Newspaper Page Text
-_- ^__^r \*>iuioo. ? --.. -5-_T-f-F^r -*-__?_' ^__^/*3'4i __>f*W' <??&^^2?^~* v NEW-YORK. TIH'RSDAY. JAMJARY 11, 1872. PRICE FOUB CENTft ydt \__Ai. OBEAT BMTAD1. ?. BEMOBSTBATIOB IN LIM-ICK. nOSfS Bl'E 1<,M.vv.Vi,', A'--- riiiUi.ii.ity.t.viii.M. lofanxep a-ovtb B_? l***e liutt, aml ??? P' J ?. .,.remeat A nio ,ioni.m.iit,V4h.r,.'. ??,,,!.-. Mr.Butt.tothl ?'?- ? - : inywronnBlnnletadnp ]v ,\T-ei tben__n?ol tba oppt. ed l ' "'', ' ii, . ..- all '4. r. '? ' ? '??' '.' 1 ' tte-arquli ol HaiH-ftoa, CUaf Beoiatary ?"' .TC r>eon niritV f,,r tV.e lab earaonUu Bnglich rallway*. da ot tbe - i Caatle, wl I. nnel, aml 4' ? , llaf tlie cri.s ol tbo * i.i.'iriiHi.-. L.u. botm ? -.>l aviiiitt* -1 I ' ' ' al land naiai ei-ir .4 ajraat, and, aUndrng to lr. laad, paid tbo adminii ? t. tbatoou-7 bad beea e-daeauj QEBAIAMT. )>i> i.n.ATio.Ns wit" TBAMCB. i.-'iaiim, TTndnnadaT. Jaa. ul, I rfarfol Ckmrettptmdent in itslwoe to -..,-, \-- thal tit- ... rman Qoti rnmenl wlabi i rirm.iUy relaUoaa between tlu. two _ , H."iN( E, Al'l ? BOT?fG THE IMI ita 1 .\l.l-?THB BI~DEBP_! I. rn.!-, Wedaeaday, Jin. t\ I ln tlio Narfonal Aaaemblr, to-day, t'i" Com ' ' Ililf i.ilia i , ta' 41 I,., Il *J i of B I'li.-hnti-i, thal tbe laaembly -ly. xiio readlnirof iho il?itb ni"a.?t cbeering Iby tho Blght, I .. tiiM'8 pro ; 1 The i 4 I 0:1 tO - PP ' -l ,'a I tad aad brouftbl before U trial fnr mtiviUr i- ; ITALY. TIIT. FOT_ ANU THE RBVOBV BIStlOTS. ..V. .1 ll'. 10, I !' DOBBCCd the. l'l.pp will Bhorfly aaad aa uitiii.i.fuii. to tb i:- iu .ii. Oatbolle Btabopewbo ? BPAIN. i'l PROGB il Mai,)ii:>, v. It is ii' ,l that Sefior Sagasta will, at taltUn/roi tbeCortea, explalntbepro_T&mmeol ?? iiiui. aad ?wiu <k>. i.f tbe people a d bttweca hia poUcy and that of BeBor 2 I nn: MEXICAN REvpLUTlON. ttAtD ? m,ti: POBFTBIO D.A_ rm: ' \rn \i a,j mr , ,,i \ ri;v?i>i i i \ i ,.i A I?1M> Of T.'lF: lil 1 ,'l I IKaMsj's ? Ti/K r TH): CITT <>y OAXACA BOO?' />> BUT. tygoa ni) Ki'.n tl COBHBvri?oroRWT or the Titinivi; ] ico, Dee. 29, 1871.?The civil war iiiuu v I i.y ti.,- part] "i Pertrlo Dfau eaatbraefl 14.1:1 vuii'!.-' On tbe Utth lait tbla eblef, at tb ef i-._ ? . iii.i.ii' iii.- appear ?-.. in ibe \i, iiufy of BfatamoroB; benee be wt . nu.l urriM-i :?.'! iu-t. at I mllei trom tbla eapll _, iiTrval nt tl t.uil wlth him trt ? :i, ii, ho _ 14 inrj beea Joiaed i irfoofl Bcattered bandi .' 1 :? nf- r, taiaed f,, Oaxaca, B ? Iu all tbl , i.i- (.. ii. j:...:.. . 4411. . i, tnelndlnc eavah ki ln ? la here BfaiB, I . - - i . - ? ?f tx>n i' . -,. ,.,, public; M.r ;, i betbei .? .: fi ? ? I: 1 fnl)adlydlaappol_led.for . rb re oe.ti' el,,.f OU" lat' *^''i? I-iM.iU,,' . ??.irv^Mixt"'' ? " ? '? an.l t,ut tb. ?-, abandoaaa Uhj > ' Utb, apoa tbe appnNMla?| __? 11" f> rtataa \?.??,^,,^''?'? Tm-(. i t Ihem,oi !,'?',;;,r"1 '" Oeba-oe, abotooh tbc la -' i un d pi "???".'?'11"M1;i??*?? .!?,-, .ii; ttteh - llatotrc ('..ntiiiii.t ,'?il"l"*"ia lamHewalj toward ibe city of Oaxaca, ?v.-.w, ykm_**% \ aaaaaaarf for tbe tttga at itiat eav*^ bi" Wm\tt li bj li ciiliirnu fuliiliiiiliiieal \,'y 0 l.-,. <.:,,. Wbo f?>..'..44, "1 tbe a-iK'Hty l,y tbe ii.i.iii.t iin raad. Oa tbe tM laal hootwa fbaad tlu :?, tbi eaataaaad ot Oen. Iwa Luie Mler ol i po_tioa af r-an Mateo Slndihul, . ia i,y aaturc aa exeee<Uafly atroac p and la-'i ? bened hy tb,- revolntlonlata. Ia.ta ? > Bltaebi 'i tbc I'uniiy at ai <-t.t ta o'< at i::..:,-, __il mi .,..,. al it, taikl:.. Ibe place at 7 o'eioek on Ibe Baondaa ?t tbc nd, after ?(,?,,. -""' UA . i,.<!, be bad many aad rn,-;. ,. i, ineludlna Gen. i,,,,, i -eyvB Loa, | waa weaaaeaiaoni ai_.,and ' >'i ?'! a woaad taeaeblea. Thedefeal uf tb. Forlrlatai w;,n eoapletc tbaj left all Ibelf artlBi i raa, prov-Joaa, bait?a?,, mulea, aa I ?aaj An., ti, waaadi <i. i I j - lo ihe band. ul ? ?wa, ,,^1.- '.'. . ' "., _' bl" *rwt trom N'.' all i ?? ;, t'?. VaJleyof Oaxai ? -.v.tii liaoi, i.i g i. 1>" l i' ol ilu City ol ' Btate, lam nernoi nf tbe a aaavaBBBM af tin- nbellloa _ ?***u>?b oi Ixtlan, In te?J> ..i.i.iiiw-d alanre porttoaeT^fra.a_B ba? ai ?MMaawlth Aiatam aaalaal tbe nn^*1" bieombl lim,,i" ii" ii- .: -fr.i l.a of 1', Oen, '^ la tlie t.fii'i-'-' I tba f-OTerameat, aad aereta!.. ','''1 Ifeatawae- iaeapoaxtla Mitb treai l.toou, tm,jT*** imi, .,ti tu.- IMI :i-i., tde>' wera detealed by4_eai Oa-vtece miai f'diiiu, aaalsted hy Oal laaaca 441 comniiaiiaioithH ;??i..,-,,[, ot UBayaastla, wbiebisnoi f,,..t,,.mr,vi,:,1,,,?|Stv .,,?. mmmyBktmmAU ol (.nat T,,r'ZT?*,'Xin?>li?U?,l A1'U'0H> *?? ?<"??"??<?? ll r?i. Ottbl "?: ? ". ,L ' , ,??''"""????? ""1 <-ob>ot:n,lrd .., MM ?...i MB lakca ,, "Kl" " '?*'v"!"t'?"? aer. weBaaBlabeaaflctwa!'KM*i "" n'Hl ,,|SP"""I. bai i>i '4,- 4,r> < ,,-ai y tuM *'"""" ???? ?acapJag.fnd tbl* of tbl -I'i.lll,tli Go-, \.,^' ,'"1 "",|" *dl lll -Utjaarl Btaaloa-n no- ,,i. ,,ur .?f^" '" "; ^ouora aud Ralu ?/ on th. mtm um, ibc w-nJ2!_! 'N'"/"':l:"1 laCMaaaattaekaitbi ta.w? ft,"?lM *?Blb_4l Oare-i% ?t aaaa aaui t- bi u.-iit. wnu Jf*Oabautea, trom m *~~T t-t tbb tepiilmil Ifc ra.u.^Vi',r-v '""' '"" '"' of*;?iviiio Ahaa?aellBcaaaa7brt__ktk* ,,""<',i"'" ewamatm ,,, Alll<Jllto ,;?,,.,,, a, ?"?ir.? 1U0M, llliil.-i _**> ;" "'" >'at. ol .I,,.,,,,, ,? ,.,U" ?>"- Of Tto ___*??'--< ?<*<l*.'Ori.yali,rua,a "J*1 ?-"' h-M __ -?*-'?<? Ih Ibe mo.,,,.alllfc ,? ?___*?-TBlBblBa j^^^0mpwm4B, tb,,, C) / u'". _< .ara ^vante,, M0d t/ll(( Ui; J ^ ;* '><?. J..:,,, t-e lltb. the revoiiitiotaiuy itilU ? "^ ?? '^' Ol u? jjj i^aipan, ,,K_t ? * ('..;?;' J ;-.??? tt. .?. ^??i<PMllttSlg mtMBB.I.TB I"*! their, nnn*, nnd '?' ifti'T*'.'"*' BBatJhOt rehel baad, entiitiiiiiiilt tl I.v '''"'"-'? . , ,,-ied Ui Htiiflon of OnietiiHi-o nnd hrolte tWO Kni*tiiiv il .-'" .', -Mei ?__ ''"* ?_? won repalred, aad lha '.' '^iiin-ii" tn operattoa. Ob tho uihluat., the ,;"1"'1?' ,',?. fitiiiu.'. after ___as?-x__a- .1 Bleta of u , t faltUhii waa BtrilgB- la M-madet tt. the ,Ill>'S. -_? e.'tniiiiiii'l'T Uei.itilini Trevlno, wltb r.''","t!) .?',;?,1 hol.liei-H, who w.-re of .-.t.i*,- liomeul 8'" '???,' , r. i.i' .1 I ii ta * tlie IM.el iitii.y nf Trevino, llt,lv i4t..iiiit.iv iiiiii,i*it?* aome men. ____ wliicb ,_?,,,,..? i" Charcai ln tbe Btate nf Ban l. la _ tlmt from tbeaoehe took th. dlioo ..ii tbe 24tb iu-t. tbe I'.I rai t;.?. , , , , ilu deelared tbe Btate of Ban Lula '., n . i ,t, i f ? iea*.. and toob polll I. ,'l and mlUtary ,i ,,i nu Miiti- in iiini" of inatruottoaa from ???'"?'" ?, CUDA. ,,, -. .-. ' M H.i 1 Mi.M* 1 BOM 5TA1N". Hayana, Jan. 10.?Tht ateaxner llaraelln . -,-. it.i .1 battaU. n of rlfle ,,.,-n tr.'ii'. M'H'i. Tbe telegraph b reeaQl Bai n.. la*. Hi: NEW DOMINION. EA-tTHQUAKI SIH'.'K AT Ql! I'l I . Qtjibec, Ji d. I'1.?a l'.avy ahook of MXth-a quake waa Wl here al _10 o'eloa* laal alfht, laattng Ave -i-.vt!'.. Tbe clUreai \%-**e e*-__*-t-_bly a_____-4_, ?i ..ut of tii.-ir .:o'.i-*-*-?i. The coagregatloB the MethodlBt Chareb wera -er*. moeb exetted htr i,.ii:.n..i.a v .* donc, " far aa ? an lieU_nra-*_. ,. ii ni i_\..i'. tiu -eoaptOraadluaud, Mctle, aud Xlira-.' ItlaiTj. IHL WBABTON TRIAL. ___e_.APOLI8, .TfiTi. 10.?Tho Com. met at 10 ?i i,. , r, d of rrof. H. 0, Whlte, aedaatUt-da i ? ! ? dlfft nnt teata b/tartar . liitric, nnai otber la'ia-. Tim puin of bla repliei tothe ,r.--'Hi'-t IB l.l? opinlnn. ti.e ? _iken ind roneyln thtir annlyalj were Inautll ,., i-ii tbe i". "'" i ol i.u mr-euii tii tl.,. I they did uol _, t ml , f or_*.iiiematter Ifl ibo lub-taace on iii'1'!-;. experi .a iiif.i**i Baltrefl "f Daltimare mn avorm, aad ? _? , __ i. medi. al expert. Tbe byp. I .i-i- lina the Ketei.uiu raa. ;i* pul to prcvious medical cxperl a lt - for Ibo di ti n " v.,. i aubmltted. 11 thi i In his oi - a i .- .i i. . .1. ? . \\it:n aa il.. ti garebla t.iilnl'.'i tlint K. trhnm dled frntn r.-r. lu. ., M . Wit il a;. i - of monit.a-tiv ?'. . -,i 801 ib. .1 i.i'iiiit. .a oue beti -' May. The patleut waa a ht?Jthy, rvbual maa, the witui - knew, <>t jaiaaa-.-ftii I-, >!?-i; tn: inu aod _e_. ihtr bubiti takea unwell on Bnnday afterno.after ro> . ,1 .lu H Wi.lK in ti.-- i nui.i' a. Mn! iln -l i-.i \a i-ilni-e :? ue. Dr. w :ia n v ita e.illt >i ln "? * .'JM for i-.-tlr.ill itinn. Ti.e Wltl ?;.- bj mptoma ntiil pr ign ? maii) yeloaelyrest-mbled ti-.- bypoti.eiieal i aaoua atated hj 'i.a eritui -- . ir bia i.]'i'ii.'ii tbai Kctehuuiwai nol polanti ?' hy eii.t-ti. 4a. iv ti,i-i- i_ia-. i, bv previeua meuical ci WEATBEB BEPOBT. AVai: 1'! I vl't'll * T. ) ' .'I lun * BIGB ai l.l i 1 BB, > a\ -iiim. ;. \, Jan. 10?e p. ln. J Pynoptll ' ir tki i n.t lt. )./.; ' ..(.- /,,.,-. -. The lii.ii.-t barometer rcmaina Btationary ? ..i-i .\i i. Bsa*. a. iln dimlnlab. tl pn ? i baa i illen nnd Ml wourl Vul I.ytol k. .. i,i_m i*,i_,:_ with elearweat her ui." nntii it-i: ti.. ii.ftonthcrn und i.ul. Btatoa, nortli ai.? -i winda ln the Midoieand _asiei_Hi_t( a,-_ithclou_y I r i-,i New-York and New-EujtlouJ: -ani,. _in_* from the Ohlo Valle-rtuorth and wearwaxd. The t. ni- rai ni- li i - ii ten lu tho-W -- i-mippi Vallej. i T' 'Hirtnd li ,>l i I in li tm 1 ll.r ;i !fi. in av.-iitni-i ir..'.. Mon* . The na- d nt M. inpbla ra aud fallen at Na-ilivlili aud toa leaa ex t'.'.a at fittaboi-gh, Probakilitiet. __ b tr. meter a II pn b ibly . ontln ' .11 'llil. III ; .a.lllll a l-t 41 illaN I- .ll'll Wa ? illll* T ? lan i.'.a l. .i I.-.kv -. Danirerou* vali.Ui un na,i atatlt-l I'ut. 1 f.'i the-Ltlautlc .m.l (iiil: Coaata f" liij.-lit. A < KI'KI. NAYAL til'l'lt BE PUKTBHEIl. Jan. 10.?The Navy Depart nif-ut la geaeral ordera tbe Qodluga ol tbe < lonrl Martia ooai er laal fmtir' iiini of Commander aJexaaderH.Bemmea ob . iiii.i ? ? ? ; ua lei 1, * I Al-aee- of I.i* ' ' ' band all 'af theae rbarf-ea bo waa found gnllty, llt:.l t ln Com ' ' -llti-llfi il llllll tn l.t- ..II- ;? 'l.l. 'I f I-. andraukfor tbree -....r.-.. and to !.?? repruaaadetl la a general ord**r by the feocre'ai v of tb. '? In l i i iim Been "I'oiiiiL'* i !-.-in:u?-re li.t.*.!... ii found i bj a Court . ..ini.. -. : .r bla brotbi i ini_- aud lu* ! .'l I 1 .1 Hi. -.,1, "iiiil lli Miiin- i etandi before the Dep: 11 : -...:. : i ? re tbec luntrj ooni li u i. ? ? ti a i.-i ia.- , r i, i ol ini-1.. ?.,,!. ? -.-a.' nta foi dJa ' i-t ?- ni' ',-- tb. liv':il ii-li'.Bt aud liniiiutiitie- of tbe men made dei-endenl upon bim for tbi 11 i .'? iti< ni "f tlit.-c rlghta, and for commonjua* nd Of puniahUia tbem in dlreet vlolatloo of tbe provtaloua "f the law by whieb alone he waa aul borized tolnflietanypunifbmeiitwhatever. Bt i not Iie )uat by auy condltioua and wlll aot be toleratod uud. rany c-.i. tun -liiiu (?', im-i ' of tbe Court in thi i Mi-tiiiiia'i. aot onlj aa i punlahment to Com manuerBemmea butintbebop. iiiai it ni.ia-i.ji.-i a w.i.iiln'r to all wbo, latraatecl i '.< hlin wltb authtaity, Bre, Uke him, found to be ufimiudful or reckleaa <.r tiia rlghta of i...-- who are placed nndei them, und t? alve B runceto tbe and t.. the eountry tbai i, aaii. ii ii.ui'v eatabllabed, wlll b?) ?everely punitdied. Ti.e-, i a n ? mual nnderatand and appi.te the faet that the m-.v t -*.i t*. aad i* ni.iin i.iiiini hy law aloae, Tbai it* nfljoera an auperlor lu anthoi Ity to Uie enliated men only becauae t:,e law t...> ao ^vajed them, and tbat it Ib tb. Intereat ofall ofl *"* _*-*__,tUl Ir'' 'f> ? "' ;"lil' "' kV'*n ?crupi_ooa n i ?'!.'.',::; ;,?.,'''? i' '??? pi-t.u_iad ?'-'' OP COUMfJTahi W i-iiixoToir, .i.,,,. ii(._.Al K ''!'"''? 1 "'"'" Bhowaihe total i,.,L!>, lu' 'I't.-hmu . ployed lu .,'ll-.t,rn ot . itat.,.;,?..? "' '"'*"i.-. ;,', /une ... 1871, tr, i?. t,m .,, ll(iJ''"' '?,. ""*"e'-";','"" Kl." ll- B ..1 l-ll.?? .'. I. I...-1,,,'. ,' , I .1 ,1, .. ' *,', a-.., l".llli>i,, ,. | ,.. . , i- ? ' ""l"ll peaaatl. . iit.m,. ******* ?*?" Vtaoeiotio,au; eu.u Tiu; O0AL ?t^Bl__? g_v__l_ED 1*. llANlnN, r.'lili., .lau u, -. . tii itw___th*. _.___-_, t. . *??T"e troublfl ln 1 '.TK ,,....?.,.? ___? ,.,, ,?, irM","",'a"V'""' """? "in tbe re.iu,.,? ' . Tk*??*? h*vroagreed '1,,,,,,,,,, 'io,,., i,,,,,^,^ ??,.,,. "" M' '??-??.. ''..t,,,:' '^'"?'""?I'^Ml.oav.lct .,,,,1 , "'""' *"' " -iii.-B. ? "?",u,,m of tUt i**moy, baa alg* ' .,*?C_f_Xto_f!___^^?W?^ I 8r. Uroia, M.,., ,(u ','/',,KVN" "*'Kli' f,. j,..,,-,* i,ere ?tS._T" ('''?'i<. Dake ;, fnr Ki.iiM,* c,lv **__**>tn* ?*?**** Mia%ouri ! .-.-.-d u* F.?i-t lt?a ,? |;i||.'1U'!"" w1"" l'1"'" l_ey_B8> I ' l.iiiilii.L* l.url.iio. (Jll r,.,',.' l,lM,"d twoorl'jroedari I . I'Vin''. r' "?"' "" ??"' C,-,''1'1'' KopuWierThe 1 ""-? ''?'*.' -Mtioii tu.- ,7tii r" ?ati-r.*. Itlaaa* ; TBB UTMQm ii.M.,.l(k. ?J'', I8VIIJ |?-, J,,,, |0?Tl ' ?;*?.?-H....,-ba,.,,; pmrnot lun^T01 *? I , *!**eiy um, ?.,,, ?, (?,eiiU.,^ M .'ave 11,1, ( >l ii'"*l.i. 8UK ini; ]*, ,, ^ .?*" ?"? " wa <"=" ^r-O-tW-l0' l0,7Fear" ?'?' '''i?e-u,i,,,.(| ........i.^zy:T','i,,s'?k's^Z Fnimalet?e7ii;;r;::^eV ^vedfn.?,?_. wbile at Mai-Syj; Brtaplc?n waa am. edthal ii" int-niir-l to nalM nway 4i itb bimself. He waa ti,,< ? rt t>> tbc Ipencer Houae, Klaaara Falla, wbere be ?*?* reglBtered under uti a* Bumednamc. He waa laat Beea oa Ulaad by tou Batekecporal tbe brldga, WOMAX 8UFFBAQB. 4- i i'.t.ino of Tltr. MATTO-AL ( OBVKWTIOB IN 41 . SIIIBGTOB _ vi, TOBIA C. WOO-UULL AMMNai Tlll. BPEAKI Wasiiim.h n, Jan. io.?Tlie National Wn man *B Siiirrau'e COUTC? Hon holdttl r< -:n I ii i WB 1 aiiiinil iiKitmgto i iy r.i l.rn, i>in n.iii. i' conslatPdaf alanco numbei of di h g itec r. < tn vanoui 11 itee, wbBc Um aadt onoe roo? waa vr.'ii mi, .I witb pecl ib ra, Ibe larjccr por> i,i,ii betag ladlao. Promlai nt among |tbe d. legatec wero Mra. H. B. Stanton, Miaa Antnoay. Mra. Joelyn Oaae, i.itin. DePoroe, Martba C. Wiu-li, .Mr*. Dr. Man Walki r, V,, toria ' IV. Ihull, Ml ?. B rab J. r?i,.'it.'< r, Mr-,. Belva .4. U ka.I. Mra. -Uzabcth [liad. ii, Mra, Matilda Mi . <bi ol Dover, N. II.; I sinitb of Caltfornla, Mi *, i inlx lia B< s her Hooki r, Mra. i iihla, hl-iir vi l.iiii.ti.i Motl and otbera promtnenl Intbe wotran'a roovement. 'I'lia- ( ouventlon waa u.i,lr,?>- i by Mr*. ll. B. Btani in. Plio r-ald thej w< re a -i mbl. 'I toeom ull x.-.'.l\ and aollclt '.ui Infercbango of vlewa between tbeflrtl lnU-lleeta of tbo country, and, wlth tiil- objeel In eonl mplatton. a aenoral luvltatlon wai nxteuned to all wbo felt an tir ti,-, mi ii:. li ?., .!. to unm witb thi i'i. Tbc . i iovi moi i a-,,. inauRiirati d In order thal Ibr -.-?? l.iirii. ii'iite in lha ad iin iti 'tioa of Ihe nil'.ii ??> ol tlie i country, t? work witii equal leal with tbe men ln tree i ... .i pi.i. iplei ol iliotoiuiu -. i tlie ja.w departuii or w< ? and - nld be ln ? ited on tiu tbe lawa of tbe -ouniry fully ackuowlc.liro .. i.i, d to Iba .\i4 '1, Mi.' ii in.i i.i H-, nt flrat, 4,n' unfavcrable t,, woman'a udvanec menl In tbla eonntry, bul npon tbc enactmei.t i,r tlie xviti Am, naiiiii'tit, wbleb fully enfrun cblied uii aoxea aud .ra. they became more k ?"( iii'iif"), imi fully ludoraed thoae lolnl lentimenta. She furthoratnted that "tblsGonveu I mbled, nol to petltlon fortbi Irriphi - (,?, ucb men n i bad bliberto champloned only the tiithtc ot tbe forel/rn ' nff-i tt' clement of the country, while thoae of tb, irt men were Irii'M rl, bul thi a propi ed to petltlon tbo i uui1 ?" ; be comv . ni. ii iii n. nnii'i "i tbe recent Intiodu ;l i-i,, , i , , : 11..' f.,r tbe > i.ii '."i. Iit-emcnl "f v, , ; woman i, tvi . nl 4.1 . n.itii nt i>.. .11 ? m\t Pk t. ' 1 ' 1 ... ,--.. , v. 11 , . il na for t'i-' i" ,i Ituportant tbau '.bo ... 1 \i , ... ? : ,-rr"t,"l witb ?'? ' ?'? fb ipol .'""" -"' .. i ,1 bei adtin ?- ? . ?? .:? 1,1 thi [,? ?-<? llug promlnent ad oei 1, ." Ml'- .1, -ll tl ',.,.?? ' ' "' - '"' ? Hh the 1 nd ;,ll UHl) ? ' men find wonicn altke.aml vlng full faith 11.1! truth rn, 1 1 !!??> i ii ? : we wlll m 4,1 .? ii-<? t" ni ii.' theeblin, of uomeutoa par ,1 tm ut eqn !',? with Iiien. I , I I.'llllll li- 4-' > "' ?***, 1 r, 44 .-.a ."'.K ' at< ?! - :?? ?? ? ifli 11 i" 11 tbe i.i'-l ,,, , . . . .. ? ? 1. rt tbc li, 11.41 "v ol leel - : II 1 . - Hiilon, I'f " T E. Orll .. ? , 1, I buiru?.u ol ii. 1 ? t-,'1'1 Ive I 'onitull ',?'. , itti ndi l by n . '? .nm 11 inieut* lo tl ? 11. .i.i.' /i.,~ 1 10 n ? 1 nt ; ? ( ... polltieal .-lailiis ?1. ? 1 them; de* < eompll ii ...'in.1 i'a enti incbl emetit; 1. ? >', .<?..? an up 1,,.... 1) a.f tbc i.i.'-. nt f..-. 11 .... i.i .,1 Itho adop iH.'i ,.t ,1 d< iv i ouaUtulion 1 .?, ,i "?? tbe 111 I latltadlua .1. 1.lini'.i'. Bhe waa followed hy Mr. Dnn ed wlth tbe [utematlonal \--oelatlon, who 1 . I Ibal tb ire would ;,",, 1 ;?? '.,.. rl t" tbe ? il ??? 11 man until won j, .,, i.n... lal auu ;? ...iMii eqnallty ivitU man. j,, M itj ' .'. 11 1 f. ,'i''.', '..' nonncln ? all 1 tio 11. ing that mi. ii, iu ] ... i,.'i 11 .,, ? 1 ihe ol 11 iiuaiitiitb n. nu 1-....1. 11 44 ii ever vot. under 1 I aay :...,t ibe ? : hir rlpbt. In pnrau tectlve 1~?' wlna-ii 1 1 bv the nesl < ?>; _11 ii,., , |. , . tvi ? < 1 , vereli on l'"tl> tb,' Ri uubheau nn 1 Di mo, mtle p irtlci for tlu lr rcfi . vi.11 1 :.' 1 I lu ln,". 1- |? II.1 ),.?... h. r ItaaokaT mii'i-'r I 1 thi t ' Triuubullha I tbat tbe Juuiclairy i.'om?Itt. ahould sive ? ? ' ? ' ln Im ('omniiite, rn ,ni nexl I'ml tv. Mm. ll.i ?' "'.'ii .t tbl* , '? ? ?l "i ' b re , \ ? ,, n huu over prejii.lice aud lutob raucv, and tbal woman'a bour ln now (oioe. __________________ thi; tajim anv Moi j i tv iii;i'ii'i 4'i:;< tiii i | i MANY (lI'Mlll.ll. < i a.i'Mli'! i.i: TheTainmany Bociety elected Tne day nlght 190 i"'44- iiniiil., i -, I 'ii- lu, li iu ..',?..r "<? 11. VI. . I'll.ui, ((. orge TleknorCnrtla,WBllamBatlei Daaeaa,Boben BL '.? vair, and Wllllam F. Davemeyer. Ibc newly elected Oeneral CommBtee wai fOr_uUly repodlated, an.l tin iu..1.4. mi H-- lution pa >,, ? |1 ......-??? - ? Ihal il.f-r.- li a |, '. "i ll ? ." > m bai IL.- rai ?? , 4. 1,Ha.II -, ? ' - ? '. in.-. ..t tbla ira| ..'?-,, I tl.e 1 ? ? ? H ? ? Bbi ' Rmi i ? B. '?' at Battbbw i i. ? Aiiu.tM!"' rai Commlttc bad been ealled f.,i I.-:' rily iln.-iiii.,' Ibe ball?lag ereatcd mucb comment -. \ eiiii membera of tbe < omtnltt. <? thn atened t.> att. npl t,< iit.t. i, j" isaaalonol lhe ball, and, ln event ol falllni*, to hold tbe meetlnjt el m v. i,, re. ( IveawlllinB t-i abide by 11. - - aclloaol i ? i.ihI I,, ii,'..,.i ,i iaii ii'.ini tbc Boclet1. THE lllll'. MOUBTAIB EAGLE ABABDOXED AT Tlu* Btenmabip Oceanic, ''.:;, . D. H. Thomp* -i.,i. ut ih.' Wh,!. Sl ir l.'n",:. red ii fi.'tii Liv oi ?,',,"!. after a royagi m 19 .? ng wb , abe ea .?ou:ni.roil heavy weeterlj _ par* tlally diaable? .Tbc bladi ? u' tbe pr ip< Uei ?? ro brokaa oa Dee.%\and tbe aallai i ti ? i li i .oaa ti 11 n-iii- iet Tbe deek ?<?? - <?? ? l.lli ihna.' -I'i'.ii. ao tbnt II witb ? "-'li , ,ii4 tbal Ibe workl > - all ?? m ?' ?? ? aloit, on ' .im. ., lat M: i . ? ? - " -i i i' waa r-'tllt. ,| to lill- ini lll-44C- V l |i i'olora l.'4 i.' It VV UM th '-i.huu.mi I...... r.ijn. Ju ??>-. n.i,. rom i.litaboth i?'ii fm Portlau i. and i" i ,1 ? i.ii-ia lu a alnklUK conditl .., wlti. berdceka almul a i""i under water, and e ,14 , ,i ??. t i,.- cntirelj over ber. .4 boal wm lowered trom tlieOnanlc In eharaeof tbe . i-coiul ofrleer, and Capt. Jarvla, tbe mate, uud Kvc -<-1 im ,i, niii, bad i" 'ii np. i" I." n walata In water f.aini boura,withont tood, weretakenoft*. TIk rabln paiMeii :. i iu iii a mi?? iiiil- >,ii board the atcatner ye*tenlay,and, throuKh i? ' "inniitt. ?-. i>i'.--, .1,,,,- t,, . a|>t. Tlii.II.|.i for hli -a.llalltr.l ailllillit Ua, 4,1,t,, , ,l!,.| DU llllll,.,,,, il. lllll, lli .-lil I i.i iIIK tio ,1,4, 1,1 III' Ml'iltll.llll - BOUTfl CABOLIBA KO Kl.tX. Columbia, S- <'., Jnn. 10.?Jadgc Brjffl ol ""? i iiii.-ii -i ii.r. i ourt, to-.i.-.t. I-., < iv,! a petitfoa i.r aabaaa rarpua la tbe eaac al tbe Kn-Klaa priaoner* Mitctieii Mu ,,;,,,. Appeal V4.,a tabea la Ibe Unlted b,M,,"?''l'i..?, iinirt. TSUBOR/ I'lIK' NtiTIX. mjaalt'omu^ff tliiinc (imiiriinga in Holden, Mo., were <?ivi'.N a.|?t*|:*ook of enrtliijiiukc waa felt at Lan ? Uiiiii in.i |.> i,",00 '"''"'"'? iiBiBi,., ,im,;K, j;r- ?ii'i,.'.,iniii, t,,r, wm knocked offu ? C-artee !?l --'*"' rmuimy, mO iaataatty alBai, in,-"-. ?.. i.ur?,r?_',J'<;>rluii.l'H iliHtill.-iv at rWetaWB, ? ? ? .The acbooBM _? ' L"m- **'?"""' ""Bcnc *?<>*'. futBaaum ,. ..i,0?. al ffaK. Amaden. bvNa Balttmore "'*1' ,.,. "' ??>. <i|* Cmt. Ma- iini ...,,. I ... I ln- t-irmerv an_ ,i. ,,. M .1 emtitk .,.-., -.,. ,,? SagllBi of |f. Ii., in * ,, ,. "-?u*i mmea,OUAWtlaeaimm, ....I).ivi,_lae-i4itt f(ir ?>.,,._ Th- /,?, ??, jamoml ... tttmu ? S5f_*2 a lo^r,, n-portcr for "?" ' """" '?'I'"!!, l-.-ttr,!.,, -J kt ? TbonBAndfl of (ittti,. ml,o Ibe tUrnammtm VaOaj, 'i bv .iuru, ,ti,i ,' "'*'' J?V tlia- flood in """?""?"- '""'-? bwHr.aaatb. ....1 lelachmaDn A Co'b dlatiUan ?t t, av.,. ,1. ,., ,ii ... bu,..?i i... .?.,??. JJ r> ' -Uver_ide, luiaurv, ia.ia.ili iii < .,,,.:,.!, , i?i,,.,D,?. "? ?",'>?,. OUfivt i? ....A Ihiv nl u\ natned ll,,!,,.,,,.- .- . _".-,.i'??V, in ..nnii,;,,,. ,","^ ; ,llvi'i(! near ItUt Hiili Ma l.litr. 'i'livliov l. lao? la ja.L ?"? *??i 'l".r. ....At .laneaville, Wiiie.iiir.iii, ycKtertliv n . MBtrtifr'i tgi ,,:.,,i ul.r mw ahilviD iu,.u?ii ,?,.. , ''>>? I'"'"' I'l.'f. lil -i . Iii.k bii iij;bt irio fii.iu lia avriat tv iii .',' ''f* lu *** ,ii< i il l-u iaoui.. "* a_. Hr ....TV Haan. A. A. Sari/erit, Ifaaber of P?m, aual rivn.i.,,,1,,, (;,?u Cala-afllt, tUftti la Wa-Magiom itlSr af!irt,.?,ii 11 Imi fm ? Sij 1 r. a,r.?.n, blliag aitea iitnat. iu al laru? j-<..,it* ,,u ??? Ua, .1,1'acile llnlruail M ? Iii tin- MaaaucliiiiMitta Senafe, ycaterilay, an ?id*i nt. ..Iupt.,1 lhat tliv I oir luiltv* ob Htllw.ji bt r, .|i.vitij' |? 1(l ajiui. mi, ih. ttymmtom af MeraBag Ir law Ibal yatotagan ta ralleaj I aar. ali.II ln fiva, |,( ', iu. l.auillt/ lu ,,t; fartl ID the r.n v uiatil tlu t*,,, |,i?i,,Ii.| aitli ....-,, ?Qot. Daldwln afkfiolriiaaBaalnaad a proeiam- i ?Haa la ,1,. pmrnykt at lli l ,,nnl ataltt, Ib *' ,d, bv ..,. u ,..,? uk*. |.l...nrv iu .,.?.,?i,, my Ibal furib.r rautribatlua. M -k.lvv fnr tht rtiitf ' lal > ii i, b; Ibr al* diiaitrua. trra Ib Ibal Uliic ir> mantttmaty i ibr duf.iLi,, ra lliv brtrtr __?_? of ibr ?ha.D j,i tflt "f B,rhlfia . iu tb,ar *l,?.r v.rar.l aiia|,?,bi l.l.aill ual Ult tu |riall; ill.'aaU-J ' i,rii.r,,i,,,.lM,u..,|i,r,l,i,liwi., 1 WAiSIIINGTON CIVIL BBBTICE BEFORM BEPUDIATED BY THB ri.KslM.vrs FKIF.NDS. A DUIX DAY IN TIIK SKNATE?TIIK BOtAH STII.I. i'*< i'-simi tiu: oodiaob r.n.i.?iit*.-i?iN o? nra n_4a-___v woB**__ri_a_--nuu_oiJLA?i TIU IN THK KUi;_l>*_i:.N,_ KLU-At? COAt H11 1KK lit *IM>*. |UV 1___a(U--l_ T'l T'ir. THITl aRI \viMiis .fuN, Wedaaeday, Jaa. 10,11*7.. "Stnl.l-eil fn-.iin in theboVUM oi liis fri4*ntlM,r' exclaliu.d a I*.-iiaaiTiitla-He-iiiitnr, rtferriii,.' tn tbe Pr. *i dent, whea rvonator Oaraaatef aaaooaaad tliat he ahould, ,.t tim eiirlleit 0\ ji.irt.itiity, 11 "B-H n a-n-rch on what hn ton-ildcred '"Tlie lahtOt p0| BlBf fll lu.*lou"?Civil Batvlea Rl fni in-'?*-? Whieb o. i*id*itment_ are takea frmn tho offlicra of Ibo Oov.-r ii.e-nt in whleh they ure \, rtad i.y ti?. CoaaUtotloa of tho Ualt .1 Btatea, "iiikI ve-tc.l ln a beari of Bibooltnastera eit tlag ln vVii-lil-'^lnti." i-ttbOOfh 11.1a la tha flral bold d. riiiiiitinii Bf wai apea Clvtl flervlee Refotn made oa the Booraf etthe. Efoaaa by _ay__ro___eBl iap paotm ,t*.,, ii (inint. th. inij.irit. of tliat ciiiti.i m botb Badi af tin Oapll nl hare aai (BDed to axpiaaa, in prlvate HOUiai-BllOB, their co-nplatti fllagaat at llit.liti*. tliem* .ui: t aaaa fle__rl*ad ot pot-waage. T!ie fact ln tbat H tl.o *>eiinlo tii.iy tlnt._, tho _*;ij'*r ity of Coa__*esa are eppaaafl to nny ahaage lu ibla re.unl, and don't aaaaa that lt ahall tukc jiliiee; ahflC. at thO IBBB! time, tbey lmpeil, tn n thi- wtcfla of OB. al tlu ir i.u.nber, by Intrryluir, lu ti.e Coniriils-mui -ir.' t. poti elOM tii"il tin: heels of tii" ref.ifui dehato beffoBi lha i ?' e," tn take thewlod frotB tha a_il?"of B.icb ean.i -t ri-i'nruierH a. Trutnliull, Behon, ei-. Hut tho " avind" Ii-t-t b.-en too Btroag f'-r tliem, nntl UM ltiinilritakabl.j -BdtOBttOBa iim tho pragraa_aM lald cit ie tii appcaao tha popalar oj.inion artth a (.ti civu BarrbM aattotm, aad i*alaatBhe_mbUa_edfr__o tinn- to tituo by tha Adiiaory Board, whlla it ta . < a. rall) uudi.ftuod tbat BO _BWB "-l.nll l - ullowe.l to get tbrongh Oeagrea ta aaahla tha Pwaldaat to toahe ii.r E__onatthtogaf praetlee. IheAdadnl tratlofl lato be fnll j ei.-,i.iiiitt;-tl, in worda, ta Clvll8aelloeBeform, ttblle tf* frienda In OoogtetO ire to j.rev nt any BBpat BB ?tltH fro-n lf. In ,.".'i.rl..i..'." Mit'u tl.Ii iirnKriiinir", tWI .. nf Ull- il't.l-.- I'i-.ll .* l\l. . .'? liilllltt.'" .a.i" jir.-'nt fo-iliy, nt tbo lliiin tho regutar lutfctina.' *,v;n e.'l'l. Wlll tavo nr tbree exoe*itioli3 ti." i.i.'...'.n if the C___Bltt?*- appear lo taka bo real iu ti.e labjecta referred ta tlu tax, Xhe ? in tbe Roasaeepeclally la rtiwaalyad-rerae t.i t-i. ii ,i-ii)_- nifir ta the dheetloa of ntc-raaa toeaael tatolawtho n_tal_tlooaof IhePreeid at'ai ? - . Brtaa i'.ii fot lhat parpoa**, it will ba tai L.l i.ya iotge, m ?.! -ri'-y. H_a*eeeal Iad. : .ul tt. in lp af the Deaio tbefrlt ndaofEef .laiwoaldac. baaaaieroB aaaa b io I'-t.i iii'- V'-H" !?!.'i i??'.'. ?. alled uii'iii thalr Mlla Ibe Beaata ipeet the btytaroaUae baab-eea, aad ad joara. Iearly. Co bto n-orro . II la under Btood, Wlll b ? a v, ry b!tt< I Uw ?<? B tp ? whohavedar. I to dl__**r wltb him md re,wbo upln t'lni. the BepabllcaBpoliticaluirtohluf. aad will j..,.!.,.il laad to ,i M-ty Hviiy debate. Ihe Mlat aadCotaage Lawa. ? ? I - ?- bill waa dla i>, . lofiatha il."t - lo-.iiy, after two -urara further di i'liu , by it-i tMBB-tav nt to tha Commltl ??. Kneb dla Bi.itir.iii. ",'.'i wai mn!..I'l-ti'd ;it th.' f.H't thal tlie bill WBB nol, as it pvportod to be. b Mmpie eodifl it.on.bul i".'i talned ncn legUUtl4?i,t-retob_Bh_BgoBe new offloe, thal i.r _*ii-4-torof ai. the Klate, aad laena lag the ,,f .cv. ial oid eaee. Tbo debate waa naaiiy ,,:i upon Ihia feature af tii" bflL Kr. Peraaado Wood, bowever, wandercd tromthe ratriect int.. un nt t.,t | upon ibe Bt pabliean party, whtcb ba eharged *.*? ltu rtng the rovaaaee pf tha eooBlry. I_tol*roBght aplfi Dawealaitvply, wha aald the Bepahllaaai ' tl.. ii tltlev?l I" the lVrlt.-iii nirv, While tho I)i-i_ii*i :tte eleeted th. irs to the Le-t-ijtur.'." afr. Wood ratorted thal ii all the thlevea aiaotag Kr. Dawaa-a poUUeal aa.',. -..l.t lo |lM 1'etiiti-lili.liy, ti.e Ht.tto Prlaoaa i - the conntry would not hold ii btn,tlrt-'ltli jiart af them. Tl.'.s wny of BrgUlBg tim miiit umi eolaaga aueatloa proeeaded in> farthar, Mr. imaa.-B" aa i.-j.iy. Kr.IhwaaeBd ef Eaw-Yorh ?eolded ii"' n.i.-i<i ftmraatlng ttBM iu -IbbthbIih tim I..-M-. detaUa <*t a aeeleaa bto, while t'te graat eoaaa. ? : 1.. i "iiitry were euffsrlBg fnr waal of legla* Ho inovial to <!< i..|.it.ite tlie hlll I.y .ulkinu ont th.- anaetlag elaaae, which waa ctrritti oaarote by t.-iiers. l ,it it.-t on ihe Yeaa aad Eaj ?. Bah le-quently ilr. Kelley, to aara the l>m, whleh i to gala no frlenda la tho eoir-,- of th. .: bate, rnoac.i ta aead it baek to bii tmacualttee, wblcb waa doae. J I coatealed eleetlon eaa. o. (Ui.:, ii. i (ilddlagso eapled lha real of the dayvaad waa si tn.-1 ?? :i lato i oar by tlie adoptlon of the n - ii poi t l bj i ?' ? .".'y ot l ? "i.i.ii't.., ai. - Clarktobai r" prtaia foeie rlghttotb. Ji. Il'iil B " !"'?' 1 t;..t neither ronteatant abould t>e iriain a m at. . v.itb few excepttona, a Kr. ( li I* in Ida t'i" t- 'ttii ,-i'i', bai tie rr ii Bppe-ded ta It a atatetaaat ut tii. atti i"ii-',i'.v whleh ltap**aara thatQttldlugi rat-elred a large B__Jorlly. Tit* Ooreroor ii>-'iiit-,.* tho roteof aeveral .i,nii..t*, where be laya tbera \*.i-s fraad aad vwleace ti. lavalldate tbe poll, aod tbaa flgam ,i ma Im ii v , i i,-; ii rotea f.- Cbtrk. Under tl ? Texai Ele. tion i ir. litii.ii il ti.e Uovernor waa bouad to do tlu-.. Tbe Woreeater, aoa n ai y equlpped at TV ton for _a*Tf hlp of tbe Morth Atlaatle fleet, lo plaee ol tbe Bar i-i ii. tb tn. bad ir.on thi* il" i ..irly ln October, wlll toaeh ,-t KoiuIb. iu ;i leaa iluyn. wben _ee, iu roraied .: tbe rtewaof tbe 9*ry Dapartaa at, alll leave htherlhrhlastattoB, The Coogr.?**, dataehed troaithe Nottb Atlaatt. leel Ib Kay bi .t, aad boI amm attaehad to lt, waa put on *i" L.l -titi.t' bj tha Oecrelary ot tha N.iay to iiitry Mpptlei to tlie i'oluri-, BBdklBOWaenl ta the _uae eompeteal aatbertty t" ki*'- ooarey, a aad niilini.ry detall of duty, to tlu- Horaet, Wbleh, i-iiii'i- Ini I'l'iii'ii'd l.u.illn.-tu .ul... l;.-i Wmter, baa beea, it- i* ofltctally hu.i pahUely kaowa, aaeaac uiK'V wat. i.i-d untii reeeatly by Bpaalah eralaara al Port iin l'liuee. Tlio s,. retary of tbe Treaaui \ wai t" tl e Houae to-daj mum ini, ichiini. in,-I ni iti"ii, oio i'1-lafl tbc auspeu loo ,,f (.,11. Ill' io, ll l,ol.llll-(IllIHM(-l Iiid lliaal'llIMIl-lOtlli'ir a.f tin I'ra ,? iiii"!i'< Bareaa. li appean rr. _ tl. ii tpoad. in ? tranamlttial Ibal Lu Bi pteaabai ii waa aaear t,1,1,1.1 Uni'," ii bad "ii depoetl ln tbo Treaeorj tbe nini .,t ?:1! .'? .'. II, vtlnii be clauiiirt lo hBVC > :; 07. l.en. II,,vt anl WM tulli-il ou lo > \ pI,,,,, ui.- larga aUarrepaaey ln tba accottnl ot bi-. (ii-inii -im. o?4.1. aad, in a l. tt. r dated < >. t.:, hc . i,.,i tbat ii.."?ii bad i", i, aii"44.,i t? laTeattbaaar plUB fllliil* of thi' Hiinull lll l'nlta-,1 BtaB I Bl N m IttOS, an.l timt tn held aptejtet ia leg-terad boada depoaited la Ibc Ti.a-nrv, ai., 1 IMJ00 la BBBipaB l'"llalri depOBttCd in a Waablaaioa baab. Oa 'i.i- latlet tho teeretai- ofWar ?niiii.- an iiuii, rr-.iu. nt. ta, tii,- cir,(t tbat, la bb) opinl. tbere waaaat tbe MlfbteatdooM n? i" tba lacpraprletr ot the traii-aotion. BaDflChl <"vn MtflaBatlOB WM timt ba intamli'l ta, MB the money ha |0l M Intorct (? ?abe foad tin- i<.?Hei aaetaiaed i,y Bt_oara of tho Baiaaa t.i reaaaaaf BrraawaaBfaf-BBSdael haaatlM ead other (laiiiia inieii- bf tiiiin Ba aajt -had ha laveated Ibc i.i..i..y aith tbe appravalal Traaaarar Ipi-aeraada ,,,.,1 < m.tii,ll.r,. ml: iin'l fcOIBtan I5"nl44.'ll. lim letterofOct, 4. t? leerntaryBeftaap, i<ayaa tbia Btade tn, nt i- ,-orri'ft M l-r M the ?* ou.l Cntroller IBCM niiiail ll.illi,. la n.iran.l. v.-.t ll.'ln dut.V aaa 1H - t.lir-l IIK i.tiic, i on ii, i '.', lad, rn "?'' r- ,iui-t of leerotary Boat 44.11,1,. WM i,r,i.r..l IA r.Mute hl- iiccotint*. ?lt-lrjiii.^ wlth the li.tei.rt be baal IBIBlVll BB Hui.-ju tiiii.lM li,4f-t.,l, mni to llt on,.- ro, oiiv.rt eaab lafBBlaaaali laM aarraaey. it niai>iar? tbat tblfahu.l been done. ai.-l tbat tbc l.BlaWl BBIIBBttl WlU ioou t..' Qoa. BaUOOb'l frleu.l* *.iy tbat tbo Oorenuaaal wlll aot lOM a d-llar ?) hl* traoaactione. ItappearalToBi Ibi nuiiMBiBd.Biie that OaB.Howard had rmi kaowledce ?t tbe ..-.- bn. auboralinata- w.., mi.k lai .,f thr 11,1,,-aii fiu.iir*, aal bBBieni tt Moaoada*. Tbc i...rt.uit i?,i.,t in ibo adau - th-t Balbwb, af bia ?'VA". aak_owlad?BWBl, latiiaii- lo une tb.- hatereaiaaa .iiiiirta-r ?f ? nuuaa ol (i,.4i rniii'iit iniiticv la rattabana blBBBalfaad oiiai Baiaaa tttaan tot laamt aeoaatoaed by Ibate payawaii oi htgad laaitiw for bouutje. of coi ora.l M.ldi, ia. TU ii,,,.,. AppnprtatlaM CbmbbMIbc ara now en BBMdaa tbe I.a-i-lHlivi. Jiirliciiil aml Kxeeutive blll. lt ih likely tbi- hlll wlll bt lediioed BBBM froin MM X laat yoar. Mr Pabwor, fai ibarB" et Ha Mfcaad Mr. MBBBC/la BbBBnjB of tb.- Army MB, are iKarb ready to r> poit. Tlu- B,,,ir?|,rlationH for tbe Mtt* will !?? about the ?__,., wllUe til? tunMT wiil I* lucreueed. owlu? '" tbe eatenalon cf tbe aervu-e. From lu '"riiiation furnlBbed tbe Committee, it appeara ?ad C.107 u.iii M of rallway aervu-e BM been laliled lo tbe VomHiOM* debt durim lt* Xomt. Mr. I1..I.-, who hivi the Navnl A.aprnprl.itioti 1,111. ha* npnrly erm plaM lt. It ta urKod by manv -MMbtn HBl tho OPpTO lirliitioiis for naval piirjaoseri abouid beat len.t doabled, in view of the compllentloim pirMtble to arI??<- witb Hpnln, but UM <"oti:nilttco wlll not tBeroaM thoir flirnre*-. WIuu tt,.- bUlooBBM up toraetioa la tho Boum, if the faine at tte ol ? i' raezlata tben aa now, i itninn i mii t b made to materlally Inereaae thr aHowane.. rrom i ent IndlcatlonaGen.Oi nl. i'l wlllhave (l>- acvei i Ul bpnrrrprlatlou biln out of tbo way at a mueb - date tin.n aaaal. The C'oinnntt.e on kmmlta, wlio were laatrWb 4 by Mr. Hiinnkra'n roouliilBT ob M<.'ni.ii i v-r m laveatlfate thoeonditionanrt BBIiaajBIBti bT Oovernmrnt ofil i ill aad "ih' r oeraona, of aMbtra wlth (ho Chootawa,Cblck_ Mwa, Cberokeea, and otber trilx , ? llona, bunda, or m <ii.,.nml tudlana, touehlnc ,ln- lubjei t of aanuitiee, pcn ?tona, i.ouniy landa, and tbo moners paldunderjn i . .mi'iiiKi,!-', wlUcommenoe; onc . ..n i A delegatlon froai rin. irnuti ii hon Ibr IhB purpoan ot arglng tba ffattonal BopabUeaa Oo-nMtteo, wbh* Baoeta toHnorrow,toaaleet timt rlty as tho pl.ico for boldtng tbe n.nv. I'Mim. Tbo v Hav that rinelnnatlh'i*nmp!i*li'i','l aceommodiitlona, and the lar*. I hall in tbe country, tbe n "i? -' limjrcomfortablv lOfiOO p.'.tpl.'. Tbe cenuai locallonof tbat city uugbt, they think, to canae lt to no h. le. ted In preferenoc to Philadelpbia, whlcb la .ho oniy otber place maklng an iffort to obtata ib.. uw* ventlon. It la boUeved tbat Clnclnnatl woatiha -in', were it not tor tno known preferanoo of i on adelphlaby tli" Preildeut It waa curreiitlyri portea at iii" I', to-day, among poUtldaM. tbat aonw otherqueatlonaof national Intereat. bealde tho dme a-a i i.i,. ot li,.iiilnx tbe Conventlon, will.Ilecuaaed at tbe o.ertingof tbe National Committee Promi ruorobcraof the Commlttei wlll,however, preyent aay action exeept IhM tor whleb tbe Commituo m i lOBBBB-t l_?B DW-TCB.1 _r. Abet?an bairetlred trom tba attke ol \" (.im-i.ii, .uni Mr. vs'iiii.uiii to-day loriiiiuiy Basaiaed i oftbe Department of Joattea. Ibo tot?er wUl learc on frlday Baorntag torQoorgla, He hadaionx ln ?ii>,.'.4 witii th.- Preaident to-day. Thero la oonalderable Bpeenlatl ra bi to wbether Mr. _bemaa wlll hc retalned in the (rovernment servlcc In iome otber Importanl po*N Uon. but no tutlm-tiom rrom anyoui. iai guarta. bave n ?< ,i I,, ?.,.? in reference to lt. . The Preaideat was ebitti to-day by delegntlone ot eolored men, wbo uro advoeattna tli" paaaaire a,f Mr. B.imni iv Bupplement?ry ri4,i Blffhta blll. Mr. John Cook made aapeechto Hm- preaident,Biviogthevlewa of fii- eolored jk-o'-io ,,n Mr. Bumner'a blll. Be Mked, lt conalatent witb h_ ld< ? ?' Pn ildent would Mtid a meaaaga to Conitreaa aakingfor thn i" i - "i ameudment t" tha- peudlnK _i i blll. The Prealdenl repllml that incb action ? ild i.,.> ? tbe p-aaage of lhe a.ty 1 iw, aii, ' i,i- kiiowledgeol Mr.Bumn r'i ,1 levedltcould |i,i-i. ,,.i ., ? m< rltaaaa icp iratc mi i lure .'.a ,,iii. i.ii itatemeul nnoas n thi lnnd conei iijotu made by Con ?toB ite andcorporattouafor rallroan u . .,-,. |y : Eatlmal ??' ,|'i.a I'lfi- s embraced In tho ium'* of tbe fttaata, total, W7.460.031 acreij eetimated q-iaeiitv wtrlcn ti?- companlci wlll .e fro l . ?,, ns; nunih r of ocrei certlned an i pati ul. 'i up t,..iuiia' 90, 1871, 18,99 i.901 ICI ?. Ibe Hon. F, riiiiiiilo 44,,. a, m Cbalrman, wlllraila . .,? m ', iton and i. , .,, , , ,|,. naii ,,, the Hon ot B nr? itativi ? u, _i , ul .'?, to .i'i i .'.i ii.- , altuatlon. An . . .i | ,.. , uplc ia ii"i i"i," Biplatod. ? m XLIlD C0N0BE88?2o Bl i NA--.....W?.Huro-tn , Jan.) Tbe Vicc-Preaident Bppointed tbe followtng sjaociui Committee t" tovoatlaate tbe ebargei i senator Clayton: Meaara. Wrigbt, Morrlll (_??.), aad Borwood. Mr, ((t.vKiaiN,; (?ip./B. T.) prasenteda petltlon for ti,,- Ladlea' Unlon Be_ef Aaa. clatloa, Mklng that provl sioii bemada forburyli.K at tbe pubUc i I ,,,., |,Hr dylng ln i" >',"'? Al ? . of i ni/"i'H of Bew-York, praviuK that ',ouiiii land mnda i, | iven tn claaaee ,>f lobiu raand icaiucn eqnully m n torioua wlth thoae 441?, I,u4<- recclved Uieuitbut lur wb m 111 in. 1; '?.!- ln ? Im ,11 made. -1 alao pi - mb ,1 a v '':l.' ? i iii/.'ii-oi ii.-a.t__: t, a-fcing reliel from 1 |K)IH '? l< >'led .? 1.1. tbej my, eoutrar) to a provl ilou ol ... CouatltuBoa. AI.MITTfN,. 'II'IV'-I Ta. V I T l-.'IVT. Mr. ctMl.iii'.v (li. j... r.-iiii.i. from tbe|Ci>mmlttee on Forelgn Bei itia.ii.", reported a blll, authorizlna I te S. re tarj "i War to adnilt ix Japaueae youtbi, tt) be lelecti 1 by tbe Uovernmeut ot Japan, to the Mllitan iVeademy. ut \s,--t Polnt, without exoenae to tiiu Unlted Btati u^Kl?,l it- tmmetllatooonalueratmu. Mr. THUKM_-4 (Dem., Obli) iiio'ifbt tb" Mli nnwtae. Tho w.-i Polnt Aoadi my, lu. Mld, 4. .1- aol a pay Mbool; iu1 cltlzea ,,f tin.uiiii-y (a.uni .-(-mi hia aon t.i tbe .\. .nii-my by m. r. ly agreelna to pay bia expeo in-1 i4>- no rf aon why forelgncra or a forelgn Goveru ua 1 1 -tn.niii li n*e the iiriviii"--,'. Mr. CAMEBOB remarked tbal tbe Qovernment ot Japan lu. 1 reuueated tbla aa a apee laJ laim from our Qovernment, and be thougbl lt would be uot only cour teotu but polltlc tn KTnit lt. Bealde 1 precedcuthad 1 i-.-.i -, t 1,4 the iwitiii ?ion of Jap_ueie L'ad ta tothe Naval Academj at dnnapolla. Mr. MOBToS (Bop., iud.) thougbt JIt wonld ba seand pollej f"i 1 be I.U4 0I niii' nt (,f tbc L'nited >r ,'.-.i to a'.in? .i.', n .tn thu reqm -f ur tl.'- Jap 1111 se U011. nm, nt ; aud that there would be no obli^a^on to tolloa thepreeo il. :,i ln ntber ( Mr. si'MM... ii:-!'.. Ma -.;'!? tbt tbia an exoept ?? Itll i!i" i> rpK . f "I 1.1. .la|...'(-i- '..??. i'uu.i ut noed nut L't- i< ;.:,-,. prc ,. Ii :,,. bfter fnrtber dlacnaalon tbo blll wi 1, nn.1 I'livniK '? ?? ii 1... . .1 ? ? ? ini time, Mr. V1CK?B8 (I'vu... Md.) " 'i", ted to Ita 11. nl readlng, and li weat over. 11'!.. I. li. I ;,'- 1.- ..' LATIONI tjKI.'oKaTITl . luN il . Mi CAKl'EXTEB (Bcp., Wla.) oflered tb j.aiiit reaolntlon: 1. . IM tVr? Pr*ii.|.-nt , ?, ?i. 1 11 aud . ? ' ' Ir-' BOI 111 Ml - 1 for. aml wliia - ' I , | ' .:a 1 ,?? I'n ' it 1 nti , in Uo ( itan-Iia _arratjalati.nil.ifti :i , ?'? t-, relievathi ! ainu I.. tr.vrn. IL? t'oai ? "I ',.. ..r .1 ymck Baaiuauiti'Jii* ur ' Mi. 1 4J.1 i,Mi;i( -1 i-ivo notlce tbat I Intend to eall thlaupal nu 1 ,,ri> day fo| tb.- purpoae ,,i aubmlttlnu ha.iiii 11 iii.ii 1..-, un the lateat political delualon, 1 "ClvllServloe Baform," 44in.i1 propoaestotransfer tbai patronage ,,r the Uovernment trom tbe odtcera upou v bi.m tbc1 Conatltutlon coafera ii ;in.i glvell toa board 1, ilttlngln U'u-biii'-iaiii. Lald over. Mr. POM?KOY il;, p , Knu-i.., Introdueed a bii , ui, 1,1111,-1, Bila to -ii mn icttleri un iin.- public laada. BUli were i> taaed aa f" lo 'I'i, ],r.,lai!,il tl.*- r.iivutiaj'j a,f loloit.. di i'laur,'i I liv rluiin i^.'Dt. .nl i-(..r.,.'i-. ,. . Uw dlMOBtlaaaM* of eerlala ifra,:.-- id Um auliury ierr. i,r. B.a ? ..r,..iaiT anl IVlfODBr, 11*1 t/u.i.. rua - ?. 1 ' 1 lUIHai I'lUallll inr ll ...... ,1 UiKj . ui ni >> ? n,,1. IIOUSBOF BEP_B8__TATfVE9. Tin Jl 11-f iisiiiiiiil ihe eoMideratioa ?. tht bill ia'p( ii. 'l yeaterday, revlaing Ibe lawa ralatlvi to ,1 a innil,., .i-.-:'.. olBoea,aadeetaaga ,,f tha Ualted f?...tir?. Mr. Ki: .I.Y (Bep . I'< im.'. '-a tio ra'ported tbe bill, mude exolauutioui m reaard to it. Mr. WOOD il'.in, N -'?>. allUdlBg tO tbe pn-ltloti fiiUeii yi-ieialita hl Mr. Ii.iaav-. BKBiuat the ii.i-nn? of nilia i ii'-aiii.-i. ?*. >_id tbat ti- ? I" "i'lf were niot- aaxioua lu regurd to tlie integrit) and ahlllt. of oftJ , tla tii .. ... i. .n.i to tbeir rompenaatloa. Itwaa aa eiicount-ring . _n i.i ih. time- tbat pnbtlc iitt.iitn.n waa now ? ? nb 11? fhi.f aubjerl Tbe rapori ol the Committeea on tbe . a.l *i rvlee i-i i.tiu eoBUiaed ii.?- aatoaudlng itatemeiu tbat, in nuii.n? 11 tbe iitit-ul itinn ol tboae who had made d i ni. ul -iinia- of all tin faeta. one-fourtb ol tbe n vt iiuea ni tbe i uiti ii sini- - were aauuall* lo. t m U..Ib i I n. Hedid nol believe tbat Uotieatyor dlaboneaty aaii* .-oiillne.l to eilher p.illti.-iil --..riv. Imi be II auapU-ioua thal tbe |m-..|.i. .ti laal detei niined tu hold llil (,,,a, Tlll llllll ln lilf -.lllftfl rfaiJIOUailllallfa Ilnl ,l< i-niii.t.ii'ilita. ii the -rentieman trom daaaaebuaetia (Kr. Dawea), luatead of bringlng up a diaouaalon -i- to the aal n le* ofoffli mi*. wt.ui.i oevoii bta'at-tllty aud lntelll*r_uee iiini power in tin- Houae iu eflbrtrng a aubatautlal refoi m ii, the' Ivll ni a a..-, be would .il'-' t a aubstauilal good for which tbe oouuti. would iimuti blu, aud ne brait-h of tbe c.iuniiy iiioie tiiitu tbat repraaeated bytha ha-. , Mr. UAWE- (Bep., Kaaa.) aald be deeliaed te follow Mr Wood in tIi.ii inii! nt dlacuaakm, bul remarked thut | tbe Kepatdlcau party aeul Ita tblevea to tbe prolteo tlarj wi.ile the Deruoeratle party aenl it* thlevna to ibe l. KiMlalure. [Laugbter ou tbe Kepubllcau aale.) Mi \\'Ut*l> i-elorti-d thnt if ..ll liie tlil,-v-t-s in the Re diiiiiiiitii party were to be atal t<> tbe Btate prtsoa, there were aot Btata pi_*-t-aaeaougb Ib the eoaauy ui iu.i.1 one-baadredthpart?-_theoe. i-am-hti-r ou the Deaaw ' Afier a Ira* fllaewaaloB on tha aaaaMaa ?f aalarlaa Mr. OAEFIEIali iii'i'i.ii"i io Mr. KeUay to eoaaeal lo unra tbe Imi r.. ontiiiitied b*o that tbe aubjvcl of IBlarlea liiii-ht iie umre hllll KM.-i'l'i'tl. Mi. KKi.I.KV K.nd be would not objeet ultiuiul.-l.v fo the reeaaiiii.iitiii'nt of the Nll, I.ul lu Ihe liifi.iitiuif lif would eadeavor to paraaade tbe nat_*__-> that la the matter of aalarlea tho?e propoaed wltb tbe bill were iiio.i.ture and luojier. He araaed ea thal Bolattaeos* -nlii.iiale tlfiitii- He wa* liift.rined by the Tn-ii.-ur.-i thu- tb.- utmoal iti--ri-?i_*i of tbe com whu-h tbe hlll woulil Ina olve wus f-.TUO, aud for tbat the \auikin_* of tbe Mlat wonld be uiii.le t vetcruHtie aad eflk-tt-at, Ine.n el iviou be mov.d t" rteommit tbe bill to the t'ouuutttee un ('oiintire. After further di-BtaBfiou tbe 1*111 waa n i wiuuiitted wlibutit iiiatruiii'.t. A . UUI i HOM TiA a* Ti.e llon-.- tbaa took uo tho ewBteetod eleetioa ca*. fro'iu the llld Uia.riet of Te__a, the ri jioi t of the < oiu inlftee OB I.le, IltlliH beiu"" tbat W. T. Clai-W had tbe ?rwMa/arlerlghl to the eeat.nud bIioiiiiI bo sworn ln wlthoui pre|udlee to aay eeateetaal; aud the luinority rt [h.i l ...Iii- tbat li. V *.. al.t t i.a--. la . i.title.1 to tbe aeut. Tbequeatlou tuina on'Ibe lut.r-.iotutioii to he -clven to the .i-itilnate of liie Ooveruoi, wbo, while certlfylng Clarke wim dulv eleeted, a.bla that, ln bla oplulon, tin- iiiiin(* liiv-rularltit-M und i.ia-t.eiu ? ?- nf fraud aud violeuee- durlnif tbe ilectioii would rather warraut a new eleetlon Ibau the giuu-rof aeertMiat, t-a cifh.-i .uirty. Aflei aeveral a|*e?'ehi-8 for aud aga.uat tbe reoort of th.-Coiiiiiiiltff, tbe i. lain-i.a i im tin- i.|iiii>*i of Mr. tiiiriic wa*. iuiopted- Yeaa itw. Boyato?eori Mr. Ctarba in. a-. oti it iiim*. if nml hi-. -u ..i ii iii i.? u me uii Hpr. Mr. Kiij.ri.1 wa* alao awoiu aa lvpieeialutiiu lioui t'all lorula, Attjoiiriieil OUSTOM-HOUSE ABUSKS. HOW THB DIPORTKB 18 OPPBE 3ED AND THB CIVIL BEBV-CE COBBI PTED. BEIZma MriiCIIANT**' BOOK8 ? 1 'tl IWIPItD INTO KKAll>*-1l v illll.' :t ( AS--?BBIBIM ' ' ' ?'* TI!F. CLABKB BKiar/BE ?Ol - '? **' |____SB- l.Xl'i.Kii.??? loaaa algaifcaal evUaf waa el erdajr. by tim _V aata Ca **** Hooaa. Prfaala hqr* a,?laa md wbb\ - ? *?'": '? ! ? - .. ..'. ,,'of th. booka of bi Urto, and nn attcioi't to aaei.i totiritotoot ' .apao**:.-* araca altiaaataly aaiUrely bJ *ai Mr. Payaoa pald aotblaa bal eartaga cnbial but tho ne a a-itaaaa, Bara Wbea-der, ? ' ' an.l cofleo inipnrter, paid heivily t.? P-Oeora a acttlement of tho ekarg I r.i. ot bIbl Dofh th. i. i-i- n wera Tiettaaa "f ?-. Jayaa, afd bo** aflimied tbai tht j wai ? laao. - ito. nuy intont to d.fraud tlie Oovemtn. nt. aad ??'?' ccrtain ti" i'l.mmi irrc-(iilari!' - ? ltiii'iil into aHaaapta ou tlu-lr part la ??.?. John I). Tt rry, oue o_ Mr. Vm :>!?? tez-.i, mado a vlgorons attempt toprove then wcro-oliTevruli-itii-flatt'tiea cle-lion in tbe Afc-eDilly Dititiicf, as aBegad bf pn ? John S., a Front-.-f. Importer, ?? itifietl to p;iyiti_* twt&JOOt to compromiae B eaaa la whieb B valuation ot 0, qiiantity of tilierrv wi_M W*BB ? il BI. i,; Tho witiu-aa de-iied tho aBegad aadurvalaa and aatd* tbat the money araa paM ta i prompt retom-f ihebookH aadtiiewine ... i.-.-.l.-.-? tho btismesfl woul.l h.tve .ufiVr.-d he.-ivilv if Ib'-ritif'tl th.'fitit'nt"''--i'.\ !?' i i Bl I innoccDto la Court. JobaD. McKeuiie, a tea i i piutui. tiatlinil tn tbn lrm_nlnr****-- I w.:i-!..r*, to tha bribaty oi' er.iry clerka, and to l ?" compronii-o. for.-B'O.cOO, ofa.:i*..> wh.i. ' .Tury ht-lrvithnt'eof afrotidof iiinie tban |130,00O. II,-uf." P. Cliirko f-*ave evidenn* a*. tu the a I ire ? ,{ hia placa, npon chargea a ra a. I '. aad tbo ec-weqaext. nrfa ol bia aaaa Gen. 0"<. W. Palmer, ex*Api_-i?er, __?? macfa ltifert'.iin , tenti-'iony fl* to P favoriti.-m an.l proaeiiptl "i in Cnatota-hi l.uaridaneaahowed E-tatdentGraat an- ?*?'??< rct.iry .; baachamaa for b (,,s tom-boaae i poUtical tnaebina iu thaCcaakaing lat* ' i-t, nml fiinii-iif! tlu- tOO t eoiu-lii-ivc in f tlii'i'OUr/li t'iail Si-ryit ? Kf. i.u. TE-TEBDAira PBOCEEDI-TG8. IKrORMATIOSI BfAKTEO ? WITX-ME- I !': TIU". l-l.. RVSEe At th.* begianing of tha proc-i Iii -? ''?" Chalnaaa r-aid ha had r.-c-'.'.d a ictfaeol inm Mr. .tt wart tor tbe aaatberof appolBt-neeta aad rea-orala, Ineludlng restgnattoaa, onder the adntnlatratlona ? f taa Behell, Hiriuii fi.irti.-y. BlBaeoB Praaer, B A. Bmythe, Ka m B ____***_. aad 1-O-iaa Mnrahy.wltb -.ii.-.- of tbe kattei t" tha fnnaerj alao, tba arnount co'.'ieetcl und. r aaeh af tha uiwve mtin: ii -..-, .uui tii.? a oat af ihe -..un, aaariBg thi par. of t:,e latter to tho fnnner; alao, iB tho N'.ival OtrntO, the nnmber of eppo ntat. n*- i.n.i ;? morala, ln nations, ui der the admlniatratloiia i f Mo ? - H. i*nniii i and A. 11.1-.iliii. namliigthe dateaof removala nn.t i , t. iv. nt.i? .- Ihi.t the sauu* hore to the Pl* i tu ? llt?i ' ' (hia. Mr.. uia rlyaddadthe pcrlodof tiinedurlnK whi u their poailiona, Ma ara. Leet _ f-i,ii imi., the preaent Oeneral order I-- ?.- | . r'liiin, handedtbeChalrmana 11*1 of witueaaca wbom tbey deaired aubpcuaed and exi In tbeir bebair.amoBg wbom wero John 0.11 .'...ft-..) fnman Line : Mr. Hunt, agi nf nt t;,.. Katiou il Lli i ; Mr. Wllliaina, ofTtbe **V__a__ icOuionL pii.a George K. Loet, and W. f. ><.,]. un-. i_cre ? -,i. were ord. red. raanMO-TT of ntAXi u patbob. Franela I'ay*.on t.-.t'ii.'d Ibal li--v.ii* in the taa aad wool trade, h.iJ waa i bm t-ber of thi- trm ot BelaeaMa, Payaon a Uoote nt tbU t ii>?*.?-.n.'-i-iy *;. lat aai b .'. r.n ai.ti? whleh llrin lirid i.een ln .-. ...;a ti r.i i -. . a*ayaaiapwwlaaaaadeathaaaaae of Aa_el i; _j who wiu* one of the pnaeat partaera. H.-iiiitt-r Bayard?wimt bbtb heeB rotir on an aretagel A. They u4ti.t_.- trom - ?*-(,(. ic.i*?i ii \ ?Wlll you Mtiite whether la the laat year yoai booka andpaperawereaeisedI Olre llie blatorri*- lt aad ol! foll iwed, A. Laat Wlnter, -a re i ? .;. i - . une t Wltb I --lalaill-t flallll .Jll'i-.'t Bl ? OUI a. and paperarelatire toan irap. ?? ?? I; irvaa u I'i i'in ia, 1 liunk ; aae told ii - ui iiit-ii eould 1 ke ,ma- inu.I.- thf i lik* .1, nml Ibeytookni I iiin_ tbe t .. ? i.i l,.i J !'? ||| tlif I' 'I.', I'. j IIIM.,, I'l. 1 .... ... 11'. . . i m: 01 -'. i-i ai.FN i ' . ? ?,'. Wbo aaaM ta yoar offlee I A. tbe I'n ii-r.iy. Mr. J .v i ??; then ? ,i::n-. nh.-il* nntl tv.oclfi'U-? tlt" t.i ? ' clerk; Iwaa alone ln tbe offlee; I ibliiii our. ?, bo hi-ulter, Mr. i t,i. Were nny bool ? ?., ,i ,.,-? Ut liie '. ' ? ? ti..n were a. booka to wl . ' . r Bt the Cuatdni-bonse whlk thei .ou. t,t. How long were tbe boolu ? ? ?? ?-i fiomjoul \. pai; ol the boolu ?.-, a- riv. a ta. iai tbe i (-. Bad yon any Inforuiaiiou thal th rebi Im-gularlty la any waj before tue' a'lx.-rel r . from the . u lom-l ouae t. Old not know wbat lt waa abo t; he told uathattl . 11 lllffi 1. IH I l thi lobj thi . ti ti..iii-h'.u-'a.<'.'... i, i ml tbe ?? .-?? ii we bad paid dntl ; tbai I . w? na l pall, (<,lc(i-, i,, the ititement, t mueb duiy; luUea ire _~i'l ou the Involee welgbt; aod tl.i bon**.' weigha, and then Ibe difl t afterward; aeeon i ig to tbe Ciutom luiu ? ... lt appeured tbat tbei-e ahould be a refuud u iiaoniBe ln. ol.. .n.i tlu i waal 'l i" knoT" Imi ?lt.'. renee oc. urred; w a ald w< i oui 1 n*?t t* . i wonld gi\e them our wel_htalf ihcy Wiinted Ibeiu; Mr. Ciark iueuM-.i me peraoually oi bavlB*- ixiiT.ipted t ? ai. |.-l.a l; fl' t'-'t.r-a- 1 aa .. n.iii !i in, > 'i , ,'. 1 i 1 ill'l Bot thiuk he had any rigbt to a___ -i illon wltbr**.! further Inveatlgatlngthe eaae; howerer, I told him aa.. would glve him oui wnigfate. and tell hlra i.ll aa kaew ii t...ut it; our a. .-.ji'.'.- i.turu vorj nearl* i orreaiMmitod v lib the welghta n--?.>i whleh we _ul ;-..i i >l .'i ou the iu *oioe; my party aaat to Mr. Orloneif, and they weal i.i Mr. Clark. aad ae -'i|i|...e.-.i by t'_-*_'* languagB Ibal tht-y aa. ii-ii.ii." 11* aaiwdod about,It; about u,. v.-.u-. after that our I.ka wen aelredhj Mt.Jayne,an Ita ut uo untll afterward tbai ae kaea waal (1 waa ahaet: ?i a . were told ll referred la. tbla aame Ihl ng, and thal ,,,:. j ,ii maintalued -,'..- itit. ml. .1 Ira k. , ' i. |i__*ribe to the Hoanalttee tbe demeauor of Mr. i ..ii ius hehiiviorai ih? twaaaaade. >. ifl..'.- iu our offlee there aai nathlag oflt-nai***- the .'.?nur tl Waa in . .ui.i the b ? .U.- wi Tf ^i a i-ti ap, iiiiai uo nflcred auy further explBnatloua ibal tbe] m.--iit ro i|ii re. (/. Wbere -..'rr yonr booka paper* luln-nt A. To tii" prl ni ? oiun "a Mr. Jaa na- .ii the CUBtOU i .ui.v <l ln i .'ui attend there lor tbc pitrii.,.-*** ol rxplalBlBg tbl*transai-ilonl a. v - [had eaa artwa iatemawa witb Mr J.14 aa. tx Htate wbatoaonrred at tbeac Intervlewa?what bn m .I I.. 1.11 f a. ll.- lufoi?ed bm laal tben hait baaa 1 ueteitlmonyglvenfromaoaM |i,i-.,,,* wheai bo dld nut .......tii. 11.1l1.1t ..ui ,111,1 b 1,1 aald tbc 1*.' weigber for retaralaa ?)lac welcbta; I al" aol weolleel the name of tbia weUtbcr I beard he had beea ln Um I'ciiiioiitiaiv for (lorrauiliiiaT the lion riiiniiil ; I MM n> Mr. .1.14 1.0. ?? If tbl* taaa aali aan,- of our Bnt haa aa tia ided t in- QoToraiaont or haa aaU bim bbbbbbt, ut hia , 0111a- witii'i 1 Wlll eOllfl'i'lit tli" BBBBBhen of a.ur Iii 111 wili Iiiiii, aua h<-caii ei-rtaluly tell wb>> pgtg bim the uioii.'i." i_ ii*. vou kuow n]M.u whose aa-darItttala warraat of ?eiiare waa obtata?wi \ 1 eaaaat reeolleet tha aaaa. iiaiiiaii.,w; 1 44.i4,?lil t,1.1 lt Wan tlti-a < iiMoiu-houa.. welgber wbo made au affidavit tbat bo haat hn u Btibwd bi oue "f our tinn. 1^. .va- Mt. .I.tviio'H anower i4hen you witntedthe Welgber I" ixnnl aiuf lil. Ii.t'llllx-r i.f your lllll, 44 ho lan!,.-,l Iiiiii I A. Il, tgli tbat was uot his b.v>iue-ia, ba lu.ii iiofbiu/ to.lo witb tbat. IBllEa.l I AKlllUK BAOmmeTBB INT.) FK4I P. Q. WI1.1t wat'bU humiiaaa thont What waa your ob .!? ? t iii vi.-itiuK l A. I explalned aa lar ae I i-wuld hOW tbe Irri-K'iilarity ooeiirred, tbat lt waa throujrh tbo 11. 'glijrcn. o of tho Cuatom-houie Weiirher Inu.-aif lu uot Kittuif tbe pro'ier weljfhta. a* he oin.'hr. to haveUone: but Mr. Jayue would not belleve that; be tboagbtwe iii'i-t have (-..11 ni.t?.l bim; aud, though we bad aoiue ptottj harab waraa tawatbar, ba aeeruod not to iie bbUb* tled; ou another weasiou be aeut for me, an.l t awot tli.ia-, aml hc wuuU'd to aee mo about au eutu-ely itltt. r eut loattor. 1;. What wa* that matter t A. About aome tea; he bad irait 110 soiuo tea entnesoii whleb be abowed there waa -"ii.- .lill. un. >? | upou whleb 1 got our 1 untotn ln?i? broker, who uiak.-a up.our tea eutrlea, aud he aliowed It waa a uiere cleneal error. and did not affei-t tbe duth ? at all; l hnd another tuterview wlth Mr. Jayue ln rajraral to thr wool matter, aud thonjrh he had previouxly atat.d tbat t'i, r<- would be a tuit for 1140,000 brougbt aiiamat ua, be tba-u aald tbnt, at any rate, acoordlng to bla _gure?, there would be the aum of IttfO due to tbe Uovernmeut. G. For 4i b..t t A. For error on tbe entry of wool. <J. Wbat deiuand did he make of you on bebalf of the Oovernment for theae frauda, oraUeged fiaudal A. Ilo iiiu.l, no dlrect deiuand upon ua. . il Were yau threateneil wlth anr p.*.i.-bti>< i t. i iii.tit, 01- Impi taouuien 1 I A. No, 81r. ollow oitkuy luterviewa dld you bave with Jaynaf .Three. H lfa\e you itated wbat paaacd at tbeee lutcniewit