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XLIId OONGRKBS?2dB/jj_?iok. 4mRvmH LAfi movk-nw;, erwm o? im puxcii -Btta BCAHiAi^-woeMW1'08 ,N THK IK'l -I ? _u, , ?"" ?iTd. z^*?s???s? n- vort. paernt Adr,in?fn.t.e ,. b riirtl,ul:,ra i.i ?rn.l,..,.-.,*lwbeth.-r anj K.-uiitor. bBTB "JJJ" SZaateata or removal. ln any ??*. other tbanby SLrittiiin paaara, atattac tha abaraatar aad ?aaUI a? | ?.tlhy\vv^)XforiAXha:e,ho^dtotl Bk.f aaattcanta, fte. Thn reeotattoa. it will be -T.ii.i1h.',. Beboia, ** Tiiuon, aml van ollered Vd pnaaed by Coahlta* ?t ? tnao wbaa tbe CtW Beaatora nntnod wero abaaal r,o?, tbete eaa* ?f?* MuU ??. ?,tr,.l?.?l..imll bu ?_*,?.i tbal attbat af tba icattaea -??"J* Tnd. mme loeoaweadBMoae tbaa ieiia** ConbMM bi,..,..f be woald baBBBablkbed ttbveadeael ever 0* mmx- ,.rv. aatag II aa every ooaMor,... tlo baaM tm he ?m.i ?.., ot attacba apoa Ibeaa, wbeaererthe****** -.;. fonn .hoiild come ap bato? >c ?*? ?ie TbeaafalraaaBotplehtBi eal ****** ot t,M,'" th S rSFE.JS?Mtrss,? JT ...rtv apolta it woald, tadeed, ba a faroe r.-i.-t.-u !,.,?',',,. hi,.. i,,.'l? Jotber*uui rf .,,,.',,,,,,,-...luero... Mni't.i.1. CliatidU-r. **^**[ mto, mmi . laaa. Motaaror, eran body kaowa it tobB ? TT^ ? identbMtiitbdiawablaaBapart Z - nt 8 ,tor ttn'. i-*nn an indi.e, ataBBbto SS.^BdB ln otbee. of IM. t?.a. ter. I.itorni. ?;??m. is- mon an.l Colleetota. Baata Agerta, l mud Zatee Attt.ri.i-vi. ead rniti,1 s.,..,- MarthaJa havo aa. ? ?? ,0 tranafer tbeir aUaglaaea boa_ tbe .aaawbj ?_??,.., ,i? ?i tn.-.r plaee. tobba wuo eaa feeaptfta ? ??ee. l'i..t.,'..ii..,.i latblatbeeaaa iu NeWio.. ;w. ? tl?,v_),.. a en ... iifinaiiy ""? ???* of ^aTl" ',' '"'"? nm\ ne aa* :>. reoelred Bppotatmeata. hare, fer tbi aat ?_,r tin.,.- I BBdwOoabltoB-a l...t.ti.r. and dou.. tbe .luly mo- w i f tba Mun.hy f.. n.... ai tbe re?oeat of senator a> y.r tbetaTeaUaatloBealied tor by tbe reeolnttaa oMeUendedto Boath Carollaa. IboaMeeare.Tlptoa K.n-v proteated oge*mt ttpotrnxg BBtball adoaaa UBatora vboei eoadaal was ta be tareetlgat Inm- t. Id Ibc SeaaU tbal bc bad neomneaded a - raal mtnny people for offlee. aud nbouid eoattaae to do 80 i ?a4%e.d ti at Iba Baaibca al hia neoBmtcadattOBa wa. ^4U, muili giaataa tban tbo nun.1 .r ei apiiointiuouta MAeahbla re?aasa. iaaatar Braaaball,wba ba.l rc .?m.,i bla aaal oarlag tba debate, toOoaed Oaa. l>.p.n lo an eaeltad d."-''' ,,,'l"lt t1v" n""ut?s tmntt BefaiTlag to the i-tiif. ment inndo by Mr. I^rtoa in bii laal ttBeeh. tbal be, Tnnnbnll, bad mtnde 103 rv<-.ni_u.iwlatloi!H to oflice duriiiK tlu aasiaiatiatlas, beeb< raetarlaad it Babeltrw tbe ilg_*_ aMinati.r t.. *.'<> *uttt. iup about tlie Departaacnta, and HIM throuch tbo daatj Uea to Iad Ibe tl oti ot any mm Beaator Hc m iH?d tba laTeatltatloa to bc t xtended Vaato laclodt anlaqalrTaatoirbo made nptl ?fcJ.Hi. t4it.iu. nt, BBd wbetbn it was prepared topromotc ta.-i.tii'iu -.rviii-.iii tespenaaal, a_eaaaadeoateaipt Meyorpoai ?( abaUea?ed tba toTeatlfotloi tbr aoni. ot Maebatb, erlad aad to Beaatora, "Comeou aaddaoiui'il ba he wbo Bral crlea hold." Jual ai Monoi nrnn in the niidnt of bb npli. ibo BMUBt-MJ l'?ti. l aad the rvHolntiou WBBl u\er Myt't ipeech waa a failure. and ' .11 perfertly flaf ii".r aar of the lur_r?t audlenee* ever Kathered in tbe Senat4 l*Hlf1naj ?<i.t ii|> ?<> the anpltol to-Uay; citizenn a.-i.l rani?.r>- iBQBBBl tba Baarbto etairway? an.l jo?t led arain.t minibers of tbt- OaUaot ft ud the Preetdeat'i baaaaBold, ta tba taab (ae ajood wat6 in tba pailery.or ao Ibe flimr of tbe (M-nate, whieh wa_ aealu |^hy titrown apea tadai to tbe todlBBi Of tboae Ij who oecopied aeati aawas tb.- Beaatora were ^k\y #.. r. rniei BaatweB, B''it,-o.a|>. (aiul Bebeaoa, thi \g*m d-BHafalobedaaaaabara of the CMeaaafOmaaalttee) ex ?tttnuiy (I.-rieral Hinir, I.lilau Hurnlt. ..en. Hmaic ^orlir, and iiinny other. ; while froiu tlie dl]ilomatlo ireiiery Mra (.mnf aad ;i faw wiBtaaiiBlBUiea of tbe Deat Iiiii v looked dowa wlth iiin uimu tue i.ufr.H)ii ef tiu Bf-iiutc. I'.tit Mr N>i- f..rar..t t.> l" (nuii) to-.lny. an.l bIho ImattlBff tbdt blaapaaobaaalwajaaaaaa to uauubt. ii _.,? Ipteeh bad been Tireimn-'i f.?r tlu- Pnmn*\n -im.... -?-. BaBaaeaa en tba ere of fn-oat political di-ia-ter to hl. wwmty, it eoaM uut ha\e baaa more faaereal it ba.l rojoker. no WtttJ paaAajrea, not eveu a ooaile qaot* tion, exeept a _BlB0iebbl i>:.r?.<ly on L4_affellOW'l * BaeeWor," eatltlod " Bairtbtai t<> beat Graat." wiai.-ii ke D.l- Ind at the tilnebe dBBlTld t.i If. an.1 wlueb ke waa, thereforcoblig-.-d to read at tbe end ofblBSpi ? l h, th'.ngh it eould not have Lon more lanieutably out of pla.* Wbaa be rioi-ed. Mr. Nye tir?t paradod betott tiu eeini-i ir< le of ladlea, wbo Ml or atood bablnd bi aaat, aad reeatred BBaaraaeaa tA Omr beartfeltarmpa rjtty Then be WMlked etrmirhf to Ihe Oiefc roparter, ?aababty to* tba parpooe of anapeadliia ?b<- paUlcatiou #f bla ai"-.'li iii'tH be ean imt m a taw .n.k. - bere and tBere; theta. e l.i vt.Mt.. (ailikllli^. taklBB Moi proof nn Ibc Mny. .-ind fiuaily aetttod do?u ititn Oaa. Pert^r. Hr. Vy? v ?- * ' l l'i< liuirhiiyaen, who la_d pcepared a i-hort eloqoeat ipoeeb oa tbeiiueation Before IbB *?i-iiate wtiia-h bad l.ei-n lo. t i?i*-'lit af fm BBarlj *AweeB,on th. Oeaeral Ordarbaateaaa in N.;w York, aml ?Atbfi P'.litnal eitnatlon. On the firnt and In-l toj.i,-. H/_rFreliuKbnyk.-n ba.1 imtblnK ikw to oflbr, tboogh he .rupeOiert many of the a..ertiotiR ulready niade, and re nved rome of tne old iirsrunn-nti. Tho re?i_>inli>!lit t for ^%lyy <i*t*' Or.ler bactBaec he atfeuipte.l to . hut from ? V IhO"1'!' re of tlie l'i.-. idiiit to tlioM* ol ttj(- (t.i *~fptAmfihe Port, but It ^111 take ifroiaur lagtc tbai, Bia t4.*Pr?ve f" tba uttiafortlon of tiie people tbal tba Yrr. idr?t ft' d h. r-retary of the Ti.-amry couid not hftie r*-fonri.'fttbo aluiee.Jiiit iih v.ll u jear acoa. they eaa mow lf thi*y haA de-ired to. Mr. Fieliiitffnii-?!.'.. (le tenne ot tbe t8*t*?tm <?' (?"v Hinklinrliain aud hl. |>r;.i--e ?f (..ii tiraut \"tn* rhetoiiraiiv daajtbeaat tbey woald Bave been m better taite wbaa tbi uc< aaatloaa BBalaal <;rantV ailu.lul-tratl.->n h-ve beaa dlopooed et, aml Oov, Pu.kiijph-im'u fommlftee baa made it- reporl on the CBlllwhBin invefctljfatlon. 84-nator Wiinht wili make v Bll inonn" il ij^.tU to-morrow, uu.l vsi,; ..... followid I.y V?at<_r Bcburi, wboJe *m_h Jj?,*[ p<nu'Mr '"'ttc ** \ p_-tt,ot the day. rr ^ Ver irave fhe Honw- a 'haria.'robuke tl i. mora t W* ''order that almost aJwam charaoteiiwi laa tor na . - ,Uif.^ Th) < ffi c| w ,- : ^^ ^ ^ inMeeture ?a- 0.***?*********** "* *T, inmuet Cter ordei tbaa na. i"^""" ?a any prevkmi Mdnday ZTSe eemon. In ti.e i*'***** * *** -***??* Itom-.thc r-rv Hooper-Bomn. t Cli Ib^W^tl Ull, aaaa up u- unfln uhe'lliUMn.Ksii-ti.ovoteV^ Kacbed, Mr. Kjdr.d^ vTima tbe Dea-oeratala a?B_etarlBf, um.i thk beaa ,t,,7i Tb.- naror-fattlat Arone^ty ?aoatlea, ?i. iu_eiv L-V"Lvidc*. *? ****?? i-'?^*"' "? ******** , . ' '"' ? tne Cp. At .ue ...J...UU11 f- 'f* .?.^----. -, '"?JPnit^r. wbo bad couctitututs they wlabed lo reliaBB of <li_*iiiliti(?_ miux np t heirhiti of namei to tbe (letVaiieik, ?udtb??'Were all embodied iu oue bill. The li.iHt*me Ug^ tblfh aml faM, untll tlie pil. wa. M larif. tbat lfiould - trith uim.uity ba k. pt upou the de?k. The f;.r< leal (jbar IWaarof tba traaaactlaa araa apparoat ta BTerraady. B_i.ii tbe n.idit'*,' of Iba aaaaea wo- .lij-'e'nsed' with, tb. (-iK-aker Mating tbal ll woald lake tantii 6 o'i I... k to road Ibeaa. Mr. Mayaard, proba. i.iy tba ii'"t peraiataal oppaatal of aaaaeabr tn Ihe nouie, iu.i.ted ou the IBadlBB, t.ut.eulil tind ImR, ?wo1m nuii io BBBlala bim la bm (hioand. Mr. I'Aiiiicet waiita-d to kuow lf llio fiaine of Jaf f. raon Davli wu . lu any of the li?ti. Kf w :,pih-;iif-<l to rnr* wbetber ll wan or uot. M-. BUrblge lii.-fdto amend i.y u-_.liti_c "all Ibe le.-t af BMaklnd" u*t i ic end nt tba io i Attai tba MII ?:i? paaaed, Mr. Y-oiiased Uror4;ia pui tlirou?-h atiotlii-r, 1 oti.pu. .im tbe 1 anjt-i of UianMBOoinoio, which had pttnm-d. tlie hcua'tt bw-t _ilou, be aaid Ibe aaaetloo of orierlngan laventif atlon of the inle. of anaa to Fraaoe, whii li tho Beaate haa wran^ied ovel foi iiiore than a fortnitfM. ^ai BOBt (Il-P^wd ?t ln "artly two lomuiei, by tbe c)ot k, which wan the tiui<- on upiad lu readin-f aud paiiiDK a reiolution, propo.? 1 hr Mr I.yuch, d.nitiLr- u.t f'ouiunttee on EBBBBdltarM ln tbe Wat Itt jiartxui-iit lo make a thotougb iBTeatiBalldBBB taui/i.c, ..ud ae. < 1 ' uii the faaOa ubont tbe lalea. Notb ln?r lii-tt_r lliio-tiatei the dlffereut laaipexol tbO tWO II..1M-1 thli m u-ion tban the inainiei m wM I fhio uui Jeet bai lieeu tn-ated. No dl.poaitiou WBB Bbowa to ej'pou- Mi I.yu.b* rebolutloia, audii VMaaaptodWltb aut a m-irati vo vote. Bftur tht- im*t~*t'- ei a f.-w naiaipialaal Bialleii ead. i aiiapen-i"i. of tlu rulei, Mr Oaa Rratttad tto I'rot. - tion 11 La I.y tipoaiug tht weukm i. ..t u? mu. h talk. .1 of BaaaanM lufom, BBoaaaaaai. )ii fel tba Vbaa aad Baya ? intiu. tin?r IboWata and M. i.u. ( om ?uiu* to nnng Iu a hill ladaabM the duty ou pi? irou to 08 per t4jn or in,* To lowti iha tantt ou pljt irou B?y loLg U-eo agreed en all luand* to ho fhe ?Ucl >i__i_* Ui ib* yuUiiiiu ut U.e tuilff tinktra J "^TfcA. "ii ? " -*"? ' j tto f?/aarne- on* ttat only 'm cftrpor?i'B gnard %-*j|i?ioeiiatv.u.dbe ^,to"vote wlih the Domo mta 5 *! J?__atlaflu Theoo.wcre MeMre. Baatt y, Sa* hart. imnnell, Flnkelnburg. Hul.*, Bo**ttottI ???, H.tyo. llonghton. Bteveneoa iwl ?^ K indian. mcrabcro. wlio naod IB BBfertB I_J> Trndero. rctneuibcrlng tl.e Iron f"****** ^,^4 tkoxe bullding on tho bank. of tha Wioaih _*?**+?* -bo dld many other. wbo have befetofore boen eounted a. oppoood to Proteetion. The vote wao 71 to ?? r Oen. Garflehl atopped tl.e progreo. .of *?Z? the totf.latloa by motlona t.i auopend lhe rule an l * HouoelntoCoinniittceof tha Wholo on DB* J Appr..priBtloT. bill. at 8 oVlofk. A *___***Soym I ro^alfng the Uw reaulrlng the ja^J^^JXE in two newapapera ln aaai Btate. cal od *-? *??? oppoaitiou among aepabtteaaa, who *mm*i ^ ^ ln eonveroation that the l?w Ulned oniy ae a nicano of **%"*&, whPr? , party newapapera. Par''^rUve by th0 ouboidy of ?*? l Bepublican pai>ero were kept a,u ? n ,ftW(j Hrc or tm b year. whleh tbey $^t\_-*??_'w*. thr pn.e ?putalMied in the feeblcot o?u^\. ,??.... witli ,. good , taotd Uciog inaiiffleien ><\''''',??," Tl,.. ?oney flDtsnt Ifl Tlv, rtlain* "''Nlu;,:;i ;, uwa ? i" f.?r Bfl gttlng Dllblt. ity Bdailtted W be '' '!*, ,..n,,, The Uou?e ualimirut-d 8I_nati:....wa.xhi>..ton. ki>. 20. nm Mr Coskuxo (Rop., N. Y.) totiodneeda by Jla. a 1,111 to coi.tiiiiir thfl ...all ateaniohlp aarrtoa 3? th rn.te.1 Matea n,?. -" * JfJ dT1mii"hvr.,iue>.,uud v.m.out anaaaalttlif ataaali to EE ui. m regn d ta.tlio par.onowli..iie appolnttaent anco wlth auch re.i.ii.mei.datli.i.-.. reapeel U rely.i ' tha number ..f awb peraona ao ?pi'"lnti-d wh - tm*- ? '" I reJiTl. an<lals..wh,th.ra.,J tfonator. bajetol.C.ted SSoiutmento or removala to any eenee "?'":,,/:* feaTapT-^^^^^-^^^ tto?JiTto tUtofc' aU the Btato., and wldtae tad no doiiit timt tho reply t*o it would be a v. ry mt. Mt BtUfl ^rTuNKLIXfJ (.uid he hnd ItmKed the roolutlon to (feeBtatoa named, bacaii?? the wiaramendatlonfl matM bv tho Benator- rrom thoae Btatea ha.l beea i>..>i>t<-d at n <i;-u-t.a. He waa wllllngto voto fora almllar reaolntlon ;, iinK to all the other Btatee, bnl he preferred to'havo ffito oueimmm unchanKed, as he ttofllred toaat tbelnfor ?nation n-kl-,1 fi.r a*> M.oli ao pouMlil.'. ?M- ITPTON aald the Benator (Mr. ConkliiiK) aecnird to I fb\ A few daya uro bfl Bad I .a,,,, a reflolutlon dir.-ct.-d Mtalnrt M.-r-. Bumner and 8 Seburz. and uow he wanted to lnveotlfato the recom SElad mnd- by certain Beaato"- He (Tiptonj holK.I lll.- riNollltlOll WOllld bfl lllllll..!, 'I, aUd I.' BRBBtoT would uttai.ii.t to do.Uia u fair, inanly, .1.-.. ut ^Miv'I^'kI.TNO aald bfl had not nained aiiv Benator eitbarnuw i* ln tht iBflotatlon referred to pj,?r.^pt?n, SttV.uRhon tbal accaatoa Mea?ra. Bumner and Bchara had .ii.?-.'!. toaflaome that they were aalmedat. m, ruiiY mep., loi.ii.i iald tbe tvinkllng reaolut on gn_gmanlfeatly unfalr. Whatever ihikI" be tbe.tlvo of thf re.ioliittori. lt would clearly be unjiwt to tbe sen aamBreferredtotopHbllBhtherecommentlationomatli i.y thttfli tMtliout piihiitahiiii: i.t thfl iame time mpndiiil.anaatindaa to otlior, ro tliat u fair tom narl-'ii lnt^-tit la. iiirulc. Mi BUMSER ealled attentlon to tho fact that two of tbe Beuatorfl referred to ln the resolution M. -.-. Tr-atuimll and Behurz-hadjuet tnken their seato. Doublj le-on the aSenator firom New-York (Mr. Conkling) bad failol to oboerve tlnlr absence, bnl it waawortbyol tottce thut uu attemrt ba I heen mnde to ],;.-- Ibc r, -, utidiito a vote beblnd backfl. He weleomed iu t.-otiiratlon of any kind, and evcrv reaolutlon prupooing > lr would have blaouppnrt, hut the iuveatigation mnal lae i.roi.d. euual, atul Bpplleable to all, and it muol uot i.t' ure?nil laahimi the ba. k- ..l the BonatoM concerned. Mr. < ONKI.I.N4; -aa.l be bad BOl li'.lli ?? al lln nU.I.ff of the Benatont. Il<> bad aeen Mr. ageburt ln tbe Cham bertbla niorulng, and had inppooed thal be and Mr. lYuiiiiiui) were In thair aeato, However, if enj i,i,ii,i',l to it he conld >-tr>];a onl the otajacl i'i Nay, be would be eandid, and aay thal ii wao bla own i.,',,n,i?.:,,)..Hon- tbal be wantt d to gtt nt. Ilr. 8CHUBZ (Rep.. Mo.)?Mr. i'l.-nl. m, aal waa ah ient wben thle reaolutlou wa* oflered, I aak to bear it ;, ,,,|. riu n -..iutia... wnb again read. Mr. TBUMBU1JL (Ren., 111.) iald bfl obdervi 't tbal tl.i ? itrauge reaolutlon lnclude.1 Illlnola. and po far ai it con? cerned blmaelf be wouldcheerfully giveKonit-lufonuAtion iu udvance. ll, bad recommended a im .tt m tny aperanua, probably 300; certainly aareal many more than ho had ever got appointed. [Loughter.] lu facthebadi ii,,ii,i.-,i every deceni man thal had aaked ;> rccom mendatlon, ainl bfl wonia ala. it aaala, [Lotuffl.ter.] I aui wllli.itf to liava. Uni .. .,,lu; ,,,n paao, bnt 1 tnift that ''i\il Bervlee. Rcfom.U not to uiwnthoVewho'atteinpi t,. expow tbem. iti-..-. luaitui i.i very llttle coneern t<> the people wbether a Benat4.r h.iH recommended ene or athonaand man for offlce, bul ltlaof preat iuiportaiu <? to them to know wbat her Im proiaor, .1.-inu,. rt. or corrupl men ere put Iuto oftice, and nbetbei tiuy ?'" placed tbere for peraonal, niorrennry ond linproper end* I am wllliuc thal tbii n olution *-iiail paaa wifh Uw amondmenl I have -u~- . t.i!. li tbere u anythlng tobfl laadeoutof It, let tbe Benatora from Indlana and Sew-Yorh bave the beoettt of lt. Bo fur a*-1 am eoneerned, i mj to tlu ie Kenator**; " Lay on. Matwlufl, finti rtamned Iie tie -,ii" Bwterlee hold, enougb." Mt. CONKL1NO aaldbe wouldat^jepttheamendmtnt propoeed bj Mr. Trumbull. Mi. MoKH'-N' (i;< i*.. liiai.i-'ili.' atatemenl Iapoke "f on Frlday waa uot made onl atnij renncat. t do nol know ?t wbme reqoeet it wb. made out, Imt I had n i n ii I a-huuiii tuat have ref. rredto it. bowi i-er, i.u- for the Inalnuationa Ibe Benator (Trumbull i hailmud ln regard lo myaelf and othero hanglna on tu tbeoklrta .i power foi ii..,'. ii,ii.v pnrpon .-. i bave ,i riahl t,. i . noui j. ,* i i-i Mtiiau. \. i I iiu'i it. Ifany man comeahero aud noinuatlona uiHaii nu-. thut l am oeaklng f,,r patronage, tvinie be blmaelf baa gone vm inr a- any one m recomnieuding to "iii?< ; baa re , omuiendedin wrltlngand t rballr: haa evon gone totbe l.\<- ami*-, ini.i't' man.led i?er?ouaiiv tbe upiKiintinea] o| rtiati\e>>iiuii frienda, haa been peralatent, bai in-.-u Ua. portanate; lf any auch man oin. npon thi* floor imi cBite linputatloua upon me, I bave a right, witboutne iu_r criticloed for It, to eall attentlon to whal he baa done blmaelf. In regard to prowllng around tho Departmen -. [have heen ba oaly oue Department,.- tbl Kl*.n of r<in(frr"?-. I da. imt g? 1,, ri,.- la, porl iu. ut*. wbere l luppoae t*_-? Uenatoi -Mr. Trnmlmllj iroai to tuiia-, a^i",,... lar Bfl neakfl are concomed, who li Ibe aneak i lr it ilu- aiaa who ovmee here and eaela impata llona nj."!. Benatore, Impugno ihelr i.>>>i i \.--, talko atiout banglng on to tbe " skirt- ol power," and attempt to make party eapltal by ehargei *,i lhat Und, when be Iu*-. been oae of the most lmportunato saekt-ro tm- offl..-, and luiH urt_i-d tlu- appolntmenl of bla Ji leudo p. iooim i v an.l iu wriiiuj; tliiic uu.i again J Now, l aald thal 1 had m-. ii a atatement ahowing thal the Henator had ? iiiinriidiitli.iii. iu to ii,ir- Admluiotration, I belleve that atatemeat to ht true, and lhat it v.iil l>e i,i.t!,.i nnder ibe reaolutlon oflered I ?% tbe Be uat a.r from New-York. Altuounii ilu- Benator (Mr. Tr i oaid lt*- had uot mado a Baaaa, I .to not ku<w whi. i ,li, ,| out that otatemeut, but I have no obleetion t., tl.e Bcua tyr> oayini? thal I did, if lia- 44 i-litm t.i oay It. Tha rcfloluiion went ..verat lhe expira ,?u?,r.""' *'? -n'. iyg )u.iir, and tho BaaaMa laauwaB tha .?<..,. '??-''?''iouo. ? '-iitiiii 'u ni'jiiii.y lur'? i|lV;']i'..-a.d aala oi .. '"^ :? Fraiv li agenta, ' . . . ' ' . . Mr. nvi; ifi-i... N'.v.) addroaaed tke Benate*. '.'?.?. eutd that ii;.- i. al nu. -'.uni liijaictlbi Ihl* reaolutlon hadboBg atra.i.iv dlspoledof, and the debale lmal wandere4m> away from tbe preamble nud reaolution ui>r.n whleh II itm ?? ii. For a long time tbere bad been mntteringi ?f a ?BUitofle to iiii-iiit.s'ii.u- and deatroy the Itapuhllcau parly. l.ut, lu tha d.bate, tha porpOflC tl.ul taken 1 i'tl nlte ibajae and bad been openlt avowed. He boped, r'.r tha bonor ol tbe Henate uml ol humanlty, th.ii (liTfe waa ?anawotthy motlve onderlying tbe artion <,i th.-two Senator.-. who wua urgiug ihj8 **, rcoiutkifi (afpBoro. Bumner aud Bcbnre). He ^emaiul.t-n-'. tbot oae a.f ihaui (Mr. Bumner) t,?,) ?,?... iu i-i- paneayrte upon Juotiee St< .' V.*.',' ,ou' , Z_Z_ -.?- iu ti..?, .,', rt?oth.-i," ?',' huu beea rem* ....?, h-OH1 ^ Ui^, ?(*],,?, tmt ha hopad tbat ibat reua'.yrai hm! botahng to du wlth thta preamble aat renolut'a.ii. Thi?, attack on tha Idmlnlotrulion had baaa tfTiaupvu ami ittirkM out by lhe two dl itlngulobed .^ena 'tora J-. < oiu .-rt, i ?< i> laklncaeeparate part. Tiia Benatof froa. M.f-.a. tlii-i',** (Mr. Bomnerl bad framed tlu- Htruo tare, and cai. u?\, it Bn uji t*. the ttral eoat ol palnl; and 'han tbeSenataK from Muaourl badeome knwltk hiiifine fn>Bao brush ll'iuirhtar), an.l eompleted tbe Job, They llaii'i.'i liiajhm* hi-*- iiiiii between them tbey wonld be able to ?? (ew.-b Qraut." Bat ti'.y forgol tbal ttdi whole baasieoo )a.i to undergo thb Bcrutlny of a aata liil ind i u llaiil p. a.|.le, 44)10 wtn- w.ll unttd klji.l tii wi.i fan, and ,-otil.l not l.e deofllved, lo Un- kli.* 1 of w 1.1 fan , aud ,oul,i not bfl deofllved. For nieii'. everybod] UioughtOea. (iiitnt a rerygood and grent tnnii, bnt tliat was lidtore he had removed aay bady'i refatlaufl from ofllee. [Latighter.J TbeBeaator fron, tutnoii (Mi. Trumbull) bad alao laken parl In thio . nui to ih. qucBUono heloro iin" a.;, t'. [Laugh ter.) 1'bli inveoilaailon waa aaked fur ou Iwo grouuda: Firat, A cbarge .1 fraad ii(_.iii-,i rmluenl Amerleanoflleialo; .,n 1 ,*,.,,.,.,.' ii,-, ibal oui llov .,'!,,. iit bad vi.'iut. .1 lu 11 . rai ul ligallona, had lo afl mu.ia- to aaotaii . h i,,,,i a,.ii.|,ia tt iy uud oonfeoaeoL'i lalled: t*i be waa avrryto oay tha chaigi' IU. lf i*.ii._iiu.1 iiiurliaitail. Tbal tharga bad fc'oi.a onl to fortj n,,il!ua.*- of pflople. Ti.a offlce ri eoneerned fctnaiuedl Nleai uudei it. Bul dld uuybody ii.ppooo thta> dld not /nti w -*>l The ltneament B* % jn?t m? _, aald the lnlii'tire keenty l ?,rBWll m- k'han<\ .uat imlnia Mr. fraaaakayaoB^ lH iW-** taketh not np wlth no buman ?">'? ?'f,bor.? 8I?|, lf by aile tevtm* ***$ UK, dy an __!_?%_2 kcl by *?_.'_?!& ?,,, Jaircriv thut it eanaot raoo* au^ratxTtaoA after ho bad been aiience- - .*. ^g&^DS?ti2.Senator aay that the char,e %*15SBlOHAwBI-l certalnly iay it baa beea tiiini ehnrae doea the ... nator refer to t K SSSvS b?ve .tated aad I V^H^^KVtwr.I wlll aay tlint. ln mr opfnton. KSS of irauii that laa been bai taaa iK?fS I iViiHVYH-N-Idld tiotyldd for the Benti t?t to l ,, -.. i . oi"-.?">.- I' wm bla BPlnlon tbai tbere Iv'ia\\ diM Vi 1..11.V of?l ,700,000 between the report <>f the 8,: "ar ofW,.ri.,,d the Ho.-rctury ^?i2?w2?bB i t'utt ihe Benator from Vennonl (Mr. Bomni ,i, 11 " enpv of tbe report ol tbe BeeroUryot UjeTrea* .,r ? ii hii binda, allenoid the Benator from M?aeoart(Mr. B 'ii/ In hia whole arBumoal he dld aol "''ly up-.n ti.. int but eontenta hlmielfwlth pottlof the bare, tiai.iITi-Iriio Ki bb apeeeb, wttboBl any argaaiaal ta aaa '"Mr'n-nritz-no... tbe Benator refor to what waa ,,,;],;i tb,..?.?. iiii.i.y between the War DepartBHMil l .1 ibeTreaaury llepnrtiiient.aaccouut l Mr' bthuRZ-Tbon I ralaunderetood fhe Benator. I MToi nii.,1, IhBl cluira.'.', ,..i,l, tlu ..H.l.'.l dld i."ti.' lriMr 'VkEUKOIIIYSKN-W.I'. P lr, th. rr ar. n niaiiv thin. * done ln the world tbal are aol done by tbe n ,u , i fr.ii.i Mlaaoarl .Mr. Bchurt). Tn t cbarge l_ made ln tho preamhle, and Invi 11. and I dO not i.n.l.isti.n.l wbj lt H tlml wli.-t, tlie Tl i.v iiiiii-. aon wbleh tbe Invi -tlgation Ih a*k<d lu* boea dla proved, It 1* agaln repeated. Mr. BCHURZ?Doea tbe a n.itor aay that I raltaratod t^ir,'i'rui i.ivtiin'Y- i:\-T aay tbat tbow la a dUtlnet char..- made la tbe reeolutlon th it tbere li adl* n nprn-y between tbe acoounta of tiu Becretary ". Wm and tho Becretary of tbe Treaaury of fl.too^oa Tbat tlmt raaraiB lHdi.proven. aml tlmt the Benator (Mi- Bchurx) in Ua ipeecbea agaln aaya, "Tin- m/ateriom dlaappearaaea ol large inma of money la one of tht ma-ous for dciu uiiOiii-. nlMrNsr.n'u/.'-lain inre tbe Benator doeinotwtab tm mlirepreaent me, and, tberefore, I wlll rcmlnd htm thal when I apoke tlr-t up,... tbla Babloot tbere waa aomedla ouailon between mt-.-if and the Senator from Vennonl iMr. Edmmida), and that i tbea atated that, to my mlnd, tin ? nn ilu. -nt dlacrepancy botween theaeoonnt* nf tne War I.' parttnent aod tboae of the Tn aanry l>. iKirtmi-nt Ind iliMii'i'iiiU'l, and wn, I tell inm that, wlu n I after? ward ipoke ot tl.e inysterioua dliappearauce of large -uui- of iiidiiey, i moaal aotblna buttbla; tbat tbere m i- a ma. lt larger miui pald by Franea thaa waa ta . cive.l i.v thN Oovernment, the commlaalon ?r Mr. i.cin iiiL'ton helna known and Inconalderable ln Ihe ageTr. ..t". Mi. FRELINOIIUYHEN Iben tbe Benatoi imt_ hii cbarge upou a weaker gronnd than I inpiiost-d. Idid not inppoae tbat he would hare tnion that horn of the Uilciiiuiii. I w.-niii h iv.- clnna to il-.' otber. Wbal f? the cbarge now I Tnl- Oovernment aella arma tothe biKtu ^i bid.icr at aay ** aplecej tbe porchaaer thui goeato l-'r. nm- aml -? i'i t'i- in. it v" ' l'i.i"'.'. tor 111 nn'. .-'?;..nd then the Benator from MiMourl coniei bere andtelliui that tbere i- gronnd ior inaplclon ol fraud i_-.--i.n-.- ol tbe difference between tbe aun.nnt tbe French Oovernment pa. -mi'i ttn niii'iiinl our Oovernment get* for the arnii., Mr - ( IUI./. -Idonotknow wbetber tbe Benator laaa w.'ii !..-.|.mn.t'-ii vtitn tbefaetaai it would be dealrahle thut be ahonld Oe nnder tbe clwuniitancea. If be were, ii<- would ki. thal thf lot ? of irmi that were iold here were aeconnted for by Remlngton tothe French Uovern m.'iit at iiiuiia.-i exactlj ii"' aame ratea, aa to tbe prlvec l"i plece, thal tbey were aocounti d tor bere at Ibe o r Department; and tbat, tberefore, if larae anraa of nn,in v were loat, thoy were imt toal by ttotvitit; into tbo poekoti ol unv Intermedmte aaenta, bul arere loal ln .-unn- my-la no'ii. way, Wl il - ' '. It would Im ouo of Un- oiiH-'i-i- nf the nn, to tlml out. Mi. 'ri:i-:i.i\(.iii-Y-i-.N then reriewed tha tocta ns previoualj itated bj Mcmii. llarlan, Wi iou, and Couk iiiii.-. and in-i-ii-1 t'n * tbe Oovernmeul bad carotully avoldod nellina arim to known laenta of eith t i??-ilii.?-_ ent, aiul had acted tlinuinlioiit in itrlcl aceordance wltb Itiuentral o l.l Ij,ti tion*. A u.Ideal ol tlme h ol beon ipeutin ducuMilug ibe nueation whethei theCblel ol Ordnance hnd u rlKht, nnder the atatute, to i the armi hr .Iiil m II. Wh .1 illft. I.n..' dld lt m.l.i- M 1.11 ri'l.i ii,n- withPru la wbetber be bad or liad notl Kone whatever. If wo hadivlolated our ueutnilit. h] lelllux theae anui, the farl th i tbe Chlel of Onlnancc had a riKbt un.l. r our law to wll th. n. woald not ataae i .. ea a auy latter. Mr. 8CHURZ inld that the obiervance 01 nol our own lawa by olHcera of the Uovenimeut dld not, of ,,,ii-., conceru Pnwala, but wai of verj Brt-ot conceru Mr. FRELDfOIIUTBElf aald tbatthli wbola matter waaouly a queitloua. to wbetber we had vl itedour neutral oblliratlom to I'riUMia. It wai eltber that or uothlua. i'i. auder tboae ein-umatancea, witb uo i hn _.? ..f fniii'l mi i iim d by i-t nl- ini-; no i: ilatlon of iim utatu) : no eoniplalnt from any power of our b ivlna \ ni it. 'i oui dutj. tbe -.'ii- - beina known to th. m all; no lon nf our bavina made a aale to a belllaerent, dl ?.- ol th ? t'iiii' i "i-.ti i waa callcd upon to inqulre whether we have pot geriouily vlolated or rinupromlied onr Nutlonal honor. Hc nul.tultted Ihal lt wai unpatrlotic. ? ,]i.,'iit lnveitlmition wai unJtut. Ai well mljrht the Henate appoint a oomuiltU-e t,, u-.. rtaln wbctl et he (I'li-illl.-lllllM-l'l ? .lollH Uot l.<? il.-pll\- .iol l,.-M..;il I.... I l-i ,,l -..nn tualfciu i:i'o lu niii. ?? vtillioiil l..aa-.- 1..-1HK' a ,, i a.iiitllla of evldei. ii.-.iin-t bim. T.I r "?.?_'.?'!r..';j.,.,:.i.l".,m-":r:;:;.::v-..?,?-,?;. i were nenl bere lotuke earaof the loterean of tbeir .n.ii people,and th< i wtre bound alwayi t,, be ten iii-riv w it.!.lul aud I'-;: ir'Kul of the Intei tin-' r.,!iii"-v. Tho Benator from Mlaaourl mnal aol be rarpri ? .1 at tbe ien*itlveneai ol .\i,.,i ..?r tlu- mt. ii'-t- oi tbeir eountry. In llitenlnjc to iii .I - ? i . t"r'- iii'lii -., il.-lii.'ia-il iit i'i,i, I. ru tii hii f'-i liiu- i-iii/, - - i,i (.iiiii.iii 'niiiii, in- (Mi-. Frellnabuvaeu) bad plalnly _ecn Ihe choril of aympatuj t:..ii \ iin..: ,1 ,-, tweeu the ipcah r und hii aualencc, wbenever tiie 1'niln riiiti'l waamentloned. And the Benator mmi i luul tl.'- .ulur ti.iniir tor tin ir own 1,1'in'.., Hia waa a qucation lielw. n (lerinuuy ai .1 Aun-iii :i, or it W08 11'.lln ii. : th" - -ti .t.,1- i\,,?,,i i,.,'t dliputethat. If he -in-uld mc.-ecd i'i miklng oui bla . aae amilnat thli eountry, it v\.,i i u tte tb. . uimoiity ol tbe (ieiman-Ameriean , audll ii would do that, miul .:,.-, bavo th. -ii.' effi-ct upon th. U.-rmani at home, uu.l upon Ibe lierman Uoverutu i.t ; Ue dld uot tui i, tbi ' would i'i in. mi .i war,oi <?.. ,, h iii uiuud for repai llou, tmt ii would io ? t1:'- . i rti ."id between tlie natloiia. Hut it waa aald that thla Inventl t'i ln- made i >nit ol ?-<- i . lamlnation, nn ,ii,- i.i ia forniii gourielvea Wo were to take mlvaul i ii aeai on, aud ??? 1th thi tion il ,? "i" In ono b I I iMtlonalcon.cleiiee lauahterj; and lf V.. ii.ili.'ill.Ul Wl ll.l'l 1,1' 1 . , I ' , do ' ^l tbo rcparal uiy wbo 11. rn. il .'. ? '? who would n i clve It. J hen we d ,, and ln- dld nol knoa wbal the penaaee . imold , i.i pcrbapc toalvonp Baui Juan, or,Int .n.i-- of lutei i itla.nal laa preiente.1 h, re i i ... mu, m n iim-, to . .ii iiiiii- tbe Alabama elalmi. lln ,', --. ,i imt 11... parl many lueb ? uti rpiiae. Mr. Fn lina i.m- n theu ni.ob' ' i','i.'. i" Wr. Bcburs'i itatoint-nt i.i it i.r -ii muat i.p myati rl ui |i r tl au adecent reaardfor publle opinion, ind .trouKt-i tban ?????ii ibe _. - rel ri of tbe rreaiurj, suitainlua the "Oen? in im- .'. .i _? i._ i 1.1,,,-ii hou r. He Bll'. -- Colh i tor is atioiit to ilnni..: ,a..- ? en,.!. tberefore, thal tba am- ,,?-"?'? Jtwould fn)v ,,, ,i?. j,... . .... materthantbeBecre ...., ......a.y wai tue law. Further, tbal ? .? np' Ineu . iii.uiitt.-d by tbe Becretary of tht Traaann to !.;.' laaal adrlaer, wbe baa gren nu l,\nunm iu wakb b" aaya tlmt the riKi't t" aeiecl any partlcular aarebouae foi tbe ""' ,,,-it of iinfiftiftied or " Oeneral Ordt r" gooda boi m_ to be'u iM-r-on .1 priv iioge <>f the (oiiittoi, or ? dlacretioo ary ex,-ii i-i'"1 tin-powii vi-ta-d la tbe peraon i.oJdijiK ulil" t"i tho lluae li. iiiK- lf 1( ibonld tnru out that Ui-- Collector and lawyera an- rl?ht. th. n. Uiateadof that uinl ii, brave man at the end of tin-,(.. nil. Whom tlu- po ph-love, l.eiuK'tbe ouo that ll eiilpablo. lt in the distin Benator from Mln^nrl (Mr. BcUuri) Ulunelf. ii.. ia u'i. -Ki-Iii T.Tr'iu Tl7Tif_TI7:'Ctti.I.ifnal. To ,hlin wai coua mitted tbla iBToattaatloB. llo,i.ui(le tba report. If aii ttn-iiiiii.iiity b_m exi.iod baaaaaa of ,i defectlve law, leuviiiM .o iiina-trou- u dlacretloa with tbe Collector, tlicn l Mibuilt it Im the legtalator to wbom the kui.Ji-iv wi_ (utuiuitt.-d, aud uot Uio Frenldout, who ie n- pop aU"'. Mr. BCITCRZ remln-led Mr. Frellnrhiiy. en tbat id Murj.liv was nol removed luit n-'i_ii, I. Mr. FRELlNOnUVBEll -Jld it wu. Ihe -am..- thlnij. jlr. hi 1HKZ ihoiiKiit it waa a verj dllbrem ihiii?r. ln eouelaalon, Mr. naUaabaraan akiqueuilj viiI.^IzmI th>- lii'i.ui.iiiHii party aud Praaldeul Urant Atlraap. m, without laacblag a \ote, the Scuato al Jounii d. _______ HOUSI of hi:i'ki>i:nt.\ti\ ix. Under tlie call ot Htatea bill.-* arere introdoeMl an - referred aa followi i Mr BUOBBiBBB (ll'l'-, l**oi. )-lli.ul?l,ii|! tlif pi_.t.?- oo nrtl aaaaa Sir. PEKHY ihe*., (Ilnul-Tn | r.-.rt. tl,<- ii?1. pa-BLor. .,f tbr nt ?t.i Up. Illia. nl- "f tl'i ..... rriaai,. 1,1, .1.-1 l,i I I llr ..l?|| r. .| -?i . .ll, of ?p..' latin tiii. t" .iltift iii Ui. I'ml -tmro aul I-t rriuunli li oa oOrt. Mr OAltFII'.l.l. (ll<-p.. IlLio)?T? i r*?.rl uf ii.tiar.liul* lu ti* n. irtmi il - ' BUtfc Mi ( llll'.M.l.N (lt.-p., I' I'l-GnuliiiK llHtlml m*****U t-.t...| il,-i I. J luliii-ri *u'l aaiiara/ llli. CIVU, lilolli" Ull I . The eall of Btatea being i omylet. d, ihe HnjiplemeutHr) ( l\ll Klirhli Inll. Illll.idiiend M.mduv I.y Mr. Fr'yi (i: u., M. . li. Ili'iipm of iiii-ii-tt.,, i-.aiiii-up. Ml lll.l' ll ll-.IJ , Wl* ) li ?" ' ??llllll- I.l t. .1 lln li I.T .?mi- to tin- .iniii nu t ( oiumiiii'i, n-marklBB ibattaa iiH-miii'iH ou hi* would uot aaaaaaa taaaaaaaata iiin p.a.H.-.i without th bate. Mi NlliLAt K (lleiu., Iud.) Uiovnl to lay tho blll on tin litlil.-. ,Mr, M Ul U.I.Il (Ihp., 1*4 nn.) iletiiaud. d the Ycus and Mu . Am law iiiiunent- left Of the tnoiiiltiir hour h.-ii-ron auuied li taklaj .1 vut? hr t' Ib n ou .1 uiotlou t>. adluura, aml Unn tbe hill iicnt tlll ne?l Moadaj. Ilull- ll|J||( inu, ia naaaf llalllO ll'l 1 ?'!<*?? III lln- II ill tl|i hPKkgJLta -unl uo im- im M WOUld I" tlau..?i led nll ordor waa reatored, and tbat tbe coudltl.1 tb. 11 tb. twoia 1 .ae. iiaoiiu . waa a aa nidal to h-. 1 -ii.iiou. li na. iiii.i-ih would atutain tiie t'balr, II aould uotben 1.1 atad BlUa wero Introtlui? .1 und refirn d. 1* folloti -: 111 \ 11 INi, 1 anlMi III K. Mi . Htl.l.AliAlu.l.K di. j. .i.iaii.i Por thn 1 U( our aaoiuiui 01 faraiaa aaauaaraa ui tht t'uiud ataici. xu* Jl ty *\Jv-> aJA-a. m. | -> -?-_ blll provlde. ht the ippotntment of a ??fl?P?fl)ft J^rVan-e. ao ,r. & Mr tha promotion of eomuieri,;, ??daatoaeuinau ai.d luiiujgrniitfli to eollecl. arraiip-. Jtndi?l-"rrin7..r..iRtlon aml .tatMlcH eiOeBrW--?**B' nui,,- to provlde/or ona lluo of troa itaanmhlpo to tt IIiIIIhIi port; one to a port of contlnental Europe; one to Ihe Weotlndla laland. and Maxlco; and one to lla. Tha Commlaatoaera ara to luako contraeta for tuo payiueut of bounty to theae and other llnaa of otcam ahfpa, tha plauof liounty belng on tha plan Hii.rcre>*.cd by th*-Hacratary of theTreaoury |n the blll recciilly pre teuted by bim totbe ('.inirulti.^e ...i Cinineroe. . Alao, a blll to pnnnota iuiniluriitltaii to Ihe l.nitcd Btatea, aad i'.r tlie prote'ifion of ImnalgrantB. Mi. BBOOKB iliem. 0, y.i?To anthorlfe tha continu ar.r.i.f lha miil ate^iuBhlp Bervl.-c batwai B Ilu: Unlted t- uud Cuba. nr.Movivo MBABIUTiaa. __,_, ___ A lnrj-'a '.,.1_,l?-r of Miin tha. removal of poiitleal dlH abllltle* ?froni penoBfl ln Ihe varloiiHhoutbernHtatefl wero pr.f.-niNd, aml al the Hiigge.tlou of the Hpcak.-r all wero li.. I'ldi-d in th*'one hlll. , ,.h Mr.ilAKKIKI.IxK.p, Ohlo) moved that tha blll,wlfh oiit furtiier reading ot tlio namt ?-, ba paaaM under anuB penslon of the rulea. .... ... w___ ___i Mr. MAYSAItli (Rap., Tcnn.) ealled for tho Yeaa Bnd EfavB. Not ordered. ? . , .,? Mr. Oarfleld'i motion wa. than agreed t*>, and tne blll pafl*ed, ua to ia. ? _ _*__'__, Mi BKOOKfl (Ii.-ni., N. Y-), from tha Committee on Wava and Meana, reported a bill rcpeallng tha reqnire nientol packageflofjellle.. mnatarda. flaueea, cannetl Bml iweeerved frultfl, vegetable* aad meaU, *??.. aaenumeratedand tased ln BchedaleCof Ibe tnt.mal Keve.? ni'f. Paaaed nnder a onopenfllon of the rmee. Mr. Miiin.AN Mi. in., ohlo) Introdueed a mii to aui.Hti tnl.' ilu- tcachlng >.f tne Oerman language f..r thatot thi Bpanloh in tbe Weat Polnt Mllltarr Academy. Mi. hink^ mggeatod that the mii be mo,ilM.dfo maka tlu ti-.u liiiiK of ...riuaii udtlltl'.iii.i 10 that of Mr. MOBGA2T iiio.llfled the blll uccordiiii'ly, aud lt ?,4,i ? pai Tur. FitKS. ii aiim- pit.triii. Mr LYNCH (Bep., He.) ? Bon .1 arefloliitlon In-truetliig th* i ommittee oi. E-pentllturei In tha wai Department tolnqnln Into the Mlfl ot ordnance itorei ln tbe late ii, ?!? ii I,.-. maa war, wlth powef t.i aeal for peceaaa ?nd paner*. Ad..pie*l. . , , Mr.COX (Dem., If. T.) moved to mapend th'* rule. nml ml. i.t a i, "lutlon inatrneting the Committee on ni,.! Meana to reporl a bill reduetog tbe duty on pu_ iron tn $i a nn, or laaa, Mi. DAVVEH deaired to maki a r.-n.ark. Mr.Ci '\ oldei tt tt. Mr. DAWEB .ugiraoted, naflrli villy, lhat tlie Committee a ,i Way. aud M.-aiio hnd better be abuliabed entlrely. Mi.t'oX aald aa latonded ao relcetlon ontbeCom mlttoeol Waya aad Maaaa, bat tbe Houae bad voted i ^i Monday on othet taiil aialliaa. aml ba uov, waui.-d a 'im cl > "'? on tbl*- one. Mr. I.. MYF.ItH-Yoii don't HVe Mr.COX- rtal waa a PBoaaylvanta proteetion meaa lli.-. I UiBlfll ou a 4 "ta , on a roiiiit by diM-i'.n. The KP?-U_KB aiiuo'iiu t:d Uuit Uie vote wae 36 to W, two-tl.lrd- lu ioe negatlve Mr. C'?X tliin.iii'l.'.l thfl \'cna nnd V;ivP, whl*-h were i i.i. red. Ihe motion to luap. n.i tbe rnJea and aalopt tba reaolutlon .tin* rejeetod. Y.-ao 7*. Naya w. Mr. LEACH (Dem., N. C.) noved to iu_pend the rulro itml nd ,j.i .i reaotaUun declarlng il to be thejudgmenl >.f tbe Hoaae timt the t..x on manufai tnred toba. oo -<hould be a ui linrm t..i ol *. -.1, m i eutfl .. pouiul. Mi. BAWEB remarked that ttal wouhl t.ike *ir,,oon,oin. ont of the n . iry. The inlee were nol inapended, by -..,, ?>, leaa t'i ni tv." t im. i.. votlngln the afflrmatire. TIIK lil.H, UM t l.lll.. Tiu Hoaae, ut :t o'eioek p. m., went into Committed ot th. Wbuic on tin- Dclciencj bill, Br. BoolleM iu tbo Clialr Mi.iiARFIET.Ii tn uie a statenient evplunatory of the i i :, irblcb aupropriatea about ?ix aad aquartermli l,,.,_. He :?,..i.,,?..! f..r th.- i.iil i-hit -U> by the fact ttal for lae flral time the I iw requlrlng unoxpended balan.. - al tle , nd oi >... h reai t" b? eovered Into tbe Treaaurj wa it int... tte, ' on tbfl 1 ' uf Julj.1871. Mr. lii.'i..;- took the opportonltv hyoppoalna tht Dttelcncj i.iil t,. a|teak of the eoalitlon ln tta Uoiifle between tliat rapra-a nt.itiv.-N of the Iron lntoreat aud a iN.rtiouuf tbalKi.itii Ideof tbi Houae. Heaentto ih*- t lerk'i iteak, and hat read, a petltlon whlcb be r-.,iA il Import ar.! i? titlom ever pre?enled il,,:, . .belnga petltlon from the vt.,.,i mauufac turen ol New-Euxlantl praylug for tbe removal of tta . ,ii, rav wool, and ou bltiimlnoua coal, oalt, iron, nn>l Inmiier reauJred f-.r maebinery, and promlolng In iii^* iv.nt thal ibey wlll nol oaly nol a-k proteetion f.-r , iiiviiiir... im*?*, imt \.iii raUfl tha wagea tbi orkmon. If then waa t., ba any tuiuatloTi, lu- wafl in favof of rellev ii,/ Um wool mannfaetnrera of New-England. 'i ie iwtlttnn i- -i ?iu il i.v th.- i-epreaentativefl ol t,.,- fol luivlug !-,::.-: i?? awarc Woolen Co., Btack.tone, Maaa.: 1 ?>>? grave a Co.. afld Necdbam, Maoon *v Co.,oi Hackatone, Ma--.; Delabare ,v Backstafl ?t Conway, .M.I-.- ; John ' . B itt, Uppitl Wooleu Co, <af Woouoo. ket, l; 1 ; Williuni rinkbaui ,.i r. ?-. i.i.-...-.- ; th<-Hllllwal i ' . ? ?, Mi !, o\vi.u ale i'l.uii, I'i.i.-ca iv Paiue, Jai Ilailliv iV ('.., of Pan Kianl-. ?; Kr.-I. W. Whlnple, \viu. D. Davla k OiK, of Uxbrtdge, Ma--.; the Wanokuck ? a of Provlden?e, lt I.j aEdwar.1 Harno of Woom i'< i: iy Woi.Ii i. ?'?'. ".' Bellinahara : tbe Pi ai eilalo Man ii!a. Iiu'i-il: <?,.., .I.iiu"* I-'V',' A <"-. Mai. :.--.ill.', li. I.: tta tii'U.lalu Manufactiulug i ?<? "i Moheiran, K. 1.; I.ll. Wjile & l'.. of I'li. pa. iut, R. I.; J. J. Ni.ii..1- .V bou, M.hi-L'ati; Donco A. Kiiubail, JameaO. Inman,andT. E.IIopklni of PiMcoa '. IM : tinn- Woolen i'o. ot Woou . i; I.; .iini-. II. Iimit of lieuniiiKton, Vt, M. i.i ELL (Ib p., N. Y.), aa a et-ofl t.. tta petltlon ,.uted hy Mr. Brooka, seut to .the Clerk'fl ueok and ij i,i i, ui u y, Utlon .imn worklnmneu iu Bj raeuoe ln I* ., ,,, prot*. ti.'i. t.i Amerii an btbor. illi Brai 11 " .. l< '1 >> "Ii uiiiii a clanon wa* reaobod ii i'i-.,lim: lhe law a-. lii. h requireo tbo pubtlcatlon ol tl e lawoli newopapera. Tnal lu-iuu ruled a..ii i.r order, oo ihi- ni, ii,,,. oi i - helug general la l.latlou, tbe C-uiumit ... ? .'I i, ? I't '.:.... I........ I.l .- I J? l,l| I|,l mli - -ii a*a I" milk,' It in ,.i I. r. Pending tbal motion, Mr. COBCRN, Chairman ol the Comu.ittoe on Militarj Aii.i.i-. ,|.-,..-,1 to reporl aud li. ?-.'.- 1 f,,r tbe t tm-nl.n.r nm of a l.ill toen ;,'ie ill , l-.irg' A OOldleiK iilul a 11 i? t -. . - :a,i? I ..ini.-ii cbilairen, to acjuire botoeoteada ou lhe public II A.I- III..' I?-. ii .. '.. i mui taklna a rota oa Kr. Oarfleld'i i,i*t ii, ,i' v ,'i na I al i o \>. III. ATTACKfl UPON POLICEJfEN. N vt rai k;i"'-'~' of riitli.'iii-; Imv. I.m?_? ln-11 swiv in th.- Ntneteentb Ward Darlng tha Smnmer -,vi , i\ bnlgbtpaaiei ihal pareona are aol boal Bla tbepleaonre gardena up town. In'Winter Ibey maka ? . aalooafl, aad beal tlu proprletore aad ,. Intflrfera wlth tbem, A young Oerman, proprletor of a 1 ,i>i 1,. ai aaloon, waa ihot d>a l laal lurnmer while iry in; io , .'.v iii, *, nmi the ai - ii baa nol beea im -r*"i. si ibblngo nu '. aihootlngaare (reqm nt. < -onfllcta b tii tbe poliee an- uf almofli weekly oecai reace, and la oiarlyeverj ra ai.' overpoweredand i ten, ii,' 'ifi udengenerallyeaeapawlth aligbtpun> i-'.in. nl ffaiiu th- li miii'.-ii,a- wiili tba maftatratee. Tun. jniniii.ity fi'iiu pnnUhmeni aatnrally reudara tin ruf older and n ilve, Witbln tbe pa-i v* bourot..ttacks bave been made by oue ot tbeae ganaa, ".,, Bunday evenlng Patrolman Barnard Tully iat> Itampted to anell an affraj ln Loula Miller'a laawr-beer t-ave., and waa attaeked by tbegang, , edpver tbe itove, and beaten on the head wlth blo .wi,, luband ia ith fltom .,recelvlngflevere wound*. H\e *--., i I* ni s esca>p?d. ' apt. Uunner, Detei uve Lambrecbt, ind otber*t, otartedlnpnrouit of ili? rufflana, bul talled i" tlmi them. Boon after inuitiiKiiti Rondaman Wchh. P. t??* ti*. < Larabrecht and ??,!.? ?* t- Tooker aud O'Brien u n ii,. nm liiuliijuoe, und pnoKcd through Fifty-ulutb-ot. Wben leaf Beeond-ave.,thej were attacked bj -i\ men,and Luiilii.. tit wao atrui-kon the head with apuvl.ia.-atone I'ul felled t'. ta.' pavemeut, recelvluic. a dangarou. iround. Three nf the unug, Oeorge and Willlam Laverty, Willlam Pltzgerald, were bu-.iWy arre-ited. Tbe otb< ; }-..-u!M',i. ueorge Laverty t\a-t recognlzed ?.?_- .'oa muu a, hn I ad throa u tin- otone al Laiubr. ?.'.;. Tiu- wounded ' ?' t .'* I;';uva,l ??' ?'".'.i rfritMe\ Hoapltal ln au iin lulauee. Tbe prwonerB were itakeu ycatertlaj before ju;,, Couitor ut tta Yorkvllle 1'olu i t'i ui.auilcom lu,Ht .1 to uwait a tnal. TIJJ; BROOKLYN BKWERAOl BTTXH. The Brooklyn Board of Aldermen, Bt ita jiiii-tiiip yeaterda) aftaraooa,antkorlael tbeCltjrCteti to einpioy aa additlonal elark ataaahui al B^aa per annnm. **iho Board eoairaaed tho appatBtaaaataf h. J. BoUey aa Depnty li.aithOfkar. acommtrafcotlpniraa it a. ivt-ti lioin tha OeflBBaloafcMaia afpotnted i.y tka LaV lalacara t" .ir.nn laa laala la Baatb Brooklya al a aaal ol IM.uoo, atatlag lhat they bad aspoadel only tl v>, ao they bml foaad Uwt tha work lalocatfld to tlnui wao btliitf perforni.a.l by tlie roinniou Coiin. 11. Aldai inaii Repea otlcroal the followln?: m?r,i,trl Thai tl.i- D'.atA rfajaa^.fnll. aml arcri.tlr r< jn.,!- ti,' m*m bon aai I'"- lii-iii'iture (ruui Ke.x- i MaM iu 000 il.'ir ttoMOl tmit ,,-r, iv prrvrut tle OOflMflO ..iti,. Inll ?<*vt kofaoO It antitlr.1, " ti, i, I 10 BfO Tiale fur ibr >prrA) i.-mtrU' tiou ul latarro lu o OOtlflfll l*urtiuu i'l Ibc <_ il) uf Bt?ai)llTii.". ? lln Mllwaapraaaatod tothe Leglalatare bv .\iderman Rletardaon, and prot, Uled f..r tha coafltructton ot *><??. r-a iu tlie Twentj aecoad Ward al aa ezpanae of *lr. Rnpe.-* oald that th.-1 ity ui"ed.-.l reat, aml bad reaebed the rgrgt nt -vif.iv tnali mattera of Immedl ite neeeafll tlea. II.- helii.-vu.f tliat Ut,- fjti.iKKi.noo of bondo ontatan.l iiik ibo uid not ba ti.4ta-.i-, ,1, aml elaimed that lf tba Boardaaoald d<a Hh daty honaatly would be no further nced ot Bcform Commlttoea. Alderman Blebardoou aik.-.l lf Mr. Ropaa. haal ever reaal the l.ill, i.uil held that bfl haal uilarepreiaeutad tbe pro rlatoaa of tke aai. He tboaght taataa aa aet of almple caiurteoy Mr. llopea obould havo allowed him to know of hli Intoation tooBertbe raflolattoaTand nol have hpning u trup upou iilm. Ha niiid that U.a aet provldedaaafa> Kiiura agaluot the lerrlbl.* plaguea of fo\ar and moie re ?ultlng from n laeb of dralnage in tbeTwentJ-aeeond Ward, Hiihou^h ke oupimih.-.i that gaatlemen llvlagla luauta|.,iii on lha HlKhlt had llttle a<, !ii]...thy wlth Iho poovwho tml aaaaaa in tka aalarloaa outaurta of tha tity. Tbe people la the ward, he i*aid, ala.lly da. llu-y r.'tiitl toward pa} ing for lhe umt ii Bewerage. Ha aakad tke membera to paom before they voted againat aa aei provldlng for what araa aoeeaeBttal lo tha lu ,.lth of B lar?, poi tiou of tbfl p ipulatlon, Aldermau Berg. n moved :n a lUbotitute that the Leg Ihl.ituit- lalu.uld be ai.d uot to par-any bill oalllug f,,i ihe Inereaae of tbe eltj dabl exeepl for de-ktencleo, aad Umt the blll provldlng for tbfl tpeeAj ewuatruotlon of flawera flball io lim.tetllu flxpeadliure lo |auo,ooo Tbe ?UUfltKcitfl V.U- ...I 'I'L d lay ii io!.' i,f lOto t. Aa|,,.uiH4'i|. |Ain. ipr.M.UI. | T.i liiiiutily Um Iiiiir? Bl BMITT'l COOOAIXB, Ilnir ns at tht tl.i im- nf a vol.-iino, nr w Iiii. i. il,. A,.-. i .'ai 'la Iiri4i!..,.k., .n >? . la,,,. lu ?.,i. kraa b ? Malft, 11 o>-.' lUlll'l li 1BII ? ?. Tttt Ctiit tM. hti.N lii. mtt, fnr oil Intei Itn a.lua'. ..1 All Sr*?l. ln. Im. ? U. Vi i.iau.a. fc ... , I'uil], . Tht lu'Ht pUoe in Ni iv-Ynik tu luiy i.linlili W.i. koa, im, l',,i?? ..,.,' i M.aiMi J .,,, .,., -?? ,i > Ndtoi m ,AAi?t Ttmmat, - .iinoi'i, _n v,\l.o tk uitmjui,, a.,, miiy. 1 Every bottle of ITalj-'b VrorrABW SiatiA* TTafa ffTiawaa la Wfd ?>?*>?'? kaartafl tto U*oio?orj, bflB-eo ilo aii hut a,aoiiy Cal B0?? taMmt "ootlfl, Perfeet afltUfaotion ia prnarflnteed in uaing !>.it ? Tfliir Paawraao. All faar Oroflor fur It CCntlYLEU, IIARTLEY & GRAIIAM, ft JOIIS 8T. AND 19 MAIDEB-UNB. ICB P1TCIIF-B9, ALL WUKS. VINfc QUALlTl, AT CL08B PBICKB. FIB) PoSALS for DRA1 N~l7iT>E, to Iie fur KI^^ATii_mra u\ tm t^***gtf?e P. J.-Pr?pema\, tn latUrd tur io*-h Ilraln Ttt*&J**XP**S*ee\t Utm, fr?,n .li ia thirtj M-ilfl Oo-oor., u \*____*_*_m__\SlSm oflho BtalO Aa,!.,,-, f-r th. laOOMI??I?"^;^,*'1'k??__ ?IU pipa uiu,t 1* dah.era.1 *,n tf.*- <??.! ot lha Morrii ond "??**",'?, Itew itrtry. BBACH VASI.KHP'""', ANIIIH5Y RBIKI-KHH, ffi-.^'WoTT. HH..I KonlflUwa, I ___*_$ __ ttn._?rrrrrr.-^rir 0 OI V AND Intfrain Carncs-Aubnin .5- r_L I *ra infr...>tp:to. ."ai. it J.";'?'^;'''_f .?,!. T.n ..nitity 1 I'ly oad louraio fW**;??*** -T >/? *"-??' Man at v. AfMi U *-^ut ???*? fc |mrr 1-irr.nrh to 11 BflWfll**-! toi BfflflflWO. Md jftfrflt N T. i-I.OW FACTOBY at PitUburah fot SAI.I., 1 ati. BmeUt .UteUmett, ftflBMfl, M ^-SVR^to&l ___? a IflHfl Mt pr?llil,l? AcUrMO \AJ.U1 tOHt.Y. PI,(|\V WOKKN, Ifl I.ilaartv at.. I'lttohorgb. Fo._ OTRICTl'UK, FiHliila.and l'ili-_s ni^lTcally ruriid ^ withont tho iti.:- raaorto, orrt.trn. .n f...? bmt.uta, I Ia,pot4>n<-..bli t^, .,f t,;^i..,....ii' __t***. uy a. ......... m.u jHUmeUa mm Hi AT YOUR IIOl'SK! Bave roor Knel!!? RAJfOB ANU HHNM lt. IO W.lar al. HAML. J. HUPKIJffl^ VlliO HKKIMiiKKATOR?Wtth VYfttet /_ .wl.r-Bl.cT IN IHL 14IJBLU. K.n.1 f?r H??k A. M. UMLB1 MoBofcclWOr, 1 310 BroKlair NO BANK Secure WITHOUT THB "PROTECTOR." PI.RASK CALL AVD BAMOal IT. MARVIN & CO., 205 Broadway. JAY COOKE, M'CULLOCH&Co.. No. 41 Lombard-st., London. FOREIGN EXCHANGE, Commercial Credits, Cable Transfers, CIRCULAR LETTER5 KOK TIlAVEr.EK^, iTAOABtl I.N ALI. PABTS OF TBt W0BI.t>. JAY COOKE &. Co.f No. 20 WaU-st. Patent Fire-Proof MANSARD ROOFIM. T*1.4> alt.'i.l ion t.i' A.l-1 liit* cta.. 11 u iltl. r*?. ai.d I'napa-i-ly Uwiiirii ia ***l to our new I'utant l*'ii*a-I 'rnol Mniioarrl l>Jo<,li n._. II IttKl ri4l iv*-*lr"-< rij?l i\-4> ( ir, nlaro furniahcd ou l'.*-i iii.nt, k -.ii |ij .1.. *i <<n r. - i.i jal *.!'u jilnii or oiht-r i'.Ul deacription oT ilu- worlt i-i'tj ni red. 3. B. &J. W. CORVELL, FZain and Ornamcntal IRON WORK FOR BUILDINGS, BRIDGES, &c, lioo. 130, 141,aml 14.3 (ontro-st., N. Y. 9 E2PL0SI0NS Rav. Ifi ptOVOaM Pr.,r*>rt- *.n,l u an, f. i.? ?:lh:o tlie 1 .-t tl.r.- .,., t , M l v.tHKH Mi.NITOll f, r faTKAM BOII.KKS, THOU SHALT KOT KIll! IlaL*,; i." tl,1". an! 'a!l OB W tl. M, WAA.'VOy. 91. I.IHIiKTV.ST. TL? M'jLa.i., Ii la na.- ?t tl,o TltlHCNE BUILDINO. * A.WUAL STATEMENT or THB WASHINGTON Li iBsuninra. Company. For lhe Year rnding Iw, 31, 1871, CYRUS CURTISS, President. SET ABBMB JAN 1, l?l.Sti.111,345 71 RECEIPT8. FiMhH.awa aai is . l?.<a; '?) IT. tt- ao iLl.Huia-llt. Mlal. I '"??"? "?' AUlallltia - ... . lmiOl ai Ifl $31 .. DISBUR9EMENT8. i ...... ij n,ath.*i';62? :tv 4 M . Mrr'ini. r*il P*,| K.n. S3.4I? !?tl Di4iJtB.ii lo Pul!< IO.'. BM IM total paiii pouoNuninaa ... ??.n.itM ti lul.r... to akK-klibldcio.. . ,; ?>. '. , ... Q.ltt 13 a aoioM 1B*1 Brok.fOflM ?- B* 1,11311 03 tllM-ii"-'. Inrln.l ,.( Adaarltiaiu^ Piiiitinaf. Mit.niitrr, Unii.-al _c.... lotpMU io:,b'.*n fiit'^r.* nbt abbctb, na m, uh.??4,9h9,uib n? INVESTED A9 FOLLOW8 : toini en H..U.I 11..I H,ott*ge.#1 MB IM t-i I .. id Nlotfll H.. mill.- at,,,,'. 4Li.*i.4ll taj K. V. Mat.- t aaatf, Ma) t .ty M*?. k*. a. ro.1 .".*,..-:* 13 Loiti. oo I . * 'i'l i?i Caab io liauk-a aui TroHCoMpia) ofl la.rinl #n Mi 14 I'.ab ia .'.'U.l*'<-f liii.nuiwiiiu. li-ul 11 UfeVAt IVVI llll [,-? i ? I. '. .. ? M, , ;> ?. ,1- .?,!. aai.f oaot.... .a*.'*.;*.: > . I ... ' ? ,. tl .11 lUtrr Uiunlbl ... < I rl . 1" Ottail A-a,'-. II V ? nini-.- t -1 . - iia- 1 iin bt Caall IBMTVOal fm f_.ll. 100 MtVO 11*1.1, a Tli .$2,103,031 1*0 f.,i 1 laiini I'a,, juil li | Jj.iaO 00 I,Wfl II] M nmnoa. . tMLatri .^i \V. A. HHIW IU, ji., Vicfl-Prooidral. \V. IIAX 11 N. herri-H.rj. I 11(1 ra t|| ,\N, Aaa.ainin Sfi-rrtnrv. I'. N, I IUM II. *?ii|.ri u.l. ml. nl ol Aar...ira. ' U idi BCOADM 11 . ' IAI >i B. T.. hi.?.iu.? 1.. 1 ui atiHinnt i'a., 49 BTATI NT ? UU U.l' H I . ia t AUI :-l boM vUl La.--' MNY k X i \io\-sq \ri:. PLATED WARE. ONLT TUB BKBT RNQM. II AND AMEPIrAN IiINHBB n^ BBT. AND WAITERS, ALL TO MAT( II, VgRT PLAIS, gflt* Ql'ALITY MKAT MHM, HKBaT, SIUD BOWLI, ABD Cktfj BA. KKT.i. _ 1. POR IMlMJUm OP A VOKELIRK (.PAUTT (tg TONK, t, Pl'RNISHED WITH AMI'LE AII.'S POB KXPRRHMOy,, 3. CON8TBITTEH OF EKST MATKIttAL. TXOt.IBAIH,, 4. cnARACTERIZllDUV THOROl'OH WOBKBASUJIf, fl. CONTAININO THK IMPItOVKMENTS OP TWE. TT Y .AU,-? 0. XB I'BE Ot ALL PAHTS OP TUB CIVILIZSI. ^ ORLD - 7. WARBANTED TO RETAIN THEIR IIGHUMB _. 8. FAVORBDBYTHRABLBKT Ml. HIANfl, 9. HONORED BT A niNtlRED MMDALS 19. ALWAJ8 PBEFEKRED IN ktTt FAIR COilPBTITK)?. 11. SOLD AT LOWEST RF.Ml NEKAT.VB PRh .*, 12. AND HAVINO MO.T INTRINMC VALIE. It wlll be teeetm? to go tu ilt SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN COJ Aavurate ind l^linful ?n. r?iinn ot*? tuiovt llfltt. wui BU loi leriptionf, are furblihed ll tk' new KlliP Bm-leVi: CalTelLOOtl'Et whii-b i. i?nt free to tbf a-ldr?aa ?po? appli.__.aa. A CAREFUL COMPAKIttQtt lt iurited. Thit u aMrttttl to thote to lo icovli UtUt fot iVaitlt^d a* to what eotutituttt a part and efftelku* ton*. 'v'* Dellcafclj-Toleed Initmmeti'i for prirm Um" ml Pow-rfal Oti__| forchorcbeiud baila Ad.ireeo TIIE SMITH AMERICAN ORGANCJ THEBONTST., OPPO.ITB WALTUABsr, BlltiTON, MA84J TWEMY-SEVEXia UlDUi KWH OF THE NEW-YOBK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY,, OFFICE: NOS. 844 AND 349 BttOADWAT, Janr.ury 1, 1873. Amount if **<_?* AiKt-. Jan. 118T1.91.1,070.007 8(f ELCEIPTS: Pn-mlnnn ar.. Anm.lti'f.$1,031,81* 31 Interesl receired anl arcrued, ineluiliDg tirn_ui_iL on goU,.tc. lllC'.-ilo 51- *Jk*JB*\ ?MaStMMM DISBURSEJilENTS: i. _-_..?.. _..,_ .$1,31,.,351 0? I'uirliuoi, ?urreiailereil, ?ii'l tautt'ml, ui lelei. 1,109,334 ll Life annuit:.', aitartii mlnimi'i. .al reiniarauce. 3?ttu ib DiTiilrnJftopolk.Tbol.lrn.. 84J,67ii 13 l'om_ui-iion?, brokeragea, and agency rt peo.e,. 5<).i i*>7 13 AiiTiTti-:_K .ad phyai.-t.oa' Uri . 86,5.'. ti Ttttt, ufliie and laa exp<mei, tal-iieo, printing, reTecue .Uiu|... . tt'. 15 I - i tBjBt nt 8l?.1ttSU,7lfl^_{ ASSETS: Ci?hln Troaat Co.. in Baak. ?nl on ?Wl ...gifMftU IS IiiTe.ted in I'mti-J Mia'r., N. ,-Y.irk UOU, ? i.'i otler ?tiKk? (unrket rstue ?I.iii,. Ut ?3| eaat. i,c:c.:r.' 43 Inreited in New-I.rk City Baaka . to.k Imarktt t?Iu? #'.'(. . ? ?? . 41."43 00 R.?l K?Ut* !n tbe City ?,f N.w.Vork. I.Tt.,i:i 14 Bon .1 md Mortnge* (trrt.,, 1 t . r,.,| .^t??.e TiluiJ at O'2'i 'KH''?.'. I.. : ? p ?> ioioieil for orer as.OOO.Ou... nnt tlu Bh aulgqcd to tbn Conpaa. u ui.i ,iil .'.illatenl ?ernntt). | u ., I.oarionexiitlni,' rolinea. (Tbe retrrrr bi 1-1 by tbe Compaur ea theae lara. pul..- ci muoiiota to gtXjmjm Bl). W.,Ci<i'jO (ju.nerlT aod amti-anaaal priniiiii.f. _iw eutst-qn.ut to Jinuary 1, 1 '2. li ri-iaiiiania on ezi.ting , agrnte and in c>nr?- of tranniLii.tou. 3"-1 HS Tl Animinti'lni fmm Aci'i'ti. 4 .1 tuter-it acrjr . tu Ja?a?ry 1, 1HT.. .. .., u?13 659,711 M "a'i.,1' ?l.?M?f uaarx-ltaltir uiat.-ar'.-.ieioT r*ost. 114,011 i ,2 om *?m*%,*nrmty i. ian. tlB.?i.m APPROPRIATFD AS FOLLOWS: A'aoun- of Ailj?teJ Lutaet, due 'u'a?-.iaent I.. Jan. 1, lall. ?.'i. Amount of Reported L._w?t awaiun/ proof, ke. 117,900 00 Amnnnl reserfed for Uemairance on ex at ing Polirlee, inranng ?lW,16t.,i .5 Wi, partii'ipating (>t 4 pet -tnl L.r li.Ie aet prennnni) Bl'l?4,:jj th, _..n pani.-ipiting (at S per -eut OBdUl po-iL.uiii). 15 341,171 21 II. ianre of . . tiiru Pieiuiam, Htl, p.v.ble ' darug the year H71. 13.1.U.7 lt-11,311A54 ;"> nivlolble -|, 'ns IJ1 i, I.uring ibe yearH.9?_J Polieie. Lare been iiiaed, iof.rii| itkAUt* m ui. From the andtTil.'l ,:r la.. ,' OBI HIIXIOB, BOOB HITTRW ABB KKIHTY-EIUHT THOOBABD 'INK IU M'Ri;t>A!?DTHl?TT^ Kcl H Ii, I.I.AUS IBD POBTT-THBSB CBBTB, the Boanlaf TtttM teeahaTe de.lared a IUVIIiKNH, atailaM- on tma.1 af ??xt ?**** I [. miutu to tach parucipaling poli.-r propor-i. Lt.t tu ita. " enlllliail I* ?urplui.'1 Unidends aot ns*l in Kltletii eet of '.reml-Ji will bo tMeimtUy**'*', 1 RUSTEl B. M.iKItIS nUBEl IN rilllll "( theN.-w T..rk 1**9****__\ 1'AVID DOW8. (Ha?iJ Uo .tk Oa, I'onr Me/rb.nrai. ??**?? taaaoo cti^^Hi (m ?? _? i ?*. ri*i t^^-r. *?* ?*H DABDUaB MiLLKK.PHaPHw.MUa**Oafc****_ IIK.NaV K. BOCKUT.(lluget k k?t?**BB*_U9a_ JOHN BAIB8. .tM.rv).??t). ? _*_\ U M It. AlTLKTONtAppteteB l t'.v, I*tiM..te..> MB*** * ROBKRT B. l-(lLHN8.(C?Ulu.liBwtbere, 8tat.ut?r.>,J1?arl^???l WILLIAM BABro.N.i??^,rl M . , * WM A BOOTH.(Booih fc Rlgar). l?C*^''7 (1KORHKA. OSC.OOD.(BaaAlT .???** HKNRY BOWBM. (Barko.l. 3"r**V: . HA." L.ANTIIHNT. (Anthony lt Illll. ntfOooit) 11 ''"JJ'^'T IA N HiRU lllBB.ri.-lJ.ut Ba?l. th* Utoxtte* Co.. Tl Wall l? KIHVAHD MAKTIN. .<lra?infc .V l'ro?l?i...). ?00 Weal Twol??l II.IVIN HOYT.(H,.?t, Sprik'ne. _ Cl - P" <J.-"''?? m K'""'T II.B. ILAJ-LIN.tii i.CUaiBkCk.,Bl7?^*) c?i't h?rr? ?** 3 P. BKTMOrR.(I. F. SoTBonrkCo) B*2mtm*M B l'i".ll.i M.B.8 M. Mark a-pla<* WlLll.tMII 11 Hl: 1 ., IV ?l lha *??*<'"'k**'?' t*i?t*i-* M. IBKI8 I l- \NM in. '" ? ' WILLIAM H t*i KRH, ? ***** mt ammBB TMBOBOBk -i H iN fA < D o I'H.l Bt .?? ? ? '.?: - ' * . im.-iair. ii. inu.;.., P, m l> > ... _ ,i Biaalaan uaoaai iv it K. i m >. \ i u.iiiiis wi.n.u; ii !? imttamUmBaU a?mhm PBITATB DWKLI B?a ial '" ?'****** ot waVIB llliv ,. ? Ml 'II . I ? l... 1.?- ..... i, ..-.-?' V? Yoik ____ (lhe eUeat anj >.,,..? ?. . mkmemai >!><? **UUm___****** l >t>. i . < r yamyli i_? Ma ??.'_?!? i .ataiekm va a?*___ittOO