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XlillD CONGRESS?2d Session. ?a ??Kmrrvmvri or thv. tornch arm* t>f.batk-* ? MURI OF SENATOR WRHiHT? MR. BCUUUZ 8 REPLY TO MR. KRELLN(1HI'T8EN. 1?KNATK....WA8?l!?OTOB, Fch. 21, 1H72. Mr. AiytnoNY (Bcp., B. I) prooontAHl the ?veinorlalot UM American Peace twisty, and a petition ?lamed liy mow than la.iWOctttMihB, in favor of arbitra? tion sa a meatm o? arttllng iM.ornatlonal disputes, and OBtaaasooi bis a-nkUfl<?*tion at* being selected to present ?o importan? a document. Ttte >..lrt?wtng hills were Introduced: H, POMKBOY (Ref., Km I tetrtng up the irrearatea e' wnrt Ib the s?>?*r?i L-?ad Oftc?', appropriating AtH.iaW for 10 ?JlUoual clerka at t'laae 0<" in the ii d Ini ,u, ehre ? Li). U> reurgaulae lb. cletical fun."* fe the Oer-eral Land OtVe. Mr i>Ol.K <Kr>, ?Vil. t-Aiaeeirperate the ,l'Ub Railroad, Mining aad Aerad ?nrapant Mr WISDOM (Bei.., M'-,? S to Incorner?te ?od *-*?*.! the rich? of W?. U the Ark^aea? \ ?U,, gaei Uoekr Moaotaln Bailruid lomparr. M. '.I ?Ml.Uf (Rep .Mr... to proTide for a froop of ?Utnary torera ?najrate ifae/lat? ?rnnb ef Airerlc.n hlatcrr, ?tree-ting the etnplt.rmeiil ?ffva? M.lia, erretptor. U> prepare said group after S dciifB to be ?p *?r?ired ?.y tbjc .'o.nt Ubrart i 'otnn.iu.-e. Mr. PHK.RMAN (IU'?>.. Ohio) from the Committeeon Fl aan?>e, importad a bill to admit tree of duty photograph? tul. ixhibitaul at the NhUoii.iI Photograph Kxlitl.ition at I'lcvcland, ?rlth amendments admitting free of duty all ?.l.otuvrrajilia. x.aaitit mar**, and statuary Importe?! for ex ?1 tilt .m in pul.lli- galleries ?nil sclcutitle Institutions. ?HO? provisi?n to take eflect only durtn? the ni-vt i-'.t. ?xKiiittis. The ?uucudiucnie were adopted, and the bill pass, it 8RNATORIAI. ArPOTKTMrVTg. Mr. CONKLl?U dt? p., N. Y.) called up a resolution re? fill - Lntr the President ta send to tin- senate a ttataawenf at tli.- recommendations fur npiiointiiicnte to offl.'c mad! ?y the Senators fnnn Nesv-Yoik, Illinois, Missouri, Ne fcrnvVs. and Houth < iit-hIiiih. Mi. F4JJKY (Rop., OoaaJ regretted to see this resolu? tion before tlio Senate. It? would serve no tmlilic. hui only personal Intoic-t-.. The P?nate had nl BCady vaaattl two w.-?-ki In a dlM-usalon turning Blxaosi aatiralw ui?on n personal qaaatlou whetherr or not Gen. Grant i? to tie muoniinated by the Oonwcntli.n to nic.-t ?u tat Dili of June, v, hile at the same time then- was no doubt ir anybody's imml thut lie;:. Grant would be re nom.n it ii.' Tli Li ?AA A patAOlka] r?solut ion alu.? il ..t ?ertaln senators, nnd to it would do lnliifi1. ?>? f.? th.-m. unies* tnc reoomuiemlutious made by ol In r toi-i w, rv also made public. Mr. CON KLING said be had offered the roioV.itIon a? a ax ans o? shoving tnc truthor falsity of the chu"*" to ?fta-ii made that he had been the remuent of a treat rt ExttaataTt paironaifi-, aad ?at hanglat on to tao skirt-. >>f rower to ptatoilli it. He ha.l no unworthy per motivo, and he tras quite that all tue re ?Dititi.. militions to ofMoe made by nil the Senators should t>C publishC'l, but be would prefer to have this i. ' : by it?, if, to at to tut Hki ibbbIkiii lafonaattoa at Soon in. ]Hissible. Mi TKUMl.I'LL (Ren.. III.) offered hit amendment *?>ia;).-f-ted yesterday, request in? the I'm-..lent to Inform Ibe8 nate at ?bose Instance the tabulated atatemeni ol hU (Mi TriniibnliV) re? oininend ttlons spoken of by Mr. jliort.'ii mi rVlday, sins uiiuie nut, and Whether >-iiiil!iir Btateneatl were made out of the recommendations aiade by other Senators. Mr. COMvLlMi aiT.-pted the ntnendnrnt. At the e\ ?pir-Ation of the akorataa boar tha retolutlou v\.-nt over, tn.l the Si-nate reeutned tlio euusideiatiou of ill- i on to inquire ait*, the ullen.-d ??Air. m utMo ro raxaca aootc. Mi WRiiiirr (K?p.. lowai adilreitted the Senate, ne ?ala that half thetetAlon hud now pas-i d. andth? (rreateT ?art of the time slim- the uieoUnat of the Senate m Ih tsemi-er hi.d be-.-n tpaal In mere aoUttoal debate, to the ?ealei-t of legitimate and important buuness. The ?Bt-fiutc on the pcndinir resolution hud taken a vcrv aide Baaaa, and. therefore, he ml?ht 1*0 pardon/.1 for aayiii? a few winds on one of the epttjecta whii-b had wasted much of the time of - Amnesty he would not \ote for?either universal or ge i eral aini.c'ty?lueaiiM- bo Leheved it to be moro U&por tant that this OoTernment should be lust tlum that It C.ould f.irKlve nur. iwntant Reli?is, and plaee them mi a vel politieally with loyal men. Fase-in? to the peadlnf i^eulutlon, he >a!d, whatever others mlajht do be would ?ot vnte for It, with or without the preamble, hei-nine the il.eiiission had shown beyond all ?jliettlon that there ?as no wan ant whata ver for an InTettia-ation. li> be trved it had been demonstrated beyond all doubt that lore was absolutely not hin? to throw the least so ?pun the natlun or It! officials. lie would even Tenture to appeal to the mover ot the retolatkro (Mr. Bamucr) lo Cy whether he believed that If the investigation sbo-dld lorden-d it wuui.i bring totlgbl a stnrrleact ol wron? tu morals or law outU? part o! any one eoaai eted ?Hh ?or O?r<ktament Mr. PUMNF.K (Ren., Mas-; i?I believe it will. Mr. WRIGHT?I had liopoil that IBt BenatOI would fcave answered other wise. Mr. hl'MMEU-Oh no. Mr. a'RK.HT i>!.!.lined ro nrfic fit there WBO Kthins? in the matter deiuamltn? lnwesti?atlon. ??'Im ? bellevo.1 in the nllo?eil Jim-i? j.ihh y between the ac rounwyf the war D?partaient and tlaoeeof the Treat ary, orln the aHeged liolatlon of nur neutral obliga* ??lions, or In any of the grounds adduced, .sen for Mispi. ?ten ot wrung doing in the matter I And if an att.-iupt Ee make u cas*, for uaveaUgattou had failed, whi - the ivnate ord.-i an InvestIgation 1 But he would vote against the resolullon. also,Weanse it uniiistly iind un ?tarriintalily arr^iimed thi B?criM?i v of 'War, if efilz-'ri .-f ala own State. He knew the great w..nh of that um. ? ., Elia reaifuMSS to niieii hi.? Imok'- nnd pajiers to lhc t tcrotlny. ainl to have every oftleiul ?n t of his laid nay, he snew that the Sectetan would prefer that i h!.-; friend, should vote for tlm re s could not eonscnt to do so, Iv??HiliH,- he believed n wonld l>e Bttat unjmt to ?tibjeet him to a gr.iundb-ss Itivestlgation and one ?hieh would at leust Imply wroug tjiiinp, on hli part; he would oppow thercsoluii. aeeanse there was DO doubt it wan aimed tit the national Administration, and designed to iinpnut Its si with the people- He wus ucither a Liberal, an Admlnls Oratlon or aiitl-AdminlsTiatlou luiiUDluau; ne wat Mmply a Republican. He rejected all other iiualifsmg ?esfgnatlons. The Republican party luid needed DO Other name to enable if to conuuei lu iiy.-i, und it would Dt-ed no other name to conquer lo the next 1'rcsldeiiilal ?tarspiiiiro. Hurther, be thon?ht It bciioath the dignity ?f the Senate to turn police officer and searcher of re ?orrte, and to en?ti?e in the little bBilDOBO of rvunln? down the witness for another Ooverament, which may or may not have neen defrauded by Its owu agent*, for he believed that war a.l there wat In thi? aase. RDJOia had not romt-lalncd; nobody had eom* plained There was no longer any dis. r. pancy or any DHPlcion of a violation of our neutral obligation? aotinn? but tneresu.apiclf-u tiist Francs hud beencheafed by !.iuiebody, and certain!.! he eould uol oonseul tluit lb* Senate ahould turn aside from it? ieb'Hlmate busiui-hb to tetik- th-tt (itiestion. Mr Wr>T (Rep., La.) thought It an Improbable thin? that the Sensu- of the I'uited States ahould be call? d tai-oii to fi riiut; a case against its own ofllrirtl^ foi a breach faf Ike in utr.ihts las??.. This bun.I.-hell bud been thrown In it)< IUpiiMi.iiUcauip by the Seuaioi irota Massa. Ln Betts, and It was )>erhaps a question worthy of eontldl i atlon whetaer the Republlean parts- had n riiilit to ex ?lieh ?? hostile projectile from thut quarter. He (West ??as priiwred to go as far as any one In making legitim ?le Investigations, und In vindicating nur national chai ne? ar, but be (IM not propose to try to di? up souit-thlng de* *r..^at^ry to that cuaract? r i- a laoaat Of maintaining it. Bteferring to the Missouri Uberal RepublH-an platform, be said Umt the most that could be atii.l ?f taeiwaolu lions cemposlngJt was that they ware not Inconsistent ?with Republican principles, and therefore there was do j-caeon ?hj an-, RepllbllCAB should lease his party for ?tnc kAke of Uifcin. Mr. hCHURZ (Rep , Mo.) said be wllhed to sav n few words m replj to Mi..Frclinghuysen's remark-? yettei dsy. That had said tlint if this was not a ijues ?OMki of the violation of the neutrality laws, it wat Both An?*; and bad sei-m.-d to Iraiily that be (-*rhurz) and Mi. ? had liecti engak'eu in trying to make up a case ?Tor (.. tm.i... , Mr. H;i.l>lN?.IU"i.-.KK ?aldhe had not lmpu?ned the ??raaotlvee of the Senators; be had merely spoheii of the ? afftit ot then act- He would not say that of 1 atar?, bul he would *>uy that the nieaw.itr ? n ??& ?? Mr rKlHlTtZ ?aid be was ?lad to see that the Senator ?tM not mean to ur-p?te to hlinseif or Mr. sumui-r any ?eVwriirns. ?vntpathle?, or interests that were not purely /.un iic.'Hi. I or liiuisrlf, altiiough lie was proud to hase jyrun? fii.m the great Oertaaa nee. vet ne wu pratDt, xi al being .hi ?ui'ii'sn eltltea, kihI Us Interatta, Iiojm-s, ?tin nroapeet? -sere bound up la his American cit)2>;usblp. in to the ehrarfe tln.i UOs resolution wan coleulat.-d to ,???ke trouide t*itli (ii-riuany, when thai country lu.d not .?mpl.iin. ?I at tin Urne, wat II likely thai u would do so Dowt 'Die te?..1'iticn was nut meant lor (inniuny. The as it atood-?as eiii]ihatii-ally our baalnett and not rinaii. V, and ?M la?rl that no cotiipluint or reoion -?train-.- bad been made would make our voluntary ?otiou %c the matter all the more creditable to us He re?retted Babear the DeuaUM (Mr. I n IiiikIiuis. n) joinmg with tne .-tDanatoi fioin IniiiHii.i ..Mi Morton, m making an appeal in the natiM Ain.-n. .m f. etlngor pn judn e, hut lieuudei ?arurisi thai kind of tad. ran ?ell, ami wat already ready t? meet n Ac lo ihii i'.-lali?us vwih lonia-B jiuwers, tli'e . ?fMiy ?l.i In ?hi.'h inisch)ef lo tM could come oui of thla ?afxtattcr wa<- in ?jut?.nil iiuilertakiu? to d.-f.-mi a falw hteWsation. and II aui of ..or ./in. mi? nave ?aatwal? W f*araved us int.. sa. ii a po.-iii'in it was our noaalfeel ?atei .???sito (ii-4. M.w Unir action sud to take a stand that ?e i wuuld honorably aad sab!., defend. As to the questlent W*f I?'. -Ii.txin ? n,l dut. U-ji.irt.i, which Dad been ioieTO ?WetMl into the debate, it ?ai by docir/iies and pi,.. Itee?, ?aaehas had been adv?eatad here, tlntt jiartles wen, e?r baritef! ind destroyed, and nations soui. t,inea ili*graeed. ??ho V.- re the tun painoU- thev win. WOUld advise the , Baest Aiaern an people t<i sin akiiiKiy attempt lo cover i ?i wluit emilii nut i* eoveaad up, ia the hiijse tliat it ? ?Aglit not Im talen to ta? ft l.o il, m th.j w lio, loi lo win? Il ? e>a-ii>ie of Oobdea and Rii?ht, in tiie l.n?lieli Pur M. Dacut 'iid<avo/eil to raise the n.ilaaii up to a higuer t?aC of liity, where it r.iuhl ?lalid and say to the Ba . ??., "A-1 lie?-, ?r *ere not ci.mrNlled \m do this? there wtai-Vu? ?? iiioustrain i , no . .mplaint agailist us; buitre Ota W lesen?* w< thought ii was riarht, because ?gra *wa.??u.,i M ^ jUHt to ?urM!|fw ,? |>fclug Jtwt 10 .?'th- re..'- B? baUlaen aagc./.i .1 to t? ar Mr. Fre flraaw-1 Cern llfcghu.vw-t-n.i.v i bat ??e the alleavat vlola?ua ?of a Matute "By the alW'* of ^Ordnance tint nwt aHei t ouy rehilions Wltli FriAjS?*!^. If was of no importa?-. <? t?i aiu..w how iiu Laut it-A?.!?- Hi reuA1 from the oflai ial i-aaaaatl to -how ? - ?IM-? rtJes of aras made In oil that \ ?te, the ( (iiiiitry war niMmnco ao thai if any olihe luter ,, ?tioa*: dimi tbi.ta*ipetiilixi at alxiut thai ? me had ?t? ?ined into a mm, it woald have i.een found Uat the g;;D ici of Ordnaime had sold not overall iln uriu* Lut the - * uUte emptMptT of uis country. Thi-, he a?iC was J ejgM blisin <1 by that officer'? vwn reporte. At this ,,<olnt Mr.i* rairr gave no/i. e that he would ii.u?i ?" inusad the *e?fSjoilon ati aXai direct Igst I uuiinittA-r to maulle ajiso,<v?la'th?t!r breeaih-liisders ?And other mnekrfs i hj.?s le of lie kg traiisfor*aea> lato br*/-'h-loadi rs, ?ere sohl 'n g?M? ?^asaitlea|as'to ACTiDualy impair the d. feuaire taAk ?Bltv or .he lounlis ' Jal? i.INI Ha,' ('Kl'?.? *.VMM.I is. fltr. B*iyilJRZ then Tf.U-jrt? in Mr. frellughuvai a'l ie rtaw-ket)!. *h.- fienerai (*id(-i l.iis'/KM-A. In .Ni si-Voik, and Ml that tte President's friend? ?Mtved a gr? ul luck of ?ttaK-ttlioij a. so often df?.r?iiii? that subject lnU, ihe Aleta te Mr I J?I?.'?IIJK1)H tltep., Vt ; In.iulred ?hethei ^e ?a-MtnUd hii'SM-lf aiumi? the uu.-ul? i of 'JiO'C wlio ?we XliiHtdly to Ihe i'ieelilciil IV. aiCBXJIU i.J'lied that, to tu true aud best interest? fjt <** Freeident, h? .?gtaiujy ligd alwaya lieen ser> BDxat^*K ll-aHAgbtor., He ttuU laatatad tl*e fads und tae a.^^ Moava ?flAVJ ??ao Bje*aaVya H. Mo pvfter _ ?I ? ?" -*"".??, -mu ?IIDI.g. I IJlllU KHrir.t;..-> of tli. 'I^sia*ui?. fci,eiain?iigtl,eubiii-t, hul ?ad oahl ii ?Be ga/1 '*u,t "' ll* '???" Dart! DPI of 'ht Bnaattt?. nia ?round wa? that there ha?) lwnr M-f. ? doubt in the mind of tho Hocrotary of tbe''tVeatv.try aa to * bother the Ex?M-iilv??l>paPtiiient c? tho G^sveirntrnt Iimi a right t4? interfere with tho '-rran?*??inr_tB rondo by tho Collector at Now York >?f thi atorevve of tionoral Or-loi ir?...!*. Hot it woi^,,'. 8opear that for a ?holo year that doubt had been, |-?o1??kI lu favor of a ay atom of robbery. Mr. IIAWtATf (Ron.. Iowa) said tho Kenator talked froo ly ?bout a *y*,om or robborv, but h?s had not stated Ma plan t?> remedy the abuse., liad ho ovor propoeed 0110 u* alegUlator, or ?ntrtrOHt??! itt?> tho Kxooutivel Ml. H4.HURZi.rkW that tins flint remedy would bo to remove tho ra?eals statulln?- ut I ho hniut ?f It. Mr. HAKl.AN/*riid that would elmniris tho mon. um nor tin- syst? rn. Tl??' hcuator had denounced th?' Hytitoui. Now. whit remedy >Hd he. as a loi.'lsl it?r propose. Mr. SCH?RZ replio.l-Kli.t.thut that ih.iih w?" n"i m.w trader dtet-wlon, and second, tha? tbe ???'?' "" "r rariperneiitabad Ikcii modo, not by IokIbIbUv?. > ? * ?' Executive notion, and that, hnvln? lM_a [f ' ';J'' ';.. r.??-< un?", ??"? ??'..., .........? -- .. Miiiiio Kxooutlvo, th.'y ?-fluid huvo becu uuniade hi me "?"'" Mr. PI II Ulli sail? luai ?~'~*V ?I v i !_/>,, itifT.o-wnt lir lam had exusted lor yonre, but it had been differently itfr il 4*1 A V?flow differently t M?" BrHI'KZ-Iii the first pUoa nnre honort y ond acorroiiloallv. Tho merchants wort- not pluinlcr.-t. Mr. IIAI.LAN-That pi* ; to the character of the men. ar ?1 not ef the sy-t? in. anil tbe r-enator himself aid? 11<> rut those men in t?y hi* vot?-. Wo are not here to discuss tho character of tbe nn-n. Tho Senator denounces tho General Order system a* ?11 wronjt and corrupt. Now, I w-r t Ulm to state promptly tho remedy ho propose?. Mr. HCIU'I?? I nave ulready ?tato?! ??no remedy?ro BBora the rascal* Bt the head of It aad pat honest men In their places. Rut ?loo* tbe foiiater mean to ear thnt the men at the Uoail of lire General Oriler bi_nu_ bud to MM thli Isody ! Mr. I?AIU.AN?The chief had. Mr. Btj_UR_?Yeai Collector Murphy hnd topas* hero. If the Senator waul-, to know by whoso TOM lie wu? made Oolloctor?well, Sir, I am not author?od to reveal eeeref* [laiiiihter] ; but even that *y*f'-m oonld hove Imen managed t?v an honest man iu an hono6t way. Mr. Slir.KMAN (Hep., Ohio) hi re interposed and said that was no doubt about the power of the Secre? tary of tho Treasury over tho (relierai warehouses. 1 Ire General Order business bad ?irown out of In our commercial marine, and the Genera) Ordor poods woro niittt r tbo custody ?>f the Collector of the Port. Woo was responsible for them 1 The Oolloctor of New-York claimed obeolnte power over tht-in, but he (Mr. Hher uiaii) doubted whether the law nail/ gara him that power. A year ago, When the ab?>Ba wore disclosed, a bill hnd tu <n ltiti-oiluceil which would remedy the ?lilli enlty liv alvina; the M-ciotury of the Treftgury power over the whole ?ubje it, but te? opportunity had yet been found to teat the aeoaa ol U_8e?ata upon tbe m?rita ol that bill. Mr. si QURZ We aro told that tho Collocl.-.r has tbe (11 cet dispoi?tli'ii Of these matter*. To be sure In- lias, but who lm.s the power to dispone of tho Oolleetor if be Insists ou maintain!!!? the system I Mr. Leet obtained Ria appointment in tMoaeouenoa of a letter of recoin inondation written tor him I i the OoHiacI <t by the Pn-i ileti'. Will von main the people believe that another lot? ter written bi the Praaldmt oould not have dootioyci t>, t tcandalous abnae. Bir, if tics Proaldent of 'lie . -Mat? s \v?* against Huit abtue, und Tom Murphy lor it, tbere waa a rerj ?sople way ot cornetang it. Men im\e been dUjx>sse?.sod of their offleea lor coui tesa coi?lected with tbo interest? of the publk-Dt-rvico. [Laughter.] Mr. B( HfRZ thon read from his Chicago ?-pooch stating that he could not support Gen. tirant if renom Inatoilt beoauae of bis usurpation of power in the ?into Lkomlnim matter, and said he still b_iered that to re? ni?t Oiu Oiaut a mild ho ta ans?ala a in-oss and laa? aerona usurpation. But. said be, tt baa been Suggested ? anse I inadc that allegation I am on the polut of going OTer to the Dem?crata, l.* t rue set nt n-si the touli "f tboae who make that BOBBaattoiii 1 shall not k?? orei ? i.? ti.?- Dem?crata, I bave never thought of koIiik' .'\. i l . r he Htnl I do not think of it now. lint what 1 do think ii. tins, that there will txs an opportunity of oppoelng the re?ection ?>f the President wlthont votln? ?or u Democratic candidate. I tliiuk there Will be an opportunity of voting foras (rood a R>juiniican aa then laontbli floor without votlut; for Ot-u. Uraut. [Applause In tbe mil-in - I Mr. BCHUBZ In conclusion aald be eonld not loin with Mr. Frellnahuyaen in his ansblna wnrablp of Oea. Orant, and qnoted with approval Mr. Feaaonden'a ra> b?ke t?othose who were always "alaverlng" tho l*re*l (1. nt, und talking about his victories ami hi* battles, mid all that : .itoi t. Injr. The people, he Mid, were grateiul to lit-ii. Grant for the capture of Viokabarg and other placea; but thev were 'fill more thankful that Vicks burg and tboae puaoea ?ere no longer to be captured, and what they wanted now whs free, honeat, ami pure gov? ernment. Mi. 1 KK.I.lN'iHT'Vsl.N' bri-llv replied. He disclaimed am attempt to arouae tbe native- American prejt and denounced thl* as the first attempt t?> make the Aiin-iu.ui Senate Rake ground a^aiu.-t tu?- honor of our own country. Mr. EPMUiVDB and Mr. ?D.VKLrN'O dlscnrjscd Mr. Triiinbti.l's motion tore?onalder the vote by which .Mr. ( oukllng*a iiineudment w i-S adopted, arid insisted that Mr. Bob un bad ??imiitcrt that ho had held ?.author?ed coimiiuiiK ation with the intent ot a foreign power-, Mr. slMNi;i{ obtained the flour ror ih? parpoae of re viewiiitr the whole <jm--ri.>ti, ?aid he would prefer not I" l'lii-e (1 to day, and moved to adjourn. The Ran uk theui wiihuut reaching a vote, ad^araedat utt p. _. BOOS! OF R-r^BSefairTATiTSK MLUUl'.lAlj Fito? WOBBOHUBBB. Mit. Sri.iu (Rep., l'eim.) ptBWIlted a IB* inuii.-t ranee of 1,?kXi arorklMgBMa inroul and iron in Hunt ihatton, Rlalr, an?! t'leaifh.ld Ootiiitisa, l'euiiBylvania, aeain.t the reduction of ?lulie* on coal and Irou. H.T. PAC'K-K (Rt'p., I'enu.l t>ir?. ..u..i ?at |" num. of on _ttaeas Of HarriMburglworkers in Hartiabug fityiacc*, pravloattaira rej>oal of all duties upon tea, colme,and stich other articles of necessity or comfort as can not lie produced In the Tinted States; that the duties shall he so adpiKto'l as to oiicouraLv and defend every home indus? try, and to foster the boi?or and Interests of thoArii.ri con laborer; aad i.-iiionstratln?: airain*t a chanire in the r tnrilT law?, abatlnir or a'ioli-hinir dutio* upon 8u(h article* as are sncfleasrully produeed tnthisooun trv; also a petition of citizens of Locust flap, lVnustlvu nia (workers In the minea), praying that the ini|?ort duty on bituminous coal Ik. imtuiiited to remain aa a present, arid iii-oti-Htini; againat any reduction of the same. Mr. McUREVV (Bep., w. Va.) otiored a resolution In RtructlDaT the?Commlttfle of Way* and Mean< to inquire into tne ezpedlfnc] of abolishing nil taxe, on legaeie. and successions made or oeetUTlBg previous to ihe 1st of ??tober, lwTO. A?.opted. nFllTklNu Ml TIl.ATF.n CTBRFBCT. The I'ill reported last wix-k iriuii tins Committee on Bankinif arid Currency to provide for the retirement ..! worn and mutilated National Bank notes came up In the morning hour, ami was, on motion ef Mr. MOMioi.'.d?' p., Ohio), mode tho spa?ol order for tbe first Tuesday in Apnl. Amendments to the bill yioro offered bv Messrs. (uX, ROO?BVfiLT, und liOLMA_?, and wt-ro ordered to be printed. Mr. HOOPER (Rep., Mass.), from tho Committee on ?ankiiikg and Curraney. reported the bill to ullow the print?ig of impreeaiona of currency, notes, bond.?, ?i-,, fot tat use of Heath .v Co.'aCounterfeit Deieetor. Atier explanation, tue Mil waa passed; aleo, the bin direetiuK officer? of National Banks to whom counterfeit, altered, 0] spurious U. 8. noies or National Bank note* arc pie sentid, to stamp them as such. Mr. COB?KN (Bep., Ind.) oppoaed the bill n* civlnt/ too nuicli authority to bank omcers, who un^Ut or might not be pood lodges of money. Mr. COX (Hem., N. Y.) del ended tlie bill a* boina in 1 lie interest of the people. It coaltl do no hiuin. One? In a while a good note Blight be so i.raudeil, but Unit brand would not prevent its sabaequent rodemption at the Trea.-iu 1 ? Alter further <U<-r-nssion, the House roftistd to pa-- :ie bill, ?7 to 9C, and it was recommitted. FAfH.ITAllKC, tllAiaS'. HOtfBB FXi'fl \N-e,T S. Mr. MEUBIAM (Rep., tt. Y.) from the same Oe_ nut tee reported a lull io iacilii.ite tiank Clearing-houso exchangee. It aiitiioiii'? tb. S.cret.rr ?f thr Trttanrr t? n-clr. Utit'il Slat.? Bi.trs Ol (t.|ji.?it irilhou! tterMt fi'.iri Ihr NalioBa! Hank? uf Nr? lnrk, BiHjinn. Ph' -l?l| hit, ''in i^i' s(. I, ill*, .'.. Clneli nan. ir mu? but Ha. iban frl'i,'"1" tuitoiaaai '-.:'? ? tu-." m ?I. la.n.iu.tini.a ui.l la.?, liuui frt'.lBi", plsatlr ?m il.-maiiil lb I u.i.-l Stare? uvwt, at the Itlar? a%ert Ma? dtpaaltt Uiwefui ant W?>1?? n_ ?? r'-j.-st.-? to I?-brlil and ?uiiii'rl h.i tat a? pari ?t thrr l.atal rearrr., nn.l to he naed I* the ??ttlrii.i-iit nt their t.lraiiha h.m.?'-.a. Ihr hnl??i,.it laklaaa all u? 1 a? ?uth.ii "Mr .- | tiptai.* Mttmrtlua al the rurr'iir?. Alter explanation by Mr. Ml.llKlAM, the bill went ov?sr until to-morrow, Tin- linns'- went to business on the Speak, r's table, and di.-posed iiicti of, as foliowa: Srie Senate amendment to the flonae bill, authorising tin constru? Lou ol a bridge acruns ih? Misaouri at tit. Joseph, was cuiituncd In 4 s allOBAL I'AUK Di? Renate bill setting apaii tbe Yellowetone Valle? in Montosa aud wyomiuK 'IViritoiii-B ai a national park, ?.-an.? un. Mr DAW?9 (Bep.. Muaa.) aald that this bill followed the analogy of the bill a bleb poaaed Cougres* six oreignt ytwrs ano, s. tDili: apart the yosemrte Vallev aud the Big Tree i onutrj tora publie p.n-k, with thiattitterai.: t bill grauttwl that region to the tsiatoof t.'alifor i nil., b.-\?,mi the control of the fniicd hiatos, whereas I tin* bill reserved the country within tbe controlo! the - I mleil Male. It WM a region of ooiiiilrv alMillt 7.<*KI , IO?l a!,o\e the Iml ol the b?-a, wliero th? t. ? s rroal every month in u,t, rear?where , aiti'icuitiiral pursuits cannot be followed, hut which eon tain-probably th. moat sublim,- acenerr In the United States, wiili the ox. option ot the Yoscniite Valley and contained the mo-? wonderful geyeer. ? rer found on tin oontini nt. The |iuii?.s.- ol the bill w?. to preserve lhat womb riui i.?ioii frotn doprodatiou. Thl? mil was tie ?i | tag on u. i rlgbta ot seriloi-?was Infringlug au no apna I reut in..spul of settlement, and receive?] ihe urden I i aaaiwrtiiftbeLea-lauire ..r MoatanaTenitori Aft.-i a farther brief disco uioii the lull was poaatMl by iu to c Jtr. OABK-TT (Hr.,.. Twin.) oakc_ ieareio"?tot _ RTin!-';''',1:' I"", i,cw,lu,1?n '???n? to tbe pat ifieafion and jeo?-,1 V ' Ul '"? ViAiit: ?f|r..Mta_J olr Tl. II 1,,K.'" ?," "-"< V Alri(t)Pjtt41ION mix. t%SwhZ_*_*?_? _ 2-M i'-m. v..nt Into(JotuinUtoeof ?n.u-': -,.^-?b";,,' 1,?",,u,?" "' "" ^?'f^' hm. Ti., t Uta- O I *w' hn'r? ?5_ U1 V" l""?"?'lt Mill of the sl.v ?ftr_ia..pprS??._,t0n' i"1" lbettton "", ?? ???*^OMBJ^K9?mT?mcB '".M -?intnisajonn. of Pu^tg h.u p,|,|,,M.,, a?Jeti(i io i unareai cont^imlna e,,,i.. Sr__rsf>."??-?"??'-'-".r ;;,;;: U-H Oilier. ?.?-kiy MdlUoa_ u. ,,. ' j in i|H HI t; |o H.i|kis| ..f d-BCslsof^of Picenls^n,,.,,,,,', ' '":,:,l?v;:1.:u':;:-.:",:V';r __??. '**** a?..r, nimhm n,.,i Las ben n-i.-d, i,,u,.t"i,!' i*jr??d?d aaftfiral lsprarefiict.1 o?er tho^uietimm I'llSH JL^a???-? ? u> he fnrnlahed In the old Patent Otnc?reporto, having, m.^ v. r ?.? Immeiise advantage fl-jsj thoar ol? pronipi ni.irpn.r.uieirjini ^j ^ years luv Ci?., the date of the pah Bt* Tim OtaBBBtofi.r h* llevi*Ti..f wl ??>...renlly ?rood reason, that tin-*. ..d?ll. ?,?to nt>/W?* ????* would to bwicaoa ttO value and s m1 rfptK... n*i as to defray the nddiilon.,1 expense w im ' raising the present price of the publication It ?l n. ? .ism i.idoubt that such ft system would meet an wkiio? e.lge.l wi.nt. and lee of great service to ?innii rTcti.rera. pit? ".it ' s, and .balm In paten! . ana largar?; eeei-t In stimulating Invention, by faellllntlng the spicrtd of kiiosvleii..*.. us to what Is already aicouiidislied. slnea at least nine-tenth! of all Inventions are lusproveni m? on others which bare baaa but aartJalty? tf ai Bss>oaa> oeaslal. ___________,_ ////' BOWLING OREEN SAVINGS BANE. m* A PROPOSITION 1-ltoM IfKN'RT .?.MITII A? ( MI i'.D I1Y THI Hl'.l'OSIIdl.-. i iiir-ttinir of the- itporita? of the fowling (?inn Pavings Hank was bcld last cvenli-g at No. 72 Oreenwlch-st., ot which cx-Coiigii-s-in.i'i Warn presided. Mr. White stated that diirin? the past week DO had con? ferred with the late officers of the hunk for the pu i pose of obtaining such action on t heir part 0s would secure the mtci.Mls of dclHHltors. Mr. Smith tiiidut proposed to combine with tho other officers of tho bank, and to luako good tin deficiency : but lim?iig that no arrange? ment could be nimio wllli Mr. Ro? he, bo had Instructed Mr. White to make a?prnpotjttion to the dcpoaltors. Mr. Smith would p.iy Into tho bank r.n.ooe. PJOyOOO in cash and |l0,(O(fiii seciired bonds, Jo.?*" tobo paid moiitlilv. It was to l*o understood that Ihe acceptance of lhln prop ositlon would froo Mr. Smith from civil prosecution. A 6tonny difctissioti fiillovu'il, a number et depositors nrglin* that no compromises should be made, but that tho officers of atM bank should be proneeutrd both elvlllv Dad eilniimillv to the extent of tho law. Mr. Fox favore I the neceptan'-e of tho propoMtlOO. He said th it h>\ with others, had bceu lniihin? i-verv effort for week! lo settle with the men who had roiibed the bank] that while Mr. Smith was Hable asan otll-vr oT tlio bank, lie bad DO tan? gible property b blob could bo attached, and thlt propo? sition was the best that could be fltada. He thoiight with this amount, and ooald be secured from lincbe and o'.'iei i, tint the depositor! could be i -ur .! of .it II ut M rents on the dollar. The deficiency It not 02 8,000, ai luis been .-tilled, but ?H".,u<>0. Ho believed lbicln- ?o |M an ii nun i ma i rtl rascal, but though t thai be would be forced, by a desire to eteape Itan I lonnient, to furnish eccurlty to tin- b.tnk, us he was abundantly able to do. After nn Irregular and imcry di Clisslon, a moflen to tjoct |.i the prop? tition of Mr. Smith s..m finally curried by n sote ?.i -j in ,i. After remarks ou the dcsii iblllty of keeping out of the baakrupt court! and avoiding tho coii-e.jueiii litigation,the meeting udjouiued, ?u'-jut to tin- sail of the t'li.iitniHii. It was reponed -f-oaterday that District-Attorney ?iarsiii nn liidictiin nt tgalutt E'reaidenl Htnltn, In referenoe to his coanection viuii the Bowling orc-n Savings Kin., and that he was wlUihoUUng H to give Mr. Smith an opportunity of tattling the matter. The; repoii SS..N proliablj occi" iloned by the propo iltlon nado by Mr. H....ih io ihe d. positon to pa) I AN IMPOSITION OS TRADESMEN. THK KXTORTIONS Of WttPECTOBfl OF ?YKK.IIT.S AM? MLASl'RES?A TAMMANY ?UtLIC. The Bfrilitlion which drove from cowta tin lareerof the public plunder.m BB0 Otfll left ttht bu-liu - couiniuiiity a prey to numerous atDOODTi Officiait depredations, If comparatively InilgalflfBBtmJU?\j, l.-i.n an oppressive agAVOgalO? Peilo.'.i. .il c.niipl iluts hace I roi?.-etlcd from merchants and mu.u who use OBBlOO and measures In regard to the liuolent I unit unmitliorl/,. ?1 cha?nes of thru- iin-n oalllii? tl ein Sih.s liispectur-.. One of them praaODtO l.nn-ilf nice or twice a yea and on tlio pretext of having made un examination of tin OOraaad - a fe i of from 30 ci nt? to |t If the dciii.ui.l It ftattj rotated, the In? spector, havini; read wilh a fl...iri.-b of authority an ex? tract from a ?It} ordinanrc, creeps uvsay, and probably la uot again M8B BH .? v ? ,ir. If, M Is u-nally tho ru-e, the men hunt, hoping to escape further cid.? to the ilclnii'id. DO 1m ? ?DO si'tl-'f.n lion of receiving n diiiy litth- receipt, tlgraed ai . a blncii load pe?ol bj < ooti llo uhd I'av, but with out nny A few day! n;,. a member of this firm presented a bill for it in t., I A: Brother of No. MO Wetl Twenty renth-tt., "for examining aoalei. weights, and moaaitr -" Ko examin? ation whatever tookplaee. Previously the same i mu had called OB the til?n ol .T. I',. tv .1. M. Cm mil, In Ys, -t Twcntv-slxtli-st.. and aaked i" ie? the tcalea, A.'.-ik replied that it ?as ImptaBtllil? ; .attend to Ulm the?, lut t.ild him to lunke out a -.ill. Tlft Intpector obeerfujly ni-i|iii.'-->.-il,and departed on payment pi li. In other Inafamoe?, althooan the owners protested thai I ; seules wen-not out of order, the Inspectors have main? tained opisisite \ie?i and charged a l i?:h fee for Bve iiilnutCH' riersice. Tin-fane of ,.n BZamTiiBlloii i- Bol ?lten attemiitej, nnd s. lieiievet it It the iguoriiuce ?4 the Inspector I- displayed. < hapteri? of the ( urpoi?itlon Ordlnniire?, Iti vl-lon of ififr), provides that tatet? -ball be forar laanector? ati pointed ii) the Mayor. Ho limitation us to th-- duration of otaVtt is imposed, itud no bomit fm gold b.r aie requirei? Minor Hail appointed, about tar?t senra ago, James Pay o? No. IM) OreeUwlch-it., 'I'iioi ia- Costello of East l-'o\ii1.:Plitli-at.. Thomas Catcher Of Oi.enU ?lld Orand-ats., and James T Ivcillv. Tin- liitf.-r baa sin. o died, ano n- c...(..ii.. and l-n? are Itaa eaaly m, ., r.lw ,.,. Over ->-"n, it i- -upposed (hut Carraher bus .?old hi of the privilege. The oi' e (pageb Wl and iii) further specifies: ? That ?util IntrtMVtor? iliall 1rs enlitlr-J t.. .lair,?p^ nt Trrr\rr for rr-r. welglit un.l.-r 1< Bsaaata,tarsia| 'or tterrwtWhl ?tu it , crnta. it ?hall l-r tli. ilutr of aalrj It.-; tau ?twti Bhras saaaths, la OaBrar ! ?rsyv el lit tu during tl.r prrr-ling qasHet .,f if- rear i. ' ,,. ?,. rifiis rmiilll Kiamiualioni tuuat l?t iiu-lr i pear, liai ami I?- ?Ui.rv.-'l Notsvitlistiindinc the scope for extortion tld? net givet, Its provi.-ions, not suflliient to satisfy the creed of Coa tallo Dad Fay, are entirely disregarded. Koeopyof the register is ever delivered to the Clerk ol the Common toiiii.ii, nor, Indeed, an- returnt ol any J..I..I made. The Inspectors oftentlme? charge storekeepera twice In one und as do supcrvi-ioii wbatever ts exercised over them, tin y have the tturettrieted control of u imsi m is Which luii-t yield a very large rovunu", of which no account is render? d to the cuy. ANoTHKH THINK IfTBTEBT. Aiiiui H?iy<e, a bcautilul yuiiiig ltnly, tin daughter of-Maurice Royce, lis In- DOM Vs'ui'i-b.u.i, Sulli? van County, dis.pp.-and from her home In DOBOMbOO lust. Nothing was heard of her until Thursday liiht, wlnn B box inailird " Mi-s Anna Itoyce, Ci-ntrcvllle, BulUvan Coaaty, N. v.." wat received at ?Vurtitoro, and tent to tho house >.f .Mr. Roye??. Upon being oponed, It *'ii- toun.l In eon!,i in ! In- cm ?is<- of h..- mil?i i. liai .l.i. i. Inquiry ibowed tnal the box, with a trunk hearing the same tddn it, bad bean s.-nt by express from New-York. hut nothing farther has been aaoerialned. It label .sed I hat Mis.-. Unset- was the victim of a ? nine llmlkvr (0 In il which coat the unfortunate aVUee BowUbv her life, Ni:W M.VTI.IUAL, FOR TAPER. The San Francisco lUiHe'in says: B. I). Rulil wln of Mal*J svllle has secured a put.nt from Washington as the discoserer Of ?t pn.cen of making paper from the California tule, known in bol any as tcirjms tncintriri. He has been exiM-riineiitin? With the tule as a lual.iial for paper a aaataai ofyaara?aad has Daeaaaaai in ptw* during a tine pulp, capable oi beini* lnaib- Into Hie DM? Quality of wriilng and printing paper. Utlng the tale? cut in Jana, he obtained from 6o to flo per ? em ot pulp, us flue und si ion? as m.,i Isiami eottoo. Hit diaeoverj im < been i a re fulls te-ted bj expert! in the paper butlnatt in tin- cmintry and Europe, who are satisfied that Itfoi ni-h?-? d most ecoiioinjcil paperttoek, which i? destiued to come hugely Into use. Tin- j.i.,,,? ol r.-du. In? the reed to pulp is his simpl.- tad ch.-ap, ami It it believed a larger percentage can be obtained by taking the tules l.i. i m tin- teaton, wln-n fully maturad._Mr. Baldwin'! dlaoovi rs is one or greal Intere t to the pnper trade, and as i Le iule is so abundant hen , n promises to be of great valu t.. UkUforala. We believe It is Intended to embarh in the new inaniifai tlire ns soon as the necessary ar i.iiigeincnls can be made. The jirm tical utility HI the discover* Is evidenced b> the faet that In Kurope another variety of laken.-.l is niie.t.h being so largely used m tin- manufacture of paper thai the pri?? of certain sun?) have been reduced, and news paper,Into whleh tin? m,. im im) enters, is now betag unaorted lato thi- Btate frtnu Europe cheaper than it can ts- brought fr.the Ku?t, With such an abundance of the new mat? rial at hand, so much ehe aper thill lag- or Other block used in ?Ins country, it ongbl to be lea ilhletu xlvi i ?n-at nniietin, to papel inakiiv m ibis Btate. it ? i; bTOIBI ?James I lulls' of Nn. ".41 Wool I'm I v-tliiid-st. ttiair'il witli aellmg ?ln?i.- -,il!,....ta Bawraaa. ?ai irll, in *'???' liail b.T?'oiuuni*,.,Bsr Mi.?.|.l?. " 'I' T. .loin h, coikIii.'Ioi- of ear No. SO of the Broadway Baa, was sttMb ?u in. l,CJa with s .luur ir.itiJ,. ?g K. ?rrrl.T cut. Iij at. iinkuuan ui it, ?tiu Lvl binkrn ? Bag ?SB lnw. Henry Lariipe, of No. IS ('.innine st., in DftBuurel aivb Oretgi I', ii,.. n, %4 Be, 01 hataj-?., hratalght, rttweb hha la tfas Ua,l nilli ? ?lut., a.><l ir?ri?lr ?i.uiiael Uibu Unipr ?>i ?rrr-lel. Joba K. llylaiid, age IS,of No?t*J Baal Niiiot.ciitli ?t. -.a? raauier jrn r.:..? b) a l,ur?r anil .? ? i.,u rlrnrub. Pel? i s. I? r, ?t I wfutirtb-it atid I lilnlatf., ami imuuili injurtjii. fbt dnitl w? am,:?-.!. Jnhi) M. Boyd, a shoeiuiikor, of No. ?i i Third-are ?bib- ?sllinr tin..,,,-'. SS .irr- n H \r-f l?tj, .-..? ,tpi,-k bj .u iinki,??'? ?MB, ami rrr* irA a asirie i-ul in l,n brail. It u ,||r?,j tl,, he ?., ,. lacks? )<r a urtr-aka. Jaiin-r. Watson, uge S3, ?t native of KinrUin?! luto *tf ?s m Wem WDy mmmTm.. !iad i,.i.,d?, n.*. tajwrta taeeitadM Keb. 17, wbl? Bllew?ng lu rlritr ttreii lb? Hrjlt? Ita.I.uaJ Itaak ?i ainkal. aa.l luaiib .?. Ii frill if SB lltiraaj pair mm*m Dr. Win. M. Kemp of No. aal Watt Twontv-Uiinl ?t. w'iu,. iliarjjrJ eiu uiali.rK'lirt ii, ,lt?nr> ro; ?buili?n on Ai.?a '.Xl'-aof rW.T-, f?X???V-A., wag l.eld ,k*?.oyo S? ,^Uld,v hi I orui.? Krruin lb? ?.ruird i-Uira, tl?t br tan rittlu.1, hl4 iBnuf,or,.' An invcHtii'ittion. \e.tenlav, by Jiistic? llo-?-, in Ib?re? ^ Mat, hi,,. ,, .,f ,s?. h,UI?.,. k, V J., llYm??tmm' ,i? .*rL ilrapl *?u..| n, Ib.- dl.ituuliMe ef M?lll. |,?r?Bi(. In Cai,.i ii, ..;-...I,,I I.',, gid ? ?tor; ?a, nntru?.? lla/ l.uieti;.. waakiU la ball la sa??? S tOag-M ?f k.rpiag ? UlmraciJ, ,?,| lb', f ?aiattl |.|i ?in i- WtM-a ilnsliargrd. If. A I'.. O'llri. n's Btra I-. nl liiiiiian hair, m ||? RmI ?"-?r uff... jstfu-h a.r , ^j? d.mag..! if?,,.4Ki Lj In earlr valrrdai I..!...? 11., **. j.'-tK? |. the? labs ? ?im., lb.- Hbur*-. e?rf .laaiiir.i Wf*tmmwA I- *."-.' yj Ua DretawwA i'.ia,!,?.,,. rtwsssn iu i,....ft, BgtSW.iH Iba i-,, :l tu,.i, m taajaei-J Dita, lu, i'uuVi 'fr* ??S '?ase?,-d ?l.iaaj. ...lui... J .Muini a dnrHiug. Be. 117 W?.| > ?' I) i.i-4,-4 . a?.. il?u.?.e) fJOt i,t Cr.. ti??rj ?j? ? .IcIm.h, bag . r I'mneli'??. Joman, brothor of Hie late Hupdin ? .!.,?? ?ai lal. beten J...I* Ih.g,.,, al Iheiumli ...tir -a. ?? ,, ,,? ?Uiu. af kk, .,.- .i.tkrl.,|r./...,.p,H.,t ?"..,' p .1 ?--i- > i.. ,i? v. i.*...i?,.i..i?i.i.t,|.,i i'jv/I,. in keea ajagilr-1 !" '" ' I'f"*'-'*. *w?.I.,r.i. .-.J,luring llu.M jrlrfi.rtul' ll?. |,u,r kS ' ??' arfk? wi,. , \.? , ,j|w,.,. j|, .,.,, tl< i.^gr-nif,,,,,, u.wl I?.. bi...iriie Muibr,, *-.i . ...i H. *.giaaa?i a-e-aal ? ????aja?! lu ?full, at., ?ml In, ?M .m." ytwpmttj- UiAtt, ttttmrni Ibal l.ii a-a-aaaa a.a ??I; f| ,.-?, j/, m'vmt'r lymufti )"? ?r., iub satJI ___? i ' ' "y " JL ' " nOMB NEWS. TnrrMOMFTKB tr?STKBI'AT AT liril.SUTB, ?0. IU BROAD PKOtllNBflT ABRIVAIA vlsfor //oi/.tr?(?iiof-.JiiHti?-?M<-Kenn.?f Utah, the lion Tl._a A. Joiiek?* ofUUiodo I*laud, gat. l*g Il.iii.W. W. Kieiiilnc of North ton.Una. - ?-' I,r.e'?T BoMsa-ttaBMl Howies of TAa Bpringfleld RepuMimn. ami Prederlok BllUnga of V.-rumnt. ** M-*tfh?'t" //?W-fltiriteon ?louerai Folts. U. 8. Navy; the I Ion. Julius lloiciiki?* of Connecticut, (Jen. t. H. rt?'wen or Wa*liliiaTioii. Assomblyiimn Judd of HI? hmorrd < ?unity. <i. It. Under??n of I'ctinaylvniila. and A. .1. Ca?satr, t?ii|i4-rini. indent Pennsylvania Central isaiiroad. *?*??? hi. Jinnee Jlolel-J. Kdgar ThOBMOB of Philadelphia and Ashbel W.b h of Now-Jris-y. ? ? Fifth Aeenue tJiil Th.- lion. John A. driswold of TroT, C. H. Btishuell Of N?v Davon, and Leopold Mors?? of Iioston. ^ ???? mineter Hotet-QtB. A. Vos. Bt. lnwehr of New-Haven, and the lion. W. T. Rorrobln ?f Vermont, ? ? - Be? \orl H*.!,! ti? u. i:. Johimuii of Virplnla, and Jii'U'e < I.. Wo.Hln.irv of Hostoii. ----- oilm-w Boute?i?nartea Porriah of Wllkeebarre, Pen. --?^=- ?H. Hen* Hotel? A. J. JJojcr of The Oi'iicayo Lidjcr. NKW.YOIIK CITY. Edwnrd Cooper and Henrj L. Rognel wore tin b l ? "iiirui ?:. ,k r.of I-Pnh'.iasiori,;.' -tcrtlay.lupl.'vco af Hell and J. \V\ Uustctl, r? sltriu d. Chink?* 11. Re?d, a mem.vr of tho Prntlrico BzOh?BgO, ?lied la Kn hniond on iiunday, nn.l the flags af the _I &??at wus placed at hali-ni?rt, yesterday, In his honor. Tbo Custom-houso officials etato that the new General Order t y.stem will p.. into operation at ?nee| and the rerteed atot laooaaetbey ?hall havo b?-?-n adoptad by the t immhi t < f commerce. Th* ?liiti.liir.son Family (tinder the lctri? of Job-i W. Hill thl] mil, havo opened a _?Mal eampalo for temperance In Connecting, ander the amrptees ?>f tho fatal.; Union. They begna al Newtown las.t ovetilUK. }.o-<anins Clni.-tt iMOD, a Dam?, ngo 64, died yesterday on board tiro steamer WlaaOBB?I as It waB en? t?rine: fho harbor. BeWOS n passenger OB the ataaBlar Colorado, which waa a_i into and sunk oi the babor of Liveipooi. lie was v.auhed ovcrboiird,and ioetucd _i uu ?ih,alisted comlilioii. Tlio C?iinmiltt'0 of Assist ant Aldermen on Oo?taatod Beate heard further testimony, yesterday, lu the ease of Henry Wlbcr who claim* to haw- be. a elected .' nt Alderman from tho Vth Assembly Hlsirict in itead of Isaac Bcbinaon who now Mi - aa As ? Alderman front tier District. Ex-Assemblyman II is still confident that ho will be abb- to prove . eras fraud??satly bombted ?too?(to. The Stock Exchange adjoumed yeeierdej out of reaped to the memory of tho luto Lo Qraad Look wood,whoaa fun?rui took placo'in the naming in the ,ioi:ih K iformed Chnreh, nt Twentletb-et. and Fifth-nvc, ir. j:. P. Boger , H. 1?., the lie v. T. fi. Hait ire-, ami tbo lav. Mr. if eondactlna tin- services, T ,e funeral <>t George F.Thomae,President or theServ itten's Paul?- fer Borings, took placo al hi? lato rcai?cnce, Ho. ..:T..isl 1 l.irry-i?. l,-?t. Mr. Wort-, Beeefref of the Market B-Vingi Rank, t-tit? a that he a Q] Bell al publUs auction, to-day( the bond* of the Derby Coal Company of i\ nn ->i\ un?a, ?rivet, by 0. 0. Pat?4son, aa *. curdy for *li.,3'0 whit? tle oui.:ii.,-1 ?i 'i.i Coi?Jin, Ukt? ? retaiv of the Hank. PattenoD lias written a lettet to Mr. wort!i protesting against the sale of th?se bonds, becanae the bank bus been decbared Umkrnpt: bocoMBe the bonds Mill not bring their full value, and beoaaea tho boyar woul.1 iuu tin- ii?i; <>r u future law suit. It Bppet-i fi"iu the ?SS.h annual repoii of tin- Q ia,an I.-,mi.??ant i-: a b tj that BMOB German im arigraata arrived ut thi* ???rt ia-t year aa iBcteaaaot . aisared with tho proeedlng ???,ir. Ot i,'i?j Mm moi; bnuugronte only :i were Germans and N Bb be. The annual receipt*, includ?ig a balanoe ol |B\a88attt_ begiuniug of the year, amounted to 4- 3,169 .',, 1 ?nn.?., tii.i,- it, in. iu.i ?1,' -:,..i?i for the relief of thoee who were aac.titute circum lances ; contributions, ( lliler? st. 2.'.'VI iys; balanee, ?i.',iti7 no ; eai.ilal, IN, A _lOBt?tg O? Trenrli eitiz? ns was lulil lagt nUht ut tho Thaoter, in Bucteeeithat,, for tba parp?os "t takiiik! aetliii 111 aid of th?' Pri-neli national mibseriptlon payment of the war Indemnity. About ,roop( raoaa were In at 1 idrtnce, and a oommlttee waa formed to ?" .- with n I'o'.uiiiitee of French lavdiea, recently supointed ato 1 1 Ing at tbe residence of Mm", do la .Montague. TheConmilttee was orKanlied by the elec? tion ol tbe followingottl ?srai Preaidont, .?i. Caylaa; Vi. ? - . P. (oiidiit, et. t^aud-.-ns, and i. ; ivcr'T'.iy, M. Mi i'' i-1 In the OBM oi tlie United Stat?i afiC David ,')'.i n-,' v.-r, tBTolrlng the question whether Ce- on l.y a brewer to ?liter In hi.? brewers' book ft true aOOOUlt of tho b?rrala of fermented Itqaoraaanda brMm, oaro qulrc(l !ij aeetl n 19 of the it< venae act ef 1809, r him liaiif?- fo i. riait and pay IK) 1 imdar the provl-ilon In tho but cteoteol soctlou Mol Um haii.o act, notv?itU ktondlng It appears that tbe brewer bod provided Urn aelf wiin a book in proper form, and bad madeand put in 11 v.h .- purported to be tbe uco.unr rc(?: Ired by m e nun c, tii. Item, of \> ?itch, bowerer, were not correct, lit u- ?Ih ' of f!.'?!.. t--i.i DUtrlct Court d. mc.l tl.? n n im ,1 no? trlal^eaterday, and ordered Judgment tor toe defendant The Pocicty of tlie Army of the CtnolMri?n<1, nt Ii* reunion in Noveinlier, d' r< ra_ntvl f,. .1. < t a flaOBM' ment t?> Majoi Gen. fii orn 11. Xkotaaa. The monument will In n eilossal bronze e<pie'trian ?fatuo. Thc'.ub arrlpttons to im- propoaed memorial will not be eonfln d tothoaewfio seried under him, but the opi?ort pit ?1 nted to all who ttoire to te*tlfy to tln-ir alin.iati >u and reapeet for his pnblle aervicea. The following nave been 0, r' a ( eiolii it t. e to feeelVe .UbaeriptlonS : M.i"i-<i-ii W. 1' Smith, No. ?U hib.ii. >-.; .v..J(-? Qaa. J. II. Wi|. ?un. N : Uu.. '..... T. il l/.ri U'.nn, Bo. M (Im.-ban Col. BdWMra Halt-kt, Ho. U Wall 1 1 >l , Um. J.-B ('. I'm:? . ?i. - -."i -'.. Balsr-G . ??! J.'i-(j??. Bra. '^"^ Op - ? ? N" If! i s-1.,1 Hot ? Col. C. ?iv-1... ., ,N" '4 1 < .;. Kai . ! i(. I.. r. in--, B? .' I M ? i --. BROOKLYN. Proapect Park viaiton, I?it wttk, 10M97. Tlie ice i-? mpidly Aiaoppearing from the CapitoliM and Unten Qrounda, and the propBtatan Bill ?soon picpaic th? iu for uu caily opeuiug ot the baseball oCUsoil. Tbe Water Hom-d upplicd yesterday to Judge Pratt for the appolntaaenl of eoanwitaateneri t'>oj,"n aaraa itroeta in the Wroth Ward, for thepnrpoaa of mukim; ai.Bieats for h. wera alraadj eonat?bated. The iiill to extend the pitra meeta with the li.-arty appro.ol of many warehouamoB ?-n t_1 Baal Hirer. They ?ltiire to extend the ptera 400 teat from the buikht'ttd iti order to aocommotlate hi atvclaas resaela. The property-owntTH in Atlaulic, Clinton, Montague, and other otirots, Hiooklyn, wln-ro patent pavement* have been laid by the Water Board, liive de tenuiiied to accept no ooninrninisi-, and tOCBITI th? ?1 eaaea to tbe Court of Appeals in the nopa ol obtalninj 1 revltlon of tbe decuri?n rendered bj the Judge? lu tbe Supreme ? onrts oi the ?'ouuty. LONG ISLAND. IlpMr.sTi.Ai).?An indig-h?oa meeting 1ms I.? ? n Ballad by prominent r?-Idt-nt* fo protest BgalBal the action of the 8iip?'rvl-?ors In iMB?Bg the Court-HoiiRA at Mim?la_Oeorge Winant has bet n th- agent of thl 1,0111,' iriaiid Boilrood Company al tin? plat a for l?verai y? ai -, and h i - io lilted m the depot. He h.i?. not lu -n m good health for aome time, and hi-i wife ha* b< en com? pelled to attend t?> the tteket-offlca?.1 rirenmatanoe which baa Irritated her to saeh a degree that aba bos abused him nml thrown the contenta of the money* drawer at him. Ou Haturday she attacked her sick iiu bund, thron a beef-sto?I al him, and hnally beut him w brutally that ho dl?d yc-sttrd.iy. Noktii HcMi'sTi:.?!?.? There are at present 111 the Queens Coonty Jail 19 prisoners. Of thl? number three are eonflned for murder, two for robbery, two for bur? glary, two tor grand larceny, one for oMainioc gotMi? undt-r false pretenses, 11 furnetll teiweny, 13 for a**ault, seven for vairraiicy, out- for indecent oxpor-uiv, ami ci^'ht for droaienneaa, Lobo isi tM> ? in- Havid Lent, who waabaroett I 1 the roi-ont explosion in the Warren ?ill Vorka at Hunter'. point, died early yosierdav. Murray aad Miaran, who Ban also in the luiuacc v.ben thevat exploited, bave recoven ?1. C(il.p BrBIBO. The st( ainbo it ? ha? f has beet' damaged ?1.000 by the tea. That harbora oa the aorthaideol the Isl.unl ?ire blorfced up with ice. PUTBBTBO. A child of .lohn (?raham was fafallv burned yeeterday white playing with papei which ibe had lighted at the alow BTATEM ISLAND. Kbw -lut ici it? ?v.?lira. BndeBbargh'a booed int.- liuiiM- via? ?laiiiagcd ?1,000 by lite yistcnluy. La?? on lu? intu?', >.?".!. HITMOM RIVER COUNTIES. HltoNXVll.I.K.?Ili'iiiy Simili, on r-iiltritij.' his fa? tory a few tilghtN airo, Htirprl.ied two bnrKlar?, one of whom fired a revolver at him without effect. He then Bred hi? own pi*loi. and wrnt ?cizod by fhe thront aya third meiuU r of the KOO|ti with whom he had a ile.pi i ale stroggte. The buiKlar? flually raaaiW? A? Mr. Moan's banda were covered with blood, ho mfencd that ho had wounded one of ni? ii??;tiUnt*. NKWBI'BCII-The OrBBBfl County Court ronvi n?-d on Monday, JiuImo r ulb rtoii preKldiuir. Tin re ans vi rtaSfll on the ami, und Moa the criminal calendar_The char? ter elecilon will take place next Tuenday. Major ? ar son ha* deelitied a reuonilniiliou. Mavahom? it. Ou the ?ril\.11 of thee p.m. Main on the Nett Haven Kalbend Ihe bortV I allai he.) fo Mr. Hindi's raina?;!- i un a\t...\. and ?cMiely iiiimtd t oai hluiill. KKW-JER8EY, .Ii ?si i CRT?? William Outthiger, an employ? in the locomothe work? of the Niwjis<> l;,,l|o. ,| ( oaspoay,al Marran at* waa tarrtblj aianglad j i -.? iitaj Bflernoon. Inadvertently approoealag loo m i ?? ilia?'trv Mini? . mae. .1 m ion\ci-.iitloii, he ?rn . Uathl in u.? gear, hi* arm and lag arare lorn i,..,. ' niiii hi dots, mil bis -liull wa* li.icttiie.l. II. , ,,.,,, , ... ?Ire Kte.iiilei? Taylor wa* oonirtillteil m ter.luv onr ebarrcaf roltectiag fas for the Mbeeter A Wll .,? ?,w l'ii?ai?H;/4.-iu?)uio-iJUUM)tf tJ,v DvlviLU Mmm*n\u :u lin?;Company ?as damss-ed 04,000 by fir?^yesterday. Fully Insured by New York com pautes... lathe ch-k- of Mary Z.-lnff. a servant employed In Mrs. KenshawV iMinrdln? lioirae, No. 13 Mill st., char?ed With Infantleide, Dr. Biillemy teatitb d yesterday that tho child had MM iKini alive, and that although no msrkt of vlolenco had l eni dlBMV00va.1t might hare been inffocated. Tlio jury stated tlmt they ?crn unable to njrree, < oroner Barry said that ho would accept a verdict signed by a ma, orlty of the Juron. Seven of Ibein signed a vfr diet f'-? -tenth was the result of srose nealect on the pert of the mother, and t?o declared their belief fliat death was caused by the inability of the mother to care for tho child at the time of its birth. Nr.wAHK.?Tho Bcv. Bnmncr Ellis haa resigned the pngtorato of the Cnlversallat Church... The Tsvelfih ward Industrtal Bchool ?at opened yesterday afternoon under favorable auspice?_A one-armed iicddler, John 8. Hubs, wmh arrested last nlizht for sf? almi* a liox of small chango from the lliiunr store of Charles Lynch. I'assaic?The village authorities have bought the Met ho.!l-t Kplscnpal Church for ?7,800, and will ?ouvert It into a truck-house. |?n?emi-rmenta.| R< fractoiyliair?-Ut UNKiT'sCocOAiNKHiibdiK-H. WlIII.K WAITINO FOR A COURU "TO OO A8 IT ?ass." toe aas ornra lowiso tbs iivbi or Cosaramov. Brrrs? vat at ones D?. IsuaVB, a ?tas ci sa tun ail COI-UHB A-ID I'<lt bt. _ Skin- DiPKAsr.t?.?I'i-ihuy's Improvf.i? Covik BMB l.i!. Pian.B I?uiik*>t. U.? .u?.n BmOMm nf t'i? age Ii ?-irranl-d to mre rnl, ?bile, end initteri'H pltn-il-?. Mr h worma. Mark I, ?,!? nil- rnnitiuui and blattb?! tuBa-anrttaaa sf the faea. hohl I.* liru^guu attrjrwltrt. Oeput, ?U llou.1 at., ..>*? Yorg. Noithor fnilintr teeth, nor t!i<- pff-pinprwrinkloB of time, gnfrirriblr trll of nl?i.,r og ji-ar? ai fast gray bur. Atkp.'i Vio in mini-*? ?at tafagsajjailii lonr ??.^earr-nre m rr ?rrrrable to o'.htri, aa ?>ll ..t ronivlf. With "MB, loxur.aut heir, tli. iuAnai'.ira uf age are far l?u nolice.bla. FirRNiTcrtE.*?Drawini/fl, .Skelchos, nnd nina tratj. tii a?al on ai,|,':..',ou. br or oii.erwia*-. fir all kuul. ul Fur ni'.uro, Caitalot, L-4nl.rc.|i.iii. lud ?the.- Dei agsDaw, O. L. Ki-.LTt A Co.. Til ?uJ Til Broadway. For Watches?, Jewelry", Diamond", uro*to B. S. Enfin?. 1M PultoB-tt, r.o itore. OIB :i up itiiri. II?. .rlii ijlrrrt fru a the i.un ?afi, lira? Man 1?, then-fore tou aare at roaaafaetarera' pncea. The Iw^t pltwo in Now-York to lvuy rell.tblo i\V. h.?, Klar pLiaoud?. nrli _MMlbl? Jev.'.rr. and NtSftlag Silier Wtii ;iuj? l'rceeuti, ta Km-iaa's, !*7 i' ,u il DuiuuuUa a ipecaltf. Pmrr's Astral O?l bures in any lamp with ont .langer. gCHUYLEB, BAETLEY & GRAHAM, MetOn-DT. AN7) 19 IHII'K.V LANK. WA [.TU AM WATCHES. A UMI AM) ntS_ ;>T?( K AT CLOBI .'RICES. 4 HT BALE! TUB STKV.'ABT KlfOBLXER COLLECTION. Feb. M and ?J. THESE SCPKRII FAIVTIMfin are ?aw on ?iLi'.?ioa free at tbr LBAVITT AKT ROOM*? iiBtll I i. Till ? HA? TIIH "BTBtVAKT COLhB? lloV " will ba Baal Tilts (Wtt??rtay) BVBBTXO. un: "KK0IDI ER COUrlCTI?BH ?III i,e aeU aa TBURBDtT KVJ..MNW, Pel.. ?. and will L? ol r1ew until I ?'dach a, in. that laj. ?ill couunrnee at 7:30 p. tu., prompt. OEO. A. I.BAVfTT A Co. TTi? ?ale ?III til? [ at CU3?"i Hill A.t..r plac?. TTOHT LOCOMOTIVES I'OK narrow J i (lasco Raitroida, eeatrarton' uae. cnitni'tln-., thi-l ?g a?*! n ttili. farnneaa. and mitii, rguarnei, mist?, ronfurm to ttaep (rnJM, ?harp Sanaa, Iljbt nil?, uarrow-?ioge?. ibi low tn-:n?la. fen.! I .r eirru'ariaj inl"rin.-'">:iil?. re? POHTKR. liKI.L k Co.JVuliirgb. IVjn._ y ?RO li I. F i: UF? K A tu R --With Water ! aflJ Lo?le?niM- IS THK UultLI). heud for Booh. A. M. l.h.-I.Ki M aaAv 'iirtr, 1.31C Broal-r - A. T. Stewart k Co. nrtTfl TMf-itn FRirisns. cc^tomers. sTitASOBr"'. amu m MttOBaTTO o:-' THK Ni:i(iiliioi(l.N(j ( [TUO !.. E\.?M:NK TUB Magnificent Display Of Spring Novelties vnncri abe DJD07 on liXIELMMi l\ mriinm. VOI.r.?lE, AND 1A IS I IT V At I. PKK?*IOtsLV MAI'B ?iiih; will n uovrn rn am. to-bumi Km? tVK.MMi I'STIL D U'Clnl K. Ili-ii:ntn:ii. Fonrlh-a\e., Niuih and Truil.-na. ? ' ', i i " _ . AT MRS. GAYNOK'S. ? oBsn ok t\i BLrra-sT. add broadway. cornets A -I I i'IAI.TT. PPRINil COOM !(Kor:!Vr*n. MOST eleoast SHAPEX IN PARIS i ul'TIl.tR A.M. IVOVBB iitRSFTS. CAS II ll' KVKUl" BTTLB 00 EIQUBB. SRIUTS ASD rOtTURHTHI IN ALI, TUB LATEST NOVI'lTIF?. ? TIll.l.l'I S s COalSBTB, WAISTS, BHOL'LDKB-BBACES SIRS INO COftBI ABDOMINAL Bl'PPOBTEUB. PAKTK I LAI ATIENTION TO OHDBBS. F?R??T?R? CURTAINS. B. L. Solomon & Sons, 657 & 659 Broad? way, having the Largest and most Com? plete Stock to be found in the City, oall attention of those abont to furnish, or in want of any article, to the advantage of looking through their ?Varerooms. ALL our Upholstering done on or.r own premises, under our own supervision, and all work guaranteed. Estimates and Designs given lor furnish? ing a house oomplcte with FURNITURE, CURTAINS, MIRRORS, kc. B. L. SOLOMON & SONS, 657 & 659 Broadway, opp. Boud-st. ELASTIC BELTS, Mstklsga, KsaaCsss, Aakktt, ?>., at Ma.ib k (',..'. Kg Tm, (1'r.u, pal) ?iff),.-. N... .' VtSrJ*?!., ?u.1 ( .\.. ' 1 ,''.l!? ' lilli-?t., Itrir I'lti.rrrLl. pla.r. \J I IO MACHINERY. l?TI> ?HOIIIKlts V I?. So HIS Br??dw?j. .Nr? ?nrk. ARREN PANGE ""nRi^ivnrTtMBmn. Im im. Init 1871. ElnittM DifB, Warmin/ Clmrl. Door, Kr-aJtr tiua^l, D.impii.g and Making ?iratr. Dlrr, t Draft. HI.IHK. ?VAHKKN A Co.. iX W?',-r ?l. X. Y. w mm k ci, 4^IO\.S(f?lARR. PLATED WARE. OKLT TTIB BBBT BBOLIgn ABD IMBBICAg, NO BANK Secure WITHOUT TUB "PROTECTOR." n.EAPB CAM, A5D KXABIMB IT MARVIN __ CO., 2GJ Broadway. GEO. H. KITCHEN & CO, No. r.'Jt ?ROADWAY, OKI-.! THKIR ESTIBE STOCK 0? CHINA, GLASS, PLATED-WAB?, CLOCKS AUD FANCY 600CS, TO CLOSE O'.T Tl'.Irl BR ?.Son Ot THEIR BIISIBBSB, BELOW COOT OF IMPORTATION, SUR GAS-FIXTURE BUSINESS VT(LL BE COVI?NTED AS FOUM?RI,T. Patent Fire-Proof MANSARD ROOF III!. Th?? attention ofAnhItecta, I In il.i.-i?, ?n4 X*rop?*rty Owner?, io culled to oi_p n?Mr Patent -"'Ire? I'roof Mannartl Itooflng. Il? lu? tratlve d?ni n i>l i ve Circulare rurniah??t on application. Jr'nt imatc* aupplied on re? ceiptof a plan or other lull di ?criuUou of tho -work required. J. ?. &J. M. CORNELL, Plain and Ornamental IRON WORK FOR BUILDINGS, BRIDO _8, _c.r Nos. 139, 141, and 143 Centre-st?, S? Y. REMOVAL OF Scale Warehouse TO 311 Broadway. Tltf. It API!) |BCK__8_ of oorb_ln?*a. ?I. laaBta ?t New >i(>?ililcmior_ of Bcalea, - tlonal BM_ fir !..? ir I ?play, rfn.Ifr?J 11 Irtponibla fur at kafm U II la't?? to oar??)??, anil tbt pal.Uc it our old wauWta? Wt Ul? p'e.tor?, tb?r-?un?, in rtWioi ?he ttttauna of ear fn*t<l? tt at* ii?i?a! to lb. ?picii.a. aud ??!' ..ii.t ?tor* 311 BROADWAY, ?-.-. with ample f..illtst? both for ?tarty? a? t_ Ji-tay af ?|B| wr ?hall it able lo rue?! th.' laavaaiBg de?aaad ful FAIRBANKS Standard Scales. A full aaiortm.Dt o'lli'ti rVal.l. idju.fad In aaaaa?M w?*!*??* au tfaaaaa??BBafe, Fuete, >p*ni_. Puna???-, ?1*11, Tad?, kr. 4,.- -?ill hi- iUi.i founl at oui NEW WAKlOlM-aa Fairbanks & Co., 311 Broadway, ?\ew-York. Fairbanks, Brown ? Co., 118 Milk-st, Boatoa. K1VATB DWft-MNUS and .tfctt butHttp. ??/?f?J?**iT BAKKK HBITII 4 tV Oar. Houiloa and Ort*?.-??.. Htm-Tit* ~^ (ib. oMaat and Lrtra^.r.i.liahmnl of tb? tBl*jO_^_~~ OncrlptiTe tt_i.ii intend frt.uittira falaiabad aa ?atar."a" DEtfSLOW *????* on ?h tnrr ahMilttt >lf?l' 100.11 i faul I'.?a. Vet ?I l?malo? ?V- Bi ?fc. toiSL Baal It GETTYSBTJRG KATALYSISB WATEE, aad ******* -,< ?il.'l? ? II ?ul ,.ll _ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ t?n lata* <|>i?r:.. ji.^i.?I14B*S * Ali in!.ml liom _| Sorti f. u ??llar ?rlm l.i.?;ura< coaiwua???JVD? i""?1'?? ?s"**?- l? WHITNEY BROTHERS, ]%?. ??r SOUTH FBOUT-STaa PHILADELPHIA UlkVMHIK. sl'HlX, <<HIIM>..