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CUSTOMHOUSE ABUSES. OONSTRCOTIVR 8TOUA?.F.-ArPRAISKB 1?*""**? * TR.STIMONY-COL. U. 0. WEkomBA ON THE STAND. . . Th* Senat* C?>niniitic-. nl ?h* opcnmff of it* session yesterday, recalled faflssa> WBtaSB, BSS ? LeelACV.s employes, who toaUSS? ?bat aMattVI forage wss frequently ?flafl SB ***** IBA* wertT never brought Inside the ?enera!Order atore. Anoralser Darling pronounced Pie present 1Mb hLfSShB ?d K5 theApp^r.hould havee-rlm-ve SlIBllHl in his department. 1 uttlng a sneciao duty on all goods would, be believed, consider? ar redime frand. Co!. H. C. Whltlcy. Chief of the Secret Service Division, testified in lObSttal of the charges mads by Dal-till M Beatty. who. according to Col. Wbltley, waa discharged from Ibe Secret Service Division for appropriating a)>out ?0 bottles of eelied wine to his own use. The witness admitted that many eise* of fraud sgalust the Government were settled by the payment of money, but as? serted that in the present crowded condition of tbo U. S Courte no other paaaltf could be euforced. He denied ?-' .ing asked tho officers of the Shoe and Leather Bank to reward Bcatfy f jr seizing a certain counterfeit plate, and asserted that he never made a seiiura which be did not ropi rt to the Collector. He was cross examine! at much length concerning the workings of his department _ TWKNTY EIGHTH DAT8 rROCKEDINT.S. TKSTIMONT OF JUSflOl 0. WATSON? BKCALLF.D. A calculution, based on returns furnished by this witness, showed the receipt by Loct __ Htocking of lM.str packages at tbo Leroy-st. store during tbo year 1871. Senator Casserly?During the first days of tho sitting of this Committee we reoeived from the Custom-bouse tbeir statement for the year 1871, in which the number of packages, bundles, cases, and so forth, given In, up psrentlyst least, as great detail as yours, foots up 101,070; do you observe anv difference between the Cus? tom-house return and your return I A. I notice a diflcr euoe. Yes. hen at or Howe?Are those two amounts for the same period t A. 1 suppose so; I know nothing of it, bow over. coi-STRr. nvR storaoe. Q Some testimony given since you were here renders It necessary for us to ssk you lu regard to goods never actually reoeived within the doors of tho warehouse I understand the practice to be that when goods are at the door of the warehouse, but tiefore they have _____B. I the warehouse, if a permit is presented thev are imme? diately delivered to the merchant to be taken away ; Is that correct I A. Thoy im reported the same as if they ??n'ered the warehouse; and tosa may tie datirerod from the cart to the owner's care without actually rommg wiibiu the warehouse. ?j. Then for all that class of packages, the warehouse charges and receives compensation precisely as though it had received and store?! the goods for one month f A. Just the same, except us to tin? mutter of cartage; If a merchant brings them up himself, he pays the cartage. Q. Then the idea is this: if a merchant reaches the dock within M hours after the arrival oi the ship, with his dutt -paid permit, for the Inspector to deliver to him the pads, and it so happen* Hint the Ctistom-bouso In tpoctor had marked tin m for Generul Order, the mer? chant could not Uiucb th. m, and they would be carted first to the General Order store?is that the easel A. That Is what I mean to state. ?y. Then Is the men haut compelled to follow his goods, from the dock where be was prepared to take tb.-m, and where be bad a permit authorizing him to take them, up to tbs Oeneiai Order store, and got them at the door of that atore ! A. ?nicas the lnsi?ector allowed bin? to take thorn off the dock. Q. Then can he got his goods when thev have resched the General Order store I A. Not until lie goes to the Custom-bouse and gets bis permit stamped for the I?eroy ??u.1 Wesi si. stop : but as u matter of saving time, merchant or hi- clerk would, tinder the clrcomatanoi go immediately to the Custom bous, and get hi* permit reotaamad; but when be got back bis goods might then in? tu ?lor.-. TKSTIMONY OF WtL A. DAIU.INO. itonator Bayard? You are the Appraiser of the Port t A. Yes, Sir. Q. Have yon the preparation of the catalogues of un? claimed and other good* that are to be-sold at auction I A. No, Sir; all I have to do Is to appraise tho value of goods before they are sold; I send clerks around who appraise the goods, and I afterward make a personal in ?pectlon of tbo goods to see if they have been properl/ ?ppraist'd. I give the appraisement official sanction. ?5- Are goods sold without description that will lead the purchaser to know the value of the goods) A. Yes. sn ; I don't think the (Jovernnieut assumes auy in the matter of quality and quantity. H When you examine a nackagi- and vou find It In bad irder, what do you dot A. If it ;* In very bad order wo have the Importer notified t.i be present at the beginning >f the ca*e. in order to satisfy hmi that the spoliation, If ?.ni, could not bavo aeoorrad in ilic Appraiser's depart? ment ; if they are not in vry bud order, we do not ... i?l Tu tin-importer, but they arc m vor opeued uutli the et a turner and Appraiser is preseut. ntsfcouarrr m tub ronuc stork. ?.?. If you bud a deficiency, upon comparing a case with the invoice, what means have you of aacurtamliig where it occurred 1 A. None at all. O. ??ay H have ocourr-ed after the package reached that building 1 A. It Is possible for it to have Oisaiiod ittttwceo the time ii came into ti.e Collector's possession ?lid. He time It* to the Appraiser. Q. l)y you bave uuy control over the goods f A. Nono at all Q. Snppose n package is lost before It reaebeayouT platform lor examination, who is responsible l A. Tue ?atraoaavs are responsible if you san prove the D *? oc ?uireil while the goods WOTS In tin .1 'CUB ?dj ! 11 is alSBOol impossible to bx that unless .some person ha* sci-ii the r .tibery. Seust?irCsi'-a.i!v?Ts It not true that manv of the rooms In your depart tin Btol tbo public -tore are so very badly light!-! thai you have tu rue gas-light during the d_yl A. Yes, ?ir; in on? ? r the most Important depart ini nts. the drug di partment, we bave to bora aas almo t all th.- day; I bave drslr ato make aomeobangr.bat IBs lei. ? I andrrstand, expires tooa, and I thought i woulal not a-k tor a changa-. ?4. How toon will it sapiial A. I understand it ex? pire? early in ls?:i. 14. is it not true that 'here arc many dark places and remote corners of me biu'.iin .* where larcenies might Is: committed without detection 1 A. I i .? c.t.e w.?- ex posed and a man w.t? ( xp.rf, i " might posslbi. ; but there sas people pissing t!n 1 :.?'h ti,.' , uldlng constantly. l?. Hid 1 understand y u te mv thai the lut or depart BBBStt the hail-wu.t hou*K- bsi ?.cen flit- Collector's ntti e and tTiiii own dijiat !int :it, i.? ptobabv the pnrt of tlte public store* when- tbese spoliations are most likely to mi-url A. The no 1 ?n ?il ?> a ?! by tin labor contractors have access t.? all tiie ruoota in tiie build! is; and a gnat many reams ai'' hoc? s larliy i-xpo?_-d from t/ie nature of the building, and opportunities may bo ntf.irded from that verv fact for spoliations; tiie.v may lake pluce during exam,nations at certain times by employe* in the Appraiser? Department; tbey may take place at other Bases by employe* of the eoatritetoraj batwhai I mean particular: ? U saj 1* that while ti.ii" is a divided ra p"ii tibliity it is difficult to til it many partieu ni Department. (4. How long hato yuii bees Appraiser! A. fciUio April 14. Han't you think, in such :. business. It In possible for the ? oil'" i.i.-'s clarka totnaki a good many arts! shea In iii.nking bad orilei ) A. Il is nutin a! ; mid agamapnek ?g.'may bo considered bj one cl. ra to -.' 111 bad order ami bv uiiotht r not la bad order. 14. How many men are there under you t A. One hund? red and twenty?vo 0)1.-111 r* end packers; tho arc eworn jj and aro oflicers of the Untied States. 14. How many in the Labor DaparUaoall A. I don't know. 14. At all events, no mutter how m.i.iv tln-y are, they have aceesa t?. all |vrts??t the bltinlin.. I A. SOB Q. Do you think tin-1".bin Stores srsfll ?iruutitt A. D.i y sn- untlt, us at present eonstrai ?d, but I think they could lie made flt, though at c ualttcntb.e expense; th.- sogar mom, in particular, i~ a poor ?me. for vm have 10 a nne light to ngulsh tno -color of the sugur. 14, II in? 1.bout the room containing f ibricl A. Thero la room enough there, bal the wuo.e ?--... i* defective. BT"TTT Fun ..-nu*. 14. How would you reu.c.'y tue detoelaof t!ie present management of the pabttc BtOlS t A. I Mould bave M few intermediate officials I .-tweeii Hie citi_t-ii and the Govi ru? aient as possible; thiro i.rc too mal.i different au ibontK-B. (4. What change do you think ought to be made In re? tard to Un? d vision of authority I a. i think the whole thould ao under tl,?- authority of the Appraiser, t\in? tbould give bonds, i? can sa las Collecter giving large oonds to tno (?uveriiiui m for the oaotody 01 the goods eannotbc oxi-e.u-d to release bia authority over the foods, even though they pas* te. buieally out of bis bands into that of the contrae lor or Appraiser for SX' animation. Q. What would you sugg? *t as a remedy for these fraudai A. With ever) single paekOgS of goods Share tbo duty Sad valortm the only tiilugt?. prevent frauda la tor the Government to take j?o*s. _..,1iid of nil the g<>??.? and eiKiuiiiii every pachag*i though, of coins. , tl?a*. would involve an luimeiise axpaaos? <J. Would it be au lmproveui. ut of the pn-sent Bvstem t* ?Mannish the number of ad valorem goods. A. it is my opiiilou that if tin n was a spi-cltlc duly 011 all goods there would be a good deal leas of traud. TKSTiaONT OF COL. HIRAM C. WHirLKT. Gol. H. C. Whitley, Chief of the Beeret Bervlce Hurcaii. was called, in aocordauce with his desire, expressed the evening previous, to reply to the charges of Detective Beate). Senator Pratt -How long bave you held your prirent position t A. Hinco May, IBBh Q. Can you refer us to the act of Congre.?under which >our office exlata t A. I cannot tell ; I received my up pointaient from the liecreury of the Treasury. By What S your special duty I A. Our specialty is to detect counterfeiters ; but wherever we And a case of liaud upon the Government, we attack it <4. You have authority in all |?orta I A. Everywhere tbe Bug waic? ; I myself have a s mug i?ow? r ; ?as ai? 'intea lubpector of Customs on the .1st of January, 1. ?? Before that time had you been in the habit c! I ?i.ittg arietta and acltures of goil- I A. We hail in t ?:.- Luotoaeas we had detained the goods until the In a; octor ?ould t?e brouil.t: he nial m?;n asHigued to us, I 110,dd not ulwuys be found when wasted. -I What rt 1 ilion ". you did Abram C. Htatty sustain 1 A. He wa? employed by me first In the Spring of 18"0 , _ii iiifa.rm.1 or assi-!aiit; he tx-.rf<>rui<_J BOSM vciy t.ur service while with mi for a fime; I think In the 1 ...lli of April we seized nuite a large ?niantlty of vi in? ; t.r boat!/ bad U_l it to traiiaier il to my _?m u?aa'ir motn aim aasselaafl wo oiougbt it to i ? ?IM I?.I?. I ?? - "??? mv office first, then msAe na the ^T..r? nn? tnre?? ..?< i io tli.t t'uaioiu house i In this case therewere itiltl Nilllivs and ?bout ?0 mere mlsstnc. and I In.trm Mr. Nettlosliip to look after It; he diaceverod that \t.iic bad becu stolen by Mr. Ucsti.i. I HOW CUBS ABB SBTTLtP. Q. Mr. Itraltr speaks of several casos where p ir were arrested with smuggled cigars ?nd ihe easel c !> oinlsed and ttie parties laHaSSi by paying sums vi >ug from S_oo to $soo I A. I think such oases have ta pince where men bave been taken to tho Dlstrlct-At net's office, and have asked to be alh'wed to pay a fl and I think it was under.titKMl that if that party wc pav a flue ?nd give up the goods, he should not be pr rut?*!, ?nd under tin? pn-seut circumstances I eonslae the only way by which the ?Jovcniiucnt cau rea ? dollar. q. Who makes this compromise I A. The Assist? District Attorney ; II Is a very bud way ; if there w any facilities for Irving these cases it would be bettei have them tried, but the foot ts the facilities for the t of causes in this city liefere the United States Courts no greater than they are in places where there is i pei haps, one fiftieth of the business done that then here, and there would be no more probability of a n beiug tried and convicted of an offense against the ? toins here than the most improbable thing I can Im?*! the dockets aro so loaded that those causes cannot reached ; thev do not even trr felony causes ; I hi got a man in J*all who has been thers two years, and Government has persistently urged the trial of case, but It has been a Impossible to get it whenever they attempt it they can keep a case off long as tbey pieuse here, and a ball boud given fc criminal is entirely worthless; I know of instan where men have been out ou bail two t?r three Yours, i1 they ?re not anvwhere about New-York where tl could be found; the great trouble lies In the want I proper court to try these cases; we should have a eo that would sit constantly; the fVcretary of tho Tr? ury has been very urgent In regard to these eases; want? the men to Is? toed and convicted; he thinks tl is tbe only way in which smuggling can tx? broken I und that has been my opinion snd my policy, but I in. lieen entirely unable to enforce If; I have procure? lsrge number of Indictments, but cannot got the c? tried. a PETroTirr. is bfakch or a gBWhMtt, Q. Do you remember the case of tlie counterfeit ba note plate of the Shoe and Leather Hank that was fou by Mr. liouttyt A. Ves, Bir; I s. nt hlin for tt; a fi days afterward I was down town with Ileutty, and wh walking up Hroadwsy in front of the Hlioe and Lentl: Baah, malty asked me to aa in will? atan I went in wi hl*, und he couiuienceil talking uliotit how he had rec er? il tlie plate??, and Intimated pretty strongly that ought to have some rov-nrd; 1 did not like to have Bl thing sal?! abOOt it ; when I vu-ut into the bank wi Neatly 1 did aol do so for ihe purpose ot mi King a collection from them; I do not receive reward?; I lieattv eeemed to think he ought to hare something, a I had no objection, as he was a very good main, an.I tt instrumental to B git ut decree in recovering these plali when we eaaae away I lold blm be better not go the again, but it seems that be did and got lit*. (j, wao thnse ever a ease of ?seizure by yea afean tried g-.o'ls where ten failed to make a lefWI of it Uie Collector I A No. .-*lr. ?U. Do you report also to the Solicitor of the Trensur A. Yes. Sir; once a month I report the doings of all u operations iudirtureut parts of the couutry. q. You take cognizance of all crimes against ttjel'nlti Matea I A. Yes, (Mr. mail robben iinu other crimes; . have cttitgiit a good mauy mail robben. q. When yea arraeted a man did you always have warrant I A. Tea; w?? generally bud a warrant. q. Did you not sometime* get tlie v-arrant after yi pot to the Commissioner's office I A. Yes, we have dm that sometimes; I will tell you that frankly ; but v rarely make a nii.-taki? In our man. q. Did yon say those Hadclitle diamonds which we deposited with u broker named l'iue?that you got the out upou payment of tho sum he udvuiic? d upon then, A. Yes, _ir,'ami Ihe interest. q. You took them out upon what tbe pawnbroker a vaiiced upon then I A. Yes, 8ir. q. You dl-siiiitiiti d them wuong your officers at tl same time t A Yes, Sir. ?j. You ?lid no! make anything on them I A. Kot cent. q. Toa ?lid not know what the demands were wortli A. I ttiink they were worth about what I got for them. q. You do not know that somit of them were Mid f. double the amount you distributed them at I A. So, do uot. q. You allege that this thing of TVentty's taking son wine waa the oaly aflfensa you tore ever discovered 0 \ our force I A. I have heard since that he had blael mailed some persons. q. Then he is the only indivtalual of t our force who hi acted dishonestly | a. Well, to any extent that I wool discharge iinii for. MA kino BBIIISMSBIS Q. Did you ever BBSkS personally iinv settlement in th t'nilcd -tales Disiri, t-Aliorucy's olllc.? I A. No, Sir; have nothing le do v. itii the settlements? q. Were yon ever present when you received the it former's abate! A. Ko, Bit; I have rssslved moieti? there im Information. q Al??tiit tins?! si itleiiieuts, explain how they tir inaTi-1 A. I *iil endeavor Be 1!? n,; a mania irnste uni brought before the ( ?ommiaal mer oa a 1 barge of elt the Interiiiil BevoniU law; in order to avoid rial be offers to pay the gner, be is permitted !o do se imt line is, after a consuitiitioii betwees lbs reafeeenta aves of tbe United BUtes in tin? Diatnet* Attorney'1 ifli.e, Bxed ami SSeepfeed, and the iDiiu is allowed t?. .Jc ,'iirt in peace. Q, .Sou liike the tuse of u mini wlio hai smuggled! A rhat is the way in the imuil oaaea? 1 i.ate Indicated al he large ones. q. Th?? staU-ment 1? indicated by the CotTii'iiisMonir A. No; I think it U settled in Ibe Custoui-lioui*.? 111 son.i way. q. I mean those 1m fore Ihe Commissioner t A. I neve liant l?u! one case o! that kind, n:?i in tliut Iain Bum diet fined tbo mar laOu, and ilia uot scud luiu lo the t>t_it< Frtnt.n. Q. Yon Tiuve never Inn! a sett lenient. !heu ; bow ts I Kltoiil '.tin Miboidiiuilcs I \, I tlii 11k there Iulvo beet ?juite a uuuiber of ease* settle?!. q. 1>,i \ou know thai 11 lathe custom smong tbemti in least ? 11,1,11, B.iy u 2 p. in., and take him up there an? discharge him at once on his paying the Une, m tbat the; leave tli? re lie tore J o'clock WltU t lull rli.11 ?? ol tin? luoncj in their pocketst A. Thai bas been ?Jone hy men in inj l-.rc?'. q Have you known of it ?raise In which a man would M nrreatod lo'rsomc atteuipteo iraml apon Iba mvenns am he would be taken right up to tlie District -Attorney' uuii i?, and there the iiiiioiint of money fitted which In would pav, mid the ?S? ? making tb? arrael walk awaj wiiu ihe money in h.s \ oeki 1 ; have you any doubt tha such u slate ol tlain.s exists 1 A. Y?s, I have doubt ; don't tiiink Judge Davis t.-ould do say sack thing j have known of inen who irero taken there aad weald tel a prett v good story, und Ut? Dl trlet-Attorney weal? reeogaue tliat and theui nciore the Uiulod ?Hale ('oiiiinissionei'. q. WeU, what tl.enl A. Well, he would be obargei with ?oil!? kind ot iraml sometimes a little difieren; <?i feiise. iruiii v, bun be had committed ee that hi could pay ? tiue; thai is the practice o! .-settling reieuilt cases, ti I wish to know win ther men are 1'it ansrsW.ant wiihoui the Intervent (?n of u fommuuduiier, taken to th. District Attorney'?! ?fflee und the ease is settled 1 A. don't know of any -ucli ease; then? may have t? on such but 1 don't know ol any. q. Bew amay amela have you aiadel A. Well, I un generally there if tho enae is a big eonuterfoitlag sasa. y. Are not those aricsts ver,, tedious. A. Yes, very sometimes we int.? to be out all Bight, and than fail. q. Are uot the great urn tn 11.lo ol urn st? made l-y youi subordinates and not by \ouim If I A. Yes, thev are. q. Aro not the grsafcmarUv ot arrcats tor aamggUai made by VOlir subordinatesI A. Well, ther?; art? no many made ; we have BbSahed the liusiiie.?* aa muxli thai there an not amay now.. q. Am not the majority of them ina.le iu yoarahS< nee A. 1 pnaaaaa they on-, q. Iiiijou know ant thing more of th? clieuni^tancei thai) \thut they ehaus? *o !? 11 you I A. I ge_u rally [__. tbe word of my weu. q. You sjKikeof IimI Im-ii i 1 as 1 eing wortli) -?st A. Ton _Xt, q. You only 'liiiotv of niie laataaee when a party ?p petard I A. That is ail. q. Why an these bot la worthless ;. does ths Catania ?loner fail to see that ants? tunnel man are hrwaghtfor waail! A. So: I (luii't -..., ili..t. but lh?y briug mcu uj iliei. to perneante othci ait n. q. when a poity aeapneaa to give bail la there m nonce gneu to the DiMrict-AUornay! A. Il may Ih soiiietiiiies, yci it 1- W rtliieasls 11 manner : ll may tx gond in a inaiiiii-i, Liu there U never any S'jii brought. q. Wli) a A. lie? iris, the 'O art 1? all iouini led up ; it is no fault uf the l)i.s.ii?.t-At:or.,t >, but lhu ciases cannot be reached. q. You Know of no cave where tho partie* h.ivo de fuultod when suit haa is ? n brought upou the bau bond I \. I don't kr.o-.-? oX silt such cuse her?-; we put a man m ib?? penitentiary In Bew-Jeracj ; we have not to mm h iiiiliealty over ihiic but ne .v. inure .-? no p<?_.til>i'.iiy ?>1 tr.t nig a Moug.'e.r q. Why 1 A. 1 tlujik there are not proper facilities, bbu there ia a greet deal of uppoalltaa bete; you never can get a mail to li 1.1,, there tue the eases of Wolf und M it; tLev are t*u\ rirui. 1 ball, an I li.ive never beeu brought up foi t i.-a 1 IblBS limy have i>i?lb abuLond.-d. Adjourn, i 1 1. ? t ama. KVKMNG BUfllOH. At the- fcvi-ttiug BiuMiou CoL iVhitlf-y waa cross-qtiistloiied a! much lenglh by ttciiator (Tigseily, The exauilnatiiiu brought out the past lite ? f the wttassa as saloon keeper und in Massiicliust-tts, gro dr S-nl lugltive slave catcher in Kaiisa... ti uli ion tin It",? Hiver, spv under Wutlcr, Iiijuor trad? r at Mobile, untl tliiaiiiy l.'iiiie.i HUitcs Trtuaiuy A-out aadChlei at the Secret Service. The umkiug ol arrests without wbrraate and the employmenl of known criminals for tho purpose 01 detecting ethers, were alsaiuv?Mitigated. AUjomuod to'lUu. in. today. COLOR IN ART. LECTURE Br WILLIAM PAOK. The l,iM of tlif series i>f lecturfs on Art, iiy William Page, was delivered at tho Ara. loiiiy of I?e. ign, on Tuesday, Ix.fore a large assent ?l?ge. Over t_s? Huge were suspended two getattaaa which furnlahed the sub >et matter of the lecture, a copy of Titian's " Di ad Christ " and a small picture by an American artist, Washington Allsten, roprosirutlug a scone In one of Mrs. lindel.fl. 'a novels. The lecturer said : l.Aiii!.SA?*i?(.E!iTLBjia.s: We to-night propose to talk about color as the fulfillment, the completion <.r ths 1 1-? paratory dlsoour_?a Now. aa a matur of aeaiae v.m must understand very well that the whole art of paint* lugisreduceablbtoafbwplgmouU, while and iiluck i?s renre^uutives of dark ?nd ?,,d r.?V yeUow, ?nd blue, are ?ll _h? ****?--**** SS* mblt-.h we propose to parallel nsture, ?ud w th which nature has been paralleled Th? r?,i^? t.ons of red, white, and tm? to fB___S_aaaresnA_____t msrnage : that is. su? h a marring. ?. WM ??" Sbbbbb Mllum meant when he said oi tlie harmony the 1,0 it of ? musical plot?, " married to iiumortul ver_e " .neb aaaanlagaaat-MU?oetab?_gnaane,bat?realeontinn<?>a 1.1.. ?welaaneae ta astet in *?itture* between thuto? curo lili'l ci.l.ii. t.iii'ir.m liavliil. eiplalned the dlaf Inaru -hit. T ?li ,rri< t.-rl.Mr? of tl,e..l.._,l.?r ?.U,.,, .Mr. Pago poinl 4 oui I h? S|m ?.xo?ii.?cies ?.f ths ...i t..,..-., rtpfessatsd g?tt tho BrOBk, tmA BSBjaJHsafl that, h? felt at a loss for words to expresa all that It conveyed to linn; and that he consid? ered the original In the Isiuvre worth all the pictures In thai gallery, sud the Houvrn Itself. The best Isalways worth all llie n*st of Its kind; and every time he went back after tbe lapse of years and saw it again, It seemed new to turn, bo much mor? did It express to It Im. I doslp-, he resumed, m v young frlt-uds to take to heart this truth when their friends call upou them to desist trviii U.? effort to do better. The trutU Is the truth for? ever, sTld w?Jl jnolf 1 preach not the flo'-js'l.tbe Gospel of Art that Is. f?i? trutlT Wherever the truth Is, whether in ii ion to light and darkness of color, or to Hie order by which we endeavor to parallel nature, It Is truth, and God's truth ; and. forever and forever, It will e??me up again, again, and again, and sooner or later it will be recognlied. Mr. l'agi? then referred to Washington Allston's paint? ing. He saw It first to years ago lit tins Academy, and he frci|iu ntly thought of It afterward, and was de? lighted to see it 13 years subsequentlv at a picture deal? er's Btoro in tills clly. lie considered It tho liest picture in tho gnlli-rr, which 1? tho liest In the country; not lo good as the liest of Titian's; but few of Tlftsn's of that color are so good in color. In conclusion, I feel very much ns if this was an ice laoat race over the surface of things. 1 have gone sys? tematically over many things, preparatory for something more elaborate and reaching nearer to tbo particular means of pictorial art, but there seems to lie no one ut bund ready to uudertake to continue the stibjecf In thst (lltoctlnti, and therefore I foel that this will be the last eveuing I shall have the pleasure of addressing you for the season. Hut I must t hank you for the interest you seem to have taken in the subject, and beg voiir kind con? sideration for tbo intention, rather than the deed, In winit 1 have ?lone. I have done It without any special preparation ; and, though there are so many things that nave crowded tii-ui me that I feel as If tin-re was no end of talking, still it doc* uot do to treat such a subject at too great length, or tho audience will bicorne wearied. Hut I am in lii'pe* thai unnth.-r season wo will continu" these or something more advanced IBM these Inclure? ; and i? i Imp- we will have olbcrs to uiuounco lor the remainder of the season. THE COURTS. A PAILOIW ROARDIXO-HOUSE OVTUAGK. Peter WiliieiuRcm, a Danish Bailor, BflOflfld the arrest of Henry Tonasma, boarding-bouse keeper ut No. 17 11 il- st., yesterday, on a charge of assault and battery. The complainant alleged that the prisoner en deuvored to induce blm to take passage on a vessel basad for a lasa royaos, in order that ha might obtain the amount due 1dm for seven weeks' board. Wilgemscm preferred a short v o vage to the West Indies, and when he refused to ship for tin-long voyage Tonissma lieut him In a brutal manner and shoved lilm into a dark room, de? claring that lie inunt stay there until he consented to ship a* required. The ciipthe BBeeosflad in making his escape througk tin? scuttl" v. Indow, MOSOd over the ad? joining houses, ami reached the sinnt. Justice Dowllug I.eld lim uccuscd In lau. hall. CIVIL NOTE?. Tim Baldea will cue? wa? nannifaJ flardaj befora Psrraajsta BstahBajs, tks session bstsf As-stsd to a strenuous effort to show that atase kln.1 of lauwoptf Intimacy bud cxisv-d between the deceased ami Mis. In the baakraptflj cas?? of William II. Stirin ugt. James M. Adams, tried yesterday in the United Mates District Court before Judge Illatchford, the petl tlon alleges that.wllh intent to ilefr uni his creditors, the d?fendant l'-tt tin? State: that, being insolvent, he committed an act of bankruptcy by allowing bis prop? erty to In: taken on legal pro?:ess with intent to give a piaHeiaaeO to one or more of hi? creditors; arid tin.t In committed a further act of bankrupt?) by suspend?as business ami not renewing payment of hi* com mere tal paper within a period Of It days prim to tin- vi i ill all.ui of the petition In ll'is doe. Vinil. I I"l the petitioner on tin: second allegation. _ CRIMINAL COCBTP JamesW'ilnon, Jnlin I>?ifly. ami Charlea Wooda Wtrr Ji_a-#?a-.ea1. VU Tut'?,!.) etrnlug. ID lb. rcSSSBBB ut Job? ?II?. US. Mia IIBssl Psity asrasibsk,sag sbbSubbA ibc? ??re nnLmiuc' St Jualirr Sub?. N. K. Manen, charged with assisting Charles Mtr..a io _niUK((litiK inWi thi? |nari ?Usit 9 M BOB UOtA ol BSSbtSBOl Jrwr?r?. _?. ( an iia.lle.l )?ateril?J, 1/ (-a-BBaSSBaS llttu. le t??il tiie ? '".mo ,.( llie Utainl lait. At tho Tombs Pausa Court, yesterday, Justice l'or, ling rnitatittttl M*rr Ann Le.ii..?r>l ali?a. ' M.,l!,. if II, ol ' ? well* kii..?.B thirffur ?i??.lin| i wallet, routuimn? S-'-U. fn.ii. tb>- gmktt it 0 IM l.r.ii? I ? of Ta.ttri.fill- Stata-n I-lam?, ?hila-ri'li?j op i'.tii m 1 SrtasSsykttoyt_Thaim?? W lelan, (V.btrnr karlli. anil I stb.ricr Kiss ?Unfed tiekposkets, VSIB ?rrtat-d ftmXtmnf it nitta tatty,ami tmaonUnt to twtlt t trial. HEt IHIONH.-FlX 7. Supreme CotOft- < ?ambers. By Judge H.irn.ird.? ?ilrua tft l"!mr?UaO.~Ktftrtrir,'. mAttOi I? itet an,I IsSnslBI Caj n??. igt \\ Ian.i <t al M .t.fir ????:,le.i : l.-f.:?iur It. j ... -. BarTttt?-Sana igt _?tsraf_u_?Sttiaa S.SJaattlsa tn.l r-riaT'-r i. -ii'ii. till ItmlartTJ Itjutrtl? iIi.-iiitoiI. with 1.1 .---'-. Altm.tar ?ut. Ba.ltu?.- M'.t.a.n ilr. ir.l. With ein r,,?t?. IU.i-,-1 a_?. M-Ilenr?. Molmn f?.r iu;uuc!i.D _r..'.-.._ o [-< n tilaiuUtf ?Upu!?'..:._ to refrr tb _ .--tien t? tbo ?am? laSfBB brSrs wkMBtsa asSaaaat U? ?re pri.Jinr, tul i-idirr .Upu.alna ?bat ?II tbr tr-.i.inunj slnaS baa l_-eo |,la:i (hua far is rua b arittaa tt U? .nay Is rr?ii i? tH.lrnce npoo trial <?( t!u? attisa aria tbr Minn elfn-t a* if taken tktrsda. ll'?ort??o ?gt. Hinkt ? lujnnct.ou tit?a.tai t. lu ail tbe uole. kommt tbe ou? itail.l us] nur. (.* r )lem..r?j?ala ) SOAtertOr Com i StOtikl Tirm.? Uv Judge Mimell.? Miller SSL Wi-I.h.-(Wu k?i(.J Karat Ml I'ark- -Or,!?r frastsi, Hau-nJaiil ?ft. (.'onklii,.? tartar ?rant?.! II. ntr. r WL An. .tf-tn;.? Mmi?.ii ititu.-l. Kisk? ?gt. Ilriinr Umita intim L.iier ?_t. II??.?Onlrr grtLiei. II _?. ?ft. Will M.? .i.-,-...I l'.iauherly tg:. 111?.in.?Onltr .rutea! S?mil? 1 a?l. strrutar'. -il.Ua.n frail. J. II? J ...:?. llvil ..???.- l',r. is ,ut. i ,,, lr. I'l, a i.l a . ?i .-I ?ill ,,.l.ii it tbr'po'lK.M.1 Jo'ls?nrnl to Oie <>B?L Allru ?tu Al_-_--_t..o<.n for iii'liiiD'-ia I'rnlrS , ?s order will I.? _?.?n ni., ilin-rlla. th? ratr t? he ta nt |.?ct to t-r rrttrr? lor iurtbr - pro,,ta, ?.?1 aubiuitol ut tbr <_.uri. . ? tu an agi Mi::?... I I. ? aae atttlnl a? aui. r.?r.1. (?,... a?l >l?rl.l.k- l-iii la* turanrr (. iin.|.atj? -OrJrr ??-?tnl. CSOMSSS PtoSS Term.?Hv JudgeI, im inore. M, *,. ...,, ,,.: I:.o-a.i.. J. . rr tt f.r ? . I tor i WM, BBS is ISIttl 1 lt?|?.l.l~* IgL WtS|i'B?B. -lUlrrri a r i,|,irri-l . tit'RT CAaiSUAltS-Tm? Dai Scratst CorsT?<tBaaH?k? U.istsu. J.?nptr? it'.I ? ?-?'?; ti.da.- r_keu at 13 01 til..Smith ?<!. ?Vkorn. lab. .Cufti rt ,il. ,et. (ilob? I'tisi ltr.' ?t?L ?(t. llttU iu. ? .. rt al. CiattiB ran It?TAo Mut I. Ogtm ?t lei a. ?. I9T..I .nab ?it'., bien. I ?' - Joli -oa a^i KB ?-, 1041. Il'irlliut .gU Uontiuk S??to KS...SialU a?. OfOtm? Sharif, Bsv.0a ?*.'?? 71'i|..llurrf .?t. frai rt al B Onatbf ?p. In \ rntotl o.^...spn:*[ri ?I. urv TLe M artr . ',.;.]?? t .Miiuct Co. _.r. II . i ? |f| II at 34A..llii!i.a?n. Tl?-A?me. 1 ' hi tl rt al ?V- Tie B. T. 3* I. a t r , ?ft. ItarSaiae Bstrtn fO? ?A* ? " Im...? ?n lliar a?t.l'?r..n.. I.rel. KS..B, , . . ? ., ( iUb aft Mlj.l?. leiMio .?i. ib.- .Ma?.,' ?? Mun ? t ?1. I!).. Willita?l. VVrat.r. I?M..!(.-_ .11 <t. Att roft r!J..SiTiitb ?at ?ilii.n, Itsr1! lui..I.!..? I n al. Ht nll?+?n. la. sbinn 121..Hni.?. ?irt. Oth_ra Fa.-.i II. ?K.I.I..I. - U .? .' .1 i- M.a-,!a>. V.r. !?. BOVOBUoa Cseat?TalAt 1'sk.-??fiar l.-lmnn??? ",.-.. al 11 ? in. MS..Ta?lsrslal W V.r. ? a!. '. l.'t. .Il-nwanl ?g!. Sn-.'h. I?,1 .Otntwagl auiM it..-J_Aattas|ttrSriss snrritf. .' ?ut. ?'...In Hi .:..( nl:r? rt a'. SfL Wr|,l,?r l?7J..('ri?t?lar.t:. ?? llriri,, .''.N-tf It i. ..-. .,-i'f. r a.'t I A,a. IJK'l. .SlltW t.1. SSBlt I l'a....M il-.Il, a|(I. '. ? l_V..liier a.?. K..S , U r7. I.u.-l-f t_l taasiB 141?..I?.II? ut N. 1 N?tinr.4lltank- l -''...! tab m a.: S| Aa*. a ;. Hlrbtr .. |?Hl..Dt Xota?rr ?XI. l'a,,.., i a t IL?saiai,*?:ts. J.??ipma ?ill?, it. 100O..N?i?!#r'r . t aL a?t. V\a!l tt MO. .Sair tgl al. Ml.aTsaai ?ni. l'i-iS. Mutoall?. t10..M.;.r ?r- "? to. HB..aHabslla|V W?at ' BM.JSvSBfi ItoBsaasSa] aal Ki_..WnKi'i H. i'J'omu^ lift ni. ??-..?. I:. u i .. lu? ('... m..r__M a_l. Catri.lL 2II..Pal?urr.i?l _tllv. H.. Ml teta II t:t D.i. l'?-I...Mala)a?:.a.a|..llir,rll,S_int_. lOltl M. ii?.... 1.1? aataaBtWB, i i je.. R. il. tft 'irro-.ii,. MB, .AcJiet- ?S- s-i"a lis??--Kyi-iTT Tiim-LtuSEMuas J.-i'^r.??: M a. m. i:.2..Stc>ole aa't Hr I et ?1. CimaoN Pi BBS TatU, IBSBI BaSt I.? J. t. Iim.t ?t Il s, m, M...N. T. Lut llngimlrn an.: I I.MI.. V\?>n ?y? Bs.,:h. Pi r.'.. ',t;l t ??t An. t natta? Mi. .M :rt .in M ?t? ?t.! 7lb ai?. Litr ?tul Bartaci loa 6a. H H CS _f!'i..Ha ?Halft Witi!.-r. *P.. 1 >.,???!, ?,-?. Sp,,,.. lO&it.s.biitt Aft. Wrigbtrt ?'. I 11'!'-. W i _ ht , ji Chsahtrltia. lu. .',}.Salbaa?gt. S.Itr SS..B?lork l?tt. O'Hrtii -*h> rll ISM..<MNBSVI llr.S ? Sttl ".? ..Hat,'ri wt l?,u., ? ii.'..l. iiriin vt. l.abSaaDn t-CMrllhiiirii a?*! ?iujfr?'. :?.? ?i... as,;. Mai...? USa|.OsS_BO t|t. Ki!,.f.r. l'aiiT IL?-SOW, J.???[?rot ?> t] ? m. lnii8..I?,r?1 ?t ?1. t.t J..Dra. llll..Krp-t_L a_:. Calai il.a.l...lialni..iO ?XI Bttgaa. Ib-? .Nrltti *^l 1. . hula.I.r. ?Ml..aUSSaa llr.t .a.-a.tH.k. llia..Be.-kr? ??<! t'ra.ral ' .'i | llT4..Hrb.turt al. ?tft BtayBms. aisl If. Kiter II K i ? tt al |IIW..-ieh?rrr ?_t. IU?. M. rr -|at Battsr, ll_7..1_.rb?r ?ft Bn?*tli?iit ?Ml..?'?rr..ll ?et Huiler |1!_9..P_aarSal irt.s,,-,,!,n?t t!, .(rt. ?l'.tnl et tl. 11J...Uni rt .1 tat B??batst vi?' JBmaintg .?t. u.. :, vi ?altaCe Mat?as i oUkt? ( mai. Tesi-l'anT I.-J.u.matas 1 -Open. m In _ tu. -T.tnget ?et Bieiiii ut. I le-nhtgx. Iltaniertelilr.. -.W.'.Dtaftt ?gi. Th. a K. t . Vgr IW .Sctlter tft OaldaaSIB. Ob '? ? - ? A?-tn__n a^'t. Fair. W1._Cs_Mbm? Wirtr.?. IBM..BabaaaStM BiaaiSki. ? -. s ?ei l'i|'|a.a'.'.. ! ?'.'J-J. Roili t?. ( arel. ".?.tt..ll??.?lri?nul l'uw.lrr <o. ?rt. 1MB..Bl??SaSU lali-ot?. Jaroiiar i'IU. .Abnluui ?fi |iu l(U "ff7s..Crlrni.n tft. Wilker. 1SM. SslOBf i|t. Mtno. ". !JI. .TutLui a_l. i'rturtrh. Ta-iiT 11 -BraSlOOM J.-l't-t-t? at IC t. a -..Wolf t?t ttrbaiiik MM Darm? a|t Conklir 7. lJ..ltr?,ru?o k St.arUfk. 7W5. Mirb,,!, t|t. Btahaf SH:tl..llelkioeiei ?('t H?rur? ".fit ,I?ih?1w|| a^t K. .!? ?.Xj.AV.ix? ?|ft. Hlork. - -a?*? .,?1. ('.?. V.Vi r-rlgt I k.t lloi.l. ,7Kilj.,B_>bsiorr agi. Tiie L?- u lulu, la.t.on agi We.i.larr?'. ,^^ SiraB.lnp ( ? 7'.>.,a leirr a?t Bthti. iaS..WIsal_ssrtBt Bttoat, '.rt. ?-*' allant, ai nirtaal. |i t.ll. .t-tltr i.t. Marj,, PaiiT III- ! ha. ?, .1.? OmBJBS Hl am. trn..D?t\??gt. Vttoe.i ?711 "n-riatiaasi laam. 7;.J. .llaalli_K?w..rtb afl. Keteill? n;:i.. .Brnolioau a_t I ?? ? Minio? ? o. *_l..'?.-bi??|t a_t H. , "."?..S'inp*..t, u? ?-a.- ' A?".'K..MrAulty tgt. bat.? ?IJ2. Krodtr-au a?t.,l boniat B'l:''. .Hook t_t U.n Ion. .BaSsa agi. Osaia iass..aii__rttl SIJ7..Fr??oe?? ?rt. lla.Klt . _.'aV bianijiti agi II. r? ?Ji-'a. M'illrr ?rt <!""? latitf..Simili ?Si MiiUuiett'.le Ott ula. turn.,- t'i>. ClTT loi k ;? -lili. 1.11 ?a 6,.ltifl?f S|t CoS?tii it : 7..**Mi,!,r, .,1 ,l.,|, .... II..? ..Is ?ft Vtu.I.rlailt fl_. M..J.U <_t. l'itiiki.r?. td.. Saifonl ?irt. OtSflMS, .Stilt ?at ?r.Hakl.? K. E. ?o t. . 1 ?aua Lji. lit, ?i I-,, ,:,, .',. .BaasS. ??r .?" i: , 'i7..lorli? ??t Britiaftl ?B. M. Namaia mi VS,.?,,. f ?" IKKril ,r. Ka.ll 6S..Lut?, ?(t Prrry W. .saut agi. ' 11?. I'l? il ..1 La ? '. I,..,! ".. a, I 7w. !?.. ?r??r arl H., .'. I ?...ladra?!, la, l.? 7l..llir.'U.I?rt. k.ltr ri ?I, -J .M.t.h ._(. la.r,.,, -J l.ji.t d.M...-. i M..a___|aaa/i i >t? (.ii'KT or Arrosu.?Ai util. K?i>. 1 ? Tbt BUvaiai ? u. ?Silli fur Vtb ?: No- 24. M, II, Il I ?T.. ai II, II?. hmmmtmomoE f?us ?MCU-TB-I wliicli may W*?* s?nl deu th. gay und (estive mind of Mi lirirk N-BSISf 1 foi Mls?tH ,| .Wilkinson of New Hu ven has BtaasJM sn hi tlon .la-iiii-it him; for not leudniit In r lo the liyuieneal altar, albeit he the plaintilT SB to do. ,u,,| ),.,, also been frequently requested so to do, lu rli<- daimife (..? ?be says) of B-.'.o.nn. The iniint Is, a? vte are told, that tbnre ass u previous ami et III e'lsi.-iit Mr? lirh k I'.uu I rroj, s., the defendant .-?lulilut bare I. ?Bail; led tin ?aid rt. I .Wilkinson U? the tt'ti.r ?s aforesaid, even if d, had in ? n iii? lit.- ? i - Hm was, BaoaNiag i,. n, I deci irtiii'ti, tiini in-t? (ircrai nieii blmself oa an married bni Mis? w. i ouidn't htm lead Iks Bewspspers, or sha I ?vuld ba.c lli.a-U lu.l___. ] vrtrr mb/MHU-HI llonr.t of Aldermea. STATr.I) SKSSIOB. . Orrim... Mt.MiAT, Fob. 6, l_T_-* o 'clock p. m. Th? Hoard met In their Chamber, No. 15 City Hall, pur? suant to adjournment. ruassl 5ahB (Mhtaae.eaq.., Pr?sident, In the c.nnir ami the following mem tiers: _._,, Aldermen Coman, Cnnovcr, Filroncr, riUseral-1, flllsev, Jovce, Martin, Meieren. MohlhSCh, l'lunkllt, ltiidde, Vane. Van Hchalck, and Wilder?15. The minute* of th?' last mo-ting (Jauiiory 29, 1872) were read aud approved. ycasTiO-t or rr.ivn.r.oB. The President here rose to n qaeettoa of privil?ge, and called the utti'titlon ?>f the Board to uu ?article in an evening paper published lust Haturday, containing a gross uttu.k upon Mi offlclal Integrity, an?! Injuriously r? Ucctiug u|_m the obaraoter of other memliers or jiio Hoard. Having read tho article, the President, in reply, said: , .. " Reference Is hero had to rumor and general assertion, and th?- freest from Masara am not exempt from these. 1 uu? t , hem with peremptory denial, so far as I MB-? cerned. I have been many years In public life, iwid Tor the first time liais calumny Iu this manner assault?"! my tmuie. The Insinuation is utterly unfounded, and the rumored assertion entirely destitute of truth. I challenge a linger to bo laid upon uu unworthy net of mini? In this connection. To any charge, from a r?_.|>oi_-il>iu sonne. I should at one.? raspead by liomsndlng tho gvMasws una summarily proving its fal-dtv." ,, . Tin-President also, as u question of privilege, r .lied the. utMiitlou of the Hoard to rule XXXVI., providing for the appointment of standing committees, ami t?? rule XXXII., which provtdea that such cominlilee.-? slmll he nppuinlo'l bv the President, unless otherwise ordered by the Hoard, and stated thut inasmuch as three of Ihe live members BppOtBted by lilin nn the Finance Coinmiltee Were excused from serving, which prevented iheCom lultiee from trutisaetlng any huslue*s, a minority of the Commlttc?? only remaining, he expressed a desire that Ihe Hoard should nppoiut tho biandiug Committeo on Finance. Whereupon Alderman Hshttash sflktai the following resolution ; Retolre.l, That fhe Committee nn Finance of the Hoard i on-ist of the following per. ons lor the pre ??'lit ? ear : Alderman Mchrbaeh, Aiilurmau Vam-e, Wil 1er, Alderiiiiin Martin, and Al'iiTtnan ntsgerald. Tut ?jucstioii ttus about to 1st taken on the adoption of the resolution, when Alilerm:?n Vaneo ro.e loa point of order, and stated that liiasruni? ii :?*? the ?'iiiiirmati of the Coaanlttee oa Finance was, bv vii-wie "f his otiice, one of the?PeaaailMlonereol the-Jinking Fund, he thereby became un officer of the Board, ami must be tlSStSd by bullot, as provided iu Unie XXX. Tlie President expressed a doubt as to tbe correctness of his ruling, bei in enter lo obtain tbe aeesa of tho Board oa lbs question rui-ci by Aldermaa Vanee? da? ( i.l.-.l tin point of ord? r t?. in? tteli taken. Alderman i'onovci appealed from Ihe ?lc clsion of th?? ?huir. The nnostlon then l?elr:g, ".?"hull the decision of the ( linn si.ui?, as tha iii'lgim nt of tin? p.oar.11 " waa put by the Presiden . sad tit aided in the negative by tho follow? ing vote: Affirmative?Alderm.iu Falconer, O-tSSf, V.?in e, Van Bchaloh sml Wiliici _. Negative ? Aldermen Coman. Counter, Fitzgerald, Joyce, Martin, McLarea, Mehrbaeb, I'luukitt aud Bedds ?9. Tlie qnestion then recurring an the adoption of tti-? resolution presented by Aldcnnas Mehrfeach, was de? cid..! m the alliruiiiti.e by the following vote: Afllniia?te- Alib-riii'tu Comao, Viizgerald, Joyce, Mar tin, M? Liren, Milu lisch, I'luukitt, and Wildei ?h. iterative - 'Hie I'resi.i.'ui, Aldermen Couuver,Falconer, Ollaey, Vanee, uml Van Sehaleh?_. Alderman Martin ask? ?I to be SEOUBSd from serving as a membei of the l lommittee. Th.? r???|i'< ?i was aranted i?y the following vote : Aitirmatite ihe President, Aldermen Goman, Hono? rer, Falconer, ?iiisey, Vane?.-, Van Sthuick, und Wilder ?a. Negatlt? -Abieriii' n Kitz.rerald, Joyce, McLaren, Mcbr l.,u li, aud I'liiitkitt-fi. Whereupon Alderman Metnbacb mo v< d that Alderman Mi Laren I??- inbetltuted for Alderman riariin us a mem? ber of .-nul Committee. Which wus carried. ei.TiTiass. Hv AldeaaaaB Ceaevar? Meiiioriai af a Committee af tba lateraatleaal Werk? ingmen's Association for tha free use, when s f ether* Wlas required, ol the public buddings for u ? eili.?? ?*f the people, to beut lectures, ilisi U-Moli.i, Ac. Which was referaed to the Coamatttee on Public Works. lit Ml let III. Ill .,??? ?e - Petition topare Fiftieth-, t.. betweeallfth aad_R__th avee.. with atone-bleek pavement. Which vt as i ?ten-ul to the ' ??'iniuttee on .-street Pave tne)it!?. Hy Ald'-nnan Wllrter? Memorial ?if the aiiti-inotiop*?lists ii? relation to the " Oai A' t of 1-171," avid asking the city to furnish gas ut coi to tbe people. \t _eh .<, m referred t.? tlie Coanatttee en PnbUc Works. l't tin Pr.lent ? Petition of tlie Kii'ckerboeker l.e Company, asking permission to set curb and gutter atoaea and pave with lie g.-iiti l'ait, ll.erar 'l't-.1 t?-etit ll a\ e . Ii-lm-, n Tit eiltletll ami ftventt-tirst--ts.. ui their own expenae. Which WM rei? rred to the Committee oa Street I'at"; m. n's My the satii? Petition .?r ii"? Council of the Ot-omopolltan Confer mee ta grant lo tha people ttieij.?.? useof the publie hails im discussions, et?'. Whie'i was r. f.-neil to Hi? ( ommlt.- B on Publie Works By the samt ? 1'i'titiou ut tb.? I'liclfli?, and Atlant. Tele^rtipli Com put.? nt the United Htttte* for |htiii.,. em lo elect poles m certain strt e?s nf tills *il> . Which was referred to In- ?'ommlttue on rttreets. mvarATioaa. An Invitation ?a? received from tlie Beaefe I'm amalle Tniiir-M '.'??uipuiit " to taka a ride un?l? r Broadway," on ?.lav Monday, Wednesday, or Saturday, between Ihe hour* m UBS and ,: ?" p. in WhV 'i was act spied. An invitation ?a received to utter t the Callee flop of the Thomas Willisims Association, ?I Walhalla Uuii. on Tues-bu Wob W, IKTl Whica ta? litio on the futile. I 1 s ,| I lli.NS. By AldatmeB Vanee? Betotted. That gas Ian p be laeed aad lighted la Waal Tw.-iitt fourib-st., beta ? a Tenth and Eleventh-ava .. and m Kiev? nth ave., between Twenty fourth and Thir iieih sis, ir: ,i.i the direetiaa ol th?? CbsaaaJseioaer of Public Works. A mot._,?;. ? ,i? mule tor dial the IM .dutiou lo the Com* 111 tie? ?ua Ml'? ? I ? \v lull A'il? un,m M? -hrbiii-h moved its reference to tho C> inliiit!? " on l!( luir? abe .-ilppllcr.. Whereupon Alderman Vance moved f?i t.?ter the paper to tin* Commit! ??? mi ."street Pavaamata Wbicli was carried. Ity Alderman Fitzgerald ? Remitted. Thai t'tiiin b-s_. from Fulton tu M'trris-st., be pay-.t with Belgian or trap block ?pan ment, and that at the several Intersecting streets and avaaaea crus walks be i-mi when n??t now laid, aad n laid where those now laid -m . m tbe .? i of tin? Cot__mU*loner of Pub iii? Works? not m Rood repair, or ar.? not uism a grade adapt? I to tin grade of the proposed new pavement, under 'he direction ol the Commissioner of Pnblic Works; ami thai the in ? uii,p: iijing ordlaaacc tlu-iefor i>?. adopt??'. which waa referred le ths ''.?muiifict or street Pave menu. lit Alderman C not? t Betagtd. Hint the Committee on THattng and Adver tlslng br and hereby is requeated to .-?'port to the Beard aasooa se practicable, tl?- exnedleney or propriety of eanalaga Oerpoiattoa M ?anal tor saah of t'?ie niw-t i*?n and i ?.?_ lo ts? compiled a- ?I publlahed. In a cnudensed Tori*, o? tUv ???It i-alillilt > . emlinii eg belli veals iu one volutas, to be pubtlahetl this year, reduced in ulae, am.i Inteadad simply to contain such Information relating to and nanaeatfrt wiui tbe '.ny tloverumenl as may bo in dlsp -in?.ii.iv contained m such a hook of reference. vvtiii'b ?a,* adapted. ?y the same ./, ?iiitii. riant th.? C? BimitteeimPrtatlng and Advet t;-n* be and hereby Is reqneated te Inquire ami report to the Board what steps me aeecesary to be taken t.. ??ansa I!.? t'oiporatlon Manual f.?;- the year 1870, whii !i lei- ..ll pa lilted but flot ImiuikI, tt. In- colnpleUvl OUil I'ibliKhrd. Which was adopte?!. I'.y the satt HA?r reas. Within the pis' f?*a year? a Lane amount of property beloaging to tha < t) al Mea York lias b.-.-u glvea away, or leased for a lui _ term of yuan ?i a mora i.iUiiinii rental -, ami H Arreo*, hm h grsiits an?! leases are looked upon as aad illegal by a lurgt? |mii|iou of our fellow-eiti u us. mid for one among the many raaaoaa ihat. tho aald property pledged foe the ?redemption of boads issued by the ? itt, aald pn>|?erty could no! hedtapoaed of otliei than at -UCtiou t<t tlie hlfhial Bidder. In order iiiatth? proceed? Slight he planed m ths sinking Finn; f.,r the redemption oi said Vmds, ami until ouch time as said bonds issued upon ?uch pledgee sta redeemad, tha ?ity propart) ?mi us dlauosen ef la ae othai way than bt public sale- theletore, b. It Uesoleed, That the ( otu?oel to the Corporation l>e and i I.? i? herein tlireoled !?> cuiniuoiit'e sueli proceedlngi? as ; ha may deem proper lo recover from tlie grantiiea ac lesai-es of all property granted or leeeed by th.? city of 1 Sea York, without good, legal, and adequate eoualdera ! lions or mer?- nominal reat?is, ? Wldeh was lelerrrd ta the Committee oa Law Depart? , Ii.i lit. Hi Aldenii.tli Klidde whtrttii. Tin fraudarommlttedal oar receal manlci* , pal ?? led ions, a??i witlistiin.ilnL- nil pr. cautions hy honest i ? Itisena, have Cowoastratad ih? neeassitj ni u mote rigid and pio'e.-th? Registry law; nml Whereas, Tlie punit of the l.iiilot-box g the most <???. I fouiiiiuiii.u ui oiirliistitiitioiis.nm, without which i , m tun! n I,?riii is pt.ssllile; und tiv,?r*(?_. ?_ur elections have Been saaalpalated and | eontralled b> professional wire puller- and puttt-riaaafor Hi?- vtit rea .?n thai 1.1.mi of em best citlaeaanever at* I linden to their duties ?t the poll?, therein aiding ami ?betting in the election ?>i tneouipetent ami ?.??ri-iipt ?iiu I nais, ther. tor. ti -Based. That tha Prestdrnl of thia Beard be anther aiul to np|Kiitit u i ouimiti?. nf Three, with power to ap ? loiintei i., prepon and lay befan tus Board, al i be mit stated meeting, tbedralt of a !av umeu'?iu. the pieseul llei-'lstry lut? in ?.iicti it inauiier IO aa to I'ffecfn aiiv prevent lllejaal voting, and a-Hleh shall contain tbe ti.iiott im: ptaylaiaaa; 'Tin- laspoetota?I BlreHoa la -his . it?, when -ittimr a? .ils..niioi l-glstrj, ?bail be providtMl with aad keeps b.,i?k ?.r iKs.k? ?f e?i 11?, ?tt?. with margin as hcrelnatier staled. ..hieli ?ertlln ales shall show tin* uutuliei ot Una Ward ?mi i ??t ion i?isir:.'i. the location of Ihe i_.;is. ..mi I th. ?lai.? ami hi.uisoi election,and whkh certilicates ?hall r? ??<' ?s folio? ?, v./ t 1 Kill LSI?, ill kli.lsllUTlii?.. (Tl ) ?II MS? YtiltK. No . ???I'll. I.l?-.:...u lii.-lii-t. i-mi |,i . ? Kbtctlon to be held on .betwaeuthe the Hours of o'.Toek B. in., ami . o'clock p. in. This is to certify that Mr, Is dulj registered as a qiiiilltle.l folal u. this Fiction IHstriei on llo- .. , 1 .i _ , f .Bee ihoaaead eight huadred aad .i Inspectors "f ,S i:ie? tii.ii. |"?' Tin?, ?riati?- t.-1-1.. in- presentee and iwlivered to the laspeciors of b> the pen.UUaed therein al the Un? ?.f Toting. Theftollowlag ahatl u- printed on the marginal tin? certificat?, Tli ' ..malm, ?i O-xiiti'-'s.. Dated, Ban-Tort. a?_aa???_aasa?? ? ?Sa?n_aOBOa?? .?_...Wnrfl.Blflti-fl D?rfet. Date of 1 tlon. OarttfloaM issued to Mr., res at. .i Inspect .> ?>f .S Klectlf The Inspectors of Flection In this ettv-, when slttir A Hoard of Registry,shall Issue and deliver such ace OSls to each qualified voter n-sldmir within their r?i. tlve Flection Oisiilct, who may otfe.r his naino for n trittlon. The inartfnnf the certificates shall Ukewl-e be fllle and signed, and retained by the inspectors of Kle. and sball constitute the official Registry Record. No person shall is? allowed to voto unless ho prod and deliver? to the Inspectors of Blaotton his eortlft of registration, will ih shall lie cancel?- : by th in, ?>r of them, In the BOOM manner ascbccksarc now cane in banks ufter hitviug bo<n puld. No person shall bo ?ppolotod or elttfh.e to the ntm laSpOOtOf of Kleellill SSO ? aillait Hid null srile. who bas not resided within the otocttoa fllotrtot which ho Is t?a be elected or appointed at least one j previous to his BlSOtiOB or appointment: and, Resolved, Further that the said ?'ommitten bo al su rected and required to prepare and lay before tMs lb at the next stated meolln? the ?Iratt of a law maklnu exercise of the franchise of suffrage compulso? every qualified voter oi this city. Only actual sicki or absence from the city on the day of elcctlou shal a sufllclent excuso for t person n?it voting. Any quallfl.-d voter n. fids city who shull, without i snilli lent excuse, neglect to ?ast bis vote, <r any i?'i In this cltv wlio shall prevent any quali?ed rotor In city from voting at nnv municipal, Slate or ? tion, which mat hereafter Is. held in this city, shal! complaint of iinv qualified voter of this city, and u proper proof and conviction before any Court of Jus In tnls city, pay a tine not ??receding twenty-ll v.? dol for each oirc'iBt'.whlrh fine or tines shall booolle? tod appropriated In tliu samo manner as flues Imposed on liniiiieiit J'i ors. Which was adopted. Hv Alderman Wilder Resolved, That the Clark I. hereby authorized and rected to provide for the use of tin? members a000 the Charter ?if 1870, and the atnedduicnta to the im passed in IBTla Which was adopted. Hv Alderman Martin? iittotneil. That ????orge W. Jasper and Oalen C. Thatc lie and they are hereby appointed aa CoBunlaSn-tei Heeds In and for the ?'ity and County of .Vow-York the place and ?t.-i-d, resjicctivnly, of Frank Cavan; ami Miomas Casey, who were recently appointed, who failed to qualify. Which wai adopted by the following vote : ACirmatlve?Tin- President, Aldermen Coman. Ce ver, Fulton, r, Fitzgerald, Gilsey, Joyce, Martin, Loren. Melirli.-ich, Flunkitt, Kadde, Vance, Van Mcbal und Wilder?15. By the same? R, solved. That this Heard take action for furnish suitable badges to the meinbora _? tins Hoard. Alderman Cnnnvcr uioveil a reference of the resolut to tlin < omiirtic mi Arts and Hi lencos. Aldorman V?nico moved to lay tbt; resolution on table. Which was lost. Alderman Murtln moved the adoption of the rc.olut? wlnn Alderman Van Schale* ril.ed the point, of order th Inasmuch a? (lie resolution involved the expenditure money. It was not competent for ihn BSSffl legally pa?s the rasolattoa to-day. lbs President decided the point of order to be w taken. Whereupon, on motion of Alderman Cooover, the re lut loa was referred to the Committee OB H' pair? a Supplies. Hy Alderrntn McLaren?, Taiat Janes powers be and be Is her?by s pointed a Commissioner of Dc-'ls in um! i"t the ?'ity u County of Haw-York, la the place and seed of < bun l F. Kleni.k, who was morally appointed, bal fa:ta.-d qualify. Whn-li was adopted. BBtoan? Alderman ?.'onover. fnairuian of flu? Committee-? Public Works, reportad tut? following resolution f-i the Committ.-e ! Resolved, That the Comptroller be and ho is here! authorized sod directed, if In hlsladgtaaaltortBabs luve.rvsls of the ctlv, to renew the lease of the preml on tiie oasl -nit- of Fourth ave., between 'l.'wentv-eevcu and 'fwentv-olghth ?t?., from the New York and Hurl?. Railroad Company, la ae ordanee with the prorlatoaa th ? loose bearing date May 1, UBB, Which was tola over. nie Committee aa Roads, to whom w^a referred tl annexed resolutions sad ordliMUMMS for building a recol' mg basin and colvert on the northwest correr of Nint ave. and Fiftieth -st., and the other tor setting carbol gutter stones and -lagging full width ou tiie north side i '?, between 2. Inth and Tenth-area., respeotfutl BSFOB1 : That they hare cxomlii-d the subjects so referred them, and timi that i??th improvement- t;re much ooofl? liv the owners Interest? d, whose naine- lire si::ned to petition asiiine the Common Council M have the win done. The owners orealaoot iiiiuuiuioiisly in favor? the proposed iiupiii-.-uieiiis. Your Commutes, tln-r fore, respectfully recommend the mloptiou of the afor ?aid resoiutinns and octliiiuurcs hereto annexed. Resolved, That a reoelVlng basin and culvert to be bai on th.? aartli-west i ornar of Hlutb-ave. aad Piftteib-sl iin.ler the direction of tin? i JnanBlB-touor of Public Work ami that i lu- m ( iitiipanyingordinance therefor be odoptei Fesolved, That on .he north Bids of Fiftieth si., b tween Ninth and Totith-avcs.. curb and gutter stoue* I s?t,aiii! th.? Bktowalks be flogged aad reflssgofl fu v\ t.ifii, where not airead] done, under the direction ? iba Commissioner of Public Works; sod that thsasaos psnylng ordiiian.-.- therefor b?' adopted. Will IA? JOYCB, OKUBOB W, i'l LNKITT, WlLUAS KaI'HK, < .iiuiniitec on Roads. Appofamssr or a oorarrraa. The ('resilient here uppmuti-d Aldermen Toa Bohotol ?ni I'.ii. nu, t as the two aililitioiiul members of th BtaadlugCotnmi-taa on Ratlroada to net aa a joint Bpeeta C.iiiiiuilt. c for the consid?ration of a resolution in rela lion to tin? tracks of tho LUirlt-m laiilroad Company, nortJ of Wotiy -aooonrt et. S?BAOS PVI1M TUR MAVOH. The following lueaaags woa rotelved from the Mayor transmit!lug the Annual Ht-port of the Cooper Union to tho atlvaineineiit of Boleaoe and Art, for the rear 1871 : matou's oanca, nkw-yokk, Fon. i, ihtj. To the Common Oauueit: I bare the boa? r to transmit herewith the Anntml Re imri of Ilia "?'m per Union for the advancement o astease aad Art," fan- the as lender year is7i. A. OAKKY II ALL, Ma vor. UKTOkT ok IBB COOPSS i?os roa tuk ADTABOSSBS of sctmra am? art. To the Common Council of the City of Setr-Tork : As required by las, the undersigned linstees herewit? res|aeetfully stbiiuit :i si jteinent of all the receipts am expenditures ?if toe Cooper Union for th.? advauceineui of Science and Art, iVr tin* calendar year Imti. SfBW-YOBB, Jan. 24, ttll? PBT8B COOFBB, WOOOS li Hi >T, Euwabd Cooras, AllllAM !S. lit.? ITT, .Ions K. Paksovs. uEiF.irTs A>n BXPBBiirroBsa or ras oooraa imoj VOK T1IK AI.VA.Ni l.MINT OK IC1SBCB AND J.11T, IUO?l JAN. 1, 1H71, TO JAN. 1. 1872. lier, iptt. Rents from stores, rooms, offices, and large ? all.?I2,3nl 89 Heat Mini ventilation. '2t7 9? stationery, old papen und materials sold... IH :n Interest on ??os erumeat bonds. iso oo l'oler Cooper K'.idou aient Fond. b,- a ;ij |i-,--_l IS Frpenditnret. Free nit'tit iliissc? In bt'-Siice aud Art.Ill,'.i88 -?4 Free Art -cliool for Wuiuull. 6,-?lu ('7 Free riMiiIiiig-rooiu. _,5W m Pne Library. 3,71? 04 Philosophical Depat iment,apparatusboughl is to Cboniical Deparuuent (laboratory expenses) l.ti.?) 7o Heut und veittihttloii. 4,Jl'i 05 ?'are of Huihliug. y.e.r. f? Furnlshiiig. l.-i-ji ta Repu ifs mid Improveoiaata. s.i.'.u -?a titllce Kxpeusen. ., , .,, goa. 6.171 it BOOX. fl.Jll m ftatlonerj-. nt ?4 Fruiting. 1,414 is Advertising. 6$g _3 Hostage. _sj ,;t ?uudiics. 77 t-oj I4S.3?). 15 tUnteincut of Cash Aetounti?Dr. Haiitnce In treasury, Jan. 1, 1S71.$1.977 B> Revenue, u per statement above. io.nso tu Mouey boROWSd daring iho year. 4,347 tff Total ca?h received.$6.,175 Si Or. Ex|iendlturcs, a- i>er statement above.t4?,180 3.1 Ho.ills paid off. 6,447 87 Money refunde,! . 267 50 lSalaiico in treasure, Jan. 1,1?73. 2,071 13 $65.17.. b_ A. counts .audited and unpaid. 3,967 SI !.?.?> i asii ni In a.-uti. 2,071 13 Actual dctlciency.|1,hmi 40 City and County of Seic-York, st.; Peter Cooper, Ed? ward Cooper, llame! F.Ticniaiui, John E. Parsons, ?,. Hunt, nnd Alii'.-nu 8. Hewitt, being ?lui, and m-v. rally BWOTO, do and each fur 1,hum If dot.'i depose uud say Hut tiicy Sit Trustees of 'lie Coopsr L'uion fi<r the. advaucc iiii-nt of Bcleaco ami An, aad that the foregoing is:. true account of ?til th> receipts sod expenditures of the said Braatosa during tho year cmling li.-c. ;n, 1-71. 1'KlliK COOPSS, WlLSOB ?... Bc> r, KliW AKll ClIlU I I!. Allll.VM fl. Ill a 1 IT, Josa E. PABaoiN Bwsia to before me this nd ?ley of January, ls7.'. as to Air.un l- Hewitt, tbetethdaj of January, Is;.', as to Peter Cooper and Edward Cooper; ami on tin* xithdav in Jaiiuury , ls'.J, a-. In \\ iI.-miii (1. Hunt and John F. l'ar>ous. 'Miomas J. saison, |Se:tl J Notary Pabilo, New-York Cmintv. Win. h was,. >n mot lull oi Alderman Vance, ord. nd to be printed m dn umoal form, ami referred to th.? Unas llllt tee m, I'liiauce. i For wiinii -,-.- ?seumoal Bo, 3.) coanosB lATioaa rsoa nsrASTssna ass oossoaa* Hi iS Oil. It IS. A communication woa recciv-ii item the Controller, in reply to a rtaolutloa of inquiry adopted by tlie Hoard, ?salan for a statement m a cumulated n. in Bouda boned dur.?ig lbs year IBTO, and a list of ciuiui? atllustod dining said year. mnmm SSSI ordered on tile. Ml.' III. ? ^Merman Vuii Bakaii k un.? i I l .,' the fl^t special order of toe day, betas aa ordlnaiir. ,,. n guiata psasea i.-,-i % -nie;, _ in the City of Baw>Yurfc, lie taken at) aa<l reforrea to a Special 1 inimltte? ifturee. nut be rabaoquaaU) withares tha Button to refer to a < 'iiuiulltee, alien Alderman Connu i BMirod a reference uf Ihc oiniunuce to tin? Committee on Lan Department, W' nil wasearrtofl. . Iderawn i m...\rr moved that the eonsid ial ou of las ?e.-..nil special order ol bualuoaa, n ?? i >. , oi .. sls-cial i iitiuniitea , aSSlgnlui room, i., I hi Cllt Hull to *'?*? Um? ol II. ?? i lam.- m ml- oi Public ',. i?, n parwosos, etc., be postponed until th .. I . _ Which wa . . iii. .i l'Ali:us i h'ni no BOASD Off ASH tAM ILIIBI It. H?| '' . " M II III ?tat '? ' ? w-i i a liay*>?i.ado.? ... itmii . i , , hrnisi), Ko. i: Tast ?ftssathsL ?ha worv'i^ kl** nnder lh, direction ?f the (im?uR^ha Works; the perm I selon beielir given to - - - p'"*?? during tlie pV-ssure ?,f the Semanas SAC"** **\j Vt was referred to the (.oiiimlttee on ?o,____. Keoort of the Commit.. . or, LimpTSadoM of adapting resolution n* follows* im*' ? 1**m, That a street lamp be placed ans i< v. the Berthe** corner of !_w J?T"* L*hW * t, e dire? turn of th.?. Commis, .?? r ?f i?.,,,. _w: ?Aitt Which waa re._r_.vl to the Commit.*,,i, niel''**" Reaoliition oh fellows. '* Heoiltetl, That permission lie and the a-m.,. w_ glv.t, to James Watson to sank a 4 :,.,.., , ml, " ,"!**** agonslly across Worthst., from No nu t? v '?f-tl Itulosiire for a ?team pip? ?, to l_? .ise.i |? ,.?',...? ' ** ?? the premise? ... numbered; provided the ?in,. |'T *??. his own ? xjM'iis?-, ,utd inuler the dira tlon of the ? ?"**** ?loner of Public Works. "' ""? '-oa??,. Which was referred to th.? Committee oadtrct? Resolut ?ei us billows : "???t-?--*. Beeetfed, That William J. rinlcnahess-l bkt appolnied it fVitnmlvioiierof Dm .1, in Hm? ,n,n****t a,.?i..,.-,ty of Sew-Vork, lu pi?.? of Tu.'io?,.'*. Who has faileil to qualify. ?"?rusj-, Which was referred to the Committee on n?i??____. Oflfeea '?*?*-?* a_fl BeoommendaUoa of flp????ia! Commi'tr.? of k<_ ? Aldermen re I.icing the nuuilxtr end saUri??.!* * attach?e of the Board, passed January r, ?an _?, 9 to the Hoard of Aldermen In order to i ?-ri .-?t. .??.?"*< rsgnlerltles aperMed and batoned aa ths ini.-r * Which was r.jfeired to the Column tn?- oa Ho?ru. Ofllces. "*?Teiia4 ?in motion, ths, Hoard then adpiurn* , and tU >_______, dent aim,,un? d th it it st.. ..1 a?l|..urue? uld? a 7?*" m xt, tho Uth at | o'i loes p. in. *u***t J'> Hiia. m.,, ci^ It.turS of Assistant II.I. .mm. .TATKI. HI--: s Orrirui..] MdNiiAV. Peb s, ist.?_ ?.-.look?, _ The Been met m their Chamber, No. ic ?n??? pursuant to adjournment t ma, Present?Otis T. Hall, esq., President, In the chair ?^ the followii)?r members; -**a Assistant Aldenie n F??lcy, Htaeotn, O'Hrien .1*1.? Robinson, Healy, Hart!, Krmts, (edrtington, Bb_? i'lnckney, CeataUo, Wade, Connor, I.ittl.a.i.^ ?~_ Assistant Aldeiui? n F..Icy, H.acoin, O'Hrien Oi t_\\ The minutes of me? ling held Jon. :?'. ls:2, _,tI??w, -ml_ S -"?J fennoiisoii, Cumisky, Mclxmald, aud tvibWMrtt?i_ read Assistant Alderman Llttlefleld rose to a acaaraoa op- pkivilk.ob, and stated that the .?i?p??aranre of I.:? name on mt* _ ?t tin? printed Journal, as hit.'iug Voted00 th? qosiUm of accepting the report and adopting the resolutas r* commended by tho Hpecial lomu.liter on einrittu* seats, In ihe matter of tlie claim al WUllaai p. si*n?^v at th'-last meetiac Of the li?nr?!. Waa an error. ahTSf not vote nn said fiuestion ; and he :??ked tliat ihr mhrim of the proceedings ol tlie meciing held on ths ntkalean be correct,*.! by omitting ins ii.iiiu* from -nli \.,t?, Tlie President put tin* question whethea tiie'said would grant the reuuest ot Assistant A.iiem.aii lj_t___, field. Which was derided In th? affirmative. Ami as thus corre? ted, the minutes of the meottaa_<i| Jauuary W were then appro- el. paiRSBM. Bv the Pr??. blent? N.i. eu I.uiKnTT ST., New-Yobk, Jin ?.in. To the Honorable the Hoard nf Assistant A'otermenittht City of New-York: Applicalion of Warren. Mi-i)?* g Reynolds, printers, lithographers, l?o?ilt-l__jider?, ?M blank-book inanufactiirers. tor Ibe binding and repair ingof the books In the rarloaa depairtm.iitsof the city; <_i.ti Jtnaa : we respectfully preesasear sppiicati.a for tint above-mentioned work. We an? 1'iiig established in btislne??, and have all th* experience and faclltttee neceaaary to ?-flicleutly, sco nomically, and faitlifuliy perform the sune. And yo"ur pctitloi.? ri will ever pray. ?fOn WSRRVH, Wii.ium M> ??ii?, JaMKs 1.1 Will,. Assistant Alderman Krsu? moved that saiii p.t|s-r_i referred to the < ommtttee ?m Prmtinv and A'iverttiu, The Presiden! put the qaaettea whether the buart w(ui!?l agree wtth said mol ion. Which ?mis decided lu fhe nffinuaflve. Ami the same was ?-?mimlUed to the Committal a rnntingand AdvetUsing. REsori nos*. Py Assistant AMennati Strack? Rriolretl, That permissioi) l?e ami the same Is btrhf giv.ii to tlie New-York Turn Verein, to place ah4 flgkt two ornamental lampe ia frout of their hall. _ty_?.a and ??s East Puiiith -;., to be connected with their ova meter, and to be placed aa each ?id? of the stoop, st tie base, provided the same be done at their own sxteass, under the ?direction of tbs Commlsstot .-r ()f PnWie Works, and stich lamps be of a sUe and aSSSJB spprorsd by said Omiiiiu-siun t. _ Assistant Ahiermau Stacom moved that sskt ttsnto tbm be adapt?t? , The PreaaSeat put the nasstssn whether ths Board Would agree will, ?aid motion. Which was decided iu the aflirrcatlve br the fonosrlnf l flii mal I ?a - Aaatataat Aldermen May, fltsco?, O'Brien, Gslvla, Hoblnson, Bealy, Kraus, OMidinaton, Btrack, Pinckuey, Coatello, Wane, ''onaor, I.ittlelkl-, Oeie, ?Slmonaou, cnmlaky, MoDeaald, dchwartz and tm President- ?. Br Assist..ut Alderman Co-lollo? Reeignat-oa of Thomas II. .?.ulJivun as a Commission? of Deads. Tlie i-rcs:d?-tit put the rjuestlon whether the BosM would accept -uni Ratgaatloa, Which a m decided iu the altirmattve. In connection therewith, As?istaut A!d?rmm Ooataaa pr? e nt? U the following it.??..!..tiou : li'toir.ii That j.diii c. Poetar tac and Is her?by m* poiuieii a Commissioner ot Deeea in ami for the City a ml < ounty of N'ow-Vork, lu place of Thomaa II. t-itlhraa, resigned. . _. Itt? President put tbe ?luestlon whether the Bsarl would -iiri.-e with said resolution. \t in. ' was (loonleU iu the alllriuative by the foll.iria| Vote : Afllrmatlve ? Assistante Altlermcn Foley. Rtaeon, O'Brien, Oalvln, Bobiaeoa, Healy, Kraus, Codoinirtos, Btratk, 1'incki i-v, Costclto. Wa?le. Connor, l.tttieiieij, ti. la, Hlmonaon, <":umi?ky, McDoi.ald, Schwanz, and cas Presid? tiL-_o. Bf Hie snin?? Htsoltttl, That the Cnun??.l to tbe Corporation lie te* que. t. d to comiiiuni? ate t?. ttii.* l!,.air.t, ,i_ early as po?*l* l?le, in * opinion M to tin- power of tiie 0'<miui??n Council over aad m reapeel to markets, making such i.piuws apeciully and specifically clear on each and every br<t_._ Of SUCh Slll.JeCt. Assi_t.n.r Alderman Kraus moved that said resolana Im- adopt.-d. Tm Preetdeat put ihe question w-Uetlier th? Boari would agree wtth said motion. v. iiieh was decided In the adirmoJUve. By the President? h'eiolred. That the Committee on Markets Invi-ttlnts tin? markets iu tho City of New-York, and ??port lo tais 1 lourd? First: Whether the ordinances In relation to clewli? nes?, aad to prevent tile sale of dis.used incut ?ad dm cayed vea?tablea, or unwholeoumo fruit ot an. kisJ, art properly enforced. Second: Whether the ordinances and regulitisn? ?m enforced in reference to the space ami arrangement ot Stalls in said market!), and whether such stalls.uttajot tli? in, aro used or occupied bv non residen:* of ths city .nul .-t?te of New-York, and if so, how many iiUlUsraso U-cil or occupied, ull?! to report the location t'.it Uiil?ls ri or such stalls, and the names aud rcaidsncei at luck oceiipants Tliir.i : Whether the ordinances and regulation!In tta rreiic.? to the obatiattlea of .ttroet?. si.lewalss, and ps?* Saga US is tliiough or in the vicinity of aald markets, or tttit o! tin-in, are projM-rly enforced. Fourth: Whether the laws and ordinances rcfulshrj hucksters, hawkers, ami peddle re in and aooiit said mar? kets, or any of them, are no enforced as to patent eikns lions,, aud exorbitant charg?-?. Filth: Whether the .prices charged for meals, vegeta? bles, or provisions of any kind, ar. improperly increased by speculation, unjust or illegal combinations or conspir? acies, or iu any other manner whatever, and if so, whsl action or legislation is necessary to remedy the some. sixth: Whether the bulblings. or uuy ot them, no? used and occupied us markets, arc from loose or improper co-i-druetiun, nui?, net t ventilation, dilapidation, orfroa any other cause, rendered unsuitable lor market builo lugs in the City of New-York. htverth : That the ?aid Committee be in .truch-d tore'any change* m the market buildings, or is IM character of the same, that In their tuilguient are wore aary for the publie convenience, and such l-gislsooaie the sahjeel as they muv deem ailvi*.able. Assintant Aid. niiHii ?track moved that said resolut*** be refernd lo the Committee on Markets. The President put the question whether tai? Boa? would agree a ith said motion. Widen was decided in tho negative. Assistant Aldermau flnckuoy moved that said resolu? tion be :i.|o|ited Tho Pi-enidi-iit put the .|ii(.?stu)H whether the Bosrs would agree with said motion. Which was decided in the atllrtu.itite. lit Ihe i'resideiit? Lta-oti-td, Tliat permission b?. and th?- BSSBt H at?W? giv.n io J. M. A E. A. ihorp, toerotf a i?..t atpdaysj the str.-et ?nie of buildJi.g iiow being .i , idl iorthsa ?m Atenu? A, corner of Btffhty-eeveuth-st. tssah?wJH provided the saino be done ut their own exiH-nss sis under the direction of th?-C<>mmi.-sio ?-ro? Puiilic Works. Alderman He,.ly moved tliat said ??*>? tioii lie adopte.1. . Tin? Preeldeat put the .?m stmn whsthsr ttshaam wauld agree ?? uh said motion. Which was decid, d In the iit?irinr.tit ?? bv the fo^o*U?l Vote: Ailirinative-Assistant Aid? nt.. u F.?'??v. 8**r<.'*' ?O'Brien, Ualvin. Itubiu-on, II.ui>. II tt. Krau?. _* dliigttiu, .??traik, Costelk?, I.ittl.fl? 1? ii.-i*. Cumas/? Mt-Dontiid. Schwurt? ami th.? Presadea 17. __.^m Negative?Aaatetaal AMeeasaaPtaekaag, Vit?svau" Hol. and Muioiikoi, ?1. lit Assistant Alilerman Mi-I>,?iiald ? . ?. Ketolrett, Tliat two ornamental lnnips ?)f site tSJK sun in be pi???Titled by the i.___Mseer "f *__\ Work?, be placed aud lightc.l m front ??t St. l:l'?*_3 ?Church, Port Washington, under the dirs?'iou or Baw ( tuiiuiissloiier. _a WhBBhwaa referred to the Committee ?>u l.uops ??*? (i.i S By Assistant Alderman (?alvin? _-,at Ktsolretl, the sidewalk on the *.)u*h-es?t?f^__\ Kiist Broadway au.i Catharlae at. ke *?S?t_*_**n tin* dlrsettoa ??r tha Oammisetooer ??r i-ni'ln- "_v.**? that tlio a? t ompauyiug ordiuaiice fherofor Be ?**** Wbit h was referred to the committee ?'?'t,,rv* ?*? it? \s-'siiinf Ai.lennm siuioiisoi: - ?_______? H, soient, Thal lamp ?poets tie ?-reeled and BtBMJ '??'r lighted m rift) m-v.!.. beti.a aattbaamW^* aves., limier tue difctioii o? tu?? CoMimisai'it'er?? ram Works. .-a Wi.icli vtas referred to the Committee on IsiBiPs _? Gas. In the lTeslilent? .rblr? A,?.erro. That one hiitidi-, .1 and BSShU *__***_*__\ ave. lo Finillli ave., Ik? it.U'iittd ?_ti.l ?rail ?I. _*J_gs and gutter stones eel and tue .ideea-lM *__*\*___g but doi.c, undfi lite ?lir,?tl.?u ot the \_*^_, . ...m r oi I'lii.lic W. rks. ami th it tin- __.-?'tiiupaii>'|W'?-r ? ai-ioi i??? adopted. ,., Unie.i tt t? ref. in d t,. ih? on !?!*?? I! ..? -.une? _?_s__iriag u,t.,,,ni. raataaawsr? wtth ?-???> u?'?-,>Hlv?T> T_-a__ udvulv-i-u, I??- .iil:t tn t?ue-hiii?li'.'i--*10''*uuB m Ti....I....? t.. P. urili av.i , -J'?'1'l. Vi'.''i ths BS LVmmiasionerofPuWteWars?; "''?? r??'?, "^ .a.iugI'ldiii.uiee marefarheadeeBaak ..,..! ., S.IS I : lieu U) the l? > mi. iu. e ou* ?t** I. . .' ,li Alt. .??till. US. .; - . ,t- ot that i-.?? t.i.i.ut hi ? ?? " , ' ittrt of .iug ? ? ,. _t itc., be icuttd tn. u_ \t ?a?. ??