Newspaper Page Text
Vol. XXXI.N?-9,641. NEW-YORK. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1872. PRICE FOLR CENTS. WASHINGTON. THE DEBATE ON THE FSENCB ABM! QUESTION. _., ,yvKSTIOAT10N TO BR ?TIFLF.n BT THF. AI'MiNl.-rKAlHlN BWAIOB? bKHtl Al'.nl I TliK OAU S OF SERVICEABLE HKEI c III <\l> ga^HKXATOi mura to bras to-day. |g\ TlUSOULTIl TO THB TRlillXK.I WABllUt'UT?N, Tuesday, Feb. 27, lc73, TV indications arc strong that the Atlniinis ,, ? iMBton have determined to vote down Mr. 8un> r,,,., :.itu:i, a? will as his preamble, and thai they v,w any inquiry lulo tho circumstances under ?kick the BllllOtfJ of War, or the Chief of Ordonne?, ?lg legated the number of breech loadlnr muskets In lk( iv.sM vioii of lln Oil m ??Ml. M much as te leave ?krctrtii'fj uliuiwt defenseless in thisregarg,enduaif?ered tpp, .die? Hag briwt.u this country and Germany, and, ?erlii.1*. Oiokoiiuur neutral obligations. Unobarltabl? ?<,[.,<? have, from the first, believed that some excuse Vl.??, i Kfound to lay thU resolution on tho table, or tot?*: it Bal art until laut night, or to-day, havo any ?t U"m i""u???",,ut publicly and announced their lutcn I ?start it. Mr. Frelingbuysen yesterday, ?id Mmm WngLt, IMmund*. and West, to-day. have t It r? portad that enough others will vot? , ,i:i t., d. feat It. Mr. Conkling ha\irig. from tho tnt, ptoaitarul to support it, cannot doothcrw.-o. though |? told the ,-enato, to day. UlNMOtl It is BOtbOOOaM M wan;* aa tBTOOtlfattoa, bat tecmi he 1? afraid of U< i ? i ??; -i A-i..< I mi ut 1? understood to havo lieen wad? ameng *y gdmtaletTatloa **? Bnratag; that M ad .intil the resolution was uspoeed of. bol Meurt Ooaklia, Morton and tt bare the last word. It will aever do to ? tobt tabea InnoiilatniTafter? rrjitrhit Mr. Put?** <r Mr. Beban) for if the matter lsleltas Un^v. . with all the fog of polit!;.?1 dema f . ,, tliiown alHint it by the speeches of Nye or rl^ar? ?d away, and the matter poos to the ooun tn m the all | !<? i bo Chief of Ordnance and of Yi"..r, all tutlr e?ort* to cover up the truth will fail. HOY? was- the necessity in dilate of u occasional ?perch by a clear-headed man, who is mu'< r of his sulject, and can, by a few clean cuts, citar HD Um im- s of brash which have been heaped up to t ? settd ground of truth, belt, r ii.nitrated than by Mr 1 ban'aepeeoh today, fiinco Wodaeadaylait,toi eneitloti before the Boaata h:i.l been atasoot lorgattOO, 4 .ts Lad Imrii the older of lb??ft?. IraaibaU, Mortoa, >'.., Frellacbaytea, Wright had ether inad" r.o r to It, or bad related the . - JI.iiWi, woe? be? fore art, The a*u*nllon of the country had been tnvu'-d Htbf Prethtoattal aaeattaa. To-day, Wright and We?? gpoke to an Inattentive audience ou Hie lloor and In tho p, : ?-, audit was m t umii Beban took the floor that tt(,\ ; - even worth Uatealagto, in ata clear, gb> partrtaaacr, vblob has beea to often deoeatbed, and VhlcL tbt BOM il U outplayed, he (btaadtbattbt Inrertlgatloa called for ooaktoalybt Mbaairtbfl a a Meadly act to Germany; that ttl Ban-Ar.ioricans Of tbt Ullltod BtatOt bav< i.roveil ihcm talvcs as Mlrlottt as nitivc bOl D eitlatat, aud ^ xplaiiicd ils rea.-ens fer refusing to support (?en. Giant. Rut tbt thai which fell latO the very Dtidtt of tht Ad aiEismtion camp, and -j'ut than all on tbt dafeatlTO, vaitheevidtncc of Gen. Dyei hliuseli in hi* last two tnnual r?port?. To uiutei>taud the lore? ot this HI t ttO, for It hat BO* before been Introduced, it Is no OMMijf toroaMmbot tho aaawat made by Morion, a fow . atysuC'i, t" the argument that tlie bale Of brooch load tog iuueket* was Uli | >l. Bi that the ariuy having btea aiu.'cd with ?niii?(rln U hfOBtb load Im rifle?, r.1 Uh ?odrl of 18CS, those of ls60 were out of date, and so " un ?ttsMe for u*e by the ariHtan or m.lltla of tile United atrtM." He also aasert^d that the ISO? gun had t*>en ?doi'U'd. tad tho army oaypHed with it. It ubou?d siso be remembered the law under ?hich ?P.ooe breech-loi din? BprtujdMld ??re sold authonu'd tho tale only of old ttnnon and other ordnance !<tore?, which ?re damaged or ?Thari Ue uiisiiirabJ? for uso bv the military or tho miiir?a tithe Dattel States." But the report of Gen. I>yer, dated Oct. 2M870, at the vory tluio that arm? ?ere Mlllug to tho agents of Franc?, and less than two ?onthi u-fore Riehuxdson bou/ht uree^h-loading rtlles. tai had the cartridge? tor thi-iu maiiufa- tared. ?ar?: "The f*i>ilngfitld breecU-loading mufVet?. with ?kjen the troops havo been armed for more than three fearn. continue to give ?ottafaottoa." Th.-'^e could not fc?Tf U-< u of tho model of MM, for that model ha'l h?en UvenU-d but two years; they must, i I W*, the ".ttll" were sold M 01 ? ? ase bv the anayoi ?flltta, a little more jtbao a rnontb afterward, and which Bemlu,-toi) ?aid in bitl ttOI aere tifluuit to obtain. The Chief of OrdaoBM eoBtlaaeo : ?There are about 33.0o?on bead of the mod' I of but what the result o? M ?leeih-loadlDg rifles t Oen. Dyer, ta ato but aaaaal ?? oort, teii- at? aoooyo: "Now theie ato loot tbaa 10400 breeih loudin?; Uiii-kets in the arsenal? for isMie. Tiii? baBbtrotaiaohOtOb] not half sufficient to supplvthe ^t4t'-^^^lth the musk- U they are uow entitled tore etlve, itc lhhl l)i partiocnt should, a- soon It j>os- ible, b? plteod m a condition to fill bu atoyai iao,abj|i1oao b| Oh Mateo upon it, and ?hould also have on hand a Urge ?un.. ? 1 4 m,. 11 leading mtheti and earMact to meet 1 r that may attaa Teay?on ego, theeooa by felt that not less th.m l.Oeo.noO BMOkOil -hmid be teptln-tore in the aiseunln." ThlOltthetetUlt Of -ell be. wltldu a yi ar, under a law directing the sale of daav btrd or unsuitable arms, guns Vbleb fare MtltfactiOb after thiee yaato' trial by tbt treopa And now, the French National A??eni!i!y, having evl Otato, no doubt, that raosoj ?a> nted to lafaoiriot imerieaii officials to disarm their own eountiy, for ibete Oust havx been noun-strong motive to luduce the I>o (?rtni'ut to di?]w>se of muskets that it had a few days **f'T? so highlj' arataaij asks that aat conduct of Aua-r ItB officials be IpTftttfOtfd. and H?oeOC Conkling ahd Ooapany OOOBt at the idea and shout at the top of th*-ir ?oice? that "it- all right; than 1 not the aajbtaot paaai tar oaoaleloa." The not le, aud it eane oat ?l?liil> for the lli-t time to day, that the (ioveinment is set and never has been half supplied with bTeecb-load Unarms; that the Bpttaafhdd Annory is aot turning ?utanns, exe^'iit in small yuantltlex. anil that to-day, ?hen our relations with Great Hritam are so detteate, sa4 Ibt ?ecietary of fcitate says that a war with tpsln 1* possible at any noneat, so long ?? tie epani-L Government at Madrid holds power bj ??fickle a tenure, baielj ten rogtjaeate, beelat tbt aatot of our skeleton of a standing aimy.eould be ?nueO with hrceehloadmp rifles. Ac some have been ?diverted mi,. 1 Doeanbor, urn, the aanhor left oa ?Slid, then, nnt-t have been small? r fill). laaooaatrf tsssright toa-k by ??hat aulle. 1 itv any efbeor aelb anaa-taattag ?Dm-^ets, wateh, after batag m the band? ??ta* troops three yeais, " aatlafaettoa/' having in* awitaj : ,100, and ahothei be w,.s aeta rtal bgaaj baaaapu atottn whfu he v*a* radaelagtbe **nt*ytaaatAi.I defense.-- eondiliou. After Mi. ***** nateb, than area some aiooaaataa on the re aaattanttaaof -he rato by arhtohOoakUag*aataeee> ?aaj *a?sd..pted,and the Beaate adjoaraed ?ritb Mr. OuiLuei 111, |kj ?wjr. "m?N>l ' fiiU ""A dOWtt wmi lit- paim '?l-MI-MAN i(,|.MI.M lit (.CAM'- I Itll M)S. y a aawrua cogaoatoorafun 00 tu nnoaxi ^A-MiM,T.,v, Fob. 36.-Tkt Hon. Janeo Jtel )ie\kua ha- M,st made the Ix-nt joke of his life ?' MMagtaa neerrod tarnal aottoa la^t Prbtaj thai Ad ?.clock '?.day he would be funny in aaJaate of the "'?Utrsiloii. lb? serious debate arhtoh has kepi the ?5"* lu! of ijuariel for two weeks vas lo be ?eO b) ?o beul 01 M? of comic busii.i st 1\ 1 he t bum JT tl0*n of tae Capitol, and the oohooo of toban't patate, vihi. h the hoarse bail, of MotrtaB and the ir. **of Conkling could not overpower, wete to be ?k(*U^,lXI^Ottr',0, la"Kb,'r- W'11, of ro,,rw>' than ? 11 floe sudu n.e. The AdmiLisliat.on bjartart mud. hat itaLould be. as One an aadtaaea a? fhe.\ could ^ <^retuer. 1/unng the morning hour Mr. Oaabbag U?J! *'"' ?llu"?1 undignified ataertt/, aahattog s?f -?J Up0fl 11" n,i". ssi?<1 tx-ln^.ziK ?'t* Ul.-urt? down out tor ? J?'1'0 ; au? ,',oU?l, {Ut> ?1'eetaele Has not a- lot */ L,'*""'?'"'? aadtatlogaiihal as that attracted bj ?? jy^hntwaeh, h vat m anHww thai oagbt aniM^l?W*nii"i """ ,'M'k"',, ?f Mr **?*? ,,,',"t' ^"?aehiinfon.tu ?utiiigiv humorous that Beban, r"*?;Xrau,1iull of that malignant gang ? save gone out and hanged tbwaoolnr Tbore ?*???u.lderfa)l. ace ?boa Mr. N.e got .it...,, bttlaca ""MOtabl hi* papan, aid aaajftj na aal tub aat ba >Jo_'*l*ctl,l*oi. Bja aanrai in* thragd, ami a taoaagad ? s. "'"'a wfl**v1U4 lu,,'"l hbnjMof. I'm tttgagg ond was no letter. The third w*? dnll and common? place. Faces grew blank, and ladles began to look un? easy. In about five minutes, Mr. Nye finished all ho had to say upon the arm* ?caudal-though exactly what that llttlo was I am mire I cannot remember?and launched out upon a general glorification of the Republican party, pretty much tu tho style of Senator Morton. He spoke for an hour and u half, and ntrrr made a yaba, Ba was a? solemn as Harlan and as dull a? fiarrett Davis. Tlie aaiuc fault which Mark Twain fluds with the latest of hi* own productions, the Hon. Mr. Nyo might have found (barring some modifications) with tula unfortunate speech. "Thoro Is quito a good deal of information io Uils book,"said Mark; "I would it were otherwise; but the mort' I caulk up tho sources and the tighter I get, the more I leak wisdom." I will not go ro far a* t<> ?ay that Mr. Nye to-rtoy lonked wisdom, but I am miro ho did not leak wit. ,1 am sure that nobody laughed at els speech ; aud hundreds who sat patiently for hours lu the hot and crowded falleries, -with tho expectation of witnessing Turlous Intellectual contortions and sldo-spllttlng tom? fooleries, aro to-night donouncliig Mr. Jamos Nye as a hoary fraud. Whatever this gentleman's abil? ities In the character of Senatorial Joker, can? dor oornpe-ls me to say that as a ?crions speaker ho is far In in mi? o-sful. In the abajaba) of sobriety, Mr. Nye la a most unattractive person. His Ideas are, and his delivery is a wild alternation of whoops and whis? pers diversified with btn^s. Hospices every sentence with an average of two slaps of the hand and one ponnd lngof tho d i?k, and attach of these mechanical excla raaiiou points obliterates at least one word, his sentences MM not always a? clear as fastidious listeners might desire tbemtobot *'It l? evident, Mr. Speaker, by tho tono of tho (slap) by the flan M flou hero (bang) and by the talk (?boat) at the troabia (whi-per), that a strong (slap) effort (slap) is being made (?bout) to destroy the Repuls Ucan (wh.fpcr. bang)." I have said that Mr. Nyo did not makoojnke all day (unless the wholo speech was a J >Vo, but he did raise a ripple of laughter by the following remark: "ForgivncB.? Is tho sweetest thing In tho world. I have been forgiven moro tines perhaps than any BU living, und it always feels good." It will be a long tluie, however, before Mr. Nye is for? given for the shameful liaponturo he has to-day Commit? ted, and long before he retrieves his damaged reputation i,B the Hunipty Dumpty of the Senate. I do not see what Is now to prevent the elongation of the debate for unother week. perhaps for another fortnight, nas Ocn. (?rant no Judicious friends to save him from the charlatans who are talking him to death In the Semite t A rosolutln? of inquiry wu* Introduced to-day In tho . and passed in one minute 1 The Renate after de batlag it two week? IB now proposing to let it drop. "IMisoner at the bar, what do j ??n ?ay to the abaraje, Quilty or Not Outllyl" "Av yo plate, y*r honor," aaid I'.'t, " I'd prefer to let the subject drop." If Morton aud Coukling hud been ouly moderately sa? gacious, fh-.y would have accepted Mr. Bumner'i resolu? tion a: once, and, with a temperate and dlguiflcd pioti it arrainst the preamble, sent the Inquiry to an Impartial Committee the very ?unie day. Tin y hure, on tho con? trary, taken two week* to convince the woild that fli'-y dread every hiqulry a? dangerous to the Republican patty. Theyhavo Insisted lupon making tbe party rc tpoaalabl for the nets that ore charged i?t?on individu?is. They have given fair notloe that no inquiry ?hall be re? t? wed to a Committee wh if h tbey cannot control. Mi. Coukllng ha? proposed. *n amendment which will pre vont either the raovor or the chief advocate of the Com Bitte? fr<>m takln? part In the taTentbjatton,and ho means to pass that amendment by the free ix<o of tho party whip. He bus threatened Mr. Sunnier an/1 Mr. Schurz with flue aud imprisonment bneauaa they pro moted tHih inquiry. And now, sinColthe debate hast?koii a strictly partisan turn, ho has introduced a resolution .- upon the President for information re.-petting appointments and rcnicvals made at the ms'.-tut?? of the Bern tors * ho have boon Boat prominent on Summer's siile, and ka? violently restated the proposal to extend the Inquiry to Oie m hoi-Senate. Everyday the bitt'-r ness of hi? temper men asen and the effect of bit policy become? more ph.inly inlniious to the President, if ho would only go on a week or two longer, Qrani 'a chances wand hardly be worth considering, When telntio duced hi? amendment to-any, directed at Trurnbu'i. Schurz, Peat?n, and Tipton, not one of the four was in the Chamber except Tiptou. Tiuinbull ar.d ticumz MB? in together before the vote could be taken, and after hearing the auiendtnent read, Mr. Triunbull took the floor la a line state uf houost indignation. He gave Mr. CuuUlUK ? lnagidOceiit eastigHtlmi, Uuf, of 1 MO M, be threw no obstacle whatever lu Iba way of the inquiry. "ina. to tboee Senatora," he erled, Mwbo aah for ii??s tin eatlgation, Qe un, and ' Daiaood i>e ne ?bo tirnt 1 rien bi . i, e 11 D| _ J. R. <?? H. CURRENT TOPICS AT THE CAPITAL. PB? I EKDINGa l\ Tin HOUSE?THE COPYRIGHT QUEHTION?AIM rOCOMMERi B?THE BOl ni j',..n M 111 CONTRACTS. )i.) TU * i.?iAPU TO TUB TIl'DI NV..I WaaaomrToa, Toeaday, iv>. 27, iwt. TJb ptoeeedrnaja of tbeHooaa tmiay dut notpoaaoB ranch 11,ter.-?t. The Raii'.lng and Cumncy QoBBlttM occupied tlie morning hour. Tlielr bill to icajaM baaft to ataBp oooaterfcit, altered, 01 iporiona, npoa aaak aotea pr. eatoAal their eoQBtera,vaaoppoaodwttb mricli earrn ?tqtsa by Mi am. Oobnra,Randall and Pottof on the ground th?t good not? t< mlgbl b< thru stamped by Inexpertoffleers. Tbey appeared to think that tbepro t" tii.h of the public against tbe elrenlatlon of counter (1 it? would roo eompi n^iit<- for the barn that might ue a few uidlrluuala. The bill waa rai ommltted to ?uve 11 frim defeat, The bill for ureiirintof National l??r.k i.tji'* ?a* rtosrponed r<> the fir't raeaday la April. Mr. liarrlHB'i bill to facil?tate Clearing-house exchange* aft'T cxplnriiition by hlru went over until te moi row. a number of tsenata bills wen taken fnun the Breaker's ta? ble aad paaaad, including Iba bill to ?reata UicYciiuw ?torie PifSi Some progress wu?'' in the Defl< Ir-ncy bill before the Hou?e adjouni'd. Tin- bill M]ipropri;iteji over ?8,00(1,000, wlili h is tho amount tho several bepoitnients of the (joverunient say they must liavi to pay their ex penses f?r the preeeut year, In addition to the HBOBlta appropriattd by the la?t Congress. From tin magnltudo of these deficiencies, it appears th?t there baa either been grots* (xtraTagance m some quartera, or that tbe A]>pfo]>riation cofuniittees bul year dui not uodi ratand thoir bus??ess, and allowed lehsthan tho raqulramenta of the public aerrlca denianded. Tbe latier viow oppearj to be the one takeu by tbe Houae. Ibera Is no doubt, bowoTCtr. that th? knowledge (bat Congreaa will be in aaaitton tarougbout the in..t half ol tbe Bacal v<ar, raadj to \ote deficiencies, does not stimulate Government officers to econounte their approprlatloos daring the flrst half. For example, the (?uart> ruiaster-Cerural has already ?pent all of the njill'on approprutod for build lug. rent, ami repairs of barracks and quarters, and mast have t7W,000 more (0 get along until July. Tuere 1- some reason to think that the International Copyright question will not get beyond the Joint Coin mitt'e ou LboLsbtary tins ataaion, ?bare it aawiaata. There appears to be, In the minds of the Ba?aban of the Coiuiuiiiee, M many difficulties in the way of adopting legislation that will aatiafj tba authors, aud at the name UOM not injure the business of the publisher-?, or largely Innreaari thn aitnr nf books, that some of the meinbers are ?i:?posed to let the subject go by default. A uie< ting ol the Comtnlttee wa1? called yesterday, but no quorum attended. If any bill 1m Anally agreed upon, it will prob? ably provide that foreign works may ba npiuiied by any American publlaber, and that tbe authors aball be entitled to a small jw-n entage on the ?ale?. The amount generally apoken of l^ 10 i>er ?ant. Tala would permit competition among pnhliabera, and prevent any onabouaeaecuringfrom an author a monopoly of the publication Ol bit works. Of course, auy arrangement of tbe kind would be contint? ut upon Uie Rritl"h (in\ ? riiimiit, extending the witue rl'.'lit to Amerb an author-. If the Committee Is not able to agree upon this or any oihar plan. It ought, Id Justice to the autbora. to bnug the aabjeet in some ahapa before tbe Houae for diseu? sion ami aoUou. At io: gat the [nb 1 national Copri igbl quaat Ion baa bean dlecuaaed Io the Mwapapcra, it baa never inen before eltbai Uonaa of Oonareat m a tarai in wnicii it eoald ba o< bated und rotad upou. A lull for the i'ionitiou of AaaataMM commerce baa finally been agreed upon by the House Commlitee. It is the 1.111 of Mr. Bbellabargar,atwblab a aanaaaaay ?as i,lvi 11 m to day's Tium NK. with a few amendment?. A Une ot f-tealneih bttWOea Ne w-()i leans aud flrazil is pro Mileit for, in addition tothove in the oiiglual bill, and the < omnilaslorieis of Commerie are authorized to advame Mi per cent of tbe amount of bounty to ba paid to any line at the cotiimenccuioiit of tbe construction of their vessels, provided that a de]to<.it of United Htalex lioiidi be made with the Secretan of the Treasury, as ceeurlty forth?- mu?,ey to advanced. One feature of tho nil 1? miMiiidf ratood i>v same loauben of the Horsee, Tbe pay um lit ot |t aad *?< a um to woodea veattla, bamaftar to be ronatructed and euployad in iba foralgn imde, la a ?ingle pa.? ment, and nol an h on nal s iip.i'h for Are yaato, like the tin pai tun juoxided lor- Uaet of irou ateaaaablpa. The JiKin any < OBWalttOa of flu Houne agreed by a 1 aaalaaoaa ?ote la-day to repon favorably upon Mr. V.Hani's Supplementary Apportionment bill, ?hicfa givat an addlnori.l Itepiese.i.tutM e lu Congress t 1 the of New??aaapabtre, Venteada New York, Pan? ay Irania, Indiana, Tennaaaaa. Ixmialaaa. AJabaaaa, and tv'ioiuia. The eidef object oi tins bin is to penult tbe State of Vermont to retain all throe of bar praarnt able RepreaentatiTaa UuUer tin Apportionment ?aw lately paaarri abc ?ni bava la Iom one 0! theui. Thf \ all want 1 ?< pinf i.i.i I? giat.fv, iba* a ajaaad uianj rmu,l?rt frcui other Btatc* who have no Interest In the proposed In? crease will vote for Mr. Wlllard's bill. Of course the inemliers from tho States which get the Increased lapta. seutatlon under the bill may be counted upon to s.upport it, and Its chances for passage are therefore eicellent. The House Committee on Railroads and Canals will probably report In favor of Oen.!Shanks's hill authorizing tho survey for a route for a ship canal from Lake Mich? igan to the Wabash River. This Is not a new proportion, a? has been stated, at Ocn. Shankt Introduced it two years ngo. The CotnmltMoner of tho Land Office has asked for ?i additional clerks to bring up 111(. buaineae of his o til oo, which Is greatly In arrears. The Secretary ol tho Interior indorses hi* application. The Cabinet considered, today, again, the dispatch of Earl Orauville, a draft of which wa* presented ley h. ire tary Fish. Considerable discussion arose ar, to the form of the document, and It? transmission waa postponed until after the next meeting on Friday next. Attorney-Gen. Williams met tho House Committee on Post Offices to-day, to make a atatamant with reference to tlie Investigation now coing forward Into the conduct of the Portmaster-Ocneral, in reletting contracta In tho Southern mall tervlce. Before Mr. V/llllamt waa ap? pointed Attorney-General he was employed by a nnmher of contractor* to appear before the Postmaster -General and ataba an argument In their la-half. The position as? sumed by the I'osttuasfcr-Gt'fieral was that, lu caso tho contracting party tailed to perform his contra, t the De partment should advertise for new bids, and not go through the list of bidders who failed to obtain tbe eon tract. Mr. Williams, as a lawyer, argued that tbe Po t master (ieiiei, i should exhaual bfa 'piuposalt befo vertlslrig a r( letting. Tlie question was subsequently submitted to the Attorney-General, Mr. Ake-mui, who gave tho opinion that the, PritmaaffTfltinfirtl should agamadvi rtlM- for proposals. It appears ta at II been the nnvtiie. of tho Department lor more than 20 years. Tbe Attorney-General was called before the Committee, to bUtc tho fads us they occurred at that liant. Gentlemen representing the manufactures of Mlk In Pain -un, N. J., and the Itpiiaaillallttil in lb? tUl mltlt of that city, are m town, bad will be m | orded I boating by the Senate Committee on Rlnanea, to-morrowmorn tng. They will ?protest against any rcduitam of the lang an tbo manafaeturaa ot tllk. The two bills to aid tho construction of orean tele. granan were examined by tho Senate C'nmmllteo ou Foreign R< lntloiis, to-day, and the friends of cacti ap peared In its behalf. One couipauy asks the United Bittet to guarantee tint interest on 18,000,000 worth of banda, to ba laaood for tbe construction of an Atlantic line, arid the oilier asks the samo Indorsement of |t2,000,u>,i worth of bonds, to be Issued in aid of h Paci?e line. The Committee has not yot acted on either bill. It may bo Interesting to the few who read tho editorial paragraph In Ihe yew-York Ratal of to-day. In which is quoted from a W.iahingt-Jti lUspatch the etaUnieut that "Staator Babait't last three sj>eerhes are primed in a pamphlet of 32 pages, folded at ibeQovennoeatexpeaee, a id sent into Now-Hampshire to defeat tbe Republican ticket," to know trim nut a Mingle BOpf of that pamphlet baa yet bean printed, aa tlie proofs have \aM been re i er r,i, and ib it, therefore, none have yet been folded ot mailed ,,t any body "s expense. lORRflRAI PBBM DiaPATt H I The Committee af ?Taya aad Meant dl Itbeltnn bet inti rests v.thout coin.tig to any eoneiu lion, Biet will ]irobubly be toft at It* ptaatnl duty. The Chicago ReUef Delegation wat before the lorn Lilttee on Finance, to-Uuy. and will again appear to? morrow. Ttu-y urge objection to the bill already repostad, and want i? to be more ganara] in ?t? proi isions. The Committee agreed to report a bill to admit, free of duty, paintings, statuary, photograph?, ate., designed for exhibition oulv. The loeretary of the Interior, fto uay, sent to the Senate a draft of an act to expedita bnslne?.- in the Gen? en] I^ind Olllce, and to bring up the arrears of Work by tbe < Bptormout 0I from Mi to00 temporary clerks for one year ; nul also a draft o? a lull to re organ i ?o the clerical force of that olllcc. He says tin- urgent neenasity for legislation on this subject is olearly arid forcibly stated liy the CommUsioner. The bighor positions are inch at to ruiuire men of education und ability us veil as ol en periemo toilil them. Wni; tin pr?tent taJarieaattached to those plan *, it lias i"-to found Impossible to retain tuch men for any length of time. Every year tbey are returning their wait lout to m tbe use outside of the office Of the knowledge t'a-v m quire ill it, and they at one e lecture Income? much (arger than tho salaries paid by the General Government. Nor can theee vacancies be tilled at onoa; year* are required to Ht men properly tot them, and when tbtu fitted tbey, too, resign ; und so it go? - on from year to year to the greet detriment of tbe public tervlce. Tbe tecrelary is i Learly of the opinion that aa a atore matter of economy lb? pay of those Ailing theee places should be auch aa to retain employment ufcoaa I petont nun. ______________ JUDICIAL VW.MN). ii DOE lt.\l;NAKI>V REVEMGE?nF IMPRISOXI A LAWTXI rOl A DURKSnM il ( I. ill MARK. Judgv Banubrd baa nj^ain oatnged tin- led? Iil'h ef tbe BON respectable portion of the legal profes? sion, In oidi i to gratify hi* petty malice,by fining and Impneonbag a lawyer arba bad dared to sjieak hin mind relative to certain liillngs of the Judge. The victim In this ?nstame r* Orauville I. P. Hlil'man of No. KO Broadway, a ?cii-known and ropatabbt ?entbot ot tbe bar. A reporter of Till Tiiitu ?) called last eveniiig at I.udlow st. Jail upon Mr. Slillinaii, who declared that the action of Jadg? liai liai d -Aas prompted by lll-feelllig toward him on account of prevlou* misiindcr Rtanding? between them, and was not due alone to the proeendtaga at yaaterday. Home time ago sir. stiiiman eaatt Into poaaeeeloa of l?verai pmmi- tty liot< -, given i>> John \V. BtVWBbag, an Inspector under James at. Macgrcgor, in the Or partment of l?uildlii;;?. Suits were begnfl against Mr. Browning by Ht?lmiin, and judgments Obtained. An examination showed that Brawalag bad raoetrod no pay front tbe city riaat Oeto? bet laat, and there Was v., bag him Marly 1Mb The Judg? ments ngainst him amounted to IMS. Ml M illinau mado out an order In the usual form, directing the controller to pay so much o) tbC salary of Mr. Rrowning as would BtUtfy the ludglnelll -, ami leqlle-lid Judge ltalllnidto sign it, tbe order wttb tbe ibnaaaaatt eertlfying to the correctness ol tin claim being placed on Hie ile-k in front or him. After transacting tome atbef bntlaeet, and making tarera] ardait aatatlVC toother matter?. Judge Uuruard picked up Mr. BtOlataa'a papera, examined tb?tn, and then threw them aside, apparently Witft no Intf?Ptton Of comply lag with Mr. Stlllman't n rjuatt The lutun ashed Judge Barnard li be purpo* d to sign Ihe order, and tu oelved a reply in Ufe negative, Mr. Htllituuo called Ms attention to the fact that the papel* #ata regular lu every way, and that the requetl was only resboualiie. Judge Uuruaid uski d if thy epuntel hud not observed that it was a Hilary that V?a? ?i-ked td (re uHa.Ted, and did he not know that an a<r of the U-gUlu turo pass? d m in,'., exempted ??IkiIu* for the apace ot 60 days preceding tat teta of an appJi catlon for attachment. Mr. Ptlllman replied that the act did not apply in tnis case, as there wfie nearly Bva months' salary owing tbe defendant, Judgu Barnard said ihat tbe salary might have Ixari h\ noui. t .mil, and de-lined to grant the older. Irritatt'd by tbe action of the Judge, and lielleung thai it whs prompted solely by UMeeling toward him, Mr. StiUiuan ^..i.t thai "tala clrcntnatanor It a turtbai InatlfleaMoB for certain proceedings now being taken." Judge Barnard, apparently believing thai this refi-rr?d to the investiga? tion into im- judicial action* of hiiusell and Judge Cur ili.zo, replied that he would flne >fr. Sllllruun t.'t) for i mtempl ot Court Mr. MiUmao t<i"k a tioo bill from his pocket, anil ?a? advaaelag toward the ( leik of Iba Court IO Pay tho flue, wlicu judge Barnard added, "aud one day's imprison neat." Mr. stillmau rt luluded tbe Judge tant tin? order of la?priaonment waa not In the original order. Judge Barnard ?plied that it was, and refuted n? accept tue explanation<>t Mr. Siiiiman thai in- meant nodiaretpi 11 toward tbe Court He was given into the custody of an oflicer, and at once conducted to Ludlow-st. Jail. During the trial of tin- case oi Kdward Mokes against Jujue? Fi-.k, jr., to detcmnue rlie ?wnerabip qf an oil refinery ru i'iooljy li, which both claimed, Mr. Htillman waaOMOf the counsel employed by Mokes, and during the trial crltlcleed v< ry sliarply tbe ruliugs of Judge Barnard. In te?O Other eaaOa he has also expressed himself rather freely, und not long ago he was elc. ted I member of the Bar AaeuclatlOD. All these things have embittered Judge Barnard, and, aa Mr, ?tllbnaa Srmlr bellovra, tber ar count for lili- p?ete of tyranny toward hiui. Tue follow lug is the order of commitment : oM.-rrii?'i'b.t <- I. r tiitt?s to r??irtad n ih* r?uBtt M m thf ( a? miJ < statt "' Sea lark, for ?o* lay, ???J p?> ? tut- if ??< ' ? giastaal ibmiiiisir isudin?f is saca Osarti t*fa?ui|! t? enaa,*BM or Irr. J to du m>. ml iiut rf.rin* with Ik* ?nuninil ?? hr.rtng ; Out rt-i M.llmiii iuw.teu upon !.. ?ut ? ordtr taut ?a. iropiuuar; iliat kt ri rl.innl lliat ii wli |-row n?lri|t?, ?ml tbat br loaH Bui <-i ja>le?. Wl.erflor., Do..,tff. M.i'ilfnfih. Ctr aoJ I ooair of N.w-lotk Ht"? orJerr.1 lo :ln?:u !<t thr ?t?>?r rorut'OP'sl lau? th? aaal .sulliuaa tor ?* I' ifcHSllil pcitaf of la?* saf natil lb? pemtil ?f l!if ??f. Mr. Hlllliuati denies the allegaliotin eotltataad lu Hur oriler, und says that Ihe an omit of tue truosaction gtvta above U the trat one. mJMUUFaUO NtVfES. _Tin- railroad depot at Viiieland, N. J , was b?m?s| jt-i. i 1.1 * (..rliou of lb* lr*i?til nit >?. d ..,.A caitiiiaii of Itingliaiiiton natued t'aliin Cro fu'.l ?aa Ibisai baa kn wa?an, ou aud W _Tlie ?toiclioiuw of the Uaimouv Mills.att'n l,i,'., N. ). ?** --?l'r?.T. I.u?, a4".(VW? la.Brt?,*. ? ?','-?' _Cliaptiiiiii A. Slieiinaii and IlsifeiittV stores at tlOTrr I'ltlkl, N. I ?>lt l'?iu?.i OB )l??Jl) I.UN ?j\?"1.Ilij '? luiuriu. _Tin- ?entbot in Cuba ?~ drjr, and all Um planta I?SIIUIlla?1S| IISI I kt BU-ll |???? >? ra|iB| tn an slaruat? ciltal IB ItraseillBa. _A teruitieiit Imuse, a large ham, and oilier <?ut t.oiMiB?r?. tolaaglac t* Ml Vmmtin i,t..u?, n# ibt Ptv- >e.i-.i I'm ?ta?M siiatltt ou h> aUH, Maafwel, Is'.B B.i? bwr?"l va Mub-ia'. i.gia I?, 0MUtBt, _Max Klitigler, (lie (?ertuaii hoy, wjio nmrilered kl. null and n*?rl> ktlUt kit BUut, ?B *t l.oal? .im 0.0, ?.in ??o. (ad ? ko waa .obTirird of wardrr aJid MBi?iH'd In kt kanaol, bat ?,, r? Ifl.IMl Ob ??III ... .a-IBM hSlit.l* kB-l rltt.ll** u>f?il*lt BM?1 II? 1,1 of ?at. (? ?t.?l,l* le?a lo ..bun- a o?. ,1 *a is kit na ??. Utlm Iki I . '?c C'l.l t ? ? 'mi ?.'?lut, the imiTian jubilee. REJOICINGS OVER TOE RECOVERY OF THE PRINCE OF WALES. ENTHUSIASTIC THANKSOrVlHO TESTTVITIE? FS LONDON ? IMMENSE l'WOTESSION ? APPEAR? ANCE OK THE QUEEN? THE CELEBRATION BtaHsWBMMM, Lonpo?. Tuesday, Feb. 37, 1R7?. Tlie day of TliaukisKiviug for tho recovery of the Prince of Wales opened with salutes and the ring? ing of bells at sunrise. From an early hour the streets through which the procession was to pass were cleared of vehicles and pedestrlaas. The line of march to and from the Cathedral was seven mllea. The carrlago-way along tbe entire rout? was fenced In and uninterrupted from curb to curb. The houses on both sides were dec? orated from eellur to attic, not house by house, but block by block, and all open spaces were filled by banks of seats. The avenue of flags, streamers, and gorgeous tipcidry wound for nales through tho heart of tho city, passing under taporb and costly triumphal aribe.. Every avulUfde place was occupied by the spectators, who were only to bo numbered by millions. Fubulous prteot were paid for single seats, and houses let for the day at their rent for a year. Twelve thousand nldtan and almost Ihc eutlre, police force guarded the Uaaa Tin- Moral preeooetoa b. gaa to move from Buckingham Palace at llj a. m., lu the follow i.j>; or4 r: Unitary. Carrbs* tatablag ttir S,?iW of lbs II mis of Comranni ?-id ih?. Lord ? ?1 >r B9s K..; il II <Ln.f>. th. D.ik, al c'-:nbri.l<r#, Cartia?.il< r iu I'tt.ff. '? Bias ?pea rarmet? bd Bntal SaanaiM. ast rail-Vet i tad La Um ai ??..In?. Rojal I isrrrira sad Orussi , H B. ' (1 aeaa <h<- link' .>f I Hi b ? atas Crin.-.- Art ai H B ?? il I asa th? . ? ,, i.t Piiusa ?? 4 Pi W sirs, ? 11 Ha M .;? ? ? y?iKn rtrtn la. MIBtssr. Tun ranraanffif ani? icki.i..k>i-s si.hvici.8. The trooea in tna groat ratea ooaatrta i .>i detaebneato of the Lite Oaarda, Boyal Bono Guard*, Rivai Artillery, laaeara, Hussars, Qnaaanraj Boota laiHten. the Cold stream Guards, and Moral Marinos. Aa tlie (Jaaoa left the court yard of tue pa.ace a chorus of 30.000 children sang the national anther i, "(iod BeretbO Qaeaa." At Temple liar the Lord Mayor, the Shcriils, und six Alder? men an 1 eight C'ouncllmon, all on horseback, nut the royal coach, and performed tho ceremony of delivering to Her Maje-ty MM k.-> I of tha city. The servi, ns at Ht. I'aul's OOaatetad of the singing by a grand chorus of a ;/ DtatM (written for tha ooeai lou from m e.xv), tlie reading of praj eis, and a sermon by tho Archbishop of c int. i bury. The appearance Of tbO Interior of tho Ca luc:.Irai was greatly tihaagod l>y tho temporary urrange ineute for tho oeca.-ion. A thousand workmen had been ?unployod for weens part in erecting aoatt and gal? leries, and to-day their labors enablee 1L0O0 peiaaafl to bo seated within the body of ll.o church. llnriily less labor will lie require.1 io !? tore the Cathedral to Its BOaal order, so extensive and darabla have beoii tiic preparations for to-day. Hub terlptioaa ha\o already been taken for a " restoration fund," the Queen beading the list with tO.OOn, and the Mitt of Wale.- giving 01,000. Tho Quecu aud Hoyal family occupied a raited state pew at the center of the mouth of the nave, l.avinx the PoOTt and Peeresses m the right hand, and the members of the House of Com mous, with thor aiTOO, ou MM bit, the Lord chancellor and the BpabtCf Of the HOBM of Commons occupying gilt arin-ehair? in front of Ihe respective nouses over which the? pri Hide. Iu the tlr^t tier of the south gallery were seated representatives ban India and the Colonies. In front of them were the teamed bodioe, clerical and neater, Non-Coniormisf ilivines and the legal fraternity. Dis? tinguished for? Igners occupied tho ground floor of the oetagaa aallartai, witii the Qoeea'a Household above. The first tier of the north gallery was BOllgnnf to the Corporation of Lonioai Mm onalter ga Portal Baaklaglt to th.- Lorda-LB ut? aaao] ami Pbeii.T.-i, tbt Diplomatic Corp.-and tho Metropolitan Hoard of Works, and the Men overhead to the Behoof Hoard. The remainder of the space was thrown open to th.-general publie. Fifty seat? to tha Cathedral wan set apart for worUognea, freo of OapOaoa, at the special requent of the O.Ut:eii. The choir wa< eonpooed of picked singara from tho rartoaa tbapota, 'l*ho aJabMahop ol Caatoltoaty, In hh sermon, referred to the aal ranal prayer, in Dooeasbor, for deltraraaea from a grrat calamite, and to tho universal tone of thanksgiving for the lOCarOty of tbt MJ al suileicr. Hi Grace, > !~it*ail**g. ?aid : "The amlety of the toother tad *\if<- of HI? Royal Ilahiiehs wa- shared by all, and Iheir peal trial bad re? sulted la taereaan >l revereace tor tbe Queen and Prince a. It has been sold ihat loyalty was drug oat, bnl the exhibition ol to-day disproves that aatcrnoB. We aw now ?me In loval'y ; muy ire else be in faith Christians in (Jod. W <? lciiow Be .? at. lie- civ. r u-. la t u- all unite lu itiis belief, ami la reilaaee apea Cbrlal as our Media* tor." Tin: iinf. or jiaikii. At ti.e eaaataaloa of tbe nllgtoaa ?? rrtc ea, 'be proies sion formed again and noTOJ WOrtward through New gale-st., by tbe Old Dailey, to and aeios? the llolborn Vtadart, near (he aertan tad Of which net the boundary of the city) the l.or.i Mayer*! party hada adieu to the royal boaaahetd ami returned to (tuiidhaii. OaBaoa Hnl a ptatfatn ? ? ereited, which accoiiiim.dated o\. r 1,000 people. In front of the platform ?a-a choir of 25c) children, who sang the national anthem as the royal family appraaehed Bat their etaglag aaa iiaaaod by the aatbarrt of rheerlag a* the royal coach, now Beuteln inpthe tfuoea, the Prtaee afWaleo,aad tbe Prlaeeta Ale.xandia, rano In front of the stand. The receptlmi atta given them was eoaeeteUy aataaataatle, the loyalty of the paiiptaaaanlag to partake of a personal and even gf fectiouate character. Tlie Queen was observed to lie moved toteara. The 1'iiuce appeared to have borne tho n Otteeaaat ami fatlgaeeof the day well. The thaahagrrtag pneantoB nauaad Its way pa.-t Hlu-h Holborn. and through Oxford road to the more fashiouab'. B/oot End The wliole route t.? end from the Catliedral was seven miles lu length, h? procession wa-s four hour-In motion. The beat estimates place i he number of spec? tators whfjaltaantd its pu?o?;e at four Ot?TIInao There were UvMO tojoaa, beslcjos the lsind^n holic. force, Oavafad in keeping tho OtfOefg clear, that th?r* might be no internipllons or uerldeiits. The troop* were ognnMbaajl by the Earl of Encan of the 1-d Life Guards, Mator-Oea. Hir TaoatM Of. ateeatehogj, MaJorOea. the Friuce Bdwatd of Baxe Motasar, and Majao-fJaa. Primrose of the Household Ein?de? Along the entire route strong fences of tim? ber were erected, sud behind these were double HI?-of Infantry and police, to keep the MgBT I lowd from ovei MwOwtog the barrier., and obstructing the passage of the praeantoa. At numerous points on the way were eta Uoaedbondt <rf araate, which pteyod "Ood Bare Mm Qaeaa " a- ih<- royal party came appoatte to them. rniTOMl n.iM omi i; CIT1K8. faaanenbte stghtaaan have laehad into I. sadaa. AH the- eltj and out-of-town railways ran astn trains to aeooaMaogaat the arawae. Among the atraagan who are here might be seen ollbials from all quarters of the kingdom?the Mayor of Dublin, the Piovoxt of Edin burgh, and many others, inoro or lexs distlnguNlied. flatten from the aulghbaolag State- of Europe an hardly losa numerous, uud for nearly a week past the streets along the route of the procession?Fall Mall, Tra? falgar-square, Duncaiiuon -t., thetJtiand. Fleet ht., E\d gate Hill, Ht. Paul's Church-yarcf^the Old liailey, Hol boru. Oxford Mead, and Hyde Park?were rendered almost impassable by the crowds which thronged to view the inclu?ale prepaiatious for this grand thanks giving. On Sunday last, particularly from daylight until dark, there wa? a sl"ady stream of sight -eers pouring along these iiioroiii?h?urcs, ulthoiii,'li the clay was at? tended with heavy showers. Ever> precaution was taken for th? safely and comfoit of individual!., as wcill as for the bticcew. of the pageant. AH ?viudows or other places where accidents were i?o-slble had been loarded up. Ihe propel? officers had iiisjiected every balc?tuy, awn lng, and platform, aud those which they found unsafe i hey required to be strengthened. Every shop and bouse along the route brought a fabulous rent. Ordinary four-story balblings were let for 05"0 for the day. Oue rac ant spuce brought The ei Em? peror >iapolecm sud party had a house Iu Oxford-road, though Obey bad been invited , to then the fslllties of the Armv und Navy flub (of ' WhMh the ei Emperor is a Batjoabaff). It I- repoi'.d, too, that Napoleon declined an lut nation from tbe Qat eu ta be. pr?sent?t Htiiklnghaiu Palace and wituess the de parture of the lh.yal concoiir-e. He wos> accoliipanied by his sou. ih. BbBfran atesyntO was unable to be pnaOOlt, lOVOfal BOtaoaO Oahtad their shop? to the in? mates of ehurltable lie (Inn.on-, OWl ah the FoiimlUug BtoBBtfjal] uthcia surrendered th. ir- It ihe families of ihfir oanaaatra, ami ?Gil others ta their eantoyoa Among the latter am MMe aterdatt Ooatto. vc?t;.mim m mi: intiAasm??. Ludgat? Hid BgaOOajtoi the ap)>earaiice of havlug iiud-igoue tome ?ouutrfuJ t.aLtf.rmailou, Hading} old bonses bad been washed and furbished?many of them repainted?and every nnsightly space or afiglo was occupied by scarlet seats canopied with canvas roofing. On the bill a balloon was anchored. It was crowned with an enormous Prince of Wales Feather, and to It was suspended an illuminated car. Every? where ,Club-bouscs, railway stations, and all public build? ings for tho time becoming grand stand?, thronged with peoylo and profusely decorated. Many private boxes hnug with damask and lace, were en ted on the sidewalks along tho rout", particularly In Bt. Paul's Churchyard. Tho deeoratlous are said to havo surpassed anything ever before known. Miles of the lino of tho procession wero given out on contract to bo ornamented at the expenso of the Metropolit. Much also was dono by subscriptions and ny private enterprise. Tho lamp posts were painted blue and gold. Venetian masts were planted at intervals of 50 feet, and Joinod by wires whereon flags were hung 'during tho d.,y and colored l?utern? in tho evening. TT.e blasa* m 4 flue Worn stones of Temple Par were completely hidden from view with Bap and glided ornaments. At t*M cross? ing of FaiTingdon-st. was a splendid triumphal areh, the on etJoa of which cost fao.cOO. Another, hardly less rale? did, spanned Oxford Bead, Flags, festoon?, hnOOtry, wreaths, of every conceivable ehanicter, were displayed from housetops and gladoaa. end a'rue? Mierta, A i?er feet aihteraato of sen riet, gold aad blue ant a, gold filage, anil other gorgeous OawOtatjfoM waived fron the bal conies and porticoes, when puTy-dreand ana, woatea, aud ehildna preeeod to rtew tat pre. i ? k n, at fl i their haada and eaeen d, aad twang I ? M i. bt a- d set i '. and hats iu the . r .? the i< 'ben. r o-i LAB I bl "' IA0M. The Aim ne in- in the< Ire ateoatrtbatlng to the r. ef the day. Mexl to tha Brlttah, the Ai ericen Baga wen nort ?aneroae. Beth wer. aftou Intertwtoed with motten, aaeb ss "TiMadlj ealaa the berteeuieaeeat of ihn i Iahe ne aaertlna.** fea ti.o of? fices of the London repreeentatlTM of the American eewapapen, aad tbe Wert Baal ..nice of the das?? 1 ? I Press were finely decorated. Tho royal arms on tbe ? |> potntmeat ?tone- v, ira Innnltbod aad rthtod mm w, and naayef then wen art off wiih loyal mottoes: "God bien the;Prlnee of Wale-," "God s.v.* the .,'ueeii," " Tbaakt te Ood." ah truf?ic -sa? tatpeaded Ihn igboet London end Wertnlaetor. Vein, los were (adored off the roiito of the procession after fl oYloik this morn? ing, and podeatrteM after o o'clock. Batterteo of artillery thundered salutes from m veril potato along tho line, as the procession moved ; and tbe b?*ll? of all the churches ta the Metropolis added their peala to the Joyful din. RoeettOO, favors, aad portraits of tbe mem? bers of the Boyal Family were sold by thousands. ?s.-\. r .1 medals havo been st in honor of* the day, and UM ev. at. The poets have Ico.; -i teed with the general fever, and laany patriotic and thaabagirtag bynat uro published In the Journal- aud periodical-- throughout the island, dtWladaee three o-.en. barb) o i, aad bogt liescis of beer feaated the poor of the neighborhood aad taetoaaatry. IbaorenJ patlaheo noaey noatred for ante along tbe taate wee glraa by indiv duals aad eee poratious, to furaieb fortb thanbagtvleg dtaaen for the inmates of their workhouoee. Taoueaada of poor children WOnrOgaJed m Clerk, nwell. IbHUOrrOW the Prim a ol Mall s leeetfoo sn address from the GUI p<> ration of London, and the resident? on Fleet st. will pre? sent a blblo to the Primes* Alexandria. The illumina? tion of to-night will be repeated to-morrow Blghh It was Nnatkable that in spite of the gnat exi item, tit which existed among the aoomout BMent of ipOOtatOIS, there weeUttleorae dteerder. The police at times found tin m.selves powerless to rettet the trenn adoua j i of the- crowd, and wen; obliged to call on the soldiers for aasfoteaoa. Iba ttraeteta the nelgbborbood of to. line fit march v.'i re impassnhlo for whole blockt i bot the ?real r pert of tbe etty wee deoertod, and tai edit .is, r> m ota fren tbe asese, were silent m the tomb. mi: OUUnSATIOa i.i-i ?' in I' Xbedaj la obaarred te a leeal brttday throughout ih" Dulled Tlngden Ptapataheefron the principal rttln ef Magtead, Soettaad aad Ireland, report Tbanl la service? on a scale commensurate with theft wealth and population. In mauy of them procession* and roligious exetetaee, siiniinr to then la the Metnaette, tool? ptaee. Iu the smaller tow us. the villages aud hamlets of En? gland, Boatload and Wales, the day is celebnifed Witt appropriate festivities. In Ireland apeetel ptejna wen ordered by the El-hop of the Iri-h Cbareh te be offered la all the c lumias. In Dublin a th Dtum was sung at Ht. Patilck"*, and the Cbotfe aad petttaaa ef the etty win be uiuminaied to-night. At P.erlln and eise on the Cuattaoat the English aawnbted in their chuche* and held thanks? giving terrteet. a special diapetob fron Boaabey rtaen th if the Governor and officials attended the ..?',., : ,,\ Ul stale. The Paneea oeeonbted la thrtt fon templos, the J. ws In their synagogues, the Hindoos In thoir t. MUlM, and the MohainniecUiH and othc r rellgiOUt sects In their newel ptaen of wor-bip, and odbred Ihaaie. sec ording to their vinous cites, foe the recovery of the I punce. IhaabagiTtag aarrton bare also been held to? day ta Exeter, Wtadaor, Lotees tor, Bdluburgb, Beatay, Oxford, Cambridge, and .1 | Ai . IUKMS. Bereral tettoui aceldenta aappeaed to-daj o the pu-.-ne of the great mas-es of ipertatoreoa the line of the praeeaotea, one man was eraahed to death lu I'i'ral', and numbers of penoat Wan more or ie.-s injured. Two rtaade, each oont lining He i eraoet, ',.- war iiniiei tha %..?^ot, aad many tren badly bruised. _______?___>__ OESBBAL WOBBIQB NEWS. THE i.i.ghimist KOVEMENT. THE Pi.)PE ADVOCATING CHAMliOEIl's c I.AIM. Paris, Tuesday, Bee. ?i. 1-72. The PofM lias Addressed a letter to tin Broaeb Dlthepa eebtag then to support tbe Oouat do Cliambor.l i..r iiil.r of France. It is npOttod that tie ?jount will leave Antwerp to*U0HOW. DKPABTVRI OF OOVMI DI CHAMBOBD FROM ANT\vi:i;i\ ANTW Kill', Tuesday, Feb. 27. ls7J. Tlie Counl de Chaiuliord bag left (lii* city aad gone toPordwebt, a towa of the Vefberteade, 10 mile- doiith east of Rotterdam MISCELLANEOUS ENGLISH NEWS. A aTAMUM S1EAMER Si NK I?V A CFNAKDER. LOWSOB. Tne-day, Feb. 27, ]s,j. Tlie Cunard line Kteainsliij) 1 .uthi.i, which suiled from Liverpool this morning for Huston, MM iu 1 olii-lon with two Spanish steamers and sunk one of them. The 1'arihia was so badly damaged ns to iie.e.-sl tate her return to Uretpeel tot npgJoa, No loss of life is npettod. Minor, the Ameri. an, who awrdered a worklnpman In this City OU tbe night of Hie 17th Hist., has been 1 ouuiilt ted to j.ui to await trial on ihe abarge of wdiim Murder. CUBA. ABItlVAL OK THE GRAND IM'KF. \T HAVANA. Havana, Pet* ?7.?The Russian fleet, con? veying the I i rand Duke Alexis and suite, airi ved at noon to rtej from Peaaaeote, aadaetatoe ef welcome are now Bring fron the nreral nea of-wer in the harbor. The t.nit r.u the dlsembarkuiion o? the Jim .?I p n ?. has not j at i" en fixed. ^_____ THE MA?KEY EJECTMENT HUTS. St. Lot is, Feh. 27.?-A meeting of parties interested iu the ejectment suits recently brought by George Mac key of New-Fork for possession of a section of laud iu the north western part of the city, was held la-i Bight, at which It was decided to combine for com mon . defense, to employ the best legal talent, and I..-- - tn? inselves pro ruta to defray th. expense. Then sail h m 111 be vigorously contest, d. THE UNION PAC IFK' RAILROAD. Omaha, -Feb. ?7.?Report* Irom the ffaaj say that trains are moving regularly. A permanent track is nearly completed upon the high bii.lgeaud iu apfsroaebee, and tratet m ?Il be able u. cross upon It iu a toa di)s. *??? PBBMIIiOl BJI TELEURAPII. ? Albert Waajfiagrtoa, the nlglaatar <>f the Ctnwl? l'?r?*ir II ni?,y tlii-J la OtUn? ir?lrri?,, ol ?iuf l.-pm. -Jaird Ossington, 1st. Bps alter IVni-ou, will ?oaii CIMrrsI I? lh? ljuutb vf >l,ur, , stint ?r ll?| e? Iu if 0? ? i.!i I ???ilk. .fien. WllliuniT. sj. m. ,11 of the United Stab ? At?), mi il,? p,.tr MtteiMs ? ?Ws ?>< ??* ?i Kafias, mil boa iU; eiiy on Frl.l?, a?,L ' ? William 8t*t*aaja aprtTato of IheU. 8.Signal I c'urp. at Mi.uiii W??bi?fb.?, .11?. .?:. Hasta) ?lgh< ?f l'.M?i... II, bau br?? (Irk .,,..?1 a?.,. ?*mI l.od wr.tlc?! imImm? ,ii..w1 ? 1 iloaid II. lliiurliHin, Pnseeil Assistant Suigeafg I lu II,- I a trd MUS S?,i. ?bu MTifJ .? Ik* N..rlll Slllkl.r S.l*u*)r?a ?iJ aa CU itmr* H.t?, J?r.?< II.? ??(-?Il.ot Swd i? Otl .1- . .1 , ... I Mu?- ?., of paalj?'? ' ' d' a?ul MAYOR IIA LIAS TIM AL. MX JUBO?! in TWO ],\\s TUR FICHT OKOW? WAKMF.R?Tl||:r.r. MoRI Jt BORH OIITAIM 1. milltTi Tlie beatttiea of the prraent jury ?>st?in wer? finely Illustrated yesterday by the .pertarb- pre??,?tefl la the General Term Room of the Court of Commun PVat at the trial of Mayor Hall, where IJu.t one do sen trad ing lawyert spent an entire day In lejrel aMrmuili. lng for three men who thonld he found utdnfonae?! and oplnlonleaa. Mayor nail himself appeared ?? enjoy the scene, of which he ts the eh!.-f HttraetWui Uronpad oImwu him were hk* eotnuwl, cx-Jud#r?> MM o ex-Ilceorderflmlth, Ira ?hater (the two dogs In the fight). J. C. T. Ruckley, K W. f-fouabfea. and Aaron J Vanderpoel (Mayor Halls law .?rtneri In front of theto were Ihn counsel for the proaaeuttnu. WUee-ler n. Pecltlmm, ll.-nrr L? Clinton. I yi,u?n Tr" mulne, and A?*l*tant District Attorney tsuliivaa Th? Mayor seemed yesterday to bate bis hope t.f aafety ?n delay, and the case Poked suspiciously Itk? " put tin* ofl the *>vll day." Jurors who did not choose to Mbaabni that they were entirely Illiterate, were (?xrnaed with .a promptness almost precipitate, while Jnrors whoee aMade exhllitted the most complacent simplicity wer? hum mered with question* ttr.tll they were fairly compelled to confess that they did know something, ?ben. the re tjulslte adtnl?? in being made, the (uror wot, of cotinw, declared Incfmpeteiit, and again ?nun-el breathed fi-ily. Occatloiailly. however, a Juror wa? so maid f. -fly fair and well-intentioned that he wae taken, after tielng made abone of great contention in the shape of argument and counter argument. Mr. I ducted the examination* entirely fer tie- detenta, awl Ini Hhafer and ex-Ib-corter ?na'h tat tin V v.', The flrM two Jnror? did not answer to tin t name?, snd then-fore escaped the ordtal whb h was in a.ore fir them. Edward I.. Hhlpnisn. Joseph M. leif. n. II-nrv t Loekwood, aud Klelmrd Jordan had formed anil eiprcs*? d opinion* upon the matter. u::d wen? llnreiore In. peteat to expr?s* any more In this ease. Leant Knrej. r. ?a Intelligent (?.-mino, wlio ke?-p* a dry ?rood? store at No. S3 Klretave., and ha* only lieen in this rountry a few years, waa ol dee ted to by Mr. Clinton on account of hi* Imperfect knowledge of the tfi.glidi language. Trac, he nndertfnod something! sic ut the ehatges?"negleetint Idli, or something of that kind," bal he tary hesrd of II la it week. Mouday. Considerable dttenaalon, pnrei/ technical and tnttroty nalntereertnn, im lad in the withdrawal of Mr. C'.iutnn'", and Lenta rirue.Wr became Jnror No. 4. <....rge Isiiitcs of No. rr-jfi Rroitdway turned out It le ? man who read the newspapers ev.-ry mo-nine, snd. of course, kne.w all about the charges. Ketb sal. ? were willing to excuse him. The exam..talion af John M. epringmryer ran along \cry smoothly until the Jttrv box was almost In sight. He did not thoroujltly tinder Stand the ernrges, and had scarcely *ocn t.'iem In the p.ipers, Which ht *eldom read ; knew the Mayor by ?lghl, and that wns all. Mr. Clinton n-ked hin. what butine?* bo wat to, aad bo replied, "the cabinet baa?naaa, down to wtahta two yean " it suddenly aeaanad to Mr. ?"it. fou that there and It be a mm hi that business who drow unwarrantably large amount? of money from tin? city tbi'oagh the agency of thli bOtanoi Mayor It would do no harm to ask a question, and lie put It ? DM you know Mr. Ingersoll 1" Ye*, sure enough, ?he Juror did know " Ihe ? Id man," and had kuonti lmu ever ?inpe be wa* I wieds jurtuer. Iu fact, he Mtd to bay chair* from Mm up to about five year* ago. He wat ex cuncdou a peremptory challenge by Mr. Clinton JohnD. COtias and Biatnti Man in know t..o aaaab rite ut it, ?ad were excused, n?iiry C. Va!, atine, aim bid read all about it, but had ncv.-r expn-sed un oplu lott, had obtained iiis ru-ws from Tin: TruBi'M', and Iboagn ba declarad thai ble anbei ama natnrtbelean nka a slieet of blank piper, no one h. ,'ievod it |K*?ib!e, and lie had to go. Muiiriee M. llrainard, an aid man afta, though not dlsq'in?fled hv age, wa* irn1 <-d ?.y both ridte on neeeaa* at ate yearn Qoeraje W VFalgrave,a clothier on Vaatanat- John Beyd? a ii*e ?hm er, Msuri. e ArihcUcr. and Mwati ? taaby ?era p???m d ,*,<w aaaaml a* fast us their Man s i oald be ?ailed. Joseph \V. Plnipson, a Vue dealer lu i: lu1, .vs., knew tho general uatnre of the complaint airan,-I ll.e Mayul, and had talked a1 mit it, nut could not reue m'a I tiiat ha had either formed or expressed an opinion on hi* or innocence. If ba ?ant larti tbejory bat at ceaMflad a venflif on the evidence as erpoiindcii In tie Jadft lb knew none of the members of tbe (Mnatlttoe at ??''?v*ni?, aud had attended no rafal? meeting?. Ml. Mmpaan ?a* ?worn Pi as the fittIt jurerai 1 p. m. Tlie sixth ptrorwat oW rnedtn Iba pet anal Beany A, Vannrsa, a im : itun ib evertoebaaj part 111 polities. Tiv Court t!uh ?i nl f>' nil mi fot ball m ' nai After tbeteeettaonew jurera *? re ebtatuad. Thoaet i i were Fredk. A. Bnrnbnm, Alex. Heodarton, hUrbai I <'? Van Pelt, Albert I. HatAVld, and David I. rhthtot. last juror aitmltt? d that he had an aplatan in if gardto tbo ganatnlebaraaa. bat not us at ibeepeeWa ene. Kndtaaardat Hn,?th kVaibirad him nttavty in. i ?t rat, but Mr. cimion read from etenaal abat?tenla tlie case of the People aajatoal tlbm, where, aMhaagb tbe Jnror tuny batteve th'- aeanaad a v ry i?oi man. a in. if he has formed no <?n|',ioii in reh*rd to Die parCeular obargo,he is perfectly eoaipetont TWa va? . blow for Mr. Smit'', wboeoobl only ward H oft btytap* loir that it wn* the du' of Judgt> TJaly t"i "t atlyovtas rule that daotaion. The Juror waa flnallv? I Iiauiel tVilglit. ArchP'aid Colvert. CI -, and ? Francis A. Jayrio wore also called. Trn laat named, a veryIntol?atont looking gentlemaa, bad been nnfmo nate (or perhai* fortiiu?ite) enough to belong to a Young Men's Democratic Iieform Attoetatron, and t<- !?? ??> ? nuainf^d with uieiulici ? of the Committee of 8<-v i ntv, aud though be bcliev, d he coulddccldt uupartlali) . sueli slriuuoiis objection? ncre made by el that it was eojciiujcj to let lmu go m paae! Coart then adjonrnod. qui; isrisr: UEFORU. I?ll. *S. O. fAKDBBFOBL APi'"IMlD llKAt.lil orriCEK in plac?; or du. CAJU?O? :an. Gov. rloH'muii noininaftrt, jesit itiuy, Dr. fiamuel Oakley Taadetpaal of AUuiny a* Health Officer at Uns port, in place of Dr. ('.?mochan, arbaat term liavl expired and whose infamy had been too elearij ex|>oee<l io permit bis renotiilnation. It Is that the (?iivortior tendered the place first to Dr. ^iliai.l Parker of this city, who declltietl. Party po'luc? have lioeu i?. r.orcd In this noruiuatlou, Dr. Vauderpoci buoy g he publican. J>r. Vanderpoel is 4^ years of age, and Is the son ot Dr. John Vanderpoel of Rluderhook, Columbus County, and a brother ot Aaron J. Vanderpoel of tin 1 city. Ha graduated from the New York t'ulvai ity iu tat?, and af? terward obtained a ilogt-ee from the JcttY ?on Medical College of IMiilailclpl.l". He also studied tar aeveral years in Pails, and sluce hts marring? haa resided in Albany, where be hue a very extensive practice. During tbe administration? of fjeva. John A. King aud r.. D. Morgan, he held the ixteitlon ol .-iirgeon (, and to him was largely due the estab? lishment of the system of examining volunteer m..i.?l aabeata. He also dUtlnguisbed himself In the 1 fit. m j of his arrangemeiita for the reception of the New York wounded after the *even days' fight aud the buttle of the Wilderness. K01 some time he was a Professor vu tue Albany Medical College, but resigned about four reara ago. ne was appointed manager of the Ktat? Lanattl Asylum by Gov. Fenton, and was elected President of the State Medical College lu Februar?, itfe. His profession?! duties have engrossed moat of bis at? tention, and. notwithstanding that bis opi 11 loua are de? cided, be hat never taken an active part in poluiea. Tliere Is no doubt of his accepting tbe poettton, akt brother, Mr. Aaron J. Vauderpoel, having heen In fermes, to (list effect laat evening. It la expected that ba wtil lie continued to-day without nomination. ' _1 m It it .TINO AFKKAV. John f'wrtim of No. 4M Eaat Sixu?nth-at., John Donahue ot No. MM Kuat Ft fly-fourth sr.,?tid oto* is. attcmpted/latc la?? night, to outer a belt-room known aa Mllltarv Hall, at No. lit Bowery. The doorkeeper, Kicburrl D. Cook of Ko. IT Jefferson st., tard the mea that they could not go into the Hall, as H waa used by a pri? vate jmrty. They p?r*i?ta4. bowerer, In tbe Ir eiort, and roughly pushed Cook ?way from the door. Re tuaUDtly draw a pistol and ?red at th? Intruders. Tbe ball etrach Donahue In tbe tbtgh, and he fell on the floor. The wounded man waa carried ts) the Teattl Precita I Utalloiv llonee, where a *urg? on extracted tbe ball, an?) d>? larad 1 he aeaiid ttttaaa? TDK HBH M'hWlCH FIKR. lbiVKit. N. II., Feb. 27.?Th? bTiiim.g of lha |.i, ker-house of tita Columbina MaaufacturUig tos? (.any'? mills at New-Ipewich yaatorday, toyolvea slwt of tioo.otO; covered by ipauranca. Tbe dre alao fa? st royed the nous?, barn and sun? of Jaun * D. vu*a. .r? dwelling aad b*ru taih of ?P. Brown and Jeto? ? ? bite, m boat loetta m ? t?t iiaatad at li*?ata