Newspaper Page Text
V0L- XXXI.N?-t.,622. NEW-YORK. TUESDAY, FEBRIARY ti, 1H72. PRICE FOIR CENTS. ALBANY. I F'iIM -U-Vi: CORRUPTION. sbaiw "V rm ran imoroirr to mo-it-a BMTAOB-9TAIIF BOBBIM-TUB RECORI- <?K ? CI i itK Of THK AJBXHBLT ? TATTWO TAHOKr- UM I." WIM ?TAMr_ ? AN IX iratcTiTi kk'orI'. |B1 T*_!.L?.__APH TO THB TRIBINR ! Albany, r?!'-'?-I? his testimony helot? the As 9mli, piintin? _'?'ti.!iiittcf the other day. Mr. Tar mtms ???.I it Ud ?mtM hi* rnist.Tin to pay B_saB___a_OB_ to tlic ('!.-! k. of tin Bt otAm ami __flBBB_bl_r before the ?event ??f Mr. 1<r?.silli*.?>r. One of Mr. Terwil . *? T,n,.. ? Mr. J. II. Caehroa: I'ttt-a. Hi BM C ?? . i- o? Ammhit from I - )n(l,. ?,i is now one of the assirtant Clerks m the Boo? o. i:. preMiitr.tives. at Washinr ^ ,. ! Botkcd ??y ulMM-laf eitiseaaoi 0^. i Mi Caabaiaabada gital ' , ! v??i.l.l from time to tune - to his creditors in th ?h:in la-t year. IMr. CuabJaan ntt4li, , eottoa doth fi'.-ii? ? d ru.... Bad nturiicl the* for BbflOl w* + "*'* (i t,,(> old T,'a W!it . ; -_.',. be remember-d that l (Unir. rtly aft? r tbv Trar began, ?li-; by l. . .bt? la turn by t'.a. - 0Bf^.. Mr. _ :i-hm;?n, however, faeenied ro red oiks. Hi .* dtb.i1 Bot t?d tb? nil _tamp. It is even re* ?.hue In Albany, atti tarn ' a? inil ?? -? i u ? mV.y iroin lv". dotti. - : book., an i to their OOOBtttB-B-B, ? ? paying the ezpi a which i f.."-v t? ?$'???'? ' a year. TI?? A"?-eiu!.iyni. -, -. i.r ni *_ -;?-??? raand pamphlets t<> tb? it , _e?--ii..? tancea ' ' b.tijl Ho- mtit. . prob ib] 1 _ . ? ' tli'-ir own lett? : ' ' - 1. the Clerk- oi tbe t>'<? Boaaea j: .; ?! iheeti oi : by written ___? r '? r ? . ' y, and tbe, on presentation | 0; ttie on!? r.. re ? tr.tiler. [I D - whb h tbe j Co_itro_!er Lai- paid on aeeaantoi postage ?_?r i!..- ' Legri- . each < ? t!.? - nil man'. ? fn?- 1- unonnta ?it* takai iron i_.? ???M- : urn i_ ??? ai-..i_*i r?. - tin km to . T'??. -.-, 1?..7!<> .( ' 7,???t*?.. ISM.1 *.. I I ?? ?* 1 UM f? _.??% J!? ?? ?17 4 1)7 w.-:.Ui.OO?! ?Ml la 1- - 171, ihe Dem?crata bad thi AfsMoibly. I ' ?itierhiU WM Cl.ik ol tl B y, and I'erwuliirer Cieik ??1 the EVeaato. 1 1 hardly aaMB8BZ]l to a?l?l anything to the aNive 1 - r tit it m_. be aboKTed that tbe item of poBt a$ a is at "out ti.,-> ui-in in wfcieh the Democrat? cau be lt>uud to Lum ???-on??mi_?d tbe publie mon? y 1.1 '.?-L\TIVK PBOCEEDI..09. Gr.N.-.r.AT lwr?-Tl?-ATlHN?t-WI 1 T?l?,,r i;', IN AM. DUtlCTlCl-t- ? A M??. I 1 ? 1'1-MI TM! m_w ?orMjyorgi ? j_:,"^-*;.1"m rs TUR -Hir-C?^AL T.?mT? flft (IIA?.-il?T C P Tut ?EV?KTT. ?lMrfW fttBOBABB T" TWT. TBlBt'BI | AiBAW, l'_b ?.-i . Wy bad tbe ln ? .- _ - ovgry t?vt?fi_rit. On ___._>_? or Mr. B? t?,? wl llaaaalfi-iB r?rry Oampaay ??_- taraed ?-??t .0 tu?' OommlttM ou C'<?niineree arnl Nnvlpitluc, wtacb wa?t!. '.e ane_-ani-uati"!i ??f tlu? C??iia .- ? ?r persona Kii_i.aii.-_si' ?'. Mr. Jutld au ttffrtlr? ??f tU- C'omint? ? tioa t'. tb? ?atiie Cumiul: iee. c _f M.- Bl ? . n pt.ny WM gt ai.-? ! a ?Utloiial power to u" ettata if pei bad bei n-bly eu purciias? - try. Mr. B-Beoek Bad pa ?ie?yt.t. . ? "t initiir.v '? ? ... Mr. Mi'uliou nrtirvii! up 1 - I ? nt ?-' ?t Bpeei tl ( ??Ti'iairt. ?? t? Inrestki it" fran?'.?? ItiaJ lu ? -?It WOJ, puer., ? t -nrutliiir for a - ? . Slttfia- ? flr.ttiv' O? tin ' tlon, it went t" tri? table. It -?il l.e callt-d np on theflr-t opportunity Mr.] -- be poii . Ml 1 ? ta,g for - 1 ex ? I fi- i- nu-l? r ' Mr. ' ?' ' M ! ? , - ?' _?rti-eeonsti ; ? ; ? ? i!._?_v, ! . nth ?11 r_____.-r ti-'n ? ? I - Dd until ? m. U? A.-' BE? * ??. i ??:.i?-r?-] tO n tii... . . . ib the Town ?J fL- ' ' : ,?t?es o? tbe ?nt Oiw-l?u_,?i.*u-and-flfiy * ' w' bOOfOOA . .,,, SQ ;,,-, j,) a?Jt . j of 111. ?" - -r mobey lot t?e ( ?l. ?uu ?uftrert ggpimt. A- ?: M A?l '-a . . AUiM, M . . .-. )? I 18-2 , ,r ing, a rii(?rii? iroin tu. CI. uubtt III ' t?iu:_.? ?te a.f tl.?- CltJP _T Hsw-Tork ?"??r...! Jgm ?a?_BOr__J ur_r?-i? the p_.??^fr o? t? tt rlie i!_.t_s,_ ol Nes-Voi? iron, refuse mai ? I:*.- Ihrowii tlMire.n. ?-???? 1 twee? Hew-TurB ?1 - b:l__? i.s-ratitit ??i .... ttMm J*_ ?I y?""' h*. V. . ) ., ?2^ ?WZij:[. v. > '*'M u-t ! AjSl?T^^ 1"'f^' ''" IU '''*: "f *** "V"? ttOtUrruekn-Amraiatp lb* ?n r??,^in?f a? pawi^u.,?,) t?. **?4.Ml??r?uiw. H?ip.i?,. ,? *.rj Cu?_tl? - ?*it?.i IM ?t?!-? ?___4oUV'*iT;t< ?_-??-<??? ?-?? wa. ...,, -, ? m**n'*. *km lb* ??ataiiw? of C.?u.i??a<. ? c^_s___?t__ & ?^55^?^_ysa,^_i? &. tr^ ^* ? ____-*?? -?TT. ?nut? pronA, for lengthening pier? for I'te ?reonuaodatli. of tbe Or?' at. 1 -tr?_aar.. Mr. Moult.m railed up hi? resolution for a select com mittee to inve?t!*ate and report what leifl?lat1on is 11c cc?.?jiry to more . ffecttially protect the ballot-box. Mr. Alvord moved to amend the resolution by snbstl tuting Cnnitiilttee on Privilege? and Elections, which a a* tifTeod to. end then the resolution was adopted. The House vorit into Committee of the Whole on fhe hill to repeal Section 1 of Act of 1171 to ie..r?ranl7.c tlie lorsl (roverntnent of New-York City, which ?ection pro? vided for deMirnatlna one pajier in said eitv t?i puhlieh the (Virporstlon notice?, siui the effect of which -?as to give thf? printing to The Transcript establishment. Mr. Bawklas explained tbe proviaion? of the Mil. ?howin-a ?hat till? the wont schenioa of tbe Bina, 'vio.- OantroUer when he t?ok the offle?. found I there had beeo to this paper. The Transcript, for eiftl I ! month?' _Mlvertl?inir, the sum of |s*i r*> h_, and th.-r?. - waa the further ?urn of .20G.o<?> claimed ; and to all the palier* Bllowe?l to make publication? for two rears and elanl months, tb'-re had i-eon paid nearly ? ??t.i??i. at d with what vh* claiiued, over l?.noo.non. A? the fa ??? Steads, t.'iie patiouu4'_ ?a? required to la: gltOO lo J/i< Tm.itrrii t Tbe lull wa? onlered to a third readlnc. I HE BOARD OF AUDIT. ? : ton FOB $tt6?Q00 ?T?LsK.fTr.n?f'lv-THtf T?os OF THE LAW?TUB PBOPOBED -l 1T1.1.MKN T.VKT ACT. The Bourtl of ApjxirlinriiioTit and Audit met ? ..v aftarnaaa, the Ooatrailer, IBs ('ounnissioner i i PabllS Work*, and the President o! the !?? part nient of Public Talks lelnjr present. The Controller ptw the folio" la : pay-rails, ol which 1'. I). XBppBB and J. 1.. Williams are the aaataneea : Chitoa A-,rei!?ft Alt-n'lor?Par na') to Ang 11 MB, tV,nt?i te . ?;-. IS, - ? H U?I, a. : unen. C-!_.30: tit. M'tinnV? dur ?K i| .',:? 18.1 ?>;. t .? Orto.-r, IR-l. r" * Sor? - ... - and '?>>??.??? I? .Ian, U. prT.'. < . g In '.' I'lSr-i?Angt-t, I'll, a :<,TJ3. Auga?: *3*j(. I! ? c.i rk -t ill ' :,ie cb..nio?er of oneh p v roll pre I, and Un? depaxtment from wl leb ii emanated re audited b> I I?.m am nt vote ol ...iWiljfe' .U II ? J. E. Kill a??. ??a-.gT-e??, a.'e?i>r?? to J. ?, P-ra?rr.. . . t ... I .? . ' 4*?, a, u, He-riuher, I'll. S. .-.7 U,; total. .' -? vrrro laid on the tnble for flre days, Tbe Con if the Polli ' lii-.l I .n- De nta to Dee. U, isfli nor Van Nortcald tlul II w:?? time fin- tlx Police ai Firemen -hould be paid ; thai the lorportant h y perform! al and their necessiHoc demanded speedy action from ibe Board, and he moved that their - ? ? ?? _ allowed, if, on an examination by the 1er. tbey were f ?mad con- t. im- Oontrolh r obi. ote J t<> takins-neii a re?T>ot ?lbilitr, tiiiii?i for two ti.i.t they miffal be properly audited, and an til the question ol (belr proper certification was deteniilned. The rolls of the Department of Public Borkslad ilread. sen examined Ib I endke ...t :ba: th.' others aboald ta', e the aan were la the 1 o next li:c> t'liC Tl?. ' r presented tbe folios u mi. n t.OUB, l nit . \-? i i t..'* : rni ? ' new -,. ? r?k i un '?' - !? SS K T .?-?.. a HU T'e It.?.rtl i.f Aapatuonmtul and Au:.: ..etlre? tour ... Il * ? ' ? ' t- .- ? - a l'on of lu - ? ? ? ? - 'a I ? f ? ? IL li.. "i ". l I . <l IU It -' a ?a ??r t ?. i- ?? ? : ?m. lar? r-, ','. dur.??, *?! B??-T r? . -??.-.. Ne- I BSOSeaMl (V /l I ? 11.-?-: ? :? pro ?????V tl .. ?on- ? ? lie un !??-.? '. -?ni hatti ?? / ? I' il .,, , -,, t - "ce uni? an.l i htm .>.??.-- ? ?,' ? - of i tb? Ii.'?ru .a: Aiidnreu?' ? . ?-. u.a.: t?e girt? ? -e x>...itir\.- nme before aaca lueeui.,:. n, a-hal Tnatet.r? MB ?rrour t ml r'..T ?eie-p: f.r ?a'tne? .cd wac??i maat l.e read a'oud In full b. the l'ierk o? lite lli.anl at tbe foe ?t:a?r, .]?? i'j?t aoeb M? a? ra. ? ? ? tei ? ? ?ftei i xi. , iftLUi..u 1-eivr-a tu- MB.c i? tetad tora 1-y tbt Board TUtei Tl.t iha ??.--r.. a'?* re " .-? t?.,? t?-e-"iTi ????" .* ft? {,r "? the ?i'B?eiiia-:ni. of ?_? r,t:tn .-??-?r-n a ?alta! ( relierai nllli-i. nt tie I..? .r -I. - i .... a,... . . (nag Uh? a._i--.ta Ineteofand t.'i? "?at of the Mme. when ?r? ji a lu,. ?-,- a.' IL. lall., ?counl. or euaia. ?ee.1 nol btufrel lu t?rL 1 Uwk 1. ??an- Pt??i ?r??x. "? .'.._-, S tmmnm. I, 'he Tli.c.rtt ,.f Api-rrvmnet,. u?_ AtmOt. We 11^ i,?,.ee.l*i,e.l o?ii??tl .'? .mil h?i?-?t'l? Ba_tal .fer eitmlea !,.(? ?? !???eJ Jan. ."?' Wn ?? ' a' rr.e? -.- ireiaia Onttmttroeiit??mitthet -, --a.? 0 ' m Id ?et Ib? efe? ?I 'i! d ni??- e i, eabomsi cal de|?e haasseanaa ?n. t!..- ? e_,i>tt oiet?ia-d to . ? I ?Pi? oded I - - ? ? .?' ??-i <ru. he H Mt f l? A? La-g???* lir? lu: _ ?'t. ! :*?Klia PlBSRBt ?. _,,. ? Ja?S K PaillTX?, M? Biet,bin?ofi red the followlBB preambla an.l reoo . ,i m i. draft ol ;. ?uinuemeutiin __ t .!.. "I II'- _...- ' IM k''?'? r yaillSaa?. :u? 'a.B?t- .e- on ?i. vlTea-t f .( ' ?- pr , ? ' ? ?' ' ' u... ? a--nl?rT?M ?ad that ibe ?!?? the ?et wvli L?W ?yfi: u. nt ? inpi lenetun - ; -' . ? . a ,t,,r? a?f I ,.??*??_? \[r \ ?fart i 'l-l el if otdeetloB to ?be proposed aapplewciitarv act ; rerbal -r. u,o-', ! ? d -i t-"- kaoa ^^hy H i bai be nai not Invited t.. rlu- ?. nf. rea? ?? Meeting of this i < r aud t ? ? ? ? J'..i',. Pi rk' hi d bald a Beet. f.ii'i.-i-ttiiii v-'ltu the C"iin---i to fhe Iio"rd. Tbe . i. ? C- Hj-aar ,li 1 'ti fail nUL'-ettloli. Jet Hi a niat ;?? d or iiia'l H M u ???: ? .- other nu m hereof th? Board should have Ignored ?? i that he attend?] the m< e?n<r wl;h* for a I ft ? I'I?IUI'--*. ??!- \ the flrsl iiti?e o; ? tbe bii! iue ?ii-'i the v.,,rd "shall" aftai the word i iller. Ti??* trrled ^r.aj t' reao ntlou ? f in. were aj provi .1. I ? . a 11 1 . Til! _'-.'|'| . VI'HH ? ' ' -? . ? II ? . . - ' a;..?,? ? ' -,. -n '1 | 01 II "t ,,' the ?!?: tiri-ter ? ? ? ... . ? the ( . ? :?;..--?-. i . ia?-. -.?, . I - . . . -? ..*?-nn ,.f a - _ ? a ... ??? ! art lad ? ? ? e-u .... ? ? ? i the, ?n?' '_> ? a'aii. turn or ???> ?ppra or ale. ??_ -et ?par t.- ?? ' -t' '. .- 'e ? -. ' . j ? ... aa' lltIL It IbS I ! " . . ,u|_?__M I,. >ad ?e.<_jil ? ? a? ' I a .?.'.? Mal ?a in-..?.; .it a*:? _p_-e-ai ni trn.?' foaT.a .? .at ? art .. ? *? ":. . t t ?ni:i thie rtfe<_t??i?di? .1.. Mr B'-i;, rre?td?iit of tn>- Buaid of PnbMc ' i. ippeared bsfcaa tbe Board, and ref? - ',, the th.rd ?ectioii of the I*?., ?tat. d lha? the raj..-rn ? the Bureau of 'iitdoor U\.\ot, alSasBad to this Txpartnii nt. i wast certeusly embsmB-aed by the law. Tliat Bureau I? active rtnnnit the flr?f three months of in. real 'i-' Ihearsl Febrnarj iu?nthlv pavaient? from that Bureau will aKcui U>-.lay. Atxmt |12.(l? waa n'a-led ruarr, ani in- w.-,ted t" kuow if hi? liejur? me?t- citi imy that amount, and If the friend? who' _d th? lie?-eaary futt'ls Till l_? reliirtinr-te-rl He did not itak the Conti.ilwr to advance? theniou.-v. but if ? 1 1_- aa?iu>d 'lia-, there w.iUli! 1* ln> dlflli ultv In hav;n^ tiieae pavmenis audited tbe>?? Msada -would tarnieb Ibe lu?'ney The f.intr.,'1. r Informed Mr. Bel] that he would en ileavor t?. arruine ibe um'.ter for him. and requeet.'d ! mi to ai-O?? him attCB tbe a4|)ourument of the hoard A memorial aigoied by T J. H awe??, Peter Bradr, Henry A. Purdt. .lata. ? Bully, _nid tVUItam IX'bertv. IMcassaf ? . ? crotoa Water Police, Laraa-iapa bbbb. laaaaelara i -. mon. Ihbp? and *raa men, anil the iBcpaelan ol ?' wi?? tireacnted. The metnnrlal ?tated the arreara of pay. c_i?l tbe diet res? occasioned thei-eby, and ..ek.-d immediate relief from the Hoard. Mr. Van Nort expretaied his rte.irt- to pay tbeae claim? u? oat <-. and was auxloos to remain until a laic lion-, if - ry. to audit their cialroa. The ( outroller ?aid ?hut aaCBC Of the roll? aek?d*l. lie a..dlted weiv i.'.t 'wfoie the Board, and that they all m ? ai? .i ? lamination. Mr iii Miim mo? cd to refer the memorial to fhe i ' aamlaaceoat of Public Wurk?. Caiciefl. Mr. Hlf.-h uiaii. Preiident uf the Fire I>, partnient, asked what would t,a oouatdssad ibe i?-oi?-r form of . erilncatlou to te th?* audltlnit of the V,n I??^artmtut pay roil? Itn CaatrsBsr ?tated that th< roll? would 1m? eastttned u, ... Li..- Baa with lite proper otueecn ot the Depart* m<-tit TLe claim? of the Roman CBttsHe Prot??<.tcrv aud other !?enev.?leut itialitutiom. were read liy I>-pu?y < ouimller M?*ra,aDd, ol luoiion, the Board ?djnuriii*i! t.. bmcI Wi b , at 3 j u.. ,^_^___^^^^^_____ mBOUl -NOW BLOCK -I-LViN Till. I'A< IFK RAIL ho AD. Omaha, Feb. 5.?Four or live im lu s more of anow fell eluug the suow blockade belt ,.f the L'-lou 1'ai'iB.'. Baturds) Light and Hiuida?v. ,?,.. mpaiii.-rt by !.l?rb wlad, and tbe ?no? drifted badly. The paaaeoKcr trama from Osden, J?a 'je. are reported at Misar station aad the p .??euger? were ?nbslatlair on rraeker? and Bah Tbe p.a*a? ?., train? iefr (imaiua, Jan IS to Jan in. are rti?..^ j .? ^?Hliig Knrl Creek Biutou yraterSay. hauijg I*.. _,_. ut>? y .ilk Ibe last sOmile? rr->-l?ton? l.saie _e?-r,,i,e ?Mree at Medlelae. B??w Btatlon, and a party of ptmu were to ?tart for Larsuiie today, with ?led? to ?MB ??palMas T*e w.?att,er )? very cette st BawWn? ? tneucnf A bl#h wind prevails, aad tbe taow ta ; drrtius: no trais has srrlvcd. FOREIGN NEWS. GREAT BRITAIN. TUE AI.AUAMA CLAIMS DttCOBnOM-?MODERAT! OF THE TONE Of THE LOMnTS* 1'RF.S, OOMPLADn THAT AMERICA IS l'UEJCDICI IT HOPEAN OPINION?WHAT I? EXPECT OB THE C?JBBSP? g-O-Cn H-HMJJaD SI' MART OK THE ?PLECH?THE Ml.KK M. MUTUO. Loktoji, Monday, I*eb i, 187: The tone of the fttMM on the Alab;i_na Clali ha? sllghdy moderated All look forward to the Que* ?peecb to-aaeCTOW f?.r poult!.e _tnii.niuroine._tt ot i ?tond taken hy tbe Government ?a.t!> regard to i Aniertran e??e. The Daily Wem say? tbe, !n a ?pee? h on t opeulngof Parliament to _nona_i_ WtB ex pre?? a wi that the tribunal nt Geneva Bap '.?: taie to proceed wi It? duties on abash? adepta'.,;.? tut;. !.....? lab Cove men! and Nation. The ?ame ton?? p?1! vades the .rtic nf the otht'r morning Jotarna!? to The weekly pre?., tottt ot whleh went to pre?? Tbareday ec Friday?about the ttaat the flurry lu?Ii_niatioii la tho Ami-.1. an r.?-' cu tnlnat?*?!?* favage at. 1 haTHeO??, e*|?ef_.i.'y Ihe Saturday Heri. They generally Ux?k the ground that the Uattod BUi pref?'rr??<t t?? have no ?*?tt!.?ui? nf, und wished to b? the^o Alabama .lain.!.. . .??.e for rolitl? I in?.??. The Tunis, in it- land? r ?if Saturday, u -i tbe foUowi lam-nag?1 ; " W. rep'i-li ,!.- th?* ? -?? :.!? !i.hr_? !>e-n put th? Treaty of Washington lu tbe Amettota oaaa a ituiat withdraw fr ?m arbitral oonatruotion Insisted ?it.. Hut. tiii? | ready 6tand loyal?, by the Treat}." ihr tintes to-day,ia afraid ?that ih<? ?ttaa the Aliiliani.i ilifli? tiitv ittaiy ? I re, ?ad h"i? ? fiiilnn n Tltf Pott nf ? morning ihlnk? it will be tin ? wiH'ti tii -ii. -tut.?- rt tome '?? vttbdraw tBi :r demai !?n .!.. ! ? . ? ? Mena une? ?.?in. The Timetri'tt ,-Ulna lb:.' 11 I fcioericaa ee_N hot bot translated i;.t ? tie? -oatlaeati -!. ..-' ? ?: l/.ar.iirf?. ?ad -? If tbe :.?'?: *i?iu la make retraction inipo-?slble. no ni?'thn?l |eoold !>e chose wiinh eoaM peora m??r?) eabetire. " On < ipt? tation ? aneee aafnl leene,* eeottaaee The Hase?, "i-extreme Hinderet?. W< ?!?.not iflve upall hope; Bal a iniminde efaadtnireace being eatabl ri . i' re can be no ?e?iu .., r tii.m the .ii'aiiiiiiiniii. ui ot ?.i reference of ti ??Uiin- to a Board ?if Arbitration." The pull Moll '"t-? tu ??f tlili ?tier.a .? ?ti t. hu " ir . ? ? , h, whli-h ?.> delivered nt tl. I imenl tomerro. It tii? r | thi? DOI -? ?tl ?I tl Til? ?v? Ota -a?.- ?he J-'a J/ui'i Qatette) congratulai , : tbe eeaati fhntbi iwttta uu tbeaatloeeot Eoropearei tbe moot ti meter. Consld rabie ipaea X* d? tratad to tbeaubject of 1 - up??u whir ' - -, "Tt> ui?!.?? : ? ? ? ?. tbe ar?3 of rn Inten i ? eonelad? ?l a trf??tv wk Hit? in,it .i rl.r? ? el Am? r!??,i for the w-tti<*iin?iit nf qni t t.??ii- whi? ti have |),?--ii ill?. ?i-???it lor ?nine It li.?? ini* be ? ti ? it tbe I i of ?Kt ?re evoldi . pea? ?ful arbitrerai n?. (ri-?, j i ,,r rn? Biliitri in? i.t <?f tho ?Ward, I I ,r? , BJ i.i! -'?nt to th? reference <?f th?. Alabama ?talai ?nan In!, ma!?.nail trnmiia!, I be blgbeat authority t whlcb tii? i r ill ri ?inn nun?! bare beea iatro? ad. Hun _p? pardonable oreratght an the ???rt ?rtbe n collators, tin i-lalota were not explicitly limited t? tllrrrt Itvieci. hih tnerefore i!??? i'r?-id'-in m th.? (Jolted Btatea ban pr? furred a ronaiderable iini.nitii nf Indirect clalma, t? lai.ttty of which By tHrernment haa demurred, i baa? tbe?mooni t?> be- ultimately defrayed win n??t ? it? m the Preach pay na nt r ?.??rui.iut ." The Qufen deplrifs the Iraahlaa In India ; f. imeat up??n th?? condition nf tbe flnatiee uf Do try, ?nd tb? colle Hon of a unprecedented reveaai i to tho peaceable state of Ireland? ?ad premia? the Introduction uf hill? In relation to the ballot, far thi regulation nf the min?"?. f??r the aniuli.ltion of Ihr rail way? r>y the state, niid tor the regulation ot Heeaooa toi tby talent liijut-r. ?' Tbe iore?n!i)g Kileif-d ?vnnp?!? of the Queen'? ?peer! i? _-!?.?n forwtei it in worth, it i_ thetbeeseof anlreraa ??omnifnt to-Diub*-, and tlionub nothing 1- po-!tiv??!\ kaown apaa th?? mb_eet,___i etilnlea It paevaHy as prmnatytX that The lull Uul! ha? 1? ?-'i ii.t-l? tkOTtettm? ai imposition. Tl.?- prlui-e o? Walee .?tt? nd? ?I ? bun h .it - ilay. Th?. nom! et ? ' - iti in ?t. Panl'a ob the o? eg ? ? th? tbaakagt-laa _BNa_o___N ;s (united ?to ?','?"', Theaaaa aaeettaf; of tbe BepabUeana ?nd rappectoH ;...ii. | i?.-.?.? Il ? in T- . maoaaced. P- aie bad baaa e: thi'authorities ml^bt forbid the u-h? ?>f tin tqaan foi Mich a pnrpeeOi bat no notl?-e of prt?l,it.itii.n has ap i . ?- :i?:\ ??:?,?? I made by ?h? Repu ? : dt -.u m-tra* 1, ? ted. I"'.? ! ?tmfion at : ? , lar?? to nicht, by tbe ?apporter? ??r -t I barlee DUke wa. at tended vim eomparatirq quiet h pi ? :_? at i? :. many o w wore Pbyrgian eape, marched to tb? ?oa red flaga wen Um ? thronajhoat the i i tbe banda played tin M?ra?lllalae, Mr. uJ_ci preside?] wir iba m??lin/. Atabal ,. : I ?berall beM o' Lambeth, ?-ula-ht ti. Boi ?Peter John 1.keKlnir, M.P for Surrey, pr Mi BTHUamM? _xtbar,M. J'. i.r Uu.Ih b,mad? a apeeeh, la whleh he referred ta th?? Alahama ?aid he eeorned the elslme of the 1 itted ~iatej Gorem ? tel .i. !n? ??; dam ?gee. The eappecteea of Btr Charlee DHhi a lartr? ?m ? In TrufaU-ar-*?!nan?, ta-nlght. Pi ire la attend?) ???ni?.'? ai? luinTa: ordert) . and di-tur hau? '? are iiii?ir?i!? HiOtTTAcrnu y ?.u.t. ? < tu roa A !<?I1V M! Il .? '* M ? ill UN t I?. l'I ??" BC1 Kl PI l I.I' AMI8M ? Tl Klifl.L s r ID!? >_f__B _ 1 lOSt?. IftOBABO ? bTL "I Til_?TBIBr_r__| I.iisiK'N. Jain. ?T.?'Mu- U?'ir Ajipiront was nearly al a f< a^.-. and aeaaad to he heard of In imilt'imal tnUlHfin? frnra ihe C?>nrt Le<sc_a???. - week lirl'i-h ?fonvrvatiini in London niide th ?in t? take, by means of a loyal nia*? meeting ?i luventory of their Increased stock In trade frn-n th? ?oorec ?"' tin? l'_?>ai ll'.-_t?-aith. I ??. i. :???f.)r?t!ie?dvani-ed BtadBBOf tbe Il'ial con.aleaix'nc? the Qm-en'? jfra-inu? leiter ??f ?-??iiirratulatlon to ber ?titilect? had bema ?dmln l-iereil. Prayer? of thank? hnd l??.n < tr?Te-l with unction In manv IhkIi plaee* 1>. kt. and ??xl^tr, from tbe Im? portant pin? e In tbe m-w-paper? where, previously to the handrliiKhain ?icknee?. they had become ??eustomed to se?> Hi. Ir nplulons inorninn after tunrnluu para?led wlih an ???Utirlal column or ?o of cou-lderatn n, had be? n K-adually worked dnwu to a ?iolet ?'lek M In the Jour naliifir a.-rner?. In the Br?t few weelu, wh.u ttu- _fB_B>> !? in- at the Royal ailiui? had arnwn moro erciiln-r ihe "exacerbation" <?? the II?>n_ehold ?Vietcir? would ?tylt It) of Repuhllean ruanlf??etatloi_s gradually dl-api-ai? ?1 thienghl-BI the liaanllJ. la th?? expression of sympathy with per?onal ?uff.rlusr : after the r?H-ovi-ry at Sandring haru, there reappeared no a???-?'s?lon of these manifesta? tions. On the other band, there app* ared for a week <?r tw?) past, a gen? ral -?iitxidirii:. If not altatemenut, of po lirii al uneartn?-?? of all sort?, withevtdenoe of ?eutlment In the und? rtono h? lng largely strengthened toward Rovaltv, by the recent ev??ut?. Irr fact the moment Menead eminently propitlou? for taking tbe gauge of ?iieh ??'iitiiiieiit. Um ?ahoever went la?; night to the place of tb? meeting that w?_* to take this sua,mary. let him have I_x'<?n never ?o eooiplaLwnt a believer m Kingly rule for tbnae lela_ad?, and It? propping up to perpetual endurance hy the masterly working up of the caae of tbe IVIU---1wT.vph.ild. I think. mn?t have returned borne with hM (?unpial-___??e a little dmJointed?? ?adder bat wl?er man. It hai lx-??n rumored about London for several day? past and pahllHkM partially yeitenlay morning In tbe Jnnrnal*. and placarded a? well during the afteru'ion? th? vt bol? affair ta-ing manipulated with ex.jui.ite ion mr\ attain?that there would be held a put>l_c meeting or t!t n.nii?tiatii?n for " Loyalty"?lhal 1?, Royalty?M eg?ln?t lta<llcalism The cattle i?.i_??l for admission to thtc put.i!? uioetlog. di?ltit,ut??d yesterday mornlna l?y th? tuatiag'-uirn! ?mong thonr who w?re eaaaidered <|U1K? .sue ?>n the royalty, tuld the Wrntt? tale, rwadttig tliatf : " A publl? iiM^-tiiig of inhabitant? of tbe ?_M>rougii of ( beiaea will am held iu tbe Duke oi Welling? ton? ?ti.ling Scbt-ul, __n_gtatat-r.dge. on 1 in ?dar to??O?. Ann. U, liCi, tu ?.zpre-w atracbairut lo tb_ tduamu ?a?tue ( <>n-t:tutli)ii, aud repudiate Republican ?outliu-i|U, i hair Ui In taken al I e'ekmh by Caeeudlah Taylor, eee>" Tuen wa? a note of appendii that tha paeaua aaeeyBae tbe tuki t aboaid aM4a By the ______? ef th? chair ! Tb? above adiuiMi. n Uvhet. unai?. oa pink tinted paper board, with Its Information artfully worked Into lines capitals aud various small typ?, so as to avoid Kepul c in counterfeiting, waa profusely, but not ft. nerous circulated. A glance at its contents to under-'.nul t method of man. factoring loyalty .rtYteli'l. to thoae w resided here thronen the I'rlnoe'e illness, in anticip?t. cucha spectaclo of agglom?rat? 1 pathos over Queer aOllrtlonc with vituperation of the Ua_ll_al leaderc as 1 Kingdom has rarely wimecced. Aided a little by I floating rumors It might be thought Indeed that 1 meeting was designed to be a veritable Dutch Council Dort, One of these unfortunate pasteboard? fell Into i b?nde, and half an hour before the time I walked dot Piccadilly past the pal.toe built at Hyde Park corner the great Duke of Wellington and ? mile further to 1 front of the cpaclous riding ?table of the minor, mod? DaBa The street in front of the entrance wa? choked wl an alreaaly populous mass of one or two thouaai gathered under a London night mict and makhig it p fc? tly nebulous wlih a back ground of black hots. The was a dismal ho.itlng of that variegated sort that chi acterlzee Brltlah gatheringc, and, slt?igcther, ?uih a be lam of noises amid the glare of the atrect lampe as give no Intelllgcuce, at ilrct coming, of the epectac Omnibuses and carte were splitting at intervals II crowd that filled in behind again as rapidly as It w broken. The one half of those on the ground B-CBBSd be possessed of tin. tall.maiuc cards, and were ?urgii towsrd the great atrect door of ill?: Riding h.-hool for a mittance ; but through these were made repeated count chargea by a wedge of a hundred policemen, who hi been cummoned ou hand to preaerve order, and w were translating their inctructhina in the usual jx.ll f.i.'hion to mean disorder. To make this cceue of i English Concervative gathering more anomalous to *tr m?-, r? appr. heiiblnn. the crowd In the lUset'C cent suddenly caught up with half a thousand ratean th anthem o? Republie?, the M_rseillai*ie, and lifted through the mist half wny to the middle of Londo The paradox of the situation was not relieved by tl appearance of one or two scarlet vented grenadiers out the Queen's Own, with their gnsettes clinging to tb< elBowe, hreaklng into the mass and hurrahing far! ( harlec Mite. Tins?, mon coaUaaa undergoing with ti rest of the Engllkh p ibi c the happy maiilpuUfiiig pr cese of the Boyal I'.i il. ..'.th la tun. tbefl ? to Knight. Chivalry for the Q'iee-1?j very aaklnd eal for t h.-m i nialntatn dtlsea lastlai t? la -pite of it. Then, there waded among tta* U | ??? ? I temporized rac banner vith M CtaBlc km DUki sad Republic," daaBed thereon In heavy capital?, ? aid of flying ? ad about, the riddle of till? mn titude of Caaaerratliei with Bepu ? .? so MiBtiiaaaBi w.i ijill. l'y sc,\\ i d. 1 lit I.ibera!, or II .di? ..1. BMSBSB of Loi don. who control neither the Journals nor say etker 0 ganlzed mean? of pu'iiic expcasslaa, in -l'.te of a.i fl in iidiin ?entimenia?ties of ItaPreae, wBk i. tara hi Us riiem, aooiit i:., reacwed pepalar enthoalaam fo Royalty and it? s'.ck r-rpie-enutive, hie rSBSlTSd I ?luietiy poalpsas tii B .-lei dale a pablli IsaMastratk of their actnaJ ser.flnient?. Tiny Were determined, bOO un, in th- luat rebot?n e of popular ?.xpn Mtoa, throng public moi'tlng, not to be mlsrepre??'U'.'.l. Bo when thl eard aaeetlaf el CBelaea was ai . I i ;!.? i B - * c dealing out eeadoleoce to Royalty, the work.!._rm<-nof th? Il'iroti_-h. mid out of niori of Ie?;elot ? n h ?m ?eeing to It that there ehtiul.1(1.'.t M Hung' M thi? morniiig with their seeming ludor?. ui'-nt th? luttons of a packed assembly. Their pel, tea, f.r Chariei DUte, had been, as th<'y rtghtly tataryaetad it, in vidioufely aimed at In the r?-pudUt!on sentiment ex prc??e<l .: th.r\ ar.d tn. re no? plaMP of persona: animus on band to give edge to tue ?xwaeioti. I-? tickets held by the half of these sturdy blotiie-wearer? hud a ?iisplel.iusly pale look, hardly up to IBasi ro?e-leaf tln?e ou the cards for true i>. daran, ?errafl?? had furthermnro desesaared Isa late th'.t the distribution "f if? own favor?, tad turned half of IBs re tipien?-? into ardent l_?.1!.al?. d ?, wBUsItaappei*b|ood of Royalty had kept out of the Landaa i.ight fog to dp their nine o'clock tea In their oozy parlor?, thl* Cotiser ??Uve In front of thr? Duke of Welllrnrton'? ttlillug Heh.N.l looked a? unlike Conservatism a? an.) thing well could ?to. All tbi? waa revealed mnch too late to the loyal manager?, and there wa? left them only the r? medy o: instructing Un- polka la bar out OtenkatXf until th< i Id. f? on the platform lniidc, who had entcrt-ii the build !ng from the rear by the passage-w.-iy 1.? <-t known t.' f !.. Duke's horse?, should bave UM ir resolution und gone off. Ita police, after tue flr-r opealaf "f __M ? i.."rii in the evening, wln-n si ? crnl hundred tickets? Id .?r? had natad LB, I'ia;. ed Tbe.i role "very effectively tl?. ttadoetawen bb_?-BB-j opaaad, ?neu there pm : in.m the liinl.l' a rurl.iug body of tru'.y eoaaan attl e :_oking individuals, who dselaiad that th. auspices for i row in-: le were attogel r I i procBlc ' ? ? I I ? : pi , ttol ?'? Cta bui-King blous-tnen outside dropped .the not?-.? of th'ir Marerllls-Hi on tta bigk iiu^tir, and BS_M ' . irtun'aty for an Inward eonnter-mah. Baffere tta api i dasn wan lang baokwari again by the pol.' r, liai' ahundred Repiitilicai? I.ilkcmen cad I With tlnii'. .-in? r-<l the ru;h. The I> iWl IUdiui? _I_H dm 6 bliu ciedji ; there was .paco for MOI people an tta floor occupied tiy a mass of about l.uoc men, nil ! I.:'" raid BBd Qi." i. ? OT-dotCfS, etatiding on row.-of ehalr? aud upturned broken b? tn he-, and howl lug id a ml.t that wouid have made a go..l etaaeephare for Bedlam. Tin- cpeclsele en the piu?f'.rrr\ eraated In Iba Conearratlve praraartlBn la tta rear,waa hopelessly Deraociatlo. A hundred hatulsouie loyal Bfure pieces, lneludtjg several baroi.e'? aid a lord Of two umong them, who wer?- bnag-fl m to give dlgulfi.-d pre?tigi ti tin _?_____-__,_____ all risen to their feet In a ??_--.:. a; p ti another Luudred or twi of hardy Brlti?h workmen, he-ad.-d by tkatf It adsn .and ciiecrfniy iiLiraated by the approving prasaaos af i a cot.pie of ctalwart Ufa QaaManen. At tne fr .-.?-. was tin Baal al this ctrOdag konk, , aacaaaal iragic Bcatodraaui out of Plalnrlak. i-u'Tt. thli .'l-hc.tili.l, i.!'--.? :.' U I !n spectacles and __ma_rk IB. I aught up horizontally be i e. ? eu the rKal faction-, willing and bk-_Bf and at :. luiitiug, cttll aadea tkeaa i _Aattasc_asatc 'o -1 scaCacT. ta artlnalstc BadkMl BsaaMlalloaa upon the calU-rao'a "pai ked public meeting." At the very out? set ot the in> ettaa be had ?crami .il--.ii. Ita SMB.! in front to tin-stag?, ?h.-re In h .a faii'i:. an cord, tob? ?eixed aud OBB-d bf the higtibat.'l'-d managen i tu re, who hud receive?! m return fr"_t the pit a flight of chaira which had broken a Tory hea-1 or two. Then tbe i hair? had t-een fBlailf followed by the RepabUcana themselves, and a miscellaneous crash of tables. But the venerable orator was allowed ahort chrift in his harangue, being (piickly tossed In the melee over the head? of the . r.awd and succeeded bv the Conservativa Laders, and appointed ?peakers of the evening, Capt. Mercier and James Achbury of yachting defeat fame Theoe dl?t1nirui?hed gentleman speedily followed the venerable Radio?-! o ...tor, sud were hurled, in their turn, by the Kepiit.:, trasses to the rear. Mercier ? ide one more attempt to ctimmand the notlcs. of tho hall by flanking the mob and taking position for oratori? cal purposes on a stool in tbe rear, but was ?inl.-kly wrapped in a red rag, torn aw_y from the ?-tage raL lQga in the drat crash, pulled down and ejected. At this moment affair? were nearly over with tbe pink tinted public, and the workingman, John Bull, broke into the spacious riding hall with the renewed war cry of " and a RepuWu." The Tones retreated in a ,body from the ?tags, and a stalwart black bearded plebeian in high boots and riding bat took possession of the Inn ?i premise? in the name of "the English working men." and remained master of proceedings to the end. The Conservative leaders bad hardly left tho hall and Uken refuge b*yond the beela of tbe Duke's stud in th? rear ?table?, when the meeting was organized with a Republican Chairman, and half s dozen Radical orators were -advanced to the front proclaiming Charlas Diike the best friend of tbe British worklngmen and denounc? ing with ad the expletives known to the best approved democratic vocabularies the cabed meeting of red cards, as " an outrage upon English falcj>-*y." sad "a gag act ni""i? free ?|_ <?< i. and public oeatlment." But there was a eard ?Uli uaplaycd in the hands of tbe Tory cellars? and that was the gas?of th?- Riding Rail, whl.-b was let ?town in an inatant, when there wa?, in tbe darkness, a sp?wdy adjournment of tue Republican tnassos to reas? semble at a fixed date. The excitement of the eveiring wound up by a pro c?oair.ii With a thouaand throated chorus of the Mar ?vilalae and -'*, Hpaaclsd Banner, lo (luic. ? houae In the nairbbunrhood. Oa arriving at thsae piemises the \emAmv* of thr pr?M*e?olon inoauted the Baron-et's door? steps, and, after making tbe aatiefa. t.,ry auoounoement that tli? diiiarrvative prooee?dlnga of the evealii? had advaticeS the Rapulilioan cause jo yeaxt?, and that the end of thsir Uraa would probo_i>ly l*av? their cblhlreu the full fruit? of the Liberal mo-riaaut. sloe ehaers were given fur Bit Charles Ullke, " th? fru-inl of Juan. ?? aud the paople." Thereupam the orowU ?llapersed. The morning journals, which would have been the flrof to To-raid the ?u.c. a* of tbe Tory aalhatr Ing Last n_gt?t_ content th-iuarlve? with pulilnhiag,U?? loyal resAiodon?. whieh it would ha ?_ pasaai if lihad had t|M optKirtuaity, and -?no-u-in* U* bum. ting as a aiisuke Of tau i?i_?t tnere __- Bs ao doabt. < ??__. r { vatlcm r-mint? ss Inertia, hut generally fal1? ss s fores, and that la to be th? experience here evld.-ntlv. Ttare conld be no delusion greater than that of the putain opinion manager?, who U-tieved that the In.1 in the Lllieral movement during the past few week? wa? equivalent to a. i|t_le?<. -ne?? on the part of the English people in the established order of things srAi>*. THE INTF.RSATK1NAI-* OTAH'ilH W1TIT IVITINO IBBI KRUcriON?MOKK TRoOP* W*NTKD KOR CUBA? RKA8SURINO DI-1'ATCII FKuM THE CiUVtRN'OU-ULNEKAI.. MaubXP, Monday, Tib. 1, l-*73. Investigation hnale?l to the ili_c?ivory that t_M disturbances at Barcelona and eh*where were fomented by tbe International Society, and many members of the organization are now under arrest. Hiimcrlptlon? have been op? r?ditere fo aid the people of France In the payment of the war lu?iciutury I many, ? The Cuptaln-General of Cubs ende a reassuring dis? patch to the Government here. He say? he has Just made a Journey through the disaffected districts of the island, and declares that, from personal observation, be lc certain that the insurrection will be ended by Mari h or April. lie makec a recitil-ition for only 3.?? troops from Spain, with which he promise? to bring the war to a triumphant conclusion. GERMANY. 0BOB0IA RF.I'lBIATlOM DENOCNCEl) AT FRANK H>UT?COLOGNE PROFESSORS OUDLUMj In INDORSE INFALLIBILITY. Fka>k7obt, Monday, Feb. 5, ITJ. The holdere of Georgia State 1k>u?J_. huve h?!d a meeting here, at which tbey ad"pted a resolution regretllng.the action of th? Legislature of that State on tbe veto of Oor. Conl.-y. A Committee wa? appointed to lay the grievances of the bondholders before the Pr?s'. dent aud Congress of the I'tilled Biates aud the <iOV emor of Georgia. The Ar.-hblshop of Cologne bas ordered four pro! of the University to subscril?e to the dogma of l'apal infa'.ltbilllty: the penalty in caee of refusal bel-g ei ( o.nmunicatlon. mm FRANCE. THE FREVCn INTr.RE.-TED IN THE A I. MIAMI CLAIVa DIBCC98IOB?BBSIOXATIOB Of Till. M IM-1 lilt OF THE INTKRIUll. Pahis, Mondav, Feb. s. : Oraal interest is felt here in the diaaoaakNl of the Alabama claims, now going on In Eng!.ib the result it awaited with much anxiety. The. resignation of Minister Casimrr-P?rier l? in 'lie ii.ii,.--i of iTc-Uilent Thl'T?. Ko succevor has y. ? a in.-. ! ; but M Is eip". tc 1 the matter w,.i be del mte!) settled to-u.orreiv. ?WITZERLAND. PBOTEST Ai.AINsT tSTRADITUiV Or rniiMCXISTS. Losdox, Monday, Feb. s, l."a. A <H_pat?h from Berne Bays the Swi.-n Federal Government has forwarded to the IttBCk aattarltkc a ?_.i ihe deportation of Commuiii_ui into Bwltserlaad. INDIA. MUTIBBBBI BL??WN PBOV MOITI- 01 ?.ALCfTTA, Foi.. ?, un. Dep'ity r.irnmi>e,ion?'r Cowan has oril?To?l 90 of ta.- R.-' ?u ii atlas? ? e to be blown from the mouth? of THE NEW DOMLNION. *??'\a -..'?Ian* opinion on the traaBixoTOB TBEATT. HALIFAX, N. f.? Feb. 6.?Tlie intimation of the English press of the Intention of the IirtUah Govern? ment to repudiate the Treaty of Washington excite? ?reave comments here. It la beUeved. that auch a Vlo ISBd course would be almost a certain signal for w'ar. Tliei English ( lovemjnent. It I? thoorbt, will th?re4orn jwiiae laef.ira* eonseBtlng to follow public opinion a?? tar _? to tiike ?,? ?leetHlvn _, step. The? merchant? of lia..tat ar? deepiv interested in the Treaty. THE ALABAR CVDlii' RiVV int. SUBJECT IS REGARDED IN GfcRMAN'l'. r-taJtfirrt {Jan. 11) Cu 11 _w?il_a-l of Tkt Lo*.ton Auutdmrd, The last iaaue of prince Biinmrck's ?>ri,'nn intain? an article ou our relations w.i.? tiii Vnit^a ace? our position lu a Vex--.' fair though ht. home people, cays the writer, may tta Aui.ricaiia neither wish . nor L'l'.ormoii? emus ibey h?S fort.'xh? contain? an article ou our relation.* w'.ta the Vr, stat. ? which place? our_ position in a< t-v-' fair though unenviable Light. think that the expect the euor___ majority, h? wevar, are of oplhton that th. ?,io*rt. cans would not have wormed out ail their irrieV? an"?*c unlesa they roa'.ly wiibcd Eii-if-jiud to luJ'ir ?-. und r. : ed 00 a verdict in their favor. If, hrtWa ? Mr, '?r?:ac Britain . acquitted of ?il biame, then,' adds the article, in any contact in which ?he is engaged, whether wirb Ireland or a fori-l?u Power, -Ao ?rill under? stand that the ports and dockyards'of the Cnlt.d Stries are mien to her eieuiv. ?? The wrlter'tbea goes ob'to laugh at Mr. UladMifw for having recotntEeQj.e| the evctem of arbitration to foreign Puwetc b.fpr? he had any experience of Irs woran fa _Uoul<l/the arliirn?t?-,re mljudge England to-pay fuur milliOnSjOnlv, America win t>? dif>?atl?tied. 6houldaL<y'? on th? r.iii-. trarv, take an American vl.-w of U_?, ease, England will tie obliged to declare the Ws?hlogtotiTr<-iitT as nail Orel greater sum than an unsuccessful WT.r would ,li.?va t>ot\ the country In every ease, c,?aclui1oa the writer, th* ? . 'em Of l.ein ? a v ;,' ,ii< ? |?i: ?. . i',. , f | rteeieer nn>i 11100 la?tmg aiiimi'-itv l?'t^oen tbe two nation? titi.t h t. hitlicrt. at any time exist. ?I. A NEW-YORK LOAS IX LONDOS /?.m. Th, London Tlmitt gfdmXi M, ?-r.. R.ith_?'tiil'l bave invited euhscriptiona for Jtn.uoo.iioo (tit,000,000) e per cent bonds uf the city of New-York, at tta price if _-lC4 is. 3d for ___ h J.V o, tin) interest on which, at f'.o fixed exchange Of 4-d. per .1..liar (the rate at which the coupons are payable at - RothiMiiiid -. mT.ondou), is a?3s. 8.1. pet annum :.-;? ar.: redeemable at par, in gold, > ??nth?-1-1 -t Juiv, 130L 'lb.? allotments extend to M,o 3.;h 0? Man '1, ami the subscription, ii fo be maid? from TTrnnssdsj 1 . lay iitxt ?Jan. ?8), lin's being ciyiiitai.?oujjy opened in London, Frankfort, Berlin, _i<v- Ain.01 din/1.* the Isst official atatemeur.-iat?t<i rh.- i'.-t n,U, from ?lrv ( -OCaj ??cert., n- "i'?''>Jt of the ( Ifv of New-York is *19,00o,00O (OH 86.). It IS satt*, factory to anderdtaxtd that the whole amount of the loan was remitted to Ainenc.-t tarerai mputh. ago, en 1 it win th'-ra .* -? constitu?? bo pressen daala aa il.i market. Annexed ic an abstract of the pros pee ras i L..?? uf i_?ri'?_r}t?w.T-.? I - - ni r?r r?_t ?',*__!, r_ hmst ?-.?Li? l? (iuUaal BsSs?aa_i?alPai la Boat t-u 1st vf J?l?, l?ll lia. i?ne of the?? boats't ?at! .;ii_?i h- *.w.? LsahMan ?tAs cut? nt Sew ion. ira-.t Hog t_. ?a.: Of ? r?.?a oi' t. ? Art? cl,.,.'?r Un, ptaaml ' . " '..'.*? "Tl ?!>1 X- J. P?aM_J Apfti t I !" I I ? iMaMc lid, p???n1 A)ir,i 1_, 1C71, '.;, - t M?S_1?- K Pisll i atdt A till !-.???? lag :?'i?iioD? tui ?ao-ot? : l-.i??oi'.l?te. St <l of :..? (.-'? r' Set Ti*. .. B? _52 SO? C?n??__?_fl8tae? of tti? ' >?l. i'onaalld?le.l V.<k l-aiiaaS? 1 m? Cltf uf N-? . . ? a? ' Ct.tuk?.lti talk OAultot U.- e.t? ul BSS-XCCS??* B?'.-l-? Tot?!.?is.ijwty?? Tli? ?h..T.i?-r! tmm ? ??. . ?. s teeurltt, ?a.! ?re ?1! w??l br ??luuri f at and m *??uril?i,?: wiu, li.? --.- tis?a^. ut _.? Leg .,?ur? of M-w Vori ?al b?v? ?? tte un? :.-. ".pou 111? yol-!?c sed rirt?t? *irm/ier'T, re?l ?c-J p?n?i??? a.f t_? elf ?al eitiita. ?f Bsw-TSCB, ?? ?Ute? ni Ui? .'ui?u?U>| i?-.:?ct BCB ? ?Ui_3cst g? U? |lU?u?.U_l vf Ulteitr: * , '? 1 oe en'lr? rs?l e?'ite ?' A? tOy ?.t'-nif-J to w ?ro**li ?MT?ih?? I ? . -,r u.. p.'iiieiii I ?i? l'???. ?r, ! ttn ttoi tal ftnea*' ut.ip*c.f ot ???r? i:.. Tl?ail ?usa ?i?1?i?te.l i. t?? C"?nu ?? ?loueriof Tu?, lud A?mhb_?BU lo be o.rJt avra l_?a #?,Ai",?ASj>.-4 u sis? Uslile fu: ti..- ? la th? oBeUl rt?t?_ie*ii !???sl tb? lis of P?e*nh?r. IITtttf ta? Con ?roller of Ul? Cttf of B?w Turk. Ue llnu. A?al.-?w t_ OsHB, Um UUl ?tra*rt?1se4 ileht ?rd ?lsiiu? ?|s:ut U? ellf ?va J?a-I?rt-1 10 b? ? _?._.!- a?7. Tk-M Inm l??e bees ? u?orie? by U.? mutt tootm repon of tb? CtmmSOmoam. tb? ti. a D??i<l A. WelU ttann. R, 4 h.ta?e_i_i k *,m* _?r_M i>?r_bi??l A? mI_ ai<.OCn.<WO buid? uf li.? Lit? ul New*Vori, ?re u?w |ire,?r?d K> r-^efr? MibKrtr/rJut? for U? l?m? Tu? bocil*?r? lu !*sr?r ta rsit? lit O'. J-? ?M S-fc-Ki C?cl. ?Mb camp?.? payah . IsHyacrly, ?? tb? l?i ut Itnwuj ti.: ui uf Jif ?set, y*sr. si ta? .>a.:? ?t the C-untrulkr is ttM CU? of Baw-Tsri,. It |oM roi?, ?ni ?t IL? at. ? at Hgtrt V. B. Aotbo cbild k Maim, laisSSa, ?t tb? li?d ?i,|>?n^e ?V ??el.. oat 1?U?r. m?Ai&s tb? ooapuo la LrmUun fu?. 0 ' ?*? boat. At 2*. Si.. ?i_ lo? a*a>' botii? A3 1? At Th? "-r??i MB 1;I??i1m b? cud? p?<?bie 1? P* J ?lit M?ssn. ils Butti?sli'rf OtoOnn, i? riaaS-i:- ci. tbB-Mln,. ?rttb Msam. B. A. ?? BotbtrlilCl ??i*<t)o?., ?ad I? b*-*?a, ?sltb lb? Olreeliob of tbs biac?ai?> <i?_all??b?rt, >t B.? .,|,r ija?t? t?M of ?z_b?a;? of th? 'tur ill lb? S-usl ?Ur..i_| lar bosd* U hatrat as? b? ticbSSfM ?I lb? optiu? of Um latac i?r r?k1*t?r?:d e?rtUesl?? ?I tb? ul.? ? f rW <>???roil?r la B?w lorb. ??baeno'iai? l^? -'" 'i rilil I? Lassos ?? * a_BBf BM U:\ last, ?ad will b? el?-ed oa hSScS FrMsr tb? n.? lam. Th? ?f ?a,.?*.?? 1? n. pat ttat, ?>.?, ?. l???irb?o|? if U V. l-r Alu* la OJ. pat omml ot 0- \?t- par?. h.? m fu.inari Alii oo iipbesiiuB, Aio ub sllutawat,' ?-ft ?a tb? SHb uf Vtbrnir, ? j ?. Cd. 0 tb? Sun ut Msnb? util MOO ti U. ii.bM.rii?ai? ?.? pa? ?p (ha rakalalu la?t?.liMt.iaaaJ?r Umosui. ii ib? r?t? uf j p?, eest pei ???as oa tjit W_a_a_kip. Tbe l-et? e?r?p?,_ or M_ ?__ -? p?..!,.. .a the In of Ja . IIT> Tkt buad? ?et?? .,. ue aaas? ?mtri.. ,.?agn at IIS?r??l de..oKi?aa?u wnl oa .?littr.d .aiM.-r.i__a lui? ? ill k? ?aaatd sia>_t__??-_?l; kt Laadoa. br???l..rt, ?ad Itarli?. EAfOTRN KAILKOAD ELt-TldN. Bea?OVi Feh. fi ?The annual _Ma?Bf ?if tbe Eaet-ru Bailroad <orp.r..U.?u BBB held tu-.l.y m th-? la <_u_a' room m the d<pot. bot, owing t?> the crowrted at tendance, was -adlourued to the Mclonduu. Tue I'resl deut, George M. brown??, declined re. lei Hun tu any of* tte*. The following recolutlou v-m? pa?-ci ; ?? I;, -.oiv.-d. That the Directors of the rosd he author,_e?l to Usue '?onde, not to exoeed u. amouui Lb.? ?uni ot Ii.-du.iOS. for th?i tint, ot th?' -orporatio.i. in ai-curduuce tufa existing Statute?.' A l>nio..a.|||.,ii l" |HWt|Mi||< the eic, (loll of a lW?Aril of l.ire.lor? t.. ?n m . in m-.l iur?tiUK la if held nu lab. u, was ?air.eii. a:..! a ' ? ii.ia.u-?) ..( aevea wa? appwtutcU to lM? a ?,et .1 UtTtetSSS9* be dien |H? BaaBa? 0?STOM-HO?8E ABUSE8. SPECIAL AGKNT .TAYNK? KtTBLATIOM ?OW Mil/.l I?KS AKK MAIif*.? WKI'.llllV Kit V t I? TaicKssx and ooBKurnoa m ai muai Tlie Senate Committee ?i?lof.t? ?1, ftaUf?-J r Pratt? resolution U? a.l.? a. at. to Washington o( baturday next, and t_i_n resumed the exaiuiuallon o Special Agent B. O. Jaync, who leMrihai tt d?itall th? method af proceeding againat Importer? stippoa-?? to tie g-.ilty of defrau'ling tbe linv? minent. II? admitted that _MB____ta' Itook? were ?.?tiietini??. ?e|__?t and ?Jctaln-ed from ?u week? to two month?, an?! tha hi* own moittle?. after paying ail ii?-d*?, b?< amounte.l to $75,000 or go.ort). II.? g-..?; ? hi-?f?iry of th? Ezra Wheeler caae. and ab?o of a case of ruitt, ry from . _art,whetaemeet the culprit?, Wm. f* Taar.a T-rtam odhiar. WM retained in olfl.e, ibrough the infla, nee o Mr. Terwllliger, for ?ome Urn? aft. r ttt? cri um. wa? ?it? aotwad. After expressing b!? opinion that thi Of en. ment ?7? tem of nel.'hlng goods :n Bo*t V?iiU wa?? v< r?. ?1. fe< tlv. he describe?! the way In whir? importer? ??ometnue? ?1? fraud tl.e Government by ??ol-n-lon with welghem f'.tl?tl?'i-n<-'<ruiugtbeevll?of tncdainag? *al_BW__a ? - Which he IhoacM ?houldl?edoneawav with, aUh?>ug!. tie worst of the ai?u_e? in this Department were remedied be believed, hy (.en. Palmer. Ho al?o teattfl? ?1 p ?p?? t mg the attempt? made hy TamllM?"l fa? ??rite In ppmt tor, Jame? Davl?, t?i smuggle cigar? (ram ? aba, am ?aid that ?tveral inspector? whoin he repotted forre ce?vlng bribe? were discharged. In c.-me? where a ?lexure Ismail? at ? j ? tt ?i, -lie (aaattaa at a wlnnnal peaaeei w:::.i???? declared, entire'y vt.'h tin? MM? I -ti???? Hi admitted tl.:it lie laek advantage of any new fraad he might discover lu tiott?atog i? merefeaafi and paper? on a apectted aaaarted that he wa? o^poied to giving ? ii'ivcrnt-??nt Situation tea ?attain d-li<in -f weigh? t wno had f-i: ei-iied impottm - ?i. ermatfoa, a-.d to wham i. aaderatoodthat OeLB oflaaad naitaaltoa. oue wei;ht?r whom tne ?Mines? ua<: detected lu frani had be? i ted M . ad waa attll in the eervUm if? ?i? ? letheda of dealing v t!. pant ? charged with frau?t, bat denied that be had erer need handcuff* a? a mean? of ln"iial?lating ac?".?ed ?nd.vidtnils. In ???m? i.i -.iin Mr. Jayin) w- ??? ?ralna, latsnieuioilsoi ohtainlnge. ;<!e- -.?!? a thepoaaibtlttyef an Impotter'a defrauding in Qaretw ? -lthout tlio eoOaaaaa of a eostoma odk-er, 11?*. -t-.isure of It ?<kat and ; ;;i>er?. an I lb? lag ? conviction,,. a ci delating th? ,a.v. John M. lYcehf. a ?hi t of paying gratoiflee or ** boat? ? i-wa? ?,t?" with wliii h tat- ha.l i"ti_- t-. t n fallait tr. TWENTY SIXTH DA_ 11 imO-tT of n. <?. j \?m . Mr. S?jate, rra*_iniin_r_ ?M?di I tbiak I badar-< ? ?. ? - - ? jioiiit whi?-?. w.? bad t"' the deel ? t.f the weighara? i eompamd them irefi ? a k tlia r??e?>rtl-? on ti.e lu tin? iwtag the w? ifht nf ??mg? k bad hi d by the- weigh??r?, ?nd tL? diecrepeacy betweea the .rit,-1" -e.ghf? ?? ahowii tf fb-ii.) itob-mmtm? and thooo original p'f'irn.; I rliei?,t?.<ilt th?.' aad . ?.taliie?! eviiteuce. ?a far a* I eon. ! aad *?.'?? XmttOt ??? I ? n ?I. iu a |iiiiri.??ti:ar <?it-e ; I wa? ? oiitiu ?i wi'u the United Stated titesaap, and vhan t w..iii.loi._)inevidttni'?>t?.Ht [dee_a-*di _hleatte aatraal unapplieaiion fort?n- t_M,?- - ?.f _, tin?.. I ?nuLl ' tv it ?balara the law nfll? <?rs ??' nume. tl.? Solicitor of the Coat-am. Ma ClarBe. ??nd batan ka? ? ector, ?-aii'ngthe two together. an<i a they dama aha ?Vdcii???' ?i-flleKn*- ?nd ___tfc___H_-t0Cy, a ??-tier W*__\ !?e a.repa.r? ?1 by Mr. ? !__r_*. ?ud ?igu?l Uv the ? ?.lleet. - aoMOna fh- Calt^ Btatea Att.-rtn* v u > ??_?<??_.*?____?_* for tha ?.?w?-?*. ol the tiooka an?! ua,^ra: I w..n!4 ala.? la/ ?lie cm-. ,?.<*..? before Ui? Unif-i fLtU-n I ?en' toi ti..- -var__.ut. aud llu. ?arrant ?*.,nlil \- niilaltt.-.t T._.y. ai:?._et--d by the Catted fclat.-e Ma.ahal or dnpoty In allea?a?i, o n.? a no-? or -nut ??:i7.r?? warar. The r-hatrman?DM you go l*>for. tne Ju?lge and ttiaku ? ?t- ment there aleo _ regard to tli?-gT<?,i' yum war.t-xla ?varrantl A. I n-ry Mldem W*Ml t??-f?ne tie? Jud?re; I think I did upon one or rwo ?? t-? i-ntitei warrant would have the ln?lor- ? I -trietAf fi rney, and he w??tild go In per*oti and pnK?ui? il. nr ? ??? tend one of hia aaalataatat taa twaho would be uk??ti _ ciiBtndv nf the Mar?iu?l : I gotraruily ?* eompau Marshal to th?- olhce of the imp??r?ei-, ?ml ?.-. . dalao iu almoat all? aa?**.. - ' -- f went inr lb? purpoae of identifying the .*>nit* ami ?a|t?-ri called f??r by the warracit ; ihe warrant ?uma '!.? ?, p?.rt.itl??n*t v? lh regard t? v. null fraud la ?Barge? ahto upo-a whiib - u? h ltnii? rtat:?in eaaae. th?a ?taie ot (im Mime, ?vitT t'.ie marks an?? nuiuiier-t ?le-.c-naiing the mer cltundise ; and tae warrant wnti.,i eall ? k?. |?a^,vvir"->Vsj?-*euc?.,jourLa-_., ae.t relatfaB loeaeh?m p. ttatinii. Senator Bavard?T>l?l your warrant cn'.\ for e?peri..i book? and papers only! A. It weald be .n.!?o-_*itiie to give a closer ?b?trii'i?n ?Umn that, not kuaawlBfl 'hi manner in which a m??u aept hs boo'..?. Q Lnder that warrant did y?ut?l_e a.' (be bo? * t ?paper-1 A. Oh, no, Bir, omy au?'h ?e rei.?te<l u? Il pgrwtlon; v?ry treuu-intty a book that i< laBad ucptTtatio'i n,tme?rin the warrant ?-?ui:?! it-?t. tt-agnai maity ?the? lu?)., matlon?', ein um?tan?-t ? \?oi.ltl fr? <Ju?-ntlT ueeur uke t_i>? the lmi-ort?-r to ?*h<>.<? a___M wa wi-iit would be very an noun fur ue in g?-t aw? y ?_* ? possible; na?_klng selertious of book? t i ? fake cot.slib.rahlo time; and opon their ?ngceal liave fre<itiently Uken waol?? Hit.? of j_,.p_r_ thai a I .over the tio,e of the Importation ; are eaaorted then tl i moment they ??ame into ?>ur pomeaalan aad rei thoee we <li?I not need, u? order not to atuact '.be att?._. tlou o* their neighbor?. ?Senator Pratt?What pr-Ctvuion? were Uk.r. by t!..?j _ ami hi? a?t?l*faute, wiiU initie t ie?<? M-unr???*. -n prirent iuiii???e?ear>-nui'lKiir t.. in. ti-nv-un-ut to tha pri?j?'.dit.e of tbe merciiant I A. I have buen \?ry ourcful about menu-.mug ma'u-r.of thi? kind to otrtshle [?. and ba ? I the marahala wh bare aoeampaulad u<e tn tx? ?_ar?.-ru! alsn; but, of coorw-, I aeald h^vi q , ?ontrn of w'uatt th? y might eay ; It wa? a matUr of ie< ??it, and ?ny man? I aoupoee, eonld h (?. M.iilie eontplamt hat (?a.-.i nia?n t? ?t? I ilntl. :ttee ot !tii(_r-?i-i ??-udu?:! ??u th?? part uf in??? ffl on making t.'i? aelaure, ?uob a? tilling th? odlee of mnrianTa v. un a i?cgti ii'iiuiw-r u' inen who wore rh-ir bata, ainl smoked, ?nd a? red wirb a good deal of fr?-e?l.>in upou hi_ ptaml ? . arhatlayonr lniormatloii ootahat prnatl A to .-a-.?i i ,-tt I ha?.e t neu eeaiieolad with I i.a-e n? ?.? r u. aid ary complaint of that k.pd; U.e i??ok? when ?eii**<j veaM be '?k?:i. lh cu. t??dy bv the Mars.ial. and he wmil?! make hit r-f'.n* to tue Court; the Coiititur ituuld in? i u,-l ? :?-?)i?*l Mi- Uio ?uatudy of tuu hook? for e_ai_. tiHUon ; they have a printed form for that; wh. n the tourt would give tb<? _h?o?s into the cn f'-dv of the Collector, and be wou??l .l.?_ im . officer or offl'.er-. under whose supervision the hook? vara to be examined, tb? law ?tatlng that th?- ei?n_i;iiati?u should lie made _? y the Co:ie?-tor ?r by -?une ?wn? ? i natt d l>y Ulm i where I bave had the enanitnattaa Uxiki?, a? I hare In each ca?e where u,?.ki? aave tieeu laaBaal upuo m? ?pplleatlea la Vow-York, ibav?* mmta Iba e ? am', nat i? n a? rapidly a? I Maid, an.i if any Uu.?? vte had book*, that wen? n??iuir?*d by the ;n.pnrtei it I? . rent bUfelue?? I bav?. afforded him eveiy r.t? nit I eaald for eoiKuluug tho??. hooka, and bav? m??l? the examina? tlou first ot ?neb book? a? be might re,, in h:? l?u-i nes? in onler that they might be ur*?t returnixl to hrm even bvt<jrc tbe form?! return of all ih_ uo?.??. LBT_.I?s'IN?_ MKRCH?XT?' BOOK-?. Q. As a general thing. h??w long hav? ?he mer?--__ant'? book? and paper? been detained fr?im him in pi-oat-cutlng the examination I A. From two day? to a month, I sup pot?.; and lu wm. tnetanc???1 a port.on of the b.?okj woull be rcaine?! hy the Collector _r tPtbtt ue??, win-re th?y were deemed eaeenUal, and wb?K? a eopy woui?i not answer tb? ?ame parpo?? ? but that wa? a matt? t ov. r which I luve not exerted control, nor attempted to. 14 Id>uoi?p_ak with regard to the purpuae? of in examination, but ?a to bow long they have been de lamed from the possession of tbe merchant 1 A It may Lmto been ax week? or two muLtha sometime?; but nut book? required In th? ;r current ba?lne?a t_u me<Uat?U upon ?aoertalning the favu akowa by Hie booh? I have reported Btam tm U t?i th? ollector audbl? deputy, ami also staUd them to Um XJtttoi ?-t?te? Attorney, and if tn the exam.r..itioo ther?i were any MM about which I wa? not clear tnynelf or that involve?] difficult que?t_on? of law, I have bad the I uat.,1 btate? Attorney come to the office and ro the b<Milt* with me.or ?eudonecf hU__?*lst4iite; where (he ( clWlor haa deemed that tbe evidence thus nhtiuned from tb? I'.aoks w?s ?ufficieut be has ordered suit; I would aay, however, that In these examination? Mr ?Tars, ha? fr? - quently gone over the tarte, aud I think b?* ba? gene, gone over the fact? after I have got tbem m ?nupe, ?.. that tbey were ready for r?f. r n?e and I bav? i*-. n ?,. si?ted to a coa?lder?tile nt? nt In my ?ail?t eiaouna U?>u? tiv the Naval Offlt-er lu fserrou. lien. Memtt. H Wnat proportion af the eaae? have tn?rn ?nstainrd ?? fraud? upon the revenue wLem yon have Instituir,. |te... K.-iiure?! A. T?iere bave been two upon whteb auit? bare not been ln?tttut?d; one wa? where the evideu?-?? ? O'.w.-d fraud? had been ? .'U>u)iit.d, but that tu?* m. porter, who?? book? and paper? ??rere taken mae n??t a party to the fraud and ____! m-eiverl no iK-netit n-.m it ? hi? b?M?ks were returned to bl _i and no pr... e???!iuc? u - ?tifite.1, that waa the ?a??* .?f Kerd>ni_i_?l Herts nu at terney w?? Judge Hutler. of tb? Brin of Evan* i^iuth niavd A Chojte ; the ^ber caae wae that of Hetttrmann g Payaoti . In all the Other e___t? of aeuurr ?uit. were iii ?HtUUd ti I think you ?tnted oa Baturdav that tberm w. re s*. ?ehiire? <?f tt?,?? __4 p^jK^,! _\ Ye?; 33 m Mew-Yor? ?ad oue lu Boetiin; allow me to make om .orwi.tu.ii 1 in ?.u? <?f theae rnaea tbe i?.-,,k- wer? not _*i_-d i___,.'? tbe warraut, trot I made the examnustwu at E B at Wg im_>s_Tmr; It waa the eaae of B. c?*a?. a u?o? H Wn* rtutt examination?ondormdat hi? houae at h a u*-"^-?' ' -? V^fc?r. 1 ?.?a. S u, Zhat^gbStSl