^mnaftricnte, ctc., Chi-eiifmng..
' Hihith^ riiK.tTKii"-''Juiriuo(''--.ar." Ilaaah.
kirni AvPNiKlliKATKK.-'Piviar^
? .bbn.
?^rt*- ' T' T' .? BfiiilaaaM J. _??. Maokiivo
Tlia?,?,.v,:,ii-BT.TH?ATaa.-At3andalh. W
W ii . v. K- THF-ATKii. - '? Tlio Vt-U-ra,..' 1 Aat BI
TLmv op Mrsio^ra- E;1^^.
I..s llA..L.-l..*ctur->. Bar. 0. U. ii?
ii . >,,:K('nHVsF^nth-St..l?Ptwo<>nTl,ird
i __
Ouain.oe Xotuce. _
The 1-isuramv Monitor *.>?*.: " Tuavi i uk
1,,,-ao.. . < '> ov H* ttt|,r,f,,?v OocotBent to thflM
' ' " ,Yii. lt. Ito Hia io th* oecMral d*r.rt^*Bt bi. i*.
___h_7_.MBJH aa iBcrfii* of at:.*1** 0T*r Ibe prenoai
*<;?';. . .laa*.?????"- '">?
.7.^ ..' -- aa* .:.r,t,-*.li.ttk*.co.'..n.bn..?*..of tbi. C .o-P*??.
, -i.Tft. ..al-,t.|. 'a. th* pr*i>*?" BHBNaa, kflfl eibab.tfd . llf ?dj
. m m 1,1* i boot* or two of in,llit..ra. whirb ipranl up in Tiri
. ? I;^,^^?ur,,a^?-.:S
BboMM. Tbfbnaia*.. bi. l.een man.d*.! witta In.flll
.j tn.fcnlT-tl.lt to .11 Th. Uf. drport.-at of tb*
. a ,.,? of tid ?*? Hi-- ***** J-?ln'lhe ___[
i .?, t+it -iH. Tbrr-kTreom mt-ret'.'irpobelra. Thi. r*cof
.,,,,.'.,<.,. tbfl... r.i- fiihpl.Bh..?sln.l6f.nr*,
? ? ,.r.b.lt.?pl..fonT,r.,..B.bi.,h,..offcp1in|..bft>fl?.
..-,, irinn-fBU: 'Tl,* rnMet-bulAtt gtUt ne ?!.??.??
rt., b? o? aoaflf .io*. aot p?rfb??, Tbe root of metymg th* tm ob
. | ,_. l.ff i. 11*00 lata. Ka. CO-nplOT ln thii m|*<t hl. BB, Itti.O
M .. ... .-...iber lf ibe aaiae cir* ,. flflflt ln tb* itleftloo of livei. th.
'pwifueelBmakiBK iBTfUmer.ti, .Bd tb* BOtn* Of.'ii
. Ut .11 r,'Tan* to th. MM paatt*. Tbflfll U.loP bftn*
Ih.) ,hr B.*lh.-I whirb irtiia. t? th* Rwatfrt oilfat Ih'
..,,?'. r. .;>..nv,,l,t,. ooooflBtabUMp. iad nr*. I. lo 1>* P-*
, ] bhMoI th* P'.an |.i..ptf.l h, tbf T.erflerii
, :. mUmt w,tl f >n.|.ir* fiToriM.T with tbo
, w yttm raathal bj pAbryvtUen ?tho tx.t ?? por
. , lr, Trretrr,; ?~.\peTb*p*n?r?n\At.t\eelL- o'.htt
?l r luTimrl/f our o-,ainlmof It thin 11 -
r.Utionof th.Throit ind Hoaroenooi will be -PflflaM}
f .lmoot iauaodiito r.l.ef iffordod br tto Mt of " HaoWB'l
1 i 1 h rHBa."_______????
Savk Fiktekn Dot.laks.
pa, tVffVbnlad Wtuo* SHiTTiaSawiNuMiiH.-TB. Tbeh'itla
tha ?... I 04 ?,.'.! ,.n fii? piTm?nt, of ?* a >i.e?t1'- **,r
. 4 |*w g .il ClBTlMen iud Agtvla w.uWd OIBce
iv ,...? ?,?.ai, M., ?,>.(?-,ai'tiT. 707 Broidwi,.
~A Si'i. im pt.?Lxca CuBTAim m utock aud
| K.1.'n A'0__W_a_tM 131-a!w.t_
I". \i:..\.v- i'i .li WELBT, vVATCUM, DlAMONpS
MtTWc , .. .... kO., wlliiif. ..fl H OM IbiB wbukai.lt
Ot* C AlHi.
B4I Bro.tdwi., ntir Po-rt?tjthit_
(Joi ii 8l1 i vi Bi i i-'N-a *?:- iS -^. WO,to $20
tii-'Hi.i r. Al.o^,
841 Bra.idwMvBfirFportyi,t,Vlt
i. a .. H11 ob'i Ha? Dtb.?iW be?t"in -",?
Lllllll lll~, tina:eii, perfeet. Appltel at FaOterr, .We. 18
> ..a-.ahlra._.
ZiNtiBEK.?Thia root in WiLUAna'i Extkact
JaBll. a ? ??'?BK aill r-...t ou! pi ni uf ?tomacb__i_.l_b______
" VVi .llin-'Naitis, IJ.ilU'ar.l^.Monojframs .Orilew
aadway. Bitobltakofl Wa.
Aitiiii' ui nu?? Palmer I.imbs.
17^ B* Iw, H 1 l.>."'i'bfitnut.|t-, l'l.ila.; 31 1ir**tt-lt., Bo?ton.
? ?VToPM'^kT, IDat AiaTioTioaoci EiCHisua of CoTaauBBitT
IBO Bfl Pkh I'OST BiISM Ot ?n? rBOIAI'llKB
? ,k.'.4!4T. Priiic:;.aJ inJ 'nt.rfit payabl* in goll,
M ?iad Be-oabe.
: -,?ip?n or rfji-a.a-r-l PriOl 94
okii Piciftt Fn Pr.?CaMT r.iiom, lnltrtat rajiblc
j,: o eb et: ay ?nl tell it curr.nl tniriet price.
.' it?t i-li OoTcn.u.ft.1 fltcaritioo, ond eiea-ut* orl?n lt th.
.a,! I'.iow ittfreat it th* nt* of four per rent on
. rn.).. ri lli -t i-t.1 Id ill pirli of th* fotintrr; ln-.* Ctrtificotoi
oflVpov'. lf. 1 ,Io i ?fterail bii.tiii| bai Bea*. Fi-E k HaTi B,
II.K?a Plia, SN-Biiiuit.
\ - H 41,1.
;/./._/-> OF THK ItUBlAK.
Pui v 1 nirir, Mail Sul-acribani, flO per annnm.
? .Mi-Wttti y I itiBL'NK. Mail Suborribtaro, $4 per au
IVuatV luuiiNK, Mail SubsenbeiB. *$i per lumuai.
Aii vertiniDi RatPfl.
Paii v Truu >r. GOc. 40c., 5C?c. 75c. and $1 por lin?.
Cimi-Wi KK1 v Tribt'nb, 30 and Oo ccnts per linfl.
iViin.Y I KiBL.M, ?2, $3. and fi ptvr lin?,
At coiding to puoitnon in tho paper.
Tai_uo. caab in advance.
Addioaa. Tire TRiBr*E. Navr-York.
A<lv.-iti><-*nf>Tit8 f.r this we.-k'H iomio of Ttn,
IVaaiLi TajBOBfl n.uit bf I.isdM ia Tu-lAtu Prif* tt per line.
%ti*i-$o& %ail% tfrifaw.
A ruat i* tliia-at. ni-.l in AntwiTp. ?*??? Five chlldrpn
liHve bon iaiirua-ilj nt-.tr Hullfax. === A Jfoult etatab
li-tnui-iit han baaa aaarcbad la Poten. ===== Butisorip
tii.iiototbc voluntetrfuiidcontluuttobe niadeln i'ranco.
In the B-'nate. v.-ot.-raliiy, Mr. Byt opoko flt lflnjrth on
!!.? Freucti ariii* fraud*.-; In tbe Ilouoe, an luvebti
; itlitu wao orilt red lutu tlu- Frencb anna loutracts.
Tbt. Jui.ani-fM' Eralirtsaay biivf- arrived ln riiicai.o. n-,
A laill fair tlif r<M>*iiJ of tlie Erie ClaHHiflcatlon bai been
iiitnwluced iu tli>- Btate Aaaaaaaiy, ?-- Au exteubive
*Cre ban tx-turred near (-i.riu?ctleld, Maaa,
TlirtH' luroro xerrr obtalnod for lha trial of Mayor
Iiuii. r _ Tii*- l-taikea cawa wao ?t<l)ourn.-d.-? Dr.
i amocb.ta Introdueed evidt-Lce in bloilcf. uoe. ?r^_ The
.-.atiillil'ii. af tta Beaii.f-u'e Baliaat aa Btaten Inlaud v*ao
lavaaataalal. .?-? Tue Judli-lary C<*imntttf?-took dani
ut-iii){ Umttggaay anainit JuiIkp OahUaa, ? _ ? Oold,
liaf, li'ij, 110| TIi.-riu..iu<-ta-r, Ti?, toP, Bt*.
The Lejfialatlre Lnreatlgatlon yc^ttrday into
lhe Hlti.irs of lha Seanu'iiV K.tr.iit, <?n Statou
I litnil, tit vilopcd no tr.TP4?? of Iraml or cor
l njition, but fihowt-d, quite oonclutalvfly, that
lln- iii*,titiitioii ha.* lar/?tly out^rrotMi its iim>
fuhMta; Umt it is a detriment to the Islaml
lor Kiinitiiry reasoiiH, and thal ii might i?rofit
i.l.ly Im- koIiI, and tho moiify niorc* advaiitii_,'( -
o,ii-ly mijiliml tluoiigli otlif-i rhaimrl- to volieve
jk-C'I.v -ttilor*-. _
W'liilc tha Bcaata ia taminf oonaideratioii of
t!..' Siniuipr ri-BolutioiiH ronrunin^ tho re
jaorl. d isali" of anus into it politk-al d.-lmti*,
Un Home haa paaaed a laaolatkm of inv.-ti
yx.iioii. It ia rtfit-HliinK to tmn lrom tbe liigli
nouDdiiif and wordy hanuifoae ol tlie itro
j\iliiiiiii>tiatioii St-natorb to tlie cool, decided
,:i<tion <>f the House. All that anybodj bae
?v*i aaked for is an hoii?-?t in.juiry into the
f.i'.un M.tniiitl, and that haa beea voted liy tha
J.iiw.i House, while Mr. Nye, "tlie end man "
nl the Sinate, v.a? tumiiiK the jioiul of oue of
*;in Uboiiona jokes.
I.i aiioth.r part of Tm. Ti;iiu\i:, to-ilay,
ajrill be found the "Caea" of tlie Britiafa Gor
<i nini nt, ,*iH pnpand for KiihmiMHion tothe
<.. iii-va Triliunal, ininuH it.t ollitial v.-ihiage
jintl detall only. The dotuineut wan laid l?e
pora J'ailiaiin nt Imt a week hinci-, aml aomo
auidiTHtaiitiiuK of itb contenU ami eliara.l. i it
Miy tO nn lutelliKint view of llie
* ni in.it <-d disciifasion whith in now goi&f on.
nm?t occur to even the mo?t eMoal raadei
thal tlio presoiitation of tlio Amoiioan dallB
fur indireot dnmaj.es eould nol. hnvo surprised
tlie lbitish C.ovornmcnt, prepared in it was at
nll point.. for thia very demand. Thf Britieh
Caaa, indoed, might havo just baaa written,
Inotoed of beiag mado op befon tha ABteri
cau CbbO saw tlu- 1 i?_;Iit._
Hen i? another Benator on the w?j onl of
Um Ri 'publieaii parly. Mr. Frclin-huv .011 bM
?pokea auiunst ex-CoUeotof Murphy. Moieorer,
he aaya thut tliat fiinctioiiiiry WM removed pro
simia'bly fnr niiseondnot. And this in tbfl fBOB
of tho I'residont's letter nooepting Mr. Ifiirphy'fl
rosij. nation, and u-snriiig him thnt he. the
Presitlont, with great pleeanre, bore teatiinonj
t?. "the cflhicnoy, honesty, nnd zeal"' with
which the rething CoDeotor had dieeharged his
offlcial duties. BeDBtor PreUogbuyeeB moat
eoricct his bcarings, or make up his mlnd that
he is on that road w.iich lcads out of tho
RepnbliCBB party.
Thf. TmmNK.'s rocent expoanre of the traf
fie iii frauduliMit diplomas, and of Ihe infaiium .
Philadelphia "univorsitios,'' has led to it
I.cgislative investigation, tho evidenee bfOBgbl
to hght amply anataining the ehargea made
by as. We eonftdently expeet to beea from
Harrisbnxg of the lmmediate revocation of
tho chartors which havo boen naed' to
oover ench ehamele.s raseality, nntl the
District Altorney of Phfladelphia ie berewith
aaaored that ho cannot do tlie State better aer
vice than hy dovising somo nieans of inilieting
eondign ptmishment npon the miacreentfl who
havo thofl diagraeed the mclical profcaaion,
into which they have biirrowed, and outragcd
the publie by eoniiiiissioiiing qoacka and abor
tionists to prej ou tbe iguomnt and unaua
peeting. _________________
One good result of the investigation into
the General Order busim ss, in this cily, is
foreahadowed in the eorreepondenoe betweea
Collector Artliur nnd becretary Buutwoll, pub
liahed to-day. The JL-oet harnacles ave to !??
seraped otf if possihlo, and tlio bnsiiMM is to
be conducted, BOOOrding to the Seorctnry, with
a view to tho best accomniodation of tho
mercbenta, after the primary eonsideration of
tho sccurity of tho Oovernnient has been
mado. Tho reault will, of eourse, bo the
utter extinction of tho hangen-on who pro
cui-c their aiistcnanco through the Military King.
To be sure, they may yet find flome nieans of
circtimventing tbe mlefl which are expected
to be npplied to the details of the new . cheitie;
but the publio attention has been BO clos.l.v
drawn to tho business that we have hopes
that this time tho Scoretary's opposition to a
plan which is devised for the expreafl porpoae
of forniflhing ptp for flpecial favoritea will
not, as before, be found ioefl!-ctual.
Of all the petty and utterly eontemptible
resolutions of inquiry ever introducetl in Con
greee, none has ever gone so very Iow down
BA Senator Conkling's resolution to ascertain
from the Preaident what roeommendationa to
oflice havo been mado by certain Benatora.
It may bc possihlo that somo of these gentle?
men have mado more sucb reeomuicndatiiuis
than the peragon of exeellenoe who tims
inipiuleiitly impngna their eondnci and attempta
to rereoge himself for their independence.
What of it? Ii.ii tlio Benate of the United
Btatea sunk so Iow that it mnst employ its
Ume in hnnting np theae peraona) and nnim*
portant particuhirs T We might BBggeat, if it
were relevant, the namea of balf-a-doaen pro
Adminiatration Benatora whoae vote is in fa\(.r
ui' every jobbing bill, and whoflfl time iflehieflj
apent in monaing about the Departmantaj bnl
oven in tlie controver.sy of dignifled journali.m
snch mattera are thongbt trivial; bow much
iiiore tritling are they in tbo handa of a Beaa?
tor?a state. man !
The overwhclming diacloenreaof Qnarantine
eorrnption mado before the Inveetigating
Committee derive additional weight from the
BingnlBT pneiiliiy of Dr. Carnocban'a defenae.
Without even attonipting to refnte the chargea
againat him, be has sought to weaken tin ir
foroe liy summoning two or three of his snb
ordinates, who naturally said nothing ill of
tlieir maflter; half a dozen flteamflhip men
whom he had not dared to blackmail or op
preaa, and who, consequcntly, had no coiii
pluiiits to make; and a doctor or two who di
l.ited readily opon the need of n Btringont
qnarantine, bnt had no exenae to offer for the
flhameleefl extortionfl that havo driven one
third of onr liio trade to l.altiinore, in less
than two years. Enough has boen com lusivcly
proved to warrant tho iu-tant removal of tbe
lltalth Officer; and tho Committee, which re?
turued yesterday to Albany, will fail in its
duty if lt does not take steps promptly to ae?
eure tbo tborough reform of these Qnarantine
ahiises. Befoie adjouruing, tho Committee
examised Coininist.ioner IJell eoncerniug the
cxpenditurea of the Qnarantine Board, tm ex
poaed in yesterday's Titinine. The witaeea
aonghl to justify somo of theso outlays, but
was forced to admit that othen wero "very
"cxtravagiint," and tho whole matter will
douhtleas be fnrther inyeetigated at Albany.
The (. ran ito Stato t-lects her .Stato offloera
and Legialatnre on Tuesday, Ifarefa Utfa ; Con
necticut does likewiso on Mondiiy, Ajuil 1st.
I li' <? bt-in^ the only Stato Klections that OC
cur before Angtut, while eaeh of these Btatea
isnicely balanced in politics, tbey are naturally
legBlded with lively interest hy jxililicians
throughout the Union. Neiv-lliimpsliiie was
in lbTl earried by the Democrats for the fir_*
time since 18.34; while Connectictit, which had
gone Demoeratic in 1670, went Itepublican by
a very emall majority. It is obvious that tho
vote in either Stati?unless ieduced by in
elemeat weather?wUl be much beerier
this Bpring than last, and that the re. ult iu
either is very douhtfiil. We notice that the
wire-woikeis of either party aro under eon
ceru of mind fnr the f;tto of tlie other: Dam
oentfl insi-iiiiK timi a BepublicBB triaapb will
iiiKiire tho iciioiiiiiiatii.n of (Jm. (Jr.uit, while
BepnbUeaafl ratort that Demoeratic gaina now
will insiire tho BOminatiOB of Jetl'. Ditvis and
ilreckinridge or BestuegBrd for riisident and
Vice-1're..iileiit hy tho axoltant Deniocrai y.
^\'(. apprehend that the rotea of the ?nv-n
will he hut bli^htly all'ected by these j.rcdic
The t( nns ol Orrifl S. Ferry imd Jamea W.
Patterson, U>. S. Senators fiom Ctinneciicui
and New-Hampahire reapectively, expire irith
the preaenl Congreaa, aml their aeata wili be
lilhd l.u tho aix yearaenaning liy the Legiala
tmes ahout to hc ehofleB. These gentlemen
had o*iu little pnblic aervice out of theii
i. -|i(ctive States priot to their eleetion t(. tbfl
Benate, wherein thej bave cboeea not to be
peraiatent apeakera, while Mr. Vony baa ?nf
Eered from cbronio ill health. Tbe Djune ol
neither Of them has tims Iniii mad.'
?' t.i nn tim apaaalaf te?f of bobbBIbi FBaaa;"
oo tbat tytjiuu iuloiligciii iraadofi |u,ty uoi
nl ready know thnt hvo l.etler _bnatnrs tliiin
M.'-tHr-t. Ferry nnd I'utterson are linrd to BBd,
Then may BO* bo Fort.v ThiffH in tlie pres
. nt, Benate, but thnt) are at leaal twenty iiinn*
thaa theta ihould be, nnd vouality i? thew ??"
.-niiiiiioii that tviii pure mi'ii an unju>tl> Wa
pectodi yit ao oin- ever Mispected or inabnt
ut.-.l tliat .itii.-. Ferrj or l'atterson haa made
,,r Booght to make a dollai rorruptly. CapaNe,
,.1.-st, iiiih'pciiili nt, and stemly eoiiM n attonni
ilu -ii- Btatee will be foituuate if able to ro
place them by snoceeeora equally rfhioleae aad
w nrl liy. ____________?__
TU l.iuahiii Timn, in lhe ealinei and moi.'
r.aatotialiir ti-iie it bM hitily iissiinii'd in tha
diaeoaaioo of the question <>f the Treaty of
Waahlngton, is in the lial.it of ttayii-g that all
difficultiee have ntisen from a nautual mi snn
deratandlng helvveeii tlie two nations as to eaeh
otber*! poaltlon. ll are edaalt this to be true,
it beeomea at onee a matler of greal itni?<>i
tanee thnt thii miaunderataadini ebaD uot
.?oiitiuiii". bnt that tli- Governmeni an.l people
of eaeh conntry shall hc giren in even poaai?
ble way n eleai eemprtibenaion of ihe >daima
of Un- other, on thr merita of thr eaae. ai
w.ll aa uii.ltr tlir piovisions of the Treaty.
To this woik of enlightaninent, ou eone
spondent in I.nndon, GeofgC W. Siiiall.y, esq.,
bM ilevoli'il the romise and pertineiil h tli i
to TU Tinus wbieb we reprodnce to-day.
Ue bhowB that the univcisal impresMoii in
Aineriea, aftrr the ronilusion of lhe Tieaty,
was tliat thi" pi'opo--.ition ot the United States
f..r a lomp mm and a mmmary amicable aet
il. iu. nt baving beea rrjected by England. the
Treaty, as adopted, throw us back npon all
our reeerved righta iu the premieee, and ad
mitieil us to the Board of Arbitration with no
further reatricfUn ?* t'.? tt"' chmea <>f (Laima
we w. in to preeent than those couUiiiiul iu
the texl of the Treaty itaelf. Bll oeiive na?
tions with prominenl imn who badaaaleted in
ihe framing of th.- doenment proredthiaj nml
it was flill mon" itrongly shown by the
universal ncctptancc of the Treaty throngh
out the country, hy the piess and by pnblle
?.???inion.on tho gronnd thai it lelinqvlahed ""?"
of our tliitiiis, imi referred ihe whole matter to
ihe Board of Arbitration. Il it were poaaible
for our Commiaaionera an.l tho Benate and tbe
Pn'.-.idi'iit ta anite in ;i t-lahonorable game to
deeeive England by eaying nothing abont thiir
real intentiona, it is impoaaible to bnagine
tliat this itratagem rould have been hept np
I.y the nation. Ai Mr. Bmalley expreaaea it,
"Toriy milliona of people cannot enter into a
"ennspiraey of sih n.c."
This view of the eaae ia foreing Itaelf npon
the attentlon of lhe better elam of Engliafa
jonrnala, nnd has its effect upon all ex
|ir<--i'.ns. of pnblle opinion. The Times, ttt a
iiii ul eiliti>rial founded npon Mr. Bmalley'a
letter, admita that tbero was DO fonndation
for Mi.'.'ilail.-toue's implied ehaige of insin
eerity againat the Gorenunent of the Uuited
.states, and di.-eusses tho entire question with
admiraUe spirit and temper. It makea, how
erer, the iui*-t:-l_o->. whieh ie not nnnanal even
with well-infbrmedpeople in Enrope,oi ettech
Lngnndne Impoi-tenrotothevfolentntteraneeeof
;i New-York paper which n.-vt-r ireigha its worda,
and inferring, lrom later nrlieles in llie ume
jonrnal, tbat there has heen a reaetion iu
Americau opinion npon this Bubject. Tinn. ia
no i.iiititiii, abecanae there has been no excite
iiii-iit. The great lmlk of thinkiBg .people
?stiiinl now predaelj wbere they atood at lhe
tiiu.' of ih<* iir-i outbreak of Engliab indlgne
tion. We >aeceptod the Tieaty, as a fair and
eqnal meana ol putting an end to nu annoy*
ing and injuriooe rontreveragr. Ii wai tbe
onlj meana whieh eeemed aeceeaible of ob
taining npon all the qneatfona at ieane
the dcciaion of a court whieh might
taiily be preanmed te ronrej the Jndgment of
the eivili/.-d world npon lhe poinls involved.
However thia blgb tnternationa] tribnnal might
deeide, its verdiit would he inveetod with a
aanction too powerful ta admit of appeal.
With few exeeptiona, tbe people, of the United
Btatee approved tbii flnal and definitive refer
eme. Onr < Jovernment laitl before the Hoard
of Arbitration the full atatement Of itn case
aml its claiiuH without reserve and without
exaggeration, This plea was eonvcyed to the
Engliab Cabinet, and for eeveral weeks pro
voked no espeeial exciteineni. Hut the DeWB
papcrs, ouo by one, began to nttaek the
Ameriean ease, aml just as Parllament
opened?thongb Tho Lomfoii Tinttt) insists that
partisan foeling had no inflnenee npon the
manifestalion?lhe leader of tlio oppoaitiou
goaded Mr. Gladatone into nn intempemte and
Lndiaereet ipeech, tadirectly impngning the
good faith of tho Ameriian Goveiunient in its
interpretation of the Treaty. Aa a further
proof lhat party spirit i? not entirely ebeent
from tho eriticisins of the Treaty, it may be
Btated that Lord Malnie^bttry, on the wme day
in which The HaMapnbliahed this artiele, sever.-Jy
eensuredtheljoverument iu the Ilouse of f.ords,
"lirsf, for havintf ftent a Conitnipsion to Wadi
'?in^'lon, nnd seeond, for baving fielected lm
"ptoui]ifu diplomatiata aa ite ?emben.w Amid
all this explosion of Bttrpriie and aaget iii Kn
gland, there was uo corn-Hpobding exeitiment
in tho Uuited Stntes. Wa proposed to stnnd
hy the Trealy, and nbide by its deeision, leav
intf exilusively to England tho respousihdity
of withdrawittg from it. Amon^ newapapen
aml aCongreaamen of eelf-ieapeet, fhe Qneetion
waa diseussed with entire coolness, and
the few joiirmils and politieuins who
answered the BwgHah oiitluirst with howls of
tleliame met with iniuiedialo nud unlveisal
expieaaione of eontempt, The Impteaaloa waa
general among all parties and iill faetions, that
this was a hii uat ion in whieh We wen- too
itlOWg for any exeilement or elamor. Tlu re
has been no . Mort ol nny MttaeOJUettM tO make
political eapital of the inddent, All partiee
eiuaiid of the Adminiatratioa that it shall not
eaeile fiom the ?a.'roiiml whieh i*, regarded as
jiihtilied hy faets, and hy the letter aml -|.iin
of the Treaty and tlie I'n.toeol.
We simerely hope that lhe nppreheii-ii.il>- et
the Englbdi Preee will not prove to he joat.
We should regret to see hii>:laml withdravv
from n method ol Mttlement eonghl hy ber*
Hi-ir, arranged witb patienl eare ou botb nides,
and joyfully aeeeptod ns a limility hy both.
Beeauae If England should witbdraw, aml the
Qeneva Board should eefnae to deeide tht
qneetione al issue, in ihr eontumaeieua abeenae
of one of the partlea, it in diSenlt to bou how
nny decieiofl ia evei ta he reaebed,
Bhlpping mii.hiinis an.l agenti eotnplaiii
thal, thottgfa the port is trowded with nll'
eailora, aud fen ahipe enter and have our
doeka, tbc wagea nl eeamen are as hi^h ns in
ihe mo-t proaperoni aml inisy Beaaon. Thii
violation of the Lawa of supply aml demand
ir, a eon-?qiiem i oi the .-vii inflnenee of th<
keepera ol sailoih' boardiag'bonaee, who an
practieally the ihlpping ageata oi ihe port,
uml who ielii-e lo ht ih. poor f.llows whom
they have in tbelr powei ship al nny rah
IottOi; Vbitu lhe petllattoi |9f a u\>u\li.
These men would willinglv ongagc at *00 ?
inontli, and ship-nwnois would nvail them
..ke . of their lahor at this rate, but the
lan.llords prevent. Thtis aaOon aro outragod
and . hippiug knd eomw ree eripjfled. lt ta
in pait to remedj these al.uses that the
Bhippmg Commtaatooera hill has beenintro
diiced into Congreaa. Petitiona for its iflame
diate adoptinn, signed by the motehaiils of
Boaton aad New-York, nml of almoe. erery
otber poit (iii thi-. eoaat, aa?ebeenforwarded
thnmgh the Cbambera of ComBieree aml
Boarda of Trade. Laal year the bill P**j*j
Ihe Senate niuiiiiiioii-l. , bnl was not icached
in the HOOBO. Now it is favoraUy Bgreed
apon i.v tl.e Honae Committee ou Commewe,
and i- io he reported when that Commlttee is
ealied, probabij on Wedneaday. We hope this
iniporlant ineasiire, ho greatly all'ecting tho
ci.inn.. ie ot Ihe largei porta nnd the welt'aie
t,f tl,.- seai.iaii, will not be loal hy lOBgei
Col. Foniev's fltatement throngh The Simiht'i
Chrunitlc, (Washington.) of tho sticcossive
confen-iices betweea bimsell', Col. Bewline,
and othera, through which Oen. (iraut was
tormally brongbt forward (Nor. 7, 1867.) m a
caiiihdate for the Preaidency, aeema to us in
dicative of a lapee of memory on Col. F.'a
part either now or very soon after thoso re
inarliiihle c.inb reiicos. Let us ro.piote the
moet aalient peragrapheof Col Forney'i letter i
" when Rawllaaaaaaa baak frmn Oea. Grant with tho
.?.lir..i iit [iii.iiiiiiitiiiK him). Iin Md Wt, witli irrciit eiupha
.1-1. 'Oea. Oraal ioca uot traat to ba PreoidaaS. Ho
tblaka thi Bepablfcaa party uiay aaal **** au,x Uo
inii. u., as Iheir eaadldate, ka eaa f>o elo.-te.l au.l
rr.'.rt.il: Imt,' aald Kawlim*. ' what l. to tiocotiK* af
ataa afterhleeeeoad freeldaaHal tenal What, ladead,
durlu?< his A.lmliil.trati.iiil IJo 1. laeetviM trom _ev
eateaate tw.nty thoaaeni aaUamayaaraa aaoaaal
ot thr Artiu.a .>! the BepabUo -a IttB-ealary. To go
into the l'i.-. i.l. ti< y. at f_">.._M ii ycir. for elj.ht yen:<*,
Ib, pathapa, to -ena moro taaaai bat wimtii to hecomo
af l.im at iti..' aad el hia Preetdaaey i H" t*> not a
j.i.iiii. inu. ii"-I'.csii.it aeptia ta tha plaaa. Elghtye?r^
frmn tim ith af Much, 1*69, ho will be about M years old.
Of eoarae, keaiaatapead kli aalaiy aa Fieeldeat En
Kl.iml, with bar WeUlBBtOB, h.-r Nel-on, aud her other
t i .. -rn -_-. ' iipvi-r i" o-.t.-d tn enrleh ;ind
?sabbla thaai tkroaab aii their pootetity. Baeh a'pWicf
I. ln acoord.tnce with tha .hiir.n tn pf lha Kn4li-.I1 Oar
.?nuii. nt; Imt lu '..ir nmiiiry. tlie BBBB abo Igkta for and
Baraa tha aVaahlla woui.i ba a begfai If hc .1-;.i .
iiimii paUtteal OmAeoi uud. mark It. if Orant takes anr
thiup frmn Ibe iuli. WhOBB vu.-t foit.met ka BM .aved,
after he li rrc.i'i. nt, be wlU ba aeeaaed aa tbe wlUtac
red.ptMl af mitit.'
-j.ist .-..iv, wiii ii (i.-ii. (ir.mt la Btraxgliag out of
bla iii-t t-iiii ?"? "io Praa_deaej aad atraBgUas mto
biseeeoad,] thoaabi U mlgkl aol ba out ..f placo to
r.vivo ttn-. iiic.ii. nt. Tin... Jt wiu ba ieea that Oaa.
(li.int imt oi.lv il.-?lred to I'-nriin ff-'.ldent fortwo tcnn.i,
imi tlmt it waa only aa tha aaaaraaeear aia frtaada ibal
heshoui'i ba I-"... t..i tia.it lt.- aoeefted thoofflcoat ?U."
GmmmbIi by The Tribune.
Col. Fmuey mnst bave forgotten, wiun he
wtote the above, the euccessivo editoii.il. in
hi. < hrvnicie dnring the weekfl immediately
preeedinf Uen. Grant'a fonnal presentmout ut
Cbicago (June. 1088) aa the Hcpuhlicau eandi
date tor Preaident, wherein tho One-Tctm
principle was strongly conmicnded, aml his
Journal tommitted tbereto aa abeolntely as
WOrdfl eauld bind it. Those artielcs, we are
Well aasired, wm- teen hy Geu. Graut?iu
aome inetanees, lu fore theii- pnhlication?and
wero nnleratood by their anthor to reeeive
ln- hpprobation.
.-. 11 ht i.i,'.. .,-?
ir ii>i- T... ip.. \.;ni Moii.ii-i'i'ii bow the arcbtteete of
ti..- federal -? i . be ; ?? to preeerre io
tair a li.iini" "i power throaab tim oraaalaattoa of
th. tin. i .li ii.irtinent . <>f the (.om ininent, sliould liuve
im ii - h?n .iKhted eaaaah(ta raader tbalr arhoiawark
in- -..in-, i.y u^ikin*; tiie Preiideat i-li.iiiln to reQee
llmi. We wnndi-r, too, fur it ha. incnlitiit.tt.ly done
?oro ledtmitoy tbi ooinHtet.i bahm*?, umi ireakeo
our 1111111111100", than any other Inherent d.fectof our
.) etam, or. ihi imi.-., nli oBben eomblaed. * * *
BJkat the eountry n.cda for pacllicatinii 1* a rre.ldcnt
without a roli. y. Baek u one we ihall havo iu Oen.
(imnt. Ue ls, nioiea.ver, BB iidvocato of the Onc-Tenn
pnncli'le. m POadaeiBB toward the j.roiH-r a.liulul-.frn
timiiif tbe law-a prtaetpte wlth whli-hso many proml
ii.nt i:> petUeaM bare IdeattBed ihaaiaalraa that it may
!,i u.-i-a [it. -i.a. an iirtnli- of lmrty falth. Senators Wade
und siiinui * hate eaeh uiiuii'liniiifi to the C.aii .titutlon
pendliiK U'f.ui th.- H.-imte restrictliiK fhe I're^ldeuey to
B hinu'l.- tei ra. uml 00 Hiiturd.iy last the Hon. JaaBBB M.
\ .1,1, y of cilto intro.lueed two ann-iiitinint. to the (''Ui
. tltiitmn iut? the ffoaaa of K.-prc. < ntative . for the samo
parpaea, aad wlth the fartbai view of eiectiui? the PreHi
,1. iiT hy a itlfiTt vote of the p.-..|.l.-, Bboliehtafl tha OflBO
of Viee-Pra.il.lant, und provldlag H lunre tatllfaOtOQ
m.thod of <eucraleleetlon.
Prim Tlit /MII. Chroniel', tTiuhitij'nn Jrk. 1< IBM,
ix't not(<iii_rre_riaiijoiirii without paeetaatbeOae 11 rtn
BaaeedBMBt to tha Oeaedtatlen, There haa aeree baaa et
fiivi.rablean <ii>portunlty. All parti.-h are iu tavor of It.
i'he pregiiit lucuuilioat of the Pieii.lentlal ottea hau no
iiHl.iteniiiit to o|'.|io?* It. NoLody'i eeusil.ilitiescan bo
offt-nded >y it. lt aaaaal baeharfed a? n party niove
nient lnt.nded to head ofl nu obnoxioui Tre .ldent. Oen.
oiani it in famr of it. The party whioh sapporti
Oea.On_M daaaaada n, en.i, 8tK)ve all elne, puhlic mo
ralitycal- fur it. Let uh never Bfabi witneis the uttcr
Babaaaaaaal of the FieeMeattet oftioe by tho offort. of
tin- ln.-iiniieiit to aacara a aaaaad term. Tho aaeoad
term nml.B Ika ktal B BBlted of ehleanery. tt i. tlu fer
tile genuof" Exeeutive l'oliry," uud brmg^ forth u fear
ful crop ?f treaihery and ll.-a.
lt le t|C fouieuterof dlvMon. i.etween tlie De(...rt
Seata, aid tba tadaearof Bxeeettre uearpattaaa Itia
n .-uuitMtt iH-rll to tho llbi rti. . of the emmiiv. Not a
man or u party ln the eountry worth eoaaeeUaf wltb
wifht-i tii- Piaabteal to bo oiikKiI.* to areOeetloa. if
the aapaBaalty i? io?t, and wo wan aatti aftar the next
1'rei.liielllftl eleetion, we Ihall rnn couutcr to BBBM IBB
po-ied MMaalef|artf lateraat iu laopoaiaf thlaeah
Jaata Tltn why walt 1
It neei not take u day to pn*. the aeeaaaaiy aniend
ment, aul in tha aeaaaal taaajar ?t tha eoaatrjr it m ui i.a*
i.titi.d. CaaajNaa "houid not adfoarnwlthoataaeelaB
th. (im I'eim aiii.iidmctit.
Uut, even though we ibonld prove to havo
been nWnforB?ed oo thi*. point, the pnbllcn
tion of these articles a. editorial in TTtua Ohrott
ii'le is matter of record und notoiiety. How
ean it he ncnciled t\ith Col. I'oiiie.vV -t.ite
meiit above qiioted' Say tbaf lieii. (ii.uit
did mt commit biui>olf to the Om-T< rm pj tn -
I'ijih-, bow does thifl help The Cbrottiele .
Toila.v, m onr readera kuow, England bolda
the ?ligious holiday so long pbmned for tht
Prinie'a recorery. Now, while there is nn
doultedly .omethirig tiuo and hoautiful in the
idi aol a qiOBtaneoill outpoiiring of gratitude
to t^id hy a nnlion lot tho pieservation ot a
belored raler, and while (if it must tuko the
iham of a eefcmony) there eonld he no better
liguie-hetid for it than tbe QveePi Who at 1. a.--t
baa been bb aii.-ctionato nnd deroat wito and
iin.ther, yet llie 'lhatiksgiviiig to-.lay (loi s im
preai outaide eool apectatorsaBemotion uot only
mil ol dale. bnt made to order. Tbe Qoeen,
no doiiht, is . incere, and thie moniing in Bi
PanlV as 110111(11010 in tho solitudo of her
chiset, will thitiik (iod out of tho doptliH of ft
full l.tiirt, as uuy other loving mother would
dn, tbal hei lii>t-hoin has l_ceu eparinl to hor.
What. \or . trength or ululity lay in her life
haa been firea to her busband und cbildren;
while n.y.iliy. iti duties or pomps, has Iwou
met hy her uh ko much irklOBM drtidgeiy.
Ym I'lohiihly, aii-.., tha feelinf ef gratitnde
eiprewed with aneh fevei heut hy the preea,
in ln half of th. nation, wns sinceit - ior a \v. ek
hil.r the l'lince's recoieiy.
There is u Itind ol puio dume-slic feelii.g in
tin liome loving Kugli .liin.in, uluch the apee
lacle Of a dyittg man, a widowad moilui aud
ftjeuiig, bcantiful wify would uot fail to
avvakcn. Tho ihoek roused, loo, all the lateat
loyalty to tx royal family inherited for gen
eratiotiH, and whieh pliihuophy or common
sense is slow in rooting out. Bot the welgbt
iest cause for anxiety in Alhert Kdward's ill
liess, as we all know, w,11 the eeilainly of
lhe great nnd iinexpeeted advatttege it would
give to the radiral party. Ih'^ts of lloW
DOVtng, neutral Engtiahmen who would see
Ihe Prince of Wales .un. ed his motlier wiih
out tboaght, ns they Mubmil to all long
eslahlished preeeilenl. as a matter of *******
would l.e tliiven in the ea-e ?>f a protrarted
regcmy to think ; to BBake -i elioi.e; t.. welgb
tho aetnal advantagee of a repnblk workiug
iu all ita part*, aml this abaa ',f )l govera
ment, that has Itaelf heen an idle, eoitlv
-han. so long. Nothing eould bo uuuo lat.il
to Um ConaervaUve party of Bngland than
any BOCh hall b>r thought among the masses;
h.iiie arosc their bicaUilens wat.h over the
si.k bed ut Bandringham, .md bence their
outei'y of rejoiejng wben the danger waa fnr
a iime tideii over. There are prohably few
men of ifitelligciice in Bngland who do not
aeeretly feel that ihe days of royalty ate nmu
hered, but, tbeir own position beingeoniforta
ble, they fondly hope and labor to make it laal
out th.ir iime. "Aftiru.---tlie Delnges" but
why rthouhl auy man leave solid footing and a
Btone bonae, aml betakehimaalfto an aifc and
wbirlpoola so long as he ean belp itt It ia
this party whieh is ?triving to ptdlong the lato
llieker oi' loyal Hame, by the pegeaat of to
day. Bellgtova devotion i:i ealled iu to belp,
and the Qoeen, who ltfc.4 so long ob->tinately
refnaed to t.ght her own battle with the
people, bv making hirs.-lf a Bpecteble to grat
ify tlnir love of show aml splendor, is
eheatod, i.y religtona dnty, Into doing ttal laat.
'ihe scheme is well plaiiiiod, but wc think
has been a little too tardy iu execution.
l'uhlic fervor han had too much time to coi.1.
People have had spaco to recover froin the
eontagion of the persoual grief in the palace,
aml to woigk the aetnal value of this ble
saved to the nation. "Without any cynieal or
irrevereut feel ing, lt is natural that they
should doubt vyhether tlie boon of thia Kmg
Log, tliis itimpish young man aa a ruler,
whuso only aign of vttality W far has been a
dull good huinor aud zeal iu his seusual
pleasurcs, bc reidly a hlessing to eall for uui
versiil joy nud thanksgiving. We have no
doubt iho pageant will he both impo.-ing and
p.ithttie, aud the unreasouing mass of lookers
on will be niomentarily impiess.d aud touehed,
as it was inteinhd they should be ; but it ia
uot likely tho event to como will he delayed
a ycar's time by it.
There was pomp of aaerlfleea and manyiug
and SntJitlg iu niarriage in tlu- days hefore
No.ih, "bai- .lhe fountaini of tho great dei p
rose nonc the Leaa surely about tho reveleia.
The ebb und How of human bclie.fs, tho great
eiirrents of human aetiou, aro as certain aud
intxorahle as those of the btto,
Tlm Tiinra say -:
"Tlio n.w aiaa ft* thr rn umepmont of th* Oneral
Or't. r i.ii-iii.-.-. vv:ll !-<? .-iiiliuutti'il iu-iii?rro**. ttat h .l.iy
bnn i.i-.ii laal in prapeiiaif tt. Boaraeb for tba atotaaaeata
..f tbe 'aiiti-iii-aiif papera ttj't Mi-Ungwaalaba?lo?a,
aml tbat DO-nfonna w< ra t.i ba bopad for from tbe Preol
il. nt. Tbo troublo witb S.-liiuz, F.-titon & ('". it tbat lia-n.
Oraat earrlea oat nfonna too <iui<kly?tbry wmild liko
to bava bim refuaa to do anjtbiag, maa laaAtdaoaM
?xeaaafortha tllaplay ol thelt petaoeal laaUoa. Tiw
promptaaaa ol tbc Prealdaal la rootlof. out, ptavad
i.ua la almpiy dUfaatlaa to tbo boltara and soro
(hmtnentt hn The Trihuad.
The virtnal monopoly t>y I-eet &. Co. of the
General Order business of our Custoin-hoiiso
ia now eonalderably more thau two years oid.
Tlu- Preaident'a nttention was ealled to it by
hia lirst choice for Seeretary of the Treasury,
Mr. A. T. Btewart, more than eighteeu nionths
sim-e. I'indiug that tho abuso was not
eorreeted. Mr. Btewart again urged the
rresident to eorreet it?but to no purpose.
Then camo a most faithful, diligent,
nnprejudieed Committee of Investigatiou,
beaded by Senator l'ntterson, nnd over
hauled our Citstoin-house very thoroughly,
ezpoaing iu its Beport this General Order im
poaition to deserved reprobation. That Re?
port was made public a full year ago, and
was widely quoted and commented on. This
Wintor, another investigation waa ordered and
made?hapjiily, with opeu doors, so that the
testimony eould bo reported, pubUshed, and
eonimented ou day by day ns it trans
pired. It has of courso coiniuanded very
general attention and provoked unfa
voiable coiumeiit on tho rule uuder
whieh such extortion was possible. Thfro aro
National Couveutions Just ahead, with a Presi
dential Election looming up behind them: so
the Oeneral Order nuisanco is to be abated,
Just about three years after Leet lirst hung up
his carpet-bag in our City. Right glad are we
that the scandahms wrong is to bo redressed ;
hut (perhaps because our head is not very
itore) we are nowise disgusted at the celerity
when with this reform has been efheted.
socTiiEi;y uoi iai. i.ifi:.
IVrhaps there is uo more curious phase of
our purely social life, or ono moro deserv
ing of attention, than that of the South at the
present Iime. We bavo oecasional elahorate
pietures of it from several Sotithern writers,
who flnd it not 6?dy soolhing to their sensihil
ities to deplore the \fi9i golden age of Slavery,
but, most probahly, prolifilble iu u peeuniary
seuse. One of these geiitlemen, in a magazine
ot tlie ciirrent nionth, dijis his peu in alternate
tears und gall to depict (ho dt'i>lorable oondi
tion of the young hulies nnd geiitleineii of Vir
aginia deprived of their tormer eorps of Beld
and bonaehold eervanta. There ean be little
doubt that life in tke Virginia phintations is
the bmmI anggeetive aign of the deptb of the
ehange m;ide hy the war, aud ono that
appeala most nearly to our Rjmpathiea.
The ciiltuie (ptirtieularly of the women) was
higher and hroader lh;in in nny other Southein
Btate; tho treetaaemt of the abavea more hu
mane; tht boapitalitj ?? unstiiited and nnne
enllghtoned, foi it waa. capahle <?i ofCerlng lood
lo the braiu of the gneat ns well as his hotly.
In si>ite of the peeviah beat aml reaentment
with which our neighbors are apt to reject ?ur
overtorea of friendehlp. they eannot Under
onr waiin and hiiiitv reeognition of tlieir
elaima opon it-botb before aml after our qnar
iel. No peraon of ijonimon aenee denieaeitber
th.- eoaaqmaalon due to th.ir position, deprived
of tbelr aole aonree of tneeaae, at the verj
period when nn exhaiistive, erippling war ren
dered them leaal able t4? hear aneh a loss.
Bnt the Northenier, wheu he lo-.es his iuiome,
doea imt Iall Uat to tlu" giound, his biain or
hands OT leet are ready lo lnlp him; and if
the negro, as u .sour.e of livelihood, erlppted
ull tbeae in hi* maater so aa it> aaake him tha
ent. i.hh -.I. reaonrcelcaa bnrden whleh he de*
.iii..., blmaelf to he, it was blgb tfane, for his
OWa siil><v Ihal lln* negro was taken lrom him.
The lujgibriona wrlter in ii]>>jiiic"tt beglna
hi-. id." of woe byatatlngtbe alarmlng BaOure
iu lhe -.. h. .1 aml .^t' r CTOD*. whith bo
aeertbee to tho want of labor, the -
"invariably prefeirmg tO work ttt anvhoaL'
'.i-e thaa their ald maeton." , ?%*
faet from wh,eh any other e.y,, t.1(in ,* J
an ar.leut Bouthwm r eould draw the moral
ami wbich ooaftetfl with the ancient tdaa
oi ?? patrlarehal hon..., aad aflectloa bem K!.?_
" eri'tion to generntion."
N.xt, we ara told that, aagre ehfldiea Wi...
no long.r proitable, Mwomaa eitbonl iaeaav
"l.ian.e"ai-.-pief. r'.- i ?, ,? rvant , eoni q , .,t_
ly fewer Maek ehihiri n are bora, and thoae few
wh.it with freedom aud bea aeheela, uro
nti..! in a luii'h leaa obedicaU naaaai thaa
in ilavery. Probably oor eolored brattiu,
think th.-y ougbl to have lenmed ob.-.,
siittiiiently hy this time, and are Beejafaiag
some othei vii'.ne. Bot the eiunav oi .-1,__
queiico aml pathoa i< glvea in tha deeerlptfae
of the typical Virglnia lady, "ol JeveJed
"flngere, claf,.-,i(' teatnrea and abaolate lepeaa at
"manner, a uotu.iii of our prefr-rrAd *,_> k,
"our best strain of bteoeV eeaaaled in
cooking, bed-maUng, and InaOy paper-hang.
ing, "at the alght of v.hicii," bawaQa tm
Jeremiah, "profonnd pitj ireUedepwlthlnmg
"soid." As a parallel pietaie, ha praeeali t!.a
brotber of tlii** lady, MaojaWae neeed, _U_u
"ehiniieil, inured to baltle, ainl righlag for the
"good oid war titnes, hut bodng, plovring, and
"digging manfiilly iu the bot aoa from morn
"ing to night.'' At whieh deprcsing hj"C
tacle the author "burns like l.r.," and n-h.-vea
his beat in tba proper ehlvalrle aiaaaer by a
voiley of ontha agalaal the Abetttleadata atid
Tiik Tkhw nt.
We anapeet that ba will not carry his audi
enre altogetbef with him in his f.-rvor or
dcspair. Cooking, bcd-niiikinur, and milking
eowa are certainly not the BBoet deelrable oc
cupations for WOfttett Of eulture nud refin*
ment; but there are very few such women,
however wt.ilthy, living on faim-. iu the NonU
aho bave not beea toteed eftai ta ptaetiea
them from the ditli.ulty of obiaining nrvanta.
Now the Virglnia lady for geocntloaa im* had
the chance of furni-hing hcr-i-lf with trainwt
aervanta, and if abe haa f.ii'ed to do m> or to
hind them tO her hy any lies either of . -
fiTioU or aUection, other than lhat of torcc,
she certainly la U nuieh to l*o blaaaed aa
pitied. As for her brotber, we l^artily
congratnlate the young fellow on baving
taken to the plow and hoe so \ ii-'orounly.
Wben we knew him, yeara ago, daaetag at
Greenbrier, proving bis knightly valor bf t-'sl
loping round a field nt Berkeley to tlu uot a
loug polo through a riug, gamhling aud swlg
ging luint-juh-ps at tha Spottswood Ifouso, w?
hardly Would have hoped for eo mncb manly
atqff iu bim. >Vhen this whoh-some flgl-t with
n t_ ti k.r.m.r. \:rr>nf*ht ont tba
the soil and sun ?hall have g-?~?-?
latent energy of bis body. his braiu probably
will have its turu of development, and he will
flnd there are countlesa aeeeaalbla ways of
earniug a anppott indepondent af bia oid s'afC
tho negro, aud quite uncouuected wlth the
plow and hoe._
FUBIBSth 0 WI Th E88B8.
John Tbomaa, eetting down bia teapot, ob
gerves in a iuinor way:
"Gtii. Grant on tho lith of F.-l.ruary - ? \ttor
ney Ga-nt-ral to allrrot the ]ir.><c< uil'.n nt tfi'.*.* VmV I r> ta
th.'NVw-Y.irk CustoDi-bon-.a? vth'i art) al!* gcA t.. i ..'?> !?)?)
ealvaAbctbaa from laaaattara. lu eoaMaaaleatlBg tbii
oral.T to Iba D.-tri. t-Attiaiii.y tt I '? -*1*
Atminey-Genaral oo fraiiit-a lt ai tt ilroet a proeetm
tion of the permoe off'ring the brit'rt, al_>
tboojA it i*4ii..t eartatathal tblflwaatba bataal ol tba
Fiafltteat. Wbatber ttvaaar not, u ia eertalai
trm aot bla lataatte floaaootbo proaecu tion toi ? i
i.lIenilCtlli' l.ivl'fl. Vi.t t.'iaa 1....-4.--. l..-nt ..11 'Lt ? t
dovra Oen. tlnint/ i,uiii.*4lUToly i-r.v Inlmoil tbat tba
ouly laapoaae of tba PreatflVtat lo the evttleace .>r hi ? ?rf
iu tlio Cuatom-hottfla vraa aiiunuito prom u Ib ..t
\\ e snbmit that this statement more tlian
?arranta tha aeveceet eapreaaiona thai any
presa cau possihly havo used. The only eJli
cial inatnietioii received, it would nppcarfrnra
this statemeut, was one to ptoaoente Um wit
nesses; and there is no nppareiit aectalntf
that the Preaident ordered aaythiag elae.
We de.dre to apeak with all poadhla
moderation ; but we do not see how uny ouo
familiar with tho facts ean pronounce thia
order other than infamous. Here is an Ad
ministration prating about Civil .Sorviea
Reform, yet penuitting its chief 1,'iis.oui-l.o'ise
to sink to such a pass that, lor lhe s.ike
of gettiug their businesa done at all
without loss, business men are forced t<> make
tho bribery of offlcials as comraon as tha pay
tnent of uratuities to hotei waltera, A I'om
mittee to invostiijate, with thehope of relorm,
coiues on, und the uurchants frankly t.s'ify
of tlieir grievances, and the atnitato a hi.h thej
have been reduced. Thetenpoa theUovernmenl
orders tho prosecution for bribery not of the
corrupt oflicers, but of the hwMaai merclianta
tbemselves. Kob them lirsl,?throw them into
jail afterwards, if they dar.* eonipl-iiu.?that
seems to be tbe suhstauce of the t'ivil S. i vi.-o
Keform thns far aflbtdad. IVe do nol ehooae
to add such farthee eomaaente a.-, tho nub
ject amply wamnta; h?r we hope it
may prove that tho l'lVMdcut is iiiis
repreeented iu tho ahovo atateiuent
hy his liveried apuheeaaili liut, on the aliovo
showing:, we av?-r that no woid but infamy
(its the nature ot the treatnii-nt aceonh-d the
merchants who have eapoeed an uiiiver*al
practice iu the hojie of aoeniing rtlici' and
ritorni. ..
Jndge Blatcbford dellvered, yeaterday, to
lhe Grand Jury of the United Btatea lHn.it
Court, a timtly and vigofoee eharge agalaal
three curreut evils which wtand iu r.imh ueed
of atringent repreeajea. A aalntaiy aiftd ?^
the r.ceiit aCaatom-hooae toveati^tiott wm
traeeable In hli demand for the " proeapl aad
" leiiile.-s" indictment of every one ahoWB by
proper evidenee to have heen OBgagl .1 m
>amaggling, while liis eharge in lelarenre to
tbfl takiiiK of hiil.es l?y United St;tt.s oihcii-U
j.oiiited directly to another gkfittg ?*V'J
developed by the bmm to*reetlgatla>
In loinliisioii, Judge Ilhitchford call?<l |
for the enforceineut of the statut*?
which imposcs lwavy lines upou National
Hanks for lhe niisdemeanor of making
loauson greenbaehe or national haiik-notef. At
securities, wheiehy currency is i>ciiodic:iJljr
" loehed up" i'or the persoual prolit of B fe*
onaernpnlooa apeenlatota, and t.? the injuiy ot
the busiiies.i eomiiiuiiity. Bj B loitiuiate
coiiici.ieii.e the toreiiiiiii ti the l.rand Jury <?
ex-l'iesidetit -Macy of the P.uk KbKbmI lk-Uik,
who has annaonl ajaaHleaHena lot )adglngef
atleast ono of theaa evils, aud who, we autici
pate. will teiid wise nssiHtaiiec iu the much- ,
n.i d. d work of checkiun* them.
Ma-dee haa laal by th<> death of Peetrte ru*to
ooKii.r whonwdend iti.t tivo aarvtea la '?*?__???
inif tl.e K'.i.iil.li.a when it vtiis ov.-itl.it.vvn I.y ******
Imvoiiets. His apUanl tou.liut ?t thitt tiro.' X***
Imn reiiiiirkiil.l.a laiaimlarity. whn h. liowovor. WM u?
?oflkknl ta> aaaam hm eiaH-tiam to tlio Praatdeaaaj
vnIi.ii. list year, ae eenlandad wlth ?Jaaeea ?"?
TaJada Tho presaiit rvvtiliit loiiary iiiovi.iiia*nta,
hovvover, tt. whieh be bnt liu iiuunv. turtnshetl Hl
military thmtm, und nmst hav.. largelj daatteyed aaa>
rnl...i.o iu bis ability to bo of iuitlior u?o to tba