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...OK MI80KLLAKY. .-im riONAL GOVERl IU SPAIN. ?i 11_ PRl -' M CONDITION 01 nil ?? ?1 '?>? PAM1I.T ? A MV1 I'ISi, 0 I ':"' Isl'C IPPOM RAL 00nn_UF<Mt '."lU'Siil Madrid, Feb. 4.?UbtloaibbwWjf ihe Kii ol Don ? lUatci >r bo Is to B i non! room and i v in i from * very i there La i : . re is no pul uto what 1* ??i the 'uteri S to h' a an? in) dun? ah t.' i i'. ha? nothing I l m, inii\ aid :.. help Um de ' . I in ins t i a helping . \ rj bo 1> i lee to do notli n I do i; .i. grnt u at ? :i ? pu aation in tbla heart of Madrid to-day, a I h ?? ?er th in it \ ,: - La fatuous "trt >f Olotsta wei t lin pc-iing ihe . aUou lus not ? liaru. 1 I w. n* t.. watt .! Ian - ? ? of the ' ttiliaa it ait.m m-i iud fonnd ibt same gay equ page?, tbe mum tine toi; u. th tai?s oi tins, adorable Bpaatah woaaea?everything pretty _m li as ,t was six years age,exoept thai thu blue n ttie Boj ? i had bean to etefflavey, ami the atyla aad ohar ? particular turnout has boea reorganiat I a ,i leal oi ?irm'i.-ring ??id reapectoblllty baa been tabea oat at it. Instead of the heavy weight formerly dragged by those six stallions of the Rayai bical of Aranguex-a ooaaparatlvely light and elegant drawn by four (icriuau Also, iustoad i.l all Ibaaa bat t-tpnpages on the drive, drawing rein vtien the hbnynl carriage appeared and ranging up re? ibet or the other to |ol it pa^s, coach ?oaa ?n I toOtaaaa With hat in hand, and ladies arid gen? tlemen tainting from right and left, nobody eeemed to anything abant the otarlot liveries on tho German m ires. Not a ? o.ii hruau or a footman doffed his hat, nor did anybody aalnta tbt Kingur tuneen, or tura out toan?M nay tH them, or seem to pay any uttentlon to Cielo in .my way whatsoever. Hero was a acrew loose evidently, Something has dropped.out of Old Spain i v i-hei. batata. Here were the same dachesaes, -. und countesses, and viscountesses, ?pto mettait? hat where was tbe respoct for the monarchy! lu the courso of the drive a youug follow ihj InjCrlght op against the King's leaden, and half knocked tl.c royal pobUttM out of bis saddle, and the yonageoieamb did it on purpose, ton, turhenoither took ? ;. lus hat not t?rm d round to beg pardon. Do Just , nd away, while everybody was laughing and say? lug it was a g,,.,d Joke, and the poor Queen was as red as t lebetet and the King hung hts head. It might have leen a good joke, but it was very bad manner?. lam told such things hanpen not unfit -uncut ly. The King Is A aaad loot Bg young man, with a char like Pilllip II.. an t an eve lik?well, not a good eye. I cannot compli? ment Uis eyes and I should be rather aorrj to know any body intimately who had that aort of oyoa. He Is brave, and he is pa tirait 1 met him on the tiunwalk this tnorn Ing walking Otaba street ?>f Ako?a, all alone, and with i thichbHik'-J'ike a policeman within to rods of bun. H. gate hbaefl like any other youug man of hi* ? I ? tad, with a little switch iu hit band, ??mple.toiy unattended, and apparently as free from ratal I roya! i us tbt boat dem t 't of tliuu all. The threat o: ag bbn li is died oui i omph U ly. He ha- finite shamed it out of hat tie 1 un to '1 'hat t'.e fever heat of the DepUthM wa* not a: ill reflected by the people la thegnlleriee, latboat two famous teeateaa of the Cbastbat which wound np with Ihe Uaeolatioa of the Oortea Tiny looked down ia*o tie- arana varyataebat they would look at a bull . b ally i ajoyedtbe s-..ut. bai teem d wbolly by nacos* loas thai tbej tbeateelvet bad any other interest U la the pre llagt tbaa Jaal to oaa the fun. andIMood Y - ??>? ?' th ihoald ne any. Oa Friday there waa a great aaeetJag of tbe batttca. par'.-.-, piaaidtid over by Knit 7...rn'.'.t, OUlngPrice'i circus, Including about LOOB ? of the Rad?enla, c ttted 0a s.ud that tbt revolution ot Beptomber, ?mu open the doors and windows of t la Boyal Pi ' ?-, md bent the? opon Par two reare, to "purify tu ?. of servilitv aud lu-s ami courtly trt a* on." ?' But," s.,1,1 be, '? we now ate wiib regret that tbe ?o bept open krag enoogu." And I i with thundering applaaae Tbeae wen- not tbi Republicans la tbe cireaa on Priday; tbey wer- the ?tbe ? m.- wbo m ?de i ?I ???lion of tli Di mur?an. Monan by. ?istfe.-. call dit, und elect d Amadout to '>e tin h D?mocratie Klag. i ' i Minuter?: Ruii Zorrilla - u the !?:? ?! nl uf the Cortot wbli b eleel id Am tdena. ro tenure this election thin any ? i, and then wenl to Ital] in m i ? putatioa ? In? h ??? | the i. '. for Amad m, t:. than aation ot ?? Poor '?m the flourof the Chamber, found nobody to : ? d. i m the other hand, very many who \ ?' .-? now foi bun, ?? i. tally tboae who -* - - i ta, with his Con . t-, as be calls tbem?bit traitoi Pro gs-'-s- - -I. ... h .v calls them ?with th ? oi 1 adirer Montpcnel r, und with tbe "Frontier Moore," up a party relatively Coaaervatlvi?that i-,.,: Cons? rvativi - ol tbe preaeat dynasty and tbe pre ? ,t Tbe "Frontier Moon" are the old i. : that portion oi tbom?O'Donnel'i i d ? ?? y? ruler? of Spain for eight yeara under Iaabel, . . ni into re hellion nnder General Serrano, attach Prim and overthrew tbe Queen, but dlduot r. and did vote for Atnadetn. They t, ? -, solid old feederj at tlm publie Instincts, poor reapectera of what Individual nghts, good ha lera of the 1-e loi -i li Itod Bl itet of America, un ? i.nservativet of everything which toada to keep tbeinsi Iv?s lu nfTlcea. They gol their name of "Frontier Moors" or " Frontiersmen''ftom their being Which Mpalafis the Conservatives of Ani.ideu- from tboae other Conaervativet who look il werk for the restoration ot the fulku dj mi -v. tirogr.iu.riie of their Electoral Committee, just ?, ,'. -i adherent , pre? latin tinID> k ?. - eraoftbo legality now existing; Of the .is uow conatltntod;" and again, ?? it ? oi the sanctity <>f the family against ? ?..)?, |.r. ?. tot in destroy it ; of tbe fulfillment of tbe obligation*of t irdthe Chureh, aaaet forth e organic laws, against tboae who propose to elude Ibaaa; of the righto oi Individual property against the - ' lallam ; ol tbe freeooutraot ust ?: t iin]io-;iuiiis of ah -1 t. .-is (tbt al)? ut the Couatltutlon against tboee who attempt to destroy it; of tin- Integrity of the t srrltory agn n*l tbe i nemiea of the ? onntry." with that , ? :,,. . toe country, and ait he country appear* to be pa nl to what lagoiug on, and they le Id the pl?i i s ol power, and Will manipulate the pull* d districts to suit themselves, they *wlll b bard t.. li at. T..use tlety Deputies, who sin.ut?-.1 M> fiercely and hustled Sa gasta on the 2Mb ol Januavy, uro now evidently creatfallen. Blnee tbe Chamber? wo?? diaaolved tbey have cooled otf wonderfully. As they a . Qgthe ttreeta then present aspect would not aeem to Inspln great hopea for the future. To-day 1 met my old fri' ud ?rense, the patriar* h of Hpanlsb itepuhii Ue told me that be bad advlaen rttrmim?nto? t is, that the Republican Party should not go to tbe i Nat a.i, but th.t Castelar and others thought dif f, and they overruled him. Rlvero alto com retraimiento to the Radlcala, or "D?mocratie Monareb ?? Lut M ifti- ami Ruis Zorrilla tbougbl otherwise, arrangi d the meeting In Pri< ? 'i Oreos laat Fr day. /. , , ?. ??. i- thai poll v which tin old Progressiat i. it\ adopt? d during tin- last two yeara, prevloua to tbe fall of the Bourtiona It consist? in the. Opposition'! I aloof from the polla (whleh will be iii.tnipulat?.ii? and from p ?Itogetber, l? ttlng thus.- In power ananimoua legislative bouaee; letting them bave it rope the> will take, and then, at the end. rising In armed rebellion to overthrow tin m. Whether Sp ?rill evet be tit for tbe peaceful exorcise of constitu louai ?.. is, tberoforo,a problem atlU to be IHK SAN .IfAN BOUNDARY QUESTIOlf. ri?n ot mi- iMK'.DtiTins go roa amkricam CAsl Tlie following,' is the Introduction of th< Amerl' an I tat m Ibt I M Juur ijue-tiou ptaaaft I ami BgaaMttd '*> mabrttf Baneiatt to the arbitrator, the LjipiMor ot Qermnny. IboBaflttabi i n pco? touted iu r'reach; the Amei'ican, on tho oth -r baud, tu (J i rmati : The Treatv, the disputed interpr?tation of which Is sutiiuittcd to your Majeaty'a declalon, waa concluded ?han a quarter ol a century ago. fir the members ol the British cabinet who drew it nn and su'. m.tied it to the Unit? d States tot acceptance, sti Robert peel, Lard Aberdeen, and all tbe others, with a tingle exception, are now no more. Tbt liritlsh Min? ister at Wushjiigton who signed It h 'H'?1?, Of the AmTTi. an ?tan-men who took a pan tu u<o negotiation*, the Prealdeqt, tin vice Prettd?'tit. ' ofbtato, and all the constitu ttoaal ad vinera of the Pu sldent, except one, are de? eased I alone remain, and after completing moro than 70 years, the term aligned to the duraron ot human life by Ili?Jy Wrlt, I have been ?i let t.-'l by my country to maintain Its tight* lut ni On six differeut occasions bave the t I I ntatea received an offer of u settlement by arbitration Epooling their north weetern boundary, and si> re tbt y declined to subject tbemselven to tut h in s eaee la which tbe importance of th? 6bjec( in d - puuslaao great and th.-!;? ht,, of h ao clear But when an agreeiiant had I? en effected to hung the out if Ion be foreyo'n Ms i dy, my countiy raaolvod on ebaui course of a. i.ou. Wc aie now willing iu the I Rui .,.. t , de.--.i. ti ite befon glrthwnallfnm walehao ? . 11?|, lo.-iii ? anpio.e. Uiow Ici uourolitliii ttad . >w emmpletoly our g.doing . |Vh t. ./? 1 -, T,,.;- of modei toa. Kl 1 .. Jttt! ice. The ?use In disiiuto comprises wltwiiitaou .and o.teiu.iliona! law. loi n it* thai the Investigation ?t q i ,:m,i i-ioi...... place In thuU"<M V1 '1 ".;?"" ?Wl ,. ... -,, m .i m those?. iH nkc. mi I > lleffler. The Ion? protracted .i toward il" nil nativo ..i two ol t ie l> ? ?i .]?. i Hi, n I, Ihoiij h ne rbapt re , | '. lead to ., Oolites! of Hrma, A id the British Got _t! .?hi- ;? i m?? iiV"'- fe?llnau In those ai tb? union wuicburc now springing ?p PU tu? , i au, and uilghi gi i ? lui > il' V'1 ivl lion which I wo ild be dlttlcnll to eradicate. luvuti line your M ijcsty has sec urc I for Ihe ijcr* innn people i unity aud apoRoe H?d a hi h; ??'pro-i"" ? : ? h.-ver before bare been allotted ''?*.?'.".. .b rrl a and -t itostmin. w ?u ? ? .wti ni ib- i imeof the Herman Mnpoio. n 0 the ralluossof his roars rid the repone su. coi um. cm , .,?,,, t0f tbegreal Oermaal ramiij __--_??-?--*?-?? TUB FBBXCH 4BMB BCASD IL ,?1-- tjTjui -, ITATB-1 . >\ TRNMENT ARMS?IM . .si \i i ?'iavi i? I I UTi'ER PROOF THAT 1 ill | Mil 1) -I lil- ARM i Ml Rl SOLD FOR PRANCE KNOv/lKGLT. Tho Courrier da hint* Uni* re^mbliaheB from following affidavit i ?hi- city in regard to the talcs ol arma to the French Qorernmenl : Tin- la t,.itnv thai I. di ir! ?-.1 rTuhbell, waaem? ployed In the house of E Remington A Sons as MppiiM and customs clerk up to tbe 16th of June, im, ind thai in that I- ipacil v I bad free aOOOSt to the aCCOUUl book-, will, ll enabled me lo know 'lie follow lili,' facts : At tir-t Ibe accounts ol Remington A Son- wire ke)it in ordinary, cheap hooka, and afterward wen OOpl d into regular Iner. lelil?'- .ici oillit books, bill ou Ie ceivlng numerout letters and telegrams fron Mr. Samuel Reniingtou, who wet In Europe, point? ing out certain discrepancies and mistakes discovered by i renoh Government, it wat decided by < ol Squire, Secreten and Special Agent of tbe bouse of Remington A Bon, after conferring with a Lieut. Bmost, likewise employed by the tame Brn, that the bookkeeper should recopy tbe books In ordei to open , ii counts for pei-on- who wen to figure ns principals, while In tbe actual operations they had only apis ired t- igente. Thus, for instance, oneC. W.May ? wnobai Ikiii and I suppose l- still employed by Remington a Sont aa their agent al Ibure, and whose name does not api>ear m the tlrst book-, appears in tbe second as sell lag to Remington A Sons ? large quantltj ol Spring? field ritte-, which wer.- sold by then to the French Gov ernuieiit at a much higher price than tbeyrealh cost. Instead of being sold at the price paid bj C, \v May who, :n fact, hud panhtnfl only on account ol Reming? ton A Sons, and as then- agent. In another case, OUO Thomue Richardson, who baa been and Is still invested with the same authority M C. W. May, disposes of arms wio h wore s..;?i ni the same manner, at a mach higher price than was paid for tin in to the Fien, h (ion di? luent. Ibe luToioe of the said Thomas Richardson was actually made out by myself at Remington A Sou's office to this dty under the order ol CoL Squire, calcu? lating that my signatura would not be known by tbe Armament Communion at Tours, and that it would not recognize the sale* as baring been ui wie bj the Reming? tons themselves, ihe sale- Wei e made out a- loi OWS : Remington A sons knight of Thomas Richardson. Then followed ?be Items with tbe advanced price, and these dor,in,cuts were s"iit by meto Ilion tor the -igualare of Thomas Richardson, and thu- certified were accepte l aa vouchers by Samuel Remington himself. On two ol these invoices the signature ol Thomas Richardson bad bet ii placed by one of Remington A Son's employ?e, and seui to Prance a- being tbe genuine signature >.i Thomas Richardson who, l kaow, no ver aa w tue goods to wiutu the IllVolre retel led. Also, 1,900 sets of four-horse harness wan boagfat by M. A. Hiteheoik, agent, N,,. 4s lie, at., par! ol which were second-hand and par? new. tamtugtonA Son paid Mr. Hitchcock for the second-hand ouos 0116 each, cur? rency, In proportion to quality, and OUS, currency, for the new, in proportion, but these were sold to the French Government by Remington A Bons al - a.Ivan, ed ?.ne.-, us high, i be lleve, as i>.r, for tbe new, and #175 for the repaired, which prices wore calculated in the invoice al to. rate ol Cfrancs, 10centimes p*>r .1 illar, fold) aud a' 10j to nj premium ol gold o\.r . urrency. 1 know also that freight was engaged for tbearma through Austin Baldwin A Go., and thai tbe cost of u.i in ha- been enormously increased above the sum arranged I believe tins, becauee the surplus m tho money received from Europe by Austin, Baldwin A Co wet pi i.e.i to the., redit of Remington A Sons In ihe report s. ut to the French Government the item of incidental expenses covered part if not all of tbe hotel bill of Col 9qulre at the Hoffman House, which was In? cluded In Samael Remington's, who-,- expenses, while hem, were charged to the French Government. Along with the preceding, I abouid add thai the al?? eles spoken of are only a email pari of tbe rams acquired ol the French Government at th. Instigation of Col. Squire, wbo occupies the position of Secretary and special agent of tbe flruiol RemiagtonASons, slmph bc emse of his connection by marriage with tbe fan.. - ol Mr. Phil. Remington, who is a patiner, and not on ac? count of bit ability or capacity. Aud, to speak frankly, I !.. .tore bim t.. i.e on, ?i th,. iiai.oo-i men i ever bad the misfortune to know , and, m saying so, I .mir rep. al the opinion ot every buatUOM man with wh. m be bat had trau-i.'., us. (u ,ni i - .1. II iiui.i i . Testified ' ..'tth.aT'd signed before me, this 10th day of A -? ; , 1871, m tho city of New-York. <;k<>. h. Yod a ?, Notary Publie. - ? OF TUE GERMAN PRESS. .-IciN-'ii ?.REACTION 10AINS1 MM OOVERKi n:vr. i ... ZHtuM) ' ' f ' ' M It' aiguo are not deceptive, v ?,- havi the prospect .i something that long been wanting n tbe united States?a dispassionate Presidential election. N t withstanding tbe warm contest at present going on In Congress, the sentiment ni which the people view the occurreneea there i- apparently quiet. Tbe i ntlw situation points to a reaction in public opinion, >.. i feeling of shame, or, to apply a popular tern, a complete political KaUtnjammer, The picture of Our system of tav* ernment, which, not only the op aueitton In tin- Senate but even tbe Administration aide, have shown t ?thep. ?pie, .an not ?ail t.. produce an Impression, notwithstanding the diligent efforts of tbe whltewaebera of tbe Adminis? tration Hillside of th"' Beute tO blot out that picture. The espec lal pouts .,t oontest, itieb as the Cuttom-hoase frauda, the arma traffic, Ac., arc entire!) lost lathe min? eral ?nipi. ssl m, which is evermore dec ply . ngi ivc i In tin-hearts ol the people, thai it ha- an ciitirelj un? worthy Governn.ent, and that oarenUn eonatitutlouaJ ?y? m i- unhinged who aim. i:i -PON-mi v. FOR Till' DITOIOXS IB HIT. Ill l't BLII AN PA? I V. /?Vom tht Sur i"r*-r Otswtrssl '/ F#?. M. The tiresome "Ama Truffle Debate" diaplayo in fail measure what it promised from tht be? ginning, thanks to the blind partisan passions of the Administration firm. The adoption of Coukling foolish amendment, ami the rejection of Senator Trumbull's proposition to reconsider tbe same, which he sustained in a speech on Friday, winch did oot fail In its affect, go to show that tbe debate upon this distasteful snhteet will bo continued Into tbe middle it not to tbe ei i ?f this we. k, hi. d that it will move solely within the limits of parry polities. The faulted this and of the squandering of tuno und the means of tin- people. OB tai led by tnis party contest, i-, at wt nave fre? quently remarked to be laid before the door of those Senators, who. in their "patriotic'1 conception of tbelr. duty toward the people aad the party, know no higher questiouof polities than that of the reelection.of Grant. As everything, even tins worst oMecte,bavi two sido-, S . Ilot Only have all true fi of tbe pOOp C. hut alfO oc iht Btvubliean party, aa we undentand it, >.. ry :. asou to be thankful to the Benatorlal cirant firm for their per? verted proceeding-. It was they who threw down the gauntlet to tbon who rapnaent the Republican party ild and should lonn been. To raise it up wa the <iut\ of tbe latter, aad, aa wa believe la the uhvincihl? p.,wer ol truth, we are -at i-tlad that tin Deal late Cats of the K publican party will aol Buffer, but will come vx tonousij out of Ihe conte .t. FBOM ONE WHO CIBCULATSD THE EBIB ktitionb. To the Hditnr of The Tr ibunt. Bnt: roilcr data ?f Pob. I7, h ootreojpoMdenl fioin this place uiisrepre-ents our Mttfleat in his attempt t.) "preeeat facM to your nadan." in nana?ag Ihe pisition of defender of our good iiamo, like mauy auotbi i, he overshoots the mar);, and carries the impio? niotl Uiat the thousands who -igned the I'ju- pettttaBO ae.- 1.naves or foois. is olio w ho s'giiiol and clr Ibc l.iio p.i ii ions, tot mo stato my petition. kUOWB to be that of many laotheri The writer is not, nvr ever has boon, an Brat employ?, nor has be-ever Ian* eaurtoaleaor fav.ns fron liemaaogeanniit Although la tha eoane ef entinen be has tin. aegaaint aaeeet ite managers, he hat alwaye bad to pay full loo eeau fer eve ry dollar or value received from them. The people of Btngbamton are frlendlv to the present man? agers lieoause under tbeii "Direction" we naveaeeuthe ie from a second-claas,?ingle-track, unsafe, lire -pon-lile, concern to be one of tbe beat roads m this country. Ita enterprise and liberality nave done much to lucre m tbe growth ol the eitn-s and town- along its line. We. aie hank to -ay tliat we do What We i an to ?? pre nt management because we bollero It for oar Interest s., t.. do. With tbe mock gamblen we have no sympathy, and we an glad to know that there is one road that serves it? pal ions, regardless of theho.\l-..f against what Ibey know tobo then Interoatby loluing the present ci usa :?? ? ,. BtapAamtou, if l'., Fob, ?i, mnj. A. II Till: IAMINI. in PBBSIA. Tu the E il i tor of The Tribune. Sir: All through tins Wiatei every fordga mail bungs us itetnottag oecoaata of tbe Peralan fainiiie. Week aft. r weak, and mouth altei month, these annpeetod: aadatlU aathtog to doae, Hew-Terb bet new beton beau cieaf te theeryef nieery, tntead, Lamashiie, Onto, not to tpgah of our own Chtebgo, all have kaewn oeatethingof the geaerealty ef this great etty, v.'b.\ do v.e now til -..: ut. aad with folded band- f Those of ii- win, d. m t.. give, do not know bow .,r when to make our contributions. I address yoalathe nope of seeln? something done through the aid of Tut Tkibitmb. Can we uol I. ivt s Pc i il in Relief Committee. <?r call a publie meeting,oi orewnlte some sysasm of , by which the charity ol Now*York may it ,v, fortb to aid the suffer, n I a II lie of tbe prompto? liberality lu wblebour poopl. sre surely ?nol wanting would do much In Hi Woe uld oooperale with exi-': . ? In Knglaud, oottelbly, il we eaunot i , ..t our oa n, it. a. m. :., I'? .., 11 I?, H.j. TJ IK POLITICAL OUTLOOK. CONMBCTfCDT. TI1K IIAL MfVNINO Ol Mil. NKW I.I IMHTt Rl TACTICS "i" "IK DRMOCRACY?REOOBO ol Tltfl PAbTTT? Mit. RtfRRARI) \M> IHK sol i H _ ,i \ \ humai. ASPIRATIOR?OKRKRAL PRIH ,,? fin' ! AMI'AION. rptoM ra? ?wot twu. oonnggpogDrniT <?h tmk trwi'sk 1 HarTPORDi Feb. M.?Bono of tin- l?oi?ul>l?? ;??? pipers outside of Connecticut hive BXprBetld n good deal of mtlafaetion over the appert ol eonvoraloa of the |). moerntk party Of this stale, it would Ins something well worth shaking hands over, bad this party, out of It1* terribly had record daring tbe war,und lia p'-r-i tant eft'-t !-? Io obstruct all rceonstrin II M m ? in , I ?nine Io a true rep ntaaee. Rowbora waald then be mat rejol* lag than among tbe Republicans or Con nee tient, who would aci i id the " Vow Departure" eeaniiidor siucnl of tba wladom and Jnttloe of tbolr own eonrar. It ? ould be a very gnat victory for them, to m> nothing Of its nilliien -e hpoll tbe politli s of the si ,1c and the country. The Pemoerattt party of Canne rttont, as leptaeentod in i ptotforma, baa been t tary sinful organUattea, it h ei no patriotism wheaevery nwn't word told tor at againat tbe oanae of tbe nattoa; ii had no aympatay for those who fought and di d for Ihe sui\o of tin- I'uion ; it OppO ed cverv loyal eii'on to male Peeonetrnetion give iccutity to the Rutare ; it hnndad the eonatltntaonnl amendment! as ii-iiipitlom, and hat ranomontly at tai s',| all men who have BBttalaM I them. Theconversion oftneh u party would indeed ghre abandaal emi? tir tbanbagtvingi bol shall we take it, wttl ail its nuiniioid tT.iBigroaelona, at reganernted ami ipotlnan. opon a mere pmfeaaion of faith with no sort of gnarantoaof Itaatneerity 1 Porto nately, or unluckily, tt tbe ease may be, wo ?re not called upon to give it the reoognltlon due to a reform parly ; (Of tin- OTg IBI ol lue p u ly, IbOOgh accepfitig the Inte platform?which we have all looked upon as a dent* dcilly new departure?gith apparent Mtlafaetion, tell ns that the party lias not Changed Iront In tin-bast. The .Yci'- //un n Register taj l there Is nothing new In It ; sub? stantially it is the same old declaration of principle?. The llort?isil ?'iiiicx sees but otic thing in it to lead any ? m- to suppose thai the party baa ebanged, and that It the raaolnttoa which accepta rafrancbiaemeot at aa established fact und idenorvtag the support of all good dtitetit ; bat it ntrmoontt that ebataele by declar log Huit the parti " It as mach oppoaed to aegro taffrage at ever." Ibera is no moral reform ra Ita moveatenta. it aoceptt mnnytblngt which it baeateadilj i HOW that thev have liecoiiie estab!ishei| lai t-. Yet it i at much opp aed to tbt ? as ever, in other werde, h It as lunch oppOOOd to tilts Repnbllenn party as ever. u While wo Demoeratt are wllUng to make u platform and take g ca lid nia le that Will ci\ t u- I chain ?? to go Is ? fore tbe public profeeaedlj as a reform party, yet we want it umii ratood that we, are no m irai Repobiicant than we ever were, and tre hate aegro tu?raga, rael or no fact, Witli jll-t as mm II / a i we ever llld." i tint is about where the party stands, i- n a conversion or a fraud t Tin- Republicans here desire their frieuibt In other Statoa not i> be too entbu over any change of mea?uree or mea which our Demo? cratic opp menta may se< m t i have made. A good many have already been deceive I. it It a common remark here that there bave been inure Republican enlogtat of ihe new platform than Democratic. Tin- fact is, tbt deceit is so plain to tbe Dem?crata that they believe it to be tun policy to say aa little about tbe doings oi their Convention as ooaeiMe. The Democratic candidate for Con r;.r?r, Mr. Richard I). Hnbbard, has ni ver bet n In very good favor with the leaders of bis party lie re?they bave always worked any m him, except a ben it waa deemed liest t <?"/:. 11 back noon him as an available reeort. It has tuet come out why bo never became a full-fledged Demecrat. in his jonih be was quite poor, and arter Mmn- early struggle* completed bit preliminary course o ?tudi?e and entered Vale College, whereat that tlmef there wen mam studenti from the south Raving no rich fatbei or uncle to supply Iiiiii with good chulas .oui spendlug money, he was looked upon aa B genuine " mud-eill " by the aelons of tbe lordly arlstooi ?e; ofthealavi ytatea,and they bent the Uktb o\?-r him and treated 'inn vv111 ? mi i h i me contempt. Ali these dashing hl.I- ol tbe fimtii becllliie so assiH'illted in liis mdal With pi o-Hll n'i \ - chiv? alry that be detested t in- w hob social anil political aye tem nt that part of the connu v He baa never forgotten his college wrongat "for that reason," aald a leading Dom ocrat of tins city, " he waa nevoi mor?- than ball a Dem Ocrai I he hated the Smlli alWu.V?; it was old ha lied made him aa Mttei when he epoke during tbe war mid said that be would'pusb the plowshare ot war through tin Southern states tiil out of the farrow there should rise a race of men who wonhi thank M ??? i?-iiun ami Maileck f.u their deliverance tram a base usurpa? tion.'" it h .s generally bran supposed thai Mr. Hubbartf* running for Governor would be advantagcoua to bima* a candidate for the United Maie? inure, iu ct complexion of tbe Legislature tboobl be such that i Had. he made. 'I'm apathj ol Mr. Eaton of tbia eit) over tin action of tbe state Convention bat been attributed to tale Senatorial queatlon tobt* ?calo?a) ol Mr. Hubbard. Then- la hardly a gbo* ofacham-t that a Democrat will go ti tbt Uenate, yd I have it direct from a responsible aanrea thai it enopeuing should be made, the itrongeal caadldate would he Congn-aaman,in, who nays ho -vants a six-vea?.' lease in W. sli tnirton, a.-it cor-ts ion mach mono] t-> a elected to tbe lower Homw even two Ban. The campaign I* > irried ..n very quietly, though 'in committee >>t both parir?s are actively at work. W's ball not have many sp j iroud till I It' t the Ne, ?liai ip-hili- eie. :>ou. I ? 11 : USE AND AI'.'-M. OF COMTENTIONa 8WXBPIRG ah AY PARTI TAOTICd. h | II tl, frl.' Hapn ... All arr-'uini-nt nsn'aat national conventions formakiug Presidential uoiutiiaturns is an argument agaiuat all party convention*.nil party taaouaalng all im thoda, In fact, of organ nm.' and uniting the action of political i> ita.?. It la plain enough that partlet cannot exiit without these agen let oi concentration In trata form,either democratic?II) evolved from -.viihin tbeaa selves, or ???tahllsbed nvi r t.heui by the usurpation of Self-OOnst UiUal leaders. IHK oNi.v. WAY TO Bfl am: POL?TICA t- TYRAN IT. ; m Tin Hnjala 0? "Mr. Graeley's |n>-itii>ii and do ?trim' st i-m to ua to ba fraught with bone of aalntary taaalta tt the country M will terv? to '? rrik tbe organited powa et a ?i,,, co rapt party, and through Independraee ol aottoe make it poastbtc to lnaugu att progress am true reform It may lead, moreover, to abigheratandaittof poi tieai action, ueiio the destruction of rhat tyraaayol part] managers wbteb, with tbe iid of money, p aronage, and i legislation, baa bean eoodioua dur?ig t_ pa?? t vu lV( KM i N \l TIKUMZI??? l'.Y Tin: PEOFLS. frtm Tkt CMeag* T?Hae?. 'I ';ne? tiie practical olactioti o? Presid? ?il i? dorn i.y maeblaery anl ni> unknown to tin la r, tie agenti in winch aro iiLauthorlzeii by tbt ?ouatbtutiiMa, act wtthoat the aaactioa of aa oath or ofhoial roapoaal bilUy, and among whom briber) Li not uuiiiidiuiue. In deed tbe Presidential Xteetor wno ibould to-dat iahet! tute hit perennal conviction! ior tbe aeminatbraof .??, c invention, und t'nui acted in the true tplrtt and Intent of hi* nach and ot 111' Cormtitutioii, wouai probably Ih* deemed a greater n rennt and traitor Iuult babnd plotted the overthrow of the Uovenunenl QAMDIDATXfl BEAPOlfSIBLX TO WJRK<PCLLKB9 AND ROT TO Till'. PROPLS, a; -i,, n. ? v Tit an electiva h.vhIiih like oui own political | pai ties un- ,t naceaalty. i tut tin- pm t s, tmpliee urganlta tioir, and consent nutoaly to certain principiai, butin tbe action for giving them effect. This agatoanqulreana in i o- eonoeeeton oi individual preference, ami an ahaoluU aubmhMlon to tba will o? tbe party majority la all matten not vitally connected wlthone'i moral ouavtetmai i neclally is it a breaob af faith aad fi ai>> fnr:i poiiueian, i.aving gone before a pu ty convention to aaoure a nond* nation for idiiyeif or bts favorite candidate, and fallad, to bolt on in monal ground* tbe nomination actually made, In entering a political Dominatiiig convi there la an Implied coutract hetwoea all parttet loll ta alude tho im: o.\o siioiT.n nut hi: TOLSRAT1 i . >re? Tkt Milwaakm H II Without toleration of conflicting opinion and action, without a g?nerontconaidnratiou ol ihe prefer en. ?s of men who have stood by lim pal ty from its or ganltatloo? tbaauceeaaof tho putty will be sjoally en? dangered Tin: pain lath cannot ba auoceeafally uaed over Repablloana, nor will tbt gag be tolerated, Tbeea things may be used for a time without defeating tins party, i.uilhey will prove the Inevitable ?uiu of it iu the end. Tin-powoi of public patronage may accomplir'a wonders fsu a tune, but there I t very large element in the Republican party that c ret uol ior oAee or offlrtal favor, and when once arousod willaweepauch thtogt away us i til il.i ib when compared v.itu the taoccta of ptlnt IplC and a wise pulley. TIM. BACRRD KIOHT OI ItOLTTRO. rm apitagaiM mp*g t Mr. Cut it y bag been printing a gericg of lull rt stnif. nit!? les in Tin-: Ti.iiilm; on national couvi n turns for nominating caadldatot fur the prei Idency. lb (tais a hi lorj of the manner in which Presidential nomination! have bean made l>om tba beginning at tirst by common conaent, then bj Congreaalonal eaucuaea, aad -iiic-s last ny national couveutlona, ami bravea tbe Impreaaton that he oonalden that tbe country ha* now outgrown tbe Convention plan and oagbt to ha va something better. A gn at many poraona, we apprehend, will abare Mr. Oraeley'a dlagnat at nominating conven? tions, w In ther national or on a smaller scale, but nobody h m \ it offered aa anything tupt i mr. Rven Mr. Greeley furnlabet no tuggeatiou on this point, and it is likely that nominating conventions will ba held for a good maay yeara yet. ifthcv make bud nomlnationa there alwayt remataa to tbe Individual tba sacicd ti.,hi of bolting. THE PRE8IDEMCY. Till; CHARCI Of ft OCESS? tr:m I <i M , . Il As a movement <?1 ami by its? If, it liai mi m.h. chance of anooeaa than It IniMif being struck by Ilk-bluing. The platform aa a wind.? i? an uhoriiou, und the i an lu?ales bava no etomeat ol popularity, if la tended as a bul for tbe Dei.aey, It will utterly fall ; foi, though iin > mi?ht ?waih.w the platform oa a plucb, Um , will nol gun up the 11 tepara la argaalaatlon, ezisept there is a itrong proapeet ol aeeurlag iba cooperation ol a larga number of Reuabltcana, aad tali muiiuieiit Uas im eicm nt ot attraction whatnver to them. A PIBt_OUg VKSTI'lli:. Fr,.,? Th, Jib ,?y ffaltarr?* bar. I'lu rentare is u peruotu on?-. The Labor >'?' loim i uiv IntbiaMtate in l*7u iiominatisd a ticket: ahul u.i, ii.e h ml) i The candiiiates scarcely polled ? '?! I enough to know tbey were running. W ., art .Mi aid Mien win he ti? reault of the Davit and Parker ticket, although iiavla la a attaag non, that will avail him uolhiug. The Woikiugmiu uro nol >ul iuail> to Ubu lia? field against the two rreat political pB'ties of Ihe co.m In tbe Republican and Domocrnlic. The Tarif! r?solu linn It deeply tlgaifleant. It shows the drift of public opinion, we romo < nd its careful pi raaal (<? tjpj ?? revenue reformers who demand fret UipIu u? ' 4?7iiiur eel of the Werktag 11 i ?NH_R*4._t,T iv TOI tir.i.i). frena TV Tnrsrt fstenet l'lir f?iiiij.;i?:.M, [or the Preaidenry bag r?f,?n opened by the i.ii.oi- Reformen, who. In e convention held it Columbus, oblo, put In nomination .lodge David H. Davis of Illinois and Gov. Parier of 'in. state. Even If we -food broadly and aqimrely apon the platform of the Labor Reformers, we should doubl the policy of this Ii. o\. nie I, I. It wonltl have been bell i| lu bave waited, it strike ne,foi tbe other nomluatiopt to be nude, aad to hgre taken those candtdate-a ab? might lw most in arm i'.'thy wjtii ?ne Labor mo.'em i... lucre . nol tho re* moK -t p.. slhlllty or this ticket being elected, or of telling the vole of ?, -ni/le State ; and II In any political movement the pa live doctrine Is to ho re. ominende I, ll would i crtaluly be applicable here. Half a loaf i ? bettet than im bread, md n I ? bell r to |olli o ie of Ihe dom? inant part: - aad obtain siuncthiin: Ihan to stead oleof and m 1 .". ti.; - Till, i i rKRIOR i1' RPOCBOrTBR MOVKMRBT. /1 .. rv /? um . /'? ? is .' W'r :<yo Iriftiliccl in ggmiraing the norai nation o. Judge Davis po.-. a ?gnilleaiiee beyond that which on hi to be accorded to the action of the Labor K tonn Convention. Hit past Ion with ii. i on,.i;...n party, bis Intimate personal relations with the bite Pu i.i nt Lincoln, an i probably anil Protection principles, make blm acceptable t<> tbe Bc-relled Ubcral Republicana ami nee Trader., while his known oureel /rom and even Oppo to the action ol ihe Republican parti i or some ,",.i pa t, and his strict construction doctrines In the supremo Court, especially In relation to the Indiana cases, commend blm to tbe M New De? parture " Demoer its. I tut a bal nfflnity it there bel ween Labor Reform and Free Trade, or In. ween a Labor Re former anil a Southern and many Northern Democrat ' The ret ' t 't. incut of the- thing proposed ihow < d- utter impracticability. Dem?crata will nol do \i.noe to partj i i a md traditions at tbe behcet of any lead r, A Olr.XIPlCANT MOVBMRNT, / /'/., .V... r, t, i. The riomin.ition liy the National lie-form Convention of Judge Davis of the I'nited HI ites Supreme Coiiif, .nd his ?iciejii mee thereof, is quite a significant event, and makes no little stir m political cirri a Tue f... i tnal for some time peal Judge Davis ha- been prom? inently mentioned among the candidatoo llkelj to bo nominated by Ihe bolting Republicans, and to be sup? port, d by the Democracy provided the 'possum polte v It ml..pie.i, leach to ibe befiel thai Ibe ai lion of 'he Labor lb-formers was not taken without previous c-onsii In fact it i-le lievcd that the Li'.oi Reform nomination i .. " feeler." aad that Its reception t>* thecouutr*. will determine future evento Tula view of It seems to be taken at Washington, and it It reported that the pro gramme waa annig..i -.une weeks agota that city by set :al prominent political leaders. Davis would un? doubted!) i.e a stronger candidate In tonto respecta for tie .ii iCecied thanfl natorTrumbull. A NOMINATION Til \T CARRIES WRIGHT. / . ? / ? tassas Ps I It is reported tbe name of Judge David will be urged upon the Cincinnati Convention, ai I the frequent rumors concerning tbe action of the Democracy an repeated with variations. The nomination of the Lahor IWonnc rs is one that carries mue h weight with it. Judge Davl 1*1 man Ol good In In- pal Iv, and of . -tai,lidie.i position. In earlier days be was a eon .m re? live Henri Clay Whig. Later, he waa the trie mi of Anta hum Lincoln, doing mod service to secure his nomina lion at the ('lilcarroConvention, In WOO. Aa a reward, .lodge Davis v/n- placed upon Ihe BupTcme Bench, where bebas nrved with distinction, Uoi Parker, whoae name holds the second place on the ticket, Is a life-long Democrat. Rren Republicans acknowledge runt Judge Devis . an . ai ry < I rant's own State against blm, with tbe support of tbe w orkingmen. Tin- movemi nt t. eaanrolna no little importance; but it is vet too early for auy bin the wildest .peculation regarding the dn hnon of par' lea which will follow the Radical apflt, and those waa pre diel the action ol the Democracy bave no better b their statements than thoae who lav down with oonfl deuce tho plan of the RrpaWlfW campaign. BO PB0MI8I TO LdBOBtBO MKS /..a,. Tlv '". i;, .1),./ To tiic onrpriee of some persono, Jttffge Davto ace. pis tbe nominationof tbeLahoi Reform I on veutiou, Re seems also, if the diapatch Is correct, to consider tbe nomination equivalent to an election, for he taya "TbeChlel Magistracy of t?e Repubbc should neither lie sought nor declined Bv aa Amen?,in cltlten.'* Tlie dispatch does not eommiitlm Judge to ,m lecep tance of the platform of the Convention, although It is n-nalIv supposed that Ibe " bl mi go with 'the hl.b "in .-m II cas.-, and that mi accept.mro of a nomination in volveaaa acnuieacencoIn the ->bitf..imof tbe Conven? tion making the eeminatlon. It i? penible that this at eeplaiiee is p?..\ i uoiial, with a vioW to tlie a. lion of the Liberal RepublicaaConvention, ebon it assembles, if Judge Davis .an .'wnter in himself those various protoif log elemente, he will be able to ac (nlro at least as miii'li political .-ig'iitleai.ei- aa I'remont lid In MM. Willie wo shall . b -vitli lit. rest this new political develo), nient, we .lo not yet ?... anytime* ir. it of importan! promise to laboring Men. That In.Ige Duvtt would make a good President of the United Btataeon geaerel principles, to doubtleeo true, but tho Lai.or Convention come toget 11.t tu. i on general prinoi] toa, bal lo champion aud iimb i polite ai) significant me ?.J?-, only?tbe lights of labor. DRIFT OP POLITICAL DffiGlTSMO! Tin: mini, ni.r follows PAWMINO. hri:* i'V AVxmy I Of courue even .?tic? can sec why thi f(> itl men wbo have obtained aad retained onlee under tien. Cirant, .-boni I le lu nOOUS iu I he ir ello! Is lor a reuomi nation of lb t great . o'rlier. With sous of them it is it, matter of bread aad butter They bold fei offoot now, ami they tan nol te toepardtet fben by favor? ing the nomination of a man woo might, turn til.-in .mi, and in torta* pi...-.s |..o others who have been i m favi.ITitb others It la simpli t matter of pride and duty. Thai bave lieu fn oio.l and siis i.iine.i bj the present oligarchy wbicb controla tbe Re? publican party, and, like boaeat men as taej we, they riesln ta tetara the favo* In kind. T at portion of the Bepul?iean pren ef this Mate wbleb favors c?i mis rcnominafion does not perform IU WOrh Without I "Ward or hopo of reward Then It Tht flreoMgrt t'nion, wbeae propri etor, Mr. Riven, is a prominent candidato for Oolleetor oi tin port efNea York. Then. la The New-T?rk limes, which baa la friends In tota that, and tbe other pUce unib-r the tdminlstraticu. Tie Albany K9tnin? tournai, Wim its man?ate i..b priming establishment, ami its enormous patronage Iu toe way of State printing*?a butin. ? . - ? profitable thai :' ean to ? ve commis f'ons" of tioui at co .j (?r c.-nt, and afterward pay thousands ef dol?an for getting lis toba tnrough the K||| ifiy bill iii-llla lively elioo-e. that side which i bell vet to be the strongest, no matter wii.ttin personal prefarenen of IU editen. TheVHem iimihi ras for its editor a gentleman who was sont to Congres through tbe Indueaoe of Beuator Conking. The lfm/ ii?,* -.nd- lie editor aa Mlalatoi to a forolgn eountrj raa Qticsgo Hriesrrltfr gets its editor tan the Custom bou-.- in t lint city . while I'hi Pottgkkeeptie ttaglt, The .so etsgtaa, /'/"? Ssreetssi Journal, ihr a'linsra Advei f.s.r, a ni other -innIk- administration lournabi which we might u. nil?n, havo their editors or proprietors enugly ,... .1 m tu.. ,.cu ni?ees of Uto oltleaja which they an re yeetlvely pubUehed WHAT Till DMMOCRATa MB AN, TO DO. t'rum Th? LuaU'ill* ''.urxr Jo'ir.^i/. Sc ine of our niilical ootomporariea are flnt terlug themselves with tlie idea that tha D?mocratie National Convention will be oontrollod In ita (datiorm and liomlliatloli- bi I he Roll! bolls. Til. Ocinoent ie. parly has, perhaps, been a little slow in conforming itself to the situaiioti, but it may be relied on that it is m ,y fully up to tInn mark. Democrats compra loud perfectly that tho issue Involved to the approach ii g contint isa. laaaeol Ufe ami dedil, ir the eorrap ttoat and ceiitrnll/iiig and despotic poiu-y of tho Admin? istration an. Indorsed aad perpetuated by the American .copio, then most we l.i.l a final aulcit to purity in gov rament, aad to constitutional freettota, in theeo olr uiii-tiiic s it nay. perhapa, aoeord wltb the ideatof Mr Alexander H Stephens to emulate Die illustrious eiam pleol the Oovenor of the island of Raratarta, aad so bodge hiiUKolt m with the r?solutions of 'us, am. tho shield of State lights, that bo tea move mutbei hand nor foot with elfe I : bul as for us, and most DeUMMtata in the I'liiteil States think ami feel with us Iu this mat tor, wo intcid to ke.p our limbs free, that wo may wi.-hl a in neliat'l bliuio in tlie tight for ooii.stitutloital aud puro governneat that Is about to come oil. Wo Ban do doubt Whatever that the ltepllbllciin Con Y.-htioii will bo . onii ..lied in ils resolutions and uouun . ttons by the extreme men of tha fart jr. That taehwill be I bo .use is ill the n itillo of a foregone tOOOluSioU ciriint it i-ver> geaerall] eoaeeded,ts to ba the Prest dentlal nomtaee, aad Oraafa nomination would of Iteeif in-a stronger d?clar?t ion, practically, iif ultra radical sentiment than any mere r-soluiious, whatever their phraseology, could pos-lbly be. Bat with tli? Democrats, it will! by no meant Is' as these false prophets will have it. oarOoaventton will,ladead, ka aU probability, be controlled by positive, earaeet, ami determined men, who will show tlmmselvns extremists only In Unir dornend for a change of tho Qovernmont iiiaiiagcinent lata honest aad patriotlfl baada, Bomrhoa i-m will eat m? Igan wbatovn m ita dellbe ratmiis, "Drowntag men," says a time-honored adage, "catch al straw-." No narval, then, that tho Utterances of a few antediluvian fugle-, who consider if Incumbent on them to prate continuously of the r?solu Unas of to, aad toe aecaaslty of the Democratic Con \. lit inn "asserling tbe sovereignty of the States and the reserved power to make sovereignty effective," are gra pod at with avidity by our opponeata. A IOCTHBBB TTBW <>K THK SITUATION. Horn Thl atStas IrtOnnt. \\i Imvc said over hud over _eain?ftml hope we may have noneca-ion to repeat it the gnat duty of ihe hour is t" reecue the Oovernmenl from the banda of liiant. To tbtt all othcT .pie-lioi's are entirely subor? d?nalo. They ean and ought to be made only subsidiary. A suooesslon of defeat cytai anrtoaol years- whether from iiihei, ni weaknesa, corruption, or bad policies, it|h need less to impure- have rendered it certain that Mm National Democratic party unaided cannot do the wmk. cirant lois dmen from his support several important states, and with tin m a vast number Of Ins original ti lends, many of th'-iu limn of commanding talent and iiiiiiienee, These, iii'-n uniting with the Denoeracj as lecriuis, or di awing the Democracy to them as reerulta. It matieis not which. It M admitted can do (he work. It does not follow that by abstaining from the Coin toil Ion wa thereby eat up au ludupcudcut sectional party, Oar future party actions or atliniibs will be always wltbin mu own control. Our arenan la the Convention of'M bad tbe efoel of weakealag the ticket in the canvass That fi.i i. beyond dispute. Byeteytog away bow, we show I o Ihe Nol III that mo decline In liiglng such au e le? lo, ni ol -,\ eaWne-s Into the i-iinva-s a - . oud tliuo. Julis H. OOUOtn PB0MI9BI To Ihe Kit it or of The Tribune. Sue I mu boldittf ii ticked fur a lei I un. Which was to have been delivered by John 11. dough on MM Otth of Dei ember last, but Which, III Coliseiiueueo of his Illness, was postjioued to nom,- futuro dale. It Is now six Weeks OUtoO the lecture, and nothing has y(,l appeared in Mm aewepapen to eoafim the promise then made that the tlekeU wuald be redeened l think Mi. Uoaga, m laettaa to ataaeolf aad 'hoe. holding tickets, and, despite Ins oilier OUgeg.Is, should d.? Uvera lecture for those who bought ovc_?iou. Will ?ou?e yuo of lUo touiiuiltco Inluiiu the I ticket holden of mil iff tore wboa ha (Mr. Qaagb) hi fond, to I iltlll In- pi i ul ' ,'. w. Jffl ? P./''., fel), | |, t~,. fTiii-j Id on? of nn n'-i ?tit aJtitlt tr Ul in. Too in l"- r OOgbl t'l bo <*9 I "o-n di .' :, ? I \ f?AfLUO?fl ll-rr 7' KXfOBTlOKH. ROW mi n .1 '.\, , api: i ? ?? . 'i ? it. ? . Tbe < o up! tint? ; ,. ho < i ? .'.;.. are of J me l thl ground 0 rjgsont p .i' >n to tii i. .-. ...i'm in pa ? i . i bowevc i ? , i braai h of :.a ,,..?., oentoring i I . ? t which U no' Injure I bj tbe extol mono ?-.s i- ii' . Illy III . ?tig ? o ! ..Ha s f.m i Mai o '', < 'i un i i ' irt.T, to ..-h??.o, dm ; i| ih ' ?tiqn ii i.' m i h? thai t.o- .. lion ? ; tbe i litro ? la la i'' Il ng irai" i'i .m this, ity Ont ?? o il ?le- ai imiua ita tn l' of M ? nu >rt andotb . i . o ('???? city on , rui th, ni i 'ii ime ? ? I ttnple goo i ? An i'ii. ? me ? h ml ,.iei iii mirra ala lead ? i bj ib Ir i ttoi lion ito fi the Un to the Wn tern Itle i no un ; Il lu fton. and ill 'M ? !n,i!"l'T H' l/i-i, , ' I i- .,?-.., i'i'l nal! ara reaping a golden larvea? which tirope? longs to New-York. As an lu lauve, *'<?... lion ul, for ' ae liest hrnnd beon the mai tot, i be :.uh i la ?? ?-? ? nid ciin "igo Iran.11 ??. ?i .!</ m a. while tbe linea fro i ?. ??' i itaafli '. In olios iris' .?> ? .i. i h i? ' h inn iti ii tbe u ?? ? ii. that ci ?. - * r m I i ? . . i result in. been that many We I n i lota, who une to 'ios Iti for ?' ? ind would ,t.i, do e> if i o- ? tui i i.isele itiou prevaili I, now pul obaae their goods whore fi ?? til u i h ipasi ;??? ?lit i'y. ii r v bavt? brought inch i pressure to !>??? on the in.els that whiaky la now ahippesl as fourth ?..?-- pi i tided tin- v ?I i itiou ?I i ? I utuil I to ItO ui aae of i tat Hut tin. chief cine -if ?une.' tint is fonn i I the an tell - --, ithin tl impetitlon. Where th'-rcia Lmlthfnl rompotituiii the freight it ? i town m de pendent aolelv on an'y one road lb.pie u fi victima ol a linar tleaa monopoly It iena tara i and proper that the ratet ib ? "'M ''?' perhaps thnna irlo id of good* la left at a tlme?aiid where the company l* i maed is mncb trouble and e\ iicnse im i tew nach go* a? loi i doten car-load* to a larger place. Tht< fact I rocognlted, and the moi chants In the small i towna ara willing to pay a proportionate ram tot tbe ittru tronido, b I they ill.!t tO being obliged to Miriisil tic i impunies all their profll lor t runupjrtlug gootla tx> the West. A glance at the "local" and ? tlu lugb" now m force will ahow that tbe former oh rngeonal) dieproporttoiitite to tbe latter a. tea lions ire given, taken chledi front the tariff?) of ttu ? York < Voirai and Ei Roj rhe pricea glvcu are tbe loweel ratea i?r cwt from thla city to the p acea named, ami represent tbe fourth or eneilal olaae ot freights, lu eluding tagar, coaToe, salt, iiri I ti ib, rice, lud other couimon necessities, any In ?? n the prke of a felt Immedia'ei) by tbe people at large ii, . ? ?? V i > i : K OBafTaUL M /?'i , ? .- /? I ? ? ?-ri -i?- . . . ?> ,- >ut f-.r ? m . : -i-i- k i. m a-i ? . :.,:.-. k ?Vsterto . i. I-'? 5! A' M praw i .NY. Hi ;n 1 ? -? i, ... Ml 3i leas, I ; | . . . . tW . . ? I . Botfilo.. : I ? Mi-ru- M ? I f M i;.-p.-,:'e i i !? trta to obtain a loc ? | trill ? Erio bave futted, Imi mei bant? were ol the opinion tli it, o. ipting iloncthe Ilutbton .' winter, local freight* w re htgbei on the I.'re than on the Central As a proof of this II waa stated that inahlpping ? 11*.-un Van, It waa cheaper to aend ?ythe Gear ral t., fana- il then hack to Penn Yan, tbaa on tbo Erie Road via Rlmira, although the latter la tbe short? : route rhe following Oguree, taken from tbe through tariff, will show th d the s nue diacrimtnation In favot of Western towna over those In thla State pr?vaut on the Erie Koad Pleat, MilnlriMi. H Y. Pi .? .-.T... ..I?I JS i ..-i-. . .. tit a B .. IM ?.?.ri I-... Line, V. 1 ....... 409 41 g . tibia. . i ? I: . I . i NY . : Par) Mana, Kiek. tat H ?ove instance* are taken at random, b , ?lut* mentioned in this mateare jfua I on com linea Prom tbe numeroaa complaints made rloug the hue. Cure m no doubt that th local tarin" ol th , Read ?hows tttll greater difference* m town distance from competing linea, Durtag the heat of com i 1.1.mi. laat Summer, freight* were taken t<> Chicago tor If cent* per cwt., wniut n ooat IDeeat! per cwt to .ii d 'in same goodi to Rochester. Tbe dealer* who Mutter meat are the grocers and pirdntit dfrtlore. whoao ,-oods in- balky and Ion priced. Dry good! men, who seadithousand* of dol?ais worth >t good! m .. boa, nan better afford to pay the extra freight* When navigation cloaca, each ratiroad bat i monopoly of the freights, aod price. are Instantly advanaod. Complainte fioi.? an-Ina-, of tie-Hud-? o Ki\ci Road are numerous, lajaomecaaea freights are Increased from60to 100 p.-r cent A aluilar lncreaee in price it emneiimea mide on a laraer scale. An apple speculator said that last Fall the freight on apple? was an cents a barrel from Mtobl gaa After tbe hu*iui - ? ? aa fnlrlj darted, and shippers had given their ordere, thi prit i aaedtofiao and ft 40. nad the pnrchaiara, being entrapped, had to pay Mint la desired by the merchant* of oily uni country Ul that rates should Ix m ule moro uni form tbrou the year, and that local rat<vi tboald beai a more lust proportion to the through tariff, There hi muob foelip? on ih lubje tamong th? morcbania of thit city.anda movement is in progresa among leading bouaei in the vattoua branobaa of rade to induce the LagUlaturc action on the mattar The bill Introduced in the a -.. i iti .- by Mr. Ah'or.' o<iti ilgiiedton medv tbe evil by providing that tbe railroads of tin State shall not charge m Winter lor tbe transportation or freight an lucra i.: moro tban M per cant above what .hoy charge In sum mei Also, that the groaa charge* on freight for short distance! iliall not bo ujaottt than tne mma char got for lang .m i - The following petit Im, now ocilnfing in this city, niai-s the c tuaes ol c uiplnlut quite forclblj We, til- i." !i:-l.i.i'l. Ul;'.. ilo.n? lia.-.. ??? 1:1 tin- fit? ef N',-?r. i<>tk. ???.ill rmpfi-'fuily ?t K- iba fallo?)ig fssts, tm? fsqaestt wie, lapressat a* la ta*Hl us teoat* sad atsnablr, te ssa ibeit Ussa Ififu ?cs, ?i,t ?ut.? tu r-r ?Iv ?I,. ?v.l. r.a?|.l on :d of. Pur jt**r\ it Ii-? Iihhi U,? pr.i-ta-H ul ml?.. traaspsfUl. onmii?!,!^. in i-liar^? aooewkst kigb-rrat?. c| j atajr'frcif ut ttaa aa** "toroagh" ta sUfbtly raits Useit rates aaiiag the VVteter akanki ; win? il ,-., col- ? ?r- rairit-il M , ?oOi'Mt?!? ?il toaasMf tber- , in lu un |i,' ? ?. fur?ntplaist, h? '?f ht? ?em set laausf railwayUd?sbar* lai'an lata tb* basa* Ol le-cuUter? anil Block jul>l?-(?, win. hsv? au i?i 'ji l ?bitt-rrr tir IL? r MtS snl i.:t A eaWMMt. wk? uhi t tu. Ion ^??? thi,?? m?.h- m dur sari (atrrrat ?ni arb? ptasaaa M (iriticiplu i i'-ut u - i r,- |,i ni - ci?-'in r i 'J i pnaalbla iUntsads eat o* th* tiuliiir for t elro i ? a i. BM ie?.ii bss basa l,u',I. a ,-i I o, .-1.u? r ??? IrebM, sod whit* Ib* rata* f.r pana. ,, . h?.?? t.n k??t il"Aii '.? !?ci?l,iti'iii ?c, I |nihlij npm.on la reason.*ile f.g ana. tba raUa for fr%JMbar* been ffMtlt adram J. In srdarts par ftdl tUrkJaada oa Ubbm ?atanil auck, Itk* satorieaa i-?i,:lit la babitaailraartisdti u'Ijcj??i.. st I. sad aikei priaeiBal psiatawsat, f i i. ., i',?n i., :.. .f\ 11 w .-?? na200t* sm mil?? froiu N a ?'?rt. wbtta U t still 11 ?. rataaatwbieb abala?. Pattstelphia. U? hnwBo i Um? earr; fr, <M e-fir rsrWrat ?ml ujiku th,- huani?m par ~dws wbat ?uiiiiiii, . bt t.i- ii? art a ?. ? ??! l-y ,iur rails???-- -luoii lie- ptapl* i. ?h? nut? nl gew Kark. U U ilciii'il br Unir inillionai-. tagesa! tria'. Mara " saaaai ?(for! t.i Is tba im.inrs? nt law," bat a* ciaba that il 'to? '?? iru?, d?a-in? t ??tr.i??K? a'-il inetfii-ifnoi, ml taatMl* Urn-th?. i?i?i? phi? tu Leu ?micb', tat ?riii'i.-iit iaae*gcaaaet Oat iimfii? ta?? bat tailed, oar basiaaa* ?i.jurml sari Um aatsrlal prsapcrltf ?( oar wuot? gut* rstsnlsd,ay tbt?seats, ffu me toM ttut an? ?ftaoi.t t^?. latomU of oar raihra] augaataa i? oawk a. tbst il.?? r?:; ,-,\ K ,n tirio < a i.uiii.? |iir?ur- lagaai ?i-u U?- LaaiaUkara wine, ..ill ..??-'n?U' i in? i ....-ni.-Tii ? m?, ajabas, bat WS put !ui? ,. ?t-m -nt ,>f ft Is bafaraoar ? ran :ii" . ^ tad ist Ibsai tot ? mlwat Us ?ln.-li *i dolagjasi ??? tu .le> rjii????, will piwUct tba manut '? pu il ?alt i - tilwa im: cor ms. THE BTOKE8 CASE. TtiUL Or TtlK iiitVMi Jlh'V l?i I sTI !.N?TU? CAftl i iiid.u im: in.. DBPBN8B. The trial of tit** preliinuiarj Qnuid Jury issue m tba Mokes tmmt wat raenmad y. tardaT, Judu? Citniozo baaing bean relieved fraaa hit aftnnrtanrn apon the Judiciary ('ommiltce liy the return of Its inein hers to Aliiatiy Momliiy uight. Tbe uuinbcr of Kpectatoi* was comparatively small, partly on tnvoiuit of the balte! that the i ei- Wonld not go o:i,'au I p irtly.'ou nccouiit of the Muyoi'i trial, which drew a I.tice propor? tion of tba bytt andera j and oataidera. Judge Cardoso toot hi-? wut on the baneb hefota u o'clock, .mi looa itftet the Hhrrlri brought m smites, wbo sat dois u bj ins com neat. At ii o'clock all tba Jurare were preaeut, and Hie t low ' was formally opened. Tbt. " iv I it lbs Mrsa* t: ? ? Jurv liml l? ?', |.i. -m'.,'?.! iu todloa t! ' ' aarah bad I ? ?,! Stoki . inri II lb* n?tts of that casa ep*ratlM st tkatluiroa ihcirtninJ J , data rul?ii id? ati?bate Lasda?iatibat, sgaiasl abich nil coiibwI ar<n.;,| f r ?.mi ' loin- nml li.<-l art CaaparC. CbiUi Dapatt Ooamtaaloatr oi luefs, waal II,? Man 1 t.i pros.' thai Ih? fulliiwinif naui?? si Uraa.1 luron in ; i i ?alad m n- nut in b* tuuml os tba p?tH im.r li.t, J.pb \\< lirL-, Jacob L Maas Itadan Vier, M Coawar, krda?aa Je, i ruin, gdaanl Vsa Vstk?abari ?VsafelagUiii M Tbumaa, au.i lui. '. II. i. hic ?i?. Rot I nf the naines ?n-tv fnnn I ta t'i? liai Jnhn II. M.!'.,iuh, ein?! .l.rk m th? Diati ti- tt ataalasd la trora tb* mord al Iba tail t of Jai of Kiak m,?iii?t Stoioa aal Man.ti.-lil II? toadied Ibtl m. i i kltial et* tsat to tk* Oraad Jarfi m Car sa h* knew, lUprtaJ liiilii tniriit fonnri ainl klnl ta Isa. M lot .?; mef Itxl Ota papan ?( tba taaatat kaaaa Canaar Yaaag Tba ladlttaatsi f?i casaylraar ?u not ih.?nliai ib* Uialiii-t Att.irni-r ? oaVs. bat bj Mr. Allan ?tbo i f?r baasai ul? vat Bh-ri ta Jnn It, bal Iba aaa foi ??; ,n ?ri at ' i ladg* t'arrium liit?rru;ri?ri tl ?? stsaaiaatiot hf ra appi n iniii^ t.. th? Maka? nnri Uawlrr i . raaaata ftraaa ta* ebara* ?I wudai i ,? . Juan? t'.i !??/?! tii'iu ihn mim?, hit m . ? Mr M,i'..,nil'. atsalss?M was tbaa eenili I Hi i,i il.,- ?au.'-??? Ljr .i. ?km? ti lii-m, sltboufk i -.ii!, bt gara tbt ******** ?af tbt wilt ll ? l?t.?? lift nt lb* Ian II ilhui'l, L, ??ul I k<?i t,i i*] i u aaa wka ??ki-.i fot thaw H?trdBarkersfR* a, Faartl .s. t ? ' I Ibi : M Bamtar? aftbsOnad I rt ol wbfc b tbe ten l i id in th? ?a* .?-I. Mtuk?. ail I ? I !??? trat "Uli ?, ?i.un... i 'i., Noll) I'-i ; i Urtlad th.- u i i ?k wat adaalitad t..a. lb* tl ailb it bttag era-, asad, ? balado* bat? . tbatWHtb* lurlii I.Ipii ki.I, P-uirl All-i i? , s..n.n ,-i, ? ,i lorn r il.l nut d.? iiui ?|l..i,,,a th.-, lock * r.?'?'.. , i .-r Whlab U'llllas? Il Plak't tan < i ??? |ri? ..I mi Iks l m I and ; '? patlal in Hi' i ia ? nf lull. r.,.n l|l Mot to It i, :, n it I bj Mr Kull inn t , Hi ??> A. Ilitaror h?ri inithii a- to da will I tal Wllliaa? 'i Copalaad toal ted Iksl ' ?- I ' i , , . ; i- i . ? ? i ko va la Ilk* tt*l attato buauira* *l Sj ? ? -? ??^??*Vr9&tt+^ *_ ?M tow ... ... ir? Ib. Ill H. t, II I < OMPLK ATI ?) I iI0N ' I irLW/AT tm0ATl0X--Jra_ ;;:v,::':' "????'??? "-ff?TRS ' " ? ? ! It? od? io the an ?. , ?*> le -.,.., | ? . <? ? w ?? -,""" ! ,H, . ? tan ":"'" ' ?jean '-t'V to Um matten *? iih a-, lions r,: tbe stock v . . ,?7. rom ..-.-;? il -r?. ill ,i hehiii: ,, i ,|| of i who ?) n . red ei bol ? lu?: ior want of eq i '' ? ? -, NI "- j ' ? -.. ? ' ? ? ? Me ?_>__ ??Ti- i ? ? , ' riTE JTJMBL MILI ?n the Duited State? (ir, .\,r(S Judge .<??., In tbe itow. ti i. ntataat Bate, fe-mi.-.i tan Mto_aa June! linde her li*-st will In 1 5*1 n^U? i i mee, m i ihowed II to no one v. tin- deren lanl sdari bed and I w Troden i ti.inet, whli h the had | other provisions it contained one lern ..?un; . . hase ?m i Mrs Pen f, I i i f I When she re? l to all?e aaroac *?>??? tho WlU t'a- ou CIVTL BOTES. Judge Pratl bai lefoaed to order ;i ''*?' '* jury to try tho Eleventh Mart, Brooklj n, eo ? on n ?. an I the mm will be tried baton a buy via moned M the usual wa/, The petiitJoB of Huma- Bt?Mer a??'. ottMf peeper ty-enaen t.. vaeata ..u anaanaaat of BA-OM toi the paving ef Thirty-sUtb-s*., between OavteM ita-aves . with trap bloc ka,eame un resu-rdayta Supreme Court Chamiiere bet?re Judge B ipplicatton we- based on'be want of c-ondrmattoab| the Common Council, tbe non-fulflllment ..f tbe regent mentsof the Statute respecting the adverttttag ef the resolution ami or lin ince twice before their pa?*?<?>, and a previous aaseasment fot pavtagtbc i . De? cision rooervad _ DBCD9IOB8->Faa 2: ftuprevr: Court?Chamber? By Judge Kir, ml.? ? al, r ,, ,m.--l i ? . . . ? U ?.or ki*.- i?.w,i bl r* ' ni i. ?? ? ii ,'. -li.ra ?ft i.:.! st.;-Al .??o-.? of ?n ii.r I?i-*haf1 -'mi (gasopinion.) .Super-or Chart?Hmtoiai icrm ? Hv Judge Ifoaafl - i'.jai.-.-,,-t. Pswla?.?(Mm gr.?wni. 0 : .- k--Orlar male?* B ladfs Ptostass.? Wei UbIsa.Oa Otol ain-t I,- ?ii'i.'ut-'. for aetUe?ent oaa..-.. Commpw FUao?Special Term.?Bv Judge .1 P. D-rlr.?Zarko-nki M II I ?? ? -/* IVna-a. M iboa Kraut _ Hlrae* atl I ?rinite.1 .NV.i -! al , r Parral Si ,|,i.r>".., f i|ii?i. ? ito n Ibr rahaf to h? f?.-n ?s. ra *?? f ndsnt In. g.\-u ii.'ii.-.ii i.',-u-i. ??? ? I?*?*; S?as ?m;, Uii iii.illiia ?? il tii ii ml ml ata Jsflgisist -el . sue. AlO-nhne It -.V ,n?n .|-ol-sl. Br rin-i.I.i.; :* Uil--.?Tt-*- Peopl- art it-wtf ? T!i? Vfaaiaa* -'. m. I arin.-ait-jr* ird tesarceoarsittol to.-.l i .! snj ri*-:atioD ?II be .liacli a rg*?l ou pa. m ai of Chart of dawaofo. Afawr. Peb, 07.?'"he toi Iowio? ?-"'.?>:.eis *ar* raaSV la Ma < awl -t tpsaab t?Ut. nU -ffiur-l witfe ?*a?Afraul Igl 1 !'?-.- lim ; OWNI or?. \.i!?.,i, . t * tfl Br,.". Baaraa-rt Mull-r. Atin; -u? Mw Ici,m ut r^T. nn-l ?ml o.-* tr ?i gT-.!.'.". 1, . o?ti lo ?bsle l? -r-ol? '?r?y Bf-k. lli? Urtera arr.nb.. i witTa esata?Bail agi En"??" la ran r.l ? i*?*.?? IHmoI la .lient?. ?Orl-T g*a i. unit n*-** trial t'.ar-J. ad ,.,.iL...' abanlata for plaiallO ?-?t. aUa r '' " - AM"sI iIi?ipi??. I ?.'h ??>?-. OSSM !" til. Brrsii..-M..'ioa KtfMigS - . . -? 'is' ? -.o? *?( ta?.' t raeaaa ir.ti loi,* Han i I. fi?. ?at-l M. I- _ c oci : ( 'i WOatto-Tau pat. nrs? fo rarf ? n Taa-s Iseeie?ai, t.?Osssa a*, to) a a, u. il, o? ... 141 . D .- ? ?? ? i luj'r, if?, |. u . BW . ? .-. Brran II*)..11 .-. t s IM..Un1. ; - tni ,A,.?atl a?t |V,r.. IMXWagl ag crtaL ? I tat a|< t?*?? li7,.Priea >(< P et ?L IS'HOsiii >*' bill iii..-i ' ! i?T?Q>i*Hal IH1..O1I i. . ? |-J .!.. . 1 lef. a- g ,; i:?..prias P SueRSkKC ucuT??;i!*m.ik -.-Bahm iKii 1.?Oj-?iii al II a. ra -Oalaa . ... .. ,.-? :!.-. ; ?ni p??.r s/1 r.nmnav-t III.. v. ?>-?*. 14. I ? a? mi Haabattai . .?? O.?** 1 .; ?Ill Ul ? ls'-Ps;.? act. Ulllrrt .' ? ?.?.I' .... II ,.- .i.].. .-??. ! til..Maro? aft ".ra-. l'rsf. HT-i'-Kr I.?Va* I?r -r I ? > -.-?til? ia C'aaaoa. Pr, i li -B .:?? ' . Oeraasea Ceewe-Tusa Taei < I ??-**- es ' rae l>na i .ami* Plsa*?Trul Tssat-i'mr l. aol II -Att;?ura?l f*c Un l'.'rn? Ma*is? Cu ?t-Tii.*?. reaa.?Pssts L. 1L asi tit .etjasi 4to i 'in CetWf ol ?s iu?At.saai l'-'> n.?Tki ' ? n isa !*r Pe??, u N.. h?. iaa lu ri i' t ITY OOTBBNMBNT. Boarl ol AMeruieu, STATED MM IM Orne-i?.!..] a/anaaanar. Beb M. i r m Th" Board tu ?' pin?i mi ro ' " ' J quorum of me a .ors. bj m: - ol i b u tad a itod *-?? approved. -n.. I M ..KIU'.R Communie trton from the Corporation fonntel In reel? to resolution ot Board of Aldermen m the work of e?r. ni i..- Lafnyette-i>l?ce-the tlon having Dec u read. AlderanuFalconer hi iu-hj*" By Aldemau V in Bohalcb? Rttolrnl, Thai tin? n-olutioic approved t?v ttieasT-jr Oct. it, i-.'.., authortaing hu.i dire I "?.!* IN Corporation to take tbe neeessary w niea*u"?<v exteinl Lafayette-pl MM from t, Joan to Bisector its , be reacioded aad repoalc .1 . Peadfngtl.maldentlonol the foic^emi* r>soiu.J"> ii\ Alderman Van 8cualck? ? Bnatnd, TUut aspect?! Committee of threeu*^^? i,e Appointed to ascertain from the Itosn 01 ?""; Opeutagalf any proceeding! luve bcenukea ?????: eii.-e tucsteinliu?* Lefayette place s..uttieily t<>l ?"?;??;,? Tbe President moved to umend by addiag aaa aj laid Committee eoaalaOOat Aidcimuu vaaaMbn ?.o??* and Conover." , Amendment m r-epted and rr lolntlon tdoptea. ThU 1'icsl.lelit here t ? one I I fit c 11 . 11 rmuaa, Bv Aldurniiiii Falcone 1 .. |. nt? Petition of gat consumen that l N ' ' r,nalee Light Company be permitted to ei ? ?. tnrougb that portion of the city lyini U -lOUffll SU.I Ilist Scvelltv 'lliitll si . In couuectlon therewith the I ' r, irt0 Resolved, That tl.eComnil < " on <?? '- ";i / '"^ nuil report upon the proptletj aud ?pcdmafl o- F" Lne ? i:;l p.-nu.-si m. Which wat ad. ;', 1 '"' "' ' "''s* . . ii ? Ms and By Alderman Vane? i ? , " ,Vj5 J :,ui!..:?.,:-i, (omii. ?innci-s of '^?^^??_T Donougbi?ndJohnB.U i 7' By Alderm in Martln-Te reen! ?I i oad ngl i '" Wfa-f f...n Hi -t.. ii Ibi i:i,-hih a< c. t.- Bou vai ' Boferred to Commute? >u Roadi , r-ore* Bj Aldern ...permii ?' or^ tain Lamp comer of Broadway eea i u By Aidetnad McLana-?o oapatol th-g-id? M Commis iiierofI) , . Bererred to Couimltteeon ?alertes ''., * l'1 ', i-?v *nd Bj Alderman Mehrbach ?? ? ,k* i 8 [sanosCommisal "K lUM... Bi'ferred to Committee oii8.t!jriessnd orficc. ByAldermau i i '" I?) '?' ^"' i"v",'",t ? Flftlelli st . II. Fifth to SlMh-a?. ? i ? ? . c ouuiiittee ';*. ? liv Allerunn v ,? Sohs . Po ipiwm '?;.' Macoy, Fran.Is K i.-'P. ? I ?? * Lawi-iuicoCominiSHtonersol Be?U.yinAudr*?^tewara W.llUm Jay. Mark Thorn. ? u*u. m-uo ouna Rere?rt?mm? By Alderman Van ^haU-k-Tbat i to ? raetoi opivpan (with tbe approval o the 1 ? ? ? '" ?' .",h# .. or' the publie papei?. ">"' "". P f,?.? i lo priut no otherrepurt ih..ums. ,1 '>\ (he l I V mee In the eh IU*. ____a IM B) Ibe Fretident-Tbal the M.-.or .m '< -ntriu r ? i . limit tbe atlou iij l ;",'." UK to law. to a dig? j ,V" ^VVe? IliUfaof thcommou/. l. ind_tbat,t-*?ff*"j lonoi ? i. BoaMiif Audit bedlr el t? tbotl es-aJWJ . claim for nan thaa thaaaa-tanooin 1 l,: " ' prooe. din ^?_?._i<m l.? i hgimUQ i'fv lour. slHid lustUc wai la potoow