pc of flic Yoting Mt it's I'ejiulil.e.iii Maii> Absouation buve i ?uid the following address: Ti? the Republican! of the Slate of Netr-Tork: Anelco lion of inoiiH mons Importance ia approaching, and the time tor preparation Ia airead.? at bund. Krceut ?venta, Im lulling th?* frightful disrluenrea of eerrup t.? ii, nave revealed lo the pet pie Um ii mgi rou? tend? n r.ea of Tammany rule, and have srouaed u puliln*. si'iitnucnt which puts Tk'tory witbtn ourgrarp, Kever was the suiet ia ot a party more Important to Ibe welfare of the whole Slate, a- a Bl pilli.?? an triumph pr? m ut- the only moan*? of the reform so loudly called for. Tin people ni. fully :tli\c to this r?ate O? facts, ami the result if. only in.nie ?loutit I ni by a hu Uni haimi>n.\ lu our own i.inh-. At lins time, when we have Special reason to prcarnt ii unit4*il fiont to the eiieii,y, there isdaiigerof OtttatRtUftb i?i mg frittered away bj Um tenaeleaa siii'c i? tween the partisani of rival l? ?di te, mid by Um ? Coi taol tbo**c who woiiltl jut iiiatiin ly fmi e ii dlsi ?iM-ioii of the claim* of Presidential Candidate? upon the people 11:It 'i'.'io ?great body ?of Um Republican party bus no sympathy w iib, and takei m in i i i? .*? m tlH ?e dlvl Iona, ?*il.ii li nie Ii st?-?ed und iiirei ted by a compar?t!vi 1> -n.. T. nnm1*?<r of tin \iii-ioi..- countlea of Um State. Upton the spproai billi.* State Convoi finn really depend? Ih? lesull ?if the lampuiia'ii. II well condilli.*?I ami bar* moiiiouh; If It be trae to the party na a whole, and n?it to a KCction of it -, ii it Judiciously rexonc li? conflicting Interests, ami picseuis a ticket of undoubted worth, mid accept,ibb' to nil, mi lory la hine, lint this end may be accomplished, the del? ? s composing it miiHt i,e nu n of commanding rbaracter, pureal lot lam, und lat,.-! ability. We tall, then, upon the patriotic maairttrf the party pusoiiaiiy to attend the Primary Meetings and lJi-lil? t Conventions, al d to soo that none are ?elected M delegate? to this State Convention lint those who are sterling Republicans?not distinctively ?Uraut men, Greeloy meu, Coukling men, or Kenton men ? but Republicans, owing no ??olltlcal allegiance save to the paity ut large; men of character, lutlueuce. and iiiiiilty, bin ing no personal ends to serve, and no ob|oi t t?i attain but the welfare and success of ib publli an prin? ciple*, With a Convention formed of anch material*?, v ).-?? lounsol.s will prevail, hannon? t?t cstablishoil, and sin n ss at the i?olis be as-utfed? bept. l8, l.*i71, NOTKS OX THE KI'IMT'I.IAN I \NV ?*.*-. The followiag additional nominations f"t Am?iiitlyinen have l"ou made by the BepubUcans: ll?l District ??? Caynga, i:\y,th E. Brown : On ettt. !-??? if My* gatl ; M lilstriit ot m'. Lawrence, Danns A. Moore, At the Republican Count*.* Convention, lidd in Home, yesterday, the linn. S. tv Lowerj of I'tii-a was nominated for State Benator, the lion. A. II. Balley of Itoiue for County Jinlu'e, Mr. J. H. Am n ol ( linton lor Surrogate, ami Mr. I). C Btoddard of \7Uea for IHstrlct Aitorney. r*troiig n-solutioui ver?- unaniiuoiialy adopt.-d, approving ol Ihe Administration of Gen. (it.iiit, the course of ?*V*nntarCoiikliiig.and tin* ret?.ni ot ( ougicssuiau Bobella. Tne pi*?i*ct*eiiibg? ?vere uiuu U'rnipted. The Clieniung County Delagat?M to the Stnto Convention coMlat of two support? is of 8. natur Fenton and one of Senator Coaklina*. Two active parttaaoa of the latter Senator, viz.. Col. Thornton arid l??ate* Nlrkt, were badly .beaten. The Finura t,until. Hie editor ol which attended the County Convent ion. ?ay? that "the friends of (.ov. linton evinced a greater wlllingneai to i onclliate and haiinouize than did ihe friend?ol benator Conkllnif." The followinp are additional iiiinios of dclf* gat?.?? to the State Convention : Cayuga County?IM l'i? tiiit?John 8. F?iwler, A. !.. BUaon, J. B. Strong, B. A. I'nrdioe. Oreen* County?Theodore C. Teal?. C. C. reek, (.l'or*.-!'Nichols. Franklin County?1*. II Milelils. W. I?, liieiuinn, Dr. W. UllUa. Munroe County?1st District? J? A. Stub? B. ?C ??hllda, John McGill. ? Leterente fonu. /./?let District--(ieorg. M. Uica.*.on, .M. L. Laughlin, >'. li. Lytle, it, N. ?herman. The Montgomery County IJi-'iiiiiliuiiis, at theil recent Convention, adopted resolution which con? demn the Tammany thieves and the otbuul thieves of their own county, and approve of the Administration of President Grant asa debt-pavlnp. tax-reducim.' Admin? istration. Messrs. John ( . Bmitb, Min. R., (?? ?i. \V. Elliott, and John McDonnell wen elected Dele? gates to the State Ponxi ntion. Tin* Convention pn (-?-nuil the name of ti? lion. Wm. ( lark of Pim Plain to the Htate ( im'.i nlioii as ,i i amlnlale loi Canal I ommii sioner. * The lid Assembly District of Queen? County Convention was hi Id at Jamaica, J 4 sit rd.ty. On moimu, the towns of Hempstead and Jamaica wet? iaatmeted to nauie their deleia'ates, and the di legates from Xew tow n and Long Island City to lie chosen by the OonrcBtiOB A. C. Henry, Jamaica ; J. H. Coopi'i, ifempatead: J noes M. Wbltoomb, Astoria, ami i'eter Haalam, Newtown, were selected to attend the Hvraeusi' (. oin i allon, TIN ??. Cogswili, Jamaica: P. a. iJwvttlaon, Hempatfii4 uni Fr.ttik lila? of laong Island City. win uiuhii to the Judiciary Convention. The Republican electors of the towal of Queens County held thtir primaries on Monday i w nmg last, and chose delegates to the District I MrratkiM held at Jamaica, j (sttnlay, und the one to be held at Iloslyn to-day. The primario? -were well attended, and at Hempatead considerable excite meni wau manifested. The Admlnlstrailon party elected their delegates by a laree roa.iorit**, mid passed- resolutions criticising Tammany Hall, expressing their confidence In the preaeat Adiniinstra tion. and urgini* John A. King, (???(!., for i-tafe Reaator At the 1st Ass. milly District primaries similar resolu? tions were adopted. The Jamaica primary, however, de chared for Uilliert Dean, csij. ut KI? hmoiid . ouuty, who ran ahead of his ticket two venn- ago In the election for the same ?nisition. The lion. Win. Nicoll of fcuffolk ( o., is also strongly urged for the same olllt i. It Beeme to be the impresaion tbat Mr. Web? ster WagDer will not be a camlidate loi the leaatoria] . nomination in the XVtb District. The name of John McDonnell, it is stated, will be presented hy the aMont gomery delegation, and hi? nomination is deemed llie. Mr. McDonnell i? President of a bank at Amster? dam, and waa recently a Lu?.'' mamifa?turer there. Thoutth he baa Mea engairetl In business pursuits all ins life, he bas ticen prominent for many years la the Repub? lican councils of his I'onniy , and his iDlegilly is iingues tioned. He ha? held with uouor various po*iturns ol pub? lic trust, and his nomination, provided it unites the Re? publicans of the district, would be one emintutiy bl to be made. The Senatorial Conventioa of the XVlIth District, embracing the counties of Ut. Lawrenoe and Franklin, will be held at I'otsriam Junction to?lay. The Hon. Wella8. Dlikin?on of Franklin wlllabe nominated by actJamation. bl. Lawrence having had the Beaator for ten years out of twelve, concede? the nomination io Franklin, and the Hon. A. X. Parker, who ha? served for four year? with distliigulshid ability aud credit, Is not in the field. Mr. Du k ii.soii is the unanimous thone of Franklin, uud will Im-heartily accepted by the entire district. Two yoara agu his name was pie?? ntcd by his couuty. and the Con M lilli,It pHSM-41 U I! solution UM 'OgllUlllg Ililli us " au u i> rlgUtanil paUlolli utixcu, a, triutwurihy ?i|d ?ictive R"pnhl|enn. sud one whom the people of this ?nnn t nsl distil, t hold lu high rospcMit.'1 Mr. Dirkliinoii was B member nf the Aasembll lu ibmi, and lias every quulili c.iion for Um position Is which he win i? elected. The EtichcKlcr Democrat of yostcrilny tnnrn Ingkaathe followtng: **t*Or. IlolTinan wascxj.seed at Buffalo last night to deliver th? address nt Ihe ojienlug of Do liilerniiil.niul liiiluslrial RablMUoa, lint, a telo gram waa ucind siutm?? that on account of Illness he would not he iMe la arrive thora la time, ami raaae uneatly Ihe opening was pnetpoued till to eicht. I Iiwt.iiii of ki Ingle li; tf,.;ii?iov. li, ffiuancamenpqukillr i from Alba, y on lim Kia train, last evening ami iTopiad at tins ni?. Hera I... m.-t tXtuitioi V. ?burch and I a row ciliei le.nleis of tim truohtcd Demuersey, ami i Un y were e? nveyed lo Um resid? nee of Ucurge I.. I.<>i I, vine n conn.II wis belli. The rdnfrntirrsliip nno?tiou Wi iprolmbl?, ile main topic. It wa* after midnight b - fur.' ihe rondare endea, and the (lorernor and ex (?i vernor weretirlven io (.enures* Hall. The liovi root's visit wa? km.v. n i? only .1 tele. 1 11 luther of ludivl uah: be uni not te-i.ter lils name at the hotel, ?ml bl.? ptvt .?i,i o waa indi niiy meant lu be kept a secret." LOCAL. Henry S. Wallaca wau unan.monx.r nomina? led i.riiie A-:?nii 1;. i.-i-t uvealng, by the Union U pub lil :? - ni 1 be Mh l>i.-!rn I. The lion. Thomas E. Stewart who was n?>ni in .ted Un- uilur erenlni on Ihe Vm s natortal DMrlet Convention, mar he elected if he w11] ran. Thro are si,me ile!,-el* ill his record, but lir I? u ?don.' niall in his district, baa behaved well in ?' in -i sa, and la, undi r the circumstances, pmhahlt tin. I,est n,ut wo , -_a alium there, lieunghi lohootealed. The Union Republicans ?if the ixili Aasem bly l>l-tiii t met in Convention last evening, and pal In for Minii.i r of tia- Assembly, air. Biepbea P. II. Mr. ivii isa merchant, a leading member of one ol ibe Me tin" IM 1 burch? n in the i.i.siiiii, nu oin ri side ii mi .mai. worthy the ?nippon of every alison desirous ol f,-ooii goreruutent. DIHIJNION AMONG TWEED'S ADHERENTS, ORGANIZING A W11. If. IWW.I? CKNTUAL CLUB? A SPLIT IN Till. HANKS. iX'logate? from twelve Warda In which Tweed c.ui.s have be. n nraaniti d, na t laal night at No. '.j-, Thirdne., to form a Central Tweed Club, At s\ o'clock,delegates were present from the First, Third, Eighth, Math, Twelfth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, fux ti (nib, Seventeenth, Eighteenth, and Twenty-second Wards, and the meeting waa railed to order by li. 11. Mulhall, President of the Four!? nth Wind club, a Con? stitution was adopted, and a motion wai mads for the election of permanent ?fibers. This ?brought ?hont ? illsi-nsshni Which developed the fact that lim Tw^cd 1 lu!..-, ol llie m. .uni, K,.nilli, alni ruth War,I? hail re? timed lo join hands with the ernntaera nt the Oentmt ?bib, and linn delegates I row iles., clul.s, with jin-, t, mied delegates m,m other clubs, had called on Mi. Tv red dining the day, s ml had? as tin > claimed, be n so graciously received hy bunas to sbou thai tin ir course 11: r? fu luir to i 01"p, late w iib the in joiity bad r-ei-lved the magnate's sanction. Mr. Ryan, I han mini of the First M ard delegallon? said that Ibis waa what Ihe people ti? ri ii' I to ?aid. but itiiy had mien presented hu t?, before, a ml he did not think t'li.-v would ne believed now. Ho h lew the pretended di l._r:it s from Ihe rteventli Ward to i.e in ?us, -lure the ri- -nient ni the Hcveuth Wart ?lui? had il.-i,i.-l having signed the credential? of the per* na vi 0 .1.limed to lie delegates. Tli.* di-.-i-siin bein? 1 1 "ed. the dcl>-g;ite* . I,-, i.-?l ii..- following 0. 1 m.iiieiii i-fllcers: Mu li,iel Norton, I'resl.ient; Jobu vi uti, li -t Vue l'n-iibni ; li. I; Mulhall, s, 1 -?????l Vice-l're?.it; John I'. Cyan, third Vice I'lv-uieiil. and J 11. UnMiforth, Hen eti.iy. _ KIM.S col MV DEMOCRATIC GENERAL COMMUTEE. PRIMARIES TO RE HELD SKIT. CO?AN ERRATIC hi.i.'i.KAsr. Tin? Democratic General Comroittco ?>f Kin?s Count) in id a specml meeting las! evening at Ko. if, Cimrt-st., Mayor K.'>"-. li ni the 1 bair, and adopted the foll?n lug: Um I '?'. Tnat pri-nirr fWliii-i? tie bri I OB Tur-?ar, .???pt. 26. f?r tbf I'la;,, <? nf ii r'i'eir itnr iel, /? t. ir,,iu net ??iel ltd rasstr laws. Is H? I uti Ihr* "I l-l in ??, li A? , .n'.li Hi-li.e-, ?u >-.' - : ... .-.'it? |? th? : ' ', I ' .? ?. ; ? ? t,, ' r I ? ?' ?I II e, I,.-, r ( '. ? l ? -, Is ttri SB !? hs uai<-Ir ii i a . In.lrii-I In inn t hi <*?Ti lisa n Ft .,11 .-? ril? li. "' li n,-t , ?I Uro,?II. ii, ?lo < lui mue idSfSMS '??? It? JtUttxXxt, I. on .?-.l.iin. The iitientii.n of th? Geaernl rommiitee wn? railed to 1l,e la. I llial l'lillre .--. I-iimt Cain ol 1 In ('? lit I al -<|li ni bad been el... led un Iiir-|i.-< tor of Election in theSi tin Warri, and Robert Putey moved thal the Inspector?>uip I?-.bilan (1 vi.euiil. ns II Ma-a nil ol Hu. Police I'. |... i li.ienl nilla lor un i I'm er to ho,d any nolitical pee?.i. Hergranl Cain immedlntelr rose, and, marching np to Hi.- platform, took off I Is shield und banded it ti. Mayor K.illili i-, li, ...i u tin- i. niai k tiiat he resigned lu-m i ffi-aulship. Mayor Kali-fllesi-h refused i? accept the I? IL-Iiiilii'li at llial lime, Saying thal BergBHBl I'eilll buen tin- |ii'o|mt place to make bli resignation ami bind over his sluelil. The all.ur caused cousidcruhlc disius .-.ii.ti and amusement POLITICAL NOTES. Thor? ave s?-WH candidate? in the field fur the I!, publican iiomliiiitloii for Congressman ut lirpe flinn Illinois. The i'onvi ?lion mci t.< to-ila>. and It is mid the tun will las between ex-Auililoi l>uhob?, KA-ijoV. Oglesbjr, and (?en. U. K. imvcrldge. Bay? The Bonton All rer User : " ?when Tweed is told that lils movements aro Tfspslooal?. M eral it)ed -mile Spreads over lils slightly decomposed features, and thal he is far from resenting the adulation. Tin- inne appears mil t<> be distant v.ben he ?ill probably imitate both Napoleons in ide termination of a publm career which has produced no public I? neill." Tlio Town Clerk of the borongb <>f Pt. Clair, FrhuylkW County, renn., furnishes the following expla? nation of nu extraordinary expenditure of publie money: "Those tfIS i ompl.lined of us beiag spent for drink and n freshtr.enta wore spent .Inlv 4, IHTC, for the St. Clair and Pottsville firemen? ami not ter lb* Bmwngh Council. am.) Hu- i n in ai'..-h Urin,:, had pel 'formed the arduous .inly ?i siiiiiiuim: the llames, mut Hie Pottsville Brent? a. at the . ali for lu-lp exerting Ihemaelvea to their utmost In be pn -eui to u-si-t in subduing the fire, they f. It fa ligne?]? and iherefnre Hie ('?.uncli deemed Itmtoeaearr ,u.U l.^lil lo ((ive tbein ri fle-hun lils." PERSONAL Tim Duchess? du Plcsaia ?l'Aronicry, noteil dnrlna f he Flrsi Empire, ami protaiueal la the reign of Louis Philippe, has Just died at Vitrv-le-Frauiais In lier lOWta year. Tlio Due ?VAtininl?' lia.s made considonil.l?' Capital With the Lyon? ?Boa? b.v a rumored declaration that he would Borer receive the Presidency nor rabsu a Unser in aid of the Co mt de Ohambord. Mr. Joaqnin Miller, the p?.ot of Dio Sierras, armed in town yesterday and dined at tho Lotos Club with ii small party of lonrnalists. He will make a short star lui.- ami then no W? -t lo visit his rblhlreu. Ile propetMes io ?pi mi the Whiter In houth America, lav Ing up a sion of tropical bupreaalooa, which we may enjoy lu future poenM. _ l-l r.soN\L-HY TBLEOBAFB. _Onv.Browa of Ti onionr is fnaproring ia health, and ?Irin,? k**m *n tin? niti'rt?in.-J of Iii? rwoTrrr. ....President Giant reviewed the Zouave anil col? or.,) I au iS,,u. an.l lb* Pol i-f and lir- PtpartnH-nt? uf ( n., taniii, ?*? l?ld?> ?________________?-? li LATHER REPORT. w*r Paranmnrr, > ?IIFK T Of THF ?II1KF HKlNAI. OFUCBK. ', U'ASHIWTOX, I?. C. fiept. 20, IH71?1 a. m. ) S.i?i,?tii fnr the i.nii ttrenly-four hourt Tlie l?iw?st prwure, which was on Monday high!, north of Lake EM? I? now over Maine. The nress ni, lias fallen rerr generally la the Gulf and Atlantic Mates, but has risen troiii the Ohio Vsller northward. i weathei basgeneiwlly prevailed on the UhN arid t Mantle coast today, ln?ht rain? on the bouth At iiiiitu and (Juif coasts. near weather le non reported from Minnesota south? ward The i? ni ? Ino-usen in New-Kiiirlaml. hut fair, non the Uppei Ukes. Increaatng northurly w-iud? hin. in.-vailed troiii Lahe Mhhlgnn t.. Ontario ; fresh southerly nindi fiom Maim- lo Virginia. I'riilnlbilitirt. TtTl?V north-wcsterlv wind- w111 nrobablv return to th. north-west, ahnte by Wedneeoay ?nea oo th?- Lower Lukes, with clearing weattser._. Heal weather, with cool nnrtherlT winds, will pr.,i Bhh iiMiilimi the South Atlantic Wales bl \S.di,. dal uicbr. and dearin? wi ilber, with oortb^nesti-rlj windi-, in the Mildle und Eastern Mate-nu.I the Missis? sippi Valley. __________________ ni>Ti:r?rivE kike in vikoinia city, nevada. San FttAXCIKO, Sept. 11?.?Tho proatost lire eyer known In Virginia City Urfd<c out there ti>dav. It couiiii. need on l>-t., near Wells, Far^o di 'Co.'s otli.c Everything in that ???rta? is burned, except Hoofs building and the Bank ?d Cali? fornia. All the brokers' offices on C-st. are burned on both sides, from Dsley 4 Goodman to the T.hoe House Well-, Fumo A i. ??? V*S_ ?f partially burned. The fire is now entliiK'ii-hcd. The ion is e?n m.iteil st ?1.00U.U?O. It Is Impossible toobtaln full particu? lars lo uif lit. _ lAFIOTjaKDa FOR MAf*ACHUPETTP IUILR0AI.8. Bot,T?.N, Maas. Sept. 19.?A conference of the Htate Kallroud Comroissiouers rfitb the managers of uui-t of the railroads in Massaehusetts wa? hfJd to-day, H which the following Committee was appointed toco operate with the Commissioners, and report upon such additional safeguards to railroad travelia* nisv be darned ueoessary : The Hon? Jobn H. t llfford of the Boston snd providence, I>. Waldo Uacoln of the Boston and Albany, John B. Winslow of the Boston and Lowell, William Merritt ni the Boston and Maine, and Daniel L. Harris of the Connecticut Hirer Ballroeda. DEPTBUCTIVE FIRE IN JER8EY CITY. A fire broke out luet night at 11:80 in Derby, 8now ii 1'renti? e's planing and turning mill, In Greeno-st., l^tween Morgan aud Bay-sU.. The bulldlug, which was tilled willi valuable muckinery and material, waa almost t-nttii ly consumed. A larre ipisnllty of litmlwr lying outside was also destroyed. Tim los? * ?' probably reach Imi.uuo. FuUy Insured. Tin". THE TREATY OF WASHINGTON titi: WAgniKGTon commission. UK. ?'( Ml ISMOKI R? T?i Mlf.T O? Pi? IVY NKXT ? AIMMVAI. OP Tllf. Itl.TTI-ll ?<.M.MIr?l'>M K.s. T'ir tv. Mil i rtidfl of Hi?- Trcniy of Wnnli i'cKi lui i. i ii tul d l< ra ('? iindisun raaaMNnc ?I t' I e |1I-' II?, to m.iliil^ssl.llicl.ilifnrllia.ixi,,,,,,,,^,,,, of (' a. :, i ii an iliac genetically known ss tifci / a ina ? 1 in -,M<h < 011 n dash nus bava bena duly i. :.if ', i.i.d H 1 I..*-: um'h p rill be Tv-!,i ,?,? Meng.* ti. "ii 1 '. On the pert of ?real Britein, Hi Don. I? " U ?.1 HU .?. If ?'?. M T., Ricoh!, r ol l/n?i..ti 1 .,??? 111 r i) 1. it ted ' ? mu ?Mb iut. Henry liosuni, <???.]., li n .e i .-?i ni, ?? mi Jan -et w. fui lisle, oq., win. waa Ad \,im ii nil for ile liii'.l. Lrnatloa at Waablngtoa 1.1 ir w. 1 ?, I* n e (( 1.1.K i n. il.? iirit.rii 1 lulmanta. on H ,? j- it ? 1 11 ( I ? i( il -'?. <- ti, Hie Hau. ?I. Frazer of Indiana bas l-ecn api-ointe?! CUaimlasieeer, und tho Hon. Rnlerl S. II le of New-York Is the Aient ami t mu -, |or n iii" Ann rb an ri il n t it?. Tie- tu d nom n, I. mr, Ji :i!;. SRicid upnn bj Hie Iw?. ?;.>?ei 1 moi ts. i 1 .e 1 nil..u y, ?.i. 1 i .-?i v... ; 11 ion, e? 1 ni r...i.-: rortl TI ? arti le 1 r tb? T. ity pruviding for tbe ? oauuli lou Uns i..;-. .??-: ?j alll i, (nuira tin? Parties agree thal sil etohna on H r r 1 . ' ' ?. 1 i;-.? np 1 *, or private individu n -, 1 1I1/' t s , I Hi. I'' lied s. up.m the Oovi'rrvi.cnt. lil lill lilli..lilli.- M |esly. li.i-IUU ( III Ol il. I-i oiomill. <l ai; mal He p. 1 Mina 1 r pi ..p. uy 01 citizens ?I Ihn r. m -I t-i les duiii m ||k> |? m, 1 1 a I wee n Hie I3th of April, UKI, and "he un ol April, INSS, inclusive, no1 In iug clmuis ^-iiin :?. mi ,' 1 1, aels ni He ?1 els refernd loin An.? leii CI Tn ly, and all dalma, wita lb<-likeex ??.-I ?.on. on in. j. rii.'l r-ortM? I loos, cou p mu s. O* l"l i iii iiii:i\ 1, u 1 . ?u! i "i i-ot II. 1 liri! ,ir ii- .Mi ?putty during the same iiiiml. vim h m,y haie been presan ted tu 1,11. lill. , 1 II . ( I. : il- lula l|ii sllioU Will I '? "I ? , au? whirl? 1 ?-11'ina in nnseftb ?I, sa well as any oilier such a,anns wli.cll tniv I?- |i|f-cnlci| WitlllU lil? timo .- ,, ii. .1 m Arl? li 'XIV ( I li '-'l'i aty.el all lie refer? rd ,1. lin-I ?.a a?a. In le. lo be ?i?tpii|li?f.l In the following nan i ; i,'.,i 1- io ,i.y: <> .- ? ,uiiii.i--i ncr shall be 1, tbe 1'r. siileut of Hu United (?tal? ?, 1 ne lu Her Li lulim.c M.iji.-'.., illili I? li,lid bl Ibu I' nf ni Hie I 1 len?. 1 * .iii Hil- l.nliiiiii'i"! M ii-ty coull' ni li aim in ca?? the third Connni*eh?neraiiaJI no1 haw-lu mi mi n.aim .1 u,; iiiu .. 1111 mil ol three nu.uti,s fruin the ii ??? ol the cm I : ? ? ' flu- 1.1 .fl allon, of Iii!?Treaty, Muli the third Commlssi.mer s?mil be named by fbe Ripre ?1 i 1 inn- iii Wa-Mii-iii m li?. M.1.1 st. Hi" King ol S', In, In ease ni Hie death, absence, or Incapacity of any ( ommis.-iuii.T, m in the event ol any ( umunsaioiier 1,11,1!' n,. ni it , nig m a? 1. the vacancy Midi be til.ed m the m.1.on 1 lui,iiii.i-iore provided lor making the erlg , . li pjH.I ,,, I I. , lill J.! O' I I II 1 11 mill ii- ,11 I .!?-' Ol' such s.iiistituli->u being -.. cuUnd from ihe date 01 1 ho bnppeniitg ol ib<- vacancy. Awording to the. ni reeding art lele?, the Coniml Moncra me i n ?in.'. ? 11 ii lo in-. ( .-.I ii.ii i o nul di 1 iile ilpili Hu' ( I .iI'ms lu,??.' I I ha ii ?!'. Hu iii, alni to ?iv. al ii -nch Mllmof money-as mar Iw found due, and >U ennis of money sa awarded by the rommUalnnera shall be paid bythnone Uorel ii>iii nt lo ihe .,: l,a r Within twelve months ?if t ?t llie Baal awaiti, wiiln ut inter?s! und without .my deduction. Tin l'i mmiaUouen. will do uni Inn g more . n Ihe (list day of tiiiiti.ig tl.uii u mi Mu Ir cieii. nu,ils ?uni make and mi,- 1,i>e ?1 -i I, mu declaration, .provided for In the 'ii, ,1 ... 1 h ii ! 1. y mil i in pa 11 ?sill and car, fully examine um] .1.1 nb , to n c best of their judgment and according lu Jo lue equity, nil Muli il.unis as shiill be laid bel,,i<- iii. in ; and also Uke im isurea lor framing the ml - by \,In. u tuen action is to be governed. Jud li ./? 1 ha- \. nib n a .?..te st iting thal h? will lie pn -? -it ou M .illili.-, nuil Ur. (iurney, the Brltlak ?Cumtnlaeioner, arrived al ibis port yesterday, in tim atcatacr China, bat mr sailed iron Liverpool on tue Mb inst. ai.ih.ks.s to run uuiTisii commiooioxeu?hu RKFLT. Tliu Riyrlit lion. Russell Onrnoj, member of IVrlta.1 iroiii bootbamptoo, having acee?p(od the di. 11- - ni Iii ?ti-11 Commissioner to Washington, it was tb> 1 n.ed liy the iliinls of that borough, assembled in publie meeting, lo pn s> ni bin wilb nu addrcas privions iii Ins ii.p.i 11 in i on h - minston nf peace. The pr?senla I10II Wai- Iliade oil the I Va Illili,' of the 7tll ilist. Ut till) II, riley li li. The following I? a copy of the address* wlii, h was hi all! li lilly illuminai, d on, and li iiuled lo Mr. ??inna y by the .Mayor. "Ata public meeting of Hie Inhabitant* nt southampton, convened by the wor? shipful the Mayor, In compliance with a requisition sigi . ii by men of all pani -, and held iii the Town-Hull a.11 Wiuliia-n.iy cunnii.', August ? wa.? ui.aniinou>ly ri wiri d that nu ?ullin.-? sin.uni I. pn m nted to you ex prcas!re of the great aaiiefarUoa wilb which your ena* htiiucat-? have a?t-u you r-.-b . ?i-<l by tho lioverntueutof ti, -, ouiiti \ lor on. ..| tin nins Itnpiirtanl nisi,.,,.? ever in: rust,-u lonny ne?i ti. tor or illploiiiatti-t. A ?the roi? nieite. s a pp. ?int.-ii mr tin ?uii|ioM- of giving ille.t lo ibis n -..?iitioii, ae beg lo assure ion that, in tin Haine of Hie pi.inle moeliug ami our own, ?re otter you our hearty inn ,m at ulai ion on your appointment, ?uni we most sincerely thank you for having accepted a position t.> which must 1... . ?, ....I.... I. ,...! j...... .1.111. ..?> ....A ?.. ........ II.Ia .... L111? 11 n _>,,,i jin n.i> in- marjiia-u it (insumo ia. whick inn -I 0? .ittu. h. ii many al. I.cale, ililli, nil, and respoii-inli- du ti. s. We feel honored as a eonsiitueniy hy the i hotci w hieb Hie ?lov. riuneiit have minio ?r our ropresentatln au .. ? '..?.,........... . ? .1 i, .. ,111 .........i.- ^ I_.... . ._ . ...siiiuii s a nea ami brighter ern in the history of manhunt? and the of bolh Iii whom it w. .1 ! Of justit. ,., and ir>. .'.un iioiu prejudice, we feel th ciiiiiieiiily .jua,iluil lor the wnrk you will have to per? form? .nil na' ii'iciiiiii.iil could no1 po.s.-iiiiy nave mad? u beili-r sel. i t'oii. In giving expression to these senti? ments, of n personal and publie enano ter, we desire lo .nid m cure ?l hope that you may be blessed win health and strength during your abas nee from booie. lu tin- expressive words of the old Saxon rahidlctlou, wa bid yon U?*l speed In your nobb, and rtnhlng. We tm.-t that j nu will return to your native lind wit? Increase?! billin to . oiiiM'lt, iiinl ?iildlliiiiiiil claim- to the e-la i in of (he people oi boHi hiigland Mid Ami'i lea?willi the ion vil turn dial you Lau- aided in promoting perpetual amity between two of the loremos! nations of the earth, and laying the foundation of a bette) inline A>r the hu? man race." Mr. Gurney, In reply, said : "I do not think the lan ?nage of the address is too strong when you say that you have reiisoii to hop- that the Treaty of Washington will form au era in the history of civilization and of this nation. [Cbeera.1 I do not now stop to discuss details. I will not condescend to consider whether too much w.n ii,-mini,ii-ii on one sl.lo or too much concealed ou the Other] all tins, pointa have been considered by inen well competent to i.ini a correct opinion uih. ii them. lam co?tent t<> ninda I,. He u d?cisions : but I bal I hail with unbounded satisfaction the principle Hut umlci lies thu whole of tbeee transaction*?the principle, viz.: that bo the Blatters in dispute between nations what I hey ma., however (.'?illili?: to the national juhle of their n it Ion. or however iriitatmg the controversy may be that has arisen respecting that war is uot lo be had re? course to until all other meusuies have been tried and tried in vam [ein i r ), and that arbitrait?? between ?attoai no lesa tehan between individuals is owned tube the best method by Which the right? und honor of each parir oau in secured. [Cheeta.] I speak ol this as the principle ?n? dert) big the aboie treaty, which Is now not only recog? nised but acknowledged by two great nulnm?, and I hope that It -bows in. undue national pride li I say thai 1 rejoice to think Dial mv own native country m on. of Hume mu um?, and that Hit. other is a iiuliou akin lo i.s lu u w?v mu? In a sense that no ?Hut nation?* or can be. |( deer?.j I have i-isiken of this great principle, now not only rcu.giii7.ed hut acted ?poa, I.e. uuse we uui-i all 1, member thal not many years ago, at the Uingtraa of Parla, the same principle wai recognized, but we have also to remember lmw sooaitwas fornotieu when ihe t'lni.ting bait of tia? acquisition of the territory aid militan honor talil.ili/?'d the eyes alike of ?orerelgu and of ja-tiple [cheers;] hut in our cuse lam g1 ol to hud Hint, however strong were the feelings that had ben preilously euuiiclate.l and cipressed, when it was brought befon the representatives of bota national hal there was a ?node ?>v which international honor could be maintained and the' Just rights ni both nations setiurcU, Harnell, In an Impartial arbitration, all expressman ?M visihlc fe. ?tug were lorgotteu, ami the sense of the duty which they oneil to ??oil und to mini bound and com ladled the Couiuiissumer? to adopt the course which . mied in the ITcaty of Washington. (?Cherra.] I will not sino to ilniulri-liito the auiount of human 1. ss that ha? b? .-u occasioned by the fentettwlnemid the principle n in thut Treaty. I rejoice to think that we were actuated bv somewhat higher principle* than those of merely material luteiests, but It to scarcely possible when thinking of the I'oiigress of l'.iris. and sal the ?ill. ?M-nueiit forgetfUlaess of the leading principle of that (oiigiess. not lo rctlcct how great a sum of human misery that forgetfulnes* has already oecasionad, und It would lie difflcult Indeed to prophesy what uiuount of human mho rv niay be yet in stoie for us, in epaaeqaaaea of the emmtterad f.. lings ?lui li the recent war has lnevltiibly engendered. It Is to a-slst lu .nrrvliig mit Ihe provisions ?r the Treal* of Washington that 1 am about to depart from my ordi? nary soliere of duty?it is not an office certainly of wy ow ii seeking. I have accepted it at the request of a t.ov eiunieut uism whom a* a party I had no claim for any mark of favor, and who on party- grounds have no claim on my service?. ICheen-.] But I should feel utterly un? worthy of the eoufldeuce you have reposed lu me if I could allow myself to be swayedM such a matter by any party considerations. [Cheers J There were times when the Government of the day had rld?ni* upon the services of all cltiaens, whether they, were the political supporters or opponents of that Oov ciuuient, and I believe that this was one of those occa? sion? in which I bad no right to consider myself. I was bouud to yield to the opinion of Um responsible adrlsei s of the Crown, and to accept the office which they thought I was well eakulaled to fill. (Cheers.J You will understand these feelings ; you will undersumu that I do not go as the__**??? ?_Wtf ?r P ?>?'.?'P?" mnt of American elaims. (Cheers.) If that had been the duty of a Commissioner I should have respectlully declined ?he office. [Cheers.] I should not have felt that I had any pe?ulisr ?tuess for It. and I ?should have thought I could be moro usefally employed at home U beers] i but the InsOruotions as to the duties of the i'ommlssionerB are plain aud such as admit of no doubt We are to loo? upon parties alike, we are to consider every claim that is brought before us, without consider? ing for a single moment hy whop that claim is preferred or by whom it to opposed, and In m doing I believe I shall be liest coasulting tbe interests of both countries. [Cheers 1 It 1* a matter of very small Importance to a country llko Oreat Britain or the Inlte? .?tate? wbetber a smaller or larger sum of money be paid .or recelred by one country or &-*?_! __ what Is 1m (Kirtaiit to ?if them 1? that the peoide of both ooun rtmtmmmixtrtl Uiwv? (hat l*t ?UcsUgu* vLusC Va ve ?h?ku between thom h .ive bren Ml** anil Jtfitlf CJoHderl. 'i 'Cfs | I iM'lievi? thal It would he loss sarrio es to tin) inlerosts of i ilher of tho?v' coitntrlr? that they should lar? railed upon lo pay ntnioat any sum that con h<< ii>>med til .i th.a it should Is* a miller of bell-f among Hu-piup'o of th** country that li.o p.iynn nt hal V ?u ? bv ini'airties? in the arbitra lol?, (''beers.| I co?tes? thal I have aa fear of any nub tein.-uvii.u of our I i?*nri. I I ave for my roller. Kilt', nppolnicil hy te llnltiil Milt's, a I'Oiitiei.i in Who has lor n Ililli' flinn Ulled the eli,? of Ju,i-e with Inii.or lo himself, a d I ki.nw of aathlng su litlciii itid to lit li. ii li T ?'Uii- oii:,|. uf m.?ti -. f.?r UM-'fif Um In a.y aa I S lo' ? j.i !! i i| i ?.,..?,, i , . v ' tell a! INI t i.-. M m. I Kts tin t H. .t ,? lo,,., n,. |,:,l lis in (lie in'ni of flic pr s.,r. vin, baa iu i u ? i..( n prcventod I .? I m g ni*, i le in?t.?.,'i ?if tin-j. i! . ,.'. i ?ti e?j n i , ini. i sjiil.viK-curea hi. |ai?j rii.ii'i. Thin II ia ii ' ?> rely thal S4HV o' linly v...?li I lui! ?-ti uriMjM, uni t > o ssii.i- i lit iniit.ui. ?, pi mi. li* ,1 o.i li ali, e, I lit li- UM babitta? .und and Roi rkt, formed l<? l??t?t Jiullc_l o** I?, rame, wbieh win b I mi ( I S -n? ??? Lol. f? b?th ?'.fa i|ii*stltm, ni ii lo gi,io i ii li silt ,rwi,.n r.M.ii itf.iir t-MllrilU.l III of |?,l?, .iur-i I, ,.,,,.]. J,,. ||Q thrl Con nils loner wo 1. .?,, n genii ni. li of Idtt l?**? ion. wini baa i iV.m til. t-attea ai tin* earn* al i - Went, lil O', vi i. um ii?? -., ,;,.|it! uiiti o; |?. To.i. in.nor ?ml great Intelligence, in whom bulli ? ?winiii ut? have i.w.iii t.',iin,::| ,.,?,. Id,. - ] T , lad?. Mil?*,., ?i, v,.?.i.... ,, ,., ,.,,*,, ,,.??. , ,,,.. ?? e. aiujus illo.l l? aa;l>l,,.a ,|, lt ! , 1W ,.wr ,? UJ nn_ ?r.1'.,1';,;',"';"*, I ?'?'???s.J I know iH-iii.i,y w.ii, i/ ... li .m anon lint h?r alretad* leathi ?I nu i ,t t ,.-1 i. . i v . ?.. WIN Is- t-ouetit iH-fofi ?, are m. n Y?, .-? mm no ? . .win !?? ?r aeiimiilicaie.1 aatmw,a?mawillluvolve , "" ' .*ti4u.s4.f ... .i ib , .mai,.t. m moi,.,! law, but ..:,.. Hiyalxalfaill. .,,? ,, i.,..,..-.?., .,,.vo: [(IllCrS.l I*.ilii.a.-i.S 1 il, t! t lui Na l 1 iK i ho net ; ','*',",'_* Vi ''I' ", "r ,***, i'""?'** '"">. Ull.l trusting ii,:,. If ?i?..! ??t, full i?..., |?. , ,???, , tlo.-.i it do. s tot l..<o:,,0 I,,,,, ti^t J* ,, on the .arms, lo lK,:,st hlm*.|f ilk? ,m.o him luneta Hoir.yet 1 rauaot ilitahl that vro ali iii t?. ?? I" I" ? n ??" i.rat just ibtbdoii in |l,e ri? ll ii.',I lou? wJiiel, i?,,,,,,?! i am.-Uly ii,-?!,?,!!,, ;, ? (?()V. un ino i ta ind p? op -of tit ti eioitititea. ( i.e. i? ) Pur my. ?elf, I can only say Ibnt 1? at ?u.v tune, ann ti.ut. tillie? ami anzu Hi? of Un uiitika areno? winch nr?' l?e .? i ? me. I .-n? uld bo ?Lapos? ?I to u,u*t tho sacrtfloe ] li ive made of home, case, .nil noiufort, I ?bali be ntocred hy Hu? ie. i..i. t-ih?u ot t;. Ki., iii Iii lliig li ni Ima dieta ted II is a,!..n .-,. (|, clieeis.l Mr. ?.unity then tin. le.I I... lii.ii. i mi ' t.! til leinen present, foi I li.-ir Un. ti ness, hade I .-. ? mi titi a ?lil fare ?VC I :. I .. t:::n , . ni dow* amid 'tie n.o t genuino ileiiioiin.i.liions of regard and reepect II Olli luC illiiilnlH. . lilli DkPABTDUR OP Mit. OtHtSBY THOM l.N i.l.AM)?II1.H .-l-l.I.(II . T .-? ?I i ?: AMI .?N. [FUOM Ol l( OWN (i.It!.. I'4)\! INI.I I."Sfii>N, !**cjii.. 9.?Mr. liiisscll v, wlio gins out aa one of the ('??uin iaahmera und? *r Um Tn-aty of Wastm irtoe. baa been preaei.ted with aa ad i ress hy bia i m. 'lum ii of ?-nilli mipia n, ui:tl has in.ide a s|?i < ? n in ti ply. I w 'i do! stop lo ? .m n.? 11 .n the pa?t n ia liunaol Honthi lupton lo tin Comed? i .'< ap nta ltd n-.icli rattle, or ni the n?-torlou? ympath/ef Ihe towa with th.* K? lulu. ni. It had a 1"-* -y and f? olish Mayor, n Mr. !?? ruins, who umv have been n ? for many of the ii? I? win? li gave an ni Davor tu the name of Houihampton nui n,g our w.ii. >.*w Mr payne, a Liberal, la Slayer, ant erith tin? tono ti! his inliliirn lo Mr. (iiirney :m firiiit nie: be foii'iii. Bat Mr. Gurney is the only prraan of con-e?,ui nee to na. ile is an eminent bar? riler and l.i-t onlcr ol Loittlou. Hi- Judicial s r\ ires In Hu- latter c p:ii it> bavegivea bim a high"Pepatatloa, as limy he nil? nod ir.nn 1.1- wltiti'.n 1. r t l.i-j poet hy a (..i*.i ruinent!to aWi h be givtabo political support. Iii la a cnn.-i and voted Bgalnat the Irish Church hill. Bo far aa oar intereata uro coaceraed? bia pol?tica an* (|iiiie aeide lum the pulposo. Hi? fairne .-. and ability are mullir to us, and th.y are ut the lint oin.*!'. Hi? sppr.-h slow? the ?/nine tM set? on the Treaty n? rci"--tii/-it??? tin principle ni stbltratioa, and Ihe H-'b vhw he ha s ft'lined ot his own duty nudor it: "You will uinlirstaiid," says Mt. Kitshell l.itincy, "that I do not *.'(> a? tin iiilvocatoof liritish or as Um opponent of American i ia ?ins. Wo uro to t every claim brought in toie us without con.-i.ti ling for a ilagts raoatent by whi in claim U prcft uni. or h> whom It I? o].pot.*d, ami in ro doing I believe 1 abell tre?raaaaitlnf ti.? bra! int. r< ?tn of both coimtrie?. It la a matter ol very ?tall Importance te a coaatry like Oreel Itritaia or the United States w ht liar a MiiailiT or larger sum of money o.panl oi receivi .1 lit .me country or the other; bat what late* i pin taut to Loth of Hum is that the people of hot li eouii ti us should believe tbat the qonetioae Unit have ari-en !.. tween them have been f.iilly lind Justly dicidid." Atnl so. with due compliments lo Bia lolleuguos, Mr. (?nr n?-y expti ssi s lils hi.].? and belief thut ho muy eonlrlbuio t?. lln hnal seitli-nnnt to which ull of us in both cunn? ii a *?< seept p? rh.ips (?an. laitier ead The mbttMt**? Re? vi, i?.?iiii.i. ronfldeutly torwaid. I make no daahl he e ill h no the .i ? pi rati.iu he expects, und the cordial re? op? tion be deeervee. o. w. ?. BRIEF VOTES OX W1SC0XSIX. laamauL coaaasroiaaa?si op thk mamu i GittiKN Hay, Wli,, rScpt 11.?I have repeatedly vis? it? ?I VViscon-iii, but never before did ?ho aeein so thrifty as now. Her Wheat crop, I judge, was mod crate ; lnr Hops ure widely (b.-troyed by* lice; but Inr Indian Cuni cover*? a va*?t area, and is of moro than average e? < Hence. Though there has boen no frost this Fall, savo in a fo\v valleys far north, ueatly every lii-hl of turu is thoroughly rip?* : much of it bavins* been cut up, as far more should have been. lYitiitocs are most abundant, and of exoellent Quality. Of late, tho earth has wanted rain, but theie is little hiili.-iiiig flinn drouth. I mu conlideut that there uro twice as luiiuy cattle in Wisconsin to tlay as then were six Vi MS ago ; while thousands of new li.iuii'ste.iils have meantime been hewn from tlio pr.-at northern wilderness, ns thousands moro will shortly he. New and renovated dwellings are visible ou ?ill si<b-s. Great discoveries of Iron Oro have reecntlv 1h??mi inatle, mainly iu tho gnat wil? derness stitt? hing eastward from the Menmiiinee, aud scvoral blast furnaces have been ere< ted, mainly on or near this Hay, though hy far the lurgeat is lo cuti d at MUwankaSb As yet, those in the northern counties use Lake Superior ore costing ??S7 per tun, and unit it with charcoal costing nine cinta per bushel, ninking each tun of metal cost$'2S; and, since its price in Chicago is but "?:'-'<, the profit is small ; but cheaper ores will doubt les*? bo found and used, lasnzinsj a Cheaper product aud perhaps larger profits? The Chicago .ind North-Wcst'Tii Company ii push? ing its railroad nenas to Earanaba, waar* it meets that front ?liaronette, giving an unbroken line from Chicago ti? Lake hii]ierior ou the north and to Omaha on tho west. Branches tit this roail permeate the iliileiciit points andar? in piocisfl of fin flier ertten-oun. A rnilro.-id from Milwaukee up til? Lake Shore to Sheboygan and bevoiid is boon to l?o constructed. The Piuerios ?/feldenormous and aiinnallj lo?t?TeaeinaCinantitiesaf Lntnber. In short, Wisconsia is rapidly going ahead? ii. o. DftWTBUtTIVE mi IN VIRdlMA CITY. San Kkanusio, Sept. 19.?A gnat tiro is ritL-iiiL' in Vu /ima City, Nevada. It connut m?.-?1 aa D-*t.. u? .u Kell?, raia.*?? 4V('o.'s Ollice, and bau ain.nly t*. t' nili't uno . igbtb of a mile. THE STATE OF TRADE. OOM ESTIC MIPTlr-r?! niff. O S?(,t. ?I?Ka.,.|, lO.raW Lil. ; Wlf.l :iC'-"0 h'tali.? Cara, m.ic ? baa. <> ? tiijm biak. Wmtt-lf rainl. Wi.r.t. I.'? ia., lu.l.; t ?n \tfXmt lu.h.: Oat.? 75.l4.ti lm?h ? ht 1,0 0 barn*, (tnal Vt*i*bt* ?t?.?li ?t 14?. on W ha?l 1 if. ou I oru.?V. ta (?alt. tiNral'iirk. Flunr ?tatilr. Wirti dall, i?il. 1 S bata, Ra I N ?aa??*? ('lol. (?Id #1 31 hat tiitr; li u 'J 90 l-l... Iir? n R.y i ..... ?1 *. 1 '4. ('arti dull anil anai*tt)?-d : rirli ill.itti aaaavSa, 1 Mn-I auld tile, to ?iilrr. Uti r. I? a? ti'i.h. iii l?i. ?tfiit.. on tpol Hat? dull ar.l Urra ; ll.ctObu-h.?-! Vi .al. 'a .< tii.iti. Uri ui-slert.ili ui.iuiuaU. Tie Harley ,iu-, . i?' !? .?I.. Ha, i *t'il?.?ii?!.t ?t Mt ; Vi *?"" l.u.b. Ck.??:'?, per ?aiapV. at 3?i-. bu-1? .(ui t i laLu.n, ?, I*..,, laud, and 11.?li?..?-, dull *-l uu tba- :? ?t. |ilp.ih>. S**.*, 19-Floar tttidr. ?riib a awitcratc ?Vm.wL Wliaat fir. Sr. J Haba?'i,at (k1 41 ; ti?.. 3 iu.. **>1 W, Nu. 1 ?l.le ? .'?... , el 41; .Vi. 1 do. lal J.'? Aia'atr M.?'r .?.n SI Jj; ?u. I An.l.r IlHuoil. * 1 M, bo. I Roi. k1 Mt; ?0.1 do. $I*B: In I do. ?II.-: Rriri-tad Rtd. *l Uti Coe? quat and onrbaai??! : Hi*rb M mi. .'-"ifi* . Law Ui ted, ..a;r. Uala Htatt, ?nh a ii..1.-rat?, ? Va. I. I?)?*. ; Re,uUi. itc YttiglU Itty lln?; lo Burftl? 4r.; to Ont'iro. Kl?'-i ,0 ?*t)?**i Vk R-eripU ?4 Oijn Fl??ur Hi i??3 h??h IV h??l II M bath. ( or?. 22.0t?, ??:. Oat?. (4hipm?Bt?-l,?XI0 bbl?. Hoar. Ml wai bulli. WUat. lu.OO?. t?*ak. !>.*? Wn.m?iiT?*i N (".. R?pt. 19?Spirt? Tarraratin? drm at rta. Rnaa ?ta.ilv at ?j, j in for Me. 1. Cradt Tat**?atiM Ina at S* (or X?IUia Uip. T.r .itail r. _ Cuica??, Ki??. I9.-notiT Irra aa4 ateadt. "?Vatat elotad le. bichar; No. 1 r-prln/f. *l Mt .?"Her flepttiahet; ??1 17 ariM iivio W, ilurint ?l,??l*taru?.aa imr|tui?r! SI Mt teilet BmpUmbu ? eil*? arlar Orb.bcr. C4>rti fallt, arti??, Ko. 1 JtSied doa?^ at ?rMSi.. taab ; dur uai th? alVrntvoa ija? t al 4*??<? Otu ?"??a, Na. I tlaat,' it aVifJ. BittctiT?. No. I. t4itb4_r. Baric/ Urta?r: No. ?I (tprlaj tlir bike. HSbalaai .tMait a? *?<?- rork ?aiat li ?14 75c*el3 ?aab; ei?V eilt?, ?riler ?a-ec, ral*!. i.?nt ?J| lo??*- Balk MrtU? .?????iii.'aia '. loot?. Uta llo?-i dull aad d-?l oui If*- . ul**t at ?4 l!r!*t ib i at:la* 4IU1. t al el 50.1 *?> ta.'t. IttiaibU eatr, VVVit ta Hafalo bj lal? iit. Con ?it. R? tipt^T.WO btli floor, IVen? bath Wheal, lUijuO I. i.h (.ira 121 nu) ?aub. Oatt, 2<J,0?e boah. Rrt, tC.tM boah. Baria? ; 4 ?-a? il?? Hhl|*-?M'.'-^.'M0 bbla Floor, ??,!***) boab. Wtaaat. le- I*M baah. Cara, 131 im boah. (tan. 9 l?M bo?b. Bart?., ? UM H ?.. Nr..(iii.ii.i ?apt I''.?Flooi. Uuparfne, #S li, Double Kiln, SI Mt Trahi? Fttrt. #n lb Von ooaree-, M,i-1, !*?: . Wh'.lr. KW. ???t.inurr 4i.*4iV Hraa dall .u.l l.,.?r at #1 10a#1 lit- Po.k ?ctl.c tod IrtTKit. Mr?? #14 Ttkd?14 ?0 Ltri arartn ?tul Irattr; tTitree H*i ililV. . Sim ll|i?IJJ>. Otha? artaci-a n.<haiaa'?t Mtrliut :,rh?D?ja Baal, 1'4. Ma? York rbfbl. I p?cala??. OoU, 114. (?it?ri.i*i?Ti Sapi. I?.?Flaar la lair SaaaanMStnai Famil?/, ?5 IS ?Se*. Whrat, aa atrtaate ttlbtd. bul a??? raukliabnl. Bad, el tS atmmi, ' I TI ?SksA Cat? ttreij. antk ?yodattta irntmi ?I ii*. lira; d.aaaui l rbi, hwbltn Im. ule? at Taelte. ?Uala ttaadr, ?ita a ta.?i?r a?a <l???a?i : ulm at J? #??V Hat V? la (air ti mm ?j ant liai at nu? <s ?I roth rial?? aad aay-h?aa*-?l ; IU ?W ula ii ?li .J. Laid? Hcmtad lajUt; ha?lrn Iran ???.. aakad? 14?. ?alftratt Balk Mt?u Au lAxmce uitd. bal aot? ??Ulrlajwd ; tShoiibki?. S9SS? ; I U-.i B?b rial??, ii? j. l'.r s l?-?, bl'l??!?.; ooi?ilr pilot *.k?d. narai.? kli??*>aa<i Hart.? : b..'?1?-rt Ina . Hli.?im?t?. "u .,?.; ( ie?r-?ib Nrdea "i* .|r I lut Mtlai ?'I?! al <*. U?ai? ?rtrr?: ula? al lae. Lile II???? ia f?r irir.n 1. ?uil .d?ate??! Kr ?I ?S ..- e? "f. ' a' I la ? r>?rrr?n I ?jiaiad at lu i i?,.., erroi- S4n ?4 tt?. Kana. ?4 bOkki ?*. Wuiaai-Ua ?aandfooual fajliiiiatti ?? Ita ft Me. ('?.aTaijme dar*- i9-l1T4?aTa?4iij-.wiU tmasnemMtamm** ******, ?, m r.iar Hnl. li .?-? N" (?I?'. SI -M ("ra it. (air Irmmi ?nd ?mt UUb aUm. tiki \_*a, tata. Wiaaaal^ ?IU? t ***?*?*? - ?. mai st IS?. rtAmlmm~P.t*nei Hrmrtr, na * ?tait totter unit . m ?sari?*. Zii a lit .???mall w?r? <'r*l?o?i,V'.a|Iod __?? ? ?mnsaBML B?pl. ll-rt^m min. Hi,noii^On.Oi^rfO'_f Hi.en ti:*:.Ct?er. 0,1 I. Wiall .,.>?. **%*. *? KI"*' >$ risiii ti i'.u "fi I,, tin tfrlHiri ITil VT f ~ i.*l*tkrij, H?.t. *i'. C?n ?enter. Ho. i y\,i*l. * ie Ht* "m N". I__fk tt*tleo* ?ashsnerJ s.,. .' kw|m tri, K ?? r.?.- m-*. mutt P?tUmt, ,Uifm Uah Ml.-tt tUttlrOt*. o.ttt I' -? KI '*'. *.'*? beak- .Karak Yl.n*\.t,- Wur?l W bujal? u| 1m1.'. . ,.-. i-'-:t.'M fr-iM firr ?tee* vn^T-isrT li. TI?-.- ?4 - n ? ?r\ ???-:?, i? ,\t T'm?(rr.r\-t Lil wa?k sod frl-fS h i?il??i,*iMi?n, '. Iii? i'<?|li .a. mti<? aoxxxtmxOxi ?0 2 :S* '?I.?,,., .!',? ?I mun J U/b,.'. p ?), ?.OKVal"r#71ft, -i. ?'?? j:.... . |< li,. Ml K|.._'li- ,.. ant SI i? ?niflT '?''S ??". ha? i-n-e? rw?a?-H ?bo? tie 1. ,e ; | ;,...? I, .?., BT?l? au i al lis.? .. lu << 1> ?., ?wl ?" U.UH.B Item ti ?l?#: .? -?'. LUI ?? ?/h i Wi? ll.. ..-Ira, . IWailMl .,-,|,; |.?,i a\--*xi ama a? ITOBB ?>? W ??to. m t'a ti 1.1 li Iron ii,.?, | r iu i ,r. Ce i.!>?|rrMee.-,e,rl:"Sli-l Bl.l ll.iu^l,!, p. ? le,.- a,'.,.., r, ?,.,. Otk tmOfOtm tltrO rt ?t l-l-;-;-.?,, ,,.-.. ST(M'I V?I!KBT-?^rr IS ?'iTTIf - I' .-I;.- '..?'I }?,.?*, er 'linas. ?-.-*? *?' m -.'-?'\*\ n rt m.. ! , i : r ? i-" stsilrshaisl t**: Ut teal ?m1 .ii a,n: r-lm'e ?.?:??, -a, . , ,1 .? , .al, u?j/-'.? 11 Wl qa??"? ?Util ? i ,-J> ?IM?I mt?rr,.mtrrmgnt l.'ll ist :?,; S. I>..? r, ,- ia ... ,. .t t-'"' s ? '?. I I lllio?ds - n ?Iel,: 'T.. ?I ?fl.'Si.i.e; .^iliih,,, ?t.-??., 1.1/7 1? I .'?Ina* I '. ?7 r1' li; i J' ? a ? a , 1.. '. .', . it . ? "?" t I '"? .-?K I--I a- . ,?.-.,.t. i., I ,r.n-, 'n.r'.rl onl'l inn-n' elikmtf f> ??,. I it I? I .'i .... . ? ,. ie.,* , un . nain ?Ad t> io mo"], titt t i..Hin? I* ? Hill.,???, i ? l , . .1 y*,ir??mx IIJKhM ?-??,, ?II..'.Kill it ki ... .1.,.- i . '.,??.. ?-.;????.) I?7JIS*. liz-ti. nttk ? " .?, ?u<| h, -j. utm.'. al . a J" ?r ;.'? ?le. o io? ' '*x\.uo'? m LA1ES1 SHIP Nhnx ICrnCr Ship Sein s-e frcoid rayeI \t: i vi n. 90 ?-. ii e-.r -ev?. e- i.. ',, ii ? ,. ::. ?, Rsnsals, i i<ti mtk n'?.. '-,i>.. . n. Vf-, Il it '. i-i ai.juiy n li lae I. M.s.r. rsrsasSTlss 1 ''ara with ml?f to laaMS Usa? h'isSr??"?r K-nw'e? of an,? from Ui*?o? m '"I'?-*. M,|. ,i,.,?rn katfbn Hisiisi. Hbi'tii. ia'ltlrfl iwtkM? : ?. .i ., .-; s n. ? ). iio.ii.i*. iiio?si'V-st *rs, ?rua MM r i?. BH?hSM?M l ps?s ni*'. ? g Milo (tir ), !? ' -??t Cam tiri ?"dil- ?.tb cri. H- jL. ?upl.-? (of: t. .?-?toa), If?iS, KsIsgS U d'*. uOt TtnO mt ?- i _*t_" ftsasssss a fisls (lld 1. tali ?slisiss rh?r??t? itdaf? * ?. km . .a R Law (ol L,vtri?.?1 N. 8.). U..1 :-..;'. ' ', i" ntl 1..S '> li ?A,.? .?.l<.?r. .-??ir ?..? t) i^.,.H(?f i^.,,,, t??, At..nan .. J i ad 'IMail, ? I .opraaoiL i.X,?rf!'4,"u 'of C*n '""? h'""?- IiL-''' "'"- -,*n ?"?bu ?n? nut?. ' ttm*?**t!*t Ha"-it). J,-kio?, Rss Bl?? :ii'*jK*r.''rotmu. M Arm.. v "'.""?'"'?*??'TBK ?M. ...AT?.s* Il 1/.-. ?,,-?? ti I I J.e.MSiiri. . . .?r ! S . ,' ?.!';.* 4l*Henfei?li ?- :-..u v...,....., i . ...'..a. VIMi-.-i. ,?,.!. :. m, ,.. ty. rtavj,. ? ai:..n. ,."?'"' fl ? - ? f?l II i.'-.r?; tins ht 1tm>n, . ?? -?, -'. far ^i ,L?i 1. .?, 1?,: .-? r.. i?| UlSS il ?I .1?! .?io. t 1. . m, m S iitmlX, m ? ' nomtric r? iin>. Fi?l?iv,i,('? s.;i ia,, a riras, du,, WmWemmtt. ll"rmM?. ." :'? '?'* '??"' Anti I, ??? :n-e|r:-a r |~r 1 f Bl 11HISIa?|_ .li., Lt'.ea (Iii.) Me..rt*,r? ttum Pktt KI/,S?.I. fjtmmtk Al-, m f ntm, ?"r ':' ' .ii ',.-'*, tn.i? Il.,. . J i II. Uria? le, Il "il'.- I..;,., ,?:, , ,if. m I, ?a <?.!,.'?., Ir?,m l....r ...,' I mi i* .? ? ?? ?i-'i.:i ; -.ara A <??'I a-.U?u, fr,.? I ?net. L Ci.tiei-.r? ti. c f,et. '.A?Altimei, at* s-bao? ?Mksak.Waa K? I? ' .'...., .-uuih 1..r,,..u?, t,r S.-? Y.rl; .-.?.r. J. ?. W ..?, ?rum PllRFICX POPTs. I ?-..,y.ti. .'. IS?lbs I ra?.s -i-iee.,, i''? of At'trmrp. C.tyi, I '" ?! ': ? V' i e i s. ? I ?;. I,r, ,..-,1 s: Wim i ' ? '. ? I' " ik Na :? ? ,......-. a . i, r l??.-n.'..l. Vi- it,..--;?, L.u,- t* ?? ky ?'?t- .- ..... M i'..,,uSt.\ut'.ti.,t.'',t'n.t.?lu-. Q.L.-.aW?? l,r ?, .(j t., L \?l I ,.L ? '? ie i ..-.,, Iliu-raia, from L?-*>t, (?abri u Ua.ilb, j*m xtOiaf, ?uV yiae.^uoo tut hiSSSpSOk Sl'CIKI'V. Mk. CllfaIfaatfsaMtr, f.-"iu I : u .? at.,o for Jf*w r-arl S-ft I? ?r lAnt.oui. ? Are You Disturbed ut u?.lu ? nnd hrn!?eii of tvmt.b, i>(.,lis'i ? i r.' ? ,1 rri .1,15 willi lu' l?ia of full I ?g mmtki Um,, (tal sac*?ri(?-t?,saisi^ Una \vi\?i>,w? essmaaBtnaa MARI', I ED. MAi f-'silV-Bri(l('KWAV?(la TharslSf S^pt.?. ?t'h? rr-nlenn ? I ? i,:...,--? nu., r. I vii!'. . I.. I ll.-i I II ?. Il NSllMBasi Su .?i i ?! Mi--AliDi.'K., ii?.,?be r of Ib? Ilva. K ti ti.-- tuft tim 11 eik ? MM ?S 1 Anla. Tiii. IIS-I.l.t.?.K,T-At Mrsst. San!? 5|.ring. ^11 H ?li.- ??fc im' .0} l'iiisds l'BUSSnSr. A? 1. '/ I...1.1? M s. ?..u U.,-??j^ui?? a,I liai- l.aUi 'I'l,(>,ia?a LaftSU, il . of Klii-!iu.K, >a-?-larfk. TI Ssl'AM,-!?,': VRAI?AlSi'*Hins. Thairad??. h?nl. T I.? 'H? a??. li. \ M .I of Peeu*\**trt, A'iluaai I uoatah t.. iltrt K-, atuifubei *l timm il. * ... t. ' lal? Au r ? i>i- >??>i. all ??! .n,-.-."< .(/,' V..?,,? tf Marriages must he oeioi-? ui'h -'ult name ami muli eos_ ? __________m I DIED. m 1.1 ura um m Tssshr niai r ftisdsar til si i.Oi e, 1 , ualsy, st IfttS r. 11.. > j., t ? ?ol i ? IS ?.iu??! ai Hu il, Or?us>, ou ?tn??l of lli.l' a. in. lu.i. l.,n I?, eL, Bl -VNr.TI? At Irr*., Ctj Hirhts. HnVm ?itr, 00 Kain.'ai S..#t IT, I,ti- Ai ?. ??..,,* ?1'tin-lal? v? .il. m J a.- ? I.. L ? ' ?i Vw-lutk, ia th> 1 ?th jent of bet ?t*. Tie r, la'Kt* ?lui tu. ml? of th? family ara- rcaprrtfull? h. atu<?4 till' filU'-ri,! at I o'rlairll On Wa.!lps..?T ?-..-lu-iil. ttiar brr til* tem dene.', l'.l i-' !? ????.-. 1 a-ir W ?..-rie / al. Htr rewa..? ?ni Im Wira t? 1.?, ? ??,-.: for .i.uriii? ut. C1 TTKB?Os .sViit 1(1 Ixrae? II Tul-rr ?c?d ^0 "?r?. Il- u-.mi. ?0,1 r. ia'iv.? ..I iii.- lamil)' ?rp i.-.? is-tiuil? ?rn'M t? Uimd bl? fm.nTil, Ihur-alajr, .' -t , ?:ky m. km th- r?o.| -aos of lu? law. John ?. i'i IsS, W C.liiml. a-.t H-, task, til Si \N (In Tiisolar iftuiiik-, Sep:, lu, Mi?. Jaar Uwi.aa, mte ot ant Ute Franrl? Il u? ?n. K,,111-1' of l'IU' I?, .r- r. U)?P 0a ?saasy. extpx w at OakMgt liklsa saMnss). B??fM<, Ann. w.ln 0/ oauiur. I. ,1 , ? 1 Ni? lota. Ll'sK?In tin? iitv. on Su t 11 ?ti'? rr-i bass ,.f I ti par-nt? la If .l.?,i.-,i'?,ii'liii-MifMiri li. a.l V?.a eui r, Li... Manon?is owatctt*, oat. ao?j?i?. mi, pr. wga? >n?a, ? naU.v ,.f Lut. U- a- ?u.. Ntw-li.rk. .,?.',-. t* tur?. J1I.MM- On HsnSS) BMI .g t-cuu l-l. Jaw, ?ifrof Juba M kia???, m Ihr IM um, otb'i t *ft. Ti.? ri.??ii\a-s ?ml iriciJ? ol ibr f ii'lr. nn,l ?Imi h?r falb?r. r.rk-r liar n-ou, i-nil l..-r l.e'iii'r? li ill nu h.ilo-r? ?nil John, ?r? r. -|?.li,?ll/ toalirnl 1.,? funarai iruni hrr l?u- r.-.i.l. n? r. lu ta?i bituty calaii ?t.. (nar l'b.r i-air.. ou lias W i?iu, a.?). ?I U lu. 8lalKHl'-On TuraJar, tls- Mth h.?' . ?' r .liar A., I?-' >'M wif-*? l?opolil scba-|.p m th? i?4th va?' ol h.-r ult. Tin- n-latii''? sas Mcsdtof the Nu, ,. an n partfSllj las t ?! u. ol?i4 lier fsasral baal I er Un- ibbUi sir, H,,. J"' Kasl MUsait ?t .?ra?? ?assal ?m*,, ob Tliors.1?. (be ?lu, at 1 ..,.,???. til. l'un papera plea-e copr, Special Xotitee The Executive f'omniiiree *of th? riTIZEKS a?l TA? PA?i.RSforUie 1-i.NAM IAh UffOOl of tbe tlT? uri COlOTtt of ?KW-YOKK: Tke naderaimnl, meml-era of tb? Sob t ?arumittee on W.j. tai Ueomxa, t?.,ii 11.11.. a,,!,.il>s.r,|.i.uij- lo m, I un i fur .lefra.iug lbs eip?????' of Ile ?bo?? ?'on.?ittf e of .Se te ntl in j?-rf, nui.i|? the dut. di eo?bed nama lb?t t'oamlu? at tlss meeting held at tbe Couper L'oloo. 00 Uometxy etcuiDg. September I, 1 UTI. tinrb aubacriptiia?? n.?? iv ?. 01 to tri*. Sau-r. raq., Treaaorer. ?t No. US llr,u?,wai ; tu e tber of tb,' .I? 1 BJ Bad. ur to ?1 pan t-.l 1er ibe pur, .?.-.. ?,..,. will ab?w Amor? ta-'.,-i-.',:-. Newlork. Sept. 11, ItlL JAMKS M. BBOWI PATT, 5..SP0FF01I) 1IKNRY CLEWS WASHI.NIiTON K VKRaUTB, SAM L, Ii. UAH. IK'K, ?m. M. KLIKNs. It. li. U ?MAN. J. SKL1UMA.N. ' JX(1 A. ?IKWAKT, KI ?JUNK il '.LI i s, i I1I.MIV U. i-TKlllUSs i" i,.-.,,:.,.. i-.. _WM. Y II.WKMKU.K. i,,in?_ t" **** 1_ r ? i- u 1 i..r . . n .Urd?is. liOHlNsON k C.llY.ti.lllLL S ma?:mi-'!i yst ct.mii axh ?ki KFPK?Ta. K. 4 II T. AN I IIO.N? I? Co., Ule Ag-nti nOLI II I1KM.R8, from f.o-ulon Slerea On, B. k IX T. AXTHOSV i Co. Hole saw view? ok isi.iA, oi nBssMhsUi hsssSr, I K. k II. T. AM'IIO.NI v Co., So. .'sai Uro.Jaar. anvil ituuna b/Hires. K fc.H.r. AN I II.O 1 '.1- No. HI i road ?a; P?NTl? MKfJALBTOSCUI'L.S AND IKAN -PAKK.M'IIUI, K. k II T ANTIK.SY k Co.. No. ?31 Broadwsf BF'.'.LIN Htliliflf. card aad ?tertswopic, . li 4 11 T. ANTU0N1 k On, No Ml Brawalwaf. INTEB.NAI10KA1, KXillHl I ION. ei4u.. M SSS ?...<??. E. k H. T. ANTHONY k Co., No 6jl Broad, a/. BTATl'ARY. sew i?n'S ?n.atic aus, E. k ?ti T ANTIU'NV '. lo., No Ml Broadway. beh?amascos BBAiriKii, ncrvBRsorrarn, ii. li II. T. ANTHON 1 a. Co., No M Biuadwar. Douall ? LLtKiUlIKS, eli....? rolleetioS. 0 k li. T ANTHONY V Co., Ho. SSI Broadway. IMPERIAL PALACB? AND BOMB, bj Lxmj. t*,, la?. 1_ ti. k H T ASTUONI k Co., No MI Broadwsr. ACTKK.S8KN, kc, br S?r..a.. ??urn??,' Howell Brad/, E. li H. T. ANTHONY k ?"o., No. Sit Broadway. OLACIKR?, kc.on g1???. K? pone. B. k H T. ANTHONY k Co.. Ho. 991 Broadway. A?BLM6, CHKOMOS, FiiAMEs, MIMWHH^ V1KW?? K. 1 II. T. ANTHONY k Co., No. Ml Broadway. CA1LA tILT, K. k H. T. ANTHONT k Co., Ho. 5JI Brodway. ?RATHO?COPBs, B. k H. T. ANTH05T k Co , Ho. Mt BrosAwaw. CKl'KUEUOt ICKBkKUa. BralforO. K. ? H T ANTHONY k C".. Ho. Ml UraadwH, III?) o-.l. \l. >v( ?,.. ?u II,iel_ Haw Nrw.Y ?rk la l.??rerwe~d. TV lr?t ?dltioa of the Bow Piaphlot, p?biubW bj ins ?IW TOBK TIMES, SSaWSESJ *oomplel? HISTORY OF THE TAAIMANY FRAUDS. li bow mi,. Tut samara ror.'am? iii tbe 0?OOO?? mmUk tmxtri ts?Miaa sa Um wiliest, laclnllsc s complut ?*t at lit* w?rr??U drawm for tb? Ccmrt-Hoo^ uri Anaorie? wilb iprili ton?*????, l**m*n, tiona, as.1 solea. Tb? pasphk? wiU be a?kl at SU ****** earn,, m Ok a beuiret to doolera. All ?idan U> b? ?lUwaasd W m xTemxoox tim? ?ssIsms will ko rt ?rT-n?:-?km tleTuT^Cmtxx. Ar,** imVjm**. ? ??????'???,* ***?> "****aA?!lO?a ? Co., IHBioslwsy a-iaTsATCKDAV tieyi. 11. 1^1. will Hw ?. th.. o?l- ?a rUK ?y a? II* s sa. i o? vfKi.Hw.nAY. slTf s. ?. ? sa 1 iiUit-siisi a ya'a?.a?asWWM|?.?l1??- ?n, sis.?.? f. 1.MMI.I .