Newspaper Page Text
yo. \\\|.N*9,?34. NEW-YORK. TLESUAY, FEBRIARY 20. 1872. PRICE FOLR CENTSL Thi: alabama treaty. aa niE m M>v' "N' faann IN A QrA!?I>ARY L pi.UAK.I ICCTJS33 IB OOVIHNMKNT 03 haVIM. RRCR1VRD THR AMI.Kli AN CABB ____-! iu , IMBIR MR IJXJklRJTORR REFL-bES 10 W ' l* IxOvnoR, Monday. Feb. 19. MRJ, in the BaRRM Rl CJiRBaRRRBa, to-day. Mr. Disraeli. n,ie um im. aaBwilrhataaaa to toweh thc quc-s Loottl.e Alabama ClainiB jaat now. wiabcd to bc taforroed wben tb? Bntiah (.ov.rni- .-i.t rcieived the _|m_n..iii CoMk He had been under tbe bWRtRRatea illthBCRaa had caaac to haad abowt tbe Ial <-f jVbrnarv. bnt bc bad BbbRR btaJR pn-n ?0 nndcr ___BAtbal tba bad jt beteetbeai af> ajafj .i-tiiemi.ldlc.'f Heceuibor. Rr. lilaidftot"' rci-hed tbat it WOtUdbt inronve -?VJ H Uu) OoTirraRBiTatlT ans.*orthe miiniry. or fooinniiiicatc any iufuniiatiou BB tbt tabj freaei.t. m 1 m;I.\M> AM> THE NEW DOMIKIOK. - IX18TER. ! 01 Till BECRR1 TllEATY REAF UllMll'. nAif.iv n - Pab. 13?.T1* iwplyto .t,rd.ti.r...i it. n? /.".".'" tWtoR ridteaUns tbe atogy _|4_koB0crR4tiwat&iwaRata3i ita aartbeaUcity, and In u m crcrlii'lv uUafBtad tbat it wm aifned aitei JJ^ : um Waabiikgton aearotiMkkni by a ,_,_,,.,. urevfiirtbi H'!t:-h OorerBMR nt. and Bil l Macdonald. aa Premier of Caaada, on tbe ,?,ral. Tlu ibi.f l'.i'.!tr.bad I eedapoa bctweea the two Oot . ? - i-rivioii-aly; and, ao fai BB Britain waa conceraed, it bad tbea U-a deiitiit.H' Bettled at tho ,1 her fRtare Colonial poliey. Wben j i);i,i jti-rv ; . ? pabMabci bit drci. of tbe .I.-. iii.-d advisai-i. to rednee tbe ibape of a fonnal eonipaet : .ry concltudon of ibe BadiflknltT bj tbe WaabingtonTr.-:.r ? a-ae ttwogbt, InaUy reliered England fron Bad fnrther entanglefaeata on thit eontinent ji, c? ?? only Lord Liagar, 8ir Jobn *_R7_k0don*lai,aad8irGeorge T. C eogni ' tbe treaty, and mentionasoflae ta^amataBcea at? tboafacl oi ita eaiat< acc vitjjc 07IS1QS UN GBEa\T britain. matkmtm ? nosf. T> t na. then, once more - i ..... bOreat Bril I ? o .: Si * York ooteaip I Bgant " ,-inintcn laiui-" on thc pari of ? ..*? luf.irui o;;. n a .? n 1'iat no , : . ,uld ha*e the Itt .ti li . .-? . It v* - 1 1-..H in thal ir nhoulfl mk ? aiui* agAinai Oreat Britain, ? Rrltalti to pli ln tl ll ? ; . *' ithout Ibi . ? b ."it of tbi I nt. Tbere were, boweror, other conci . -, * 11* aioountlug t>. a aaci i t "it la nl .?-,-" i r nny eqnlvaleni whati *? r. Hy gfaoma i tradltlon and i , aaloti oi naUonal n - ]? uit- uf the Tn-aty, iv accepUna rule* ' t i.i-f .re the hi bl kin boMa lo be new m tbe law a- altojrelbcr her ni^A U lu ed a- n.ui-li aa it ? the int.-rest* Intru HaviliA' ihe. ilul.v ratiaeit ih-ir O'l-. I .-.?-. | ? , itood to he u ? 1, ol tlu- v*:. .. ? Ut. PTRTHRR RROOTIAT10S8 DECLARED M - I --.?.?:. 1 ? R] M-i l; LRBITB kTIOJi POSSIBI I . ? ,? i Tt appeaia now thut tbe Ameriean Goi Bc nt .I.r- tu>t coual'ler arii rratlon t<. he a uMide i f aiui rben b> no iudieation in thc Protoeol I that tfu'T- iiuiii.-'i thU pbraa. ..f n Jnint lilafb 4 uUjliiiarli-n t" u^T?c UJm.ii .; ia j-;..l hy (irenf Brll t of all the rliilm* and AftariAuni. bowever, they ?tnic ll".l to u.? tbe Jotnl Buch Com aas*' th- '.' nu i' '1 Into ni rotintloni whh b rei ulted in ?***T-. iiii :U lliiat al. thc .-ialUie BT??*?",". . i-rtt nf tba.'- coiomltted bj the aeveral Tceaela wbi> h have gcnericaliy ku.,v.i hatu.. (' abould bi referred to a Trlbonal ol ki n .. ri ?[., feneralit) of ??on aa. aieiit." on eondition of *? h h rertaia elatan* wc . wuived. into the paitli i iritj Ol "t7i<*auilcal,lc I tbal the -I'.i.-iit. kode ol ft al for Mm ? . , nt t,, no ii ? uv iirrant-euji-iit oi ail, - u* aa vcry ibarp pracUee. The clalui* - alved in tl ? Iniereat nf an ai aod not t faiorof tbat foraiof amlcabh - waa 'i.A-i---i'-.t i? ' " ' UU * doi ? kj" rlBealJy ai d t ? . raoa* phraae* which were natn r rpretatd ln the aplrh of furun-i propoaala. a-ul ., eatlre t- uipi i ol I . - ,,t anapi el ibe Anei lean , io to ua* i u , . . ; , - d their own muul* which Ihey Bul ti., ti iinanta i nd exp tanl aere naturally aiiAlnti. to make the ti*n - ol : '. ii ... ur poaafble, wbJle n . r,-et of i.n-at Britain to narroa tbem 1: tbe in -t ipe. it;' For our* -. ?-? tiu i inuu ? i ? . ?? by the Atneiiceni areuotcorer ; i -.ry. Bat tblt faw t doea nol oon Com- ? . nf nur dlpliiniaf-:*'- la 1. kTing t.. j ? ? abould havn r>. ? ? It tin nn.iii tiiiu , aa we nort t> fewdaj only i- i p I' ? ii I il at 0 *? ednotto Interpret tb* Treaty, butl dk-att- ii|m.i, claliua mppoaed lo he rliatiuctly indl ,, - ?" tbe i wanii c <?! thc ileh ,- f.'i#n fon oo ... aadMtcntion inuAt beaettled byfnrtb inne ? i.',. arbltratlon \m "PLATIXU IM". THI BAWM <-K AMRRICAR kOWDIl -." r... r T' ? ;.i rr. are abowing, aa it aeei - i t'ltii. nailoi. UukB laralled fw at thi pri l- ., torwanl oa bebalfoi t tn- Uuited I . . aatioo foi tia ii.; - ,<*? of thc Alabama ; bnt, 11 if bi ao, ? only to ihaiikfor it. .an,- ia bb iniinaiiy nilvaiii-e.l. we BIR ;?? liviiiitl i,. ui < t-j>t IBtflB <>- furiiiM!; aml ?it nny rat< . uet.aaaiy thal we - ' '?-? ..L'..!n-t u.- to oon aUtbur* tkal Etutland enttrelp trpadlatei tlu uiat tbi v attciui.t t" faaten n. thau tbat i* belng iiafurtiiiiiit., aa.l a L-.l d<al inore ih . mitaincil in tlie P1"'1-' . barticloatbal haae been writ ? >k *-i t v*,,. J;.* rlil 11 im 111,1, ? i i? i. aml au, li a v la*oroua rpturu of - areiuiici* plaviDa* into the handn ?I tbe Aiur,,,-..,. i?wan?-. v\, i>c,i,vi tbat tbt I'lllta-d ba.a uo ml* iitini of preae .,. tbe ob ,and b.trdly ezneett thal thei wiil f.e ?rfajt* ... .,, n-vh arbttrator*. and tbal j '? lulnl ln th, in !? Uiat tin i.l.?'ll?h ehouid t- ?.??;,, ii and ibi An.,-1,, aa* hiuu.u. .1. CRARIMIT1 01 BKRT1MKR1 IN EROLARD. . . ' ? ? Fkk, j ? -fiietoiv to ooccrre that, for tlu i -.-.;?; Bavitle* in England are abao ?i vue tuiud oo tbeaOieriU ol a eoutroTeray tmHi Aiiar. , T:.< in..-t entbuai itic iupporter* <-f tbe ihi -<? tlvll w..r. tbi >"?-! il.-vnt..i1 ml Bepuhlnaai iii-tituiiuii-. ii.m ui n, thc deter ?' j-> i. !,-.,.i,- **lii.|, .au i.av, l.e-a ??iii' ii i? purpoa, ? of iu)io> eiul luAulfi. Onlv a ? i'- ron(?- awnn l.uv* entirely the , ? rii'iu nt h.u1 tbe ra**t 01 th>- .uliTovi raj' ~___u" 'bi*- nf l.,,r,; hu-cll aiui Mr. Alaiii- ilowii ,.**', '?"b il th. ari-itratioii pi.i, .--.1-, it vull l?- iliffl " tba LrtbunaJ lo nml n j,:< ti xf for awardniif Sf** it i.t tlie C-, nt>i nf tbt Alahauia. it.. prnalateni M?*? rti,rt? aud tb* reaolitte dipkimai-y " Ibe Annii. ?n 4,,.\ci iiinent baVO plohal'ly ?_''_0_?d*'d t(,< ii.ajnr.t* ot Flifc-llalincii that the dtt1 'iBiihty ?.,, ,lt ?.dH, ,u,pcrfe,tlv di-'hara-eil >.t il ll _*___*' 1 llll la, V.rtlUlCl.: nf the ,|.,V lu ?euae-ii 0, k*-ci laita to iii.uiiiaiii perfect injpartialltj _?'____? the Ueillrcrr-nta The r-om-i M-iuiir ?'nli Were "^"?veo in tha-* ol WaabbagaVou were <lu by '?? kiakja-t* ol 11,.<,..*. luineiit :? od ll.r natuuito ohlit :,uu ' utx* v.lii'h iia.i ti.-ir nilitiu ur ,?*"? l*".'i! in tl.r roiiducl of Kn_land durina tba v*ar. ? ^; r*'*' '""' ttiii.n.f ha- kjlvce Kpeatedi} taken ___BMtO Itardf l?r ..l.taimri/ all '.|>"lok'> aiu! a n?tr..?l>cc ", _"!: "?- .- ?l i ?? > ".. ii a- - ol iiktrriiatioDMl law; "?'i fikt*iA,-1?,?,|*, o fuii i-irnaitla-nrfitrB fm uedlfylnB Ita ???' ?" ueiii.njAut it now t.-ikea adTantaae of tbe caj ? ?it of ''"' Eaglloh reaToa?tatlvtra tu eonitiliie,-. 1^ .)..i.? jnpreaedaated la dipioaiai y, with , * > .)>n.! in uiiioaiii to ibademandi of ^trmaby BgaaUatl > ? aafJJjajajt OJT A PiQUCB IUPXRU ifm.j.m y ??;. m Hi' ?t LOUI*. Ffb. 11J.-<;i;,t. K?i,b:i,-, thr he.iil ?* tbe nla;|n BaRkajg ol BBBrbaRfRM, UL, Wfl ane-lcdoi, "' **day eveiiiiija. tffi louiuiiiud t*? jaU,oa in. a-barge ^?rilaaaat I BBRRB BaWrRti fr ln May, Jk70. It appiare ftiut bkUArohaad alAota?**je; tuoceaia r.nnoad BBtliijat ?br rm nakiuiif a ?bi Uiro.igjb llt city for tbe borib We*t?*rn Railroad Cnmpany, nnd wblch ran acro.a prop ertv iBvlonirlnir to Banrroft'a tnothrr. An attenipt wiim niade to arre.f Daneroft, Bal Bl faMBBal the ?.fB*4?.ni, and diov,' than tiff. Baaaaqaantlj < apt eatwarond tn hi ri-at Uie rounK inan, aml, ta ln*e realntexl, niiot aud klllcd liiin Tiie City Oooaell bave aiith*iri7*-u thi tm ployme ut of couuat-i to ilrfrtul Oapt Robhlug. QENEEAL FOBBtOS BBWB, GREAT HR1TA1N. A BjtaoLVTToa tafatiaiao mr. ofrvaaaaBwr Isrii.PI'IO IN TBM BOTJBa? ANOTMKK 1 m-iu ii ntoa na cuaules nnr araion BOLUI EXl'LOi-h'N. lOBDOB, M.indftT. Fob. 19,18T2. Tli<- TOBOltTtioB c?tifuring tbe GoYernmont for tbe aiiiHilntuifUt of Pu Robert C'olller to the Judiclal Couimlttee of I'rtvy Councll was niovcd, tlila aajaBdHg, ly Mr. Riehatd Croe-., Omiervativo niember for caeblre, who support* d it lu a lon?r spe.-eh. Sir Roundcli i'aluu-r offered a aub-tltute, declariufr, that " tiiero lt nothliig- ln tbe appoiutuieut of Bir Robert (oliler Btf tka coaaure of tho iloune." At 9 p. tn. tbe debato Waa Mill golng on, no vote havinjr t?een tuken. r-ir Charlcs Uilkeaddrea-ed hlaeongtifueute in Chalaoa thia evcninp. Tbe Bt* ?<fttag WBI * r.,wd.-il,aiol ut tlu- OBt f*t wna aligbtly dieorderly. Aruple prevautioua, how erar, ladJ aoaa taataa agalati trou'.w-. th,- plawJarai waa i uaed -o iii?,-ii thal it eoold not ha aoah <i; tbe aaata wera ta tbe- floor, aml tbe police Wi r<- aa BBBd iu f,.ree. Tlu dieordat soon aubHlde.l. aml tb'- BPgBBltatlOfl nf tho tneetlngwaa raMBptotad. rMr Cbarlc then delivend a long and gatiwaiftil apeeah. He prii'??t,,| Bgainat tho cfloit to fr. ?? .li-t-u.-.ion of tl.e luonarchlcul prin*-iple. De lirol aft.o k.-d tbe monarchy tMBMMBM of taa c-\ Iin it rn genderad Hevei did taa rleh ie*? iiiidi-rrtaid tho waataof tbepoor; a_*i,ahoakl theyeoatlaaeto Igaora tinin. graTe roanrta waald foOow. Bo warwed hla nents to bewan or tiny mlgbl pnah taa paopte tooiar. AUudiag to |the wlattaai of togiaad aad the Vnited ."tates, ho attrilut.-d the exir-ting ftut*- ,,f 111 ?r,,tin- Ignoraneowhich jir, vaiu-.i lnaiiatoeratli - on Ameiican Laatltntl >i?-. At Um I ? ii.btof i.i- avUrotM tb, araterwai ajreatad wlthcn llr-.i-i.i A rilcpiitc'li frniii Bt iTrl'-u-.I.'-.'icu-.nir- rtrj " beriotu ? iiiiiiiiiti iu ti.nn tala noralng 1 of a faetory haTtng exptoded Kl porsons. Ibe Blght Boo. Xdward Carda for war, aaa Batnaltteil to i it* for tli> < M' oaeaoftbearmydui gi T!i< fbow a rciluitiuu of ai,w?',oaj froui iL* < r-tiuiatc of laai Bif Bcary Hoar*. th< i la Tu i;iiii..-iit, epok*-laibti'Uf af the CrowB. Bo wa Qnently bj tl waa attempti & eithei hj the Ll tho i I - _ FBANC1 .v 4: | ! ,ii I. < ,iN-1-II.A' Y AJIONO il V IO OVEBTHROW THK ' "v s :?!. n- ii;aii*...v AGAIH6T imi ih:ki d'ai ".ai i.. IPABll M ' ? '.-"2 ThoOswHKri Xationali BBaerte thal; ? ona] , -..!. .1. iii whieh Ihrei g. neral o Etnperor aro tha hMaaara. Thata j ipersa t',' a--< Ly for.c uri'l tal ? <? ? f-rnnii-iit. wbaa they were t?> ba aapi rted by numberof ez-ofBeera aad I i the Borth Tiie OBBaioB -Hy- that tbi-i'L-v,liAtion, tli.-It?'ia.'i;ii. fi?-' aml no "iu- i? B? n_;!ti4A toel B paawport. _ . || ,i, wa< B -.-'? bef oftbeDnka d'Anmal. oi I ? erowd ..... II i- -.mi th* all .it waa In lt* d by tho Uk lorthcomtag manife?to of th* Uonarchh nonopollz* - th* attentl ?).. ii, ly-app ad l Btat* i to* oiiAtaiiiiiioj,. ,i -.? i.t. i to i?n..ideut .Xhlen hy Mr. Waahbarae, tba An.. i i jrini..;<r, Mr. Ttiif-rf pav< Btat* l...rd 1.4 oii". Mr. V,\,.|,!,]irn. - -1 t" . .on Ainlui v\.., aasong the i li... Bunoai t of th* -' an, bnt- in tha harbor >?. whi t; lo >.. ? ? i BELOHM T.i MOXrrRATKOri a<. v: ? -: 1' Abtwebi "' ' i ? WT* A ] itcp Miiril ' . rf 1.:, *...;? I ? agaiu.t the I "in ' A 114-r diattirbera tren avrrearted bj th* Tlu- uirtinii -t" of th.- Boi aombly waa broughl ber* to .i t. ::;? < ? lint ?'- ' ' - . i uie Ifl th* ? IN. Il!l. I ', ! IM i I ' ' ? Ma. ? II. IITI. Tha Kaignatioa ol the Mii.i-'iy cansea con thonght laat alght thal ? . vi nj of ttYnnlag a a* wCablael ? kwiii b* tb .. rai l u ?? ? Oan. Bl irauo. .___?_??_-?_-?_??_ livn CLAJMS ABB NOJ, ACDJTEl iUY PAT-?OtLI AHD THl n: I.I VI I A 11 ' Rlf.II) .-< I.I T1NY 01 4., VlM-i? 1 Al.'.ll M- Bl IHE OOHTaOLLl B. T!ie examination of the varioni pay-rolli aad riaiiD- paadlag ? nii.ii^tive evi.i.-n.i toth* prohtBof tbe frandandt ? .atpy af Twaad aad hla aagot ..:?-? A' tha laai BMkstlng of tha Boar.i. TBtawaa elaliaa arew rejeetad oa gronodi whieh elaarly aaaatlatk ta* aettoa of tba HoariJ; bul tiie nport of the L't-iitiMii'-n who an engaged iii r,..' ring the pgy-rolla and elaJBtM foi labof am! -. r lon ratTtornu l ttoaorriai capanlal mnntiiTn Th aBaatlnera, Maaan a s cadyaad Charlaa W i^iwiono-, aft,r iBTaatJgatlng tbe payrolls of tbe Ooion Watei Polfca, reported tbat they coiid ii-t for tbr praaant n.viid any payavenla, aad aahod for fartber iaatraetions. Tbe reaaooa Bt - thai ?P?rl nre tbe followtagl l-.-i-r th Old Croton A-iu.-duct Board, 20,tnK m.ii ware emptayed ai- Water PoUee' Thia fore* Btaoeagafed la tarring noticea, eiaauaiag halldlBfs far tha parpoai of aaaeaalBg water tvata, ln r-iff-. tiiitr hydraata, and looking aftei leal ??? t, When tb*.iMawDepartBB* al of Publl. Workawcnl lato ; c.,i operaiioii, tha amnbor ol *wen oathe Water Pollee :, a ad. i'i- to th* nxrnth of E pt* mber laat, aj n-iiu". Bpi? aie.i oa n- rolla aad a? the uioiith ?.f OetobaP, UW, M aten al a f-alary Of ?:.'-?i I" t niinuiii elalaungpay aa aooount of ancb - r. -.-. The * xaniiii an 1'i-ijalred tbi -? li li ,1" u;1 otht rrwadr that they had perfonned th* bcptI h forwbicb ibr.i .u-ui.m,i,-.l pay. Mearly all of tbe ui.-u batr* ao aworu.biit m matij iaatancoe the only daty ezaeted haa lari.-u t.i tiipatl du.iy at tb?-1>. partmai I oi Pul Lte Worto, whlttthaaceaawdBrj laboi of thi ftwea bave oucujKr loriiici by a few of itn Btumber, Evjiiiiiiiifioii toto other pay-rolli tilaeloaei atother baatoa af fraaBi w bleh a - n ta* y not bo atartllag, woald hfford amiiM-m.-ut t>> .mr taB-payen. Ihe BaaMM al ai...ut ?o Baaa on iu '.:. tb' 9*3 rolla of paiut.-r. of laaBpa aml laiup p..Ma bM Ib* ii.oiilli ol ' <? ItObt r. La. li af tli.*<' bbbb awaaaa ta haataB palotad froaa 10 to a laatp-paata 1 Tbe av.-riia'e WOBld be alMiut 15 to aaaa tnau, nnd tbe total nuintfPT of aBBBp-paata palated ilully, l.-'iao, or W, 11*0 for tbe luoiitli ,f <).-,"?, i. viuti r.irii. Ifrf.n."! oi!t tli.-oiia-h tbi- viiii. WOUld i |IU a tital of 421,'iO. i.Hii],poata. At tliin rata, I-..-I1 latap-aoal la tbe <ity wouid laeatva, iu tbo rourv- ..f taa yaar, it; or 17 aaata af patut, thi i-ii-f Ma iicing aaaat jaUaj attatwi Ib ttlo re fl*. r. aa from tha bwatl ?ti.t?-ui.-iite af lhaaal men, gBBBt of tb.- jwiintiii/r waa doxir ou tbat -i<le of tbe eity. TLese in f a day for tbeir nervicrK Than ar,- ahaai 6o asBaea, aa <aiu-.i, wbo uw* ti.... iirpeetad d;n:y at tlu- iiepurtnient af J'uMk- tTotta, an'i iiv.iiii aa : ra aaaa tha Baglaaari Ihaft tvork, wti.ti on iluty, aaaahBwd in aagiyhbg tha ro,l aml llne for tl,* nty *urv*-y.irn ou tftttoa and ?? wera. Tbi* v.,,rk ca?n ln. p, rfoiuied Bf about II BbtB. Tbe pay iibHa dary. r*e Bower Inapectora are eroptoyed at t* a day, and the Inapeetanr* of ravcmenta at tn a day. The dtitlea af tbeee ruapector* aro the exauilnatlon of all work per formed nnder contrart, and to aoe tbat lt la pmperly done aud accordlug to the apeclfleationi. Thc eiaiiiiiui tion abowa that frequeutly two Inapertori were aaeiirned to a pi.MR of work wh. re one wn? aaftn l.-iit, and io one ln*tnnce a butchcr wa? detall.-d to nipervlae the maeon work of acware. Thc latvor involvcrl in f heec ciamlnatlnni I* vrry gTcat. aiut tbe Controllerlfi tryinif foexpeilit,) thc pnym,nt af thc clty laborer* aml BBRBloyCa, aft 1iTtOB jlaRililaj -ri-l comnmnleattoua to the f'onituiaalnnrr* of .thc I'olicc aad Fin- JiiparttiuTit"., a-kiiif- them to foi ward t,-i|tiiriiiiinalmnieiiiat4iiy fi.r tbo parpoaa af payiag off their tnen. Tbe Controller yci-ter.lay uiaile thc follow illak? p.l Vlli.-tlt* : rnli.c Hcparrment forr-c, .inrinnrr, 1*72.f??.'.,nrvft lii-parluient of Publie lii.ti.u-tinii?li-arUi-i-.. UOABM Deportmentof PnbUt Park* VFagea.ii?,,?., Urt iHiptUBBOIll foree, Jannarv. IK"'........... 1-7,600 lUl. JVDICIABY HfFBSTICATJOM. llli CA3R 03 THi: RAR Aaa.uiUTI.iN aiJBMlTTRU VI-TKKPAY?11 Tt KK BRSSIORI TO BR OPRR ?TBR iOfJCSED .11 l?(il> M.KVOLS AT THI VBOtntft Jillohl. lui.M. YcctCltlaj luiviiiir toCB annrmnred for tho flrrl Btttlag of thc Ixc.-i.itive Judlclary Cotuunttce t?> ln\, aliKuta the charpee ajrainct Jaalgeo Iiariianl aml f'artluiu, tbt-ro Waa much 1 ur.u-.ry, BBBBB '"l;v ati.utig thc ab riiifaj,u?t oniy iu ragard t.. tba bbbrm of the ( ummltti?(', tut also the fi-elinif of tlie aeeiiatd Juilifee, aml a large Tiiiinii. ru? lawyi rr atb aoRd the eoartt ln Id '?* ? m J "..? -. t- -p, ? t.v,-i*. atb Bttvt i.-i.-ncra aad ab a rreia of wbat paaaod tbenta. .in.ikre CatdaaM matn taincdblaa atlaaJet deateaaar, fjaatjgb 11 waa trldoal tn i,.-i a oboerrera tbal hi **..- Labortag aaojer arr. .it uien !.'rvuii?ti.-a*. Jii.lpe lianiar.l, who beld i'L.uiii" rr, indnlged ii. m,.;, thaa i.i- ordlnaiy l*> too teaRUetjo fyr ,'lon. Tbe J,.:., iary OoRaaBitti < rb I al Um Itftl a*-. bm lio I ?. beldaverybmgaeaal.aoaebatJoba . . leana RL Vaa Cott aad Albert BtteataMy,the 1 ? tb Bai taaociaUoa, bi Ing allowed Wben Un a -..-;. t ..* >.*?.-. it ua* aaett> . 1 , .-. ao kl OR b "i pft -. Bttd charge* a b aardaadi erdatae, tin aea* 'i . : n--t traaapen, ..nd tbal Ibi ' ?? rm ii.-.i that for the tJatt betag eeatb Of tlie.l . . | aad iwo of hi-. OOBBBMkl ?hall t?e 1 . . ? ? ? tlu 11 ?. -1 r-ati"i - ? . ... fl.I.v nt IUB* 1?C laililit tedbyl * t tbat tbo Bar Aaaoclattoa tban be _1 ? not exee*)dlBg tbree mutiM-i: hal tbataoa ? .-..1. br eoaaatl aneltbartJAV f-haii be allowed aa to t ;< adiBlfftUrfUfy of evldmicc. pjeel , . ? n-lil to-day M-iy.m.. *nd r il " - Uu Coinmlttee may d'-lir < all. w4j to offcr aaeb . *i . 1 .1 ? ...a it i- nnt Ubeli tba , _ ... ..-.::'.? pn < al laeaaa of , 1 ? BUBUtaV ' 'Ic.ite to retuiu t<> \ Intlnaeb vroteei tbeaewCbarter.' -.-rt.-ui I'.iiiiii F Andrewa, a apent 1 tbo ii i.v aa Um to neh hy the ..,-.. 1 aad f.-r'htkroogh tb . ?? .:. Ratbaa, J.'im H. ,1 . 1 .. aad otbert aappeatd ta ba : . naei tloa Wlth 1" 1 p - ' '.-< Ilalnanl la wUibon pn Motad hy Dd E. "' "??!!. Mr. Ar^lrcv* I 1 1 1 . ' tbe ti.itiirc of t ? -,.;.( .n ,: tbey laeluded . I. li r., BOd R' .-iv,-rrliip j iartu-- meetiog JudgeCardoao . ? I, tlirotigh bia 1 f>. appear loday. Th. only UM '".,-.!? Klitn tlvll 1 ' Wl Bt I'l," ' i l ? '. . / s. IS- R CTTOR8 TOOM WjkBITDIOTOR 7?. THR - 1 ; ii.i' 1 -.41 ronxRT? mi it I'TEO I"l. iiir-.; OFriCIAlR TO 4ACILITATB Jilllli 1.1 -IM--. I befi ? thi Sh im"- t'oni raenl aaa ?< .learly 1 .- SBb . ii- that I \ I ) ,-...? Oi tlcn. 1 ni . , 1 i ;s inui'rtaUi 1. for , . , .11 foi pantaaaRkg Umrb -. , * * 1 to make UBkRt abnaea ,. - . b. fjudei U.< - tloa <-f Ibe 1 ' ..:. tht At. : aadoi the Iiepart 1 .1-1. !-..* i- f!:l I'.'ll'l.l 7 1 ? . teallpt i-.ii, .?;,-. r. 1 oa of tbe -'-??- pn hlbltlag Tiic [..-?.(' Attorney ? t totaki tpet .11 f" 4 . . li ? , ? -i u the cmJttee, and U il !;.r eaaM ** bii b n 3 rougbt I him aa*- *tep? in tn rtrrilanoti e 1' 1 a TBtai'BR i?> : it- tecUinony taken t..* tba ? rol al ? -' nd to-day for , pj of th - :?;<.. aad tbal Bl Ibi aext tenn (.f f-- I hawea Clreail < ourt !.c v,,. , . t -. .if bad 1 tat. I t- ;>....111-f erery peraoa 1 1 *? ??: reeeli ag telbaa a ? : . atitifi tin IneperttoB of foodaor foi . . Of 1 oarae it 1- aader ttood tbat tbi ? a ? . ,.'.,'.? ti- leaata l ..m . ?:, loodos 1 [unoiBBflngagalnat il , lufflelcatto 1 it a Dtatrfc t athe rlgbl k. aad if, Badk i hia taatrai - aatlen ao obtaiai d eltber I . it may reaaoaably bt -..-?? ,. follow prodaeUTaofa.! to Bte nf reeta, nfCTDl '.T- <if THE ROBTB Wl ITI RR BTOBM. BiouxCitt, lov.ii, Feb. 19.?A dlatrtaeing m ,,,i. itoftto ti torau tbal have iwafM orer tbit g 'iu. j.:.--, i.t Wiater, ir eeaaoctedwltb tbe diieovery "i ihe r.inalfif of Dr. Hrtll of ObbooM OttaRty, Iiv.a. IIc wa* losf lu the teirilile iterru of tbree weeka ago,aad tboagb <"..iv B*BBBbb)eabartwaa made to tiud tin 1 ly,ttwaaoal] aaaworoted four dayn ago. when a ? | to tbi faiuily hroucht lu a portlon ?f one of tbe mlaatng \i\w.'- icpr.. Tboaabaal whk foiiowci aad thi inu'.lliited remalni of the aafottaaati bbbb v*ir. found 01 iy hiiir a n.ii" dbrtanl nreaa Ibehoase. IaRtot?3*Brta froni iJ.iKit:. conflrn UM atatenient wlth n-?rard to the dcpthol r.i. m,,v. aad th.-r. Vtritv Of thc WRBlbtB BaWaRBJ ; ai aml Jniiiiiiry. Jol D V . Bmitb'i wacwn traln ahicb |h-ft thr wbetaone Ai!< tiiv for ? a "f iTnil'r new r< ?a rvation un Whit.- E.irfh Rlver, only JOOnilleadiatant, wn>- m waxnta inakniK the ti.;, Ibetraiuencountered b.-avy auowdnft", thruiith - *-. ,- neeeaaary to foree a naaaagetrj iboTeunit. 1 ,. -.11.1:1 waaaa Inten* l.v cold that (*. r> niau of the tram waa mon <?! lee* fnaen.aoaa* of them qnlteaa-rt. OUI 'Ha 1 -ity Mlnercii klr" atlv, hnt 110 U?Rt vveie lolt. [I 1 i\ TIIE MiaeiMBIaPPL Si. I.(.ri>, Fi-li. 1*J.?Then- an- now Mime 30 Bteaiaera, B boraeo, a doaea ktry-taga ;md htw baata, aml Biae large wbarf-haata,wbteb, tageibar witb^oat ?goea, ;n' ralaed ataeartyaRkllltoarbbI Ihina BBaileia, hrlaa betweea tbe iMBlaja piera, a*M apprehcuaion* of rJai .-, 1 an rery muck naaanad aiafetba kwb. ttaharbor ba* been 10 badly brokea ua. ERottl aw nu** BaJdni wltb powerful tow iimta to oaa-ti the rtrtt to I airo. Jhe weathi 1 .- faTorablf, wltb the nver rl-iua; above. **? ? MlI.TiFK AND MOB LAV\ IN WIHf XXBUB. CHICAGO, Feb. lH.-At Ilorw Bluff, Wi* y.-t. i.l.iy uiornluar, an IriehXiiin uauieil Murpby.while latoaJeated, killed a (iernian BRRRbMI ( r..ntri V"rJ'!'/ nu-luuk ( rntitz foi aniaii aith wh.,111 to had hivl a ilitn rulty. Aiith. Uaaer aalaaaa ta tbe town arere iMeiroyeci by tbe mordeted twaa'a fncuda, aml tlmat- were 01 lynchlng M.uphy. - a*>a TFLFIiRAI'HIC NOTE?. ....GcBa fcballiie, tlu RRW Kigundo Cabo, hai ar ii. at ila*a:.a . . Tho atefinier Alliance. from RjkRRjR for New Tark i-.' .r. laeaiN I aa kafkaj t?.i haai UeaaaM aftn __a_*a__| ib coiiuioa a.a :ba air.ioer faaioa. oui back u, baeloi. fe,l-riar fai rriaaira. . Ameetingnf mercbant* and othem is to bc kald 111 .-.atlaao dr l ala, l" aiarua. ih. ei?rdieara of aaaiinug bille ot l). -pauia'i Baak lalv (UcuiaUea, ia ardei U> i-rrirtt ekceaBTe ip??ia Baa b gold. Vice-Prcaident Clfax dehvered an intereating a b-aai baW li*al*f. ** ?ke I eelral Prea>n irn.a 1 ba.rl, ,b ?,*'"_?"r' ... . i.iag tk. Htk. aaaireraar. ,.f tkr Kiadaj Kkool fu.on. Tke Bei. l.eerge J Uaaraa "f Kea York a*, aiA,kr. The H?n. Halem 'lowne, at-eil W. died in rjaarl. kl,a ao hitaraaa m tbe hoaae ib au katj rlr ae'r.rj ar'ieral kerai io Ik. VUU Ugikialare aaa * olaaal tk Uv Anrr. m ABB* ib Ike ?? af MM aad BB** au... Orarral ef ike Ma> M.lilla. M? ia BBBBJ k*aw? M kki kakkar ef Toaai. Ryaam" HOPE FOR TUE MERCHAyfS. QrARANTINE ABTSE8 TO BF. BMBXEDL AN Ar-?KMHI.T rOMMITTEP. INVESTIUATIMi DR. < ARXoi'IIAN'b OlTRA*iF.B?A TIloROUGII EX AMINATION rBOMISED? l'ROMINENT MER < 1IANTS MMM.iVHi BHO API'KAK?TE.?*TI Mi'NT Of lOtVOa III/MI'IIREY AND OTHEHS? l;l -I'MK OP TIIE KRAl'DS YVHU'II ARE TO BE invi.-ti<:ati.i>?DB. ( arsooiaN to oo tue YVAY *'K Laai AM> OMJ'ANY. Tlu Coiuiuitff1*1 on (Vinimcrro nnd Naviirn ttaa af tbe New-York Aaaeuibly 1? now in aea^lon. at tbe Pt. Nirhola* Hofi 1, aagaBJli in invt-.tiaratinK, tlu- framN oftb* Ile.ilth Offlfer uAt^tiaraiitine. Tbey will also lu ? ..te rettalu chariteaof abuae* at tbe Etnl?rratlo:i Daiaaa af CBatfa Qeadaa. Tbe Oaakaaaaao eeaMtota of M. aata, 4\lba(gaf of Erle, Judd of Ri, biuotid. BalK-oekof Alt'iiny, Itenuett of , Kinga, Green of QBWaaja, Cawfhef New-York, Pnyder of BaWaWABaaBP, LeN of Mouroe, and Cainpb* 11 of New-York. Room No. II, on the firat floor, baa been taken by tlu OaaBBBHtea, The b*aBBBB tv.-i? nr,ratil7.ed ycaterday inoinliiaT at lu, Mr. Albvrger of Erle takinethe cbulr. Tb* (i.niri.ittee tben vient into 8eeret sesaion. A copy of Titk TiiiBt NF. of Aiifr. 11, lrTTl, waa r-prealotit on tbo table, aroutid Vibloh the Committee gatlu-ri-d, aml tho atMBBJOO tlirr. in in.i>l>- vv, rr iimd. tbe liaai* of theinfonmi lion ui?.ti which the Committee laawei aabpanaa f,.r tbe j.i iiMlpal iM-raon* rm-ntiou.-d in tlu- art.cle. M. .-i - Bt loa iiiiiniiiiri'v, nf B, d. BatgaB i Oo.; tttatara aad Bworey, of (.rititi- M, M-.iiturn A Co.; Ilimln n. afBeyd g BlaWhiWg nm! 1,-tinn-, of Mosa-n Tuylor & Co., wi-ie yi Bf rrdaj BBBt BMaadhafBtatha MtwataL Ma. Jebnaea tbe altaraey for the notorlotis In.titiitlnn known a*" the New-York Harl.or t-n-vcdorlng nnd LightcritiK Company. whi. h rohhad the coataieree ,.t riii* partln i?7o, wh* ptaaaat, no one appoatlBg to Iraow al whaae in-tane,., bal pt?b i bly "iiiiiinoned ln tbe lut.-ri-t nf lu . r.irm rh:n. aud hi airr-nt, Wi in, r. The i-xiitiiiiii-tfii'ii partaofcef aofeaton -ictbe petifoggtag toiirt to which oae aldaof the Ooaunittee priaced the lat* Coal BVaaoaaa mv. ..n.-ation-. thooh .,. fi.r a- At v.-,.,|K-.t bythe htqalry, yeatarday, ...,-iii<-d t< !??? io get tb,- int ra faetaln tio eaae. Bolon Hamphrey, Claattataa af tho Chaaabat >.f <Soaameree "r,iuiiiutte?- on .- ai.'iv ?,'' waa Iral eall* l to th. ttaad, aml in aaawoi f.> ,,-;. ti..ti-. ItOtB ilie Chalnaaa ofthe t'ooamttto* ,U tttaed aabetaatlaQj aa foUowa; Tl'i- ii.ercbanta. vv l,le ;,.liiiiiriiiir tb* Inr'i..-- ?_d I'i" or an efli I. tn f.-t. u* *>l nuar-ntine, rhlf-D ilniii- Flral H t moal ?: ..-v..ii-. nd i Boi-iiltnnl ? i ,?',.|,'vi,.,i upon ' ieru bj the Healtb OfBeer. aolely for the enrlcbuient ol biniaell ond other private f?r tb* i.romoi,',. ,.f private lutereata; ?.-.-..mi, pl ui - ,,<?,"- ,rv detentton ai .1 rontrol uf ?.la. wercbanrUae iu,'I peraona, wbether int.-.-t.-?i or not, al the Healtb Ofh .-. r-H..i.ti(.n; and tlili'l, ol Ibe eona anl n- - un I :*. rimi loaeea ii. ideni lo nnnerea* rj d>tentton. iae j.iiv ii.-c'?? ?" 'i.! .-'t'-.t hi tbe itatute t" tbe Healtb _OflIi ? i au 1 ? aletl . un.!. r t'i.- pn ?"i". -v-'--iu glve , _p for aearly two-tblrda of tbe year tha abaolub frontrol, fora loageror abortar ikik.'I.of all reaaela, togetber wlth tbelr paaaengera or cargrtiea, BinTing al thia port. I'.i'-.-iiL-er ahlpa nii.i iteamora, aad, in tact, 4. ?-? ,vii4 i-iii.-f. h.iili f 1.u fn-ipi. i.i!' Ia dnyaonth* i" aag* rrotatbi port of departurc, andwltl. anv kn.d oa board, arn inhjfitto detentlon for exarulnatlon and ,,i.-<-, vuti.-i," indettattelj . at tbe optlon of tbe ii'i.iia'iiin.' .tn.toi.. Miii.v of tbeae ve a?la are it* uieraplylngi 'gnlHrlv.wlthadvertiaertd It haa beeufoui .1 that it 1 ? ? rnpfly ,,, ,,ii. ,,,tii. .ii-.-!i...--.iiiirof thet-argnea ln Qnarantlne i?t,. llght4M ? md* 1 iin t-outrol >.f the !? Oflleer at donbl the urdlnarj !'.ir'"..r rattra; it they will ... i, t th. 11 paaaencera (?? tbe city bl the Quanintine ateambuata at about 13 atvul per head; if tbej wlll pay $..'. i.n lim! a. tbe ui ? i- '-- and ll - a ii for outal.le let t.-r. i,ii-..n-i,-ti. 1- "r "'b< 1-: Ifthej wlUpaylll lor tbe Irauaportation of a l"i\ oi tamvlea to the cltr, aml tl .-n miiiuiii to '.?.- towed torbewbari bj a Ouarantineat* am* 1 at an expenae of from lai to r-o it thej wlll pl tii, -cl. nu i-i-m. nt.. tho iliiti.-it of eomwinnlcatlng .ii ,.,..P,. ti, the ritlxeBa >.f New-York, ci.n-r.intiv ri.iiiionii ahont by tha Heali OfBi-er, forthwlth ranl bea. Ine 10, -, uill i.f liu-lil. red t<> if- .1.-l:ni U'.n Bbd the veaael tben all..wiil to procoed 1 ..1 'l it wmetliue* hapjieua that ahe will reaeh h- r wharf in adranee .1 liirbtera witb b-r ^,.,.i|-. 1, - 11 iv. now ,-,un,. i ?' il,. - - torikin* aa uuavoldable expenae* laeident to thia porti the .iL-rut of one < otnpiiiiv haa stated tbal Ita annual ? x li.-ii-c* 011 thia a. ? ?'ii"! ainonul tu 116,009. The ownera ur .I ,-i\."-. 1 detalued at r^uarantlne ur. aot al lowedanyprlYllegea,no matter vlmr may be theirf.i ?-iiiii<'? r?r tranaportlng tbe .irkor healthypaaaeaaara or tu. nir.-wf. or tn. ir laBjraa*. >>r aiiv-tlutu: ; tli?- .o-t ol ii-uiiBfciTiin: tbe Mck to Wi rd ? i- -'l undei Quarantlna LaBio .-in n ; aad tba aaiae frem i'i'i"-r Quarantlae t? v ?-t Bank. Ho niiaaiinali utlnn eaa be Ba4 wlth tin- vi---- i ~> detalned wlthoot aa i-xtrn 1. 1 tbe httrial ol it"- -l- ad ?B 1 acb jh ... ,,, 1 t iia 1- ib. only itnu ln whlchhnj ex ih 1-. i-in.'iin.i iiv tbe Health Offlee. Tlir> mei are perfeetlj wtlling to bear the tavajtlaiate expenaaa >?.' . . ,r :i.i- :.<. a '? irefu l .iin. er feea aun 111 :lng t* ' -r t4n,oon ?., i,,., v In a.i'.it:"!.. iin- > bara*a forTao Inatlou levb .1 upon tlu paeaengi ra eiiual about 118,000, and the 1 xorbtt ant ratea foi .i.-ii?!'? etlon m t b 111 iev* i-altbnii and more. ?j ., , f,,. r. -? evedtobe amply auflieleni for aay , and ot tbeae tbe inen-banU du nol com 11.. v d" complalu that tbe two tteamboat*, luifi iber .4 ith thi Irercw*, oiaploye 1 and pald ...1 bi tbe [New-York foi tbe lexitirnauj ua< ol tbe Healtb o-ii, ,-r. are ti?> d ;>- a 1. - ana >.f prirate rnrlchment, aod tn. uu-rehanta nre fnrther taxed t? aapport aud ititivb pi . ite ii lividuala. rh* I...--.-. 1 latelj levled atQnarentine onacargoof ,'in tio--i.' ,!- of BUgar aniimnied to taore than pi.000. Tbla waa tfutlrelj 0 addltlou to the leglUniate foe* ol ? . i, . ? ?. i 11 1., 1 ,.ii.' molaaa. - .>; the aani . -i tueexpeuaee, ini-liidlng tb* leakage incidenl to a tranafer ln <>i?-n w.itn. equakral BUM. On aeaivo ol 4.??. I...C- "t t-uffee thi loaa aad exiieaaea were ll,7?o. on iu,- -inp Wui. f. atorer, .1,-' ilaed .n Ouarantine for U ii.,.. 1 . i< -..-> n of -iiiH 1 ;..?*. aawng tu, paaaenj 1 I, waareadi n .1 for abovu 4.1,000. iii*. i)ti.? r wiiiu-i-i-8 wi-n not 'xamlnedat aay great 1,-ni.iii, bnt fully i-o.iotioiat'.l the -tnt, tiK'tii-of Maa Haaiphrey. Mr. Teuure atated tbal ha bellarad tha bBBBoala ataay caaaa to ba BBatoreatUnated rathor than eaagaeratad ?111. . ..ii iuiitee vvin throw eeara ita loora thia raornlag, and tha aaaabai will hegta at i". 11 m twaaBted that IM Cariio, han b:i4- tcmlettd to tb<- ('otiiiiiittrc th>- BM of the Atidiiw n. t.-ti, 1 for a trip dowa the Bay. aad that tba * aaaBBfttoa Wlll aee.-pt ; Imt it la wenerally b> Ueved tbat tbey wiii not Bt a hody lay thetaaalTea ilable t? eaargaa of tiiilf' r. BOO . r ol y ,1,-tei minatioii to wlnt<-wa?!i . I 1 in whi* b the01 idem.-1- oi the eleareal ebaraeb r. WBAT THE COlUflTTEE WILL INQUISE I.M'o, Tm. Tiini ai li;i-, i" foraiet artfeka, ihown the abaaea whieh baveKrowu npal 0.aaraatlae aadei Ili-altii < uii. i-r t, aud BBB ili-uiaml.-.l a thiwoagh r< forin of tb, in.?e!ir conup; aml aatTBgaoaa ayBtaat. Tb.- ehief Byaaad for eaaapiaaai aaaa not lia iu tha faet that an uupiln. ipl'-d riMiulator. lartioj:mt i.tid eareteat af tho latoraafdi of eaeBabBraa. ia ?tatiou*-d nt Qaataatlae,aad BaBaaOy eBialoya hla pawentoeztoii uiiiney fr> iu the men liunts, but lt i> fotind iu tbe ayatea n-iif whieh adBatta of aucb dtiii"-ratc aml atroeloaa Loriaptlaa. Iha Wew-Tarb ataWBtoawaal ln tbe Healtb Ofaeerof tbi* la.rt an aiithority whi. h :- p,.-. ?.f-.-A.-.-d bj uii other Btate ofh, ini lu tbe liaiion. They rtr taaOygtTa hba aawei ' ta piwalata etmmttt* wtth for. eiirn nntlon?," and "to Ihv Htnl aofleet tazea." Ii i. m.t wiimlerful 1h.1t. innii 1 -n, li nu BiaetBBcee,abnae* ahoald appeai md iiom:.!!. Dr. Carnoehan, wbea lastalled aa Healtb OfBeer of the I'.nt ,,f Hew-Tork, _|.ia-.n.- to h.iv, ai iiiie tbe iiupoit.mre ot rgtMitlng .?.-rtiin arranarenieuta ralculated to enhaYiiee the eorunjeix-ial ralae of tbe BoaltloB. Ac<onlii.i.-iy th<- Lnfluence an.l pafronaaf- of the powerfnl un.l arl.itmrj (/iiarat.llur olli , la -..I Btatea ialaad.I latbe Larwer Ra-. verepat npon tbe niHiktt. Tin- ..i.ii-,ii ..r tin- H.-.uiii OfBeer waato nrgaalte ? " r1n?.-." ia the inn reat of whlebbeeoaM throa mi the tovvin**-. atovedoriiif, eooperlng uml l:_lit.-rlngr of tiieelitln- coliiiueri-e of tbe BBetropolla, nnd II.'Ui 4 liii Ii be i-ouiil botb i-o'.l'-.t a i. nu- and reeelre areirular -iiiHiiii Tba BatplraBta t.. tbe ravorof tbe lleaitii Oftleer were Joaeph Morgaa, Wilium Murdoek, Dexter TRtany aim otbi-rs Dr. CaUWawhaa paTedthawaj totheor?an Ltiitloa of the Btratieal eoapani bj ezpelUng all Uiga an.l lurhti-r. from L>uarautiue lunitri. tliro'itdi eertafn " r.ilea aud r,){Ulutioti-,'' l-m-d M;i) 1.'., 1-T". Bl t tben graated t>. Beaaah Borgan. Bnrdoek aad TlBany?upon ttn i-onditiona enunierared ? tbe ? ???? rlght to do all tbe llgbtariag, atoTedorlBg, towlag aad cooperlag ii|*<n all reaaela eotaiag into t^uarantine, aad al-" irave the ui * -xrliiaiv.- autlionty to tlaaapati paagen gera aad gtalta hetwaaa paaaala lyiag al tg^oarantlae and tberlty. Morgaa AOb la*aadtheir elalatto talaexelua ivi- prlTltaga apaa a lett.r from taa n-. retan ?1 _tab . which, by n atreteb ?f Int.-rpietation, wan . .m^tri.i-al into a ...i-i ORllAMfATIOM OB TIIE ( 0>?ri!tA( T. Tbi. atltaiitu: uml |ouliaa;i-oii? -wimll, vv,,f U111- pra. ti tally orit-HUizad with no nig**, < Hpilal than I> el A lo. l.eiran tbo (ieio-ral Ord.-i rui.ine.a. P>r. ( ariioehau bad to lw luibed, boaiver; tu*r- aml llk-bli r? bad to Im hin .1; aud an uflii-e. in Mre eoniiueusurate wilb tha luag nitudeof the bu.meri*, bad to U tatru and fiirni.bcd. In leaat $-.-0,1810 bad to \*r rabu-d lo beatin opera tioua Thia " ibaru-r " wna tben laddl.-d aniuud the mi'in-yd and iiarnautile *?? ut.-ra af NVw-York; IWt, al thoii?*b ludiiceuifiile were ofl'ered, no one conldja. pn v.illed ii|K.n to buy lt. Tbe *bnf Ineubu* upon tha ...?. af th< ba*jwd at.M k wa* thal fBajNI hpd t,? t? pald to rhr Ilealrh Ofti.<r t. fore iweratroaa rouid ia- uegnn, and, 111 addiilon. a w.eklv r-tlp.i.,1 af It.-iSO ?iw t.i be piiid 111 a.lvatice durltia- tt.- fonr uiontb. bf.'iiinniar June 1 aud eiiiluig int. I. durltiir whaeh tune aady, DP, Caiaaahaa'B jxiwi r waa Bupretne. Alllhoneat rapltaliata apuriied ihe aoueitattouaof taaaehefbtmhaoaaBwaaweaaB ?uf oiil> laiaairili- ttirougb u wholrau'.erohbrr, ..f im pori?raaad|S48i<ug*-r*. rJbari*ra alao were wary, ba cartac they BBBBBBW litl?atiotm froni injiired Bhlp-own.-ra aad eaaalgBBKi. , A . 1 bc atti-nipt to pnt the afock upon the marVet provtnir. nn ntb r failure. and Dr. ? aninrliaiiV demaad* for ?' Ba UtaajtaRRRRt** aalfj baiiiBalag more haptraUve, a new nian waa takert into the "rliiaf" who at OMt in fiieed llfe into tUc vl-lonarv pruj.-et. A hii.liug eom 1111--H1U tiuri hant. t.aok up the cnlci pnae, Ihn w ovr booid ?ll tin iiiutivc ii.emlicr* nf 'lu- unraniBatlou, furineU B cninpnnv wlth a eapital of I000.01W, 1? catiio preai.l.-iit, open-d ?n oftl.-e nr No. lt Hn-aii wav, /..rnl.ahid lt OB credlt. ralaed 9MM, -nd ti-itn it brlbed Dr. CarnocfcM, BBd began ifprrationa. The lai.eae baTlaa been nMed, if a-.- i. ""r " p.-r..,., t? Martin Wlener, agentaflM. ^?D____ _ !_ tra.,K.',ct?,n bOiag Witnc-cl -v u Mr .... k- i.-i.t h^ lawyer. It waa alao arranaed that M.jao pei weei waa to ti pai.l .l.m.ikf fn.- fourquaranOpe nwntha, 'be money lo ia' .1.-uv. red in Mil- at Btaten Uland be ore ?>?>"'"< f-vcrv -..tnr.iav. Wleuei ha- Btnee ??".- >" ;l ' _?_____ that he waapenaitted u> retolnafcOJCof IbORBkoaal pa.'i, him foi hriluiiKlli. HeeJtb OJRcer. _ Tina ?jo,ia?i waa pidd oateaalblj for the prvii -c "? flylllli the vellovv i|U ,| .intilie tlaiT ol, all Ibe -!"..inn.. tuga, llirbtera, and Iwrfgea employed by the OpoBpauy. Thi* flair ia tin- -..I.- |. opertj Of tbe Quarantlne, and, t? the ruicaaiid reiTUlailoua. ti? bCMt w crari of anv kniil la alh.we.l to go ajoagaide ,. ?? ? ? lat t/aarni tme uithoiif a vvntteiipcriult fmui Hie HeakltB OBMer, Materlal for tbeae taga waa punhaae.i aml *pcedlly made np. Tbe Company Immedlab ly opcned a tin" >.iii. e at Moa. 11 and i? Broadway, runniuglndobt f-r tbe oaqaMa, .1.-U-. wfea, BaaaUtao eoi i. ut* i f tbe place, nml a mock aubwrlptlon IhiuW waa op, m.l (.re;.r . ttm!- **a I- maile |0 fOTCe thc "fock ll|roll tbe inarki i. imt all t.- no efleet, A port on ot the ateeR wa* BUlMaeqaently offered lo H. R, MUlcr.awho with tbe aaauranee that tbe |MOj?o were nrarly -niM-.l. II. a.ivcl ti.takf $H).i**Jofli if beiboold Irajed to **-1l it Thia laciiia; afJTeedUt, he pald ti,ooo lopereenl on tlOJaOO wortbof atock), and lt waa ... ,i to I,..!. II.'. Blnelalr,Ko.lOt'oentlet-?llp. I" "*>'?'*?? tualiv ]?...- --iii". it 11* ci"ik.-eticii!H uit. rinjf 'I"' KOi K. he *ui. eederi in nettlna ?-' ,000 more rabai i ita d, aml wai tberetore appointed lupernita'dvdent of tii" Company, withaaalari ..f tj.on.. fm tbefour "quarantlna moutha. I ll. th. ii nivit.ii mi tbepramlnent ateTedoreaol tbecliy, an.l oRered to give tbem ihe pnvikitc. of dotofl th-- _??_? dorlDB It the) would pay lu* Company?then ealled the ?? Ni i York Enjbfer.i.a and Btevedortoa Cojn i.anv"? IS per oaul ?.f rt,. ii enniinir<. aad if they woiihl. in " addulou, anbaciibe for tin,.?. wortb "f Um itoek. Moal >>f the firm- wera ahy, nml vvniil.i have notblag to .1" lt; bul a compn> cted wltb LotbU 3 ninclatr tbrough wbieh, by paying M.000 iL.tmi (lOpereentol tbe 110,1*70 wortb , i, tl.Ild the BTeati i parl of tbe rteve nL-reiii;? to paj iii addlttoo '4f> |?r ceni of theu . caniluiT* to tbe ( ompaar. Theaeme arranKemeni a ? made for the IlKbtertug wlth BhorUand *v < ?<?.?!.wned eiiougb boati todothi entire bnalneaa. lli".* tooklt.noii wortbof -t...i,, payiag 10pareentdown, aadarraugi-d 10 gl? M pereentol tbelrgroaa earning* totto Hem - Mei nuiikakj i ontrai ted lodo tbe ? ini: on tbe r.un" ii nu.. Siu-ii waa the origin ofthlacx a.iv Company, altbont eharter or ? i lu . i,, -. iu i in- lowrl aml uppci l..:i -, and pllUk* ui . . :,,?:,. n ,- ia l oldly a* iay \> bel. rai* r. niB i *n - ..!? i xroftTt.M, r'n-..? ? Luntaaad v. t.ik-n fiuin tbe Cotapaaya i>i...itH. LatelyUttbe M .ii Of TBR TaiaWRa dRrtag Ihe Ifitai ai , n. kbow outiwffeona extortiou to the ext-.-nt of I33J33 ti.v Baylna ootblof of tba InipoMtton prao Ueed in forcini reaaolal ?dlai hargolR Um Bay.tbl* l.%bor rb.rmed (aa aacertatned after careful ciikttlatl m foi FJU.irJ a -maklnicaii ai.aolute ektorUon ,,,... ,i is rlrrna, ol ?44 do* 4J. ? ai,, tblpping caitrmunity ol thecitv uiauife.Jcd lt* wratn al tnete outraaea, bul wltboul btbu. Tbe ij i iranUne ( ommiialonei* appo oted bj tbe Tainmauy Kinalacked the i-ouruge to conflrm < rnochani , ,. , ., irirea, hut m v,-r;h"!i ? ui aoublo tb?"-..- |,n*.iie (ndlaiduali wUlluo and anilou* t<> .lo tbe work, aod - ordered bj tbe ComBilaitoaera, were in evi i >a-.- iualated upou. Im- i.utr.i.'c- iijinii na--.-' l'.-i'a were i..-- ln the am Hii.i of Uioue; i ito t. d, bul a* ,n- ln i '? i ;,. th..-. Upon im r, - I. ; ? kJUl up froiu or taken do u to Cpiaraiitini *?>- couipi iled -, ., foi bia |. ?-- - I - ? ? hargei luereaaed tbe p..-?'-'? i ."'-? ln lome caeea, I ? H* Where pi '--? -'? 1 fUAOd tO laiv tii" ? ll >t'A-' -, ; ,., iu ,1 tintil the li). -n? \ V a- -..,!!. i im , , aptain and inate w.-r-- aino . oiupel - .1 i" , a, fl ? from .iii.lia.itlhe. ih-- ? . .-- ? :? . i' ...'? . aliU [.?r..i th nia-ii'.' dl4aflreontheUralup?. im. 1 BBBBJ f Fi:*.T-.|,t. !',. l?:u, the N.-vv-Yuik !!.:'? ?. I aud -1. *? "a ... 1 ..ti.paiiy, andlaa itaeb luvolved in law ?uit* andeompi tled topay the largeel p. rl ol Ita proCtt to the 11- ? 1 "'-" i- of tbe port, "? 1 ime n ?ni to Dr. Caraocban,aadwaa : fortbforbiddcn t" board th" tabBtrantlne hoatt ln tbe i...*vcr Bay. Th" canae puhii. ly aaalgi ed h rtba dla oa> 1 ;,., ui.-.- waa thal tbe < ompanj baddlaobeyedimoofDr. t au.... Inui - ordera. Bince that tttue tlie fj-aud h;,a ..?u ,-,,,,,iu,-i.-.ii.v i?i Caruocban wltboul anyUiUrmedlate t.. ,,. Offeraoftsand M per c ut oi thi .-r--- r--"cii-'-. 11 ??',,?',* reaponaibte tinu-, were rafiued, and tbe Bcallb a a,,,. <i took ooutrol of thc entire hualneaia, mablag hia 1. ? n . ..utrart- v? lt la -tev . lion--, liarht*Tlin-n. cnupi-ra. aml v ,,?,!,,,,-. -. Ilruea-fortbtbo aame ra:.-- - thr,-. tlmea aa .. ,.; prtvate companlei?uerp foreed upon tht -h;i am-- mercbanta bj Dr. Carnoeban blmaelf, w :>. a a v'i ?el aow arrirea from an nninfeeted port, abe 1-,, larautiucd, auhjoct to tbe ordi 1 "! ti" Hea th "i.'n-c. Dr Ur-nle board* her, aatiirtaJna tbe itab ol I Btuong tbe iMknaei teraandcrew, and reportitobii 1, .- . Di Carnoeban. Tbi .;;; -ain i-finutuk. noul" ?f th.. uiiildi taluedaceordingtol arnoi nan'adta i<-:l- u. ,1 to Boaboard hi* own r?;ir, but hia deten t nu ID UU..1 ? - OU ( iirnni li Hl hbip 1- ? ul'-i.-i t" be funilf ted. 'Jtu- la doue, and fru.n 119 1.. J"-. eb ?? l( d. \,....-,- wen ? bargi d for tunilgatlon where tbi 1 *,,,, .,? .1,-],.,-..? t.i..f tbi batchee could nol poaaiuiy be ,, ...1 ,,-t th.- foea Im<i to !"? pald. J'.y takliikt ,,,?; ou veaaela oui of ti..- porl Ua ha 1 ? i.t. i.Ji, tarantlue, R. Hurray, |r., saTed i; soo Dr. f ?!?;... iiati. keeinn tbat th.j tmtrt be itopmd ur bi* 1.,.., t w.-iiiil aiiffi 1, wenl to Waablngton and nbtalned a ut the ownera oi v..-5L-h- frona doing tn. -un.- in the luturc Afti r tbe fi *ael haalMen funilt'oted and Inapeeted, Dr. 1 .li a..i h.iii gtneralij aUowaher tocotm lo Cppor t_uar ?i Mi..- and .i,'. , or tbe 1- lent to the wbai n - ol tbe itorebouae* belongiuR to tbo" t^uarantlne Rlnx/'to Ue uuloaded at their csorbltani pn. >-. . ?* im n ure leldom ai-iorded tbe prlvlb-ge ol 111.111K to their owu wliarvi-.. ir the li.-.iith Omce ean liuii*'- more oui of tbe raeael aud hy aendlngtbem to L'ppir Qaarantlne tobeiUa red.ilu _??- tbere fortowTUt. TbeyeaaeUof ail coutumaciouaownen me iletalnad a- baagaa Dr. Car nocbau electaor cao legalbrkeep them. Thi m in. i.ut .111iM.11 ?> i:.'--I> mi "f lugar by a tranafi - ul 1 arxo at tniafalitine iilaoliuia to to 60. The iosa OU liiola liiiuTi areater. . Numeroua l. tter- from hare been ?-n.-w7i to Tin: TaiBCBB niMjiter in wbieh uuichai.t- rofaae t.. iblp 1.ut to out port on 1. < ouut of the exceaalTc ouarantlue cbargea. Thal the -atnc exorbitanl .iutr,". pravalled uuder tbe -v*,.y of the i^uarantine HinK' ln ItTl aa uudcr tberuleof thi bogua "Company" ol 1070,1* proved by tlu-l.iil r. ccntlv l.iidereil to C II Marnltitl A Co. for nuaranUne cbargea ou the ahip WUliam l Btorer, ui wbicb tbe owm ra, tiavini: appeaJed to tlu Ooreraor, Um i.,1I of Dr. 1'i.rnoaliau for R'J.W-^O wa- reduied by the ( oiuiuiB-iui" n Ol i.uaratit.i.c tu R9.10. .xI.KIVAI. 01 MAII.S A.M) PAaaEXUEBS ATr-AN FKVNCIMO. San PraxcRti ... (al., Fii>. in.?The firakVeiRca poaMeagan ui.ii ataili oa 1 Igbi t.a.m- tbal wort reeei tiy blockatlad or tbe Unloa Fatibc Ki,Uro;ui Brrtrad bere tlu- moriiliik', havniK bota ni-heii ut the utiuoarepeed iiv.-r the CCatral Paetao. aTaayef tbe aaaRRRaata are fajry htttar agaJaat the URtOR Fa. .flc. On the overduo train.. with tho hloekaited poaRRRkfen arrivinj: at RUkM !-ttition. Alaii.iil.i i'ountv. thin iu Tinnir, they were m.-t hy u train frotii Oaktoad, Ina.lod with tbe ilelli-a-iea of the ?eaaon,k>odBMgBl3oentnaaiinaHaof freabaoweraofoTery varieiv, icrown ln the open alr, were preaented to ia, h p --1 uger. r aJlfornla u.,w rrraaent* an appearaaee a- adraueed a* tl"- Weatern Btatea ir. Juia, and tbe i-.titia-f with tbelr late ezpertenee ln tbe aaow di thc IMW I'l'iuer- lu *oiul inea-uie. A IaOCOMOTTVE PKi:(IPTTATEO DTfO THE - VVAN'NAII RIYE& Bayaxrah, <ia., V>b. 19.?The soiithwartl tralfl on th.- Bavraaaak aad Cbaiiaeton Rauliead, .iu.- bere lik-it tiikcht at 9:15, utct with aa a.-i'idcht al tlu Bavaaaak Kiver battdga. Ou ibearrival of the traiti at the BttRgR tho 1 ninlii.-rVir, aitMliiiat the trentle lnnecur.-, umi.up'r.i thc ctorine au<1 ctid.-avored to rro-a wlthoiit the traiti. klu 11 th- tn.-t.e jjavc Way ulnl the lucoliioti. ?' waa plr 1 ipitiiti <1 lutotbe ii*cr. Theeaginear and Ireuan w,-re plrked up a ..u.nt.-r >.f r mlledowfl the 11*, r A fdeamei (.-?t tlu- uiuii.inir 10; tlie oridafe to lirniK thc pBIBMIger* dowu._ CRIMEP AND ( A>i Al.TlES-hY Tr.LF.l.RAPIT. A littleboy,tbree yeni- ohLaoRof Tunotliy . .ruiail/ L.iri.a.1 lo ilr.ith il I ..u? re-trrler. _Peti i P? rkiaa, aged ">?>, wai. fjoaad diwaraad i:t k li 11 lluiar n, Warw.ek h. I, ub Muualar. It 1. Ibt.ught be ejlkt *. ta nituiirateiL _The danaaaRt) Bl liu. ininiti b> ihe reenat brcak aa of ih- i.r ni Ibr rirrr k raiaualru at t>J>0,w, BaaBij lu ^oai uaryr. ?ad tbr.r _Thcoilore Itriikaw. a San Franeia. o pamMi-r. taa f r. u aratru.r.1 to 1. trara lai|r aoLlheBt IB Ike MlIC iT.aui. !.-, aboot.uar Kubrrt Kian-. acotkrr gaui'iier. _A/ru B, Miittbi-liiiticu will t?c fTRRibkral to da] f.,r ihr ii unlrr afltarlai F. Bleiei. la fkilaaa, Maaa. >.i ..-;,? t4akt Ba, Wrat au.l Mra BBhBB tt* MM, ,B Rtj*0?a*t a. aiioeMaa. _At Jl.iMci?ti,wti. Obbk, ou f-unilHy, a ileain-rate auttB. ibad Baaird (>>orar llark, liiiag al ibal ?ka*?. Mat aad amraly ? ab a,a*>r, Mktaaat ai.a Itrark b,m a.tb a .uoabaii. I laik aa. are itmi _Mr*. (Jurilim, wife of C'apt- Oonlon. the rlkwfc of tke i'ina 1 l.inrt ul Hemietot l.aialj Mo .,ul ber li'.tlr ilaugbier, tl irr ,. .ii ,,;,;, arr. i-?ra-d ta, 1>. kac cikioriou ef a oal u: laaip, ob tbr Z.'.| uit _t'bailca K. Kiniball. npe.l 15). waa ahot throuirh tbr anat aad ngbt laag. ib Luwell. oa BBBaaajl r,.o,eg. \if ( bar -. A VV .ii . aged ib. Tbr .Boatin* aaa ...... Ib tbr atrrri juat aftr, Kluiball Lad ra-uro-d a roaag >i*r to bar k?Ba to ?Ua j .'I'-g VV ?i-, ho.i pre tiuobIt patd " atlrullona." kuaV.all Oaat raxiTrr. Wail. ?a? arreala-L _Mike Ma.lirin, aliaa ** Curly." ORM) of the riot era al to. Angaiea. I al. ab.. al.ot n.aBr tuar. ib.? ll.r i i. ..? laauar.. baa !?,-? r?kvi, ladof laaaalaagittr It t. Ikougbl ibrrr a >'.: la-arirral olbrr BBBba raBTiitioaa. Tae l'e??tttee af Uar (ity 1 oual of Laa. Aigelea u akaai aa. i-im.m tka- petitlaa ef tba I'biarae foi runBraaa laan for ... i,. , k ef BraaertT, Ut. reaairianl aga,?al kikv-iavg akeir elkUvv*. I MAYOR HATJ/S TRIAL. A I'l-TPONTMrVT I NTIf. M XT tffiNflAT?THB KATOa'fl I'KMAM) |,.R a TBIAL DBHOt M H? A- A iitn k ?\ WABff PAfltAvOH UE VfhBBJf BTTB TIIE ATl>)KM.i-..I.\Ui.U.. 'I M aniiDiiricoinciit yi-aterday tliat. in apito ofthd poatponement atrr.-.-d on for tbe aee.,n:n,odafiou Bf Jaige Oah, Mayor H.ill would .1, loand tbat hia trial pi>.< eci in the <;, w rai leaaleaa, tataal t?, nu me aagaa> room lu ev, ry part, amt whea th- Mayor made bla way to tbe bar of thetuutt and took tbe pla. e iifiiully a*> MgB?d aliko to ronn-,-1 an-l priAoner*, it wa* only ?Y>y BtaaaMMl thtwagh n bbbbh arewd. Tlu- Oaart waa no woom-r opeued hy Jmta.-,. I vdfonl than dM Mavor roaa Bad aniioiinr. d lil* appaataaeo at the bar. iu obedienea tatha tbeCourt, -nnd," be added, " to luaiat, lf the Curt pl. uae, that tliiii trial proo-ed tiuiueUl ately." Attoni-y *, i, rul Rarlow had alao made bi-fappear (imeaml BXptalaed tln.t roiiAult.itlon witb Ju,icc Oaly, l.tloff whoin all p.ittie- )i,n! BBtsaOei t.? try the BBaB, bad ri-Milted in an aajBeeuient to poatpone the eaae. He had i.ot hiiid from atthat of tbe Juda.".-* of tbe Court Uixttbe B8T< riu( nt to ty tr,<- aaaa Befera Jadaa Daiy would bo fJajiBflai fraai Be tben aeverely d.uonneed the sctiaa of tbo no n?ed lu demandlnir trial, aa " a triek and a itaadelaaf arataaai" Ba ia the laugtiagt-ot tha tllataaj flaaaial i Tha .l.f.nliint _ bata aot baeaaaa h* expeet* to try ? ? ro-dav. Bekoowathal beeaanoCtrj Itto-dayt 1?. km.wa that foar BoBorwill n?.t trylt t<>-<iay: he know* that Joetlee Daly la ool to t* hetato try lt Uxlay. Hla M|ip'ii-;,tiou ia wlth an ulterior piiriM..*.. It la om-of thoae trleka, fraudni'-nt pntoii**-* wbuh be baa eaiployed from tbe beciunin?r. He eaatea hata to ut the ciK-ap eredlt of hjiiM-;irin?r to be anxioua to k?> *? witb thi'trial. and oftputtiiiar tbe proeecutlagoffl th<- lU'bt of appearlng not r to c<>on wlth ir. Hew, fir, tin-proaerntlou u botreadyto co on wiih tbi* tuat f,.r tha laaaoa that l hare atatod. I hara (ome br-reaoi'-iv that ll maybe iiiidmataod why wa ur,' not, ready, and tbat f!i<- motlvea and poraoaea of th - f. mi ii ' ni.iv be naderatood. Tl re V4..iii.| like to aak poar H.r, and thal la, ?* imt th.- doo tf.iu- aml tbeory of tbla < ourt i- m regard m the tnal ?f prlaonera tndleted for eriui fl -1 Your Honor la reputed .il flo-I'.ip.-r-a-I'.ivuii;-ai'l, " An to tl," JlulafO wbomaj prearae at tbe trlaL tbat la a niatter, I tblLk, . t-iitir, ly wlth tn- i - tbo courieel." I do not know whetber vour Hormr ib aat i ? reported, bnt I woald like to know wbether tlu." ,. tha doewae of tbla < ourt, tbat men wlio are broughl lo thiB bar iiuai-r ind.. tm, :,l bf the onnul Juiv an- to be permltted lo aeWt Iga ti.-fiiic whon tbay ;-.r<- to ha trtedl rhal i itiiiu itmler ladictment caa eoaaa Bera aadaeleai i. - Judge, wi.eih, r he he tba M lyoi >>f thia i i ai aay oiher man, ia n aew doetrlne to mr; and tbr only h a-ou i .:!,.:, latoproteat atrainat the tom in?i. ,h thia matt* r M ireated tu re. Whon I aea a ro io aho i* ia dl* i.-.i for a erlmiahl oflenae eotae int" tbi" < ?? i-.t Ib ded ane* ..f an Bgreemeal wlth the Judge and tl.ein inir oftleer, and tnik aboal hl* righta to preaa tbe< I wanl io a ik wlmt tlnre i- i'i bla eaae whi. b r ??' - itout <.r tbe ordinary rna of <i i l wlab toeatar tuy proteat arantl the whole tn pervaded tha praeeedinga hen?, from wbi... thlaktbal tho peopleof tbla .-i.te w. r tbi tiea, and we muat apologiae r<> tl b . ii broughl bvr.- to the bar of i rimlnaljuatlce. Ti.* lahgnaga wa. avid* atl) BBexpeet* d bj the Bayer, ami un aagry reply waaexpretodfraaa bIbb. Ba_thaaaa he roa laahed wuii < ki itom* ai aad - . . |*S b** Diaaaged to nuiliitani au outward taaipaaan and U.a aa ? a'ni and r, -i>?', ttu! in tfloa, tlione',1 ,-rrtaJii aitii-i.iiii* to the Atf.iriiey <i< nrn.l were g :.?ri!!y ao ,-, ptod aa .??"? aotrely lattrnded. aJteraoo prel a ntnarkaaothaartagoa thi u ..- of -: t^o kfayor aald: The reaaoa whieh extated when tlila. f,.r t"-,iav, eoupl. d witb thi the Courl of ' omroon r e\i-t-. and if the Atb I M ? ? v ?..*r -utmir, I eert Unl' Bave i ? -? .-.,. ity ..r f oenti Ju too__ . .' b0 aliiMi.i'.J'- to thi ?. atl ha waa uu aniuahitaiwe and friend of tlu B. II it be unpiecedented for a d ?? tbu? ?i-i aak a -i? "1\ trial, lt la a p: ?: nl iroaa tha ition ol tbe l oited -??<<< ?? a d i* a- TfTl ? Itaelf, " Agree vniii tl ? kl> . II.- would u.'i a-k more uow tlian tbit i tefl todai to pi." ure a lury, ka tl I DalV piealde waa predle ired i , .. J ? pect* dabai o. c. and ar. bla Houoi Mayor Hall thought tbere waa uo - ? " ? fordelay. lf lt wm not ba (alludlng to tbe Attoani ? aome. elae wbo woat before tho G .i.'lJ..i. ..... m...? an oi?){ apsacb aud clo.lng apetcb, and ?are tak.-n for affldavit and erldei e. Why la b'- n-1 readp i itb tu. tiniouy be pruduced before tbal b ly, tbal w-.- niny it bera batori aaotb* r jut4 Lu - t .i >\ ln tlu-open itav. intue gentlenian'a op, ueaehao tald: r*aly*a abaeuc* 4^ gblaoi eau*. lordeiay. Mii.-e then hepleada hla want nf preparatlon. Now, l -a ;.. your Honor that it i- . - ahould In) aiifferod to n -r n . hlm witb oorrupt aegle* t of dutteeto perform wbea .. v ... loran iniriKitiati- Inveatl -ation. Attorney-OeDeral - - :-i?el whora i. i?d to ti-i i he ? - - 14?.. 11 not !?'? readj nr.Ti; Bondaj ai x.. Mayor Ball aald: "l iha . . ... of thi- Conrt ihall trv tbl , "All ligat," aald the Attomey-G i eral; "lf tha *"? -irt ?o irders, I am wtlaBed." \--i-ritit Diatrlet-Attorney - l.-itcd thal r>i. trn t-Atl I ? ' tii' .',1^.. to tbe Attorney-G' ueral, aud couiduot a. 'in - M Muvor Ball elalmed the rli; t to ii I n.fer of the eaae to the Court of t - elared rliiit it wa-an ordinary ea* i -aiae agaliurttbe Mayor that ? arl illyaud. r rtptli LMg. lectedto andltacertaln blll; tbere - .titho Indlctment that tbere w-1 auv luot.ey by it. I aai I" r. - U| v i offlclal lntegrfty ln tbla one atauce, Itiaacaai that uuaTht to be trwdla nr. bour er two oi l.pi.-. aml tbet-i-fore tben e ?aa, 11 baliutaaordlaary eaae >?! i, i stIOIIri tliat ln -tli'll 11 tliiow Itie w.lifhi of bla w Jadge Bedford?-I do nol -?? hoa I . ,. than bf tbe eaao |B ?**? i Ifr.Attorney-Oeaeral, it v... ; ayoud ail permlverture, you will be n >?'.}? for Attoraey-Geaeral Barl ? * ?1 >? -... I wUl iw road) to co on wuii tha oaae. and ll 11 wiiat. j ? ige I'aiv aald, I th Mavor Ball?Lel ba bave no tlil.. "Mr. Atl'-nn-v -liener.i! ; it t" -. - ,-?? . ? . i r | n^i.1 Moaday, it i? aot tb* atga A1 B I . i. . f ajudce. ? Mavor nall?Eith?r <>f the J C< ,rf of Coinmon Pkeaa or ettber . Court; baa your Bonor know* tben ahy Be i order Jl ick* tt, who idh m -. ? i t rt trr the eaae. It ia not to be n qu.-Htlon ,,f *.'. i tbeae* .-.-.1 .>r tbe Vttoiney General, but. wboever tii. ? o rt n.av a. ;. : if my ?!' adlleal j" raon tl eneroy la on I I wlll iro before bim. [An>|.laii.., qulckly auppn ? >l h| n.o ,'ih,-> i - of tba < 'oiiif. i Judg* Bedford dtreete* Clerk to ???).< .lovau for tiul iieAi Moadav. WEAIBER BEFOET. V*t? ! ? ? OrrirE Of THI < UII 1 KHiB .: > i h- BR. > V ,v-lllv i.l">. p. !>. | >--; .:. i... I Nyno,>tii fur iin i uf .v-.i/i/-/..-'- boara. Thanaifona baroniei ric pn '-are whicli ? liat* ed on Suiul.iy mcht lia-iu:.;...i,-.1 v.-ry geui tho Biaelaalaalppi Rlver, bul tbe baiuaietel '?? from T'Xiis to tlu- Bppei . Cb-ar orcleuring aeath, r, alth liirht norfli and norfh raaat wtada, baa praTalied ttirou^bout the EaatAtlantlo,'.. fouth and aoefh-* lai Wlltd*. with i.-iic toBB poratore, are noa reported from tbe BiAaiaatppi Vaiiey. Prob An Bnaaflow lavrometer wlll pr. r i. a t.> developonTweadayoterth* Va lej i th* Cpper B -- -- alppl and aoatbward to Tvxaa, ibeeentral lowaag ptaa aiir<- lnovmc -I,'4 * l lllinoia, vaitu Boutherty wtnda an*l ln i aalna cl ?? ?-- tTota tuo I.ikr- to the I.Ulf. ? Not tberlv wimla, vi et nir to tl t toath-eaat. a il priib?v Mv pn-vaii iiii tbe Botith .vi' ? . ??? , aud :. arlj 4v;u.t- iu N. v , I and N a-York; p..n > aioiniv and clear ? al lu-r i-oniii i tbruagrboal tbe At ml ? - b ... ?in..* iinit c'.oiidv weatbei , -t i . Taea> day afternoon. Dai ? I am uot antlcipatod Um Tius.Iav inoiiiiiic. UU l.oHTON HOABD OPTBADBOI l.l.-l aTJ I BOSTOH) Peb. ll*.? At B iii*-*-t;tikr ot tli?- Uiyb ti.n r....iid ,,f i ra,1, thlt iittrii i. .n. aftei Beaftaaafaafaa BBBattaaa, b.-i-i to dlaenaa tbe preaeal taMtdBtaa of tbo enri'cn. v aad the BBBaaurea n.'Ni before ('..ii.ti-n. iu ref iii-nie tbetf-r.-, tha tottowiug Kaotativaa aata udo,,ted hy a v.te of -.'i t? {:?: BBWafrraf. That the Boatan Baard af Trnda aaajaaaBaj tbe prin,-ipii- oi to,. pi iu pnvpoaaad Bl Mr. Miuih.-r ii. tn.- -,-i,ini. ..1 ihe l i.i'-'i Matr* f,.r n.e (rri.d ual wiilidruw.ii uf .i.ii'.'.- u i-iixUlatMaB, Ud rl.o ?oi?i,tiiti..ii tberafoi ,.f ,. i.|.,"?"i iat>raat .B**aaW aa moiitbly LaaweBof li.OOi "U". '"lilua* inteixit al uol leaa tl.un foiir i-i-nt ibh hi ? . ., AVao'r,./ Thal ibe uotea Bbifald !?? tiiiidepayableal laeolaor l..-?-'' rm- .-i'.-nof ma Govcm llleul, aiid uol al 11., I B ? ' " !1" '.?' r _ p-i.i.i.i.i: ai:::k-ii:ii. LoiisYiibF. Kv., Vi b. lt*?A man giving tbenameof T A. Miiiard ma- BlItatod. lafg la-t nigrht, by detoctiver, o" tba rbargi of foraery. MiiUrd haa lieVu here atx'.H ? aeek. H alaled tbal he t8*,l lalely brld tbe po?iti.'ii. < .... i E .-.ii^. i ou H,<- Norlh Mla aourl Railroad i lo uth. i - he ?a .1 1,. v?<" * bi* f Knar.i.if-r on anolber road. 11 laaaa* d a . ii.. k lot V'. on tbe Tbird Naiionai Bauk of i uil.oi. ,|.ui.i, one on J*> ? aaha a_Oav, Pliiladrlphla , al-... beckr ou ntreral other batika. Tele a-raui* rerelved from the ? p-veal'-d a .win<lle, aud Millard waa am-eled, and, iu deiauil uf ll.auo ball, waa lluda'e lu J--.