tviKi. \n vMiu.iiN aaaocunoB.
|fB0M U .? ? tJNMAl .,..iKr..-ro>'PKNTOFTIIliTRinVSKl
BOoOO* Ft*. v'-i.-Tho oonrao of iMtUWa Ott
I |- -f aml lliti.ini.lien. glvoo br tho Ai.ie.i.'.i.i
ITattarianAaaoelatloBiwaa eloeed this afberaaaa bythe
reading of an Oeeep. written by Ua lh-v. Jimie* Mar
llneaii of K...'?hal. on the 1'lace of Mind ln Nature and
Intiiii.on it. Maa. The eaaay was written oepe.ially fot
1?? eourse. BB4 us Mr. Mi.rtlne.il tOttld not BOBie blmaell
todeUverlt, lt was read ut Kiag*a Chapelbf tbo ltcv.
11, mn w" taate, tot paatar,
That the universe wo soo around no was not; alwaya
UMBOitaee Uttte di-.-pi.tod Ihal arevy phUoaophy aad
,V,T4 faith uml. rtukas to tell bow lt eame to Le. They
BUaawaBM a- Ihe ihoatee ef the* peoMaaathaleMaf
?aaa ahara aB i-Jriti tte, aad tno traek et ttaoe where
c4 rada have reawhed the How. But int.. theae tbey carry.
t,...id theaa in lapfBOOBttag lha orlgta ef thiaga, aucb
laterpn-HiK ei.iK-eptiona. ao niav bo most finilllur to the
kpowlodre or f.mcv of thoir bko ; flrst, tho Uat of
AlmlgMt WI.I. Whleb 1'a.ie tho world be
hu-mI. so Ihal tio Hght kiiiill.d aud tho
waters IWWyfld. BBd ll.o eitrib BtOOd fast beneatb the
?outt of the ohyj aext, when ttie sway of peetryaad
Bmaa bn,l ytelded M tho lnvcntlve urts. the Idea of it
loatmtBCWdadapUag .owr baOdlag aad bahwetag
umxei ? . owthiy aml keep ttaee Iwrather, ami
aooehtaa tbeen a llh aelf-oaovlag ami aenalttTe aaaehlnea ;
,iml.,iaw.-.|Ta,ep!.vsi..!..Kyhas gol to tlie front. the un
alogvof UW -ee.l or Ferm.lnltvelf the leaat Of thlngB.
proltdc thal witb bf-tory loaf ononph lt will bo uo
;,?,? ?|.on IbewatCta, and llll every wuste wIti the
erratarea aa they are. The prevaleaee of the i
??, ipherbel ".-rrreattaBgaegoef edenoe.
weiii.W "Ullf.altl" wbat we li-ed to *'t.tk" tO yie<;-*\"
we "deve'op" the tbeoty Whleh we nsed lo " OOaatTOOt."
Ve treni tha ayateoaot Iheworld as an "organlem"
rather than a ? Baw banlaai;" aml tho deetrtne of Bi tda
Ij ippittetbelmageeet inl.tliiite growthof the
cr.at.r or.t ot tbe 1. -. tli tr.mi BOBM tlatmu lnvi.-iblo to
tb.- u"..T"-. ?'!? ir: Ba a leeialaannlvewe.
ln deaUag altb theao three eeaeeptionea-CreatiOB,
r..i'-trii.: :??-'. i rolntwB- iheta laoM Ihtag aa whleh Be
iu-!..i, laalata, i i: that mlad U trat, aad rolee for.v.r,
and wbatover tba peveeoo bo, ls its proeeee movlng
edo. i.t thia be graatedandU n.at
i-, af method tha Wvtae Tboaght a.i
vi.nees. or lu.44 long it lo npon tl.e read. Timo eounts tot
ti.-iiaing wlth theEternal, and thongh lt should Bppear
il, 1 the.-.- unoftbt world anl tho ranks of betag
..nt i.v a etarl af rryataltta ittoa bai like the gra*s
bj - :-?? t aad aeaaoaal gradattoa, aa truo a
worablp may he pald to the ladweUtag Ood who umkes
leattet pareal vith apMtnal aaoaalnga, and
- before us in Iho paloee of nature aad appeals to
,,.l?t 1 men, ata Ibo prcexlsting Dclty
wh.-, from an tndnlte loeellaeae. toddonly beeame th*
M.iVer rn v,i. in tha Id. 1, th refore. of a gradaal unfold
lag ..f tii. . r. . Ire plaa aa 1 lhe aaatartag of it by ruies
af arowth,thei i- aathlag Beeoaaaiily prejodldal to
p-.. ty. aad eo ktag ai Uw Dlvlno Mind U loft iu un
dlatuTbrd inpreuiacy al the livin? All-lnoll. tbe
beBel nnv .ven tofltar a larger, ealaeer, toaderei
.!? vaation thau tho aeaeepthNM wblih it sup-;
Put lt t- li.r'" to a oi^eial Illu-ion, whleh the
,.?1,. r- I-i ain r floareoly sa-ia:irnt.n? llnes u.itunpe to
Bokaagaa yoa plant the Sapre-ooCaooe ata dts
laaea froaa Hli owa <i_ ?-, 1-. oad aaatga ta Him ?spare or
a time whero aothlagaloaeaa be, tlio conceptlonof tbat
oeparate aml t-.'litary .xisteiice, however bartOB, is
?e. me. r.n in prepertioa ea you ti.iuk of Hiiu na never
taaaoaapty_Md_watttag f?r a faturehegtaatogaf ee>
tivity, . mlagle wlth theelointnts imi
Mead aith th" natural life of Udage, there la a rerurring
.. si 11 iii :'.it ihoald aileappear i^himi iheopaaao
materiai vall.and Hia Bplrlt be qaeaehed ainU the
,4-,.f InexorahleLaw. Tun daager hannt? our
tuii... T'm daetrlae of Bvolnttoa, wtUni fortb to aliow
hnwi: ? daaa -aay hehraaght oot of tbo leaat,
niis m wiTli ta-ar, tYheiher, in-rbaps, niiud muy U"t bo
1 ik! insia-ii'i nt teat; whather.al u.a- outaet, aaythiag
wa,.. there bnt the raw radhaoati ..f matter aml 1
Tlii*- daubt, - - ? Intolleeto .1 1
of mn' lim.-. a- ..th'- that we luu-t aeaeare erery nature
lu its hegluulng..-. iimr-a aothlag t'? beleag to Iteei
..,. ,,i 11 Cahea two fora
1 -or.iiiiir a-1 ofE olatioa is applledto nan
1.111.-.-", i.r t . tbe ont ward aalverae. lathefaraaet ean
it iiifii-. idwtrnot Into ear aott-hnowledao, weakens our
niliieetive r. i^-i n or native faith ln the intuitiono of
ihougbt aud eooaotoaea. in the latter eaae It weahama
eotlvfl a- :i_.??.), aaggeata tbat tbue la no orlglnat
lagmliiit Mr. Martineau Uien taheo ap tho theory of
Hiininn Evolotlon end Ihe moral illuslons it ts apt t.> fc*
,, r n flrat, the - Sxperleaoe PhUoaophy,H
whiiii ba- prodoei .1 aol a few admirablfl aaalyeeo ot ti.e
ad tho ttooae of tboaght; nor 15
mylegitlmatooDje Hon t-> It, exeepl aa far ao Iti
?-. il and eniiiiot be made
_..?]. 1 , -,. , rl ikee, wlth o mlalmum <>f imtinl e.i
,,? ty. i.a eeeoanl for th't maximam of baaaaa genius
aml* lia icter. Ai! tbe bighec eado?raeate are ta thia
\,. ? b ? !>?. tranaforaaed s*ausatioTio. All the lutuitlont.
ef tbe re.-'ii. tha vi-:..i:- of fho iuia</in:.tlou. tho
Inoplratlona <>f eonactonoe, an> all raealled to
ttn iBaatlard of leaoe. All the ladepeadoal vuiues whleb
..ur bictier faeulii. 0 had ehvtaaed f?r tb.ir aataral BBl '>
tlons aml b, ;?;.!- aro dlOOlpatOd BB ftllaelou-1 they are
all baoe.l upou n aentlenl moaoaw t.t worth whb li Hea at
ti.e aaOtom, und -a. ui.- toeUngahaoflt toerltahly qoreada
lhat we are dapeeol .ur awa eaaraetorleWe eapaelttoi i
but the Idea a'f itii eternal F..iint of beauty, trulb atid
gaKxlBefw I"-Iilm! the ploasliifiiess und t-ouelnnity of
phenoiueiia i- Bl iIIumou. By a roeeut cxteuslon the
tbeorv of Kva.lution bas boen applled'to tbe whole mit
u>ral bMory ef our rate; aud tho rcsotirees ?.f Hublt,
already wn ieeahk ln evpluiulng tbe aptituiloflof iudivld
uals, havo been turned to aoooaat oa the large scal* of
sueeesaive aaaeiat oae, traaoealttlng by inheritanoe the
acqulsltioiis liitlierto luatle gaod. IB f bis tvuy if is 1011
len.b-al tbat 1 '..i:-. U-'.i??? lo .. bo'inb-'l fuu-l of tradltlonary
poaaooaa of utiiity, gradaally oibejag tbo primitive vos
UflBBOf fe.ir aii'l fllopiWIllBI llr-elf wlth an aflhieiii-o ol
di-in'ereste.l -ympathy. This vast enlargomcnt of tin
daetrlae of BvolaUoa, while baemaalaa its power ami
removlnif It fi.?m th" reat b of a.< nrute test-. alfers nei
thertteprtnelplanerttfl praetir.ti oBbet. Itaadartakea
Mtthfl btaheotead lhe grealeal la oar nature aa
allcular pbranrnraa of Ibo toweaf and ilu- leaat
aOoauMertagtheevideaeefor eitber tlie*-.. rarlotleo of
-.-?iiaa laadofnata, yet oa t'." aappoaltion thit
their eaae la aaado ttat, Mr.Maitin.iu eonteada thnt it
t.luotify the ?keptlealestiiii.it.- wbub l( bal.itiially
. of Ibfl latelleetual. niorai.aml rellgloiu Intnltkma
of tbe liumaii mind. Fi.r, Ihoaab aium.l -eu-utiou w;tb
Ba ooBBotiled laatlart ahnaldho Ibr raw materii.i of our
Wbole oaeotal hlatory, lt la aot oa thal eecoual 01
t*. Baaaaara aU that ?oine? after it, aud otand ao the
iaa.ui.dar>-iini- hetweea faet an i dreani botwoea iowa
trma ami " my inat;uiii,'." Thal Whleh ls Urit ln timo
basno Boeeeoarypriarttyof raab la Ihe aoala ef truth
oadraabty; andth. Uter-foand nu; w*U be tbe greater
axftaooaeo aad tho m..re aaoared. is our wiodoa lo be
potheredby golng boek t<> tbe age before our rrrorel
Loooead of eonoaltlngthe Baatarlty <>f tboaght, are wo to
peer lato Ita eradle aad aaeh oraelea la it- Infanl
If tha laat appeal be te aho aaloaal eleBBeato al axperl
oaaa, wa iaa oaly laarahy aahiarnlng if aathlagla t*>
'?? daaaaed trne bat what pea-haaaaa ap.-s mw, thaa aU
Ibeoeteaeeaaaaatba iliui'ory; with Ibo nui* l.iai r.-huit
Ihal with theai tiiis daetrlae a*i Rvolattoa maai ranleb t. ".
Xha tartt aaaaaaptlea tbateiaea that yoa aaaal a aapef
ooaoaal hellaf hy traotaa tbi Mooury oi n? ooaaraaaeo
aaaoag lanaUda eoniiitioii-, \* .1 graaadleoa prajudiee.
i aithei, tlu |H'-;lon to be deieniiiued may bl pgeoeated
aa a pn.i.iein ba phyaoOlogy,ta be reeelved iay| aon,
?poadlag rokae. Whal i? tbe fapetloa of tuelalo parta of
our huumti lon-tiluil.iu, hiu b ?. Uu !ra h-oii aud Ilu ? ,1,,
fatuity t Now it |g aaoeogBlaed prlae-plo tb-.t to eetl-a*
tmg fumtt..ii. .M.ii inuaat otu.ly tbe ol(...n, not U* riitli
BBMBaary eoadltloB, bat ta Ito parfeel m dIBrrentlated
? tate, so as to do it- "ini wtnk uml nethlng OlflO, In imt
urai orgaalaatloae,to loan lha * apaMutleeaad pro)ei 1 >.f
any otfuetun-, you would not r.Mart to tlie eflBbry* 44 lul.
it I- fonuing but not WOffelag ; you would wall t.ll it nt,*
l.oin Into tbe full jare-a-n.'? ol tl,. eleOBOBta Witb WhleB 11
had tO di al. Htill iesa eau you tal.e tbe repa.it of tbfl
tju.ral faeulty from tbfl eOBfi -^i-'iif. of the eradle, or fron.
tlu .jitHi 1, is ;ind uffe.tloiis of tbe apoa 1 the eoadltlona
ba ing md yet presctit for the feafO eOBOOptloa of a n.oral
BtaOmmth, Tin-111 >ot tbat ean Ik aoked of uu iiiluitiou lo
ib it it simJi koea pace with tbc eaooo ao thai ertee, and
ha "ii Uie sjaot wben lt lo wauted. Ami tbere are msoiii
1 iilv lnotluets aual affaetloiis, otrietly orlgma) aud natural,
tbat make no olgii and play no part tlll our inatur. 1
.et wbleb are r<i?lily dlotlBgnlobOll fion. tbe pro
.I...-U of Hitifi. iai tuiture. Theao appr. b< u-iut.s, woaroj
< ntitle.l to al*. i.m-. ure nol tho alliiaalouo but Ibo dloOOWW
rieoofmau. if Ibooo tiutbs ma iBdoedthe growlb of
44Xto from i>?edainvisi<'ly dioppa-d npoa the tn |_ ot iime,
l?<- it ?o, It wa*. iiof vtltbout band; lln.it ?j-_ Wott4,1 that
v * nt f.rtli la -'ai.
Mr. Marltaeaa thaa eeaoldera ti*e leeead form *>f
doubt ruiwd I.y tb.-do.irlno of evolutiou, undtr wlilelt
Jt weakens our ol.Jeetlv.; trust 111 au origuatlng Mlad,
'J ln mi .... Mpporl ol thia doctilne la found lu two BTgBa
ippiR.i respettivoly t.v pbyetoal oeloaeo nu'l by
natui-al hiatorv. Tlo- former rell-a on tl..* acb ntitlo
.u.-i.tlonof tho itnltyof fore- The lnterettee drawn
fii.ni piicno'iieimof whieh Mr. MarUaBaBjrtfeeBband
aai sxaaiplea, i- no tosa thn. Ihto, Ihal aaeh kmd ol furee
la eonvcitible Into any oth.r. and BBdergoeB neither galB
nor lo*. upon the wuy. ao thal the BBBB total r.iualti- I ol
over the aun,-. nnd la only dlff renlly repreaented ..?
the propnrln ui.a ch.i.ii. ? BBBBB . the dllTerel.t fntm_ nf life.
nnd betweea tho ergaato and tiu- laargaato r-iiui
BeaeeartoeetbeargaflBeat tbat tabavtaa aai r.""?.?"?
l.aveviiliially nll, and thnt u..-..ini.iK only mateiial
atom.uadcpndtarlea of niechiinical I* ttaBM nml .....
ti.e.ituin. you can mipply a ui.lvcrno with an cxhaaa
tive tOBSBIHTBT nn 1 d.-l-eliae with tlie pre-ell.'.- of Mlnd
o.i, ,,t Bl on.- nf Ita ph en, iniciiu. ln rcply. Mr. Mnrtln-.i.
btkee ^.iiMtatmn as Cr tlial type of fore-, nnd eh.ni _?
tn aatbesecoad, ..,,.1 eaya that it is not iraa tbat "
con.litloi.a Wbleh ,-ive the flrat auflice to protnote lt totlao
locntid. Tlit the piimoi iiii.l world under tbe law of gTBYI.
totton.lt propogatoS and dlstrlliuloa impnlaea ialiui.e
to aeecleration and retnr?h.tl..n. nnd BXWta "?
Uie phenntu-'ii witb vtl;;.h any trettlae on .iieiha..l..aeU,i
property deal; bnt to at.irt the world M ita , he.ul.?:. en
reer you muat ealargfl 1ta.Rp.tal and preaent lt wlth un
ouitltof hetofeaaaaaa ooaetttaaato. Bal with nil your
salargeaa t.t nf data. t.im them aa you wlll. at the end
of cv. ry pasanue whleh they ezptota, the door of life Ifl
rl... ed air.iii.-t tbea. atill. It Ifl not true. tl.cr.fore, thal
frmn Ihe two eni her stnKca of foroe, tho aseeal ran be
made to tl.e vit.il level. And, lf once more. we BMhfl
you n preeeat of thia third i.iiieo of power, nnd plaee at
luiu iltopaaal aB tha. i? eoatataafl baaiatb uu.l wltbta
the n..ra af this worl.l. atill your problem iaim, n-l. r tban
befon. Youcannottake a ai,,_!e step toward tbe fle
dnctlonot senaatlon uud tbonaht. Ittojiottrue.thm
fon.tlmt in vlrtne ol the convertlbUlty of foroe, the
noaacaalnnof any to the posaeaalon oftbe whole. \s< give
loualltbeformi bul on... nnd tlmt one looki ealmly
down on your bmj evolutioni. nnd remalns inaooeaalblc.
Ia then tbo tnoamlgntlon offorces altogetber an allu
lionl Hv i." meana j imt before one can exchange witn
another, both niusl be there; aud to tarn
tbeir eqnlvalenee tato a nn venal f,.rii.iihi. n.i
tnu-t bc .bere. Henee it la hnpoeatble to work tbe theory
of evnlutlon upward from the bottom. If aB foree a to
be eonoelved aa one, Its type mual be hmk.-.i f.u- m tm.
hiahest aad alUomprobondlng term; nnd Mlnd muat be
con.eivc.lna there nnd BS dlveatlud ita. lf aome apecla Ity
iit eaeh step of itt dcecenl to n lower itratum of law, tin
i,i.i-,,n,i,,i at tbe baae nnder the guleo of slmplo dy
namlca. A theorv wblcb I* eontenl to aasnme ln the
"eiiii whatever it bai to turn oat mil-(fi'own. thi-owa uo
verv brilltout lbrht on tbe genealaof the unlvenw.
Tho i eni aml prineipal rapportof the doetrlne l?
found in the r. nlin nf i.nturnl hlst.i v. and ln that prnvlnre
of lt which la occapted b> livm. beinga. Mr. Martineau
he.e ci.itoliii.ea 11.. Ii.trw ilinin liypnthe-.s nf natural
? m aa tbe atrneale ror exietence. Hedoes not eon
aider ita loeleal proof aa aolld, or ti"' evidenee for lt aa
auffleient; but aaanmee its tnith for tbe aaheof argu
ment. Competltlon,boremarks.li nol Uha apruultive
fiiiicilon of our natnre, nn Inoepeudcnl und orlglnal
power whleh oaa ol Itaelf rto anything; the term only
descrlbesaci rtaln Intensifyina of power already tben,
imikiuK tbe diff-i.?'.'.. e under eertnln conditloni
between timi tl'i. latonl und functlon exerclsed.
tt m.iv ttiiit the leaa into ihe more, nnd it la
reaaonahle to attrlbate to it un lnenment
in known nnd securcd ettects; imt imt nea nml uu
knowaeffectafor wblehetoe there ia noprovialon. It
rives but a partial nnd auperflctalaocounl of tn.-phe
iioiu. na -. Itb wblcb ii has coaei ru. It doea not aupply
,;,, r cauac t.impetltbm cannol aei exeept in tim
pp aenca ol some poaaibilitf of better or aune. It ee
rountafoi the tiluini'li und snrvivonblp oltne better,
bnt not fm then '- ing a lietter to inrvtve. Nny, more;
even for tbe p.-cvalenve ol tbe better ("orittertonye i
tl wnnfd n >t aceount exoepl on the _ssnmptlon tbal
er ,; bettei la atronger too; aad a unlvene ta
which tbla rule bolds, aii ady tadlcatci it- dlvtae conatl
tutii.n. and ia pervnded liy an Ideal power nnapproached
byibeforceaif necenity. Wbatcanlooh morelikethe
Beld nf a direotlng Wlll Intant npon tbe good i nut be
fon competltlon can ariae, tben muat be bealde tbe
fleld nf favorable poaeiblllty. desln, n Instlnct, to
I'm hold of lt* opportunltiea Here it 1- tbat we toueh
tbe real dynamloe oi evolutlon wblcb rlvalry o?n only
luiu-; to a lomewbat bigber pitch. wero. II muat
be admltted, ia at work a Keneral rniielpl-- of
pn.KieRa, Ibe ltmit. of whioh it ifl diflcult to fW.
Vti-Ur it- opeiation, no doubt, Inereaaiug dlf
ferentlatl u of itrnctnn an.l rettacmenl of rinc
tlon may b>- expected t" emerge: nor to tben
any reaaon, exoepl aneh aa tbe racti of natural ln.i.i.v
may lmpoae. wby tbla uroveas abould be arreeted al tbe
boundaries of ibc - p. . ln
ItUatiou. Below the level of life then ie no room for tbe
operation of " natural letoctlon." Its plaee to tben w
cupled by anotb i pnni ple, for which no meb wondera
.,' ronstruotlve adaptation ean be elaimed, tbe dynamlc
rule of aetion ou tbe Une of least rcaistance arule tbe
worklng of wblcb is qnlte ln the opposlte dlnction.
Witbin tbe llmlto of her phyilei andebemiatr) alone,
? --- no principle ol proKreaalou, bul only
m for pcriodlrftj. unl ?ut nf Ihli realm, without
fa.iiii-i reiourvee.ahe eonld never rin-. Only on tbe
I,,,.,?., i \, ml il"- du we dndaaelf-workinaprinciple
of progreasion: und till we reueb them developinenl
i.andthongb thero m.iy beevoiutiou
lt cannol be aeifs volntion. ....
Tbeae conalderatloni appear to bnak the bacx of thi*
formlil -ii lu th.- middle; and to ib >w tbe bu
Ihty otfliapeniing with tlie preaenee ol Mlnd IB
anv KOOn Ol u-ceinllu -.bein.'.w ln le tlia llttle js lieciil0Hi<
greal :ind tbe dead allve, audthc abapeleaa beatitUuI,
.mil tbe aeutlent moral, ai l the moral ipiritual. t
it mu ln tiuth a atrnuxe cbolee t<> aat np
" i-viilaitloii" of nll tlilut-s tue tba neiUHtliiU of
l'ui|..is, pi,-ilisiin Ing Wbal la ti i-unie 1 Kor what does
tiie wmil tnean, and wbence waa it borrowedl lt m< ana
to unfotd from wlthin, and lt li takea from tho hlaton
of tbe need or embryo Uving natures. And whatiath.
?eedbul a caakel ol pre-arrauaed futurltiea, w.th IU
WboU contentsproapcdlveaettled to he wbattheyan
bv letcn uce to endastlll ta the dlstance I Bnnly uoth
i,.- eon be evolved if nol Bnl Involved. Evolutlon and
ii,,'-..-. tion un- taaeparable ? om t ptlona. To take away
eal b.i-is of naturo, yctconstrue it byanaUali of
growlb, will bo forcver fell aa ? eoutradtetion.
It i.ti. uut out tne eyea <>f the paat, ta order lo ahow
-.ii-.t seeurepi -olaloo,amld diatractlugpatl
over ehaanii brldgi d by a balr, II iele< t.i lt? wij luto tbe
futui.-. it rhe Divii -? Idea wlU not retlnat tbe blndina
ol oui apcculatlvo aolence. bul rataiai iu plaea, il ia nat?
ural t" flik whal i- ii" re-uion io tim sertoa or
BO-Called fortcs Ilt tbe ?..,l(ll Uut tho ipua
Hon Ii too i.i,- and deep to be auawend hen. Lel lt
mffleetoiai thatthen need not tie any ovarrnung of
fi iti - V. thi will ol Ood ao that iim Hipcrnal irai
abould deitroy tbe natural; or nny anpHcmei ttag
Of tbem SO thnt Iie ohould tlii up their detl.-ien. i.-r,
Rat-ber i- Hi" tlmuvht reliilcd to all below lt, iuruing
them all to aocount for ideal end-. aml suaUlniiM tbe
biL-her e.iiiliiii.iuua wh.ch else would topee intolowef
foriu?. More trulv, yet eonlvalantly, lulgbl ai
tbeae auppoaed fonea, whieb an ?ni> our Lntelleotual
Laterpretatlon of oluaaes of percelved pbenomena, an
but varletieaof His wlll, tlie ni.'e-uud inetlioda of Hia
dcteruiiiiHte aml legletoted agency, ta whioh, toke.i.
faitb with tlu- nnlvene of bolnea, H" ni...ei_.itea ill
ebitnge; t.ut beyond wlieh, in llio iraaaeendent relationa
with di j" ndi ni and reaponeible uaiuds. Be bue left a
gloriona margln for tbe free ipiritual life open to tbe
sacradness ol Penonai t'omiuuuiou uud the hope of
arpwing slmiUtnde,
Mr Martinenu'a eaaay, of whic.i tbo forecolnjr la nn
gbstract, Is to be pubii ued ln tun by tho Ameriea i Unl
tatinii Aaaoeiatlon. It will bo bound up with the loi tuni
ol Dr. Bellowa, Atneuia? Ooouerel, Dn. Uedge, Btearua,
Clarke. Everett, aud otbi ia, deUvi red ta the fcau< -
Ulid'-r tbe aii. pn < a Of tlll- Aa-nPlntbili.
An illoit ih inuliing by the frieada ol tlio
K'-v. Dr. '?auiiu.i B. Byll ^f'.r mbuy yean Protoseor and
vici" Provost m the Unirenlty of Peansylvania, to plaee
ainemo{i_tl wliadoiv. deatBiied by Mr. Blcharda, ln bar
moujVith t6_t f<> thn memonr of Fraoklta, ta tha oea
chapel oi tbe Ciiuei.-lty bulljUpg,and tbe troAalinrof
tbe Uulveralty Aiuuaiu liao uuddUken theooilootMBot
Ihe fiili.la.
Gfiierally, it ia ini.iirr.fiil to say, sons-in-latv
iiuarrel wlth inotbei aiii-.aw wbleh ui.ich dlaturliH the
Jiariut'iiy of BBBBB (loim-tie circlci. A youth ln Byra
BBaa ha. so far daparted from tho rulo, aa to ftt!) lu love
Wltb hlB ati p-woth. r. aad uioifover BB lnia rnn awav
wlth ber, taJtiag aleo, to pay travellng expenaea, some
MOO of bis papaa money, Tnls um rous gcullenian haa
hur.lly Improved upon the oldcuatomof sfaylngal bome,
and .j~ti.itr. iiiip nli tho thud wi b tbe aei "ini m mma. ln
- , ai is a pi ? ullai fact tii.it. thongh toinewhat anr
[.ri-<-'i bv the pro 11 di.iK-i. the old sentleman d( cUuci to
pnnne ihe erranl jimr. a wtos old geatteaain l
A gan^r of liuiflaraDirt with a BJBgular ini
bap ia MaBcheeter, Ohio, a ftwniKhts slaee. Etorenta
number they weat at mi.lnitbt ta roi. tba Krsl Bational
Bank. Bntertag the bnBdlBgaith a fal.-e kcy tbey pni
eeeded t" open tbe doar of tbe a.ife with nowder. While
iiKbtuii: tin fua. a ajii.rk fell npon ? ktu ot powder
-_in.il liiey bad lii.nii(Ut. uud atioxiiloaion of un. vpea-t'-'l
proportloni ipeedily followed. Two unn iia-n- klll.d
uiitrigbt, and aii'ith.i ba.d a lep fearfulli manglod. Tbe
nib'i- eacaped, bul all exeept two of thea bave slaee
been captured. Wnh oue eieeption the bnrglan wen
ri -id. nt.- ol the ...aiii'i, v.luic tor btvcu jeais they
ba> - bei n eominittlBg d< pradattona.
'Jl.dc i. im limit to tlii* (.(cpfiicili.'. ol" cli
maU ta N'ew-Eaglattd, ii ibal stoaage mixtan of imt
aad aold, dry aad wst, aurtb aail arlad aad aouihweat
wind, to in ihi-ah,.uo andl ta|tbe inn,oaa pmperlj
Iai Iim. t< at all. What rlo our i< Bdaifl tlunk of
Cornl h, Me.l Tbal hamlet, dai lt . b re. i al -? i ite saow*
atm in. unl whii. tbe featbi i r < i.-io. ui wai- romlux down
in all lt- furj, wua aatouiabed by thrae dl t.m t md w. ll
defliied clapa of tbuuder, wltb tssbesol liarlitnlng to
matob! Tiie geaaral opliilou In Corulab wa. tbal an
e..i iiniu -k.- mlgbl be i \|n rted to urrlve Immedlata I). or
aborricanSa parbaps.or a water-apoot. A kind Provl
denve, buwavar, atayeit ita hand i Ha- .k,.-.- eleuredtip,
and tlu loyaof eictllenl leiablng aaauaged tlu lurorol
tbe (ondaiiiiK ii ami Corulab w. m. ii.
Th?owB?raol landaronnd tbeaboi.aolH... ? i
Liike.in ladlaaa, aeni to work, aome Hbm ago, aad duga
(iilib whnh draii,..! all tha water froiu tbe take, BBd
.?om.n.d iu fmmii i.i.i into axeeUeal najadoa laad. A
qaesttoa h- i., ih.- owaerablpol thla laad baa aowan , a.
The Htate iiaim. it, nn tba groaad that she fornierly
aaaedtbetoad arooadtbetoke, aadar the graat from
tbe I'nii. i.i Btatea ol nratap laada tm sebool paraoaea
The aaaa wbo dag tbe <ilicb BMhuala that, under tbe
rlpartoa lawa, thej bave Ibs rlahl to exteadthe boun.l
orji-a of Ibeli landl to the inbllle of the hed of Ibs I il r
ti\y td tbe elalaiauts beoainosdetaultcrtotbeHiat.
aiiii. in H ttiiuif ina aeeanata,assigiied t.ut iu. rlgbl to
tha reeoverad taad. A third claas of elalma baa ariaen
i ortaln peraona, tiMlutulniii* ihut take diai uted u rrliory
re. li.-iaai (I froi.i tim Inke li publle lanaof tlie Uuited
Hlatta, biale SgaatUd BDua lt, nii'l'T t! ll < in.pl H-u
iawa. AIUt vuin.ua conflli Unn docistoai "t tbe linluu.i
Conrto. tboae Interested bai. to Congnee foi legi
llitlnli. The inaMet h,,, la. , |, ,, |, ,,, ,| 10 Ibe I'ubllO l.u',, .
( niiainiiii a-, b. f,,ro whuii a \-h.ui,. oi ll. .i'in. a'. Ueu.
. Ji.f". . nnd Otbu. , baVC luiidu .ai jui.acnl ..
MKVK.li UUY wh:k aXCLUDKD KimM Aitltl
Tbt' follnwiii/,' f<irirs|ii.iiil?'iirf' in it*l:tti??M t.t
tho Aliil.aiuari.iiiiis ls piil.lialied iu Thr Uoitt tmtot
or tbe 1 illi lust.:
Pih: Iii vour b-it'ler af Htttiirdnv v>u aeaBIBfl,! WOt
porreotly, that the Oeaera Arbitration \* e faliure,
nml rou tbewupon mark ilt.u the Boeel noefal laaa wuh u
I ?n DOW DO niiib-tt;k. ii on eaeh Blde Is to trv nnd tmwr
itand tbe poaltlon a*r lhe other. Hlinrlm. tli.it t..imi. i
wlll, if t a.n like, il ii" whal I know aboul lhe i lea ? ni i
laal rear ta Amarien reapeetlag tt.o preocntatlnn umt. r
tlm Treaty a.f Waahlngton >>f wbal are ealled inaireci
claiun I huve no deaire to argue tbe qnealion.
All I sball Htt*-inpt wlll lio t*. commualeete
S..IUO faetO Whlcb. from tlio BOBTOO ?>f tho dh>
.ii-inn in Bngland, eeen t<> bm either anknowo
uriilir. i-ar.te.l. Il luis been iiKMline.l h-ie tbat. after the
tm. t nini pri.poaal thal Oreal Hrli.iln hboul.l nn. r aa < x
i,i,--i,"iof regrei a'"1 ?? '""'I' ""m "' antlafaetton ef
.?a.rall.liik'hidb. eiii.J.. ?!? tl. llie l.i.ll. -.1 BtatM, altboUftb
ln making thal pr po al tbi y bad reaerred the rlitlif. m
caae of lm releetlon, to prans the Imlireet i h.ltus, ubaii
iton.-il tli.in inf.i.t; orat Lust tbat Ibe Ameiiean Oov
rrnraonl madeaeecret of it-.purpa.se lo reaoa Uu-m.ii:ui
lu it Ainirii-.ins us well us I: il k 11>->1> <>??*'> ?'ii silipn-eil b.V
th, ii appoarunee lu tbo Amerlean ??.!-". li thal aaeump
lloncau li* abown, aa I belleve it eaa, taa be aa entire
mlaiake, wa aball bava aot rld of eaa roiotteaa aaaaBador
" I ii'iii.i..-n*"l ta. IM ln Amerie.'t |nif after tbe ratlfleatlnn
oftbe Treaty i.y tbe t uited Mtatee Benate. iiuilii?a?lx
weiks'vislt'l imt many of tho men wlm.-e opinlons on
lhe Alabama queetion an.aoal welgbt, ond whoae
Limwledge of im uexoUattona wm moal Intlnmte. We
talkedfreely togetber. 1 h..?l no other objeet thaa toob
t mi informatlon aboul tbe Tn ..ty aad tbo t lew? ,*t thoae
wbo fr.tiiied lt, and tbe Amerleaa feellng aboul lt. Hut
wbat waa aald to me waa ln many aaaea so interenttn..
thatl aahed wbetherI unxiit repeatlt, andeven pah>
llabttlf oceaalon aroae. Leave wai readtlv tiv.-.nd
wbal i am K-niug to aay wiii bo said aadoi the pwiMOBhwi
tbus RBBtaM. . _ .
At no Ume wlthln mv reeolle.-llou ha-* Amerlean feel
Ing toward Bngland boen so oordlal, or tha deaire for
complete rceoncUtatlon -o ceneral, as tbey were uimn
the conclualon of Iba Treaty laat Hummer. There araa
uaturally i.t tbe -aim- llme a atrana deaire t" kuow what
Englandthonght uml felt, uml whetlier tlie Treaty was
ii.iepi.il bere ao a bond oi union between the twoaa
ti.uis. nml waa likely to reenll In o permanent frieadahlp.
I wrole nleti.T flvlngeome oeeonal Of *.vln?t I ha.Ilu anl
andobeerved In England. 1 oald, niu.uia.' othwrthlngo,
thu nlll.nu.rh Engflabman eaansiderod tbey bad mado
j.r.-ut i-oncf si.ans tbej found a eotapeneetlon for them
in tbe ahandoument of tbe Aaaeeieaa olalm on m
et.unt of tlio baaty reeoirnltlnu of r.-ltel bei
liaoranoy. I sui.l notbing about obandnnlng ln
. lulnis In general, becauae nobodj in Enalaml bad
Bugneatcd to me tbat they bad been abandoned. Hut. by
tlu- nevt poal after tnlaautoment of miue had be.-npiio
li-bcd eainea letter fiaam Mr. Huinner, sayliiK "Youaw
mUtaken. We have abandoned notbing. We bave aude
tonie conceaaloni ol areal rolne to Enidand, bnt we
have fnll rta-rht under tbe Treaty to claim ull I have tm r
olalmed." Engllehmen, I auppoee. wiil say at om e tbat
Mr. Kumner'a oplulon was Mir.-1.. be en extreine one an i
boatllo to Euglantl and wltboul algnlfloance, beeauae of
tli.- known dlaacreemeut between bim and tbe Preai?
dent: imt tbat la not true. Mr. Bumner waa eonatanUy
conaulteddurincthe negotlatloae. Aetobia partln the
raiiti.aiiou of tl.e Treaty and bis auppoaed ennnty to
Ewrland, I hope oome day to bo able tu state tbo wholo
Boon after tbla, I apeat two daye wlth Mr. bumner at
bla bonae In Waahlnirton. We wenl erer the Treaty to?
getber, almoat i.ue bv iun. 1 ui.-t Mr. Cuahing there,
and otber genllemeii whom I need nol aame. Througb
oui all .mr talk.tbe preaentatton <>f the indlmat elaiiusat
i waa nol merely aaaumed, boi aaeertod, and tba
obape tbey v>tni.l take was dloeuaeed, aa were tbe objeet
unttng tbem and the probable reault aaf tli. Ir pre
- ui lion (whlcb, aa you may auppoae, we were very far
lrom eonlecturlng.) In subacquent coaveraatloaa wlth
ir. l'ie 1,1. nl. nn.l with tbat "I." of tlie Aiueri. un (Olu
misolonera wbo, l belleve, actuaUy drew tbo irreater
part of ihe Treaty, end wlth .Mr. Aiutna, the sun" view
wao iuvarlabh exprraacd. Kooneof tbem augKeoted
th tt wli iiiui abandoned the indirecl rlalma. Ko one had
any Idea that thoy were barte.I i.y tlu- Treaty. or any
iluiiM that tbo liiDKiiaKa: of tbat docuiueut covcrod tbem,
and waa meaat to eover tbem.
lf rm i ber evidi.il. e of the Amerlean undor-tamllnp and
Intent at tha Ume of in.iLlin. tbe Treaty beneeded.lt
i ,,t, be found In tba di claratlooi "f ii" leao a p >raon lhat
Uen.Butlcr. Hi* boatllltji t<> Ihe Treaty wae earlyde.
ciaie.i. ll" attacked lt on manv munda, all of whlcb
uuy be simiiii.xi up iu tbe (teneral aileaation that it waa
an Inotrmneul ln whleb tbe Unlted Btatea had beeo
outwitted, ba.l exacted little uml yu-bied mui Ii, aad
Inui obtained no adequate redreofl tor thelrwrougO; Uen.
Butler .li'l me Ibe bonoi to talh io me about the Treatv
tor more thaa two bonra. He went tbrongh it in detall,
scruUnlflnx ll wlth mlcroeeopli ralnuteneaa.enumeraUng
ln tbat long apeecb more advautagoa accrulng ta, iiie.it
jiiii..in than you have probablj dlai oveiod m it evenyet.
and dwollingon every rault, and omlaa. and illp ..f
wbleb tba Amerlean Oommioelonera bad, ln his judg
ment, been guilty. laappoae I oeed aol tell yoa that
i,,-ii. Butler ia alawyei of very areal ability, aad Ibat
)ia> Ii.i- tbfl Isrir.-l l.b..- n* U, wliat ia iiue from \<>u. XI t,
fnun ln ulnnlna to end ol bi- Indlctment, it dul nol occur
to bim to eoiiii-i.iiii tbat umi.-i tl I waa poaaible
to ata.nv tbal all rlalma e.iiil 1 b" preoentod.
lu one 4>"i'l. tlu ve wa^iia.i ln Amerti it last sutumer, ?<i
fur 11- l klll.W, B a kUglU lll.Ilil.llllll. lll" U'l "1 ene.llV ti.tll"
Tl.i. tv. 44lu. illil n-i 1 ballave II.ut 11 tneln.li.l, uml w.is
ni..-,!,! t.y iii.tb partiea ;<> lln lude. ull tbfl clalino tbat l.ud
everbeenmadeafliUtiaty.au. I bave otated tin-uflleial
\b 44, nu! I ma) aeiai ii,itt leediuii (uurnallata wboaVaaw
i.i Sew-Yi rk, Uoeton.Bpringtleld,C1n< lunatl,andCblcaRO
44. ie aii ? i Uii- mind, l - iw ii mai many peraona, aml
: wllb cveryuody about Ine Treaty, n l dnl not
alwayi pul queetloua about Indirecl elatmo.tt wjaolmply
e tbelr aaiulaalon waa takea tor nanted. Tbere
mt ut but ".ii- "p ulon. lt would nol have been poaaible to
tin i ol th - Benate or of tbe Amcrii ao
p-i.i.u- to a Treaty whlcb, l wlll nol say ezprcwly ex
flualed. bul waanot bei retl to Inelude expreoaly, an.l
i.ml .ju. ition, all elaaa. - "f elaima.
.?.>. bl Wll lt y, Ull ..'Ui llll---l"l.'Ita linla -rsto*..!, I IlllVe IIO
dlrect teotlroony to oder, and l do aot ean to repeal
le araaj evidi uce. I dul nol n u.-b Ain.-il.-a nll att.r tbt y
lan i i.';. i foi borne, but I waa told tbal tbe couaulaUona
aud . "iiM-r-atioiis in wiii. ii they had borne part bad
...,:, i.r tlu - fr.-.-.i nature. N.> ona hiated tbat they bad
Im en uv, rreaebed or decetved, and no ona auppoeed tbat
between tbem and the Aui'-rlcaii Commissmuero there
eould I" a miaunderataudlng. Any expiaiiutlm. a.f th.-ir
itatcol mind al thal llme muatbopurelyeonjeetaral,
uud I BUKgeat none ; but vou w ill have autkipated uie lu
wou.leiiiiK by whal complteaUoa of unlncky ehan.es
it wa* poMlbie for tbem t.> >|iiif Aaaerlea la icmminoe of
tho Amerlean tiew nf tbe Treaty, whleb thai wore p. r
b,ip-tlu- only peraoui lo tb. . ..uniry who did not por
featly t-oiiipitliemi. You eaiuiot oaapeotfolty mlllioua
ol iieopie of it i "iispirai y of oibnce.
Whal I bave wrllt.n nl.i.vo bears very direetly upon
tbe attack whleb Mr. Ulatlstone has thoui<bl Iteonalatont
witb hi- poaltlon, aad wlth tba eontinnanea of frieudohlp
between tbe two coantrlea, to make, npoa tho kis"1 faith
sliown by tbfl Ualtad BtatOO bi-t year lu frumlUK the
Tre iiy, and now in siuiln*.' it- oaoe befon tb.-Trlbunal of
GeueVA. lt is not piobabli) tliat tbe liovernuieul of tbe
liilteil Htate-a 4.111 fei I ial!.-d upon to auowcr uii attack
of tliat ehararter, uor that auy Amerl.au will voliuiteer
u ilef.-nse i.?alu.t lt I hope.l thal your proii.pt eou.leiu
uation, oupported aa lt waa almoat umiulinouoiy t.y tlie
Preai aml bv pnblle ..pinion iii Eutflaud, and by tho t<
ported dlaapproval ol aome ot Mr. Ulatlstone'a
own coiieagni's, mU'iit oohnteract tho puofhlof
lhat spetch was likelv to efttlse lu Aiiii-rlci.
I don't donht thut Kntrlisb eeusuro of Mr.
Uladatone'a ainazinK imll-.retion has ooftoned Ameri
<-au ruaentment, bul be may see for bimself In tbo tablo
dUpatebea bow mm b bla paaolonatfl wonls liave done to
einbitter tbii eoBtroveray aud toembarraaaIta aettle
lii.nt. I 4vill make one predla Hon?tbat If iho dloeusslou
io to ?'??. .nn. >i "ii ii* WT. Gladetonei -plrU. tbe mevita
bla isMieofii lawari IflO tha rpirlt in wiii,-li itu! bat.a
wiitt.-n alui .uii tbe liast fi.ttuiclit, uud in whleh Lord
l>iaii\ii!v aud ItObA Ililby bave opokou, UU umiiublc ad
Jii-iiui-ljt uiViV ti t bc rein bad.
Wbat Mr. .ilati-ti.lie. hu*- Oald, ln.wever, BBObM it do
-lia'.je tbal aome other faolo toBohini tbe niatory of tlu
DegoUatlona, and tbe mood "f Ihe Aow rteao Uorernaiem
..mt people, *-t...niii be known, aad u..., wlth your pep
mUflion, I w;ll itate in o folloalua U*tti r, l am,Hlr,yom
i.i.eiii.iit aervaut, OaoaoaW.tKauar.
n. I'liii-iiiutt.
Tu Bu kmtWt ef t%* TUtm
hin : in my po-ition us CbairawB of iiii- Companvl
i.m brOBgbl into iiitimale relatinii-. w Illi mui,. leadlBg
Aiinrit nn-, aml I bave Inui raeenUy anxtona di*-i a
wiit tli.iu In aeareh of a practical aalutlon of tbe mi
bappy miaunderatandlBg whlcb thraataaa tbo isace uf
tWO kimlreil linlinlis.
a- I read it, the eontenUon of icnirlaml is that the
Waoblugton i'liuty waa neijotlat?d laml accepted npfla
tm faith of a wltbdrawal "f thal portentoui ii-t of infi
i. , t i .iiins tl? r-( eoiijiired up ln tba' Alneriisii HV'iuite jy
tb*' impoaoloned oratorj of Mr. CharloflHnmaar.
The 11 nieniion ..f ti..- gmerlcaa Qovernment istiat
ib. a bave broughl lhe?fl elaima promtnaatly beforeOkfl
lieneva IWbunal witbiu tba teiina andwofdlagof '.ha.
ii. aty, aml for the pnrptiM of flnally dlapoalngol tbtiu,
, . ., a| , Imlnc tbfl door t" I.U fiiture enlill.iV.isv.
i veutare ? auggeatloa througb your oolamaa, wbjeh I
riii.nui uui,v be accepted witnout dishoiior by botkaa
tvi,-, imi'v. imii appaara to oflei- .. diploiuutlc us.apo
i.'.m a palafal dead i<>ek.
I.. i lhe two fjovenuaeati aoeeoi by cnmiimn cusent
tbe .nnt of damagea oeeaatonod bj tbo eacape oftbe
Alabama, .is wa- ouggeoted bj tbo Amerleaa negoUttora
ii! tli rl. nirioii; ...iy t.'iir ..rtlae ..j *u iiiiiii,m. aterllng,
imt ti, i.e awarded a.t pui'i oaly ln tha avent of lha Uo
I,* i .t i i iiiiin.ii.... i.iinK tho maln i ?.ii?- agajnel Eoalaad.
Mni. adveraejudgmeul n. carry damagei nelthermore
nor leaa thaa thii Bgreed amount, . ontlngeol npon a d.;
. iMitu aK.iin-1 aEajpaad. iiuvinx u.u- ueterauaol tha
iiiin,nnt "f ibuuagea tka f.miy aml fuily covuriiK thfl
wimi..'. lf adjudged to have beea eoniialtted, let tho
Aii.i'i'i ni I a-' , M .lniilule.1 tbroiixbout Kuroiae .uul us
preai nt. .I to tlie o.-iieva itii.unal y,< befon ih.it Oourt;
1. i tbfl < "Ur- I ol EMlaad n-ply tO Ihut ease I.y a sliuilur
nti '-,- lll Ol AU.' iliau diploiuue. and Auuiiian opin?
rhe Geneval rlbunal mlabl >>r iniobi m.t balaflaaaeed
l,i r in- s i ludgmeut upon tba miin laaueol negllgeuet iu
tbe eacape ol ibe Alabama. H> tbeae pleaduiga tba
Amerii au peoplu woukl be Kiatiiie*l lu tbelr wiah taa imt.a
tbelr wbole Cam pn-. nt.-.l totbe Court. Tbe Amerlean
Ooverumenl would aol i>?- damoaad m piaallgB bytbo
witbdrawal i?l a ? ..fi Mileamly aml publlcly preneated.
Tho pn tiou .?vt. .uni.i, tuiutf th. uml.um of damagea,
wonld al vi I.. Euglanda practloal oecurlty tb.it tbe *yiu:
?awella ' to '.if. i.'i tbe Waahlngtoa Treaty muai nnder
uii i in uu.-iin.e-a be obierved ln the ludgmenl pro
iioiim . i i.y iin Bupreme Coart of ArbitraUoa at Ueaeva
I .ui, ,i, \ ..ui liiuiible. obe.li. lil r.ra.int,
Kiril.tltl* 1*1,11 i. it,
I'lerl'l.'lif i,f tlll' l.l.tll'l lllluk i,| UUMdB,
S". ll OM llrnutl??!., I.'i.i'lnn, 1. I .
tiij; a.\ii:i:ii AN VIKW OP TIIK WA?IIIM;i,.\
Ium, Tl; /?"" li'lll 'Ifli'
Mr. Sniiillcy ia tlu- u pn-aeutativo in Englaar]
of Iiii. Ni w-YuaM Iiiiiii BB, Ibe iiia-l iiii|iui l.mt |?uriiul
iii Aiu.ii.ii. Hohaao oreal knowledge ,,f Amerlean
polltioaeud Americau polltlcliuia, Tlu refore tbt. letter
wbleb he addreaaeato TheTimtaol to-da) deaervta ,.H
tha attentlon II i- llhelj i" Inaplra He -"i>s iu. bappened
t'i '" ln Aim in ,i lual .ifli i Ib" I il'lbVllb.l, lll llll, i|, ,|y
by tbo Uiiitoii m *t -i Senato, andtbut .luuug . tix ?... e;_ _?
vlalthe met mnnynf the nien whoae opinion. on tha
Ali.bainii .iHMtb.n areof the moat wclgbt. and whoao
liiinul'il. i of tbe iiecoilatloim wiu. moat Intlinate. Aud
lio tell-. Bfl be fo'ind liowbere nny doubt th.it the Treaty
ot Wi.ahtll.toii III. Illded refere.ieo to i.i bltratlon i.f claima
forlndii.it toaeee. {I'he (liurtte then glvoa a full suiu
man of Mr. H.nille.l'.s letter wlth rtinnliig ci.mmeiiU,
cliNsfiiK by qnot iu-- Ihe . enlciieai ln whleh Mr Huialiiur
hope. tbal nil iiinlealilo i..l|il-tini nt in. y VOt I" rea< In-l.
nn'l ndila I l.'tlia hope It ia nnt yel too b.te. It would
Iie very bard If tbe iBtemperate .Jm tulattona of n alngl..
indivldual iu Bngtand deatroyed ahatoyer cheoee re
main. -I ol nu ...im able iiiiiii-tiiu-ni, evtii though tbat lla
divaduai aae tbe Ptlmm Mtaiatar.
tiii. QmmOl Of tiik iu.. pnY-ii.ii.m- ur TBI
-.,l III- i-, l.i UKfl l'.T l.lll.H (iKANVTI.l.K ANI)
In Um Britiah Honae of Ltrdf, on Um 18th
In-t.. I.nrd lled- -ilnl'. .ii;- 'I the Miietary tur I'orelun
Aflam i|'u illniia. WhelbSfi lf A and 11 In pitrtuet'.blp . uo
(' iii a court of law for Injury doiio lo their Unn by fiaml
or nthci ivise, uud (' pleadl BBd t>t?ve.i that II was BOllag
wlth li. ni iu all thn inutl.ia romiiUlnod of,
aueh plea would not be a eompleto nii.wer to
thn iulf, nnd nnder any re.ov.-ry of dainagcs
BBBaaBtbtol Why n plea whleh la Bjead ln luw,
and whleh eotniiioii aense prnnouiic.es to ho Ju.t, ba.
not l.eeu con.ldrred by Her Mu.|. sty's (ioverninciit ap
ptleabto taa aaw aaaa ia lateraatloaal luw, uud argad
againat the Alabaiua (l.iim.s iiiiuh- nu t.iei.t llrilain by
the fi.lted Btatea of Ameilia, tn Which the North nud
Hoiitbnre now partaere, Inasmecb na all tbe aeta tot
wblcb Oreal Britaln la oharaed wlth lietaa culpatriy ia
tponalble wen done by the Boutb. and tbat partaer
now lolna ln tbe applleatlon to be pald fnr bavtna done
tli.iiii l.ord Bedeedale sald Be had put a nmllar
nneatlon to the noble t i rl on two oeoaatoas last year.
aml ou the lli^t of tboSC ore.iali.na llm Boble eurl replied
tbai be waa imt awara wbetber tha potol bad been
prevloualy retoed, imt eertnlt.ly lt had not Im-en ar
gu. .1 bj tin legal adrlsan ul either tbe prenal Oovern
ment nr the late "ne. I.nid 11' '!' idale IBld lt appeared to
bim thal fiom tii" uii nu. mt tbe North and tho boutb eon
i Imii id Hn Ir iii-' ii'in..-. lt v.-aaaii eiTOT to iidmit for u
ni.um nt tbal the Uulied Btatofl eould claim duuiagea for
aiivthiiiK done bv tlu- Bontbera Btatei or ta tbe lnten-bt
of 'the Boutbern Btatea .lurin % the boatllltles, bv uiiltltut
wlth IhsSonthera Btotos after tii.-y bad iw .n raoognltod
as I" iiiriiiis tim Nortbnrn Btatofl bad ron
doned iny offense of wblcb tbe rormer might have
b.'.-n uuiiiv. ii.- beltoved tbe only aaswerto thia waa
wbat muat be oalied a tochnleal ona it aaa that the
Nnriii and tbe Boutb were. not partnen, the whole of the
UuitedBtates being ona aad iudhislbl.-. If tbla were
tba ease bow, certalaly it wua not tbe eaae while the
war waa KOtBg mii, uud when tho Botltb wua BOhBOWb
edced to bo a bolliKerent Tin- latter fact waa oaa
whieh tbo Ameriean Oovernment leetned tn wtoh to
forget themaetoea and mahe othen forgel alao. Lafll
j.,.. ln- aaked tbe Honae to conaidei how tho cuso
woald have atn.nl If Ibe reeoll of the war had been
iiiM'-i.-iit, aud tbeBontbernStatoe had seoeded. Under
aneh clnumatances England would have had a riK.it to
rwcover from tbe Boutb anv damagai which mlght bav..
ineu paid t.i tbe North. Hi thouabl tbaquestlon be had
ventured to raise waa wall worthy ?f ooasideration, ba
eause Bngland bad tadeal wlth u oaae which waa entlre.
u new Ii tateruatlon kl law. Whatever the teohnlcal an
iwer mi.:iit in . he iniii that wbat had i.e.u tbe Nurthern
Btatea aod tbo t).iuihi.rn weie praotleaity part
aere, aad tbal they eould imt |uatly aaii eompeaaatton
for aeti done by one of the partnen or in that pnrtper'a
bebalf before .*?? pnaeal partnerahlp. Of conrae, he did
imt admlt thut under anv cinumatancei the Oovernment
of the United Stak-i bao a .aus.- of complaint againat
Eu i ud ; imt be tii'.iii'h Ihal tbo raasoni he in. i add umQ
. |.i. Ilmlnarv ehjection to aay tucbdemand u. tbat
wliich u had put forward.
i;.ul Oraiivtllo replied: DuriiiK Ihe debate laat week
ou tto Addroju an BBBBBBOaa (eallBg tBOBUA 10 ba
.-nt. ii iimii nn both side* of the Boase tbat if would
be Ult- i imt to di_BB_flfl tho Alabama clniuia lu tbfl
pr.-a.nt Btate of the Bagattatloaa aa tha sabjeet. But
I don't tliiiib that iiimnlnmii.. lialtBg appliei to
ihe point bi'oiii-bt umi r vour Lordabips' notioe by
the noble inr.t tbia evenlna in r?|ieatiug queatlmu
wbloh be put tome ont wo oeeaalona laat aeaaion. Tbe
ii i.i.!.. - r 1 Wlll, however, cxeuie BM lf. on the part of Her
MnJ'-ty'a (ioveriiuient-eape. ii.by withoul a t.e?I
do not anawer questlona on Bngllab law put ln a
bvnotbetieal e.ia.. \A tongh.) BTbea tbe noble
l.i.-d aaked hl* ouesimn laal .ea.ion I told bia
tbal in tha ..ri-uai Baaa those who mre]
it I'l'iiiiiu'd tbemselves t.i a statemeat of the faeta
wMeh had a'n id'. inrnicd the inbject of eorrespond
en'., raaervlng ergnments for anotner oceaalon. ln
ae_.ii danee w tl li the pn mtas I made tba ii"i>lt* lord laat
M-mton, tbe queitlon ralaed byhtm baa been brouyht
uuder tin-1on.iii.ratii.n of tboaewhosedntylt i.i t.i ad
i ih- nn tbe argumeuts to be u-.l on bebalf of Her
M-Jeity'i Oovernment: bal l am inn be will not expeet
bm ta go further on thla * em loa. (ii'-ar. hear.)
Loni (iranii..ic .ind Btowbs maa to aak tha Beeretarr
of MatafarFonlga Adlra whether he woaldobjaei t-i
gtaa ciiier piii'iiciy t" dn. unnnta aad eorrespoadence
UxahlagtheWaahingtoBTreaty,ao aatoallowthi B
lahpubUe toeajoy tbe same advantagei aa nre am ordc l
to tin- pnblta '?: the United Btatea by their Oor
erni nt. and alao to call attention to tbe p
.ta*.-et tbe negnttotlons toncblna the Treaty. Lord
Oraumora did nol a.-u wb) tbalr i"i'.i'bips' iimi e
?hould be tbe onlj plaoe ta whlcb tho tople
ahould not be dlienaaed. lt wae dtoeuseed ln the otber
iii ni-,. ol Harllamaat and m the pir... Tbera mighl be
anm. ri i.-nii whv the oecupanta of tbo front benehca
sliiuild nnt iiiti-r into -uch a (11?. u.aion. H<- bell( ved tbe
rreal) wm laadvlaable, and Bud raoant evaata bad
abOWntbBtll w..a ?... If last ye:,r tlu-lr Inr.'-l |p| pi :
taated agalnsl lt tbal iimiae would bave ralaed ii-eii in
piii-i.. i-.-tiiiiiitiiui, and tbe Pnraler eonld nol bave aald.
Iid tbe other nlght, thut there hud been no proteal
uijiiiiat tm. Treaty.
E.irl Craiivillii aald : The noble lord bita atated that ho
aaiinnf um!. r-tii'id Why tban iboald have been an nnan
lnuii- agreoBMat la tbia Honae aot to dtoenes thi
j, t nf iba Aiibami elaini, iiiiii ihe Treaty of fTaahlag.
t.?i at tim pnaeal iiiomcni. I will not Baaba tbfl 1..
ply to tim ini.l.i lord wbh h Lord Palm
oico in.ide to a un-mber <>f tu?- Otber Uoiise
n' Parilameal who h.id m.-nla an obaervatlon
iiuiiar to thal whb-ii tim nni.lo lord hafl
nulreaaed to m ih lordshlps, because he mlght not thmk
li ourteona; bul 1 achnowtodaa wlth latlifacflon fhe
BttBllrrton Ol Itbe noldoi lord tbat it mifc'lit not be da-.-ira
hl? lhat the oecupanta of tha leading benehaa ibonld ea
t.r intn aui h a aliai tiraioit aa tliat which he h.ia op. m-d.
I lave the authority of a noble lonl wbo doea nototten
BfKO Wlth the Oovernment tbal I hnd tietternotunawer
l/_.r?iiuai'ka. If.the noble lord wiahea to laove f'.r the
Ingltib Casa. tt wlll l>e tmmediafoiy laid upou tbe tbblei
lut aa re^ardu tho Aaieriean Oaee, a verv proper e_plau
Ulou baa ne u glven lu another plaee. The Case bas not
yet been piasented by the Amciioun Oovernnwnt to Con
aroafl. aud though t am not auc thut ln strlctnei
ohould not have a rlgtit ui prodaoe lt after lt has been so
exteualvclv pui.ll-hed. uud v> hon. I Inlieve, lt Is even iold
ln fliis eountry, yot wa thlnk lt daalrabls that wo alu.uld
not do uuytbln-t whleh eould be ragarded ns .1 braaeh of
ethpiette, and for that reaaon there ls au objectiou to Its
prodm tlou at pnaeat. [litiir, hcur.]
Tl.e Earl of Maliueabury aald: My nnble friend the
Forel^Ti Secretary la riKht iu inyinu that there waa an
unanlmoua feelinK that not mneh iboald be said on thla
sabjeetj Imt tho statemeut inado the other uight to that
effect muat ho takeu rum grano talit, boi'AitiO, u* iny uohle
friend rniiHt know, a qucation whleh moro than
Hiav oth.r that I ever recnlleot lins ruised n
feading of aaloiilahiiient nnd itiiilely t hroiU'h
014 tho whole or tho Kmplre BUMl BBgage tho
aC.ention >.i tl". i1"11"" of Lorda on a future oeeaeloa.
f ? Hear, hear1' irdiii Y.mi Oranvllto.1 To ko Into tbe mat?
ter la, in faet, B duty whleh we owe to tbe oonntry.
illeur, hear.) Beaidaa, tha dlscntton or the wtodom
inaiiif... t.-d by tbis Houae ha? uot been shgffu ln another
placo. A dtllereut bno 01 eoiuiuct haw ln en
likin th.re, not by the Oppoaitioo. but by th.
bonorable iiieutbon fvho Kounrally suppori Her Ut_00
ty'sOovernment Theteisn, l pieaume tiieii.iverntueut
have not fell ObHud to olisc.'-V' 'he ntleence ln fhut
other placo which they conaider tli.-tn .ea'vjs bound to lu
thlsBonflO. However that tnav be, I thlnk lt viiiM to
any thit di.l Her Msjostj's Oovernment think u dwetia
alon of the ailt.je. tbere advuable, I ain ono who Would
?ive them my aupport on tlie qtteatioa of ihe Intorareta
llon of tbe Treaty. I aay thut 011 t)n_ a:de nf tho Atlan
tle thero e.111 bu uo mi.stake ua to tlio toagBagB of the
Tnity. Tlu ro ih not BB SBgUfl-UBBB wbn dne. not_lin
d.-iataiid It aa tlio m.bhf earl opi.oalte utideratanda tt,
aml a . ita attawlng waa atated in tin- baarlngof mauy for
elgn M-hiaten y>ho were preaent dnring the dtocnsalonol
laat aeaalon. i nm ready. tlierefore, to ove my aupport to
ll.-r Mab'sly's (loveriiuii-iit ns fnr as that goei; but 1
ahonld bo very . orry lf il waa sappoeed thal our nioutln.
w.-ie tn be elBBfld nn the hubject for any h-nirth of time,
la-eailne tin 10 ure olller polllt- lu 1 nlill.'i llnn \ilth tho
'IimiIv whlcb lnuat bo dlaru-aeal, and on whleh l muat
aay I ahould be ono of tho tirat to att.uk her M_deety'fl
Ooverament om- of thoao la tho queatlou o( Etovfag
aenl mit an enibimay ut ull. Noxt, wilbmit miiih,' iiny
Iblag ala-iie. ilan t to the ii.itur.! tal'llta aud
natural ablBttoe of the Coesnuaaioaen, 1 muat eg
preaa my opinion thit they were not nitllcleiitly
expertoaoed. [Earl OraBTllh?sir 1:. Tboratonll lio
ia a 111,111 of greal eapertoaeej but he eouhi not
be eoiiablered as one of tbe princlpala. Ibere
ill, hi icrul im II of C_|.i-rl.'lla ? IU iliplouiacy who UllK'hl
have beenaent aad wbeeeuwaea wlll at oneaoeenrto
yonr lordshlps. I know tbera aretwoopiuiouaon tbla
polnt. One 1. that of theaa who would aend on snch mto
simis dlplomallrtta of trted ezperlence ; the other tlint of
tlio-.- wbo would rather maku u.-o of lmiiromptu
iliplnmutiata to tako ln band tlia- chlef l'llslm-aa
of tim miiaioii. I think my imblo friend, the
FOralga Bi.tnrr, haa rather a leaiiliiK iu the
latter directtoa. 1 hav.- alwaya been agalaat It j aad
dnring tbe twayean I had tbo boaer ta ba at tba For
iiKiit.iti'.-ii 1 alwaya made lt a point of placlngal tbe
ln nd of inianloiis men wlu. hnd becu bruiiKht up 111 dlplo
iinn v. 1 am uot raferrlag to oompUraentary iui?ai,,urt,
but to mlsslona lu whlcb diplomatii' bUSlneSS baa to ho
traasaeted. I tmi.i that a uum maal be adaeated to
(liploiiiai v aa to anything elaa' tbat n-ipillea great profea
. iniiiil. kiil. 1 r.-Ki-et, tberatara. that wbea neaotiations
or aui'h laiportaaee wi-ra- to be eoadneted at Wasbington
mea of that atamp wen- not aeut nut. Had they been, l
don't thlnk tho errnis wlinh umn nf toflfl experienco
in 1*.lit lall 111(0 were likely to bave ari^eii.
Tlie debate then upon terinliii.tcl, au.l the llou ?
LORD Klini s|.ai.i.'s QUB8TI0M an iaamii.k t.r
Pmrn Thr Lmdm /Mil. Btttt *t Ito li
Tlu- qneatioa whirh Lord Ri'ileadale naked
tbe Poreiatu Beentan in-.t avetuag was a nmarkable
eaamptool ini?appiied iiiK.-nuiiv. Tbe aaauaptloa tii?r
r. i.i'iiiniia Htatea or provtaeee, brouaghl baek bv conqneat
under tbe Mvertigaty frmu whleh they had ravolted.
rau properly be eomnaiad to aartaera la a eommnntol
llnn, la .1 iv u.i 11 kni of Uaaginalloa. I'uahiiiK a falae
analoay to aa egtnau lengtb, Lonl Redaadato
apwaba nf tbe 1 nitod Btatea aa a aod of Jolatnitock oom
pauy, "ln wblcb Ibe North and Boutb ..re now partnen,"
and ptoadSflo raferaaoe to the Alabama Ulalma, tbat
tbey aie 11. i.ll. tn 1.1 lld, "Ina-nuii has all tlu.in (s for
whii'hihi. 1 minii 1 is eharged wltb boiaa rulpablj ra
apouaible ware d.ibj Iba Boutb, aud tbal partaer now
J"ln? lu IU' ui i'i -..ui u to be pald for baung louu Ihem,"
I.ord Redeodale ean aenreely necd to Iie Informed tbat
'?North" and "Houth" are not terma of political de.
otiiiptlnti. ibat tlm Coufediaiacy, lu eomplieitv wlth
whleb England U nlleired fo bave eoffltnltted tbe off. nsea
ohargod aaatust ber, bad never any rmhtful exUtence In
tbo eyeoof the (lovcrnmciit of the uuitod Hlatea, aud
dlaupiM-nred, ln faet ao well uo In rlgbt, affer tha cupltu
latlon of klehmoiul; and tliat tho Ui>verniii*-nt of tbe
Unlted Htntes preserves Its moral and poiitleal Idenllty,
iiiialf.-cted by rehellton, or tba areat ?ver whi-b Its
aoverelgaty extende. i^?r*i Redeadaie'i liniuiiy Involvea
nt iu st ii Minart tu attomw to tha atralaad legal anaioglca
whieh makeup tbc ataple of tho Aaoerloaa < ase. li Utbe
sort of poinl wbleb afr.Oaliorno'a 'oute attorney iii.ght
have ralaed lf ba bad boon sent wlth tbe lllnh tommi-aion
to Waahlngton. lt lllnatratea, howevar.on thissi.ieof u,e
Atliinlie, as will ns Um otber, the loBdoBey of Boen
V.-roed Iii tlio forins of luW Hiul tbc pineediirc. ?T Un.
courts to redaea overythlag to the ralaa el teoa_
tbe, aud oft.n of ?barp praetlee; aad te Uaol
great qaeeUona of polley aod ofdlploaucy ra tae spir t
of as.ii.iewii.it laellif.ajfriHK UtlgBlioO. Lotd Urulivillo
polltely cvmled it; aml lln- only good tlilug whleh Oem?
outof an otlietwisefruitlessdls4iisslonwa*.lsinlM:ilines
bury'adeeloraUoB that tbere Uao maa in England wbo
does m.t underatead Iba Waahlngton Treaty aa Her
Majesty's li.aK-.uni'ut iiii.ler-l.4ii.ls lt, and W;.o lo Uot
pn |..m I to loppert tbat InterpreUtlou of lt.
i.l. INI),
rmm Thr I/yndom Dmt'y TU-jrapk of F'h. IJ.
Whilo luliiiiftiiiR al! tho (rravity of the
enibariH-stnent oeeaatoaed both to Eagtaad and tbc
Uuited Btatea by Uie unfortunat.. inlsuiiilersund ng ua
to thn aet'ial seopo nnd ineaning of IhO WaaMaatOB
Treaty, II would be weii if we aiastained from exaggi ra
lloi.s which an. ut tbe aome '-Ium BBdlgniaed and ni'e
ehleroua. lathat pertleular we may advloedly take a
leeeon from the Amerioan people aad froai their organi
of public opiiitoti. Wi.h tii..eii"|.tioii >.f thoae lournela
thut ualvn.it.- tlu- vtews oftbe Keulun llrofherhi.od, and
what ii vagm 1/ ealled thn IrtO* inter-st?an liiti-r?v,t
which happeno for tbe moment to be evea more power
leoaln thu Ht.tten than iisiial?tbe tono of tbe Amerlean
proreio moderate, eoncillatory, and fair. While.tbere
ls a general dlsposltlon to support the Oovern
ment, tben is, ou the wimle. nn 0*000000 Ol
aproroeative langnage, of Irritattag rejomdere, hmi
of iniiitliiif Imputationa axaln?t Kngland. Al-ovo
ull, tlm liat.-fnl word " war" ls generally iiamoal ouly to
tm seon'.d us huvin* tlu- r**inot.-t po'slb'r connectlon
witb tbe B'tnai artalB, Tiie Beaate has aiiseussed tlm
poslllon in a in iiiner nnd totm whieh wll', t?> oay tlie
leaat, compare favorably witb o'ir own Parllam.-ntary
utterancaa, whllfl tho Hoium, of iicpreseiitatlvcs has
abown .-v.-n greeter wladoan and more eommend-tbte
?elf-matralnt in deellnlng to dleeaofl tbe qaeettoa at
uii. .Ni ti, tbe greal eo mui. irelal latereata of the *tatas
hBTO taken Ibo maiter very .iiiietly, and, althoutrh
never OlOW to move when ttn.re Is any real oceasslon,
bave in the preeent ease ulmolutely rctuse.l to b? alarmed.
Wo read Umt tho Anmiicau stoek aod produce uiark-ita
have ocareely been aflbotad i.y the duturimnce in I.u
flandr-tbal there ls no ex.itonient any wbere. tliat no ni_t
prebeu'lou of w;ir exis..-, anal thut there la little bad feel
ing. It bi.dini-n't for anv roaoonable Engi-bman to
witiiess th" contraet i.otweeii this manly and
?enalble ronduel aud the fussy bppr.hensiveiia-a>?
tbnt ran riot among ouraelvea utat wnea,
withont tx-tug vividiy lmpres.-ed. A aaaa.
clal cotempor.ii v bas taken tho troublo to oeJonlate now
many mi'll-.us iterllng Engliab property loet Ip nomlnal
valuo last wookby ti.u *'seare" into wbieb silly t-copie
were thrown after tbe dieouflfllon Ib tlm Bonae ofcom
mons ou Wedneeday. Wbatever tlie loaa may havo been,
it repreeented uu utterly groundleoa an'l uiireaseuing
alariu. Na. doobt tbe atate of our marketo here was in
otber resix-eto fevorable to the prodpctlon of a panle at
any moment, and the flrat excuao aerved to bring iton;
but ii !-> unfortunate umt tbe et*-:.t ocearred -?t a time to
cotineet itwitli tbe Alib.inia alalflM ln tho lO.atloli of
tii. et t" aaaaa,
Ttem 'l>f f.n'nn DeUy TiUyraph ef tr'. li.
It in absnrd fa think. a*t waa too mui.-h tjit*
faeblon among tlu* pan.e imiTiiriTS of last week, tbat
our Uovernmeal t.il' rctreal frofn tbo arbitraUoa, to
wbleb tt-ey luot May eon-enled, bv flaahing oa
angry oaeaoago to fbat etfect under ttie watero
of tb*t Aiiunti*' to Waahlugton. 'fb-ro to ptouty of
ttnio for UUJUOU8 pursons to rnK.tiu tbelr seuoca.,
aud aeriouely te adilr.- s tbcm?elvesto tbc eoi.sideratiou
of ibo I,* st eourse tviii.ii lapoealblfl under exlortn?*elr
incee. The Ur-t duty or all patrmtlo Emrll-bim n
le to follow tba advloegtven t>> Mr. Dtoreell lo tu? laat
?enteni e of tbe i peet-h whlcb lntroiliu--.l bis Ila-fnrm biil
of law. "I'lrst paoa tba Beform bm," oald the Latfl
I'i inui MiiUster," nml then turn out the Oovemment !f
yon will." Wo are not m.w pleading for Mr. Qladetone ?
Mlnlotry, olnee the iiue tion of peaoeorwarbetweflo tb?
two great Anglo-Saxon dopoalUrtea of luimttn Ireedora
imnieasiiiataly ourwclgho ia im|?,rtai.ee tlie Me of a
,'..,?? ii liov.-rnraents. But havlng manfii'iy atuted our
lunbtlitv t? admit tbo rrepoaferoiis eb.lms of tho Amen
eiUl-a toHibltratli.il. our next step should bo to eou-l .er
whetber oomethlng may nut )*e done lo pievent
tbe Waahlngton fiaaty tr.mi falUag to tlm gramnd.
lt niust not bo forgott.."ti tbat, with a view
to aaamtcabli! oetilement ol all outataoding diraculfitis,
ibe Amerieana conaented to Inelude the Ban Jiiau dlapute
lu tl'" uu.-.-tiiu.-to be siibmlttajal to ttrbltrution. Ou six
prevlous oecaalona they ba-1 refas.-d Invitatlona, and
eopeclally Uiufo forelbly urtred upon them bj I*ainl Pal
Lei-imi.' to subieet dtaputca about tbe wi.rer
bouii.tary of tbo Ualtad tiunte* ou t.i? 1 .icinc
e.i..-t to tbat ordc-a). If wc refuso to d
the tlabaam elaima with Oa Amerlcaaa ir would
bo too much tohope Ibal nevertheleaa lhe Amerieana
wlllconaent todlaetiaa tbe i-iiit Juan dlffleulty witbua.
iini* tl.e -upports of ibe Treaty m ev.-t ?*i silght a
degree, and the wii.,;e fabrlo will fail to the
gramnd. For tb* -e reaaoaa, und tvhtle th* re ll
ret time, It la tbe alutv aaf every reaeonaWo aad homemt
Entfllibman to <b> bla utmoHt to dlacorer oome
eoluUonoftbe preeent diillcuity. We bave au eonv
mittod ouraelvea to the opinion, that n is lmposoibi* to
eo Into arbitration wlth a Btato rlabulng damiges f?r
neutvallty three or four timea aiorfl ooaUy thaa lhe out
l.iy wb.e'h aetu il wnr a otild bave eutitil-d. TO Ibis
uii.iiil.uot. . ,i,.tl...r-t .rt aminlOB WO llOVe BOTfaOOn tO
ouppooe thal Mr. Uladatoaa or Lord iwaavUla ean
bave been deaf. Uut, apart from tii" acU.ui
?f tbe Ooverament, there i- mm-h tor everj
patriotle tiik-llhliinHii to rto in oraler tbat tlie po -
of war, or .4 bat iiil^bt i-i the end twoearoi ly l. e. -erlou.-.
?the brcakdown "f tbe whehlngtoa Treaty. may i*e
av.it. il. In tbe flr-t plaee, we muat u'l abefHiu fr..m
capttoufl and queruloua fUolt-flndlng or fiom
niluatory utteranoeai aaooadly, vm inmat eadeavor
lo tlnd ? p.Ui w biob wlll l*-ad both Oovcrumruts to
ttimer ground, wbere neitharawaaape, pltfalis, Lnriiu;**
tuiies Im in wall to Ingulf tbem. The tlr-t buist of pee
liou upiui Ui-s e:-!e of tbe Atlantlc bas been, we are glad
t" tlnd, but feebly reapondod to upon tbe otber ilde; aud,
deeplte tbe v:ol<-u' denunelatlona of whicb It has beea
tlu- objeet, ibc Washlugtou Treaty may be ilooiccd,
liko threatened men, otttl to hvc lini*^. Borrowliig
Mr. DlamoU'a \-.t.i .1^. w? may eddreaa au eatueat tx
hortaUon t" the people of tiu^, conntry " tlr-t t" iai Ibe
Treaty of Washlngton, and timu t.iiurn ont the Uoverh
mciit lf they will." Tbc latter eveiiiiwlity tt wiil be
time to diaeuofl when the probablUty ol ifo.i_.emr. n. i li
dlrootly befon tii. nation.
piiia aoova t aiviiaiTiia?probabli v, n
UUMKHT OP l'AI.NE, nVLToN, ANI* tli;.llt
A>-(.l.IAl . --
The Ueeaaed vi.o omi Inoonq^atcBdj iu ine.h
eai praeUUoaara whieh the aotorloaa Poalahy aaaa ia
vealed, la-t ?Siunmer, drOOtOd Httentlon to vaitOBO ba>,TUs
diploma BgOBetOO in l'liUadelpliia. aml a si-rico of artiaia-s
wijs publlsbed lu Thk Tribi nk lllustratlng tbe wotlting
and conscjuences of tbc oysteiu. Aiuook the Ino'ltu
tiona whicb wero thm cxposotl, wero tne University of
Medlcluo aud BBIgeiy, in rt.jtuU Nlutb-i-t., aml tue
Amerlean L'nlveroitv and Eeiectlo Moaaaal Collego.
N'o. 3TO Smith s.vvnfli.-.t , boUi of l^l.irfdclgbiit, tlieir
h.-ads Ceini respoctlvely Ur. V.i m.i and IirTjolin Hu
ehanan. ATuiiilne reporter, Ufsnu.tng tbe part Of B
medical studeut uualile to obtulu a degree iu l_uglmd,
comiutinicatcil with the ngf"it of Bae>aa%B'a Oatteght tu
Hrooklyn, and wae told tliat tor liuo he aiiktbi
havo a diploma. Further lnveotlgotlou Uorti
that ii diploma might be obtutm,tl with the
greatest fu.ilitv. und in answer to u aiu.>
tion of the reporter in bis Baaumed character ai
to the mitiiro of the examlnutlons n-quii-Qd Or. J. Dnn
bar Hylton nalvely ibelaied : " Ob. they aro uot very
seva-re. Itli-t aak a few .pi. sflons about auttdort*. t.i
the principal polaona, and the other pra.faa.suro don't bore
a_jati to.b i.tb as tlu y will do bi 6oluo t?ollei^'l's.,? Hc
loininj. d.sneia'a' at tli*' expai.-iilt's, Hylfou .ift.-rw.u-d
wroto tiiu'. in riew otu eoBUaaaacy wbtCh bo ooaotdcred
rerv remotd uS " would aell aiiplouias tor X. M., M. D..
uml 11 D toevelyealnl or ia-..*ai iu tiieiaud, who liad
tu-li to buy, malo Ot fHpiale, and, wben tbey wt re oup
piia'd. to the beara tbal nJiVn tlie poLar H-hs, ro tlu- blrda
tbat eut tho liquld air, the" IlsL, the Aoa* BBd erery
breatblng tblng ob earth."
While theee colleaao were chartercd under the I'euti
syiviinia laws, tiia-li facultiea ituat lecturefl badnoexlet
eiife exeept ln Uii' tipe of Un-.'ii.l.oi iite proapectUM*.
Threat! nlag letten und appeals to Antiel were adili.i--.it
ti. Thk Tribokr, but Ua* proaecnUon tva- for. ed to .i nio
eeeofal oad. a i.eai-iatu.. Committee la Pblladelphla
reeeutly eoliaiuiled hii InVflflUgatU.n mto Uie boguo
diploma trade, after havlng eutilted abuudani evldenee
to (ustify a revocatlon of tbe a*h.irti-rs of PalutVa ond Bu
ehiii: iii's CoUegeo. one of tlu latter'a piotoaoota tesll
Iledthat bO had blauk dlplomi-., nml " wmild algBOBO
ouleker than wink lf be eould iiuik.. mouoy by lt."
ftu. initiftii biiuseir admltted t lu.t om of hia degreea l.a.i
beell "ent la. ll lllllll ill eull-iil. I -itiol. a'f lt Ifitt ">f bii 10 Uie
eollaga; aad a phyatdaa atated thathe had baaght a
?cbolarahip lu ratne's rjulveraltji tor ttt, altbough he
wr..te ma 1.lioal tbofllfl aml paaaao ii" examination ; an
??b.-rb iini tor" swore tliat Bu.iu.n11n baal vara
OOBted Ium with a dlpkiau 110 a " uiai k of
bonor." Amitber "dootor" reeelved u diploma,
his only ipiallll.'iitlon belag tbat be "bad b-. u
11 lunltor for MTaa reara lu ibe Kultliuore Miulual
Hi-ba.a.1." Beveral otbero teotlffled to Un i:Ue 1 it.. t 11 <?
t. siiiiittnv riveo tiy Jamea IfoHbane la paiti.niuriy rldh-u
loaa, U* aatated tbal be w.uked for l>r Taim . an.l "<I!<1
?oae work"" for the ?" K.iea-tn;" be w?s no giadtiaie. but
iu l'liima'i aatabllahmeal be oometlmeo " rau tlie .ti- ? ? 1
IliK-Iotiln," i.ml "ll* led as l.'.t. Il.-l;" bfl w.i-iil-ia ntl'iira-al
a profeoflorehlp tn tba- Amerlean Unlveretty, thoa al
Taiitli audCheatnut, and u Profeaanrohtoof Anatomy"
ln the " Eclectlc:" he had been oflered dlplomaoto tell,
uml had bea n aske.l b] Ur I'.niie t" ten. h.
A strong feollng uf refleutmeul has lu-ou ..rmii-ail m
Pbll aiti-ipiiiii, aad tbera m promlae ibal ntd <>ni\ -Aiii tbe
chartore <>f the Infamoaa rollegeo t>. revoked, bul I'aiue,
II) Huu, ami iiui-ii.uiiiii ieem iia. ly t" b? ?, anlobed.
POH iiii: Ihk TOBB.
To the Bdlter of The Trihtmt.
Blli I waa htaying M a Hti.uiKci' aoiui ilut-.
ln .me of tho ..i.i.i tawaa "t New Kn>.i.iiiii. whea Udlngi
i-.inii- i.v (.ii-Kiapii lrom a Weotera atty Ihal Oalharlaa
II_waodaad, and tbat the bodt wouid next iluv N
broiiKht for luter.u.ut to tbe place of hei uallvlty.
?Ain I.- ahO had RtOWa up aml lit.-d tbroiigli mu?l 01 ber
lifeiinie. Itaadlaghj lha apoa grave, aowty eal IheaBgh
tbo frozen earth I ru-t, and waltlng i,< i.'aeit" ti |BB| -ut
feiiugtvim, 1 tagrettodthat it wao to lu.k lorovtf Uie
mv.fervnf that. BB_fcl.Bg, *v<n a<r.tnU tha TH
dytog r. i,., si tot iu diaetoaora. KTito JJiSfeS*
if had been t?i,| oi bei that tbe K'ht 5W**Sto
her .arl,. ryi.nth ?_-... hllghted by a '",,r_! M****
both body aod mlnd, ..bid, t,.-r fr!. ',,*?.? i'}"!**, *
OVer.a-.l<Iy,but,l,.' fa,., IU.., aa?n, , ,/ "fi?U^ *
in heratoma.h. Bbe -ugrred fora tatto WSS ?"?>?
iilaoaae uot. however, conflnlag ber to SSafliL7?S r
? ?eHatlng h.r foi |ourn. .Ing aad ?,, ' ^Wfc ??
waaraolly mentet eherratioo lt ..,.,. i C/hJf "Kr?
-ll/hf-a<..,'.|yo',..rv..i,l. . t I.. il-,..-. [,,'.; ___*_**
of her death 11 wa Mld to bave i. .., s,??i.? " . ? I
fevi-r; but i:? i. ,
tbe eorpae to tta ba ? .n-d .,f .V,..'','' ">
e.allyehoWedt.,.!.?._." ?.?. -'M
tjjrea, and th.irBie;!..,.! I.y th. . ;;*
tbecorractaasaaf hlaatut'H.; and bar?.;__#??i
antopay eerttftoi ber ,.. r -,.i. ?, belief otmtr\t_\[v*_t
ea.t_e of ber illu. .. to tl,., l..-t. Wi.. ,..,,, \ V': I
be-i. ,,,,1. If her idea '?>'**
tion, It ahould bc kimwu .1 r oii.-et,ve>o ??>,. r. ,-'*_'**'
Ibe aame or like eon.eit. And a? n-u,. twfi.reit *
elaini mastery of mu the aeerets of N'ature aud i..r.*j
of iili Ik itates and operaHona, mu .t imd...,- ,nd -.
andeffectlnl rrwiS?
Or, f l.i r Idc i waa the appn-l en.lon of r, ality, it Efi
be il.-'.i'.n.tiat. .1 a a ii- ul la - .|, .,. , . ^
Ji<.n todalo, K> Ii. IJ. 1 l. ***>
To the Editor e,f The TribttttO.
Siu: In an editoribl in Tiik Tuibi xr. of to?
day, npon the eaae nf ttt BBB, ym. Mf tliat tliercinael
for tb.- defenae "owo il to Ibaaaaalfaa and decrtcy u
ei|iia!n why, after briaglaf thia bvMbbbi ;iu ntattmti
u ji i irlption auppoaed to have b. en acnt te nudanil
drag ton) lato Court, tbey atm ? -. ? ? +,__
Diatrlel Attomey ibonld not emutoy it to <? .uvu t "
Tonan evldentty mlstaben ra yonr faeta, Tbecntt
<?vi.b-ii.-ii I have that tbla U-atlmony was l_roa*ni i ??
court by auy oue conneclcl aith tho deffn.* ..youi
Htatemeuf ln Tiik TaiBi *'i . Tbe flrat I ever mtmmX a/ttZ
evldence wa- when the Diatri. f Attorney nr.,].,. -., ?,,,?.
trodi ee it. i "hl i tci tolt becauae lt naaiJiegalsvifeaaa,
Had I imt doae ao, I wouid have been _ illty ..f ,i yunm
vlolation of .1 ity. Tbi : ,
or '.tb r to ihow, tl ?: jnd been al>r<^
by iuv eli< nt, oi at hia iia-ti. ai.on, or witb ln- Ic;.i-_].,j?h
in auy way, dlnctly nr linlire. .;y. Sucb a preacrlptloa
lf no snap-riOB bad been . t:aet,,d to lt!
would have tn . n Of no me to tue uef.-.v-. I|
would have proved nothin-f. A doetor*! (,r?*_ iltrUae
would not bave flbowa.M toaded to ahow, that Mbm
eonld not, aa hc tcitlfled, leave his beass fnr wierii
daya. If one medleal pnarrlption wonld yeova tmBa
man waa told uu M thal he eould uot, u -1 "." t. -tiruo,
leare bto room for t.-u days, it aould be Unport u t mi,
oertaln, aaa matter of medleal icieace, bow Buaypia
a.-rlptlona wonld be reqatotta tn order to MIL M.* .r. difl
not nveu teatify tliat he ot>tal;i'd any preamptloil frota
Hudntit'a. Ho atut.-d that hia w.f- toefcori r.t spn serj*
lliei m adrua: atore. Wbea aaked i.y the Diatriut-Attrfn
my lf iteatue from Hiidiiui'., bf laid: "I dld not flad
unl where lt eame from ; I thlnk I* n.u.t llAcly il can.|
from thero; that ia the neareat p
I kniw aothlaa a'an.t tlns ci?e nt.t'.l a rhert
time befon tbe trial oams oa, ^. iiei, as-Aldonaan MiK?r^
wbom I have known as an bonorable andupriKbt rni^
applledto metodefer.d his hrotber. ' i ' "ftis
pn-saiiro of previoua prafssslonal engagaments i.nl i
dlstaste for aa eaaea, I decllned, 1 -ared
by bim thal the pToeeeatton was BOttoa u;. bim wtw ear?
ried on to persecute him on aeeonnt of li.. (ex-AMertnas
Moore'a) very .ta. ni,i acrvteea ln bebalf cr Mumri^j.
Keform, aad that bii brotberv ' ?;?.
to ao|. He '?t?',' '1 '? "", ',!|C^ un<1 WTflBaSflBBSSfl ahlcl
Cotivii.ecd tne thal in-waa eorrcct. T bav.-r<ad THl
TkiliM* oOentlv. ly f..r thirty years,betl have nersi
befon -rt* ii ta its columna tbe doct: I that
it ls . :i oflensaagalns- good moratofora aw:erUoce,t,iy
and fiiilhluuv todifi(hai>e hi. dufy u. biscilint.
II. L. t 115T0B.
f.Mr. Jaeeba, the wttnaaa Iref. rred tn, Inform^.l Tai
Ti'.iih-.nf: reporter that Le hud been callcd hy tha u,
(eaae. Iha plea thaXba ptaaiiattoa waa liwtigated by
Bl maltofl to abeard, baeaaaa MSnaaa ?-aa ib?
former, aud tbe only iK-rson wbo has pro^ecuU-d &:_.
Mt. wuiiach, waa im mto nJ ta tbe BeCscm mawa * ut. n
ls not an ftffrT*TT?_nWl. r'ood morala fora law yi-rlnite<tl|
todlaobarire lala diaty to Ins ellent, but tre BOffl t.i te*
the dny WbOB lt WlU ba held u senous off aae m a itrret
t.. t. sort to tabterfage to bbtb a cUeut or aeadMM oaa
?Bd.) .
To the Editor of The TriOune.
Sm: There WM ? time wh.n ftt^xxtywrn
aarbaapaatobabta by tow. ? latea hsaaae
?vi_cd ta that reepoet, tbat saeh mea aa iarj .nd tbera.
M-Ivea to prove en altbi ln f^-o < ,vc of Maon .r ? nllowed
torunatiargel There- .i i**!
Tueidey trying to prove ? knew np mon eeo>
cerntag tae wfiereaaooto ol ICoonon tbelth of Jr.-.a.
i-'i fhan a mau who baa never Been kmnrlea. I'.K'l
laboring moa ' .-Uincion-rt. (Plnt w.rdj
rrme boagbt, andlndueed for i paltryaom totosttfylg
t,,.. , -..... "i? eanae il.ey hnp-d tn Ihal waytocleat thi
pi-iKiner, a? tbey did wbea he ?..? anMil ter Ui?
mnrder of " Btackpole " wme yean ago.
Theso poor.lgnorant friabraen an not io r.
blame asotbenwho dld the aame thlnir.and ar
tho"fang"raeoBnliedaecontea:lnKd - - the Ba
form Oeneral Coinmit.c- of tin I Ai
brlnifflll- niftft.-r before tbe pul He. for by thei -
Kwytaagreatercrlme than lareeny.I hon. ;
, aucf... Iow nnd w.-i ih..-.-.tonn.pi;ii..
us are allowed ro toatlf) In om- eonrti, tbe murdenr tii
t'.l.r nre allowed torae,ip.> and aome m.i rtttnut i
i? made to . lu.ui.ior th.- penalty aud i toioe, to i
Lrrin'e ui hl. fitmily and fncuOa. ?*? i?-ii,H
A.u-Jo. _*, Feb. 32, laTi.
iui: couetb.
nooBoca craboi bt tvvat r.iAi.nn.r.n
.Mn;i,!.lM., BBIBBBT <>i' '? 9. '': ' " ' **.
anu ?? I... KiN<- i r mo v.i" i" bi unrBfir
(. \ lF.ll.
The firmul .ini.v for tbe Febiuary Terat ol
the liilted Mtale-. ( ireiilt Court, OX-Ptt -i 1. nf Maay ol
tba Parh VaUoaal Baak. foretaaa, entered npoa Ito le
tlea yeaterday. Iu cliiti K-n* tho Jury Jnl--' loatciiford
Tl.' ; tKrt.it tt Jtfri'itmai tl.e C ... r.m.'nt l,v twnzt'lne l| fttfllt t
tf tuelao-r. ynl awattht* ?.u bMaalai Baafaalh ' ' l ? j
. ?-'.-. tti-.il I ot. ?. jnron ai-. ?? ?"'-i ??-' . .'- -
pM-t nt Ior trial af?r? tb*auO*rr bf propei >t. iaT-._-,. bu.
,?|f?t ia tbia {.rertiM". I Ap t"H Ull tterr*I msortant ?<.. ? ,
durictar wili I.a hniiuM bt'on Toa lif tba I'l l*-l l Uir, ri.tri.-t lu. r
in-y. ann^'.ii.,^ i.- l- ?<??? n-i? aaaa Iraalal n,..? .. . ra.tt.r _, a.
.01, ? i.-j.^.i t' .n u. crm . t. Lt ptna i.li-d; .o^it l? ti"i? tu.ut.mre
"nndar.tog.1 thnt tha. cteinA irli vl 'U-. Uon-n.iu<nt -iU luip-i^..
Tiiere ll suut.-t .i>,u,r .Irh 1 ir .re to cull >'< ur .-?,.l.tt?fc
I rr'ar to i'r* _i? t| u . t .klci o11,r"J?" t)T *-'u'".1 s' ' ?
rb'ttwl .ifcnllT la?-ci.l'ii| c-.Tletio. ? la aaaia of brltofj ti> rrnn
thia: brlhen U it 1 atr* . ,.a. Tn ??-rrt. aml tVr. _n but t -o i?r- -. t?
it. t_.c_-iT.iti_ittieTia-.lt.ra. th* ,nb-. L'.It tbi oM nri d-ala el
hiw th.t io m? n ttn ba a-oa.Ticlle't tor'ii!*.*'' hllBWlf. .-p"-t-.la
llr c?,ia?of tarih-lt eooli u.d U prt upon -._? wiia*.? . .. ,. . < .*
uat bttu m eb*ng_>l, hu?. tm, tf-.Jt Ther o.ii n.. . be '.-. ? U I'.'.i.. ' et,
ln . Hl?hi.l "feAmtlftB. !'.- -el' I.-* Hl* Olilll .'.' - tf?Ot l_? mei
tg ii Ltl ll'l orm hot* W.mai '1 t. "-' ' ... , _
I .Itoittlt* to mii ym . *fU-i? itt-i.:..???? m natt i? \t.o?i u imi.
.1rjt_B"r_on..ait-lkMpin. It.rfitof ?-cuu... ia, f-?r th. pwaaaaaf ft*i
ibt ibc ?Bia-tU? fo? ijai-ili i* .im?'. *? <?'.? ..le-ona
?iiff__*?tO to rrquira au f.i n.'*at- Xuor- l??.th.t.?. le-mci l
?la- . nitiuual bm. ii.. ?Wi-.i?i'r. tttoaa lalwi ittle* bov?*, er ?
tUapal h?uk uotee. t. wi.ii.iitn -??!*? . ? _. -_-_?
Tbr ?ctofl>ti IH. Iwf't.m ? tb.t _,.ii,t...d blakflf ...e-'i' . .ik.B
banaflarsaVai i*ii?'swwal b??l
(..?.rllr,t.riacoUsW-?. ? ' leaaawf flMS^y| ?* MlOey.
for e cuaeatfTitl-a arltbbaM tht waai fr. _. am. A? j efUnml I
uaadatiiM wkei-l.i. u ii iai i ?* '"J",*'*
toilit of t tnH-raa-an^ ial ?? ?
\*lr\a\*ibltth**M .iSM,v tU' .-1 b.-ah f
ata^feliS tf ne aanwr m Waaad i-i -.-; ? t" ?. " ? *}? * "1
bt biouKbt 10 UghM,
Iu the Uuited ButeBvpbwH Court, bttot_
JudaeBtotehford.y. torday.fe>?* " 4ft
ciiuM'. Mr.. 1:117a j. Perry,atore ,' \**_
tleil that she luul livi.lv ith the h.tter t.-i...1" ' *****
told bim, waa her adoided itouabter, i a< ? ,u'Ur*B
all hi-r urnpelfl . -ln t iil'-el told 1...H r n d ' ay
iio.ranie, uud from wiu: ihe had ie?i thusiar, *'"'??
la. t., make bim aerson ln toa : ht l*o wid thatu ?
. i.uh; arranfte lattstartorllj waih berdaagbtoriM ?*
Imtiij u.ueh i.l.-.is. .1. _.
Tbe iiHtuil i-i-.M.l gBthered about ******* Oj
au.l Termlmr CBaiMaoBi yeaterday,latbi* tottoa
... ,,?- MahCfl Bfl be i ??-- d ln to tttaL Tl.e Sh-r *. bo
ever. aa.-. Informedearly la the day ti it J idts t'?*
would be i"Ui,Kii,'.l tn ettenduiH.n ...eJiniki r>ii
mitto? now ditmci tr.- FlliU Itob ? -
Bt,t he pieaeat. Tlie pilaoiM-r, thei tore, aai w wo
(a. aud ihe Coart waa tunuafly bjsbi i
t li.uli'. 1>. ItiKk-i-oll.'ii ? ?>"'( ;?;; iii>>' t&lml
Ue<-. in. .1 to ihf BaareeaeCaeaf,yeeh rday.l
Van iin.nt. r. ."".eiiii IMM tt ob s Braaaaasry aou
ruad. in a Mra. Oaonon t.'..'.i ait her I
ludoraed b) l. i ab. tb Boe, tb i di lend, nl lu ll
imd ir.n.M.'.i.'i t" ptolatlB. U" * > *_>
.,.i alde rat iou to Ibe fndorner.Bndlual ibi ??? \-..' _*
ii. ei.ii,iimii a .in .. n K'd ii im..- i-t the aalawful ^a.i *
. ivn. botm
,l..hu P. DougbM wl.o eiuK AutlrcwJ. To
lerforthaeeal aa .M.l.iintiu ..t ilu- E'eveuib *****
Brooklya. appiled reaterdayto Judice oilheit foraj*
to Hl the ..li.'ll. tmV* l-.".i t.ll. I
ln the I'muil StiiU'* Pi. tii.'t t'.turt. yesj*
day. iii ti.-. ,.lii-i. un-aHf of Wm. M. PBeh md *n*
owaanol tbe bnik Bartaa. Baaiin>t tbe >- amehla aam
lodgi Blal bford dl. mlaard tha Bbet wltb easafc
m.i non i tm. j?.
SaarwBM Cptgrt < leimin * ? h\ JiuU* iUlt}*Jlt*
Aaauaagt II. -ih Ball.
*t ?l ?jt. Ile.uiltb.ii.?MotM-ii K?ui*i
BtotoBBM CBort. Bpeektl Tarm ? IV.' Ji./ln*" h*,
i.t Wamta. kamairm. .... -m i..? o:,l mtk*-mmnf***m
i' ? i.m aaaatoUfl to u. ,.
Baaertor fTaarl?(hieeiot Term.- Ui .lmlm; M.mrjJ,
Boi.... aa> i\?n..-t.. k< I ? ""l-3a
Balkl \?l. rUli|a Untei tmt* tapm Uf Utltt*.