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FAIRS. t\tr BnvTAix) iNnrsrKiAi. exhibition. FOKMAi. OrttrflKO?BKNKWH? lNTl.Kl>T l". MA*' I'FACT! It VU IN ROPTALO?I.AUCK Nt Mill.It OF ENTRIES? K MAMMOTH UBKHSt. Bpffam?, N. Y., Sept. lfl.?The formal open my ?? Ibe Bmmd International Industrial Exhibition, end. r tilt allspices uf the lliitTalo Mc? hallies' Institut?', ?w?k place this evening In the presence of a large nuuil?er ?f hihi tatorw. Al 7:sn o'clock (iov. .lohn T. Hoffman, As? sorted hythe brigade and staff oHl.-crs nf the CSth an I llth Regiments, N. G. H. N. Y., m fui uniform, and the ?ffl.rn. of the Industrial Exhibition, enter?, the mitsi? ?Ktattd in the Kink, amid tho applause or tua ?<i>f!>. Aft? r i'T.-ij.r mt Ik* l?.v. Ur II? :u?x K. and the npcnlni; andrvss ti) Myron B. Hrowi , tin? Tit a*tii Bl of the Mc cbaiius' Institut?, Gow Hoffman ititiodu.od, and di> l:\cied an urution. which ?a? listened t?. with mailed attention, anmtfllWIW?ra? fiiqucutl) aud loudly nil? pinna?"?.. This KihlWtlon, thmiivh simll ir In plan ?nd oblcct to Hu- tairs of the American Institute, the Cincinnati Expo? sition, and Hie Midland Iii-titutc to au event ?f no little significance in this vicinity. Trnde conventions without iiiiuiN r hate lwv>n held iu this city, and commercial con 1? lenco? not a I. m ; t>nt owing to a local netlect of Indus? trial pnreuits and ii...iii.f.ictiiitn(r interest.?, cxhlliltions ?t thn> i'harai-trr have not received the support which Ihe.v des? ried. But aft?r fattening for 50 years on the l<i> til? o' th--lurryinic trade on the inland waters, this s^i.l .,:.t . ity.owiiii; to the natural de\eli.j>nient of trade, Un- m. n HM'd facilities for the transportation of freight tay iwil. and a short sighted management of the Stato miiaie. has Leen degraded from a terminus into an inter? mediate ?talion of trade. The wli irves and piers liAte 1. ?t ti? ir wonted burile, and the huge Minago elevan rs are Idle half the n ;,??u. iii.d su?..!, iiiiii? ? aj.ititli-ts, Instructed hy the Inex? orable logic of lomnier.ial statistics, which have shown a constant de? of trade of recent years, have learned t? r. fard manufacturing as the true source ?I th? city 's future wealth. The com ittion has become wide sp it :il that Industrial interest!. nin?t be fostered, If the eil) would c..m?K'te with the great i Hie? of the West, l'ndti these ci re must an ces, the til-1 exhibition of the M< ibaiiics' Institute, two year? ago, win. b was opened by an address by Horace Greeley, ?received so lar?ge a ant asure of public support that the managers have re? peated their experiment this year with more elaborate prep:,rations, and there can lie no doubt that their efforts will tie productive of direct advuntage to the city. The ambitious managers of the Institute have named tb? Fair the International Industrial Exhibition. Taking Mdviiutage of the amplitude of it? um. ?'anadian ni.inu fartuicn- have made large contributions to the exhibi? tion. The attention of Western mamita- turers hal-also l>e?'U attracted, and many articles of donieetic utility, as well as (omplicuted plc??s of mci liaui-.ui attest the inge? nuity Mt New-England arti-i.ns. The majority of entile?. ?ave been made by exhibitors lu Central und Wester? New-York, and Indicate the increased Mcml that is felt in inccliunical arts in an agricul? tural section. Casa pt lilka, foreign and domestic, has laii-ii -tiiiiilaieil by Judii ions awards of prizes. A gold umlal Is off.r.d for an ?ntlrHy oriel?al machine, product m process, never before exhibited, which is so lUipoiiaiit in it- adupiatiou as to supplant en ry process pre? ii?ii?j.v i mployi .1 in tbe same .1. pat iini-nt of the use? ful ?.ila-. Hr\ en eil ver medals are given foi the liest lis play of article.-lu the several depaitun nts of the fair, and initial.-,, (lipli ma?, and certificate? of honorable iu* m.?i. wall be distribute?! aeson?aucci ??ful exhibitors. THF. ENTllIl.S. Th. ltii.K. IB which th? Exhibition is held, ha* l>eeii a sieiaa ( f le i?\ j'!, p.. i.if .,n for the pa*t mont li. and only w:th gn at ( ti,ut have arrangements been eoaiph ted for ihi .,p. mug ceremonies. Owing to the large number of entries two a.lditiomtl buildings bave been .retted. One ?if Unas supplementary structures is used exclusively for the exhibition of stoves, and the committee of ladies wI.ich Iai.keii bread for weeks two years ago m their la..mua ling efforts to decide impartially up?m tho com? parativa m. nts ol gas hunier?, kelf-r.-gulators, hot-air?, ? ? v.iicil ou n?. w11! find tin it duties even more um >.iL-n.i't? thi? seasue le the lette aw? min.her of contest? ants The second bulldttig i* ?Hunted iii Fi ankiin square, and i? t..lin?ete.I with the Kink by abridge over Frank liu-st. Tbe wing of tbi->bidldini;is unid tor the exhibi? tion of articles in the denariuieut of Intercommunication, InrliHtlliacarrlag. -.1 haelMSS,hann ??.., ( uri.m* model of a ?t. ..m i .iinil-'iaa.ii constructed hy John Kenyon of this city, Vin!, m. iiiir.'.-. sinai laaipaand lantern?, a new?pap?r n.allius tino l.tii". and tnany other articles. ? onuecli d wnii lina- raaom i? i lie? Maa iiini ty in- partutent, Which is ?i.pi . . o with id- i|i.:,TO) steam power bj two engines, Kim ? 1 i. b i u in?-', a?-- aii.pb- ac. oiiimodai ions tor the ex l?ll i, uf a iihin: ai.pnalus. A hast) ?'lance through ri.:? u? in reva.a - - en rn pump?, prim mu presses, turning mm pi..nmg ma, hines, ihe Su ger. Willi ,<x and Um,, -..-.,i,gin.i. lui., s, ali run hy steam, centiifugiil )un,| - i,i? ?t, .m.11?, the Em. ka s.iw .'rem ?yracuae. ?iiTi.iai.i i?- w.iti r vahes, ree? drills, wood splitters, grain in:.i?. pr?s -ma fun?, .uni countb s? other de? in . s. .iib under tb? I>-pnrti.n-iit ot Agriculture there ?re hay-rakes, ?'?vi plows, corni,mut torse-power ?ood mill?, iniawer?. reapera, straw-euttei-s, barruws, rill lied M-wti pipe,ditiliii'gapparatus,ead an en,lie?? variety ii? :v#rri? implement?. TI,- i i-ir?..?..t rhe.otttci-s in the Rink are need as a 1^-la.iri nu ni ol lui, Ait-?uni Education, and aro orna ii?. ? ! , li oil )'ii lings? engr.iviugr?. photographs, and ?a mer .ol?"?. Among ether article? in this department ar< iiiii?i. ai Instruments <>f all kinds; ?tallied chain el windi? ? i .. i .11. ellon of ster? eseople ?len *. owned by a r? ?Kielli of St. < attierines, Out. ; paper hanging?, and lajcinia 'i.ii,a"s. A fn xagolial stand in the renter of th? Kn.k i? ? ( al.? al iuaiiuf... turer of ..Us. and the ailioii nit ? b.i Matthew s of New-York, as a soda fonnlnin. and b) Coin.11 J? Min, white-lead manufac? turer? in front of the ea n>en fa.iug the flattera nt the pi ar! ?I. enii.iiiee. the ?lil. ago Terra Cutta Companv inaki s.: i.m .1 -j... ii- wares, The nain building f? um ,? 'm ib.- ? \b,i.iti.,n <>, articles in the Departments of in. lim ling, l>i. -e.; Han.lit raft, and ? licii?i?tiy ami Miitetalogy, In all of ?a un li the entries are iiiuucious. A MAMMOTH ( lll.hsl.. Tie i n|i? fi-aii.;i of the E.v!iibiti,.ii is a mammoth . i,.. -.. n anula, tai-, .1 bj ?. ft, sinitli <>f Pj nngrHle, Ei n ii nnty.fis Ueonre W. Hayward of this city, Ihfeeberee Lui \ 11\., ? the fainanaCheshire cheese -vbn-h was made t . t.?i!' i l.a : nids congregation a* apolitical ti'?timoiiial ti. r-,-,?iii .ia v.- Tuon. The cheoee welchs ore? a,i?<? )muii.i|i-i :u ii .10.11'." jaouiiil-, of lni.k. ic n^ um- dav's \'T's <iai. i o' ...i?i ham., ?ara- u^.i m its manufacture. Bid il.-i. ti I'? depth of curd I? a small ?ilvii eaas containing hi op!, r for a .'lamond rum Worth lal?. Package? of I ?. |.a mil. i .n h \. ill is M.I.I during ti,.- exhibition, and lu. . i?. a-e will be divided met belan Thankagivins U v Th. Exhibition, which hu? ?us n- al auder such nvom t.e , -.-, n a ... \i ill i in,Illili.' alx.llt four Wea -ni. l.a li, timan ??is tin rea .j.ient of two ?erenadi>S to i it..- .it ti.i re?: li in e el Joseph Warren, esq., ihe editor ni Ihe I'.nftato ? mt riet? the first by the offliersof the SI?.I...i...-? In-iitiite. ..nd the eeeond by the offliersof the National (?nerd. On both ooraaloua appiojuiate oittt i ??' ti iti'l it-sponses were made. the nkwji:rsi;y state fair. 1 In I'hirtri'iith Aiiinnil Fair ot tli?? N*?w J?;?ay ?tate Agricultural Six ii ty opened yesterday Waverley. The seieral d.-partmeuts Were "Saan..', in working order, but will probably bo all ar rai ?.ii i v lo.iay. In the carriage department there is **? vet i-iit little dis|.lay. The horticultural tent, under the ?up, i vision of Mr. P. T. imii.ii of Waverley, is in tnai.y w.iv? the most attractive ou the grounds. There sit a.n ady :oo plates of choice fruits on exhibition, among which are ?nine n inarkiible Oalitornla pears, tira- ita t I?) Vi ?>iiinn from the Pomological Society at h i .u >,iid. Va. Weal t heulet < ounty, N. Y., contributes IS?' v,.ii? tie? of potntoea, 'Hie laalie? have a tine ili-nlnv luth, faney department. Ttie poultry and cattle ?.xbii.l l.oii i? lint vert extensive. There is a n mai kalah Une <ii?|iia> ?at horsa a, inany of the finest in the ?state having Util.. ni. red foi the races. SWINE EXHIBITION. Cni?A(r<?, Sept? 10.?The National Exhibitmn of Hame, uud.r the auspices of the Illinois H wine Breeders' Association, opened at Baxter Park to-day. There are alxnit 6.000 fine specimens of thorough-bred ? wine on a vi,,i,mon. Tbe weather was i loudv and the ?atwii.iaiiti ?nui. The exhibition continues until Friday. THE ANNUAL INSPECTION OF WARD'S ISLAND. A AND SPEECHES ? DI. CAIlNOCHAK SMbBED. Tin- annual innpi'ction of the State Emi._Ta tlon institiitiunshy tbe Trustees of the Irish Emigrant ?eetety and the Directors of the German 8oclcty, took plsce yestei.h.y. The company assembled atCastle Gar? den, and aftei ?pending an hour*ln conversation on the par, eiui.ark.d in tbe Andrew Flstcber for Ward's Inland. On arriving there they passed through the va? rious bnlhttngs, and niapected the hospitals, launderles, kitchen? and barracks, all of wbiob wej-e found in gt>od order. They then gathered in the spacious parlors of? tbe Superintendent's house, and set down to the annaal dinner, which lasted two hours. Toasts and speechee were abundant, and good humor and harmony prevailed. Speeches were made by May?ir Kalbfleisch of Brooklyn, who presiiled, and bv Richard (/GormM, Mr. Lynch, President of the lush Society, Mr. Behack of the Ger? man So? b ty, E. B. Hart, Judge Spencer, Mr. Kinsella, the Me*. Mr. Knitel, ?ad Dr. Camochan,the Bealtb Of? teer. The Ms vor said be bad not paid much attention to the Emlgrutioe Society because he ??H/ughi th*t it wa? in good bands. As soon as he heard tmmi lhere waa a ring formed, he would come Co all the niettin*? aad try io break ii. Mr. O'Qorman oame late, ?st) Ina That there wat. a little unpleasantness hi the city to vblcb he waa attending. Mr. Lynch said that M^etoui of the population of this country are Irish or ?t Irish descent Mr. Kinsella had ?creal deal to say ???out Ike admirable government of Brooklyn, and the Kev. Mr. Krotel made the hit of the occasion by saving, 1? response to a Southern editor who talked about aatm\\o\amTt^^ ? baggere. Mayor Kalbfleisch had the poor taate, In tri?*? ??pinion of a majority of those prtvpnt, tor?ll upon l>r. (*4tm?'itiaii. When th?. M.ijor tonstml him, seveml G? r t?i u ni Ihe lower iti.l m' tin* (?lil? i.-.irtlv withdraw. nell' r ti m Juin in tin? iiinrli nf r?-??i."ci. Tliowrlt.r of tin? sut next 1.? t\w> of til? i? (Tiitii-ini'ii. wini pi ilnlv Mated tlotatiar? of their w11 liftrawal hb tiny lift til* t ii?!.*, 'lili-iti.t'l. i'it h). i*i*l<, willoh mis umlnlv .-(.mil ii Inr tlii> oitcii'ittiri of the Emigration Ii |i.rtineiit, wits r? ?i-iv? ii lu i-lli'iic?*-, ?ml the applause at It? clone was ??t*?*? t..ii,;. At 6 o', link tin* part*/ n>tiiriu"il to the illy. TUB TURF. Tt.r.i:rW(?oi> ckt.k trottint. meetinc??"tom? DAY?YOI NO WU'NO WIN*- TIIK POsTI*f>M l> 2:28 KACE, AFTEK EKillT UKAT*-t?(' VSTI.K ROY WIN? IIU 2;5? l'l'KMi?THE 2.J8 l"l It*?K POSTPONED AFTKB THREE BBAtB. NotwitliKtnndin'' the thrcfttonin/,? npppnrnnot? of tli<? weather, yesterday morning, there was a largo nttondanee'inclvtdlng many ladlea/nt F.ectwocd Psrk, to ?a li new? tim secourt day'? trotting. The unfinished raro ?4?r tfM horie?, postponed from the prevlon? day on tie count of darkness, waa first to be decided. When th? ad loiirnment took place Cliarley Oreen bad won theflrst and acoond heats, and Medoc the third and fourth. The betting on recommencing showed Charley tireen to be the favor? ite, with Mciloc as w tond choice. The bettln? wa? very spirited, for those who had invested heavily on Sea Foam unit Hush* the day Infer?* wen* now hiixh>ii?i to bt*d?e bv backing the two favorites, either of which, by winnin? a heat, would decide the rare. The fifth heat wa* won try Baale by two lengths, with Beit Roam second. Charley ('reen third, Lady Roa? fourth. Mciloc ?n.l I, idv Aiicusta fifth ami sixth, mid Drcadiiiiu?*lit last The quarter was trotted In i-f.?]?, ?eronds; the half nilli? lu Jil-.'J, an.I lim milo in 2:78. This cauwU a clianire lu the bettln?, and Susie came Into strong demand ?ealii, alone wltb sea Foam. In the ?lxtb beat, tho couti*! lay betwicn .Susie and Young Kruno, the latter coming lu first by m neck only. The quarter In this heat wuhtrott? .1 in ST) seconds, tbe half mile in 1:13, and the mile In 2Mf>i This caused another cban?e lu the pool market, ami Bruno stock rose amnzln?ly In favor. Ho won the sev? enth heat att4T a ?ood race with Charley Ort en. Mi doe finishing tIi?kI, IaiKiv Ross (mirtii, 1 Ti'i.iliiiiuirli! tittil, ami Puslo last. Time-o:3?*t, 1:13J. 2:J2*J. Ils-uno wa.? now tho favorite almost against thi- field, and Be won tho ei?hth and deciding heat iu i.i'Jj. Charley Green carne in aheail of bim, hut the Judge* put bim back to third position on aiwount ?if his bavin? run considerably, ami ?-.ive (he second place to Birnie, who was third. "Vonn? Kruno took the 11,300 for Amt hor-e, Charley (Jreen the |BM for bein? secoiid bent, and Mcdoc the t*-*00 for third. Sui h a lace, requiring taget heats for it? decision, has rarely if ever been witnessed on the trottln? turf, and it stamps Young Bruno as one of the best sons of Old Hnnibletonian. He is a full !>rother to Bruno and Brunette, anti is owned by Jo*x ph Harker of this elly. mouar, Piarrwnnn Par?. Sept. 19.?I'or?* 4?} f?.nae, for homet that lu! nerer trotted better than i:2J? ?IJM to the Oral tbttl I? the ?eeoail, and t-M*) lo the third bone: unit heat?, lui tbrte in lit. in barrit??. B. Mare ei.tere.1 tr. t. Mellor.S 8 3 4 .)?? ii >lLr;t..i i'ttr? 1 tit ? Ctiarlev lu. li. ii 3 2 J Jtrlm Lovtlt entered hr. g Youn* Bruno. H I I 1 T. ( ?nrtnter eutrre.1 ? in Su? e. 1 2 7 2 (i r. C?ri .liier tnt ni h. ra. L,tlx Iti.w.. 4 4 4 5 A. Patleiwoa entered eli r. Dreadnaugbt. 7 S & 6 M ('anvil rntered I?, g. Ben tit rr. dr. J J. Kowen entered it. m. iSea loam. 2 ft S C J.I, |?ott entered br. ia. Lad*; AaiTn?ta. 6 7 dr 7 M Htaltn ei tertd hr. g Jane a H. Coleman. 6 H h ?tr, S. MoLa-ugblin rnti'Ml b. m. Mar.?. 2 II tli?. Jarte. Ka?itn? raterial b. g Dread, n. di.. nat gu.rter. lla'f. Mile. Firttheit. 37 1:1 If link Se. ..nd heat. 37 1 I *J ?lal Ihinlhiat. Mt l:H, ?:?'ij ??"..nilli beat. V-l III-.'] lit Fifth heil.....'. '<" 1 l-l 2.X Kiitb heat. -nt Iii 2 ..tit ????tenth be?t. 3S 1:14 2.12k Kifllb beat. -U 1*131 tatt The secourt trot was tot horses that hail inver trotted better than 2:5*', for a put se of, the winner taking ?MO; tbe secou'l horse f-'SO. and ihe third $15". Ther? were nine entries, of which five sturtid, n.uni ly: Uno. M. Fer?usou's ti. ni. Bright Kyes, 1). Piter's b. m. faouisa Moore, M. Rodin's ti. ?. Castle Boy, J. J. lio** en's I.r. g. Jack Pour, and P. Hitskinir's b. ?. P. Hasklnic??. The at. sontces were Heathen Chinee. May Bee HufT, ant! Ida Ma*. Castle liny wa-the favorite, with Bri?ht Eves it? second choice. The favorita* won the tlrst beat with ens.? In tt*\t*_ the ?rond quite ?aeasily lafeSHf. and the third und rat i* in 2:40 ; Hrlgbt Eves ?coonil in the fli>t and tlurrt heats, and Jack Poor second in th.-sr. und lu at. Bright Eyes tixik tbe second money, ?uti Jack Poor ibu |1S0 for the third horse. MKtuar. Stun Dat ?Parte $1 000. for hortet tbtt nt??r taral .'..'8, ?r?SOi? to trat. ?'.vi to teeoad. ?ISO to third. M. Rodin entert b ?. r??tle Bot. 1 1 1 d. S. Yetgatoneaun b m. litight Rju. 2 4 2 J. J. Bowen enter? ht. ?. Jack Pianr. 3 2 .1 1) Ptlfrr enter? h. ra. Lonlaa Moore. 4 3 4 P. Haiku.? enter? h.t. P. Hatlint. dit. Time-2.J4l. 2:Jf'i. 2:40 The rare for horse* that had never tteat?-ts, 'or n pnr-io of ti.Mio, was tim next event. Nine horses were entered, and five of them rame to the post. These were: H. J. Doreinus's g. ?. Joe, driven by Dan Mace; L. Monis'a b. m. Nettle Morris, driven by J. J. Bowen; A. (iolil srullh's b. ?. Bodlne, tlrlven by W. Borttne*. A. Patterson's eh. m. Bellt- of Oneitla, and J. ^plan's Ur. m. Constitu?e. Before the race. Joe wa? the favorite a?ainst the Seid* but, breakiu? badly In the first heat, ho lost so much ?round that, it wa? thought he would be dlstaneert. HtrlKin? a trot, however, be gaiuett oa the 1? ml? re so rapidly that be saved himself from bein? shut out, and relieved the anxiety of his numerous liniVi*n>. Bodlne led from sturt to finish, winnini* easily by three lengths?Belle of Uueiila ?.?coud. Con.lance third, and Nettie Morris fourth; time, kal. Bodlne wa* now the favorite, Joe lulu? Meood choice, foi his friends still fancied he would pull tbron?b. Acting even worse than before, ho ran away with I?an Mace ami was distanced, Undine again wlnniu?, willi Belle of On. ida second and I oustanre third ; time. 2: k'j. The third trial wa? a most en iling one, and resulted la a dead heat between Bodlne aud Belle of One ida. ( mi? stauce third;'time, 2:3a. Darkness comm? on. the race was noatpoubd until 1 p. m. to-day. trawAKT. Sam? Pat? Porte titOu-, f?r b?ir?ea that utrer heit 238; *'?"'> to drat. +4 ?" to aetv nd. $*"?u lo third. ?Way Uoldtmith. entert b. % Bodioe. 1 1 0 A. raittra?.n. rh. m Belle of Onei.1?. 2 I n .1. .**r.?D, entert hr. m. ('ootttnee (??nrtrlr l.tlr >aul[iai.|?b. lil Le*. Murr?, inter? b. m. Kellie Morna.. 4 4 4 li J. 1 ' : i ia: ia? eLttr? g g. Joe. ' di? Time?2:31.2:301 2:3.1. THE IX DI AX S. PKAfTFCT. OSAOE". ATTACKED BY SKTTl.F.IO? M VI KAL OF THF. 1VIUTK.S CAPTURED HV TIIK IN I>1.INS AND TU UN LU OVEB To THE CN1TL1? STATES M Mt-li.M . Little Rock, Ark., Popt. 10.?The Fort Smith yew Fra of the l:ith says s??inc sett li rs llvin? near the Osa?e Reservation lost three horses, which they sup po-ed had been taken b> the Osa?e Indians. Twenty settlers started in pur-ult and i?me ai ro?s a party of Osapts, who projKiseil to the whites to go their ramp, two miles distant, ami search for the bataan. The whites refused, ami proceeded to take three boran from the Indian?, aereeln? to return them if the stolen lior-* ?\ were ritiirnert. Tho (??aire? dclliiiil to nuisint to tin* arrau?euient, when the settlers attacked them and took three hor*.-r. a number ob both side? wcm wounded, and one -white uuii w:is killi .1. Win ii the Oaa?ea t? tii.-ni-d to tlu-ir ramp their chief BonnU*d?W)-oun/* arar? rlors and sent them in pursuit of the whites, who m . i took ?mil i. ptiin d seven of Ihem and turnetl them ?ver to the Depuly Ciiiteil Blati-s Mur.-lial. 'Ihe prtNODera wen taken to'Fort Mmith, tbulged with l.nun.i .mil as .-.'...ii nilli intent to kill. CATTLE-STEALING IN* TEX A". Washington, Sept. 19.?Information has been reeelved here to the effect that the number of cattle stolen In Texas and carried into Mexico from BMalgO County alone since June 1 is estimated at 5.000. As many more have been stolen and carried over since June l from other points of Texas soiL More armed bands have lately come iuto Texas from Mexico lor the purpose of st( alin? cattle, and the pitipi? are ur?ed to or?anize to put the marauders down. ilen. Revnold? hs? off,.-lally r-eco'Jinietidcd that United Ktate? troops he employed to aid the Texan? lu ncoveun? their property stolen hy the Klekapoos and taken into Mexico. It Is reported from Jackshoro. Jack County, Texas, that information hal been received there, at militai v headquarters, from lien. Oakes, who i? in commaud oa the boundary between the lu.lian Nation and Katisa? that he recently bad a tln-ht wltb the Hionx and ?Chayentie tribe?, tbat he had driven them before him, that tiny were makin? their way south, evidently in the direction of Jack County, and that in couaequeuce of tim ma? neuver Oeu. McKJiizie had received instructions to re? linquish bil expedition Into the Watrhita country, and has lieeu ordered to fall upon Jackshoro. Jack County Is on the extreme northern frontier of Texas, ITNrVERflALIST GENERAL CONVENTION. Philadelpiila, Sept. 19.?The Universali-it General ?Conve-ntlon met this morniu?. The Rev. Dr. W. H. Ryder of Illinois wa? elected President ; J. Smith Dod?*?, Jr., of Connoctlcut, Vice-President ; the Rev. J. M. Pullman of New-York. Permanent Secretary; and D. L. Holden, esq., of New-York, Treasurer. The Secretary announced tbat the Constitution adopted At tbe last Convention in 01o?JX?s?ter, Mass., bad been ratified bv a majority of the Stat? Couvemioiia, and was now a la? unner which the Convention waa organized. The Con? vention then took a recesa. Id the afternoon session the Ti**rjaiurer's report wat submitted and referred. It ?how? a balance on band of It?i.d*, the indebtedness of the Convention bein? |3i,ooo. Official notice haa been received of the ratlflcation of the new Constitution by the foilowln? States : Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New-York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, Michtguu, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. No adverse action wa? reported by any Bute. *m A NOVEL l'l'O? E-..MON. Clewlaxd, Sept. 19.?A reunion of the fiplrltaal Progressive Ltycetitn of Northern Ohio was held at the Rink to-day. A procession lar?ely composed of woma-n and children, marched through the principa! atreat, pr?*>?antlng a novel appearance. The-exercises at the Kink were various, anti were parttiipatert in br ?bakers from Weat Union. ? Mr?. Victoria Woodhull Blood spokt on woman su-*l*ru?-e this erenlng. THB LAST (M.T2NE Tit A TRAGEDY. Mr?. Julia Oonuolly, widow of Dr. J. J. Con? nolly, who murdered bl? two children and himaelf at bl? resident* In West Eleventh ?t, near Sixth ave., lu May laat, waa brought to this city yes'i ritay by her friends. Mrs. Connolly, who had shown ?vmptonis of Insanity on several otxaaion? after tha ingtuly, was aelcad with a paroxysm while attending aerrlca In a Koman Catholic Church In Montreal, a few days ago, ?nd baa ?Ince then been a ravin? mantae. On the application of Dr. Willard Parher, Juatioa Dowltag t'tmrultted the ttafortunate wattan u the Loaauc ??vluiu. HOME NEWS. ? TlIKTiMOMm? YBNTRRPAT. kim. Nnnx It.iL aia'-'?llt W 7l?> ?Jp 710 men ni.r; to hay. I ont 11r?-.rh, Rp'V?. Ilall.-r? a.,1 Mp, ?id I'aanfjr IO. H. ?. Bath?. Klw'ir?, f. I a- n. p. io ?. ?,. t, m, ^ m. p. t. 11.54 ?i? cn ia in ???this r ni ?r am ros raw ticisit?. {He* Kiflh |.?r- j l'litiVINHN T ARRIVAI*. Clhey Utilise?Con. Francis F,. Ppipnrr. Treasurer el Ike Halted Malea; G*?. Th eases Kin.y Smith of Phliudelphiii. sud John O. Kviins, Washington. ?wa?? Altor Ilottte?Rear-Admlriil ??ml h, H. B. Navy ; K. A. Rollins, fuitnerlv Internal Remine Oiirawlaslotier ; the Hon. John Edwards of Arkimsiis, mid Urn, Kilpatrb k. - ---llrrvoorl House?llt'UTV vi. Northcote. n?'i Ol _l Stafford Northcote ; (apt. It .g^r?on nnd Cup*. K'riihnr?t. of the Ilrltlsh Arniv. Fifth Avenue floUt-H. j. Ivinisev and Lansing I'rnyn of Albany ; the lion. w. M. Ely of lltnghamton ; John S. King of Hprinirfleld, and Col. W. !.. Scotl of Erle, penn, boob i HI. Sicholas fMcl? Adlntant-Oen. Cunningham of Maaaaehneetta : Anuna ?Ion?, jr., of Cleveland, und (?iwrgo A, Dunl ip of Chicago.-: - SturUnint //.use?(Ion. II. S. Rohen*. V. H. A. ; ex-Gnv. McCarmick of Arizona, and J. M Javcox of Bvracnse. bob Metropolitan //e/W-.V I?. Ordway, Bergeantrat-amis of tho House of Kcpreaenta tlves. <=i=^= Grund Central Botet ea-OusiaiiSSoWan Pettisand theHon. M. H. f?owTTnf IViitisvlviiii'i. Nrtr-York Hotel-Oca. A. N. McKay of Mls.l?s-.ippl.-? If. Deni? Hotel?Gen. T. W. Egan of Washington. - - Pverett House?Col. C. P. Patterson, Washington, und Iho Kel. P. V. Luy don uf Boo U.U. NEW-YORK CITY. Tin? application in re BonranftM nvrntiReo Colah, the l'arsoe lunatic, which was set down for argu? ment in the Common rica?, Chambers, yesterday, was unexpectedly und unaccouuiubly adjourned till to-duy at 11 o'clock. The ClinmVior of Commrroo hold ft gpocltil meeting, yesterday, mid rccleitcd Robert L. Taylor Pilot Commissioner. The President wns authorized to ap? point a delegate to the National Commercial Convention which meets at Bal^iore, Sept. :'. . Among the panRonpor? by tho stoimsliip China, which arrived at this port yesterday, wi re ?vo Chinese officials, members of tho Embassy scut to France, several months ago, to apologize for tho mas? sacre of French citizens at Tlen-tsln, China. Deverill members of the EiubuKsy airlved here last week. They are accompanied by H. O. Brown, Enirllsh Secretary, and M. Nomolr, French Secretary. They are at tho Westminster Hotel, and leave to-day or to-morrow for San l-rniiciscii, where they will take the steamer for home. The Embassy Is accompanied by 10 Chinese sei valits. BROOKLYN. Visitor? to Prospect Park last werk, 14n.Ofi2. The total amount collected for tli? WestUd? snflerers was IG68 C4. Health Oillccr Cochran dfocOYem] 11 ease? of small-pox in the Second Ward, vi ".iii ii. ty, and caused their removal to the Hospita! at Flat bush. Tho Homeopathic Hospital Association, lately organized, has purchased for *fla,(*.i) the Orphan Asylum building in Cnmberland-sL for hospital pur ??oses. The building has a frontage of 100 foot on Cum iei lam? -st., and is aoo feet deep. Madam Van Busk irk and Dr. Perry, the alleged abortlonl-ds, were arruIgned before Judge Mc? cue, In the City Court, yesterday, but their trlnl was IMistponed until Frldav that they might obtain counsel to till the placo of ex-Judge ?-tuart, deceased. A ?mall boat containing four men wns up? set yesterday in Newtown Creek, and two of the nun, William Bemme? Baa 24. and Henry Mull r, m-e M, both of .*dxtecuth-tt., New-York, were (Ironmil, Tin ii bud;, s have not inen recovered. The other two men were res? cue d. LONG ISLAND. Fi.rsiuxo.?The Long bland farmers havo received a petition signed by 300 grocers, n-l.itig them to stand iMor ll.inhattan Market, New-York, and havo appointed a committee to see what Inducements are of? fered. They ridicule the Idea of not carrying their pro? duce to New-York, as advocated by the Southsiue f aimers. Jamaica.?The Board of Supervisors foT Queens County ordered the payment of bills amounting to 91,311 CO, yes? terday, and appointed E. II. Prime engineer to revise the town lines of Flushing. Ht.Mi'STi.Aii.?Wm. Brewster, colored, while hunting ! festerd?) a ?.?s killed by tho accidental discharge of hi- i gun. STATEN ISLAND. Clikton.?-A gang of thieves ftole $3,000 worth of watches, lewelry, and clothing, from the house of Miss Pauline Ebacke, Monday afternoon. One of them, Henry Banner, was arrested st Vnn.lerbilt Land? ing, yesterday, und most of the property was recovered. CtNTRF.roRT.?O. Washington Conkllng, aw 1?, has bnon arrested for bigamy. Ho married his third wife, a farmer's daughter of this place, recently, and soon after the ceremony, a former wife, i.e? IS, ataos her aapearaaee and claimed lum as her husband. Ho is locked up for examination. tOin.eton. ?The goods of the National Circus, which were taken for debt, ?ero sold, Monil.i.v, foi P'ou. I'oitT KicnMOVP.?The ladle? of Ik? Reformed Cb:.rib au- l.n.-ing funds for a new . ..iii,.-. HUDSON RIVER COUNTIES. Mot nt Vernon.?Tho Coroner'? Jury in the case of Thomas li. .Stacy have rendered a verdict of ac? cidental death, exonerating the railroad employe?. It Mas rho? u that he had not been robbed, as wus alleged. MoiutiSANiA.?The officers of the Hudson River mid Piniyteii Hiiyvil and Fort Morris Railroad passed over the new connecting road bet ween the Hudson River and Harlem Railroad, ye-terday. HrneO?.- Walter Rogers, Jr., died yesterday 0/ iiijiiiies 1 received by jumping from a train 011 Monday. NEW-JERSEY. Jf.RSBT Citt.?Tlie Union Republican Connty and Assembly Conventions of Hud-on County will be held Octolier 4. The election of delegates will take place September 27. A State Senator, Sheriff, and three Coroners will he nnuilmited. nnd a County Executive Committee for 1872, including s>-ven members from eaeb Asseiiibly district will tie apjioliited at the Convention ... Improvements are making lu South Scvcnth-st_ A large delegation fr. the Order of rutted Aawrtoan Mechanics will attend the "reunion" In Newark to-ulght. Free tickets will be furnished for nil who wish lo partici? pate_Tlie annual si port of tin- Phi Bicton ami HnrgeoD of Hudson County ITospltal states that Ki patients have been admitted since June 6. i*:ii. Of these li are now in the Hoanltal, 10 hare died, and 67 hare recovered .. Tin. Police Commissioner? have dei ided, by a vote of liol, not to comply willi a rennest of the Board of Aldermen ! which asked tor the enforcement of Um euiniay Liquor law. HEWAR?.-The motion to dissolve the injunction of Ihe ?bip Canal Company against M?e Cent ?ral rout Company Ima been ?.rgu.-d before Vlee-Chancellur Dodd ?Senator Krellnghoreen and ex-Ctwnecllor Willhuiiesun fair tlie Railroad, and T. N. McCarter for the Canal ?'oni pany. Declaim reserved_Tin Newark Shooting ?ort ely li.-gan its twelfth .mimili festival J. st. rdav. It will ? niitiiin.' Hu-..ei?;li,,iii Un- w.ek, and Ihe prlaos will lie distributed on Monday... ??cn. A. 'P. Torbert, Consol ??eneral at na vana, ni rived iii town yesterday_Thlrtv six Trustees for the American Trust (Jouipuny of New Jersey were elected yesterday. The Suiireme Court has yet t.. continu the election_The ball of John Hackett, one of the men who attacked Officer Wilde, waa SttBra* dered yesterday ? Reinhardt Henhog was knocked down and seriously injured, vesterday, by a horse and wagon .. John Patlpa, a colored laborer, had hi? feet crushed, on Munday, bva large flagging-stone_William Cook, ti Aroman on the Morris aud Basel Railroad, was struck by the trestle-work of ilackensack bridge, yester? day, nisi lnstanlly killed. IIOBOKE?.?William Cook, son of the Erle Railway bridge tender at the Hackensack River, attempted yee terday to deliver a letter to a tlremun on a fieight train which was passing, when he fell between the c.irs, tho renr portion of the train passing over his body ami killing him instantly. POLICR VOTES. .T0I111 Tully of Brooklyn, ago -'?-,, fell from Tier No. 3 ion, lb? !.i?t butt, ?ml iu ilrowstal. Mary brennan denies that she hail taken poison, ?b?D foand lu'imule oo Ki,.i?) tittil, ?nil nala ? that ib? u lubject to , conraliluiis. .'sarah Dodsmi in a quarrel with Martha Jackson, c,!,,n ?! at No. *5 Tir,in; inn it lill Difbt, n-c?itr 1 two ...ait ??uodt ia tb? 11, ?ti lr,,m * r??.,r William Wheal??-, age 30, -while bitching some bon?? laa ? carrUf? ?I I'isr Mo. iii KK.,i?ikni?j, fell npoa Um ?tdewtlk ?al liri la ? tem moment.!. Kate Muller, age 22. who waa burned three w??l? ?fo li tb? riploiu.? of? keroiene 1<USI> at Ho. 112 luina?.} it. (UM TriUrdar in He li? ?ur iiu?|,.ui. Julius Keyser, age 2, of No. 213 Johnson-st., Bris.ll?!, K li ??? run ,??: lill e?(nln? br ? ar Rn. b ..r th? S. b b Fnnrtli ?t. lim, isd faull} inju<?d. Uaorg? Hindi, Ibe ?i.-.ier, ia U;j to saivrr. Edward Clare, age 13. of No. 192Thtrd-st? Rrook I'o K. li , nan w11 ran ef?r on Monda? al (Inr-hnndrrl in,| "f-, ,., ?,?f. 1. bj a llulio,, Rirrr Knlroa,! ?iprtai tram, fruin which b? Ltd lallen, died ?eilrrdaj in B?l]??ua- Hospital. W. H. Wheelock, ago 40, employed aa conch m?n by J,,!,,, ('. Sandford, at ' -' ?rid M?,i|?..- ,,,. ?aauken ?addanlr ill jederdar on learins th??u-aailuial J. I. ni...,, r ai l'i. r No ii K. B . and died In a fro nilnntea li? had jut Matase Iron th? ruantr} with hil ??ploTfr ? family. Michael Ryden, a blacksmith, age 10, died yestcr Sar at N?. ?wl Arena? A. from hrdrophohii. Un Marrh U be ?u I t>?n br a ?I.,? ?ot tk?o knows to b? sud. Th? dog on ?.,-,!. ?ud .-.?,? i, paid bo illnin Vi the Mt?, whlea ?oob b?ilr.|. A f?w di;i ?t-, i? .?ptiaiui o< breJr.ipboUa ippe?i?l. aad altboa(t ?otk ?I ?aid >>? rendertd, L? |?r?w lapldlj won?, aad dir.1 in rr??t agos/. FUNERAL or KX JUDGE ?TUATIT. Mirny old friends and aaaoctate? ?if ex-Jitrl^e Hy dnej H. Stuart attended his funeral in Elghtyfuurth ?t., restenlsy. The exercises were conducted by the He v. Dr. Chap?n, who spoke feelingly of the deceased aa an esteemed personal friend and an upright, noble man. The bisly wi?intei r?s.t in Ureenwood Cemetery, a ?ery long procession following It to the grave. The pall? bearers were District-Attorney Uarvin, Judge lied ford, Judge Cardoso, and Aaalstant District Attorney fellow? MOHK UNION TORPEDOES SEIZED AND |DE 8TBOYED. Diatrii t Engineer Monro? diMurered, ye?t?r* *ky, tit cases. rss*aHla? IM? Pal? la??a?aaahUl?a atora of Abraham OoldMhm.dt, dealer in fireworks, at No. M Pearlst. Ooldachtnidt Is a brother of the one who was fatally Injuied at the Beekinan-it. exploalon. Tim torpedoes wem ti moved to Firemen's Hall, by ntttay uf Chief Clerk (illili r-n*i ve of tho liar, an 'f (Vu'"?-'i li'??, und sitti?r.|uriitiv thrown Int'i the Ni" Ul I" * * r. i,i.' v.?ii bo pnisceuti'il lor lil? vkihtliun '' ' law. A ROU AX TIC STORY. A MAN ACCUSED OF MUMPM PROVED INNOCENT AFt Eil DEATH. Somo worliiiiii, digging botci for tlio posta of a fence, In Unlonvllle, Wc?tili< uti*!* Co. a fortnight ago, (lin.u the ?li 1< ti n of ?i man, rild'olly long burled. Prom the jusit i.n of the bore**, the skull rot in? betweeu Hu? Uni cs, li was surmised that the unknown decc:i?ed had not rccclvt ii the cii*-toin;i|-y lull lal, and that murder had bera committed A shoemaker? Ephraim Jones- livid near the spot where tho skel. ton was found, and the ?ossip? of Uulonville quickly con? nel ted him with the supposed mutiler It was remem? bered that nearly 2.1 .eut* agu, Thomas Brown, a Jour? neyman shoemaker, had siiildctily disappeared from the m I lu ire. Home one of tenacious memory called to mind that Hrown had been paid tl7?, due as wages, by Jones, anil that the shoemaker had remo veil his shop from It? site In former years. Upon fin ther lav? ?.figatioir, it was found that the old shop li,id sIimnI itlieclly over the pUio win re the skeleton wau discovered. With thutt* fflct.? In fhelr pusses-Ion, Coroner Weeks; and Detective MUiway of Westelietter County determined to search for further ptonf a?ainst Junes. Tim story of the flnrtli ? of tie skeleton and the suspicions of theeom iiiniili.? uci'iist June? soon linne to the newspaper? of this city. When the Journal? reached Unlonvllle Ifeeae? count was read by Junes, who appeared groatly burrill.*.! Mia? ho should 6a aernaed of murder. He was an old man, and was so ?Tcatly shock? d at the ohar?e that the followliiB day, willie lamenting it, he was prostrated hy some ?u.Wen attack, and ?lied In a few moments. The nelghhori loudly hinted thtif Jones had poisoned himself, but a Coroner's inipiest di?iproved thl? suspicion, and proved the dcc4<ascd hail 4M of heart disease. On Monday evntiln? a nephew of Jone? visited Police Headquarters In this city, and assorted that fact? were in his possession which fullv proved bis uncle's Inno? cence. Ile aaid that Herat. Louis Yinilia* of the Twelfth Precinct, testified that ?.i venrs ago he li.el witnessed tbe death of Brown at N... 0 Courtliindt st. Tlie Sergiatit was a step-miii of Hrown. and wa? 1? venn? old at the time. Ho reeollecli'd clearly Brown's return fron, Unlonvllle, the mnuey hi had with him, and lu? death soon after. (AntOBr, renta tai DiuNETT'b Colook? Bert iu America. CnoLEHA, Champs, Cholera Morrc??, Som fi'?.tr n. ano aix Bowal CoaianiiT? n ? ipaann r i'i nt lui. JtT.iB'l CaMMMIfl Baila?. It tak?i ?wai ?li iiiifim ni T?a iiinim?, ?!.? nu-... t?b tmttuttm, tan ?atToaaa m >?tirai. an ion, At a r??ttT k???m ior thi i?i*p\?i? ?.n rHsttLiST ?a.?n rtiiii.?ai ??id ?ni:**? ii kim, ma Sraaas ?.?.?tiru it is b?pb< i ii i i at?ammmmm sumo viu-*i i i? in op - * ?re ? ran MOtM ?li, in len.l iMl.r.ii'ii'l *ViLD BT AIL Dni4.UI.TI Knox ha? accomplished ft aiirnal artistic tri nai'i in bia ***cw Sttlb or lliTt tea tbr Pall. Tua? arr erny, plaas.nt. coinfiirtalilr, pir'nrrtqn?. ?ni rl?"ntal, anil are pivnli.rlr ailaptr.1 in matrrlai ?ml ihapr fur th? draarult of the ttaann. Tn?r art titra to wltli.tajid tiriatr.u V ? "f trmprrttorr ?rllhout larrid'-'nii rithrr Btatnit?. bctaty, er tlui.l. 1 ksf arr la fart, rral taromrirr?, Lath of eruma ?ni fal h inn. tari art til-tit at.ltad fur tb? mu r?mme prrtoi IVtwrro U.? I.i u? uf Si.n.iii. r ti..! the .*! ill? of V*,.....r ami iua? br ptmmtam* I ?; i ? ?? -> I ' -' ?'. -i ?I .til t.? i tier r... rain., w n ?. : *U ir-|i: o Bal nu ol lln ?iJIltlIOZ. IIacan's Magnolia nutltfa a lady of t8 !??A a? ii ?hr ?tr? lint l8. It rrB.ui'l M I h I'ilrhia. Ring M.rk?, Sal!.ranal?, rt?-, ?i I in a I? w wuk? rharvi? Um mile farr mm one uf cullnre ?ii I rrlai rrairt. Tl.?*ii lirr.? jem h? r w ih L?**oa ? KaTinisos, au: thr tau altr.cliuoa? tbt luiiijr'rtiu'ii am! Hie Ila.r?alt prrfnL Securitt AC,AlNi*T DlMtAtB.*--?M freely the Btw dlalafrrtaat. Bairno rHiomtr?. I? '?.tri.? ?11 b?d amrll. al ont ?oor tiramina. Prfptrtd only hy In cm it ( u , Nu. 176 William ?t, New-Yull _ (lo to B. S. Pt,?! ire. 104 Fulton-st., kit? stairs, 1er leUrttJ. |l ?-?nil? N'trrw.-r. hr ..Ila irr? :tuv I.le firtt bam. tbia'ur? ?mi aa?. at Manulacunn ir.i NiroT <V Dwif-'iN, JM I.madw;iv. offer a MtrmttA tanti] ?if I M 4MU i.ikii. tul (iii 1:? iCKtn n lir? nu , (?.?a?. (J ii, Uiu-uiu. ami Illumin?t? I Color?. TUfuiuno. C'leanino and Dmwfl Ornen I? ' . It....Ka? i.i-?? ".?? it;-?-. ..Li?t I.r |l(....iii. ?t rur. Br? - ? ii .!(. . ,;i?, 1.1. I?aa?. 'rail., .a. glaa??, Le., tlm**X The bf-ot plate in New-York to buy Rkli aai ? WiTrnr? time l?r??u?*ie? an ii i ??in? vami k Jbwbum ti.d STtHiiMi SiLi-a?. ia SniiKaa,?/; lult-.n-i. Hi imur..l. a ryr, ??hy. PILES! PILKS!! PILES!!! 1 All kind?. lalrmal. Kitrrnal. Illniil.Ulrritinii Iti-Mnt *r. po?i|ir?'? ptttrrlly prmi?n''ntly rutri i.v Air., rj n Wittiotit pat*, .inoner. i*?'.*t r ? or in?*mrnrn'? ?lad no ?|r?anli?m ?hilrvar fr..m I.tiain?*?, i.? W A. Iii*. CAN ULI SH, M. I?..?t hi? room?, Spinglrr Hou.e. l'iuon-?<|uarr, li, .?l ?a? I- i warn Fonrtrvanth and Flftrrntb ?ra New-Yuri LUI. t IGHT LCMX)MOTlV?*a?S F?B~~N?UBOW XJ (,?n/r Raileiadt. tontrectorV nar, ron.mirtina, ihiltiii?*, wooil? n rai'., furn .re?, and mil!? ?|ii?rni? m laat tmtm rm in ?tri ?[. ? ?'?rp rum-* lltbl r? I?. narru?i?tuir? ?i,.l !-,?.? -m nil?. Sand (?,r ein-ma rand inf. rinalion il?a rrl. _POKTKlt BFLt, 4. Vu , [>cn. CTRICTUBFa, Fihtula, and Pile?ratlifill; corni ky ai t Sont tbr knlfr. r?n?iir, or ??r'rntion frotn hu? na?. fm| ot? mr, ln?rti?r. of the <irnfrati?*OTi?tii. In?e?.ri ?nd I'.ft rm II et ,,f ihr Fir. Som. Yeer.tnil'ertun. Ill MI? A DANIr.LS. M Ii .144 Lrimirt'n tre. HEADQUARTERS for Nitii.u? Oxide (ia.-*.? I'r. Y. Hi-' ? :? ? lab- t p. rator tt (Yltun li?-n'..! A?a?ir.a! I... rrmotfil to l61 Fifth air., and ?11 Hrnarlaa? ?ornrr Twrnl.-.n'otd ?t. I nura prtrce? dr?otanl tu tbe p?ln!r?ai eitr>i*rinn ot tt-th. Room No 2. HEAT YOUR "HOUSE !~Savc ?mr Pai*l!!~ S-;id for C rruUr?. lill .nd ritmiae KDWlKIIN'M COMRHIBD RANGE AND FlT.NAlB. lil W.trr ?t. .-?ML. J. HOPKUta ?HMIOS. H."AO\F,\V."260 tlrccnu.i h-m., N. Y. ClioiredHOCKklKS. TKAS KIMI 4-t?' ?liilri.1. and t?u I Y-SCHOOL HOOKS. bHirl i.illi.N k U ?MAN |3 B h*. nor,.. ^UNl>AY-S("HOOL HOOKS. BALL, BLACK & CO., 565 and 5G7 Broadway, ai:e mura oit im m uuiiaai trtn*? op HEAL AND IMITATION BRONZE CHANDELIERS GAS FIXTURES AT VFaJlY LOW I'll I (.:.*?. Ball, Black & Co. FALL OPENING ! ! TRIMMED BONNETS AND ROUND HATS, French Flowers and Feathers, Ostrich Pompons,&c., In the N.'v.'.'at Shade?. ALSO. VELVETS AIHD RIBBONS In laitti'Ht feihadea. AtlfBtloB ii iatiltd lo oar RETAIL OPENING OF iiim.I.? , ' i..,.,? Rt* 1. a tor li)? ?-um..* tieatun. na I'll I'HSI' \ 1. >. ?,* 21. AITKEN & WILLER, Broadway, Corner of Eighteenth-?;!. PATENT F1KE-PK00F MANSARD ROOFING. Tb? ?tt?Ltira of ARCHITlCTfl. miLllKH? AMD PROPERTT OWKFR?! lirallM t? oar NEW HATBNT KIKIr. I'Ki loY UAN^AkU KOOFINO Baraplta ??; be ima al oar 0*e?. mi alao oa ita? Mulaal Lilt 1 .?mr i?c? Cotap.Dji BulWlBf <*or Broadwat .O') Lii*n. il, at,ii th. Turu.? Balldiaf, earatt Naaaaa. Pla?, aad (atlat at?., atarrt it .. an? ian? nat ap. Vie aoaltkatif rtt?4aa??ad It ia petatatiac l"*al ? diana? ?? ?ttr aa/ aad atai? ?that Elad ib ata. J. B. & J. M. CORNELL _ 19?i K1? *n 143 CEITTRIHT .V T /^TIC Safety Hois?iiff W I IW MACHINERY. ??nu M?TmiM k U.U ?41M t**k**mmt.kteluX ! FALL-1871 SHAWLS. A. T. Stewart & Co. Ar? bow otTeri?? ? I? rye awl raaplsli aswirlmrnt of rORKIOM AND MMOMTIO Shawls, In New Nonl. ?nd Ca?)re Calorlag?. Inflating fall ?ad ??ried lia?? of PAULS l?llO?"!IK OA8HMKRK LONO ASH BQUARK SHAWLS, C1 HAND POND, MEDIUM AND SMALL CKNTKHN, PKRSTAN BROCHE STRTPFR, OTTOMAN AND DENT REP STUIPPS, SCOTCH CLAN AND FANCY WOOL I.ONO AND NQUAliK, DOMKHTIO REP BTHIPKfL FANTY PLAID AND STRIPED WOOL, 1JLACK MERINO AND CACHEMIRE D' ECOSSE. Suits and_ Costumes. Pie*??! Vn??lr1p? )b HII.K. POPLIN, VKLVET, AND CLOTH Suits and Cloaks. PAULS JIADH SI ITS AND lilli MU Ina ti, at ?anti/ of qaalitit? ?nal ?rada-* A tmrg* and Alirartl?? lin? of m:al-skin and ckemh avihaiiiian Jackets, IN ENTIRELY KBW DESIGNS. Frrtb Imposition! ara eoiiilantly htlt j; ad.Ja J to their ttoruagb.? aasorted T?ri?U?a of Carriage & Traveling Rugs, Ini-ladirj MOHAIR, HIML.SKIN, ASTRAKHAN, CHIN? CHILLA. Ac. WHICH THEY WIM SKM AT TUB LOWEST MARKET PRICKS. HKOADWAY, CHAMflKKie AND READE-STf*. LARGEST FI^E RETAIL STOCK (??nts*, Boys' and Children's CLOTHING IX THK WOIILD. BROKAW BROS. <4th Ave, opp. Cooper Inatltate, Latfayctt? Plac?, opp. Aator Placa. Lo lil i Hi Tinsley's NEW IP-TOWN ?O* CLOTHINO BAZAAR, 1,1S0 BROADWAY, COB. 28TD-ST. GBNTS'. lODTMI AND BOTS' FINE CLOTHING, READY MADE AND TO ORDER. JANES & KIRTLAND, IRON FOUNDERS, Salesrooms 6, 8,10, and 12 Reade-st. FOUNTAINS, FLOWER-VASES, AND BVEBY DESCBIPTION OF Garden Ornaments, SI M?M-HOCNV, SETTEES, AND STATl ARY. GATE-POSTS, GATES, AND FENCING, V..H ( ITT AND COUNTRY. STABLP F1TTIX.S of th? m?-t inpr.Ted Lad? aad ol lb? l?it wuiLmai -!..?. all ?! ilaa- (ksSfSSl po??ih1a- ratea. JAXEM ?V UIIlll.A'VD, li. S? IO, and li Itrnde-st. BANKING HOUSE OF JAY COOKE & CO. S.!..-? :! ?? rio.?ng a,' i',a e. 'emuei t Lou by our firm, the demand for Northern Pacific 7-30 Gold ; Interest-Bearing Bonds hi? been larger thin erer. ?hile the eiching* of Flre-Tweintl*?. called Is f,ar redemption m, ii Jail..- incn-aaing. Tbis ?how? tait holders of Fire-Twentiei are not onlr illre to their inte.eata, bat that tbej bar? tbe folle? eonldecee in NORTHERN PACIFIC 8RVEN THIRTIES. THE HOLDER OP A 91.000 FIVRTWKNTT BOND WHO EXCHANGES IT NOW FOR WtfUU PACIPTC8, THEREBT INI REASE.? HIS PRINCIPAL BT 14 PER CBNT, RECBIV1NO 91,140 IN NORTHERN PACIFIC? FOR 91,000 IN FIVE TWENTIES HK ALSO PERMANENTLY INCREASES THB YEARLY INTEREST INI OMB ON HIS INVESTMENT MORB THAN .IS PER CENT, OR FROM 960 IN GOLD TO 983 lit IN GOLD. Tbei? Bondi hate THIRTY YEARS to ran, and ar* ?eenred bf FTRflT and ONLY MORTGAGE 00 th? BRUM RUAD AND ITS EQUIP? MENTS, iml alao on .3,000 ACRBS OF LAND TO BVBBI MILU OF TRACK. With their ample leenrltr aad hieb rate of laterejt, tter? li ao lar??*. ?ent mor? i'ROKITABLK OR SAFE, and ?rt do not bril*** te rseo? mm,] them ?nth tb? um? couldeaee ?iib ?hieb we cuisannded the der ernneat Loani to oar fnead? aad tb? jener?! pables. JAY COOKE &CO., NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, AND WA8HINOTOK. TUE MUTUAL Life Lysvulvce. CoMPAJtr OF NEW-YORK, 144 ty I46 Broadway. F. S. WT.YSTO.Y, President. Safely Invested in United St-tei Government and Jfew-York State StaoJcs, and in Bonds and Mort_\a?e? on Reed oEstaU. Issues, at regular rates, Life, JStv doumvent,IttStaUmt*mt, TonHn**, and all other approved Policies, on it> locted lives. RICHARD A. McCURDT, flce-Prtft W. H. C. 1ARTUTT, Actuary. tOOt R. STUAHT. H?ftttn. TJFFAMY k t, UNION-SQUARK, nAVB now w rrocK kbw ?ttlbs o? SPOONS, FORKS, &c, AT FIXED PRICES PYM 01 ?CK. f* FANCY ARTICLES HJ CASES, ' St I OF THEIR OWN MA.vrpACTrBK STODART THESE IIIHHIII IXSTRI MESTS, NOW MAUR THOf OUR THOKOCOHLT TESTED NEW 1) OCTAVB V'ALB, All CONFIDENTLY OFFERED TO TI" l-l III li' AS UNSIKPAMO IN POINT OF TONK. DCBAKII.I i 1 |>D WORIMANSCir, AND. WHILB WB DO NOT PROKhs? TO MAKK A ? CHKAT PIANO. OCR PRICES WILL BE POCND LOWgg THAN AKT OTHER FIRST-CLASS MAM KACTCBKK8 D. R. STAFFORD Se Co., 0tt4 BROADWAY COR GRBAT ;o.im_?t 3 4 FLATS, 16 and 20 SIZBi. TIIESB ARK THE BKST WATi BES MADR IN THIS COCV. TRY, AND ARB MADE WITH AND Uli HOI ?' STEM WIMIIIC? ATTACHMENT. THBY ARE FIN1SHM' IN THF RTtiT UAOUOO AND ?HT WITH THE ORKATIST A(.IRAC,. AND CANNOT Bl B CELLID ANYWHERE AT THEIll RtSPElTIVE PIUCKA THE CASES ARE ALL OF IHK NKWK4T PATTOMS. AX> SPECIALLY MADR TO OCR OWN ORDER. OCR STOCK OF THE"?* WATi HES l8 NOS?? THF LARGEST, AND OUR PRICES. ALI. I HIM.S CO SS I M. KM). ARB THB LOWBST IN THE CITY. BALL, BLACK & C >., JEWELER** AND SILVERSMITHS. .1?.1 AND MT BROADWAY. 44 East I4th-st. Union-square], UHTK FOR SALB A SlTKhloR AS-.ORTNBNT 0? Ready-made CLOTHING IOK THE COMING KKAttOlf. RUSSIA LEATHER, C'ANVAS'AM) MOROCCO Traveling Bags, the best immun Of VIENNA GOODS IS THK CITY. DRkSSIN'O CASKS portfolios WORK BOTO e JhVVH, BOXES. WRIII.Mj? AM* 1MHU.I- ? PORTMONNAIF.S (?RD-lAiKs. UlOVr. .ND? HANDKEKt lilkP BOXES PCM UT-BOOU Se CULBERT & CO., 24 MAIDEN-LANK WEBER PIANO-FORTES. Proaooae?! bj lit tnt M?ik?l.Ti!eBt. Stalaiilaai. tkt Pnm, O*. mi BEST PIANOS HADE. PrWi ?I rfuotiibls ssd lim a? etty ?? conai???-t ?Ot ?tit****? trntrnoM?**, WAREROOMS: FIFTH-AVENUE, COB. eiXTEBWTH^TH MgW.TO?. j ALEX. M.HAYS&CO.,! 29 Maidea-lan?, Bruch Stor?, Fifteenth-it ?nd Union-BquBi?,' ? Batrascs as Masstt-st, Importen of French (Clofk* BBONZKt, MUSICAL ?OKBB, PABH. tONDOK, AM? ******* VANCT0O0D& THE LARGS8T AflflOBTM-ffT PT THI CCB ELASTIC BELTS, ?TOCKIIO?, KNKK CAM, ANKXKTl, ?a. U i MARSH So Co.'? J RADICAL (TO TBCM OftXCM. Oft, A TjW*. *- ti*9mt Tentktnik tL.tmi Oslrstsily'slsss? W _ 1 =~~s ?P Warren Range Witt HssMlsl Onttd. * timing ?MM* BEEBESRANHrCi ?fern f Aa to ftyro ti tOMrm^Tttffl """__S?_Sal J_WE8 W^'V pmnriTB ?w?lM1l_S_m tm. (OU st*??? ?B* rim** m, tftOOMi