J&ttl-lMli tttaitt. V0,"X*XI.N?- 9,639. NEW-YORK. MONDAY, FEBRIARY 2G, 1872. PRICE FOUR CENT& TIIE ALABAMA CLAIMS. OriNION OF TIIE AMEK1CAN OOOMHEL, UBBLtRR l XII (TI.I* TO UUMUI TO A1UHTHA TION. IPakip, Fel>.M. l_72. The coiinsol of tho TTni?.Ml BtafeBB bi'fore tlio BjatraBBardol Arbitration nre MBaajad ln jwiariH U_.r I" l'ly ,0 ,ho ***** anhmltted Wf (ireat Britain. Th^v tl'mV tli.tt England WfD flnnlly eon. ent to arM ajgajBi l"1' 1nrA th0 I'ladstono Minis try wlll bo out ot -over hedBN Ibfl reachea th.it determliiatlou again. HOW THF SriUECT IS REGAFDF.D TN FRANCE. Mtnora oi thi*. fkknch pufss?vif.w- ok mr. BaBCBOPT PAV1S AM) MK. CA1.EIW1-. IIIM! -WIIKN THK AMI.KU AN CASK UACHXD BM' f,l.\NI>?I'Kor.AllLK OOCBSI OF THK IMTKD rnNnKyr OP TIIE TRIBU5K I Pu.is Peb. !?.?A sort of oclio, luit it niuft yamiiiMH'ln fnlut one. of tho ajtitatUin whleh has ,n Bio Oreal Britalaabaal tnerlainia of the Ualted ?BBM (..-. ri.ni'i.t before the Geueva Trlbunal has r.a.1., .1 uk h. re lu I'aris. A few Em.llahn.rn bave dis / 1 thcin-ilv.-N bv lo ud aad vloiont. Mit not over levL.al. (leolaiiiatioiis afffllnst what they cull "Taaaaa men ?*.?>." an.l for the neoea. ity of the BritUh Llou wmr r_yt hlfl Uiil .in.1 mhiiklnif his MhaKW uiano. ***** on U'6 ,*,.,. lt Ifl not. wortby how llttle attention this qoeetlon _ - lu F.irla in AnKlo-Aiuerican eociety. Most A .ns here take the violeut lansuaRe ef UM Britial |?P?a tor Just what it la WBrtl tmmmnme.aoathej ,io not see flt ta retort oa tbalr p -. ... "1... J't t.sli ...wayssrooffat h iiU-irti V . . \iiicricaiu imtil.c r to BM fOah rd iy. "It la flfldja yetf aa* tii.it they BBBBB auchafuaa about that tl seo bow aoon that Mew over. No, fi'ir. tv^rrisuo danper of nny thlnir serioiis eouiln*ot |Ml ir'iiM,'" The Fiench lounial.. aa flfllfbl _?erhoi>s be BipiflHi hntr baaa Maanlari? CeebM iu thoir urtuies MaflBl i'uyilo not lu tho li-a-1 iiuder-tHiul, ? ev,n try to BUdeiBland There aro no bon ?Kitu to he nirule alnint tbo Alabuuia q. I Htsonie toneh. h.ird docunier.ts to be maatered, and ?Hat l ort of work doc. BOt Bl BU Mdt the ordii ary French ?oaru.-llaf. Even the Juurnal d(* IVknB, Whleh Ifl by lar thi able. t of French nioruini" BBBflea, ha? onlj _tveii one Blttelfl on tbe subject, aud that was a mcre suuiin irj tnun tlu Engllebpapera,wltbowtarea apietea i ! ?deal ld.i.s. Tiie tktrm* peHHynt tt lu'" weefcly peper, has pahlUbrd aa artlcle of ? atmllar i bar uuu. unl all llm uibaia ibal T baia itn aaraa lea. woithy of aotiee than tho.-e elread. i Haeh mcee tnpartaat, of eoarae. tbaa tba aptnlOBBol bv Preneh aewspapen ue tboae al Mr. Bauerofi ? ? tte 1'iiii. d Btatea aaaal aadar Iba Treaty ot Waehlna icn. ii-i.i Mr. CBleh Ottahtaa. who BiTiredbeie yeeb rday tmui Bn st, aff.r n .-o,nl ji ie. I vas rlflttlai Mr. Darla at ibe Hotel VTeatrnmatai reater a*y, when Mr. C*u. liing eauu' in, nnd I hadaa opporto aiiy nf hearlna Ibe ftrel Impreaalonfl ot th latter oa tbe Que. n's. i_*eeh iiini tba (ltl.atts in tbfl two HOBaOfl "1 i'.u iiaiie'it. But heforeallii.liii-' to my eoBBereatloa with Br. rBBhtai I \vill r.-l:it< br., B> lhat Wlth Mr. li.ivi. . Ko Badju-t read Oladatone'* flpee. h. aad wa ? aaad aaoagb lofivenn- hisoi>iiiion ou it. **Ou the trtMle," aaM Mr. Davis, '? there ls BothiBB to br gtt*aAly eomplalned of ln Br. Glat-^ton,-". ipeecbl he nucht have inn-it a better, ai. he might bave mu'Ie i woi " aaa. I BBBpOM Mr. bb tboofbl ;t aeoeaaaTy fnr party parpoae* lo ny alhaaaldaboatoarTlawaf the Tr.,ry batagabaiud, t_.i wa BboaM i.-'t i>ay loa aiaeb attention la ttit. Thero la OBB i>o:nt, how. v. r, tm wbloh Bb.Oladfltona abows that he haa Btodled eaaal ?oine pni i,o.i>. l...ck ai tnl paaaaaBi 'Wben tba Araer Ican C?v anived. we found ii lo be an Oi tBTO volnme ul JMatw BBT aad mtjainii Itbadtobe printed f are of tB? OaMaat, aad eoaabh rabli tlme waa o Bl BBOtaatBg a volutne of WJCh m.'i_i .l.J ?'. Ko _oon' tbaa n iiidtith has elai>-e,l emee. tliat b.wik wn- Bl I aent to the Fir.iim (>!?"?: bnt I have had it lu tuy ly a fortiii^lif. and I !?? ' B?l eolleaffuea only a weok.' Now, as ainatf.Toffurf.tlii aat-'tu. nt la paaalhly Iraa, imt it i- bo! allthatrnUi ftatte w? r- rliiht i c/ie- of tbe Bmerl . Caae i-r. a, ated IB tm Britlab repsaaeatatti s atOenera aatbal eembrr l.i.t. .ind th<-s<- p.-nfei >d a Cpieen'i B - . ,-i. .'..(? it,i.y ..t i. :..-t of the.t Cii-etaii ,-i.tur _y r i'-i ?- -iii-er wonld (Brtra ta London oaMonday mornlBB, tta I i aall hare aabrewdaaaplclan tbat Mi i hdaol fotoiH'ti ibal mght wttboal a goot lookat ti..- Ameriean Cbae. BattbtoM not all. I Infanaad E"r ol ihe laiul','1 Jm . wlth ? tlelo on iit.th i'i. " r ?? ol l au i. took the int < Ifl and . U*ialii? eye. i , ibe io i\ . ? . isiu i Mr. . retnnrked !n L?. id . . t w.'te Ibe Anu i i.n Vn* . " Did I, Mr. I. l j. ti nd tu kii .. wi.iili I wonld '?t. vn,too,l tt 1 ? ? - .i l Ilan roll I>a\i'.. i.-'i. wim t-..? tbe real antLtoi Ci-.. " ?? lio yii tlmik it posalhle." 1 nexl tho Brltiah i on a maj '.n\e ko'e :''. pereuaded tbeniaelvea, wben n. v BcTud -th* TTeatv of Washtnifton, ihni iluyhnd ml .en ..? th'- in.iii. el . lalm. (" ?' I donl kn"w - hal tk(-.i in iy ii .te ).....i.u '1 themselvea," -aid be, imlUoa, "but 1 do know tint ii va- boI onr C imml *iou, ra' buai aBM to do tbe work of tbe ii-'ln :, i. i Have left tbat to tbem.' We then apoke of Mr. (ll i Mcuea-.ud I.iid liranrllle'a apeeeaaa la Um Brlt l?a Parhamc-nl. ??Well." laW Nr. Cuahlns, "Ihi i < - i.u- preposteroua i' r th i . to'iy in r, rii.iir.ent tbat thero i-mild bo only one | n-iiii^q.r.-..fmr, ,.f tlio Tre..ty, and tbat on thefaeeof Buolitdueti i-Uiui_ eonld iie ui. ? -d ; th th. poaitloi aaaa taaBa." Here our oaaveraatloa w;a- eul aborl i>\ Kt. .... .. ... _____._, ..*!.__ . i ... ... ?__.!_ . II ... aav, raiaa." Here our eoii\ei.ai.oii wn- eul aborl in tbe Hitry of aonae other \ l. itan?. Thia uu i iiiuu' I Imd an ?ther aaavenallun waiu Mr. Darla. De . tiied tbat ae tbougbt tlu.t Mr. OUnlatnii* ln h? aeeond flBi-.-vh (on tht .tii luot.) in the Haaae of Uenmioua aad atruin u.-n niiiiy of dialngenuoufl condnrl ?aiii.?'f |.-i *-|;|ri, j,,. ,,prtWe .if ihe cl.il'n" nl tbe BrltIsll ?Maa ixiiaiiiioid. !>. How.-v,i. Mr bai Ifl aaM, ba had aot Mittlcl.ut liiforiualioii at hia diMoaal toaiieak poai D?f t ?u tlaiaMi|i,ja-.'t fjuk tef. Mr. Iloi- f lun a a ll.'I mt attention toHDotber mait'-r wtn'-li he em aldi red in - tjriaat al the preaent |aneture, Tim. w'ii Pmto. ****?_ *x-k% t,f tiif'Tteatv ot Waahtnaton, tn "bi'h lt I* stalad tbat, iu rel.-.tiou to h jiroi.oalUoii ??out ibe ^..Il j't daad-loek," aald Mr. li.itu. ana.ojuijai, ach,abttle furtlitr tben h ..n an ? reiKly for au ir u.? .i.,___i ?...,_... ., --i, .. ...... . , . I'ANK on'ihi. BERLDI BOUkSE. ttrru. .'.. t .m*mmm*fiui\em i . v*--i -aule'iV,''. ? I>?"?' <'!""" StOCV J'.Xillill.P' *i, ,f'.T"i,!. J- u'"*_,! **?* "U ?illi.r-ili,, . 1. ,,lt *m**mu,.,, t .;. ",'"'"", '*"?<<<*? moat oia.i.'niHwiwa ?UWaahtoi , } Ti****?* l!' coLatrui-tion which ?avl*. tu?l'i ? Ml pnt oa Ilu Tnatv. 5Wtbr_!^^j,rM_?iM ' ?? ",?i1 ?" ?an.- "lj" bli il ,:.. u mur aaoTa^,', v ,',"" mtpmni',,. ', I , ., ? ' ' " !""': ' hke p,,'' '' '"' ,vr*' *** im... rallw.y -i,,,!..., Ev. i. M' a*tt'aHn,:: ' '"' ? ttxtmn* {?,;,Z\'t'"."elablmi at u,. _?a,. ?.i?., ? aouli ,a7i ie m,i, iZ, ^.;d" *','" **b.i1Anii.|-ieau Cnttir.it a . iT ",un i,K' 4'"'>' etneka tl.al lent tbeir *** |.am( aonii.wi.,.t awMded To* uti rate telcjrrama, wl.lrh were pourinjc ln from l/'ndon. had all of tlia-m u traitqiillitiln.-. Uaiidonry. Hut thon another unnlcaaant rumor _,'ot afloat. It waa ?-tni?d in the mor-t diHtimt t.iiiia I.y peraona hitherti. kii.iwaa- tiT.-ii-l'ia, .miber, antl truittvorthy. tliat thn tli.a Htiatatm (loveinmciit had propow.l, ln a clrculitr dla i>ihli addr.-aaed t,> ita 1.i reeaaiaUYea at tlie loadin?{ i niTte ln Enni.H*, tlinf Diiiiii.irk alit.uld l>o doliire.l a ?lva-trHl Btata, uha Bwttserland nnd li'iirinm, aml that I.. rniaiiiy diotil.l Ur retiaeeted to resttarc Diiiipaw and Al ?n t.i tnis nouti.il Ponmark t.f the fiiture. Hut tlm wnndcrftil itrwa foitu.l, after all. hut very luulta'd en deoee. aad aa it tmuted to havo baaa eajaoclully fubrl cated for the juiriniae of IncroaKtiiK tho lmulc, p*-oi,io ? : tbelr aaard, even Wlth itasja, ,t to tho proteiiil.d ilc-iifertiiiatiirii taki-n bv tlio AukIh Aitierican tliHitnto. agotaatMfl tuinetl, un.l lt haa rnntlniicd tn tuiiitiv.-r ?taaa. it ti.ni.aai iaa'd. tiiod, howoxir, tint ik eertala .1. ariH.of iiiaxtotv cotirernlni. theetate ot tbo relationa !..? twi>?n Eaaland aml Aaaerlea nmiiiuo aa tho n-ault of Tliiii'filav'a frlglit. and that closcr attantlon i? nuw paid tt. Uie faaroUu iutellkonoe iu tho preaa thuu has Uoeu U10 , tit? mr many uioiitlta pitsf. FOBEIBX NEW8, OBEAT BR1TAIX. Oft] AT KI.OOPS IX TIIK SOITII OV SrOTLAND? DI^BAELI TO AD11IIK3S TIIE PKOPLK. Lokihib, Feb. 25,1872. Pinpatchri froin Dumlee .jivc necouiita of a wMeapcaad antl devastatlng llootl ln tho valley of tho Tay. Tlie wate.ra of the Fritti aml River Tay overflowed their banka Uat lAgbt, aud jaourod Into tho plalna on both aidea, awoeplnj. evcrythiuj. beforo them. Tho ilu,a,l eztouda from Dundeo, at the iiiouth < f tho Frltb, to a point above Perth, on tho atutb alde of tbo river Tuy and tho head of navlpatlon. Tlio level conntry around the l.itter city la covercd with water, nu.l portions* of Duudi-o htivo hflflfll reudt-r.-.tl un li.hubltiible. Tho railroad batWflflB tlio two citlca ls wnshod away in initny i>laoes, nml much of tho, rond-bod inuat bc rel.tttlt. Iu Dundeo tho damago to property la ltninniAc. Tlie lower atorlea of aovoral larpo worehouaea, fllled, witb Juto and flax, are flooded, and thonannda of bai a of Bai aia fleeflro*) ad. No eatimate con In formed of tbc lonaen in tho couutry alonsr tho rivor banka. Hr. Dhanall w.ll ticliver two publif uililrcascj in Man flhflatfli dartufl tho Baata bottdaya, BELGIUM. BXCITKMKKl A.MOMi THI I'l.TIl IVOVTAXE?? CIIAMBOBD IN TIIK C1TX?lli; 1'Ll.AUS tvrill ill- FBIKXDB. ABTWZBP, R;ittir'.l;iy, Foli. 24. 1872. Thfl anivfil of tlie ex-Kin.i? of llanover nnd leading OltnuBOBtanlata, whteh wua repurtcd on Tliura day, Ifl now al.-n.rai, t.ut thflflfl Ifl, 111 verthelosa, t? prt'.al ln flnx of LflllUmlatfl, who thron._ed tho stroets last night nntll Tn!dui)_')it, and beeanio ao violeut in their ?rn'itatis tluat tho ffaMidarraog WCTC flOBipenetl (o iii-.-i t *c thr- erowd nnd reito a t,i.'< r. I.ATF.ii.?There la bo dtataattofl iu the ntiiiibor of pcr aoii.-. who have p-aitltond here. lhafltteetfl Bifl fllled with apaaakfl tlii-i mornine, nnd gvent eii'itcmeiit pi Orders bave t*een laaued forMitdln/j peraona groaptafl al ony poiut ln Hir city. PlflllllhaiBUB are iinminoiit. Tl.'-Mayor of thi. rtty laeafltl a procliiination to-tlnv cullinu npon tbe citi/.-nn to linvo aoiiit- IflBtpcet fOt thfl C'oniit do (.linnitiord, and aiir.oin-.t l-.c lhat BBipla BBflBfl .ire." Itiivi* liat-n takon to stii.itreaa nny tUaordef tvli1.li may ocour. The atrangers iu tbc city ttnd tl.e popujaea contlnued tholr li'ictile domoriHtratlou tovard .'aeh utiicr ti.ti.-lt, btlttbeieHaa nt> out". i-eak, aml a heavy rain liiiaily diapt-rsed tho crowda. AMWinr, Fcb. 2.1,1.72. Tlio Coiint do nianii'ord lifs BOtqall Um 4-lty, as re putid. Ilo haa laaatTfld itosatatloaa from 6cvcrul I'., in h town*. ua.l otiurs uii- ft.iiiiiic. A litiactinj; of eit iraa hflhl laal Btffat, al whleh aeaolatkma wetfl adaoptad i'luti -tiiix la forcibta tertna at ni^ht wflflfl aotay aad taaaattaaaa, Tho fendaraMB wioa were pairolUaa ti.a vity obaraad ai.ti (lisj.ei.-n! *e-.eii'] x.Ahe: Alg-. Thfl elty tm qutct t.i-ltay. Damoafltratloaa were aaUclpatad, bai Aaafl havahaaa inndo. Tlr- poliee forfle 011 daty !i:'s t"-'-" daahlatl Ti. 1 not .: < bambi rd arfreatly areqneatfl Ufl bteadt fron \i-ii'ii. Antwerp. FRANCE. im- P'*.l. TO a""i*t':"-- T'Tt-. PRES8?EXCTTEMEhTT r. 11 .\ ??:... . ?HIOCKIMI D18A8XSB AT BKBBT. rAiii", BataVday, Fob 24,1.172. In lhe National A-*;rmi.ly, i.i-il.iy, n Com ?,,.!- ol eiedtoi tamlaethe 1.01 lntrodocedt?yM. i-i-frc , Miu,-* 1 ' f th? Interlor, tocreaalng tht- ptnran ' ni, nt over thr Preafl. Tha blll, whkh haa aaea fliadfl a OaMaat .iiiesfion.li orrt'-,;,d by ai'out 808 maiahera of tiic Aaaeaibly, aad i.ivi'iii! hy :-.*- of i'lin. Ithaa beaa thfl Balaafltof paa. ahmah dobatala tha dtifereal bureaafl 01 tlio OoyatB" meal - indha e to :-,*-";if exelte__ent M. f...ini -?',:-, Ifl dlactu lon, ti of tbemeaaure,aad iiaB aaaoaaeetl i.i- in* -.i-.i'ii oi realsahifhlfl portfoltolf the blll ia ra by the Aflflambly. M. de Larey, Mlalater .'ive hoKtaBt-s. uud agree tti l'jy Unea. _ BPAIN. THE B.iliU Vl.-i i.OAIIUNIM;. MAl.Klla, Kola. 25. 1672. Tha C.nti.il Cotaaaittea of tlu- Uutliial party l| t,o .lr-'.'t u BBaMllflfl niialii-at tlie now Miumtiy. MEjuca TIIF. HliVi.l.l IION OBOWlUa MOItK IHI.MII.VBI.E ?BIB6K oi BAM fclllfl POlUSl?AN AMi.lilC'AX RBAM-Bl THBBATBintO. Matami.kos, l't'n. '^.-(Jmnez Portngal, tlift revialntl..iiAiy lioTiruaar of A(|iia.4 Calieutaa, octupiod the tity ,,1 tbat iiftioe ou the 15th inot. A taa. mt eau-taa amvi-d laalahl from H..n LbIb rotosl. aitli iett.rs Ifl IM 18th liiM., eontlrnilni. thfl prevloin-iy reported daatl af <;?-n. I'ortino Dtaa, in tho Baeantalafl af Quanilaraaa dMlMfe laalfrflflfldyaaatary< laaaal ,'owi-ia af Dia* bhra- piBtlalflBfld for Uordo Tejada, or Ji.zman for Proold.-tit. TfllUfflBM ff""' Bflfaffl Ba" I. ii* Tototat aay that Tie v)ii.r*..iiiiy u iBfliaafllagrapldiy. Th.'Htui4 .-I Chthaahaa Ifl -cu-iiiiK troopstotho revo liltl.inlata. kUowiurnxB, Ta*Ow,Fab.?a.-Tha colleetor of cn? touia at MaiaaBaraa, irht it bbm a aaaalal eHH aaiwfl" aaatatlva "f laa Iflfliafll 8a>?fl?aaaaal, aaaaaaaaaBhlfl ln taatian af aiahtafl au Abbb leaa Haai aieamor if it eioara Benci :..i Camarty*, wttttA, H uow u tte pflflflflflaaaa ?i ii?. revolntloaiata a-i lataraatlaaal dwn ,.??,i- i*. Ukttj io ail-o oa tnl" .|i.'-i-"n. Tha ??' i.i. ?.- i.,''\'t'lJr'',tU,:\hu! ''Z' f'OI-tilia V liaa ll llltn|.a.ti-il*l'* nml Wlio lli.tfa lha- Aill. I - eaiia, would readlly aaaeatJp tbi aUKBeaUou ol the Col v,.|,?- ... n. nm:,-.. .Miu-r.a rn Collector. refaaea i.-i.' cl.araatepaporfl uutil h- rerolTea Inatraetlt'Dfl innil \v;,-i.ii,.Mi.ii. 1 iii" reaaal e-raatoally eleaw, ? ?>rr ,,. lt. - .' :?.t ..i' m.i'biiiii- itor. from the iai* ,\,vu,. . nd thrlr lamded (ropda Inlo Mexleo and are anrinir tbe eleeranea of thfl rflaaal taOuBBBBa aa i:'.",;'.;';'J';.,' rhaCltyof H.n Liu-. r,.ti.,i haa im", ti in. ..bj. ftlve |n? ,i wil ii il !? v..i,.t! inlata tor mbm ,??,.-: Ml 11, .r ., ;?! ..'I'i'- I. - ":.laanli:.!."! , .,.,' | i-Hlltient ii, ,l.,-.,i-^i...itli'aiM'i'ii Mn.;'. I.. ..-ni-i-' flinu - '""" a. aajl Trt . , imii,-i. wbleb lade ',, ,1 it. ? Intal o.lifii a.l...il..Kt.^h.a th. ... -i. ua;-. K.iiitora a.i b,a Biirreiitlerprevall io i . ' , ?,.,n?i,,-ll, -a- t.._i.i..v.? II ,-|.l..!aitl*l' I...!"!.' i>..:x,-,y"i. -i*" ??' lin.4l4.rtloJi.aic_. WASHINGTON. THF. RECKNT DEBATEfl IN CONGRESS. AMXDOTES AND WUCTCHM?MOKTOH. BCIIURZ ANU (ONKI.IMi. |FROM TIIK f-TECIAL CORRKSPOSDBMT OF TIIF. TRIBI KT. ] WAMlMOtOI, Fcb. 24.?It t.ikcs litlle to nial.o tho U. 8. Benate laugh. Mr. Nye la foolioh enougb ln prlnf. but ho I.t oaiinctltnca amui-lng on the fl,.* r; .-uul even Mr. Morton, who enn apoil n gaad otory moro cnm plttely thau any other man ln publlo lifo, oornMonnlly BWahflM a BflBflfl of biiinor in tho gallerloa, where the MflfljlflfltOt Jofeea are aure of a weleomo, lluifortho ra-u.lln,.-? of allgnltled naaemblios to laugh on tlie amalltat jirtavoeation, tlio aerimonloiia tlet.ata a of the paat two or thri-e waahfl might havo led to aomo d. plnmlilo reaulra. I!ut Whfla im raoual exiispt-ratlnii haa ri.?en toa diing.-roua pitch, aomebo.ly genciully mukes a humoroua poiut, a fl.uth of *wit ilarta out eoniowbere, and tliere followa an e\i*l,i-i,,n whleh cleara tbe mental atiiiOHpbe*-o. IVIien tho distuaalnn of Mr. Sumnor'a Civil Kiglita aiiieiidiiieiit waa atlta hlght, nnd Mr. Nyo waa apeaklng againat It bflflaaflfl lt confarred et_nul privlleges upon Chlnamen, Mr. Carpeuter put everyboily lntoa pleaaant frame of mind hy remarklngtliat roa.lera of lha pnetleal literattiro of the day were well awnre of the lioatillty between the Nyo family antl the Ileatli.u Cbineo. Ami it waa Mr. Curpoi.tcr who made what I think tho most effootlvo aa'ault yot dellvered npon S.-natoi Sumner'a peiuling re.?i,lutiou of inquiry Into tho aalo of arma. It waa before the d.-l.ato had fairly op.-n.-.l, and Whaa Mr. Colo raafl trj ing to have lt poatponod until tlio Appropi latlon blll liad been eonaidorod. Tlie refolii tion hail protluccd a marked ttttet upon tl.e public; tho ltifjiiiry waa awuitcd with great flailaallJ j nnd Mr. larptiiter waa chrewd ciiough to aeo that pnatpoiieineut would only ati.-ngthcn tooptr eion. In a rollicklnif llttlo flfflflflfe of ahflel flvo mlnutcp, bo compared Mr. Suinner'a reaolntlon t.a a han -li.'ll Int.'tiib'.l to l.low (ien. lirat.fa ndmliii-tration out of tvater. "Now, Hlr," ho contlniied, "the beatfe sliell iv- been brought into thlfl riiamber. Tlio r=eiiat<>r from Mapatehtieetfa han Juat ll)_'lited thefnae. I deaire tn paaflfl and await the exploMon. If wo nre nll 1.1..wn Into fratrnionta, there wiil tte no ooeaaion ta. paflflaay uppropriatioii bill; we -ahall havo no govcrninitit, I mp Ii -". no ui1riti.isir;iti"it, no netlilng, and wo ean tako our hata aud go home In pearo." It doea not BBflflB v. iy ttitry whea yoa a.r- it aa paper, bai it made n greal di al of l'un when it WM apoken, aad help.-.l Ibfl A'lii.iii-'ia. lion more than nll tlie three poiitleal lBBTBBgaaa whlflh benator Morton haa ainco dellvered BBBBl the ,ui|t flC Mr. Schurz la partlcularly happy ln audileii n tm ta, and bla rcceiit diaptttea witii Motrtaa an.l Ooahllag brlatled with Bharp apatata, Hhi laptf to conkling tho ethee lay, when lhe .\ew-York S< nntor reivl from aCJcrmati Adirm. UtraUon paper to p.-..ve tbat tha eoflaaa af Mr. Bahan toward the pn ai.l.ut waa aol apfvoved hy tha Oenaaa voteri, waa perfflflft. "Tlie puptr I prop, so to qaatfl from," aaid ConbUaff, loohlaa taraiely at bla a.tv. raary, ?? is pabllahed la I Tileagn. aad ia ealled tha H'mitn Bt uhutm, Am I rfahtl" " Y.-.r-.i," in-tantly replia al B -hurz, "an.l it la edlleil liy tlie Cailleetor <.f Ii.tcmitl Kivenue." Thi ro WM n lmr.-t Of liiughter ut thlfl, on the loaflflfl well aa up otniia, aml UaOi;._li Mr. Ci,ni.',iiig waa not di-coneerted (fof he Ifl ko rala tliat BOthtag pata him out), the qnotation waa utterly nili.i-d for hi* pur paiaea and f. 11 upon de.if Mre. Mr. MortOB va im never apeakaon nny anl'Jeet witli.iiit a laad crn.-k ing of tbe party whlp, flflaefted lrn-t WfldflM -lay that siuce December, lfl7fl, Mr. B? aart had atrrm roted ob aay politiaii qoeatloawtth ti.e BepabUeaa party, aad chal lengod him to dmy it. "Why," e\i lalm.'d Beban, "I think nmiiesfy i.4 a poiitleal uioiiMiro. Tiic Pri'ddi-iit ini n it eaded lt, nnd i nipir.ite.i it aith aU aay might." Whi ti 'b'- laa -ini-rv,iti. whleh tiiis reply wnn greeted had l,4-i-ii au' i!u. il. the S-nator from Mi-M.iin . tu,tin,.0,1: "i,an mentiaii, nni.iii.r poiitleal meaava fm v Ii.i Iit v.it'd va ith tlie BepabUeaa party." "Waa! waatfeatf "Tho biil to laTeetlaatc thfl eorrupUoaa ol lha New v,,rii (-iif,t,,in-b<,-iao." Ti,!-* creatadatlll .?" i w aaa eaaaai, "An.l I wili itll BJ filttidof nn.itlier I'.r publlcni. Boaaa ure for tshali I rotad CItU Bcrrlefl reform." H.aw much loiii'i r .Mr. Beharfl m> ant to go on with tbe lalfllflflBfl of Ilepiibliian flBflBflBBflfl Whlflh be had BBjBBflBtfldBBd Moifaui ..p* uiy . . -.. i-tly nppafli ,i i > aasol iall, ffl> lha ladlaaa leaator ** it to l.e i.iteirtipte,, any |0B_P r.-' Itut Ufl .bsii.tiiflttire waa not yet . lami'ltte. He hti*l referred t.i Mr. Triltntuill alao nn ni.inyof ri-.il S. rvn 8 lafflBflfl. Xhal bftN-ghl tho illlnolaatataaflaaa Ifl hlafaai,aad he ahowed Ihal tha reiy ayatem whlcb haa beea BdoptadWAfl tnaupnrated lu iin iiii:i-ii,1i,?iit olTued Byhba to an nppinpiiatlon blll. Tllia littli' dhdflflBfl ran harally havo beon ii/.n*cc aulo to Mr. Mortoa, but it flddfld ft i-'re.it tleal Of nuiti-f i n ut tn wlmt woiiltl i.tlierv,t-e have l.e.-n a dull aft.-r iiiaon. Mr. Morii.ii. Bfl I miI'I liefoio, la not a lively man ladebata. Baaaa aa nptifude fornconfiiet of wtt?, no -??:,-. ..rfiii-.'iii' .at.f t'Lilory. BBdaopflreapUll? 00*BtBtflfl niaiiolilp above tbc iiect'.a of a party t-ain r.-, BBd I dfl BOl tiiii.k !i<- r.-.?!,: ed thfl poaition la whleh ha w.im pi lead by Mr. Triiinbiiii yeaterday, whea thal geatteaaaa ihewcd i.y bow low h itaadaid Mo'rtaa awafliiiad fltery haport aat aiit-jeet tbat eana ap for dleeaaaloa in tbo Benata. Mr. Tiiiiiil.ult n-at! an exliat l lrom ft ipeech aaf l'a'ri.k II. ;,i',?.-, am tlie auit of an oM farmer who.luat .'ifter the anir.-tit'.-r of thfl Brltlah anny al Yorktown, brou?_'l:t BB t.etion |0 re* over tlie vulue of two it. ito, tflkflB by thfl patr:..t troopa la thfl darbeal haav of the ReTOtattoa. After deacilbiaB tha laahtlaia af tha war, and tho trllllnph Of lt- |,1..lli.ua i l.i-e, the t.rator, in wonla aome thfBBBB. tiit e.eoatiaaadl "Uut.hark! what dlM-ord ;,iit Boaad prafaaea Ifefl t.-mpie of Joyl Whal harflh vol.-e hreakflia upon tho general rejolclngl It la Ifefl volee of Ja.liti Sli.mk, eiyinir through tlie vii toriotia oainpa,'Ueef, beef, bt-t f 1 *** " And ao," aald Mr. I*rum bull, " wbatever gnal aut.Ject eomea l? for, ua, bfl lt Ifefl Bottl.-moi.t of greiit priinlplta, or the reformation aaf aeiindaioua abaaea, wo baar Ifefl vol.*' nf the Benatot from Indlana exytBg 'Party, party, pnrtyt'" lt wnn a fair Mt, and Mr. Morton bardly renald it in fnll Whea, intt rnatliig that Tnniiiuill waa ready to tako a nomlnaTlim fi om either party, he -leacribed him ae " baving hia back afeaHtfld all over, ' IJarkia \a wltling.' " Tho ui.'-af lalanmlBfl arenea, I'.owover, have beon be twci-n fchnrz and Conkling. The liilt.r gentleman ia BOl a pleasaut objeet to eontcmpUite in dei,uie, boeaaflfl Bfl la not oaly iiiM.l. nt l.ut vulgar. He la a ready apeaker, never at a loi-s for langiinge, aelf-poasi aaed, elfflf hflflded, (|iiltk enough of iipprebeu.a-i.aii. nnd btoflflfld with a atrong \i,|,e. liut ln- ov. lboaiing lununer BM made him Uie moat tinpopular man la tho Benate, and he carriea it ln debate lo un aaUflBBB almoat beyond belief. Hia raaping toueR nre a alngnlar mineling of tho nnaal anarl of the tra.lllioual New-York b 'hoy, wlth the eolflBBfl luileetiona ofapreaeher; and tbough they are dleagreeable at aU timea, thoy are ape. ially ai.d ineomparably odloua wben eniplove.t '(aa thev are every day) to eonvey au tnault to OM of'hia aaaoelBtflfl. I? anawenng a polliical opponent K i- hia cuctoui to (rtve tho Ue aa nearly aa he ean withont belng enlled to ortior, and ooinetlmca he glveolt jauiit blank. H. plying to Hchun, for lnatauce, tbe other day. he r.-prc-ented that gentleman aa aaylng "tbathe bad irod the tl. 1.1 ln the pr* aeuce of a thouaand in.-n, und bia henrt bad nof ouailed." Now I have a dlstlutt reeollectlon of the Miaaourl oraior'a langnage, and I know, and all who were pre'ent know, that what he dld aay waa preclaely tbla : " Ofl the path? of duty whleh I have foliowed I have met more dangeroiia uien than the BeaafeBI from Kew-Yeflt, and lt there were a thouaand ot tliiin my heart would uot quall." Mr. Bchurt roo-> at oucu and made the correetion. glving the worda I have qua.ted. Conkling atared at bim during the lutemiptlon. then turned arotiiid, brought hia flat downuiK.n the deak, and ext lalmr-d-I ha..' k from Qen. Graat with thaeditorlnl, he iold oa, Wltb wn at empbaele, 'Uen. Orant dwa imt wantto he Preaident, Hethlnka tbe BcpnbUean party taii.v neeai i.iiii. mui be belierea, aa tbeir eandldate, he can'Im- eleeted unl re. iieieii; bot,'aaid Rawllna,'what ome of bim after hia aeeond Pre ddentlal term l uii.it, imi, id, dnrlna bM AdminiatrationI De ia receii inj; trom teventa en to f wenti thouaand dollara i year aa tieneial ol the ArmMa ol tlu Republie?a Ufe salurr. To ko ii,io tbe l'i. -i'ii-i.cj , at 139,000a year, foi agaln mora fame, imt wbat la to be tomeof um af tho eadof bis Prealdeui y .' Helanota p.-iitli inn. Iii iin. ? imt ii-|iie io ilu plaee. Elght yeara ln in tlie 4th Of .M BJ. li. 1-u.', l.e will DO .tl"UIt _?. Uui- Old, dt conrae. be ii.ii.-t tpend i-i-t aalaryaa Preaident. En aland, wllb ber WoUfnatoa, ber Belaon, aad bar otber - .ia i.ami and ' ? a, haa aever lu'(.it.iti .1 U>< mu li aml . nnoble them iiirou?h ull tbeir poateril] . Bueh a polley i. in aeaocdnaea witn the eluuraoter ol tha BoaUab Oor a mu nt; bnl in our countij , tbe man who ll?.'hts for und ?area tba Bennblle, would beabrgaur 11 bc depended ? I ; i'i iiin ..1 ouiie; iiiiii, tliink it, if Orant takea from thi ' . Whoae raal bnt arter be la Pre.ldcntJ.bA aul he gecaaod aa tba wUllag rn ii'iiiH of guu. , ?? Juet now, wiun t.'en. Orunt|!. atriiCRlinif out of bM firat teiui of tbo I-n -nl, ..cv iirul fltruggllllg into i.ii aeeond, I thought It mighl uot be out ot plaee to rewlre thia Iw ld( nt. '1 him it will ba- aaaa tfial (icn. (.rant imt only haa taken no ji.ui in tbe preaent dleetunlun. i-. kaowa ta ba lully in iiicord with Meaara. BfortOB an.l Conk? ling, is pr, iwiiing a .pcech. ln whl.h tie v, ill advocate rottng the reaolutinn down, on the gronnd tbat tlu- i-i nate hon alreadj ao fi,i inv atlgatadall the chargea made aa tomtiety anj body tlmt then- Mnotblng iu iln ui, uinl tbat to appoint a Commlttee uow would Ih- a r,in e. Thej :tie nnderatood to have put foi-wanl Benator Wrlght tor tbM pnrpoae, becauae m baaaa rel made ao . I a ci l.e- on the siil.ii et, nnd hafl BOl eoiuiuiliiil blmaelf iii tbe lupperl or the reaolution. It hia prupoaltlon li well recelTi d. th.-y oan all Rall ln and aupport lt, nut if it sliouid roiisa- tlu- ludlgnatlon of the preaa and tba couiiliy, they < au pa.t. aM ?P':. ch o\ci without attlug ou bM maaeetlOBfl. The fuiluicof the Mi.sourl Stafi* Convention to re nouilnateOen. (ir.aut aml to lnstriiet ils dalagataa t'> votu foi hiiu, as well us the fact thiit Ievi i.d BadlBg Lllbeial Retuibli, ana weie placd on ita list of da-li-gates to the l'hllinUlphla < otiieiitioti, haa caii-.-d eOBflldarahll uneaslne.-atu Ailiiiiuihtraiion cirelca. The editor ol Ihr Mk90a*trt Ihtmurrul unda dclegation of offlee -boidera fiom that 6tate were here reeently and In-ld mauy eonnnltu tious at the Wliilo Houae, and wltli the offlce-holdcr.. iu this eity. The reault of their vl-dt waa that they re* tumed home verv denpoudent. Iu conveisatlon with frlends, Ju?t before leavuig, they admltted tbal th.-y liad all along lnteiuled fo pronounco foi On.nt iu the Lou ?eii'ion, hut thal their vl .1 here had couvtiu.d them that auch a eourae mlght be far from wise. Oen. (iiunt, thev aald, had doue iiotliltitr to eorrael tbe ubu .ea in the New-York aud New Orleans Custoiu-hoiises and they eould not ttud rmt that he inten.bd to do unytlung. Tbey eouiplaliudbltterly tbal the AdmlnMtratlon vtaa liiMutr ueedleas l.tirdeiis uiion ibetu, aml tinallv toti cliided that, unle?a they desin-,1 to pl.-dgo their aupport lo n niftt. who wimi, at leant, u* likely to ti.ii u? ?ucceetl. ir wmild not tu- Wl-.e t? j.laee themx-lve. on re. ord ou i.iat qiiestion. Tlu- Inaineerlty of the ("iiveiitu.n ln .1. iiounrlng the Liberal Bapobllean nmvi pent iim iimgnltl taiit ls showu In Um el.-ctiou of aeveral leadiug Li..erai Hepiihlk-ati delegafeg. Oen. Coburn and Oen. Phanka of Iti'llana BnagM forward. ln e.*'''* *t utude iu tlie Baaaa. BB **_**__** * ue- projeef for eontu-i-jlng liy a ahlp eaaal the waters of tho great lakes wlth those of the Ml-sl^lpp! Klver. 'fhe ronte propoaed by them waa from the aaatt end of I.uk. MicblBaB. aouthward. to tho .Vabiuta Kiv.-r. and theuce bvtbat streatn and tbe Ohio Rlver ta tbe *_**_**: (Un . hiui k . htated thal Mien- WCflBld ??' oniv S? oilb-a ol eaual to dig. Gen. Coburn .nl.l that Ihe canal eould be made almoit upon a drtd lev. I, aml Without lockafe. the watera of the lake Ik-Ibu bnt twu feet alKivo Iow v.ater mark in thr WahBab Ktverat Lafuyette. The eo? WBBM *? leaa than that of the pio|M_ated oanal tl.rougi. tBfl -une ur lllinols, the natural o_M...'.elea lo ovei.a.iue Ih-Iuk mt.tt BlUcont bv reaaon of MalaBaeaaof tbeeoaatry. f these raafter:". tbey ,Bpreaai .1 a dei-re thal the piii.il.' ahonld be Informed that thle CominiU'-o i.i here to invoatlgnte tho auii|ett of Jlldlolal eoiruptiou t', tbe fullOflt extent, antl tbat evitb-neo Uereof,:.p..rt from tbat collected by tha Bar Aaao.-tatlop, wili ba re? eelved by them at aay ttaw. Any per-*e on tbo wlfnoaa atnnd on Baturday, but tleir toetiBionr waa not madfl knowa. .Mr. Baana, Depnty Clerk of the Oeneral Bee alona, waa anmmoaed and brongbt a large number of wrlta of bnbcaa eorpna and rrrthrari on fih- !n that offli ??. whereln l-all hml been taken for theapnearance ol peraona wbo bad beea lentenced to the Feultentlary from iho (ourt of Bpeeial Beflalonfl and teleaa. .1 by Ju ige Cardosofoi it i* atleged lmproper reaaona, no leaa than -. peraona baving been thua releaaed dnring tbe paal tlir,,- reara. it la further aaid ihut many of tbeae are of tbi moatdangerouselaaa of tlie, cniiitr,unlty, .oub m.-n a- ? ? iiut.it Ib i'n ith" and" Eteddythe Blacutnlthw being among tbe numiwr. Many of tbeae people a ero allow, d to mon their own recognlzance, tr w.-.ut la ae wurtbleaa ?? atraw ball." Oftho* thua releaaed IB wero aout* .-??' for larceny fron the peraon, U tor aeaanlt aad battery, and MB far laroeay. The acti.m of tbfl Jadge waa gen? erally baaed nn tbe pretext that 'ho commltmeDta ??>? i-e ?.,.. n baa been iturgcfted thnt baeer i ukuat oxlal for tlio n jieiiii-.u of blundera of thi* l.iud in pio n d.ii'uiiieiit aa ? eommltment At aay rate, ain-li bluinli re, wbtth fnralah a pretext lor aa-iti-iK free a I,,.!,!_? ot .-iimiuiia upon thfl communlty.wlll bara ? tlia.l ougll iuv.'.-tlxiatloll .ft tbfl b.-lt.da of Ulli* COtWIllttee. Tbe greater part of tbla habeaa eorpufl bualneaa ae i.,t to liatt- in en tiaii.-i.et.il by liowo 4 iliiii'inol, thoTomba ,n MT-., and om? oaae, t -? * -11 nf Adelalde Beaaraout, ia b* ;i, v. ,i t,< I*" nnder ooaalderation, in wbich tbe p8ti llonerpaid thia llnn aa much ae 0,000 to nbtain hei i< leaae from Blaetwi U'fl laland, on tbe repieaeutatlon by iheui tbat thi v dld nol keap the wbole aum, bm bad to givo a im .,1 deal ->l u to oome one to g< t tbo ba ieao cor >mu lt I-* .-al.l that au intin.;.tiou wua girea to tbe pe iitioner ibai a portlon of Um moaey wu? to gototLo koommnnleatioa from Jmig.* Baraard wa. reeeired hy the Committee on Batnrday, proteatlug again tHsiu uel J. TUdeu'i acting ai a mem ,-r of tbe O i..iuiit-a-, for tho olia-K*-*l ien am,n tb.it fliduii U a m> unn t of tho liar Aaaoeiatiain, aud he* written aad eauaad taa Iie written arUeleafor tin- pre?fl oaargtng Hnm.ir.1 v.11.*i tualfeaa aneo ln ofllee, and ..ilier blgb oi ni'-a aad di -.i< meanoie, t4iihth.-.l .-i.ii ot Inflnenelog tbepnbUo alnd,an.l tbal Tllden nrueuBed bifl electioa to tbe Aaaembly witu tbe llYOWed p ,11? Ifl Of ll-aing hia InUllL-IiCi: tal pla_il.ro the iiU peachmeut of Ban .r,t. Clommlttee .-.it.-* airain t-vdny at lOo'eloclr. at d vlll go to Albany lo-uight ln ortler to vottj un theCfaai i ? morrow, mt.-r wbieb tl.t y -.aiil ra tnrn -i.i.i n -tua.a-1 te Lo tion. Wiu ii theli labon aredn ,lied tue wbole iliuioiiy wlll ne given to lhe publlo. QUABANTDfE ABUSES. MMillS' \V|IM:R IfAVTI TtlTt'-ril Y?TV-aitii Offleer, i...- ii. v? i- ?ed iLneethi rainor reaoh d tbem thal tha Qraad Jmy eoineiuplated iiniulry iuto tho matter. Much of tbe teatimony af Baturday waa oT-r.-d bj thfl defenae; ihe|altnciiffl ooat^bpenaed belag 1'''?' Ipally tho Bgaataot ait.K in iflfll tbc Uwrpeel or Breasen -i , iush p llBBflVj tvliieli are generally kiiovru t*o suii'er \ci_ latio li nny deienlltui nt Qiiuniiitliie. Jt,hu Ma in, a Sa-,d, li.x.k plt-t, t.-i i'.i tb,nk*em , yilvt f?, si r.ir?: trorainveipilr-c-Ibflia-r. tha' ill a?-??? '? ? r -A Withi-aWvat I.oa?ljosr4ntio-: t'i'" : t.rvA vf OOUOea uu Ue?A; t Ho;.t'n_ 'ita,:!aan ?nal,i Aiwsrr ill OanoOOfl. John li. lllli^r, i iiartrimnt. t*itiv*sl 1 I i-robooo ett,-..."-' UBrt tr'r nt g.uiA, for 15 ?rai? have l*.m ?flBjoetol to-i.i-i.ia oad ai aoraacao l.r tU Un.pintii.a- aatLorili.-.; rbir, ei fut '? Kl.,tr? i, iieieCin ,g IBfl :ni..i CaUol I.n. Urn 01* taaia.j we a.lviw lli >.??-?.? .-aaiig-a-Hl ... ttl OM lo come to tiiia p..rt JariB? tha 4/niriotine K*.l<)!ij :Le gaarantiao cl.irir-i iicl.iir our bul.nt? Bud lujaw th. c,.p.ui?r?o o. the port, tbiok liil'tr. in ihoald b* I'r.*B n|a-n tocniuBOtiliOO, inil tint tbe lfn.-h OB...r ahouial re<..4?? g -o*l ?t.rr-n..l lm tk -ta flW.flHaf fl?' (."?. Fritii-ia VV. J. Hurat, Ajt.ut ft>r Uia .Nilwnil m?u?-t.lp < ompai*. .?ll?.l by tl? ll.illb llltcr tttt-nri: l hl.- btrr, Ag.til fur the Bofloaal bu.foriii reari; ha?. ao *,u.,'!4,iit to at.kc iraiai, tk. Iflaoal Wuir antineiotli..ritini t.i the Poi'-or preU-pa.-tbalir ,nn.et.-..-? n*..i*t. parliealir thm I woub! ?*lili him to l*e, Imt nol ten n, ,. i .u, ,. IfeO MOA of the II.I,etii iti IHSki, wbi.1' lirit^t wilh be rbulrro, U.ealtt.ui or. iti liv.rp.,ol<*wt ?U,iea, Iher. h4i. boea ao nrk ehmtei bero; tlio r'n'gr. for f?^?inatlou lod rirr.-i..g liek r?.n to hoi|nUl ir. ruinib.a .BOBih- onrnaaali rom IWam b.alllif porti, anil alaa'i r,,n* uj, to do-k.,l*di.lotial/. wr haa. n..>twii| tt. ilo a.tb l.fht?nn||. Uw.lj. .-r aar,,.<1.,H?_ri we Wi>ulO L04 ba likely ua cvme la roolK-t aili: obmna lt Vt' V 1 Harr ? Wltllwi: 1 UB ? pra-tlriog fb/ili-lin; I w.tl tvainie<^?,1 wlth tbo Oiur.ialiHi- frnu. frhrairi, IM8. to April, IFBI; *?. I,.|utv ll.iilii oitacer; ikm ???ri' maa,- irnraiti of ?-i?ba iiirit? t. liar f.a.r lotOaSTaal luo lirgt aanl*er of imuiiHraaU eouitoi; lulolt; t.*** ilaiait..? of mWtla.s ta* pjiKOgen li ?WB tr.-iatot oo ii'Iibj reonls ti.an ob .-.imabira. ob a.iaoanl of aiore .Mec.ia.Jvaot'.litioa wai iudf/r TOTagra, baluao ,t ii i uifleult thia] for bb .miiTin. ihip to ?rn.., ia Nrw-V?rk ia a llrn? itnjjtion , any ai.o waa peB.,::-.! ta l.fbtrr bU 0-.D fireo pravld*-! b. wcaU allow iui to basd tlie Itjfbtenren nut tai I. are gtiirast'.nt for a 'rrtaia Ilaa; all I know of tjiurafitine iia*-*- UOI I kaow ffau. hflflflau .at g.n.ril r.put.i waa'ld q^iraatisr ? mir] tr.,ai ? IflBooi hoor'a ta ?t.n thaarh no .iaa I an acearrwl ob bo-rd ; wa au.d lo U?|iO.?ll.,w (aai.,-4.11.1 u^derdft.ution UB ditl; tl,. irm , . ,. ^?1 fi.rt.alaiwl.f^; Ult.tt, tliat raa p?r??i whaa 11. rot aaj.la luf.rtloni duaaajaa i ipraaial itu.1. kaaw, anvthiOf flfl l*?i rabj.s:t of ibr rr..p?r iuaaa//HBi?nt of OuarmliDa. . _. , . , . Kani'at VV.nalt. falleaf I.y th. 1\iib?iiM*?> IrtiWi l BB 1 OBlfflOB ?i rrbi.nl of the Ina vf V. tudt ll Hmu- otlv-rt ? mt wr afenU for a ttr,n ih.p I.e. ; WO hu. ireaihl. w,ti, yuinut.a. ll liiao.- OOM) arri.il; aa ba.r il pr?M-nt ..nl, t?o rrtt.'.-. :a toar irri.ili Itll Mflfl kbrr, wa, oar bafiiafl bbO paavoaen. arllb thu'rri on l.-.anj i :h. f'raikllu) >l,? ,_i oriaieJ '!' wn ihr U-.v and tnu'.gtlrA. tbo pi.i*ny.n wara tik.o oa board the il ip Ilaiiiare.'iaO laath aiaaar^ter, aad ahlp wert ',t,'"nl 20 di i, wa bid U oa, for tr.aaa.Bt uf paa?:i.g?ri iu tba haapiul O'tvt t dir iad ?aipi'l" tht laalawire,wi.l. pio.uaeaa, aitcr, it.iualiii.a, turl. Ar . a'.'. Il'ia tua.: tbe rharo-i for tatiyUg BaM.n_r.-rB iad twaoafr -ta th. Keoton ind Hetcliei war. ganr m.i tor hnu?iiu.i flltW; tlir ratllO ,ntr * ll laoh Iwo otber ..?.?;. .,,,?,rd a,lh laiill-pol. ?lnrh wewla-lii.-l 1<>n?.r iBau I Ibaaaaht ironain J. P. li,. oin. j.. ti.tl5?t. I iia ia lha iB>,a|.>4 afwoodra.fi lt A..Ma a-.i . I l-ire ia"B tbero i?t..iI r.iri. tlie, aro la tbe wir.li.mi. lag.i aflfll tber t.ita- foor tloto. io Brookbn iBd om at Bad llm.k, I knuav Wait n Hleicri .iad. atrtaetmralt milk bim lor kmlinj yairaut n. ,-?rr.i-?,.aaa'?n-d lo onr *ast.i?|.ra lo onr it^m, I. ofrrrl U> t *it t'^ii for 8. | ei i-a-ut va aaur _ roao rtcnptr; ? luntaia wia ouale for tv per reat, aud w," tair H int 'or tl.? ?nr iK^u. duru^ ab.-l. tno. I ya.u hm alH.,,1 aViiM*. Wi.B-r M.ii boi aa?'..iw he .? ai.il irranoa tbia naall.r or aun wliow. ba rotth! ar, anie il; a nrnpautiua waa a..u. th,. year Ibat f'.J aliaauU l*e iia.it l')r OflM ,.*~ IioiJ kiI Iu 4mr war.bouara| thta wu di "leCnn. H.i nrJ li 1-a.k eallas! hr l!.. P,aD4re1tt?0 haflfltfll I im i l*t.>k.r, I au i iiirt. lo tbe or) aniritiua ol th. Boa-Tork UfMorafi oi t ilor.at fxini'.-t Ib April or Ma, IBM| oMaaadliiO iiUMiof hflfllo| nj.rr anl. auiac th* tuistlion ol ,11111 1 t'vai|i.nr , atV-r a llall 1 t*vtn ? n.er wa. foratert to rlll ipan tbe Haailtia Ofleer : br 1'iraocUin ir fnwad lo li.r ia.-,hlu""" oB?r. I irot dowa wilb Mr. Maniork ta a-a dr. t'arooebaa : dld not Xth. .leet-r, bat .e-t Mr. tt lee.r, wbo ipok* ta na Ot Ihl CuBaiOr, md aail laal he w..hrd ta ?eeawi.B iheialii.ri, ba ralled ob uw ia tb. elty iri iii.l thit U theagt ha. t'e I.M-..r w.?ld irant ttfl liean*-; iaa* Witaer ...enl tinn- ait.rwarl mn'r tb* pro|'aBl.i'"* nirwlf la r?|Tiel taa aioa.; t? bo paid 1 proaoa..! t*, aoialrlbotr ,1 lo aaHti.il |>arr were laail.- ,\-a Ibi lleilth . Ma..ll4M.,Bieiabior, teal.tli.i: lui.ibt.Bia loi?ilO aUca 1*4 ?. I ohjeet to th. Onimatln* law of lan. whl.h riya (hai ? waa.l te rl.no fr..n.anlr.'r,uJ(.:rt -l.all h* dti.ne.1 10 .,ari; Ib ?k ,'. BbaaJal 14 , -* Ml* d" '**">" "' Ib* ll.alib Otkro, aad be be Umt UtUtlf reipao ?ible, (bea ib appail froa. biadeeuion coaid ba atade iad iliiaatka 80 ?a^rrtalaed. . t'h*Hr? v- Behinaer. ..IM hr Dr. Canaeban. taatlW: laau'd ror th. tlermao Uofft Niean-iliip Ialn?. wh r.L haa >aOM ta .trtutrr- <0 ,',T'* Jar?a?bt a lar?.. nmnl-t-r of luaBnuriBla iad r*l*ta paaa-tairn * TewalObiTa a.rer ba-ra deaained caleaa tbera waa ?*. n. h aa mno, a, bi.e noeompiaint toaaateof Iba Qnaraiti-ie aa Uoa, rhiritei, or mbfrw -r , bar. ha I aa ..nol 'Ha. Urgri an t^.,,.,_,,,... Dr. Th.a-lor. H'.;??r. rr.-all.tt >.,j tt-. On.an.tte., laailla I l','\ag ata ?n.e u D.palj, Healtr Oflc-r tiae B-Maaflfl of tbe a.- a.i. r K.w-ia a-'t by .be Q?in:,tine oBi.r. w.-rr pald froaa ber ran.it>??: uaa. 4k,i aho .amM froa, Ottb ta flJflfl, wbich wia ? head ta b.r ar...on<; tb* ,ae*i m.lat, tor, nni'.r Kra. tiani aad Owtiihanae ?.n- itiTia?d uu,| t'a d.patiei- tba lloihl, Ogorr r*t*t*ti Botldafti woal.l ba atlltoff lataka 0 rontraet for (_, araut n* ra/xmtioa at i caau tt'b ; hai. larrlm 4 1mm 10,1)00 10 lt),"t fl 1 jrar. Tbe ron.Diiltoe adinurned at R p. ni. on Hiitnrday, to meef iiitaiii at tbe Ht. Mt-liolae. at ln a. ru. t?*-.lay. At ll tbe rnmuilttee wlll a.ijonru to tlu, rnniao a.f tho 1 omnila alnnera of Einl?r.tllon. at Caatle (Jurden, wbere aon:?i funber tectinioiiy wlll bo taken. It la t.irrei.tly re? ported that tbe t onmiltiee wtll adjoiir... tblaevaalaa*. t.i Albany, wbltbtr all w1tneaee? will he antni.muMi wbo l.avu tieen aubpenited and bare falied to appear. THE Ql'ARANTINB COMMSBIOX?WIIT ITM OI'KKA TIOIII PMOIT.D BF. INVESTIUATM*-- Fl UTI1KI* Is.,.ITRy DKMAMiKK. Thi* QuarantiDc inventipmtion has horri cliictiy eotifine.I to abu?e? connoeted wlth the admlnlflaTfltlflB ot tbe Ilealtb Offleer; but tbere Ifl anotb.-rtir.in.bof tb?? 1 ati.t* unMiie Department for Inveatlaittlon wblch It la t*> be boped wlll be made eomplete, lncltidinj. eapecial ref eranee to tbe preounte of the QBBfWBBBB ro-omiaalone ra. Theie Comniltwlonere nave, ln annwertoa rcMiltitlon al tha Aaaembly, subrnlttcd a report of tbelr expniidliuree and lncnrred liabilitleo for the paat year. In anower to the aame rcpolution, the Quarantlne Conatmrtion Hoa.rd, rompoaed ot tl e Quarantlne Ommla.?!oi,crs ond tlm ICayora of the ritleaof New-York and Brooklya,bara ul&o reported tl * ir paymenta and habUitlee for the year. T.i.**** reptarfa abow au airifreiiafe oxuendlture of about ?4)0,000, aadtheirat int|inry flusfeetedie, wbat baa tl*'? ri.nte ^.-ot to ahow for tbe money I Tbla will iH-ot l.e aeen by l-uklng rnilters aa tbey ?t*'i I whaa tha preaeal Commlaatenera, Meaara. Bcbell, B. , aad PartoB, naate tato atUa, L'nmar tb? adialnlatra of tbeir pred"i:<-*o4ora., eoi.inieiiein^ in IflBB, -t UVflJfl ainl weUarorldedhoapitalhadheaa eraeted nmi oomptetetl 00 Weat Banh at aa i xiH-tnae of about aatm... n, u eaantr.... lutd been entereal into eorerlag au expeaaa of ahatifl ItfAflOO. fi r tlie f.'Uiidatl'.ii nf ,t weomi atrnctBi a plaeo ilht the tiet. nllou of peiv.nm \4I10 1 1 beea expoaed to contiiitloua or InfeetlotM .1. r-tara. Tbia f4>iiiidatijn *??? .ta nei.riy ..i.ipleti.l Whea tbe pr?-'cut (.'oniniiaainnera to*.k aii! ? , but aa yet no buibl.nir baa bei n wected iiih.ii it, na>r b.,t anyeontraetbeeaoaatle tbertafor. No oib.r atrueturrfl bave be. n 1 niii l.v ibo nre>, n, r,.nir?ii--ii'i. ra. Ni nny thintc further been doae by theaa toward completlng tlieQuarauiineeatatilialiiu, nt; 1300^00werea ,p; hprlatM laa tlie Oanftrtl. 'ion l.ai-iid tn is*n la Bliablfl tt, nuionir otlirr ibiuKf. to a-reet aoitable bnlltllngo on tbla aece 'l Htrmtiiie. Ttm whola ot thal biiui .'.-.m i xp, aded i->r other purpoaea. Iu W71 a f nrther aaa oi u fl iwaaep proprlateti to 11 .* aaaaa Board, la biin far thfl *-.iui>> pttn'oae. Fiom the reimrt of tlu- Jioinl almve aientloned it apjicura tbat all of thi. autn ageept 171,663 70 has Ih-i n expend. d. WI-. M bafl lli:-- uioihV gimel A tli-fa led aecotint ia iclteii m tl,.- report, bnfl maay Item* aeod eioinu.iti.iti. Amonif ti;.-: i Ib tba aal* ar/ of It. Bell, al tbe i-?* t*- nf ti,6oo yur n ii.iiii. aa Baper rlalag aConnnlailoner. No ?u.b po'.ti->n la knowa to iiia latv. iit.rl. aay (o. h aalary warraated by aaj ? detinc Itatute kenv.ii to tllfl Matuu. bo?k. T , ni iif Ihe aot (CkapterJM, Uv.va isra. creating the <'onatruc-* ly deelarofl tli,.: m-lther raember of iiieiiourii -bi'ii rea-eivo aayemapeBaation torhlaenr ? , ea. \ -1 ,iii:iub4oluii4:i- of Quarantlne, Dr. li. il I ? celved a furtber aalary of fMCfl per ? iiuin, aad from tiii.-a report ll i.iipi-t.rs tbat Bflhflfl ivieiMtiau athlllhn ..I Balary o; Tbeaaint* report flhowa thal a |5,ano mtl.-irj i-.>. i ? ? >? p?id to the Couaael of tbe tCouatru ? I i. v.i.., tlm utber report proTta tbat tha caaie eounael baa re. I i $.1,000 adallti ,in.I fr. :.. tie i ? tnti.i alonenof Qnai, fiir the aame period. Ii i*. |.ertln.'iit to Inqulre whatftT rleea hflTfl been reiidatad bj tba eonnael to ? i.ii-..- b? ii ,' Id. Anotber lt. m the aerolcflfl ol a BBpcrlateadeal ^f M chlncry. !? * ofllee did aot eutla! uadei tlie formerC.w liouere, uor waa any money ever pald by theai ftw m i , iinc'iiiii ry under the i ?lonera la tbeenglneaad boibntt i\',*i liank llokpl nut ln tho (teatatoata uaed b? Ui" Ilealtb "nl> > i. Tbeae are umler iiinr_.*e nf tli.-lr nroiier ennncera, yet ibe Comnloalouera bave creati l tbfl ollli a or Baper ini.-tia'a it "f Ho -i in' ry. al BI.B0O per i Dnum. ll ha I n - .'ked iiiii lu-tbe iBveflttgatlon p. u llug hefora t? ? Iv C'omuiliiee Ibnt au < : . ', a t ,..n f.ui.i-li tl f'.i Ibi Weat li- .14 II flntj . ? i.i :tn '".) -ntt of ov. i- , " I tlm im.ri.iei't uf i i< ' ? ? 1 ' waapiitlnconUarytoblaadTl Dr.B I. I well tn aak lu a. ai Couiailaaloner have Iw en :. ; ?? ' f tba l a . iu Iall : ... |40,7? ??;. ?? ? :'? ,? vi ?"-!-! ' ??.,,. d !? tl .- . . ? . ,anl l JtuUfl ., . . i -i '?.-. rai ofi' 4 i nearly M0,i n lu e,-. < ting al :<>r tbe reeeptioi i ti ?. . -oi patienta. Tii rei bo touoe tbat tt wno iti ? ill nt toi r ia ia , . ? i ui i t imii...t. . II 11 rl- .ii. i. ' . bl u i' ij'tiii il ii ? ' uera tn i>!-epiu*c for tbi n '?? .-iit,;! ol U _ , . uoaed to Al** ? >?. if m, whr iiid they r.ofc 00 M tbe law .1 '? ?', t'"'l fll 't iia.ll.Ili t * eu t'.i UVI't'r ?"? '?' ;""' ' ."''' I ??- ? '1 ' '?>"- i .... i the . iu. r .? : f\ n ojau ?? any .-,:!,?? i - nnet l)>u il tratioo i r . ? ii. i :. vn,l let , ;,t,*l wltblu ?lie apaee of 1 t.few in. ntt ? t ere vrere 1? arrlvnla ol t -?' i.n-. m< 1011 1 I ?- VI vt I.vin ? 'I | dioeaa. and m .-,?.., -.- id pn vi-it tl foi "? tb< i loi > ? ,,'.-' i ',r : < i --it.l ',?'.:! M .t : ', an.l,, ?? v ? i , bu it. y.-t 'tn thenl ? n iub .lonera took care t>f IIol , ? i theae ll n i wl b tl.i lea pro vbled, aual im i edi ii tbi ir ippn - i !? ?? or at t'u- t ? ??. I/iat i.ii. gt ut-rui nur.... rt :>..'l bavi I ? ii ?!? ? wao bi'.ta li tfle Brrl i ..i .?' ?? -'?? ? > i ? liob t t, itr.d total -? I. ofl ? tbi ? i. deb "ve: |i, 000. Anotber iti m edneao i* iin- .uu oi ij .',.; i ? ,'T i , :i > ami llt ? ? lt. ileaiaoo i- \ tl ???? ? , ' li ? ??' - ' i, 1^-l ilatoio appreprlafed 110,100 for tblfl pn i a.i , ? ? on roi ? "'? tiielr , ofth. LegUU ui andbave exj uindoubln Uieamo'tnt approprlated. Tlie t.iift-- -.: i Uoa ''f la t and reeklcas uae of pablic moaeyeU ibown In tb.irit i,:,ii-- of tlm boapltal-ehlp Illluola. 'ibe i lv.tuio appiopiiated tl'.,'4i0 i.*i iin- pn iu exceta ol tl.li appropriatl n i'a ??, uiititloaera Incurretl a liahtMty of nearly t uml je the Ilhuolfl ?- u,.t t li?- yi-n* rty "f t:< Sl ue i.m ? loaa. for an undedued period from Uu General (J. Uteut. Tllia uia.t ! lli, 1'.' Of tne III UOlO i>.i> tak. i ,.,,1 UDin r lln- aiirieti.'ii ta tli. '. 'ui.iMi.r-iuii. '-, :i <> fl 1 .1;.? ainomit of eopper abeatblnic remov-ed froni tm-extenor ot tha veaael Tlie maehlaery anl flheatbing tt re iold, bow liKbteonal) it la Impoaalble .o t-ay, aau i." n tarn nr iina aale appean otber tbnn a itatemcu u..?-:-. ,, \- ,. r,.-*i lied ti-. in tlm xii.i ot oi.i uiatetlal, wbllen la clabaied that the aaaterial aald, aatiolwhteh tbla iu-ei-.ii.ie ee coi.nt it, iilven, actnallj ei a-. ited la value tha tn aal iron WhlCb it 44.1- tlll. -ai. lt wtll bfl ?"-. 11 iii il the wil! of the Leglalnture dtealgaa tiuK appropriatloBfl and tlitm llmitliigexpeDditure but i.ien flubordlnated to tb. ju,l..--,., ? i ijaantnl ..,4 OommlflBioaexfl asd aecepting thio t.ri..4.11 >i? tocra woald bc uo l'uii: to tbt: dehi whleh ii,i-,bi UitM bectaati-tl aKiiiiift tht'Btaie. Tb>.' lan .sir?iiin. 1 01 imlttee ahouitl iuiiuire how u.t,. ii iin' ealargi,,.. u 1 lhe i'.., rap b-is eoot, nnd wbat BwaaaMa woai I ??. a by tha C'oinuiiaalouera to lecnre the Bttite a^ain?t loaa tiy ir.it.., and v.hether the 1111..11H ?. .a-iiirta-d 10 the atateaaeata of tlie controctor aa to tbe niueiuit a.f itoi a indifference aa 10 tbe auia-iiiii actaally faralahr il It haa been aii.-tidy adiuiti.-il before tl.< <'..tntriiifee thal reaatacea were pald ta tha Cteeh ?if the Beard, r. i:_ ?ward, by peraona wl.o wanted the noaej daa Ihe ai. Mr. HawardButwoaalanea,eueol U_eooua4 i>rk t<> tiit* KA 0 QiiainiiMite (' imiBtaelouera, ami ti.e other of li.tijo ua t irrk to tne Ot- tm. tmn li....r.t. ti.Vl.E i.N TIIK PAC1PII iiX'-T. San Fkani im ,., Fi-b. 25.?Tlu tt* wiis a hiaty gale ahBBB lhe aeaat ea the fltafl aad Btd laafla Mawa n..a beeu r?'.tlv.>d of tho wrtek of five .ututi-r \.r*eio at ^oturro, Meuituiiuo, and vieiuity. Ka liflflfl uia re poited luet._ owntvonvi fihk at nrrtBUMH. PiTTsMUKiill, Foh\ 'Aa.?Hu Sataiili.y PigM thfl Amerlean inu Worka, BBWti bj .lona l .V l?.tiBbiln. weri: partiall> l.urucd. The upi*r iidlini; iu.ll, wilh etfl truitiH, rn Iia, gytBO, b.'lt, and nut BflflflBCy, la.mern oba 1. >.;,! t.-rn otora haa.iM-, and ft'Uualery, were ,-ullrely At otroyed. Tbe bwta ia probably tuiui vai,,'**, t-< tVau,ij<>t'. but it ta ajajipaealMa to aoiertaln aeeurately. aa the inaa'biliery Ih i-nvt-red wilbt^ebii!.. lll. iwiitinii ileatinjeal vua tiwiired f.ir ai-n.it llOn.ii'O, diatrli*ilte li oflleeo, u.ii^ilt of lOtejBB eoilipiit.iee, uo oue BflBl ? iaicing inore tban iT.woi. Ti.e worka ?.eii? the iut>a*t*-hV TH.t< UAPB. ....Tbe ...ter...t britlga oathe ?it^tt?^flJin ctn-.tl. .:,?'i ? ' * t i". a I tm t^^oMliJt, mmTmto Uht tko Wb.k. Wtm TOh** roo*,. A tii,< MiinLiv iiit.riiiiig. dflfltioyed tlir atore of Uk.'.'.ll 11,',. i.,tl k J !,!.>??'? ..>li".11th il:?l-. I'l.'.lar'. laikrr,, ThmwoVril"a*.!.'"> '- ??? aalaBaga Uoa, ?_?t,.i?; utta, anro, alO.mJO. 'liti-ate. Kl.tl.l. i-ot.f The l.oni iiii, lUtUtf I.edfier Wli'a itrft-ti 'I*- ' 'Ml ?1.1'rifciLel to aoi.p?ar_L Wtlm\.e UAbrra t*knxl A,' t'l*' btut \U Aiatti.an tttm r\*?-riAntm. anal ?'U,n ,u.i- "Ol ..I'ooroiaao yrat, Attrrag Wil.-o tiiar il lanl luaa aJO.ajOOW r-t",'"". ....Tlie BflUca-oata Milba, in C'ranston. H. 1.. i.u 1... _ b.Vil'l'. fliBMab.r., BBtl iaa ' laaa!, _? J- Ua t.lra.l.tB*i>'>*J.-<- a-ia bartird *rlut :t\ oC", iii_,ur.ti? alinKia. ia_. ?: nM buUiian buraral wla oknui a.-?a lurjr ,.'.J, aail ali IM a:,' aiaafa* Wr. ot astfa.lt.lii ib .tamki. _Tw? 111.11. calling tlietnaelvea H. I. My.raau.l Jibk? Wataaia, .tijapiBC 11 tha bo.l.i.1 H.,1.1. Ili'naht.r_, ft.r a trm aa.a ,,ul, toU itaaio aarat to llofrr av to. hora. lad r?.4>i,a,l a rbaak to. 0*0 am liac Daaphin Ikatwi Baak. IL., nw.il II, ?,..*.. BMlaif >l f ?_? ,11'.'. a?J i.i?,n tka Uioiart Tl . ?l,_rralM? ?. . ? ? a- BBBafll utl laa aa?a wo,. ir.ooMO al iU A.gvt aat. ,00 ?...*? ?.?..^