OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, February 07, 1872, Image 8

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1872-02-07/ed-1/seq-8/

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XLlIi) 0QNOKK8S?2p8_w
1.AI.-T.1K . ' POMT? JtT
AKrMKs-l.ai'Air.OS'"-' "", ,
. .*_ ? ? i-i;-*.Ili?*? I * A * ?I*"'
vi ^ \ t < ii: ( \ _ P * ?i * ?** ' * '
? . \_. OX .-.I KAVI
i-i .'Tn? raiaui
T,.(, ?,, .11 boor, tin*? aften_ooB.ii
lt.,?',v. .s-..-'.?"- T'?-r<".****** ** Vv "? ',{ M,u
?nritoN controller ol II?Orrsasy.BB ""'-' et ?tat
Zmtimt: expired, wsa tabea ap aad be wtas eoa__r_aa_
fcl.??..i .i|,oini_n, _-._iii.i_-?. Ol UN H-BSa? OS_B_fll*_W
auwiDced that tbe tata that hav? aaen ellcltad by th
U?.. . ) ?knit- itit.l ?'urrt-.i.-. ?-t)itii-t?t , ?tho are li
^mU ?I.iUim-VHct.l? i..l O-ndllft. BBS fi ?Util
, I? !?;?.?? ...li*- I til ? ??.'.?<- ? i'U *?' .*-? ??BSIBll I
h'.*r?..i-s-'t an.? ? t m is-v iMm.ii? AltarMspsSag?
agr?*t nun. ?a r of otla.i BIBBS! SB Bt? calendnr. Mi
Bjaaaais'B a rBeeaalta- ibe rate by wtaeb Jl
I>K'?t?tof Kitiisii- >M?r ?t-liliiitV <i as (iovt Muir olWSal
l:.Kl<''iT? ' '.i it? iili-ri.il ii?kinv l.'.at?
>OT-_*___n_ t, asgasd bi tt? *3o?stoat. UsaiSbhsj_H_o'
tuxior.?Uot ti? oihtT MaSi c_fl_os_s,Um Jadgea ?' U
Bintrdt.? Cow. ?.f lt.< Btsto, all Use i
BtaU? I i *??? sad '? aBSBBtatS o? UN M.i'.c llt'iit
oi lu pu im.?ai,t?., waa pnsseated mi. I'f
?roy that? ?Ai'iaitMit Ua pmoaai relations w,i
Legats. Hs ?Ml IBs! leasts Bad ?reported, during ?
?fltr liar? iiiiix.atlauifti trial, that __k ? l'"?i'?'<?> '?. ^":
could 1k baaabt lor IS'-MW. aad Ou_H.-g_fts.-i
tt??l a??.t??r. which to claimed to taw beea written U
ta?ts?sior, i??' whiehbad been ?ptovod t" -?? ?to5E,rl
W.tt<? ia?,i .entitled ti...t iv.ni. ..?'? '','!?'K1L;".1,1"sr'!1,"
toe l.-it- -, Btid the .'? Ml but the Ben.
tor N.-1 ? vim? that Ml eWS w? pil'fy of Hi- 0
?erv. leuiliu-ed hiiu tho next day. in?
Sm i.., i,?t tutu cm asalosble tenas wli
Emm* Of - Otbol K.?;..'..- anil .ul- .".'??ill ??:
c??iasi i ?ire, ?nu tb? trial. H<? raid,
j, . , ?,..iii..i. on- il. little Influent ? in tlie-Ke pul
lu'.iii i.. -tvi'il-.' ?. - bus appointment wont
a, :. v l ..) KunMU oui- lala, Be * 1 i? i not denn' l lin
bi? in i ?nal ??iiarrel ?hould Interfere with Ibe conflrni.
,!,?, \t,. ? , ,,'u ! . Mi. K ImimK turn li
,, | t length of ?the reporto! th? M .-w- ? om-niti.??
Before whom Legate t.-tti. ?! _o much tobla own ?lin
m ,. -.?, ,:,r Traman obtained tbe floor, and ?nadc
ggetcb ? ? oms ten ,-in. Ue i al ???! upon ?_? -, .
?r?owM a meinbei ol the Hou ?? Inv? t.-ai.n;. (on
uut- . Legate'* testimony here out Ibe chiirgi
_,a,i hiiu tn Ihe r?-;??>rt. Logan replied that
?li-i entirely; that L? sate teeUfled, a,mi lilt e vldou? . wa
aatlalnrrt 1.T that ol other witnerae?, that in i-iiuie i
Waahlugtou dnrlng the Impeachment trial nn.l ruti-i*.
Into u oou.p_i._ey .titti Parry liUi.-r, Ldinuni
Oaoaer,and Taylor, to ?ecare the voto ofSenntoi Ion
mtog.ttw trngooo agalt t Impeaebment, In oi 1er to ebtel?!
r?, ?n itublt? IndlgiiattoD. Banator Mora, who bad air?*?!;
acn? loTotaai ti ? . dealrad. Thai for this purr????
tataigalned wJti a? relutln of Senator Pomei
turma :i...it!.i_ .'. and thai tli? > were to ?< ti.? n i
irniii tba proaaeda of whlakj eelaarm In Brooklyn, n
Mr. -liuirmau _tr__m?1 mat tin? Bauate,ai it prised It ??_? I
honor, oiis'ln te uasltate Infor? it couflrmed..?.)? i nfiaii
? . - : . o .ti'.ii would be In eff.-et i ?
i - ' . tin? toiintrv tnat any o)?.? ?i'iil.l. wiili i. ,|.t ; at..
ent< a - ? ut to oorrupt Beiuttoia, ai ?1 i'ii>
a aran wl.. L .! d? 11 ', " i- ?-'! t" I ii
oflict ? l* .tin? ? ivii rriiin?, Tills i ?..i. -id? tution evident!,
ttad_rrnattnflnemeWith Benstora,and ioay jr*l -et,!?
Lrh'au> tU-u.it.
Th?? j?? reii.jitory order adopt? tl l?y tlie? !'!.-?> t??n Ir
v. ?luailtif.-?.'o^.m. , ? :. Monday ..?st, fwrbtddingth
fi-it'iicatlt n .?f tin? t. i-tiii.oii., add?aad,waa aoadi attb
Baal?MS ol irtiiatt.i Clayton, ?t.i tas ralbas s carlo?
b.-toiy. It la reportad thai <.n Bsliiirtaj lait, Clayton'
?.ielide pit pea-. iH,i ?In a: i ? |<.?i.?*i.t? lUat if BOBtOrelBl
t ... ? ? ... gliaa agalaat Clayton aad tha saallei buch?
?pao thai ta eoui?! is. i?riiTi?:iy rladloata^ ta wool
i.i.i'i ti?? tittiii.u ot tu?h i... i. us hiaayponswlBmlgb
nuiiic f? i i..?\. iTit-f and CiiBgiiiaaiiiBii ai large i
Arkuunae. Tin? j.roi?ositi(>ii ?as nia.io aft, r
cam .is of Clayton'i Meads, Bul waa
by tnoss to whom It waa mad? with thelttatssncnttta
urefit tvji n.- had tu-1 done and at eruption ? \It-t'?'! -ti
??imrinii'. ?.r tue .?m- d> aaandlng us pmnlabmeut.whilotl
flmnuiK???. < ' ;!??? ?.tin i t?al,t d i"i its ??< sw.t.i'iii : benidcn,
?wu .? ..,- a?.i-;. oould luecec?! whizh Sbonli
ludet?* i Itconrae. Thli faUnre el < IsySau I ? prevtn
th?- preaentatkMi of tin- datn?irtngteatliuonj "-..te-1 hin
It ir !.. llev??l, (??aisiil 1i.hi, ??i? ilniii'.i.v let!, t
t.rotun? in. oider prohibiting it- pultlloaUon, am
Ihm fihsBIa dsnounra th? icfi-.al of lliel
off. r as nn crldence of ?? ded
Ootrov Um b? pnblloan party, by whleb i.'?-v ?an'.i? Clay
t??t ? ' ' t.?> S":,.'? . T'io t \l?!(-l."'r? .ul?;.1 ol
Clay! ' -ni? s from hl? appoint?e?, wh?? dettro.
t.. ti ? Il ?-. t ..f tli??ir <xatuiii.Ttioii-iil-i!ii(I \\\'.\\ tneli
ri"-s aaaunatlt b, while tbe witueaai - ; ? i.-. ? i n *> t htm hart
thus (.?r i?. < n itarhalrnn In their itU?_.-iitio!i?. Clay toi
baanowhcr? ibe Aethm Governor, Cuiel Jnatlce, ; m
aSher Arhnnraa oftlclalt under hit control, and II ta tlirli
' I tha? :,? will be aaqoittad, ?-iiiit-i bj ih< .\?:::i" m
tr - i - ,i proloniratioii >.i tin t-.\..uilu.i
lion aa will prevent a repon at t..? t - on.
Tha i-.iit't-o|ibessaaa, whlabwasandetermlned wtai
th?-1! rned yeaterday, wai roanmotl thla morn
Inif. and dilatory BBOttSM were iiiAde liy tlit? nlnortt]
to het p tlio maituiiy from hatviug the new draWWlj
mi?le n?.til \:M c't'.oi-l?, when the Kliwatlou bil
i. ? tija aa lbs appolal order. lK?'...it<? ui.on tbi
l?l waa ri'futucO. and roniiuuctl ui.t.l -i o'clock
w: in it ?aa'tli of n ?w amendments v/tun off.n-tl
IL?? i.-cv.oi.ft r.us'Stion ?efotide.l, and tho Houwt at!
|o?.rii??l. Tin? I'll and uiiieiultiiitits wi'.l be vol? (1 nno
tac iii-i Haine tti-iimir.???.-. Tii<? Speaker nid, Jutt befoi
th? ...i-...: mu? nt. titiit Ib?re were from twenty-live t
tbiiu am? ?ulnieiits ?m ndlt g. Tbe lull bas ,'ipi.ai. nilv
t .-i- t.f.-n.-es. '1,.,'i.ii ),.ul last weak, bavlti
?a'.t?(lK?r*?iipili by dlacUMKm, Tlie opp?.sitio)i on u
h ?k mil.? si t.? h. s i?ot)Mi|i(lait( d nearly the wl
im < an et?. u_-ili in favor ?f the peneral principle It
s., .i ?t. lh? measure?nam? f, tin? grantmg of aid b
un- ? a n. :,.! ( ..\. ?T.-inT.t to atlmnlate education lu ih
Hiat.s. Mr. lia?? expneaed to-day ibe rie?
?? nin-t v. i?ahUeaaa, when lu- aald thai now that ta
taivoiiiii-?i ? had _i?-?ii ail in-.-n./. us the ballot, It wi
l'?!'*?' '? ? meana of caatluB tl li
I i "ta in,.?!? by Iiiott of tin? D( un
?- . 1. -'. ?' ' ? a. : -Just tin bill that It ail'lis :
n ; ?? on tli? i? v., neral Qovernmi nt .?.it
ti?? la Ibe hu - <-\-: ti,. tutheetof edm-atlo:
wsa . ??! i-v Str. Hliur ai.?! (n ii. i...
i ?t..! Ihal if siicii were me ease, tin
aren!?! <??"!??? ? . ?list ?:,,! of supliortintr 1t, .is tin
' _'/?ii tiir.? American! ay-temi
t un. ? inunallna I rom tue jk-c-ii?c, up tar hh.h rlor i
in i'. ?-?.ii.i'iiiso:v education dlm-tr
frouit i ? Mi..: i.-.i. iiiiiiti.t. hit. Parce, who bl schau
?ilti' d hii Intention to aeeepl the atnem
n.? m ottered iijr M;. Uoodricb ol > ? Yorl
wl.- ii provld - thai tar tbe li t I?
'i of tbe fund Bsaon
th? ? - m : Tt-rrltwiea ihall bemadi aoeori
tagtOtbl l?a.ua Of tin .1 I?i-|.ii !i\. ?nipni:
y the last eeaaaa, niahe pitrposedt
saodifj so at to lake not the whole population ui aratl?
Bat oi ? i.? ? number of children between ttie a ?.ce of fou
aadta -. i ? It wa? tbe jreueral opinion today tha
11.? bil I!. " II'? ?!: |M-, Ui.lli.l paW tO-llll'II'llw,
Ti?? UamptaCMkbeBek B-SHSBia_! elecHoa eaaa wem
aaSjrtt lobe dit ???s( i t,:. Mi. Bbellaharser triad tage
? i?.? as eOBW ?i! !(?-duy to r? fer a BBBSaoria] from u,,
eaa ? : II I lid Ota Dtatrletto tba ?Qw?lHea o
I ? r With a? lc*o,iitioil 1(? nlloW tftlj
N-t,. in . or i in hia bol .::
t t. prove it:-- i. enera)'i n>,'it
!?? the ?< it, -aiii also ma i-:: i g custonuir
tlli wane i : tun. !.. the siitiiiK nic-uiU'i tl
laS ? : Htiinuny. The i ? ? > ? u i ? ? ? n ?.
i ? .- to t:ii-?-tr? t'Unit-i?'"(?i ,?,??n-ui tit i.
Mi < lid i.i.v that u bit opiMiitent ?ullde
? ??? i t?? l< II tl e uiiitlei t?. any I m tin r < vt ul and woul?!
i.* Dbiiottee ai Mu- itei to Kcgland, lie (Caasphell
-? at in t'oii.-ti ?- id go b.n k t.
lelbepewpl ..' u..-It. tn.t. and i? : ti?. ,- uii_j,i 1m*.u
ti?:..: by II
TbS lion? I'. It.lia., (ull'i.tl.? ., a t. ,, -i|-i.,( r.*.| to
dt.v i'..?- etaiwaa nrada by Gen. M? K itblo an I -.,
I !?? t!i?? M II? as a.
UaalattaMrardlag ol contract? 1erearrytaa tta niHiJn
m Ota BaaStora Btatea. Mr. ' .-. -v.. ii wat Befara the
l-liaiiiati ? i? i a? taaraad a talf?bul ?Gen.McKihhin
Wb - not ?u. -t t,l, i...i i -? i U In 1.? in.ml It is llioiiflil he
I . ,il .l-'ai ll 'I,.
Aa saaaalng fallan of saatteaisd la abara tbe ttattk
ii.i.? paMssfS sttraeted atteatloa m tba Hes_a r....
? ' I ?. Alaras aarsaga ?m?s loeetred, tadamed
? "fi?? ? i . ti?:? tad talks If.'ii. Tiicui.i
r BW Botel, ?time jto. t-??!_li?' clerk had
? . . ? i4 ?._,?, i,.T ?j (ll,.
?i ? a . adle, and ?ai?: lota o? a piece of tha
i lawfatobil ?as arappad, ?J.? lag tba eaatsata
- .it of d< ;iit*a. Ti?e -ni. i- of the pat-k
ra? v?.is ;?r? ? a . v l?rnoraatal the fa '? i - pi tm?
. .t tueiiib? r..
i- linn!.-: t.. j.'??-k..'?.*??* i,?,t t-x. tiding ??on
out. . ? ? Mr. Kins. ?I, v.iH hat.'.eea.-ioii |.
1*1 ? : ot la tt ?_?-,, I? j,jyh |;, ;li.|?
i '",v hieb 1?. uilabt have
t.?? .t..i u.? ? i? - ?.i,..
? um h? ami Bf Ita Beaatt !
i? . eat toBiiiuttie to-in> m dafleaua af Ms com.,
***** Oeaaral t?. Bgypt ?- abraten tnal he
?"'' aafit :.. ordeta af 8* | ? aard. aad the
? l-purtn,?- 1,-wbicB H?. '-? ', ie Ihe C< n
' i iu? ??._ leltte? _s,
?',"' ' -.llTll,.
??' ?' ' '? -? bi ?" f. Btab i? uii'ii ui.i.1 _.
f.: ??? I-A?_ V.VP ?kl' OF PECH i:i I?ViS.
taBt : ;.' . \. a.him.t.,?. i,
?? ? '?> H I. Hl KH.M.
Mi FXfrn i. ! pm ? alguod
by cltiai t.a ?? ? ? ! Ita . u!?'i.. ri gatdtog I -
'? * - - atnienli lo ?t,t? raaaovali
*r? n s k,?i j?j._ i?:|, . . ? ,,tf..?,-,_._
fcl.t. s. /. . i ' , .. ..t, M,. I, ,,lc,
: preraal UM psUttonof _o_?_-l
. ' .. !.. ' ,-. S, t Y? ?. ?
t__al ha? ever br* a in
?\y.' ? ?' -ii i?-s|n i totb?
tn of whleb tli<T <r'?'''
i_??','.?. " ?" ?"? Henate.1 i,?vi* geirrally
...? V, l '? *-'*..*! sent,,,, ,-\?1)f m thmeaae i
. I ?an
. , ? J.??. i
;? .. t
.???'<? sdeisjk
? I? ti?li titii'i tosbst sa ili-rti? to on some of
lions ?4 tin? ti.iv. it.-,n iv: -V (.j.'liitmt
!.. riil removals from public oflHS ? ..,,!? rlea, |hi-i|ii1U
.iii.I ir.i ,. i - l ; ..l II -il. I , . ,?iirf ?t.'f 1'tiVJtr In
..ml |n i* \.i In-Illlire, \oit\ irltiiy of ?l, t
i i o i.i o iw. rvaltiui, knew Unit
all m (?.inn ( m iit.s gros- iiijusiu-o snd
iqnitotta practices ara lui-vit ?bl" r?sulte ?il
exiatiag Ki stun?, Tbc, easaMera?)
w In. Ii -lionltt al?n? sas.ru api?..1ntmeiits to public S
?ii'illtv, <OlCit-r, and honcty. RoiooyiiI f
!i..?,il?l ootmr ni'i.iy nein proof nf tntMinblUty
t ItMioncy, or i^islitru'-tv. Mortes otpmk le ofii. <?rs sin
!..-i ..^itt.iati'?irnia v.-lltitlie (|ii,-ill!y of t lie tncti n ? ? i ? ?
:.n.1 Un- diiVi.?. Hi Im? performed. AU paSBJIliait?-.
Hl.ilelie? 1.0 ?lili aajM ell.illV. Il.l illKllltOlKl. US tilt' _BB1 ?g
. ft.?, t "0?-i11ie. 'Il t.) i low o ni 117,0 tue servir??, i?orriij?t
s.?i\ ai??, ,-ui.l SVCS ? Stood ?ft l>emli1_ii? Inlliiencc lo
hsBlMOaaeoa-mnnlty at largo. Tbe selenre of the ?
hin! p?pela .'f m. f ?is'its mu! msf .?firtnicrs us n,'w
! n ni practiced la, ta e?8_t, placing it? t!>?? ??h
i.r.in .?nuisible passons tin? jn^v.-r to ?'O'I'V't i i
iMlu U.o :uisliii?SMS_Jil chftiacPi- if cill/eli? >'f ????' Safa
known t-.'Hi?...-tj.l.S tv. 'Dus ?*?*"*.?., In l lie lnUid. ol 11
v In? .tir lut.r_St-*J in Uno*. a-r-?iialU.-?. an.l ftirreitu
i-., b . sud fre?-icntl) lia.? l.'-.?n, ti-"l for '?'.Tcr-s'
Hon f-i Innoeeaa men, with the in'i?? "f intimidai
t!,'n 1 i... rotnf-roinl-N s ?uni settletnenta ur iin-min
tu..:..--s. as piviornble to Ms alternative at csp.ii
s s. consuming laWSftS VA* ? authorising ?
t.-.. ('?im _ arf subversive of pr?valo MaBISSM
a rtlij "i a f.-?-.? ? "iinir.i ' .La.? ?.
Ali I i.\ !C N sald i' ?"'M be seen th.it flic . iilijo.
petition whs |ar?8-V embraced In tin? ?-'iisti
Norvloe bill wiili-ii he So* tba tumor i" trmtmt Mota
? i ininiui?.' .m Binant? asi which Be aroald man
III,, up :..-.n SB III?' A'-.itn -!.. l'lilV.K disposed of: 1
as it also referred to i._n matte-?, wht.-h wen i>ni
for tito iaui-iili'ia-ii'ii ?f the Jwll-Mr. Cominillo?-,
??.ml 1 move Hin II li <? - Huit n 1er. ?ce.
Mc ms. BUMNER ilii p., Muas.)and To. MBULL <R
Iii.i emu "li il In Mr Mr. l-YnUin'o climate of Hi?'
.-if lite petit* ti.iinii hoped h u*?tii?l li.tv,* ??ni r
i.i..1 p| i| ? i.; r.'iie.l
ll ?-at? tuen rc?irn! lo the ?-.uumille?on the Juilici.
mus am? RMOLUTIOxa ?ri:?iiai < ?t..
Mr. MILKMAN /?{. i'.. Oblo), fr-om the Committee
. i a-, t- (mil?,I u,|. l -.llo\, inifortidnnl lull uiiifiiditl
..I tin- i.it "i .liilv 10, 1*",(>:
/:, ttemmcttd, (.-..That (In- Urm (?n ff flu- Ti.a-.nrj r)-n rM
? .' i.'."' isiHaesi?s, i?
? .:.. ISM. S an mi..ml 09
ye. . In,!:, a.),!:.fcui l*> -tin .innutil Sbi.-li ll
. ' i.r /i ; m la-d.. m ?l... i .:>."i. I'.l ?.rCa. of ?U ?el to ?tiia-l? llu? I?
11 ?': ?.e t.'t ,'("('" iK'l.'-r-I)..?.f I.T p.'!'
?? ? ? ? tl.? t , I fl . Il t t I I " l ' \tt I, '?llll''. t l I 1 l ? l tT _?
.nula. r. iitir .nut imo'iii', *.-?!l ?ease tu liei.r h '
? r ?oth relie?, ami U at ll.e leriili?.'?.
, . - ,-i ?|e , . .' I ,i| II , .-'Hi ...i ?.! 11.? S
._>?., -),n of ?pv SMl.si.1 bill :?,' -'
t:..i t.f..- -, r ? llnsaehaol ??? lateteMitaBbe p?i-_
'. .'.'?, li I :lu t ?I,, 11 i,a.i tteerviitsr he ?'Ut!?] at |i?n ot
te. rttot li i feaaklaa aaaorl Sei
Mr. -i.ku.m s.\ ni*.i reporteds Mil Banking it an
i. ase, punishable by one >? .l's baurifonment snd >\
nao,Im ? ,;.' .'.inn i 'Moil, titln, or intlit liltutl
1-t.iiiti ni,\ m.!' ?li,ms, 1 r )'iiiiii?i? to put, to be ir-til
lut.ndod tobena-d.as .1 clroolsuM Ufdliim or?
K ll? ? .
Tii follow! 11 c lilil? were Introdiw? ; :
Mi COLK (Ki-l'.. t'lil.l-T.' "I.I In Hi? con'trncti-aii
tbi . :i 111? _-,. ,.:i : - .. Bernardino Kallrosd.
Mr. ?r.'.(.in ti: . M. U.) IV? ?xthe i?jrat eett
Real Admirals ou the retired list of t?a nav.'.
V . il -NDU R !;:- P., \;i-ll.)"i:-.l'liiistl'l:: tin si
|. nsntlonof i.'....- i/, il'.i- 1 mit.nu: un.l fut .'tin 1 |i
Mr. con: F"i- t:? relief of th( Inbubttant? ?!
1. ->.' <>i ?rcala, Vol . relating lo Ilia town itte.
.Mr. JOHNSTON c?? m.. Vn.i-T.. eborter IB? Pu
Kiii?nl ami Norfolk <i'-c:iiii( < "fit m.litiil Air Liu.- K
r.iaii ni l Telen apb Compant. . -?-:? n1111 -r the Muht of v
iront I'm-'1 .-omul through Washington Terrlloiy, 11
?L-.n, l.iilni, in,n Hi !.?. t ' it 'ttl.iei fit... Colorado, :
aniiu li/iii: consolidation with other railroads to s
the a ii.ii'i.' ?ii-i-a'i a' Noii"l?i Referred rytln- Coaas
f,-. ?.], 1 ni'iif Lauds.
Mi 1 AV'K?N ili'i'.. Aik v ithOrlMna Ibebulldl
on ! ri'i-' serons Iho Wnablta Bhrei at Arkadelpli
\;. , .\? ... Ruthorlzlng Ibe onhaUtnllon oi ,\ik.-ui
bun 1 for ? ' it m bonds In Id In : i-i foi the < 'hieka . ?
Mr. BAWYKB 'l!. p., S. < ?) To ewate a Tentb Judi?
( ,i. . ;,. n 1 tu appoint a Juo^' for tin? Wt stern liisin
ut !-iii,it! CarollTin.
Mi. HAWYER illi'i'., B, C.11?:? sented tb. Tom lutlou
ti. ? . luit 1.1 .sl.itnii-' jiiiiti-stliiL'aaainata
d-S'tlon ni the ?lut. on 1 In-.
Mr. i : BYL-BGHI YM?N fflep., N.J.) preoeal d t
rt-H?.unions "I ibe Lealslateireol ncw-J? rs.-? roeommci
pnrrti so by tbi I'nltod Btate. "f indeia-iidci
Hull, in .'iiiripiiiiiii of tin* centennial oelebratlor on 1
1. :ii)i .if .Inl.t, 1878, the ptirehoae monej lobo used
Tl.11,lib ,,!ii:i for Ilia- 1 :??( :io:i "f a 1'iiil.li'ii. II? :: Iini* 1
. olutloiian relien.
"r. m (?NKl.lM; (lien.. B. V.) ofTt-i-ed n resolntii
v in. h was :i|ii|iii-ii. 'lireelbiB *iia' Commllfp. on )
trencbmeni to IsreoUaate the aliased iibasesaiidext'
-, m? m i'"!:ini-tio!i \,"i)i the qaaraaUae sad heal
l.ir.ili'liiin? in N'.'\?- Vork.
Mr.FEKTON (Hop.,M.Y.) nsl.-i\ slsthsr?tbose ?1
ji-cis were tinder Htate control
Mr. ? "NKl.lN'i s;j,,i ,,|,. ui.jeri of tin rrsolnlloB w
to ascertain bus fc_r O aaress conia take the jarlsdletl
,.f ih< III.
i'-i.l^'l i:t li 111 \iliiv in ill! SASHISOTti-f TBBAT1
Mr. 1 .i.Mi:.v!i.- (Rep. Vl.) otfored s ivsolatlou uahi
1 ,1 l'ia-nient In Bond to I'n? >i ii.'.U . Ii.V inlm In l'ani
1, 1 pi .-...- j. n relative ic lbs : 11 !?*_.-??? : lut? utl.f ??re
Iirit.iiii to revalBB the Treaty of Wasblnaton, nnlesa I
claimant the United ?Matea shall be presented apon
principle end in a manner bai enble to the olber pwrl
lie said ll v .,- ( \li. iini. desirable to have tin- inform
bon. No one f( it more il? eply than be did ibe dralrnbl
dcss of I'.-.in? iMivaei.-ii tue nattons; nnd 'i" im-hi.
of the T''-i!'ii Btates hod shown tin-ir dealre fi
jh',11 c in- submlttingto arbitration elid?as s dich they fi
oaght luit te besnbmltled to any tribnnBUbut themaelv?
l?m the British Governmenl ami nation hod bad full u
in.! thai the . lalms for consequent- 1 damage* was to 1
mad",and if tin \ ??renos about to repudiate il
treat",Te! us Bay, " Aiuen," and take caro to enter in
1... liio'.i? tii'iitlct, with powern t*" ready to break thai
und at tba prorer tiini-, tu t.ii.e measures to rtndtoato o
liHiuinui Ikiih'T mid ?-iiliire.? onrlmt claltui?.
Mr. TRUMBULL Qtep., 111.) tfiontrlit the futiste oii_
n'.t to adopt a reoolutton nis.u a mere report thai Ore
Britain was 2<.?n:.' to repud?ate a solemn treaty, 1
. .lid Unit l'ai leim ni lie ! not y.-t aesembled, ami il t
country wanted the Treaty i-.-pu.llat.-d. lbs i-est sal
li.tM If dono SouM be to liia.ult Uitat Uritaiii b> tl
Mr, CAMBR?N (Ht p., Ta.) t.boii?lit tbc lYe?i'le?t h
no such lafonaatiOB a- Ibis called fer, ami be had as id
that Great Britain Intended t?? Stagraos horsell i>y 1
puillatiiig tin Treaty or nnj part of it.
Mr. SDMHKDB, ut Mr. IBUMBDLL-I snggcstlo
1 niudifled then sditiii.ui su ai* to merely ask for luforui
lion as to the Intention of tire.it Britain 1<> repudia
a the Treaty, sRboni in? nttonlng the alleged Maatw.
Mr. K?iIlKKTtSUN iKcp., H. C.) calloil i,p the reitul
1 nier, ttio Amnesty bill, and tb<? reso!ntt?ra went ov.
Mi i:nMl!NliH san! bo would call H up to tnorrnv..
1 Mr. EDMUNDS (Ban.. VU) tin n addressed IboBosa
, .it length lnfnvoro! tb?'resolut inn.
Ai-tlie conclusion ot Mr. Bdmunda's reraorko, Mr MO
r T'iN (Rep*, iinl.i obtained the floor, bul gave way i" M
Ti-'.uibull, w];i. esl.1 It was .1 vi ry extraordinary tint
f that the Hen 1 te ihould be asked to pass a resolution
> tiiis. burin i.-, .1. a-iiniiia??, iii'iju mi "Hi-1 basis than im
I novspaper reporta, thai Orea! Britain iuiemk
m r?pudi?t? a m.ioihii treaty. Ifliie United Btat<
desired to provoke a broach of the Treaty m moi
effectual saj onldbe found than tims t" msiiit tiro
1 Britain. TbeJMltlah Parliament Bod aol yes mot, ax
we hod ti" trustworthy infarmatkm whatever that tl
British Uovcmmeni did not intend to -i.nid by ti
ir: ,i , vet tbe Senate woa asked to pass ,i rssolvttons
?anting that the Treaty wa?- to ha revoked.
Mi. EDMUNDS replied thai the British newspapers n
ported that the Uovommenl had the subject usuei ."i
t-Kiciatinn 1 osd,as Pi the roecttoaof Parliament, ti.
v.as a rnatp-r wbicli <H?1 i"t noeesanrily require parlii
mentary action at nil. Hi** rsoolution was merely a
ordinary resolution ol Inquiry, wblcl aaauined nothing
i .i.i ho iii.i not s?.- wbytt t-ii.nild exalte the Ho.nator
Mr. TRUMBULX Insisted thut the MM elausa ot ti,
reoolutton, undertaklas to state tbegroand iijkih whi.
the lcvm-alu'ii of the Tn Sty WOS OOBteBipTated, dl
contais an osssmution, and said it was sboeking that
upon a question waiek threatened the jx-nc-of two?
tue greatest nutlons <t the world, om "f these nation
1 bould be taking action npon what mlghl prove t" ha
mere newsnaper c tnard.
Mr. EDMUNDS said that, to roller? the miad of ib
tor (Mr, Tt'ui?bull. ho would striVi oui im i.i
clauae "f the resolution beginning v. it h tiu> iron
?? n 11 ?i"?*," uiiicti was done,
Mr. CAMERON (l- i'.. PsJ CbalraMa of the Oasimltle.
?Tin lorii(,'ii K?Ulioiis, said: Mr. President, 1 do nut knot
sbj tin? resolotlun l? ofl? r.-.i. I eosnot iaugius ttwl lb.
(?mi-ruiui-iit is in [iiis-i s-iun ol any such Information ai
I the resolution cals for. I have no Idas that tea until)
Oovernmeul is going to repudiate the Ti-?-.-it ?? or any inr
ot tt. and I would not be the ili.-t to Buppoee tii.it tue\
would beaulltyol an itel ol such wrong t" ns and dis
honor anil dtivnf <? lu theutaclvea.
Mr. B01_?_-_T*>N called up ilm reamar order, Um
?.o !'? to bin, and Uic resolution went over,
Mr. BJDMUBD.H gttve notice tbni ha would 1 all It si
to morrow und un,' it* poiwggn
T!.r t nines! ? i.ill a-astbi 1 taken up sad discussed bv
M.-si- KHEfcMAN. THI'KMAN. MdK'K.N, and PRE
l.iN'.m YvT.v. ?nul ? i.vi.ick p.m., when the Sen.it?
wi m Luto Ri? unlit- aefesloa, and Moa after adjourned.
Mr. 11i:im.Ks di i,,. \. Y.i pr. Milled u, memo?
rial of tin: .v. u-Vnii, t ii.itiii.ei ut Ousnmeteo for ike
Ms?ippoiniiiii-i.t at shipping -f_____a____ioa?rs by i ulied
(Matea ? rouit Judgos. AMo, ol Desoe A Co, saotoal the
).].. in! thsdai) mi I'oliy a'nl i?n sieim.', .iini.ii, (,,, 11,
pjmt fimn li.iu.
Ur. KELLY (Rep., Penn.) pr? s Btedaprot? ?toft be Id
tut ii i-'-form ?'lut' ot PhiladelphiaBfalna lb* latrodu.
?f ib??.alo-i' ,1. sadiwllglosstoatslato Um pasumble
I <.r bed] i.f |ha Co_ta_i_a_!a__
Mi. BB ANN d>(m. _id.) preaasted a petition ot tin? ?.d
in.. Ian war fur the Colon pray tug fer aa squall
A l-IOL i.f ll.l.ll.tl- a.
Ill L" INTI.'il.L: !.!>.
M: UAXiRep., HI.,- '.ntli...i/i:if llu?.?..n--frnctk.il ufa
ril.w "";'"1," W! 'Din ?Cur trow u |m,?,,i ,? Ht.
' bill <A.'ll,tV |||???.. I?, _ ,?,,?, ,? h?u(|) w , ?
v.iii.iii ti,.. ?id.iu ..f (srssi-lu. ?
Mr i*\vm> ,1:.,,.. Ma.ss.i-K?- tas sotabUahaassI ?f
n_-?uii?iilM'i\?cii, ?m-.yu,,, '
.i'e?i'i'.-^i/'.!?',?;;? Y ' 'ro.i''r'>'"^ t'??> esossaaj a..,i
with i" axil ; '"' ?errta ' *iMi'lo l"?"?'ote trad.:
AEifl_?__?MuT ^ ?I- m*AA*ml
I ^RKSVORTJl (Rep., Hi i-Ora,,,,, . ,__
Mr. I IITTON iltep, IaW?)-Antliorl/inc the eonstn...
',;;- ?;?f s brid?. over _ss MlaBlsst^l fig a, a.i.'a?l,,,,
Mi Y<>(,uili:i's (tiom., lud), from lha J,_ii?., . '
omialttee, ? ,_?,,,i _ mitw lb?'. ief,., dim??/ n",f ' v I
I .,.a,.>1U,..(.'.dir,.,., -?',,,' 'L ,;.|
??,.?, , ., T'"-' I I'" ' ATI..N UM L.
,,.?','."" *"' ""??, I' '1.mil I'n- cot ?Iderui.,,,, ?.
,U_ll4fiiaaa-_UMbi ?,?) top?, and toaJrtJj
the proceed! of tbe pub.*?- land? to ibe ?location of tho
^.fr'i-KRCK (K?!??. M?'*"?. "h" reported tho bill, of
feri-ilaiiroMrV'thtit Mir? hill Mull In no way thTftet a.tiv
cx__Ua_!l_wf*tBo dlapoaltlon of paHUs laa-SBrtta
p.,c,"t.i?'.x*,t.r.ti.y p..rtioi. nf inch lan?a ... pro
,,',,). , "tier ia? ? lyofbomoatead, reaeTvatton, or . t ml
rasaa-KatssarattarwIaa, nor he coaatroeil ua preveai
tgm%**Tatara____ tberouf which OSSNjnSS _BB_J !'?'?
3m BBS 111 i" niitkc.
Mr. l'OI.V.M) (Bsp., Vt.) olTcre?l an emendmeie?, pro
riding tt^t the act eliitll sol have any efleettolmi-Bile,
I m pu ir, er _u_i>?>ntl any law aathorla lu? the ?presm|rtlon
of tho r'*-1-'*-???u?!'? or tbelr entry for boincatoedii ? nor
ehail N t?e coaatrasd hi? llaUtlng Ib aa. ?>-*'i?"' ?"'
l?ower of GHgrsBS lo ulu-r or exSaasl IBS n?_?t of BSBBB.
Tl.?* bill waa i|,?!..iti?.l if _;r?-!U feagth tt
Mettra. FAI.N8W01.-1I. HI.AIK mid other?. BBS
Mi. COBURN (tap., lud.? ?aira tpat? m favw ?-f
tl*? bill, aud I.i rapt) t-u hi. colloagae, Mr. ?err,
pr.rti.iii.niv aa t?? tbo aoarea fi ?'? wwca >|"
?s-lit.ol fund of I u?l i.i na war denv-d. He denii ?I thai !??"
D?mocratie party ha?! mivthiiiK lo do with ?. ?*'.?"'
lien.,., t.itii- j.M a -. ni lud?.um had ?I?m?- iinvtitiir: ?"i i"''
matter It wa?to brsaB down me i?yet?-iti naOerwsicM
Mint aehool fund was n? i-uuiiil.it?.I. Tae I >. in- . t if i?
???mullet of lii.il. in. were Uu? nioU Ignorant coooU??}ot
the Mat.-. WbL? ue ara in favor of th.? bill generally,
lie VMOpPOe-d !.. tin? IH...I?. of illstiltilltint) ,ic. oi.llui: to
population, it ?v.miii baro Ita faad dletrlhatedla a 01
reel pro|Miriioii u? Ita illiteracy af a Elate, and lathe m
vers( proportion te ihn itiuoiiiitof aetaolprapasty aaa
tanda wUrb a Ataba poaaeaard.
Mr. HT?IHM (Den., l'a.) oppoaed the lull, und op|to""d
paiitKillaily .mv aineiuliiieut In it whicli would r.-<!rict
Itexclindv?'-!. I?. Nt'liuialii couilui .'.(! in Hi? Eiicu-h I ?"
guaga. Itere were several eounUee iu l^mnarlranls
wberoeoaamou acbaola were conducted in the German
language, ami it, would tie aafalr i?> ezelude them from
tin? li. neat uf ?iln hill. He regarded tin? hill Itself aa ?
hiiiiiltUL'-, l" ?". MB moler i! I In? ilHl rl ititlon for KbOol
piuunmii n until hardly amount tn a rent and ?-? hall per
. a.pit.i 'a . very lnaili, woman, .ii.il child in tha
United t .-.--. Be ssjassd alth Mr. Butter ot
Tenue.- s |o the Illiteracy ol tti.it btate.
uuii t? is reiKiy to aasame ital ?. inui
buine in? fruil ol dlaboamety. He w.ii Informed thai
HiHt?.? : ua .u waa a nwiatar ol tbe Bcbel Leglilatura
of T? ia,i . ? wiiicii bad voted to traaafer Ibe state
fonda. inelii.ilngfBOBrSSO of the acbool toad, to Georgia.
TiuTii.a in ttiptiirnrttMbi_bi-'"""~***. '"' -''I thai lbs
iio.irte... i... attorn of that! Htnto iia.t result. 1 in produi -
in?; i jlWIeiit v in reliKiou. and degeneracy In tin? raw?
twooi tbe great?d evU? \. ii.li afflicted Maraaehoratta,
?nui bad aiiinini drivas out the old-fa ihkmod Mi aad j * ? i
tana ?in.
Mi. KEI.LI'Y (Kep., I-cntl.) euloglz? >l the educational
ayatem of bid own Btate? aad raid that walls Virginia
?Ails makiBg t at felony lo ti -.,. ?i a c.lined cltil.l (O iciul,
I', mnaylvanla had provided coUcKtate oducatloa for c<?l
uuii people ??'th at Plttaborgb and Philadelphia. The
gentleman from Virginia (Mr. Harria) might not exhibit
?a.an extremo i'ir.ir about mixed aoboola? Ita Uitil? -niiy
would tio only temporary, for tbe sun nml uir if Ike
E ?m . ru Mates aura known t?> bleach the black? st Afri?
can, uoth la talr and complexion, io Ita colon bC the
parar Baxon, [laughter J
Mr. HEREFORD, tl-ciu., Weal Va.)?"In tiie ?..ntir
tiiiin lu lavo, of ton :ni_ mixed aehoola on ibe poople i"
Mr. KELLET I my ihl., that ?nature given tbe be t"
the saai rtlon thai Honthern men abhor.i tntoroourae
with women of African descent, it? uciined Ibe pov
(lit anil ile -.?) ul th,' Soittli lo tin a. ?sill. . of CdttCatlOU
which deterred emigrant! from going Itere?
Mr. i?._l_.'ll.l.l> (lUp., Ohki) raid, he would ddenm
tlie hill mi ia o mi, sti?ni - Pirat, wii.it w.as paopoaed to
t..? giren to tbe ranee ol ?ducation; und, racorni,
huw waa ? proposed i<> give ni Ua atawed iiiat
s,n?<? tbe ? atabluLmenl ol tue Uoveram ni i i>?t eeal ul
Un? n m ums n.ni lu en ?lerlved fmu the public land?,
:iiit| uiiioiiiiti d in fsiii.t-oo.ooii. Tbe thought ol glvingtbat
to the mum of education .sas ?t great ou?t nudtbc
country woald remember the uiau who liad feiwuluted
that thought In law and theCananma wlileii aave la It
araent He proteatcd that the elfI wai nui t' ili*tut-ii
tnc American ayatem of education, bul aaarathei t.. be
need throngli it, and to Im a part of It, and to be wholly
M.i-i.i uiii,i!? ?1 !.. it. The leading govt rnm< utsol 1 an-upc
were basinniug to eecthat tha ?iuorksau w tnud ayatein
v.'.is iicttei iJiaii Hoirs beeanra the Ametlean m tem
npriuig from local ralf-governineut aad manlclpal Inati*
Mr. UOODRICll (Bep., N. T.) nupported tbe bill as
temilng to break don n i n Indice and 1000111111101?, and lo
peri? iiwte the polk) ol univeraal fnoitom,
Mr. STI-.VI'.N?-??N (Kep., ?Mit?) eni.l h.? would prefer to
vote money out of the public tieaamy i?>r the pur pora ?>r
1 tniciiiioii 'm tue Boutb, hut be accept? ?I thi? tu'l as .1 ttep
in the riKht dlreouoo. He bebeved In the policy uf
takin-.' wiiai ne could gel tor mIuioi parpara a,
Mr. ?AWE8 (Hop., Mara.) advoeatod mil tbe detail?
hot He-1.. 1.ai.?1 -? "p? nf tin? lui!, it wiahed that every
unoccupied acre ot the public dm? 1 waa, by thia bill,
.ians.cii.fed fur atieb a good aad u??:?l parpara. Ibora
who bad witueraed the mode tnwhi? epablh ?.mils
tad been pnyed upon ami sp.ii.m 1 j.n- tte laal
un yt_.r? hy the ai Mou ul I'oBgrera, could not
but regret ih?t atsaagea realatanca bad aoi
>,? ?n ii.ii.lt? to such _. ayatcai. He hlanarlf had
?.ot? ?I fur lands t<? tbe r.uill l_.ili..t.ls. bul had
u iHti ?i all utber like graata. As to tte charge that the
hill waa a awaaara ol emdiallislhw. ttarawae Boihiux
that men were ao ?low to acknowledge at thatthi ? ? ? .
try was becoming a natioa not out} la same bul In
t?i? 1 y t in n L-1. huh i.'.M?s to make upa nation. Thi
mnn on tho other able uttribu'? - teudener to pu li
cal evonta, bnt ia hia Jndgm 1. ua the reauJt ol f ?rn?
liiildeii in tte v. ry growth and .levciopiiictit af tte
natioa wiiici? nothuig could binder ami nothltui
could sti.t. 'I lac j i? i 11 ?>.?.? I - tli.il ti'atv.lcd tli.
country? toe telegraph thai madettaamn wboapokeln
tho flouae apeak to ibe whole coantry, tterarrente ol
trade minim ir from one end of Un country !?? the other;
nil of thrae made Btate ttaetoniy Imaginary linea^and
in,wie 100 mash, te was a 1 ry to s.a>, yw it is inevitabl.
no?ihe people, .me people, one aatwn and tbe. vents .,r
iiio la-t ten yens 1.ait ma, precipitated reauita whlck
were Insvttauta. il?? .lui uot ih sir.? to baaiaa that reami,
hut It wus Italr duly to owBnowledge ita rt-ault of llioee
ton ,..
The ?leimte ? lo_*?l i.y Mi?. I'EIM'E (It?tp., Mira.), who
(Vii-uili.'tl th.? hill aiud un it? tails, and exprtiirad ins.
M.ii.iii tii.it tin? wlioit fund would be permitted tojro
where it waa most needed?to Ihe Southern Watea.
Tlie titst qucatton w.is on tin? auiendmcnl of Mr.
McNEELMY (Dem., III.), puttinn ifftulera' UcBeta and
ink, t a. pc-Oie I.i I cm! prill, iu,; pap"' '. Mi Una free liat
Oli objection of Mr. li'lAK (Hep., Mas .), Hi a a.ricud
meut waarulod out of order aa belnit ? iwewae in.-, ut?,
which inurt Bra! bs ooaaWcred 11 * ?>inmir.i.if tte
The vote ?m Hie h!U and pending amendment? went
over (ill to-nmrrvw, and ita Haaar, at t?Mp.m.tad*
Juaiasd. ___________?________________________.___?_____.
THE >EW-l-;N(ii.\M) UM* BPTIO-?.
'ih?- Iti 1 eptiou nf the N? _.-i.iif_l uni Society al D?l
inoiucoV Iu i'ourt? .?Ulli st. la?-! mjurI?t, vtais liu_rclv ?ittetni
e'l, all?! JIIOV.....1 hivlllv hiici'f- sf ,1. Jl\ n o'clock, Steal
xa) (.ueais had ai lived, among tbora pceaeal ucre ex
Qov. aad lira Morgan, ex-tiov. Balloek, of Maas., Gea.
aad Mr?. Barmdde, Oar. aad Mi .1 tn D?of?_Baaeeilent|
Mis. John A. Andrew,aad I'.'-of sad lira iiott.t. Mr. B.
f. c.i,til m reeeived tte (?"?'?"'?s 1? he parlor from 'J to lu|
o'clock. Darning !? ran ut I, ami mppea at in.
To the Editor of Thr Trtbmnt.
Sik : A I;,? n?l lia? put iutii iny bands TO?
coiuiTiciitH on ".sprctafoi's" mass?n nhoiit our ? liurt-Ji,
in the laH foii!in;/titiuiitiiiet; anil, tbeagll I have nut
mueli BSpSStsUaa of nuiLinK you nee thin iu.iu. tire, I
venture to slat?? lust tin? j? ,,tii,?, V\,. oeeiijiy. Plve
rtam <?r ?0 ira mir brethren that were ben
founded a ehorch aftei tte pattty of tte Pilgrima. \\\
have Welcomed ..II mea to om hou m ol worship, aud to
om ciiiiiiiiiiiio.i, Irrespective of race, nationality or
color. It is oar rattled j_?n? v. We have both Africans
and Amafie, in our congregation. Wo du not rogard II
oar lni-i-ioii to . a? n exclaafveta lor otter nationalitiei
tlioiik'ii wc iia\? mor.- iii.iii 1,110 uilorcdchildren m our
mission erhoola. Wc have treatod all men aa we think
our M tsi.-r would bave us do.
Now,contldering thai there is probably aal another
church In thi_ ?city not leaigiied excluaivcI* (or colored
people, where a colored man can rent h pew or haven
M .it 1, the LortPi tatil.?. ..1 a iabbnthitehool of the sun.?
1 !..?*. t\ hen I?. .?..:. put hia chiklron witboiu belu? con?
front? ?l by tho spirit 01 crate; eoaaideriug 11.at ourcburch
???in..? is 1..Dir on?? except their own where colored
un u ? ,in iin.l adaairai m f? r public aaramLllct meh
let tur -i? or c??iic?.rts; eonaidering that aeveral ?>f .
memberaara tmateea audptofeaastem Howard Univers
ei: ?.. With <ieu. ilowurd at th? ir head? it mm ii* i ithi r n?.
lu.ukalile to Im? charged with neglecting t he . nlon il i~o
pie ! Th.? white -hureteaof tbla city, certainly, have no
right t.. tlnow si,o,, s ul ut. Yours,
J. V. I'Atkiv, l'.ntor
iraasfsfsaa. ?. c. fab. 1, ih;_.
Tlie N??w-Vurk Yu?-ht t'luh reedved .mil laid
on the labte ut its ssaaal BModag last mot? (taltal*
lowing latlSB frmu .laines A? lilmry of the yacht Llv.iii,:
Be. SSraraa-Piara, BiaaPtaa etaaatt, Jtt ia i.;?
/-, ',',. '-maniai,,,, ,,,ut futHatltke ?/ the .' ,. )',? t ),
riNTUarai SttaateBaxBtBattthai ??.lit ?.
' . ,'? 1 i,n of 11?1 ?Il luutitlia D'.ta.-.? h?. tu tw in. i, ? L? ii , ,
ji.T in rii?ni|{ a i|ai?tiuii for train?-? intr ?t?t?.li uni m nf i r i'?- o'lBij
It gift trat Swlha wtaao? At awa?u' tot
. f r tha n?? ?ua at * ems tarara I btvt aa tuna ?n o.? n.
tcaipbiet paiat %* Bra Tatt thtt yarn kt ?ail for ? ? , , ;
I tin k it t?r? i??t-u'iil l.ibaf?? ll.c time ?Iihwju. irctnmatikl I
ti.M au.l.ris (iikI'Mii k |L? All: tilar r.r. ) Ma tiflit .?.,? i? \. ,
w?t.r? tartt-r Uu? nil? ? ?illli? Bra 1 ?irk V??T l . , | ._, :.,,/ 11,,
?tateraanl aal tea avta l?j ra ib.-id? in f??.,, ?f {a* i.u, , ,'
?</ ..?.?t ?hi t'i?-? ttuiil.l hc?ia?lrr Iltita.<?riTii.ii?-? V.i-i.i I 'l-,', rn
Priai la tli??.I<-^?ntr.- iu l^il ?I th? L.?oi..? f,-: ,v, -, y,?^ ? vrrT
rial o|,i ??. pm -'? . tantea Hi?, tha raaU l?r?i ite t'i
uu, |.i.int of ..ilntt, ?ad e? ? ?-i|u. aa. ?
I? at ?lit ?u. lit ol tttr Srn Inri, larlit ?Ii.i, ?Ufa ? f ,, ?? ,?,,,
t.?, r .II.,??!!,?-, _ui?l It ,? ut'Kh la tic r. .oat. ; u, ..,. r . , , .
tl',t tli?? '.HIM- ?llii??IICi ??? a?, ?ilrrill ?- to |ir_..-?,, ?!, , , , r || ,. |
?nil. |S?h tetat* ra pamaaie rhiafa, i ? ?? ? . . -, .
|n .r.ii. .ti.,1 ,u?-l. ?It?*?il.iu? w.-r Mali iu ati'i. |., ,..,,... u,,'. | ,?'
?in. li.e Iji-I i.i ?ii.li a itrpe ??J pm,. ? ?.ho or I?
?ll..wio?r IU? I.i?.?ii!? .-? ..ii.i,i!' em i< I ?-?n* ? li,i ??, rra>u_ita t
___***__ ,'?'"?"? '"'" ' ""?- '" ' ": knttit, .?Mira.
would dniil-llr?? eaun a roiiOut? a*? ,?,| Ittfrh] .'.,..
I ?,,ultl IhfttStrt ?an., .1 I',.,i l!.,. in.niiur. ul ",,'
HaaliDft ?T.BiiP'lIrt rt*lnna Ihtm.r'ti* i , , '
Baa, ?i.?t'.? a an.? ?It? rattoat thaaH lai ., ,,n imnatt ? \.,.t '
?? r?-x?nl? ?i ? 1 ?rtat-U ?nil r?iilri-l???M>, ?l?i t ?l.tti.ii.i I .,]".'
I.??,, * thai n?. ( .-n ?ii.ttn ?.-.u nui.,*i. ni . ?.? .. .'i _____
tl-i-ti, ,.:?.". l.-i ll?? tii'm? ?i, .,f ||? , -
L?,. as?late?! nij Militg unit r a S
?I. ?li
1 > ?. ,11 > ?li tad? I Hit- uimI ? in ,il I? .?I
tl . ri|jlit?of ?.??rfil ,.|-,l,?ai..lrr il., i isti.i i.,i?t. I ,?, rliarVli
?'?? ...uln_*,| I .l.o.?il.i.l ,??.-, ? .?? llu.T 1*1.,:, (|? ,,,
'"""l '" ' ' Uttiketht ??:.u,. s 1. )..... :
Harnt tltrr Kt,e iM,M m?. la l_al?tat il.- 't? ( ..u:!. .u .',,,? i
?oaul t_irti|uiii>,i to e?|-r?i?? ?a, ?Um-i. I j.i. i n,. ? ',
?i?atgu?.uT?r..uu-.l. _,il..,ut ?!..__? f...... -, -, , ... ,., ' .^
I ?In.iiad H.,1 I,??? fctilial. /'?"'
lttij?K?tini? tt,?-l??i.r of ?i ?-?rl. irjir, I >?a?, , laanlrah
. ''* ?"??" A"?m m.
Tlio'lll.i h.ii ;v.!i.|il.??l th,? riillowin-i rraolutiou? ?m,
r?'I.-r?'iit?. t.? tin Anlituiry cnfSI
WAertil, katiaai'li ?< IT.,,-tm.l.ia A?l.'..a? I .* ?'., ,| ,
T??* Im-UI ?.luii <,.ih ?.?ri, MKiiu ??4 uni?,i ??.i k? , l\_
?mlul to ll-r., drrlltfl nnl, l?,_, ' ****
ln.oir.1, rial li.?; '.?...I ?II. ?i-r tti' ,,-f.t. .-,,,,, , .
?>l?? ?W?-h*i??-4_a?*'t*l ?tuli l?a_M?ta I??"?? it I . u,.
'..be ?T__l for fat it.. j?. li?. ... tif J. \,,Yi [,.'
****** kw B-SWISW Ba lartnetoSta rs*s ?? ? t .?.j* it a. ,u..,'.'.,
_. __ Nona WAY' ?ft? "Mf**
3J? ?0"_?*
?1'AU.iir. s at Washington; Hlr A. T. Oalt ??' >/<"?>r??\??*
?ion. J. 11. Wilson. r - /-./T'a ?<<*'??? ???*?S2
. II aad CMS. W. O. l-.ly of Connecticut. An-li*wl..Wb ! .
rreaManl of Cornell University; Judge laM I B.B?? BOM
.afSyracwee, _Ba Hon. J. B. Humphrey of AI ban . '
mar A.NeN..n,e?+?MT.?larv of KtaP?. and A. 1..1 ?""/"
Iht Ser- lloren Fulladluta. _---- St. S tchol.A J1''1 ~
IA-tiov. Uendosol Vermont Judge HltabrtMktB^BM.
John n. Perry ?.f H, laouis, w. n. Mean?, PreM* ot of
th.? KltehburgB. It. ?-.?..and j. B.KnaPpof Anbuni.H. *?
lien-ell IJ.ntse- lomuuind.-r m.BJ?eamjrf,V^O.
fit. .tarnet Hotel ,\.|,t lion. lowm ?ltd o! ?...v. tlottm.kjt*
stuff. . - MtewHoMae-Oen. ?IcripKtarkof \?>*t?0.
the Rev .1. II. .l?iiin*oii of Kingston. Ca?ad i. and w. \ ?
UtlK'TWiKiil of Ni-wJ.i-i-i. Mrtro/Kiltltin llntrl
?. I.. I. 'Um, Iif.pi?. tor of Stale Prisons. - Storieswwi
Uoatk -Tm?. Bav. I?. C. Bowman of Philadelphia. ? ?
Uogman ?ions, Urn.A.B.HivcsofMinna- orana
i,??..it Uotcl-i'.m. It. p. Line ol U iiliiii County, a.
Y.; I.l.ut. ( ommander Mo-Carty and Paymaster U?ng,
II. a. Navy, and llarrMon <?my ?iti? or Boaton. : At
toc Metate- Tim Haw. Charlea Bteoford ol -? iion. .ta.i..
N. v., uud ax-Seuator DooBltM of WMoaasls.
A pises of lit it < I at tin? coiner of Broad find
ITsii ita.ainsaarlsa t'-i aqaara fe.-t, or mm lass ose?
third of n ektf lot, bn? |ust been sold for ?SO.OOO in j,"l<!.
which Is at the ratio ol atiout 111,?. iO.ooo per a* re I
Vany-beaft navigation waa nadered ilifl
cult yesterday by a BOSS] log and Held*, of ll'liting '''?'?
The, Hoiimvelt-st. BSSfta mado no trip? until U a. in., ami
Iba Btaton Island aad Jersey City basto ranal Irregular
interval?. Tin ?troetS m the vieillitv of the l.-rry-buii??-s
SOS block itle.l With vehicles.
PrcaMcat Often of the Weeten Daioa TaJe
gninb ?iiiiipiiny sent it dispatch to UM ChstnBSB Of IBS
?Nui^-resai foininittee at Now ( IrJeaim, ye?(l?rl..y, In ref?
er, m t; to ?inv. Wannoth'a statem? nts that t.'.?: t< tegranh
olllcci were routriiil.-d by men in socovd wRB "the
revotntionlsta." aok_ns thai Hie .<? who sro anjlty .-boui?!
in: exposed, or n groundless sUnuW in? refined.
Col. Daniel Btinsou i??-oiv<-?l a telagiaia,yes?
teid.it, fr.Mii West PoiBl, .staling that tin? raolt fOI " M
n ceptioii of iiie rassise of Osa. Bobart Anderaon
rannot be pn.-par.d for BSTCfSldaya. Mr an while, the
Qrcenwood Cemetery Company hoao_.ere.la lot fit o of
oharge, and uutil Mrs. Anderson'a reply ti thlsofforls
known, nothing definite caa be arranged .<>_ the funeral.
No mil it an preparation baa yet been mad'.
Tli? fallaariiig aupaintmanta wan ni.nle yes
1,-nn liiirr. Kn_ro??ii|! Clerk t'i t!,. Bill- ef tUenaeai iahet I*?'
n-tr, Lihr.-vnan I? Um llannl ail A Ml . ?-. i ; flssig? K not i- M'?_?ii|-i r
t.i in.? I'.-. : I it of tl ll'.ir.l nf All. rin.'ii, I ??? ? Mar-, ?
.i.lant I lark 0. th?* Be i I ??( .Ul ir. n ; II. un IV. Baeeabl
l.ir to the lita l,:lar-?r?i K.ltr.ir.1 Mii?rn Mr?.i,'i !, I.
Aliime ?; ' t:,rl. - I. flatter, Beeaal A - . 'aai- Clerk to tbi
AlaJ.-rinau, TtoMBB llH'B. ll-SlM Uknika to ttie lioltJ ot ?ll'l'r*
Tin- coiinsrl employed 1>> tin; I'?iinuiittocH of
D Itora of um Bowling Oreas lavba-ga Hank bava ?"!
vised, it M f.iid, au'..lii-t tin: lirniiiiini ol any . uii? by lia?
da positon agaJ is- the o-toera of the i;,nik. 'i be applies
lion m Aaron May te have tba Rank put Into bankruptcy
Nsiil i a. ti?i before Judge Bla'chfurd tm Saturday. v
itrong effort la making to provvat itieh action, and de*
itoaitora are t'.-?.a''i bi their oom ilto< s to sign the peil
1. m In this i 1! . ', ,il ?he otlbc "f . D. >'?i? i>' . ftl .N". M
Cai?i-. .Ton<n ?>f tlic brig Lydia 11. Cole,
owned b) Ml -sis. W.i.i.l.-ll A; I'.... ?irrlvcil yesterday in in
Ft. Ja*" do I'lilm, a In re h.? was linpiiaou.-.l hy th.- Bpai
i?h .. Uli u-.t'i , on a i liar;.'''of liivim; f'irifed the pi
ports "i s passenger named Baymond, on the previ
voyage, lie complains ol bmoMaoa ami lahnmonli on
tin- ii.ii 1 ..i the 11 Isoa keeper?, uu.i state? that the . jtun
Isb authorities attempted looompel him to pun b i- hi?
r?lense. The American Coaoul Bsslly aanasd MS ?ii-*
??ii;i? __?- fi ..m eaatody.
Tba Mat-Baal Rifla Aaaoa-Btioa ui?-t ?t Fir? -
inen't-Jlall, last cveinin;, and was informo?! 1) iihui
iiiitleclliat.il aiSIIOSl Wits ncaily complotod. Ti..i"-U
Uons had beoa made from tim rifle man mils of ibe Pros.
hi m und I'lcncli .nun,'.?, ami (inv, MolVlnau fuvortxl Its
adoption by the National Ossrd. Tin- Wimbledon lui.
Association, England, M was reported, seemed dlsln
rllnedtoglvs imy Laferosatloo r. peetlng it?riBedrill
Uen. Var?an seal in in? rarigautiou sa a director, aad
Usa. Ward was oh etod m Ma p?a? c.
Proepaal P;irk viaHora laat \\c??k, 68,619.
A now UoaieapaUiia Diapeaaarj La.-? b??n
npiasnl nt No. M Vtfth -t.. ?.a-t' ru ?iivisi'i.i.
'l'Ii? l'riiK'itnils of the Oiammaf Departmenta
of th.? Publie Sel.M bava BoUMoasa Ibe Lo.i dol Edu
i ai ion for an incienso <if Balan .
John BoMaaof Morgui-av??., reparted to tba
potteOtloMevening, that b was aosoaltod In Meeker
uve. by throe hlgnwaymoa, .mil robbed ol 1a??. No ar?
In tba Court of '? ?iion? jreaterdajr, Johfl
Mel. iit'dillu, who wayhii'l und rol n'.l I it/ ' l.rf, i at. in
M] i tl' ave., mi Jan, 'lu, w M leliteii. cd to ill'' t-:ate PrfSeS
at Btog Mug for flve year-?.
LOMO l.'I.AM).
Eabi Xkw-Y??kk.?Edward C'?'miur,a livery*
slabtoBeeper, aad Beu)aaaln PrieMley, ?.av.? beoa as
tented on the eomplalat ol W. II. WJiiaum ol Union
Ooaraa. as the charge of flrlag sbola through the faonl
windows of hi ?iiieS'hiilnuii. 'Ji.e asosaod deny the
i barga.
jASAict, Kit .lick BoB-ptowas arrested yeaterdsy
mi ti.?? nomplaiut ol Ins employ? r, Utraiu l'. Hi :. i ti.i
-le.uiug, during Un vari three aaaaths,arttclea worth
i^iNai Islaso (ni.?Mr. WaSsM of Savenswoodhas
(li.ai'i? aied ander circumstances which ? seit lUe-picions
o? foal nil...
Mh?di.i:town.?Tba Bularui party baa mada
th? folian m?; n iiiiiiiatiniM for town aa_oera : Bapi n _sor?
a i v i.i C Boodle] ; Town Clerk, OasaaUaaRoaa; Jostle?
of the l'cai-e. Win. Hallen; Asncsaor, William Lot I mail :
Collector, John a. Diz; (XasaUaolooorol _Ughwaya,N<
?.i. Ostt-ai.dti.
Nk.'.v Bai ?iitiin. d"ho ferry boat Mlddletewn n ue-ri
James Mai lire yeatordar, who had tel out for II igen
Point in a twtli boat, and bean oarried away i'yti, n .,
Kill Ilil ll.l.l'. J. P. Dl!!'" Im?. BOOS nominated ;> I.i -
lorm Laiiiialato for Mipervisor.
HkWBcaoo.?At a ipeeial laeetiog of the
Hoard of T. i'?leea ol tlie Newlurgn Havinga Hank, held
on Momlav, tba newly elected PresMSSf, the BOT. Jol u
Foisyth, D. 11., Chaplain at West Tmnf, ISSlSSIill the
ufllco. BBd I. DsWttt Wal. li was clcclcd in his p!:ic:\ i
in uiuierst. 'oil that the emit m vernie* whMB liave ?Tnwii
out of the luaiiatc.niciit of the hauk hive been aniii abiv
B-srcaasrBB. Tin? tax-payers will complete the or?
ganisation of n Citizens' is'oci.ition tbh evening. The
c.iiiiuiiitco on Legislation will suiu ?, the foibiwiug
lull..: To abolish the Beaton test r id or Boule vu rd
Commission ? to abolish the White Tains and Fl
.Mi. Vit mui, K.iilra). i? Commission j lo abolish tin r.i.u
? oniuilwdoners' sel "! LS.aaud l"7i,.-.? far us it relates to
this town; to amend Um Town liait, Tas il.uvera'
Trustees of Public Lands, ami West ah. Veraou-ave.
lulls; tooatnbliab a Board of Audit on Town iiiiia ? to
widen Til.?t.i. at tin- depot.
I-i>I!i.llKi:i.i'.-ii:. The will of th,? lute William Kellv of
Kiiim i.eck, lavolvlag It. ?0,000, baa besa ofl-rrd terju-o
bata.Mii. Bdwanl Dosen, who was arreatacd on isai.ir
djy alter her boaboad had sssaaltedC. Denker, with
wh'in she bud elois?d, was discharged from custody ou
Monday. Uer hoaband said that be would eotisent to s
divorce if eiie woiii.i |ii,,u,i>,' to desert Denker, who had
a wire and flve children la Oiaaisnj At this momcnl a
woman Is tba ?Miuri-rtxuu roae ami sold that Denker h ul
married her la Brooklyn, aad bad driven in i ,n,d bur
. In!.II. n fiuui home. lloren has t-'liod Dcuker's luii.l
Hi re.
Ni.w Km ki:i i p..? I-'our soldiers tpiarfcrod go D.r.i_'
! L Bavins filled I.i o'ltalll !??? ' lllln?|.i|| to vis t t,.,
village, attemptod an Bal arda; algia logo aabore on
the ko. Two of them wore drowned, one ?neoecUed m
raaobiag the tfeoast and tbo oiin?r ssa isoesi d.
.ii i.-i v Crrr.?Tli? BBpaadttaiea ef Um Board
ot pol?n OaanatastoBofa >nii?i July i bava besa
Iowa: BaMrlaassdssppB? ,BM,IM _a, ho.ipiiat and dl
p.isssry? II-I.WI oi ; als ? -. ILMI U| Boslth Hi part.
in. nt,*;. 711 M| < Ity .lui ? i.oii i.i? total, glJi.SiO At]
total appropriatt.,txu - ka].?, si? t,7*>?i t?. \,t,
pu.m nt'tiis ni Krle, Praakliu, Hey, UriafcerboB, < irtsu 1
..n.1 Bcrkcley-sU., lbs extension ol tHutos-plsee .1,'
nuoniug "f Harrison ami Cedar-ata., and iii,- n ii|,.|l)ljk v.
W.inut st.,wereauthortaad yesterday.
l'Aii.i.-o"?.? Tim re.-i-li t?i from Ueoaoaa ilaee Jssa 1
i'ii' |0,ni M. of ?hnh la.lfti ,'mi has lie. u p.ui to lue Cil.
ii'.i-'tii r, aud |-i,.'-ii beoa embe?ssled by the ?it. Clcrl
w .m le.-.-uiiv abeeosdod. ..The Btnrd ol Aldermen bas
authorised ibe opeaing ol Matllaon .ve, from V. \
in iii oadwai, ami of Palr-st. from Autmrn-?t. lo htralL-ht'
st. The 'it y TretMurer rt |mrl iMelpt?, >.-.'., i s ,ii ?|?|
1 -\i..11.111111-. :, Y .-s..0:1 tr?, .luring Un- run. i . n ., n| ... ,. .
balance, *n Ml M.
Kan .no?. .1 Bra m the bak? ry ?f j. Keller, at No "1
William rt., caused IBM damai.? yesterday. Inaured i.",
.i,.'_?i ChristianBebsrlad w.i? arrtsi-ed yeaii-tdai lor
Mabbing.l.ibii Seb. rt. wiib n Bio \ paaacnpr oil the
i,::. 1 p. in (nun Iniin \e?.-Yi>rk on tho New J, i. .s | ,,|
man. I -si ? veniitg, tvisartad iti.it a man Mepned from ib?<
I ral 11 upon the iirlm pleea of Ibe llackt-nsai-Ji It tiz,
m hile im- train was m motion, ami fell lato the rivei
Dr. < oIkmi will ghr? bis null Isctait a__d
,'%hii.,ii"ii. 1 1 tu- Cooper liiMit.iie, t.. moms aft. rnoou
.ill...! tilt;' ? 'litletiaili M v?el ? l.l II s.
'I ho 1..1111.111 Woasea'a Vsreia la aid ?<f
widows .nut orphaas ssM sa aasaal amottaa M Bt. Mal
mew's? ii'ir.b, inHi.?oiu.'st., yesterday. Iba reesipts
?f tlwHo-toty last year were |?^3l t-:-. asaai?, li'.i?'-/
,.v|s-iis.-.. |4,3T3S6? l.alanit?, B18.7S4 OS. I , following
..llii.M were cleciodj PrcaMcut, Mi. i?t Uctier; .?,
ProoMoat, Mro. nutof Vusborg; TKaaMrer, Mra. Boyen
Beeretary, Mms Btohlawaa
'Ihf Onl.'i of I'liit.d Aiii?ri?:iii M.sli.un. .
w ill bold a parada m tin. _U |. Wol -.-. m hon.?t. i Waal.
Iggtl S'l Hillb.lay. (oun. ,:, |,,.U11I;| (Ucbi.ll.?", (S|m , j, ||j
New-Tor*, N ?w-j ?iraT, and r?___saylvanis. are < tpeeUA
to attsad. Tim niocsaaVin will uiarcti up Broadway snd
l'liiiiivo. ?o Thirty-fonctli-at., uu<l do*uMadlaou aud
Fourth-iv. - ir tin. Waalilugloii ?ti't'i?' B Ul i
i i.IKlaet : .it city will net ??.<lr_.U.I Mairlial
Th ifH'i!. tic?'.: OaorjB? W. CvttLMa UBflaesod
pl?r_ il.ookltn, nut r .__?'ti.l___ e.eui?_. of jt w?li_ w.itb '?: ?
't In? twxly of JatM OSSBSBaa, ta l?i?*h lah-irrr, ot
N?. US c?rr/mU, wii ttmai rnttf.ay it T" I tt tn, I ??t K.??r.
A liroat No. _J8B Tl?ii?l-avt., saeaafad iivl>ik?-r
r??? k ??. ualuiJt.tittlt_|.._al?*>_l't.?l***??M* '*** **"J""i l*"*"''
for +1 ,.??_
Henry f.irp. nt?., u-pe 17, was mt\t ?
Tf.itTi.?? ?i I,?..... _ia. ;.t la __? __vi.?_er_ ?? ttybtft mekte? u..i:?i
? .?'.? Ill?t st ?In. Yitr- ?,?.
William (?roen ?.f No 15 Spiuee-Ht.. dasfcll. f? ttm
th? rv.r_f.I_ l_? M??lt-*t ratty aaUtdaf im*t. iifj. ??*?
?I.? ht. ! ?ruh mi ?i h?^? i ookiowi. Kran, ?im rteeltM t ?t???r? sculp
litnotbv Hiirko. who BBsauUsd Ificbae- *??_.?",*? "
of Ba? MS Saat T_irt?-..??r?_th ?j?., ?aft? ??*?.???.. Itiv???
Bi.d r.iiit,?! hi.i- of UawaUh, WM i..iui?.,-i?-l it l?a .... Duwllt.,; John
Mil art), 4t tll?-K<t?l ?ccoaiplic?. ??? ?ho r.iuui,,tt" .
.Toliii HreeiiH .fork of poesnsa. at Ha.??8T??t-h
? !tmar*-?l ??'','-T0 h/Ire r?rle ;. ?mrdtf ; ln?t..r_ f_|l, <*>
Ida?I Coaaanr. Th? luiMaitt I? o?n*! ht TWr??" mel'll,
?h,l l_4_a__fN fi.'" I, nintim! for B3,_?_i If ta K.fl? ?.uiiit.??r.
At tlie ToipIih Polie?) Court, yei.t<ril:i\. JiusIk?
Il.ialltt itaalBal WTiiuaiH???iili ?ul J?ii.?^? t'o?*1/?'?"'??'f ',. ?'." '
'??trh T_l'..? +.:. fr.i/i tl.e pO-k?? ??f Afl.ua Mel.? *-i "I V?? in
Hi?,-., m ti. Mart. No. ?Crttht-a ....!-?wt Ktwltr, tm Oeeba?
talutgJi, from t!? ?iitrtBiaiit M i rt.ti I,. Kurt, ??
N. 2iT Wi'?.,?., -t " ?
A lafge iiiiiii.nr ?it tlie; iiifinlx'IS <?f ?bt
'ia.ii.iii iia> BO-tStJ ti.? I If(ii:-.aav i venu!, ?nth? " ?'?-iili'i!
Ctamtal " of Tuiiiinati, IIi?]l,.lnui(Mll. N>? Iml. on.Father
of tta Conseil, prssMtsff. Tta aiasatss of the pre
vioUB nu BttoS (ft wliiili 121? new B ' ml.? m Wert ' '?et? ?Il
* ers rsad _a?i tta n-u.il ta Usa _aada "that the>
Htaiiui i?pi<i-.?v? ?i.*' Tbla was carried, bal alsassl lastsalty
Il i,ry ",V. tien? t, w).??,-.lili.Iiuli.'-<"?)B. Jolin Mnrri_..-y,
John T. Bradley,and ? in? rs, ta I basa wi?i_in.. iHlgratty
m :ho eanae of Twee . apswag up, staled that he ?hg aal
n.-.ill i l.iini ttarssolatl m, sad spaa lasratag thai It bad
I ?aa adopted, moved Ita reeonatderatiSB, wl th a alow ts
??ni-1 ,ai.' ai r< solution .1 irapprovinitol the minute? a-* read.
V IIVI ly d?liai'. follOWl .1, and the intitl? t bfiug pn B__ ?1
to :t iiiiliof the Tweed i;it< i^-. ,.a.s,|, featedintbelndone*
iiiciii of tin miuutca by a vota ??t IS to 10, to the gisal
chagrin ol his mil? wen, who ImmedJatt I] made an attack
upon the new iii'iniit'is, ii,?. i.,i in_ that then election ?had
been Illegal, and aa? eonraquenfly void, 'in!- attack
finally reatilted in tlii appointment of a Committee of
raven to Invert gate Ihe election of the i"-w mcmtuTt
end report at Un ne__t meeting wb ii bad IrCen i ? i? ?I
lUI.?illaill I Ith tlM i.<|' tcuieiil-iof the '?al: -lilUtioil
uinl iu 1. ?. * and wl. en I..ul not.
/ ft .!' il ri oi- FORBIC \ MAILS.
.. , ! BBS DAT Y, ??. 7
Naib 'i.t Btrot? ni tratet ?? -1 '?> ? - -- aramkip
Wjoniaa elota all B ?. a A gtppltai tti? "
.?I it in ?. m.
A 1'iurwi. t, (T-.-.l >!... it line.
... I
I dota tt 2 I I-..
thobsdai i? ,
M . ? ?-'. i: it, todl '? ??:?__.?. c -Ha
i- ?
SATURDAY, lit?. I.
H?"? for Kurc? ?ri? f.ir?-r? ? ? i? I? ? Vor?,
. ,,. s_ il Bo Supla Bttti rj Ma .
,\ iVii-i ,, .? - .1 tt - .1 i? ?atit h? thai in c
? al? ii.i u,. te tta >iu.:.* ... i -? I, ?*-r ?l*-?it?hip I
11:00 ?? n.. A iiVii.ati ? ill c ilj it ?
? . Hrr?t ii..I Hi,.m | r ??? '.? I'* ?.?.?? I
an !?-' ij < '"?? ? .at/ m. th? ara ?
/'.: ' J. .- - Alii.U LD
lit.?! If If! IIBI'ISO laiHtraftip '-'??.t-a Au..r..?, IT!. '. !..
:a W. Wtl_e_,__ "
VtlNlATL III. A!.M\ . ?
in ara.i (,'| sno ?***.ts I Mate rlaea.1:11
.II W?ifcK 111,? lii t? t. >?.
??_:. ii,.-)... Sill .;, t i*. ?? a .. ? ?i
u "ii wtfita Tin? om ?p >?
...i,.;. Un,. i ,4 iiiii.a l.'jii.l. 1:191 Hell Otto Frit]
Still ! l.\<; ?Ml.I.I.D.I.Mi..
i-a-iT OFBBW-TOBB ... . ?'. i a ratal a
Cl ' Mil I?.
Ba mm>Atari*(Br.),BuStt ? "t :?????? Mr,??.
a a.. ai,-..,|, i a,.ar i,.,., ?'.--i ; 1 ?' ? ?,-. Ktulwn - ? ?
s-. ...i,, i,,, ?? . ??, r? Htrtni b, Ol Harrtf i ? r a I ? -,.
s;, .-m. :;,(,, ,,r- a ( tiwrll (? letton, U. B Xorgtn tt l'<?.
.s?. iii,-l,ip iitm ?.. t??r .1-- et, Wil I ft 1 ? ' ' ? ? tnl'o.
, . . i -.?. .11 tt* tin..*?!,
Mi itii?li.p VNiti. 1- ( l; .", fi.-t?!:, Biirft.ll, tTtj Pn'iit ?t>l I I -
.. I' t ?
Ntetaatl .-.'..?,?? Hoae, PUMelpMt _? l,?r..'?. I SWtaiHa Co.
.. r i ?a. >
Ht. Sot b Ctreliat, b.??t?"t. ?CBtrtrttoe, with m?!*?. mJ pm?.
loll. ii. Ho ...ai '. ( ??.
HWmrttlp .'.'??' ai? ?Tati'tr. Bevttra, g. C 3 -? - ?itb n???l??.?rt*
, ?' FerrifcC?
sfiiiais!,?;. Al'.i-n ,n. W ?.?.r Bortolk i... a.t!? t...!*?. ?nd tua. loO'.i
: .-t? ?? -i. i ( o.
M.aai.sl.,-. A ........ Htote I'artiiiitliii?. a/aS it . >
II a
,,i ip l!l???li 1'rir?-? C.f l.,r.?l.in) iDfli?, Viikob?itaa <?<: IB, ?iih I??.
s ; h?gate, Witte?. Bta Krtttl-HO, SaHaa b Om
Ban TT-r.il?. tltal i HIehtBa, ? ?rk te trail t, 4. !'. .?
Bark Oroabia i ?a ?- t (Bar.), L-rom. yor.u??? . _.-., IWaaa -v
l,-r? MrltaS (Il?r.) Y< ?!l?l??'i. Ittnilmrr - , i? a, Marl lii
liark Sir.i.t (M..r| Chratel ill ?iaiaa? Vamet. aAt* U t>n
li.r?. Phaeat ? Ki i ' ?...a .?? Kordetai, H.- H I 111?
Ba i i;,,? jai'-? ,.,(?' K, p?,a-, MaaMtwo ?a? Pmtatab I m
dtll i?? rt. .i.V. ...
_Vkrl?, Mtttt k f Ba ?.<? ''??
l;?r_ K. W. ?irtrtth oar |, l)r.in.n.i.ti.i. Mttaaat,Jaa?t K W ?... 1 (,..
H.?K VltdattSmt ; lobt on, m.i. i ..' Ut. ?I. ?. t*.
I . ? . ; ?. -. r ? I knot M..I..-?'.. ,t?_t. ?...ii tr.a.t.
\ .-- I.iii?l. KTa/irr. I'alrrui.. t/.It.?*. ? tb fraiit.
i .?i N' ,s ?, Mlonioi?. RwrnUa t.. ut)t, ?,?
St Thatotl I ? <!.?? -, ? ?f. nuls*.
Btrk Ha_B_ne \et BL AaSarae, K V). ttk tiotk?. I!i??n_ i__u.,,
aitk sut tr
?ark Jj?? ?? Wl ' t -t 't. Ciail, Tenrnlfit. 30 .lar*, f.tia uul?*.
BarkJobn --. II.-. -??. .. i.?_t-al:, l V,li-n_.? !.'? ,lr'i ?r.tfel ;
l?n. bditli, t'rimlt-j. iimitiiui Hti., H ... - ???'., t?tu ?cd at
! 1 , 'Vti, ?n (gNt'litllr,.'...), |ii,|):,a. ,s?l It,?U. J,a., :i
du. - ail ? ?- ??-,*.
liraj.' I'..;i.t ?.i. -r i.?i I'll'-' N. S <',a,:.is. llu? i.t* .1? re? Ti ?l?r?. wnh
I,,,:,? ii.
. r ? l.'.((T_i'_ .... ( . M. .?*, Ki.i?i,-?nilefi0.lifi. wllli Inde?, fce.
? . .>(N i? I P( : ' ...?. k,'.
I?r ,' li" t .-*? - ? .-...? t-. With aii-ar.
Krlii. Wi?. I? Kt.i.-.l n it, i o.tl t'roTuFi.cc 2" tl?y?, wil? cooot
a,.. ? . '? I , A- .
s, ;,r Tan,,? A. lOfttii (a Ball Ilitt-i). t "li?t? I? iayi, ?MB ?airar.
S l.r. Ile.HI M -,l?i?,. i a ?-I rr.itlL.i lo ?In, l!-;la. I'. t--,u ITriLit IC
?i_?t?. Walh In *t. "I.
s. -i. N it Ifbatt ley, Baltlara*.
Beta ?I ? ? 'ia ii a. At ua- '? i... I?.
Bebt a U Hurt lliiltuoiik Bit IiltaS. allk aaaa
S.T r. la- - ? . at Ai.,i,. i Bttkport, M?k-.
.srhr. I a ,r Urtfcta. nt. Blepbea, 1?. ?.. 21 dtjra nil, laid.
iSii.r. y t. ..t ? Hi. ? rstatt, Port blittbetk. C <;. ii. ?;... y. iii.il?,.
Krtir. I ?toe J. >|?_triw Tnrn.?ll. Blflttt, It J W? ,??? r.-.
ts : I- .tmiaiai (lit . li j lUlifiii.
Sehr. I itne l;, T??! .u. A I ; ? itc*. Xfttt o.i t... \ it BrtalB bra
h. i.r. I, in- It i -, ? ?: Mttoailllt, Vmi Braut k Bra,
i ii.kuia, Clark, Ii Itaola 'I-.-l,-. !.. i .
:-. br. I.I. I. i .?:.-?
WI.Nl Batiluaa. Hfbt, It *. W a?iT?.
lo Jib. 14 IVri-aa*
-. 'th. ?.tii mil?. ?,..|.t ... ;? tv. if (.??rnt.,11.
M. u lai ?I .?:.!.. Ptlaer, h?t?uiikl-, wuu iuil?e. jr.il raiae. lu W
It (ton -
sT..inali?, Mi,.-Urtl'e. I'rt.nall .?tt?..i.D.?h, with nn!?e. ?nJ r???. to
Rut? r-. t .?
?SeBl 1 .- L. .. ? ' 1' a. l?!r.!r Baa lit;?? SB tata, n'.th
.'OCci UJ's.
in iregTlC Pt'in>.
Brain i?'- ' - \rt.M I, ittt in?l p Oricaul, IVoa Saftaaahi !,r m
. -i ; ?i T. H n.?.,i, 'ro?, Tun* l?'r?J
1'iii'Aiii iviii.t, !'t I. ri,? 1 \r ot iiiualiip \ttuo, Iruiu ll??*nt, trriicd
?t ifcil port tl IB -?'? ? - ?t tha? n,,,r.,iiit(.
butt- .- Vt -11 i.u.? ?Titter Cakte reportt Hit b?rk
M?rr, fro'ii Pill nao. r? t "it ,. ial <?f llttliptl ; Um ?litt, r livileti her off
'-'?r. Arrivtsl. ?i ..t, .tua, fniu ll??l,nr_ ,
ta...n v.v, iirkf.tr BalUBon . Un-ttTnrelor,Htm
1 - - .mi bzertiat. fn.n. Ba?-York? A. .1 Hfntler.
from I?.?? ;i,-rr (? r N, * i!iii-u Ahlm b BtCVct, livu .Muinlc loi
!'a. I ..-. u .
I OREIOM l'oltT.---.
Q^r.t.N.T?'??-^ t.! ? Tl., ? N_tlt.i'_l I..-- .t. ?in.Ma Funfi*. Th__?u_.
i ,- N.w ??iVJ.,t :7, ?rr.?rii tl tbu port It ttf. lai pfllMtlt<
!. ? -The 'h u. r?l Trr..??tl?i,i,? l'nmp?n>'( itetmabip
Va.le tie l'ira*. siirin.ii.? tiutn St-w Turk Jtn. IT, trri'ei! ?; ilii? purl tt
_ ? ui t.- ... n .[ tai ? :. 1 . 11.un.
TV l'i Ml s?,t.? ?ri? ? te TWaa?traaa I? ft Pxrntn.l.nro .l?n 1A for
BioJtB? r *?...,, ti . ?..?.- woi ji'O lo tlif? T.??t of Afrir?; l'nite?! Mute?
tanej Ma Ktmlm ittt ?u.? date fur Km Jan.iio, nom tbeu<? ?ouM
(.-. ..[ li > : : a ?. _
I ai no inertLen-.a |
Hi ?iNT n?? K.i i .moa ?a tba l>< Ht Coa_Mlie?
AvruV Pm Ki.v Pectoral.?The world's great
-' Ci a*'.,' i ?.-.,?,?., ?ai ?Il ????tutis i.f ibr 1-ari?
?Lii TLr?i.L "
l'ct \V\ti !il>, ..i.WKI.Kf, DlAMOBDa, M to R.
' v- lltoi -? - ira OSUt ra Bral??. Il?-?e'l? dir??? noto
'.I,. ,.,i ?_!', lu?! Liii.is, u, . i?i, t,,ii atit-?t iLiaiiIactor.ri'pmat.
l ?. a i t'a Astral O?l
?,.. ? i.-ii.i.
?-J .iilINsT. AM) 1?! )I)II)K'-U_I.
mroBTUBf o? ron watohbi sica BaBcrooopa _..
)?_;'! LUD WATCUKM A Ml . I.M/n.
t Mi HT !.< i i?MOnVl ___ K?Jt ?N?KUOW
B J i.tiit? K, ,i.-i.? re????? t rs ua< ttaattnalita, ?h u.^ ??twlm
?OBI ?ml null*, .(barm?. aHirf*. eonli.rrn to ?t*e . r..l?a ?l,?rn
.1.1 i. ?. i?nt.?-ir?iv;e. an i 1, w luoueU. Anal lu, ,-,r<-o'a?r ?u,l
l'.'KVll! It! I I, .V ( .. Bill bar t, IT n
'Pill. NEW < \.\oPY BA?Y-('ARRU(_E
? li... .I.KI B MIT.. ( . IJt V? ilium ?i
I..S.. . . *** ***
"IM.OW r.\.'!iT.1 ? l'i'.tslin-l, fm SAI.lf,
B ?ItbtlK M >.?,!,?,, |?..-.-,,,. ,??., W| , j -, ?,, N?,
jnAMl'HORAr?U (-I.Vri.liiNI': sii?T?.
i'w t'A \",".',K":'...'.'.^?*- * ?''? lbc ? ? ? ' ??'
n<. .-i m. m'ii:*!a?i?;ti __i wn m . ,
" "' "'' ' " ' !' il, I ! ? ???*. ...,? V, r?
OHM-US t.? t]-. *HF.\SAMV.ll MONITOK
LOW ). ?lit. AI i?:m tMI, ?,,,?: ., -, ,| , ?. ! ,,.
-*.,..-! t., V. M M H y, ,,,s?N. , . . . , .
V't l.'l! I I lit ?. I l.-tlll.i,Jll.tl |'|],??i.,,!., ,?U , ? ,,
*'?''' i? ? t ...,..,, imam*
matan .,, i,rB ? ? ? ? ? , ... \ l* ra U I .?i ? ,,.t_, .,.
(Mi? ! I _ l'l.l Illl?AI. TH?lraKH !?.i f . ,1,
V-* t "? ?'?' ll .iH,.,t I?, I II, ..--,
it'll 1 . . . ?
MABUTACTtltlRa (.iiv.e.Tr
f!i?e p _-_.,?_ - mt
Lix?d????c-s?c, 41H and 42<!^m
Safely ?loislJH?
(?i?s i.unT?t'RS - ?.o So. :|.fh n?.Jin?,,_,?,?
\Vl /i n-v-assmp?sbb_m
s_f u lirst Prennum
. Osaa, WmmBmCI ' I ? 4 '?a?' i-ata ?W
.' . ? . ' l .un? <ir?t-. Wr-.l l?r "
rouas, sABaxa i ca.n asw t $ i
? m S la . [fit
PBIVAIi: . i ?.\ t. I I , .S ? ? s .il .,.. a .* !.>!i'._|.|m
. IBBB . ?ii.li *? '.
C . Hi aia'on ?u.l <? eeit-?t. N.? York
i-lie ?_' - ' ' h-'.tmsm,
I'.-.' -i i?n.[i.iitu ...il n.iiLi-.i ? i'.rnitbtu-i, ?up... ?a
.?rcan ?j._am.r8
D'OR i'V. THOMAS aod MHA7.II..
I. l Ni ' > BTATBB iiM BKA/if. SI l'A?, lin < ?.Ml'AKT
|.. :. ?inrrt t?,linean the i\\ u! ??m u.-t'_.
RKIK, t.'sS ?V.er IV!.nu.? -I
M'!'HI AM..RK A ?'?St. O. B. M..r_n. M.?
Ml.. KIMAi'K. ?'??'. Sl.-^.n, Isrll ?3.
rlial ?teaioert ?il on tchrl" ? lira? ?|S r?ll f S-Ttaa?.
r?n>. Pemm.nro lf?bi?, ?m! hiu la ' '- . ?< Mg *ud rtttna| ta,
. ., j t ?L( or p.???.re. . ' .
V. M B. OARBllON, Ar?s( S? ? B.,_'inr-rrt-?. ?-?Ut
U~A\ ANA. t^tO?KESO ami VERA I I
I., a ..air 1 i'r\). 17 Be*? Bit?. It I I ?? Steel n* Crut:
III. (! MBXM-0 1 ?Mai"-riiini.MONDAY. Frl.?.
r,f..:<i|--iTltA. PbllliB? <..?????? ofl').WKI N K.1MI, A It
CITY OK M h Kill A l>r._-n.. A'l I WMI lo?.-:...
? _EOPATKA Frill .?(Httttaoll.i.SB0aB___l,BMSft
I tar fraitxbt m p??aag?. ?V- ?? to
V. AI.FXANDHB k 5051 M IratV?.,
IT IAXABA, lad ST. DO* I NO'? nil. TtaO H. _U_ _.__.__?
TTSBB. fast DBLABOT, ?U le* te F et i -ortt R.?.r,tt ?ATI'S
DAT, >'-ti. i?, ?t - |?. m. Kur Im^ta .., pan*!* .p-ij tu bH'FH AI?
, .-Ai?.a .'ltT-'?l?la_
Vi? a ru Vf i?: mul. steamship ?r i . .
EVERY nu RAPAT, -.t 1 u'il-wk i', n |i?e._.ij, t,,*, v., - L
K.rUi ;?
Ml-,' 1 T?. ? ?f.'. .. Il M .non T.? ?utan!.It-v I
MORBO CA8TLB. CsM. B M. A-Bbbi . l-'l
?;i:_.s? t_ST Cl y ( a.i.t. i, tu s. .?(??? N.-a-?m .1-rb.a
Tor fru.ll-r;.ua:irc ?p;l?to A. W BlBOtl FS_
_N'. I Ht?lit|-|tt->
1 ? itnrrssUA mail btiiasbhipmb__-ts _v?_??i-a ..
i ?r;a>:-,ti-? ta till frotn f?? Kr?ir;a_i np-i Mrairrrr,
Mir.'. .'7. A|i.>l ?t, fit r-sot, tau ?iei, S.rub W ??IntaaHtMniat'.
Vtit tr-'-f'-: ?ml '?-,*.'.--tny'.y .1 W II. Wfcfl- air?'V-.?
(via QoiBsaruivB).
?i'A (l?*p?(ah ?M .f their _*?( el???, full paiwer, inm a*.-. a ?:-_:. ?^|.
PBoa rn_; as ?o, 9. r... btbbi ?i dbbsbat,
.' " :
SIOHJSO (?St. \Ym^?i?T....K?h?w.r? ..a?J?|.a*
BISSBBOTA. ?Pi- !*-ii??*s._Kthrtur? M.?ll.;_?a,fc
ll'ARO. <'?ol Patea.Ftj-aar; tl, ?t liXa.*
??OI.ORADO. Oaat FwtxiAri.Piah.-^rea
V LSC0BS1B, Caat T. W. ?ara.??N M.m...
<?lin t?*?*>j*. aaa,../u.
t?tttttg. MBBBp KMaa, Si. W BMalwifl, Asa. ?c.e?<?.
Vo f.eifbt or rabia-itana?., tpT-l? U.
_BTUMAaa k GtnOB. v? r'ir,ia
I N MAN LINE. - F?Vr Q.'1-KNS I ? ?W ,\"^i
A ! :'. H?POOL -Bort! Mni IteaMCHSM ?si. >mt>?! 'uu.ltiMkai!
(I \ Ot Ni:\V-'.OI(K.SA'I'klMT .Ft?. It.lZZ
m.1 OK WASIMNOTON. J?ATrK?vY. F-ba. IT ?a
IT.lti! I.C-.'-.j.?...ATl'R?AY. leb. Klan
rrnr ok mo :::i:al.satikhay. ki_*mi.m
I'll i (li- H!.a.('i:i,Y.\. M.TI BOAl M.rbll I.'?
Acl . art? larntlSSI SATCSI1AV ?n.l T.M'KSPa) '.rum fuitgd
N.rt'. Kvcr.
SATtsi.r r? Oot n. i*a.a?i? i:< rr?rw?-t
To IxL.lon. ,ii |? i,...?a,. a
T-Kari?. 9_ i )? ? . V
P?=?engt?r??i-ol.ir*.?.-.rl'al l? ll?.r*. Itatub, ,r, ^?eSt farms ni
her :,?tk. ?t radtieej i?ti<t
I -it i n tie '? "'ijDt hen, tt : f i '? no. ?, : ? ;rnwe? ?.?__?, _.
je-, fer O.etr trier '.*.
1 or further iofonnatioB ?rp!? tt Bm Coir ptni . (illl-*?.
JOHN <?. ll.ll.K. Afut. Bo. aa__-BM At
Il ( OVP.? N?,
Tn* ?tesir.iiip UBPKIO, I ?_ t. A. Atoar, * S Mil >" SATIIBlT,
I . la I'?, ?t 2 y. m., iront Brr-ji.-a plan MM TO .?-tt. Ilotsun. W H
f.. I I?? aal ^T
8t?*ia?hip BIIKIV. f!eM. J C Merer -u KATl'BllAl FH. 17.
pa? am? im (.oio, oa it? ?y!? ?ijt>r ?? .T????. i.i
Piral rabia._..?IM
s., ?ml rabiu.,.,. S
?Sbbbbm. S
tor (xrlfbt ar pottage, applr tn Ok I SICH I A < ? , Aren?,
_ i _ oal..? ?rua
IHK OBMBSAL TK.iNSAl I t.\ : li ( i.MPANl S Bill
BTBAIUBira BBTWBkB fiWtOkt? AMU llAi Ki,, ? _U.DW
Tbe l|?!eniliil Tettr't eo ti.il t.?or -e uat( fur lb? '??'.'.net: ?VJM?
fro? Pier No. ;?' North ll.ter. ?. folio??.
FKBEIKK.l'?nn..?AtlBPAY 1 et IS
BT. IMUHkNT.I^ta?re.sATl BOAY I -.. ?.
WASIIIMilO.?..I!.a?.?.in... SATIItliSl M_P-al
VILLA Dh I'Altls.BafBHOt...va'1 t'BIiAl V.rwtO
i'Rl__. OK PASUi IB IN i,tH.l> tu.':?i._j ?i.i
TO liltt? i oit llA\ i.l
rirttCiM?.?? I?_.*?! I-SMSI Ifali.#?
BZCCaoioa TioRhrs .?.r kkiu? o BATSS
The?? MaaSMMSS ?olttrri ?:re:.-..t t,?i??*i.i' ?. !___?
Asi-resa (ratrltragoiaf u?ur t.:."'? T...a tt-. ( o- ?. ll'iton,
b.T tsliaf (!!?? I'e??.rt. tl on? nnr, a...':U '-jth l ?r. ?!??:. ..k r?ilS|S
and the ix omloru of cr???iiaa* ilia- Cha. i-', b?SS an l* i tu. trtSB,
-SJ-X.-i.__. ?. h". MA? . 1 V'.If 'l'r.i v. Cl.aiaJail^
tt aaw-roaa ?o:k,an> iivirtoti.
BBS AM' Ki I i.-!owi..:;.r ? I BAS. HI PI
MM -sIX LAK'.h.sl- IN ill. Wt,'H!l?
u.fsji tun :.or.!.*o-J.(??' b. r ?n-a m,,?ma.
-, ntt from Brw-Tarl on BATOBBATH ir_?i I..?t?r?*i -? TlilW
t'Al.-s. ?i..I i ,i? lUrtaor (be.!.? follawiae
ui:i'i_Bi.ir, SATl kh.-u too. i* ?< i ?'i-st
ATIANTU' BATCkUAT. V K .?.Ml "'. ah
BALTIC. sATlRti.W MarclJ... 11:0-?? m.
t,am tbe Hbil? KUi Dort Patou?? Hrrra J'W C it.
r??(. u|?r ??.awinioaitiiiiia for ?Il .-1.????) B?r?.l??l. tsMI Sfl
SAKKTY. S?K1 11 AM' I 0SP0S1
8tlo.nt, itjtf-rojia?. tin-ilm^-roaiir. U.I |.,'j rw?. > m.:aif9
lie?, ?rber* le?tt ato'.ioa i? fa It. tare?-.-. ? ial ?.i??it"?'? mmmtml
Am? ?t<M sers. ....
BATTB Balsas,a*.B_a Bte-ru- kB.atttroet. T**V??
inn to ainJfor fr..'?alt fruu tie ??U i.'uu''? .tr ???a-M? ? dttngt.
pr. paul rtrlil.'St.?, A'I3, CMMBST. ? mma*.
r_w?n(rrt hooted to or frori ?11 M'ta ?f Amen?? ! ?. ? lUa"??
N..r?a?, Swe-len, In.ln. Amt:?!.?. ?-'Inn?, k?.
1 . . ia>u ISkrlt , railed ?t lose.t t?tr?.
I'lif? ftSM SI IMB? . . .._.
V..r iiitpt.' .tiof plia? ?ad stlier in',.rniats a ?PP.? ?? ''75?
sScss. So. W Hr..?i.,?T. New-Ymk ? " SIABSS AI??-_
rrSA-l TO UVUttPOUl. AND gl?.NM-0S'V
From P?tr N... 47. S?m? R-?e .
mi ookksstowb a:?b uvskpooi
KN?ILANH. Andxt... .a.VI I'ltl.AY t'K IC ?' w*\
KPAIS, OrSM.SAri'KIMl fetal ?' a Ma?
?llll.OlKK.il Tb???.?..slTI ItllAl I?' ???l*''*P*
BOTfl.QiMMa. BATOBBAX Kt t ? ?"'''VJL
P?a*_te r? ut.rpoo! ?r (,'ortB.towo e-Oua. ?i'j ?a? OM ^?J?
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